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Oxytocin hormone benefits and side effects by Ray Sahelian, M.D.

Oxytocin is a hormone that helps relax and reduce blood pressure and cortisol levels. Oxytocin increases pain thresholds, has anti anxiety effects, and stimulates various types of positive social interaction. In addition, it promotes growth and healing. Also known as the "cuddle" hormone, it is released by both men and women during sexual orgasm. The nonapeptide oxytocin, originally known to stimulate labor and milk ejection, appears to play an important role stress and pain. It can induce anti-stress-like effects such as reduction of blood pressure and cortisol levels. It increases pain thresholds, exerts an anxiolytic-like effect and stimulates various types of positive social interaction. In addition, it promotes growth and healing. Repeated exposure causes long-lasting effects by influencing the activity of other transmitter systems, a pattern which makes oxytocin potentially clinically relevant. Oxytocin can be released by various types of non-noxious sensory stimulation, for example by touch and warmth. Ingestion of food triggers oxytocin release by activation of vagal afferents. Most likely, oxytocin can also be released by stimulation of other senses such as olfaction, as well as by certain types of sound and light. In addition, purely psychological mechanisms may trigger the release of oxytocin. This means that positive interaction involving touch and psychological support may be health-promoting. The social interaction of daily life, as well as a positive environment, continuously activate this system. In addition, various types of psychotherapy involving transfer of support, warmth and empathy are likely to induce similar effects, which thus contribute to the positive effects of these kinds of therapies. Oxytocin receptors in the body and brain Oxytocin is a very abundant neuropeptide exerting a wide spectrum of central and peripheral effects as neurohormone, neurotransmitter, or neuromodulator. In the central nervous system, the oxytocin gene is predominantly expressed in magnocellular neurons in the hypothalamic paraventricular (PVN) and supraoptic (SON) nuclei. The magnocellular oxytocin neurons release their products into the general circulation in the neurohypophysis while the mediocellular oxytocin neurons secrete elsewhere in the CNS. Oxytocin is also produced in peripheral tissues, e.g., uterus, placenta, amnion, corpus luteum, testis, and heart. Oxytocin is a potent stimulator of spontaneous erections in rats and is involved in ejaculation. The typical actions of peripheral oxytocin are stimulation of uterine smooth muscle contraction during labor and milk ejection during lactation. Oxytocin receptors have also been identified in other tissues, including the kidney, heart, thymus, pancreas, and adipocytes. How to increase oxytocin levels Ingestion of food triggers oxytocin release by activation of vagal afferent nerves. Most likely, it can also be released by stimulation of other senses such as olfaction, as well as by certain types of sound and light. In addition, purely psychological mechanisms can trigger the release of oxytocin. This means that positive interaction involving touch and psychological support may be health-promoting.

Is there a way to naturally boost oxytocin levels with a supplement or some other natural substance? I am not aware of a dietary supplement that has been studied in terms of its influence on this hormone. Most likely oxytocin can be released by stimulation of other senses such as olfaction, Are you aware of any research identifying olfactory stimulants that trigger the release? I have not studied this topic yet but it is interesting. Massage Oxytocin can be released by various types of sensory stimulation, for example by touch and warmth. Bloodstream levels of oxytocin have been shown to rise during massage. How it works Oxytocin suppresses the activity of the brain region known as the amygdala, the area that processes fear and communicates it to the rest of the brain. A small sample group of 15 men inhaled either oxytocin or a placebo before performing a task in which they sorted pictures of angry or fearful faces and threatening scenes. During the test, the researchers monitored the subjects' brain activity with functional magnetic resonance imaging and found that the oxytocin group indeed had reduced activity in the amygdala. Oxytocin reduces fear Animal and human studies indicate the major role of the amygdala in controlling fear and anxiety. The amygdala is involved in detecting threat stimuli and linking them to defensive behaviors. This is accomplished by projections connecting the central nucleus of the amygdala to the brain stem and to hypothalamic structures, which organize fear responses. Oxytocin tempers the excitatory inputs into the amygdala. Orgasm effect Plasma oxytocin levels increase during sexual arousal in both women and men and are significantly higher during orgasm / ejaculation than during baseline testing. Smiles Oxytocin may increase one's ability to remember happy smiling faces but I have not seen studies yet that smiling itself increases one's oxytocin levels. Availability of oxytocin drug Oxytocin is sold as nasal spray (Syntocinon). A nasal spray containing the hormone oxytocin, which is essential to the production and flow of breast milk, does not improve milk output in mothers expressing milk for preterm infants. Intranasal administration of oxytocin causes a substantial increase in trusting behavior. Oxytocin and bonding The levels of oxytocin hormone in a pregnant woman's body play a role in how closely she will bond with her newborn. In animals, oxytocin, dubbed "the hormone of love and

bonding," is involved in good parenting and maintaining close relationships. Dr. Ruth Feldman and colleagues at Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel, studied the role of this hormone in humans and found oxytocin is important in the bonding that occurs between mothers and their infants. Dr. Ruth Feldman and colleagues measured oxytocin levels in 60 pregnant women during the first and third trimester and the first month after delivery. They found that initial levels of oxytocin (first trimester) predicted bonding-related well as maternal bonding to the newborn. Mothers with higher levels of oxytocin at the start of pregnancy showed more bonding behaviors after birth. Psychological Science, November 2007. Questions Q. I am working on a story for a health magazine about ways to boost men's mood without the use of antidepressants. I would love to find out if men can boost their mood by having regular orgasms or sex. Are there any feel-good, mood-boosting chemicals released during sex that might help naturally boost a guy's mood? If so, how do they work in the body? How long do they last to help boost a guy's mood or help him relax, etc.? What else should men know about sex and their mood? A. Men can temporarily improve their mood through sex and orgasms which can last several minutes, hours, or days depending on the depth of connection and intimacy with the partner. Oxytocin is one major hormone that is released through orgasm and its effects normally last minutes or hours. If there is a connection and love with the partner, the afterglow of the sexual connection and mood lift can last a long time. However, in most men, sex is not a reliable and consistent way to improve mood. If there is no emotional connection with the partner, there can actually be a let down after the sexual act. Oxytocin is secreted from the pituitary gland. Oxytocin receptors are found in many parts of the brain and spinal cord, including the amygdala and brainstem. It's actions and biochemistry are too complex for the average reader. Q. Dr Sahelian: We have been reading much about you. As a compounding pharmacist we have been preparing several formulas of Oxytocin for physicians for years. We compound an oral oxytocin tablet in our proprietary blend to bypass the stomach and portal system to be absorbed by the lymphatics. This provides a dose much like an injection. A poster presentation of plasma levels reveal good levels at 3 hours after ingestion and remain increased for up to 8 hours. We also compound a sublingual oxytocin dose which provides a dose within 15 to 20 minutes. Moreover, we compound a topical Oxytocin. Anecdotal reports on its use are multiple orgasms and better erections with more sensations when applied to genitals. More bonding, increased cognition, better sleep and I feel 10 years younger when applied to the non-genital skin. So, now you have a source of Oxytocin replacement without an injection or nasal spray. BelMar Pharmacy, 12860 W. Cedar Dr #210, Lakewood, CO 80228. We have filed a patent on the use of Oxytocin for certain things including multiple orgasms, male erection, bonding, nurturing, trusting, autism, etc. Q. I receive a spam email regarding Oxytocin homeopathic formula. Does this oxytocin product work?

A. Oxytocin is a hormone that is not available over the counter. Therefore, Oxytocin hormeopathic formula, in my opinion, is a scam. Q. I am an undergraduate psychology student at Boston University. I have recently undertaken some independent research on oxytocin and various clinical applications. I am very interested in research on oxytocin. A. A Medline search would offer research studies and contact info on investigators who are researching this hormone. I was advised by my urologist that I should try oxytocin to address my anorgasmia, but he didn't know where or how to obtain it. Can I obtain it through you? Do I need a prescription? Oxytocin is not available over the counter since it is not classified as a dietary supplement. See better orgasm for suggestions on natural supplements that could be helpful. My husband has antisocial personality and I think it may help him bond with us. He can express no real feelings just generic ones for dramatic effects. Please let me know and or if it is available for me to ask his phychyatris about in a prescription form. My name is Barbara Neuman. I am in the process of creating proposal for a documentary. Working title - BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR - subject, oxytocin. The art council of Canada is willing to help develop the documentary. For myself it's a tremendous opportunity to simply educate, especially women. Documentary will be based on interviews with women, couples etc. and I would like to invite you to take a part in it as well. My question is what is a research worth if it is not shared with others or those who can benefit from the findings? Or to simply make us think. I do need to provide the name of the people that agree to be interviewed - are you interested? The feminist movements of the twentieth century brought along almost complete sexual liberation for women in the West. Todays woman is able to freely choose how to pursue relationships. Many women find sexual partners for strictly physical pleasure, a so called friends with benefits phenomenon. They enjoy the freedom such relationships bring; in their opinion, the absence of commitment and emotions frees women from potential harm love may bring. However, the reality is not as plain and simple as many women think. Researchers at the University of California San Francisco are finding that, in fact, women are not capable of having unemotional relationships. It is all due to a hormone called oxytocin. Often called a hormone of love, it has many functions, of which one involves human bonding. For example, the hormone is present in breast milk and is thought of being responsible for mother-child attachment. Recently the scientists have found that the hormone is released in women during a sexual intercourse, and therefore facilitates a bonding behaviour with any man or woman an individual has sex with. This realization shatters views of many feminists, who claim that women could and shall be completely independent from man. Meanwhile, anytime a woman engages in a sexual activity an emotional bond between her and her partner is created. This documentary will tell the story from a womans perspective. It will be made by women for women, and it will expose delusions many liberated women posses. This

documentary will challenge current trends in sexual lives of many women. Thank you so much for writing to us. However, I do not consider myself an expert on this topic, there are many others who are more knowledgeable on the topic of oxytocin. My specialty is natural supplements. I wish you great success with the project. What are your ideals and stands around the Oxytocin Trust products. How scared or worried are you about people using this for unethical purposes? I would like to quote your response in an English Research Paper. A response from someone on your research team would be alright. I am not familiar with Oxtocin Trust products, but a search on the internet revealed a product called Liquid Trust that claims to have oxytocin in it. My first impression would be that I am quite skeptical that this product contains the hormone since it is not easy to make oxytocin and to sell it over the counter. It smells of a scam but I cannot say for sure without feedback from many users and a study. My daughter was diagnosed with an enlarged posterior neurohypophysis. The endocrinologist she is seeing has attempted to have her oxytocin and vasopressin levels performed. The vasopressin lab test is done everywhere but I cannot find a lab to perform the oxytocin test. Do you have any information for labs that perform this test? Also, do you have any insight as to why she has an enlarged posterior neurophypophysis? Her endocrinologist should know a good lab that does the testing. It is not possible for us know the cause of the condition without a full history, exam, and review of test results.

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