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LESSON PLAN Teacher: Alina Simu School: Onisifor Ghibu Highschool Date: March 28th, 2012 Class: 7 C (4 classes

per week) Time: 50 minutes Level: Pre-Intermediate L1 Lesson: Your hopes, dreams and ambitions Textbook: Snapshot Pre-Intermediate Aims: to expand students knowledge of the second conditional to provide students with varied speaking contexts necessary for the proper study of the second conditional Objectives: By the end of the lesson the students: will have reviewed and practiced the second conditional acquired during the previous lesson will have practiced reading for specific information will have practiced speaking skills through individual and group work activities Skills: reading, writing, speaking Methods: conversation, question-answer, group work Previous knowledge: Students have already studied the usage of the second conditional. Anticipated problems: Students might find it difficult to formulate their dreams and ambitions by using the second conditional. Teaching materials: textbook, activity book, blackboard, worksheets

Lesson Stages:

Activity 1: Warm Up Aims: to set the students in the right mood for starting the lesson Skill focus: speaking Timing: 5 min. Procedure: The teacher greets the students and marks the absents. The teacher checks the homework and corrects the mistakes if necessary. (Ss had to fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the second conditional: ex. 3/p. 78 in their textbooks)

Activity 2: Introducing the new topic Aims: to create interest in the new topic to encourage students to express their dreams and hopes Skill focus: speaking Timing: 10 min. Procedure: T shows Ss some pictures of famous places in the world and asks Ss if they recognize those pictures. Then T asks questions like: Which of these places would you like to visit? If you could go anywhere in the world, which country would you go to? Ss give their answers. T announces the title of the new lesson and writes it on the blackboard: Your hopes, dreams and ambitions Activity 3: Role-play Aims: to act out a dialogue for a clearer contextualisation of the second conditional Skill focus: speaking Timing: 10 min. Procedure: Ss will role-play the lesson: one of them will be the reporter interviewing other two characters (Amy who is British and Mel who is American). After the Ss have completed the task, T elicits new vocabulary and gives explanations.

Activity 4: Text Analysis Aims: to encourage students to have an in-depth analysis of the text Skill focus: writing, speaking Timing: 10 minutes Procedure: T tells students they have to complete the chart in exercise 1a/ p. 77 about Amy and Mels dreams. Ss copy the chart in their notebooks and solve the task. T checks the answers with the entire class. T asks Ss if their dreams and ambitions are the same as Amy and Mels. Ss are encouraged to express their opinions.

Activity 5: Speaking Practice Aims: to provide fun practice in using the second conditional Skill focus: speaking Timing: 10 minutes Procedure: T writes the words time capsule on the blackboard and explains the idea to the Ss. Then T tells Ss they will work in groups of three and they will have to decide which items to put in such a time capsule. Each group is given a different thematic worksheet with vocabulary items which Ss can choose from. Worksheets contain the following areas: 1. School 2. Free time activities 3. Technology 4. House and Home 5. Travel 6. Fashion 7. Sports Ss work in groups and present their choice to the class. Activity 6: Homework Assignment Ss are given as homework exercise ex. 3/ p. 125 in their Language Booster.

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