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Energex Limited Manual No: 03535 - 15 Apr 2013 v1.3


This manual outlines the standard Energex distribution earthing practices for low voltage and 11kV systems and includes some guidelines for higher voltages on the overhead network (i.e. 33kV OHEW, ABS and reclosers, transmission 110/132kV.) Ref erences to low voltage (abbreviated LV) apply to 415V systems and below. References to high voltage (abbreviated HV) apply to the 11kV distribution system and associated equipment only. The requirements for the installation, inspection, testing and maintenance of distribution earthing systems are outside of the scope of this document. This information is contained in Energex Standard Work Procedure 34 (SWP 34).

Energex Limited 2013 Authorised By - Group Manager Systems Engineering

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Foreword .............................................................................................................................................. 1 Contents ............................................................................................................................................... 2 Section 1 - Introduction....................................................................................................................... 5 1.1 Background ................................................................................................................................ 5 1.2 Scope ......................................................................................................................................... 5 1.3 Philosophy.................................................................................................................................. 5 1.4 Manual Review........................................................................................................................... 5 1.5 Document Owner ....................................................................................................................... 5 Section 2 - Function of Earthing......................................................................................................... 5 Section 3 - Earthing Parameters......................................................................................................... 6 3.1 General ...................................................................................................................................... 6 3.2 Hazardous Voltages ................................................................................................................... 6 3.3 Soil Resistivity ............................................................................................................................ 6 3.4 Earthing Electrodes .................................................................................................................... 7 3.5 Earthing Locations...................................................................................................................... 9 Section 4 - Minimum Design Requirements ...................................................................................... 9 Section 5 - Distribution Earthing Systems ....................................................................................... 10 5.1 Low Voltage Multiple Earthed Neutral (MEN) system ............................................................... 10 5.2 The Common Multiple Earthed Neutral (CMEN) System .......................................................... 10 5.3 Separately Earthed System consisting of a Low Voltage Multiple Earthed Neutral (MEN) System and High Voltage Earth ............................................................................................................ 11 5.4 Accessible Metalwork ............................................................................................................... 12 5.5 Single Wire Earth Return (SWER) Earthing .............................................................................. 12 5.6 Transmission and Sub-transmission Earthing........................................................................... 13 Section 6 - Overhead Distribution Earthing Philosophy and Practice ........................................... 14 6.1 Pole-Mounted Distribution Transformers .................................................................................. 14 6.1.1 CMEN System ............................................................................................................ 14 6.1.2 Separately Earthed High Voltage and Low Voltage (MEN) System ............................. 15 6.1.3 Single Wire Earth Return (SWER) Earthing ................................................................ 16 6.2 Timber Distribution Poles ......................................................................................................... 17 6.2.1 CMEN System ............................................................................................................ 17 6.2.2 Separately Earthed High Voltage and Low Voltage (MEN) System ............................. 17 6.3 Conductive Distribution Poles (Concrete and Steel) ................................................................. 18 6.3.1 General....................................................................................................................... 18 6.3.2 MEN ........................................................................................................................... 18 6.3.3 CMEN System ............................................................................................................ 18 6.3.4 Separately Earthed High Voltage and Low Voltage (MEN) System ............................. 19 6.4 33kV Overhead Earthwire (OHEW) .......................................................................................... 20 6.4.1 General....................................................................................................................... 20 6.4.2 Timber Poles .............................................................................................................. 20 General ......................................................................................................... 20 CMEN ........................................................................................................... 20

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No: 03535 - 15 Apr 2013 (v1.3)



6.7 6.8


6.10 Separately Earthed ....................................................................................... 20 6.4.3 Conductive Poles ........................................................................................................ 21 General ......................................................................................................... 21 CMEN ........................................................................................................... 21 Separately Earthed ....................................................................................... 21 Steel Crossarms ....................................................................................................................... 21 6.5.1 Wooden poles............................................................................................................. 21 6.5.2 Conductive poles ........................................................................................................ 21 HV Pole-mounted Equipment (Recloser, Regulator, Enclosed Switch) ..................................... 22 6.6.1 General....................................................................................................................... 22 6.6.2 CMEN System ............................................................................................................ 22 6.6.3 Separately Earthed High Voltage and Low Voltage (MEN) System............................. 22 Distribution Equipment on Transmission poles ......................................................................... 22 Metal Work at Ground Level ..................................................................................................... 23 6.8.1 Pole Nails/stakes and Rebutted Pole Steel Sleeves ................................................... 23 6.8.2 Metallic Cable Guards Protecting Low Voltage Cables ............................................... 23 CMEN System .............................................................................................. 23 Separately Earthed High Voltage and Low Voltage (MEN) System ............... 23 6.8.3 Metallic Cable Guard Protecting High Voltage Cable .................................................. 23 General ......................................................................................................... 23 CMEN System .............................................................................................. 24 Separately Earthed High Voltage and Low Voltage (MEN) System ............... 25 6.8.4 Air Break Switch (ABS) Handles and Metallic Down Rods .......................................... 26 General ......................................................................................................... 26 CMEN System .............................................................................................. 26 Separately Earthed High Voltage and Low Voltage (MEN) System ............... 27 6.8.5 Stay Wires .................................................................................................................. 28 6.8.6 All Other Metalwork within 2.4m from the Ground ....................................................... 28 HV Aerial Bundled Conductor ................................................................................................... 28 6.9.1 General....................................................................................................................... 28 6.9.2 CMEN System ............................................................................................................ 29 6.9.3 Separately Earthed High Voltage and Low Voltage (MEN) System ............................. 29 High Voltage Covered Conductor ............................................................................................. 29 6.10.1 CMEN System ............................................................................................................ 29 6.10.2 Separately Earthed High Voltage and Low Voltage (MEN) System ............................. 29

Section 7 - Underground Distribution Earthing Philosophy and Practice ..................................... 30 7.1 Low Voltage Cable Pole Termination........................................................................................ 30 7.2 High Voltage Cable Pole Termination ....................................................................................... 30 7.2.1 General....................................................................................................................... 30 7.2.2 CMEN System ............................................................................................................ 30 7.2.3 Separately Earthed High Voltage and Low Voltage (MEN) System ............................. 30 7.3 Cable Sheaths.......................................................................................................................... 30 7.4 Padmount Distribution Substations ........................................................................................... 30 7.4.1 CMEN System ............................................................................................................ 31 7.4.2 Separately Earthed High Voltage and Low Voltage (MEN) System ............................. 32 7.5 Outdoor Ground Substations .................................................................................................... 33 7.5.1 General....................................................................................................................... 33 7.5.2 CMEN System ............................................................................................................ 33

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No: 03535 - 15 Apr 2013 (v1.3)


7.7 7.8

7.5.3 Separately Earthed High Voltage and Low Voltage (MEN) System ............................. 33 Free-Standing 11kV Equipment................................................................................................ 34 7.6.1 General....................................................................................................................... 34 7.6.2 CMEN System ............................................................................................................ 34 7.6.3 Separately Earthed High Voltage and Low Voltage (MEN) System ............................. 34 Indoor Distribution Substations ................................................................................................. 35 Metal and Concrete Streetlight Columns .................................................................................. 35 7.8.1 Non-Contributed (Rate 1) and Contributed (Rate 2) Public Lighting ............................ 35 7.8.2 Non-Metered (Rate 3) Public Lighting ......................................................................... 36 7.8.3 Lighting Columns on Foreshores or near Water Parks ................................................ 36

Section 8 - References ...................................................................................................................... 36 Appendix 1 Summary of Distribution Equipment Earthing Requirements ................................. 37 Appendix 2 Summary of Clearances from Telecommunications Equipment ............................. 41 Appendix 3 Amendment Record.................................................................................................... 42

Figure 1 Horizontal Separation Between Electrodes ...................................................................................... 8 Figure 2 Typical CMEN earthing system (illustrated for overhead network) .................................................. 10 Figure 3 Typical separate earthing system for overhead network ................................................................. 11 Figure 4 Typical separate earthing system for underground network............................................................ 12 Figure 5 SWER earthing system .................................................................................................................. 13 Figure 6 Pole transformer with CMEN earthing system ................................................................................ 14 Figure 7 Pole transformer with separate earthing system ............................................................................. 15 Figure 8 SWER transformer earthing ........................................................................................................... 16 Figure 9 Conductive pole with 11kV and LV, CMEN earthing ....................................................................... 18 Figure 10 Conductive pole with separate earthing ........................................................................................ 19 Figure 11 Metallic cable guard with CMEN earthing ..................................................................................... 24 Figure 12 Metallic cable guard with separate earthing .................................................................................. 25 Figure 13 Air Break Switch handle with CMEN earthing ............................................................................... 26 Figure 14 Air Break Switch handle with Separate earthing ........................................................................... 27 Figure 15 HV ABC cable earthing ................................................................................................................ 28 Figure 16 Label for HV earth tie to CMEN .................................................................................................... 31 Figure 17 Padmount transformer with separate earthing .............................................................................. 32

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Energex Limited Manual

No: 03535 - 15 Apr 2013 (v1.3)

Section 1 - Introduction
1.1 Background

This document sets out Energexs earthing philosophy and general requirements for the distribution network.



This manual shall apply to all distribution earthing activities associated with the Energex network. Specific requirements for installation, inspection, testing and maintenance of distribution earthing systems are outside of the scope of this document. This information is contained in Energex Standard Work Procedure (SWP) 34. Likewise, construction drawings and specific details of hardware arrangements are presented in the various distribution construction manuals for overhead works, underground works and distribution substations.



This Earthing Manual has resulted from excision of, and enlargement upon, material on this topic from the Supply and Planning Manual. It provides baseline knowledge that underpins distribution network planning, design and construction standards.


Manual Review

This Manual will be reviewed on a regular basis. All reviews will incorporate input from stakeholders to ensure alignment with Energexs objectives and optimisation of the whole-of-life asset life cycle.


Document Owner

For upgrades and enquiries, refer to Systems Engineering Groupcontact Engineering Standards Manager.

Section 2 - Function of Earthing

The electrical earthing system is designed to provide safe and correct operation of the network under normal, earth fault and transient conditions. During earth fault conditions, large fault currents may flow via the general mass of earth en route to the neutral point of the source transformer. The impedance of any earthed metalwork (transformer tanks, switchgear enclosures, earth grids etc) with respect to the true or reference earth can lead to a rise in potential that, if unmanaged, may pose a significant hazard to Energex staff and/or the general public. A low impedance earth is also required to effectively shunt transient overvoltages (caused by lightning discharges, switching surges or other system disturbances) safely to earth. These overvoltages may cause extensive damage to equipment including ancillary items such as communications cables. Equipment damage might include insulation breakdown, thermal or mechanical damage and may result in electrically ignited explosions. The design of the earthing system should ensure that: All metalwork and equipment able to be touched by a person standing on the ground (i.e. up to 2.4m above ground) are earthed; Hazardous touch, step and transfer voltages are mitigated during fault conditions (50Hz or transient); A low impedance path is available for lightning, switching surges and 50Hz earth fault current to limit thermal and mechanical damage of plant and to ensure protective devices such as protection relays, fuses and surge arresters operate; Minimal underground alterations are required if the installation is to be modified in the future.

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Earthing electrodes, joints and conductors should be designed to: ensure earth fault currents are conducted to earth without damage to the earthing components; minimise the possibility of mechanical damage; avoid inadvertent interference; minimise chemical deterioration. It is important to ensure three-phase loads are balanced to minimise the out-of-balance current flow in the neutral which also flows to earth. Harmonic currents may also cause an increase in neutral current which flows to earth.

Section 3 - Earthing Parameters

3.1 General

The effectiveness of an earthing system is highly dependant on the interface between the general body of earth and the system itself. The resistance of the electrodes, the body of earth and the contact resistance at the interface must be sufficiently low as to remain within acceptable voltage limits in the presence of earth fault or transient currents. The rise in potential of the earthing system under earth fault or transient conditions with respect to a remote reference point (assumed far enough away to be at true earth or zero potential) is commonly referred to as Earth Potential Rise (EPR) . Typically, the electrode and its contact resistance are negligible and the resistance of earthing system will depend primarily on the resistivity of the soil in the area.


Hazardous Voltages

While EPR (i.e. earth potential rise) exists on an earthing system, hazardous voltages in the form of touch, step and transfer potentials may be present on and around the earthing installation. These hazardous voltages are defined as follows: Touch potential: the difference between the EPR of an earthing system and the ground surface potential at a distance of 1.0m. This is the difference between a persons hand touching an energised object and their feet which is typically assumed to be 1.0m out from the energised object. Step potential: the difference in ground surface potential between a persons feet spaced 1m apart. Transfer potential: the potential difference that may exist between the local earthing system and a metallic object (e.g. fences, pipes) bonded to a distant location that may be at a different potential.

The level of hazard present at a site during a fault or transient condition is site specific and determined by factors including but not limited to soil conditions, protection clearing times, fault current and current path.


Soil Resistivity

Conduction in soil is primarily ionic. Consequently, the resistivity of soil is determined by the quantity of moisture and dissolved conductive salts within the soil. When completely dry, most soils are non-conductive. The main factors, which determine the resistivity of soil, are: type of soil salt dissolved in the contained water moisture content temperature grain size closeness of packing and pressure.

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Typical values of earth resistivity are shown in Table 1 below. Type of Earth Wet organic soil Clay silt Typical soil Moist sand and gravel Loam and broken stone Slate, shale, sandstone Very dry soil Dry sand Stony / rocky ground Dry gravel Bed rock Typical Resistivity (.m) 10 50 100 200 300 500 1 000 2000 2000 3000 10 000

Table 1 Typical Resistivity of Different Soil Types

Furthermore, the structure of the soil at most locations will be non-homogeneous, consisting of multiple layers of soil types of differing resistances. The best way of accurately determining the soil resistivity at a particular site is to measure it directly. The procedure for soil resistivity measurement can be found in Energex SWP 34: Inspection, Testing, Installation and Maintenance of Network Earthing Systems. Earthing can be expected to require less effort in the following conditions: Soil with humus and moisture Alluvial soils Clay soils. In the following areas, earthing can be expected to be difficult: Rock Mountain topsgenerally salt-depleted and rocky Coarse sand and gravel Near sandy beaches (since moisture tends to drain from sand). It should also be recognised that soil resistivity varies with the seasons. In wetter months the soil resistivity will be low and in drier months it will be higher. Adequate earthing should be installed to ensure the target resistances are achieved in the drier periods. Generally, the required earthing system resistances defined in this Manual will be easily obtainable in the field. However, in areas with poor soil conditions or high soil resistivity due to soil composition or seasonal variation, further attention to the earthing design may be required.


Earthing Electrodes

Earthing systems consist of vertical electrodes interconnected with earthing cable. The standard electrode used for distribution earthing within Energex is a copper-clad steel rod of dimensions 1440mm1 x 13mm. The steel core provides the strength necessary to drive the rod into the ground and the copper cladding provides corrosion resistance and allows a direct copper to copper connection between the earthing conductor and the electrode. The rod is driven so that its top is 500mm below surface level, so that there is adequate protective cover for the cable connected to it and to minimise the effect of seasonal variation in the upper layers of soil. In addition, pole butt earths are approved for use as an earthing electrode in the Energex overhead network.

Previously 1800mm x 13 mm .
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Measurements are made of the earth resistance at the time of construction (before and after connection to the neutral of the network) and additional electrodes are added until the required target earthing resistance is achieved. If soil resistivity increases with depth (e.g. soil over rock) then additional electrodes are installed over a wider area. Where resistivity decreases with depth, earth rods may be coupled to achieve a deeper penetration to reach the lower resistivity soils. Sandy soils are often leeched of conductive matter and many electrodes may be joined to strike lower layers with moisture and conductive salts. There should be adequate horizontal spacing between electrodes to ensure effectiveness; otherwise the rods are connecting into the same patch of soil with little additional benefit. In fact, a separation distance of twice the electrode depth is recommended, as shown in Figure 1 below. In practice, there should be a minimum of several metres spacing between electrodes.

L 2L

Figure 1 Horizontal Separation Between Electrodes Table 2 below gives calculated earthing resistance values for earthing electrodes in different soil resistivities for: A single earth rod Two earth rods, horizontally separated Two electrodes connected vertically. Earth Resistance () Soil Resistivity (.m) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 200 500 1000
Single Rod (13 mm Dia) 1.8m 1.44m 2 Rods Horizontal Separation 1.8m 1.44m 2 Rods joined vertically 1.8m 1.44m

5.3 10.6 15.9 21.3 26.6 31.9 37.2 42.5 47.8 53 106 266 531

6.4 13 19 26 32 38 45 51 58 63 128 320 639

2.9 5.8 8.6 11.5 14.4 17.3 20.1 23 25.9 28.8 58 144 288

3.5 7 10.5 14 17.5 21 24.5 28 31.5 35 70 175 350

3 5.9 8.9 11.9 14.8 17.8 20.7 23.7 26.7 29.6 59 148 296

3.6 7.2 10.7 14.3 17.9 21.5 25.1 28.6 32.2 35.8 71.6 179 358

Table 2 Calculated theoretical electrode resistance for various values of soil resistivity To minimise vibration and ensure good electrode-to-ground contact, the practice of driving earth electrodes by hand hammering has been found to be unacceptable. Earth electrodes must be installed in drilled holes or mechanically driven in all situations and shall not be cut down under any circumstances. In rocky areas, the soil resistivity is often high and earth rods cannot be installed by driving without causing breakage. Bored earths should be installed in these areas. This system is constructed by boring a hole into the ground to a suitable depth (often over 20m). Copper clad steel rods and/or bare stranded copper cable is then lowered into the hole and backfilled with a slurry made from gypsum, bentonite clay and water.

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It is important that all connections have proper preparation (e.g. scratch brushing and greasing) and are electrically robust. If target earth resistance cannot be met after the addition of multiple earthing electrodes (typical say 10 to 12 rods) then the soil resistivity must be measured and an earthing electrode design undertaken. Further information relating to the installation of earthing electrodes can be found in Energex SWP 34: Inspection, Testing, Installation and Maintenance of Network Earthing Systems.


Earthing Locations

Earthing system requirements may differ depending upon location. The three locations of main importance are: 1. Special locations Locations with high exposure rates and where people are likely to be wet and have no footwear. Locations within school grounds or within a childrens playground, or within a public swimming pool area, or at popularly used beach or water recreation area, or in a public thoroughfare within 100m of any of the above named locations. 2. Frequented locations Locations with high exposure rates. Any urban area associated within a city or town other than special locations. 3. Remote locations Locations with low exposure rates. Any area other than special or frequented locations. In special locations where there are very high occupancy rates of people or areas that are wet and have no series resistance (i.e. no shoes) a risk-based approach as per ENA document EG0 or AS/NZS7000 is required to address step and touch potentials. In remote locations the risk of hazardous step and touch potentials is low. Less stringent earthing may be applied in remote locations where there is proven high soil resistivity and target values are difficult to achieve economically, this should be considered based on a risk assessment as per EG0 or AS/NZS7000. Other situations that must be taken into account for earthing design are close proximity to continuous metallic objects such as: telecommunication cables and pits continuous metallic objects such as fences and pipelines, esp. in proximity to separate earthing installations. Power system earth currents close to telecom cables and pits can create hazardous step and touch potentials for telecom workers and cause damage to cables and equipment. The general requirement is 2m separation from telecoms for CMEN and 15m separation for separate earths with individual earths a maximum of 10. Refer to Appendix 2 for a table giving clearances from different earthing systems and telecommunications equipment . Conduction of fences and pipelines near separate earthing designs can cause hazardous transferred step and touch potentials. Impressed current cathodic protection schemes on pipelines can have the unintended side effect of causing corrosion of power system earths. Conductive fences or rails should not be bonded to the earthing system of ground-mounted distribution equipment as this will extend the EPR hazard to outside the fenced area. Bulk supply points and zone substations including those of PowerLink need to be treated as per special locations criteria.

Section 4 - Minimum Design Requirements

Due to the variability in site conditions, specific design requirements will be unique for each distribution earthing site. This Manual contains the minimum design requirement for standard distribution earthing sites and will be easily achievable in most areas of Energex. However, non-standard earthing designs may be required in certain situations, e.g. within high exposure locations and special locations. Care must be taken in such cases with the earthing design. More information is available from the local Energex coordinator or Systems Engineering if required.

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Section 5 - Distribution Earthing Systems

5.1 Low Voltage Multiple Earthed Neutral (MEN) system

To achieve a low resistance between the neutral and ground, the low voltage neutral in a MEN system shall be earthed at the following locations: the LV neutral terminal of the transformer the end of radials (main cables) every 5th service pillar/pit or pole or every 250 cable route metres, whichever is the lesser distance switches (link pillars or disconnect links on poles). The local low voltage earth shall be less than 30 disconnected and 10 when in-service, connected in parallel with the area MEN. Also, inside the customers installation, the neutral conductor is connected to a local earth at the customers switchboard. Consequently, all metalwork of appliances, tools etc are also connected to the low voltage neutral. It is therefore essential that the neutral conductor be kept at, or close to earth potential.


The Common Multiple Earthed Neutral (CMEN) System

The Common Multiple Earthed Neutral System (CMEN system) is an extension of the MEN system whereby the low voltage neutral conductor (and hence the low voltage earthing system) is considered to be of low enough resistance to remote earth that the high voltage earthing system (transformers, zone substations, poles carrying exposed metalwork etc. capable of being energised at high voltages) is allowed to be connected to it. The CMEN system uses the low voltage neutral conductor as the return path for both low and high voltage fault currents. A very low resistance to earth for the neutral is required to ensure HV fault currents do not cause unacceptably high voltages on the LV network. Within Energex the conditions required for creating a CMEN system are: less than 1 resistance between the network neutral and earth (i.e. connected resistance) AND a minimum of three transformers with LV neutral interconnected. The three transformers connected must have a large number of earths (typically more than 100 electrodes). If there were only a few earth rods, although achieving less than 1 to earth at the time of testing, problems may arise later due to resistance increasing with seasonal soil moisture variation. There is also the additional general requirement that individual earth resistance (i.e. disconnected from the network neutral) must be less than 30 for pole-mounted plant and less than 10 for ground-mounted plant. The lower earthing resistance for ground-mounted plant is because there is a greater chance of the equipment being touched. Refer to Figure 2 showing earthing requirements for a typical CMEN earthing system at a pole.
To: - LV neutral - LV surge arresters - Any conductive surfaces that could be energised at LV under fault - Consumer installations - Any metalwork at pole base To: - HV equipment tank - HV surge arresters - Any conductive materials that could be energised at HV under fault

Single Common Earth Figure 2 Typical CMEN earthing system (illustrated for overhead network)

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In high load density areas, conditions generally allow a CMEN system. It is typically in lower load density, more sparsely populated areas where conditions for CMEN are not achievable and separately earthed HV and LV is required. The CMEN system is sometimes referred to as a bonded or common earthing system as the high voltage and low voltage earthing systems are bonded together. The advantages of using the CMEN system are: only one earthing system need be installed at distribution transformers step and touch potential problems are reduced and earth potential rise (EPR) problems associated with electrical plant in close proximity to telecommunications plant are also reduced.

The CMEN system is the preferred method by which to earth Energex's distribution network, however should only be employed in areas where there is an abundance of low voltage interconnections and a low overall resistance to ground is achievable.


Separately Earthed System consisting of a Low Voltage Multiple Earthed Neutral (MEN) System and High Voltage Earth

In cases where the conditions required for CMEN earthing set out in section 5.2 cannot be met, the high voltage earth must be kept separate from the LV MEN system. Typically this would occur in rural areas with low load density. Separation is required to ensure high voltage earth faults, lightning impulses or switching surges (e.g. conducted to earth through surge arresters) do not cause excessive EPR on the LV system. The MEN system is used for the low voltage network. The neutral conductor is used as a low resistance return path for low voltage fault currents only. The general requirement is that the resistance to earth of the connected LV MEN neutral of the network must be less than 10 and the LV individual earth resistance (i.e. disconnected from the network neutral) must be less than 30. The high voltage earthing system provides an earth return path for plant and equipment capable of being energised by the high voltage system (e.g. surge arresters, transformer tank). The general requirement is that the HV individual earth resistance must be less than 30 for pole-mounted plant and less than 10 for ground-mounted plant. The lower earthing resistance for ground-mounted plant is because there is a greater chance of the equipment being touched. To ensure that the potential rise during high voltage faults does not cause a safety hazard to the operator or the general public, the high voltage earth is always insulated and separated from the low voltage earth in a separately earthed system, as shown in Figures 3 and 4 below.
To: - LV neutral - LV surge arresters - Any conductive materials that could be energised at LV under fault - Consumer installations - Any metalwork at pole base To: - HV equipment tank - HV surge arresters - Any conductive materials that could be energised at HV under fault

LV Earth

HV Earth 4m min.

Figure 3 Typical separate earthing system for overhead network

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HV Earth Connects to HV equipment tank / enclosure Grid/Ring 5m min. LV Earth

To: - LV neutral - LV surge arresters - Consumer installations

Note the 5 metre minimum clearance zone is measured from the edge of the plinth, clearance zone to be maintained free from metallic objects, buildings and structures, including foundations. The clearance zone shall be road reserve or an easement to prevent encroachment and turfed or landscaped if necessary with mulched beds and shrubs.

Figure 4 Typical separate earthing system for underground network

In a Separate Earthing System, the high voltage earth shall always be insulated and separated from the low voltage MEN system.


Accessible Metalwork

The general requirement is to ensure that any accessible metalwork (i.e. conductive surface able to be touched by persons) does not become energised at a hazardous voltage. Accessible metalwork includes: operating handles for air break switches and cable guards on poles equipment cabinets. For situations with CMEN, the general requirement is that accessible metalwork should be bonded to the CMEN. For separately earthed situations on an overhead network, the accessible metalwork on poles should not be bonded to the HV earth (but should be bonded to the LV earth/neutral if present). For separately-earthed equipment cabinets on an underground network, the frame should be bonded to the HV earth and the earth mat/grading ring.


Single Wire Earth Return (SWER) Earthing

The Single Wire Earth Return system requires separate and distinct high voltage and low voltage earthing systems. SWER systems consist of a single isolating transformer (typically 100 - 150kV.A, 5 - 8A), and a number of individual SWER distribution transformers. The isolating transformer carries all the load of the SWER scheme connected to it. The primary winding of the isolating transformer is connected between two phases of the conventional 11kV (or 33kV) system. The secondary winding has one terminal forming the high voltage (Single Wire) of the SWER line (typically 12.7kV) and the other is connected to earth. The individual distribution transformers have one terminal connected to the high voltage line, and the other to earth. The earth acts as the return conductor back to the isolating transformer to complete the circuit (Earth Return). This is illustrated in Figure 5 below.

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Isolating Transformer 11kV


Distribution Transformer
10kV.A: 15 max. 25kV.A: 7 max. 50kV.A: 3.5 max. 100kV.A: 2.3 max.



100kV.A: 2.3 max. 200kV.A: 1.2 max.

10 Max.

Figure 5 SWER earthing system In normal three-phase systems, earthing of 11kV equipment is merely a protective measure and current flows in the earth circuit only for the duration of a fault. However, in the case of a SWER system, the 12.7kV earthing installation carries the load current of the circuit as well as any fault current. This aspect brings the earthing system of the SWER line into greater prominence than that of the conventional line. The maximum SWER earth lead (i.e. HV earth) voltage under operating conditions is not to exceed 20V. The safe operation of any electricity distribution system necessitates the maintenance of low resistance earths in order to ensure that protective devices will operate under fault conditions. Hence, within certain limits, the SWER system presents no greater problem than is encountered for the conventional system, assuming that no increase in resistance occurs owing to the passage of load current. The resistance to ground of the high voltage earthing system shall not exceed the values shown in Figure 5. The low voltage earthing system for the SWER system provides the earth return path for the low voltage and is separate from the high voltage earthing system. In general SWER systems will only have one customer at each transformer. Thus for each customer installation, there will only be a low voltage earth electrode system at the transformer and an earth electrode at the customers premises earthing the low voltage neutral. Hence, the resistance to ground of the low voltage earthing system at the transformer shall not exceed 10. The SWER system is a separately earthed system. The high voltage and low voltage earth cables shall be insulated and there shall be a minimum separation of 5m between the high voltage and low voltage earth electrodes.


Transmission and Sub-transmission Earthing

For sub-transmission (33kV) and transmission (110/132kV), it is important to ensure lightning impulses on overhead earthwires and any earth fault current, switching surges or lightning impulses from equipment do not cause excessive EPR on the LV system. Consequently, 33kV and 110/132kV earth electrodes must be separated from LV earth electrodes by more than 5m. LV earth downleads must be insulated and kept separated from sub-transmission and transmission earths. The low voltage earth cables shall be insulated and separated on the pole from the 33kV and 110/132kV earths. 33kV OHEWs (overhead earthwires) are earthed with a maximum of 30 resistance.

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Section 6 - Overhead Distribution Earthing Philosophy and Practice

6.1 Pole-Mounted Distribution Transformers 6.1.1 CMEN System
The CMEN system is the preferred method, however should only be employed in areas where there is an abundance of low voltage interconnections and a low overall resistance to ground is achievable. Where a CMEN system of earthing is used, the in-service resistance between the neutral conductor of the distribution network and ground at any location shall not exceed 1. At the transformer, the CMEN system of earthing shall have the following connected to it, as shown in Figure 6: transformer tank and any high voltage surge arresters low voltage neutral and any low voltage surge arresters any metal work such as cable sheaths and a local earthing system with a disconnected resistance to ground not exceeding 30.

Figure 6 Pole transformer with CMEN earthing system

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6.1.2 Separately Earthed High Voltage and Low Voltage (MEN) System
Two separate and distinct earthing systems shall be provided if the requirements for CMEN cannot be met. The high voltage and low voltage earth downleads shall be PVC-insulated (or similar) and the high voltage and low voltage earthing electrodes shall be separated by a minimum of 4m. Refer to Figure 7 for typical pole mounted transformer with separate earthing. The low voltage earth is used for earthing the low voltage neutral, metalwork associated with the low voltage and the low voltage surge arresters. The disconnected resistance to remote earth of an individual low voltage earthing system shall not exceed 10 and the resistance to earth of the connected LV neutral must be less than 10. The high voltage earthing point is used for earthing all metalwork associated with the 11kV system including the transformer tank and the 11kV surge arresters. The general requirement is that the disconnected resistance to remote earth of the separate high voltage earthing system shall not exceed 30 for a pole transformer installed on a timber pole. High Voltage earths are permitted above 30 subject to a risk assessment taking into account low contact exposure to the earth by persons and the cost/practicality of achieving a low earth resistance in high soil resistivity. One case of a risk-assessed situation where higher earthing resistance is acceptable is a remote and isolated area with proven high soil resistivity supplied by a transformer rated at 63kV.A or less, where the disconnected resistance to ground of an individual separate low voltage earthing installation may be up to 30. A further requirement for this case is that LV mains below bare HV must be insulated with 0.6/1kV insulation.

Figure 7 Pole transformer with separate earthing system

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6.1.3 Single Wire Earth Return (SWER) Earthing

At SWER distribution transformers, two separate and distinct earthing systems must be provided, as illustrate in Figure 8 below. The high voltage SWER earthing system is used for earthing all metalwork associated with the high voltage including the transformer tank, high voltage earth bushing and high voltage surge arresters. The resistance to ground of the high voltage earthing system is dependent on transformer size as shown in Figure 5 and must consist of: at least two earthing conductors with maximum separation on the structure, connected to an interconnected earthing system consisting of at least three earth electrodes spaced not less than 3m apart. The earthing arrangement shall be such that in the event of an earthing conductor being severed between two earth electrodes that at least one earth path remains. (Should the earth connection be broken, the earth lead becomes effectively energised to the SWER line voltage, 12.7kV). Earthing cables up to 2.4m from ground level shall be insulated with 0.6/1kV grade insulation and mechanically protected. No disconnectable joints in the earthing conductors between the high voltage earth bushing and the earth electrodes. The maximum SWER earth lead (i.e. HV earth) voltage under operating conditions shall not exceed 20V. The low voltage earth is used for earthing the low voltage neutral, metalwork associated with the low voltage and the low voltage surge arresters. The resistance to ground of an individual low voltage earthing system shall not exceed 10. NOTE: The high voltage and low voltage earthing cables shall be insulated and high voltage and low voltage earth rods shall be separated a minimum of 5m apart.

The limits on individual low voltage earths may be raised subject to a risk assessment and taking into account low contact exposure to the earth by persons and the cost/practicality of achieving a low earth resistance in proven high soil resistivity; however, the overall resistance to ground of the interconnected low voltage neutral must not exceed 10 at any point.

Plan View

Figure 8 SWER transformer earthing

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Timber Distribution Poles 6.2.1 CMEN System

The 11kV high voltage and 415V low voltage earthing systems shall be tied together with an in-service resistance of the neutral to earth of less than 1. The local disconnected earth resistance shall be less than 30.

6.2.2 Separately Earthed High Voltage and Low Voltage (MEN) System
Where the CMEN requirements cannot be met, separate earthing is required. 11kV high voltage earths shall be bonded to the local high voltage earth with a disconnected resistance to earth of less than 30. The 11kV earth must be separated from the LV earth. The resistance to earth of the disconnected LV neutral must be less than 30 and the resistance to earth of the connected LV neutral must be less than 10. NOTE: On any timber pole, the high voltage and low voltage earth downleads shall be PVC insulated (or similar) and separated by a minimum of 150mm on the pole. Furthermore, the high voltage and low voltage earthing electrodes shall be separated by a minimum of 4m.

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Conductive Distribution Poles (Concrete and Steel) 6.3.1 General

This section addresses conductive distribution poles with LV 415V and/or HV 11kV installed. It does not address poles with higher voltages installed. As concrete or steel poles are conductive structures, all earthing systems attached to the pole will be inherently bonded together unless specific care is taken. As such, caution is required when conductive poles are installed in separately earthed areas.

6.3.2 MEN
For conductive poles with LV only, the poles must have a disconnected resistance to ground of less than 30 and the connected resistance to ground of the LV neutral must be less than 10. The LV earth must be bonded to the MEN and the conductive pole. If the pole butt is electrically insulated from ground then a separate earth stake shall be connected to the pole.

6.3.3 CMEN System

In general, use of conductive poles supporting HV mains should be avoided unless a CMEN system can be established. In a CMEN system, all conductive poles must have a disconnected resistance to ground of less than 30, and an in-service neutral resistance to earth at any point of less than 1, as shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9 Conductive pole with 11kV and LV, CMEN earthing

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For 11kV conductive poles with no low voltage neutral present, a separate earth wire is required to be strung on each pole to a nearby low voltage neutral. The conductive pole must have a disconnected resistance to ground of less than 30 and an in-service resistance to earth at any point of less than 1. If CMEN requirements cannot be achieved then, the installation must be treated as if it were in a separately earthed area as detailed in section 6.3.4 below.

6.3.4 Separately Earthed High Voltage and Low Voltage (MEN) System
Where the CMEN requirements cannot be met, separate earthing is required. Separately earthed conductive poles should be avoided as they increase the risk of hazardous touch potentials. In special and frequented locations, step and touch potentials around conductive poles must be addressed, possibly using a risk-based approach. Pole base insulation, grading rings or other methods of mitigation may be required in addition to the earthing requirements that follow. Conductive poles shall only be used in the separately earthed system where low voltage earths are NOT in direct contact with the pole as per the following: Non-conductive timber or composite fibre low voltage crossarms LV ABC with no MEN downlead LV earth insulated inside UV-stabilised conduit.

In circumstances where the low voltage neutral is required to be earthed on a conductive pole, the low voltage earth wire must be totally insulated from the pole by installing it in a UV-stabilized conduit. The HV earth must be separated from the LV earth. As the pole is often connected to the HV earth (e.g. via the frame of transformer), the low voltage earth electrode is to be installed no closer than 4m from the pole. Figure 10 illustrates separate earthing requirements for a conductive pole with HV and LV earths.

Figure 10 Conductive pole with separate earthing

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33kV Overhead Earthwire (OHEW) 6.4.1 General

All new 33kV lines will have an OHEW or OPGW (optical fibre in ground wire) installed above. This serves to protect phase conductors and nearby substation equipment against direct lightning strikes and associated overvoltages. It is important to ensure that excessive lightning transients on the 33kV OHEW earthing system are not coupled onto lower voltage earthing systems. The configuration of the OHEW earthing system is dependant on the type of pole it is mounted on and the other plant situated on the pole. 33kV underground cable terminations shall not be installed on the same pole as any distribution plant, MEN earth or 11kV cable termination.

6.4.2 Timber Poles General

On timber poles, the 33kV OHEW shall be connected to earth via a dedicated copper downlead at every pole where achievable. To limit tracking under fault conditions, the gain base of any 33kV or 11kV insulators installed on the pole (VDR or VOR constructions) shall also be bonded to this down lead. The local 33kV OHEW earth shall be a maximum of 30. On poles containing 11kV or 33kV pole-mounted plant, 11kV and/or LV earths the general practice is that the 33kV OHEW downlead shall not be connected to earth at this pole and instead bonded at the next available pole. This will certainly need to be the case where there is insufficient space to accommodate the 33kV OHEW earthing requirements of this section. Likewise, on poles with steel strain crossarms (i.e. shackle or termination constructions), the downlead shall be omitted.


On timber distribution poles containing common 11kV and/or LV earths, where running a 33kV OHEW downlead cannot be avoided, the 33kV OHEW shall be earthed separately from the 11kV and LV earths. The 33kV and CMEN earth conductors shall be PVC insulated (or similar) with maximum separation on the pole (150mm minimum) and the electrodes separated by a minimum of 4m.

Separately Earthed

On timber distribution poles containing separate 11kV and/or LV earths, where running a 33kV OHEW downlead cannot be avoided, the 33kV OHEW downlead may be connected to the 11kV earth whilst maintaining a minimum 4m separation from the LV earth.

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6.4.3 Conductive Poles General

As concrete and steel poles are conductive, a 33kV OHEW will be inherently bonded to earth via the structure. Conductive poles with a 33kV earth have increased risk of hazardous touch potentials. In special and frequented locations, step and touch potentials around conductive poles must be addressed, possibly using a risk-based approach. Pole base insulation, grading rings or other methods of mitigation may be required in addition to the earthing requirements that follow.


Avoid using conductive poles with 33kV OHEW, 11kV and LV earths all joined to one CMEN earth as lightning overvoltages can be impressed on the LV neutral. Note that the earths can be inadvertently connected via the frame of equipment which is in contact with the conductive pole. (If this configuration cannot be avoided, then connect 33kV, 11kV and LV earths together to a local disconnected earth resistance of 30 maximum and a connected resistance to earth of 1 maximum.)

Separately Earthed

For poles with a 33kV Overhead Earth Wire (OHEW), the 33kV OHEW is bonded to the pole. The 11kV earth must also be bonded to the pole. The 33kV earth, 11kV earth and the pole must all be connected to a local earth with a resistance of less than 30. Conductive poles shall only be used in the separately earthed system where low voltage earths are NOT in direct contact with the pole as per the following: Non-conductive timber or composite fibre low voltage crossarms LV ABC with no MEN downlead LV earth insulated inside UV-stabilised conduit.

In circumstances where the low voltage neutral is required to be earthed on a conductive pole, the low voltage earth wire must be totally insulated from the pole by installing it in a UV-stabilized conduit. The resistance of the disconnected LV neutral to ground must be less than 30 and the resistance of the connected LV earth must be less than 10. The LV earth electrodes must be separated from the pole (which is also bonded to the 33kV and 11kV earths) by a minimum of 4m.


Steel Crossarms 6.5.1 Wooden poles

When installed on wooden poles, steel crossarms shall not be bonded to earth. The primary reason for this configuration is to prevent outages caused by wildlife bridging phase conductors to the earthed steelwork.

6.5.2 Conductive poles

Steel crossarms on conductive poles will be inherently earthed to the reinforcement of the pole. No further bonding of the cross arm to the pole is necessary.

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HV Pole-mounted Equipment (Recloser, Regulator, Enclosed Switch) 6.6.1 General

33kV or 11kV pole-mounted equipment shall be connected to the local high voltage earth, as the equipment is capable of being energised by high voltage conductors. Arrangements for earthing of control/meter boxes vary according to the manufacturer. No 33kV underground cable termination, 33kV recloser nor any 33kV OHEW downlead shall be on the same pole as any distribution plant.

6.6.2 CMEN System

33kV or 11kV plant earths shall be bonded to the CMEN earthing system with a disconnected resistance to ground not exceeding 30 and with an in-service connected resistance to earth at any point of less than 1. Any LV neutral, control/meter box or radio antenna base shall also be connected to this same earth. Refer Overhead Construction Manual section 7 page 607 (HVE2) and page 616 (HVE4).

6.6.3 Separately Earthed High Voltage and Low Voltage (MEN) System
The separately earthed system should only be used where the CMEN requirements cannot be met. The equipment must only be connected to the local HV earthing system with a resistance to ground not exceeding 30. The HV earth downlead must be separated from the LV earth downlead on the pole and the 33/11kV earth electrodes must be separated from the LV earth electrodes by a minimum of 4m. Control/meter box earthing is dependent on the manufacturer. The earthing systems are either: the control/meter box is connected to the LV earthing system, OR for certain Nulec models (refer Overhead Construction Manual section 7 page 615 (HVE3)), the control/meter box is connected to the HV earth and there is an isolation transformer for signals to the HV plant. Generally, control boxes will not be accessible from the ground (a short ladder is required). However, where the control box can be operated from the ground, then a grading ring shall be installed around the pole and connected to the LV earthing system. Refer Overhead Construction Manual section 7 page 606 (HVE1). The radio antenna base is to be connected to the HV earth if mounted above or alongside the HV mains. If below, then antenna base is connected to the LV earth.


Distribution Equipment on Transmission poles

For the particular case where distribution equipment is mounted on 110/132kV transmission poles, the design principles listed below apply. No distribution transformer or any 11kV plant shall be attached to the transmission pole, hence the absence of 11kV earthing. No low voltage earthing shall be installed at the base of the pole. On conductive poles, alternative earthing systems shall be employed to ensure that the step and touch potentials during a high voltage fault at the pole comply with the requirements of AS/NZS7000 and EG0, e.g. grading ring, application of insulation to pole base/cable guard in special or frequented locations. 33kV underground and transmission network has a common earth.

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Metal Work at Ground Level 6.8.1 Pole Nails/stakes and Rebutted Pole Steel Sleeves
Pole nails/stakes and rebutted pole steel sleeves are not required to be earthed (and it is preferred that they are not earthed to inhibit corrosion between the galvanized steel and copper earthing conductors). Due to the nature of their installation, pole nails/stakes and rebutted pole steel sleeves will be inherently earthed. Earth downleads shall be kept insulated from pole nails/stakes and rebutted pole steel sleeves.

6.8.2 Metallic Cable Guards Protecting Low Voltage Cables

Energex requires that metallic cable guards protecting low voltage cables be earthed. Metallic cable guards shall be connected to earth with a resistance of 30 maximum. Cable guards should be connected to the LV neutral, where present.

CMEN System

Metallic cable guards shall be connected to the 11kV and LV CMEN earth with a disconnected resistance of less than 30 and a connected LV neutral to earth resistance of less than 1.

Separately Earthed High Voltage and Low Voltage (MEN) System

Metallic cable guards over LV cables shall be separately earthed (i.e. separate from any HV earthing) with a disconnected resistance of less than 30. Additionally, if a low voltage earth down lead exists on the pole, the metallic cable guard shall be connected to the low voltage earthing down lead. The high voltage and low voltage earth conductors shall be PVC insulated (or similar) with maximum separation on the pole and the high voltage and low voltage earthing electrodes shall be separated by a minimum of 4m. Metallic cable guards must not be connected to HV surge arresters or any part of the high voltage earthing system. In general, metallic cable guards shall not be mounted on conductive poles (e.g. concrete or steel) in separately earthed areas. 1 The HV earth downlead must be kept separated from the metallic cable guard (i.e. not pinched under the guard).

6.8.3 Metallic Cable Guard Protecting High Voltage Cable General
Cable guards shall be Earthed metallic cable guards are required to protect high voltage cables. connected to the LV neutral, where present.

Where this is unavoidable, such as retrofitting a cable to an existing concrete HV pole, connect the cable guard to the HV earth rather than the LV earth. This is to ensure the cable guard and the pole are at the same potential. Ensure there is adequate insulation between LV cable and cable guard.

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CMEN System

HV cable sheath, HV surge arresters, metallic cable guard and LV neutral shall be connected to the CMEN earthing system with a disconnected resistance to ground not exceeding 30 and a connected LV neutral resistance to earth of less than 1, as shown in Figure 11 below.

Figure 11 Metallic cable guard with CMEN earthing

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Separately Earthed High Voltage and Low Voltage (MEN) System

Metallic cable guards over HV cables shall be separately earthed (i.e. separate from any HV earthing) with a disconnected resistance of less than 30. If low voltage exists on the pole, the metallic cable guard shall be connected to the low voltage neutral via the earthing downlead. The high voltage and low voltage earth conductors shall be PVC insulated (or similar) with maximum separation on the pole and the high voltage and low voltage earthing electrodes shall be separated by a minimum of 4m, as illustrated in Figure 12 below. HV surge arresters and HV cable sheaths must not be connected to metallic cable guards at separately earthed sites. The HV earth downlead must be kept well separated from the metallic cable guard (i.e. not pinched under the guard). High voltage cables under metallic cable guards shall be insulated to prevent the cable guard from becoming live. For XLPE cables, the polyethylene outer sheath provides the insulation. For older jute covered cables, split PVC conduit shall be installed around the cable to provide insulation. In general, metallic cable guards shall not be mounted on conductive poles (e.g. concrete or steel) in separately earthed areas.2

Figure 12 Metallic cable guard with separate earthing

Where this is unavoidable, such as retrofitting a cable to an existing concrete HV pole, connect the cable guard to the HV earth rather than the LV earth. This is to ensure the cable guard and the pole are at the same potential.

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6.8.4 Air Break Switch (ABS) Handles and Metallic Down Rods General
The down rods of air break switches are fitted with two insulated sections, one below and one above the location of the low voltage mains. Older types have hardwood timber sections that reach below the level of the low voltage mains. This is to ensure the down rod cannot accidentally be contacted by high voltage lines. Therefore the air break switch handles and metallic down rods, as well as any metallic cable guards, shall be bonded together and connected to earth with a resistance of 30 maximum. These metallic items shall be connected to the LV neutral, where present.

CMEN System

The metallic down rods, air break switch handle, LV neutral and any HV earth shall be connected to the CMEN earthing system with a disconnected resistance to ground not exceeding 30 and a connected LV neutral resistance to earth of less than 1, as shown in Figure 13 below.

Figure 13 Air Break Switch handle with CMEN earthing

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Separately Earthed High Voltage and Low Voltage (MEN) System

Metallic components (e.g. air break switch handles, metallic down rods and metallic cable guards) shall be separately earthed (i.e. separate from any HV earthing) with a disconnected resistance of less than 30, as shown in Figure 14 below. Additionally, if a low voltage earth downlead exists on the pole, these metallic components shall be connected to it. The high voltage and low voltage earth conductors shall be PVC insulated (or similar) with maximum separation on the pole and the high voltage and low voltage earthing electrodes shall be separated by a minimum of 4m. HV surge arresters and the HV earthing system must not be connected to Air Break Switch Handles or down rods at separately earthed sites. The HV earth downlead must be kept well separated from the ABS handle and down rod.

For 33kV ABSs with separate earthing, an earth mat is to be installed at the operator position, as shown in Figure 14.

Plan View

Figure 14 Air Break Switch handle with Separate earthing

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6.8.5 Stay Wires

Stay wires coming within 2.4m of ground shall have an in-line insulator as per the Energex Overhead Construction manual. The insulator shall be placed such that the base of the insulator is higher than 2.4m from ground and the end of the insulator is below the lowest conductor. The insulator shall also be located more than 1.5m horizontally from the pole (refer AS/NZS7000).

6.8.6 All Other Metalwork within 2.4m from the Ground

All other metalwork below 2.4 m from ground not described above shall be bonded together with air break switch handles, metallic down rods and metallic cable guards and earthed to a resistance to ground not exceeding 30. This will ensure that they all are at the same potential. Additionally, if a low voltage earth downlead exists on the pole, the metalwork shall be bonded to it.


HV Aerial Bundled Conductor 6.9.1 General

The catenary wire of HV ABC (i.e. aerial bundled cable) shall be connected to the high voltage earth with a local disconnected earth resistance of less than 30, as it is capable of being energised by the high voltage conductors. The catenary shall be earthed at the following locations: Overhead/underground transition (i.e. surge arresters) At the ends of strain sections The catenary shall be electrically continuous along the entire HV ABC run. The screens on the HV ABC conductors are not physically large so as to keep the overall weight down. Consequently, the screen current ratings are less than 2100A for an earth fault. (Screen has 148A continuous rating for 120mm2 Al, 310A continuous rating for 35mm2 Cu.) The screens shall have only one earth and must not be continuous through joints. This is to prevent circulating currents or development of large voltages on the screen. Refer to Figure 15 for earthing requirements of HV ABC cables.

Open Wire Mains




Screens of phase conductors

Screens of phase conductors

Catenary is continuous through joint, screens are not. HV Surge Arresters 30 Max.

30 Max.



Figure 15 HV ABC cable earthing

For HV ABC installed on conductive poles refer to section 6.4.3.

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6.9.2 CMEN System

The catenary wire and screens shall be connected to a local earth with a resistance to ground not exceeding 30 and bonded to the CMEN earthing system with an in-service resistance to earth at any point of less than 1.

6.9.3 Separately Earthed High Voltage and Low Voltage (MEN) System
The catenary wire and screens must only be connected to the local high voltage earthing system with a resistance to ground not exceeding 30. The high voltage and low voltage earth conductors shall be PVC insulated (or similar) with maximum separation on the pole and the high voltage and low voltage earthing electrodes shall be separated by a minimum of 4m.


High Voltage Covered Conductor

For high voltage 11kV CC (i.e. covered conductor) and CCT (i.e. covered conductorthick), surge arresters are installed one pole in from strain section ends and on every fourth pole, but not more than 250m apart. In high lightning areas, surge arresters are installed with closer separation. Note that surge arresters are only fitted to intermediate poles.

6.10.1 CMEN System

HV CLAH down leads shall be connected to a local earth with a resistance to ground not exceeding 30 and bonded to the CMEN earthing system with an in-service resistance to earth at any point of less than 1.

6.10.2 Separately Earthed High Voltage and Low Voltage (MEN) System
HV CLAH down leads must only be connected to the local high voltage earthing system with a resistance to ground not exceeding 30. The high voltage and low voltage earth conductors shall be PVC insulated (or similar) with maximum separation on the pole and the high voltage and low voltage earthing electrodes shall be separated by a minimum of 4m.

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Section 7 - Underground Distribution Earthing Philosophy and Practice

7.1 Low Voltage Cable Pole Termination
The LV cable sheath, if present, shall be connected to the low voltage earth. The LV cable guard shall be installed as per section 6.8.2.


High Voltage Cable Pole Termination 7.2.1 General

The HV 11kV cable sheath and surge arresters shall be connected to the high voltage earth, The HV cable guard shall be installed as per section 6.8.3.

7.2.2 CMEN System

The HV cable sheath and surge arresters shall be bonded to the HV earth to form a CMEN earthing system with a connected resistance to ground not exceeding 30 and with a neutral to earth in-service resistance to earth at any point of less than 1.

7.2.3 Separately Earthed High Voltage and Low Voltage (MEN) System
The HV cable sheath and surge arresters must only be connected to the local high voltage earthing system with a resistance to ground not exceeding 30. The high voltage and low voltage earth conductors shall be PVC insulated (or similar) with maximum separation on the pole and the high voltage and low voltage earthing electrodes shall be separated by a minimum of 4m.


Cable Sheaths
Cable sheaths should be effectively earthed to control prospective touch voltages.


Padmount Distribution Substations

This category of earthing is for padmount substations with exposed metal work that can be touched by the general public. Sites may be fenced on three sides but open on the fourth side. This is typically used for up to 1000kV.A transformers. Apart from the transformer, the unit may include an RMU and LV switchboard. Conductive railings or fences should not be bonded to the site earthing system as this will extend the EPR hazard to outside the fenced area. Customers earth can only be connected to the substation earth where the substation incorporates CMEN earthing. The CMEN system is the preferred method, however should only be employed in areas where there is an abundance of low voltage interconnections and a low overall resistance to ground is achievable. Some transformer sites have been designed with a common HV and LV earthing system but do not connect to any other transformer areas. (The earthing system would have complied with the QESI Guide to Protective Earthing and Energexs earthing requirements at the time of installation. ) If such an installation requires upgrading, though, the designer shall be required to either: create an earth/neutral interconnection to other transformer areas and achieve the necessary conditions for CMEN earthing (this may be difficult if the site is in a remote location or there are obstructions preventing the installation of an interconnection), or reconfigure the installation to have separate HV and LV earths (this may be difficult if the substation is located on reinforced concrete that links to the consumers installation, or if there is no suitable space around the site as a clearance zone), or undertake a risk-based study according to the AS/NZS7000 / EG0 methodology and design earthing accordingly.

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7.4.1 CMEN System

Where the CMEN system of earthing is used, the resistance between the connected LV neutral conductor and ground at any location is not to exceed 1 and individual disconnected local earths are not to exceed 10. The CMEN system of earthing shall have the following connected to it: transformer tank / metal equipment cabinet low voltage neutral any cable sheaths a local earthing system with a resistance to ground of no greater than 10.

Where HV earth is not tied back via the LV neutral interconnections to the CMEN System In special situations where HV plant (e.g. transformer, standalone RMU, HV metering unit) is required

to be connected to the CMEN, but has no LV neutral interconnections to connect back to the CMEN system. In such situations, the following methods can be used to make an earth connection / tie: Use the metallic screen of the HV cable (earth fault carrying capacity of >6kA for 1 second), or Use a dedicated 70mm2 copper cable as the earth tie for transformers up to 500kVA, or 120mm2 copper for transformers up to 1500kVA.

Planners are advised to check the fault carrying capacity of the earth tie cable (or aerial neutral if overhead) to ensure the earth tie have adequate fault carrying capacity back to the CMEN system. (Refer to the Plant Rating Manual section 11 or Technical Instruction TSD000027). Labels (as shown in Figure 16) should be attached to both ends of the earth tie.

Figure 16 Label for HV earth tie to CMEN Note: Labels to be made from 1.5mm ABS Plastic, or GRAVOPLY II, or similar, with black letters and yellow background.

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7.4.2 Separately Earthed High Voltage and Low Voltage (MEN) System
The separately earthed system should only be used where the CMEN requirements cannot be met. Two separate and distinct earthing systems shall be provided, as illustrated in Figure 16. The high voltage earthing point is used for earthing all metalwork associated with the 11kV system including the transformer tank and metal enclosure. The disconnected resistance to remote earth of the separate high voltage earthing system shall not exceed 10. The earth ring/grid around the padmount transformer is part of the high voltage earth system. The low voltage earth is used for earthing the low voltage neutral. The disconnected resistance to remote earth of an individual low voltage earthing system shall not exceed 10. The overall resistance to ground of the interconnected low voltage neutral must not exceed 10 at any point. The low voltage earth conductors shall be PVC insulated (or similar). The high voltage and low voltage earthing electrodes shall be separated by a minimum of 5m. The high voltage earth conductors, ground-mounted plant and associated concrete slab must have 5m separation from any consumer earth, other conductive structure, fence or building. This separation is to prevent a person or object from making contact between the HV earthed structure and any other conductive structure that may provide an earth return path, other than the HV earthing system. The separation must be comprised of nonconductive ground cover such as pavers, bitumen or garden/green belt. Reinforced concrete is conductive and not an acceptable medium for ground cover. The separately earthed system requires a large ground area and separation from other conductive objects. Investigations need to be carried out in the planning/investigation stage to ensure appropriate location.

Figure 17 Padmount transformer with separate earthing

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Outdoor Ground Substations 7.5.1 General

This category of earthing is for ground substations where exposed metal work can not be touched by the general public. Sites are fenced with concrete block walls. This is typically used for loads exceeding 1000kV.A and not able to be supplied by padmount transformers. Apart from transformers, the substation may include RMUs and LV switchboards. Do not earth enclosure or gates as this will extend the EPR hazard zone, particularly when gates are open. The CMEN system is the preferred method, however should only be employed in areas where there is an abundance of low voltage interconnections and a low overall resistance to ground is achievable.

The earth ring around the perimeter of the site, just inside the walls, shall be connected to the HV earth.

7.5.2 CMEN System

Where the CMEN system of earthing is used, the resistance between the connected LV neutral conductor and ground at any location is not to exceed 1 and individual disconnected local earths are not to exceed 10. In cases where the neutral does not have a low enough resistance to ground, interconnection to other areas using lead sheath of HV cable or 70mm 2 copper cable earthed at 100m intervals is advisable. For earthing at 100m intervals, each individual earth shall be 30 maximum. The CMEN system of earthing shall have the following connected to it: transformer tank; RMU tank/enclosure LV switchboard enclosure low voltage neutral; any metal work such as cable sheaths; and a local earthing system with a resistance to ground of no greater than 10.

7.5.3 Separately Earthed High Voltage and Low Voltage (MEN) System
The separately earthed system should only be used where the CMEN requirements cannot be met. Two separate and distinct earthing systems shall be provided. The high voltage earthing point is used for earthing all metalwork associated with the 11kV system including the transformer tank as well as all equipment cabinets, also the metal enclosure around the LV switchboard3, so that persons within the substation cannot make contact with two items of equipment at different potential. The disconnected resistance to remote earth of the separate high voltage earthing system shall not exceed 10. The low voltage earth is used for earthing the low voltage neutral. The disconnected resistance to remote earth of an individual low voltage earthing system shall not exceed 10. The overall resistance to ground of the interconnected low voltage neutral must not exceed 10 at any point. As with a padmount transformer site, the high voltage earth conductors and ground-mounted plants must have 5m separation from any consumer earths, other conductive structures (apart from the substation enclosures), fences, buildings or LV earths. The separately earthed system requires a large ground area and separation from other conductive objects. Investigations need to be carried out in the planning/investigation stage to ensure appropriate location.

The LV neutral shall be insulated from the frame/cubicle of the LV switchboard.

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Free-Standing 11kV Equipment 7.6.1 General

This section is for free-standing 11kV equipment such as RMUs (ring main units) and ground-mounted switches with no LV components but with exposed metal work that can be touched by the general public, e.g. where located on or adjacent to the footpath or in a park. All 11kV equipment shall be connected to the local 11kV earth, as the equipment is capable of being energised by the 11kV conductors in the event of a fault. Conductive railings or fences should not be bonded to the site earthing system as this will extend the EPR hazard to outside the fenced area. Customers earth can only be connected to the substation earth where the substation incorporates CMEN earthing. The CMEN system is the preferred method, however should only be employed in areas where there is an abundance of low voltage interconnections and a low overall resistance to ground is achievable. The earth ring around the perimeter of the plant item shall be connected to the HV earth.

7.6.2 CMEN System

11kV plant earths shall be bonded to the CMEN earthing system with a disconnected resistance to ground not exceeding 10 and with an in-service connected resistance to earth at any point of less than 1. As there is no local LV earth associated with the item, interconnection to other areas using the lead sheath of HV cables or 70mm2 copper cable earthed at 100m intervals is required. For earthing at 100m intervals, each individual earth shall be 30 maximum. At the site, the CMEN system of earthing shall have the following connected to it: equipment tank / metal enclosure; any metal work such as cable sheaths; and a local earthing system with a resistance to ground of no greater than 10. For situations where free-standing 11kV equipment is required to be connected to the CMEN, and there are no LV neutral interconnections to connect back to the CMEN system, refer to Section 7.4.1.

7.6.3 Separately Earthed High Voltage and Low Voltage (MEN) System
The separately earthed system should only be used where the CMEN requirements cannot be met. At the site, the system of earthing shall have the following connected to it: equipment tank / metal enclosure; any metal work such as cable sheaths; and a local earthing system with a resistance to ground of no greater than 10. The high voltage earth conductors, ground-mounted plant and any associated concrete slab must have 5m separation from any consumer earth, other conductive structure, fence, building or LV earth. This separation is to prevent a person or object from making contact between the HV earthed structure and any other conductive structure that may provide an earth return path, other than the HV earthing system. The separation must be comprised of non-conductive ground cover such as pavers, bitumen or garden/green belt. Reinforced concrete is conductive and not an acceptable medium for ground cover. NOTE: The separately earthed system requires a large ground area and separation from other conductive objects. The high voltage earth conductors, RMU and associated concrete slab must have 5m separation from any other conductive structures, fences, buildings or LV earths. Investigations need to be carried out in the planning/investigation stage to ensure appropriate location. It is often not possible to use a separately earthed system for footpaths as it requires too large an area.

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Indoor Distribution Substations

The CMEN system of earthing shall be used for indoor distribution substations. Separate earthing is not practical even in rural areas as Energexs HV equipment is on the same concrete slab as the customers LV equipment . The resistance between the LV neutral conductor and ground at any location is not to exceed 1 and individual local earths are not to exceed 10. A minimum of three distribution transformer neutral circuits (approximately 100 earth rods) shall be interconnected. Interconnection to other areas may be by LV neutral, lead sheath of HV cable or 70mm2 copper cable earthed at 100m intervals. For earthing at 100m intervals, each individual earth shall be 30 maximum. At the indoor distribution substation, the CMEN system of earthing shall have the following connected to it: transformer tank all equipment cabinets/frames low voltage neutral any metal work such as cable sheaths a local earthing system with a resistance to ground of no greater than 10.

If the substation is not on the level directly above ground, then two 120mm2 copper insulated riser cables shall be provided on separate routes from the basement/ground floor earth grid to the remote substation enclosure. The earth grid is to be located directly under the substation foot print where practicable, even when substations are located on upper levels of buildings. It is desirable that there is one common earthing system with the substation earth connected to the customer switchboard neutral, lightning protection system and communications earth. The substation layout should ensure that there is sufficient clearance (at least 2m) between equipment earthed to the substation earth mat and any other conductive objects with another earth connection such as telephones and associated cables. This clearance is not required to floating metal work that is not electrically connected to another earth or the reinforcing in concrete, e.g. cable trays. Pilot isolation cubicles are made of timber and have a rubber floor mat to ensure 15kV insulation to the pilots which may be at a different potential to the substation earth mat. Air conditioning ducts are often located close to transformers for extra cooling. Note that metallic air conditioning ducts are connected to a remote power source that may be at a different potential to the substation earth mat. Therefore, the duct should be either bonded to the substation earth ring and the consumers MEN, or else insulation applied to minimise the risk of a person contacting both simultaneously.


Metal and Concrete Streetlight Columns 7.8.1 Non-Contributed (Rate 1) and Contributed (Rate 2) Public Lighting
All steel, aluminium and concrete poles shall employ MEN earthing by direct connection to the supply neutral by means of a connection having a cross sectional area of not less than 6mm2 (copper). The MEN point is created by bonding the neutral conductor to the pole. The metal/concrete pole is considered to be an effective earth for the MEN. Directly buried steel, aluminium or concrete pole that is fully coated with any insulating compound below ground (e.g. paint, epoxy, etc) shall require a local dedicated earth rod. Where the pole foundation cannot provide an effective earth (e.g. pedestrian or vehicular bridges) a separate earthing system shall be employed. The earth conductor will be installed with the supply cabling and shall have a cross section area according to the requirements of the Australian Standard AS/NZS3000 Wiring Rules, but in any case shall be not less than 6mm2 (copper). The earthing cable shall be connected to an effective earth point at the first appropriate pit, pillar or pole clear of the structure. At each pole on the structure, the earth cable shall be bonded to the pole and the neutral conductor.

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7.8.2 Non-Metered (Rate 3) Public Lighting

All structures on Non-Metered (Rate 3) Public Lighting shall be connected in accordance with Australian Standard AS/NZS3000 Wiring Rules. As a minimum, an effective earth must be present at the point of connection (e.g. twin and earth or three-phase four core plus earth) cabling. The earth cable shall be connected to the metalwork of the streetlight.

7.8.3 Lighting Columns on Foreshores or near Water Parks

Conductive lighting columns at locations near a public swimming pool area, popular beach or water recreation area are currently being investigated. (Refer section 3.5 regarding special locations.)

Section 8 - References
1. ENA Handbook C(b)1 2006: Guidelines for design and maintenance of overhead distribution and transmission lines. 2. ENA EG-0 Power System Earthing Guide, Part 1: Management Principles, Version 1 May 2010. It is available on the ENA website 3. Electrical Safety Code of Practice 2010 Works, Queensland Electrical Safety Office. 4. IEC/TS 60479 2005, Part 1, Effects of current on human beings and livestock, Part 1: General aspects. 5. AS/NZS 60479 2002, Part 1, Effects of current on human beings and livestock, Part 1: General aspects. 6. ANSI/IEEE Std 80 1996, IEEE Guide for Safety in AC Substation Grounding. 7. AS/NZS 2067 2008, Substations and high voltage installations greater than 1000Volt AC. 8. ENA EG-1 2006, Substation Earthing Guide. 9. AS/NZS 7000 Overhead line design, Part 1: Detailed procedures draft on website 10. ARGON software available from ENA website 11. Energex SWP 34, Inspection, Testing, Installation and Maintenance of network Earthing Systems.

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Appendix 1 Summary of Distribution Equipment Earthing Requirements

Standard Pole-Mounted Distribution Transformer Local Earth Requirements Connect all items to 30 max local earth and area CMEN.

Separately Earthed Areas

Area HV Earth Requirement CMEN 1 Connect transformer tank and HV max surge arresters to 30 max local earth. Min. 4m spacing between HV and LV earths and maximum separation of downleads on pole. 1 Connect to 30 max local earth. max _ 1 max 1 Connect 11kV cable sheath and 11kV max surge arresters to 30 max local earth. Do not connect to LV earth minimum 4m separation required. LV Earth Requirement Connect LV neutral terminal and LV surge arresters (if present) to 10 max local earth and area MEN. Area MEN 10 4 max

11kV Surge Arrester Local MEN pole or pillar 11kV Cable Termination

Connect all items to 30 max local earth and area CMEN. Connect all items to 30 max local earth and area CMEN. Connect all items to 30 max local earth and area CMEN.

_ Connect to 30 max local earth and area MEN. Cable guard must be insulated from 11kV cable cable must be polymeric or a split conduit installed around cable. Connect cable guard to 30 max local earth, and area MEN if LV exists on pole. Connect to any other metalwork at pole base (except pole reinforcing). Do not connect to 11kV earth. Connect metallic cable guard to 30 max local earth, and area MEN. Connect to any other metalwork at pole base (except pole reinforcing). Do not connect to HV earth minimum 4m separation required.

_ 10 max 10 max

LV Cable Termination

Connect all items to 30 max local earth and area CMEN.

1 max

10 max

For small transformers (up to 63kV.A) in remote areas (non-urban, distant from zone substation such that fault level is low) with proven high soil resistivity, up to 30 may be allowed. Energex Limited 2013 Page 37 of 42

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Air Break Switch Handle

Connect all items to 30 max local earth and area CMEN.

1 max

Pole Reinforcing (Nail, Rebutt Sleeve)

Independent earth no additional earthing required.5

Connect handle to 30 max local earth, and area MEN if LV exists on pole. Connect to any other metalwork at pole base (except pole reinforcing). Ensure insulation in ABS downrod extends below LV. Do not connect to HV earth minimum 4m separation required. Independent earth no additional earthing required.

10 max

SWER Distribution Transformer N/A separate HV and LV earthing must be used.

11kV or 33kV Recloser, Regulator or Enclosed Switch

Connect all items to 30 max local earth and area CMEN. Connect all items to 10 max local earth and area CMEN. Connect all items to 10 max local earth and area CMEN.

1 max 1 max 1 max

Padmount Transformer

Outdoor Ground substation

Connect transformer tank and HV surge arresters to local earth with two separated down leads, maximum resistance depends upon transformer size. Local earth to be comprised of 3 electrodes spaced 3m apart. No disconnectable joints are permitted between HV bushing and earth. Min. 5m spacing between HV and LV earths and maximum separation of downleads on pole. Connect tank to 30 max local earth. Min. 4m spacing between HV and any LV earths and maximum separation of downleads on pole. Connect transformer tank and HV surge arresters to 10 max local earth ring. Min. 5m separation from any structure/building Connect transformer tank to 10 max local earth. Min. 5m separation from any structure/building

Connect LV neutral terminal and LV surge arresters (if present) to 10 max6 local earth and area MEN.

10 max

Connect to 10 max local earth and area MEN with min. 5m separation from HV earth ring. Connect LV neutral terminal to 10 max local earth and area MEN with min. 5m separation from HV earth ring.

10 max 10 max

These items are themselves good earth electrodes. To minimise corrosion, it is preferred that these galvanized steel components are not connected to copper earthing conductors. In areas of proven high soil resistivity, subject to a risk assessment as per EG-0 or AS/NZS7000, individual earth electrode resistances above 10 may be permitted provided the area MEN resistance does not exceed 10. Page 38 of 42 Energex Limited 2013

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Indoor Distribution Substations 10 max local earth and area CMEN. Connect two down leads to earth mat if substation is not on level directly above ground. Free-standing 11kV RMU or Connect all items to 10 max ground-mounted switch local earth and area CMEN.

1 max 1 max

N/A separate HV and LV earthing must not be used.

Steel or Concrete Pole LV Only Steel or Concrete Pole 11kV Only

N/A An earth wire linking the pole to the area MEN is required for CMEN configuration. Connect pole and all items to 30 max local earth and area CMEN. Connect pole and all items to 30 max local earth and area CMEN.

_ 1 max

_ Connect tank to 10 max local earth. Min. 5m separation between HV earth and any structure/building or LV earth and maximum separation of downleads on pole. _ .LV earth must be bonded to pole, 30 max. Except for Remote (non-urban) _ Locations8, conduct a risk-based assessment9.

10 max _

Steel or Concrete Pole 11kV and LV

1 max

Except for Remote (non-urban) Locations, conduct a risk-based assessment.

LV earth must not be in direct contact 10 with pole and minimum separation of max 4m from pole to LV earth electrodes LV earths/neutral must be insulated from pole, e.g. use LVABC or timber LV cross-arm, and LV earth downleads in conduit.

These poles are considered conductive. For concrete poles there is generally an internal connection between a local butt earth (stainless steel base plate) and an earthing ferrule. Any directly-buried conductive poles that are fully coated with an insulating compound (eg paint or epoxy) below ground must be fitted with a dedicated earth rod. 8 Except for Remote means Frequented or Special Locations. Special locations include school grounds, playgrounds, public swimming pool areas, beaches, water recreation areas or public thoroughfares with in 100m of the above-named areas. 9 The non-standard earthing arrangement must comply with EG0 or AS/NZS7000. Mitigation measures such as pole base insulation or grading rings may be required. Page 39 of 42 Energex Limited 2013

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33kV Overhead Earth Wire (OHEW) on Timber Pole10

33kV Overhead Earth Wire (OHEW) on Concrete Pole


Connect 33kV earth to separate 30 max local earth at least 4m from CMEN earth. 11kV and LV items connected in accordance with CMEN requirement. Avoid use of concrete poles in this configuration if possible. Connect all 33kV, 11kV and LV items to 30 max local earth and area CMEN. Connect pole to LV neutral. Connect catenary and sheaths to 30 max local earth and area CMEN.

1 max

Connect 33kV and 11kV earths to Connect any LV earths to local earth electrode and area MEN. 30 max local earth. Min. 4m spacing from any LV earths, and maximum separation of downleads on pole.

10 max

Transmission Poles

Connect 33kV earth, 11kV earths and LV earths/neutral must be insulated 10 pole to 30 max local earth. Except from pole, eg use LVABC or timber max LV cross-arm, and LV earth for Remote (non-urban) Locations6, downleads in conduit. pole base insulation is required to 2.4m from ground or non-standard earthing design required7. _ 1 Connect 11kV catenary and sheaths max to 30 max local earth. Min. 4m spacing between HV and any LV earths and maximum separation of downleads on pole. No 11kV or LV earths are permitted on these poles. Consequently no 11kV plant can be mounted on these poles, and LV earths/neutral must be insulated from the pole, e.g. use LVABC or timber LV cross-arm. Except for Remote (non-urban) Locations, for steel or concrete poles, insulation is required to 2.4m from ground or non-standard earthing design required.

1 max


In special cases where a conflict exists between OHEW earthing and other earths, the OHEW downlead may be omitted on a pole provided that adjacent poles have OHEW connected to earth. Page 40 of 42

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Appendix 2 Summary of Clearances from Telecommunications Equipment

Customer equipment Pillars / Cabinets Cable pits / Manholes Non insulated metal sheathed cables Guard wires Miscellaneous Telstra earths Payphones CONDUCTIVE POLES SUPPORTING HV LINES - Separate HV & LV earthing - OHEW or CMEN POLE MOUNTED DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS - Separate HV & LV earthing - CMEN on Wood Pole insulated downlead - CMEN on Wood Pole uninsulated downlead - CMEN on Conductive Pole ABS on WOOD POLE 1m SWER TRANSFORMERS POLES WITH HV EARTH eg. HV UG Cable Term., OHEW earth, Recloser, Surge Arrester LV EARTH ANY OTHER POLE 15m 15m 0.3m 1m 1m 50m 15m 1m 1m 15m 2m 15m 1m 2m 2m


Includes: Radio Sites Above-Ground Equipment Housings

15m 15m 15m 15m 15m 15m

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Appendix 3 Amendment Record

Amendment 1.3 1.2 1.1 Date 12/04/2013 01/12/2012 31/10/2012 Description Revised minor error in section 7.4.1 change responsibility from designer to planner as per Standard Alert 259. Revised Section 7.4 and 7.6.2 to clarify CMEN tie to HV ground mounted plant in situations where there is no LV neutral interconnections. Updated Section 3.4 with 1440mm earth rods. Fixed typo on page 1. Initial IssueMaterial excised from Supply and Planning Manual into stand -alone document. Added material on underground networks, CCT and HVABC. Upgraded material on streetlights. Added diagrams and section on earthing locations. Expanded section on earthing electrodes. Increased earth lead size for indoor substations with remote earths to 120mm 2. Expanded on special locations and situations where a risk assessment in accordance with AS/NZS 7000 / EG0 is required. Amended requirements for upgrading CMEN existing substations without neutral/earth tie to other substations. Added appendices summarising earthing installation target values and telecommunications clearances.



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