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Colfax-Mingo Junior-Senior High Spanish I Syllabus 2013-2014

T o h av e a noth er langu age is to po ss es s a s econ d so ul. Ch arlemagn e

Spanish I is a two-semester course designed to have students begin an experience with Spanish. Students will learn to communicate in everyday situations, with an emphasis on vocabulary structures and culture that are needed for effective communication. The culture, contributions, and geography of Spanish speaking countries will also be studied with open minds.
You will receive 2 elective credits for this class for the year, or 1 elective credit for a semester. A two or three year sequence of Spanish is highly recommended for college-bound students.

Email: [email protected]


Phone: 515-674-41111 ext. 210 Class Website:

Spanish I is an area of study designed to acquaint students with the following basic Spanish skills: speaking, listening, reading, writing, and culture at an introductory level. The focus is communication in Spanish, incorporating the understanding of Hispanic cultures, connecting with other disciplines, comparing native language to Spanish, and participating in multicultural communities. This course will provide practice in correct use basic vocabulary and language structures to enable students to function effectively within realistic settings. Instructional practices will incorporate integration of diversity awareness, including appreciation of all cultures and their important contributions to our society.

Scan the code to go to the class website!

The appropriate use of technology is an integral part of this course. You are expected to use the Internet for certain assignments or for reference purposes, buy you may not use an online translator, as it is dishonest. Any student caught cheating will receive a zero for the assignment and parents/guardians will be notified. Multiple offenses will result in additional consequences.

Assignments are broken down into categories, and each category is weighted differently. You can see the weights below as well as the grading scale. Make sure to check online for grades, as I update them regularly. As learning Spanish is a skill that one practices rather than a subject one studies, grades will represent the students progress from beginner to through advanced.





59% & below

Advanced Skills
Student exhibits full proficiency at the class level, has progressed beyond those levels, and levels are moving into the beginner stage of the next level of Spanish.

Proficient Skills
Student is able to comprehend oral and written language as well as communicate orally and in writing at the appropriate level.

Student generally has good comprehension skills but is still developing oral and written communication. Students comprehension skills are beginning to develop. Student is at the beginning level and doesnt know much about the language.

There are two things you need to be aware of if absent:

Low Quiz or Test?

You are highly encouraged to make an appointment with me any time you receive a C or lower on any quiz or test!

Unannounced Quizzes and Tests

With the exception of each Quarter & Semester Exam, all tests and quizzes are unannounced. This is done because in order to know what a students has really learned and retained, rather than what they studied or crammed for.

(1) Absence Forms: If you are absent, you need to go to the formas de ausencia folder. Look under the day you were gone and pick up the paper with your name on it. If any copies were handed out they will be attached and any special announcements will be added too. (2) Make-Up Quizzes and Tests: With the exception of the Quarter and Semester Exam, ALL quizzes and tests have to be made up the day of your return because of their unannounced nature. Any speaking or listening section MUST be made up BEFORE or AFTER school. You will receive a failing grade on any quiz or test you missed if you are truant.

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