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Deputy Maricopa County Attorney Juan Martinez's Closing Arguments at the Jodi Arias Trial Day 55 Part 1

Part 1 covers from the beginning of Mr. Martinez's closing argument until the noon recess.

Transcribed by Robert Frank

completed on 8/15/2013 1st revision: 8/25/13






This, individual, the defendant, Jodi Ann Arias, killed Travis Alexander. And even after stabbing him over and over again, and even after slashing his throat from ear to ear, and then even after taking a gun and shooting him in the face, she will not let him rest in peace. But now, instead of a gun, instead of a knife, she uses lies. And she uses these lies in court when she testified to stage the scene for you just like she staged the scene for the police after she killed Mr. Alexander. And this woman who would stage the scene has even attempted to stage the scene through the use of the media. She has courted the media, she has gone on national television. You've seen programs, and you've seen some of the, her words to the media. She has also attempted or gone out in search of the limelight. She has signed a manifesto just in case she becomes famous. And to top it all off, she has indicated that she is innocent, that no jury will convict her, that none of you will convict her after she has staged the scene for you. Well, she is an individual, as you have seen, who has craved the limelight. So it seems that it is only fitting that this individual, that has craved the limelight, it is really only fitting that she now bask in a different kind of light - the light of truth. And in the light of truth, you can see who she really is. She's an individual who is manipulative. This is an individual who wants to play the victim even though there is no abuse as you heard from those that know her. She's an individual that, according to her own statements and in an email on Valentine's Day of 2007 to Mr. Alexander, said that she was destructive. She's the individual that talked about what she did to doors, what she did to windows. And she's an individual who does not appear to be very nice to her mother because she lashes out at her and strikes her physically. Additionally, when the light of truth is shining on her, she is somebody who is just an individual that manipulates people. That, for example when, she's speaking to Mr. Alexander during that fateful May 10th, 2008, conversation that she talks about her sister and says how dumb and stupid her sister is. This is an individual who is manipulative. This is an individual who will stop at nothing and will continue to be manipulative and to lie at every turn and at every occasion that she has. One of the examples is the issue of the gas cans. She indicated to you from the witness stand and looked at each and every one of you after having taken the oath and said, "Yeah, I bought the gas can alright, and I bought it from the Salinas Walmart. I did buy it from the Salinas Walmart, but you know," after being questioned by the prosecutor, " you know, I took it back, and I received cash." Yet, you heard from Amanda Webb, the individu...or the woman who works for Walmart, checked each and every single register, even those that were not geared to give refunds, checked each and every single register. And each one of those registers indicated, "No, there had been no such refund." And then, of course, you have the confirmatory action in Salt Lake City, after first indicating that, "No, I've never been in Salt Lake City. I've never put gas in Salt Lake City." But you saw the receipts that she had, and not only had she put gas into her car in Salt Lake City, she had two other transactions, one for 5.09 gallons of gas and then one for slightly under 10 gallons of gas. She looked at each and every one of you, this person, and attempted to manipulate you. Well, this individual, that attempted to manipulate you, believes, based on what we've heard, that even though she may have engaged in actions, she may have done certain things, none of that,





absolutely none of it, is her fault. Why could it possibly be her fault? If you look back at her history, which is the important part of it, involving her relationships with men, what do you see? Well, even when she was young, she had this personality of manipulating the facts. Back when she was with Bobby Juarez, what did she tell you about it? "This was an individual that was unfaithful to me. How could he be so unfaithful to me when I've done so many good things for him? I've tried to buy him clothing. I bought him food. I even lived in a trailer that was so bad that it was infested. Never mind that the reason that I moved there was because I was skipping school. No, that wasn't my fault at all. No, no, no, I was doing this for Bobby, and how does he repay me even though it wasn't my fault?" Well you know what, he goes and he talks, not talks, he sends letters to another woman over the internet. And it isn't her fault that she found out about it, of course not. How could it be her fault that she found out about it if the library doesn't have enough security attached to that particular computer to have some sort of device attached to it so that somebody can't come along and just hit that backspace button so that whoever was using it before, maybe one, or two, or three, or four people before that, somebody can just come along and hit that backspace button? It is eerily reminiscent of what she told you happened in February of 2007 after she and Mr. Alexander began dating that she went on to his computer and began to hit that same backspace button. It's not her fault that computers have not been improved since the '90's or the 2000's such that you can't stop hitting that backspace button. It's not her fault that that happened, of course not. That's what she told you from the witness stand. And so, according to her, she hits the backspace button, and there it is, this conversation between Bobby Juarez and somebody else. But that's not her fault. But if you remember how aggressively she reacted to that, nobody was going to do anything to hurt, or nobody was going to be putting her or slighting her or putting her in a position of feeling inferior if you will. She immediately went to Bobby Juarez and did something about it. There is a pattern because the same thing happened with regard to Matthew McCartney the person that she jumped to after she and Bobby Juarez started to have problems. And I do say "jumped to" because when she was dating Bobby Juarez, he moved away to Oregon, and when he moved to Oregon, he started living with a guy by the name of Matthew McCartney. And when this thing soured with Bobby Juarez, she immediately went with Matthew McCartney. And in terms of that relationship, the reason that that broke up, it's not her fault, just like it with...wasn't her fault with regard to Bobby Juarez. It wasn't her fault at all that she had these issues with Matthew McCartney. No. How she can't help it if she is a good worker. She can't help it if she's working as a waitress, and people come by when she's working as a waitress and try to tell her things about her boyfriend, Matthew McCartney. She can't help that. That's what she wants you to believe. And again, isn't that reminiscent of what happened involving Mr. Alexander? It seems that this is cyclical, and it seems that the story repeats itself, and it repeats itself because she's lying. And it repeats itself because she's trying to manipulate you through all of the days that she spent talking to you from the witness stand after she had taken an oath.






Well, she gets to the point where she moves to Cal....Palm Desert in California to be with an individual by the name of Darryl Brewer. And of course, when she's there with Darryl Brewer, it's not her fault, again, that relationship is souring. No, not at all. It's not her fault because, well, Mr. Brewer doesn't want to marry her. What's a girl to do? It's not her fault. She's got to look for another guy. And it appears that he doesn't want to have any kids and she does. And so again, it's not her fault. How could it possibly be her fault that somebody has free will? Absolutely not her fault; that's what she tried to tell you. But resourceful as ever, resourceful as she's always been, this person who is manipulative, she starts looking around for somebody else and decides that perhaps those boys from the Mormon faith are a pretty good catch because those boys they have a lot of family values, and these boys think work, they seem to be very successful; they just seem to have everything that she desires in a husband so that she can breed. And so what she decides to do is to look for one of those boys, and to Travis Alexander's misfortune, he was that boy. And he was that boy back in September of 2006 when he was at this PPL convention, the yearly convention. Yes, he is the individual that went up to her, and they began to talk. And such was...are that the way...such is the way that things began between the two of them. She wanting to find a boy just like him because she had an ulterior motive. She wanted somebody that was Mormon. She wanted somebody that she...could give her a child. And so this seemed like the perfect catch for her. And, although she tells you that, well, he kinda was the person that pushed her in this relationship, and that he was the individual that somehow was this person who was so sexually interested in her. And oh, by the way, she wasn't's not her fault that any of this happened. Of course none of it is her fault. It never occurred to her that in the lexicon of the English language there's a word. It's called "no", that you can use when you don't want to do something. And yet you can then take the witness stand, however, and say, "Well, I do know that word but just chose not to use it. But it's not her fault. Again, it's not her fault. It's Mr. Alexander's fault for being interested in her, don't you see? Can't you all see, based on those days and days that she was on that witness stand, that it isn't her fault? She was thinking no, or at least that's what she told you, this person who told you also about the gas cans. Over and over again, she kept saying with regard to each and every single repetitious sexual act, with regard to each and every one of them...goes..., "No. I was thinking no." Really? That's exactly what you were thinking? Did you ever communicate that to him? "No." This from a woman who is manipulative. This from a woman who pretends to be the victim even though there is no abuse. And so throughout this early part of the relationship, which some would call "the honeymoon portion," during this part, it appears that they do what two people that are young that are involved in a relationship do. They engaged in relations. But there's this finger pointing aspect to this relationship, as portrayed by the defendant. Can't point the finger enough at Mr. Alexander. Can't point the finger enough at the fact that, you know, he's a bad Mormon because he's having sex with me..If he's such a bad Mormon, then why stay with him? You're the one that chose him. If he's such a bad guy, why are you hanging out with him? And to compound things, well, she's also Mormon too. Why do...does she keep pointing the finger at him when she is just as Mormon as he is? She converted in November of 2006, and according to Deanna Reid, there are many classes that tell you about the Law of Chastity. And they tell you about





the law involving sexual intercourse. But wait, it's not her fault. How could you possibly think it was her fault when those three or two Mormon missionaries that came over didn't tell her about it? Again, it's not her fault although there are all these classes where they talk about it, no, let's point the finger at Travis Alexander because, according to her, he's the bad guy, he's the one that told her that it was okay, and so she's going to go along with what he says even though those in the Mormon church are telling her otherwise. It is almost unconscionable for her to point the finger at Mr. Alexander when she's in the same situation as he is; she has the same knowledge that he does. But again, she wants you to feel sympathy because again, it's not her fault, don't ya know. How could it possibly be her fault when she was thinking, "No." Well, luckily for Mr. Alexander I guess, in the beginning, this relationship was from a distance. And I say luckily because at least when she was in Palm Desert and he was in Mesa, Arizona, during that time, at least during that time, she couldn't reach out and stab him. She couldn't reach out and shoot him in the face. She couldn't stalk him; couldn't come over unannounced. She wasn't living the ten minutes away. At least, fortunately, during that time, Mr. Alexander had some extra time to live. And during that time, they were not mutually exclusive, so yes, it is appropriate when they are not mutually exclusive for an individual to send text messages to other women if they are male or even if they are not; there's nothing wrong with it. But if you see that long finger pointing from the witness stand to him, how could he possibly when we were together, how could he possibly, before we came....became exclusive be talking to other women? How could he be on the internet? How could he be sending text messages? But it's okay, don't you see that when she goes to his memorial service, talking about Travis Alexander's memorial service after she kills him, it's okay for her to talk to somebody on the airplane to get a telephone number. It's not her fault that this guy was trying to pick her up. Of course it's not her fault. And what's a girl to do after all? The guy that she was involved with up and died after she stabbed him, slit his throat, and shot him. What is she to do? Can't you see that it really isn't her fault? At least that's what she wants you to believe. And during this period, Mr. Alexander did see her. And during this period, Mr. Alexander did engage in sexual contact with her. There's nothing, absolutely nothing, important about that as it applies to the killing other than to try to manipulate you, try to shock you and say, "Oh my gosh, look at this guy, he wants to kiss her, and he wants to do other sexual things that other people do in their private lives. And he doesn't want to talk about it for God's sake, and he doesn't want people to know what it is that they're doing." Why would he want anybody to know what he is doing sexually with her. Is that something that this is courteous in this society to do? It's just the opposite, but she has now turned the world sideways for you to look at that in an attempt to manipulate you. Well, they continue on with this relationship, and she ,lives out in Palm Desert. At some point, in February of 2007, after this issue involving the February 14th mailing that she indicates that she receives, umm, after that, they make the relationship, if you will, exclusive..What's interesting about the email from February 14th of 2007, and you saw that, is that not about other things, and you have it there for your review, this February 14th of 2007 email. And one of the things that it doesn't talk about is the package that she





supposedly received in the mail that day. Take a look at the time. It's around 4:30, 5:00 in the afternoon. I guess they have mail that's really slow there in Palm Desert. Never mentions these unholy underwear, these underwear, these Spiderman underwear that so shocked her. Doesn't mention these chocolates. Thank you for sending those to me. Doesn't thank him at all. The reason she doesn't thank him, and the reason she doesn't mention it, is because there was no such delivery. But of course, that's something that can't be verified except that there's this inconsistency, and it starts showing that this individual will make things up, but she forgot. She forgot about that February 14th, 2007, email. And you know, sort of, the old saying, "With the truth, you ain't got to remember nothing." At least you have to give her credit for having an incredible memory. Well, an incredible memory as to the fantasy world that she wants to create for you, just like that delivery of the underwear. Can't show them to us. Why? Oh, she threw them away, but she took pictures of some other things. And this email was sent out at a time where she would have already received the mail. But after that, she and Mr. Alexander continue on, and they....she comes over later on that in the month of February, and she comes over in February, one of the things that happens is that she's extremely happy, or at least that's what she tells you. And she's happy because one of the things that she now knows is that, well, she and Mr. Alexander are together. If she is so happy, if she is somebody that really wants to be accepted, then why, pray tell, does she need to go into his computer and hit that backspace button? That's such a sss, UGH, such an irritation to her that these computers should have this back space button. It's not her fault that she can't keep her hands off of his computer. It's really his fault, and it's his fault because he's alive, he's a breathing human being who has social contact with other people, men and women. And how dare he, when they are not exclusive, how dare he attempt to spend New Year's Eve with somebody. He should really be alone in his house or in some hut somewhere alone. How dare he do that. But it's not her fault that she found that out; at least that's what she wants you to believe. Well, they continue this dating, and they continue both involved in this Pre Paid Legal, but the story doesn't get any better. What we are able to glean and find out from that...the history of it is that it doesn't get any better. And one of the things that starts to happen, according to her, is that she starts feeling something; of course, her feelings are so important. And rather than talk to Mr. Alexander about it, rather than say, "Oh, I have these issues. I'm a little concerned," what does she do? Well, they're on vacation. And when they're on vacation, and it depends on the story that she tells, the one to Ryan Burns or the story that she told you from the witness stand, take your pick because there are many to pick from. But it depends on the story that you believe. During that time she goes on, and she gets ahold of his text messages and goes through all of them, ostensibly while he's either asleep or taking a shower; take your pick. And while he's doing that, she goes through it and finds some text messages, but it's not her fault.. She's not wrong in invading his privacy at all. How can it...she possibly be wrong about invading his privacy when she had feelings, and those feelings confirmed the fact that he was a social human being. That's what, in part, that she like about him, that she was very charismat....that he was very charismatic, that he was very nice, and that





people liked him. That's part of the reason that she liked him, but oh no, not when it comes to other people. And she talked about him having sexual rendezvous with these other people, but that's quick, if you will, on the sly, and very slow on the facts...very low, low on the facts. You don't have any individual that they couldn't even point to a name..... Nurmi: Objection, your honor, burden shifting. Stephens: Overruled. There was no name that it was even pointed out that even had any sexual contact with at that time, but she felt it, so, according to her, that justified it, this person with this borderline personality disorder. And so as a result of that, she says, "That's it. We're gonna break up, and we're done with this." Except that, I'm so hurt. "I'm so absolutely hurt," she said. You could almost feel it oozing through those fake tears that were supposedly coming from her dur....from the witness stand, you could almost feel this, and what you could feel, of course, was yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm really hurt except let's go on vacation. Let's go ahead and go on vacation anyway. Even though I know all about this, I'm so hurt that I would rather go on vacation with you and enjoy it. And let's continue going on vacation. Yeah, that's her way of manipulating him; that's a way of not letting go of something that she wants. She wants to curb his free will, and when he doesn't wanna do that, well, she's got something else coming for him..She is not going to let him get away that easily, and so she starts engaging in this conduct. And what else does she do? She does what every person who has caught their boyfriend according to her, being unfaithful. What does she do? She moves close to him, moves from California to Arizona, specifically to Mesa, very close to him, after they have broken up in the end of June of 2007. That's what she does. Well now, this is when the stalking begins. Well, maybe it was a little bit before that when she's going into his telephone, or maybe it was before that on the first day that they decided to make this official when she started to go into his computer .There is clear from this relationship that there was this stalking behavior from the very beginning. And so, she moves here to Mesa. If they are not dating, if they are have broken up, why is she here? It's not her fault, don't ya know? It's not her fault because he...he's so persuasive, he talked her into coming out here. That's why she came out to Mesa. And it's again that thing that she just can't say no, just like with whether or not they're going to engage in this sexual con..conduct; can't say no. And in this particular case, according to her, and Mr. Alexander's not here to maybe dispute this, according to her, she moved here because he was the one that told her to do that, even though, according to her, at this point, she had broken up with him. And what does she do when she comes out here? Well., rather than dating, rather than becoming involved in some sort of social scene in the Mormon Church or finding friends and that sort of thing. No, that's something else. She begins to be more attentive, that's the word, she begins to be more attentive to Mr. Alexander. Perhaps if she's more attentive to Mr. Alexander, perhaps then he'll wanna come back and have her be the only one. And the way that she's attentive is the way that everybody does it normally. I mean, she goes over to his house unannounced at night





sometime around in August of 2007, and this is what everybody does. And she goes over there and starts peeping in the window to see what it is that he is doing. And she goes over there, and by the light of the television. If you remember there was this the light. Well, it may have been the light of the television, but now it's the light of truth that we are looking at things, and what she was doing is she was invading his privacy by coming over and peeping in the window, and that is stalking behavior irrespective of what Alyce LaViolette has to say. This individual, Alyce LaViolette, who had problems with the truth when she spoke to you about how many times she had testified on behalf of men; this individual who, quite frankly, misrepresented that to you when she was testifying. But according to Alyce LaViolette, that was no big deal because that's what a person does. She came over and started to look inside, and lo and behold, it's not her fault that she has vision, so she starts looking in there, and lo and behold, there he is. Yes, there he is, and he's kissing another woman. Like that is the end of the world So what? So what that he's kissing another woman? He's not seeing her; he's entitled to do it. And he's entitled to it; he's in his house. He has the lights off. It's a romantic evening whether she likes it or not, he's moved on. And yet she says it's his fault; he shouldn't have been courting me; he shouldn't have been continuing to have sex with me. She coulda said no; she coulda left; she coulda moved back to California. She coulda never come out here in the first place. She's the person who starts to stalk him. And so she says, "Oh, I'm so upset." And she starts talking about the brassiere, whether it was unhooked or not and went around and around about that. So what? Well, don't you know he's a Mormon boy; they're not allowed to do that. What does she care? Is she the Mormon conscience? Is that what this...what we have going on here? No, she's not anything like that, but she wants to make it seem like it's his fault. She presented it in a way to manipulate your perception because she's trying to take away from him, with lies, the only thing that he has left, and that's his reputation. He's not here to talk about it, and so it's an easy shot for her. But at this particular point, she's the person that starts to stalk him. And after she starts stalking him, or after this event of stalking, she doesn't leave him alone. No, she comes over the next day because she's in the right. They've broken up, and it's okay if you're broken up to come over and peep at your ex-boyfriend's house, and then in peeping, find him doing something and then wanting to get an explanation. What possible explanation could he ever have owed her at that point? Oh, and you know she didn't write about that's the first incident of domestic violence, didn't write about that incident of domestic violence, don't you know, because well, she's a nice person. And you know there's this secret that she's watched, this movie involving the secret that talks about the Law of Attraction, and this Law of Attraction says that you lie. That's exactly what they want you to believe. Now they're starting to justify the lies. It's okay to lie in the journal, which, in a sense, is saying lie to yourself because the Law of Attraction says it's okay to lie, absolutely okay to lie. You don't put down exactly what's going on, and so you don't write about this. Actually, what's going on here is that she's making it up and there's no corroboration of any incident whatsoever. And so this relationship, if you will, if you want to call it that, continues, and there are moral





exploitive, sexual kinds of things that are presented, and are regaled with the most intimate details that you could possibly think of. And every time, this was, "Well, I was uncomfortable. But I didn't want to tell him no. I was just uncomfortable" Wait a minute. But she also sent to him text messages, and those text messages indicated that she was not uncomfortable. She's the one, and I don't need to repeat it, you remember those text messages where she's the one requesting the sexual acts. She's the one saying to him, "If you're good...this is what's gonna happen, and then I'm going to want something else." So she's the individual that, if you look at the corroborative, the independent evidence that we have, she's the individual that's this as much as he is. There's no indication that he was ever forcing her to do any of it, anything at all. But you know, she's attempting to manipulate you by saying, "Well, yeah, I went along, but I really didn't want to." And with regard to acts of physical violence , "Well, they weren't so bad, and I didn't write about them." And with regard to any particular act of physical violence, there's no one that knows about it, there's no one that has seen any bruises, there are no police calls to 911. And she has a reason for that. The reason that she didn't call 911, involving Mr. Alexander, is because she had a similar with Bobby Juarez, and when she had that similar experience with Bobby Juarez, well, she called 911, and you know what, those 911 people in California, you can't trust them because they talked to Bobby Juarez, and as a result of talking to Bobby Juarez, well, they didn't come out, and so I was so soured by that circumstance that I just decided never to call 911. She's trying to provide a justification as to why there are no 911 calls. The reason there is no 911 call is because it never happened. Everything in this case points to the fact that it never happened. Everything in this case points to the fact that it did not happen. There are no medical reports, there are no friends, there is no one that can come in and say anything about that. There are no medical records, there is absolutely nothing. To the contrary, what is it that you have? Well, on the day that she, in March of 2000, uhh, and 8, when she told Mr. Alexander, according to her, that she was leaving, ummm, he turned around and he hit her, and according to Alyce LaViolette he slapped her, but the defendant went round and round said, "No, it was the back of the head, the side of the head." It depended, apparently, on when as to where he hit her, but if you take a look at the entry for that particular day of March of 2008. No. "I told them he was so upset, and he didn't want me to leave, you know, because we were both so in love with each other," is what she writes. And then she says, "Oh, he kissed me so tenderly three times; they were such wonderful, tender kisses." Is that what she means when she is talking to you about domestic violence? Kissing. See, that's the problem, you didn't get it the first time. Kissing is domestic violence; tender kissing is domestic violence. But then you bring an apologist like Alyce LaViolette, and you say, "No, no, no, no, no, no that's not what it means; you need to go behind this, this diary here. Those words don't mean what they, what they, what they say. You need, for example, a little cheat sheet that tells you that under the Law of Attraction that's not what it means. Under the Law of Attraction, it means just the opposite. It means that he did hit her. Can't you read that? Is it? What is wrong with you, almost, is the way it's being put to you, that you can't see that, that you can't buy....or can't be manipulated? And the other thing we have is that she claims






on January 22nd of 2008 there was also this act of domestic violence, mentioning not what the act was at this point because there's no corroboration involving that act of domestic violence either. All we have is a journal entry of January 24th of 2008. And in that journal entry of January 24th of 2008, she writes, "You know, as far as January 21st, 22nd, and 23rd, nothing noteworthy happened." Not only do we have the diary related to that, it says, "Nothing happened." But again, you are being asked to take a leave. You are being asked again, such as in the gas can example, to think that everybody else is wrong and she's right. And in that example, the one involving the 24th and the supposed incident of domestic violence on the 22nd, domestic violence on the 22nd, you are being asked to say, "No, something noteworthy did happen on the 22nd of January." The thing that was noteworthy on January 22nd of 2008 was that he beat me. And this is the time I had my hand up. And this is the time that he came after me. But it doesn't say that. Not only is there not any corroborative evidence that can be presented, it's to the contrary. She herself said that it didn't happen. But she wants you to go back and say, "Well, don't look at what I wrote. Look at this code, this Law of Attraction. Take a look at that, combine that with my words, combine it with what Alyce LaViolette says. we'll add that in there." And once you do that, you will be able to see, you will be able to know he did, he did abuse me . And right before she leaves in April of 2008, she says that another incident happened, but she doesn't tell anybody about it.. She still stays at his home, and off she goes. And what's interesting about these acts of domestic violence is that she was very specific as to four of them. But again you know, the truth it's very hard to keep it straight. With the truth you don't need to have to remember nothing, but if you're not telling the truth, if you're trying or attempting to manipulate, you do have a lot to remember. She forgot that there is a psychologist by the name of Sheryl Carp that has previously been involved in this case and had conducted an evaluation of the defendant. And during that evaluation with the defendant, she gave many, not 4, many, 10, 15, 20 incidents of physical violence because at that point, physical violence was being used as the predicate, if you will, the seminal act for post traumatic stress disorder. That's what she was looking at, at that time. And so of course, let's have a lot of acts of domestic violence Nurmi: Objection, your honor, arguing facts not in evidence. Stephens: Overruled. The jury is directed to recall the evidence presented during the trial. You may continue. And so we now have this lots of acts of domestic violence that she doesn't tell you from the witness stand compared to 4 that she does tell you. Which one is true? The only evidence that you have indicates that none of it is true because she can't keep it straight. And she's attempting to manipulate the evidence to fit the goal that she has at that particular time. With regard to Sheryl Carp, at that time, according to, uhh, Janeen DeMarte, one of the things that was going on was that Sheryl Carp found that post traumatic stress disorder of the defendant involved these acts of domestic violence, these many, many, many acts of domestic violence, not just 4. And so now when they want to talk about this in a different vein or a little bit differently it's not just all these acts, it's only 4. And that's the problem with the presentation and her attempt to manipulate you. It's actually not even an attempt to manipulate you. They're lies; that's what they are. And she forgot, perhaps, about speaking to other people and the statements that she made with regard to that.





Well, she does move away. And when she does move away, it's almost if we're talking about light; almost like a ray of sunshine for Mr. Alexander. One can only imagine that his stalker is now far away. Because she had done other things while she was here. One of the things that we know is that she would come over unannounced. One of the other things that she would do is she would get into his accounts. And there was also this incident involving Christmas and being underneath the Christmas tree. There's all these incidents. Perhaps Mr. Alexander then let his guard down at this particular point because he really doesn't have to deal with her on a daily basis. And yes, there is some contact between them on May 10th of 2008. And this is the infamous phone call that involved sex. And actually, that telephone call is very important because you can actually hear how she deals with him even though he doesn't know, based on everything that's in the recording, that he's being recorded. She says, "Noooo, it was being recorded pursuant to his request, don't you know?" Really? Why was it being recorded at his request? He's not gonna be....he can't listen to it. So what possible benefit is this call going to be for him If he's recorded? If he's not going to get it, there's absolutely no benefit to him on May 10th of 2008 to have that telephone call recorded. Yes, he said something's on there, but this is a, supposed to be from his perspective, a private conversation, never to be released to anybody, between him and this woman that, even though she's moved to Yreka, even though they've broken up, even though she's come over and watched him with another woman, even though all of this has happened, she stalked him. Even though all of that has happened, well, he's going to continue talking to her on the telephone, and he says, and he tells you the reason why. And the reason is that he enjoys having sexual contact with her. And he gives you the reasons why. And he talks about some specific features that he didn't do before and that he does now. He talks about how she introduced him to certain things, How that was such a good thing. How it opened his horizons with regard to that particular aspect. And so he's giving her credit for opening his eyes sexually. And there's nothing wrong with that. And there's nothing wrong with the conversation. What is wrong, what appears to be wrong is that one of them is recording it without the knowledge of the other. Nurmi: Objection, facts not in evidence. Stephens: Sustained. You'll be able to listen, you've listened to that recording. You can draw your own conclusions as to whether or not you believe he knew or believed that this was something that was being recorded. She says, "Oh, no, I kept hitting the save button. I was the one that did it." And she kept it. She kept it all the way from May 10th of 2008. But things were not going so well at that point. And, in fact, by May 19th of 2008, just nine days after that, Mr. Alexander is on the computer, his instant messaging service, with somebody named Reagan Houseley. And he's talking to her, and he says, "I'm extremely afraid of Ms. Arias because of her stalking behavior." How prophetic of him back on May 19th. And this 9 days after this telephone call, but he's extremely afraid of her because of this stalking behavior. Little does he know that he has less than a month to live. And so, he is aware of it. He knows, and he's in the best position to know what is going on

between the two of them because he's the one that's going through it. And so when he makes that comment, that comment is indicative of what is going on. You can have people like Alyce LaViolette say, "That's not true." And the reason, we have to give her credit, is that the reason Alyce LaViolette knows that is that she can read minds 00:043 through the past. She can travel back to May 19th of 2008 and know what Mr. Alexander was thinking. Don't you know? She's the apologist for the defendant. She's the one that can really set you straight. It's not that the defendant is manipulating you. No, no, no. If you take a look at that statement, Mr. Alexander was making it all up. Wasn't true. He was just saying that because, you know, in another part of the instant messaging they were saying, "Aha, hi Jodi, read this," or words to....whatever it is they were saying. And so the defendant doesn't want you to pay any attention of that, but that certainly goes, and it's the beginnings of premeditation, her premeditation to kill him back on May 19th of 2008. He indicates that, "I'm extremely afraid of the defendant." 00:44 because of her stalking behavior." And who would know better than him? Especially since he's the one that's had to deal with her coming over peeping in his window; he's the one that's had to deal with her showing up unannounced; he's the one that's had problems or damage to his car, according to Lisa Andrews; and he's the one that has her underneath the Christmas tree and has had rings stole...rings stolen by her, so he would know that. And so then what ends up happening is that some time passes, and May 26th shows up. One of the important things about May 26th is that, that is the day that they break up. And there is much is made by the defense that well, during these conversations, he's mean to her. Well, why wouldn't he be mean to her? Yes, there are names that people are being called; that's correct. There are not any nice names, but he is extremely afraid of her stalking behavior on May 26th when 00:45 those names are called. And there....there is anger that is being exchanged back and forth. And he sort of capsulizes it by saying or using a term that's not quite so sexual but really capsulizes what's going on here and how the defendant attempts to manipulate the truth when he says, "I am nothing more than a dildo with a heartbeat to you." That's what he tells her because that's how he feels. That's how she makes him feel. And yes, he uses all of those other words, but he's also very derogatory about himself. He knows what's going on every time that, according to that statement, whenever she wants him, the way that she manipulates him is through sex. That's made that comment, and that comment was on the 26th of May in that instant message. But you don't ignore what else is 00:46 going on the 26th of May of 2008. On that prophetic day, he also tells her something else in Exhibit 450. She's apologizing to him; again manipulating him. She does something, then she apologizes, and everything is supposed to be okay, but by this time, he has had enough, and he says, "I don't want your apology. I want you to understand what I think of you." That's what he's telling her. He's telling her he wants her to understand what it is that he thinks of her. He says, "I want you to understand how evil I think you are." At that point when he's writing that, he is extremely afraid of her because of her stalking behavior. 00:47 And he does think she's evil. And how prophetic? Looking at these next words. How absolutely prophetic. No one can dispute that, that is the truest, those are the truest words that are spoken in this case. And they're spoken by Mr. Alexander even though he is not here through his writings. "You," Jodi Arias, "are the worst thing that ever happened to me." Any doubt that that's the truth?






Do we need to look at the pictures of his gashed throat? Do we need to look at the, sort of, fog-like state that she left him in all crumbled up in that shower? Or do we need to look at his face where she put that bullet in his right temple to know that when he says that, it's true - you are the worst thing that ever happened to me. He's telling her, "Enough is enough." And yes, he's angry, absolutely angry after everything that she has done to him. And you've seen the manipulation as she has tried to manipulate you with what she has told you, and the prime example of it is these gas cans; no one can argue that she lied to you. Well, he's had enough. And yes, he says, "You are the worst thing that ever happened to me." And then he says, in this Exhibit 450, "You are a sociopath." No, he does not have a psychology degree, but that certainly expresses a feeling about what she says, what she does, and how she deals with him, how she always is manipulating him. It teases this anger out of him and tries to mix in the sex, and he says, "You only cry for yourself." Well, you saw her crying on the witness stand. Can anybody debate the reason she was crying was because she cries for herself? After all, she never intended to be caught. She said that so herself when...after she lied to the police, "Oh no, I was only sayng that because I did not want to be caught." And so, you only cry for yourself. And then he says, "You have never cared out (sic) me." Supposedly that could be "for." "And you have betrayed me worse than any example I could conjure." She had betrayed him. For whatever reason, he believes she has done something that is...that is absolutely horrific. And he's telling her, "I've had it. I'm done with you." And again, this is May 26th. He's done with her. You are sick, and you have scammed me. Again, she has scammed him. Are you going to allow her to scam you is really the question from this text message. Are you going to buy her lies? Are you going to believe what she tells you? And so, we get to May 28th, just two days afterwards. Two short days afterwards, she begins to plan, if you will, this killing. And planning takes preparation, and there's no doubt that this woman is a very intelligent woman, and she tries to cover part of her bases. And, yes, she could go out and buy a gun, but, you know, if you buy a gun, one of the things that she indicated in California was that there was a waiting period, and they take your name. According to her, that's something that she knows. Well, let's get a stolen gun. She lives with her grandparents in Yreka, and she knows that they have gu...that her grandfather has guns, and she knows where he keeps them, so on May 28th of 2008, she starts the planning. She starts the actual steps, or begins the actual steps to this journey that will take her to Mesa, Arizona, to kill Travis Alexander. There is no other explanation than that she's the one that stole that .25 caliber gun, this very small gun that, according to her, looks like a toy; this small gun. And on May 28th, at a time when she's living there, there's a burglary that is reported at her grandparents' house. And, lo and behold, it's so amazing, and again, this is the manipulative aspect of this case and the defendant. It is so interesting that this burglary of the house is kinda weird, it's kinda strange, it's kinda special because these burglars were meticulous. They wanted to leave the impression that this was a burglary throughout the house, so they went through 4 rooms, and from each of the rooms, only one item was taken. And where the guns were, you saw, there was some money there. These





burglars didn't want money, they just wanted the gun. And they didn't want any kind of gun, they wanted a special gun, a small gun because there were rifles there. If a burglar comes in, he's not going to be very discriminating, "Uhhh, yeah, ya know, yeah, I'm gonna take this little gun. I don't want to take the money, may be too heavy. These other guns are too big. I'm not going to be able to carry them down the street." That's not the way a burglary happens. And, "Oh, after I've taken one item from here, I'm gonna go ahead and go to another room, and after looking in this other room, I'm only going to take one item from there, and then I'll take a total of 4 items." If you're gonna do that, if you are a burglar, then why, why would you even waste the time of committing a burglary? The only thing that makes sense with regard to the burglary is that the burglar, the person who went in there is right there. It's Jodi Arias; that's the burglar. And she needs a gun. And she needs a gun to kill Travis Alexander. And she gets it. And guess what? It can't be traced. There's this burglary report out there. No one can say it's her. Well, at least not initially no one can say it's her. But on May 28th, she begins to take these steps after he has told her in that May 26th, 2008, text message that he'd had enough of her. And so what does she do as part of that? Well, she then says, "If I go to Arizona, you know money is tight; there's an issue with money. One of the things I'm probably gonna have to use is my credit card if I go to Arizona if I fill up with gas. So I've got to make sure that people don't know, if I'm gonna carry this out, that I'm going to be in Arizona because I don't....I can't be linked to Arizona in any way, shape, or form. And certainly, using a credit card at a gas station is going to link me to Arizona. And so, well, why don't I call Darryl Brewer." You can can tell from the time that he testified he still had feelings for her. In fact, when he was asked about this issue about the gas cans, he actually paused, if you remember , and he gulped, and he said, "Oh yeah, she did call me. She called me at the end of May." May 28th is the end of May when this gun is stolen by the defendant from her grandparents home. "Yeah, she did call me then, and she told me she was going to Mesa, she was going to Arizona." And Alyce LaViolette has the same thing in her notes that, according to Darryl Brewer, the defendant told him at the end of May that she was going to Mesa, Arizona, and needed gas cans. And Alyce LaViolette, even in her notes indicated, "I thought that this was an unplanned visit." Even in her notes, there are issues. But the defendant's attempting to manipulate the truth. But there are issues with regard to this because she's telling Darryl Brewer that she's going there. Even her own expert says, "Hmmmm, there's a little bit of an issue here. There's a problem for me because I thought you said that you were not going to Mesa, that you were going to Utah." Or is Utah just not anything else more than a ruse? You can say you're going to Utah. You can have a sexual dalliance, not an extreme one, but a sexual dalance...dalliance with Ryan Burns, you can adjust him, and nobody will be the wiser because nobody will ever know that you were in Arizona because guess what? You never filled up anywhere. You never put gas in the car. Well, okay, that's what she does. She calls Darryl Brewer at the end of May, first part of June, and she gets these two containers - two 5 gallon cans for gasoline - and they were empty, so it





wasn't like they were full. And he lives in the Monterrey area when she leaves on June 2nd. Well, when she leaves, she doesn't take her car. She decides to rent a car. And she has told you, "Well, I rented the car out of Redding, California, and the reason that I rented the car out of Redding, California," which is approximately 90 miles south of Yreka, "is because Priceline did not offer this same deal in Yreka. Priceline only offered it in Redding, and that's why I went ahead and did it that way." It wasn't that I didn't want people in Yreka to know what kind of car I was re....I was renting because heaven forbid, if they knew I was renting this car, they could come back to me, and of course, I didn't want....I don't want to be identified in killing Mr. Alexander, so I've already made provisions for the gas cans. Now I've gotta make provisions for the car. And so she says that's the reason why she goes to Redding, California, except that the documents show something else. Exhibit 523 is the statement from Washington Mutual from June 1 of 2008 to June 30 of 2008. And this is the statement that she, the defendant, authenticated on the witness stand. And in fact, what we have here is the Budget Rent-A-Car, you see it, June 9th Budget Rent-A-Car in Redding, California. That's what we're talking about. But if you also remember, after she killed Mr. Alexander, she came to the airport, and she flew down there. And if you take a look, at down...down here. There it is. See that? She paid two-hundred and forty-six dollars and 99 cents, and that was to, and it says "air." Hmmm, this Priceline, they have to get their act together here. Yeah, yeah, at one point, when it comes down to the flight, yeah, yeah, I pay them, but when it comes to the car, even though I go through Priceline, I gotta pay for the car. Then how is Priceline ever going to get paid if they don't take their money up front for the rental car? That's how it works. They get their money up front. Nurmi: Argue...or objection. Arguing facts not in evidence. Stephens: Overruled. They get their money up front, and that's how it's listed in these documents, so that we know who's getting the money. Otherwise, if it were left to Budget, then you're imposing on Budget, if Priceline is involved, another accounting step for them to pay Priceline, and it may be a situation where Priceline1 never pays them. So, by this document right here, when the defendant tells you that, "Hmmm, the reason I went to Redding was because of the Priceline connection," she lied to you. Unless, of course, Washington Mutual made this up. Maybe Washington Mutual also subscribes to the Law of Attraction, and they don't want anything negative here. Maybe. It could happen that way, right? That's what they want you to believe. Don't believe what's written down, believe what I say. That's the same situation here as it is with those diaries. They what you to believe not what the diary said but what she tells you. They don't want you to believe what that document says; they want you to believe what she says. So now, we know that she goes to Redding. After she's made provisions for the gas cans, she goes to Redding so that people will not recognize her because she is going to kill Travis Alexander. There is no other explanation for making up all these stories that we're talking about here. There is

Juan misspeaks here. Instead of Priceline, he means Budget since the statement reflects she paid Budget, not Priceline, and Budget would have to be the ones to pay Priceline rather than vice versa.






no other explanation. Contacts Darryl Brewer. Now has the gas cans. Now has the car rented. And still, this car, it's in Redding where people are not going to know her. And in fact, it's at an airport. By definition, an airport is where people come in and they leave; they're traveling. Those are not the kind of people that you're going to run across at the supermarket. And so, it's a way for her to hide. And she shows up there, and Mr. Columbo asks to her, "We got this nice little red ditty over here for you, nice little red car that you can drive on your way to Arizona," or not Arizona, just drive around, "and by the way, where are you going to drive?" Oh, you know, just around town. That....that's all I'm gonna do. Why did she lie to him? Why did she make that up to him? Because she didn't want to tell him that she was going to Mesa, Arizona, like she already told Darryl Brewer because, then again, that would connect her. But why not take the red car? Well, you know, according to her. red cars call the attention of the police, and she certainly doesn't want the police to find out about her because she's on a mission. She's on a mission to kill somebody. Why would you take a gun if you are going to go on this trip other than to kill this guy? And she says, "Oh, you know, I didn't know that I was going to go there, even though I told Darryl Brewer. I didn't know I was going to go there." Keep in mind that this is a rental car, and one of the things that she says, as she's pointing the finger at Mr. Alexander and how viciously sexual he is, do you remember when she claimed that she was down in that office, do you remember she said, "We were down in that office, and I had brought over some CD's from the trips that we had taken with some photographs. Do you remember that? And she said, "I had scratched them." For whatever reason, she had scratched those CD's, and he got mad and threw that CD because, you know, that guy, he gets mad at everything, and so I then have to have intercourse with him to calm him down. That's what she said. If she's not going to visit him, if she's not going thinking, or if she's no...hasn't already made up her mind to leave Yreka and visit Mr. Alexander in Mesa, Arizona, why, why take these CD's of the trip with her? Why take these CD's? Who is she going to show these CD's to other than him? And she's in a rental car, so that requires a volitional movement on her part to take something from inside the house or her car whatever which one...ever one she does. But it requires a volitional movement to get those CD's into her car and drive down to Redding, California, and then put them in the rental car. There is no other explanation for those CD's to be in Mesa, Arizona, other than that she knew, she absolutely knew and had already planned it. She knew she was going to kill him. Why else take those CD's? Do you think that Joe Columbo wanted to look at them? Do you think that her family in Redding cared, the ones that she claimed took her to the airport. Nobody cares about that. It's a good way to disarm, if you will, or it's a good excuse to show up unannounced somewhere. Look, you know, the only reason I'm dropping by, just like I did back in August of 2007, the only reason I dropped by was to show you this. It's not my fault that you haven't seen these, and it's not my fault that I haven't been able to get them to you; not my fault at all. Not at all. But, you know, I'm making it up to you now. She left Yreka California with those CD's. But she forgot about it as she attempted to manipulate the story from the witness stand. She forgot about it. It's those little details that she forgets. And so she brings those CD's. She doesn't want the red car, and the reason she doesn't want the red car because well, police will see her, doesn't want to be stopped by police. And it's actually foretelling of what happens later because she's stopped in





West Jordan, Utah, by the police for a different reason, but she is stopped by the police, and she's right, a red, according to her mind, a red car is more significant or stopped more prominently or frequently by police. She doesn't want to be stopped because what if she's stopped in a place that shows that she's going to Mesa? She wants to hide the fact that she's going to Mesa, Arizona. And she want....the only reason to hide that fact is because she's going to kill him. And it's not like the bishop is going to be upset if she shows up in Mesa, Arizona. It's not like her family's going to be upset if she shows up in Mesa, Arizona there. She's an adult. It's not like her friends, whoever they may be, because we don't know who they are, they're not going to be upset if she shows up in Mesa, Arizona. The only reason to keep this whole thing secret, which is what she tried to do, is because she was going to kill him. And she's making preparations. And she's very good at making these preparations. You do have to tip her hat....your hat to her. First of all, the burglary. She does a burglary. There are no suspects. The only of the only things taken is this .25 caliber. It's lost; it's out there, this .25 caliber handgun. Then, she rents this car and then takes the white car. And the white car does have some floor mats in it. She takes this white car and says, "I'm only going to drive around here." Again, she lies; makes that up. It's like a field of lies that has sprouted around her as she sat on that witness stand. It's every time she spat something out, another lie, another weed, would grow around her. And so she gets in that car, heads out, and sleeps the night at Matthew McCartney's house. And the next morning, June 3rd of 2008, she then shows up over in Monterrey, and in the Monterrey area, shows up there in the morning and sees Darryl Brewer. And yes, she now has two gas cans. And the only reason to get these gas cans is to put gas in them. There is no other reason why anybody would get a gas can to go on this trip. Well, the ostensible reason to get these gas cans is, perhaps, gas is cheaper in Utah, or maybe gas is cheaper in Nevada, than it is in California. And that's the one of the reasons that's given. But if gas is cheaper in Nevada or Utah, and she does fill them up in Utah, why then? Why would she fill them up in Pasadena? Why would she fill up these three gas cans in Pasadena? The only reason she would fill these gas cans up in Pasadena is because she was going to take the drive to Mesa. And sure enough, there is no evidence that she ever was in this area through this purchasing gasoline. Everybody that travels in, if they stop somewhere and use their credit card, it's easy to trace, but not if you don't stop anywhere. And so she picks up these two gas cans and begins the drive. And after she begins this drive, might take a little detour. And this little detour is after some thought because this is a meticulous approach to premeditation; this is a meticulous approach to killing. Again, why stop in Salinas, California, at a Walmart to buy another 5-gallon can? Because she's been thinking, and she thinks, "You know, 10 gallons. Let's say that maybe 30 to...30 miles per gallon, that's only 300 miles. I need another 5 maybe that gives me another hundred and fifty miles; that's 450 miles. That gets me through Arizona. and into Nevada." So she stops at the Walmart, and she stops at the Walmart, and she does buy a gas can. She admits it. So when you look at this receipt, 237.00A, and you look at it, the bottom item there for $12.96 is the gas can. I guess that's the price of premeditation these days, $12.96. And she admitted, "Yeah, sure did," under cross examination, "I bought that gas can, but," and she was very specific, "I





took it back to this same store, 2458, on that same day." Nurmi: Objection. Facts not in evidence. Stephens: Overruled. You remember what she said on cross examination when she was asked, "Where did you take that gas can back?" And on cross examination, specifically, she said, "I took it back to the same store that I bought it from." Nurmi: Objection. Mischaracterizes the testimony. Stephens: Overruled. The jury is directed to recall the evidence. And do you remember at that time that the question that was followed up was, "Well, would it surprise you that, that store in Salinas doesn't have any record of that?" And her answer was, "Yes, it would surprise me because I got money back. I got a refund." That's the way the exchange went, and your notes should reflect that. So, didn't take it back there, did she? And she told you that. Why did she say that? Why did she tell you that? Because that's just crushing, if you will, in terms of whether or not this is premeditated, and it is premeditated. She was coming to Mesa with a gun and a knife. This knife appears from somewhere, so she had to have brought it up. Knives are not in a bathroom. So, she stops there after thinking about it and now has another gas can, which gives her a further range of at least 30 miles per gallon; we're talking about an extra 450 miles. Well, one of the other things that she does as part of this premeditation and part of this whole murder is that if, you know, you want to do something like this, it's a good idea that when you show up have people not recognize you at the place where' you're going to commit this murder. And so, if you have blonde hair, and you saw the photograph of her with the blonde locks and the black dog and how they told you that, "That's the same color". Do you remember that line of questioning that went on with, uhhh, Ronnie Dwor.....Lonnie Dworkin, their expert on computers? The question was asked, "Well, do you think that this hair here with the dog looks the same as the one where she's laying back?" Do you remember that line? Like he was some sort of expert on hair color. You don't need anybody to tell you what the hair color was when she was there with the dog. You can see for yourself. You don't need the prosecutor or anybody to tell you. But you do know one thing. You were also shown photographs of her also taken on June 3rd of 2008, about this same time, and you saw the hair color, didn't ya? Are you gonna believe Mr. Dworkin and the defendant? Or are you gonna believe your eyes? Maybe the Law of Attraction tells you that you should believe Mr. Dworkin because, again, you can't believe the text messages, you can't believe what's written down on the receipt, and you can't believe what's in her journal because of this Law of Attraction. Now, you can't even believe your own eyes because if you do believe your own eyes, you know she's premeditating the murder. She's thinking of about killing him; that's all that's required. The state doesn't even need to prove a whole plan such as this. All the state needs to prove is that the defendant thought about it, the killing, before she actually carried it out, and this is an extensive amount of planning, days, 6 days in advance, 6 to 7 days in advance of her killing him, a week or so. And so, she stops there, makes all her preparations, now she can freely drive through Mesa with the....with these....with enough gas so that she doesn't have to stop anywhere; more thinking that goes on. And she tells you, "Well, I hadn't planned on going there to Arizona, hadn't even thought






about it, and....but Mr. Alexander, that guy....always guilting me. This is, you know, God, it's just a bad disease this guy; always guilting me. You know, It's not my fault." That's what she's telling you. It ain't my fault. He...I told him I was going to go to Utah, and he was a little bit suspicious about why I was going to Utah, but why don't you stop here in Arizona, you can stop here in Arizona. That's what she told you that he said or that he implied, that he wanted. She kept saying, "No, if you're going to come up here and see me after your trip in Cancun, it's okay." Well, the problem is, is that it's her word. Do we really know, based on all these lies, that, that's what he told her? Or was there just a call to try and find out what he was doing? Does he have a visitor there? Does he have somebody there? What are all his roommates doing? Are they going to be there when I arrive? What is the situation there? Are you going to take it...her word for that? Is there any indication anywhere that Mr. Alexander even knew that she was coming down there? We have her word. You know, in cases that are minor to you, not even important cases, are you gonna take her word? And remember, this individual has no problem telling lies. You've seen throughout this whole trial. Well, she says that she does have this conversation with him. And in fact, the...the records do bear out that there is a conversation, but the content of the conversation is still in doubt. And I only have to point out to the m...point as far as the May 10th, 2008, conversation, in terms of showing that she has no problems lying on the telephone where she says, "Well, yeah, I was faking it." And you know what she said she was faking. Even though you heard her squealing like a cat, "No, no, no, that's....that's just me faking it. And you know why? Because I need two hands." That's why she was faking it. Okay, well, if you can lie on May 10th of 2008 on the telephone to Mr. Alexander, what makes us think that you can't lie about what you and he talked about on June 3rd of 2008? And remember, she's got this history, all along, not only of lying outside of the courtroom, but she has sat in the witness stand, the place where you have taken an oath, a place that is sacrosanct in finding the truth, has sat on that witness stand, looked at each and every one of you in the eye, and lied to you. Specifically, the gas cans; specifically about Priceline. And to another extent, the finger. If you remember, she said, "Oh, you know, he was starting to kick me; he broke my finger." Didn't get any medical care, but he broke my finger. Or alternatively, "I actually was working at Casa Ramos before I went, and, uhh, when I was at Casa Ramos, uhh" or Margaritaville, one of the two, you take your pick because that's what she told Mr. Burns, "and I either went up against one of the edges, the metal edges, and it cut me, or, alternatively, it was a margarita glass." No, and then she takes the witness stand and says, "Well, in terms of the damage to the finger, I actually damaged the finger when I was at Mr. Alexander's home on June 4th of 2008, but the glass was that. That's how it happened. What story are you gonna believe from this individual? And that's the issue here as to when she tells you something, what are you gonna believe? And so, she leaves that area, and off she goes. Drives to Pasadena. Umm, we know that the telephone calls from Mr. Alexander are after that, but she drives to Pasadena. And then something that is so bizarre happens to her. It's seems that there's this co incidental horde of skateboarders in Pasadena. That's what...that's the way the kids are there in Pasadena. They...there they...they...they go in hordes, these skateboarders. And this horde of




skateboarders, well, they carry screwdrivers. That's one of the things. If you're gonna be in this horde of s...of skateboarders, you have to have a screwdriver. That's what you gotta do or else you're not allowed in this particular club out in Pasadena. And you can get a Strawberry Frappuccino or whatever it is that you get at Starbucks when you go there, be careful because when you go in to get this Strawberry Frappuccino, things are gonna happen to your license plate if you run across this horde of skateboarders with this screwdriver. And so, when she was questioned about that in cross examination, and one of the things that she said was, "Well, yeah, I was pulling out after stopping there, and I was pulling out, and I saw something flat on the ground." And when challenged on that, if you see something flat on the ground, what makes you think that you can go and pick it up? What God's name would ever motivate you to go and pick this up, especially if you were afraid of this horde of skateboarders Pasadena? 'Cos she did say that she was concerned for her safety. Why even get out of the car If you don't even know what it is and if you don't even know that it's related to the car? And she said, "I didn't know it was related to the car. I didn't know what it was." And she's having problems with the truth there because remember....she's got...she's got to remem...she remembers that she's got the license plate in the back, that...that she's got to deal with this issue involving the...the, uhh, license plate in the back and whether or not they are connected. And she says, "Oh, I didn't know what the license plate was. I didn't even look in the back." When challenged further she said, "Oh, wait a minute, no, no, it wasn't flat. It was actually standing up. And it was standing up, and I was able to reflect and realize that it was, yeah, it was these," not square she corrected the prosecutor, "rectangular." Remember that? It was a rectangular object that she recognized as a license plate. And if you n...don't have any suspicion whatsoever that it has anything to do with your car, why then, why would you even get out of the car and go look, when you're scared, to get a license plate? Why would you on...on God's green earth would you do that? When you're lying, that's you would do that; that's exactly when you would do that. But she says, "Oh, you know, I went and got it, and I really couldn't tell the numbers, and I didn't compare it to the back." So now you're a thief. Somebody else's license plate is sitting out there. You don't know it's yours. Potentially, it''s...if it's not yours, it's somebody else's, and they may potentially come back for it. So what are you doing? You're stealing it; you're depriving them of the opportunity to have the front license plate which is, obviously, required in the state of California because this car had two of them. So that's what you're doing then because she didn't check to see if it corresponded with the one in the back. And the reasons that she's having problems with that then is because, as you know, in West Jordan, Utah, the one on the back is upside down like somebody took it off and like somebody put it in the back seat of the car when they arrived at Travis Alexander's house, so that the car wouldn't be able to be identified to them, just like that. That's a..., you know, but she can't admit that, and that's why she's having problems with this license plate that's out there in this parking lot. And she ends that conversation with the prosecutor during cross examination by saying, "Oh well, you know, I didn't see numbers or whatever because, you know what, I can't see. I needed glasses back then, so I really couldn't see. So I just grabbed it, and, uhhh, had bugs on it, and so I thought it was mine." And so, uhhh, without any regard to whether or not



it really is hers, throws it in the back seat of the car. Who does that? No one does that. Making it up. And she's making it up because she got stopped in West Jordan, Utah, and has to explain how it is that the front license plate got into the car. Because this horde of skateboarders from Pasadena, they can't get into her car, so she has to be the one to do it, and the only way that she can say that she's the one to do it is to make up a story. And she made up a story about these skateboarders. I guess it's this wild horde kind of thing where you have to have a screwdriver, they're the ones that did it. And you know, she's making that up. She's lying to you about it, and the reason she's lying to you is because in West Jordan, Utah, that license plate was found in her car. So, one of the other things that she doesn't...... Okay. We...we'll stop.


For the transcription, I used a video off Youtube that was uploaded by TheTawnyDilly; although it also contained jury instructions given before the closing, it was the best copy I could find. I will be using her videos to transcribe parts 2 and 3 REVISION 1: separates the text into paragraphs. Completed on 8/25/13

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