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Harbor Days ER Kicks 3v3 Tourney


PLAYING RULES AND REGULATIONS 1. Game lengths are ten-minute halves. There are no timeouts. Whistle- one minute warning - game on - half time - game end. 2. This is a double elimination tournament. After two losses a team is eliminated. However, the final match is the final. Double elimination does not apply in the tournament final! Example: a team that has not lost, and is in the finals does not get a rematch if they lose the finals contest. 3. A half circle is marked in front of each goal to prevent players from guarding the goal. No touches on the ball are allowed in this area. If a ball comes to a rest in the arc, it is treated as out of bounds and rewarded with either a goal kick or a kick-in depending on which team touched it last. 4. Players must report to the field at least ten minutes prior to game time. At the discretion of the referee a team will forfeit at game time if they are not present. 5. Players must provide proof of age upon request at any point when asked by a tournament official. 6. Substitutions may be made at any dead ball situation. 7. Kick-off may be taken in any direction. If the ball is played backwards on to own half, the defense must give 5 seconds before they can pressure the ball. 8. Off-sides rule is not enforced. 9. No slide tackling allowed. Players must stay upright and on their feet. Players may slide to stop/intercept a ball. 10. Penalty kicks may be awarded, if in the referees opinion, a scoring

opportunity was nullified by an infraction. It is a direct kick taken from the half-line with no players between the kicker and the goal. After the kick, the offensive team cannot touch the ball again until the defensive team has touched it. 11. In all dead-ball situations, defending players must stand at least five yards from the ball. 12. The ball shall be kicked into play from the sidelines, instead of thrown in. 13. All dead-ball kicks (kick-ins, free kicks, kick-offs) are indirect with the exception of penalty kicks. 14. Goal kicks may be taken from any point on the endline. 15. Play-off tiebreaker will consist of a five-minute overtime with golden goal. If no one scores a goal, one player from each team will be removed for another five minute overtime with golden goal. This procedure will continue until someone scores. 16. A goal may be scored only from a touch within a teams offensive half of the field. Goals may not be scored on kick-ins. 17. Second team listed kicks off. 18. This is a fundraiser for the Elk Rapids High School Boys Soccer Program. It is intended to be a fun competition. Play hard, clean, and fair. Call your own fouls. Ref/scorekeeper will settle disputes. No foul language. 19. Each field will have a person responsible for keeping score/referee. Their word is final. 20. Players may not be added to rosters during the tournament. Teams may not add players for injured or absent players.

21. The final is the final! In other words there will be no second game if a team has only lost once, the final IS the final game.

No coaching from the sidelines will be allowed. Let the kids play! Teams / Participants / and Attendees will be disqualified for any unsportsmanlike conditions at the discretion of tournament officials.

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