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Engr. Joseph A.

Pollution Control Officer Office of the Vice Chancellor for Community Affairs

Top Ten Polluted Countries in the World

Take a look at the Philippines!

Typhoon Gener,reuters/Interesting

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Dictionary meaning: The contamination of air, water, or soil by substances that are harmful to living organisms. Some environmental meaning: A phenomena where natural ingredients are replaced or damaged by presence of dangerous unnatural ingredients which have potentiality to cause imbalance to the system and to create number of health hazards to animals and human beings.

DENR meaning
Any alteration of the physical, chemical, biological properties of any water, air and/or land resource of the Philippines, or any discharge thereto of any liquid, gaseous or solid waste, or any production of unnecessary noise, or any emission of objectionable odor, as will or is likely to create or to render such water, air and/or land resources harmful, detrimental or injurious to public health, safety or welfare, or which will adversely affect their utilization for domestic, industrial, agricultural, recreational or other legitimate purposes.

Solid Waste
refers to all discarded household, commercial waste, non-hazardous institutional, ports/ harbour and industrial waste, street sweepings, construction debris, agricultural waste, other non-hazardous/non-toxic solid waste.

Types of Solid Waste

1. Biodegradable wastes - refer to waste which can be broken down to harmless or nonpoisonous substance by the action of microorganisms Examples: Fruit and vegetable peelings, leftover foods, vegetable trims, seeds, leaves, fish/fowl/meat/animal entrails, twigs, branches, and stems.

Types of Solid Waste

2. Recyclable wastes - refer any waste material retrieved from the waste stream and free from contamination that can still be converted into suitable beneficial use or for other purposes. Examples: Papers, plastic bottles, metals, tin cans, glass, and newspapers

Types of Solid Waste

2. Residual wastes - refer to non-biodegradable waste materials that have no beneficial use. Examples: Candy wrappers/sachets, sanitary napkins, disposable diapers, styrofoam, worn-out rugs, and ceramics

Types of Solid Waste

2. Residual wastes - refer to non-biodegradable waste materials that have no beneficial use. Examples: Candy wrappers/sachets, sanitary napkins, disposable diapers, styrofoam, worn-out rugs, and ceramics

Types of Solid Waste

2. Special wastes - can be classified as (a.) Toxic and Hazardous Waste (THW); (b.) Household Health Care Waste (HHCW);

Types of Solid Waste

Toxic and Hazardous Wastes - refer to harmful to human health and the environment or is difficult to handle such as containers of paint, thinner, pesticides and similar chemicals, busted or broken fluorescent lamps and bulbs, household/dry cell batteries, consumer electronics such as cell phones and batteries, mercury-containing thermometers, etc. or any other items to be identified under 6969.

Types of Solid Waste

Household Health Care Waste- refer to syringes, cotton swabs, wipes, bandages, condoms, used diapers, sanitary napkins and other infectious waste.

Leaves Office paper Leftover bread Diapers Newspaper Tin cans Sanitary napkins Scrap metal Sachets Trees stems Candy wrappers Used ballpens

UPLB Campus

Historical Background
2001 - MOA between WARM (Waste and Resources Management Inc.) and UPLB. WARM will establish a solid waste management facility within UPLBs existing 2-hectare area in Paciano Rizal, Bay. 2003 DENR issued Notice to Proceed to WARM Controlled Dumpsite Facility with MRF.

Historical Background
2010 DENR issued a closure order to WARM dumpsite facility. WARM partially rehabilitated the facility. June 17, 2012 Total closure was imposed by DENR to WARM. UPLB asked DENR for two year extension of the facility, but it was disapproved July 2012 Ad Hoc Committee on SWM was created.


Garbage Pile

Sanitary Landfill

Sanitary Landfill

Waste Characterization
LOWER CAMPUS (tons/month)

UPPER CAMPUS (tons/month)


UPLB (tons/month)
209 12m3

Percentage % Type of Waste

Lower Campus
26.27 22.11 32.43 0.19 1.95 9.1 7.95 100

Upper Campus
36.99 24.74 21.04 0.12 3.01 0.23 13.87 100

UPLB (in general) 28.6 22.68 29.95 0.18 2.18 7.18 9.23 100

Food Waste Paper Plastic Glass Bottles Metal Yard Waste Residual Total

Waste Characterization

From UPLB Lower Campus

From UPLB Upper Campus

Waste Characterization
Plastic = 29.95% Paper = 22.68% Metals = 2.18% Glass Bottles = 0.18% Food waste = 28.60% Yard waste = 7.18% Residual = 9.23%



Estimated Cost of Disposal

Tipping fee = P 285.71/m3 Volume of waste = 12m3/day (from WARM) Total Cost = Tipping fee + Transport cost + Toll fees = (102,855.60 + 39,600.00 + 12,540.00)/month

= P 154,995.60/month = P 1,859,947.00/year

Considering Residual Waste

Considering the dumping fees, disinfection fees, toll fees, per diem, diesel fees: Starting July to December, Actual average cost per month is

= P 51,986.15/month = P 623,833.81/year


UPLB Waste Volume

2012 July August September October November December Daily Average (m3) 3.69 2.37 3.70 3.16 3.53 3.35 3.26

2013 January February March April May June

Daily Average (m3) 3.21 4.46 3.87 3.27 2.53 2.79 3.37

What is OUR part?

Waste Management Hierarchy

Avoid disposable goods such as throwaway razors, pens, diapers, etc. Eliminate household toxic waste from the garbage stream. Avoid products that are made from nonrenewable resources


Reduce waste by: Choosing products with less or recyclable packaging (shampoo, toothpaste, etc.) Using refillable materials such as pens, etc. Adopt practices that reduce waste toxicity

Reuse materials such as: Used paper for draft memos, letters, reports, etc Envelopes, folders, papers, and plastic bags. Paper clips, fasteners, carbon paper, etc. Consider reusable products. Reuse bags, and containers.


Recycle waste by: Selling or donating recyclable materials such as paper and cartons, newspapers, aluminum cans, bottles, plastic containers, and other metals to junkshops. Compost leftover food and other biodegradable waste into fertilizer. Choose recyclable products. Do not burn.




UPLB SWM Current Policies

Municipal Ordinance No. 2001-08 (Kautusan Hinggil sa Pangangalaga ng Basura at ang mga Karampatang Pataw Ukol Dito) OC Memorandum No. 2011-064 (Regulating the use of plastic bags, cups and styrofoam in the campus)

UPLB SWM Current Policies

OVCCA Memorandum No. 2012-26 (Waste Segregation at Source) OVCPD Memorandum No. 2012-005 (Pangangasiwa ng Basura sa UPLB)

Municipal Ordinance No. 2001-08

Section 2 - Ipinagbabawal sa sinumang tao ang pagkakalat o pagtatapon ng basura, dumi o anumang uri ng basura sa mga pampublikong sasakyan, pampublikong pook o daanan o puntahan ng mga tao gaya ng kalsada, pambansang lansangan, parke, liwasan, kalye, bangketa, estero, kanal at iba pang pook na bukas para sa mga tao.

Municipal Ordinance No. 2001-08

Section 3 - Ipinag-uutos na magkaron ng lalayan ng basura (trash can) ang loob ng pampublikong sasakyan gaya ng mga tricycle, jeep at pedicabs, kasama na rin ang shuttle bus/school service na papasok at mamamasada sa loob ng bayan ng Los Baos.

Municipal Ordinance No. 2001-08

KAPARUSAHAN UNANG PAGLABAG: P500.00 PANGALAWANG PAGLABAG: P1000.00 PANGATLONG PAGLABAG: P2000.00 PANG-APAT NA PAGLABAG: P2500.00 o pagkabilanggo ng isang araw hanggang 6 na buwan (amended by MO 2009-850).

UPLB Initiatives
Anti-Littering Campaign (LITTER-FREE UPLB)

UPLB Initiatives
Monitoring and Apprehension of Violators

Starting October 2012, deputized UPF already apprehended 12 violators of MO 2001-08.

Solid Waste Management Campaign

U-P atrol UPLB


Its time to take part!

What is U-Patrol UPLB?

U-Patrol (University Patrol) is a campaign program of the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Community Affairs (OVCCA) that allows UPLB students and staff of the University an to be additional eyes and ears of the University and the police. Any UPLB student or employee may report suspicious activity or violation against the rules, regulations, ordinance, policies and laws implemented inside the University.

Please report violators against

TRAFFIC RULES and REGULATIONS -No Illegal parking. -Observe proper loading and unloading zone. -Motorcycle/bicycle drivers must wear helmets. -Counterflowing traffic is prohibited.

Please report violators against

ANTI-LITTERING and WASTE MANAGEMENT -No Illegal dumping of waste. -Segregation of waste must be observe. -Burning of any waste is prohibited.

Please report violators against

Please report violators against

NO SMOKING POLICY -All University building shall be smoke-free. -All drivers and passengers are prohibited to smoke inside public utility vehicles

Please report violators against

ANTI-LOITERING PROGRAM -Non-UP students are prohibited to loiter in the campus during class hours.

Please report violators against

RESPONSIBLE PET OWNERSHIP -Dont allow the pet to stray inside the campus -Clean any mess that the pet may bring.

Please report violators against

Please report violators against

SAFETY and SECURITY -All lights and appliances inside the classroom and offices must be turn off after class and working hours. -Ambulant vendors are not allowed inside the University.

Please report violators against

Email or Call Us
Incident report must be accurate and factual, stating the date, time and place of the incident. If possible, include pictures or video. Email us at [email protected] or call us at 5363358. You may also send SMS or MMS to +639176214540. You may also contact University Police Force (UPF) at 536-2243.

Lets Patrol UPLB

Get your phone. Then dial

Save! OVCCA or UPatrol.

Help the University. Be a living CCTV.

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