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Dee HenDerson


spoken 5
Dee Henderson
Minneapolis, Minnesota

2013 by Dee Henderson Published by Bethany House Publishers 11400 Hampshire Avenue South Bloomington, Minnesota 55438 Bethany House Publishers is a division of Baker Publishing Group, Grand Rapids, Michigan Printed in the United States of America All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any meansfor example, electronic, photocopy, recordingwithout the prior written permission of the publisher. The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Henderson, Dee. Unspoken / Dee Henderson. pages cm Summary: Charlotte Grahams never spoken about her kidnapping. Sixteen years later, shes back in Chicago and she is the only one who knows the truth. But, even now, can she risk sharing it?Provided by publisher. ISBN 978-0-7642-1184-3 (cloth : alk. paper)ISBN 978-0-7642-1171-3 (pbk.) 1.Kidnapping victimsFiction. 2.Christian fiction. I.Title. PS3558.E4829U57 2013 813.54dc23 2013016380 Scripture quotations are from the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copyright 1989, by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, incidents, and dialogues are products of the authors imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. Cover design by Jennifer Parker Cover photography by Tyler Gould 131415161718197654321


never talk about what happened. There are reasons, good reasons, but I keep those to myself too. Im told the cops dealing with my case are wrapping up the last details, the task force dispersing back to their prior jobs. They seem relieved, the ones who have stopped by the hospital relieved to see me alive, and they are tired. I have dominated their every waking moment, and the stress of the case has been enormous. They are glad Im alive, and they are ready to move on. My sister has hired me a bodyguard. Someone to keep the press away, along with the gawkers. There are newscasters vying for the first interview, and photographers trying to sneak in to get first photos. The bodyguard is talking to my nurse down the hall, and I can hear his voicelow-pitched, determinedand the way he says maam I can hear his still-fresh military background. He hasnt tapped on my door to introduce himself yet, but that is coming soon. I think Im ready. I hope I dont see too much pity in his gaze, or too much seriousness. Im alive, not dead. Id like a smile occasionally,

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or even a laugh, rather than more of the grave intensity I see in everyone around me. A tap on the door has me looking up from flipping pages in a magazine. I see a guy in jeans and a casual shirt who looks like a college student. Lanky, tall, nice blue eyes. I notice the hands in his back pockets, and the quick scan hes giving me. Ruth, Im John Key. The voice puts him as the soldier-nowbodyguard Ive been waiting to meet. I decide I like his smile. Im thinking about changing my name. I have no idea why that is my first sentence, but apparently hes better at social skills than I am because he merely nods before walking into the room and taking a seat on the edge of the bed, crowding me, but in a nice way, not trying to not make contact. Dont make it Margaret. And I dont like Shelly, he offers, taking my suggestion seriously. I was thinking about Jessica. Or maybe Charlotte. I could learn to like Charlotte. I decide on the spot Ill be Charlotte. The person I have been, Ruth Bazoni, needs the space to rest, and even, maybe, to be forgotten. Charlotte... Charlotte Somethingit feels kind of interesting to think of starting over. I think its his voice that I like best. The sound is different from the voices Ive feared. John is young, but the voice is old. His eyes are old too. Theres experience there that seems out of place. But I understand it. This man has seen war. He only looks young. I wonder if my eyes look the same. A young face, with ancient eyes. Your sister hired me, but my job description is so vague its got no boundaries. To keep it simple, Im going to tell people Im your boyfriend, and then tell them to go away. I nod, as if its not that big a deal, but its a big deal. The fact he would make the suggestion, would look past whats

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happened in order to make it, is an act of deep kindness. Ive never had a boyfriend, and I know Ill be single for the rest of my life, but I can pretend if he can. Could our first date be pizza and somewhere that is not this room? Im hungry. And Im bored. His laugh is nice. Im good for pizza. He stands. If were going to spend the next few weeks breaking the rules, we might as well start now. The elevator is close by. I can find a place in this hospital complex with at least a view, and a good pizza can get delivered. Think you can get dressed on your own, or should I invent a reason for the nurse to come help you? Ill manage. He nods and steps away, lets the door close behind him. I know I am much too thinnearly all bones. Ill probably manage just half a piece of pizza before becoming full. But I can see a day when those will not be the facts, and I want to get there soon. I change into black slacks and a university sweatshirt, being careful of my aching wrist, and struggle to slip my feet into tennis shoes. I am sweating when Im done, wondering how foolish Im going to feel when my strength runs out before I can get back to my bed. I push away the thought, open the door. John is leaning against the wall outside my room, and he nods to the wheelchair parked beside him. I settle in the chair and spread the blanket he hands me out across my lap. I notice my nurse is gone from the center station. You told her we were leaving. What she doesnt see, she cant testify to. He tugs a chain with dog tags and two worn keepsake medals off his neck. Wear these. They brought me good luck. You could use some too. He slides them over my hair, lets them fall into place, then steps behind the wheelchair and begins pushing me toward the elevator.

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I finger the metal, still warm from being against his skin. I blink back tears. I managed to get a guy who is genuinely nice. I hope he stays, at least a month or two. What kind of pizza? he asks. I smile, my first real smile in four years. Supreme, please.


Part One

Bryce Bishop


he day his life changed forever didnt announce itself; it just arrived. The winter sun set early, and by the store lights against a dark night Bryce Bishop walked the display cases in his store, visually noting the changes from yesterday. They had done a steady business in old silverMorgan dollars, Standing Liberty half-dollars. The end-of-day report Devon had generated would give him the exact numbers, but he could see it had been a profitable day. In ten years he might be buying back what they had sold today. He was in one of the few retail businesses where the merchandise would never again be created and was rarely destroyedit only changed hands. Most of the high-end collectible coins in the Chicago area eventually came through his storeBishop Chicagoto be appraised for insurance purposes, to be sold, to be photographed for an upcoming auction. There was good money to be made in old coins if you knew how to buy and sell wisely. He did. He had been doing so for more than a decade. Bryce polished a spot off the display glass with his shirt-sleeve cuff. He was bored out of his mind, but the business was profitable and gave good jobs to ten people he liked. He could hand


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the keys to Devon and be an absentee owner. The store would be in good hands. But walking away from his life wouldnt solve his problem. He reset the security for the showroom floor and pushed down the restless desire not to come in tomorrow. Have a safe night, Mr. Bishop, the security guard called from his desk. You too, Gary. Bryce walked around to the back of the building to the parking lot. Snow from the prior night still dusted the pavement. He tugged out his keys. It would be good to get home. No one was waiting for him, and maybe that was part of the problem. But his extended family was important to himsisters, brothers, parents, cousins, the next generation of kids beginning to look to him for baseball games, movie afternoons, vacation trips and he had friends who would fill the evening if he wanted to see someone. He was mind-numbingly bored, and it wasnt a good reality. But it was something he could change if he could just figure out what he wanted different in his days. Bishop. He turned to see a woman leaning against an old truck in the far corner of the lot, her hands buried in the pockets of her jacket. Youre about to get a call. You should answer it. Silence hung between them, and then the phone in his pocket began to ring. He watched her as he listened to the sound, and she didnt move. Neither did he, as he considered what might be going on. Robbery, with a threat to his family to get him to comply? A kidnapping, demanding a ransom? He could see no one else in the parking lot, but the security lights only illuminated the surface and cast shadowssomeone else could easily be sitting in a vehicle watching. Nothing bad has happened. Its simply an introduction. Her voice floated across the parking lot, faint but clear. He pulled the phone from his pocket, eyes still on her. Bishop.

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I dont know the lady, but I know who is vouching for her, Paul Falcon told him, the familiar voice a relief to hear. This is highly unorthodox, but its solid. You can trust what youre about to see and hear. Thanks, Paul. Call you back. He slid the phone back in his pocket. All right? The director of the FBIs Chicago office was vouching for the woman. He nodded. She pushed away from the truck, walked toward him. Ten minutes, Mr. Bishop. Youll have your questions answered. Who are you? Charlotte Graham. Weve not met before. We do share a few friends. She was a woman about his age, her hair worn loose and long, the jeans and jacket neither new nor worn. I have something to show you. That red security door over thereshe pointedis the back entrance to the storefront next to yours. Come in with me, please. She walked over to the door without looking to see if he followed and unlocked it. He knew the store. A clothing boutique had moved out in an abrupt bankruptcy, and the lease on the property had been snapped up before his company had been able to put in a bid to buy the space. The retail spaces shared a common brick wall, and it would have been an ideal expansion. The front windows to the storefront were still frosted over, with no sign indicating what kind of business was coming in, but workmen had been going in and out for a few weeks. Please watch your step, she cautioned, switching on lights. The carpet for this back hall was laid a few days ago, and doorway finishing boards are still to go down. He followed her through the well-lit hallway. He could smell fresh paint and also good coffee. They entered the shop proper. Walls had been removed,

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opening the space into a large showroom. Display cases were arranged in two melding arcs, with comfortable seating, private tables, good lighting, excellent artworka nice flow to the space. Tall vases filled with fresh flowers stylishly arranged caught his immediate attention. Hed been to enough store openings to know when a place was one turn of the key away from being ready to open. This was retail in the final finishing stage. Please, have a look around. Youre the only customer tonight. His first impression was jewelry store, for the showroom had that feel of elegance. He walked to the first case and looked inside. Gold coins. His breath settled wrong. He read the discreet sticker prices. He thought about turning around and walking out, but it wouldnt change what he was seeing. He began at the first case, and he took his time looking.

Charlotte chose a bottled water from the drinks offered near the coffee bar and watched the man prowl the store. Not a man to say much when ticked off. That was useful to know. Bishop finally slowed his review and turned to look at her. I see you plan for us to be competitors. The anger was there, hot, controlled, but his voice remained cool. Your store is next door to ours, with a layout and elegance similar to Bishop Chicago. Your prices are lower, and while our inventories dont appear to overlap much, your coins will appeal to the same customer weve worked years to attract. She screwed the cap back on the water bottle. These arent all the coins. We overlap. I was simply selective in the first inventory I chose to display. We cant match your prices. He pushed his hands into his pockets, and she saw them ball into fists. Was that the purpose of this meeting tonight? To show me what was coming? She had expected the anger, planned for it. He was seeing

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a threat to his family business, and shed chosen to make it an in-your-face event. She could cripple his business selling at these prices. She knew it, he knew it. She set aside the water. I dont want to open this store, Bishop. I want you to buy it. She watched him as that statement sank in, as suspicion and confusion edged into the anger. You want me to buy it. The inventory, not the store itself. I rather like how the remodel turned out, and Im going to keep the property. If you wanted to sell me some coins, Charlotte, you could have walked into Bishop Chicago and said, Ive got some coins Id like to sell. She would have laughed at the dry remark, but he wasnt in the mood for amusement. She settled for a small smile. This is more dramatic, dont you think? She poured a cup of coffee and pushed it into his hands. If you want to keep me out of your business, Bishop, youre going to have to figure out how to buy my inventory. Ill give you good prices, I wont be unreasonable in the volumes I ask you to deal with, but Im ready to sell some coins and I dont plan to take forever to get it done. She ran her hand across the top of a display case she had filled and neatly priced. You buy whats here in the store, Ill give you thirty days, and then Ill show you this store filled with more coins. Well do this again, round two. You can buy the coins, or Ill open the doors to the public and become your competition. And after round two, well do round three. How many coins in all? Lets take this one decision at a time. Buying what is here will give you thirty days of me not being your competitor. She moved briskly across the room to the desk and retrieved the inventory sheet. Become a dealer to other coin stores; raise money

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from investors to buy the coins, store them, and sell them over a period of yearshowever you want to deal with them, but the condition is that you buy everything in the store. Tonight. He scanned the list. Why such low prices? Youre not only underpricing Bishop Chicago, youre below wholesale on many of these coins. Sharing the profit means the people I do business with come back and do business with me again. He looked over at her. Youve done this beforethe store setting, the surprise invitation. I targeted Hamilton-Grice in London for the European coins. You should feel flattered I chose Bishop Chicago. I was considering Cambridge Coins out of New York. Im not sure flattered is the word I would use. Who are you? She smiled. Charlotte Graham. Collector? Dealer? Fence? I havent seen coins at these prices in over a decade. For all I know, the coins could be stolen. Hence the introduction from the Chicago FBI director. The coins are mine to sell. I need to know how you came to be in possession of them. My grandfather liked coins. He died recently. Im sorry to hear it. She nodded. Do we have a deal? Bryce looked around the store, then back at her. Do I have a choice? He walked over to the desk and initialed each page of the list. Ill buy your inventory, Charlotte. Where do you want me to wire the money? A check will do fine.

Bryce put a security firm on a background check of Charlotte Graham on the drive home, headed upstairs to change out of

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the business suit, and called Paul Falcon at his home number. Shes selling some coins, and she has a very unorthodox way of doing it. Who vouched for her? I cant say, which in itself should tell you something. Are you buying the coins? That answer told him another cop was behind the introduction, someone Paul deeply trusted. Bryce pulled off a dress shoe and tossed it toward his closet. Ill make thirty percent on my money, but Id like to be able to say no as it feels like Im doing business with the mob. Shes got me as confused as anyone I have ever met. He was trying to be charitable and give her the benefit of the doubt. Maybe she hadnt intended her dramatic approach to be so in-his-face offensive, but the anger caused by this evening was like a bad toothache. Confused was the most polite word he could come up with for what he was feeling. Shes legit, Bryce, Paul replied, sounding amused. And while Ive never met her, from what I know of her, I would be inclined to like her a great deal. Okay. That was worth something. She really turned you the wrong way tonight. She did. Ive got Chapel Security doing a full background check. Paul was silent for a while. Id be curiousprofessionally to hear what they come up with. Bishop realized the undercurrent. Charlotte Graham isnt her real name, is it? Ill owe you a favor if I can see the report. The other shoe landed in the closet. This night is just full of unexpected surprises. Ill share the report with you. She said her grandfather passed away. Any estate disputes going on, lawsuits, problems with provenance, or any other mess Im walking into? Not that Im aware of, and Id be aware. On that front youre fine. The coins are hers to sell.

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Wonderful. Bryce kept his tone noncommittal as he pulled off his tie and turned the conversation to his immediate problem. You want to buy some coins for an investment? How much are we talking? I spent one million six tonight on five hundred coins, and it sounds like Ill be buying more. Shes got some nice goldan 1835 Half Eagle, a 1912 Indian five, a couple of gorgeous 1799 tens. I can put together a package of fifty for two fifty and be far enough below market your annual security-clearance review is going to wonder if it was a payoff. Im interested. Ill send you photos and prices. And to think when this evening started I was bored and restless. Ann back home yet? Shell enjoy seeing these coins. Ohio for another two days. She wants me to invite you over for dinner. Shes got someone she would like you to meet. I like your wife, and surprisingly like her friends, but weve determined Im not matchmaking material. Youre simply... choosy. Thats one word for it. Sure. Tell her Ill come for dinner if she can give me some notice. Its going to be a hectic month. He would need the break, and it would be useful to see what else Paul might tell him about Charlotte Graham if pressed. He wondered idly what her real name was. Anything you can tell me about why Charlottes got cops vouching for her? No. I got a call, made a call. I was surprised to hear she was in Chicago. Wish she hadnt been. Paul laughed. Now Im curious to meet her just because she rubbed you the wrong way. Dont make a quick decision about this one, Bryce. Shes not all she appears to be. That Ive figured out. Talk to you tomorrow, Paul. Bishop hung up the phone, tossed it on the dresser with his

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wallet, then tussled with a stuck cuff link. The woman was going to be a pain, no matter what her name was. He set his alarm for five a.m., his mind already formulating a strategy for the next few days. He had cash to raise, his staff to mobilize, clients to contact. He pulled out jeans and a sweatshirt, then headed downstairs to get dinner. He was no longer bored. Hed give her some credit for that.

I wish shed let one of us go with her. Ellie Dance set aside the background check on Bryce Bishop and moved over a glass paperweighta gift from Charlotteto hold the pages. John Key, leaning against the doorjamb of Ellies home office, ate another pecan from the handful he held. Shell be fine. Hes a good guy. A bit conservative, on the edge of stuffy, but yeaha good guy. Did we talk her into Bishop because we didnt want her to head to Atlanta or New York? Probably. John smiled. Dont rethink it, Ellie. The decision is made. You spent months gaming this out. This will work for her. She needs to keep a low profile when in Chicago, but shes been doing that for the last decade. Shell be fine. Then why am I as nervous as a new mother? You like protecting people, organizing things. It makes you a good business manager for Charlotte and an even better best friend. Ellie glanced at the photo on the desk. Sixteen years of friendship, fourteen in business togetherthey knew each others darkest secrets, and they both had some very difficult ones. Charlotte had been calm when she left, mentally ready, but she hadnt eaten. Under the calm had been a fine layer of nerves. Shed be hungry when she got back. Lasagna was baking in the oven. It wasnt much, but there would be a meal ready. Ive been

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doing some more thinking on her final options. Ill have something on paper for her to consider in another six weeks or so. The final deadline is three years after her grandfathers death. Shes still got time before she has to decide. They heard the back door security chime as the code to Ellies home cleared. John glanced over his shoulder and straightened. Shes back earlier than I expected. Ellie shut off the desk lamp and found her shoes. Charlotte would want a few minutes to settle before being asked about the evening, so neither one hurried to meet her. Take Mitch some dinner since youve got him posted for security tonight. Noticed that, did you? You said low profile and we would be fine. Think Id leave anything to chance? No. Im guessing you also had Joseph discreetly tailing her since she said you couldnt. Ellie paused beside him, slid an arm around his waist. Hed marry her in a minute if shed let him, had made no secret of that fact over the years. Glad youre here. John dropped a kiss on her hair. So am I. Whats she going to ultimately decide, John? Shell turn it down. Ellie sighed. Yeah. I think so too. He ran a comforting hand across her back. You want her to say yes even given the condition? I think shed be happier if she did. He thought about it. Maybe she would be. But this has pushed her enough outside her comfort zone theres not enough safe space and time for her to come to that conclusion. I need to figure out a way to create that safe space while theres still time. If thats possible to do, youll find it. He shut off the office lights and reached for her hand as he turned them toward the kitchen. Did Charlotte give you her latest sketchbook?

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The Shadow Lake sketches? Theyre lovely. Ill be at the gallery tomorrow getting the best of them framed. Im going to raise her prices again this month. She winces at the prices you charge for one of her sketches. Which is why an artist needs a business manager, someone who can price a work appropriately for the market. I heard a rumor theres a new Marie painting coming. A thirty-six by forty-eight-inch canvasRolling Hills at Sunset. Probably a few weeks yet. If she hasnt already told you, John said, Charlotte would like to buy it. Shes never been able to afford one before. Ill show it at the gallery for six months before setting the price, but its going to be multiples higher than Maries last painting. It will be worth every penny. Im planning to make a trip back down just to see it. He stopped them in the hall just short of the kitchen. Relax. I wish Charlottes grandfather had never found her, wish none of this was being asked of her. If we got this wrong, John If we did, well adjust. He squeezed her hand. Elliot Marks out of Atlanta could work. I just like Bryce Bishop more. So do I. Okay. Ellie smoothed a hand down her dress and took a deep breath. Were going to get her through this. No matter what else happens, shes got us. She always will, John promised. Whatever she says about tonight, simply say we can work with that. Ellie laughed and tightened her hand in his. Lets go see how the evening went.



ryce let himself into Charlottes shop using the key and security code she had given him, found the lights. He carried the box he had brought into the showroom and set it on the desk. She had built a beautiful store. In the early morning light he was even more impressed with what she had accomplished with the space. This was formidable competition. Bishop Chicago had a leg up with their website, the eighty years of history and reputation, knowledgeable staff, and a deep list of clients. But quality and price were the cornerstones of the coin business. Charlotte could poach his sales staff for their expertise. If she added a three-year buy-back guarantee to what she soldand she could afford to do it at these pricessales at Bishop Chicago would virtually stop. In the light of day the decision to buy out her inventory was not only the right decision, it was his only decision. She hadnt hesitated to go for the jugular on this deal. He wondered where she had learned that ruthless bent, might even have cautiously admired it if she hadnt targeted him. He slipped on white cotton gloves, entered the security code to open the first display case, and picked up one of the coins.


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He turned it over to study the details, confirming what he had observed the night before. She was both under-grading the coins and pricing well below market. The woman was going to make him some serious money if he could survive her method of selling. He put the coin back, studied the rest of the display, and for the first time since this began let himself relax and simply appreciate the sight. The coins were his, at very good prices. In a business where the initial purchase determined much of the final profit, hed made a good decision. Hed been forced to make it, but the decision itself was solid. The risk was not in the coins, but in the scale of the deal. He took a seat in a very comfortable chair, pulled out a pen and paper, and started a list. Hed spent one million six keeping this inventory from hitting the market. He wanted to have four million in cash on hand before she showed him the next group of coins. There was a high probability he had seen the best coins she had with this collection, yet he wasnt going to make the assumption the next lots of coins would cost him less. Shed show him another group of coins, and another after that. So four million in liquid cash in thirty days. Careful decisions. Nothing stupid. But he had to be ready and able to say yes. With inventory purchased at these prices, if he could absorb all she had to offer, if he could keep her out of the business as a competitor, he could nearly guarantee Bishop Chicago would prosper for the next decade. He just had to navigate the cash flow when he wasnt sure how deep he had to plan. He heard the back door open with a soft chime and glanced at his watch. She had said seven a.m., and she was a few minutes early. She came in dressed much the same as last night, jeans and a sweatshirt from a university in Texas this time. She had brought her own coffee. Breakfast is on the desk if youre interested, he mentioned.

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Poisoned, perhaps? He half smiled. Not until Ive bought all your coins. A beautifully brushed Irish setter had walked in beside her and now sat looking at him. He held his hand down, palm out, and the dog got up to come over. Beautiful animal. Princess is the regal one in the family. Her sister Duchess is very much the mischief-maker. She helped herself to a bagel and cream cheese. Im on my way out of town. Anything you need to ask before I leave? Insurance and security. My insurance will continue to cover the coins until they leave the premises. Im now listed as custodian of the coins youve bought. Your security firm is already monitoring this storefront. She shrugged. Seemed simpler as you would know who was best for the job. I need a phone number where I can reach you. She pulled out a business card, added a number to the back, offered it. The front of the card was simply her name. When will you be back? She opened an orange juice. A few weeks. Ill have the coins moved from here by then. No problem. Codes and locks have been changed. You and I are the only ones with access to this place. She perched on the arm of a chair. Still mad? she asked around a bite of the bagel. He had to smile. More just curious. Why me? Why not Cambridge Coins out of New York? Youre a Christian, a teacher at your church. It offends your God if you steal. Thats useful to me. He felt a startled surprise. Youre serious. I dont believe like you do, but its an interesting fact that you do. Family businesses thrive or die by the ethics of the guy running the place. Bishop Chicago is profitablehas to be to

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keep the doors open. But you dont cut corners to get there because you also have to sleep well at night. I bet you reimburse the business for postage when you use a stamp for a personal letter. He felt like he was being complimented and insulted at the same time. Im more comfortable following the rules. She laughed. I could also say it was easier to haul the coins to Chicago than to take them to New York. She pushed off the arm of the chair, and the setter went to stand beside her. I want to make the tollway before traffic picks up. Ill get out of here, let you get to work. Drive carefully, Charlotte. Plan to. Ohone last thing. Would you carry the flowers next door before they die? Your staff might enjoy them. Ill do that. You set quite a display for a single customer. This was practice. For what? She just smiled. See you in a few weeks, Bishop.

Two blocks east of Bishop Chicago was Falcons, a restaurant whose owner and head chef was Paul Falcons sister, Jackie. The restaurant opened at ten thirty for the early lunch crowd, but those with a longtime friendship with her could get breakfast and a quiet place to have a meeting. Bryce qualified, and he spent twenty minutes reminiscing with Jackie in the kitchen while she began cooking their breakfast, then walked into the dining room and chose a table in the empty room. He pulled the list out of his pocket and added more notes while he waited for his key staff to arrive. Hey, boss. Devon pulled out chairs for Sharon and Kim and took a seat between them. Glad you called. Nice you were all free. Bryce passed across a basket of hot blueberry muffins just out of the oven.

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Two waitstaff appeared with filled plates, followed by their waitress. Its a pleasure to have you back, Bryce, she said. This looks wonderful, Amy. She poured coffee for the four of them and left them to their breakfast meeting. So, boss, what did we do to earn this? Devon asked, reaching for cream for his coffee. Its what youre going to do, Bryce replied, sampling the crepe and nodding his appreciation. Jackie laid out a nice breakfast. Remember how we used to dream about the big estate find? The one that would put Bishop Chicago on the map and make us all rich? Devon put down his muffin and looked at Bryce. The one that would let me afford to marry Sharon? His wife made a face and elbowed him in the ribs for that quip. Bishop smiled. Thats the one. It dropped into our laps last night. Seriously, boss? Kim asked, setting down her orange juice. He turned his attention to her. Kim Leonard was the best salesperson he had, and the success of his plan rested in large part on her skills. Kim, Im going to hand you five hundred coins to sell, mostly gold, 1810 to 1880, all high grade, and I need you to move half of them within a month. Kims hand trembled against the glass. But Bryce saw the gleam of excitement in her eyes and gave her a slight nod. She worked on salary plus a three-percent commission, and he was offering to make her a very good year. Have your best sales staff on the phones to contact customers, plan an auction, travel to show the coinswhatever you decide will work best. The first of the coins are going to reach Bishop Chicago this afternoon. Ive already laid some ground with Paul Falcon to take a package of fifty for two hundred fifty thousand, so you can work that possibility as one of your first sales. Ill wow him, she promised.

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Bryce looked over at Sharon. The two photographers you like to work with on the auction catalogsIll make it worth their while to come to the shop and work for you for the next couple of months. Youre the best Ive got for presentation, so how to display the coinsin the store, the catalog, on the websiteis going to fall to you. Im raising you to double on all overtime plus a percent commission on these coins. Anything I can do to free up your timehire a housekeeper, keep your husband out of your wayjust let me know. She smiled and nodded. Thanks, Bryce. Bryce looked at the man he trusted most with the business. Devon, grading the coins and getting them into inventory will be on you and your staff. Lets batch them through in groups of twenty-five, with at least an hour break between groups. I need careful work as much as I need fast work. We can handle it, boss. Im counting on it. I want you and Kim to go over the coin prices and bring me a list with your recommendations. Ill make the final decision on what price well bring them to market. He glanced around the table. Devon grades the coins and gets them into inventory, Sharon photographs, Kim sells. And while you all are doing that he paused, enjoying the momentIm going to find us the cash to buy more coins from the same estate. He sampled the sausage puff pastry while his speechless staff stopped eating. Jackie wouldnt appreciate plates coming back with food untasted. Theres more? Devon asked for all of them. Bryce reached for his coffee. Im told there is. Hed been working the numbers in his head most of the morning. Devon, Id like to take everything we have in present inventory down in price to our cost plus eight percent. It will move inventory, raise cash, and give us much-needed vault and display space. But thats going to put enormous strain on the

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website business for processing orders, packaging, and shipping coins. I need you to go back through the employment records, look at those we have employed on a temporary basis to help at auctions, at coin shows, select those who are careful, who work well with minimal supervision, and staff us up to handle it. As soon as you have enough staff on hand to provide quality service, take down the prices. I can think of several possibilities without even pulling the files. Theyll be temp positions, but at least four months of steady work. Bryce considered the problems he had identified. Depending on the pace of sales, managing the vault space is going to be one of the squeeze points. Were fine for the first five hundred coins, but its the group after this one that starts to get interesting. So for now, Devon, Im going to take back on my plate all purchase decisions on new inventory. Ive got no problem with that, boss. I imagine cash flow is going to be interesting for a while too. Bryce nodded. I broke my piggy bank this morning and told my banker I was putting another slug of personal cash into the business. When you see the coins over the next few days, youll understand the gamble. I think we have the potential to secure our profitability for the next several years if we manage this carefully. We need to expand vault space so we can hold more inventoryIll be focused on fixing that. Bryce settled back in his chair, his coffee in his hand. One last thing. Im not going to tell you much about the estate, or the lady selling. Shes got some sting to her. Devon appeared to think about that. Sounds interesting. Bryce laughed. Oh, she is that. He finished his coffee, then the last of the crepe. He hadnt enjoyed a breakfast meeting more than this one in ages. He glanced at the time and made a decision. He set aside his nap30

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kin, pushed back his chair. Im going to let the three of you enjoy your breakfast and plan the details of this while I go get the first hundred coins. Ill meet you back at the shop in, say, an hour and a half. Sharon smiled at him. I dont think youre bored anymore, Bryce. Not so much. Well be ready for the coins. Its going to be fun, Sharon promised.

To his surprise Bryce found that Sharon was right about the fun. With Charlotte out of the picture for a couple of weeks, he could focus on what needed to be done and was enjoying the work. He arrived at Bishop Chicago the third day just after nine, carrying yet another box of coins. The store was humming with activity. The front window display had been changed, photographs of coins in the vault were strategically placed, and fresh coffee and donuts were set out. Kim, on the phone, looked over, smiled, and held up two fingers. Sharon had the center display case open, and Bryce stopped beside her to see what had just sold. Kim placed the 1866 Gold Liberty ten and the 1880 Gold Indian three, Sharon told him, moving the coins into archive-quality sleeves and placing them into sales boxes. Two of the best coins in the group. And priced accordingly, Kim said, smiling as she hung up the phone. Jim wants to see anything else we get in Indian threes. Im carrying another four. Kim did a bit of a dance. I love sales days. Bryce laughed. Where are we at, total? Twenty-nine sales, and strong prospects on the others we have graded and photographed so far. Current clients should

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absorb the first hundred coins without much problem. Devon thinks hell have the grading finished today. Im carrying the beginning of the second hundred. Its going to be a good day. Find me if I can help you with anything. He left the coins with Devon and headed to his office. He wanted every coin Charlotte planned to sell. Four million in thirty days was his goal, and his plan on how to get there was coming together. Selling current inventory, some of the estate coins, adding another equity slice of his own personal cash were pieces of the answer. The final piece was to put together a group of buyers for the coins so their cash was available if necessary. He planned to buy aggressively for Bishop Chicago. But the one thing he could not afford was having Charlotte go into business next door. Having a syndicate of buyers as a backstop would mitigate that risk. Bryce opened his address book and picked up the phone. Hed be ready within thirty days.

Bryce, this got couriered over. Kim caught him in the hall to hand off a package. Thanks, Kim. The package was from Chapel Security . Bryce took it back to his office, slit open the envelope inside, and pulled out a single page.
Interesting request, Bishop. Charlotte Graham is the owner of Graham Enterprises, Trust, Wisconsin. Its the third largest transportation, warehouse, and storage business in the country. She inherited ownership of the business from her grandfather, Fred Graham, who passed away in May of 2011. Fred Graham never married, but the grandfather/granddaughter connection has legal standing. It appears Fred Graham had a 32

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daughter he never acknowledged. The connection is through Charlottes mother. Ive got threads that suggest Charlotte changed her last name to Graham in 2006. Charlotte Graham owns residential property in Silverton, WI, that she bought in 2007 and paid for with cash. The truck she drives is registered to that address. She leased the storefront using the law firm of Baird, McRay, & Scott out of New York. All bills related to the storefront route to that law firm. Before 2006 the picture is murky. Looks like Charlottes from Texas. Age unknown. Marital status unknown. Birthplace unknown. Prior name unknown.

Eric Chapel had added a handwritten note. She might be the sketch artist CRM. Serious talent if Ive got her pegged right. More as I find it. Call if you have further specific questions. Bishop thoughtfully folded the page. It wasnt what he expected. The art in the shop next door had caught his attention, and he wondered if hed find something with those initials. If she was more than just a passive owner, was now running the transportation and warehouse company, he doubted the business was something she found easy to do or that it gave her much time for her art. He had some sympathy for her situation. The fact shed inherited a company and the responsibilities of it, along with some wealth, had a familiar ring.



aul Falcon leaned against his wifes worktable and waited for her to stop typing. Ann had lifted a finger when he walked into their shared home office to signal she needed another minute. He had no idea what story she was working onshe was stingy about giving out details before it was donebut she would work the hours to write it, and he would enjoy the book when it was done. Black was leaning against his knee, and out of habit Paul shared a pretzel from his handful with the dog. Thank you. Done for the day. Ann glanced back at the screen. Or at least for the next hour. Paul leaned over and kissed her. She offered a smile and kissed him back as her attention fully shifted away from the story to him. Welcome home. Its late. I brought work home with me. Dinner smells good. Jackie said put the crock pot on low and leave it alone. I could do that. He smiled. Well both enjoy it. How was work? Decent day. Though she had been out of law enforcement for a while, her security clearance was still higher than his, so he told her the details while she worked his tie loose. Someone


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might be studying security around the former Sears Tower, and its got me worried. On the good side, we finally busted that shipment company moving cash around for the Madoni family. Didnt net as much cash as I hoped, but it sent a message. How much? Sixteen million. I think we hit their supply of fives and tens, so it might at least annoy them a bit. He nudged her toward the couch in their office so he could sit and put his feet up for twenty minutes. Sam and Rita are out on a date tonight. They dont think I know, but give a boss credit for being a good sleuth. Dinner at Porchellos followed by music somewhere I didnt manage to nail down. Probably not the question tonight, but it looks promising. That was my day. How was yours? Pretty quiet. I slept in, read a book, typed on a story. Your dad calledhe said you should call him back. Boone wants to buy an ice-skating rink. Your mom said yes for lunch tomorrow here, and were going to go shopping afterwards. Black and I discussed a play date with Jasmine. Paul glanced down at the dog, now looking up at the sound of his name. Budding romance is getting serious, is it? The dog slapped a tail against the floor, then leaned over to pick up Anns shoe and disappeared toward the bedroom. Ann watched him leave. The problem is he only puts one of them away. Paul laughed, and relaxed for the first time since the day had begun. He was normally on the way to the office by seven a.m. For security reasons a driver and bureau car were provided now that he ran the Chicago office. He started his workday in the back seat, reading the overnight brief that came to his home by secure fax. Catching half an hour of normal time with Ann when he got home each night was something he treasured. What cold case did you bring home?

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He curled a strand of her hair around his finger. What makes you think I did? We solved the last one. She might be a retired homicide cop, and hed managed to get himself promoted too high for the rewards of hands-on running a case, but they both could keep their hand in. He dropped a kiss on her hair. Baby Connor. I wasnt a cop yet, but I remember it, the funeral. Of the cases I considered, this one stood out for its sadness. A three-month-old baby boy taken from a stroller at a shopping center, the note left says Well be in touch. The father gets a call on the fourth day from a local pub telling him how to find where his son is buried. The case needs solving. I brought a copy of the call home with me. The audio guys cleaned it up with todays equipment; they were able to separate several of the background conversations. Anything useful? A busy pub on a Wednesday night. Ill enjoy working on it with you. Nineteen years old. Its ice cold. We enjoy a challenge. Its open. Thats what matters. Paul reached into his shirt pocket, pulled out a small archivequality, clear plastic sleeve. I also stopped by to see Bryce for a couple minutes. He thought you might enjoy this one. The coin inside was a silver-capped Bust half-dollar, one of the 1834s she favored. Paul knew she would enjoy it, and Bryce had assured him it was in better condition than most Ann had handled during the years she had dealt coins. Youve got good taste, she said, turning the coin over. Bryce helps with that. Have you heard anything more about why Charlotte is in town? Anns sources were better than his on some matters. Her business with Bryce is simply selling the coins from

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her grandfathers estate. Probably where this one came from. But the rest of itshes got the kind of decisions ahead of her I wouldnt wish on anyone. I touched base with John. He seems... well, not worried but cautious, watchful. She really needs a quiet few months. After seeing Bryce, I phoned the office to have them pull the Bazoni file. Youll need a big room. Look at how it ended. Paul smoothed hair back from her face. Know something? Ann simply shrugged. Yeah. The two women shared a history of having been snatched. Ann would know Charlottes story. I think shes got Bryce a bit flustered, Paul mentioned. Really? Ann smiled. Theres a first for everything. Ive never seen the man flustered. She tucked the coin back in his pocket. Ginger Nyce said yes to coming to dinner. Paul was pleasantly surprised at the thought of Bryce and Ginger together as a couple. If they clicked, it would be a very good fit. Ginger Nyce. Thats an interesting choice. Shed be good for him. Going to go running with Bryce this weekend? If the weather cooperates. Mention Ginger likes to travel and shares his taste in music. Paul smiled. Ill see if I can work it in. Black came back carrying his dinner bowl. Ann leaned down to take it. Black, you had dinner. Her dog dropped his head on her knee. Paul watched the quiet conversation between the two of them and let his wife up when she gave in to Blacks plea. He could remember the days he didnt have a wife and dog, but he wouldnt trade anything to have those days back. This was simply too entertaining. Youre a pushover. You share your breakfast. And I saw you give him a pretzel.

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Didnt say I wasnt one too. Has he gained weight? The vet says hes lost three pounds. Im jealous of our dog. Ill fix our dinner while you fix his second course. Paul stopped to open his briefcase and get out the baby Connor summary so Ann could read it while he worked on the meal.

Paul opened one eye as Anns elbow pressed into his rib cage from her side of the bed. Her light was still on. Baby Connor Hewitt, three months old, was abducted from a stroller at the outdoor Lincoln Square shopping center, she read aloud, when his mother stopped to assist a girl who had fallen and skinned her knees. It happened at 6:14 p.m. July twenty-first, a Saturday night, when the shopping center was crowded with foot traffic. She was rereading the summary file at... he tried to make out the time on the clock, then conceded reality and closed his eyes. Hed married a woman who was as much a night owl as he was a morning lark. For her it wasnt the middle of the night. Interviews with those in the shopping center and the parking lots produced no direct eyewitnesses to the abduction, but a consensus formed of two young men, one carrying a child, jackets, jeans, ball caps and gloves, getting into a white panel van. He heard the folder close. Question. Okay, he murmured, both eyes still closed, but listening. Do we think two guys took baby Connor? Or were the witnesses giving us simply an innocent family out shopping? People try to be helpful when a cop asks them a question like Did you see anyone walking toward the parking lot with an infant? They both knew the odds the consensus was wrong. At least two people, Paul replied. One to hold the baby, one to drive. Not sure Id take a baby, though, if Im a guy. What do you do with it the next day? And the one after that? Better to grab a

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child who can sit at the table and eat a sandwich, follow directions, already be potty-trained. Someone took an infant and wasnt worried about what the day-to-day details would be like. This probably wasnt just two guys, he noted. And babies cry. Though that might explain why baby Connor was shaken to death within three days. I think were looking for a family with money problems. Brothers maybe, drag in a wife to handle the day-to-day of caring for a baby. She thought about that. Thanks. She shut off the light. I bet you get odd looks when guys ask what kind of gifts you give your wife, and you say old coins and cold cases. Only from those who dont know my wife. Whoever had taken baby Connor was enjoying their last months of freedom, they just didnt know it yet. You can sleep now. Going to. The room grew quiet enough Paul could hear the dog breathing by the foot of the bed. He wrapped an arm around his wife. Life was good.

Paul paused in the kitchen on his way to take Black for his morning walk. Ann was writing on a pad of paper and drinking coffee, and she wasnt one to particularly like coffee. Youre up early. Whats got you puzzled? Ann handed him the coffee mug. Listen to the baby Connor call again. She cued up the recording.
This is not the ransom call you are expecting. Your son died yesterday. I got asked to bury the child and declined. The FBI is tracing this call so you know Im at the Dublin Pub in Meadow Park. The bulletin board by the pay phones, on the back of a 39

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photo of Mrs. Learys lost cat, youll find a map to where your son is buried. They did the job themselves after arguing with me for a bit. If the information is good, leave ten thousand with the bartender and Ill consider calling back when I have more to say.

The tape went to static. Ann shut off the recording. Well talk about the call itself another time. Its not the call thats got me puzzled. Its the Mrs. Learys lost cat. Its like the inside joke of Chicago, Mrs. OLeary whose cow started the great fire of 1871. It feels like a tongue-in-check reference to that. Somewhere in the notes they figured it out, Paul told her. The name on the photo was actually Mrs. Cary. He altered it. I suspect our caller drew the map, played with the name while he thought about what he wanted to say on the call, stuck the photo back on the bulletin board, and dropped his coins into the pay phone. Which reminds memake a note to see if anyone thought to check for fingerprints on the coins. He wiped down the phone and the photo, probably didnt think of the coins. Black was leaning into the back of his knee to move him toward the elevator. Paul ruffled his ears in apology. Cops spent much of the subsequent investigation trying to find the caller and probably had his prints on the change if they had thought to look, Ann said. It happens. Paul picked up a piece of bacon to share with Black and leaned over to kiss her. Sure you werent up early because youre nervous about my mom coming over for lunch? I might have wanted to make sure I hid some of my clutter. Dont make her too uncomfortable with everything in its place. Shes more disorganized than you. I knew there was a reason I loved your parents. The phone rang and they both ignored it. The Harbor guys are nervous. Lots of dignitaries down at the pier today. You might want to avoid that direction when you

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and Mom go shopping. And whoever is casing the Willis Tower has both my attention and the Chicago PDs. Plainclothes cops might get skittish when they notice the fact youre carrying. Well stay off Wacker Drive too. Appreciate it. Try to spend some money. She smiled and pushed him toward the elevator. Go walk our dog and then go to work. Chicago needs you running that battleship of an FBI office. He stole another kiss. Yes, maam.


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