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SCIP 2011 was a tremendous opportunity for us to

exchange ideas and

best practices with our CI colleagues. More than just an event, it will now be a regular part of our CI planning activities.

27th Annual

Program Director, World Class Selling, MICROSOFT CORPORATION | This is the most comprehensive event for Strategic & Competitive Intelligence Professionals globally. Besides providing attendees the unique



to follow the latest trends in CI related topics and to

network with key

industry personalities, colleagues and service providers, its also the only event with attendants from academia! Senior Manager, Strategic & Competitive Intelligence, PFIZER AUSTRALIA I derive a great deal of |


from the best-practice sharing provided at this event. The sessions keep getting better and better each year I attend and Ive just celebrated my 5th year as a participant! Global Competitive Intelligence, MONSTER | Im a first year attendee, I was

amazed by the

variety of sessions offered and the learning I was able to capture and compare with my peers. Marketing Specialist, SIEMENS MEDICAL

SOLUTIONS USA, INC. | Like a candy

May 14 -17, 2012 Philadelphia, PA Philadelphia Marriott Downtown

house (for CI) there is so much to pick from, but its all good, and satisfies ones need to contacts. Planning

gain insights and

Director, Research, Corporate THOMAS


PUBLISHING COMPANY, LLC | I have been doing CI for the last three years. The SCIP event has allowed me to



go to the next level:

put in place

new techniques, best practices

while being supported by a professional network. Senior Research Analyst, TAIT RADIO COMMUNICATIONS

Schedule-at-a-glance is preliminary and will be updated as information becomes available.
SCIP 2012 brings you a powerful and dynamic agenda: 5 tracks, 2 learning levels, 22 executive insight presentations from leading competitive intelligence and competitive strategy executives, 30 interactive sessions, and 7 pre-conference workshops. All this, combined with endless opportunities to network, make new contacts, share experiences, best practices and lessons learned, make SCIP 2012 the one conference you need to be at to sharpen your competitive edge.
LEARNING LEVELS Each session has a designated learning level. We recommend you give special consideration to the learning levels when selecting the sessions you plan to attend, to ensure you receive maximum value: KEY:

E = Early Exposure: Relatively new

CONFERENCE TRACKS Dedicated to your chief challenges, opportunities and concerns.

to CI, or new to this aspect of CI. And/or familiar with fundamental techniques of CI and experienced in working with other business disciplines in the organization.

V = Veteran Exposure: Tenured, with extensive

experience in developing and implementing corporate strategy. SESSION FORMATS Each session, when applicable, has been designated a format for your consideration when selecting sessions. Interactive - Power Point Free Zones engaging attendees in interactive discussions and/or exercises. Executive Insight Presentation - Case history/best practices/ presentations delivered by competitive intelligence and competitive strategy executives within an organization.

Track 1 Track 2 Track 3 Track 4 Track 5 Track 6-8

Strategic Intelligence & Competitive Strategy Competitive Intelligence Analysis CI Tools CI Organizational Models and Professional Growth Active Industry Dialogues Bonus Tracks.Stay Tuned!

Be sure to select your session choices when registering, to ensure your seat is reserved.
We anticipate the need to cap/limit attendance in some of the sessions to encourage maximum interaction.

MONDAY, MAY 14, 2012


Track 2- A Track 2- B

Linking Intelligence to Strategy with an Early Warning Indicators Framework (Interactive) V 3M Intrapreneurship: Highest Quality Business Intelligence at an Affordable Cost (Executive Insight Presentation) E

9:00am - 6:00pm Workshop and Conference Registration Open Pre-Conference Workshops* Registration for the pre-event workshops incurs an additional fee. See website for details. Register for one of the following: 10:00am - 6:00pm W1 - Wargaming for Veterans V 10:00am - 6:00pm W2 - CI 101 E CI 101 is a registered trademark of Fuld & Company. CI101 will constitute the first day of the SCIP CIP Certification Conferred by ACI 3:00pm - 6:00pm W3 - Go Beyond Google: Gathering Internet Intelligence V 4:30pm - 5:30pm Sponsor & Exhibitor Registration and Orientation Reception 5:30pm - 6:30pm Sponsor & Exhibitor ROI Workshop 7:00pm - 8:00pm Speaker & Thought Leader Orientation

Track 3 - A Beyond Mentions/Sentiment: Developing Social Media Reports that Truly Drive Action (Interactive) V Track 3 - B Primary Source Network Optimization (Executive Insight Presentation) E Track 4 - A Integrating CI with Real World B-to-B Market Development (Interactive) E Track 4 - B The Newly Established CI Function First 100 Days (Executive Insight Presentation) V Track 5 The Pharmaceutical Industry's Top Game Changer (Active Dialogue) 3:40pm EXHIBITION HALL OPENS 3:40pm - 4:25pm Networking, Refreshment, and Exhibition Break 4:25pm - 5:40pm Concurrent Tracks Choose one of the following interactive sessions or executive insight presentations during this time frame: Track 1- A Competing in Adjacent Markets: Finding Your Blue Ocean (Interactive) V Track 1- B Track 2- A Track 2- B Scenario Planning 101 (Executive Insight Presentation) E Raising the Corporate IQ (Interactive) V Wild West 2.0: Ethical Online CI Collection (Executive Insight Presentation) E

TUESDAY, MAY 15, 2012


7:45am - 5:45pm Workshop and Conference Registration Open Pre-Conference Workshops* Registration for the pre-event workshops incurs an additional fee. See website for details. Register for one of the following: 8:30am - 11:30am W4 - Creating a World-Class Intelligence Program E 8:30am - 11:30am W5 - Competitive Intelligence Dashboards: Keeping the CSuite Informed (and Involved) V 8:30am - 11:30am W6 - Did Our Strategy Work? A Great Question We Answer Badly V 8:30am - 11:30am W7 - The Next Generation: Reaping the True Benefit of Effective, Efficient and Sustainable Internal Human Source Networks E GENERAL SESSION 12:45pm - 1:15pm GENERAL SESSION - Welcome & Opening Remarks 1:15pm - 1:45pm KEYNOTE - Future Proofing CI: Macro Trends in the Strategic Landscape 1:45pm - 2:15pm EXECUTIVE ADDRESS - The Future of Competitive Intelligence & Strategy Professionals 2:25pm - 3:40pm Concurrent Tracks Choose one of the following interactive sessions or executive insight presentations during this time frame: Track 1- A Deploying CI for Strong Long Term Brand Positioning (Interactive) V Track 1- B Developing Strategy From CI (Executive Insight Presentation) E

Track 3 - A Pressure Point Analysis: A Tool that Not Only Helps Predict but Influences the Future (Interactive) V Track 3 - B Geo-Intelligence: Gaining Share of Market Through Micro Located Opportunities (Executive Insight Presentation) E Track 4 - A 'Look Who's Talking' Developing an Effective Counter Competitive Intelligence Program (Interactive) E Track 4 - B Thinking Strategically: Transitioning from the Competitive, to Strategic Intelligence Executive (Executive Insight Presentation) V Track 5 The Aerospace & Defense Industry's Top Game Changer (Active Dialogue) Networking Reception Meet in Lobby for Wine and Dine Departure

5:45pm - 6:45pm 7:00pm

SCIP 2012 |

Schedule-at-a-glance is preliminary and will be updated as information becomes available. WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 2012
GENERAL SESSION AND EXHIBITION 7:15am - 5:30pm Conference Registration Open 7:15am - 8:00am Continental Breakfast & Exhibition 8:00am - 8:15am Opening Remarks 8:15am - 8:45am KEYNOTE - Aligning Strategic Intelligence with the Enterprise Strategic Vision 8:45am - 9:15am EXECUTIVE PANEL - Aligning Strategic Decision-Making with Strategic Intelligence 9:15am - 10:00am Networking, Refreshment, and Exhibition Break 10:00am - 11:00am Concurrent Tracks Choose one of the following interactive sessions or executive insight presentations during this time frame: Track 1- A Strategy Maps: Competitor Analysis Beyond Four Corners (Interactive) V Track 1- B Track 2- A Track 2- B Alliance, Partnerand Competitor! (Executive Insight Presentation) V Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation -- An Emerging Framework for CI (Interactive) E Typical Competitive Analyses Suck: How Quality Market Assessments Fix Them (Executive Insight Presentation) V 2:40pm - 3:40pm Concurrent Tracks Choose one of the following interactive sessions or executive insight presentations during this time frame: Track 1- A How To Use Customer Time as a Competitive Weapon (Interactive) V Track 1- B Competitive Intelligence in Developing Economies: A Comparative Study Between South Africa and Brazil (Executive Insight Presentation) E How to Build a World-Class Win/Loss Program (Interactive) E Dissecting Financials to Pinpoint Winners & Losers: Products, Competitors & Industries (Executive Insight Presentation) V

Track 2- A Track 2- B

Track 3 - A Guarding Against Google: Keeping Company Secrets Off the Web (Interactive) E Track 3 - B Microsoft's Listening Engine: Using Social Media to Drive Product Improvements /ROI (Executive Insight Presentation) V Track 4 - A Integrating Competitive and Market Intelligence Functions (Interactive) V Track 4 - B Tactical Credibility - Your Strategic Calling Card (Executive Insight Presentation) E Track 5 The Medical Devices Industry's Top Game Changer (Active Dialogue) Networking, Refreshment, and Exhibition EXECUTIVE THINK TANKS Choose one of the following general session think tanks: Think Tank 1 - Mega Trends: The Impact on Your Career and Industry V and Think Tank 2 - The Ultimate SWOT Analysis Roadmap E Networking Reception Late Night Happy Hour 3:40pm - 4:25pm 4:25pm - 5:30pm

Track 3 - A Successfully Managing Customer Push-Back: Essential Tools for the CI Professional (Interactive) V Track 3 - B Developing Primary Source Collectors in Your Organization (Executive Insight Presentation) E Track 4 - A Using Analytical Fitness to Develop Top-Grade Intelligence Analysts (Interactive) V Track 4 - B No More Lemons - Taking the Sour out of CI (Executive Insight Presentation) E Track 5 The Financial Services Industry's Top Game Changer (Active Dialogue) Solutions Wheel Play the wheel and join a series of rapid-fire, one-on-one meetings with leading solution providers. Running concurrently with Town Hall #1 - Panel Discussion Ethics: Everything is Old and is New... and Town Hall #2 - Panel Discussion - Up the Corporate Ladder: Raising the Profile of CI in the Organization

5:30pm - 6:30pm 8:30pm - 11:30pm

11:10am - 12:10pm

THURSDAY, MAY 17, 2012

GENERAL SESSION, SCIP ANNUAL AWARDS, AND EXHIBITION 7:45am - 1:00pm Information Desk Open 7:45am - 8:30am Continental Breakfast & Exhibition 8:30am - 8:45am Opening Remarks 8:45am - 9:15am KEYNOTE The Agile Organization: Adapting Nimbly to Disruptive Industry and Market Forces 9:25am -10:25am Concurrent Tracks Choose one of the following interactive sessions or executive insight presentations from these select tracks during this time frame: Track 2 Identifying Growth Opportunities While Mitigating Risk in an Uncertain World (Interactive) V Track 3 - A The Real CI - From Theory to Application (Interactive) E Track 3 - B Link Analysis: Visual Projection of Common Methodologies (Executive Insight Presentation) E Track 4 - A The Right Organizational Model is Key to CI Program Success (Interactive) V Track 4 - B Planting the CI Seed: Growing a Competitive Intelligence Program (Executive Insight Presentation) E 10:25am - 10:55am 11:45am 11:00am - 11:30am 11:30am - 12:00pm 12:00pm - 12:15pm 12:15pm - 12:45pm 12:45pm - 1:15pm 1:15pm Networking, Refreshment, and Exhibition EXHIBITION HALL CLOSES EXECUTIVE ADDRESS CI in the Digital Age EXECUTIVE PANEL The Digital Native Mindset: Rethinking and Reinvigorating CI The State of SCIP SCIP Annual Awards Top Take-Aways Panel SCIP 2012 International Annual Conference & Exhibition Concludes

The Power Lunch: Networking Roundtables Hosted by Industry Leaders Practitioners and solution providers host a menu of luncheon roundtable discussions on pertinent issues. Dine and dish with industry experts. The list of roundtable discussion topics will be available on-site. 1:30pm - 2:30pm Concurrent Tracks Choose one of the following interactive sessions or executive insight presentations during this time frame: Track 1- A The Cost of Healthcare - Which Models Work (Interactive) E Track 1- B Track 2- A Track 2- B Multi Scenario Planning (Executive Insight Presentation) V How Wide is Your Moat? Assessing Competitive Advantage (Interactive) E Increasing Objectivity in Indicator & Warning Analysis a New Methodology (Executive Insight Presentation) V

12:10pm - 1:20pm

Track 3 - A The End of the Sourcemap: How Technology is Revolutionizing the Art and Practice of CI (Interactive) E Track 3 - B Wikis in Intelligence: The Good, the Bad, the Reality (Executive Insight Presentation) E Track 4 - A Justifying the BI and CI Functions using ROI and Other Measurement Tools (Interactive) V Track 4 - B Developing Competitive Intelligence Process for a B2B Company (Executive Insight Presentation) E Track 5 The Information and Communication Technology Industry's Top Game Changer (Active Dialogue)

SCIP 2012 |


Proactive Worldwide, Inc. (PWW) is a global decision support, research, and consulting firm. Our suite of customized programs and services, which are anchored by our heritage of process-driven primary research, provides our clients with evidence-based strategic intelligence. We develop action-oriented solutions that optimize our clients' decision making and positively impact the overall value of their business. For over 15 years, PWW's multi-lingual professionals have been collaborators and trusted advisors to clients in the fields of life sciences/healthcare, financial services, technology/ telecommunications and consumer/industrial goods. For more information, please call us toll-free at 888-925-9125 and visit

Acquire Medias NewsEdge solutions gather intelligence more efficiently, analyze it more precisely, and communicate it more effectively. Learn more at Auroras 15 years of global industry experience can help you with primary competitive and market intelligence, news monitoring, systems implementation support, or other program design challenges. Blueocean Market Intelligence integrates a full suite of advanced primary research services with existing research, secondary sources and user-generated content, blueocean captures the full customer voice and delivers more complete, richer insights. Fletcher/CSI provides Fortune 500 companies with global intelligence through access to primary sources, proprietary methodology, in-house research and worldwide network of incountry intelligence/research professionals. Fuld & Company is a competitive intelligence consulting firm, providing research & analysis, scenario based planning and strategic gaming to global organizations in multiple industry sectors including technology, financial services, healthcare, industrial manufacturing, and consumer goods. Outward Insights is a strategy and competitive intelligence consulting firm that provides the skills, tools and counsel that clients require to anticipate external threats, identify business opportunities and develop strategies to achieve a leadership position. "The Intelligence to Anticipate. The Strategy to Lead."

Frost & Sullivan, the Growth Partnership Company, partners with clients to accelerate their growth. The companys Growth Partnership Services and Growth Consulting services empower clients to create a growth-focused culture that generates, evaluates, and implements effective growth strategies. For over 50 years Frost & Sullivan has partnered with Global 1000 companies, emerging businesses and the investment community from more than 40 offices on six continents.

Allis Information Management (AIM) Comintelli Digimind Dolcera IBISWorld ISIS XMI Consulting

Sedulo Group is a leading global competitive intelligence and strategy consulting firm. Our firm provides clients with the primary research based intelligence they need to outperform the market and the competition. ShiftCentral is a leading provider of daily market intelligence services. Our analysts sift through relevant information every day and provide custom briefings based on a clients specific strategic needs.


SCIP 2012 |

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