Questionnaire For Physics 101

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from 2008-2012 Dear Graduates , The Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology ( NEUST), College of Education (CoEd) Mathematics Major is undertaking a tracer study regarding the type of work, further study and any other activities you are/were involved since you completed the programmed of study. The information provided will assist us in planning future educational needs and instructional decisions. Results of this study will only be presented in summary orm and individual responses will be kept at utmost confidentiality. We would, therefore, highly appreciate if you could complete the following questionnaire and return to us, at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your collaboration.

A. Individual Information 1. __________________________________________________________________ Surname First Name M.I.

2. Current Address: ____________________________________________________ 3. Permanent mailing Address: ___________________________________________ 4. Gender: __ Male __ Female 5. Birthday: ___/___/___ mm/dd/yy 6. Age : ___ 7. Religion: ___________ 8. Civil Status: a. __Single d. __Separated b. __Married e. __Single solo parent c. __Living in f. __Widowed Others: ______ 9. Contact Number : ______________ 10. Email Address : __________________________

11. Present Occupation: __________________________ 12. Location 13. Position/Rank :___________________________ : ___________________________

14. No. Of Years and months in your current occupation\; ___year/s ___month/s

15. Do you have your own family? ___Yes ___No 16. How many children do you have? ____ 17. What is your gross annual income (in Pesos) a. b. c. d. e. ___ 1 million or higher ___ 500,000-less than 1 million ___ 400,000-less than 500,000 ___ 300,00-less than 400,000 ___ 200,000 below 1

B. Educational Qualification 1. Finished degree course/ program : ___ BSE ___ BEED 2. Major Field Of Specialization: ___ Chemistry ___ Mathematics ___ English ___ MAPEH/ PEHM/PE ___ Physics ___ TLE ___ General Science ___ Basic Education 3. School Year Graduated at NEUST: ____ 4. Professional Examination/s ( Passed, if any) Name of Examination Date Taken Rating _________________________ _________ ____________ _________________________ _________ ____________ _________________________ _________ ____________ 5. Did you continue pursuing higher studies? ___Yes ___NO If yes, kindly place a check mark before the graduate study programs you are pursuing and you have completed. Graduate Course/Program Ongoing Graduated ___ Doctor of Philosophy/Education ________ _________ ___Master of Arts/Science ________ _________ ___Master in Administration ________ _________ ___Master in management ________ _________ ___Others, please Specify ________________ ________ _________ C. Employment/ Work Status 1. Are you presently working? ___Yes ___No If yes, kindly refer to column A and if not, refer to column B. A 1. Present Employment Status a. __ permanent b. __ contractual c. __ probationary d. __ temporary e. __ self employed f. __ casual g. __ others, please specify B 1. Please state the reason(s) why you are not yet employed. You may check more than one. a. __ Presently having an advanced or further study b. __ Health- related reason(s) c. __ Lack of work experience d. __ Family related matters and decided not to find a work. If SELF EMPLOYED, what is your business nature? e. __ No job opportunity f. __ Did not look for a job g. __ No eligibility What is the type of your employment? __ Public __ Private Location of work: __ Local __ Foreign/ abroad \ 2 h. __ Other reason(s)

2. Kindly check only one nature of your current primary job in your school: a. __ Teaching Assistance/ Teacher Aide b. __ Academic Administrative/ Supervision c. __ Public/Government Relations d. __ Extension Services e. __ Classroom Teacher f. __ Training, Research and Development g. __ Office Administration h. __ Human Resources i. __ Field Administration j. __ Financial k. Others, please specify: __________________ 2. How long you are not presently employed? a. __ 1-6 months b. __ 7-12 months c. __ 13-18 months d. __ 19-24 months e. __ 25 months and above

2. Is your current job your first job after collage? __ Yes __ No 2. a If your current job is also your first job. Please state the reason(s) for staying on the job. You may check more than one answer a. ___Salaries and benefits b. ___ Career challenge c. ___ Related to course or program of study d. ___ Peer or family influence e. ___ Others, Please specify _____________________ _____________________ 2b. If your current job is not your first job, what were your reason(s) for changing job? You may check more than one answer. a. ___ Wages and benefits b. ___ Career challenge c. ___ Related to course or program of study d. ___ Proximity to residence e. ___ Peer or relative influence f. ___ Others, please specify _________________ _________________ 3. How did you find your first job? a. ___From advertisements b. ___ Recommended by someone c. ___ Job fair or Public Employment Service Officer (PESO) d. ___ Arranged by any agencies job/s fair e. ___ As a walk-in applicant f. ___ Family Business g. ___ Information from friends h. ___ others, please specify ________________________

4. How long did take you to land your first job? a. ___ Less than a month b. ___ 1 less than 6 months c. ___ 6 months less than 1 year d. ___ 1 year less than 2 years e. ___ others, please specify: _______________________ 5. Is your first job related to the course you took up in college? ___ Yes ___No 6. Is your current job related to the course you took up in college? ___ Yes ___ No 7. Is your overall training in BSE/BEED at NEUST helpful and useful in your present job? __Yes __No 8. State how helpful and useful it is. a. __ 75-100% useful b. __ 50-74% useful c. __ 25-49% useful d. Less than 25% useful 9. Based on your educational experience at NEUST, how do you rate NEUST of its contribution to your total development? a. __ High Degree b. __ Moderate Degree c. __ Little Degree d. __ Very Little e. __ None 10. What competencies you learned/developed in college did you find most useful in your job? You may mark more than one answer. a. __ Critical Thinking Skill f. __ Human Relation Skills b. __Information and Technology Skills g. __ Managerial. Supervisory Skills c. __ Communication Skills h. __ Decision making skills d. __Problem-Solving Skills i. __ other skills, please specify: e. __ Marketing Selling Skills ___________________ 11. In achieving employment success, what personal value learned/ developed in our College do you find most useful? a. __ Strong Work Ethics h. __ Honesty/Integrity/Morality b. __ Loyalty i. __ Dependability/ Reliability/ Responsibility c. __ Adaptability/ Flexibility j. __ Positive attitude/Energy/ Passion d. __ Professionalism k. __ Motivated to grow and learn e. __ Dedication/ hard work l. __ Other Christian values, please specify: f. __ Strong Self-confidence ____________________________ g. __ Self-Motivated Ability to work with Little or No Supervision 12. Are you a public school teacher? (If yes answer number 13, if no, proceed to number 14.) 13. What is your Academic Rank? (Please check and specify the rank) __ Teacher __ Supervisor __ Master Teacher __ Superintendent __ Head Teacher __ Director __ Principal __ others, please specify: __________________ 14. What is your designation in your present job? __ Clerk __ Are Head __ Messenger __ Manager __ Section Head __ Supervisor __ others, please specify: __________________ ___________________________________ Signature over Printed Name 4

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