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MASTERS STANDING ORDER PRINCIPLE The officer of the watch is the representative, his primary responsibility at al l times is the

safe navigation and the observation of international regulations fo r prevention collisions at sea (hereafter it will be called 72 COLREG) LOOK OUT 1. At all times the officer of watch maintain a proper look-out according 72 COLREG regulation a proper look-out means : 1) Maintain a look-out related with enormous change of navigational circums tances by sight and hearing as well as by all available means. 2) Complete comprehension of the present situation. 3) Complete comprehension of the collision,strandion and other hazards to n avigation 4) Detect distressed vessel or plane,personnel,floating matters,debris of d istressed vessel and other dangerous article against safety navigation 2. The officer of watch must be able to give full attention to the task to maintain proper look-out to situation and no duties shall be assigned or underta ken which would interfere with the keeping of a proper look-out 3. Take account of following items in case of using radar as means of watch 1) The effect on radar that sea state, weather and other sources of interfe rence 2) The fact that small vessel,flowing ice, other floationg objects may not be detected by radar at a adequate range 3) The assumptions that are based in uncertain information by radar 4) The range scale of radar should be changed frequently for early detectio n of landmarks,and grasping of small or faint image NAVIGATIONAL WATCHKEEPING ACCOMPLISHMENT 1. The officer of watch should not hesitate to use engine,steering and soun d/light signal if needed 2. He should keep his watch on the bridge, he should in no circumstances le ave until taken over qualified officer. 3. Before entering chart room to do job,he should previously satisfy himsel f that it is safe to do so and ensure that an efficient look-out. And he maintai ned for a short period for the necessary performance of his navigational duties 4. The officer of the watch continues to be responsible for the safe naviga tion of the vessel despite the presence of the master on the bridge until the ma ster informs him directly that he has assumed responsibility and this is mutual understood 5. The officer of watch check the following periodically 1) He check regularly course, position and speed by using available all nav igational equipment to ensure that the vessel navigate along intended route 2) The standard compass error is established at least once a watch and when possible after any major alteration of course. The standard and the gyro compas s should be frequently compared. Repeaters should be synchronized with their gyr o compass. 3) The automatic pilot is tested in the manual position more than at least one time 4) The navigational and signal lights and other navigational equipment are functioning properly. 5) Ensuring that proper operation of radio communication equipment 6) Ensuring that proper operation of alarming system and indicator 6. He should properly record movement and related ships navigation. 7. The officer of watch should station the helmsman and put the steering in

to manual control to allow any potentially hazardous situation to dealt with in a safe manner TAKING OVER THE DUTY 1. The officer of the watch should not take over the watch to the relieving officer if he has any reason to believe that the later is apparently under any disability, which would preclude him from caring out his duties efficiently. 2. The relieving officer of watch should ensure that member of his watch ar e apparently, fully capable of performing their duties. 3. The relieving officer should not take over the watch until is vision is fully adjusted to the light conditions and he has personally satisfied himself r egarding FAMILIARITY ITEM 1. Maneuvering capabilities of ship including its stopping distance 2. Location and use of electronic navigational aids including their capabil ities and limitations 3. Location and use of safety equipment including limitation 4. Articles on 74 SOLAS chap.5(navigational safety) are observed continuously. REPORTING 1. The officer of watch should notify master immediately under the followin g circumstances 1) If restricted visibility is encountered or suspected(less than visibilit y 3 miles) 2) Crossing situation with the other vessel expect CPA :less than 1 mile in ocean sea Coastal area or traffic density : less than 0.5 mile 3) Head-on situation,expected CPA : less than 1 mile Coastal area or traffic density : less than: 0.5 miles 4) If the traffic conditions or the movements of other vessels are causing concern 5) If difficulty is experienced in maintaining course 6) If radio communicator dont work 7) In heavy weather or in any doubt about the possibility of weather damage by heavy weather. 8) In any other emergency or situation in which he is in any doubt 9) In no observation of standing order, night order 10) Floating ice , floatage or etc. Any navigational hazard expected to be e ncountered. 2. In any other emergency or hazardous the officer of the watch should in a ddition hesitate to immediately action for the safety of the ship in spite of th e preceding. DUTY ON OTHER CIRCUMSTANCES AND THE WATER AREA 1. Clear weather 1) The officer of the watch should take frequent and accurate compass beari ngs of approaching vessel as a means of early detection of risk of collision par ticularly when approaching a very large vessel or a tow when approaching a vesse l at close range 2) Any action taken to avoid collision shall, if the circumstances of the c ase admit be positive, made in ample time and with due regard to the observance of good seamanship. The effectiveness of the action shall be carefully checked u ntil the other vessel is finally past and clear 3) In clear weather, whenever possible the officer of the watch should carr

y out radar practice. 2. Restricted visibility 1) Whenever restricted visibility is encountered or expected, the officer o f watch observe regulation of 72 COLREG about fog signal sounding and proceed in mod erate speed for immediate maneuvering and prepare engine. 2) In addition the officer of watch take following actions. - Report master - Arrange proper look out - Light up navigational light - Operate/use radar 3. Coastal and vessel traffic density 1) The largest scale chart on board, suitable for the area and corrected wi th the latest available information, should be used. 2) Fixes should be taken at frequent intervals (every 6 minute) whenever ci rcumstances allow fixing should be carried out by more than one method. 3) The officer of the watch should positively identify all relevant navigat ion marks. 4. Navigation with pilot embarked 1) Despite the duties and obligations of a pilot, his presence on board doe s not relieve the officer of the watch from is duties and obligation for the saf ety of the ship. 2) He should co-operate closely with the pilot and maintain an accurate che ck on the vessels positions and movements. 3) If he is in any doubt as to the pilots actions or intentions he should see k clarification from the pilot and if doubt still exists he should notify the ma ster immediately and take whatever action is necessary before the master arrives . The officer of watch should bear in mind role and duty of him onboard.

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