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Decentralized Distribution Generation (DDG) Projects under Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana

Format for Preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR)

June 2009

Reference No. (DPR No.):________________(for official use) Date of preparation of DPR: ________________ (month / year) Name of the State: ________________ Name of the District: ________________ Name of Village(S) / Hamlet(s):__________________ Technology chosen: ___________________

Estimated Project Cost (Rs. Lakhs): _________________


1.0 2.0

Executive Summary 1 Introduction (Village profile).. 3 Village Energy Plan 5


4.0 Estimation of Load Demand and Energy Demand.. 5.0

Technology Selection Decision 9

6.0 Design Details of the Power Plant and Estimated Costs.. 7.0 Project Management and Monitoring Plan 8.0



Baseline Information for Calculating Emission Reductions from Carbon Trading Schemes.. 16

9.0 Check List for Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) . 10.0 Bar / Pert Chart for Project Erection and Commissioning.



This document provides a format to be followed for preparing the Detailed Project Report (DPR) for the DDG projects to be established under the Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana.


Executive Summary A brief about the project, including the Technology chosen, System Configuration and Cost Parameters
Name of the village (s) selected (1)___________________________ (2)___________________________ ()__________________________


1.2 1.3 1.4

No. of village (s) selected _____________________________ Village GPS coordinates Name of the hamlet (s) selected (1)___________________________ (2)___________________________ ()__________________________ ________ latitude _______ longitude

1.5 1.6

No. of hamlet (s) selected _____________________________ Name of the District _____________________________


Name of the State _____________________________


Implementing agency

_____________________________ _____________________________


Address of Implementing Agency

Address: _____________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ Tel. _________________________ Fax: _________________________ Mob: ________________________ Email: _______________________

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1.8.2 1.8.3

Name of Contact person at Implementing Agency Contact details

_____________________________ Designation: _________________ ____________________________ Address: _____________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ Tel. _________________________ Fax: _________________________ Mob: ________________________ Email: _______________________

1.9 1.9.1 1.9.2 1.9.3 1.9.4 1.10 1.10.1 1.10.2 1.10.3 1.10.4 1.11 1.11.1

No. of Households: No. of BPL Households No. of non-BPL Households Total no. of Households Total population (as per Census 2001) Estimated Load Demand: Household lighting & other Community services, including streetlights Non-domestic / productive Total estimated load demand Type of technology selected: Small hydro / Diesel generating sets powered by biofuels / Diesel generating sets / gas through biomass gasification / Technology selected _____________________________

engine powered by producer gas generated _____________________________ Diesel _____________________________ generating sets / gas engine powered by biogas (animal waste) / Solar photo voltaic / Wind hybrid systems / Other hybrid options, including any new technology; etc 1.12 1.13 1.13.1 1.13.2 1.13.3 1.13.4 Proposed DDG capacity (in kW) Estimated Project Cost (in Rs Lakhs): A. Capital cost B. Cost of spare parts C. Cost of providing power minus cost of recovery for 5 years i) Cost of preparing DPR ii) Cost of Social Engineering D. Total Soft Cost (i+ ii) ___________________________kW

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1.13.5 1.14 1.14.1

Total (A+B+C+D) (Rs. Lakhs) Tariff Proposed tariff (i) (ii) Per Households Per Non-households (streetlight, non-domestic / productive, common facilities, etc.)


Present grid tariff in neighbourhood (i) (ii) For domestic households (Rs/unit) Non-households (streetlight, nondomestic / productive, common facilities, etc.) (Rs./unit)


Cost of power supply for 5 years (Rs. Lakhs)


Introduction (Village profile)

This section should provide a brief description of the village area and population details. The geographical location of the village within the State and District should be shown on map as an attachment. This section should cover the village level information obtained through Focused Group Discussions (FGD) and village survey. The FGD should generate the social and resource map of the village and these maps should be attached with the DPR. Note: If more than one village / hamlet has been selected for the project, the Consultant preparing the DPR is required to fill Section 2.0 for each village / hamlet selected.


Name of the village / hamlet

Name of the village / Hamlet _____________________________ _____________________________

2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.9.1 2.9.2 2.9.3

Village Census Code Village GPS coordinates Name of Gram Panchayat Name of Block Whether it is Tribal Block Name of District Name of the State Approach to the village: Distance from block HQ (Km) Type of Road (tar road or katcha road) If Katcha Road: Distance from tar road head

_____________________________ _______ latitude _______ longitude

Yes / No

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(km) 2.9.4 2.9.5 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.12.1 Distance from nearest 11 kV line (Km) Distance from nearest 0.4 kV line (km) Total Area of village (ha) No. of Hamlets in Village Total Population (as per 2001 census): A. No. of BPL households No. of SC households No. of ST households No. of other households 2.12.2 B. No. of Non-BPL households No. of SC households No. of ST households No. of other households 2.12.3 2.13 Total (A+B) When is grid power supply expected (Mark ) (Within 1 year) (1 to 2 years) (2 to 3 years) (3 to 5 years) (more than 5 years) 2.14 2.14.1 2.14.2 2.14.3 2.14.4 2.14.5 Details of common facilities: No. of Schools No. of Public health centres No. of Panchayat bhawans No. of Community buildings Others (specify) i) ii) iii) 2.15 2.15.1 Is clustering with other villages / hamlets (outside the village selected) possible? Name of village (s) where clustering is possible (1)___________________________ (2)___________________________ ()__________________________ 2.15.2 Distance of these villages from the village / hamlet selected (in km) (1)___________________________ (2)___________________________ ()__________________________ 2.15.3 Name of hamlet (s) (outside the village selected) where clustering is possible (1)___________________________ (2)___________________________ i) ii) iii) Yes / No

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()__________________________ 2.15.4 Distance of these hamlets from the village / hamlet selected (in km) (1)___________________________ (2)___________________________ ()__________________________ 2.16 2.16.1 Socio economic details: Type of Land ownership in which DDG is proposed (Mark ) Gram Panchayat Government Community Private Land

Others (Specify)_____________
2.16.2 Main lively hood activity (1)___________________________ (2)___________________________ ()__________________________ 2.16.3 Main Employment (1)___________________________ (2)___________________________ ()__________________________ 2.16.4 2.16.5 2.17 Average household annual income (Rs.) Average household annual expenditures (Rs.) Any local NGOs already associated with the village / hamlet If Yes, Name of the NGO 2.18 Whether renewable energy systems already installed in the village (including solar home lighting systems) Yes / No Type _____________ _____________ _____________ Nos ________ ________ ________ Yes / No


Village Energy Plan

This section should give the load for the village and estimate the capacity of the power plant and shall also estimate the energy required to be generated for five years from the date of commissioning. While computing the load, provision of 2 light points (2 x 11/18 W) and one socket (80W) may be considered for each household, unless the households demand differently. This section should provide the details of the energy consumption pattern for the domestic/ commercial uses within the village. It should also provide the details (type and quantity) of the availability of renewable energy resources in the village including the seasonal variation, as also the possibility of generating such resources in future like plantation activity for biofuel/biomass projects. To assess the load and energy demand household and village survey should be conducted based on Focused Group Discussions

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(FGD).Data has to be captured for the entire village / hamlet (kerosene, firewood, animal waste, solar devices, batteries etc)

3.1 3.1.1

Existing energy consumption sources, quantity, and prices paid for them Domestic (lighting) (Kerosene) Source Total Nos. of households Quantity (Lts) Average Rs./month spent by household


Domestic (lighting) (Solar) Source Total Nos. of households Quantity Average Rs./month spent by household


Domestic (entertainment / TV / Music system / Radio) (battery / solar) Source Total Nos. of households Average Rs./month spent by household


Non-domestic/productive (Diesel) Source Total Nos. of households Quantity (Lts) Average Rs./month spent by household


Any other (Specify) Source Total Nos. of households Quantity Average Rs./month spent by household Willingness to pay for monthly energy bill (Rs. / month) 30-40 40-60 60-80 80-100 >100

3. 2

%age willing to pay

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Estimation of Load Demand and Energy Demand

This section addresses the load demand, the energy demand and the daily operational hours. This also focuses on anticipated yearly percentage increase in energy demand and five years energy demand for the village.

4.1 4.1.1

Estimation of load: A. No. of households No. : Average Load KW Total load ______________ kW


B. No. of streetlights

No. : Average Load KW Total load ______________ kW


C. Non-domestic / Productive load

No. : Average Load KW Total load ______________ kW


D. Common facilities (Total load for Schools, Public health centres, Panchayat bhawans, Community buildings, etc.) Total load ______________ kW No. : Average Load KW Total load ______________ kW

Schools load

Public health centres load

No. : Average Load KW Total load ______________ kW

Panchayat bhawans load

No. : Average Load KW Total load ______________ kW

Community buildings load

No. : Average Load KW Total load ______________ kW


E. Any other load (Specify)

No. : Average Load KW Total load ______________ kW


F. Total load (A+B+C+D+E)

Total load _______________ kW

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Nos. of operational hours per day (Min. 6-8 hours/day)

Total hrs ____________ per day

4.3 4.4 4.5

Anticipated Peak Load Attach hourly load curve Suggested DDG capacity (1.5 x peak load as per load curve)

_______________ kW Attached

_______________ kW

4.6 4.6.1

Estimated Annual Energy demand for 5 years: a. Annual Energy Demand for 1st Year (Covered area as per load curve x 365) _______________ kWH


b. Anticipated annual %age increase in energy demand

_______________ %age

4.6.3 4.6.4 4.6.5 4.6.6 4.6.7 4.7

c. Annual Energy Demand for 2nd Year (a + b%) # d. Annual Energy Demand for 3rd Year (c + b%) # e. Annual Energy Demand for 4th Year (d + b%) # f. Annual Energy Demand for 5th Year (e + b%) #

________ kWH ________ kWH ________ kWH ________ kWH ________ kWH _______________ kW

Total Energy Demand for 5 years (a+c+d+e+f) Suggested DDG capacity = annual energy demand for 5th year / (365 days x nos. of operational hours per day)


Proposed DDG capacity (among 4.5 and 4.7 which ever has higher value) _______________ kW (a) 440 V, 3 phase (b) 220 V, 1 phase # Next annual Energy Demand would be current annual energy demand plus the anticipated %age increase in energy demand.


Generation voltage (Mark )

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Technology Selection Decision

This section captures data for selection of appropriate technology options best suited for the village and shall consider the sustainability of such DDG projects. understanding on the selection of technology. Provide methodology and calculation to show how estimated generation capacity available has been arrived at only for selected technology (if required, please attach an annexure to the DPR) The decision flow chart as mentioned in the DDG guidelines may be referred for a better

5.1 5.1.1

Option 1: Small-hydro: Availability of water through out the year If No mention the Nos. of months per year water availability Yes / No ____________________ ____________ latitude ____________ longitude


GPS coordinates of upstream water head


Head Maximum ___________________ m Minimum ___________________ m Average ___________________ m


Discharge Maximum ___________________ lps Minimum ___________________ lps Average ___________________ lps


Whether power can be made available for at least 6-8 hrs per day throughout the year

Yes / No If No, how many days can it provide power for at least 6-8 hours per day ______________

5.1.6 5.1.7 5.2 5.2.1 5.2.2

Estimated power generation capacity available Whether power generation project capacity available is sufficient to meet the load Option 2: Biofuels based DDG: Quantity of biofuel seed available within the village and nearby Availability of degraded lands / wastelands where energy plantations like Jatropha / Pongamia etc can be undertaken

______________________ kW Yes / No

____________________ Tons Yes / No

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Area available under degraded lands / wastelands where energy plantations like Jatropha / Pongamia etc can be undertaken

____________________ ha


Whether power can be made available for 6-8 hrs per day throughout the year

Yes / No If No, how many days can it provide power for 6-8 hours per day _______________

5.2.5 5.2.6 5.3 5.3.1 5.3.2

Estimated power generation capacity available Whether power generation project capacity available is sufficient to meet the load Option 3: Biomass based DDG: Availability of biomass Type and quantity of biomass available

_______________________kW Yes / No

Yes / No Type (i) (ii) (iii) () Total quantity Quantity (Tons / yr)

5.3.3 5.3.4

Land available for energy plantations Whether power can be made available for at least 6-8 hrs per day throughout the year

_____________________ ha Yes / No If No, how many days can it provide power for at least 6-8 hours per day ______________

5.3.5 5.3.6 5.4 5.4.1

Estimated power generation capacity available Whether power generation project capacity available is sufficient to meet the load Option 4: Biogas based DDG: Nos. of cattle available and quantity of dung available

_______________________kW Yes / No

Nos. of cattle Cows ________ Buffaloes _____ Goats ________ Sheep _______ Pigs _________ Other cattle ___

Quantity (tons/yr)

Total quantity 5.4.2 Common grazing Yes / No

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Whether power can be made available for at least 6-8 hrs per day throughout the year

Yes / No If No, how many days can it provide power for at least 6-8 hours per day ______________

5.4.4 5.4.5 5.5 5.5.1 5.5.2 5.5.3 5.5.4 5.5.5

Estimated power generation capacity available Whether power generation project capacity available is sufficient to meet the load Option 5: SPV based DDG Availability of land for setting of SPV power plant Area of land available Insolation level (KWH/sq meter/day) Nos. of sunny days available per year Whether power can be made available for at least 6-8 hrs per day throughout the year

_____________________kW Yes / No

Yes / No ___________________ ha

___________________ days/yr Yes / No If No, how many days can it provide power for at least 6-8 hours per day ______________

5.5.6 5.5.7 5.6 5..6.1 5.6.2

Estimated power generation capacity available Whether power generation project capacity available is sufficient to meet the load Option 6: Wind farm Average wind speed Nos. of days available for wind power generation per year

____________________kW Yes / No

________________ m/s ___________________ days/yr

5.6.2 5.6.3 5.6.6

Availability of land for wind farm Area of land available Whether power can be made available for at least 6-8 hrs per day throughout the year

Yes / No ________________ ha Yes / No If No, how many days can it provide power for at least 6-8 hours per day ______________

5.6.7 5.6.8

Estimated power generation capacity available Whether power generation project capacity available is sufficient to meet the load

___________________kW Yes / No

5.7 5.7.1

Option 7: Standby option Vicinity of closest diesel station _______________ km

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5.8 5.8.1

Option 6: Hybrid option (wind/diesel, wind/solar or any other newer technological option) Hybrid options (i) (ii) (iii) (..) Estimated power generation capacity (kW) (i) (ii) (iii) (..) Nos. of days / year power available


Estimated total power generation capacity available ___________________kW Yes / No If No, how many days can it provide power for at least 6-8 hours per day_______________


Whether power can be made available for at least 6-8 hrs per day throughout the year

5.8.4 5.9

Whether power generation project capacity available is sufficient to meet the load Technology selected*

Yes / No

* Provide methodology and calculation to show how estimated generation capacity

available has been arrived at only for selected technology (if required, please attach as annexure to the DPR).


Design details of the power plant and estimated costs

This section provides the system design details, including energy plantation requirements, the intended energy services as also any value addition in terms of setting up micro enterprises that may be established on account of availability of electricity. All the costs of the project have to be estimated to cost of completion. All the cost figures mentioned in this section should be Estimated Cost of Project Completion


Description of the selected technology

______________________ ______________________


Schematic diagram indicating the location of Yes / No the power plant, the distribution network, Common facilities, non-domestic / productive, etc. on village map


GPS coordinates for proposed power plant

________ Latitude ______ Longitude

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Item description

Quantity (nos.)

Unit rate (Rs)

Cost (Rs)

6.4 6.4.1

Capital Cost Engine / generator name & Cost i) ii) iii) a. Estimated sub-total cost


Auxiliary systems name & Cost i) ii) ii) b. Estimated sub-total cost


All associated Civil Works i) ii) ii) c. Estimated sub-total cost


Distribution Network with necessary control equipments Cost Poles Conductor / cables Insulators LT switch gear MCB Others Items: i) ii) iii) d. Estimated sub-total cost


Initial estimated capital cost for plantation for bio-mass gasification / bio fuel projects only (a) Land type for plantation (degraded land / waste land / etc) (b) Plantation Area Available (ha) e. Estimated sub-total cost

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Initial capital cost for non-domestic / productive load i) ii) iii) f. Estimated sub-total cost

6.4.7 6.5

A. Estimated capital cost (a+b+c+d+e+f) Spare parts for 5 years i) ii) iii) iv) B. Estimated sub-total cost

6.6 6.6.1 6.6.2

Cost of power supply for 5 years Year a) No. of units to be supplied each year b) Unit cost of power generation (cost of generation calculated based on only O&M cost) 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

6.6.3 6.6.4

c) Total cost of power supply for each year(a x b) Proposed tariff (i) (ii) Per Households Per Non-households (streetlight, nondomestic / productive, common facilities, etc.)


Revenue collection from household 1. Nos. of Households 2. Proposed tariff per household d) Total revenue collection (1 x 2)


Revenue collection from non-household 3. Nos. of non-households 4. Proposed tariff per non-household (streetlights, non-domestic/productive, common facilities, etc.) e) Total revenue collection (3 x 4)

6.6.7 6.6.8 6.6.9

f) Revenue collection for each year (d + e) g) Cost of power supply for each year (f - c) C. Cost of power supply for 5 years (sum of 5 years)

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Item description 6.7 Estimated Soft cost i) ii) D. Estimated sub-total cost 6.8 Estimated total project cost * (A+B+C+D) (in Rs.)

Quantity (nos.)

Unit rate (Rs)

Cost (Rs)

* All the cost figures mentioned should be Estimated Cost for Project Completion 6.9 Mention the source of 10% of the project cost (Mark ) Own Funds Loan from REC Any other source (specify)


Project Management and Monitoring Plan

This section should provide the overall management plan and implementation schedule for all the project activities. This section should mention the project monitoring mechanism, and try to estimate probable impacts of the DDG project in the village and also develop the probable parameters and indicators that could be monitored for ex post impact analysis of the project. This section should also describe any possible constrains for successful project implementation. Implementation Methodology: Based on the DPR document, the Implementing Agency has to prepare the Bid Document for successful implementation. In case the Implementing Agency does not have in-house expertise themselves to prepare the Bid Document and for project implementation and management, they can avail the services of a Consultant to prepare the Bid Document and for project management and implementation. The suggested BAR / PERT Chart to be enclosed as part of the DPR.

7.1 7.1.1 7.1.2

Roles and responsibilities of major stakeholders: Name of Project Implementation Agency Any Other Project Implementation Agency i) ii) iii)

7.2 7.3

Brief about the Institutional and management structure of Project Implementation Agency Suggest activity BAR / PERT chart for project erection and commissioning.

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7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.10 7.11 7.12

Describe Tendering and procurement procedures to be followed Provide the civil construction plan Duration of project (months) Suggest monitoring mechanism during erection and commissioning of the project Suggest the social & environmental impacts Greenhouse gas abatement Effect on local economy and commerce from the project Improvements of quality of life from the project Possible constraints for successful implementation of the project


Baseline information for calculating emission reductions from carbon trading schemes
This section should provide the baseline information for calculating the baseline emissions for the project activities. This information would be used for calculating the total emission reductions in terms of tones of CO2 for market based carbon trading mechanisms like the Clean Development Mechanism. Even in the case of the voluntary market, baseline data is available to use directly.


Grid in which the project activity is located (Mark ) Build Margin (EFBM) This is the emission factor (in t CO2/MWh) of power plants under construction/planned for construction that would be affected by the CDM project activity. The standard value is available from with the Central Electricity Authority (CEA) and can be used as such for CDM purposes. Operating Margin (EFOM) This is the emission factor (in t CO2/MWh) of existing power plants in the selected grid whose electricity generation would be affected by the CDM project activity. The standard value is available from with the Central Electricity Authority (CEA) and can be used as such for CDM purposes.

1. North, East, West, North East (NEWNE) Grid 2. Southern Grid



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Weighting of operating margin emissions factor, WOM (in %)


Weighting of build margin emissions factor, WBM (in %)

The following default values can be used: Small hydro 0.5 Biofuels 0.5 Biomass gasification 0.5 Biogas 0.5 Solar photovoltaic 0.75 Wind 0.75 The following default values can be used: Small hydro 0.5 Biofuels 0.5 Biomass gasification 0.5 Biogas 0.5 Solar photovoltaic 0.25 Wind 0.25 = EFOM x WOM + EFBM x WBM


Combined Margin (in t CO2/MWh)

Please refer the following web sites for more details: on.pdf %20e/

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Check list for detailed project reports (DPRs) of DDG projects to be implemented under RGGVY

S. Item Status as per DPR No. Administrative Clearances and Village Energy Plan 1. Certificate from State Government indicating the Implementing Agency for the state (indicative format enclosed Annex 1) Selection of village / hamlet: Whether the list of the village / hamlet has been selected in consultation with MNRE / SREDA (indicative format enclosed Annex 2) Village / hamlet map consisting of: a. Location of the power plant and energy source or energy plantation b. Location of the houses and line diagram of distribution network c. Roads, bridges, community centres, cultivation area, forest, etc Land Ownership for Power Plant Yes / No


Yes / No


a. Yes / No b. Yes / No c. Yes / No Gram Panchayat Government Community Private Land Others (Specify) Yes / No


No Objection Certificate from the owner in case the land is private land 5

Certificate by implementing agency Yes / No towards surrender of service charges @ 8% / 9% (indicative format enclosed Annex 3)

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S. No. System Details 1.


Status as per DPR


The chosen technology option shall be Yes / No able to supply power for 6-8 hrs per day throughout the year Details of sourcing balance 10% of the capital cost: certificate stating that implementing agency will meet the balance 10% capital cost on their own or will take loan from any financial institution or REC Yes / No



A Bar / PERT chart indicating time Yes / No schedule commensurate with activity. (Format enclosed Annex 4) Proposed Project Cost (capital cost, revenue cost and soft cost) (Rs. Lakhs) ____________ Ref. DPR at page no. _________________

Cost Details 4.

22 22

Annex 1 Indicative format for certifying Implementing Agency by the State Government <Date> <Ref. No.>
To, _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________

Subject: Certificate Identifying the Implementing Agency

This is with reference to the Guidelines for Decentralized Distributed Generation (DDG) launched by the Ministry of Power, Government of India under Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY) on January 12, 2009. This is to certify that <State Renewable Energy Development Agency> / <departments promoting renewable energy> / <State Utility> / <CPSU> will be the Implementing Agency for the village (s) / hamlet (s). Name of the Village(s) Name of the Hamlet(s)

Thanking you, Yours truly,

For State Government

22 22

Annex 2 Indicative format for certifying that the village (s) / hamlet (s) have been selected in consultation <Date> <Ref. No.> To, _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________

Subject: Certificate Selection of Village(s) / Hamlet (s) This is with reference to the Guidelines for Decentralized Distributed Generation (DDG) launched by the Ministry of Power, Government of India under Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY) on January 12, 2009. This is to certify that the list of village (s) / hamlet (s) to be electrified through DDG have been finalized by the <State Renewable Energy Development Agency> / <departments promoting renewable energy > in consultation with the State utilities and Ministry of New and Renewable Energy. Please enclose documentary evidence. Name of the Village(s) Name of the Hamlet(s)

Thanking you, Yours truly,

Authorized Representative <State Renewable Energy Development Agency>

22 22

Annex 3 Indicative format for certificate towards surrendering service charges @ 8% / 9 % <Date> <Ref. No.>
To, _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________

Subject: Certificate for Surrendering Service Charges

This is with reference to the Guidelines for Decentralized Distributed Generation (DDG) launched by the Ministry of Power, Government of India under Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY) on January 12, 2009. We hereby agree to surrender the service charges @ 8% / 9% of the project cost as charges for implementing the scheme towards financing the scheme for 5 years. Refer clause nos. 7 (i) and 16 (iv). Thanking you, Yours truly,

Authorized Representative <State Implementing Agencies or Central Public Sector Undertaking>

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Annex 4

10.0 BAR / PERT Chart for Project Erection and Commissioning

Fill up the proposed activity duration, start date, finish date and complete the bar chart.

Activity Nos. 1 2 3 4 5 6

Activities Preparation of DPR Approval of DPR by ISG / MC Bid document preparation & approval Bidding period (NIT to LOA) Supply of equipments Erection, Installation and Commissioning Total Duration (Months)

Maximum Activity Duration (Months)^ 3 2 1 3 6 3 18

Proposed Activity Duration (Months)

Start Date

Finish Date










^ Maximum activity duration is 18 months, if possible, try to reduce the duration.

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