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SUBJECT: Niranjani QUESTION/FOCUS: DECK: Revelations Tarot by Zach W.

READER: PunkinF - Tarot Readers Circle

The Soul Mate Spread July 27, 2013

SIGNIFACTOR CARD: N/A. Position #1: What does my soul mate look like? Card #1: NINE OF CUPS Your soulmate is a gracious host to you and very generous. You will know your soulmate by the sense of contentment you will feel around this person. It is possible your soulmate is already currently in your life and makes you very happy literally a wish come true. Postion #2: How can we meet? Card #2: TEN OF PENTACLES Reversed You will meet your soulmate in a family setting (yours probably) and this person will come from or be present in your traditional setting of your hometown or family clan ( a distant cousin? ) or even well-loved church/temple/organization that you feel a sense of belonging for. I feel that you will meet or have met at a family event like hannuka/beltane/christmas/etc Position #3: What do we have in common? Card #3: QUEEN OF PENTACLES Reversed You will share the virtues of patience and self-reflection. You will both be practical and focused on making the very best of every resource that crosses your path. Position #4: What obstacles still have to be overcome? Card #4: SEVEN OF SWORDS Be aware that there are some secrets that are being kept from you. There is a potential for loss when this card appears so be aware and observant. Alternatively, this card may be advising you to learn to look out for yourself more. Its okay to be a little selfish sometimes and look out solely for your own needs. Position #5: What kind of task still has to be completed? Card #5: TEN OF CUPS The future is bright between you and soulmate. I feel that you and your soulmate have a shared purpose of creating or supporting happy family home life, creating trust and reputation with each othera relationship that has survived the test of time. Position #6: What does the future say about our future together? Card #6: KNIGHT OF WANDS Reversed I feel that the appearance of this card suggests that you, or him or both of you, are being hesitant. Keep in mind that the longer you wait, the slower the progress will be. If you dont make your move then the window of opporunity may be lost. Alternatively, perhaps you are being cautioned by the cards to watch out for a trip togetherit may not happen for some reason or that it will happen and maybe a little too hastily! There is a need to make careful but decisive moves towards successful culmination (ten of cups) between you two. Namaste

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