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What the WPQei Measures The WPQei is based on a conceptual model of emotional intelligence that has seven components.

An overall score for emotional intelligence is generated in addition to a score on each of the seven competencies. A narrative report then describes each area in more detail. In addition, the report advises on areas for development, and also identifies respondents preferred team role using the Belbin model. Emotional Intelligence is a general term underlying effective performance. It involves the ability to understand one's own emotions and feelings and to harness them in support of activities such as thinking, decision making, and communication. People who are "emotionally intelligent" know how to control their emotions and feelings for their own benefit and the benefit of others. Innovation assesses creative style and the ability to generate creative responses to business problems. High scorers are innovators who are able to challenge the status quo and take risks to overcome obstacles to change. Self-awareness measures an individual's understanding of his or her strengths and weaknesses coupled with drive to improve them. High scorers try to identify what they are good at and the areas where they need to try and improve. They ask for feedback and try to learn from experience. Intuition involves using instincts, hunches, and feelings along with facts to guide decisions. High scorers are able to use all these sources of information when making decisions. Emotions measures the ability to recognize and understand one's feelings and emotions and to manage their impact on other people. High scorers recognize their mood states and how they can affect their behavior. Motivation taps into achievement striving, energy, initiative and persistence. High scorers are driven to achieve for the sake of achievement. Empathy measures the ability to take an interest in people and to actively listen to their views, problems and concerns. High scorers have a democratic/participative style. They take a close interest in those they work with and their customers. They make time for people and listen to their views and concerns. They understand the importance of involving people to get their commitment. Social Skills involves the ability to build relationships and communicate effectively with others. High scorers are skilled at communicating and pulling people together. They lead groups and teams well and enjoy social situations. Team Roles and Profile - Effective teamwork depends on team members adjusting to the expertise and capabilities of others. Personality factors enable people to fulfill some team roles and limit their ability to play others. The WPQei provides an insight into these strengths in relation to the eight Belbin team roles. The WPQei is a comprehensive measure of emotional intelligence in the workplace and is useful for the rigorous assessment of this increasingly important construct


The Devine Inventory CoachBest is a behavioral profiling instrument used by organizations interested in maximizing the potential of their employees. Comprised of 177 items, the CoachBest takes about 45 minutes to complete. The bulk of the items are paired forced choice questions while the remainder involve rating a series of statements on 9-point scales. The CoachBest provides managers with customized feedback about the employee and presents a series of tools and suggestions about how to coach the individual to optimize his or her work behaviors and functioning. Suggestions about how to serve as an effective coach are also outlined. What the CoachBest Measures The CoachBest describes a test-takers personality profile on a series of 33 behavioral and personality descriptors. Aggressiveness Creativeness Decisiveness Listening Initiative Concentration Sociability Commitment Conflict Management CoachBest Report The CoachBest report is comprised of: Score Profile The employee's scores are presented and visually plotted in comparison to the normative database on all 33 behavioral scales. Planning Closure Negotiating Vitality Self Responsibility Response to Change Communications Intimacy/Closeness Detail Mindedness Instructiveness Intensity Mobility Schedule Orientation Goal Orientation Competitiveness Authority Relationships Structure Influence Time Competency Task Completion Learning Ego Presentation Style Emotional Composure

Behavior Match Analysis Analyzes the degree of match between a test-takers scores and the normative sample. Inventory Summary Profile Provides an analysis and summary of a test-takers strengths and needs for development. Performance Accelerator Factors A percentile scoring of the candidate's profile in ten major work-related areas: Adaptability Service Orientation Transaction Proficiency Strategic/Analytical Thinking Targeted Suggestions An extensive written analysis of the test-takers strengths and weaknesses within each performance accelerator factor is provided. Specific discussion items and courses of action are suggested for coaching in each of these areas. This is followed by a detailed, individualized self-improvement plan that provides a series of suggestions for self-development and performance enhancement. What the WPI Select Measures Work Personality Index Select assesses 17 personality traits that directly relate to work performance: Ambition Initiative Flexibility Energy Leadership Persistence Attention to Detail Rule Following Dependability This is supplemented with a narrative report explaining the individual's results and their implications for workplace functioning. Teamwork Concern for Others Outgoing Democratic Innovation Analytical Thinking Self-Control Stress Tolerance Sales Effectiveness Work Productivity Organizational Values Expressiveness Problem Solving Leadership Potential

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