Management Point: Bank PO, Clerk

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Management Point

Text No: 01

Sub: GS

Time: 30 Minutes

Marks: 45

Name: Batch No. . Date: 1. How many telecom licenses has been canceled by the SC, regarding to 2G spectrum scam? a. 122 b. 123 c. 45 d. 120 e. None 2. Which are the tools of reserve policy? a. CRR, Repo Rate b. CRR, Bank Rate c. SLR, CRR d. Repo Rate, Rev. Repo Rate e. None 3. In FEMA , M means? a. Money b. Monetary c. Management d. Market e. None 4. What is Current rate of CRR? a. 4.5% b. 5.5% c. 6% d. 5% e. 4% 5. What is microfinance? a. Loan for small amount b. Loan for rural people c. Loan for medium period d. Loan for SME e. None 6. Which is Indias 1st Joint Stock Bank? a. SBI b. PNB c. YES Bank d. Allahabad Bank e. None 7. Which is Largest Private Bank in India? a. SBI b. AXIS c. HDFC d. ICICI e. None 8. What is mixed economy? a. Co-existence of private and public sector b. More Private sector than Public sector c. only private sector d. No Govt. rule e. None 9. DLF company belongs to which sector? a. Pharmacy b. Real State c. Telecommunication d. Auto e. None 10. Which is not a debt instrument? a. CPs b. CDs c. T-Bills d. FPO e. None 11. Which is first company who launched Mutual Fund? a. SBI b. LIC c. GIC d. IDBI e. UTI 12. Which is a money market instrument? a. IPO b. FPO c. Call Money d. Term Loan e. None 13. You are going to setup a company, which is you cant use to rise fund? a. IPO b. Debenture c. Term Loan d. FPO e. None 14. If inflation is upward, then how RBI will curb it? a. Export Ban b. Import Ban c. Cut CRR d. Increase Repo Rate e. None 15. In India, What % of total sheet available for General category in Govt. institutions? a. 49.5% b. 50.5% c. 51% d. 27% e. None 16. First Indian City where Airtel Launched 4G service? a. Mumbai b. New Delhi c. Kolkata d. Cennai e. None 17. In SEBI, E means? a. Exchange b. Economy c. Export d. Employment e. None 18. Vodafone is .. based company? a. US b. UK c. Germany d. France e. None 19. Bullish term is associated with? a. Finance b. Sports c. Person d. Technology e. None 20. Who is Indian Law minister? a. Salman Khurshid b. Kapil Sibal c. Jai Ram Ramesh d. C. P. Joshi e. P. K. Bansal 21. In which money system the value of money decided by the Govt.? a. Commodity Money b. Fiat Money c. Representative Money d. Currency Money e. None 22. In ECB term E means . a. Export b. External c. Earning d. Easy e. Extra 23. When FEMA introduced in India? a. 1999 b. 1991 c. 2001 d. 2002 e. 1970 24. The person who receives money against a cheque, called .. . a. Payee b. Drawer c. Drawee d. Creditor e. Debtor

Management Point: Bank PO, Clerk


Management Point
25. In HSBC, H means ? a. Housing b. Holding c. Hong Kong d. Hyderabad e. None of these 26. The RBI was nationalized in the year a. 1949 b. 1956 c. 1959 d. 1947 e. None 27. Which is central Bank of India? a. Bank of India b. SBI c. Central Bank of India d. RBI e. PNB 28. Ten rupees notes bear the signature of a) President b) Finance Minister c) Secretary of Ministry of finance d) Governor of RBI e) None 29. In which of the following banks one cant open a personal account a) Co-Operative Banks b) Commercial banks c) Regional Rural Banks d) RBI e) None of these 30. Which of the followings are the function of RBI a) Regulation of currency and flowing of credit system b) Maintaining exchange values of rupee c) Formulating monetary policy of India d) All of these e) None of these 31. The first Indian fully liability and managed bank was a) PNB b) Traders Bank c) SBI d) Presidency Bank of India e) None of these 32. In which of the following is not the any element of monetary policy of RBI a) Bank rate b) Open Market Operation c) Public Expenditure d) All of these e) None of these 33. The rate at which RBI gives short term credit to the commercial banks against government securities with buy back provision is called a) Bank Rate b) Repo Rate c) Reverse repo rate d) Interest rate e) None of these 34. The rate at which RBI takes loans from commercial banks is called a) Repo Rate b) Reverse Repo Rate c) Bank Rate d) Interest Rate e) None of these 35. The limitation of CRR of RBI is a)3-10 % b) 3-15% c) 15-38% d) 10-25% e) None of these 36. If the cash reserve is lowered by RBI, what will be its effect on credit creation a) Decrease b) Increase c) No Change d) Mixed e) None of these 37. Fiscal deficit is (A) total income less Govt. borrowing (B) total payments less total receipts (C) total payments less capital receipts (D) total expenditure less total receipts excluding borrowing (E) None of these 38. What is a Scheduled Bank? a) A bank having Rs 10 Crore deposits b) A bank having Rs 100 Crore deposits c) A bank having Rs 5 Crore deposits d) A bank included in the second schedule of RBI act 1934. e) None of these 39. How many languages are used on a Ten Rupee note? a) 2 b) 7 c) 10 d) 15 e) 16 40. The place where bankers meet and settle their mutual claims and accounts is known as a) Treasury b) Clearing House c) Dumping House d) Collection centre 41. FDI refers to (A) Fixed Deposit Interest (B) Fixed Deposit Investment (C) Foreign Direct Investment (D) Future Derivative Investment (E) None of these 42. What is Call Money ? (A) Money borrowed or lent for a day or over night (B) Money borrowed for more than one day but upto 3 days (C) Money borrowed for more than one day but upto 7 days (D) Money borrowed for more than one day but upto 14 days (E) None of these 43. The branding line of Bank of Baroda is (A) International Bank of India (B) Indias International Bank (C) Indias Multinational Bank (D) Worlds local Bank (E) None of these 44. In term NSDL, S means --(A) Share (B) Securities (C) Service (D) Schedule (E) None of these 45. Upward Shift in demand curve happens due to -----(A) Increment in Price (B) Decrement in Price (C) Seasonal Change (D) New product (E) None of these

Management Point: Bank PO, Clerk


Management Point

Management Point: Bank PO, Clerk


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