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SuperChucks Super New Super Fantasy Football League RULES: I. League Administration 1. Entry fee is $150.

Fee must be received at least 24 hours before draft. 2. League will be limited to 10 teams. 3. League will keep no fee, all fees received will be distributed as prize money. 4. Prize structure: a. League winner: $900 b. League runner-up: $300 c. Consolation bracket winner: $150 d. Highest single week score: $150 5. League will be hosted by major national website to be determined (Yahoo!, ESPN, etc.). 6. Playoffs will be NFL weeks 15 and 16 (week 17 is not played due to NFL teams occasionally sitting star players in the last week of the season). Playoffs will include the top four teams in the primary bracket and the next four teams in the consolation bracket. 7. Trade deadline is the week before Thanksgiving. Note that trades are approved not by league vote but by the Competition Committee (see Art. IV, below). II. Rosters and Scoring 1. Starting rosters are allocated as follows: a. QB (2) b. Any combination RB/WR/TE (5) 2. Bench depth shall be five (5) spots. 3. Scoring is essentially standard: a. Passing TDs: 4 points b. Rushing/Receiving TDs: 6 points c. Return TDs: 6 points d. Passing yards: 1 pt/25 yards e. Rushing/Receiving yards: 1 pt/10 yards f. 2 pt conversions (rushing/receiving/passing): 2 points g. Turnovers (fumble lost or INT): -2 points h. No bonus scoring III. Draft, Free Agents, and Keeper Rules 1. Draft will be 12 round snaking order, with random draft order set by host site. 2. Any player unable to draft must either clear with the Commissioner a proxy drafter (another person drafting for him) or set draft to autopick. 3. The league will use a waiver period of 24 hours for all free agents. The 24-hour period will begin (1) after the draft, (2) at the beginning of any free agents game for the given week, and (3) from the moment a player is dropped from a teams roster. 4. Waiver claim priority is based on the inverse of the league standings at the time the claimed player goes to waivers. Any successful claim will bump that manager to the bottom of the waiver priority list for the remainder of the week. 5. Keeper rule: Any manager who drafts a rookie player and has that rookie player on his roster for at least 12 weeks of the season shall have rights to claim the player in the following years draft. Should the manager elect to claim the player, he will count against that managers draft based on the players average draft position (ADP) as determined by the website FF Toolbox

( using the ADPs update from the day before the league draft. For example, if the player in question has an ADP of 17, the manager exercising his right to that player will exchange his second round pick for the player because the position of 17 is in the second round in this 10team league. The manager shall retain the rights to the player for the following season by keeping the player on his roster for at least 12 weeks in the season. There shall be no relief for injuries. Keeper rights may only be exercised three consecutive seasons (or, in other words, the player returns to full free agent status no later than the beginning of his fifth season in the NFL). IV. Trades and Controversies: The Competition Committee 1. At the time of the draft, two primary members and two alternates shall be selected by random to serve on the Competition Committee. The function of the Competition Committee is to assist the Commissioner by determining allowability of trades and the resolution of controversies or scoring issues that may arise during the course of the season. 2. At any time during the season, a trade is proposed or a controversy or scoring issue arises, the Commissioner shall convene the Competition Committee through email to determine the leagues course of action. The Competition Committee shall consist of two managers and the Commissioner for a total of three to prevent any deadlocked vote. In the event that the proposed trade or controversy involves one or more of the primary members, or the Commissioner, the alternates shall serve in the place of the affected member(s). 3. The standard for reviewing trades shall be whether each manager has a legitimate competitive interest in making the trade proposed. The Competition Committee shall not consider how the trade would impact other teams (including their own) but only whether the managers involved have a legitimate competitive interest in making the trade. 4. The standard for reviewing controversies shall be in the interest of fairness and the spirit of competition. V. Weekly Play / Deadbeatism League rules and prizes (namely the consolation bracket and highest single week prizes) are designed to keep all managers starting a legitimate roster every week of competition throughout the season. Managers who do not start a full roster of active players, or a deadbeat roster (meaning a roster with no known injuries or bye-week players) are in violation of this rule. A manager starting a deadbeat roster will receive a warning. Upon the second instance of a deadbeat roster, that manager will forfeit league participation and prize opportunity, and be banned from future participation in the league. In the hopefully unlikely event that a manager is forfeited, the Commissioner shall select that teams starting roster for the remainder of the season based on the top-scoring available players (meaning the roster will be set by the teams top scoring players to-date for the particular week). Roster moves based on injury or other issue will be approved by the Competition Committee. Managers in violation of this rule shall have the opportunity to appeal to the Competition Committee based on extenuating circumstances. Managers with known problems (e.g. foreign travel) should notify the Commissioner ahead of time and make arrangements to have an appropriate starting roster each week.





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