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Living Rulebook edition compiled by Andy Hall A big thanks to Robert J.

Reiner, Nick Jakos and john french


INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 TABLETOP CONFLICT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 BUILDING THE GANG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 THE RULEBOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 NEW PLAYERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 WHAT YOU WILL NEED TO PLAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5



CHARACTERISTICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 THE TURN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 PHASES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 MOVEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 MOVING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 RUNNING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 CHARGE! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 HIDING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 TERRAIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 SHOOTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 WHO CAN SHOOT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 CLOSEST TARGET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 RANGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 HITTING THE TARGET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 PINNED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 WOUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 INJURIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 MULTIPLE WOUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 ARMOUR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 PINNED FIGHTERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 SHOOTING INTO HAND-TO-HAND COMBAT . . 18 MOVING AND SHOOTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 SHOOTING AT A FIGHTER WHO IS DOWN . . . 19 BLAST WEAPONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 GRENADES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 FLAMER TEMPLATES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 SUSTAINED SHOOTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 AMMO ROLLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 OVERWATCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 HAND-TO-HAND COMBAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 WHO CAN FIGHT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 PROCEDURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 ATTACK DICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 THE OUTCOME OF COMBAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 MULTIPLE COMBATS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 FOLLOW-UP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 PINNED FIGHTERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 MOVING FROM COMBAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 BREAKING FROM COMBAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 LEADERSHIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 BROKEN FIGHTERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 RECOVERING YOUR NERVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 LEADERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 THE BOTTLE TEST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

FALLING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 STRAY SHOTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 EXPLODING WEAPONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 WILD GRENADES AND SHELLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 ATTACKING STRUCTURAL FEATURES . . . . . . . . 29 FEAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 TERROR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 STUPIDITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 HATRED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 FRENZY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31


WEAPONRY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 PROFILES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 HAND-TO-HAND COMBAT WEAPONS . . . . . . 34 PISTOLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 BASIC WEAPONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 SPECIAL WEAPONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 HEAVY WEAPONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 GRENADES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 ARMOUR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 AMMUNITION AND GUNSIGHTS . . . . . . . . . 49 BIONICS AND BIO-IMPLANTS . . . . . . . . . . . 50 MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT . . . . . . . . . . . 51


The World of Necromunda THE HIVES OF NECROMUNDA . . . . . . . . . . . .59 HIVE PRIMUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 THE HOUSES OF HIVE PRIMUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 THE MERCHANT GUILD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 THE UNDERHIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 CREATING A GANG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 GANG RECRUITMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 WEAPONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 SAMPLE GANG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

Battles in the Underhive NECROMUNDA CAMPAIGNS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 SERIOUS INJURIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 EXPERIENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 SKILLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 TERRITORY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 INCOME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 TERRITORY TABLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 TRADING POSTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 RARE TRADE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 PRICE CHART . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 HIRED GUNS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 UNDERHIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 BOUNTY HUNTERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 RATSKIN SCOUTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104


Playing Campaign Games PLAYING A CAMPAIGN GAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 SCENARIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 SCENARIO 1: GANG FIGHT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 SCENARIO 2: SCAVENGERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 SCENARIO 3: HIT & RUN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 SCENARIO 4: AMBUSH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 SCENARIO 5: THE RAID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 SCENARIO 6: RESCUE MISSION . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 SCENARIO 7: SHOOT OUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119


Necromunda is a game of fierce combat between rival gang fighters in the dangerous underworld of the Necromundan hives. A hive is an ancient and incomprehensibly vast city, built up layer upon layer, stretching ten miles into the planets atmosphere. To those who live in the depths the dark and ruinous Underhive offers every opportunity for wealth and power. Its collapsed caverns conceal the riches of the distant past: rare and precious metals, unfathomable archeotech devices, wondrous mutated fungi and much more. It is also a place of danger, where mutant creatures, renegades and killers hide from the laws of House and Hive. And, of course, there are others who want the riches of the Underhive for themselves. Outside the hives the planets surface is covered by endless miles of toxic ash wastes and the atmosphere is so polluted that it corrodes the hives armoured walls. Above is a harsh sky and the suns deadly light. Beyond the planet itself is the wider galaxy and the great realm of the Imperium of Man, an empire of a million worlds held in thrall by the Adeptus of Earth. But such things are nothing but legends in the Underhive where sky and space, planets and even the ground itself are concepts so wild and abstract that many refuse to believe they exist. TABLETOP CONFLICT The Necromunda game allows you to fight conflicts between rival Underhive gangs on the tabletop. The opposing gangs are represented by models, assembled and painted by yourself, each representing an individual gang fighter. Youll find more information about the different cultures and peoples of Necromunda in the later sections of this book. Your tabletop becomes a part of the Underhive, the scene of the action, with ruined buildings, gantries and multi-level walkways. The aim of the game is to outfight your opponent, which requires a mixture of skill and luck. Youll soon learn how to arm and equip your gang efficiently, and how to exploit the ruins and other terrain to your best advantage. Youll also want to expand your gangs beyond the models provided in the game. Many models are available for the different gangs and new models are coming out all the time. With these you can expand your collection, equip fighters with different weapons, and add more powerful characters. BUILDING THE GANG Every time you play Necromunda you earn the opportunity to expand or improve your gang. By winning games you gain territory, discover ancient artifacts, uncover mineral wealth, and so on. With this wealth you can buy more weaponry and hire more gang fighters. Your gang will also improve with time. Every time a gang fights, its members gain in skill and experience. Young juves quickly progress to become full gang fighters, and fighters learn new abilities which make them superior combatants. As the gangs leader becomes richer and his followers ever more deadly, his fame will spread throughout the Underhive. Famous gunfighters and other renegades will come and seek him out, perhaps to join him, maybe to collect the inevitable bounty that piles upon his head! By recording the details of your gang you can watch it grow from a bunch of young hopefuls to hardened fighters feared and respected throughout the Underhive. THE RULEBOOK This book, the Necromunda rulebook, contains the rules of the game. You dont need to learn all the rules to play, but we suggest you read through the rulebook before attempting your first game. The most important rules are summarised on the separate playsheets, and youll quickly find these are all you need in most situations. For more detailed rules and to resolve more complex situations, you can always refer to the rulebook itself. NEW PLAYERS If youre new to Games Workshop games then youll be reassured to know that finding other players isnt normally a problem youll be surprised how many there are! There may be a Games Workshop store nearby, where you can obtain models, paints and game supplements. Games Workshop stores are not just shops, they are hobby centres where the staff will happily help you learn the rules, show you how to paint, and suggest ways to use and develop your collection. Games Workshop staff are also players who collect and paint their own forces and fight battles themselves.



MODELS Games of Necromunda are fought out using model fighters, each approximately 28mm tall. Before playing you need enough models to assemble a complete gang as detailed later in the rules. A large variety of different models are available from Games Workshop, illustrations of which can be found throughout this book, and particular in the colour section at its centre. TEMPLATES Special templates are used to determine the effects of many weapons. For example, grenade and shell bursts, and the gout of burning fire projected by a flamer. You can find these near the back of the book, on page 142. You can photocopy this page and cut out the templates for use in your games, or alternatively purchase more sturdy plastic versions available from Games Workshop. DICE A variety of different dice are used in the Necromunda game, as follows. WHAT ELSE YOU WILL NEED In addition to the game components mentioned above you will need two or more players and a firm, level tabletop or area of floor. A kitchen table will do fine. Some gamers make their own gaming tables from a sheet of chipboard or something similar. Such a table can be slightly larger than the table or trestles that support it, and can be divided into two or more pieces for ease of storage. Many players find that a heavy blanket draped over a table or spread upon the floor makes a fine surface on which to play a battle. You will need at least one retractable tape measure marked in feet and inches. All distances in Necromunda are given in Imperial units. Pens and pencils, and plenty of paper will also be required. When you play a game you will need to keep track of wounds suffered by your fighters, the weapons they are carrying, and other details. This is most easily done using a roster sheet, an example of which is included in this book. We recommend that you copy or photocopy additional roster sheets and use them to record details during the game. Well explain more about roster sheets and how to use them later in this book.

From left to right: Two D6s, a scatter dice, and an artillery dice Ordinary dice (known as D6s) are marked 1 to 6 in the usual way. These dice are used a lot during play and to save space on charts they are always referred to as D6 (where D stands for dice). So, when the rules call upon you to roll a D6 we are simply asking you to roll a dice. D6+1 means roll a dice and add 1 to the score. 2D6 means roll two dice and add the scores together to obtain a score of 2-12. The Scatter dice is marked with four arrows and two HIT symbols. This dice is used to determine where grenades and shells land if they miss their target, hence scatter. The dice can be used to establish any random direction from a point. Note that the HIT symbol also has a small arrow on it to facilitate this. The Artillery dice is marked 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and MISFIRE. This dice is used in conjunction with the Scatter dice to determine how far shells land from their mark. A MISFIRE result can result in a shell proving dud or even exploding in the breach. In some cases, you will also find references to a dice called a D3. There isnt actually any such thing as a 3sided dice, instead a D3 means roll a D6 and halve the result rounding up. So, for a D3, a roll of a 1 or 2 = 1, a roll of 3 or 4 = 2 and a roll of 5 or 6 = 3.


Brutus Baxx opened his eyes and looked around him. Nothing had changed. It was still the same nightmare situation he had awoken to after those slime-sucking snakes the Delaques had turned him over to the Guilders. His head ached as if someone had rammed an electrode into his brain, as indeed they had. Several electrodes, in fact. "Stop squirming," the techno grumbled. "If you want me to get this saw unclogged and working again before the next round, youd better sit still!" Baxx looked up into the mans eyes, or rather eye, singular. The other had been replaced by a glowing red bionic implant. Baxx scowled. The techno was bald and wiry and reminded him of the traitorous, mirror-eyed Delaques. Baxxs shoulder and back ached from where the monstrous buzz-saw had been grafted onto the stump of his left arm, and bolted to his spinal column. The flesh around his newly-implanted ownership studs was pink and raw too. "Are you done there yet, Lazlo?" asked one of the other pit slaves waiting inside the plasteel-walled bunker. He had a grease-black topknot of hair, a Guild skull tattoo on his left shoulder and a huge hydraulic claw in place of his right arm. "I will be if this muscle-head stops twitching worse than a Ratskin high on Spook," the techno complained. "Dont talk about our potential associate like that, Lazlo," the claw-armed pit slave chided, a broad grin splitting his face. "By the black Abyss, what are you talking about?" Baxx growled, speaking for the first time since he had come round. "Were slated to fight in the next round!" "Were breaking out of here," the pit slave said. "Let me introduce myself. The names Scuzman Veck. I and my friends here," he took in the other cyborgs in the sweaty gloom of the bunker with a sweep of his claw, "have had enough of living life at stinking Phelonius Carbonynes pleasure. So, after the third round" ***** The roar of the crowd was deafening. Underhivers packed the stands, all eager to see the pit slaves messily slaughter one another in new and interesting ways. Scuzman Veck and his crew were lined up on the other side of the rust-stained ash floor of the fighting pit. Baxx and the drugged-up Ratskin brute they were calling the Beast of Broken Spar faced them. Through narrowed eyes, Baxx could see the obese warty bulk of Phelonius Carbonyne within his own private box, squatting like a fat, albino toad on his servitor-carried palanquin. Diesel engines roared and oily black smoke belched into the air as the pit slaves fired up their tool-weapons. The crowd roared even louder, in expectation of the bloodshed to come. If the plan was to work they had to make this look convincing Brutus powered forwards, rushing straight towards Veck with all the ferocity the crowd obviously expected. Veck side-stepped, forcing Brutus to rush straight past him, clearly maneouvring the pair of them closer to the edge of the arena and their intended escape route. Now Veck made his attack, rushing at Brutus with his arms raised, ready to bring his weapon crashing down, but doing so just slowly enough for Baxx to duck. The momentum of the swing carried Veck right up to the edge of the arena, right where he intended to be. Brutus was behind him, and as he saw Veck begin his sprint ot the gate he knew the getaway had begun. The show-fight had brought both of them within reach of freedom, that was if Baxx hadnt reached out and cut Vecks legs out from under him as he ran. If the plan was to work, it had to be convincing, after all. ***** Underhivers scattered before him as he powered towards them, sweeping the whirling blur of his buzz saw before him. Adrenalin flooding his nervous system, Brutus Baxx came to halt outside the arena gates and looked around. They had done it. Skav, but they had done it! Well, at least he had done it. He could hear Scuzman Veck still cursing, trapped by the press of Guilder guards in the arena behind him. But Brutus Baxx was free!



the rules
The Underhive fighters of Necromunda have wildly varied martial skills and physical abilities. Some are faster than others, some are stronger, some more determined, some are better shots, and so forth. This tremendous variety is fully represented in the Necromunda game in the form of characteristics and special skills. Right now we wont worry about the special skills these come later with practice and battle experience. For the moment well just consider a fighters characteristics. Each model fighter is defined by a set of characteristics namely: Move, Weapon Skill, Ballistic Skill, Strength, Toughness, Wounds, Initiative, Attacks and Leadership. Each characteristic is assigned a value of (usually) between 1 and 10. The higher value your model has for any characteristic the better for example, a model with a Strength of 6 is stronger than a model with a Strength of 2. Descriptions of the different characteristics are given below. Move (M). A models move shows the number of inches it can move in a turn under normal circumstances. The usual number is 4 as almost all fighters move 4" per turn, although they can move faster when they are running or charging, as youll see later. Weapon Skill (WS). Weapon Skill is a measure of close combat ability how good the person is at hand-to-hand fighting. A good swordsman or a skilled knife fighter would have a high value compared to a green juve, for example. An average value is 3. Ballistic Skill (BS). Ballistic Skill shows how good a shot the individual is. When you shoot a gun the chance of hitting a target depends upon your Ballistic Skill. An average score is 3 and a dead-eye shot might have a Ballistic Skill of 4, 5 or even higher. Strength (S). Strength simply shows how strong a person is! Strength is especially important when you fight hand-to-hand combat because the stronger you are the harder you can hit or thrust. A Strength value of 3 is about average. Toughness (T). Toughness is a measure of how easily an individual can withstand a hit from a weapon or a blow from a club, hand weapon or fist. The tougher you are the harder you are to wound or kill. An average value is 3. Wounds (W). A models Wounds value shows how many times a fighter can be wounded before he collapses and goes down dead or incapacitated. Most individuals have a Wound value of only 1 but tough old gang leaders and veteran gangers might have a value of 2 or more. Initiative (I). The Initiative value represents alertness and reaction speed. It determines a fighters chance of dodging a sudden blow or gathering his wits while shells and bombs explode around him. An average Initiative value is 3. Attacks (A). The Attacks value indicates the number of Attack dice rolled when the model fights in handto-hand combat. Most individuals roll only one dice and so have an Attacks value of 1, but experienced fighters might have a higher value and roll correspondingly more dice. The more dice you roll the more chance you have of beating your opponent! Leadership (Ld). Leadership represents raw courage and self-control. The higher a persons Leadership the more likely he is to remain steadfast in combat while others run off or are slain around him. An average Leadership value is 7.


A models characteristic values are written in the form of a convenient chart which we call his characteristic profile or just profile. Ganger Mak McMadd M WS BS S 4 3 3 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A Ld 1 7

This is the average profile for a gang fighter or ganger, as they are called. When you raise your first gang it will include gangers with exactly this profile. As you fight games against other players your fighters will get better and their characteristics will rise. All these details are recorded using the gang roster sheets provided. This is explained properly later on. For now its enough to know what the characteristics are and how the values vary.



During the game you take command of a gang of Necromundan Underhive fighters. Your opponent commands a rival gang, your deadly opponents in the forthcoming conflict. The model fighters and scenery are set up on the tabletop as appropriate for the encounter you are fighting (see the Scenarios section in the Sourcebook). There are many different types of encounter, varying from the straightforward shoot-out to rescue missions, ambushes and daring raids. Depending on the encounter played, you can set the gang fighters up in different ways, but all the games are basically played in the same fashion. To begin with one side takes a turn, then the other side, then the original side and so on, much like a game of draughts or chess. When it is your turn you can move all your models, shoot with any fighters that are able to do so, and fight hand-to-hand combats. Once your turn is complete it is your opponents turn to move, shoot and fight with his gang.


To keep track of whos doing what and when, your turn is divided into four distinct phases as follows. Each phase is completed before beginning the next. So, begin by moving all your models, then shoot with all models that can do so, then fight hand-to-hand, and finally recover any models that have run from the fight. 1 MOVEMENT During the movement phase you may move your gang fighters according to the rules given later for movement. 2 SHOOTING In the shooting phase you may shoot with any appropriate weapons as described in the rules for shooting. 3 HAND-TO-HAND During the hand-to-hand phase all models in hand-to-hand combat may fight. Note that both sides fight in hand-to-hand combat regardless of whose turn it is. 4 RECOVERY During the recovery phase you can attempt to recover individuals whose nerve has broken. The rules for keeping your nerve, running away and recovery are described later. Once your turn is complete it is your opponents turn. Your opponent works through each phase, moving, shooting, fighting hand-to-hand and recovery, after which his turn is over. Games last until one side either gives in or is forced into defeat as described later. You can also be obliged to withdraw from the fight if your side takes too many casualties. During some encounters, there is a specific objective which you must achieve, perhaps to destroy a machine or rescue a captive. Each of the special encounters describes what you must do to win, and therefore end, the game.


During the movement phase you can move your models as you wish in accordance with the rules given below. Move your model fighters one at a time and finish moving each before moving the next one. You can move your fighters in any order except where noted below. 1 CHARGERS If you want a model to charge at an enemy and attack him hand-to-hand then you must do this before moving any other models. When you charge you must declare to your opponent that you are charging and indicate which enemy model you are attacking. 2 COMPULSORY MOVES Sometimes a model is obliged to move in a certain way and this is called a compulsory move. For example, a fighter whose nerve breaks must run away from his enemies and take cover. Make all your compulsory moves before finishing any remaining movement. 3 THE REST Once you have moved chargers and compulsory movers you can move the rest of your models as you wish.
Justice in the Underhive is a rough and ready affair, administered chiefly by the local Guilder Courts under the supervision of each settlements most powerful Guilders. These rich and influential individuals keep the peace inside the towns and oversee any trading that goes on there. The Guilders hire local fighters called Watchmen to man the gates and walk the streets during lights out. If bigger problems arise, such as outlaw gangs raiding the surrounding holes, the Guilders pay local gang leaders to deal with them. This provides a lucrative income for the most successful gangs. Strangers, trouble-makers and quarrelsome citizens are targeted by the diligent Watchmen and dealt with by means of a swift crack on the head or a night in the pit. Belligerent or persistent types are hauled up before the next Guilder Court for trial and sentence.


During their movement phase models can move up to their move rate in inches in any direction. Most fighters have a move characteristic (M) of 4 and so can move 4" in any direction including up or down ladders. In normal circumstances you do not have to move the full permitted distance or at all if you do not wish. Any exceptions are described later and invariably involve either charges or compulsory moves.


The normal 4" move represents a person moving at a fairly rapid rate but allowing time to aim and shoot a weapon and generally observe what is going on around him. If you wish a model can move much quicker than this he can run! A running fighter can move at double speed: 8" rather than 4", for example. A running model loses his chance to shoot in the turn. He is concentrating on running and is not prepared to fight, having shouldered his weapons or replaced them in holsters. You should declare that models are running as they move, as this will help to remind both players that the model is unable to shoot that turn. If a running model approaches within 8" of an enemy that he can see he must stop immediately. The runner is surprised to find an opponent so close and immediately stops to draw a weapon or ready himself to fight.




If you wish a model to engage an enemy in handto-hand combat then you must declare and make a special move called a charge. The reason we do this is that the enemy may get a chance to shoot as you leap towards him waving your weapons and yelling a bloodcurdling cry. Without measuring the distance, declare that you are charging and indicate which enemy model you wish to attack. A charge is like a run, at double move rate, but ends with the attacker touching his enemy baseto-base. Once opposing models are touching bases in this way they are engaged in hand-tohand combat. Models are also engaged in handto-hand combat if separated by a low wall or obstacle, where it is literally impossible for the bases to touch because the wall is in the way. It can happen that you charge towards an enemy but fail to reach him because you have miscalculated the distance. If this happens the model is moved as far as possible towards his enemy and can do nothing for the rest of the turn. Note that you cannot move models into hand-tohand combat except by charging any move intended to bring a fighter into hand-to-hand combat is a charge by definition.


The Hiding rule allows us to represent the fact that real people can duck down and conceal themselves in a way our unmoving and dramatically posed models cannot. A hiding fighter keeps as still as possible, just peeking out over his cover or around a corner. Hiding is sometimes useful if you want to keep out of a fight until the enemy gets within close range, or if you want a breather to recover and regroup your forces. A model can hide if it ends its movement behind a low wall or column, at the corner of a building, or in a similar position where a person might reasonably conceal himself. The player declares that his fighter is hiding and can indicate this by placing a Hidden counter beside the model. While hidden a fighter cannot be seen or shot at, even if a portion of the model is actually sticking up or out from its cover. While hidden a model cannot shoot without giving away its position or coming out of hiding. If a hiding model shoots or moves so that it can be seen then it is no longer hidden and can be shot at as normal. A model that runs or charges is not able to hide that turn. His sudden burst of speed does not give him time to conceal himself from view. A model may stay hidden over several turns so long as it remains behind a concealing wall or similar feature. It may even move around behind cover so long as it remains concealed while it does so. If an enemy moves into a position where he would clearly be able to see the hidden fighter, then the model cannot claim to be hidden any longer and the counter is removed. A model may not hide if it is too close to an enemy he will be seen or heard no matter how well concealed he may be. This distance varies according to the enemy fighter, who will always see, hear, or otherwise spot hidden foes within his Initiative value in inches. So, a fighter whose Initiative value is 3 will automatically spot all hidden enemy within 3".




Battles mostly take part in open areas where movement is easiest. Obviously high walls and other constructions will block your progress, but the ground level and raised surfaces are reasonably solid. However, should you find yourself struggling over shifting ash wastes or up to your elbows in marshes of bubbling pollutant, your progress will be impeded as indicated below. OPEN GROUND The tabletop surface, building floors, connecting walkways and ladders are all considered to be open ground which does not affect your movement. You can also move through doors or hatches without slowing your speed.

VERY DIFFICULT GROUND This is the really nasty stuff you wouldnt want to go near. It includes tar pits, deep or noxious pools of liquid wastes, and narrow crawlholes through the rubble. Models move over very difficult ground at a quarter rate, so each 1" of movement counts as 4".

IMPASSABLE GROUND Much of the Underhive is simply impossible to move over or through, such as deep or corrosive pools, enveloping layers of soft hive dust, and, of course, solid walls, collapsed tunnels and the like.

DIFFICULT GROUND Difficult ground includes steep or treacherous slopes, dense stands of hive foliage such as giant fungi, pools of pollutant liquid or effluvia, and thick or sodden hive dust. Models move over difficult ground at half speed or half rate, so 1" of movement counts as 2". For example, to cross a 1 1/2" wide pool of bubbling algal slime you must expend 3" of your move. Similarly, if moving over a steep mound of ash waste youll move at 2" per turn rather than 4". A fighter who is running is slowed down by difficult ground. He will run at 4" rather than 8" over steep slopes for example, because all models move at half speed over difficult terrain.

WALLS AND BARRIERS Walls, pipelines, small heaps of debris, and other low obstacles form barriers that you can either go around or leap over. A model can leap over a barrier less than 1" high and no more than 1" wide without impeding its movement at all. A barrier between 1" and 2" high, and no more than 1" wide, can still be crossed by climbing over but you must give up half of your total move that turn to do so. For example, if you would otherwise move 4" then you must give up 2". A barrier higher than 2" is too tall to climb over and is effectively impassable.



Necromundan Underhive fighters carry a variety of weaponry. Individual fighters often have several different weapons such as grenades, pistols, knives and guns. During the shooting phase of your turn each of your fighters may shoot once with one of his weapons. So you can either shoot a laspistol, fire a boltgun, or throw a grenade, for example. Work through your models one at a time. Pick which fighter is going to shoot, nominate his target, work out if he hits his enemy and, if he does so, any wounds or injuries caused, and then continue to the next shooter. You can take shots in any order you wish. WHO CAN SHOOT Each model can shoot once in the shooting phase so long as he can see a target and assuming he has a suitable weapon and isnt fighting in hand-to-hand combat (as described later). The fighter is always assumed to face in the direction faced by the model itself, and is able to see within a 90 degree arc to his front. You can only shoot at a target within this arc as shown on the diagram below. an arm or leg. If he can see nothing but the tip of a gun or the end of a sword then he cannot shoot as he is unable to see the targets body. If in doubt, and if youve checked the shot from both the firers and the targets view and still cant decide, then roll a dice on a 1, 2 or 3 you cant see and on a 4, 5 or 6 you can.


You must shoot at the closest enemy as he represents the most immediate threat and therefore the most obvious target. However, you can fire at a more distant target if it is easier to hit. For example, a closer target may be hard to hit because it is partly obscured by cover whilst a more distant target might be in the open and therefore an easier shot.



In this diagram the closet traget is A but he is obscured by cover and so is more difficult to hit than the more distant targets B, C and D. In this situation the firer may shoot at Target B since he is the closer of the more distant tagerts even though he is further away than target A.

In the diagram target A is within the 90 arc of sight and so can be shot at. Target B cannot be shot at becasue he is outside the 90 arc of sight.

To shoot at a target a fighter must be able to see it, and the only way to check this is to stoop over the tabletop for a models eye view. Sometimes it will be obvious whether a target can be seen, at other times it will be more difficult as buildings and girders will be in the way. So long as the shooter can see at least a part of the targets body he can shoot, even if all that can be seen is




Once you have decided to shoot and have chosen your target you must measure to see whether the shot is within range. Each type of weapon has a maximum range as indicated later in the Armoury section of the book. The following examples show the short, long and maximum ranges of a selection of typical weapons. Weapon Laspistol Bolt Pistol Autogun Lasgun Boltgun Melta Gun Shotgun Missile Launcher Heavy Stub Gun Short Range 0-8" 0-8" 0-12" 0-12" 0-12" 0-6" 0-4" 0-20" 0-20" Long Range 8-16" 8-16" 12-24" 12-24" 12-24" 6-12" 4-18" 20-72" 20-40" Max Range 16" 16" 24" 24" 24" 12" 18" 72" 40"


Some shots are easier than others. It is easier to hit a target that is in the open compared to a target behind cover. Usually it is easier to hit a target if it is close compared to one further away. These situations are represented by the following modifiers. -1 IN PARTIAL COVER Up to half the target is obscured as defined in the section on cover. -2 IN COVER More than half the target is obscured as defined in the section on cover. -1 APPEARING/DISAPPEARING/CHARGING The shooter is firing at a suddenly appearing/disappearing or charging target whilst on overwatch. See the Overwatch rules later in this section. -1 RAPID MOVING TARGET The target moved 10" or more in his previous move phase. -1 SMALL TARGET The whole target is less than 1/2" tall or wide. Such targets might include unexploded bombs, mechanical devices, or a specific point on the ground or wall. Enemy fighters are always larger than this! +1 LARGE TARGET The whole target is 2" tall or wide. Such targets include large processor tanks, bulkhead doors and other sizeable bits of industrial equipment. Modifiers for range depend upon the weapon used. All weapons have their own range bands and different modifiers at short or long range, as indicated in the Armoury section of this book. The following examples show how this works. Weapon Laspistol Bolt Pistol Plasma Pistol Autogun Boltgun Heavy Bolter Shotgun (Solid slug) Short Range +2 +2 +2 +1 +1 Long Range -1 -1 -1

Assuming your target is within range you can proceed with the shot. If the target is out of range then you have automatically missed, but you still have to test to see whether your weapon develops a fault (see Ammo Rolls, later in this section).


To determine whether a shot hits its target roll a D6. The dice score needed will depend upon how good a shot the firer is (as indicated by his Ballistic Skill or BS). The chart below shows the minimum D6 roll needed to score a hit. BS of shooter D6 score 1 6 2 5 3 4 4 3 5 2 6 1 7 0 8 9 10 -1 -2 -3

For example: If the shooter is a ganger with a BS of 3, a dice roll of a 4 or more is required to hit the target. An easy way to remember this is simply to subtract the firers BS from 7 to find the number needed to hit. You will notice that the chart covers scores of 1 and even less. However, a dice roll of a 1 is always a miss regardless of circumstances. There is no such thing as a certain hit if the dice turns up a 1 you have missed!

As you can see, pistol weapons are very sensitive to range: they are likely to hit at short range but can be inaccurate at long range. Remember, long range isnt necessarily very far in the case of a pistol! Heavy weapons, on the other hand, tend not to be sensitive to range. With these weapons it is as easy to hit at a distance as it is at short range because a close moving target is hard to track with a weighty or clumsy weapon. Most other weapons are marginally easier to hit with at short range, as you would expect.



The many walls, girders, buttresses and ruined buildings in the Underhive provide plenty of cover. If a target is partly obscured by intervening cover then it will be harder to hit. How much harder depends upon how much of the target is obscured by the cover. If the shooter can see at least half of the targets body but not the entire body, then the target is said to be in partial cover. The shooter suffers a -1 to hit penalty. If the shooter can see some of the targets body but less than half of it, then the target is said to be in cover. The shooter suffers a -2 to hit penalty. If a target model is in cover or partially in cover and hiding, then it cannot be seen or fired at even if the shooter can see a portion of the models body. The fighter is assumed to be keeping still, concealing himself in the shadows and hugging his cover as closely as he can (see Hiding in the Movement section). A certain amount of judgement is called for by the players when deciding whether a model can be seen, if it is in cover, or whether it can reasonably continue to hide behind cover. In practice, players quickly reach an agreeable method of determining this for themselves, but if you really cannot decide in a particular case then each player rolls a dice to settle the matter, the highest scorer deciding in that instance.

In Cover: less that half of the fighters body is in view.

In Partial Cover: more than half of the fighters body is in view.

In The Open: a shooter would incur no penalties to hit.


These modifiers are not normally used unless the encounter involves a specific target which is especially large or small. For example, perhaps you must destroy a water still collecting vane or a chemical storage tank to achieve your objective. Enemy fighters are never small or large targets and you cannot specifically aim at items they are carrying.

7+ HIT
Because of the modifiers it is quite possible that you will end up needing a score of 7 or more to hit the target. It is obviously impossible to roll a 7 on a D6, but you can still hit if you are lucky. Roll a D6 as before. If you roll a 6 then you might have hit. Roll a further D6 the additional score required is shown on the chart below. Score Required to Hit 7 Additional D6 Score 4+ 8 5+ 9 6+ 10 Miss

Example: A juve is shooting a laspistol at a target 12" away and behind partial cover. The juves BS is 2 so he requires a 5 to hit. The modifiers are -1 for long range and a further -1 for partial cover. A score of 7 is therefore needed. To achieve this the juve must roll a 6 followed by a further roll of a 4 or more.




As soon as a fighter is hit the model is knocked over and placed face up. We say the model has been pinned by enemy fire. The force of the shot has knocked the fighter off his feet. The shot may have hurt or even killed him, or he may be lucky and escape without significant harm. Even if he survives he is momentarily confused, or, at best, his instincts force him to hit the dirt and keep his head down. Later well deal with what happens to the pinned fighter if he survives unharmed. First, well find out whether the shot has wounded him.


Once you have hit a target you must test to see whether a wound is inflicted. A shot may fail to cause a wound because it hits part of the targets equipment or weaponry, or perhaps it just scratches the skin or causes some very minor injury which the fighter bravely ignores. If you fail to cause a wound then the target is unharmed but is still pinned by enemy fire as described later. To determine whether your shot has caused a wound you must compare the Strength value of the weapon with the Toughness (T) characteristic of the target. You will find a complete description of the various weapons together with their Strength values and special rules in the Armoury section, but a few examples are given here. WEAPON Laspistol Bolt Pistol Stub Gun Autogun Lasgun Boltgun Melta Gun Lascannon Auto-cannon Heavy Stub Gun STRENGTH 3 4 3 3 3 4 8 9 8 4

The chart below shows the D6 score required to turn a hit into a wound. Remember, an average Toughness characteristic value is 3 for gangers and other humans. However, the Underhive contains many foul other denizens whose toughness can range from average to unbelievable high proportions.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 6 5 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 6 6 5 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 5 N 6 6 5 4 3 2 2 2 2 6 N 6 6 5 4 3 2 2 2 7 8 9 10

N 6 6 5 4 3 2 2

N 6 6 5 4 3 2

N 6 6 5 4 3

N 6 6 5 4




Most fighters have a Wound characteristic of 1 but some have a value of 2 or more. If the target has more than 1 wound then deduct 1 wound from his total for each wound he suffers. Make a note on the roster sheet. So long as the model has a least 1 wound left he can continue to fight. As soon as a fighter suffers his last remaining wound roll to determine the extent of his injuries. The player who inflicted the wound rolls a D6. 1 FLESH WOUND The target has sustained a minor wound. Deduct -1 from both his Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill for the rest of the game. 2-5 DOWN The target falls down to the ground where he lies wounded and barely conscious. Turn the model over or face down, to show that the fighter has gone down. 6 OUT OF ACTION The target has been badly wounded and falls to the ground unconscious. He takes no further part in the game and the model is immediately removed from play.

Down When a fighter goes down he is either badly injured or temporarily knocked senseless: he might recover or he might lapse into unconsciousness and even die. Turn the model face down to show the fighter has gone down. A model which goes down may do nothing except crawl as noted below. A player must roll to see what happens to any of his fighters who are down at the end of his recovery phase. Fighters may recover, stay down, or go out of action. Roll a D6 and consult the Injury chart again (1 = flesh wound, 2-5 = down and 6 = out of action). Models which recover to flesh wounded may continue to fight but suffer the -1 WS/BS penalty, and are pinned for one turn (see Pinned). Turn the model face up to show this. Models which stay down remain face down and unchanged. Models which go out of action are removed. During his movement phase a man who is down can crawl or stagger 2" as if he had a M characteristic of 2. He may do nothing else and he may not run or charge. This enables a badly wounded character to get behind cover or escape from his enemies (if hes lucky!). Out of Action Out of action indicates a man is out of combat and also out of the game. Remove the model from the tabletop. It is impossible to tell whether the fighter is alive or dead, but for game purposes it makes no difference at this stage. After the fight is over you can test to see whether he survives and if he sustains any serious lasting injuries as a result of his wounds (see the later Campaign sections for details).


Some weapons inflict hits with such devastating force that if hit, a fighter is likely to be severely injured. Weapons with a strength of 7 or more are known as high impact weapons, and when a fighter is hit by a high impact weapon they will go out of action on a roll of a 5 or 6 on the injury chart (above) rather than the normal 6. Other effects of injury from high impact weapons are the same as those described above. Flesh Wound A model with a flesh wound can continue to fight even though it has zero wounds left. If the model takes further wounds then roll for injury once more, just as if it had lost its final wound. A fighter can sustain several flesh wounds and still continue to fight, albeit at reduced effectiveness. Make a note on your roster sheet and apply the penalties indicated for the rest of the game. Leave the model lying face uppermost to show it is still pinned (see later). Each time a model suffers a flesh wound, it loses a further 1 point of BS and WS, so a model with several flesh wounds may have a WS or BS of 0. If his WS and BS both reach 0 the fighter automatically drifts into unconsciousness due to servere loss of blood and is taken out of action for the rest of the game.


Some weapons inflict more than 1 wound when they hit. A model cannot be reduced to fewer than zero wounds, but each extra wound inflicted means you roll another Injury dice. So, if a fighter has 1 wound remaining and suffers 4 wounds he rolls four Injury dice. Multiple down results are ignored but a fighter can suffer multiple flesh wounds. A fighter who suffers flesh wounds and goes down at the same time is treated as going down but suffers the penalties indicated for his flesh wounds as well. Remember, any fighter reduced to 0 WS and BS by flesh wounds automatically goes out of action.



Armour is less important and less readily available in the confines of the Necromundan Underhive than on a conventional battlefield. Gangers rely more upon the natural cover of the hive and their own wits to avoid injury. However, some fighters wear protective clothing or armour which may save them from a wound if they are lucky. To represent this there is a special test called a saving throw. If a fighter is wearing armour and suffers a wound then roll a D6. If the dice roll is sufficiently high then the wounding shot has struck the armour and not hurt the wearer at all. The dice score required varies according to the type of armour. The most common armour types and the D6 roll required to effect a save are given below. Minimum D6 score Armour required to save Flak 6 Mesh 5 Carapace 4 For example: A fighter is hit by a shot from a laspistol and suffers a wound. Fortunately, he is wearing carapace armour, a hardened plasteel jacket or plate which covers his upper body. He rolls a D6 and scores 5 easily enough to deflect the shot and save him. Some weapons are better at penetrating armour than others. A shot from a laspistol might be deflected relatively easily, but a shot from a huge lascannon is a different matter! To represent this, each weapon has an armour save modifier as indicated in its description in the Armoury section. For example, a boltgun has a -1 save modifier so all armour saves must deduct 1 from the dice roll. It is not possible to effect a save if the score required is more than 6.

If a model has at least one other model from the gang within 2" then he can try to escape pinning at the start of his turn. If successful the fighter will not have to miss his turn at all. Roll a D6. If the score is equal to or less than his Initiative value he has recovered his wits immediately. Stand the model up. The fighter can move and fight normally that turn. Note that when testing to escape pinning at the start of the turn juves, fighters who are down, and fighters whose nerve is broken do not count. Rather than reassuring the fighter and offering covering fire, the proximity of these unreliable comrades will only encourage him to keep his head down!


Normally it would be considered very rash indeed to shoot at fighters who are grappling with each other at close quarters it would be very easy to hit the wrong man! Although the models themselves are immobile the fighters are actually ducking, diving and rolling about in a whirlwind of action. Should you wish to shoot at a model engaged in hand-to-hand combat roll to hit as normal. If you hit then you must decide whether you have hit the intended model or a model fighting the target. There is as much chance of hitting the target as there is of hitting each model he is fighting. So, if there are two models fighting a D6 roll of 1-3 indicates one model, a 4-6 indicates the other. If the target is fighting two opponents then youll need a 5 or 6 to hit the right man, and so on.


In most cases a model may move at its normal movement rate and shoot in the same turn. There is no penalty for this, as the normal move rate assumes a certain amount of time spent stationary or nearly so. Some heavy weapons are so cumbersome that it is impossible to move and shoot with them in the same turn. These weapons are indicated in the Armoury section. Models which run or charge may not shoot. Models which have gone down as a result of an injury, or which are pinned as a result of a hit, cannot shoot. Models fighting hand-to-hand combat cannot shoot, any weapons fire at close quarters being worked out in the hand-to-hand phase. Models which are broken are also unable to shoot (see the Leadership Tests section).

Often a fighter is hit and pinned by enemy fire but doesnt go down or out of action. He might be hit and not wounded, or he might suffer a flesh wound, and so on. A model that is pinned remains knocked over lying face up. Whilst pinned, the fighter can do nothing. He cannot move, shoot, or so on. A model which is pinned at the start of his turn will automatically recover from pinning at the end of that turn. In effect, the model misses his turn and is then ready to fight once more. At the end of the turn stand the model up to show that the fighter is no longer pinned. A model which is engaged in hand-to-hand combat will automatically escape pinning. The pressing need to defend himself galvanises the fighter into action. Stand the model up to show he is no longer pinned.




You do not have to shoot at a target who is down even if it is the closest target. However, you can shoot at a fighter who is down if you want to and he is the closest or easiest shot. You can... If youre really that mean. You are... Read on! If a fighter who is already down takes a further wound or wounds, roll again on the Injury table and apply the result. A flesh wound will inflict further WS/BS penalties. If the fighter goes down again then ignore the result. If he goes out of action remove the model from combat. Generally speaking, it is rare for players to shoot at enemy fighters who are down unless they are stranded in the open and there are no other targets available. However, it sometimes happens that blast weapons scatter from their point of aim and accidentally hit men who are already down.

If the Artillery dice shows a number this indicates how far you have missed the target by 2", 4", 6", 8" or 10". The direction in which the shot lands is indicated by the scatter dice arrow. Note that the Hit symbol also has an arrow marked on it, so it can be used to indicate direction. Place the marker in the position indicated by the two dice. If the Artillery dice shows a misfire then the shot dissipates in the air or is a dud and has no effect. If the dice show a Hit and Misfire then the shell may have exploded in the breach as explained in the rules for Exploding Weapons (see Exploding Weapons in the Advanced Game Rules section). Once the marker is positioned any models that lie wholly under the blast marker are hit. Any models which lie partially under the blast marker on hit on the further D6 roll of a 4, 5 or 6. Work out the effect of hits normally.

Some weapons fire an exploding shell or energy blast which inflicts damage over a large area. The spread of a shot or blast is represented by a circular blast template. When you shoot a weapon that uses a blast marker nominate your target and roll to hit exactly as you would with any other weapon. If the target lies beyond the weapons range then the shot dissipates harmlessly causing no damage. Otherwise take the blast marker and proceed as follows. If you hit the target place the blast marker with its centre directly over the target model. The target is hit, and any other model that lies wholly inside the blast marker is hit too. If a model lies partially within the blast marker then it is hit on a further D6 roll of a 4, 5 or 6. Roll for wounds and injuries on each model that is hit. If you miss the original target then your shot has flown wild but may still land close enough to cause damage. To determine where the shot has landed you must make a Scatter roll. To do this you will require the two special dice, the Scatter dice (marked with arrows and a hit symbol) and the Artillery dice (marked with numbers and a ! symbol). Take both these dice and roll them so that they land as close to the target as possible.
The new target is partially within the blast marker and is therefore hit on a D6 roll of a 4, 5 or 6.

The Artillery dice rolls a 4 and the Scatter dice rolls an arrow symbol. The Orlock fires his gun at an Goliath 8 away. He misses and must therefore roll the scatter and artillery dice to determine where the shot lands. He rolls a 4 on the artillery dice, indicating that the blast marker is moved 4 in the direction of the arrow on the scatter dice.

Note that no shot can ever scatter by more than half the range between the shooter and their target. If the target is 10" away, for example, the miss may not scatter by more than 5" regardless of the dice score. However, a wildly scattering shot may land outside its usual fire arc (90 degrees in front of the firer) or beyond its usual maximum range.



There are many different sorts of grenades available to Underhive fighters. The most common are explosive fragmentation or frag grenades and implosive energy grenades called krak. If a model carries grenades then it is assumed that he has enough to last the entire battle, regardless of how many he might actually throw. See Grenades in the Armoury section for a description of the different types of grenades. A model may throw a grenade rather than shoot a weapon. A grenade throw is treated exactly like any other shot, so roll to hit using the throwers Ballistic Skill (BS) characteristic. Frag grenades and most of the special grenades types use a blast marker. All grenades scatter if they miss just like other weapons with blast markers. Work out scatter as described already, except that the number on the Artillery dice is always halved because grenades are thrown at very short ranges. On the other hand, the maximum scatter limit does not apply to grenades, which can bounce around all over the place before going off! A grenade thrown at a target 2" away may therefore scatter up to 5" in any direction. The maximum range of a thrown grenade depends upon the Strength characteristic of the fighter as shown on the chart below. Throwers Strength 1 2 3 4 5 or more Range of Throw 4" 6" 8" 10" 12"

are hit automatically and any models partially covered are hit on a further D6 roll of a 4, 5 or 6. Any hits are resolved as normal, roll for wounds and then determine injuries for any wounded models. Note that the hit modifiers for range, cover, and such like do not apply to flamers. Flamers are especially good at winkling enemy fighters from behind cover! See the Armoury section for further details.

A Delaque armed with a flamer shoots at three Goliaths. Two Goliaths are completely covered by the template and are therefore hit automatically. The other Goliath is partially covered by the template, and will be hit on a D6 roll of 4 or more.

Some especially large and dangerous weapons can fire a sustained burst of shells which may hit several targets at a time. This is called sustained shooting or sustained fire. Weapons which are capable of making sustained shots are indicated in the Armoury section. Basically, these are machine gun type weapons such as the heavy stubber and autocannon which can rake targets with a hail of shells. When you shoot with a weapon of this kind declare whether you are firing a normal single shot or a sustained shot. A single shot is worked out as normal. A sustained shot is worked out as follows. First roll to determine how many separate shots the weapon makes by rolling a number of D3s equal to the weapons sustained fire value. Each shot is treated as a separate shot which can be made at the same target, or another model within 4 of the original target. At least one of the shots must be allocated to the original target. Other than this you can allocate the shots in any manner you wish. Once the shots have been allocated, make a roll to hit for each shot against the relevant targets. Remember that some of the shots may require different scores to hit than others, since their respective targets may be in cover and so on. After making to hit rolls, roll for wounds and injuries as normal for any models which have suffered a hit.

Some special grenades are designed to produce clouds of smoke or gas which can be used to provide cover. When you throw a smoke grenade, for example, you dont want to actually throw it at an enemy fighter but at a specific point on the ground. You can do this by simply nominating the point you wish to aim the grenade at. The point counts as a small target, and therefore suffers the -1 to hit penalty for shooting at small targets.

Flamers utilise a special teardrop-shaped template which represents a jet of flame. Smaller flamers, known as hand flamers use the same template, but are restricted to only a single burst of flame before their fuel is exhausted. To shoot with a flamer or hand flamer take the flamer template and place it with the narrow end touching the base of the shooter and the broad end over your target. Any models wholly covered by the template



Ammo rolls represent faults in the internal mechanisms of weapons or ammunition as well as the possibility of simply running out of ammo. Power packs can fade or suddenly release a burst of energy which burns out circuits, shells jam in the loading mechanism, explode or simply prove dud. No weapon is absolutely reliable or has an infinite ammo supply. Some weapons are notoriously fickle. When you roll to hit a target a dice score of a 6 indicates that your weapon may have malfunctioned after firing and a D6 Ammo roll is required. Note that you still hit your target with the roll of a 6 and the successful shot is worked out as normal. If you are firing with a sustained fire weapon, ANY to hit dice which scores a 6 will cause an ammo roll. Some weapons are more reliable than others. This is reflected by the weapons Ammo roll rating as shown in the Armoury section. Roll a D6. If you roll less than the number indicated the weapon has malfunctioned and is useless for the rest of the game. Make a note on your roster sheet. If you roll the score indicated or more, then the weapon is alright and you can continue to use it normally. The examples below give the Ammo rolls for some common weapons. Weapon Laspistol Autopistol Bolt Pistol Lasgun Autogun Boltgun Flamer Heavy Stubber Ammo Roll 2+ 4+ 6+ 2+ 4+ 6+ 4+ 4+

The Overwatch rule allows a model to shoot during the enemy players turn. This represents a fighter taking up position to shoot at an enemy as he appears in view. The reasoning behind the Overwatch rule will become apparent once you have played a few games, so if you are reading this for the first time we recommend you skip this section for now. Any model may go onto overwatch at the start of its turn. A fighter who is down or pinned, or whose nerve is broken cannot go onto overwatch. You will find it convenient to place a suitable counter, such as a coin or stone, by the model to indicate it is on overwatch. A model must give up its whole turn to go on overwatch. The model cannot therefore move or shoot. The model cannot hide, but may remain hidden if it started the turn hiding. During the enemys turn the model may shoot at any target as it presents itself at any time. For example, the model could shoot before the target moves, after it has completed its move, or actually while the target is moving. Overwatch is obviously very useful for shooting at enemy models as they dash from cover to cover or as they peek out of hiding to shoot. Once a model has fired, it ceases to be on overwatch. The model is no longer on overwatch and is free to move and shoot normally in its following turn, or go onto overwatch again if you prefer. If a model on overwatch does not shoot in the enemys turn then it reverts to normal just as though it has shot, and the model may move and shoot as normal. If you wish you may set overwatch again and give up a further turn as before. If a model is hit whilst on overwatch it loses its overwatch status immediately. The same applies if the model is forced to move for any reason. For example, if a fighters nerve breaks he will be forced to move and will therefore lose overwatch status. When you wish to shoot with a model on overwatch begin by declaring that you are doing so and then determine the position of the enemy model at the moment of fire. Work out the shot as normal, there is a special -1 hit modifier for shooting at an emerging or disappearing target whilst on overwatch. This applies when the target is emerging from a position where he cant be seen or is attempting to move to where he cant be seen, presenting a fleeting target to the firer. The same -1 hit modifier is also applied if the target is charging the overwatcher, representing the unnerving effect of the enemys rapid approach. Remember that you can fire on overwatch at any time during the enemys turn so you will want to let a charger get into close range before firing.

As you can see, laspistols and lasguns are very reliable weapons, which is why they are favoured by gang fighters. Bolt pistols and boltguns are more potent weapons but their complex ammunition means that they are far more likely to go wrong. FLAMERS Some weapons, notably flamers, use a highly volatile fuel or energy charge and these must make an Ammo roll every time after they are fired. See the Armoury section. GRENADES Grenades will automatically fail any Ammo test they are required to make. This means that you have thrown your last grenade of that type, or that all further grenades of that type that you have are duds. OUT OF RANGE If you shoot and your target is out of range then you must still make a hit roll to see whether an Ammo roll is required (ie on the D6 score of a 6).



Hand-to-hand Combat
Hand-to-hand fighting is the most dangerous and desperate kind of combat. With adversaries using swords and knives, point blank fire from pistols, and even fists, feet and heads to take out an opponent it is either a very brave or foolish ganger to iniate handto-hand.


Models which are touching base-to-base are said to be engaged in hand-to-hand combat. This can only happen once a fighter has charged an enemy, as models are not otherwise allowed to move into physical contact. See the Charge! section of the Movement rules. In the hand-to-hand combat phase all close quarter fighting is worked out. Regardless of whose turn it is, all models that are engaged in hand-to-hand combat will fight. Unlike shooting, a model in hand-to-hand combat can fight all round against enemy to its side, front or rear. In reality the models are constantly moving, dodging, ducking and weaving as they struggle to kill their adversaries. Models fighting in hand-to-hand combat do not shoot in the shooting phase. They are far too busy struggling with their adversaries. Any very close range shots they are able to make with pistols are taken into account in the hand-to-hand combat rules that follow.


Most fights are one-on-one where a model is fighting one other model. These combats are worked out as described below. Fights involving several models attacking a single opponent are worked out slightly differently as described later. 1 THROW ATTACK DICE Both players roll a number of D6s equal to their models Attacks characteristic. 2 WORK OUT COMBAT SCORE Each player picks his highest scoring dice and adds his models Weapon Skill (WS) to the score. He then adds any Combat Score modifiers as shown on the opposite page. The total is the Combat Score. 3 DETERMINE WINNER The player with the highest Combat Score wins. In the case of a tie the model with the highest Initiative characteristic wins. If there is still a tie the combat is a stand-off. 4 NUMBER OF HITS Compare the Combat Scores of both combatants. The difference between their Combat Scores is the number of times the winner has hit the loser. If you win the combat on a tie you still cause 1 hit. 5 THROW TO WOUND For each hit scored the winner rolls a D6 on the Wound chart in exactly the same way as hits from shooting. The Strength value will depend upon the weapon used. 6 SAVING THROW Models which are wearing armour may attempt saves in the same way as troops hit by shooting. 7 RESOLVE INJURIES Resolve injuries in the same way as you would for wounds inflicted by shooting.


Roll the number of Attack dice indicated by the models Attacks characteristic. This will normally be one but some especially mean fighters may have two or more Attacks. Although a model may roll more than one Attack dice it is only the best result that counts towards the Combat Score. The advantage of rolling more dice is that it gives you a better chance of rolling high.





If the model carries a weapon in each hand, such as two pistols, two swords, or a pistol and a knife, then the model rolls one extra dice to represent the extra weapon. This bonus only applies to fighters armed exclusively with pistols and/or hand-to-hand combat weapons, not to fighters who carry other basic, special or heavy weapons. Carrying grenades does not prevent you using an extra weapon as they are assumed to be clipped to the models belt or stowed conveniently out of the way. These different types of weapon are discussed in detail in the Armoury section.

The difference between the winners Combat Score and the losers Combat Score is the number of times the winner has hit the loser. Example: A ganger (WS3) is fighting a juve (WS2). The ganger rolls a 4 and adds his WS of 3 to make a total of 7. The juve rolls a 5 and adds his WS of 2 to make 7, but the juve has charged and so adds a further +1 making 8. The juve has won by 8 to 7, and the difference (1) is the number of hits he has struck.



Each player takes his best Attack dice roll, adds the models Weapon Skill (WS) and then applies the following modifiers. The highest score is the winner. In the case of a tie the highest Initiative wins. If both models have the same Initiative the result is a standoff and no blows are struck.

Once you have established the number of hits, the remaining procedure is the same as for shooting. Refer back to the Shooting section for a description of how to do this. Note that models cannot be pinned by hand-to-hand hits, but they suffer wounds in the same way and injuries are resolved in the same way too.



+1 OPPONENT FUMBLES Add +1 to your score for each of your opponents fumbled dice (rolls of 1). See the Fumble rule for an explanation of how this works. +1 CRITICAL HIT Add +1 to your score for each critical hit inflicted (additional rolls of 6). See the Critical Hit rule. +1 CHARGING If your fighter charged into combat this turn add +1 to his Combat Score. +1 HIGHER UP If your fighter is standing on a higher level, platform, or slope then add +1 to his Combat Score. -1 ENCUMBERED If your fighter is carrying a heavy weapon, or other heavy piece of equipment, he suffers a -1 penalty on his Combat Score. -1 OBSTACLE If you charge an enemy who is sheltering behind cover such as a low wall, then you suffer a -1 penalty on your Combat Score that turn. Note this penalty only applies during the turn when you charge. Note that hit modifiers for weapons are never applied in hand-to-hand fighting. These only apply when shooting at a distance as described in the Shooting section.

Only hand-to-hand weapons and pistols can be used to fight hand-to-hand combat. All fighters carry a knife at the very least, and are assumed to have one tucked out of sight if the model itself does not include it. A fighter will, generally speaking, fight hand-to-hand combat with the weapons he carries as depicted on the model. However, as it is impossible to use basic, special or heavy weapons in close combat (as described in the Armoury section) fighters are allowed to draw any one pistol or hand-to-hand combat weapon from a pouch, bag, holster etc. Bear in mind that a fighter with a basic, special or heavy weapon needs at least one hand just to carry it, so he can only ever have one hand free to carry a sword, pistol, etc. A fighter who carries a hand-to-hand weapon or pistol in each hand normally fights with the two weapons depicted as carried by the model. However, if he wishes he is allowed to swap one weapon for another pistol, sword, etc at the start of the hand-tohand combat. For example, a fighter who has a laspistol and a stub gun could put away his stub gun and draw a sword. The player must declare he is doing so at the start of the combat. Fighters cannot swap weapons around once they are fighting hand-to-hand; they must persevere with their chosen weapons until the combat is over.




If a fighter is using a single weapon then any hits inflicted in hand-to-hand fighting are assumed to have been made with that weapon be it a sword, knife, pistol etc. Resolve the hit using the Strength of the weapon as indicated in the Armoury section. If a fighter is using two weapons (one in each hand) then any hits are inflicted alternately, first with one hand and then the other. For example, a fighter who carries a sword and a laspistol and who inflicts 2 hits will strike once with the sword and once with the laspistol. Any odd hits can be resolved with either weapon.


A critical hit represents a lucky blow, a spectacular feint or a cunning trick. When you roll more than one Attack dice there is a chance of scoring a critical hit. You must roll at least two 6s. The first 6 is taken as your highest score and each extra 6 counts as a critical hit adding a further +1 to your total. For example, if you have an Attacks characteristic of 2 and a pistol in each hand you will roll 3 Attack Dice (2 for your Attacks and +1 for the extra weapon). If you roll two 6s and a 3 you pick one of the 6s as your highest score and add +1 critical hit for the extra 6 giving a Combat Score of 7 plus your WS.


Knives, swords and other close combat weapons often use the fighters own Strength. The chart below is used to determine saving throw modifiers where a models own Strength is used in hand-to-hand fighting. Models Strength 3 or less 4 5 6 7 8 9 or more Armour Save Modifier 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6


When two or more models are fighting a single enemy this is called a multiple combat. The outnumbered model must fight each of his opponents one after the other during the hand-tohand combat phase. The outnumbering player may decide the order in which his models will fight. Having chosen the first model to fight the combat is worked out exactly as described for one-on-one fights. If the outnumbered model survives he must go on to fight his second opponent. The enemy chooses his second fighter and the combat is worked out as before except that the outnumbering player may now roll an extra Attack dice and adds a further +1 to his Combat Score. If the outnumbered model survives he goes on to fight the third, fourth, fifth and each successive enemy until there are none remaining. Each subsequent enemy he fights gains a further Attack dice and adds a further +1 to his Combat Score. For example the third enemy has +2 Attack dice and +2 Combat Score, the fourth has +3 dice and Combat Score, and so on.


Fighters armed with swords are allowed to parry or attempt to turn aside an opponents blows. To represent this, a model fighting with a sword can force an opponent to re-roll his highest scoring Attack dice before working out his Combat Score. Remember, if your opponent has 2 or more Attack dice he can always choose his next highest score rather than the score of the re-rolled dice. you may never re-roll a parried dice more than once. If both combatants are fighting with swords then the ability to parry cancels out and neither may do so. In the unlikely event that a model carries two swords it may parry twice that is, it may force two re-rolls or one re-roll against a model with a single sword.



In the mayhem of close combat it is only too easy to trip or overbalance and leave yourself open to a quick punch or stab. This is represented by the Fumble rule. Any Attack dice rolls of a 1 indicate that you have tripped, dropped a weapon, or otherwise fumbled. For each fumble rolled your opponent may add +1 to his own Combat Score.

If all of a models hand-to-hand opponents go out of action the model may make a special follow-up move. This is an exception to the normal turn sequence and it makes no difference whose turn it is. The model may be moved up to 2". You can use this 2" move to get behind cover, to engage another model in handto-hand combat, or in any way you wish. You can cross an obstacle without penalty during a follow-up, but other terrain penalties apply as normal. If you use a follow-up move to engage another enemy then move the model but dont work out further combat that turn. The fight continues in the next hand-to-hand combat phase. This is because the fighter has insufficient time to do anything other than follow-up. This is an exceptional circumstance where a model may engage in hand-to-hand combat without charging. No charging bonus is added to the Combat Score if a model follows-up in combat.


Note that a follow-up doesnt affect a models ability to move in its following movement phase. The follow-up is an extra bonus move which reflects the intense activity of close quarter fighting.



Fighters who are wounded and go down are completely at the mercy of their enemy. In a one-onone combat any model that goes down is automatically out of action. His enemy finishes him off with a quick blow and the model is removed. In multiple combats a fighter who goes down has more chance of survival. Where all models on one side go down they are automatically out of combat. Where two or more models are fighting on the same side, some can go down and crawl away at 2" in their movement phase so long as at least one continues to fight.

Once models are engaged in hand-to-hand fighting they cannot move away in their movement phase. They must stand and fight until they are taken out of action, until they take out their enemies, or until one or the other breaks and runs as described later. The only exception to the above is in a multiple combat, where fighters who are down may crawl away so long as friends continue to fight.


A fighter who loses his nerve whilst fighting hand-tohand combat will break off and make a run for it as described in the Leadership section. When a fighter breaks off from a fight he simply turns his back and runs off. His opponent automatically hits the fighter as he breaks, inflicting 1 hit which is worked out immediately.


Fighters cannot be pinned when fighting hand-tohand combat. A fighter who is hit whilst engaged in hand-to-hand combat, even if hit by shooting in the shooting phase, is not pinned. If a fighter is already pinned when he is charged then the pin is discounted as soon as he is engaged.

If a model fails a Leadership test then the fighters nerve has broken. For this reason we refer to such fighters as broken and you can indicate this by placing a Broken counter by the model if you wish. The broken fighter is momentarily panicked or shaken and will attempt to run for cover. He might recover sufficiently to return to the fray once he has steeled himself to fight on. Run to Cover As soon as a fighter is broken he turns tail and runs for cover. This movement takes place outside the normal turn sequence and is worked out immediately. The fighter makes a dash of up to 2D6" away from his enemy and towards cover. Roll the dice and determine how far the model runs. If he can reach a position of cover within this distance where he cannot be seen then he stops there. If he is unable to reach cover where he cannot be seen the fighter runs the full distance rolled. In subsequent movement phases he continues to move 2D6" away from the enemy until he reaches such a position. If he can get out of sight by staying where he is and hiding then he will do so (see the Movement section). This section of the rules is concerned with how your fighters react under fire: whether they bravely continue to fight while shells explode around them or whether they turn tail and run for cover. Regardless of your own feelings or those of the gangs leader, even the most hardened gang fighter can be driven off or forced to take cover as the action hots up. LEADERSHIP TESTS A fighter may be called upon to take a test to see if his nerve holds. This test is taken using the models Leadership characteristic (Ld) and is therefore called a Leadership test. To take the test roll two dice (2D6) and add the scores together. If the result is more than your models Ld then the test is failed. The fighters nerve is broken and he runs to cover as described below. If the result is equal to or less than your models Ld then the test is passed, and the fighter keeps his nerve. In this case there is no further effect and the model continues to fight as normal. WHEN TO TEST If a model goes down or out of action then each friend within 2" must take an immediate Leadership test.


A broken fighter may do nothing other than run to cover and remain there while he attempts to recover his nerve as described below. He may not otherwise move and he will not shoot. Combat with Broken Fighters Should a broken fighter be charged and forced into a hand-to-hand engagement then he is in deep trouble! While broken a fighters WS counts as zero. If he survives the hand-to-hand phase, even if he wins, he automatically breaks from combat and runs for cover at the end of the phase as described below. Breaking from Hand-to-hand Combat A fighter who loses his nerve and breaks while fighting hand-to-hand combat turns away from his enemy and runs away 2D6" just like any other broken fighter. Because a broken fighter is turning his back upon the enemy he is very likely to be struck as he turns to flee. To represent this the model takes one automatic hit from his enemy. Work this out as soon as the fighter breaks and before he is moved. Recovering Your Nerve A broken fighter may attempt to recover his nerve during his recovery phase so long as he is in cover and he cannot be seen by an enemy model. To attempt to recover a fighters nerve roll 2D6. If the score is equal to or less than the fighters Leadership he has passed the test and can fight normally from then on. If the score is more than the fighters Leadership he fails the test and remains broken. Broken That Turn It is not possible to be broken and recover your nerve during the same turn. Consequently, a fighter who loses his nerve during his own sides turn will not be able to recover in the recovery phase of that turn. Leaders A fighter within 6" of the gangs leader may use the Leadership characteristic of the leader when taking any Leadership test. This applies to tests to see if a fighter loses his nerve and also to tests to recover. This represents the leaders ability to encourage his fighters and push them beyond their normal limits! A leader cannot confer this benefit if he is down or broken himself. The sight of your leader running for cover is far from encouraging.


The Bottle test is a special test the player must make at the start of his turn if a quarter (25%) or more of his gang is down or out of action. For example, in a gang of 10 men a test is required if 3 or more men are down or out of action. If the Bottle test is failed the gang automatically loses the fight. The game ends immediately and surviving fighters retreat from the area. A failed Bottle test is the most common way in which a game ends. To take a Bottle test roll 2D6. If the score is more than the gang leaders Leadership characteristic then the test is failed. The gang bottles out of combat and the player has lost the game. If the score is equal to or less than the gang leaders Leadership characteristic the player has passed the test and may continue to fight. If the gangs leader is out of action or is down, then the player may not use his Leadership to take the test. Instead, use the highest Leadership characteristic amongst those of the remaining fighters who are neither down nor out of action. A player may voluntarily fail a Bottle test if he wishes to do so. In which case there is no need to actually take the test it is assumed to automatically fail as the gangers melt into the shadows and retreat. Note that all the conditions for taking a Bottle test (25% causalities) still need to be met and the bottling player is still classed as losing the game.



This section includes a variety of new rules which add further detail and complexity to the game. They are not necessary in order to play, and for this reason the rules have been gathered together at the end here to avoid potential confusion. We recommend that new players ignore this section to start with, or at least until they are familiar with the way the game works. If you consider yourself to be an experienced games player then youll have no problem introducing these more complex elements as you go along. Armour saves do apply to wounds sustained by falling. Save modifiers are the same as for hand-to-hand combat hits from combatants with high strengths. So S4 counts -1, S5 -2, S6 -3 and so forth. See the Handto-Hand Combat section for the full chart. A model which falls without going down or out of action is automatically pinned as if hit by enemy fire. FALLING ONTO ANOTHER MODEL In the unlikely event that someone else lies directly in the path of a plummeting fighter then he may also be hurt. The hapless individual is hit on a D6 roll of a 4, 5 or 6. He sustains the same strength hit as the faller, suffering 1 or D6 wounds depending on the distance of fall. If struck by the falling fighter, and assuming he doesnt go down or out of action, the victim is pinned as if hit by a shot. Assuming the faller and victim survive, position the models 1" apart to make it clear they are not in handto-hand combat. JUMPING A model may jump down from a higher level to another. If the height is 3 or less then take an initiative test, a failure means you fell, a success means you have landed safely but may not move further and a roll of one means you have landed and may take the remainder of your move if applicable. A vertical jump over 3 is treated as a deliberate fall and uses the rules in the above damage section as normal. You may deliberately 'charge' another model who is below your model should you wish to, in which case use the rules for falling onto another model as described above. A model may also attempt to jump across a horizontal gap from one side to the other. He does this instead of a normal move and jumps D6". If he fails to cover the gap the fighter plummets down as per a fall. A model may attempt a jump by way of a charge in order to engage an enemy, but still jumps only D6". A jumping model counts as moving and will otherwise fight as normal.

The multiple levels and gantries of the Underhive afford fighters ample opportunity to fall from a great height. TEST TO FALL If a fighter is pinned or goes down within 1" of an edge there is a chance he will slip and fall off. To determine this roll a D6. If the score is more than the fighters Initiative characteristic then he falls over the edge to the ground. If a fighter is engaged in hand-to-hand fighting within 1" of an edge then he may fall off if he loses the combat. Roll a D6. If the score is more than the fighters Initiative characteristic, or a 6, then he falls over the edge to the ground. DAMAGE A fighter who falls sustains an automatic hit at a strength equal to the height of the fall in inches. Where a wound is suffered a fall of up to 3" will inflict 1 wound, and a fall of more than 3" will inflict D6 wounds. Although the scenery supplied in the game does not scale to such dizzy heights, a fall of more than 12" is assumed to take the fighter out of action with no dice rolls required.



When a fighter shoots and misses it sometimes happens that the path of the shot passes close to one of your own fighters. If a shot passes within 1/2" of a friend at any point along its path then there is a chance of accidentally hitting the friend. This can only happen when you miss and roll a 1 to hit. Roll a further D6 to determine if the stray shot hits the intervening model. On the roll of a 1 the intervening model is hit. Work out whether the target is wounded as normal. There may be a choice of more than one model that could be hit by a stray shot. In this case randomise which target is hit in some convenient way eg 1, 2 or 3 the target on the left, 4, 5 or 6 the target on the right.

Badly maintained weapons, home-made ammunition and old corroded power packs can explode destroying the weapon and probably harming the shooter. This represents the weapon overheating, plasma leakage, or a magazine exploding as the next shell is auto-loaded. While not as dangerous as a direct hit from the weapon, this is still bad news and can easily take a man down or out of action. When a 6 is rolled to hit then an Ammo roll is required as already described in the Shooting section. In the case of flamers, an Ammo roll is required every time a weapon shoots. Jams from sustained shooting also require an Ammo roll. If an Ammo dice roll is a 1 then the weapon is not only useless for the rest of the game (as a 1 will inevitably fail) but there is a chance it might explode. Roll a further D6. If the score is less than the weapons standard Ammo roll rating then the weapon explodes. If a weapons ammo rating is auto then it automatically fails an Ammo roll so none is taken. Roll a dice anyway and the weapon explodes on the roll of a 1. An exploding weapon inflicts an automatic hit on the user as if he were struck by his own weapon but with a Strength value of 1 less than normal. In the case of weapons with blast markers and templates no template is used: the blast is confined to the firing model.

Orlock A shoots at the Goliath, but rolls a 1 on his to hit roll. As Orlock B is within 1/2 of the line of fire, there is a chance he will be hit by the stray shot.



Grenades and weapons which use a blast marker can also go catastrophically wrong. If the thrower or shooter misses his target the player must establish where the shell or grenade lands using the Scatter and Artillery dice as described in the Shooting section. If the Scatter and Artillery dice turn up Hit and Misfire then roll a D6 and refer to the following chart. D6 Result 1 The grenade goes off in the throwers hand or the shell explodes in the breach. Place the template directly over the model and work out damage normally. The grenade throw goes wild or the shell spins out of control as it leaves the weapon. The projectile travels 2D6" in a random direction and explodes. Grenades as above. For other weapons as above but the shell travels D6 x D6" and explodes. As for 3 above except that the grenade or shell lands and does not explode. Mark the position of the projectile. From now on, at the start of each players turn roll a D6. On the score of a 4 or more the projectile explodes. A grenade tumbles from the throwers hand down a deep crack. A shell spins upwards and strikes the dome roof. There is a muffled explosion, the ground shakes ominously and chunks start to fall from the roof and tall ruins. From now on each player must roll a D6 at the start of his turn. If he rolls a 1 then one of his fighters has been struck by debris and suffers a Strength 3 hit. Randomly determine which of the players gang fighters has been struck. The grenade or shell drops to the floor in front of the thrower/shooter and fizzes ominously. It is a dud.

The Necromunda game rules represent combat between rival fighters. Sometimes a fighter may want to attack an inanimate object rather than an enemy. Perhaps he wants to cave in a door, destroy a fuel pipe, rip apart a power cable, or smash a water still. These are all structural features and can be attacked as described below. TOUGHNESS AND WOUNDS Although not strictly accurate it is convenient to think of structures as being able to take a fixed number of wounds, just like fighters. You can consider a wound to be equivalent to a damage point if you find this more acceptable. Structures have a Toughness value and they can sustain a certain number of wounds before they are destroyed or damaged. For example, the water still in the Hit and Run scenario has a Toughness of 6 and is damaged once it has taken 1 wound. These details are covered in the scenarios themselves. SHOOTING A structure can be shot at just like an enemy fighter. You must therefore roll to hit and score wounds as normal. Many structures will be easier to hit than fighters because they are large targets (+1 to hit). A fighter can also use Krak grenades or Melta bombs as demolition charges. The device can be placed upon a structure within 1" of the fighter during the shooting phase. This is considered to be shooting although no roll is required to hit, and charges placed in this way never scatter. The bomb is fastened to the structure by means of its magnetic casing, it explodes, and the target is hit automatically. HAND-TO-HAND A fighter can strike a structure in base contact in the hand-to-hand combat phase. He cannot fight hand-tohand combat against an enemy or shoot his weapon in the same turn. In effect the fighter is attacking the structure during the turn, hacking away at it with whatever weapons he has. A fighter automatically strikes 1 hit on a structure for each Attack on his profile. Work out the result of hits in the normal way.

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A model which causes fear does not have to test Leadership for fear. It treats any enemy which causes terror as causing fear instead ie, it does not have to test just because the model is within 8" at the start of its turn. A model that causes terror cannot be affected by either fear or terror and no Leadership test is required for either.

Fear is a natural reaction to horrific mutants, unearthly psychic powers, and some particularly gruesome injuries. To represent this, models must take a Leadership test when confronted by fearsome creatures or circumstances. This test is taken in exactly the same way as a Leadership test for keeping your nerve. A Leadership test is required under the following fearful circumstances. 1 If the model is charged by an individual or creature which causes fear. Such horrific creatures are rare. Take the test as soon as the enemy declares its charge. If the test is passed there is no further effect. If the test is failed the fighter is broken immediately and runs 2D6" to cover just as described in the Leadership Tests section. 2 If the model wishes to charge an individual or creature which causes fear. Take the test when you declare the charge. If the test is passed you may charge and fight as normal. If the test is failed you may not charge and the fighter is momentarily transfixed by fear. The model is unable to do anything for the rest of the turn.

Many large and severely mutated creatures are so dim-witted that they often behave in a fairly random and stupid way. A gang fighter may sometimes be reduced to a state of bafflement as a result of injuries or shock. Such individuals are described as stupid. Stupid models must make a Leadership test at the start of each of their turns to determine how they react. Take the test in the usual way. If the test is passed the model may act normally. If the test is failed the following rules apply until such time as the test is taken again.

If fighting in hand-to-hand combat the model is temporarily disoriented or confused. Roll a D6 before each hand-to-hand phase. 1-3 Roll no Attack dice this turn. Your WS still counts towards the Combat Score representing basic instincts only. Fight normally.

Terror is a more potent form of fear. Although no creature described in Necromunda causes terror, the rule has been included here next to fear, which it resembles. The importance of terror will be revealed in future supplements. Just as some horrific individuals or creatures are so ghastly they cause fear, others are even worse and cause terror instead. Circumstances which cause terror automatically cause fear as described above, so you will need to test if you want to charge a terrifying creature or individual, or if the creature charges you. In addition, a Leadership test is required if the model is within 8" of someone or something which causes terror at the start of your turn. A Leadership test must be taken before declarations of charges are made and if it is failed the model is broken and runs 2D6" to cover as described in the Leadership section. This comprises the models move for that turn. SPECIAL FEAR AND TERROR LIABILITIES Later on you may acquire fighters who are sufficiently repulsive to cause fear themselves! Obviously individuals who are so impressively hideous are not going to be put off by others of their kind.


If not fighting in hand-to-hand combat roll a D6 to determine how the model moves at the start of your movement phase. 1-3 Roll a Scatter dice. The arrow indicates the direction in which the model moves this turn. The model moves its full normal move distance. If the model moves into contact with an enemy it becomes engaged in hand-to-hand combat and may or may not fight (roll as above). The model does not move.


3 4

The model can do nothing else this turn. The fighter will not shoot weapons or otherwise move unless he loses his nerve and runs 2D6" to cover as described in the Leadership section. The model does not have to take any further Leadership-based tests for fear or terror. It must still take tests to keep its nerve as described in the Leadership section. If such a test is failed the model will run 2D6" to cover. The rules for broken fighters override the rules for stupidity.



The favoured drink of Underhive is the potent spirit known as Wildsnake. It is brewed from the skins and flesh of snakes caught in the badzones. The provenance of each bottle is guaranteed by the dead snake preserved within. Wildsnake is a clear sharp tasting liquid the bitterness of which is derived from the venom in the snakes themselves. For those who cannot afford the price of Wildsnake the next best is quite literally Second Best. Second Best is brewed from rat pelts too mouldy to use for anything else, slugs too rancid to sell as slave food, and household waste so disgusting that its better not to think about it. Conveniently, it is almost impossible to think about anything after drinking a bottle of Second Best...

Some fighters are more than a bit crazed and can be driven into a frenzy of slaughter during combat. Such wild and dangerous individuals are described as frenzied. How or exactly why a fighter may go over the edge in this way is not particularly important he could be psychotically deranged, under the influence of dangerous hive fungi, or affected by localised gases or radiation. If an individual is frenzied the following rules apply.

1 2 3 4 5

A frenzied model must always charge the closest enemy within his charge move (usually 8") if able to do so. The frenzied model doubles his Attacks characteristic. For example, A1 becomes A2, A2 becomes A4 and so on. Frenzied models cannot parry (see Parry in the Hand-to-Hand Combat section). Frenzied models must use their 2" follow-up move to engage in hand-to-hand combat if possible. Otherwise they must use the extra move to move closer to their enemy. They may not use a follow-up move to get behind cover or retreat (see Hand-to-Hand Combat). Frenzied models are never affected by fear or terror, nor are they affected by stupidity or hatred. If a frenzied model loses his nerve and is broken as described in the Leadership section, then the Frenzy rules no longer apply. The fighter has taken a beating and his sense of selfpreservation asserts itself. A player may try to gain full control over a frenzied model at the start of his turn. This is purely up to you you may not wish your splendidly berserk fighter to calm down and behave sensibly! To gain control over the model take a Leadership test as you would for testing your nerve. If the test is passed then the fighter is under control and can act normally however, none of the special Frenzy rules described above will apply. This control lasts until the start of your following turn.

Hate is a powerful emotion and in the Underhive there is plenty of opportunity for gangs to develop bitter rivalries. Grudges and ingrained animosity can lead to feuds that tear gangs apart and leave dozens dead. This is represented by the special rules for hatred. Hatred can develop following disturbing injuries. Models can hate specific enemy gangs or even entire Necromundan Houses. The following rules apply to models which hate their rivals.

6 7

1 2 3

If a fighter hates his adversaries all Leadership tests are taken as if he had a Ld characteristic of 10. A model fighting hand-to-hand combat with a hated foe may re-roll any Attack dice in the first turn of any hand-to-hand combat engagement. After the first turn the model has vented his pent-up anger and fights as normal. A model in hand-to-hand combat must use his 2" follow-up move to engage a hated enemy if possible. Otherwise he must use the follow-up to move towards a hated enemy he can see. He may not use follow-up to move away from hated enemies or take cover if there are hated enemy in sight.



This section of the Necromunda rulebook describes the different weapons which gang fighters carry as well as other equipment such as armour and gunsights. In addition to commonplace weapons and easily obtained items of equipment there are many unusual or exotic weapons and rare devices of various kinds. These much sought after and expensive items are carried only by the richest and most successful gangs, but they have been collated here for ease of reference. Some of the items described on the following pages are used in the various scenarios given in the Playing a Campaign Game section (see page 109). For example, screamers and stummers are used with the special rules in the Raid and Rescue scenarios, being alarm devices and sound mufflers respectively. Players fighting these scenarios will appreciate how useful such devices can be. Other items are used in the context of the broader Necromundan Underhive campaign described later in the Playing a Campaign Game section (see page 109). For example, the lobo-chip will cure a fighter of the longterm effects of a head wound sustained in a previous game. Other devices can help to acquire territory. For example, the Isotropic fuel rod enables a gang to set up a new settlement, while the Ratskin map guides the gang through secret passages and into old treasure domes. Dont worry about learning the rules for every weapon and item of equipment as this isnt necessary. The pages that follow provide you with all sorts of information which can be referred to as and when needed. There is a summary chart for the various weapons for convenience. To start with, players should familiarise themselves with the weapons their gang is armed with. Once players have mastered these, new weapons and unusual items of equipment may be introduced as required. This section describes the different weapons that gang fighters can carry. Some of these weapons are common, simple and even cheap, whilst others are rare, technically complex and expensive. A gang may be equipped with any weapons it can afford within the limits discussed later. Models are available with a wide variety of weaponry, and are always assumed to carry the weapons they are depicted with. Holstered pistols can obviously represent any pistol weapon, whilst grenades can be assumed to be concealed, so a model not depicted with grenades can still carry them. All fighters are assumed to carry a knife even if the model itself does not visibly have one. TYPES OF WEAPON Weapons are divided into the following broad categories. Hand-to-Hand Combat Weapons These are weapons designed for use purely at close quarters such as swords, knives, axes and crude clubs. Such weapons cannot be used for shooting but only in hand-to-hand combat. Pistols Pistols are small hand-held firearms which can be used at close quarters or at longer range. A fighter can shoot with a pistol or use it in hand-to-hand combat. Basic Weapons Basic weapons are larger, heavier firearms generally carried and fired using two hands. You can shoot in the shooting phase with such a weapon but it confers no advantage in hand-to-hand fighting. Special Weapons Special weapons are similar to basic weapons in terms of their size and the way they are used. However, they are more complex in design, less reliable, and more specialised in nature. Heavy Weapons Heavy weapons are even larger and heavier than basic weapons, and are generally more powerful and have a longer effective range. A heavy weapon is so cumbersome and bulky that you cannot move and shoot with it in the same turn. In hand-to-hand combat a weighty weapon is a disadvantage and fighters carrying one will suffer a penalty. Grenades Grenades are small bombs or grenades that are thrown by hand and which explode on impact. A model can throw a grenade instead of shooting a weapon in the shooting phase.



As the name suggests, hand-to-hand combat weapons are used only in hand-to-hand combat, so usually have only a short profile. As an example, here is the profile of a chainsword, a very typical weapon in the Underhive. Range Close Combat Strength 4 Damage 1 Save Mod. -1

Ranged weapons include pistols, basic weapons, special weapons and heavy weapons. These all have a slightly longer profile than hand-to-hand combat weapons, which describes their ability to make a ranged attack by shooting at a target. As an example, here is the profile of a lasgun, a very typical weapon in the Underhive.
Range To Hit Short Long Short Long Str. Damage Save Ammo Mod. Roll

Strength The strength value of a hit inflicted by the weapon. This is used to determine the chances of the target being wounded by the attack. In this case, the chainsword has a strength of 4. Some hand-to-hand combat weapons have no strength of their own, but tinstead act as a modifier to their wielders strength, e.g. +2. Damage The number of wounds inflicted by a hit usually 1 but in the case of larger weapons possibly more. Sometimes the amount of damage will be random, e.g D6. Save Modifier The modifier applied to the targets armour saving throw if he has one. In the case of weapons which act as a bonus to their wielders strength, the weapons have no modifier of their own, so remember to calculate the save modifier using the total strength after the bonus has been applied to the model itself.

0-12 12-24 +1



Short Range The short range of the weapon, for example 0-12. The range given is always in inches, so in this case, the lasgun has a short range of 0-12 Long Range The long range of the weapon, for example 12-24. The range given is always in inches, so in this case, the lasgun has a long range of 12-24. To Hit Short/Long The hit modifiers applied when shooting at short and long range. The to hit modifier for short range applies when shooting at a target within short range, so in this example the lasgun would gain a +1 to hit modifier when shooting at a target within 0-12. Strength The strength value of a hit inflicted by the weapon. This is used to determine the chances of the target being wounded by the attack. Damage The number of wounds inflicted by a hit usually 1 but in the case of larger weapons possibly more. Sometimes the amount of damage will be random, e.g D6. Save Modifier The modifier applied to the targets armour saving throw if he has one. Ammo Roll The D6 dice score needed to pass an Ammo test. The lower the number the more reliable the weapon, so 2+ is good and 6+ not so good. Some weapons fail automatically and are indicated as Auto (automatic fail).




Hand-to-hand weapons include primitive weapons such as knives, swords, clubs, and advanced weaponry such as power axes. These weapons cannot be used to shoot, they are used exclusively for hand-to-hand fighting. As this is true of all the weapons in this category it is not noted in the special rules descriptions, but it is indicated on the profile summary by the tag close combat. All Necromundan fighters carry a knife in addition to whatever other weapons they carry. If not apparent on the model it is assumed to be tucked into a boot or concealed by the fighters clothes.


A few unhinged individuals prefer to fight with a massive sword, club, metal bar, axe, hammer or some other large and unlikely implement. A massive weapon is hard to swing because of its weight, but when it strikes an enemy it will cut him in two or crush him to a pulp. It requires two hands to swing a massive weapon so it can never be used in conjunction with another weapon. Range Close Combat Strength As user +2 Damage 1 Save Mod. -


A length of chain or a chain fastened to a metal bar is a dangerous and unpredictable weapon. Only the most maniacal fighters would use a weapon like this, swinging it around their head with long powerful strokes. A fighter swinging a heavy chain is unable to use any other weapon in hand-to-hand combat because of the concentration required to keep the chain swinging. It is also a dangerous weapon to use because the wielder must struggle to keep his balance whilst avoiding the chain itself. Range Close Combat Strength As user +1 Damage 1 Save Mod. -

Special Rule Draws. Due to the ponderous lurching swing required to wield this weapon, any combat which ends in a draw will always be won by your opponent regardless of Weapon Skill or Initiative levels. Your opponent catches you on the upswing.

Special Rules Parry. It is impossible to parry against a fighter armed with a chain the sword is simply dashed aside. Fumble. Because the weapon is so clumsy any fumbles rolled in hand-to-hand combat count double so every 1 rolled adds +2 to your opponents Combat Score.



Simple primitive weapons are often used by juves, impoverished fighters and the hordes of mutant creatures that plague the Underhive. This type of weapon comprises crude clubs or metal bars, murderous hammers or axes, and other weighty blunt instruments such as spiked mauls and bludgeons. They can be used with one hand, leaving the other free to carry a pistol or another close combat weapon. Because these weapons are crude and heavy they are marginally more dangerous than bladed weapons, although it is impossible to use them to parry. Range Close Combat Strength As user +1 Damage 1 Save Mod. -

The chainsword is a deadly if noisy weapon with a powered chainsaw edge. Its rending saw-teeth are made from sub-atomically honed adamantium and can slice through plasteel. It is an expensive and prestigious weapon favoured by gang leaders. Range Close Combat Strength 4 Damage 1 Save Mod. -1

Special Rule Parry. You can parry with a chainsword, as described in the game rules.


Every Necromundan fighter carries a knife of some kind. Heavy bladed single-edge fighting knives are the most common type, but needle thin stilettos and long double-edged daggers are favoured by some fighters. Longer blades are carried by some fighters instead of, or as well as, their knives. Short, broad-bladed weapons are easy to carry and are well suited to fast and bloody combat. Longer swords are carried by fighters who prefer this dangerous type of combat over shooting. Fighters make use of a great variety of other bladed weapons including cleavers and machetes. All of these bladed weapons are essentially similar and they have the same weapon profile. The principle difference is that fighters with swords are able to parry. Range Close Combat Strength As user Damage 1 Save Mod. -

The power fist is the most potent weapon of its kind, being even more deadly than a power axe. It is a very rare weapon and requires a powerful energy source for its large generator. The fist is a massive armoured glove surrounded by a shimmering blue energy field. As the user punches and tears at his target the energy discharges rend the object apart. Whilst fighting hand-to-hand combat it is impossible to hold another weapon in the power fist, but at other times it can be deactivated and used to hold another weapon. Range Close Combat Strength 8 Damage 1 Save Mod. -5

Special Rule High Impact. The power fist follows all the rules for High Impact weapons found on page 17.

This weapon is used only by Arbitrators, the uniformed guardians of Imperial justice. Arbitrators are almost never seen in the Underhive. Their duties go beyond the laws of individual planets, and their concerns rarely interfere with planetary government except on the very highest level. None-the-less, power mauls can sometimes reach the Underhive where they make an acceptable and prestigious alternative to the power sword. The maul contains an adjustable energy generator which allows the user to bash a hole through a wall or conveniently stun a victim. It is wielded in one Range Strength Damage Save Mod. Close Combat 5 1 -3 hand, leaving the other hand free for another weapon. Special Rules Out of Action. A fighter who goes down to a blow from a power maul will go out of action automatically, even in multiple combats where this would not normally be the case. Recovery. A fighter who goes out of action to a power maul will never suffer serious injuries. After the game such models recover automatically and are unharmed, so no roll is required on the Serious Injuries chart.

Special Rule Parry. Fighters with swords are able to parry as described in the game rules.

The power sword may look much like an ordinary sword but it is actually a technically sophisticated and very deadly weapon. The swords hilt and blade incorporate an energy source and a disruptor generator which sheathes the blade in a shimmering blue energy field. As the blade strikes a crackling discharge envelops the target and tears it apart. Range Close Combat Strength 5 Damage 1 Save Mod. -3

Special Rule Parry. You can parry with a power sword, as described in the game rules.

The power axe is a large bladed weapon often as tall as a man. It utilises the same energy field technology as the power sword and is even more devastating on account of its greater size and more powerful disruptor generator. Because of its size the weapon is often wielded with both hands, although it can be used one-handed with a slight reduction in effect. Range
2-hand (close combat) 1-hand (close combat)

Strength 6 5

Damage 1 1

Save Mod. -3 -2



Pistols are small hand-held weapons that are especially useful for close ranged fighting and hand-tohand combat. At short ranges their lightness means they are easy to aim and fire, though at longer ranges their lack of stability and power means they are inaccurate. Pistols can be used to shoot during the shooting phase and fight in hand-to-hand combat. As all pistols can be used in hand-to-hand fighting this is not mentioned in the accompanying special rules.

The autopistol is a rapid firing automatic pistol, effectively a smaller and handier version of the larger autogun. Auto weapons are easy to manufacture and simple to use, and are amongst the most commonly employed weapons in the Underhive. Most weapons are made in the factories of the hive city and traded down through the hive. Crude but effective versions are made in the Underhive workshops themselves. Ammunition, spares and repair facilities are relatively easy to find throughout the Underhive, and traders always have guns and ammunition for sale. Because of its high rate of fire, the autopistol is astonishingly accurate at the short ranges favoured by some gang fighters.
Range To Hit Short Long Short Long Str. Damage Save Ammo Mod. Roll





Bolt weapons are sophisticated weapons that fire selfpropelled explosive ammunition in the form of small missiles called bolts. Bolt pistols and boltguns are manufactured in the factories of the hive city, but the fine engineering tolerances and quality materials required means few if any are made in the Underhive. For the same reason bolt weapons are hard to maintain, spares are rare, and ammunition is expensive. Furthermore, ammunition made in the Underhive is often unreliable. On the whole this is a weapon best suited to the technically sophisticated armies of Space Marines for which it was designed. Despite its drawbacks the bolt pistol is still a highly favoured weapon. It may not always work, but when it does the results are usually impressive. For one thing, it makes a lot of noise and creates a great deal of obvious damage. More deadly and far more obvious than an autopistol or laspistol, it makes the ideal side-arm for a gang leader keen to impress his rivals.
Range To Hit Short Long Short Long Str. Damage Save Ammo Mod. Roll

Laser weapons are manufactured in vast quantities in the factories of the hive city and are exported to the armed forces of the Imperium throughout the galaxy. Laspistols find their way into the Underhive via the Guilder traders. Power packs come from the same source and some are made in local settlements. Supplies of parts are plentiful and repairs easily effected. Laser technology is reliable and easy to replicate, and although the weapons are not the most powerful they are certainly the most trustworthy. A laser power pack will last for many shots and can be recharged from a standard power source or by exposing its thermal cells to heat or light. In an emergency a pack can be recharged by placing it in a fire, although such treatment tends to shorten the life of the pack and increase the probability of it failing. Many experienced fighters prefer the laspistol over more powerful weapons for these very reasons.
Range To Hit Short Long Short Long Str. Damage Save Ammo Mod. Roll












The needle pistol or needler is a complex laserpowered weapon. Its tight laser beam carries a tiny toxic needle or dart which pierces the targets flesh to send its deadly poisons into their body. The laser carrier beam will dissolve or blow away armour or clothing and burrow into exposed flesh enabling the darts to penetrate more deeply. The needler is a rare and expensive weapon in the Underhive. Its chief advantage is that it is virtually silent, and consequently the favoured weapon for assassins and other unwelcome characters.
Range To Hit Short Long Short Long Str. Damage Save Ammo Mod. Roll

Plasma weapons fire energy shells of bright glowing plasma matter in a super-heated energised state. When a plasma shell strikes its target there is a tremendous release of energy and the target blows apart in an almighty explosion. Plasma weapons are extremely effective and very dangerous. The biggest disadvantage of a plasma pistol is that it takes a relatively long time to recharge once it has been fired. The user can mitigate against this by firing as short a blast as possible with slightly reduced effectiveness. Firing on Maximum Power:
Range To Hit Short Long Short Long Str. Damage Save Ammo Mod. Roll












Firing on Low Energy: Special Rules Toxic Dart. No wound roll is required when shooting a needler: if the target is hit then the toxins will automatically inflict 1 wound. Armour may still save a target as normal. Injuries. A target suffering his final wound from a toxic dart does not roll on the standard Injury chart. Instead, roll on the chart below both when the injury is inflicted and in subsequent recovery phases. D6 Result 1-2 No Effect. The toxin has no effect or wears off. The target may continue to fight in the same way as if hed suffered a flesh wound except that he suffers no penalties on his WS/BS. 3-4 Sedated. The target shrugs off the full effect of the toxin or recovers sufficiently to crawl up to 2" but can do nothing else. This is the same as a normal down result. 5 Comatose. The target is knocked comatose and falls to the ground. The target cannot move at all. Out of Action. The target slumps lifelessly to the ground. He may be dead or barely living, but is overcome by the toxin for the rest of the game. Remove the model as you would any other that was out of action.
Range To Hit Short Long Short Long Str. Damage Save Ammo Mod. Roll







Energy Levels. You can choose to shoot the weapon on a low energy setting or maximum power. The profiles for each setting are different. If you shoot the weapon on maximum power then you cannot shoot again until it has recharged. It takes the firers entire following turn for the weapon to recharge once more. This restriction does not apply on the low energy setting.

The stubber or slugger is a primitive type of hand gun which fires solid bullets usually one at a time. It is recognisable as a revolver or small automatic of the kind used since the Twentieth century. Stub guns are made locally in the Underhive and are readily available, simple to maintain, and fairly reliable. The quality and appearance of individual weapons varies a great deal. Their effectiveness can be increased by using more powerful, if somewhat expensive, dumdum bullets.
Range To Hit Short Long Short Long Str. Damage Save Ammo Mod. Roll





Special Rule Dum-dum Bullets. A stub gun can be loaded with dum-dum bullets. A supply of these hand-made bullets costs extra, but they are more powerful than standard ammunition and add +1 to the Strength of any hits (Strength 4 rather than 3). However, if an Ammo roll is failed while using dum-dum bullets the weapon automatically explodes (see Exploding Weapons).


Amongst the Underhive gangs this weapon is also known as the flame pistol or burner. It fires a short burst of flaming chemical, an unstable sticky material that ignites upon contact with air. This volatile fuel is held within a small pressurised container that fits into the weapon. A single container contains very little fuel, so flamers often run out of power after a few shots. The unstable and temperamental nature of the fuel also means that some containers prove useless whilst others explode unexpectedly as they are loaded.

The web pistol, or glue gun as it is cheerfully called, is not a common weapon. It is used by the Necromundan Houses own security forces as a means of suppressing crowds or taking captives without harming them. The weapon fires a tangle of gluey threads which envelop and ensnare their target, trapping and rendering them immobile. The sticky mass quickly shrinks and hardens holding the target fast and preventing him from making the slightest move. A victim who struggles too hard may be strangled or even crushed by the constricting mesh. The pistol is bulky and has a cone-shaped nozzle and a distinctive canister containing the web chemical itself. Both weapon and its chemical ammunition are hard to get hold of and the weapon is not particularly popular amongst the Underhive fighters.
Range To Hit Short Long Short Long Str. Damage Save Ammo Mod. Roll

The flamer is a very dangerous weapon that spreads a sheet of flame over a short distance. At this range it is almost impossible to miss and several victims can be claimed with a single shot.
Range To Hit Short Long Short Long Str. Damage Save Ammo Mod. Roll




Special Rules The hand flamer works in exactly the same way as a standard flamer, including the rules for templates. The exception being that the hand flamer is a one shot weapon. Once it has been fired it cannot be used in any other way for the rest of the game. Note; unlike other pistols the hand flamer cannot be used in hand-to-hand combat.






Special Rules Webbed Targets. Once a web pistol has hit its target the victim is automatically enmeshed there is no roll for wounds or injuries and no saving roll is allowed for armour. A webbed target may do nothing other that attempt to struggle free at the start of its turn. If the fighter wishes to make an attempt to struggle free roll a D6 and add the models Strength. If the total is 9 or more the victim frees himself from the web and may continue normally. If the total is less than 9 then the victim suffers 1 wound immediately, though an armour save may be attempted if the victim has armour. Freeing Webs. All web pistols incorporate a solvent spray for removing the web material. Any model that has a web pistol may automatically free a webbed fighter at the start of the turn if he is within 1". However, a model can never free itself from a web using a web pistol, as the strands are far too tight to allow the fighter to reach his solvent spray.



This section covers weapons designed to be carried and used with two hands like an automatic rifle or sub-machine gun. These comprise some of the most common and effective weapons available to the Underhive fighters.

The autogun is a rapid firing automatic weapon. Auto weapons are easy to manufacture and simple to use, and are amongst the most commonly employed weapons in the Underhive. Autoguns are made in the factories of the hive city and traded down through the hive. Crude but effective versions are made in the Underhive workshops themselves. Ammunition, spares and repair facilities are relatively easy to find throughout the Underhive, and traders always have guns and ammunition for sale.
Range To Hit Short Long Short Long Str. Damage Save Ammo Mod. Roll

Laser weapons are manufactured in vast quantities in the hive city and are exported to the armed forces of the Imperium throughout the galaxy. Lasguns are traded in Underhive settlements and the Guilders bring shipments from the factories above. Power packs come from the same source and some are made locally. Supplies of parts are plentiful and repairs easily effected. Laser technology is reliable and easy to replicate, and although the weapons are not the most powerful they are certainly the most trustworthy. A laser power pack will last for many shots and can be recharged from a standard power source or by exposing its thermal cells to heat or light. In an emergency a pack can be recharged by placing it in a fire, although such treatment tends to shorten the life of the pack and increase the probability of it failing. Many experienced fighters prefer the lasgun over more powerful weapons for these very reasons.
Range To Hit Short Long Short Long Str. Damage Save Ammo Mod. Roll

0-12 12-24 +1


The boltgun or bolter is the standard armament of the Imperiums finest fighting forces the Space Marines. It is a weapon made in limited quantities and to the highest standards using the most costly materials. Boltguns require constant attention and regular expert maintenance if they are to work properly. Bolt weapons fire a self-propelled armourpenetrating mass-reactive explosive missile called a bolt. Even bolts are expensive to make and cannot be easily fabricated in the undercity. Overall, boltguns are rare, expensive and prone to going wrong. However, they are very effective indeed. Despite their drawbacks boltguns are still highly favoured weapons. They make a great deal of noise and cause immense damage to any target they hit. They are prestige weapons carried by gang leaders and other fighters who are wealthy and dont mind advertising the fact. A fighter with a bolter means business.
Range To Hit Short Long Short Long Str. Damage Save Ammo Mod. Roll

0-12 12-24 +1



0-12 12-24 +1




A shotgun is a simple low velocity weapon which any Underhive workshop can make to order. They vary in appearance, often incorporating special features or decoration to the taste of the owner or the gunsmith. Some are pump-action guns, fed from a tubular magazine slung under the barrel, others have box magazines or long ammo belts. The ammunition itself is easy to make, and many owners make their own shells. There are several recognised types, each tailored to a particular type of shot or range. The ingenuity of the Underhive gunsmiths is quite remarkable in this respect. Special Rules Knock-back. The high impact of a shotgun is quite capable of knocking a man off balance or even off his feet. To represent this a target making a roll for falling over an edge as a result of a shotgun hit counts his Initiative with a -1 penalty. For example, if his I is 3 he will fall on a score of 3-6 rather than 4-6. Ammo A variety of shell types is available and you can decide which to use before each shot. Their different effects are summarised on the profile. Each type has its advantages. Some are effective but expensive and often unreliable. If you fail an Ammo roll the weapon and all ammunition carried cannot be used for the remainder of the game. Solid Slug: This is the standard type of solid ammunition. It takes the form of a heavy shell which is fairly inaccurate but quite powerful.
Range To Hit Short Long Short Long Str. Damage Save Ammo Mod. Roll

Man Stopper: This is a particularly heavy solid cartridge with a massive propellant charge. It is more powerful than a normal solid shot and more accurate at range. However, it is more expensive than an ordinary solid shot.
Range To Hit Short Long Short Long Str. Damage Save Ammo Mod. Roll





Hot Shot: This is a hollowed out shot which contains a small charge of flamer chemical. If a target is hit and is not wounded you may re-roll to wound. You must accept the second result.
Range To Hit Short Long Short Long Save Ammo Mod. Roll







Bolt: This is a small self-propelled missile. In fact it is a charge adapted from a boltgun round, and has similar properties including being somewhat temperamental. The long range of the shotgun is extended to 24" when firing a bolt.
Range To Hit Short Long Short Long Str. Damage Save Ammo Mod. Roll










Scatter Shot: This is a cartridge filled with lots of small pellets. Although its not as powerful as other types of ammunition it is very useful for blasting enemy out of cover. The hundreds of pellets ricochet around and often score hits on partially concealed targets. When firing a scatter shot, disregard any cover modifiers for hitting the target the hundreds of pellets saturate the area with shot and can catch partially concealed targets as if they were in the open. In addition, roll a dice for any other models in base contact with the target model, or within the range at which they could normally be hit by stray shots (see the advanced rules). Any such models are hit on a 4+, in a similar way to blast weapons. Resolve hits as normal.
Range To Hit Short Long Short Long Str. Damage Save Ammo Mod. Roll








Special weapons are similar in size and design to basic weapons and like them require both hands to fire. These are technically sophisticated weapons which require above average care and skill to use. For this reason not everyone can use such a weapon and they are mostly carried by heavies or gang leaders.

The flamer fires a burst of flaming chemical, an unstable sticky material that ignites upon contact with air. This volatile fuel is held within a pressurised container that fits underneath the weapon or is attached by a separate fuel pipe. A container contains little fuel, so flamers often run out of power after a few shots. The unstable and temperamental nature of the fuel also means that some containers prove useless whilst others explode unexpectedly as they are loaded. The flamer is a very dangerous weapon that spreads a sheet of flame over a short distance. At this range it is almost impossible to miss and several victims can be claimed with a single shot.
Range To Hit Short Long Short Long Special Rules Str. Damage Save Ammo Mod. Roll

A grenade launcher is a light tubular launcher capable of firing most grenade types by means of a compressed gas charge. The most common grenades are explosive Frag grenades and implosive Krak grenades which are designed for cracking open tough and well armoured targets. These grenades are often home-made affairs, simple devices manufactured in the Underhive itself. The launcher is a very robust and straightforward weapon. Its supply of compressed gas is soon expended, but recharging is a simple matter using a high pressure source to fill its internal tank. Frag and Krak grenades are described in the section on grenades. When you equip a model with Krak or Frag grenades you are assumed to be buying him a supply sufficient to last for the entire game or until you fail an Ammo roll. Other kinds of grenade that can be used are Choke, Flash, Plasma, Scare, Smoke and Hallucinogen.
Range To Hit Short Long Short Long Str. Damage Save Ammo Mod. Roll



Special Rules Ammo Test. An Ammo test is required every time the flamer is fired regardless of your to hit roll. Flamers are unreliable weapons, and can only be counted upon to fire once or twice per engagement. Template. The flamers shot is represented by the larger teardrop-shaped flamer template. This is used as described in the Shooting section.

0-20 20-60



Special Rule Move or Fire. Because of its bulk and massive recoil, a fighter cannot shoot a grenade launcher if he moves in the same turn. He can move, or fire, but not both.

The melta-gun is also known as the melter, cooker or vape gun. It works by means of sub-molecular thermal agitation, literally cooking, melting, or eventually vaporising the target. A melta-gun can melt plasteel and its effect upon living tissue is horrible indeed. The weapon makes no noise when fired. The passage of the beam heats the air to super-hot temperatures, causing a distinctive hiss which becomes a roaring blast as living flesh is hit and body moisture vaporises explosively.
Range To Hit Short Long Short Long Str. Damage Save Ammo Mod. Roll








The needle rifle is a snipers weapon and for this reason it is often referred to as a needle sniper rifle. It is a complex laser powered device and relatively rare in the Underhive. Its tight laser beam carries a tiny toxic needle or dart which can easily penetrate flesh to send its deadly poisons into the target. The laser carrier beam will dissolve or blow away armour or clothing and burrow into exposed flesh enabling the darts to penetrate more deeply. The needlers chief advantage is that it is virtually silent, and consequently the favoured weapon for assassins and other unwelcome characters.
Range To Hit Short Long Short Long Str. Damage Save Ammo Mod. Roll

Plasma weapons fire energy shells of bright glowing plasma matter in a super-heated energised state. When a plasma shell strikes a target energy is released and the target blows apart in an almighty explosion. Plasma weapons are extremely effective and very dangerous weapons. Their biggest disadvantage is that they take a relatively long time to recharge once they have been fired. The user can mitigate against this by firing as short a blast as possible with slightly reduced effectiveness. Firing on Low Energy:
Range To Hit Short Long Short Long Str. Damage Save Ammo Mod. Roll

0-16 16-32 +1



Special Rules Toxic Dart. No wound roll is required when shooting a needler, if the target is hit then the toxins will automatically inflict 1 wound. Armour may still save a target as normal. Injuries. A target suffering his final wound from a toxic dart does not roll on the standard Injury chart. Instead, roll on the chart below both when the injury is inflicted and in subsequent recovery phases. Roll a D6. D6 Result






Firing on Maximum Power:

Range To Hit Short Long Short Long Str. Damage Save Ammo Mod. Roll






Sustained Fire: 1 dice. Special Rule Energy Levels. You can choose to shoot the weapon on a low energy setting or maximum power. The profiles for each setting are different, as you can see. If you shoot the weapon on maximum power then you cannot shoot again until it has recharged. It takes the firers entire following turn for the weapon to recharge itself. This restriction does not apply on the low energy setting. Note that sustained fire can only be used when shooting on the maximum energy setting. When on Max power the Plasma Gun is a High Impact weapon.

1-2 No Effect. The toxin has no effect or wears off. The target may continue to fight in the same way as if hed suffered a flesh wound except that he suffers no penalties on his WS/BS. 3-4 Sedated. The target shrugs off the full effect of the toxin or recovers sufficiently to crawl up to 2" but can do nothing else. This is the same as a normal down result. 5 Comatose. The target is knocked comatose and falls to the ground. The target cannot move at all. Out of Action. The target slumps lifelessly to the ground. He may be dead or barely living, but is overcome by the toxin for the rest of the game. Remove the model as you would any other that was out of action.



This category covers particularly large and powerful weapons. They are too heavy and clumsy to be used by all fighters, and are also difficult to maintain and repair. Only fighters with appropriate technical skills can hope to own heavy weaponry of this kind, though most gangs have one or two fighters who carry heavy weapons. These individuals are known as heavies on account of the weapons they carry and also because they tend to be big, muscular fighters able to bear the weight of their weapon, ammunition and spares. All of the heavy weapons described below are weighty, cumbersome affairs which take quite a bit of physical strength and energy to carry and use. Spare parts, ammunition and a basic tool kit all add to the weight a heavy must bear. Because of this, any fighter carrying a heavy weapon may not move and shoot during the same turn. If you choose to move you may not shoot, although you can go onto overwatch and shoot in the enemys turn if you wish. As this rule applies to all heavy weapons it is not included in the special rules for individual weapons.

The autocannon is a heavy automatic weapon a larger and more powerful version of the autogun. It is a rapid firing, high-velocity weapon capable of spitting out a hail of deadly shells. The blaze of shells, scream of the loading mechanism and brutal recoil mean that it is a difficult and energy sapping weapon to use. It is also extremely effective, and one of the most popular heavy weapons.
Range To Hit Short Long Short Long Str. Damage Save Ammo Mod. Roll


The heavy plasma gun, or sun gun as it is known, fires energy shells of bright glowing plasma matter in a super-heated energised state. When a plasma shell strikes a target energy is released and the target blows apart in an almighty explosion. Plasma weapons are extremely effective and very dangerous and the heavy version is the most deadly of all. The biggest disadvantage of plasma weapons is that they take a relatively long time to recharge once fired. In the case of the heavy plasma gun the user can mitigate this by firing the weapon on a low energy discharge to preserve his energy reserves. Special Rule Energy Levels. You can choose to shoot the weapon on a low energy setting or maximum power. The profiles for each setting are different. If you shoot the weapon on maximum power then you cannot shoot again until it has recharged. It takes the firers entire following turn for the weapon to recharge once more. This restriction does not apply on the low energy setting. Blast. Regardless of which energy level you choose to fire on, the power of the heavy plasma gun is such that it envelops an entire area in its searing discharge, and so use the blast template when shooting. High Impact. Regardless of which energy level you choose to fire on the heavy plasma gun follows the rules for High Impact weapons diven on page 17. Firing on Low Energy:
Range To Hit Short Long Short Long Str. Damage Save Ammo Mod. Roll

0-20 20-72




Sustained Fire: 1 dice. Special Rule High Impact. The autocannon follows the rules for High Impact weapons diven on page 17.

All bolt weapons are highly advanced and technically sophisticated, and the heavy version is the most effective and most complex weapon of its type. They are extremely bulky and are often known as the back breaker by those who carry them. Like all bolters it is noisy and the shells explode when they hit their target causing great devastation. Only very experienced and relatively wealthy fighters can afford to own and use a heavy bolter. The constant and demanding maintenance routine also makes it an unwise choice for a novice. For those who know what theyre doing it is a prestigious weapon carried by the most dangerous of fighters.
Range To Hit Short Long Short Long Str. Damage Save Ammo Mod. Roll

0-20 20-40




0-20 20-40




Firing on Maximum Power:

Range To Hit Short Long Short Long Str. Damage Save Ammo Mod. Roll

Sustained Fire: 2 dice.

0-20 20-72






This heavy and old-fashioned weapon is affectionately known as the big stubber. It rattles off a hail of heavy bullets sufficient to stop a man in his tracks. The workshops of the Underhive can turn out weapons like this quite easily, all slightly different in design but basically the same in terms of their effect. It is a simple weapon to maintain and relatively cheap to buy. Many gangs start out with a big stubber to back them up, and its deadly rain of bullets has put an end to the aspirations of many an Underhive fighter.
Range To Hit Short Long Short Long Str. Damage Save Ammo Mod. Roll

The missile launcher is a complex and weighty piece of machinery. Although expensive the weapon is highly regarded on account of its versatility, and those who can afford the exorbitant costs of maintenance and ammunition often choose to carry a missile launcher. Not all launchers are identical but most are similar, deriving from the armaments factories of the hive city rather than individual workshops in the Underhive. A few Underhive gunsmiths will adapt or modify missile launchers, but this requires considerable skill. Two types of ammunition are commonly available. These are powered missiles fed into the weapon by means of a magazine or hopper, though some versions must be loaded one shot at a time. Superkrak missiles contain a powerful implosive charge designed to crack open the armour of individual targets. Frag missiles contain an explosive charge which inflicts damage over a wide area. Of these, Frag missiles are the most favoured in the Underhive.
Range To Hit Short Long Short Long Str. Damage Save Ammo Mod. Roll

0-20 20-40



Sustained Fire: 2 dice.

0-20 20-72

as missile (see below)


The lascannon or laser cannon is the most powerful of the laser technology weapons available in the Underhive. It is a military weapon, made in the factories of the hive city for the armed forces of the Imperium. Examples find their way into the hands of gang fighters, though the Guilders are reluctant to trade such powerful weaponry into the anarchic and dangerous Underhive. The lascannon fires a powerful energy burst, a single mighty blast of energy that can burn up a target or vaporise plasteel. It is designed for destroying large armoured vehicles and other fighting machines, and its massive energy discharge is reckoned unnecessarily potent in the cramped Underhive where targets are generally living men. As a result it is not a highly favoured weapon, most fighters preferring something which spreads its shots over a wide area or fires more rapidly. Special Rule High Impact. The lascannon follows the rules for High Impact weapons diven on page 17.
Range To Hit Short Long Short Long Str. Damage Save Ammo Mod. Roll

Special Rules Super Krak Missile. This missile is designed to crack open a heavily armoured target with a concentrated implosive charge. As such it is really intended to destroy armoured fighting machines and other well armoured targets. Super Krak missiles are High Impact. A missile has the profile shown below. Strength Wounds Save Modifier Special 8 D6 -6 -

Frag Missile. This missile explodes upon impact, scattering shrapnel over a wide area. The missile is ideal for scything down groups of exposed fighters. It has a profile below. The frag missile uses the blast template when shooting. Strength Wounds Save Modifier Special 4 1 -1 Blast

0-20 20-60






Grenades are thrown by hand or can be fired from a grenade launcher, a tubular device powered by compressed gas or an electromagnetic charge. There are many different kinds of grenade available in the Underhive, including strange and unreliable devices concocted by the Underhive fighters themselves, but the most common by far are Frag and Krak grenades. Whatever type of grenade you carry, a grenade throw counts as a shot in the shooting phase, so a fighter can shoot a gun or throw a grenade, but not both. For the rules on grenades see the Shooting section of the main rules. When you equip a fighter with grenades he is assumed to carry enough actual grenades to last the entire encounter. His supply of grenades will automatically run out if an Ammo roll is required, ie the Ammo roll is auto for all grenades. If you run out of ammo with a grenade launcher you have run out of the type of grenade used and the launcher has run out of charge.

A Frag grenade contains an explosive charge as well as a casing which is designed to fragment into deadly shrapnel. It is a common weapon, easy to make and effective in use. Frag grenades are often home-made in Underhive workshops or by the gang fighters themselves. Strength 3 Damage 1 Save Modifier -1 Special Blast

Krak grenades are designed to pierce armoured targets by means of a concentrated implosive charge. Although a Krak grenade can easily kill a man, its contained blast makes it less useful than Frag grenades for Underhive fighting. However, it is very effective at destroying hard targets, building structures, and for blasting into defended holes. Strength 6 Damage D6 Save Modifier -3 Special -

Special Rule Gas Cloud. As the name would suggest, a fragmentation or 'frag' grenade spills its explosive contents over a substantial area, and hence uses the gas cloud template.

Melta bombs or thermal bombs contain a subatomic thermal charge capable of melting through a sheet of plasteel or vaporising flesh. The intense heat caused is very localised in effect, so the weapon is little use in conventional fighting, its primary purpose is as a demolition charge to melt doors or machines. For these purposes it has a special contact plate used to affix it to stationary targets. Strength 8 Damage D6 Save Modifier -4 Special -

Special Rules -1 to Hit. A Krak grenade is a heavy and cumbersome grenade with a concentrated blast. It is therefore harder to hit a target with a Krak grenade than with other grenades and a -1 to hit penalty is imposed when throwing one. Scatter. Although the grenade has no blast area it will still scatter if it misses in the fashion of any other grenade. The grenade must scatter directly on top of a target in order to hit it. Demolition. The Krak grenade can be affixed to any stationary target within 1" during the shooting phase for example a door, a water still, or other construction. The grenade hits automatically without the need to roll for hits or scatter. It is not possible for a model to shoot other weapons in the same shooting phase as placing a Krak grenade.

Special Rule Demolition. The Melta bomb cannot be thrown like an ordinary grenade and its size prevents its use in a grenade launcher. Instead it may be affixed to any stationary target within 1" during the shooting phase, for example a door, a water still, or other construction. The Melta bomb hits automatically without the need to roll for hits or scatter. It is not possible for a model to shoot with other weapons in the same shooting phase as placing a bomb.


There are many different kinds of gas grenades or gas bombs. Some of these weapons are made in the factories of the hive city, others are fabricated by cunning armourers in the Underhive itself. All of these weapons are rare and somewhat specialised in nature, so they are not commonly used by gang fighters. The different effects of the various gas grenades are discussed below. When you throw a gas grenade choose your target and work out where the grenade hits. Place a gas cloud marker, or a patch of cotton wool, to represent the gas. Models within the cloud are hit automatically; models partially within the cloud are hit on a D6 roll of 4 or more, exactly as for ordinary weapons. Fighters hit by gas are not pinned as a result. In other words, although hit the targets are not actually struck or hurt so the hit doesnt count in quite the same way as a regular weapon hit. Any model hit by gas must roll a D6. If the score is less than the targets Toughness it is not affected by the gas. If the score is equal to or more than the targets Toughness it is affected as described below. A roll of a 6 always affects the target regardless of his Toughness. A model that is not already affected by the gas must make this roll if it finds itself within the gas cloud at the start of its turn. Gas clouds can last for several turns, or slowly disperse or drift away altogether. Test at the beginning of both players turns. At the start of each turn roll a D6. 1 2-3 4-5 6 The gas dissipates causing no further harm. The gas remains where it is. The cloud shrinks to a blast template in size. The gas drifts D6" in a random direction. Any models enveloped by the gas are hit. 4

Note: If a Hallucinogen cloud dissipates it still affects models within it at the start of the turn, and if a cloud drifts it affects all models hit by the gas as it drifts. 1 Resist! Wild and dizzying visions spin before the victims eyes as he battles to overcome his inner madness. Roll a further D6. On a score of 1-3 the victim resists the visions and is unaffected. On a 4-6 roll again on this chart. Theyre Crawling All Over Me! The victim is convinced that he is covered with spiders, plague rats, or other unpleasant creatures. The victim is pinned in place by sheer horror just as if he had been hit by a shot. He cannot test to avoid this and can do nothing for his next turn. Over There! The victim is convinced the enemy is all around him, hiding behind every piece of cover, lurking just out of sight, ready to drop from above. The victim does not move this turn but must blast off with any weapon he has in a totally random direction. If any model, friend or foe, lies in that 90 degree arc then it becomes a target just as normal. Run For It! The victim is overcome with terror, his eyes widen and he starts to dribble and gibber. The model is automatically and immediately broken as if he had failed a Leadership test and broke his nerve. Move the model 2D6" away from the enemy this constitutes the models movement for that turn. Traitors! The victim becomes convinced his fellow fighters are out to get him, that the whole thing is a set-up, and the only way to escape is to kill them all. The fighter does not move that turn but shoots at the nearest friend. Errrr... The victim lapses into a mindless slackjawed state for the remainder of the encounter. Do not roll again on this chart even if the model remains within the hallucinogenic gas. The fighter is unharmed and recovers after the game is over, but takes no further part in this encounter and can be removed from play. He does count as out of action for purposes of Bottle rolls.

Scare Gas: A fighter affected by Scare gas must take an immediate Leadership test to keep his nerve. If failed the gas has sent the fighter into a panic and he is broken as described in the rules for Leadership tests. Choke: Fighters affected by Choke fall to the floor and are helpless whilst they remain in the cloud. Models can crawl 2" and attempt to leave the cloud, but they cannot shoot, fight or do anything else if within the cloud at the start of their turn. Once they have crawled free of the choking gas or it has dispersed they recover by the end of the turn. Hallucinogen: Fighters affected by this dangerous hallucinogenic gas become subject to all kinds of strange delusions and can behave in an extraordinary manner. If the model is within the gas cloud at the start of his turn roll a D6 and consult the chart below.


Plasma is a dangerous and unstable matter in a highly energised state. When a Plasma grenade explodes it creates a plasma ball like a miniature sun. Strength 5 Damage 1 Save Modifier -2 Special Blast Any model that does not roll under its Initiative is blinded. Blinded models are unable to see and so cannot move properly or shoot. If they do decide to move they do so at half speed and in a random direction. If engaged in hand-to-hand combat they can fight but their WS is reduced to 1. A model who is blinded remains blinded throughout his following turn, but may test at the start of each of his subsequent turns to recover his sight. Roll a D6. On the score of a 5 or 6 the model regains its sight and can see and move normally once more. If the target carries a weapon fitted with a monosight, red-dot laser sight or infra-red sight, roll a D6. On the score of a 6 the sight is damaged beyond repair and is premanently destroyed.

Using Plasma Grenades: Throw the grenade as normal and when you have established where it lands place a blast template on the spot. Work out damage on the targets within the plasma ball in the usual way. Once casualties have been determined do not remove the marker as you normally would but leave it in place. The area indicated is undergoing a matter/energy transformation and is glowing like a small sun. A plasma ball can persist for several turns, or slowly disperse or drift away altogether. Test at the beginning of each players turn. At the start of each turn roll a D6. 1-3 4-5 6 The plasma ball collapses in upon itself and disappears causing no further damage. The plasma ball remains in place. The plasma ball drifts D6" in a random direction established using a Scatter dice and disappears at the end of the turn. Any models enveloped by the moving plasma ball are hit and may suffer damage as a result.

A Smoke grenade or smoke bomb releases a cloud of oily smoke that is impossible to see through without special visual devices such as a photovisor. When you throw a Smoke grenade you must aim at a specific point of ground this counts as a small target at -1 to hit. Work out where the grenade lands and place a a gas cloud template to show the extent of the smoke cloud. You can use a patch of cotton wool to represent this if you like. The height of the cloud is assumed to be 2". Models cannot see through smoke unless equipped to do so, and therefore cannot fire through it. Models within a smoke cloud can see nothing and can either stay where they are or attempt to move out of the cloud in their movement phase. Models moving within a cloud always move in a random direction (established using the Scatter dice) and at half speed. If enemy fighters find themselves engaged in hand-tohand combat within a smoke cloud they still fight, but halve their WS characteristic rounding any odd halves up. A smoke cloud can last for several turns, slowly disperse or drift away altogether. Test at the beginning of each players turn. At the start of each turn roll a D6. 1-2 The cloud remains where it is until the end of the testing players turn and then dissipates with no further effect. The cloud remains where it is. The cloud shrinks to a blast template in size. The cloud drifts D6" in a random direction established using a Scatter dice.

Because of the nature of the shining plasma ball it is not possible to see through it or to shoot weapons through it.


Also known as the flash bomb, Photon grenade or simply as a flare, this device explodes with a burst of intense light, blinding or stunning those nearby. A Photon grenade can dazzle fighters and damage sensitive range finding equipment such as targeters. Strength 0 Damage 0 Save Modifier 0 Special Blast

Using Photon Flash Flares. Throw the grenade and place the template as normal. Models hit by the flash may be affected as described below. Note, however, that fighters hit by a flash are not pinned as a result. In other words, although hit the targets are not actually struck or hurt so the hit doesnt count the same as a regular weapon hit. Roll a D6 for each model. Any model which rolls under its Initiative characteristic is merely dazzled for the remainder of that turn, counting its WS and BS as 1. Otherwise the fighter is unharmed.

3-4 5 6



The armed forces of the far future are equipped with advanced powered armoured suits and protective fields. These bulky and expensive devices are necessary to protect a warrior against the awesome weaponry used on the battlefields of the 41st millennium. Armour is less useful in the depths of the Necromundan hives. Its bulk hinders movement amongst the tangled ruins and its cost is beyond the means of all but the most wealthy fighters. Although advanced armour is sometimes traded, by far the most common forms of protection are simpler types of protection such as mesh and carapace.

Carapace armour is made of rigid plates of armaplas moulded to fit parts of the body. A typical suit of carapace covers the vital chest region, with separate plates for the arms and legs. The armaplas plates offer quite good protection from low-powered weaponry but are rather heavy. Special Rules Save. A fighter wearing carapace armour has a basic D6 saving throw of 4, 5 or 6 against a wound. Initiative. Because of its weight a fighter wearing carapace armour counts his Initiative characteristic as only half its actual value, rounding up. For example, a fighter with I5 would count as having I3.

Mesh armour is a fabric-like material made from tiny cells of bonded thermoplas. The resultant mesh is light but very strong and can be fashioned into garments or used as a protective lining. Mesh absorbs physical blows or heat energy by becoming momentarily solid, effectively absorbing the energy of an attack to switch from one morphic state to another. Repeated hits to the same area will tend to erode this effect and reduce the protective value of the mesh. Special Rule Save. A fighter wearing mesh armour has a basic D6 saving throw of 5 or 6 against a wound.

Flak armour is made from high-tensile padded fabric usually in the form of a sleeveless jacket which covers the upper torso. Flak is rather uncomfortable and not especially popular despite its low cost. It offers minimal protection against low powered weapons and is most useful against blasts and explosive impact from near-misses. Special Rule Save. A fighter wearing flak armour has a basic D6 saving throw of 6 against a wound. This is increased to 5 or 6 against weapons which use a template as these are generally the low velocity weapons that flak is most effective against flamers, blast weapons and Frag grenades, for example. The save modifiers for these weapons may reduce or cancel out this save in many cases.




This section covers special types of ammunition or power packs that are sometimes available from traders. It also includes types of advanced gunsights which are rare and highly sought after in the depths of the Underhive. image makes this sight useful only from a stable platform, it is of no advantage to a shooter who is moving. For this reason the mono-sight is designed to be attached to heavy weapons, although they can also be fitted to basic or special weapons. Special Rules +1 to Hit. A stationary fighter using a basic, special or heavy weapon with a mono-sight adds +1 to his roll to hit. Overwatch. The sight is no advantage against a suddenly appearing or fleeting target. The bonus does not therefore apply if shooting at an appearing or disappearing target or at a charging target on overwatch.


The Hotshot pack is an especially powerful version of the standard laser power pack. It uses a more expensive and less robust power matrix, with the advantage that it can force more power through a standard laser weapon. However, the risk of burning out the weapon or exhausting the pack itself is much greater than with the standard pack. Special Rule Any laspistol or lasgun can be fitted with a Hotshot pack adding +1 to the weapons Strength. However, the weapons Ammo roll is reduced to 6+ if a Hotshot pack is fitted.


An infra-red sight is similar in construction to a monosight but is calibrated to register infra-red rather than visible light. The enhanced image which appears in the sight makes it very easy to pick out targets that are partially concealed behind cover. Like a mono-sight, the infra-red sights works most effectively from a stable platform, and is of no advantage to a shooter whose own movement disrupts the sensors image. The sight is designed for attachment to heavy, special or basic weapons. Special Rules Cancels Cover. A stationary fighter using a basic, special or heavy weapon with an infra-red sight may reduce the penalty applied for shooting at an enemy in cover by 1. So, partial cover is ignored and full cover counts as -1 to hit rather than -2. Single Shot. The to hit bonus applies so long as the weapon only fires a single shot. If the player wishes to use sustained shooting the bonus does not apply, as the clouds of hot smoke emitted obscure the sights. Overwatch. The sight is no advantage against a suddenly appearing or fleeting target. The bonus does not therefore apply if shooting at an appearing or disappearing target or at a charging target on overwatch. This sight shines a continuous low-powered red laser beam along the barrel of a weapon, placing a red dot wherever it is aimed. The laser sight can be attached to any pistol, basic or special type of weapon, such as a bolt pistol or lasgun. Wary fighters look out for the glint of the laser beam and take cover if they spy a red-dot scanning nearby. Special Rules +1 to Hit. A fighter using a pistol, special or basic weapon with a red-dot sight adds +1 to his roll to hit. Spot the Dot. A fighter hit by a weapon with a red-dot sight can try to avoid the shot, representing his chance of spotting the red dot and ducking aside. This is worked out as soon as a hit is scored. The chance of avoiding the shot is a 6 on a D6. This spot the dot roll is not a saving throw for armour, and armour penetration modifiers do not affect it.

A telescopic sight is a simple but effective optical aid to accuracy. The sight can be fitted to any basic or special weapon to increase the shooters chances of scoring a hit at long range. A telescopic sight requires concentration to use, and is only a benefit to shooters who stop and aim carefully. Special Rules Double Short Range. A stationary fighter using a basic or special weapon with a telescopic sight doubles the short range of his weapon. Overwatch. The sight is no advantage against a suddenly appearing or fleeting target. The bonus does not therefore apply if shooting at an appearing or disappearing target or at a charging target on overwatch.

A mono-sight is an optical sensor worn over one eye, attached to the fighters weapon by a power link. The fighter sees an enhanced image and superimposed targetting reticule with its crosshairs clearly showing where his shot will land. The high resolution of the



The Underhive presents a weird mixture of advanced technology and primitive technical improvisation. Conditions are rough and ready in the settlements, and those who live there are used to making compromises. To the wealthy inhabitants of the Spire bionic implants and transplants of living tissue are readily available and affordable solutions to disease and injury. Beneath the Wall a few wealthy family patriarchs may be able to afford such services. In the Underhive people cope as best they can, making do with simple prosthetics and putting up with debilitating injuries. However, even in the Underhive there are a few skilled bio-surgeons able to perform transplants for those who are able to pay the price.

A bionic eye is a technical device that replaces a destroyed or damaged eye. The eyes photosensitive cells also offer protection against Photon Flash flares, and enable the fighter to see through smoke. If a fighter with a bionic eye suffers a further eye injury then randomly determine which eye is damaged his real eye or his artificial eye. Any damage to a bionic eye will destroy it. Special Rules Replacement. A bionic eye cancels out the effect of one serious eye injury the fighter has sustained. Photosensitive. The fighter may re-roll a failed save against blinding by a Photon Flash flare (D6 against Initiative). He may also see past and shoot through smoke with a -1 to hit penalty.

A bionic leg is very much stronger than an ordinary leg and affords the fighter the opportunity of making a devastating kick attack. If a fighter with a bionic leg suffers another leg injury randomly determine which leg is affected: the fighters real leg or his bionic leg. If the bionic leg is damaged it will be destroyed. Special Rules Replacement. A bionic leg cancels out the effect of one serious leg injury the fighter has sustained. Kick. The fighter gains +1 to his Attacks characteristic in Hand-to-Hand combat. In addition, if the fighter wins a hand-to-hand combat he can make a special kick instead of resolving his normal hit/s. Note that a fighter can only kick once and must give up all the hits he would otherwise inflict to do so. A kick is resolved at +2 to the fighters Strength and inflicts D3 damage.

A bionic arm is a particularly expensive device which offers greatly amplified strength, grip and dexterity compared to a normal arm. If a fighter with a bionic arm suffers a further arm injury randomly determine which arm is affected: the fighters real arm or his bionic arm. Any damage to a bionic arm will destroy it. Special Rules Replacement. A bionic arm cancels out the effect of one serious arm injury the fighter has sustained. Characteristic Bonus. The fighter receives a +1 Strength bonus on his own strength when fighting in hand-to-hand combat with weapons in this arm or when throwing grenades. He also receives a +1 Initiative bonus when fighting hand-to-hand combat.



An auto-repairer is a large device kept back in the gangs hideout or in one of its workshops. The machine is used by a gangs heavies to check and repair equipment, scan for hidden structural weaknesses and test batteries, power packs and internal generators. Special Rules If a gang has an auto-repairer it can be used in between fights to check out the gangs weapons. The gang must include a heavy to do this and you must assign a fit ganger to help him. The ganger cannot collect income from territories or search for rare trade goods if he is helping the heavy. In the next game, any weapon that fails its Ammo roll may roll again, and automatically passes its check on a D6 roll of 4, 5 or 6 regardless of the kind of weapon it is. Weapons which automatically fail an Ammo roll will pass on a 4 or more. Note that the auto-repairer is kept in the gangs territory and is not associated with any specific heavy. As it does not belong to a specific model its value is not included in the gangs rating. If the gang is raided in the Raid scenario then the auto-repairer is automatically destroyed if the encounter is lost.

A bio-scanner detects life signs within the proximity of the user. The device is small, about the size of a pistol, and can be worn upon a belt or around the owners neck. A fighter who carries such a device improves his chances of spotting enemy intruders. Special Rules Hidden Enemy. A model carrying a bio-scanner trebles the range at which it will see hidden enemy. For example, a fighter with I4 will spot hidden enemy at 12" rather than 4". Intruders. In scenarios which involve sentries and intruders (eg Raid and Rescue) the bio-scanner trebles the distance at which sentries can spot intruders and adds +1 to their chance of spotting all intruders.

The Ratskins milk venom from the albino blindsnake, mix the toxin with certain secret fungi, and place the resultant paste into a small leather pouch which is worn around the neck. The spirit of the blindsnake is said to watch out for bad spirits and to guide its owner in the darkness. The mixture in the leather pouch is absorbed by the fighters skin and enhances his natural psychic sensitivity, endowing him with a sort of rudimentary sixth sense. Special Rules A fighter who carries a blindsnake pouch can sense when an enemy is waiting to shoot at him. If a fighter is shot at and hit from overwatch, he has a chance of ducking or weaving to avoid the shot. Roll a D6. On the score of a 4+ the fighter avoids the shot and is safe. Note that this roll is made as soon as the fighter is hit it is not a saving throw taken once a fighter is wounded and no armour save modifiers apply.

A bio-booster is a small chemical charge that fits into a wrist band or similar. The boosters bio-sensor is activated when the wearer is injured, administering a shot of booster chemical into the bloodstream by means of a pressure diffuser. The bio-booster is selfadministering and completely automatic. Special Rules If a fighter is wearing a bio-booster then on his first Injury roll 1-3 counts as a flesh wound, 4-5 is down and 6 is out of action. This only applies to the fighters first Injury roll ie, the roll made when his last wound is gone not to subsequent Injury rolls in the recovery phase. The bio-booster will only work once per game. If a fighter recovers and is then injured for a second time his bio-booster will have no further effect as it has been discharged.


Fighters who must constantly climb the sheer ruins and crumbling superstructure of the Underhive often choose to make use of a clip harness to save them from falling. The harness is nothing more than a safety line that is fastened round the body, with a strong steel clip or magnetic clasp which can be attached to a nearby object. If the wearer should fall the harness will save him and enable the fighter to scramble to safety. Special Rule Fall. The end of the safety line must be fastened for it to work. A model can fasten a harness if it does not move in its movement phase. The harness is automatically unfastened when the model moves. If a model falls whilst the safety line is fastened the fighter is unharmed but ends up dangling on the end of the line until he is able to scramble up. To do this, the model rolls a D6 at the start of his turn and must score equal to or less than his Initiative to scramble back up the line to safety. An enemy model in position to do so can cut the line and send the fighter falling to the ground. This counts as an attack in hand-to-hand combat so the enemy model cannot shoot in the same turn.

Filter plugs, or flugs, are simple filters which Necromundans stick firmly up their nostrils to purify the air they breathe. Cheap and disposable, these are used in their millions throughout the lower regions of Hive City and the Underhive, where hive smog, pollutant clouds and toxic gases are constant hazards. Flugs sieve out the worst of the pollution including most harmful substances. Special Rule Gas Test. A fighter wearing flugs can re-roll a failed Toughness test against dangerous gases including Choke, Hallucinogen and Scare.

The grav chute is a passive gravitic repeller which reduces the downward pull of gravity to a fraction of its normal strength. It enables the wearer to float from a great height and land softly, even from a fall of several hundred feet. Special Rule Fall. A fighter wearing a grav chute takes no damage from falling or jumping regardless of the height he falls.


Although it is possible to hide any small blade about your person, the concealed blade is something a little different. This tiny blade is cunningly concealed in a specially designed boot heel, or inside a small biocompartment under the owners skin. The blade is not used unless the owner is captured, in which case he can use it to try and escape. A captured fighter can try and escape if he has a concealed blade. Roll a D6. 1 2 3 4-6 The fighter is killed while trying to escape. The fighter is recaptured immediately. The fighter escapes but loses all his weapons and equipment to the capturing gang. The fighter escapes together with his weapons and equipment. The grapnel consists of a magnetic grapnel attached to a long wire which is fired from a small launcher. A fighter can fire a grapnel in the shooting phase instead of shooting with a weapon. Choose the spot you wish to aim for, counting it as a small target, and roll to hit as for weapons fire. If you miss the target roll for scatter as for blast weapons. The magnetic grapnel sticks to the point indicated and this can be marked with a suitable counter. In its following movement phase the model may winch itself to the position of the marker, and this counts as the models move for that turn. The grapnel isnt really a weapon, but the chances are someone will want to use it as such, so it has a standard weapons profile. It also has an Ammo roll taken in the normal way for weapons.
Range To Hit Short Long Short Long Save Ammo Mod. Roll

A concealed blade is only good for one escape attempt.









These take the form of a pair of goggles or visor which allows a fighter to see the thermal images of enemy fighters in the Underhive. This enables the wearer to see foes who are hiding or who are partially concealed behind cover. Special Rules A fighter wearing infra-goggles can spot hidden enemy at double his normal distance ie, his Initiative x2 rather than his Initiative distance in inches. In scenarios which involve sentries and intruders (eg Raid and Rescue) goggles double the distance at which sentries will spot intruders and add +1 to their chance of spotting intruders in partial or complete cover. Special Rules If you are offered a Mung vase then the chances are it is a worthless copy or a damaged or restored example of only token value. Canny investors will no more touch a Mung vase than a festering sore on a rabid plague rat. Unfortunately, not everyone is so circumspect. If you have dispatched a ganger to search for rare items then he must buy a Mung vase if one is offered. Otherwise you can buy the vase if youre feeling lucky (some would say gullible). You must commit to buying the vase before establishing the cost (this represents the process of lengthy haggling involved in all such transactions). The vase costs D6 x 10 credits. You can sell the vase in any subsequent trading session. Meanwhile it is kept hidden in a secret place known only to the gangs leader. If the leader is killed the location of the vase is lost forever. The vases cost is not included in the gangs rating. When you decide to sell the vase roll a D6 to see how you get on. 1. Fake. The vase is an obvious and worthless fake. Whoever you attempt to sell it to throws you and your vase out into the street. The vase is broken and you have wasted your cash. Its a fake but quite a nice one and the trader gives you D6 credits for it. You accept the credits and thank the trader for his generosity. The following day you learn that he has left town in a hurry. He is never seen again. You sell the vase for 30+4D6 credits. You sell the vase for 30+6D6 credits. You sell the vase for 5x2D6 credits. You sell the vase for 10x2D6 credits.


This is the basic fuel rod used to provide power for almost everything in the Underhive. Rods come from uphive where they are made in Hive City, and sometimes turn up as archeotech. Special Rules If a gang has a fuel rod it can convert any one piece of territory into a Settlement. The gang sets up a small out-hole in the waste using the fuel rod to power its air-pumps, water still and generator. The fuel rod can be used only once.



The lobotomy chip is similar in appearance and general function to a standard skull chip. The effect is to anaesthetise part of the brain, reducing the wearers sensitivity and curbing excessive and violent behaviour. Special Rules A lobo-chip will cure a fighter of the manic behaviour associated with lasting head injuries, so that he no longer has to test before a battle for stupidity or frenzy. However, his Initiative characteristic is reduced to 1. Each lobo-chip is individually configured to its recipients brainwaves. Once implanted, it cannot be removed and transferred to another fighter.

4. 5. 6.

The medi-pack is a diagnostic medical computer that can alleviate the major symptoms of wounds by means of electro-chemical impulses. Special Rules A fighter who carries a medi-pack can use it upon a friend who is down and in base contact. The fighter must move base-to-base and then spend the rest of the turn attending to his comrade. He cannot shoot, fight hand-to-hand or do anything else. At the end of the turn in the recovery phase an Injury roll is made for the down model as normal except that a score of 1-4 recovers the injured fighter to flesh wound, a 5 is down, and a 6 is out of action. Note that a fighter cannot use a medi-pack on himself, nor may another individual use the medipack once its owner is injured or otherwise incapacitated.

The Mung vase is a much sought after and extremely rare kind of archeotech. Genuine vases are prized by collectors amongst the noble houses of Necromunda and first class examples are said to change hands for millions of credits. For every genuine vase uncovered in the wastes a thousand replicas are made in the shanty towns of the Underhive.


The One in a Million Weapon is a rare example of the weaponsmiths art, made from the best materials to the finest standards and the most exacting tolerances. Such weapons are prized beyond mere cash. Men have fought and died to own a weapon such as this. Special Rules The weapon is normal for its type but automatically passes any Ammo roll it is required to make. If it is a weapon that would normally automatically fail its Ammo roll then it will pass on the D6 roll of a 4, 5 or 6. Roll a D6 to find out what kind of weapon you have been offered: 1-2 pistol, 3-4 basic, 5 special, 6 heavy. You can choose any weapon from the category rolled.

This is a small bio-chip that looks like a stud or tiny metal plate covered in circuitry. It is attached to the skull by means of a fine needle-like pin which fixes straight into the brain. The chip melds with the wearers mind and improves his reaction time and memory functions. Special Rules A fighter wearing a skull chip can re-roll any Initiative characteristic-based dice test that he fails. For example, he can re-roll a failed test to avoid being pinned by enemy fire. Once implanted the chip cannot be removed and transferred to another fighter.


Photo-contacts are multi-layered plastic lenses worn on the eyes to enhance vision in poor light conditions. They also incorporate a photochromatic layer which protects the wearers sight against sudden bright flashes. Special Rules Flash. A fighter wearing photo-contacts may re-roll a failed Initiative test to avoid the effects of a Photon Flash flare. Smoke. A fighter wearing photo-contacts can see and move through smoke without penalty. He can shoot through smoke but suffers a -1 to hit penalty when doing so. It is commonly supposed that the Underhive contains huge amounts of treasure: collapsed tunnels leading to untapped mines and caverns containing piles of gemstones waiting to be discovered, and long lost domes brimming with archeotech. It is also common knowledge that the Ratskins know of many such places as well as paths through and under the hive that no ordinary man has ever travelled. It is equally common knowledge that anyone trying to sell you an ancient Ratskin treasure map is inevitably on the make. On the other hand, the map looks real, its certainly very old, and the trader sounds genuine. Dare you take the risk? Special Rules If you decide to buy the map roll to see how accurate it is before you play your next game. If the map is accurate it will enable you to manoeuvre round your enemy, and gives you an advantage when deciding which scenario to fight. If its a good one you can use the map from then on. Roll a D6: 1 Fake. Your opponent can choose the next scenario automatically, there is no need to roll for it. Treasure map. The map shows the whereabouts of an ancient archeotech hoard. Roll a further D6 to determine whether it is real or a fake. On a 1-5 it is a fake. On a 6 the map is genuine and you can add an Archeotech Hoard to your territory for free. The map has no further use. Vague and inaccurate. The map is a vague and inaccurate copy but it does reveal some worthwhile information. When you fight a battle you may add or subtract 1 from the Scenario chart to decide which scenario is played. Worn and incomplete. Though badly worn and incomplete the map is essentially accurate. When you fight a battle you may add or subtract up to 2 from the Scenario chart to decide which scenario is played.

A photo-visor is a special visor that enhances vision in poor light conditions. It also incorporates a photochromatic layer that protects the wearer against sudden bright flashes. Special Rules Flash. A fighter wearing a photo-visor may re-roll a failed Initiative test to avoid the effects of a Photon Flash flare. Smoke. A fighter wearing a photo-visor can see and move through smoke without penalty. He can shoot through smoke but suffers a -1 to hit penalty when doing so.

A silencer damps out the sound of an auto-pistol or stub gun shot. When equipped with a silencer these weapons are effectively silent, a useful factor in some of the scenarios.


5 Ancient and faded. Barely legible though it is the map is a genuine ancient relic. When you fight a battle you may add or subtract up to 2 from the Scenario chart to decide which scenario is played. In addition, the map reveals the location of ancient tunnels nearby. You can swap any one territory you currently have for Tunnels you must do this immediately or never. Recent and accurate. The map is recently made and accurate. When you fight a battle you may add or subtract 3 from the Scenario chart to decide which scenario is played. Stummers. Stummers can only be used for one game after which they are expended. The price at the Trading Post buys enough stummers to last for one game. If a gang has stummers they can be used in the Raid and Rescue scenarios where the defenders are initially unaware of the intruders. If the intruding gang has stummers then reduce all chances of setting off the alarm by -1. Stummers also nullify screamers completely. Stummers are not carried by any particular model and their value is not included in the gang rating.

The map is carried by the gangs leader and is lost if he is killed. Its cost is therefore included in the leaders value and gang rating in the normal way.

When a fighter carries a weapon such as an autogun or bolter, which fires a great many individual shells in a short burst, he is assumed to carry extra ammunition to last most of the battle. However, a fighter can, if he wants, carry additional magazines, batteries, power packs and fuel over and above the normal amount. This extra ammo is carried in the form of reloads. Carrying extra ammo is expensive, and can be dangerous, but it goes some way to ensure you wont run out of firepower at the critical moment. Although a reload is helpful it doesnt guarantee a fighter will pass an Ammo roll. The Ammo roll doesnt just represent the chance of running out of ammunition or carrying a defective magazine, it also represents the possibility of a gun jamming, overheating or proving defective. Special Rules Ammo Roll. If a fighter carries a reload for the weapon he is using then he can add +1 to his Ammo roll. This applies every game as it is assumed the fighter replenishes his reloads as part of the gangs standard expenses. In the case of a weapon with an Ammo roll of 2+, such as a lasgun, the first Ammo roll of a game is automatically passed, but further Ammo rolls must be taken as normal. Risk of Injury. If a fighter carries extra ammo then there is a chance it will explode or leak if he is hit. To represent this, when a fighter who is carrying a reload is hit and injured, a roll of 5 or 6 on the Injuries table will take him out of action. This only applies when the fighter is hit, not to subsequent Injury rolls made in his recovery phase. Availability. Weapon reloads are available for all weapons that have an Ammo roll of 6+ or better. Weapons which automatically fail any Ammo roll they are required to take cannot have reloads for example grenades, grenade launchers and missile launchers. Reloads are specific to individual weapons; when a reload is bought the player must note down which weapon the reload is for on the gangs roster. Note that reloads which are used during a game will be replaced before the next game as part of the gangs usual expenses.

Respirators are an essential item in the lower regions of Hive City and the Underhive, where hive smog, pollutant clouds and toxic dust are everyday hazards. Respirators remove the worst of the pollution including most harmful substances. Special Rule Gas Test. A fighter wearing a respirator can re-roll a failed Toughness test against dangerous gases including Choke, Hallucinogen and Scare.


Screamers are small proximity alarms used to protect a gangs hideout. Individual screamers are tiny but the noise they make is horrendous. A gang will scatter dozens around the perimeter of its hideout in order to warn of approaching intruders. Stummers look like screamers (see above). They are spread about by intruders as they move. Where screamers make a loud noise stummers stop noise dead. Once stummers are activated all sound within a few metres is momentarily muffled and even loud noises are barely audible. Special Rules Screamers. Screamers can only be used for one game after which they are expended. The cost at the Trading Post buys enough screamers to last for one game. If a gang owns screamers they can be deployed in the Raid and Rescue scenarios where the defenders are initially unaware of the intruders. If any intruder models move in their movement phase then roll a D6 (only one roll is made regardless of how many intruders move). On a roll of a 6 one of the intruders steps on a screamer and sets off the alarm. Screamers are not carried by any particular model and their value is not included in the gang rating.



Gunfire raked the grilled metal walkway. Shotgun shells ricocheted off the structure as it hung suspended high over the rutted and crater-pocked, slag-waste floor of the dome. Las-shots left molten pinholes in the handrails and flicked flakes of rust from the corroded metal as they stung hard at the walkways surface. The ganger, hunkered down so as to make himself as small a target as possible, scurried across the fragile, giddily swinging bridge to safety behind a sturdy pillar. Back in cover, slamming another energy cell into his laspistol, Vito Scald darted a glance around the iron pillar. He took in his gangs disposition around the dome in an instant. His men the Orlock gang that went by the name of Scalds Hotheads were scattered around and over the ruined structures of the derelict dome. And so were their rivals for the territory the muscle-bound, meathead Goliaths of the Ironfist Gang. Dome Seven-Seven-Three, also known as Kastos Claim, was now only home to Ripperjacks and other hive vermin, a ruin with nothing to offer an ambitious gang on the make. But Dome Seven-SevenThree was the prize nonetheless, for it was the gateway to the mineral and ore rich seams of the Fingels Rift. Scalds Hotheads were armed with a hotchpotch of weapons, from autoguns and serrated-edged knives to flamers and even the occasional heavier weapon. Life had been good to them of late. They had been able to kit themselves out with the best armaments credits could buy in the downhive trading post of Mercury Falls. And slowly but surely they were prevailing against their apparently more robust opponents. Vitos opinion was that it was, quite simply, a case of brains over brawn. Suddenly an Orlock, braced against a twisted spar jutting from the broken ground twenty metres below, was enveloped in a ball of incandescent fire. Screaming like a knife-stuck face-eater, the burning man fell writhing to the ground. Vito looked to where the fireball had originated and saw the hulking, steroid-boosted form of a renegade pit slave. The cybernetically-enchanced monster still had Guild ownership studs implanted in his skull, just as he still sported the over-sized, piston-driven rock-hammer that replaced his right arm. In fact, he appeared to be more machine than man, much of his body supported by a crude exoskeleton. In his remaining hand the pit slave held a recharging plasma gun, its coils glowing blue with building energy. Vito recognised the outlaw pit slave as one Crusher Harlon. He had seen the renegades ugly face staring back at him from bounty flyers posted around Flukes Breach. There was the rattling roar of a heavy stubber as Big Aldo fixed the pit slave in his sights. Sparks flew where stub gun shells impacted against the metal portions of the slave and blood sprayed where they hit what little flesh remained. Such a hail of bullets would have killed any other ganger where he stood. Harlon, however, merely staggered backwards as his unnaturally augmented body soaked up the barrage of bullets. But that in itself was enough. As Harlon was forced back by the stubber assault, one iron-shod foot slid over the slime-slick lip of a steaming chem-pit. The top-heavy slave lost his balance and toppled backwards into the lurid, acid-yellow sludge with a gloopy splash. The toxic soup began to boil, putrid smoke rising in gaseous clouds from the chem-pit. With a metallic scream, an acid-blackened figure lurched out of the pit and fell to the ground, spasming fitfully. It took Vito a moment to realise that it was the pit slaves scorched exoskeleton and bionic attachments, all that remained of Crusher Harlon after his acid bath. Vito could see that, with the death of the pit slave, the Goliaths leader, Nastrol Skedge, knew the Ironfist gang was in real trouble. Now was Vitos chance, not only to seize Kastos Claim for himself but also to bring down the mighty Executioner Skedge. Laspistol on rapid-auto Vito ran from cover bellowing an adrenalin-fuelled yell of joy and fighting frenzy. A retina-searing bolt of energy streaked past him, leaving behind it the tinny smell of ozone as it burnt a path through the air with a shrieking hiss. The las-bolt sliced cleanly through a link in one of the walkways support chains. The grilled gangway listed badly. The extra strain placed on the other corroded bolt soon became too much and a pin sheared. Vito suddenly found the world dropping away before him and one end of the walkway swung downwards. He teetered on the edge for a moment and then the fragmented, rubble-strewn floor of the dome was rushing up to meet him. As he plummeted the twenty metres to the ground, the Orlock caught sight of the leather coated, baldheaded figures that had entered the dome, reinforcing the Goliaths position. The fight for Dome Seven-Seven-Three was far from over, but Vito Scald would play no further part in it.


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