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Writing a Spell Breaking a Spell Protection Spell Reverse Negative Energies Russian Shifting Spell Spells to Protect Pets

Freezer Binding Spell Magickal Cleansing and Lifting a 'Curse' Good Luck Spell Invisible Shielding My Candle and Crystal Spell for Successful Study To Soothe a Broken Heart After A Relationship Breaks Up Cord Binding Spell A Mirror Spell of Protection for the Home Quartz and Candle Spell Overcome Depression Spell ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Writing a Spell The spell is at the heart of folk magick. it is simply a ritual in which various tools are purposefully used, the goal is fully stated (in words, pictures or wi thin the mind): & energy is moved to bring about the needed result. Spells can be as simple as reciting a short chant over a fresh rose while placin g it between 2 pink candles in order to draw love; forming & retaining an image of the needed result in the mind; or placing a quartz crystal in a sunny window for protection purposes. To perform effective magick - 3 necessities must be present: The Need, the Emoti on & the Knowledge. It has been said that magick was the first religion, & that if you lovingly util ize the forces of nature to cause beneficial change, you also become one of them . It is these powers that have been personified as Goddesses & Gods. Attuning with them is a spiritual experience & is the basic of all true religion. COMPOSE THE RHYME OR WORDS OF POWER Clearly state your need. Clearly state all dimensions of your need (enduring love, rather than just love; complete protection, rather than just physical protection; etc.). If possible, mention some of the tools that you've decided to use in the spell i n your words of power or magickal rhyme. Indeed, for some spells, these words ma y help you to structure the entire rhyme or chant. Use hypnotic words (those beginning with 's" or containing a "z") for psychic-awareness, love, healing spells; Use potent, strong words for protection spells. match the words to the type of ritual you're composing. Don't expect the words to simply flow from you. Work at it & work with them. You r psychic mind knows what you need. EXAMPLES:

"I ask in the name of (Goddess & God or The All) that I, Morgan, be granted (state desire)...I ask that this be correct & for the good of all people. So mote it be. In no way will this spell reverse, or place upon me any curse." "In this night & in this hour, I call upon the Ancient power. O Goddess Bride & Consort Bright, I ask thee now to bring your light." "I have a need that must be met. I ask thee (name of deity) that I obtain the perfect (whatever it is) for (reason)." "I ask the Universe to lend the power of all the correct astrological correspondences so they may enter this circle now to obtain my desire." "Therefore, I specifically draw toward myself the (desire) without affecting the free will of all & harming none." "I now proclaim this spell is done. The (desire) is mine! In no way will this spell reverse, or place upon me any curse! As I will, so mote it be!" "In this sacred space & time, We call now the Old Ones; the Goddess of the moon, seas & rivers; the God of the rayed Sun, of valleys & forests; Draw near us during this, our circle. BREAKING A SPELL First Saturday after Full Moon or on a Full Moon; One white & One black candle f or balance; Props: protective nature (amethyst, apache tears or smoky quartz) Say: "One the Eve of ( ) I cast a spell & the effect I created I must now quell. Specifically ( ) May this spell be lifted & I now be gifted Specifically with ( )" Ritual for Breaking a Spell SPELLS TO BIND A binding spell is the act of grasping the negative energy that is propelling a person or thing & stopping it. In a way, you are negating the unhea lthy energy. The most important thing to remember when conducting a binding spell is that you must control your own violent emotions of hatred or fear. The binding spell is for protection only, not for harm. This is not easy. The Goddess to be employed is Aradia, Queen of Witches. Be sure you are honest in your intentions. Aradia's symbol is the red garter. If you desire justice call upon Maat, she who balance s the scales. However, you must be sure that your own hands are free from violen ce & hatred, lest she weighs the scales for you as well! Her symbol is the pure white feather. The binding itself is a very simple matter. A poppet can be sewn to represent the malicious person. Fill it with earth (grave dirt if you can find i t), rosemary, sage, a piece of smokey quartz & a piece of amethyst. Also enclose a piece of the person's fingernails, a lock of hair, or another personal item.

Handwriting can be inclosed if you have nothing else. Photos can be used also. I f your intention at any time during the ritual is to harm that person, remember that you will only bring harm upon yourself - so be very, very careful. If you can't do the ritual right away, store the doll (with the head still open) in a white cloth. During the ritual, you will sew up the head while connecting a psychic link. Then you will proceed to sew arms & legs of the doll together. Y ou will finish by wrapping the doll mummy-fashion with a black ribbon. Bury the doll when you have completed the ritual. A person can also be bound using mental capabilities. Placing a sample of a person's handwriting & copper tightly in an old bell jar i s a way of stopping malicious gossip. When the danger is over, burn the handwrit ing. WORKSHEET FOR SPELLS & FORMULAS * * * * * * * * * * * * Type of Spell or Formula: Date & Time Made: Reference: Astrological Phase: Specific Purpose: List Of Ingredients &/or Supplies Needed: Specific Location Required: Date, Time & Astrological Phase When Used: Results: Deities Invoked During Preparation &/or Use: Step By Step Instructions For Preparations &/or Use: Additional Notes:

RITUAL RECORD SHEET * * * * * * * * * * * * Type of Ritual: Date & Time made: Moon Phase & Astrological Correspondences: Weather: Physical Health: Purpose of Ritual: Tools & Other Items Required: Deities Invoked: Approximate Length of Ritual: Results of Ritual: Ritual Composition: Additional Notes:

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Breaking a Spell If you believe that a spell has been cast against you, place a large black e in the cauldron (or a large black bowl). The candles must be tall enough tend a few inches above the cauldron's rim. Affix the candle to the bottom e cauldron with warmed beeswax or the drippings of another black candle so it will not tip over. candl to ex of th that

Fill the cauldron to the rim with fresh water, without wetting the candle's wick . An inch or two should remain above the water. Deeply breathe, meditate, clear your mind and light the candle. Visualize the suspected spell's power as residin g within the candle's flame. Sit in quiet contemplation of the candle and visual

ize the power flowing and growing within the candle's flame. (Yes, the power aga inst you) As the candle burns down, it's flame will eventually sputter and go ou t as it contacts the water. As soon as the flame has been extinguished by the wa ter, the spell will be dispersed. Break your visualization of the spell's power; see it explode into dust, becomin impotent. Pour the water into a hole in the ground, a lake or stream. Bury the candle. It is done. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Protection Spell Cleanse four crystals in sea salt for three nights and on the Full Moon go outside and while holding them in your hand ask to the protective powers of the crystals and the moon to protect your home. Lay them out and let them absorb the powers. In the morning pick them up and place one in each of the corners of your home with the points facing in, concentrate on the protective powers while doing this. It is not a good idea to let anyone handle your crystals as they will pick up their energies and will have to be cleansed again. If there is a lot of distrubance in your home it is a good idea to do this once a month. You can also do this for yourself and wear it or put one in your car. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Reverse Negative Energies This is to reverse negative energies directed toward you and to send them back from which they came. A word of warning.....this is best done just before you go to bed. Under no circumstances are you to leave your property while this is burning!!! You will need frankincense or sandlewood incense, one blue taper candle and nutmeg oil. Light the incense and anoint the candle with the oil. (rubbing up) While doing this chant, think, or say something like: "I reverse all negitive thoughts, feelings, energies and magick directed towards me and send it back 10,000 (or whatever number you want) folds over." After the candle is anointed you need to charge it. You do this by placing the candle between both hands and rubbing it in your palms and keep repeating the verse above. Do this till you feel that the candle is full/charged. Then light the candle and let it burn all the way out. Set it up so that it will not fall or burn anything. REMEMBER not to leave until this is burnt out! Above all else do this safely. Then sit back and watch the people around you and see if they start having troubles. You should see things start to happen in about three days. I do no look at this as black is not directed towards anyone. It is just sending back what is being sent to you. I do this at least once a month or anytime I feel the need.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Russian Shifting Spell Posted to alt.horror.werewolves on the 13th of June, 1995 by myself. I thought I might add a bit of fuel to the fire *grins*. This is a little bit of magick that I've come across relavent to werewolves, it's a spell to do with shifting. The spell/incantation that is included with the post, is from Russia, pre-1900's . It is reasonable accurate to my knowledge (my source is a book written in 1865.) howev er the word wolf should be substituted with the appropriate animal (..eagle?). The Russian's call the were-wolf ('thropes in general.) 'oborot' which translated as 'one transformed' thus the s pell should work for all forms. The text is as follows: He who desires to become an oborot, let him seek in the forest a hewn-dow n tree; let him stab it with a small copper knife, and walk round the tree, repeating the following incantation :On the sea, on the ocean, on the island, on Bujan, On the empty pasture gleams the moon, on an ashstock lying In a green wood, in a gloomy vale. Towards the stock wandereth a (shaggy wolf), Horned cattle seeking for his (sharp white fangs); But the (wolf) enters not the forest, But the (wolf) dives not into the shadowy vale, Moon, moon, gold-horned moon, Check the flight of bullets, blunt the hunters' knives, Break the shepherds' cudels, Cast wild fear upon all cattle, On men, all creeping things, That they may not catch the (grey wolf), That they may not rend his warm skin! My word is binding, more binding than sleep, More binding than the promise of a hero! Then he springs thrice over the tree and runs [or flies] into the forest, transformed into a (wolf). Mind you it may not work, but as with all magick intent is the key, if you only do it without the conviction of it working, it won't work. But if your belief is strong enough it' ll work. I've ()'d anything that needs to be changed, with the exception of gender specific st uff. The []'s are my addition. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Spells to Protect Pets

With some level of emotion hold the image of your kitties being safe in your min d. Feel your desire for their continued safety. If one is gone from your side im agine what it will be like when your pet returns. Rough out the images as clearl y as you can. You can incorporate this technique into other, more structured, ri tual forms. To keep your cats free from fleas, soak garlic in olive oil and mix a tablespoon of the oil in with their food daily. Take some fur of the cat. Tie fur into a bunch with some red thread. Invoke the blessing of your patron deity. Place consecrated fur into a cannister The cannis ter must be reflective on the outside, but NOT on the inside. Seal the cannister with red wax. Place cannister next to cat's usual exit. Red is the color of pro tection, silk is an insulator, the reflective cannister reflects malicious inten t, the blessing is for extra whammy to the spell. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Freezer Binding Spell I've heard variations of this from several sources, one of them a woman whose mo ther used this charm against her daughter's boyfriends if she didn't like them! It's best done just after the Full Moon, or at least while the moon is waning, a nd in my experience at least, needs to be renewed every month or when the person starts bothering you again. Write the name of the person you wish to prevent from harming you on a piece of paper. Gaze at the paper and visualise the face of the person in question; see t heir face vividly imprinted on the paper. Then, fold the paper three times. Tie it up with black thread or string, and put into a small watertight container (ba by food jars are ideal). Fill the container with water, and place in a nook of t he freezer where it's unlikely to be disturbed, saying 'Stay there and freeze as long as I please'. 1997 Vanessa Meachen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Magickal Cleansing and Lifting a 'Curse' Recently I worked in a small office with many young women from very superstitiou s backgrounds. I was astonished at the number of them who came to me (once it go t out that I was a witch) telling me that they were sure someone had placed a cu rse on them or their family, and asking me if I could do anything about it. In m y opinion many of them were too ready to believe in a supernatural explanation f or any small thing that happened to them, and because they believed they were cu rsed, they drew bad luck to them. Please don't assume, just because you have a run of bad luck, that you've been c ursed or hexed or ill-wished. It can lead to all sorts of nasty assumptions and accusations of (usually) innocent people. Even people who claim they have cursed you, or will do so, are often bluffing. (I know - I used to try and bluff my wa y past high school bullies with that one, and sometimes it did scare them off, a t least temporarily. I never carried out the threat, though). If you've wronged someone in the past, even unintentionally, don't assume that they're behind your current misfortune; it's more likely that the law of returns is at work. Get ou t there and do something positive to change your luck for the better. If you have been suffering from a series of mishaps or bad luck, there are thing s you can do to turn it around. The first thing I advise is to clean the cobwebs

out - literally! Clean up your room, your office space, your whole house if you can. Do as much of the following as you can: Get rid of clutter. It develops an atmosphere of stagnation and prevents movemen t, both literally and symbolically. Visualise yourself turfing out all the unwan ted energies from your life, ridding yourself of negativity and doubt and fear. Open up all your windows (and doors, if possible). It's best to do this on a sun ny day, naturally. Throw them wide open to receive the cleansing and blessings o f the sun and wind. Wash down as many washable surface areas as you can with some kind of liquid on which a blessing has been performed. You can use an elaborate ritual blessing or something quick like 'Lady and Lord, bless this water for purification, protect ion and love'. Suggestions: water in which some chopped-up lemons have been stee ped overnight, or rosemary infusion; either one smells good as well as adding a nice protective touch. Next, cleanse the area with a purifying incense; you can use a blend, or one of the following alone: cedar, frankincense, copal, gum arabic. If you can't stand the smell of incense, use an essential oil burner, carried on a tray or in a bak ing dish to guard your hands. Use purifying and protective oils; I like a few dr ops each of sandalwood, frankincense and myrrh, and a drop of lemon. Walk throug h the entire area, holding the incense/burner up so that its fragrance penetrate s every corner. I sometimes like to sprinkle blessed salt water about, and to se t white candles burning merrily in every room (do this *after* closing the doors and windows!). You can add a chant while sprinkling/fumigating/lighting; I like 'Banished be, negativity!', it's short but to the point. Finally, when the area smells all clean and holy, looks clean and is blazing wit h light, sit down and enjoy. Eat something, preferably something bready; you'll need it after all that work, and it'll help ground you in your newly cleansed sp ace. Once all this is over and you've recovered from the work, cast a few spells to g et things moving, and to pull some good fortune your way... such as myGood Luck S pell. 1997 Vanessa Meachen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Good Luck Spell It's best to perform this one while the moon is waxing. For this spell you'll ne ed a candle to represent yourself in whatever colour you think appropriate, a gr ey candle, a black candle and an orange candle. Light the candle that represents yourself and say: 'This is me, me in all things '. Light the black candle and say: 'This is all the bad luck that has dragged my fo otsteps. Trouble, disappointments and tears are here. This bad luck now leaves m e forever'. Light the grey candle and say: 'All that was bad is neutralised. All my bad luck is dissolved'. Light the orange candle and say: 'This is the energy coming my way, to get my li fe moving and speed up the change'. Sit quietly for a while and visualise the negative energies being whisked into t

he grey candle and dissolved into empty nothingness. Visualise the orange candle drawing good energy and good luck towards you, see the air stirring about with possibilities and opportunities. Let the candles burn down completely (take the usual safety precautions). 1997 Vanessa Meachen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Invisible Shielding This is a good technique to use when you want to quietly fade into the backgroun d, such as when you have to walk through a group of cat-calling yobs, or you're at work and the boss is on the warpath and looking for someone to pick on. I use d to practice it on the tram on the way to work, until I began to notice that th e conductors weren't selling me tickets. I'd be sitting there holding my money o ut and they'd walk right past me! It's a simple procedure. Ground and centre yourself. Start with creating a shiel d, with whatever technique you find most comfortable. Then visualise that the sh ield is a little bit fuzzy, so you seem a bit blurry to anyone watching. Gradual ly blur the shield, and begin to blend it, and yourself, into the colours and sh apes of your surroundings. It's a bit hard to explain, but it's like visualising yourself as changing colour to suit your surroundings like a chameleon. The shi eld acts like a veil which makes you less visible because you don't stand out fr om your surroundings as much. If you normally like a mirrored shield, you can ma ke it bounce back light so it mirrors your surroundings visually. 1997 Vanessa Meachen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------My Candle and Crystal Spell for Successful Study Anoint two yellow candles with lemon oil and light them. Take a citrine quartz, anoint with lemon oil also, and place in front of the candles so that the candle light shines on it. Chant the following: 'Charge the stone with candle light To fill my mind with wisdom bright To keep my mind alert and clear So that no bane can interfere With the process of my brain So what I read is knowledge gained For all my life to stay with me This is my will, so mote it be!' Let the candles burn and charge the stone while you study. Keep the stone with y ou when you need to give papers, take exams or study. 1997 Vanessa Meachen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------To Soothe a Broken Heart After A Relationship Breaks Up This is a two-part spell I designed for people who have recently ended a relatio nship but feel that they just can't let go. You will need: one egg one pink candle rose petals lemon balm

honey rose oil (optional) Take the egg in one hand. Sit quietly and think about the relationship you have just ended, and your feelings about splitting up. Allow all your negative feelin gs, grief, frustration and loneliness to come to the surface. Cry, howl and bawl if you need to - the end of a relationship is like a death and you should allow yourself to grieve and not feel ashamed about it. While thinking about the relationship, take the egg and roll it gently over your face and forehead. Imagine that the egg is like a sponge which can soak up your grief, your need, and all the negative emotions which are holding you back and dampening your spirits. Project all your unhappiness over the relationship into the egg and let it soak up all your negative feelings. When you feel that the egg has sucked up all your unhappiness and negative feeli ngs over this broken relationship, take it to a plot of earth - preferably not y our own garden - and bury it. If it must be on your property, bury it as far as possible from your house. Know that the negative feelings and depression you pro jected onto the egg are being absorbed and neutralised by the earth. Return to your house, preferably to your own bedroom or some place where you spe nd a lot of time. Make yourself some lemon balm tea with some of the rose petals , and sweeten it to taste with honey. Sprinkle the rest of the rose petals aroun d the candle and yourself, if you have enough. Light the candle. Imagine the war mth of the candle and the scent of the rose petals combining and filling the roo m with warmth, sweet rose scent and soft pink light. Let the pink light and scen t fill you with loving warmth and comfortable feelings. If you have some, anoint your chest just over the heart with a little rose oil. Sip the lemon balm tea. Say quietly and with conviction: 'Gentle balm, soothe my heart Bring to me your healing art'. Imagine yourself surrounded by love and peace, sheltered from discomfort and lon eliness. Know that you deserve love and that you are now free of your previous r elationship and open to a new one. Gaze into the candle flame and imagine yourse lf happy and healed, living a joyful and fulfilling life without the person you have just broken up with. 1997 Vanessa Meachen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cord Binding Spell This spell is adapted from one by DJ Conway in the 1996 Llewellyn Magickal Alman ac. It is intended to be used to prevent someone from causing you harm, and I ha ve also used it to batten down anger (my own and another's). In order to work pr operly it requires full concentration. Take a short length of black thread. Tie a knot in one end, saying: 'One to seek him/her/it.' (choose whichever prono un is appropriate) Tie a knot in the middle, saying: 'One to find him/her/it,' Tie a knot in the other end, saying: 'One to bring him/her/it,' Tie the two ends together, saying: 'One to bind him/her/it.'

Bury the knotted thread far away from your property or drop it on a road or wast e ground far from where you live. And that's right, the rhyme is adapted straight out of Tolkien! However, I do NO T recommend that you finish off this spell with 'In the land of Mordor where the shadows lie'! Text 1997 Vanessa Meachen (unless otherwise acknowledged). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------A Mirror Spell of Protection for the Home Compose an altar: place a censer in the center before an image of the Goddess. H ave a 12-inch (or so) round mirror there as well. RIng the altar with 9 white ca ndles. Burn a protective incense (such as frankincense, sandalwood, copal or ros emary) in the censer. Beginning with the candle most directly before the Goddess image, say these or s imiliar words: "Lunar Light, protect me!" Repeat as you light each candle until all are glowing. Now, holding the mirror, invoke the Goddess in Her Lunar aspect with these or si miliar words: "Great Goddess of the Lunar Light And Mistress of the Seas; Great Goddess of the Mystic night And of the Mysteries; Within this place of candles bright And with your mirror nigh; Protect me with your awesome night Whilte ill vibrations fly!" Standing before the altar, hold the mirror facing the candles so that it reflect s their flames. Keeping the mirror toward the candles, move slowly, clockwise ar ound the altar, watching the reflected firelight bouncing off your surroundings. Gradually increase your speed, mentally invoking the Goddess to protect you. Mor e faster and faster, watch the light shattering the air, cleansing it, burning a way all negativity and all lines along which the ill energies have traveled into your house. Charge your home with the protective light of the Goddess. Race around the candl es until you've felt the atmosphere change, until you feel that your home has be en cleansed and guarded by the Great Goddess. When finished, stand once again before the image. Thank the Goddess in any words you wish. Pinch out the candles one by one, bind them together with white cors and store them in safe place until ( & if) you need to use them again for the sa me purpose. [email protected] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Quartz and Candle Spell Tools:

Candle (white, or color symbolic of your need) Quartz (cleansed and terminated) With the tip of the crystal scratch a symbol of what you wish to accomplish or banish, while visualizing the need being taken care of. The stronger the visualization, the better. Place the crystal near the candle holder, place the candle in the holder, and light it. As it burns, visualize again the need being taken care of. Burn the candle for one, three, seven, or nine nights, depending on the candle and the strength of the need. Note: Burning the candle over a longer period of time is most appropriate for manifesting major and subtle changes, i.e., a change in lifestyle. Burning the candle over a short period of time is more appropriate for immediate or temporary needs, i.e., next month's rent, or bringing home a loved one safely. Credits: Scott Cunningham's Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner for the base spell, I tinkered as needed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Overcome Depression Spell Tools you will need are: -Protection Incense (herbs or oils work fine also) -Yellow 8" Taper Candle It is best to find a work area that you can leave untouched for three days. If you must put away your tools, try to at least keep your spell candle out in the open. This spell is used to uplift your energy and overcome depression. Read over this spell and customize it prior to use-the work will go much smoother. Prepare your work area by setting up any tools you may use. While setting up your area, CONCENTRATE on the purpose of your work. Imagine how good it feels to be happy. Do not let negative thoughts enter your mind! Just prior to your work, bathe in purification herbs, or with your favorite bath salts. While you are bathing, concentrate again on the purpose of your spell. Again, do not let negative thoughts enter your mind. After bathing, go to your work area. Cast a circle and light your incense. Envision a large, yellow ball of light surrounding you and your work area. Hold the yellow candle between the palms of your hands and direct all of your positive energy into the candle. Place the candle in its candle holder. Prior to lighting the candle, say (either aloud, or to yourself): This candle represents the love and energy I have for myself Light the candle and say (either aloud or to yourself): As I light this candle, the veil of darkness that is ever present in my mind is lifting. The darkness ceases to exist as the light of this flame glows. Long has the darkness filled my mind, my desire to be happy is intense like the heat of fire. As this candle burns, my spirits are lift ing and the negative energy is washing away. I will be happy, my life will b e

peaceful. I can see myself as I wish to be-happy and free! Sit back and watch the candle burn. Meditate on how good if feels to be happy and envision the veil of darkness lifting. When the candle had burned 1/3 of the way, say: As the flame of the candle is extinguished-the light burns forever in my mind and blow out the candle. Repeat this for two more nights. On the last night, after the candle has burned away and the leftover wax has cooled-throw away the leftover wax into to trash and envision your depression being thrown away with the wax. You will overcome your depression! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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