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August 8, 2013

The Honorable Patrick T. McHenry


Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations

Committee on Financial Services

U.S. House of Representatives 2129 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515
Dear Chairman McHenry:

Thank you for your letter of July 22, 2013 concerning the implementation of Title II of
the JOBS Act by the Securities and Exchange Commission.

As you know, the JOBS Actrequired a significant change in the Rule 506 marketplace by mandating that the Commission eliminate the ban on general solicitation in Rule 506 securities offerings. As I stated on July 10, 2013 at the Open Commission Meeting, I believe that the Commission had a responsibility to implement this Congressional mandate expeditiously. I also believe, however, that in connection with the implementation of this JOBS Act mandate, the Commission should closely monitor and collect dataon the changes to the Rule 506 market to,

among other things, assess whether non-accredited investors are participating in this market, observe the practices that issuers and market participants are using, evaluate whether the changes are creating new capital raising opportunities, and assess whether and to what extent the changes in the private offering market lead to additional fraud. The Commission's proposal to amend

Regulation D, Form D, and Securities Act Rule 156,1 which was approved on July 10th, is

designed to provide the Commission with additional tools to assist in this effort. The Commission is very interested in reviewing the comments that it receives onthe proposal.
Your letter sets out a series of questions about the Commission's proposal, including the
Commission's evaluation of the costs and benefits of certain aspects of the proposal. You also

asked thatthe Commission modify certain aspects of this proposal or withdraw it entirely.

As we are currently in the public comment period for the Commission's July 10 rule

proposal, it would be premature to discuss the actions that the Commission may take with respect to the proposal generally orany specific aspect ofit. As you know, the Administrative Procedure Act requires the Commission to give the public an opportunity to comment on a rule proposal for a period oftime after it is published. We will give your views very careful
Amendments to Regulation D, Form D, and Rule 156, Release No. 33-9416 (July 10, 2013).

The Honorable Patrick T. McHenry

Page 2

consideration as part ofthis process. If a final rule is adopted, it will include a robust economic

analysis, including consideration of the costs and benefits of the rule.2 Because your letter
addresses a rulemaking for which the Commission is soliciting public comment, your letter will
be added to our official comment file.

You also expressed concern that the issuance of the July 10th rule proposal may have
created uncertainty among some issuers and market participants as to whether the new Rule 506(c) exemption, which permits general solicitation, can be used once it becomes effective. The Commission approved the adoption of Rule 506(c) on July 10, 2013, and the rule will be effective on September 23, 2013. Once effective, issuers will be able to rely on the Rule 506(c) exemption for securities offerings as long as they comply with the conditions of that exemption.

Issuers are not required to comply with any aspect ofthe Commission's July 10th rule proposal
until such time as the Commission may approve a final rule and such rule becomes effective. Should the Commission ultimately decide to adopt final rules, I expect these rules would considerthe need for transitional guidance for ongoing offerings that commenced before the

effective date ofany final rules, as itdid when itadopted the Rule 506(c) exemption.3
In your letter, you also requested information about staff time and related expenses dedicated to the Commission's rule proposal. Please note that Commission staff do not track and record theirtime by specific project and, as a result, this information cannot be generated

automatically from existingrecords. Nonetheless, the staff has gathered certain information in an effortto provide you with anestimate ofthe stafftime spent on this project. To create the estimate, we asked staff who worked on the rule proposal to provide their best estimates oftheir time spent on it. These staffestimates were based on individuals' recollection ofthe

approximate hours spent working onthe rule proposal. Given that the rule proposal was part of a

group ofRule 506-related rulemakings considered by the Commission on the same day,4 it was
difficult for staffto isolate the time spent working on each ofthe rulemakings. While the staff

attempted to beas comprehensive as possible, some of the estimates may be overstated or

understated. In addition, the time recorded in connection with this response only includesthe

time spent onthe specific proposal considered and approved by the Commission onJuly 10,
2013. It does not include time spent either before orafter the adoption ofthe JOBS Act in connection with the consideration of matters relating to the regulatory approach to lifting the restriction on general solicitation. Finally, these estimates do notinclude time spent by the Commissioners and their staff reviewing and considering the proposal, and do not include time

spent by Commission staff providing administrative support inconnection with the proposal.
2 See Current Guidance onEconomic Analysis inSEC Rulemakings (Mar. 16,2012), available at
httD:// guidance econ analv secrulemaking.pdf.

3 The Commission provided transitional guidance inthe Rule 506(c) adopting release for anongoing offering under
Rule 506 that commencedbefore the effective date of Rule 506(c). Eliminating theProhibition Against General

Solicitation and General Advertising inRule 506and Rule 144A Offerings, Release No. 33-9415 (July 10, 2013).

4See Disqualification ofFelons and Other "BadActors"from Rule 506 Offerings, Release No. 33-9414 (July 10,
2013); Eliminating the Prohibition Against General Solicitation and General Advertising in Rule 506 and Rule
144A Offerings, ReleaseNo. 33-9415(July 10,2013).

The Honorable Patrick T. McHenry

Page 3

Subject to the limitations and exclusions described above, the staff estimates that approximately 3,538 staff hours were spent on the proposal at an estimated labor cost of

approximately $315,574. The labor cost reflects salary, but does not include other components
of the Commission's labor cost, such as healthcare and other benefits.

Please contact me at 202-551-2100, or have your staff contact Tim Henseler, Director of

the Office of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs, at 202-551-2010, if you have any
questions or comments.


Mary Jo White

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