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Qualitative Research Methods in Education

ED 634 (Online): Winter 2008

Instructor: Dr. Mary Bucy Phone: E-mail: 503-838-8794 (office) 541-752-5612 (home) 541-602-1144 (cell) [email protected]

Course Description:
This course presents the substance of qualitative research as well as the methods. By examining the traditions and theories of qualitative research, students will explore the principal methodologies and critical issues. They will apply this knowledge to their own research plans.

Hubbard, R. and Power, B. (2003). The Art of Classroom Inquiry: A Handbook for Teacher-Researchers. Heinemann Books, Portsmouth, NH Additional readings will be provided online.

Course Goals:
1. 2. 3. 4. To gain an understanding of the goals and nature of qualitative research. To gain an understanding of the implications of qualitative research for educators. To gain an appreciation of the research process. To discover ways to incorporate research into your own professional life.

At the end of this course, you will be able to: 1. Conduct and write-up a qualitative research study 2. Collect and analyze data using a variety of techniques 3. Understand and discuss the fundamentals of qualitative research models: case study, action research, phenomenology, and others.

Requirements (details will be provided online as each assignment is introduced)

1. Complete all readings 2. Participate in all online discussions. 3. Participate in all online exercises, including, but not limited to: conducting an observation and note-taking activity conducting an interview maintaining and analyzing an anecdotal record providing feedback to discussion group members 4. Prepare and submit a research brief. 5. Conduct a mini-research study and submit a written research paper

Tentative Schedule (some readings may be changed or added)

Topic Readings Due

Unit 1

What is qualitative research Qualitative vs. quantitative Action research

Classroom Inquiry Introduction Chapter 1 Bogdan & Biklin pp 236-246 Sample research questions Brown Action research in the classroom: A process that feeds the spirit of the adolescent. Classroom Inquiry Chapter 2 Stake The Art of Case Study Research Chapter 1 Classroom Inquiry Chapter 3

Jan 8

Unit 2

Jan 15

Unit 3

Research Design

Jan 22

Unit 4

Unit 5

Unit 6 Unit 7

Data Collection Observation Interviews Anecdotal records Surveys Documents Note-taking Data Collection Drawings Audiotapes Videotapes Photography Data Collection (cont.) Data Analysis Interpretation Researcher Bias / disclosure

Jan 29

Massey The way we do things around here: the culture of ethnography. Classroom Inquiry Chapter 4 Classroom Inquiry Chapter 5 Morse & Richards Read Me First: a User's Guide to Qualitative Methods. Chapters 6 & 7 Bogdan & Biklin pp. 33-34 Qualitative Research for Education: An Introduction to Theories and Methods

Feb 5

Feb 12

Feb 19

Unit 8

Literature Review

Gall, J., Gall, M, & Borg, R. Applying Educational Research: A Practical Guide. Appendix 5: Questions for Evaluating Qualitative Research Reports. Classroom Inquiry Chapters 6 & 7 Eisner, Elliot W. Validity in educational criticism

Feb 26

Unit 9

Writing up Research Reliability and Validity

Mar 4

Unit 10 Ethics Unit 11 Submit final research projects

Soltis, Jonas F. The Ethics of Qualitative Research

Mar 11 Mar 17

Grading Criteria
Participation in online activities and discussions Research Brief Mini Research Project 40% 10% 50%

A AB+ B BC+ C CD F 94-100 90-93 87-89 84-86 80-83 77-79 74-76 70-73 60-69 <60

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