M. Gooz - Chronic Kidney Disease-Intech (2012)

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Edited by Monika Gz

Chronic Kidney Disease
Edited by Monika Gz

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Chronic Kidney Disease, Edited by Monika Gz
p. cm.
ISBN 978-953-51-0171-0


Preface IX
Chapter 1 ADAM Proteases as Novel Therapeutic Targets
in Chronic Kidney Disease 3
Monika Gz
Chapter 2 Severity and Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease 13
Syed Ahmed and Gerard Lowder
Chapter 3 The New Kidney and Bone Disease: Chronic Kidney Disease
Mineral and Bone Disorder (CKDMBD) 25
Igor G. Nikolov, Ognen Ivanovski and Nobuhiko Joki
Chapter 4 The Prevalence of Renal Osteodystrophy in Chronic
Renal Failure Patients in Urban Niger Delta of Nigeria 47
U. R. Onyemekeihia, C. O. Esume,
E. Unuigbe, E. Oviasu, L. Ojogwu
Chapter 5 Relationships Among Renal Function,
Bone Turnover and Periodontal Disease 73
Akihiro Yoshihara and Lisdrianto Hanindriyo
Chapter 6 Sarcoidosis and Kidney Disease 87
Tulsi Mehta, Anirban Ganguli and Mehrnaz Haji-Momenian
Chapter 7 Origins of Cardiorenal Syndrome
and the Cardiorenal Connection 107
L. G. Bongartz, M. J. Cramer and J. A. Joles
Chapter 8 Sub-Types and Therapeutic
Management of the Cardiorenal Syndrome 123
Margot Davis and Sean A. Virani
Chapter 9 Atherosclerotic Renovascular Disease 149
Gen-Min Lin, Chih-Lu Han, Chung-Chi Yang
and Cheng-Chung Cheng
VI Contents

Chapter 10 Pharmacologic Adjuvants to Reduce Erythropoietin
Therapy Dose in Anemia of Chronic Kidney Disease
and End Stage Renal Disease 161
Adeel Siddiqui, Aqeel Siddiqui and Robert Benz
Chapter 11 Molecular Mechanisms of
Nephro-Protective Action of HE-86 Liquid
Extract in Experimental Chronic Renal Failure 175
Li-qun He, Dong Feixia, Qiang Fu and Jun Li
Chapter 12 The Effects of Asymmetric Dimethylarginine (ADMA),
Nitric Oxide (NO) and Homocysteine (Hcy) on Progression
of Mild Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD): Relationship
Between Clinical and Biochemical Parameters 197
A. Atamer, S. Alisir Ecder, Y. Atamer,
Y. Kocyigit, N. Bozkurt Yigit and T. Ecder
Chapter 13 Neutrophil Activation and Erythrocyte
Membrane Protein Composition in Stage 5
Chronic Kidney Disease Patients 209
Elsio Costa, Lus Belo and Alice Santos-Silva
Chapter 14 Assessing Iron Status in CKD Patients:
New Laboratory Parameters 225
Elosa Urrechaga, Lus Borque and Jess F. Escanero
Chapter 15 Exogenous Fluorescent Agents for
the Determination of Glomerular Filtration Rate 251
Raghavan Rajagopalan and Richard B. Dorshow
Chapter 16 Modern Surgical Treatments of
Urinary Tract Obstruction 261
Bannakij Lojanapiwat
Chapter 17 Extra-Anatomic Urinary Drainage
for Urinary Obstruction 281
Michael Kimuli, John Sciberras and Stuart Lloyd
Chapter 18 Percutaneous Nephrostomy 297
Rameysh D. Mahmood, Lee Yizhi and Mark Tan M.L.
Chapter 19 Unusual Vascular Access for
Hemodialysis Therapies 315
Cesar A. Restrepo V
Chapter 20 The Role of Nephron-Sparing Surgery
(NSS) for Renal Tumours >4 cm 329
Amlie Parisel, Frederic Baekelandt,
Hein Van Poppel and Steven Joniau
Contents VII

Chapter 21 Benign Prostate Hyperplasia
and Chronic Kidney Disease 347
Ricardo Leo, Bruno Jorge Pereira and Hugo Coelho
Chapter 22 Asymptomatic Bacteriuria (ASB),
Renal Function and Hypertension 377
Suzanne Geerlings
Chapter 23 Sleep Disorders Associated with
Chronic Kidney Disease 385
Robert L. Benz, Mark R. Pressman and Iqbal Masood
Chapter 24 The Allo-Immunological Injury
in Chronic Allograft Nephropathy 401
I. Enver Khan, Rubin Zhang,
Eric E. Simon and L. Lee Hamm
Chapter 25 Prevention and Regression of Chronic
Kidney Disease and Hypertension 415
Hiroyuki Sasamura
Chapter 26 Health-Related Quality of Life in Chronic Renal
Predialysis Patients Exposed to a Prevention
Program Medelln, 2007-2008 431
Carlos E. Yepes Delgado, Yanett M. Montoya Jaramillo,
Beatriz E. Orrego Orozco and Daniel C. Aguirre Acevedo


Chronic kidney disease is an increasing health and economical problem in our world.
Obesity and diabetes mellitus, the two most common cause of CKD, are becoming
epidemic in our societies. Education on healthy lifestyle and diet is becoming more
and more important for reducing the number of type 2 diabetics and patients with
hypertension. Education of our patients is also crucial for successful maintenance
therapy. There are, however, certain other factors leading to CKD, for instance the
genetic predisposition in the case of polycystic kidney disease or type 1 diabetes,
where education alone is not enough.
When the first angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor, Captopril, was developed in
1975 it changed not only the treatment of hypertension, but of diabetic nephropathy
and other chronic kidney diseases. In the past forty years we did not have such a
breakthrough in the treatment of CKD. However, several valuable discoveries were
made which greatly enhanced our understanding of the role of nitric oxide and
mechanisms responsible for anemia and CKD-related bone diseases. Most certainly,
dialysis techniques have developed greatly over the past seventy years and have
become available for a wide range of people. Furthermore, advanced surgical
procedures and tools were developed in the past years to resolve ureteral obstructions
originating from stones or prostate hypertrophy. These modern techniques are
discussed in our book along with currently accepted procedures for kidney cancers.
How can we further improve the treatment of CKD patients? Besides prevention, the
most important aim would be to constantly look for, and try to understand the
mechanistic details of disease development and progression. Perhaps no other disease
is as complex and complicated as CKD since the symptoms result from the constant
interaction of multiple organ systems as is the case with cardiorenal syndrome, CKD-
related anemia, and bone diseases. Because of the interdisciplinary nature of the
disease, we need continuous communication between nephrologists, surgeons, and
basic scientists, since only our joint approach can lay down the foundation of the next
(bio)medical breakthrough. The chapters of our book introduce readers to this
enthusiastic approach.
I would like to thank all of our contributors for their valuable time and expertise and
for the high quality chapters which provide a greatly enjoyable reading experience. I
X Preface

also would like to thank my family and friends who supported me during the editing
process: my Mom and Dad, Pal and Adam, and Carol of course. I dedicate this book to

Monika Gz, MD PhD
Medical University of South Carolina
Charleston, SC,

ADAM Proteases as Novel Therapeutic Targets
in Chronic Kidney Disease
Monika Gz
Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC
1. Introduction
More than 20 million Americans suffer, and ultimately die, from chronic kidney disease
(CKD). Based on data from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney
Diseases (NIDDK), the yearly cost of dialysis treatment of patients with end stage renal
disease (ESRD) is currently $35 billion [1], and this number is predicted to rise as the US
population ages and more people develop obesity, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes. CKD
is associated with progressive renal fibrosis and inflammation, and currently there is no cure
for the disease.
The most common primary illnesses which result in end stage renal disease (ESRD) are
diabetes (~37%), hypertension (~24%), glomerulonephritis (~15%), cystic kidney diseases
(~4.7%) and urologic diseases (2.5%) [1]. There were 111,000 new ESRD patients diagnosed
in 2007 and out of a total of ~500,000 ESRD patients 368,500 people received dialysis
treatment in the same year. Dialysis patients have poor quality of life due to high
hospitalization rate (458/1000 patients in 2008), high morbidity and mortality (~20%) [1].
Presently, kidney transplant is the only option for these patients to have a close to normal
life. According to the US Renal Data System 2010 [1] however, out of the ~85,000 patients
awaiting transplant about 18,000 will receive kidney since the amount of available organs
did not increase significantly above this number for several years.
Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) and angiotensin receptor blockers
(ARBs) are widely used to attenuate the development of cardiovascular diseases and
support renal function in CKD patients. However, novel therapeutic targets are desperately
needed to effectively treat CKD and slow down disease progression.
Currently, there are about 2,000 clinical trials worldwide addressing some aspects and/or
co-morbidities of CKD [2]. These include treatment of anemia, hypertension, secondary
hyperparathyroidism, depression and inflammation among others. So far increasing
frequency and quality of dialysis did not show advantages in survival rate [2]. Similarly,
treatments targeting hypercholesterolemia [3] and hyperhomocysteinemia [4] or the usage
of statins [5] failed to increase significantly the survival of ESRD patients.
In recent years, we and others obtained exciting new data on the pathophysiological role of
the disintegrin and metalloenzyme ADAMs in renal fibrosis and CKD. This chapter is
dedicated to summerize these discoveries and discuss their significance and potential role in
the future treatment of patients with renal diseases.

Chronic Kidney Disease

2. Physiology of ADAMs and ADAMTS
ADAMs (a disintegrin and metalloenzymes) and ADAMTS (ADAMs with thrombospondin-
1-like domains) are membrane-bound multidomain proteins similar to snake venom
metalloenzymes and disintegrins. Both groups have pro-, metalloenzyme-like, disintegrin-
like and cysteine-rich domains, but compared to ADAMs ADAMTS do not possess
cytoplasmic or transmembrane regions. Catalytically active ADAMs are Zn
endopeptidases and are best known for their sheddase activity. They cleave epidermal
growth factor ligands, cytokines and their receptors, adhesion molecules and the infamous
amyloid precursor protein among others [6]. ADAMs participate in interreceptor crosstalk
between G protein coupled receptors (like angiotensin receptors [7], bradykinin receptors [8]
and serotonin receptors [9]) and members of the tyrosine kinase receptors (epidermal
growth factors receptor, tumor necrosis factor receptor) by shedding membrane-bound pro-
forms of tyrosine kinase ligands (Figure 1). ADAMs are indispensable for normal
development, cell proliferation and growth however, at the same time, they can drive
pathological cell division and inflammation and have major role in the development of
several proliferative and inflammatory diseases [8]. Some of the ADAMs have mutation in
their so-called hemopexin-domain (HEXXHXXGXXH) which is responsible for the Zn
binding of the protein. These ADAMs are catalytically inactive and may have a role in cell-
matrix and cell-cell interactions rather than in proteolytic processes [11].

Fig. 1. ADAMs participate in inter-receptor crosstalk: triple membrane spanning signalling.
AII: angiotensin-II, BK: bradykinin; GPCR: G protein-coupled receptor; mGF: membrane-
bound growth factor, sGF: soluble growth factor; EGFR: epidermal growth factor receptor.

ADAM Proteases as Novel Therapeutic Targets in Chronic Kidney Disease

ADAMTSs are secreted proteins which anchor to extracellular matrix molecules through
their thrombospondin-1 domain [12] and are involved in proteolytic cleavage of
proteoglycans [13], and of the von Willebrand factor [14]. Both protein families can have
significant contribution to CKD progression.
2.1 Expression of ADAM enzymes in the normal kidney
There are several ADAM and ADAMTS proteins which expression was shown in the human
or murine kidney by various techniques. Histochemical analysis showed that ADAM9 was
expressed in the nephron: both in the glomerulus and in tubular epithelial cells [15].
Expression of a short form of the enzyme lacking the cytoplasmic region was also reported
in the kidney [16]. ADAM10 expression was first shown in chick kidney [17], in mouse
kidney of mesenchymal origin [18] and later in humans in the distal tubule, in the
connecting tubule, in the principal cells of the collecting duct and in the thick ascending
limb of Henle [19]. ADAM11, which is known as a disintegrin metalloenzyme primarily
expressed in the central and peripheral nervous system, was also expressed in the epithelial
cells of the collecting duct at a low level [20]. Since ADAM11 is differentially expressed
during development, it may have an important role in normal kidney morphogenesis. There
is also data on the expression of ADAM13 mRNA in the developing mouse kidney [21].
ADAM17 is a disintegrin metalloenzyme which is ubiquitously expressed in almost all
mammalian cells. It is present in the kidney [22] and its expression is upregulated in various
renal diseases in humans [23]. The mRNA of ADAM19 was present in developing human
kidney, and in the endothelial cells and in cell of the distal tubules of the adult kidney [23].
Expression of ADAM31, another proteolytically active disintegrin metalloenzyme was also
identified in the epithelium of the convoluted tubuli [24]. High mRNA level of mouse
ADAM33 was also shown in the kidney [25]. Since this protein is catalytically inactive, it
may have a role in cell-cell interaction and communication.
Of the ADAMTS proteins ADAMTS-1 is expressed at high levels in the adult mice kidney
[26], and in situ hybridization showed high level of ADAMTS-1 in the epithelia of the
developing kidney [27]. In the rat higher level of ADAMTS-1 was observed in the adult
animals compared to newborns, and expression pattern of the protease was restricted to the
renal medulla and the principal cells of the collecting ducts in the kidney [28]. ADAMTS-5
was observed in glomerular mesangial cells [29]. ADAMTS-9 [30] and ADAMTS-10 [18] are
highly expressed in the developing and adult kidney, respectively, similarly to human
ADAMTS-14, -15, -16 [31] with no known function at the present. ADAMTS-13 was shown
in healthy human kidney samples and in kidneys of patients with thrombotic
thrombocytopenic purpura by real-time PCR and immunohistochemistry. ADAMTS-13 was
present in the glomeruli as well as in the tubuli [32]. Also, various transcripts of ADAM16
were shown in the developing human and rat kidneys [33, 34].
2.1.1 ADAM and ADAMTS in kidney development - what we learned from knockout
There is very few data available on the role of ADAMs and ADAMTS enzymes in kidney
development. There is evidence that expression pattern of ADAMTS-1 [27] and ADAM10
[35] and ADAM13 [21] changes in the kidney during development and that ADAMTS-9 is

Chronic Kidney Disease

highly expressed in the mesenchyme of the developing kidney [30]. However, as of present,
there is no detail about how knocking down ADAMs influence kidney development.
Targeted knockout of Adamts-1 in mice showed that the enzyme has an important role in
kidney development. Deletion of exon 2 (encoding part of the metalloenzyme domain)
resulted in lack of ADAMTS-1 protein in mice and high perinatal lethality of the animals
due to kidney malfunction [36]. In these animals both the cortical and medullary areas were
reduced with concomitant increase in the caliceal space. Another group found that lack of
the whole metalloenzyme domain (deletion of exon 2-4) rendered ADAMTS-1 catalytically
inactive which resulted in enlarged renal calices and fibrosis of the uteropelvic junction [37].
These animals also developed bilateral hydronephrosis and papillary atrophy shortly after
birth [38]. Since normally there is a high level of ADAMTS-1 expressed in the epithelium of
the collecting ducts and of the uteropelvic junction, and because the phenotype greatly
resembles to symptoms of the human uteropelvic obstruction, these animals can be good
models for this genetic disease.
These data also show that targeting strategies can greatly influence the evolving
3. ADAMs and ADAMTSs in chronic kidney diseases
3.1 ADAMs in diabetic nephropathy
There is increasing evidence on the pathophysiological role of ADAM17 (TACE), ADAM19,
ADAM17 is a most well-studied sheddase enzyme. It was originally identified as the tumor
necrosis factor (TNF)- converting (or activating) enzyme [22] or TACE. It cleaves cell
surface molecules, most importantly cytokines and growth factors [39]. By activating EGFR
ligands and TNF- ADAM17 has a central role in inflammatory and proliferative processes
both of which have crucial role in the development of CKD (Figure 2).

Fig. 2. Role of ADAM17 in CKD.

ADAM Proteases as Novel Therapeutic Targets in Chronic Kidney Disease

Besides initiating inflammation, TNF has important pathophysiological role in insulin
resistance (reviewed in [40]). After activation by ADAM17, the soluble homotrimer of TNF
activates the TNF receptor and downstream signaling molecules. Activation of the MAP
kinase pathway initiates serine phosphorylation of the insulin receptor substrate (IRS)
intracellularly. Being phosphorylated on serine inhibits tyrosine phosphorylation of the IRS
which results in insensitivity of the insulin receptor to extracellular insulin and contributes
the development of diabetes (Figure 3).

Fig. 3. Mechanism of TNF-induced insulin resistance

Chronic Kidney Disease

High glucose was also shown to promote heparin-binding growth factor (HB-EGF)
shedding through ADAM17 activation, however the exact mechanism is unknown [41].
Since ADAM17 activates secretion of TNF, pharmacological inhibitors of the enzyme were
tested on blood glucose regulation in animal model of non-obesity-related insulin resistance
(fructose-fed rats). ADAM17 inhibitor restored the animals insulin resistance [42]. In
another study, animals heterozygous for ADAM17 (+/-) proved to be relatively protected
from high-fat diet-induced obesity and diabetes [43].
A close structural relative of ADAM17, ADAM10 is involved in shedding of RAGE: receptor
for advanced glycation end products [44]. Since soluble RAGE can block pathophysiological
processes initiated by RAGE, ADAM10 activation may slow down development of diabetes.
As of today, we do not have data on the pathophysiological role of ADAMTS enzymes in
diabetes mellitus.
3.2 ADAMs in renal transplant dysfunction and ischemia reperfusion injury
In vitro studies modelling mechanisms of transplant rejection showed that the mRNA
expression of ADAM17 was upregulated in the kidney and that the protein expression of
the enzyme was localized next to TNF receptor II. This suggested that ADAM17 may
antagonize the effect of TNF by shedding of its receptor during transplant rejection and
therefore higher ADAM17 activity might be beneficial [45]. On the other hand, ADAM17
also co-localized with HB-EGF in experimental ischemia-reperfusion injury which suggested
that increased shedding of the growth factor may have contributed to the observed fibrotic
injury [46]. Pharmacological inhibitors targeting ADAM17 activity reduced renal tissue
injury associated with reperfusion. This confirmed that the increased enzyme activity was a
cause rather than the consequence of the tissue injury [47].
Another ADAM enzyme, ADAM19 was also implicated in allograft nephropathy however,
we do not know any mechanistic details of its actions [48].
3.3 ADAMs in renal fibrosis
Renal fibrosis is a manifestation of several pathological processes. Glomerular fibrosis can
be induced by over-activation of the renin-angiotensin system, and the developing fibrosis
and inflammation can be successfully attenuated by ADAM17 inhibitors in animal models
of the injury [7]. We showed previously that serotonin-induced mesangial cell proliferation,
which is an important component of glomerular fibrosis, can be inhibited by knocking down
ADAM17 expression and inhibiting the enzyme activity [9]. On the other hand, we also
found that ADAM17 can protect glomerular function by decreasing podocyte permeability
through inducing re-arrangement of the zonula occludens protein ZO-1 [8]. These data
suggest that depending on the cellular context the enzyme can have different effect on the
renal function. Nonetheless, inhibitors of ADAM17 decreased infiltration of macrophages
both in the glomeruli and in the interstitium in models of kidney fibrosis [7, 46] proving that
targeting ADAM17 can be beneficial for preserving renal function.
There is very few data available on ADAMTS enzymes and renal fibrosis. Unilateral ureteral
obstruction in rat induced upregulation of ADAMTS-1 in the tubular epithelial cells. Further,

ADAM Proteases as Novel Therapeutic Targets in Chronic Kidney Disease

secreted ADAMTS-1 of cultured epithelial cells decreased proliferation of a tubular fibroblast
cell line which suggested that ADAMTS-1 may have anti-fibrotic effect [49].
3.4 ADAMs in polycystic kidney disease (PKD)
Autosomal-recessive polycystic kidney disease (AR-PKD) is one of the most common genetic
disorders of the kidney results in end-stage renal disease. This disease leads to rapid
enlargement of the kidney through massive cysts formation. The main pathogenic process in
cyst development is the overactivation of the mislocalized EGFR in the cystic apical epithelia
(for review see [50]). Excessive shedding of the pro-proliferative growth factor, transforming
growth factor (TGF) was also observed. Since secretion of TGFis regulated by ADAM17,
therapeutic potential of ADAM17 inhibitors were explored and established in the bpk murine
model of AR-PKD [51]. In a later study, the role of TGF was not confirmed even if ADAM17
inhibitors were beneficial for attenuating cyst development in AR-PKD [52].
3.5 Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP)/ haemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS)
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura/haemolytic uremic syndrome are often considered
variants of a disease characterized by microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia [53]. Platelets
are consumed by spontaneously developing microscopic thrombosis. ADAMTS-13, the
enzyme which normally processes the very large von Willebrand factor (vWF) is missing
[54] or disabled [55, 56] in this disease. Therefore, the very large vWF capture circulating
platelets and initiates microthrombi formation. The red blood cells passing through the
damaged arteries experience excessive shear stress which leads to haemodialysis. Besides
purpura and anaemia there are often fever and neurologic symptoms present and the
disease can lead to both acute kidney failure and CKD [57, 58]. Interestingly, a recent study
which investigated plasma level of vWF in patients with chronic kidney disease of different
origin found decreased level of vWF-cleaving protease [59]. Level of vWF was higher in
stage IV patients compared to stages II and III, but whether the increased vWF contributed
to the worsening of CKD is currently not known.
4. ADAMs in kidney cancer
Several ADAM enzymes were upregulated at the message level in human renal cell
carcinomas. Compared to normal tissue mRNA levels of ADAM8, -17, -19, -28 as well as
ADAMTS-2 were upregulated. Interestingly, mRNA level of ADAMTS-1 did not change
[60]. In other studies, ADAM10 [61] and ADAM9 expression was increased in renal cancer
cells and associated with tumor progression [62] suggesting that expression of these enzyme
may be used as tumor markers. ADAM15 and -17 contributed to the migratory potential of
kidney cancer cells through activation of the EGFR [63] and ADAM17 silencing disabled the
capability of renal carcinoma cells to form in vivo tumors [64]. Therefore these enzymes
seem to have direct role in renal cancer pathophysiology.
5. Conclusion
ADAM and ADAMTS families include growing number of metalloenzymes which have
important role in kidney development and are indispensable to normal kidney function.

Chronic Kidney Disease

Lack or overactivation of certain ADAM enzymes (especially ADAM17 and ADAMTS-13)
can have major pathophysiological role in development of various type of CKD. Therefore,
targeting these enzymes can be an exciting novel therapeutic approach in the future and a
new hope for CKD patients.
6. Acknowledgment
This work was partly supported by the Paul Teschan Research Fund of the Dialysis Clinic
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ADAM Proteases as Novel Therapeutic Targets in Chronic Kidney Disease

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Severity and Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease
Syed Ahmed and Gerard Lowder
Internal Medicine, Harbor Hospital, Baltimore,
1. Introduction
Nearly ten years ago Nephrologists began using asystem of classification for chronic kidney
disease (CKD). This was established in 2002 by the Kidney Disease Outcome Quality
Initiative (KDOQI) to estimate kidney function in a given patient regardless of the etiology
of the primary insult to the kidneys. Physicians were able place their patients in stages from
mild disease to end stage renal disease (ESRD).CKD is defined as glomerular filtration rate
(GFR) below 60 ml/min per 1.73 m
for 3 months or more.
Each stage served as a mile marker on lifes road for the patient with CKD. The natural
history of CKD usually is a steady decline in kidney function, as found in the relationship
between the reciprocal of serum creatinine values and time. A percentage of patients do not
follow this linear pattern, suggesting either worsening or improvement in their kidney
function. Factors which may cause worsening of CKD in such individuals are often
infections, dehydration, poor control of systemic blood pressure and exposure to
nephrotoxins, in particular nonsteroidal anti-inflamatorydrugs and radiocontrast agents.
Other individuals who do not follow the steady decline may actually show improvement in
their GFR. The potential to improve the natural history of CKD is through tight blood
pressure control and inhibition of rennin-angiotensin-aldosterone system.
2. Stages of chronic kidney disease
The early stages of kidney dysfunction are often clinically silent, especially when the
condition is only slowly progressive and symptoms are nonspecific. Stages 1 & 2 show
decreased kidney function without signs or symptoms of disease although the estimated
GFR is less than 120 ml/min per 1.73 m
but greater than 60 ml/min per 1.73 m
. The rate of
progression is influenced by a wide range of factors which may or may not have the
potential of modification and varies among different individuals and with the underlying
cause of nephropathy.When the patient enters Stage 3 he or she has lost approximately half
their kidney function. It is less likely for the kidney disease to progress unless more than
50% of the nephron function is lost. For example, individuals with a solitary kidney after
unilateral nephrectomy for living kidney donation usually do not progress to
CKD.Increased risk of natural progression with less than 50% of nephron loss can occur in
persons of African ancestry with hypertensive nephrosclerosis. In 2008, the U.K National
Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) sub divided the stage 3 into 3A and 3B
with estimated GFRs of 45 to 59 ml/min per 1.73 m
and 44 to 30 ml/min per 1.73 m

Chronic Kidney Disease 14
respectively. The NICE CKD guideline also suggested adding the suffix p to the stages in
proteinuric patients.It has generally been assumed that the majority of patients with CKD
stages 3B to 5 eventually progress to ESRD. A Canadian study showed the natural history of
CKD stages 3 and 4 to be variable and reflecting the patients risk factor profile.Stage 4 may
present with hyperkalemia or problems with salt and water retention. The kidneys are no
longer able to adjust to abrupt changes in sodium, potassium and fluid intake (or loss). Prior
to initiation of renal replacement therapy, the patients appetite may decrease, accompanied
by weight loss and a decrease in the serum albumin. In CKD clinics, with patients seen at
frequent intervals, the goal is to initiate dialysis before the patient becomes malnourished.

Stage Description GFR (ml/min/1.73m
1 Kidney damage with normal or GFR 90
2 Kidney damage with mild GFR 60-89
3 Moderate GFR 3A 45 59
3B 30 - 44
4 Severe GFR 15-29
5 Kidney Failure < 15 (or dialysis)
The suffix p to be added to the stage in patients with proteinuria > 0.5 g/24h
Table 1. Stages of CKD.
Two commonly used formulas to calculate creatinine clearance are the Cockcroft-Gault
formula and MDRD formula.
Cockcroft-Gault formula:
140 0.85
Age Mass Kgs if female

Modification of diet in renal disease (MDRD) formula:

1.154 0.203
186 . 1.212 0.742 GFR SCr Age if black if female

3. Risk factors
It is estimated that by 2030,more than 2,000,000 Americans will need dialysis or
transplantation. Who are these patients? What risk factors do they have?
Low birth weight individuals with a decreased number of nephrons, the elderly
population losing 1 ml/min/year after the age of 30 and Americans of African descent
with hypertension, are several groups of individuals at risk.About one half of patients
starting dialysis in America have diabetes mellitus, with hypertension the second largest
group. Autoimmune disorders, infections, kidney stones, cystic kidneys and
toxins/medications round out the list. Microalbuminuria may indicate systemic
endothelial dysfunction and may be associated with a prothrombotic state. Insulin
resistance is mediated in part by aldosterone; blocking the receptor attenuates
cardiovascular and renal injury.
The risk factors can be classified as those that increase the risk of development of kidney
disease and those that increase the risk of adverse outcomes associated with CKD. The

Severity and Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease 15
factors which increase the risk for CKD are further classified into susceptibility and
initiation factors; whereas factors which effect adverse outcomes are classified as
progression factors and end stage factors. The association between variables and disease
may be due to chance, a non-causal relation or may signify a true risk factor.
3.1 Risk factors for development of CKD
1. Susceptibility Factors
A susceptibility factor is one that increases susceptibility to kidney damage following
exposure to an initiation factor. An ideal study design to study these factors would be to
identify a population of individuals who are free of kidney disease and are exposed to an
initiation factor and follow them for a period of time.
2. Initiation Factor
An initiation factor is one that directly initiates kidney damage in an individual who is
susceptible to kidney damage. An ideal study design for identification of initiation factors is
a prospective cohort study. This would involve identification and follow up of a group of
individuals free of kidney disease at baseline, with known susceptibility factors and with or
without exposure to initiation factors, for the development of kidney disease.
3.2 Risk factors effecting adverse outcome of CKD
1. Progression Factors
Progression factors worsen the kidney damage caused by initiation factors and lead to
further decline in kidney function. Indicators of progression may include progression of
microalbuminuria to overt proteinuria or reduced GFR, rate of decrease of GFR, or
development of kidney failure necessitating dialysis or transplantation.
2. End-Stage Factors
End stage factors are those that exacerbate the morbidity and mortality associated with
kidney failure. Examples of indicators of mobidity include hospitalizations, poor quality of
life measures, and cardiovascular disease complications.
3.3 Risk factors for progression of chronic kidney disease
1. Proteinuria
Proteinuria is associated with faster rates of CKD progression. It contributes to nephron
loss; filtered proteins are reabsorbed by the proximal tubular cells. Tubular cell contents
may leak into the interstitium. This can cause macrophage infiltration and
inflammatory mediators produced by them. The MDRD study showed proteinuria to be
the strongest predictor of kidney disease progression in non diabetic patients. The REIN
study done in non diabetic patients with proteinuria, showed the protein excretion rate
to be the best single predictor of GFR decline to ESRD. This finding was independent of
the initial insult.
The US Collaborative Study in type 1 diabetic patients with >500mg proteinuria/day
and serum creatinine values of 2.5mg% or less showed a 50% reduction in the risk of
combined endpoints (death, dialysis, transplantation) in patients treated with an ACE

Chronic Kidney Disease 16
Risk Factor Definition Examples
Increase susceptibility to
kidney damage
Older age, family history of chronic kidney
disease, reduction in kidney mass, low
birthweight, U.S. racial or ethnic minority
status, low income or education
Directly initiate kidney
Diabetes, high blood pressure,
autoimmune diseases, systemic infections,
urinary tract infections, urinary stones,
lower urinary tract obstruction, drug
Cause worsening kidney
damage and faster decline in
kidney function after
initiation of kidney damage
Higher level of proteinuria, higher blood
pressure, poor glycemic control in
diabetes, smoking
Increase morbidity and
mortality in kidney failure
Lower dialysis dose (Kt/V), temporary
vascular access, anemia, low serum
albumin level, late referral
Table 2. Risk Factors for Chronic Kidney Disease and its Outcomes.
The IDNT Study looked at type 2 diabetic patients treated with placebo, ibesartan or
amlodipine. The ARB outperformed the placebo group and calcium channel patients in
reaching doubling of the serum creatinine, ESRD, death by 20% and 23% respectively.
2. Hypertension
Blood pressure should be lowered to <120/80.
Patients with blood pressure 120-129/80-84 have a 1.6 fold greater risk of developing
ESRD and those with pressure >210/120 have a 4.2 fold risk of ESRD.
The MRFIT study showed that hypertension was an independent risk factor for the
development of ESRD.
3. Smoking cessation- smoking is a risk factor in the progession to kidney failure
Hallan, S & Orth, S. KI 2011.157
4. Glycemic control
Blood pressure control is more important with progression of CKD in the diabetic
patient, whereas hyperglycemia is important with the initiation of diabetic
5. Management of dyslipidemia
LDL stimulates mesangial cell proliferation and the synthesis of proinflammatory
No large study is available to show that control of lipids is effective in slowing the
progression of CKD. The SHARP study showed that CKD patients receiving
simvastatin and ezetimibe had approximately 15% fewer strokes and MIs.
4. Mechanism of progression
The characteristic structural change in CKD is scarring associated with glomerulosclerosis,
tubulointerstitial fibrosis, and vascular sclerosis. After this initial insult the kidney goes
down on one of the two paths, healing and functional recovery or scarring with loss of

Severity and Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease 17
kidney function progressing to CKD. It is less known what leads the kidney to which
Healing primarily occurs in Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) and acute interstitial nephritis, when
treatment is instituted early in its course. Healing is also a hallmark of acute post infectious
glomerulonephritis. Renal function typically recovers within few weeks of acute nephritic
process.Chronic kidney damage on the other hand is usually induced by diabetes,
hypertension, chronic glomerulonephritits, or chronic exposure to infections or
nephrotoxins, progress to scarring with loss of function and CKD. (Fig. 1)

Fig. 1. Progression of initial kidney injury.
Renal cell injury results in loss of glomerular capillaries and cellular elements are replaced
by extracellular matrix and fibrous tissue. Acute severe glomerulonephritis damages the
capillaries and endothelium whereas sub-acute and chronic glomerulonephritis affect the
mesangium or the podocytes. Progressive renal scarring is associated with progressive
tubular cell loss and atrophy.
4.1 Role of intrinsic renal cells in kidney damage
Endothelium: Damage to the protective anticoagulant and anti-inflamatory endothelial
capillary lining in acute glomerulonephritis, transforms it into a pro-inflammatory surface
leading to accumulation of inflammatory cells and platelets within golmerular capillaries as
well as the stimulation of mesangial proliferation. Glomerular endothelial damage can also
be due to a metabolic insult as in diabetes or a physical hemodynamic stress as in
Mesangium: Mesangial cells respond to injury either with death, transformation,
proliferation and migration,or synthesis and deposition of extracellular matrix (ECM).
Scarring is usually characterized by uncontrolled mesangial proliferation and excessive
deposition of mesangial matrix. This process is driven by a number of growth factors like
transforming growth factor 1 (TGF1), platelet derived growth factor (PDGF), and
fibroblast growth factor (FGF).

Chronic Kidney Disease 18
Podocytes: After an injury to the podocytes, the glomerular basement membrane is exposed
to the parietal epithelial cells leading to the formation of capsular adhesions and segmental
glomerulosclerosis. This may lead to misdirected filtration with accumulation of amorphous
material in the glomerular space. Misdirected filtration causes disruption of the glomerular-
tubular junction resulting in atubularglomeruli. It may also contribute to tubular atrophy
and interstitial fibrosis. Thus podocytes help in conserving the structural integrity of the
glomerulus by forming a protective membrane over the basement membrane.
Tubular cells: As mentioned earlier, after the initial insult the tubular cells may undergo
healing and recover renal function, but repeated insults stimulate epithelial mesenchymal
transformation of tubular cells to myofibroblastic phenotype with excessive deposition of
ECM. Thus tubular injury can lead to renal fibrogenesis.
Vascular cells: Vascular sclerosis is an intergral feature of renal scarring and is associated
with progressive kidney failure in glomerulonephritis. Hyalinosis of afferent arterioles, in
diabetes, and damage to the post-glomerular arteriole and peritubular capillaries cause
interstitial ischemia and fibrosis.

Fig. 2. Role of Intrinsic Cells in Kidney Damage.
4.2 Role of extrinsic cells in kidney damage
Infiltration of inflammatory cells into the glomeruli and the renal interstitium is the
hallmark of glomerulosclerosis and tubuloiterstitial fibrosis.

Severity and Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease 19
Platelets and coagulation: Platelets and their release products within the damaged glomeruli
stimulate a coagulation cascade which activate the mesangial cells to induce sclerosis.
Thrombin stimulates glomerular TGF-1 leading to production of mesangial ECM and
inhibition of metalloproteinases.
Lymphocytes, Monocytes-Macrophages, Dendritic cells play important role in the formation
of glomerulosclerosis by causing inflammation.

Fig. 3. Deposition on of ECM within and around the glomerulus.

Fig. 4. Glomerular hypercellularity due to proliferation of intrinsic glomerular cells and
intracapillary leukocytes.

Chronic Kidney Disease 20

Fig. 5. Capillary tufts almost replaced by the fibous tissue forming glomerular scarring.

Fig. 6. Immunofluorescent stain shows deposition of coarsely granular deposits of
complement C3.
4.3 Role of angiotensin II, hypertension and hyperfiltration
With progression of kidney disease the afferent arteriole tone decreases to a much larger
extent than the efferent tone. As a result intra-glomerular pressure rises leading to
hyperfiltration. Angiotensin II aides in hyperfiltration through its vasoconstrictor effect
predominantly on the efferent arteriole. Apart from its hemodynamic effects, Angiotensin II
acts directly on the glomerular membrane. It acts on the angiotensin II receptors on the
surface of the podocytes, altering their permselective property, by contracting the foot
processes. This allows proteins to escape in the urinary space.
Angiotensin II also induces proliferation ofglomerular cells and fibroblasts. It acts on AT1
receptors on tubular cells causing hypertrophy, which results in increased synthesis of
collagen type IV. It increases macrophage activation and phagocytosis responsible for the
inflammatory component associated with CKD.

Severity and Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease 21
4.4 Role of proteinuria
Proteinuria is not only a marker of kidney damage, but also contributes to nephron damage.
Filtered proteins are reabsorbed from the proximal tubule. Damaged tubular basement
membrane causes leakage of tubular content into the interstitium, thereby causing
macrophage infiltration. Macrophages produce inflammatory mediators thus mounting an
immense inflammatory reaction inside the renal interstitium.

Fig. 7. Focal segmental and global Glomerulosclerosis and nephron loss is a vicious circle
ultimately leading to proteinuria.
5. Pathology of CKD
Fibrosis in the kidneys initiated by a variety of insults may not be a uniform process.
Progressive disease in diabetic patients may be related to endothelial nitric oxide deficiency
with resultant endothelial dysfunction.The eventual pathology of the above mentioned
series of events lead to two major histologic characteristic of CKD, focal segmental
glomerulosclerosis and tubulointerstitial fibrosis. An initial insult to the kidneys will cause
nephron loss.The remaining nephrons work harder to compensate for the lost nephrons

Chronic Kidney Disease 22
(compensatory hypertrophy). This leads to hemodynamic changes including glomerular
hypertension and hyperfiltration. There is reduced afferent arteriolar resistance and
intraglomerular pressure rises with increased filtration by the remaining nephrons. The
intrinsic and extrinsic cells contribute to sclerosis as mentioned above contributing to the
focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis.
Tubulointerstitial injury results from ischemia of tubule segments downstream from
sclerotic glomeruli. Acute and chronic inflammation in the adjacent interstitium, and
damage of pericapillary blood supply also contribute to tubular injury. The above events
along with proteinuria eventually lead to tubulointerstitial fibrosis.
Angiotensin II increases vascular tone (predominantly post-glomerular) and affects
intraglomerular pressure. The increased pressure alters the structure of the pores in the
glomerular basement membrane (GBM) and increases proteinuria.
5.1 Clinical manifestation and management
What is the best way to manage these individuals? In the outpatient setting, achecklist for
each patient ensures that each individuals needs are met. A list of ten commandments for
the CKD patient is:
1. Estimate the GFR and stage the patients CKD.
2. Round up the usual suspects. Diabetes and hypertension account for almost of the
patient population. Urinalysis, serologies, sonography and biopsy (if necessary) to
make the diagnosis.
3. Fix what you can. Discontinue NSAIDs, correct volume depletion and treat BPH (men)
and bladder dysfunction (women).
4. Treat hypertension. Goal of therapy is <130/80.
Use ACE, ARB, both, renin blockers, calcium channel blockers, aldosterone antagonists,
loop diuretics as needed.
5. Measure (spot urine protein /creatinine) and treat proteinuria. The goal is<300mg/day.
Maximize the dose of an ACE inhibitor, then add an ARB at full dose and increase to
reach goal. Loop diuretics are essential to manage edema fluid and offset the
development of hyperkalemia. Renin blockers and aldosterone antagonists are added
with monitoring of the patients potassium and creatinine. If the potassium rises to
greater than 5.5 meq/l or if the serum creatinine increases more than 30% above
baseline, dosages will need to be decreased.
6. Treat anemia of CKD with an ESA if there is no blood loss and iron stores are adequate.
Check thyroid function, B-12, folic acid levels. The target Hgb is >10g/dl. Parenteral
iron may be needed to keep the TSAT > 25%.
7. Give base supplements to correct metabolic acidosis. Untreated acidosis causes
osteopenia and muscle catabolism, along with the release of calcium and phosphorous
from bone. Sodium bicarbonate is replaced at 0.5-1.0 meq/kg/day.
Treat hyperurricemia with allopurinol if the eGFR is >30 ml/min.
8. Phosphate binders, precursor vitamin D and active D (when necessary). We are using
both calcium and non-calcium containing binders in our clinic. We try to keep serum
calcium levels less than or equal to 9.5 mg%. Vitamin D2 and 3 are used in patients with
25(OH)D levels less than 30 ng/ml. Active vitamin D is used to control elevated iPTH
levels and the effects of secondary HPT.

Severity and Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease 23
9. Have a nutritionist help patients maintain caloric intake. Protein restriction is difficult
and may lead to malnutrition in patients with already poor appetites. We encourage
protein supplementation in our CKD patients. The phosphorus level will increase,
however, we try to maintain the patients albumin predialysis or pretransplantation.
Patients are started on a 2 gram potassium diet and educated about avoidance of foods
high in potassium. Loop diuretics + base supplements aid in the management of
hyperkalemia. Resin exchange binders are reserved for values greater than 6 as they
cause diarrhea, bicarbonate loss and may worsen acidemia and further increase the
serum potassium value.
10. Education and preparation for hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis. See if acandidate is
available for transplantation. We encourage patients to have a fistula constructed after
they have attended the education class and decide to do in center or home
hemodialysis. These are patients generally in late stage 3 CKD.
Diabetic patients should maintain euglycemia, insulin requirements may decrease as CKD
progresses. Metformin should be avoided and glipizide isthe preferred oral agentbecause it
is not downgraded to a metabolite excreted by the kidneys.
6. Summary
CKD will remain a health concern into the future. CKD clinics managing patients in a
coordinated fashion with nutritionists and surgeons will improve lives. Better blood
pressure control with diminution of proteinuria will slow the progress of established
disease. Attention to acidemia and hyperruricemia will also be beneficial. New insights into
the pathogenesis and treatment of diabetes may help manage the number one cause of
kidney failure in America.
7. References
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[9] Carrero, Juan Jesus and Stenvinkel, Peter. Novel Targets for Slowing CKD Progression.
Nature Reviews in Nephrology 7,65-66(2011).

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Endothelial Dysfunction as a Potential Contributor in Diabetic Nephropathy.
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The New Kidney and Bone Disease:
Chronic Kidney Disease Mineral
and Bone Disorder (CKDMBD)
Igor G. Nikolov
, Ognen Ivanovski
and Nobuhiko Joki

University Clinic of Nephrology, Medical Faculty - Skopje,
University Clinic of Urology, Medical Faculty - Skopje,
Division of Nephrology, Toho University Ohashi Medical Center, Tokyo,
Republic of Macedonia
1. Introduction
Kidney is one of the most important organs in the regulation of mineral metabolism
(Fukagawa et al., 2006). Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a worldwide public health
problem that affects 5% to 10% of the world population, with increasing prevalence and
adverse outcomes, including progressive loss of kidney function, cardiovascular disease,
and premature death (Eknoyan et al., 2004). Calcium and phosphorus are fundamentally
important in a wide array of biological functions. Abnormalities in calcium, phosphorus,
parathyroid hormone (PTH), and vitamin D metabolism (usually referred to as disordered
mineral metabolism) are common in patients with (CKD) (Block et al., 1998). Cardiovascular
disease is the leading cause of death in patients with CKD (London et al., 2003). It has been
shown that in individuals with kidney failure on maintenance dialysis who are younger
than 65 years, cardiovascular mortality is 10 to 500 times higher than in the general
population, even after adjustment for sex, race, and presence of diabetes (Foley RN et al.,
1998). Disturbances in mineral metabolism are common complications of CKD and an
important cause of morbidity and decreased quality of life. Importantly, increasing evidence
suggests that these disturbances are associated with changes in arterial compliance,
cardiovascular calcification, bone disorders and all-cause and cardiovascular mortality
(Palmer SC et al., 2005, Drueke et al., 2010). Traditionally, when defining bone diseases in
CKD patients, this group of disorders has been usually termed renal osteodystrophy.
However, beside strictly defined, the term renal osteodystrophy means only bone
abnormalities. Recently, the KDIGO (Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes)
conference group agreed that the definition of renal osteodystrophy should be only specific
to bone pathology found in patients with CKD (Moe S. et al., 2006). It has been concluded
that renal osteodystrophy is one component of the mineral and bone disorders that occur as
a complication of CKD. It has been proposed that the evaluation and definitive diagnosis of
renal osteodystrophy requires performing a bone biopsy. Histomorphometry is not essential
for clinical diagnosis, but should be performed in research studies. There was an agreement
that histomorphometric results are to be reported by use of the standard nomenclature

Chronic Kidney Disease

recommended by the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (Parfitt et al., 1987),
and investigators would supply primary measurements used to report any derived
parameters. Based on all of this a new term has been proposed and coined Chronic kidney
disease mineral and bone disorder (CKD-MBD) willing to describe the systemic
consequences of mineral metabolism disturbances in CKD patients which can no longer be
considered restricted only to bone disease. CKD-MBD defines a triad of interrelated
abnormalities of serum biochemistry, bone and the vasculature associated with CKD. The
adverse effects of high serum phosphorus and an increase of serum calcium due to calcium
overload which are present late in CKD are important component of CKD-MBD as well as
vascular changes. Furthermore, to clarify the interpretation of bone biopsy results in the
evaluation of CKD-MBD, it has been proposed to use three key histologic descriptorsbone
turnover, bone mineralization, and bone volume (so called TMV system) with any
combination of each of the descriptors possible in a given specimen. The TMV classification
scheme provides a clinically relevant description of the underlying bone pathology, as
assessed by histomorphometry, which, in turn, helps to define the pathophysiology, and,
thereby, probably to guide the therapy (Moe S. et al., 2006).
2. CKD MBD and biochemical abnormalities
The initial evaluation of CKD-MBD should include laboratory for calcium (it has been
proposed either ionized or total corrected for albumin), phosphorus, PTH, alkaline
phosphatases (total or bone specific), bicarbonate, as well as imaging for soft-tissue
calcification. Epidemiologic studies from the early 1990s have demonstrated that an increase
in serum phosphorus and in calcium x phosphorus product are associated with poor
outcomes in CKD patients. The association of elevated serum phosphorus and calcium and
increased mortality in these patients has been confirmed in several recent studies. If
inconsistencies exist in the biochemical markers (eg, high PTH but low alkaline
phosphatases), unexplained bone pain, or unexplained fractures are present, a bone biopsy
would be strongly indicated (London and Drueke, 1997; London et al., 2003; Neves et al.,
2007; Bucay et al., 1998).
2.1 Calcium
Serum calcium is tightly controlled in healthy individuals, within a narrow range, usually
2.22.6 mmol/l, with a minimal, diurnal variation. In patients with CKD, serum calcium
levels fluctuate more, because of altered homeostasis and concomitant therapies. Serum
calcium levels are routinely measured in clinical laboratories using colorimetric methods in
automated machines. In patients with CKD stage 5D, there are additional fluctuations in
association with dialysis-induced changes, hemoconcentration, and subsequent
hemodilution. Moreover, predialysis samples collected from dialysis patients after the
longer interdialytic interval during the weekend, as compared with predialysis samples
drawn after the shorter interdialytic intervals during the week, often contain higher serum
calcium levels (Tentori et al., 2008). It has been shown that the serum calcium level is a poor
reflection of overall total body calcium. Only 1% of total body calcium is measurable in the
extracellular compartment while the most important part of calcium is stored in the bones.
Serum ionized calcium, generally 4050% of total serum calcium, is physiologically active,
while non-ionized calcium is bound to albumin or anions such as citrate, bicarbonate, and
The New Kidney and Bone Disease:
Chronic Kidney Disease Mineral and Bone Disorder (CKDMBD)

phosphate, and is therefore not physiologically active. In the presence of hypoalbuminemia,
there is an increase in ionized calcium relative to total calcium; thus, total serum calcium
may underestimate the physiologically active (ionized) serum calcium. The most commonly
used formula for estimating ionized calcium from total calcium is the addition of 0.2 mmol/l
for every 1 g decrease in serum albumin below 40 g/l. Unfortunately, recent data have
shown that it offers no superiority over total calcium alone and is less specific than ionized
calcium measurements. In addition, the assay used for albumin may affect the corrected
calcium measurement.
2.2 Phosphorus
It has been shown that inorganic phosphorus is critical for numerous normal physiological
functions, including skeletal development, mineral metabolism, cell-membrane
phospholipid content and function, cell signaling, platelet aggregation, and energy transfer
through mitochondrial metabolism. Owing to its importance, normal homeostasis maintains
serum concentrations between 0.811.45 mmol/l. The terms, phosphorus and phosphate, are
often used interchangeably, but strictly speaking, the term phosphate means the sum of the
two physiologically occurring inorganic ions in the serum, and in other body fluids,
hydrogenphosphate (HPO4
) and dihydrogenphosphate (H2PO
). However, most
laboratories report this measurable, inorganic component as phosphorus. Unlike calcium, a
major component of phosphorus is intracellular, and factors such as pH and glucose can
cause shifts of phosphate ions into or out of cells, thereby altering the serum concentration
without changing the total body phosphorus. Phosphorus is routinely measured in clinical
laboratories with colorimetric methods in automated machines. Serum phosphorus levels
reach the lowest level in the early hours of the morning, increasing to a plateau at the
afternoon, and further increasing to a peak late in the evening (Portale et al., 1987).
Hyperphosphatemia occurs as a consequence of diminished phosphorus filtration and
excretion with the progression of CKD. Decreased phosphorus excretion can initially be
overcome by increased secretion of parathyroid hormone (PTH), which decreases proximal
phosphate reabsorption (Slatopolsky and Delmez, 1994). Hence, phosphorus levels are
usually within normal range until the GFR falls below approximately 30 ml/min, or stage
IV. CKD according to the National Kidney Foundation Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality
Initiative (NKFK/DOQI) classification (National Kidney Foundation: K/DOQI). In more
advanced stages of CKD, the blunted urinary excretion of phosphorus can no longer keep
pace with the obligatory intestinal phosphate absorption, resulting in hyperphosphatemia.
Therefore, it is not surprising that the majority of patients with CKD stage 4 and stage 5
have a significant hyperphosphatemia (Block et al., 1998). It has been shown that in patients
with advanced CKD high serum calcium, phosphate, and calcium-phosphate product levels
are associated with unaccountably high rates of cardiovascular disease (Ganesh et al., 2001;
Stevens et al., 2004; Slinin et al., 2005). Moreover, it has been shown also that these
derangements in mineral metabolism could occur as well during the early stages of CKD
(Slatopolsky and Delmez, 1994).
2.3 Parathyroid hormone
The parathyroid gland plays an important role in the regulation of mineral homeostasis by
effects trough other organs such as the kidney and bone. Fluctuation in extracellular calcium

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ion levels is sensed by the parathyroid calcium-sensing receptors (CaSRs) and subsequently
regulates the synthesis and secretion of parathyroid hormone (PTH) (Felsenfeld et al., 2007).
PTH acts on the bone to increase the efflux of calcium and phosphate, and acts on the kidney
to reduce urinary calcium excretion, inhibit phosphate reabsorption, and stimulate the
production of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25(OH)2D). PTH is cleaved to an 84-amino-acid
protein in the parathyroid gland, where it is stored with fragments in secretory granules for
release. When it is released, the circulating 184-amino-acid protein has a half-life of 24 min.
The hormone is cleaved both within the parathyroid gland and after secretion into the N-
terminal, C-terminal, and middle region fragments of PTH, which are metabolized in the liver
and in the kidneys. Enhanced PTH synthesis/secretion occurs in response to hypocalcemia,
hyperphosphatemia, and/or a decrease in serum 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25(OH)2D),
whereas high serum levels of calcium or calcitrioland, as recently shown, of Fibroblast
growth factor 23 (FGF-23)suppress PTH synthesis/secretion. The extracellular concentration
of ionized calcium is the most important determinant of the minute-to-minute secretion of
PTH, which is normally oscillatory.
In patients with CKD, this normal oscillation is somehow altered. Over the past few decades
there has been a progress in development of sensitive assays in order to measure PTH.
Initial measurements of PTH using C-terminal assays were inaccurate in patients with CKD
because of the impaired renal excretion of C-terminal fragments (and thus retention) and the
measurement of these probably inactive fragments. The development of the N-terminal
assay was initially thought to be more accurate but it also detected inactive metabolites. The
development of a second generation of PTH assays, the two-site immunoradiometric
assaycommonly called an intact PTH assayimproved the detection of full-length
(active) PTH molecules. In this assay, a captured antibody binds within the amino terminus
and a second antibody binds within the carboxy terminus. Unfortunately, recent data
indicate that this intact PTH assay also detects accumulated large C-terminal fragments,
commonly referred to as 784 fragments; these are a mixture of four PTH fragments that
include, and are similar in size to, 784 PTH (Gao and D'Amour 2005). In
parathyroidectomized rats, the injection of a truly whole 1- to 84-amino-acid PTH was able
to induce bone resorption, whereas the 7- to 84-amino-acid fragment was antagonistic,
explaining why patients with CKD may have high levels of intact PTH but relative
hypoparathyroidism at the bone-tissue level (Slatopolsky et al., 2000; Malluche et al., 2003;
Huan et al., 2006). Thus, the major difficulty in accurately measuring PTH with this assay is
the presence of circulating fragments, particularly in the presence of CKD. Unfortunately,
the different assays measure different types and amounts of these circulating fragments,
leading to inconsistent results. More recently, a third generation of assays has become
available that truly detect only the 1- to 84-amino-acid, full-length molecule: whole or
bioactive PTH assays. There are differences in PTH results when samples are measured in
plasma, serum, or citrate, and depending on whether the samples are on ice, or are allowed
to sit at room temperature.
PTH and vitamin D have been shown to influence cardiac and vascular growth and function
experimentally in human subjects with normal renal function. Because of increased
prevalence of hyperparathyroidism and altered vitamin D status in CKD, these alterations
have been considered to contribute to the increased prevalence of cardiovascular disease
and hypertension seen in this patient population (Slinin Y et al., 2005).
The New Kidney and Bone Disease:
Chronic Kidney Disease Mineral and Bone Disorder (CKDMBD)

2.4 Vitamin D (25(OH)D)
The parent compounds of vitamin DD
(cholecalciferol) or D
(ergocalciferol)are highly
lipophilic. They are difficult to quantify in the serum or plasma. They also have a short half-
life in circulation of about 24 h. These parent compounds are metabolized in the liver to
(calcidiol) or 25(OH)D
(ercalcidiol). Collectively, they are called 25(OH)D or 25-
hydroxyvitamin D. The measurement of serum 25(OH)D is regarded as the best measure of
vitamin D status, because of its long half-life of approximately 3 weeks. In addition, it is an
assessment of the multiple sources of vitamin D, including both nutritional intake and skin
synthesis of vitamin D. There is a seasonal variation in calcidiol levels because of an increased
production of cholecalciferol by the action of sunlight on skin during summer months. The
gold standard of calcidiol measurement is high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC),
but this is not widely available clinically. This is because HPLC is time consuming, requires
expertise and special instrumentation, and is expensive. In early 1985, Hollis and Napoli
developed the first radioimmunoassay (RIA) for total 25(OH)D, which was co-specific for
and 25(OH)D
. The values correlated with those obtained from HPLC analysis, and
DiaSorin RIA became the first test to be approved by the Food and Drug Administration for
use in clinical settings (Hollis and Napoli, 1985). Another method now carried out is liquid
chromatography- tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Similar to HPLC, the LC-MS/MS
method also has the ability to quantify 25(OH)D
and 25(OH)D
separately, which
distinguishes it from RIA and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay technologies. This
method is very accurate and has been shown to correlate well with DiaSorin RIA (Saenger et
al. 2006; Tsugawa et al., 2005). It has been suggested recently that the assays for 25(OH)D are
not well standardized, and the definition of deficiency is not yet well validated. At best,
clinicians should ensure that patients use the same laboratory for measurements of these
levels, if carried out. The most appropriate vitamin D assays presently available seem to be
those that measure both 25(OH)D
and 25(OH)D
. Presently, approximately 2050% of the
general population has low vitamin D levels, irrespective of CKD status. However, the
benefits from replacing vitamin D have not been documented in patients with CKD,
particularly if they are taking calcitriol or a vitamin D analog.
2.5 Vitamin D (1,25(OH)
1,25(OH)2D is used to describe both hydroxylated D2 (ercalcitriol) and D3 (calcitriol)
compounds, both of which have a short half-life of 46 h. Furthermore, in patients with
earlier stages of CKD and in the general population, mild-to-moderate vitamin D deficiency,
or partly treated vitamin D deficiency, is frequently associated with increased levels of
1,25(OH)2D. Thus, even accurate levels can be misleading. The serum levels of 1,25(OH)2D
are uniformly low in late stages of CKDMBD, at least in patients not treated with vitamin D
derivatives (Andress et al., 2006). It has not been recommend a routine measurement of
1,25(OH)2D levels, as the assays are not well standardized, the half-life is short, and there
are no data indicating that the measurement is helpful in guiding therapy or predicting
outcomes (KDIGO).
2.6 Alkaline phosphatases
Alkaline phosphatases (ALP) are enzymes that remove phosphate from proteins and
nucleotides, functioning optimally at alkaline pH. Measurement of the level of total ALP (t-

Chronic Kidney Disease

ALP) is a colorimetric assay that is routinely used in clinical laboratories in automated
machines. The enzyme is found throughout the body in the form of isoenzymes that are
unique to the tissue of origin. Highest concentrations are found in the liver and bone, but
the enzyme is also present in the intestines, placenta, kidneys, and leukocytes (Iba K et al.
2004). Specific ALP isoenzymes to identify the tissue source can be determined after
fractionation and heat inactivation, but these procedures are not widely available in clinical
laboratories. Bone-specific ALP (b-ALP) is measured with an immunoradiometric assay.
Elevated levels of t-ALP are generally due to an abnormal liver function, an increased bone
activity, or bone metastases. Levels are normally higher in children with growing bones
than in adults, and often are increased after fracture. In addition, t-ALP and b-ALP can be
elevated in both primary and secondary HPT, osteomalacia, and in the presence of bone
metastasis and Pagets disease. In patients with CKDMBD alkaline phosphatise may be
used as an adjunct test, but if values are high, then liver function tests should be checked. t-
ALP could reasonably be used as a routine test to follow response to therapy. The more
expensive testing for b-ALP can be used when the clinical situation is more ambiguous.
Testing for t-ALP is inexpensive and therefore may be helpful for following patients
response to therapy or determining bone turnover status when the interpretation of PTH is
unclear. The use of b-ALP, an indicator of bone source, may provide additional and more
specific information, although it is not readily available (Iba K et al. 2004).
3. CKD MBD and bone abnormalities
Disorders of mineral metabolism are also associated with abnormal bone structure. It has
been shown that the gold standard test for bone quality is its ability to resist fracture under
strain. In animal models, this resistance can be directly tested with three-point bending
mechanical tests. Bone quality is impaired in CKD, as the prevalence of hip fracture is
increased in dialysis patients compared with the general population in all age groups.
Dialysis patients in their forties have a relative risk of hip fracture that is 80-fold higher than
that of age-matched and sex-matched control subjects. Furthermore, hip fracture in dialysis
patients is associated with a doubling of the mortality observed in hip fractures in
nondialysis patients (Coco M and Rush H., 2000; Alem et al., 2000). It has been shown that
risk factors for hip fracture in CKD patients include age, gender, duration of dialysis, and
presence of peripheral vascular disease. There are also analyses that found race, gender,
duration of dialysis, and low or very high PTH levels as risk factors for hip fracture. It has
been reported that both hip and lumbar-spine fractures occur independent of gender and
race in CKD patients. Other risk factors for abnormal bone identified in studies from the
general population are also common in CKD, including smoking, sedentary lifestyle, and
hypogonadism (Alem et al., 2000). These factors are likely to increase the risk of bone
fragility and fractures in CKD but have not been well evaluated. Extremes of bone turnover
found in patients with CKD have significant impact on fragility and are likely additive to
bone abnormalities commonly found in the aging and sedentary general population
(Vassalotti et al., 2008; Melamed et al., 2008).
3.1 Classification of renal osteodystrophy by bone biopsy
Bone biopsy is performed to understand the pathophysiology and course of bone disease, to
relate histological findings to clinical symptoms of pain and fracture, and to determine
The New Kidney and Bone Disease:
Chronic Kidney Disease Mineral and Bone Disorder (CKDMBD)

whether treatments are effective. The traditional types of renal osteodystrophy have been
defined on the basis of turnover and mineralization as follows: mild, slight increase in
turnover and normal mineralization; osteitis fibrosa, increased turnover and normal
mineralization; osteomalacia, decreased turnover and abnormal mineralization; adynamic,
decreased turnover and acellularity; mixed, increased turnover with abnormal
mineralization. It has been suggested recently that by performing bone biopsies in patients
with CKD the most important parameters which should be determined are bone turnover,
bone mineralization, and bone volume (TMV) (Moe et al., 2009).
3.1.1 Bone turnover
In CKD patients a spectrum of bone formation rates varies from abnormally low to very
high. Other measurements that help to define a low or high turnover (such as eroded
surfaces, number of osteoclasts, fibrosis, or woven bone) tend to be associated with the
bone-formation rate as measured by tetracycline labeling. This is the most definite dynamic
measurement, hence it was chosen to represent bone turnover. It should be noted that an
improvement of a bone biopsy cannot be determined on the basis of a simple change in the
bone-formation rate, because the restoration of normal bone may require either an increase
or a decrease in bone turnover, depending on the starting point (Melsen and Moselkilde,
3.1.2 Bone mineralization
It is a parameter which reflects the amount of unmineralized osteoid. Mineralization is
measured by the osteoid maturation time or by mineralization lag time, both of which
depend heavily on the osteoid width as well as on the distance between tetracycline labels.
The classic disease with an abnormality of mineralization is osteomalacia, in which the
bone-formation rate is low and the osteoid volume is high. Some patients have a modest
increase in osteoid, which is a result of high bone formation rates. They do not have
osteomalacia because the mineralization lag time remains normal. The overall
mineralization, however, is not normal because unmineralized osteoid is increased.
3.1.3 Bone volume
Bone volume contributes to bone fragility and is separate from the other parameters. The
bone volume is the end result of changes in bone-formation and resorption rates: if the
overall bone formation rate is higher than the overall bone resorption rate, the bone is in
positive balance and the bone volume will increase. If mineralization remains constant, an
increase in bone volume would also result in an increase in BMD and should be detectable
by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Although both cortical and cancellous bone
volumes decrease in typical idiopathic osteoporosis, these compartments are frequently
different in patients with CKD. In dialysis patients with high PTH levels, the cortical bone
volume is decreased but the cancellous volume is increased. (Lindergard et al., 1985).
3.2 Bone markers
Generally, two different types of bone markers are used to determine the bone

Chronic Kidney Disease

3.2.1 Collagen based bone markers
Active osteoblasts secrete pro-collagen type I, and the pro-peptides at both C-terminal and
N-terminal ends are immediately cleaved and can be measured in the circulation. The
collagen molecules are then covalently bonded through pyridinoline cross-linking. The
fragments containing these pyridinoline links (at both the C-terminal and N-terminal ends
of the peptides) are released during bone resorption: carboxyterminal (CTX) and
aminoterminal (NTX) cross-linking telopeptide of bone collagen, respectively. These
collagen-based markers have been studied in normal populations, where there are
significant but moderate correlations with bone-formation/resorption rates. These markers
are usually increased after bone fracture (Urea and De Vernejoul, 1999; Ivaska et al., 2007).
3.2.2 Non collagen type of bone markers
Osteoblasts secrete other proteins that have been used to assess their function, including b-
ALP, osteocalcin, osteoprotegerin, and receptor activator for nuclear factor kB ligand.
Osteoclasts secrete tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase. Osteocytes secrete FGF-23 in
response to phosphate and calcitriol. High levels of FGF-23 are seen in patients with CKD,
but this is a new measurement, and clinical significance remains to be determined. Some of
these markers are excreted by the kidneys, so in CKD, the serum concentrations may merely
represent accumulation instead of bone turnover (Rogers and Eastell, 2005).
Renal phosphate excretion is physiologically regulated mainly by proximal tubular cells,
which express Na/Pi Type II cotransporters at their apical membrane that control
phosphate reclamation. Renal phosphate reabsorption is mediated primarily through the
Na/Pi IIa co-transporter, whereas approximately one-third of phosphate ions are
reabsorbed through the Na/Pi IIc cotransporter. FGF-23 mediates its phosphaturic effect by
reducing the abundance of the Na/Pi IIa cotransporter in proximal tubular cells (Baum et al.,
2005). In animal studies, transgenic mice over-expressing human or mouse FGF-23 have
severe renal phosphate wasting because of suppression of renal Na/Pi cotransporter activity,
whereas FGF-23 inactivation leads to hyperphosphatemia (Liu et al., 2006). In addition, FGF-
23 may inhibit gastrointestinal phosphate absorption by reducing intestinal Na/Pi IIb
cotransporter activity in a vitamin D dependent manner (Liu et al., 2006). In CKD patients,
circulating FGF-23 levels gradually increase with renal function declining. Although the
increase in FGF-23 is most pronounced in patients with advanced CKD, it may begin at a
very early stage. Apparently, FGF-23 and PTH stimulate phosphaturia in a similar manner
by reducing phosphate reclamation through Na/Pi IIa cotransporters. Nonetheless, PTH is
not indispensable for FGF-23 activity, as the phosphaturic effects of FGF-23 are maintained
in animals after parathyroidectomy (Liu et al., 2006). In CKD patients, the increase in FGF-23
starts with modestly impaired estimated glomerular filtration rate, when serum phosphate
levels are still within the normal range CKD (KDOQI stages 23), whereas FGF-23 levels
increase by more than 100-fold in advanced CKD (KDOQI stage 5) compared with healthy
controls (Imanishi et al., 2004). However, this is inconsistent with the observation that there
is no increase in the accumulation of degraded FGF-23 in advanced CKD. These data instead
favor a mechanism involving increased FGF-23 secretion as the cause of elevated FGF-23
levels. Instead of decreased renal clearance, an end organ resistance to the phosphaturic
stimulus of FGF-23 may exist because of a deficiency of the necessary Klotho cofactor
(Kurosu et al., 2006). Moreover, higher FGF-23 levels in CKD may reflect a physiological
The New Kidney and Bone Disease:
Chronic Kidney Disease Mineral and Bone Disorder (CKDMBD)

compensation to stabilize serum phosphate levels as the number of intact nephrons declines.
As a result, FGF-23 increases urinary phosphate excretion and decreases gastrointestinal
phosphate absorption directly and through inhibition of 1a-hydroxylase and reduction of
circulating calcitriol levels indirectly. Oversecretion of FGF-23 allows the body to maintain
phosphate levels within a physiological range until very advanced CKD stages (Miyamoto
K et al. 2004).
4. CKD MBD and vascular calcification
Tissue calcification is a complex and highly regulated process in bone and teeth, and also at
extraosseous sites. The most threatening localization of unwanted calcification is at vascular
sites, where it may manifest as both medial and intimal calcification of arteries. Studies in
the general population have identified calcification in most of atherosclerotic plaques.
Calcification seems to be a part of the natural development of atherosclerotic plaques, with
extensive calcification associated with late-stage atherosclerosis. In the general population,
atherosclerotic plaque calcification is associated with cardiovascular events such as
myocardial infarction, symptomatic angina pectoris, and stroke. Medial calcification causes
arterial stiffness, resulting in an elevated pulse pressure and increased pulse wave velocity,
thereby contributing to left ventricular hypertrophy, dysfunction, and heart failure.
Furthermore, an advanced calcification of the heart valves may lead to dysfunction
contributing to heart failure and a risk of endocarditis development (Vliegenthart et al. 2002;
Vliegenthart et al. 2002).
4.1 Different types of vascular calcification
It is generally well recognized that the prevalence of calcification increases with progressively
decreasing kidney function and is greater than that in the general population. Cardiovascular
calcification is associated with increased frequency of major cardiovascular diseases, and could
be of predictive importance for adverse clinical outcomes, including cardiovascular events and
death (Foley RN et al., 1998). There is an increased prevalence of cardiovascular calcification in
patients even at early stages of CKD. Thus, an important percentage of CKD patients are at
high risk of cardiovascular events from vascular calcification. Two patterns of vascular
calcification have been described: namely intimal and medial calcification. In the general
population, an elevated coronary artery calcium (CAC) score almost exclusively reflects the
atherosclerotic disease burden. In two small autopsy studies, it became apparent that, in
dialysis patients, CAC is also predominantly localized in the coronary intima, whereas the
medial calcifications observed in a minority of such patients seemed to be adjacent to plaque
areas just beneath the internal elastic lamina. Although the coronary vascular bed may differ
considerably from other arteries with regard to the calcification process and its manifestations,
the same group observed a pure medial calcification in the coronary arteries during the early
stages of CKD (Schwarz et al., 2000). A pure medial calcification, in the absence of intimal
disease, was also observed in epigastric arteries obtained from dialysis patients at the time of
renal transplantation (Amann K., 2008;).
4.2 Promoters and inhibitors of calcification
Vascular calcification is the result of passive and active processes, as is bone mineralization.
It has been shown that that normal extracellular phosphate concentration is required for

Chronic Kidney Disease

bone mineralization, while lowering this concentration prevents mineralization of any
extracellular matrix. However, simply raising extracellular phosphate concentration is not
sufficient to induce pathological mineralization, because of the presence in all extracellular
matrices of pyrophosphate, an inhibitor of mineralization (Riser et al., 2011). They further
showed that extracellular matrix mineralization normally occurs only in bone because of the
exclusive coexpression in osteoblasts of Type I collagen and of tissue non-specific alkaline
phosphatase (Tnap), an enzyme that cleaves pyrophosphate. Pyrophosphate probably is the
most important non-protein inhibitor of vascular calcification. Its extracellular concentration
is strictly regulated by several enzymes. It is generated by PC-1 nucleotide triphosphate
pyrophosphohydrolase and metabolized to inorganic phosphate by nucleotide
pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase (NPP1), in addition to Tnap. Its hydrolysis to
inorganic phosphate actually transforms it from a calcification inhibitor to a promoter. In
addition to pyrophosphate other inhibitors are also present locally in VSMCs, including
matrix-gla protein (MGP) and Smad6 proteine (Lomashvili et al., 2008; Rutsch et al., 2001;
Johnson et al., 2005).
4.3 Contribution of experimental models in vascular calcification
Arterial calcification assessed by all the available imaging studies cannot accurately
differentiate calcification that is localized to the intima from calcification in the media
adjacent to the internal elastic lamina, or in the medial layer (Figure 1 and 2). Thus, there is
neither definitive evidence to suggest that isolated medial calcification is distinct from the
calcification that occurs in the natural history of atherosclerosis nor is there definite proof
against it. Experimental and ex vivo studies suggest that the vascular smooth muscle cell
may be critical in the development of calcification by transforming into an osteoblast-like
phenotype (Giachelli CM, 2004). Elevated phosphorus, elevated calcium, oxidized low-
density lipoprotein cholesterol, cytokines, and elevated glucose, among others, stimulate
this transformation of vascular smooth muscle cells into osteoblast-like cells in vitro using
cell-culture techniques. These factors likely interact at the patient level to increase and/or
accelerate calcification in CKD. Given the potential complexity of the pathogenesis and the
inability of radiological techniques to differentiate the location of calcification, the approach
to all patients with calcification should be to minimize atherosclerotic risk factors and
control biochemical parameters of CKDMBD. In addition, the pericyte in the media and
adventitia may have a role in the secretion of vascular calcification-inducing factors
(Giachelli et al., 2004). The stimulus for such a transformation may depend on the location of
calcification within the artery wall (Figure 2A and 2B). For example, in intimal lesions,
atherosclerosis may be the most important stimulus. However, in patients with CKD and
medial calcification, there may be additional, or additive, factors potentially explaining why
medial calcification of the peripheral arteries can be seen without intimal changes and is
more common in CKD than in the non-CKD population (Moe et al., 2003).
Over the past decade, several animal studies have provided evidence for an accelerated
progression of atherosclerosis in association with the uremic state. We and others have used
the apolipoprotein e knockout (Apoe/) mouse with superimposed CKD and observed that
in this experimental model of severe hypercholesterolemia the development of
atheromatous lesions was greatly enhanced compared with the rate of lesion development
in nonuremic Apoe/ mice (Massy et al., 2005; Ivanovski et al., 2005). Additionally, in our
The New Kidney and Bone Disease:
Chronic Kidney Disease Mineral and Bone Disorder (CKDMBD)


Fig. 1A. Intima and media calcification by radiography. a) Femoral artery intimal
calcification; b) Femoral artery medial calcification; c) Pelvic artery medial calcification; d)
Iliac arteries mixed calcification. (London et al. 2003).

Fig. 1B. Coronary artery calcification by Electron beam computed tomography (EBCT), (scan
courtesy of Pr P. Raggi).

Chronic Kidney Disease



Fig. 2. Localization of different types of vascular calcification in humans. A) Intimal; B)
Medial; (London et al. 2003).
The New Kidney and Bone Disease:
Chronic Kidney Disease Mineral and Bone Disorder (CKDMBD)

model, accelerated calcification of the aortic wall both in the intima and the media, (Figure
3A and 3B, respectively) occurred in the absence of hypertension, and fetuin a deficiency
greatly enhanced intimal calcification. Similar observations have been made using another
hyper cholesterolemic animal model of severe atherosclerosis with superimposed CKD,
namely the LDL receptor knockout mouse model (Mathew et al. 2007; Davies et al. 2005). Of
note, the first cardiovascular changes observed in early stages of CKD in Apoe/ mice as
well as in wild type mice were left ventricular hypertrophy, altered left ventricular
relaxation and increased aortic stiffness in the absence of identifiable morphological changes
of the vessel wall. The observed cardiac and aortic abnormalities were not associated with
the degree of aortic calcification or the level of serum total cholesterol, but with the extent of
subendothelial dysfunction and the severity of CKD. Our findings have revealed that the
cardio vascular lesions observed in early stage of acute kidney injury are likely functional.
Although the above experimental findings need to be confirmed by additional studies in the
clinical setting, they open up the possibility of attenuation of atherosclerosis and even
reversal by adequate therapeutic strategies. Findings from experimental observations favor
the existence of two different types of vascular disease linked to CKD, namely early
arteriosclerosis, in the absence of atherosclerosis, and the acceleration of already existing or
subsequently developing atherosclerosis by the uremic state (Drueke and Massy, 2010).
Finally, a rare but very severe form of medial calcification of small (cutaneous) arteries is
calciphylaxis, also called calcific uremic arteriolopathy. This complication is strongly
associated with CKD-related disturbances of mineral metabolism, including secondary HPT,
in approximately one-third of cases. It is characterized by ischemic, painful skin ulcerations
followed by superinfections, and is associated with high mortality. Relationships with
dysregulated calcification inhibitors (fetuin-A and matrix Gla protein) have been implicated
in the pathogenesis of calciphylaxis (Schoppet et al., 2008; Suliman et al., 2008), but because
of the relatively low incidence of the disease, no conclusive data are available to firmly
comment on the nature of the disease process or to allow generalizable treatment options to
be recommended.
4.4 Management of patients with vascular/val vular calcification
Recently it has been confirmed that cardiovascular calcification development and
progression can be influenced by treatment. Given that vascular calcification is associated
with increased cardiovascular risk, and that the pathogenesis seems to be related to CKD
MBD abnormalities and atherosclerosis, it is appropriate to evaluate and modify both. CKD
MBD longitudinal studies have also shown that the progression of vascular calcification to
be modifiable by the choice of phosphate binders. Aluminum-containing phosphate binders
have been widely abandoned because of serious adverse effects including adynamic bone
disease, microcytic anemia, dementia, and death (Alfrey et al., 1976). They were initially
replaced by calcium-containing, aluminum-free phosphate binders. Subsequently, several
studies showed that the high amounts of calcium ingested with these binders were
associated with vascular calcification whose progression could be slowed by the calcium-
free, aluminum-free binder sevelamer (Block et al., 2005; Chertow et al., 2002; London et al.,
2008). The Treat-to-Goal study compared sevelamer-HCl to calcium-containing phosphate
binders, analyzing the progression of coronary artery and aortic calcification (by EBCT) in
prevalent HD patients over 1 year. Although calcification scores progressed with calcium-

Chronic Kidney Disease



Fig. 3. Extent and localization of different types of atherosclerotic lesion calcification in
apoE/ mice with CRF. von Kossa staining. a) solid type of plaque calcification,
magnification 25; b) non-plaque calcification, magnification25. (Phan et al. 2008).
The New Kidney and Bone Disease:
Chronic Kidney Disease Mineral and Bone Disorder (CKDMBD)

containing phosphate binders, treatment with sevelamer-HCl was associated with a lack of
calcification progression (Chertow et al., 2002). A similar design was used, and the results
showed more calcification progression in patients treated with calcium based binders
compared with sevelamer-HCl in the Renagel in New Dialysis Patients study, which studied
incident HD patients who were randomized within 90 days after starting dialysis treatment
(Block et al., 2005). The Calcium Acetate Renagel Evaluation-2 study showed that the use of
sevelamer-HCl and calcium acetate was associated with equal progression of CAC when
statins were used to achieve a similar control of the serum low-density lipoprotein
cholesterol in the two study arms (Qunibi et al., 2008). Interestingly, in Calcium Acetate
Renagel Evaluation-2, the combination of sevelamer- HCl and atorvastatin was actually
associated with a higher progression rate of CAC than that in Treat-to-Goal, instead of
showing an amelioration of CAC progression with the combination of calcium acetate and
statin. It is difficult to reconcile these differences, although one potential explanation is that
the Calcium Acetate Renagel Evaluation- 2 study patient population had a higher number of
cardiovascular risk factors than did that of the Treat-to-Goal study (Floege J., 2008).
Although abnormalities of calcium phosphate homeostasis have long been linked with
dysfunction of large arteries in these patients, more recent studies have suggested a role in
the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis in smaller, critical arteries, most notably the coronary
arteries (London et al., 2003). Coronary artery calcification (CAC) is a strong predictor of
atherosclerotic disease in the general population. It has been recognized that most
population studies measuring CAC did not necessarily exclude individuals on the basis of
kidney function and thus include variable numbers of CKD patients. In general, this
literature evaluating the general population supports the view that CAC is part of the
development of atherosclerosis and occurs almost exclusively together with atherosclerosis
in human arteries. It seems that calcification occurs early in the atherosclerotic process;
however, the amount of calcification per lesion has a variable relationship with the
associated severity of luminal stenosis. The relationship between the degree of calcification
in an individual lesion and the probability of plaque rupture is unknown. In the general
population, the overall coronary calcium score can be considered as a measure of the overall
burden of coronary atherosclerosis. The American College of Cardiology/American Heart
Association document indicates that the relationship between CAC and cardiovascular
events in the CKD population is less clear than that in the non-CKD population because of a
relative lack of informative studies and the possibility that medial calcification may not be
indicative of atherosclerotic disease severity. The almost exclusive relationship between
magnitude of calcification and atherosclerosis burden is controversial in CKD patients
(Amann, 2008), in contrast to the situation in the general population. Antiatherosclerotic
strategies using statin treatment have been shown to have a beneficial impact on the
atherogenic profile, atheroma progression, and cardiovascular events in patients with no
known CKD (Nissen et al. 2004). In our experimental model, we have shown that statins had
a beneficial effect on uremia enhanced vascular calcification in apoE knock out mice with
chronic kidney disease. This effect was observed despite the absence of changes in uremia
accelerated atherosclerosis progression, serum total cholesterol levels or osteopontin and
alkaline phosphatase expression. This observation opened the possibility of a cholesterol
independent action of statins on vascular calcification via a decrease in oxidative stress
(Ivanovski et al., 2008). In CKD patients, there are no data on the effects of statins on arterial

Chronic Kidney Disease

calcification, as compared with those of placebo. Even worse, the 4D study failed to show a
benefit of atorvastatin treatment on the outcome of diabetic dialysis patients. Studies in
progress like SHARP (Study of Heart and Renal Protection) and AURORA (A Study to
Evaluate the Use of Rosuvastatin in Subjects on Regular Hemodialysis: An Assessment of
Survival and Cardiovascular Events) failed to show a better understanding of the benefits of
correcting atherosclerotic risk factors on cardiovascular events and mortality in patients
with CKD stages 35 and 5D (Baigent et al., 2003).
An association of vascular calcification with high phosphate intake has so far not been
directly demonstrated in uremic patients, probably owing to the fact that it is difficult, if not
impossible, to assess phosphate (protein) intake in a quantitative manner over prolonged
time periods. Indirect evidence for a role of oral phosphate, however, has recently been
provided by Russo et al (Russo et al., 2007). They showed that in patients with CKD stage 3-
5, coronary artery calcification score progressed significantly over a time period of 2 years,
in association with a significant increase in phosphaturia. Many pharmaco-epidemiologic
studies have shown a survival benefit in CKD patients receiving active vitamin D
derivatives, as compared to those who did not receive such treatments. Finally, let us not
forget that association does not imply causation. We clearly need randomized prospective
trials showing that active reduction of serum phosphorus, PTH, or alkaline phosphatases
and normalization of serum calcium leads to an improvement in patient outcomes, and that
specific treatments given to the patients improve outcome, as compared to either placebo or
other treatments (Drueke and McCarron, 2003).
To date, there are no published prospective studies in humans that have evaluated the
impact of calcimimetics or calcitriol and vitamin D analogs on arterial calcification.
However, a recent observational study showed a U-curve type of relationship between
serum 1,25(OH)2D3 and arterial calcification in children and adolescents with CKD stage
5D. No such association existed between serum 25(OH)D and arterial calcification. In one
study in adult patients with CKD stage 5, no independent association of serum 25(OH)D or
1,25(OH)2D3 levels with arterial calcification was observed, (London et al., 2007). Although
the authors of another report identified an association between 25(OH)D deficiency and the
magnitude of vascular calcification (Matias et al., 2009). The experimental data supporting
less toxicity of vitamin D analogs compared with calcitriol are not completely consistent
across studies, but, in general, support the claim that there is reduced calcification with
equivalent PTH lowering with different vitamin D analogs (Lopez et al., 2008). Experimental
studies showed differential effects of calcimimetics and calcitriol on extraosseous
calcification, the former being neutral or protective, the latter being a dose-dependent risk
factor for calcification. In our studies, we have analysed the role of chronic renal failure
(CRF) on the arterial wall changes including atherosclerosis and vascular calcifications in
CRF apoE-/- mice experimental model (Massy, Ivanovski et al. 2005). Furthermore, we have
studied the effect of different non-calcium (Phan et al., 2005) and calcium phosphate binders
(Phan et al., 2008) and role of control of phosphatemia on vascular calcification and
atherosclerosis (Ivanovski et al. 2009). We have also showed for the first time that the
phosphate binder La carbonate is capable of preventing both uremia-enhanced vascular
calcification and atherosclerosis in experimental model of CKD (Nikolov et al., 2011). These
effects were comparable to those of sevelamer on vascular calcification and atherosclerosis,
as previously reported by us for sevelamer-HCl in this model (Phan et al., 2008).
The New Kidney and Bone Disease:
Chronic Kidney Disease Mineral and Bone Disorder (CKDMBD)

5. CKD MBD summary
Mineral and bone disorders are complex abnormalities that cause morbidity and decreased
quality of life in patients with CKD. To enhance communication and facilitate research, a
new term has been established, CKDMineral and Bone Disorder (CKD-MBD), to describe
the syndrome of biochemical, bone, and extraskeletal calcification abnormalities that occur
in patients with CKD. Also, it has been recommended that the term renal osteodystrophy be
used exclusively to define alterations in bone morphology associated with CKD. The latter
can be further assessed by histomorphometry, with results reported on the basis of a
classification system that includes parameters of turnover, mineralization, and volume. The
international adoption of the proposed uniform terminology, definition, and classification to
describe these two disorders caused by CKD enhanced communication, facilitated clinical
decision making, and can promote the evolution of evidence based clinical-practice
guidelines worldwide. This issue of Advances in CKD further describes the clinical
manifestations and pathophysiology of CKD-MBD. The optimal management of CKD-MBD
(Chronic Kidney Disease Mineral and Bone Disorder) should be achieved without
increasing the risk of metastatic calcification, including that of blood vessels.
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The Prevalence of Renal Osteodystrophy in
Chronic Renal Failure Patients in
Urban Niger Delta of Nigeria
U. R. Onyemekeihia
, C. O. Esume
, E. Unuigbe
, E. Oviasu
, L. Ojogwu

Renal Unit, Department of Medicine, Central Hospital Warri, Delta State
Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Delta State University, Abraka
Department of Medicine, University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin City
1. Introduction
Chronic renal failure (CRF) is defined as a progressive and persistent deterioration in renal
function with serum creatinine consistently greater than 175mol (Adelakun and Akinsola,
1988). It occurs as the termination of many chronic renal diseases, and is an important cause
of morbidity and mortality in Africa (Kadiri, 2001). End stage renal failure may be defined
as creatinine clearance of less than 10mls/minute or sustained plasma creatinine
concentration above 500pmol/l (Ojogwu, 2001).
In United Kingdom the prevalence of chronic renal failure is approximately 600 individuals
per million population per year (0.06%). The incidence of end-stage renal failure is of the
order of 200 per million population per year (0.02%) (Baker, 1999).
In Nigeria, although accurate figures are not available, the size of the problem has been
estimated using hospital admission records (Kadiri, 2001). Hospital admission rates of CRF
in South West Nigeria were reported as between 6.7%-8%

(Akinsola et al, 1989; Kadiri and
Arije, 1999). However, much earlier reports by Adetuyibi et al showed that CRF accounted
for 11.4% of deaths on the medical wards of a major teaching hospital in the region
(Adetuyibi et al, 1976).
Chronic glomerulonephritis and hypertension account for majority of CRF cases in Nigeria,
with diabetes mellitus, obstructive uropathy and autosomal dominant polycystic kidney
disease accounting for smaller proportions

(Akinsola et al, 1989). Chronic interstitial
nephritis is thought not to be a common cause of CRF in Nigeria and other parts of Africa

(Gold et al 1990, Ojogwu 1990, Mate-Kole et al 1990). Once established, chronic renal
impairment tends to progress inexorably to end-stage renal failure, but the rate of
progression depends on the underlying aetiology: for example chronic glomerulonephritis
leads to a more rapid deterioration compared with chronic tubulointerstitial nephropathies

(Baker, 1999). Chronic renal failure is associated with widespread complications, and renal
osteodystrophy (ROD) is one of such complications

(Hartmut and Marie-Claude 1990). ROD
develops in the early stages of loss of the excretory functions of the kidney, and can begin
many years before its symptoms and radiological changes appear in adults (Hartmut and

Chronic Kidney Disease

Marie-Claude 1990). Symptoms of ROD are seen only in about 10% of pre-dialysis patients,
but when they have been on dialysis for several years, 90% of them will have symptoms
(Sanchez 2001). When glomerular filtration rate (GFR) falls to 50% of normal, more than 50%
of patients exhibit abnormal bone histology. As much as 90% of patients with end-stage
renal failure on maintenance haemodialysis have abnormal bone history.
The bone disorders associated with chronic renal failure are; Osteitis Fibrosa cystica due to
secondary hyperparathyroidism, osteomalacia, osteoporosis. Adynamic osteopathy, skeletal
microglobulin amyloid deposit, aluminum related low turnover bone disease and mixed
forms of ROD. Osteitis Fibrosa is the commonest form of ROD (Hartmut and Marie-Claude
1990). All these increase the morbidity and mortality in patients with CRF. The prevalence
of the different types of ROD may vary depending on aluminum exposure, treatment with
Vitamin D metabolites, dietary intake, and whether or not is undergoing dialysis (Hartmut
and Marie-Claude 1990).
The diagnosis of ROD can either be by invasive or non invasive methods. The invasive
methods include: bone biopsy after double tetracycline labeling, scintigraphical scan studies,
computed tomography and bone densitometry (Sanchez 2001). A definitive diagnosis of
ROD can only be made with bone biopsy. The non invasive methods employ the use of
serum markers of bone metabolism, including bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (bap), pre
collagen type 1 carboxy1- terminal extension peptide (PICP), osteocalcin, pyridinoline
(PYD), tartrate resistance acid phospatase (TRAPE) and intact parathyroid hormone (IPTH),
and skeletal x-ray (Sanchez 2001). Indeed, detection of biochemical makers such as serum
bap can predict the presence of ROD. Serum bap is a specific and sensitive marker that is
used to evaluate the degree of bone remodeling in uraemic patients (Sanchez 2001, Urena et
al, 1991). Also intact PTH and several relatively new bone markers such as PYD and PICP
are of immense value in the non-invasive diagnosis of ROD. In patients that do not have
liver disease, parathyroid hormone and alkaline phosphatase are less expensive and non-
invasive alternatives for evaluation of ROD (Urena et al, 1991). These biochemical markers
have the added advantage of allowing for repeated measurements, and therefore make
possible the study of short term changes in bone turn over and the effect of treatment (Coen
et al 1998). They may be used to predict the risk of fracture (independently of bone loss),
Rate of bone loss and also the response to therapy (Coen et al 1998).
In developing countries like Nigeria, these non-invasive and relatively less expensive
methods for evaluating bone changes in CRF patients will be a very useful alternative to the
invasive and relatively more expensive method used in developed counties.
Because of paucity of data, the prevalence of ROD in Nigeria is not known, however the
prevalence of ROD in University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital Enugu using skeletal x-ray
was reported to be 3.35% (Odenigbo, 2003). With the increase in the number of patients with
CRF requiring or undergoing dialysis across Nigeria, it has becomes necessary to study the
extent of ROD in CRF patient with or without dialysis.
2 Methodology
2.1 Place of study
The study was done at the University of Benin Teaching Hospital (UBTH)) Benin City,
which is a 420-bedded tertiary hospital with Renal Unit that offers dialysis. Majority of
The Prevalence of Renal Osteodystrophy in
Chronic Renal Failure Patients in Urban Niger Delta of Nigeria

patients come from Edo State (where the hospital is situated), Delta, Anambra, Ondo, and
Oyo States.
2.2 Type of study
The study was prospective, descriptive, Clinico-pathological and hospital based.
2.3 Subjects
The study group was made up of consecutive chronic renal failure patients attending the
University of Benin Teaching Hospital (UBTH).
2.4 Inclusion criteria
1. Ultrasonographic findings of bilaterally shrunken kidneys of less than 9cm bipolar
2. Persistently elevated serum creatinine concentration above 175 mol/l.
3. Patients aged between 18years and 65years.
The subjects were recruited after obtaining informed consent from them (and /or relations
when necessary). Also ethical approval was sought and obtained from the Ethical
Committee of the UBTH.
2.5 Exclusion criteria
Exclusion from the study included:
1. Patients aged below 18years
2. Those who have had or are on vitamin D therapy
3. Those with chronic liver disease
4. Those who indulge in excessive alcohol intake
5. Post menopausal women.
6. Bed ridden patients.
7. Patient with metastatic bone disease.
2.6 Sample size
Fishers formula for determining sample size was used. This is:

n= number of sample size
p= prevalence of the problem =0.06%
q= 1-P
z= 95% confidence interval =1.96
d= level of precision =0.05
n= 86.7=87
However since this was a pilot study, sample size of approximately 50% of above (that is 50)
was used.

Chronic Kidney Disease

A total of 115 patients were screened by:
Taking of a detailed history and physical examination at the initial contact with the patients
with view to determining whether the patients had features suggestive of CRF and also
whether patients met the inclusion criteria. Those with obvious exclusion criteria were
dropped from the study at this level. This resulted in the exclusion of 55 subjects.
Twenty-four hours urine was collected and used for estimation of creatinine clearance and
24hours urinary calcium. On the morning of the test (8.00am), patients emptied their
bladder and discarded the urine. Subsequently, urine passed was put into a clean container
until 8.00am the next day. At the end of the urine collection, 5mls of blood was collected
from the patients for estimation of serum creatinine. The creatinine clearance was calculated
by using the formula: UV/P, where V is the urine flow rate (mls/min). Normal values of
creatinine clearance was taken as 105-150mls/min while 24 hours urinary calcium was taken
as 100-300 mg/dl. Where it was necessary radiograph of the chest and lumbo-sacral spines
were carried out to rule out metastatic bone lesion. An abdominal ultrasonographic scan
was carried out. After these evaluations a total of 52 subjects were studied having met the
inclusion criteria.
2.7 Study design
The eventual 52 subjects who satisfied the inclusion criteria were required to complete a
researcher administered questionnaire which includes age, sex, occupation, dietary habits,
clinical symptoms of ROD, frequency and regularity of dialysis. Physical examination was
performed by the investigator.
Ten milliters (10ml) of venous blood was drawn from the remaining 60 patients from a
suitable vein with loose fitting tourniquet. The blood sample was used to assay for serum
alkaline phosphatase levels, bone specific alkaline phosphatase levels, serum albumin levels,
calcium and phosphate levels.
Osteocalcin, hydroxyproline, parathyroid hormone and calcitriol assays were not carried out
because of lack of necessary facilities. However, a surrogate for parathyroid hormone was
taken as total serum alkaline phosphatase.
Glomerular filtration rate was determined by 24hour urinary creatinine clearance. Also
24hour urine calcium was determined from the 24 hr urine. Plain x-rays of the wrist/
phalanges of both hands and / or lumbo-sacral spine to include the pelvis was carried out
looking out for features of osteodystrophy. Bone histology, though more sensitive in the
diagnosis of ROD than radiographic evidence could not be done in live subjects because
consent for the procedure was refused. 20 of the CRF patients died during the study.
However, out of these, only 14 died in the hospital and the corpse deposited in the
mortuary. Post mortem bone biopsies were done on 10 of the 14 bodies whose relations gave
consent for the post mortem after obtaining consent from relations.
40 patients without the exclusion criteria and who did not have the have renal failure but
attending out -patient clinic of UBTH, whose ages ranged from 18-65years were used as
The Prevalence of Renal Osteodystrophy in
Chronic Renal Failure Patients in Urban Niger Delta of Nigeria

2.8 Apparatus
2.8.1 X-ray machine Watson RO1
This is a standard machine with good resolution quality.
The procedure was carried out by an experienced radiographer using the posterior- anterior
The film was read and reported by an experienced consultant Radiologist.
2.8.2 Ultrasound machine
Sonoace 1500 (Medison) 3.5 MHz sector probe was used. This is a standard machine with
good resolution.
Renal ultrasound scan was carried out by an experience Sonographer
2.9 Serum phosphate estimation
This was done using Fiske-Subbarow method. This is a colorimetric method using Fiske-
Subbarow reagent.
The composition of the reagent is a follows:
Ammonium molybdate -7nM
Sulphuric acid 1.7N
Iron (11) Sulphate -8Mm
2.9.1 Principle
The phosphate ion reacts with Molybdate to produce Phosphomolybdate, which is finally
reduced to a molybdenum blue, which is photo metrically measured.
2.9.2 Technique
1. Three test tubes were labeled as: Blank BL
Standard ST
Sample -SA
2. 0.1ml of patients blood sample was added to SA. 0.1ml of standard was added to ST.
To all 3 test tubes were added 3.0ml of the reagent.
3. The content of each of the test tubes were mixed properly and allowed to stand for 10
minutes at room temperature (20-25
4. Reading was done using a spectrophotometer set at 650nM wavelength.
5. The concentration of inorganic phosphate in patient sample was calculated using the
Inorganic phosphate (mg/dl) =
SA O.D 4

O.D = Optic Density
Normal value of serum phosphate was taken as 2.4- 4.5 mg/dl.

Chronic Kidney Disease

2.10 Measurement of total serum calcium
The Cresolphtalein- Complexone method (CPC) was used for the determination of total
serum calcium. This is a standard Colorimetric method. This like most calcium assays
measures the total serum calcium although it is only the free calcium which constitutes 50-
65% of total calcium that is biologically active.
2.10.1 Principle
CPC forms a violet colored complex with calcium. The absorbance of the colour produced
was measured in a colorimeter using a Spectrophotometer at 575nM wavelength measured
in a colorimeter using a spectrophotometer at 575nM wave length. Interference from
magnesium was reduced by including 8-hydroxquinoline in the working CPC reagent. The
Ethanediol in the reagent suppresses the ionization of the 0- Cresolphtalein and helps to
give a clear solution. A correction was made when the patients serum albumin level was
below 40g/l using this formula:
Corrected serum albumin =
albumin g /l Ca

2.10.2 Method
1. Two sets of four tubes were labeled as follows:
B-reagent blank, standard (2mmol/l)
C - Control; p - patient.
2. 5mls of CPC reagent was added into each tube using a pipette
3. The following were added into each set of tubes using a pipette as follows:
B. - 0.05mls distilled water
S - 0.05mls standard (2mmol/1)
C- 0.05mls Control serum
p - 0.05mls patient serum
The contents of each tube were mixed for several seconds.
4. Using clean Cuvettes, the absorbance of the solution were read in a colorimeter using a
spectrophotometer set at 575nM. The instrument was zero with a blank solution in tube
5. The concentration of Ca
in the patients sample was calculated with the following
(mmo1/L) =

AT= Absorbance of test or control
AS= Absorbance of standard
Serum calcium values of 8.5 10.5mg/dl was taken as normal.
2.11 Measurement of serum alkaline phosphatase
This was done using the kind and king method (1954). This is a standard colorimetric
The Prevalence of Renal Osteodystrophy in
Chronic Renal Failure Patients in Urban Niger Delta of Nigeria

2.11.1 Princile
4- amino antipyrine gives a red purple colour with compounds containing a phenolic group
in the presence of alkaline oxidizing agents.
2.11.2 Technique
2mls of buffer substrate was measured into each of the 2 test tubes and placed in water bath
at 37
C for a few minutes. To one of the test tube (patients test tube) was added 0.lml of
serum and the tubes were incubated for exactly 15 minutes. They were removed from the
bath and 0.8ml of 0.5M sodium hydroxide and 1.2ml of 0.5M (the blank) was added to both
tubes, 1ml of amino- antipyrine reagent and 1ml of potassium ferricyanide were added. For
the standard, 1ml of buffer and 1ml of phenol standard containing 0.01mg of phenol was
taken. For the standard blank, 1.1ml of buffer and 1ml of water was taken to both tubes, and
then sodium hydroxide, bicarbonate amino-antipyrine and ferricyanide was added as
above. It was read with a spectrophotometer set at 520 millimicrons. Serum alkaline
phosphatase (King- Amstrong unit per 100mls) was derived from the formula:
Serum alkaline phosphatase = Reading of unknown - Reading of blank x 10
Reading of standard - Reading of standard blank
Total serum alkaline phosphatase values of 25-95 IU/L was taken as normal
2.12 Determination of bone specific alkaline phospatse
This was done by curve-fitting of inhibition kinetic as popularized by (Statland et al, 1972).
2.12.1 Principle
After the determination of the total serum alkaline phosphatase as described above, the
serum is heated for 13 minutes at 56
c to inactivate the bone- type isoenzyme. The sera are
now read as in the determination of the total serum alkaline phosphatase using a
spectrophotometer set at 520 millimicron wavelength.
The concentration of serum alkaline phosphatase excluding the bone isoenzyme was
determined as was done for total alkaline phosphatase using a spectrophotometer set at
520millimicron wavelength. The bone isoenzyme was determined by subtracting this value
from the total alkaline phosphatase. Values of bone specific alkaline phosphatase level
greater than 50% of total serum alkaline phosphatase shows significant contribution from
bone iso-enzyme.
2.13 Bone histology (post mortem)
2.13.1 Procedure
1. The autopsy specimen biopsy was taken from the pelvic bone.
2. Decalcification: The piece of bone biopsied was decalcified by emersion in 10% nitric
acid for 2 days.
3. Dehydration: the decalcified bone was dehydrated by passing the bone through
ascending grades of alcohol. (70%, 90%, 100%) respectively.

Chronic Kidney Disease

4. Clearing of excess alcohol: to rinse off excess alcohol that could be in the tissue, it was
rinsed with xylene or toluene.
5. Impregnation with paraffin wax: the tissue was then impregnated with paraffin wax,
and subsequently embedded into paraffin block.
6. Cutting into sections: the tissue embedded into paraffin block was cut into section of
about 5 micron thick.
7. The cut section was then placed on a slide and allowed to dry for a minimum of 30 min.
8. Staining process: heamatin and eosin stains were used.
9. Reading of slide: the slide was read and reported by an experienced histopathologist.
2.14 Statistical analysis
Data analysis was done using SPSS package, and the storage was in Microsoft excel. Data
are expressed in tabular, bar chart and prose forms. Mean standard deviation and
percentages of all data were derived. Odd ratio was used to measure strength of association
between ROD and their relative risk.
The t-test and chi-squared test were used to determine the differences in means of the CRF
group and control.
P value of less than 0.05 was regarded as significant.
3. Results
3.1 Characteristics of subjects studied
A total of 115 patients were screened for the study. 52 of them were studied, having met the
inclusion criteria. This was made up of 30 (58%) males and 22 (42%) females. 40 age and sex
matched controls, made up of 22 (55%) males and 18 (45%) females were also studied. The
age range of the study population was 18 65 years. 3 (5%) of the CRF patients were in the
age range less than 30 years, 16 (30%) were in the 31 40 years age range, 13 (25%) and 14
(26%) were in the age range 41 50 years and 51 60 years respectively, while 6 (11%) were
in the age range greater than 60 years. The peak incidence of CRF was in the 31 40 years
age range. The mean age of the CRF patients and controls were 42.5 + 11.6 years and 40.4 +
11.3 years respectively (refer to table 1).

Frequency (%) Frequency (%)
31 40
41 50
51 60
3 (5%)
16 (30%)
13 (25%)
14 (26%)
6 (11%)
7 (17%)
12 (30%)
10 (25%)
7 (17%)
4 (10%)
Table 1. Age and sex distribution of both CRF and control groups.
The Prevalence of Renal Osteodystrophy in
Chronic Renal Failure Patients in Urban Niger Delta of Nigeria

Characteristics CRF Group (n=52)
Mean + SD
Control Group
(n=40) Mean +SD
Age (Yrs)
Renal sizes (cm)
Creatinine clearance (mls/min)
Total alkaline phosphatase (iu/l)
BAP (iu/l)
Serum calcium (mg/dl)
Serum phosphate (mg/dl)
24 hours urine calcium (mg/dl)
Serum creatinine (mg/dl)
Blood urea (mg/dl)
Serum protein (gm/dl)
M (30), F (22)
42.5 + 11.6

8.33 + 0.5
8.16 + 0.5
9.8 + 6.7
129.4 + 21.6
83.12 + 21.6
6.9 + 2.3
6.1 + 1.9
1.7 + 2.37
7.16 + 2.4
123.8 + 39.8
3.2 + 0.60
M (22), F (18)
40.38 + 11.3

11.99 + 0.32
11.92 + 0.33
126 + 7.3
43.73 + 8.31
21.8 + 4.11
9.12 + 0.5
3.20 + 0.6
3.8 + 1.76
0.8 + 0.15
24.4 + 5.6
4.46 + 0.52


Table 2. Characteristics of CRF and control group.
In the age ranges <30 years and 31 40 years, the mean creatinine clearance were 7 + 1.83
mls/min and 12.6 + 2.16 mls/min respectively. In the age ranges 41 50 years and 51 60
years, the mean creatinine clearances were 8.6 + 3.2mls/min and 8.2 + 2.6mls/min
respectively. In the age range >60 years, the mean creatinine clearance was 11.8 +
5.2mls/min. Creatinine clearance was lowest in the <30 years age range. This is represented
in figure1.
3.2 Symptoms of renal osteodydtrophy (ROD)
The symptoms suggestive of ROD in the study population include bone pain and pruritus.
7(14%) of the CRF group had symptoms. This was made up of 5(71%) that had bone pain
and 2(29%) that had pruritus. 5(12%) of the control group had bone pain. None had
pruritus. The symptom of bone pain was commoner in males compared to females. Of those
that had bone pain, 4 (80%) were males while 1 (20%) was a females. Pruritus was equally as
common in both sexes (1 male and 1 female).
The entire patients that had pruritus in the CRF group had elevated serum alkaline
phosphatase, hyperphosphataemia and elevated calcium-phosphate product. There was a
statistically significant correlation between bone pain and creatinine clearance (r =-0.3), such
that bone pain occurred more commonly in patients with end stage renal disease (ESRD).

Chronic Kidney Disease

Only 1(1%) patient in the CRF group had radiological evidence of Rugger Jersey Spine.
Radiological evidence of osteoarthritis was found in 3(60%) and 2(40%) of the patients that
had bone pain in the CRF and control group respectively (see Table 3).

Patients Characteristics
Sex Age (Yrs) Serum Ca
Serum P04
Ca x P04

RJS = Rugger Jersey spine, PO4 = Phosphate, Ca = Calcium, Alk Phosp = Alkaline phosphate, Crcl =
Creatinine clearance, OA = Osteoarthritis.
Table 3. Characteristics of CRF patients symptomatic of ROD.
3.3 Creatinine clearance of subjects
The mean creatinine clearance in the CRF and control groups was 9.8 + 6.7mls/min and
126.2 + 7.4 mls/min respectively. There was a statistically significant difference between
both means (p < 0.05).
Table 4 shows the distribution of subjects according to creatinine clearance. In the CRF
group, 47 (90%) had ESRD, with creatinine clearance < 15mls/min, 4 (8%) had creatinine
clearance of 15 29mls/min, and 1 (2%) had creatinine clearance 30 59mls/min. All
controls had creatinine clearance > 95mls/min (see Table 4).

Creatinine clearance (mls/min) Frequency
CRF group
n = 52
Control group
n = 40
Frequency % Frequency %
> 95
30 59
15 29
Table 4. Distribution of subjects according to creatinine clearance.
The Prevalence of Renal Osteodystrophy in
Chronic Renal Failure Patients in Urban Niger Delta of Nigeria

3.4 Renal ultrasonographic scan of subjects
The mean kidney sizes in the CRF group was 8.2 + 0.5cm and 8.3 + 0.5cm for the right and
left kidneys respectively, while that of the control was 12.10 + 0.33cm and 12.02 + 0.33cm for
the right and left kidneys respectively. 52 (100%) patients in the CRF group had shrunken
kidneys (<11cm).
There was a weak positive correlation between renal sizes and creatinine clearance, with r =
0.12 and r = 0.17 for the right and left kidneys respectively (see Table 5).
Renal sizes (cm) Frequency
(n = 52)
(n = 40)
Right Left Right Left
Small size (<9cm)
9 10.9cm
Normal size
(11 12cm)
Large size >12cm




Table 5. Renal sizes of subjects on abdominal ultrasonographic scan.
Normal kidney size: 11 12cm (Brenner and Rector. The kidney vol.1, 6
edition 2000).
3.5 Serum calcium of subjects
The mean serum calcium in the CRF and control groups was 6.9 + 2.3mg/dl and 9.12 +
0.53mg/dl respectively. This difference between the means was statistically significant
Table 6 shows the pattern of serum calcium concentration in the study population. In the
CRF group, 37 (71%) patients had hypocalcaemia (<8.5mg/dl), 3 (6%) had hypercalcaemia
(>10.5mg/dl, while 12 (23%) had normal calcium levels (8.5 10.5mg/dl). In the control
group, 39 (97%) patients had normal calcium levels, while only 1 (3%) had hypocalcaemia.
None in the control group had hypercalcaemia. There was a weak positive correlation
between serum calcium and total alkaline phosphate in the CRF group (r = 0.04), such that
as the serum alkaline phosphate was increasing, the serum calcium was decreasing.
Amongst the CRF patients with total serum alkaline phosphate of <25iu/l, the mean serum
calcium was 6.4 + 1.6mg/dl, while in the group with total serum alkaline phosphate of 25
95iu/l, the mean serum calcium was 7.9 + 3.0mg/dl, and in the group with total serum
alkaline phosphate of >95iu/l, the mean serum calcium was 6.8 + 1.8mg/dl. There was an
insignificant correlation between serum calcium and creatinine clearance (r = 0.007).
Amongst the CRF patients with creatinine clearance of <15mls/min, the mean serum
calcium was 5.2 + 2.4mg/dl, while in the group that had creatinine clearance of 15
29mls/min, the mean serum calcium was 6.3 + 2.1mg/dl, and in the group with creatinine
clearance of >30mls/min, the mean serum calcium was 8.4 + 1.6mg/dl. Mean serum calcium
tends to be lower in ESRD patients (see table 6).

Chronic Kidney Disease

Serum Calcium (mg/dl) CRF group
n = 52
Control group
n = 40
Normal levels
(8.5 10.5mg/dl)

37 (71%)

12 (23%)

3 (6%)

1 (3%)

39 (97%)

Table 6. The distribution of subjects according to serum calcium.
3.6 Serum phosphate of subjects
The mean serum phosphate in the CRF group was 6.1 + 2.0mg/dl, and this was significantly
higher than the mean serum phosphate of 3.2 + 0.6mg/dl in the control group (p<0.05).
Table 7 shows the pattern of serum phosphate in both the CRF and control groups. In the
CRF group, 41 (79%) patients had hyperphosphataemia, while 11 (21%) had normal serum
phosphate levels. No patient had hypophosphataemia. In the control group, all the 40
(100%) patients had normal serum phosphate levels. There was insignificant but positive
correlation between serum phosphate and creatinine clearance (r = 0.1) and bone pain (r =
0.4). (See Table 7)

Serum phosphate
CRF group
n = 52
Control group
n = 40
Normal phosphate
Level (2.4 - 4.5mg/dl)


11 (21%)

41 (79%)


40 (100%)

Table 7. Pattern of serum phosphate in subjects.
Amongst the CRF patients with serum alkaline phosphatase of <25iu/l, the mean serum
phosphate was 5.1 + 0.9mg/dl, while in the group with serum alkaline phosphatase of 25
95iu/l, serum phosphate was 6.5 + 1.2mg/dl, and in the group with serum alkaline
phosphatase of >95iu/l the mean serum phosphate was 6.2 + 1.4mg/dl. Thus, there was a
weak but negative correlation between serum phosphate and total serum alkaline
phosphatase (r 0.15), such that when total serum alkaline phosphatase was increasing, the
serum phosphate also increased.
Amongst the CRF patients with creatinine clearance of >30mls/min, the mean serum
phosphate was 4.4 + 1.2mg/dl, while in the groups with creatinine clearance of 15
29mls/min and <15mls/min (ESRD), the mean serum phosphate was 6.6 + 1.1mg/dl and
6.2 + 1.3mg/dl respectively. As the creatinine clearance tended towards ESRD, the serum
phosphate rises. There was a positive correlation between serum phosphate and creatinine
clearance (r = 0.10).
The Prevalence of Renal Osteodystrophy in
Chronic Renal Failure Patients in Urban Niger Delta of Nigeria

3.7 Serum alkaline phosphatase of subjects
The mean total serum alkaline phosphatase in the CRF group was 129.4 + 21.6iu/l, while
that of the control was 43.73 + 8.3iu/l. There was a statistically significant difference
between both means (p<0.05). 41 (79%) of the CRF group had elevated total serum alkaline
phosphatase levels, 8 (15%) had normal levels, 3 (6%) had low levels, while all controls had
normal levels. Of the 41 CRF patients that had elevated total serum alkaline phosphatase
levels, all (100%) had >50% of their alkaline phosphatase levels, from bone isoenzyme (bone
specific alkaline phosphatase). Only 1 (2%) CRF patient had radiological evidence of ROD
(Rugger Jersey Spine). Total serum alkaline phosphatase correlated positively with
creatinine clearance (r = 0.06) and bone pain (r = 0.4).
Amongst the CRF group with creatinine clearance of >30mls/min the mean total alkaline
phosphatase was 105 + 6.1iu/l, while in the groups with creatinine clearance of 15
29mls/min and <15mls/min (ESRD), the mean alkaline phosphatase were 124 + 4.6iu/l and
143 + 5.6iu/l respectively (see Table 8).

Total serum alkaline
phosphatase (iu/l)
CRF group, n = 52
Frequency (%)
Control group, n = 40
Frequency (%)
Increased levels (>95iu/l)
Normal levels (25 95iu/l
Decreased levels (<25iu/l)
41 (79%)
8 (15%)
3 (6%)
40 (100%)
Table 8. Distribution of CRF and control groups according to serum alkaline phosphatase.
3.8 Calcium and phosphate products of CRF subjects
The mean calcium x phosphate products in the CRF group was 42.8 + 21.6mg
that of the control was 28.21 + 2.4mg
. There was a statistically significant difference in
both means (p<0.05). Table 9 shows distribution of calcium x phosphate product amongst
the CRF patients. 3 (5%) of the CRF patients had calcium x phosphate product >70mg
This was made up of 2 (66%) males and 1 (34%) female. 6 (11%) patients had their calcium x
phosphate product between 52 70mg
. This was made up of 2 (33%) males and 4 (67%)
females. 43 (82%) patients had their calcium x phosphate products <52mg
. This was
made up of 26 (60%) males and 17 (40%) females. All 3 patients who had calcium x
phosphate product >70mg
died during the period of study and showed evidence of
ROD on postmortem bone biopsy.
Normal Ca x P04 product = <70mg
3.9 Urinary calcium excretion in study group
The mean 24 hours urinary calcium in the CRF group was 68.4+ 12.8mg/dl, and 162 +
40.4mg/dl in the control group. This difference in means is statistically significant (p<0.05).
There was an insignificant correlation between 24hours urinary calcium and creatinine
clearance, and serum calcium (r =-0.16) and (r =0.02) respectively. There was a statistically
significant correlation between 24hours urinary calcium and total serum alkaline phosphatase
(r= 0.38) but no significant correlation with sex (r =0.79), age (r=0.46) or bone paint (r =0.23).

Chronic Kidney Disease

Ca x P04
Ca x P04

Mean 6.99 5.83 42.02 6.84 6.47 43.79
Std Dev. 2.5 2.1 26.4 1.9 1.9 16.8
Table 9. Serum Calcium, Serum phosphate and calcium x phosphate product of CRF patients.
3.10 Radiological evidence of ROD
Of the patient that had symptoms of ROD, 5 (71%) had bone pain while 2 (29%) had
pruritus. Only 1 (20%) of the 5 patients that had bone pain showed radiological evidence of
Rugger-Jersey spine (see appendix 1), constituting 9%of the CRF group. Table 10 shows the
The Prevalence of Renal Osteodystrophy in
Chronic Renal Failure Patients in Urban Niger Delta of Nigeria

characteristics of the only patient with radiological evidence of Rugger Jersey spine. In the
control group, 5 (21%) had bone pain. Of these, 2 (40%) constituting 5% of the control group,
had radiological evidence of osteoarthritis while Radiological evidence of osteoarthritis was
found in 3(60%) patients that had bone pain in the CRF group.

Chronic Kidney Disease

Sex RS
Left Right
Serum Ca
Ca x P04
54 M 7.8 7.6 6.5 156 9.9 64.4 6.0
(Rugger Jersey Spine).
Crcl = Creatinine clearance, Alk phosp = Alkline phosphatase,
P04 = Phosphate, Ca = Calcium, RS = Renal Size.
Table 10. Characteristics of the only patient with radiological evidence of ROD.
3.11 Histological evidence of rod on postmortem bone biopsy
10 Postmortem bone biopsies were carried out. This was made up of 7 (70%) males and 3
(30%) females. 9 (90%) had histological evidence of ROD, while 1 had normal bone
histology. Of the 9 that had histological evidence, 6 (66%) were males while 3 (34%) were
females. 6 (66%) had Osteitis Fibrosa. This was made up of 4 (50%) males and 2 (34%)
females. 2 (22%) had Osteomalacia, 1 each (50%) of male and female, while 1 (12%) male had
evidence of mixed type ROD (see Appendices 2-4). All the patients who had histological
evidence of ROD had their creatinine clearance < 15mls/min (ESRD). 8 (88%) of the patient
with histological evidence of ROD did not have any radiological evidence of ROD.
All the patients that had bone histological evidence of ROD had elevated total serum
alkaline phosphatase and serum phosphatase. There is a positive correlation between
histological evidence of ROD and total serum alkaline phosphatase and serum phosphate, (r
= 0.04) and (r = 0.036) respectively. There was no correlation between histological evidence
of ROD and symptoms of ROD (r = 0.48), see table 11.

Patients Gender Age
Ca x P04
Total Alk.
Mixed type
* Patient 7 had normal histology
OF = Osteitis Fibrosa, OM = Osteomalacia
Table 11. Characteristics of patients with bone histological evidence of ROD.
The Prevalence of Renal Osteodystrophy in
Chronic Renal Failure Patients in Urban Niger Delta of Nigeria


Chronic Kidney Disease


The Prevalence of Renal Osteodystrophy in
Chronic Renal Failure Patients in Urban Niger Delta of Nigeria


Chronic Kidney Disease


Patients Gender Age
Ca x P04
Total Alk.
Mixed type
* Patient 7 had normal histology
OF = Osteitis Fibrosa, OM = Osteomalacia
Table 11. Characteristics of patients with bone histological evidence of ROD.
4. Dicussion
4.1 Findings of the study
This study was carried out to determine the prevalence of ROD in chronic renal failure in
Benin City.
The main findings of the study suggest that:
1. Osteitis Fibrosa is the commonest type of ROD.
2. There is a correlation between histological evidence of ROD and biochemical maker
(Alkaline Phosphatase).
3. The yield of ROD using radiological examination is low in our chronic renal patients.
The Prevalence of Renal Osteodystrophy in
Chronic Renal Failure Patients in Urban Niger Delta of Nigeria

4. Radiological and biochemical evidence of ROD seems to be more prevalent in severe
chronic renal failure (ESRD).
5. ROD may be more prevalent in males.
6. There is no correlation between symptoms of ROD and biochemical or radiological
evidence of ROD. This suggests that many patients may have ROD with no symptoms.
7. Hypocalcaemia and hyperphosphataemia is prevalent in our CRF patients.
4.2 Osteitis fibrosa is the commonest type of rod
Osteitis Fibrosa is a form of high turnover bone disease as a result of hyperparathyroidism.
PTH assay was not done because of lack of facility in our center. However serum alkaline
phosphatase was used as a surrogate. 78% of the CRF patients had raised levels of total
serum alkaline phosphatase which correlate well with PTH levels and histological features
of secondary hyperparathyroidism. This is in agreement with the work done by Duursma et
al, (1975); Ritz et al (1974) and Hruska et al (1978). 66% of patients had Osteitis Fibrosa on
histology. This finding agrees with the work of Jarava et al (1996) who found bone
histological evidence of Osteitis Fibrosa cystica in 17 (85%) out of 20 haemodialysis patients
in England. Our findings also agrees with that of shin et al (1999) who found Osteitis Fibrosa
as the commonest type of ROD in predialysis patients in Canada (44%). This finding
contradicts that if Coen et al (1996) who found mixed type ROD as the commonest type in
predialysis CRF patient in England.
4.3 There is correlation between histological evidence of rod and serum alkaline
In this study, it was found that 90% of patient had histological evidence of ROD on
postmortem bone biopsy. This agrees with the finding Sanchez (2001), who found that 90%
of patients with ESRD on maintenance dialysis have abnormal bone histology. Majority of
patients are either predialysis or those who were not dialyzing adequately. It is known that
once a patient start on maintenance, the prevalence of ROD increases. One of the
contributing factors being aluminum deposition (from dialysate fluid), it means that the
prevalence may even be higher if our patients are dialyzed adequately. In our study we
found that all the patients that had histological evidence of ROD had elevated serum
alkaline phosphatase levels. This finding may possibly be pointing to the fact that serum
alkaline phosphatase can be used as a surrogate of parathyroid hormone as a predictor of
ROD in our patients. This agrees with the finding of Urena et al, (1991) that in the absence of
liver disease, serum alkaline phosphatase can be used to predict the presence of ROD. The
finding is also in agreement with that of Duursma et al and Ritz et al who found that plasma
alkaline phosphatase levels correlates with histological features of secondary
hyperparathyroidism (HPTH).
4.4 The yield of rod using radiological examination is low in our chronic renal failure
In our study, we found only 2% of ROD using radiological examination. This agrees with
Odenigbo (2003) who found 3.35% of ROD in Enugu using radiological examination. In this
study, radiological evidence of ROD was not found in all 9(100%) patients who had
histological evidence of ROD on postmortem bone biopsy. This agrees with the finding of

Chronic Kidney Disease

Hodsons et al, (1981) that there is a disparity between the radiological and histological
evidence of ROD. In a study in Germany, Hodsons et al found only 7(41%) patients with
radiological evidence of ROD out of 17 with histological evidence of ROD. Micheal et al
(1998) found radiological features of ROD in 35% of CRF patients in ESRD.
There are some reasons for the low prevalence of ROD using x-rays. Firstly, the
conventional techniques for x-ray contribute. Meama et al

(1972) noted the phalanges to be
normal in 67% if uremic patients using conventional techniques for X-ray films, and only 8%
showed subperiosteal erosion. With the introduction of better films and the use of
magnification techniques, only 26% appeared normal while 29% for exhibited subperiosteal
erosion. There is no facility for magnification technique in the center where the study was
done. Secondly, it has been reported that more than 50% of bone can be lost without any
evidence in a radiograph, because only the cortical bone is clearly noted, and an important
loss of cancellous bone should occur before radiological feature of ROD can be appreciated
(Poznanki, 1993). Perhaps the fact that CRF patients in our environment have infrequent
haemodialysis and do not live long enough for these changes to be detected on x-ray studies
may be contributory to the low yield of ROD using radiological examination.
4.5 Radiological and biochemical evidence of rod is more prevalent in esrd patients
In our study, the only patient who had radiological evidence of ROD had a creatinine
clearance of 6mls/min. 90% of the CRF patients had creatinine clearance <15mls/min (ESRD).
The entire patients who had creatinine clearance <15mls/min had elevated serum alkaline
phosphatase levels. Theses finding agree with the findings of Coen et al (1996) that adynamic
bone disease is commoner n early stages of renal failure, while Osteomalacia and Osteitis
Fibrosa cystica tend to occur as resistance to PTH develops, a situation which occurs in ESRD.
4.6 ROD may be more prevalent in males
In this study, the one patient who had radiological evidence of ROD was a male. Also, of the
9 patients that had histological evidence of ROD, 6(66%) were males, while 3(34%) were
females, with a male- female ratio of 2:1, this finding is in contrast to the finding of
Odenigbo et al (2003) in a study carried out at Enugu where ROD was found to be more
prevalent in females. The finding also contradicts that of Couttenye et al (1997) who showed
that women seem to develop hyperparathyroidism whereas men seems to more frequently
develop aplastic bone disease. The reason why men in this study showed evidence of ROD
more than women may be due to the fact that there were more men in this study,
particularly in the group of 10 patients that had postmortem biopsy. However, the number
of patients studied was small for a general statement to be made on gender difference.
4.7 There is no correlation between symptoms of rod and biochemical or radiological
In the study, 7 (14%) of the CRF subjects had symptoms suggestive of ROD. Of these, 5(71%)
had bone pain while 2 (29%) had radiological evidence of ROD (Rugger Jersey spine),
while 3 (80%) had radiological features of osteoarthritis. This agrees with the finding of
Odenigbo, who reported that out of the 11 patients who had bone pain, none had
radiological evidence of ROD, but all patients who had radiological evidence of
The Prevalence of Renal Osteodystrophy in
Chronic Renal Failure Patients in Urban Niger Delta of Nigeria

Osteoarthritis (Odenigbo 2003). This study also agrees with the work of Harowin et al (1987)
who found a high incidence of joint symptoms and radiological abnormalities in his group
of Canadian patient, not necessarily due osteodystrophy.
4.8 Hypocalcaemia and hyperphosphataemia is prevalent in our crf patients
In the study the mean serum calcium of CRF subject was 5.83 2.1mg/dl. 37(71%) of CRF
subjects had hypocalcaemia (<8.5mg/dl). This finding agrees with that of Slatoposky et al
(1986). Calcium supplementation is a known modality for the treatment of hypocalcaemia.
The mean serum phosphate of CRF patients in this was 6.12.0mg/dl. 41 (79%) had
hyperphosphataemia (>4.5mg/dl). This agrees with finding of Slotoposky et al (1986) who
demonstrated hyperphosphataemia even in moderate CRF. Dietary phosphate restriction
and phosphate binding are effective methods of control of hyperphosphataemia.
4.9 Conclusion and recommendations
4.9.1 Conclusion
The findings of this study suggest that ROD which is a complication of chronic renal failure
does exist in our environment. The study has also shown that Osteitis Fibrosa is the
commonest type of ROD, and that ROD may be commoner in males. The study showed that
in majority of patients with ESRD there is biochemical evidence. This finding may possibly
be pointing to the fact that clinical features are a poor guide to the presence of ROD. Before
now, it was thought that ROD hardly existed in our chronic renal failure patients, because
they did not live long enough to manifest it. Though the findings of this study they agree
with that, going by the low incidence of ROD using clinical symptoms and radiological
methods, it is possible that in the nearest future, ROD may become more prevalent in on
society. This is because there is now an increase in the availability of dialysis in many
centers across the Nation, with possibility that many CRF patients may live long enough to
develop ROD. The findings of this study suggest that serum alkaline phosphatase assay, a
surrogate of parathyroid hormone, may be a good guide to the presence of ROD in our CRF
patients. Majority of patients had hypocalcaemia and hyperphosphataemia.
4.9.2 Recommendations
It is hereby recommended that:
1. In all chronic renal failure patients, ROD should be anticipated. Serum calcium,
phosphate, alkaline phosphatase should be done routinely.
2. Dietary restrictions of phosphate should be enforced in our chronic renal failure patient
as well as the use of phosphate binders,
3. Calcium supplementation should be routinely part of the management of our chronic
renal failure patients.
4. Control of hyperparathyroidism in our chronic renal failure patient will be an integral
part of management of CRF patients.
4.9.3 Limitation of the study
This study was faced with some limitations. It was not possible to carry out bone biopsies
for live patients because of lack of consent from the patients. However, postmortem bone

Chronic Kidney Disease

biopsy was carried out instead; it was also not possible to assay parathyroid hormone
because of lack of facility for its assay. In its place, serum alkaline phosphatase was used as a
surrogate. There is no doubt that alkaline phosphatase is influenced by several factors and
so is non-specific. It was also not possible to measure serum and tissue aluminum in the
5. References
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Hodsons E M, Howman Gilles RB, Evans RB, The diagnosis of renal oesteodystrophy; A
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renal failure in Enugu FMCP, National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria
May 2003.
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Benin City. West Afr.J. Med.1990;9: 193-6.
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Mate-Kole M, Affram K, Lee SJ et al. Hypertension and end-Stage renal failure in tropical
Africa. J. Hum. Hypertens. 1993; 7: 443-6.
Odenigbo C.U. The prevalence and radiological markers of ROD in patients with chronic
renal failure in Enugu FMCP, National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria
May 2003.
Ojogwu L.I. The Pathological Basis of end-stage renal disease in Nigerians: experience from
Benin City. West Afr.J. Med.1990;9: 193-6.

Chronic Kidney Disease

Ojogwu L.I. The clinical assessment of heamodialysis machine in the management of kidney
failure. Nig. J.Biomedical Engineering 2001;(1):19-26.
Sanchez OP. Prevention and treatment of renal osteodystrophy in children with chronic
renal insufficiency and end stage renal diaseses; Semin Nepphrol 2001; 21 (5): 441-
Relationships Among Renal Function,
Bone Turnover and Periodontal Disease
Akihiro Yoshihara and Lisdrianto Hanindriyo
Division of Preventive Dentistry,
Department of Oral Health Science,
Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences,
Niigata University,
1. Introduction
Chronic renal failure (CRF) is defined as a progressive decline in renal function associated
with a reduced glomerular filtration rate. The most common causes are diabetes mellitus,
glomerulonephritis and chronic hypertension (Proctor et al., 2004).
The clinical signs and symptoms of renal failure are collectively termed uremia. CRF
affects most body systems, and the clinical features are dependent upon the stage of renal
failure and the systems involved.
Oral manifestations of CRF and related therapies:
a. Gingival enlargement
Gingival enlargement secondary to drug therapy is the most commonly reported oral
manifestation of renal disease. It can be induced by cyclosporine and/or calcium
channel blockers (Somacarrera et al., 1994; Kennedy and Linden 2000).
b. Oral hygiene and periodontal disease
The oral hygiene of individuals receiving hemodialysis can be poor. Deposits of
calculus may be increased (Epstein et al., 1980; Gavalda et al., 1999). There is no good
evidence of an increased risk of periodontitis (Brown et al., 1989; Thorstensson et al.,
1996; Naugle et al., 1998), although premature bone loss has been reported (Locsey et
al., 1986). Localized suppurative osteomyelitis, secondary to periodontitis, was
observed in individuals receiving hemodialysis (Tomaselli et al., 1993).
c. Xerostomia
Symptoms of xerostomia can arise in many individuals receiving hemodialysis (Kho et
al., 1999; Klassen and Krasko, 2002). Possible causes include restricted fluid intake, side-
effects of drug therapy and/or mouth breathing (Porter et al., 2004).
d. Oral malodor/bad taste/halitosis
Uremic patients may have an ammonia-like oral odor (Kho et al., 1999), which also
occurs in about one third of individuals receiving hemodialysis. CRF can give rise to
altered taste sensation, and some patients complain of an unpleasant and/or metallic
taste or a sensation of an enlarged tongue (Kho et al., 1999).

Chronic Kidney Disease

e. Mucosal lesions
A wide range of oral mucosal lesions, particularly white patches and/or ulceration,
have been described in individuals receiving dialysis and allografts (Proctor et al.,
f. Oral malignancy
Kaposis sarcoma (KS) can occur in the mouths of immunosuppresed renal transplant
recipients (Farge, 1993). Any increased risk of oral malignancy in CRF probably reflects
the effects of iatrogenic immunosupression, which increases the risk of virally-
associated tumors, such as KS or non-Hodgkins lymphoma (Proctor et al., 2004).
g. Oral infections
Candidosis, angular cheilitis has been described in up to 4% of hemodialysis and renal
allograft recipients (King et al., 1994; Klassen and Krasko, 2002). Other oral candidal
lesionssuch as pseudomembranous (1.9%), erythematous (3.8%), and chronic atrophic
candidosis (3.8%)have been reported in allograft recipients (King et al., 1994).
Viral infection, prior to the availability of appropriate anti-viral drugs (e.g., acyclovir,
gancyclovir, and valacyclovir), about 50% of renal allograft recipients, who were
seropositive for herpes simplex, experienced recurrent, severe, and prolonged HSV
infections (Armstrong et al., 1976). However, in recent years, the use of effective anti-
herpetic regimes has significantly reduced the frequency of such infection (Kletzmayr et
al., 2000; Squifflet and Legendre 2002).
h. Dental anomalies
Delayed eruption of permanent teeth has been reported in children with CRF (Wolff et
al., 1985; Jaffe et al., 1990). Enamel hypoplasia of the primary and permanent teeth (Kho
et al., 1999; Koch et al., 1999; Al Nowaiser et al., 2003) with or without brown
discoloration can also occur (Wolff et al., 1985).
i. Bone lesions
A wide range of bone anomalies can arise in CRF. These reflect a variety of defects of
calcium metabolism including, loss of hydroxylation of 1-hydroxycholecalciferol to
active vitamin D (1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol), decreased hydrogen ion excretion
(and resultant acidosis); hyperphosphatemia, hypocalcemia and resultant secondary
hyperparathyroidism and interference with phosphate metabolism by dialysis (Nadimi
et al., 1993).
Orofacial features of renal osteodystrophy due to hyperparathyroidism include bone
demineralization, decreased trabeculation, decreased thickness of cortical bone,
ground-glass appearance of bone, metastatic soft-tissue calcifications, radiolucent
fibrocystic lesions, radiolucent giant cell lesions, lytic areas of bone, jaw fracture (due to
trauma or during surgery) and abnormal bone healing after extraction. Orofacial
features of renal osteodystrophy related to tooth and periodontium include delayed
eruption, enamel hypoplasia, loss of the lamina dura, widening of the periodontal
ligament, severe periodontal destruction, tooth mobility, drifting, pulp calcification and
pulp narrowing (Damm et al., 1997; Okada et al., 2000; Klassen and Krasko, 2002).
2. The relationships among osteoporosis, renal function and periodontal
Osteoporosis is the most common metabolic bone disease among the elderly, and the
incidence of osteoporotic fractures obviously increases with age (Honig, 2010). In addition,

Relationships Among Renal Function, Bone Turnover and Periodontal Disease

elderly people often experience periodontal destruction. Because bone loss is a common
feature of periodontitis and osteoporosis, both diseases may share some common etiologic
factors (Offenbacher, 1996). The final expression of periodontitis is governed by complex
interactions among host, microbial and environmental factors occurring within an intricate
cellular mosaic (Offenbacher, 1996).
In addition, CRF is associated with marked disturbances of bone structure and metabolism,
and there is a slowly progressive loss of renal function over months or years (Ruggeneti,
1998). A significant decrease in bone mineral density after transplantation is a serious
finding (Huang & Sprague, 2009). It is well known that impaired renal function increases
osteoclast activity leading to bone turnover, and this may influence bone metabolic
parameters (Couttenye et al., 1999; Cirillo et al., 1998). There is a growing body of evidence
indicating that impaired renal function is associated with disrupted regulation of vitamin D
(Rix et al., 1999; Hamdy et al., 1995). Whereas some systemic factors that contribute to loss of
bone mass and periodontal progression have been identified, we hypothesized that renal
function is associated with bone metabolism, and thus is also associated with periodontal
disease. To test this hypothesis, it is essential to evaluate the relationships among bone
turnover, renal function and periodontal disease.
We initiated a longitudinal interdisciplinary study on aging (the Niigata Study) in 1998 to
examine the many links between oral health and general health and well being. In the
present report, we reviewed the relationship between bone metabolism and periodontal
disease, taking renal function into consideration, in elderly Japanese subjects from the
Niigata Study.
3. Principal findings from the Niigata Study
3.1 Outline of the Niigata Study
According to a registry of residents, questionnaires were sent to all 70-year-olds among the
4,542 inhabitants of Niigata City in Japan. Participants were informed of the purpose of the
survey, and the overall response rate was 81.4%. After dividing the residents into groups of
males and females, 600 individuals (the screened population) were randomly selected in
order to have approximately the same number of male and female participants in the study.
Follow-up surveys were carried out every year in June from1998 to 2008 (11 times in 10
years), using the same methods that were used at baseline. All subjects were Japanese and
did not require special care for their daily activities. Since age influences bone metabolism,
renal function and periodontal disease, subjects were restricted to 70 years old at baseline
(Ando et al., 2000).
3.2 Osteoporosis and periodontal disease
In addition to a strict age requirement, other study inclusion criteria included the following:
blood sugar < 140 mg/dL with no history of diabetes, more than 20 teeth remaining, non-
smokers, and no history of medication use for osteoporosis. There were 184 subjects among
the screened population that met all the inclusion criteria.
We utilized data on bone mineral density (BMD) of the heel, which we measured using an
ultrasound bone densitometer (Fig. 1, Achilles Bone Densitometer
, Luner Corporation,

Chronic Kidney Disease


Fig. 1. Outline of the analysis between Osteoporosis and periodontal progression.
AAL: Additional attachment loss.
USA) (Lunar Corporation, 1991). Ultrasound densitometry enables the measurement of the
physical properties of bone, specifically BMD. The ultrasound measurement contains two
criteria, the velocity (speed of sound, SOS) and frequency attenuation (broadband
ultrasound attenuation, BUA) of a sound wave as it travels through a bone.

Stiffness is a
clinical index combining SOS and BUA, and is calculated by the following formula: (BUA
50) 0.67 + (SOS 1380) 0.28.
Stiffness is indicated in the bone densitometer monitoring device as the percentage of the
value for a normal younger population. Osteopenia was defined as a stiffness that was
85% for males and 69% for females. Follow-up clinical surveys were done by measuring
the clinical attachment level after 3 years. Clinical attachment level is the amount of space
between attached periodontal tissues and a fixed point, usually the cementoenamel junction.
A measurement used to assess the stability of attachment as part of a periodontal
maintenance program (Fig. 2). There were 179 subjects included in the final analysis, and all
of these subjects participated in both the baseline and the follow-up examinations.
We measured the number of progressive sites that had 3 mm of additional attachment loss
over 3 years (Fig. 2). After dividing the subjects into an osteopenia group (OG) and a no-
osteopenia group (NOG), we evaluated the number of progressive sites that had 3 mm of
additional attachment loss over 3 years by two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA).
The respective mean number of progressive sites for the OG and NOG were 4.75.5 and
3.33.0 in females, and 6.99.4 and 3.42.8 in males. The difference in the mean number of
progressive sites between the OG and NOG was statistically significant by ANOVA after
controlling for gender (Fig. 3, p = 0.043) (Yoshihara et al., 2004).

Relationships Among Renal Function, Bone Turnover and Periodontal Disease


Fig. 2. Clinical attachment level and periodontal disease progression.
A, B = Clinical attachment level
B-A = Additional attachment loss

Fig. 3. Relationship between number of progressive sites with 3mm additional attachment
loss and stiffness by gender.
The number of subjects: stiffness 69 (n=74) and >69 (n=19) for female, 85 (n=65) and >85
(n=22) for male.
OG: Osteopenia group, NOG: No-osteopenia group.

Chronic Kidney Disease

3.3 Bone metabolism and periodontal disease
A total of 398 subjects who turned 70 in 1998 had annual dental examinations. We selected
148 of these 398 subjects (79 males and 69 females) for participation in the study because
they had one or more teeth, were not taking any medicine or supplements for bone
disorders (tamoxifen, anabolic steroids, bisphosphonate, or estrogen), and did not have a
diagnosis of fracture based on an X-ray assessment by a physician. The subjects blood was
taken in the morning of the dental examination. Urine was collected over 24 hours (07:00 to
07:00 AM the day after the dental examination). During the day that urine was collected,
usual food and fluid intake were ingested. Biochemical parameters of bone turnover were
measured, including urinary deoxypyridinoline (U-DPD) (nM/nM*Cr) as a bone resorption
marker, and serum osteocalcine (S-OC) (ng/mL) and serum bone alkaline phosphatase (S-
BAP) (U/L) as bone formation markers. U-DPD data were corrected by the urinary
creatinine concentration measured by a standard colorimetric method.
We categorized subjects by tertiles according to the percentage of sites with 6 mm clinical
attachment level (6+ mm CAL). S-OC, S-BAP, and U-DPD were evaluated by analysis of
covariance (ANCOVA) adjusted for smoking habit (0: none, 1: past or current). Differences
in the distribution of bone turnover markers according to the percentage of sites with 6+
mm CAL per person are shown in Table 1. S-OC was significantly lower in the third tertile
than in the first and second tertiles after adjusting for smoking habit (males: p = 0.007,
females: p = 0.042, ANCOVA) (Yoshihara et al., 2009).

% of sites with 6mm attachment level
Males Females
1st 2nd 3rd p value* 1st 2nd 3rd p value*
Serum osteocalcin
8.5 4.5 6.8 2.7 5.7 1.8 0.007 9.9 2.8 9.3 2.4 9.1 3.5 0.042
Serum bone alkaline
phosphatase (U/L)
22.2 5.9 23.3 7.4 21.1 6.2 0.212 29.3 10.8 28.9 8.1 27.4 11.2 0.752
4.8 1.0 4.4 1.2 4.0 1.0 0.055 6.6 1.4 6.8 1.4 6.3 1.7 0.664
* ANOCOVA adjusted for smoking habits.
Table 1. Relationship between % of sites with 6mm attachment level and bone metabolism
markers controlling for confounding factors by multiple regression analysis.
3.4 Renal function and periodontal disease
We randomly selected 145 subjects among 398 healthy elderly subjects. All subjects were
aged 77 years at the time of the renal function study in 2005. We evaluated the relationship
between bone turnover markers and periodontal disease, taking renal function into
consideration. Correlations among renal function and bone metabolism markers for
periodontal disease, including the number of remaining teeth and smoking habit, were
evaluated using multiple regression analysis.

Relationships Among Renal Function, Bone Turnover and Periodontal Disease

To evaluate the relationship between periodontal disease and renal function markers
(volume of urine per 24 hours [mL/day], creatinine clearance per 24 hours [L/day]) or bone
metabolism markers (U-DPD [nM/nM*Cr] and S-OC [ng/mL]), multiple linear regression
analysis was performed. For the final model, the confounding independent variables that
had p-values less than 0.05 according to the statistical association with the percentage of
sites with 6+ mm CAL by Pearson correlation coefficients, ANOVA, or chi-square test, were
selected. Results of multiple linear regression analysis between the percentage of sites with
6+ mm CAL and renal function markers after controlling for confounding factors are shown
in Table 2. Creatinine clearance for 24 hours was positively associated with the percentage of
sites with 6+mm CAL (sta. coef. = 0.26, p = 0.015). Furthermore, S-OC showed a negatively
independent association with the percentage of sites with 6+vmm CAL after adjustment for
the confounding factors (sta. coef. = -0.27, p = 0.006, Table 3) (Yoshihara et al, 2007).
Dependent variable
% of sites with 6mm attachment level
Independent variables Sta. Coef ().* p value
Number of remaining teeth -0.46 <0.001
Creatinine clearance for 24 h (L/day) 0.26 0.015
Volume of urine for 24 h (ml/day) 0.01 0.956
Smoking habit 0.08 0.500
Gender -0.17 0.121
Use of interdental brushes or dental floss -0.01 0.893
Constant 0.074
Creatinine (g/day) in urine per 24h/creatinine (g/L) in serum.
* Standardized coefficient.
Table 2. Relationship between % of sites with 6mm attachment level and renal function
markers controlling for confounding factors by multiple regression analysis.
Dependent variable
% of sites with 6mm attachment level
Independent variables Sta. Coef ().* p value
Number of remaining teeth -0.47 <0.001
Serum osteocalcin (ng/ml) -0.27 0.006
Urinary deoxypyridinoline (nM/nM*Cr) -0.04 0.688
Smoking habit -0.10 0.406
Gender 0.10 0.481
Use of interdental brushes or dental floss -0.01 0.861
Constant <0.001
* Standardized coefficient.
Table 3. Relationship between % of sites with 6mm attachment level and bone metabolism
markers controlling for confounding factors by multiple regression analysis.

Chronic Kidney Disease

The results showed that the subjects in the OG had a higher number of progressive sites for
additional attachment loss than the subjects in the NOG. This three-year longitudinal study
clearly demonstrated that BMD is a risk factor for periodontal disease progression in an
elderly population. In addition, according to our findings on linkage with BMD, there are
some systemic factors that contribute to both loss of bone mass and periodontal disease
progression (Kshirsagar, 2005). Systemic factors of bone remodeling may also modify the
local tissue response to periodontal disease. The BMD of the mandible is affected by the
mineral status of the skeleton and also by diseases that cause generalized bone loss
(Davidovich, 2005). The mouth and face are highly accessible parts of the body, and reflect
changes that occur internally. For the clinician, the mouth and face provide physical signs
and symptoms of local and generalized disease. During routine oral examinations,
periodontal disease including maxillary/mandibular general bone loss may be diagnostic of
early osteoporotic changes in the skeleton. Some systemic factors of bone remodeling also
modify the local tissue response to periodontal disease.
Osteoporosis and low renal function contribute to loss of bone mass. We were able to
identify a weak but clear relationship between CAL and S-OC. There was a significant
association between CAL and 24-hour creatinine clearance, which is a renal function marker.
These findings suggest that S-OC is a valid marker of bone turnover when evaluating
periodontal disease. It has been assumed that S-OC is associated with not only bone
turnover but also low renal function. Periodontal conditions, including bone metabolism,
may be affected by low renal function. The systemic bone metabolism, which might be
affected by low renal function, is associated with periodontal disease.
4. Association between chronic renal failure and periodontal disease
Based on several studies, CRF and periodontal disease can have reciprocal effects (Fig. 3).
CRF and renal therapy can greatly influence the dental management of renal patient.
Moreover, chronic adult periodontitis can contribute to the overall systematic inflammatory
burden and may therefore influence the management of the end-stage renal disease (ESRD)
patient on hemodialysis maintenance therapy (Craig, 2008).
4.1 Possible association of chronic renal failure with periodontal disease
CRF can cause several changes that influence oral conditions such as decreased salivary
flow rate, increase salivary urea level and calculus accumulation (Torres et al., 2010). CRF
may have an effect on the periodontal status of an individual through several possible
a. A major clinical consequence of CRF is uremic syndrome (uremia). This condition
leads to an immune dysfunction possibly caused by defects in lymphocyte and
monocyte function, which in turn may increase the rate of gingival inflammation
(Craig, 2008).
b. Several studies have found an increasing level of plaque formation, calculus, gingival
inflammation and also decreasing saliva excretion, which can be considered together as
reduced oral hygiene (Yoshihara et al., 2007). The intense psychological and time
demands that are associated with hemodialysis in patients with ESRD may account for
reduced oral hygiene (Craig, 2008).

Relationships Among Renal Function, Bone Turnover and Periodontal Disease


Fig. 4. The mechanism between low renal function and periodontal disease.
c. CRF has an important effect on vitamin D metabolism (Yoshihara et al., 2007). Since
vitamin D is metabolized in the liver and kidney, the presence of CRF will
automatically disturb vitamin D metabolism. Vitamin D is metabolized by kidney to
its active metabolite, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3. This substance subsequently
interacts with vitamin D nuclear receptor in the intestine, bone and kidney. The
functions of this substance are to regulate bone metabolism, immune response and
also cell proliferation and differentiation. Regarding bone metabolism, vitamin D
controls the availability of calcium phosphate by regulating the excretions of
hormones such as the parathyroid hormone (PTH) (Souza et al., 2007). CRF may
disrupt the regulation of PTH which may leads to hyperparathyroidism condition
and increased rate of bone disease (Yoshihara et al., 2007). Vitamin D also contributes
in the synthesis of bone matrix proteins such as type-I collagen, alkaline phosphatase,
osteocalcin and osteopontin (Souza et al., 2007). Osteocalcin may exist in the
circulating blood and undergo local accumulation in some parts of the body.
Osteocalcin has been postulated to have a role in both bone resorption and
mineralization and is currently considered the most specific marker of osteoblast
function. The serum level of this protein is considered to be a marker of bone
formation. Serum osteocalcin is presently considered a valid marker of bone turnover

Chronic Kidney Disease

when resorption and formation are coupled and a specific marker of bone formation
when formation and resorption are uncoupled (Bullon et al., 2005). Osteocalcin has
also been found in the gingival crevicular fluid (GCF). Several studies found an
increased level of serum osteocalcin in subjects with CRF. Moreover, the level of GCF
osteocalcin was found to be significantly associated with periodontal disease, since
there was an association with pocket depth, clinical attachment level and bleeding on
probing (Bullon et al., 2005). Therefore, it might be reasonable to explain an effect of
CRF on periodontal disease by its effect on bone metabolism (especially alveolar
bone) which is specifically marked by the level of serum osteocalcin and/or GCF
4.2 Possible association of periodontal disease with chronic renal failure
Periodontal disease may have an effect on CRF and also the treatment of CRF. Periodontal
disease may have an effect on CRF through several possible mechanisms.
a. Moderate to severe periodontal disease may increase the serum level of C-reactive
protein (CRP). CRP is an acute phase protein and systemic marker of inflammation
which is also a major risk predictor for cardiac disorder and all other mortality cause of
CRF persons (Craig, 2008). Several studies have reported periodontal disease to be
associated with elevated CRP as well as other serum components of the acute phase
response including decreased high density lipoprotein cholesterol, low density
lipoprotein cholesterol, blood glucose and decreased peripheral blood neutrophil
function and count (Muntner et al., 2000). Since all these factors are also risk factors for
CRF, it might be justifiable to assume that periodontal disease may be considered as a
predisposing factor and/or marker of CRF. Moreover, periodontal disease in a person
with CRF has a strong tendency to increase the possibility of the complication of
coronary atherosclerosis.
b. Several reports found that periodontitis may also contribute to the systemic
inflammatory burden in ESRD. The level of IgG antibody particularly to
Porphyromonas gingivalis correlated with elevated serum CRP (Muntner et al., 2000).
Therefore, it is also important to consider an effective periodontal therapy in order to
reduce the level of serum CRP which might eventually decrease the inflammatory
burden of ESRD or CRF.
On the other hand, there are also some studies which failed to find the type of correlations
mentioned above (Kitsou et al., 2000; Marakoglu et al., 2003; Duran et al., 2004; Bots et al.,
2006). It is acknowledged that differences in research design, measurement methods
instruments used, and other factors may have resulted in different findings. Therefore, it
is still relevant and reasonable to execute further research using a more sophisticated
and well-designed method to elucidate the relationship between CRF and periodontal
5. References
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Sarcoidosis and Kidney Disease
Tulsi Mehta, Anirban Ganguli and Mehrnaz Haji-Momenian
Department of Medicine, Washington Hospital Center,
Washington DC,
1. Introduction
Sarcoidosis is an illness of granulomatous inflammation with multi-organ association. While
most individuals exhibit pulmonary pathology, renal involvement is not without prevalence
or significance. This chapter will review the current epidemiology of the disease and explore
the two major pathways in the pathogenesis of renal sarcoidosis, mainly granulomatous
deposition and deranged calcium management. With these concepts addressed, further
inquiries into intrinsic renal disease will be provided along with explanations of
renovascular complications, obstructive nephropathy, and transplant pathology. Each
ailment will be accompanied by common presentation, more detailed pathophysiology,
appropriate diagnostics, and current treatment recommendations. This chapter will seek to
purvey a comprehensive but concise exploration of renal sarcoidosis.
2. Epidemiology & susceptibility
Sarcoidosis can affect a wide range of racial and ethnic groups but it has high prevalence in
northern European countries, Japan, and the United States
. Certain countries have skewed
incidences, for example: black Americans are three times more likely than white Americans
to develop the disease (Iannuzzi et al. 2007). However, across the racial and ethnic groups,
females are more prone to the illness than males (Iannuzzi et al. 2007). The disease manifests
itself typically in patients less than 50 years of age and mainly in the third of fourth decade
of life (Iannuzzi et al. 2011). A patient with a first degree relative with the disease has a five-
fold increase of developing sarcoidosis. Nevertheless, this risk still does not exceed 1%

(Iannuzzi et al. 2011). Patient susceptibility also increases with certain associations of
genetics and environmental factors. Discoveries into HLA gene products and the
butyrophilin-like2 (BTNL2) gene are the latest areas of genetic interests (Iannuzzi et al.
2007). A variety of environmental triggers including wood-burning stoves, tree pollen,
inorganic particles, insecticides, and mold have also been scrutinized in addition to
mycobacteria and propionibacteria antigens (Iannuzzi et al. 2007, 2011)
In fact, combinations
of genetic and environmental activators have also been examined, for example: HLA-DQB1
and water damage or high humanity in the workplace (Iannuzzi et al. 2007). However, it
seems that a ubiquitous number of agents may initiate a similar immunologic pathway that
is pathognomonic for sarcoidosis.

Chronic Kidney Disease

3. Manifestations & pathogenesis
Sarcoidosis mainly affects the pulmonary system, with an over 90% occurrence rate in the
afflicted, presenting as mostly hilar lymphadenopathy but also including pulmonary
hyperternsion and obstructive and restrictive airway disease

(Iannuzzi et al. 2011). Other
major organ systems disturbed include the skin, the eye, the heart, and the nervous system
with approximately 25 to 30% involvement

(Iannuzzi et al 2011). Renal sarcoidosis is in fact
rare with exact number relating prevalence difficult to come by. Unfortunately, the etiology
for nephron-related disease is quite vast and it has been hard to delineate pure renal
manifestations from simple metabolic disturbances

(Berliner et al 2006). In order to
understand the extent and pathogenesis of renal involvement, two central pathways for
nephron insult has been validated including granulomatous deposition and deranged
calcium management. While these pathways are by no means the only two routes of renal
involvement, they are the most significant and the overriding themes for renal insult.
3.1 Granuloma formation
Many aspects of this process still require elucidation yet strong evidence reveals that
granuloma formation centers on T cells reacting with unclear triggers and certain gene
products to illicit cascades that either lead to complete resolution of inflammation or to
irreversible fibrosis (Iannuzzi et al. 2007). Specifically, antigen presenting cells including
macrophages with susceptible HLA or BTNL2 gene products present triggers including
organic, inorganic, and infectious agents to the CD4 T cell. Once initiated, numerous
peripheral cytokines, interleukins, and immune modulators steer T cells into a T Helper 1 or
T Helper 2 response; where with the former, resolution of inflammation is more probable
but with the later, fibrosis and irreversible damage is more probable

(Iannuzzi et al. 2007,
2011). This deposition of macrophages, giant cells, and T helper cells form the
pathognomonic, non-caseating granulomas that defines sarcoidosis

(Casella and Allon 1983)
See Figure 1. In renal disease, these granulomas are primarily in the cortex but may also be
found in the medulla or capsule

(Casella and Allon 1983). This process is the basis for
granulomatous interstitial nephritis, which will be further discussed subsequently.
3.2 Deranged calcium management
Despite the granulomatous inflammation that marks sarcoidosis, deranged calcium
homeostasis has a greater effect on the kidneys than the invasive granulomas themselves.
Activated pulmonary macrophages express 1- hydroxylase, which has important
implications in maintaining appropriate levels of calcium in the body. In normal physiology,
calcium balance is attained through the intricate interactions of parathyroid hormone (PTH),
calcium, phosphorus, and Vitamin D. PTH upregulates renal 1- hydroxylase, a cytochrome
P450 enzyme located in the proximal tubule, to metabolize 25-hydroxy vitamin D to 1, 25-
dihydroxy vitamin D, the bioactive form of Vitamin D, also known as calcitriol. Calcitriol, in
turn, promotes calcium absorption in the intestines, kidneys, and bones. When calcium
levels are adequate, normal physiological negative feedback mechanisms halt the PTH and
calcitriol cycle. However, in sarcoidosis, extra-renal production of 1- hydroxylase
inappropriately increases calcitriol levels thereby increasing serum calcium and decreasing
PTH. Unlike its renal equivalent, the granulomatous 1- hydroxylase is immuned from the
normal negative feedback mechanisms of hypercalcemia and is therefore unregulated,

Sarcoidosis and Kidney Disease


(Iannuzzi MC et al. N Engl J Med 2007;357:2153-2165.)
Fig. 1. Hypothesized Immunopathogenesis of Granuloma Formation.
causing disturbed calcium homeostasis. This not only causes hypercalcemia, hypercalciuria
and possibly subsequent nephrolithiasis and nephrocalcinosis, which itself is the most
common cause of progressive renal failure. The clinical consequences of each imbalance
range from trivial presentation to overt pathology including dehydration, renal colic, and
end-stage renal disease. Diagnosis may be established by laboratory findings,
ultrasonography, and computed tomography. General treatments incorporate adequate oral
hydration, minimization of dietary calcium and vitamin D, avoidance of UV light exposure,
and possibly corticosteroid therapy

(Sharma 1996).

Chronic Kidney Disease

Hypercalcemia may cause decrease glomerular filtration rate by vasoconstricting the afferent
arterioles and thereby decreasing renal blood flow

(Berliner et al 2006). Additionally, it may
cause tubular necrosis, tubulointerstitial non-granulomatous inflammation with calcium
deposits ultimately causing nephrocalcinosis and chronic kidney disease (Berliner et al 2006).
Hypercalciuria, which is three times as more common as hypercalcemia, predisposes patients
to calcium oxalate nephrolithiasis, which may ultimately lead to obstruction or chronic
pyelonephritis (Berliner et al 2006 and Sharma 1996). Renovascular complications as well as
obstructive nephropathy will also be further discussed subsequently.

4. Obstructive nephropathy
Abnormal calcium metabolism is a well known feature of sarcoidosis. Hypercalcemia and
hypercalcuria is related to endogenous vitamin D. It is suggested that excess vitamin D may
result in increased intestinal calcium absorption and consequent hypercalcemia,
hypercalcuria and renal calculi. Hypercalcuria is defined as using excretion of 300 mg/day
in men or 250 mg/day in women, about 2-5% healthy adults exhibit hypercalcuria.
Hypercalcuria is the most common renal manifestation. It is caused by glomerular filtration
of excess blood calcium and suppression by high calcitriol levels on PTH activity. It affects
50% of patients with sarcoidosis, often with an insidious onset because most patients remain
normocalcemic. Sharma suggests that 10% of patients with sarcoidosis are diagnosed with
hypercalcemia whereas 30% of patients with sarcoidosis show an increase in serum calcium.
(Sharma, 1996)
In 1988, Foster described eight patients where he described extra uveitis may be the
presenting sign of sarcoidosis. It was the first study that suggested that there may be
unexpected presenting signs of sarcoidosis. (Foster, 1988) One of these symptoms may be
nephrolithiasis. In a study from Italy, the charts 618 patients with histologically proven
sarcoidosis was reviewed in 1978-92 in order to identify nephrolithiasis as a presenting
feature of sarcoidosis. (Rizzato et al 1995) The authors concluded that calculi were the
presenting feature of sarcoidosis in 6 out of 618 patients (1%) and was the first manifestation
of disease in 14 (2. 2%) of the patients. In another 9 patients who presented with pulmonary
involvement, persistent hematuria or pyuria led to discovery of stones via ultrasound or
intravenous pyelography. Given that this is an uncommon disease, there is a very small
chance that a physician seeing a patient for the first time with a new kidney stone will later
prove to be is sarcoidosis. In the literature, the overall prevalence of nephrolithiasis is 10% in
patients with sarcoidosis. (Muther et al 1981 and Rizzato 1995) The incidence of 2.2%
exceeds more than 20 times the expected yearly rate of renal calculi in the general
population (36 per 100, 000 in women and 123 in men in Rochester (Johnson et al 1979), 122
in California

(Hiatt et al 1982) and 68 in Kyoto Osaka. (Yoshida and Okada, 1990) In course
of chronic sarcoidosis, approximately 10-13.8% of patients have at least 1 asymptomatic
stone. (Lebacq, 1970)
Treatment of hypercalcuria involves minimization of dietary calcium and Vitamin D,
avoidance of UV exposure, and dietary oxalate restriction. This is because an increase in
intestinal calcium absorption caused by excess in 1, 25 dihydroxyvitamin D may result in an
increase in urinary oxalate excretion especially if diet is low in calcium. Overabsorption of
calcium leaves less of this divalent cation to complex with oxalate in the proximal intestine
so more oxalate is delivered to the colon in which anion is hyperabsorbed. Corticosteriods

Sarcoidosis and Kidney Disease

are usually necessary to normalize these parameters as they can decrease inflammatory
activity and reduce calcitriol syntheses.
Retroperitoneal lymph nodes can enlarge sufficiently to cause urethral obstruction.
(Frailly et al 1990). Sarcoidosis has also been shown to be responsible for bilateral
hydronephrosis on the basis of retroperitoneal lymph node enlargement, with resolution
after corticosteroid treatment. (Miyazaki 1995).

5. Glomerular diseases associated with sarcoidosis
Glomerular involvement in sarcoidosis is not very common. The spectrum of commonly
reported glomerular diseases include focal segmental sclerosis, membranous
glomerulonephritis (GN), mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis, mesangiocapillary
glomerulonephritis, IgA nephropathy and crescentric glomerulonephritis. (Sheffield 1997)

The exact mechanisms of glomerular disease in sarcoidosis are not known. Due to the
absence of a consistent glomerular pathology and a well described etiological pathway,
most cases are believed to be coincidental associations. Broadly speaking, abnormalities in
both the humoral and cellular immune system in sarcoidosis contribute to the development
of immune complex type glomerulonephritis which also explains why immunoglobulin
and complement deposition are commonly observed in renal biopsies in sarcoidosis. (Gobel
et al 2001).
5.1 Membranous glomerulonephritis
Overall, membranous glomerulonephritis (MGN) is the most commonly reported
glomerular pathology. Amongst 39 cases of glomerular diseases reported in sarcoidosis,
Vanhille et al found that 13 were MGN, largely occurring late in the course of overt disease.
(Vanhille et al 1986) Khan et al. described a 56-yr-old woman with pulmonary sarcoidosis
who developed heavy proteinuria. A renal biopsy revealed both interstitial granulomas and
membranous glomerulonephritis. (Khan et al 1999) Rarely patients may be diagnosed to
have sarcoidosis during the work up for secondary causes of nephrotic syndrome.
Dimitriades et al. described a 13-yr-old girl who presented with the nephrotic syndrome and
renal biopsy showed membranous nephropathy. (Dimitriades 1999) Typical subepithelial
deposits were found with electron microscopy. Bilateral hilar adenopathy was present,
which suggested sarcoidosis. The diagnosis was confirmed by a bone marrow biopsy, which
disclosed noncaseating granulomas. The patient was treated with corticosteroids and
cyclophosphamide, and her condition stabilized. In an experimental study, Maruyama et al,
induced subepithelial deposits in pigs injected with heterologous antibodies to angiotensin
converting enzyme (ACE). Confocal microscopy showed co localization of the granular
deposits of ACE and anti ACE goat IgG on the outer aspect of glomerular basement. The
authors conjectured that a similar autoimmune process may cause membranous GN in
sarcoidosis. While traditionally idiopathic MGN is steroid resistant, most cases of MGN
associated with sarcoidosis seem to respond to high dose steroid therapy especially if there
is coexistent granulomatous interstitial nephritis (GIN) (Khan et al 1999). Others used pulse
methylprednisolone plus oral cyclophosphamide to show remission of the nephrotic state.
(Dimitriades et al 1999) See Figure 2. for histology of membranous nephropathy in

Chronic Kidney Disease


Fig. 2. (A) Immunofluorescence shows granular IgG deposits along the glomerular basement
membrane consistent with membranous glomerulonephritis. (B) Left forearm biopsy with
epithelioid granulomas. A star-shaped asteroid body is visible within a giant cell.
Magnifications: x800 in A (IgG); x500 in B (hematoxylin and eosin). Gobel U et al. JASN
5.2 Minimal change disease
Nephrotic syndrome due to minimal change disease (MCD) also has been described in
patients with sarcoidosis. Mundlein et al, described a patient with Graves disease with
steroid dependent MCD who achieved complete remission with cyclophosphamide.
(Mundlein et al 1996) Patient was subsequently diagnosed to have typical chest findings of
pulmonary sarcoidosis. In contrast, Parry and Falk described a case of longstanding
pulmonary sarcoidosis that later went on to develop steroid resistant MCD not responding

Sarcoidosis and Kidney Disease

to high dose steroids or cyclophosphamide. (Parry et al 1997) The patient had to be started
on cyclosporine which was given for a year and a sustained remission was attained.
Spontaneous occurrence and remission of heavy proteinuria coinciding with the relapse of
the disease is also well described. (Mery 2005) The authors postulated that there is a
functional and transient increase of glomerular permeability to proteins secondary to release
of vascular permeability factor like lymphokines by activated T cells.
5.3 Crescentic glomerulonephritis
Crescent Glomerulonephrits (GN) has also been frequently reported in patients with
sarcoidosis and co-existing ANCA associated vasculitis. ANCA are autoantibodies found in
some autoimmune diseases, recognized by their reactivity with cytoplasmic antigens in
neutrophils; two groups are recognized: c-ANCA, reacting with proteinase 3, is found in
polyangiitis and Churg-Strauss syndrome; p-ANCA, reacting with myeloperoxidase is
found in Wegener granulomatosis. Auinger et al described a patient with rapidly
progressive glomerulonephritis and hepatosplenomegaly with no prior diagnosis of
sarcoidosis whose renal biopsy showed crescentic GN. (Auinger et al 1997) Diagnosis of
sarcoidosis was made with raised angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) levels and both
liver and kidney biopsies showing interstitial noncaseating granulomas. Patient was started
on high dose steroids with which renal function improved. Subsequently, the patient
developed anti- myeloperoxidase (MPO) antibodies. In contrast, Ahuja et al reported a
patient with crescentic GN in the setting of Wegener's granulomatosis (WG). (Ahuja et al
1996). Patient responded well to long term oral cyclophosphamide treatment. Subsequently,
the patient developed biopsy-confirmed pulmonary sarcoidosis months later. Given such
close associations, it is believed that these sarcoidosis and granulomatous vasculitis like WG
may have some common mechanisms. See Figure 3.
5.4 Other glomerular diseases
Rare associations of sarcoidosis with post-infectious GN have also been noted. Michaels et
al. described two patients with sarcoidosis : one with recent history of pneumonia and
other with elevated antistreptolysin O titres who developed acute renal failure with active
urinary sediments and nephrotic range proteinuria (Michaels et al 2000). Biopsies
disclosed diffuse endocapillary proliferative GN with hump-like epithelial deposits. Both
patients responded well to corticosteroids with resolution of proteinuria and azotemia.
Similarly IgA nephropathy (IgAN), coexisting with sarcoidosis is not unusual given the
wide prevalence of IgAN. Taylor and Nishiki described a case of IgAN in sarcoidosis
typically presenting as nephritic syndrome that responded well to steroids. (Taylor at el
1996 and Nishiki et al 2010) Renal amyloidosis (AA type) has also noted in patients with
long standing sarcoidosis with the classical presentation of steroid resistant nephrotic
syndrome with slow progression to end stage renal disease. (Tchenio et al. 1996 and
Rainfray et al 1988).
6. Tubulointerstitial diseases
After excluding abnormalities affecting calcium homeostasis, tubulointerstitial diseases
are the most commonly encountered renal abnormalities in sarcoidosis. They are

Chronic Kidney Disease


Fig. 3. (A) Roentgenogram showing bilateral hilar adenopathy in a patient with sarcoidosis.
(B) Extracapillary glomerulonephritis with crescent formation. Magnification, x500 (periodic
acid-Schiff). Gobel U et al. JASN 2001; 12:616-623
histopathologically described as granulomatous interstitial nephritis (GIN). Approximately
20% of patients with sarcoidosis show granulomatous inflammation in the kidney (Sheffield
1997) although values range from 15 to 40% (Mery 2005) reflecting differences in the
indication for renal biopsies. In many instances, patients may be clinically silent and GIN
may present with concomitant findings with well known clinicopathological syndromes.
The variability in incidence of GIN also reflects sampling error in detecting scarce
granulomas especially in inadequate biopsy specimens.
Overall GIN is a rare histologic diagnosis seen in 0. 5 and 0. 9% of native renal biopsies and
0. 6% of renal transplant biopsies (Joss et al 2007). Possible etiologies include medications,
infections, sarcoidosis, Sjogrens syndrome, crystal deposits, paraproteinemia, Wegeners
granulomatosis and idiopathic causes. Drugs implicated include anticonvulsants,
antibiotics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, allopurinol, and diuretics. Mycobacteria
and fungi are the main infective causes and seem to be the main causative factor in cases in
renal transplants or in countries with high prevalence of tuberculosis. In the largest
collection of data so far on this disease, Joss et al noted 18 cases of GIN from of etiologies
such as sarcoidosis (n=5), drug induced (n=2), idiopathic (n=9) and tubulointerstitial
nephritis with uveitis (n=2). The most common presentation of GIN was advanced renal
failure with minimal proteinuria. (Joss 2007)

Sarcoidosis and Kidney Disease

Despite great clinical variability, the most common clinical syndrome associated with
sarcoidosis and GIN is chronic kidney disease with decline in renal function usually over
weeks to months

(Jean-Philllipe 2005). Acute renal failure as an initial presentation is also
well known (ORiordan et al 2001). Renal dysfunction may progress at variable rates but can
irreversibly progress to end stage renal disease despite high dose glucocorticoid treatment.
(Tsiouris et al 1999) Consistent with a pattern of tubulointerstitial disease, proteinuria is
either absent or mild. Urine analysis shows leucocytes and granular casts. Rarely, patient
may present as frank hematuria lasting several weeks. (Mills et al 1994) Functional tubular
abnormalities can occur in as much as 50% of cases of sarcoidosis when aggressively
investigated which include renal glycosuria, urinary sodium and potassium wasting,
Fanconis Syndrome, decreased urinary concentration ability, proximal or distal tubular
acidosis. (Muther et al 1981) It is uncertain whether the presence of interstitial lesions solely
contributes to these abnormalities but hypercalcemia and hypergammaglobulinemia also
play a pathogenic role. (Mery, 2005)

GIN is usually associated with enlarged kidneys mimicking polycystic kidney disease or
renal carcinoma. (Mery, 2005)

Renal sonogram shows bilateral renal masses which are either
hyper- or hypoechoic in comparison to adjacent renal parenchyma. Computer tomogram
shows the renal masses to be low intensity. A Gallium-76 citrate scan commonly reveals
increased uptake suggesting active granulomatous inflammation. (Mery and Kenouch, 1988)
Serum ACE concentration is a poor marker of active renal lesion and may even be normal in
active GIN with severe renal failure. (Hannedouche et al 1990)
In most cases, a diagnosis of GIN is made in the context of typical extra-renal manifestations
of sarcoidosis and/or hyperkalemia. Rarely renal involvement may be isolated and
preceding other sites of the disease for months to years. Some have even considered isolated
GIN as a localized form of sarcoidosis. In such isolated cases, it is important to rule out drug
induced interstitial nephritis which is far more easily treatable cause of GIN that sarcoidosis
itself. (Muther et al 1981) Another syndrome commonly associated with Sjogrens Syndrome
but also reported with sarcoidosis is the TINU syndrome or the Dobrin Syndrome
(Sinnamon et al 2008) which is characterized by acute interstitial nephritis, anterior uveitis
and epitheliod granulomas in bone marrow and lymph nodes. The renal lesion consists of
interstitial infiltrates mainly composed of mononuclear cells and few eosinophils. Although
no interstitial granulomas are seen in TINU, the interstitial cell infiltrate is the same as a
sarcoid granuloma. Therefore it is possible that some cases described as Dobrin syndrome
may be atypical forms of sarcoidosis.
Analyzing all cases of GIN, Joss et al, noted that the background diagnosis of sarcoidosis
was known in only 1 of 5 patients of GIN who eventually were categorized as sarcoid GIN.
Mean age of presentation was 56. 8 years. ACE levels were elevated in a minority of patients
(1 out of 5) and hypercalcemia was seen in only 2 patients. Pulmonary findings of hilar
lymphadenopathy was seen in only 1 patient and one had the TINU syndrome.
(Joss et al 2007)
Renal pathology of GIN consists of the typical non-caseating granuloma widely distributed
throughout the cortex and the medulla, although the density of these lesions may differ
from patient to patient. (Mery 2005) The sarcoid granuloma consists of lymphocytes,
mononuclear, cells and plasma cells. The center of the granuloma consists of epitheliod and

Chronic Kidney Disease

multinucleate giant cells both of which are derived from activated macrophages.
Multinucleate giant cells are formed by the coalescence of epitheliod cells. Lymphocytes
largely consist of T-helper cells (CD 4
) in the center and CD 8
lymphocytes in the
periphery. Some granulomas have small arteries in their center. Although granulomas may
also form in drug induced interstitial nephritis it is less well formed than in sarcoidosis.
Varying degrees of fibrosis may also be present. The severity of fibrosis correlates with
tubular atrophy and degeneration. In the absence of any predominant glomerular
pathology, the glomeruli are either normal or show mesangial hypertrophy and thickening
of the basement membrane. Electron microscopy may show fusion of epithelial foot
processes (Farge et al 1986). However, there are no significant immune deposits in either the
glomeruli or tubules as seen by immunoflourescent microscopy. In a significant number of
cases, immunoflourescence with anti-ACE serum showed localization in the sarcoid
granuloma in addition to normal staining of the brush border of the proximal tubules. (Mery
et al 1988) See Figure 4.

Fig. 4. Renal biopsy showed a granulomatous interstitial nephritis with a broadened
interstitial, cellular infiltrates and granuloma with typical multinucleated giant cells
(arrowheads). Kettritz R et al. Nephrol. Dial. Transplant. 2006; 21:2690-2694

Sarcoidosis and Kidney Disease

In contrast to conventional pathological dogma, Joss et al showed that asteroid bodies and
calcification were not common in sarcoid GIN. (Joss et al 2007) Interestingly, asteroid bodies
were seen in 1 case of drug induced AIN. However, lymphocyte cuffing and giant cell
infiltration were prominent in sarcoid granulomas in the kidney. Necrosis and eosinophil
infiltration of the interstitum was more common in drug induced GIN as compared to
sarcoidosis. It is now believed that idiopathic GIN, TINU and sarcoidosis represents a
clinicopathological spectrum and that idiopathic GIN or TINU may subsequently develop
typical extra-renal manifestations of sarcoidosis.
6.1 Treatment
The mainstay of treatment of sarcoid GIN is glucocorticoids. Initial treatment requires a
daily dose of prednisone or prednisolone preferably 1-1. 5 mg/kg. Response to treatment
can often be dramatic in terms of improvement of renal insufficiency. The best response to
glucocorticoids was noted in a study by Mahevas et al. in which 47 patients with renal
sarcoid received prednisolone while 10 also received pulse methylprednisolone. (Mahevas
et al 2009) The authors concluded that at 24 months, a complete and partial remission
occurred in 30 and 5 patients respectively. But no response was noted in patients with
severe interstitial fibrosis of greater than 50%. Underlying functional tubular dysfunction
improves with progressive drop in serum creatinine. An important point to realize here is
that steroid treatment has to be prolonged and must exceed at least 6 months as
nephropathy relapses very frequently with short term therapy (Gene and Cheviot 1988). A
commonly followed strategy is to give the initial dose for 2 months followed by progressive
taper and switching to an alternate day therapy. A maintenance therapy period for 1 year
at least is recommended. Serial renal biopsies have shown a regression of granuloma in
conjunction with improvement of renal function
Farge et al 1986) although given the
variability in results

(Gene and Cheviot 1988) routine biopsies after starting steroids is not
recommended. Treatment in advanced disease is often associated with interstitial fibrosis
along with focal segmental glomerulosclerosis and vascular lesions. However, vascular
lesions are more common with long term corticosteroid therapy and are associated with
delayed development of hypertension which is a major contributor to progression of renal
failure. (Mery and Kenouch 1988)
While analyzing outcomes of steroid treatment in a heterogeneous population of GIN, Joss
et al, presented data of 16 patients of which 5 were labeled as sarcoidosis. Patients were
treated with prednisolone (starting dose of 0. 55mg/kg)

(Joss et al 2007) for a mean period of
25 months and then followed up for a period of 45 months. Overall, renal function stabilized
or improved at the end of the study with mean GFR improving from 21 to 56 ml/min. One
patient who was on dialysis at the beginning of therapy was able to discontinue dialysis
within 3 months. Six patients relapsed on dose reduction of which 4 were sarcoid GIN who
required azathioprine to break steroid dependence. Sarcoid patients required longer
treatment (36 months) as compared to idiopathic or TINU patients. The greatest renal
recovery occurred in the first year of treatment. There was no difference in renal outcome
when analyzing the degree of interstitial fibrosis. Age less than 60 years was associated with
a better outcome. Table 1 summarizes data on treatment of GIN in some important studies
so far.
Long term results with steroid therapy in sarcoid GIN have not been rigorously tested in
randomized controlled trials. In a large case series of 39 patients with sarcoid renal disease,

Chronic Kidney Disease

Parameter Joss et al Robson et al.
et al.
et al.
et al.
n 18 16
7 5 6 5
Cause Mixed
Sarcoid Sarcoid
Age (yr) 55 56 69 48 to 71 62 61
Male gender (%) 61 56 71 60 50 60
Renal function at

21 24 14 6 NA NA
373 357 420 NA 566 396
Hypercalcemia 3/18 3/16 2/7 0/5 2/6 1/5
Raised serum
4/17 4/15 3/7 1/5 4/4 1/5
Improved renal
17/18 15/16 5/7 4/5 6/6 5/5
Long-term RRT 0/18 0/16 2/7 0/5 0/6 0/5
Prednisolone (%) 89 88 100 100 100 100
Mean follow-up
45 48 25 35 75 NA
Renal function at
last visit

ECC (ml/min) at
end of therapy
56 53 22 20 NA NA
(mol/L) at end
of study
159 159 296 NA 192 225
Data excluding the two cases of drug-induced GIN.
Table 1. Comparison on treatment of GIN in literature.
17 patients with biopsy-proven tubulo-interstitial nephritis with significant renal
impairment were analyzed over a one year period of corticosteroid therapy. (Robson et al
2003). All patients were initially started on prednisolone at 0. 5 mg/kg body weight at a
daily dose of 3060 mg which was tapered by 5 mg each week once the renal function has
improved and/or stabilized. Thereafter, patients were maintained on 57. 5 mg daily
indefinitely. Mean duration of study was 84 months. Estimated glomerular filtration rate
(eGFR) at baseline was 26. 814 ml/min which improved to 49. 65. 2 ml/min (P<0. 01) at 1
year, and 47. 96. 8 ml/min (P<0. 05) at last review. Interestingly, the response to treatment
was similar regardless of the degree of renal impairment at baseline, race and the degree of
tubulo-interstitial scarring on renal biopsy. Three patients developed side effects that could

Sarcoidosis and Kidney Disease

be attributed to steroids which included acute psychosis and type 2 diabetes. Long term use
of corticosteroids, especially in adolescents, can cause substantial side effects including
diabetes, growth retardation and cataract. Alternative agents that have been attempted in
treating sarcoid GIN include mycophenolate

(Moudgil 2002) and mizoribine (Rajakariar et al
2006 and Ito et al 2009) which are limited to case reports and have been primarily used in
pediatric patients to break steroid dependence or ameliorate significant side effects. Other
agents which have been tried in systemic extra-renal sarcoidosis include mycophenolate
mofetil, methotrexate, azathioprine, antimalarials, and phosphodiesterase inhibitors such as
pentoxifylline and thalidomide although no data on treating renal sarcoidosis exists.
(Baughman 2003) There has been great interest in the use of TNF-antagonists as another
modality to treat sarcoid GIN in order to avoid use of steroids. TNF-alpha, which is
expressed by monocytes, is critical in the development of these noncaseating granulomas.
TNF-alpha receptor antagonists have also been shown to prevent the initiation and
perpetuation of inflammation and subsequent interstitial fibrosis. Etanercept is a soluble
TNF-alpha receptor fusion protein that binds TNF-alpha. Infliximab and adalimumab are
monoclonal antibodies that bind specifically to and neutralize TNF-alpha. While etanercept
is an ineffective agent in the treatment of systemic sarcoidosis,
Ulz et al 2003) infliximab has
been shown to be effective in a case of renal sarcoid. Thumfart et al, described the case of a
boy presenting with severe arterial hypertension and acute renal failure caused by an
isolated sarcoid granulomatous interstitial nephritis. Renal function improved initially with
prednisone treatment but later, the patient showed signs of severe steroid toxicity and
progressive renal failure. Monthly treatment with infliximab was initiated resulting in a
steady improvement in renal function and resolution of renal granulomata, as well as
reduction in antihypertensive medication. (Thumfart 2005) Ahmed et al presented a patient
with acute renal failure due to isolated granulomatous infiltration of the renal parenchyma.
(Ahmed et al 2007) Renal biopsy showed granulomatous interstitial nephritis with
noncaseating granulomas. There was no evidence of extrarenal sarcoid involvement.
Prednisone 60mg daily resulted in significant improvement in renal function. Due to
recurrent flares while tapering the prednisone and steroid toxicity, treatment with
infliximab was instituted and resulted in stabilization of renal function. This case
demonstrated that steroid-dependant or refractory renal sarcoidosis cases may respond to
infliximab. We recently reported the case of a 46-year-old woman with multi-organ
sarcoidosis, type 2 diabetes, subnephrotic-range proteinuria, hypertension and recurrent
episodes of hypercalcemia-induced acute kidney injury who was referred for evaluation of
worsening renal function and nephrotic range proteinuria. (Gupta et al 2008) A kidney
biopsy showed sarcoid GIN with moderate-to-severe chronic tubulointerstitial disease,
hypertensive vasculopathy, and diabetic glomerulosclerosis. Because steroids had caused
multiple side effects including diabetes, hypertension and obesity and attempts to wean
steroids had caused hypercalcemia and acute renal failure, Adalimumab (Humira
) 40
mg/0. 8 cc weekly for 6 months was initiated. After 6 months of treatment with
adalimumab, serum creatinine improved from 345 mol/L (3. 9 mg/dL) to 1. 8 mg/dl (her
baseline for years) and proteinuria improved from 10 g/day to 3. 5 g in 24 hours
respectively. A repeat biopsy showed persistent diabetic glomerulosclerosis, moderate
chronic tubulointerstitial inflammation with complete resolution of interstitial epitheliod
granulomas. Although adalimumab and infliximab are generally safe, some side effects

Chronic Kidney Disease

include risk of lymphoma and reactivation of latent tuberculosis
Denys et al 2007). These
agents may hold promise for the future once large scale randomized studies are available to
show consistent benefits with minimal side effects.
7. Renovascular diseases associated with sarcoidosis
Renovascular diseases secondary to sarcoidosis are distinctly rare and attributed to a form
of secondary vasculitides. Systemic vasculitis associated with sarcoidosis has been
reported as an isolated entity in the literature after excluding other common causes of
vasculitis. It is predominantly large vessel vasculitis although few instances of small
vessel vasculitis have been reported. In a large case series and review of literature on
sarcoid vasculitis, Fernandes et al, noted that most cases were children and clinical
presentation resembled hypersensitivity vasculitis, Takayasus arteritis, polyarteritis
nodosa or microscopic polyangitis. (Fernandes 2000) Clinical features included fever,
peripheral adenopathy, hilar adenopathy, rash, pulmonary parenchymal disease,
musculoskeletal symptoms, and scleritis or iridocyclitis with biopsy showing necrotizing
sarcoid granulomata. Interestingly, no renal involvement was noted. Notably the authors
found large vessel vasculitis largely in the African American population while small
vessel vasculitis predominantly affected white races. Godin et al described a known case
of pulmonary sarcoidosis with persistent hypertension. (Godin et al 1980) Diagnostic
evaluation for renovascular hypertension included aortography which showed severe
stenosis of right renal artery. Surgical exploration showed extensive periaortic and
perirenal fibrosis with extrinsic compression of renal artery. Pathological examination of
the kidney revealed epitheloid infiltration of the adventia of renal artery suggestive of
sarcoid angitis. Surgical biopsy was performed on both kidneys. The right kidney,
protected by arterial stenosis, was slightly altered, while the left kidney showed extensive
interstitial, tubular, and glomerular lesions which included focal and segmental
hyalinosis. Marcussen et al, reported an autopsy case of a middle aged man who died of
myocardial infarction secondary to fulminent vasculitis. (Marcussen and Lund 1989)
Pathology showed widespread giant cell vasculitis with simultaneous involvement of the
renal arteries, veins, and arterioles along with typical interstitial sarcoid granuloma.
Shintaku et al, showed granulomatous inflammation of small renal vessels and crescentric
GN on the autopsy of a patient with pulmonary hemorrhage and rapidly progressive
renal failure. (Shintaku et al 1989) Thus, sarcoid angitis, especially causing small vessel
vasculitis in the kidney may represent a very severe form of sarcoidosis. In their review,
Fernandes et al, noted that four out of six patients responded well to steroid treatment
alone but had relapses when attempts were made to taper or withdraw steroids
(Fernandes 2000) Frequently, there is an overlap between sarcoidosis and well known
causes of granulomatous vasculitis. For instance, Watson et al described a case of
longstanding pulmonary sarcoidosis presenting with rapidly progressive renal failure
with p-ANCA positivity. (Watson 1996) Renal biopsy demonstrated focal and segmental
fibrinoid necrosis with crescentric GN and focal fibrinoid necrosis in arterial wall, but no
granulomata and pauci-immune deposits on immunofluorescence. Unlike patients with
ANCA positive vasculitis, the index case responded poorly to pulse steroids and
cyclophosphamide and progressed rapidly to end stage renal disease.

Sarcoidosis and Kidney Disease

8. Kidney transplantation in patients with sarcoidosis
The usual cause of end stage renal disease in sarcoidosis requiring renal replacement
therapy is usually due to hypercalcemic nephropathy rather than granulomatous interstitial
nephritis or a glomerular disease. The outcome in renal transplantation in patients with
sarcoidosis has been described in the literature. The first recurrence of sarcoid GIN in renal
allograft was diagnosed 6 years after deceased donor kidney transplantation in a patient
that was diagnosed with GIN before transplantation
Shen et al 1986). A recent French study
aimed to describe a multicenter experience with kidney transplantation in patients with
sarcoidosis. (Aouizerate et al 2010) In this study, the authors retrospectively identified 18
patients who underwent renal transplantation. Patient medical charts, demographics were
reviewed. The median time between the last sarcoidosis episode and renal transplantation
was 78 (8 to 900) months. Only 3 out of 18 patients had been on immunosuppression prior to
transplantation. Vast majority of the patients had in the past received steroids and other
immunosuppression for their sarcoid before transplantation. Renal disease was attributable
to biopsy proven renal sarcoid in 10 out of the 18 patients and was attributed to other causes
in 8 patients. Mean age of transplantation was 43. 5 +/- 11 years. 17 out of 18 patients had a
deceased donor transplant. Mean donor age was 36. 5 +/ 15 years. Mean cold ischemia time
was 16. 6 +/- 8 hours. 11 patients received induction therapy with anti-thymocyte globulin
or Il-2 receptor antagonists. Maintenance immunosuppression included calcineurin inhibitor
(CNI) for all patients, mycophenolate mofetil or azathiporine, sirolimus and corticosteroids
for 16 out of the 18 patients. At the end of the 42 month follow up period, patient and death
censored graft survival was 94. 4% and mean GFR was 60 cc/min per 1. 73 m2. Recurrence
of sarcoidosis after renal transplantation was observed in 5 (27%) of patients. The median
period between renal transplantation and recurrence was 13 months and four of five
patients exhibited recurrence in the first 18 months after renal transplantation. Recurrences
involved in the same organ in four of five patients and included renal involvement in three
patients and lung and liver involvement in one patient. Mean GFR at end of follow-up was
significantly lower in the three patients with recurrence than that for the entire cohort. (31
versus 60 cc/min per 1. 73 m2). Analysis of the recurrences showed that they occur in the
first 18 months after transplantation. Primary disease related to sarcoidosis was strongly
associated with recurrence (40% in the group with renal sarcoidosis versus 12. 5% in a group
with a primary nephropathy, and median period between last episode of sarcoidosis and
renal transplantation was shorter in the case of sarcoidosis recurrence (42 versus 78 months
respectively). This study showed that patients with initial renal involvement display
sensitivity to disease recurrence in allograft. The incidence of recurrence was significant as
all patients were maintained on triple immunosuppressive therapy including steroids and
mycophenolate mofetil. This study showed that renal transplant can be conducted safely in
transplant patients with sarcoidosis, but recurrences do occur and affect overall graft
Kukura reported a case of recurrence of sarcoidosis in the renal allograft during pregnancy.
(Kukura et al 2004) This was a 27 yr old female diagnosed with sarcoidosis at age 14 by
lacrimal and parotid gland biopsy. 4 years after presentation, she developed hypertension
and renal insufficiency. Kidney biopsy showed interstitial nephritis and nephrosclerosis, but
no granulomas. Patient was eventually started in hemodialysis and underwent kidney

Chronic Kidney Disease

transplantation with excellent graft function with a creatinine of 1. 32 mg/dl and a negative
urinalysis. Patient was maintained on cyclosporine, azathioprine and prednisone 25 mg by
mouth daily. 2 years after transplantation once the steroids were withdrawn, patient
continued to have good kidney function with an allograft biopsy showing mild chronic
allograft nephropathy only. Immunosuppression consisted of azathioprine and
cyclosporine. At 3 years after kidney transplantation, patient became pregnant. 29 weeks
into pregnancy, renal function worsened. Biopsy showed numerous noncaseating
granulomas bound to the arteries, initial arteritis in one artery, mild interstitial mononuclear
inflammation and tubulitis. Graft function improved with pulse methylprednisolone and
tapered steroids were used. After delivery, renal allograft biopsy was performed 6 months
which showed baseline disease of mild chronic allograft nephropathy and sporadic
granulomas. This case demonstrates that steroid withdrawal after kidney transplantation
may lead to sarcoidosis recurrence.
The implication that sarcoid reflects a disease phenomena related to the immunologic
stimulus makes sarcoidosis an unlikely diagnosis to be made in an immunosuppressed
patient such as an organ transplant recipient. However, Schmidt et al showed that after
kidney transplantation, sarcoidosis can occur in the lung and pleura. (Schmidt et al 1999) In
this case, a 41 yr old with history of IgA nephropathy and no past medical history received a
living related kidney transplant and had been receiving tacrolimus therapy. He was found
to have a large pleural effusion 17 months after kidney transplant. Diagnosis of sarcoidosis
was established by identifying noncaseating granulomas, some with multinucleated giant
cells in the pleural and lung tissue. All viral and bacterial workup was negative. The
effusion resolved after initiating corticosteroid therapy. One month into therapy, the
effusion resolved and patient continued to be asymptomatic twenty months after therapy.
The authors did not speculate on the pathogenesis of granuloma formation since both
tacrolimus and corticosteroids interfere with T lymphocyte function and granuloma
formation. They speculated that activation of tissue chemokines of the IP-10 type during the
posttransplant period, along with subsequent recruitment of lymphocytes and macrophages
may have resulted in the sarcoidosis.
9. Conclusion
Sarcoidosis is a disease that primarily affects the reticuloendothelial system but can affect all
tissues and organ systems. In this chapter, we described the effects of sarcoidosis on the
kidneys. This disease affects patients worldwide and is defined pathologically by the
presence of noncaseating granulomas in the involved tissue. The etiology of sarcoidosis has
yet to be determined but some have proposed a possible infectious etiology. Commonly
sarcoid patients present with hypercalcemia, hypercalcuria, and nephrolithiasis due to the
overproduction of calcitriol from the epitheliod granulomas. We also described the rare
glomerular and renovascular manifestations of sarcoidosis. Granulomatous interstitial
nephritis is most commonly associated with sarcoidosis. It is a histological diagnosis and
can be treated with both steroids and TNF-alpha antagonists. Kidney transplantation is safe
in patients with sarcoidosis but we must keep in mind the disease can recur in the allograft.
In conclusion, sarcoidosis is a complex disease and presents both a diagnostic and
management challenge to the physician.

Sarcoidosis and Kidney Disease

10. References
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Origins of Cardiorenal Syndrome and
the Cardiorenal Connection
L. G. Bongartz
, M. J. Cramer
and J. A. Joles

Dept. of Cardiology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht
Dept. of Nephrology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht
The Netherlands
1. Introduction
In recent years, the relationship between the heart and the kidneys in disease has received
increasing attention from the clinical and scientific medical community. This was initiated
by epidemiological observations in the late 1990s of increasing patient numbers with
concurrent heart and kidney problems, and the association with a significantly higher
mortality ratio. This has led to intense discussions about the value of the recognition of
cardiorenal disease on the one hand, and the existence of a specific cardiorenal syndrome
on the other hand.

The idea of specific interaction between heart and kidneys is not new. There are numerous
examples and anecdotes that show that people in the past from various societies considered
the heart and the kidneys to have a special relationship.
1.1 Heart and kidneys in ancient times
The Egyptian Book of the Dead (1600-1240 B.C.), which served as a reference work to
assist the deceased in the afterlife, is one of the first known texts that mentions the heart and
kidneys in parallel:
"Homage to thee, O my heart!

Homage to you, O my kidneys!".

The heart and the kidneys were the only organs left inside the body during the process of
mummification. The heart was weighed against the feather of truth by the jackal-headed
Anubis (Figure 1), but the exact role of the kidneys for the passage into afterlife is uncertain.
Blood vessels are well preserved in mummies, and there is evidence that cardiovascular
disease affecting both the heart and the kidneys were not uncommon.

researched the Bible and found that:
[T]he kidneys are mentioned five times in the Bible as the organs examined by God to
pass judgment on a person. They are mentioned either before or after but always in
parallel with the heart,

as for example, "I, the Lord, search the heart, I try the reins,

even to
give every man according to his ways, and according

to the fruit of his doings" (Jer. 17:10), and,
"Examine me,

O Lord, and prove me; try my reins and my heart" (Psalms 26:2).

Chronic Kidney Disease


Fig. 1. The weighing of the heart against the feather of truth. This papyrus was found in the
tomb of the scribe Hunefer in Thebes. It dates from the 19th Dynasty, about 1285 BC. It can
be seen in the British Museum.
In Hebrew lore the kidneys owned the status as the organs which give the heart advice and
counsel, and which symbolize the innermost sources of thought and desire, those hardly
accessible to man but tested by God.

1.2 Heart and kidneys in Traditional Chinese Medicine
No less lyrical, albeit more clinical descriptions are found in China, where the heart and the
kidneys are described in various medical texts. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the
kidney represents water and is considered a yin organ whereas the heart represents fire
and is a yang organ.
In TCM, the kidney not only regulates the urinary system, but also
controls the reproductive, endocrine and nervous system. It stores Jing, which is considered
a vital life force responsible for development and reproduction. The heart rules the blood
vessels and blood supply to the organs, but also stores the spirit, reflected in a persons
mental, cognitive and intellectual abilities.
Dr. Shen Jin'ao writes in his book Dr. Shen's Compendium of Honoring Life (Shen Shi
Zunsheng Shu) from 1773:
The heart resides in the vessels. It rules the kidney network, not via a controlling
position in the restraining circle of relationship between the organ networks [where the
kidney actually restrains the heart], but simply because it is the general master of all

Origins of Cardiorenal Syndrome and the Cardiorenal Connection

organ networks. Before the heart fire can harmoniously blend with the kidney water,
however, the kidney water must be sufficient. Otherwise the heart fire will flare out of
control, and all kinds of heart and kidney ailments will arise.
In the 5 Elements network of Chinese medicine (Figure 2) a disorder called heart and
kidney failing to link (xin shen bu jiao) is presented, resulting in a variety of symptoms
ranging from restlessness and palpitations to dizziness, and dark, scanty urination or
If both kidneys and heart are weakened, there may be palpitations, shortness of
breath, dizziness, darken complexion, purple lips and nails, sensitivity to low temperatures,
urinary difficulty, edema that is more apparent in the lower limbs, and a bulky tongue. If
the kidneys and heart are in disharmony, there may be palpitations, dream-disturbed sleep,
forgetfulness, dizziness, thirst, red cheeks, night sweats, lumbar and knee soreness,
nocturnal emission, and a red tongue.

Fig. 2. The Five Elements theory of TCM and the relationships between the organs, with
generation (solid arrows) and restriction cycles (dashed arrows).
Another piece of traditional Chinese Medicine text gives a pretty accurate description of the
symptoms of cardiorenal failure:
When the kidney fails to evaporate fluid which then floods and ascends to depress the
function of heart yang there may be clinical manifestations such as oedema, chills and
cold limbs, accompanied by palpitations, shortness of breath and stuffiness in the chest,
indicating retained water affecting the heart.

1.3 Cardiorenal disease in the European Middle Ages
In Western society, during the Middle Ages, heart disease per s was not very well
described in medical doctrines, although the heart was considered the source of the spiritus
vitalis. Medieval doctors viewed the outward appearance and excretions of the whole body

Chronic Kidney Disease

or body parts as a reflection of ones state of health, and as such the symptoms of congestive
heart failure were approached as separate clinical entities.
The examination of urine was
however a widely used diagnostic tool. As one of the first Western cardio-nephrologists,
Gentile da Foligno (Gentilis de Fulgineo; 1272? 1348) considered heart disease as one of the
major inflictions modulating the color and output of urine in his commentary on De pulsibus
(About Pulses) composed by Aegidius Corboliensis (Figure 3).

Fig. 3. First page of De pulsibus. Town Library, Foligno. Reproduced from ref.
1.4 Heart-kidney interactions in the late 19
and early 20
During the Industrial Revolution the medical sciences expanded and scientific methods
became more and more reliant on experiments and observation. Richard Bright (17891858)
and Ludwig Traube (18181876) both documented that cardiac hypertrophy was a common
anomaly resulting from chronic renal disease.
20, 21
Traube refers in his writings to William
Senhouse Kirkes (1822 1864) who reviewed 14 autopsy cases of with apoplexy and diseased
kidneys, of which only one did not have an enlarged heart (Figure 4).
He concludes that:
"... I believe that the affection of the kidneys is the primary disease... [it] has among its
most frequent and permanent accompaniments an hypertrophied condition of the left

Origins of Cardiorenal Syndrome and the Cardiorenal Connection

ventricle ... of the various explanations of this pathological fact the most probable
perhaps is that which regards the blood as so far altered from its normal constitution ...
as to move with less facility through the systemic capillaries, and thus to require
increased pressure, and consequently increased growth of the left ventricle, to effect its

Fig. 4. Beginning of Kirkes publication in the Medical Times & Gazette, 1855.
In a lecture delivered at the University College in London in 1913, Thomas Lewis
about paroxysmal dyspnoea in cardio-renal patients and after a very interesting review of
the clinical and pathological findings of multiple cases, he concludes:
We come to this standpoint-that the clinical or anatomical distinction between cardiac
and renal asthma, is no certain one. Asthma occurring, in patients who show on the one
hand prominent cardiac lesions, on the other hand prominent renal lesions, may or may
not be due to a single cause.
Alfred Stengel
proposed a definition of cardio-renal disease (Figure 5) when he wrote in
The clinician encounters many cases, mainly in persons of middle age or older, in
which evidences of cardiac weakness and other circulatory disturbances, such as high
pressure, are associated with signs of failure of renal function or urinary indications of
renal disease. When this combination of symptoms is of such character that the observer
cannot readily assign to either the cardiovascular system or to the kidneys the
preponderance of responsibility, the term "cardio-renal disease" is often employed. The
term, therefore, comprises cases of combined cardiovascular and renal disease without
such manifest predominance of either as to justify a prompt determination of the one
element as primary and important and the other as secondary and unimportant.

Chronic Kidney Disease


Fig. 5. Example from a 1915 Death Certificate from Massachusetts. From Rudys List of
Archaic Medical Terms at http://www.antiquusmorbus.com/English/Heart Stroke.htm
The observations on the cardiac consequences of chronic kidney disease were later
expanded, and Gouley
was coined the term uremic myocardiopathy in 1940 and in 1944
proposed that cardiotoxic substances accumulate in uremia. Rssle,
Langendorf and Pirani
later showed that interstitial widening and fibrosis were common
in hearts of patients dying from uremia.
1.5 The Cardiorenal Syndrome in modern times
The advent of the Cimino-shunt and the development of hemodialysis (HD) as the mainstay
treatment for end-stage renal disease (ESRD) resulted in further increasing interest in the
structural and functional cardiac status of HD patients.
The full extent of the problem of
cardiovascular disease in chronic kidney disease (CKD) and ESRD patients was then charted
in the 1990s, showing that a large proportion of patients starting dialysis already suffers
from cardiac abnormalities and dysfunction and that survival of these patients after a
myocardial infarction (MI) was dismal.
In 2003, a statement from several councils from
the American Heart Association (AHA) was published in Hypertension and Circulation
underscoring the problem of increased cardiovascular risk in CKD, and the lack of
knowledge on pathophysiology.
This was followed by two seminal papers published in
the New England Journal of Medicine showing the exponentially increased risk for adverse
outcome with decreasing kidney function, in normal patients but even more so after they
had experienced a myocardial infarction.
37, 38
At the same time, the scientific and clinical
community became increasingly aware of the effect of decreased kidney function or kidney
damage on the prognosis of patients with heart failure.
Interestingly, in a study on the
predictive value of 10 different biomarkers in over 3000 patients from the Framingham
Heart Study, levels of brain natriuretic peptide and urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio most
strongly predicted major cardiovascular events.
One patient study even suggested that the
decline of renal function is accelerated after an acute MI.
These epidemiological
associations resulted in a strong clinical suspicion that the combination of heart and kidney
disease is associated with accelerated disease progression and adverse outcome.
2. The Severe Cardiorenal Syndrome and the Cardiorenal Connection
The epidemiological data, the AHA statement, and our own clinical observations of
cardiorenal failure in patients led us to propose the Severe Cardiorenal Syndrome (SCRS)

Origins of Cardiorenal Syndrome and the Cardiorenal Connection

as a separate disease entity with the Cardiorenal Connection (CRC) as the putative
pathophysiological model.
We defined the SCRS as a condition in which combined cardiac
and renal dysfunction amplifies progression of failure of the individual organ, leading to
grossly increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. The CRC works in conjunction
with the hemodynamic control model of heart-kidney interactions as stipulated by the late
professor Guyton (Figure 6).

Fig. 6. The cardiorenal connection works extensive to Guytons model to drive accelerated
cardiovascular damage in combined renal and heart failure.
The cardiorenal connectors that we put forward were:
the balance between nitric oxide (NO) and reactive oxygen species (ROS),
the sympathetic nervous system (SNS)
the renin-angiotensin system (RAS), and
We envisioned that both heart and renal failure lead to derangement of the Guytonian
model of hemodynamic control, but also results in activation/disturbance of the connectors

Chronic Kidney Disease

of the CRC. The connectors have a modulating effect on hemodynamic control but can also
induce cardiovascular damage, thereby mediating further functional deterioration.
proposed that activation of the CRC leads to a vicious cycle in which all the connectors
become disturbed, synergize and further activate each other. This ultimately results in
worsening of both cardiac and renal damage and failure.
2.1 Summary of the Cardiorenal Connection
A shift in the balance between NO and ROS towards ROS is a central event in many
cardiovascular diseases.
In the SCRS,

the balance between NO and the ROS is skewed
towards the latter

by increased production of ROS, a low anti-oxidant status, and

availability of NO.
In the cardiorenal connection, this imbalance may influence
sympathetic nervous activity,
release of renin and angiotensin,
and promote
inflammation by oxidative modification of substances.

Sympathetic nervous activity is also increased in both renal and heart failure. By affecting
the other cardiorenal connectors it can play a significant role in the SCRS. It stimulates renin
release from the kidneys,
generates ROS which induces vascular wall growth,
induces inflammation.

The RAS is activated in both renal and heart failure
53, 54
and angiotensin II affects the other
cardiorenal connectors in different ways. It activates the SNS in both heart and kidney
55, 56
it generates ROS via nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH)-
and activates pro-inflammatory gene expression via nuclear factor-B.

Persistent inflammation has been found in both renal and heart failure. By altering the
functioning of the RAS,
and promoting ROS
and noradrenaline formation,

inflammation can contribute to the positive feedback loops in the cardiorenal connection.
The Severe Cardiorenal Syndrome is thus not a syndrome in which cardiac and renal failure
simply co-exist side-by-side. Cardiac and renal failure are intimately linked by the
cardiorenal connectors, because failure of either organ can excite the cardiorenal connectors,
but the connectors themselves also affect the structure and function of both organs.
Logically, the cardiorenal connectors become more pronounced in combined failure.

3. Previous research on the cardiorenal interactions
In a recent comprehensive review in Circulation, Bock and Gottlieb
state that:
each dysfunctional organ has the ability to initiate and perpetuate disease in the
other organ through common hemodynamic, neurohormonal, and immunological/
biochemical pathways. They also write: our understanding of the complex
physiological, biochemical, and hormonal derangements that encompass the CRS is
woefully deficient.
Despite general acknowledgement of the adverse prognosis of concurrent cardiac and renal
disease, many clinicians and researchers are skeptical about the true existence of a specific
heart-kidney interaction that goes beyond known physiological interactions. Thus the
question was raised whether kidney disease and heart disease simply co-exist or that they
indeed worsen each others progression. Clinical studies can not provide the answer to this

Origins of Cardiorenal Syndrome and the Cardiorenal Connection

question because they are observational, lack histological end-points, and are confounded
by selection bias, inconsistent definition of end-points, and medication use. Therefore,
further exploration of the mechanisms of cardiorenal interactions must rely on animal
studies, in which timing and severity of the disease are controlled, progression of disease
can be followed, and histological end-points are assessed.
Much of what we know today on the structural cardiac consequences of chronic kidney
disease results from the extensive research in rats with CKD by the group of Kerstin Amann
and Eberhard Ritz in the late 80s and early 90s.
Despite numerous cardiac changes, in the
rat CKD model of subtotal (5/6
) nephrectomy (SNX) cardiac systolic function is generally
63, 64
Conversely, after MI by ligation of the left coronary artery in rats, renal
histological damage or proteinuria is absent although glomerular filtration rate (GFR) may
be decreased.
65, 66
Thus, it appears that both organs need to be affected to cause acceleration
of damage and failure typical for the CRS. Only two animal studies investigated the effect
of dual damage to heart and kidneys, with MI following shortly after a renal insult in rats,
with conflicting results.
65, 67
Different models of nephrectomy exist in mice, but these are not
as robust as those in rats, with variable changes in renal function and cardiac

The renal hemodynamic response to heart failure (HF) induced by pacing in dogs has also
been investigated,
but whether there is histological damage is unknown. Furthermore,
there is no proven model of CKD in dogs. Taken together, there is still a paucity of models
that investigate the interaction between kidney and heart failure in a chronic set-up with
integrated physiological and histological assessment. From the available data, combining
the SNX model of CKD and the coronary ligation model of HF appears to be the most robust
option to investigate the SCRS.
3.1 The role of nitric oxide in the Severe Cardiorenal Syndrome
We developed a model of the SCRS based on CKD and depletion of NO availability. The
rationale for these investigations was that the pathogenesis of CKD (in the presence of
hypertension, diabetes or aging) is associated with low NO availability,
experimental SNX induces nephron number reduction in a healthy animal. Furthermore, in
SNX, cardiac systolic function generally remains preserved, while in patients left ventricular
dysfunction (LVSD) develops during the course of CKD progression.

Reduced NO availability is considered a hallmark of CKD.
46, 79
NO can function as an
effector of the CRC by way of its vasodilatory action. It also modulates GFR and tubulo-
glomerular feedback.
Reduced NO availability will result in tissue damage by oxidative
stress. In extension to our proposal of the Cardiorenal Connection,
we postulated that the
balance between NO and ROS is a key modulator of the other cardiorenal connectors.

Many effects of the other CRCs may be mediated by changes in the redox-balance and NO
82, 83

Also, it has been shown that constitutive NO production supports basal cardiac function.

Apart from its role in endothelial dysfunction, NO availability also modulates cardiac
contractility, as NO synthase (NOS) inhibition reduces cardiac output, and causes cardiac
damage in high doses.
85, 86

Chronic Kidney Disease

We thus hypothesized that a reduction in NO availability would accelerate the development
of cardiac dysfunction. Indeed, treatment with an oral NO synthase (NOS) inhibitor (L-
NNA), at a very low dose, induced NO depletion and severe cardiac dysfunction.

Furthermore, proteinuria, severe glomerulosclerosis and cardiac interstitial fibrosis were
worsened compared to rats with CKD without NOS inhibition. Another remarkable finding
was that the effects on cardiorenal dysfunction but also on systemic NO production were
irreversible after cessation of the NOS inhibitor, during a 7 week follow-up. A five times
higher dose of NOS inhibition in control rats, which caused a similar level of hypertension
and NO depletion, induced LVSD that was not as severe as in the CRS rats. Furthermore, all
effects on blood pressure, cardiac function and NO availability were completely reversible,
and had no effect on kidney structure and function. Combining NOS inhibition with SNX
also, worsened kidney injury. The more severe hypertension and direct effects of NOS
inhibition may have played a role in this.
We concluded that during CKD development the heart is very sensitive to depression of
systemic NO availability. Compared to the normal kidney, the damaged kidney is more
sensitive to alterations of NO availability as well, possibly because of a loss of
Thus, maintaining adequate NO availability appears to be very important
for progression of cardiorenal failure during progression of CKD, and the combination of
CKD and NO depletion appears to produce a functional model of the SCRS in which cardiac
function is further compromised.
That supplementation of NO is useful as a rescue therapy was shown in a subsequent study,
where treatment with the oral tolerance-free NO donor molsidomine (MOLS) significantly
improved cardiac diastolic and systolic function, abrogated mortality, and also slightly
improved kidney function and injury.
The cardiac effect of MOLS appeared to be a
combination of reduced cardiac loading and improved contractility and relaxation. Systolic
blood pressure was only mildly reduced and GFR was even slightly improved. Thus, MOLS
appears to be an attractive and safe therapeutic option for CKD patients suffering from
cardiac dysfunction of non-ischemic origin. The pathophysiology of the continuing low NO
production in this model is likely very complex and may include low NOS expression or
activity, substrate deficiency, high oxidative stress levels, and increased amounts of
endogenous NOS inhibitors.

In conclusion, the cardiorenal connection has intrigued scientists and physicians for
centuries. The existence of a specific cardiorenal syndrome has been suggested since the
start of the 20
century, but has recently gained widespread attention in the scientific
literature. We proposed the Severe Cardiorenal Syndrome, in which CKD and HF induce
derangements to cause a vicious cycle of cardiovascular damage and progression of failure
of both organs. Understanding of pathophysiological mechanisms is expanding and animal
models provide an invaluable tool to investigate the bidirectional nature of cardiorenal
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Sub-Types and Therapeutic
Management of the Cardiorenal Syndrome
Margot Davis and Sean A. Virani
University of British Columbia
1. Introduction
Cardiorenal syndrome (CRS) describes the inter-relationship and complex
pathophysiological processes by which dysfunction of either the heart or the kidneys is
related to dysfunction in the other organ system. Historical definitions may have been
overly simplistic; newer definitions have tried to capture the complex interactions and
feedback processes which exist between the two organs. These definitions classify the CRS
into five discrete categories, based on both the organ system in which the primary
dysfunction occurs and the time course of disease development/progression.
The CRS is more common than many clinicians realize. Over one third of patients in heart
failure (HF) registries have evidence of renal dysfunction, and a similar proportion of
dialysis patients have symptoms of congestive HF or clinical evidence of left ventricular
dysfunction (Adams et al., 2005; Stack & Bloembergen, 2001). Importantly, the presence of
the CRS is a strong adverse prognostic marker in patients with either primary cardiac
disease or primary renal disease.
While originally thought to reflect renal hypoperfusion secondary to low cardiac output, it
is now understood that the CRS is underpinned by far more complex processes. From a
hemodynamic standpoint, it seems likely that venous congestion is at least as important to
the pathophysiology of disease progression as is low forward flow. Other contributing
factors include activation of neurohormonal axes, including the sympathetic nervous system
and the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, as well as oxidative injury and endothelial
dysfunction (Bock & Gottlieb, 2010). More recently, it has become recognized that anemia
may also be intimately involved in the process, both as a consequence and as a causative
agent of the CRS. Finally, it is well recognized that many common risk factors for
cardiovascular disease and for chronic kidney disease (CKD) co-exist in these patient
Management of the CRS is challenging. Therapies for HF often cause worsening of renal
function, while treatment of renal failure commonly involves fluid administration, which
may precipitate disease decompensation among those with HF. Unfortunately, most large
randomized trials in the HF population have excluded patients with elevated serum
creatinine levels, and there is little evidence to guide therapy in this group of patients.
Observational studies suggest that there may be a mortality benefit associated with the use

Chronic Kidney Disease

of standard HF medications, such as angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin
receptor blockers and beta blockers in patients with HF and CKD, regardless of glomerular
filtration rate (GFR) (Berger et al., 2007; Cice et al., 2003).
Many novel therapies for HF have been introduced over recent years, several of which were
appealing for treatment of the CRS, given the pathophysiological processes towards which
they were directed. Unfortunately, natriuretic peptides, vasopressin antagonists, and
adenosine antagonists have all failed to show meaningful clinical benefits in patients with
HF (Hernandez, 2010; Konstam et al., 2007; Massie et al., 2010). Other approaches,
particularly peripheral ultrafiltration, have shown more promise in this patient population
(Costanzo et al., 2005).
2. Definitions and sub-types of the cardiorenal syndrome
Historically, the CRS is thought to have been due to impaired renal perfusion secondary to
low cardiac output states or the result of HF therapies negatively impacting renal function.
In 2004, the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute defined CRS as a state in which
therapy to relieve heart failure symptoms is limited by further worsening in renal function
(National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, 2004). By this paradigm, the heart was
considered to be the central driving force behind impaired renal function in patients with
Our understanding of the pathophysiology behind the CRS has evolved in the last number
of years and there is increasing recognition of the complexity of interactions which exist
between the heart and the kidneys, particularly when either or both organs are diseased.
This organ cross talk is bidirectional in nature and the resultant dialogue is dependent on
whether the heart or the kidney is the primary affected organ as well as the time course over
which the associated pathophysiological changes may occur.
It is within this context, that newer definitions for the CRS have been proposed which
recognize that either the heart or kidney may be the primary site of organ injury. A more
comprehensive definition and classification schema for the CRS has the advantage of
allowing clinicians to make a more accurate diagnosis which in turn informs our
understanding of a given patients natural history, prognosis and optimal treatment
The definition and classification system for CRS introduced by Ronco and colleagues in 2008
(Ronco et al., 2008) is now widely considered to be the preferred mechanism for describing
patients and the pathophysiological processes associated with CRS. Ronco and colleagues
broadly define CRS as a pathophysiological disorder of the heart and kidneys whereby
acute or chronic dysfunction of one organ may induce acute or chronic dysfunction of the
other. Additionally, they characterize five sub-types of the CRS based on this definition.
These are described and discussed below. It should be noted that CRS types 1-5 may
frequently co-exist in a given patient, underscoring the complexity of interaction between
the heart and kidney and the importance of appointing chronology to these processes.
2.1 Cardiorenal syndrome type 1 (acute cardiorenal syndrome)
Type 1 CRS is distinguished by an acute deterioration in cardiac function or acute cardiac
injury, from any cause, that secondarily results in acute kidney injury (AKI).

Sub-Types and Therapeutic Management of the Cardiorenal Syndrome

Pathophysiologically, Type 1 CRS is characterized by decreased cardiac output with
impaired renal perfusion as well as elevated central venous pressures and acute renal
edema. Renal ischemia may be mediated by decreased oxygen delivery due to impaired
myocardial contractile performance, elevated interstitial pressures in the renal medulla and
by peripheral/systemic vasoconstriction which occurs as a compensatory mechanism in the
face of low cardiac output.
Historically, decreased forward cardiac flow was thought to be the primary determinant for
AKI in this context, however recent clinical trials have suggested this mechanism may not
be as important in the development of CRS Type I as previously hypothesized. Specifically,
data from ADHERE (Acute Decompensated Heart Failure National Registry) which
included over 100,000 patients admitted to hospital in the United States with acute
decompensated heart failure (ADHF) showed that <2% of patients had systemic
hypotension, a surrogate for low cardiac output, while the vast majority of patients had
symptoms/signs of volume overload (Adams et al., 2005). This is corroborated by the
findings of the ESCAPE (Evaluation Study of Congestive Heart Failure and Pulmonary
Artery Catheterization Effectiveness) Trial in which 433 patients admitted to hospital with
ADHF were randomized to pulmonary artery catheterization versus standard care to assess
the efficacy of tailored haemodynamic therapy (Binanay et al., 2005). In the ESCAPE Trial,
cardiac index was not associated with baseline renal function or deterioration in renal
function, however right atrial pressure was weakly correlated with baseline creatinine and
GFR (Nohria et al., 2008).
The impact of central venous pressures (CVP) on worsening renal function in the setting of
ADHF has been receiving greater attention in recent years. Elevated CVP is more predictive
of a decline in renal function than other relevant haemodynamic variables such as cardiac
index, blood pressure and pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (Mullens et al., 2009).
Moreover, elevated CVP predicts risk of re-hospitalization for HF and death suggesting that
it is a potent prognosticator for poor outcomes and a potential target for therapy (Uthoff et
al., 2011). Elevated intra-abdominal venous pressures have also been shown to have a
similar relationship with GFR at baseline and changes in GFR with therapy (Bock &
Gottlieb, 2010; S. E. Bradley & G. P. Bradley). This may be the result of a direct mechanical
effect on renal blood flow or simply a reflection of elevated CVP.
Among patients with ADHF, activation of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and the
renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) is a homeostatic mechanism intended to
maintain intraglomerular perfusion pressures and preserve GFR. Paradoxically however,
systemic vasoconstriction by these mechanisms increases cardiac afterload leading to further
decline in cardiac output and renal blood flow. Additionally, these neurohormones have a
maladaptive effect on the myocardium resulting in fibrosis and ventricular remodeling.
Treatment with -blockers is relatively contra-indicated in the face of an acute
decompensation due to their negative inotropic effects and the relative dependence of
cardiac output on heart rate in this patient population; therefore, SNS activation in CRS
Type 1 may remain unchecked leading to ischemia of both renal and cardiac tissue beds.
Acute administration of RAAS inhibition may exacerbate renal injury in CRS Type 1 by
reducing pressure in Bowmans capsule; this effect may be magnified in the presence of
volume shifts associated with diuretics, which remains the mainstay of therapy. Moreover,
diuretics may directly result in additional neurohormonal activation and there is now an

Chronic Kidney Disease

increasing body of literature suggesting that diuretics, in and of themselves, may be
associated with worse outcomes in patients with ADHF independent of other relevant
clinical variables. In a single centre retrospective analysis of 1354 patients admitted with
ADHF, Eshaghian and colleagues (Eshaghian et al., 2006) demonstrated that patients
requiring the highest doses of diuretics, stratified by quartiles, had higher rates of sudden
death, death due to progressive pump failure and all cause mortality compared to patients
in the lowest quartile of diuretic dose. This type of observation has fueled a growing interest
in identifying alternate strategies for fluid management in the acute setting, independent of
diuretic administration (see section 3.8).
Of particular concern among patients who present with the features of CRS Type 1 is the
impact of diagnostic imaging and invasive cardiac procedures which may have an
additional and direct toxic effect on the kidneys through a variety of mechanisms.
Individuals who present with an acute deterioration in cardiac function will frequently
require imaging or investigation to identify a precipitant or cause for their symptoms.
Independently, percutaneous interventions and cardiac surgery impart a risk of AKI which
is higher in patients who have pre-existing or concomitant acute renal insufficiency
(Anderson et al., 1999; Best et al., 2002).
Upwards of 70% of patients admitted to hospital with ADHF will experience a rise in serum
creatinine over the course of their admission (Gottleib et al., 2002); this may be the result of
therapies administered, either medical or invasive, or a consequence of the various
pathophysiological processes which characterize CRS Type 1. Regardless of mechanism,
worsening renal function portends a poor prognosis and is associated with higher mortality
rates. (Gottleib et al., 2002; Damman et al., 2007).
2.2 Cardiorenal syndrome type 2 (chronic cardiorenal syndrome)
Chronic HF leading to chronic kidney disease is the hallmark of CRS Type 2. The prevalence
of CKD in HF cohorts has been variably reported depending on the patient population
examined e.g. hospitalized versus ambulatory patients. Further complicating our
understanding of disease prevalence is the fact that early clinical trials of chronic HF
excluded patients with established renal insufficiency and most did not determine
glomerular filtration rate (GFR) which is of particular clinical importance given that HF is a
disease of the elderly.
For example, the SOLVD (Studies of Left Ventricular Dysfunction) trials examined the impact
of the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor Enalapril on mortality and symptom
development in patients with left ventricular dysfunction (The SOLVD Investigators, 1991; The
SOLVD Investigators, 1992). While those with serum creatinine levels >2.0 mg/dL were
excluded from the original trial, a retrospective analysis of study patients revealed at least
moderate renal impairment (GFR < 60 ml/min) was present in 26% and 56% of participants in
the prevention and treatment arms of the trial, respectively (Dries et al., 2000). Across the
series of trials which composed the CHARM (The Candesartan in Heart Failure: Assessment of
Reduction in Mortality and Morbidity) Program, moderate renal impairment was detected in
36% of the 2680 study participants at baseline (Hillege et al., 2006).
Determining the prevalence of pre-existing CKD is particularly challenging among
hospitalized HF patients. Some clinicians may attribute AKI at the time of HF

Sub-Types and Therapeutic Management of the Cardiorenal Syndrome

hospitalization solely to CRS Type 1 thereby underestimating the presence of concomitant
CRS Type 2 in this cohort of patients. Novel biomarkers of AKI may help clinicians to
decipher the relative contributions of CRS Type 1 versus CRS Type 2 in patients hospitalized
for HF who have poor renal function upon presentation (Siew et al., 2011; Coca et al., 2008).
Regardless of cause, renal insufficiency in hospitalized HF patients appears to be relatively
common; among those enrolled in ADHERE, the prevalence of at least moderate renal
impairment, as determined by GFR, was greater than 60% at baseline (Heywood et al., 2007).
This is in sharp contrast to initial reports from the same registry which suggested a
prevalence rate of only 20% when a serum creatinine of 2.0 mg/dL was employed as a cut
off (Adams et al., 2005). Calculation of GFR, therefore, is paramount to accurately
identifying the burden of renal disease in all forms of CRS.
The true burden of pre-existing renal dysfunction among patients with HF was best
characterized in a meta-analysis performed by Smith and colleagues. In their systematic
review of the literature, approximately 80,000 hospitalized and non-hospitalized patients
with HF were identified across 16 clinical trials. While 29% of patients were found to have
moderate to severe renal impairment (GFR <53 mL/min or cystatin C of >1.56 mg/dL), 63%
were found to have at least some degree of impaired kidney function. Moreover, these
findings are likely to underestimate the true prevalence of renal insufficiency in HF
populations given that 8 of the clinical trials included in the meta-analysis excluded patients
on the basis of age or an elevated serum creatinine at baseline (Smith et al., 2006).
In the meta-analysis performed by Smith and colleagues, renal impairment at baseline
conferred an increased risk of mortality at one year follow-up compared to patients with
normal kidney function (Smith et al., 2006). The adjusted hazard ratio for patients with any
renal impairment or moderate to severe renal impairment was 1.56 and 2.31 respectively.
Excess risk was conferred in an incremental fashion with each 10 mL/min reduction in GFR
correlating to a 7% increase in the risk of death. This observation is strengthened by similar
findings across a spectrum of clinical trials in both hospitalized and ambulatory HF
populations (Adams et al., 2005; Dries et al., 2000; Fonarow et al., 2005; Heywood et al., 2007;
Hillege et al., 2006).
Many of the pathophysiological mechanisms which characterize CRS Type 1 are also
implicated in the development of CRS Type 2, although many of these processes may occur
slowly and over longer periods of time. For example, elevated central venous pressure is
strongly associated with a decline in eGFR among patients with chronic HF (Damman et al.,
2009; Firth et al., 1988); as described above, the same is true for patients with ADHF and
CRS Type 1. Elevated CVP and secondarily an elevation in renal venous pressure may
trigger a number of downstream events, including interstitial ischemia, neurohormonal
activation and decreased responsiveness to natriuretic peptides which all combine to reduce
GFR directly or indirectly (Damman et al., 2007; Bock & Gottlieb, 2010) in the setting of
chronic HF. Chronically low cardiac output, particularly in combination with micro and
macrovascular renal disease, may also contribute to fibrosis and structural changes in the
kidney which result in impaired renal function.
RAAS activation occurs in both HF and CKD with an associated increase in Angiotensin II
levels (AII). AII mediates oxidative injury and endothelial dysfunction through both the
formation of reactive oxygen species and a decrease in nitric oxide bioavailability. Each of

Chronic Kidney Disease

these processes, in turn, can result in haemodynamic abnormalities at the level of the heart
and kidney contributing to a decline in GFR (Bock & Gottlieb, 2010).
While neurohormonal inhibition and diuretic therapy are the mainstay of pharmacological
HF management, these agents are also implicated in the worsening of GFR associated with
CRS Type 2. ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) result in systemic
hypotension as well as efferent arteriolar vasodilatation with an associated decline in
intraglomerular pressure and GFR. These effects may be magnified in the presence of
concomitant diuretic use and relative intra-vascular volume depletion. The treatment of CRS
is discussed in detail below.
The presence of anemia is common in patients with HF, an observation which is consistent
across a number of clinical trials in the HF arena. A review of the literature suggests a
prevalence rate of between 9-25% depending on the HF patient population studied and the
cut-off criteria used to diagnose anemia (Virani et al., 2008; Al-Ahmad et al., 2001; Sharma et
al., 2004; Anand et al., 2005; Horwich et al., 2002). Regrettably, many of these studies
excluded patients based on renal function and therefore the relative contribution of low GFR
to the development of anemia in these patient cohorts is lacking. Anemia in the presence of
HF portends a poor prognosis with absolute haemoglobin (Hgb) levels correlating with 1
year survival; a precipitous increase in mortality is observed when Hgb drops below 120
g/L (Horwich et al., 2002; Ezekowitz et al., 2003).
The development of anemia in CRS Type 2 is likely multifactorial and underpinned by a
number of processes occurring simultaneously; malnutrition, the formation of reactive
oxygen species, cytokine release and erythropoietin (EPO) deficiency/resistance have all
been implicated. When present, anemia may lead to further cardiac and renal dysfunction
through impaired oxygen delivery and tissue hypoxia, neurohormonal activation, decreased
renal blood flow and expansion of plasma volume with resultant cardiac remodeling
(McCullough & Lepor, 2005). These mechanisms establish and propagate a vicious cycle of
maladaptive processes which lead to worsening anemia, HF and kidney function as a net
2.3 Cardiorenal syndrome type 3 (acute renocardiac syndrome)
The RIFLE Criteria define acute kidney injury as a twofold increase in serum creatinine or a
GFR decrease by 50 percent or urine output of <0.5 mL/kg per hour for 12 hours (Bellomo et
al., 2004). By this definition, AKI is prevalent in nearly 9% of hospitalized patients (Uchino
et al., 2006) with an associated 4-fold increased risk of mortality compared to patients
without evidence of renal injury (Ricci et al., 2008). Much of that excess risk may be
attributable to cardiac sequelae of AKI. CRS Type 3 characterizes this interaction and may be
defined broadly as primary acute kidney injury, due to any number of causes, which
secondarily leads to acute cardiac dysfunction.
A number of pathophysiological processes may be initiated as a consequence of AKI which
have significant downstream cardiac effects. Biochemical abnormalities including
hyperkalemia may pre-dispose to malignant cardiac arrhythmias and an increased risk of
sudden cardiac death. Acidemia and uremia have direct myocardial depressant effects and
may precipitate acute biventricular cardiomyopathy; these effects are exacerbated in the face
of volume expansion.

Sub-Types and Therapeutic Management of the Cardiorenal Syndrome

Volume overload due to impaired solute and fluid clearance may also result in hypertension
and pulmonary edema. Moreover, the resultant elevations in intra-cardiac filling pressures
reduce the transmyocardial perfusion gradient during diastole leading to sub-endocardial
ischemia and overall worsening of ventricular function. Release of pro-inflammatory
cytokines and reactive oxygen species in response to renal injury may result in endothelial
dysfunction in addition to having direct toxic effects on the myocardium with resultant
apoptosis and myocardial fibrosis.
Activation of the SNS and RAAS as a result of AKI may also lead to deleterious
haemodynamic consequences including increased systemic vascular resistance and
increased myocardial oxygen consumption, both of which lead to decreased cardiac output.
While AII also causes left ventricular hypertrophy, ventricular remodeling and accelerates
the development of atherosclerosis, these effects are likely of greater relevance in the setting
of Chronic Renocardiac Syndrome (CRS Type 4).
2.4 Cardiorenal syndrome type 4 (chronic renocardiac syndrome)
CRS Type 4 describes a clinical scenario where primary CKD leads to structural and/or
functional cardiac abnormalities which may be associated with clinically significant adverse
cardiac events. Indeed, the presence of CKD portends a poor cardiac prognosis with the
attributable risk of adverse events correlating in a step-wise manner to reduction in GFR (Go
et al., 2004). Moreover, individuals with CKD have an accelerated natural history of their
cardiac disease and are more likely to die from cardiac causes rather than progress to renal
replacement therapy (Collins et al., 2008; Foley et al., 2005; Keith et al., 2004).
For example, in ALLHAT (The Antihypertensive and Lipid-Lowering Treatment to Prevent
Heart Attack Trial) the risk of myocardial infarction (MI)/stroke, revascularization, death
due to coronary disease and all forms of atherosclerotic vascular disease was increased as
GFR decreased (Wali & Henrich, 2005). Among patients with CKD who experience an acute
coronary syndrome, prognosis may also be stratified according to GFR. Shlipak and
colleagues reviewed approximately 130,000 elderly patients hospitalized with an acute
coronary syndrome and found a 2.5 fold increased risk of death between patients in the
highest (CrCl > 0.92 mL/sec) and lowest (CrCl 0.17-0.54 mL/sec) tertile of creatinine
clearance (Shlipak et al., 2002). Moreover, an analysis of nearly 120,000 patients from the
Cooperative Cardiovascular Project suggested that renal function was a more accurate
predictor of long term mortality post-MI than left ventricular systolic function, the presence
of heart failure or prior MI (Smith et al., 2008). This relationship has been demonstrated in a
multitude of clinical trials across a variety of cardiac cohorts and the observation between
CKD and poor cardiac outcomes remains robust (Ronco et al., 2008).
There are many postulates as to the mechanisms underlying poor cardiac outcomes in
patients with chronic renal dysfunction. It would appear that the burden of coronary artery
disease and myocardial ischemia is greater in patients with CKD than those without (Ix et
al., 2003). This may be due to a higher preponderance of traditional risk factors for coronary
artery disease in this patient population (Muntner et al., 2005; Parikh et al., 2006) or simply
that CKD, in and of itself, imparts increased risk of adverse cardiac events (Levey et al.,
2003). In the Framingham Offspring Cohort, two or more traditional cardiovascular risk
factors were identified in 73% of patients with CKD (GFR <60 mL/min) compared to 51.4 %

Chronic Kidney Disease

of participants without CKD. A statistically significant increase in hypertension and diabetes
along with a trend towards increased dyslipidemia were more prevalent in the CKD cohort
(Parikh et al., 2006). Existing data would suggest that CKD is independently associated with
a higher risk for cardiovascular endpoints in affected patients; the magnitude of this excess
risk, however, does not support elevating CKD to the level of a cardiovascular disease
equivalent as is the case with diabetes or prior MI (Wattanakit et al., 2006).
Other potential pathophysiological processes involved in the development and acceleration
of coronary atherosclerosis in patients with CKD include abnormalities of mineral
metabolism leading to vascular calcification and endothelial dysfunction secondary to both
chronic inflammation and EPO deficiency. Uremia, hypertension and increased vascular
stiffness contribute to progressive left ventricular hypertrophy and diastolic dysfunction,
which in time may progress to systolic dysfunction. Neurohormonal activation results in
myocardial fibrosis and maladaptive ventricular remodelling which may hasten this
process. In the presence of volume expansion, patients with either systolic or diastolic
dysfunction remain at high risk for developing decompensated heart failure.
Observational trials very clearly demonstrate that those with CKD, as a result of actual or
perceived contraindications, are less likely to receive efficacious and evidence based
therapies compared to cohorts of patients with normal renal function (Al-Suwaidi et al.,
2002; Parikh et al., 2006). An even more important observation is that those patients with
CKD who do receive appropriate guideline based interventions have better outcomes
(Shlipak et al., 2002); therapeutic prejudice of healthcare teams and providers in relation to
patients with renal dysfunction is most certainly misplaced, particularly since this group of
patients have a high burden of disease and therefore may receive the greatest degree of
benefit from aggressive intervention.
2.5 Cardiorenal syndrome type 5 (secondary cardiorenal syndrome)
Secondary cardiorenal syndrome is the result of a systemic disorder leading to simultaneous
cardiac and renal injury; each of these processes may be acute or chronic in nature and CRS
Type 5 does not preclude involvement of other organs and tissue beds. Moreover, other sub-
types of the CRS may exist concomitantly due to pre-existing co-morbidities.
The prevalence of CRS Type 5 overall has not been well described, primarily due to a
paucity of data in this arena, however the frequency of cardiac and renal involvement for
specific systemic disease states may be described in the literature. For example, myocardial
injury in the absence of an acute coronary syndrome, as manifested by a positive troponin
assay, is present in up to one-half of patients with sepsis admitted to a critical care unit
(Amman et al., 2003). Similarly, AKI may occur in 70% of this patient population (Kim et al.,
2011). Dysfunction of either or both organ systems portends a poor prognosis.
Connective tissue disease, sarcoidosis, amyloidosis, diabetes and sepsis are the most
commonly referred to systemic process that may predispose to secondary CRS (Ronco et al.,
2008). While a discussion of cardiac and renal involvement in each of these disease states is
beyond the scope of this chapter, it is clear that definitive treatment must be focused at
correcting the underlying pathophysiological process while providing supportive care for
the heart and kidneys in the interim.

Sub-Types and Therapeutic Management of the Cardiorenal Syndrome

3. Management of the cardiorenal syndrome
Management of the CRS presents a challenge to the clinician. Treatment of HF with
standard therapies often results in worsening of renal function. Moreover, most randomized
clinical trials of HF therapies, including -blockers, ACE inhibitors, ARBs and aldosterone
antagonists, have excluded patients with significant renal dysfunction. Therefore, the results
of these trials, most showing significant reductions in morbidity and mortality in the general
HF population, may not be applicable to the CRS population. Observational studies and
small randomized studies, however, have suggested that many of these drug classes may
have similar benefit in patients with renal dysfunction (Berger et al., 2007; Cice et al., 2003).
A number of novel strategies have been described that may offer specific benefit in the CRS
population, although data from clinical trials have not always been encouraging.
Management of chronic CRS is overall similar to the management of HF in general,
employing a combination of diuretics, inhibitors of the RAAS, and -blockers. In the
hospitalized patient with CRS and ADHF, diuretics remain a mainstay of therapy, but may
be supplemented by additional therapies including novel pharmacologic agents, inotropic
support, and ultrafiltration.
3.1 Diuretics
While fluid removal with diuretics is a cornerstone of HF management, diuretic resistance is
highly prevalent in patients with decreased renal function, making this aspect of care for the
patient with CRS particularly challenging. Furthermore, effective diuresis can result in
further deterioration in renal function, particularly when the rate of fluid removal exceeds
the rate of fluid movement from the extravascular space to the intravascular space, resulting
in low effective circulating volume. Thus, two of the greatest obstacles in treating patients
with CRS are overcoming diuretic resistance and effectively removing fluid without
compromising renal function.
Loop diuretics (LD) such as furosemide act at the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle,
inhibiting the Na
cotransporter. LD are protein bound, preventing filtration at the
glomerulus, but are actively secreted in the proximal tubule. Effective delivery to the loop of
Henle requires effective delivery to the bloodstream (through intestinal absorption or direct
intravenous administration), adequate renal blood flow, intact proximal tubule secretion,
and delivery of tubular contents to the more distal nephron. There are therefore a number of
mechanisms by which diuretic resistance may occur (Jentzer et al., 2010).
Delayed intestinal absorption is common in patients with HF, owing to intestinal wall
edema. This can be most effectively overcome by using intravenous LD in patients who are
markedly volume overloaded, and transitioning to oral administration once signs of
congestion elsewhere (i.e. peripheral edema, venous congestion on chest X-ray) have
resolved. Reduced renal blood flow (RBF) and GFR are also prevalent in patients with HF
and CRS as a result of intrinsic renal dysfunction, decreased cardiac output, and alteration
in glomerular haemodynamics by agents such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
(NSAIDs), ACE inhibitors, and ARBs. Avoiding agents such as NSAIDs, optimizing
systemic hemodynamics, and increasing LD dose can help to overcome this aspect of
resistance to LD. Similarly, proximal tubular secretion of LD is reduced in patients with CRS

Chronic Kidney Disease

because organic acids that accumulate in the uremic state compete for the same transporters;
increased doses of LD may be required to overcome this problem.
Through intravascular volume depletion, LD may result in activation of the RAAS. This
leads to increased sodium absorption by the proximal and distal tubule. This issue is
compounded by the fact that post-diuretic rebound sodium avidity occurs between bolus
doses of LD, negating much of the natriuretic benefit achieved. Strict dietary sodium
restriction and administration of RAAS antagonists (i.e. ACE inhibitors and ARBs) may help
to prevent this. Historically, it has been believed that continuous infusions of diuretics may
also be effective in minimizing rebound sodium absorption; the recent DOSE (Diuretic
Strategies in Patients with Acute Decompensated Heart Failure) trial suggests that there
may be no difference in diuretic efficacy between intermittent intravenous bolus dosing and
continuous infusions (Felker et al., 2011).
The braking phenomenon is a short-term effect, whereby the nephron becomes less
sensitive to LD after an initial dose. This is thought to result from upregulation of the
cotransporter in the thick ascending loop of Henle. Higher doses of LD may be
necessary to overcome this. With chronic LD administration, distal tubule hypertrophy
occurs. This allows increased distal sodium reabsorption, tending to negate the inhibition of
sodium reabsorption that has occurred in the loop of Henle.
A strategy of combination diuretic administration, with the addition of a thiazide diuretic
such as metolazone 5-10 mg 30 minutes prior to LD administration can help to prevent
sodium retention by this mechanism. Thiazides inhibit the NaCl cotransporter in the distal
convoluted tubule. Caution is needed, however, as combination diuretic therapy can result
in profound electrolyte abnormalities. Serum levels of potassium and magnesium must be
closely monitored and infrequent metolazone dosing (i.e. three times per week) or co-
administration of a potassium-sparing diuretic may be necessary to prevent life-threatening
Finally, sodium and water retention may be upregulated in the distal nephron in patients
with CRS, mediated by elevated levels of aldosterone and vasopressin, respectively.
Administration of aldosterone antagonists or other potassium-sparing diuretics will
minimize sodium retention in this situation; the new vasopressin antagonists have a role in
preventing excessive absorption of free water (see section 3.6). Free water restriction may
also be necessary in patients with refractory fluid overload or significant hyponatremia. An
important caveat to the use of aldosterone antagonists in CRS is the risk of hyperkalemia in
patients with renal impairment; these agents should generally be avoided in patients with
GFR <30 mL/min.
Major drawbacks to the use of LD include neurohormonal activation, ototoxicity, electrolyte
abnormalities (particularly hypokalemia and hypomagnesemia), dysrhythmias, and
intravascular volume depletion with resultant worsening renal function and/or
hypotension in patients who are preload-dependent or receiving concomitant vasodilator
A novel approach to diuretic use involves the co-administration of loop diuretics and
hypertonic saline solution (HSS). Small studies in patients with ADHF have demonstrated
that, compared to intravenous bolus loop diuretics with a low sodium diet, administration

Sub-Types and Therapeutic Management of the Cardiorenal Syndrome

of intermittent boluses of HSS with loop diuretics and moderate dietary sodium restriction
resulted in more rapid diuresis, normalization of neurohormonal activity, shorter
hospitalizations, and less renal dysfunction (Licata et al., 2003; Paterna et al., 2000). After
discharge, these results were maintained by continuing moderate sodium restriction (<2.8
g/day) with strict fluid restriction (<1 L/day), resulting in fewer readmissions and
improved survival compared to continued strict sodium (<2 g/day) and similar fluid
restriction. The mechanism by which HSS provides these benefits is unclear, but may be
related to the osmotic load drawing interstitial fluid into the intravascular space, leading to
neurohormonal blockade, reduced vascular resistance, improved cardiac output, and
reduced interstitial edema. In addition, the sodium load in the kidney may induce a sort of
transient diabetes insipidus, resulting in rapid diuresis (Di Pasquale et al., 2007). Further
research and larger scale studies are required to confirm the benefits of HSS in patients with
3.2 Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system antagonists
Inhibitors of the renin-angiotensin system, including ACE inhibitors and ARBs have proven
survival benefit in patients with left ventricular dysfunction (The SOLVD Investigators,
1991; The SOLVD Investigators, 1992), and have also been shown to slow the rate of decline
of renal function in patients with diabetic chronic kidney disease (Lewis et al., 1993). It
stands to reason, therefore, that these agents would be beneficial in the CRS, although large-
scale clinical trials in the HF population have typically excluded patients with significant
renal dysfunction.
The CHARM studies investigated the effects of candesartan compared with placebo in a
broad population of patients with HF. Patients with serum creatinine >3.0 mg/dL were
excluded, but among the study population, there was no statistically significant interaction
between eGFR and treatment effect, suggesting a mortality benefit of ARBs in patients with
HF and mild-to-moderate renal dysfunction that is equivalent to that seen in patients with
HF and preserved renal function (Hillege et al., 2006). An analysis of CONSENSUS
(Cooperative North Scandinavian Enalapril Survival Study) which demonstrated a mortality
benefit of enalapril compared to placebo in patients with HF, found a greater benefit in
patients with baseline serum creatinine above the median (123 umol/L) than in those with
serum creatinine below the median (Swedberg et al., 1990). A retrospective analysis of the
Minnesota Heart Survey stratified 4573 patients hospitalized with HF by GFR, and revealed
that patients at all stages of CKD had reduced in-hospital mortality when an ACE inhibitor
or ARB was used in hospital, and reduced one-year mortality when discharged on an ACE
inhibitor or ARB (Berger et al., 2007). This same analysis, however, demonstrated that
patients with severe renal dysfunction were far less likely to receive either agent than those
with normal renal function.
In HF, elevated angiotensin II levels cause efferent arteriolar vasoconstriction, elevating
glomerular filtration pressure and preserving GFR. Inhibition of this process with ACE
inhibitors or ARBs may result in an initial decline in GFR, but in the long term protects the
glomerulus from high filtration pressures and may help to preserve long-term renal
function (Heywood, 2004). Although there appear to be benefits of using these agents in the
CRS population, caution must be taken when initiating ACE inhibitors and ARBs in patients
with renal dysfunction, particularly with regard to volume status and avoidance of NSAIDs.

Chronic Kidney Disease

Volume depletion increases the risk of significant renal dysfunction associated with ACE
inhibitors and ARBs. Increases in creatinine of up to 30% are acceptable, and may identify a
group of patients most likely to benefit from angiotensin inhibition (Koniari et al., 2010). HF
patients who are unable to tolerate ACE inhibitor therapy because of hypotension, renal
dysfunction, or hyperkalemia have a particularly high one-year mortality rate, in excess of
50% (Kittleson et al., 2003).
3.3 -adrenergic receptor blockers
-blockers are considered standard therapy in patients with HF and systolic dysfunction.
They exert a number of beneficial effects, including prevention of ventricular arrhythmias,
prevention of ventricular remodeling, reduction in myocardial oxygen demand, increased
myocardial oxygen supply, and inhibition of other deleterious neurohormonal pathways.
Their significant mortality benefit in patients with HF is well established through large
clinical trials. Unfortunately, the majority of these studies excluded patients with significant
renal dysfunction, but retrospective analyses of trials data have offered insight into the
benefits in patients with mild-to-moderate renal impairment. COPERNICUS (Carvedilol
Prospective Randomized Cumulative Survival Study), for example, demonstrated a 35%
reduction in the risk of death in patients with severe HF treated with carvedilol compared to
placebo, but excluded patients with a serum creatinine greater than 2.8 mg/dL. Similarly,
the CAPRICORN (Carvedilol Post-Infarct Survival Control in Left Ventricular Dysfunction)
trial showed a 23% reduction in all-cause mortality in patients with EF 40% after
myocardial infarction treated with carvedilol compared with placebo, but excluded patients
with significant renal impairment (Dargie, 2001). A post-hoc analysis of individual patient
data from these two trials, however, demonstrated that in patients with HF and mild-to-
moderate CKD, carvedilol was safe and efficacious, associated with reductions in all-cause
mortality, cardiovascular mortality, and HF hospitalization (Wali et al., 2011). CIBIS-II (The
Cardiac Insufficiency Bisoprolol Study II) demonstrated a 34% reduction in mortality in
patients with HF treated with bisoprolol compared to placebo, and excluded patients with
serum creatinine 300 umol/L (3.4 mg/dL) (CIBIS-II Investigators and Committees, 1999). A
post-hoc analysis of this trial showed that although patients with GFR <60 mL/min had
higher overall mortality than those with GFR 60 mL/min, the benefit of bisoprolol was
similar in both groups (Erdmann et al., 2001). The relative risk of mortality in the group with
GFR <60 mL/min treated with bisoprolol compared to placebo was 0.66, and there was a
non-significant trend towards an even greater benefit in the small number of patients with
GFR <30 mL/min.
An analysis of MADIT-II (Multicenter Automatic Defibrillator Implantation Trial II), which
demonstrated a 31% reduction in the risk of all-cause mortality with the addition of an
implantable cardioverter-defibrillator to medical therapy in patients with ischemic
cardiomyopathy and EF 30%, examined the predictors of sudden cardiac death (SCD) in
the subset of patients in the medical arm of the study with impaired renal function, defined
as GFR 75 mL/min. -blocker therapy was a negative predictor of SCD, with a hazard ratio
of 0.61 (Chonchol et al., 2007).
Smaller studies have examined the benefits of -blocker therapy in patients with end-stage
renal failure. In a non-randomized study of 134 patients with HF and either chronic renal
impairment, anemia, or both, treatment with -blockers for 12 months was associated with

Sub-Types and Therapeutic Management of the Cardiorenal Syndrome

improvement in both creatinine clearance and hemoglobin levels, while those patients who
did not receive -blockers had worsening renal function and anemia over the same time
period (Khan et al., 2006). In patients with HF and normal renal function at baseline, lack of
treatment with a -blocker was associated with increased risk of developing renal failure
over 20 years of follow-up (Tanaka et al., 2007). In hemodialysis patients with dilated left
ventricles, treatment with metoprolol resulted in reduced ventricular dimensions, increased
fractional shortening, and reduced levels of natriuretic peptides (Hara et al., 2001). A
randomized trial of 114 hemodialysis patients with dilated cardiomyopathy showed that
carvedilol, compared to placebo, was associated with improved ejection fraction, improved
survival, and fewer HF hospitalizations (Cice et al., 2003). Although large-scale clinical trials
in this population are lacking, the weight of evidence suggests that treatment with -
blockers in the CRS population is likely to be associated with reductions in mortality and
3.4 Inotropic agents
Inotropic medications such as dobutamine and milrinone are frequently used in patients
with ADHF, particularly in the setting of the CRS where low cardiac output is felt to be a
major contributor to rapidly declining renal function. Both agents are vasodilating
inotropes, but they have different mechanisms of action. Dobutamine is an adrenergic
agonist that affects inotropy and chronotropy via -1 activity and peripheral vasodilation
via -2 activity. Milrinone is an inhibitor of type III phosphodiesterase and results in
increased intracellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). This, in turn, results in
increased inotropy (without chronotropy) as well as peripheral vasodilation. Although both
agents have attractive hemodynamic profiles in the treatment of CRS, evidence suggests that
they should not be part of standard therapy in this condition. OPTIME-CHF (Outcomes of a
Prospective Trial of Intravenous Milrinone for Exacerbations of Chronic Heart Failure)
compared intravenous milrinone to placebo in patients with ADHF not requiring inotropic
therapy for shock or other indications. There was no difference between the two groups in
the primary endpoint of total number of days in hospital by 60 days after randomization.
There was also no difference in the rate of progression of HF, but the patients treated with
milrinone had higher rates of treatment failure, largely driven by higher rates of
hypotension and atrial arrhythmias.
The ADHERE registry compared outcomes of patients with ADHF treated with vasodilating
medications (nitroglycerin, nesiritide) and inotropic agents (dobutamine, milrinone). Even
after adjustment for baseline variables including age, gender, blood pressure, BUN,
creatinine, sodium, heart rate, and symptom severity, odds ratios for mortality between
individual inotropes and individual vasodilators ranged from 1.45 to 2.17. Inotropic agents,
therefore, are recommended by major society guidelines only for short-term use in patients
with cardiogenic shock or refractory volume overload with diuretic resistance, and not
recommended for routine use in hospitalized patients with ADHF. In addition, patients
receiving these agents must be carefully monitored for hypotension and arrhythmias, and it
should be recognized that the use of these agents is associated with a worse prognosis.
Dopamine is an endogenous catecholamine that binds dopamine receptors (D1-D5) as well
as and adrenergic receptors with varying affinity depending on the dose administered.
At low doses (2-5 mcg/kg/min), it primarily binds dopaminergic receptors and causes

Chronic Kidney Disease

vasodilation of renal, splanchnic, cerebral, and coronary vessels. At higher doses,
adrenergic effects dominate, resulting in positive inotropy and chronotropy as well as
adrenergic-mediated vasodilation, with progressively increasing adrenergic activity at still
higher doses resulting in vasoconstriction.
For many years the use of renal-dose dopamine was advocated in acute renal failure, the
rationale being that dopamine in doses up to 5 mcg/kg/min in animals and healthy
volunteers resulted in increased renal blood flow and natriuresis via selective dopamine
receptor binding. In recent years this approach has fallen out of favor, as multiple
retrospective and small prospective studies failed to convincingly demonstrate any benefit
in terms of renal function or survival. A meta-analysis of 61 trials comparing low-dose
dopamine to placebo or no treatment found that dopamine was associated with a 24%
increase in urine output on day 1 but was not associated with reductions in mortality, need
for renal replacement therapy, or adverse events (Friedrich et al., 2005). Only one of the 61
studies included patients with HF, and this study did not assess mortality; only three of the
studies included patients who were receiving diuretics. More recently, data from the DAD-
HF (Dopamine in Acute Decompensated Heart Failure) trial has been presented, comparing
low-dose dopamine plus low-dose furosemide to high-dose furosemide alone in patients
with ADHF. The two regimens were not associated with statistically significant rates of
diuresis, but the patients receiving dopamine plus low-dose furosemide were less likely to
develop worsening renal function (36% and 4% of patients in dopamine/furosemide and
furosemide only groups, respectively, had >25% increase in serum creatinine). As more data
become available regarding outcomes with low-dose dopamine in this specific population,
renal-dose dopamine may turn out to be useful after all.
3.5 Vasodilators
Nesiritide, a synthetic B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP), has been used in the management of
ADHF, particularly in patients at risk for worsening renal function with standard therapies.
Like naturally occurring BNP, released from ventricular myocardium under conditions of
increased wall stress, nesiritide is a vasodilator, causing both arterial and venous dilatation
as well as mild diuresis. Its rapid onset of action, apparent neurohormonal benefits, and lack
of need for invasive hemodynamic monitoring led to much initial enthusiasm for its use in
ADHF, as well as FDA approval for this indication (Publication Committee for the VMAC
Investigators, 2002). Use of this agent took a sharp decline, however, after meta-analyses
suggested increased 30-day mortality and increased risk of renal failure with nesiritide
(Hauptman et al., 2006; Sackner-Bernstein et al., 2005a; 2005b). The definitive randomized
clinical trial, ASCEND-HF (Acute Study of Clinical Effectiveness of Nesiritide in
Decompensated Heart Failure), recently demonstrated that while nesiritide is safe with no
increased risk of 30-day death or hospitalization or increased risk of renal failure, it offers no
significant clinical benefit when added to standard therapy in patients with ADHF
(Hernandez, 2010).
3.6 Vasopressin antagonists
Arginine vasopressin (AVP), a nonapeptide synthesized by the hypothalamus and released
by the posterior pituitary gland in response to increased plasma osmolality or decreased
plasma volume, binds to 3 distinct receptor subtypes (V1a, V1b, and V2). V1 receptors

Sub-Types and Therapeutic Management of the Cardiorenal Syndrome

mediate cardiac myocyte hypertrophy, vasoconstriction, and platelet aggregation. When
AVP binds V2 receptors expressed in the renal collecting duct, the short-term result is
increased translocation of vesicles containing aquaporin-2 (AQP2) water channels to the
apical membrane of principal cells; in the long-term, AVP-V2 receptor binding results in the
up-regulation of AQP2 protein expression. AQP2 mediates water transport across the apical
membrane of the principal cell, resulting in urinary concentration and increased solute-free
water retention (Schrier et al., 2009). AVP also stimulates urea reabsorption, resulting in an
augmented medullary concentrating gradient and increased levels of blood urea nitrogen
(Sands, 2003).
In HF and CRS, low cardiac output causes nonosmotic AVP release, leading to
inappropriate water retention. Low serum sodium and elevated blood urea nitrogen are
strong predictors of mortality in HF, and both are mediated, at least in part, by AVP activity
in the kidney. Augmentation of cardiac output with vasodilator medications is associated
with reductions in plasma AVP (Bichet et al., 1986). Early studies demonstrated effective
water removal without worsening renal function (Gheorghiade et al., 2007). Thus, the use of
agents that interfere with AVP-mediated water retention has been an attractive concept in
CRS. The SALT-1 and SALT-2 trials showed that tolvaptan, a selective oral V2 receptor
antagonist, caused increases in serum sodium levels in patients with HF, cirrhosis, and the
syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (Schrier et al., 2006). Unfortunately, the
randomized EVEREST (Efficacy of Vasopressin Antagonism in Heart Failure Outcome
Study with Tolvaptan) trial subsequently failed to demonstrate a mortality benefit or
reduction in HF morbidity in patients hospitalized with HF treated with tolvaptan, despite
sustained reductions in body weight with preserved renal function (Konstam et al., 2007). It
seems, therefore, that vasopressin antagonists have little role in influencing clinical
outcomes in patients hospitalized with HF and the CRS, although they may be useful in
patients with hyponatremia that is difficult to manage with standard therapies. Additional
studies are needed to further define the role of tolvaptan and other vasopressin antagonists
in the outpatient setting.
3.7 Adenosine antagonists
Adenosine is a purine nucleoside breakdown product of adenosine triphosphate. It interacts
with four main receptor subtypes: A1, A2a, A2b, and A3. With the exception of coronary
vasodilatation and increased renal medullary blood flow, its cardiovascular and renal effects
are largely mediated via the A1 receptor. Binding of adenosine to A1 receptors in the heart
results in slowing of the heart rate and decreased atrial contraction. In the kidney, adenosine
is released from the macula densa in response to sodium delivery to the distal nephron via
tubuloglomerular feedback (TGF). Adenosine released through TGF acts on local A1
receptors, causing afferent arteriolar vasoconstriction and reduction in GFR as well as
increased proximal tubular sodium reabsorption. Blockade of these receptors should,
therefore, result in improved renal blood flow and GFR and decreased sodium and water
In the setting of CRS, loop diuretics cause increased sodium delivery to the distal tubule,
making the role of adenosine particularly relevant in this population. Animal studies
showed that rolofylline, a selective A1 receptor antagonist, caused increased urine flow and
urinary sodium excretion without increasing potassium excretion and without affecting

Chronic Kidney Disease

either blood pressure or renal function, and protected against nephrotoxic medication-
induced acute renal failure (Nagashima & Karasawa, 1996; Yao et al., 1994). A small clinical
study supported this, demonstrating that the addition of rolofylline to diuretics in patients
with volume overload and renal impairment resulted in an improvement in renal function
and increased diuresis with reduced diuretic requirements (Givertz et al., 2007).
Unfortunately, the PROTECT (Placebo-Controlled Randomized Study of the Selective A
Adenosine Receptor Antagonist Rolofylline for Patients Hospitalized With Acute
Decompensated Heart Failure and Volume Overload to Assess Treatment Effect on
Congestion and Renal Function) study, which randomized 2033 patients with ADHF to
intravenous rolofylline or placebo, failed to demonstrated any difference between groups in
the primary endpoint of treatment success (moderate or marked improvement in dyspnea at
24 and 48 hours without treatment failure), treatment failure (death or readmission for HF
by 7 days, persistent worsening renal failure, or worsening HF), or no change (Massie et al.,
2010). There were no differences in the number of patients who developed renal impairment
or in the secondary endpoint of death or rehospitalization for cardiac or renal causes at 60
days. The overall adverse event rates were similar between groups, although more patients
in the rolofylline group had seizures, a known side effect of A1 antagonists mediated via
central nervous system A1 receptors that regulate electrical excitability. Based on the lack of
clinical efficacy, coupled with the increased risk of seizures, rolofylline is not recommended
for the treatment of CRS.
Another intravenous selective A1 antagonist, tonapofylline, was also investigated in Phase II
clinical trials after preclinical studies and small human studies suggested effective
natriuresis. The TRIDENT-1 (Safety and Tolerability of IV Tonapofylline in Subjects With
Acute Decompensated Heart Failure and Renal Insufficiency) and POSEIDON (Oral BG9928
in Patients with Heart Failure and Renal Insufficiency) trials were both terminated early
after review of interim safety data from TRIDENT-1 revealed that two patients in the
tonapofylline group had had seizures (Ensor & Russell, 2010). Of note, seizures were not
reported in studies of oral tonapofylline, and in rat studies, tonapofylline did not cross the
blood-brain barrier (Ensor & Russell, 2010). There is insufficient data to determine whether
oral formulations of A1 antagonists are safe or clinically useful.
3.8 Ultrafiltration
Extracorporeal fluid removal has been used for decades in ADHF, typically reserved for
patients with fluid overload states that are refractory to diuretics and other medical
therapies. Small studies of ultrafiltration in HF have previously demonstrated effective fluid
removal, rapid symptom improvement, attenuated neurohormonal activity, and
hemodynamic improvements including reduced LV filling pressures and reduced
pulmonary arterial pressures without reductions in systemic blood pressure or cardiac
index (Marenzi et al., 1993; Rimondini et al., 1987). The landmark UNLOAD (Ultrafiltration
versus intravenous diuretics for patients hospitalized for acute decompensated heart failure)
trial randomized 200 patients with ADHF and volume overload to veno-venous
ultrafiltration or intravenous diuretics (Costanzo et al., 2005). Patients in both groups had
similar improvements in dyspnea scores, but the patients in the ultrafiltration group had
greater weight loss and net fluid loss at 48 hours. Importantly, there were fewer
rehospitalizations, rehospitalization days, and unscheduled clinic visits at 90 days in the

Sub-Types and Therapeutic Management of the Cardiorenal Syndrome

ultrafiltration group than in the IV diuretic group. No differences in renal outcomes were
Ultrafiltration can be performed via peripheral or central veins, with rates of fluid removal
regulated by a hematocrit sensor and ranging from 10 to 500 mL per hour. Blood flow rates
range from 10 to 40 mL per minute, and total extracorporeal blood volume can be as low as
33 mL. Maintenance of a constant hematocrit ensures that the rate of fluid removal from the
intravascular compartment is equivalent to the rate of fluid shift from the extravascular to
intravascular compartments. Low extracorporeal blood volume and slow fluid removal
minimize neurohormonal activation and prevent hypotension. In contrast to the hypotonic
fluid removal that occurs with diuresis, ultrafiltration removes isotonic fluid, potentially
resulting in greater total sodium removal. The mechanism of the sustained benefit seen in
the UNLOAD trial is thought to be related to the attenuation of neurohormonal activity and
to the removal of isotonic fluid.
The major limitation to the widespread use of ultrafiltration in HF and the CRS is likely to
be the cost of the filters used. In addition, questions remain about patient selection, optimal
timing of initiation of therapy, and determination of total fluid volume to be removed. The
specific role of ultrafiltration in patients who develop worsening renal function with diuretic
therapy is being investigated in CARESS-HF (Cardiorenal Rescue Study in Acute
Decompensated Heart Failure), and will help to define the role of this therapy specifically in
the CRS population.
3.9 Erythropoietin and correction of anemia
Anemia is common in both HF and CKD, and the term cardiorenal-anemia syndrome
refers to the coexistence of anemia and the CRS. EPO is widely used in the CKD population
to correct anemia to a moderate degree. Studies in this population have shown improved
parameters of cardiac performance with EPO therapy, including reduction of left ventricular
hypertrophy and dilatation, improved left ventricular ejection fraction, and increased
cardiac output (Linde et al., 1996; Low et al., 1989; Low-Friedrich et al., 1991). Studies of
EPO and iron administration to patients with HF with or without CKD have shown
inconsistent results, but some studies have demonstrated modest improvements in
symptoms and functional capacity as well as renal function, ejection fraction, and left
ventricular dimensions (Bolger et al., 2006; Palazzuoli et al., 2006; Silverberg et al., 2000;
Toblli et al., 2007). The FAIR-HF (Ferric Carboxymaltose in Patients with Heart Failure and
Iron Deficiency) study demonstrated improved symptoms and functional capacity in
patients with HF and iron deficiency, even in the absence of overt anemia, treated with
intravenous iron as compared to placebo (Anker et al., 2009). The ongoing IRON-HF (Iron
Supplementation in Heart Failure Patients With Anemia) and RED-HF (Reduction of Events
With Darbepoetin Alfa in Heart Failure ) studies will likely further clarify the role of iron
and EPO therapies in patients with HF and provide additional insights into the
management of the CRS.
4. Conclusions and future directions
The Cardiorenal Syndrome is a pathophysiologic state involving complex feedback
processes between the failing heart and failing kidneys, and is associated with a

Chronic Kidney Disease

significantly increased risk of morbidity and mortality compared to either disease process
alone. New classification schemes add to our understanding of the processes involved, and
help to guide therapy. As the pathophysiology of the CRS becomes better understood, there
is potential for the development of novel and rational treatment strategies. Although many
promising agents introduced in recent years have produced disappointing results in clinical
trials, other strategies, including HSS, ultrafiltration, and low-dose dopamine still hold
potential. Larger scale trials of these and other agents are required before their use can be
widely adopted. Fortunately, such trials are already underway for ultrafiltration, EPO, and
dopamine and the results of these studies are eagerly anticipated. Similarly, established
therapies such as -blockers, ACE inhibitors, and ARBs must be rigorously tested in patients
with concomitant cardiac and renal dysfunction to ensure they provide clinical benefit
across the spectrum of disease states which characterize the cardiorenal syndrome.
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Atherosclerotic Renovascular Disease
Gen-Min Lin, Chih-Lu Han, Chung-Chi Yang
and Cheng-Chung Cheng
National Defense Medical Center
1. Introduction
Atherosclerotic renovascular disease (ARVD), also known as atherosclerotic renal artery
stenosis is increasingly recognized to be a cause of chronic renal failure. According to a
recent administrative data regarding general population of the elderly greater than 65 years
of age in the United States, the prevalence and incidence rates of ARVD were estimated
0.5% and 3.7 per each 1000 person-years respectively (Kalra et al., 2005). In addition, some
epidemiological researches demonstrated that the prevalence among those with end-stage
renal disease beginning renal replacement therapy was estimated from 5% to 22% (Rimmer
& Gennari, 1993; Mailloux et al., 1994; Appel et al., 1995; van Ampting et al., 2003). Of note,
ARVD is not only responsible to impaired kidney function but also reflects a status of
patients at risk for systemic cardiovascular diseases (Kalra et al., 2005). It has been well
known that a variety of risk factors for atherosclerosis share common pathway underlying
atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis, coronary artery disease, and peripheral vascular
disease. On the contrary, significant high-grade bilateral or isolated renal artery stenosis
may cause renovascular hypertension estimating over 50% of ARVD populations by
activation of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and lipoxygenase pathway that further
deteriorate the kidney function (Romero 1997). A previous report uncovered that ARVD
was estimated from 1% to 6% in patients with hypertension (Simon et al., 1972). In this
regard, a vicious cycle will be established in the progression of renal arterial atherosclerosis,
which is characterized by refractory hypertension, acute cardiac events (ie, heart failure,
cardiogenic pulmonary edema or acute coronary syndrome), and hence leads to acute or
chronic renal failure due to hypertensive or ischemic nephropathy (Buller et al., 2004).
Therefore, an early alert of patients at risk for ARVD is critical in slowing down the rate of
kidney function loss and providing treatment for underlying cardiovascular disease as well.
In this chapter, we will fuel the readers with the classic knowledge in this field and propose
the latest evidence-based medicine to manage patients with this disease.
2. The pathogenesis of atherosclerosis
Atherosclerosis is affected by the traditional risk factors including hypertension, smoking,
hyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitus and family history of premature coronary artery disease
systemically. Regionally, blood flow disturbances near arterial branches, bifurcations and
curvatures result in complex spatiotemporal shear stresses that are associated with

Chronic Kidney Disease

atherosclerosis susceptibility (Davies, 2009). In these predisposed areas, hemodynamic shear
stress, the frictional force acting on the endothelial cell surface is weaker than in protected
regions. Studies have identified shear stress to be an important determinant of endothelial
function and phenotype. High shear stress (>15 dyne/cm
) induces endothelial quiescence
and an atheroprotective gene expression profile, while low shear stress (<4 dyne/cm
which is prevalent at atherosclerosis-prone sites, stimulates an atherogenic phenotype
(Malek et al, 1999). As we know, thrombosis formation in situ and distal embolic dislodge
from great vessels, determined by the burden and the stability of atherosclerosis, are the two
major mechanisms leading to target organ infarction. With recent substantial evidence,
systemic inflammation caused by either external stimulus such as microbial infection or
internal immunologic response may trigger acute vascular events via pathogenic athroma
plaque rupture. Therefore, when and how to stablize and regress the process of
atherosclerosis becomes a cirtical step to prevent target organ damage.
2.1 Systemic arterial atherosclerosis: the evidence from angiography and autopsy
Advanced atherosclerosis is highly prevalent among patients with ARVD characterized by
coexistence with abdominal aortic aneurysm, severe coronary artery disease, ischemic stroke
and peripheral vascular disease in post-mortem and angiographic studies (Table 1).

(Patient: n)
CAD: 14,152 61+12 63% NA
(bil: 1.3%)
Predictors for ARVD
-Female gender, OR: 1.8
-PAD, OR: 1.8
-Hypertension, OR: 1.5
-significant CAD, OR: 1.2
CAD: 3,987 61+9 100% NA
-CAD: 2VD vs.1VD, OR: 1.9
-CAD: 3VD vs 1VD, OR: 2.5
CAD: 141 59+10 31% NA 18.4% -CAD vs. non-CAD, HR: 2.8
CAD: 467 64+11 69% NA 9.0%
-CAD: 2VD vs.1VD, OR: 2.8
-CAD: 3VD vs 1VD, OR: 3.0
ARVD: 837 67+10 68%
-Carotid: 12%
-A.A.A or lower limb
PAD: 12%
(bil: 3.1%)
-Age per 10 year, OR:1.7
-Female gender. OR:1.9
-A.A.A or lower limb PAD,
OR: 2.1
-Carotid, OR: 3.0
CAD: 1,200 62+10 51% NA
(bil: 1.7%)
Age, hypertension, renal
insufficiency, CAD
PAD: 629 62+11 43%
Aortoiliac, crural,
femoropopliteal: 83%

Age, hypertension and
aortoiliac stenosis

Atherosclerotic Renovascular Disease


(Patient: n)
Stroke: 346 69+11 33%
-Carotid: 29.2%
-A.A.A: 13.3%

-Renal insufficiency, OR: 6.6
-Hypertension:, OR: 4.1
-Carotid >50%, OR: 4.8
-Female gender, OR: 3.4
Stroke: 346 71+11 39% NA

(bil: 19%)
Hypertension, renal
insufficiency, PAD
Table 1. Associations between systemic atherosclerosis and ARVD: n: number; ANG: renal
angiography; CAD: coronary artery stenosis>50%; ARVD: renal artery stenosis>50%; PAD:
peripheral artery stenosis>50%; NA: not available; A.A.A: abdominal aortic aneurysm;;
carotid: carotid artery stenosis>50%; HR: hazard ratio; OR: odds ratio; VD: number of
diseased coronary artery; renal artery stenosis>60%; * renal artery stenosis>75%.
2.1.1 The nature course of ARVD
According to the shear stress rule, ostial and proximal lesions are mostly encountered and
20%-50% of cases are bilateral sites in ARVD (Safian & Textor, 2001). A significant
progression of ARVD was observed in 11.1% of 14,152 subjects with high cardiovascular
risks within a 2.6-year period in an angiographic study (Crowley et al, 1995) and in 35%-51%
from 3 to 5 years in a doplex unltrasonography study (Caps et al, 1998). From these reports,
the predictors to disease progression include old age, female gender, hypertension, diabetes
and the presence of significant coronary artery disease or peripheral vascular disease in
which the odds ratios range from 1.2 to 2.1. On the other hand, patients with ARVD are
associated with approximately 2-times risk of the occurrence of adverse coronary events and
mortality as compared to those without ARVD in a long-term follow-up (Conlon et al, 2001;
Edwards et al, 2005).
2.2 How to select patients at risk for prompt screening
As prescribed previously, patients at higher risk for atherosclerosis should receive an
advanced step for screening the presence of ARVD (table 2)
Among these clinical features, the only statistically significant predictor to ARVD is the
presence of abdominal bruit. The prevalence ranges from 6.5% to 31% in the healthy
population (Watson & William, 1973), and 28% in hypertensive patients (Julius and Steward,
1967). However, in patients with angiographically proven ARVD, the prevalence increases
up to 80% (Turnbull, 1995). Besides, the sensitivity of a systolic-diastolic abdominal bruit in
the diagnosis of RAS has been reported from 39% to 63% and the specificity of 90% to 99%
((Turnbull, 1995). Thus, the presence of a systolic-diastolic bruit is highly suggestive of RAS
and should be screened for, while the absence of a bruit does not exclude RAS (Rosener
2.2.1 Differential diagnosis
Some clinical situations have to been addressed in the diffential diagnosis of ARVD (table 3).

Chronic Kidney Disease

Categories Criteria
Physical findings -Abdominal or flank bruit
International Diabetes Federation:
- Central obesity is defined as waist circumference with ethnicity specific
values or if BMI is >30 kg/m, central obesity can be assumed and waist
circumference does not need to be measured.
And and any two of the following:
-Triglycerides: > 150 mg/dl, or specific treatment for this lipid
- HDL cholesterol: < 40 mg/dl in males, < 50 mg/dl in females, or
specific treatment for this lipid abnormality
- BP: systolic BP > 130 mmHg or diastolic BP >85 mm Hg, or treatment
of previously diagnosed hypertension.
- FPG >100 mg/dl, or previously diagnosed type 2 diabetes. If
FPG>100 mg/dl, OGTT glucose tolerance test is strongly
recommanded but is not necessary to define presense of the syndrome
-Refractory hypertension (BP >160/95 mm Hg while receiving three or
more antihypertensive agents) or associataed acute pulmonary edema
-Accelerated hypertension (increase in BP>15% in 6 months)
-Severe hypertension (DBP >115 mm Hg or Grade III or IV retinopathy)
-Recent-onset (within the last 2 years) hypertension
-Onset of hypertension after age 60
Renal insufficiency
-Elevated serum blood urea nitrogen > 20mg/dl or creatinine > 1.4 mg/dl
-Cockcroft-Gault CrCl < 50 ml/min without clear etiology
-Acute renal failure attributable to ACEI or ARB therapy
-Abdominal aortic atherosclerosis or lower extremity artery stenosis
-Peripheral artery disease or carotid artery stenosis / ischemic stroke
-Coronary artery disease > 2 vessel disease
Table 2. Patients at risk for further ARVD screening. BP: blood pressure; DBP: diastolic BP;
FPG: Fasting plasma glucose; OGTT: oral glucose tolerance test; CrCl: creatinine clearance;
ACEI: ACE inhibitors; ARB: angiotensin II receptor blockers.

Clinical situations Differential diagnosis
Abdominal bruit
Splenic arteriovenous fistula, hepatic cirrhosis,
hepatoma, abdominal aortic aneurysm and coarctation,
celiac artery compression syndrome, intestinal ischemia,
and pancreatic carcinoma
Rrogressive renal insufficiency
or renovascular hypertension
-Benign hypertensive nephrosclerosis
-Atheroembolic renal disease
Renal artery stenosis
-Renal artery dissection
-Fibromuscular dysplasia
Table 3. Differential diagnosis of ARVD.

Atherosclerotic Renovascular Disease

Most of these clinical situations could be differentiataed correctly by the image study such
as computed tomography and renal angiography. They are not neccessry mutually exclusive
and may be coexisted. For instance, benign hypertensive nephrosclerosis, a renal
parenchymal disease can be present together with ARVD. Atheroembolic renal disease is
associated with aortic manupulation or occurs spontaneously. The clinical features include
abrupt decline of renal functions and evidence of atrial fibrillation with extrarenal embolism
(Hazanov, 2004). Fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD) characterized by fibrous thickening in
arterial wall usually involves 60%-75% of renal and 25%-30% of carotid artery stenosis
(Luscher et al, 1981; Gray et al 1996) and is respoisble for 25 % cases of renovascular
hypertension (Pickering, 1989). In angiographic findings, FMD demostrates classic images of
string-of-beads appearance, aneurysm, and focal or tubular stenosis. In conrast to ARVD,
FMD occurs predominantly in young women of childbearing age and involves the middle
and distal portion of main renal artery (Das et al, 2007).
2.3 The screening and diagnostic modality
With the progression of the technology, a variety of modalities emerge for screening and
diagnosis of ARVD (table 4). In addition to renogram and nuclear scintigraphic captopril
renogram, doplex ultrasonography has been used successfully to detect the presence of
renal artery stenosis due to the non-invasive and contrast-free characteristics. However, it is
usually limited by a wide operator-dependent variation, obesity of patient and time
consuming. Magnetic resonance (MR) angiography increases the comparability between
examinations (Fig. 1A). Both of the sensitivity and specificity are estimated within 90-95%.
Till now, multi-detector computed tomography (MDCT) angiography (Fig. 1B) almost
replaces the role of catheter angiography as the first diagnostic tool for ARVD because of its
high utility and detection rate in evaluation of other abdominal problems.

Categories Sensitivity/specificity PPV/NPV Limitations
Renogram 75% /75% 50-75% /60% Almost for screening only
Captopril renogram 83-90% / 80-93% 70-92% /60-100% Hypotension
75-90% /62-90% 60% /95%
Wide operator-dependent
variation, time consuming
MR angiography 88-95% /90-95% 60-75% /90-98%
MDCT angiography 94-100% / 93-100% 71-100% /95-100% Contrast-induced renopathy
100% 100%
Contrast-induced renopathy,
bleeding, arterial dissection,
distal embolism
Table 4. Diagnostic modalities for ARVD. PPV: positive predictive value; NPV: negative PV.
2.4 Therapeutic indications
As we know, ARVD is highly associated with systemic atherosclerosis and occurs after the
occurrence of coronary artery disease and peripheral artery disease. Accordingly, an early
medical intervention and risk factors reductions to prevent the development of ARVD in the

Chronic Kidney Disease


Fig. 1. A: MR angiography demonstrates a right ostial renal artery stenosis (an arrowhead);
B: MDCT angiography demonstrates diffuse atherosclerosis of left renal artery (an
arrowhead indicate the proximal lesion of left renal artery).
presence of systemic atherosclerosis and many risk factors is important. On the other hand,
a critically unilateral or bilateral stenosis of renal artery disease may need further
mechanical manipulations such as renal angioplasty, stenting and bypass surgery. We will
describe the two parts of therapy in detail in the following paragraphs.
2.4.1 Medical treatment
Life style modification and a control of established risk factors is the golden rule for most
atherosclerotic vascular disease including diabetes, obesity, hypertension, low density
lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), inflammation and smoking. However, no reports prove the
effect of medical control to reduce the occurrence of ARVD or prevent disease progression.
It is reasonable that medical treatment should be started in middle-aged persons at risk to
prevent ARVD. The choice of pharmacological agents and the goal aimed to achieve with or
without vascular events will be listed in table 5.
Among the antihypertensive agents, ACE inhibitors or angiotensin II receptor blockers
(ARBs) are observed with the most effectiveness in control of the blood pressure for patients
with ARVD (Dworkin & Jamerson, 2007). Surgical intervention should be considered if
refractory hypertension persisits. However, adequate control of blood pressure by chronic
administration of antihypertensive drugs can not be guarantteed the prevention of stenotic
lesions progression and post-stenotic renal.atrophy.
2.4.2 Interventional treatment
Renal artery revascularization for bilateral or unilateral disease in a single viable kidney is
indicated in the following situations (Greco & Breyer, 1997; Textor, 2004).
1. Severe or refractory hypertension
2. Recurrent episodes of acute pulmonary edema
3. Unexplained progressive renal insufficiency
4. Progressive renal function impairment with optimal blood pressure control.
Beyond these criteria mentioned above, the procedure of revascularization should be
performed after weighing the benefits against the hazards. Therefore revascularization

Atherosclerotic Renovascular Disease

Risk factors Medications (non) CVD / Goal Precautious
Insulin, secretagogues,
peptide analogs
Non-CVD/ HbA1c< 6.5 %
CVD/ LDL-C < 7.0 %
Adverse cadiovascualr
effects and metabolic
abnormalities of anti-
diabetic agents
Non-CVD/ BP< 120/85
CVD/ BP< 140/90mg/dl
-A J-curve relationship
between hypertension and
cardiovascular mortality
-ACEI/ARB should be used
carefully in bilateral ARVD
Statin, fibrates, resins,
niacin, ezetimibe,
Non-CVD/ LDL-C< 100
CVD/ LDL-C < 70mg/dl
Multi-drug interaction and
dose effect related
-Antiplatelet agents
-Investagated drugs
Non-CVD/ hs-CRP< 2mg/L
CVD/ not established
According to the JUPITER
trial only (Ridker et al, 2008)
Table 5. Modifiable risk factors for ARVD. CVD: cardiovascular disease including
myocardial infarction and ischemic stroke; ACEI: ACE inhibitors; ARB: angiotensin II
receptor blockers; BP: blood pressure; BB: beta-blocker; CB: calcium receptor blocker;
JUPITER: Justification for the Use of Statins in Primary Prevention: An Intervention Trial
Evaluating Rosuvastatin trial; CRP: C-reactive protein.
should be aimed for patients with a reversible status of chronic renal insufficiency and
resistant hypertension instead of reduing their mortality. A review literature has
demonstrated that half of patients with ARVD have no change in renal function, while one
fourth improve and one fifth deterioate their renal function after renal stenting (Fig.1A & B)
(Leertouwer et al, 2000).

Fig. 2. An atherosclerotic ostial lesion at right renal artery. Panel A: catheter renal
angiography (An arrowhead indicates a lesion from ostial to proximal right renal artery;
Panel B: post-percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with stenting (An arrowhead indicates
stenting site of right renal artery).

Chronic Kidney Disease

Accordingly, only 20-25% of patients may be eligible for elective renal revascularization.
There have some image, histology and clinical evidence to select patients with ARVD
having benefits to undergo renal artery revascularization which is described as follow
(Novick et al, 1987; Muray et al, 2002).
1. Visualization of the collecting system either on an intravenous pyelogram or during the
pyelogram phase after renal arteriography
2. Kidney length 9 cm.
3. The presence of intact glomeruli on frozen section biopsy at the time of surgery.
4. Rapid decline of renal functions after ACEI/ARB administrations.
There are three methods for renal artery revascularization (table 6).

Revascularization Indications Comments
PTA without stenting
(Connolly et al, 1994)
Non-ostial lesions
-65-70% success rate for lesions
-35-50% improvement of renal
PTA with stenting
(ASTRAL investigators,
2009; Stone et al, 2011;
White, 2010; Davies et al,
Ostial and non-ostial lesions
-Significantly lower restenosis
rate than PTA alone
-98.8% success rate for lesions
-10.6-19% TVR rate within 5-10
years period
-Inconclusive results of the
improvement of renal functions
-Complication rate: 9% in 24
hours; 20% in 1 month;
mortality rate <1%
Bypass surgery
(ACC/AHA 2005
guidelines; Hansen et al,
-Multiple small renal arteries
-Early primary branching of
the main renal artery
-Aortic reconstruction near
the renal arteries
-85-90% success rate for lesions
-55-65% improvement of
lesions of renal functions
-In-hospital mortality rate: 3-
Table 6. Comparison of three types of revascularization intervention. PTA: percutaneous
transluminal angioplasty; TVR: target vessel revascularization; ASTRAL: Angioplasty and
Stenting for Renal Artery Lesions; ACC/AHA: American College of Cardiology
Foundation/American Heart Association.
3. Conclusion
ARVD reflecting a status of systemic atherosclerosis is associated with chronic renal disease.
Life style modification and risk factors reduction are important for the primary prevention
of ongoing renal dysfunction and secondary prevention of subsequent cardiovascular
events. Some clinical features of patients at risk for ARVD should be highlighted and both
medical treatment and mechanical procedures should be taken as early as possible if
uncontrolled hypertension leading to end-organ damage or progressive renal insufficiency

Atherosclerotic Renovascular Disease

4. Acknowledgement
We thank Dr. Yu-Guang Chen, Tri-Service General Hospital for his kindly providing the
image of MDCT angiography.
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Pharmacologic Adjuvants to Reduce
Erythropoietin Therapy Dose in Anemia of
Chronic Kidney Disease and
End Stage Renal Disease
Adeel Siddiqui, Aqeel Siddiqui and Robert Benz
Lankenau Medical Center and Lankenau Institute for Medical Research
Wynnewood, Pennsylvania
1. Introduction
Anemia is one of the leading causes of morbidity in chronic renal failure.
Chronic kidney
disease (CKD) associated anemia is largely due to reduced erythropoietin (EPO) release and,
to a lesser degree, to shortened red cell survival.
To overcome EPO deficiency in this
population, the development and administration of erythropoiesis-stimulating agents
(ESAs) such as recombinant human EPO and darbepoetin alfa (DPO) has resulted in
substantial health benefits, including improved quality of life, reduced blood transfusion
requirements, decreased left ventricular mass, diminished sleep disturbance and enhanced
exercise capacity.
Unfortunately in recent clinical trials, a proportion of patients exhibited
complications such as fatal or nonfatal stroke, access thrombosis, increase in thrombotic
events and exacerbation of malignancy associated with overly aggressive correction of
It is not established whether these complications are related to higher dose of
EPO, underlying EPO resistance factors (i.e. inflammation) or achieving higher hematocrit
(HCT). A multifactorial combination of predisposing circumstances is possible. A number of
pharmacologic agents have been evaluated as adjuvant to ESAs therapy. These agents
include iron, L-carnitine, ascorbic acid, androgens, statins, pentoxifylline and N-
acetylcysteine. In this review article we will focus on the agents that have been used in
conjunction with EPO to correct anemia in patient with chronic kidney disease and end-
stage renal disease in an effort to reduce the dose requirement of EPO.
2. Iron
Iron is one of the most integral components of hematopoiesis in the anemia of kidney
disease. Trapped iron storage or decreased availability of iron is the most common factor
for the resistance to the effect of ESAs. Absolute iron deficiency is likely to be present in
patients with CKD when: the percent transferrin saturation (plasma iron divided by total
iron binding capacity x 100) falls below 20; the serum ferritin concentration is less than 100
ng/mL among advance CKD(predialysis) and peritoneal dialysis patients and less than

Chronic Kidney Disease

200 ng/mL among home hemodialysis patients.
However, functional iron deficiency is
associated with transferrin saturation (TSAT) 20 percent and elevated ferritin levels
(between approximately 200 to 800 ng/mL) or higher. An elevated ferritin level in this
condition is likely secondary to the acute phase reaction of underlying inflammation. The
2006 K/DOQI guidelines recommend goals of iron therapy during administration of ESAs.
For predialysis and peritoneal dialysis patients: TSAT >20 percent or content of hemoglobin
(Hb) in reticulocytes >29 percent and serum ferritin concentration >100 ng/mL. For patients
undergoing hemodialysis: transferrin saturation >20 percent or content of Hb in
reticulocytes >29 percent and serum ferritin concentration >200 ng/mL.

A number of clinical trials have compared which route of iron administration Intravenous
(IV) vs Oral (PO) is superior in treating anemia of CKD.
First we will discuss this issue in the Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) population.
3. Anemia in chronic kidney disease
In a prospective trial by Stoves et.al, PO vs IV route of iron administration was studied.
Forty five anemic patients with CKD, not on dialysis, were randomized to receive oral
(ferrous sulfate 200 mg tid) or intravenous (300 mg iron sucrose monthly) iron therapy. EPO
was started at the same time and the dose adjusted according to a pre-established protocol.
After an average follow up of 5.2 months, there were no significant differences in Hb
response and EPO dose between the two groups.
A prospective study by Charytan et. al.
in 96 CKD anemic patients on EPO compared the efficacy of IV iron (5 doses of 200 mg iron
sucrose weekly) to oral iron (ferrous sulfate 325 mg tid). They found an increase in Hb and
ferritin following IV iron, whereas the oral iron group demonstrated an increase in Hb
without increase in iron stores.
Both of the above studies failed to show IV iron superior to
PO in either selected group of CKD patients. Van Wyck et.al. conducted a larger study of
182 non dialysis-dependent CKD (stages 3 to 5) patients to compare oral iron vs. IV iron.
That randomized, controlled, multicenter trial tested IV iron as sucrose 1 g in divided doses
over 14 days vs oral ferrous sulfate 325 mg three times a day for 56 days. Inclusion criteria
for the group were Hb 11 g/dL, TSAT 25%, and ferritin 300ng/mL. EPO/DPO dose was
not changed for eight weeks prior to or during the study. The proportion of patients
achieving the primary outcome (Hb increase 1 g/dL) was greater in the IV iron treatment
group than in the oral iron treatment group (44.3% vs. 28.0%, P = 0.0344), as was the mean
increase in Hb by day 42 (0.7 vs. 0.4 g/dL, P = 0.0298).
Agarwal and colleagues conducted
a randomized, multicenter, controlled trial in 75 adult, anemic, iron-deficient, non-dialysis
CKD patients not receiving ESAs. The patients were randomly assigned to receive either IV
ferric gluconate 250 mg weekly for 4 weeks or oral ferrous sulfate 325 mg three times a day
for 42 days. Both oral and IV iron similarly increased Hb in anemic CKD patients not
receiving ESAs.

A new IV iron preparation, ferumoxytol has been approved in the United States.
It appears to be safe and effective when given as a rapid infusion of up to 510 mg in
patients with CKD and patients on dialysis. A Phase III trial randomly assigned 304
patients with CKD in a 3:1 ratio to two 510-mg doses of intravenous ferumoxytol within 5
3 days or 200 mg of elemental oral iron daily for 21 days. Among patients who were not
receiving ESAs, Hb increased 0.62 1.02 g/dL with ferumoxytol vs. 0.130.93
Pharmacologic Adjuvants to Reduce Erythropoietin Therapy Dose
in Anemia of Chronic Kidney Disease and End Stage Renal Disease

g/dL with oral iron. Among patients who were receiving ESAs, Hb increased 1.161.49
g/dL with ferumoxytol vs. 0.191.14 g/dL with oral iron. The increase in Hb at day 35, the
primary efficacy end point, was 0.82+/-1.24 g/dL with ferumoxytol and 0.16+/-1.02 g/dL
with oral iron (P<0.0001).
The authors concluded that a regimen of two doses of 510 mg of
intravenous ferumoxytol administered rapidly within 53 days was well tolerated and had
the intended therapeutic effect. The side effects associated with IV iron in the above-
mentioned studies were headache, myalgia, and hypotension (particularly in thin, older
women<65 kg). Intravenous iron sucrose has shown better tolerability. Oral iron has more
GI associated side effects including constipation, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.

As a result of these studies the K/DOQI guidelines have recommended that either oral iron
therapy or intravenous iron therapy can be given in CKD patients.
4. Anemia in end stage renal disease
Among hemodialysis patients, studies show that transferrin saturation and serum ferritin
levels usually continue to fall and anemia fails to correct despite ongoing oral iron therapy.
MacDougall et.al. studied 37 iron-replete hemodialysis patients beginning EPO therapy
randomized into three groups with different iron supplementation: Group1, IV iron dextran
5 ml (equivalent to 250 mg of elemental iron) every 2 weeks; Group 2, oral ferrous sulfate
200 mg tid; Group 3, no iron. Subjects were treated with 25 U/kg of EPO thrice weekly
subcutaneously. After a period of 16 weeks, the Hb response in the group receiving IV iron
(7.3+/-0.8 to 11.9+/-1.2 g/dL) was significantly greater than that for the other two groups
(7.2 +/-1.1 to 10.2 +/-1.4 g/dL and 7.3+/-0.8 to 9.9+/-1.6 g/dL for Groups 2 and 3,
respectively; p < 0.005 for both groups vs. Group 1 at 16 weeks). Serum ferritin levels
remained constant in those receiving IV iron (345 +/-273 to 359+/-140 mcg/L) in contrast to
the other two groups in which ferritin levels fell significantly (309+/-218 to 116+/- 87
mcg/L and 458+/-206 to 131+/- 121 mcg/L for Groups 2 and 3, respectively; p < 0.0005 for
Group 1 vs. Group 2, and p < 0.005 for Group 1 vs. Group 3 at 16 weeks). Dosage
requirements of EPO were also less in Group1.These results suggested that even in iron-
replete patients, those supplemented with IV iron have an enhanced Hb response to EPO
with better maintenance of iron stores and lower dosage requirements of EPO.

Wingard et.al. conducted a prospective study on 46 EPO treated hemodialysis patients and
randomized them into four different oral iron preparations. These four preparations
included Chromagen (ferrous fumarate from Savage Laboratories), Feosol (ferrous sulphate
from Smith Kline Beecham), Niferex (polysaccharide, Central Pharmaceutical) or Tabron
(ferrous fumarate; Parke-Davis). All patients were prescribed approx 200 mg of elemental
iron daily with at least 100 mg of ascorbic acid for six months. The study concluded that
with emphasis on compliance, oral iron supplementation at the dose used for this study was
able to maintain adequate iron status in the short term (less than 6 months) without the need
for IV iron dextran. However, IV iron dextran eventually (after 6 months) would be
necessary because of the downward trend in iron stores.

Ferumoxytol was studied in a randomized, open-label, controlled, multicenter Phase 3 trial
by Provenzano et.al. to evaluate the safety and efficacy of IV ferumoxytol compared with
oral iron.
Anemic patients on HD and on a stable ESA regimen received either two
injections of 510 mg of ferumoxytol within 7 days (n = 114) or 200 mg elemental oral iron

Chronic Kidney Disease

daily for 21 days (n = 116). Ferumoxytol resulted in a mean increase in Hb of 1.02+/-1.13
g/dL at day 35 compared with 0.46+/-1.06 g/dL with oral iron (p = 0.0002). There was a
greater mean increase in TSAT with ferumoxytol compared with oral iron at day 35 (p <
5. Conclusion
For patients with chronic kidney disease who are not on dialysis, oral iron or IV iron can be
used for iron supplementation. This conclusion is consistent with the opinion of the Work
Group from K DOQI guidelines.
The preferred route of administration of iron in patients with chronic kidney disease on
hemodialysis is intravenous as supported by K DOQI guidelines as of 2006.
6. Ascorbic acid
Vitamin C or ascorbic acid has been studied in the metabolism of iron and anemia
management. The first studies were performed in guinea-pigs. It was found that ascorbic
acid deprivation increased the total non-haem iron concentration in the spleen and reduced
it in the liver, and in both organs ferritin was diminished and haemosiderin increased.
Repleting the ascorbic acid restored the normal distribution of iron between the two storage
compounds, and in the spleen the total storage iron concentration returned to control levels
within 24 hours.
Another important property of ascorbic acid is its ability to increase the
availability of storage iron to chelators.
In hemodialysis patients this role of ascorbic acid
was investigated by Deicher who conducted a cross-sectional, single-centre observational
study. Pre-dialysis plasma Vitamin C concentrations were measured and response to EPO
(Hb concentration/ international units EPO/kg/week) was recorded. Univariate analysis
yielded a significant correlation between Vitamin C plasma levels and response to EPO. It
was found that in unselected hemodialysis patients Vitamin C plasma levels account, at
least partially for the response to EPO.
That work led to ascorbic acid investigations for use
in EPO-treated hemodialysis patients, particularly those with EPO- hypo responsiveness,
elevated serum ferritin levels, and functional iron deficiency (transferrin saturation 20
percent and elevated ferritin level between 200 to 800 ng/ml or higher). Studies evaluated
the role of IV Vitamin C in hemodialysis patients and showed that in those patients who
develop resistance to EPO with functional iron deficiency, the resistance can be overcome
by giving Vitamin C instead of iron,thus avoiding hemosiderosis.
In another comparative
larger study, Tarng et.al. were able to show similar results in a prospective trial of dialysis
patients. Sixty-five HD patients with serum ferritin levels greater than 500 mcg/L were
recruited and divided into the control (N = 19) and intravenous ascorbic acid IVAA (N = 46)
groups. IVAA patients with a hematocrit (HCT) of less than 30% received 300 mg of ascorbic
acid three times per week for eight weeks. Controls had a HCT of more than 30% and did
not receive the adjuvant therapy. Red blood cell and reticulocyte counts, iron metabolism
indices, erythrocyte zinc protoporphyrin (E-ZPP), and the concentrations of plasma
ascorbate and oxalate were examined before and following the therapy. Thirteen patients
(four controls and nine IVAA patients) withdrew by the end of the study. Eighteen patients
had a dramatic response to IVAA with a significant increase in Hb and reticulocyte index
and a concomitant 24% reduction in EPO dose after eight weeks. This paralleled a
Pharmacologic Adjuvants to Reduce Erythropoietin Therapy Dose
in Anemia of Chronic Kidney Disease and End Stage Renal Disease

significant rise in serum iron and TSAT and a fall in E-ZPP and serum ferritin (baselines vs.
8 weeks, serum iron 68+/-37 vs. 124 +/-64 mcg/dL, TSAT 27+/-10 vs. 48+/-19%, E-ZPP
123+/-44 vs. 70+/-13 micromol/mol heme, and serum ferritin 816+/-435 vs. 587+/-323
mcg/L, p<0.05). Compared with responders, mean values of Hb, EPO dose, iron
metabolism parameters, and E-ZPP showed no significant changes in controls (N = 15) and
in non-responders (N = 19).
A single PO study by Benz et. al. was conducted in 21 EPO resistant anemic hemodialysis
patients with ferritin levels greater than 350 ng/mL had received oral daily ascorbic acid at
a dose of 500 mg/day and were retrospectively studied. Hemoglobin, HCT, EPO dose,
ferritin, and transferrin saturation were recorded at baseline and after three months of
treatment. EPO dose/HCT was calculated. Serum oxalate levels were also measured. In this
study, daily oral ascorbic therapy decreased ferritin levels and EPO dose requirements
while raising Hb and HCT level. Hb increased 9% from 11.4 to 12.2 gm/dl (p = 0.05), HCT
increased 10% from 33.3 to 36.7% (p = 0.05), and EPO dose requirement decreased 33% from
26,229 to 17,559 U/week (p = 0.03). Ferritin levels decreased 21% from 873 to 691 ng/mL (p =
0.004) Patients with oxalate levels >27 micromol/L were instructed to stop ascorbic acid
treatment, and mean levels decreased from 107 to 19 micromol/L (p = 0.01) over a mean
time of 71 days. This beneficial profile of the effects of ascorbic acid therapy is consistent
with improvement of EPO resistance and cost savings in this population.

The primary concern for using Vitamin C in dialysis patients is secondary oxalosis because
of the impairment in renal excretion and inadequate removal by dialysis procedures.

Tarng et.al. showed that oxalate levels increase modestly after 8 weeks of IV Vitamin C but
information on longer courses of treatment is limited.
Canavese prospectively studied the
dose of Vitamin C and effect on oxalate levels in 30 dialysis patients. Eighteen patients were
administered intravenous ascorbate during 18 months (250 mg/wk, subsequently increased
to 500 mg), and 12 patients were taken as reference untreated cases. The study found that
plasma oxalate levels progressively increased as the dose of IV Vitamin C was increased
from 250 to 500 mg/week. After six months at a dose of 500 mg per week, 7 of 18 patients
(40 percent) attained plasma oxalate levels that exceeded the range that would be associated
with calcium oxalate super saturation at usual calcium concentrations.

The 2006 K/DOQI guidelines for anemia in CKD stated that there was insufficient evidence
to recommend Vitamin C as an adjuvant to EPO therapy.
However, several of the clinical
studies were published subsequent to the development of those guidelines.
7. Pentoxifylline
Pentoxifylline (PTX) is a methyl xanthine derivative, which is approved for use in
peripheral vascular disease and may also have anti-inflammatory effects according to
studies. Benbernou et. al. studied pentoxifyline and examined its regulatory effect on T
helper (TH1-and TH2) cell-derived cytokines in human whole blood and peripheral blood
mononuclear cells stimulated with phytohemagglutinin and phorbol myristate acetate.
The results showed that PTX at the appropriate concentrations (5 x 10
M ) could induce
selective suppression of interleukin (IL) -2 and interferon (INF) -gamma, whereas at high
concentrations this drug could act as a suppressive agent of both TH1- and TH2-derived
Bienvenu showed similar results that PTX possesses a much broader spectrum

Chronic Kidney Disease

of activity on cytokine production than was initially described, and it appears to be a
potential and promising immunotherapeutic agent.
These studies led to PTXs possible
role in treating EPO resistant anemia. Navarro et. al. conducted a prospective small study
of 7 anemic patients with CKD, who were treated with pentoxifylline (400 mg orally
daily) for 6 months with the goal of defining the effects of pentoxifylline, as an agent with
anti-tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha properties. The results showed Hb significantly
increased in the pentoxifylline-treated patients at the 6th month (9.9+/-0.5 g/dL at
baseline;10.6+/-0.6 g/dL at the 6th month, respectively, p < 0.01), whereas no increase
was seen in the control group. Serum EPO levels remained stable in all patients. However,
the serum TNF-alpha concentration decreased significantly in patients receiving
pentoxifylline. The study suggested that the inhibition of erythropoiesis by cytokines may
play a significant role in renal anemia. The administration of agents with anti-cytokine
properties, such as pentoxifylline, can improve the hematologic status in this
Another small study was conducted by Cooper and colleagues on 16
dialysis EPO resistant anemic patients. The patients were treated with oral pentoxifylline
400 mg daily for 4 months. Ex-vivo T cell generation of TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma from
the patients was assessed before and 6 to 8 weeks after the therapy. A total of 12 of 16
patients completed the study. Before therapy, mean Hb concentration was 9.5+/-0.9 g/dL.
After 4 months, the mean Hb concentration increased to 11.7+/-1.0 g/dL (p = 0.0001).
Baseline ex vivo T cell expression of TNF-alpha decreased from 58% +/-11% to 31%+/-
23% (p= 0.0007) after therapy. Likewise, IFN-gamma expression decreased from 31%+/-
10% to 13%+/-10% (p = 0.0002). EPO doses remained unchanged in all but one patient in
whom the dose was reduced in response to a higher Hb. One patient who was previously
transfusion dependent was able to stop receiving monthly transfusions. Pentoxifylline
therapy may significantly improve Hb response in patients with EPOresistant anemia in
renal failure.

This small, open-label, uncontrolled study suggests the need for a larger, controlled trial
with this agent. Until such a trial is conducted, pentoxifylline is not recommended as an
EPO-adjuvant except in the experimental setting.
8. Statins
Statins (HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors) are a class of drugs used to lower cholesterol levels
by inhibiting the enzyme HMG-CoA reductase, which plays a central role in the production
of cholesterol in the liver. As mentioned above, cytokines play a role in inhibition of
erythropoiesis. Statins have been evaluated as an adjuvant to EPO with the thought that
they have anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. In one retrospective study, 70 HD
patients were treated with statins for a period of 4.7 months and were found to have the
mean Hb level rise from 10.6 to 12.5 g/dL (p < 0.0005) with an associated 25 percent
decrease in EPO requirements.
Another study investigated whether the anti-inflammatory
effect of statins improved EPO responsiveness in hemodialysis patients. It examined
patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus, who had been shown to have EPO resistance. One
hundred and three patients were stratified into statin and non-statin groups.The outcome of
interest was EPO dose. The mean EPO dose (units/kg per week) was significantly lower in
the statin group (275.6 273.2, vs. 449.5 555.9, p < 0.05). Twenty percent of patients in the
Pharmacologic Adjuvants to Reduce Erythropoietin Therapy Dose
in Anemia of Chronic Kidney Disease and End Stage Renal Disease

statin group required EPO dose in excess of an EPO equivalent of 500 units/kg per week,
compared to 30.88% in the non-statin group. The two-way analysis of variance showed no
interaction between the use of statins and the presence of Type 2 diabetes mellitus on EPO
dose. This study demonstrated that hemodialysis patients who were on statins had a
significantly lower EPO requirement. This association is possibly due to the pleiotropic
effect of statins.

A prospective study tested the effect of statin therapy on ESA hypo- responsiveness, and
emphasized its anti-inflammatory benefits in maintenance hemodialysis patients. This study
enrolled 30 patients with baseline cholesterol >220 mg/dL. Low-dose atorvastatin (10
mg/day) was prescribed for 12 weeks. They prospectively recorded biochemistry and
hematological profiles, ESAs prescription and inflammatory markers at baseline, 4 weeks
and 12 weeks. Statistically significant changes were noted after 4 and 12 weeks of statin
therapy for cholesterol (272.5 to 184.4 and 196.4 mg/dL, p < 0.05) and ESA hypo-
responsiveness, reported as EPO to HCT ratio (EHR) (129.3+/-58.2 to 122.3+/-53.5 and
121.0+/-53.3 EPO U/HCT/week, p < 0.05). Mean values for proinflammatory cytokines
included interleukin-6 and TNF-alpha levels decreased by 30.8 and 10.6%, respectively.
These data suggest that statin therapy may benefit patients with ESA hypo-responsiveness.
This benefit in ESA hypo-responsiveness is associated with the effects of statins on
These preliminary studies may justify future studies to use statins as an EPO dose reducing
adjuvant in patients with inflammation-mediated EPO resistant anemia of CKD.
9. Carnitine
L-carnitine is a small molecule (molecular weight: 161.2) that is derived from dietary
products, mainly red meat and milk. Endogenous carnitine production takes place in the
liver from lysine, methionine, ascorbate, niacin and pyridoxine. L-carnitine is required for
the transport of long-chain fatty acids into the mitochondria and is an integral part of energy
metabolism via ATP formation.
L-carnitine has been shown to improve anemia in uremic patients by stabilizing erythrocyte
membrane function or erythropoiesis. End-stage renal disease patients are known to have
carnitine deficiency.
This could be a contributing factor of anemia requiring higher dose of
EPO. Thus, it has been used therapeutically in dialysis patients with and without
concomitant EPO. Carnitines role as an adjuvant to EPO in kidney disease is unclear. Most
studies have involved HD patients with IV carnitine administration.
A 2002 meta-analysis evaluated the efficacy of IV carnitine supplementation in lowering the
required dose of EPO using data from six randomized trials. The EPO dose was found to be
significantly lower among those administered carnitine, with a beneficial response reported
in four of the six studies.
Two studies showed improvement in Hb and HCT with PO
carnitine but they were published before EPO was available.
In one study, 24 dialysis
anemic patients were divided into two groups, controls (inert placebo), treated patients (L-
carnitine 1.6 g PO daily) for one year. A significant increase in HCT, Hb, red cell count and
mean corpuscular Hb concentration was observed. In comparison with the control group, an

Chronic Kidney Disease

early improvement could be detected by the 3
month, with further increases in the
successive months of treatment in the L-carnitine cohort.
There is some evidence in the literature suggesting that accumulation of metabolites
(trimethyleamine and trimethylamines-N-oxide)of oral carnitine, may have potential
. Marcus et.al. conducted a study using oral carnitine and showed that a small dose
of L-carnitine is sufficient to increase the blood concentration of carnitine.
The concern
remains about the accumulation of trimethylamines-N-oxide and its potential toxicologic
effects include neurological toxicity and uremic breath.
The 2006 K/DOQI guidelines for anemia in CKD stated that there was insufficient evidence
to recommend L-carnitine.

10. Androgens
There is no literature available in CKD patients not on dialysis. Before EPO was available,
androgens (which may increase endogenous EPO production, sensitivity of erythroid
progenitors to the effects of EPO, and red blood cell survival) were used regularly in the
treatment of anemia in dialysis patients.
Their use for anemia in dialysis patients has
declined markedly since EPO was approved.
EPO and androgens combination in hemodialysis patients has been studied:
Ballal et.al. performed a study in a group of 15 adult male hemodialysis patients.
patients were treated with EPO alone at a dose of 2,000 U intravenously (IV) three times a
week. An additional group of eight patients was treated with 2,000 U of EPO three times a
week and also received 100 mg of nandrolone decanoate intramuscularly (IM) each week.
After 12 weeks of therapy, HCT values increased slightly in the group receiving EPO alone,
from 25.3+/-0.8 to 27.4+/-1.5. In contrast, EPO in combination with nandrolone decanoate
resulted in a greater increase in HCT values, from 24.4+/-1.4 to 32.9 +/-1.8 (p < 0.001). The
results showed that the groups receiving low-dose EPO alone had a poor erythropoietic
response. In contrast, patients receiving androgen in addition to EPO had a significantly
greater increase in HCT values with treatment. These data show that androgen therapy
significantly augments the action of exogenous EPO such that lower doses of EPO may be
sufficient for an adequate hematopoietic response.
In a prospective, randomized study by Berns et al. in a chronic hemodialysis population,
patients received EPO 40 U/kg intravenously three times weekly either alone (Group 1, n =
6) or with weekly intramuscular injection of 2 mg/kg nandrolone decanoate (Group 2, n = 6)
for up to 16 weeks. Baseline HCT, ferritin, N-terminal parathyroid hormone, and aluminum
levels were similar. The mean weekly rate of rise in HCT was 0.32+/-0.13% in Group 1 and
0.37+/-0.11% in Group 2, (p = NS). Three of 6 patients in Group 1, but only 1 of 6 patients in
Group 2, reached the target HCT of 30% within 16 weeks. Two patients in Group 2
requested that the nandrolone decanoate be stopped prior to reaching target HCT because
of unacceptable side effects (acne).
Nandrolone decanoate did not enhance the response
rate to this EPO dose and is associated with significant side effects.
In a longer open-label study with low-dose EPO therapy, 19 chronic hemodialysis patients
were randomly assigned to receive EPO (1,500 units IV at each HD treatment) either alone
Pharmacologic Adjuvants to Reduce Erythropoietin Therapy Dose
in Anemia of Chronic Kidney Disease and End Stage Renal Disease

or with nandrolone decanoate (100 mg intramuscularly weekly) for 26 weeks.
The mean
increase in HCT and the final achieved HCT were greater in the nandrolone decanoate
treated group (8.2 and 33.2 percent, respectively) than in the group treated with EPO alone
(3.5 percent and 28.3 percent, respectively). No serious side effects were reported.
Thirty two hemodialysis patients were randomly assigned to receive low dose EPO therapy
(1,000 units SC at each HD treatment) either alone or with nandrolone decanoate 50 mg
intramuscularly twice weekly for six months.
The increase in Hb in the
nandrolone decanoate treated group (from 7.5 to 10.4 g/dL) was not statistically different
from the control group (7.3 to 10.0 g/dL). Side effects, including gynecomastia, hirsutism,
menstrual irregularity, and increases in liver enzymes and triglyceride levels, were
The limiting factor in these studies was small size and relatively short follow ups, and none
attempted to maintain currently recommended Hb levels. The 2006 K DOQI guidelines for
anemia in CKD stated that androgens should not be used as an adjuvant to EPO.
11. N-acetylcysteine
Nacetylcysteine (NAC) is a drug and nutritional supplement used primarily as a mucolytic
agent and also in the management of acetaminophen overdose. To explore the efficacy of
oral NAC supplementation for anemia and oxidative stress in hemodialysis patients, Chien
et al studied 325 dialysis patients. In this study, 49 pateints received NAC 200 mg orally
three times a day during the first 3 months of dialysis, while the other 276 patients not
receiving NAC were observed. During the 4-month study, 11 patients receiving NAC
withdrew but had no severe adverse effects, while 49 patients not receiving NAC had
negative confounding events. Thus only the data of the remaining patients, 38 taking NAC
and 227 not taking NAC, were analyzed for efficacy.
When the EPO dosage was stable, only the NAC group had a significant increase in HCT,
accompanied with a decrease in plasma levels of 8-isoprostane and oxidized low-density
lipoprotein. Analyzed as a nested case-control study, NAC supplementation was also found
to be a significant predictor of positive outcomes in uremic anemia.
To determine the
contribution of injectable iron administered to hemodialysis patients in causing oxidative
stress and the beneficial effect of NAC in reducing it, Swarnalatha et al conducted a
prospective, double blinded, controlled, cross over trial on 14 adult hemodialysis patients
who were randomized into two groups; one group received NAC in a dose of 600 mgs by
mouth twice daily for 10 days prior to intravenous iron therapy and the other group
received placebo. Both groups received intravenous iron therapy, 100 mg of iron sucrose in
100 mL of normal saline given over a period of one hour. Blood samples for the markers of
oxidative stress were taken before and after the iron therapy. After a week of wash-out
period for the effect of NAC, subjects crossed over to the opposite regimen. They measured
the lipid peroxidation marker, malondiaaldehyde (MDA), to evaluate the oxidative stress
and total anti-oxidant capacity (TAC) for the antioxidant level in addition to the highly
sensitive C-reactive protein (HsCRP). Non-invasive assessment of endothelial dysfunction
was measured by digital plethysmography before and after intravenous iron therapy. There
was an increase of MDA (21.97 + 3.65% vs 7.06 + 3.65%) and highly sensitive C-reactive
protein (HsCRP) (11.19 + 24.63% vs 13.19 + 7.7%) after iron administration both in the

Chronic Kidney Disease

placebo and the NAC groups. NAC reduced the baseline acute systemic generation of
oxidative stress when compared to placebo, which was statistically significant with MDA
(12.76 +/- 4.4% vs 9.7 +/- 4.4%) but not with HsCRP. Pre-treatment with NAC reduced the
endothelial dysfunction when compared to placebo, but it was not statistically significant.
The author concluded that in those HD patients, NAC reduced the oxidative stress before
and after the administration of intravenous iron therapy in addition to the endothelial
dysfunction induced by this treatment.
Finnigan and Benz reported the results of treating 12 ESRD EPO resistant hemodialysis
subjects with oral NAC 600 mg by mouth twice daily for 6 months. In that small pilot study,
NAC therapy was associated with a 53% reduction in the EPO Resistance Index (weekly
EPO dose/weight in Kg/Hb).

These preliminary studies suggest the need for a larger, controlled trial with NAC. Until
then, routine use of NAC as an EPO- adjuvant cannot be recommended.
12. Discussion
Anemia of CKD/ESRD has multiple etiologies, although the decrease in EPO production by
the diseased kidneys is the major contributor. Recently, studies targeting higher Hb levels or
using higher EPO dosing regimens in the correction of anemia have shown detrimental
effects including increased all cause mortality, cardiac and cerebral vascular events and
vascular access thrombosis
It is not clear whether this is due to higher HCT or EPO the
molecule itself at higher concentration. This review article focused on adjuvant oral and
parenteral agents that have been used along with EPO to reduce its dose and give
foundation to research in randomized control trials. There may also be a potential benefit of
these agents to use along with EPO in reducing cost and expenditures especially when the
bundling method of dialysis payment is in effect.
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Molecular Mechanisms of
Nephro-Protective Action of HE-86 Liquid
Extract in Experimental Chronic Renal Failure
Li-qun He
, Dong Feixia
, Qiang Fu
and Jun Li

Department of Nephrology, Shuguang Hospital Affiliated with Shanghai University of
Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Liver and Kidney
Disease Syndrome, E-Institutes of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, Innovative
Research Team in Universities of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission
Department of Nephrology, Wenzhou TCM Hospital Affiliated to Zhejiang University of
Traditional Chinese Medicine, Wenzhou
Heilongjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, HeiLongJiang
Zhuhai City NO 5 Hospital, GuangDong
1. Introduction
Chronic renal injury can be mediated by angiotensin II (Ang II) through hemodynamic and
inflammatory mechanisms and attenuated by individual suppression of these mediators.
Hypertension is usually associated with the development of vascular and renal fibrosis [3].
This pathophysiological process is characterized by structural changes in vasculature caused
by increased synthesis and rearrangement of extracellular matrix proteins, such as the
collagen type I [4]. Several studies support a major role for the renin-angiotensin system in
the development of fibrosis [5, 6].
Hypertension injures blood vessels and thereby causes end-organ damage. The mechanisms
are complicated and although they have been studied for decades in experimental animal
models [7], they are only currently being elucidated. From the efforts of many investigators,
we are now in the position of constructing a chain of events from the endothelium to the
underlying matrix, to the vascular smooth muscle cells, and beyond to the adventitia, and
surrounding tissues. The endothelial layer acts as a signal transduction interface for
hemodynamic forces in the regulation of vascular tone and chronic structural remodeling of
arteries [8]. Infiltration of the permeabilized endothelium by leukocytes sets the stage for an
inflammatory cascade, involving cytokines, chemokines, growth factors, and matrix
metalloproteinases. Altered integrin signaling, the production of tenacin, epidermal growth
factor signaling, tyrosine phosphorylation, and activation of downstream pathways
culminate in vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation [9]. Evidence is accumulating that
matrix molecules provide an environment which decreases the rate of programmed cell
death [10].

Chronic Kidney Disease

Hypertension is a major risk factor for renal and cardiac damage, however, the mechanisms
are incompletely understood. Angiotensin (Ang) II, the key effector of the local and
circulating renin-angiotensin system (RAS), plays a central role [11-12]. In addition to its
vasoactive and growth-promoting action, Ang II stimulates circulating leukocytes and
endothelial cells, thereby promoting inflammation and interstitial extracellular matrix
accumulation [13-17]. Many inflammation-mediating genes are activated by the
transcription nuclear factor-B (NF-B), which resides inactive and bound to the inhibitory
protein I-B in the cytoplasm of T lymphocytes, monocytes, macrophages, endothelial cells,
and smooth muscle cells [18-19]. Ang II stimulates NADPH oxidase, which generates
reactive oxygen species (ROS) [20]. ROS may act as signal transduction messengers for
several important transcription factors, including NF-B and AP-1 (activator protein-1) [21].
Recently, Ozes et al [22]showed that Akt/protein kinase B (Akt) is essential in tumor
necrosis factor- (TNF-)induced activation of NF-B. Takahashi et al, [23] as well as
Ushio-Fukai et al, [24] have demonstrated Akt activation by Ang II, which may involve
ROS. Akt-induced activation of NF-kB upregulates numerous genes, including interleukin
(IL)-1, IL-6, IL-8, interferon-, TNF-, intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), vascular
cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1), and the chemokine MCP-1 (monocyte chemoattractant
protein-1). Several reports [25-27] indicated that angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE)
inhibition decreased NF-B in renal disease.
We have previously demonstrated that traditional Chinese medicine prescription
documented in the ancient Chinese pharmacopoeia or monographs promoted blood
circulation, decreased blood stasis, and improved renal function. They decreased urinary
protein excretion ,balanced lipid metabolism and enhanced the effects of antioxidant in the
treatment of patients with early and middle stage chronic renal failure [28-32].
It has been showen broad foreground to postpone progression of chronic renal dysfunction.
But it is unclear that effective composition and mechanism of renal protection. Therefore,
the study presented here was designed to test the hypothesis that HE-86 liquid extract,
which is effective unite refined from above Chinese prescription, would prevent chronic
renal failure rats induced by nephrectomized, in association with decreased expression of
angiotensin II and AT- II receptors, further to suppress high expression of inflammatory and
growth factors. In an attempt to obtain more effective renal protection, research design
consisted of a group of Nx rats receiving a HE-86 liquid extract treatment comparing with
chronic renal failure rats induced by subtotal nephretomized without treatment. At same
time, in the present study, we also assess the influence of renal mass reduction (RMR)
caused by subtotal (5/6) nephrectomy on gene expression for NF-B, TNF- and TGF-beta1
and evaluate the correlation between expression of these genes and activity of the intrarenal
renin-angiotensin systems. The research result showed HE-86 played a critical role in
improving renal disease and was a key mediator in delay process of vascular fibrosis,
characterized by reduced lumen diameter and arterial wall thickening attributable to
excessive deposition of extracellular matrix (ECM) through by the model study.
2. Materials and methods
2.1 Experimental design
Thirty-six of the normal kidney mass were removed from adult male Munich-Wistar rats
(BiKai, Shanghai, China) weighing 200210 g to make animal models of CRF. In a first
Molecular Mechanisms of Nephro-Protective
Action of HE-86 Liquid Extract in Experimental Chronic Renal Failure

session, two thirds of the left kidney were removed. One week after the first operation, the
right kidney was removed. These procedures were performed under anaesthesia with
sodium pentobarbital (The ShuGuang pharmaceutical factory in Shanghai). Two weeks after
5/6-nephrectomy, 24 rats were divided into pairs such that both rats in each pair exhibited
almost the same levels of serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen (BUN) (Table 1). One rat
from each pair was assigned to (i) control uraemic group (n=12), the other to (ii) treatment
uraemic group (n=12) which received HE-86, extract liquid which is effective composition
isolated from Chinese medicine prescription, everyday at a dose of 0.75 g/100 g body
weight for 8 weeks. For normal controls, rats underwent a sham operation consisting of
laparotomy and manipulation of the renal pedicles but without damage to the kidney(n=12).
The treatment group were administered by HE-86 infuse the stomach as pair-fed with the
control uraemic rats, and the normal rats were fed ad libitum with standard solid chow
(BiKai Animal Lab. Company, Shanghai, China) containing 24.5% protein.

N BUN(mmol/L) Scr(mol/L)
sham 12 7.510.75 19.004.00
control 12 16.170.99* 49.506.53*
treatment 12 16.182.42* 49.239.36*

Table 1. The variation of serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen before treatment.
Blood pressure was measured before treatment and every two weeks after surgery. The
levels of serum creatinine (Scr), Blood urea nitrogen (BUN), 24h urine protein excreation
and urine TGF were determined at 4 or 8 weeks after starting the administration of HE-86,
respectively. The remnant kidneys were removed after perfusion at the end of experiment
for histopathological and gene expression studies.
2.2 Analytical procedures
Renal Function Assessment and Blood Pressure Measurement
Serum creatinine (Scr) and Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) were measured using a Beckman Cx4
analyser (Fullerton, CA, USA), respectively.
24h Urinary protein concentrations were determined by the Bradford method, adapted to a
microtiter plate assay. Coomassie reagent (USB, Cleveland, OH) was added to the diluted
urine samples. After 10 minutes, the absorbance at 595-nm wavelength was read on ELX800
microplate reader (Bio-Tek Instruments, VT). The protein concentrations were calculated by
reference to bovine serum albumin (Sigma) standards.
Systolic blood pressure was recorded by tail plethysmography using the BP2000 blood
pressure analysis system (Visitech Systems, Inc., Apex, NC) in conscious rats at baseline and
every 2 weeks throughout the experimental time course.

Chronic Kidney Disease

2.3 Immunohistochemical analysis
Immunostaining of NF-b (Sigma) in renal tissue sections was performed using the
streptavidinbiotinylated peroxidase complex (SABC) method. The tissue specimens were
divided into thin sections (4-m thick) that were then deparaffinized. The sections were
washed three times with distilled water for 5 min. The sections were treated with Protease K
(Try box produced by BSD living creature technique company of Wuhan) in distilled water
at 37C for 15 min, and washed three times with PBS for 10 min. Endogenous peroxidase
activity was blocked by incubating the sections with 0.3% H2O2 in methanol for 20 min at
room temperature. The sections were washed three times with PBS for 5 min. The sections
were incubated with 10% rabbit serum at 37C for 60 min to reduce the non-specific
background staining, and washed three times with PBS for 5 min. Then, the sections were
incubated with a monoclonal anti- NF-b antibody (7 g/ml) dissolved in PBS containing
3% BSA and 0.1% NaN3 at 4C overnight, and washed three times with PBS for 10 min;
followed by incubation with a biotinylated rabbit antibody against mouse IgG+IgA+IgM (10
g/ml) at 37C for 40 min. The sections were washed three times with PBS for 5 min, and
then incubated with peroxidase-labelled streptavidin at 37C for 30 min. After washing
three times with PBS for 10 min, the reaction was completed by the addition of
diaminobenzidineH2O2 solution for 15 min, and washed three times with distilled water
for 5 min, then the slides were counter-stained with methylgreen.
The primary anti- NF-b antibody (1 : 100) was incubated with NF-b (10 mg/ml) at 4C
overnight. After centrifuging the mixture at 10,000xg for 30 min, the supernatant was used
as negative control for the primary antibody solution followed by the usual SABC method.
There was no positive staining in the renal cortex when the primary antibody was pre-
incubated with NF-b.
The immunostaining of NF-b was quantified using an image analyser IMS (FUDAN
university of medical science portrait examination center) by evaluating the positively
stained area of the sections under the same light intensity for microscopy. The intensity of
colour component for red, green or blue was graded from 0 to 256. Areas which showed
intense brown color were extracted from the microscopic fields (number of fields for each
tissue sample, six fields; magnification on the display: x300) under the following conditions;
red component ranging from 104 to 158, green component from 81 to 129, and blue
component from 70 to 123.
3. Real-time quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for TNF, Ang II
and AT1R
To investigate the expression of TNF mRNA, Ang II and AT1R real-time PCR (BC living
creature technique company, Shanghai, China) was performed with the Opticon real-time
PCR machine (FX scientific research Inc. Shanghai, China). Briefly, total RNA was extracted
from renal tissues. All of the RNA samples were treated with the RNase-free DNase I
(GIBCO BRC Inc, Shanghai, China) before the RT-PCR. Real-time quantitative one-step RT-
PCR assay was performed to quantify mRNA using real-time PCR machine (FX scientific
research Inc. Shanghai, China). The primers used for real-time RT-PCR were as follows:
Molecular Mechanisms of Nephro-Protective
Action of HE-86 Liquid Extract in Experimental Chronic Renal Failure

5. Ang II : forward 5'- ACCTG CATGA GTGTT GATAGG-3' reverse 3'-ACTTCA ATATC
Total RNA of osteoblasts was isolated by using TRIzol reagent (Invitrogen) and reverse
transcription was performed follow manufacturers manual(BioTNT, Shanghai, China).
Quantitative real-time PCR, enabling the quantification of relative gene expression, was
performed using SYBR green DNA binding fluorescent dye. 10 L of QuantiTect TM
SYBR Green PCR Master Mix, 4 L of QuantiTect TM SYBR Green primer assay
(osteocalcin, b-actin; all provided by BioTNT), 5 L of RNase free water and 1 L of cDNA
(1 ng/L) were used for one reaction. Quantitative real-time PCR was performed in
triplicates with the following cycler program: 95C 10 min, denaturation step: 95C 15 s,
annealing step: 60C 15 s, elongation step: 72C 30 s; dissociation: 95C 15 s, 60C 1min,
95C 15 s, 40 cycles were performed in total. B-actin was taken as an endogenous standard
and relative gene expression was determined using the Ct method. Gene expression
was compared by setting control cultures to 1 (reference value) as indicated in the
relevant figures.
Quantitative analyses of TNF, , Ang II and AT1R expression were performed using a
quantitative image analysis system (FR-2000,FR Science and technology Inc, Shanghai
China). Because the pattern of expression of TNF, Ang II and AT1R are diffuse in nature,
the percentage of positive staining in the renal tissue was quantified under a 20 power
field of microscope. Briefly, up to 10 random areas of kidney with the early stage
(media:intima 1) and advanced stage (media:intima <1) were chosen from each tissue
section and examined. The examined area was outlined, the positive staining patterns were
identified, and the percent positive area in the examined area was then measured. Data were
expressed as the percentage of meanSEM.
4. Characterization of monoclonal anti-TGF antibody
The reactivity of the produced monoclonal antibodies with Urine TGF was screened by
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using kit produced by Section living creature
technique limited company of Hangzhou, China (NO,13409007) The sample solution (40 l)
was incubated with the monoclonal anti- TGF antibody (40 l) at room temperature for 1
h in an TGFtransferrin attached microplate. After washing with phosphate-buffered
saline (PBS) containing 0.05% Tween 20, 0.1 ml of peroxidase-labelled goat F(ab')2 fragment
to mouse IgG(Fc) was added into the microplate, followed by incubation at room
temperature for 1 h. After washing with PBS containing 0.05% Tween 20, 0.2 ml of o-
phenylenediamine hydrochloride (1 mg/ml) containing 0.0124% H2O2 was added to the
microplate, and then incubated at room temperature for 30 min. The reaction was
terminated with 1.3 M H2SO4. The absorption at 492 nm was measured.
4.1 Statistical analysis
Data obtained from this study are expressed as the means SEM. Statistical analyses were
performed using GraphPad Prism 3.0 (GraphPad Software, Inc., San Diego, CA). Differences
in blood pressure, serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, 24h urine protein and Urine TGF
at different time points (weeks 0 to 8) within the groups, and differences of Ang II and

Chronic Kidney Disease

AT1R activation, TNF expression and NF-b accumulation in sham, control and HE86-
treated animals were assessed by one-way analysis of variance, followed by t-test. Results
were considered statistically significant when the P value was <0.05.
5. Result
Renal and systemic parameters obtained at 0 (before treatment), 32and 64 days after Nx are
given in Table 1-5, Figure 1-5. Nx groups exhibited limited growth compared with Sham. In
all Nx groups except treatment group, body weights were statistically different from those
observed before treatment. Average food intake was similar among groups.
6. Effects of HE-86 administration on biochemical parameters in uraemic rats
Table2-3 shows the summary of renal function and 24h urine protein level. There was
significant change in body weight between the control uraemic (control) and HE-86 treated
uraemic (treatment) rats, although they were pair-fed. body weight of treatment group was
showed more than control uraemic. Even 4 weeks after 5/6-nephrectomy, the levels of
serum creatinine and BUN were markedly increased as compared to sham rats. Not only at
4 week but also at 8 week, the uraemic rats treated with HE-86 were manifested significantly
decreased levels of serum creatinine, BUN, respectively. Urinary protein excreation was also
suppressed obviously at 8 week as comparing with control uraemic rats.
N BUN(mmol/L) Scr(mol/L)
sham 12 6.790.70 26.251.04
control 12 12.093.37 50.5615.83
treatment 12 9.812.93 38.8312.00

Table 2. Serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen after 4 week treatment.
P<0.01,when compared against empty vector-treated controls
N BUN(mmol/L) Scr(mol/L) 24h urine protein(mg)
sham 12 9.311.05 18.881.55 22.344.4
control 12 14.852.83 53.3812.05 41.478.07
treatment 12 13.622.81 41.0010.51

Table 3. Serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen and twenty-four-hour urinary protein
excretion after 8 week treatment.
P<0.01,when compared against empty vector-
treated controls
7. Effects of HE-86 administration on mean arterial blood pressure in uraemic
After subtotal nephrectomy, hypertension developed in both HE-86 treatment and control
uremic rats. Blood pressure was significantly elevated from second to eighth week after
nephrectomy compared to sham-operated animals (P < 0.05-0.01), and the rise in blood
pressure was equivalent (systolic blood pressure 180 to 200 mmHg) in control group. After
using HE-86 liquid extract, hypertension was obviously suppressed in treatment group,
showing average systolic blood pressure 140 to 160 mmHg (Table 4).
Molecular Mechanisms of Nephro-Protective
Action of HE-86 Liquid Extract in Experimental Chronic Renal Failure

After treatment
Second week Forth week Sixth week Eighth week
sham 137.3114.72 139.1314.06 125.507.15 150.5613.97 129.6329.16
control 140.5023.55* 212.4643.26 199.9223.55 156.3320.72 202.4415.09
treatment 141.7726.45* 148.5038.82




Table 4. Systolic blood pressure. Data represent the means SEM for groups of twelve rats
treated with either HE-86 or empty vector (
P<0.01,when compared against empty
vector-treated controls;*P<0.05,**P<0.01, when compared to normal sham-controls).
8. Effects of HE-86 administration on urine TGF1
High excreation of urine TGF1, which express both glomerular and tubulointerstitial
injuries. To demonstrate further the anti-inflammatory effect of HE-86 on rat chronic renal
failure, we determined the TGF1 levels within the urine by ELISA. Results demonstrated
that compared with vehicle, He-86 treatment significantly reduced urinary TGF1 levels,
corrected by decrease level of serum creatinine, throughout the entire disease course (P<0.05),
indicating that HE-86 treatment may primarily suppress the local immune and inflammatory
response within the diseased kidney. In contrast, overexpression of urine TGF1 was found
in control uraemic rats as compared with normal rats (Table 5). The experimental result
showed the administration of HE-86 significantly inversed high expression of urine TGF in
uraemic rats, manifesting HE-86 to attenuate the development of glomerular sclerosis.
N Urine TGF(ug/L)
sham 12 1.830.64
control 12 1.900.56*
treatment 12 1.770.43

Table 5. Effect of HE-86 liquid extract on urine TGF excretion in 5/6 nephrectomy in
rats. (
P<0.01,when compared against empty vector-treated controls; *P<0.05,
**P<0.01, when compared to normal sham-controls)
9. Effects of HE-86 administration on localization of NFB in renal tissue
Immunohistochemical analysis was performed to determine the localization of NFB in the
renal cortex (Fig.1-2). NF-B, a critical transcriptional factor for controlling inflammatory
response, has been shown to play a central role in inflammatory diseases, including kidney
diseases [33]. In normal rats, only tubular epithelial cells were weakly stained by the
monoclonal anti-NFB antibody, while glomeruli were hardly stained. In control uraemic
rats, however, proximal tubular epithelial cells, especially of dilated tubules, were
intensively stained by the anti-NFB antibody. In contrast, in the HE-86-treated uraemic
rats activation of the NF-B in tubular epithelial cells was less prominent as compared with
that in the control uraemic rats. The staining of NFB as shown in the control uraemic rats
found increased NFB -positive (intensively stained) area in the renal cortex, whereas HE-
86-treated rats showed markedly decreased NFB -positive area as compared to the control
uraemic rats. These data demonstrate that HE-86 markedly reduces the overexpress of NF
B on the remnant tubular cells.

Chronic Kidney Disease




Fig. 1. Immunohistochemistry demonstrates that HE-86 inhibits renal NFB accumulation
within the kidney. The accumulation of NFB in the glomerular and tubulointerstitium is
markedly increased in empty vector-treated animals (C, D), compared to normal sham-
controls (A,B), which is substantially inhibited in 5/6 nephrectomized rats treated with HE-
86 (E, F). Original magnifications, x100.
Molecular Mechanisms of Nephro-Protective
Action of HE-86 Liquid Extract in Experimental Chronic Renal Failure


Sham group Control group Treatment group


Fig. 2. Semiquantitative analysis of the therapeutic effect of HE-86 on NFB localization in
the glomerulus and tubulointerstitium using the Quantitative Image System. A: Percentage
of glomerular and tubulointerstitial NFB deposition in sham group. B: Percentage of NF
B localization in glomerular and tubulointerstitial without treatment C: Percentage of
glomerular and tubulointerstitial NFB accumulation in twelve rats treated with HE-86
was decreased significantly. Each bar represents data (mean SEM) #, P < 0.05 and ##,
P < 0.001, when compared to empty vector-treated controls; *, P < 0.05 and **, P < 0.01, when
compared to the normal sham-control.
10. Effects of HE-86 administration on mRNA levels of TNF, Ang II and AT II
R in renal tissue
The effects of HE-86 on the gene expression of Ang II (Figure 3), AT1R (Figure 4) and
TNF (Figure 5) in the renal cortex were examined. We investigated the potential

Chronic Kidney Disease

mechanisms whereby HE-86 suppressed rat tubular interstitial fibrosis and glomerular
cirrhosis. TNF-, being key proinflammatory cytokines in anti-GBM glomerulonephritis,
and a group of chemotactic and adhesion molecules including ICAM-1, MCP-1, was
examined. In vehicle-treated chronic renal failure rats, there was a substantial increase in
renal mRNA expression of TNF-, Treatment with HE-86 significantly reduced
upregulation of TNF- inflammatory genes examined (P<0.05). Furthermore, HE-86 was
capable of attenuating renal cortical mRNAs for Ang II and AT1R as compared with the
control uraemic rats when they were administered after the establishment of
nephrectomized. However, the renal mRNA levels of Ang II and AT1R were markedly
increased in control uraemic rats as compared with normal rats. The variation in the
mRNA levels of TNF, Ang II and AT1R in both HE-86-treated and control uraemic rats
are related to variation in the extent of CRF.

Sham group Control group Treatment group


Fig. 3. Real-time PCR reveals the inhibitory effect of HE-86 liquid extract on renal Ang II
mRNA expression(A). and Semiquantitative analysis of the therapeutic effect of HE-86 on
Ang II mRNA localization in the glomerulus and tubulointerstitium using the FR-2000
Image Analyze System. A: Degree of glomerular and tubulointerstitial Ang II mRNA
expression in sham group. B: Numbers of Ang II mRNA expression in glomerular and
tubulointerstitial without treatment C: Numbers of glomerular and tubulointerstitial cells
with nuclear localization of Ang II mRNA in twelve rats treated with HE-86 was decreased
significantly. Each bar represents data (mean SEM) , P < 0.05 and , P < 0.01, when
compared to empty vector-treated controls; *, P < 0.05 and **, P < 0.01, when compared to
the normal sham-control.
Molecular Mechanisms of Nephro-Protective
Action of HE-86 Liquid Extract in Experimental Chronic Renal Failure


Sham group Control group Treatment group


Fig. 4. Real-time PCR reveals the inhibitory effect of HE-86 liquid extract on renal
AT1RmRNA expression(B). and Semiquantitative analysis of the therapeutic effect of HE-86
on AT1RmRNA localization in the glomerulus and tubulointerstitium using the FR-2000
Image Analyze System. A: Degree of glomerular and tubulointerstitial AT1RmRNA
expression in sham group. B: Numbers of AT1RmRNA expression in glomerular and
tubulointerstitial without treatment CNumbers of glomerular and tubulointerstitial cells
with nuclear localization of AT1RmRNA in nephrectomized rats treated with HE-86 was
decreased significantly. Each bar represents data (mean SEM) , P < 0.05 and , P <
0.01, when compared to empty vector-treated controls; *, P < 0.05 and **, P < 0.01, when
compared to the normal sham-control

Chronic Kidney Disease


Sham group Control group Treatment group


Fig. 5. Real-time PCR reveals the inhibitory effect of HE-86 liquid extract on renal
TNFmRNA expression(C). and Semiquantitative analysis of the therapeutic effect of HE-
86 on TNFmRNA within the glomerulus and tubulointerstitium using the FR-2000
Image Analyze System. A: Degree of glomerular and tubulointerstitial TNFmRNA
expression in sham group. B: Numbers of TNFmRNA expression in glomerular and
tubulointerstitial without treatment C: Numbers of glomerular and tubulointerstitial cells
with nuclear localization of TNFmRNA in nephrectomized rats treated with HE-86 was
decreased significantly. Each bar represents data (mean SEM) , P < 0.05 and , P <
0.01, when compared to empty vector-treated controls; *, P < 0.05 and **, P < 0.01, when
compared to the normal sham-control.
11. Discussion
Renal fibrosis is a final common pathway to end-stage renal disease. Recent studies have
shown that hypertensive nephropathy is a major leading cause of end-stage renal disease
and the renin-angiotensin system plays a pivotal role in the development of progressive
renal injury [34-35]. Clinical trials have shown that blocking the effects of angiotensin II
(Ang II) with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin-receptor blockers
Molecular Mechanisms of Nephro-Protective
Action of HE-86 Liquid Extract in Experimental Chronic Renal Failure

can prevent or slow the progression of kidney damage in patients with diabetes and
hypertension [34-36].
As expected, 5/6 renal ablation promoted growth retardation, systemic arterial
hypertension, impaired renal function, and severe albuminuria. These functional changes
were accompanied by severe glomerulosclerosis, as well as expansion and intense
macrophage infiltration of the interstitial area. Mounting evidence indicates that these
renal structural abnormalities, which are characteristic of the Nx and other models of
progressive nephropathies, are a consequence of the concerted action of mechanical stress,
caused by glomerular hypertension and hypertrophy [37-38], and inflammatory
phenomena, comprising cell infiltration and/or proliferation and extracellular matrix
accumulation [38-39]. Moreover, a causal relationship appears to exist between these
phenomena, because the distension of the glomerular walls due to intracapillary
hypertension may trigger the local release of cytokines, growth factors, and, particularly,
Ang II and AT-1 receptors [40-41].
The beneficial effect of RAS suppressors was initially attributed to amelioration of the
glomerular hemodynamic dysfunction associated with progressive nephropathies.
However, recent observations suggest that the nonhemodynamic effects of RAS suppressors
may be equally important, given the strong proinflammatory and profibrotic effects of Ang
II [42]. A substantial fraction of this proinflammatory ANG II may originate in the renal
parenchyma, rather than in renal vessels or in the systemic circulation [43]. Increased
intrarenal production of ANG II was described in various models of renal fibrosis [44-46]. A
preliminary report has suggested that, in the 5/6 renal ablation (Nx) model, ANG II is
expressed in renal interstitial cells, paralleling the severity of renal injury [47].
Increasing evidence shows that angiotensin II (Ang II) plays a critical role in cardiovascular
disease and is a key mediator in the process of vascular fibrosis, characterized by reduced
lumen diameter and arterial wall thickening attributable to excessive deposition of
extracellular matrix (ECM). Vascular fibrosis is a major complication of hypertension and
diabetic mellitus. It has been shown that upregulated tissue rennin-angiotensin system is
involved in development of vascular lesions in both human and experimental vascular
diseases [48-49]. This observation is confirmed by the finding that infusion of Ang II is able
to induce vascular fibrosis in rats [50]. The functional importance of Ang II in vascular
fibrosis is further supported by the evidence that blockade of Ang II inhibits vascular
fibrosis in diabetic and subtotal nephrectomy rats and NO-deficient mice [51-53].
Both the hemodynamic and proinflammatory effects of Ang II are mediated by AT-1
receptors (AT1R) [54], extensively expressed in renal tissue. In the normal rat kidney, AT1R
are predominantly expressed in tubular cells and vessels [55]. Recent data obtained with the
Nx model have suggested that AT1R expression is shifted from the glomerular to the
tubulointerstitial compartment 4 wk after ablation [56]. However, the renal distribution of
AT1R in this model and its temporal evolution have not been established.
Beyond its hemodynamic effects, Ang II is recognized as a cytokine with an active role in
cardiovascular remodeling. It is well known that Ang II signals through its Ang II receptor 1
(AT1) receptor to exert most of its biological functions [57]. After binding to the AT1
receptor, Ang II activates multiple downstream intracellular signaling pathways, including
tyrosine kinase, mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), p38, and Janus family kinase

Chronic Kidney Disease

[58]. Activation of these pathways leads to numerous heterogeneous downstream events
that play essential roles in the biological activities of Ang II, such as cell growth and
migration, ECM production, and apoptosis [58].
Renal expression of AT1R in rats appeared mostly in tubular cells, and to a lesser extent, at
the interstitial area, whereas weaker expression was seen in vessels and glomeruli. This
pattern was completely disrupted after Nx, when dense AT1R expression could be
demonstrated in interstitial cells, far exceeding in intensity the expression of AT1R in
tubules. The exact meaning of this finding and the cell types involved are uncertain. Several
inflammatory cells known to infiltrate the renal interstitium in the Nx model have the
potential to express AT1R, such as lymphocytes [59] and macrophages [60]. In addition,
AT1R may be expressed by myofibroblasts originating from tubular cell transdifferentiation
[61]. This hypothesis is particularly attractive because it helps to explain the progressive
shift in AT1R expression, from tubules to the interstitial area, observed in Nx rats, and also
because tubular cells already express AT1R under normal conditions. The simultaneous
presence at the interstitial area of large amounts of Ang II and of the AT1R may accelerate
the progression of the nephropathy by a positive-feedback mechanism. Consistent with this
view is the aggravation of the renal structural injury of Nx, which was paralleled by the
intensity of the inflammatory infiltration and of the interstitial expression of Ang II.
It is well accepted that NF-B is a key transcriptional factor to regulate a variety of
inflammatory responses [75]. NF-B is composed of p50 and p65 subunits, among which
p65 is a potent transcriptional activator, strongly promoting inflammatory reaction in
kidney diseases [76]. NFB total protein expression, and inflammation, which may have
resulted from blockade of the oxidative stress pathway [77-78]. This was accompanied by a
substantial attenuation in renal fibrosis, which might have resulted from the modulating
actions of vitamins on lipid peroxidation and profibrotic activity involved in renal tissue
damage [79-82]. In this study, marked activation of NF-B was closely correlated with the
renal inflammation. In our study, using liquid extract isolated from clinical effective Chinese
prescription, we were able to show that overexpression activation of NF-B was
substantially suppressed as compared with control group. These findings are consistent
with the improving renal function and correcting high blood pressure.
Tumour necrosis fator-(TNF-)is a potent pro-inflammatory cytokine which is produced
by many cell types including monocytes/macrophages, and renal mesangial and epithelial
cells. It induces the expression of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I and II
molecules, endothelial adhesion molecules and procoagulant activity of endothelium. TNF-
stimulates the release of other pro-inflammatory cytokines, chemokines and growth
factors, including interleukin-1(IL-1), monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) and
transforming growth factor-(TFG-) [83-84]. The biological effects of TNF- are mediated
by binding to specific receptors which are widely distributed. TNF- binds to two types of
receptor: TNF receptor type 1 and TNF receptor type 2, which have molecular weights of 55
kDa (p55) and 75 kDa (p75), respectively. Both receptors are necessary and act
synergistically for cell proliferation and maturation, cytotoxicity and antiviral activity, but
p55 is responsible for activation of NFB and mediation of apoptosis [85].
TNF- may contribute to renal damage by inciting an inflammatory response within the
kidney via induction of a variety of chemokines and adhesion molecules [86-87]. There is a
Molecular Mechanisms of Nephro-Protective
Action of HE-86 Liquid Extract in Experimental Chronic Renal Failure

mounting evidence to implicate TNF- in the pathogenesis of glomeruli of rodents with
experimental nephritis, and is found in renal biopsies, sera and urine of patients with
different types of glomerulonephritis [88-91]; In vitro and in vivo studies document that
TNF- is produced locally within inflamed glomeruli by mesangial and epithelial cells, as
well as by infiltrating monocytes/macrophages [89,91]; Systemic administration of TNF-
results in glomerular damage in rabbits [92] and exacerbates the degree of glomerular injury
in nephrotoxic nephritis in rats [93]; and blocking endogenous TNF- in nephrotoxic
nephritis in rats ameliorates acute glomerular inflammation [94], and down-regulates
glomerular IL-1mRNA and circulating TNF- concentrations [95].
Treatment of Nx rats with the HE-86 promoted a significant regression of hypertension,
high level of creatinine and blood urea nitrogen, albuminuria, and inflammatory signs such
as urine TGF- and renal tissue TNF-, NF-B, Ang II and AT1R expression, whereas the
parameters of renal structural tissue injury were strongly attenuated, compared with
pretreatment levels. The protection achieved with effective unit from clinical prescription
treatment was much greater than that obtained with traditional prescription alone. On the
basis of the present study, we cannot exclude the hypothesis that the success of HE-86 was
due to a particularly effective hemodynamic action, although previous observations from
this laboratory [96] indicated that NOF, a new nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory, had no
significant effect on glomerular hemodynamics. Because treatment with NOF alone had no
effect on blood pressure, it seems unlikely that the hemodynamic effect of NOS was directly
intensified by its association with NOF. Therefore, the efficacy of extract HE-86 was likely
due to the simultaneous blockade of the hemodynamic and proinflammatory actions of Ang
II, AT1R and its derivatives as TNF-, NF-B, TGF- and by abrogation of the complex
interplay between hypertension and inflammation. The present findings support other
scholars observations of the Nx model, which similarly indicated the superiority of the
combination of a RAS suppressor with an anti-inflammatory agent [97-99]. It is noteworthy
that HE-86 afforded partial regression of the nephropathy associated with Nx even though it
was started 4 week after surgery, when renal injury was already established. This
observation suggests that both continued stimulation of Ang II and AT1 receptors and
production of inflammatory factors continue to play an important pathogenic role even
during the late phases of the process, necessitating vigorous and persistent treatment to
prevent further renal deterioration.
Taken together with our previous data and the present results, it is likely that HE-86-
induced reduction of renal rennin-angentensin system is mediated, at least partly, by
reducing the overload of inflammatory factors activity on remnant kidney unit. In summary,
HE-86effective composition coming from clinical validly treating patients with chronic renal
failure especially for early and middle stage, partially reversed the nephropathy and renal
inflammation associated with the Nx model, showing much more effective protection than
with traditional Chinese medicine prescription.
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The Effects of Asymmetric Dimethylarginine
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Disease (CKD): Relationship Between Clinical
and Biochemical Parameters
A. Atamer
, S. Alisir Ecder
, Y. Atamer
Y. Kocyigit
, N. Bozkurt Yigit
and T. Ecder

Haydarpasa Training and Research Hospital,
Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology, Istanbul
Goztepe Training and Research Hospital,
Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Nephrology, Istanbul
Dicle University Medical Faculty, Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Diyarbakir
Dicle University Medical Faculty, Department of Physiology, Diyarbakir
Yalova University, Termal Vocational School,
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Yalova
Istanbul University, Istanbul Medical Faculty,
Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Nephrology, Istanbul,
1. Introduction
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a syndrome characterized by the progressive and
irrevocable loss of nephrons due to several diseases. Chronic kidney disease has a varying
spectrum ranging from normal renal function to uremic syndrome. Actually, the stages of
renal failure have interpenetrated each other and it is not possible to draw a clear line
between them. The most important reason of mortality and morbidity of patients with CKD
are cardiovascular diseases and atherosclerotic complications; cardiac insufficiency 15%,
myocardial infarction 10%, pericarditis 3% (1, 2). Development of vascular injury in CKD is
caused by both classic (Framingham) risk factors (hypertension, dyslipidemia, smoking,
diabetes mellitus) and CKD specific factors (anaemia, secondary hyperparathyroidism etc).
Besides, there are papers reporting that recently defined potential risk factors such as
homocysteine (Hcy), C-reactive protein (CRP), interleukin-6 (IL-6), fibrinogen, soluble
intracellular adhesion molecule (sICAM-1), asymmetric dimethyl arginine (ADMA), cardiac
specific troponin-I (cTnI), advanced glycation endproducts have a role in the development
of accelerated atherosclerosis seen in patients with CKD (2-13). Asymmetric
dimethylarginine (ADMA) is an endogenous competitive inhibitor of nitric oxide (NO)
synthase and it is a guanidine analogue of L-arginine aminoacid detectable in human urine

Chronic Kidney Disease

and plasma synthesized from endothelial cells (Figure 1). It is shown that high ADMA level
increases the cardiovascular incident risk by 34% and mortality risk by 52% (4-8). Increased
ADMA concentration has a high prevalence in hyperhomocysteinemia, coronary artery
diseases, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, preeclampsia, peripheral
arterial occlusive disease, impaired renal function and other diseases (7,9,10). Reduced nitric
oxide (NO)-dependent vasodilation is regarded as an early indicator of atherosclerotic
diseases (7,14). It is documented that adult patients with renal failure have 2-6 times higher
ADMA than healthy subjects due to reduced renal excretion and reduced enzymatic
degradation (15). NO is synthesized from L-arginine via NO synthase enzyme. NO
inhibition decreases endothelial derived vasodilation and increases vascular resistance.
Reduced NO availability can occur in patients with CKD. Moreover CKD can contribute to
the accelaration of hypertension and cardiovascular complications. It appears that the
increase in endogenic NO inhibitors like ADMA plays a major role in this process (11, 15-
17). It has been shown that Hcy stimulates ADMA formation and plasma ADMA levels
elevate in humans and animals by hyperhomocysteinemia (18-20). Increased serum Hcy
level in adult CKD patients is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular system
mortality. Elevated ADMA and hyperhomocysteinemia may be due to decreased renal
excretion (18-22). It is reported that ADMA formation may be related with Hcy metabolism
(18,19). It was found that there is a significant interaction of serum fibrinogen and CKD with
respect to risk of both fatal/nonfatal coronary events and death (2024).

Fig. 1. Biochemical pathway for generation and degradation of ADMA and homocysteine.
The Effects of Asymmetric Dimethylarginine (ADMA), Nitric Oxide (NO) and Homocysteine (Hcy)
on Progression of Mild Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD): Relationship Between Clinical and...

The aim of this study was to investigate the role of uremia-related cardiovascular risk
factors, such as ADMA, NO, Hcy and fibrinogen, in the pathogenesis and progression of
early stage CKD and to evaluate the relation of these parameters with each other.
2. Material and methods
2.1 Subjects
This prospective study was carried out in 65 untreated mild chronic kidney disease (35
men and 30 women; mean age 55.2 9.6 years) and 65 healthy control subjects with
matched age, sex and body mass index (BMI). The creatinine clearance was calculated by
the Cockcroft-Gault Formula (25). Patients having creatinine clearance less than 75 ml/min
were considered to have mild CKD. Body mass index was determined as weight divided
by the square of height (kg/m
). The underlying causes of CKD were glomerulonephritis
(n=17), interstitial nephropathy (n=12), autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease
(n=13), chronic pyelonephritis (n=7) and urological problems (n=5). No cause was
identified in 11 cases. The exclusion criteria were diabetes mellitus, active hepatitis,
malignancy, smoking and infectious disease. Patients using vitamin supplements were also
The study protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Dicle University School of
Medicine (Diyarbakir, Turkey) and written informed consent was obtained from each
2.2 Methods
In all patients, venous blood samples were drawn between 7:00 AM after a 12-h fastened,
and the serum was frozen at -70 C in aliquots until biochemical analysis were performed.
ADMA Measurement: ADMA was measured by HPLC according to the method described by
Chen et al. (26). Mobile phases consisting of 50 mM sodium acetate (pH 6.8), methanol and
tetrahydrofuran (THF) (A, 82:17:1; B, 22:77:1) were used. All separations were performed at
C and at a flow-rate of 1.0 ml/min. The wavelengths of fluorescence detector were set at
338 nm and 425 nm for excitation and emission, respectively. 20 mg of 5-sulfosalicylic acid
(5-SSA) was added to 1 ml plasma, and the mixture was left in an ice bath for 10 min. The
precipitated protein was removed by centrifugation at 2000 g for 10 min. o-
Phthaldialdehyde (OPA) (10 mg) was dissolved in 0.5 ml of methanol, and 2 ml of 0.4 M
borate buffer (0.4 M boric acid adjusted to pH 10.0 with potassium hydroxide) and 30 l of
mercaptoethanol were added. The derivatization was performed by mixing 10 l of sample
or working standard solution and 100 l of OPA reagent and reacting for 3 min before
autoinjecting onto the column.
NO Measurement: The serum level of NO was measured using a colorimetric method based
on the Griess reaction (27), in which nitrite is reacted with sulphanilamide and N-(1-
naphthyl) ethylenediamine to produce an azo dye that can be detected at 540 nm. This was
carried out after enzymatic reduction of nitrate to nitrite with nitrate reductase.
Hcy Measurement: Serum level of Hcy was measured using HPLC with fluorescence
detection (Shimadzu RF-10A fluorescence detector; Shimadzu Co., Kyoto, Japan).

Chronic Kidney Disease

Urea, creatinine, calcium, phosphate, albumin, protein, high sensitive CRP (hsCRP), insulin,
glucose, total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), low-density
lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and triglyceride assays were determined by standard
laboratory methods according to the established methodology. The serum level of
fibrinogen was measured by the Clauss method using a commercial kit. All routine
laboratory measurements were carried out using certified assay methods.
Statistical analysis of the differences between groups of subjects was performed using the
Kolmogorov-Smirnov and unpaired students t-test or by the Mann-Whitney non-
parametric test as appropriate. Pearsons correlation analyses were performed.
3. Results
Serum levels of ADMA, Hcy, creatinine, LDL-C and hsCRP were significantly (p<0.001)
higher in patients with mild CKD than in healthy controls. Also, systolic and diastolic blood
pressures were increased (p<0.001). There were no significant differences in levels of serum
fasting blood glucose, insulin, total cholesterol, HDL-C, triglyceride, calcium and phosphate
between the mild CKD and healthy controls (P>0.05). Serum NO and creatinine clearance
levels were decreased in patients with mild CKD than in healthy controls (p<0.001). Clinical
and laboratory data are reported in Table 1. In multiple linear regression analysis, ADMA
level was negatively correlated with NO (r = -0.861; p<0.001) as shown in Figure 2A, and
positively correlated with Hcy (r = 0.547; p<0.001, Figure 2B) and fibrinogen (r = 0.704;
p<0.01, Figure 2C). ADMA level was positively correlated with creatinine (r=0.510;p<0.001),
LDL-C (r=0.420;p<0.01), hsCRP (r=0.525;p<0.001), systolic (r=0.375; p<0.001) and diastolic
blood pressure (r=0.410;p<0.001) levels. ADMA level was negatively correlated with GFR
(r=-0.720;p<0.001). Also, serum NO level was negatively correlated with homocystein (r = -
0.390; p<0.001, Figure 3). We found no association between ADMA and HDL-C or other
parameters in either subjects with mild CKD.
4. Discussion
The findings of the present study are as follows: (1) Serum ADMA level is increased in
patients with CKD compared with healthy subjects and is associated with decreased NO
and GFR. (2) Elevation of circulating serum ADMA is associated with increased Hcy and
fibrinogen in CKD patients. (3) Serum NO level as dependent variable was also negatively
correlated with Hcy. Our findings suggested that the ADMA levels can reflect a possible
independent role in CKD pathogenesis. Increased ADMA serum levels cause persistent
renal vasoconstriction and sodium retention, and contributes to the development of high
blood pressure (11). In addition, it might influence NO and GFR levels and affect
atherosclerosis formation.
Several studies suggested that ADMA level can be an independent risk factor for
progression of CKD (3-13). Elevated ADMA reduces bioavailability of NO and induces
endothelial dysfunction and may be involved in the pathophysiology of cardiovascular
disease in CKD (8). ADMA fulfils many of the characteristic features of an uremic toxin
(14,15). Elevation of circulated ADMA, an endogenous inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase, is
an independent risk factor for cardiovascular diseases in predialysis patients with CKD
(5,14,15). High ADMA levels lead to NO depletion, impaired endothelium-dependent
The Effects of Asymmetric Dimethylarginine (ADMA), Nitric Oxide (NO) and Homocysteine (Hcy)
on Progression of Mild Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD): Relationship Between Clinical and...

Healthy Subjects
Chronic Kidney Disease
Age (years) 54.9 10.1 55.2 9.6
Number of patients (M/F) 35/30 35/30
Body mass index (kg/m2) 24.90 2.1 24.70 2.6
Systolic BP (mmHg) 110.20 10.4 *128.40 22.4
Diastolic BP (mmHg) 72.20 11.6 *84.40 16.3
Creatinine clearance (ml/min) 90.20 15.1 *52.50 15.3
Urea (mg/dl) 31.50 6.2 *61.30 14.6
Creatinine (mg/dl) 1.20 0.42 *1.61 0.73
Calcium (mg/dl) 8.73 1.2 8.91 1.08
Phosphate (mg/dl) 4.10 1.09 4.09 1.2
Albumin (g/dl) 3.82 0.9 3.94 0.5
Protein (g/dl) 6.40 1.1 6.01 0.3
Glucose (mg/dl) 87.90 16.2 90.10 15.4
Insulin (u/ml) 11.60 2.9 12.04 2.83
Triglyceride(mg/dl) 118.30 20.2 120.10 18.5
Total cholesterol (mg/dl) 184.20 22.1 185.60 19.4
HDL-C (mg/dl) 45.80 12.4 42.02 14.3
LDL-C (mg/dl) 113.20 12.8 *142.12 18.6
hsCRP (mg/dl) 1.914 0.667 *7.048 2.249
Fibrinogen (g/L) 2.835 0.646 *4.5740.521
ADMA (mol/L) 0.512 0.116 *0.8370.189
Nitric oxide (mol/L) 75.67 8.626 *44.317.811
Homocystein (mol/L) 6.256 1.629 *18.37 3.192
*P < 0.001; Data are reported as means SD.
BP: Blood Pressure; HDL-C: High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol; LDL-C: Low Density Lipoprotein
Cholesterol; hsCRP: High sensitive C Reactive Protein; ADMA: Asymmetric dimethylarginine
Table 1. Clinical and laboratory data of patients with CKD and healthy subjects.

Chronic Kidney Disease



The Effects of Asymmetric Dimethylarginine (ADMA), Nitric Oxide (NO) and Homocysteine (Hcy)
on Progression of Mild Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD): Relationship Between Clinical and...


Fig. 2. Correlation between asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) and (A) nitric oxide
(NO), (B) homocysteine (Hcy), and (C) fibrinogen.

Fig. 3. Correlation between nitric oxide (NO) and homocysteine (Hcy).

Chronic Kidney Disease

vasodilation and plaque rupture with thrombus formation (8). In addition, increased ADMA
level in circulation is a combined result of decreased elimination and reduced activity of
ADMA catabolism by dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase (DDAH) (8,9). Elevated
plasma levels of ADMA in patients with end stage renal disease (ESRD) were first reported
by Vallance et al. (15). Several recent studies have already indicated that elevated plasma
ADMA levels could cause cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in progressive chronic
kidney disease (4-13). Mihout et al. (9) demonstrated that high plasma ADMA levels
contribute to the development of hypertension, oxidative stress, and interstitial and
glomerular fibrosis, and peritubular capillary rarefaction. This may be involved in the
decline of renal function. Serum levels of ADMA in CKD are predictive of renal survival
and of cardiovascular damage. High ADMA levels are associated with endothelial
dysfunction and oxidative stres (12). In the study by Young et al. (8) , there was a strong
association of ADMA with prevalent cardiovascular disease and a modest association with
all-cause and cardiovascular disease mortality. ADMA is strongly associated with intima-
media thickness of the carotid artery and left ventricular mass, particularly concentric left
ventricular hypertrophy (11).
Coen et al. (12) suggested that ADMA levels could be influenced by the severity of
hyperparathyroidsm and contribute to cardivascular death linked to parathyroid hormone
(PTH) of hemodialysis patients. Another study conducted by Shi et al (5) has shown that the
circulating level of ADMA is an important risk factor of LVH and predicts CVD in pre-
dialysis CKD patients.
Selcoki et al. (10) reported that ADMA level was to be one of the strongest risk markers for
atherosclerosis in patients with mild and moderate CKD. Ninety percent of ADMA has been
metabolized by DDAH, while the other small portion, 10 %, is excreted by urinary system.
Potential mechanisms of elevated plasma ADMA levels in renal failure are increased protein
methylation, increased proteolysis, impaired renal excretion and impaired metabolism by
DDAH (18). These results are consistent with data from our study. Our results suggest that
high ADMA level can be a significant risk factor for progression of renal dysfunction in the
earlier stages of CKD.
Several recent studies found markedly elevated plasma ADMA levels not only in patients
with ESRD, but also in patients with progressive CKD (2). It is of note that our results are in
line with a recent study by Nakamura

et al. (28), who found that elevation of serum ADMA
levels play a role in the progression of atherosclerosis and CKD in high-risk patients.
Studies in both the general population and the dialysis population showed a strong and
independent link between ADMA, all-cause mortality, and cardiovascular events
(11,12,21,24). As a consequence, elevated serum levels of ADMA may be of relevance not
only in vascular pathology but also in the pathophysiology of hypertension, and in paralel,
in the development of renal damage (13).
When ADMA accumulates in CKD due to defective inactivation and excretion, it is a factor
of impaired NO synthesis. The decrease in the generation of NO lead to endothelial
malfunction and damage (12). Nitric oxide is an important molecule which has many
physiological functions, such as mediating vasodilation, inhibiting atherosclerosis, and
modulating the growth of the myocardium (5). Nitric oxide is produced from its precursor
L-arginine via a reaction catalyzed by endothelial NO synthase (NOS) (8,9). Endothelium-
The Effects of Asymmetric Dimethylarginine (ADMA), Nitric Oxide (NO) and Homocysteine (Hcy)
on Progression of Mild Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD): Relationship Between Clinical and...

derived nitric oxide is a potent endothelial vasodilator which balances constrictors to
regulate blood pressure and vascular tone (9). Leone et al. (35) suggested that NO may play
a role in blood pressure regulation. NO is a cardiovascular protective substance because it
causes vasodilation and leucocyte aggregation (10). Nitric oxide also plays a role in
regulating renal sodium excretion and renin release (30). Nitric oxide, synthesised from L-
arginine, contributes to the regulation of blood pressure and to host defence (29). As an
endogenous vasodilator it contributes to renal arteriolar tone and modulates relaxation of
the mesangium, thus contributing to regulation of glomerular microcirculation. It has
antiplatelet and antithrombogenic effects and thus helps prevent thrombosis within the
glomerular capillaries (30).
Clinical and experimental evidence suggest that the elevation of ADMA may cause a low
production of NO (11,14-17,29,30). Synthesis of NO can be blocked by inhibition of nitric
oxide synthase (NOS) activities with guanidino-substituted analogues of L-arginine such as
ADMA (28). Accumulation of endogenous ADMA, leading to impaired NO synthesis, might
contribute to the hypertension and immune dysfunction associated with chronic renal
failure (29). Reduced bioavailability of NO, increased systemic blood pressure, endothelial
cell injury and dysfunction are thought to play an important role in progressive kidney
damage (7). Endothelial dysfunction due to reduced availability of NO is an early step in the
course of atherosclerotic vascular disease (7). Increased ADMA blood levels may contribute
to this process. In addition, NO inhibits key processes of atherosclerosis, such as monocyte
endothelial adhesion, platelet aggregation, and vascular smooth muscle cell poliferation
In our study, while serum ADMA and Hcy levels were significantly higher in the patients
with CKD than in healthy subject, the NO level was significantly lower. Our findings
were in agreement with previous studies (7,9,10,18). Low NO is a major feature of chronic
kidney diseases. We examined the relationship of ADMA with NO and with Hcy in CKD
patients. In this prospective study, high ADMA level was associated with both decreased
NO and increased Hcy. Similarly, Strong relationships between increased serum Hcy,
fibrinogen, ADMA and decreased NO, GFR and mortality from cardiovascular events
have recently been demonstrated. Several prospective clinical studies have shown that
ADMA, fibrinogen, Hcy, LDL-C and other cardiovascular risk parameters are effected in
patients with CKD, atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes and other clinical entities (14-
The major factor for high plasma ADMA levels in renal failure seems to be a decrease
DDAH activity, which in turn may be due to increased oxidative stress and/or
hyperhomocysteinemia (18). Recent studies show contradictory data regarding the role of
hyperhomocysteinemia on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in CKD patients (32).
Rasmussen et al. (22) suggested that elevated homocysteine level is an independent
predictor of cardiovascular events in patients with ESRD. Ninomiya et al. (33) suggested
that baseline Hcy level showed a significantly inverse association with rate of change in
kidney function during the 5 years after being adjusted for confounding factors, including
baseline kidney function.
One study indicates a linkage between hyperhomocysteinemia, oxidative stress and ADMA
metabolism (32). Recently, it was hypothesized that some of the deleterious effects of

Chronic Kidney Disease

hyperhomocysteinemia may involve ADMA-related cardiovascular effect in CKD (18-20).
Hyperhomocysteinemia, elevated plasma ADMA concentrations have first been described
in patients with renal failure (18). Plasma levels of homocysteine and ADMA are elevated in
patients with renal failure and both have been associated with cardiovascular events,
possibly due to their negative effects on endothelial function. ADMA in methylation of
homocystein plays an important role. Elevated homocysteine level is strongly related to
renal function and probably due to decreased metabolic clearance (18-20). Homocysteine
and ADMA are aminoacids which are biochemically linked by a common synthetic
pathway. Homocysteine inhibits DDAH, the enzyme responsible for the breakdown of
ADMA. Homocysteine may enhance protein degradation by destabilizing protein structure
or by increasing oxidative stress, resulting in ADMA release (18).
Contraversely, Simic-Ogrizovic et al. (24) suggested that although total serum Hcy level was
not found to be a predictor of overall and cardiovascular mortality, the role of
hyperhomocysteinemia as risk factor for cardiovascular disease cannot be excluded in
hemodialysis patients.
We found a strong association between ADMA levels and hyperfibrinogenemia, and
hyperhomocysteinemia in our study. In addition, as inflammation index, CRP and
fibrinogen were increased. Our results show that increased ADMA, Hcy, hsCRP and
fibrinogen levels contribute to the progression of renal disease. Serum levels of ADMA and
Hcy may interact and modulate the effect of each other, thus contributing to a common
mechanism leading to cardiovascular diseases in CKD. These findings are similar to
observations from previous studies (18-21).
The level of serum fibrinogen (an inflammation marker) is increased in CKD. Increased
serum fibrinogen level independently predicts cardiac events (20). Shishehbor et al. (19)
suggested that Hcy and fibrinogen levels can explain nearly 40% of the attributable
mortality risk from CKD. Bostom et al. (21) suggested that Hcy, lipoprotein(a) (Lp(a)), and
fibrinogen interact to promote atherothrombosis, combined hyperhomocysteinemia,
hyperfibrinogenemia, and, Lp(a) excess may contribute to the high incidence of vascular
disease sequelae experienced by dialysis patients, which is inadequately explained by
traditional cardiovascular disease risk factors. In our present study, the serum level of LDL-
C was significantly higher in the patients with CKD than in the healthy subjects. In addition,
the ADMA level was positively correlated with LDL-C. The association of increased LDL-C
with increased risk of coronary heart disease may be thought as a covariable in the oxidative
activation of ADMA synthesis.
Descamps-Latscha et al. (23) thought that CRP, fibrinogen and advanced oxidation protein
products (AOPP) levels independently predict atherosclerotic cardiovascular events in
patients with CKD in the predialysis phase and might directly contribute to the uremia-
associated accelerated atherogenesis. These findings lend support to the hypothesis that
accumulation of ADMA is an important risk factor for cardiovascular events in CKD (2).
Our findings suggest that high ADMA, fibrinogen and Hcy levels and NO deficiency may
contribute to the process of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and other consequeces of
uremia in predialysis patients with CKD. In addition, the ADMA level was associated with
hyperhomocysteineamia and hyperfibrinogenemia.
The Effects of Asymmetric Dimethylarginine (ADMA), Nitric Oxide (NO) and Homocysteine (Hcy)
on Progression of Mild Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD): Relationship Between Clinical and...

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Neutrophil Activation and Erythrocyte
Membrane Protein Composition in
Stage 5 Chronic Kidney Disease Patients
Elsio Costa
, Lus Belo
and Alice Santos-Silva

Instituto de Cincias da Sade da Universidade Catlica Portuguesa
Instituto de Biologia Molecular e Celular da Universidade do Porto
Faculdade de Farmcia da Universidade do Porto
1. Introduction
Anaemia is a frequent complication associated with stage 5 chronic kidney disease (CKD),
and is mainly due to insufficient production of erythropoietin by the kidneys. Accumulation
of uremic toxins, excessive toxic storage of aluminium in the bone marrow (Miyoshi, 2006),
blood loss (either iatrogenic, from the puncture sites of the vascular access and blood
sampling, or from other sources, such as the gastrointestinal tract), and premature
erythrocyte destruction have also been frequently associated with anaemia in stage 5 CKD
patients (Medina, 1994; Pisoni, 2004).
The erythrocyte, presenting a limited biosynthesis capacity, suffers and accumulates
physical and/or chemical changes, which become more pronounced with cell aging, and
whenever an unusual physical or chemical stress develops (Locatelli, 2004a). Erythrocytes
are physically stressed during the haemodialysis process, and metabolically stressed by
the unfavourable plasmatic environment, due to metabolite accumulation, and by the
high rate of haemoglobin autoxidation, due to the increase in haemoglobin turnover, a
physiologic compensation mechanism triggered in case of anaemia (Lucchi, 2000; Stoya,
2002). The erythrocytes are, therefore, continuously challenged to sustain haemoglobin in
its reduced functional form, as well as to maintain the integrity and deformability of the
Leukocytosis is essential as the primary host defence, and neutrophils, the major
leukocyte population of blood in adults, play a primordial role. It is well known that
neutrophils have mechanisms that are used to destroy invading microorganisms. These
cells use oxygen-dependent and oxygen-independent microbicidal

artillery to destroy and
remove infectious agents (Witko-Sarsat, 2000). Activated neutrophils also undergo
degranulation, with the release of several components, namely, proteases and cationic
proteins (Witko-Sarsat, 2000).
In this book chapter we review the cross-talk between changes in erythrocyte membrane
protein composition and the release of neutrophil activation products.

Chronic Kidney Disease

2. Erythrocyte membrane protein composition
Erythrocyte membrane proteins can be classified into three categories, according to their
functional properties in the membrane struture (An & Mohandas, 2008; Mohandas &
Gallagher, 2008). The first includes cytoskeletal proteins, as spectrin ( and chains),
protein 4.1, and actin; the second includes integral/transmembrane proteins of which the
representative proteins are band 3 and glycophorins; the third includes anchoring/linker
proteins, namely, ankyrin (also known as band 2.1) and protein 4.2. The anchoring/linker
membrane proteins mediate the attachment of cytoskeletal proteins to integral proteins (Fig.
1) (Lucchi, 2000; Gallagher, 2005; Mohandas & Gallagher, 2008).

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of red blood cell membrane, showing the topographical
localization of proteins and their interactions. The membrane is a complex structure in
which a plasma membrane envelope composed of amphiphilic lipid molecules is anchored
to a two dimensional elastic network of skeletal proteins through tethering sites
(transmembrane proteins) embedded in the lipid bilayer. Adapted from An & Mohandas,
The cytoskeleton is a 3-dimensional network of proteins that covers the cytoplasmatic
surface of the erythrocyte membrane and is responsible for its biconcave shape and the
properties of elasticity and flexibility. It comprises approximately half the membrane
protein mass and is primarily composed of spectrin, protein 4.2 and actin. Spectrin is the
major protein of the cytoskeleton, and, therefore, the primary cause of erythrocyte shape,
integrity and deformability. It is linked to the lipid bilayer, by vertical protein interactions
with the transmembrane proteins, band 3 and glicophorin A (Lucchi, 2000). In the vertical
protein interaction of spectrin with band 3 there are also ankyrin (also known as band 2.1)
and protein 4.2 involved. A normal linkage of spectrin with the other proteins of the
cytoskeleton assures normal horizontal protein interactions. The vertical and horizontal
interactions between membrane constituents account for the integrity, strength, and
deformability of the cell (An & Mohandas, 2008; Mohandas & Gallagher, 2008). Disruption
of vertical interactions because of membrane protein deficiencies favours membrane
vesiculation with loss of surface area and development of spherocytic cells, with increasing
Neutrophil Activation and Erythrocyte Membrane
Protein Composition in Stage 5 Chronic Kidney Disease Patients

rigidity of the cell membrane that may lead to premature spleen sequestration and
destruction (An & Mohandas, 2008).
3. Neutrophil activation
Leukocytosis and recruitment of circulating leukocytes into the affected areas are hallmarks
of inflammation. Leukocytes are chimio-attracted to inflammatory regions and their
transmigration from blood to the injured tissue is primarily mediated by the expression of
cell-adhesion molecules in the endothelium, which interact with surface receptors on
leukocytes (Muller, 1999; Sullivan, 2000). This leukocyte-endothelial

interaction is regulated
by a cascade of molecular steps that lead to the morphological changes that accompany

At the inflammatory site, leukocytes release their granular content and may exert
their phagocytic capacities.
In acute inflammation, the leukocyte infiltration is predominantly of neutrophils, whereas in
chronic inflammation an infiltration predominantly of macrophages and lymphocytes is
observed. Leukocyte-endothelial cell interactions are important for leukocyte transmigration
and trafficking in physiological conditions. There is increasing evidences that changes in
those leukocyte-endothelial interactions, due to endothelium damage or dysfunction, might
be implicated in the pathogenesis of diseases, such as inflammatory diseases (Harlan, 1985;
Ley, 2007).
Leukocytosis is essential as the primary host defence, and neutrophils, the major leukocyte
population of blood in adults, play a primordial role. It is well known that neutrophils have
mechanisms that are used to destroy invading microorganisms. These cells use an

array of oxygen-dependent and oxygen-independent microbicidal

weapons to
destroy and remove infectious agents (Witko-Sarsat, 2000). Oxygen-dependent

involve the production of reactive oxygen species

(ROS), which can be microbicidal (Roos,
2003), and lead to the development of oxidative stress. Oxygen-independent

include chemotaxis, phagocytosis and degranulation. The generation of microbicidal
oxidants by neutrophils results

from the activation of a multiprotein enzyme complex,
known as

the reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase,
which catalyzes the formation of superoxide anion (O

). Activated neutrophils also

undergo degranulation, with the release of several components, namely, proteases (such as
elastase) and cationic proteins (such as lactoferrin) (Saito, 1993; Brinkmann, 2004).
Elastase is a member of the chymotrypsin superfamily of serine proteinases, expressed in
monocytes and mast cells, but mainly expressed by neutrophils, where it is
compartmentalized in the primary azurophil granules. The intracellular function of this
enzyme is the degradation of foreign microorganisms that are phagocytosed by the
neutrophil (Brinkmann, 2004). Elastase can also degrade local extracellular matrix proteins
(such as elastin), remodel damaged tissue, and facilitate neutrophil migration into or
through tissues. Moreover, elastase also modulates cytokine expression at epithelial and
endothelial surfaces, up-regulating the production of cytokines, such as IL-6, IL-8,
transforming growth factor (TGF-) and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating
factor (GM-CSF); it also promotes the degradation of cytokines, such as IL-1, TNF- and IL-
2. There is evidence in literature that high levels of elastase are one of the major pathological
factors in the development of several chronic inflammatory lung conditions (Fitch, 2006).

Chronic Kidney Disease

Plasma lactoferrin is predominantly neutrophil derived and its presence in the specific
granules is often used to identify these types of granules. Lactoferrin is also found in other
granules, in the tertiary granules, though in lower concentrations (Olofsson, 1977; Baynes
1986; Halliwell Gutteridge, 1990; Saito, 1993). Lactoferrin is a multifunctional iron
glycoprotein, which is known to exert a broad-spectrum primary defence activity against
bacteria, fungi, protozoa and viruses. It can bind to large amounts of free iron. The iron-
bound lactoferrin is taken up by activated

macrophages, which express specific lactoferrin
receptors. During

inflammation, this contributes to iron deprivation of the erythroid
precursors, which do not express lactoferrin receptors (Brny, 2001). Other mechanisms in
which lactoferrin is implicated include a growth regulatory function in normal cells,
coagulation, and perhaps cellular adhesion modulation (Levay and Viljoen, 1995).
In a recent study of our group (Pereira, 2010), we found that stage 5 CKD patients present a
decreased expression of the CXCR1 neutrophil surface marker, which plays an important
role in neutrophil migration (Fig. 2); a higher elastase plasma levels was also found, as
compared to a control group (table 1).

Fig. 2. Decreased expression of the CXCR1 neutrophil surface markers in stage 5 CKD
patients. A Control; B Stage 5 CKD patient. Cells were stained with allophycocyanin
(APC) conjugated anti-CD11B and phycoerythrin (PE) conjugated anti-CXCR1.
CXCR1 is a receptor that recognizes CXC chemokines, particularly, the pro-inflammatory
IL-8 (Pay, 2006; Sherry, 2008). The decreased expression of this receptor in neutrophil
surface is associated to the release of components of neutrophil granules and is correlated
with the need for inotropic support. Recently, it was reported that the levels of the
neutrophil chemoattractant receptor, CXCR1, is mildly diminished in CKD pediatric
patients, as a consequence of the end stage renal disease itself, and that the recurrent serial
bacterial infections they suffered was markedly exacerbated by CXCR1 neutrophil loss
(Sherry, 2008). This loss of CXCR1 on neutrophils might be due to the uremic state, to
changes in leukocyte adhesion molecule expression or membrane microvilli and/or to cross-
desensitization of this receptor, due to prior exposure to several unrelated chemoattractants,
including N-formylated peptides and the complement cleavage product C5a (Sherry, 2008).
Chronic exposure of circulating inflammatory cells to these mediators may lead to loss of
chemokine receptor expression and/or function via cross-desensitization.
Neutrophil Activation and Erythrocyte Membrane
Protein Composition in Stage 5 Chronic Kidney Disease Patients

All patients
Hb (g/dL) 13.90 (13.2-15.00) 10.90 (10.30-12.30)*
White cell counts (x 10
/L) 5.78 1.59 6.23 2.10
Lymphocytes (x 10
/L) 2.35 0.75 1.47 0.60*
Monocytes (x 10
/L) 0.25 0.08 0.38 0.16*
Neutrophils (x 10
/L) 3.03 1.02 4.14 1.79*
Albumin (g/dL) NM 3.8 0.4
CRP (mg/dL) 1.75 (0.76-4.70) 5.75 (1.90-14.01)*
Elastase (g/L) 28.29 (26.03-34.74) 36.11 (29.69-50.65)*
Elastase/Neutrophil ratio 10.86 (7.44-12.12) 8.91 (7.43-13.78)
Lactoferrin (g/L) 236.56 (193.56-295.03) 239.35 (165.64-332.60)
Lactoferrin/Neutrophil ratio 72.11 (55.52-111.83) 60.32 (42.82-99.45)
Table 1. Haematological data and neutrophil activation markers, for controls and for stage 5
CKD patients.* p<0.05, vs controls. NM: not measured. Results are presented as mean
standard deviation or as median (interquartile ranges). Hb: Haemoglobin; CRP: C-reactive
protein. Adapted from Costa, 2008a.
The haemodialysis procedure, itself, seems to lead to neutrophil activation (Costa, 2008a).
By evaluating CKD patients before and after haemodialysis procedure (Costa, 2008b), we
found a higher haemoglobin concentration and erythrocyte count after haemodialysis (Table
2). This increase in circulating erythrocytes, has been associated (Dasselaar, 2007) to a

Stage 5 CKD Patients
Before After
Hb (g/dL) 12.10 (10.95-12.80) 13.20 (11.15-14.60)*
White cell counts (x 10
/L) 5.86 1.5 1 5.93 2.19
Neutrophils (x 10
/L) 3.82 1.24 3.97 1.77
Monocytes (x 10
/L) 0.24 0.38 0.17 0.12
Lymphocytes (x 10
/L) 1.64 0.69 1.66 0.64
Elastase (g/L) 36.16 (29.71-47.13) 51.69 (40.08-71.68)*
Elastase/Neutrophil ratio 10.66 (7.32-13.54) 14.66 (13.34-18.95)*
Lactoferrin (g/L) 198.61 (137.81-216.97) 236.56 (171.28-363.63)*
Lactoferrin/Neutrophil ratio 48.33 (33.88-64.31) 60.72 (51.81-94.81)*
CRP (mg/dL) 3.06 (1.39-5.22) 3.53 (1.54-5.56)
Table 2. Hematological data and neutrophil activation markers for stage 5 CKD patients,
before and after haemodialysis procedure. *p<0.05, vs before haemodialysis. Results are
presented as mean standard deviation or as median (interquartile ranges). Hb:
haemoglobin; CRP: C-reactive protein. Adapted from Costa, 2008b.

Chronic Kidney Disease

translocation of erythrocytes from the splanchnic circulation (and possibly from the splenic
circulation) in order to compensate the hypovolemic stress during dialysis ultrafiltration.
We also found, after haemodialysis, an increase in mean cell hemoglobin concentration and
a decrease in mean cell volume that could be related to erythrocyte membrane protein loss
during the hemodialysis procedure (Costa, 2008b). Markers of neutrophil activation were
also found to be increased after haemodialysis. In fact, a decrease in CXCR1 neutrophil
expression was observed after the haemodialysis procedure [before haemodialysis: 252.25
45.14 MFI (mean fluorescence intensity) vs after haemodialysis: 239.71 47.62 MFI; p=0.04],
as well as an increase in elastase and lactoferrin plasma levels (Table 2). The enhanced
neutrophil activation state after haemodialysis could result from different mechanisms;
namely, complement activation, direct interaction with haemodialysis membrane, and from
the passage into the blood of bacterial fragments, such as LPS, from contaminated dialysate
through the dialyzer membrane.
4. Erythrocyte senescence and/or damage
In stage 5 CKD patients, the erythrocytes are metabolically stressed by the unfavourable
plasmatic environment, due to metabolite accumulation; by the high rate of haemoglobin
autoxidation, due to the increase in haemoglobin turnover, a physiologic compensation
mechanism triggered to compensate anaemia (Lucchi, 2000; Stoya, 2002). The erythrocytes
will be further stressed during the haemodialysis procedure. Therefore, the erythrocytes are
continuously challenged to sustain haemoglobin in its reduced functional form and to
maintain the integrity and deformability of the membrane.
When haemoglobin is denatured, it links to the cytoplasmic pole of band 3, triggering its
aggregation and leading to the formation of strictly lipidic portions of the membrane, poorly
linked to the cytoskeleton. These cells are, probably, more prone to undergo vesiculation
(loss of poorly linked membrane portions) whenever they have to circulate through the
haemodialysis membranes or the microvasculature. Vesiculation may, therefore, lead to
modifications in the erythrocyte membrane of stage 5 CKD patients (Reliene, 2002; Rocha,
Erythrocytes that develop intracellular defects earlier during their life span are removed
prematurely from circulation (Santos-Silva, 1998; Rocha-Pereira, 2004). The removal of
senescent or damaged erythrocytes seems to involve the development of a senescent
neoantigen on the membrane surface, marking the cell for death. This neoantigen is
immunologically related to band 3 (Kay, 1994). The deterioration of the erythrocyte
metabolism and/or of its antioxidant defences may lead to the development of oxidative
stress within the cell, allowing oxidation and linkage of denatured haemoglobin to the
cytoplasmatic domain of band 3, promoting its aggregation, the binding of natural anti-band
3 autoantibodies and complement activation, marking the erythrocyte for death. The band 3
profile [high molecular weight aggregates (HMWAg), band 3 monomer and proteolytic
fragments (Pfrag)] is used in order to differentiate younger, damaged and/or senescent
erythrocytes. Older and damaged erythrocytes present with higher HMWAg and lower
Pfrag. Younger erythrocytes show reduced HMWAg and higher Pfrag (Santos-Silva, 1998).
Several diseases, known as inflammatory conditions, present an abnormal band 3 profile,
suggestive of oxidative stress development (Santos-Silva, 1998; Belo, 2002; Rocha-Pereira,
Neutrophil Activation and Erythrocyte Membrane
Protein Composition in Stage 5 Chronic Kidney Disease Patients

Leukocyte activation is part of an inflammatory response, and is an important source of ROS
and proteases, both of which may impose oxidative and proteolytic damages to erythrocyte
and plasma constituents. Actually, oxidative stress has been reported to occur in stage 5
CKD patients and has been proposed as a significant factor in haemodialysis-related
shortened erythrocyte survival.
In literature, there are few reports about the effect of CKD and haemodialysis procedure in
erythrocyte membrane protein composition (Matos, 1997; Wu, 1998; Ibrahim, 2002). Studies
performed in erythrocytes from stage 5 CKD patients, using cuprophane and
polyacrylonitrile dialysis membranes, showed some changes in the membrane proteins,
namely, a reduction in spectrin and band 3, and an isolated reduction in band 3, respectively
(Sevilhano, 1990; Delmas-Beauvieux, 1995). Wu et al (Wu, 1998) and Ibrahim et al (2002)
showed that stage 5 CKD patients presented a median osmotic fragility higher than the
controls, and, after the haemodialysis procedure, that osmotic fragility decreased.
Recently, we reported for the first time, changes in the erythrocyte membrane band 3 profile
in stage 5 CKD patients. These patients presented a decrease in HMWAg and in
HMWAg/band 3 monomer ratio (Fig. 3 and table 3). These changes seem to reflect a
younger erythrocyte population; however, CKD presented also a decrease in Pfrag and in
Pfrag/band 3 monomer ratio, both suggesting a rise in erythrocyte damage. Thus, it seems
that the band 3 profile observed in CKD patients is associated both to an increase in younger
erythrocytes and to an increase in damaged erythrocytes (Costa, 2008c). This study also
showed that the haemodialysis procedure per se does not lead to an increase in the studied
markers of erythrocyte damage. Actually, no differences were found after haemodialysis, in
band 3 profile.

Stage 5 CKD patients
HMWAg (%) 19.90 (15.42-21.12) 15.23 (13.38-19.40)*
Band 3 monomer (%) 55.28 (53.39-57.41) 61.84 (56.87-64.41)*
Pfrag (%) 26.29 4.78 22.70 6.01*
HMWAg/ Band 3 monomer 0.33 0.07 0.27 0.07*
Pfrag/ Band 3 monomer 0.48 0.11 0.38 0.13*
* p<0.05 vs controls. HMWAg; high molecular weight aggregates; Pfrag: proteolytic fragments. Results
are presented as mean standard deviation or as median (interquartile ranges).
Table 3. Band 3 profile for controls and stage 5 CKD patients.
Some changes in erythrocyte membrane protein composition of stage 5 CKD patients using
high-flux polysulfone FX-class dialysers of Fresenius, were also observed (Costa, 2008b;
Costa, 2008d). A decrease in spectrin was the most significant change (table 4). This
reduction in spectrin may account for a poor linkage of the cytoskeleton to the membrane,
favoring membrane vesiculation, and, probably, a reduction in the erythrocyte lifespan of

Chronic Kidney Disease


Fig. 3. A- Illustration of two band 3 profiles, one presented by a control (C), and the other
presented by a stage 5 CKD patient (P). B- Examples of densitometer tracing of
immunoblots for band 3 profile, C- Control; P stage 5 CKD patient. HMWAg; high
molecular weight aggregates; Pfrag: proteolytic fragments.
CKD stage 5 Patients
Spectrin (%) 27.63 (26.41-28.79) 24.27 (19.39-26.13)*
Ankyrin (%) 6.971.62 6.53 1.90
Band 3 (%) 38.57 3.99 39.294.03
Protein 4.1 (%) 7.561.45 7.24 1.49
Protein 4.2 (%) 5.510.72 5.44 1.44
Band 5 (%) 6.820.86 6.87 1.03
Band 6 (%) 5.191.04 6.981.37*
Band 7 (%) 2.200.65 3.32 1.24*
Protein 4.1/Spectrin 0.276 0.624 0.330 0.120

Protein 4.1/Band 3 0.192 (0.1540.227) 0.183 (0.155-0.208)
Protein 4.2/Band 3 0.149 (0.125-0.162) 0.138 (0.110-0.163)
Spectrin/Band 3 0.707 (0.649-0.822) 0.569 (0.512 -0.686)*
Ankyrin/Band 3 0.185 0.585 0.169 0.057
Spectrin/Ankirin 4.18 1.07 3.77 1.84
Table 4. Erythrocyte membrane protein profile for controls and stage 5 CKD patients.*
p<0.05, vs controls. Results are presented as mean standard deviation or as median
(interquartile ranges). HMWAg; high molecular weight aggregates; Pfrag: proteolytic
fragments. Adapted from Costa, 2008d.
Neutrophil Activation and Erythrocyte Membrane
Protein Composition in Stage 5 Chronic Kidney Disease Patients

these patients (Reliene, 2002). Significant increases in protein bands 6 and 7 were also
observed, which may further reflect an altered membrane protein interaction and
destabilization of membrane structure. This membrane destabilization was further
strengthened by the significant changes observed for spectrin/band 3 ratio (Costa, 2008b;
Costa, 2008d). These membrane protein changes may be due to a higher erythrocyte
metabolic stress and/or to changes resulting from the haemodialysis procedure per se.
Studying the effect of the haemodialysis procedure on erythrocyte membrane protein
composition in stage 5 CKD patients, by evaluating membrane protein composition before
and immediately after haemodialysis procedure (table 5), some trends towards the control
profile were observed for some of the membrane proteins band 3, band 6 and band 7;
spectrin showed an even lower value after haemodialysis, and ankyrin, protein 4.1, protein
4.2 and band 5 also presented a trend to decrease. Comparing the ratios before and after
haemodialysis, only the ratio spectrin/band 3 showed a statistically significant value,
reflecting a vertical membrane protein disturbance.

Stage 5 CKD patients
Before haemodialysis After haemodialysis
Spectrin (%) 25.58 (24.10-27.07) 24.47 (22.31-26.95)*
Ankyrin (%) 6.39 1.55 6.23 1.28
Band 3 (%) 38.10 3.78 41.13 2.44*
Protein 4.1 (%) 6.48 1.60 6.39 1.69
Protein 4.2 (%) 4.34 0.99 4.84 1.04
Band 5 (%) 6.56 0.91 6.71 0.59
Band 6 (%) 6.46 0.87 6.17 1.15
Band 7 (%) 2.09 0.43 2.37 0.34
Protein 4.1/Spectrin 0.243 0.070 0.251 0.081
Protein 4.1/Band 3 0.170 (0.138-0.206) 0.163 (0.121-0.202)
Protein 4.2/Band 3 0.114 (0.101-0.133) 0.118 (0.101-0.147)
Spectrin/Band 3 0.685 (0.626-0.796) 0.647 (0.566-0.689)*
Ankyrin/Band 3 0.171 0.049 0.152 0.330
Spectrin/Ankirin 4.48 1.361 4.45 1.49
* p<0.05, vs before haemodialysis. Results are presented as mean standard deviation or as median
(interquartile ranges). HMWAg; high molecular weight aggregates; Pfrag: proteolytic fragments.
Adapted from Costa, 2008b.
Table 5. Erythrocyte membrane protein profile for stage 5 CKD patients, before and
immediately after haemodialysis procedure.
Haemodialysis procedure seems to have an important role in the changes observed for
erythrocyte membrane protein composition; however, their exact origin(s) are not yet fully
understood. An hypothesis is that the increased plasma levels of elastase found in stage 5

Chronic Kidney Disease

CKD patients could induce changes in erythrocyte membrane proteins, leading to a decrease
in erythrocyte lifespan, and, consequently, to an increase in the degree of the anaemia. This
hypothesis was tested (Pereira, 2011), by performing some in vitro assays using erythrocytes
from 18 stage 5 CKD patients (10 responders and 8 non-responders to recombinant human
erythropoietin therapy) and from 8 healthy controls; erythrocyte suspensions in phosphate
buffered saline, pH 7.4, were incubated at 37 C, under gentle rotation, in the presence of
0.03, 0.1 and 0.5 g/mL of neutrophil elastase. These assays used erythrocytes collected
before and immediately after the haemodialysis procedure.

Fig. 4. Changes in ankyrin (A), spectrin (B) and band 3 (C) observed for erythrocytes from
responder stage 5 CKD patients before haemodialysis, when incubated without and with
elastase; changes in spectrin presented by erythrocytes from non-responder stage 5 CKD
patients before haemodialysis, when incubated without and with elastase (D). Adapted
from Pereira, 2011.
No significant differences were found between the protein composition of the erythrocyte
membranes from healthy controls and from stage 5 CKD patients, when their erythrocytes,
collected after the haemodialysis procedure, were incubated without and with different
elastase concentrations. However, the erythrocytes from stage 5 CKD patients, collected
before the haemodialysis procedure, showed some susceptibility to elastase; the
erythrocytes from responders stage 5 CKD patients, incubated with 0.5 g/mL of elastase
showed a significant decrease in ankyrin [7.0 (6.5-7.5%) vs 6.0 (5.9-6.5%), p=0.024], and
Neutrophil Activation and Erythrocyte Membrane
Protein Composition in Stage 5 Chronic Kidney Disease Patients

trends towards a decrease in spectrin [25.6 (25.1-26.9%) vs 24.7 (24.4-25.6%), p=0.073) and an
increase in band 3 [36.6 (34.8-37.6%) vs 39.1 (36.9-39.4%), p=0.077), as compared with
erythrocytes incubated without elastase. Similar changes were found for the erythrocytes
incubated with 0.1 g/mL of elastase. In non-responders stage 5 CKD patients, the
erythrocytes incubated with 0.1 and 0.5 g/mL of elastase, showed a significant decrease in
spectrin [25.5 (24.9-25.9%) and 25.3 (24.8-26.2%), respectively vs 26.4 (26.0-27.3%), p=0.011 for
both], as compared to erythrocytes incubated without elastase (Fig. 4).
These findings suggest that the erythrocytes from stage 5 CKD patients, before the
haemodialysis procedure, are more susceptible to the proteolytic action of elastase upon the
membrane. Considering that after the haemodialysis procedure the composition of the
erythrocyte membrane from stage 5 CKD patients did not change, it seems that the more
susceptible erythrocytes were removed during the haemodialysis procedure. Moreover, the
release of neutrophil activation products, such as elastase, during haemodialysis may
contribute to the removal of the more damaged cells, by enhancing membrane protein
5. Other pathologies associated with neutrophil activation and erythrocyte
Several physiological (physical exercise, pregnancy) and pathological (hereditary
spherocytosis, cardiovascular disease, preeclampsia, psoriasis) conditions presenting with
neutrophilic leukocytosis have been associated to an altered erythrocyte membrane protein
composition and to other changes reflecting erythrocyte damage. Moreover, they have been
associated to increased neutrophil activation products, suggesting that leukocyte activation
may trigger injuries in the neighboring erythrocytes.
In Hereditary Spherocytosis (HS), mutations in genes encoding for some membrane proteins
- band 3, spectrin, protein band 4.2 and ankyrin - may result in their partial or inaccurate
assembly to the membrane. Deficiencies in one or more of those proteins cause a decrease in
membrane stability that, in turn, leads to loss of membrane surface area through membrane
vesiculation. By losing membrane vesicles, the cell will become spherocytic and the
membrane more rigid, triggering the sequestration of cell in the spleen and, therefore, the
reduction of the erythrocyte lifespan and the development of anemia (Mohandas &
Gallagher, 2008).
Two distinct pathways lead to the reduction in membrane surface area: i) deficiencies in
spectrin, ankyrin, or protein 4.2 reduce the density of the membrane cytoskeleton, causing a
weaker linkage to the lipid bilayer, favoring the loss of membrane vesicles containing lipids
and band 3; ii) deficiency in band 3 favors the development of band 3 deficient areas in the
membrane, with loss of the lipid-stabilizing effect of band 3, and therefore, the release of
band 3-free microvesicles, from the membrane (Iolascon, 2003; Perrotta, 2008). In a recent
work by our group (Rocha, 2010), studying 160 HS patients, the analysis of erythrocyte
membrane protein profile showed that 109 patients presented a primary deficiency in band
3, 35 patients a primary ankyrin deficiency, 14 patients an isolated deficiency in spectrin and
2 patients an isolated deficiency in protein 4.2. Furthermore, severe HS patients presented
with higher neutrophil count and higher levels of TNF-, IFN-, elastase, lactoferrin and
ferritin. Our data show HS as a disease linked to enhanced erythropoiesis that is disturbed
in the more severe forms, to which inflammation, at least in part, seems to contribute.

Chronic Kidney Disease

Patients with cardiovascular disease, namely, with recent myocardial infarction (within the
last 48 h), survivors for at least 3 months of myocardial infarction and hypertensive
individuals, presented besides a neutrophilic leukocytosis a different band 3 profile, with
higher values of HMWAg and lower values of band 3 monomer and of Pfrag (Santos-Silva,
1995). Ischemic stroke patients presented the same altered band 3 profile, associated with
increased plasma levels of leukocyte activation products - elastase and lactoferrin - when
compared with controls (Santos-Silva, 1998).
Band 3 profile in normal pregnancy in the first trimester of pregnancy, when compared with
healthy controls, presented significantly reduced HMWAg and increased Pfrag. Comparing
the third with the first trimester, a significant reduction in band 3 and a significant rise in
Pfrag was also described. These results suggest band 3 profile as a marker of erythrocyte
changes in normal pregnancy, which are independent of the physiological anemia of
pregnancy. These changes suggest an increase in damaged erythrocytes, but also an increase
in younger erythrocytes in the maternal circulation. We also found alterations in the
markers of erythrocyte damage in preeclampsia, in both umbilical cord blood and maternal
circulation. In preeclamptic pregnancies in the third trimester of gestation, a significantly
higher level of elastase and a significantly higher elastase to neutrophil ratio was also
described, suggesting an increased neutrophil activation in these patients (Belo, 2002; Belo,
Psoriasis was also associated with plasma neutrophil activation, showing increased plasma
levels of elastase and lactoferrin, associated with alterations in band 3 profile (Rocha-Pereira,
6. Conclusions
Stage 5 CKD is associated with an altered structure of erythrocyte membrane proteins,
which may be due to the disease itself and/or to the interaction of blood cells with
haemodialysis membranes. Haemodialysis procedure seems to contribute to a disturbance
in the erythrocyte membrane protein structure, as showed by the significant reduction in
spectrin, the most striking change observed.

Fig. 5. In stage 5 CKD patients, the increased plasma levels of elastase can induce changes in
erythrocyte membrane proteins, leading to a decrease in the erythrocyte lifespan and,
consequently, to increase the degree of anaemia in these patients.
Moreover, stage 5 CKD patients under haemodialysis also present higher elastase plasma
levels, which might reflect the rise in neutrophils and the enhanced inflammatory process
found in these patients. Haemodialysis procedure seems to be associated with neutrophil
activation, with subsequent elastase release that seems to induce changes in the erythrocyte
membrane protein composition, probably contributing to a decrease in the erythrocyte half-
life, and, therefore to the anemia found in stage 5 CKD patients (Fig. 5).
Neutrophil activation
during haemodialysis
Changes in
protein structure
Neutrophil Activation and Erythrocyte Membrane
Protein Composition in Stage 5 Chronic Kidney Disease Patients

7. Acknowledgments
This work was supported by national funds - Fundao Portuguesa para a Cincia e
Tecnologia (FCT: PIC/IC/83221/2007) and co-financed by FEDER (FCOMP-01-0124-
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Assessing Iron Status in CKD Patients:
New Laboratory Parameters
Elosa Urrechaga
, Lus Borque
and Jess F. Escanero

Laboratory, Hospital Galdakao, Usansolo Galdakao, Vizcaya
Department of Pharmacology and Physiology,
Faculty of Medicine University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza
1. Introduction
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) affects millions of people worldwide, with high incidence
and prevalence and increasing costs. Anemia, a common observation in CKD, can develop
in the early phases of the disease and contributes to a poor quality of life (Eknoyan et al.,
Anemia in patients with CKD is due to many factors. Erythropoiesis and iron homeostasis
are impaired as a result of a complex chain of events, including the relative deficiency of
erythropoietin, chronic inflammation, blood loss, decreased iron absorption and utilization,
exogenous iron and erythropoietin acquisition via biologically unregulated mechanisms
(blood transfusions and medicinal erythropoietin and iron administration) (Weiss, 2009;
Guidi & Santonastaso, 2010; Lankhorst & Wish, 2010).
The advent of erythropoiesis stimulating agents (ESA) and various intravenous iron
preparations has resulted in a much more effective management of anemia of CKD,
allowing us to maintain hemoglobin levels in certain desired ranges and to effectively treat
iron deficiency. Among the emerging challenges are the risks associated with administering
high ESA and iron doses, leading to elevated hemoglobin levels and iron overload (Zager et
al., 2002).
Recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEpo) has been available for treatment of renal
disease anemia since 1989. However, rHuEpo therapy results in iron deficiency due to
insufficient iron stores for the accelerated erythropoiesis. Iron deficiency is the main cause of
suboptimal response to erythropoietin in dialysis patients (Cavill & Macdougall, 1993).
Maintenance iron supplementation is required to successfully treat anemia; intravenous iron
compounds are used to treat dialysis patients who become iron deficient.
Monitoring erythropoietin treated patients iron status is important to detect iron deficiency
and avoid the adverse effects of iron medication. The assessment of iron requirements and
monitoring of therapy require accurate markers. New alternative markers for iron status
that may be useful when serum ferritin and transferrin saturation are insufficient. These
newer tests include reticulocyte hemoglobin content, percentage of hypochromic red cells

Chronic Kidney Disease

and soluble transferrin receptor, all of which have shown some promise in recent studies
(Goodnough et al., 2010).
The percentages of hypochromic red cells (%Hypo) and reticulocyte hemoglobin content
(CHr) are reported by the Siemens analyzers (Siemens Medical Solutions Diagnostics,
Tarrytown NY, USA).
Two other parameters correlate to %Hypo and CHr, erythrocyte hemoglobin equivalent
(RBC-He) and reticulocyte hemoglobin equivalent (Ret-He), reported by the Sysmex XE-
2100 analyzer (Sysmex Corporation, Kobe, Japan); percentages of hypochromic red cells (%
Hypo He) are now available on the Sysmex analyzer XE 5000 (Sysmex Corporation, Kobe,
Beckman Coulter (Beckman Coulter Inc., Miami, Fl, USA) has introduced on the LH series
analysers a new parameter, low hemoglobin density (LHD%), related to the iron availability
for erythropoiesis in the previous weeks; derived from mean cell hemoglobin concentration
(MCHC). In this chapter the potential clinical utility of this parameter in the assessment of
iron status in CKD patients is discussed.
1.1 Iron homeostasis
The normal Western diet contains 1520 mg iron in Hem (10%) and non-Hem (ionic, 90%)
forms. Only 12 mg of iron is absorbed and lost every day. Importantly, the total amount of
iron in the body can be regulated only by absorption, whereas iron loss occurs only passively
from sloughing of skin and mucosal cells as well as from blood loss. Iron absorption is
balanced against iron loss so daily iron absorption may increase in response to increased iron
demand (eg, growth, pregnancy or blood loss) (Conrad et al., 2002; (Miret et al., 2003).
Nearly all absorption of dietary iron occurs in the duodenum.

Several steps are involved,
including the reduction of iron

to a ferrous state, apical uptake, intracellular storage or

transcellular trafficking, and basolateral release. Molecular

participants in each of these
processes have been identified.
The non-Hem iron mainly exists in the Fe
state. The ferric iron is reduced to ferrous iron
before it is transported across the intestinal epithelium. The reduction of iron from the ferric
to the

ferrous state occurs at the enterocyte brush border by means

of a duodenal ferric
reductase (Dcytb). Once the insoluble Fe
is converted to Fe
. Ferrous iron is then

transported across the apical plasma membrane of the enterocyte

by divalent metal
transporter 1 (DMT1) DMT1 is expressed at the duodenal brush border where it controls
uptake of dietary iron, and also traffics other metal ions such as zinc, copper and cobalt by a
proton-coupled mechanism (Conrad et al., 2002).
Iron taken up by the

enterocyte may be stored intracellularly as ferritin (and excreted

in the
feces when the senescent enterocyte is sloughed) or transferred

across the basolateral
membrane to the plasma. This iron is

transferred out of the enterocyte by the basolateral

ferroportin; this process is facilitated by the ferroxidase

activity of the
ceruloplasmin homologue hephaestin (Fleming et al., 2005).
There are no substantial physiologic mechanisms that regulate

iron loss. Accordingly, iron
homeostasis is dependent on regulatory

feedback between body iron needs and intestinal
iron absorption.

Assessing Iron Status in CKD Patients: New Laboratory Parameters

Iron stores, erythropoietic activity, hemoglobin,

oxygen content, and inflammation
modulates the dietary iron absorption (Nemeth et al., 2004).
Essentially all circulating plasma iron normally is bound to transferrin. The liver synthesizes
transferrin and secretes it into the plasma. The chelation of ferric iron serves three purposes:
it renders iron soluble under physiologic conditions, it prevents iron-mediated free radical
toxicity, and it facilitates transport into cells. Transferrin is the most important physiological
source of iron for red cells (Ponka, 1998).
Although transferrin was characterized fifty years ago, its receptor eluded investigators
until the early 1980s.
The molecule is a transmembrane homodimer linked by disulfide bonds. This disulfide-
linked homodimer has subunits containing 760 amino acids each. Oligosaccharides account
for about 5% of the 90 kDa subunit molecular mass. A broad body of literature now
supports the concept that the iron-transferrin complex is internalized by receptor-mediated
endocytosis. (Beaumont et al., 2009).
Most of the body iron is associated to hemoglobin in circulating erythrocytes. Erythropoiesis
is a very active process that takes place in the bone marrow and leads to the daily
production of 200 billion new erythrocytes to compensate for the destruction of senescent
red cells by tissue macrophages. The control of erythropoiesis depends mostly on
erythropoietin production by the kidney and on the availability of iron.
Macrophages play a central role in the organism as they recycle iron after phagocytosis of
senescent erythrocytes. This mechanism mainly occurs in the spleen and bone marrow and
to a lesser extent in the Kpffer cells of the liver.
During aging, erythrocytes accumulate multiple modifications (cell shrinkage,
externalization of phosphatidyl-serine, peroxydation of the membrane). The fixation and
ingestion of red cells by macrophages are triggered by cellular receptor-mediated
phagocytosis (through recognition of externalized phosphatidyl-serine or neoantigens of
senescence) (Lang et al., 2005).
Iron can be stored in the macrophages associated to ferritin or hemosiderin or exported to
the plasma. Iron export from macrophages to transferrin is accomplished by ferroportin, the
same iron-export protein as expressed in the duodenal enterocyte, and reoxydized by
ceruloplasmin (Knutson et al., 2005).
Metabolically inactive iron, is stored in ferritin and hemosiderin. Normally, 95% of the
stored iron in liver tissue is found in hepatocytes as ferritin. The level of serum ferritin
parallels the concentration of storage iron within the body, regardless of the cell type in
which it is stored.
The control of iron homeostasis acts at both the cellular and

the systemic level and involves
a complex system of different

cell types, transporters, and signals. To maintain systemic

homeostasis, communication between cells that absorb iron

from the diet (duodenal
enterocytes), consume iron (mainly erythroid

precursors), and store iron (hepatocytes and
tissue macrophages)

must be tightly regulated (Swinkels et al., 2006).
In the last 10 years, understanding of the regulation of iron homeostasis has changed
substantially. A small peptide hormone, hepcidin, emerged as the central regulator of iron

Chronic Kidney Disease

absorption, plasma iron levels, and iron distribution. Hepcidin is secreted by mainly by
hepatocytes, and to a lesser extent by macrophages and adipocytes. The hormone inhibits
iron flows into plasma from macrophages involved in recycling of senescent erythrocytes,
duodenal enterocytes engaged in the absorption of dietary iron, and hepatocytes that store
iron.( Ganz & Nemeth, 2009).
The human hepcidin gene is located on chromosome 19q13.1, encodes a precursor protein of
84 amino acids. During its export from the cytoplasm, this full-length pre-prohepcidin
undergoes enzymatic cleavage, resulting in a 64 amino acids prohepcidin. Next, the 39
amino acids pro-region peptide is probably post-translationally removed, renders bioactive
hepcidin-25. In human urine also are identified hepcidin-22 and hepcidin-20, which are N-
terminally truncated iso-forms of hepcidin-25 (Kemna et al., 2008).
Hepcidin expression is controlled by various stimuli: iron, inflammation, erythropoiesis,
and hypoxia. iron and inflammation induce hepcidin production, while iron deficiency,
hypoxia, and stimulation of erythropoiesis completely inhibit its production. Hepcidin is
secreted into the circulation, where it down-regulates the ferroportin-mediated release of
iron from enterocytes, macrophages and hepatocytes and is the key for the regulation of
systemic iron homeostasis (Fleming et al., 2005), reduces the quantity of circulating iron by
limiting the egress of the metal from both intestinal and macrophage cells; the cellular
process by which hepcidin acts, through its binding to ferroportin, thereby inducing
internalization and subsequent degradation of the exporter (Bergamaschi & Villani., 2009).
In the intestine, delivery of dietary iron to plasma transferrin is inhibited by increasing
concentrations of hepcidin, and iron is subsequently removed from the body, through the
elimination of enterocytes (desquamation process). In macrophages, degradation of
ferroportin by hepcidin results in the trapping of iron inside the cells, thereby limiting the
acquisition of iron by erythroid cells (Nemeth et al., 2004).
Figure 1 shows and summarizes the information contained on the previous section.
1.2 Anemia in CKD
Anemia of chronic disease (ACD), the most frequent anemia among hospitalized patients,
occurs in chronic inflammatory disorders, such as chronic infections, cancer and
autoimmune diseases; is a hypoproliferative anemia, defined by low plasma iron
concentrations in the presence of high reticuloendotelial iron stores. Cytokines are
implicated in the ACD increasing iron sequestration in the reticuloendothelial system (Weiss
& Goodnough, 2005), results in hyposideremia. This results in limited availability of iron for
erythroid progenitor cells and iron restricted erythropoiesis.
A particular case of ACD is represented by anemia of chronic kidney disease (CKD).
CKD is becoming a major public health problem worldwide; the incidence and prevalence
of this disease is increasing and the costs of treatment lead to a large burden for the health
care systems, particularly in developing countries (Guidi & Santonastaso, 2010).
The severity of kidney disease is classified into five stages according to the glomerular
filtration rate (GFR). It is estimated that approximately half of the patients in stage 3 CKD
(GFR: 3059 mL/min/1.73 m
) are anemic (Eknoyan et al., 2004).

Assessing Iron Status in CKD Patients: New Laboratory Parameters


Fig. 1. Iron is absorbed from the diet by duodenal enterocytes and then bound to plasma
transferrin (Tf). Fe-Tf is distributed to the bone marrow for erythropoiesis. At the end of
their lifespan, senescent erythrocytes are phagocytosed by tissue macrophages and heme
iron is recycled back to plasma transferrin.
Hepcidin regulates the systemic iron homeostasis; synthesized by the liver is secreted into
the circulation, where it down-regulates the ferroportin-mediated release of iron from
enterocytes, macrophages, and hepatocytes.
Swinkels, D. W. et al. Clin Chem 2006;52:950-968.
Anemia, a common observation in CKD, can develop in the early phases of the disease is
associated to poor outcomes and contributes to a reduced quality of life, with symptoms
including dyspnea, headache, light-headedness, and fatigue. Anemia in patients with CKD
is due to many factors. The most well-known cause is inadequate production of
erythropoietin. As renal failure progresses, the contribution of erythropoietin deficiency to
anemia increases (Lankhorst & Wish, 2010).
Other causes which lead to impaired erythropoiesis contribute to anemia include diversion
of iron traffic, diminished erythropoiesis, blunted response to erythropoietin,
erythrophagocytosis, reduced proliferative activity of erythroid precursors in bone marrow,
reduced survival of red cells, the decreased iron availability lead to impaired erythropoiesis
(Weiss, 2009).
Absolute iron deficiency is defined as a decreased total iron body content. Iron deficiency
anemia (IDA) occurs when iron deficiency is sufficiently severe to diminish erythropoiesis
and cause the development of anemia. Functional iron deficiency describes a state where the
total iron content of the body is normal or even elevated, but the iron is locked away and

Chronic Kidney Disease

unavailable for the production of red blood cells. This condition is observed mainly in
patients with chronic renal failure who are on hemodialysis.
Functional iron deficiency is defined as an imbalance between the iron needs for
erythropoiesis and the iron supply, with the latter not maintained at sufficient rate for
adequate hemoglobinization of reticulocytes and mature erythrocytes (Cavil & Macdougal,
In iron deficiency anemia (IDA) iron supply depends on the quantity of iron storage in the
body, while in functional iron deficiency (iron restricted erythropoiesis) supply depends on
the rate of mobilization of iron from the stores. The diagnosis of iron deficiency or functional
iron deficiency is particularly challenging in patients with acute or chronic inflammatory
conditions because most of the biochemical markers for iron metabolism are affected by
acute phase reaction. This is the case of the anemia of chronic disease (ACD) and the anemia
associated to chronic renal failure (CKD).
Recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEpo) has been available for treatment of renal
disease anemia since 1989 (Esbach et al., 1989). However, rHuEpo therapy results in
functional iron deficiency due to insufficient iron stores for the accelerated erythropoiesis.
Iron deficiency is the main cause of suboptimal response to erythropoietin in dialysis
patients. Maintenance iron supplementation is required to successfully treat anemia. Long
term orally administered iron therapy is limited by noncompliance, gastrointestinal side
effects, insufficient absorption and drug interaction; intravenous iron compounds are used
to treat dialysis patients who become iron deficient (Macdougal, 1995).
Monitoring erythropoietin treated patients iron status is important to detect iron deficiency
and avoid the adverse effects of iron medication (Sunder-Plassmann & Hrl, 1997;
Kletzmayr et al., 2002; Zager et al., 2002).
Biochemical indicators of iron metabolism (iron levels, transferrin, transferrin saturation,
ferritin) although widely used, may be influenced by the acute phase response, which
complicates clinical interpretation of the test results. Serum ferritin, an indicator of iron
storage but not of iron supply, is an acute phase reactant and its levels are affected by
inflammation. Because cytokines are commonly increased in CKD, serum ferritin levels
might not reflect true iron stores (Mast, 2001; Coyne, 2006).
Transferrin is a negative acute phase reactant, rendering the calculation of transferrin
saturation unreliable in this case. Transferrin fluctuates due to the diurnal variation of
serum iron and is affected by nutritional status, leading to a lack of sensitivity and
specificity in assessing irons availability (Fishbane et al., 1996). For these reasons, an iron
deficient erythropoietic response to rHuEpo may occur despite normal serum ferritin and
transferrin values.
1.2.1 Guidelines for diagnosis of anemia
After considerable review of the literature, Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative
(K/DOQI) anemia work groups in 1997, 2001, and 2006 decided that the serum ferritin and the
transferrin saturation (TSAT) should be the primary tools for assessing iron management in
patients with anemia and chronic kidney disease, including end- stage renal disease. For
patients with chronic kidney disease, absolute iron deficiency may be diagnosed when TSAT is

Assessing Iron Status in CKD Patients: New Laboratory Parameters

< 20% and serum ferritin is < 100 ng/mL. Functional iron deficiency may be more difficult to
diagnose since iron status parameters may indicate adequate iron stores. There are different
criteria in defining functional iron deficiency, one of them is published by the Kidney Disease
Outcomes Quality Initiative- K/DOQI (Eknoyan et al. 2001).
The serum ferritin reflects storage iron, and absolute iron deficiency, according to the
K/DOQI guidelines, correlates with serum ferritin <100 ng/mL. Absolute iron deficiency,
the iron deficiency that is characterized by low or absent bone marrow staining for iron, is to
be distinguished from functional or relative iron deficiency, which is defined as a response
to intravenous iron with an increase in hemoglobin (Hb) or a decrease in erythropoiesis-
stimulating agent requirement.
In 2004, European Best Practice Guidelines suggested an Hb target of 110 g/L (Locatelli et
al., 2004); values of >140 g/L were considered undesirable in general, and the limit for
patients with cardiovascular disease was set at 120 g/dL. Caution of not exceeding the value
of Hb concentrations 120 g/L was recommended to be given also for patients with diabetes,
especially if they had concurrent peripheral vascular disease.
Assessment of anemia should include the laboratory measurement of the following
- Hb concentration, to assess the degree of anemia
- Red blood cell indices (mean cell volume MCV, mean cell hemoglobin MCH), to assess
the type of anemia
- absolute reticulocyte count , to assess erythropoietic activity
- plasma ferritin concentration, to assess iron stores
- To assess iron available for erythropoiesis
- percentage of hypochromic red cells
- plasma transferrin Saturation
- reticulocyte hemoglobin content
- Plasma C reactive protein, to assess inflammation
1.2.2 New parameters for the diagnosis of anemia
The question regarding anemia therapy in those patients is which are the best parameters to
assess the iron available for erythropoiesis. New laboratory parameters are reported by
different manufacturers as potential tools for anemia and iron restricted erythropoiesis
diagnosis. These tests include reticulocyte hemoglobin content, percentage of hypochromic
red cells and soluble transferrin receptor (Wish, 2006; Goodnough et al., 2010).
Serum transferrin receptor (sTfR) is a useful test for this purpose because it is not affected by
inflammation so is a reliable marker of iron deficiency in mixed situations (Punnonen et al.,
1997; Beguin, 2003; Skikne, 2008).
The sTfR test is based on the fact that erythroblasts in the bone marrow will increase the
presentation of membrane transferrin receptor in the setting of iron deficiency. If a patient is
not receiving sufficient iron and erythropoiesis is being stimulated by an ESA, then increased
transferrin receptors will become expressed on the erythroblasts, some of which come off and
will be detectable in the circulation. The sTfR correlates with this membrane expression of the

Chronic Kidney Disease

transferrin receptor and also tends to be elevated in the presence of increased erythroid
activity. It does seem to be a reasonable index of erythropoietic activity (Chiang et al., 2002;
Tarng & Huang, 2002) and reflects the effect of stimulating bone marrow red cells production,
before an increase in reticulocytes is noted and well before the Hb rises; therefore an increase
in the sTfR may be the first detectable measure. It is not affected by inflammation (Beerenhout
et al., 2002) and this reason would make sTfR a more reliable test than serum ferritin.
Direct consequence of an imbalance between the erythroid marrow iron requirements and
the actual supply is a reduction of red cell hemoglobin content, which causes hypochromic
mature red cells and reticulocytes. Interest has been generated in the use of erythrocyte and
reticulocyte parameters, available on the modern analysers based on flow cytometry
The modern hematological parameters contribute to the advanced study of the anemia and
depend on the technology employed; the debate about other parameters with the same
clinical meaning and potential utility as reticulocyte hemoglobin content and percentage of
hypochromic red cells is open.
1.3 Technology at a glance
The Hemogram is one of the more required tests by the clinicians; the analysis nowadays is
totally automated and the correct interpretation of the results requires to unite the knowledge
about the characteristics of the equipment and the clinical meaning of the results. The
suppliers contribute innovations, providing new parameters that can help the clinicians to
make a diagnosis in a fast, cheap and useful manner (Buttarello & Plebani, 2008).
The professionals of the Clinical Laboratory must obtain the maximum yield of the new
technologies obtaining as much information as possible.
Automated blood cell counters have changed substantially during the last 20 years.
Technological progress has meant that in recent years modern analyzers, fully automated,
have been available. These analyzers report new parameters that provide further
information from the traditional count; this information must be evaluated to prove the
potential clinical utility in different clinical situations.
When a state of iron deficiency proceeds red blood cells are continuously produced in the
bone marrow and as the iron stores progressively decrease, mean cell volume (MCV), mean
cell hemoglobin (MCH) and red blood cell count (RBC) count tend to decline. In iron
deficient erythropoiesis, synthesis of hemoglobin (Hb) molecules is severely impaired
leading to the production of erythrocytes with low Hb concentration (hypochromic cells).
Because of their long life span of approximately 3 months, several cohorts of normochromic
and increasingly hypochromic red cells coexist in the peripheral blood leading to
anisocytosis; red cell distribution width (RDW) reflects the variation of size of the red cells.
Flow cytometry provides information about individual cell characteristics. This is in contrast
to previous measurements of MCV, MCH, and MCHC which only calculate mean indices
for the total red cell population.
MCV is the mean of the volumes of all erythrocytes; RDW refers to the variety of volumes
present in the red cell population, so the whole picture is clear and the contribution of
marginal sized subpopulations to the calculated mean value can be assessed.

Assessing Iron Status in CKD Patients: New Laboratory Parameters

This is not the case for MHC. MCH is calculated from red blood cell count and hemoglobin
and represents the average; the percentage subsets of erythrocytes can give complementary
information of the contribution of cell with extreme values (hypochromic and hyperchromic
cells) to the mean values, reflecting the fluctuations of iron availability to the erythron in the
previous weeks.
Modern counters provide information about the reticulocyte counts but also about the
characteristics of these cells (size or hemoglobin content) related to the quality of the
Nevertheless, each Company applies the technology in a different way in the analyzers, with
different algorithms to translate the electronic signals to graphs and numerical values. For this
reason these new parameters are exclusive of each manufacturer and they are patented.
1.3.1 Siemens
On last decades, several new red blood cell and reticulocyte parameters have been reported
having utilities in detection of iron deficiency and functional iron deficiency. Two of these
parameters are hypochromic red cells (referred to as %Hypo) and CHr (reticulocyte
hemoglobin content) reported by the Siemens ADVIA 120 hematology analyzer (Thomas &
Thomas, 2002).
Reticulocyte hemoglobin content (CHr) and the percentage of hypochromic red blood cells
(%Hypo) reflect iron availability and are reliable markers of functional iron deficiency
(Cullen et al., 1999).
CHr is defined by the formula (CHr = MCVr X CHCMr), wherein MCVr is the mean
reticulocyte cell volume and CHCMr is the mean hemoglobin concentration of reticulocytes,
which is obtained by an optical cell-by-cell hemoglobin measurement.
Reticulocytes are immature red blood cells with a life span of only 1 to 2 days. When these are
first released from the bone marrow, measurement of their hemoglobin content can provide
the amount of iron immediately available for erythropoiesis. A less than normal hemoglobin
content in these reticulocytes is an indication of inadequate iron supply relative to demand.
The amount of hemoglobin in these reticulocytes also corresponds to the amount of
hemoglobin in mature red blood cells. CHr has been evaluated recently in numerous studies
as a test for iron deficiency and functional iron deficiency and has been found to be highly
sensitive and specific. However, exact threshold values have not been established, as the
threshold values vary (28-30 pg), depending on the laboratory and instrument used.
The measurement of CHr is a direct assessment of the incorporation of iron into erythrocyte
hemoglobin and thus an estimate of the recent functional availability of iron into the
erythron; due to the life span of the reticulocytes CHr is a sensitive indicator of iron
deficient erythropoiesis (Fishbane et al., 1997; Mast et al., 2002; Brugnara 2003).
Epoetin is effective in stimulating production, of red blood cells, but without an adequate
iron supply to bind to heme, the red blood cells will be hypochromic, i.e., low in hemoglobin
content. Thus, in states of iron deficiency, a significant percentage of red blood cells leaving
the bone marrow will have a low hemoglobin content. By measuring the percentage of red
blood cells with hemoglobin concentration <280 g/L, iron deficiency can be detected.

Chronic Kidney Disease

Hypochromic red cells percentages have been correlated with iron deficiency. %Hypo is
reported by Siemens Advia 120 hematology analyzer based on the optical cell-by-cell
hemoglobin measurement (Figures 2 and 3).

Fig. 2. RBC Scatter Cytogram.
1. Low-angle light scatter (2 to 3)
2. High-angle light scatter (5 to 15)
3. Mie map containing RBCs
4. Platelets detected in RBC method
The RBC Scatter cytogram is the graphical representation of two light-scatter measurements:
the high-angle light scatter (5 to 15) is plotted along the x axis, and the low-angle light
scatter (2 to 3) is plotted along the y axis. (Figure 2).
The RBC map shows the relationship between the light-scatter measurements and the cell-
by-cell characteristics of volume and hemoglobin concentration. The map grid encompasses
RBC volumes between 30 fL and 180 fL and hemoglobin concentrations between 190 g/L
and 490 g/L. (Figure 3).
The measurement of %Hypo (defined as the percentage of red blood cells with Hb
concentration less than 280 g/L) is a sensitive method for quantifying the hemoglobinization
of mature red cells. Because of the long circulating life span of mature erythrocytes %Hypo
values are related to iron status in the last 2-3 months, and have been recognised as an
indicator of iron deficiency (Macdougal 1998; Bovy et al., 2005; Bovy et al., 2007). %Hypo <
5% is considered normal. Two different criteria, more specifically, %Hypo >5% and >10%
have been used. %Hypo >10% has been more commonly used for defining absolute iron
deficiency and functional iron deficiency (Locatelli et al., 2004).

Assessing Iron Status in CKD Patients: New Laboratory Parameters


Fig. 3. Volume/Hemoglobin Concentration (V/HC) cytogram (Mie Map) is a linear version
of the RBC scatter cytogram. Hemoglobin concentration is plotted along the x axis and cell
volume is plotted along the y axis. Only red blood cells appear on this cytogram.
Markers organize the cytogram into 9 distinct areas of red blood cell morphology.
On the x axis, hemoglobin concentration markers are set at 280 g/L (3) and 410 g/L (4).
Red blood cells with a hemoglobin concentration less than 280 g/L are hypochromic, while
cells with a hemoglobin concentration greater than 410 g/L are hyperchromic.
On the y axis, RBC volume markers are set at 60 fL (1) and 120 fL (2).
Red blood cells with a volume less than 60 fL are microcytic, while cells with a volume
greater than 120 fL are macrocytic.
CHr and %Hypo have been used as a diagnostic tool, together with biochemical markers, to
distinguish IDA from ACD, and are incorporated to the guidelines for the monitoring of
recombinant human erythropoietin rHuEpo therapy (Macdougall et al., 2000; Kotisaari 2002;
Locateli et al., 2004).
1.3.2 Sysmex
Sysmex XE analyzers (Sysmex Corporation, Kobe, Japan) employ flow cytometry
technology. In the reticulocyte channel blood cells are stained by a polymethine dye, specific
for RNA/DNA, and analysed by flow cytometry using a semiconductor laser. A bi-
dimensional distribution of forward scattered light and fluorescence is presented as a
scattergram, indicating mature red cells and reticulocytes (Figure 4).
Forward scatter correlates with erythrocyte and reticulocyte hemoglobin content (Ret He,
RBC He).

Chronic Kidney Disease

Ret He is the mean value of the forward light scatter histogram within the reticulocyte
population obtained in a reticulocyte channel on the Sysmex XE-2100 hematology analyzer.
Measurements of Ret He provides useful information in diagnosing anemia, iron restricted
erythropoiesis and functional iron deficiency and response to iron therapy during r-HuEpo
(Buttarello et al, 2004; Canals et al, 2005; Brugnara et al, 2006; Thomas et al, 2006; Garzia et al.,
Ret He, generated by all Sysmex XE analysers (Sysmex Corporation, Kobe, Japan), has been
recognised as a direct assessment of the incorporation of iron into erythrocyte hemoglobin
and a direct estimate of the recent functional availability of iron into the erythron, thus
provides the same information as CHr (Thomas et al., 2005; David et al., 2006). Twenty nine
pg is the cut off value that defines deficient erythropoiesis Several studies have
demonstrated that Ret He and CHr have the same clinical meaning (Mast et al, 2008; Maconi
et al., 2009; Miwa et al., 2010).

Fig. 4. In the reticulocyte channel blood cells are stained by a polymethine dye, specific for
RNA/DNA, and analysed by flow cytometry using a semiconductor laser. A bi-dimensional
distribution of forward scattered light and fluorescence is presented as a scattergram,
indicating mature red cells and reticulocytes. Forward scatter correlates with erythrocyte
and reticulocyte hemoglobin content (RBC He, Ret He).
The Sysmex XE 5000 analyzer incorporates flow fluorescence cytometry technology, which
enables independent measurement of the volume and hemoglobin content of individual red

Assessing Iron Status in CKD Patients: New Laboratory Parameters

cells. Derived from this technology four new RBC extended parameters or erythrocyte
subsets are now available in this analyzer.
%Hypo-He indicates the percentage of hypochromic red cells with a Hb content < 17 pg.
%Hyper-He indicates the percentage of hyperchromic red cells with a Hb content > 49 pg.
%Micro R indicates the percentage of microcytic red cells with a volume less than 60 fL.
%Macro R indicates the percentage of macrocytic red cells with a volume greater than 120 fL.
The new Symex XE 5000 analyzer reports the percentages of hypochromic red cells; the
reference range and the values in different types of anemia have been published (Urrechaga
et al., 2009).
%Hypo-He indicates the percentage of hypochromic red cells with an Hb content equivalent
to less than 17pg. Recent studies confirm the clinical reliability of the hypochromic red cells,
reported by the Sysmex XE 5000 counter, as markers of iron deficiency in hemodialysis
patients; 2.7 % is the cut off value which defines iron deficiency (Buttarello et al., 2010).
Figure 5 shows s a scattergram of the reticulocyte channel.

Fig. 5. A bi-dimensional distribution of forward scattered light and fluorescence is presented
as a scattergram, indicating mature red cells and reticulocytes. Forward scatter correlates
with the hemoglobin content. A new algorithm divides the RBC He signal in three areas.
The percentages of red cells subsets can be calculated and the new parameters %Hypo-He
and %Hyper-He obtained.

Chronic Kidney Disease

%Hypo-He indicates the percentage of hypochromic red cells with a Hb content < 17 pg.
%Hyper-He indicates the percentage of hyperchromic red cells with a Hb content > 49 pg.
1.3.3 Beckman-Coulter
The percentage of hypochromic red cells are only available on Siemens analyzers (Siemens
Medical Solutions Diagnostics, Tarrytown N.Y., USA) and on the new Sysmex analyzer XE
5000 (Sysmex Corporation, Kobe, Japan); this fact limits its generalized use. Beckman
Coulter (Beckman Coulter Inc. Miami, Fl, USA) applies the Volume Conductivity Scatter
technology to this field and new parameters are now available on the LH series analyzers.
Low hemoglobin density (LHD %) derives from the traditional mean cell hemoglobin
concentration (MCHC), using the mathematical sigmoid transformation
( ) ( )
LHD% 100 1 1 1 e 1.8 30 MCHC ( = +

MCHC is an all inclusive measure of both the availability of iron over the preceding 90120
days, and of the proper introduction of iron into intracellular hemoglobin. In the same way
LHD% is related to iron availability and the hemoglobin concentration of the mature red
cells. In this equation defining LHD %, in addition to the standard sigmoid function, a
square root is applied to further enhance numerical resolution in the region corresponding
to the lower end, to improve the differentiation between the normal and the abnormal
among the blood samples having relatively low values of LHD %.
The reference range for LHD % and the values in normal population and different types of
anemia have been established (Urrechaga, 2010). Then a study was conducted to investigate
its clinical usefulness in the assessment of iron status in terms of correlation with %Hypo
(Urrechaga et al., 2010) and sTfR (Urrechaga et al., 2011).
Cells are identified and classified by simultaneous three-dimensional analysis using
Volume, Conductivity, and Light Scatter (Figure 6). Volume, as measured by direct current,
is used to identify the size of the cell. Conductivity, or radio frequency measurements,
provides information about the internal characteristics of the cell. Light scatter
measurements, obtained as cells pass through the helium-neon laser beam, provide
information about cell surface characteristics and cell granularity.
2. Materials and methods
2.1 Criteria for selecting the groups of patients
Samples from 120 healthy individuals, 72 iron deficiency anemia (IDA), 60 IDA with acute
phase response (IDA APR), 71 chronic kidney disease (CKD) and 58 anemia of chronic
disease (ACD) were randomly extracted from the routine workload and run sequentially on
both LH 750 (Beckman Coulter Inc. Miami, Fl, USA) and Advia 2120 (Siemens Medical
Solutions Diagnostics, Tarrytown N.Y., USA) analyzers within 6 hours of collection.
Healthy group: 54 male and 66 female adult subjects, with no clinical symptoms of disease
and with results of the complete blood count and biochemical iron metabolism markers
within reference ranges.

Assessing Iron Status in CKD Patients: New Laboratory Parameters


Fig. 6. the Beckman -Coulter cube in which the cells are classified according to the volume,
conductivity and laser scatter signals. ERIT , erythrocytes; PLQ, platelets; RET, reticulocytes;
LEU, leucocytes.
A group of 132 IDA patients fulfilled traditional diagnostic criteria for iron deficiency
anemia diagnosis, serum iron < 7.5 mol/L, transferrin saturation < 20 %, ferritin < 50 g/L,
and Hb < 110 g/L (Cook, 2005), were included before iron treatment. This group was
divided into a non acute phase response group (n=72, CRP < 5 mg/L) and acute phase
response group (n=60, CRP > 5 mg/L). Acute phase response included inflammation or
infectious conditions, in addition to ferropenic status.
CKD patients were managed according to the recommendations of the NKF-K/DOQI
guidelines (Locatelli et al., 2004). All patients were treated with a variety of erythropoietin
doses, the majority of them were treated with a maintenance dose of intravenous iron
weekly, in order to maintain Hb at the recommended level 110 - 120 g/L.
ACD group included patients with a variety of diseases: chronic infections (tuberculosis);
neoplasic disorders (Hodgkins disease, breast carcinoma); non infectious inflammatory
diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus). ACD patients received
treatment to maintain normal erythropoiesis and presented the traditional diagnostic
criteria for Functional iron-deficiency diagnosis Transferrin saturation < 20%, Hb < 110
g/L and serum ferritin values normal or over the reference range (Weiss & Goodnough,
In a second phase of the study ACD group was extended to 85 patients. This group was
further subdivided based on sTfR levels. ACD patients with sTfR higher than 21 nmol/L
were considered to have storage iron depletion (iron deficiency associated, n=24) and
patients with normal sTfR were considered to have functional iron deficiency (n=61).

Chronic Kidney Disease

sTfR was measured with Access sTfR assay in the Access immunochemical analyzer
(Beckman Coulter Inc., Miami Fl, USA).
2.2 Statistical evaluation of analytical results
Statistical software package SPSS (SPSS; Chicago, IL, USA) version 17.0 for Windows was
applied for statistical analysis of the results.
Reference ranges were calculated from the results obtained in the group of healthy subjects
(95 central percentiles of the distribution). Kolmogorov Smirnoff test was applied to verify
the Gaussian distribution of LHD% values.
When the parameters under study presented a non Gaussian distribution non parametric
tests were applied. Correlation coefficients were calculated by Spearman method;
independent samples Mann-Whitney U test was performed; p values less than 0.05 were
considered to be statistically significant.
Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis was utilized to illustrate the
diagnostic performance of LHD% and other Laboratory tests in the detection of iron
deficiency status; two analysis were performed; first iron deficiency was defined by %Hypo
> 5 %, and second , including 85 ACD patients, the gold standard was sTfR > 21 nmol/L.
Cut off values were established based on the optimal combination of sensitivity and
Cohens Kappa Index of Inter-rater Reliability ( index) was calculated to determine the
concordance between LHD% and sTrR.
has a range from 0-1.0, the larger values indicate better reliability; > 0.7 is considered




ACD 3.5
CKD 3.5
Table 1. shows the hematological and biochemical data, mean and (standard deviation), of
the different groups. 120 healthy individuals, 72 iron deficiency anemia (IDA), 60 IDA with
acute phase response (IDA APR), 71 chronic kidney disease (CKD) and 58 anemia of chronic
disease (ACD).

Assessing Iron Status in CKD Patients: New Laboratory Parameters

RBC, red blood cells; Hb, hemoglobin; MCV, mean cell volume; MCH, mean cell
hemoglobin; MCHC, mean cell hemoglobin concentration; Transf, transferrin; Sat, %
transferrin saturation.
3. Results
Table 1 shows the hematological and biochemical data, mean and (standard deviation). The
parameters presented are of general use for every Laboratory in the evaluation of anemia.
The patients included in the study sufferered common clinical situations in our daily
practice: anemia of chronic disease (ACD), chronic kidney disease (CKD), iron deficiency
anemia (IDA) iron deficiency anemia and acute phase response (IDA APR)
The healthy group was recruited to assess the reference range for the new parameter LHD
LHD % values in a population of 120 healthy adult subjects were not normally distributed
and showed a non Gaussian distribution (Kolmogorov-Smirnoff test, p=0.034; figure 7).
Reference range 0 - 4.4 %.

Fig. 7. Low hemoglobin density (LHD %) values in a population of 120 healthy adult subjects.
The values showed a non Gaussian distribution (Kolmogorov-Smirnoff test, p=0.034).
Table 2 exhibits %Hypo values, mean and standard deviation (SD) and LHD % values,
median and 5
- 95
interquartiles (IQ), in the variety of anemias and healthy subjects
included in the study.

Chronic Kidney Disease

% Hypo
Mean (SD)
Median (IQ)
Healthy 0.13 (0.15) 2.1 (0.9-4.1)
IDA 17.2 (17.4) 29.6 (7.5-76)
IDA APR 16.8 (15.5) 27.3 (8.3-71.2)
ACD 4.1 (4.4) 7.3 (5.1-30)
CKD 5.1 (6.7) 9.6 (5.6-27)
Table 2. %Hypo values, mean and standard deviation (SD) and LHD % values, median and 5

- 95
interquartiles (IQ), in the variety of anemias and healthy subjects included in the study.
IDA, iron deficiency anemia; IDA APR, iron deficiency anemia and acute phase response;
ACD, anemia of chronic disease; CKD, chronic kidney disease.
Correlation between %Hypo and LHD% values, r = 0.869 (Spearman method) (p<0.001). y =
1.338 x + 4.40 (Figure 8).
Independent samples U test was performed in order to detect statistical deviations between
the groups of patients.
Significant differences in LHD % values (p<0.001) were detected when groups with iron
deficiency (IDA, median 29.6 % and IDA with APR, median 27.3 %) were compared with
patients undergoing therapy (ACD, median 7.3 %; CKD, median 9.6 %) and the healthy
subjects (median 2.1 %).

Fig. 8. Relationship between %Hypo and LHD% values (Spearman correlation) r = 0.869
y = 1.338 x + 4.4.

Assessing Iron Status in CKD Patients: New Laboratory Parameters

No statistic difference was found between IDA group and IDA patients with acute phase
response (p=0.578).
Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis for LHD% in the diagnosis of iron
deficiency, defined by %Hypo > 5% AUC 0.954, cut off 6.0 %, sensitivity 96.6%, specificity
83.3% (Figure 9).
Discriminant efficiency of biochemical parameters and classical erythrocyte indices: mean
cell hemoglobin (MCH), AUC 0.89; mean cell volume, (MCV), AUC 0.822; serum ferritin,
AUC 0.722; serum iron, AUC 0.683 (Figure 9).
In the group including 85 ACD patients, significant differences were detected when iron
replete ACD patients (LHD% 10.5 %) were compared to the group with both ACD and IDA
(LHD% 24.1 %, p<0.0001).
Table 3 exhibits sTfR values, mean and standard deviation (SD) and LHD % values, median
and 5
- 95
interquartiles in these patients.
ROC analysis for LHD% in the detection of iron deficiency rendered area under curve
(AUC) 0.903; at a threshold value 5.5 % sensitivity was 88.6 % and specificity 76.9 %. The
ferropenic state was defined by a sTfR > 21 nmol/L.
Using the cut off 5.5 % for LHD% the k index obtained in comparison to sTfR was 0.65.

0 20 40 60 80 100

Fig. 9. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis for LHD% and Biochemical
parameters and classical erythrocyte indices in the diagnosis of iron deficiency, defined by
%Hypo >5%. LHD% Ares under curve (AUC) 0.954; mean cell hemoglobin (MCH), AUC
0.89; mean cell volume, (MCV), AUC 0.822; serum ferritin, AUC 0.722; serum iron, AUC

Chronic Kidney Disease



Iron replete
LHD% 2.1 14.2 24.1 10.5
(0.9-4.1) (4.5-68.9) (5.1-68.9) (4.5-14.0)
sTfR (nmol/L) 15.1
Table 3. sTfR values, mean and standard deviation (SD) and LHD % values, median and 5
interquartiles in a group of 120 healthy subjects, 85 anemia of chronic disease patients
(ACD), 61 of them iron replete and 24 iron deficient (ACD/IDA).
4. Discussion
CKD is a widespread health problem in the world and anemia is a common complication.
Anemia conveys significant risk for cardiovascular disease, faster progression of renal
failure and decreased quality of life.
Ferrokinetic studies provided on last decades important insights into human iron
homeostasis in vivo. More recently, modern molecular biology and genetic studies of model
organisms have extended our knowledge of normal iron biology and led to the
identification of new key players in iron homeostasis and the detailed understanding of
human iron disorders.
New insights in iron metabolism and the understanding of iron homeostasis, erythropoietin
production and regulation and the relationships between mediators of inflammation and
bone marrow erythropoiesis are modifying the traditional view on anemia, in special
anemia of chronic disease. The anemia of CKD is among them, with the added burden of
erythropoietin deficiency. Recent elucidations of specifically disrupted points of erythroid
marrow function by inflammatory mediators, especially proinflammatory cytokines and
inflammation-mediated induction of hepcidin, have improved our understanding of
erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs) hyporesponsiveness.
These patients require a thorough evaluation to identify and correct causes of anemia other
than erythropoietin deficiency. The mainstay of treatment of anemia secondary to CKD has
become ESAs. The use of ESAs does carry risks and these agents need to be used
judiciously. Iron deficiency often co-exists in this population and must be evaluated and
treated. Correction of iron deficiency can improve anemia and reduce ESA requirements.
Partial, but not complete, correction of anemia is associated with improved outcomes in
patients with CKD.
Undoubtedly, the advent of ESA and various intravenous iron preparations has resulted
in a much more effective management of anemia of CKD, allowing clinicians to maintain
hemoglobin levels in certain desired ranges and to effectively treat iron deficiency.
Among the emerging challenges are the risks associated with administering high ESA and
iron doses, leading to elevated hemoglobin levels and iron overload. Goal-oriented
treatment strategies targeting desirable hemoglobin and iron levels are now the norm in
clinical nephrology.

Assessing Iron Status in CKD Patients: New Laboratory Parameters

The treatment of renal anemia with rHuEpo has improved the quality of life and outcome of
hemodialysis patients. The efficacy of this therapy depends on the identification and
correction of resistance factors, such as vitamin deficiency, inflammation,
hyperparathyroidism. The major cause of resistance to rHuEpo is iron deficiency. The
assessment of functional iron deficiency remains a daily challenge for nephrologists and
their need to be careful of an appropriate use of the resources and the need to optimize
patient treatment.
A better understanding of iron homeostasis enhance treatments for anemia. Subsequently,
evidence-based diagnostic strategies must be developed, using both conventional and
innovative laboratory tests, to differentiate between the various causes of distortions of iron
Efforts have been made to evaluate some readily available and relatively inexpensive
laboratory parameters as indirect markers of iron restricted erythropoiesis and iron
availability in a clinical context influenced by inflammation and acute phase reaction.
The assessment of iron requirements and monitoring of therapy require accurate markers. It
is desirable to seek alternative markers for iron status widely available. LHD% is related to
iron availability for erythropoiesis in the previous weeks, derived from MCHC, it could be
calculated in different hematological counters.
The data exposed show the reliability of LHD% in distinguishing iron deficient patients
with and without inflammation. This parameter could help to the correct classification of
patients with iron deficiency when the traditional markers become unreliable: it is
particularly challenging the accurate assessment of iron status in chronically ill patients such
as CKD.
LHD % correlates with the percentage of hypochromic erythrocytes as reported by Siemens
analyzers (%Hypo) and comparing the results obtained for LHD% with those of sTfR the
reliability of LHD% in distinguishing iron deficient patients with and without inflammation
has been stated.
In conclusion, these results show that the new LHD% parameter is useful for diagnosing
iron deficiency and a reliable parameter recognizing subsets of patients and therefore
improving the diagnosis and management of anemia.The analysis of LHD% can be
performed simultaneously in the course of routine blood counts, with no incremental
costs and no additional needs of more blood sampling. In conjunction with standard
blood cell counts and iron parameters could enable the diagnosis to be made rapid and
More prospective and longitudinal studies are needed in order to verify the results
obtained, to determine their reliability for clinical purposes or whether the additional
information provided could be used in managing the iron requirements of patients in
different clinical situations.
5. Conclusion
Iron metabolism is a dynamic process which cannot be defined by one laboratory test only.
The analysis of these new parameters can be performed simultaneously in the course of

Chronic Kidney Disease

routine blood counts, with no incremental costs and no additional needs of more blood
sampling. In conjunction with standard blood cell counts and iron parameters could enable
the diagnosis to be made rapid and accurately.
Prospective and longitudinal studies are needed in order to verify the published results, to
determine their reliability for clinical purposes or whether the additional information
provided could be used in managing the iron requirements of patients, allowing better
evaluation of the causes underlying apparently similar conditions of anemia and improving
the collaboration between laboratory professionals and clinicians.
6. References
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Exogenous Fluorescent Agents for the
Determination of Glomerular Filtration Rate
Raghavan Rajagopalan and Richard B. Dorshow
Covidien Pharmaceuticals, Hazelwood, Missouri,
1. Introduction
Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is now widely accepted as the best indicator of renal
function in the state of health and illness.
Current clinical guidelines advocate its use in
the staging of chronic kidney disease as well as in assessing the risk of kidney failure under
acute clinical, physiological, and pathological conditions.
Acute renal failure (ARF) is a
major cause of complications in the post-surgical and post-intervention vascular and cardiac
procedure patient populations. ARF is also a major public health issue because it may lead
to chronic renal failure. Real-time, continuous monitoring of GFR in patients at the bedside
is particularly important in the case of critically ill or injured patients, and those undergoing
organ transplantation because most of these patients face the risk of multiple organ failure
(MOF) resulting in death.
MOF is a sequential failing of lung, liver, and kidneys and is
incited by one or more severe causes such as acute lung injury (ALI), adult respiratory
distress syndrome (ARDS), hypermetabolism, hypotension, persistent inflammation, or
sepsis. The transition from early stages of trauma to clinical MOF is marked by the extent of
liver and renal failure and a change in mortality risk from about 30% to about 50%.

Accurate determination of GFR is also necessary for monitoring patients undergoing cancer
chemotherapy with nephrotoxic anticancer drugs,
or those at risk for contrast media
induced nephropathy (CIN).
Finally, GFR measurement is also useful for patients with
chronic illness such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity, hyperthyroidism, cystic fibrosis, etc.
who are at risk for renal impairment.

2. Current GFR markers
In order to assess the status and to follow the progress of renal disease, there is a need to
develop a simple, accurate, and continuous method for the determination of renal function
by non-invasive procedures. At present, endogenous serum creatinine (1) (Fig. 1)
concentration measured at frequent intervals over a 24-hour period has been the most
common method of assessing renal function despite the well known serious limitations.

The results from this analysis are frequently misleading since the value is affected by age,
state of hydration, renal perfusion, muscle mass, dietary intake, and many other
anthropometric and clinical variables. Theoretical methods for estimating GFR (eGFR)

from body cell mass and plasma creatinine concentration have also been developed, but
these methods also rely on the above anthropomorphic variables. Moreover, creatinine is

Chronic Kidney Disease


Fig. 1. Structures of Currently Known Exogenous GFR Markers.
partially cleared by tubular secretion along with glomerular filtration, and, as Diskin
remarked, Creatinine clearance is not and has never been synonymous with GFR, and all of
the regression analysis will not make it so because the serum creatinine depends upon many
factors other than filtration. More recently, endogenous cystatin-C has been suggested as an
improvement over creatinine,
but this marker also suffers from the same limitations as
creatinine, and thus it remains questionable whether it is really an improvement.
In the past several decades, exogenous tracers such as inulin (2), iothalamate (3), iohexol
Tc-DTPA (diethylenetriaminepentaacetate) (5), and
Cr-EDTA (ethylenediamine-
tetraacetate) (6) (Fig.1), have been developed to determine GFR, but all of them require
either radiometric, HPLC (high performance liquid chromatography), or X-ray
fluorescence methods for detection and quantification.
Unfortunately, all of these
markers suffer from various undesirable properties including the use of radioactivity,
ionizing radiation, and the laborious ex-vivo handling of blood and urine samples, and
the use of HPLC method that render them unsuitable for continuous monitoring of renal
function in the clinical setting. Furthermore, inulin as well as other polysaccharides are
polydisperse polymers, and availability of these substances in a reliable, uniform batches
is a serious limiting factor for their use as GFR markers. Currently, iothalamate and
iohexol are the accepted standard for the assessment of GFR. However, iothalmate
requires the collection of blood samples and requires HPLC method, which is not well
suited for continuous monitoring. Continuous monitoring of GFR has been accomplished
via radiometric
and magnetic resonance imaging
techniques, but these are not suitable
at the bedside. Hence, the availability of an exogenous marker for the measurement of
GFR under specific yet changing circumstances would represent a substantial
improvement over any currently available or widely practiced method. Moreover, a
method that depends solely on the renal elimination of an exogenous chemical entity
would provide an absolute and continuous pharmacokinetic measurement requiring less
subjective interpretation based upon age, muscle mass, blood pressure, etc.

Exogenous Fluorescent Agents for the Determination of Glomerular Filtration Rate

3. Development of fluorescent tracer agents
Accordingly, there has been some effort on developing exogenous GFR tracer agents that
absorb and emit in the visible or near infrared (NIR) region, which includes small molecules
as well as macromolecular bioconjugates such FITC (fluorescien isothicyanate)-inulin and
FITC- and Texas Red-dextrans.
The key requirements for an ideal fluorescent tracer
agent are: (a) must be excited at and emit in the visible region ( ~425 nm); (b) must be
highly hydrophilic; (c) must be either neutral or anionic; (c) must have very low or no
plasma protein binding; (d) must not be metabolized in vivo, and (e) must clear exclusively
via glomerular filtration as demonstrated by equality of plasma clearance with and without
a tubular secretion inhibitor such as probenecid.
The selection of the lead clinical
candidate(s) may be based on secondary considerations such as the ease of synthesis, lack of
toxicity, and stability. The secondary screening criteria should further take into account the
tissue optics properties and the degree of extracellular distribution of the fluorescent tracers.
Volume of distribution is an important parameter in the assessment of hydration state of the
patient, whereas the absorption/emission properties provide essential information for the
design of the probe.
This chapter focuses on the most recent development on luminescent tracers for GFR
measurement. There are basically two principal pathways for the design of fluorescent
tracers for GFR determination. The first method involves enhancing the fluorescence of
known renal agents that are intrinsically poor emitters such as lanthanide metal complexes;
and the second involves transforming highly fluorescent dyes (which are intrinsically
lipophilic) into hydrophilic, anionic species to force them to clear via the kidneys.
In the
first approach, several europium-DTPA complexes endowed with various molecular
antenna to induce ligand-to-metal fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) were
prepared and tested.
Some of metal complexes (e.g. compound 7 exhibited high (c.a. 2000-
fold) enhancement of europium fluorescence and underwent clearance exclusively through
the kidneys, but whether they cleared exclusively via glomerular filtration remains
uncertain. Moreover, the excitation maxima of these complexes remained in the violet or
UV-A region.

Fig. 2. Eu-DTPA-Quinoline Complex.

Chronic Kidney Disease

Pyrazines (Fig. 3) are one the very few classes of photostable small molecules having highly
desirable properties for various biomedical and non-medical optical applications.

Pyrazine derivatives 8 containing electron donating groups (EDG) in the 2,5 positions and
electron withdrawing groups (EWG) in the 3,6 positions such as compounds 9-11 are shown
to absorb and emit in the visible region with a large Stokes shift on the order of ~ 100 nm
and with fluorescence quantum yields of about 0.4.
For example, conversion of the
carboxyl group in 8 to the secondary amide derivatives 9 produces a bathochromic (red)
shift of about 40 nm, and alkylation of the amino group in 9 produces further red shift of
about 40 nm. Thus, the pyrazine nucleus offers considerable opportunity to tune the
electronic properties by even simple modifications. Furthermore, the relative small size of
pyrazine renders it an ideal scaffold to introduce hydrophilic substituents to bring about
renal clearance.

Fig. 3. Pyrazine Derivatives.
Based on the structure and properties of known GFR tracer agents, and on the primary and
secondary considerations stated earlier, the set of GFR tracer agents can be divided finto our
categories as outlined in Table 1. The upper and lower quadrants address the tissue optics
differences, and the left and right quadrants address volume of distribution (V
) differences.
) is important not only in affecting clearance rates, but also in the assessment of
hydration state of a patient. Tissue optics parameters are important in instrument design in
that the longer the wavelength of light, the deeper the penetration into the tissue. Recently,
low and high molecular weight hydrophilic pyrazine derivatives 12-15 (Fig. 4) bearing
neutral and anionic side chains such as alcohols, carboxylic acids, and polyethylene glycol
(PEG) units were reported.
The structures of the candidates from each of the four
quadrants above are shown in Fig. 2. Unlike inulin, dextran, and other polymers,
compounds 13 and 15 are monodisperse. The photophysical and biological properties of
these compounds are given in Table 2. Both plasma protein binding and urinary clearance
properties are superior to iothalamate, which is a currently used gold standard for clinical
GFR measurement. Furthermore, all four compounds displayed insignificant
Volume of Distribution
Tissue Optics
Short Wavelength
Low Molecular Weight
Short Wavelength
High Molecular Weight
Long Wavelength
Low Molecular Weight
Long Wavelength
High Molecular Weight
Table 1. Design of Exogenous Fluorescent GFR Tracers.

Exogenous Fluorescent Agents for the Determination of Glomerular Filtration Rate


Fig. 4. Hydrophilic Pyrazine Derivatives.
12 13 14 15 Iothalamate
Absorption Maxima, (
, nm) 435 437 488 499 NA
Emission Maxima, (
, nm) 557 558 597 604 NA
Plasma Protein Binding (%) 0 0 0 3 10
Plasma Clearance Half-Life (min) 29 25 20 19 32
Injected Dose Recovered in Urine at 6 Hrs (%) 90 71 88 97 80
Clearance No probenecid (mL/min) 2.5 NA 3.0 3.1 2.5
Clearance Probenecid, 70 mg/kg (mL/min) 2.6 NA 2.4 3.3 2.2
Table 2. Physicochemical and Pharmacokinetic Properties of Pyrazine Tracers.
An in vivo fluorescence image of the renal clearance of compound 13 is shown in Fig. 5. The
panel contains images of three mice. The mouse in the middle was administered 300 L of a
2 mM solution in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) of compound 13. The other mice served
as controls where the mice received only PBS. Compound 13 distributed throughout the
body and then concentrated in one spot in the abdomen. Surgery after the 60 minute time
point verified that this highly fluorescent spot in the abdomen was the bladder. Thus, this
observation of fluorescence only appearing at the bladder is a visual demonstration of the
high percent of injected dose recovered in urine given in Table 2.
4. Real-time monitoring of renal clearance
In vivo noninvasive real-time monitoring of renal clearance, with eventual translation to
commercial development, has been demonstrated in the rodent model. A schematic of an
apparatus is shown in Fig. 6. A 445 nm solid state laser was directed into one leg of a silica

Chronic Kidney Disease


Fig. 5. Optical Image of Pyrazine 13 at 1 Hour Post Administration.

Fig. 6. Apparatus for non-invasive in vivo detection of fluorescence.

Exogenous Fluorescent Agents for the Determination of Glomerular Filtration Rate

bifurcated fiber optic bundle, with the common end of this bifurcated bundle placed
approximately 2 mm from the rat ear. The second leg of the bifurcated fiber optic bundle
was fitted with a collimating beam probe. A long pass filter and narrow band interference
filter were placed in front of a photosensor module. A chopper was placed after the laser
and before the launch into the bifurcated cable. The output of the photosensor was
connected to a lock-in amplifier. The lock-in output was digitized and the digitized data was
acquired by computer using data acquisition software.
Anesthesized Sprague-Dawley rats of weight ~ 400 g were used. A volume of 1 mL of a 0.4
mg/mL concentration in PBS of compound 12 was administered to a rat with normal
functioning kidneys and to a rat with a recent bi-lateral nephrectomy. The continuously
monitored fluorescent signal is shown in Figure 5. An increase in fluorescence at the ear is
immediately seen in both rats. In the normal rat, the fluorescence decreases back to baseline as
the kidney removes compound 12 from the body. In the ligated rat, the fluorescence remains
elevated with time as the body is unable to remove compound with the kidneys not functioning.

Fig. 7. Continuous Monitoring of Pyrazine 12 in Normal and Partially Nephrectomized Rats.
5. Conclusions
On the basis of the fluorescence properties, plasma protein binding data, the injected dose
recovered in urine, the plasma clearance data, and the renal tubular secretion studies, the
pyrazine deriviatives 12-15 are promising candidates as exogenous fluorescent tracer agents
for the determination of GFR under both chronic and acute settings. In the rat model, these
compounds display superior properties compared to iothalamate, which is currently an
accepted standard for the measurement of GFR.
A prototype instrument for clinical trials has been developed based on the apparatus in
Figure 4. A clinical trial with one of the pyrazine compounds is currently being planned.

Chronic Kidney Disease

The clinical trial will test the safety and efficacy of the tracer agent, as well as refine the
instrumentation. Optimization parameters for the instrument include incident light power
and power density, light delivery and collection fiber optics, light source and detector,
placement of detector on body, and the data acquisition and analysis algorithm.
The addition of a fluorescent GFR tracer agent would be a major addition to the armament
of fluorescent compounds in clinical use today. Indocyanine green (ICG) is FDA-approved
for use in angiography, cardiac output, and liver function.
Currently, there are on-going
clinical trials for lymph node mapping and melanoma imaging using ICG.
Fluorescein is
the only other FDA appoved fluorescent agent, used for angiography.
A near-infrared dye
for attachment to targeting vectors for optical imaging has been studied for safety and
pharmacology, and may soon be ready for human clinical trials too.

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Modern Surgical Treatments of
Urinary Tract Obstruction
Bannakij Lojanapiwat
Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University
1. Introduction
Obstructive nephropathy is a term describing the damage to the renal parenchyma that
results from the obstruction to the flow of urine anywhere along the urinary system. Long
term obstruction causes chronic renal disease. Obstruction coexisting with infection and
impaired renal function, when complicated by elevated temperature and leukocytosis that
can lead to septic shock, are an absolute indication for urinary diversion such as
percutaneous nephrostomy. This particular patient needs emergency diversion. One of
the most common indications of nephrostomy placement is ureteric obstruction causing
uremia. It is therefore necessary to make the patients fit enough for the designated
Percutaneous nephrostomy involving supravesicle drainage is one of the most common
procedures in urologic practice. Goodwin described a trocar nephrostomy technique in a
markedly dilated kidney in 1955. (Goodwin et al., 1955). Percutaneous nephrostomy is
performed for temporary or permanent supravesicle urinary diversion. The treatment goals
in patients with malignant ureteric obstruction are symptom relief and avoidance of any
complications from renal insufficiency. Permanent nephrostomy has been used in patients
with obstruction from uncorrectable causes such as inoperable tumors. (Table 1)
The indication of nephrostomy tube placement depends on whether the procedure is
elective or urgent. The purpose of nephrostomy tube placement in obstructive renal disease
is to preserve kidney function and drain infected urine. Establishing a safe and reliable
nephrostomy tract is key that range from simple urinary drainage to intrarenal surgical
operation. (Fig. 1-4)
Complications of obstruction as sepsis and pain.
Improve renal function.
Localized disease that additional therapy may prolong survival.
Improve quality of life.
Independent existence at home possible.
Table 1. Indication for palliative diversion.

Chronic Kidney Disease

Careful discussion between patients, relatives and health care professionals about
nephrostomy tube placement must be undertaken before the intervention because patients
will require a drainage bag which reduces the quality of life.
Renal function in several patients recover following temporary percutaneous nephrostomy
tube placement. The definite treatment is need prior nephrostomy tube removal. Advance in
endourologic instrumentation and techniques, endourologic operations as the minimally
invasive surgery (percutaneous nephrolithotomy, endopyelotomy, infundibulotomy and
endoureterotomy) are the procedure of choice for these patients. The nonfunctioning
kidneys following the diversion usually require nephrectomy.

Fig. 1. Bilateral percutaneous nephrostomy in a patient with right upper ureteral calculi and
bilateral renal calculi presenting of anuria.

Modern Surgical Treatments of Urinary Tract Obstruction


Fig. 2. Nephrostogram following nephrostomy tube placement due to azotemia and
pyonephrosis demonstrated impacted upper ureteric calculi.

Fig. 3. Percutaneous nephrostomy in patient with complete distal ureteral obstruction from
advanced cervical cancer.

Chronic Kidney Disease


Fig. 4. Percutaneous nephrostomy at upper calyx due to complete upper ureteral obstruction
from previous surgery. (single kidney)
2. Urinary tract obstruction
The peak incidence of urinary tract obstruction in males is in the eighth and ninth decades
secondary to benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostatic carcinoma, whereas the peak
incidence in females is in the fourth to six decades secondary to pregnancy and carcinoma of
the cervix or uterus. (Gulmi et al., 1998)
2.1 Etiology of urinary tract obstruction
The etiology of urinary tract obstruction can be divided into intrinsic and extrinsic causes.
(Table 2)
2.1.1 Extrinsic causes
Extrinsic causes of urinary tract obstruction are the diseases of genitourinary system,
gastrointestinal system, vascular system, retroperitoneal pathology and biologic agents such
as actinomycosis. (Curhan & Zeidel, 1996)
The common causes of extrinsic processes are tumor of the kidney, ureter and bladder and
other gastrointestinal pathologies such as Crohns disease, appendicitis and diverticulitis.
2.1.2 Intrinsic causes
The common intrinsic causes are from intraluminal obstructions such as nephrolithiasis /
ureterolithiasis, papillary necrosis, blood clot, fungal ball and urethral strictures.

Modern Surgical Treatments of Urinary Tract Obstruction

Extrinsic causes : Genitourinary system
- Tumor of kidney, bladder, ureter
- Prostatic hyperplasia, prostatic carcinoma
- Carcinoma of cervix and uterus
: Gastrointesinal system
- Crohns disease
- Appendicitis
- Diverticulitis
: Vascular system
- Aneurysm of aorta and iliac artery
: Retroperitoneal pathology
- Retroperitoneal fibrosis
Intrinsic causes : - Nephrolithiasis
- Ureterolithiasis
- Uretero-pelvic junction obstruction
- Ureteral stricture
- Urethral stricture
Table 2. Common etiologies of urinary tract obstruction.
2.2 Clinical presentation
Signs, symptoms and degree of obstructive nephropathy depended on the following factors:
- The time interval in which the obstruction occurs
- Unilateral or bilateral obstruction
- Etiology of the obstruction (intrinsic or extrinsic)
- Degree of the obstruction (complete or partial)
The presenting symptoms of bilateral and chronic obstruction can be nonspecific such as
increases in abdominal girth, ankle edema, malaise, anorexia, headache, weight gain, fatigue
and shortness of breath.
2.3 Radiographic assessment
2.3.1 Ultrasound
Ultrasound is the most valuable tool of radiologic assessment of obstructive uropathy in
patients with azotemia, even in pregnant and pediatric patients. This investigation provides
information about both renal parenchyma and the collecting system. Hydronephrosis is
demonstrated as a dilated collecting system separating the normally echogenic renal sinus.
Echoes within the collecting system may indicate pyonephrosis, hemorrhage or a lesion of
the transitional mucosa. The thickness of the renal parenchyma can be represented the
duration of obstruction.
Ultrasonography for diagnosing obstruction can provide false positive (overdiagnosis) and
false negative (missing an obstruction) results. The conditions that can cause false negatives
with ultrasonography are acute onset of obstruction, an intrarenal collecting system,

Chronic Kidney Disease

dehydration, and the misinterpretation of caliectasis for renal cortical cyst. (LeRoy., 1996)

False positive imaging for the obstruction can be caused by parapelvic cyst, intrarenal
pelvis, high urine flow state and vesicoureteral reflux. (Stables et al., 1978)
2.3.2 Retrograde pyelography
Retrograde pyelography may be needed to demonstrate the cause of obstruction that is
either intrinsic and extrinsic. This assessment can evaluate the site, severity of obstruction
and degree of hydronephrosis especially in patients with poor kidney function.
2.3.3 Computer tomography (CT scan)
Computer tomography (CT scan) can demonstrate the information of obstruction and
hydronephrosis without contrast media. All kinds of urinary calculi and other
intraperitoneal / extraperitoneal pathology can be detected by this assessment.
3. Surgical approach
Nephrostomy can be performed either by open operation or by closed percutaneous methods.
With the development of endourologic and imaging techniques, percutaneous nephrostomy is
widely used. Recently, the percutaneous nephrostomy placement became the standard of care,
replacing surgical nephrostomy. (Banner et al., 1991 & Sherman et al., 1985)
Establishing safe and reliable nephrostomy tract is very important. The aim of the
nephrostomy tract ranges from simple urinary drainage to intrarenal surgical operation. For
percutaneous renal surgeries, some surgeons prefer a two stage surgery which can limit
bleeding, provide a clear field and let the nephrostomy tract mature.
A successful outcome without complications is the goal of this procedure, which requires
careful preoperative planning and proper techniques. The preoperative anatomy of the patient,
the nature of the urologic procedure planned and available equipment are very important.
3.1 Open nephrostomy technique
Explore the kidney and open the renal pelvis and choose the calix which is suitable for
nephrostomy. The catheter is introduced through thinned cortex into the renal pelvis.
3.2 Percutaneous nephrostomy techniques
3.2.1 Preoperative patient preparation
All patients need appropriate hemostasis evaluation and urine bacteriologic assessment.
Careful review and assessment of the degree of hydronephrosis, anatomic variance of the
pelvicaliceal system, and relative position of the kidney are key factors for success and will
reduce any potential complication of nephrostomy tube placement. This can be evaluated by
previous or currents plain Kidney-UrinaryBladder (KUB) radiography, intravenous
pyelography, retrograde pyelography, computed tomogram and ultrasonographic studies.
These radiographic investigations demonstrate size, number and location of renal and
ureteral calculi as well as establishing baseline renal function and other pathology.

Modern Surgical Treatments of Urinary Tract Obstruction

The evaluation of choice to detect urolithiasis and intraabdominal anatomy in patients with
emergent or complex medical conditions is a computer tomography (CT scan) of the whole
abdomen. Pre-nephrostomy placement with CT scan is recommended in selected patients
with splenomegaly, colonic malposition and marked colonic distention. (LeRoy., 1996)
Patients who have urinary tract infection are treated with bacteriologically specific
antibiotics and these patients need parenteral antibiotics for 36 to 48 hours before surgery to
ensure adequate serum levels of effective antibiotics. The recommended regimen is
ciprofloxacin 400 mg IV every 12 hr, ampicillin 1 gm IV every 6 hr with gentamicin 1 mg/kg
every 8 hr or third generation cephalosporin.
Laboratory testing of any bleeding problem such as PT, PTT (Prothrombin time, Partial
thromboplastin time) and platelet count should be done with appropriate adjustments
especially in patients with a history of prolonged bleeding, liver disease, clinically easy
brusisability or other conditions predisposing to a coagulopathy. A platelet count should be
above 80,000 cells per ml prior to the procedure. Aspirin therapy should be discontinued 1
week prior to the procedure. Caumadin as an anticoagulants must be discontinued.
Subcutaneous heparin can be administered for high risk patients with venous thrombosis.
3.2.2 Patients position
Nephrostomy tube placement can be preferred in both prone and supine positions with
highly successful outcome. Most patients usually undergo the procedure in the prone
position with abdominal support. Supine position is selected for patients with high surgical
risks such as seriously ill patients, patients with endotracheal tubes with or without
ventilation, patients with congestive heart failure, patients with complicated fractures and
patients who have undergone a major surgical procedure.

The advantages of prone or prone oblique with body side of targeted kidney slightly
elevated are operators hands are outside the vertical x-ray beam. (Fig. 5) With supine
position with the body side of targeted kidney elevated slightly off the tabletop, the renal
access can be performed with ultrasound or CT guidance.
3.2.3 Anesthetic
Most patients need only local anesthesia, but some may need intravenous sedation or
general anesthesia, the latter specifically for pediatric patients. The type of anesthesia
administered depends on the individual patient and indication of nephrostomy tube
placement. Simple percutaneous external drainage can be tolerated with local anesthesia or
intravenous analgesia with sedation. General anesthesia is preferable in children with all
indications of nephrostomy tube placement.
3.2.4 Imaging guidance
The imaging guidance equipment is very important in renal access. The guidance system for
urinary tract interventions are fluoroscopic guidance, real-time ultrasonography and CT scan. Ultrasound guidance
The puncture of the desired calix can be done in dilated systems. If only the renal pelvic can
be identified, initial puncture can be done at renal pelvic following with antegrade

Chronic Kidney Disease


Fig. 5. Patient in prone position for renal access.
pyelography for secondary definitive caliceal puncture. Ultrasound guidance is helpful in
determining the depth and the angle of approach. (Juul et al., 1985 & LeRoy et al., 1984).
Real time ultrasound is widely used for percutaneous access of a dilated collecting system
and is beneficial in infants, pregnant women and patients following renal transplantation.
(Falahatkar et al., 2010). The disadvantage of percutaneous nephrostomy access by
ultrasound guidance, this guidance system may be compromised by rib artifacts. (Fig. 6, 7)

Fig. 6. Ultrasound machine as imaging guidance.

Modern Surgical Treatments of Urinary Tract Obstruction


Fig. 7. Ultrasound imaging demonstrated a guidewire in dilated pelvis. Fluoroscopic guidance
Fluoroscopic guidance is essential for guidewire manipulation especially in patients with
non or mild dilatation of renal pelvis. Collecting system can be opacified with contrast
following cystoscopic retrograde ureteral catheter placement, injection of intravenous
contrast material and direct percutaneous puncture with 22 gauge needle. Pyelotubular and
pyelosinus backflow can be avoided by not overinjecting the collecting system.
In difficult cases, with non-dilated collecting system, the collecting system can be distended
with retrograde ureteral balloon catheter. Fluoroscopy can demonstrate the position of the
nephrostomy tube in the most desirable position (renal pelvis), minimizing the number of
complications. To avoid radiation exposure to operators hand, Amplatz needle holder can
be used. (LeRoy., 1996).

This equipment keeps the operators hand out of the x-ray beam.
The patients table should be not so high that the operators neck and face are too far from
the patient. (Fig. 8-11)

Fig. 8. Right renal pelvic stone in patient of
right flank pain.
Fig. 9. 21-gauge needle was introduced
toward the stone.

Chronic Kidney Disease


Fig. 10. Nephostogram via access needle
demonstrated hydronephrosis of right
kidney. The second needle was introduced
toward the upper calyx for upper pole
percutaneous nephrolithotomy.
Fig. 11. The serial dilatation was done for
larger access tract. Combined ultrasonography and fluoroscopy
The ideal imaging guidance technique for uncomplicated renal drainage is a combination of
initial ultrasonography and followed by fluoroscopy for control of catheter and guidewire
manipulation. CT guidance
The puncture can be performed into the collecting system without preoperative
opacification of the collecting system. CT scan is essential in patients with organomegaly
such as hepatomegaly and splenomegaly, severe skeletal abnormalities such as scoliosis and
kyphosis, morbid obesity, and previous major intraabdominal surgical interventions.
(Haaga et al., 1977)
3.2.5 Access equipment
Two commercial access systems are available, namely, trocar with a cannula and needle-
guidewire-catheter techniques. The trocar technique is dangerous if the collecting system is
not entered at the first pass. Currently, the Seldinger-based needle-guidewire equipment is
much more popular due to its safety. This equipment has two common needle sizes 18-
gauge and 21-gauge.With needle size 18-gauge, 0.035 or 0.038 inch guidewire is accepted to
pass into the collecting system. The 0.018-inch guidewire is for needle size 21-gauge. (Fig.
The advantage of 18 gauge trocar needle is minimal deviation along the course of the
needle. The advantages of 21-gauge needle are decreased risk of parenchymal damage,
optimal size for nondilated collecting system.The soft tip of 0.018 inch guidewire is rarely
perforated the collecting system. A special nephrostomy tube kit is available, containing an
18-gauge needle, guidewire, dilators, a percutaneous nephrostomy catheter size 8 Fr or 10
Fr. Angiographic method is preferable to the trocar technique because of its safety.

Modern Surgical Treatments of Urinary Tract Obstruction


Fig. 12. Commercial access systems of needle-guidewire-catheter techniques.

Fig. 13. Basic instruments for percutaneous nephrostomy tube placement.

Fig. 14. Needle and dilators.

Chronic Kidney Disease


Fig. 15. Benson guidewire.
3.2.6 Access route
Choosing the point of entry is a very important step which can influence the final position of
the nephrostomy tube. The ideal percutaneous access tract into the collecting system should
begin at the posterior axillary line. The tract courses through renal parenchyma into the tip
of the posterolateral calyx, and then into the middle portion of renal pelvis.

This puncture
line provides the stabilization of the nephrostomy tract and seals the tube that prevents
urine extravasation into the perinephric space.
This technique can avoid the major bleeding due to fewer number of blood vessels at
caliceal tip and this position aids subsequent endourologic manipulation such as
percutanous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) or endopyelotomy. The more medially sited tract
nephrostomy tube causes more discomfort for the patient in the supine position due to the
compression the external portion of PNT tube with the back.
If possible, the puncture should be performed subcostally for prevention of pleural
complication. In special situations, the intercostal approach may be used due to the anatomy
of kidney. Upper pole approach may be needed in special situations. In ephostomy tract
placement for endourologic procedures via the upper pole, the incidence of hydrothorax or
hydropneumothorax is 5 to 12 percent. (Lojanapiwat & Prasopsuk, 2006). Chest tube
drainage is required for patient with significant amounts of hydrothorax.
The advantages of lateral puncture are avoiding access through the bulky paraspinal
muscle, ensuring the placement through the parenchyma and less chance of damaging a
major vessel. Pleural complication following lateral intercostal tract is less than vertical
tracts. The site of puncture depends on the indication of nephrostomy tube placement
- Simple renal drainage
Percutaneous nephrostomy placement can be performed through nearly any tract. But if
the patient needs permanent nephrostomy, the nephrostomy tube should be an ideal
percutenous access tract for the patients comfort.

Modern Surgical Treatments of Urinary Tract Obstruction

- Further endourologic procedures.
Percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL)
: Pelvic stone
- ideal tract is through any middle or lower calyx.
: Calyceal stone
- ideal tract is directly through the stone-bearing calix peripheral to the
: Staghorn stone
- ideal tract is through upper pole calyx.
: Upper ureteral stone
- ideal tract is through middle pole or lower upper pole.
: Diverticular stone
- ideal tract is directly through diverticulum.
Endopyelotomy (EP) / endoureterotomy
: Ureteropelvic junction obstruction (UPJO) and upper ureteral stricture
- ideal tract is through middle pole or upper pole calix (Lojanapiwat, 2006). Upper pole access for renal access
The upper pole of the kidney aligned medially and posterior to the lower pole, making the
upper pole a shorter and easier access route. The upper-pole approach provides a straight
tract along the long axis of the kidney and ensures the ability to reach most of the collecting
system while providing easier manipulation of rigid instrument. The operative techniques
of upper pole access need coordination with the anesthetists for controlling breathing for
prevention of intercostals vessel and pulmonary complication. (Lojanapiwat & Prasopsuk,
2006) (Table 3, 4)

- Ureteropelvic junction and proximal ureteral pathology
- Buck of the upper pole calculi
- Multiple lower pole caliceal calculi
- Obesity or unusual body habitus
- Staghorn calculi
- Large upper ureteral calculi
Table 3. Indication for the upper pole access.

- Need coordination with the anesthetists for controlling breathing.
- An intercostal puncture should be made in the lower half of the intercostal space to
avoid injuring the blood vessels.
- During full expiration, the needle is passed through the retroperitoneum and
diaphragm to prevent the injury to the lung, while needle passage through the renal
parenchyma to the collecting system is done during deep inspiration for downward
displacement of the kidney.
- An Amplatz shealth is used during the percutaneous supracostal approach to
maintain low-pressure irrigation.
Table 4. Technique of upper pole access.

Chronic Kidney Disease

274 The causes of access failure
- Nondistended renal collecting systems
- Impacted large stone that prevent guide wire manipulation
- Obscuring the location of collecting system
- Small obstructed infundibular stone with minimal caliceal dilatation
3.2.7 Techniques
Follow the preparation of skin: under the ultrasonic or fluoroscopic imaging, once the
pelvocalical system is clearly visible, the skin is anesthetized with one percent xylocaine or
0.25 percent bupivicaine. Xylocaine is injected into the skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscle,
perinephric space and renal capsule with a small cutaneous incision. Using a needle 2
system, a 18-gauge needle is introduced toward the desired site in the renal pelvis at the
more lateral point which is usually along the posterior axillary line. This can be followed
and monitored by real-time ultrasound or fluoroscopy. Under fluoroscopic guidance,
visualization of desired calyx is demonstrated by injection of air and contrast media. In
prone position, air usually floats up to posterior calices that it is the marker for the puncture.
(Fig. 16)

Fig. 16. Fluoroscopic imaging: air usually floats up to posterior calices in prone position that
it is the marker for the puncture.
When the needle tip enters the collecting system, urine can be aspirated from the needle
after the needle stylet is removed. A soft J-tipped guidewire is inserted into the needle and
advanced across the caliceal infundibulum to renal pelvis. The choice of guidewires
depends on the indication of nephrostomy placement. A Bentson guidewires is commonly
used due to a floppy tip and coil atraumatically in collecting system.

Modern Surgical Treatments of Urinary Tract Obstruction

In special situations, such as an impacted stone in the collecting system, the manipulation
often requires small angled-tip catheters and hydrophilic coated wires. Then the needle is
removed, and progressively larger dilators are introduced over the guidewire to dilate the
access tract to facilitate the placement of soft nephrostomy tube. The size of tract dilatation
depends on the goal of percutaneous access. If the goal is to provide external urinary
drainage, serial dilators are inserted over the guidewire to dilate the tract to a sufficient size
for the nephrostomy tube. The 8 or 10 Fr nephrostomy tube is introduced over the
guidewire and optimal position is monitored by ultrasound or fluoroscopy.
The most reliable evidence for the proper placement of the nephrostomy tube can be
demonstrated by nephrostogram under fluoroscopic imaging. The guidewire is withdrawn
and the nephrostomy tube is secured with skin to prevent dislodging the catheter. The
catheter is connected to a urine bag for drainage. (Fig. 17-20) For permanant nephrostomy
tube placement, the tract can be further dilated and a regular Foleys catheter can be used.

Fig. 17. Ultrasonic probe for guidance the nephrostomy tube placement.

Fig. 18. Dilators over the guidewire.

Chronic Kidney Disease


Fig. 19. 8 Fr nephostomy catheter inserted through the guidewire.

Fig. 20. The nephrostomy tube is secured with skin.
Further endourologic procedures that will follow temporary nephrostomy tube placement
are percutaneous nephrolithotomy for removal of renal and upper ureteral calculi,
endopyelotomy for ureteropelvic junction obstruction and infundibulotomy for
infundibular stenosis. Percutaneous nephrolithotomy is effective and safe in patients with
complex conditions such as underlying medical conditions and previous open
nephrolithotomy. (Lojanapiwat, 2006).
Following these procedures, most patients need a larger nephrostomy tube for adequate
drainage and tamponing the bleeding point from the nephrostomy tract. Recently tubeless
percutaneous nephrolithotomy has been performed in uncomplicated cases with no
significant bleeding, no significant extravasation, no distal obstruction and no secondary
nephroscopy required. (Lojanapiwat et al., 2001) (Table 5)

Modern Surgical Treatments of Urinary Tract Obstruction

- single access
- no obstructed renal unit
- no significant bleeding
- no significant extravasation
- Secondary nephroscopy is not required. (stone free)
Table 5. Criteria for tubeless percutaneous nephrolithotomy.
4. Results
Overall success rate of uncomplicated nephrostomy tube placement is over 97% with less
success in patients who required percutaneous tract for subsequent endourologic
interventions. Factors which affect the success rate of nephrostomy tube placement during
endourologic operation are stone burden, degree of hydronephrosis, history of previous open
nephrolithotomy, and experience of surgeon. As same as other urologic procedure, a training
simulator for ultrasound-guided percutaneous nephrostomy insertion is needed for a safe,
non-threatening environment, without risk to patients. Commercial and a gelatin phantoms
are available. Skill is required prior to undertaking procedures in patients. (Rock et al., 2010)
5. Complications
Complications following simple nephrostomy tube drainage are minor with a rate
approaching 4%. (LeRoy, 1996).

The common complications are hemorrhage, infection,
improper catheter placement, nephrostomy tube dislodging after initial proper placement,
nephrocutaneous fistula, stone formation and post-obstructive diuresis. Initial hematuria is
common, but should be cleared in 24 48 hours post operatively.
Small subcapsular hematoma is found about 3% of cases, a complication that is usually
resolved without sequelae. Bleeding from iatrogenic arteriovenous-caliceal fistulas occurs in
less than 2% and can be managed with angioembolization. (Fig. 21, 22) Pulmary

Preoperative and postoperative angioembolization of arteriovenous fistula follow
percutaneous nephrolithotomy.
Fig. 21. Arteriovenous fistula at middle part
of kidney.
Fig. 22. Disappear of fistula after

Chronic Kidney Disease

complication is found in endourologic procedure via upper pole access. Patients with
significant hydrothorax usually need intercostal drainage. (Lojanapiwat & Prasopsuk, 2006).
(Fig. 23, 24) Other minor complications are small perforations with collection, malfunction
of nephrostomy tube, persistence nephrocutaneous fistula and sepsis in patients with
infected urine. (de la Rosette et al., 2011) (Fig. 25)

Fig. 23, 24. Hydrothorax: Immediate post-operative and post intercostal tube drainage chest
x-ray of patient following upper pole percutaneous nephrolithotomy.
Patients who develop postobstructive diuresis (POD > 3 liters per day or > 200 ml/hr for 12
to 24 hours) following urinary diversion should be treated with intravenous fluid of 0.45
percent NaCI at a two hourly rate equal to one half the previous two hours urine output.
(Gulmi et al., 1998)
Nephrostomy tube dislodgement from the skin can be undertaken even when carefully
fixed to the skin with silk suture. Zhou and colleges reported a new technique to reinforce
the nephrostomy tube in 48 patients by using 2 cm long rubber drainage tube as the outer
tube to encase the nephrostomy tube and suturing the longitudinal cutting edges together
with the skin suture. This technique can significantly decrease the dislodgement incidence
of nephrostomy tube. (Zhou et al., 2011)
Prevention of nephrocutaneous fistula, a nephrostogram should show radio-opaque
contrast medium passing freely down the ureter into the bladder. Clamping the catheter
should be done before removing the catheter and should cause no pain and no leakage
around the catheter.
Foreign-body calculi at nephrostomy tube can occur after long term placement. Dalton et al
reviewed the inducement of foreign-body calculi in laboratory animals as 1) Stone may
develop on foreign bodies in absence or presence of infection, 2) Urea-splitting organisms
enhance the formation of foreign-body stones, 3) Diuresis and urinary acidification inhibits
foreign-body stone formation. Iatrogenic foreign body stones lead to a significant proportion
of this urologic problem such as ureteral catheters or nephrostomy tubes. (Dalton et al., 1975).

Modern Surgical Treatments of Urinary Tract Obstruction


Fig. 25. Kinking of tube follow long term nephrostomy tube placement.
6. Percutaneas nephrostomy placement in special situations
6.1 Renal anomalies
Due to abnormal anatomy of patients with renal anomalies such as horseshoe kidney; in
prone position, the site of access is relatively median often at paraspinous area.
6.2 Transplanted kidney
In supine position, the percutanous access can be achieved through extraperitoneal
approach under ultrasound guidance. The puncture site start at medial to the anterior
superior iliac crest. Occasionally, CT guidance is needed especially when there is bowel
loops between anterior abdominal wall and kidney.
6.3 Pel vic kidney
Access nephrostomy tube to pelvic kidney is challenging due to significant complications
such as bleeding and urine extravasation. This technique requires combined transabdominal
laparoscopic and transurethral retrograde access creation.
6.4 Pediatric kidney
Access to the pediatric kidney is more complex than the adult kidney in terms of fluid
management and the appropriate size of the nephrostomy tube. Long term stabilization the
nephrostomy tube in children is often difficult.
7. Summary
Percutaneous nephrostomy is performed for temporary or permanent supravesicle urinary
diversion. The successful outcome without complication is the goal of this procedure and
this requires careful preoperative planning and proper techniques. The guidance system for
urinary tract intervention are fluoroscopic guidance, real-time ultrasonography and CT

Chronic Kidney Disease

scan. The ideal nephrostomy tract should course through renal parenchyma into the tip of
posterolateral calix then into the middle portion of renal pelvis.

The complication following
simple nephrostomy tube drainage is minor.
8. References
Banner, MP.; Ramchandani, P. & Pollack, HM. (1991). Interventional procedures in the
upper urinary tract. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol, 14(5):267-84.
Curhan, CG. & Zeidel, ML. (1996). Urinary tract obstruction, In BM Brenner(ed): The kidney.
5th ed. Philadelphia, WB Saunders CO, Vol 2 Chap41, 1391.
Dalton, DL.; Hughes, J. & Glenn, JF. (1975). Foreign bodies and urinary stones Urology, 6: 1
de la Rosette, J.; Assimos, D.; Desai, M.; Gutierrez, J.; Lingeman, J.; Scarpa, R. & Tefekli, A.
(2011). CROES PCNL Study Group. The Clinical Research Office of the
Endourological Society Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy Global Study: indications,
complications, and outcomes in 5803 patients. J Endourol. 25(1):11-7.
Falahatkar, S.; Asgari, SA.; Nasseh, H.; Allahkhah, A.; Farshami, FJ.; Shakiba, M. & Esmaeili,
S. (2010). Totally ultrasound versus fluoroscopically guided complete supine
percutaneous nephrolithotripsy: a first report. J Endourol, 24(9):1421-6.
Goodwin, WE.; Casey, WC. & Woolf, W. (1955). Percutaneous trocar (needle) nephrostomy
in hydronephrosis. J Am Med Assoc, 12; 157(11):891-4.
Gulmi, FA.; Felsen, D. & Vaughan, ED. (1998). Management of post-obstructive diuresis,
AUA update series , Vol 17:178-83.
Haaga, JR.; Zelch, Mg.; Alfids, RJ.; Steward, BH. & Daugherty, JD. (1977). Interventional CT
scanning. Radiol Clin North Am. 15(3):449-56.
Juul, N.; Nielsen, V. & Torp-Pederson, S. (1985). Percutaneous balloon catheter nephrostomy
guided by ultrasound. Results of a new technique. Scand J Urol Nephrol, 19(4):291-4.
LeRoy, AT. (1996). Percutaneous access, In: Smith, AD. & Badlani, GH. & Bagley, DH. (eds):
Smiths textbook of Endourology. 1st ed. St Louis, Missouri, Quality Medical
Publishing, Inc, Chap 14, P 199-223.
LeRoy, AJ.; May, GR.; Bender, CE.; Williams, HJ Jr.; Mc Gough, PF.; Segura, JW. & Patterson,
DF. (1984). Percutaneous nephrostomy for stone removal. Radiology, 151(3):607-12.
Lojanapiwat, B. & Prasopsuk, S. (2006). Upper-pole access for percutaneous
nephrolithotomy: comparison of supracostal and infracostal approaches. J
Endourol, 20(7):491-4.
Lojanapiwat, B. (2006). Previous open nephrolithotomy: does it affect percutaneous
nephrolithotomy techniques and outcome? J Endourol, 20(1):17-20.
Lojanapiwat, B.; Soonthornpan, S. & Wudhikarn, S. (2001). Tubeless percutaneous
nephrolithotomy in selected patients. J Endourol, 15(7):711-3.
Rock, BG.; Leonard, AP. & Freeman, SL. (2010). A training simul ator for ultrasound-guided
percutaneous nephrostomy insertion. Br J Radiol, 83:612-4.
Stables, DP.; Ginsberg, NJ. & Johnson, ML. (1978). Percutaneous nephrostomy: a series and
review of the literature. AJR Am J Roentgenol, 130(1):75-82.
Sherman, JL.; Hopper, KD.; Greene, AJ. & Johns, TT. (1985). The retrorenal colon on
computed tomography: a normal variant. J Comput Assist Tomogr, 9(2):339-41.
Zhou, T.; Gao, X.; Yang, C.; Peng, Y.; Xiao, L.; Xu, C, et al. (2011). Reforcement for
percutaneous nephrostomy tubes with a new technique. J Endourol, 25:41-4.
Extra-Anatomic Urinary Drainage
for Urinary Obstruction
Michael Kimuli, John Sciberras and Stuart Lloyd
St. Jamess University Hospital, Leeds
1. Introduction
Long-term drainage of the urinary tracts of patients with impassable ureteric strictures
remains a major challenge to the urologist. Until the mid 1970s the only viable, minimally
invasive treatment was a permanent nephrostomy with all its sequelae, loss of quality of life,
risk of tube dislocation, infection, and recurrent obstruction (Marberger, 2006). For decades,
researchers experimented with different prosthetic ureteric replacements with minimal
success. with minimal success. The breakthrough came in 1976 with a case report of the first
successful prosthetic replacement of both ureters in a patient with malignant obstruction.
The authors proved that not only were prosthetic materials possible replacements for
ureters, peristaltic activity was not needed for permanent normal function of the upper
urinary tract (Schulman, et al., 1976). This landmark study resulted in rapid progress in the
investigation for potential materials for ureteric replacement that could be used without
need for major reconstructive surgery. However, it was not until 1994 that the first viable 7F
double-pigtail prosthetic extra-anatomic bypass system was developed (Lingam et al., 1994).
Despite several series reporting excellent outcomes during the last two decades, extra-
anatomic stenting is not yet universally offered to candidate patients.
Conventionally, such patients are offered a minimally invasive procedure in the form of a
percutaneous nephrostomy or alternatively reconstructive surgery. Percutaneous
nephrostomy, though minimally invasive, is far from ideal for long-term use. Reconstructive
surgery overcomes some of the problems related to long-term nephrostomy use; however, it
requires patients to undergo major surgery. Unfortunately, the majority of impassable
ureteric strictures are due to malignant disease, which has been reported to carry a poor
prognosis with a resulting median survival of 3 to 7 months (Kouba et al., 2008). This
prognosis highlights the importance of maintaining quality of life in this group of patients
and major reconstructive surgery with all its potential sequelae, should ideally be avoided.
An ideal urinary diversion should provide symptomatic relief for the required duration
without requiring multiple changes and should be associated with minimal or no morbidity.
Several authors have reported their experience of using extra-anatomical stents (EAS) for
temporary or permanent drainage of obstructed urinary tracts (Ahmadzadeh, 1991; Lingam
et al., 1994; Nakada et al., 1995; Desgrandchamps et al., 1998a 1998b; Minhas et al., 1999;
Lloyd et al., 2007). In this chapter, we describe the indications for and the technique of
inserting the EAS, and a review of the results from the major series.

Chronic Kidney Disease

2. Patient indications
The main indication for insertion of an EAS is malignant ureteric obstruction that has failed
management with internal ureteric stenting or nephrostomy (Fig 1a-b). Patients with benign
ureteric obstruction that have either failed open reconstructive surgery or are unfit or
unwilling to undergo open surgery can also be considered for EAS. Increasing experience
with EAS has been paralleled by an expansion in it is indications. At our institution for
example, we have successfully used EAS to treat intractable urinary incontinence due to
ureteric fistulae in patients otherwise unfit for open surgical repair. In some patients, it has
been used as a temporary measure for ureteric fistula before definitive repair is carried out.
Lastly, EAS is increasingly being used in transplanted kidneys (Olsburgh , 2007) as well as
in patients with ileal conduit (own series).

Fig. 1a. Bilateral Extra-anatomic stents of the Paterson Forrester type (short-term). There is
also trans-ureteric ureterostomy stent seen in-situ to be removed. Patient had bilateral
strictures and fistula after reconstruction in a post-irradiated abdomen and several attempts
at corrective surgery without success.
The only absolute contraindications are uncorrected coagulopathies and active malignancy,
either arising or invading the bladder. Tumour seeding along the track may occur if the
stent is placed near a tumour (Fig. 2). Bowel stomas and multiple abdominal scars make
stent placement more challenging but are not a contraindication. Likewise, patients with a
small capacity bladder require appropriate counseling regarding potential increased urinary
frequency especially if they have been managed with nephrostomy for a long time. Patients
should be warned of the risk of subcutaneous infection that will usually respond to a course
of appropriate antibiotic. Rarely, the infection may necessitate removal of the stent with a

Extra-Anatomic Urinary Drainage for Urinary Obstruction


Fig. 1b. Cystogram in a patient with a Detour extra-anatomic stent (permanent type) for
ureteric obstruction after sarcoma excision.
temporary conversion of the proximal end to a nephrostomy. Rarely still, stent blockage
may occur requiring change before 12 months. In our experience, storage bladder symptoms
from the stent are exceptionally rare and no stent was ever removed at our institution due to
this problem.
3. Stents
Different types of EAS have been developed and used successfully by different authors
(Lingam, 1994; Minhas, 1999; Desgrandchamps, 1998a;, Lloyd, 2007). The designs have
varied with the materials used, length of stent, diameter of stent and on whether one or
composite stent/s are utilized. They however, all have a common objective of establishing a

Chronic Kidney Disease


Fig. 2. Tumour invasion along the route of an extra-anatomic stent.
nephro-vesical subcutaneous urinary diversion. The diameter of the stent is thought to be
the main determinant of the duration the stent may remain in situ without encrustation or
blocking. It has been estimated that a 17 F diameter is required to prevent stent encrustation
irrespective of its composition in association with increased fluid intake (Andonian, et al.
To this end, we utilize two types of stents in our practice. One is a short-term 8.5F 65cm EAS
without side holes except at either end. We offer to all patients with malignant disease and
in patients with poor general health and benign disease where there is concern regarding
the functionality of the bladder. If they survive the first change and have a good prognosis,
we will usually discuss conversion to a more long-term 29F Detour EAS. The latter stent
requires a more invasive technique including an open cystostomy but has the advantage of
potentially being a permanent diversion with a single procedure. We use it as a primary
option in patients with a long life expectancy. Below, we describe our technique of inserting
both types of stents.
4. The Paterson-Forrester stent
4.1 Equipment
The Paterson-Forrester 65cm, 8.5F polyurethane stent (Cook Ireland Ltd)
Cystoscopy tray for either (flexible or rigid cystoscopy)

Extra-Anatomic Urinary Drainage for Urinary Obstruction

Percutaneous nephrostomy track placement tray with telescopic metal dilators to size 3 (18F).
Contrast solution in a luer lock syringe
Minor operation tray with scalpel, tissue forceps and clips
Dissecting scissors
Needle holder and absorbable sutures
Nephrostomy needle and 0.38F j tip wire
12 F peel away sheath
0.38F floppy tip stiff core Sensor wire (Microvasive)
Extra equipment for exchange of stent
6F end flushing ureteric catheter
Flexible rat-toothed stent removing forceps if flexible cystoscope is used
4.2 First time insertion PF stent
The procedure for insertion involves three steps:
1. Insertion of stent in the kidney via a new or existing nephrostomy tract. Our preferred
option is to use the track of an existing nephrostomy tube after a minimum of 5 days
2. Creation of a subcutaneous tunnel and tunneling of the stent to reach the supra-pubic
3. Creation of a supra-pubic tube cystostomy and insertion into the bladder in the bladder.
Step 1
For unilateral placement, the patient is positioned in the Lloyd-Davis position, with the ipsi-
lateral leg in extension and the affected side elevated to approximately 20
with 3 litre saline
bags. Gram-negative antibiotic prophylaxis is given usually Gentamicin 2mg/Kg. The skin
is prepared with aqueous iodine and draping applied to leave the abdomen and
nephrostomy tube exposed (Fig. 3). The C-arm is positioned at the opposite side of the stent
insertion while the camera with stack is placed near the foot of the table opposite the
operator. An assistant needs to be able to perform a cystoscopy at the same time the
operator places the upper end of the stent as detailed below.
Ideally the patient already has a nephrostomy tube in place and thus the following steps are
undertaken. However, it is possible to create a new track and deliver the proximal end of the
stent into the kidney de-novo. Local anaesthetic is injected into the skin around the
nephrostomy tube and contrast is injected to opacify the collecting system. A 0.38F Sensor
guide wire (Microvasive) is passed through the existing nephrostomy tube and the tube
removed under screening leaving the wire in the system. The tapered end of the EAS is
placed into the collecting system over the wire producing a good coil in the kidney. The skin
incision is extended in a transverse direction for 2cm and the existing cutaneous aspect of
the existing fistulous track is excised and dissected free from the rest of the tract in order to
allow the stent to sit below the skin cutaneous margin (Fig. 4).

Chronic Kidney Disease


Fig. 3. Patient positioning over the edge of the operating table with fluid bags elevating the
side and the nephrostomy tube included in skin preparation.

Fig. 4. The Paterson-Forrester extra-anatomic stent is passed over a guide wire and replaces
the nephrostomy tube. The skin bridge is dissected free.
Step 2
The Alken PCNL coaxial metal dilators are used to create a multi-stage subcutaneous tunnel
(Fig. 5). The 9F long metal guide rod is passed in the subcutaneous fat layer obliquely
towards the iliac fossa. The tract is sequentially dilated to 18F. After injection with local
anaesthetic the skin is incised over the tip of the dilators at a point that allows control of
both ends of the dilators. The smaller dilators are retrieved from the new incision leaving
only the 18F dilator in place through which the EAS is passed towards the bladder. The
metal dilator is then retrieved distally leaving the stent in a new subcutaneous tunnel. The
procedure is repeated two or three times depending upon the route taken to the supra-pubic
area avoiding scars and or stomas.

Extra-Anatomic Urinary Drainage for Urinary Obstruction


Fig. 5. The Alken dilators used to create a subcutaneous tunnel down to the supra-pubic
Step 3
The site of the last skin incision should be in the supra-pubic region but lateral to the
midline. An assistant performs a cystoscopy to allow visualization of the stent as it is
inserted into the bladder using a modified Seldinger technique with the aid of a 12 F peel-
away sheath. Before the stent is finally delivered into its final subcutaneous tunnel the
position of proximal end of the stent is checked with x ray screening (Fig. 6). The presence of
a cystoscope should prevent distal stent migration out through the urethra. The skin is
closed with absorbable sutures and skin glue.
4.3 Exchange of PF stent
Stents are changed routinely at 12 months (although licensed for 3 months), using the
following technique:
A clip is used to identify a suitable position to incise the skin anteriorly, ideally half way
along the stent but any position proximal to the bladder is acceptable. It is better to be able
to see this site and the proximal coil in the kidney in the same fluoroscopic image. Making a
small transverse incision at the appropriate site exposes the stent. The stent is then cut and a
Sensor guide-wire passed through the proximal portion of the stent, which is then removed.
The new stent is passed over the guide-wire before withdrawing the wire. The guide-wire is
then passed into the bladder via the distal end of the old stent, which is then removed. The
distal end of the new stent is passed over the wire into the bladder and the guide-wire
removed endoscopically from the distal end of the stent (Minhas et al., 1999).

Chronic Kidney Disease


Fig. 6. Supra-pubic puncture and peel-away sheath used to deliver stent into the bladder
under cystoscopic control.

Fig. 7. Wounds closed with subcutaneous absorbable sutures and skin glue.
5. Insertion of the detour stent
The equipment required are provided as a kit and include the 29F PTFE-silicone stent and
the dilator (Coloplast, UK). In addition, a surgical set suitable for a lower abdominal

Extra-Anatomic Urinary Drainage for Urinary Obstruction

transverse incision is required. Insertion of the permanent Detour stent follows the same
principals described above but because it is a bigger stent (29F), it requires the tract to be
dilated to 30F (Lloyd et al., 2007). This is achieved with a 30F renal Amplatz sheath and a
large-bore plastic subcutaneous tunneling device, which are included in the kit (Fig. 8a-f). A
lower abdominal transverse incision is undertaken before a 1cm open cystostomy is
performed via which the stent is placed into the bladder and secured with 4-0 Vicryl sutures
to the bladder serosa. The large bore subcutaneous stent can be easily palpated and seen in
the thin patient (Fig. 9).

Fig. 8a. Lateral percutaneous track using the existing nephrostomy to inject contrast to
outline and dilate the pelvi-calyceal system

Fig. 8b. Insertion of the proximal end of the Detour stent through the Amplatz sheath into
the kidney (note yellow radiolucent ring to aid positioning).

Chronic Kidney Disease


Fig. 8c. Opaque contrast medium injected through the stent to ensure correct positioning.

Fig. 8d. Subcutaneous tunneling device (blue) and Detour stent being positioned from renal
puncture site to supra-pubic region prior to bladder suture

Fig. 8e,f. Sutured cystostomy after shortening the stent, skin glue is applied to wounds
after subcutaneouse sutures and glue.

Extra-Anatomic Urinary Drainage for Urinary Obstruction


Fig. 9. Wide bore Detour stent may be palpable in thin patients. Healed incisions are visible.
6. Post-operative management and follow-up
A Foley catheter may be left in the bladder for a few hours to observe fluid balance but it is
not essential following insertion of the short term EAS. Patients are usually discharged
home on the day of surgery or the following day. The referring physician monitors the renal
function. The patients are instructed to seek medical help immediately if they develop any
signs of local or systemic sepsis. Following placement of the Detour stent, an indwelling
catheter is left in situ for 1 week, and a cystogram is performed to check the integrity of the
suture line before catheter removal (Fig. 10). Flexible cystoscopic view may show some
mucosal oedema at the site of implantation (Fig. 11).

Chronic Kidney Disease


Fig. 10. Cystogram used to check for suture line integrity.

Fig. 11. Cystoscopic appearance of the silicone part of the Detour stent.
7. Discussion of results
End-stage ureteric obstruction, which has failed ureteric stenting, presents a significant
challenge the urologist. Most of our patients have terminal cancer and are therefore not ideal

Extra-Anatomic Urinary Drainage for Urinary Obstruction

candidates for major reconstructive surgery. The remainder of the patients have either failed
or declined reconstructive surgery, or are too frail for major surgery. The conventional
practice of managing this group of patients is with external percutaneous nephrostomy
drainage. Unfortunately long-term nephrostomy drainage presents significant compromises
to the patient's quality of life in addition to requiring regular changes.
In 1991, Ahmadzadeh reported short-term results in 8 patients with ureteric obstruction
who underwent subcutaneous urinary diversion using a specially designed stent. The
procedure had the advantage of being simple whilst at the same time avoided the
complications and social effects of other methods of palliative treatment by urinary
diversion (Ahmadzadeh 1991). Since this pioneering article, several authors have reported
their experience with different types of EAS for urinary diversion. In 1994 Lingam and
colleagues reported their series of 5 patients who had EASs inserted during a 15-month
period. The diversion was created using a specially designed 7F double pigtail stent, which
they routinely changed at 4-month intervals. They found it to be a safe, effective and an
acceptable alternative to nephrostomy drainage that improved quality of life (Lingam et al.,
1994). A year later, another small study reported a marked improvement in patients overall
comfort and quality of life following conversion of nephrostomies to EASs using a similar
but slightly larger 8.5F stent (Nakada et al., 1995). In the same year, Desgrandchamps
introduced another stent prototype, which was a one-piece, self-retaining expanded
polytetrafluoroethylene-silicone tube that was successfully assembled as an EAS in 19
patients with a mean follow-up of 7.2 months. All patients expressed an improvement in the
quality of life although in one case, a conversion to a conventional percutaneous
nephrostomy was necessary (Desgrandchamps et al., 1995).
In 1999, our group published results of 13 patients treated with EAS. Urinary diversion was
successful in all patients; two survived for more than 1 year, with changes at six monthly
intervals. In three patients the stents were replaced by percutaneous nephrostomies because
of problems with leakage or infection. The remaining patients died with functioning EAS in
situ. For the first time long-term follow up was reported. This study showed that the mean
(range) time from stent placement to death was 7.5 (318) months. It was also the first time
in the literature that an EAS had been used in a patient with a benign stricture of a native
ureter. The patient remained well and was alive to the end of the study at 24 months
(Minhas et al., 1999). Since this original publication, we have implanted over one hundred
EAS in candidate patients at our institution with equally excellent results (unpublished
One drawback of this one-piece stent was its long length of 70-cm, which some found to be
complex to implant, time-consuming, and cumbersome for the patient (Schmidbauer et al.,
2006). Nissenkorn and Gdor developed a two 14F 50-cm polyurethane J stents joined by a
connector. After stent placement was confirmed by injecting a contrast agent through the tube,
the stents were intra-operatively shortened as needed before linking them together. They used
the stents successfully in eight patients with a mean follow up of mean 5.5 months
(Nissenkorn & Gdor, 2000). In 2006, Schmidbauer et al. reported their successful results using
a composite prosthesis set composed of two 12F polyurethane J-tubes, a 58-cm percutaneous
nephrostomy part and a 56-cm percutaneous cystostomy part, malleable tunnelers, and a
metal connector for joining the two tubes. In 27 patients followed up for 12 months (2 54
months) an improvement in mean quality of life score from 3.4+/-1.4 pre-operatively to 7.6+/-

Chronic Kidney Disease

1.0 post-operatively was reported. In five patients (17.9%) the system had to be replaced due to
occlusion at a mean follow-up of 10.2 months. In three out of these five patients only the distal
part of the two-piece bypass was exchanged (Schmidbauer et al., 2006).
Desgrandchamps et al. were the first authors to report use of a permanent PTFE-silicone
EAS (Detour). They reported 3 patients who underwent successful EAS for ureteric necrosis,
a rare complication of renal transplantation (Desgrandchamps et al., 1998). In 2001, the same
group, reported use of the PTFE-silicone EAS in 27 patients with neoplastic (22) or benign
(5) ureteric strictures. The mean follow-up was 6.3 months for the deceased patients and 47
months for the surviving ones, the longest follow-up being 84 months. In 3 cases, the EAS
had to be removed due skin erosion in one and local tumour progression with bladder
fistulae in two patients. Otherwise, five patients survived with the prosthesis in situ and a
follow-up as long as 84 months without encrustation, infection, obstruction, or skin
problems and with normally functioning kidneys (Jabbour et al., 2001). A prospective
evaluation of their patients quality using the EORTC QLC-30 questionnaire following
insertion of the Detour EAS demonstrated an improvement of the function scale as a result
of the elimination of the external percutaneous tube and a parallel worsening of the
symptom scale secondary to the progression of disease (http://groups.eortc.be/qol/
questionnaires_qlqc30.htm). Patient ratings of the global quality of life and satisfaction with
the urinary diversion were high because of the absence of the percutaneous tube
(Desgrandchamps et al., 2007). Other authors have since reported equally excellent results
with the Detour EAS (Lloyd et al., 2007; Olsburgh et al., 2007; Burgos et al., 2009).
Aminsharifi A et al. recently described a promising simple modification of using
percutaneous access to the bladder utilizing a split Amplatz sheath, and thus obviating the
need for open cystostomy incision (Aminsharifi et al., 2010).
The main long-term complication reported is tumour invasion along the stent and active
bladder cancer is the main contraindication to EAS insertion. One case report reported a
patient presenting with acute obstruction of the Detour system secondary to a Candida
infection that was managed successfully with short term nephrostomy and systemic anti-
mycotic therapy without removing the stent (Bynens et al., 2006).
8. Conclusion
The long term data show that EAS offers an excellent temporary or permanent
internalization of urinary drainage with a minimally invasive method where open surgery
has been tried and failed or was not considered feasible, and avoids the need for long-term
nephrostomy drainage.
An ideal EAS should be associated with minimal or no peri-operative morbidity; whilst at
the same time does not require regular changes. Such a stent does not currently exist but it is
likely that the rapid advancement in tissue engineering and biomaterials will make it
possible to design one soon.
9. References
Ahmadzadeh, M. (1991). Clinical experience with subcutaneous urinary diversion: new
approach using a double pigtail stent. Br J Urol, 67, 596-599.

Extra-Anatomic Urinary Drainage for Urinary Obstruction

Aminsharifi, A., Taddayun, A., Jafari, M. & Ghanbarifard, E. (2010). Pyelovesical bypass
graft for palliative management of malignant ureteric obstruction: optimizing the
technique by percutaneous access to the bladder using a split Amplatz sheath.
Urology, 76, 993-995.
Andonian, S., Zorn, K.C., Paraskevas, S. & Anidjar, M. (2005). Artificial ureters in renal
transplantation. Urology, 66, 1109.
Burgos, F.J., Bueno, G., Gonzalez, R., Vazquez, J.J., Diez-Nicolas, V., Marcen, R., Fernandez,
A. & Pascual, J. (2009). Endourologic implants to treat complex ureteral stenosis
after kidney transplantation. Transplant Proc, 41, 2427-2429.
Bynens, B.G., Ampe, J.F., Denys, H. & Oyen, P.M. (2006). Case report: relief of acute
obstruction of the Detour subcutaneous pyelovesical bypass. J Endourol, 20, 669-671.
Desgrandchamps, F., Cussenot, O., Meria, P., Cortesse, A., Teillac, P. & Le Duc, A. (1995).
Subcutaneous urinary diversions for palliative treatment of pelvic malignancies. J
Urol, 154, 367-370.
Desgrandchamps, F., Duboust, A., Teillac, P., Idatte, J.M. & Le Duc, A. (1998a). Total ureteral
replacement by subcutaneous pyelovesical bypass in ureteral necrosis after renal
transplantation. Transpl Int, 11 Suppl 1, S150-151.
Desgrandchamps, F., Leroux, S., Ravery, V., Bochereau, G., Menut, P., Meria, P., Ballanger,
P. & Teillac, P. (2007). Subcutaneous pyelovesical bypass as replacement for
standard percutaneous nephrostomy for palliative urinary diversion: prospective
evaluation of patient's quality of life. J Endourol, 21, 173-176.
Desgrandchamps, F., Paulhac, P., Fornairon, S., De Kerviller, E., Duboust, A., Teillac, P. & Le
Duc, A. (1998b). Artificial ureteral replacement for ureteral necrosis after renal
transplantation: report of 3 cases. J Urol, 159, 1830-1832.
Jabbour, M.E., Desgrandchamps, F., Angelescu, E., Teillac, P. & Le Duc, A. (2001).
Percutaneous implantation of subcutaneous prosthetic ureters: long-term outcome.
J Endourol, 15, 611-614.
Kouba, E., Wallen, E.M. & Pruthi, R.S. (2008). Management of ureteral obstruction due to
advanced malignancy: optimizing therapeutic and palliative outcomes. J Urol, 180,
Lingam, K., Paterson, P.J., Lingam, M.K., Buckley, J.F. & Forrester, A. (1994). Subcutaneous
urinary diversion: an alternative to percutaneous nephrostomy. J Urol, 152, 70-72.
Lloyd, S.N., Tirukonda, P., Biyani, C.S., Wah, T.M. & Irving, H.C. (2007). The detour extra-
anatomic stent--a permanent solution for benign and malignant ureteric
obstruction? Eur Urol, 52, 193-198.
Marberger, M. 2006. Prosthetic nephrovesical bypass. Eur Urol, 50, 879-883.
Minhas, S., Irving, H.C., Lloyd, S.N., Eardley, I., Browning, A.J. & Joyce, A.D. (1999). Extra-
anatomic stents in ureteric obstruction: experience and complications. BJU Int, 84,
Nakada, S.Y., Gerber, A.J., Wolf, J.S., Jr., Hicks, M.E., Picus, D. & Clayman, R.V.(1995).
Subcutaneous urinary diversion utilizing a nephrovesical stent: a superior
alternative to long-term external drainage? Urology, 45, 538-541.
Nissenkorn, I. & Gdor, Y. (2000). Nephrovesical subcutaneous stent: an alternative to
permanent nephrostomy. J Urol, 163, 528-530.
Olsburgh, J., Dorling, A., Tait, P. & Williams, G. (2007). Extra-anatomic stents for transplant
ureteric stenosis. Br J Radiol, 80, 216-218.

Chronic Kidney Disease

Schmidbauer, J., Kratzik, C., Klingler, H.C., Remzi, M., Lackner, J. & Marberger, M. (2006).
Nephrovesical subcutaneous ureteric bypass: long-term results in patients with
advanced metastatic disease-improvement of renal function and quality of life. Eur
Urol, 50, 1073-1078.
Schulman, C.C., Vandendris, M., Vanlanduyt, P. & Abramow, M. (1976). Total replacement
of both ureters by prostheses. Eur Urol, 2, 89-91.
Percutaneous Nephrostomy
Rameysh D. Mahmood, Lee Yizhi and Mark Tan M.L.
Dept of Diagnostic Radiology, Changi General Hospital
1. Introduction
Percutaneous nephrostomy (PCN) is a passageway that is introduced percutaneously into
the renal pelvicalyces that can later be maintained by a tube, stent or catheter. Following its
introduction by Wickbom in 1954 who described percutaneous puncture of the renal pelvis
as a diagnostic procedure, Goodwin and Casey first described its therapeutic use for relief of
urinary tract obstruction the following year in 1955 (Goodwin, Casey et al. 1955; Stables,
Ginsberg et al. 1978). Since then, this now commonplace procedure has undergone
significant progress in both its technical and imaging aspects, with improvisation of
puncture devices and techniques, coupled with the advancing imaging modalities used to
guide the procedure. Thanks to its good safety profile, percutaneous nephrostomy is the
preferred technique for treatment of various urological conditions, and its pioneering role
for relief of urinary tract obstruction remains in good use until today.
This chapter aims to review the clinical use of percutaneous nephrostomy as well as the
background technical aspects involved in carrying out the procedure. Some emphasis will
be placed in the anatomical considerations that are crucial in determining approach as well
as risk profile for an individual case. The associated known complications of the procedure
will also be discussed, along with the therapeutic options available for the relevant
2. Indications and contraindications of percutaneous nephrostomy
In essence, percutaneous nephrostomy may be performed for diagnostic or therapeutic
purposes. For example, an antegrade pyelography can be performed following
percutaneous nephrostomy to diagnose urinary tract obstruction. Its therapeutic uses on the
other hand, can be seen to fall under two broad groups. Typically, the procedure is carried
out to provide urinary diversion, and for a large number of cases this is related to urinary
tract obstruction due to various causes. Secondly, the nephrostomy can be used to provide
access to the urinary tracts for further intervention such as endopyeloscopy and
nephrolithotomy. This is usually performed in collaboration with a urologist.
2.1 Indications
The following is a list of indications recognised by the Society of Interventional Radiology
(SIR) (Ramchandani, Cardella et al. 2003):

Chronic Kidney Disease

1. Provision of urinary diversion in cases of urinary tract obstruction, which may be
secondary to intrinsic or extrinsic ureteral obstruction. This may be related to urinary
calculi, malignancy or iatrogenic causes. The obstruction may be diagnosed incidentally
on imaging studies, or patients may present with features of obstructive uropathy.
2. In cases of pyonephrosis, where there is urgency in providing immediate drainage as
these patients are at risk of developing fulminant sepsis and shock. This may be
suspected in patients with clinical features of sepsis, accompanied by flank pain and
evidence of urinary tract obstruction on imaging.
3. Urinary diversion in cases of urinary leakage or fistula, which may in turn be related to
trauma for example.
4. Urinary diversion for hemorrhagic cystitis.
5. Providing access for urological interventions and endoscopy (nephrolithotomy and
removal of urinary calculus, ureteral stent placement, delivery of chemotherapeutic
agents e.g. for upper tract transitional cell carcinoma, foreign body retrieval e.g.
migrated ureteral stents). Percutaneous nephrostomy has been shown to provide
adequate treatment of various types of urinary calculi including staghorn calculi.
The above indications can be applied to both native as well as transplanted kidneys.
2.2 Contraindications
Percutaneous nephrostomy has a good safety profile, and there is no single recognizable
absolute contraindication (Ramchandani, Cardella et al. 2003). Relative contraindications
however do exist, for which the benefits and potential risk must be weighed for each
individual case.
Patients with known renal vascular malformations or arterial aneurysm are at risk of severe
hemorrhage should there be accidental injury to these affected vessels. Nevertheless these
patients may still require emergent decompression particularly in cases of urinary tract
obstruction complicated by pyonephrosis. Careful preprocedural planning is vital, taking
into account the nature of vascular malformations or aneurysm in detail by using the
appropriate imaging method such as CT when determining approach and puncture tract.
The performing physician should be aware of the potential need for angiographic
embolization in these cases, particularly if bleeding becomes difficult to control and there is
risk of hemodynamic instability. Similarly, patients with severe coagulopathy or bleeding
diathesis are exposed to risks of severe hemorrhage. For these patients, thorough assessment
of their coagulation profile as well as appropriate correction of coagulopathy may be
necessary prior to the procedure.
Electrolyte imbalances such as severe hyperkalaemia may frequently be encountered
particularly in cases of background chronic renal disease, and in whom the concomitant
urinary tract obstruction may need to be urgently treated. In these cases, appropriate
medical therapy is required to correct the electrolyte imbalance in order to reduce the risk of
developing complications such as cardiac arrhythmia or cardioplegia (Ramchandani,
Cardella et al. 2003).
Special attention should also be made to those patients with significant underlying
morbidity or terminal illness who are deemed unsuitable for conventional surgery but yet
there may be a role for percutaneous nephrostomy to provide a temporary measure. Risks of

Percutaneous Nephrostomy

complications are higher in these patients, and they are ideally treated as an inpatient to
ensure adequate planning prior to the procedure as well as providing periprocedural
Fluoroscopic or CT-guided percutaneous nephrostomy may be contraindicated in pregnant
patients in the first trimester in order to minimize radiation exposure to the fetus.
Percutaneous nephrostomy performed using only ultrasound guidance has been described
with good success rates (Gupta, Gulati et al. 1997; Ozden, Yaman et al. 2002), with Gupta
reporting an overall success rate of 98.5%. However minimum radiation exposure should
always be borne in mind even in non-pregnant patients in accordance with ALARA (As
Low As Reasonably Achievable) principle.
3. Anatomical considerations
Following assessment of the primary diagnosis and indication for percutaneous
nephrostomy for each particular case, the procedure should not be performed without
adequate review of all relevant imaging performed prior to the procedure. Percutaneous
nephrostomy is usually performed using ultrasound or fluoroscopic guidance, although in
many cases, CT may have been performed to arrive at the diagnosis prior to the procedure
and correlation with these images may prove to be beneficial.
The primary diagnosis should be reviewed thoroughly, and this should include the cause
and level of obstruction, degree of pelvicalyceal dilatation, as well as the most accessible
renal calyx for catheter placement. If urinary calculi are present within the renal pelvis, their
exact nature and location must be elucidated. The success rate for percutaneous
nephrostomy has been reported to be lower in patients with a non-dilated collecting system,
complex calculus disease and staghorn calculus (Ramchandani, Cardella et al. 2003). The
kidney itself must also be assessed for the presence of anatomical variants or congenital
anomalies such as horseshoe kidney.
Equally important to note is the vascular anatomy of the target kidney. Its precise
delineation, as well as the presence of abnormal vascular malformations or aneurysmal
dilatation should be noted. Injury to the first order segmental renal arteries may occur in the
region of the renal pelvis, particularly if the puncture is made too medially. To prevent
vascular injury and bleeding complications, the safest approach has been described by
approaching the cusp of the papilla as far peripherally as possible, and by entering the
kidney via the Brodels line (Dyer, Regan et al. 2002). Brodels line is a zone of relative
avascularity and watershed territory, which is located just posterior to the lateral convex
margin of the kidney, between the major anterior and posterior divisions of the renal artery.
Care should be taken to avoid a through-and-through two-wall puncture of the renal pelvis
as this runs the risk of injury to the anterior segmental renal artery.
The position of the affected kidney relative to the surrounding abdominal viscera should be
thoroughly assessed as this has a bearing in determining the safest and most effective
approach for renal puncture. Under normal circumstances, the posterolateral margins of the
kidneys are immediately adjacent to the posterolateral aspects of the abdominal wall with
no organs to interpose in between. Hence, a posterior approach is advantageous in avoiding
the surrounding organs (Hruby 1990). Although the spleen, liver, pancreas and the adrenal
glands are in close proximity to the kidneys, they are usually not shown to interpose

Chronic Kidney Disease

between the posterior aspect of the kidney and the adjacent abdominal wall. Hruby
described no injury to these organs in their retrospective review of 3100 patients who
underwent percutaneous nephrostomy. However trans-splenic puncture has been reported
in a series of patients who underwent percutaneous nephrostomy for nephrolithotomy
(Carey, Siddiq et al. 2006).

Fig. 1. Axial diagram of a kidney as seen in a
prone patient illustrating the relations of the
relatively avascular zone of Brodel (shaded)
with the posterior (p) and anterior (a)
branches of the main renal artery as well as
the posterior calyx (#).
Fig. 2. The shaded wedge represents an
ideal approach through Brodels avascular
zone. This approach of approximately 20
30 from the sagittal plane (dotted line) into
the posterior calyx (#) minimizes the risk of
bleeding. A CT pyelogram is used to better
illustrate the pelvicalyceal system.
There are exceptions to the above, as parts of the pleura lie in the posterior
costodiaphragmatic recess that may overlap with the anterior pole of the kidney. Under
normal circumstances, the lower line of the pleura usually crosses the 12
rib at the lateral
border of the erector spinae muscle, and part of the 12
rib posterior to this point lies above
the pleural line. This is important to note as a transpleural puncture may result in
pneumothorax or hydrothorax, and for this reason, a subcostal approach should be used.
Hruby described the best subcostal approach to be below the 12
rib, approximately 2
fingerbreadth lateral to the lateral border of the paraspinal musclature, which is
approximately along the posterior axillary line.
It is important to note however that the position of the kidneys in relation to the pleura
varies according to respiration and individual anatomical variations, and this may be best
assessed by using fluoroscopy just prior to puncture. The lower pole calyx is therefore the
most likely to lie below the pleural line, and may in this way provide the safest approach.
This is even more so in the right kidney, which is normally lower in position as compared to
the left. However the upper pole calyx may have to be punctured in such cases where there
is limited access to the lower pole calyx, for example due to presence of a large calculus. In
such cases, a supracostal approach may have to be used with care.
In addition to the pleura, the colon is frequently found in close contact with the
anteromedial aspect of the kidney, and too medial an approach may run the risk of colonic

Percutaneous Nephrostomy

perforation. Occasionally, a retrorenal colon may also be encountered, and approach should
therefore be negotiated accordingly. Although uncommon, cases of colonic perforation has
been reported and this will be discussed further later in this chapter.
4. Patient preparations, procedure and technique
4.1 Patient preparations
As described, a patient who is about to undergo percutaneous nephrostomy should be
thoroughly assessed for current physical status and presence of comorbidities that may
affect the risk of developing complications following the procedure. Hyperkalaemia, should
be corrected appropriately. Patients who are coagulopathic will have to be managed with
plasma or platelet transfusion. Acceptable platelet and INR (International Normalised Ratio)
levels vary between institutions, but INR values of less than 1.3 or platelet levels of more
than 80,000/dL have been considered acceptable (Ramchandani, Cardella et al. 2003).
Prophylactic antibiotics have been widely used in preparing patients for percutaneous
nephrostomy, although no clinical trial has published reports of its benefits to date. A
prospective controlled study of patients undergoing percutaneous nephrolithotomy
(Mariappan, Smith et al. 2006) reported significant reduction in the risk of upper tract
infection and urosepsis following 1 week of prophylactic ciprofloxacin. However this may
not be extrapolated in cases of percutaneous nephrostomy not related to underlying calculus
or nephrolithotomy, as the presence of calculus is known to be associated with increased
risk of infection. On a similar note, McDermott et al regarded the genitourinary tract as
being contaminated in the presence of advanced age, diabetes, bladder dysfunction,
indwelling urinary catheter, prior manipulation, ureterointestinal anastomosis, bacteriuria
and calculi particularly of the struvite variety (McDermott, Schuster et al. 1997). This is
particularly so in the presence of clinical signs of infection. It has been recommended that
patients with low risk of infection receive a single dose of 1g of intravenous cefazolin or
ceftriaxone prior to the procedure (Ramchandani, Cardella et al. 2003). If these patients do
not develop continuing signs of infection following the procedure, no further antibiotic
treatment is necessary. Patients who are septic or with the above risk factors and at risk of
developing infections, are recommended to prophylactically receive 1g of intravenous
ceftriaxone 8-hourly or 1g of IV sulbactame 6-hourly, along with 80mg of IV gentamycin 8-
hourly (Ramchandani, Cardella et al. 2003). Antibiotics are given for 5-7 days in the peri-
procedure period, and should be adjusted according to the results of urine culture obtained
from the procedure.
Other aspects of patient preparation are common to most other interventional procedures
performed in a hospital setting, and this entail obtaining informed consent regarding the
procedure as well as adequate fasting if conscious sedation is considered. Certain groups of
patients such as young children may have to undergo general anaesthesia, in which case
collaboration with an anaesthetist may be necessary.
4.2 Technique
The patient is traditionally positioned in the prone or prone-oblique position, with the target
puncture side elevated by approximately 20-30 degrees. The prone technique was originally
adopted by Goodwin probably to avoid the colon and has since gained acceptance. The

Chronic Kidney Disease

supine anterolateral position has also been recently suggested (Cormio, Annese et al. 2007)
as being a safe and effective technique, with the benefits of greater patient comfort as well as
causing less respiratory and circulatory difficulties in obese patients. Regardless, the target
kidney should be reimaged and reassessed, and this is most commonly performed with
ultrasonography. The target renal calyx should be identified and a planned approach should
be clearly delineated. The puncture site should then be identified and marked at this stage of
the procedure. As described above, the target renal calyxs position relative to the
diaphragm during respiration should be observed, and ideally, a subcostal approach
targeting Brodels line should be utilized.
The site of renal puncture is determined by the indication for the procedure. A lower pole
posterior calyx for instance, would be best used for simple urinary drainage (Dyer, Regan et
al. 2002), while those of the upper and middle poles provide better access to the renal pelvis
and ureter, especially if ureteral interventions are being considered. A puncture posterior to
a calculus may assist in the treatment of calculus disease. These calyces are best identified by
administration of intravenous iodinated contrast with visualization of contrast within the
renal collecting system under fluoroscopic guidance. The anterior calyces are usually seen
tangentially, while the posterior calyces are seen en face due to the orientation of the kidney
about its horizontal axis. This would be contraindicated if the patient has prior history of
contrast allergy or an underlying poor renal function, and it is probably not ideal in a
severely obstructed system where poor contrast excretion can be expected.
After the patient has been adequately cleaned and draped using sterile methods, the
puncture site should be infiltrated with an acceptable local anaesthesia such as 1%
xylocaine. Instruction should be given to the patient to breathhold while a 21G diagnostic
needle (e.g Accustick System - Boston Scientific, Neff Set - Cook Medical) is used to
puncture the skin, which is then advanced posteroanterioly at an angle towards the
intended calyx. Alternatively, a three-part co-axial needle may also be used, where there is
an outer blunt cannula, an inner 22G needle as well as a stylet. As the renal fibrous capsule
of the kidney is punctured, a finer needle may then be introduced via the coaxial needle to
puncture the collecting system.
Movement of the needle that follows the kidney as the patient resumes respiration, as well
as spontaneous drainage of urine from the needle as the needle stylet is removed, can be
used to confirm successful renal entry. Spontaneous urine drainage is particularly seen in an
obstructed system. If urine is not spontaneously draining, it may be aspirated from the
needle instead. Sampled urine can be sent for culture and further analysis. Renal entry can
be further confirmed by administration of contrast medium into the collecting system via
the diagnostic needle.
A skin incision at the puncture site may now be performed, appropriately sized according to
the catheter width that is to be used. A 0.018-inch guidewire is then passed through the
needle to enter the renal pelvis (Figure 3). Over the guidewire, the tract is dilated to an
appropriate size with a sheath/dilator assembly to later receive nephrostomy catheters,
which can be up to 14Fr (French catheter scale) in size. The dilator and the 0.018 inch guide-
wire can now be removed, leaving the sheath in place (Figure 4). Subsequently, a 0.038inch
guide-wire is advanced through the sheath and placed as distally into the ureter as possible
to stabilize the tract (Figure 5). The nephrostomy catheter is then inserted over the
guidewire (e.g. an 8Fr Navarre pig-tail catheter - Bard Nordic. Figures 6 and 7). The use of a

Percutaneous Nephrostomy

metal cannula may be considered to stabilize the tube during its passage towards the kidney
across the perirenal soft tissue.
Smaller-bore catheters (7-8Fr) are sufficient for drainage of non-infected and less viscid
urine, while a larger-bore 14Fr catheter may be considered for drainage of infected urine
or pus. Once the catheter is placed, its position can be further confirmed by
administration of contrast to opacify the collecting system via the tube. The collecting
system may be seen to decompress if the catheter is appropriately placed. Care should be
taken to avoid over-distension of the collecting system so as to prevent bacteremia and
risk of sepsis. To avoid catheter dislocation or dislodgement, self-retaining catheters
should be used, and this should be placed as far into the collecting system as possible.
Care must however be taken not to obstruct the ureter if a larger-bore catheter is used.
Once firmly placed, the catheter is secured externally with retention sutures or other
securing devices such as a skin disc.
Further urological intervention may follow the above puncture technique. The tract can be
dilated further to allow passage of other instruments such as ureteroscope, balloon-
dilatation system or nephrolithotomy instruments. A ureteral stent may also be placed
through the percutaneous puncture. A larger-bore catheter may be considered by the
urologist to allow for better drainage.

Fig. 3. A lower pole puncture was made with a
21 gauge Accustick needle into the lower pole
calyx of the left kidney, with opacification of
the collecting system by contrast. The
obstructing calculus (c) can be seen along the
proximal left ureter, causing upstream
Fig. 4. A 0.018 inch guidewire was
introduced through the needle into the
renal pelvis as distally as possible. The
sheath/dilator assembly was then
advanced over the guidewire (not shown).
The dilator and the 0.018-inch guidewire
were then removed, leaving the sheath (s)
in place. More contrast was instilled to
delineate the collecting system.

Chronic Kidney Disease


Fig. 5. Subsequently a 0.038 inch guidewire was
advanced through the sheath and placed as
distally into the ureter as possible for stability.
Fig. 6. An 8Fr Navarre catheter was then
inserted over the 0.038 inch guidewire
and secured in place.

Fig. 7. The final image showing contrast opacification of the left renal collecting system.
Note the reduced caliber of the upper ureter following successful drainage.
4.3 Post-procedure care
Post-procedure care is essential and may be crucial for early detection as well as reducing
the risk of deterioration should complications occur during the procedure. High-risk

Percutaneous Nephrostomy

patients may also require hospitalization for adequate monitoring. Frequent monitoring of
vital signs should be routinely performed during initial recovery as signs of hemorrhage or
sepsis may present suddenly and would require immediate attention. This should be
accompanied by routine charting of the catheter output, noting the degree of hematuria as
well as the output volume. Although commonly seen in virtually all patients, hematuria
should resolve within 24-48 hours (Dyer, Regan et al. 2002). Prolonged hematuria should
alert the physician to the possibility of persistent bleeding from vascular injury.
Catheter care is useful to reduce rate of catheter dislodgement and clogging, and it should
be flushed with normal saline and aspirated routinely. Catheter clogging is a commonly
occurring complication however, and this may even necessitate a change of catheter.
Antibiotics may be discontinued if there is low-risk of infection, although this should be
continued in high-risk patients as described above. This should ideally be adjusted
according to the urine culture results if available.
5. Complications
According to SIR, the reported success rate for percutaneous nephrostomy is 98-99%, and
this is defined as successful placement of catheter of sufficient size to allow for adequate
drainage of the urinary tract or to allow successful tract dilatation for further interventional
procedure. The success rates have been reported to be lower in cases of non-dilated
collecting system or complex calculus disease (e.g. staghorn calculus) where a success rate of
about 85% was reported (Ramchandani, Cardella et al. 2003). Despite the high success rates
however, complications are frequently encountered, be it minor or major, with a reported
incidence of approximately 10% of cases (Ramchandani, Cardella et al. 2003).
Several factors are associated with increased risk of complications. Patients at the
extremes of age may develop complications from the procedure itself or even that related
to the use of general anaesthesia, should this become necessary particularly in young
children. Patients coexisting comorbidities such as obesity, scoliosis, hepatomegaly and
extremely mobile kidneys may necessitate greater manipulation, resulting in a technically
challenging and thereby risky procedure. Further, in patients with chronic lung diseases
and poor respiratory reserve such as emphysema, particular attention should be paid to
the use of a subcostal approach to minimize risk of respiratory complications such as
5.1 Minor complications
Minor complications are defined as complications occurring in relation to the procedure that
are of no consequence and can be managed conservatively, or those requiring nominal
therapy with no consequences (Ramchandani, Cardella et al. 2003). These patients may still
require overnight hospitalization for observation. According to published reports, minor
complications have been reported to occur in the range of 15-28% of cases (Stables 1982; Lee,
Smith et al. 1987; Dyer, Regan et al. 2002).
Post-procedure bleeding varies in severity, and may range from simple transient hematuria
to severe hemorrhage requiring transfusion or intervention. Minor bleeding complications
include transient hematuria, which occurs in virtually all patients, and small perirenal
hematomas that can resolve on conservative management. Transient hematuria occurs very

Chronic Kidney Disease

frequently that some authors do not regard it as a complication (Stables 1982). Clinically
silent perinephric hematoma have been reported to occur fairly frequently, and is found in
up to 13% of cases following percutaneous nephrostomy (Cowan 2008). These can resolve
spontaneously without necessitating further interventions, leaving no serious consequences
to the patient in the majority of cases. Stables also observed that in 79% of these cases, no
significant renal alteration was seen. However, the presence of prolonged hematuria with or
without hemodynamic instability should alert the physician for possible continuing
bleeding as well as vascular injury.
Catheter-related complications such as kinking, obstruction or dislodgement may frequently
be encountered and may require further intervention in 14% of cases (Cowan 2008).
Published reports quoted varying rates of catheter dislodgement, from 4.8% - 11.6%. The use
of larger bore catheters (for example 14Fr catheter) may reduce this rate to 1% (Cowan 2008).
Stables recommended advancement of the catheter well into the renal pelvis or calyces to
minimize risk of dislodgement (Stables, Ginsberg et al. 1978). However care should be taken
to avoid obstructing the ureter particularly if a large bore catheter is used. A dislodged tube
may have to be replaced and the new catheter may have to be inserted by creating a new
tract unless if the previous tract has been well established.
To reduce the rate of catheter obstruction, routine irrigation with normal saline solution
should be performed after the procedure, although the use of larger-bore catheters may
reduce the rate further while providing good drainage. Debris may also be removed by
manipulation with a guide wire. Occasionally however, if catheter obstruction persists
despite conventional measures, catheter replacement may be necessary.
Urine leak is known to occur following percutaneous nephrostomy, with a rate of
approximately 7-7.2% (Lee, Smith et al. 1987; Moskowitz, Lee et al. 1989). This is frequently
minor, and contrast extravasation during or immediately after the procedure may or may
not indicate ensuing complication. Also, most small leaks and tears resolve spontaneously
with adequate urinary drainage or ureteral catheter insertion (Lee, Smith et al. 1987). Urine
leak can also be controlled by using a larger bore catheter (Cowan 2008). However urine
leak may occasionally be prolonged (lasting more than a week) and the ensuing urinoma
may be large enough to require surgical intervention.
Other minor complications that may be seen following the procedure may include pain and
fever. While fever can be worrisome for ensuing sepsis with potential of shock, febrile
patients may require nothing more than conservative management with or without anti-
pyretics. Lee reported 23% of raised temperature of more than 38.5 degrees Celsius in his
published series of 582 patients who underwent percutaneous nephrolithotomy (Lee, Smith
et al. 1987). These were attributed to retrograde urine flow as well as the use of irrigation
fluid during the procedure. Minor wound infection has also been reported (von der Recke,
Nielsen et al. 1994; Kaskarelis, Papadaki et al. 2001). These may be related to prolonged
catheter use, and the use of sutures to secure the catheters to the skin (Kaskarelis, Papadaki
et al. 2001). Pneumonia and atelectasis have been reported in a minority of cases, but is
usually managed conservatively with antibiotics.
5.2 Major complications
Major complications are defined by SIR as complications that require therapy or minor
hospitalization of up to 48 hours, as well as those that require major therapy, unplanned

Percutaneous Nephrostomy

increase in level of care and prolonged hospitalization of more than 48 hours. Complications
with permanent adverse sequelae or those that result in death are certainly considered to be
5.2.1 Hemorrhage
Hemorrhage requiring transfusion with or without radiological or surgical intervention is
uncommon but is certainly a dreaded complication that carries a mortality risk. A number of
published case series have reported major bleeding following percutaneous nephrostomy or
percutaneous nephrolithotomy, and this occurs in the range of 1-4% (Lee, Smith et al. 1987;
von der Recke, Nielsen et al. 1994; Dyer, Regan et al. 2002; Ramchandani, Cardella et al.
2003). This may manifest in prolonged hematuria, hemodynamic instability and perirenal
hematomas. Hemorrhage may be related to vascular injury during the procedure, whether a
normal vessel that are inadvertently injured, or it may be related to underlying vascular
malformations or aneurysm. Hemorrhage could also be attributable to an underlying
coagulopathy or bleeding diathesis. The guideline for quality improvement by
SIR recommended a threshold rate of hemorrhage requiring blood transfusion to be kept
below 4%.
Significant bleeding during the procedure may be controlled by a tamponade applied to the
tract with a nephrostomy catheter or balloon dilatation catheter in larger tracts. If at any
point that this fails, or if the patient develops subsequent significant blood loss after the
procedure, angiographic evaluation would be indicated for identification of abnormal
vascularity or major vascular injury with possible need for embolization. Surgical
intervention may later become necessary if poor bleeding control is achieved. By this way,
injured vessels may be ligated to arrest the bleeding, or as a last resort, partial or total
nephrectomy may have to be performed. Lee reported 4 cases of persistent bleeding which
were arrested by successful embolization, while a further 2 cases had to undergo
nephrectomy or partial nephrectomy following failed embolization (Lee, Smith et al. 1987).
Cowan reported 7 cases of persistent bleeding in a series of 3100 patients following
percutaneous nephrostomy, and these were found to be secondary to underlying
arteriovenous aneurysms that were treated successfully with embolization (Cowan 2008).
The performing physician should therefore be aware of the risk of severe blood loss, and the
patient should be counseled appropriately regarding this risk during consent taking prior to
the procedure. However, there are steps that can be taken during the procedure to minimise
risk of hemorrhage. As described above, particular attention should be paid to the
coagulation profile prior to the procedure, and any significant abnormality should be
corrected accordingly. The renal vascular anatomy should be reviewed and taken into
consideration when planning for puncture site and approach. The kidney should be
punctured along the Brodels avascular line as described above, and similarly, punctures too
close to the inferior surface of a rib run the risk of injury to the intercostal vessels. The uses
of fine needles and small-bore catheters have been associated with smaller risk of severe
hemorrhage. A two-wall puncture of the renal pelvis should also be avoided to minimize
risk of injury to the anterior segmental renal artery. As an additional support measure, high-
risk patients should be prepared with support from the blood transfusion services should
blood transfusion becomes necessary during or after the procedure.

Chronic Kidney Disease


Fig. 8. An 8 Fr Navarre catheter in place
with its loop apparently sited within the
renal pelvis. Figures 8 to 11 are of the
same patient.
Fig. 9. Nephrogram showing contrast leakage
into peripelvic fat due to transgression of the
pelvicalyceal system. The patient subsequently
developed flank pain and hypotension,
indicating concomitant vascular injury.
Sonography confirmed the presence of a peri-
nephric hematoma.

Fig. 10. Renal angiography demonstrated
bleeding from a branch of the inferior
segmental artery. Super-selective injection of
contrast via a microcatheter (m) into the
bleeding artery showed extravasation into the
renal pelvis (p).
Fig. 11. Successful embolization with micro-
coils (c).

Percutaneous Nephrostomy

5.2.2 Sepsis
Significant infection and sepsis following percutaneous nephrostomy is an important and
well-recognised complication, with several published reports documenting its occurrence.
According to SIR, sepsis related complications have been reported to occur in 1-9% of cases
(Ramchandani, Cardella et al. 2003). There is a wide spectrum of severity of infection, but
major sepsis may be defined as cases of septicemia requiring escalation in hospital care and
longer use of antibiotics therapy, with or without shock. Transient fever is common
following the procedure, occurring in almost all patients, the majority of which may settle in
less than 6 hours (Lee, Patel et al. 1994). However, persistent fever with chills and signs of
hemodynamic instability are worrisome signs and should be identified and treated
accordingly. Septic shock is a serious complication, and has been reported to be a
contributing factor towards patients mortality in some published case series. In 318 patients
who underwent percutaneous nephrostomy, Lewis reported sepsis as the most common
major complication, occurring in 2.2% of patients in his published case series, and it is the
most severe complication necessitating intensive care (Lewis and Patel 2004). Sepsis was
also considered to be a contributing factor in the death of two of these cases. Moskowitz
further reported 2 cases of septicemia with shock in 11 cases of severe sepsis in his
published case series of patients who underwent percutaneous nephrolithotomy
(Moskowitz, Lee et al. 1989). SIR recommended a rate of septic shock of less than 4%, and a
rate of less than 10% for cases of septic shock in the setting of pyonephrosis.
Several factors have been found to contribute towards increased risk of sepsis, and this
includes the duration of the procedure itself, urine bacterial load, severity of urinary tract
obstruction as well as presence of bacteria within the calculus (Mariappan, Smith et al.
2006). Mariappan also reported higher risk of upper urinary tract infections in patients with
calculi larger than 20mm or a dilated pelvicalyceal system. Further, the puncture itself, and
even the removal of calculus may reactivate underlying pre-existing infection within the
urinary tract with release of bacteria into the system. Therefore, care should be taken to
avoid over-distension of the renal collecting system during puncture, as this may result in
bacterial reflux into the peripapillary plexus. Urine extravasation and absorption of
irrigation fluid have also been found to be contributory (Lee, Patel et al. 1994).
The use of prophylactic antibiotics is therefore recommended in high-risk patients, and this
has been shown to be of some benefit as reported in a prospective controlled study by
Mariappan, who prescribed one week of ciprofloxacin to patients prior to percutaneous
nephrolithotomy (Mariappan, Smith et al. 2006). Patients who received prophylactic
ciprofloxacin were reported to have significantly reduced incidence of upper urinary tract
infection as compared to the control group, with three times less risk of developing systemic
inflammatory response syndrome. Antibiotics therapy may be further escalated in patients
with evidence of urosepsis following the procedure, and this is best adjusted according to
the results of urine culture and sensitivity.
5.2.3 Pleural complications
Pleural complications such as pneumo-, hydro-, or hemothorax and empyema are
uncommon but have been known to occur from percutaneous nephrostomy, with a reported
rate of 0.1-0.3% (Dyer, Regan et al. 2002; Ramchandani, Cardella et al. 2003). The risk of

Chronic Kidney Disease

pneumo- and hydrothorax is reported to be in the range of 4-12% if a supracostal approach
is used for puncture of the renal upper pole (Carey, Siddiq et al. 2006), although this may be
difficult to avoid if it provides the best access to the collecting system. The use of a working
sheath is an important consideration in these cases, as it may prevent leakage of fluid into
the pleural cavity along the pleural tract during the procedure. Although pleural
complications may be treated conservatively (Dyer, Regan et al. 2002), pleural drainage with
chest tube insertion may be necessary.
5.2.4 Bowel transgression and colonic perforation
Bowel transgression is another uncommon but potentially serious complication of
percutaneous nephrostomy, and is reported to occur in 0.2-0.3% of cases (Ramchandani,
Cardella et al. 2003; M Tan 2010). Several risk factors have been recognized that may
contribute to increased risks. Patients with a markedly dilated collecting system, colonic
obstruction and patients with scarce perirenal fat are more likely to have a more posteriorly
located colon. This increases the risk of colonic transgression when approaching the kidney.
An anatomical variant to note is the retrorenal colon which is reported to occur in 1 - 1.9% of
supine patients and in up to 10 16% of prone patients (Hopper, Sherman et al. 1987; Tuttle,
Yeh et al. 2005). This retroperitoneal bowel loop is usually gas-distended and is found
mostly around the lower renal poles. Care should thus be taken to visualize this with
fluoroscopy or CT before any invasive percutaneous renal procedure. Colonic perforation
has also been associated with right upper calyceal punctures in patients with horseshoe
kidneys (El-Nahas, Shokeir et al. 2006). Any factor contributing to poor visualization of the
kidneys during image-guidance such as gross obesity, abundance of gas-filled bowel loops
and mobile kidneys may also result in inadvertent colonic injury. The risk is further
increased when too lateral an approach is used to puncture the kidney (Wah, Weston et al.
Most cases of reported colonic perforation due to percutaneous nephrostomy are
retroperitoneal and contained, and these have been managed well conservatively with good
recovery (Wah, Weston et al. 2004). However, surgical repair may be required in cases of
intraperitoneal colonic perforation, or where there is ensuing hemorrhage with or without
shock. M Tan described a case of inadvertent colonic injury during percutaneous
nephrostomy that occurred in a thin middle-aged woman with a dilated renal pelvicalyces
(M Tan 2010). The patient was asymptomatic and the perforation was only discovered 3
weeks later during a double J stent insertion when contrast was noted in the colon. The
patient was managed conservatively and the percutaneous nephrostomy was later
withdrawn into the colon, functioning as a percutaneous colostomy. The use of antibiotic
cover would be indicated in these cases to prevent infection.
The use of image guidance is important in reducing risk of colonic perforation. The exact
location of the colon relative to the kidney should be identified prior to the procedure, and
as described above, too lateral an approach should be avoided in high-risk patients. In
patients with risk factors leading to poor visualization of the urinary system under
ultrasound guidance, CT scan should be used to look for anatomical variants, such as a
retrorenal colon or horseshoe kidney, to reduce the chance of inadvertent colonic puncture
(M Tan 2010).

Percutaneous Nephrostomy


Fig. 12. Delayed phase of an intravenous
urogram showing left hydronephrosis (h) due
to obstruction at the pelviureteric junction. The
gas-distended descending colon is in close
proximity to the lateral aspect of the left
Fig. 13. Anterograde insertion of a double J
stent 3 weeks later on the same patient
showed extravasation of contrast through
the percutaneous nephrostomy tract into
the descending colon (d).
5.2.5 Injury to intra-abdominal viscera
Injuries to organs adjacent to the kidneys have been reported in less than 1% of cases (M Tan
2010), and of these, splenic injury is the most commonly reported. Liver laceration is less
common, and seldom requires intervention (Lee, Smith et al. 1987).
The risk of splenic injury is increased if a higher supracostal approach (10
ribs) is used,
or if the approach is made during inspiration. Should a trans-splenic tract is made, the
primary concern is that of hemorrhage with risk of shock, and these may have to be
managed surgically. However, conservative management may be considered in selected
cases, particularly if the patient is asymptomatic and stable, and this was reported by Carey
in a patient who sustained splenic injury that occurred during percutaneous
nephrolithotomy (Carey, Siddiq et al. 2006). The patient was managed conservatively, with
no serious consequences and the patient was discharged following removal of the
nephrostomy catheter.

Chronic Kidney Disease


Fig. 14. Computed tomography scan showing
extravasation of contrast from the dilated left
collecting system through the left PCN tract (t)
into the descending colon (d). In this case the
tract had matured without any appreciable
extravasation of contrast into the retroperitoneal
Fig. 15. Withdrawal of the PCN into the
colon to be used as a percutaneous
colostomy tube (T) was performed after
confirmation of good anterograde urinary
drainage via the double-J stent (j).
Subsequent tube review confirmed
closure of the colorenal fistula.
5.2.6 Death
Percutaneous nephrostomy has a low mortality rate, with published data reporting rates of
0.03% (Hruby 1990) and 0.3% (Lee, Smith et al. 1987). Various major complications may
contribute to death following the procedure, particularly in relation to severe hemorrhage
and sepsis, but it may also be contributed by other complications provoked by the
procedure itself. Myocardial infarction and cardiac arrest have been reported (von der
Recke, Nielsen et al. 1994). Lee reported deaths in 2 patients, one of which was attributed to
respiratory failure related to underlying severe interstitial pulmonary fibrosis, while the
other was due to myocardial infarction in an obese diabetic patient with hypertension. The
presence of comorbidities is therefore an important predisposing factor. Patients who
require general anesthesia may also be at risk of developing associated complications.
However the mortality rate for percutaneous nephrostomy remains lower than conventional
surgery for patients who require urological intervention but are not good candidates for
conventional surgery (Lee, Patel et al. 1994).
6. Role of percutaneous nephrostomy in transplanted kidneys
The indications for percutaneous nephrostomy described above can be similarly adopted for
transplanted kidneys, and indeed percutaneous nephrostomy has been shown to have a
good safety profile in these cases (Mostafa, Abbaszadeh et al. 2008). Mostafa further
demonstrated that there was no statistical difference in the 10-year survival rates of renal
transplant recipients who underwent percutaneous nephrostomy when compared to other
renal transplant recipients without urological complications. It also serves as a useful
alternative to conventional surgery, which may pose a higher risk in these patients.

Percutaneous Nephrostomy

The most common urological complications in transplanted kidneys are ureteral obstruction
and leakage (Mostafa, Abbaszadeh et al. 2008). These should be recognized and treated early
to prevent graft failure. Ureteral obstruction is most commonly due to stricture at the
ureterovesical junction anastomosis, brought about by fibrosis secondary to ischemia or
rejection and therefore presents late. Mostafa reported good success rates in the treatment of
these strictures, by using stents and balloon dilatations inserted via the percutaneous
nephrostomy tracts. Early ureteral obstruction on the other hand may be related to other
factors such as blood clots, calculus, edema or ischemic necrosis. Similarly, percutaneous
interventions may be performed in the treatment of these cases.
7. Conclusion
Percutaneous nephrostomy is a widely used urological procedure, providing urinary
diversion and access to the urinary tracts for other interventions. While demonstrating a
good safety profile, many aspects of the procedure are associated with risks of
complications, which may be contributed by various factors from the moment the patient is
prepared until after the procedure. The performing physician must not only be well versed
with the techniques involved, but he or she should also be well acquainted with the
associated risks and complications so that these may be detected and treated early.
8. References
Carey, R. I., F. M. Siddiq, et al. (2006). Conservative management of a splenic injury related
to percutaneous nephrostolithotomy. JSLS 10(4): 504-506.
Cormio, L., P. Annese, et al. (2007). Percutaneous nephrostomy in supine position. Urology
69(2): 377-380.
Cowan, N. (2008). The Genitourinary Tract; Technique and Anatomy. Grainger & Allison's
Diagnostic Radiology, A Textbook of Medical Imaging. A. K. D. A. Adam, Churchill
Livingstone. 1: 813-822.
Dyer, R. B., J. D. Regan, et al. (2002). Percutaneous nephrostomy with extensions of the
technique: step by step. Radiographics 22(3): 503-525.
El-Nahas, A. R., A. A. Shokeir, et al. (2006). Colonic perforation during percutaneous
nephrolithotomy: study of risk factors. Urology 67(5): 937-941.
Goodwin, W. E., W. C. Casey, et al. (1955). Percutaneous trocar (needle) nephrostomy in
hydronephrosis. J Am Med Assoc 157(11): 891-894.
Gupta, S., M. Gulati, et al. (1997). Percutaneous nephrostomy with real-time sonographic
guidance. Acta Radiol 38(3): 454-457.
Hopper, K. D., J. L. Sherman, et al. (1987). The variable anteroposterior position of the
retroperitoneal colon to the kidneys. Invest Radiol 22(4): 298-302.
Hruby, W. (1990). Percutaneous Nephrostomy. Interventional Radiology. P. R. Robert F.
Dondelinger, Jean Claude Kurdziel, Sydney Wallace, Thieme: 234 - 244.
Kaskarelis, I. S., M. G. Papadaki, et al. (2001). Complications of percutaneous nephrostomy,
percutaneous insertion of ureteral endoprosthesis, and replacement procedures.
Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol 24(4): 224-228.
Lee, W., A. Smith, et al. (1987). Complications of percutaneous nephrolithotomy. Am. J.
Roentgenol. 148(1): 177-180.

Chronic Kidney Disease

Lee, W. J., U. Patel, et al. (1994). Emergency percutaneous nephrostomy: results and
complications. J Vasc Interv Radiol 5(1): 135-139.
Lewis, S. and U. Patel (2004). Major complications after percutaneous nephrostomy-lessons
from a department audit. Clin Radiol 59(2): 171-179.
M Tan, P. u., PS Jaywantraj, D Wong (2010). Colonic Perforation during Percutaneous
Nephrolithotomy Treated Conservatively. J HK Coll Radiol. 12(3): 117-121.
Mariappan, P., G. Smith, et al. (2006). One week of ciprofloxacin before percutaneous
nephrolithotomy significantly reduces upper tract infection and urosepsis: a
prospective controlled study. BJU Int 98(5): 1075-1079.
McDermott, V. G., M. G. Schuster, et al. (1997). Antibiotic prophylaxis in vascular and
interventional radiology. AJR Am J Roentgenol 169(1): 31-38.
Moskowitz, G. W., W. J. Lee, et al. (1989). Diagnosis and management of complications of
percutaneous nephrolithotomy. Crit Rev Diagn Imaging 29(1): 1-12.
Mostafa, S. A., S. Abbaszadeh, et al. (2008). Percutaneous nephrostomy for treatment of
posttransplant ureteral obstructions. Urol J 5(2): 79-83.
Ozden, E., O. Yaman, et al. (2002). Sonography Guided Percutaneous Nephrostomy: Success
Rates According to the Grade of the Hydronephrosis. Journal of Ankara Medical
School 24(2): 69-72.
Ramchandani, P., J. F. Cardella, et al. (2003). Quality improvement guidelines for
percutaneous nephrostomy. J Vasc Interv Radiol 14(9 Pt 2): S277-281.
Stables, D. P. (1982). Percutaneous nephrostomy: techniques, indications, and results. Urol
Clin North Am 9(1): 15-29.
Stables, D. P., N. J. Ginsberg, et al. (1978). Percutaneous nephrostomy: a series and review of
the literature. AJR Am J Roentgenol 130(1): 75-82.
Tuttle, D. N., B. M. Yeh, et al. (2005). Risk of injury to adjacent organs with lower-pole
fluoroscopically guided percutaneous nephrostomy: evaluation with prone, supine,
and multiplanar reformatted CT. J Vasc Interv Radiol 16(11): 1489-1492.
von der Recke, P., M. B. Nielsen, et al. (1994). Complications of ultrasound-guided
nephrostomy. A 5-year experience. Acta Radiol 35(5): 452-454.
Wah, T. M., M. J. Weston, et al. (2004). Percutaneous nephrostomy insertion: outcome data
from a prospective multi-operator study at a UK training centre. Clin Radiol 59(3):
Unusual Vascular Access
for Hemodialysis Therapies
Cesar A. Restrepo V
Division of Nephrology, Department of Health Sciences, Caldas University, Manizales,
1. Introduction
For many years, the arteriovenous (AV) fistula has been demonstrated to be the best
vascular access for patients requiring chronical hemodialysis therapy.
The morbidity and mortality statistics for patients with AV fistula is significantly lower
compared to patients with central venous catheters (1). However, many patients are found
in which performing an arteriovenous fistula or implanting an AV graft is not a possibility.
For these patients the usual protocol is the use of an indwelling catheter for chronic
hemodialysis therapy practice.
The appearance of patients incompatible with AV fistula is due to the repetitive venous
punctures in classical blood vessels, performed in the intensive care unit or for patients with
chronic renal failure. These patients develop venous fibrosis making subsequent
cannulations impossible.
The use of central venous catheters for initial hemodialysis therapy is also a common
practice, this situation is repeated in all countries so that in the United States 60% of incident
patients and 17 to 30% of prevalent patients depend on it as the only vascular access catheter
despite the recommendation of the K/DOQI guides (Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality
Initiative). (2)
In the year 2010, 100% of incident hemodialysis patients in our renal unit were treated with
a central venous catheter. This reflects a late referral of doctors to the nephrology clinic,
preventing the early practice of AV fistula.
In the same year 259 central venous catheters were implanted in our Renal Unit, 34% of
them were transient in acute renal failure patients, 56% transient in patients with chronic
renal failure and 10% tunneled catheters. Additionally our statistics showed that at the end
of the year 2010 tunneled catheters represented 25% of vascular accesses and that in 94% of
the patients using these catheters, arteriovenous fistula or AV graft implant were
impossible, thus constituting the catheter tunneled the only access for the practice of
chronical hemodialysis.
Traditionally, the most used vascular access is the internal jugular venous, but it can fail due
to permanent thrombosis or agenesis. In these situations the usage of even more unusual

Chronic Kidney Disease

routes is necessary. Routine practice of procedures through these routes can make them
much more available; the purpose of this article is to familiarize physicians with these routes
and the correct techniques for accomplishing safe alternative vascular accesses.
2. Vascular access variant
2.1 Upper hemithorax
Several blood vessels can be punctured in this area for the implantation of central venous
catheters (Figure 1).

Fig. 1. 1- Innominate Vein, 2- Internal Jugular Vein, 3- Supraclavicular Vein,
4- Infraclavicular Vein, 5- Axillary Vein.
The internal jugular access is the most commonly used by nephrologists, but surgeons and
intensive care units prefer Infraclavicular (subclavian) access. Subclavian access has a
disadvantage; it produces subclavian vein stenosis that leads to arm edema when AV fistula
is later practiced on the same side (Figure 2).

Unusual Vascular Access for Hemodialysis Therapies


Fig. 2. Edema in left arm by subclavian vein stenosis and brachiocephalic fistula.
Catheters in the internal jugular vein kept for prolonged periods can also cause stenosis, in
this case the superior vena cava (Figure 3).

Fig. 3. Cava superior syndrome.
For patients in which the implantation of catheters in the internal jugular vein is not
possible, and those in which puncturing this vein or the subclavian vein would not be
convenient (for example patients with tracheostomy), an alternative not commonly used is
the implantation of catheters in the axillary vein. (3)
This vein extends from the clavicle to the axilla (figure 4). The segment in the axillary fossa
has been used for decades by pediatric surgeons especially in children with extended burns
in whom this is the only preserved area. Unfortunately there are severe infectious
complications due to the bacterial flora that lives in this area. (4)

Chronic Kidney Disease


Fig. 4. Axillary Vein and muscle of anatomic area.
Other segments of the axillary vein, from the axillary fold to the clavicle have minimal risk
of infection. Classically it is recommended puncturing two finger widths below the site
where the coracoid process is found. (5) (Figure 5).

Fig. 5. Recommended place to insert axillary catheter.

Unusual Vascular Access for Hemodialysis Therapies

In our experience and with patience it is possible to palpate the axillary artery and
immediately under it puncture the axillary vein for catheter implantation. It is important to
remember that in order to get to the axillary vein both pectoralis major and minor must be
penetrated and hence this vessel is located in deep layers (Figure 6).
In our experience also this catheter have utility in patients in intensive care unit in which is
common the presence of tracheostomy (Figure 7).

Fig. 6. Pectoralis Minor Muscle. Fig. 7. Patient with tracheostomy and
axillary catheter.
The use of ultrasound guidance is a very good alternative, since it allows for an easy and
clear view of the vessels of the axillary region, reducing the number of punctures (Figure 8).

Fig. 8. Ultrasound guidance for axillary catheter implantation.

Chronic Kidney Disease

The innominate vein is another blood vessel rarely used for the implantation of central
catheters. It is a resource most commonly used by anesthesiologists and its use has not been
spread due to fear of puncturing the pleural dome. To access this vessel percutaneously an
aspiration needle is introduced holding it immediately above the clavicle between the
sternal and clavicular bundles of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. It is directed to the
mediastinum and parallel to the anterior chest wall to obtain an abundant blood return. The
vein is easily punctured and only 2 to 4 centimeters from the skin. (6) Radiologically the
catheters implanted in this blood vessel can be seen riding on top of the clavicle. (Figure 9).

Fig. 9. Catheter inserted into the innominate vein, riding on top of the clavicle.
Innominate vein thrombosis is a rare event, but it can be seen as a complication of the
extended use of catheters in this blood vessel. (Figure 10).

Fig. 10. Innominate vein thrombosis.

Unusual Vascular Access for Hemodialysis Therapies

There are two final vascular accesses in the upper hemithorax for the implantation of central
catheters: intracardiac and superior vena cava access. For the first, anterior thoracotomy is
performed in the fifth intercostal space and the catheter is inserted into the right atrium (7).
For the second, proceed with anterior right mediastonomy, incision through the third
intercostal space and resecting the condrosternal union. Under direct vision puncture the
superior vena cava and introduce the catheter. (8) (Figure 11) The appearance of
hemothorax, pneumothorax and pneumopericardium is common in these patients, so a
routine chest tube implantation is recommended during the procedure and kept for several

Fig. 11. Patient with catheter in superior vena cava and pneumopericardium.
2.2 Lower hemithorax
After exhausting the vessels of the upper hemithorax is necessary to use the lower
hemithorax to continue chronic hemodialysis therapy. An alternative is to divert patients to
peritoneal dialysis, but when this is not possible for various reasons it is essential to use
different approaches.
In our renal unit, the first access we use is the femoral vein option. They are classically
canalized and then tunneled either to the anterior abdominal wall or into the thigh on the
same side. In our experience, this access produces complications such as frequent infections
in the exiting orifice for the catheter and also thrombosis (comment pending publication). In
one of our patients we managed to keep this catheter for one year only to be withdrawn
when the patient received a renal transplant. (Figure 12)

Chronic Kidney Disease


Fig. 12. Tunneled femoral catheter to anterior abdominal wall or into the thigh.
The iliac vein can also be used, but requires the participation of a vascular surgeon to
achieve safe punctures once the ilioinguinal region has been dissected and the blood vessel
exposed (Figure 13).

Fig. 13. Tunneled iliac catheter and radiological control.
We then proceed to channel the inferior vena cava; we perform this procedure using
fluoroscopy or angiography. First we implant a transient catheter in femoral vein, then place
the patient in left lateral position with knees flexed and produce a lumbar puncture at the
level of the iliac crest, 10 cm from the midline in an upward direction, close to the vertebral
body to avoid puncturing the ureter (Figure 14).

Unusual Vascular Access for Hemodialysis Therapies


Fig. 14. Position of patient for implantation ideal of catheter in inferior vena cava, and
angiography guide.
It is necessary to use a needle with a minimum length of 18 cm. The infusion of contrast
medium allows the inferior vena cava location, then directing the needle toward her, and
once punctured proceed to catheter implantation in technique like any tunneled catheter.
(Figure 15 and 16).

Fig. 15. Angiography guide, and needle with a minimum length of 18 cm. Procedure
performed by the author of the chapter.

Chronic Kidney Disease


Fig. 16. Tunneled inferior vena cava catheter in use.
Other vascular access used by other groups, and with which we have not experience is
transhepatic access.
3. Preventive antibiotic intervention before the implantation of catheters
For many years the recommended procedure for every patient scheduled for the
implantation of a central venous catheter was to receive antibiotics that covered both Gram
(+) and Gram (-) bacteria 30 minutes before the procedure.
In the year 2007 we presented our work in this subject. We performed two periods of
experimentation. First, we administered the combination of first generation cephalosporin
and amino glycoside 30 minutes before the catheters implantation and second we
suspended the antibiotics and practiced universal techniques for avoiding infection.
Our results showed that in the first period, 1,93% of 156 procedures had infectious
complications. In the second period 2,29% of 304 procedures had complications, concluding
then that the practices of preventive antibiotics dont have any benefices and was
abandoned in our unit. (9) (Figure 17).

Unusual Vascular Access for Hemodialysis Therapies


Fig. 17. No benefit with antibiotic prophylaxis for prevention of central venous catheters
4. Radiological control after the implantation of jugular catheters
It has been suggested that every patient with a central venous catheter implanted on his or
her superior hemithorax, must have PA chest radiography before actually using the catheter
to confirm a correct placement. In occasions it is necessary to take the patient to
hemodialysis therapy immediately after implanting the catheter and the radiological control
can delay this process. In the year 2008 we published our experience with 245 jugular
catheters implanted in the past years, all of them had PA chest radiography performed after
the implantation. Only 4 cases (1,6%) had a significant complication (10). Based on this and
if the implantation of the catheter was easy, we avoid soliciting the radiography and
immediately proceed to the hemodialysis practice. (Figure 18).

Chronic Kidney Disease


Fig. 18. PA chest radiograph post insertion of central catheter is unnecessary.
Interestingly in 4 patients with insertion of catheters in left jugular vein we observed
abnormal catheter course, corresponding to persistent left superior vena cava, anatomical
abnormality confirmed by radiological or echocardiographic studies. (11) (Figure 19).

Unusual Vascular Access for Hemodialysis Therapies


Fig. 19. Catheter in left persistent superior vena cava, confirm by Radiological studies.
5. References
Polkinghorne K R, McDonald S P, Atkins R C, Kerr P G. Vascular Access and all-cause
mortality: A propensity score analysis. J Am Soc Nephrol 2004; 15: 477-486.
Rayner HC, Besarab A, Brown WW, Disney A, Salto A, Pisoni RL. Vascular access results
from the Dialysis Outcome and Practice Patterns Study (DOPPS): performance
against Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (K/DOQI) clinical practice
guidelines. Am J Kidney Dis 2004;44(Suppl2):S22-S26.
Restrepo Valencia C A, Buritica Barragan C M. Axillary catheter for hemodialysis, an
alternative vascular Access. Nefrologia 2008; 28: 77-81.
Andel H, Rab M, Felfernig M, Andel D, Koller R, Kamolz L-P, Zimpfer M. The axillary vein
central venous catheter in severely burned patients. Burns 25: 753-756, 1999.
Taylor BL, Yellowlees I. Central venous cannulation using the infraclavicular axillary vein.
Anesthesiology 72: 55-58, 1990.
Restrepo Valencia C A, Buritica Barragan C M. Placement of vascular access catheters for
haemodialysis in the innominate vein: a little-used approach. Nefrologia 2009; 29:
Agrawal S, Alaly J R, Misra M. Intracardiac access for hemodialysis: A case series.
Hemodialysis Int 2009;13:S18-S23
Restrepo Valencia C A, Buritica Barragan C M, Arango A. Catheter in the superior vena cava
for hemodialysis as a last resort in superior hemithorax. Nefrologia 2010; 30: 463-
Restrepo V C A, Chacon A C, Arcos Sanz C E. Es til la profilaxis antibitica para prevenir
infecciones relacionada con la insercin de catteres transitorios para hemodilisis?.
Revista Asocolnef 2007; 1: 4-9.
Restrepo C A, Chacon J A, Villota D M. Safety related to the implantation of jugular
catheters for hemodyalisis and usefulness of PA chest X rays postprocedure. Acta
Med Colomb 2008; 33: 68-74.

Chronic Kidney Disease

Cruz J, Restrepo C A. Accidental implantation of hemodialysis catheter in persistent left
superior vena cava. Acta Med Colomb 2007; 32: 227-230.
The Role of Nephron-Sparing Surgery (NSS)
for Renal Tumours >4 cm
Amlie Parisel, Frederic Baekelandt, Hein Van Poppel and Steven Joniau
University Hospitals Leuven
1. Introduction
For many years, radical nephrectomy (RN) has been the gold standard treatment for renal
tumours. However, at present the available evidence supports elective nephron-sparing
surgery (NSS) as the standard surgical treatment for renal cortical tumours 4 cm (clinical
stage T1a). Furthermore, an increasing body of evidence demonstrates that even a minor
loss of renal function can increase cardiovascular morbidity and consequently reduce life
expectancy (Go et al., 2004). Thus, surgeons have the responsibility to preserve as much
renal parenchyma as possible.
International guidelines at present recommend NSS for small renal tumours up to 4 cm.
However, the role of NSS for larger renal tumours (stage T1b: 4.1 7 cm, stage T2: >7 cm)
remains controversial. During the last couple of years, data has emerged which demonstrates
that NSS can be safely performed with acceptable complication rates compared to RN (Van
Poppel et al., 2010). The advantage of NSS lies in avoiding the development of end-stage renal
disease and the need for haemodialysis, while maintaining quality of life (Lesage et al., 2007).
The size of the tumour is no longer considered to be a limiting factor for NSS and some now
advocate NSS whenever possible and feasible (Becker et al., 2009).
2. Open partial nephrectomy
2.1 Oncologic control
2.1.1 Positive Surgical Margins (PSM): Incidence, clinical relevance
NSS aims to preserve renal function without lacking its primary goal: eradicate the tumour.
One of the challenges of NSS is to achieve negative surgical margins (NSM). It means that
there are no cancer cells seen at the outer edge of the resection piece. This is marked with
In general, the incidence of PSM in T1b tumours is between 0 % (Patel et al., 2009) and 16.7%
(Lee et al., 2010). Lee showed that the difference in recurrence rate for patients with PSM
compared to NSM was not significant.
Coffin et al (Coffin et al., 2011) found that an imperative indication for NSS had an impact
on PSM rates (p=0.03). However, he also noticed that the median tumour size was

Chronic Kidney Disease 330
significantly larger in the imperative indication group, compared to the elective indication
group (p=0.03).

Publication TNM Single vs multi- n= PSM
institution %
Roos pT1b (J Urol 2010) pT1b Single 73 7.6 *
Coffin (2011) all sizes Single 155 9.7
Joniau (2008) pT1b Single 67 5.8
Porpiglia (2010) World J Urol pT1b Multi 63 6.5
Porpiglia (2010) BJU pT1b Single 33 0
Patel (2009) pT1b Single 15 0
Coffin (2011) all sizes Single 155 9.7
* There were 12/158 Positive frozen section, therefore a RN was performed.
Table 1. PSM rates.
Nevertheless, he noticed that tumour size was not a significant predictor of recurrence,
while multifocality was associated with recurrence. These findings demonstrate that the
clinical impact of PSM is not as important as previously thought. To evaluate the impact of
PSM, Bensalah et al. (Bensalah et al., 2010) collected 111 cases with PSM from an
international multicentre database. Tumours were stage T1, T2 or T3 without nodal invasion
or distant metastasis. He compared those with a population of 664 patients who had NSM at
resection: groups were matched for age, indication, tumour size and grade. With
comparable follow up (PSM 37 versus NSM 35.4 months), the recurrence rate was higher in
PSM group than NSM group (10.1% versus 2.2%). However, Overall Survival (OS) and
cancer specific survival (CSS) were not significantly different. He also compared 101 PSM
with 102 NSM matched for surgical indication (elective versus imperative), tumour size and
Fuhrman grade and also found a higher rate of tumour recurrence (10.9% vs. 2.9%),
however OS and CSS were again similar.
Russo (Russo 2010) commented the study of Bensalah (Bensalah 2010): in his experience he
has more PSM for small renal tumours than for larger, particularly when they are
Yossepowitch (Yossepowitch et al., 2008) analysed a cohort of 1344 patients who had
undergone partial nephrectomy: there were 77 cases of PSM. Surprisingly, the larger the
tumour, the lower the incidence of PSM was. He could not show an association between
PSM and a higher risk of recurrence or metastatic progression.
These observations suggest that the presence of PSM is a risk factor for recurrence but does
not impact on OS and CSS. These facts also argue for a closer follow up in the first post-
operative years.
Most patients with PSM will not experience local recurrence (Van Poppel et al., 2007).
Positive margins detected at frozen section or at final histology should not be considered an
indication for RN.

The Role of Nephron-Sparing Surgery (NSS) for Renal Tumours >4 cm 331
2.1.2 Overall survi val, cancer-specific survi val, progression free survival
We reviewed 98 patients operated at our institution between 1997 and 2009 for a renal
tumour larger than 4 cm. All patients underwent an open partial nephrectomy. Mean
diameter was 5.32 cm. At final histopathology, three quarters of the tumours were
malignant and 2.7% were staged pT3a. 53.4% of the renal cell cancers (RCC) showed a low
grade (Furhman grade 1-2) versus 46.6% high grade (Furhman grade 3-4). The 5year OS
and CSS rates were 77.9% and 98%, respectively. We observed 5 local reccurences (5.1%) and
7 metastatic recurrences (7.1%). (Joniau et al., 2011)
Roos and Brenner (Roos et al., 2010) compared 73 patients who had undergone elective NSS
for T1b or greater tumours with a pair-matched cohort of 100 radical nephrectomies: the OS
rates were comparable for NSS vs. RN. The 5, 10 and 15-year CSS rates after NSS (95%, 91%
and 82%, respectively) were comparable with RN (97%, 95 and 88%, respectively).The 5, 10
and 15-year PFS rate after NSS (89%, 85% and 76%, respectively) were similar to RN (92%,
89% and 77%, respectively). In a retrospective study by Antonelli (Antonelli et al., 2008),
there was no significant difference in progression and survival rates between NSS and RN
both for tumours 4 cm as for those >4 cm. Interestingly, even when not significant, the
group of patients with the larger tumours treated with radical surgery experienced a
progression rate which was double compared to those who underwent NSS. In the same
study, when operated by NSS, the patients with a T1a tumours had a higher risk of local
recurrence in the operated kidney, as well as in the contralateral kidney. T1b tumours
showed a higher risk of metastatic and local recurrence. Cytonuclear grading was correlated
with higher risk of recurrence in tumours larger than 4 cm. However, even in large tumours
with high cytonuclear grade, the type of surgery had no significant influence on oncologic
outcomes: nor on progression rate nor on disease free survival rate at 5 years.
Nemr (Nemr et al., 2007) described similar oncologic outcomes for NSS and RN in T1b renal
tumours: Mean follow up was 45 months and there was no significant difference in
recurrence free survival with 100% for PN vs. 89.3% for RN.
Margulis (Margulis et al., 2007) retrospectively compared RN (576) with NSS (34) for
tumours >4 cm: recurrence occurred in 4 patients (12%) who underwent NSS vs. 164
patients (28.9%) who underwent RN at a median follow-up of 24.2 and 13.2 months,
respectively. 5-year RFS was higher for NSS but CSS was similar. 27% of NSS were
performed for elective indications; the remainders had solitary kidneys (29%) or chronic
kidney disease (CKD) (44%). The indication does not seem to impact 5-year RFS and CSS.
However, this was a retrospective comparison of a small group of NSS versus a large group
of RN cases, with a selection bias resulting in an imbalance for smaller tumour size and
more pT3a in the NSS group compared to the RN group.
Coffin et al (Coffin et al., 2011) tried to determine the impact of an imperative indication for
NSS on the oncologic outcomes. The study counted 155 patients who underwent NSS: 96
elective indications and 59 imperative indications. 62.7% (37 patients) with imperative
indications were staged pT1B or higher versus 22% (22 patients) with elective indications.
NSS was applied whenever possible: the usual limitations were tumour size and location.
Imperative cases were associated with lower 5- and 10-year OS rates. Tumour size was also
a significant prognostic factor for 5- and 10-year Overall Survival.

Chronic Kidney Disease 332
Becker (Becker et al., 2006) evaluated the oncologic outcomes of NSS in tumours larger than
4 cm with mean follow up of 6.2 years. There were 10% of deaths but none was cancer
related. The Cancer specific survival was 100% after 5, 10 and 15 years. Of the 69 patients,
5.8% experienced disease recurrence. 5-, 10- and 15-year overall survival rates were 94.9%,
86.7% and 86.7%, respectively.
In carefully selected patients with tumours >4 cm, NSS appears to obtain equivalent
oncologic outcomes compared to those achieved with RN. Although higher morbidity rates
were seen after NSS, the complication type and severity were acceptable.

Publication TNM Single n= DFS Local Distant Median mean
vs multi- 5 years Reccurence Metastase FU diam
institution % % % months cm
Margulis (2007) pT2-pT3b single 34 82 0 12 62.1 5.2
Antonelli (2008) pT1b Single 52 93 1.9 5.3 54.3 4.8
Roos (J Urol 2010) pT1b Single 73 95 1.3 9.6 55.2 5.0
Coffin (2011) all sizes Single 155 81.8 * * 95 3.7
Coffin (2011) pT1b Single 59 74 * * 95 ?
Joniau (2008) pT1b Single 67 84 4 6 40.2 4.5
Patard (2004) pT1b multi 65 93.8 3.6 7.1 51 5.3
Becker (2006) pT1b Single 69 100 5.8 5.8 70 5.3
Leibovitch (2004) pT1b Single 91 98 5.4 4.4 64 4.9
Hafez (1999) 175 86 0.8 ? 47
Table 2. Oncologic outcomes.
2.2 Complications
2.2.1 Complication rates of NNS vs. RN
Haemorrhage is the most common intra-operative complication (1.2 -4.5%). Post-operative
complications are urinary fistula formation (1.4-17%), acute renal failure (0.7-26%), post-
operative bleeding (0-4.5%), wound infection (1.2-5.9%), perinephric abscess (0.6-3.2%),
chronic renal insufficiency (3.2-12%) and urinary retention (Lesage et al., 2007). Non-
urological complications include pulmonary and cardiac complications, and also delirium.
We have recently published results of an uncontrolled and retrospective study of 67 patients
who underwent NSS for T1b RCC at our institution. A rate of 3% of post-operative
haemorrhage requiring embolization was observed, and none developed a urinary fistula.
Four patients (6%) had positive resection margins; none of these developed tumour
recurrence. After a median (range) follow-up of 40.1 (1-98.3) months, 10 patients (15%) had
died, of whom only one death was related to NSS (postoperative hypovolemic shock). The
recurrence rate was 10%: 3 patients (4%) developed a local recurrence and 4 (6%) loco-regional
or distant disease but all of these patients were alive at last follow-up (Joniau et al., 2009).
In our recently updated series of 98 open partial nephrectomies for cT1b tumours, two
patients died in the peri-operative period, but both had extensive cardiac histories. We
encountered 7 post-operative acute kidney haemorrhages: of those, 3 required a reoperation,

The Role of Nephron-Sparing Surgery (NSS) for Renal Tumours >4 cm 333
2 were embolized and 2 were treated conservatively. There was one urinary fistula which
was successfully managed by placing a doubleJ stent. Thus, major complication rate
(Dindo score 3) was 9.2%.
Coffin (Coffin et al., 2011) encountered a higher complication rate in NSS compared to RN.
Total complication rate was 37.7% (of 69 patients) versus 24.5%, respectively. Rates of
pulmonary complications and delirium were comparable in both techniques (9.4% versus
9.6% and 3.1% versus 1.1%, respectively) while cardiac complications were more frequent
after RN (20.2% versus 1.5% after NSS). Urinary fistula rate was 5.8%. Transfusion rate was
higher in NSS (23.2%) versus RN (13.8%). Spleen damage was not encountered during NSS
but occurred three times during RN. Contrary to most studies, NSS did not require surgical
revision but one patient was re-operated after a RN. (Roos et al., 2010)

Publication Approach Single N = C SR RN CR I II IIIa IIIb IV V
vs multi-
institution % % % % % % % % %
Porpiglia (2010) Lap multi 41 7.3 7.3 2.4 26 4.8 7.3 7.3 7.3 0
*Porpiglia (2010) Lap one 33 0 6 3 27 9 3 9 6 0
Becker (2006) open one 69 - 13 10 3 0
Patel (2009) Robot one 15 0 6 26.6 0 6.6 13.2 0 6.6 0
Joniau (2011) open one 98 - 3 0 27,5 8.16 11.2 0 5.1 2 1
C= Conversion
SR = Surgical Revision
RN = Radical Nephrectomy
CR = Complication rate
I, II, III, IV, V = Complication rate according to the Dindo-Clavien classification
Table 3. Complication Rate.
NSS has a higher rate of complications, however this remains acceptable. Most complications
can be managed in a conservative or minimally invasive fashion and therefore in none of the
reports, an impact on the length of hospital stay or the hospital costs was found.
2.2.2 Risk factors for complications Imperative indications
Is there an impact of imperative indications for NSS on peri-operative complications? In a
study by Cofin, no significant difference was seen between elective and imperative indications
regarding operating time, but the elective group had better surgical outcomes: less blood loss
and better control of post-operative creatinin level (Coffin 2011). For oncologic outcomes,
Antonelli (Antonelli et al., 2008) found a lower recurrence rate and a higher disease free
survival rate at 5 years in elective indications compared with imperative indications. Elderly
Being older than 65 years does not seem to be a significant prognostic factor for having
surgical as well as medical complications after partial nephrectomy. The difference was
statistically significant for cardiac complications only (Roos et al., 2010).

Chronic Kidney Disease 334
2.3 Renal function
2.3.1 Renal function deterioration after NSS vs. RN
Acute reduction in functional renal mass leads the remnant glomeruli to maintain the renal
function by several mechanisms: adaptive glomerular hypertrophy, hyperperfusion,
hypertension and hyperfiltration. These phenomena result in proteinuria.
NSS aims to achieve two goals: a complete excision of the tumour but at the same time
guarantee an optimal preservation of renal function. With less excision of healthy renal
tissue with NSS, we can expect less glomerulosclerosis and renal failure (Van Poppel et al.,
2003). Therefore, NSS seems to be the best way to prevent Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD).
In one of our studies on OPN for T1b renal tumours (Joniau et al., 2009), 10% of patients
developed de novo renal insufficiency. Six of those seven patients had imperative
indication. Serum creatinin levels dropped significantly in imperative indication, while this
was not seen in elective and relative indications.
In our last study of 98 open partial nephrectomies for T1b, estimated Glomerular Filtration
Rate (eGFR) deteriorated postoperatively on average by 1.74 ml/min/1.73m.
10.2% of patients developed CKD post-operatively, but 20.4% patients had an improved
CKD stage after surgery.
In his study, Roos (Roos & Brenner, 2010) also observed a significant difference in eGFR at
last follow up and in e GFR difference (calculated as e GFR preoperative eGFR at last
follow up). After NSS, 14.5% of patients (10) had reached an eGRF < 60ml/min/1.73m
versus 44.7% (42) after RN.
In a retrospective study (Lane et al., 2010) Lane studied 2402 patients with a normal
preoperative kidney function (serum creatinin less or equal to 1.4 mg/dl) and compared:
1833 PN versus 569 RN. Tumour stage was pT1b or more in 31% of PN and 64% of RN. NSS
even - with a warm ischemia time of longer than 31 minutes - demonstrated better renal
outcomes, however patients in the RN group were older, had more co-morbidities and were
affected by larger and more aggressive tumours.
A solitary kidney is not a contra-indication for NSS. Lee (Lee 2010) reports 38 patients with
solitary kidney who underwent partial nephrectomy: 53. 1% of them had a tumour larger
than 4 cm and 76.3 % had post operatively a GFR more than 30 ml/min/1.73m. He noticed
an acceptable complication rate: 7.9% Clavien I, 18.4% for Clavien II and 5.3% Clavien III.
One patient required immediate post-operative haemodialysis and another one long term
haemodialysis for a mean follow up of 20 months.
Partial nephrectomy offers minimal reduction of renal function, but on the other hand
unfortunately exposes the patient to higher peri-operative risk.
2.3.2 Surgical aspects influencing renal function preservation
For small tumours, clamping the renal artery is sometimes not necessary. Resection without
clamping can provide adequate oncologic surgery with a lower peri-operative complication
rate and limited renal function deterioration. In the case of larger renal tumours, surgery
requires in most cases an interruption of renal blood flow through pedicle clamping.

The Role of Nephron-Sparing Surgery (NSS) for Renal Tumours >4 cm 335
Clamping is necessary to resect the tumour in a bloodless field, to minimise intra-operative
blood loss, to contribute to a better vision during dissection and to facilitate renorraphy.
Ischemia induces endothelial lesions which lead via multi-inflammatory response to
vasoconstriction and vasospasms and thus ischemia. The low renal blood flow induces renal
cell lesions and subsequent release of angiotensin II and eicosanoids. During ischemia, there
is a failure of oxidative phosphorylation and depletion in adenosine triphosphate (ATP). It
causes cellular swelling by passive diffusion of water into cells. Cell swelling prevents
reperfusion when unclamping (no reflow phenomenon) and ATP degradation produces free
radicals which cause further cell damage (reperfusion injury). Impact of clamping time
For warm ischemia, maximal clamping time to preserve renal function was previously
thought to be less than 31 minutes. Later it was suggested to try to limit warm ischemia time
to less than 20 minutes (Becker et al., 2009). But Thompson goes further and states that
every minute counts. In his retrospective study, he analysed 362 patients with solitary
kidneys and demonstrated that 25 minutes is the best cut-off for clamping time to make the
distinction of patients at risk for acute renal failure, a GFR < 15ml /min per 1.73 m and
new-onset stage IV chronic kidney disease during follow up. Each additional minute
increased this risk. The same cut off for irreversible renal damage was found in a
prospective study (Funahashi 2009).
Thus we should consider 20-25 minutes to be the best cut-off to avoid adverse renal
consequences, keeping in mind the shorter the clamping time the better. We should not
forget that even with extended ischemia, partial nephrectomy still offers better renal
function outcomes compared to RN (Lane et al., 2010). Impact of clamping technique
Regarding clamping technique, Coffin did not observed a difference in postoperative renal
function between mechanical and digital clamping of the pedicle.
There is no consensus for type of clamping: arterial or en bloc arterial and venous
clamping. It is also not known whether intermittent clamping is better than continuous. Cooling
Kidney cooling prior to clamping can prevent cell damage. The optimal temperature to
achieve this seems to be 15C (Becker 2009).
When ischemia time is estimated to be probably more than 25 minutes, cold ischemia is a
good option. The principle is to cool the kidney with ice slush for 10 minutes, after which
the hilum should be clamped. Nevertheless, also cold ischemia time must be limited to the
minimum. A maximum of 35 minutes has been proposed by several authors (Thompson et
al 2007). Pharmacologic strategies
In order to reduce the impact of ischemia, it is advised to provide preoperative hydration to
facilitate renal perfusion and stimulate urine production. Therefore, furosemide
administered intra-operatively is useful. Intravenous mannitol at a dose of 1 ml/kg has also
been proven to be beneficial for optimal reperfusion (Becker et al., 2006). Weizer and his

Chronic Kidney Disease 336

Fig. 1. Cooling.
team use the following schema: 12,5 g mannitol are administered ten minutes before
resection and the same additional dose is given at removal of the clamp (Weizer et al., 2011).
The use of an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor such as enalapril has also been
proposed. This should theoretically prevent vasospasm and induce vasodilatation. To
prevent thrombosis, administration of heparin intravenously has been proposed but its
benefit has not been proved.
Other important points are to maintain a normal blood pressure and hemodynamic stability
in the peri-operative and postoperative period.
3. Alternative surgical techniques
3.1 Simple enucleation
3.1.1 Definition, surgical technique
Urologic surgeons are increasingly proposing careful, pure enucleation consisting of an
incision of the renal parenchyma within a few millimetres of the tumour, followed by a
blunt dissection following a plane between the pseudo-capsule and the healthy renal
parenchyma, thereby minimizing loss of nephrons.

Fig. 2. Enucleation.

The Role of Nephron-Sparing Surgery (NSS) for Renal Tumours >4 cm 337

Fig. 3. Wedge Resection.
3.1.2 Simple enucleation versus standard partial nephrectomy Positive surgical margin rate
Minervini (Minervini et al., 2011) retrospectively analysed 1519 patients operated for renal
cell carcinoma to determine the impact of simple enucleation on oncologic outcomes: 982
underwent a standard partial nephrectomy versus simple enucleation in 537 cases. 25.9% of
patients belonging to the standard partial nephrectomy group versus 21.3% of patients in
the simple enucleation group had a renal cell carcinoma larger than 4 cm. PSM rate was
significantly lower in the simple enucleation group (0.2%) versus the standard partial
nephrectomy group (3.4%) (p<0.001). Cancer-specific survival rate
For tumours smaller than 4 cm, pure enucleation provides long-term cancer-specific
survival rates similar to RN and is not associated with a greater risk of local recurrence
compared to partial nephrectomy (Carini 2006). Minervini (Minervini 2011) compared
standard partial nephrectomy with simple enucleation: he could not find any significant
difference between those 2 techniques after adjusting for cancer-specific survival
probabilities: age at surgery (younger or older than 65 years), tumour stage (pT1a, pT1b
or pT3a) and Fuhrman nuclear grades (1-2 versus 3). Patients who underwent a simple
enucleation and had a Fuhrman nuclear grade 4 showed a significantly worse cancer-
specific survival compared to patients who were treated with standard partial
In another publication (Carini et al., 2006), Carini and Minervini reviewed 71 simple
enucleations for renal cell carcinoma with diameter 4 to 7 cm. Median follow up was 74
months. There was no peri-operative mortality and no major complications requiring
reintervention. Oncologic outcomes were acceptable: 5- and 8-year cancer-specific survival
rates were 85.1% and 81.6%, respectively. Tumour stage had an impact on cancer-specific
survival: 5-year cancer-specific survival rate was 95.1% for tumours of 4 cm, 83.3% for stage
pT1b and 58.3% for stage pT3a tumours. He reported 10 patients (14.1%) with progressive
disease but only 4.2% with local recurrence.

Chronic Kidney Disease 338
Simple enucleation can be performed for tumours larger than 4 cm. Long-term outcomes are
comparable to standard NSS.
3.2 Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy
Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy (LPN) offers the benefits of a minimal invasive approach
together with the benefits of preserving renal function.
3.2.1 Surgical aspects Transperitoneal versus retroperitoneal approach
62% of the tumours were operated transperitoneally in the study of Patel (Patel et al., 2010).
Porpiglia (Popiglia et al., 2010) observed a higher rate of the transperitoneal approach for
tumors larger than 4 cm, with no higher rate of conversion to open surgery. Resection technique
Most surgeons performing laparoscopic NSS prefer an enucleo- resection: excision of the
tumour with a thin layer peritumoral healthy parenchyma (Porpiglia et al., 2010). In several
studies, a laparoscopic ultrasound probe was used to identify the lesion intraoperatively
(Porpiglia et al., 2010; Patel et al., 2010), even when it concerned large renal tumours (> 4 cm). Impact of clamping technique and time on renal function
In all the centres of the study by Porpiglia, the renal artery was clamped alone (Porpiglia et
al., 2010).
Patel described clamping of both, the artery and the vein in case of large, endophytic and
central tumors. On the other hand, the artery alone is clamped for small, peripheral or
cortical tumors (Patel et al., 2010).
To prevent vascular injury, bulldog clamps are preferred to a Satinsky clamp, even though
the true benefit of this approach remains to be proven (Weizer et al., 2011). Some surgeons
use vessel loops with a hem-olock as clamp in order to prevent pedicle lesions.
To prevent renal function loss, Shao (Shao et al, 2011) proposed another technique consisting
in selective clamping of the feeding segmental renal artery. This technique demands a larger
dissection to expose 2-3 arterial branches for selective clamping. The demarcation line of the
parenchymal ischemia is observed to ensure the resection area is clamped. In case the ischemic
area does not encompass the tumour, multiple segmental arteries are clamped. Patients with
tumours larger than 4 cm were included if their resection was estimated feasible. There were
11 cT1b tumours operated: respectively 5 operated with main renal artery clamping and 6
with selective clamping. Of, the latter group, half of them had to be converted to main renal
artery clamping. There was a significant increase in operative time, blood loss and warm
ischemia time in the selective clamping. 3 months post-operatively, GFR was estimated with a
camera-based method measuring the renal uptake of technetium 99m diethylenetriamine-
pentaacetic acid. The GFR reduction of the affected side was significantly less with selective
clamping. Half of the tumours larger than 3.5 cm tumours required clamping of 2 or more
segmental arteries. Complication rate was acceptable. This technique seems not really
appropriate for large tumours given the high conversion rate.

The Role of Nephron-Sparing Surgery (NSS) for Renal Tumours >4 cm 339
A critique to the laparoscopic approach remains that ischemia time is usually longer than in
open procedure. In a European survey (Porpiglia et al., 2010), mean warm ischemia time
was 25.7 minutes with a range 15-46 minutes. Cooling techniques in laparoscopy are time
consuming. Clamping usually lasts from the beginning of the resection to the end of
parenchymal suture. In order to reduce warm ischemia time, Nguyen (Nguyen et al., 2008)
proposed to remove the clamp after the first layer of parenchymal suture. The remaining
renorrhaphy is thus performed in the revascularized kidney. This technique decreases warm
ischemia time by over 50%. There was a trend towards improved outcomes: less overall
complications (16% vs. 22%), less postoperative renal haemorrhage (2% vs. 4%) and a
decreased re-intervention rate (6% vs. 16%). However, those differences were not
statistically significant. No patient had a positive resection margin, required open
conversion or showed renal dysfunction. Impact of parenchymal suture on renal function
The goal of efficient renorraphy is to reduce warm ischemia time. The type of suture
(running of interrupted) is not correlated with longer warm ischemia time.

Fig. 4-5. Examples of interrupted suture in open surgery.

Chronic Kidney Disease 340

Fig. 6. Laparoscopic running suture.
Likewise, the use of haemostatic sealant had no significant impact on warm ischemia time
(Porpiglia et al., 2010).

Fig. 7. Hemostatic sealant application.

The Role of Nephron-Sparing Surgery (NSS) for Renal Tumours >4 cm 341

Fig. 8. Tumor bed after hemostatic sealant application.
3.2.2 Complications: Open versus Laparoscopy
Open NSS is well established in T1a tumours and is becoming increasingly accepted in T1b
tumours. In the last few years, a tendency to apply a laparoscopic approach for T1a renal
tumours has been observed. In some centres this is already the standard of care. Indeed, in
experienced hands, the laparoscopic approach achieves intermediate-term oncological and
renal function outcomes comparable to open surgery.
In a multicenter study (Porpiglia et al., 2010), 63 patients underwent a laparoscopic partial
nephrectomy by enucleo-resection with intraoperative ultrasound. The conversion rate was
7.3%: always for bleeding but without requiring RN. Postoperative complication rate was
26%: acute hemorrhage, urinary fistula, fever, chyluria and retroperitoneal hematoma.
Acute hemorrhage was the most frequent (9.7%). Half of them were treated with
embolization, the other half with reoperation. One patient required a RN. Urinary fistulas
(4.4%) required a double J placement and one patient necessitated a re-operation. 6.5% of
patients had PSM. There was no correlation between PSM status and tumour size or
3.2.3 Impact of tumour size Impact of tumour size on peri-operative and post-operative complications
Porpiglia (Porpiglia et al., 2010) reviewed 100 consecutive laparoscopic partial nephrectomies.
A third of these procedures concerned tumours larger than 4 cm. Intraoperatively, the latter
required more often a transperitoneal approach and pelvicalyceal repair. Also, warm ischemia
time was longer and they were associated with greater blood loss, however no significant
bleeding or conversion occurred. Complication rates were similar in the small versus large
tumour groups respectively: fever (6% vs. 3%), acute hemorrhage (4.5% vs. 15.1%, p=0.06),
retroperitoneal hematoma (1.5% vs. 6%). One case of pneumonia was seen in the small tumour
group and one urinary fistula in large tumours group.

Chronic Kidney Disease 342
The sole significant risk factor for overall complications was the cortico-medullar location of
the tumour (Porpiglia et al., 2010). Impact of tumour size on renal function
In the same study of Porpiglia (Porpiglia et al., 2010), small and large tumours groups had
comparable preoperative serum creatinin and estimated GFR. On the 5th post-operative
day, elevation of serum creatinin level was not significantly higher in the large tumour
group, but deterioration of eGFR was statistically significant (p > 0.004).
The size of the tumour had no significant impact on the warm ischemia time (Porpiglia et
al., 2010).
In large tumours, they recorded 4 cases (12%) with CKD progression, but these could not be
explained by a longer warm ischemia time. Impact of tumour size on oncologic outcome
Comparable to Russo in open partial nephrectomy, Porpiglia (Porpiglia et al., 2010) had a
higher PSM rate in small tumours. Thus it appears that, as seen in open NSS, tumour size
does not impact on PSM risk in the laparoscopic approach.
3.3 Robot-assisted laparoscopic partial nephrectomy
Laparoscopy causes less morbidity than a flank incision. Robotic assistance is useful for
suturing and tying (Weizer et al., 2011). This technique combines the minimally invasive
approach of laparoscopy with the freedom of movement and dexterity acquired with the
robot. Preliminary results with robotic NSS are comparable to results obtained with LPN
(Van Poppel, 2010). With similar oncologic outcomes, the robotic approach seems to have a
shorter learning curve compared to laparoscopic approach. It offers other benefits: lower
intra-operative blood loss, reduced hospital stay and shorter warm ischemia time (Benway
et al., 2010).
3.3.1 Surgical aspects Retroperitoneal or transperitoneal approach
The retroperitoneal access has the advantage of reducing the risk of intraperitoneal urine
leak, intestinal lesions and future adhesions. Robot-assisted Retroperitoneal Partial
Nephrectomy (RRPN) is indicated for posterior, interpolar or lower pole tumours. Morbid
obesity and previous intra-abdominal surgery are no contra-indications. One major
disadvantage of the retroperitoneal approach is the smaller working space, requiring a
good coordination and more help from the assistant. Weizer (Weizer et al., 2011)
described 2 conversions in 16 RRPN : one to conventional laparoscopy (difficulty of
positioning robots arms) and one to a transperitoneal approach because of peritoneal
perforation. Six complications occurred: musculo-skeletal pain in one, 2 pneumonias, one
urinary retention, one urinary fistula, one atrial fibrillation. In this study, all tumours
were smaller than 3.5 cm. A retroperitoneal approach does not seem indicated for T1b
tumours. The transperitoneal approach is preferred for tumours larger than 4 cm and
upper pole tumours.

The Role of Nephron-Sparing Surgery (NSS) for Renal Tumours >4 cm 343
3.3.2 Complications in Robot assisted laparoscopic partial nephrectomy
The complication rate in a series of 183 Robot-assisted Partial Nephrectomy (RAPN) was
9.8%: 8.2% were major complications and 1.6% minor (Benway et al., 2010).
3.3.3 Impact of tumour size
Patel (Patel et al., 2010) described 71 transperitoneal robotic partial nephrectomies. On
preoperative imaging, 15 were larger than 4 cm.
Peri-operatively, warm ischemia time was significantly longer in larger tumours. (p=0.011).
He noted no intra-operative complications. The other peri-operative parameters: operative
time, need to repair the collecting system, estimated blood loss, elective conversions were
not significantly different between the smaller and the larger tumour groups. Post-
operative complication rate was similar. There were also no differences in post-operative
variables: length of stay and change of haemoglobine. Tumour size between 4 and 7.9 cm
was not a risk factor for increased peri- and post-operative complications in patients
undergoing robotic partial nephrectomy.
3.3.4 PSM
Benway (Benway et al., 2010) compared 118 LPN and 129 RAPN: the PSM rates were 0.8%
and 3.9%, respectively. The PSM rate was higher in RAPN, however this was not significant
(p=0.11). Wang (Wang & Bhayani, 2010) reviewed 100 LPN versus 100 RAPN and also noted
no significant differences in PSM rate. Benway (Benway et al., 2010), in a review of 183
RAPN, described 3.8% PSM. Gill (Gill et al., 2007) reported a PSM rate of 2.85% in LPN
versus 1.26% in open procedures. Kural (Kural et al., 2009) reported no PSM but his study
contained only 10 RAPN. On his 71 RAPN, Patel (Patel et al., 2010) had no PSM in 15
tumours larger than 4 cm and 3 PSM on 56 smaller tumours. To our knowledge, no study
showed an increased PSM rate in tumours measuring between 4 and 7 cm.
3.3.5 Renal function
Having a tumour larger than 4 cm was not significantly predictive of an increased risk of
kidney function loss at the first post- operative day or at 1-3 month follow-up. However,
only 9 tumours larger than 4 cm and 28 smaller tumours were included (Patel et al., 2010)
3.3.6 Oncologic outcomes
Robot-assisted partial nephrectomy is still a young technique. Follow up is yet too limited to
evaluate recurrence-free survival and cancer-specific survival rates.
4. Conclusion
Our latest study showed excellent surgical feasibility and cancer-specific survival for NSS in
T1b RCC (Joniau et al., 2008). Local cancer control was achieved in the large majority of
patients, with preservation of renal function in those with elective indications. NSS is at
present the gold standard treatment for renal tumours less than 4 cm. Other studies

Chronic Kidney Disease 344
confirmed the feasibility of NSS for tumours of 4 to 7 cm, achieving good oncologic
outcomes and preserving kidney function.
The presence of PSM seemed to not have an impact on survival.
Warm ischemia time (WIT) remains a key point. It has to be reduced or avoided as much as
possible. If the procedure is suspected to be laborious and WIT lasts more than 25 min,
several techniques are useful to help preserve renal function: use of mannitol, cooling
A laparoscopic approach avoids a painful flank incision but is associated with a longer WIT.
Robot assistance joins the minimally invasiveness of the laparoscopic approach with the
dexterity of the open NSS. We need longer follow-up before final conclusions can be drawn
on oncologic outcomes and renal function preservation of robot-assisted NSS.
In the future, NSS is going to be used for an increasing number of indications. Tumor size
does not seems to be a limiting factor anymore. Becker (Becker et al., 2011) already showed
the feasibility of NSS even for tumours larger than 7 cm.
5. References
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Benign Prostate Hyperplasia
and Chronic Kidney Disease
Ricardo Leo, Bruno Jorge Pereira and Hugo Coelho
Urology Department, Centro Hospitalar de Coimbra
1. Introduction
Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH) is a common disease in adult men and its incidence is
age related. On the basis of clinical criteria, the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging
found that the prevalence of BPH is approximately 25% in men aged 40 to 49 years, 50% in
men aged 50 to 59 years, and 80% in men aged 70 to 79 years (Arrighi, Metter et al. 1991).
BHP is theoretically the detection of prostatic hyperplasia, which is the benign proliferation
of the stroma and epithelium, by histological study. However histological studies for all
men are unfeasible in clinical practice, so BHP usually refers to the palpable enlargement of
the prostate, which can be detected by clinical or ultrasonographic examination, or presence
of urinary symptoms loosely defined as lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS), which are
usually classified as obstructive or irritative (Levy and Samraj 2007).
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) encompasses a spectrum of different pathophysiologic
processes associated with abnormal kidney function, and a progressive decline in
glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Chronic renal failure (CRF) applies to the process of
continuing significant irreversible reduction in nephron number, end-stage renal disease
(ESRD) represents a stage of CKD where the accumulation of toxins, fluid, and electrolytes
normally excreted by the kidneys results in the uremic syndrome. This syndrome leads to
death unless the toxins are removed by renal replacement therapy, using dialysis or kidney
transplantation (Fauci 2007). The prevalence of CRF using the Modification of Diet in Renal
Disease equation is 26% in adults who are 70 years and older. Men are at 67% greater risk
for advanced chronic renal failure and at 44% greater risk for end stage renal disease than
women (Rule, Lieber et al. 2005).
Despite the many possible causes of obstructive uropathy, in studies of elderly patients with
acute renal failure, the most common cause among all patients was BPH (Kumar, Hill et al.
1973; Tseng and Stoller 2009). Kumar et al., showed in their studies that acute renal failure in
patients with obstructive uropathy were due to BPH (38%), neurogenic bladder (19%),
obstructive pyelonephritis (15%).
Attending to high prevalence of BPH in older men with CKD it is invaluable to take into
consideration the relationship between these two clinical entities. However, despite the high
prevalence of CKD and BPH in elderly men, there is limited knowledge on the association
between these two conditions.

Chronic Kidney Disease 348
The purpose of this chapter is to discuss the relationship between BPH and CKD, bearing in
mind the epidemiology, pathophysiology, the clinical and imagiologic presentation of BPH
and how it can contribute to CKD.
2. Epidemiology Benign prostatic hyperplasia and chronic kidney disease
Benign prostatic hyperplasia is characterized by the nonmalignant overgrowth of prostatic
tissue surrounding the urethra, ultimately constricting the urethral opening and giving rise
to associated lower urinary tract symptoms (McVary 2006; Wei, Calhoun et al. 2008).
Diagnosis of BPH is made based on histologic examination of a prostatic tissue (biopsy,
surgery or autopsy), however surrogate measures, namely lower urinary symptoms,
bladder outlet obstruction and prostate enlargement are often used to define BPH as a
clinical syndrome (Emberton, Andriole et al. 2003). For this reason, many consequences of
BPH are not studied for it is impractical. This factgives us limited insight into the incidence
and progression of the disease (Jacobsen, Girman et al. 2001). The prevalence of BPH thus
can be calculated on the basis of histologic criteria (autopsy prevalence) or clinical criteria
(clinical prevalence) (Wein 2007).
The 1984 milestone study by Berry and colleagues summarized the data from five studies
demonstrating that no men younger than 30 had evidence of BPH and the prevalence rose
with each age group, peaking at 88% in men in their 80s (Berry, Coffey et al. 1984).
BPH is considered a disease of aging male and can have a familial inheritance, especially if
large prostate volumes and surgical intervention at a young age are seen in the pedigree
(Wein 2007).
Definitions of BPH, have undergone several changes in the past decade, and, at present, no
single criterion can be applied. In the past, the term "prostatism" was used, incorrectly
referring to the prostate as the sole source of the typical LUTS (lower urinary tract
symptoms) found in aging men. It has been pointed out that there are at least three
interrelated phenomena that can be assessed independently, namely the symptoms (Wein
2007), enlargement of the prostate gland and presence of obstruction (Nielsen, Nordling et
al. 1994). In a given patient, all three, two of the three, or only one of the three entities might
be present. Paul Abrams was the investigator that changed the earlier and inappropriate
term (prostatism) to lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) (Nielsen, Nordling et al. 1994;
Abrams 1999)
BPH (histologically) is present in about 8% of men aged 31 to 40 years, and this prevalence
increases markedly with age to about 90% by ninth decade(Berry, Coffey et al. 1984; Rosen,
Altwein et al. 2003; McVary 2006). Studies in United States, England, Austria, Norway,
Denmark, China, Japan, and India showed that the prevalence of BPH increases rapidly in
the fourth decade of life, reaching nearly 100% in the ninth decade (Harbitz and Haugen
1972; Carter and Coffey 1990; Wein 2007) (Pradhan and Chandra 1975). It is striking that the
age-specific autopsy prevalence is remarkably similar in all populations studied regardless
of ethnic and geographic origin (Berry, Coffey et al. 1984).
However, we must take into account the aging population and increasing number of
patients who need medical care for symptoms (LUTS) or consequences of BPH. Number of

Benign Prostate Hyperplasia and Chronic Kidney Disease 349
consultations for BPH and urinary symptoms constitute the largest share of visits in our
department and in urology departments worldwide. In 1989, there were approximately 1,3
million office visits to physician for BPH (Schappert 1993), and in 1992 approximately
170.000 prostatectomies were performed among inpatients in the United States (Xia, Roberts
et al. 1999; Wei, Calhoun et al. 2008). Agency for Health Care Policy and Research
Diagnostic and Treatment for BPH showed that from 22.5 million white men aged 50 to 79
years in the United States, in 1990, approximately 5.6 million needed medical consultation
and treatment for BPH, demonstrating this disease is a prevalent health problem (Wei,
Calhoun et al. 2008).
Although BPH is not a life-threatening condition, the impact of BPH on quality of life (QoL)
can be significant and should not be underestimated (McVary 2006). According to the World
Health Organization although the death rate attributable to BPH is negligible, the estimated
DALYs (The sum of years of potential life lost due to premature mortality and the years of
productive life lost due to disability) due to BHP is quite considerable. Most of the disability
is probably due to severe clinical symptoms and/or late complications of BPH like CKD
(Organization 2011).
Chronic kidney disease is a serious condition associated with premature mortality,
decreased quality of life, and increased health-care expenditures. Untreated CKD can result
in end-stage renal disease requiring dialysis or kidney transplantation.
The 1999-2004 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) determined
that 16.8% of the U.S. population aged >20 years had CKD (according to 1999-2004 data),
compared with 14.5% from the 1988-1994 NHANES, an increase of 15.9% based on crude
estimates of prevalence (Saydah 2007) which reflects the increasing needs for health care
policy for CKD.
3. The relationship between benign prostatic hyperplasia and chronic kidney
disease A consequence of urinary outflow obstruction?
Although the exact etiology of BPH is not known it seems (from recent studies and daily
clinical practice) that the natural history and evolution of benign prostatic enlargement ends
up in urinary obstruction causing degradation of renal function over time.
Both diseases are extremely common among aging male, leading some to suggest that it is a
natural concomitant of aging (Wu, Li et al. 2006).
In his 1989 retrospective study of 19 patients who were admitted to renal dialysis units for
end-stage renal disease caused by BPH, authors (Sacks, Aparicio et al. 1989) raised
awareness of BPH as a cause for CKD and suggested a more adequate screening of renal
function in men with untreated LUTS. More recently a cross-sectional survey in Spain of
2,000 randomly sampled men who were 50 years or older showed a 2.4% prevalence of
self-reported renal failure related to a prostate condition (9% reported renal failure from
any cause) (Hunter, Berra-Unamuno et al. 1996; Rule, Lieber et al. 2005). The main
limitation of this study was that it relied on the self report of CKD, and no distinction
between Acute Renal Failure (ARF) or CKD was made. Nonetheless it remains one largest
studies that reveals a connection between CKD and BPH (Hunter, Berra-Unamuno et al.
1996). Another study (Hill, Philpott et al. 1993) showed that men presenting for prostate

Chronic Kidney Disease 350
surgery had a 7,7% prevalence of renal failure compared to a 3,7% prevalence in age
matched men presenting for nonprostate surgery. This proves that renal failure in men
with advanced BPH does not only reflect older age. Other statistical study revealed that
men presented to urologist for BPH treatment showed an average of 13,6% of renal
failure(McConnell, Barry et al. 1994).
The Rochester Epidemiology Project found a significant association between signs and
symptoms of BPH and CKD in their population-based sample of 476 white men (Rule,
Jacobson et al. 2005; Rule, Lieber et al. 2005). There was a significant association between
CKD and moderate/ severe LUTS and peak flow rate of <15 mL/s. In conclusion there was
a cross-sectional association between signs and symptoms of bladder outlet obstruction and
chronic kidney disease in community-dwelling men (Rule, Lieber et al. 2005).
In contrast, a population-based study from Austria did not find LUTS to be an independent
risk factor for impaired kidney function in men. A total of 2.469 men entered the cross-
sectional study and 439 with CKD were assessed in longitudinal analysis. LUTS was
assessed using the IPSS (International Prostate Symptom Score) questionnaire. There was no
significant association between degree of LUTS and GFR after adjusting for age in this cross-
sectional study (Ponholzer, Temml et al. 2006).
Furthermore a 30,466 men study from the HUNT II (Second Health Study in Nord-
Trndelag; 1995-1997) failed to show a connection between LUTS and CKD (Hallan, Kwong
et al. 2010). Results have shown that men with moderate to severe LUTS, indicating BPH,
did not have increased risk of future kidney failure after adjusting for age, and inclusion of
men with such symptoms did not improve the effectiveness of a CKD screening strategy
using kidney failure as the main outcome (Hallan, Kwong et al. 2010; Hallan and Orth 2010).
Nonetheless quite recently evidence of association between BPH and CKD has arisen in two
different studies. In a recent study by Yamasaki et al, the Post-Void Residue (PVR) of the
patients with CKD was significantly greater than that of the patients without CKD and the
presence of post-void residual urine was independently associated with CKD, indicating a
close association between CKD and residual urine. In this study the PVR is used as a
surrogate measure of Bladder Outlet Obstruction (BOO) and thus of urodinamically
relevant BPH (Yamasaki 2010). Authors reported a higher prevalence (31,8%) of CKD
among BPH patients (Yamasaki 2010). In another study by Hong et al (Hong, Lee et al.
2010), the results showed that a decreased Qmax (Peak flow rate), with a history of
hypertension and/or diabetes, were significantly associated with CKD in men seeking
management for LUTS caused by BPH of various severity. Although the prevalence of CKD
can be considered relatively low among men with BPH, the possibility of CKD should be
considered in those who have a low Qmax, obstructive urinary symptoms, or have
comorbidities such as hypertension and DM (Hong, Lee et al. 2010). In this study the
authors report 494 patients from a group of 2741 BPH patients that were classified as having
CKD (eGFR < 60 mL/min/1,73 m
The 1994 Agency for Health Care Policy and Research created BPH clinical guidelines that
recommended serum creatinine screening in men presenting with lower urinary tract
symptoms, however a 2003 update discontinued the serum creatinine measurements (Rule,
Lieber et al. 2005). These different approaches to BPH patients may lead to a significant
amount of patients underdiagnosed for CKD.

Benign Prostate Hyperplasia and Chronic Kidney Disease 351
As we take all this data into account, one should bear in mind that BPH is an almost
ubiquitous condition in the old man. The low occurrence of CKD in BPH clinical trials
should not be used to infer a weak association between the two disease processes. However
it is clear that not all expressions of BPH are associated with CKD: Prostate volume, PSA
(Prostate Specific Antigen) and even LUTS do not share a strong association with CKD
(Rule, Jacobson et al. 2005; Ponholzer, Temml et al. 2006; Hallan, Kwong et al. 2010).
Bladder outlet obstruction signs and symptoms (QMax, PVR, Obstructive LUTS) are
significant predictors of CKD (Rule, Jacobson et al. 2005; Yamasaki 2010), bladder outlet
obstruction probably makes the bridge between CKD and BPH (Hong, Lee et al. 2010). This
is probably a reflection of the etiology of CKD secondary to BPH.
We should also never forget that CKD is a multifactorial process, and it becomes difficult
to separate the contribution of BHP from all the other renal insults. This also takes its toll
on the design of the studies as many men with concomitant disease are excluded, and
thus making it harder for investigators to take into account the true influence of BPH on
4. BPH physiopathology, disease progression and renal failure
The exact etiology of BPH is unknown, however the similarity between BPH and the
embryonic morphogenesis of the prostate has led to hypothesis that BPH may result from a
reawakening of embryonic induction process in adulthood (Oesterling 1996; McVary 2006).
The most common renal pathology finding in men with obstructive nephropathy due to
BPH is chronic interstitial nephritis (Coroneos, Assouad et al. 1997; Rule, Lieber et al. 2005)
and 30% of cases have been attributed to obstructive uropathy.
Late or end stage renal failure secondary to prostatic or bladder outflow obstruction should
be amenable to prevention if cases are recognised early, however it still difficult to recognise
which men with BPH are at risk of renal failure and need close investigation. For this reason
we truly believe that is important to recognize factors that can be measured and are
important bases or risk factors for the evaluation and treatment of BPH.
To assess BPH as risk factor for chronic kidney disease or renal failure it is important to
understand the surrogate measures often used to diagnose BPH. These factors are
essentially clinical, anatomical and physiological.
4.1 Benign prostate enlargement
BPH/BPE first develops in the periurethral transition zone of the prostate. The transition
zone consists of two separate glands immediately external to the preprostatic sphincter.
Prostate enlargement also involves an increase in the number of glands, particularly the
periuretheral glands, and increase in smooth muscle and connective tissue in the
periuretheral region of the prostate (McNeal 1978; Rule, Lieber et al. 2005; Wein 2007).
Prostate size can be estimated by digital rectal examination (DRE) (underestimate true
prostate size) but reliability across observers is in general considered poor (Wein 2007), for
these reasons in all cross-sectional studies prostate volume is assessed by TRUS (trans-rectal

Chronic Kidney Disease 352
In the physiological point of view, as the prostate enlarges, it compresses the urethra,
preventing the outflow of urine and contributing to the common lower urinary tract
Previous studies which examined the association between prostate size and renal function
gave conflicting results (Rule, Lieber et al. 2005), some showing a strict relation between
prostate size and GFR (Olbrich, Woodford-Williams et al. 1957) but other studies did not
(Terris, Afzal et al. 1998)
Other authors, like Shapiro et al. emphasize the role of prostatic smooth muscle in
pathophysiology of BPH (Shapiro, Hartanto et al. 1992). These authors advocated that the
amount of muscle in prostate size and its contractile properties are an important factor in BPH.
Smooth muscle cells in are not optimal for force generation. They present a downregulation of
smooth muscle myosin heavy chain and a significant upregulation of nonmuscle myosin
heavy chain, suggesting either proliferation or loss of normal modulation pathways (Lin,
Robertson et al. 2000). Factors that determine passive tone in prostate remain to be elucidated
(Wein 2007). However it is known that active muscle tone in human prostate is regulated by
adrenergic nervous system (Schwinn 1994). Adrenergic neurotransmitters have been involved
in prostate smooth muscle regulation as well as contraction, and -adrenergic blockade leads
to a significant downregulation of normal protein gene expression, specifically smooth muscle
myosin heavy chain (Boesch, Dobler et al. 2000; Wein 2007).
Recent studies were made to relate prostate size and LUTS in BPH. Hassanzadeh et. al,
found a significant correlation between urgency and prostate size (Hassanzadeh, Yavari-kia
et al. 2010), which can be considered as predictive factor for the disease and probably a
strong link between BPE and CKD.
So, prostate and its enlargement can contribute for outflow obstruction not only by is static
component (periurehral compression caused by stromal component) but also dynamic
component (smooth muscle cells and adrenergic pathway). Prostate growth is only one of
the components of LUTS in aging men.
4.2 Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS)
Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) are clinical criteria to define a man with urinary
problems. Most of the men with BPH have voiding dysfunction, complaining with nocturia,
urgency, week urinary stream, increased urinary frequency and sense of incomplete bladder
emptying after micturition.
Many studies were done to achieve a scientific relation between LUTS and CKD, however
until recent years there was no palpable evidence connecting these two entities. Hill et al. in
a retrospective study did not find any relation between duration of symptoms and serum
creatinine levels (Hill, Philpott et al. 1993). Likewise Gerber et al. did not achieve any success
in linking serum creatinine levels and LUTS (Gerber, Goldfischer et al. 1997). Hong et al.,
reported that although there was no significant association between overall symptoms (IPSS
score) with CKD, individual obstructive symptoms such as hesitancy and/or weak stream
was significantly associated with CKD status (Hong, Lee et al. 2010)
Our clinical practice shows us that many men with LUTS do not value their symptoms, and
do not seek medical care. Those older men often tolerate and disregard their lower urinary

Benign Prostate Hyperplasia and Chronic Kidney Disease 353
tract symptoms. In our opinion under reported symptoms can induce a significant bias in
most of studies already done.
Although many patients who do not value their symptoms, mainly the older ones, the
frequency of symptoms and its interference with quality of live (QoL) is the principal factor
that drive men to consult a physician (Hong, Rayford et al. 2005).
Patient perceptions are receiving greater emphasis as part of clinical decision-making
(Jacobsen, Guess et al. 1993; Roberts, Rhodes et al. 1994). The variability of relationships
between symptom severity and the likelihood that the symptoms relate with CKD requires
further investigations. However one must take into account that the absence of lower
urinary tract symptoms in older man does not necessarily exclude BPH with urinary outlet
obstruction. Moreover, whether symptoms can be graded according to severity
(International Prostate Symtpoms Score IPSS) this does not predict the degree of
obstruction to urinary flow. However, when men with complete chronic urinary retention
and severe symptoms needing surgical intervention were evaluated, the authors found as
much as 30% of men with renal insufficiency (Sacks, Aparicio et al. 1989).
4.3 Post-voiding residual urine volume Chronic urinary retention
Chronic urinary retention is thought to be the dominant mechanism by which BPH can
cause chronic renal failure (Rule, Lieber et al. 2005). Rule et al, defined chronic urinary
retention (CUR) as a post-void residual urine (PVR) higher than 100 mL, and reported that
CUR was significantly associated in CKD in community-dwelling men. For years it has been
well described that large volumes (300 mL) affect renal function in advanced BPH (Styles,
Neal et al. 1988; Rule, Lieber et al. 2005; Yamasaki 2010).
Recent studies, however, demonstrate that the volume of residual urine (post void)
necessary to impair renal function is not that elevated. Yamasaki et al, verified in their study
a cut-off of 12 ml for PVR (Yamasaki 2010), confirming PVR as a significant and
independent risk factor for CKD. This study showed for the first time that patients with
BPH can develop impaired renal function with small amounts of post-void urine (PVR< 100
ml). Furthermore, these findings indicated a higher prevalence of CKD in patients with
BPH, acknowledging it as a risk factor for CKD. However, the mechanism by which small
PVR influence renal function remains unknown.
Although, as Yamasaki et al. demonstrated low post-void residual urine can cause
deterioration of renal function it is scientifically accepted that large residual pos-void urine
are in line more severe cases of renal function deterioration (Yamasaki 2010).
4.3.1 Acute urinary retention
Acute urinary retention (AUR) is defined as an acute complication of benign prostatic
hyperplasia, patients suffers from an acute, sudden and painful inability to micturate. AUR
represents an immediate indication for intervention or even surgery. Between 25% and 30%
of men who underwent transurethral resection of prostate (TURP) had AUR as their main
indication (Wein 2007). This complication is not exclusive for patients suffering from BPH,
other causes can trigger acute urinary retention, like surgery, anaesthesia, trauma,
medications, medical examination and urinary tract infections (mainly prostatitis).

Chronic Kidney Disease 354
In 2002 the self-reported rate of AUR in a cross sectional study in Spanish men was 5.1%
(Hunter, Berra-Unamuno et al. 1996).
Acute urinary retention is not common in men under sixty years, and may be responsible
for the majority of acute renal failure cases due to obstructive uropathy (Prakash, Saxena et
al. 2001). Men in whom acute urinary retention is promptly relieved by bladder
catheterization acute renal failure does not develop but long-term tubular dysfunction may
still occur (Rule, Lieber et al. 2005). It is believed that acute urinary retention without prior
history of chronic urinary retention do not lead to chronic renal failure. High bladder
compliance allows men to maintain a normal GFR, however renal tubular dysfunction may
persist after the acute urinary retention episode and probably result in progressive renal
4.4 Bladder remodelling Bladder response to urinary obstruction
The bladder has a central role in pathophysiology of BPH and its complications.
Current evidence suggests that the bladders response to obstruction is largely an adaptative
one, although it is only a partially adptative one. It is also clear for many authors and
physicians that LUTS in men with BPH or prostate enlargement are more closely related to
obstruction-induced changes in bladder function than to the outflow obstruction directly.
There are of two types of bladder changes. First, changes that lead to detrusor instability
(clinically associated with symptoms of frequency and urgency). Second, changes associated
with decreased detrusor contractility (emptying symptoms low urinary stream, hesitancy,
intermittency, increased residual urine) and detrusor failure (Wein 2007).
The development of bladder wall thickening (easily measurable by ultrasound) and
trabeculation due to smooth muscle hypertrophy and connective tissue permeation is
responsible for increased bladder pressure in patients with high pressure chronic retention
(Jones, Ellis et al. 1991; Rule, Lieber et al. 2005). Gosling et al, were some of the first authors
who established endoscopically that major detrusor changes and trabeculation were due to
an increase in detrusor collagen (Gosling and Dixon 1980). Severe trabeculation is related to
significant residual urine, suggesting that increased collagen in the bladder wall is probably
responsible for incomplete bladder emptying to rather than impaired muscle function (Wein
2007). Detrusor hypertrophy is one of the first modifications in the bladder and, as in animal
models, the initial response is the development of smooth muscle hypertrophy (Gosling,
Kung et al. 2000; Levin, Haugaard et al. 2000). This is an adaptative response associated with
intra and extracellular changes in the smooth muscle cells that leads to detrusor instability.
Obstruction also induces changes in smooth muscle cells contractile protein expression,
impairing cell-to-cell communication (Levin, Haugaard et al. 2000), with changes in myosin
heavy chain isoform expression (Lin, Robertson et al. 2000) that lead to detrusor instability
and in some cases to impaired contractility (Wein 2007).
Cellular and physiological changes in bladder muscle and collagen, contribute to a high
pressure bladder that perpetuates itself with worsening ability to empty and causing kidney
These mechanisms of bladder remodelling develop in a hypofunctional bladder, with low
compliance. Comiter et al. reported that in a series of men with symptomatic BPH, 78% of

Benign Prostate Hyperplasia and Chronic Kidney Disease 355
patients with low bladder compliance had renal failure (Comiter, Sullivan et al. 1997). Low
bladder compliance and detrusor instability may be causal mechanisms for renal failure in
men in chronic urinary retention (Rule, Lieber et al. 2005).
In other studies (animal experimental studies) in addition to obstruction-induced changes in
the smooth muscle cell and collagen of the bladder wall, there was clear evidence that
obstruction may modulate neural-detrusor responses, causing reduced bladder contractility
and altered sensation (Chai, Andersson et al. 2000)
Bladder remodelling is a response to continued bladder obstruction, and detrusor smooth
muscle cell is a key contributor to the complex symptoms associated with prostatic
obstruction (Christ and Liebert 2005), namely in BPH/BPE (benign prostatic enlargement).
4.5 Ureterovesical junction and upper tract dilation
In general, ureterovesical junction obstruction caused by bladder remodelling in chronic
urinary retention is a contributing mechanism for renal failure in BPH (Rule, Lieber et al.
2005). Upper tract dilation occurs as a consequence of a continuum bladder outlet
obstruction and remodelling (detrusor hypertrophy and scarring) leading to anatomical
ureterovesical junction obstruction (Jones, Ellis et al. 1991). Upper urinary tract dilation or
hydronephrosis is consistent with chronic renal failure from obstructive uropathy. In men
with BPH and increased serum creatinine, hydronephrosis is common (one third), and is
found in 90% of men with BPH who are hospitalized for uremic symptoms (Sacks, Aparicio
et al. 1989). In ultrasound evaluation it is common among patients with bilateral
hydroureteronephrosis to observe compressing and thinning of renal cortex, with obvious
impact in renal function. A history of enuresis, painless chronic retention, and palpable
bladder should suggest a diagnosis of high pressure chronic retention with its attendant risk
of hydroureteronephrosis (Sacks, Aparicio et al. 1989).
4.6 Other causes
Recurrent urinary tract infections in men with chronic urinary retention due to BPH may
also contribute to chronic renal failure (Rule, Lieber et al. 2005).
Secondary hypertension due to chronic urinary retention is also a described complication of
BPH, leading to hypertensive kidney disease (Ghose and Harindra 1989).
Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus caused by partial or chronic urinary obstruction can result
in renal failure (Klahr 2001).
Other clinical entities like diabetes and hypertension are independent factors that can lead to
CKD (Gerber, Goldfischer et al. 1997). Patients with BPH are probable carriers of these
pathologies that are likely to seriously aggravate renal function and must be taken into
account as sombre conditioners of renal disease.
5. Clinical presentation
BPH is a chronic and progressive condition (Jacobsen, Girman et al. 2001) patients
generally have a history of lower urinary tract symptoms and indolent obstructive

Chronic Kidney Disease 356
Clinical presentation of BPH/obstructive uropathy varies and reflects the source and
duration of obstruction. In BPH, symptoms results from the direct bladder outlet
obstruction (BOO) from enlarged tissue (static component) and the increased smooth muscle
tone and resistance within the enlarged gland (dynamic component). This physiologic issues
reflect in voiding dysfunctions, that significantly affects the health and quality of life of
many older men.
Most of the patients have characteristic symptoms. Patients complaints are usually nocturia,
urgency (imperious will to hold urine, some with complaints of incontinence), weak urinary
stream (with decreased flow rate, low values in Qmax and Qaverage), a sense of incomplete
bladder emptying, straining during micturition, increased micturition frequency and
dribbling during or after urination (Rule, Lieber et al. 2005). Physical examination consists in
a digital rectal examination (evaluating prostate characteristics and volume) and lower
abdominal percussion and palpation to assess for bladder distension.
Recurrent or persistent urinary tract infections (UTI) are associated with prolonged urinary
stasis of lower urinary tract obstruction, dysuria, frequency, urgency and hematuria are
common complaints among men with UTI.
Chronic urinary retention as consequence of BPH has been defined as a palpable bladder
that corresponds to a high PVR (Neal 1990), and most of the patients with chronic urinary
retention have an indolent and progressive disease, with worsening of urinary symptoms
and the majority of these patients just seek for medical care in bad health conditions with
sharp renal insufficiency. It is always necessary to investigate symptoms and signs of
chronic renal failure nausea, vomiting, lethargy, edema and hypertension, that occur at
late stage, usually with irreversible renal damage (Sacks, Aparicio et al. 1989), principally in
older patients with other comorbidities (mainly diabetes and hypertension). In rare cases
patients who resort to the emergency room because of anuria, require interventional
procedures like indwelling catheter, nephrostomy (uni or bilateral) and sometimes
(depending the level of renal function) hemodialysis.
Although signs and symptoms of BPH are normally present, there are a significant number
of patients that are relatively asymptomatic (Tseng and Stoller 2009) (without significant
voiding dysfunction), but can present primarily clinical sequel of renal insufficiency
uremia; with nausea, vomiting and mental status changes and analytical changes
electrolyte disturbances (hypercaliemia and nonanion gap acidosis).
Older patients with voiding dysfunctions caused by chronic urinary obstruction, might
present hypertension due to hypervolemia in the case of bilateral obstruction or increased
renin release (Tseng and Stoller 2009). Hypertension, on other hand can be itself the sole
cause of renal failure.
The development and validation (for different languages) of the standardized, self-
administered symptom index (International Prostate Symptom Score [IPSS]) has been a
critical event in the clinical research on LUTS and BPH (Cockett, Barry et al. 1992; Wein
2007). This diagnostic and follow-up tool is extraordinary, and the availability of validated
translations in many common languages allows cross-cultural comparisons among man
with BPH or LUTS from other causes.
In addition the enumeration of symptoms by frequency and time of occurrence, the bother
associated with the symptoms, interference with activities of daily living, and the impact the

Benign Prostate Hyperplasia and Chronic Kidney Disease 357
symptoms have on quality of life are important in distinguishing characteristics that we
must take into account in evaluation of BPH patients. (Wein 2007).
Left untreated, BPH can cause serious complications including renal failure can occur, as
acute renal failure (discussed above), urinary tract infections, bladder stones, hematuria,
incontinence and mortality related with BPH.
5.1 Other complications of benign prostatic hyperplasia
5.1.1 Mortality
La Vecchia et al, reported that in the early 1980s, overall mortality from BPH ranged
between 0,5 and 1,5/100 000 in most western European countries (La Vecchia, Levi et al.
1995). Between the early 1950s and the late 1990s, the overall mortality from BPH in the
European Union (EU) fell from 5.9 to 3.5 per million, and the decline since the late 1950s was
over 96%. Comparable falls were observed in the USA and Japan, and BPH mortality rates
in the late 1990s were lower than in the EU (1.8/10(6) in the USA, 1.4 in Japan). BPH
mortality trends were downwards also in the Eastern Europe, although rates in the late
1990s were about fourfold higher than in the EU (Levi, Lucchini et al. 2003).
Recent works have proven decreasing mortality rates related with BPH. The fall in BPH
mortality, evident in statistics on underlying cause, was confirmed by statistics on all
certified causes of death. In England, underlying-cause mortality reduced from 9.2 deaths
per million in 1995 to 4.5 deaths per million in 2006 (Duncan and Goldacre 2011). The fall is
remarkable in scale, likely to be attributable to clinical care, and could be regarded as an
indicator of improving standards of care (Duncan and Goldacre 2011).
It is important to remember that patients in renal failure have an increased risk for
complications following TURP compared with patients with normal renal function (25%
versus 17%) (Holtgrewe, Mebust et al. 1989) and the mortality increases up to sixfold
(Holtgrewe and Valk 1962; Melchior, Valk et al. 1974).
5.1.2 Bladder stones
In a large autopsy study the prevalence of bladder stones was eight times higher in men
with a histological diagnosis of BPH (3.4%) than in control subjects (0.4%), but no increased
incidence of ureteral or kidney stones was found (Grosse 1990). Bladder stones are in line
with urinary retention, stasis and urinary infection, factors that propitiate ion aggregation
and stone nucleation.
5.1.3 Urinary tract infections
In previous surgical series, urinary tract infections (UTIs) constitute the main indication for
surgical intervention (12% of patients) (Holtgrewe, Mebust et al. 1989). Urinary tract
infections are generally due to chronic urinary obstruction caused by increased amounts of
residual urine, that predispose to UTIs (Mebust, Holtgrewe et al. 1989).
5.1.4 Urinary incontinence
Incontinence is one of the most feared complications from surgical intervention for BPH
(McConnell, Barry et al. 1994), although it may be the result of BPH secondary to

Chronic Kidney Disease 358
overdistention of the bladder (overflow incontinence) or to detrusor instability. It is
estimated to affect up to one half or more of all obstructed patients (urge incontinence)
(McConnell, Barry et al. 1994; McConnell, Bruskewitz et al. 1998; Wein 2007).
5.1.5 Hematuria
Gross hematuria with clots with no other identifiable cause is common among BPH patients.
Faubert et al, showed more than 30% of patients with microscopic or gross hematuria
(Faubert 1998). Evidence suggests that in the patients predisposed to hematuria the micro-
vessel density in prostate is higher than in controls (Wein 2007), suggesting that vascular
lesions can be the cause of hematuria.
6. Diagnostic tests
Although nowadays it is increasingly rare to find a patient with chronic renal failure from
chronic urinary retention due to BPH, about 13,6% (range from 0,3 to 30%) of men with BPH
may present with CKD defined by a baseline serum creatinine of more than 133 mmol/L
(1,5 mg/dL). This is particularly true in older patients with cognitive deterioration and
autonomy impairment. In order to diagnose and monitor the impact of a bladder outlet
obstruction due to BPH in the upper urinary tract, some laboratory and imaging tests
should be considered: standardized questionnaires, serum creatinine levels or estimated
glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), urinalysis, serum prostatic specific antigen (PSA) levels,
uroflowmetry with peak flow rate determination, renal ultrasonography, bladder
ultrasonography with detrusor thickness evaluation, transrectal prostate ultrasonography,
pre and post-void residual urinary volume, cystometry, other urodynamic studies and
6.1 Symptom assessment by standardized questionnaires
BPH Impact Index (BII) is a questionnaire that assesses the effect of symptoms on everyday
life and their interference with daily activities, and thus aimes to capture the impact of the
condition. This questionnaire can be administered in conjunction with the IPSS and provides
useful additional information (AUA 2010).
Symptom quantification is useful for diagnosis, determination of disease severity and
monitoring of BPH. IPSS has become the international standard. It is derived from the
American Urological Association Symptom Index (AUA-7 or AUA SI) described by Barry
and colleagues in 1992 (Barry, Fowler et al. 1992; Barry, Fowler et al. 1992).
A recent multivariate analysis conducted by Hong et al., found associations of individual
symptoms from the IPSS questionnaire and CKD status obstruction-related symptoms, e.g.
weak stream and hesitancy were significantly associated with CKD in age and comorbidity-
adjusted analyses (Hong, Oh et al. 2010). Irritative symptoms, on the other hand, had no
positive correlation with CKD. According to a subsample from the Olmsted County Study,
moderate to severe LUTS (IPSS > 7) were positively correlated with CKD (Rule, Lieber et al.
2005). Kidney failure risks were 2.60 (CI 95%, 1.47-4.58) and 4.08 (CI 95%, 1.74-9.53) times
higher for men with moderate and severe LUTS compared with men with no or mild LUTS,
respectively (p<0,001) (Hallan, Kwong et al. 2010). However, after adjusting for age and

Benign Prostate Hyperplasia and Chronic Kidney Disease 359


























Incomplete emptying
Over the past month, how often have you had a
sensation of not emptying your bladder completely after
you finish urinating?
0 1 2 3 4 5
Over the past month, how often have you had to urinate
again less than two hours after you finished urinating?
0 1 2 3 4 5
Over the past month, how often have you found you
stopped and started again several times when you
0 1 2 3 4 5
Over the last month, how difficult have you found it to
postpone urination?
0 1 2 3 4 5
Weak stream
Over the past month, how often have you had a weak
urinary stream?
0 1 2 3 4 5
Over the past month, how often have you had to push or
strain to begin urination?
0 1 2 3 4 5














Over the past month, many times did you most typically
get up to urinate from the time you went to bed until the
time you got up in the morning?
0 1 2 3 4 5
Total IPSS Score
Table 1. International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS).

Chronic Kidney Disease 360
Additional Question:














Quality of life due to urinary symptoms
If you were to spend the rest of your life with
your urinary condition the way it is now, how
would you feel about that?
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Table 2. Additional Question evaluating quality of life.
Total score:
0-7 Mildly symptomatic
8-19 Moderately symptomatic
20-35 Severely symptomatic
therefore in isolation, IPSS is not a basis for kidney failure screening (Hallan, Kwong et al.
2010). Kidney function decreases with age and age significantly correlates with LUTS.
Ponholzer A. et al also concluded that LUTS was not associated with increased loss of
kidney function (Ponholzer, Temml et al. 2006).
Even though symptom score assessment do not directly correlates with CKD or cant be
used to establish the diagnosis of BPH, it may serve as a basis for symptom severity and
management approach to patients with LUTS. Further testing should be considered in
patients with an IPSS score 8.
6.2 Serum creatinine
For decades, medical textbooks have stated that patients with BPH should have serum
creatinine measured (Humes 2000; Goldman 2008). Clinical practice guidelines disagree on
serum creatinine screening among men being evaluated for LUTS. The routine measurement
of serum creatinine levels is not indicated in the initial evaluation according to the AUA
Guideline Management of BPH (AUA 2010). This recommendation is based on the
conclusion that baseline renal insufficiency appears to be no more common in men with
BPH than in men of the same age group in the general population. On the other hand, the
EAU Guidelines on BPH (2004) and the nephrology-focused NICE (National Institute for
Health and Clinical Excellence) guidelines for the United Kingdom advocate that it is
probably cost effective to measure serum creatinine levels in all patients. This is based on
the fact that bladder outlet obstruction due to BPH might cause hydronephrosis and renal
failure (Sacks, Aparicio et al. 1989).
Patients with BPH and renal insufficiency have much higher postoperative complications (25%
complication rate compared with 17% for patients without the condition) and mortality (up to

Benign Prostate Hyperplasia and Chronic Kidney Disease 361
sixfold) than those with normal renal function (Holtgrewe and Valk 1962; Melchior, Valk et al.
1974; Mebust, Holtgrewe et al. 2002). Most studies have found that the incidence of azotaemia
in men with BPH varies from 15-30% (Mukamel, Nissenkorn et al. 1979). The Agency for
Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR) and the Fourth International Consultation on BPH
highly recommends serum creatinine evaluation (McConnell, Barry et al. 1994). MTOPS data
suggest that creatinine measurement is not necessary if voiding is normal. Estimated
glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) is a more reliable measure to define CKD and is preferred
over simple creatinine measurement (Roehrborn 2008).
6.3 Urinalysis
Urinalysis is a simple and inexpensive test that is recommended for the primary evaluation
of a patient with suspected BPH. It is used to rule out urinary tract infection and hematuria.
On the other hand, the finding of proteinuria/microalbuminuria may be indicative of renal
6.4 Total PSA
Total PSA should be offered to patients with more than 10 years of life expectancy and in
whom the PSA measurement may change the management of the symptoms (AUA 2010). In
conjunction with digital rectal examination (DRE), total PSA measurement is the
cornerstone of prostatic basic screening. PSA and prostatic volume can be used to evaluate
the risks of either needing surgery or developing acute urinary retention.
6.5 Uroflowmetry / Peak urinary flow rate
Uroflowmetry is a simple and noninvasive urodynamic test that allows an objective evaluation
of the patient micturition. Even though uroflowmetry is an unspecific evaluation, the
micturition graphic may show some recognizable patterns (e.g. meatal stenosis, urethral
stricture, BPH) and represent a reproducible way to quantify the strength of the urinary
stream. It is a useful preoperative test. Peak urinary flow rate (PFR), or Qmax, appears to
predict surgical outcome patients with a preoperative Qmax > 15 mL/s have poorer
outcomes than patients with preoperative Qmax < 15 mL/s do. PFR is an independent
predictor for CKD rather than reported LUTS by standardized questionnaires (Hong, Lee et al.
2010). A study conducted by Rule et al. in community-dwelling men showed that men with
CKD were more likely to have a slow urinary stream (Qmax < 15 mL/s) considering CKD as
serum creatinine > 133 mol/L or as eGFR < 60 mL/min/1,73 m
. (Rule, Jacobson et al. 2005).

Fig. 1. Uroflowmetry. A) Normal patient; B) BPH patient.

Chronic Kidney Disease 362
6.6 Renal ultrasonography
Koch et al., performed renal ultrasound scans in a consecutive series of 556 elderly men with
LUTS. 14 (2.5%) had hydronephrosis and serum creatinine levels appeared to be correlated
with dilatation of the renal pelvis. The authors concluded that renal ultrasound is only
indicated in patients with an elevated serum creatinine level and/or post-void residual
urine volume (Koch, Ezz el Din et al. 1996). Renal ultrasonography has many advantages
over intravenous urography (IVU) for upper urinary tract imaging: simultaneous evaluation
of the bladder, post-void residual urine volume and prostate, better characterization of
eventual renal masses, no radiation, no side-effects and lower cost.

Fig. 2. Renal Ultrassound. Two ultrasound scans in BPH patient showing bilateral (right and
left kidney respectively) ureterohydronephrosis.
6.7 Bladder ultrasonography
Chronic urinary retention leads to bladder wall thickening with trabeculations via smooth
muscle hypertrophy and connective tissue infiltrates (Jones, Gilpin et al. 1991). This can lead in
to a decline in bladder compliance with consequent functional or mechanical obstruction at the
ureterovesical junction (Sutaria and Staskin 2000). More recently, the measurement of bladder
wall thickness by transabdominal ultrasound has gained considerable interest as a non-
invasive tool to assess bladder outflow obstruction (Kojima, Inui et al. 1997). Ultrasonic
measurement of detrusor wall thickness at the anterior wall of bladders filled with 250 mL
can securely detect bladder outlet obstruction if the value is 2 mm (Gabuev and Oelke 2011).

Fig. 3. Bladder Ultrassound. Two ultrasound scans in BPH patient. It is possible to observe
the trabecullation, bladder wall thickening and diverticulum.

Benign Prostate Hyperplasia and Chronic Kidney Disease 363
Manieri et al. concluded that bladder wall thickness appeared to be a useful predictor of
bladder outlet obstruction, with a value exceeding that of uroflowmetry (Manieri, Carter et
al. 1998). However, measurement of bladder wall thickness is currently not part of the
recommended diagnostic work-up of patients with LUTS because reliable data on inter- and
intra-observer variability, as well as reproducibility, are still lacking.
6.8 Post-void residual urine evaluation
Post-void residual urine volume can be measured with sufficient accuracy noninvasively by
transabdominal ultrasonography. The measurement variation caused by the method is less
than the biologic range of PVR variation (McConnell, Barry et al. 1994). It may also be
measured by invasive methods (catheterization).
It has been well described that large residual urine volumes (>300 mL) affect renal function in
advanced BPH (Neal, Styles et al. 1987; Rule, Jacobson et al. 2005). A PVR of more than 100 mL
is defined as chronic urinary retention which is significantly associated with CKD in
community-dwelling men (Rule, Jacobson et al. 2005). Nevertheless, small residual urine
volumes (<100 mL) may also affect renal function as the presence of PVR relates with renal
function regardless of the quantity of PVR (Yamasaki, Naganuma et al. 2011). Thus
ultrasonographic evaluation of post-void residual is a useful test in the prevention of CKD
secondary to BPH. Chronic urinary retention is related with CKD (Rule, Jacobson et al. 2005).
6.9 Prostate TRUS
Prostate transrectal ultrasonography (TRUS) is performed to assess prostate size and shape,
tissue characterization and occult carcinoma. There is no relationship between prostatic
enlargement measures and CKD (Rule, Jacobson et al. 2005).

Fig. 4. Prostate Ultrassound. Prostate transrectal ultrasonography (sagital view).
6.10 Cystometry
It is not a routine exam for BPH evaluation. However, cystometry can help to identify high
bladder pressure, low bladder compliance and detrusor instability that considerably affects
renal function (Rule, Lieber et al. 2005; Yamasaki, Naganuma et al. 2011).

Chronic Kidney Disease 364
6.11 Pressure-flow studies
Pressure-flow studies can differentiate between patients with a low Qmax secondary to
obstruction and those whose low Qmax is caused by a decompensated or neurogenic
bladder. They are most useful for distinguishing between bladder outlet obstruction and
impaired detrusor contractility.
6.12 Urethrocystoscopy
Urethrocystoscopy should not be done routinely but is optional during later evaluation if
invasive treatment is strongly considered (McConnell, Barry et al. 1994). Nevertheless, it is a
useful preoperative procedure to plan the most appropriate approach. This investigation
can confirm causes of outflow obstruction while eliminating intravesical abnormalities.
7. Treatment
Patients with mild symptoms are most appropriately managed by watchful waiting, patients
with moderate symptoms should receive pharmacotherapy and patients with severe bother
most benefit from surgical management. A man with preoperative IPSS 17 has an 87%
chance of experiencing a substantial symptom reduction (Meigs, Mohr et al. 2001).
A group of patients at increased risk of progression can be identified on the basis of specific
risk factors (e.g. age, symptoms, PSA level, Qmax, prostate volume and post-void residual
urine). It might be appropriate to identify these patients at risk of progression and initiate
early preventative treatment (Emberton et al., 2003)(Gabuev and Oelke 2011). For example, a
higher frequency of kidney failure in patients presenting for prostate surgery than for
nonprostate surgery has been shown, and several studies have shown improvement in
kidney function after prostatectomy (Hill et al., 1993).
7.1 Acute treatment
Patients who present to the emergency department with bladder outlet obstruction and high
serum creatinine should receive a urethral catheter and subsequently evaluated in order to
distinguish between acute and chronic renal failure. Hospitalization is often required in
these cases. If ureterohydronephrosis and azotaemia persists despite bladder
desobstruction, an ureterovesical junction obstruction should be considered and bilateral
percutaneous nephrostomy or bilateral ureteric stents (if feasible) are advisable for
temporarily drainage. Patients may need urgent and transitory dialysis.
Neoureterocystostomy after a prostate ablative procedure may be adequate for definite
ureterovesical junction obstruction resolution.
7.2 Watchful waiting
Watchful waiting (WW) is an appropriate strategy for men who are not bothered by their
symptoms and have not developed BPH related complications.
This option should include education, reassurance, periodic monitoring and lifestyle advice
to the patient. Lifestyle counseling include: reduction of fluid intake during specific times
for control of urinary frequency (e.g. at night or when going out in public) but not of the

Benign Prostate Hyperplasia and Chronic Kidney Disease 365
total amount of daily fluid (above 1500 mL per day), avoidance of alcohol and caffeine
because they have diuretic and irritant effect, bladder retraining to increase its capacity and
constipation treatment. Watchful waiting is based on the notion that some symptoms may
spontaneously improve whilst others may remain stable for years. The PSA level and the
prostate volume may be helpful in predicting the risk of acute urinary retention, although
they should not be used as a sole determinant for active therapy (Levy and Samraj 2007).
Approximately 85% of men will be stable on WW at 1 year, deteriorating progressively to
65% at 5 years (Wasson, Reda et al. 1995; Netto, de Lima et al. 1999). This approach is not
suitable for men with installed CKD due to bladder outlet obstruction.
7.3 Medical treatment
Medical approaches are not used to treat BPH complications (in which CKD is included).
They are used for LUTS relief and for prevention of BPH progression (especially 5 alpha
reductase inhibitors - 5-ARI).
7.3.1 Alpha-blockers
Alpha-blockers address the dynamic component of prostatic obstruction by antagonizing
the adrenergic receptors responsible for smooth muscle tone within the stroma, prostate
capsule and bladder neck, providing the most rapid symptom relief. They include:
terazosin, doxazosin, alfuzosin, tamsulosin and silodosin. These drugs have similar efficacy
but different patterns of side-effects:

Dosage Side-effects
1 mg once a day
May increase up to 20 mg a day
Asthenia, hypotension, dizziness,
1 mg once a day
May increase up to 8 mg once daily
Orthostatic hypotension, fatigue and
Alfuzosin 10 mg once a day
Fatigue, edema, rhinitis, headache,
upper respiratory tract infection
Tamsulosin 0,4 mg once a day Dizziness, rhinitis, abnormal ejaculation
8 mg once a day
4 mg once a day for men with
moderate kidney dysfunction
Diarrhea, headache and commons cold
symptoms, nasal congestion, retrograde
ejaculation (the most common)
Table 3. Alpha blockers used, dosage and side-effects.
The older, less costly, generic alpha blockers remain reasonable choices. However, these
require dose titration and blood pressure monitoring. Alpha-blockers are the most
prescribed medications for BPH as long as they have a rapid (symptoms may improve in 48
hours) and significant improvement on LUTS.
7.3.2 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors
5-Alpha-Reductase Inhibitors (5-ARI) are anti-androgenic hormonal agents that address the
static component of BPH by reducing the prostate volume (up to 20-30%). They include

Chronic Kidney Disease 366
finasteride and dutasteride and are more effective in prostates larger than 40 mL (Boyle,
Gould et al. 1996). According to some trials, finasteride significantly reduced acute urinary
retention and the need for surgical treatment in men with BPH.
5-ARIs are the only pharmacologic treatment that may be used to prevent progression of
LUTS secondary to BPH and to reduce the risk of urinary retention and future prostate-
related surgery. Therefore, indirectly, it may be useful in preventing BPH complications
such as chronic kidney failure. However, they cant revert CKD related to BPH after

Dosage Side-effects
Finasteride 5 mg once a day Erectile dysfunction, decreased
libido, decreased serum PSA,
1 mg once a day
May increase up to 8 mg once daily
Table 4. 5 alpha-reductase inhibitors used, dosage and side-effects.
Finasteride inhibits exclusively the 5-AR type II isoenzyme, while dutasteride inhibits both
types I and II. This difference in activity leads to a reduction in serum levels of
dihydroxytestosterone (DHT) by approximately 70% with finasteride compared to
approximately 95% with dutasteride (Clark, Hermann et al. 2004).
Finasteride (and probably dutasteride) is an appropriate and effective treatment alternative
in men with refractory hematuria presumably due to prostatic bleeding (Foley, Soloman et
al. 2000; Kearney, Bingham et al. 2002; Perimenis, Gyftopoulos et al. 2002).
7.3.3 Combination therapy
The Medical Therapy of Prostate Symptoms (MTOPS) Study demonstrated that in the long
term, among men with larger prostates, combination therapy is superior to either alpha-
blocker or 5-ARI therapy in preventing progression and improving symptoms (McConnell,
Roehrborn et al. 2003).
7.3.4 Phytotherapy
The use of plant-derived agents (Serenoa repens or Saw palmetto, Pygeum africanum) on LUTS
and BPH has been popular in Europe for many years and has recently spread in the USA.
Their mechanism of action is still unclear. However they seem to improve urinary
symptoms without important side effects. In some studies the efficacy of these compounds
was found to be equivalent to 5-ARIs and alpha-blockers (Lowe 2001; Debruyne, Koch et al.
2002). The most widely studied and used, Serenoa repens, has no effect on prostate volume
or the PSA test, but slightly decreases the prostate epithelium. It does not cause erectile
dysfunction, but the herb may aggravate chronic gastrointestinal disease such as peptic
ulcer (Bent, Kane et al. 2006).
7.4 Surgical treatment
Men who develop serious complications from BPH should be treated surgically in most of
the cases. Both Agency for Health Care Policy and Research and International Consensus

Benign Prostate Hyperplasia and Chronic Kidney Disease 367
Guidelines recommend surgery if the patient has refractory or recurrent urinary retention
(failing at least one attempt of catheter removal) or any of the following conditions clearly
secondary to BPH: recurrent UTI, recurrent gross hematuria, bladder stones, renal
insufficiency, or large bladder diverticula (McConnell, Barry et al. 1994) (Denis et al., 1998).
Studies suggest that dialysis dependent patients may recover renal function up to a year
after prostatic surgery. In this setting, efforts should be made to identify and treat BPH in
patients under dialysis.
Surgeries are associated with postoperative risks such as erectile dysfunction (4% to 10%
incidence) and urinary incontinence (0.5% to 1.5%) (Flanigan, Reda et al. 1998) (McConnell,
Bruskewitz et al. 1998). The 5-year recurrence rate of BPH following surgery is 2% to
10%(Flanigan, Reda et al. 1998). Proper therapy can be offered to the right men and the costs
of long-term renal damage and post-surgical complications can be avoided.
7.5 Standard surgical procedures
TURP (transurethral resection of the prostate) is the hallmark of the urologist, the one
against which other therapeutic measures are compared. It takes 20 to 30 minutes to resects
an average gland weighing of 30 g and carry risks complications like bleeding, infections,
retrograde-ejaculation, hospital stay, impotence and incontinence.
In patients presenting with renal failure due to bladder outflow obstruction, TURP restores
normal voiding pattern in many cases. However renal failure due to bladder outflow
obstruction tends to be more refractory and 57% of patients in Thomas et al. study were
dialysis dependent after surgery. Only 3 of 14 patients experienced return to normal renal
function post TURP (Thomas, Thomas et al. 2009).
Mortality following prostatectomy has decreased significantly within the past two decades
and is less than < 0.25% in contemporary series (Holman, Wisniewski et al. 1999; Hahn,
Farahmand et al. 2000). The risk of a TUR-syndrome (fluid intoxication, serum Na+<130
nmol/L) is in the range of 2%. Risk factors for the development of the TUR-syndrome are
excessive bleeding with opening of venous sinuses, prolonged operation time, large glands
and past or present smoking.
Open prostatectomy is the treatment of choice for large glands (>80-100 mL), bladder stones
or if resection of bladder diverticula is indicated. Open prostatectomy involves the surgical
removal (enucleation) of the inner portion of the prostate via a suprapubic or retropubic
7.6 Minimally invasi ve surgical therapies
Standard operations are TURP in small (80-100mL) or open prostatectomy in large
prostates (>80-100mL). Minimally invasive, alternative surgeries may be considered in
selected men and offer advantages regarding risk of bleeding, duration of catheterization, or
maintenance of sexual function. (Gabuev and Oelke 2011).
Transurethral incision of the prostate (TUIP) or bladder neck incision is recommended for
smaller gland (weigh <25g) and has been found to be less invasive than TURP (Orandi
1990). TUIP has several advantages over TURP, such as a lower incidence of complications,

Chronic Kidney Disease 368
minimal risk of bleeding and blood transfusion, decreased risk of retrograde ejaculation,
shorter operating time and hospital stay, and an importantly higher long-term failure rate.
Transurethral electrovaporization (TUVP) is a modification of TURP and TUIP, employing
high electrical current to vaporize and coagulate the obstructive prostate tissue. Long-term
efficacy is comparable with TURP, but high number of patients has been found to
experience irritative side effects (Desautel, Burney et al. 1998).
Transurethral needle ablation (TUNA) is a simple and relatively inexpensive procedure which
uses a needle to deliver high-frequency radio waves to destroy the enlarged prostatic tissue.
TUNA is a successful treatment for small-sized gland and it poses a low or no risk for
incontinence and erectile dysfunction (Ramon, Lynch et al. 1997).
Transurethral microwave thermotherapy (TUMT) heats the prostate using a microwave
antennae mounted on a urethral catheter (Thorpe and Neal 2003). TUMT has been found to
be safe and cost effective, with reasonable improvement in urine flow rate and minimal
impairment on sexual function (Richter, Rotbard et al. 1993).
Transurethral ethanol ablation of the prostate (TEAP) has been recently introduced as a
minimally invasive alternative treatment for patients with BPH. TEAP produces necrotic
effect on prostatic tissues, leading to fibrosis and shrinkage. It is an effective minimally
invasive treatment option for medically high-risk symptomatic patients with BPH that can
be performed as an outpatient procedure under regional anesthesia (El-Husseiny and
Buchholz 2011).
Laser prostatectomy: four types of lasers have been used to treat LUTS, namely neodymium:
yttrium-aluminum-garnet (Nd: YAG) laser, holmium YAG laser (Ho:YAG), potassium
titanyl phosphate (KTP), and diode laser. It has been found to be safe and effective
technique, with significant improvement in urinary flow rates and symptoms. Short surgery
time, shorter catheter use, minimal blood loss and fluid absorption, decreased hospital stay,
low erectile dysfunction rates, and bladder neck contractures are few of the advantages of
laser prostatectomy over the TURP and other conventional techniques (Donovan, Peters et
al. 2000; Bent, Kane et al. 2006). Laser surgery is specially indicated in patients receiving
anticoagulant therapy that want to maintain ejaculation or are unfit for TURP.
Transrectal HIFU (high intensity focus ultrasonography) therapy is the only technique that
provides non-invasive tissue ablation; however, general anesthesia or at least heavy
intravenous sedation is required. Long-term efficacy is limited, with a treatment failure rate
of approximately 10% per year.Significant increase in uroflow and a decrease in postvoid
residual volume have been observed, but the cost is three times higher than that of TURP
(Madersbacher, Kratzik et al. 1993).
8. Future approaches to BPH
Increasing average life expectancy, especially due to better health care and better education
of the population, make us believe that soon we shall have, seek for medical care, a greater
number of people suffering from elderly diseases. The health burden of disorders such as
BPH will be a major dome for research in the future.
Recent investigation is underway in this field, some basic and translational research is being
done, in an attempt to better understand and treat this prevalent disease.

Benign Prostate Hyperplasia and Chronic Kidney Disease 369
Recently Woo et. al reported the use of a Prostatic Urethral Lift (PUL) procedure, which is a
novel, minimally invasive treatment for symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).
PUL aims to mechanically open the prostatic urethra without ablation or resection, with
patients reporting sustained symptom relief for 12 months with minimal morbidity (Woo,
Chin et al. 2011).
Tadalafil and other phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors have demonstrated
beneficial effects on smooth muscle relaxation, smooth muscle and endothelial cell
proliferation, nerve activity, and tissue perfusion that may impact LUTS (Andersson, de
Groat et al. 2011). Consistent evidence of improvements in LUTS has been shown with
PDE5-Is, either alone or in combination with -blockers (Martinez-Salamanca, Carballido et
al. 2011). However, urodynamic results or objective measures of urinary flow are lacking
(Martinez-Salamanca, Carballido et al. 2011).
De Souza et al, investigated the effects of Orbignya speciosa, a nanoparticle extract, newly
developed phytotheraphy that can be safely used on the management of BPH (de Souza,
Palumbo et al. 2011).
In our country (Portugal) a recent study led by Pisco et. al, aimed to evaluate whether
prostatic arterial embolization could be a feasible way to treat lower urinary tract symptoms
associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia. Their preliminary results and short-term
follow-up suggest good symptom control without sexual dysfunction associated with a
reduction in prostate volume (Pisco, Pinheiro et al. 2011).
Rick et al, in recent times used growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) in animal
models. They concluded that GHRH antagonists can lower prostate weight in experimental
BPH with significant reductions in protein levels of IL-1, NF-/p65, and cyclooxygenase-
2 (COX-2), suggesting that GHRH antagonists should be considered for further investigation
as therapy for BPH (Rick, Schally et al. 2011)
It is important in a near future to characterize a clinical phenotype of BPH; measure disease
severity and outcomes; design clinical trials; study concepts for drug therapy, behavioral
and lifestyle interventions and additional intervention therapies (AUA 2010).
9. Conclusion
Benign prostatic hyperplasia and chronic kidney disease are two common and prevalent
entities in elderly men. It has been reported in several studies that threads of evidence
suggest that BPH is a risk factor for chronic kidney disease. An average of 13,6% patients
presenting to urologic clinics for the treatment of BPH had renal failure. The low occurrence
of CKD in BPH clinical trials should not be used to infer a weak association between these
two disease processes (Rule et al., 2005). From our own experience we deem that the average
of patients with BPH and some degree of renal disease can be higher, mostly because older
men most of the times ignore their micturition problems and seek for clinical help just in a
later degree of BPH.
Although BPH is not a life-threatening condition, the impact BPH on quality of life (QoL)
can be significant and should not be underestimated. On the other hand CKD is an
important medical problem that can even be critical (Fox, Larson et al. 2004)

Chronic Kidney Disease 370
It has been well documented that bladder outlet obstruction by an enlarging prostate can
lead to renal insufficiency. Relationship between symptoms severity and elevated serum
creatinine in men with BPH have not been well defined. Recent data make us believe that
combination of all these factors leading to chronic and progressive urinary retention, high
bladder pressure, ureterohydronephrosis work together causing progressive renal injury.
Obstructive process root cellular and physiological changes in bladder muscle and collagen,
contribute to a high pressure bladder that perpetuates itself with worsening ability to empty
and causing kidney lesions leading to renal failure.
The advent of medical treatment has obviated the need for surgery in many patients with
BPH. Men in acute urinary retention or those with urinary tract infection and other BPH-
complications, may benefit from more aggressive BPH treatment to prevent renal failure,
especially if the conditions are recurrent.
Other kidney risk factors such as diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, hypertension,
obesity and dyslipidemia may also be considered in the patient with BPH. Etiology of CKD
is often multifactorial and BPH may accelerate the progression of CKD in other disease
Older men with BPH often tolerate and ignore lower urinary tract symptoms and may not
present for medical consultation until they develop uremic syndrome. Thus, these patients
should have prostatic obstruction considered during evaluation and treatment as this
diagnosis can be easily missed in unreported LUTS. Close follow-up is mandatory.
We emphasize that CKD secondary to BPH is a preventable disease, and if early detected
can prevent costs of CKD treatment (including hemodialysis) with considerable saves
(economic, health care, social).
Findings that we mentioned in this chapter suggest that progressive nephropathy caused by
prostatic/bladder outflow obstruction urinary outflow obstruction might be averted by
more adequate screening of renal function in men with untreated BPH.
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Asymptomatic Bacteriuria (ASB),
Renal Function and Hypertension
Suzanne Geerlings
Infectious Disease specialist,
Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases,
Tropical Medicine and AIDS Center for Infection and Immunity Amsterdam (CINIMA)
Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam
The Netherlands
1. Introduction
Chronic kidney disease is an increasing public health problem. In the United States, the
prevalence is estimated to be approximately 11% of the adult population. Chronic kidney
disease may progress to end-stage renal failure, a condition associated with high morbidity
and mortality. Diabetes mellitus (DM) is one

of the main causes of kidney disease and end-
stage renal failure.

In the United States, DM is the primary diagnosis in 44% of

all new cases
of renal replacement therapy. Vascular complications

are the most common cause of diabetic
nephropathy, but it is

possible that urinary tract infections (UTIs) also contribute

to renal
insufficiency in patients with DM.

The urinary tract is normally sterile. However, asymptomatic bacteriuria (ASB), which is
defined as the presence of a positive urine culture with at least 10e5 cfu/ml collected from a
patient without symptoms of a UTI, is a common phenomenon, especially in women.
Different studies report a prevalence of approximately 1-5% among healthy young women,
increasing to over 20% in the elderly and 12-26% in women with DM. A Swedish study
among 1,462 adult women showed that women with bacteriuria at study entry had an
increased risk of having bacteriuria six and twelve years later, compared to women without
bacteriuria (Odds Ratio (OR) 6.9 and 3.1, after six and twelve years, respectively). Another
Swedish study among 116 schoolgirls with ASB showed that at baseline renal parenchymal
reduction was found in 10.3%, while reflux was found in 20.7%, but only 30% of the 116
patients had a history referable to an earlier UTI. A 3-year follow-up of these 116 schoolgirls
with ASB (treated or untreated) showed that the risk of developing renal damage as a result
of ASB in a schoolgirl with a roentgenographically normal urinary tract seemed to be small.
Escherichia coli is the most prevalent causative microorganism in both symptomatic and
asymptomatic bacteriuria, accounting for more than 80% of uncomplicated UTIs. Previous
studies have demonstrated that patients with renal scarring due to pyelonephritis are at
increased risk for the development of hypertension and chronic kidney disease. Results from
previous in vitro and in vivo studies indicate that a UTI with E. coli can lead to renal damage,
either by the microorganism itself or by the following host response. For instance, it has been
shown that type 1 fimbriae (the adhesive organelles at the outer surface of the bacterial

Chronic Kidney Disease

membrane) can cause scarring in the renal parenchyma of rats, with large foci of inflammation.
This might be due to the activation of polymorphonuclear leukocytes by type 1 fimbriated-
strains, which leads to the release of tissue destroying enzymes. Mice models have shown that
although neutrophils are important in bacterial clearance, they can also cause renal damage.
In a clinical study, renal scarring was detected in 29 of 63 adult women ten to twenty years
after hospitalization for pyelonephritis. In contrast, no study has convincingly shown that
ASB can lead to a clinically relevant decline in renal function in otherwise healthy women.
Several authors in the first half of the twentieth century have suggested a role of bacteriuria
in the etiology of hypertension, but the pathogenesis is not understood.
2. ASB and renal function decline in healthy women
2.1 Study population, baseline cohort
Between 1974 and 1986 all women, born between 1911 and 1945, who lived in the city of
Utrecht and surroundings, the Netherlands, were invited for a breast-cancer-screening
program, with a participation rate of 68 to 72%. A total number of 38,994 women, aged 39 to
68 years old at intake, participated (the baseline cohort). Baseline measurements, performed
between 1974 and 1986, included extensive questionnaires, a short medical examination, and
the collection of a midstream morning urine sample. Data obtained through the
questionnaires included age, marital status, smoking habits, parity, menopausal age, diet
and drug use. During the medical examination weight and height were measured.
Approximately 200 ml urine was stored in plastic polypropylene jars, without preserving
agents, and stored at 20C for future analyses. All women gave oral consent to use their
data and urine samples for future scientific research.
2.2 Study population, follow-up cohort
From 1993 to 1997, 50,313 women living in Utrecht and surroundings who were scheduled for
breast cancer screening during this period received an invitation by mail to join an additional
study to assess the relation between nutrition and cancer and other chronic diseases, the
Prospect-EPIC study (the follow-up cohort). A total of 17,357 women (participation rate 34.5%)
agreed to take part . Participants were between 49 and 70 years old at enrolment. Information
was collected on the basis of two self-administered questionnaires and a medical examination
including blood pressure. Non-fasting blood samples were successfully drawn from 97.5% of
the women, and stored under liquid nitrogen at 196C. Approximately 88% of the women
signed a detailed informed consent, enabling the researchers to use their blood samples for
future analysis, and to obtain information on future morbidity and mortality.
To address the relation between E. coli bacteriuria and renal function development, we
performed a full cohort analysis for women who participated in both the baseline cohort
and the follow-up cohort. E. coli bacteriuria was diagnosed by a real-time Polymerase Chain
Reaction in this urine sample. Participants were between 49 and 70 years old at enrolment.
The mean duration of follow-up was 11.5 1.7 years, ranging from 8.1 to 18.6 years from
baseline until participation in the follow-up study. Forty-eight of 490 women (10%) were
classified with E. coli bacteriuria at baseline. At study endpoint, the mean creatinine
clearance for women with baseline bacteriuria was 87 21 ml and without baseline
bacteriuria 85 18 ml per minute, respectively (Figure 1). E. coli bacteriuria at baseline was
not associated with creatinine levels at follow-up, adjusted for age and weight and the

Asymptomatic Bacteriuria (ASB), Renal Function and Hypertension

distribution in stages of renal function was not different for women with bacteriuria
compared to women without bacteriuria.
no (n=442) yes (n=48)



Fig. 1. Differences in creatinine clearance between women WITHOUT DM with and without
ASB. (Meiland R, Stolk RP, Geerlings SE, Peeters PH, Grobbee DE, Coenjaerts FE, Brouwer
EC, Hoepelman AI. Association between Escherichia coli bacteriuria and renal function in
women: long-term follow-up. Arch Intern Med. 2007 Feb 12;167(3):253-7.)
2.3 Nested case-control study population
To obtain follow-up information on end-stage renal failure, we obtained data from the Renal
Replacement Registry Netherlands (RENINE) that were available May 2002. RENINE is a
foundation in which all Dutch nephrologists participate and where patients are registered
who at one time have used kidney replacing therapy (hemodialysis or renal
transplantation), with a coverage rate throughout the years of nearly 100%. Data from the
baseline cohort and RENINE were matched on (maiden and married) name combined with
date of birth to select the cases. A group consisting of four times the number of cases was
randomly selected from the baseline cohort to form the control group. Four women
participated in the follow-up cohort and were also selected as one of the cases who received
kidney replacing therapy during follow-up; one woman underwent kidney transplantation
before blood withdrawal (and was excluded for the cohort analysis), three women
developed end-stage renal failure thereafter (and were included in both analyses). After
excluding four individuals with a missing urine sample 49 cases and 206 controls were
included. Among the cases, the mean duration until the date of kidney replacing therapy
was 13.8 7.4 years, with a minimum and maximum duration of 1.6 and 25.5 years,
respectively. In the control group, the mean follow-up (i.e. the time from participation in the
baseline cohort until study-endpoint in May 2002) was 27.0 0.2 years.

Chronic Kidney Disease

No difference in duration until kidney replacing therapy was found between bacteriuric and
non-bacteriuric individuals (14.6 versus 13.7 years, p = 0.80). Seven of 49 women who
developed renal failure had E. coli bacteriuria at baseline, compared to 29 of 206 women in
the control group (both 14%). The OR for the development of renal failure in the presence of
E. coli bacteriuria, corrected for age, was 1.1 (95% CI 0.42.8, p = 0.86).
In a Swedish study the prevalence of ASB in women was 4%. After 15 years a
reinvestigation was carried out, 40 cases (with ASB) and 40 age-matched healthy controls
participated. Nobody had developed progressive renal disease. The age-dependent decrease
after 15 years was the same in both groups.
The results of these longitudinal findings give strong support to the absence of an
association between ASB and renal function decline in healthy women. As an explanation,
Svanborg et al. found that certain E. coli strains stop expressing adherence factors like type 1
and P fimbriae once they have established bacteriuria. Therefore, these strains can remain
present in the bladder without triggering an inflammatory response from the host and
without side effects.
In conclusion, no relation between ASB and renal function decline has been demonstrated in
healthy women. It has been recommended in American and European guidelines not to
screen or to treat ASB in premenopausal non-pregnant women and older persons living in
the community. The results of these studies confirm these recommendations.
3. ASB and hypertension in healthy women
Several authors in the first half of the twentieth century have suggested a role of bacteriuria
in the etiology of hypertension. For instance, Kass showed small differences in blood
pressure between bacteriuric and non-bacteriuric women aged 15 to 64 years old.
The association between ASB and hypertension was investigated in a cohort study of 444
women who were followed for the development of hypertension in relation to E. coli
bacteriuria at baseline. Hypertension was defined as the (previous) use of antihypertensive
medication and/or a measured systolic blood pressure of at least 160 mm Hg or a diastolic
blood pressure of 95 mm Hg or higher. A history of having had a heart attack or stroke was
assessed at follow-up by the two additional questions: Have you ever had a heart attack /
stroke?. Mean age at baseline was 45.0 3.2 years and 48 women (10%) had E. coli bacteriuria.
After 11.5 years women who had E. coli bacteriuria at baseline had a mean blood pressure at
study endpoint of 133 20 mmHg systolic and 78 11 mmHg diastolic, and women without
bacteriuria had values of 129 20 and 78 11 mmHg, respectively (p-value for difference 0.33
and 0.88). Interestingly, although E. coli bacteriuria was not associated with the blood pressure
as a continuous variable, it was associated with the development of hypertension during
follow-up (OR 2.8, 95% CI 1.45.5). This was mainly due to more bacteriuric women that
started antihypertensive drugs when compared to non-bacteriuric participants. This
association remained statistically significant after correction for age, weight and creatinine.
Eight of the 45 women (18%) who had to be excluded because of the use of antihypertensive
medication at baseline, had E. coli bacteriuria, which was higher than the percentage of 9% of
the final study group without antihypertensive drugs at baseline (p = 0.06). However, no
association between ASB and renal function decline was demonstrated. The incidence of heart
attacks or strokes was not increased among women with bacteriuria at baseline. These results
suggest that bacteriuria increase also the chance to develop hypertension.

Asymptomatic Bacteriuria (ASB), Renal Function and Hypertension

Although more recent studies also found a correlation, only one prospective study has shown
that bacteriuria is associated with the development of hypertension. In the above mentioned
cohort study, a higher prevalence of hypertension in the bacteriuric group after 12 years of
follow-up was found. However, the underlying mechanism of this finding is not clear.
Hypertension is a lasting increase in blood pressure with a heterogeneous etiology consisting
of both genetic and environmental factors. Patients share the inability to excrete sodium at a
normal arterial pressure. If bacteriuria would lead to hypertension, the most attractive
explanation would be that hypertension arises secondary to renal scarring caused by the (type
1 fimbriae of the) uropathogens. In the multivariate analysis, correction for creatinine did not
change the results, but hypertension can occur before the reduction in creatinine clearance
becomes apparent. An alternative explanation is that both bacteriuria and hypertension are
found more frequently among individuals with comorbidity or that they share a same
(currently unknown) cause. This is supported by the higher prevalence of bacteriuria among
women who used antihypertensive drugs at baseline. Given the importance of hypertension
the nature of this correlation needs to be studied in future studies.
4. ASB and renal function decline and hypertension in patients with DM
Women with DM have an increased prevalence of ASB, but also an increased risk on
symptomatic UTIs and developing complications of UTIs such as renal abscesses. It was
also shown that at short term follow-up treatment of ASB in women with DM did not
appear to reduce complications. E. coli is the leading uropathogen in non-diabetic as well as
in diabetic patients. Ninety percent of E. coli possesses type 1 fimbriae, the adhesive
organelles found at the outer bacterial membrane. We have shown in vitro that type 1-
fimbriated E. coli have an increased adherence to uroepithelial cells voided by women with
DM. Others demonstrated that UTIs with type 1-fimbriated E. coli can lead to scar
formation in the renal parenchyma of infected rats.At present, conclusive and prospective
data with a long follow-up period directly relating ASB (with E. coli) to long-term risk of
renal failure in diabetic patients are lacking. Taken together, we hypothesized that ASB in
women with DM could lead to a faster decline in renal function, and decided to enlarge our
cohort of diabetic women and to prolong the follow-up period. Besides the effects on renal
function, we also studied the influence of ASB on the development of hypertension.
The association between ASB and renal function decline (and hypertension) in patients with
DM was investigated in a prospective study with women with DM type 1 (n=296) and type 2
(n=348). All patients were interviewed and their

medical records were reviewed at baseline
and at study closure

to collect all relevant information. All patients were asked to provide 1 or
2 midstream urine specimens. The women were followed up for a mean (SD) duration of 6.1
(1.9) years. Women with DM type 1 were younger, but had a longer duration of DM, than
women with DM type 2. At baseline, 201 women with DM type 2 (58%) were treated with
insulin only, 97 (28%) with oral hypoglycemic medication only, 41 (12%) with a combination of
both, and five women (2%) were on a diet only (data were incomplete for 4 women). Because
the Cockcroft-Gault formula for the estimation of the creatinine clearance includes age,
adjusting for age in a multivariate model is not possible. Therefore patients were stratified into
3 age strata to assess the impact of age on the association between ASB and the (relative
increase in the) creatinine clearance (respectively 18 to 36, 37 to 55, and 56 to 75 years old). All
analyses were performed on the entire study population and on women with DM type 1 and
DM type 2 separately.The prevalence of ASB was 17% in the study population, lower in

Chronic Kidney Disease

women with type 1 DM (12%) compared to women with type 2 DM (21%), but multivariate
analysis revealed

that this was due to the difference in age. E. coli

was cultured in 74 (67%) of
the 110 women with

ASB. Other isolated microorganisms included enterococci (9%),

group B
streptococci (8%), Klebsiella pneumoniae (6%), Staphylococcus

aureus (3%), Proteus mirabilis (2%),
Enterobacter species (2%).

The prevalence

of leukocyturia (5 or more leukocytes per high-
power field)

was 15% in women with ASB, suggesting that bacteria were present without
resulting into an inflammatory response. The creatinine clearance decreased from 87 at
baseline to 76 mL/min at study endpoint in diabetic women with ASB, and from 97
mL/min to 88 mL/min in those without ASB (Figure 2). In the univariate analysis, ASB was
associated with a higher relative decrease in creatinine clearance (14 22% and 9 23% in
women with versus women without ASB, respectively, p = 0.03), but not with the absolute
decrease in creatinine clearance (12 19 and 9 20 mL/min, respectively, p = 0.12). Using
univariate analysis, age, the length of follow-up, the duration of DM and microalbuminuria
were identified as possible confounding factors when studying the influence of ASB on
renal function development. Therefore, a multivariate analysis was done, according to age
strata, and including the length of follow-up, duration of DM, and microalbuminuria at
baseline. In the multivariate analysis no association was found between ASB and the relative
or the absolute decrease in creatinine clearance. Also when women with DM type 1 and
those with DM type 2 were analyzed separately, no association was found (data not shown).
Finally, also no association with a faster decline in renal function was found when only the
urines with E. coli as the cultured microorganism were included in the analysis
0 1 to 5 5 to 7 7 to 9
lenght of follow-up, yr



no ASB

Fig. 2. Differences in creatinine clearance between women WITH DM with and without ASB.
(Meiland R, Geerlings SE, Stolk RP, Netten PM, Schneeberger PM, Hoepelman AIM.
Asymptomatic bacteriuria in women with diabetes mellitus. Arch Intern Med 2006; 166:
Diabetic women with ASB developed hypertension more often than women without ASB
(54% vs 37%; p=.045). However, in the multivariate

analysis, including age, duration of DM,
and length of follow-up,

the association between ASB and hypertension disappeared

a higher age was the strongest predictor for hypertension.

In conclusion, in this
prospective study after 6 years of follow-up, no association was found between

ASB and a
decline in renal function or the development of hypertension

in women with type 1 DM or

Asymptomatic Bacteriuria (ASB), Renal Function and Hypertension

type 2 DM. As shown, women with ASB

at baseline had a lower creatinine clearance at
study end point,

a faster relative decrease in creatinine clearance, and hypertension

often when compared univariately with women without ASB.

However, the differences
were mainly explained by differences

in age and duration of DM, and all differences
disappeared in

the multivariate analyses.

Comparable results were found in a small

Polish study (25 patients with DM, including both
men and

women), in which no differences in the incidence of hypertension

and renal function
decline were demonstrated between patients with and

those without ASB after 14 years.
In a recent Canadian study it was investigated whether successive isolates of urinary E. coli
from the same diabetic woman were genetically similar. It was shown that untreated
diabetic women with ASB may carry a genetically unique E. coli strain for up to 13 months.
Women who received treatment for ASB had bacteriuria for a shorter duration and carried a
single strain of E. coli for a shorter period compared with women who did not receive
treatment. However, treatment was followed by recurrent infections for most women,
usually with a new strain of E. coli. The ASB-causing E. coli from diabetic women did not
have virulence characteristics typical of UTI-causing strains. This non-virulent
microorganism might be an explanation of the low number of patients who have also
leukocyturia, as a result of the absence of a host response to this.
Because in the above mentioned prospective study no evidence was found that ASB in itself
can lead to

a decline in renal function, either in women with type 1 DM

or in women with
type 2 DM, it is not likely that treatment

of ASB will lead to a decrease in the incidence of

nephropathy. This is in accordance with a recent study of

women with DM with
ASB in which a comparison was made between

women who received antibiotic therapy and
women who received

placebo. In that study, no difference was seen in serum creatinine

levels after a mean follow-up of 2 years.

In conclusion, the hypothesis that ASB will lead

to renal function deterioration in women with
DM can be rejected

because no difference in renal function development,

in either women with
type 1 DM or those with type 2 DM were found. Also, the incidence of hypertension

was not
increased when comparing women with ASB versus women without

ASB. Therefore, at this
time, screening and

subsequent treatment for ASB are not indicated in patients with

5. ASB in renal transplant recipients
It has been found that up to 50% of renal transplant recipients have ASB and UTIs. Many risk
factors contribute to the high incidence of UTIs and ASB, which can undermine graft function
and survival. In a retrospective study the impact of ASB on renal transplant outcome was
analysed in 189 renal transplant recipients. Screening resulted into 298 episodes of ASB in 96
recipients (follow-up 36 months). Significant risk factors included female gender,
glomerulonephritis as the disease that led to transplantation, and double renal transplant.
There were no differences in serum creatinine, creatinine clearance, or proteinuria between
patients with and without bacteriuria. The incidence of pyelonephritis in these patients was 7.6
episodes per 100 patient-years compared with 1.1 in those without ASB. A total of 2-5 ASB
episodes were independent factors associated with pyelonephritis whereas more than 5
episodes was a factor associated with rejection. Studies show contradictory results whether
antibiotic treatment results into a lower prevalence of ASB in these patients.

Chronic Kidney Disease

6. Conclusions
E. coli bacteriuria is not associated with a decline in renal function or the development of
end-stage renal failure in a population of generally healthy adult women. However, E. coli
bacteriuria may increase the risk of future hypertension, but the pathogenesis is not
Women with DM (type 1 or type 2) with ASB do not have an increased risk for a faster
decline in renal function or the development of hypertension. Therefore, screening and
treatment of ASB in diabetic women is not warranted.
Since nearly all studies are performed in women, it is not possible to make conclusions
about the association between ASB, renal function and hypertension in men.
No differences in renal function prognosis between patients with and without ASB
following kidney transplantation were demonstrated. However, the incidence of
pyelonephritis was much higher in the group of patients with ASB. Therefore, screening
protocols may be beneficial in this group of patients.
7. References
Lindberg U, Claesson I, Hanson LA, Jodal U. Asymptomatic bacteriuria in schoolgirls. VIII.
Clinical course during a 3-year follow-up. J Pediatr. 1978 Feb;92(2):194-9.
Meiland R, Stolk RP, Geerlings SE, Peeters PH, Grobbee DE, Coenjaerts FE, Brouwer EC,
Hoepelman AI. Association between Escherichia coli bacteriuria and renal function
in women: long-term follow-up. Arch Intern Med. 2007 Feb 12;167(3):253-7.
R Meiland, SE Geerlings, RP Stolk,.IM. Hoepelman, PHM Peeters, FEJ Coenjaerts, DE Grobbee.
Escherichia coli bacteriuria in female adults is associated with the development of
hypertension. International Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2010 April 14(4): e304-307.
Tencer J. Asymptomatic bacteriuria--a long-term study. Scand J Urol Nephrol. 1988;22(1):31-4.
Meiland R, Geerlings SE, Stolk RP, Netten PM, Schneeberger PM, Hoepelman AIM.
Asymptomatic bacteriuria in women with diabetes mellitus. Arch Intern Med
Semetkowska-Jurkiewicz E, Horoszek-Maziarz S, Galiski J, Manitius A, Krupa-
Wojciechowska B. The clinical course of untreated asymptomatic bacteriuria in
diabetic patients--14-year follow-up. Mater Med Pol. 1995 Jul-Sep;27(3):91-5.
Nicolle LE, Bradley S, Colgan R, Rice JC, Schaeffer A, Hooton TM. Infectious Diseases
Society of America guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of asymptomatic
bacteriuria in adults. Clin Infect Dis. 2005;40(5):643-54.
Harding GK, Zhanel GG, Nicolle LE, Cheang M; Manitoba Diabetes Urinary Tract Infection
Study Group. Antimicrobial treatment in diabetic women with asymptomatic
bacteriuria. N Engl J Med. 2002 Nov 14;347(20):1576-83.
Dalal S, Nicolle L, Marrs CF, Zhang L, Harding G, Foxman B. Long-term Escherichia coli
asymptomatic bacteriuria among women with diabetes mellitus. Clin Infect Dis.
2009 Aug 15;49(4):491-7.
Fiorante S, Lpez-Medrano F, Lizasoain M, Lalueza A, Juan RS, Andrs A, Otero JR,
Morales JM, Aguado JM. Systematic screening and treatment of asymptomatic
bacteriuria in renal transplant recipients. Kidney Int. 2010 Oct;78(8):774-81. Epub
2010 Aug 18.
Sleep Disorders Associated
with Chronic Kidney Disease
Robert L. Benz
, Mark R. Pressman
and Iqbal Masood

Department of Nephrology
Department of Sleep Medicine
Lankenau Medical Center and Lankenau Institute for Medical Research, Wynnewood,
1. Introduction
Twenty-six million American adults have Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). Chronic Kidney
Disease is defined as kidney damage for 3 or more months with or without decreased GFR.
Chronic Kidney Disease is divided into five stages, from Stage 1 to Stage 5. End-Stage renal
disease is the 5
stage of CKD when dialysis is needed to sustain life. Sleep disorders are
common and under recognized in advanced stages of Chronic Kidney Disease. Sleep disorders
affect the quality of life and may also increase cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.
Subjective sleep complaints are reported by more than 50% of patients on Hemodialysis
(HD) (1). Common organic sleep disorders in patients with CKD include Sleep Apnea
Syndrome (SAS), Periodic Limb Movement Disorder (PLMD) and Restless Leg Syndrome
(RLS). These disorders are more common in the dialysis population than in the general
population. When dialysis patients with a sleep disorders were studied objectively in sleep
laboratory, 53% to 75% were found to have sleep apnea, which is higher than general
population (2-4%) (2). Sleep disorders in CKD patients have been linked to increased
incidences of cardiovascular disease including coronary artery disease, left ventricular
hypertrophy and hypertension. (3, 4, 5, 6). Heart disease is the major cause of death in
patients with CKD (www.kidney.org). In fact most patients who have advanced CKD and
are not on dialysis are more likely to die from heart disease before they start dialysis.
Daytime somnolence resulting from sleep disorders may lead to diminished quality of life
and cognition (7, 8).PLMD is associated with increased mortality in patients with ESRD.
(49). Early diagnosis and treatment may improve quality of life.
2. Subjective complaints in dialysis patients
Subjective sleep complaints are common in dialysis patients and include difficulty initiating
and maintaining sleep, problems with restless, jerking legs, and/or day time sleepiness.
Sleep disorders are very inconvenient for the patients and affect their activities of daily
living. Most patients believe that relief of these symptoms would improve subjective quality
of life. A large number of dialysis patients take sleep-inducing medications. Sleep
complaints are more common in elderly patients on dialysis than in younger patients and

Chronic Kidney Disease

male patients are more likely to have sleep complaints than women (10). Caucasian patients
have a higher prevalence of restless legs syndrome than African American (1, 10). Subjective
complaints are also high in patients with increased caffeine intake, pruritis, bone pain,
cigarette use, and premature discontinuation of dialysis (1). As in general population,
increased stress, anxiety, depression, and worry are also associated with poor subjective
sleep quality in dialysis patients (10-12).
3. Factors contributing to sleep disturbances (Figure 1)
No consistent relationship has been detected between subjective sleep complaints of poor
sleep and Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN), Creatinine, or Kt/V (see glossary) (1, 11, & 13).
Anemia has been associated with complaints of poor sleep with improvement after
treatment with recombinant erythropoietin (14). Mild hypercalecmia has also been
associated with increased frequency of subjective insomnia (15). Frequent napping during
day time dialysis may also be a factor which contributes to fragmented sleep at night.

Fig. 1. Factors associated with sleep disturbances.
Nocturia, one of the earliest symptoms of kidney disease may also lead to reduced sleep due
to frequent awakening. Untreated sleep apnea has also been linked to nocturia. Most of the
awakenings attributed to nocturia by patients are attributable to sleep disorders, particularly
sleep apnea (63).

Sleep Disorders Associated with Chronic Kidney Disease

4. Changes in sleep architecture
Nocturnal sleep of patients on dialysis is short and fragmented with total sleep time ranging
between 260 and 360 minutes. Sleep efficiency is between 66% and 85% with a large amount
of wakeful time (77-135 min), and numerous arousals (25-30/h of sleep) (16-18). Patients
have increased patterns of Stage I and Stage II sleep, decreased slow wave (deep sleep), and
REM sleep (17, 18). Thus dialysis patients have both reduced quantity and quality of sleep.
Changes in sleep patterns in advanced CKD patients who are not on dialysis are similar to
patients on dialysis (21)
5. Sleep Apnea Syndrome (SAS)
Sleep apnea is classified as obstructive (OSA) due to intermittent closure of the upper
airway or central due to intermittent loss of respiratory drive or both (mixed). More than
50% of patients with ESRD have sleep apnea (7, 19). Prevalence appears to be similar in
advanced CKD patients who are not on dialysis and those treated with peritoneal or
hemodialysis (7, 20). Sleep Disordered Breathing (SDB) is observed with similar frequency
in dialysis dependent and dialysis independent CKD patients. Sleep apnea in CKD patients
is more frequently obstructive (21).
6. Pathogenesis-figure 2
Sleep apnea in patients with ESRD is mostly obstructive but several observers have reported
features of both obstructive and central sleep apnea (16,31). Sleep apnea is caused by both
impaired central ventilatory control and upper air way occlusion during sleep. Enhanced
ventilatory sensitivity to hypercapnea correlates with apnea severity (22). Conversion from
conventional Hemodialysis (CHD) to nocturnal Hemodialysis (NHD) has been associated with
reduced severity of sleep apnea due to reduction in ventilatory sensitivity to hypercapnea(31).
Upper airway occlusion can be caused by fluid overload and interstitial edema in the upper air
way (23). Displacement of fluids from the lower limbs increases neck circumference and
pharyngeal resistance and reduces upper air way cross sectional area, contributing to the
pathogenesis of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Pharyngeal cross sectional area in patients on
CHD was smaller than the control, suggesting that this may predispose to upper airway
occlusion during sleep (22). Conversion from CHD to NHD is associated with an increase in
pharyngeal cross sectional area, possibly due to improve fluid removal(31). Conversion from
continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) to nocturnal peritoneal dialysis has been
shown to reduce the frequency of sleep apnea (24). Upper airway dilator muscle dysfunction
due to neuropathy or myopathy associated with chronic uremia or the underlying cause of
renal disease such as diabetes mellitus can cause narrowing of pharyngeal muscles (31). There
could also be some role for oxidative stress, inflammatory cytokines and middle molecules, all
elevated in ESRD in the development of ventilatory instability and or upper airway occlusion,
but this has not been established (66).
The apnea hypopnea index (AHI) is an index used to assess the severity of sleep apnea
based on the total number of complete cessations (apnea) and partial obstructions
(hypopnea) of breathing occurring per hour of sleep found during polysomnography.
Patients with advanced CKD not on dialysis who are non-diabetic are predisposed to more
severe AHI as compared to patients with less advanced CKD (25). In patients with diabetes
no such association was found probably due to the fact that diabetes itself may be an

Chronic Kidney Disease


Fig. 2. Pathogenesis of sleep Apnea Syndrome (SAS).
overriding factor for the development of sleep apnea (25). It was also found that AHI index
correlated weakly with urea level in all patients, but not with creatinine clearance.
Obesity is not required for ESRD patients to develop sleep apnea. Snoring is less intense in
patients with CKD who have sleep apnea than in patients with sleep apnea with normal
renal function (67).
7. Clinical significance
Sleep apnea worsens the symptoms of CKD such as daytime fatigue, sleepiness, and
impaired neurocognitive function. Hypoxemia during sleep is associated with nocturnal
hypertension, left ventricular hypertrophy, impaired sympathovagal balance, and increased
risk of cardiovascular complications including death (68-69). Sleep apnea may exacerbate
the infectious complications common in ESRD patients because sleep disruption and
deprivation degrade immune function (26). Severe sleep apnea is an independent predictor
of graft loss among female kidney transplant patients (27).
8. Diagnosis
Subjective sleepiness can be assessed with a number of simple scales, such as the Epworth
Sleepiness Scale (ESS) or the Stanford Sleepiness Scale. The ESS is a self-administered

Sleep Disorders Associated with Chronic Kidney Disease

questionnaire with 8 questions and is more commonly used. It provides a measure of a
persons general level of daytime sleepiness, or their average sleep propensity in daily life
.The ESS asks people to rate, on a 4-point scale (0 3), their usual chances of dozing off or
falling asleep in 8 different situations or activities that most people engage in as part of their
daily lives. The total ESS score is the sum of 8 item-scores and can range between 0 and
24.The higher the score, the higher the persons level of daytime sleepiness. Most people can
answer the ESS, without assistance, in 2 or 3 minutes. (www.sleepfoundation.org).
Although the characteristic features of sleep apnea may be absent, a history of snoring,
witnessed apnea during sleep, and day time sleepiness are suggestive of sleep apnea.
Objective diagnostic testing includes home ambulatory monitoring which records air flow,
snoring, respiratory movement, oxygen saturation, and heart rate.
Polysomnography (PSG), also known as a sleep study is a nocturnal, laboratory- test used in
the diagnosis of Sleep Apnea Syndrome (SAS). It is often considered the standard for
diagnosing OSAS, determining the severity of the disease, and evaluating various other
sleep disorders that can exist with or without OSAS. PSG consists of a simultaneous
recording of multiple physiologic parameters related to sleep and wakefulness. It generally
includes monitoring of the patient's airflow through the nose and mouth, blood pressure,
heartbeat as measured by an electrocardiograph, blood oxygen level,EEG wave patterns, eye
movements(EOG), and the movements of respiratory muscles and limbs(EMG).
Polysomnography can be performed in a sleep laboratory or center and includes
comprehensive monitoring of respiration, sleep stages and leg movements.
Polysomnography is used to quantify the Apnea-Hypopnea Index (AHI). AHI is an index
used to assess the severity of sleep apnea based on the total number of complete cessations
(apnea) and partial obstructions (hypopnea) of breathing occurring per hour of sleep. These
pauses in breathing must last for at least 10 seconds and be associated with a 3% or greater
decrease in oxygenation of the blood. To determine AHI, add the total number of apnea
events, plus hypopnea events and divide by the total number of minutes of actual sleep
time, then multiply by 60.For example:
Apnea + Hypopnea divided by actual sleep time, then multiply by 60
200 apneas, 200 Hypopneas (400 Total Events)
420 Minutes Actual Sleep Time (7 hours x 60)
Divide 400 by 420 = .95 x 60 = 57 AHI (Severe OSA)
In general, the AHI can be used to classify the severity of disease (mild 5-15, moderate 16-30,
and severe greater than 30).
Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT) and the Maintenance of Wakefulness Test (MWT) can
be considered for the evaluation of day time sleepiness. MSLT is used to measure the time
elapsed from the start of a daytime nap period to the first signs of sleep, called sleep latency.
The test is based on the idea that the sleepier people are, the faster they will fall asleep. The
MWT is a daytime polysomnographic procedure which quantifies wake tendency by
measuring the ability to remain awake during sleep conducive circumstances. The test
isolates a person from factors that can influence sleep such as temperature, light, and noise.
Furthermore, the patient is also advised to not take any hypnotics, drink alcohol, or smoke
before or during the test. After allowing the patient to lie down on the bed, the time between
lying down and falling asleep is measured and used to determine ones daytime sleepiness.

Chronic Kidney Disease

9. Treatment
Sleep apnea should be treated if the patient has symptoms such as fragmented sleep and
day time sleepiness or significant oxygen desaturation. In patients without sleep related
symptoms who have PSG suggestive of severe sleep apnea, consideration should be given to
treat patients with severe disease (Apnea/hypopnea index >30), since sleep apnea of this
severity has been associated with increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Sleep
apnea should also be treated if it is exacerbating co-existing medical condition such as
hypertension, myocardial ischemia, and respiratory failure or nocturnal hypoxemia.
Management of sleep apnea includes treatment of any underlying medical conditions such
as obesity or hypothyroidism, correction of aggravating factors such as use of alcohol or
sedatives close to the bedtime. Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) is a method of
respiratory ventilation used primarily in the treatment of sleep apnea . The CPAP machine
delivers a stream of compressed air via a hose to a nose mask, full-face mask, or hybrid,
splinting the airway (keeping it open under air pressure) so that unobstructed breathing
becomes possible, therefore reducing and/or preventing apneas and hypopnea. Pressman
and Benz first reported in 1993 that CPAP improves both OSA and central apnea in ESRD
patients, suggesting that CPAP eliminates the repetitive cyclical pattern of apnea followed
by deep breathing, then followed by another central apnea.(28) The degree of hypopnea
following apnea may be a function of the magnitude of respiratory drive necessary to
overcome upper air way occlusion at the end of apnea. By preventing air way collapse,
CPAP probably eliminates the deep breathing that results in hyperventilation and then
lowered respiratory drive, thus setting the stage for next central sleep apnea. Also high
levels of CPAP are successful in treatment of central sleep apnea due to the fact that central
sleep apnea probably occurred following passive airway closure, which in turn caused
stimulation of mucosal sensory receptors and reflex apnea. (28)

Fig. 3. CPAP Machine and Mask.
Sleep apnea is not corrected by conventional hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis. Apnea
frequency has been reduced by the use of bicarbonate rather than acetate based dialysate
(29). Intensive daily dialysis has been shown to resolve sleep apnea in one critically ill
patient (30). Nocturnal Hemodialysis(see glossary) that enables patients to receive
hemodialysis 6-8 hours per night for 6 nights has been shown to improve sleep apnea (31).
(Figure 4) Improvements are usually more significant in patients with more severe sleep

Sleep Disorders Associated with Chronic Kidney Disease


Fig. 4. Improvement of Sleep Apnea with Nocturnal Hemodialysis.
Although case reports have indicated correction of sleep apnea after successful kidney
transplantation (32), preliminary results from case series suggest that sleep apnea resolves
only in a minority of patients after kidney transplantation (33). The administration of
branched chain amino acids has shown improvement in apnea index in one patient,
although the mechanism and implications are not understood. (34).
10. Restless leg syndrome and periodic limb movement disorder
Restless leg syndrome (RLS) is a disorder characterized by sensation that usually occurs
prior to sleep onset and causes an almost irresistible urge to move the legs, resulting in
delayed sleep onset and disrupted sleep (35). RLS may be idiopathic or secondary to other
conditions such as pregnancy, rheumatoid arthritis or uremia. Almost 80% of patients with
RLS also have periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD), a condition characterized by
episodic limb movements associated with nocturnal awakening and disrupted sleep.
RLS has been reported in 14-23% in patient on CHD and 20-57% in CKD patients (21, 36).
The prevalence of PLMD is greater than 50% in CHD and CAPD(see glossary) population (1,
2, 35-38). RLS has also been reported to be 4.5% in transplanted patients. The prevalence of
RLS is significantly lower in transplant patients than in patients on maintenance dialysis.
Declining renal function is associated with increasing prevalence of RLS.
RLS and PMLD may be equally important as sleep apnea in patients with CKD. RLS
severity score has been correlated to self perceived sleep problems, nocturnal awakening,

Chronic Kidney Disease

delayed sleep onset latency, decreased total sleep time, increased use of sleep medications
and self reported nocturnal leg movements (36). Polysomnographic studies of dialysis
patients with RLS and or PLMD showed increase in sleep latency, Stage 1 and Stage 2 sleep,
and decreased total sleep time and efficiency (38-41).
11. Pathophysiology
The pathophysiological mechanisms involved in RLS and PLMD are not very clear. Anemia,
iron, and vitamin deficiencies, disturbance in peripheral and central nervous system (CNS)
functioning and musculoskeletal abnormalities have all been proposed. It is likely that
alteration of dopamine activity in the nervous system plays a role (42-43).
Correction of anemia by treatment with erythropoietin has been associated with reduction
in the frequency of PLMD, improvement in sleep quality and day time alertness (44).Iron
deficiency probably plays a dual role in that it causes anemia and is also a co-factor in the
metabolism of dopamine in the brain. Treatment with intravenous iron is associated with a
significant improvement in RLS and PLMD(45).Peripheral neuropathy, secondary to uremia
or the underlying cause of renal disease such as diabetes may also predispose to develop
RLS and or PLMD. Data regarding the clinical and laboratory correlation of RLS and PLMD
is inconsistent. Higher predialysis urea and creatinine levels have been associated with
increase RLS complaints in one study (1) but no relationship was detected in others (36, 41).
Higher intact parathyroid hormone(PTH) levels has been found in dialysis patients with
PLMD vs. those without the disorder(46), but lower levels have been noted in uremic
patient with RLS in comparison without symptoms(47).
12. Diagnosis/Clinical significance
RLS is diagnosed clinically. PLMD is diagnosed objectively with polysomnography, which
reveals periodic, involuntary movements of the legs during sleep.
PLMD can be identified on a polysomnogram by examining spiked activity coming from the
electromyogram (EMG), which measures muscle movement during sleep. Specifically,
anterior tibialis recording is usually sufficient in detecting the periodic limb movement
episodes. Periodic limb movements typically last 0.5-5 seconds in duration and usually
occurs approximately every 20-40seconds. The severity is described in terms of leg
movement per hour of sleep (periodic limb movement index, PLMI). PLMI >5 is considered
abnormal. Additionally, the examination of EEG test results will indicate micro-arousals,
which can also lead to a diagnosis. PLMD can occur independently of RLS, and is more
common with advancing age (35). RLS is almost always associated with PLMD, but PLMD
can occur in the absence of RLS.
RLS is associated with difficulty initiating sleep, poor sleep quality, and impaired health
quality of life (48) (FIGURE-5). RLS has been associated with depression. PLMD has been
associated with increased mortality in patient with ESRD (49).
13. Treatment
General treatment measures include reducing potential exacerbating factors such as excess
caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, medical conditions (anemia, iron deficiency), and medications

Sleep Disorders Associated with Chronic Kidney Disease


Fig. 5. RLS, Insomnia and quality of life in patients on maintenance dialysis.
(tricylcic antidepressants, Serotonin reuptake inhibitors, dopamine antagonists). Medical
therapy includes L-Dopa and dopamine agonists such as pramipexole and ropirinole (64).
These medications are favored over benzodiazepines. Gabapentin can also be used as
alternative. The frequency of PLMD is not affected by switching from CHD to NHD (28).
Kidney transplantation has been associated with an improvement in both RLS and PLMD in
several small studies (50, 51).
14. Excessive day time sleepiness
Excessive day time sleepiness (EDS) has been described in dialysis patients. Seventy-seven
percent of patients on CAPD reported taking day time naps and 51% reported falling asleep
unintentionally (46). The Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT) is a sleep disorder diagnostic
tool. It is used to measure the time elapsed from the start of a daytime nap period to the first
signs of sleep, called sleep latency. The test is based on the idea that the sleepier people are,
the faster they will fall asleep. The test consists of four or five 20-minute nap opportunities
that are scheduled about two hours apart. The test is often performed after an overnight
sleep study. During the test, data such as the patient's, EEG, muscle activity, and eye
movements are monitored and recorded. The entire test normally takes about 7 hours.In one
study, 44 HD patients were studied. Potential subjects with other major chronic conditions
or those with medications known to have CNS effects were excluded from the study. In
addition, to exclude those with obvious causes of EDS, subjects with a history suggestive of
SAS, RLS and PLMD were also excluded. All subjects underwent polysomnography along
with MSLT. One third of patients of the subjects had MSLT scores consistent with abnormal
sleepiness (mean sleep latency <8min). High AHI was significantly associated with lower
MSLT score, but explained only 10% of the variance in MSLT score, suggesting that

Chronic Kidney Disease

additional factors play an important role in the expression of day time sleepiness in this
group (65).
Benz etal reported the effects of hematocrit normalization with recombinant erythropoietin
on the sleep of 10 HD patients (44). All subjects underwent an initial nocturnal
polysomnogram, with seven completing a 40 minutes MWT the next day. Tests were
repeated after normalization of hematocrit. Treatment resulted in a significant reduction of
nocturnal periodic limb movements and improvement on the MWT.
SAS, RLS and PLMD are prevalent in patients with advanced kidney disease and could
explain EDS, but some studies suggested that other factors related to renal disease or its
treatment may contribute to EDS (52, 53).
Mild elevations of BUN and creatinine in renal failure patients have been associated with
increased slow wave activity in the waking EEG and abnormalities in cognitive function,
which may explain the susceptibility of patients with advanced renal disease to sleepiness
(54). Elevation of parathyroid hormone has been associated with increased waking EEG
slow wave activity in uremic animals and stable dialysis patient (55). The metabolites of
creatinine may inhibit GABA responses (in mouse neurons) and may interfere with
neurotransmissions necessary for sleep to occur. These changes may destabilize the
wakeful state by increasing day time sleepiness propensity and decreasing nocturnal
sleep (56).
Treatment with dialysis may also predispose patients to sleepiness. Abnormal production of
interleukin-1, TNF-alpha, factor S can increase somnolence (57, 58). Rapid removal of these
sleep inducing substances has also been postulated as the cause for fragmented nocturnal
sleep and resulting day time sleepiness and fatigue in one study on patients on CAPD (59).
Dialysis also results in rapid change in electrolytes, acid base balance and serum osmolarity
which may decrease arousal and alertness (60). Treatment with dialysis may also disrupt the
circadian pattern sleepiness due to inappropriately timed elevation of serum melatonin in
response to the hemoconcentration (61) or from change in rhythm of body temperature (62).
Medications such as antihypertensive and antidepressants may also contribute to the EDS in
CKD patients.
15. Summary
Sleep complaints and disorders are common in patients with CKD whether on dialysis
or not and are characterized by difficulty in initiating and maintaining sleep,
restless/jerking legs, and daytime sleepiness.
Polysomnographic studies have demonstrated that dialysis patients have overall
decreased quantity and quality of sleep, suggesting that behavioral interventions such
as sleep hygiene and the appropriate use of medications may be helpful.
Most common sleep disorders in CKD patients include SAS, RLS, and PLMD.
SAS has been effectively treated with CPAP in patients with chronic kidney disease and
ESRD. Switching from CHD to NHD may also be useful.
RLS and PLMD are also very common and are associated increased mortality in
patients on dialysis. Treatments include correcting anemia, iron deficiency and
dopamine agonists.

Sleep Disorders Associated with Chronic Kidney Disease

Day time sleepiness is common in patients with ESRD and patients with CKD not on
Sleep disorders have negative impacts on overall quality of life in patients with kidney
diseases and may affect rehabilitative potential of treatment.
16. Glossary of dialysis-related terms
Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) is the blood test used to measure nitrogen in the form of Urea,
which is the by product from protein metabolism produced in liver and removed by kidney
Dialysate-the fluid used in dialysis, typically with a lower solute concentration than the
blood, into which metabolic waste and excess electrolytes diffuse.
Hemodialysis(HD)-a process of removal of fluid and solutes through a semi-permeable
membrane into dialysate by passing the blood through an artificial kidney. Hemodialysis is
most commonly delivered to patients three times a week for three to four hours
(Conventional Hemodialysis-CHD), but may also be given more slowly across the day or
night (Nocturnal Hemodialysis-NHD).
Nocturnal Hemodialysis (NHD). Nocturnal hemodialysis or nightly hemodialysis is a form
of hemodialysis which is done at home by the patient or a family member when the patient
is sleeping at night. Most patients dialyze five to seven nights a week, anywhere from six
to12 hours, on average for eight hours.
Peritoneal Dialysis (PD)-the process of removal of fluid and wastes from the body using the
semi-permeable membrane of the peritoneum for the diffusion and osmosis,
Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD)-continuous dialysis process that
involves infusion of fluid into peritoneum, a prolonged dwell period for dialysis and
drainage. The procedure typically involves four exchanges of fluid daily.
Kt/V is a way of measuring dialysis adequacy. Kt/V is defined as the dialyzer clearance of
urea (K, obtained from the manufacturer in mL/min, and periodically measured and
verified by the dialysis team) multiplied by the duration of the dialysis treatment (t, in
minutes) divided by the volume of distribution of urea in the body (V, in mL), which is
approximately equal to the total body water.
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The Allo-Immunological Injury
in Chronic Allograft Nephropathy
I. Enver Khan, Rubin Zhang, Eric E. Simon and L. Lee Hamm
Tulane University School of Medicine, New Orleans, LA,
1. Introduction
Progressive loss of renal allograft function after the first year of kidney transplant is often
referred to as chronic rejection, transplant nephropathy, transplant glomerulopathy or
chronic allograft nephropathy (CAN) and the use of these terms is often interchangeable.
Clinically, it is usually diagnosed by a slowly rising serum creatinine level, increasing
proteinuria and worsening hypertension (Zhang et al., 2004). CAN is the second most
common cause of graft loss after the leading cause, death with a functioning graft (DWFG)
(Zhang et al., 2004). According to estimates, 25-30% of patients currently awaiting kidney
transplant have received a transplant before.
With the widespread usage of induction agents and the advancements in
immunosuppressive medications, the first year outcomes after kidney transplant have
shown steady improvement. In the United States, the incidence of acute rejection (AR) in the
first year is below 10% (United States Renal Data System [USRDS]) while the unadjusted
graft survival is 96%, 92% and 85% for living, deceased and extended criteria deceased
donors respectively (Organ Procurement and Transplant Network/Scientific Registry of
Transplant Recipients [OPTN/SRTR], 2008).
In the long term though, the survival of grafts has shown very little improvement over the past
decade. The 5 year graft survival is reported at 81%, 71% and 55% for living, deceased and
extended criteria deceased donors in the time interval of year 2000-2005. This, in comparison,
is hardly different from the 79%, 68% and 51% reported in the interval of 1994-1999
(OPTN/SRTR, 2008). The median graft survival years for all kidney transplants, according to a
report published in 2004 has changed little when comparing transplants performed in the
years 1988 through 1995, ranging between 7.5 to 8.0 years. (Meier-Kriesche et al, 2004)
An overall shortage of organs and the high cost of providing any form of renal replacement
therapy inclusive of a kidney transplant, calls for attention into making efforts for kidney
transplants to last longer. This would entail looking into the pathological processes that
result in the eventual failure of grafts, delineating as far as possible one process from the
other, and examining immunological and non-immunological determinants that may be
targeted with the eventual goal of adopting strategies that may help in prolonging the
survival of renal allografts (Zhang et al, 2004). The non-immunological factors may include

Chronic Kidney Disease
poor graft quality, ischemia and reperfusion injury, delayed graft function, recurrent or de
novo kidney disease, hypertension, diabetes, obstruction, infection, renal artery stenosis and
calcineurin inhibitor toxicity. It has been recently suggested that the autoimmunity may also
contribute to the post-transplant allograft injury (Dinavahi et al., 2011; Porcheray et al., 2010;
Vendrame et al.,2010). Here, we will focus our discussion on the allo-immunological injury,
as this mechanism has been well established and its importance has been increasingly
recognized in the pathogenesis of CAN.
2. Pathological classification
The 8
Banff Conference on Allograft Pathology, held in 2005 (Solez et al, 2007) focused on
removing the term CAN as a pathological entity. This term was first used in 1991 when it
replaced the term chronic rejection. While it was successful in removing the notion that an
immunologically mediated mechanism was in all instances the reason for the graft to slowly
deteriorate, its use as a generic term came in the way of ascertaining a specific diagnosis and
identification of the actual pathological process at play.
While the pathological findings of interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy (IF/TA) are
common in most instances of chronic allograft injury, other features can sometimes point
towards the actual disease process. For example, arterial fibrointimal thickening with
duplication of internal elastica (fibroelastosis), arteriolar and small artery hyalinosis,
glomerulosclerosis, along with IF/TA can be a manifestation of chronic hypertension (Olson
et al, 1998); hyaline arteriolar changes, sometimes with peripheral hyaline nodules, and
IF/TA either in striped ischemic or diffuse form can be secondary to calcineurin inhibitor
(CNI) toxicity (Morozumi et al, 2004, Basauschina et al, 2004 and Mihatsch et al, 1995);
IF/TA with relative glomerular sparing, dilated tubules, atubular glomeruli and
intratubular TammHorsfall protein casts with extravasation into the interstitium may
suggest chronic obstruction (Klahr et al, 2003); IF/TA with chronic inflammation,
intranuclear inclusions highlighted on immunostaining for the SV40 large T antigen can be
due to BK virus infection (Drachenberg et al, 2005), a polyoma virus that may infect the
tubular cells in immune suppressed patients. In other instances, recurrent or de novo
vascular or glomerular diseases may lead to glomerulosclerosis along with IF/TA.
This leads to a new category of interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy, no evidence of any
specific etiology to replace CAN. There is further sub-categorization within the category
of IF/TA, no evidence of any specific etiology and this is based on amount of interstitial
fibrosis, and the degree of atrophy and loss of tubules. It is described as mild (Grade I),
moderate (Grade II) and severe (Grade III) determined by <25%, 25-50% and >50% of the
cortical area involved respectively (Salez et al, 2007). The pitfall to this classification is that
the degree of IF/TA in a renal graft is yet to be shown to correlate with the prognosis and
overall graft survival. This is therefore an area where protocol biopsies done at previously
determined time intervals, and the correlation of these results with graft survival in the long
term, will provide invaluable prognostic information.
In the same revision of the Banff criteria, there was also the introduction of the subcategories
of chronic active antibody mediated rejection and chronic active T-cell mediated rejection
within the categories of antibody mediated rejection (AMR) and T-cell mediated rejection
respectively. These were introduced to highlight the features of arterial and capillary

The Allo-Immunological Injury in Chronic Allograft Nephropathy
changes, believed to be pathognomonic of an immunologically mediated chronic allograft
injury which would also have IF/TA, in other words identifying true chronic rejection. The
need for introducing the subcategory of chronic antibody mediated rejection (CAMR) was
based on the abundantly available literature that highlighted the presence of complement
fragments (C4d) positivity (explained in more detail in Role of B cells and DSA) and the
presence of anti-HLA antibodies in transplant patients correlating with the chronic failing of
the allografts. When these are seen in the presence of pathological changes specific to an
active process of AMR taking place, that subset of patients could be safely assumed to be
undergoing an immunologically mediated, in specific humorally mediated reaction. The
diagnostic criteria therefore for CAMR are as follows;
Morphological features of duplication or double contours in glomerular basement
membranes, and/or peri-tubular capillary basement membrane multi-layering (PTCBMML)
and/or IF/TA with or without PTC loss, and/or fibrous intimal thickening in arteries
without duplication of the internal elastica
1. C4d deposition in the peri-tubular capillaries (PTC)
2. The presence of donor specific antibodies (DSA)
The pathological significance of these findings and their role in causing deterioration in
graft function will be highlighted in the section Role of B-cells and DSA below. Transplant
glomerulopathy of membrano-proliferative glomerular nephritis (MPGN) pattern should be
distinguished from the immune complex-mediated MPGN that is frequently associated with
hepatitis C infection or due to recurrent or de novo glomerular disease. They appear similar
(MPGN) on light microscopy, but their distinction can be made by electron microscopy, as
transplant glomerulopathy does not have immune-complex deposits on the glomerular
basement membrane.
Chronic active T-cell mediated rejection is described as a subcategory of T-cell mediated
rejection and it denotes the presence of chronic allograft arteriopathy with arterial intimal
fibrosis along with mononuclear cell infiltration and fibrosis and the formation of neo-
intima. These changes and their role will also be described in more detail in the section
Role of T-cell below.
3. Role of T cells
The introduction of an allograft into an immunocompetent individual would typically
result in a process of recognizing the graft tissue as foreign allorecognition and the
initiation of what is known as an alloresponse, invariably resulting in tissue inflammation,
architectural distortion and infiltration by T-cells that are responsive to the graft resulting in
loss of function and eventual failure of the graft, a process we call acute cellular rejection.
This occurs after a number of steps taking place at the molecular and cellular level, steps
that have been recognized and become the target of therapy in order to prevent rejection.
Allorecognition can occur by three well-described mechanisms referred to as direct, indirect
and the semi direct pathways. (Safinia et al, 2010). In the direct pathway recipient T cells
recognize intact allogeneic major histocompatibility complex or MHC-peptide complexes
expressed by foreign cells, while in the indirect pathway T cells recognize peptides derived
from allogeneic MHC proteins presented by antigen-presenting cell and finally the semi

Chronic Kidney Disease
direct pathway where recipient dendritic cells acquire intact allogeneic MHCpeptide
complexes from donor cells and present them to recipient T cells. (Harrera et al., 2004;
Lechlar and Batchelar, 1982; Warrens et al., 1994). In the context of transplantation, while the
direct and the indirect pathways are well recognized and understood, the semi-direct
pathway is not known to be of clinical importance in allograft rejection. (Figure 1)

Fig. 1. Mechanism of antigen presentation in the direct and indirect pathways.
As far as the direct pathway is concerned, if the immunological milieu is left unaltered, a
strong and effective alloresponse would follow primarily due to the very high number of
recipient T-cells that will recognize the transplant tissue as foreign. Due to the nature of this
mechanism, this pathway is of primary importance in the immediate post transplant period.
T-cell depletion using various immunosuppressive regimens, including induction protocols,
severely compromises this process. Another phenomenon observed is depletion of donor
derived dendritic cells through apoptosis and elimination by recipient immune reactivity.
This is also accompanied by a decline in the number of recipient T cells with direct
antidonor allospecificity with time, most pronounced in the CD4+ CD45RO+ (memory)
subset (Hornick et al, 1998). However, this decline in direct pathway responses with time is
as pronounced in patients with chronic rejection as in those with stable graft function and
this supports the view that the direct pathway of allorecognition is of little importance in the
context of chronic graft failure.
As the direct pathway declines with time, recipient dendritic and other antigen presenting
cells travel through the graft, picking up soluble MHC alloantigens or antigens derived from
donor cells and present them to T-cells activating CD4 + and CD 8+ cells (the indirect
pathway) (Auchincloss et al. , 1993; Kievits et al.,1991). The predominant antigen
presentation is done through MHC-Class II cells which have an affinity towards the CD4+

The Allo-Immunological Injury in Chronic Allograft Nephropathy
T-cell subtype. The indirect alloresponse, while less rapid compared with the direct
pathway, dominates reactivity to transplanted antigens in the long term. This is the main
reason why, despite tolerance afforded by the direct pathway, immune suppression is
required for as long as the graft remains viable. Any inflammation induces the expression of
MHC class II molecules on endothelial and epithelial cells in the graft, conferring the ability
to present antigen to CD4+ T cells (Bal et al., 1990).
Clinically, the activity of T-cells in renal allografts is represented by cellular rejection. The
diagnosis is made by detecting tubulitis, interstitial infiltration and edema, and sometimes
intimal arteritis. A grade is assigned depending on the severity of these lesions. The
inflammatory activity of T-cells results in renal injury resulting in architectural distortion of
the renal parenchyma. The Banff Classification for T-cell mediated rejection along with
histological description of each category and sub category is described below.
3.1 T-cell mediated rejection
Acute T-cell mediated rejection (Type/Grade)
i. Significant tubular and interstitial infiltration (Figure 2)
ii. Intimal arteritis (vascular rejection) (Figure 3)
iii. Transmural arteritis and/or arterial fibrinoid change and necrosis of medial smooth
muscle cells with accompanying lymphocytic inflammation (Figure 4)
Chronic T-cell mediated rejection
Chronic allograft arteriopathy (arterial intimal fibrosis with mononuclear cell
infiltration in fibrosis, formation of neo-intima)

Fig. 2. Infiltration of tubules and interstitium with T cells (Courtesy of Suzanne Meleg-Smith,
4. Role of B cells and DSA
Based on the principles of immunology, B cells are known to play vital roles, from antigen
presentation, immune regulation, to their most characteristic role of differentiating into
plasma cells that secrete antibodies. The secretion of antibodies and their role in the
pathogenesis of CAN is what makes B cells of great clinical significance in the long term
survival of the renal graft.

Chronic Kidney Disease

Fig. 3. Infiltration of arterial intima with T cells (Courtesy of Suzanne Meleg-Smith, MD.)

Fig. 4. Fibrinoid necrosis of arterial wall and transmural infiltration of T cells (Courtesy of
Suzanne Meleg-Smith, MD.)
The association between graft dysfunction with antibodies produced against donor human
leukocyte antigens (HLA) has long been recognized (Jeannet et al., 1970; Terasaki et al.
2007). Their role in acute AMR is well defined and they have been popularly referred to as
DSA. Their pathogenesis became evident with the discovery of deposition of complement
fragments (C4d) along peritubular capillaries (PTC) in grafts of patients suffering from graft
dysfunction and known to have circulating DSAs (Feuch et al., 1991). (Figure 5)
In the context of CAN, arteriopathy or glomerulopathy in the transplanted kidney is also
linked to C4d deposition in the PTCs and to DSAs (Mauiyyedi et al., 2001). The pattern of
renal injury in these circumstances was further elaborated with the evidence that when
chronic failure occurs in the renal allograft and circulating DSAs are present along with C4d
deposition in the PTCs, capillaritis and basement membrane multi-lamination was seen
(Regele et al.,2002). Other features described and attributed to this pathology include
duplication of the glomerular basement membrane, mononuclear cell infiltration in the
glomeruli and the PTCs along with loss of normal glomerular capillary endothelial
fenestrations (Colvin et al. 2006). With well-described morphological features, along with
association of DSA and C4d deposition, chronic antibody mediated rejection (CAMR)
gained its place in the revision of the BANFF classification in 2005 (Solez et al., 2007). The
presence of proteinuria is not pathognomonic but can be seen and graft function may seem
quite stable for years. While the pathogenesis is strongly linked to circulating DSAs, prior
sensitization or an episode of acute AMR are not essential pre-requisites. Instead, DSAs may

The Allo-Immunological Injury in Chronic Allograft Nephropathy
develop slowly and sub clinically, and eventually lead to the dysfunction of the allograft
mediated by a slow inflammatory process.

Fig. 5. Peritubular capillary deposition of C4d (right) in acute antibody mediated
rejection.(Courtesy of Suzanne Meleg-Smith, MD.)
With the development of a diagnostic criterion for CAMR, many of the pathological findings
that had known to exist have been tied in and explain the underlying mechanism of renal
injury. However, there are few caveats that still make the accurate recognition of this clinical
entity challenging.
One factor is that under certain circumstances, C4d deposition might not be seen. This could
happen when the DSAs induce damage via a non-complement fixing mechanism (Collins et
al., 2008). Further, in advanced stages of CAMR, when tubular atrophy has already
developed, it may well be hard to recognize positive C4d staining. Conversely, when typical
changes such as PTC multi-lamination are seen in the absence of C4d deposition and
circulating DSA, there could be a possibility of another diagnosis such as chronic or
resolving thrombotic micro-angiopathy or these lesions could be assumed to be from a
previous episode of acute antibody-mediated injury.Laboratory studies have demonstrated
that complement, although relied on in order to make a clinical diagnosis, is not necessary in
the pathogenesis of CAMR. Induction of DSAs that are non-complement fixing can have the
same pathological changes as DSA that fix complement. Also, in animals that are selectively
deficient in C3 (RAG1 -/-), introduction of complement fixing antibodies results in similar
pathological changes and poor outcomes of the graft (Jin et al. 2005). What has been found
to have a more pronounced role in the development of allograft arteriopathy characteristic
of CAMR, is a host of changes in the endothelium brought about by the infiltration of
natural killer (NK) cells that express FcRIII, which is a receptor for the Fc (Fragment
crystallizable) or the constant region of antibodies. Hence it is believed that in the
pathogenesis of CAN mediated by circulating DSAs, NK cells have much more of a role
than complement (Hirohasha et al., 2008).

Chronic Kidney Disease
Yet another phenomenon observed in the context of circulating antibodies is that sometimes,
there may be no evidence of graft destruction at all, even with varying degree of C4d
deposition. This process, termed accommodation, has been the focus of research in recent
years, with a wealth of insight provided by transplantation of organs across the barrier of
ABO incompatibility. Though anti-A or B isoagglutinin reappear after transplant, they can
co-exist without precipitating rejection (Gonzalez-Strawinski et al., 2008). Interestingly, C4d
deposition can be observed but, compatible with other observations, does not necessarily
mean that CAMR is taking place. Understanding the mechanism by which the graft attains
this ability to remain non-reactive despite the presence of antibodies circulating against it
is of great interest as it can be therapeutically mimicked when DSAs are known to exist that
would otherwise lead to an immunologically mediated rejection of the graft.
Accommodated grafts have been found to have changes in the cells of the endothelium and
that are believed to help in the adaptation to the presence of antibodies. These changes
include increased expression of bcl-xL, (Salama et al. 2001), increased muc-1 expression
(Park et al. 2003) and increase in the expression of indolamine-2,3-dioxygenase (Minnei et
al., 2008) in the glomerular and PTC endothelium.
In conclusion, CAMR occurs slowly, with the first step being the development of DSA,
followed by an immunological reaction that may result in the deposition of C4d, the
resultant development of visible pathological changes characteristic of CAMR and then
eventual graft loss. The speed at which these events occur is variable and the challenge is
not just limited to the difficulty in diagnosis, but also in terms of therapy. In the future, the
main strategies to counteract the risk for CAMR will be focused on screening for the
development of new DSA, following the titers of known DSAs and correlating them with
the function of the transplanted kidney. Also, as we learn more about the adaptive
capabilities that lead to accommodation, strategies will likely be developed to mimic them
in vivo to prolong the renal graft survival.
5. Acute and sub-acute rejection
Many studies have pointed out that the long term outcomes of transplanted kidneys that
underwent episodes of AR are inferior compared to those that did not. The long term
outcomes are even worse if the episodes of rejection have been multiple or if the acute
rejection occurs late, usually meaning more than 6 months after the transplant. The obvious
correlation here is that many times, non-compliance with immunosuppressive medications
would be a confounding factor. What is also an obvious factor is that each episode of
rejection leaves the transplanted organ with progressively increasing amounts of interstitial
fibrosis and tubular atrophy with a cumulative effect of functional decline, eventually
resulting in organ failure.
However, the incidence of AR has markedly declined, with the actual incidence within the
first year being less than 10% (USRDS, 2008). This decrease has not translated into an
improvement in the overall graft survival or the median survival time of renal allografts. An
explanation to this phenomenon may be that even when there is no acute allograft
dysfunction in terms of worsening creatinine clearance, proteinuria or hypertension, there is
an ongoing inflammatory infiltration that leads to structural damage and eventual scarring
of the renal parenchyma, termed as subclinical rejection. This entity is usually discovered by
protocol biopsies, which are not performed in a cross-sectional manner. This means that an

The Allo-Immunological Injury in Chronic Allograft Nephropathy
inflammatory response, which is not very severe, but in most cases chronic does occur and
over time results in graft loss. There has been a clear demonstration that subclinical rejection
leads to an early development of CAN and graft loss particularly if there is coexisting
interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy (Cosio et al, 2005; Nankivell et al., 2004, Moreso et
al., 2006; Shishido et al., 2003; Veronese et al. 2004). It is also important to stress that while
there may not be a significant functional deterioration at the time sub-clinical rejection is
diagnosed, many times the actual injury as demonstrated by protocol biopsies may be of
high grade. One study categorized the results of a cohort of protocol biopsies and revealed
that 1 out of 3 of these cases has interstitial acute rejection Grade 1 and 2 out of 3 were
classified as borderline changes (Nankivell et al., 2004). There has also been a repeated
demonstration that the degree of infiltration seen in protocol biopsies revealing subclinical
rejection has correlated to the degree of HLA incompatibility further proving that this
infiltration is driven by an immunological phenomenon. There are instances when there is
clear histological demonstration of infiltration in the renal parenchyma with no rise in
serum creatinine implying that there is no functional decline. This further elaborates the
unreliability and underestimation of renal dysfunction offered by measuring serum
creatinine level (Kaplan et al., 2003; Levey et al., 1999).
This raises the question of whether protocol biopsies should be performed on a regular
interval. While some studies have demonstrated a clear benefit in terms of a decreased
incidence of AR and lower serum creatinine at two years after the kidney transplant (Rush
et al., 1998), there have been other studies that indicate that treatment of subclinical
infiltration on the basis of a protocol biopsy may not have significant improvement in the
long term and may further expose the patient to increased amounts of immunosuppression
and further the risk of CNI toxicity. Therefore, with the currently existing data, most centers
do not perform protocol biopsies on all patients; however, experts do recommend
performing protocol biopsies on at least some of the patients that are considered high risk
where an inflammatory infiltrate likely means a clinical rejection. If left untreated, it will
likely result in an accelerated course towards CAN and the eventual loss of function of the
6. Degree of HLA mismatch
Three pairs of human leukocyte antigens (HLA) loci A, B and DR are traditionally used for
organ allocation. They exist on chromosome 6 with both alleles inherited from either parent
are co-expressed, resulting in any individual having 6 antigens. There is tremendous
amount of variation in the actual antigen that is coded by each of these loci among
individuals as this gene exhibits what is known as polymorphism. With advances in
molecular biology more than 230 polymorphisms have been identified for HLA-A, more
than 470 for HLA-B and more than 380 for HLA-DR. Their relevance stems from the fact that
these antigens are expressed on the surface of all cells and are the major barrier to
transplantation. Because of the way our immunological system is designed, the recognition
of self versus foreign antigens is mediated through these HLA antigens. Hence when foreign
tissue is introduced to the immune system of a host and it is recognized as foreign, it is due
to lack of tolerance that the host has developed towards its own variety of HLA antigens.
As these antigens are carried on fixed loci, their inheritance follows a Mendelian pattern,
and a combination of HLA-A, B and DR is inherited by an individual from both parents.

Chronic Kidney Disease
Hence, when identical twins or siblings, who have the same HLA antigens donate to each
other, the survival is superior compared to randomly matched cadaveric donors, with an
intermediate level of graft survival seen when parents or genetically non-identical siblings
donate where one of the haplotypes are matched. In population based programs, which rely
predominantly on cadaveric donation, finding single or double haplotype match is
obviously not very common. The goal is to find a donor and recipient combination that has
zero to minimum mismatches, meaning the least amount of HLA antigens expressed on the
surface of donor cells that are not present in the recipient. There has also been recognition of
the fact that there are some HLA mismatches that are more significant than others, for
example having a DR mismatch is now known to be much more detrimental to graft
survival than having a mismatch of the A and B antigens (Coupel et al., 2003; Opelz 1985).
In the earlier years of transplantation, having HLA mismatches led to a high incidence of
early rejection and eventual graft failure. With the modern and more potent
immunosuppressive agents used today, such episodes are rare in the first year. However,
despite the immune suppression and the low incidence of AR in the first year, the long
term survival of grafts from well matched (6 antigen match or zero mismatch) donors have a
longer survival than from those who are not as well matched and according to recent
analysis of the national database in the United States (OPTN/SRTR, 2008) this effect is seen
in living donors and deceased donors of both extended and non-extended criteria. Despite
the above stated evidence pointing towards better survival among well matched organ
allocation, only 13% of the organs allocated in the US are well matched. (Takemoto et al.,
2000). The main reasons are that despite the large numbers of people on the waiting list,
well matched organs are difficult to find. When they are found, the absolute match may be
in a different part of the country. If organ allocation is done by HLA only, not considering
geographical location, the cold-ischemia time increases as the organ is transported. As the
cold-ischemia time increases, chances of delayed graft function increase and overall it
negatively affects outcomes and costs. According to an analysis, the added advantage of a
zero mismatch is lost once the cold-ischemia time exceeds 36 hours (Lee et al., 2000).
Exposure to foreign antigens whether in the form of organ donation, blood transfusion and
in the case of women, through child birth, leads to development of antibodies that are
reactive towards these antigens, a process referred to as sensitization. A measure known
as the Panel Reactive Antibodies (PRA) estimates the degree of sensitization that a potential
recipient has and this reflects the likelihood of having difficulty finding an organ to which
the recipient does not have preformed antibodies against. Pre-existing DSA or developing
de-novo DSA in the post-transplant period predisposes the recipient to develop AMR. Even
if there is no overt episode of AMR clinically, the graft survival is still poor, which is
explained by development of transplant glomerulopathy from CAMR.
Strategies to prevent CAN due to HLA incompatibility include matching donors and
recipients with minimal mismatches, cross matching to ensure that there is no DSA. If DSA
are present, various desensitization protocols utilizing intravenous immunoglobulin and
plasmapheresis can be used to decrease the likelihood of AMR. In the post transplant
period, a watchful evaluation of kidney function with close monitoring of serum markers as
well as urinalysis should be kept to recognize early development of AMR and CAMR. The
threshold to evaluate renal dysfunction with kidney biopsy should be low in patients at
increased risk of rejection due to HLA incompatibility. In the outset, patients who are likely

The Allo-Immunological Injury in Chronic Allograft Nephropathy
to be in need of kidney transplantation should be transfused with caution during their
course of CKD as well as when they are on renal replacement therapy to keep sensitization
at minimum.
7. Gender
Due to lack of the Y chromosome in women, antigens coded for by the Y chromosome are
recognized as foreign when organ transplantation occurs from a male donor to a female
recipient (McGee et al., 2010, 2011). While this does not manifest immunologically as
strongly as HLA incompatibility, it does have an effect of having shorter graft survival when
an organ is taken from a male donor and transplanted to a female recipient (McGee et al.,
2010). This effect is more strongly noted among bone marrow transplants, but is also present
to some degree in solid organ transplants such as the kidney (Gratwohl et al., 2008). The
decreased survival of male to female donation compared to female to male donation is seen
despite the fact that in most instances a higher nephron mass of a male donor kidney is
transplanted into a smaller body of a female recipient.
8. Summary
The significant improvement in the short-term graft survival has not transformed into a
much better long-term graft survival. CAN is an important cause of graft loss and it
represents a complex process culminating immunological and non-immunological injuries.
The occurrences of overt acute rejections, either cellular, humoral or both, in the early stage
driven by allo-immunity can have an important bearing on the long term immunological
milieu that prevails and hence influences the graft survival. Sub-clinical rejection and/ or
chronic rejection from inadequate immunosuppression are frequently undiagnosed and
untreated. Persistent DSA or de novo development of DSA after kidney transplant is
increasingly recognized as an independent and detrimental factor for transplant
glomerulopathy. Other than allo-reactivity, there are emerging data suggesting that the pre-
existing or de novo developing autoimmunity, mediated by either auto-antibodies and/or
autoreactive T cells, may also cause post-transplant allograft injury (Dinavahi et al., 2011;
Porcheray et al., 2010; Vendrame et al.,2010). Therefore, to appropriately identify and
address the actual disease process, knowledge of the ongoing pathogenesis is needed in
order to improve the long-term graft survival. From allo-immunological standpoint, it may
include optimizing HLA match, avoiding sensitization, timely detecting and treating AR
episodes, and maintaining adequate levels of immunosuppression to prevent the
development of DSA, sub clinical rejection and chronic rejection of allografts.
9. References
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Prevention and Regression of Chronic
Kidney Disease and Hypertension
Hiroyuki Sasamura
Department of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, Keio University
1. Introduction
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a disease which is characterized by the presence of renal
damage or decreased GFR for at least 3 months. The prevalence of CKD in the US has been
reported to be 3.3% (stage 1), 3.0% (stage 2), 4.3% (stage 3), 0.2% (stage 4), and 0.1% (stage 5)
(Levey et al., 2003; 2002). Because of the increasing elderly population in industrial
countries, the development of new strategies for the prevention and regression of CKD is
Clinical studies have suggested that renin-angiotensin system (RAS) inhibitors can exert a
renoprotective effect independent of blood pressure, and attenuate the progression of renal
dysfunction (Bakris, 2010; Berl, 2009; Stojiljkovic et al., 2007). Recent studies have suggested
that the use of RAS inhibitors, when combined with other treatment modalities such as
aggressive blood pressure control, lowering of blood lipids, tight glucose control for
diabetics, and lifestyle changes may cause remission of albuminuria, and stablization or
even reversal of the decline in GFR, i.e. regression of CKD in some patients (Aros et al., 2002;
Macconi, ; Ruggenenti et al., 2008).
These early clinical findings are important, because they suggest that appropriate
interventions may be effective for causing an improvement in renal function, which raises
the hope that a cure for CKD may eventually be found in the future. In our laboratory, we
have been examining the molecular mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of CKD and
hypertension. Our underlying concept is that both these diseases are highly related, and
share common pathophysiological mechanisms, including the abnormal accumulation of
extracellular matrix proteins in the kidney. The result is glomerulosclerosis, when the matrix
accumulates in the renal glomeruli, and renal arteriolosclerosis, when the matrix is
deposited in the renal arterioles and small vessels. In this chapter, we will review the
evidence from our and other laboratories that these processes may be reversed in animal
models, and possibly in humans.
2.1 Studies on CKD prevention
Regardless of the initial injury, most causes of CKD (including diabetic nephropathy, and
chronic glomerulonephritis) share several common pathological features, one of which is the
development of glomerular scarring or glomerulosclerosis.

Chronic Kidney Disease


Fig. 1. Relationship between progression and regression of chronic kidney disease.
Glomerulosclerosis occurs because of the excessive deposition of components of the
extracellular matrix (ECM) in the glomeruli, resulting in changes in glomerular integrity and
albuminuria. This process is triggered by increased synthesis of ECM components, and
decreased degradation of ECM components, resulting in net accumulation of ECM (Ma et
al., 2007). It is thought that, once renal function declines below a point of no return, the
decline in glomerular function continues inexorably due to the continuous accumulation of
ECM and progression of glomerulosclerosis. Glomerular hypertension has been suggested
to play an important role in this process, because the decrease in glomerular filtration leads
to a compensatory increase in glomerular hypertension, resulting in a vicious cycle which
causes progression of glomerular injury and loss of renal function (Neuringer et al., 1992).
Because of the progressive nature of CKD, one of the optimum strategies for reducing CKD
would be to find interventions to prevent new-onset CKD. Multiple clinical studies have
shown that the use of RAS inhibitors in patients with and without diabetes can cause a
decline in the progression of CKD, which may be mediated, at least in part, by a blood
pressure-independent mechanism (Bakris, 2010; Berl, 2009; Stojiljkovic et al., 2007). More
recently, several studies have suggested that the use of RAS inhibitors may also be effective
in preventing new-onset CKD, especially in patients with diabetes. In particular, Ruggenenti
et al. showed in the BENEDICT trial that, in hypertensive patients with type 2 diabetes and
no microalbuminuria at baseline, the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor
trandolapril significantly decreased the risk of developing microalbuminuria compared with
conventional therapy (Ruggenenti et al., 2008) . Similarly, in the recent ROADMAP study,
the use of the ARB olmesartan was associated with a delayed onset of microalbuminuria
(Haller et al.) . These results are important, because they suggest that diabetic nephropathy
can be prevented or at least delayed by appropriate intervention (Remuzzi et al., 2006).
At present, it is unclear from clinical studies whether these measures may be effective for
prevention of new-onset CKD in non-diabetic patients. However, the data from animal
studies are encouraging, and suggest that early intervention with a RAS inhibitor may be
effective for the prevention of renal injury due to hypertension (Ishiguro et al., 2007; Nakaya
et al., 2001), salt-loading (Nakaya et al., 2002), or irradiation (Moulder et al., 1996).

Prevention and Regression of Chronic Kidney Disease and Hypertension

2.2 Studies on CKD regression
Although it has been widely accepted that established sclerosis is irreversible, recent studies
have emerged to challenge this concept and to focus on developing new therapies to cause
regression or reversal of established glomerulosclerosis (Ma et al., 2007), (Ruggenenti et al.,
2001). In particular, studies have suggested that treatment with high-dose RAS inhibitor
may be effective in causing regression of glomerular lesions in animal models (Ma et al.,
2005), (Teles et al., 2009), (Macconi et al., 2009).
Recently, we reported that transient treatment with an angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB) at
a 50-100 times the normal dose in rodents causes regression of glomerulosclerosis in mice
(Hayashi et al., 2010). In this study, the effects of treatment with different doses of ARB on
established lesions of glomerulosclerosis were examined in the adriamycin nephropathy
model, with a focus on whether the regression was sustained after cessation of the ARB
treatment. Furthermore, the involvement of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2 in the
mechanism of glomerulosclerosis regression were examined both in vitro and in vivo, using
a non-specific MMP inhibitor (doxycycline), and knockout (KO) mice with targeted deletion
of MMP-2.
The principal findings of the study are shown in Fig. 2. and Fig. 3. It was found that
transient treatment for two weeks with the ARB candesartan caused a regression of
established glomerulosclerosis, which was clearly evident with the high doses of ARB and
was sustained 6 months after cessation of all treatments. Moreover, the ARB treatment

Fig. 2. Effects of different doses of ARB (candesartan) on regression of glomerulosclerosis in
the adriamycin-nephropathy model. (a) Experimental protocol (b) Effects on glomerular
sclerosis (c) Representative photomicrographs. Reproduced with permission from Hayashi
et al. Kidney Int 78:69-78, 2010.

Chronic Kidney Disease

caused a dose-dependent increase in glomerular MMP-2 activity and decrease in type IV
collagen accumulation. The ARB-induced regression of glomerulosclerosis was attenuated
by pretreatment with the MMP inhibitor doxycycline, as well as in mice with targeted
deletion of the MMP-2 gene, suggesting the possibility that increased expression of MMP-2
may contribute to the regression of glomerulosclerosis and type IV collagen deposition seen
in the high-dose ARB-treated groups.
The MMP family constitutes a multigene family of zinc- and calcium-dependent
endopeptidases which play a major role in the degradation of collagen and other ECM
components (Woessner, 1991), (Baramova et al., 1995), (Sasamura et al., 2005). MMP-2 (also
known as gelatinase A) is a MMP which is found in the conditioned media of cultured
fibroblasts, and is involved in the cleavage of multiple ECM proteins including type IV
collagen (Woessner, 1991), (Baramova et al., 1995). In contrast to gelatinase B (MMP-9),
MMP-2 is not highly expressed in normal or diseased glomeruli (Urushihara et al., 2002).
However, it has been shown that renal MMP-2 expression and activity are upregulated by
ACE inhibitors in rats with diabetes (McLennan et al., 2002), (Sun et al., 2006). Moreover,
Turkay et al reported that the ACE inhibitor enalapril also increased hepatic MMP-2
expression in rats with experimental hepatic fibrogenesis (Turkay et al., 2008), while
Westermann et al. showed that the ARB irbesartan increased MMP-2 activity in the hearts of
mice with cardiomyopathy (Westermann et al., 2007), suggesting that the RAS plays a key
role in regulation of MMP-2 expression in the kidney and other tissues.

Fig. 3. Effects of different doses of ARB (candesartan) on glomerular MMP-2 and MMP-9
activity and expression in the adriamycin-nephropathy model. Representative results of (a)
highly-sensitive in situ zymography (b) immunofluorescence. Quantification of glomerular
MMP activity by (c) in situ zymography (d) ELISA. Reproduced with permission from
Hayashi et al. Kidney Int 78:69-78, 2010.

Prevention and Regression of Chronic Kidney Disease and Hypertension

As shown in Fig. 3, the results of highly-sensitive in situ zymography and
immunofluorescence suggested that MMP-2 might be upregulated in glomerular podocytes,
but this could not be determined accurately because of the relatively low expression of
MMP-2 protein. Therefore, to further characterize the mechanisms of the ARB-induced
increase in glomerular MMP-2 activity, we examined the effects of ARB treatment in
cultured podocytes. These experiments revealed that ARB treatment of podocytes resulted
in a dose-dependent increase in MMP-2 activity in the supernatant. Podocytes are known to
express components of the RAS, including renin, angiotensinogen, angiotensin-converting
enzyme, and AT1 and AT2 receptors (Durvasula et al., 2006), (Durvasula et al., 2008),
(Liebau et al., 2006). Morever, functional expression of the renin-angiotensin system has
been documented in both mouse and human podocytes (Durvasula et al., 2008), (Liebau et
al., 2006). To examine the possibility that the effects of ARB were mediated through
inhibition of the RAS, further studies were performed using an ACE inhibitor, and a non-
peptide Ang II antagonist (Saralasin). The use of these different RAS inhibitors yielded
similar results, suggesting that the effects of ARB were mediated by inhibition of the
intrinsic RAS in podocytes.
Moreover, it was observed in vitro that the increase in MMP-2 activity was greatest at the
high doses of candesartan (greater than 0.1 umol/L), whereas maximum plasma
concentrations in humans administered a standard dose of candesartan are below the
nanomolar range (Pfister et al., 1999). Assuming that local (glomerular) concentrations of
ARB will be greatest with the high-doses of ARB, these in vitro results are consistent with
the in vivo observation that the glomerulosclerosis regression was maximal with the high
doses of ARB.
In humans, it is known that MMP-1 (collagenase-1) also plays a major role in the breakdown
of collagens, in particular type I and type III collagen. It has been reported that rodents lack
the human MMP-1 gene, and MMP-13 (collagenase-3) is the main collagenase in mice
(Henriet et al., 1992), (Parks et al., 2000.). When the possibility that MMP-13 may also
contribute to the observed changes was examined, it was found that ARB treatment did not
increase glomerular MMP-13 activity, but rather decreased the activity, suggesting that
increased MMP-13 activity did not contribute to the observed regression of
glomerulosclerosis in the adriamycin nephropathy model (Hayashi et al., 2010).
We also examined whether the effects of ARB could be attenuated by pretreating the mice
with doxycycline, or by performing studies on mice with a deletion of the MMP-2 gene. It
was found that neither inhibition of MMP nor deletion of MMP-2 completely abolished the
effects of high-dose ARB, suggesting that other mechanisms may be involved, including the
involvement of other proteases such as the serine protease plasminogen activator inhibitor-1
(PAI-1) (Ma et al., 2005). Other studies have suggested that regeneration of glomerular
podocyte function may also play a role in the regression of glomerulosclerosis by RAS
inhibitors (Macconi et al., 2009).
It should be noted that the effects of ARB on regression may differ widely in different
animal models. In particular, the effects of ARB on regression were less marked in the 5/6
nephrectomy model (Ma et al., 2005). This may be because the adriamycin model relies on a
single (acute) injury to the glomeruli, whereas the injury in the 5/6 nephrectomy model is a
continuous process. In the studies on the adriamycin nephropathy model, it was found that

Chronic Kidney Disease

MMP-2 activity decreased to baseline after the ARB treatment was discontinued. The
transient increase in MMP-2 was probably sufficient to permanently reverse the
glomerulosclerosis in that model, but its effect in other disease states is unclear.
Interestingly, clinical studies using different ARBs (Rossing et al., 2005), (Hollenberg et al.,
2007), (Burgess et al., 2009) also suggest that high-dose ARB treatment may have a greater
beneficial effect on the kidney compared to standard doses. One potential reason may be
that standard doses of ARB do not fully suppress the RAS in the kidneys. Another
possibility is that mechanisms unrelated to RAS inhibition may be involved, for example an
antioxidant action independent of AT1 receptor blockade (Chen et al., 2008). Currently, we
are performing further studies to examine why high-dose ARB is particularly effective in
ameliorating glomerular injury.
2.3 Clinical studies of CKD regression
The clearest clinical demonstration of glomerulosclerosis regression was provided by
Fioretto et al., who showed that pancreas transplantation in patient with type 1 diabetes
caused regression of established lesions of glomerulosclerosis in patients with type 1
diabetes (Fioretto et al., 1998).
There are also several studies which examined the effect of RAS inhibition on structural
changes in diabetic and non-diabetic CKD. In the study on type 1 diabetic patients with
microalbuminuria, treatment with enalapril, perindopril, or metoprolol resulted in a decrease
in glomerular basement membrane thickness after 3-4 years of follow-up (Nankervis et al.,
1998) (Rudberg et al., 1999). Other studies have suggested that glomerular volumes may be
reduced by RAS inhibition, however the contribution of changes in blood pressure is unclear
(Perrin et al., 2008). On the other hand, a recent study by Mauer et al. did not detect a statistical
difference in mesangial fractional volume in patients treated with placebo, ARB, or ACEI
(Mauer et al., 2009). In the ESPRIT study, 3-year treatment with enalapril or nifedipine did not
cause a significant change in renal structural abnormalities (2001).
In the case of type 2 diabetes, the study by the Diabiopsies group suggested that treatment
with perindopril resulted in stabilization of the percentage of sclerosed glomeruli, but this
could not be confirmed by electron microscopy (Cordonnier et al., 1999). In the case of non-
diabetic CKD, Ohtake et al. reported that treatment of 15 patients with mild to moderate IgA
and non-IgA mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis with an ARB for an average of 28
months caused a decrease in mesangial matrix expansion and interstitial fibrosis (Ohtake et
al., 2008). In summary, although there is encouraging evidence that RAS inhibition can
cause regression of glomerular structural changes in humans, the clinical data are not as
clear as the data from animal experiments, possibly because the human studies have not
focused on the use of high-dose RAS inhibitors.
2.4 The search for clinical biomarkers of disease regression
One of the reasons that there are relative few large-scale studies on CKD regression is that
demonstration of resolution of glomerular lesions requires repeat kidney biopsies, which
may not be feasible in large populations. One potential way to overcome this problem is to
find surrogate biomarkers of disease regression in the serum and urine of patients with
early (stage 1-2) CKD, using the new science of metabolomics (Hayashi et al., 2011).

Prevention and Regression of Chronic Kidney Disease and Hypertension

Metabolomics is a discipline dedicated to the global study of metabolites, their dynamics,
composition, interactions, and responses to interventions or to changes in their environment
(Oresic, 2009), and the recent development of metabolome analysis technology allows the
global metabolome to be assessed comprehensively in individual patients. An important
advantage of metabolome analysis is the potential to identify new and unidentified
metabolites which could have important pathophysiological functions. In a recent study, we
obtained serum and urine samples from 15 patients and 7 healthy volunteers, and compared
the metabolome profiles of the two groups. Serum or urine samples (100 ul) were added to
methanol (900 ul) containing internal standards, deproteinised, and subjected to anionic and
cationic capillary electrophoresis time-of-flight mass spectrometry (CE-TOFMS) analysis
The results of our metabolome analysis suggested that serum and urine levels of several
amino acid, nucleic acid, and carbohydrate metabolites were altered in patients from an
early stage of CKD (Hayashi et al., 2011). We also found evidence for the presence of several
novel metabolites which were markedly increased or decreased in the patients with CKD
compared to controls. We are performing further studies to examine the structure of these
unidentified products, with the final aim to find new biomarkers of disease regression
which may be utilized in clinical studies.
3.1 Prevention of hypertension
It has been recognized that the kidney plays an important role in the control of systemic
blood pressure, and is involved in the pathogenesis of hypertension, which is a major risk
factor for cardiovascular disorders such as stroke, heart failure, vascular disease, and end-
stage renal disease, and an important cause of morbidity and mortality. Similar to CKD, the
development of hypertension appears to be progressive: the systolic blood pressure of an
individual patient rises progressively over time, so that median values of systolic blood
pressure in the population increases at every age (Qureshi et al., 2005).
In our laboratory, we have been studying the use of RAS inhibitors to prevent the
development of hypertension, using the spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) and other
animal models of hypertension. Previous studies by Harrap et al. demonstrated that
treatment of SHR from age 6 to 10 weeks with an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)
inhibitor resulted in the sustained suppression of hypertension at age 25 weeks (Harrap et
al., 1986), (Harrap et al., 1990). Studies from the group of Berecek et al. suggested that these
results could result from a decrease in arginine vasopressin (AVP) levels (Lee et al., 1991),
(Zhang et al., 1996). Similar findings have been reported by other laboratories, using both
ACE inhibitors (Giudicelli et al., 1980), (Christensen et al., 1989) and ARBs (Morton et al.,
1992), (Gillies et al., 1997).
In our laboratory, it was found that treatment of stroke-prone SHR (SHRSP) with an ACE
inhibitor from age 3 to 10 weeks resulted in a sustained suppression of blood pressure,
whereas such an effect was not found with the vasodilator hydralazine (Nakaya et al., 2001).
The same results were found with an ARB, suggesting that this effect could be explained by
the inhibitory actions of ACE inhibitors and ARB on the RAS. Importantly, it was also found
that the development of renal injury was also suppressed in this model.
To examine if the effects of RAS inhibitors to suppress the development of hypertension was
specific to the SHR and its related strains, studies were performed on the Dahl salt-sensitive

Chronic Kidney Disease

rat, which is a model of salt-sensitive hypertension with a low renin profile (Nakaya et al.,
2002). These studies revealed that treatment of Dahl salt-sensitive rats with an ARB during
the same critical period (age 3 to 10 weeks) prevented the later development of salt-
induced hypertension in this model even when the ARB treatment had been discontinued,
and also a partial attenuation of renal injury induced by salt loading.
To examine the mechanisms of these long-lasting effects of RAS blockade, further studies
were performed using the SHR/L-NAME model, which is a model of accelerated
hypertension characterized by marked renal injury (Ishiguro et al., 2007). SHR were treated
with a RAS inhibitor (ACE inhibitor or ARB), or a vasodilator (hydralazine), or a calcium
chanel blocker (CCB, nitrendipine) during the critical period from age 3 to 10 weeks.
Medications were discontinued at age 10 weeks, and the rats observed without treatment for
two months. At age 18 weeks, the rats were administered the NO synthase inhibitor L-
NAME in the drinking water for 3 weeks to induce renal injury, and sacrificed at age 21
weeks. Interestingly, the rats treated with a RAS inhibitor had reduced vascular injury
(arterial hypertrophy, endothelial thickening, and lumen narrowing) compared to
vasodilator- or CCB-treated rats, and reduced renin mRNA, probably due to attenuation of
the intrarenal vascular injury and renal ischemia induced by L-NAME. To explain all these
experimental findings, we proposed a reno-vascular amplifier mechanism for the
development of hypertension and renal injury in this model (Fig. 4). High blood pressure is
known to cause vascular hypertrophy in the resistance vessels, which consists
predominantly of inward eutrophic remodeling. When this remodeling is accentuated, as
in the SHR/L-NAME model, glomerular perfusion decreases, which results in increased
synthesis of renin and activation of the RAS. These changes cause a further increase in the
blood pressure, resulting in a vicious cycle which causes accelerated hypertension. RAS
inhibitors can block this vicious cycle by attenuating both the increase in blood pressure,
and importantly, by decreasing the vascular hypertrophy of the resistance arteries.

Fig. 4. Inhibition of the reno-vascular amplifier as a proposed mechanism for prevention of
hypertension in the SHR/L-NAME model.

Prevention and Regression of Chronic Kidney Disease and Hypertension

This hypothesis was supported by experiments in which the agonist angiotensin II was
administered during the critical period from age 4 to 8 weeks, after which all treatments were
discontinued. Rats which had been transiently exposed to angiotensin II during this period
were found to have elevated values of blood pressure which were 10-20 mmHg higher than
rats which had been exposed to saline vehicle. Morever these rats were more susceptible to the
subsequent development of renal vascular injury, and increased renin synthesis at a later time
point (age 18 weeks), and to have a much higher mortality after L-NAME administration
(Ishiguro et al., 2007). Thus, the effects of angiotensin II administration were the opposite of
the effects of ARB, and were found to cause an acceleration of the reno-vascular amplifier in
this model of accelerated hypertension and renal injury.
The results of animal studies on hypertension prevention have been supported clinically by
the TROPHY study (Julius et al., 2006). In this prospective, randomized, multi-center study
designed by Julius et al., patients with prehypertension and systolic blood pressure of 130-
139 mmHg and/or diastolic blood pressure of 85-89 mmHg were randomized to placebo or
the ARB candesartan cilexetil (16 mg/day) for two years, then both groups were switched to
placebo for the next two years. The primary end-point was the development of
hypertension. As in the animal studies, the treatment with ARB caused a suppression of the
development of hypertension, not only during the active treatment period (first two years),
but even after the active treatment had been discontinued. The absolute risk reduction at the
end of two or four years was 26.8 % and 9.8 % respectively, whereas the corresponding
values of relative risk reduction (when relative risk is defined as the frequency of events in
the treated group divided by the events in the placebo group) were 66.3 % and 15.6 %,
respectively. Changes in the systolic blood pressure at the end of the study were small (2
mmHg), but statistically significant.
3.2 Regression of hypertension
Hypertension is associated with increased peripheral arterial resistance, and most of the
resistance develops in the resistance arteries of the microvasculature, which includes both
arterioles and small arteries with diameters < 400 um. The importance of the
microvasculature in the pathogenesis and maintenance of hypertension was originally
proposed by Folkow, who pointed out that a vicious cycle exists between increased blood
pressure and vascular hypertrophy (Folkow, 1990). According to this hypothesis,
hypertension may be initiated by a specific fast-acting pressor mechanism (e.g. angiotensin
II) that increases blood pressure and initiates a positive feedback loop that induces vascular
hypertrophy and maintains the hypertension. The hypothesis was later refined by Lever and
Harrap, who proposed further elements: an abnormal or reinforced hypertrophic response
to pressure, and an increase of a humoral agent that causes hypertrophy directly (Lever et
al., 1992). Animal studies have provided evidence to support the hypothesis that arteriolar
restructuring may act as a primary accelerator of hypertension and provide a driving force
for the progression of hypertension (Feihl et al., 2006; Intengan et al., 2001; Skov et al.,
2004)). In particular, increased renal vascular resistance has been well documented in the
SHR model of hypertension (Dilley et al., 1984), and morphometric studies on the afferent
arteriole of SHR and Wistar-Kyoto rats (WKY) have confirmed that afferent arteriolar
diameters are smaller in SHR compared to WKY (Kimura et al., 1989) (Gattone et al., 1983).
Importantly, these differences are already seen in the 4-week-old SHR, even before blood
pressure is significantly increased compared to WKY controls (Kimura et al., 1989).

Chronic Kidney Disease

Moreover, when SHR and normotensive rats were crossbred to form second generation
hybrids, a narrowed afferent arteriole lumen diameter at 7 weeks was found to be a
predictor of the later development of hypertension (Skov et al., 2004).
In our laboratory, the morphological effects of treatment with an ARB or CCB during the
critical period on renal small artery structure were examined in SHR. SHR were treated
with an ARB or CCB from age 3 to 10 weeks, and sacrificed at age 10 weeks. The arteriolar
hypertrophy was significantly reduced in the ARB-treated rats compared to the CCB-treated
rats, despite similar reductions in blood pressure. These results were consistent with reports
from other groups using RAS inhibitors in both animal models (Freslon et al., 1983),
(Christensen et al., 1989) and humans (Schiffrin et al., 1994), (Thybo et al., 1995).
Recently, we reported that treatment of SHR with established hypertension with high-dose
ARB (at 50-100 times the normal dose in rodents) resulted in a sustained decrease in
hypertension, suggesting that regression of hypertension is feasible in this model (Ishiguro
et al., 2009). Similar results were reported previously by Smallegange et al. using an ACE
inhibitor combined with a low-salt diet (Smallegange et al., 2004). Examination of the effects
of transient high-dose ARB therapy on renal arteriolar structure revealed a remarkable
reversal of the arteriolar hypertrophy found in SHR treated with ARB, whereas this effect
was not seen with CCB (Fig. 5). Interestingly, these findings were particularly noticeable in
the small arteries (diameter 30-100 um) and arterioles in the kidney, compared to small
arteries from other vascular beds, such as the brain, heart, and mesentery.

Fig. 5. Regression of hypertension in the SHR model by transient high-dose ARB treatment.
(a) Effects on blood pressure (b) Effects on renal arteriolar media/lumen ratios. Reproduced
with permission from Ishiguro/Hayashi et al. Hypertension 53:83-89, 2009.
To examine potential mechanisms of these changes, the gene expression profile of kidneys
treated with ARB were compared with the kidneys treated with CCB. Using the Affymetrix
rat 230 2.0 gene expression array, it was found that 1,345 genes were elevated in the ARB-

Prevention and Regression of Chronic Kidney Disease and Hypertension

treated rats compared to CCB-treated rats, while 5,671 were reduced. Several ECM-related
genes were elevated in the ARB-treated rats, while MMP-9, TIMP-2, and TIMP-3 gene
expressions were decreased in the ARB-treated group. These differences were also
confirmed by real time RT-PCR. To examine if these changes in MMP expression could be
involved in the observed reversal of renal arteriolar hypertrophy by ARB, the activities of
different MMPs in the renal microvasculature were examined using a highly sensitive in situ
zymography method. It was found that MMP-13 activity was markedly increased by ARB
but not by CCB (Ishiguro et al., 2009). These results are compatible with a role for MMPs in
the actions of ARB to cause reversal of renal arteriolar hypertrophy, and subsequent
remodeling of the renal microvasculature (Fig.6).

Fig. 6. Proposed hypothesis for the mechanism of regression of hypertension by high-dose
renin-angiotensin inhibitors.
To our knowledge, there have been no clinical studies which were specifically designed to
address the question whether regression of hypertension (i.e. reversal of Grade 1
hypertension to high-normal blood pressure) is feasible in humans. For this reason, we are
currently performing a prospective, multi-center study (STAR CAST) study to examine the
effects of one-year treatment with an ARB or CCB on regression of hypertension (Sasamura
et al., 2008). In this study, patients aged 30-59 with newly diagnosed hypertension and a
positive family history of hypertension are randomized to treatment for one year with either
an ARB (candesartan) or CCB (nifedipine XL). After one year, the patients antihypertensive
drug dose will be reduced, then withdrawn. The antihypertensive drug withdrawal success
rate will be compared between the two antihypertensive agents, as an index of the
regression of hypertension in the two groups. Because of safety concerns, the patients home
blood pressure will be monitored in real time using a home blood pressure monitoring
system (i-TECHO). Although this study is being performed using standard doses of ARB, it
is hoped that this trial will provide information concerning whether RAS inhibitors are
indeed different from other antihypertensive agents in terms of long-term effects on blood
pressure. If the results are encouraging, we hope to perform further clinical studies on CKD
and hypertension regression, using high or even ultrahigh doses of ARB.

Chronic Kidney Disease

4. Conclusion
The increasing evidence from laboratory and clinical studies on chronic kidney disease and
hypertension suggest that effective interventions at an early stage may be beneficial in
preventing the development of both these disorders. Because of the high prevalence of both
chronic kidney disease and hypertension amongst the general population, further research
on the development of methods to induce regression of these conditions may be expected to
result in widespread health benefits.
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Health-Related Quality of Life in Chronic Renal
Predialysis Patients Exposed to a Prevention
Program Medelln, 2007-2008
Carlos E. Yepes Delgado, Yanett M. Montoya Jaramillo,
Beatriz E. Orrego Orozco and Daniel C. Aguirre Acevedo
School of Medicine, University of Antioquia, Pablo Tobn Uribe Hospital, Medelln,
1. Introduction
Progressive transformation of disease profiles in the world can be partially explained by the
existence of chronic diseases, as they are responsible for a large part of the worldwide
morbidity and mortality rates, thus becoming pandemics. One of the diseases recognized as
a public health problem is chronic renal failure (CRF) because of the negative impact it has
on the health and health-related quality of life (HRQOL) of its sufferers (Atkins, 2005a,
The concept of HRQOL is still inaccurate because it has been approached from a variety of
disciplines such as philosophy, economics, medicine, sociology, public health, politics,
ethics, etc. (Cardona & Agudelo, 2005).
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), HRQOL is the "individual's
perception of their position in life in the context of the culture and value systems in which
they live and in relation to their goals, expectations, standards and concerns." (WHO, 2002)
This concept includes physical and psychological aspects as well as the degree of
independence, social relationships, environment and spirituality (Cardona et al., 2003). The
approximately four hundred instruments for measuring HRQOL (Cardona & Agudelo,
2005) can be grouped into four categories: the ones that measure HRQOL in terms of its
global definition, the ones using component-oriented approaches, those which focus on one
component, and the combinations of any of the above (Fleury & Lana Da Costa, 2004).
The relationship between HRQOL in CRF patients and the treatment after renal failure has
been studied repeatedly (Amoedo et al., 2004; De Alvaro et al., 1997; Garca et al., 2003;
Leanza et al., 2000; Prez et al., 2007; Rebollo et al., 1999, 2000a, 2000b; Sanz et al., 2004).
However, there are insufficient studies on the relationship between early progression of
renal damage and well-being (National Kidney Foundation [NKF], 2007). The
recommendations of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) Workshop Assessing Health and
health-related quality of life Outcomes in Dialysis are recorded in the KDOQI guidelines
and supported by scientific evidence. The IOM recommends assessing the aforementioned
relationship with valid, reliable, and useful instruments such as the Medical Outcomes

Chronic Kidney Disease

Study 36-Item Short Form (SF-36). The version used in this study was adapted for the
Colombian culture (Lugo et al., 2006).
To follow the WHO's recommendation (Tazeen, 2006), the Colombian Ministry of Social
Protection proposed a CRF prevention and control program for Colombian healthcare
providers (Martnez & Valencia, 2005). One of such institutions has been developing a renal
protection program (RPP) since 2004. Besides patient uptake and follow-up, this program
also assists patients in the early stages of the condition to prevent progression and renal
damage, to delay the need for renal replacement therapies (RRT). The Renal Protection
Program (RPP) is an interdisciplinary healthcare program. It is based on a protocol that
establishes educational talks and regular medical appointments for conducting clinical
examinations and laboratory tests. The program is geared toward CKD patients and
welcomes them since the early stages of their condition. Likewise, the program actively
searches for early-stage CKD patients and refers them to nephrologists. The professionals
involved in this program are: general practitioners, internists, nutritionists, nurses, and
nephrologists. Their degree of involvement varies depending on the patients' CKD stage.
First, a follow-up is performed on the underlying condition. Afterwards, patients in the first
and second stages of CKD are assigned to the program's first healthcare level, which offers
medical appointments with internists and nutrition professionals once per year for stage 1
patients, and every semester for stage 2 patients. The second healthcare level of the program
is for patients in stages 3 and 4, and offers medical appointments with internists,
nephrologists, and nutritionists every three years for stage 3 patients and every two months
for stage 4 patients.
In contrast, other Colombian healthcare providers offered conventional treatment (CT) in
2004. CT consists of providing healthcare through general medicine once the patients feel
the need to request this service. Conventional treatment follows no healthcare guidelines,
does not search for patients actively, and offers no laboratory tests or regular appointments.
This study compares changes in the HRQOL of two patient groups during the early stages
of CRF (one group having been exposed to a RPP from 2007 to 2008). Its aim is to provide
evidence of interventions that ease the burden this disease represents for patients, families
and society.
2. Methods
A longitudinal study on two representative samples consisting of CRF patients in
predialysis. The first group followed a renal protection program, and the other conventional
treatment (CT). SF-36 questionnaire was applied twice for both groups, with an interval of
one year. The RPP actively searches for patients and interdisciplinary standardized
professional care, whereas CT consists of patient-requested medical care and follows no
The eligible population consisted of 5884 people complying with the following criteria: a.
Having health insurance with either of the two healthcare promoting institutions during
2007; b. Having a CRF diagnosis that complies with the criteria established in the 2007
KDOQI guidelines (NKF,2007); c. Being older than 16, and d. Having received no dialysis or
renal transplants. Exclusion criteria: being registered with both healthcare providers during
the follow-up year.
Health-Related Quality of Life in Chronic Renal Predialysis
Patients Exposed to a Prevention Program Medelln, 2007-2008

A formula with repeated measurements proposed by Frison and Pocock in 1992 (Frison et
al., 1992) was used to calculate the sample probabilistically. The criteria were: type 1 error:
0.05, type 2 error: 0.20 (Power: 80%), a difference of 10 in the average value of both groups, a
standard deviation (SD) of 34 for both groups (the highest SD observed during the
validation of the SF-36 domains (Lugo et al., 2006). The correlation between basal and
follow-up measurements was fixed at 0.5.
The minimal sample size for each group was 137. There was a total of 274 patients. The
researchers anticipated that locating patients would be difficult due to high mobility.
Therefore, an oversampling of 50% was performed, obtaining a final sample of 411 patients, of
which only 293 could be contacted. The sample for the healthcare provider offering the RPP
consisted of 148 patients, and the sample for the healthcare provider offering conventional
treatment consisted of 145 patients. This guaranteed the expected representativeness.
The SF-36 consists of eight domains that were calculated by transforming the ordinal scale
of the form's items into the corresponding score from 0 to 100 (Lugo et al., 2006). This model
has been used to dene two summary scores, namely: the physical health summary score
(PCS1) and the mental health summary score (MCS1). Each of these two components
includes four SF-36 dimensions as follows: PCS1 includes physical functioning (PF), role-
physical (RP), body pain (BP) and general health (GH); MCS1 includes: vitality (V), social
functioning (SF), role-emotional (RE) and mental health (MH). Furthermore, summary
scores for physical and mental health were calculated using the same method applied in a
reproducibility study of the SF-36 summary scores in HRQOL assessments for
Schizophrenia patients (Leese et al., 2008).
Physical functioning (PF) is measured by assessing the ability to perform different kinds of
simple and strenuous activities. Role physical (RP) is measured based on how much patients
can devote themselves to their jobs and other activities. Bodily pain (BP) is measured based on
pain intensity and on how it hinders daily work. General Health (GH) refers to the patients'
assessment of their own health. Vitality (V) is measured by assessing the perception of energy,
exhaustion, or fatigue. Social functioning (SF) is measured by observing how much the
patients' health problems affect their social activities. Role emotional (RE) is measured in terms
of what activities the patients stop doing due to emotional problems. Mental health (MH) is
measured by assessing how nervous, sad, calm, discouraged, or happy the patients feel.
Change in health has a scale which is independent from the aforementioned domains and is
used to assess the health state of patients. The current health state is compared with the one
exhibited by the same individual one year prior to the measurement.
Upon receiving the patient's informed consent, the SF-36 was administered by qualified
medicine students. Also, its correct administration was verified and double data entry was
used to ensure reliability.
One year later the total number of patients surveyed with the SF-36 was 133 for the RPP and
130 for CT. For the second application of the SF-36, data analysis was carried out assigning
zero to the domains of deceased patients and imputing the remaining missing values
through multiple linear regression (Alisson, 2001).
After imputing the domains, summary scores were calculated and their distribution explored
using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to verify the normality assumption. A comparison was
made between the HRQOL values obtained in the two measurements for each group. For this

Chronic Kidney Disease

purpose, the t-student test for independent samples or the Mann-Whitney U test were used.
Likewise, the changes in HRQOL values within each group were compared using the t test for
related samples or Wilcoxon's rank sum test. The report was generated by analyzing the
means in order to establish comparisons between our results and the scientific literature.
For each summary score and dimension of the HRQOL perceived after one follow-up year,
the adjusted mean was calculated to compare both interventions using an analysis of
covariance model (ANCOVA) and a two-way analysis of variance adjusted for gender and
history of hypertension, diabetes and dyslipidemia. The ANCOVA's covariables were: the
HRQOL scores obtained at the start of the study, age, and stage of the condition.
Furthermore, the effect size of HRQOL differences was calculated using Cohen's effect size
index and its corresponding Hedges' bias correction formula (Cohen, 1988). All analyses
were conducted using the program SPSS version 15.
3. Results
3.1 Demographic and clinical characteristics
The median (Md) age was 76 for CT and 65 for the RPP. The CT group was predominantly
male. A significant difference (p=0.037) between the age of males (Md=63) and females

RPP n=148 CT n=145
P value
Md(Min-Max) Md(Min-Max)
Age 65 (18-98) 76 (31-97) <0.001

Hemoglobin 13.6 (4.9-19.8) 14.5 (10.2-17.5) 0.001
Glomerular Filtration Rate 51 (2.1-147) 47 (16.6-115.8) 0.027
Body Mass Index 26.1 (18.2-46.5) 25.3 (15.1-39.1) 0.149
Mean Arterial Pressure 93.3 (75-123.3) 93.3 (58.3-120.7) 0.529
n (%) n (%) P value
Male 77 (52.0) 119 (82.1)
Female 71 (48) 26 (27.9)

1 and 2 44 (29.7) 18 (12.4)
3, 4 and 5 104 (70.3) 127 (87.6)
Arterial Hypertension 141 (95.3) 133 (91.7) 0.218
Diabetes 60 (40.5) 44 (30.3) 0.068
Dyslipidemia 92 (62.2) 106 (73.1) 0.045
RPP: Renal Protection Program. CT: Conventional treatment; Md: Median. Min: minimum value.
Max: maximum value.
Table 1. Distribution of demographic and clinical characteristics of predialysis patients with
chronic renal failure. Medellin, 2007-2008.
Health-Related Quality of Life in Chronic Renal Predialysis
Patients Exposed to a Prevention Program Medelln, 2007-2008

(Md=68) was found in the RPP group. Clinical parameters such as arterial pressure, serum
creatinine, and body mass index showed no significant differences between the study
groups. For the CT group, serum hemoglobin values were significantly higher, and the
glomerular filtration rate was lower. Most patients in both healthcare providing institutions
had a history of arterial hypertension (90%) and dyslipidemia (60%). Distribution by stages
showed that patients joined the Renal Protection Program at early stages of their condition
(1 and 2=29.7 %), whereas CT patients requested treatment when their disease was at later
stages (1 and 2=12.4%). See Table 1.
3.2 Perception of health-related quality of life
At the start of the study, the perception of HRQOL measured by the SF-36 showed no
significant differences between the RPP and CT, except for MCS1 and role-emotional.
However, the effect size (ES) was 0.08 and 0.13 respectively. The only domain exhibiting
significant differences after one year was change in health, whose values favored the RPP
with ES=0.11 (See Table 2).
As for the changes within each group after one year, the RPP patients showed a significant
decrease only in physical functioning (p=0.038; ES=0.14), whereas CT patients showed a
decrease in four domains: physical functioning (p=0.027; ES=0.14), general health (p=0.001;
ES=0.29), social functioning (p=0.010; ES=0.22), and vitality (p=0.009; ES=0.22) and in MCS1
(p=0.044; ES=0.19).

Domains and
summary scores
Initial 1 year
RPP CT: t-Student RPP CT: t-Student
Mean (SD) Mean (SD) P value Mean (SD) Mean (SD) P value
PCS1: 60.9 (28.4) 58.5 (27.6) 0.470 58.9 (27.6) 54.2 (28.7) 0.160
Physical Functioning 70.0 (27.4) 68.7 (26.4) 0.662 65.8 (30.6) 64.3 (31.1) 0.684
Role-Physical 62.0 (41.4) 63.3 (42.9) 0.795 66.4 (42.3) 59.7 (45.5) 0.191
Bodily Pain 66.7 (28.6) 67.8 (27.4) 0.733 65.0 (28.3) 64.2 (29.1) 0.808
General Health 58.8 (23.6) 60.4 (22.4) 0.554 57.6 (23.5) 53.1 (26.0) 0.125
MCS1: 67.1 (33.2) 75.1 (28.1) 0.027 69.4 (27.6) 69.7 (27.4) 0.917
Mental Health 69.6 (26.8) 73.3 (23.8) 0.219 68.1 (24.5) 69.8 (23.8) 0.539
Role-Emotional 64.8 (43.1) 76.0 (37.1) 0.017 71.0 (40.9) 70.1 (40.4) 0.858
Social Functioning 76.3 (29.1) 80.9 (27.0) 0.160 77.3 (26.6) 74.5 (28.5) 0.390
Vitality 67.4 (27.0) 67.8 (24.6) 0.905 64.9 (24.9) 61.9 (26.3) 0.315
Changes in Health 66.1 (23.9) 65.9 (21.1) 0.955 68.5 (23.2) 62.6 (22.9) 0.029
RPP: Renal Protection Program. CT: Conventional treatment; PCS1: Physical health summary score.
MCS1: Mental health summary score. SD: Standard deviation
Table 2. Distribution of HRQOL scores in patients with chronic renal failure in predialysis
before and after an intervention. Medelln, 2007-2008.

Chronic Kidney Disease

Domains and
Summary Scores
Initial 1 year
Female Male t-Student Female Male t-Student
Mean (SD) Mean (SD) P value Mean (SD) Mean (SD) P value
PCS1: 54.6 (27.7) 66.6 (28.0) 0.010 53.0 (26.4) 64.3 (27.8) 0.013
Physical Functioning 61.5 (27.4) 77.9 (25.1) <0.001 57.3 (30.8) 73.6 (28.3) 0.001
Role-Physical 53.2 (41.8) 70.1 (39.5) 0.012 62.0 (44.7) 70.5 (39.9) 0.224
Bodily Pain 61.3 (28.5) 71.7 (28.0) 0.026 59.4 (27.3) 70.2 (28.3) 0.021
General Health 52.4 (22.2) 64.7 (23.5) 0.001 53.8 (22.6) 61.1 (23.9) 0.059

MCS1: 59.4 (36.1) 74.3 (28.6) 0.006 64.4 (28.7) 74.0 (25.8) 0.034
Mental Health 62.5 (29.1) 76.2 (22.7) 0.002 63.5 (23.5) 72.3 (24.9) 0.028
Role-Emotional 52.0 (45.0) 76.5 (37.9) <0.001 64.5 (43.1) 77.0 (38.0) 0.065
Social Functioning 74.0 (29.7) 78.5 (28.6) 0.354 73.7 (28.4) 80.7 (24.6) 0.109
Vitality 59.6 (27.5) 74.6 (24.6) 0.001 56.1 (23.9) 73.0 (23.2) <0.001*
HEALTH 65.1 (23.6) 67.0 (24.2) 0.622 66.2 (21.0) 70.6 (25.0) 0.245

PCS1: 51.3 (27.8) 60.1 (27.4) 0.142 47.6 (28.5) 55.7 (28.7) 0.198
Physical Functioning 61.5 (28.8) 70.2 (25.7) 0.130 55.6 (30.6) 66.3 (31.0) 0.112
Role-Physical 48.1 (43.0) 66.6 (42.3) 0.046 47.1 (44.9) 62.4 (45.3) 0.121
Bodily Pain 57.1 (29.0) 70.1 (26.6) 0.027 49.9 (25.7) 67.3 (29.0) 0.005+
General Health 61.9 (21.9) 60.0 (22.6) 0.700 59.6 (24.7) 51.7 (26.2) 0.162

MCS1: 65.9 (28.9) 77.1 (27.6) 0.065 61.4 (27.5) 71.5 (27.1) 0.086
Mental Health 61.5 (24.0) 75.8 (23.1) 0.005 64.5 (17.7) 70.9 (24.8) 0.213
Role-Emotional 66.6 (43.2) 78.0 (35.4) 0.216 52.5 (42.1) 74.0 (39.2) 0.013
Social Functioning 74.4 (30.2) 82.4 (26.2) 0.176 67.8 (21.5) 76.0 (29.7) 0.180
Vitality 58.5 (23.4) 69.8 (24.5) 0.033 56.9 (20.0) 62.9 (27.5) 0.292
HEALTH 60.8 (21.5) 67.1 (20.9) 0.169 71.5 (18.9) 60.7 (23.3) 0.028
RPP: Renal Protection Program. CT: Conventional treatment PCS1: Physical health summary score.
MCS1: Mental health summary score. SD: Standard deviation
*: Effect size =0.69 +: Effect size =0.61
Table 3. Distribution of HRQOL scores, by gender, in patients with chronic kidney disease
in predialysis before and after an intervention. Medelln, 2007-2008.
Health-Related Quality of Life in Chronic Renal Predialysis
Patients Exposed to a Prevention Program Medelln, 2007-2008

3.3 Perception of health-related quality of life in terms of gender
In both groups HRQOL was lower for women both in the initial measurement and in the
final measurement after one year. At the start of the study, the female patients of the RPP
showed significant differences in most domains, and CT female patients showed these only
in a few domains. One year later, the HRQOL difference between men and women in the
RPP group remained unchanged for PCS1 (ES=0.40) and MCS1 (ES=0.34), and for the
following domains: physical functioning (ES=0.53), bodily pain (ES=0.37), mental health
(ES=0.35) and vitality (ES=0.69). For the CT group, the only significant differences were in
bodily pain (ES=0.61), role-emotional (ES=0.51) and change in health (ES=0.48). See Table 3.
After one year, women within each group showed no changes in HRQOL measurements.
Only the men following CT showed a significant decrease in general health (p=0.001
ES=0.33), social functioning (p=0.014 ES=0.15), vitality (p=0.007 ES=0.13), and change in
health (p=0.012 ES=0.09).
3.4 Perception of health-related quality of life in terms of age
In both interventions, the physical component of HRQOL was more affected in patients
older than 65 than in younger individuals. This was constant throughout the study. In the
RPP group, these differences at the start of the study and one year later were statistically
significant for PCS1 (p=0.001, ES start=0.08; p<0.001, ES year=0.06), for the physical
functioning domain (p=0.001, ES start=0.30; p<0.001, ES year=0.03) and for bodily pain
(p=0.009, ES start=0.02; p=0.025, ES year=0.10). In CT, however, the differences found
between the age groups at the start were in PCS1 (p=0.025, ES start=0.44), in the physical
functioning domain (p=0.001, ES start=0.61) and in role-physical (p=0.022, ES start=0.43).
One year later, differences were found in physical functioning (p=0.022, ES year=0.57) and
general health (p=0.021, ES year=0.45). See Table 4.
After analyzing changes within each group and for each age group, it was observed that the
RPP patients who were 65 and older showed significant changes in physical functioning
(p=0.006, ES=0.30) after one year. Patients younger than 65 showed no changes after this
time. In CT, patients younger than 65 showed significant changes in MCS1 (p=0.044,
ES=0.34) and in the social functioning domain (p=0.003, ES=0.53). Patients who were 65 and
older showed changes after one year in physical functioning (p=0.050, ES=0.15), general
health (p=0.001, ES=0.35) and vitality (p=0.044, ES=0.20) See Table 4.
3.5 Health-related quality of life adjusted for previous measurements, age, and gender
After adjusting the second measurement's raw HRQOL score (See Table 2) for the initial
HRQOL score, significant differences were found between the RPP and the CT groups in the
following domains: general health (a difference of 5.2 points favoring the RPP) and change
in health (the difference of 5.9 points continues to favor the RPP). After adjusting it for
gender, differences were found in PCS1 (a difference of 7.7 points favoring the RPP) and
vitality (a difference of 6.9 points favoring the RPP). When the score was adjusted for age,
differences were then found in physical functioning (a difference of 7.2 points favoring CT).
No significant differences were found upon adjusting HRQOL for stage, hypertension,
diabetes, and dyslipidemia (See Table 5).

Chronic Kidney Disease

Domains and
Summary Scores
Initial 1 year
65 and
than 65
65 and
than 65
Mean (SD) Mean (SD) P value Mean (SD) Mean (SD) P value
PCS1: 53.3 (28.0) 68.9 (26.8) 0.001 51.0 (27.1) 67.2 (25.9) <0.001
Physical Functioning 62.7 (26.1) 77.8 (26.9) 0.001 53.8 (30.7) 78.5 (24.9) <0.001
Role-Physical 57.9 (42.5) 66.3 (40.1) 0.217 60.2 (43.8) 72.9 (40.0) 0.067
Bodily Pain 60.7 (29.5) 73.0 (26.4) 0.009 60.0 (30.6) 70.4 (24.7) 0.025
General Health 56.0 (24.3) 61.7 (22.7) 0.140 56.6 (24.9) 58.6 (22.0) 0.613

MCS1: 70.7 (32.9) 63.4 (33.2) 0.178 68.5 (31.3) 70.2 (23.2) 0.708
Mental Health 69.5 (29.1) 69.8 (24.3) 0.945 67.5 (28.2) 68.6 (20.2) 0.793
Role-Emotional 67.0 (42.7) 62.4 (43.7) 0.518 64.6 (43.7) 77.7 (36.7) 0.051
Social Functioning 76.9 (30.3) 75.7 (27.9) 0.809 73.7 (29.2) 81.2 (23.2) 0.085
Vitality 66.2 (26.8) 68.7 (27.3) 0.576 61.2 (26.5) 68.7 (22.7) 0.068
HEALTH 62.4 (23.1) 70.0 (24.2) 0.052 61.3 (24.3) 76.1 (19.5) <0.001

PCS1: 55.7 (27.6) 67.9 (25.8) 0.025 51.9 (28.3) 62.2 (29.0) 0.068
Physical Functioning 65.2 (27.0) 80.5 (20.9) 0.001 60.5 (31.8) 77.4 (24.8) 0.002
Role-Physical 59.2 (43.8) 77.3 (37.2) 0.022 58.3 (45.2) 64.4 (46.8) 0.498
Bodily Pain 66.7 (28.1) 71.5 (25.1) 0.377 64.8 (28.5) 62.2 (31.6) 0.648
General Health 59.2 (22.8) 64.2 (21.2) 0.262 50.4 (25.7) 62.3 (25.3) 0.021

MCS1: 73.8 (28.9) 79.6 (24.8) 0.302 69.9 (27.0) 69.0 (28.9) 0.875
Mental Health 71.8 (24.5) 78.3 (20.9) 0.167 69.5 (24.3) 70.7 (22.1) 0.811
Role-Emotional 73.4 (39.1) 84.7 (27.9) 0.068 69.0 (41.4) 74.1 (37.1) 0.520
Social Functioning 79.1 (28.1) 87.1 (22.0) 0.136 74.8 (29.0) 73.7 (27.0) 0.851
Vitality 66.0 (24.9) 73.8 (23.0) 0.110 60.7 (26.8) 65.8 (24.6) 0.325
HEALTH 64.3 (21.0) 71.5 (20.6) 0.084 61.4 (23.2) 66.7 (21.6) 0.249
RPP: Renal Protection Program. CT: Conventional treatment PCS1: Physical health summary score.
MCS1: Mental health summary score. SD: Standard deviation
Table 4. Distribution of HRQOL scores, by age, in patients with chronic renal failure in
predialysis before and after an intervention. Medelln, 2007-2008.
Health-Related Quality of Life in Chronic Renal Predialysis
Patients Exposed to a Prevention Program Medelln, 2007-2008

Domains and
summary scores
Mean adjusted for
initial HRQOL
Mean adjusted for
Mean adjusted for
PCS1: 58.2 54.9 58.7** 51.0** 56.0 57.1
Physical Functioning 65.3 64.9 65.5 59.8 61.5* 68.7*
Role-Physical 66.7 59.4 66.2 56.1 64.3 61.7
Bodily Pain 65.3 64.0 64.8 60.0 63.6 65.6
General Health 58.0* 52.8* 57.6 52.6 56.6 54.2

MCS1: 70.5 68.6 69.2 66.6 69.2 69.9
Mental Health 68.7 69.1 67.9 67.2 67.7 70.2
Role-Emotional 72.5 68.6 70.7 65.1 69.2 71.9
Social Functioning 78.0 73.8 77.2 72.1 76.3 75.6
Vitality 65.0 61.8 64.6** 57.7** 63.5 63.3
HEALTH 68.5* 62.6* 68.5 63.0 67.2 64.0
RPP: Renal Protection Program. CT: Conventional treatment PCS1: Physical health summary score.
MCS1: Mental health summary score.
The underlined values correspond to significant difference by intervention type and by adjustment
variable. P value: * p<0.05 **p<0.01.
Table 5. Distribution of health-related quality of life scores in patients with chronic renal
failure in predialysis after one year of treatment. Scores are adjusted for initial health-related
quality of life, gender, and age. Medelln, 2007-2008.
3.6 Reasons for not participating in the study
The reasons for the unreachability of the remaining 118 patients during the first
measurement were: wrong phone number = 43 (40% RPP), occupation = 33 (45% RPP),
being out of geographical reach = 17 (35% RPP), and exclusion criteria = 14 (57% RPP). Only
11 patients (36% RPP) were excluded due to concomitant disease or death, which is
associated with a decrease in HRQOL. One year later, of the missing RPP patients: 6 refused
to participate (2 due to disease), 6 couldn't be contacted, and 3 had died. In CT: 5 refused to
participate (1 due to disease), 4 couldn't be contacted, and 6 had died.
4. Discussion
This is the first report in Colombia to provide an account of the factors affecting HRQOL in
patients with mild to moderate renal impairment. It is also the first to point out the
advantages that a renal protection program may have over conventional treatment
regarding its impact on patient HRQOL. This study's results are presented to comply with
the demands that appear in international literature regarding the need to determine the
impact on HRQOL in early stages of renal impairment (Chandban et al., 2003; Perlman et al.,
2005) and to insist that current interventions must emphasize the preservation of renal
functioning in order to decrease the negative impact of kidney failure on HRQOL
(Chandban et al., 2003; Fukuhara et al., 2007; Valdebarrano et al., 2001).

Chronic Kidney Disease

The study's data were collected from 293 patients in the early stages of CRF. Patients followed
two kinds of medical treatment during one year. The groups showed no differences for the
main comorbidities, but it was evident that the RPP collected more patients in earlier stages of
CRF due to its active search. The higher proportion of male patients in CT could be due to the
faster progression of CRF in males (Silbiger & Neugarten, 1995). This could explain the gender
and age disparities found between the groups at the start of the study.
One year later, the RPP groups scores for the different HRQOL domains were slightly
lower, but these differences were not significant. Conversely, the CT group showed a
significant decrease in four of the eight domains after the same time. This accounts for the
effect of the RPP even in a short follow-up period. It is worth noting that general health was
the most affected domain in both groups. After one year, the initial value for the RPP
remained unchanged, but decreased drastically for CT.
The results obtained from data collected from predialysis patients confirm that HRQOL is
affected from the early stages of CRF and continues to decrease as the condition evolves.
Even after only one year, the scores for most domains decreased. This conclusion is shared
by other studies whose patients lacked RRT. The population assessed in such studies was
Japanese (Fukuhara et al., 2007), African-American (African American Study of Kidney
Disease and Hypertension Trial Group [AASK], 2002), Australian (Chandban et al., 2005),
Korean (Chin et al., 2008), and Dutch (Korevaar et al., 2000).
In this study, the physical health of predialysis patients was found to be more affected than
their mental health. This was true for both study groups. These findings are in accordance
with the conclusions reached in other publications on the same topic (Chandban et al., 2005;
Fukuhara et al., 2007; AASK, 2002; Korevaar et al., 2000; Hopman et al., 2000). Regarding
mental health, CT patients initially showed significantly superior values compared to the
RPP patients. This result is consistent with the ideas exposed in other studies, which suggest
that older patients or those with an older diagnosis have better mental health. This
proves that mental health is worse in young or recently diagnosed individuals (Hopman et
al., 2000). Nevertheless, one year later, the scores for the mental component of HRQOL
increased within the RPP group, whereas CT scores decreased, and the initial differences
between the RPP and CT disappeared.
Gender was a key factor for the SF-36 scores since its first application. It was observed that
the scores for women were lower and had significant differences regardless of the group.
However, these differences disappeared within the RPP group one year later. In CT,
however, the differences remained and values in men decreased statistically. Other
researchers also recognized this affectedness of HRQOL by gender. They also proposed that
women may be particularly more vulnerable (Yepes et al., 2008). This was also done in the
AASK study (AASK, 2002), which focused on the need for exploring the mechanisms
allowing HRQOL in female CRF patients to decrease quickly. In studying the HRQOL of the
Australian population suffering from kidney failure Chandban (Chandban et al., 2005)
described similar worsening patterns for both genders.
After one year, women's HRQOL in most domains continued to be worse than that of men.
However it is worth noting that differences between the values obtained at the start of the
study and after one year could be indirectly considered as clinically important in the vitality
values for the RPP (ES=0.69) and the bodily pain values for CT (ES=0.61).
Health-Related Quality of Life in Chronic Renal Predialysis
Patients Exposed to a Prevention Program Medelln, 2007-2008

Regarding age, patients older than 65 had a lower HRQOL. Physical functioning was the most
affected domain for the two groups both at the start of the study and one year later. This could
be explained by the strong negative association between the state of physical health and old
age. Such association was reported in literature by studies on this and other chronic diseases
(Chandban et al., 2005; Hopman et al., 2000; Yepes et al., 2008). The RPP patients younger than
65 showed an increase in four of the domains one year after the start of the study. The rest of
the domains also decreased, but not significantly, except for the role-physical domain. For the
CT group, all the domains values decreased in the second measurement, and four of them did
so significantly. The difference found in physical functioning between the age groups in CT
according to the effect size (> 0.60) can be considered to be clinically important. This must be
corroborated for each case with the medical staff.
It is imperative to adjust the differences found in the final HRQOL scores for the variables that
can influence such results. As for general health and change in health, upon adjusting for the
respective value of the initial score, an increase of more than five points of HRQOL was
generated in the difference that favors the RPP over CT in both domains. In the PCS1 and
vitality domains, adjusting scores for gender yielded an important increase of the difference in
favor of the RPP in both cases (Yepes et al., 2008). In physical functioning, adjusting scores for
age increased the difference in HRQOL scores, favoring CT (Yepes et al., 2008).
In short, exposure to a RPP has a positive impact on the HRQOL of CRF patients from the
early stages of their condition. The initial HRQOL score, gender, and age are fundamental
characteristics to take into account for measuring the HRQOL of patients upon exposure to
an intervention. It seems that early detection of CRF patients and interdisciplinary control of
risk factors have a significant influence in the outcome of both physical and mental HRQOL
HRQOL values have been proposed as an important outcome in patients with high death,
hospitalization, and depression risks. Measuring the HRQOL with validated instruments
such as the SF-36 allows it to become a strong indicator of the health-related quality of life in
ambulatory patients. In fact, it is considered a mortality and morbidity predictor in elderly
and CRF patients (DeOreo, 1997; Han et al., 2009; Kalantar-Zadeh, 2005; Mapes et al., 2003).
Assessing the well-being of CRF patients periodically with the SF-36 is important for
measuring response to treatment and for improving healthcare. In fact, improving the
HRQOL of CRF patients is a key objective in the U.S (Kalantar-Zadeh, 2005).
This study's main limitation is its short follow-up period, which could not provide an
appropriate account of the characteristics of a slow, progressive disease while explaining
that many changes are not significant enough. Another limitation is that demographic
variables like marital status, socioeconomic level, occupation, educational level, income, etc.,
were disregarded. Some studies state that both PCS1 and MCS1 are closely associated with
demographic characteristics that are likely to have a deeper impact than clinical
characteristics themselves (AASK, 2002; Fukuhara et al., 2007).
Data loss due to patient death and other causes was expected for the second application of the
SF-36 one year later. Like many other health scales, the SF-36 has no clear directions regarding
how deaths within a studied population should be analyzed. This has limited the analysis in
research. This issue is most frequently addressed by excluding these cases from the study or
by analyzing these data separately. Paradoxically, if two study groups are compared, the

Chronic Kidney Disease

group with more diseased individuals seems to obtain better results. This is because most
individuals have died and have been thus excluded from the results and from the analysis.
Due to the negative impact of CRF on HRQOL, it is necessary to determine potential areas
for research and clinical intervention. Such areas include: psychological support for the most
vulnerable population (women, young people, recently diagnosed patients, patients in early
stages of the condition), early prescription of nephroprotectors, and complete physical
therapy programs focusing on older patients and on those with high deterioration rates.
5. Acknowledgment
The authors would like to thank University of Antioquia, Colciencias and Sura EPS for
sponsoring this research. We are also very grateful for the patients' cooperation, for the
support provided by Jos Miguel Abad and Jos Ignacio Acosta, for the advice provided by
Professors Rubn Daro Gomez and Juan Luis Londoo, and for Andrs Felipe Quintero
Raves thoughtful translation of this text.
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