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"Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men,".

. ^ Mark Isi?
January 9, 1967

Carl & Debbie -Paschal Missionary Recruits to Chile, South America

Atacama Desert Christian Mission

Forwarding Agent: Mrs. Elbert G, Godfrey

506 Iris Avenue

Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33403

GREETINGS in the name of Christ;

Isnit it wonderful how the Lord carries out His will in our liVes if we only let Him have His way? As we entejr the New Year of 1967, we pray.that each of you will "give yourselves to the Lord" in such a way that you vdll experience a joy and poace which cannot be explained with mere words, but by action in the cause of Christ, This has

been our personal experience since we began our travels to raise support for the
mission field not quite two months ago.

Since our last newsletter we-have visited churches in Florida, North Carolina, and
Virginia,. I'fe want to thank those churches for their interest in the Chilean mission

work, and their concern for our efforts to go to Chile in April. V.'e don't want to begin now. to use this letter for bragging on folk, but v;e feel that we must mention the efforts of a young minister, Bro. Hoyt Johnson of Reidsville, N. C., who did such

a wonderful job of arranging our schedule during December. Everyivhere v;e went, we had a vyonderful reception. Praise God for people vdth a missionary vision,

Everyone has been asking about our monthly support pledges, and we feel others might
be interested. At this time most of the churches we have visited haven't v/ritten to

give a definite amount, but say they v.fill. The definite commitments amount to only $228j but we have promises of support, without board action as yet, bringing-the

total to over $300 per month, I'/e need a total of $600 each month for personal support and Service link. V.'e are still hoping that we can raise as much as possible of the other $400 per month for new church evangelism, before our anticipated
their budget starts in January. Ite must have a total of $2,500 for travel to Chile,
One bless

departure date in April, This is a total of $1,000 per month needed or desired. We v;ill go if we get the, minimum of 600 by April. Please pray that this will be possible. Several churches haven't made a pledge, nor have they sent a gift, because

ing that came about in December, but wasn't given to us until January 1, 1967, was the gift of a check for $588, from the employees of Reynolds &Smith, Inc., Moore Haven, Florida, as a Christmas gift to our work. This came about through Debbie's sister, Janis Click, who is an employee. This check will nearly cover the cost of
plane tickets to Chile, So, financially, the Lord has really blessed,

and to ship our personal possessions, plus funds for a vehicle in Chile,

Several church groups have asked us about things they can take on as projects to raise money for, or to collect for us to take to Chile, The youth group of Lakeport
Church of Christ, Lakeport, Florida, presented us with a set of Visualized Bible

Study Filmstrips in Spanish, last Lord's Day,

This was one of the projects ive had__


We could use other Spanish filmstrips.

Another project we have is a portable Public Address System, v/ith outdoor speakers,
IVe must be able to use it with regular house current, or a 12 volt automobile


This would be valuable for use in outdoor preaching in villages.

We mentioned camping equipment as another project, and Bro, H, T, Aldhizer, of

Edgewood Christian Church, Roanoke, Va., donated a good used wall tent for use in Chile. We, can use other camping equipment, including tents.

v/e have needs rebuilding, or replacing with a new one, A project someone might take"
on would;bs to raise the $60 to rebuild the old one, or perhaps buy a new one.

Due to the high cost of appliances in Chile, wo plan to take ours, but the washer

Be sure to contact us before you plan to take on a project, so that you won't be
v^orking on'the same one as someone else,


notes and greetings. Several individuals and groups gave us gifts, for which we are thankful. We also appreciate our supporting churches standing behond us during . liecember. The Friendship Circle of the Daytona Christian Church, Florida, gave us (among other gifts) a nice camera for use in taking publicity pictures. Thank you!

We enjoyed the lovely Christmas cards we received during the holidays, IVe didn't get most of them until we got back from our tour, but it was still a joy to read your

We hope those who send gifts, write requesting information, or have any kind of

in receiving our mail at times, which makes it just impossible to ansv;er immediately.
Also, Mrsc Godfrey will answer all mail concerning contributions and other infor

correspondence v/ith us, will understand that we are delayed by as much as two weeks

mation when possible. If you want to hear from us personally about something, be

sure to request this in your letter; otherwise; Mrs. Godfrey will be the one to write.

to help us go to Chile for Jesus our Lord, Now, let us close with this thought we
MY Om SOUL, I BEGAN TO'GARE FOR THEM." Your Fellow Servants in Christ,
* * * * *

. ^ ; V/ELL, ENOUGH IS ElfeuGH l/e -trust, that you vdir ail pray for us, an'd' that you will soon make your commitment



U/m Owen Paschal

M/m Larry Wagner

PiyM Hoyt Johnson

Daytona Christian Church Virginia Gardens Christian Church

M/m Carl Hill

Lynn Stanley.
Miss Belle Hawthorne
Mrs. Mable Wells

. '

Sharon Christian Church .

First Chrlstlan Church "of Ft"c~1/iysrs Southside Christian Church (Ft. Myers)
Church of Christ of Reidsville First Christian Church of Cocoa Jefferson Church of Christ

First Christian Church of Salisbury

First Christian Church of St, Cloud

Missionary Group of Orlando

Ladies Council of Chilhowie Jr. Ill Bible Class of Eau Gallie

Employees, ReynoldsSmith, Inc.



V.B.Si of Orlando IVomens* Council of Bowen

Floyd W, Hopper Mr, Russell Hopper

Ladies Missionary Circle of Highland Park

Womens* Union of Chilhov/ie

Missionary Society of Bloomsburg

Priscilla Circle of Lake Butler

Church of Christ. of-Hicksvilie - -'

Victory Class of Elizabethton -Missionary Society of Stronghurst

Christie Service Fellowship of PlainGROUPS;

, field

Missionary '& Benevolent Committee of

Chilean Witness Circle of Orlando

Open Bible Class of Vestaburg Youth Group of Tranters' Creek

Christian Handmaidens.of Oakland Dr.

Bulk Rate ..

Non-Prbfit Org, 1-^ Paid

West Palm Beach, Florida

oharon Christian.Church1845 Sharon Road

U.S. Postage

Permit No. 143

est Palm Beach,.Florida 33401

^ar 16

"Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men" . . . . Mark 1:17
March 1, 1967
Carl & Debbie Paschal


Missionary Recruits to Chile, South America


Forwarding Agent:

Mrs. Elbert G. Godfrey

506 Iris Avenue

Chuquicamata, Chile

Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33403

the needed support seemed a long way off. But, as Debbie said yesterday morning, ---"we -ean see the end, now." We are definitely going to leave in April, except" there be some unforeseen event to hinder us. God has richly blessed our efforts, and we
us reach $415.00 per month, already.

Last November 20th, we began our efforts to "line up" support to go to Chile, South America. At that time, we had been pledged exactly $100.00 per month. The rest of

want to share them with everyone, but space won*t permit. All the glory goes to our God who has promised to provide for each of us. We want to thank all who have helped

One person who gets very little recognition, and probably doesn*t want any, is our
Sandra Gardiner, also, does a splendid job of preparing the newsletter for us,

writing letters to contributors, paying our bills, mailing our nev;sletters, etc. We couldn t have a better forwarding agent, and we thank our Heavenly Father for her.

forwarding agent. Suzanne Godfrey has done a splendid job of handling contributions,

Christian Church, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, has purchased one for us to use in Chile.
meetings. IVe deeply appreciate this fine contribution to the work of the Lord.

In our last newsletter we listed, among our needs, a portable public address system, well, we have been informed that we have one. The Truth Seekers Class of Community
will be used to preach the gospel in buildings, in the streets, and in open air

each church on our mailing list. Churches of all sizes and circumstances can have

Until you've personally experienced a Faith Promise Missionary Rally, you*re missing a great and wonderful blessing. We've been in several lately. Some are small, but they an have one thing in common: they show the faith of the Christians in the area of stewardship. We'd like to recommend this method of missionary giving to
for the good it does the people of the churches.

one. I'm sold on FAITH PROMISE MISSIONARY RALLIES, both for the missionaries, and

18-foot travel trailer. We have made all our trips together, and only once have we not been in church together on the Lord's Day morning. Not only has this given the churches a chance to meet all of us, but it has been a source of strength for our family to 9et to know those v/ho will be praying for us, and supporting the v/ork of Christ in Chile. V/e are grateful for this privilege afforded us by our Heavenly

Since our children aren't in school yet, our home since November 20th has been an


explain that there wasn't anything v^-ong with drinking coffee. Laura v;asn't satistied with this, however, and completed the conversation with "Daddy is a" Christian,
and he doesn't drink coffee."

at night, and the children were supposed to be asleep. Debbie had fixed a cup of coffee, and was preparing to drink it. Carl was gone for something. Debbie didn't know It, but Laura was watching her prepare the coffee. Laura softly spoke, "Mommy, are you a Christian?" Debbie answered, "Yes." But Laura wasn't sure she understood, so she asked again, "Mommy, are you a Christian?" Again Debbie answered, "Yes." Laura said, "Christians aren't supposed to drink coffee, are they?" Debbie tried to

report with an event that concerns our daughter, Laura.

It was late




(January and Fcbi'uary)



Pansy Reed Click

Mildred Brown

Draper Christian Church

Lynn Stanley

Community Christian Church

Daytona Christian Church Sharon Christian Church


First Christian of Clewiston

Senior Adult Bible Class of Draper

Ladies Auxiliary of Orlando Crusaders Sunday School Class of Fort Myers Junior Boys Class of Orlando

Christian Church of Bridgeport Elm St. Christian of Olney

Christian Church of St. Francisvil-le
First Christian of St. Cloud Taylor Mill Church of Christ Englevraod Christian Church Central Christian Church

Womens* Missionary Society

of Fort Myers

First Christian Church of Eau Gallie

Leaksville Christian Church Sanford Church of Christ Live Oak Christian Church Union Christian Church North Shore Christian Church First Christian Church of Merritt Is, Virginia Gardens Christian Church

MEMORIAL from Clyde R, Tidd

Mother of Mrs. Clyde R. Tidd. We are happy to have a small part in the work which
richly_bless th^m as they labor for Him."

Tidd, Mother; William F. Tidd, Brother of Clyde R, Tidd; and Cleo B. Voigtlander,

Our support of Laura Ruth Paschal for one year is to honor the memory of Flora M.

will be accomplished for the cause of Christ by Brother and Sister Paschal. May God

(January and February)



Mrs Betty Quails

lAr, Frank Kerns

Church of Christ of Bloomsburg

Asheboro Christian Church

Sharon Christian Church 1845 Sharon Road

Non-Profit Org.
Bulk Rate

l-?]:(f Paid
West Palm Beach, Florida
Peimit No. 143

Vest Palm Beach, Florida 33401

U.S. Postage

Librai'y Ozark Bible College

111 N. Mairi, Box 454

Japliii, r.o,


Apr 14 '67

"Come y after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men"

Mark 1:1?

April 1, 196?

Carl & Debbie Faschal Missionary Recruitp to Chile

Latin America Christian Mission

.Forvrarding Agent? Mrs. Suzanne W..Godfrey

506 Iris Avenue

Calama, Chile, South America

Dear Friends in Ehrist:

Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33^03

This newsletter finds us all well, physically, and very happy spiritually.
We are nearly ready to leave for Ghile. Our departure date hasn't been definitely set, since we're going by jet, but we will leave by the end of April. Please be praying for us during these last weeks in the States.

The mining company at Chnquicamata recently wrote to Gale Smith, informing

him that they needed all available housing for company employees.. Ihis means that he had to move to Calama, another town not too far away. We
have been planning to live in Chuquicamata, but now \711 move to Calama.
We aren't trying to understand this event, but still ^rust it to be God's

will for us. This xd.ll mean a possible greater financial need for us, but with the Lord guiding us, we believe it will be supplied according to our
needs. We will have to provide our own housing and utilities now.

We have found a way to get a Jeep into Chile, but now must raise $3,000

(estimate) for purchasing and shipping to Chile. Those of you who have

seen our slides and read about the Atacama Desert in which we'll live and

work, know that this Jeep is sorely needed if the work is to be carried out with any kind of rapidity. Iherofore, we're asking our friends to make

special contributions to a VEHICLE FUND so that we can buy and ship a Jeep to Chile. We knoiv of several churches that could buy it themselves if they so desired, but we'll leave that to God's will. If you want to help, send

your contributions to us as usual, but designate it for VECHICLE FUND.

your church would like to make this a project of their own. please let us know.^ There are some special legal matters to be attended to before the Jeep is over purchased. We, also, have some special things we'd like to have on whatever Jeep is purchased or donated. It isn't necessary for us to take this with us, so we do have a little time to raise the money. This isn't an emergency, but we'd like to have the money on hand as soon as possible. We're planning to ship the Jeep to Chile, as soon as we incorporate our
LATXiv" Ai^iERJ-CA CHRISTIAN iuISSICN under Chilean law,

The Elders of the Englewood Christian Church, Jacksonville, Fla., have graciously consented to serve as Trustees for the incorporation of our mission. We are in the process of writing the charter, by-laws, and

for Christ in Qiile.

organizing the mission.

It will later be re-incorporated under Chilean law.


This will be a tremendous asset to our efforts

We appreciate-the interest of these fine men.

With the help of Bro, Ben James, Savannah, Ge^pgia, we were able to purchase an excellent off-set printing press 6r use in Chile. This is something we've wanted, but never thought one could be bought for

$250.00. Bro. Bill Redmon, Doraville, Georgia, ^ave us some used

photographic developing and enlarging equipment to take to Chile. This will aid us in sending back pictures to our supporting churchesc The women's circles of the Daytona Christian Church, Daytona Beach, Fla,, have provided us with some of the finest camping equipnent, which we definitely wanted to take with us. Others have helped in many ways, and several churches have things waiting for us T-jhen we come by. God has certainly blessed us T-rith the things we need in Chile, Thank you. His people, for your concern and for letting Him work through you.


with our God, and our living Saviour. VJE hUST TELL EVERICi ELSE ABOUT THIS.

us? It's a joy to krioiJ that because we're His .children, God xjall listen to our prayers. It's equally a joy to know that in eternity we will live

be about ready to leave for Chile. We still need the money for the Jeep, for service-link, and $1,500 for getting to Chile and to set'Up housekeeping again. God will provide through His people if we ask. Will you pray with

Debbie and I believe God answers prayer. The brethren in "Chile haVe baen praying for us, and w know brethren here, have been, or we wouldn't



Mr.&lyirs, Ernest Peak, Lynn Stanley

J.D. Stokes

Mrs. Pearl -^Tipper

Mrs. Eugene Nix

First Christian Church of Eau Qallie Daytona Christian Church First Christian Church of Merritt Is.

First Christian Church of Pompano Beach

First Christian Church of SJ.. Cloud First Christian Church of Ft, Myers
Christian Church of Anderson

Columbus Area Missionary Rally Ga\ Christian Missionary Rally South Carolina Missionary Rally Students, Atlanta Christian College Crusaders S.S. Class of Ft., I'l3'"ers
Womons Union' of Chilhovjie

Christian Church of Bridgeport

Sharon Christian Church Savannali Christian Church

Christian Church of Bainbridge

South Gardens Church of Christ Elm Street Christian Church Edgcwood Cliristian Church Ahtioch Christian Church First Christian Churh of Colviinbus

Willing V^orkers Class of Chilhot-rie

Ladies Auxiliary of Orlando . Senior Adult Bible Class of Draper 'Savannah Area Missionary Rally Or, Youth Group of Co1uit>us Christian

.* A ^

Sharon Christian Church! 18^5 Sharon Road West Palm Beach, Florida 33^01

Kon-Profit Org..
Bulk. Rate

U;S, Postage

Paid ^ West Palm Beach, Fla Permit No,

Librai'y Ozar'l: Bible College

111 rj. Main, Box 454

Jopliii, [ilo.


"Uome ye after me, and I will make j^ou to become fishers of men"


7^S4^Il/^MaAJ Mark 1:17

Carl fi. Debbie Faschal, J-iissionaries

Calama c. Chuquicamata, Chile, South America

Fon^rding Agent:
Suzanne Godfrey

Field l-iailing and Cable Address:

Carl E. Faschal

Falm BeedhnSardens, Florida 33^03

506 Iris Avenue

Casilla 101

Chuquicamata, Chile. South America

Jiane 16, 196?

Dear Friends in Christ:

We finally made it to Chile, arriving on May I7, 1967 at 10:55 A.M.

Jet stopped at Panama, Lima, and Antofagasta, Chile. Gale Smith &Harvey Beasley met us atthe airport, and with their help, we were able to got our luggage through customs without any trouble. !>e still have to get our cargo through customs next

Our Pan-Am


to first ^y, and half of Thursday, t.jas sponi'in Antofagasta, wliere we have been trying to build a church building. The 3easleys were most hospitable. We spent
toe night in the Plaza iiotel, and found the accomdations very nice, including

breakfast in Jpur room.

nearly dark, they decidod to put on anotlier one. We finally started again, but
all sitting on the edge of our seats,

ran off the road he woke up. Later the generator went out, and because it V7as

niursday afternoon we boarded a bus for our home in Calama. This was to be our initiation into Chilean life. V/e started tlie climb into tiie Andes through barren land, iviothing grot-rs naturally in this desert, except along tlie river here in Calama. Cur driver had evidently missed his siesta, because he began to go to sleep going about 50 miles per hour. Even his aids were about asleep. When he

trip, turning the liglits pn only when a car or other vehicle approached. Wg were

for seme reason the driver chose to drive in complete darkness tlie rest of the

^totm Calama IS very nice, -nth stores, shops, and other things wo have in tlie
trouble. We'll give some costs in a later newsletter,

like Calama verj' well. We must sajr tliat it v-ill require a lot of adjusting are able to buy food and other of life's necessities without any


residential areas are most all very poor. Our "poblaoion" is no ex

We can see Chuquicamata from our house. It is about 10 miles from here, up on the of a high mountain. Carl likes Calama bettor than Chuqui. liost of the Amer icans we thought lived there, are gone. Tnere are only about 35 families living
there not;. They have been replaced with Chilenos.

Dug to the distances we must go to shop, take care of business, preadh, etc we ^ ^ Vehicle. This is going to to require'about $3,000 American dollars, or about $15,000 Chilean Esoudos. We have goe every where by bus, which oonsmies a lot of precious time. We could get about 2 times more done with a vehicle. Having looked over the situation and talked i-jith Gale Smith, we believe it might be best to have a k wheel drive truck, eitlier a Ford or
take such a project? vJe are, working on the corporation here in Chile to receive such a gift, and all arrangments would have to be carefully made to insure delivery Getting around custonis is a ticklish effort, but not impossuble.
la::guage stc^dx

t-u Che^ would be best here. Is there aobtain for these makes. like I believe ^e churchhere or group that would to under

We are studying "Castellano" (Chilean. Spanish). Gale is teaching us, and feels people, probably teach aisn't class. We re trying"rS hard r to learn the native dialect. The idea and of being a "gringo"
too encouraging. That's what they call Arnericans.

Oz/'RK Bible College; Ubraky



1n 1 NORTH A/vAlN


prayers^ and continued support.

Ihe field here in

T^ay, a!Q contributions should go through her. Sending cheoks through the mail IS risky. If you should want to nia^e a special present to us, send it registered mail. ^All letters should be by air mail which costs 15 cents'. Sane letters have arrived vath only 11 cents, but you may get it back for postage due.
May God bless each of you is our prayer.J

Si theyou ^effort, thougli iswhen a lot more difficult than even in South ' Florida. wo37th We want to write us it. here you want to. We'll try to ansvrer your letters, but most often a newsletter will have to suffice for awliile. ' tirs. Go^rey t-rill write and keep you informed along viith our reports, By the

We want to thank Bro. Terry Alverson for his efforts during our last weeks in
operation, and during Carl's sickness.

the States. Ke did &lot to help us get arrangements made for shipping, Laurdis



Toi^' Sullivan Dennis R. Steagall

Edgwood Christian Church

K/K Bob Heiroan


First Christian Church of Meiritt Is.

Taylor Mill Church of Christ
Sharon Christian Church

First Christian Church of Sau Gallie

Sanford Christian Church

Ladies Auxiliary of Orlando


First Christian Church of St. Cloud

_First Cliristian Church of Fompano Bch-.

Community Christian Church Da5rbona Christian Cliurch
First Christian Church of Orlando Madisonville Christian Church Engler-jood Christian Church

Church of Christ of Lakeport

North Shore Christian Church

Draper Christian Church

Beechwold Church of Christ

CARL & DEBBIE FASCHAL Sharon Christian Qiurch

Non-profit Crg,
Bulk Rate

18^5 Sharon Road West Falm Beach, Fla. 33^01

U.S. Festage

1^^ Paid . West Palm Beach, Fla. Permit i!o. 1^3 iUi? ^0 67

r.,.,. CoaEGE OiARKt.i' 'nJiU

Liofafy Ozark Bible College

111 N. Main, Box 454

Joplin, Mo.


"Cono ye after me, and I t-rill r.iake you to bocoric fishers of nen"


uE 5ER .

Sponsoring Church:

Ilark 1:17

Carl & Debbie Faschal, Missionaires

Englewood Christian Church

Calama Cz Chuquicamata, Chile,

Soutli America

^316 Barnes Road Jacksonville, Florida 3220?

Field ilailing Address: Carl E. Faschal
Casilla 101

Forwarding Agent;

Suzanne F. Godfrey 506 Iris Avenue Palm Beach Gardens, Fla. 33^03

Chuquicamata, Chile, South America

August 21, 1967

Dear GtDncemed Ones:

Time sure does fly by fast when you*re busy. We hardly have time to ^et to bed at
night, but this makes us real happy, because we^re accomplishing something for Christ, and His church. The opportunities are unlimited for us hero mthout a great deal of searching. Please continue to pray for usJ We know that many must be praying regu
larly, because of the many doors that keep opening for us. jii'lERICAl'.! school" Gini is going to school in tlie American Camp at Chuquicamata. The school is run on


be more advanced than most mainland schools. The DuFont chemical eompany has a plant here at Calama and they are letting Gini ride to school now in their Chovrolet CarryThis is sure better than that bus ride every morning.

the same system as in the U.S.A. They don*t charge us for tuition and they seem to

I have been made a member of the "Radio Club de Chile" in Chuquicamata this past week which means that we can get a license to operate a "liam" radio set and import the
equipment duty free,
in Chuquicamata.
for over 4 weeks.

Tliis means tliat all tlie ehurches tlmt support us and who send

tlie call letters, time of transmission, etc., of a ''ham'", might be able to cor.imunicate

TTith us (^rectly in the very near future.

Right noi^ we are using a friend's radio

This was our only way of communication during the roccnt mail strike

Eveiyone has been asking about our dealings witli the ''Aduana" (customs) in /mtofagasta when wo got our shipment from tlie States. VJ'ell, wc were able to import everything we brought, though most of our things were forbidden. They only charged us about

$600.00 US. They could have charged us $3,000 US. They wore very nice to us and

informed me that we got a good deal. V'e believe iti We only had a little damage in the shipment, i^ost of our things are still packed due to lack of space at this time.

I have been able to meet some very important people in Chuquicamata the past two weeks
and it has opened a lot of doors for us obtaining equipment for our XTork. We have permission to buy a concrete mixer and possibly a block machine for the work, from the Ladies Auxiliary- of First Christian Church, Orlando, Florida. They have been

contributing regularly tmrard new church work, and wo believe that this is a good way to save money, build better buildings, and save tloiie. The company in Chuqui may ;-ore negotiating again on the 17th of August, next month we might have it. They informed me that \jq could buy concrete, wood, and other items from them for our. work.
The Lo3xi has made all of this possible in permitting us to meet these men

sell me a huge "Rex 16" concrete mixer for about (1^^^50.00 US, but I have to do a little

A Doctor in Chuquicamata, named Dr. Barricades, has offered us tlie use of a clinic

he built inland from hero in a small totm. He has been looking for someone to take it over since he*s retiring. We want to accopt tliis offer, but first wo must get our own transportation, T."e don*t feel at this tirae that we should s?[y xto'11 go, when we
aole to say yes, when opportunities like this come along.

can*t get there.

This makes us want a truck even more. VJiiii transportation we are

Floase pray about this.

The clinic is well equipj^ed and we T'jill be able to use it for church services like

C'Tise. I'fliat an opportunity to mtness mthout having to build the church building.


being processed right nc^T. We should have them ready in anotlier*^month, tJie Lord will
If you want them reserved for a special date, you had better ask early and give
fjission Services will also got a set for distribution.

.'e hope to have a new set of slides for your use real soon.

They are in the U.S.


more than one date,

Godfrey will have the other one.

"e feel that i-jith a lot of work tliis church can groiT, but at present it seems to havB stagnated and even decreased in number, WTien \-7o arrived thero was an average attendmce at the services of 25 to. 30. Tao first Sunday there were only 2 present, since

it was a special holiday, Ve started a special Tuesday night Song Service, hoping

service of 3?, and this is on].y -hhe baKimv^ng. V:e*re starting sloiTly, but as tiiue goes on we Td.ll increase the spsod of our -/7orIc. This is best at first, since they
rebel against "gringo" ideas until proved "chay vrork.

to teach hew to sing better and spark nei-x life. We recently hit a new high for this

of God, I did. For three weeks now, 1 hnve been aoing the i^reaching here, but have
to write out the sermons. Not too b=.d for Zj raonths in Cliiio.

Oh, hovT I dreaded that effort, and still don'tTnoirhor-T 1 made it, but with the help

3ro, Elton Carlson, Sumner, 111. recently wrote, ''Debbie^ I!d send you a mop, but tliat xrould do you as much good as a can of floor wax". Really we are finally getting our house in order, but one room doesn't have a floor in it. After we get the con
crete mixer we coiJ.d.use the mop, 3r. Eltonl

Until we wite again, remember to'prly for"us. And please ^irite us directly on the
field. One half ounce letters are .15^ from the U.S.
Yourf-Ambassaddi for Christ,



June and July

fl/h John Mutter Yo\ang Married Couples Class

of EdgcT700d

Vehicle Fund

New Cliurch Evangelism Fund

ladies Auxiliary of Orlando

General Fund

M/M Eugene Sanders

M/il Emil Francisco

h/li Lynn Stanley

li/li Ronald Sinpson
Hazel Smallwood

Dennis Steagall Roi-;ard Vfnitley Bill CaroljTi Sloan Crusaders S.S. Class of Ft. Myers Jet Cadets of Largo Christian Church

Soutlieast Christian iiinisters Assoc.

- V-.B.S. of North Shoro Christian Church Willing T-Forkers Class of Chilhowie
Hialeah Christian Church Va. Gardens Christian Church

Nortla-Shoro Christian of Jacksonville First Cliristian Church of Clermont First Christian Church of iierritt Island ' ' Edgewood Cliristian Church of Salem

Taylor Mill Church of Christ

First Christian Church of Eau C-allie

Sanford Christian Church

First Qiristian of St. Cloud

Dajrtona Christian Chiirch

First Christian Church of Lakoport

Madisonville Christian Church of Cincinnati Sharon Christian Church of W.P.B.

First Christian Church of Ft. Hyers


Draper Cliristian Church First Christian of Clei-dston Engler-rood Christian Cliurch

Christian Cliurch of Bainbridge

Chi'UiQVTie Qiristian Church ::ARL & DE33IE I-ASCIi/iL Sharon Christian Church
Sharon Road


Chvistian Ch-irch of Sumner ivon-Profit Org. 1-B^- Paid

I!ulk Rate

Jest Falpi j3each, Fla, 33^01

U.S. Postage

West Palm Beach, Fla. Forr,ait Uo. ^3

Rug 28 '67

Library Ozaric Bible College

111 N. Main, Box 454

Joplin, Mo.


- CH-l^

Oct 3 '67

"Uome ye al'ter me, and I wxll make you to become fishers of men"
UTIH AMBXCAl'J CH.RIS?1AK iyilSSlOM Field Mailing: Ad^cess:
Carl E. Faschal




J-iark 1:17

Casiila 101 Chuquicamata, Chile

South America

Forwarding Agent:

Suzanne VJ. Godfrey 506 Iris Avenue Falm Beiach Gardens, Fla, 33^03

Sponsoring Church: Englewood Christian Church

^316 Barnes Road Jacksonville, Fla. 32207

September 5*1967


Another month has rapidly passed by, and we feel quite successfully for Christ.
mixed up year for us,

with spring. Here in Chile, we have had fail, winter, and now spring. Quite a

month begins our second spring season this year. We had winter in the U.S., aiong


Here in Calama, for the past four weeks, we have been having more men in the worship

This is encouraging to us, because they are the future leaders here in

Our work is to win them to Christ,

Attendances are higher than any time since our arrival, with 40, 65, 50, &57, during the past four weeks. This is in the worship services. Wo feel real encouraged by this, and hope for 100 during our Revival which will be in progress when you receive
this letter. Pray for the Revival,

We need workers to help us in^this effort. Opportunities are unlimited if we have

the means to use them. We rejoice each day over new opportunities for Christ*s

purchase price was about $30.00. This is just one opportunity to spread the Word

Two weeks ago, we bought a new city lot for a church building in the future.


toing this past month, we made our first visits to the local hospital, and to the Cal^a "carcel". A "carcel" is a jail. These visits have more than "paid off". During the last four weeks, we have been emphasizing evangelism. Our example was worth more than a thousand words. The people (quite a few) went with us last Lord's Day to the hospital and jail. We pray that this is just the beginning,

c'cation began playing "sad" music, and kept announcing something about "Chile Explor

didn t think too much about it right then. Later in the day we noticed the radio

Last Tuesday morning, about 9:^5* we felt a tremendous explosion rock the house. We

iVenty-five thousand people attended the funerals. It emphasized to us the urgency number of x^orkers here, they wouldn't be needed for too many years, before being able
cf more workers in the foreign field, and especially right here. With a sufficient
Prav for more "CO turn the work overto the Chileans, and tiien go to another place.
workers for Northern Chile,

ation Company". About four o"clock in the afternoon, we found,out that there had been a serious accident in the large mine. By late afternoon, we learned.that 22 iTien had been killed in a blast. For two days, then, we had mourning in the area

--'.uto accident. He almost lost his leg, i-.nd God answered our prayer. Juan will oar interest in Juan, and due to a need our services. You don't knor-f how happy

One of our young boys in the church is in the Calama hospital, following a serious

but we had suecial prayer for Juan Salas be in the ho'spital for 6 months. Because of in his life, Juan's father started coming to this makes us. We only hope that the gospel

story can touch his heart, and bring him to Christ,

taong tte many "class projects" avallp.blo, we have need of a folding maohino for our fo^ar^ng agent The newsletter is quite a job, but folding them by hand is the iiardost part of tlie work. If you can h^lp id+h tliin. please wi-ico lira. Godfrey at iier address have other projects if yoi: cai'e to wite and inriulre. A few of them are: Spanish Bibles (through the Jimerican Bible Cociety); Bible Story pictures, and

f..annelgr^.ph pi-.t;ires ( S9nt in manili envelopes, in small quantities); Spanish .^i _vj.f.d?i-ed b.U!R ::^orf3s, "CottAga Mooting So:,let:'' ( by Uxxxer;; -rvi nooM foi' Chilean-; au:^ cuv oMMrevrto-reaa (!,.o;cs .,.;e duty free Gr,--- into Chilo, ijnon bovl.:>; o..:_'^v-l.;rv^r' cr. 'ho r-'.-i.'."-; -ia- on

fTo mfcxer what you may send to us, please send it i.i small amouncs. or customs wili
nolu It up for inspecx-ion. RADI0_CLTJB PS CHILE

tte cu5to;=s slip at tiio po.t otfioo).

7HS^a.c;i5^'t>r'spmvi;h booCs

contacts. We ap^eciate your interest, but I just received ny menbership card y-sequ^pnjnt before being able to get the lioe,.,se. e can mke eiasrgoncy contact over C; ba.LC. ^-'fu but not mthout We hiwe a friend in Atlanta he t-Tonld he^p'"-^'^"^:=ata, us got our o;m oquipnont, buthim. we haven't heard from him so aren t sure when we'll be on the air. Shouj.d you w^nt to reach us, just try to get TOe at Cr.uquicj^ata. Chilo. They can pass the E.ssage on, right no^. We hope
to be on the air before too long. i^G-'re getting anxioud about this.

manj. inquiries about our membership in this elub. and about mking

Yesterday, Debbie went to the neighboi^hood store to buy eeers

if she wanted them fresh. Ifetux-ally. Debbie wanted fr4hfggs'. so thfcl^rk went

The clerk- a!Vnf? hf^v

from the hen s nest , You co.n-T. got thorn ^ny fresher than that in .the united States i
This is the word used, when saying good-bye to good friends, hero in Chile. So until October, we say "Chao" to you, and close with a Spanish phrase "Vaya'con Dio&".
En Jesucristo Nuestro Salvador,

\-k_'3oor of the store, and c.^e back in af... r.rlnufes with Se ;'2: "Sght


Hew Church Evangelism Fund

Ladies"Auxiliary of Orlando, Fla.

Vehicle Fund

Ge.neral _^nd
Iji^an Stanley of South_ Africa

J'irs, L.E. Wells of S, Daytona, Fla, Denris 'Jte^gall of Leaksville, N,C.

First Church of Merritt Island

Anthony S, Bass of Moore Haven, Fla, James E. Harveston of Moore Haven, Fla,
Robert S. Lyons of.Moore Haven. Fla.

Vfeyne Vest of Roanoke, Va.

I-l/H Ronald Siinpson of Groentown, Ind.

Chu3ch of Christ of Lakeport, Fla.
Daytona Christian Church, Fla.


First Oh^istian Church of, Eau Gallie, Fla.

Sp.n.fc'2"d C'bri'.stian Church, Fla.
Church oi* Christ of Clio. 14ich.

Firjrt Chri.^itian Church of Cocoa, Fla. Fivst Christian Church of St. Cloud, Fla.

FirafC.tiristi^n Church of Colunbus, Ga. Atlanta 'jhr.l.stian College, Ga. Elm S':reet Ohri:.t;unn Church of Olney, 111. CoriT.rnj. ;Vian Cliurch of Surmer, 111,
D.-p.per Ci-ri';tiar. Cuu7-ch, F,C.

AntiO'.^h Cbi;.:.s.-;.ian Church of Green^;illo,N.C.

Ma ii^^nvilJ.o Ci^risti?.Ln Church of Gln^i/inati


DelXr., Ptan-'-ifer Cj.role of Ft. Myers, FX,::.

Christ Club of Indian^-oolls

.C:7ur!.adcrG .S. Cl^.s_s of Ft. Mvors, FIa

Nori-Prvji'it Org
Balk Ejj.t.3


Sharon Christian Church IG'i-^ Sharon Road

li"^ ^id
ViTec^t Palin Beach,Fla,
Permit Kg. ^3

West Palm Beach, Fla. 33^01

U.S. Postage

Library Ozark Bible College li1 N. Main, Box 454

Joplln, Mo.




22 '57


Come ye after nie, and I will make you to become fishers of men"..... . . .Mark 1:1?
Field Mailing Address; Carl E. Paschal
Casilla 101


C b Si R '

r 1 SH t. R.:E.,

Chuquicamata, Chile

Forwarding; A^ent; Suzame W. Godfrey

South Araerica

506 Iris Avenue Palm Beach Gardensr Jla^-33403

Sponsoring Church: Englewood Christian Church 4316 Barnes Road Jarfcsonville, Fla. 3220?
November 6, 196?


a new class, and much other work to do. We'll do o\ir best to give you a general "run
down" on our activities. TEIANK YOU FOR YOUR FINS SUPPORT!

Ihis past month was one of much activity for us. W had a revival, a Chilean funeral,

Bias Aguilar, Chilean Preacher from the recently discovered restoration group in . . Southern Chile, was the visiting evangelist. We are happy to report 3 baptisms during
and down by the river there were hundreds of people. Most of them had never seen a ' baptism.- I did the baptizing, and Bias preached to the ]^ople. It was quite a thrill

this week, arid a fine time of fellowship. We did the baptizing on national holidays,

for us to be able to witness to so many. We*d sure like to have Brother Aguilar

working up here with us in full-time evangelism.

one in the church has died, but a lady that used to attend irregularly, died recently in the Calama hospital. We had just visited her the day before, and found her at the ppint of death. Because of our visit, the people in our town district asked us to help with the funeral. We had to go to the morgue to get the body, idiich was on a crude table wrapped in only a sheet. It was necossary to go to the city offices to get a free coffin, in which we placed the body. They don*t embalm here unless the people are very rich. We took the body to the Calama church building, and placed the coffin in the middle of ihh room. Ihen it was necessary to dress ' the
candles around the coffin, which had been nailed shut (being nothing but a wooden box), At this point, we didn't know what would happen. It ended that night at about 2 fi.M. with all the people sitting up with the body, and having coffee with bread, and, also, they sang a lot of hymns. I (Carl) got tired of this so went to bed, and about 30
minutes later everyone else wont to bed at their homes.

body, which we did. Carl and two other men did all of this, After this, they placed

Catholic" looking thing you*11 see othersthan in a Cathedral. At the cemetesy wo had to "look" for the grave, because the caretaker couldn't find it being so drunk from wine. We made slides of most of these events, with exception of the body itself. They'll be in our next set of slides later next month, ^Piis ijhole event was quite a shock, but very enlightening to say tho least. They don't teach these things in our Bible Colleges, so we learn the hard wayI We wouldn't take anything for these exper
iences, ^ ^

tiie actual funeral, and went to the grave yard. This cemetery is Just about the most

The next afternoon we had


slides ^clude part of our recruit days in the U,S. This is for new groups that are interested in supporting us, as well as interest missionary recruits in our Bible ^neps, etc. We will be sending another set to the States next month, and copies will be placed in Mission Services, wit& Janis Click at Atlanta Christian College,
and with our forwarding agent.
tacting her.

write this, I'm also sending a set of slides to Mrs, Godfrey for your use


Janis is Debbie's sister for those interested in con

^e Chilean people celebrate quite differently from us, when it comes to national

will be in our second sot. For three days there was much wine, and dancing. Our revival was during this and our doors wore full of drunk men. Those people'need the gospel. Catholicism makes no efforts to change tho lives of the people.

holidays. It's difficult to describe, so wo made some slides of a few eisents idiich


money back. The man didn't m.nt to give all of it back, and insisted that we'^take other merchandise. It ondod up that he didn^t have s.n5>thing we could use but tea. Kow we have pounds of tea to U5o un. Hhy donH you drop in some, time for "oncos"? That*s a spanish word used here for afternoon tea, Tliey adooted it from 'the British
tea break in the morning. The word actually means "elevens"".
In Christ Jesus Our Lord,
A note from the Forwarding Agv^nt:
Carl & Debbie Paschal

to Chuqui and bought a transformer made for this. Kcwever, for sone reason, it dirtn*t work with our amplifier. Carl 5.nd las Agiiilar took the transformer back to get out

Carl needed a 12 volt power source to use the new amplifier we brought, so he went

Many chm-chcs have asked what the Pasbhals need for Christmas, Sharon Christian Church of .P,B., Fla, has purchased the Spanish records for the Visualised Bible Study Series and also shoe, clothes, stuffed animals for the children and other

into the country, they would appreciate having the mcnoy for their truck. There couldn't be.a better Christmas present than getting this $3,?00 for their truck which they have done so long i^TitliOut. This can bo done with enough help from loved
ones, ^e Vehicle Fund now stands at $767,00,

prsonal things they need for Christmas. Since the duty is so high on things coming

TSept. and Oct.)"~

New Church Evangelismi^Fund

Ladies Auxiliary of Oriando, Fla,

Vehicle Fund

M/H George Carillet-East Point, Ga, M/M Ronald Simpson-Gfeentown, Ind. M/U T.M, Murphy-Blacksbury, Va,
Jr, Hi Class-Northwest Christian-Tampa
Bjj^kota B.S, Class-Sunny Isles Christian

Madeline Tilsqn-Jacksonville, Fla, Mrs, John Th^es-College Park, Ea,

Willjjig Workers Class-Chilhovjie Chilhowie Christian Church Edgewood Christian Church-Roanoke


iJiadTsonville Christian-Cincinnati

Taylor 2'iill Church of Christ-Covington

New York

East Northport Church of Christ


Christian Women Workers-Community-Ft,Piorcs<3 Lomomis Circle-'First Christian-Ft,Myers

- Truths^kera-Ciass-CoiTBmmity-] First Christian Church-St, Cloud, Fla. Harleyville Christian Church-S.Carolina Sanford Christian Church-Sanford, Fla, North Shore Christian-Jacksonville, Fla.
General Fund

Madeline Tison-Jacksonville M/M Ekrdl Francisco-Ft. Pierce

Smallwood-Ft. Pierce Mrs, L,D, Smith-Moore Haven Mr. L,D. Smith, Jr.-Moore Haven Cecil Reeves-Moore Haven Mr, Merrill-Moore Haven

M/M Eugene Sanders-Ft, Pierce

M/M Thomas Willoughby-Ft, Pierce

M/M John Mutter-St. Cloud Delia Stansifer CircleFt, Myers

Lynn Stanley
Nor'^'h Caro?uina

Dennis uteagall-Leaksville

Crjsaders S.S, Class-iet. Myers

Sarjford Cliristian Church-Sanford Firrjt Chriritian-Merritt Island Englewood Oahistian-Jacksonville North Shore Ch.rir;tian-Jacksonville

. Draper Christian Church-Draper


Fir;5.t Christian Church-Columbus

Union Christian Church-College Park (Young Adult S,S. Class)


Day-tona Christian Church-Daytona

First Christian Church-St. Cloud First airistlan Cliurch-Clewiston

Centi-al Christian Church-Sumner


Church of Christ-Lakeport
Sharon Christian Church-W.P, B. First Christian Church-Eau Gallie

Pribiary Class-Central Christian-Jackson


^ouples_ for Christ M/M Ronald Simpson-Greentown

CARL & DEBBIE PASCHAL Sharon Christian Church 18^^5 Sharon Road

First Christian Church-Ft. Myers

:Hiarieahr-airlstian Qmrch-HlaierS^ Mir.3uiar Church of Christ-Miramar Non-Profit Org,
Bulk Rate


First Christian Church-Pompano Beach

lt0 Paid

West Palm Beach, Fla. 33^01

U.S. Postage

West Palm Beach, Fla, Permit No, 1^3

Library Ozark Bible College

111 N. Main, Box 454

Joplln, Mo.


^i4l \- M,\5(L/



"Como yo after m, and I make you to become fishery of

'^ -



J^^ejia iviaillng Adldress;
Carl Paschal



.. : '

Foirwarding. Agent; i ^ Suzanne W. Godfrey 506 Iris Avenue Palm Beach Gardens, .flia. 33^03

_ Casi]ULa 101 -Chuquicamate, Chile i' - Smth'"Ameiica'

St>oni3ori]^ ' . .. Eftglewbod Chidsiia'n Church 4316 Barnes Road Jacksonville, Pla. 3220?
December 15t 196?

'"'l'.. :


We hope and pray that this letter fiiiids all of you well and happy, as you prepare for "tt^e Christmas season. Vfe are all w6ll physically and happy spirit^lly. ^ Lord has been so good to ust We cep^ltainly appreciate your ^i^ie supt^i^ ai^^
.encouraging letters that we receive.

Here in Latin America, it is hard to find a;'(fci^tian person ^ ed with the Word of God. We have been teaching the "first ^rihciiies*V-<)fy Cal^na, and find that they don't eveni^ckgigouhd knou^^ th& d^ferenc ttie Old and Bew Testaments. With, the Ca'ttxolic doctrih that most between of them have, it. isfi't; any wonder ;just haven't had the opportunity to leaiw. Of, .
course, that is wl^ we came here^ ~^ ^

Ihis brinjgs fee tp tte thqu^t that:we'd like for you tb tonic upon^


tioMl chwches, we fii^ those professing Christ idio have ho more knowledge" of Gbd's Word than'the folk here. Why? Because we just don't appreciate our heritage. Bre thren, xAile we're .enjoying all the fine gifts from others, and.whild.we give some: thou^t to the.Sftyiour, let? s;really be thankful for the opportunity we have in our country to study.,^ree3y,_ and,to exercise our religious heritage. During the caning year, let's each oJus plan to enjoy the PRIVILEGE of attending Bible School :Shd
other services of ;^e church, more re^larly and with more determination tb reaily

However, in t^e Qhris^n Churches and Churches of Christ, as we^^a^ to d^nbftlnft-^

^ 1^. Plated-States-there, isn't, a s^giel'^rabn who "teW't or can't ha^re: the_6pps;^i;^ study God^4J6rd-without fear, and with^ri^TJalifiedTtea^^^

understand the Word of God.

Manuel Zepater, age 21, was baptized into Christ during the month of Nov^nber. This makes a total of 5 stoce our arrival. It isn't feery many by some standards,,, but each one of them is a victory-for Christ. Also,' Adan Taipei, another young man in the Calama church preached Bis first semon in November, and plans to ^ch agairt in
January, Please pray for each of these.

_aince 3ia^rived. We have-c^pleted tKgrilbuge~flbors, and are going to pour ^a JKLoor to th ladies Awdlaiy of 1st Qiristian Church; Orlando. for their suljporfthat paid,for this machine. . We'll use it for mAinr ."
years to cme.

l^e finally were able to get a cem(BhV^

it_i^s.;JNn wbiMng -^^

. : .


Ma^ will recall l^at we helped with the raising of funds for th^ church in Antofa-

seM any more funds to Mrs. Godfrey. We are lOanning to helpwitii ionstrucUon in "r.; ^tofagasta, using our cement mixer and other equipnent. Bi^t now, "red tape" is holding up any construction on this project, along with a lack of funds.

MfcvJTON. MISSlSSirei 393^5 to receive the ftods and rSorts oHf^fSsfdolit: ,V

forethese funds, and Brother Harvey Beasley has designated CHARLES R. HARRIS. RT #

while in the U.S. However, since arriving here we are no longer responsible

VJhen our rabbit had tebies. linda Carol made avtemark that we'd like to share with you: Hmmt Now isn't that something. KamawJs; cow gives milk and our'rabbit Mves'babies. They're just about alike, arei>'t they.?V ; T


^made a request for literature and several retaied with eifts QiUrch, Mr. James laDue, and Miramar Church of Cairlfi+ cov.f o

much arrived at the post omcTTLe

hcane. lhank ea^ of you for your gifts.

L ?o

^ytona Christian

^^sxi carry xt all



Ihis is the greeting here at Chrii^lanas time. It means iHarr

saviour, ahough any Mies separate us.

New Year". This is ^at we wish for each of ^ a


Your Ambassadors for Christ,

Carl & Debbie I^schal

New Churdi E^gelism Fund

Ladles Auxillal^y of Orlando, Fla.

Vehicle Fund

^io Oho Evdrready Oirole-Chidstian Church


Viiginia Gardenia Qu-istian Church- Miami

iladison^Ue Christian Church of


Cftui'csh ot Fti fierce^ Fla 4 i > Coutiles for Chidfei- Ben Davis ChristldA Church of, Indilinapolis, Ind,
le Oiristian Church-Qiilhowie

^^istian Wwaen Workers- Cpnanuhity diribtian

, FMncife(ibitft. Pierce
(ab'jS6jhil83;S-vFt, Pierce

CHid^det^j^ is
Ft, %er

Class- First Christian-

Edgewood Chxdstian Church-Roahoke

Women's Ms lonary Society-First Christion Chi h-Ft, %ers , . First itian Church of Eau Gallie

Taylor Mill Church of Christ-Covington






stian Church of Cocoa

stian Church of St, Cloud

Qiidstian Church

Mrs, Betty Thames-College Park


^rst Christian Church of Merritt Island

^st Oiristian Church of Clewiston

Miramar Church of Christ Sharon Christian Qiurch

Daytona C3iri,stian Quirch

Missionary Society of St, Francisville

Christian Church-St, Francisville
Nortti Carolina

Draper Christian Church-Draper


Mr, &Mrs, Rc^fiald Simpson-Greenftown Coujaes for Christ-Ben Davis Christian


Sharon Christian Church IdkS Sharon Road

Bulk Rate

West Palm Beach, Fla, 33^*01

U.S. Postage

West Palm Beach,k


Permit No, 1^3

Library Ozark Bible College

111 N. Main, Box 454 Joplin, Mo. 64301


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