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1000 0u

1000 sentences
1.G [ en peyar swami
my name swami (My name is Swami)
Rule No 1: In Tamil you can do short sentences
without a verb. Here in Tamil the verb is not used)
2.G [ G? un peyar enna? your name what?
(What is your name)
Rule No 2: Look at the sentence structure.
Unlike English, Tamil sentence is in reverse order.
3.0u [ G? ungaL peyar enna?
Your name what?
Rule No 3: Look at the traslation. It is like the previous sentence.
But UngaL is used for respectful people or for plural.
Indians give respect for elders,father mother,teacher ,anyone older
and superior officers.
4.G L [ u en appaa peyar santanam
my father name (is) santanam
5.0u L [ G? ungaL appaa peyar enna?
your father name what?
(What is your father's name?)
6.G u [ L en ammaa peyar Rajalakshmi
my mother name (is)Rajalakshmi.
7.0u u [ G? ungaL ammaa peyar enna?
your mahter name what?
8.G MG [ |G en aNNan peyar Siinivasan
my older brother name (is) Srinivasan
9.0u MG [ G? ungaL aNNan peyar enna?
your older brother name what?
10.G 0 [ . en thangai peyar Lalithaa
my younger sister name (is) Lalitha.
11.G 0 [ G? un thangai peyar enna?
your younger sister name what?
12.@ u 0. enakku aKKaaL illai
To me older sister no
I have no older sister.
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13.G u [ G? un akkaaL peyar enna?
your older sister name what?
(what is your older sister's name?)
14.G , [ G? un Maamaa ,maami peyra enna?
Your uncle, aunty name what?
(In Tamil we have four diiferent words for uncle and aunty:
siththappaa, periyappaa, aththimpeer, maamaa and Siththi, Sinnammaa,
periyammaa, aththai, maami)
My Class
15.G ? naan swami
I swami (I am Swami)
(Note verb 'am' is not in the Tamil sentence)
16. [? nii yaar?
you who? (Who are you?)
17. 0u [? niingaL yaar?
You who? (Who are you?)
NiingaL is used to give respet to a person or for plural.
18.G [[. naan aasiriyar
I teacher. ( I am a teacher)
Please note the verb 'am' and the article 'a' are
missing in the Tamil sentence.
Rule No 4: In Tamil articles a ,an ,the are not compusory
19. 0u [? niingaL aasiriyaraa?
you teacher?
Are you a teacher?
Rule No 5: By adding 'aa' to a noun or averb or a pronoun
you can make the sentence interogative (Question)
20.0, G G illai,naan maaNavan
No, I student
(No I am a student)
21. 0u _ ?
niingaL thamiz maaNavaraa?
you a Tamil student?
(are you a Tamil student?)
22.u, G _ G
aamaam, naan thamiz maaNavan
yes I tamil student.
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(Yes I am a Tamil student)
23.G [? avan yaar?
he who? (Who is he?)
Note 'aa' is not added,because already a question word 'who' is
in the sentence.
Rule No 6: If there is a question word like who ,what etc. there
you dont need interroagative suffix 'aa'
24.G G. avan J ohn
He J ohn (He is J ohn)
25.u _ G avanum thamiz maaNavan
he too Tamil student (He is also a Tamil student)
avan +um =avanum meaning he too
um also means 'and'
26.u [? ivaL yaar?
she who? (Who is she?)
Rule No 7
In Tamil a lot of words start with 'i' or 'a' or 'ae'
ivaL is she who stands near you
avaL is she who stands at a distance.
aevaL is a question meaning which she/woman?
27.u [ ivaL mary
she mary (She is Mary? _ ? ivaLum thamiz maaNavaraa?
she also Tamil student?
(Is she also a Tamil student?
29.0, u l@ l.illai ivaL french maaNavi
no, she french student (No she is a French student)
Rule No 8 :Note there is no capital letter or small letter in
Tamil. In English you use capital letter
for French, J ohn, Mary, Ganges etc.
Note Manavi is feminine maaNavan is masculine
and maaNavar is commom for both the genders.
MaaNavarkaL is plural meaning students.
If you add the plural suffix 'kaL' any word will become a plural.
30.u u _ [?
jaanum juuliyum thamiz maaNavarkaLaa?
(Are J ohn and J ulie Tamil students?
'um' means 'and' as well in Tamil
Rule No 9
Unlike English we have to add suffix 'um' with all the words or names.
That is why we say jaanUM juuliyUM
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31.u, u u _ [u
aamaam jaanum juuliyum thamiz maaNavarkaL
(Yes J ohn and J ulie are Tamil students)
32.[ _ [u? yaar thamiz maaNavarkaL?
who Tamil students?
(Who are the Tamil students?)
33.u u _ [u.jaanum juuliyum
thamiz maaNavarkaL (J ohn and J ulie are Tamil students)
34.[ l@ [? yaar pirenju maaNavar?
who french student? (Who is a French student?)
35.[ l@ l. meeri pirenju maaNavi
Mary French student (Mary is a French student.)
36. G @LQ ithu en vakuppu
this my class (This is my class)
37.[u _ [u ivarhaL thamiz maaNavarkaL
These thamiz maaNavarkaL (these are Tamil students)
38.[u 0 [u ivarhaL nalla maaNavarhaL
these (are) good students
39. @ _ l lathaa oru thamiz maaNavi
Latha (is) a Tamil student.
40.G @ _ G raaman oru thamiz maaNavan
Raman (is ) a Tamil student.
My Family
41. G @_uu ithu en kudumbam
this (is) my family
42.[u G u ivarhaL en ammaa
she (is) my mother.
She stands nearer to you and so you say IvarhaL
43.[u G L avarhaL en appaa
He (is) my father
He stands far from you and so you say avarhaL
44.Mu ulu 0 0
aNNanum thambiyum ingee illai
older brother and younger brother here no
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Older and youger brothers are not here.
45.G @_uu [ @_uu en kudumbam periya kudumbam
my family big family (my family is a big family)
My House
46.0 G _ _ aanaal en viidu siRiya viidu.
but my house (is a ) small house
47.0 @ Lu @
angee oru azakaana thoottam irukkiRathu
there (is) a beautiful garden
48.@ @@u @.oru kuLamum irukkiRathu
a tank also there.(There is also a tank)
49. L_@ 4 G0gu @ Qu M_.
viittukku 4 jannalkaLum oru kathavul uNdu.
to the house 4 windows and a door is
(The house has four windows and a door).
UNdu is am impersonal verb.
It can be used to give the meaning of is or are or have or has
50. 2 _ gu, @|0,
0 gu M_/@
2 padukkai aRaikaLum, kuLiyal ,samaiyal aRaikaLum uNdu / irukkiRathu
2 bed rooms, bath room, cooking room are
(There are two bed rooms, a bath room and a kitchen)
51. L_@ | Lu @.
viittukku veLiyee thootam irukkiRathu
to the house outside garden is
(There is a garden outside the house)
Rule 10
When you use particles like outside,
inside ,behind , in front of up ,above ,
the subject is put in the dative case.
That is 'ikku' (To) is added to the subject 'Viidu'
52.L0 [ u @
thoottaththil periya maram irukkiRathu
in the garden big tree is (There is a big tree in the garden).
53. L_@ u 0 l@ @/ M_
viittukku uLLee nalla viLakku irukkiRathu / uNdu
to the house inside good light is
(There is a good light inside the house)
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54.0u _ [ ? ungaL viidu periya viidaa?
your house big house?
(Is your house a big house?)
55.G _ _. en viidu azakaana viidu
my house (is a ) beautiful house.
56.0u _u ?
ungaL viidum azakaana viidaa?
your house also beautiful house?
is your house also a beautiful house?
57.G _ 0 @
en viidu ingee irukkiRathu
my house here is
(Here is my house )
58.0u _ 0 @?
UngaL viidu engee irukkiRathu?
your house where is?
(Where is your house?)
59.G _ Gl0 @
en viidu chennaiyil irukkiRathu
my house in chennai is ( My house is in Chennai)
60.0u _ M|0 @?
ungaL viidu laNdanil irukkiRathaa?
your house in London is?
(Is your house in London?)
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