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MLTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS:1. ------------ summarizes the human characteristics needed for satisfactory job completion. a.

Job description b. Job specification c. Job hopping d. Job design 2. ------------ are the basic attitudinal characteristics that guide people throughout their careers. a. Career path b. Career stages c. Career anchors d. None of the above 3. Hollands model of career development is based on --------------. a. Attitude of people b. Personality of people c. Perception of people d. Behaviour of people 4. --------------- is the process of analysing and estimating the need for and availability of employees. a. Career planning b. Succession planning c. Manpower planning d. None of the above 5. ------------------ can be used for succession planning. a. Markov analysis b. Delphi method c. Replacement chart d. Trend analysis 6. Giving employees more tasks to perform at the same time is called job -------------. a. Enrichment b. Rotation c. Enlargement d. Revitalization

7. The purpose of job evaluation is to produce a defensive ranking of jobs on which a rational and an acceptable ---------------- can be built. a. Performance appraisal system b. Pay structure c. Organization structure d. None of the above 8. ------------- is a method of performance appraisal, where the manager prepares the lists of statements of every effective and ineffective behaviour of the employee. a. Confidential report b. Critical incident technique c. Graphic rating scale d. Behaviourally anchored rating scales 9. Which of the following is true in case of methods of job analysis information? a. Interview b. Questionnaire c. Observation d. All of the above 10.In black and Moutons managerial Grid, the task style representsa. High concern for people and low concern for production b. High concern for people and production c. Low concern for people and high concern for production d. Low concern for people and production 11.On the job training does not includea. Coaching b. Job rotation c. Under study d. Case study 12.Which of the following is correct about OD? a. Its a planned change b. It aims at problem solving c. It focuses on human and social relationships d. All of the above

13.----------- training is a group experience designed to provide maximum possible opportunity for the individuals to expose their behaviour, give and receive feedback and develop awareness of self and others. a. Vestibule training b. In basket training c. Sensitivity training d. Management games 14.----------- is a type of appraisal method, where employees are rated by an appraisal group , consisting of their supervisor and 3 or 4 other supervisors who have some knowledge of their performance. a. 360 degree feedback b. Group appraisal c. Field review method d. Critical incident method 15.---------- is not the form of participative management. a. Management council b. Canteen committee c. Trade union d. Safety committee 16.--------- is the step undertaken with the view to test the effectiveness of training efforts. a. Follow up b. Exams c. Performance appraisal d. All of the above 17.---------- is a technique which duplicates, as nearly as possible, the actual conditions encountered on the job. a. Demonstration b. Simulation c. Role plays d. Apprentices 18.------------ refers to the movement of executives from one job to another and from one plant to another on some planned basis for educational learning purposes. a. Job rotation b. Job enrichment c. Job enlargement d. None of the above

19.------------- method is used for training the employees, by giving them a file of correspondence bearing a functional area of management and allowed for comments and recommendations. a. Case study b. In basket method c. Lecture method d. All of the above 20.----------- is meant for the introduction of an employee to the organization and the job by giving him all the possible information about the organizations history, working conditions, products and by introducing him to other employees with whom and under whom he has to work. a. Recruitment b. Selection c. Induction d. Placement 21.---------- is a collection or aggregation of tasks, duties and responsibilities which as a whole, are regarded as a regular assignment to individual employees. a. Position b. Job c. Assignment d. All of the above 22.--------- is the process of discovering the sources of manpower to meet the requirements and to employ effective measures for attracting prospective candidates. a. Selection b. Recruitment c. Advertisement d. None of the above 23.Employee referral is a part of ------------- recruitment. a. Internal b. External c. Third party d. None of the above

24.---------- refers to the lowering down of status, salary and responsibilities of an employee. a. Transfer b. Layoff c. Demotion d. None of the above 25.----------- is a long term education process utilising a systematic and organized procedures by which managerial personnel learn conceptual and theoretical knowledge for general purpose. a. Training b. Development c. Career development d. Empowerment 26.---------- is that human process by which skills, knowledge, habits and attitudes are acquired and utilised in such a way that behaviour is modified. a. Training b. Learning c. Development d. Education 27.Minimum wages takes into consideration all but not,-----. a. Food, clothing b. Invariable pay c. The employers capacity to pay d. None of the above 28.The criteria for training evaluation does not include ---------. a. Learning b. Behaviour c. Reactions d. Relevance 29.Training objectives should be expressed in ----------. a. Employee behaviour b. Management desires c. Need assessment d. Subjective judgement

30.--------- is not a type of off-the- job training method. a. Vestibule training b. Role playing c. Committee assignments d. Lecture method 31.--------- is an attempt to identify and report investment made in human resources of an organization that are not accounted for under conventional accounting practices. a. HR Audit b. HR Accounting c. HR Information System d. All of the above 32.In an incentive payment plan, worker pay is determined by--------. a. Management b. Profits c. Performance d. Cost of living 33.The major disadvantage of ESOP is ------------. a. They help corporate raiders b. They reduce the level of employee participation in the plant c. They affect sales growth d. They hep divest unprofitable operations 34.------------ offers counselling and other help to employees having emotional, physical or other personal problems. a. Mentoring b. Employee assistance program c. Coaching d. None of the above 35.A point in an individuals career in which the probability of moving further up the hierarchy is low is called-----------. a. Career path b. Career anchors c. Career plateau d. None of the above

36.One of the following is a future oriented appraisal technique. a. Rating scale b. MBO c. BARS d. Field Review Method 37.Performance appraisal serves as a building blocks of -----------. a. Recruiting b. Career planning c. Manpower planning d. Job analysis 38.----------- is the compensation that is directly linked to the performance accomplishments of the employees. a. Basic pay b. Variable pay c. Fringe benefits d. None of the above 39.Which of the following is not a standard for selection tests? a. Reliability b. Validity c. reaction d. standardization 40.which is not a part of selection procedure? a. Aptitude test b. Interview c. Induction d. Group discussion 41.Which are the alternatives to recruitment? a. Overtime b. Employee leasing c. Temporary employment d. All of the above 42.The termination of the services of an employee as a punitive measure for some misconduct is called-----------. a. Suspension b. Dismissal c. Outplacement d. Retrenchment

43.The types of training required for skilled labours are all but not-----------. a. Creative training b. Refresher training c. Diversity training d. Literacy training 44.----------- occurs when the position holders are uncertain about limits of their authority. a. Role conflict b. Role ambiguity c. Role extension d. None of the above 45.The people who are sent to work abroad from the country in which the headquarters of the company is located are known as------------. a. Host country nationals b. Home country nationals c. Third country nationals d. All of the above 46.Performance appraisal is a primary human resource process that links employees and organizations and provides input for other process through-----------. a. Identification, measurement and management b. Assessment, direction and development c. Recruitment, selection and on boarding d. Skill, effort and responsibility 47.The amount sufficient to enable a worker to live in reasonable comfort, having regard to all the obligations to which an average worker would ordinarily be subject to-------------. a. Minimum wages b. Fair wage c. Living wage d. Nominal wage 48.The technique of drawing conclusions from a persons handwriting is called-------------. a. Graphology b. Physiognomy c. Phrenology d. Astronomy

49.Reducing the number of employees at operational level and reorganizing the work system to attain higher productivity is called------------. a. Downsizing b. Manpower inventory c. Manpower forecasting d. All of the above 50.Which of the following organizations are world oriented? a. Geocentric b. Polycentric c. Regiocentric d. Ethnocentric 51.The concept of MBO was developed by----------------. a. Peter Drucker b. Luther Gulick c. Rinses Likert d. Blake & Mouton 52.Arrange the following as career path stages. a. Growth b. Establishment c. disengagement d. exploration e. maintenance i. a,d,b,e,c ii. a,c,d,e,b iii. d,e,b,c,a iv. c,a,b,d,e 53.The steps followed in action research model does not include----------. a. Diagnosis b. Focus c. Process maintenance d. Action 54.A role focussed OD intervention is a type of ----------. a. Group intervention b. Individual intervention c. Organizational intervention d. None of the above

55.The management of influence to obtain ends not sanctioned by the organization is called ------------. a. Organizational influence b. Organizational power c. Organizational politics d. All of the above 56. The elements of organizational culture includes all but not -------------. a. Artifacts b. Values and beliefs c. Organizational practices d. External environment 57.The six box model of organization includes ------------. a. Purpose b. Structure c. Leadership d. All of the above 58.Delphi technique is used in -------------. a. Organizing b. Operating c. Directing d. Forecasting 59.Human resource planning includes ------------. a. Scenario planning b. Action planning c. Demand and supply forecast d. All of the above 60.-------------- is not a part of the recruitment process. a. Determining requirements b. Planning recruitment campaign c. Attracting candidates d. Selecting candidates 61.Which of the following is the outcome 0f job satisfaction? a. High employee turnover b. High productivity c. Absenteeism d. All of the above

62.Which of the following is not a determinant of wages? a. Prevailing wages b. Bargaining strength of the unions c. Job evaluation d. Performance appraisal 63.Empowerment means the authority to make decisions in ones area of operation. a. By taking approval from the senior b. Without having to get approval from anyone else c. Without caring for the consequences d. All of the above 64.Self-perceived talents, motives and values that influence career of an individual are known as -------------. a. Career anchors b. Career plan c. Career aims d. None of the above 65.The ultimate mission or purpose is to relate human resources to future enterprise needs, so as to maximize the future return on investments in hr. it is referred as -------------. a. Demand & supply b. Forecasting c. HRP d. HRD 66. Which of the following provides direction, serves as standards for evaluating performance and motivates members of the organization? a. Mission b. Values c. Objectives d. Goals 67.The process of determining the tasks that make up a job and the skills, abilities and responsibilities needed to perform the job is called -----------. a. Job analysis b. Job description c. Job enrichment d. All of the above

68.Benefits provided for temporary and permanent disability, disfigurement, medical expenses and medical rehabilitation is referred to as -----------. a. Fringe benefits b. Financial incentives c. Workers compensation d. None of the above 69.HRM is a part of the broad HR, as it focusses on--------------. a. Selection , induction and training & development b. Operational and organizational options c. A & B d. None of the above 70. Group norms are strongly enforced by group if they -----------. a. Aid in group survival b. Simplify expected behaviour of the members c. Express central values of the group d. All of the above.

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