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Course Description: Physics Semester I

Course Instructor: Dr. Rajneesh Atre Dept. of Physics, JUET, Guna Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Course Description p. 1/1

Outline of the Course

Physical Optics Special Theory of Relativity Modern Physics

Course Description p. 2/1

Physical Optics

Phenomenon of Interference Diffraction of Light Phenomenon of Polarization

Course Description p. 3/1

Physical Optics continued

Phenomenon of Interference Quantitative Analysis of Interference, Classication of Interference Intensity distribution of fringe system, Fresnels Biprism, Newtons Rings, Michelson Interferometer and its application Possible Technological Applications of Interferometry

Course Description p. 4/1

Physical Optics continued

Diffraction of Light Classication of Diffraction: Fresnel & Fraunhofer type An Elaborate Analysis of Fraunhofer Type Diffraction Diffraction from Single & Double Slits and Diffraction Grating Possible Technological Applications of Diffraction

Course Description p. 5/1

Physical Optics continued

Polariization of Light Fundamental Ideas of Polarization in Waves Phenomenological understanding of Birefringence Uniaxial crystals, Polarizers, Compensators and Wave Plates Production and analysis of completely polarized light Optical Activity, Applications of Polarization

Course Description p. 6/1

Special Theory of Relativity

Concept of Frame of Reference, Newtonian Relativity and Galilean Transformation Michelson-Morley experiment Lorentzs Transformation, Relativistic Addition of Velocities Variation of mass with velocity and derivation of famous equation E = mc2

Course Description p. 7/1

Modern Physics

Statistical Mechanics Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution Bose-Einstein Statistics Fermi-Dirac Statistics Applications of the above mentioned distributions

Course Description p. 8/1

Modern Physics continued

Quantum Nature of Radiation Black-Body Radiation Weins law, Rayleigh Jeans law Plancks Law of Radiation Compton Scattering

Course Description p. 9/1

Modern Physics continued

Atomic Physics Origin of Spectral Lines, Basic Ideas of Spin Angular Momentum Bohrs Atomic Model and quantum numbers Atoms under the inuence of magnetic eld: Zeeman effect LASERS: Principle and Working of LASER, Types of LASERS (He-Ne Laser, Ruby Laser, Semiconductor Laser) and a brief introduction to Holography.

Course Description p. 10/1

Recommended Study Material

Text Books Optics, E. Hecht, Addison-Wesley Optics, A. Ghatak Fundamentals of Optics, F.A. Jenkins, H.E. White Geometrical and Physical Optics, R.S. Longhurst Perspectives of Modern Physics, or Concepts of Modern Physics, Arthur Beiser Introduction to Special Relativity, R. Resnick Schaums Outline of Theory and Problems of Modern Physics Optics By: Brij Lal and Subramnaian Only for Numerical Problems Reference Books Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics, F. Reif, McGraw-Hill Special Theory of Relativity, A. Ghatak

Course Description p. 11/1

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Course Description p. 12/1

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