Limitlesssmile 2013 A

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One seven billionth of humanities self perspective ! Soul-u-tions

For our enlightened survival Humanity requires to separate from conventional thinking This festival of notions is simply a pile of ideas that when consumed and absorbed by the ordinary folk may contribute to changing their life, when consumed, shared and absorbed by totally ridiculous outrageous individuals, it may be conspired to infect the entire world to change, To infect humanity so it may enlighten,

The Enlightenvirus One notion of Utter Goodness, Consumed and absorbed by Humanity Enlightenment arrives from the bottom up, Corruption falls from the top down One Planet One People One Notion


Welcome to this book, just a brief moment to acknowledge that this book is copyleft ! Which means we all own this work completely, unconditionally and unreservedly for inspiration, enlightenment and all and any manner of use divine imagination may manifest.

This book is a living document, which means it will evolve and expand and be different each time I publish . The magic of computer and the net is I may write into it and publish in a moment, and as it is venue for ridiculous notions, it may well have wrong spelling and strange words and at times appear a bit disheveled.

All thoughts belong to the quantum field, the consciousness of our universe and beyond into Infinite Oneness. Our individual mind is equipped with the divine cleverness to access and apprehend any thought and then sort and mix, blend and morph, limited only by imagination and boldness of spirit. The notions found in the following adventure have been collected from and inspired by the works of many others, then digested thru my being ness and assembled by my self. The inspired words from others works will be scattered in collage throughout Limitlesssmile. Acknowledgement is given where possible, otherwise many thanks for your contributions to making this Limitlesssmile possible for I and any other I who may find light from it. Limitlesssmile

Contact Author---- [email protected]

1997/2002/04/06/08/09/10/11/12/13----Universal Standard Book Number------number Zero

This Book is Dedicated to the Spirit of the Dreaming And our digenous brothers and sisters Thank You for the Epiphanic Insight

Why this book was writ.

Simply my being perplexed that collectively our amazing life on this beautiful planet seemed to me, to be blithering and dithering on a path to nowhere. Growing up and living in, and observing and pondering of, the workings of collective life and individual life left me feeling that the way we homo sapien sapiens have been carrying on over this past millennia or two is all unnecessarily silly. Exploration of the realms of wisdom tagged as evil or wrong by our authorities led me to the realization that our systems of government and religion are deliberately (or due to lack of spiritual-maturity) withholding much, that would have our collective lives expand into a more enlightened experience for our brief stay in paradise. We as communities are allowing control by systems seemingly blind to the counsel of abundant ancient wisdom. We as living souls sharing community seem lost as a myriad of collective egos, hypnotised by the mirror of the complicated rigmarole of organised religions and unenlightened selfinterested governing structures. Exploration of ancient wisdom allows any one to experience models of seeing the entirity of our shared reality and our commercing together from amazing limitless perspectives. The bigger picture perspectives won by pondering for example the Mayan Calanderical System bring sober humble appreciation of the paradox of being symultaneously a common meek fellow cell of a greater organism and an ability to express limitlessly unique individuality; Ancient wisdom allows ponder of the laws natural and divine which direct and control all in ALL; and knowledge of which allows anyone assay of any wheel within the wheels within wheels of cosmic fractuality. Humbly also I have learnt the greatest power available to us All is the power of acceptance and when we have learnt to discriminate with each other and discharge our ego separation we will symbiotically emerge as a sing-ularity of unity consciousness together consciously co-creating a reality that honours the common good of All, the enlightenment of our entire organism humanity

This book began its life with in my diaries in 1990 and has been a venue for diffusing my own frustrations with life and a means to leverage my own notion of enlightenment; to spell some meaning to life out to my self and any other interested enough to look over my shoulder; to spiritually find my way home despite all delusions, obstacles and distractions presented by our modern, western, yet to be civilized world.

Limitlesssmile has been venue to develop and nurture an attitude that this whole human adventure is simply a fun puzzle seeking to be solved for great reward. It has been a sobering realization of my personal duty of self-responsibility with my own life and realization of my habits of lazy mind where I was not doing my own thinking. Now I endeavour to exercise my own thinking muscles with deductive reasoning and logical due process, be more observant of the natural law of nature and human nature. It has been realization of truth as a polarity of opinion and correctness, of absolutes and relativities, and these two sides to All, being a more sober value to assess existence. The quest of developing a judges mind where one witnesses the commerce of the substance of life and as an expression of intelligence, and like a computer programmer correct the script of the commerce which lacks balance or harmony.


For as long as Man has pondered the notion of god, it has been debated and fought over, to the death in many cases. For this limitlesssmile adventure we will use a practical notion. For the word of God, for the Intent of Creation is written in thy heart, and the written word is the word of man. One may look into and operate from heart to intuit and champion the cosmic mystery of love for the common good of All as intelligent co-operation and one may look into and operate from any holy book to learn honour and survival in the realms of human commerce. (from winston shrout) I do affirm and declare the notion that god is good and good is god and All that may be senced, conceived, perceived, believed, experienced and imagined is

[my preferred appellation for the notion god] All may be seen and understood as the fractal whole of creation, which like the autonomous entity of man has a will, a nature, a character and intent. All may be seen and understood as Creator and the Created as a singularity, love in symbiotic emergence, the dreamer and the dreamed as and at one with all. From survey of various creation myths we may summarise that the nature and intent of creation is love, truth, unity, oneness, goodness, ethics, honesty, honour, passion, compassion, grace and endurance.

Love-intelligent cooperation Truth- opinion Correctness- that which is Unity- I am an other you, you are an other me. Oneness- conscious co-creation Goodness passionately shared compassionate haromony

Passion- heartfelt participation Compassion-actively sharing heartfelt participation Respect- to look actively- admiration Honesty true to self and true to All Honour- unconditionally accept the evolution of All others Grace unconditional respect and allowing Endurance limitless divine love Therefore, we, each and every one of us are automonous individuating cells of All experiencing the universe and each of our unique and individual life adventures is the ever growing, ever expanding, ever evolving, ever changing expression and experience of the living All We may either aspire to and reflect the nature and intent of creation in our contracting/commerce or choose to be lost in the darkness of self interested separated-ego delusion. Despite who you may be and what ego part you may play in the world game no one is any more a part of All than any other I serve All in honour and I offer unconditional respect for your honour of All unless of course you have sworn oath to some other

Whom do you serve?

No matter who you are, your words and actions in our shared reflected world reveal your inner and private commerce with All for as above so below, as within so without.

The notions contained in this Festival of Notions might be ridiculous ideas none of them may be necessarily right or wrong, they are not so much facts as stepping stones toward revealing what is, I have presented them in an important manner so to have them feel like we are being told by the organism of which we are All a part to jolly well get our act together and be good to each other. These notions are of the most optimistic kind as a counter balance for theyre being so many negative notions being so enthusiastically delivered to us daily by our popular media, the ego expression of our collective psychology. The underlying theme in the following adventure through this festival of notions is a challenge to your spirit. A challenge to embrace completely self responsibility for every element of your life adventure as your living creation. A challenge to embody the greatest integrity in relating to all your reflections. A mind set devoid of blame or victim mentality will be necessary to feel the following notions in your experience. You will require feelings of loving detachment from any attitudes or opinions that may glare any form of negativity toward any other living soul With out these values somewhere available for your use ! It is probably best to not read any further Simply pass this book on to a friend
FOR THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE SMALL PRINT IS WITH THE CAUTION BY THE READER.----for the extreme-caution of the dealing of the legal-notices as are shared in this book is with the confusion of the artistic portrayal of the what of a notice-might-be and the realthing?

Ridiculous Notion 10 Enlightenvirus

Module One-------------------Wildest Dreams and Fantasises--Ridiculous Notion 2 The Dreaming Module Two--------------------Actuality----------------------Ridiculous Notion 13 Ridiculous Notion 6 Appeal of altered states the illusions of relationship

Module Three----------------Ego Peek--------------------Ridiculous Notion 69 Sexuality Ridiculous Notion 19 My Jolly Goodness Module Four-------------------Warriors Mood-----------------Ridiculous Notion 28 Human right human duty Ridiculous Notion 78 Modern tribalism Ridiculous Notion 9 Bold and intrepid Love Ridiculous Notion 8 Relationship clarity map Ridiculous Notion 17 Comfortably Numb Ridiculous Notion 74 Money Module Five------------------- Tarot--------------------------

Ridiculous Notion 33 Ridiculous Notion 5 Ridiculous Notion 39 Ridiculous Notion 21 Ridiculous Notion 47 Ridiculous Notion 15 Ridiculous Notion 322 Ridiculous Notion 1.618 Ridiculous Notion 23

Notice of repossession Notice of cancellation Earth Mother Union Notice of reconciliation Notice of non-attendance Notice of integrity challenge Integrity Audit Ascension Spiritual Tax Exemption

EN To cause to be, To make able LIGHT Inspiration, Motivation, Enthusiasm, Optimism Brightness, Vitality, Fun, Play, Humour, Laughter, Utter Goodness EN Into our MENT State of being

Enlightenment doesn't just happen like some light being turned on it would be more like the light is and has always been on and we have the ability to find and access the dimmer switch A dimmer switch that we may use to increase or decrease our own personal En-light-en-ment It is adjusted simply through the ways that we Choose to think, to live and to be.

Simple not Easy !

We are all each and every one of us intimately connected to the All We are all each and every one of us creators experiencing creation. We as living souls wont accept this to be correct by being told It may be realized in our own experience. We are all beginning to realise the difference between spirituality and religion

Religion is an Extenal Yoke to a Shared Notion It is written in your heart, and accept the spirit and it will teach you all things. If you rely on the written word for your relationship with God, you have got a problem, because you cannot reach God by the written word, it is not there for you. The written word is for COMMERCE
Winston Shrout

Spirituality is an Intern-all Connection to All

For the spirit is with the wholeness of every whole. For the spirit is with the dealing with wholes For the Spirit is with the establishing of the wholeness, balance, harmony, integration, health and plenitude by the awareness. Spiritual meaning is an expression of relatedness Spirit is pure and spontaneous creative activity, forever original and free via Dane Rudhyar

Spirituality is practical, it teaches that spirit is the real thing, the whole thing and that matter is but plastic stuff which spirit is able to create, mould, manipulate and fashion to its will Spirituality is the most practical thing in the world, the only really and absolutely practical thing there is
Spirit is infinite mind The Master Key System Charles Haanel

Greetings Fellow Living Souls

With Honesty, Integrity and Purity of Spirit I utter forth for all living souls with whom I share breath, life and community

A Festival of Notions Armed With A Hiroshimic Blast Of Totally Ridiculous Expectations For Utter Goodness.. An Adventure in Self Reflection, Self Integrity Audit and Life Engineering

I would like to begin this book by making a declaration--introducing my self so you may know who is behind this collection of words assembled upon these pages & It is my consideration that my part in the collection and assembly of the words found herein belong to All and To claim that Limitlesssmile is a message to us all from our collective conscience, a message to all cells of the living organism humanity a message to all units of unity consciousnes a message to all life forms of the biosphere a message to all members of the human family

INTRO ME Now for a brief outline of my living character. I am a conscious living soul experiencing my sovereign personification, expressed thru my human form as an Australian born middle age man, of white-fella ancestry. I have grown up and have lived within the lower end of the socio economical version of human life. I have learnt the art of living life with a careless disregard for needing lots of money to enjoy abundant, timeless, fulfilling adventures... My means of employ over the years have been many, from the earthmoving construction industry as a plant operator, labourer, and supervisor of works. I have enjoyed travel around our beautiful country (Australia) and as an itinerant, I have enjoyed participating in many types of simple employ; taxi driver, fruit picker, barman, gardener, factory worker, cleaner, farm hand, yoga teacher and more. I enjoy a natural ability to fit in pretty well anywhere and am blessed with a nature to be enthusiastic about my every day. My most enjoyable jobs have been the ones I have done for love. I have enjoyed volunteering a loving hand to many worthy endeavours. During my experience in heavy construction over many years I have earned some chronic back challenge, which has inspired a need to pursue yoga with great curiosity and live a low income humble existence in what I would call random timelessness . I have chosen to live as best as I am able in true exemption to commerce. I left school early and have learnt to rely upon personal ability and good nature as my passport to acceptance with other beings. I would claim to be well educated thru my own personal spirit of curiosity. I have enjoyed keen interest in studying my humanity and understanding further where I fit in to the mass of humanity. Studying anything that allows inspiring of my mind, and simply enjoying the spirit of sniffing things out. I grew up in the gentle nurture of women, and have instilled in me the quality of seeing the good in every body, of finding the good in every situation. I was taught the remarkable simple truth Just because everyone else does something, doesnt make it right. I was presented a vibe of genuine love and respect for authority as the gaurdians for the common good, with our Queen the personification of goodness its self. Oh dear! How have we allowed ourselves to take it all for granted. Just because everybody else chooses to participate in mammons commerce dose not mean it is right. I have observed over my years that we as ordinary everyday humans definitely do and accept things that are not quite right. We do many things that have obviously not been thought out very well. We participate in sharing a diet of pretty negative notions about the way things are and how they might be. An entire paradigm of limited restrictive half-life is our chosen collective life style. Collectively we live a paradigm of accepting reactive, subjective indulgence in negative emotion, while an active objective participation with

goodness is merely a choice away. A notion is imagination food, it furnishes your mind with a shape or flavour for your inner mindscape, and notions feed the scenarios you contemplate thru your day, and have the potential to directly affect your life. Our universe is filled up with an infinite supply of notions and you may feed freely on as much as you like for as long as you like, they belong to us all. You may take in any notion for your pondering and with your imagination explore its very extents and survey it for any possible good it may have for you, and if it has, you may choose to go the next step and actually manifest it. All notions have the same mechanical structure and come in an infinite range of positive or negative, true or false. Remember the notions we consume and ponder have a very real effect upon the quality of our very own every day life adventure. Trade your notions for new ones if they are not delivering you inspiration and fun for your unfolding adventure. A paradigm is said to be a holistic cognition of our entirety, a pattern for understanding; or a template for apprehending a clear notion for comprehending all; and as such if wrong makes everything wrong. It is how we see and understand the wholeness of our life adventure. There are ways to see and understand and be, we have yet to image. A paradigm is comprised of your particular world view and your way of being. Notions and paradigms are shaped and affected by belief...... so I have chosen to enjoy an alternative to belief - I reason that my life adventure would be diminished, if I do not feel the living experience of certain perceptions of reality; if i do not accept and live as real certain notions that traditionally have been controlled by external authorites. For example think of reincarnation, the notion that we live again and again just like in computer games. We know when gaming that certain frustrations and bothers arise due to losing life but it does not stop one from getting back in and playing and playing and playing the game. The entire external infinity we all share is an ocean of speculation and all one needs do is choose the speculation you like, and enjoy it as the most heart warming and inspiring perception of our shared reality, til you find a better one. Our world requires to seriously feed upon a more wholesome array of notions than we are currently consuming. We have grown up with many negative notions, some of which are external god religion, the need of having government, nuclear wars or holocaust, the menace of communism, the war on drugs, consume-consume -consume, and now the predominant notions being peddled is that of terrorism, the possibility of Pandemics and the need to work your life in commercial servitude for a living. These shared popularised notions affect every consciousness that touches them. These negative notions engender fear, separation and isolation; the opposite of community. These notions are peddled by our collective luciferian shadow, and manifest as the attitudes that control our herd, that limit civil liberty, that justify the extortion of life force. Beware of notions that may live in the back of your mind, the notions that have been installed into your unconscious from our world, the notions of fear and insecurity which

may act as magnets drawing too us that which we do not want. Our lives are governed by paradigms that have us accept less than our real potential. Example of a paradigm that had us share a limited collection of notions was when we all considered that our world was flat; that paradigm had us gauge our reality in ways that would have us wrong no matter how we twist or artistically apply our paradigm. Living with fears and speculations that are not real, though felt in a real way. Do you live in your modern life now with fears and speculations that are not real , though affect your life in a real way? We exist in a paradigm where we not only entertain the notions of violence, fight, struggle and war, we accept, allow and participate in their manifestation. We are all responsible by either participating in indulging in these notions in our own minds and life or remaining silent in our human ability to promote goodness. Just as we together made the paradigm transition from flat earth to spherical planet, we may morph from ego separation to conscious co creation. We All, as we journey toward the notion of one world order, may observes the macro psychology, the collective personality of humanity in its evolution has come to the maturity of defracturing from multiple personalities, all different to each other, to becoming one personality relaxing into realizing it is one organism with seven billion unique indiviulal cells collaborating into existence one organism in a symbiotic love dance with our planet. A decentralized (w)hol-archy collaborating in guilds of individuals, a permaculture garden of fractal expressions of the nature of the bio-spere that together we are. Peeling away the disfunctional need to discriminate against our multiple means of expressing our meaning and purpose through religious thought; peeling away also the need to carry on the commerce of mammon, which is of course the ego need to competitively control and dominate the trading of substances with values. The blood which flows through our collective social body is called money We truly know in our heart that we may magically transform all

For those that are watching we are entering a time of many paradigm shifts small and large. Quantum physics and ancient wisdom are calling us all into challenging the paradigms that govern our entire relationship with reality; how we interact with reality at a physical body and mind level; how we relate with all the other humans we share life and community, how we might recontract with our living systems of government and justice; and the expectations you might wear into permaculturing your own life story. Ordinary every day people are ready for a new diet of ponder food. Ready to entertain a simple notion, a ridiculous idea, for changing dramatically the entirety of our shared human world. To awaken in our each and every being our potential to experience the

ultimate experience available to any human, to simply be madly, wildly, passionately in love with our each and every unfolding moment. It is time to ridiculously leap in to a new paradigm of existing as Sovereign Individuals in family, in tribe and in community. As we contemplate leaving duality and its expression of discriminating against, let us begin dancing as a singularity in polarity, harmonizing Utter Good by discriminating with All the negativety of our collective shadow with loving kindness. Where there is light there can be no shadow. Humanity is ready for a Hiroshimic blast of goodness. One Planet One People One Notion

Gandhi not only brought the British Empire to its knees; he effectively rang down the curtain on the centuries-old drama of colonialism, and he did it by simply standing for a principle: the intrinsic dignity of man and his right to freedom, sovereignty and selfdetermination. Fundamental to this principle, in Gandhi's view, was the fact that such rights derive to man by virtue of the divinity of his creation. Gandhi believed that human rights are not granted by any earthly power, but are inherent in the nature of man himself because they are inherent in his creation.
-- POWER VERSES FORCE AN ANATOMY OF CONSCIOUSNESS The Hidden Determinants of Human Behaviour David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.


The powers that be, was the British Empire then, and now is a huge global governing force of multi-national corporations (51 of the 100 largest economies in the world are corporations, stealing our individual and community life force, thru their attitudes of control of the religion/banking/government and justice systems. We as individual and communities thru our complacency, apathy and inertia; thru being hypnotized into accepting limited paradigms of our way of being human; thru allowing our collective herd to graze on the dumbing down notions of the greedy few, are Accepting and allowing our forgetting of self responsibility Accepting and allowing our system to operate out of align with good conscience. Accepting and allowing evaporation of civil liberties in exchange for notions of terrorism Accepting and allowing theft of our collective sovereignty Our sovereignty as individual, tribe and community is the awakening global authority empire and governments and organized religions as authority are notions belonging to the dying age of pisces

Ridiculous Notion 10
ENLIGHTEN VIRUS The most profound and utter truths are simple We may allow ourselves to embrace our true human nature completely. Utter Goodness, is the very foundation of our human nature Divinity is the essence of our human intelligence Divinity is simply our most magnificent potential

imagining living the most profound experiences available to any entity. being a real expression of joyousness, jollity, and cheerful good humour, having all our collective cleverness deliberately aimed to pursue positive creative endeavours. pursuing the notion that enlightenment is the process of deliberately activating utter goodness. presenting and challenging all our humanity, all fellow humans in our life, so they make real effort to pay homage to this notion. reflecting personal integrity audit on All commerce within thine heart with our own personal notion of creator and all commerce without in our shared world. aspiring to the utter simplicity, in logic and intelligence, that it is for our collective survival and well being, to pursue actions immediately that heal our communities separation from our true human nature of utter goodness. having wide spread discussion and debate upon the fact that organized religion across the world has failed to achieve peace and intelligence for humanity., discussing negotiating and analysing the fact that our institutions of justice, commerce,

government and industry do not truly reflect our divinity, and have simply failed in their sacred trust and duty to honour delivery of our planetary common wealth to all humanity, they have breached contract with divine and natural law . having a new understanding of the nature of the haves and the have-nots. The haves are those who have an inner peace and simple contentment in life, they are the truly wealthy hidden away in timelessness and simple surroundings returning to our true nature of love, peace, compassion and wisdom accepting that when we are not experiencing harmony in our life adventure, we responsibly access inner creative skills of ponder, deduction, consideration and intuition for solution, not blame upon others or circumstance, to not spend life force upon force, conflict, fight or struggle. discovering the secret of true power

PRE-TEND the highest office in our shared reality is the office of pretend

higher than the prelate of the illumanati higher than the grand master or dame hospitellier higher than the pope or president or prime minister the highest pretend office imaginary is the office that we all may fill so lets pretendThe Balance of Unity We are sovereign humans here upon our mother earth; By virtue of the fact that we exist we are due access to equal portion of the reality we find our selves within. Only personal self interested attitude and opinion and ignorance may suggest otherwise, only personal behaviour and attitude in commerce may prevent one from honourable access to sovereign right. We have all been born upon this planet and are all in this adventure of life together. Together we make up the collective body, mind and spirit of all mankind. We are each and every one of us equally a part of the whole and we each have equal duty to contribute our voice to determining the unfolding of our collective destiny. We each are equal before the Laws of Cosmos, Nature and Man.

As sovereign our authority is supreme and absolute. In our Australian constitution sovereignty is identified as existing with the people, and until we all as individuals embrace and wear the notion of our individual functional sovereignty we wont see it expressed in each other or exercised in our living families, tribes and communities. When we awaken to some simple truths we will all release the mantle of deception, heal our ignorance and enjoy the freedom hoped for us, by the lives of our fore fathers and mothers in past wars and the human struggle. Each and every one of us in our individual experience, experiences existence thru our senses (Doorways receiving our unfolding experience) and have fundamental human leanings to pursue joy in preference to suffering, to pursue good in preference to bad, to pursue welfare in preference to injury, all this we know as true within our individual selves and therefore due to all others, as our basic duty and responsibility, to the honour we owe, in exchange for the privilege of enjoying a life. We have duty too ensure that the world is presented to the incoming, in a flavour worthy of our intrinsic collective true human nature. We have duty to ourselves to acknowledge that the life adventure that is our story is a living experience of reality. As is everyones life, a cell of the All experiencing All. We are all each and every one of us equally a creator experiencing creation. Over the aeon of human existence in our recordable histories, humanity has slowly organised it self into systems and organizations. That even when looked at casually, displays self interested privilege, separation and exclusion, driving the mind of living souls into isolation, separation and division. The ultimate split between Ego and spirit. The fallen one. This greedy self interested ego attitude slowly, insidiously has human nature evaporated from our communities and replaced with fear..... It shows at casual glance collections of the communal collective wealth being held and hoarded by families, groups and associations, religions, companies, corporations; greed clubs of the privileged. The paradigm of existing in nations is limiting to humanity and serves only those with dominant intellect and diminutive spirit, the way nations have formed over millennia has been promoted and evolved by intellect, in service of corrupt material ego desiresfor power, control and riches. Moronic! The divine expression of humanity is not to be found in the form of an empire of states and nations directed by corrupt egos, but to be living clusters of guilds of goodness, expressing that goodness thru sovereign individuality, family, tribe and community, town and city. Any organizations that exists beyond these basic units requires to be by volunteers lending their cleverness for the smooth and good networking between our borderless de-centralized permaculture living units. Our institutions of family, tribe, community, government, judiciary, commerce, industry and media are all expressions of our divine human nature. In our true human nature any human serving in these living organs of our collective self would honour their duty as custodians of the universes communal common wealth, to have it directed in accord with utter goodness and dealt with in utter truth.

In our most magnificent excellence we would expect religion to be the custodian of the definitions of utter good. Then justice would operate as the determiner of weighing up the virtues of something or some body and measuring them in light of utter goodness; to judge and allow the notions of our neighborhoods of existance to be invoked as action; to be the filters seeking to rid our collective persona of attitudes that do not align with good conscience; justice is meant to reveal and measure motivations and covert agendas. Justice and Religion are most responsible for defining the honouring of our collective duties and responsibilities to our fellow humans and our planet. Religion in its most magnificient expression would be the living example of our relationship with conscience. If justice was operating in align with our true divinity, in its most amazing magnificience it would be a community structure answering all needs for balance between good and bad, right and wrong, run by wise elders of the community. Presently it is controlled as a multi billion dollar per year industry, allowing many self-interested beings to harvest great wealth from those who truly require free access to common sense, good conscience, wise counsel, life direction guidance or rehabilitation. Presently the industry of law is a dishonest manipulator of the use of language, using double talk and trickery to control and distort our living language to extract life force (money); and maintain advantage over the population whom they consider as idiots. Presently our alleged justice system is a justice proportional to wealth system. In our present justice system we are judged and controlled by those who have surrendered their sovereignty to a foreign monarch, fellow actors in a massive pantomime. Those whom have sworn oath of office and secrecy have effectively relinquished their authority and jurisdiction with sovereign individuals. Biased their loyalties away from their community. The magistrates and judges are subservient to a foreign sovereign and are compelled to enforce statute in the designs of those others; to ensure legislation is exercised so that it protects the wealth of the greedy self-interested; to enforce revenue extraction on behalf of those in the greed clubs. Certainly not nurturing healing the community with in which they live and share breath.
It is impossible that government or justice should have any rights, except such as the individuals composing it had previously as individuals. They could not delegate to a government any rights, which they did not themselves possess. They could not contribute to the government any rights, except such, as any person possesses as an individual. LysanderSpooner 1875 (this date shows there have been people making the same points for a very long time)

What mentality and degree of evolution and integrity do we as sovereigns expect of these beings running our courts? Whom do they serve? What paradigm of existence are they looking at us from? The power of Unity in polarity or the force of duality, division, conflict and deception, fight, struggle and war?

Our organs of justice and government require to contemplate the deepest and most noble implications of our nations affirmation of reconciliation. To reconcile is to bring back together, to reunite. The ultimate balance of unity. Reconciliation is our national and individual quest to find our selves individually and collectively returned to a state of unity. A reuniting of our ego selfs natural leaning for self interest, division, and separation and our spirits natural impetus for unity; the harmonious power of having all working together for the greatest good. Nationally these energies may be identified by the white races representing the force of self interested excess, greed, domination and control and the indigenous beings representing collectively our lost and beleaguered human sovereignty; our spiritual self; our true human nature. The citizens of the Commonwealth require to remember they share life, breath and community with we the people of Australia the continent. Or as the Elders say we people belong to country. A sovereign individual is the living soul personifying spirit through homo sapien sapien form and adjoined with the flesh of our living planet, the land our country. As sovereign, my self and the planet are indivisable, we together are an individual. The living planet exists in symbiotic emergence with the organism humanity. Australia has celebrated a dynamic spiritual awakening on 12/2/08 when indigenous australia officially performed Welcome to Country, and recognition of welcome was met with official apologie on Sorry day 13/2/08, the 320 th anniversery of the presentation of the English Bill of Rights. The thin end of the wedge of integrity audit has begun and now as we share healing, australia may lead the world in reconciliation. Together we begin to heal the wounds of enormous suffering inflicted upon indigenous australians, and heal the arrogant denial which hides the deep shame felt by the invaders. Government in its excellence may administrate and regulate the flow and supply of energy to the working whole, directing wealth to the areas that require nourishment, and redirecting flow away from areas that are being over nourished and consequently corrupted. Provision of resource is the duty of the government of the awakened herd. Government initiates appropriate actions for maintaining health and developing strengths knowledge, abilities, and actions in accord with duty and responsibility. Government is responsible for policing the movement of the communal wealth and to police those who have sought position as custodian and administrator of the wealth, so they may handle it honourably. The living organ of Police, in our most excellent expression, would be our strongest brothers and sisters flaunting their greatest integrity, the immune system of the collective organism, being feared or disliked by no one, they simply being where one goes or ends up when out of balance with the common good. Presently the office of police is humiliated by corrupt government into being lowered to the status of frivolous and vexatious tax extorters, tricking the unsuspecting into commercial contracts, enforced by deceptive justice systems. Or worse, hypnotised minions serving the commercial profit of their corporate masters. All beings whom, like police,

occupy the various offices of the governing and management of our collective beingness require to ponder these questions

I would encourage all public servants to ponder the notion of Am I (hu)man or minion? Do i operate with my own spirit, critical mind and integrity, or have i sold my soul? What does it mean to sell ones' soul? Your every thort act and deed is recorded upon your living soul all that you do and all that you commerce all that you affect and all agendas you promote and perpetuate are recorded within your auric field for your future attention and reconciliation and It is not the loyalty to boss and the pay, the pay rises, the awards and promotions that are your Karma it is the agenda which you have expressed willingly and intentionally into our shared reality. it is the trespass and rape you perform on behalf of another that is your karma.

Industry and commerce serve under the direction of the powers above, they are not responsible enough to act on their own motivations and attitudes, as the very nature of their craft require the energy of competition and gain. It is their lot to strive to be the best, the most, the highest, the largest and the most powerful. All worthy powers when nobly applied, Justice and government are responsible for the actions of commerce and industry, as both justice and government direct them in accord with the definition of the utter good that may be won in collaborating with we the people. presently industry earns the karma of rape and trespass. Religion has failed to bring peace or intelligence to mankind, so it is up to we the sovereign humans, the ordinary every day people of our communities to pursue immediately the defining of the utter good, to control the notions we ponder collectively and the questions we will ask and answer with community based integrity audit. To instruct our servants in justice and government to align with our will for the common good of all. Presently all who serve the organ of religion are accumulating the karma of deception fraud and adultery. (remember adultery is to adulterate, to cause to be less than )

Banking is the arterial and veineous systems of our collective social body, it exists to asssit the harmonious flow of the blood of our social body, Money! Presently all who serve the organ of banking are accumulating the karma of parasitic cancer until it corrects to operate in harmony with the common good and natural law.

The greedy attitude of self interested humans shows clearly a total disregard for our collective human duty and responsibility, to honour and protect our living planet and to honour our living communities; to support our duty to preserve the very basic rights and needs of our fellow humans, each and every one of them. We have allowed and preserve and protect the present planetary attitudes of utter greed and privilege, in regard to our collective duty to share the common wealth of our planet with all. We have become blinded by the attitudes and ways of the present collective ego, who has had control of the tools that may either enlighten or enslave humanity. Our collective luciferian shadow has used all its cleverness to have as much of the collective common wealth of humanity as it can get away with. This collective attitude has been named in the bible Mammon, the unjust steward, and it is the shadow side of man which wears attitude of charge and take, it is the attitude of usury, the charging of interest. True interest is some thing that is paid not charged, true interest is the unconditional love paid by a mother. Interest we pay to banks, interest allowed, supported and charged by any religion, government, or justice system is usury, is anti life, is anti christ. Our collective luciferian shadow uses it's cleverness to develop support for the ideals of excess and greed. They wearing the shadow consciousness in their own personal experience of reality have become so alien to their true human nature that the only way they may squeeze in some feeling of being alive while in a life, is to resort to the cheap satisfactions of material possession, acquiring and hoarding, taking, stealing, seeing others suffer, to see fear in anothers eyes, to feel some power over some thing or someone, and in the most extreme case destroy and murder and war. Those wearing the luciferian shadow choose these actions so they may feel some notion of personal power, some notion of good in their separated ego selves, feeling that they have honoured some noble aim, whereas in fact they accept a poor substitute to feeling true good. They are oblivious to the fact they have lost sensitivity to their innate human feelings for utter goodness, their true divine nature. There is no excuse, we as a collective living representative of creation, however you may like to perceive that notion, have duty to ponder this insanity, we all have equal sovereignty as appearers in reality. We all have equal responsibility to discharge our collective luciferian shadow with loving kindness. We require to immediately stop justifying to our delusional selves that there is any virtue at all in participating in any more wars, promoting excess and waste, destroying planet and community, surrendering our inherent power as a sovereign living soul to some collective limiting notion of external god. Do we wish to risk the lives of our own children as they are sent in to fight battles for the greedy few? Is it time to realize that the emperor has no clothes? At present we have among us the most powerful, the grandest war machine ever created, it is worth trillions of dollars and is manned by a few nations finest collection of strength, ability, intelligence, sharpness of focus and awareness; and also the most genuinely loyal, dedicated, devoted, obedient and good-natured humans you may find anywhere. There are the greedy self-interested few, who have for all history been greedily promoting the delusional need for war. Funding both sides of conflict for profit, Promoting the

delusional mindset that we have division and fear in our communities; notions of racial tension and the threat of terrorism a constant diet to ponder. When we dislike and fight as living souls among each other we align with the ego attitude of division. This is exactly where the greedy powers that be want us; it serves them perfectly for us to fight among our selves, to wear attitudes of racism; to indulge in the trivialities of ego righteousness. We as ordinary every day humans who live and enjoy an ordinary life know that there is some thing terribly wrong with the way our planet has been run, and the way it is presently being run, we have bought in to the delusional virtues of greed and excess, force and war. Our collective human nature is corrupted from its true expression of good. The corruption can be seen right down at our grass roots in our every day nonchalant consumption of more than we require, our self justified rights to spend living wealth upon the sedatives necessary to maintain living a lie. Our western populations spend billions upon sugar, stimulants, alcohol, and countless other drugs, legal and illicit, tons of stuff to fill up our homes; to numb and dumb our minds and lives to sedate the pain of isolation, to sedate ourselves enough to continue living lives that are out of align with our true human nature. We are endlessly dedicated to consumption, have access to material abundance but a depressive, alcoholic, paranoid and angry spiritual poverty, lost somewhere between conscious mess and consciousness.. Human in their pure nature are fun, friendly, inclusive, supporting, helpful, sharing and willing to band together to achieve great visions. Willing to dedicate their life to fight for what they believe to be right, allowing their good nature to swing to support leaders who have the ability to sell their delusional visions of human rightness. We have also the simple human ability to join together to support pursuing utter goodness It is our divinity expressing through our animality that separates us from the animal world. Our divinity is an intelligence allowed us, that we as sovereign humans on earth, may enjoy to feel completely, the most profound of all human experiences, utter goodness; to magnify our most excellent potentials, to feel with our entire sensitivity, our entire feelings, our emotions and desires. To feel true goodness in our whole life and nature, to feel completely our truest inner human nature.... In our human biology we are constructed of a trillion cells. They are all programmed by nature to serve us completely. They are programmed to seek homeostasis, health, vitality, healing, regeneration, enhancement, tonic condition, utter health and goodness, this they can do!! That is their nature.!! We as a spirit living our life in a human body are master and commander of this amazing community of cells, we decide their fate and the challenges they will face. They are completely at the mercy of our will. We enjoy our adventure here in existence with the interesting but sometimes challenging company of our desires, our wildest dreams and fantasies, our motives, our likes and dislikes, our opinions, and our attitudes. These all colour the decisions we make as master and commander of our trillion cells, and they in

align with our actions, our depressions, our moods and attitudes and feeling for ill, bad or evil, this community will always seek our greatest good. This community is absolutely forgiving, the moment we consciously seek health our cells collaborate, participate, and aim directly for the good. if our mind chooses to have cancerous or sick thoughts this also they can obey. We are also the individual cells of our communities, and also seek the good in the designs of the delusions of our leaders. We as sovereign humans living upon our mother the earth are instilled in our true nature with the same goodness as can be acknowledged at a mechanical level in our trillion cell community...that goodness is a simple essential nature seeking to feel good, to feel that our entire life is beautiful, wonderful, magnificent, joyous, jolly and good. It may be assumed that to experience any of these rare and precious feelings and sensations would be a fundamental ideal for any entity with notion toward experiencing existence. When the biological system of the human cosmos is governed with integrity, it without reserve and with the greatest humility will serve to protect and preserve the wholeness of the organism in align with the universal law of the common good of all. When a system within the human organism begins to take nourishment for itself separate from the wholeness of the living system, it exists as an autonomous structure, taking the nourishment to create for itself a separated enclave of cells feeding greedily upon as much life force and nourishment it can get a hold of, for those cells within its separated autocracy, with out concern for the wholeness it is actually a part of, or the common good of all. These separate entities found in our human organism are called tumors, they are a cancer that takes unreservedly the common wealth nourishment belonging to the whole and creates for itself deluded separateness at the expense of the whole, generally at such a detriment to the living whole that the very life of the organism is threatened. In our living system, we are as human individuals cells of the collective body of our humanity, the common wealth of humanity belongs to every cell and is the very nourishment necessary to ensure absolute health, vitality and ultimate enlightenment of the living whole. At present our living system has been over taken by cancerous tumors which take unreservedly the common wealth, and directs it into nourishing its separated enclaves of cells at the expense of the living whole, promoting its cancerous attitude of greed and corrupted overfeeding of itself . Spiritually immature corporations are the cancerous tumors that take the common wealth unreservedly with no concern for the health vitality and enlightenment of the living whole, organized religions, banks, corporate governments, corrupt justice systems may be

identified at casual glance by their attitudes and actions, seeking to honour profit, working in a paradigm of separated greed, with no concern for the living whole it is a part of, For our survival it is time to identify these cancerous tumors by conducting a collective integrity audit, to identify if our collective organs are working for a separated greedy profit or are serving the common good of all. To reveal clearly motivations, intentions and agendas of all institutions and organizations, all corporations and governments. The nature of cancer is arrogant and cold. It takes greedily as much life force as it is able, to feed its enclave of cells, which live in elite autonomous separation from its host, the living whole. Cancer is cold because it is insensitive to all but its own needs, and is arrogant because it ruthlessly pursues feeding its own self interested needs and desires. Cancer is insensitive to the fellow cells it deprives of the common wealth, it is blind to the laws of nature and universe. Its demise is guaranteed in its self interested greedy attitude as it kills that which it is a part of. Cancer has an unconscious sucidal self loathing. We as human are animal and it is our divinity, an excellence in potential that sets us apart from our fellow creatures. We have potential to apply our will completely toward one end. We have the ability to unite completely in service of one dream, one vision, to be united as one people, one planet, one notion. We simply require deciding in our each and every individual self, to passionately and deliberately, promote, provoke, inspire and ridiculously demonstrate our notion of utter goodness.

NOTICE TO ALL HUMANITY You require immediately stop what you are doing, and in respect to our human duty and responsibility to our common humanity, we require to reflect upon our actions and attitudes in our each and every individual life. The more rich or famous or powerful you are the greater your responsibility to honour these duties. To honour your responsibility to all humanity, we are all in this together and we may calculate with as much honesty as is our power, to assess our collective dream, to assess the way our combined wills are unfolding. Assess and answer what our each and every individual part in this journey is shaped to do.. Is it honouring the simple good, have you as a human used your intelligence to achieve and install for your self; feeling good, feeling good now in your body in your feelings and in your life, and in all the lives with whom you share breath, and community? Approach from a place of peace and gratitude your every action with the mission statement Corruption comes from the top down, enlightenment arrives from the bottom up, directly from the grass roots; we the ordinary people may honour our living planet and all her living communities with our every thought act and deed. The megalomaniac controllers of our planetary wealth are corrupt with power and greed and it is from that top, that corruption arrives into our organs of justice, commerce, industry and government and infect into our very communities. This infection is reflection of the attitudes and

opinions worn to dominate, control and steal the common wealth from fellow entities, and necessary to allow the continuance of the stealing of sovereign life force and desecration of nature. This is the nature and attitude worn by the entire monetary system. the moral of the monetary system is, it has no ethic It takes a paradigm shift enacted with enormous strength and sensitivity to feel the power of utter goodness, it is devoid of all fear, all attachment, it is total grace of presence. A surrender from egos need for division and separation into unity of spirit. We as humans seek with all our passion and energy to feel reality; we will go to any end to get the greatest buzz, the most amazing high; the most effective sensation We have opportunity to make some thing amazing happen in this human life, to see an utter transformation of our world people. We have the human capability to group together, to achieve the most amazing accomplishments... we have the ability to fight to the death for our nation, we have the ability to commit to the very end, history is full of good examples of this human capability, it is our nature. We have the capacity to destroy. We have the capability to create we have the capacity to co-create. As a clever group of individuals we have created the most powerful army in the reported history of the world, the American force is a triumph of human ingenuity. What can be achieved when you put together the very best of a population and focus all their amazing human cleverness together, put together a few million of your most strong, able, sharp and aware humans,,,,,, you have an army that has capability to dominate the entire world The American armed force is the dominant ego personality of the collective evolving consciousness of mankind. As may be observed in any living soul in their individual process of spiritual maturing and evolving, so also can be observed in our collective spiritual evolution the very same mechanics. In the evolution of the spiritualising of the collective mind of humanity it would seek to find unity, to become one mind, one personality, to reconcile into becoming one story for all humans. At present the U.S.A government and the hidden megalomaniac masters behind that corporation, are the major ego pieces of the collective puzzle, seeking to develop some ultimate strength, some ultimate one-world persona. Presently it finds itself wobbling tenuously, in an endeavour to stabilise into an enlightened application to reality for all living sovereign appearers in reality. Presently it is in battle between its ego self and its true nature. The greedy self interested Powers that be although in control of the wealth of all humanity, and although in control of the most powerful and technological army are still only cells of the all experiencing a life in reality. The powers that be have limitless material power and wealth and it is these very things that separate them from their enlightenment. The danger of having spiritually immature beings holding the reigns of power becomes more apparent as we all re-awaken to our responsibility to be functionally sovereign, and then observe how negatively the powers that be react.

The facts of what we have seen demonstrated in the destruction of Iraq and previous wars are testimony that we cannot trust spiritually immature individual humans to possess great power and wealth. The evidence that there are mega wealthy beings controlling our world thru dishonest control of world banking and their wealthy control of governments and justice becomes more obvious to us all day by day. These beings are in the delusion that they are some sort of Illuminati; Zion being the ultimate masturbation for their selfish egos. Unless these evil beings surrender immediately their control of our common human wealth and lead the way back into goodness they are in contempt of their own spiritual potential. Humanity in this modern technological moment is in the ultimate end game of ego versus spirit. The ultimate example of our collective ego in its most magnificent blindness may be observed as the megalomaniac controllers indulge in egos greatest expression of self-interested greed, corruption, division, and separation from spirit. Regardless of what limited religious dribble they subscribe to, to justify to themselves some rightness in what they are doing, they in the simple presence of the All are not in align with the truth of the universe which is goodness, all else they mutter to justify waring, holding hoarding and stealing our common wealth is their own deluded ego phantasmagoria. Their access to limitless wealth has blinded them from their own ultimate truth as a spirit experiencing eternity in the universe. Imagine the immanent moment when the Powers That Be awaken from their selfish ego delusions and have the courage to invoke utter goodness, to use this same war machine as an awesome power to create good, if we invoked utter goodness upon the entire force, and they were set off to perform the most profound acts of creation, setting off to establish the world as a garden,,,,,,,, A force with the mantra, utter goodness, a permaculture garden of peace for all humanity,,, leading, teaching and transforming the world,,, we have had many armies in our human history, enough to tell us that we ordinary humans who are convinced to be soldiers will do what we are told, even when it may mean our death,,, we willingly go off to fight and die if we are told to, by the unintelligent, greedy, self- interested hate creators. We may command our armies to go forth and use up every last sacred drop of testosterone, to deliberately invoke utter goodness in the form of turning the entire planet in to a garden. Have them create access to water, nourishment and simple shelter for all humans. To have this world become a beautiful adventure for our children and their great grandchildren. To go forth with their strength to command the entire world to stop and turn away from the collective silliness of pursuing self interested greed.... it is possible, it could start tomorrow... its as easy as telling the generals to act immediately, to order all armies across the planet to immediately collaborate and focus all force upon turning the world into a permaculture garden of peace. The entire armies would obey immediately they would rejoice to be allowed to be endeared to their fellow humans instead of being hated or feared, they would rejoice to have opportunity to participating in actively contributing to the utter good of humanity. If directed they would each and every one

dedicate completely their loyalty to this simple human act, challenging those that are so desperate to experience some deluded good they are willing to blow them selves and others to oblivion. Why are more service men dying by their own hand than are being killed in these conflicts? Utter goodness would have so called terrorists disappear before our eyes. Who among us will defend the status quo? In the not to distant future when our humanity in its wholness progresses to spiritual enlightenment we will enjoy the direction and guidance of our corporations, which with access to the greatest intelligence and resorce will come to honour their divine charter of serving the common good of all. The negative energies of enervation, entropy, atrophy, apathy and mindlessness are easy to fall into, we ordinary humans have blindly allowed the self interested to take over, we have blindly followed these same humans and have unconsciously taken on the same values of need for excess and greed to feel sensation of being alive. The further you stray from your essential real nature of goodness, the further you will need to rove into material sensation and ego delusions to achieve some sensation of being alive. The further from goodness you go the more hard-core things you will need to do, to feel alive. The further you go from goodness the deeper you may journey into physical sensations to feel life. Morbidly, obesely isolating from our living tribes and communities Organised religions and our governing structures fail to find peace and intelligence for us, industry and commerce and the justice system have failed to deliver access of our collective common wealth to humanity honestly, have breached natural and universal law. It may come from every individual, the challenge of utter goodness, to be open and accountable, to volunteer your explanation of your perception of your human duties and responsibilities, and how you are going to honour them.. How you understand utter goodness and how you employ it to experience the most excellent potential for your life adventure. It is duty of every human, everywhere to ask, and challenge each and every one of us to reveal our motives and explain our attitudes. It is duty of each and every human to promote the notion of utter goodness in every aspect of our adventure. It is our human duty to ensure that justice and government align with good conscience and obey the common good of all. All this may continue until saturation. Till we see humans in positions of power and decision demonstrating their heartfelt ability to volunteer their personal report and declaration of good to humanity. Utter goodness, is available immediately to all humans, we are capable of living toward utter goodness in thought act and deed.... all sounds a bit holy moly I suppose, but this is truly the simple recipe to the enlightenment of our each and every life. Why have not the organized religions of the world passed this simple notion on to their fellow humans?... Why have these organizations professing to be representative of some external god been so far away from achieving any real goodness for humanity?...Why has it not been identified that 1000 years of inquisition, the murder and torture of those who do not believe what you want them too; why has this not been identified as terrorism? Why have

they not openly challenged international bad behaviours?.... Why did they simply build churches and stand by while aboriginal Australians were murdered?. Why do they genocide indigenous beings across the planet?... Why have they stood by and allowed the murder and slaughter of two world wars?..... Why do they not challenge the anomalies of the growing evidence of anomalies in the 911 terrorist attack?.... Why has religion not taught we the people of the earth about our sovereignty as humans?...Why have they not demonstrated to us our human duty and responsibility to all humans in community? ....Why have they not led us by example into acts of utter goodness?.....Why have they not proposed visions for united planetary endeavour?...Why have they not sought to empower all people as sovereigns?...Why are the church minions being found to be peadophiles?..Why are churches not centre pieces of permaculture gardens?.....Why have they not shared the notion that we are all equally god experiencing the universe? Why have they not been champions and exemplars of Unity Consciousness. Why do their banks charge usury? Forget that energy! We have each and every one of us, ordinary every day folk, the innate natural human intelligence to enact and gauge goodness. Each and every one of us may promote good in all our individual and organised human endeavours. If all humans had utter goodness as their mission statement at the greeting of each and every day, and fearlessly strove out into the unknown, giving goodness to all actions, assisting every opportunity, creating true wealth of feeling, Never needing to pursue material gain as a substitute to experiencing the deepest feelings of our true human nature. We as humans have the ability to protest and demand an explanation as to why it would be any more expensive to wage an act of utter goodness upon a nation, than to destroy it. We as humans have the right to hear our leaders of government, justice, commerce, industry and media, explain why we are not able to pursue collective acts of utter good. The meek are inheriting the earth and it is you and I the ordinary folk of the whole world, we are the same the planet over, we would share our humble shelter and resource with any genuine need, we would pursue goodness in our daily life and deeds, seeking to enjoy our family, tribe, friends and community, seeking to preserve and protect our planet. We the meek issue out upon the world, notice of dereliction of duty, upon all particular humans. They know who they are! Utter goodness is now evoked as the mantra and secular ethic of the new millennium, each and every human is responsible to reflect the good and point out where it is not being expressed, the more powerful you are the more wealthy you are, the greater your responsibility, Your responsibility as a custodian of abundance is to direct in the most enlightened way for yourself, and all humanity channelled thru your family, tribe, and community. It is a blatant dishonour of your fellow life forms to not seriously heed this message from our collective conscience. We have thousands of years of peace up ahead, lets find again our true human nature and grab a cushion; sit back and relax and enjoy

sharing our most outrageous divinity in awe and laughter. Equally as we have ventured into unenlightened greed, dispute and wars, may we grow into enlightened inclusion, magnification and expansion. The intelligence of the common ordinary person is evolving. The simple realisation of our greed and the way we have turned our back on our fellow humans and their basic rights is becoming more obvious to us all day by day. As we move away from the complicated rigmarole of organised religion and truly realise the beautiful simplicity god is good, good is god; we may all calculate what is good, no priests required. Simple personal shame will dissolve the greedy corrupted way in which our systems are presently operating. Human rightness will become so clear and present, that no matter how you present your life, if you are greedy and self interested and not working for the common good of all, it will become embarrassingly obvious. Sovereign conscience will simply amplify to the point where most of the guilty offenders of our present disrespectful irreverent ways will simply self rectify. Human will humbly seek to participate fully in the true way we are meant to be. This process is happening right now and will become more obvious as more of us realize our sovereignty and common law rights and demand good conscience governs us. We will grow to be more collectively involved in actions that demand our governing system operates for the common good. Simply disallowing it to continue out of alignment with good conscience. The self-interested are not in complete control of our collective unfolding. The self-interested are simply working from a dark heart that has no capacity to truly love themselves, and therefore needing to judge and control others. In Australia we are awakening to our simple need as ordinary every day people, to pursue actions that will guarantee our collective nation displays, a persona that is more representative of the nature of the majority of humans, who make this nation what and who it is. It is up to us everyday mums and dads, grannies and granddads, uncles and aunts, brothers and sisters and all the colourful individuals from every corner of mother earth, to simply make use of a very special gift given to us from our fore fathers who drew up our Australian constitution. From the Annotated Constitution of The Australian Commonwealth----the opening words of the preamble proclaim that the constitution of the commonwealth of Australia is founded on the will of the people whom it is designed to unite and govern.

A constitution is a living system of rules and regulations given the power of law and basic principles that our selves or our nation choose to be governed by; it is the living condition and health of our physiology individually or collectively. It is the way something is formed or organized. The written constitution of a nation is the defined notions we as individuals sharing life, breath and community may pay homage to while continuing to evolve our relationship with each other and our shared reality. The constitution that does not evolve to reflect the

ideals of utter goodness will contract to manifest only that which its limited visions may describe. Presently in Australia we may observe that our nation has the constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia as a foundation stone of the definitions of utter goodness that govern our lives and the fate of our life, liberty, rights and property. The enlightenment and evolution of the beings that put this document together over 100 years ago is different to the mindscape and available enlightenment of present living souls. If an organ of justice was to rule solely upon the constitution of 100 years ago, without allowing constant challenge and updating of that original notion; without consciously working in total collaboration with all living souls to provoke, inspire, finetune and enlighten the notions necessary for our sharing of our mother the earth and our common wealth; then it is clearly operating out of align with good conscience, clearly revealing its agenda; especially when all said and done nobody has signed any contract to be bound to the constitution. It is our good will as living souls to abide by the notions of constitution, it is agenda of domination and control that has us tricked into believing we are lawfully bound to constitution. We may also observe that our human form is a constitution and it is in constant and dynamic living change. The attitudes and privileges inherited from Mother England have been accepted and exercised quite enthusiastically by government, the judiciary, commerce and industry. The rich, greedy and self-interested human attitude that has enjoyed power and privilege for generations has continued a tradition of controlling commerce, the judiciary and government. This attitude has happily carried on a tradition of righteous over payment for itself. Dishonestly creating legislation, which serves the needs to remain rich and privileged. Manipulating a way of being for its workforce; (in the words of an Aussie indigenous artist), we have all become colonised refugees, in the wake of the colonising attitude of genocide and dispossession. These powers that be and the fellow living souls serving with in the governing structures wear attitude of treating their fellow mankind with contempt, when they use excuse of following orders to justify not aspiring to good for their fellow man. Man or Minion is what we must ask ourselves if serving in any part of our system. It continues unchallenged, they revel in our inaction. This prevailing attitude of government has not sought to define the will of we the people, because they know our will leans naturally to the common good of all. That is our nature. Our simple trusting nature, our collective apathy, the simple fact that it has been happening for so long and so thoroughly we as a people have learned to accept it,

Until Now In this modern age of Internet and broad access to knowledge, the ordinary every day folk are awakening to some powerful truths. The Internet has delivered many paradigmshifting collections of knowledge. Collective modern life does little to curb our modern need of excess, we are with our media encouraged continually to consume with out limit. To live totally distracted by our own dramas, desires and the opiates of the masses, television and sport. Accepting the culture of debt slavery from the greedy entities that control bank and commerce. Our blatant using up of the resources we are collectively custodians of, is a taking from our descendants, our future generations with out reserve, and leaving for them a mess of pollution, deforestation, real harm to our environment, holes in the ozone, salination of farm lands, depleted oxygen levels, new strains of sickness and disease, and a collective attitude of aspiring to values that are really vice; accepting notions of fear and isolation as substitute for open friendly community. These are the same attitudes that endeavoured to genocide our original native peoples; the same attitudes that seeks to oppress our collective sovereign human (ab)originality. Have we the courage to separate from these ways, to turn away from our every day dramas and lend some mind space to participate in simple action to define our collective will. We are very interested in having our will defined in regard to many issues, we are interested in the Law and the process of establishing sovereign claim of right. The race for integrity is on, we may in our very own lives begin polishing our character, aspiring to embodying the greatest integrity in our pure and simple lives. To ponder the notion true peace on earth wont manifest until we all in our own individual attitudes cease to condemn, fear and hate our fellow man. We may only be as free as our neighbor. When simple folk awaken to becoming spiritual warriors of truth and fearlessly arm themselves with the most potent integrity in character and relating, the most sharp clear ethic and articulate understanding of the mechanics of law, society and sovereignty, they will rediscover their true self and live in outrageous joy. Armed with our best personal integrity stand strong together and challenge our systems greatest vulnerability, its lack of ethic. As we become more clear in our own simple ethic of integrity we will come to know which parts of our systems require integrity audit and integrity challenge. This weak point for our systems, their integrity, is the critical point of accessing applying the smallest amount of force for the greatest amount of result. We may change completely our systems by revealing and challenging the attitudes and hidden agendas, visible in the accepted actions and deceptions of our public servants, our representatives of our living systems. While corporate employees gorge on ridiculous pays, our politicians will legislate over generous pay and mega superannuation, public servants in their footsteps will also seek similar self tribute. Corruption shining down. The weak point for ourselves as the everyday people of our communities is our human

weakness for apathy, indulgence, laziness and addiction; being blind to our duties and responsibilities to our own individual self and each other and allowing our simple good nature to be hypnotised by corrupt authority. The powers that be may only enjoy as much control as we allow them to have. We may gauge simply the integrity of an institution or a belief system, even an individual or group of beings by observing their response to humour, the more lacking their humour the more they will reveal their real agenda of control or domination. We as individuals may gauge our own integrity of utter goodness by observing the vitality of our health, the smiling quality of our living relationships, our access to abundance, and our own humour. What smiling vibe of compassion, acceptance and understanding are you able to glow into your reality? We are entering a time of disclosure, a time when we will demand politely our leaders of justice, government, commerce, industry and the media become accountable. The organs of our nations are blatantly and obviously corrupted away from their true human nature of goodness. You need only sit and watch our media and their spiritless speculative content that fills the airwaves, perception managment, privatised propaganda. All leaders will shudder in their own embarrassment; they will cringe in shame when the clouds of ego delusion clear from their consciousness. We will demand these institutions to be forthcoming, as a mark of respect to their fellow humanity, and volunteer a report to we the people. The media is the first institution needing to pursue its job properly and honestly ask deep revealing questions, of itself and all of us.
We may ask questions that pry in to the very heart of the motives, attitudes, opinions and actions that affect us all. We may ask those in positions of power in our institutions how they understand utter good? How they understand reconciliation of ego and spirit? How or where do they derive their authority and describe their understanding of authority in their personal life and also in their work, and their own authority in their personal life and also in their work How they understand our human duties and responsibilities to mankind? How they understand the obligation of good they owe their fellow life forms in return for personal and commercial profit How our institutions are planning to honour human duties and responsibilities to mankind? How are they planning to honour the common good of all? How are the present systems of banking and credit creation honouring the common good? How may our organ of justice express in a more enlightened way? What initiatives are being promoted to protect and preserve our planet and our communities? What initiatives are being promoted to enjoy free energy? What initiatives are being promoted to lay bare the current managment of the flow of blood of our social body (money), how may we identify its present attitude of usury-capitalism-debt-slavery and how may we activate true and honest mechanation of this essential part of our collective body?

Explain clearly the mechanics of our organ of justice, Explain why these basic principles are not in the mission statement of our every institution Explain the virtues of spending a trillion dollars to prepare a country for reconstruction (Iraq)? Explain why acts of utter goodness are not considered as worthy tools to end the war on terror Explain why the resource and money consumed by a trillion dollar army cant be directed into positive acts of creation. Explain how we might assess and analyse our national motivations and attitudes in public forum, on popular media,,, where we may formulate questions for referendum ,,, Explain how we might achieve transforming the world into a borderless perm a culture garden Explain how we might educate all humans to know their rights and duties and responsibilities as fellow sovereign humans in community Explore how the commonwealth of our planet may be delivered to one and all Ask all public servants would they do their job and share their cleverness for free if they had too? Ask all public servants if they would issue individual statement of their status as either human or minion?

We are entering a time also of self-reflection, where we as participants in relationships, families, and communities ask ourselves deep and probing questions about how we may have our human adventure work in a more enlightened way for our ultimate adventure, experience and fun while here on planet earth for our brief stay in a life. How might we relate and share our life and fun with each other beyond the present limited social paradigms that do not work. How might we imagine a new way to be. In our Aussie politics we may see the living testimony of our collective ego mind and its hypnotisation of the living souls who combine to make our nation. The liberal/labour mentality of ego delusion dominates the political landscape and provides a sense of security for those buying into the ego games, those seeking the comfort and security alluded to by being a member of the society they represent and govern. The Green party is as close a representation we may have at this time for representing our collective urge for unity and healing of our attitudes toward nature and community. Green party presently accounts for about 10% of the voting population and its dominance will grow as we all awaken to our sovereignty and reconciliation, and if the Greens can grasp this paradigm. Remember their is supposably 7 billion of us here on the planet,,,,, the rich and greedy self interested account for probably a few million and it is they who are dominating the major notions that we consume and ultimately live toward,,, it is time for the meek to present notion of our true human nature, to promote, provoke, invoke and inspire the utterly ridiculous notion that we all deliberately collectively pursue the utter good. We all volunteer a personal declaration sharing how we understand the notion of utter good and how we seek to live in accord with good conscience. Present how we may compete with each other for the most ridiculous ways to manifest utter goodness. Compete in how imaginatively we may recreate family, tribe and community. Pursue using the tools available to us (media), so we may have our collective will defined and our true human nature legislated as the laws of our lands. Pursue using the tools of dialogue and legal process to define clearly our rights and duties, and have them obeyed.

As we lead the way our leaders will eventually develop enough courage and love for the excellent adventure that is their life and the life forms with whom they share breath and existence, that they also will volunteer report defining their attitudes and motivations, and those of the institutions they represent. They will eventually participate in the fun and joy of pursuing the ridiculous notion of invoking utter goodness We require to make the time and space where we debate passionately utter goodness and its application to every negative matter we may review, from the homeless to the disposal globally of nuclear weapons and all wmds. Debate and strategy our course to deliberately moving toward clean power, and permaculture. How are we going to saturate this wild notion across the planet; how are we are going to dissolve the present attitudes of fear, greed, self-interest and disregard for the duties and responsibilities we have due to our planet, our communities and every single human on earth.? How are we going to operate as communities and how are we going to operate in concert with all communities around the planet, so we may be a dynamic source of energy exchange; to be a borderless vast expanse of lands full of open friendly communities of infinite diversity and expression, as in nature?

The only way to win the game is to not play! R U Game to ponder the notion you are truly sovereign?

There is a very simple though not easy process to activate and make functional your sovereignty With an Open Mind and Pure Heart and A Willingness to Invest Focus and Effort there is a way Is There Any Body Out There? MOTHER EARTH Requires 7 billion new world leaders Those who are brave enough to rediscover their true human nature Those seeking to be as we are actually meant to be Sovereign!

Those who seek to simply be themselves and enjoy an outrageous adventure Exploring and embracing notions that provoke and inspire a constantly sliding paradigm shift in thought and attitude for invoking utter goodness Participate now in the festival of notions that follows And be prepared in the most excellent fashion For a coming change. Allow thinking the unthinkable to become your way of life when you reconnect with all that exists. (David Icke) Let go of any fears of what any one else may think about you! The more outrageous you are the better, The more eccentric, The more individual Respect always freewill and free choice With Open heart, And open mind, observe, absorb, Accept, allow, Give notice, Claim Right Command Manifest, Live And understand

Sovereign Individual I belong planet

LET THE ADVENTURE BEGIN! Welcome to the five part adventure in self reflection and life engineering, an adventure so simple it may be done with out leaving your favourite place to sit and be. The you that sits and reads these words, is armed right now with accumulated life experiences and memories of your unique life adventure. You have all you require to participate in the Limitlesssmile adventure, and you have all you require to solve the puzzle that is your life. This Limitlesssmile adventure is presented as a process of self-reflection. Where we explore and discover, a fresh understanding of who we are, of what we require to be, to do, and to have, to claim this life as an amazing romantic adventure of mystical proportions. Limitlesssmile looks into and presents an amalgam of work from the realms of psychology, esoteric philosophy, new age thought, astrology, tarot, yoga, common law and anything else it can get its hands on. Exploring the cutting edge of ancient wisdom. This adventure of exercises in self reflection are best enjoyed by going through them at least twice, once as you journey through modules one to four, in the initial collection of your personal database. Then after soaking in module five begin again armed with a deeper understanding of the mechanics of some ancient tools, and sniffs of the basic laws of our human nature. In the life of all mankind there is a common desire to seek a life of happiness, simplicity, effortlessness and abundance. It is through choices made both past and present that affect your ability to access, feel and enjoy, the organic process and adventure of enlightenment. The process where you have more light as a result of inspiration, the infection by light, and become lighter through detachment, the letting go of burdens and any unnecessary gravity. Enlightenment is the flame that fuels the Limitlesssmile, the smile so broad, so deep it cannot be wiped from your face. The smile that shines from the quantum field beyond and behind atoms and sub atomic particles, beyond and behind your living mind as a sacred geometric truth. Limitlesssmile is an organic process that simply awaits your participation, your realization and is your human birthright.

HOW THIS COURSE WORKS Through following the steps within the modules of the adventure of Limitlesssmile, you will explore and discover the components necessary for the recreation of your self. This is a journey where you will discover the fundamental basics, of the laws of nature and human nature. Everything you require is within yourself, and presented in Limitlesssmile is the essence of techniques from many disciplines that combined with your focus and effort will reveal to you the steps toward the remembrance of your own Limitlesssmile. You will need to have a quiet space that you can retreat to, where you will not be disturbed and you are able to soak in and digest each step of the course completely. Now dont be alarmed, some may say quiet space is a luxury not available. For these busy people quiet space may be easily found in the middle of many things happening. Daydreaming can be done effectively in many places, in many situations. Think of your imagination as a muscle, the more you work and challenge it, the stronger it becomes. So also does your muscle of visualization, even to the point where you will be able to imagine and explore ideas and their ramifications so thoroughly, that you may feel you have all ready experienced them, and then may not need to go to all the effort of actually spending life force to manifest them. The more you stretch your imagination the more light may fit in, the more light you get, the less heavy you will be. You require also a journal in which to keep your work, so as to read and reread what is prompted from your mindscape over the moments to come. This book is best set up in the fashion of being able to be pulled apart, so as to add in extra material or new pages as you go along. Consider your journal a living document that will change and transform as you do. Take your time as you work through the adventure, be sure to contemplate the thoughts presented and then, you daydream to collect the contents you will install in your journal. Remember this is your life you are working on here, and it deserves to have your time, attention, and most importantly be enjoyable. We want this adventure we call life to be a romantic adventure of mystical proportions, a never ending story reaching way beyond any imagined end, and a puzzle seeking to be solved for great reward. Thats all!

What follows is really nothing new; all the information presented exists out there already in many forms. There are tons of books, many self-development courses and many selfdevelopment gurus offering a smorgasbord of ways and means of changing and transforming your life. What is unique in Limitlesssmile is the synthesis presented, and in as few words as possible, get the ideas and essence across. The work here is for you to think about and enjoy the thoughts of many who have forever wondered about life.

Limitlesssmile is an adventure of change, transformation and self-empowerment. One of the foundation elements will be your time to think and daydream. My suggestion is to make a change to your routine by simply beginning a new daily habit as soon as possible.

After waking in the morning, be outside and walking. Go for half an hour at least to rouse the body and awaken the mind. Be as close to nature as you can manage. Begin this new habit (if you dont already) and set up the first important element for your Quest for change. As you develop the rhythm of your lone walk, or maybe take on the powerful space of meditation that bush walking offers, you will soon realize it feels like going home, each time you walk. You may use the peace and focus of your morning walk to develop a momentum, simply by getting in to the habit of walking daily and also visiting your journal daily. Momentum is an essential assistant that will empower the whole process, and it is as simple as touching base with the Limitlesssmile adventure each day, even if it is only a brief moment to browse and acknowledge your journal. This time to walk will become a sacred space to plant the seeds of self-transformation and nurture them. It is important to keep secret your personal adventure as nothing destroys these fragile seeds quicker than the negativity of others. You may already employ meditation techniques in your life; meditation is a natural human process that many of us enjoy in many ways. There are many techniques available, with which we will go in to more depth in another module. We humans of western civilization require a means of occupying our mind to assist us in the contemplation process, walking works beautifully, not to mention it as being the most desirable and efficient exercise for the human vehicle. The modules I am about to present deserve thinking about thoroughly, to explore the feelings you have about them and the critique you will find in your own mind toward them. All may be observed objectively, that is to not condemn or deny what is presented just observe yourself in your sacred space, and come to know your mind and the conditioned programs that are installed on your own hard drive. I will sometimes use computer analogies to explain our mind and its workings, simply because the computer has been created from the mind of hu man and is an extension of it. You may find that to view yourself objectively is a new idea, or something that you may have not indulged in very much. Like many things to do with the mind we seem to use it and be it, but rarely observe and seek to know and understand it. Sort of like fish coming to terms with the realization they are in water.

A SIMPLE STRUCTURE OF THE UNIVERSE For centuries we humans have allowed others to have a monopoly on belief structures, to possess and direct the rights and designs on how we are to apply ourselves to our life and the possibilities available to us. Organizations claiming to hold the secrets to our human mystery have played upon our ignorance, our fears and our good nature to exercise a control over us. Still on it goes, though the hold gets weaker and weaker as our collective herd moves further into the 21st century and becomes equipped with the power of knowledge. Knowledge once hidden is now freely available to all humans with the Internet being the herald of the information age we may all participate in.

Much of the confusion has centred around our common basic fears of death and our sexuality, Long have many claimed to hold the knowledge of the here after and our place within the scheme. There is plenty of speculation, though practical sense tells us that no one alive can relate to us an understanding of death. I mean total death not a near death experience or a trance state, natural or drug induced. A total death where the body no longer exists, it has returned to ash or dust. The belief structures available to us seem to be shaped around the ultimate purpose of life and what to expect once you have shed your mortal carcass. You could debate till the end of time, the believer versus the non-believer and neither would be any closer to that particular truth till both are totally dead, returned to ash or dust. That leaves us humans with one choice. To choose and create a belief structure which is most empowering to our personal life adventure. A structure that is separated from personalities and politics and is free of Ego and ulterior motives, like the simple in-yourface truths of geometry. As nothing can be proven conclusively it would appear we have self-permission to explore the supermarket of possibilities offered to us by the beliefs and the philosophies of the ancients and collage them into our very own, unique and selfempowering belief structure. Let us define belief as being any guiding principle or faith that provides meaning, purpose and passion for life. We are offered in metaphysics, views or models of the universe, as a means by which to apprehend an understanding of the reality we find ourselves within, when ever we care that is, to stop and contemplate the fact that we exist, and exist within the structure of the conscious living organism we call the universe. It matters not which model we choose to use to understand, only that we may find a personal means to have an understanding. An Understanding that is empowering, makes our heart sing, instils an enthusiasm for life and is unconditionally good for all. So let us begin with a structure, very simple and easy to understand.


In the yet mysterious spirit of our being, we have come to know ourselves as a set of opposites. The most striking of course, being our life long education in the game of relationships. From birth time with our mother, through to finding a partner, and relating to all the other beings we share time and space with, we embark upon a journey of selfreflection regardless of whether we realize or not. Each and every action despite like or dislike is a reflection of our dance with the duality of life. From the satisfaction of love and lovemaking to the despair of destitution and loneliness, from construction and creation, to destruction and obliteration, war and peace, and political struggle, all is a dance of opposites in form, opinions, feeling and desire. These opposites are real, and as we

observe and acknowledge them,

They become


FEMININE Yin Woman Passive Effect Feeling Night Darkness Absorb Receptive Alkaline Left Destruct Force Cautious Unconscious Communism Attract Contain Intimacy Eroticism Temptation Love Gentle Receive Indecisive Rightness Reconciliation Subjective Cooperation Deed

MASCULINE Yang Man Active Cause Desire Day Light Radiate Transmitive Acid Right Construct Power Impulsive Conscious Fascism Repel Release Distance Sexuality Lust Hate Brutal Give Spontaneous Reason Dispute Objective Control Wish

Automatic action of force Dark Unconscious Peace Goddess Even Matter

Purposeful use of power Conscious Light War God Odd Energy

Wholeness- Natural Law has it we in our true human nature seek to balance the opposites in a harmonius wholeness, our being and existing within wholeness is totally natural and doable for us all. We are all a part of the All and are encoded with wholeness. It is natural for us to be whole, as that is the simple nature of the universe. As beings we have allowed ourselves to live in fear of our magnificence. We have been so feared of our magnificence that we have taken on the limited paradigms of control over every thing to alleviate this unnatural fear. In our simplest of fragmentation we have a left and right brain, our masculine and feminine sides, these recognised components are---Left side Body/Right side feminine brain- is the side of us that experiences wholes, pattens, relationships, connectedness, ideas, values, the side of us that yearns for wholeness, it is intuitive, imaginative, artistic, spiritual, compassionate, wise and creative. Right side body/Left side masculine brain is analytical, rational, reason, logical, deductive; it is the side we use to organize all that which we experience with our right brain. As a part of All we are naturally connected with inner knowing and intuitions which require to be narrowed down for interpretation and comprehension, the masculine side of the living soul is the doing side it does the work of making sense of our reality, of breaking it down and investigating, analysing and charting, sorting and deciphering, figuring out and explaining, removing fear and solving the puzzle of life. The feminine is absorbing the whole, knowing the All, the masculine is fragmenting, dividing separating and singling out the components of reality so to understand. These two functions work simultaneously and are equal in their importance, complimentary in their differences, the two sides of the same coin. The feminine is love, the total identification with All, the masculine is understanding, the prize of having experienced existence. The feminine is Knowing and reaching beyond into the eternity and infiniteness of the universe transforming the unknowable in to the unknown, the masculine is focus in the moment to transform the unknown to the known, to understand to create substance. Understanding and sub-stance are essentially the same thing. Together masculine and feminine are Wisdom. Wisdom is the domain of the wise. Together they are reflection of the universe fulfilling its purpose to experience itself and become totally self-conscious, to

en-joy life. Humanity evolves into the balance and harmony of utter goodness, the magnificent potential of being All Our collective humanity as a herd is awakening to its fundamental human nature of divine animality, a spiritually responsible earth honouring expression of utter goodness. This is the essence of the exploding numbers in the pagan and wiccan communities, humans simply awakening to their birthright of human sovereignty, living souls remembering their inherent sovereignty and expressing it appropriately. Wise-ards are notion traders and paradigm wrestlers who continually collect apply and upgrade guiding principles to live by while remaining open to learning and exploring all life has to offer for colouring brightly their each unique individual life adventure. You require no certainty to enjoy fully intellectual adventures, to explore the limitlessness of imagination. You do not need to have qualifications, licence, or permit to pursue and achieve enlightenment. You require freedom from dogmatism, from shoulds coulds our woulds to amplify your advantage in your continuously unfolding ability to imagine and know limitlessly who you truly are.

THE ELEMENTS Now that we have observed that our reality is a set of endless opposites, let us look at another popular means of describing the wholeness of our reality. The Elements. They also appear to us as opposites WATER and EARTH the feminine elements and FIRE and AIR the masculine elements. There has been a long tradition of seeing the world and ourselves as a varying combination of these four. If you are unfamiliar with these elemental relationships, then as we journey through and work with the following modules you will come to under stand them through their analogies. First we may simple observe our own physical experience of the elements, for me fire can cook my food and it may injure me if I do not play sensibly with it; water may sustain me or drown me, air allows my breathing to have me function, or it may mess my hair or blow my caravan away in a cyclone; earth provides me some thing to stand upon so to deal with the other elements and it may crush/smother/bury me. So all the elements operate in accord with my commerce with them. Fire in meta-physics is compared to energy and enthusiasm, Water to feeling and emotion, Air to the realm of thinking and the mental, and Earth to sensuality, solidity and structure, whether it is physical structure or the structure of your personality. These analogies perform and interact as does the physical elements we know and experience in our every day life. It is this simple fourfold structure we are going to focus upon, and relate to, for four modules. Below is a table of words. Careful study of them will lend insight into

what the authors of the elemental view of reality were getting at. Take some time to explore these words in the table, as they will reappear through out the modules. Read the table simply like this. Thinking is to Enthusiasm, as Air is to Fire, etc, etc, AIR Thinking Ideas Thinking Knowledge Hearing Respiratory Truthfulness FIRE Enthusiasm Energy Desire Adventure Sight Generative Ruthlessness WATER Emotion Feeling Feeling Relationships Taste Circulatory Humility EARTH Physical Structure Destiny Possessions Smell Digestive Impeccability

THE SEEDS OF DESTINY At present our magic adventure lies trapped within the limits of our conditioned boundaries, our social consciousness, the status quo, the ways that we think and have been taught to think, and what we expect from life. Ponder these large and broad questions in your journal We as awareness exist on the threshold between two infinities. External to our beingness, perceived thru our sences is the infinite physical universe . Internal for our beingness is the infinity of imagination. What externalities limit what you may dream? What conditioned boundaries limit your ability to access and apply passion to your life adventure? why cant I get into it? Am I gauging my place in reality from that which I have been taught from a religion or some other external authority? What is your holistic notion for your participation with and relationship to reality? what is it all about? Have I thought deeply enough to feel and think my own knowing, or have I accepted some other external explanation? What is the theoretical framework you use to give meaning and purpose to your life? Where did it all come from and who made it? Am I guided only by what one authority has told me?

What makes your universe intelligible? Am I thinking and feeling for myself? Do you use the faculties of thinking to plot your course, or do you use feelings to feel your way? Do you use an attitude of science and discovery to approximate ever closer towards a true

account of your reality? Do you endeavour to figure life out with your own thinking, pondering power? Is the science of nature and natural phenomenon the only mode you have chosen for the true knowledge you consider in your personal application to reality? Do you employ the irrational? Do you use an attitude of science to employ the irrational? How do you relate to paradox? In your thinking do you use a scientific attitude to determine your moves and choices? If so, do you use science in a descriptive application seeking what it is that you are doing here in this existence? Or is it a prescriptive attitude seeking what you ought to do to move closer to a truth that apprehends a clear, heartfelt and passionate connection to the whole of life? Do you use an attitude of induction [induction=generalization allows reaching out and collecting large parts of the bigger picture], so you may maximize your accumulated facts received from the senses, then in familiarity with the volume of information and have eventually laws and meanings emerge involuntarily, forming a living and evolving theory? This attitude minimizes the trap of being deluded by false theories and existing limited paradigms. It also allows for when anomalies within your knowledge and experience arise and pile up around you, you may immediately form a new or revised theory. No outer governing structure obstructs a new way from being considered. A believe nothing, accept everything attitude. In your life do you find ways and things in the world that do not add up , or do not align with the truth you uphold as your guiding principle? When these anomalies arise do you feel the limits of your present belief structures you use to live life? If no new theory arrives to inspire new direction, frustration and disillusion will be the flavour of the day, a quiet dark serious melancholy that colours existence. Until that is, a light is seen emerging from the mass of information and knowledge that you hold and work your life from. Meditation upon the mass is to dwell upon and be with. When a new way appears or becomes apparent there is a massive inflow of light in the form of enthusiasm, inspiration, excitement, passion and when the new way is felt completely and feels truly yours, then comes humour. Enthusiasm patiently awaits agreement between intellect and feelings and emotion. A new way may be felt and stumbled upon as a notion and therefore not as yet rationalised, though the gut says yes, and within is felt the tremors of revolution [to revolve or to turn], and a leap of faith is made. Allowing reason and understanding to catch up with the power of hindsight. The feminine mystical side of life is the side responsible for receiving and accepting, accumulating and allowing revelation. Upon which the masculine rational side of life then

leaps, pro-actively decides, employs deduction, choses and takes action, and while so doing eliminates all that would stand in the way of the new structure. The mystical side of life is the Dreaming Our wildest dreams and fantasies exist beyond the present limits of time, money and ability, and it is through our limitless dreams we will find the seeds of our destiny. Following is a guide to shape the work you will do in your journal. As you enjoy your work through this festival of notions you will come to develop a clear understanding of the elements, though do not worry if it is not clear as yet, as all the exercises in the modules will follow the fourfold shape of the four elements, and by working as closely as you can with them, you will allow it all to click at the appropriate moment. Simply put, this first exercise is about writing and defining clearly your wildest dreams and fantasies. We all have hopes and dreams, but are they clear to you, have some order and do they cover the very extent of your whole life adventure. Remember be limitless in this exercise it will be valuable data for what follows. Reflect these following associations AIR Knowledge Imagination Magician FIRE Adventure Ambition Warrior WATER Relationships Lovers Lover EARTH Possessions Achievement Sovereign

To assist us in the imagining process we will now add the magician, the warrior, the lover and sovereign to the table of elemental relationships. So now we are able to relate the function in our life relating to each of the elements by employing images of characters we may relate to. The image of the magician relates to the Air, and is a symbol of our intellect, our imagination and thinking. That part of us that is magician in our life is responsible for our cleverness, and it will be expressed in your Magic journal as the area in your life you would like to be an expert, a master, in profession or career or hobby. Be a doctor or a master computer programmer, an astrologer, master counsellor, or maybe an expert parent, any endeavour where you use and express your thinking. Organizing, planning, strategizing, all the things that we employ sweat of brow to figure out. The warrior helps us to imagine the adventure areas of our life and give form to the element Fire, the things you would like to be involved in, in the world, The warrior is about things that require action and energy, like sailing the oceans or climbing mountains, to opening a coffee shop, or participating in a car rally or racing motorcycles, backpacking

across the planet, riding bulls in a rodeo, anything that you feel will deliver you venue for your passion, feel inspired, enthused and provide outlet for your feeling totally alive. The lover can relate the feeling and emotion, Water element of our being, to an image we are able to bring to our journal. Describe in as much detail as possible, your ideal partner, how they look, their personality, what they do and how they do it. Journey also into visions of your ultimate sexual gratifications. Orgasm and its pursuit is a powerful reflective tool when under objective scrutiny. This is a journey into the full extent of your imagination, so there are no boundaries, no limits In your dreaming anything is possible, you are the master of this realm, so think of this as imagination exercises. Feeling and emotion is not only the relationship we have with our lover, partner or companion, we have relationship with all the people of our world. Describe in your journal how you would like to relate and interact with all the different beings of your journey. Family, tribe, friends, colleagues, clients, strangers, is there some one you have noticed that has a warm or powerful way of expressing or relating that inspires you, they may be a useful template for this part of your journal. How would you like to sing your expression to the world? The Sovereign is the King/Queen or ruler and source of power and resource in your life, Sovereign authority is complete absolute and uncontrollable, this is the EARTH element and is where in your journal you write of your desires for possessions, the type of house you see your self in, where it is, what is its view, what does it have in it. What other things do you see in the picture, cars, planes, helicopters, yachts, buses, anything that is a thing, something solid, any material thing you desire. Life also has a structure and the element Earth relates to structure, the Sovereign has a kingdom, and its structure ensures the harmony of the subjects who live there, those subject to that authority. The ethic you live by, the vibe of your ethos, the colour of your etheric, the values or morals you choose to install in your life is the structure of your kingdom, and also the structure of your character. Make your life a better place for our world to be in. In the privacy of your dreaming, allow all your wildest dreams and fantasies to flow through your mindscape; judge not, just allow and observe. You are on the look out for the desires and fantasies that confront the values and morals which are structured into your character, taught to you by your family and the social groups you are a part of. Our raw sexuality is our spirit, and it may be identified as our desires. To block or constrict observance of the expression of sexuality is to block spirit, to restrict the engine of our human machine. What sexual fantasies come to your mind that challenges the status quo of the beings you share this life journey with? If we call desire the motor of our vehicle and feelings the brake and accelerator, then we could say that it is values that are the fuel. What then are values, and what is the fundamental basic structure we use to understand how to install harmony and balance into

our life, and all the other lives we connect to in this life adventure upon our planet. It is these questions that Limitlesssmile will explore and ponder as we journey through the modules and their exercises. Let us begin here with a look into defining what are the absolute basic components of the mechanical structure that we as humans have in common. What is it that regardless of what flavour/colour/gender human we are, is our basic relationship with reality? Human is conscious, and may look and sniff and hear and taste and feel. The information gathered from the senses as they engage in the experience of reality tells human immediately that there is in fact something happening and we are indeed in receipt of the impact of it through our senses. It registers to us that there is ex-is-tence and we ex-is-t. The senses record two fundamental sensations, pleasure and pain; these are our first gauges of the opposites we encounter in actuality. They are the first sign our bodies have of welfare, or injury. Joy or suffering are then the first measures our consciousness has, to gauge our perusal of any action. Every decision we make is either virtue or vice, either in accord or conflict with natural laws of matter or mind. It is upon these choices depend our physical, mental and emotional health and well-being. First I am spirit and I exist; Second I am seeing reality from a being human perspective; Third I am aware of and become cognizant of the laws of the universe; Forth I have an ego to wear into the game (is my ego separated or soul centred?); Fifth I have gender, Sixth I have (ab)-originality, race and culture. Law is the next thing we become aware of, that is natural law. In our existing, certain natural laws urge our reason to find truth of existence and our survival within and throughout. Gravity being the first impact of the forces outside our own self that urges us to acknowledge power greater than our own, leap or step from a cliff and discover the truth of falling. The laws of biochemical reaction allow us to live and access our energy from our food. The laws of the elements and their interactions; immerse in water and learn that being separated from air ends us, play with fire you may be burnt or ended etc.etc... These form the foundation stones of the laws that govern the whole of our existence. So we have an idea of the natural law and order, and note the immediacy of truths revealed. We obey these inalienable natural laws! Truth as what is correct then will follow as being the next basic commodity necessary to have, for decisions made in regard to pursuit of being and staying alive. Sometimes truth is a difficult thing to determine, as there may be many truths determined by perception and context and opinion. So truth that becomes correct knowing is the truth we would rely upon to navigate our way further into space and time. We may confirm the basic opposites of right equals harmony and life and wrong equals disharmony and death. Simply put, being true to your self. Every choice we make is for our happiness or unhappiness no

single choice is indifferent. Even though it is sometimes arbitrary to clearly define truth, to actually deliberately lie will ultimately destroy your mind. Some truths are self evident and are what we call principals, axioms or maxims in different realms
Maxim--There is no disputing against or denying principles.

As to methods there may be a million and then some. But the principles are few. The man who grasps principles can successfully select his own methods. The man who tries methods, ignoring principles, is sure to have trouble. EMERSON
There is a fundamental law or principle of Mathematics, but none of error; there is a principle of health,but none of disease; there is a principle of honesty, but none of dishonesty; there is a principal of honour but none of dishonour; there is a principle of light, but none of darkness, there is a principle of abundance, but none of poverty; there is a principle of sovereignty, but none of slavery, and there is a principle of meek but none of greedy self interest.

Our mind is the only tool we have to judge the truth we receive from the experience of the senses, whose basic job is to present evidence of existence. Then it is our minds faculty of reason that receives and digests all information received from the senses and whose basic job is to interpret, gauge its rightness as truth and then install it, as the knowledge necessary for survival. We identify these as our inherent human quality of conscience and our capacities of being able to think, to know and discern good from bad and to understand the fundamental natural laws of the universe. A virtue is a quality or practice of using notions of truth of rightness that leads to our individual and collective well-being and survival. Thinking is the basic virtue that allows us as humans to survive, and its opposite as vice which would be in its basic form, to not think. So we as a human have the basic freedom of choosing to think or to not think, to act upon the information received from our senses, applying the effort of reason to apprehend its truth as means to survive; to identify principals. Then we design our movement forward safely in to space and time as a desire to live, to feel pleasure in preference to pain, to pursue joy in preference to suffering. We use the purposeful use of power applied to the use of reason, to decide what will allow our survival and can be counted upon to be true and enduring. What we seek to experience and the truths we dedicate to, ensure the rhythm is set. This may be viewed as our masculine function, our left brain of logic reason and focused attention, remember our other half our right brain is all about imagination, fancy, what if! Desire balanced by reason and rightness and installed as knowledge is an ideal that we may aspire to and hold as a value. Desire (fire) is action emerged from the depths of our

soul, filtered through the balancing screen of reason and rightness (air), lived with colour of feeling and emotion (water) as an ideal and then given form and structure as a value, a real and transferable benchmark or standard. (earth) We use our freewill to choose to think, to choose to apply effort of reason and choose to aspire toward ideals held as values, values that sustain our life and lead away from pain and suffering. The values we choose to sustain our life are our code of morals and our understanding of the differences between morals and ethics. Word Alchemy may assist our understanding the difference between moral and ethic. Ethic is made up of E- as in energy, like in E-motion- energy in motion. TH- as in theology the study of the nature of god, so TH is the nature of god, and IC is a noun forming suffix which denotes being in the style of. So we have ethic- in the style of being gods energy. The relationship of the word Ethic to Etheric to Ethos to Ethnobotanicals reveals the understanding that ethic is something that emits from a living heart. It is a glow of goodness emitting from a living soul. It may only be worn and expressed. A more-all is- we as an awareness seek to know and understand our world, we see the limits and boundaries of all things and ways of being. To know more of all, we need morals, the external reasons for things and why reality is. So a living soul exploring and discovering reality becomes more of All by cognizing the morals of existance so to be able to shine brightly and appropriately their personal Ethic developed by coming to know more of all. We have that which we hold as a value, or its lack which we may call scarcity. The interaction between value and scarcity is commerce, the interrelationship of mutual exchange for what ever reason. It has been suggested that commercial law is the first and foundation law we have for creating our life adventure and determining our course thru it. At a fundamental level we may understand this by our need for oxygen and our commerce with the biosphere where we trade carbon monoxide for oxygen. We observe nature and that we are an animal of nature; we require to align with the laws of nature and our animal nature. We observe in nature the rights of predator or prey, we acknowledge that we would prefer joy to suffering, so we would seek to be predator in preference to being prey.. This law of nature belongs to our raw animality, it allows us to take and to have and possess that which we want without challenge, and if we come across challenge just take it on. So armed with our divine intelligence we may magnify something completely, we have chosen to magnify our animal natures right as a predator, we as humans have embraced completely with our greatest passion, our greatest cleverness to be completely our raw animal nature, and follow our instincts and drives.. Mankind has been completely his raw animal nature taking of nature all that he wants. Human in our divinity seeks to reach to our most excellent potential, we strive to be the

greatest, the best, the most powerful, the most amazing the most magnificent. . But with divinity aimed into our raw animal nature, the best we can come up with collectively is a trillion dollar war machine, armed to the hilt with nuclear war heads , able to push its own will to dominance. We have industry and power generation that takes, destroys and pollutes nature. If we were to put this same human passion completely behind our divine animal nature, a higher octave of being human, then the world would ring with laughter! The following notions I call dreaming the art of law are some components sat upon the supermarket shelves we may browse for our clarity. These are the nuts and bolts. How we assemble them in our own adventure is up to us. W e are All subject to laws;- ponder what it is you are subject to and what is subject to you. LAW governing truth of a cosmos or realm, any governing correctness of existence NATURAL LAWthe physical truths that control and direct our existence; gravity, the nature of the elements! DIVINE LAW---utter goodness, our most magnificient potential, the imagined truths of god or cosmos that when lived, allows collective existence to unfold in perfect beat, rhythm, melody and harmony. The universal law of time used in astrology, the axioms of Sacred geometry, the revealed patterns of nature in Vedic maths, the insights of Quantum physics, and maxims of judicial law, all these and more aspire to define divine law. The magic beauty of our universe is that it is not what we think. It is far more than we can think and so it may be anything we can imagine. At present on our planet we exist within a collective herd of feeble imaginations, despite the passionate participation in religions by millions, world peace and living harmony is far from realized. Just simply ask our mother the earth, and then see the answers in her landscape.

COMMERCE The dynamic interaction of all substance is commerce and as such is the highest law after natural law. All human interactions that you may imagine, relationships of any kind are a commerce, a buying and selling, a trading of any energy; any form of relating. It is all based upon 'do unto others as you would them do unto you'; the underlying law of mankind is commercial law. The fundamentals of exchange are either a sharing in love and enhansed interrelation or interchange, or a focus on profit, gain or increase with some consequent loss. Every action we enact into our life adventure is either an offer to contract or an acceptance or refusal to contract. Either between our selves and an other, or

ourselves and any substance or energy. Commerce may be done in a material octave or a spiritual octave. As we contract our limitless spirit to meet another we establish a live connection which activates a current. This current is our currency of exchange, our living love and truth. We may invest our love and truth into this currency of exchange and if it is met with a genuine Interest we are positively enriched and become more for all parties involved. If it is met with self interested greed of Usury we are negatively impacted and are inequitably drawn from into depression and death. In our shared world our living herd manifest this highest law as maritime admiralty law, where in maritime is written word commerce (As it is written so shall it be), and admiralty is by command of spoken word. Become more intimate and clear with how you commerce in your life, at every level, especially in your intimate relationships. Clarity found by being more consciously knowing in your commercing will hold true for any commercing at any level. By being more cognisant of the fundamental mechanical structure of commerce will allow you to challenge the integrity of any commerce situation, in relationship, in business, in court, clearly and confidently. Be armed with the power of clear commerce in integrity. Commerceany and all interchange between people, including but not limited by : the activity normally associated with the term, i.e. the buying and selling (trading) of goods and services; social intercourse; sexual intercourse (original meaning). All law is contract; and in every interchange between people a contract is formed; all commerce is a contract. A timeless maxim of law: Contract makes the law------- from 'Cracking The Code ' CONTRACT---to contract is opposite to expand. To commerce with an other living soul is to enter into contract. This is to leave the limitless expanse of spirit and contract our life force into the confinement of some common endeavour, to enter the contracted world of logos and egos. In simple terms we enter a marriage of common purpose, all commerce and contract is a marriage of degree. From mere moments to a life time marriages are sown throughout our entire life adventure. We may have access to infinite types of contract both positive and negative. Where have you contracted the limitless expanse of your spirit? Are you clear as to where you are contracting your life force? What marriages are you serving? What marriages are you creating? The greatest power in commerce is identified by the scales of justice and what it is that they measure. Honour and Dishonour. To honour is to accept , unconditional love the purest form of honour, then unconditional acceptance and conditional acceptance where one seeks by discussion and question to find agreement. Dishonour is identified as debate, dispute and silence.

So to remain sovereign in your commerce conditionally accept that all offers to contract or claims againt you are honest, honourable, ethical, correct and in-the-fact . To remain sovereign one acts as the creditor wearing attitude of seeking to find solution through question and attitude of remaining in the high moral ground of acceptance. The nature of contract is in communication and language and for our greatest protection correct use of language with mathematical provable interpretation may identify all fact from fiction. Quantum Language or 'correct-sentence-structure-communication-syntaxlanguage' has been made available to us all by :David-Wynn: Miller ( (for the extensive knowledge of this powerful technology this man is the source) For the quantum means of ensuring any contracts have true substance, are in the fact, are indisputable in their interpretation. They are mathematically able to have your intent purpose and meanings, mean the same forward and backward. (For the harvest of the people is with the fraudulent-use of the language by the governing-system.)
The mind boggling notion of "Quantum Language" offers a simple gaurantee of mathematically certifying the substance of the words you require for the bonding in your contracting. The quantum sentence offers a syntax where we may present our each and every contracting sentence as one idea, one oath and one court. Each standing by itself with correct command in the now time jurisdiction; each clearly defining cause, effect, volition, possessor and authority; each clearly defining motivation intent and who is responsible, each capable of being mathematically correct both forward and backward; each wearing clear integrity of interpretation. The quantum language properly formated is the highest degree of literate correctness . Maxim As it is written so shall it be-- so if it is correct it will be correct, if it is mathematically incorrect it is incorrect. For a simple introduction example of the mechanics of this technology ---(personally i would not go to the anality of using this technology, BUT i have found it very useful in cognising better the grammar of our language)...........

For the example of the quantum-language is with this sentence by this author. 5 6 7 5 6 7 2 5 6 7 5 6 7 For the author of this sentence is with the quantum-language by this example. 5 6 7 5 6 7 2 5 6 7 5 6 7

for a quick look at this mind boggle lets define the components For the = certifying of the Known-cause of the sentence, the noun is certified by pre-position and articulated by article (For = 5 the =6). of the = certifying of the known-effect or terms of the cause of this sentence is = is the volition of this sentence and is there fore what moves, gives action and is the VERB (2) the verb is gives volition-- as this is what is. The locomotive of this sentence as a train. with the = certifying the known-possessor of the cause by the= certifying the known-authority behind the possessor of the cause of the effect of this sentence.

To enjoy standing one must have substance, to understand substance is to clearly define and display position in space, time, meaning and purpose. The (5)pre-position, for, of, with, by-- then articulated by the lodio of the (6)article -a, an, the, that, this, these--certifies the substance of the known/(7)noun/fact. Is or are as the only verb found in a quantum sentence allows remaining in the now time jurisdiction of being in reality. Avoiding all past or future tense pre-positions or words allows also being in the fact of the now, where meaning is relevant always to the moment as it is being addressed. Avoidance of all modifying words -adverbs, adjectives and pronouns allows mathmatical correctness of interpretation. Notice words with suffix -ed are past-tense. The format of --567 567 2 567 567 position lodio known position lodio known Verb position lodio known position lodio known is the smallest quantum sentence one can construct. To make larger sentences simply add more 567's as this group of numbers designate a prepositional phrase and only one verb to a sentence, one locomotive to a train. To break from this pattern will lose the quantum ability of the sentence. Any sentence in quantum format may be read forward and backward and maintain meaning. Notice the hyphen allows the construction of a compound-noun , so the syntax of the sentence is not modified by the extra word. Notice any other numbers found in the sentence like an adverb adjective or pronoun past or future tense removes quantum ability from the syntax. Notice the prepostion To is future-tense. The simple syntax for the applying to any sentence. ~1 adverb ~2 verb-- is or are ~3 adjectives ~4 pronoun ~5 pre-position/position---- for, of, as, at, in, with, by, on ~6 article/lodio--- a, an, the, this, these, that, those, all, any, ~7 noun/known/fact ~8 past tense ~9 future tense ~0 conjunction- and In summary we could say we as a witnessing judge of our shared reality, we are seeking to identify with quantum language a measurable means of mathematically gauging the written substance of a matter. In a quantum sentence we are using the prepositional phrase to clearly identify a noun, a known, a fact which is to be correctly under-stood as the sub-stance. So under-stand = sub-stance = matter = fact = known = noun. After having identified the substances to be judged we require to gauge the dynamic interaction and its harmonious current. The judge's first job, identify substance, step two gauge harmony of commerce and correct if necessary.

COMMON LAWexistence exists; and a primary truth is we are not alone, we share existence with 7 billion of our own kind, and trillions of others creatures and life forms. Having physical parameters set with natural law and then acknowledging divine law, we seek as a collective to enjoy our living peace and shared abundance. We have as humans experiencing existence fundamental requirements for our enlightened survival. Common law is con-sensus common sense seeking a united vision for what may constitute a good stay here in reality. Common law is the unwritten acknowledgment of our sovereign human rights, duties and responsibilities. Common law is a higher law to statute law; correct use has us use law to compel us to protect the life, the liberty, the rights and property of a living soul, a sovereign human, so we may all co create in harmony and balance. The law exists to serve and protect! Our common law in australia has grown and developed from great brittain, it has been a dramatic play between the spiritual quest of unity consciousness and the separated ego. The sovereign rights of the individual expressed in the laws of the anglo saxons represents the integrity of the wholeness of the greater organism of humanity and its inherent need to protect and preserve the sovereignty of each and every unique and individual living cell of its beingness. The forces of the greedy self interested separated ego and the laws of the Romans, the Normans is now personified in the religious/corporate/government/banking system and its quest to have as much of the common wealth as possible for themselves while holding the rest of the fellow cells in oppressed commercial captivity'/servitude. The notion of empire and its ego need to centralize power and control all for the few at the expence of the many. The notion of empire battles the natural law of decentralized unique and individual sovereign guilds sharing goodness, diversity is stability as reflected in natural systems (rainforest).This battle may be viewed in the play between our being conscious thinking beings or unthinking ignorant masses held in servitude to the civil/ admiralty/canon law seeking to dominate or hide common law/ equity; separated ego versus unity consciousness. In short the ignorant masses at the mercy of the intelligent idiots.

STATUTORY LAW. Law set down or declared or legislated by an authority; law set as a statement of subject matter giving definition and clarity to the regulation and management of; and seeking to contribute rhythm and harmony to, the exercising of common law as contract. All statutes are created by some governing authority and exist only by agreement with those effected. A contract between two energies.! The law is to serve and protect, and if a statute does not qualify as a true law serving to protect our rights, liberty, life and property then it may only apply to us should we accept offer to contract with it. A statute is a rule or a regulation/stipulation used by a society for balance and harmony, and carries the force of law through the mutual consent of the living souls who together make the said society. Our statutes require our consent to have a power over us, by virtue of the contracts we willingly and knowingly engage. We require to follow and deconstruct our acts of parliament and the consequent statutory laws to know if the statutes which direct our existence are issued in the balance of common law equity, or

serve civil admiralty domination and control. Together as a community we will to ponder this carfully. Let us summarise the law here, in spirit we come from who knows where, and in entering reality we come into duality, a constant play of opposites which in essence require to commerce to find balance and harmony. The state of our conditions and circumstance is the constitution from which we may engage reality and in our physical constitution we may stand upon common ground, the common sense the common law, which is of the culture of which we find ourselves within, culture is the ways and reasons we do things. We do things in relation to condition, circumstance and tradition and to keep it true to the moment we balance it with the impartial notion of equity. Together common law and equity make a team, common law the tradition and ways of the past and equity the rationality of the moment. For an enlightened unfolding for all humanity how may we view the motivation and intent of civil , admiralty, or canon law so to not be as tools of domination and control ,but become more a reflection of exactly how we are all thinking? How do they serve our collective enlightenment?? Together we have the choice at any moment to stop the way we live this collective modern life. We have the ability to change the decisions of values aspired to, the notions we hold steadfast and have manifest as our life adventure; and then give our selves permission to nurture and broaden the imagining of what our beautiful world may be. Should we choose that is, to make effort to imagine; find a balanced and a good for all notions; then share vision and selflessly contribute effort to the reality of living in total peace and harmony. The Ancients suggest the trick is in being selfless, when we come to experience I-ness, the I in the body reading or hearing these words will come to realize there is but only one I in the universe. Moralthe externalised reasons concerned with or relating to our human behaviour, especially the distinction between good and bad, or right and wrong behaviour. Inner aspiration to the greater good, the fine balance of unity. Ethicsthe philosophical emission of the moral values of human conduct, and or the living out of the rules and principles that represent our most noble human conduct and imagining. The human glowing of the benchmarks or touchstones of truths learnt from nature and cognised from divinity, that ensure the enduring good of all. The ethos is the glow of the soul and it is worn first as the etheric as a first shadow of the ethos the second shadow being our human form. So we may say ethic is that glow of goodness that emits from a living soul into the shared lifescape of us all and is either dimmed or amplified by the moral code that has been taken on by the being, the external reasons used to plot one's course and share the way. Virtue quality or practice of moral excellence or rightness, a value in its more abstract form. Prudence, justice, fortitude, temperance, faith, hope and charity. All the goodness received and expressed in deed and action which would have our shared existence unfold

in a kind and magic way for us all. Idealsare balanced desires, dancing in collective harmony with our unfolding mystery, living life from beginning to end as a love affair with the mystery, forever in awe and wonder, passionately sharing the vision, living life as a total expression of fun and challenge. Valuesare ideals held in our conscious, seeking to be acknowledged and aspired to, visions of ways of being that fill the heart and soul with a wealth of feeling that would have all the physical riches and powers in our world seem insignificant. Valor, from valere, to be well or strong -- strong, in life or valiant; strong, for life (if a thing), or valuable. To be "valuable," therefore, is to "avail towards life." A truly valuable or availing thing is that which leads to life with its whole strength. In proportion as it does not lead to life, or as its strength is broken, it is less valuable; in proportion as it leads away from life, it is unvaluable or malignant. John Ruskin Prudencecaution in actions and their consequences, discretion or alertness, care taken in the management of ones resources and consideration for ones own interests and time. Quietly, secretly nurturing the art of living in effortless simplicity and abundance. Justiceprinciple of fairness that like cases should be treated alike. To deal with somebody or some thing correctly and completely. To find a balance of unity for disharmonious interaction and communication, dispute and conflict between living souls playing life in this game. Fortitudestrength and firmness of mind, resolute endurance. Hold the vision Temperancerestraint or moderation especially in yielding to ones appetites or desires. Seeing our self in its ego adventure, and experiencing our i-ness. I am in this body reading or hearing these words, there is only one I....... Faithstrong unshakable belief in something especially without proof or evidence. Our most productive emotion (Napoleon Hill) . Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things unseen (Charles Haanel) Then there is knowing. Hopefeeling or desire for something and confidence in the possibility of its fulfilment. We all see the shortcomings of mankind, and we all have access to the reality of our simple participation in making change, when we find the courage Charitykindly and lenient attitude toward people , love of ones fellow man. Rectitude---uprightness in principles and conduct; correctness as of judgment. Now a few more tools to use in your work, a list of values to ponder.

Joy the greatest emotional value there is, the greatest accomplishment Humour utter goodness in full flight Glory worthy of lofty praise, source of intense joy, expressing true nature Providence divine guidance or care Grace gifts beyond imagining from utter goodness Beauty perfect attractiveness Tranquillity state of utter peace and goodness Ecstasy state of being delightfully beyond Honour worthy of respect and admiration Liberty power to do as one pleases Freewill choice without restraint Truth that which is known for sure, not guessed, the real state of affairs Equality equal in rights status advantage Bliss utterly happy, full of joy Dignity calm and serious manner deserving of respect Civility polite behaviour Magnanimity kind generous forgiving even toward an enemy Goodness generous, kind, friendly, inclusive feelings Love the greatest most powerful mystery in the universe Integrity honest and morally strong Decency honest polite behaviour that shows respect for others Equanimity even calm presence of mind Wisdom the fruit of applied knowledge to the experience of life Harmony pleasing combination of peaceful existence and agreement Trustworthiness solidity that may be relied upon Nobility excellence in moral example Hope to live with out confinement Traits also are structural values Ambitious Capable Clean Forgiving Honest Independent Logical Obedient Responsible Adventurous Calm Composed Dependable Gentle Broadminded Cheerful Courageous Helpful Imaginative Intellectual Loving Polite Self-controlled Artistically sensitive Careful Cooperative Frank

` Good-natured

Not jealous Persevering Poised Refined Relaxed Spontaneous

Open Pleasant Polite Reflective Sociable Steady

Now there is a lot to ponder here, and what we are endeavouring to do is to look at the component parts or building blocks of the structure of our character. It is quite some task to identify with all that exists within our being, and what values are identified with our opinions and attitudes. So in this exercise we are concerned only with searching the supermarket shelves for those values that serve our wildest dreams and fantasies. More will be explored in other modules. So far we have in our journal a story describing how we see ourselves in the situation where beyond the confines of time, ability and money we may access all we can imagine as our ultimate potential. What are our areas of expertise, what and where is it that allows us to experience fully our passion, who are our lovers and how do we relate to the people of our world, and what are the things we desire, the toys or tools required to achieve the dream. What is the structure of the character we are, in the story we are writing, the values and the strengths you see as ideal. There are as many hours of thought and journal entry here as you may wish to make, what is important is to spend the time to think, imagine and dream these points clearly, for they are the foundation for the modules which follow. ` Limitlesssmile No guilt, No stress, No compulsion Happily being yourself Joyously honouring All Duties and Responsibilities entered into. This set of attitudes and opinions dont just happen, we require to nurture and develop the muscles of the Warriors Mood, so that we are able to effortlessly apply our selves to the simplicities of life. In module four we will look more closely at the Warriors Mood, for now we can browse the supermarket shelf and view a selection of the muscles that when combined make up the warriors mood. Muscles of the Warriors Mood trivium and quadrivium Clarity Balance Serenity Focus Harmony Peace

Passion Objectivity Self-mastery Emotional Poise Individuality Compassion Joyousness Rhythm

Bliss Commitment Self-Empowerment Love Abundance Understanding Intuition Effortlessness

Ridiculous Notion no.2

The dreaming spoken of by the Australian Origine has a pure connection to the nature of our Mother the Earth, and a beautiful simplicity that allows one to feel a part of the universe we all share and indeed are. It has been said that the Australian (Ab)originals have been living in Australia for 40,000 100,000 years, and when White Man first invaded found a very simple people; and immediately proceeded to state these people were primitive savages and of lower intelligence. White Man never even began to acknowledge their completely different application to reality. To live as all the other creatures in nature with the elements and with little or no impact upon the environment, they never over populated or did they inflict their intellect upon the landscape, to alter or change. In reflection who of us have then displayed a true intelligent harmony and communication with nature and therefore god, mmmm who really is the savage? All humanity has enjoyed connection to the dreaming, though at some point in our evolution, many of us have lost our connection. Buried in the unconscious part of our being the dreaming lives and affects each and every life. The mystical side of mankind is the dreaming, the feminine side or inner Goddess. Modern western civilization has chosen a male god, and has a long history of subduing the feminine side of our culture, actually treating its female side less than equally. We can observe suppressing women on the one hand and denying the goddess, while on the other hand worshiping a substitute goddess called the economy or some religious idea. Might it be that in the foundations of male god religions and the male dominated governing structures there is an unconscious fear of the power of the feminine. And hence our collective questionable attitudes, our being out of touch with appreciation for the beauty of our genders, and respect for our Mother the Earth. It has been said if you suppress your feminine side you cut off access to your

intuition and become reliant upon instinct, aligned with lower consciousness, isolated from our highest expressions of love, knowledge, wisdom and goodness. Actions of Patriarchal religions and male dominated governing structures are an example of the mine field of delusions suppressing our feminine side may cause. In our list of opposites we could call cleverness and dreaming two sides of the one coin, cleverness the yang attribute, or masculine, and dreaming, the yin or feminine. To live a balanced and harmonious adventure we require having the muscles of cleverness and dreaming equal in their strengths. When connected to the mystical side of life we find access to our magick possibilities, and it is the muscles of imagination that gives us access to the strengthening of our dreaming. This exercise in module one has been a prompt to dream, it has also been a prompt to know thy self, and apply cleverness to your dreaming. Now it is time to hurry up and take your time, as we have forever on both sides of us, And that is exactly how long you need to be around, to really claim that you are immortal. In the words of a thirteen years young man, to say that we only live once is like taking a boy to the video shop to get a computer game, and telling him to select only one game and play it, only one time.


Module Two
The Flying Fox or Fruit bat is the mascot of our Limitlesssmile adventure. They fly the night skies in search of their traditional food, the blossoms, nectar and fruit of many species of gums and forest trees. They act in the capacity of forest gardeners. The flower is the highest spiritual expression of the vegetable kingdom and symbolic of the artistic work done by the sun and the fleeting nature of pleasure. Nectar is the nourishing gift from nature, and is symbolic of unconditional love, the unconditional acceptance of the evolution of all others. Our likeness to the Flying Fox, is that we will fly the night skies of unknowing in search of food from the trees of the knowledge of all the cultures who share life upon our Mother the earth. Our food is inspiration, an infection by light we will call the Enlightenvirus. Light is that invisible, mysterious, unknowable force of the universe, that acts through us actively as the force of desire, and passively as feelings. We will feed upon any inspiring thoughts and ideas, we may find to empower our life journey, and fill our hearts with glad. To enlighten is to become less heavy, to become free of the gravity that weighs down our adventure, and makes it feel less fun. Now, if you have been thorough with your ponderings and writings after having gone through module one, you will now be more familiar with your wildest dreams and fantasies. I expect that if you were to meet up with some magical being, and they said to you if you can name me your three wishes in one minute, you may have them granted, you would be immediately able to answer, clearly and confidently, knowing in your mind what it is you require from the universe to fulfil your dreams. Let us recap quickly what we have done so far, you have a journal and in it is a story of your wildest dreams and fantasies. We have defined what it is that you would like to have as your profession, or the area in which you would like to be an expert. Identified the adventures you would like to participate in to find and experience your passion for life. Have a clear vision of your ideal partner and how you would like to relate to the people of your world. Listed the possessions you require to fulfil you dreams. And the toughest ask, to set out the values you see as the necessary components for inviting rhythm and harmony into your kingdom. To dream and imagine is certainly a great human enjoyment. Many of us have a diet of daydreams that fill the corners of our days, from dreaming of winning the lotto, to dreams of sexual or romantic fulfilment; it is a natural process we are certainly familiar with. It is this part of our being that we are employing to be the means of winning the prize of the Limitlesssmile.

This next exercise is a little less wildly imaginative than exercise one, in exercise two we are going to explore and state our actuality. What is it that actually exists in our life? What are the real components of the structure we call our self. Using the fourfold structure of the elements let us begin again in our Magic journal,

AIR Philosophy Ideals Alienation Ethics Illusion Discipline

FIRE Will Aspiration Inertia Self discipline Anger Confidence

WATER Passion Attitude Depression Behaviour Guilt Love

EARTH Transformation Value Loneliness Attitude Fear Humour

In this new chapter we seek an objective view of who we actually are, in contrast to the wildest dreams and fantasies. We will require to secure a more disciplined mindscape for this task. The state of meditation is explained by many as the holding still the monkey movements of our mind; to hold steady a subject and allow thinking to explore and reveal it to us; to be an objective observer, unmoved, and focused clearly upon the subject to be known; to dwell upon; to be with. Meditation isnt just something you do at a certain time in a certain place, it is a muscle and an attitude that once developed we may wear into our whole life adventure. What are the essentials for learning meditation, that reflective, attentive power of inner peace and balance? A s we develop new muscles of focus and concentration we will require to make use of the gym, just as we would when leaping into an adventure of shaping and strengthening our bodies. The gym we are looking for to develop these muscles is the sacred space, some where that is quiet, private and maybe personalized, where you return each time you seek meditation. In this space you will require for your human body comfort, in the form of temperature, quiet, and seating. Now you can choose a comfortable chair, or sit in a posture on the floor, whichever allows you to sit for as long a time as is your choice? Your spine will need to be straight and comfortable.

If you are unfamiliar with disciplined meditation, then let us explore this task from the point of view of yoga. The more tonic your condition, the easier it is for you to relax. Or put another way, healthy, fit bodies achieve deeper relaxation, and it is the ability to relax deeply and de-tension, to let go and detach that has us peer ever deeper into our own mystery. A good primer for creating the appropriate mindscape for meditation is physical exertion. You do not want to be exhausted, you require to feel awakened and inspired, the bodys juices and energy flowing. A good walk or a session of yoga is great preparation for your meditation. Or your daily physical work tasks attacked with passion and attention to every detail. As a labourer, I have always worn an attitude of being paid to have a work out. Mothers have the opportunity to master the eastern art of karma yoga, where your tasks and duties and responsibilities become a venue for focus, meditation and contemplation, and then armed with well-formed attitudes, what was once drudge may become an amazingly enjoyable space. Now to sit in peace and quiet may be a luxury difficult to find in some lives, particularly in the lives of mothers, so read on and digest and understand the mechanics of reflection as, once you have got the idea of capturing the awareness, it may be done any where, any time, sitting at the bus stop, or during the chaos of many kids feedingSitting, aware of the inner processes, relaxing the breath, steadying the mind, balancing the feelings, observing each movement, and not listening to but hearing every sound of the day, not analysing them, merely awaiting in anticipation of the next movement or sound. By sitting and becoming familiar with the simple mechanics of your full rhythmic breath, you will set a habit of becoming more aware of your breathing and its efficiency throughout your day and the many and varying adventures you find your self within. There are many situations where we hold our breath without being aware that we are actually doing so, and maintaining habits of holding tension in our body, our feelings and our thoughts. The habit of suddenly being aware of our breathing pulls us into the moment, attentive of our actuality at that point of space and time. To explore the components of meditation you will need to take up your position in your sacred space, and with a straight spine, and in a comfortable sitting position, explore the mechanics of your breathing. Bring your attention to your diaphragm, the big muscle at the bottom of your ribs responsible for your breathing. Take in a big breath, and observe the expanding of your rib cage. Feel it mechanically fill and expand in three separate sections, the lower ribs, the upper ribs and then up into the collarbones. In this initial exploration feel strongly the filling of those three areas, to become more familiar with your parts. Next feel your breath fill into your stomach and feel as the diaphragm pulls down it massages your inner spine. Be aware that there are two ways to breathe, chest breathing and stomach breathing. As you adventure into the rhythm of the meditation, focusing on your breath, allow the breath to be full though relaxed, no need to push strenuously into lungs or stomach expanded to their limits, simply observe and become familiar and

comfortable with how your breathing works.

Mindful observation is the next tool you need, allow breathing to be through the nose, feeling the flow of breath against the upper nasal palette. Breathe slow and full, allowing both the in and out breath to be the same length, and being mindful also that the hesitations between in and out breath merge with each breath smoothly. Again, the rhythm is to have the in breath and the out breath the same length, and transitions between each gentle and smooth. These observations are best developed in a peaceful sacred space, though once felt may be applied anywhere, any time. Let us indulge in an exercise in objectivity, while you sit and breathe. In your minds eye, look down and imagine your being seated in a sacred space, comfortable alert and breathing rhythmically. This being is you, or should we say looking down upon the human vehicle you have come to identify as you. This body is quiet, at peace and breathing rhythmically, like your car parked and idling, awaiting your return while you are away briefly at the shop or post office. Sit quietly and watch/imagine the body be still and breathing gently. How long are you able to hold this vision, are you able to spend five minutes observing your breath? Each and every time your mind wanders from observing the breath acknowledge the interrupting thought and then says to yourself I dissipate that thought form and return your focus to your breath. Like any technique you choose to use for meditation, it is the strengthening of the focus muscle that allows deeper and deeper experience. The strengthening of your focus muscle is both simple and difficult, it is as simple as just doing it, though it is difficult to convince the self to embrace and employ discipline. Try not to try. There would be very few of us that could boast an easy access to self-discipline, it is a lost trait not something many have access to effortlessly. The rewards for pursuing and developing self-discipline are enormous, and it is as simple as just doing it. One could observe in humans generally that we never embark upon a serious regime of discipline or change, till life has it that we have to. So far in module one I have employed the morning walk as the means to contemplate and digest the dreams and visions we are applying our cleverness too. Now before or after going for the walk sit and do the sitting meditation where we observe the breath, as previously described. See it as a project of developing self-discipline and the strengthening of our focus muscles. This is the added task for module two. Then to observe and critique our sitting practice whilst on the walk or in moments through our day. How long were we able to sit? What thoughts arose? What was their theme? What message or insight did they hold? How did we feel? Were we able to dissipate the interrupting thought forms? Compare our mind to a television with multiple cable channels, what shows are on thru out your days, which ones do you focus into? Our mind runs all day long what is the content of the notions pondered? We are endeavouring to set up a mindscape of objective criticism, where we will not be self-judgmental nor will we enter self-condemnation. We will accept and allow who and

what we find we are. Let us enter confession without self-vindication, where we will present to ourselves an open, objective report, viewing the good, the bad and the ugly, equally alongside the beautiful and inspiring. Remember we are an endless play of opposites. It is time to go back to our journal and following these steps let us define an objective picture of what we are. Answer these prompts with your descriptive comments! You are a human creature You are male or female Your Health Your strength Your mobility What is your genetic aboriginality; define which race or races of being you have descended from Which culture have you descended from? What culture are you a part of. Your nation Your environment Your Ma and Pa Your family Your partner Your pets Your work Your Studies Your interests Your things Your indulgences

Your belief structures

.What are the major notions that have coloured your life?, Have you grown up with notions of the threat of nuclear war, or the threat of some terrorist attack presented for your pondering?, What realities have your elders presented for your consumption? Did anyone present you notions of yourself being a sovereign human being, where you are the complete absolute and uncontrollable authority in your life adventure? Were you presented with the notion for your pondering that you are responsible for the entirety of your life adventure, your choices, your thoughts, your desires and feelings, your imaginings, before and now during this life ? Have you ever been presented the notion we could all challenge each other to explore utter goodness? All these popular notions colour the consciousness of all concerned! All these simple points often taken for granted are the building blocks of our work to define actuality. In each prompt mentioned above we are an individual expression of those particular collective energies

AIR Thinking Mind Knowledge Hearing Respiratory Truthfulness Non judgment Ethics Philosophies Ideals Alienation Illusion

FIRE WATER Desire Energy Adventure Sight Generative Ruthlessness Unconditional Self-discipline Will Aspiration Inertia Anger

EARTH Feeling Emotion Relationships Taste Circulatory Humility Responsible Behaviour Passion Attitude Depression Guilt Sensation Structure Possessions Smell Digestive Impeccability Businesslike Attitude Transformation Value Loneliness Fear


As we did in module one let us follow the guide of the elements to write our story. With the element of Air let us define our present intellectual capabilities. Reason, logic, imagination, thinking, and talents. Where is it that you have strong knowledge and understanding? Think about how you think, then think about how you think about how you think, Define your profession or work; your studies, your hobbies and pastimes, observe where you have your cleverness, observe also where your cleverness is weak. Are you imaginative, innovative, inventive, and able to inspire others, a great thinker? If so you have your cleverness in the realm of air. The elements may define each and every bit of our earthly existence. Do you have lots of energy, can motivate others, can easily be enthusiastic, then you have intelligence related to fire. Are you abstract or dreamy, maybe illogical to some, find it easy to nurture and have sensitivity to feeling and emotion, if so you have intelligence related to the element water. Maybe you are Practical and logical and find it easy to just do things, understand the mechanics of things, are solid and reliable, then your intelligence is related to the element earth.

FIRE Your enthusiasm, motivation, determination, persistence, desire, effort. How would you rate your get up and go, are you self-motivated, is it easy for you to leap in to things that you would prefer not to do. Like going to work or school, participating in situations that you dislike. To what degree are you self indulgent, or to what degree are you energetic. Do you rise early and embrace a program of healthful effort, leading toward your bodys fitness and vitality. Remember open objective reporting; this is not a judgment upon our self, it is reflection and analysis. Employ the gauge of opposites as our tool here, action verses inaction, call 11 what you would see as the average, going down to one where there is total inaction, couldnt be bothered, and up to 21 where we spring to enthusiastic passionate action. A simple gauge of your present fire element. Answer these notions in your diary; What control do you have over your ability to become enthusiastic? What things in life allow you to feel you have plenty of energy? What endeavours motivate your action? Are you able to feel the creation and generation of personal energy as a reflection of efforts well invested in things, which at one level you would probably rather not do, but at an other feel empowered as a result of having made the effort.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Inaction Heavy Gravity x x Action Light Levity

It could be said that our body is the passive reflection of our soul, and that the results of efforts invested into our life become apparent in our four-fold body. The most obvious gauge is our physical body (earth) and its tone and condition. Excess weight and lack of muscle tone are directly proportional to activity and physical challenge. Yoga would suggest your physical bodies shape and vitality is directly proportional to correct and balanced activity and physical challenge. Like creates like, the more effort invested into life the more life we have. Imagine effort as being light and to invest right effort creates life and light. Observe where your efforts are in your life. Direct physical challenge, creates strengthening and toning of the body. AIR-positive efforts invested into our mental body are reflected as a bright clear and knowledgeable mind. Is there some area of interest that you invest energy into knowing everything about something? WATER- efforts invested into relationships reflect in disposition and expression of feeling and emotion. Do you invest energy into heavy feelings of resentment or dislike etc? Or do you strive for patience understanding and knowing. Are you bright, cheerful and happy, or dull, cranky and depressing? Relating is reflecting FIRE-energy creates energy; you may notice that effort invested into activity, such as sport or training actually gives you more energy and enthusiasm to use elsewhere in your journey. Or the longer a body stays immobile the more difficult it is for it to redevelop momentum. EARTHThe structures in our life are shaped by our duties and responsibilities, those things that there is no question that we will do and continue to do, and the beings we have agreed to stay linked to and maybe care and provide for. Commitments to home, achievement, or career may actually form part of our wildest dreams and fantasies. All duties and responsibilities are contracts to fulfil mutual adventures for exchange of life energy of some sort, be it time, money, security, or feelings. Remember responsibility means to be answerable or liable for what you have been creating, to take ownership of the creation you have manifested with your choices, thoughts, desires, feelings, your actions and your inactions, the effects reflected back from your attitudes and opinions . You are responsible for how much power you do not have in your life by having given your sovereign power away to someone else.

All adventures have a beginning middle and an end, and duties and responsibilities are adventures within adventures, that require auditing and appraisal from time to time. Now is that opportunity, list all the duties and responsibilities in your life, from providing for your children to taking out the rubbish on bin night. What type of contract is it? How far into the contract are you? What is the life force exchange? Does it require bringing up to date and renegotiating, what are the motivations for continuing? What is going on in your life right now and why? Being clear in what energies are being spent, and how efficiently they are being exchanged, will allow some view as to how much life force is available for you to invest in your own personal quest for self-empowerment. Are your relationships operating with clarity and unity? ponder ridiculous notion no. 8 and explore the relationship clarity map notion. Consider the idea that while self-empowering you may need to be selfish, to be unavailable or to be pre occupied during some of the process. Reflect the paradox To be selfless you need to be selfish, the deal being that when you are in receipt of more peace, harmony and power there will be greater abundance to share with all.

HEAVY Gravity Weaknesses Lacks

LIGHT Levity Strengths Gifts

Values Values are solid Earth components of our existence, what are the values in your life and why? What sort of things do you value, and why? List the physical things in your life you value, your car your new hat whatever you feel attachment too. What would make you angry or sad to have taken suddenly from you. Observe this list and figure what these things are a symbol of in your unique life adventure. Values are also things like discipline, education, objectivity, honesty, List your ten best attributes, the things you think are a power to your life, assist you in participating in reality, things like patience, open mindedness, simple good looks or cheerful nature. See page 4852 for a look at values.

OUR BODY Your body is the visible form of the passive side of your soul, and is the result of your thinking, your feelings and desires, the sum total of all you have ever been. Let us use our simple chart to get a mental image of where we are at physically. In the following chart call eleven what you would perceive as average, the point in human life where we begin to be aware of gravity. Then down to one where we find the very sick or deadish, full to the top with gravity, ready to fill the grave. And then up to 21 which would

represent the ultimate in health, strength and vitality. Most active young bodies run all these systems at or well above average, the power and beauty of youth allows us to zoom along without cause to think about needing to do any thing about maintaining or improving the condition of our vehicle. As we live into life and participate in gravity of many forms it shows up in all four of our bodies. Indulgence in consumption of toxins builds up in the system and weighs it down. Carrying excess weight is the human bodies most obvious display of wearing gravity. The burden of guilt or remorse and regret weigh down our emotional body into gloom and despair, worn in the expression of our body and its posture. A life where the intellect is enslaved to a diet devoid of inspiration and fun, fills up and becomes weighed down and plagued by morbid thinking shows up as a lack of contribution to, or participation in life. The energy body weighed down is obvious in its distinct lack of drive and enthusiasm, uninvolved, not present.

Your Physical Body is made up of the following systems Rate yourself a score to grasp a quick view of where you think youre at. Do you have strong healthy bones and teeth, are you equipped with strong toned musculature, does your heart pump happily under pressure of challenge, what do you know about blood pressure, how often do you push yourself to puffed, does your food travel through efficiently, how is your virility, do you recover quickly in wound or sickness, how often does the weight of sickness call, can you sweat well and eliminate efficiently, do you have nerves of steel? ? ? ? ? ?

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Skeletal-----our bones Muscular-----our muscles Circulatory-----heart rate, circulation, cold feet? Respiratory-----breath Digestive----food and its processing Reproductive---our virility and fertility Endocrinal-----poise of our moods and emotions Lymphatic----elimination of our waste Nervous----sensitivity, reflexes

LAWS OF THE LAND Law: The rules or body of rules, defining who alleges possession of what right/authority for using deadly force (violence) against another If our organs of justice and government were true extensions and reflections of our divinity, our greatest potential, our public servants would be well cared for volunteers legislating our collective will in good conscious for the common good of all. Shaping statutory regulations to maximise harmony and healing for any who may behave out of align with the good. Natural laws, divine laws and common laws are controlling agents of our experience of existence. In our human life and society we have evolved and extended into our collective lives the regulating principles of statute law. These are the laws of our land that have become a living and documented statement of our common law. They are the boundaries and parameters we seek to have in place and policed so we may all move toward an experience of balance and harmony in our unfolding collective human mystery. In most cases the laws of our land support us and protect us, and work toward the common good of all. Although it has come to pass that some laws limit and repress us, this of course is no fault of the law or statute, but the ego attitude responsible for their existence. The extent of how far removed from enlightened our society or civilization is will be reflected in the amount of laws and boundaries that we have had to set our selves, the amount of rules and regulations we require to control our every day life, to keep in check our collective conduct. Also how enlightened our society is, is reflected in how many repugnant laws we have allowed to be foisted upon us and used against us for the profit of the self-interested, thru our inaction and blind acceptance. Those beings who have evolved into positions of mega wealth power, have taken hold of the right to create law and war and used it for self interest; power separated from divinity is force, and may only find corrupted earthing. The society that enforces laws that deliberately oppress or limit freedom liberty and justice, upon fellow beings or our mother the Earth, is the part of the world the light of simple good has yet to reach. The further from the light the more rules, laws and force are needed to keep the balance between chaos and a truly enlightened living sharing, of the abundance and Limitlesssmile our mother earth has for us all to enjoy. Except for the greedy few who choose to ignore divine law and pursue ego indulgence in wealth and force at the expense of us all, we all could be enjoying right now the glory of shared abundance of the living earth. Not forgetting of course that everything is a reflection of us one and all, so we may accept responsibility for all that is not good as well as what is good, this is our healing and humble duty. The meek await patiently with their faith in the omnipresent good, and the call of spirit to unity. So reflect now on the part of the world you live in and the laws that govern your conduct and movement. How do you find peace among them and their policing? How many

statutory regulations do you feel are no more than an excuse for revenue collection? How many civil liberties are we going to trade for the notions of terrorism? (there are 6 billion of us here on planet earth, those involved in war account for only a few million, less than point one of a percent of our global population, and yet it is the notions of war and terror that dominates our media every day ? Are you able to express being your self completely despite them? Our inherited cultural and religious beliefs also come packed with laws, taboos, boundaries and limits to shape our wildest dreams in to actuality. Observe those boundaries in your life adventure you have inherited from religion or culture that serve good, and those that serve control or superstition. Any belief that endeavours to put an alter or agent between you and the good [god], is self serving?

WATER Let us say that emotion and feeling are the genesis of attitude, then it is under the banner of water we will explore the realm of Vice and Virtue. Let us approach this part of our journal sensitively; it is a difficult task to be totally and ruthlessly honest with our self. Our emotions are there to be enjoyed and employed powerfully and passionately. You may use Hate, to hate missing all that is available to you, You may use Guilt, as feeling guilty for not being always an expression of limitlessness. You may be jealous for your higher selfs inner peace. You maybe greedy for light to share inspiration with all, and be a glutton for expressing goodness. So now we are going to continue this journal work with an inspection of the supermarket shelves in the vice and virtue section of the store. The seven traditional vices and seven virtues can also be viewed as either a taking on of gravity and becoming weighed down, or a pursuing of the opposite to heavy, which is light. Each vice has a reflective virtue that allows balance and understanding of these energies that we have to use. Let us suppose that they begin with an attitude, and we are able to define attitude as an exhibition of some internal feeling, an actionable design for success or failure displayed in the true gender of opposites as offensive or defensive. Indulgence in the negative energy of vice (or some say sin) affects the harmony of our being at all levels. The middle path, the balance point between the extremes of the opposites is where we seek to establish ground in this exercise and the whole of the Limitlesssmile adventure. The true meeting ground where masculine and feminine dance in limitless abandon of their opposites, their blending into wholeness beyond good and bad. A blending of gravity and levity, where the dancers require the levity to remain light and fast with their movement, and gravity so they may have and feel their feet upon the ground. Objectively observe the following raw materials and chart where you are at. Let us define vice as any thing that adds gravity or takes away energy or vitality from any of our four bodies, and transgresses the laws of nature or human nature. Or simply vice is to not think, as opposed to virtue, which is to think. Virtue is any thing that brings an all encompassing lightness to

your life, happiness, abundance and empowerment.


PRIDE- vanity or self-importance, ego fixed stagnation, excessive belief in ones own abilities, conflict, oppression, inferiority, arrogance. ENVYthe desire for others traits, status, abilities and situation. Wanting the prize with out the effort. GLUTTONYinordinate desire to consume more than one requires, de-sensitised from feeling the joy of experience, and becoming insatiable LUSTinordinate craving for the pleasures of the body ANGERmanifested in the individual who chooses fury over love GREED desire for material wealth or gain or power, ignoring the realm of the spiritual SLOTHavoidance of physical or spiritual effort, apathy

CLOSE RELATIVES OF THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS Shame-heavy feelings of self dislike, expressing as introversion, shyness and withdrawl Guilt-victim mentality of remorse regret, self recrimination, masochism; can be used to manipulate and punish Grief-sadness, loss, despondency, regret, depression Fear-some fear is healthy and may protect us from harm, most fear that dominates our communities are contrived for control, i.e. the notion of terrorism we are fed in our media day in day out is out of proportion to reality. Malice-ill will, spite, desire to harm Malcontent- rebel against established conditions Hatred-- bitter resentment, deep seated ill will, stale decomposed feeling Jealousy- fear of loss of possession or affection, intolerant of disloyalty and infidelity Salaciousness- morbidly appealing to lust Vindictiveness-revenge unforgiving Sullenness-brooding, ill humour passive gloom Comfort- a relation of death. Despondency-gloom, melancholy depression, dejection, loss or lack of hope confidence or courage Voluptuousness-frequent indulgence in sensual gratification

Licentiousness- lacking moral or sexual restraint, no regard for rules or standards. Cruelty-deliberate infliction of pain or suffering Infamybeing well known for doing bad Insurgencyto take by force Dishonourloss of honour for unacceptable behaviour Vengeancepunishing in return Betrayalto issue or utter against another Slaveryunfair advantage Despairlosing of hope Wrathutter anger Ugliness negative unpleasantness Tyrannyunfair, cruel authority Hypocrisypretence of morality Abominationextremely offensive, cause of disgust and hatred Prejudiceunreasonable dislike or preference Perditionpunishment that goes on even after death Foolishnesswithout good sense or good judgment Capricesudden unexpected mind changes Cowardicefear and lack of courage Vulgaritybeing rude and with out taste Crueltybehaviour that causes pain and suffering to others Antagonismfeeling of oppositional hatred Oppressionunfair cruel treatment, denial of rights liberties and freedom Evilonly being able to feel good by being cruel or wicked to others Persecutiontreating unfairly, especially for race belief Cunningdeceit and trickery in getting what you want Hatredutter dislike Iniquityunfair wrong Belligerenceaggressively unfriendly Turpitudeutterly immoral behaviour Stalk and identify if any of these energies are present in your life adventure, bravely aspire to rise above these negative values, release from their gravity, deliberately enlighten!

THE SEVEN TRADITONAL HEAVENLY VIRTUES HUMILITY-modest sense of ones own significance, not under the illusion of self importance KINDNESS-good or benevolent nature or disposition

ABSTINENCE-- moderation of any indulgence or appetite CHASTITYpure of thought and action, self containment PATIENCEtolerance, even tempered, emotionally poised, persevere, endure LIBERALITYgenerosity, free , abundant accepting nature DILIGENCEproper and steady focus and attention and care Now go to your journal and write out the simple following list. Vices on the one side virtues on the other, marking across the page from 1 to 21, have 11 as the midpoint, the fulcrum of the gauge, then simply rate your familiararity with either the vice or virtue..

ATTITUDES DEFENSIVEor.OFFENSIVE HEAVY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1112 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 VICE VIRTUE Pride Envy Gluttony Lust Anger Greed Sloth X Humility Kindness Abstinence Chastity Patience Liberality Diligence LIGHT



As an opposite, the delegation of a vice or a virtue to gender, follows the rule that masculine cosmic energy is energy of pursuing action, where as the feminine energy is an absorbing attraction. Dont make the mistake of thinking that masculine and feminine means men and women, we as humans are both masculine and feminine in our nature, expressing a predominance of one or the other in our gender. At a genetic or molecular level we as male and female are much more indistinguishable, we share a big percentage of sameness. Look at the list of opposites and decide for your self, which takes the effort, the vice or the virtue, an automatic action of force or a purposeful use of power. Human nature has natural gravity to apathy, indolence, indifference and laziness; virtues generally need to be aspired to, definite mindful effort applied to their achieving.

Some vices are pleasurable, and have much to teach us when used in an enlightened way. Some things are not immediately apparent as a vice until their effects are revealed after years of use or interaction. A virtue may appear harsh, a restriction or disciplined limitation that may require seeming sacrifice of present pleasure, that in time proves itself in the result of balance and harmony, light and equanimity in life and community. There is a difficulty for we humans to define clearly what is or is not a vice; to determine where vice begins and virtue ends. This gauging is the responsibility for each living soul to determine for their each and every self. What is vice for one being maybe a virtue for another, and what may be a vice at a certain moment in a life may be a virtue at an other time or circumstance. The determining of virtue and vice is a question of degree and balance of energies. Vice or virtue is our relationship with a substance, a circumstance, a need for certain feelings, another being or a situation we enjoy. Vice may be physical, mental, emotional, religious, social, commercial, industrial, or economical. Exercise your basic human right to inquire, investigate, reason, experiment, judge and figure out for yourself the energies of virtue and vice. Our only gauge we have in our each unique individual being is our ability to judge our own happiness or lack of. As we journey into knowledge, wisdom and understanding of our self and our relationship with our humanity we require the right to experiment and discover in our own experience all that will enlighten us; all that will lead to knowing our greater purpose and duty in life. The current attitude of treating certain human vices as a crime has our systems using against us our natural human craving to experience altered states of consciousness. While revenue is extracted from the penalty of the use of marijuana and other herbs from nature is not invested in to the education of wise and enlightened use of these gifts from creation then our systems are acting dishonestly and not for the common good. they merely demonstrate their true hidden agendas of dominance and extortion. The service we may expect from our public servants in our governments is not defining and penalizing what are our vices but identifying and educating what are our rights and duties. Go to notion 15 at back of book.

In these next two notions explore the thoughts and ideas aroused by the mechanics presented



IN the history of all human life, in all cultures, we as beings pursue with great passion the acquiring of altered states of consciousness. As a means to amplify and enhance our experience of reality and beyond, and in our modern world a means to escape from the heavy world we have collectively created. The consumption of mind or mood altering substance and stimulants is accepted completely in the modern western civilization. Alcohol consumption is commonplace and has it, almost, that the non-drinker is the outcast in modern life. The actual use of any stimulant or mind-altering drug is not in itself harmful, merely its application. Use is a challenge to the system; abuse damages or destroys the system. It may be used as sacrament in the persual of inspiration, an injection of light, or as intoxication, the taking on of gravity. There are of course alternatives, the natural highs reached by leading a powerful life, and the many disciplines and practices that may be employed to alter mind or mood, to enter trance states and capture other perceptions of reality. Though these natural states are no more a guarantee of immunity to illusion than any. AIR Greater honesty FIRE Loosening of inhibitions. WATER EARTH More emotionally Freedom in touch from involvement in normal Consciousness Love for those around us Depression Physical sensations Addiction





Why do we as beings crave the effects of caffeine, tobacco, alcohol, amphetamines, or opiates? What is it in these effected mindscapes that are so attractive and alluring? What is it that is missing in our adventure to require the need? From premature death through abuse, or death from misadventure and violence, it is an enormously expensive indulgence that we in western society have accepted as normal. Why do you indulge in what ever it is that you indulge in? What are your self-justifications to indulge, or what is your reward for taking a sacrament? List out youre substances and comment beside each, Why you have it in your life, What is your relationship with it, Is its presence in your life a result of family, culture or peers, What does it give you, What is the actual change to your mindscape that is attractive to you, If

you were to remove it from your adventure, what would you replace it with, Can you identify what part of your being requires the substance, which weak muscle in your being does the substance represent, Does THC in marihuana allow you to enjoy a greater ability to access the dreaming, to focus or think, or does alcohol allow you to be free from your inhibitions enough to express how you really feel, Does it all boil down to the taking on of the gravity of sloth, and allowing our muscles of focus, expression and self confidence etc, to atrophy, while the relationship with substance allows us an enjoyment of experiencing the illusion that these muscles actually exist strongly within us???????? We humans have a dark and unconscious attraction for the mystery of death. We actively pursue or passively find our selves looking for deaths door, where a clear view of death may lend sober insight in to life. The raising of our energy and experience of existence through the amplification tools of drugs and alcohol is in fact a small dying. As we desensitise to life and all it offers we grow a garden of death, and feed it the food of death, gravity. As we consume toxin we grow death. One notion offered as to why we humans are so drawn to alter our state of consciousness is that in our western civilized communities we are living far from our true human nature. The mindscapes we may enjoy while expressing fully our true nature are revealed and experienced briefly when we are under the influence of alcohol or certain herbs, plants and fungi. Despite how distorted or illusory and brief these highs, clarities and revelations; or the empathy grace and compassion we experience when in relation with these agents we are simply experiencing fragments of how we are meant to be all the time. These agents of altered-ness are powerful tools, be disciplined in their use and respect their power, or they will not respect yours. Balance the revealed qualities, dont abuse the apparent power. Use the following gauge to visualize where you are at with the adventure of discovery with mind or mood altering. Lets call 11 what you see as the average, going down to one as the total drunk or addict, then up to 21 where you would perceive as the most positive enlightened use of substance. Or you may deem the total non-use as the other end of the scale. Your gauge, you decide.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1112 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

VICE Intoxication

VIRTUE Inspiration

Escape Inaction Heavy Gravity

Celebration Action Light Levity


Relationships are the classroom of blending, balancing and unifying Duality Feminine Woman Mother Attract Magnetic Intimacy Contain Soft Sentiment Love Feeling Encouragement Masculine Man Father Repel Radiating Distance Release Hard Lust Hate Desire Antagonism

Our first relationships are with our Mother and our Father, they set the theme for how we will relate and enjoy our future life encounters. the relationship with parents also sets the relationship you will have with your notion of god. In metaphysics the Father is the masculine or paternal principle, and corresponds to consciousness, in mythology his energy is based upon the elements Air and Fire, heaven and light, thunderbolts and weapons. Dominion is the power peculiar to the Father. Mother is the feminine or maternal principal, and corresponds to the unconscious, the nocturnal side of existence. Water and Earth are her elements and her symbols are the night, the cave, the great depths of the unknown and falling in love. Humility as submission to cosmic law, and deep understanding and constant consideration of the will of the whole is her power. She is the image of Love and Nature.

Bliss, wholeness, harmony and contentment are within us all, and are a natural part of our humanness. The glamour of Romantic love may have us believing that the ultimate state of balanced union is reached only by connection with another, that inner peace and harmony is reached as a result of relationships. Let us debate that the energy of relationship is but a classroom for earning balanced union, and is symbolic of it, but is not necessarily it For this imagination exercise let us say that all the male faces of the world combined, is actually the face of god in all his limitless diversity, and likewise all the female faces together are the face of the goddess. All these many faces are reflections of our self and each a part of our own unique and individual puzzle May I reserve the right to peer into any or all of the faces? Into which faces do I seek reflection? How deep do I look??? In the absence of intellectual moralities what might be our guide? Human Chemistry allows us to know in a very real way.! The process of the play between opposites is a dynamic symphony of growth and change and exchange. In life we create the situations that we require to evolve, grow, change and enlighten. Relationships are a classroom where we may see the manifesting of our unconscious parts as a living reflection in the form of another living being. Intimate sexual relationships allow an arena where we may express our openness ruthlessly, and dig out the most hidden of our unconscious parts and display them all, for our own inspection. The more familiar we become, the more reflection is revealed by the pushing of buttons that only these situations may reach. Depending upon the attitudes worn in this dynamic dance, ego self-importance may leave the dancers spending much energy for little return of insight and revelation, merely accumulating more gravity. Living Relationships are a mutable and dynamic flow of love energy, dancing between the poles of intimacy and distance, love and hate. An inhalation and exhalation of the living breath of the endless play of opposites. We are responsible for our own inspiration, peace, happiness and feelings of well-being. Once we own these within our self, relationship with others is a bonus. Truly independent beings sharing their unique and individual power in relationship are inter dependant, a dynamic team of challenge and empowerment spurring each other on into the unknown. Many relationships where one or both parties are dependant upon the other, have their happiness vulnerable to the slightest negative move of the other, or become a crutch to lean on while filling in time in the comfort zone, awaiting the arrival of death. Limitlesssmile These exercises are an attempt to bring to our awareness all the components that come together to make us what we are. To survey and catalogue, to view and ponder, to understand and embrace, to solve and transform, and to find clarity in our dance with truth and illusion. Each and every one of us are completely different and exactly the same.

In exercise Three our Quest is to capture a glimpse of Who we are, Who is the actor in the movie of life. Work toward defining our expression and the motivating force behind it. Which bit is Self and which bit is Ego.

Module Three
Welcome to module three, in the adventure so far you have a journal within which you are participating in what some wise ancestors called the great work, or simply put, your life. In module one you spent a module stretching, exercising and exploring your imagination to research and collect the wildest dreams and fantasies that are your individual own yearnings, from the deepest recesses of your heart. The life you see as yours beyond limitations of time, money or ability. The seeds of your destiny, which like the seed of a tree has the inherent design of the species it represents, though will be still shaped by individuality and conditions. The story you have written as a result of following the exercise in module one will have within it a theme that represents a design for your life purpose, like the species represented in the seed of the tree. It may not be immediately obvious, so now the purpose of your journal will become more apparent, as it presents itself as a tool of capture and reflection. It will allow capture and storage of your mindscape, as we journey through the modules and you will have solid reflections to survey. In module two we have explored actuality, who and what we are right now in realdom. The point in space and time, where we will begin our journey toward the manifestation of our wildest dreams and fantasys. We also have an honest inspection of the present condition and capabilities of the amazing machine which will transport us. We have two mindscapes in our journal, one- wildest dreams and fantasies, our destination, and two-actuality, our present location. AIR Module 1 Magician Script writer Wildest dreams FIRE Module 2 Warrior Director Actuality WATER Module 3 Lover Actor Who EARTH Module Sovereign Producer How

Module three is a journey into discovering who the actor in your life movie is, the being behind the character we have come to know on the screen or stage of life, expressing, relating and interacting,

To go walk-about, is a saying of the Australian aboriginal, which describes a process of going off to see who you are. You leave all of who and what is familiar too you, and journey through new landscapes and people seeking reflections that are not available to you any other way. If you have travelled alone through new and strange places you will know the feeling and the revelations of this process. As one travels through the unfamiliar and sometimes hostile scenes of our shared earth scape, there is one tool that provides a degree of safety and protection. Invisibility, the ability to move with out being noticed, while satisfying self of the nature and properties of the realm entered. The power of silence, and withdrawal, allow sanctuary from others needs and intentions, while establishing knowledge of our own motivations and position. Point being, to acknowledge to ourselves again, to enjoy fully the sacred space of the morning walk, or any other area of daily contemplation you have employed, some where you may be alone and invisible to the rest of life. Then there is the need also to keep our journal work private and invisible, as the negativity of others can destroy the fragile seeds of empowerment you are nurturing, in the realms of your new mindscapes.


It was the quest of the many mystery school traditions to remove the obstacle of ego from the unfolding of the life of the participating students. Monks employed the vows of chastity, poverty and obedience, as a means to capture reflections of their deeper self, to learn the art of stalking and capture of personal self-importance, the seat of the Ego. The action of challenging our desires and applying the restriction of self imposed discipline upon their manifesting, sets venue to capture the feelings and desires of the ego and its rebellion to limits, and reveal view of its nature. From the seat of self-importance the Ego takes control of the entire being, to the point where we may believe we are the ego. The energy wasting emotions and habits that consume life, like self-pity, depression, jealousy, anger, etc. are only possible because of indulgence in self-importance. This is the experience of self-ness in its realm of memory and fantasy. Meanwhile our experience of Iness, simply observes, simply accepts, simply understands, simply is and simply loves. Just where are we coming from in this life, who are we endeavouring to be, how may we grasp a picture of the motivations and attitudes that we express, are we aspiring with efforts toward more, or sat in comfort zones basking in indulgence? Complex questions needing simple revealing answers.

The simple view we will begin with here, is to imagine our mysterious energy body, in its relationship with the physical world, as a play of the opposites--the attraction of indulging in the sensations of the solid physical world, and the indulging in the limitlessness of our dreaming and imagination.







Earth Tail Sky Tail The Earth Tail, our human sexuality seeking experience in sex, food, fame and fortune, and our Sky Tail our spirits urge to look beyond and aspire toward a more elevated and purposeful experience of reality, to know and experience goodness. Two temptations in two directions, above and below. Life Force streams through us, and our connection and participation with physical reality is apparent, existence exists. This connection to the material realm is essential, the stronger and more balanced our earthing, the more freedom we may enjoy from illusion. Your attachments, as your desires and your feelings, anchor your being-ness to solidity. So lets say the earth tail is the tail of our energy body seeking earth our connection to the material world so as to experience it completely and thoroughly, to feel it completely emotionally and sensually (water and earth). Our Sky Tail assimilates experience and explores and strategies where we go next, seeks motivation and imagines what to do when there (air and fire). With out the fine balance of the Sky Tail, total indulgence would prevail and our Earth Tail would plunge us into the depths of gravity. The Sky Tail with out the grounding balance of the Earth Tail would become lost in delusion, and fanciful dreams. Examples of the extremes of each may be seen in observations of the people of our world, there are many lost in destruction and self-destruction, equally along side the fanatical idealists, creating turmoil and disruption and misery for many. Samples of the imbalance of the play between Mother Earth and Father Sky, between the inner balance of cleverness and dreaming, and the negotiating and dealing between our state of I-ness or some say higher self and our animal nature and its ego mask; another example of our human need of reconciliation of ego and spirit. The exercises in module three endeavour to explore ways to capture a peek of our ego,

that elusive part of our being that is described as our self importance, who we want others to see or think we are, in how we express both passively in appearance, and actively as actions. These next exercises are an inventory with which we will attempt to capture a peek of who we are and make a visual representation of our motivations, the dance of our tails. PEEK We will begin with an extension of what we have done in module two, and bring to our attention a description of ourselves as a separate character. Ego is really nothing more than a description, which may be shaped by our thoughts and actions, our memories and fantasies, our feelings and desires. You will need to be ruthlessly honest and totally objective in the facts you record, so as to capture a peek of Ego, and see it is as vulnerable to modification and deletion, as is your written description. Answer clearly the following prompts in your journal. Your name, and nicknames or pet names? Your age? Your aboriginality? Your culture? Your belief structure? How do you dress and present your self? How do you wear your hair? State of health? Your demeanour? Common moods? Daily routines?

Daily rituals? What sort of work do you do? How do you relate to colleagues, clients, and bosses? What type of people you are attracted to? What type of people you avoid? How do you relate to youth? How do you relate to aged? How do you spend you free time? What are your indulgences? How do you approach sexual attraction? How do you approach repulsion? What is your attitude to charging, or getting monies? What is your attitude to spending? What are you greatest virtues? What are your greatest vices? What are the greatest things you have ever done?

What are the worst things you have ever done? What are the greatest blessings in your life? What are the greatest burdens? What is your greatest expectation for our world? What is your most pessimistic expectation for our world? How do you express goodness? What makes you laugh? How often and how powerfully do you laugh?

PATTERNS This next exercise is a big one, it will be used to survey the patterns in your life, and attempt to see the interaction of the Sky tail and Earth tail. It will take much thought and require keen attention. Write down three chronologies of events, starting in this moment and working backward to the year of your beginning. The events will be associated with areas of your life that are significant, such as a list of all the places you have ever lived, a list of all your love relationships, and a list of your passions, the things you dedicate time, effort and money to, because you want to. You may have a passion for fast cars or motorcycles or boats, collecting stamps or anything, a list of each significant addition to your collection. You may prefer to list a chronology of years, or work adventures or creations, a list of anything you think significant in your journey. Next we will write down a couple of significant events or happenings that come to mind for each of those items, in each of those lists. This may be a long and involved list, as we are attempting to chart the whole of your life here, say you have had 40 different places of residence and 10 different relationships and 20 different work situations, that makes 70 items. Then we will write two or three events associated with each of those items, some major life change or challenge, some significant happening that marks your memory. This makes in this example up to 200 plus events or happenings

that we have to look into. This will be column one, the Air, our design. Dont worry! If this seems too much, work up to it and choose one area first, and keep the points simple, just go thru the exercise and feel it out. You will need to set this up so there is room enough to then write a description of whether or not this event or happening was an offence energy you initiated, or a situation of defence as a response to energies from life, the Fire column. Was it a lesson in selfimportance or humility, the Water column? Was it energy of pursuing illusion or truth or indulging in stagnancy or making effort, the Earth column? Set out your work in the style we have employed in all the modules so far. Recording the events in the Air and plotting the movement of the tails in the other three. The focus and effort of going through this process will present its own revelations as your pattern recognition muscles strengthen, this part of you is your right brain, your feminine side, your inner goddess and your connection to the dreaming. AIR Your list of Events and Happenings FIRE assertive action or defensive action WATER Self-importance or Humility EARTH Indulgence in stagnancy Illusion Or truth & effort Earth Tail Automatic action of force Defence Humility Stagnation NAME Sky Tail Purposeful use of power Offence Self Importance Illusion

The next work of this module is to name the four faces of the character that we are, to ask who am I? in relation to the four elements, our continuing guide in these modules. In module one I used the image of magician as the means to define the part of us in relation to our cleverness, the warrior to define our enthusiasm and motivation, the lover to seek definition of feeling and emotions and the Sovereign to define structure. Here we seek to put a name to the faces of each of these facets of our character. Like the players in any movie, it is their name that defines them from the other characters. It is time now to employ the morning walk, to seek these four names. As the magician, your intellectual self, explore thoughts of who you are when you communicate to others, how you communicate your cleverness and advice to the world. Are you flamboyant and proud or a quiet achiever, are you able to relate clearly and easily, or do you find it a task. Which magicians or witches of the story world do you relate to, Merlin of Camelot, Gandalf of Lord of the rings, Harry Potter? As a Warrior, the active forceful self, the motivator and enthusiast, who are you as a pioneer, a leader or an inspirer. Find a name that suggests power and endurance. Joan of Ark, Genghis Khan, Conan the Barbarian. In this module we will use the image of the musician as the means to find a name for this part of our being, the feeling romantic self. The musician is the ultimate expression of the water element, able to express feeling and emotion right into the hearts of others. Name that face of your character that sings who you are to the world. As a Sovereign, the structuring self, who are you as an accumulator and displayer of wealth and solidity. Who are you as a generous and caring sharer of abundance? Who are you as a creator? Alexander the Great, Roger the Incinerator, Karen the Kind

RIDICULOUS NOTION no.69 SEXUALITY For many of us it is one of the biggest issues of our life, insofar as we require coming to terms, for sake of internal harmony, with how we are to express and satisfy our feelings

and desires for sexual contact. The exploration of sexuality is a means to capture yet an other view of our Ego. The expression on earth of this energy is as broad and diverse as is our imagination. From total abstinence and celibacy to absolute indulgence of all the senses without inhibition, and everything in between, all is available to us upon the supermarket shelves of choice. REMEMBER we are endeavouring to set up a mindscape of objective criticism, where we will not be self-judgmental nor will we enter self-condemnation. We will accept and allow who and what we find we are and present to ourselves an open, objective report, viewing the good, the bad and the ugly, equally alongside the beautiful and inspiring. Remember we are an endless play of opposites. We want to get to the bottom of what moves us and what stops us moving forward, what excites us and what it is that turns us off. It doesnt matter what it is that moves and excites at this point of the exercise, just to be clear and come to know the components of the mechanics of the unique assembly of human that we are, Knowing that any thing we are is merely a brew drawn from the puddle that we all are collectively. What are the components of your sexuality, Are you drawn to the opposite sex or the same sex? To be with one partner or more than one? What form excites you, young, old, large, small, soft, athletic, black, white, yellow, the beautiful the bland the ugly? Are you excited by the action of giving affection or receiving? Is affection nothing to do with it? Do you love to feel the freedom of absolute sensual pleasure, gently, intensely or violently? Do you want to hurt or be hurt, experience the outrageous, the daring, or the ridiculous? Or do you wish for a companionship and relationship that shares an intimate love filled expression, where sex is a reflection? Maybe sex is not something that enters your thinking, you have no need or desire, and it is simply not an issue. Now we have some components, what circumstances prevail to allow satisfaction of your sexuality, or do you not allow your self-permission because of self-expectation or the expectation of others? Are their conflicts within yourself that disallow expression due to culture, family, society or lack of confidence or esteem? In exercise one, where we explored our wildest dreams and fantasies, review or rewrite the section on sexual fantasy if it will help here in this exercise. The attitude in some spiritual works toward sexuality is simply to indulge completely, fill to the top so you require no more, you have been there done it and got the t-shirt, and are now free to see clearly the mechanics of that part of your being, reflect and understand it and move on to the next adventure. To know a little more the truth, that our sexual expression and our very spirit are one and the same. Taking great care of course to not be consumed beyond retrieval in the process. To play and experiment in any realm of indulgence is hazardous to say the least. In indulgence humans eagerly spend all their energy and more without thought. Somewhere it says; The path of lust leads to the tower of wisdom, though just how much energy or life force you have left when (or if) you get there is completely up to you. So it may be safer to say that the path of lust tread and enjoyed in complete awareness, may lead to the tower of wisdom. Orgasm is a destiny propellant. In the end our state of I-ness simply loves, and our state of self-ness simply

doubts, never satisfied its feelings or desires are fulfilled. What are the collective attitudes to sex and the sex industry, what might we identify as the mechanics of the sexscape of our modern world. Prostitutes are accredited with being the oldest profession, described generally as the basic need of the human male when balanced and satisfied by the female for an energy exchange. Our attitude toward the need and expression of this basic human exchange varies from culture to culture, and nation to nation, state to state and town to town and attitude varies also quite markedly from person to person. To get down to basics man in his state of self-ness requires satisfying his desire, which manifests generally as his common worldwide need to earth his attraction to the female. Our western civilization has blatant use of the female form in commercial advertising to lure dollars from pockets, cashing in on the instinct, magazines predominate in the display of the beauty of the female form as a commonly accepted means of enjoyably indulging the senses. There is the huge sex industry, cashing in on the human condition and it is run largely by shady characters, which may be associated with criminal elements and the gravity laden end of the collective Earth tail, seeking total indulgence with the aid of the experience amplifiers, drugs alcohol and stimulants. The failure of our collective earth tails to find an open honest limitless access to earthing our sexuality has the organism of our bodies and minds functioning wrongly or rebelling in confusion to what would be the organic cry, and to what are the imposed intellectual moral structures. Feeling and instinct-ing one way, thinking and desiring another disrupt the smooth workings of the whole structure causing certain thoughts and ideas to not be eliminated, remaining within to corrupt all that would be good. The nature of mankind, and its delicate egos in the pursuit of power and leadership takes on pre designed moralities, and for fear of not being voted in, or upsetting the religious, relieve them selves of the responsibility of being in control of the issues of satisfying the earthing and balance of our delicate and sacred collective sexuality, to those with only motivation for profit and indulgence. In this new century of enlightened thinking will we see spiritually strong and limitlessly sexual, female energy, take control and give direction to the resources eagerly given by male energy to satisfy and earth their desires. This energy given openly without fear of ridicule, and a sharing of education, to be aware that the process may lead to some deeper self knowledge and a moving forward into more lightness from knowledge, instead of the gravity of indulgence. The industry exists; it is enormous and is profited upon by those who have no concern for the welfare and good of all. There is room for the spiritually minded to take control and redirect what exists, for the good of all, with the blessing of the powers that be. Should some one in power be brave enough to initiate the idea? There could be no shame in seeking to profit from this most intimate of exchanges, as any exchange of any thing, intercourse is another word for commerce.

Commerce The Random House College Dictionary defines Commerce as: 1. an interchange of goods or commodities; 2. engaged in commerce; 3. Sexual intercourse; 4. Intellectual or spiritual interchange; communion. (The root is Latin; to trade together; com plus marcari, from merc of merz, [Merchandise], goods). . Commerceany and all interchange between people, including but not limited by : the activity normally associated with the term, i.e. the buying and selling (trading) of goods and services; social intercourse; sexual intercourse (original meaning). All law is contract; and in every interchange between people a contract is formed; all commerce is a contract. A timeless maxim of law: Contract makes the law------- from Cracking The Code

SPIRITUALSEXUALITY The wisdom of the east brings much to our attention, and in the area of the mechanics of our sexuality, they have much to share that is sobering and exciting. You come to realize that males collectively have little idea of the life force they throw away needlessly by indulging in ejaculation. And the delights that await those who care to discipline and empower their attitude toward sex, are simply awaiting those bold enough to invest the time focus and effort. We have a whole society that promotes and uses condom for the capture and disposal of semen, there is the health aspect that we may honour, but nothing much is commented popularly, as to the virtue of semen retention. Some cultures have the attitude that you are not a man if you cannot contain your seed, planting it only when you see fit. Like a child no longer needs nappies once control of body function has been achieved, man will no longer need condom once semen control is achieved. There are some amazing writers giving practical direction to learn and earn a new and efficiently powerful way to be, and to share our sexuality. Mantak and Maneewan Chai find them on the Internet. ORGANIC SEXUALITY Let us share ideas to capture understandings of our human condition and tease our mind with some what ifs. The following summary is a notion captured from digesting many books on the subject, and which we may use to employ capturing yet an other view of the motivating factors of our sexuality and hence a further description of Ego Eastern schools of metaphysical thought have described a picture of our energy body as having nexus points or chakras, and each energy point being responsible for activating a part of our body and a part of our life. Acupuncture has made use of these energy lines for

millennia. The crown chakra is the connection point to the unknown and the known and it is found at the top of our head. The brow or third eye is activator of imagining into the unknown and applying higher wisdom to the earth plane, it is said to be within the pineal and pituitary, symbolically upon our forehead between our eyes. Next is the throat nexus point, activator of expression of intelligence and wisdom when in contact with the above, or expression of desires and feeling when attached to earth, it is in our throat and hence related to our spoken word and our ability to truly listen. The heart nexus, is the gate way, that if closed will prevent access to higher understandings and emotions of grace, gratitude and compassion, also the place where the roots of the sky and earth tails are found, the seat of attitude and opinion. The solar plexus or navel is the site of our warrior power of bravery and boldness, adventure and action. The spleen the site of the digestion of all we consume and experience in order to set the brews of chemicals and hormones for body to interact with its world and spirit to understand it. The base point is where the feelings and desires seek to rub earth, to be connected to and be at one with the physical world. The point where our spirit in the form of our sexuality seeks to earth, and know itself thru experiencing this reality. In modern life it is becoming more and more difficult to describe just what is a normal expectation for the sexual expression of the human. Clues to what an organic expression of sexuality for we humans may be found in surmising the unfoldment of the life of the Australian Aborigine, or any other Tribal culture, pre their disruption by civilization. We all have human aboriginality some where in our ancestry, and at some distant point have descended from people with an organic relationship with our Mother the Earth. The aboriginal cultures lived in harmony with the elements, free from time. They lived naked and open, born on to the earth and grew freely among each other hiding nothing, Their children were organically allowed to earth their sexuality during their innocence, seeing and touching their sexuality completely and naturally, effectively dissolving the mystery. They wore a been there done that sort of feel, by the time their life force, moving organically through their energy system had reached the nexus point of the solar plexus, where they are becoming ready to enter tribal life in their expected station of warrior, a position essential for contributing to the survival of the whole. With the mystery of their physical differences earthed during their innocence, all energy became available and ready to focus upon the task of becoming a warrior, having their adventures of relating unfold with more clarity. As the warrior years pass and the wisdom of intimacy and relating earths and reflectively

moves up to nourish the heart in the right order and proportion, the heart opens and nourishes an organic open expression and develops the movement toward the years of beginning to become an elder. The elder years unfold and further nourish the next nexus points and allow experiences earned from the base nexus point to nourish the opening of the heart. The opening of the heart is the connection to the mysterious energy of love and good. Flow through an open heart allows the throat and the brow nexus points find connection to the unknown or what the Australian Aborigine calls The Dreaming (their spiritual tradition of understanding and being at one with the universe). This connection becomes a side effect of what was their natural and organic lifestyle. An organic expression of good Without an open heart no insight or revelations from earthing in the physical world may reach the throat or brow. With out the earthing of our sexuality, within the simple open energy of innocence, there is little organic power available to open the heart. With out connection to our Mother the Earth, by living far removed from what is natural and organic, attitudes in the form of resentments may grow in the unnourished heart. Our Earth tail seeks to be earthed, and if it is not, has no feedback for Sky tail, when without proper feedback, reaches into delusional thoughts. The connection between love and sexuality is the relationship between our base chakra and our heart chakra; between our living sexual expression and the glow of our luminosity. In Western Culture collective organizations have placed restrictions upon the organic sexual expressions of the children of its flocks. Like barbed wire tied around a sapling tree, the being is unable to follow or honour the organic movement of life force, suppressing and holding back till warrior energy explodes out of control seeking a deviated or compromised earthing. In your own exploration of your sexuality, what were the conditions of your sexual expression during your innocence? Were you allowed to find your way with out being made to feel bad or dirty for your feelings and desires in your organic sexual development? What interference was exacted upon you by church or culture? What resentments lay within as a result of not being allowed earth, or what wild, estranged from nature, thoughts took up residence within your mindscape? How were you introduced to the energy of love? What attitudes need to be recreated? What fantasies need to be lived? What is in your description, whom have you been able to becomeEgo?


After the journey through the exercises of module one, you will have a feel for the dreams you would like to be living as your life, module two has you armed with a clear and honest statement of where you are at in your life adventure right now, and now at the end of module three, you have a feel for who the hero of your journey is, warts and all. This who now has a secret name, made up as a combination of the four names found for magician, warrior, musician and Sovereign. This is whom we will work with in the continuing sanctuary of your Sacred Space. Remembering to keep secret all your work as a means to have this adventure of self-empowerment work like a pressure cooker. Containing the energy of imagination, excitation, anticipation and expectation, building up all of these forces within and having them available to you for use in your every day as a tonic and a treat each time you find a quiet moment to ponder, plan, strategize and dream. The power of silence is a powerful tool that you will come to appreciate more and more as you become more familiar with it. It will allow you to go about your work quietly and invisibly, while the processes of change, transformation and empowerment grow solidly within you without the distraction of others opinions and criticism. Immediately following this module is a section I have called My Jolly Goodness. It is a script for a meditation to absorb some of the basic truths we are exploring in Limitlesssmile. In the next step of this adventure, in module four we will be looking into the mechanics of change, to disrupt and recreate the personal habits, attitudes and opinions that do not serve the manifestation of our wildest dreams and fantasies.


Ridiculous Notion 19 MY JOLLY GOODNESS

This following dialogue you may recite to yourself, feel free to change the words to suit your own style, add in or take out what suits you. Record your reciting and play it back in your meditations so you may feel these truths come from yourself to yourself. This notion was created in the adventure of playing with self hypnosis.

I see/hear these words I sense I am alive I am breathing I am awareness I am aware of two infinities I is internal and limited only by my imagination The other is the external infinity I share with all others I am receiving information from my senses I am reading/hearing these words I cognise their meaning I gather with my senses information as they engage with my experience of reality It registers to me that there is existence and I exist I feel my senses command my attention to this very moment! I look around me and I acknowledge where exactly I am in this very moment of my experience I breathe deeply and proceed Beneath the sensations received from my senses Is I

My pure essence Above and beyond the sensations received from my senses Is Self The world and my ego consciousness

I-ness is experienced within In my internal infinity It happens as I focus entirely upon all the sensations received from my senses And as I feel the feelings of being alive and present in this moment But Self-ness is experienced within as my Is costume As my I does focus upon my memories and imaginings of my now and future

I ness imagines to enliven ego E-go out in to the world

I acknowledge the simple notion that it is utter goodness that is the very essence of my human nature I acknowledge the simple notion god is good, good is god I acknowledge the simple notion that enlightenment is the pursual and activation of Utter goodness I acknowledge I express from pure spirituality which is the geometry behind all religions I feel and know the purpose of my life adventure Is simply to enjoy my life I experience all that is available to me as a human

I live my jolly goodness! I understand Jolly as feeling Full of high spirits, Having and enjoying Joyous expression, Sharing cheerful brightness, Offering and encouraging good humour to every situation,

I enter in to my every day life, Stillness Energies, moods and attitudes of Inspiration, Motivation, Enthusiasm, Optimism Brightness, Vitality, Fun, Play, Humour, Laughter and Utter Goodness I know Love as the universal energy of expansion, inclusion, compassion, grace, sharing, beauty and light. Love belongs to the expression of my true human nature, and is connected to my living heart. Love as my divinity is the glow of my luminosity emanating from my living heart. Love is the good I feel within, in my body, in my nature, in my expression. My soul is housed in my living heart and is the storehouse of my accumulated living experiences. My life adventure is shaped by my thoughts and choices and as such is created by me, it is my creation. My life experience is gathered from my life adventure and is all that I feel upon reflecting my creation. My spirit expressing into my creation may change it. It is thru my accumulated life experiences that my spirit expresses into my creation, continually working to mature my universal understandings. My soul is the shape of the vibe that colours my life and the vibe my spirit endeavours to express as the affect to become manifest in my living biology

The vibe emanating from my soul aims to be expressed by my spirit, My attitudes, opinions, my thort processes and choices strictly direct my spirits expression. The shape of these components of my living mind, are vulnerable to the social consciousness of the environment and circumstances I find my self in when I appear in this physical reality. My quest of mindfulness is to identify the notions and paradigms that are acting as determinants shaping my destiny. My quest of mindfulness is to explore all imaginings available and then artfully construct my wildest dreams and fantasies I set aside mind space to entertain completely the notions I want to have manifest. I Sniff them, imagine them, and feel them I command with my will to have each vibe be felt in my living biology I live in expectancy of the arrival of my wildest dreams. I keep silent my magick transformation This simple collection of words now absorbed into me, flowing through my mind grants me the simple revelation to pursue an attitude of utter goodness into my life adventure. My life adventure as my creation, is the world, is my planet and my communities. I cultivate and nurture an attitude into my creation that will humbly present as reflective inner questions, I create an attitude that inspires good conscience, and creates the magic effect of having all humans volunteer their mission statement and how they are going with their quest for utter goodness, how they are going in their quest to meet, feel and experience their true human nature. I will experience and enjoy the process of seeing that simply honouring the common good will present reflection to others lost in the limitation of greed, and fear, lost in the self interested ego delusions of selfish endeavour, Anyone lost who dishonours, disrespects the planet or another, will become embarrassingly obvious to themselves and the entire world Simple shame will dissolve the worlds irreverence and disrespect before my very eyes, Guilty offenders presently indulging in disrespectful and irreverent ways will simply self

rectify. I know this process is happening right now and will become more obvious as I, and many others realize our simple human sovereignty and the accompanying duties, responsibilities and rights.... I will allow good conscience to govern all my human endeavours I will grow more into collective actions that demand our governing systems operate for the common good I will simply diss-allow reality to continue to unfold out of alignment with good conscience. I acknowledge my human sovereigntyMy simple human goodness is the heart of sovereignty My divinity is no more than my most excellent potential I am aware of our collective attitude being very badly corrupted though I am confidant of its transformation with utter goodness I am aware of the simple advantage in believing nothing and accepting everything I realize any understandings I may have for life and universe can ultimately be merely a notion and together we humans are merely notion traders I am free of dogmas I am free of shoulds I am free of illusion I simply am, I simply observe life I observe the world and my place in it,,,, I realize the truth about my ego and enjoy life with out the weight and baggage of having to be anything other than who I naturally am I realize ego is the mask worn by my self when it requires to exteriorise I realize that ego may be constructed by my self-ness in service of my feelings and desires I realize also that ego may be an extension of my I-ness, I realize ego may be an authentic reflection of my true human nature I simply know about life and accept that intuition will always have me exactly where and when I am to be I realize that sexuality is the expression of spirit and in observing my sexuality I come to know spirit. I am aware that any restriction, limitation, suppression, repression or oppression of sexual nature thwarts the ultimate potential of my luminosity

I am aware also that lusting after sexual gratification is the expression of self-ness in service of my feeling and desire nature I realize also that some times it may require following lust to find parts of my puzzle I simply love,

I acknowledge that destiny gives me opportunity to find, experience and know love, And it is my will that allows me to keep the energy of love alive I am persistent, determined and deliberate in pursuing love as a real power in my life I acknowledge my quest is to love my every moment of my never ending story ,,, I acknowledge my capacity to love beyond the confines of social consciousness, I nurture the courage to love beyond mortal boundaries My never-ending story extends much further than any imagined end. I know it is in my I-ness that I behold the source of my individual power,,,,, I know my individual self ness exists in my mind and is the sum total of all my memories and all my imaginings The power available to my ego self is great and when delivered from I-ness through my heart when balanced in rightness and reason, is a beautiful power, a power worthy to be expressed into my every day world, The light in my luminosity With this power I may command and direct correctly and for the greatest good the actions of my own feelings and desires

I acknowledge the magical power of the great mystery of life and its ability to work beyond the confines of mortal expectation I acknowledge the simple power of self-hypnosis, And by simply Listening comfortably in relaxation to the dialogue of these empowering words in my own voice I activate all the sleeping powers and ultimate potentials that are inherent in my own mind right here right now I accept the real truth that direct communication with my unconscious mind will install immediately all the simple powers I require to have working in my life

The powers I release into my life come from the deepest mysteries of my being-ness these powers I release are latent powers existing already in my unconscious these powers are made available on demand right here ,,,right now Now is the time to generate, feel and use these magic powers These powers lay dormant, separated from my daily use by the protection of my greater wisdom, These powers are made available for my use from this moment forth by my humble command I list here now the powers lying dormant within my body and mind I command these powers, natural talents and abilities to be made available into my every day life for my general use and profit To feel and display tonic vitality in body and mind To feel a relaxed confidence expressing who I am To simply experience the simple joy and wonder of life in my every day To realize and use humour, peace and contentment in every day life To have and use competently a powerful photographic memory, displaying effortlessly retention of any selected information and then simply accessing total recall clearly and immediately To effortlessly experience a clear fluent cognition of all I study and know I realize that the thoughts I entertain and give attention and life force to will become manifest in my life and body I cultivate and nurture a garden of thoughts, a festival of notions, that excite, inspire and motivate a passion to participate in that which allows me to know joy My personal collection of thoughts and ideas that are my festival of notions are the raw material for the formation of my attitudes and opinions; which allow me to anticipate and expect my ultimate vision of infinite, eternal and joyous adventure I find all this natural and effortless I look out to my world and acknowledge the ego I wear So I may fit in So I may express fully my

Individuality and uniqueness I present my self to the world in How I shine my light How I glow my luminosity For this is my true nature

Limitlesssmile Module Four

The Australian aborigine has been disturbed from their dreaming for 200 years American Red Indian have been disturbed from their dreaming for 500 years Then there is us white fellas Descended from the many races of Europe and the British isles We have been disturbed from our dreaming for 2000 years And as a result have spread the madness to disturb others from theirs We all combine today To make this amazing, maddening, hi speed, hi-energy Civilization of western mankind. By all The power vested in We The ones who choose Let us Begin in our own life the Actions necessary To rediscover our dreaming Recreate our mindscape To repossess our power

Civilization is poison to Human being Sovereignty is our natural state It is in our divine animality and true human nature where may be found The beauty and mystery of our being human You are responsible for your existence and the style of adventure You may have while enjoying a life Know all you can about who and what you are Go to life as you would go to war To pursue and capture your wildest dreams and fantasys it takes Imagination Motivation Planning Romance Determination Persistence Cheerfulness And the Right Mood The Warriors Mood Centred and at Peace Aware Content Ever Expectant Accepting of the evolution of all others

The Warriors Mood


To sniff and look and hear and taste and feel for suitable attitudes, ideals, values, and virtues; To become a athlete in paradigm wrestling To manage stress and tension,

To explore relaxation, bliss, and orgasm. To comprehend the mechanical structure of the energies of, focus, balance, clarity, rhythm, detachment, discipline, patience, order, sexuality and life scripting. To find power and freedom through simplicity, minimalism, spontaneity and limitlessness in attitudes and relationships. To not be stopped by socially created boundaries, confronting the conventional, while at the same time acknowledging boundaries, containment, restraint, restriction, and fear, and to be clever enough to go beyond when appropriate, and know when appropriate is. To explore the tensions between sensuality and morality, love and duty. To be a totally ruthless pursuer and expresser of truth, applying the principles of business to all of life, as fully integrated honesty, responsibility, planning, effort, thought and control. To write a life script of limitless proportions and to live it effortlessly, and joyously, To honour our humanness as a means of honouring all humans, with the hidden and potent powers of self-forgetfulness and harmlessness in all relations. To wear your Limitlesssmile, as a contagious infection of inspiration, leaping limitlessly into all duties and responsibilities, which we find, are the landscape of our destiny and our puzzle of wholeness. To apprehend the concept of we being a tiny part of the universe, and it being one mind, perpetually swimming upon a sea of change, a never resting dance of the opposites, letting go and flowing to the compensatory power of the rhythm of cause and effect, and expressing joyously a gender. To discover that equal and opposite use of contrary forces is the secret formula for perpetual motion. As we think we are.

OUR MAGIC JOURNAL Your Limitlesssmile is both a science and an art; our work through the modules has been an endeavour to clean our mindscape back to some sort of ground zero, a clean slate, an empty page, like a fresh new landscape, wild, vital and of nature. Then we search, find and install fresh new empowering desires, thoughts, ideals and values. Knowing that ideals are balanced desires in our conscience seeking to be acknowledged and aspired to, to create

values. The tool of journal allows capture and survey of the mind-food you choose to inspire and infect your developing mindscape. To sort and thort your dreams into action. Let us take this opportunity to analyse the mechanics of our journal, and see clearly the differences of context between the Magic Journal, the Personal Diary and the Life Script. Our magic journal is where we release and record our limitless imagination, and without inhibition explore the wildest, craziest thoughts and ideas we are able to find within. To encourage feelings from the deepest recesss of our heart, so we may fuel and stretch our imagination to its limits, and come to know what it really is that we passionately seek to be alive for. The personal Diary is our tool where we record the events, experiences and feelings our actor harvests from our unfolding life, where we may acknowledge what is, and what is unfolding, an inventory of our actuality and survey of the signs that we are manifesting our dreams. To recognize the synchronicities or coincidences that illustrate that we are exactly where we are supposed to be, are in the right place at the right time. The actual life script is written as an affirmation and declaration, of the results of the magicians observation of the resource of the diary. Then combined with the rich imaginings of the magic journal, create the vision of the dreams we are to pursue. The combination of cleverness and dreaming give birth to the adventure we feel and know is ours and is truly winnable. The apprehension of the wildest dreams then, is in the hands of our producer whose Sovereign attitude to the adventure, commands into form and order the rules and strategys we will employ. Affirmations are what we use to acknowledge who we are and what we want the universe to provide in our lives, Declarations are where we state to the cosmos what it is, that we are going to do or achieve. Declarations are also a powerful legal tool to state exactly where you stand in relation to a matter, presenting a particular definition of yourself in challenge for right. In writing our life script we use the tense of actuality, we are stating what it is that is going to happen and also when, it is like writing out an order to the cosmos. Then when knowing and feeling all the homework is done, and the vision is seeable, our warrior may leap passionately into action, wearing an open and limitless mood, knowing that following the call of the heart will lead to the unfolding of the dreams. . with clutter gone experience Iness and simply be.

Air Magic Journal

Fire Warriors Mood

Water Personal Diary

Earth Life script

Objective Imagination

Injective action

Subjective recording

Projective strategy

Are you the scriptwriter, the Director, the Actor and Producer in you own movie? You have at your disposal the use of the four Magical Tools Air, Fire, Water and Earth As you use these tools on your journey through space and time you will collect gravity and experience in your fourfold body, being alive consumes energy, either the conscious purposeful use of power or the automatic action of force. You grow and change in relation to your journey, you reflect and see yourself in the faces of the people of your world, and they reflect the cause and effect of your use of the four magical tools. This module of Limitlesssmile has the mechanical components for your strategies for change. Following the guidance of the fourfold structure of the elements we seek to install on our human hard drive new programs for success, to transform attitudes that do not serve our quest for empowerment, and to create a mood within that has every day an arena where our Magician finds the time to dream, our warrior develops the power of efficient rhythm and routine, our lover performs in poise, balance and harmony. And our Sovereign is able to imaginatively design with rhythm, in harmony with your reflections a performance that expands your structure abundantly. Your adventure with Limitlesssmile has now been unfolding for three modules. During which time you have been thinking and imagining into your life adventure. In module one you indulged in exploring your wildest dreams and fantasys, exercising and stretching your imagination muscles, exploring ideas and information. Consuming a diet of inspiration, developing a motivation and enthusiasm to fuel your quest for change. As you worked with module two you have acknowledged where you are at in your present life and become clearer as to where exactly you are starting your quest. You have made inventory of various parts of your life and taken stock of all the resources available to you, to fuel your adventure. Also module two had you determine what are the working boundaries in the form of your present duties and responsibilities. Next we explored descriptions of who we are in this life, and named who is taking on this challenge, of bravely coming to module four. You want to manifest your wildest dreams and fantasys? so what are you going to do about it? how much effort are you willing to invest? We have come to the part where we need to stand up and count our self in! Because now we are going to start the real work of

self empowerment, ----- change! So what are we going to change, so that we may apprehend our wildest dreams and fantasys? Everything--------eventually--------- as we will in due course be living those dreams, and enjoying the feelings of many accomplishments, but in the interim we will proceed one step at a time and continue to be guided by the four fold structure of the elements, and honour and enjoy the adventure of the process. Air Simplify Melody Philosophy Self analysis Fire Minimalize Rhythm Will Self motivation Water Visualize Harmony Passion Self expression Earth Materialize Performance Transformation Self creation

Our attitudes are designs for our Limitlesssmile success. The work of module four will centre on a further exploration of our attitudes. To discover and be rid of those attitudes which no longer serve us, and design and create new more suitable attitudes that will. Guided still by the elements, we seek to become aware of the components we need to install or strengthen in our life. Air--- feed imagination with a diet of inspiration, strengthening our muscles of focus, concentration, logic, reason, deduction and shrewdness. Fire--- become aware of how to apply efficient correct effort and develop a store of motivation and enthusiasm, vitality and passion. Water ---find chemistry and bliss of union for wholeness and happiness. Earth---find health, strength, stamina, structure and abundance.

DREAM Simplify, minimalize, visualize and materialize. The magician part of us seeks to use cleverness to survey the fundamental structures of our life and simplify them. The first

commodity or resource the magician requires is Time. When we realize that we have forever on both sides of us, stretching off equally into the past and the future, a new understanding of patience, and a sense of peace are available for our survey. Quality personal free time to meditate, to ponder, and apply imagination to the strategies for simplifying the duties and responsibilities we have accepted, and those we wish to take on. Well thought out plans are time creators, dont end up in the situation where you are so busy cutting your lawn with scissors, that you do not have time to use the mower. What is your attitude to spending time on your self, to relax and dream, do you give your time away to others and have little left to your self, do you have guilt programs run on your hard drive, each time you take time out for yourself. Or does it swing the other way, where you have an abundance of time freedom and have no discipline to harness this great resource, time slips through your hands for lack of time management. Are you successfully programmed with the Christian work ethic and entrenched in the rhythm of being employed permanently, feeling grateful for that three or four weeks holiday had a year. Have you ever sat by a river or beach for a few months with out thought of being any where else or needing to do any thing, but swim, sun, dream and enjoy, and feel what it is to be timeless? In module two you took stock of many determining factors of your life journey, the duties and responsibilities that mark boundaries of freedom, as well as expenditure of life force and time. The air task is to employ our cleverness for strategy and plan. Look into the duty and responsibility list from module two and see the duty and responsibilities which consumes your time, which of them may be applied in a new way to become more time efficient. The ultimate efficiency is to use thought and imagination to have duties and responsibilities applied in such way that they align with your wildest dreams. They then fall under the power of passion and become timeless. What areas of life consume your life force for little return; may be a bad job, a bad relationship or some indulgence. What might you tag for the warrior to remove?

ACTION Simplify, Minimalize, visualize and materialize. This is the warrior taking the backpack full of bricks off your back so you may become lighter and move more freely. Our environment and living spaces reflect our mindscape. Rubbish and clutter and piles of outdated and no longer relevant things reflect a mind carrying equally unwanted thoughts and feelings. The act of ruthlessly cleaning out everything, methodically with awareness, swinging powerfully the sword of truth, slicing and cutting with the precision of a surgeon, removing stuff, going through the cupboards, boxes and draws and relieving yourself of physical gravity, creates its own freedom. Give it away, sell it, and throw it out, allows your self to enlighten,

be not burdened or weighed down to your old life. Trim down to the equipment you require to manifest your dreams, keep the quality meaningful items that are a symbol of the dreams you pursue and where you are journeying to, let the cosmos have all the rest back. All of us born into a life come with our own personal limitations and challenges, whether it is being born without legs or hearing or innate tendencies to low self esteem or personality distortions. Our attitude we wear toward these limitations and our challenges is all important to the quality of our lifes unfoldment. The warrior energy is our access to our sword of truth, which we may use to slice away and remove all beliefs that limit us; so then we may be open to all possibilities; so we may wear the powerful believe nothing accept all attitude. Fire is the element for symbolizing the movement of energy in our life. Observe the actions you take in life, what are their motivations, do you see the difference in energy expenditure of allowing things to happen, or actively making things happen. There is a time to passively allow, there is a time to actively pursue, and then being clear as to when to allow or act will save much energy. Our motivations are luminosity shining into possibility from all that holds meaning for us. The warrior surveys the energy plays of life and identifies the play as either a duality or a unity, noting where to align with power when working with unity or work with force when dealing with duality. Unity is simply where there is a coming together of goodness and duality is where there is separation and conflict. The art of stalking belongs to the warrior and is, the maintaining an awareness of the present, the being ever vigilant to observe what we are reacting to or acting toward, knowing that every word is like a magic spell that has the power to create, things we may not require, equally alongside all that we wish for. The warrior explores and experiments with our paradigm challenging and changing. In module three we endeavoured to catch a peek of our Ego. The Ego is a blatant user and misuser of the life force that we have to empower our dreams, and if it feels it has something to prove, to guard or improve its self-importance, it will use all available life force to do so irrespective of health or good sense. What Quests or causes do you allow your energy to be consumed by? where might the art of detachment grant you a freedom that brings with it a refund of personal time and life force? Where may you reapply your power to winning your Limitlesssmile, and become free of the great expenses of maintaining ego self-importance? A story about reapplying energy Long ago white fella came to a beautiful rough and tough land, and with him came his dragons, huge entities that ate the land and breathed out its consumption as its fiery

dragons breath. A stream of energy that the white fella could employ quite cleverly to amplify and simplify many of lifes tasks; to allow great advantage, acquire much leisure and time for enjoyment. The dragons quickly bred and took over the land and to this very day live and breathe, providing us with all we require enjoying our modern life in exchange for their free and open grazing of the land. This is all of course an analogy of the dragons being the cities we live in. Imagine your city is a living-breathing dragon; it consumes the resources of the landscape and transforms it into energy, which it breathes out of its chimneystacks, and exhaust pipes. The roads are the dividing lines of the scales that are its skin that grows and covers the land. We of course are the living cells that combined, are the mind of the dragon; our collective attitudes are its attitude to how and what it consumes, and what is sacred and what is not. Its ego personality can be seen and heard in its newspapers, television and radio stations. As we exist in our cities and go about our daily lives we are a part of the dragon, maintaining the status quo accepting things for how they are. There may be many things in our experience that we do not actually like about our collective living in our modern communities and the relationship our cities and towns have with the living surface of our mother the earth. As a single cell of the mind of the dragon we are responsible for a minute part of how the dragon thinks. There may be some of the ways that the dragon thinks that you do not like and you feel moved to confront and challenge, to provoke a call to conscience. In our rebellion we could go and hold up our sword of truth and fight city hall, the very hot spot of the dragons ego, and run risk of having it arrogantly squash us effortlessly with one swoop of its mighty paw, that being its police or the piles of wealth it has to shape and argue laws, and rid itself of annoying cells that do not align with the status quo. Or we may infect others to join in on our rebellion and eventually over throw the dragon, to change it or exterminate it. Is there an other synergistic way for a single cell to use its energy to cause and enact change? That is less expensive to its self, and the possible loss of all it has through the huge expense of life force it requires to fight David and Goliath battles. The dragon wears an attitude reflective of all the minds that combine to create it, and it is this aspect of the dragon that any warrior cell seeking to enjoy and contribute to having a more enlightened world may dedicate energy toward. To work toward having enlightened dragons upon the land, has us embrace, love and enjoy all the good that our dragons are, and then employ means to change some of the dragons more questionable attitudes, habits, and indulgences. Any of us seeking to be a synergistic cell of change may consider quests of employing action and attitude of infecting the other cells around us, the other cells of the mind of the

dragon, so that it may with its collective mind, seek to love respect and exchange with its host, our Mother the earth . This is the most energy efficient quest any synergist may embark upon, to honour and love its host while leading by example, a way to enjoy sustainable, healthful exchange with the host, this would reflectively have the dragons eventually display an enlightened relationship with our patient Planet. At present our collective dragons are parasites that draw the oil blood from its host, with no fair exchange, but an atmosphere, and landscape full of its cast off wastes. This is a true and sobering testimony of the collective attitudes of we, its living cells, all of us. Are the dragons cancerous growths upon our local landscapes, and are they merely reflections of the attitudes, that are causing disease and cancers within our very own human bodies? A warrior cell requires to wear the attitude that they actually own the whole universe, to be responsible for every thing that is and may then enjoy completely all life has to offer, study carefully the world and ponder correcting what is not working well. Let us explore where our energy is in our adventure, how far are you willing to go to provoke our world to chew upon the notion of utter goodness? . You as a cell in your community and in your nation may either put up with the status quo or seek to change it with enlightened powerful conscience amplifying tools. There are some ordinary people doing extraordinary things with well-crafted dialogue, exploring our rights and the power of the word. In the ridiculous notions at the end of this book are examples of legal notice, playing with dialogue and rights, provoking the ridiculous notion that we may use due legal process to enlighten our dragons. Let us give our selves permission to play the game of life toward the most ridiculous notion of goodness, despite where the world may appear to be heading Lets be ridiculous enough to begin throwing caution to the wind and initiating utter goodness at all levels, to challenge the integrity of our systems and those who make system decisions on our behalf, just cos we can..

SEE Simplify, Minimalize, Visualize and materialize. Now you have worked to create quality time available to your magician, and the warrior now uncluttered is feeling light and free. You will notice that we are following the design of the elements here and this is the water. The lover of the magician set, the actor of the movie set and also we have used the analogy of the musician to assist our daydreaming to give form to this element. The feelings and emotions are water and should they be calm placid waters, their surface will be as a mirror to reflect clearly the dreams of the magician. Water equates to the vibe we feel in our adventure. Many beings at present time are feeling depression, many are directed by our spiritless systems to have anti-depressants to cope with modern life. But no pharmaceutical can cure spiritually based depression. It is not an imbalance of chemical or some disorder, but a direct response to western

civilizations desecration of life and mother earth. Do you feel sadness within that has no conscious cause? Being aware of the mechanics of acceptance in all areas of our life allows space for the cultivation of contentment. Emotional poise, peace and harmony are essential so to have our uncluttered mind now focus with the passion of the lover upon our wildest dreams. To vision clearly, and feel your dream exists already, is the recipe stated by many, to have life simple and free from unnecessary distractions of clutter. This takes us a step closer to nurturing the mindscape suitable for visualizing clearly. The lover needs the Sovereign for the boundaries of structure, needs the warrior for discipline, decisiveness, detachment, and immobilizing sensuality. The magician reflects the present and imagines the coming wondrous scenes. If desire is the motor that pushes life along, feeling is the brakes and the accelerator. If we are comfortable and can see clearly, we may put our foot to the floor safely. When objective attention has been paid to all facets of our being-ness we may subjectively indulge completely in the rich emotion and feeling that life has to offer. When we have used our cleverness to empower our dreams we may expect feeling and emotions to be delicious extravaganzas.


Simplify, Minimalize, Visualize and Materialize. Now comes the work, the Sovereign rules and expects their commands to be acted upon with out delay. They expect suitable effort to be employed and loyalty to the overall structure they represent, and command. This part of us is the producer of the movie set. The scriptwriter or magician sets the tale, or the story the actor is to be the hero of. The warrior or director knows the script and is clear as to the shape of the plot and is in a position of objectivity to direct how the actor needs to apply self to the drama, relative to the bigger picture. The actor likes to be totally subjective and consumed by the emotion of the unfolding adventure, allowing the fullest experience and feedback of the feelings and sensations. Now the producer of a movie has the task of having the necessary wealth and resources in place for the successful creation of the romantic adventure of mystical proportions. The producer has to make the hard decisions and dish out orders that ensure the work is done and the abundance is harvested, so the show may go on. The Producer likes to use the tool of business, it has structure and plan and is used to produce values in life, and in the lives of others. Business works simply by applying total honesty, responsibility, thought and effort to the magical tools so they may return abundance. The producer is intent upon producing the resources necessary for the show to go on, and requires dealing with the

limitless ideas, actions and passion of the colleagues on the set. Some one needs to reconcile the dreams being pursued with an honest appraisal of present resources, in anticipation of the next step in the sequence of scenes that will combine to create the whole adventure. This is a tough job made easier by sticking to the challenging principles of the business attitude. Competitive, development, production and marketing of the values that need to be come a part of the life structure so the dream may be won. The producer knows what is real, being earth, the element of solidity and structure, and is the energy, which seeks to install long range planning, discipline, control and demand that effort be applied to the structures that are being promoted. Practice is a great example, the producer markets the vision of the scriptwriter, say being a great musician to the actor to feel passion enough to trudge through the dull and boring of repetition to achieve skill enough to reach the dream of a great performance. There may be now an inner debate coming to attention, who is the most important in the making of our movie, certainly the actor seeks the big pay, and glamour has it that the actor is all we movie watches notice. As actors in our own movie, we care less about the script, direction and production, as we do for getting sensation, feeling rich emotion and enjoying being the show. It may be obvious that the actor with out the company of a team of equally empowered movie colleagues, will have a movie of less than fulfilling outcomes, as poverty may result from a poor producer who receives little energy or attention from the actor who hogs all the life force. Unsuitable direction occurs if the task of life direction is handed over to others. Who are the directors in your life, Parents, spouse, Boss, or is it the Media and Religion the masters of mind control? Then there is that lost the plot feeling to life when there is no script to guide, no feel for the bigger picture, our script writer has no time or peace to imagine and create the life script. Well the magician or scriptwriter requires, quality personal time to reflect and ponder, time to meditate when necessary and time to explore the extents of imagination. We saw that the warrior or the director requires to have all that is not necessary to the unfolding of the plot, removed, to have the distractions of mess and clutter of unneeded attitudes and opinions gone. Our actor or lover wants the mind free to enjoy the unfolding of the story, to feel the adventure, the excitement and the mystery of an ever revealing unknown. To sing to the world and peer into the eyes of lovers. What does the producer require? The producer is the Earth element; in exercises gone by we observed that the earth relates to physical structure and our very own physical body. So ground zero for the producer is the discipline to seek a working body, that is healthy, strong, toned and flexible, to be energetic and ready for action. So that any scene required of the actor may be done with full compliment of all faculties and senses. What is an easy theme to follow in this world of overwhelming possibilities, which may be a simple guide, in order to apprehend a content and tonic structure? What are the basic fundamentals that we might look back to, so that we may gauge all our whys, wheres and what ifs.

In the work of the Natural Hygienists or the College of Life Science we may browse ideas of the fundamental basic laws of nature. What is it to be human and what are the humans requirements to live and enjoy a healthful life in a body of tonic condition. These guys suggest a simple list of Touchstones that if contact is made with as many as you are able, then the prize of tonic health and happiness is within reach. If you have contact with all, then content, tonic condition is yours and plain sailing lies ahead.

THE TOUCHSTONES PURE FRESH CLEAN AIR How many of us enjoy a supply of fresh air, far removed from the emissions of automobiles and factories. Fresh air is one of our main sources of nutrition. PURE FRESH CLEAN WATER We have been drinking chlorine for so long we accept it as fresh water

PURE WHOLESOME FOOD Fresh and Raw Organic fruit , vegetables nuts and seeds Organic, Bio-Dynamic produce prepared with love, CLEANLINESS Enjoyment of bathing SLEEP The hours of sleep had before midnight is the most revitalizing, in nature up with the birds and to bed with them as well TEMPERATURE MAINTAINENCE Some say human was best suited for optimum life in temperate climate; one suggested gauge being that humans live best where bananas will grow SUNSHINE Controlled morning sunshine upon the whole of the body EXERCISE AND ACTIVITY Feel the heart beating, feel the muscles work REST AND RELAXATION The more tonic the condition the greater the ability to relax PLAY AND RECREATION Spend time with children, watch, listen and learn EMOTIONAL POISE Is not non-involvement SECURITY OF LIFE AND ITS MEANS Home is your castle, know your sovereign human rights; be prepared to stand in your truth, feel peace in your heart and know home is where the heart is where ever it is.

PLEASANT ENVIRONMENT Sacred space, be as close to the true essence of Mother Nature as you are able, living with and in the vibe of pure nature will reflect into your own being the expression of your own true human nature BELONGING We are all a part of a collective of fellow humans, and as such exist in clusters within clusters best described as neighbourhoods. The first neighbourhood is our human body and its neighbourhood of a trillion cells that combine to form us. Then there is our partner, our family and tribe, then our actual neighbourhood we physically live in, our community, our city, our state, our country and our world and behind all that and supporting all Mother Earth! GREGARIOUSNESS To be gregarious is to participate in belonging while being yourself totally CREATIVE USEFUL WORK To feel the satisfaction of accomplishment INSPIRING MENTAL STIMULATION Indulge in hobby, reading, and puzzles PURPOSE OR CAUSE TO SERVE The joy of giving, deliberate promotion, provocation initiation and invocation of utter goodness. EXPRESSION OF NATURAL INSTINCTS Proud to be human, embrace animality, embrace divinity, discover your true human nature. HARMONY OF SEXUAL ENERGY THRU SATISFYING AND RELATIONSHIPS Into which reflections do I explore, and how deeply do I look INDULGENCE OF AESTHETIC SENSES All existence is pure joy MOTIVATION AND ENTHUSIASM Let fly perpetual orgasm, LISTENING-----Do you OPENNESS TO AND EMBRACING OF CHANGE The only thing you can count on in the universe is change, INSPIRING

WILLINGNESS TO LET GO , TO ELIMINATE Make friends with Death; align with the greatest constant in the universe--perpetual change SOME MEANS OF APPREHENDING THE ABSOLUTE Immortality takes forever to achieve, god is good, good is god SELF MASTERY Master one thing in life and the pattern is set to master anything IMPECABILITY Pure Mothers Love--------The Wizards Secret DREAMING Enjoy with all your spirit the Dreaming These guys like the yogis promote a life that is as close to the laws of nature as we are able to engineer in our modern world. They have simple and impactive truisms that are worthy of consideration. The earth is our Mother and simple observation of Nature, and being in nature will ensure a more healthful and harmonious life. The human animal is designed to live optimally on fruit. Theory being that if we were to sit a human, any human down to enjoy a meal straight from the hand of nature, without altering the food in any way with our intellect, to accept it and enjoy it as a meal, meal after meal, chosen from any of the five food groups, fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds and animals. What would you the human choose? Our cast off organic food scraps and waste collected and put in the compost bin transforms into rich and delicious food for natures vegetable kingdom and the micro realms, likewise our negative feelings, if worn out into nature with an attitude of letting go will be consumed eagerly by nature as food, hugging a tree has more practical benefits than usually considered The milk of cows was designed by nature for consumption by calves. Bare feet were designed to have a direct contact with the earth It is not what we eat; it is what we do not eat that counts. Drink lots of water Our living mind requires exercise and inspiration. The stronger our thinking muscles the greater our daydreaming. Enjoy puzzles of every kind Enjoy PURE Sea Salt Fasting is the bodys friend. We are our most weakest when we are feeling our strongest One-month holiday a year is it enough? It takes at least 3 months or more to unwind from the madness of modern life, and then begin to truly relax, unless you are living your dreams of course, then every day is a holiday. Every task is an adventure, every problem merely something to do. The best things in life are free

Ridiculous Notion 28 HUMAN RIGHT----- HUMAN DUTY In this life as a human body you are a community of a trillion cells, you as the conscious I ness and self ness are the master and commander of your cosmos of cells. Nature has prepared these cells under your command, with programming to support you and pursue homeostasis and healing for you always. Despite any abuse and misuse you may bring upon it, it will fight for life, it will fight for the good right up to their very end. Like wise you as an individual human are a living cell of the entity of our nation. Our nation is the expression of all the humans who in community together live out the collective destiny. You in your nation are a part of its expression and also a part of its very attitude to the world, either in what you support or equally in what you do not make effort to challenge. In our most spiritual expression we like our own cells will fight for life and fight for the good right to the very end, despite how we are deluded. A good means to develop self-confidence is to explore the feelings of righteousness. This recognised tool used by the many people of religion wins for the user of the tool a great amount of drive and enthusiasm. So ponder the fundamental rights you may anticipate by being born a sovereign and intelligent being. You have inalienable rights no human has a right to deny you; you know they are yours and can be argued simply! Write a list you may feel righteous about. Explore notions of your Human Sovereignty and realization we are all equally god co-creating our individual and collective destiny. I am a human being born to enjoy the hazards of a life I have inalienable rights to---To breath the air To feel the sun To experience the impact of reality thru my senses To own my perception and understanding of the information received thru my senses To be lord and master of what I think and dream about To stand upon and wander over the flesh of my mother the earth To enjoy freedom of passage across the commons of the lands To enjoy access to the waters of the earth, her streams rivers lakes and oceans and skies. To access fresh water for the service of my human vehicle To access suitable nutrition for the welfare of my human vehicle To access shelter for the protection of my human vehicle and life To enjoy freedom of passage without nuisance across the commons, the hi-ways and byways... To choose any belief structure that suits my unique passage thru life To inquire, investigate, reason, try experiments, judge, and ascertain for self, what is virtue, and what is vice

To access any thing from nature that may promote my health and homeostasis To access healing To participate in family or tribe, mob, clan or any group To find and enjoy companionship To access simple common law justice To enjoy the ability to represent another in the courts To enjoy freedom of association To enjoy freedom of speech To promote the memory of our common duty to preserve and protect our mother the earth To provoke and inspire memory of the fact access to the commonwealth of the universe belongs to all living souls To encourage humans to seek the common good of all To defend the good To consent or not consent to contract with any energy To experience our organic expression of talent and ability To experience our organic roles as leaders, servers, light-workers or healers To Create To be Sovereign Being a cell in the collective being of your country brings with it fundamental human duties. And like your human rights you may enjoy exploring the feelings of righteousness as you ponder these notions of duty. We as a human born to this earth sharing life with 6 billion other humans and a trillion other life forms could expect Duty to respect life, your own and all others, Your right to life is equal to that of any other life form Duty to preserve and protect the environment, have reverence for the planet we are a part of. Duty to accepting the life of all other humans; live and let live Duty to contribute to the collective good of all; do-un to others Duty to criticise anything that does not support the common good, challenge the greedy and self interested. Duty to actively pursue actions that enlighten the attitude of the national personality, participate in collective endeavours that promote the enlightening of our society Duty to learn all you can about how your community works and observe if it is working fairly Duty to contribute to the education of common sense and good conscience Duty to educate and empower our children to the greatest available understandings. In Australia we can view our nation as an extension of who we are individually. It is not perfect especially in some of its attitudes it inherited from its parent Mother England, when she first colonised this land she attempted genocide of the indigenous people and that same attitude prevails today in attitudes to the environment.

Australia has inherited and evolved a governing system and judiciary that is still wrought with the same limitations of greed and corruption it has had for a thousand years. Mother England and her army of super rich families, have dominated the flow and trade of wealth for a thousand years. They together have yielded power disrespectfully over their fellow humans for more than a thousand years. They have dominated the structure of our collective lives and been the prominent face of our collective attitudes and the notions we ponder, they control the government and the justice system. and control our collective wealth and who is able to hold it. How do you define your relationship with the nation you are a part of?. Have you accepted the shape of the views fed to us through the popular media?, do you see areas of injustice and imbalance in your community?, have we come to the amazing human point of spiritual development where we realize that money and possessions really dont mean much, that life has a rich flow of energy, and that we all find ways of swimming along, living our unfolding, following the magic notions of great imagination, and ever expectant anticipation of utter goodness. That all these dont necessarily follow normal fiscal paths, enlightenment can be had on a shoestring budget, can be felt in any carcass in any adventure, it is simply a remembering, it may be had by any homeless person in any nation. Its sort of like lotto, each day you pursue the notion of enlightened immortality, and anticipate stumbling upon its solution. But many modern humans are frustrated and disillusioned, falling into alcoholism and depression, not getting it!

Ridiculous notion no. 78 MODERN TRIBALISM When searching for a meaning to this life adventure it is powerful to share the experience with others of like mind. Friends, family and tribe provide intimate reflections from which we are able to access clarity in defining our spirit in a broader more cosmic sense. Our spirit expresses a need while in this brief stay in the human drama, for a place to call home and a large spiritual whole to feel a part of. Family, tribe, community, nation and world are all extensions of our divinity and it is from the basic units of family and tribe we are able to invest our notions of goodness to create and nurture for our living spirit something to hold sacred. See module 5 for structure of tribe. Modern Tribalism is the powerful next octave our spirit may enjoy to solve where it is our fragmented communities have found themselves in this modern age in western civilization. Consider the notion of arranging for your self a group of friends with like mind and deliberately conspire to become a living tribe. With imagination and a sacred structure

you may create venue for a wealth of values which may cultivate meaning to life. The core of your meaning to life is to have a structure of values that represent solidity from which spirit may feel beat, rhythm, harmony and melody into the whole of the life adventure. A core of powerful values has for our spirit a solid beginning point from which to explore the limitless realms we have before us to solve our life puzzle for great reward.

The value of belonging instils a relaxed inner peace into the heart of spirit Recognitionreflecting and relating with your tribe allows spirit to recognise, to remember who it is; to connect more with I- ness. Rites and rituals---gives spirit advantage with will, and more impact upon the ego mind. Educationwith like minded others find leverage and passion to continually know and understand more. Service---sooths the spirit Trust ---empowers endurance Mentoringboth mentoring and being mentored motivates and elevates spirit to reach into a higher octave of harmony, and melody. Sharing---magnifies limitlessly Festival and celebration---exclamation marks on the spiritual path

Ridiculous notion no. 9 BOLD AND INTREPID LOVE Polyamory is the notion of enjoying intimate loving relationship with more than one person. That is living in intimate non-monogamous love relationships out side the expectations of social consciousness, outside the limiting boundaries of religious thought. To heal our communities and our stifled lives some may consider the notion of existing in new uncharted ways. Apply imagination to you circumstances and ponder the notion of existing in more than one love relationship, sharing the adventure of existence in stable, responsible, consensual, long term and nurturing ways, exploring the deepest facets of your heart and the inner equanimity of your attitudes and opinions. Challenge your deepest hidden feelings of possession and jealousy. Is this notion one you could live with ?

Ridiculous notion number 8 RELATIONSHIP CLARITY MAP Define the territory of your relationships Sovereignty Self-responsibility Rights and duty Spirit Sexuality Love Mood

Civilization is poison to man, its patriarchal attitude and naive understandings of god, death and sexuality has us individually and in our communities operating far from our true potential. If you feel in your heart there is much more to experience and enjoy in our amazing phenomena of existing, then you like many of your fellow beings are seeking to consume fresh and empowering notions that inspire choices, that may allow us to experience our phenomena of existing more in align with our true human nature, our true divine animality and a greater joy. Prepare yourself to experience being human in new ways yet to be imagined. You are equipped with all you need; you have imagination and free will. Then mix it all up with some insight and clarity you are ready to create new ways of being. The adventure of living relationship is why we living souls go to all the bother of having a life in the slow and heavy density of three-dimensional human reality. It is not enough to be just smitten with each other and hypnotised by the glamour of our human chemistry, we require setting a solid, clear and defined foundation of shared understanding. We require having a map of the lifescape two or more are questing to share. We require to make the paradigm shift of relating in a conscious commerce of ruthless honesty. We require to be deliberate in developing our ever evolving understanding and clarity of commercing as creators of our ultimate life adventure. Assisted by many notions new or existing relationships may establish greater clarity and expectations for unfolding life as a romantic adventure of mystical proportions. To unfold life in ways that has you feel you are experiencing everything possible to fulfil your wildest dreams and continually has you closer to enlightened. A map can help to align perceptions of the extent and aspirations of a potential shared path.

The following set of notions offer a journey thru pragmatic clarity, and salubrious spirituality, so to define motivation and intention of our desires, wants and needs. Armed with clarity of the terrain of the lifescape two or more are questing to enter assists all concerned to dissolve any hidden implications and tacit agreements that might appear in the unfolding relationship after the glamour has worn thin. Undisclosed expectations can effectively damage the integrity of the wondrous dream that is, when relationship is new, fresh and inspiring. Limitlesssmile is an Almanac of life love and law. By going thru it and revising the following sections you may assemble in you own style a relationship clarity map. Contracts and agreements are serious binding things that are useful to us in essence though in manifest form are limited and stifling. Living enlightened relationships are beyond boundaries and limits and require knowing the mindscapes of values that are to be negotiated in the shared journey along the path home. Living enlightened relationships exist in a new paradigm of being ruthless with truth and clearly defining the motivations and intentions that colour the adventure; being flexible with expectation and anticipating limitlessness. So for a ridiculous notion we may assemble a relationship clarity map as a description of the terrain of values that give shape to our individual mindscapes and the type of life adventure our hearts burn for. To define to each other where we stand in relation to the big questions in life. What values are held as your wealth of character? How do you define love, life and law? What is it you are seeking to enjoy in this life? What is it you require to experience to feel you are navigating a path that is ever leading to your own enlightened destiny? The following headings are example of what you may create for your own individual relationship clarity map. Page numbers are given so you may zoom to the ridiculous notions throughout Limitlesssmile where your map may be drawn from.

Sovereignty Map As individuals it is powerful to reflect and define your relationship with reality and how you experience your being human. At the beginning of this book find notice of sovereignty and explore the points you would like to embody, the opinions and attitude you feel need to be reflected in each other. As a sovereign we stand in the value that we are the master and commander of our life adventure. Reflection of our shared way of being in community shows many accepting control by others, be it family, tribe, community, state, church or nation. Define the energies which you all may agree are worthy directors of you destiny or not.

Self-responsibility Ultimately we are all responsible for our own self and what it is we will have experienced whilst enjoying our short stay in physical reality. Our own self wants and desires to have and experience a great life of fun, passion, love, and abundance. We as a self are responsible for the decisions made that create our living adventure. To fulfil our need to be self-responsible we wear a business mindset where we exercise the power of ruthless honesty, where we pursue the integrity of living our wholeness, where we participate in our life adventure with planning, effort, thought and control. This structure and plan is used to produce values in life, and in the lives of others. Values are our true wealth; the more values we have the richer we are. Are you needing to map a terrain of values that ensures security, stability, predictability and control, or are you wanting to travel through limitlessness and the unknown? For a list of values see Page 48-52 Rights and duty In relationship we live in each others reflection, are the thoughts, attitudes and opinions shining out from each of our hearts similar? Are the rights and duties we have inherited or evolved for our self clear and are they some thing we see the same. Page 122 notion on human right human duty.

The illusion of relationship With objective observation of the nature of relationship we may enter more powerfully the adventure of relating and harvest more of what is potentially available. We may acknowledge that the truth presented in this reality has it that anything is possible, our relating with another or others may be an experience of total awe and delicious inspiration, lasting as long as it lasts, from mere moments to eternity. Page 78 Sexuality The greatest attractant, the greatest high point, the greatest distraction, be clear as to what this part of your being ness requires to find relaxed peace and balance. Notion 69 on page 89 Spirit Define to each other how you understand spirit Page 137 Love clarity map

Fundamental to the whole experience of existing is the capture of the energy of Love, to experience love of an other, love of others and love of every unfolding moment of our eternity. The ridiculous Notion on page 96 called My Jolly Goodness is example of how you may write up a declaration describing love and life in the first person.

Mood Warriors mood page 105

Ridiculous Notion 17 I HAVE BECOME COMFORTABLY NUMB The mystical words of Pink Floyd; Is this a thought that you have pondered, do parts of life seem out of touch, numb, from lack of attention, lack of effort? What is a guide to appropriate effort? Following are insights from a number of yogis, To capture the essence of yoga as a power in our life doesnt require the need of performing amazing feats of control and contortion, all though the infection and fun of that aspect may grab you and inspire you, it is to have and know organically, poise, balance and insight into your actuality. The art of yoga allows you to survey your body as an analogy of the world, the universe and the structure of your life; To observe and understand your naturalness, your organic functions and seek to earth the wanderings of your sky tail, and become more intimate with your earth tail. To explore the analogy of pushing to find your edge and to feel your limits; Learning how far to push and why. Understand the challenge to remain enthusiastic when the going gets tough, to work in the discomfort zone while earning the fruit of the experience; To discover the virtues of plodding through the dull and the boring. These are all factors to consider as we develop the focus and effort required to develop the Warriors Mood and win the Limitlesssmile. The art of yoga lies in learning how to focus and generate energy into all the different parts of our body. Listening for our bodys messages, exploring the feedback, understanding where are the resistances, and respecting them. The edge speaks back as pain, the yogis say fear and ambition cloud the difference between pain and intensity, and what we seek in yoga practice is the workable edge, which is the intense sensation felt before pain. The difference between pain and intensity is defined by our mindscape. If we are focused and are able to maintain a relaxed breath while involved in the work it is discomfort. If distracted and we avoid or run from the feeling then it is pain. We seek the middle road somewhere between the opposites; remember from module one Our body has two fundamental sensations, Pleasure and pain. The sign of our bodys welfare or injury; a barometer of the basic alternative, life or death. Consciousness has two fundamental emotions, Joy or Suffering, in answer to the same alternative. In yoga intensity that is not pain may generate an energy, that is a sensual quality that is enjoyable and something you look forward to in your practice. This of course equates to the intensifying of the experience of being alive by investing effort into an activity that generates a momentum of enthusiasm and motivation that allows the natural energies of enervation and entropy to be pushed to a higher threshold. A point where the discomfort and pain of effort and repetition are transcended and new benchmarks define what is your comfort and discomfort. When we are settled into our comfort zones it is pain to move

and work to push our boundaries, though once pushed and we are in receipt of the new strength, tone, flexibility, and life force, we realize how it is that comfort is a relative of Death. By channelling energy to your limits, you may play the edge between control and surrender with attention. The slower and more careful you approach your early edge, the deeper will be your final edge. Building endurance involves staying longer at your early edges and moving slowly toward intensity. So do I sound like a salesman trying to have you buy a yoga class? Well I am !!, I define Yoga as ----

The Users Guide For The Human Body. If you are all ready a fan and are enjoying the adventure of having yoga in your life, you will agree that it is one of those things you can pick up and study and remain involved with for the rest of your life, each practice a step up the hill toward lightness and each tit-bit found, discovered or shared, fits magically into your invisible back pack of tricks to be pulled out and used at any time, so your producer may be constantly on the job of maintaining and improving the basic living structure of your life, your body. If you are unfamiliar with Yoga let us indulge in a simple demonstration to make more apparent the points of discovering and working with your edge. Let us pretend this is a yoga class, Become aware of your hamstring muscles, those rather large muscles found on the back of your legs, between your bottom and the back of your knee. It is this muscle we will focus attention upon and explore to highlight intensity and pain, working slowly the early edge and working in the discomfort zone. The beauty of these simple insights is that they hold true for understanding the mechanical structure of working to any edge, be it physical, emotional, or mental. And it is all within you right now, and absolutely free. So stand up, look down to your feet, have them parallel, and have them hip width apart, or measure two fists between your feet to be definite. Feel your weight evenly upon the pads of your heels and the pads behind your toes, and the pads of your toes. Next activate the muscles of your legs, this means lifting upwards your kneecaps, and feel the activation of your quadriceps, those big muscles on the front of your thigh, between your groin and your kneecap. Next be aware of your pubis, that bone above your genitals, and using it as a guide for placement of your hips, rotate it upwards while feeling activation of your buttocks.. O.K. are you still with me, or are you just skim reading past this bit? It is a worthy demonstration to continue with, the simple insights will be very revealing for an understanding of the mechanics of lifes edges and all yoga postures.

Right you are standing, with activated legs, pubis activated upward, weight felt evenly over the pads of the feet. Now take a large inhalation, and with hands on hips bend forward at the hips. That is, to be aware of folding over at the ball joint of your femurs, those big bones joining knees to hips, the ball joint is where femur meets hips, and we bend at the meeting point where the socket encloses and hugs the end of your leg. Maintain a flat lower back as you bend forward for as far as possible, and then allow the back to round as it meets its resistance. Now bent forward maintain activation of the leg muscles, feel strong in your quads. The upper body is to just hang, feel the whole upper torso deactivated, head and shoulders relaxed and arms hanging to the floor. Now the work may begin, already you may be feeling sensation in the hamstrings, if it is to intense allow the hands to assist your control of the situation by simply holding lightly the front of the leg. Your muscles work together in pairs, so the deliberate activation of the quads has a deliberate deactivation of the hamstrings, and so the weight of the free hanging torso may stretch deeply into the relaxed hamstring. Now stay there and let your body relax into comfortable breath, all the time aware of the hamstrings, and playing with the sensation, exploring it, probing deeply the attention. Hey Presto, we are there and are now able to play with the focus of intensifying or easing sensation by activation and deactivation of the muscles that are focused upon. To intensify activate strongly the quads, and should you need more intensity then simply focus upon the pelvic floor muscles and activate the muscles that you would use to halt urination mid stream. This group work in sync with the muscles of the lower back, therefore deliberate activation of pelvic floor and lower belly equals deliberate relaxation of lower back and so torso weight may pull a little more into the body of the hamstrings. These sensations in the hamstrings and the whole back of the legs are your messages of resistance; you are feeling the intensity and pain of change and transformation. Changing the tension or tightness held in the body of the hamstring, the discomfort or intensity felt is the work of the physical removal of the tension by elongating and pulling apart the fibres of your muscle. Your reward for this work in relation to the hamstring, is to contribute to repair or prevention of injury or back pain, or if a sports person you will increase the length and strength of your hamstring, improving performance, giving you a greater edge. The yogis say all human bodies are capable of bending and twisting as elegantly and as flexibly as any yogi. We are bones and muscles covered in skin, and the only difference between any of us and a totally flexible yogi is the tension we wear in our musculature, and that tension is our feelings and emotions, our attitudes and opinions, our habits of body use and simply being right or left handed. The muscles hold tension and the process of stretching and pushing into discomfort zones of change is where to adjust our tension. Imagine your muscles are the ropes and your joints are the pulleys of your human walking

machine, the ropes need to be tensioned evenly and correctly, for optimum performance and many trouble and pain free miles. This correct tensioning reflectively balances the mind and demeanour. Yoga asana is your means to gauge and to adjust any bit, any time. Now we have come this far let us look more closely at the tool of yoga and what it has to offer us humans. The word yoga means union, to bring together our body and mind, and all the other opposites we have explored thus far. The physical yoga of working on posture and breath is called Hatha yoga, Hatha means force or forceful, and its deeper meaning is ha- sun tha- moon. Even in its name it suggests the union of the expansive, radiating purposeful power of the sun with the moon as an absorbing, receiver of light, passively reflecting the light of the sun and an automatic action of force. A living dance of opposites. The focus of yoga is about coming into the moment, our demonstration may have high lighted the side effect of needing to be present in the moment, as the play of control and surrender, activates intensity or pain and captures our attention. These moments in practice bring us back to the present, to view our actuality, just as we have done in module two. As a tool we may program the habit of doing the actuality stock take, each time we come to our yoga mat to practice. The theory of Hatha yoga is that we do have a four fold body, mental, energy, emotion and physical, and it is the physical body that is available to our direct touch and manipulation. Anything we may achieve with the physical will be automatically available to all our bodies, as we develop strength, flexibility, balance, poise and endurance in our practice it will be evident in our thinking, our emotions and our enthusiasm for life. The yogis suggest that our four bodies are in fact; first and foremost from the perspective of Hatha Yoga is our physical human body,; then our mind or our mental body, which is evident each time we think; then our soul or emotional body which is the storehouse of all the experiences we have accumulated in our life adventure and the vibe we emit into life; and our fire or energy body or spirit the essence of our being, that which animates the character we are in this adventure. The focus and insight of yoga require the determination and persistence of coming back and doing it over and over again, to build up the muscles through repetition and the clarity afforded by familiararity. What disciplines are you embracing for developing and increasing your endurance and stamina, what excellent program of active maintenance do you employ and enjoy so you may realign or redesign your incredible biological walking, climbing, working, loving and creating machine? Presented here is an Aussie perspective of the ancient art of yoga. This means we seek to demystify yoga with the power of Australian objective irreverence, the Aussies natural means to simply explore the nuts and bolts of a thing and to then find the simple application of any useful information which may be of assistance within ones life adventure. To find out what of it may serve us These words are for all those who know little of yoga and are interested to have it as a

usable tool in their life adventure, and to feel inspired to take on the challenge. Take note that regardless of your age or physical condition, invite yoga into your life and you can expect to see improvement. It is some task to explain in writing exactly how to go about these yoga postures, so it would be wise for the aspiring yogi to seek actual classes as well as these many words, so to find some efficient and safe access to the magic on offer by yoga. There are many out there who will show you postures, to have them demonstrated well you would be wise to seek those from Iyengar style of teaching, he is truly the foremost guide on form and safety, especially in regard to repair and restoration of your body. We can expand on this unifying theme by saying it is also a means to unify many aspects of our being, focus and effort, sensitivity and awareness, persistence and determination, cleverness and dreaming, our feeling and emotions, our desires and imaginations, our plans and strategies, our excitement and enthusiasm. At a mundane level, within the mechanical structure of our bodys systems, we unite with our efforts of movement in the yoga posture practice, all our internal systems. Our skeletal system works with the musculature system, which as it is stretched and activated with the efforts of our focus and control, has the muscles and bones working and challenging the tensions and edges we have programmed in our unique and individual vehicles. Our work with posture and breath generates an internal heat that assists with the palpating movements of the muscles to stimulate and bring more strongly into play the lymphatic system. This system works to drain all the unwanted from our bodies and eliminate the toxins and residues of our consumption through our biggest elimination organ our skin, through also our sweat glands and our breath. The efforts of yogas challenge stimulate and empower the digestive system and have that part of our structure work more powerfully, breaking down and distributing the nutrition of our consumption to every corner and cell of our body. As the body is empowered to assimilate its nutrition and the lymphatic system strongly eliminates all that is no longer necessary, energy becomes available for the endocrine system, whose job is to supply the body with the chemical brews of hormones, which are the very foundation of our moods and attitude to our life adventure. Breathing is an essential ingredient of the yoga practice, [the respiratory system], and is closely linked with the blood pumping through our veins [circulatory system], as these systems are challenged they grow stronger and flow more efficiently.

It is our conscious awareness operating through the nervous system, exploring and stimulating every corner of our vehicle that is the key of yogas uniting power. Yoga means union and to explore and experience it in your life, will reveal an other notion of great interest, the opposite of unify is polarise and to polarise is to need to deal with the balancing and bringing under control two forces; whereas to unify is to behold one power. There is one more system to mention here, and that is what the anatomists call our reproductive system, it is our sexual system and is the closest contact we have in our daily life of our elusive spirit, our sexuality is our spirit and as it operates through the vehicle of our body, it may be gauged by its virility and expression and the enthusiasm and passion we have for life in our each and every day. The glow of our luminosity Spirit Lets just pause for a moment to define what spirit is to the objective irreverent Aussie. Spirit is simply put our luminosity, the expression of the light we hold, and our light becomes evident in our application and attitude to life, how enthusiastically we participate in life and the lives of others. How we apply fun and humour to our days, and the way we share who we are with all the other humans we share life on this planet with. The posture we wear in body and attitude. Spirit is our authentic self, who we are behind the personas we wear in this game of life out there in the world each and every day beings are acting out whatever role they have chosen to play in the game. Doctors, policemen, shop assistants, truck drivers, teachers and personalities, all take on and express the various personas peculiar to that role and for many, they become lost in that role and come to think they are that role, while slowly separating from their original authentic self. Spirit separated from life. Also within ourselves as we observe our own sexuality, its expressions, desires, its attractions and repulsions will reveal to us snippets of our elusive spirit, and the degree of lightness or darkness it wears proportionally to its own enlightenment. Sun Moon Hard Soft Solid Fluid Strong Gentle Focused Expansive Effective Spacious Unyielding Yielding

Yoga Assessment of Self As you begin to create your very own practice, you need to take into consideration that Yoga is in fact an art, and needs to be treated as such, and yoga may be designed to fit into your life adventure any way that your clever imagination can dream up. Certainly yoga has its basic mechanical foundation and these components are the same in application for all human bodies that come to enjoy and employ the art.

The first thought to chew on here is that you are in a body and it will last proportionately to the care and service you supply it, think about how long you seek to be in this life and how well you think you might like to be while zooming through it. There are certainly the hazards of our life ending due to accident and misadventure; I believe those hazards are proportionately reduced in relation to the amount of awareness and focus we have available to us at any given moment. A big taker of our human lives is our participation on our roads. Many avoidable driver deaths are obvious when we observe the amount of us who depart simply because we fell asleep or were under the influence of some thing that impaired our good judgment, or we were off with the fairies and lost focus because or mind and attention was not where it needed not to be. The other shorteners of life in our modern world are the cancers, which are basically bits of our rig that is either very toxic or simply worn out, these illness and disease, may be avoided to a large degree with good vehicle management plans and the amount of joy present in the adventure. First basic notion you will need to begin creating your own practice is an assessment of what it actually is your body requires from the practice, so are you all ready in a strong body that has tone and strength from genetic inheritance, or the fruit of involvement in physical labour or a passion for sport, in this strong body you may be looking to earn with your practice flexibility and control and balance. You may be inhabiting a vehicle that is soft and has not a great deal of physical strength, but does have reasonable flexibility, in this type of body you may be looking to earn some strength and muscle tone. Your body may have some reasonable strength and flex, but you find that it is a little uncoordinated, and difficult to have do what you expect from it at times, this body may seek to earn balance, focus and control from a practice. You may have a body that is in a state of disrepair, either from accumulated injuries or a life that has had focus distracted from the needs of having a strong adventure rig, and this type of body will seek out the necessary postures required to repair and revitalize. Whatever sort of body you have the same basic laws of human nature apply to you. Imagine you have a broken arm, and it is locked away in a cast for three months, it is unable to move and participate in challenge, so it withers away. This is a very real and obvious truth, we all know the reality of the withered limb, that has been prevented from use, the same is true of our whole body, if it is not used or challenged by participation in life it is lost, it is a basic fact of this physical reality. If you dont use it you lose it. Yoga provides a means to use and empower in a very whole and magical way our entire being. Also a quiet relaxed and private way We also are able to see the very obvious truth of the response of the human body when we look at the sweat factories of the body builders gym, these bodies work hard and invest huge and frequent challenge, with the obvious results of a rippling body of toned and

shapely muscles that are strong, they are example that any human body will respond the same way given the appropriate circumstances and effort. Is your vehicle [your human body] an old beaten up Holden station wagon or is it a Landcruiser Ute, maybe it is analogous to a late model two door sports, the art of yoga allows us to view our personal rigs in this way, and with this simple sort of analogy, explore and picture what sort of rig is appropriate to our individual adventure. So assess your rig, define what it is that it requires to empower your life adventure with the features you would look for in a car if you were buying one, the land-cruiser utes carry heavy loads, handle tough conditions and rough use, bmw sedans require careful use to maintain their integrity but will offer many enjoyable miles if used appropriately, beaten up old rust buckets will take some rough use and can be patched up cheaply to keep them going, but are always on the edge of breaking down inconveniently , some times seriously, sometimes permanently, also, the run the risk of failing and causing accident. The art of your practice is now to look at the array of postures available and having a basic overall set of postures that are essential regardless of what vehicle you are in and add to it the specific postured that are needed to repair or empower your particular body or quest.

On the Mat Now we have pondered good reason to be upon our mat let us acknowledge it as a venue for our self torture, oops I mean, a venue for our discovery, a venue for embarking into places we may have never been before, a venue to apply an ancient art of reflection, rejuvenation, restoration and repair. Now we are here we will explore some basic tools for or work upon our mat.

MOMENTUM The most difficult part of practice is doing it, coming to your mat and getting on it time after time. Our natural human aversion to effort has us find many distractions and good reasons to skip or avoid our practice. Momentum is our first friend, and how momentum works is best described in analogy, if you were to get a 44 gallon drum full of water and push it along the road, the beginning would be the most difficult, getting it rolling, once it is rolling and gains some momentum it can be kept going with a few pushes with your hand as you run along behind, you require to be present and running at the same speed, though it requires only a little assistance to allow it to maintain its momentum. And so it is for yoga practice. The real fruit of practicing yoga comes from regular practice over many years, and for some the thought of lining up for some practice for years is some what oppressive.

The secret of momentum is to come to your mat every 2 or 3 days and when there arrive with intent to at the very least visit, too put your foot upon the mat and acknowledge your growing relationship with your practice and affirm the good things you expect from your adventure with yoga. Some days you come to the mat you will do a full and strong practice that may last a couple of hours, some days you come to the mat it may be a five minute sit to acknowledge yoga as a continuing part of your adventure, and to reaffirm the prizes you seek and expect to harvest in the time to come. At the very least put your foot upon the mat. Just say your strong aversion allows you only to come to the mat and put your foot on it for a year, you actually do no practice, the psychological effect of doing this simple affirmation will eventually set the rhythm for you to break through the barriers and have your practice magically arrive into your adventure. Make affirmation to develop your momentum, then when you visit your mat you will be pleasantly surprised to see that some days what began as a brief visit turns in to a full practice. PATIENCE Patience and persistence and determination are essential ingredients, as the journey of yoga is a life long tool that comes out to be used as required, and its beneficial effects are best felt as a result of long-term application. The fruit of the yoga work is most evident after years or decades of participation. We have the capability to be and feel younger for longer. Good example is to think about some injury or physical limitation, such as a tight and damaged lower back, it may be something that has been a part of your life for many years, so these inharmonious patterns are set in the body at a muscular and cellular level, and some cases it may take just as long to rectify the imbalance you are seeking to remedy. A good approach to creating a practice in your life adventure is to feel you have been sentenced to life in yoga. Then mentally we begin to accept the more oppressive feelings of practice as part of the journey and we simply grin and bear the feelings of not wanting to expend effort, or magically as the body reprograms to a different way of being we will develop an attitude of looking forward to practice as an enjoyable part of our regular life that we wouldnt be without. Discipline is built millimetre by millimetre, our journey to tonic health is begun with the first step and small steps are what we begin with, the strides growing as time goes by. Do not under estimate the power of determined repetition, however small the increments. Just like when we look at our babies growing they seem to be the same for a long time then suddenly we notice that they have in fact grown. Our changes may seem to be not happening for a long while, but it will happen, especially if some recording is taken and checks are made a year or so down the track.

IMAGINATION Yoga is an art and your practice will be a creation of your own imagination, using the component parts of the ancient yoga arsenal at your disposal, Yoga is thousands of years old and it is presented in many forms by many people., As you create your practice you have at your disposal the thoughts and insights and wisdom of thousands of years of practice and philosophy, also you have many living beings teaching and sharing yoga all over our planet,. Today there is much crossbreeding of other areas of martial arts or body work, such as pilates and tai chi, Alexander technique, just to mention a few. Your practice has no bounds other than your applied efforts and your imagination. You might like to imagine your practice as Smile practice, gauge each time you come to the mat how far from smile you are. You may imagine also to incorporate in your practice session other things you are endeavouring to learn, like music or craft of some sort. Enjoy the velocity of ridicuosity. As the Quantum Physics people say the quantum field is where all the atoms the sub atomic realm exist, and the quantum field is the venue where we think, imagine, meditate, fantasise and consequently may affect the quantum field with our mind. With disciplined mind find sovereign access to the quantum field. SACRED SPACE Where you choose to perform your regular practice will add to the power of your focus and enjoyment, a space where you return to that is quiet and away from distraction is ideal, in the early stages of development it is essential to have a sacred space, when your practice has become a part of you, you will be able to do it pretty well any where.

BREATH Breath is the tool we use to tie together our awareness and our focus, with the movement and placement of our body as we explore the magic of the postures. The breathing technique we will employ is a simple basic rhythm of relaxed and even lengthed full in and out breaths, not holding our breath in retention between breaths, simply allowing smooth transition from one to an other, as the gentle movements of the waves on the beach as they roll in and out. The human has a natural disposition to hold the breath and accumulate tension in the body while involved in effort, or while we are doing things that are new to us. The natural subconscious fears of entering new and unknown territory initiate a response of breath holding. Working in the unfamiliar shapes our bodies enter while exploring yoga postures is the new and unknown territory. It is these very tensions that work against what we are trying to achieve with the postures we will work with in our practice. So one of the first things to explore and become familiar with in your practice on your mat

is exercises that bring awareness to, and set the rhythm of, the breathing we seek to have as an integral part of our practice from beginning to end. When learning the techniques of the regenerative breath (module 2) a relaxed full in breath with equal length full exhalation; exhaling with the assistance of activated pelvic floor muscles, inhaling with awareness upon the expansion of your rib cage. Do it standing and really dramatize the actions you are seeking to employ, exaggerate ridiculously the body moves so as to imprint the simple memory into the system, the more often you do it the more it visits you in your every day. Situations come up all the time when your awareness comes to your breath and you develop habit of quick rectification back to a relaxed full rhythm assisting your life immeasurably. FOUNDATION Come to know your contact with the floor in all the postures and develop your awareness to acknowledge from your foundation the necessary points of contact and evenness of pressure, of each of those points. Like a building, strong foundation will insure the structures integrity of balance. Explore those meditation exercises where you walk as slowly as possible, feeling every minute sensation, every point of contact, each transfer of weight, dramatic exaggeration assistance useful here as well EXTENSION With foundation set extension into the appropriate shape may take place, assisted with activation of the muscles necessary to hold in place that extension. This may seem a banal and basic thing to say here, but when you are working mindfully into postures, these very basic acknowledgments are the fuel for our awareness when journeying into the magic territory of posture.

AWARENESS Awareness takes our attention and concentration for a journey within our body and empowers our mind with knowledge of what the bodys edges are and where our limitations and restrictions lay. This is the very knowledge you are searching for, knowing what it is that needs to be lengthened or strengthened is half of the task. Where to spend your valuable efforts. GAZE Where we look and how we apply our eyesight will assist our concentration and our balance. In many of the postures particularly the standing postures we will need all the

assistance we can mayer to have us maintain our balance. So simply in standing postures learn to find a spot upon the wall or the floor or the ceiling and fix strongly you sight upon a spot or mark and it will begin to act as efficiently as an another limb in holding your balance, when in the twisting postures use your eyes to take you into the twist, our body following our gaze. Also when extending into back bends looking up over our eyebrows will be of great assistance in pulling into the shape of the posture. Look and see where you want to be HEAT When we need to bend metal easily we apply heat, so also to our body, so as we structure our practice we have a section of the early practice that generates some heat in our body, so the repair or restorative work that follows will be more efficient.

OBSTACLES There are many obstacles to your continued practice becoming a reality, but they all boil down to one thing, and that is your mind and its ability to provide good reason to obey the energies of aversion, indulgence, distraction, inertia, lethargy, indolence, sloth, and countless other energies we battle with daily. This is the mind part of yoga our constant need to encourage, nurture, convince, persuade, lure, bribe and demand our body to take on the regular challenge of yogas challenging but worth while magic.

THE PRIZES FOR YOUR INVESTED EFFORT Focus Focus is a muscle of our mind, our ability to concentrate upon one thing with all our energy and attention, in this way we harvest and download efficiently the object of our interest, yoga is a venue to exercise our muscle of focus, like all muscles the more it is worked the stronger and more usable it will become.. Clarity Too see and understand clearly where we are what we are doing and why, fosters a great peace with in, clarity comes from repetition, doing some thing many times, entering the realm of familiarity.

Balance In Hatha Yoga, what we are able to achieve and establish in our body will reflectively be available for our thinking our emotions and our spirit for life, balance in posture comes with a strong focus muscle, the repetition of applying self over and over again to the shape we wish to hold and certainly a desire to have balance. Balance also is how we deal with the polarity of the opposites.

Rhythm This quality is most evident within the realm of music, if you are a muso or simply enjoy music you will be aware of the power rhythm has to sew something together, in pieces of music many different sounds can be connected together in the most enjoyable and inspiring way when the power of rhythm is present. Rhythm in our life takes plan and focus, though once established will have its own momentum Detachment Detachment lends a great feeling of freedom to life, allowing death, or ending to have what is no longer necessary in life, and to become aware of what attachments are in your life, both are necessary, attachment to anchor us to our chosen part of this dream in reality we call life, detachment to allow us the freedom to find and enjoy our abundant destiny, while not being stuck to the bits of reality that no longer serve our unfolding.

Discipline Discipline is a power that is also a muscle in our adventure; it grows and strengthens slowly but surely, though can be destroyed or damaged easily with distraction or indulgence in inertia or negativity.

Objectivity To see and understand where why and how our life is going requires us to be free of emotion while we take stock and assess, plan strategies or moves toward the dreams we seek to have manifest in our life. To see ourselves and our lives as an object separate and free of the sway and interference of subjective feelings Emotional Poise Regardless of what surprises our destiny may throw us, regardless of what karma we may answer, emotional poise is the quality where we refrain from subjective reaction , and wear attitudes of taking on lifes problems as something to do, not falling into the expensive energy applications of aversion and self pity. In yoga the pain of our bodies as we stretch and work them has us become familiar with the mechanics of working and dealing with energy that we in the beginning would prefer to avoid, but as our muscles of determination grow, we grow to enjoy the challenge of changing pain into intensity simply by attitude. Commitment To see clearly the prize certainly helps in making commitment, to vision clearly, to focus strongly sets a rhythm that commitment may grow upon. Self-empowerment Doing it, exploring it, learning it yourself, has confidence in your self grow, doubts recede,

and joy glows from deep within Passion Lust for life, nothing stands in the way of lust, it grows quickly and powerfully for things that require little effort, the negative aspects of lifes choices, like indulgence in intoxication and sensuality, lust also maybe applied to the things that empower life and limb, though it requires some effort to nurture and develop a lust for the endeavours that empower us and our life adventure.

Individuality Comes when our detachment is balanced well with attachment, and our confidence in expressing who we are is uninterrupted by should, could or would

Abundance Abundance in life is enjoying every day for what it is, and as every day unfolds we grow into our abundance in direct proportion to our clarity of knowing our dreams, our strength of focus upon those visions we seek to manifest and the amount of cleverness we have developed to harvest what exists around us at all times. Peace Peace comes from not investing any energy at all into anything that is adverse to peace, in conflict I walk away, and simply by being somewhere else and among those who appreciate one who is working to install peace as a quality in their life. It is a task for some of us to rip out the resentments and hates that live within and prevent us from accessing the power of peace. Love Love doesnt just happen, it is a real and powerful energy, that life delivers magically so we may know and behold love, once it has been felt and lived it may then be held and applied deliberately, wilfully into the whole of your life adventure. Compassion In our yoga practice compassion is a quality off acceptance, where we realize that our body is far from being as open and strong as we would like, and we come to the mat conscientiously applying yoga, while allowing the natural response to complain, to cry and to rebel, while quietly encouraging and refusing to give up on the vision of your success in yoga-ing your rig. Intuition Deep down you know all this yoga stuff is the most practical pursuit for any human body, it makes total sense at a fundamental level of existence, intuition also is like a muscle and will become stronger proportionately to its use.

Effortlessness In the true essence of paradox it requires effort to develop the quality of effortlessness in our life, the more effort you invest in your health the more effortlessly you will enjoy your each and every day, the more effort you invest in emotional poise the more effortlessly you will handle the challenges life and relationships present.

Simplicity Is Understanding Comes Self Mastery Master any one thing in this life and you may master anything


MONEY Money is the solidified form of energy, it is a direct relationship of fire and earth, actions and energy captured, and become transferable. It is also the place where we may stalk our attitudes of, allowing taking and taking, or to give and receive. We have a life long history to reflect, so to see how we perform this dance of opposites. Are we wise and business like, able to value add and increase our monies, or do they pour through our hands, and are always an issue that detracts from our daily enjoyments. Are you able to employ cleverness to find and harvest the monies you require or are there programs running on your human hard drive that prevents you access to what you require. Once you have captured monies do you hide and hoard, or do you use, share and enjoy. Can you invest and exercise patience and enjoy watching the process, or do you find a need to gamble seeking immediate returns. Mind is the creator of all solidified energy captured and manifested as money, money is then the tool mind uses to gauge value of efforts, and the cleverness of trade, and its possession, an honest reflection of the intelligent juggling of production and consumption. If we consume more than we produce it is apparent in the bank account. Consumption is the end aim of production, and beautiful life is the end aim of consumption.

As a tool money may assist the increasing of happiness, an amplifier intensifying being alive in space and time, it can not buy happiness if you do not know what you want. Money is unable to purchase values in your life, it may only represent them, it will not provide a wholeness of purpose, if you have neglected to choose the dreams you seek, and as the old sayings go, it will not provide or buy intelligence for the fool, nor admiration for the coward, or respect for the incompetent. Are we as a culture knowing the price of every thing and the value of nothing. If enjoyment and appreciation of the free good things in life allow the capture of contentment, all money beyond is a bonus.

THERE IS NO WEALTH BUT LIFE. Life, including all its powers of love, of joy, and of
admiration. That country is the richest which nourishes the greatest number of noble and happy human beings; that man is richest who, having perfected the functions of his own life to the utmost, has also the widest helpful influence, both personal, and by means of his possessions, over the lives of others. -- fromUnto this last : four essays on the first principles of political economy John Ruskin, 1819-1900

THE FOUR MODULES OF Limitlesssmile 1 Why Dream 2 Where Actuality 3 Who Flavour 4 How Work






WARRIORS MOOD Let fly perpetual orgasm I dissolve all my mysteries with knowledge and faith I practice all my clever consciously Vanity deleted I assert my will I intensify continually being alive It justifies my appearance in space In time If this knowledge leads to no more It has no value If my time has no meaning Its time for me to move along I do have a religion Its to live and die without regret I lay bare all my conscience Deepest recess of my heart I manifest Sorrows are shadows that pass All existence is pure joy Intoxication

Module Five

In this module you will Learn to read the tarot for yourself Understand it in its wholeness Be infected by its simplicity As you learn to use and develop your relationship with the TAROT You will be infected by the Enlightenvirus The virus that enlightens An infection by light We call Inspiration You have been introduced to the Script Writer, the Director, the Actor and the Producer of your own life Movie. You have discovered that you have an artful limitlessness in scriptwriting your Never Ending Story You are able to design attitudes that will win you the prize of the Limitlesssmile You have become familiar with the Four Magic Tools You have seen a simple formula to Simplify, Minimalize, Visualize and Materialize Your wildest dreams and fantasys You will come to know the mechanics of the organic process of enlightenment The aligning of cleverness with dreaming

Our bodies are a set of gauges upon a cosmic dashboard, allowing us the ability to measure and gauge our mind in action, to see its growth and evolution and power. It is an instrument with which we may interact with the solid physical realm; it is an antenna tuning us to the dreaming, the cosmic life force; the mystical side of life. The action of the unfolding of our life creates a resonance, a sound, a mantra, that echoes through space and time. The [four part] harmony and rhythm between our cleverness in using the four magical tools, and our ability to tune to the dreaming, will have the sound of our life somewhere between a song and a screech. As we zoom along we could well do with the assistance of an intermediary, a focusing agent and interpreter, whose function is to assist in the process of finding wholeness, and feeling purpose and destiny. This agent of the mystical side of life is the Tarot.

Limitlesssmile presents a unique view of an ancient tool of western aboriginality If you are interested in the improvement and enhancement of your life, agree that belief is any guiding principle that provides meaning and passion, then the tarot is the objective tool that when used in a business like manner will guide the seeker toward the prize, or the realization that what is being sought may in fact be no prize at all. This innocent looking pack of cards has many roles, the parent of our modern playing pack, a vehicle for clairvoyants and psychics to see the unformed world of their questioners. It is also a handbook to understand our universe, our world, our cultures and our life. The following adventure of seeking understanding of the tarot is a guide only, as the unique individuality, we are as humans, allows that there will be as many interpretations of the essence of the symbols of the tarot, as there are interpreters. The tarot is a living tool, a structure to shape your own personal meanings; my definitions are coloured by my perceptions, understandings and desires. In this Limitlesssmile adventure we seek to capture an idea that a mechanical structure exists within the Tarot and it represents a base line from where we may understand our universe and our part within it. What will be presented is a simplistic view, as simplicity is power, a concentration of energy. In this Limitlesssmile adventure so far you have been following a theme that has had you explore and view your life and its structures through the opposites and the elements. We have used this model of the universe as a means to apprehend understanding and meaning of our human condition. What you have done so far working in the modules of Limitlesssmile has had you working within the structure of the tarot, and so now you are already familiar with this amazing tool. The Tarot is an ancient tool arriving for our human use from the foggy mists of ancient pasts. Debate of its origin range from it emerging as recently as the middle ages in Europe,

to being a mystical tool handed to us from Egypt, and kept alive and moving in the form and structure of our modern playing cards, and with the Gypsies and their legendry gifts of fortune telling. It has suffered much slander through the last centuries as the organizations of control have feared its simple self-empowering truths and have not understood its clarity. Ego illusion is the greatest obstacle to seeing into the simple truths that the Tarot present like geometry. It amalgamates the timeless wisdoms of Astrology, Numerology, the Elements and the Kabala [the ancient Hebrew mystical tradition] The tarot is most popularly known as a tool of fortune telling or divination, which is not what we are seeking to do. There are hazards involved when doing a psychic reading of the tarot for yourself, to employ that function of the magic of the pack you are best to read for a complete stranger. Reading psychically for your self or a friend has you subjectively involved in the reading and at risk of being biased in the interpretation. The self-reading we will explore is an exercise for us to be objective, an assistant to our meditative view of our self and our adventure. Reflecting upon our self as a description and being separate, sitting in the director seat and observing the actor and its actions and expressions. The cards in this type of lay, offers ideas about our quests and dramas that we may not of other wise found. It is not telling us something or other is going to happen, but offers reflection of what something is. In this application it is a tool of insight not a tool of prediction. A ready reckoner to gain insight into the questions that arise, and the decisions of directions we negotiate day to day. You will be responsible for collecting and assigning the individual meanings for your cards, all we are looking into with Limitlesssmile is a structure to fit it all into, and know what goes where and how it relates to our life and our journey. The Tarot is a pack of 78 cards, comprising two sections, the minor and the major arkana or keys. The minor arkana are available for our inspection any time as our household variety pack of playing cards. Four suits of ten cards--the four elements, and the court cards, king queen and jack---the description of our psychic nature.

Air Sword Spades

Fire Wand Clubs

Water Cups Hearts

Earth Discs Diamonds

There are plenty of books around to allow you much info on collecting the meanings for your cards, their history and the many different spreads and lays. In Limitlesssmile it is your personal relationship with your pack and its reflection of insights into your life we are going to explore. Limitlesssmile will share a simple method of use and means of reflection, and from there you may wish to explore further, and like the yoga, you may see this as a

tool that once in your life may always be there, using it passively as an interest and an enjoyment, becoming more a power to you as the years go by. How it works, no one really knows but it does and will continue to amaze you the more you work with it. We each have in our lives our own unique ways to know something, and symbols for the meaning of thingsIf you had a thousand people in a crowd watching you on the stage and you said Dog, each and every one would immediately understand what you have just said, the essence in meaning would be the same for all, though in each and every being there would be a different image and feeling come to mind.

You are the hero of your journey and in the tarot it is the fool that represents us the questioner, we are the divine fool within our romantic adventure of mystical proportions. How we will look at the big picture of the tarot and where we relate to is simply this, take your standard tarot pack of 78 cards, separate them into the suits ace to ten, the court cards king/queens/prince/princess, (the Tarot has the princesss as extra court cards to the household playing cards) and then the 22 trump cards, fool through to universe. Lay them out like this to have an over all view-- place the fool card down as the centre, place above the fool the separated minor cards ace to ten in their suits wands/ swords/ cups and discs, these are the four magic tools the fool has to use to shape reality. Below or behind lay the court cards, in four rows of four, the knights or warriors or princes in the front row, the kings or tribal elders in the next row, the queens or earth mothers next, and then the princesss or children. In a circle around the whole lot lay the 21 major arkana, 1 to 21 with the 11, lust or strength card at the apex above the fool. (In some packs strength and justice are in different positions numerically) See diagram at end of module! Look down upon the cards and see the fool is centre to the whole scheme, as you your self, from your view point, are centre to your universe. Before the fool is the four suits, swords, wands, cups and discs, the four magical tools, or the four elements that we have before us to use and shape to make our wildest dreams. Behind the fool are laid out the court cards, the reflection of the psychology of the fool, reflection of the knowledge and understanding won from the clever use of the four magical tools, a psychological structure forever changing in relation to the dance with life. In most tarot interpretations the court cards relate to people in life, and the people in our lives are reflections of parts of us, and holders of pieces of the puzzle of our mystery. Further on we will explore this aspect in more detail. Surrounding the laid out scheme is the circle of the 21 major trump cards the essence of the balanced opposites, displayed and defined in symbols, the higher universal teachings based in cosmic law. When scientists put on their coats and peer into the atom, and

explore sub atomic world of quantum physics they describe there existing form with no substance, this form is the laws of geometry expressed in every form, and divine truth preserved in sacred geometry and Vedic maths. We are unable to know directly the essence of these magic keys, though we may be infected by our minds interaction with the geometry and symbology found upon the cards. let us go for a quick browse and look at some simple meaning. The 78 cards represent an assembly of values, it is up to us to give them meaning and application. Following is my interpretation of the trumps; you may wish to define them differently. In previous modules we have used gauges to measure certain aspects of our being, using the numbers 1 to 21. now go back and see what number you choose in each of those exercises and see which trump card aligns. What insight may the cards lend?

A Quick Story of the Fools Journey The fool [value of humour] is us, and finds self in a vast and limitless universe. The Fools immediate contact to the universe is through the senses, they give the feedback that existence exists and there exists pleasure and pain, joy and suffering in relation to the actions employed, in the use of the four magical tools, the elements. The fool seeks to participate in the abundance, and upon entry into the adventure is guided by the first key of the major arkana the Magician {value of cleverness] card number one, unity or the message that self is alone in this journey, and it is the masculine energy the purposeful use of power, to activate cleverness, reason and rationality, the element air that interprets the information received from the senses and then calculates the decisions that will lead toward the preference of pleasure over pain, joy over suffering. To go beyond what is and reach into what is not yet, the fool needs to extend to the outer reaches of imagination into the deepest depths of the dreaming High priestess [value of the dreaming], the powerful absorbing engulfing feminine, all consuming, limitless possibilities of the dreaming, the trying ground of all possibilities where it is safe to imagine and explore all scenarios and ramifications of ideas before employing them. The fool brings into this realm of the pure feminine, the feedback from the senses and the reason of the magician and is then infected by the possibilities of the dreaming, and once they are all mixed up together has the Empress [value of inspiration]impregnated with inspiration and insight and ideas, gestating the unformed as a mother in child and passing it to the Emperor [value of order]-- to embark upon the action of manifestation,; bringing form and order, and then initiating the action, toward the desired outcome. To then rule and command available resource toward the vision born of the depths of the dreaming. The fool as emperor requires having blessing to activate with out inhibition and without doubt. For this he seeks counsel of the Hierophant [value of nobility][being noble is characterized by having high moral qualities, being magnanimous, generous, dignified, and illustrious] the fool learns to find the inner teacher, the importance of having intuition, as the guide to find what is of value and appropriate from the limitlessness of the dreaming, without which confusion would reign and no decision could be enacted as all would seem as worthy as the next. The bringing into form and order that which was found in the dreaming [High priestess], by the power of reason and inquiry and deduction [Magician] Gestated and finding form [Empress] is initiated and finds form with the [Emperor], who after council of the inner

teacher [Hierophant] may act decisively and the Fool enters the position of feeling the resolve to attack and initiate without inhibition as the inner voice and the outer action are in total agreement, and have become a unity, a going beyond the opposites and feeling the power of love, the ultimate union of opposites Lovers [value of love]is the key where the fool learns of the power of love as the unity within, to be and feel whole and beyond the poles of opposites, a whole that is greater than it parts, the ready reckoner we have for this key is the realm of falling in love, our training ground to know and experience this inherent human power which may be employed deliberately toward our each and every act in life,. The power of the sum being greater than its parts, a dynamic duo being as one, and ready to tackle all Chariot [value of courage]the fool armed with the power of love is equipped to embark upon any Quest, feeling the love, and then pursue the action of cultivating and activating the Warriors Mood. Adjustment [value of balance] {{{or justice in some packs, also in some packs strength holds this 8th position and justice lives at position 11, in Limitlesssmile we will follow the scheme of adjustment or balance in this position, The cosmos may not necessarily hold a particular order for these keys, we place them in an order for our own need to understand} To find and maintain Equilibrium is the message for the Fool in this Key, to be conscious of the laws of cause and effect, to be cognizant of the laws of karma, that the middle path is a process of continually reconciling differences, to know what are our duties and responsibilities, to finish all we start and to honour all we initiate. Balance is to maintain the centre, to tread the middle path to not indulge in the good, to not indulge in the bad, and to know that the law of perpetual motion is the equal and opposite use of contrary forces. The Hermit [value of self-reflection]to be comfortable in our aloneness, to be able to find the inner space to see what it is we are doing in relation to the larger picture and have the power to decide if in fact we want to initiate some certain action, to embark upon a cause and effect, to initiate a new karma, a new duty or responsibility. To be able to meditate and find peace within, to find our centre to know and decide weather or not we will spin the Wheel of Fortune [value of abundance]---if centre you be and peace you see, it is safe to initiate, to spin the wheel and see where it takes us, once action is initiated then we are to be involved with the unfolding, if all the previous keys have been employed then the new action, or decision can be leapt into completely, as we know it is exactly what we are wanting to be, have or do. Lust [value of limitlessness]to leap in completely, to live to the fullest with out regard

to outcome, as the fool has been prepared for as well as one can in the limitless potentials offered once the wheel has been spun. The power of lust is to indulge completely and harvest the richest feedback possible from the senses, and the content of the adventure, intensely, immediately, and fill to the top. Hanged Man [value of work---value of melancholy]---limbo, neither now in the world of the senses, or in the world of spiritual insight. Digesting all that has been won for the adventure, to go through the remorse and regrets of decisions poorly made and to acknowledge all that is a revelation, the values that will be hung onto and built upon the work that may be done to continue. All else once digested needs to be eliminated, to be let go of and released back to the cosmos, it generally represents a time of sad melancholy, and energy of unavoidable focus. Death [value of detachment]the end of the usefulness of some thing, it is let go of and returned to the cosmos, eliminated from the system so the system may move on in to the new, death is an ending and detachment, from all that no longer serves, whether it is a situation, a relationship or even our body. Living is to dying, as sleeping is to waking, as remembering is to forgetting. The mystery of life draws what it requires from reality, digests it, assimilates it and then returns the waste back, just like the consumption of our foods and the elimination of our waste; The throwing off of gravity. Art [value of sensitivity]after the dust settles from the eliminations of death and the fool can see what is left, and is initiated into the impermanence of life and learns the deeper lessons of equilibrium. The art of accounting for all that is available, acknowledging actuality and synthesizing all that has been experienced. The power of detachment allows the fool to know that death is a friend and a service allowing the moving on into the wildest dreams, free from gravity, with a whole new array of possibilities and abilities, having to some degree gone beyond the conditionings of life and found new power. Devil [value of doubt]the only difference between good and evil is a decision. Evil is the reverse of live and any thing that is effectively anti life is effectively evil, the situation of ignorance and being hypnotized by illusion are the messages for the fool from the devil. So many possibilities are missed and much abundance is not collected merely due to the ideas, attitudes and opinions held by the fool. Ego self-importance and ignorance are the body of the devil, when the fool is caught within anti-life. The opposite of God is Goddess; the devil is merely an aspect of their nature. Tower [value of ruthlessness]the shedding of all that would block or hide the truth, and impede the access to the dreams. To ruthlessly destroy all that stands in the way, that has life cloistered to ignorance or illusion, the fool learns to trust that some things need to be deliberately eliminated.

Star [value of wonder]the inflowing of limitless light, once the walls of ignorance have been razed to the ground. The fool learns the need of going into darkness to be able to see the stars, the cosmos in all its glory, to enter the darkness of the inner self to find the hidden beauty and revelation of I-ness, a clarity of vision and the clarity of mind. The lesson of the star is to meditate to develop the muscles of looking within beyond the structures of ego and personality, to view and wonder at the purity of nature and seek our own purity in our naturalness. Where ever our inner light shines there will be shadows Moon [value of objectivity]-- we are stars of our own movie, our never-ending story shining much further than any imagined end. The work is perpetual in looking into the shadows within, probing and testing all our opinions and attitudes that are the features of our mindscape, and our limits in pursuing our dreams. Moon is realization that all the darkness we find within ourselves is our own and may be dissipated as easily as does a light removes darkness. Though the imagined bogey men whom we create, and have live in the shadows, may be bravely marched past, to explore the unknown, the dark and the scary, all our limitless aspects. Sun [value of joy]it is easy and it is difficult, this key has the message for the fool that to remember how to see the universe through the eyes of the divine child, to dream, devour, express and play is the simplest course of action to pursue. To just be in every moment, behold wonder and have expectation of abundance and joy. Aeon [value of judgment]to feel beyond the universe and be aware that forever stretches out infinitely both sides of us, into the past, into the future. Its message is that every moment is a new beginning a new start anew Aeon, time spans are infinite, and time operates differently in the solid universe to its operation in eternity, when you have felt your eternity your destiny is found. Universe [value of wholeness]the ultimate wholeness, to be and feel at one with the universe, the fruit of the fools journey, to return home to the self and return back to the adventure of the journey, always coming back to the beginning. To stay at home and never go out is stifling, to never come home is exhausting.

If It Is To Be, It Is Up To Me

Every thought, every action flows through the process of the fools journey, from the smallest thought to the whole of a life, these symbols plot an unfolding, and allow clever guess as to where we are. The magic of the cards and the mystery of our mind when consulted with honesty empower reason and allows clever guess as to our unfoldment. The amazing adventure of using the four magical tools is largely done by trail and error, reason, rationality, memory, and guesswork. We do have the faculty of intuition and conscience, the direct channels of communication we have with our inner mystery, they also are like muscles and the more they are used the stronger they will become. According to many writers in the area of tarot and astrology the tool of tarot is the perfect gym for developing and strengthening these very essential muscles. For the Limitlesssmile card lay, it is a lay of personal reflection, to allow us to view symbols of the instruments upon the dashboard of the mystery of our life. Now you have the ability to use and interpret the cards in your own unique way, also to create your own personal lays for the cards, if it were a musical instrument you would learn a few tunes of others while you develop your own skill and style, before exploring your own way, likewise with the tarot. The lay for Limitlesssmile is set up like you would for any other lay with your cards. Have them in your hands; feel them bring you into the moment, your mind armed with what ever may be the dominant thought forms for that part of your life adventure at that point in time. Shuffle and shuffle, and if it is your style, cut when you have come to the point of wanting to lay. Select some cards and having them face up install them upon the dashboard of your life. The lay out described earlier has us able to look at three definite areas of our reality. You will have court cards that in this lay belong in the department of pointing out psychology, what you are learning and understanding, where your mind is at in relation and reflection to its use of the four magical tools. There will be ace to ten cards in the four suits representing the elements, or a message in regard to what you are doing in your use of the four magic tools. The major cards offer infection of idea and inspiration, they are called major cards as they relate to the major issues of our life and to the bigger picture.

The four suits will be familiar to you as they have been our guides through the four modules so far in Limitlesssmile. What does the card say? We are all different and will have many different packs of cards to use as our guides, and many ways of relating to our cards, our each and every life is unique and completely different, but at a certain level we are all completely the same, and it is this fundamental basic sameness that the tarot displays as ground zero, the same structure, the same cosmic law that applies to any human who sits and peers within, who uses the mystery and magick of the tarot as a tool to reflect and feel more.

Swords are the power of the intellect in action, purposeful use of power, the ability to cut through to the bones of things with the sword of truth, to penetrate and to know, to apply effort to think. This doesnt necessarily mean that there will be good done or bad, only that there is a purposeful use of the power of thought; its direction is your free will decision and has limitless potential in either direction.

Wands are the fire element, action momentum to do, to be, to have, to make, to create, to follow through on the thought, you may be wondering which came first the chicken or the egg, thought or the action in this description the thought seeks action into the solid, the thought reaches into dreaming then seeks to earth or manifest with desire, the decisive act, of do, of get, of need, of feel, of have.

Cups are the feelings and emotions of the course of the extension of the thought entered, into time and space, the entering into third dimension, as the thought travels toward its eventual materialization it feeds back information as a gauge on the dashboard, a means to avoid pain or suffering and to steer toward pleasure and joy. To speed up or to slow down, the element water as we have mentioned in earlier module is the brakes and accelerator of our life, Fire we said was the motor, air is where we want to go and earth is where we end up (this deserves grave thought).

Discs are the thought become solid and are symbolic of external physical reality. They represent our spirits relationship with health, possessions, finances, poverty and abundance. THE COURT CARDS For the court cards we will use the analogy of a tribe of earth mother natives to describe to us the workings of our mind in its wholeness. A simplistic overview. And now to add some confusion we are going to change a position of one of our characters. In module one to four we employed the warrior to represent the element of fire and to give image to its meanings, now in the court cards the warrior will give image to the air and the tribal elders will give image to fire. Lets look at the tribe in relation to the elements as we have through all modules, the front line of the tribe is its warriors or hunters, they are responsible for the protection and

survival of the tribe, they are the frontline of interaction with the landscape, defending the tribe from attack and hunting in search of food to feed and ensure survival. The warriors may wear the right mood to succeed in their duties and to ensure their own survival when in the frontline, which then assures the survival of the whole tribe. Directly behind the warriors is the power of the tribal elders, whose wisdom and insight give power to the warriors, gives them direction and are in fact the raw material of the warriors, an extension of them, as they themselves where once warriors. They are the holders of the history, they represent the continuance of all who had gone before, and hold the bigger picture. They are the inspiration of the warriors to continue to serve. The elders are the second line in the defence of the tribe in the face of the landscape. Next are the earth mothers they are the third line. They have their back toward the front of reality as they may focus upon the delicate task of producing the perpetual source of new beings, the future warriors who will keep the whole system going, their task is to be fertile, a rich source of nurture and love, which will bring into existence the whole and empowered, next warriors. Then there are the children, the delicate and sacred fruit of the tribe, who require to be protected from the rigors of reality, to enjoy as much as possible insulation during their years of innocence, so they may explore, imagine, dream and play, into their fullest development. AIR Warriors Air Elders Fire E/Ms Water Children Earth Dream Devour Express Play Formulate Enactment Nurture Participate Focus Create Strategize FIRE Decisive Vision Commit WATER Feedback Desire Connect EARTH Activate Determine Motivate

Within the structure of the story of our tribe and its functions lies a simplistic view of how our mind might work in its wholeness, and also how far removed we are in modern life from our fundamental organic truths of how we may exist together as a whole. The Warriors are the Air element, our thoughts and ideas, our thinking and our reason, set off into the coalface of reality to seek information and find feedback from all that can be encountered. The immediate, pragmatic interplay with all that is. They are the thoughts and ideas we have about ourselves; and the description we are as Ego. The Tribal Elders represent all that has been experienced previously and digested, and forms the structure of truth and wisdom and common sense which will be the desire and motivation [Fire] behind the thoughts and thinking entering the arena of reality The cleverness air and the motivation fire reach into and are drawn toward the fertile image grounds of the dreaming, pushing evermore into the great unknown. It is the stored knowledge or memory we have of the universe that feeds our desires, by knowing your world you come to know what else you want, and the foundation of the actions we direct into our world.

Earth mothers are where limitless possibilities are found, nurtured and brought into the process of manifestation, the earth mothers have the awesome task of teaching and passing on what the feminine energy truly is, total love. As love they see and recognize emotional need, and show how to love oneself and to love others, and the power of deep emotional bond. For the earth mothers it is no task to teach love as they are love, their real challenge is to be able to set up their sacred space to create and nurture with the challenges of conditional love, the love where there is contract and exchange with the demands of the masculine. If the challenges are met harmoniously then the security of the sacred space is guaranteed and they then may comfortably turn their backs toward the face of reality, leaving the work of supply and protection to the masculine, so they may get on with the job of creating and loving the babies. Children the new and untried, innocent thoughts and ideas, are the playful divine child that lays at the very heart of us all, the pure essence of who we truly are, delicate and fragile, full of fun and wonder, rich in innocent imaginings of limitless possibilities. In many writings there is mention of the inner divine child within us all. In psychology the trials and troubles we were challenged with in our own childhood shapes the way we are able to access and express our divinity, the gentle child like way of seeing and approaching our universe. The Fool in the tarot wears the magic aura of the child, walking innocently into the universe, fully expectant of great and amazing things, not thinking about how they will be or how it will happen, but merely going toward them to capture and behold.

So here we have in the Limitlesssmile card lay an idea of where the divine fool has come from, straight from the arms of love, truly a child of the earth mother, earthly agent of the goddess, the universal feminine and the power of love. For us in our own life we may reflect upon the arms of love we have come from, and the learnt attitudes toward how we find and apply the energy of love to life and universe. Our warrior is a divine child who needs to wear the mask of ego so to have protection and advantage in the dealings with the coalface of reality. Ego is our intellectual description of whom we think and believe we are, motivated by the passions and attitudes of our heart. Which maybe open and have its unconditional energy flowing organically ever upward to nourish and empower our human expression, our inner vision and our connection to the absolute [our feelings of being a real connected part of the universe]. Or our heart may have a closed or restricted flow that wells up and flows straight back into nature without making any connection to the universe or the wholeness of the structure we are all a part of. Flowing straight back into nature seeing it all only as a thing to have and control and possess and have our perceptions and vision dominated by the four major desires, sex, food, fame and fortune. Our heart when closed finds us forever mindlessly plundering and grasping for some illusive fulfilment. The heart full of attitudes is fertilized by the richness of our dreaming and as such is amplified in its desires, they manifest as a nurturing embrace of reality or a quest to take and indulge, either way they are limitless.

Lets throw in some astrology

This putting in of the signs of the zodiac serves two purposes, one to allow a deeper insight into the qualities of the tribe members, and two to have another way to understand the signs of the zodiac. There is another use to which we may employ this simple grid. The use of the cards in this Limitlesssmile adventure is for self-reflection, to explore and capture ideas about our self and our life that we otherwise may not have had, a gymnasium to exercise the muscles of our Intuition and our Conscience. The people in your life have a birthday and have also a star sign, In a holistic view of our life the people of our life are each a reflection of who we are, place all the important or significant people of your life in the square of the grid that is their star sign. Particularly any people that may push your buttons annoy or upset you. Each of these people may

help to give insight into the essence of the members of the Tribe that combined represent a holistic overview of your mind. This is another quick and simplistic way to employ the mechanics of metaphysics to glean an insight into our mystery. Air Warriors Aquarius Fire Leo Water Scorpio Earth Taurus

Tribal Elders Earth Mothers Children













Lay out the court cards, there are sixteen of them; the first row is the Warriors [knights or prince], the brave protectors and the energy that deals with reality as we find it. Within the row there is four warriors, a warrior of swords, one of wands one of cups and one of discs, They represent the warriors wearing a fourfold mood with which to deal with reality, let us colour the description with the astrological attributes. [I have drawn these astrological definitions fromKey Words for Astrologyby Hajo Banzhaf & Anna HaeblerISBN-087728-875-5 excellent resource]

WARRIORS The Warrior of Swords--is Aquarius, individuality, originality and a hunger for knowledge, the Aquarian task is to over throw the old and bring innovation, to be very imaginative and inventive. Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius, and as such is related to the fool card.

The Warrior of Wandsis Leo is the supremely confident person, with a vital optimism. The truly great rulers and leaders, for them life is a stage and they like to be the showman The Warrior of Cupsis Scorpio---extreme and intense are the words for the warrior in this spot, Scorpios are drawn to explore the very depths of everything, to go to the edge, to break taboos to know the secrets. The Warrior of Discsis Taurus---the warrior of earth is the farmer, shepherds protectors and preservers, the energy that nurtures and brings things to their fruition. Practical down to earth and decisive; Taurus is about rooted ness and great inertia; Great stubbornness to persevere, determination. The next row is the Tribal Elders [kings], they are the force behind the warriors and also have within their ranks representation and expression of the four elements, both the air [warriors] and fire [tribal elders] are masculine penetrating energies that reach into the coalface of reality with the purposeful effort of power and are offensive in their nature, they are the force in the tribe that deals with the demands of nature, human nature and the nature of reality, where as the earth mothers deal with the creation of something new made up from the elements of nature, an automatic action of force.


Elders of Swords--- Gemini, the great thinkers and the universal scholars, they like to take up new thoughts and pass them on, great traders and agents. Able to analyse precisely, smart quick and clever. Elders of Wands---Sagittarius the preacher and evangelist, the search for meaning, strive for ideals and justice and religious conviction. Can inspire and motivate, with high and holy feelings, dynamic purpose and motivation, inspiration and enthusiasm, Elders of Cups--Pisces the peacemaker and spiritual advisor, the medium, boundless sympathy, strongly instinctive, prophetic. Elders of DiscsVirgo, the craftsman, the joy of details, critically examining everything for its suitability, efficiency and economy. Seeking all that is optimal, and advising the

differences between what is useful and what is pointless.


Earth Mother of SwordsLibracreating of harmony, maintaining it and enjoying it, their task is to bring beauty in to the world and to apply and install harmony into all forms of art and design and particularly close inter personal relationships, like friendship, marriage and partnerships. Libra is the sign of the artist, the aesthetic and the peacemaker and mediator. As the earth mother, Libra has the quality of willingness to make compromise, always oriented toward the other person. Earth Mother of WandsAriesis the awakening of the forces, development of the ego and the asserting of ones own will and conquering the world. In the traditional astrological attributes this sign represents great energy, spontaneous, impulsive, uncomplicated, direct, spirited, light hearted and dynamic, the very qualities useful in the massive task and responsibility the Earth Mothers invest into the sacred fruit of the tribe. Earth Mother of Cups-- Cancerthe very image of the Mother and expresser of unconditional love., and the domain of cancer is the family, and the tasks in life are the establishing of emotional bonds and expressing deep feelings. Great capability for feeling other peoples desires and thoughts and reacting to them, deep understanding of the concerns of the soul. Earth Mother of DiscsCapricornthe feeling of responsibility, resolutely representing law and order, principles and standards. Faithfulness discipline, sense of duty, work with patience and resilient persistence to dutifully fulfil the tasks they have assumed and bring them to completion. Clear mind, serious soul, great common sense, loyal, reliable and very responsible.


The Children [or in other packs the princesses] are the Divine Child in us all, and they represent the Earth line in the 16-card grid we are studying. This earth element is the

manifested fruit of the combined efforts of all the rest of the tribe, is the solid physical manifestation of a thought or idea that requires our attention, responsibility and nurture for its successful balancing. These cards dont have a sign assigned to them as such, as they are new and as yet immature and represent the generic element of the line above them. This means they embody the essence of the three cards above them, the princess of swords embodies all the potencies of Aquarius/Gemini and Libra, and are very similar to the aces which represent the raw essence of their particular element.. The spirit of anything can not really be measured, it may be acknowledged and noticed if missing, there are a number of deeply spiritual experiences that modern man identifies with, and they are usually described as the Christ or the Buddha, the most pure and over looked receptacle for, and expression of, pure spirit is our babies, they allow direct innocent connection to a reflection of our spirit and also a direct reflective example in the developing expression of the spirit that we are. Children of Swords ----the air of earth is the pure act of limitless dreams, raw avenging force of the intellect, which finds guided tempering during innocence Children of Wands ---the fire of earth is the pure desire to explore and devour all, the raw explosive force of fire Children of Cups --- the water of earth is the pure uninhibited expression to allow and let the whole universe know exactly what you feel, uninhibited imagination. Children of Discs --- earth of earth is the timeless adventure of play.. Uninhibited manifestation


So let us recap with a simplistic overview, a means to grab a super simple reference to how our psychology works mechanically in its wholeness. At the heart of our wildest dreams and fantasys are we, the divine child, Children- pure in imagining, uninhibited in desire and expression and seeking the timeless adventure of playing the life that is ours, we are nurtured within by our Earth Mother energy of fertile unconditional nurture and limitless patience, We are

protected by our Tribal Elder whose plans and strategies, reason, and purpose connect us with feeling and purposeful endeavour to inspire, motivate and enthuse us into the coalface of reality Warriors- We are the ego warrior masks, the intellectual description of our warrior, whose quest is to penetrate reality, to wrestle paradigms, and harvest information, leap decisively, taste and have feedback to know and understand and persist, endure, determine and survive. How to use the pack in the dashboard lay After having shuffled and found twelve cards, sort them out and place them on their appropriate places upon the scheme of the dashboard. Any ace to ten cards that arrives among your twelve cards place upon the magic tool piles. Place any court card in their positions of the grid, and any major cards about the edge where a circle may be surrounding the whole lot. Look to see what minor card you have and reflect upon the message of element, which magic tool are you employing at the moment in your journey, why has it shown up upon the dashboard? As you grow and develop your relationship with each and every card of the tarot you will come to know them all as individuals, and like characters in your life, you may have feelings for some and not for others. The best way to capture meaning for the cards is to just use them, and as you journey along, information and books will happen and your unique understandings and perceptions will grow and be your own. There are no rules, it is a tool and you may use it in many ways. Though like any tool if it is not applied correctly it may not only be inefficient, it may also harm. So you have maybe some minor cards giving you insight into your daily use of the four magic tools. These cards are numbered 1 to 10, and represent through numerology the course of the thought or idea, act or manifestation. Following the raw essence in the ace, through to a final outcome or creation in the ten. Interpretation of the cards will differ from person to person and in Limitlesssmile I seek to keep it all super simple, so I will by not entering in to individual card descriptions. The court cards are the reflection of who we are becoming, the living changing mindscape of our psyche. The cards in this dashboard lay, that are court cards, offer us reflection of the things we need to be aware of in our attitudes and opinions, ways of being, and ways of receiving reality. In the simplistic over view we had the warriors as the ego face pushing into reality, the elders as the fruit of experience in motivation and plan to do and to act,

the earth mothers are our heartfelt creations, are our ability to nurture, to reflect and to heal our selves and those with whom we share life. The line of the child is where we find our own divine inner child; the cards here are messages about how we are dreaming devouring expressing and playing. The children are like the aces the raw potential of the elements, though more pure and more innocent. The major arkana messages relate to things we need to know about the bigger picture, the major lessons of being in a life, from birth to death, each major card is a potent symbol which speaks straight to our heart and soul beyond the confines of words and language, and intellectuality. This is why it is important to use and use the muscles of intuition and conscience, to make them strong enough to harvest the deep and fruity meanings we may learn to see in the symbols within our own personal individual, romantic adventures. Limitlesssmile And so endeth this Limitlesssmile course for now, I plan to keep the whole course as a living document, which means of course that I plan to continue to add and edit the modules as time goes by and inspiration is forthcoming. May this five-part adventure in self-reflection be a power and joy to your life as the years of journey in Limitlesssmiles compilation and creation has been a joy and inspiration for myself. May you enjoy the discovery that after having gone thru all the notions in this book carefully and thoroughly, only to find life is completely and deliciously different to any thing you read. THANK YOU LIFE IS A PUZZLE SEEKING TO BE SOLVED FOR GREAT REWARD


The meek are inheriting the earth Let them know it from the time of their birth Teach them focus and desire on one thing Then our universe will help in manifesting Shape communication of criticisms fire In a manner that motivates and inspires

Guide them to embrace the secrets of nature Her everlasting force will heal us for sure Instil in them the raw essence of business Utter honesty their favourite discipline

Let us accept and know our planets worth Join in singing and celebrate in mirth Realize the feeble view of being old Lets let go of our need for control In our babies lets pour all our love in And avoid the mistakes were perpetuating.


We as clever intelligent individuals may take hold of the power of the word with our

limitless imaginations and create dialogue, crafted into instruments with the power to check-mate the attitudes that presently limit and restrict our collective potentials Invest some time and fun to create legal notices that may change the world. This notion seeks to have the major organs of our community operate in align with our true human nature. To be repossessed by attitudes that seek to have our world work properly.

NOTICE OF REPOSSESSION Subject: notice of repossession of the public institutions of government, justice and police by the true and proper attitudes motivations and consciousness belonging to sovereign humans seeking to have our nation function in align with utter goodness and our true human nature. This notice of repossession arises pursuant to the following FACTS 1 Bible prophesies Psalms 37.11. But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace 2 The institutions of government, justice and police when in alignment with our true human nature, seeks to honour the common good of all, 3 Our divine animality as humans is a higher octave of our raw animal nature, and may be simply understood as being our potential to express completely utter goodness 4 We have the duty to promote to our existing systems, a need to aspire to our most noble and enlightened way of being 5 The institutions of government and justice and the police force represent organs of our collective living humanity and collective consciousness.

6 GOVERNMENTexsert from our Australian Constitution (quick and garran) the opening words of the preamble proclaim that the constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia is founded on the will of the people whom it is designed to unite and govern 6.1 Our government is an assembly of fellow humans representing the will of we the people of our nation, 6.2 As trusted public servants they seek to serve honourably their position as legislators of

the will of we the people. 6.3 The institution of government is responsible for the directing of nourishment in the form of abundance to community. All which are needed to have our nation and communities operate smoothly and efficiently serving the common good of all 6.4 Government is responsible for educating the nation and its communities of their rights and privileges as sovereign humans and as electors of the parliaments, under common law 6.5 Government is seen by ordinary folk as a dynamic personality of politicians all with 6.5.1 some degree of noble desire to serve; 6.5.2 some degree of honouring and serving the forces of industry and commerce; 6.5.3 some degree of serving the crown, multi national companies and corporations; 6.5.4 some degree of self interest and 6.5.5 some degree of seeking truth pursuant to the rights, duties and responsibilities of sovereign humans they represent., 6.6 Statuatary legislation are boundaries used to control the rhythm and flow of human life in community, rules and regulations given the force of law by the consent of those united in a society of common goal. 6.7 In our true human nature these boundaries serve divine law 6.8 Boundaries are set to have the nation and communities evolve and grow towards utter goodness defined by an authority above government, 6.9 Australian Constitution (quick and garran) the truth is the supreme absolute and uncontrollable authority remains with the people 7 CLAIMS 7.1 Fellow humans functioning as public servants to legislate our collective will in Government are legislating statutory laws and regulations as boundaries that do not serve the authority they have chosen to humbly serve 7.2 Our present governing structures create statute that serve commerce industry multinational companies and corporations 7.3 Fellow humans serving in our organs of justice and government whom have sworn oath to a foreign sovereign have relinquished their own personal sovereignty and have no jurisdiction with sovereign humans. 7.4 fellow humans serving in our organs of justice and government have biased loyalties when legislating the boundaries we live by. The obey and create statute that is designed to harvest revenue for entities other than our collective communities. They obey and create

statute that removes tax burden from crown and multi-national corporations. 8 JUSTICE 8.1 Justice and government are parts of our divine nature; and as an institution represent a living organ of our collective consciousness and 8.1.1 belong to all sovereign humans of the nation. 8.1.2 is simply an organ of our collective constitution serving the common good of all people, 8.1.3 As an organ serving any organism may honour natural law, the common good 8.1.4 justice operating in align with its divinity would be a venue run by community elders offering free access to common sense, good conscience, wise counsel and life direction guidance.

8.2 The judiciary construes the law, to discover and apply the meaning sense and intention of the law 8.3 Justice gauges the virtues of matters in regard to definitions of goodness set pursuant to human sovereignty, divine law, natural law, common law the Australian constitution and any legislation created in align with these higher laws and the will of sovereign humans defined in referendum. 8.4 Our justice system was created by and is an extension of the ways and attitudes of Great Britain 8.5 Great Britain wore an attitude of invasion and plunder when colonising this land; those attitudes prevail today and continue a controlling advantage over the sovereign humans in community upon this continent. 8.6 Our justice system is a very expensive, exclusive, industry worth billions annually. To engage any legal matter requires large sums of money when using solicitors or barristers. 8.7 The fees charged are out of proportion to what they represent, a group of community elders who seek the truth or common sense of a matter and determine judgment in regard to some definition of goodness and good conscious; to provide wise counsel and life guidance. 8.8 The present system wears an attitude, which seeks to perpetuate a self-interested privileged system, out of align with the ordinary person 8.9 The present system seeks to perpetuate an attitude of preventing or restricting our human right of representation.

8.10 The present attitude seeks to perpetuate the justice proportional to wealth system. 8.11 The present attitude supports, perpetuates and develops a summary offence system that creates many boundaries in many realms of human life. These boundaries require being in place for the efficient regulating and ordering of the living flow of human life in community 8.12 Boundaries created out of align with the common good attract a culture of corruption, 8.13 The present attitude wears mentality of ruling class and a population as quarry 8.14 the present attitude is harvesting revenue thru criminalizing human vice. 8.14.1 Vices are those acts by which a man harms himself or his property 8.14.2 Crimes are those acts by which one man harms the person or property of another. 8.14 We question the honour and integrity of the creators of these boundaries, We question who these boundaries really serve. Do all these boundaries align with good conscience, the common good of all.?....

9 POLICE 9.1 Our police are an extension of our government. It is an instrument our government may use to enforce the laws and regulations that have been set in to place to provide order and smooth operation to the entity of nation and community 9.2 Communities when in align with good conscience, and all working towards the common good of all would not require policing 9.3 Our police force is a power for good seeking to harmonise, balance, guide and control that part of our collective expression that does not align with the common good of all 9.4 All fellow humans seeking profession in the police force require to have and express strength, integrity, patience, understanding, conscience, compassion and intelligence 9.5 We expect that these aforementioned are the qualities sought by the authorities who choose and install living souls into their positions as police officers

9.6 These honourable ordinary men and women generally are made up of the same ordinary family people they choose to serve 9.7 It could be reasonable to assume that the members of the police force seek to be endeared to the families and individuals that they pledge to serve. ,,

10 CLAIMS 10.1 At present our collective governing structure is working in a dysfunctional manner that seeks to divide our community and cause our police force to work as revenue collectors while enforcing an iniquitous summary offence system, making them tax collectors who are despised by the living souls who seek to merely live and enjoy a life. 10.2 The present dysfunctional governing attitude forces natural persons seeking profession in the force for policing the common good of all, to act in dis accord with their own good conscience, their true nature would have them seek to exist as friendly extension of community 10.3 A natural person of integrity and good conscience seeking profession in the police force has the intelligence and wisdom to assess and guide summary offence behaviours toward rehabilitation, re-education or community service. Not revenue collection

11 DEMANDS 11.1 Ordinary sovereign humans demand that fellow sovereign humans choosing to be honourable public servants of our collective will, immediately 11.1.1 seek to activate public forum with the media venue The Australian Broadcasting Commission 11.1.2 openly answer allegations of control of nations thru fraudulent credit creation, and national debts being interest charged on credit created out of nothing 11.1.3 seek to initiate and participate in forum for public discussion, debate, analysis and hypothesis in regard to our having our organs of government, justice and police force operate in an attitude that seeks to have these organs operate in the greatest harmony possible with utter goodness, our collective wholeness as a nation, and as a nation representing one personality within our global collective self. 11.1.4 Initiate a code of accountability having all public servants present declaration of understanding of their duties pursuant to natural law and the common good of all,

12 TAKE NOTICE that failure within due coarse to comply with the aforesaid demands or to demonstrate a proper defence publicly against all the facts upon which these demands are founded then it shall be taken that our fellow humans who hold positions of trust as directors and decision makers within our collective organism of our nation of Australia Admit to yourself that you are in contempt of your own true human nature Admit to the fellow sovereign humans you seek to honourably serve, that you do not serve the common good of all Admit to fellow sovereign humans that you serve self interests or other interests not in align with the common good. Admit to yourself that you are in contempt of the world your grand children will inherit

RIDICULOUS NOTION no 5 This notion seeks to rid our human minds of the limiting notions of god as being our definition of utter goodness. Observation in our world displays the lack of clarity notions of god have provided for humanity, much of our world fights defending different versions of defining utter goodness clothed in the rigmarole of religion. This notion seeks also to provoke accountability among our leaders in the human institution of religion, to provoke them to consider true human unity, and practical common human sense in our collective application to reality...

NOTICE OF CANCELLATION To Our Religious Institutions From Ordinary Humans

Subject: notice of cancellation of the concept of god being the symbol for humanity to utilize as their means to find peace and harmony This notice is pursuant to the following FACTS 1 Simplicity is power, 2 the institution of religion is for providing clear definition to utter goodness and its application 3 The ideas and concepts of god promoted by all religions in their simple essence seeks to convey to humanity that we simply live in peace and harmony together, sharing the goodness of life and our common planetary wealth with each other. 4 The presentation of the concept of god by religions has shown clear evidence of having created complex and confusing aberrations of mind and feelings for mankind 5 The concept of god currently promoted by religions over the last couple of thousand years, has failed to install peace, harmony, unity and intelligence into our collective humanity

6 the concept of god offered by different religions and different aspects of the same religion has proven to create disharmony and in worst-case scenarios persecutions, hatred, murder and wars. 7 The simple truth for humanity is that utter goodness is the very foundation of our true human nature 8 The simple non-complex, non-confusing truth for humanity is divinity, or divine intelligence is the very essence of our human intelligence, and is simply our potential for excellence in mind and character and our potential for utter goodness.. 9 The irony of our world revering the spiritual masters of many races and creeds is they simply display ways of being human that is in align with our true human nature and therefore an example of how we are all simply meant to be.

DEMANDS 2 All religious institutions and congregations----2.1 collaborate to transform their doctrines to be simple and clear for all humanity, 2.2 to explore discuss debate and hypothesise an understanding of our collective spirit as the spirit of the whole of mankind, and its spiritual evolution and potential for achieving enlightenment may be achieved together through the collective mind, and the collective mind is simply the congregating, and unifying of every human mind upon the planet. 2.3 to reconcile our separation from our true human nature by having the story of all humans become the same simple story 2.4 immediately collaborate to rationalise their complex and confusing dogma, doctrines and theology to conform to the utter simplicity god is good, good is god 2.5 be host for promoting globally the simple idea we as humans aspire to utter goodness

2.6 be venue for defining utter goodness to the world 2.7 bear pressure upon our institutions of government, justice, commerce and industry to align with definitions of utter goodness 2.8 lead by example acts of utter goodness 2.9 begin educating all humanity of their sovereign human rights, sovereign human duties and responsibilities 2.10 to immediately discuss debate analyse and hypothesise an understanding of the institutions of family, tribe and community and how we may heal their present conditions of isolation, division and separation; and seek means for them to operate in alignment with utter goodness 2.11 promote actions for creating borderless access to all communities upon our planet. 2.12 to be a voice for invoking collective change in regard to 2.12.1 solving poverty, 2.12.2 ceasing pollution of our planet, 2.12.3 ceasing deforestation beginning actions to move toward clean power source, solar and free energy technology 2.12.5 disposal of all weapons of mass destruction

TAKE NOTICE All humans in positions of leadership in religious institutions you as fellow sovereign humans sharing life, breath and community upon our mother the earth, are honourable representatives and servants of the ordinary every day peoples of our planet have duty pursuant to the following facts To serve god as understood by enlightened beings as simply being everything that is, that can be perceived, conceived and imagined To honour the understanding that we are each and every one of us equally a living

cell of the all and each share duty and responsibility to aspire to our greatest integrity in our every interaction with any other living soul while servicing in the living organs of our collective body of religion To honour the understanding that we have duty to contribute to the enlightening of our collective body at individual, family, tribe, community, town, city, state, national and global levels To honour the understanding that you as a representative of defining utter goodness will embody the greatest example of such

TAKE NOTICE We the ordinary every day humans of the earth, are sovereign to this reality, to this existence, to this life we share upon our mother the earth and enjoy rights and privileges pursuant to 1 Natural law, Laws of nature, Divine Law, logic, reason, practical common sense, 2 to our shared common human need to have opportunity to enjoy our stay while appearing in a human body for a lifetime in this dimension 3 to the simple comprehension of what utter goodness means to any intelligence. 4 the honouring of our true human nature TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to the aforesaid facts, we require that the leaders of religious institutions and congregations heed this notice. If you fail to give notice in response publicly to our communities and provide a proper defence against all the facts upon which these demands are founded, then it shall be taken that leaders of our religious institutions and congregations Admits the facts as said are correct and Admits that the claim arising from those facts are proper and reasonable and Admits that the demands of this Notice of cancellation may be complied with and Admits that failing to respond to these demands will create perceptions in ordinary humans that the institutions do not align with good conscience and Admits questions will arise pursuant to worthiness of the current leaders of religion and, Admits risking becoming embarrassingly out of align with your greatest potential and Admits risking embarrassment when displaying your example of the expression of our

human divinity

RIDICULOUS NOTION no.39 E.M.U Earth Mother Union We know from our pondering of module 5 Earth Mothers are sovereign humans who have a natural disposition to nurture, share, teach and love. They have a magic power of conception and potencies of fertility, nurture and loving peace . They are a power unto themselves, They are totally self contained in their benefits to mankind, though in contract with conditional love to have venue. They are dedicated to their preparations and empowerment of our children, the fruit and future of our tribes. They have intimate connection with the warriors and the elders, they are our connection to the greatest feelings of utter goodness, the greatest human needs for earthing mans spirit and the symbol of mans desire and purpose Earth Mothers are all the parents, of our shared earth who would seek to have their children empowered with notions, that will contribute to their enjoying a long and happy life of fun and adventure; and who also seek to see the healing of our collective mind so we may nurture and heal the damage being suffered by our mother the earth and our living human communities; to see our planet transformed into a garden of peace.,,,, Western civilisation has attitude of greed, self-interest, separation, division, ruthless use of unfair advantage, and insulation for the rich, exclusion for the poor. This attitude has for a couple of thousand years evaporated the true human nature from our communities and has slowly destroyed the human institutions of tribe and extended family. The notion of the christian work ethic has continual employment as a virtue to aspire to , where community would be better served to hold unemployment as a virtue, being at home and sharing and developing skills and abilities with our kids. These atttiudes have whittled the human unit down to nuclear family, and now in this most modern time, the single parent family, predominantly single mums have to prepare our warriors of tomorrow in dysfunctional isolated communities. This collection of isolated units bests serves the needs of the self-interested ego attitude, it creates the simple need for duplication and endless consumption. As we continue to choose to live in the isolated insecure mindscape of the notions of the greedy and self interested, we serve them by perpetuating the ways and systems that guarantee their parasitic survival. As we accept the divisive iniquitous laws and notions that control our daily lives, we inflict a mockery upon our true liberty and justice, and allow the continuing loss of civil liberties, the continuing acceptance of covert slavery; the continuing indoctrination of the notions of the greedy Wisdom from learned others out there suggest the next natural progression for our humanity is modern tribalism. Ordinary folk banding together in groups of like minds, peoples of similar delightful ridicu-ality and ridicu-osity, seeking to pursue brand new notions of living as humans in community. Seeking to live completely free from the restrictive shackles of religious sexophobic morality, and embracing and defending our

true human comedy of goodness, liberty, freedom and justice. Seeking to share together the resources required to enjoy life; seeking to share the duties and responsibilities of rearing the fruit of our tribes founded upon simple utter goodness; seeking to enjoy the limitlessness of fulfilling human relationships in new unimagined ways. Great human change evolves over generations, and it is the ideas and notions we instil in the fruit of our tribes that will be the reality of tomorrow. Let us initiate an Earth Mothers Union, which may ensure we develop a new natural organic core education and enlightening of our children, a system to expand and develop schooling and home schooling, to be a feature of our living community, to prepare humanity for millennia of peace. Alternate schooling is a focus of developing our childrens motor skills, to have them joyously feel their true human nature, to know and explore their divine animal nature; to experience creativity and fun; to feel their passion, then focus it upon what ever they seek to know or master. Because human change happens thru generation we have collective opportunity to create dynamic change in our shared human adventure thru the way we program attitudes into our children. If we want to stop the limited way we exist in community in our modern cities and towns, then we require to make effort to lead by example to our children, a way that will eventually have our true human nature shine from us all. First effort we make is to stalk the dialogue we use in our day to day. To retrain ourselves and our children to use only words of empowerment, to eradicate all our negating and self depreciating remarks and habitual self put downs. All our words have the power to create what we do not want, equally along side that which we wish for. Experts on the subject say that the passive things we say habitually, and unconsciously have the greatest effect upon what is true for us. Things like muttering silly me when doing something not quite right as example. Self esteem and self confidence are prime factors of the architecture we are designing into the fruit of our tribes. Secondly find the courage to end all relationships that are not delivering light and life to our adventure. Be living example of being responsible for the standards of loving respect we expect in all our relating. Third make an adventurous paradigm shift and view your relationship with your child in a different way----- By virtue of the notion the fruit of our tribes are direct from pure spirit, and as they are a newer and fresher expression of spirit than we are, then we might ponder the notion to covertly obey their commands, reflect to them the values of respect, consideration, sharing and commerce. The old paradigm of relating has us command them into shape, for them to honour and obey, the new paradigm is we obey and reflect a clear wisdom of honour. The generation gap is disappearing for those who understand themselves as sponsors of body and knowledge for our brother and sister spirits. Refer to

notions on pages 124-125 modern tribalism and bold and intrepid love. The earth mothers in collaboration with the elders are the secret weapons for the saving of our world. The world requires saving from its self, world being the world we humans have created as distinct from our planet. World peace and harmony is about the most ridiculous notion you might like to ponder, but anything is possible if you amplify optimism to its most magnificent potential We are equally able to be chronically optimistic as to be chronically pessimistic Presently our living systems are not offering honestly the most empowering education for our children. System schooling has a tradition of being more indoctrination than education. To be places to be sent and be taught rather than learning centres. Shaping the collective mind with generalised notions that serve an agenda. The present Aussie culture in its worst scenario has both parents working and children in day care, until they are old enough to go to 12 years of system school and then further education in either a trade or profession. The system has major control of notion input and ultimately control of the social consciousness paradigm that will be worn by the majority. Carelessly installing a paradigm that serves its agenda for all those whom are not better equipped. The obvious actions and choices made daily by our systems reveals clearly the degree to which self-interested ego has almost total control of our world. We are faced with the dilemma of how far we may safely align with the ego game and its control by ego led systems; and the degree to which we consume and take on the notions offered in system schooling and popular media.; or do we aspire to align with spirit and inspire notions of growing and knowing into amazing frontiers of unexplored goodness.

Calling all parents, guardians, mentors and elders to take responsibility for what is being educated to our children, to conspire to explore and implement the most enlightened and functional paradigms of education we are able to find or create

Let us explore the notion that we instil as the core of our childrens education the ability to Self-reflect the connection between spirit and sexuality Self-reflect self as an individual and how we are each a unique part of the collective whole Self-reflect our collective humanity and our unique origins and history,

Self-reflect the cultures we have come from the cultures we are living, and the cultures we may create Self reflect the mechanics of family tribe community state nation world and planet Self-reflect nature and permaculture for home school and community Self-reflect the values of self-responsibility, self-confidence, self esteem Self-reflect the mechanics of behaviour and our own human expressions of emotion Self reflect upon our own feelings for anger and depression, love and belonging Self reflect the mechanics of integrity of our own body, mind and soul, Self reflect with a tool of astrology, numerology or the likes to capture some notion of our own living characters and our differences

Explore our human psyche how it works and How we may use it to our greatest advantage for finding joy in our life and bringing joy to the lives of others.. How we may be self-responsible for the management and operation of our human vehicle How we may furnish our mind with the greatest and most empowering notions available How we may enjoy our emotions and how we may relate with all other living souls How we may learn to feel and enjoy divine law by studying and living The laws of nature Human Sovereignty Common law Commerce Contract Business Music Vedic maths Sacred geometry Astrology Quantum physics Ancient wisdom Let us teach them to know and understand the mechanics of the laws that govern our brief stay in a life adventure, Let us teach them about authority and its integrity, our own and our living systems. Let us teach them what we might expect of our organs of government, justice, industry, commerce and media when they are serving the common good Let us teach them to know how to question and challenge when some authority acts outside of good conscience Let us teach them to be streetwise and negotiate safely the mindscapes of mind or mood

altering Let us teach them to be lovewise and live their most amazing dreams

EMU Earth Mothers Unite to shine Limitlesssmile into the fruit of our tribes


NOTICE OF RECONCILIATION I am one of many native born descendants of the invading force that took possession and control of the continent we know as Australia. I have been moved to create this notice in response to living in and observing of the attitudes of our 21st century communities and their present and past actions toward the native aboriginal peoples. I offer this notice as a token of acknowledgment of the dignity of the native aboriginal people of this land and what we may learn from them. I offer this notice as an objective message to fellow native-born descendants of the invaders and all other living souls from every corner of our mother the earth who find themselves enjoying the hazards of living their life in Australia; a message to be clear and real in our understanding of the bigger picture of the evolution and future of our collective spiritual self as a nation and as a planet. I offer this notice to encourage all living souls to acknowledge that aboriginality and human sovereignty is the same thing and if we as a nation are unable to embrace functional reconciliation with the aboriginal peoples of this land then we are in contempt of our very own individual human sovereignty, in contempt of our very own individual true human nature. Our nation has made an affirmation of reconciliation, and as such is a call for all individuals to ponder the notion that what we are endeavouring to reconcile, to bring together, to reunite is our ego and our spirit. We may all acknowledge ego in our own personal life adventure and what ridiculous situations can manifest when out of control ego calls the shots. With that observation we may ponder also our collective ego and the self interested attitudes, actions and decisions that create division and separation with in our living communities. With clarity of these fundamental mechanics of our each individual psyche and its reflection in our collective mind, we may realise, uncover and challenge our living systems to become a real expression of our divinity; to align with good conscience and honour the common good of all. Aboriginality is a state of mind not a colour of skin Henry Reynolds an Australian historian describes reconciliation as simply being our both stories becoming the same story. What the indigenous peoples of this land present as their true understanding and experience of this last two hundred years; and how they see this present moment in time; and what vision have they for our collective future is their story.

Our story as the invaders may be totally honest just like Henry has revealed to us from his lifetime of seeking and presenting the truth of our past. Offered here is a notion of our story. Our white forefathers who arrived to settle Australia were the instruments of a force that came here simply for the harvesting of the wealth to take home to England and with unfair advantage ruthlessly deal with any resistance met in the process. The invading force had been invading and plundering for many generations, it itself was the child of many races who invaded and plundered, and as a good child carried on the tradition in an even finer fashion. Great Britain was able to master the seas and travel to ends of the earth unknown to her parents.... Like wise her son the U.S.A has taken the skills of the mother and taken them to the next octave, mastering technology and becoming the dominant personality upon our planet to day; equipped with the same attitudes to dispossess and plunder. In Mother Englands history and ancestry as an invader she had not been at one with the nature of our mother the earth, even in her own lands, she lived upon and off the land but not with it. The land was something to quarry and harvest wealth from, somewhere to acquire enough resource to fuel her more important needs of invading and plundering other lands and to do so actually took time effort and resource from the land. To harness the force needed she required a population of workers that were not relaxed or in harmony with the land, this was easy as you just keep moving and chase and dispossess the connected peoples away and you may have an active, separated from nature population armed with your same attitude of quarry and plunder, so they may serve your needs Mother Englands coming to Australia was immediately as a dumping ground for her human over flow of damaged, distorted, dysfunctional beings she had created at home with the ways that she ran community. She was able to form for Australia its first statutory authority, by imperial parliament; she enacted a convict colony with a governor. You may find a colon in your human anatomy and it is basically where we store our excrement, all the stuff we are extracting the goodness from and are ready to eliminate. So here we find presented quite clearly the defining attitudes of the Mother England in her beginning relationship with this land we now call home She didnt actually want to live here but was certainly eager to harvest the wealth and use it at home and else where. So as she colon-ised this place she poured in to it dispossessed people from her cities and towns. Initially she rid herself of her criminals and then with her effective summary offence laws was able to harvest many extra people as convicts simply by catching them stealing so they might not starve. By maintaining iniquity with her lords and barons there was a ready supply of dispossessed to round up and fill her new colon.

Down in her new colon time moved along and her settlements broadened to include voluntary immigrants who decided that squaller and immanent poverty of the cities and towns in Britain and else where was depressing enough to warrant the risks of starting afresh in a new land. They had been successfully denatured enough at home by wars, invasions and industrialisation to have them see initially what the Mother saw, and that was a quarry of riches...... But there was a problem the place was full of indigenous natives, who were living in total balance with nature. Though that was not how the mother was able to view it as her separation from nature and her true human nature was such that these people were but savages still living as animals. With out the intelligence to create towns and cities of there own, for their people to find poverty and squaller-ous life. They were no real problem, as what the mother had learned in her invading of other lands was to use dispossessed people to dispossess other people, you simply had to swing an attitude among the mob and set them off. Then the rest sort of looked after itself, set a culture and it grows, as in cheese, as in the fermenting contents of a colon Mother allowed the natives to be murdered, genocide would probably be even better if it could be organized, though it mattered not too much, so long as it didnt interrupt access to wealth and wealth opportunities. There was a great abundance of land to sell, there was a growing culture of strength and pioneering spirit developing in her colon, and even better was the discovery of gold in places, the wealth opportunities were beyond her wildest dreams. But time moved along and the culture in the colon had been in the colon long enough to begin having their own children born in the land; having them growing up and becoming intimately involved with the quarrying of the land and the systems that organized and channelled the wealth back home to England. They as a new crop of native born with the inherited understanding and application of the ways of the Mother were able to collaborate these inherited qualities with the cleverness won from experiencing all Australia had to offer Oz was coming of age as a child ready to separate from parent, she was demanding her independence and a free hand to style her own existence; with her inherited attitudes she began developing into states and a nation Oz was born of the mother, a separate conscious conglomeration, now maturing in to having its own personality, having its own unique expression. Taking on independence and doing things that set her apart from her peers whom had never left the British Isles and Europe. As a bushie she had been infected by the spirit of the indigenous people of this land and the very nature of the continent, she had a daring and a flamboyance, which set her apart, and gave her great personal power and strength.

She was growing into taking over some of the quarry and keeping greater portions of it for her self, though the business of quarry, city and town, commerce and industry was established and run by the Mum and also all her mates from around the globe now multinational corporations; they enjoy still today the controlling interest, they enjoy today still tax free access to the spoils of quarrying... Oz was fine with it allowing the others to continue quarrying what they could, so long as they allowed enough for the culture in the colon to not go bad, it required enough nourishment to keep it from turning sour. The indigenous had not been a problem as once they had been dispossessed by the dispossessed; she simply pushed them into corners and tipped some money on them to appease the human right whingers. Also money was plentiful, it could be created from nothing and it meant nothing to pour some on it, any way money was not going to fix the disharmony she had inflicted upon them, it actually may assist having them either die out or eventually blend in to the culture in the colon To day we as the culture in the colon, have our institutions expressing unashamedly the attitudes of the Mother,, the continent and its environments are still a quarry, harvested where can be got away with, the population is a quarry as they are inspired to have the great Aussie dream, buy a home, consume-consume-consume etc and commit themselves to large debts, commit to the bankers to work the term of their natural life. In the words of a great Aussie indigenous artist, Kev Carmody, we have all become colonised refugees, in the wake of the colonising attitude of genocide and dispossession Today we live in the colon fermenting wealth and extracting the goodness from continent and our own population, and then simply budget to cope with the excrement; the homeless, the aged, the disabled, the unemployed and the poor. But there is something the powers that be have not contended with, the infection of the people born and become native to this land by the timeless spirit of this continent; it is the greatest undisturbed energy of earth honouring consciousness upon our planet, disturbed from the dreaming for only 200 years Counterparts in America have had disturbance from their dreaming for 500 years And us white fellas upon the continent of oz are from peoples who have been disturbed from our dreaming for 2000 years or more. Having been born and grown for a few generations here, we have the spirit of the land beginning to be much more a part of our conscious expression, we as a people are among few people on earth to be soaking in the freshest and most recent aura of undisturbed consciousness in true harmony with the nature of our mother the earth and our true human nature. If we call a generation 25 years, 4 to the century, we as white fella have been here for as many as 8 generations

We live among those who are the living extension of possibly 4000 generations of undisturbed consciousness. These beings today are still treated the same as they were by the Mother invader; those who havent been killed off by the colonising attitude are shoved to the fringe and have money chucked at them. And Ozs righteous Christian British attitude allows us to condemn those who are not miraculously balanced and healed by the pouring on of our monies. In our True Human Nature, which we in Australia are beginning to feel bubbling and brewing in the deepest recess of our heart, in the dark corners of our conscience. We know this place has been treated as a colon and we know we have been an arsehole to the indigenous people of this land, we know that nothing has changed at the surface level, the colonising attitude still prevails, our institutions still pursue plundering of nature, desensitised to the nature of our mother the earth, desensitised to feeling her wilderness and how little we have of it left. We require as humans as much wilderness as we have cleverness to preserve, though only those with appreciation for our true human nature may begin to see this glaring obviousness. As natives of this land we are awakening to our aboriginality, thanks to the true natives the indigenous peoples of the dreaming. The living spirit of this continent affects all who live here. The dreaming is the mystical side of life, and represents goddess energy. The invaders and those who wear that attitude exist in an alien paradigm to true human nature. Male god dominated civilization has lost its true reflection, it has held up a male god and has worn the devil as its opposite for 2000 years, where as in fact it is the goddess who is the true opposite of god. The true opportunities offered by destiny to the white races when they first met indigenous Australians were far more than they may realise! Arrogant ego pride had the invaders belittle what they had not the spiritual maturity to understand about the indigenous natives; arrogant ego delusion had the invaders seek to enlighten the poor savages with church, religion and gun. Enthusiastically seeking to share with them their holy attitudes of suppression of women and desecration of nature. We lucky enough to be born amidst this aura of the discontinued consciousness; to be born among the ancient peoples of the freshest and most active connection to the aura of timelessness; may lead the entire world in re-awakening to our true human nature. We can be the enzymes of planetary change and enlightenment, we may lead the way in to exposing the duty we have as human beings to our very own selves, our planet and each other; to reconcile our separation from our true human nature, to have the national courage to say sorry to our collective sovereign human aboriginality. Now 2009 with the welcome to country heralding the endurance and goodness of the indigenous spirit, and the Sorry by the Prime Minister heralding reconciliation having reached our collective heart. So in message to the native indigenous, dont lose heart, change is a foot, genuine reconciliation is resonating amongst us, so also is responsibility for the warriors of the

indigenous folk to embrace completely their connection to the dreaming, and become the Shamans of planetary healing--------------

Come on guys our planet needs you!

RIDICULOUS NOTION no. 47 This ridiculous notion is that we may simply use due legal process to change the world This following notice of non attendance is an example of how we may, by simply stating clearly our sovereign human rights, demand that the systems that control our lives align with good conscience, and allow ourselves permission to not attend to laws and regulations that do not serve the common good.

NOTICE OF NON-ATTENDANCE TO Respondent Governments In Australia and else where FROM Claimant Ordinary every day humans

SUBJECT: Notice of non attendance to iniquitous and repugnant laws; pursuant to the failure of the powers that be to show just cause for attendance in their iniquitous and repugnant laws regulations and attitudes This legal notice of non-attendance, arises pursuant to the following facts


1.1. Bible prophesies Psalms 37.11. But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace

1.2 FACT we as ordinary humans are sovereign upon our mother the earth. We expect to enjoy freedom and liberty to exercise dominion of the most exalted kind; expect protection and preservation of our planet and our living communities, and aspire to the highest good. 1.3 FACT as sovereign humans we seek preservation, protection and enlightened enhancement, 3.1 Between the force of humanity and the power of nature 3.2 Between the living flesh of the mother earth in her wilderness and our human need to live in community, 3.3 Between our very real human need for provision of shelter, nourishment, health, love, and community and the very best of our common sense, and the very finest of our combined good conscience, 3.4 Between our ego and our spirit 1.4 As sovereign human we seek to be totally aligned, in perfect beat and rhythm as a harmonic melody with creation. To have access to our most exalted experiences 1.5 As sovereign individuals we are due these opportunities for Utter Good from the capabilities of all other humans 1.6 As human we are capable of focusing our energy in a very powerful way, it is our divine duty to have this human energy conform to the greatest good.. 1.7 FACT we as humans in our animality, exist at higher octave of expression to fellow animals we share existence with, our differences may be defined 1.7.1 by our having an intelligence that allows us to combine our focus and apply it in unity. 1.7.2 by our divinity, which is simply our potential for excellence; to magnify completely; the potential we have to imagine and pursue Utter Goodness; Our potential to aspire to and achieve Utter Goodness 1.7.3 by the real potential we have to pursue and achieve our divine right of experiencing fully our true human nature,,,, 1.7.4 by expectation of opportunity to live in the most intelligent and enlightened way possible, to create for all humans access to contributing to and enjoying our collective common Utter Goodness.

1.7.5 by our being noble creatures, displaying an excellence in mind and character 1.8.1 SAD FACT-------- as humans we have applied the most excellent potential of our intelligence to our collective raw animal nature 1.8.2 we as humans have used our divine intelligence to empower completely the basic instincts of our animal nature, to engage our rights pursuant to the laws of nature to operate as predators. of our planet, other animals and among our own kind 1.8.3 we have collectively used this law in fulfilling our basic animal instinct to take, possess, consume and have something or some body, and honour passionately all challenges in the process. We have accepted this law as our means of doing business, and running government. 1.8.4 at present upon our earth we have within our human collective mind attitudes being exercised by humans who have no regard or respect for their individual duties and responsibilities as humans to other humans, they use divine intelligence to empower their cleverness to control the flow, and access to our collective human common wealth with a predatory attitude of greed and self interest and use ruthlessly any unfair advantage. 1.8.5 at present humans are continuing a tradition of legislating laws and regulations that serve the greedy self interested, that do not honour the common good of all 1.8.5 example of animal predatory nature magnified with the immature use of divine intelligence, is the trillion-dollar army of the U.S.A. 1.9.1FACT our divinity has created holding and sorting places for our common wealth, the institutions of families tribes, community, associations, government, the judiciary, commerce and industry. It is in these places that our fellow humans as custodians, hold in trust our planetary resources and direct them to our human needs of protection and preservation of our planet and our living communities.

1.10 SAD FACT- at present these holding places for our collective human wealth are being managed and ruled by those who have been desensitised to their real human nature, who have lost sight of their goodness. Who have no regard for the duties they owe to their fellow humans, who have abused their positions of trust and indulged in greed and selfinterested control of the common wealth.

1.10.1 the attitude of the predatory self-interested greedy hoarders and hate creators has evaporated goodness from our communities and replaced it with fear. 1.10.2 Our people are not harmonious as they are not in communities that support them in true goodness

1.10.3 greed has blinded many people to their potential to experience their true human nature, 1.10.4 greed has had many organize the flow and trade of the common wealth of the planet to be stored and hoarded for their own self-interest. Creating a culture of exclusion, separation and isolation, the opposite of community. 1.11. SIMPLE FACT-------We all have a voice, we all have a legal entitlement to vote, we have a constitution that supports our right of referendum, we have sovereign right to define our collective will, we have divine right to determine our collective destiny. We have capacity and capability to register our vote. We may ask the questions and contribute our answers. We may command the unfolding. 2.CLAIMS 2.1 we know that particular humans in our history, and at present, while in control of the collective common wealth have claimed for them selves iniquitous portions of the common human wealth pursuant to laws they have created dishonestly themselves 2.2 we know we may by way of demonstration and protest not participate in or attend laws that are iniquitous or repugnant to our conscience 2.3 we as ordinary people, although we have been subject to these laws for generations and suffered their iniquitous repugnancy, we now, the ones who choose, declare we no longer attend those laws 2.4 we know that we as sovereign humans and members of the electors parliaments of Australia have our sovereign human rights protected in the systems own instruments of the King James bible, the Australian Constitution Act; the Magna Carta and others; our sovereignty is obvious in common sense and any imagining of divinity; we know we may stand strong in our righteousness 2.5 The wealth of our planet is for all humanity to share

2.6 Organised religion has failed to achieve peace or intelligence for mankind, failed to present simple definition of our true human nature, or present the notion of utter goodness 2.7 Greedy self-interested attitudes are in control of our institutions of government, judiciary, industry, commerce and media. 2.8 The present day attitude of government, justice industry and commerce is a continuation of the attitude that colonised Australia. It began as genocide and plunder, now it is a more covert contempt for the land and communities, by seeking profit thru quarrying a continent and controlling a population with iniquitous tax and summary offence laws. 2.9 the legislators of our laws have created statute law out of align with good conscience 2.10 we suffer laws that do not honour the common good of all 2.11 we suffer a justice system out of align with the common good, a justice directly proportional to wealth system 2.12 we suffer iniquitous taxation systems designed to support the greedy self-interested 2.13 we suffer the attitudes of the greedy self-interested to maintain a system that supports their riches and privileges, and becomes representative of us collectively as a nation 2.14 we are due human sovereignty from every human upon our earth! 2.15 we as humans have duties and responsibilities to our fellow humans 2.16 we as an elector and member of the honourable electors parliament have legal obligation to exercise our right of veto against repugnant laws 2.17 we as sovereign humans have duty to aspire to, and pursue with our combined efforts, to promote, provoke and demonstrate solution to these problems 2.18 the greater your riches, the greater your position of power the greater your responsibility to heed this notice; the greater your responsibility to honour divine intelligence, by managing your access of the flow of human common wealth in the most enlightened way for both yourself and humanity, a win-win situation; the greater your responsibility to demonstrate leading an example of accountability.

2.19 transformation to honouring the utter good by every single human will be easy; we promote a culture of intelligently questioning everything we are doing. Everyone is accountable 2.20 in our human divine intelligence, we enjoy excellent potential to collectively formulate and promote notions 2.20.1 that our whole world with consideration of our collective one mind; may seek to pursue utter goodness, 2.20.2 that all humans will be given opportunity to consider the notion of utter goodness 2.20.3 that our entire world create institutions dedicated to the simple notion of utter goodness, and they continually appraise publicly the virtue of every thing. 2.20.4 that we create means for all to aspire to collective loyalty devotion and dedication to fairness and peace, common law, common sense, common justice. 2.21 by virtue of the fact that this notice exists is testimony to the fact that our collective mind is moving to spiritualise back into our true human nature, to unite humanity in goodness and dissolve current attitudes restricting our collective harmony 3.DEMANDS 3.1 We demand that the popular media begins immediately a campaign that allows the leaders from commerce, industry, justice and government to be set up in public forum, to be questioned by the ordinary humans and led into discussion, debate and hypothesis of our collective quest to explore the notion of pursuing utter goodness. To explore and analyse the motivations and attitudes of our most powerful institutions and decision makers, and have these attitudes defined and the decision makers accountable... 3.2 We demand that all leaders of commerce and industry collaborate with the communities they serve and discuss, debate, explore ideas and hypothesis of our common duties and rights. 3.3 Immediately teach in schools human sovereignty, human rights, human duties and responsibilities, the laws of nature, the laws of human nature, the common law, commercial law, statute law and constitutional rights, and divinity our most excellent potential.

3.4 This transformation may proceed by not destroying our system but simply transforming completely its attitude; win win, us and our systems.. 3.5 We have the ability as humans to unite in common endeavour, history to this point displays we have united in countless endeavours for all sorts of selfish or deluded ends, We have also the ability to unite and pursue enlightened vision. 3.6 We demand that a whole area of media, a whole television genre called Utter Goodness be dedicated to the broadcasting of the various areas of discussion revue, analysis, and hypothesis of the motives and attitudes of all our institutions and leaders and the application of the notion of utter goodness.. 3.7 All leaders when challenged will volunteer report of their understandings of our common human duties to utter goodness and their visions for accomplishing it. 3.8 We demand that referendum become a regular component to the determining of our collective destiny. 3.9 We demand that the tool of referendum be promoted and educated to the people as becoming the fundamental means to direct government. 3.10 we demand that the matters arising from the actions in result to non attendance of repugnant or iniquitous laws and regulations be resolved in referendum

4TAKE NOTICE; the members of our communities seeking profession in our systems of government, justice, and police force of our nation, you as living souls, holding positions of trust as public servants in our living collective organs Hold you position of trust under oath or under affirmation, as servants of Honourable Electors, that are entitled to vote for members of the Australian Federal and State Parliaments, which electors comprise the Electors Parliaments of Australia 4.1 god as understood by enlightened beings as simply being everything that is, that can be perceived, conceived and imagined

4.2 the understanding that we are each and every one of us equally a living cell of the all and each share duty and responsibility to aspire to our greatest integrity in our every interaction with any other living soul or service in the living organs of our collective body of justice and government 4.3 the understanding that we have duty to contribute to the enlightening of our collective body at individual, family, tribe, community, town, city, state, national and global levels 4.4 the understanding that any living soul serving as a public servant would choose to honour and serve the common good of their communities first 4.5 the understanding as public servant you are duty bound to serve and benefit the interests of your community

TAKE NOTICE 5.You are invited to volunteer a personal declaration of the attitudes and motivations supported and worn in your life in general and in service. 5.1 are invited to participate in public analysis, debate, discussion and hypothesis of our collective attitudes and motivations; explore the notion of utter goodness and its application to planet and Communities, and find definition of the questions we will address in referendum. 6 TAKE NOTICE that as an Honourable Electors entitled to vote for a member of the Senate and the House of Representatives and for a member of the Legislative Assembly we have, 6.1 rights as sovereign humans pursuant to divine law, natural law, common sense, common law, the laws of nature and human nature. 6.2 rights as Electors pursuant to; natural Law and Common Law; the Australian Constitution, and other grounds. 6.3 rights of sanction as sovereign humans and electors, 6.1.1 to uphold and act upon our beliefs and/or 6.1.2 to uphold and act upon our conscience and/or uphold and act upon our duties as an Elector and/or make political protest and to make improvements in the current statue laws and operation of our organs of government, justice and police

6.4 duty as a sovereign humans and electors to honour legal obligations to exercise our right of veto against repugnant laws, and exercise non attendance against all repugnant and iniquitous laws 6. 5 (a) we have no contract to, or have had credible notices to attend laws that are not in align with good conscience, common sense, common law, (b) we do not accept liability of the compelled benefit of any unrevealed contract or agreement (c) we will not be compelled to operate under any agreement that was not entered knowingly or voluntarily and intentionally 7 TAKE NOTICE that failure to respond to the aforesaid demands or to demonstrate a proper defence against all the facts upon which these demands are founded then it shall be taken that the respondent, Admits the facts as said are correct and Admits that the claim arising from those facts are proper and reasonable and Admits that the demands of this Notice of Non Attendance may be complied with and Admits that the claimant is entitled if necessary to apply to the court, without further notice, for judgement for orders pursuant to the demands as herein stated 8 TAKE NOTICE that we the ordinary humans are willing to attend to defend any legitimate matters arising from our non attendance to iniquitous and repugnant laws, wherein a prima fascia case has been demonstrated to challenge the facts aforementioned. To satisfy a prima fascia case, we require that an affidavit in support of a complaint be served pursuant to the law.

9 TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to the aforesaid facts, we require that the governments heed this notice in due course. If you fail to reply and give notice in response publicly to our communities then it shall be taken that 1.there is no evidence of a prima fascia case requiring humans to attend iniquitous and repugnant laws 2.that not withstanding the existence of prima fascia case that any proceeding regarding this matter shall be presented in public forum, and be reconciled in referendum.

You remain my humble servant, --------- The Ordinary Every Day Australian Human

Ridiculous Notion no.15

This ridiculous notion has been inspired by participating in that part of our Australian culture that would be described as, those who would avail themselves of healing by the altered states offered by the use of certain herbs or plants from nature This ridiculous notion is response to present attitude expressed by our collective organs of government and justice to thinkers, those who access their divine right to expand their imagination and the evolution of their consciousness. Our governing systems use our natural human predilection to amplify our imaginations as means to harvest dishonestly revenue from we the people; until that is it can prove clearly that its efforts of revenue extraction is being invested into wide spread endeavours of educating the proper and enlightened use of substance i.e. alcohol, marijuana and hallucinogens; I give loving thanks for the insights and revelations, for the living experience enjoyed exploring the limitlessness of my mind offered by relationship with the living herbs of our mother/father the earth. The construction of this notion is largely drawn from (found on the Internet)
Vices Are Not Crimes: A Vindication of Moral Liberty By LYSANDER SPOONER [1875]


This notice of integrity challenge arises pursuant to the following facts As living souls enjoying the hazards of living a life upon this shared planet we have inalienable rights and duties to access altered states of consciousness via the agents of the living herbs and plants of our Mother Earth. Living souls have a duty to think and use their imaginations and access any thing that will enhance or magnify the use of these inherent human faculties. The following points are questions needing official answers to clarify the integrity behind the motivations intentions and attitudes of present herb prohibition laws Legal maxim-Qui bene interrogat, bene docet. He who questions well, learns well.

Legal maxim-Idem est nihil dicere et insufficienter dicere. It is the same thing to say nothing and not to say it sufficiently..

A... Our individual and collective rights and duties in this matter may be described in these exserts from the bible as our justice system recognises and uses the King James Bible as a foundation stone of the laws and ethics that underlie the operating of our living communities and national culture. A.1 Genisis chapter one verse 12 [king James] And the earth brought forth grass and herb yielding seed after its kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself after its kind: and god saw that it was good A.2 god makes the earth yield healing herbs, which the prudent man should not neglect sirach: 38:4 catholic bible A.3 not that which goeth into a mouth defileth a man; that which cometh out of the mouth defileth a man Jesus quoted, matt.15:11 A.4 in later times some shall speak lies in hypocrisy commanding to abstain from that which god hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth Paul; 1 tim 4;1

B. these recognised maxims of law and common sense. Maxim- An established principle or proposition. A principle of law universally admitted, as being just and consonant with reason B.1 We have basic human right to inquire, investigate, reason, experiment, judge and figure out for our self the energies of virtue and vice. Our only gauge we have in our each unique individual being is our ability to judge our own happiness or lack there of. As we journey into knowledge, wisdom and understanding of our self and our relationship with our humanity and our reality we require the right to experiment and discover in our own experience all that will enlighten us; all that will lead to knowing our greater purpose and duty in life, all that will reveal the bigger picture of who we are and the universe we are all a part of. B.2 while living and experiencing our life we are constantly commercing and negotiating the fundamental laws of our human nature while driven by our desire for happiness, and the aversion of pain. For our own physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual

protection, we require to rely upon our own judgment of our own experience to determine what will give us happiness or deliver us from pain. No two of us are wholly alike, physically, mentally, or emotionally; or, consequently, in our physical, mental, or emotional requirements for the acquisition of happiness, and the avoidance of unhappiness. No one of us, therefore can learn this indispensable lesson of happiness and unhappiness, of virtue and vice, for another. We each may learn it for our own self. To learn it, we may be at liberty to try all experiments that comment themselves to this judgement. Some of our experiments succeed, and, because they succeed, are called virtues; others fail, and, because they fail, are called vices. We gather wisdom as much from failure as from success; from our so-called vices and socalled virtues. Both are necessary for acquisition of knowledge in our own experience; knowledge of our own nature and that of our world; knowledge of the adaptations or nonadaptations we require to relate to each other. Our journey thru experience will reveal how happiness is acquired, and pain avoided. Unless we can be permitted to try these experiments to our own satisfaction, we are restrained from the acquisition of knowledge, and, consequently, from pursuing the great purpose and duty of this life. B.3 It is a maxim of the law that there can be no crime without a criminal intent; that is, without the intent to invade the person, property, right or liberty of another. No one ever practises a vice with any such criminal intent. We practice vice for our own happiness solely, and not from any malice toward others. B.4 legal maxim-. Rights never die. Government and justice are our servants and when legislating in total honesty guarantee our inalienable rights B.5 legal maxim- Law is the rule of right What is right in this matter, government and justice are invited to offer definition B.6 legal maxim-Nothing against reason is lawful Our systems may offer good reason for the way they presently operate. B.7 It is a fraud to conceal a fraud Our organs of government have a hidden agenda in regard to the illegality of marijuana and other herbs, while not actively and deliberately promoting the education of proper and enlightened use of herbs, while not actively and deliberately guiding so called offenders to education and healing as an alternative to revenue extraction and criminalization. B.8 legal maxim-The proof lies upon him who affirms not on him who denies Our organs of government and justice have made affirmation with prohibition and

criminalizing the use of hemp and other herbs and require to provide clear explanation as to the virtue of criminalized prohibition B.9 For a government to declare a vice to be a crime, and to punish it as such, is an attempt to falsify the very nature of things. It is as absurd as it would be to declare truth to be falsehood, or falsehood truth. B.9.1 Vices are those acts by which a living soul harms himself or his property. B.9.2 Crimes are those acts by which one living soul harms the person or property of another, or interferes with the rights or liberty of on other.

B.10 We as a living soul enjoying the hazards of this life are under no obligation to take anybody's word, or yield to anybody's authority, on a matter so vital as the knowledge and experience beyond this reality. The opinions of others are unreliable, as they do not agree. When exercising right to inquire, investigate, reason, experiment, judge and figure out for our self the energies of virtue and vice we may discover vice and virtue are a question of degree; what is virtue for one is vice for another. The definitions of virtue and vice have therefore been as various and as infinite, as the varieties of mind, body, and condition of the different individuals inhabiting the globe. And the experience of ages has left an infinite number of these definitions unsettled. In fact, it can scarcely be said to have settled any of them. B.11 Every human being has his or her vices. Nearly all men have a great many; and they are of all kinds; physiological, mental, emotional; religious, social, commercial, industrial, economical, etc., etc. If our organs of government and justice are to take cognisance of any of these vices, and punish them as crimes, then, to be consistent, it may take cognisance of all, and punish all impartially. The consequence would be, that everybody would be in prison for his of her vices. There would be no one left outside to lock the doors upon those within. In fact, courts enough could not be found to try the offenders, nor prisons enough built to hold them. All human industry in the acquisition of knowledge, and even in acquiring the means of subsistence, would be arrested: for we should all be under constant trial or imprisonment for our vices. But even if it were possible to imprison all the vicious, our knowledge of human nature tells us that, as a general rule, they would be far more vicious in prison than they ever have been out of it.

B maxim- The power which is derived cannot be greater than that from which it is derived. Derativa potestas non potest esse major primitiva It is a natural impossibility for our organs of government to have a right to punish living souls for their vices; because it is impossible that a government should have any rights, except such as the individuals composing it had previously as individuals. They could not delegate to a government any rights, which they did not themselves possess. They could not contribute to the government any rights, except such, as any living soul possesses as an individual. B 13 A fool or an impostor pretends that he, as an individual, has a right to punish other men for their vices. All living souls have a natural right, as individuals, to punish other men for their crimes; for everybody has a natural right not only to defend his own person and property, rights and liberty against aggressors but also to go to the assistance and defence of another; this is a right without which men could not exist on the earth. B 14 current attitudes of our organs of government and justice have no rightful existence, except in so far as they embody the natural rights of the individual. The attitude that a fiction in the form of the corporation of government has some natural right to decide what are virtues, and what are vices for other living souls; or has some natural right to determine and rule that which contributes to a living souls happiness or that which does not; and then to punish for all that does not align with the defined virtues; is the sickness we are endeavouring to evaporate from our living organs of government and justice with this notice. It is only those who claim that government has some rightful power, which no individual or individuals ever had, or ever could honestly delegate to it, that claim that government has any rightful power to punish vices.

B 15 It is only those persons who have either little capacity, or little disposition, to enlighten, encourage, or aid mankind, that are possessed of this violent passion for governing, commanding, and punishing vice. If instead of standing by, and giving their consent and sanction to all the laws by which living souls are first plundered, oppressed, and disheartened, and then punished as a criminal; they would turn their attention to the duty of defending our rights and improving our conditions, and of thus strengthening us, enlightening us, and enabling us all to stand on our own feet, and withstand the temptations that surround us. The object aimed at in the punishment of crimes is to secure, to each and every living soul

alike, the fullest liberty we can possibly have - consistently with the equal rights of others to pursue our own happiness, under the guidance of our own judgement, and by the use of our own property. On the other hand, the object aimed at in the punishment of vices, is to deprive every living soul of our natural right and liberty to pursue our own happiness, under the guidance of our own judgement, and by the use of our own property.

B 16 legal maxim- Actio exteriora indicant interiora secreta. External actions show internal secrets. The actions and attitudes displayed in every day life by government and justice reveal the integrity of the beings serving us; the actions and attitudes displayed reveal motivation and hidden agenda, the health or sickness of our collective organs. B17 Accessorium non ducit sed sequitur suum principale. The accessory does not lead, but follow its principal. The living organs of government and justice are accessory to the principles of the dignity of mankind and our rights of liberty and justice B 18 Cujus est commodum ejus debet esse incommodum. He who receives the benefit should also bear the disadvantage .government is in profit of the spoils of having certain substances illegal, and requires to bear the disadvantage of being venue and structure to heal any that may fall victim to the abuses of substance

B 19 our imagination is the most beautiful gift we as a living soul have been given from what or where ever. Many have experienced the limitless beauty and adventure of their mind and its ability to dream and connect to the dreaming, what ever that is. Its simply totally excellent to have one. To explore our inner limitlessness human traditions has it we will, when it suits us, amplify our imagination and our feelings with the assistance of an agent. How dare any other living soul interfere with the imagination of an other. Currit tempus contra desides et sui juris contemptores. Time runs against the slothful and those who neglect their rights. Prudent action is called for by all living souls to arrest the evaporation of our civil liberties

in exchange for the notions of need of security propagandised by the greedy few.


Legal Maxim 1. a lien or claim can be satisfied only through rebuttal by sworn affidavit point by point By someone rebutting your affidavit with another affidavit of his own point by point until the matter is resolved, in case of non-resolution 2. Resolution by jury 3. By payment Legal Maxim: "if the plaintiff does not prove his case, the defendant is absolved".

C 1 living souls claim that presently our collective organs of justice and government are operating out of align with good conscience while criminalizing and revenue extorting vices for monies from fellow living souls. C 2 our collective organs of government and justice are fraudulent in their motivations to have illegal such herbs as hemp

C 3.our collective organs of government and justice are imposing laws out side of their jurisdiction when criminalizing vice; they do not embody or reflect the natural rights of an individual. C 3.1 Legal Maxim-a judge who exceeds his office of jurisdiction no obedience is due----------------------Judici officium suum excedenti non paretur

DEMANDS D1 good conscience and good will to all mankind demand that the popular media begins immediately a campaign that allows the leaders from justice and government to be set up in public forum, to be questioned by fellow living souls and led into discussion, debate and hypothesis to answer point by point this and other notices. To explore and analyse the motivations and attitudes of our most powerful institutions and decision makers, and have the attitudes highlighted in this notice defined, and the decision makers made accountable... D 2 Integrity demands that all leaders of justice and government collaborate with the communities they serve to discuss, debate, explore ideas and hypothesis of our common duties and rights to educate and heal our relationship with vice. D 3 common sense demands we immediately teach in our communities enlightened understanding of, and relationship to all outlawed herbs, D 4 economy demands this transformation proceeds by not destroying our system but simply transforming completely its attitude; win-win, us and our systems.. D 5 collective conscience demands that a whole area of media, a whole television genre called Utter Goodness be dedicated to the broadcasting of the various areas of discussion revue, analysis, and hypothesis of the motives and attitudes of all our institutions and leaders and their understanding of the claims of this and other notices. D 6 enlightened example of integrity demands all leaders when challenged will volunteer report of their understandings of our common human duties to having our organs of government and justice operate to guide the abuse of consciousness altering agents to healing and education not revenue extortion. D 7 acknowledgment of our divinity demands that referendum become a regular component to the determining of our collective destiny; that the tool of referendum be promoted and educated to the people as becoming the fundamental means to direct government and justice in this and other matters. D 8 retribution demands lifting of all penalties, criminal and civil, and all restraints upon

the cultivation and use of all herbs offered to all living souls by nature. Prisoners being held for the peaceful possession, sale, transport or cultivation of any herb be released immediately. Money and property seized may be returned, criminal records may be wiped clean, reparations paid for time served. D 9 human evolution demands restoration and unbiased expansion of our national archives and historical records on hemp and other herbs and their valuable uses. D 10 humility demands we honour our own integrity and focus upon utter goodness D 11 personal honour demands all public servants acknowledge

The living organs of our collective national body are seeking to spiritualise into an enlightened example to the world of nations. Our living organs of government and justice are extensions of our divinity as living souls, and our divinity may be understood simply as our most magnificent potential Nothing less than the greatest integrity and dignity of mankind is expected of those holding honourable positions as public servants.

D 12 spirit says Could you blame a man for needing to alter his state, when all said and done we are simply All living souls endeavouring to rise above the western civilised, primordial mire of ego delusion

Take notice those of us who serve in our living organs of justice and government if in due corse the points stated here in are not willingly answered, than you Admit you are not fit to remain in your position as public servant Admit you are in contempt of your duty to preserve and protect the values of the dignity of mankinds rights to freedom, sovereignty and self-determination Admits you do not comprehend that human rights are not granted by any earthly power, but are inherent in the nature of all living souls, because they are inherent in our creation. Admit you are in contempt of the health of our collective living organs, and consequently reflect that lack of health back into our living communities and your own individual life. Admit you exist in a paradigm of polarity, division, separation, force and fear; not unity and joy of spirit Admit you are either selfishly or apathetically undermining the quality of life to be enjoyed by your own grandchildren

Admit you behold limited visions of war, struggle and oppression for our planet, not a total healing and unity of mankind Admit you have lost sight of your own divinity and its reflection in our collective body Admit you have desensitised to your true human nature of utter goodness Admit you are still coming to terms with reconciling your Ego and your spirit.


The sweetness of life, everyday a romantic adventure of mystical proportions, a never ending unfolding of earthly delights, seeking to cultivate a way of being where we are able to simply love in wonder our each and every unfolding moment; to be open hearted to all reflections we may meet and open minded to limitless notions of what life may be . It is in our own personal catalog of notions we begin this adventure personal integrity audit, what are your notions of love and love energy, and how are you positioned psychologically and emotionally to imbibe a deeper experience of loving your each unfolding moment. Let us ponder what it means to be meek, and understand the virtues of being simply an ordinary human enjoying the adventure of life. Let us articulate the meek, that part of our collective herd identified in the bible as the inheritors of the earth. Humble patient, gentle, kind, soft and mild, this is what the dictionary says, and also in a negative it describes the meek also as overly submissive, compliant, tame, spiritless, docile as under provocation from others. The meek represent unity consciousness, an all inclusive unconditional nurture, selfishly selfless, enjoying in simplicity the unfolding and responding with the cosmic power of allowance. Acceptance has the meek seen as being compliant, tame, spiritless, and docile, but their core of patient gentle kindness awaits the separated egos return from adventures in separation, division, destruction war and obliteration so it may lend its great spirit to unity. In this cosmic endgame there is two distinct possibilities we may all face together, the current play out of the cancerous tumor control of our collective organs of corporation, governance, and justice which will bring a imbalanced polarity of self interested greed dominating and oppressing the meek. OR the enlightenment of we all having found balance of integrity and enter becoming more than the sum of our parts. Never before in our recorded history have we come to such an ethereal point. Australia is at the fore front of the spiritual evolution and maturity of the collective mind of mankind, this is evident in its national affirmation of reconciliation and our national sorry to the symbol of our collective spiritual self in the aboriginal people of this land. The nature of reconciliation is the playing balance of the cosmic law of the progression of contraries and the law of sustenance/sustainability. In this dance of the opposites light and dark, good and bad, male and female, as contrary forces seek to dance in equal and

opposite balance so they may become more than the sum of their parts, so they become self sustaining. The law of perpetual motion is the equal and opposite use of contrary forces! To ponder a perspective of the attitudes at play in our present society, we may observe ordinary mankind in material consciousness when growing toward the good displays a balanced benign ego personality of meek conforming, accepting and allowing; when man has fallen into delusion he displays the self interested greedy ego of domination and control; and cosmically evolving from this dance of opposites is spiritual mankind expressing attitude of soul centered ego expression, of love and sweetness. The vegetable kingdom expresses the sweetness of spiritual attainment in its fruit and flowers. We may observe in expression and behavior of attitudes revelation of what paradigm of existence a being is projecting into our shared reality. with careful ponder of the following simplistic integrity audit attitude gage.

Benign Ego Personality Present Collective Society Unity consciousness The New Society Self-interested greedy ego Present governing structures corporations Annihilation Self-interest Greed Conniving Destruction Prohibitive Convoluted Control Inconsistent Dis-continue Finish Dictate Deception Lies Agenda

Materiality Service Appropriate Competent Construction Conditional Complex Conformist Consistent Continuous Finite Diction Education Facts Formula

Spirituality Grace Abundance Passionate Growth Un-conditional Simple Creator Paradoxical Episodic Infinite Notion Learning Truth Principals

Moral Love Social Religious Schedule Liberty Law Reflective Loan Governance Ignorance Serfdom

Loving Kindness Romance Individual Gnostic Rhythm Freedom Self responsibility Luminous Share Sovereignty Sovereignty Sovereignty

Immoral Hate Prison Demonic Agenda Tyranny Statutory regulations Darkness Steal Oppression Bondage Slavery

In our dance of reconciliation we are endeavoring to unite in consciousness our deeply unconscious instinctual nature and our inherent potentially conscious spiritual nature. When these polarities of our consciousness find balance in the heart we may see our sharing of the abundant joy of the middle path, the tao. During our process of finding joyous harmonious balance we may survey our lives and ensure we neither entertain nor indulge in the following emotions states

Human Form is the vessel which may carry Spirit or separateness Psychology is the vessel which may carry Soul or soullessness Emotion is the vessel which may carry Love or fear Words are the vessels which carry thoughts Hands are the vessels which carry will
Unlimited thinking invokes the opening of the inner organs and their consequent flowing of hormones to grow the finer nervous structures of our brain and all sensitivities, our emotional vibe worn has a direct affect upon the ability to grow the finer nervous structure needed to enlighten.

Lust Licentiousness Ingratitude Despair Malice

Burns Softens Shuts off the Light Encrusts

Rancor Shame Condemnation Indifference Hatred Envy Anger Vengeance Vindictiveness Jealousy Greed Salaciousness Meanness Fretfulness Restlessness Gloom Despondency Discontent Fear Voluptuousness Cruelty Sullenness

Tears Kills Starves Withers Rots Consumes Contracts Eat in to

Dries up Unsteady Deadens Wears Paralysis Anxiety Wastes Scars Stifles

From Thinking and Destiny- Harold Percival

Whereas when we deliberately install and emote these following emotions we bring balance, vitality and strength to our nervous structures. Allowance, courage, affirmation, release, trust, neutrality, inspiration, hope, forgiveness, understanding, reason, willingness, mercy, reverence And when we have won balance in our being we are able to naturally and effortlessly emanate in our illumination wisdom, love, revelation, joy, optimism, oneness, serenity, peace, meaning, harmony, rhythm, melody, colour, humour, grace, eternity and immortality. We may gage also in our personal experience what sweetness we enjoy in our life adventure. What is sweet for our soul is intimacy, deep satisfying sharing and communication, in an

ego less, fun, being simply yourself way; like when you share and communicate with a baby we know how to experience this, when we share and communicate with effective and vital lovers and close family or tribe. Out side of our realms of lovers, family and tribe we mainly resist the joyous banter of intimate down to earth sharing and communication with the people of our community. Outside our comfort zone many potential love experiences exist, many ways of exploring discovering knowing invoking, provoking and inspiring intimate sweetness. Each and every meeting with a part of your reflection may reveal simple though amazing clues to your own unfoldment. Simple laws govern our ability to navigate a harmonious and enjoyably rhythmic unfolding of our each and every unique and individual life adventure. Open heart and an open mind, allows access to sweetness, and simple insight in the amount of sweetness you seek in sugar for your body is directly proportional to the amount of sweetness you are not harvesting for you soul. ,Artificial light fills our homes and cities, artificial light does not satisfy the soul, when the soul is not satisfied we enter depression of spirit. Pure sunlight and naked flame in the diet is essential for soul nourishment. In meta physics the sun is symbol of our very own spirit, and to be with it and reflect upon our very own personal luminosity is to honour the sun and its presence and mystery, and our personal glowing into our romantic adventure of mystical proportions. Our very own life adventure is where we may cultivate and harvest, light and love, harmony rhythm and balance, joy, laughter, abundance and sharing. We as a herd are suffering a collective depression which is disguised by our artificially stimulated hypnotism by modern technological toys, and foods. Living in artificial light and accepting artificial stimulation does not satisfy our soul. For many depression is being medicated by the pharmaceutical corporations, who harvest revenue from symptoms of our souls sadness, not at all contributing to healing of the cause. Our systems have failed us, they have souled out to the self interested separated greedy paradigm of the separated ego,,, the ego separated from the unity of spirit. So many of us have accepted and allowed the attitudes and opinions of the separated ego in charge of governments and commerce to establish their own self interested greedy soul destroying paradigm to become our laws . We live in a labyrinth of dishonest and predatory laws, designed only for the harvest of profit and life force for a greedy few. In this allowed oppression we feel to have lost our power to be good to ourselves and each other in more meaningful and heart warming , soul enjoying ways. We feel to have lost our sovereignty to greedy others who have no concern for the individuals who exist outside of those whom they create profit for. There comes a time in your life, when you may see and realize the power to enjoy sweet

goodness in daily life in the simplest ways exists within you already, that the power to invoke and enjoy a laughing sweetness is simply an open expression from your heart. Many share a vibe of feeling down trodden, as that is exactly what many have come to accept and allow in collective life. Down trodden with the pressures of the workings of money, the costs of having a house and possessions, the cost of having a house and possessions now days is permanent enslavement to a job by both parents, all living in separation from each other, negatively stressing the souls emotional connection to life and world . Our collective depression lays also in our self forgetting, carrying the burden of issues of self esteem and confidence. The dishonest notions of organized religion has distracted our separated egos away from our enlightenment. Simply because the organization of the church is not an organ of light, it is a dark shadow soon to be transformed, as quickly and potently as a torch in a dark cupboard,

Love is light, and the light carries grace, embrace, joy, humour, happiness, imagination and a smiling connection to our most magnificent potentials. Unbridled love has no boundaries or limits and is a dance with chaos. It is the realm of the unconditional, open minded, open hearted sweet seeker And the most ridiculous notion

Ridiculous notion no. 1.61803398874-----

PHI, the golden mean, the divine proportion The phi code as an inalienable truth of nature is the mathematics of ascension and why this number was chosen for this notion.

The notion of ascension, for the uninitiated to this wild idea is that we may in our living human body explore imaginings of our physical immortality, of continuing to evolve our being conscious beyond our mortality; to actually not die but simply change our vibrational frequency and return to being light, thought and then pure consciousness. To entertain this notion you will need to wear a joyous fools attitude for embracing the ridiculous; the only safe way to extend beyond the paradoxes of this life. Many writings abound in our lifescape espousing speculations of our possible collective fates. Massive changes of many descriptions are being offered for our pondering, What might I expect or anticipate for the apparent unfolding, how might I approach my life adventure with consideration of the themes found in ancient wisdom and channelled

messages? Ascension is the notion that we may rise above. To rise above is to be over and beyond, to have an eagle eye view, to see more the larger picture, to have a greater clarity, to know and understand more about what it is that we are rising above. So the popular notion of ascension that is popping up more as the years go by, suggests we as a living soul accumulating life experience in our each and every life adventure may rise above life as we know it; to remember who we are and reappraise our life adventure with a perspective beyond mortal boundaries, beyond time and space. It is not energy of escape, as when you rise above there is nothing to escape from, the clarity won simply reveals more to embrace. Now with what energy, what attitude are you choosing to wear to win your ascension? Divine intelligence is available to all living souls and may be applied to any notion through any attitude you may care to wear, good or bad. So written below is a beginning set of touchstones gleaned from a good sniff thru popularised presentations and interpretations of ancient wisdoms; sniffs thru a number of the channelled works available and simply chewing upon the notion for myself, for my own enjoyment. Create your own wildest dreams and fantasies of utter goodness for yourself and for all with whom we share this life adventure Choose to wear an attitude of rising above self as a human and raise above the limitations of the world we are collectively responsible for and raise to the challenge of healing our minds our lives our communities our nations and our mother the earth.

TOUCH STONES 0. accept your destiny, own it completely; to this point; this moment of your choosing; then journey armed with strong muscles of Self responsibility, integrity, dignity, and honour into the dreaming. Cultivate as much timelessness into your life adventure as you are able. Timelessness allows being in the moment and simply be, doing has us ever leaning into the future. 1Protect your spark, never give your power away to another, be aware as to who you share the power of your spirit with. In our early life our parents or guardians, mentors and

teachers are our directors and the partially conscious architects of our character. Do not give your power away to any belief structure; in your life adventure experience, investigate, experiment, accept, absorb, analyse, deduct and know for your self. Believe Nothing Accept Everything. 2 see every one as a living reflection of who you are, and know each and every one has a peace of your puzzle to offer. 3 understand the principles of love and apply with all your will power love into your life adventure. To love is to unconditionally accept the evolution of all others; Love is the universal energy of expansion, inclusion, compassion, grace, sharing, beauty and light; Love is the glow of your luminosity; Love is the good you feel in your body, your feelings and life adventure. 4 self-reflect and develop an ever clearer understanding of your self and your attitudes, opinions, limitations, fears, aversions and judgements. 5 be vigilant and stalk your every action and reaction, know clearly your own motivations and intentions in every aspect of your life. Consciously craft an ascension attitude. 6 nurture all your sensitivities, be tuned into all that your life scape reflects. All the vibes, all the messages coming from all the beings with whom you make contact; from the check out chick who tabs your groceries to your guru, be especially thankful for those who push your buttons, who aggravate or annoy; objective reflection of them and your reactions will reveal insight 7 nurture and protect your living body and its sensitivities by living in the purist way your cleverness may allow. Find simple organic nourishment; moderately eliminate all else. 8 be cognisant of the wholeness of your life and your connection to all; be cognisant of your evolving degree of being conscious, lovingly rising above, rising above, rising above. 9 wear an attitude of permaculture in the environment of our living planet, your home, your workspace and your community. Create permaculture in your garden, in your street in your neighbourhood, learn from nature and extend permaculture into community, government, justice, industry and commerce, it is a universal law aching to be aligned with. 10 Be involved in your community in any way that allows your unique individual healing skills and talents to find joyous earth. No matter how simple your contribution, it is the attitude with which you give that gives you power. 11 gravitate into groups of like mind; rediscover the virtues of being part of a tribe, clan, or a mob; enjoy sharing this life adventure.

12 consume and become inspired by many ridiculous notions of utter goodness 13 Physical Death will be the most amazing highlight moment of your conscious life. Know your mind and become disciplined to always use limitless thinking in every moment 14 explore the dreaming; develop your ability to lucid dream. 15 become aware of the avatars and emulate their application to reality, fake it till you make it. Glow your luminosity with bold imagination. 16 develop clarity of integrity and challenge where it may be lacking in the reflections you have contact with, practice unconditional respect to all living reflections. 17 know that when the messages from the ancients and the channels say the world is coming to an end simply means the World, as we know it. When you have a paradigm shift, it allows you to experience your same life and situations from a new perception and therefore the end of one world and the beginning of another; exactly the same and completely different at the same time. What we may anticipate is an enormous change in our collective mind, a far-reaching paradigm shift by millions that will affect us all. 18 Earth changes come and go our earth has been changing for billions of years, our cosmos eternally. Remember earth as element is our structure in body and character and it is also in a state of constant change. Go with it. 19 Keep context with the fact that our lives even at 100 years are a minute fraction of time. 20 ever evolve your knowing that ascension is possible and available for all who exist, when we all choose to change existing in limited paradigms; we might all choose to imagine this notion in to our knowing. 21 laugh as much as you are able, practice random acts of kindness, and feel the magic of wanting ascension to happen..... 22. surround your self and your world with golden light. White light and darkness are a polarity; gold is unity. ---Tao middle path is gold.

.......If at first you dont succeed, try-try again
Vedic Mathematics In recent months I made the serendipitous discovery of Vedic maths, This form of maths has existed for a few thousand years and comes from the Vedas the holy books of India This system of maths is what is described as right brain maths. This means that our artistic, creative, right brain exercises its skills of pattern recognition and intuition to solve the numerical and geometric puzzles presented to us in infinite variation, from our living universe. If we are able to feel a recognition of the patterns which exist in our life and planet, we will feel a certain connection, to life, love and law, if we feel a certainty in our life we may enjoy being centred and being centred we may enjoy peace of mind peace of mind grants access to intuition intuition is the living intelligence of our heart. So if you have come thru the school system and havent enjoyed or got it with maths; its probably because you are more naturally a right brain person. This form of maths allows the student to develop their mind into a living calculator. This work is essential for the empowering of our children So they may rise above with their Limitlesssmile our modern dysfunctional material civilization. So they may recover memory of the living mathematics of nature So they may discover, and experience through maths their sacred geometrical connection to All Jain has created the --Living mathematics of Nature and --Jain Mathemagics Curriculum for the Global School and much more. The work of Jain maybe checked out and accessed at the website at top of page. ( I have bought the lot, I consider the set of books good investment at $500 . for the empowering of my child. It is the core of our home schooling) Testimony of how good this stuff is, it was banned in Queensland Schools, our systems material ego dominance is too immature to comprehend the value of this work, seems to be actually scared of it

I Have soaked my mind in the puddles of words by these Authors, and Artists Harold W. Percival Mantak and Maneewan Chai Keith Courtney Peto Ayn Rand Dane Rudhyar Alan Oken Alan Leo Stephen Arroyo I.K.Taimni Rodney Collin Carl Jung Stanislav Grof Robert Lawlor Deepac Chopra James Redfield Jason C Lotterhand Fritrov Capra Joseph Goldstein, Jack Kornfield Aleister Crowley Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, Henry Lincoln Stuart Wilde Kev Carmody Henry Renyolds Mudrooroo Timothy Leary Carlos Castaneda Victor Sanchez Barry Long Zachary Zaimus Malcolm Mcclure Mary Elizabeth Croft Robert-Arthur:Menard David Icke Jordon Maxwell Jain And many more

11 10 9




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Fire 1-10

Water 1-10

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Water warrio r Tribal Elder Water

Earth warrio r Tribal Elder



Elder Air

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Earth Mother Earth


empero r

Earth Mother Air

Earth Mother Fire

Earth Mother Water



Child Air

Child Fire

Child Water

Child Earth

empres s



magicia n

univers e



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