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Adsense Masters Course

2nd Edition
From The Author Of The World Famous Micro Niche Adsense Course, John James Robinson (Xfactor) Proudly Presents:

The Authority Site Adsense Guide

The Advanced Adsense Publishers Guide To Making More Money With Less Sites & Publishing Your Way To A 6-Figure Income With Googles Search Engine

Based On My Combined Publishing Experience Since 2005, Creating Over 15,000+ Pages Of Content On My Personal Websites Alone, Hitting 4Figure Adsense Pay Days, & Finally - How You Can Put It All Together To Create The Absolute Best Type of Long-Term Adsense Sites That Google Will Eat Up - John James Robinson (Xfactor)

This Course Is Dedicated To My Baby Girl...

Thank you, My Love...


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The Xfactor Scoop: The Story Behind This Course

First, A Personal Letter To All The Micro Nichers Out There The Purpose of This New Course: Less Sites, More Income & Google Proofing Your Business My Adsense Journey Since 2005: A Quick 669-Word Bio The Main Inspiration Behind This Book: My 6-Figure, 2200 Page Health Authority Site My Overall Content Publishing Philosophy: More Is Better, But Less Is More

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Introduction: The Case For Authority Sites

Lesson (1) Are You Qualified To Build & Promote An Authority Site? Lesson (2) You Do Not Need Thousands Of Pages To Become An Authority" Lesson (3) Google Rewards Bigger Sites With Well-Themed Content Lesson (4) Authority Site Pages Do Not Need To Rank For 1 Main Keyword To Earn Income Lesson (5) With Authority Sites, Its MUCH Easier To Rank New Inner Article Pages Lesson (6) Keyword Research Is A Breeze When Creating Authority-Level Niche Sites Lesson (7) It Is Far Less Work To Focus On One Bigger Site At A Time Lesson (8) Reaching $100 Per Day (Per Site) Is Only The Start Lesson (9) Authority Sites Only Get Stronger With Each Google Algorithm Change Lesson (10) Highly Competitive Niches Can Be Entered With Authority Sites Lesson (11) The Best Authority Niches Are Those You Have Interest In Lesson (12) Working With Google (Not Against Them) Is The True Key To Success

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Chapter 1: Getting Started, Choose Your Authority Site Model

Understanding The Best Way To Plan Your Authority Adsense Sites 40 Example Niches & How I Would Assign Each Adsense Model Option #1: The Whole-Market Authority Site Model (Not Advised) Option 2: The Broad-Topic Authority Site Model (For The Advanced Publisher) Option #3: The Themed-Niche Authority Site Model (My Personal Favorite) Option #4: The Micro-Topic Authority Site Model (Perfect For Micro Niche Enthusiasts)

37 38 39 41 44 47

Chapter 2: Keyword Research - How To Create A Complete Keyword Blueprint

Why Keyword Research For Authority Sites Is Dead Simple 1 Article, No Backlinks, No Rankings For Its Main Keyword (9 Daily Visits/$2.22 Per Day) Use Any Keyword Tool You Wish: So Long As It Gets The Job Done! How I Do It: Outlining The 6-Point Authority Site Keyword Blueprint Plan Now Lets Begin: A Step-By-Step Example (The Tea Niche) Step 1: List Down Category Ideas From Other Sites Step 2: Grab More Category Ideas From My Keyword Tool Step 3: Narrow Down All Category Ideas To What Is Necessary Step 4: Create An Individual Keyword List For Each Category An Example Full List For A Specific Category: Black Tea Step 5: Now Its Time To Clean Up Each Individual Keyword List (1) First, Remove The Redundant Phrases (2) Now Discard The Unrelated Keywords (3) Third, Get Rid Of Nonsense Phrases & Low-Count Phrases Step 6: Create Your Site Skeleton Using Tree Pad The Final Blueprint Example (And Some Important Questions) (1) How Many Keywords Should We Have In Each List After Cleaning Up? (2) And In What Order Should We List Them? The Final Blueprint Example Chart Last Reminders on Creating Your Keyword Blueprint 2009-2011 All Rights Reserved Page 5 of 217

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Chapter 3: Content Creation (Part 1) The Magic Of Theme Article Writing

Content That Google Really Wants - And Will Reward You For! A Well-Themed 30 Page Site Vs. The Average 300 Page Site My 3 Basic Steps To Authority Level Article-Creation (1) Theme-Phrase Keyword Research (2) Create Your Article Template (3) Research & Writing Now Let's Get Started: Start With 1 Article For Each Category Extracting Article Theme Words: Web Content Studio Here Is Why I Use WCS Lets Begin Using The Program: Tea Health Benefits Here Is My Theme Report: 3 Hours Of Research In Just 5 Minutes No Need To Use Them All: Pick What Makes Sense How I Use The Report To Create My Article Template Simple Step 1: Write a Catchy Title Based On Main Keyword Simple Step 2: Write 2 Intro Paragraphs Paraphrasing The Theme Words Simple Step 3: Now Write A Sub-Title For Each Tea Benefit Simple Step 4: Research And Write 1-2 Paragraphs For Each Sub-Title End Result: A Super-Themed Article In Less Than 60 Minutes Final Step: Keep Track Of Everything In Tree Pad

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Chapter 4: Content Creation (Part 2) Article Templates My Writers Use

The Easiest Articles To Write: List Format Variations Master Class Writing Template (1): The Classic "How To" Method Master Class Writing Template (2): The Step-By-Step Guide Master Class Writing Template (3): The Pros & Cons Approach Master Class Writing Template (4): The Reasons Why Listing Master Class Writing Template (5): The Product Review Note Master Class Writing Template (6): The Myth Vs Facts Article Master Class Writing Template (7): The FAQ - Q & A Approach More Article Templates Upon Request

107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115

Chapter 5: Authority Site Layout (Part 1) The Great Silo Mystery Solved
The Silo Structure Explained: Its Quite Simple Actually Demystifying The Silo Phenomena Just Like A Book: Straight From Google A Sample Silo Diagram Now The Hard Part (Not Really): How To Set Up Your Silo Folders The Directory Silo Explained The Virtual Silo: How I Do It (Lazy Me) Which Silo Structure Should You Use?

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Chapter 6: Authority Site Layout (Part 2) My Personal Layout For Authority Sites
Introduction: 4 Tips Before Getting Started Lets Get Started: The Home Page Number 1: The Header Design Number 2: Upper Fold Navigation Menu Number 3: Home Page Intro Paragraph Number 4: Google Search Bar Number 5: Main Navigation Menu 2009-2011 All Rights Reserved Page 6 of 217

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Number 6: Banner Graphic Leading To CPA or Affiliate Offer Number 7: Snippet Links To My Categories (Plus Graphics) Number 8: Links To New Articles On My Site (Totally Optional) Category Pages, Article Pages & Adsense Ads Number 9: Category Page & It's Respective Area Number 10: Article Title & Image Placement To Left Of Title Number 11: Divider Line (Ideal For Adsense TOS Safety) Number 12: Article Body Number 13: Favorite Adsense Placement (Best of Both Worlds) Number 14: Linking All Category Articles The Other Pages: About, Contact, Privacy, Etc. The About Us Page The Privacy Policy Page The FAQ Page (Optional) The Contact Us Page The Xfactor "Contact Us" Page Guidelines: The Blog & Discussion Forum Pages (Totally Optional) The Products Page Final Tips For The Products Page

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Chapter 7: Authority Site Layout (Part 3) How To Optimize Your Web Pages
On-Page SEO: The List Of Optimization Items You Need The Title Tag Meta Description Tag Meta Keywords Tag Meta Robots Tag (No-Follow) Header Tags (H1 - H2 - H3 - Etc.) Adding Images To Your Articles (And Alt Image Tags) Final Tip: Keyword Density Guidelines (In Your Content)

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Chapter 8: Site Promotion The Authority Way (Part 1) A Crash Course In Backlinking
A Crash Course In Backlinks: Catching You Up To Speed Lesson (1) Why Google Keeps Us Guessing: A Quick Story Lesson (2) Backlinks Truly Are King Lesson (3) The Winning Backlink Formula For Today's Google (And Tomorrow's) Lesson (4) The Right Anchor Text Theme (You Have 3 Options) Lesson (5) The Sites That Link To You (You Have 3 Options) Lesson (6) Important: Control The Rate At Which You Build Links (Link Velocity) Lesson (7) The Secret Behind The "Best Backlinks" You Can Get

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Chapter 9: Site Promotion The Authority Way (Part 2) My Personal Backlink-Tested Methods
The Article Marketing Guy Realizes The Reality Of His Backlink Power Why I Strayed From Article Marketing Alone (Because You Asked Me To) Tested Backlink Method 1: Article Marketing & Mass Submissions 10 Reasons Why Article Marketing Is Still A Great Strategy

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2 Basic Methods Of Article Marketing (1) Quality Article Marketing My Personal List Of Quality Article Directories Bonus Tip: Seek Out Unique Directories To Submit Quality Articles To Now Let's Dive Into The "Mass Submission" Article Marketing Approach The Best Software For Mass Article Marketing Tested Backlink Method 2: Press Releases (VERY Powerful & Safe) Is Your Site Really "Newsworthy" Enough To Write A Press Release For? Top 10 Free Press Release Services The Best Route To Take: Paid Press Release Services Tested Backlink Method 3: Question & Answer Sites What Exactly Is The Nature Of Q & A Backlinking? Is This A Moral Way Of Link Building? How To Use Q & A Marketing: My 10 Xfactor Tips Tested Backlink Method 4: Blog Commenting How To Comment On Blogs For Backlinks Tested Backlink Method 5: Social Bookmarking 3 Steps To Proper Social Bookmarking Tested Backlink Method 7: Directory Submissions Pros & Cons Of Directory Submissions How To Prepare Your Submissions Should You Outsource Or Use Software For Directory Submissions? The Big Gun Of All Directories: Is The Yahoo $299 Price Tag Worth It? Tested Backlink Method 7: The Most Powerful (Linking From Authority Sites) How I Get Links From These Sites: My Personal Letter & Strategy How To Find Authority Sites Like This The Tool I Use To Get The Link Prospects Backlink Methods That I Do Not Advise (For My Business, That Is) Paid Blog Networks (Potentially Dangerous) Profile Posting (Potentially A Huge Waste) Discussion Forum Backlinks (Might Not Be The Best Use Of Your Time) Backlink Methods I'm Currently Testing (Will Report In 6-12 Months) Video Backlinks 3rd Party Platforms/Link Wheels (Blogger, Wordpress, Squidoo) RSS (Real Simple Syndication) A Very Important Conclusion: Positive Energy In = Positive Energy Out

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Chapter 10: Conclusion - Where To Go From Here

Conclusion: Where To Go From Here 3 People That Can Help You Immediately Free Updates & Additions To This Course (1) Videos Upon Request: (2) Course Details On PDF Upon Request: (3) Live Case Study Coming Soon (Early Discount Available):

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The Xfactor Scoop: The Story Behind This Course

A Personal Letter To All Of The Micro Nichers Out There Purpose Of This New Course: Less Sites, More Income & Google Proong Your Business My Journey Since 2005: A Quick 641-Word Bio The Main Inspiration Behind This Book: My 6-Figure, 2200 Page Health Authority Site My Overall Content Publishing Philosophy: More Is Better, But Less Is More


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First, A Personal Letter To All The Micro Nichers Out There

Dear Publishers (And Customers Of My 2009 Book, The Micro Niche Adsense Course), This letter is specically addressed to customers and enthusiasts of my old book which was released in 2009, documenting my Micro Niche approach. That course was a quick and straight-forward method of how I spent 6 months doubling my Adsense income by going after tiny, non-competitive niche keywords. Although I might change some minor items (like varying your template), that course still stands today! In fact, I think that if you still wanted to focus on small niches and limit the size of your websites, then by all means, go for it! I do not see any reason why Google would ever have a rule on site size (if so, then all 1-page sales letters would never get any trafc). However, because I have personally decided to grow my sites into higher quality (content, layout, backlinks & niches), my private publishing business has evolved to heights I did not think I would see so soon in my career - all from taking the advice I provide in this new book. So the most popular question you are probably wondering yourself is this: John, why have you shifted towards bigger sites and less domains if the information from your micro methods are still working today? Thats a great question and the answer is quite simple: For one thing, once I saw that my micro niche sites were making on average $5.00 per day, I couldnt stand the thought of just watching them miss out on higher earnings by not adding pages, and so I did, LOTS of pages (more than 100 each). Second, 12 months before I dove into micro niches, I had already started my rst major authority site on health issues (this was documented in March of 2008 on the old warrior forum board, which many of you had followed my progress during the sites launch). Health is my passion in life and that site (which was earning a meager $35 daily several years ago) is now sitting on 2,200 pages of content and brings in no less than $500 per day in Adsense. Ladies and gentlemen, a health site of only 3 years of age that is on 90% autopilot today, and raking in a 6-gure income is what this course is all about. And how you can do the same thing!


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And nally, I enjoy diversifying my websites into as much growth as humanly possible. Im not one to stay stagnant. I am into maximizing the potential of every domain that I own. Always be growing, always be testing, always be looking to enhance your publishing business. Yet at the same time, keep the quality of your work as the highest priority. Your job is to supply well-written content to your viewers. Everything else comes in second - even money. The point I am trying to make here is this: I have made decisions and changes based on what I enjoy doing, not just sticking to one thing because it works. And you should do the same! If you connect mentally with the idea of lots of smaller sites, then by all means, stick with it. Go after micro niches (keywords) with little-to-no competition, as outlined in my old course. However, If you are like me and have evolved into bigger and better things (or want to) and would prefer to manage maybe 1, 2 or up to 10 websites (at most) that each have the potential to earn $100 or more per day, then follow this new course. Again, the bottom line is: Do what you enjoy! In this business, all models work: Small sites, big sites, 1-page sites, etc. It is the person behind the model that makes success happen, not the model itself...


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The Purpose of This New Course: Less Sites, More Income & Google Proofing Your Business
At this very moment you and thousands of other hungry publishers around the world are getting ready to read through my new course and get to know what it takes to build super high quality websites that thrive in Google. You also want your websites to get stronger with each algorithm shift in the search engines! (There is nothing worse than watching all of your hard work go down the drain when you see loss of rankings - or no rankings at all). And most importantly, you want to be 100% condent that youll get the trafc needed to your websites and make lots of Adsense income (plus afliate sales). Honestly folks, the formula for hitting your daily income goals in the publishing business is quite simple (its the daily effort and mindset that most people lack to make it happen). Step 1: Understand how Google works & give them the QUALITY they want. Step 2: Dump the Quicker! Faster! More! More! More! mentality. Step 3: Choose a niche you can write about and one you enjoy working with. Step 4: Publish well-themed articles on your site and update often. Step 5: Promote your site daily with high-quality backlinks. Step 6: Keep adding content and more high quality backlinks. Step 7: Enjoy your Adsense income... I know that these 7 steps may seem simple, and they are (so long as you put in the effort), but are you truly ready to handle the work ahead of you to make it happen? Have you been around the Internet marketing block enough times to buckle down and hit all of the details required towards being a 1st-class Adsense publisher? Are you nally nished hopping from one money-making system to another? And do you understand that being a publisher means having a passion for writing and supplying information?


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I honestly have no idea what is going on in your head right now, what your goals are, or whether or not you are ready to do what it takes to be a big-time publisher. But I know this much is true about you: 1) Id venture to say that most of you are just looking for some guidance and reassurance that this business model still works, that Adsense is not dead and is still thriving today (and will be for years to come). 2) Or you may be the type of marketer who has been online for years, reading and studying Adsense (and other related publishing models), but have not made any progress. Now you just need a boost of condence and a tug in the right direction when it comes to building your authority sites, writing your content and understanding how to get quality backlinks. 3) And the biggest reason why you are all probably here: Im willing to bet that 99% of you reading this book dream about working with less sites that earn more money, sites you are proud of, domains that will only get better and better with every Google algorithm shift! That, my friends, is the purpose of this new course: To provide you with the education and proper instructions you need to succeed with higher quality sites that Google wants - totally based on my combined experience with Adsense (not speculation, guesswork or copying someone else). As I mentioned in my last book, the world famous Micro Niche Adsense Course, I am the real deal - someone that works the business rst, then teaches others about my success.


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My Adsense Journey Since 2005: A Quick 669-Word Bio

Most of you already know my history, but for the newcomers out there to the Xfactor Adsense World, here is a very quick bio of how I came to be the successful publisher I am today... When I started online in 2005 I made a commitment to earning big dollars with Adsense. I found a way to make that happen and hired a mentor/coach to show me what to do. The cost was $5,000 and it was the best money I had ever spent - for both good and bad reasons. One of the good reasons for this experience was that I made money, LOT'S of it. And it was fast income. But what I learned from David that year in terms of true value was not about the money. Instead, I learned what "not to do" if my goal was to own stable income-earning sites based around a solid publishing model (and one that would last in Google for years to come). For the rst 2 years (2005 until late 2007), I spent every ounce of my energy producing low-quality scraper sites that utilized a tool called Trafc Equalizer. I still have that program on one of my old windows machines somewhere in the garage. I also had my own scraper program built to further avoid the TE footprint, thus giving my domains a few extra weeks before being banned by Google. I refer to those rst 2 years as my Darkest, Yet Most Protable experience with making money from Adsense. I quickly reached several hundred dollars per day and kept it up for a while. However, as you old-timers know, these types of websites did not last. Google booted them out as quickly as had I built them. You were lucky to have a domain last more than a month before getting found by Google and being wiped away from the search engine index (the term is called deindexed). I Quit A 6-Figure Push-Button System While I Was Ahead I caught the last wave of being able to spam the web with gibberish scraped content, automating hundreds of thousands of keyword stuffed articles, and making money from Adsense clicks - all the while lucky enough not to have my adsense account banned.


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(Google only de-indexed sites during those days without totally banning your Adsense account). So if I was making so much money, then why did I stop? Besides the money-making part of the process, I learned that if I wanted to have online business properties that lasted with income that my family could count on, I needed to switch gears and pull a total 180. So one day I deleted every domain I had ever worked on, stopped using automation spam tools, and reduced my income to (((get this))) absolutely nothing from Adsense: Zero - Not A Penny - Totally Dried Up Within 1 Day Once all domains were deleted from my hosting account and my new goals were in place, I then decided to go 100% white hat, which throughout the Internet marketing community means: 1) Building and promoting sites that do not break any Adsense TOS or Google webmasters guidelines. 2) Avoiding the use of backlink campaigns that would be considered spammy or junk methods. 3) Publishing 100% high quality and original content. The journey from nothing to surpassing my $1,000 daily goal had begun, and because I have faith in SEO and how the search engines work, I put in up to 16 hours daily working on my content and article marketing. But was pumping out article after article for 16 hours a day the smartest way to work? Nope - not at all. BUT It has been during these hard-working "white hat years" that has brought me to you: I have worked dumb and worked smart - tested up, tested down - made big sites and small ones - wrote super themed content and wrote crappy content - used strict article marketing, then tested other backlink experiences - the list goes on... I tested, and tested, and tested, and tested. The nal verdict - This book.


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The Main Inspiration Behind This Book: My 6-Figure, 2200 Page Health Authority Site
Remember the authority site that that I had mentioned in my intro letter above? If you were a warrior member during that time, youll still remember reading how I decided on the authority site idea in late 2007, launched the site out in January of 2008, and by March (just 12 weeks later) was earning $35 per day. I worked on that site for almost an entire year straight, bringing the earnings to around $100 per day before I got bored and wanted to have some fun following a different path. Then the micro bug hit me, an idea that I had read about, but not seen an actual set of instructions to begin the process. So I created my own micro niche process. It was out of sheer boredom that I toyed with micro niche sites (and did extremely well with them), thus was born the Micro Niche Adsense Course. You see, I have always been the type of publisher that believes in growth, change, and testing. But when I had awesome results with micro niches and then wrote it all up in my old course, did I get comfortable? Nope, I wanted more! My natural state of mind when it comes to making money and business is that I need to stay on the hunt: further increasing the authority and income of my work. Fast forward 6 months after my other book was released (which was in June of 2009), I had added an additional 500+ pages of high quality problem solving articles to my health site. Soon after that I saw a 100% increase in the earnings from that site. My Adsense income doubled - literally doubled - and from that one domain. I then did my best to study my health sites success, whiling adding more pages to it. In addition, I implemented a lot of backlink strategies (totally clean and honest) which further increased the sites rankings. I also noticed that I was getting TONS of trafc and clicks from 2-word keywords over time (highly competitive).


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And most importantly, it hit me like a ton of bricks that the overall best success of this level was due to a combination of my content and a diversity of incoming links (thanks to article marketing and getting published all over the web). I was "theming" my articles the entire time (more on this later). Here is a breakdown of the progress that my main authority site on health has taken over the years - as well as the changes I've made over time: 1) My single authority site has 2,200 pages of content as of the writing of this course. 2) Those 2,200 pages are spread over 30 heath categories. 3) Each category averages between 50 & 100 articles each (some have more, some less). 4) Every article has Adsense displayed, but the ads are different throughout various pages for testing purposes. 5) I prefer the wrap-around type of adsense block on my authority sites (with the text wrapped around it) because I feel that the content should stand out (Note: Any placement will work for you). 4) I have regular backlink campaigns but left the site untouched for 6 months without a huge dive in earnings. In fact, soon after, the earnings sky-rocketed up due to older pages getting more rankings (maturing in Google). 7) I started out with no header design, but later added a header and have stuck with it. 8) As of this writing, I still have articles that are not fully indexed or ranked yet. But I never worry about what happens to these articles or when they will rank. I write them for human viewers and let the natural process of the search engines take over, with backlinks as best I can manage. 9) Most new articles never need additional backlinks because of proper internal linking and most importantly - from sheer time and age of the pages and domain (maturity). This is especially true when semi long-tail keywords are used. 10) Last but not least, link requests are coming in weekly without me trying. People in the health market are always wanting to know how much money I would charge to have a link to their sites. (I have yet to fully take advantage of this business model, but the possibilities for another $5,000 - $10,000 per month are there if I ever feel the need to aggressively go after sites in order to charge them for a link from my health site).


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My Overall Content Publishing Philosophy: More Is Better, But Less Is More

More is better, but less is more sure sounds like an oxymoron, right? Its not, allow me explain: You see, I do rst, then teach. When my other book came out in 2009, I turned all of the 40+ micro niche sites I had going into mini-authority sites. I then took advantage of my writing staff to help me to further create a combined total of 100 authority sites for the purpose of testing (which brought me to this course). My old book taught many people that you can y under the radar, so to speak, with a super-minimalist approach (which still works). And it was because of that course in which I was able to communicate with thousands of you guys and gals out there who emailed me with questions, support and consulting. Because many of you wanted to know more about my health sites success and what I was doing in terms of growing all of my micro niche sites, I quickly realized there was a need to teach others about making better sites of higher quality and more stability with Google. So I decided to personally grow out all of my micro niche sites to 50 pages, then 100 pages - thus turning them into authority sites. I mixed up the niche models from micro to broad and themed, all the while testing out every backlink promotion known to man (with the exception of methods that would get my Adsense account banned or my sites de-indexed). The results from taking 18 months to gather my notes and release this course: A complete guide towards choosing your niche models (Broad, Themed & Micro). Why authority sites are the absolute best investment of your time and energy for ranking thousands of keywords. A much better backlinking strategy that Google will not penalize you for. And nally, the key element of all of this - super high quality content, themed for the best rankings your pages can obtain over time. If you want true success in the online publishing business and making money from Google Adsense, adopt my new (and nal) content publishing philosophy:
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1) More Is Better - The more pages you have on your domains, the better your sites will rank for thousands of keywords, and the more authority they will gain in Google (the spoon that feeds us). 2) Less Is More - The 2nd part of this philosophy is that the less sites you have, the more quality you can obtain from your efforts. And the more quality and authority your domains have, the more money you can make! If you are in the position where less sites and higher earnings are a desired business model, then please read this book with care and take notes along the way. Follow those notes up with action, patience and condence - and the rest will be history!


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Introduction: The Case For Authority Sites

Lesson (1) Are You Qualied To Build & Promote An Authority Site? Lesson (2) You Do Not Need Thousands Of Pages To Become An Authority" Lesson (3) Google Rewards Bigger Sites With Well-Themed Content Lesson (4) Authority Site Pages Do Not Need To Rank For 1 Main Keyword To Earn Income Lesson (5) With Authority Sites, Its MUCH Easier To Rank New Inner Article Pages Lesson (6) Keyword Research Is A Breeze When Creating Authority-Level Niche Sites Lesson (7) It Is Far Less Work To Focus On One Bigger Site At A Time Lesson (8) Reaching $100 Per Day (Per Site) Is Only The Start Lesson (9) Authority Sites Only Get Stronger With Each Google Algorithm Change Lesson (10) Highly Competitive Niches Can Be Entered With Authority Sites Lesson (11) The Best Authority Niches Are Those You Have Interest In Lesson (12) Working With Google (Not Against Them) Is The True Key To Success


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Lesson (1) Are You Qualified To Build & Promote An Authority Site?
The following section will undoubtedly educate you on why authority sites, whether big or small, are the absolute best way to go if you are looking for truly long-term rankings with sites that only get stronger in Google. I am sharing my opinion and experience on this matter with you because I truly care about the success of everyone who wants to make a better life for themselves, especially if you have chosen Adsense as the primary focus. And without getting too philosophical, I just want to say that if you follow the lead of someone who has been in the trenches and has accomplished what you want to accomplish - then absorb and take action on everything that this person has to offer! After reading this chapter, If you are not yet convinced that going the route of less sites with higher quality is what Google wants (and will reward you for), then you may just have to keep on trying out different systems and moving from one trend to another before you nally see the light. But that's ok - we all have to go through the same experience of spinning our wheels at various times in our life. For most people, it's the only way to learn. So back to the main question... What exactly is an authority site and are you qualied to build one? There is a misconception that only the big wigs can create a site that is considered an "authority" on a given subject. This is very misleading. Your website does not have to be known all over the world like CNN, Yahoo News, etc. It also does not have to be the most beautiful graphically designed website online, and above all it can be on any subject you like. I chose health ailments as my rst authority site because it is my passion. I am truly excited about health and all of the sub-niches that exist within the market. In fact, my life has always revolved around health related subjects - physical activities and nutrition. As I grew older I learned more and more about organic lifestyles and all forms of exercise too. I had also acquired a ton of knowledge on exercise equipment and products over the years, not to mention studying cancer after my Father died of colon cancer in 2002. So naturally, my rst big site was a no-brainer. I knew that I could write about anything in the health area with condence, enjoy researching the information I


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was missing from each new sub-niche, and publish well-themed articles at a fast pace. Note: Please read the above paragraph over and over until it sinks in. This, my friends, is how you pick the one niche that will make you the fastest 6-gures you can dream of! And the best part was that I had a website that I was PROUD to show my family and friends. To this day, when my wife and I are ever asked the question: So what do you do for a living? We then quietly and condently explain that we own a very large website on health that sells advertising, pure and simple. In fact, we even have business cards. Whenever I am networking outside of the online marketing community (which I do all of the time), my business cards state myself as an Online Health Publishing Specialist. So what is the point I am trying to make clear to you here? Simple: That anyone is qualied to create an authority site. If I did it all starting from scratch, then so can you! Despite being perceived as an Adsense Guru, I am really just a normal guy without a college education who has published a huge website which is chocked full of information on health-related ailments and problems. And this one website pays my family 6-gures annually. Its our pride and joy, the most stable business that I have ever owned. So If I can build a large well-ranked website in one of the most competitive markets that exists today, all the while reaching a stable 6-gure income, then why can't you? There is absolutely no reason why all of you should not start a long-term website around a niche area you love and would be happy writing about. I'm not saying to abandon going after micro niches - quite the opposite. What I am saying is that you should start working on something big, something larger than life, something that will contain so much valuable information and attract hundreds of thousands of visitors over time that, if need be, could sustain your income for years down the road.


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Lesson (2) You Do Not Need Thousands Of Pages To Become An Authority"

Another misconception on the subject of creating authority sites is the amount of pages needed in order to make very good income. Dont let my 2,200 page health site scare you. Ive also used the same procedure from this course and reached $100 pay days from 100 or so pages of content on various other sites that Ive tested since my old book was out. In fact, you can have only 30-50 total pages of quality content in a niche and it would still be considered an authority site once it received the exposure, quality backlinks and Google trafc. So if the idea of having THOUSANDS of pages on one domain gives you a headache, relax! Yes, youll see me mention later that my testing shows its best to launch out with as many page as possible (50 - 100 to start), but then again, 5 and 10-page sites are still making a killing in Google! So if you wish, start small and grow from there. Depending on your chosen niche area, your content-lled authority sites do not need to be larger than 100 or so pages if you like. This is especially true if you decide to go with the Micro-Topic authority model that Ill discuss in the next chapter. Look at it this way, your success is important to me - and I would rather see you build a handful of smaller authority sites in niches you love than to freeze from fear of big sites and end up doing nothing!


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Lesson (3) Google Rewards Bigger Sites With Well-Themed Content

Most of you know about a shift in Google's algorithm back in May of 2010 that affected long-tail keywords across many webmasters sites. They called this "May Day," or something like that (gotta love these cute terms). I received quite a few emails from worried Adsense publishers that their small sites were dropping in rankings. Yet at the same time, my own websites and rankings were not affected at all. In fact, as always - my sites improved. Why is this - How could my sites improve while other people's rankings were reduced? The answer: All of my micro niche sites have been growing in pages since August of 2009, with super well-written content that included theme words from the top 10 listed websites that were ranked for a similar keyword. When I say "growing," I am referring to the 100 pages (to date) that I published across all 100 or so sites that I had, in addition to having reached 2,200 pages on my health website. All of this additional work was done after I released my original course because I had made a commitment to always be testing. Instead of writing quick and dirty pages of content and keeping sites small, I combined the very best of all worlds that Google loves: 1) Regular updating sites. 2) Expert content (themed). 3) And a regular ow of high quality backlinks.


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Lesson (4) Authority Site Pages Do Not Need To Rank For 1 Main Keyword To Earn Income
For a very long time I did not pay attention to the stats of my health authority site. I'm not one for that kind of research. In fact, I loath it. I guess it's safe to say, however, that this aw has been a major contributor to my success. I spend very little time worrying about whether the articles I post are getting results because my mindset is that of "keep publishing, keep growing & keep promoting." This is not to say that I condone just shooting your guns and hoping something hits, not at all. I had just reached a point long ago with the power of my mind and the condence in this business that I know anything I produce will bring in income. A truly successful Adsense publishing model is nothing more than writing good content for the people, has the basic SEO for the search engines, and creates volume - leaving the universe to take care of the rest (and in our case Google is the universe). So when I decided to take more than 1 year (18 months to be exact) after releasing the micro niche course to evaluate my health site, grow out all of my small niche sites, and create new authority sites (mini-authority sites that is), I found that my biggest earning pages were those that were being found for hundreds of keyword variations - not just the main keywords. I was blown away that some of the most well-themed content were being found by nearly 2,000 or so different keyword variations in a single month. We are talking about just 1 page. This is another major inuence on why I wanted to bring you this course. When we get into the section on keyword research for your authority site and content creation, you should be excited about the fact that... can earn 10 times more from one super high quality article (if done right) than you can from publishing dozens of single-keyword focused articles with no LSI research.


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Lesson (5) With Authority Sites, Its MUCH Easier To Rank New Inner Article Pages
Ever notice that when you do article marketing and post articles on places like - that those articles tend to rank on their own, almost within days after being approved? How would you like your own websites to show the same fast results, with very little, to no immediate backlinking? Well all of my older sites are showing the same fast ranking success - and so can yours! It just takes time, quality backlinks and domain maturity. When I decided to start paying attention to my health sites articles after publishing them, I was amazed at how fast these articles were ranking without me doing anything additional. I had not noticed this effect at all with the micro niche sites and content that I was producing for these smaller sites in 2009. Yes, it was a breeze to focus on one main keyword and just kill that keyword with backlink anchor texts, but to my surprise, pages that I utilized the top 10 ranked website's related LSI terms outranked competing pages with little to no backlinks. With a domain name that has some age to it, lots of good content and regular backlinks to the home page, I had noticed that many articles were hitting the top 10 listings and beating out similar pages on other sites that already had established backlinks to that respective page. This experience ies in the face of leading expert opinions that you have to have lots of backlinks to your inner pages in order for each of them to rank. It is this typical thought process that tends to scare most publishers from focusing on bigger sites. The common thought is this: "How can I focus on a site with categories and articles within those categories when I have to have hundreds of backlinks to every page?" Well, rest assured that if you follow the advice laid out in this course, you'll nd that over time, new pages will rank simply because you took the necessary steps in gathering the theme words for your articles, publishing those articles with at least 500 - 750 words (preferably more), and created the information in a manner that attracts interest to the article itself, plus age and time maturity of your domain. (Both domain age and backlink maturity goes a LONG way in Googles decision to better rank your sites pages)
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Lesson (6) Keyword Research Is A Breeze When Creating Authority-Level Niche Sites
Keyword research is probably the most common work problem amongst many new publishers online today, even though its a dead-simple procedure for authority sites. Why is keyword research so confusing to many people? Because there are so many keyword tools, keyword guides, keyword parameters, keyword dos and donts - all with conicting advice to one another. Even my micro niche course outlines guidelines that make it tough for some marketers to nd the "perfect keyword" when deciding on a niche. Just about every book and course I've ever purchased made keyword research a daunting task, even the so-called easy instructions. A Little Common Sense Is All You Need When you decide to put all of your energy into a small amount of Adsense authority sites (preferably one at a time), choosing the right keywords is just a matter of common sense. Although I will go into detail on a keyword blueprint example later in his book, to sum up this brief lesson point on the matter, I just want to take away any stress you have over keyword research: All you need is the common theme of your niche, it's perspective categories, and articles to support those categories. I do not nd it necessary to worry about keyword stats, competition of sites (to a certain degree, that is), and whether or not a keyword is "protable." It's so very simple when approaching an authority-type site. Regardless of the competition (again, to a certain degree), your pages will rank for hundreds of related long-tail searches due to theming the content. These searches that turn into clicks are not focused on directly. It's a matter of forgetting the numbers and working on a site for humans.


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Lesson (7) It Is Far Less Work To Focus On One Bigger Site At A Time
Had you asked me 2 years ago (before I did all of the testing on my personal publishing business that led to this course) whether it was harder to make money from a small group of sites than to create a lot of micro niche sites - my answer would have been: "Today I enjoy smaller niches and more sites, but who knows what will happen tomorrow" And so "tomorrow" came - its here. 10,000+ pages of content later, I have learned that it's not only easier to focus on a smaller number of higher quality sites than it is to mange hundreds of tiny sites, but Google also feels the same way. What I mean is that Google rankings and earnings come much faster on domains with age, backlinks and updated content. In the end, your 1 site of 50-200 pages (or more) will earn you 10 times the amount of income with the same amount of pages spread over 20, 30 or 100 small websites. Trust me on this - just trust me - I have worked very hard to share that experience with you. But as a disclaimer - the micro site model still works and works well. You just have to decide for yourself what is easier to manage and how much earnings you want an individual site to make.


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Lesson (8) Reaching $100 Per Day (Per Site) Is Only The Start
While the success stories are plentiful of marketers reaching their goals with a lot of small sites, I have found that it is much easier to hit income levels from one site that most people only dream about. I personally took several new sites and hit $100 daily with these sites within 4-10 months. This was part of my testing period. The micro niche sites that I built up to 100 pages each were more of a way of seeing what would happen by adding supporting pages. But it was the themed-niche authority approach that I used on new sites (non-micro niche) that hit higher earnings over time. When you wake up each day knowing that you are putting all of your personal effort into a site that will expand and attract visitors over many pages instead of just a few (like 5 or 10 pages per site), there is a ow of energy that goes into these websites that is so strong it makes earning big dollars a breeze. Now I would never say that you can reach $100 per day from one site as a guarantee, but I will say that your chances of hitting the highest potential from your work are multiplied 10-fold with all of the right elements as provided in this course.


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Lesson (9) Authority Sites Only Get Stronger With Each Google Algorithm Change
For those of you that do not know what Googles algorithm changes are, its the very system that is always bouncing around rankings, shufing your pages, making it harder for spammers to thrive, but easier for us white-hat guys. Essentially, Google will NEVER give you step by step instructions on how to get to the top rankings or how to work the system or the fastest way to beat your competition. Why? Simply because Googles job is to ensure that their index can never be gured out, while at the same time improving the system so that the most relevant pages of high quality content are ranked for their customers (web searchers). By now you can clearly see that (from my personal experience and testing) super quality themed content is what the search engines want, especially Google. Ever so often there is a change in the way Google handles the indexing and ranking of web pages. This is common knowledge throughout all marketing communities online. However, on any day, in any marketing forum, rain or shine, you'll hear the faint cries of individuals that were negatively affected by a change in the algorithm. The shift from working with Google then turns into working against Google, as these confused marketers swear that Google has declared war on their sites and that the only way to prot from that day forward is to use tricks and snake oil strategies with SEO. Now the good news: High quality sites that have been built for authority through clean white hat promotions (backlinks), with the kind of content I have been discussing here, and that has the proper linking structure for it's viewers - will only get stronger with each algorithm shift! Sites like this do well, while the others die down. All you have to do is become an expert in your chosen eld (niche), create a "thick" site with power-packed information - and Google will reward you appropriately once your site is established.


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Lesson (10) Highly Competitive Niches Can Be Entered With Authority Sites
During the 1 year testing phase after I nished and released the micro niche Adsense course, I purposely entered into several highly competitive niches to test my theory on better, well-themed content. The exciting lesson I learned from this testing is that most of the competition out there does not use ultra-themed content within their articles. And if you re-read lesson 4 above, this means that you do not have to immediately rank for main keywords at all in order to enter niches that were seemingly impossible before. I'm not saying that you have to face huge numbers and work in hard niches, but what I am trying to convey here is that the big money will always be where the big searches are. And the big searches are generally soaked up with millions and millions of sites indexed. By creating your site in the right way and establishing authority, you can enjoy the trafc and conversions of clicks on the high end. Let me remind you that smaller niches are always the easiest areas to enter and for most people it is most often the best route to take (even smaller authority sites). But then there are you seasoned marketers out there whom are reading this, like me, who welcome the challenge of facing an army of competing sites and knowing the pay off will be HUGE when your time and effort has been invested.


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Lesson (11) The Best Authority Niches Are Those You Have Interest In
Like I always say: ANY NICHE CAN WORK! So please take this lesson as the way it is intended - from my personal experience with helping THOUSANDS of publishers. The most common issue with picking a niche and the lack of success with some of you out there is due to moving into an area of non-interest. I would have touched up on this aspect in my original book but I honestly gured that it was common sense to start a site up about something that you have an interest in, and not just because the keyword numbers were good. Having consulted with hundreds of individuals personally, the biggest help that I have given people was the freedom to enter niches that you have a passion for or have an interest in. This is especially true with authority sites. In order to create ongoing fresh content, enjoy researching topics related to that niche, and have the pride in creating a wellinformed website that other webmasters will want to link to - its best to select an area you can thrive in. Enjoy nancial topics? Then choose from credit repair, debt, investing or banking. Enjoy health like I do? Then start an authority site on diet, weight loss, diabetes, skin care or hair loss. Enjoy working with computers? Then go with a themed-authority site on computer repair, components or computer reviews. Enjoy sports? Then go with a niche about shing, baseball, football or other. Enjoy discussing relationships? Then work with an authority site on dating, divorce, marriage or relationship communication. Enjoy anything home related? Then go with home improvement, furniture or apartment furnishing. Enjoy home business ideas? Then start up a site discussing online business ventures, start up ideas and home business tips. You get the idea here...


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Lesson (12) Working With Google (Not Against Them) Is The True Key To Success
It never ceases to amaze me to see practically every week a new tool or course promoted by various marketers that share some kind of Google "loophole", a "ninja" backlinking method, or a "push-button" solution to millions. The one thing that these items have in common (most of the time) is the all-out work preached to try to trick Google's algorithm or give you a quick x to fast rankings or earnings. While these approaches and tools may work (for a short while), the truth of the matter is that nothing can harm your success more than being afraid of Google and thinking they are out to get you - thus hopping from fad-of-the-month to fad-of-the-month trying to avoid hard work and giving Google what Google wants. My point here is that Google really does want you to do well. Its true. They actually want you to make thousands of high quality pages that rank and earn income. In fact, they are begging for it, so why ght it? Why not prosper with less stress and never again worrying about your sites being deindexed or having your Adsense account banned? Want Proof That Google Is Trying To Help You? Just Look At These 2 Sites - Ironically enough, 9 out of 10 marketers never read Google's very own Adsense blog (located here, or visit Matt Cutt's blog (located here Take a look, what do you see? Straight from Google, you can see that they are providing us publishers the following: How to become better publishers. Ongoing methods to earning more money from Adsense. Strategies to keep your clicks high and smart-pricing low.


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Website design and Adsense placement advice. Google even provides case studies from site owners, just like you and I, that earn thousands of dollars per day. The Bottom Line Here: By following my advice in this course on creating super quality content sites that Google loves (and that people love even better), you'll sleep better at night knowing that your work is being appreciated by the very company that sends those monthly checks - the Big G. But what does working "with Google, and not against them" actually mean? The answer to that question has been addressed already, is saturated throughout this book, and should be on the forefront of your mind with every word you write and promotional item you get into: 1) Avoid forced spam backlinking methods. 2) Create the absolute best themed content you can. 3) And ensure that your sites are built for people that can nd what they are looking for. Folks, the process is so easy that when you do use my authority site approach, in time you'll be kicking yourself for not letting all of this sink in sooner in your online publishing career.


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Chapter 1: Getting Started, Choose Your Authority Site Model

Understanding The Best Way To Plan Your Authority Adsense Sites 40 Example Niches & How I Would Assign Each Adsense Model Option #1: The Whole-Market Authority Site Model (Not Advised) Option 2: The Broad-Topic Authority Site Model (For The Advanced Publisher) Option #3: The Themed-Niche Authority Site Model (My Personal Favorite) Option #4: The Micro-Topic Authority Site Model (Perfect For Micro Niche Enthusiasts)


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Understanding The Best Way To Plan Your Authority Adsense Sites

If you have ever been confused about the right way to plan your niches and get a basic idea of the outline of your authority sites, then the following section should make everything as clear as day. I will explain to you the 4 basic Adsense site models that I have personally used when entering niches in all of my years of publishing. You should know rst that I do not support the suggestion to use of all 4 of these models. In fact, you should consider only 3 models listed, with one getting my 100% support for just about every marketer. Like anything in this business, it depends on your goals. These models are standard publishing business plans that depend on your niche, the keywords available, and more importantly - how much structure you want on your own website. Note: I have personally built and promoted all 4 types of authority models you can choose from below. And although a huge bulk of my income does indeed come from the worst way to create and set up a site (my 1 health site), I'll share with you all 4 options and note the best option you should take. Please pay attention to my experience with each approach, as well as the example niches given so that you can get ideas for your own niche area.


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40 Example Niches & How I Would Assign Each Adsense Model

It is absolutely essential to your success as an Adsense publisher to plan out from the very beginning the approximate site structure and niche authority model you would like to work with. Below is a chart that displays 10 example niche markets, as well as each of those 10 markets further broken down into a total of 4 authority site models. Although this chart looks basic, it automatically provides you with the information you need to understand what type of categories you will silo your sites with (when the time comes). Please do not make this complicated when you are doing research for your own websites. It really IS as simple as it looks! Note: Reduce information overload by using more common sense and a holistic approach to your authority publishing business. It's a win-win every time - trust me on this. I have not worked so many hours and for so many years publishing thousands of pages only to steer you wrong with this course.

Whole-Market Authority Model

Broad-Niche Authority Model

Themed-Niche Authority Model

Micro-Topic Authority Model

1) Electronics 2) Exercise 3) Risk Prevention 4) Pets 5) Home 6) Health 7) Food & Drink 8) Business 9) Relationships 10) Nature

Computers Fitness Programs Insurance Cats Home Improvement Hair Loss Health Beverages Home Based Business Dating Insects

Laptop Computers Yoga Property Insurance Cat Breeds Kitchen Remodeling Hair Loss Products Tea Online Business Online Dating Household Pests

Dell Laptop Computers Tantric Yoga Condominium Insurance American Shorthair Kitchen Cabinets Rogaine Green Tea Ebay Bed Bugs


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Option #1: The Whole-Market Authority Site Model (Not Advised)

The very rst option you have (which I have also personally used with my big health website) is building an entire website around 1 market. This means that if you like health, as I do, then one website would have every health issue in its own category. Whole-Market Authority Model Broad-Niche Authority Model Themed-Niche Authority Model Micro-Topic Authority Model

1) Electronics 2) Exercise 3) Risk Prevention 4) Pets 5) Home 6) Health 7) Food & Drink 8) Business 9) Relationships 10) Nature

Computers Fitness Programs Insurance Cats Home Improvement Hair Loss Health Beverages Home Based Business Dating Insects

Laptop Computers Yoga Property Insurance Cat Breeds Kitchen Remodeling Hair Loss Products Tea Online Business Online Dating Household Pests

Dell Laptop Computers Tantric Yoga Condominium Insurance American Shorthair Kitchen Cabinets Rogaine Green Tea Ebay Bed Bugs

In my chart example above you can see that a market is totally general, covering a MASS amount of information, spread out over hundreds (possibly thousands) of related areas. If you like sports, then you could have a site that had all of the major sports in their own section (category). Another example would be travel - you would have a huge site on travel destinations all over the world, etc. Don't do this! Yes - it can work - but I do not advise that anyone get into building a site for an entire market unless it is for testing purposes, or if you plan on starting up an article directory with hundreds of publishers contributing content to your site. I know, I know - I am doing very well with my health authority site (which is a market), but as I mentioned already in this course, I would have done MUCH better by creating a themed-niche authority site around each individual health category (and worked less).
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Please learn from my mistakes! Look at it this way, for a site that will have 3,000 pages of content on it soon, I could have done 10 times better by creating an individual themed-niche authority site on each category. So why did I put a bunch of un-related health subjects on 1 big site? Simple - I thought I was doing the best approach - AT THE TIME. And because I am a man that takes action and knows that there are no regrets (so long as Ive learned my lessons along the way), it has been a wonderful mistake (and protable too). At the time of brainstorming my health authority site in late 2007, I chose health topics because it's a super protable market that will never die down. Had I realized the amount of money that could have been made by breaking the health topics down and focusing better on each one individually, I may have ended up with less than 10-15 sites total today that earned a combined total more income than I am currently experiencing. But everything happens for a reason. And if it were not for starting on that 1 site and getting bored with the entire health market after 12 months, I would have never discovered the fun and easy micro niche adsense approach. So please, if you are considering creating one big site around an entire market, I just ask that you use my experience and consider what you are doing before jumping in. I do not want you to regret anything so monumental, unless you are truly ready it.


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Option 2: The Broad-Topic Authority Site Model (For The Advanced Publisher)
This particular authority site model is not necessarily the best option for publishers that have not yet reached the point of 100% condence in the business of SEO and organic search engine trafc. However, it is without a doubt the sure-re winner over the long term. Whole-Market Authority Model Broad-Niche Authority Model Themed-Niche Authority Model Micro-Topic Authority Model

1) Electronics 2) Exercise 3) Risk Prevention 4) Pets 5) Home 6) Health 7) Food & Drink 8) Business 9) Relationships 10) Nature

Computers Fitness Programs Insurance Cats Home Improvement Hair Loss Health Beverages Home Based Business Dating Insects

Laptop Computers Yoga Property Insurance Cat Breeds Kitchen Remodeling Hair Loss Products Tea Online Business Online Dating Household Pests

Dell Laptop Computers Tantric Yoga Condominium Insurance American Shorthair Kitchen Cabinets Rogaine Green Tea Ebay Bed Bugs

The type of authority Adsense model that could literally change your life, the broadniche site approach is hands down the one that I would highly recommend for anyone wanting the best of ALL worlds (but still not my personal favorite approach). What does broad mean? Going broad means focusing on a niche market that contains many "themes" within the niche itself. For anyone looking to create a HUGE protable site with a broad-niche authority model, here are some outstanding reasons why you could do well in this direction: 1) Perfect For You Hobby-Nichers (when you have a passion): A "hobby-nitcher" is a term that describes the marketer that wants to work in a eld that they are passionate about and have a personal interest in (like me and health).
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This authority site model is perfect for such individuals. The reason? Because 99% of the time, a hobby includes everything related to a single market area. For example, If you are passionate about cats, then you'll want to create an entire site around everything cat related. With a broad-niche authority site, you can do this on any large set of niches. Enjoy exercise in all forms? Such a site would give you the opportunity to do do just that. Excited about home improvement? Then this model would have your site involving everything under the sun about home improvement. Have a thing for purses? You can then choose this route to cover all of the purses you dream about. The list goes on... 2) The Absolute Highest Earnings Potential: A no-brainer once again, having a site that revolves around an entire niche market that provides themes in that niche, then broken down into supporting pages to strengthen each theme, the broad-niche authority plan allows you to prot from thousands and thousands of keywords and organic searches. Most niches used for the broad authority approach can have anywhere from 1,000 to 50,000 keywords (sometimes more), all derived from related topics in that niche. Imagine having a list of 10,000 long-tail keywords to dominate over time. That is the power of creating a huge site like this. 3) Endless Supply Of Afliate Products: A broad niche authority site will provide you with the ability to never stop nding awesome afliate offers to promote and write about. In virtually any broad niche there will never be a day where you wake up and think: "Ok, what now?" You can start with just a handful of categories and eventually get to HUNDREDS of categories if you like, or just keep it somewhere in between.


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4) Creates Authority On It's Own Right: When we speak of the term "authority," it generally means gaining trust within the search engines (Google mainly) through quality links, quality content, site age/maturity and lots of attention along the way. However, authority also means having a site that looks established to the naked eye. So regardless of the lack of authority built on a new broad-niche site (on a fairly new domain), it can still help you gain great backlinks from readers, article directories and other webmasters out there - just from sheer the amount of information provided. 5) Long-Tail Heaven: While there are many long-tail keywords available for each authority model Ill be discussing, running and publishing a site in the broad-niche authority model provides an endless stream of keywords that are easy to rank for and dominate. Some of the most successful Adsense authority sites online today are made up of thousands of long-tail keywords, dominating one for each page of content. Weight loss is a perfect example. This niche alone has room for 1,000s of you to each build authority sites and make a full time income from the domains, simply due to the insanely high number of long-tail keywords available.


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Option #3: The Themed-Niche Authority Site Model (My Personal Favorite)
Out of the 4 basic authority models listed here, the one that stands out in terms of my personal choice for most publishers would be "themed" in nature.

Whole-Market Authority Model

Broad-Niche Authority Model

Themed-Niche Authority Model

Micro-Topic Authority Model

1) Electronics 2) Exercise 3) Risk Prevention 4) Pets 5) Home 6) Health 7) Food & Drink 8) Business 9) Relationships 10) Nature

Computers Fitness Programs Insurance Cats Home Improvement Hair Loss Health Beverages Home Based Business Dating Insects

Laptop Computers Yoga Property Insurance Cat Breeds Kitchen Remodeling Hair Loss Products Tea Online Business Online Dating Household Pests

Dell Laptop Computers Tantric Yoga Condominium Insurance American Shorthair Kitchen Cabinets Rogaine Green Tea Ebay Bed Bugs

This type of site does not have to be incredibly large, but could easily grow into a fulltime income earner. In the 18 months of testing and growing all of my sites after I released my micro niche Adsense course in 2009, this model was personally used on all of the successful domains that eventually reached $75 - $125 per day (out of the 100 or so total sites that I ended up creating). In fact, if I had to reproduce my successful 2,200 page health website all over again, totally starting from scratch, I would have just broken each category up into it's own unique themed-niche site. But oh well - live and learn (and make money doing it). I also consider these sites to be somewhat of "mini-authority" online assets.


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Much like a single-topic site, but more open to additional related sub-niches, I would advise everyone to work on a niche in which related themes can be brought into the structure. To put it in more simple terms, consider this authority site model as one where your website will contain many "micro niches" that match a similar theme. You can truly become a master of information with your website and the focus, although not as tight as a micro-topic, is still very targeted and welcomes easy rankings and domination over time. Additional reasons why I enjoy this approach: 1) Become A True Authority: Such sites that cover all related sub-niches within a single theme tend to do better in rankings over the long-term. Why and how this happens is not entirely known (Google will never tell us), but from my personal insights it is probably a matter of more pages that can be added over time, as well as being a source of information on more than one topic, product or service (as in the micro area). 2) More Trafc Available: There really are no words needed to explain this benet, but I'll take a moment for the sake of helping you if those mental light bulbs have not already gone off in terms of "more pages = more money." Simply put, themed-niche authority sites get lots more trafc diversity due to the sheer volume of subjects and information possible for each site. That's the idea - think big and make big money. This Adsense approach will get you there! 3) Allows You To Diversify Into Other Niches: Again, just like the micro-topic authority model that Ill discuss next, the themed approach allows you to enjoy getting involved in a few other niches on separate domains if you choose. Although the potential to earn a six-gure income in the right themed authority niche is quite possible, you may want to work on 5 or 10 of these over the long-term. Honestly speaking though, youll nd that less domains is better for high rankings of many internal pages.


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4) Less Rejection From Webmaster Backlink Requests: I will dive into this subject more in the backlinking section of the course, but one of the best and solid ways to get high quality (and relevant) backlinks to your sites are to get them from other authority sites (within your niche area). Although this ultimate backlinking strategy is very common knowledge, most marketers do not go through the trouble of contacting webmasters for these links (bad mistake). However, when you do ask for a link back in exchange for an article or something, themed-niche sites tend to welcome more webmasters to accept links because your site is varied with topics - not totally and completely competing for one tiny niche or keyword. 5) Additional Products & Services To Promote: Yes I got into Adsense for the clicks, but there is no denying the power and additional income from having someone click a link to an afliate offer on your site and adding that extra money into your bank account! So as you can probably guess, with a themed-niche authority site the percentage of additional income from an afliate product sky-rockets. Instead of having content articles that discuss some offers relating to a micro-niche single topic site, a themed-niche could have dozens, even hundreds of offers to utilize (which indirectly helps by providing you with more content ideas too).


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Option #4: The Micro-Topic Authority Site Model (Perfect For Micro Niche Enthusiasts)
For all of you micro-nichers out there who still want to dip your taste buds into many different niches (but without getting tied down to a few large sites), you are going to love this approach. Yes, you can still go micro niche but you have to be sure to expand it from a single keyword to... a single topic. Whole-Market Authority Model Broad-Niche Authority Model Themed-Niche Authority Model Micro-Topic Authority Model

1) Electronics 2) Exercise 3) Risk Prevention 4) Pets 5) Home 6) Health 7) Food & Drink 8) Business 9) Relationships 10) Nature

Computers Fitness Programs Insurance Cats Home Improvement Hair Loss Health Beverages Home Based Business Dating Insects

Laptop Computers Yoga Property Insurance Cat Breeds Kitchen Remodeling Hair Loss Products Tea Online Business Online Dating Household Pests

Dell Laptop Computers Tantric Yoga Condominium Insurance American Shorthair Kitchen Cabinets Rogaine Green Tea Ebay Bed Bugs

As I have been saying for a long time now, going after micro niches is still one of the funnest and easiest ways to jump into the game of Adsense (as well as get the easiest rankings for "small time" keywords). But there is a big difference between the old micro niche approach and one with creating an authority site from a micro niche. Instead of going after a keyword, you must go after a micro "topic." Notice the chart again and youll see what I mean. For all of my micro niche fans out there, you are probably going to want to start building authority sites like this. It has the best of both worlds: Super focused yet professional enough to build authority to in terms of links and trafc.
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Here are some pros of creating micro-topic authority Adsense sites: 1) Plenty Of Diversity To Branch Out: As mentioned above, micro-topics allow you to work on more authority sites at a time. The work load is the same as far as the rest of this course when it comes to super quality content and regular backlink methods, but the focus is much narrower than the rest of the options. 2) Easier To Dominate The Niche: Please do not get the idea that it's going to be cake to get high rankings in any niche these days, but smaller micro-topics tend to gain rankings and trafc a little faster than the rest. Of course this depends on the competition, but as I've already mentioned previously the more competition the better (because the more searches a niche has, the more people that are out there looking for a site like yours). 3) Less Pages Of Content Needed To Fill Out Your Niche Sites: Not always the case, because every micro-topic niche can be bigger or smaller - but you can generally look at creating no more than 50 - 100 total pages over time. In fact Ive seen sites that dominate micro-topics with less than 25 pages, hitting $100 days without a problem (but these domains have many high quality backlinks and lots of age to them). With this Adsense authority site model, you can look towards branching out into other niche sites due to the limited amount of information per topic (again, this depends on the niche). 4) All Keywords Covered Quickly: With a micro-topic authority website, most often there will be a limited number of keywords pertaining to that niche. This means that you (or your writers) will be able to cover a high-quality themed article for each of these keywords, and within a short period of time. And from my personal experience, sites do much better/faster when they are already loaded with keyword rich content published before promotion (as opposed to 5 or 10 pages). 5) The Ideal Authority Model For New Publishers Just Starting Out:


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Last but not least, choosing this route with your Adsense site model is the ideal solution for new marketers that are still learning the ropes of SEO and understanding Adsense. When you are new to the whole Adsense/Content/SEO/Baclinks/Google world, its great to invest your time and energy into a site that will actually make money, even if you have little experience or skill getting started. Remember, testing and not getting the results you dream of are part of getting started in any business, so if you are new to all of this stuff, but want to at least create something useful and long-term, go with the micro-topic model.


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Chapter 2: Keyword Research How To Create A Complete Keyword Blueprint

Why Keyword Research For Authority Sites Is Dead Simple 1 Article, No Backlinks, No Rankings For Its Main Keyword (9 Daily Visits/$2.22 Per Day) Use Any Keyword Tool You Wish: So Long As It Gets The Job Done! How I Do It: Outlining The 6-Point Authority Site Keyword Blueprint Plan Now Lets Begin: A Step-By-Step Example (The Tea Niche) Step 1: List Down Category Ideas From Other Sites Step 2: Grab More Category Ideas From My Keyword Tool Step 3: Narrow Down All Category Ideas To What Is Necessary Step 4: Create An Individual Keyword List For Each Category An Example Full List For A Specic Category: Black Tea Step 5: Now Its Time To Clean Up Each Individual Keyword List (1) First, Remove The Redundant Phrases (2) Now Discard The Unrelated Keywords (3) Third, Get Rid Of Nonsense Phrases & Low-Count Phrases Step 6: Create Your Site Skeleton Using Tree Pad The Final Blueprint Example (And Some Important Questions) (1) How Many Keywords Should We Have In Each List After Cleaning Up? (2) And In What Order Should We List Them? The Final Blueprint Example Chart Last Reminders on Creating Your Keyword Blueprint


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Why Keyword Research For Authority Sites Is Dead Simple

It is my belief that keyword research for authority-type content sites has been blown way out of proportion from the various marketing e-books and forum advice that circulates throughout the Internet marketing community. To this day, you have relied too much on search numbers, worrying about competition stats, and over-analyzing the hows, whats, whys, whens & wheres of keywords. Listen, Im not saying that you shouldnt rely on these numbers for many online business models (specically Adwords), but to become a high-earning Adsense publisher, your authority websites need to focus on a variety of keywords up and down the spectrum. And by spectrum I mean by the most general terms in your niche, then further increase the prot of that term by adding lots of keyword variations into the specic article that this term is about (theming). In fact, my approach is so simple that there is no way you can mess it up. It is impossible to get it wrong once you take action on your own keyword blueprint. Confused? Dont be - Ill make it very clear in this chapter as we go through an example keyword blueprint for the Tea niche. IMPORTANT NOTE: PLEASE READ These 3 Points (And LET THIS SINK IN) It is important for you to understand why I go against the grain of the usual keyword research advice given when it comes to creating niche sites: 1) The fact of the matter is that every keyword tool is wrong - even Googles tool. This means that you should look at a keyword as nothing but a content idea, instead of worrying about its stats. There will never be any real true data that comes from Google on keyword stats. 2) Second, and most important: 50% - 70% of all online searches are 1-TIME CHANCES. This means that most of your income will come from one-time searches that nd your site from VARIATIONS of the main keywords you selected for your article pages. So by optimizing for a more general 1-3 phrased keyword, and adding a group of related theme phrases into your articles, those pages will receive a lot of trafc and clicks WITHOUT having to rank #1. 3) And last but not least, the 3rd fact of the matter is that you will start ranking for your category and main article keywords DIRECTLY once your site is aged and starts gaining authority ***OVER TIME***


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1 Article, No Backlinks, No Rankings For Its Main Keyword (9 Daily Visits/$2.22 Per Day)
To help you better understand the lesson Im trying to get through about why you should not worry about your initial keyword blueprint stats (and especially as to why you no longer have to worry about ranking in the top positions for all of your sites articles to get trafc and make money), here is the data on just one of my newer pages of content that was published on a high-paying niche site about 5 weeks ago. Note: To protect my publishing business and earnings, as well as my niche, I will change the main niche keyword, but keep the 1-time long-tail phrases exactly as they were found. The Example: This particular niche is one of my high-paying test sites in the Insurance niche. The site itself only has about 75 pages of content (I launched this separate from my main group of 100 sites). It is VERY competitive (nearly impossible to EVER rank in the top positions for any of the 1-phrase keywords used for articles) The main keyword for this page: Auto Insurance Rates (Again, the actual niche is very close to this term I am using for the example, but remember - I am changing the main keyword for this example to protect my niche. I will give you the exact long-tails that found my site, but please do not ask for the actual niche or to look at any of my domains - and I suggest you too keep your business protected as best possible!) 1) The article title was about auto insurance, and went something like 10 Ways To Get The Lowest Auto Insurance Rates 2) I added 10 additional related keywords from my keyword tool into the article: For example - rates, quotes, cheap, online, calculator, etc. 3) I ran a theme report from the top 10 ranked websites and pulled what additional related phrases they were using, and selected terms that would match my article. 4) I used 10 different location cities from the San Diego area (locations are a great tip to use for any niche). These were just off the top of my head because I know the cities. 5) Total word count for the article: 753


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Note: Keep in mind that I do not like to waste my time looking at stats on pages like this too often, as Id rather be publishing more articles, but for the sake of this course and to show you how exciting it can be to earn income from keyword terms you did not even try to rank for, here is the outcome: Yesterday this 1 article page alone brought in 9 unique visitors to the page. The page itself is nowhere near the top rankings for auto insurance rates. Out of those 9 unique visitors, I received 2 clicks on my Adsense ads. Because it is a high-paying niche, the total for the day on that 1 page was $2.22. And here are the 9 keyword phrases which I never optimized for, but brought in enough trafc to this one article to make the content as protable as it needs to be:

Unique Keywords That Found My Site

low senior rates for auto insurance in california auto insurance la mesa bad credit auto insurance san diego low rates is my auto insurance cancelled + escondido search auto insurance rates clairemont mesa san diego how to compare auto insurance rates online san diego ca + cant get cheap auto insurance due to accident cheap auto insurance rates for bad credit san diego is liability insurance enough for my car national city

Visits From Each 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


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So what is the lesson that you can learn from the above example? Very simple: 1) When you create your authority site keyword blueprint, ignore the idea that you have to choose very low hanging terms and worry about ranking number 1. 2) Go for the highest searched-for terms to start, adding all of the theme phrases you can when preparing your articles. 3) Eventually you will start to rank for these highly competitive 2 and 3-phrase main terms (once your site ages and establishes itself). 4) During this time, once indexed and your site slowly gains backlinks, you can enjoy the trafc from long-tail phrases you never even tried to optimize for. Now, lets get back to my simple keyword research approach for all authority site types... When you embark on creating a high quality authority site, you will not ght anymore for just one keyword (as in the micro niche). You will rank and gain trafc from THOUSANDS of theme phrases over time. In essence, you merely coax your sites rankings to letting the pages get found as they can by unique keyword searches. If done correctly, you will get targeted trafc to your article pages, a decent click-through to your Adsense ads, and become an authority by getting as many quality links as you can (and on a regular basis). For those of you with information-overload and frozen with fear of "getting the keywords right," I suppose that you will be completely dumbfounded as to just how simple nding the right keywords for your home page, categories and article pages is about to become. All I ask before you continue reading this section is that you please make a commitment to do the following: 1) Pretend that you are not a marketer, but rather someone just looking to build their rst website for fun. 2) Forget everything you currently know about keyword research. 3) Free your mind from the addiction for stats (most of this stuff is inaccurate anyways, and with every keyword tool).


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Use Any Keyword Tool You Wish: So Long As It Gets The Job Done!
Because you are now getting into the big leagues of creating high quality authority sites, keyword research requirements are very easy to take care of with just about every tool out there. I personally use the following 2 keyword programs with all of my authority sites: (mostly the 1st one, actually) 1) Wordtracker: To be honest with you, everything I do for my keyword blueprints can be done with just one free tool (Market Samurai), but Wordtracker has been a favorite of mine since I rst began online publishing in 2005. I like the interface and I am addicted to the related ideas feature of the program. 2) Market Samurai: Guess what? You can skip paying for Wordtracker and just use Market Samurais free keyword research module if you like. Most of the time I dont even use MS, but whenever I feel like drilling down keywords by stats for some insane reason, then I open this one up (which is not often). Before You Buy Any Tools: Read Through My Process First! What I want you to do is rst see my process and then go back over the tools you have, and just use their own functions to help you nd the keywords like I do here. I am trying to be as clear as possible that there is no secret to any keyword tool or service. All they do is pull up keywords from databases (some use their own database of collected keywords over time, and others use sources like the Google Adwords tool). I personally do not care what keyword tool you use, so long as it gets the job done! 2 Other keyword tools that you may want to consider: Micro Niche Finder: This tool was a staple in my micro niche course and still is an outstanding tool for any keyword research. I personally do no use it for my authority site purposes, however, but if you own it then see if it ts your needs for bigger sites rst. If not, then by all means look into Market Samurai or Wordtracker.


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Keyword Elite: This is another awesome tool that I personally have owned for some time. If you have this one on your PC and want to give it a whirl before learning another software program, then as Ive said already - use it to build your lists.

How I Do It: Outlining The 6-Point Authority Site Keyword Blueprint Plan
Once you have your niche in place, no matter what approach you have decided to take (Market, Broad, Themed or Micro), my keyword research process is the same: 1) First you will gather a list of all category ideas from leading websites in your same niche. This means manually visiting other websites and jotting down all of the categories your competition is using. 2) Next, you will add more category ideas to this list by using your favorite keyword tool. I prefer Wordtracker, but any other tool you have will do the job. 3) Then you will narrow down the categories to t the overall theme of your site. These categories will now be the same keywords we use to drill down specic keywords for each category list to come. 4) One by one, each categorys main keyword will be used to dig as many related terms as possible for that particular keyword. If you have 10 categories, then you will have 10 individual keyword lists, 5 categories - then 5 lists, etc. 5) The nal step is to decide which of these keywords you want to use for your blueprints rst article topics for each category. I prefer to start with 10 each, you may want to go higher or lower. 6) The nal step (and the only one that repeats itself over and over again), is when it comes time to write your articles - theme keyword research. I will go over this procedure in the next chapter on content creation.


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Now Lets Begin: A Step-By-Step Example (The Tea Niche)

Using the tea niche as an example, I am going to show you a sample of how to easily create an authority site blueprint that heeds no pressure to worry about stats and numbers (unless you want to when it comes time for your articles). When you build and launch your site, it's best to have at least 5 - 20 categories listed on your navigation menu. These categories will also be the source for all articles on your site. Some niches may not have but a few categories (as in a micro-topic authority site), and others may have up to 100 or more over time.

Step 1: List Down Category Ideas From Other Sites

What I like to do rst is to look up a few leading websites and write down the common categories that they are using for their site structure. Any of the top 10 ranked websites for high volume keywords in your niche are going to be very established, and thus have just about every category you are after. This step is so beautifully simple that most people overlook it! To this day I have yet to see any marketer give the advice to just look up established sites within a niche in order to see what main categories and keywords are being used. Think about it - all of the initial research has basically been done for you! The rst site I used was, and as you can see from the left menu in the screenshot below, there is a great starter list of "tea" categories that I can use. Then I then just write them down. (By the way, the yellow sticky notes that you see in these screenshots is a great tool that I enjoy using when working online. They are notes that stick on top of all of your windows so you can freely write down ideas and research items without having to collapse a specic window or frame.)


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Now Ill just check out one more website for a few additional category ideas before opening up my keyword tool of choice to get more ideas. I decided to look at a product website from an advertiser over in the adwords section listings, and pulled up There are not too many additional ideas that I didnt already write down from Buzzle, but I was able to add 6 more options to my keyword category brainstorm list, as shown in the below screenshot:


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For some niches I may have looked at a dozen more websites for their category ideas, but it all depends on the niche. Tea is pretty straightforward and typically most sites have all of the categories I need before I take the next step of digging through Wordtracker. Note: I want to remind you again that you do not need Wordtracker to get more ideas or create your keyword lists. Market Samurai does this just ne and the keyword portion of the program is free. Ok, out of some note taking on what my competitors are talking about as far as tea is concerned, I have the following ideas to brainstorm with:


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Site For Research


Possible Categories To Use From Site Idea

Black Tea Chai Tea Chicory Root Chrysanthemum Tea Ginger Root Green Tea Green Tea Benefits Herbal Tea Jasmine Tea Mint Tea Oolong Tea White Tea Mate Teas Rooibos Tea Blooming Tea Best Tea Blends Tea Health Benefit Flavored Tea


Keep in mind that when you copy down all of the categories in which your leading authority site listings are using, they are merely for brainstorming. Note: You do not have to use all categories that you nd, nor do you have to jot them all down. In fact, anyone could easily start with just a few categories and grow them all up from there. My personal approach, however, is to get a new site up with as many categories as it takes to cover the most information possible, and to launch a new site out with as many article web pages I can muster. If it were up to me, all of you would launch out with at least 75 - 100 pages, then use the bulk of your time each day getting high quality backlinks. But the choice is yours, Ill let you decide.


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Step 2: Grab More Category Ideas From My Keyword Tool

Here is a screenshot of Wordtracker (below). What I love about this tool is that the left side always offers related terms that pumps even more awesome ideas out for every keyword and niche being researched. The main list you see in the middle is listed from the highest searched-for terms to the lowest. What I will do is manually comb through all of the terms, select the ones that I want to add to my category list, then move into creating an individual master keyword list for each category. Note: As you can see there are TONS more keyword and category ideas. This is where some manual picking goes to work. Use your common sense in your niche and just write down on your sticky note anything that is left over from the previous list of the leading sites category ideas.


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Step 3: Narrow Down All Category Ideas To What Is Necessary

As you can see from the above wordtracker screenshot, there are a lot of tea-related terms that show up. All I want to do now is round out the categories with the main selection I think would be a good idea for my sites structure. I already have a good list from the last step by manually looking through 2 authority sites, but with wordtracker I decided to just add a few more. Note: There is no magic in picking the categories. You simply want to cover all of the basic themes within your authority niche. And just because you nd a lot of themerelated categories, it does not mean that you have to start with them all. And Here is what my nal category list looks like: (I went with 18 total categories for the Tea niche):

1) Tea Health Benefits 2) Black Tea 3) Chai Tea 4) Chinese Tea 5) Chrysanthemum Tea 6) Gourmet Tea 7) Green Tea 8) Herbal Tea 9) Iced Tea 10) Jasmine Tea 11) Mint Tea 12) Oolong Tea 13) Organic Tea 14) Rooibos Tea 15) White Tea 16) Wu Long Tea 17) Yogi Tea 18) Tea Accessories


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Step 4: Create An Individual Keyword List For Each Category

Now that I have all of the categories that I want my Tea authority site to center around, the next step is to create a master list for each of the 18 main keywords for each category. This part is so easy and there is no need to worry about stats (just yet). In fact, just one click and this step is done (with virtually any keyword tool). With wordtracker, I just type in the main keyword and click on the search button and my keyword list is compiled. Note: For these lists, always use broad match. I know that the advice given out there is for exact matches, and even I agree with this when your efforts are focused on one individual keyword. However, the real truth behind keywords is that you should not focus on specic phrases when creating bigger sites. Instead, think topics and ideas. The pages themselves will rank highly for TONS of non-intended keyword variations, and your main keywords will then rank on their own right over time. Additional Note: It is not necessary to drill down through hundreds or thousands of keywords. The top 100-200 is all that is required (generally), because you will be narrowing down your article keywords to the highest searched-for topics possible. Of course some niches may indeed have category keywords that should be drilled down into the thousands, but for the most part, the top 200 or less will be all you need. Back to the category main keyword lists... Another reason why I like wordtracker is that its easy to keep track of each niche and all of the categories in that niche. Yes - Market Samurai does as well - just differently. Here is what I mean - the screenshot below is a snapshot of all of my categories in wordtracker's interface. To the right you can see how many related keywords that I found for each one. This is only the start, but more than enough keywords to work with for a very long time.


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Notes On The Above Wordtracker Picture: In the above screenshot you can see that I have a few more lists than just my 18 category ideas. I just decided not to include a few in the upcoming blueprint, for no other reason than I thought 18 categories was enough. This is what I mean when I say there are no rules when decided on your categories. Youll also see that my Tea Accessories has more than 200 keywords. It shows that I dug up 626 related keywords for that category alone. Some categories like this just might have more than 200 to dig up. The simple explanation is that Tea Accessories has many topics related to it that I added, like 1) Tea Pots 2) Tea Kettles 3) Tea Cups 4) Tea Bags Etc. Etc. (All of these keywords would be researched and added to the tea accessories list)
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An Example Full List For A Specific Category: Black Tea

I am only going to use one example category to show you and then narrow down to my top article keyword pics. Showing all 18 categories would just be redundant and take up too much space here. Just know that the same process goes for every category your site will have. Note: The number you see is the search number (not reliable, but accurate enough to see what is the most popular down to the least popular). You want to view all of your phrases with the most possible trafc rst.

Category: Black Tea (189 Total Keywords)


black tea black tea and green tea green tea or black tea green and black tea benets of black tea benets black tea benet of black tea green black tea green tea black tea black tea green tea black tea benets caffeine black tea caffeine in black tea black tea caffeine black tea party black tea bags organic black tea iced black tea decaf black tea decaffeinated black tea what is black tea
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74000 4400 4400 4400 4400 4400 4400 4400 4400 4400 4400 3600 3600 3600 3600 2400 2400 1900 1900 1900 1600
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Category: Black Tea (189 Total Keywords) tazo black tea black tea and health black tea health health black tea loose black tea green tea versus black tea earl grey black tea black tea hair orange black tea black tea good black tea health benets green tea vs black tea organic black tea bags health benets black tea coffee black tea oolong black tea health benets of black tea black tea vs green tea chai black tea black tea for hair green vs black tea raspberry black tea vanilla black tea darjeeling black tea black tea leaf english black tea golden honey darjeeling black tea tazo iced black tea ceylon black tea chinese black tea pekoe black tea

Searches 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1300 1300 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 880 880 880 880 880 720 720 720 720 720


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Category: Black Tea (189 Total Keywords) black tea pekoe bali black raspberry black tea lipton black tea black tea lipton black tea calories loose leaf black tea black tea nutrition facts black tea rinse buy black tea assam black tea best black tea calories in black tea english breakfast black tea avored black tea caffeine content in black tea canadian vanilla maple decaf black tea black tea set black tea and pregnancy caffeine content black tea black tea with milk tuscany orange spice black tea victorian earl grey decaf black tea rose black tea amount of caffeine in black tea how much caffeine in black tea drinking black tea black tea caffeine content black tea recipes how much caffeine is in black tea black tea pregnancy does black tea have caffeine

Searches 720 720 720 720 590 590 590 590 590 590 590 590 590 590 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480


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Category: Black Tea (189 Total Keywords) black tea extract drink black tea is black tea good for you black tea leaves orange pekoe black tea black tea recipe black tea and weight loss black tea bag instant black tea black tea for weight loss black tea weight loss black tea rinse for hair black tea hair rinse bulk black tea arizona black tea twinings black tea peach black tea black tea bulk types of black tea effects of black tea lemon black tea premium black tea keemun black tea black tea types black tea with lemon black tea vs coffee where to buy black tea black tea antioxidants black tea lemonade caffeine in green tea vs black tea chai spice black tea

Searches 390 390 390 390 390 390 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 210 210 210


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Category: Black Tea (189 Total Keywords) lychee black tea jasmine black tea black tea during pregnancy black tea caffeine vs coffee yunnan black tea pekoe cut black tea black tea powder mango black tea tazo chai black tea side effects of black tea tazo iced black tea bags too much black tea orange pekoe and pekoe cut black tea japanese black tea pure black tea black tea side effects black tea seeds black tea cancer celestial seasonings black tea black tea brands scented black tea black tea acne caffeine free black tea black tea partiers black tea lose weight good earth black tea fair trade black tea black tea diet what is black tea good for black tea latte black tea dht

Searches 210 210 210 170 170 170 170 170 170 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 91


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Category: Black Tea (189 Total Keywords) smoking black tea organic decaf black tea snapple black tea black tea hair loss black tea avors african black tea benets of drinking black tea best black tea brand black tea sampler bigelow black tea is black tea bad for you twinings vanilla black tea is black tea safe during pregnancy tazo awake black tea kenyan black tea black tea and diabetes russian black tea black tea diabetes pure ceylon black tea strong black tea black tea plant black tea ingredients instant black tea powder earl gray black tea history of black tea black tea supplier high quality black tea buy black tea online black tea wiki turkish black tea salada black tea

Searches 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 58 58 58 58 58 58


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Category: Black Tea (189 Total Keywords) black tea blood pressure black tea constipation is black tea healthy black tea antioxidant twinings peach black tea black tea cholesterol black tea type pickwick black tea black tea polyphenols rickshaw black tea pu erh black tea does black tea help you lose weight organic black tea bulk advantages of black tea tetley black tea black tea benets and side effects black tea varieties black tea plants black tea processing is black tea good for weight loss black tea chest is black tea good for health black tea preparation black tea disadvantages

Searches 58 58 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 36 36 36 36 36 28 28 22 16 16 16 12 12 0


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Step 5: Now Its Time To Clean Up Each Individual Keyword List

At this stage you will have a long list of targeted keywords for each category, just like my "black tea" list above. The next step is to get rid of all terms that are too low in search volume, terms that repeat themselves, and terms that are not related. Doing this is manual work - no keyword tool will do it for you. Its best this way! Keyword research and cleaning your lists takes time, but when you are nished creating your authority site blueprint, the rest is cake! You will just supply awesome content, updating each category weekly, and working on quality backlinks as often as possible. It's not glamorous work, but being a publisher has its rewards for those of you who understand how to stick to the basics and give your site time to rank for all of your keyword variations. Although this tea authority site blueprint is only an example, in the real publishing world I do believe this niche could be a $100 - $200 per day site within 6-12 months time (or less). And such a site earning that much after 12 months could be ipped easy for $50,000 to $75,000. With a good staff of writers, anybody interested in selling high quality sites like this could work on 4-5 sites per year, ip them at the end of the year and bring in a quarter of a million dollars - doing this over and over and over again. Note: I am not a site ipper myself, but do have associates that earn the above income examples from putting in 1 solid year per site, building them up to 3-gures daily, then selling them for amazing prots. I have yet to sell any of my 100+ websites because I enjoy the residual income, but for those of you interested in the above plan - go for it. It works! Anyways, back to cleaning up my keyword lists (1) First, Remove The Redundant Phrases You'll see keywords in your list that "repeat" themselves with too many variations - get rid of them. For example, in my black tea list I can see a lot of keywords that have the terms "green tea" and "black tea" like these:
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black tea and green tea green tea or black tea green and black tea green black tea black tea green tea When you see a chunk like this, there is no need to keep all of these in your future article keyword list. So what I will do is just take the one that has a combination of the highest searched volume, mixed with making the most sense. I'll discard everything but the rst one, keeping "black tea and green tea." Example 2: You can also see a lot of keywords in that list with the term "benets" that repeat themselves, like these: - benets of black tea - benets black tea - benet of black tea - black tea benets And again, taking the one that makes the most sense and as high up on the search count, I'll discard everything and keep "benets of black tea." (2) Now Discard The Unrelated Keywords Second, you'll want to discard keywords that have nothing to do with your specic niche area. It happens - every keyword tool will dig up terms that might have the phrases of your niche, but have nothing to do with the topic. For example, in my black tea list the following terms would be discarded: - black tea party - black tea hair Luckily, in this list there were only a few that did not match my niche. But other niches may be different. For example, in my "tea accessories" list, I have keywords such as kettles, tea trays, tea pots, etc. And I saw some keywords that did not match such as "tea cup chihuahua" which is obviously not a part of my niche.
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(3) Third, Get Rid Of Nonsense Phrases & Low-Count Phrases The nal step in cleaning your list is to get rid of keywords that do not make sense, as well as keywords with too low search volume. Important: Speaking of search numbers - what is the minimum search volume? What stats would warrant you to throw away a potentially protable keyword? What number (which are never accurate anyways) would be ideal to base an important decision to discard a keyword? Some say 500 per month, others say 300. I say go as low as 100, and often times down to 10 or 20 - sometimes even 0. Allow me to explain (IMPORTANT): First of all, as marketers we have come to rely on keyword research numbers WAAAAAAY too much. For example, I have used keywords that showed absolutely no search volume from Google, but ended up bringing in a steady 20-50 visitors per day. These pages are articles that were written once, have a few backlinks to them, but earn a steady $10 - $30 per month from that one page alone. This is 1 article page folks - and the searches and clicks come from people typing a variety of keywords that found my page. So when discarding keywords based on search volume - yes - do try to minimize the ones that are very low in numbers, but mostly use common sense. Here Are Some Examples: Let's look at a couple of keywords from the black tea list that are getting hardly any searches per month, and why I would still keep them: Black Tea Preparation Search Volume: Only 12 listed searches per month. Now would you keep and use a keyword for an article that only has 12 monthly searches - 0.4 per day? Not likely, but I would!


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Heres why: I am going to keep this keyword because it makes sense as a great article, and because I am going to write super high quality articles that use theme words, I will probably attract visitors from a variety of keywords to my page. "Black Tea Preparation" is a great article topic to write for people, my people. And I guarantee you this article, so long as it is highly themed with related terms from the top 10, will earn at least .50 to $1.00 per day over time with patience, some backlinks and domain age. Does Black Tea Help You Lose Weight Search Volume: Only 36 listed searches per month. Again, this keyword looks like a loser if you just look at the search volume. But use your head - common sense - what is the keyword about? Someone is asking if black tea helps you lose weight. This means that a VERY good article (and a juicy lengthy one at that) can be created on the benets of black for weight loss, fat burning, health benets, etc. Now you have a keyword that was about to be thrown away, but could potentially bring in dozens, if not hundreds of visitors daily from a VARIETY of keyword searches that helps to nd your specic page. These types of articles, even though they are based on a long-tail phrase without much search volume, have the potential to rank for keyword variations that may get thousands of searches per month. The Point: Again I will remind you that it is a known fact that up to 70% of all searches online are unique - one time searches. This means that you and I only have 50% or so of the listed searches, no matter what keyword tool we use. So by selecting keywords for article topics that makes sense for human readers, and mixing that article with a lot of theme words from high ranking websites, you are planting many more seeds that you realize.


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Step 6: Create Your Site Skeleton Using Tree Pad

(MY #1 Tool For Organizing Keywords & Research Notes)

At this point your site should have a master keyword list cleaned up for each category chosen. For the example I am using, there are 18 categories. Each of these categories now has hundreds of related keywords. The next step is to import all of these individual lists into a format that will allow you to keep track of you work, what keywords you use over time, and to make notes as you go along with your articles. For The Excel Wizards Out There: Use excel of you want to. More power to you. I've yet to take the time to learn the ropes of excel myself (something I've been meaning to do over the last 5 years). Other Tools You May Prefer: Anything you want to use for keeping track of your keywords is just ne - there is no right or wrong way. My Awesome Suggestion (Tree Pad): Over the past year I have fallen in love with a simple (but powerful) tool called Tree Pad. I wish I had used this thing when I started, but at least I have transferred over all of my sites keyword information and notes over to it currently. Here is the direct link to the FREE version:


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The above image is a screenshot taken after I had inserted all of my sites 18 categories into Tree Pad Lite (the free version). For each insert node you give the command to, there is an entire space to the right where you can list down all keywords related to that category, the article you are writing, and anything else you feel is important to add.
Like so:

Now that you have your main categories listed inside Tree Pad, you can add as many child nodes as you wish: Which is be the purpose of this program: To continue adding each new article, keyword, notes, etc. - all inside Tree Pad as you go along and keep track of your work. Below I will now enter a sample group of keywords that you will create as a child node so that you can see how easily it is to follow your own work - using the black tea section:


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As you can see from the above shot, the keyword "benets of black tea" is now listed under the main category of Black Tea. You would do this for every category so that at the end of your site skeleton, you will have a list of all article keywords that you cleaned from the category sections, ready for additional keyword research for your rst set of articles (per category). That is how I use Tree Pad: 1) As I go through my keyword list and use each keyword for an article, I'll just create a new listing under its perspective category 2) And on the side window for each new keyword I am working with, that is where I will paste my article keywords, theme keywords, and backlinking notes for that article page (if any). 3) Although I do not advise going more than one level deep on your sites linking skeleton, for people with big Market authority sites or Broad authority sites, Tree Pad allows you to go as many levels deep as you wish.


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The Final Blueprint Example (And Some Important Questions)

How Many Category Keywords? In What Order To Use?

When you are nished with your site skeleton blueprint in Tree Pad, there should be a listing of all categories with the cleaned up keyword list for each category (which are nothing more than the main keywords for your article pages). This simple keyword research procedure and site skeleton planning sets the stage for the next step in your authority site process: Themed-Rich Content Creation. But for now, the 2 questions you are probably wondering are: (1) How Many Keywords Should We Have In Each List After Cleaning Up? There is no limit on how many keywords a specic category may have. Some niches may never end with keywords for a category, as they can run into the hundreds of thousands (in big niches like weight loss) At a minimum you want at least 3 chosen article keywords for each category, and ideally enough to launch out a 100-page website (if it were up to me). There could be 1000s of keywords for a category that you would just choose from on your content update work days, one by one. (2) And In What Order Should We List Them? The order you should list and use your keywords as you go should be from the highest-searched-for-number to the lowest. Remember, your goal is to get the main keywords for the most searches - because this will create a ton of trafc to that page from long-tail variations and theme-keyword listings. You may want to choose the keywords for your articles as-you-go-along. I like to take a holistic approach. For example, I might have just come across a great article on a specic subject on black tea. Therefore, I may go very low on my list to nd a keyword to choose that matches the subject. The next day, I may write a 2nd article on a keyword that gets the most searches because I found another great magazine article to base it on. There are no rules, so have fun choosing!


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The Final Blueprint Example Chart

Note: (1) This chart should be listed inside Tree Pad, but because I cannot take a picture to show the entire structure and without running the below keyword list into too many pages of this book, I'll just list down 10 keywords for each category that would be used. Note: (2) The "theme words" section is blank because you will actually work on getting theme words as you write each article, one by one, which will be discussed in the next chapter.

Categories (18)

Article Keywords For Each Category (10 used for each example)

Article Theme Keywords (And additional notes, etc.)

1) Tea Health Benefits

tea weight loss tea health tea health benefits green tea health best weight loss tea green tea health benefits green tea health properties green tea weight loss pills oolong weight loss tea herbal tea weight loss

Article theme phrases would be pulled "AS YOU GO ALONG" from keyword to keyword, listed and used individually for every article you write, one-by-one. (This will be covered in the next chapter on Content Creation)

2) Black Tea

benefits of black tea green tea or black tea caffeine in black tea black tea bags organic black tea iced black tea decaf black tea decaffeinated black tea what is black tea

Article theme phrases would be pulled "AS YOU GO ALONG" from keyword to keyword, listed and used individually for every article you write, one-by-one. (This will be covered in the next chapter on Content Creation)


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3) Chai Tea

chai tea chai tea lattes chai tea recipe chai tea nutrition facts make chai tea calories in chai tea caffeine in chai tea tazo chai tea how to make chai tea chai tea tazo

Article theme phrases would be pulled "AS YOU GO ALONG" from keyword to keyword, listed and used individually for every article you write, one-by-one. (This will be covered in the next chapter on Content Creation)

4) Chinese Tea

chinese tea green chinese tea chinese tea for weight loss chinese tea diet chinese tea ceremony chinese tea set herbal chinese tea chinese tea for slimming chinese tea ceremonies wu long chinese tea

Article theme phrases would be pulled "AS YOU GO ALONG" from keyword to keyword, listed and used individually for every article you write, one-by-one. (This will be covered in the next chapter on Content Creation)

5) Chrysanthemum Tea

chrysanthemum tea benefits of chrysanthemum tea white chrysanthemum tea chinese chrysanthemum tea how to make chrysanthemum tea honey chrysanthemum tea buy chrysanthemum tea chrysanthemum tea caffeine vita chrysanthemum tea organic chrysanthemum tea

Article theme phrases would be pulled "AS YOU GO ALONG" from keyword to keyword, listed and used individually for every article you write, one-by-one. (This will be covered in the next chapter on Content Creation)

6) Gourmet Tea

gourmet tea gourmet tea coffee gourmet tea gift gourmet tea baskets gourmet tea machine wholesale gourmet tea gourmet tea gift basket gourmet tea wholesale gourmet tea bags gourmet tea maker

Article theme phrases would be pulled "AS YOU GO ALONG" from keyword to keyword, listed and used individually for every article you write, one-by-one. (This will be covered in the next chapter on Content Creation)


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7) Green Tea

green tea benefits of green tea green tea for weight loss green tea extracts green tea diets caffeine in green tea mega tea green tea matcha green tea organic green tea best green tea

Article theme phrases would be pulled "AS YOU GO ALONG" from keyword to keyword, listed and used individually for every article you write, one-by-one. (This will be covered in the next chapter on Content Creation)

8) Herbal Tea

herbal tea herbal tea concentrate green tea herbal tea raspberry herbal tea herbal tea for detox lemon herbal tea herbal tea concentrate - raspberry herbal tea laxatives herbal tea concentrate - original slimming herbal tea

Article theme phrases would be pulled "AS YOU GO ALONG" from keyword to keyword, listed and used individually for every article you write, one-by-one. (This will be covered in the next chapter on Content Creation)

9) Iced Tea

iced tea iced tea recipes arizona iced tea iced tea maker iced tea machine iced tea brewer how do you make iced tea thai iced tea green tea iced tea iced tea nutrition facts

Article theme phrases would be pulled "AS YOU GO ALONG" from keyword to keyword, listed and used individually for every article you write, one-by-one. (This will be covered in the next chapter on Content Creation)

10) Jasmine Tea

jasmine tea green jasmine tea pearl jasmine tea jasmine tea benefits benefits of jasmine tea jasmine tea caffeine organic jasmine tea white jasmine tea health benefits of jasmine tea jasmine tea loose

Article theme phrases would be pulled "AS YOU GO ALONG" from keyword to keyword, listed and used individually for every article you write, one-by-one. (This will be covered in the next chapter on Content Creation)


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11) Mint Tea

mint tea green mint tea moroccan mint tea mint tea recipes herbagreen creme de mint tea make mint tea benefit of mint tea iced mint tea valerian mint tea chocolate mint tea

Article theme phrases would be pulled "AS YOU GO ALONG" from keyword to keyword, listed and used individually for every article you write, one-by-one. (This will be covered in the next chapter on Content Creation)

12) Oolong Tea

oolong tea benefits of oolong tea oolong tea for weight loss oolong tea green tea purchase oolong tea green tea oolong tea organic oolong tea oolong tea health buy oolong tea coffee flavored oolong tea concentrate

Article theme phrases would be pulled "AS YOU GO ALONG" from keyword to keyword, listed and used individually for every article you write, one-by-one. (This will be covered in the next chapter on Content Creation)

13) Organic Tea

organic tea green organic tea organic tea bags ginger organic tea white organic tea oolong organic tea loose organic tea detox organic tea buy organic tea herbal organic tea peach detox organic tea

Article theme phrases would be pulled "AS YOU GO ALONG" from keyword to keyword, listed and used individually for every article you write, one-by-one. (This will be covered in the next chapter on Content Creation)

14) Roobios Tea

rooibos tea benefits of rooibos tea red rooibos tea health benefits of rooibos tea rooibos tea health vanilla rooibos tea rooibos tea bags african rooibos tea green rooibos tea herbal rooibos tea

Article theme phrases would be pulled "AS YOU GO ALONG" from keyword to keyword, listed and used individually for every article you write, one-by-one. (This will be covered in the next chapter on Content Creation)


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15) White Tea

white tea green tea and white tea white tea benefits benefits of white tea organic white tea caffeine in white tea purchase white tea white tea vs green tea white tea bags silver white tea

Article theme phrases would be pulled "AS YOU GO ALONG" from keyword to keyword, listed and used individually for every article you write, one-by-one. (This will be covered in the next chapter on Content Creation)

16) Wu Long Tea

wu long tea purchase wu long tea wu long tea and weight buy wu long tea wu long tea for weight loss chinese wu long tea buy wulong tea oolong wulong tea wu long tea on oprah wu long tea diet

Article theme phrases would be pulled "AS YOU GO ALONG" from keyword to keyword, listed and used individually for every article you write, one-by-one. (This will be covered in the next chapter on Content Creation)

17) Yogi Tea

yogi tea yogi tea detox yogi tea green tea yogi tea reviews yogi tea bedtime kava yogi tea yogi tea chai yogi tea ginger yogi tea get regular yogi tea golden temple

Article theme phrases would be pulled "AS YOU GO ALONG" from keyword to keyword, listed and used individually for every article you write, one-by-one. (This will be covered in the next chapter on Content Creation)

18) Tea Accessories

tea pot tea kettle electric tea kettle electric tea pot ceramics teapots iron teapots glass teapot iron teapot cast iron teapots mr coffee iced tea pot

Article theme phrases would be pulled "AS YOU GO ALONG" from keyword to keyword, listed and used individually for every article you write, one-by-one. (This will be covered in the next chapter on Content Creation)


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Last Reminders on Creating Your Keyword Blueprint

Doing proper keyword research can be monotonous and does take some time, but as you can see from the example blueprint that I laid out - it gives you a very simple step-by-step tracking manner to know what keywords you have to work with for your articles, what keywords you have used, and most importantly - you'll be able to have a well-rounded site structure plan. Remember that you do not have to use every category idea you come across. You may be in a niche that has the potential for 200 categories. So what? Minimize those down to 20 or 30 (even less). Just try to theme the groups as best possible. Never forget the example Auto Insurance page that I gave you. This type of trafc happens to every site, virtually every page that I own. And it can only be done by taking full advantage of adding theme phrases, guess-work terms, and as much content as possible per article. Lastly, plan on launching out with as many pages as possible (my opinion only). Note: During the 18 months of testing new authority sites since my old course in 2009, I've compared the rankings and earnings of similar sites - one launched with 10-20 pages, and the other launched with 75 - 100 pages. Over the long term the site with more pages in the beginning did better. I'm not sure what to contribute this to, other than age of pages indexed perhaps (Google puts more weight on pages published with age). But don't stress over this - do what you can and however you can do it - so long as you maintain the utmost in quality with your content.


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Chapter 3: Content Creation (Part 1) The Magic Of Theme Article Writing

Content That Google Really Wants - And Will Reward You For! A Well-Themed 30 Page Site Vs. The Average 300 Page Site My 3 Basic Steps To Authority Level Article-Creation (1)Theme-Phrase Keyword Research (2) Create Your Article Template (3) Research & Writing Now Let's Get Started: Start With 1 Article For Each Category Extracting Article Theme Words: Web Content Studio Here Is Why I Use WCS Lets Begin Using The Program: Tea Health Benets Here Is My Theme Report: 3 Hours Of Research In Just 5 Minutes No Need To Use Them All: Pick What Makes Sense How I Use The Report To Create My Article Template Simple Step 1: Write a Catchy Title Based On Main Keyword Simple Step 2: Write 2 Intro Paragraphs Paraphrasing The Theme Words Simple Step 3: Now Write A Sub-Title For Each Tea Benet Simple Step 4: Research And Write 1-2 Paragraphs For Each Sub-Title End Result: A Super-Themed Article In Less Than 60 Minutes Final Step: Keep Track Of Everything In Tree Pad


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Content That Google Really Wants - And Will Reward You For!
Please take my advice seriously in this chapter when it comes to going the extra distance on your sites articles. I want you to absorb the art of theme-quality as if your life depended on it. As a matter of fact, for many of you, your lives DO depend on your ability to create a sustainable income online. And although it may not pay the fastest, pay the most, or be the easiest business model to master - you have all chosen to become a PUBLISHER. And being a publisher means understanding how to get the most out of your article in terms of two key reasons: a) Readership: Creating easy-to-read articles that deliver information. b) Google: Ensuring you have the best optimized content with plenty of theme phrases. The steps are easy, but becoming a good writer takes time. And if you do not have the time, you had better be able to afford the cost of hiring a good writer. I say that because the days of writing crappy content and expecting that content to gain quality backlinks and hold rankings are all but gone. Yes, there exceptions. There will always be exceptions, especially for phrases in niches where there is no competition. But even those types of low-grade pages will eventually fall out of Googles index.

A Well-Themed 30 Page Site Vs. The Average 300 Page Site

You have read the word "themed" an awful lot in this course so far. And there is a good reason for this: In today's search engine, Google ranks pages for hundreds (even thousands) of keyword variations - not for just one phrase. The days of going after "just one keyword is no longer a viable strategy for publishers that want as much trafc as possible to a bulk number of high quality pages.


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Yes - focusing on 1 keyword is a great way to spend time ranking a sales page, or a mini-site, etc. What I need you to do is imagine 1 page of content that not only ranks for a main keyword over time, but brings you thousands of visitors per month from one-time, unique long-tail searches. This is the power of "theming" which I will go into shortly. It's a fairly simple procedure that not only guarantees that each and every piece of content you publish will make money from searches you never optimized for - but also provides you with an article template to follow, step-by-step. (Keep in mind my Auto Insurance page example in the previous chapter). LSI - No Big Surprise? Also known as "LSI" (latent semantic indexing), theming is just a dumbed down version of LSI that simply means: Having phrases in your article that are relevant to your niche. For most of you, this is old information, but I'd venture to say that you do not implement this step into your articles, do you? Note: I have come to the conclusion that well-themed content which provides a valuable educational experience to the user is what Google is rewarding today, and will continue to shift their algorithm so as to reward publishers for years to come. In addition to offering well-themed, keyword rich content, the pages you write for your authority sites must absolutely be written for one ultimate purpose: Human Service. In other words: Create content that contributes to the web community. Create content that provides 100% genuine solid information. Create content that attracts your visitors to come back for more. Create content that covers all aspects of your niche. If you are one for shortcuts in this business, and have yet to reach your goals, then please ask yourself these questions: Why spend all of your time trying to "beat the system" when it comes to content creation?


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Why pay a terrible writer $3.00 - $5.00 for an article that you want to display as your "business model"? Note: Your websites are not just your money makers, they are an extension of you, an extension of your business, and an extension of how much you care for your audience. Yes it takes work, and will prolong the number of articles you can publish - but it's better to properly write and publish 1 kick-butt article that will be found for hundreds (possibly THOUSANDS) of related keyword searches - than to rush 10-20 crappy articles just for the sake of adding content. Let me remind you that this book was written out of reverse engineering the success of my 2,200 page health website and over 100 additional sites that I turned into authority sites on their own right, so please take my word on this stuff! You'll make loads more money with a 30-page high quality website with all superthemed pages than you would with a 300-page website with a total lack of related terms! I know - because I own sites with crappy content. They earn, but not nearly as much as the new sites I tested out over the last 18 months using the same strategies in this book. Trust me - do it - and you'll never look back!


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My 3 Basic Steps To Authority Level Article-Creation

The following steps are quite simple in terms of following an article-writing method and turning that article into a highly-themed piece of content, - desired by both your viewers as well as Google. (1) Theme-Phrase Keyword Research Each time you move down your list of keywords (from your category blueprint discussed in the last chapter), you will create a mini list of theme phrases for that specic main article keyword. These very phrases are the blood of obtaining rankings for dozens, even hundreds of long-tail variations that you never could have planned on. In order to properly nd as many themed keywords, you have two ways of going about the job: Manually - which could take hours of searching phrases for just one article, and hoping that you get the best ones. Software - which literally creates all of the theme phrases you need in less than 5 minutes, allowing you to quickly move onto writing your high-quality article. (2) Create Your Article Template I have been writing for years now, and no matter how much experience that my publishing business has given me, to this day I still prefer to take the extra 10 minutes or so to create an article template each time I sit down to write. The same goes for my personal staff of writers. There are 2 ways in which you can create a template before each article: Using the Theme Report from my chosen software program (Ill show you this). Using one of the Master Class Writing Templates that I created for my writers (I provide you with several of them in the next chapter) Either way, having a template to go about your content creation saves you time and energy. The templates that I provide you in the next chapter are not just templates, but writing ideas that can last a life-time (and help anyone who outsources).


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(3) Research & Writing And nally, there is the actual researching of information for each article template section, and turning that information into your own words. I list both of these actions in the same 3rd step because I go about it at the same time. Ill show you exactly what I mean by this in the upcoming article-writing example. Just know that my advice is to either nd trustworthy ONLINE sources (expert information) to use for research, or better yet - MAGAZINES & BOOKS from the ofine world (which are my favorite).


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Now Let's Get Started: Start With 1 Article For Each Category
Now that you have your authority site's keyword blueprint mapped out with category page keywords and supporting article keywords for each category, the next step before building your site is to get 1 article written for each category page before you continue with the rest of the articles. To remind you from the last chapter, the process is simple: 1) Select a main keyword (general) for each of your categories, and write one very good article for that category. 2) Do this for all categories. 3) Once you have 1 article for each category, simply move down the list of keywords and writing 1 article for every keyword (over time) for each category.


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Some Key Points Before Moving On: My example blueprint has 18 categories. Although I will provide 1 example of writing an article in the next chapter, if this were a real website I was building then I would take the time to write out 18 super high quality articles for those categories before my site would be considered ready for additional content. You may have less - that is ok. For example, if your rst authority site only has 5 - 10 categories, you can build and launch your site with just those 5 - 10 main articles rst, while adding content weekly (again, the more content the better before promotion). For sites that may have more than 20 categories (some may even have up to 100), you do not have to add all categories immediately. You can simply update your site by adding one new category every week or two, even every month.

Extracting Article Theme Words: Web Content Studio

My suggestion is to nd at least 5-10 themed phrases and 20-40 theme words for each article. These phrases need to come from the top 10 ranked articles in Google for a specic keyword, combined with some extras you can nd inside your keyword tool of choice. Please do not underestimate the power of this strategy. If you learn anything from this course for use with your own publishing business, even just one thing - please let it be the power of pulling theme phrases into each and every article. I do not do any of this manually. I use a software program called Web Content Studio. Note: There is a way to do this without software, but for super quality content I urge you to consider investing into the program, or at least something similar to Web Content Studio, which you need in order to extract the theme words from the top 10 ranked sites for each keyword. Most of you have known me for years, and also know that I rarely advise to use any tools or services unless it is absolutely necessary. I guess it's because I've been around the game long enough to see hundreds of useless and short-term tools being sold to marketers, a new one almost weekly. However, when there is indeed a tool that helps my business, such as XsitePro, then it is my duty to advise it - especially when it's a service or software program that I use personally.
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And honestly speaking, I wish that I had this program when I started because there is no telling how much better all of my initial articles could have done when I was starting out my white-hate ways, working 16 hour days writing, writing and more writing! Now don't go rushing out and buying the software program until you understand whether or not you need it. Instead, let me just show you how quick and easy it is to bring up related theme words in this chapter (and how awesome it is in helping me create my own article template)

Here Is Why I Use WCS

The program does so much more than just the theme phrase research function that I use it for. But just this one 5-minute job saves me and my writers HOURS of manual digging around the web through ranking sites, plus it does the job thoroughly. Here are my basic (personal) guidelines when using the software: A) You'll want to pull up the theme phrases for every article you write on your site, using the main keyword as the source and pulling the phrases for the top 5-10 ranking sites in Google for that phrase (stealing from your competition, so to speak). B) You will not use the exact phrase if the term is "too long-tail." For example, if the keyword is "best chinese tea for weightloss," then I'll instead want to extract theme words from the top 10 listings for "chinese tea weightless or even chinese tea. D) And nally, this list will be cleaned up and ne-picked so that you have an article template all ready to go before you write the content, or even better - the ideal template to provide the writers you may hire to create your site's information. Side Note: Web Content also does the following extras if you need them: Researches ideas for content. Tells you what theme words are the best possible choices. Helps you write your article. Double checks your article for good theming. Exports your articles for the best format you need individually.


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Lets Begin Using The Program: Tea Health Benefits

I am going to use the keyword Tea Health Benets as an example keyword to start out with, and show you the general basics of how I start with 1 main phrase and turn that keyword into a highly-themed, quality piece of content that is perfect for the category section on my website (or any article for that matter). It is so easy to use that my 12 year old daughter is using it now for her cat breed websites. Here is where I start, using WCS:

Check out the above screenshot: A) Next to the phrase I typed in, you can see the words "Based on Top 10, which means that the program is automatically going to look up the content of the top 10 ranking sites for this one keyword. B) The 3 boxes to the left gives me the option to get 2-word phrases, 3-word phrases, and even 4-word phrases (impossible to do manually).


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C) And right above the spider I can select the number of words from each page of the top 10 listings to sort through (default is 1500). After I type in my main article keyword, I simply click the SPIDER image and the software goes to work, grabbing every theme-related word possible (again, this could take 4-5 hours manually and still would not be accurate by doing it myself).

What you see above are 5 sections across: Single theme words: 1-phrase theme words pulled up for my article. 2-word Phrases: 2-phrase theme words pulled up for my article. 3-word Phrases: 3-phrase theme words pulled up for my article. 4-word Phrases: 4-phrase theme words pulled up for my article. Create Report Tab: This will organize all of my theme words into a report.

From here I'll use the software to help me decide on the absolute best phrases to use in my upcoming article. I'm not going to dive into an in-depth explanation of the software reporting, as Andy provides all of the tutorials you need.


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Here Is My Theme Report: 3 Hours Of Research In Just 5 Minutes

Once I nished with the instructions I just noted, here is the report that Web Content Studio provided me: Theme Report For The Article Keyword: Tea Health Benets

4-Word Theme Phrases:

cups of tea per, benefits of green tea, effects associated with caffeine, health effects of tea, who drank more than, chances of cognitive impairment, lowers stress hormone levels, effects on inflammatory bowel, inflammatory bowel disease (ibd), effects on bad breath, effects on obstructive sleep, sleep apnea-related brain deficits, bacterial and fungal infections, weight loss and cholesterol, tea has been claimed, claims for green tea, green tea's health benefits, tea has more antioxidants, has more antioxidants than, antioxidants than black tea, more polyphenol antioxidants than, instant or bottled teas, health benefits of drinking, benefits of drinking green, risk of kidney stones, tea flavonoids may play, blood vessels to dilate, heart attack and stroke., green or white teas

3-Word Theme Phrases:

green tea consumption, black tea consumption, red rooibos tea, tea may lower, play a role, risk of heart, coronary artery disease, inflammatory bowel disease, green tea contains, growth of cancer, blood vessel function, black tea daily, drinking tea may, increases metabolic rate, possible anti-diabetes effect, boosts mental alertness, boosts immune system, lowers stress hormone, effects on hiv, effects on inflammatory, iron overload disorders, obstructive sleep apnea-related, effects on bacterial, bacterial and fungal, effects of fluoride, green tea extracts, endurance in exercise, more polyphenol antioxidants, high blood pressure, lowering blood sugar, risk of osteoporosis

2-Word Theme Phrases:

per day, white tea, studies have, blood pressure, weight loss, breast cancer, myocardial infarction, inflammatory bowel, gastric cancer, cholesterol levels, research suggests, flavonoids may, free radicals, cardiovascular disease., coronary artery, anti-cancer properties, cognitive impairment, bowel disease, brain deficits, fungal infections, more antioxidants, aging process, potential health, oral health, vessel function, anti-diabetes effect, mental alertness, boosts immune, lowers stress, hormone levels, overload disorders, anti-venom effects, antidepressant properties, potential drawbacks, contain polyphenols., healthy skin, studies conducted, fluid needs., caffeinated beverages, herbal teas

Single-Word Theme Phrases:

are, effects, research, benefits, consumption, disease, polyphenol, caffeine, catechin, antioxidant, healthy, polyphenols, cholesterol, nutrition, protect, reduce, flavonoid, antioxidants, webmd, immune, carcinogenesis


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No Need To Use Them All: Pick What Makes Sense As you can see, we have a TON of information at our ngertips. Of course I can't possibly insert every theme-keyword into 1 article that this theme report provided, so I'll manually cherry pick phrases that would help me structure an awesome article. You do this by having an idea of what your content's purpose is. This is where a little common sense comes in: My purpose for the phase "Tea Health Benets" is to provide a list of benets in the article that tea will have on the human body: Fight against disease, provide more energy, help people lose weight, etc. There is no right or wrong way to do this. Just pick the phrases that you can easily use within your content without going overboard.

How I Use The Report To Create My Article Template

Out my entire theme report above, I chose the following phrases because they immediately show me all of the sections my article might contain. If I were to supply this list to my writer I can simply say: "Ok writer, please write me a 750 word article that contains a paragraph with each of the listed options below, and in bulletin point-style (example only). 1) anti-depressant properties 2) lowers stress hormone levels 3) effects on inammatory bowel disease (bid) 4) effects on bad breath 5) weight loss and cholesterol 6) green tea's health benets 7) endurance in exercise 8) boosts immune system 9) anti-cancer properties 10) lowering blood sugar And the list of single theme words I would pick from the report could be something like the following: 1) research 2) benets
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3) consumption 4) immune 5) webmd 6) antioxidants 7) nutrition 8) reduce 10) efffects Have the light bulbs went off in your head yet? If not, let me recap quickly just how much expert work we have done with a push of some buttons and a little manual organizing: We researched and extracted all of the related terms that the leading authority sites are ranking for and using in their content. We selected some juicy terms that are not only good for SEO benets and rankings of our own content in time, but we now have an idea of what my article will be about. Now all we have to do now is organize the phrases into a step-by-step article template for us to use (or to outsource to your writer), and write the article. To be honest, the template for this article is pretty much done. Below is a structure that can be copied and used for any niche, just changing the info based on the them words:

Simple Step 1: Write a Catchy Title Based On Main Keyword

Very simple - by taking into account my main phrase, and looking over the optional 10 theme phrases that I picked, I went with the title: Tea Health Benets: Lose Weight, Fight Cancer & Have More Energy!

Simple Step 2: Write 2 Intro Paragraphs Paraphrasing The Theme Words

The rst 2 intro paragraphs would contain a short list of 5-10 of my main phrases, as an "intro" to discussing each one to come. For example:


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"If you enjoy a hot cup of tea now and then, you'll be amazed at the tea health benets that go along with it. Green tea, black tea, Oolong tea or any other variety, there is no shortage of research that has been documented that provides factual positive effects associated with tea and caffeine. Drinking tea helps with weight loss and lowering cholesterol levels, boosts immune system response, contains anti-cancer properties, helps in lowering blood sugar, induces positive effects on bad breath, lowers stress hormone levels, and athletes have reported higher endurance in exercise programs."

Simple Step 3: Now Write A Sub-Title For Each Tea Benefit

Because simple articles are my favorite way to write, I prefer to lay out all of mine in a sub-title manner. For example, using the theme phrase "boosts immune system" from my list, I might use something like: "Boost Your Immune System With Green Tea (Mega Antioxidants)" I would then just move down the list of all theme phrases chosen and write one good sub-title for each. Here is another for "anti-cancer properties. "Fight Cancer With A Delicious Cup Of Green Tea (Anti-Cancer Properties)" By the end of each of the main theme phrases (benets), I would then have a full-own article template that can easily be lled out with a little research and writing.

Simple Step 4: Research And Write 1-2 Paragraphs For Each Sub-Title
At this point Ill simply write one or two paragraphs stating the benet, as described from the sub-title. I do this by looking up the theme phrase in Google (or something close to that specic phrase), and nd a REPUTABLE page to gather facts. Note: I am totally against using places to write your sites information that is derived from other watered-down articles. Article directories are the worst sources to go to.
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Instead, you can easily nd high-ranking authority sites that are trustworthy for the information they provide. Going back to the theme phrase boosts immune system, Ill do a quick search on Google to nd some information to turn around into my own words. I found a great article on CBS News that I scanned and made some notes from for this sub-title paragraph:

I also found a few other articles from additional reputable sources. After scanning some notes and rewriting the information, here are the 2 paragraphs that I will post under the following sub-title: Boost Your Immune System With Green Tea (Mega Antioxidants) The antioxidants found in tea are the secret behind this boost in the body's immune system, thus keeping you and I thriving in energy. The human body is constantly producing what are called "oxidants" (also known as free radicals). In
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order to stabilize, these oxidants literally steal electrons from various other molecules, leaving behind damaged cell proteins. The antioxidants found in tea help the body to nd and isolate these oxidants. So why get a u shot when all you have to do is drink several glasses of green or black tea each day? In fact, in an article published by webmd, tea has been shown to boost the immune system within hours of consumption. By drinking tea and following a solid nutrition diet, your immune system will be ready to ght off the early signs of cold and u symptoms, especially during those those cold winter months. And here is the another example for the theme phrase anti-cancer properties of which I too pulled several reputable sources of information, took notes and rewrote it in my own words: Fight Cancer With A Delicious Cup Of Green Tea (Anti-Cancer Properties) "Everyone knows that tea contains antioxidants and polyphenols, but what you might have missed is that these items also have research to show possible anticancer properties, which of course - tea is loaded with them." Case in point: If you read the National Cancer Institute's website on cancer prevention using tea, they discuss the studies with lab animals being tested with specic antioxidants known as "catechins" and showing that they scavenged oxidants before cell damage set in. There are catahins found in tea (especially green tea) which studies have shown inhibits the growth of cancer cells. Although there is no solid evidence to make the claim that tea is a cure for cancer, a little common sense and some reading on the health benets of tea should help you come to your own conclusions. I would do this until I either: A) Filled up every benet or, B) Reached a limit on words in the 700+ range. C) Ideally, the article would go on for as long as I could ll up each of the 10 theme phrases chosen. If it reached 1,500 words, so be it. The more content then the more chances for long-tail variations to nd my article and make me money!


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End Result: A Super-Themed Article In Less Than 60 Minutes

With just some manual choosing from the theme phrase list, and some minor research for each article sub-theme, in less than 60 minutes (45 minutes actually), I came up with this super high quality article, loaded to the gills with SEO keyword themes from the top 10 ranked authority sites in Google, totaling almost 1,000 words. Tea Health Benefits: Lose Weight, Fight Cancer & Have More Energy! If you enjoy a hot cup of tea now and then, you'll be amazed at the tea health benefits that go along with the great taste. Green tea, black tea, Oolong tea or any other variety, there is no shortage of research that has been documented that provides positive effects associated with tea and caffeine. Drinking tea helps with weight loss and lowering cholesterol levels, boosts immune system response, contains anti-cancer properties, helps in lowering blood sugar, induces positive effects on bad breath, lowers stress hormone levels, and even athletes have reported higher endurance in exercise programs. Enjoy tea for the following 5 health benefits and you'll feel better, live longer and have more energy: 1) Boost Your Immune System With Green Tea (Mega Antioxidants) The antioxidants found in tea are the secret behind this boost in the body's immune system, thus keeping you and I thriving in energy. The human body is constantly producing what are called "oxidants" (also known as free radicals). In order to stabilize, these oxidants literally steal electrons from various other molecules, leaving behind damaged cell proteins. The antioxidants found in tea help the body to find and isolate these oxidants. So why get a flu shot when all you have to do is drink several glasses of green or black tea each day? In fact, in an article published by webmd, tea has been shown to boost the immune system within hours of consumption. By drinking tea and following a solid nutrition diet, your immune system will be ready to fight off the early signs of cold and flu symptoms, especially during those those cold winter months. 2) Fight Cancer With A Delicious Cup Of Green Tea (Anti-Cancer Properties) Everyone knows that tea contains antioxidants and polyphenols, but what you might have missed is that these items also have research to show possible anticancer properties, which of course - tea is loaded with them. Case in point: If you read the National Cancer Institute's website on cancer prevention using tea, they discuss the studies with lab animals being tested with
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specific antioxidants known as "catechins" and showing that they scavenged oxidants before cell damage set in. There are catachins found in tea (especially green tea) which studies have shown inhibits the growth of cancer cells. Although there is no solid evidence to make the claim that tea is a cure for cancer, a little common sense and some reading on the health benefits of tea should help you come to your own conclusions. 3) Drinking Tea Lowers Cholesterol Naturally (No Drugs Needed To Reduce Cholesterol) For centuries tea has been used to treat hundreds of ailments found throughout the human body. However, only recently have scientists chose to explore the natural cholesterol-lowering properties of tea. It's not surprise, however, as the Harvard Women's Health Watch reported what makes tea such a powerful liquid. They concluded that the substances that can lower your cholesterol naturally can be found in oranges, grapes, blueberries and hibiscus flowers - to name a few. These substances are called "flavonoids" and guess what? Tea is absolutely loaded with flavonoids. And flavonoids are another form of powerful antioxidants found in plants, the very same plants that we use to make tea. 4) Tea Helps Melt Fat & Keep The Pounds Off (Green Tea For Weight Loss) Battling the bulge is an epidemic in many countries today. From foods overloaded with preservatives, trans fats and fast food eaten more and more, there is no wonder why we have a weight problem as a society. The first step my nutritionist set my Grandfather on to help reduce his weight and clear out the free radicals in his body was to drink at least 2-3 cups of green tea each day (in addition to a walking program and nutritionally-dense foods). Not convinced? There are numerous studies published through well-known publications that showed real-life testing of tea for weight loss. One particular study took 38 men, divided them into 2 groups each with the same food plan and diet. One group was given a daily bottle of tea that contained between 600 and 699 mg of catechin antioxidants. 3 months later, the green tea extract group had significant drops in total fat body mass, reduced waist line, drop in total body weight, and decreased subcutaneous fat. 5) Exercise Longer & Harder With A Daily Cup Of Tea (Endurance In Exercise) It's no secret that exercising on a regular basis fights fat, provides more energy, and just plain feels good (not to mention makes you look better). Add green tea to this combination and you'll be going stronger, faster and add years to your lifespan. So how does tea help build endurance in exercise?


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The answer appears to be a combination of caffeine and the catechin polyphenols in tea. These catechin polyphenols have been proven to stimulate the use of fatty acids by the liver, as well as the muscle cells. Subsequently, this action by the body decreases the rate at which carbohydrates are burned up thus providing more endurance and the ability to exercise longer. Add it up - more endurance means that you exercise longer and with more intensity, and the longer you exercise with higher levels of intensity, the more calories you burn, and the more calories you burn the leaner and better looking you become! Try Green Tea Today: FREE Looking to supplement your diet with green tea? We have arranged a special offer where you can get a 1-month's free supply of green tea extract. Click here to get your sample.

Final Step: Keep Track Of Everything In Tree Pad

Remember how much I love using Tree Pad? Well all of this information should be copied and pasted in each keywords block inside Tree Pad. This way you can go back to see what theme words you used, view the complete report anytime, and also document the article used:


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Chapter 4: Content Creation (Part 2) Article Templates My Writers Use

The Easiest Articles To Write: List Format Variations Master Class Writing Template (1): The Classic "How To" Method Master Class Writing Template (2): The Step-By-Step Guide Master Class Writing Template (3): The Pros & Cons Approach Master Class Writing Template (4): The Reasons Why Listing Master Class Writing Template (5): The Product Review Note Master Class Writing Template (6): The Myth Vs Facts Article Master Class Writing Template (7): The FAQ - Q & A Approach More Article Templates Upon Request


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The Easiest Articles To Write: List Format Variations

As my publishing business grew to new heights and I became involved with other ofine business ventures, not to mention the support of my old Adsense course, I needed to turn more of my writing over to my personal staff here that I hired locally. Although my approach to nding good writers is an entirely different subject not made for this course (I never hire online writers, only locally interviewed face-to-face writers that I physically visit weekly to pick up my material), one of the key ingredients that can help you get quality content from the writers you hire is providing simple templates to them. I have personally used all of the templates provided below over the last 2 years to help my writers create better-themed content, faster production, and with less stress for each of the staff in determining what to write, how to write it, and in what time frame. Tip: As you read through each template below, do not dismiss the GOLDEN information that each provides. There is a masterclass content recipe for each of the outlines. These recipes will not only help you and your writers structure an article as best possible, they are also meant to give you IDEAS on content for whatever niche you are involved in. The key ingredient in all of the articles that I like to write (and have my writers write) all have the same style: Simple List-Format Layouts That is all you need, and the following templates will give you the variety you can use to create simple list-format content that will ow superbly with your niche sites.


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Master Class Writing Template (1): The Classic "How To" Method
Everyone loves how to articles and they are in high demand online. In fact, entire authority sites have been created with thousands of articles that literally start with How To... People are busy out there and they want information YESTERDAY. This means that a "how to" article should be written in a simple manner, no uff, and with a great headline to attract the reader. Headline Tip: Always create an alluring headline that instantly provides a benet to the reader. Some of my personal headlines go something like this: - How To Lose 10 Pounds In 30 Days - How To Save $50 On Your Next Visit To The Spa - How To Choose The Perfect Kitten For Your Child Title Should Immediately Grab Attention Article Should Have 3-10 Tips Supporting The How To Guideline The Number Of Total Words Advised: 500 - 1,000
1st Paragraph: Write several sentences that immediately support the benet of the how to headline and how you are about to solve their problem. You should include a few supporting sentences that, like the headline, draws in the reader even further, something like WARNING: By taking action on the following steps in this article, be prepared to feel better, look younger and immediately attract the perfect partner. Tip Paragraph (1): This would be the 1st tip that you provide the viewer on how to solve their problem. Benet of Tip 1: This should be a few sentences that support the tip above. In other words, you listed down the actual do this above, so now you want to let the reader know how this tip will help them. Tip Paragraph (2): Repeat another tip as noted above. Benet of Tip 2: Repeat another benet support paragraph for this tip, as noted above. Tip Paragraph (3): Repeat Benet of Tip 3: Repeat Tip Paragraph (4): Repeat Benet of Tip 4: Repeat Tip Paragraph (5): Repeat Benet of Tip 5: Repeat Conclusion Paragraph: Sum up the points in just a couple of sentences reassuring the viewer that by following the tips in this article then the benet (from headline) will be achieved. Optional Bio Box: As mentioned previously, you have the option of adding a bio box which I highly recommend. This bio box should link to one of the Recommended Product Reviews on your own site.


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Master Class Writing Template (2): The Step-By-Step Guide

Another favorite layout of mine that mimic hundreds of my own articles are written in a simple step-by-step format. The idea is to create an article around a headline that is teaching the viewer something, a tip, guide, how to do something, xing a problem, getting rid of something, etc. Headline Tip: Always include the words Steps in the title and be sure to tell them exactly what they are going to learn (whats in it for them). - A 10-Step Buying Guide For The Perfect Grill - 3 Quick & Simple Steps To Achieving Happiness - Make an Extra $60,000 This Year: A Step-By-Step Guide Title Goes Here With Examples Above Article Should Have As Many Steps Needed To Cover At Least 500 Words The Number Of Total Words Advised: 500 - 1,000
1st Paragraph: The rst paragraph in the step by step layout should tell the reader EXACTLY what problem they are feeling/experiencing/etc. and also how their problem is going to be solved. You want to get inside of these readers heads immediately. For example, if the title of the article is the 10-Step Grill headline from the above examples, then I may say something like, Before you waste another $200 - $500 on another grill this year just to replace lasts years bbq grill, this simple 10-step guide will help you choose the model that will be around for years to come..... (then I would add some more sentences similar to that one). Step 1 (Sub-Title Only) - Example: Step 1: List down how many nights you will be grilling this summer. Step 1 Support Paragraph: After you wrote down the 1st step sub-title, you will then explain the step in detail with just a few sentences why that step is important, such as By knowing the grilling usage of your familys needs, we can help determine what brand and size will support your family for the next 5 years ... Step 2 (Sub-Title Only): Repeat Step 2 Support Paragraph: Repeat Step 3 (Sub-Title Only): Repeat Step 3 Support Paragraph: Repeat Step 4 (Sub-Title Only): Repeat Step 4 Support Paragraph: Repeat KEEP ON ADDING ENOUGH STEP SUB-TITLES & SUPPORT UNTIL THE TOPIC IS COVERED Conclusion Paragraph: Sum up the points in just a couple of sentences reassuring the viewer that by following the steps in this article then the benet (from headline) will be achieved. Optional Bio Box: As mentioned previously, you have the option of adding a bio box which I highly recommend. This bio box should link to one of the Recommended Product Reviews on your own site.


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Master Class Writing Template (3): The Pros & Cons Approach
Listing down Pros & Cons are some of the best articles to write when it comes to products and services. Just about every niche has some sort of instruction, choice or method that is recommended by the experts, and with listing down pros and cons of the topic - you can have a high quality themed article written in record time. Headline Tip: A variety of headlines could be used for the title with the pro and con article writing approach. Each will lead into listing the pros and cons of a related choice the reader can make from the niche topic. Here are are a few examples: - The Best Laptop Computer Of 2011: YOU Decide! - Are You A Terrible Person For Checking Your Boyfriends Cell Phone Records? - Confessions Of A TV Geek: What I Learned From Buying The New Sony LC 2000 Title Goes Here With Examples Above Pros & Cons Should All Have Sub-Titles The Number Of Total Words Advised: 500 - 1,000
1st Paragraph: Like all of the template examples give, by now you can see that the purpose of the 1st paragraph is to let the reader know what benet they will get from the following Pros & Cons laid out in the article. Sub-Title (1): Write a one-line sub-title that lists a feature, method or step that the reader will get into. For example, by following the headline example above on The Best Laptop.... you could write a few sentences like, The New Apple Macbook Pro Air Model: Light But Expensive. Pros for Sub-Title (1): List a few Pros of purchasing the new Apple Macbook Pro Air Model. Cons for Sub-Title (1): List a few Cons of purchasing the new Apple Macbook Pro Air Model. Sub-Title (2): Repeat for a new product, feature, choice or decision (based on your niche topic). Pros for Sub-Title (2): Repeat Cons For Sub-Title 2): Repeat Sub-Title (3): Repeat for a new product, feature, choice or decision (based on your niche topic). Pros for Sub-Title (3): Repeat Cons For Sub-Title (3): Repeat KEEP ADDING ENOUGH SUB-TITLES & PROS/CONS UNTIL THE TOPIC(S) ARE COVERED Conclusion Paragraph: Sum up the points in just a couple of sentences reassuring the viewer that by following the information in this article then the benet (from headline) will be achieved. Optional Bio Box: As mentioned previously, you have the option of adding a bio box which I highly recommend. This bio box should link to one of the Recommended Product Reviews on your own site.


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Master Class Writing Template (4): The Reasons Why Listing

Many times the most useful content for some of your readers will be to understand all of the reasons why they should buy something, use something, order something, etc. You can already see a common theme among all of the layouts that I enjoy using so far. Every one of them are designed to give the viewer benets of a particular topic. Headline Tip: Always have the words Reasons Why in the headline. And as usual, make the headline inviting. Here are some examples: - 3 Reasons Why Drinking Green Tea Can Help You Lose Weight - 10 Reasons To Buy A New Puppy From A Reputable Breeder - 5 Reasons Why Every Woman Should Be Taking Acai Berry Supplements Title Goes Here With Examples Above Pros & Cons should all have a sub-title The Number Of Total Words Advised: 500 - 1,000
1st Paragraph: Briey explain in two short paragraphs (or 1 medium paragraph) exactly what is going to happen to the reader when they make the choice to follow your headlines advice. Reason (1): Write 3-5 sentences describe the number one reason that the reader will benet from taking the advice given in the article. Reason (2): Repeat Reason (3): Repeat Reason (4): Repeat Reason (5): Repeat Reason (6): Repeat Reason (7): Repeat Reason (8): Repeat Reason (9): Repeat KEEP ADDING ENOUGH REASONS UNTIL THE TOPIC(S) ARE COVERED Conclusion Paragraph: Sum up the points in just a couple of sentences reassuring the viewer that by following the information in this article then the benet (from headline) will be achieved. Optional Bio Box: As mentioned previously, you have the option of adding a bio box which I highly recommend. This bio box should link to one of the Recommended Product Reviews on your own site.


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Master Class Writing Template (5): The Product Review Note

When I wrote my last course and gave the example product review article, I did not realize that people needed a universal template that could be used for all other types of products out there. The following template is not just limited to products. It could be used on anything you like which requires an honest opinion, experience or usage review. Headline Tip: I prefer to keep my review headlines simple and to the point. In fact, its one of the headline approaches where I do not try to overtly grab the reader. Of course you can use any attention-grabbing approach you wish, but my simple examples include the following:
- The Omron HEM-650 Wrist Blood Pressure Machine: An Expert Review - Planning On Applying For A Business Loan From X-Debt Services? Read My Experience - The Z7 Magnum Hunting Bow Review: Read What A 40-Year Veteran Hunter Has To Say

Title Goes Here With Examples Above Pros & Cons should all have a sub-title The Number Of Total Words Advised: 500 - 1,000
1st Paragraph: Like I mentioned above in my headline approach to reviews, I prefer to keep a less salesy approach and keep the information monotoned. All you need to do is write an introduction to the product, the model number or type of product it is (serial number, product name, etc.), why you decided to buy/use/ recommend this product, and nally - a quick description. But do not make this too long - get right to the features and benets of the topic (thats what people are looking for). Features Paragraph(s): List the features of the product in as many paragraphs as you need. I like to use bulletin-style lines. Pros (Benets) Paragraph(s): List the benets of the product is as many paragraphs as you need. Try to make this the bulk of your article, with anywhere from 4-10 brief benet paragraphs. Cons (Honest Negatives): Keep the cons to a minimum, but do list a few downsides. Doing so adds not only integrity to the article, but most people today nd it honest to see real-life cons on everything. Benets You Personally Admire: List down benets that you (or others) have experienced from the product. If you have not actually purchased the product, then hunt down some from actual reviews and quote them. Tips From The Provider: Every product has tips from the creator. Find them and list them down. You can easily nd this information on the website that the product is being sold on. Your Final Thoughts: Come up with 2-3 sentences for this last paragraph on your nal thoughts. Conclusion Paragraph: Sum up the points in just a couple of sentences reassuring the viewer that by following the information in this article then the benet (from headline) will be achieved. Optional Bio Box: As mentioned previously, you have the option of adding a bio box which I highly recommend. This bio box should link to one of the Recommended Product Reviews on your own site.


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Master Class Writing Template (6): The Myth Vs Facts Article

When creating your website, many niches will have an opportunity for you to discuss myths of something, where you can easily list down several myths of the issue, and follow that up with a fact paragraph to further balance out the information and discuss your main article idea in a positive light. Headline Tip: For the Myth Vs Fact article layout, your headline should have your topic start out with myths, and then how that myth is debunked - which attracts viewers, like so: - 5 Wedding Planning Myths That Can Save You $10,000 - 3 Public Speaking Myths That Can Increase Your Condence - Top 10 Myths Of Attracting Women (Follow This To Get Any Woman To Fall In Love) Title Goes Here With Examples Above Myths Vs Facts Should All Have 1 Sub-Title The Number Of Total Words Advised: 500 - 1,000
1st Paragraph: The best way to write your rst paragraph is to immediately warn the reader as to why there is a load of crap (gure of speech) pertaining to the main topic. For example, There are 3 myths that keep every new public speaker from having the condence needed when speaking to a large audience. If you can ignore these common suggestions and take our advice below, youll immediately own the audience! Myth #1 Subtitle (what is the myth?) Describe Myth #1 In Detail Fact That Debunks Myth #1 Myth #2 Subtitle (what is the myth?) Describe Myth #2 In Detail Fact That Debunks Myth #2 Myth #3 Subtitle (what is the myth?) Describe Myth #3 In Detail Fact That Debunks Myth #3 KEEP GOING UNTIL ALL OF YOUR MYTHS ARE COMPLETE Conclusion Paragraph: Sum up the same benets that your reader will get, the same ones listed from the 1st paragraph, as well as a short statement benet for each of the myths you already discussed. Optional Bio Box: As mentioned previously, you have the option of adding a bio box which I highly recommend. This bio box should link to one of the Recommended Product Reviews on your own site.


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Master Class Writing Template (7): The FAQ - Q & A Approach

There is nothing easier than taking your articles topic and creating another list-type approach which follows the simple questions and answers procedure. Its one of the simplest ways to take any theme words and turn them all into questions. Headline Examples:
- Is Your Mortgage Going Up? 7 Questions That Can Lower Your Mortgage Payment - 5 Questions To Ask The Salesman Before Buying A New Car - How To Create Radical Success By Asking Yourself These 20 Simple Questions

Title Goes Here With Examples Above The Number Of Total Words Advised: 500 - 1,000
1st Paragraph: The rst paragraph can be just a simple introduction. Your goal is to get them to look as fast down the list of questions as possible, so do not make this too long. Ask Question #1 Answer Question #1 Ask Question #2 Answer Question #2 Ask Question #3 Answer Question #3 Ask Question #4 Answer Question #4 Ask Question #5 Answer Question #5 KEEP GOING UNTIL ALL OF YOUR QUESTIONS ARE COMPLETE Conclusion Paragraph Optional Bio Box: As mentioned previously, you have the option of adding a bio box which I highly recommend. This bio box should link to one of the Recommended Product Reviews on your own site.


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More Article Templates Upon Request

To conclude this section, I wanted all of you to know that I have about 20 additional article layout ideas like the examples given here. I just did not want to ll up too much space as the ideas start to eventually become a pattern. So as part of providing more help and value to my customers, Ill be more than happy to upload them into the members area as a part of my free Xfactor Adsense Files updates. Just let me know... Also, if I can just say one more thing - article writing is easy once you get the hang of it. Although I have been known to write some really amazing, in-depth information on some of my authority sites, Ill always love to use the simple list-type layouts that all of my templates mimic above. Not only are these types of articles easy to write, but readers out there searching the web also appreciate content that is broken up into many short points, facts, questions, steps, etc.


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Chapter 5: Authority Site Layout (Part 1) The Great Silo Mystery Solved
The Silo Structure Explained: Its Quite Simple Actually Demystifying The Silo Phenomena Just Like A Book: Straight From Google A Sample Silo Diagram Now The Hard Part (Not Really): How To Set Up Your Silo Folders The Directory Silo Explained The Virtual Silo: How I Do It (Lazy Me) Which Silo Structure Should You Use?


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The Silo Structure Explained: Its Quite Simple Actually

Before I show you my ideal authority site layout, there is one thing I need to quickly touch up on, and that is the silo situation. Although siloing your sites tends to be a confusing subject for new publishers (I even get questions on how to silo by veterans as well), the principle is actually quite easy to understand Demystifying The Silo Phenomena Im going to explain what a silo is and how to use a silo structure in as simple terms possible - because its just that - simple! First of all, the term siloing was created as a way to help you structure your website for the search engines, as well as the viewers of your website. As for the search engines, the idea is very straight forward: Link your site in a way that helps the spiders easily identify a sites concept and to ensure that the entire model has complete relevancy to the overall theme. Just Like A Book: Straight From Google Google explained a long time ago that a website should be organized much like the chapters of a book. 1) Your home page is like a books table of contents, which links to all of your chapters. 2) Each of these chapters are considered categories on your site. 3) And just like a specic chapter of a book, your sites categories should contain information related to that chapter (category). Thats it folks - thats all there is to it. Now allow me to give you a visual as it pertains to any and all sites you create from now on (even micro-topic authority sites.)


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A Sample Silo Diagram

Some of you already know the basic outline of what it takes to silo your websites, but for the rest of you that are still in the dark, this section should be a great eye-opener as to the overall simplicity of the matter. For the sake of space, Ive only used 3 category slots in the below diagram. Most sites will have from 5 categories on up to 100s if necessary over time.

Here Is A Breakdown Of The Silo Diagram: 1) The home page of any site should have links to all categories. In the diagram example above, I am using Tea as the theme-niche authority site model.
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2) Each category will then have 1 general article on that category page related to the category title. For example, the Benets of Black Tea will have a 500-750 word general article discussing, yep - you guessed it - benets of black tea. 3) So for the Benets of Black Tea category, all articles related to black tea will link from that page. 4) Now here is where the real Siloing comes in: Every new article about black tea will only be linked from the bottom of that category (after your article), and in an orderly fashion - the same goes for all additional articles within each category. 5) Internal linking should be done as often as possible, but not too crazy. I say try to link every page to the home page at least once, and also to a minimum of 1-2 other pages on your site (one of them being the main category of the specic article).

Now The Hard Part (Not Really): How To Set Up Your Silo Folders
You can set up your silo structure in essentially 2 different ways: 1) The Virtual Silo (this is how I create all of my sites). 2) The Directory Silo (I only recommend this if you are building a whole market authority site model). So that you can work on your authority sites with condence from the beginning, knowing that you have done this right, it is important to understand the difference between a virtual silo and a directory silo.

The Directory Silo Explained

A directory silo is a structure that is not only linked appropriately on your website (as in my example diagram above), but that is also organized individually on the directory folders on your server. Sound complicated? Dont worry, its not - especially since every website builder like XsitePro and even wordpress can do this for you automatically. Using an example niche in the tea area, and a few example categories, let me show you what your URLs will look like within a directory silo:


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Domain Name

Silo Category

Directory Folder URL

Additional Article Page URL

Green Tea gourmet-tea-machine.html

Black Tea

Chai Tea

Roobios Tea

Oolong Tea

Gourmet Tea

Herbal Tea

Organic Tea

Iced Tea

Jasmine Tea

To sum up the important notes about creating a directory silo: 1) Every new article page will be linked in its perspective directory. The above example shows you 1 article for each category. Every new article will be linked the same in the folder. 2) Be sure you do not exceed too many characters. From the research that I have gathered there seems to be a bit of a problem with the search engine spiders when you ULRs start to reach the 40-50 mark. This is not set in stone but I prefer to give that warning just to be safe. 3) Be sure to have at least 3-5 article pages that you can link from a specic category before launching your site live. Again, like #2 above there is no hardcore research that says you must do this, but its another piece of advice I would personally follow.


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The Virtual Silo: How I Do It (Lazy Me)

A virtual silo is exactly how I have created all of my sites with their linking structure. The main difference between this silo effect and the directory silo is that a directory silo links all respective pages in both the folder on your server, as well as on your website (as in the above diagram). On the other hand, a virtual silo is just a matter of linking all of your new pages within a proper themed silo structure on your site only. But how will the URLs look like with a virtual silo? Ah - another simple concept: Instead of having your domain, then the domain/category, then the domain/category/article-related-to-this-category... Every web page will easily be linked immediately after the domain. Just like this:

Domain Name

Silo Category

Category URL

Additional Article Page URLs

Green Tea

Black Tea

Chai Tea

Roobios Tea


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Which Silo Structure Should You Use?

To end this chapter on silo structure, I want to rst say that I hope the great mystery has been cleared up. To be honest with you, I had written down about 10 additional pages of notes on this subject over the last 15 months but when I went to trim all of the unnecessary information down, there was very little left than what I have already written. Now, the big question: Which silo structure should you use on your sites? First of all, no matter what site you build with categories that properly link to all related articles of that category, this common site linking structure is automatically considered a virtual silo. In other words, most of you have already been doing this for years and may not have realized it. So the real question should be: Should you go through the trouble of creating a directory silo and working with individual folders on your server? Please keep in mind that my advice is only that - advice from my personal perspective. I teach how **I** would go about the details in this business - totally based on my experience. So here is my answer: 1) For micro-topic authority sites, there is no need for individual directories. The reason? Because every new article added will support the overall theme of the site. 2) For themed-niche authority sites, again, there is no need to go through the hoops of creating directory silos on your server. The reason is the same as the micro-topic authority model: All additional pages will generally support the overall theme of the site itself. 3) For broad-niche authority sites, you MAY want to create unique folders for each silo. This depends on the niche. For example, if the niche is Hair Loss, which I consider a broad-niche authority model, I would not use directory silos. Why? Because by researching the keywords in that niche (and by just using common sense), every article will generally relate to hair loss.
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On the other hand, if the niche was Fitness Programs then I may create individual silos on my server because there will be all kinds of tness programs that do not relate to each other. 4) Lastly, for a whole-market authority sites, DEFINITELY use directory silos. The answer is obvious - because every category will have absolutely nothing to do with each other. Case in point: I should have done this with my health site, but I did not. It still does very well but would more than likely have resulted in better rankings (and faster).


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Chapter 6: Authority Site Layout (Part 2) My Personal Layout For Authority Sites
Introduction: 4 Tips Before Getting Started Lets Get Started: The Home Page Number 1: The Header Design Number 2: Upper Fold Navigation Menu Number 3: Home Page Intro Paragraph Number 4: Google Search Bar Number 5: Main Navigation Menu Number 6: Banner Graphic Leading To CPA or Afliate Offer Number 7: Snippet Links To My Categories (Plus Graphics) Number 8: Links To New Articles On My Site (Totally Optional) Category Pages, Article Pages & Adsense Ads Number 9: Category Page & It's Respective Area Number 10: Article Title & Image Placement To Left Of Title Number 11: Divider Line (Ideal For Adsense TOS Safety) Number 12: Article Body Number 13: Favorite Adsense Placement (Best of Both Worlds) Number 14: Linking All Category Articles The Other Pages: About, Contact, Privacy, Etc. The About Us Page The Privacy Policy Page The FAQ Page (Optional) The Contact Us Page The Xfactor "Contact Us" Page Guidelines: The Blog & Discussion Forum Pages (Totally Optional) The Products Page Final Tips For The Products Page


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Introduction: 4 Tips Before Getting Started

It's now time to show you my favorite way of setting up my authority sites, big or small, as well as the basic on-page SEO you need to implement (in the next chapter). Although this section is very simple (and mostly visual), there are some important points that I need you to consider before moving on: 1) My favorite site example I am going to show you uses a header. I no longer test the usage of headers for the sake of increasing click through rate. Instead, if it makes the site look good then I add one. In the past I've had a bit of a problem with A.D.D. when it came to stuff like header designs: take them off/test - put them back on/test - take them off again/test - it is a waste of time. If you like the way your sites look and you think it presents an instant picture of authority without a header, then do not use one, case closed. 2) I use XsitePro to this day (love that software), but you can also use wordpress as well to make your authority sites (or Joomla, Drupal, Front Page, etc.) It honestly makes no difference at all. Whatever you enjoy working with on a daily basis for your site building and content updates is what matters. For the wordpress guys and girls out there, I've got a recommended source for templates you should purchase from a long-time friend and fellow customer of my old course (will share that source in the last chapter). 3) You are going to see a very simple, yet attractive site design. When creating authority websites it is important to be appealing to the eye. Remember, you want to get those juicy backlinks from other authority sites in your niche, and by being a bit more visibly appealing than an ugly site - your chances of getting links improve 10-fold. (With smaller micro niche sites it did not matter as much because minimal link-building was needed - under the radar, so to speak). 4) Last but not last, I highly recommend that you create your own layouts and designs along the way, using mine as a guide only. Be unique, change your colors, try setting the navigation menu on the left, try using different ad blocks, etc. It's all about making a site layout that is viewer friendly and is pleasant to the eye (think "authority"). Bring your own personality into your business!


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Lets Get Started: The Home Page

Below are 3 diagrams of my preferred authority site home page (I can't squeeze the entire home page into one pic). And after all 3 diagrams are shown, there will be my explanations based on the number you see painted onto the pictures.


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Number 1: The Header Design

The header design of my authority sites are simple and made by me personally. Nope, Im no graphic designer. Instead I use Xheader, which is an awesome tool if you are a tech-dummy like me. When making your header there should be strict attention to the overall color scheme of your site. This means going with a color that matches your niche, not mine or anyone elses. Since this was a Tea example, I went with soft browns and greens. Your niche may be different. I have a knack for putting together the right colors, which comes with experience (Ive built LOTS of sites in my years). Just use common sense and check out the color schemes of niche sites that relate to yours (some of the best ideas are already out there for you to mimic). Question: Do you need a header on your authority sites? Answer: Not at all. As I mentioned in the intro to this chapter this decision is based on how I want my sites to look in terms of being unique and having some appeal. You could go with no header, or a simple logo with a search bar. The options are not set in stone.


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Number 2: Upper Fold Navigation Menu

Although not necessary, I enjoy having 2 navigation menus on my authority sites, one on the right site for all of my sites main categories, and one on the top (under the header) for all of the other links that are non-categoric in nature: These non-categoric links include: Home Page About Us Privacy Policy FAQ Page Contact Us Blog (If Needed) Discussion Forum (If Needed) Afliate Product Page Any Other... I will go into more detail shortly as to some tips when creating these pages, but for now I just want you to know that this is all optional. All pages could realistically be linked from your main navigational menu if you like. This particular approach, however, is just a personal taste of mine - nothing more, nothing less.


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Number 3: Home Page Intro Paragraph

Always have an intro paragraph for your home page. It does not have to be an entire article. In fact, notice that my example is just a 1 sentence quote. So why did I use a quote for my home page intro paragraph? Because I liked it! Although this site example is not an actual niche I am currently working with, if I were to invest into a Tea authority site then I would use the exact same quote intro and everything else you see. It just works for my tastes! Question: Can you have a full article on the home page instead of just a small intro? By all means you can do anything you like, so yes, you may. As I always say, the more content, the better - regardless of where it is. Having said that, of you look at the home page of any large content site as nothing more than a portal to the rest of the categories, doors so to speak. Just look at any major authority site, news site, etc. and you will see that the home pages are very much made up of links to new articles, updated sections, and categories.

Number 4: Google Search Bar

Another addition I like to use on my authority sites is the placement of a Google search bar, which can be created from your Adsense account code. Its the search for ads choice you make in your account. Again, its not necessary to have on your site, but it has made me a lot of money from people typing in search terms and getting those additional clicks. The idea for my own taste is to just provide a more professional look to the upper fold. Search bars are very common and it just plain looks good!


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Number 5: Main Navigation Menu

All of my sites now have a main navigational menu. This is the area where all of the categories will be listed (each page of my sites will show this area, even the home page). Much different than my advice on micro niche sites, our goal here with authority sites is to look as solid and professional as possible. A category page is just that: an honest display of what your site is about. The design you see here is nothing special (the brown and white spaces). In fact, each niche site has a different air on all colors and designs, so do not get caught up in worring about having it look the exact same. Question: Must the main navigational menu be placed on the right side of the website? Answer: You can place your menu on the left side of your website if you wish. I have indeed found to get a slightly higher CTR when the main navigational menu is on the right, as shown in my example, because it allows me to place the Adsense ads to the left. Note: Remember, the key with authority sites is not to worry about the highest CTR - the key is to create a user-friendly authority site that has all of the components that Google wants, and that your viewers want!


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Number 6: Banner Graphic Leading To CPA or Affiliate Offer

About 1 year ago I added a CPA/Afliate banner ad to every page, on every site that I owned. The results were phenomenal in extra income! Clicks to these banners do not happen often, as todays Internet searchers has what is called banner blindness, meaning they are clearly not drawn to graphic ads like people used to be. However, the times they do click are well worth having an extra graphic on either your right side or left side of each page. You could even have a small horizontal banner going across the page, above the fold, either above or below the article title. In addition to benets of possible extra income, banners like these add a nice spark of design and graphics to your sites. Golden Tip: Dont be afraid to put banner ads for offers that have absolutely nothing to do with your websites topic, or maybe even loosely related to your theme. As you can see from the example to my left, this is a weight loss banner offer that has nothing to do with Tea and I did that on purpose. You never know what people are going to be interested in, which is why you can have fun with this ad placement. In fact, some of my highest earning CPA/afliate commissions came from a very expensive work at home offer that I had listed on my niches sites that were about health, home furnishings and baby items.


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Number 7: Snippet Links To My Categories (Plus Graphics)

On my home page main area I basically use this section to be a lead in to all of my sites main categories. Although the categories are already listed on my main navigational menu, what I do here is write a unique paragraph of content that gives a little teaser to what the section is all about. Youll notice that the title of each category in this section is made up of a longer-phrase keyword. For example, the category mint tea has Mint Tea Recipes. I do this for some extra long-tail SEO benet, nothing more. This title then links to its perspective category. I also wrap an image to the left side for extra air. It looks nice and creates professionalism.
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Number 8: Links To New Articles On My Site (Totally Optional)

At the bottom of my home page youll notice the above text, which I try to use on most of the home pages on my sites. Its not totally necessary, but I nd this list adds extra content and professionalism to the overall layout for the home page. Besides, just about every major authority site, news site and article directory does the same thing, so it must be a wise choice! The process is simple: 1) Lets say you just updated a new article to one of your categories. What I do is link the new article right at the top of the list of whatever other articles are already listed. 2) Ill post the title of the article, with that entire title hyper-linked to the actual article page. 3) Following the title, Ill include maybe 1 sentence (at most 2 sentences) which briey explains what the article is about. 4) You cannot list every article from the home page, of course, so over time (for example, say when you reach 50 articles), Ill start deleting the old snippets and links each time I post a new one. This means that for every new article snippet that I post on top, the very bottom one will get deleted. 5) You could also add more design to the overall appeal of the article snippets by wrapping a related image, much like the categories above it. 6) Key note: You do not have to do any of this! This is a personal choice and I enjoy taking the extra time to beef up the content on my home page, plus it helps my new articles get spidered quickly as there will be a lot of backlinks hitting the home page naturally.
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Category Pages, Article Pages & Adsense Ads

The set up of my category pages and article pages are virtually identical. The only difference is that my category page will have links underneath the main content that links to every other article related to that category. Ill explain this very easily, but rst, here are the overall snapshots that I will cover below:




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Number 9: Category Page & It's Respective Area

As you can see, when someone clicks on the link to the right which says Tea Health Benets, this will be the page they come to. (This is also the page that the home page snippet and image will link to, should a viewer follow the link to the area.) Youll also notice that the category pages main keyword is in the article title (Ill get into details soon on the best on-page optimization as far as keywords, titles and tags go).

Number 10: Article Title & Image Placement To Left Of Title

Like every article on my authority sites, I try to make the title catchy. There really is nothing to say about this area besides perhaps the placement of that image. There is no secret reason why I placed that image there, other than I like the way it looks. However, I will tell you that it DOES draw the eye immediately to the left of the content, which may help viewers to see that area above the fold quicker. Note: Please be very careful with the use of any images on your sites when it comes to complying with Adsense TOS (terms of service). You can get your Adsense account banned for trying to coerce a viewer to click on an ad. I advise you to read through the TOS for Adsense publishers if you have any doubts at all of ad placement, promotional questions, etc.


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Number 11: Divider Line (Ideal For Adsense TOS Safety)

Youll notice a neat little divider line above my content and Adsense ads, and below the title. This is a very small detail that I think everyone should be implementing if your Adsense blocks are anywhere near the title of your article like my above preferred placement these days. The reason is simple: You protect your Adsense account from the risk of appearing to inuence the viewer about the Adsense ads below it. Yes, I still have many pages of content with the Adsense block below the title (nonwrapped), like the example placement in my old course, but I am also an established publisher and for some reason long-time Adsense users can get away with things like that. Personally, my authority sites have the line because - I like the way it looks, plain and simple.


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Number 12: Article Body

There really isnt much to say about the article body, but I wanted to bring up a very important tip that I believe makes your web pages blend better with your Adsense Ads. Of course this is my opinion only, but I feel that it is best to create your font as close the font you use for your Adsense Ads. (You can change the font of your ads easily within the instructions inside your Adsense log-in account). I have my ads all set on small font, which I prefer over the larger sizes. Mix and match your fonts too, if you like. Remember, everything about this business is meant to change up to match your own style of publishing and personality.


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Number 13: Favorite Adsense Placement (Best of Both Worlds)

You must know that I have many different placements on my sites for both testing and design purposes. Remember, your goal with the authority sites that you want to grow out and get maximum exposure should be to present your Ads so that they are denitely eye catching, but not forced. The template in my old course has a very crude and minimal placement approach, which is the best for highest click through rates, but your authority site approach needs be perceived as: Content rst, making money 2nd. In my opinion and experience, the best of both worlds is wrapping the ads around your text, and doubling a square block over each other, and keeping the text blue. Note: There are dozens of ways to place your Ads. Do not just limit yourself to one placement. Try several adjustments so that you feel condent in your own design and CTR.


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Number 14: Linking All Category Articles

Remember all of the keywords that we pulled in my keyword research section? These are the keywords that you will use for article topics, as Ive already explained in previous chapters. All of these article topics will be linked from whatever category page you are working on. Because I like to have a nice article on my category pages, my personal preference is to link my articles at the bottom of the article, like in the image above. Always use the main keyword in the anchor text when you link to that article page. This provides additional on-page SEO benets, as well as linking to the right place. Also, you may or may not want to provide a little article teaser. I always prefer more content, so typically each article link will be followed by a few sentences, much like my home page. As noted in the image above, the red text answers a very popular question for many folks growing out there sites: Do I keep linking every article from that one category if my site is grows out to hundreds or thousands of pages - wont that be too long on the page? Yes - for the most part. Unless you plan on getting to several thousand articles from any one category, you can basically just keep adding the links to the bottom. But I seriously doubt you will ever reach a point of that many articles on just one category. If need be, you can create a table which is basically just a way to create 2 columns on your category page for the links. This literally doubles your page space as far as the horizontal length goes, but again - youll probably never need to do this.
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The Other Pages: About, Contact, Privacy, Etc.

Now Id like to touch up on the other pages, which include everything else but your category pages and article pages. First of all, there is no need to have 2 different menu placements like my example has shown. You could have them all on 1 menu (listed with your categories) if you like. This is just my personal preference and I like the way it ows with the entire layout. I have basically added this 2nd navigational menu to most of my sites that are of decent niche size. Youll also notice below that there is a link that says Blog and one for Discussion Board. This is just to show you where I would place these links if you do have an outside blog or forum in your niche and rooted from the same domain. Although it is obvious what these other pages are used for, allow me just a few minutes to give you a few tips that I feel are important on each one.


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The About Us Page

This section is a way in which you can establish an identity with your audience. Most visitors will not come here, but it's still good to create pages like this to provide professionalism and authority for your niche site. Remember, this page is not for Google visually - just think naturally and for the benet of your readers. What should you write here? Instead of writing out an example and having you put absolutely no thought or personal touch on your own sites, it's best to coach you with some pointers: 1) Write down the purpose of your website and why it was established: Why did you create your site? What is your motivation behind the articles on your site? Who are you trying to help? 2) Write down who is behind the creation of your site: Are you a family passionate about your niche? If so then write that down. Do you have a team of writers dedicated to research and reporting? Then write that down as well. Also, consider a small prole on each of your writers or others working behind the scenes. 3) Write down the future plans you have for readers of your site: Do you plan on providing more in-depth articles about a different direction? Do you have an ebook coming out based on your sites niche? Adding a new category in the future? Put all of this information on the about us page as well. There are tons of ideas that you can use for your about us page. These are just the basics that I have used on my own sites. Remember - its all about your audience, not Google, so dont stress over having the perfect about us page. Just be honest, simple and let it ow.


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The Privacy Policy Page

I cant stress enough just how important it is to have a privacy policy on your website, especially when you are running Adsense (it is in the terms of service to have a privacy policy, or your Adsense account can get banned). In fact, if you have a site that has ANY advertising whatsoever - afliate products, CPA offers or click advertisements like Adsense, then you need to have protection from the FTC and other legal departments. Do not spend all of your precious time and energy on creating a wonderful authority site only to skip out on the legal protection you need. For the most part I have used general privacy policy notices. But a year ago I decided to ensure that my businesses were protected, so I hired an attorney and paid big dollars to have a unique privacy policy drawn up for my sites. In fact, its the one investment that I would advise you take care of immediately! Here are 3 options you can use to obtain a privacy policy: 1) Use the attorney that I hired. His name is Bob Silber and his client list includes famous marketers like Frank Kern, John Reese, Michael Filsaime, Jimmy D. Brown, Stephen Pierce and Mark Joyner. The fee is not cheap, but you can use the forms for all of your websites and you get everything you need in order to be 100% compliant, with both Google & the Law. The price will be several thousand dollars. Here is Bobs website and services: 2) There is a much cheaper option that I think most of you might appreciate better than spending $3,000 for your privacy policy and other forms. Please know that its always best to get the real thing, but I just found a service called Legal Forms Generator which advertises the following documents for you when you order the $297 package: Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Video & Audio Terms Of Use Anti-Spam Policy Afliate Agreement Refund Policy And so on...
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Here is the website link for this service: Please Note: I am not personally endorsing the use of these forms, as I prefer to hire and work with an attorney, so do your own due diligence before making any decision to use legal documents on your website. 3) The 3rd option you may want to choose is to just copy and paste a general privacy policy for your websites. Im not suggesting that your authority sites should use forms that are blatantly ripped off from other websites, not at all. Some people have examples that you can actually use, with their permission. Again, this would not be my ideal choice, but if you cannot spend the money yet on proper legal forms then there is nothing wrong with putting a temporary band-aide on your privacy policy page. The Jensense folks have had something like this up for a while now. Their site provides and example privacy policy that you can take advantage of. Here is the link: Note: You are not 100% protected unless you have an attorney look over and approve of the privacy policy you need, so if you decide to copy an example that is provided free online, do so are your own risk.

The FAQ Page (Optional)

I started adding an FAQ page to my sites some time ago. For my health site I added one to every main health ailment. You could also have one for each category. You will eventually get emails from people that view your website. They will ask you questions about items like your article topics, seeking advice and asking for recommendations on a particular subject. (I get at least 50 emails daily from my niche sites). Having an FAQ page not only helps reduce these emails and questions, but it is also courteous to provide your viewers with common questions that may come up. Your FAQ page should also be linked from the Contact Us page, so as to direct people to the Q & A rst, before emailing you.
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The types of questions you decide to post and answer depend totally on your niche subject. And its probably best for new sites to totally avoid having an FAQ page until you actually start to receive emails - then youll know the most common items that your audience is in need of.

The Contact Us Page

Just like the motivation behind the about us page, the purpose of a simple and courteous contact us page is so that people can ask you questions for numerous reasons, such as the following: You need this page especially when obtaining feedback from your visitors (great for future content ideas). You might get a great contact for link exchanges from other webmasters, and anyone wanting to advertise on your site (outstanding possible income generator). A starving writer out there just might want to offer you content at a cheap price. Many new writers look for specic niche sites to ask for work. Youll get asked to review a product or service that has to do with the niche your site is about. And my favorite emails are when someone asks me to place a link or banner on my site and are willing to pay. Do not pass up this opportunity by skipping a contact page! The Xfactor "Contact Us" Page Guidelines: 1) Always have the title (brandable name) of your site in the top of the page. You will want your customers/visitors to immediately have your sites name in their minds. Something like Would You Like To Contact The Tea Report would be a decent title for this page. 2) Include a mailing address, perhaps a PO Box for privacy reasons. I have no actual proof of this, but I do believe that having information like an address helps establish authority in Google. It could be a long shot, but its not far fetched to assume that the Google machine picks up patterns like addresses within its algorithm or spiders, and uses for a positive ranking effect.


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3) Include your phone number, preferably a 1-800 number that leads automatically to a voice box (you never know what good things can come from people trying to call you. Again, like the mailing address opinion I have, it may help establish authority for Google. However, the true motivation behind a phone number and voicemail is to take advantage of the positive reasons why someone would want to contact you (as mentioned above: writers, link exchanges, advertising offers, etc.) 4) Always direct readers to an "FAQ" section of your site in this area. Many times your readers just need some answers to basic questions that you can list easily for them. Not every email that comes in is necessary to deal with. They may be just very basic questions. If you link to an FAQ page right before supplying your email address and phone number, it may save both you and the viewer time. 5) And most importantly - check your contact information often! Keep the info up to date. Many times we move or change numbers, etc. without remembering to update our own niche sites and contact info, so keep this page current at all times.

The Blog & Discussion Forum Pages (Totally Optional)

For anyone out there that decides to add a blog or forum to their niche authority site, these links t in perfectly on the upper menu option as I have shown. I would not even worry about adding a blog or discussion board if you are not able to sustain the content, have the trafc, or cannot keep daily control over your forum (it is hard work running a forum once it gets busy). To date, I have not set up a blog for any of my sites, but many major authority sites out there do just that - have a blog that offers snippets of additional information whenever a new article is published on the main site, a new product review comes in, or even just some personal talk to their audience, etc. About adding discussion boards, I am currently in the process of adding a forum to 6 of my authority sites. But this is only something I am doing because I am fortunate enough to have a small staff that can run the boards for me (take care of moderating, problem users, sign-up info, questions, etc). Dont worry about adding a forum (or blog) anytime soon! Wait until you start building up large trafc numbers and earnings, then make that choice. With a forum especially, the pay-off can be huge, but the work time can eat up your hours so consider all of the pros and cons before jumping the gun.
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The Products Page

Another optional page that I like to have on my sites these days are what I called products pages. This is a site layout tactic that I just started using some months ago.

The purpose behind the products page is to link to each and every afliate review page you have. It is essentially like a category page of products and services. And each of these links will then link to a full review or product article on your site. You do NOT have to link your afliate offers like this. Instead, you could always just link them from your articles if need be, but Im going to tell you right now to seriously consider this set up. The reason? More sales! Although Adsense is my primary focus in terms of monetization, having a products page has allowed my viewers to nd these offers more easily from creating a full article review on every afliate program my niches have listed down.
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Not only do I enjoy the SEO benets of getting additional trafc to these offers (since each one has a dedicated page to that specic product), but it makes it easier for me to link all of my offers through a resource box at the end of my article. And if the offer is ever removed, or the link has changed by the owner of that afliate offer, then all I have to do is change one link on one page for each offer - instead of looking back trying to nd hundreds of the links through scattered articles all of my site. Every time I found a new product to discuss, I simply create a one-page review and then link that page from the products page, in the same fashion as my home page. Final Tips For The Products Page If you do not want to create an individual review page for each offer, you can also just have all of your products that are listed here linked directly to your afliate offers. I like the rst option because I can then optimize an entire page around an article, thus creating more opportunity for rankings and trafc to that page. You may or may not want to place adsense here. I personally do not, but that is not based on testing or anything like that. I am thinking of my viewers. If I say that this page is a list of product information, then that is what I want to give my viewers. For your product article, simply pick from one of the easy article-writing templates included in my book. Articles for product pages are open to all styles of writing, which makes it very easy to implement.


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Chapter 7: Authority Site Layout (Part 3) How To Optimize Your Web Pages
On-Page SEO: The List Of Optimization Items You Need The Title Tag Meta Description Tag Meta Keywords Tag Meta Robots Tag (No-Follow) Header Tags (H1 - H2 - H3 - Etc.) Adding Images To Your Articles (And Alt Image Tags) Final Tip: Keyword Density Guidelines (In Your Content)


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On-Page SEO: The List Of Optimization Items You Need

To nish off the sections on site layout, Ive decided to include a very straightforward set of instructions to ensure that your web pages are fully optimized for the search engines. These instructions have been the backbone of basic on-page SEO for years, and it is important that you adhere to the following guidelines for each and every new page you publish online. The following areas are all that you need to cover in order for your site to be fully optimized. Title Tag Meta Descriptions Keyword Tag Header Tags (H1, H2, etc.) Image Links Bolded Keywords

The Title Tag

I have placed the title tag as the rst topic on this section because I truly believe that having your target keyword inside the title tag is one of the most crucial factors your pages need in order to rank well. In fact, by creating the proper title tag for every web page you publish, you are sending a clear message to Google that says, Here I am and here is what my page is about, please rank me accordingly... The title tag information is also one of the ways in which Google looks for duplicate content on your website (something 99% of publishers miss!). So never have duplicate title tags or your pages will be slapped into the supplemental index. Here is everything you need to know about the best title tag approach:


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1) Make short and quick title tags. Not only do long title tags lower the click through rate to your site from a search engine listing, but short titles come across in a much more compelling fashion. 2) Title tags should be considered somewhat of mini headlines, and from my personal testing and professional opinion, its best to create a non-informative title tag for all of your pages. Something very straightforward is ideal. 3) Use the pipe or dash character symbols throughout your title tag to separate any additional keywords you might use. I prefer the | (pipe) symbol myself. 4) Never have the same keyword repeated throughout your title tag. It is not necessary to stuff your pages main keyword at all. In fact, this could get your site into trouble. 5) I advise that you use a maximum of 60-70 characters in your title tag. Less is better. Google only displays a portion of it anyways, so its better to get in your phrase as quickly as possible 6) Most importantly, avoid repeating title tags throughout your site. Even title tags that are similar can be deemed as duplicate content by Google and your rankings will suffer. 7) Some example title tags could be: How To Cook A Turkey (main keyword only, no secondary keywords) Benets Of Green Tea | Weight Loss (main keyword plus 1 secondary supporting keyword) How To Organize A Closet | Organization Videos | Storage (main keyword plus 2 supporting keywords Lose Weight Fast | Burn Fat | 6 Pack Abs (main keyword plus 3 supporting keywords)

Meta Description Tag


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Your meta description tag is a brief summary of what your page is about. It provides a quick insight to web searchers of the material on your page. My advice is to adhere to the following: Its best to keep this to less than 175 characters (my personal opinion). Its your title tag that will be the main inuence for the eyes of a web searcher, so keep your description brief. Consider the meta description a small ad that you can use to try to get people to your web page. Take the extra time to write it accordingly. If you do not write up one, Google will automatically nd related text from your site. Try to avoid this. For help in writing your descriptions, look at Adwords advertisements. These are actually the best descriptions you can nd to mimic for your own text. Never keyword stuff your meta descriptions. Not only is it bad practice, but you can get agged for spam and end up hurting the ranking power of your domain.

Meta Keywords Tag

Dont worry too much over the meta keywords tag, just ll it in. This area is something that Google used to use for a way to quickly rank sites, but soon became abused by spammers like yesterdays garbage. Today Google pretty much ignores this area within their algorithm changes. Yahoo & Bing still use it, however. How much longer both of these search engines will continue to use them for some sort of ranking score - I cant say. So if Google ignores this tag then should you be using it? Sure, why not. Just follow these tips: Do not use your main keyword in this area (competitors steal from here). Add niche-related keywords to the list. Have no more than 8 - 10 total phrases. For ideas, simply look up the top sites and see what keywords they are using. Finally, use a different set of keywords for each page (do not duplicate everything).
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Meta Robots Tag (No-Follow)

Although this quick mention of using the no follow tag is more or less an internal linking lesson, I feel its best to discuss in terms of your on-page factors because it is a external setting for specic pages on your sites. For those of you who are unsure of what a no follow tag is, it is a small piece of code that tells Google not to index your page. There is no need to have the functional pages indexed, you now, the other pages we just talked about: About Us, Contact, etc. In order to do this, my site builder (XsitePro) has a one-click function for each page:


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Header Tags (H1 - H2 - H3 - Etc.)

Header tags are a no-brainer, so Ill keep this very short. You all probably know already that making the title of your article page into a header tag is always needed. Always make the title of your article an H1 Tag. You may want an H2 Tag for a subheading, and most likely never need an H3 Tag (I dont use H3 Tags). Warning: Never use more than one H1 tag on your pages. Its like telling Google that your web page, like a magazine article, has 2 major headlines (doesnt make sense).

Now if your article has a sub heading (as inserted in the below screenshot) then you will want to put that sub heading as an H2 tag. If you do not have a subheading, like my article example above, then do not put one on your page. Its that simple - no need to stuff every H-tag just for the sake of it.


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Adding Images To Your Articles (And Alt Image Tags)

Anytime you want to include an image on your article pages then by all means do it! Not only are images a sign of quality when someone views your site, they also provide a chance to send some internal link power throughout your site. For example, below is my sample article featured but with the addition of an image to the right. Warning: Please keep images away from your Adsense ads unless you have a clear divider line. Years ago it was acceptable to use images right next to the Ads, but the rules have changed and you could get your Adsense account banned by abusing this practice.

Again, my site builder is XsitePro, and it makes it very simple to add the alt tag to all images. I literally just right click on the image and then type in the keyword for the alt tag box, like so in the screenshot below:


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Final Tip: Keyword Density Guidelines (In Your Content)

Keyword density is based on a percentage of the number of times you use a specic keyword throughout your content (main keyword for a particular web page). The overall keyword density of your content does not include the Description, Title Tag, Alt Tags, etc. Keywords that also do not count into your overall density are your right and left navigation menus (if you have both), anything in the upper menu area, and footer (if you have one). Based on all of my testing and reviewing the success of my authority sites, here are my guidelines to you: 1) Use the main keyword only once in the title. 2) Use the main keyword one time in your Heading Tag (H1). 3) Use the main keyword one time in your URL. 4) Bold the keyword at least one time (I prefer once in the 1st paragraph). 5) If you are measuring density, shoot from 2% - 7% (I actually do not measure mine.)


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Chapter 8: Site Promotion The Authority Way (Part 1) A Crash Course In Backlinking
A Crash Course In Backlinks: Catching You Up To Speed Lesson (1) Why Google Keeps Us Guessing: A Quick Story Lesson (2) Backlinks Truly Are King Lesson (3) The Winning Backlink Formula For Today's Google (And Tomorrow's) Lesson (4) The Right Anchor Text Theme (You Have 3 Options) Lesson (5) The Sites That Link To You (You Have 3 Options) Lesson (6) Important: Control The Rate At Which You Build Links (Link Velocity) Lesson (7) The Secret Behind The "Best Backlinks" You Can Get


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A Crash Course In Backlinks: Catching You Up To Speed

What you are about to learn in this section of my course will skyrocket your personal knowledge above and beyond the dribble that is being rumored along Internet marketing forums and in most e-books in terms of what backlinks are, how they work and what Google is looking for when it comes to quality linking to your sites. And I will do this for you in less than 10 pages. Now lets be real about this: Knowledge of SEO and backlinking information, testing and changes, etc. are not something you can wrap up in a bottle and serve. So although the following crash course in backlinks is, in my opinion, all you need to know to get your business started on the right foot - the truth is that the learning goes on forever and ever. Note: I still have over 50 pages backlinking notes and experiences that Ive gathered over my serious testing period. Ill share these notes with you in the upcoming Xfactor Adsense Files in the member download area (on a monthly basis). So to make this section as simple as possible, and speaking in laymens terms that I can best muster, youll get a basic understanding of backlinks and be able to intelligently form a plan of attack when it comes to promoting your new authority sites. You will be able to work condently with obtaining the incoming links you need in order to get all of your pages ranked in Google over time. And with high ranking pages comes trafc, and trafc = Adsense clicks (enough for you to pull in 6-gures or more annually). I am going to attempt to make this section as simple as possible, although the truth is that any part of linking in today's search engine can be overcomplicated. It's probably the most confusing aspect of being a webmaster and content publisher! I'm no brainiac myself, as I am proud to admit, however what I lack in technical skills I make up for in work ethic and the willingness to do what it takes. Because of this character I have built up the personal condence in doing something EVERY DAY for my business. You should do the same, especially when it comes to getting the perfect backlinks to promote your sites to new levels. I am rst going to teach you everything you ever needed to know about backlinks, from a publisher's perspective.


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Lesson (1) Why Google Keeps Us Guessing: A Quick Story

Most of you marketers out there who have been in the game of search engine optimization for some time now already know this, but for everyone else reading here that is still dumbfounded over the following mysteries... Why it can be so hard to rank sites... Why Google is always "shufing" rankings... Why rankings come and go, drop out of site, etc... ...then please read the following brief paragraphs carefully to understand their purpose. There is essentially a valid explanation (one that I highly agree with): Google will never provide anyone of us the true method as to how they get the most relevant rankings (in any search query). If they did, then the web would be just like it was back in the late 90s and even into the early 2000s to some degree: Spammers, porn sites, and everything in between would be in the top 10 searches. This is exactly what was happening in Googles index back in the day. Not only were non-related sites a problem whenever you wanted to search for relevant information, but scraper website builders were created and used successfully to build 10's of thousands of pages, scraping content in just a matter of minutes, then being blasted to the web like cock roaches. Google then said: Let there be links, and let these links count as votes to determine rankings. So born was Google's creation of counting incoming links to sites as a crude sort of vote system, which was a step in the right direction to help the search engine to better bring up the most relevant and "important" results for search queries. Ah - so incoming links would then be a full-proof system with only the best websites with the most targeted information getting ranked, right? Well, for a while. Once webmasters realized that the more links coming from high PR pages was the "new thing," so to speak, then the next wave of "get as many incoming links from anywhere you can" mentality kicked in.


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Yes, the link voting system that Google had started became another game that spammers and marketers could easily win. To this day just about every backlink tool, automation software or low-quality method is the birth from these early days of spamming for incoming backlinks. Note: Can you see now why Google will never release it's "algorithm formula" each and every time they make an update? Their interest is to keep people from being able to game the system, so that honest publishers like you and myself can provide people with what they want. Of course this means that we have to work harder on items like quality content and backlink campaigns, but the good news is that your sites and web pages will "stick" and you can enjoy high rankings, trafc and Adsense earnings - all from free search engine trafc. But the gold is right in front of your eyes: All of this Google madness is GOOD NEWS FOR PUBLISHERS. Most marketers that I see are constantly upset, whining or scared of how Google is not dependable. For anyone that ts into this category, you are missing the boat and missing the positive story behind all of it: Instead, adopt this mindset (and feel free to quote me on this): "The more that Google changes it's algorithm to keep out spammers and to keep them from gaming the system - the easier it is for us "white hat" publishers to get our original content ranked and making money!" - John James Robinson (Xfactor)


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Lesson (2) Backlinks Truly Are King

Adsense can be a very tough business for most people because they just cant quite wrap their minds around the fact that the success of any website depends on so many factors, all operating at once. Its crazy if you think about it - check this out: First, you need a niche that people are interested in: Skip this part and you will not make enough earnings to justify your time and effort. But then, you need to have the right keywords: Skip keyword research and no matter how great the niche, you will fail. This leads to the super quality content: Skip putting in the research and themerelated content and you could be cutting yourself short. Were not done, you can still fail - because you then have to build a website that is designed for easy reading as well as basic SEO: Skip SEO and your dead in the water. Lastly, you could get ALL OF THE ABOVE STEPS PERFECT, but lose the battle of site promotion (backlinks). Most people skip the backlink game by going after faster, more, and bulk - which does nothing for long-term ranking efforts. The Bottom Line: The success and earnings of your content publishing model depends on every factor listed above, all coexisting in harmony. Having said that, the good news is that even if you do a crappy job with everything noted above (a not-so-popular niche, guessing your keywords, poorly written content, confusing site design, etc.), but get the right type of incoming links - your dud of a website would potentially rank very well. So yes - if I had to choose just ONE section of content publishing to be named as "KING" it would have to be: Incoming backlinks. To sum up what you need to do in order to get the fastest, most stable long-term rankings for all of your web pages, you need the following: 1) A large number of incoming links linking to your site (over time). 2) These links must absolutely be of the highest quality possible.


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3) All links must be structured as best possible. 4) Diversity of the link sources is a must. 5) And with time, the more links that "stick" then the most stable your rankings will remain.

Lesson (3) The Winning Backlink Formula For Today's Google (And Tomorrow's)
So what is the winning formula for today's Google? Second, if we cannot game the system any longer, then why are so many "backlink tools" being sold to the market? Why are gurus in marketing forums telling people that PR matters the most, or that you can get "10,000 links" over the weekend for success? Why are you getting advice to waste time on low quality links from forum proles, link wheels and empty blogging platforms? The Answer: To make money from you based on your short-term mindset. I'm sorry to say say that the real truth behind successful Adsense publishers like myself has nothing to do with gaming Google, automating backlinks or burning through thousands of websites. Do you want the winning formula for creating successful backlinking campaigns? Here it is. Today's Google has smartened up to the point where it is almost impossible to rank without a good combination of the following principles: 1) Well-themed and original content that is based around what people are looking for (and want to tell others about). 2) A steady ow of backlinks from quality sources that do not appear overly "forced" or "manipulated."


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3) And most importantly, these backlinks should also be based around the same theme of the content on your site in which it is linking to. Note: On point #3 above, this advice is different from the backlinking guide in my old course (the micro niche adsense course). I still advise the other method of non-related article marketing for small, under-the radar niches that are not competitive (as anything can work really), but for the truly long-term, bigger and more protable sites, always go with the same theme when you backlink (which will be discussed more later).

Lesson (4) The Right Anchor Text Theme (You Have 3 Options)
The most powerful links come from high ranking web pages that are 100% related to your own page's them, and has the EXACT anchor text wording of the keyword you are ranking for. Option (1): "Hair Loss Remedies" For example, if my main keyword is "hair loss remedies" on my own site, then the #1 link I could possibly get would be from a web page that is also ranked high for "hair loss" and had the link back to my site with the anchor text keyword of "hair loss remedies." Like so: "Check this site out for additional hair loss remedies offered to men today." Notice that your exact term, "hair loss remedies" are hyper-linked back to the site. This is ideal. Option (2): "Blah Blah Blah Hair Loss Remedies Blah Blah Blah" Some of the links may have an extra word or more hyper-linked, such as: "Check this site out for additional hair loss remedies offered to men today." This is ok, although not what we want as being the "best", but I'll take it. Option (3): "Click Here"or Go Here or Here Is The Link


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And of corse, there is the typical "go here" or "click here" anchor text links that have no keyword relevancy at all, and not ideal, but so long as it's coming from a web page that is indeed relevant to your own content page, it's better than nothing. Example: "Check this site out for additional hair loss remedies offered to men today: Click here"

Lesson (5) The Sites That Link To You (You Have 3 Options)
The next lesson is a brief word about the best sites you can get links from, in order from the absolute best down to the not-so-best: Option (1): High Ranking Sites That Match Your Own Site's Keyword Theme (The Best) I have already explained that when you get a link to your site, the best link comes from authority sites that are ranked for the same keyword you are optimizing for, and the page that the link is listed on is tightly themed to your own pages content and main keyword. And this would be considered option 1 of the best link sources - ensuring that the link comes from the highest ranked site for that same keyword, and has the same related content. Note: Another remind that these links are tough to get, but worth the work in gold - even at one link per month! For the sake of my hair loss keyword example (hair loss remedies), such sites could include: While these are the hardest links to get, they will produce the most benet.


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Option (2): Sites That Have "Sections" That Link To You With A Matching Page Theme (Such As Article Directories) If I had my choice, and in a perfect world - 100% of my links would come from the top ranking sites in my niche theme. However, that's a pipe dream for just about all of us. So the next best choice (and one that I have employed almost all of my backlink campaigns on over the years) is going for links from pages that might not match your exact theme - but are somewhat relevant by nature. For example, all websites that had something to do with hair loss (in general) would be considered this type of link. Also, any directory that accepts links (like an article directory) is also the same type of link. For example, I do have a lot of articles submitted to dozens of article directories on the topic of hair loss, but the only relevant theme that matches my own site from those backlinks are the actual "hair loss" sections of the sites. Option (3): The Least Desirable Links Are From Sites Of No Relevance & That Are Of Little Importance (What Most Of You Do) I think it's safe to say that 99% of the link methods taught today are to go about link building in a quantity over quality matter. And its sad. Newbies get all excited when they hear aobut how to get "thousands of links in a week" by using tools or setting up link exchange agreements. In fact, there are some people getting very rich right now charging anywhere from $47 on up to $200 per MONTH to submit your links to a variety of low-grade blogs and other sites hosting all by the same group of individuals. Note: Now keep in mind that I am not bashing these methods at all. Ive actually used them all at some point over the last 18 months for the purpose of testing different backlink programs that many of you asked me to do. And of course the turn out was always the same: wasted efforts on pages that really needed more link juice. So if these programs are not worth link-building long term, then why do they seem to work for a lot of marketers? The answer is simple:


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These programs and methods DO work for many people because the keywords they are gong after to rank for - would rank by themselves - just by blowing on them. So it's actually quite funny to see how a program could help you rank in the top spots but it's not the program at all that is successful - it was the choice to go with a very low competitive keyword niche that would have reached that spot with any small amount of non-relevant backlink work. Having explained all of this, are there benets to getting non-relevant links that are of low-quality sources? Yes of course there is! Just do not go about it in a manner that shows ALL of your links are from these types of sources. And to better strengthen the link juice at least provide the extra effort by stating the exact keyword phrase you are after in the hyper-link (as explained above).

Lesson (6) Important: Control The Rate At Which You Build Links (Link Velocity)
There is one more very important tip that you all of you must know, and this tip will keep your site from being "sandboxed" (in most cases), or agged for spam. I do not want to go too heavily into the subject of link velocity, as it's already cut and dry, so her are the ne points: Spread Your Incoming Links Sensibly: Always try to get an even number of links per day (or every few days) spread out over time. This is what link velocity is all about - control. Those guys who you read about that get their sites wiped from rankings or sandboxed by Google are the same guys who go out and get thousands of links one week, then nothing for the next few weeks, then thousands more again, then nothing, etc. And these links are typically low-quality in nature. If You Must Use Backlink Tools, Then Try To Schedule:


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Because I can only build my own business on my own opinions, I do not expect you to follow my blindly. This means that many of you will still go out and use backlink programs and tools to get BULK backlinks. That is your choice and I would never get in the way of you testing this stuff for peace of mind (or for experience. So if you do plan on using any methods that get you lots of backlinks quickly, try your best to have them spread out within the program, service or tool. For example, there is an excellent tool called Article Marketing Robot. This tool does mass article directory submissions which can hurt your site if you do it all at once. However, it also has a schedule feature which spreads out the rate at which your mass submissions are placed. So take my advice, use features like this if you absolutely must use bulk backlink software. And if you are hiring someone to backlink for you, request the same - have them spread these incoming links out as evenly as possible! My Last Link Velocity Tip Would Be To Create Your Action Plan With All Of This In Mind: When you create your individual action plan (which I'll discuss soon enough), chart out the link building methods evenly. In other words, do not just spend 2 weeks on article marketing, then just 2 weeks on blog comments, then just 2 weeks on Q & A sites. Instead, try to combine all of it so that you can work on as many methods at once, so as to help induce an even stream of incoming link sources on a daily or weekly basis.


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Lesson (7) The Secret Behind The "Best Backlinks" You Can Get
Through trial and error I have discovered the most powerful backlinks that you can get in order to rank your site high up in Google, and better yet - help keep that site ranked for years to come. However, its very hard to do on a regular basis, which is why I am mentioning it here in this chapters as a lesson instead of something you can depend on, simple because it is tough to get other big-boy sites to link to you. My point is for you to always keep this best backlink tactic in the back of your head as you go about the other methods in the next chapter, because quality is king when it comes to getting incoming links. The best backlink you can get which will out perform 20,000 crappy links is: A) A backlink that is surrounded by text (content) that matches your own page in which it's linking to. B) The source of this backlink should be a high ranking site for a variation of that keyword. I will explain this strategy shortly, because I must rst make you understand why having related backlink sources to your own site's content should be the #1 priority for all of the authority sites you build from this point on. It's all about theming - both with your site's content and structure (which we've already covered) and where the backlinks are coming from. By now you are probably sick and tired the word "theme" of which I have been going on and on about throughout this course, especially as it pertains to your authority site's content. However, the same is to be said when it comes to your backlinking strategy: Whatever your site's content is about on a specic web page, the same theme should be matched with whatever incoming links you are pulling in. 1 of these links are more powerful than 20,000 low-quality links from social bookmarking, link wheels, article directories or any other non-related and un-ranked sources. In other words, the best-case scenario would be to get 1 link from the top 20 websites listed in Google that are related to the keyword term you are trying to rank for.


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This would not only bolster your rankings in record time, but it may very well put you in the top 10 positions for a very competitive term (and I'm not talking about easy stuff like micro niche keywords). However, getting links from the highest ranking sites is no easy task. I personally have pages ranked at #1, #2 and #3 for many health-related keyword terms that took me 6 months to 2 years to obtain, so you better believe that I am insanely careful of who I give a link to (I get requests to buy links from my authority site's pages in the $1,000s of dollars, only to turn them down). So if it so hard to get backlinks from these high-ranking authority sites, then what is the plan? How do we get high quality backlinks that are "themed" in nature to our own site? And how do we go about it in a way where the links will not be discounted as lowquality from Google? Don't worry, I am going to give you a full-blown backlink method and education throughout the next chapter, all based on my personal experience and training, but for now you need to understand these vital factors:


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Chapter 9: Site Promotion The Authority Way (Part 2) My Personal Backlink-Tested Methods
The Article Marketing Guy Realizes The Reality Of His Backlink Power Why I Strayed From Article Marketing Alone (Because You Asked Me To) Tested Backlink Method 1: Article Marketing & Mass Submissions 10 Reasons Why Article Marketing Is Still A Great Strategy 2 Basic Methods Of Article Marketing (1) Quality Article Marketing My Personal List Of Quality Article Directories Bonus Tip: Seek Out Unique Directories To Submit Quality Articles To Now Let's Dive Into The "Mass Submission" Article Marketing Approach The Best Software For Mass Article Marketing Tested Backlink Method 2: Press Releases (VERY Powerful & Safe) Is Your Site Really "Newsworthy" Enough To Write A Press Release For? Top 10 Free Press Release Services The Best Route To Take: Paid Press Release Services Tested Backlink Method 3: Question & Answer Sites What Exactly Is The Nature Of Q & A Backlinking? Is This A Moral Way Of Link Building? How To Use Q & A Marketing: My 10 Xfactor Tips Tested Backlink Method 4: Blog Commenting How To Comment On Blogs For Backlinks Tested Backlink Method 5: Social Bookmarking 3 Steps To Proper Social Bookmarking Tested Backlink Method 7: Directory Submissions Pros & Cons Of Directory Submissions How To Prepare Your Submissions Should You Outsource Or Use Software For Directory Submissions? The Big Gun Of All Directories: Is The Yahoo $299 Price Tag Worth It? Tested Backlink Method 7: The Most Powerful (Linking From Authority Sites) How I Get Links From These Sites: My Personal Letter & Strategy How To Find Authority Sites Like This The Tool I Use To Get The Link Prospects Backlink Methods That I Do Not Advise (For My Business, That Is) Paid Blog Networks (Potentially Dangerous) Prole Posting (Potentially A Huge Waste) Discussion Forum Backlinks (Might Not Be The Best Use Of Your Time) Backlink Methods I'm Currently Testing (Will Report In 6-12 Months) Video Backlinks 3rd Party Platforms/Link Wheels (Blogger, Wordpress, Squidoo) RSS (Real Simple Syndication) A Very Important Conclusion: Positive Energy In = Positive Energy Out


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The Article Marketing Guy Realizes The Reality Of His Backlink Power
The backlinking site promotional methods I am about to share with you have the total culmination of my combined experience, both before my previous course dating back to 2005 - and specically the 18 months after I released it. Most of you know me as "the article marketing guy" because for the most part from 2007 until 2009 I used 100% article marketing to get my sites and pages ranked, and they ranked GOOD! But as I decided to look at exactly why my rankings and sites were doing so good from article marketing, It dawned on me that is wasnt article marketing alone that has made my sites successful. Instead, it was that fact I had attracted thousands of webmasters to my articles in places like and they published those articles ALL OVER THE WEB. That was my lightbulb moment which spawned my desire to test many different promotional methods to try to gain the same momentum than just strict, 100% article marketing. Because of my heavy article marketing work ethic year after year, I had links published from those articles from: Personal blogs where people had niches blogs in the same niche topic. Business blogs where people republished my articles. HTML sites of all sorts that picked up my articles. Hundreds of Forums were linking to me from my articles. Q & A sites like Yahoo answers had reference both my articles and my site's articles. Authority sites were picking up my articles and linking to me, time and time again. So the lesson here is the most important that I need you to understand if you want your authority Adsense sites to thrive in Google and pay you the big dollars from high rankings: Get a diverse number of backlinks from a wide range of sources and do it in a manner which appears as "natural" as possible, while keeping the backlink source as high quality as possible.


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Why I Strayed From Article Marketing Alone (Because You Asked Me To)
Another question I have received recently about this course goes something like this: John, if article marketing was doing so well for you and has made your sites successful in Google, then why even worry about other methods? Why change a good thing? Great question! And one that I love answering... Very few people reading this book know what its like to be put into a position of teaching by creating and selling a book in the Internet marketing community. I personally had no idea what was ahead of me when I wrote and released the Micro Niche Adsense Course in June of 2009. From that point on it was clear that anything I did outside the course itself was going to be dissected, questioned, discussed, hell - even insulted at various times. Its the curse of doing something good I guess, it evens itself out in various ways - the Yin-Yang, so to speak, of selling an Adsense course. You all spoke, made requests, and I listened - and tested for 18 months in order to say honestly what my experiences and thoughts are on additional backlink methods. I hope this is clear to you, and I hope you can appreciate reading a book like this from someone that did not rush out and sell a new course within 30 days after releasing an original book (like most marketers do). So... ...Being a man that was placed in a position of "guru-ism" when it came to Adsense and SEO, I literally had daily requests from many of you whom wanted to see what other alternative backlink promotions were going to be just as effective as article marketing So I did - I tested the following combinations of methods based on everything available to us, and although I personally would not use all of them for any period of ongoing time, I will explain a brief account of each one and let you decide which backlinking promotions appeal best for your personal interests.


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Tested Backlink Method 1: Article Marketing & Mass Submissions

Every single one of my students (from the old micro niche course) who has been successful used article marketing as their #1 source of incoming links. However, I am about to show you a smarter way to go about article marketing instead of the hard work that I personally used in the past. You will be very pleased at how my testing has produced a faster and smarter way of going about content promotion.

10 Reasons Why Article Marketing Is Still A Great Strategy

Still one of the most effective "clean" methods of site promotion and building a web presence. Always my rst advice when planning a link campaign. Is considered a "safe" method of getting backlinks, as far as Google is concerned. Total newbies can submit articles without having to worry about experience level. Your content will be syndicated around the web over time (1 article could potential create THOUSANDS of backlinks). Article directory links tend to "stick around" for years (as opposed to being deleted or dying off). Very easy to outsource your articles for distribution. Quality does not have to be extreme - you can write "mediocre" articles and submit them. Spinning (I prefer to spin them manually/rewrite) is acceptable to distribute. You can put the best anchor text for the highest possible "theme" linking back to your site.

2 Basic Methods Of Article Marketing

When it comes to content promotion through article directories, there are 2 basic approaches that are made:


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1) Quality articles distributed over a select few directories that are the most popular in Google. 2) Lower quality articles mass submitted over many "low-grade" directories. For years I have taken the 1st approach, but for the sake of this book and promising you sincere testing to share the truth, I have also dived deep into varying my efforts and have come to the conclusion that you do NOT have to work harder for the SEO benets and incoming link juice. There is absolutely nothing wrong with churning out lower-grade articles and submitting them over hundreds of additional directories. These directories may not be the "top dogs" so to speak, but for the most part a link is a link, and you never know where these links will be picked up or how strong a particular un-popular article directory may be in time.

(1) Quality Article Marketing

The truth of the matter is that there is no such thing as a quick x in terms of submitting articles and expecting immediate results. It just doesn't happen that way. It takes time and resources to pump out high-grade articles and manually submitting them over the best directories. But the payoff is huge for those of you willing to work alongside my personal preferences: The content you write should be the same quality you would include on your own website. Your indirect goal is to have these "quality" articles picked up by bigger authority sites, magazines and newsletters. Outsourcing these articles will cost you more - generally from $7 on up to $30. You will increase the trafc to your site from people actually enjoying the articles, then clicking through the resource box (this is a bonus as far as Im concerned)

My Personal List Of Quality Article Directories

This is not the end-all-be-all list of quality article directories you can use. There are hundreds of them out there. However, they are all the leading directories and the most visited by web searchers.


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I still nd that it's best to submit more of my articles to for the sheer reason of getting the most webmeisters to pick up those articles (which then links back to your site from their sites and blogs), but that's just me. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) The question you are probably wondering, and the one that I get as it pertains to this list is: "Should I submit unique articles to all of the top directories you listed here?" Yes and no. Here is a better tactic: 1) Sign up for an account with all of the above directories. 2) Write one very good article in your niche that focuses on the same theme as your site. 3) Now rewrite that article 10 times so that each sentence is completely unique. 4) Submit the rst version to and then the rest to the other 9 directories. 5) Do this every time you are submitting.


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The above steps are actually the same steps that I have personally used since my last course, and one that I have my staff to go into as well. Yes it may take you an hour or two to write a great article, but only 15 minutes or less for each rewrite (spin). You can even pay as low as $2.00 - $3.00 for a writer to "rewrite" the article for you 10 times each. So Much Better Than How I Used To Do It! This is a much better return on your time and energy as opposed to the way I used to do it, which was one totally unique article without rewrites - each and every time. Learn from me - take the above method and use it as often as you can. Note: Trust me, you could focus ENTIRELY on this quality content distribution model and have all of the incoming backlink success you'll ever need (it's what I did for almost my entire career so far). Your Ultimate Goal: To become an expert author in your niche so that you have the best chances of these articles being picked up.

Bonus Tip: Seek Out Unique Directories To Submit Quality Articles To

Forget just using, or exclusively. Instead, add to the mix of your quality article marketing the related sites in your specic niche. Yes - submit to the above top 10 list, but here is the real secret: Find related Ezines, Online Magazines, Newsletters & Guest Blogs/Sites to submit your articles to! The advantage that I have found by going the extra mile to hunt the above sources to submit articles to is that they often times get sent out to hundreds and thousands of readers of their publication. This rocks! I wish that I had done this earlier in my career, but hey, as I always say - this business is a never ending journey of education (even for long-time publishers like myself). Here is how you nd sources that will accept article marketing in your niche:


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Type in the following keywords in quotes, in Google, as I have shown them here (and be sure to use your own niche): 1) Type in and search: "write for us" + "hair loss" 2) Type in and search: "guest blogger" + "hair loss" 3) Type in and search: "submit an article" + "hair loss" 4) Type in and search: "guest blogger" + "hair loss" When you nd the sites that come up, simply click on them and nd out the requirements are to sign up. Make sure of the following: That the articles you post allow links that are "do follow." Whether they have a fee requirement (some are worth the fee). How long articles take to be approved. How many links you can include in your resource box.

Now Let's Dive Into The "Mass Submission" Article Marketing Approach
Not one of my personal favorite approaches of the past, but boy have I learned how much fun (and benecial) submitting articles on a "massive scale" can be for incoming links. In fact, it's very easy and still considered "safe" in the eyes of Google IF DONE RIGHT! WARNING: Backlinking methods on a large scale to low-quality sources is the cause for just about every "Adsense account ban" or "Site de-indexed from Google" that I know of. Please use this tactic (and any other linking methods that utilize mass scale promotions) VERY wisely. You do not want to put all of your time and energy into a fulltime authority site only to have your work demolished for being too GREEDY. The basic points of mass submitting articles are: The goal is to hit hundreds of article directories with lower-quality articles (quick and cheap to write). You can submit the same copies of an article using this method.


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With time these links add up into the thousands without having to worry about being picked up by webmeisters. Used in conjunction with quality article marketing, the SEO benets are tremendous. Software should be used, of which I'll recommend based on personal use. This method should be used IN ADDITION to quality article marketing (as well as some of the other methods I'll go into later). However, you need to be warned that too much of a good thing can prove disastrous. I am not going to go into whats right or wrong here, as it is not my place to tell YOU what is right for your own business. I'll just say that if you use this method, please do so sparingly by "timing" your mass submissions. (DO NOT SUBMIT TO THOUSANDS OF PLACES AT ONCE).

The Best Software For Mass Article Marketing

Go here and download Article Marketing Robot:

I had originally used this product years ago when it rst came out. It's been around the block for some time and although I have tested and used 4 different mass submission


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software programs for articles since my old course came out - Article Marketing Robot came out on top. My Favorite Feature: AMR has a feature where you can spread out your articles to be submitted over TIME. Read my above warnings on having your Adsense account banned or your entire domain de-indexed from Google - that is a very real threat when you engage in "forced backlinks" like we have to do. So please please please - use tools like this wisely!


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Tested Backlink Method 2: Press Releases (VERY Powerful & Safe)

When I rst created my health authority site, I did not include any press releases. However, when I dove into authority sites for testing I made sure to write press releases for each and every one of them. For other sites I waited, as I wanted to compare the progress of my sites using minimal backlinking methods with those using everything outlined in this book. As you can guess it is the combination of all of the methods outlined here that brought the fastest results (and to this day are producing long-lasting power for my pages to hold rankings). First I'd like to share with you the benets of submitting press releases, then I'll go into my personal advice on exactly what services you should use, the best sources of press release companies to submit to, and how to go about writing your press releases material. Just like article marketing, press releases are an outstanding way of getting your site linked from relevant sources. They have incredible potential to be seen by literally hundreds of thousands of eyeballs if the material is news-worthy. A large dose of incoming trafc is often experienced due to the high rankings that a press release may get (then it dies down). When your news release is routed through a service's distribution outlet, this information may be sent to opt-in subscribers through RSS feeds. Press releases are considered "safe" in the eyes of Google, an acceptable manner to promote your site without any backlash on your domain or Adsense account.

Is Your Site Really "Newsworthy" Enough To Write A Press Release For?

Yes - it is! You just need some imagination, combined with getting over the fear of writing a piece of content for distribution.


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Of course it can be scary at rst, but over time you'll get the hang of it. In fact, every time you produce a new website, there should be a campaign of press releases sought after. You can also submit one anytime you have a new product page of your site, a new category, results of a poll or survey on your site, etc. Above all, simply consider a press release as a way of "announcing to the world" your new publishing information site, especially if you plan on building the site up to high levels of quality content over time. What I am doing personally these days is to arrang with my staff to write and submit a new press release once every 2 months for each website I own.

Top 10 Free Press Release Services

To be honest with you, I advise going the paid route when looking for a press release service. You get so much more bang for your buck in terms of both link sources and diversity, not to mention a better inux of trafc. However, I also understand being on a budget. I too have my own budget! So here is a list of my top 10 favorite press release sources that offer both free and paid services (in no special order): 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)
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The Best Route To Take: Paid Press Release Services

You get what you pay for, which means that while there will always be a free way to go about your business needs - paid tools, services and needs are always going to pan out for the best. This includes your press releases and the results you are after! Again, like everything else in my course, I am not going to tell you what's right for YOUR business. I expect you to draw your own conclusions and take care of your own research in every decision you make. Fortunately, you can cut to the fast track with books like my course which can help new publishers work with condence knowing that Ive been there, done that. So take my advice when it comes to paid press release services: If you have the money to spend, then yes - these links will further sustain your site's rankings and overall link power over time. Everyone should be submitting press releases for sites they care about, even small niche sites. PR Web: This company is considered the Big Cheese of them all. One of the most popular services and also the most trusted, you can nd packages that range from $80 for a basic news release service all the way up to $360 for the premium offer. (check link) My advice is to use the package which offers keyword-rich text for your links inside of the press release. Obviously this is the reason why you are distributing your news release content, so don't skimp on the needs of your unique publishing business. Other Paid Services To Consider: I-News Wire: PR: 24-7 Press Release: Market Wire: Online PR News:

Note: I am putting together a free press release course for all customers of this course who have access to the members area. This will be a free report for you which will go into the exact templates I have used and some tips and tricks I've learned along the way. Please let me know of any information requests or questions you may have about press releases and I will consider adding them to the report.


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Tested Backlink Method 3: Question & Answer Sites

I discovered the power of getting backlinks from posting answers to questions after I decided to actually look at where all my links were coming from when I reverse engineered my health authority site. Although this form of obtaining incoming links has been used for years (on purpose) by most marketers, I wasn't doing it on purpose! Hundreds of other people were - all for free (the power of an established authority site over time) Once I peeled back the layers of my best incoming links, thousands of them came from people asking questions, then other people posting links to my pages in reference to the answer. Tip: This is why I LOVE health niches. So long as you post solid information and truly help people, you will get bookmarked like crazy and have a ton of links coming in daily from people all over the web who are sending other individuals to your pages when a specic topic comes up in answer sites, blogs, forums and comment sites.

What Exactly Is The Nature Of Q & A Backlinking?

If you have been under a rock for the last several years then I guess you have not heard of Yahoo answers or


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Yahoo & are just two examples of "Q & A" websites designed to be a straight-to-the-point interaction of people asking questions and getting answers from other people around the web. There is even a voting system called "best answer" which helps determine the most logical and helpful piece of advice. Unlike blogs where you can also comment on (I'll get to that later) and forums, the cool thing about adding questions & answers to your backlink plan of attack is that you only have to use a handful of sites out there. If I am not mistaken there are about 4 really good Q & A sites that you need to focus on. Remember, you are after link diversity so I would not spend a lot of time posting a ton of questions and answers on the same Q & A sites. However, it is a very easy and fun way to go about hunting down places to add your links, and you can hire someone to post questions and then answer them with your own link.

Is This A Moral Way Of Link Building?

Ah - the big question - is it right or wrong to manipulate your incoming links like this? My direct and honest answer: If you are answering your own questions then no, it is not. Warning: If you are ever "caught" by the big Google machine to have manipulated a ton of questions and answers then you best believe those links will be discounted and you may risk having your site domain de-indexed or your Adsense account banned. So why am I sharing this method if it could be dangerous? Simply because it works, as I have seen with my own sites. And many marketers have been doing it for some time now. My personal sites get linked all of the time from Q & A sites, but most of these links have nothing to do with me personally. My content is just so good and helpful that people are drawn to it. Note: This is the main reason to have quality content on your site - eventually your authority sites will get to the point where mine have and links come in without any work at all!


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Having said that. ...Yes I created an organized Q & A marketing plan for my staff, but only on a VERY SMALL scale.

How To Use Q & A Marketing: My 10 Xfactor Tips

1) Always seek out questions from other people: Try not to write the questions yourself. I know many of you may be drawn to doing this based on other sneaky marketer tips, but heed my warning: You may lose everything by chasing links in this manner. 2) Try to answer at least 1 question per day: Maybe more is doable, and that all depends on your time schedule and personalized action plan. Q & A is not suitable to spend too much time on. 3) Do not worry about most of the smaller Q & A sites: Go where there is trafc! This includes the following sites: 4) Seek out questions to answer by using the search feature on each site. And when doing so, do not just limit yourself to searching for questions pertaining ONLY to your main keyword or a long tail phrase. Diversify your searches. For my hair loss example, I may type in "hair restoration," "rogaine," "hair loss," "balding," etc. 5) Accept that you may not nd any questions to answer for several days: This could be 2 days, 3 days, or up to a week and longer. It all depends on the popularity of you niche or how fast you can get to the answers before they close down the threads. This is why I prefer to outsource the task. Id rather pay someone to hunt so that I can be effectively link-building at the same time on incoming links that I know will be there. 6) ALWAYS answer the question with sincerity:
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Never try to cheat by saying something like: "My wife found out how to quickly re-grow her hair by using the very product at my site link." Do so and you can expect your account to be agged as spam. 7) Do not spend too much time creating unique content for an answer: There is nothing wrong with using the same content you already have written on your site or from an article you submitted to an article directory. But of course, unique is always best in my opinion, so just do what you can in regards to your text answer. 8) Build trust by answering questions WITHOUT a link to your site: I know this may sound strange, but to gain more credibility over time, post a few answers now and again without linking to your own sites. You be the judge on this, but remember - you are trying to gain respect and develop a good reputation on these Q & A sites. I even have my staff link to other sites that may have in-depth answers on a question. It builds trust and adds integrity. 9) Outsource your Q & A link campaign if you can afford it: As Ive mentioned already in regards to Q & A backlinking, there are much better ways to spend your time when link building. However, only work with people that you can trust to do this the right and honest way. Before I found my local staff here in my local city, I had some bad experiences with online help that I ended up regretting. Note: Be careful - Outsourcing is the same thing as putting your business into the hands of others, so make sure that those "others" work in the same ethical manner in which you do. 10) Try to focus on the top dogs: Yahoo Answers or To keep this link building tactic from using up too many of your resources (time and energy), only focus on yahoo answers or Trust me, you can get carried away by spending hours each day looking for questions to answer. And in terms of link diversity and all of the other more powerful methods you need to be using, too much of an easy thing like Q & A websites can prevent your sites from getting the additional exposure they need from other incoming links.


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Tested Backlink Method 4: Blog Commenting

Finding related blogs to my niches and commenting on them was the very rst nonarticle marketing linking strategy that I tested in order to expand my horizons. But then again, nding related content on blogs and making replies with a link to my sites was just another form of article marketing in my mind. And I'll tell you - it was worth the extra testing! I now believe that a bulk of your work towards gaining incoming links should come from making comments on blogs related to your niche. Not only do these backlinks provide the SEO benets we are seeking, but many of my pages received a ton of extra trafc from other people that were looking at the comments section of a particular blog post, saw my reply, and clicked on my link out of curiosity. It works, plain and simple - so long as you keep it ethical and spam-free. Note: Please don't get annoyed that I have to repeat myself over and over again, but like all backlink methods, do NOT abuse blog commenting. I personally do not believe in spamming the web with manipulative links that offer absolutely no benet to the sites we are linking from. So please, if you hire scrupulous workers to post shady blog comments, or pump out useless comment after useless comment with an automation tool - don't be surprised at your personal losses.

How To Comment On Blogs For Backlinks

The following steps are the exact steps that I have my staff utilize whenever I need to train someone to blog comment for me. Of course this is the short version, but it's all very basic and simple in nature. Step 1: Find Blogs Related To Your Niche First you must nd a list of blogs that have something to do with your niche topic. And of course a blog is useless if they do not allow comments, so by typing the following text into Google you can nd all of the related blogs you need: Search for: "hair loss" + "leave a comment" Now check all of your results and you are ready to get to work. Be sure to change up your keyword as well with your searches. This will bring in extra results. Try to expand


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your search process with your main keyword but always stay on target with your own site's theme. Step 2: Set Up Google Alerts For Up-To-Date Blogs This step is especially helpful if you have a staff that needs fresh blogs to hunt down and reply to via comments. I prefer using Google Alerts and it's very easy to manage. You basically tell Google what phrases you want to be notied of whenever they are posted.

If you look at the settings brackets, the "Type" tab has a drop down box and you can select "blogs." For the extra motivated out there, select "everything" and you'll get loads of incoming email alerts to notify you of what is being talked about in your niche. Step 3: How To Write Your Blog Replies (Value! Value! Value!) Can you see a trend so far with my backlnking advice - and all other advice in this course? I am extremely big on offering value to the web and this is especially true when it comes to working with incoming link needs. Always have integrity with your content marketing, especially when you are utilizing someone else's blog for the benet of link juice. Besides, what good is a blog comment if it gets deleted or agged for spam?
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Most blogs are heavily moderated and today the marketing world has an inux of spammers using software to spread nonsense and lame comments on blogs, thinking they will actually build promotional methods that last. Don't be that guy - make everything count. What are some examples of poor replies that could get you in trouble? They are so easy to spot: "Great post, thanks for sharing" "Nice reply, thanks" "Good tip, I like it" "Excellent info, keep them coming" Instead, look at replying to a blog post as genuinely possible. And I do realize it may be tough to get into backlinking and writing if you are in niches that you do not have a personal interest in. But then again, you really SHOULD be in niches you enjoy! It makes the entire business of publishing SO much more relaxed and protable. So when you make your comments be sure to consider these points: Make your opinion of the post known and back up that opinion as to why you feel that way. Post thoughts that might not necessarily agree with the blog post or the author. If you support the blog owner's material, then make reference to other related materials or quotes that are related. If you feel like the owner missed something, add a reply with the tidbits you feel he or she could have provided. If nothing else, help the author continue the dialogue by asking a sincere question about his post on information you need clarication on. Step 4: Link To Your Site Appropriately This step is where a lot of new marketers mess up. You can nd all of the related blogs you want, make the most sincere comments you can muster, and hit the reply button
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dozens of times per day - but still mess up by appearing to be a spammer when you link to your site. I'll keep these instructions simple, as most blog reply sections are virtually the same: In the "Name" eld, most people put the keyword of their anchor text desires there. Don't do this. Although it DOES give you additional SEO benets, it's also a very common practice of spammers. Your email should be entered, as most blogs will not accept replies without an email address. There is typically a section to put your website URL. Type it like this: http:// Make your comment, but do not advise the reader to link to it. Do not write something like this: "If you like what I wrote, please visit www..blah blah blah." Instead, simply make your comment and subtly have your link underneath with your chosen anchor text.


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Tested Backlink Method 5: Social Bookmarking

I'm not very big on social bookmarking. Why not? The truth of the matter is that these links hold very little value in terms of helping your site's rankings. For that fact alone I never used social bookmarking before the 18-month testing period to the lead up of this course. So I'm going to give my honest and straightforward opinion: Social bookmarking is not a wise backlinking strategy, but it is good for getting the search engine spiders to your all of your inner pages for fast indexing. Google loves social bookmark sites because of the ongoing activity in and out from users all over the world. With your authority sites and regular content updates, you should social bookmark every new page of content you post to your site. The reason is that you can get these pages indexed in literally minutes of having the spiders come and crawl the links you provided. Unfortunately, most of the social bookmarking sites that you get instructed to use from other marketing courses and forums are just not a wise use of your time. Instead, I advise that you stick to the most popular sites that today's web has to offer. I also recommend that you use a specic service to automate the entire process (social bookmarking manually is the pits).

3 Steps To Proper Social Bookmarking

Here are the ne points you need to know when setting up your social bookmarking campaigns: 1) Use the one service I recommend: Instead of worrying about the best social bookmarking locations are to get into (which go into the thousands), I advise you to take a serious look at Only Wire. They are located here:


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I was given this advice from a fellow marketer when I wanted to test out the bookmarking phenomenon, and it's a wonderful service. They will submit all of your content to more than 30 of the most popular bookmarking sites such as Ask, Delicious, Digg, Yahoo & Google. 2) Save time by using 1 log-in data for everything: Be sure to speed up the process of signing into all of your accounts by using just one set of log-in information. This includes using 1 email address, 1 password and 1 username for each service so that you can simply copy and paste the date into the elds. 3) Never forget that social bookmarking will not increase your rankings: Remember, social bookmarking is not a method that will increase the rankings of your sites. They are for attracting spiders to your inner pages for fast indexing into Google's index, plain and simple. This is why I never relied on it for most of my career. In fact, I do not nd that it is totally necessary but have now instituted the process for all new pages of content that I publish in my sites.


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Tested Backlink Method 7: Directory Submissions

One of the most basic backlink methods that everyone should take care of from the very beginning of their site launch are directory submissions. From August of 2009 to December of 2009, I had my staff submit every website that I own to as many directories as possible.

Pros & Cons Of Directory Submissions

Not only does this strategy help with indexing of your site and it's internal pages (much like social bookmarking), directory submissions also gain favor by the following benets: You are literally "inviting" the search engine spiders to visit your site, evaluate the entire structure and links, and then nd something useful to index. You will also obtain links from other websites (diversity) due to incoming links from related web pages (categories are considered "related" or "themed" to your own pages). These directories are actually inviting you to link from them, which is the point of their existence, so no "forced" linking is required. You only have to do the job once for each directory, so the job is considered done after about a month or so (for each website). The Downsides: There are some downsides of directory submissions, however. But these downsides can easily be taken care of by outsourcing the task: The job sucks, plain and simple. This is probably the most mundane and monotonous task of launching out a new website. Be prepared for some serious leg work unless you use software or outsource. The links are not going to bolster your rankings immediately. They are considered "spider food" links in the beginning, but over time they do add to the overall "link power" of your site's history and credibility in Google. A total and complete directory submission process must be done for each authority site you own, so for the bulk site builders out there, this could be a long journey. And nally, not all of your submissions will be accepted, but that's just the way the cookie crumbles. So submit to everything and don't fret over the directories that turn you down.


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How To Prepare Your Submissions

There are many free guides and tutorials on how to write quick and easy listings. But I'll just give you the basics here: 1) Choose the most relevant category: This is very important. I have found that most sites which get turned down from getting listed are due to simply choosing the wrong category. Most directories are set up in category-fashion, and for the most relevant links coming to your site from pages that are as closely related to your own, study all available categories before submitting to ensure you links are on-topic. 2) Fill out your title with the appropriate keyword: When you build your website, every page has a title, and just like a title on your webpage that is keyword optimized - your directory submissions should be approached in the same manner. Be sure to list the keywords that you are going to want to rank for, over time. With authority sites I generally like to use a 2-3 phrase keyword, but nothing too long-tail. Remember, these main phrases will not rank for some time, but when they do - watch out! Your earnings will triple overnight. 3) Fill out your description properly: Another section of each directory submission is the description area for your site. Be sure to include the keyword phrases you wish to have link juice for, just like the title. Most directories only allow for a brief description, typically around 200 words. Yet other directories have allowed me up to 500 words. The best thing to do for your outsourcing planner is to have many 150-200 word descriptions on-the-ready, as well as an equal number of 350-500 word descriptions pre-written for submission. Here Is A Simple Example: Hair Loss For Men: Hair Loss Solutions & Reviews (TITLE) Learn about all solutions to prevent hair loss for men. A free newsletter with hair loss product reviews, rogaine specials, and alternative choices for hair loss prevention. (DESCRIPTION) (URL)


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Simple, right? The easiest way to explain the set-up of your submission information is to think them like small Adwords ads, or similar to the meta descriptions you would use for your websites. But remember, you are not trying to sell anything or pre-sell anything - just make a simple paragraph describing the purpose of your site, and with as many keyword variations of your main keyword/theme as possible (without looking spammy).

Should You Outsource Or Use Software For Directory Submissions?

Never do the job of directory submissions without outsourcing or using software. It would just be way too time consuming! You have 2 options: Outsource a human to do the job or use software on your own time. Each option is just as good as the other, but with obvious differences in terms of cost and time (your time). 1) If you plan on outsourcing: Outsourcing the task to a company or single staff member is typically going to cost much more than using software. However, your time is freed up (I'm talking an entire hour or more each day for 30 days straight). So if you have the funds to invest into outsourcing, while you are busy tending to more productive tasks with your business - then by all means do so. The typical costs of outsourcing depend on how many directories you want to submit to, as well as the salary demands of the worker(s) involved. Remember, like anything else in life - you get what you pay for! I have seen marketers get lucky with out-of-country for hire workers that only paid $35 $50 to have a full month's work of directory submissions for each site. Yet I've also seen marketers get ripped off with only 10% of the work done (or less). There are always the bit-time professional companies which can charge up to $600 or more for the task on just one website (a friend of mine charges $1,000). These services are generally trustworthy and actually do the job! They charge more for peace of mind, plain and simple.


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2) If you plan on using software: If you have about an hour or an hour and a half each day to dedicate to your directory submissions, then by all means use software to help. This option is ideal for most people. I even own a $500 piece of software that I have for my staff. I purchased this tool in order to test the difference between outsourcing and "doing it myself," so I do not use it much these days. However, $500 is a bit much for you to spend, so my recommendation is an outstanding tool called Directory Submitter:

Directory submitter is both a free tool and a paid one. They allow you to use somewhere around 300 directory submissions for the free version, and the paid includes all submission sites stored in the program's database - somewhere around 3,000. Go for the paid, but remember - this is not a plug and push button solution. Once your software is up and running and you are comfortable with the process, plan on at least 1-2 hours per day, totaling approximately 30-60 hours until every submission has been taken care of (and this is per site).

The Big Gun Of All Directories: Is The Yahoo $299 Price Tag Worth It?
Everyone knows about the $299 per year fee that is charged to be listed in the "Yahoo Directory, and this is for just ONE domain.


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To date I have not advised anyone to pay such a large amount of money each and every year because most of you have not dedicated yourself to an authority site that is close to you in terms of passion or from a business perspective. And I don't blame you. However, I do want you to seriously consider taking a shot at getting into the Yahoo directory so long as you are working on an authority site that you plan on growing into a serious income-earning machine. I have 9 websites out of my current batch of 100 or so domains listed in the Yahoo Directory. That is a $2700.00 yearly business expense on that one directory alone, but to my publishing business it is worth it. Your milage may vary. I suggest that you wait until your authority site is earning at least $10 per day and has a minimum of 100 pages of content before paying the $299 charge. Remember: You are not guaranteed to get into the Yahoo directory even by making payment. They do NOT offer refunds!


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Tested Backlink Method 7: The Most Powerful (Linking From Authority Sites)
In February of 2010 I created 2 new niche sites for the purpose of testing. I ran this test for approximately 60 days with the sole purpose of comparing the power of gaining fewer links, but of the highest quality - all from high ranking sites within the same niche as I was in - with that of site "B" which ran on more links, but of lesser quality (using the 6 methods I've outlined here). Both sites targeted the exact same keywords. Both sites had similar content but not duplicate (Almost 100% unique). Both sites had general domains (non-keyword dominant). Both sites had the same number of pages when launched - 25 each. Each site was hosted on a totally unique server, without any connection whatsoever to each other. Both sites received 2 pieces of content for updates each week, ending up with 41 total pages each. Site A: Received an average of 4-6 links per week from high PR, high authoritative sites in the niche. Site B: Received an average of 7-10 links per day from article marketing, blog commenting, Q & A marketing, etc. The Results: Site "A" had better rankings and more trafc than site "B". This means that you can do much better by obtaining less links than you can from getting as many links as possible from all of the "forced" backlink methods we all practice. However, this is HARD WORK. And in order to get these types of links you need to: A) Find them (you need software to help you do this). B) Contact them (9 times out of 10 you will not even hear back). C) Convince them (asking for a link is the 64-million dollar question). Trust me, if you could do nothing but get a few high quality backlinks like this from authority sites out there in your niche, the rest is cake. But it's tough work, lots of rejection, and you could be missing out on all of the other incoming links from the methods discussed so far.


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However, no matter the work involved, every single one of you should be scheduling time each week (preferable daily) to gathering link prospects for your authority sites. These are the MOST POWERFUL links you will ever get, and the ones that will last the longest - as the majority of these sites are built and maintained by people like you and I - all who have a vested interested in the growth and earnings of their own sites as well.

How I Get Links From These Sites: My Personal Letter & Strategy
My secret weapon (for years) has been to contact these webmasters and make them an offer they can't refuse. Simply put, it's article marketing "on steroids." It's the big boys game of getting high quality backlinks - with only the few very motivated individuals who don't mind putting in the time and handling the rejection. For every site I nd that I want to grab a link from, here is the email article template: A Sample Letter I Send To High Ranking Authority Site Prospects
Hello _______, I am interested in the hair loss information you have on http:// www. blah I notice that you publish articles and other content about the the problem of hair loss and remedies. Would you be interested in having more hair loss-related articles for your site? My best writer on staff only writes about the subject of hair loss and balding issues for our website as well. Instead of writing articles and promoting them through article directories, we have found that it's best to find websites like yours that need ongoing (and unique) content. Nobody else will have a copy of these articles (just your site). Not only will these unique articles help with higher rankings, your visitors will not find the same information anywhere else on the web (we pride ourselves on 100% unique content). For us, our benefit is that hopefully someone that reads the article may feel like stopping by our site too, sometimes they do, sometimes they do not. Speaking of which, here is our website (we specialize in hair loss product reviews, tips and health issues): http:// www. blah Anyways, if you would like to get exclusive articles for your site, absolutely free, and written by our professional writer, then please reply to this email. P.S I've attached a few articles that we have written that you can look at - the quality is amazing. Regards, Stanley Adams http:// www. blah


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This is just the intro email template that I have used for years (and it works well). You could always change it up a bit to cater to your own style. You might even nd it better to word things differently. What I have found is that the site owners that do reply tend to convert over to a 75% chance of taking you up on your offer. 1) When they do reply and say "yes" then the goal is to give them just 1article, and you should include a resource box at the end of that article. 2) This resource box links to your site and with the exact term in the anchor text that you want to rank for over time. 3) You might need to email them to get the URL link of the article that they published, to ensure the link is still active to your site. 4) After about a week or so goes by and you see the article published with your link intact, contact them again for more ongoing content. 5) I typically try to get at least 1 new article for each site if they arrange for ongoing content. 6) The best strategy is to hire someone to hunt down these sites, email them the offer, and then you personally follow up if they say "yes."

How To Find Authority Sites Like This

There are generally 2 ways to go about nding authority sites related to your niche that you want to link to your own site. 1) Manually hunt Google for the top 20-30 sites that are listed for a variety of hundreds of keywords related to your niche. This is a bit time consuming, but it's fairly easy to pay a staff member to do this. Basically you want to create a list of all keywords in your niche. This list could be limited to a few hundred (think micro-topic authority sites), or 10,000 or more (think niches like weight loss, insurance, etc.). You or your staff member will just type in the keyword, starting from the top of the list, and visit every site for the top 10 to the top 30. Each site will have a contact page so you would then just email the site's contact information. That's it - you'll just wait for a response.


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And like I mentioned, approximately 75% that reply in a positive manner will say "yes" and you will be well on your way towards getting super high quality backlinks that will power up your sites like no other backlink methods. Note: Don't forget to copy and past all of these URLs - you'll need them to further increase the productivity in the next step of getting these awesome links. 2) Find Site That Are Already Linking To Your Competitors The second method I use involves the use of paid tools. Remember all of the links we just mentioned? And remember that I just told you to copy and paste them for this part? Here is where it gets fun. What I like to do next is take each and every one of these sites that we found in the top 30 listings, and for each keyword we researched, and use a link-hunting tool to automatically nd out who is linking to them. Then the process of elimination begins. By nding who these sites are and researching the type of links they are providing, I would then contact the ones I like and make the same offer for free articles in exchange for one link to my site for a highly competitive keyword that I want to rank for in time. Note: This is very tedious work, but unfortunately it's also the most powerful way to bolster your site's rankings. These are the type of links that Google LOVES and because they come from relevant, non-marketing type sites, 10 of these links are more benecial to your site than 500 blog posts or article submissions to even the most busiest of article directories.

The Tool I Use To Get The Link Prospects

There are tons of link-nding tools that you can use for this job. My favorite is the new link-building feature of Wordtracker. Before that I used to use Keyword Elite, but when I like a company I stick with them. Besides, I really enjoy the interface of wordtracker - its so simple to use. I can copy and paste a list of sites in one section, and Wordtracker goes onto nding up to 1,000 of the top incoming link sources to those sites for me to use at my disposal.
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Backlink Methods That I Do Not Advise (For My Business, That Is)

I hope that by reading through the 6 previous backlink methods that I outlined above you'll start to get a feel of what works here: Content buckling marketing. Honest and sincere promotional methods. And varying your income link sources as often as possible. But it would be foolish of me to expect you to stop there. I know that there are tons of other "sources" of backlinks that you can get out there on the web. I see them everyday, talked about on marketing forums, advertised as a new "get to the top of Google in 10 minutes" e-book, or spammed by a software tool as the "end all be all" backlink method. Ok, rant over - I'll discuss them each briey and why I do not agree with them for my business. Note: Please make your own decisions and use the tools and services that YOU feel are necessary. Just go into everything you do with due diligence. The responsibility of the growth and earnings of your authority sites rests on your shoulders, not to be blamed on the advice of marketers around the net.

Paid Blog Networks (Potentially Dangerous)

A paid blog network is made up of an organized service where you pay a fee (most often per month) in order to submit your site links to the service, which will then post those links on the very same blogs or sites owned by the company. To be honest with you, they seem like a dream come true. These links get posted with very little content to go with them (100-150 words), you click a mouse, and viola - that post will be sent out and published on any of the related blogs within the network. It just doesn't get any easier. So yes, the services work and generally do as they are advertised.


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And I have absolutely no problem or moral issue with anyone that wants to use them! In fact, I tested one very popular service that charges around $150 per month. I will not name the company because I do not want to promote the use of any of these services, but the bottom line is that the service worked well, did as they promised, and I saw improvement in my sites rankings from the link methods involved. So if it worked then why am I against using paid blog networks for my own business? Again, I have no moral issue with anything you do with your business. I'm also not against these services. But you have to consider that if these networks were to be found by Google and the thousands of links you have built (and paid for) are discounted as low-quality, then all of your work (and your money) will have been lost in vain. Note: Speaking of "paid links" and Google, it is common knowledge that you can get your domains de-indexed from Google for paying for links, not to mention having your Adsense account banned. Although you are not directly paying for each link, you ARE paying to have links posted. My own publishing business is just too valuable to risk and I'm not foolish to think that any backlinking we do as publishers is 100% legit, but where there is a ne line to not cross - I choose not to cross it. The Decision Is Yours: Be smart and think longterm, especially if you are going to work hard to producing 6-gure authority sites that make money from Adsense averting.

Profile Posting (Potentially A Huge Waste)

Like all trends throughout the Internet marketing community, this is one that I never hopped on and never will. If you have not heard already what "prole posting" is and why it's been the talk of the town, so to speak, all you have to do is go back in time towards the end of 2008. It all started with a few small reports that promised fast rankings by simply creating a prole on major known authority sites - and POOF - Instant high PR backlink.


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To better explain (and I'll keep this brief), the goal is to create as many "public proles" as you can on MAJOR authority sites that offer free prole sign-up forms. The type of sites range from as well-known as to tightly niche-focused sites like - the list goes into the thousands of potential sites to nd. You have essentially decided to bleed incoming links from places that will eventually hold no value to your linking campaign or SEO efforts. There is very little PR value on these prole pages, although the site itself may have a home page of PR8 or PR9, as well as it's internal pages, but not the prole areas. Does it work? Yes of course any linkbuilding method like this will work short term, especially with lowcompetitive niches and keyword phrases. That in and of itself is the great hoax of today's link guides and e-books - they say that their software or method is what works, but the truth is that non-competitive keywords can be ranked by just blowing air at your computer screen - not the actual link method itself. Should you use prole posting? Again - for my personal taste it is never something I would purposefully partake in for a few reasons. But YOUR BUSINESS IS YOUR BUSINESS and I cannot preach as to what you should do or should not do. I can only share my experience and opinion. Note: Some marketers swear by these links. I'm not sure why, but if it works for them it may work for you too. I just urge you to keep you cool if and when the links are removed or agged as spam.

Discussion Forum Backlinks (Might Not Be The Best Use Of Your Time)
Fact: Posting on forums with links back to your sits CAN BE VERY PROFITABLE! Sorry for shouting, I just wanted to get that out rst before I explained why I think that Adsense publishers could be spending better time with other methods besides nurturing hours each day posting on niche forums.


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For one, we are publishers, with the goal of getting hundreds and thousands of internal pages indexed in the search engines so they can obtain free search engine trafc. Unless you are selling anything directly or working on building up a cliental with your service or mailing list, then I would advise you to be carful of getting sucked into discussion forum posting as it pertains to your niche. Yes, you can get some great links form forums, but from a purely SEO/backlink standpoint: Your links are severely diluted due to the sheer volume of all the other "signature links" on the same page from other posters. What this means is that you may have a signature link, but so will 50 other people on the same page, and typically with more than one link per person. In the SEO world, this dilutes the power of your link to minimal standards and time could be better spent getting a higher-quality link. Because you need link diversity, you will have to sign up and participate and at least 12 or more forums. Talk about a time drain! I know - because I've tested the process of building these type of links. First you'll have to sign up with a username, then there is usually a minimal number of posts before you can add a signature (which is the link to your site), and even still you have to "engage" in a sincere discussion in order for your posts not to be agged as spam. Forum owners of today's web do not tolerate spam posts just for the sake of getting a link, so your discussions will take time - too much time on too many discussion boards. Like everything so far, the choice is yours. Test and test some more, dont just take my word for it!


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Backlink Methods I'm Currently Testing (Will Report In 6-12 Months)

Just because there are 1,000 ways to get a backlink it does not mean that I can personally endorse every method unless I have a valid opinion to share with you (based on experience). Therefore, although you probably all know that the following tactics already DO work (a link is a link, to some degree), my job as an honest provider of Adsense & SEO information to you can only be done by actuating walking the walk. I will update this course when I see t to do so on the following methods of obtaining backlinks:

Video Backlinks
This is actually one method of getting backlinks and trafc that we all know WORKS! But to date I am not personally experienced with creating videos for authority Adsense sites and whether or not is a viable use of my time. Very soon I will be creating videos and will test out marketing some new domains with video only, compared with some additional new domains without videos, and use my instincts to see how well they should be integrated into your own work plan. Here is my upcoming video backlink agenda: The backlinks will come from well-established authority sites like and (which get millions of monthly visitors that might not have discovered our authority sites through the regular search engine channels), also sources like, & These videos could also be potentially found through the search engines under the video results tab. Just like the benets of article marketing, other webmasters will pick up and post these videos on their sites, blogs, forums and social communities. - Because videos can be made short and simple, the information to create each one can be made from my existing content (articles from my sites).


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3rd Party Platforms/Link Wheels (Blogger, Wordpress, Squidoo)

Again, not something "breaking" or anything like that in terms of backlinks - these methods have been around for ages. I personally just never needed to put time and energy into posting content on someone else's network or site platform in order to get a backlink. In fact, I consider spending my time creating a set of articles to post on a new domain from Hub Pages, Squidoo, Wordpresss or Blogger a complete waste of time, especially when that content and energy could be spent on my money sites! HOWEVER ...I'm no fool - I realize that such opportunities could actually be a great asset if done correctly! But the truth of the matter is that 75% of the newbies out there are wasting their time creating these "link wheels" based on all of the 3rd party blog outts, only to do nothing with them. Time and work must be put into each of your other "blogs" so that the links pointing from them to your money authority sites are powerful, and "stick" over time. Will Google eventually discount the links from all of these sources? Quite possibly. (And It is my belief that they already are.) I rmly believe that the links that come from 3rd party blog platforms are being downgraded by Google's "machine" so this method is not one that I would put a lot of time into. But for the sake of testing - I'll update this information as well over the next 6 -12 months. In the end it's all about creating a link wheel of blogs all linking to each other, eventually linking to your money site - and building backlinks to those blogs during the process. Time better spent on my own authority site? Probably so, we'll see


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RSS (Real Simple Syndication)

As of this writing I still have not utilized the popularity of RSS feeds into my backlinking strategy! But that's good news because it goes to show you that even my limited choice of methods when it comes to gaining income links are all that is needed. Honestly speaking everyone - I've studied the use of RSS distribution time and time again, and although I'm not a big believer in these links for long-term rankings (or any rankings for that matter), it still wouldnt hurt to add the strategy to my testing period for the next several months. I already know what will happen, if you care to know: 1) RSS feeds offer an extremely limited and a temporary source of getting those links you want for power and authority. 2) Even if I get syndicated on some serious authority sites out there, the life span is like a y - before any link maturity can be obtained - POOF - it's gone. 3) Because I prefer to work on my own authority sites instead of 3rd party blogs (think link wheels), then using RSS distribution might not be the best use of my time on getting incoming links. But again, we'll see

A Very Important Conclusion: Positive Energy In = Positive Energy Out

I would like to end this section with a sincere mention of my personal philosophy when it comes to promoting your authority sites (or any sites you have with Google Adsense on them). The goal I have for you is to be as successful as I have - and more! But to be a highly successful Adsense publisher means that you must adhere to clean principles so that you do not have your Adsense account banned or your domains deindexed from Google. Here is the basis of my philosophy, and written in terms of advice, sincerely from me to you:


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1) Follow all of the 7 methods that I have successfully implemented and discussed in the beginning of this chapter. 2) Every time you go about creating a promotional piece of material for the sake of getting a backlink, do so with sincerity of providing value so that all roads that lead to your site come from a source of information in which you tried to help someone else. 3) Avoid paid blog services if you care about the future of your site. 4) Avoid shady backlink practices if you care not only for the future of your site, but maintaining the status of your Adsense account. 5) Never try to gain a "bulk" amount of backlinks quickly only to stop completely. ALWAYS KEEP THEM COMING IN STEADY. I'd much rather see you get 1 quality backlink per day than 1,000 low-grade backlinks in a week, only to stop. 6) When deciding on how best to spend your time, always go with quality over quantity. Besides directory submissions, the rest of the tactics should be approached in a manner in which you would like people to treat your own sites. Core Principle Of Every Action You Take In Life & In Your Publishing Business

Positive Energy In = Positive Energy Out


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Chapter 10: Conclusion Where To Go From Here

Conclusion: Where To Go From Here 3 People That Can Help You Immediately Free Updates & Additions To This Course Live Case Study In The Works


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Conclusion: Where To Go From Here

It is obvious that the most important part of becoming a successful, high-earning Adsense publisher starts with creating a personalized plan of action to follow. This plan of action needs to be followed by adhering to specic goals, task-oriented efforts and most importantly - realistic expectations. The problem with creating a ONE-SIZE-FITS-ALL action plan is that there are just too many choices that can be made with the same work task. Also, some of you might only have 30 minutes per day to work on your publishing business. Others may have 2-3 hours during the week, or perhaps only on weekends. The lucky ones may have a full 8-10 hours DAILY to devote to your business. Ive already laid out 99% of everything you need to know here in this course. Your job is to think for yourself and take action: 1) Start by selecting a niche that you enjoy, has lots of demand, and plenty of products and services you can talk about. 2) Choose a brandable domain that sounds good (simple). 3) Host your site on a reliable service provider. Hostgator is my favorite. 4) Follow my guidelines towards creating your site blueprint. 5) Write 1 page of quality content for each of your category pages, and at least 3-10 articles for your article pages (the more the better before launching), and update articles to your site at a minimum of twice per week. 6) Set aside time each day to have your directory submissions and social bookmarking done rst. 7) Choose the backlinking methods Ive discussed that you feel right about. 8) Evenly space out each backlinking method so that you get a little bit of everything done as the same time each week. 9) Stay away from any trends, fast-track backlinking schemes, or anything else that can hurt your site in terms of Googles index. 10) Last but not least, give it TIME! It takes at least 6 months for pages to mature, and up to 12 months to start seeing amazing results for most new publishers.


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3 People That Can Help You Immediately

I would not be where I am at today without the help of other marketers out there who have not only helped me personally, but continue to contribute to the marking community. For this reason alone I am going to make references to a few individuals that I feel deserve the absolute best customers. There is no pay-off for me here, other than to pay it back and pay it forward so to speak. 1) For The Best WordPress Templates: I do not make recommendations lightly. In fact I have NEVER sent one promotion for anyones product outside of my own in the years of helping people. But this guy deserves the business and I trust his work. His name is Scott and he makes the absolute best Xfactor type templates for those of you working with Wordpress. Here is his direct link: 2) For The Best Programmer To Help You With ANY Technical Stuff: Ever wanted to hire someone that you can trust with your life? Someone that has the keys to the inside of your hosting panel, websites and nancial information? That person is named Debbie Songster and she is my personal programmer. We met through a marketing forum and has been there for every little speckle of work Ive needed to help me with. She also deserves the business so if you ever need something you can trust with looking inside of your business properties, shes the gal! Here is her direct link: 3) A Marketers List Who Has Never Let Me Down (For Years) I know there are LOTS of good quality mailing lists, but one that I feel deserves mention here is by a guy named Andy Williams. He is actually the one marketer that changed my money-making tactics from short-term to the long-term publishing that I am experiencing today. He is also the creator of Web Content Studio that I love so much. Here is the direct link to get on his list:


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Free Updates & Additions To This Course

It is impossible to get every little detailed crammed into an e-book so please contact me to make the following requests that I can update in the member download area: (1) Videos Upon Request: As of this writing there are no videos made because I want to hear from you rst on exactly what youd like to see. So if there is anything in this course that you would like me to consider making a quick video for then please let me know and Ill add it to the list. (2) Course Details On PDF Upon Request: If you would like me to type up additional information and go into more detail on any items in this book then again - just ask! Ill be happy to add this information to the monthly Xfactor Adsense Files which will be no cost to you. So help me make this a better course by letting me know of information you would like to see that I may have missed or that was not clear enough for you. (3) Live Case Study Coming Soon (Early Discount Available): As a second addition to this course, I am going to create a full-blown authority site from scratch, get that site launched and hitting my rst $100 day from Adsense from the domain, all within 4-16 weeks (max). Every step will be lmed on video, then released at the end of the 4-12 week time period. If you would like an early discount before the case study is release, please contact me for details and payment option. Thats it folks...

Oh Wait.... One... More... Important... Thing... Below...


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