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RECRUITMENT & SELECTION RECRUITMENT Definition Of Recruitment: Finding and Attracting Applications Recruitment is the Process of finding and

attracting capable applicants for employment.The Process begins when new recruits are sought and ends when their applications aresubmitted. The result is a pool of application from which new employees are selected. MEANING OF RECRUITMENT: Recruitment is understood as the process of searching for and obtaining applicants for jobs,from among them the right people can be selected. Though theoretically recruitmentprocess is said to end with the receipt of applications, in practice the activity extends to thescreening of applications so as to eliminate those who are not qualified for the job. PURPOSE AND IMPORTANCE OF RECRUITMENT: 1.Determine the present and future requirements in conjunction with personn elplanning and job analysis activities2.Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost3.Help increase success rate of selection process by reducing number of u nder-qualified or over-qualified applications.4.Reduce the probability that job applicants once selected would leave shortly5.Meet legal and social obligations6.Identify and prepare potential job applicants7.Evaluate effectiveness of various recruitment techniques and sources for jobapplicants. FACTORS GOVERNING RECRUITMENT External Factors: Demand and Supply (Specific Skills) Unemployment Rate (Area-wise) Labor Market Conditions Political and Legal Environment (Reservations, Labor laws) Image

Internal Factors Recruitment Policy (Internal Hiring or External Hiring?) Human Resource Planning (Planning of resources required) Size of the Organization (Bigger the size lesser the recruitment problems) Cost Growth and Expansion Plans RECRUITMENT PROCESS Recruitment Planning Number of contacts Types of contacts Recruitment Strategy Development Make or Buy Employees Technological Sophistication Where to look How to look Internal Recruitment (Source 1) Present employees Employee referrals Transfers & Promotions Former Employees Previous Applicants

Evaluation of Internal Recruitment External Recruitment (Source 2) Professionals or Trade Associations Advertisements Employment Exchanges Campus Recruitment Walk-ins Interviews Consultants Contractors Displaced Persons Radio & Television Acquisitions & Mergers Competitors Evaluation of External Recruitment Searching Source activation Selling Screening of Applications Evaluation and Cost Control Salary Cost Management & Professional Time spent Advertisement Cost

Producing Supporting literature Recruitment Overheads and Expenses Cost of Overtime and Outsourcing Consultants fees Evaluation of Recruitment Process Return rate of applications sent out Suitable Candidates for selection Retention and Performance of selected candidates Recruitment Cost Time lapsed data Image projection INTERNAL RECRUITMENT Advantages 1.Less Costly 2.Candidates already oriented towardsorganization 3.Organizations have better knowledge about internal candidates 4.Employee morale and motivation is Enhanced Disadvantages 1.Old concept of doing things 2.It abets raiding 3.Candidates current work may beaffected 4.Politics play greater roles 5.Morale problem for those not promoted. EXTERNAL RECRUITMENT Advantages 1.Benefits of new skills and talents 2.Benefits of new experiences

3.Compliance with reservation policy Disadvantages 1.Better morale and motivationassociated with internal recruiting is denied SELECTION: -MEANING OF SELECTION: Selection is the process of picking up individuals (out of the pool of job applicants) withrequisite qualifications and competence to fill jobs in the organization. A formal definition of Selection is as under Definition of Selection: Process of differentiating Selection is the process of differentiating between applicants in order to identify and hirethose with a greater likelihood of success in a job. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION: RecruitmentSelection 1.Recruitment refers to the process of identifying and encouragingprospective employees to apply for jobs.2.Recruit ment is said to be positive in its approach as it seeks to attract as many candidates as possible.1.Selection is concerned with picking up the right candidates from a pool of applicants.2.Selection on the other hand is negative in its application in as muchas it seeks to eliminate as manyunqualified applicants as possible inorde r to identify the right candidates. PROCESS / STEPS IN SELECTION 1. Preliminary Interview: The purpose of preliminary interviews is basically to eliminate unqualified applications based on information supplied in application forms. The basic objective is to reject misfits. On the other hands preliminary interviews iso ften called a courtesy interview and is a good public relations exercise. 2. Selection Tests: Jobseekers who past the preliminary interviews are called fortests. There are various types of tests conducted depending upon the jobs and the company. These tests can be Aptitude Tests, Personality Tests, and Ability Tests and areconducted to judge how well an individual can perform tasks related to the job.

Besidesthis there are some other tests also like Interest Tests (activity preferen ces),Graphology Test (Handwriting), Medical Tests, Psychometric Tests etc. 3. Employment Interview: The next step in selection is employment interview. Hereinterview is a formal and in-depth conversation between applicants acceptability. It isconsidered to be an excellent selection device. Interviews can be One-toOne, PanelInterview, or Sequential Interviews. Besides there can be Structured and Unstructuredinterviews, Behavioral Interviews, Stress Interviews. 4. Reference & Background Checks: Reference checks and background checksare conducted to verify the information provided by the candidates. Reference checkscan be through formal letters, telephone conversations. However it is merely a formalityand selections decisions are seldom affected by it. 5. Selection Decision: After obtaining all the information, the most critical step is theselection decision is to be made. The final decision has to be made out of applicantswho have passed preliminary interviews, tests, final interviews and reference checks.The views of line managers are considered generally because it is the line manager whois responsible for the performance of the new employee. 6. Physical Examination: After the selection decision is made, the candidate isrequired to undergo a physical fitness test. A job offer is often contingent upon thecandidate passing the physical examination. 7. Job Offer: The next step in selection process is job offer to those applicants whohave crossed all the previous hurdles. It is made by way of letter of appointment. 8. Contract of Employment: After the job offer is made and candidates accept theoffer, certain documents need to be executed by the employer and the candidate. Hereis a need to prepare a formal contract of employment, containing written contractualterms of employment etc.

ESSENTIALS OF A GOOD SELECTION PRACTICE 1.Detailed job descriptions and job specifications prepared in advance and endorsed bypersonnel and line management2.Trained the selectors3.Determine aids to be used for selection process4.Check competence of recruitment consultants before retention5.Involve line managers at all stages6.Attempt to validate the procedure7.Help the appointed candidate to succeed by training and management development BARRIERS TO EFFECTIVE SELECTION: 1. Perception: We all perceive the world differently. Our limited perceptual ability isobviously a stumbling block to the objective and rational selection of people. 2. Fairness: Barriers of fairness includes discrimination against religion, region, race orgender etc. 3. Validity: A test that has been validated can differentiate between the employees whocan perform well and those who will not. However it does not predict the job successaccurately. 4. Reliability: A reliable test may fail to predict job performance with precision. 5. Pressure: Pressure brought on selectors by politicians, bureaucrats, relatives, friendsand peers to select particular candidate are also barriers to selection. TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT Definition of Training & Development: Improve performanceTraining & Development is any attempt to improve current or future employeeperformance by increasing an employees ability to perform through learning, usually bychanging the employees attitude or increasing his or her skills and knowledge. MEANING OF TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT: The need for Training and Development is determined by the employees performancedeficiency, computed as follows.Training & Development Need =

Standard Performance Actual PerformanceWe can make a distinction among Training, Development and Education. Distinction between Training and EducationTrainingEducation Application orientedJob experienceSpecific Task in mindNarrow PerspectiveTraining is Job SpecificTheoretical OrientationClassroom learningCovers general conceptsHas Broad PerspectiveEducation is no bar Training: Training refers to the process of imparting specific skills. An employeeundergoi ng training is presumed to have had some formal education. No training programis complete without an element of education. Hence we can say that Training is offered tooperatives. Education: It is a theoretical learning in classrooms. The purpose of education is to teachtheoretical concepts and develop a sense of reasoning and judgment. That any training anddevelopment program must contain an element of education is well understood by HRSpecialists. Any such program has university professors as resource persons to enlightenparticipants about theoretical knowledge of the topics proposed to dis cuss. In factorganizations depute or encourage employees to do courses on part time basis. CEOs areknown to attend refresher courses conducted by business schools. The education is moreimportant for managers and executives rather than low cadre workers. Anyways educationis common to all employees, their grades notwithstanding. Development: Development means those learning opportunities designed to helpemployees to grow. Development is not primarily skills oriented. Instead it provides thegeneral knowledge and attitudes, which will be helpful to employers in higher positions.Efforts towards development often depend on personal drive and ambition. Developmentactivities such as those supplied by management development programs are generallyvoluntary in nature. Development provides knowledge about business environment,management principles and techniques, human relations, specific industry analysis and thelike is useful for better management of a company. Objectives of (MDP) Management Development Programs OR Advantages of Development 1.Making them Self-starters

Committed Motivated Result oriented Sensitive to environment Understand use of power2.Creating self awareness3.Develop inspiring leadership styles4.Instill zest for excellence5.Teach them about effective communication6.To subordinate their functional loyalties to the interests of the organization Difference between Training and DevelopmentTrainingDevelopment Training is skills focusedDevelopment is creating learning abilitiesTraining is p resumed to have a formaleducationDevelopment is not education dependentTraining needs depend upon lack ordeficiency in skillsDevelopment depends on personal driveand ambitionTrainings are generally need basedDevelopment is voluntaryTraining is a narrower concept focusedon job related skillsDevelopment is a broader conceptfocused on personality developmentTraining may not include developmentDevelopment includes training wherevernecessaryTraining is aime d at improving jobrelated efficiency and performanceDevelopment aims at overall personaleffectiveness including job efficiencies What are the Training Inputs? Skills Education Development Ethics Problem Solving Skills Decision Making Attitudinal Changes

Importance of Training & Development Helps remove performance deficiencies in employees Greater stability, flexibility and capacity for growth in an organization Accidents, scraps and damages to machinery can be avoided Serves as effective source of recruitment It is an investment in HR with a promise of better returns in future Reduces dissatisfaction, absenteeism, complaints and turnover of employees

Need of Training Individual level Diagnosis of present problems and future challenges Improve individual performance or fix up performance deficiency Improve skills or knowledge or any other problem To anticipate future skill-needs and prepare employee to handle more challenging tasks To prepare for possible job transfers Group level To face any change in organization strategy at group levels When new products and services are launched To avoid scraps and accident rates Identification of Training Needs (Methods)Individual Training Needs Identification 1.Performance Appraisals2.Interviews3.Questionnaires4.Attitude Surveys5.Training Progress Feedback6.Work Sampling7.Rating Scales Group Level Training Needs Identification

1.Organizational Goals and Objectives2.Personnel / Skills Inventories3.Organizational Climate Indices4.Efficiency Indices5.Exit Interviews6.MBO / Work Planning Systems7.Quality Circles8.Customer Satisfaction Survey9.Analysis of Current and Anticipated Changes Benefits of Training Needs Identification 1.Trainers can be informed about the broader needs in advance2.Trainers Perception Gaps can be reduced between employees and their supervisors3.Trainers can design course inputs closer to the specific needs of the participants4.Diagnosis of causes of performance deficiencies can be done Methods of TrainingOn the Job Trainings: These methods are generally applied on the workplace whileemployees is actually working. Following are the on-the-job methods. Advantages of On-the-Job Training: It is directly in the context of jobIt is often informalIt is most effective because it is learning by experienceIt is least expensiveTrainees are highly motivatedIt is free from artificial classroom situations Disadvantages of On-the-Job Training: Trainer may not be experienced enough to trainIt is not systematically organizedPoorly conducted programs may create safety hazards On the Job Training Methods 1. Job Rotation: In this method, usually employees are put on different jobs turn byturn where they learn all sorts of jobs of various departments. The objective is togive a comprehensive awareness about the jobs of different departments.Adv antage employee gets to know how his own and other departments alsofunction. Interdepartmental coordination can be im proved, instills team spirit.Disadvantage It may become too much for an employee to learn. It is not focusedon employees own job responsibilities. Employees basic talents may remain underutilized. 2. Job Coaching: An experienced employee can give a verbal presentation to explainthe nittygrittys of the job. 3. Job Instruction: It may consist an instruction or directions to perform a particulartask or a function. It may be in the form of orders or steps to perform a task.

4. Apprenticeships: Generally fresh graduates are put under the experiencedemployee to learn the functions of job. 5. Internships and Assistantships: An intern or an assistants are recruited toperform a specific time-bound jobs or projects during their education. It may consista part of their educational courses. Off the Job Trainings: These are used away from work places while employees are notworking like classroom trainings, seminars etc. Following are the off-the-job methods; Advantages of Off-the-Job Training: Trainers are usually experienced enough to trainIt is systematically organizedEfficiently created programs may add lot of value Disadvantages of Off-the-Job Training: It is not directly in the context of jobIt is often formalIt is not based on experienceIt is least expensiveTrainees may not be highly motivatedIt is more artificial in nature Off the Job Training Methods 1. Classroom Lectures: It is a verbal lecture presentation by an instructor to a largeaudience. Advantage It can be used for large groups. Cost per trainee is low.Disadvantages Low popularity. It is not learning by practice. It is Onewaycommunication. No authentic feedback mechanism. Likely to boredom. 2. Audio-Visual: It can be done using Films, Televisions, Video, and Presentations etc.Advantages Wide range of realistic examples, quality control possible,.Disadvantages One-way communication, No feedback mechanism. No flexibility fordifferent audience. 3. Simulation: creating a real life situation for decision-making and understanding theactual job conditions give it. Following are some of the simulation methods of trainings

a. Case Studies: It is a written description of an actual situation and trainer is supposed to analyze and give his conclusions in writing. The cases are generally based on actual organizational situations. It is an ideal method to promote decision-making abilities within the constraints of limited data. b. Role Plays: Here trainees assume the part of the specific personalities in acase study and enact it in front of the audience. It is more emotionalorientati on and improves interpersonal relationships. Attitudinal change isanother result. These are generally used in MDP. c. Sensitivity Trainings : This is more from the point of view of behavioralassessment, under different circumstances how an individual will be havehimself and towards others. There is no preplanned agenda and it is instant.Advantages increased ability to empathize, listening skills, openness,tolerance, and conflict resolution skills. Disadvantage Participants mayresort to their old habits after the training. 4. Programmed Instructions: Provided in the form of blocks either in book or ateaching machine using questions and Feedbacks without the intervention of trainer.Advantages Self paced, trainees can progress at their own speed, strongmotivation for repe at learning, material is structured and self-contained.Disadvantages Scope for learning is less; cost of books, manuals or machinery isexpensive. 5. Computer Aided Instructions: It is extension of PI method, by using computers.Advantages Provides accountabilities, modifiable to technological innovations,flexible to time. Disadvantages High cost.

6.Laboratory Training Barriers to Effective Training: 1.Lack of Management commitment 2.Inadequate Training budget 3.Education degrees lack skills 4.Large scale poaching of trained staff 5.Non-coordination from workers due to downsizing trends 6.Employers and B Schools operating distantly 7.Unions influence How To Make Training Effective? 1.Management Commitment2.Training & Business Strategies Integration3.Comprehensive and Systematic Approach4.Continuous and Ongoing approach5.Promoting Learning as Fundamental Value6.Creations of effective training evaluation system

INDUCTION & ORIENATION Definition 1: Planned Introduction It is a Planned Introduction of employees to their jobs, their co-workers and theorganization per se. Orientation conveys 4 types of information: 1.Daily Work Routine2.Organization Profile3.Importance of Jobs to the organization4.Detailed Orientation Presentations Purpose of Orientation 1.To make new employees feel at home in new environment2.To remove their anxiety about new workplace3.To remove their inadequacies about new peers4.To remove worries about their job performance5.To provide them job information, environment Types of Orientation Programs 1.Formal or Informal2.Individual or Group3.Serial or Disjunctive Prerequisites of Effective Orientation Program 1.Prepare for receiving new employee2.Determine information new employee wants to know3.Determine how to present information4.Completion of Paperwork Problems of Orientations 1.Busy or Untrained supervisor2.Too much information3.Overloaded with paperwork4.Given menial tasks and discourage interests5.Demanding tasks

where failure chances are high6.Employee thrown into action soon7.Wrong perceptions of employees What is the difference between induction and orientation? Induction referred to formal training programs that an employee had to complete beforethey could start workOrientation was the informal information giving that made the recruit aware of the comfortissues - where the facilities are, what time lunch is and so forth. How long should the induction process take? It starts when the job ad is written, continues through the selection process and is notcomplete until the new team member is comfortable as a full contributor to theorganization's goals.The first hour on day one is a critical component signing on, issuing keys and passwords,explaining no go zones, emergency procedures, meeting the people that you will interactwith all have to be done immediately. Until they are done the newcomer is on the payroll,but is not employed.After that it is a matter of just in time training - expanding the content as new duties are undertaken. We only employ new people one at a time - how can we induct them? There are some issues, which cannot wait - they vary according to your situation. Perhaps abuddy system on the job may be the best way to deal with these. Other subjects may beincorporated with refresher training for current staff, or handled as participant in an outsideprogram. Perhaps some can wait until there are groups of people who have started in thelast few months.This may take some creative thinking, but the answer is quite simple - until the new peopleare integrated then they are less useful. The math is often amazingly simple - not takingthe time to train consumes more time than the training would. What levels of staff need induction? Everybody. The CEO needs to know different things to the temporary concierge, buteveryone needs a planned program of induction and orientation. PLACEMENT Placement is allocation of people to jobs. It is assignment or reassignment of an employeeto a new or different job.

MULTI SKILLING Multi Skilling is The Integrated Skills Program that has been developed to build on theexisting skills of the current work force to reduce redundancies and avoid downsizingsituations. The objective of this program is to gain total integration of skills.The program is based around on-the-job & off-the-job competence. That is the ability todo the job on the shop floor (training to gain work experience) and off-the-job (training inthe classroom) to gain underpinning knowledge.The program requires the individual to demonstrate competence in a number of differentskills and this competence is measured and assessed on the job.Multiskilling of course works best with more advanced skilled workers because their individual skills levels are developed enough where they can fluidly transition from one skillto the next without degradation of a skills performance. If you are multi-skilling and agreat percentage of your workers are having problems executing one of the skills effectivelyit is probably a good signal you need to go back to basics with that skill and pull it out of the multiskilling sequences. Another advantage of multi-skilling is the positive effect of what is called "contextual learning". Contextual learning involves discovery a nd Improvement from two skills, which don't, on the surface, appear to have a dir ectrelationship.The disadvantages of multi-skilling include the obvious danger of moving on to quicklytoward advanced skills and combinations without sufficiently drilling basic skills. Whilethere is a great desire to learn quickly I think this is one of the reason we are seeing betterskilled from some of the best workers. The consequence is that we become "partiallyskilled". The greater the number of partial skills we develop, the less chance we ever haveof reaching our full potential.

PERFORMANCE APPRAISALS Definition 1: Systematic Evaluation It is a systematic evaluation of an individual with respect to performance on the job andindividuals potential for development. Definition 2: Formal System, Reasons and Measures of future performance

It is formal, structured system of measuring, evaluating job related behaviors andoutcomes to discover reasons of performance and how to perform effectively in future sothat employee, organization and society all benefits. Meaning of Performance Appraisals Performance Appraisals is the assessment of individuals performance in a systematic way.It is a developmental tool used for all round development of the employee and theorganization. The performance is measured against such factors as job knowledge, qualityand quantity of output, initiative, leadership abilities, supervision, depe ndability, co-operation, judgment, versatility and health. Assessment should be confined to past as wellas potential performance also. The second definition is more focused on behaviors as a partof assessment because behaviors do affect job results. Performance Appraisals and Job Analysis Relationship Job Analysis Performance Standards Performance Appraisals Describe the work and personnel requirement of a particular job. Translate job requirements into levels of acceptable or unacceptable performance Describe the job relevant strengths and weaknesses of each individual. Objectives of Performance Appraisals Use of Performance Appraisals 1.Promotions 2.Confirmations 3.Training and Development 4.Compensation reviews 5.Competency building 6.Improve communication 7.Evaluation of HR Programs 8.Feedback & Grievances

Performance Appraisal Process 1.Objectives definition of appraisal 2.Job expectations establishment 3.Design an appraisal program

4.Appraise the performance 5.Performance Interviews 6.Use data for appropriate purposes 7.Identify opportunities variables 8.Using social processes, physical processes, human and computer assistance

TECHNIQUES / METHODS OF PERFORMANCE APPRAISALS Numerous methods have been devised to measure the quantity and quality of performanceappraisals. Each of the methods is effective for some purposes for some organizations only.None should be dismissed or accepted as appropriate except as they relate to the particularneeds of the organization or an employee.Broadly all methods of appraisals can be divided into two different categories. Past Oriented Methods Future Oriented Methods Past Oriented Methods 1. Rating Scales: Rating scales consists of several numerical scales representing jobrelated performance criterions such as dependability, initiative , output, attendance,attitude etc. Each scales ranges from excellent to poor. The total numerical scores arecomputed and final conclusions are derived. Advantages Adaptability, easy to use, low cost, every type of job can be evaluated, large number of employees covered, no formaltraining required. Disadvantages Raters biases 2. Checklist: Under this method, checklist of statements of traits of employee in the formof Yes or No based questions is prepared. Here the rater only does the reporting orchecking and HR department does the actual evaluation. Advantages economy, easeof administration, limited training required, standardization. Disadvantage s Ratersbiases, use of improper weighs by HR, does not allow rater to give relative ratings

3. Forced Choice Method: The series of statements arranged in the blocks of two ormore are given and the rater indicates which statement is true or false. The rater isforced to make a choice. HR department does actual assessment. Advantages Absence of personal biases because of forced choice. Disadvantages Statements maybe wrongly framed. 4. Forced Distribution Method: here employees are clustered around a high point on arating scale. Rater is compelled to distribute the employees on all points on the scale. Itis assumed that the performance is conformed to normal distribution. Advantages Eliminates Disadvantages Assumption of normal distribution, unrealistic, errors of central tendency. 5. Critical Incidents Method: The approach is focused on certain critical behaviors of employee that makes all the difference in the performance. Supervisors as and whenthey occur record such incidents. Advantages Evaluations are based on actual jobbehaviors, ratings are supported by descriptions, feedback is easy, reduces recencybiases, chances of subordinate improvement are high. Disadvantages Negativeincidents can be prioritized, forgetting incidents, overly close supervision; feedback maybe too much and may appear to be punishment. 6. Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales: statements of effective and ineffectivebehaviors determine the points. They are said to be behaviorally anchored. The rater issupposed to say, which behavior describes the employee performance. Advantages helps overcome rating errors. Disadvantages Suffers from distortions inherent in mostrating techniques. 7. Field Review Method: This is an appraisal done by someone outside employees owndepartment usually from corporate or HR department. Advantages Useful formanagerial level promotions, when comparable information is needed, Disadvantages Outsider is generally not familiar with employees work environment, Observation of actual behaviors not possible.

8. Performance Tests & Observations: This is based on the test of knowledge or skills.The tests may be written or an actual presentation of skills. Tests must be reliable andvalidated to be useful. Advantage Tests may be apt to measure potential more thanactual performance. Disadvantages Tests may suffer if costs of test development oradministration are high. 9. Confidential Records: Mostly used by government departments, however itsapplication in industry is not ruled out. Here the report is given in the form of AnnualConfidentiality Report (ACR) and may record ratings with respect to following items;attendance, self expression, team work, leadership, initiative, technical a bility,reasoning ability, originality and resourcefulness etc. The system is highly secretive andconfidential. Feedback to the assessee is given only in case of an adverse entry.Disadvantage is that it is highly subjective and ratings can be manipulated because theevaluations are linked to HR actions like promotions etc 10. Essay Method: In this method the rater writes down the employee description in detail within a number of broad categories like, overall impression of performance,pr omoteability of employee, existing capabilities and qualifications of performing jobs,strengths and weaknesses and training needs of the employee. Advantage It isextremely useful in filing information gaps about the employees that often occur in abetter-structured checklist. Disadvantages It its highly dependent upon the writingskills of rater and most of them are not good writers. They may get confused successdepends on the memory power of raters. 11. Cost Accounting Method: Here performance is evaluated from the monetary returnsyields to his or her organization. Cost to keep employee, and benefit the organizationderives is ascertained. Hence it is more dependent upon cost and benefit analysis. 12. Comparative Evaluation Method (Ranking & Paired Comparisons): These arecollection of different methods that compare performance with that of other co-workers.The usual techniques used may be ranking methods and paired comparison method.

Ranking Methods: Superior ranks his worker based on merit, from best toworst. However how best and why best are not elaborated in this method. It iseasy to administer and explanation. Paired Comparison Methods: In this method each employee is rated withanother employee in the form of pairs. The number of comparisons may becalculated with the help of a formula as under.N x (N-1) / 2 Future Oriented Methods 1. Management By Objectives: It means management by objectives and theperformance is rated against the achievement of objectives stated by the management.MBO process goes as under. Establish goals and desired outcomes for each subordinate Setting performance standards Comparison of actual goals with goals attained by the employee Establish new goals and new strategies for goals not achieved in previous year.Advantage It is more useful for managerial positions.Disadvantages Not applicable to all jobs, allocation of merit pay may result in settingshort-term goals rather than important and long-term goals etc. 2. Psychological Appraisals: These appraisals are more directed to assess employeespotential for future performance rather than the past one. It is done in the form of in-depth interviews, psychological tests, and discussion with supervisors and review of other evaluations. It is more focused on employees emotional, intellectual, a ndmotivational and other personal characteristics affecting his performance. This approachis slow and costly and may be useful for bright young members who may haveconsiderable potential. However quality of these appraisals largely depend upon theskills of psychologists who perform the evaluation.

3. Assessment Centers: This technique was first developed in USA and UK in 1943. Anassessment center is a central location where managers may come together to havetheir participation in job related exercises evaluated by trained observers. It is morefocused on observation of behaviors across a series of select exercises or work samples.Assessees are requested to participate in in-basket exercises, work groups, computersimulations, role playing and other similar activities which require same attributes forsuccessful performance in actual job. The characteristics assessed in assessment centercan be assertiveness, persuasive ability, communicating ability, planning andorganizational ability, self confidence, resistance to stress, energy level, de cisionmaking, sensitivity to feelings, administrative ability, creativity and mental alertness

Disadvantages Costs of employees traveling and lodging, psychologists, ratingsstrongly influenced by assessees interpersonal skills. Solid performers may feelsuffocated in simulated situations. Those who are not selected for this also may getaffected. Advantages well-conducted assessment center can achieve better forecasts of futureperformance and progress than other methods of appraisals. Also reliability, content validityand predictive ability are said to be high in assessment centers. The tests also make surethat the wrong people are not hired or promoted. Finally it clearly defines the criteria forselection and promotion. 4. 360-Degree Feedback: It is a technique which is systematic collection of performance data on an individual group, derived from a number of stakeholders like immediate supervisors, team members, customers, peers and self. In fact anyone who has Useful information on how an employee does a job may be one of the appraisers. This technique is highly useful in terms of broader perspective, greater selfdevelopment and multi-source feedback is useful. 360-degree appraisals are useful to measure inter-personal skills, customer satisfaction and team

building skills. However on the negative side, receiving feedback from multiple sources can be intimidating, threatening etc.Multiple raters may be less adept at providing balanced and objective feedback. Ethics of Performance Appraisals / Legally defensible Performance Appraisals Ethics of Procedures 1.Formal Standardized Performance Appraisal Systems 2.Uniform to all employees, no illegal differentiations based on cast, religion etc. 3.Standards formally communicated to all employees 4.Freedom to review performance appraisal results 5.Formal appeal process about ratings and judgments 6.Written instructions and training to raters 7.All personal decision makers should be aware of anti-discrimination laws. Ethics of Contents 1.Content based on job analysis 2.Traits based appraisals should be avoided 3.Objectively verifiable data should be used 4.Constraints on performance beyond control should be prevented 5.Specific job related dimensions to be used rather than single or global dimensions. 6.Dimensions must be assigned weight to reflect relative importance in performance score Ethics of Documentation of Results 1.A thoroughly written record of evidence leading to termination should be maintained 2.Written documentation of extreme ratings should be maintained 3.Documentation should be consistent among the raters. Ethics of Raters 1.The raters should be trained in how to use an appraisal system 2.The rater must have opportunity to observe ratees first hand and review importantratee performance products. 3.Use of more than one rater is desirable to reduce biases.

Organizational Support Factors for Performance Appraisal Systems

Performance appraisal serves many organizational objectives and goals. Beside sencouraging high level of performance, the evaluation system is useful in iden tifyingemployees with potential, rewarding them equitably, and determining employee needs for development. All these activities are instrumental in achieving corporate plans and long-term growth, typical appraisal system in most organizations have been focused on short-term goals only.From the strategic management point of views, organizations can be grouped under 3 different categories as defenders, prospectors and analyzers. Defenders: They have narrow and stable product market domain. They dont need tomake any adjustment in technology, structure or methods of operations etc. They devote entire attention on improving existing operations. Because of emphasis on skill building successful defenders use appraisals as means for identifying training needs. It is more behavior oriented. Prospectors: They continuously search for new products and opportunities. Theyexperiment regularly to new and emerging trends. They more focus on skills identification and acquisition of human resources from external sources prospectors often use appraisals for identifying staffing needs. The focus is on results. Analyzers: They operate in two type of product domain markets. One is stable and other ischanging. They watch their competitors closely and rapidly adopt the ideas t hat arepromising. They use cost effective technologies for stable products and matrix technologies for new products. Analyzers tend to emphasize on skills building and skills acquisitions andemploy extensive training programs. Hence they use appraisal more for trai ning and staffing purposes. However performance appraisal systems has strategic importance in three different ways. Feedback Mechanism: Performance evaluation is the central mechanism that not onlyprovides feedback to individuals but also aids in the assessment of the pro gress of organization as a whole. Without appraisals managers of any firm can only guess as to whether or not employees are working towards realization of the organization goals.

Consistency between strategy and job behavior: Performance appraisal not only is a means of knowing if the employee behavior is consistent with the overall strategies focus but also a way of bringing to the fore any negative consequence of the strategy behavior fit. Thus the performance appraisal system is an important mechanism to elicit feedback on the consistency of the strategy behavior link. Consistency between Values and Job Behavior link: Performance evaluation is a mechanism to reinforce values and culture of the organization. Another importance is to align appraisal with organizational culture.Thus the purpose of performance evaluation is to make sure that empl oyees goals, employees behavior and feedback of information about performance are all linked to the corporate strategy.

Essentials of a Good Performance Appraisal System: 1.Standardized Performance Appraisal System 2.Uniformity of appraisals 3.Defined performance standards 4.Trained Raters 5.Use of relevant rating tools or methods 6.Should be based on job analysis 7.Use of objectively verifiable data 8.Avoid rating problems like halo effect, central tendency, leniency, severity etc. 9.Consistent Documentations maintained 10.No room for discrimination based on cast, creed, race, religion, region etc.

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