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Cottage industries of Bangladesh

problems and prospects

Explain main cottage industries of Bangladesh.

Cottage industries" is a term that was used prevalently during the eighteenth and nineteenth and centuries to describe the home-based system of manufacturing. Main feature of this industry is small investment, simple technology and expert training. According to the new Industrial policy of 1999, industry runs by 50 labors with investment less than ten cores, are regarded as the small and cottage industries.

Main Cottage Industries of Bangladesh

The whole world is changing gradually and with this changing situation, the taste of the people has also changed. Medium and large scale industries are being established in order to simplify as well as expedite production. Although small in number, this type of industries has been established in Bangladesh. Due to free economy, this industry produces all commodities necessary for the medium and heavy industries, which were only produced by cottage industries. In this competitive situation, the following cottage industries are surviving: 1. Hand-loon industry: Among all other cottage industries, hand-loom is the most notable. The famous muslin share' produced in the hand-loom once stirred the world market. Currently, although share of this brand is not available, attractive shares of other brand, lunge and other hand-loom product are familiar every where. The districts of Dhaka, Naraganganj, Norsingdi, Comilla, Pabna, Bagerhat, Kushtia, Bhairab, Tangail and Rajshahi are famous for hand-loom industry. 2. Charka: Reeling of yarn by charka is nothing new in Bangladesh. Different types of popular dress materials and khadi are now-a-days produced with yarn reeled in the charka. In the northern area of Bangladesh especially in Rajshahi, cloths fabrics are produced from silk yarn for use of the people. A research project for producing silk yarn from silk cocoons was successfully completed by Rajshahi University in 1985-

86. For charka industry the districts of Comilla. Norshingdi, Tangail and Rajshahi are noteworthy. 3. Biri: Production of biri and bidi smoking although are not good for health, these have gained much popularity in the country. The low income earners taking cheap biri helped employ millions for people of the country. The low income earners taking cheap biri helped employ millions of people of the country in this industry. There are biri factories in Rangpur, Dinajpur, Jessore, Kushtia and other places of Bangladesh. 4. Leather: Many people are earning their livelihood by manufacturing shoes in different places of Bangladesh. Demand of leather shoes is increasing day by day as a result; importance of this industry is also gradually increasing. Apart from shoes, other attractive products are also being manufacturing by these factories. Millions of people are also earning their livelihood from leather industry.

5. Soap: Necessity of soap in the daily life of the people cannot be denied for neatness and cleanliness. Therefore, demand for soap is gradually increasing. There are small soap producing factories almost everywhere in Bangladesh. Soap factories are also there in the big cities of the country.

6. Silk: Silk shares manufacturing from silk are familiar almost everywhere of Bangladesh. A sizable quality of silk is produced in the northern areas of the country particularly in Rajshahi, Bogra, Pabna, and Dinajpur. Production of silk has also started in different location of the country for raising its volume. Silk production has attained success on experiment basis in the district of Bogra, Manikganj, comilla and Mymensingh.

7. Pottery: once upon a time there was demand for different items of pottery. A portion of people used to depend on this industry for their subsistence from generation to generation. Some of the pottery industry are almost abolished

8. Bamboo and Cane: Among other cottage industries bamboo and cane are important. Any product made of bamboo and cane locally is liked by all types of customers.

9. Couch-shell and oyster: The use of buttons made of oyster has fallen now a days; it was introduced and used by the people long ago. Many fashionable items are also now made of this and customers use the same in their houses.

10. Coconut fiber or coir: A large number of people are engaged in this industry, which are making mattress, cushion, ropes, mats etc. from coconut fiber.

11. Timber: Trees are intimately linked with daily life of human beings. Different types of attractive furniture are produced from timber available from trees. The use of timber will be long lasting. A section of people of Bangladesh is, therefore, maintaining their families with the help of this industry. 12. Iron: Various instruments necessary for agriculture production like spade etc. are made of iron and steel and a good number of people are engaged in the making of these instruments.

13. Weaving: A good number of women of this country are earning money for their livelihood from weaving industry in their houses. Embroidered bags, designable dress materials and other attractive items prepared by our skilled manpower are exported abroad.

14. Bell-metal: The bell-metal industry of Natore district with its age-old tradition of about 100years has been suffering from many problems are now it is day by day decaying. At present the industry is facing depression.

These are the main cottage industries which are now already established. In addition to the industries listed above, many other goods are produced domestically in this country. Different types of agricultural implements, soap, jute goods are commodities are produced by the people of this country and earning money for their subsistence.

Write the problems of cottage industries.

The importance of cottage industry in our economy of Bangladesh is very significant. But this industry faces a host of different on the way to the development. Expansion of cottage in Bangladesh has taken place only in the rural areas. Therefore, a wide range or communication gap prevails between the rural skilled workmen and urban traders. So they are facing a number of problems, which can be listed below:

1. Lack of capital: Capital is the pre-requisite for development. It has no alternative for any kind of development. The poor villagers can not save money and therefore, the rate of there investment is also very low. So they have to lend money from the village money lenders. 2. Competition with heavy industries: In the recent past, the people of Bangladesh could not ever think of using their base necessaries of life other than cottage products. But now the taste of the customers has changed. They become interested to purchase industrial product since there are easily available at cheap rate. 3. Defects in the production technique: The quality and standard of the products of cottage industries, attractive design etc. are very often neglected. The general craftsmen are not getting the scope of education and training provided by the cottage industries research institute.

4. Shortage of raw materials: Production is also hampered for shortage of raw materials. Some businessmen and traders hoard raw for more profit and as a result, artificial crisis of raw is created in the market. 5. Want of electricity: electricity is necessary for production. It is essentially necessary for increasing production rapidly. Since it has not yet been possible to electrify all the rural areas, targeted development of cottage industry has not yet been achieved. 6. Unskilled laborer: Most of the labors engaged in cottage industry in Bangladesh are illiterate and unskilled. Although they possess some expertise in producing a particular commodity, they are unable to satisfy the customer taste. Demand for their products, therefore, is day by day decreasing. 7. Difficulties in marketing: Problem of marketing in another hindrance on the way to develop cottage industries. The producers can not hold their product for a long time for earning profit, rather they have to sell their products at a lower price to the mahajans to release invested money. 8. Absence of proper means of transport and communication: Developed means of transport and communication is the essential pre-requisites for transportation of commodities to the customers from one place to another. 9. Limited market: Sometimes the workmen manufacture beautiful products but it is difficult to locally sell these products due to lack of suitable customer. It is therefore, necessary to transport the same to city markets for selling to the appropriate customers. 10. Lack of patronization: Worthy and adequate patrons are necessary for development of cottage industry and we are lacking the same. Therefore, qualitative improvement in some of the products is not ensured. As a result cottage industries are gradually losing its value. 11. Lack of government assistance: The craftsmen are not getting necessary assistance for development of their industry from the government as needed. The poor artisans of the rural areas are deprived of credit facilities.

Write the measures for protecting cottage industries in Bangladesh.

"Cottage industries" is a term that was used prevalently during the eighteenth and nineteenth and centuries to describe the home-based system of manufacturing. Main feature of this industry is small investment, simple technology and expert training. According to the new Industrial policy of 1999, industry runs by 50 labors with investment less than ten cores, are regarded as the small and cottage industries. The importance of cottage industry in the economy of Bangladesh is very significant, but this industry faces a host of difficulties on the way to its development. It is necessary to patronize such an industry like cottage industry for maintaining balance in the economy of Bangladesh. A substantial part of total population of this country is maintaining livelihood from cottage industry. Therefore the following steps can be taken to continue this industry: To participate in different trade fairs both at home and abroad with a view to raising demand for cottage industry products. To export products of this industry. Not to allow such a large-scale industry to produce commodities, this can be produced by cottage industries for meeting domestic requirement. To advance loan to the genuine craftsmen or entrepreneurs after proper identification by the village member, chairman etc. To form co-operative society for the workmen of the cottage industries To impart training to the workmen and establish sales and purchase centers under government initiatives; and To supply sufficient implements for production. Cottage industry is one of the important programs for developing our rural economy. It bears immense importance for raising even a small chunk of family income through work during their leisure time of the unemployed

people. It is, therefore, necessary to raise individual, collective and government initiatives.

What are the future prospects of cottage industry in Bangladesh?

"Cottage industries" is a term that was used prevalently during the eighteenth and nineteenth and centuries to describe the home-based system of manufacturing. Main feature of this industry is small investment, simple technology and expert training. This term is also used today to refer to goods or services that are produced at home. Sewing, craft production, sales and marketing, typing, bookkeeping, and auto repair are just a few examples of home-based employment.

Role of cottage industry in Bangladesh is enormous. Economical problem of this country is gradually growing stronger. Crisis is being more and more than being solved. It has also become difficult to identify the dimensions of problems since employment opportunities are not being created to cope with the increasing manpower. In this situation, the increased people are struggling for subsistence. Some of them are earning a little either by treading or producing something at house. The goodwill of cottage industry is nothing new in this country. The muslin sari of Dhaka has heritage since the Mughal period. But for the lack of government assistance, the muslin industry has dwindled. The pottery also faced the same fate. Moreover, cottage products like kharam, hand driven machine for getting oil from oil seeds, husking pedal consisting of solid wooden body with a rod etc. are also decaying.

Industrialization of the country and formulation of policies in this respect are no doubt a praise-worthy initiative. Small industries grown up in the distant places of the country do not have much difference from the cottage ones. But since adequate care was not taken up for the development of cottage industries under the coverage of allowing

establishment of small industries in the rural areas by the industrial policy wants of the rural toiling masses are day by day increasing. Further, the cottage workman are being deprive from credit facilities. Government loan is hardly available to the workman of the far off places, for which the cottage industry is rapidly abolishing in spite of having adequate craftsmen for production of cottage industrial commodities. We all should, therefore, take utmost care to remove these difficulties for developing cottage industries. In the end, it can be said that, cottage industrial products of Bangladesh have worldwide market. It can be a fundamental method for socio-economic development of rural Bangladesh. It is, therefore, necessary to take appropriate steps for its development.

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