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Edward P. Tyson, M.D.

3811 Bee Caves Rd., Ste 200, Austin, TX 78746 Ph. (512) 380-9999 Fax: (512) 380-0072

Payment Policies This office is a fee-for-service practice. Therefore, we expect payment at the time of service unless arrangements are made PRIOR to the visit. We accept cash, check, VISA, or MasterCard. Missed Appointments Without Adequate Prior Notice Because we schedule large segments of Dr. Tysons time for appointments, we must charge for missed appointments. If you must reschedule or cancel an appointment, you must notify us 24 hours in advance to avoid a charge. Please Note: Charges for missed appointments will be at the full rate. If you are calling after hours or over the weekend, you need to leave a message with the answering service. They will fax us with the date and time you called, but, again, we must receive that on a business day at least 24 hours before your appointment. We, of course, make exceptions for true emergencies. Finance Charge Policy Please note that any outstanding balances are subject to finance charge if not paid at the designated and agreed upon intervals. Returned Check Policy Also be aware that returned checks are costly to you and us. Not only will your bank charge you, we will charge you a fee of $25 and insist on cash or credit card in the future.

I have read and understand all of the above policies. By signing below, I verify that I understand and agree to comply with those policies and that all questions have been answered sufficiently. Date: ________________________ Signature of Patient: __________________________________________ Signature of responsible party (if different from above): __________________________________________

Copyright 2010 Dr. Edward P Tyson, MD

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Edward P. Tyson, M.D.

3811 Bee Caves Rd., Ste 200, Austin, TX 78746 Ph. (512) 380-9999 Fax: (512) 380-0072

Date: Patient:

______________________________ ______________________________

Fax No.: ______________________________

Agreement To Pay for Missing an Initial Appointment Without Adequate Notice Because we must schedule two (2) hours for an initial visit and because of the demand for these appointment times, we cannot afford to have patient slotsespecially of that magnitudego unused. Therefore we require that all new patients agree to give us at least 24-hour notice if they cannot make the appointment. Failure to do so will result in a charge of $215.00, even if the patient never returns for an appointment. Because of others failure to show for appointments we have found it necessary to institute this policy. This agreement does not apply in the event of a true emergency (as determined by this office). This agreement must be signed and returned to us by fax or mail before an appointment time can be guaranteed. Our fax number is 512-380-0072.

By signing below, I agree to pay the sum of two hundred fifteen dollars ($215.00) to Edward P. Tyson, M.D. if I do not give notice of 24 hours in advance canceling the initial appointment. ______________________________ Patient signature ______________________________ Date _________________________________ Responsible party signature _________________________________ Relationship to patient

How To Contact Dr. Tyson Dr. Tyson is very available to his patients. Because of the special areas that he treats and the scarcity of other physicians who treat these problems, he tries to be available--even when on vacation, out of the state, or even out of the country. His patients and their families have traditionally not been abusive of this availability. Please be aware that every contact with Dr. Tyson for any therapeutic or other patient management issues is subject to a charge. In general, any communication requiring 5 minutes or more time will be charged at an appropriate level, depending on the time spent. These contacts include discussions with patients families, therapists, attorneys, schools, and other similar phone calls or e-mails. Also, letters to insurance companies, special information to other parties, and other kinds of communication also require a charge. We will be glad to discuss with you any aspects of this matter.
Copyright 2010 Dr. Edward P Tyson, MD

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Edward P. Tyson, M.D.

3811 Bee Caves Rd., Ste 200, Austin, TX 78746 Ph. (512) 380-9999 Fax: (512) 380-0072

Below are listed the best ways to contact Dr. Tyson for appointments and for emergencies. Please try to follow the sequence described below. To contact Dr. Tyson, follow this sequence: 1. During office hours, please call the office first at 512-380-9999 and they will take a message for me. 2. After hours or when you cannot get anyone at the office, call him on his cell phone at 512-496-1504. If there is an immediate emergency, call that number twice in a row--that indicates to Dr. Tyson that you need him immediately. 3. If the above are unsuccessful and it is urgent or an emergency, you can try him at home at 512-894-4335. 4. If Dr. Tyson goes out of town, he leaves his contact information at the office and often with his patients. You may contact him there as well. Should he not return your call in a reasonable time (he may be with a patient or in a meeting, etc.), please try again. Dr. Tyson has a cell phone with nationwide coverage. However, there are areas that are dead zones where calls may not get through. If you do not hear from him, keep trying. During office hours, again, can contact the office to assist. Note: For life-threatening emergencies, you should always call 911 or go to the emergency room. I have read and understand the above and all my questions have been answered. __________________________________ Date __________________________________ Patient signature ____________________________________ Parent or Legal Guardian if patient is a minor

Copyright 2010 Dr. Edward P Tyson, MD

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Edward P. Tyson, M.D.

3811 Bee Caves Rd., Ste 200, Austin, TX 78746 Ph. (512) 380-9999 Fax: (512) 380-0072

Our Policy on Insurance This is a fee-for-service practice. We do not accept insurance for office visits or participate in any special insurance plans. At the time of visit, we will provide a form containing the necessary information needed for you to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement. While we make a considered effort to fill out those forms in a careful manner to enhance reimbursement, we cannot make any guarantees regarding how much, or even if, you will be reimbursed by your insurance company. Remember that you are the one who has a contract with that company and you should be very familiar with your companys policy. It is our experience that when the doctor has to be the one responsible to negotiate and haggle with the insurance company, it can result in one or more of the following: 1. Higher cost, as it takes time, extra personnel, and delays paymentall of which costs money for the patient or patients family and physician. 2. Delays in payment and increased hassle factor for the physician eventually trickles down to diminished eagerness to see those patients whose insurance takes longer and pays less. 3. Insurance companies fight long, drawn-out battles that they usually win by attrition. 4. Distortion of the physician-patient relationship, which affects the quality of care.

Without the obligations to the insurance company, perhaps over those to the patient, allows one to be freer to advocate for the patient about the care recommended by the physician. We do our best to be accurate and complete in transmitting our medical assessments and plans to the insurance companies, when asked to do so, and we are eager to do so to help our patients get appropriate reimbursement. If you have any questions about these issues, please feel free to ask us.

Copyright 2010 Dr. Edward P Tyson, MD

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Edward P. Tyson, M.D.

3811 Bee Caves Rd., Ste 200, Austin, TX 78746 Ph. (512) 380-9999 Fax: (512) 380-0072

Eating disorders and insurance Dealing with insurance companies for my patients with eating disorders, their families, and myself has often been an exercise in frustration, inappropriate denials, nonsense, incompetence, and more. They frequently delay what payment is eventually given (if any), and it is often greatly reduced from what is reasonable, in my opinion, no matter how serious the problem. In my opinion, this is a primary reason why there are relatively few treatment centers for the treatment of eating disorders. You may have already discovered this lack of resources for eating disorders when you were searching for care. I do try my best to document and delineate accurately the medical from the psychological care on the forms that I give to you to file for reimbursement. This is because reimbursement has always different for each of these. Traditionally, psychological/psychiatric/counseling care is reimbursed at lower amounts and has more restrictions. I try to be careful in my distinctions between these two types of care on those forms, although sometimes it can be difficult to separate them. The recent changes in national law passed in November 2008 regarding parity coverage for mental illnesses and which came into effect in January 2010 were hopeful in this regard. How the more recent federal health care law will affect coverage is uncertain but not necessarily hopeful from my understanding of the massive bill. It appears that insurance companies are becoming more burdensome in their requirements they force onto treatment centers and physicians as well as patients and their families. This is especially true regarding residential treatment. That includes medical care for severe and life-threatening problems, such as cardiac conduction and rhythm disturbances, bleeding from the stomach, dehydration, osteoporosis, stress fractures, and so on. Therefore, I recommend you anticipate and prepare for difficulties like this. Get educated and scrutinize how your claims are handled (please see the primer I have included with these forms). The National Eating Disorder Association (NEDA) has a website and on it has information that I helped write regarding how to deal with insurance issues. I will give you availability and thoughtful and special care. However, I will not accept insurance for office visits unless a single case agreement is negotiated. As stated earlier, I will provide for you information you can submit to get reimbursement. It will not be my responsibility to deal with your insurance company. I will communicate as required with the insurance company. Anything that takes significant time, however, will be billed to you. I hope you do get reimbursed as much as is possible for the care you receive.

I have read and understood all of the above and all and all of my questions have been answered.

___________________________________ _____ NAME ________________________________________ PATIENT SIGNATURE

_______________________________ DATE _______________________________ PARENT OR GUARDIAN SIGNATURE (if patient is a minor)

Copyright 2010 Dr. Edward P Tyson, MD

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