Disease Diagnosis Through Cuspal Interlinks

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Disease Diagnosis through Cuspal Interlinks [A] Analysis of Dynamics of Energy in Cuspal Interlinks

Astrologically native is prone to general and serious sickness.

Ascdtt. SSL Ketu (with PS) is appearing in 6, 8 and 12th Cusp and committing to 5th, 9th, 4th Cusp and 2H through Sub Lord Moon. Ketu represents Mars. 10 and 12th Cusp. Mars is involving 1 H, 2, 3 and 12 and committing to 4, 5,

6th SSL also is Ketu. It promises the same as Ascendant SSL does. Comments: That is, Ascendant shows promise that native is prone get general sickness and meet with serious sickness; deformity or confinement is also possible by the way of obstruction in locomotive function. Brain and Spine related problem is also promised. 8th SSL is Mercury (Leo 14-37-41) Ve Ve --- Ju. Mercury has PS. Mercury is resident of 8H also. By dint of PS Mercury is involving 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 and as per stellar status it involves 3, 4, 5 and 10th Cusps through star lord Venus and commits 3, 4, 5 and 10th Cusp through Sub Lord Venus. Comments: 8th SSL does not involving or committing to Ascendant. (Ascendant itself has involved 6th & 8th Cusps). But its involvement commitment is with those cusps that indicate spine, locomotive function and those cusps also that may lead the native in the stage paralysis. 12th SSL is Saturn (Sag 29-42-05) Sun Ra (=Ve/Ma) ---Ju. Saturn is involving 1st, 7th and 8th and committing to 3, 2, 5, 6, 10, 11 and 9thCusp as Rahu has PS. Comments: That is, besides other thing, Saturn indicates that by the way of

severe illness in 1st, 7th, 5th, 11th House represented anatomical part deformity is possible and movement (3rd +9th Cusp) may also be restricted. [12th SSL is being considered to see not only for Hospitalization matters but for deformity in body and confinement like condition for want of movement in the case of severe paralysis. Analysis of this cusp may give inkling also whether native is destined to get paralysis of Palsy nature or paraplegia, quadriplegia etc.]

[B] Analysis of Flow of Energy in the Cross

Ascendant and 6th Cusp SSL Ketu (Aries 4-21-24) is in Cardinal Cross.
Ketu/ Mars Aries (4-21-24) Cancer (4-21-24) Capricorn (4-21-24) Libra (4-21-24) = = = = Ashwini Nakshatra Pushya Nakshatra U. Ashadha Nakshatra Chitra Nakshatra

It is believed Ketu independently acts like Mars and in the chart also Ketu represents Mars incidentally. {However, as per Mars position in Gemini; involved Mutable cross will be dealt separately}. Ketu or Mars is an agent of 6th Cusp which is primary house of disease. Diseasecausing-infected Energy originates from here and is transported by its agent known as SSL of 6th Cusp. Thus contaminated Martian energies firstly play on the area represented by Aries and particularly those anatomical parts which are ruled by Ashwini Nakshatra i.e. Head, brain etc. Due to deposition of infected energy in this anatomical part congestion in brain, cerebral hemorrhage, fainting etc may take place. Ketu or Martian infected energy flows through Cross Pathway to Cancer sign. It is a watery sign and acts as a container. Fire of Mars does not find Cancers contained water or fluids friendly. So at this region, both will have to loose their qualities. Prima facie Pericardium, Stomach, Lower lobes of liver etc will be in worry. Since, this is actually Pushya Zone so more suffering will be noticeable at Lungs, Respiratory System etc. On the other hand, Fire of Mars used for digestion will lose its strength. Adrenal Glands will also not get the required supply from Mars. Here not only Cancer sign is troubling Mars but Saturn is also restricting it and dictating for hypo function of Mars at Pushya-Anatomical-Part. From here Ketu or Infected sultry bilious Mars fire reaches in the region of Air of Libra where it feels a bit rejuvenated and starts acting on the regions falling in the domain of Libra i.e. Kidney etc. But actual penetration will be felt on the Chitra Nakshatra Zone, where Mars has sovereignty. But this Mars is not pure mighty Mars. He is staying in his dominion not to regulate its ruled one. He is here to act as messenger of 6th House. Obviously, the infection will disperse on the strength of Libran Air. So this area (i.e. Lumber Region of Spine, Vasomotor System,

Kidney Pancreas, Liver, Tissue, Cells, and Fibers etc.) will be deprived of pure energy of Mars which may result in, directly or reflexively, Headache, Hemorrhage, and Leg Pain etc. Lastly, Infected Martian Fire reaches Capricorn an earthy sign. Earth of Capricorn will do nothing but to pacify by the way of mitigating extra heat gained from Libran air only then Mars can be happy in Capricorn. But this infected Mars is in the camouflage of Pure Mars, so he will seed the infection in the earth of Capricorn. From here, he in mood to threat Cancerian zone also to cause Palpitation of Heart, Stomach Trouble, Cardiac Thrombosis problem etc. As Earth of Capricorn is bearing not only the Fire but Mars-carried-infection also, so it has to also suffer by receiving agony on its represented anatomical part particularly by Uttara Ashadha Thigh, Knees, and Arteries etc. This is the energy flow pattern of Ascendant SSL Ketu/ Mars. It goes on and on from beginning to the end of life. The hidden deed of Ketu as Mars will surface when its Dasha Period will come in the life of native. Ketu represents Mars and Mars is in Gem at 28-28-10. Thus, there is mutable cross.

Ketu/ Mars Gemini (28-28-10) Virgo (28-28-10) Pisces (28-28-10) Sagittarius (28-28-10)

= = = =

Punervasu Nakshatra Chitra Nakshatra Revati Nakshatra U. Ashadha Nakshatra

Punarvasu indicates Lungs, Chest, Stomach, Pancreases, Lobes of Liver, Respiratory System. Chitra mentioned above but Earthy Virgo sign will modify. So here instead of liver, intestine etc will be affected. U. Ashadha also mentioned above but fiery sign Sagittarius will modify. Thigh portion and locomotive function will be affected. Revati indicates problem in feet.

8SSL is Mercury (Leo 14-37-41). So, Fixed Cross is involved. Mercury Leo (14-37-41) Scorpio (14-37-41) Taurus (14-37-41) Aquarius (14-37-41) = = = = Purva Phalguni Nakshatra Anuradha Nakshatra RohiniNakshatra Shatbhisha Nakshatra

Spine Problem is a subject of Fixed Cross.

In this cross, two axes are available - Assimilative & Generative Axis and Circulatory & Energizing Axis. Malefic agent Mercury, the ruler of Central Nervous System also, will infuse infected energy of 8th House with great perfection to the anatomical parts indicated by Nakshatras involved in the cross. Mercury generally rules transmission of message over nervous system and hormones, the Chemical Messenger, through blood stem. As it is indulged in wrong-doing, it will transmit wrong signals to the concerned body parts involved in the cross. So, hormones in group will not be directed in Intelligent & discriminative fashion for which mercury is known. Due to this, Mercurys intermediate role in body metabolism between the Mars-Saturn functions of catabolism (breakdown of complex molecules into simpler molecules) and the Venus-Jupiter functions of anabolism (construction of more complex molecules from simpler ones) will pave the way for dis-ease of digestive system which ultimately will surface on the involved anatomical body parts.

In Astro-Nutritional Theory Mars (the ruler of Scorpio) has been assigned duty to break down complex compounds into simpler one. This why, it represents amino acids. Venus symbolizes the synthesis of simpler substances into those that are more complex. So processing of Protein from amino acids is Venusian responsibility. Saturn (Aquarius ruler) indicates end product of Mars process. And thus it rules Protein. In human body, after process of protein is vitamine, minerals, Enzymes. Scorpio sign is involved in the cross pathway of malefic energy of 8th House, which indicates enzyme problem because of genetics. Eliminative Function of Scorpio will also be wrong signaled and thus Saturn will feel bound to hypo the function of Scorpio. Let us see the revelation of Nakshatra involved.

Purva Phalguni indicates Heart, Spinal Cord, Spine Curvature, BP, Affected Valves, Leg Pain etc. Anuradha indicates Bladder, Genital, Rectum, Fracture of high bones. Shatabhisha rules Lower Leg portion between Knees and ankle. Rheumatic heart, Palpitation, Fracture, Calf Muscles. Rohini rules over face, Mouth, Neck, Cervical Vertebrae, Let Feet.

12th SSL Saturn is in Sag at 29-42-05. Thus, there is mutable cross.

Saturn in Sagittarius (29-42-5) Pisces (29-42-5) Virgo (29-42-5)

= = =

U. Ashadha Nakshatra Revati Nakshatra Chitra Nakshatra

Gemini (29-42-5)

Punarvasu Nakshatra

In this Cross, Locomotive & Distributive function And Assimilative & Discriminative/ Isolative functions will go on hypo side due Saturn.

U. Ashadha also mentioned above but fiery sign Sagittarius will modify. Thigh portion and locomotive function will be affected. Revati indicates problem in feet. Punarvasu indicates Lungs, Chest, Stomach, Pancreases, Lobes of Liver, Respiratory System, Thoraces. Chitra mentioned above but Earthy Virgo sign will modify. So, here instead of liver, intestine etc will be affected.

[D] Conclusion
Involved Cardinal Cross clearly indicates native is quite susceptible to negative emotion. Pushya Lord Saturn is putting restriction on the emotion of native. So there is large store of piled up emotion in natives emotional mind. In Chitra emotion of native is controlled by radically opposite energy. Ultimately Martian element supersedes Venusian quality in his emotion. In Uttara Ashadha again his emotion has to pass between Saturnine and Sun influence. His paradoxical condition of emotion can be understood by the characteristics of Ashwini Nakshatra. He will transport excessive load on his head which may bring lack of mental peace as he is mindful about even smaller things and he makes hue and cry for that smaller things. These attitudes may make him anxious. On family front he will have resentment also. All these have bona fide reason to make native vulnerable for brain hemorrhage or stroke due to outburst of piled up emotion. Physiologically also native is prone for the above said as there is proneness for heart & Artery related problems and BP caused by crystallization by Saturn on Cancer Region. As far as concerned with Spine injury due to accident, of course there is promise of accident. But 8th Cusp does not fully support it. Albeit it supports for heart ailment. In view of spin, dorsal region is involved by 8th SSL. Spine injury due to overweight is also does not seem evident. In final words, Paralysis would have taken place due to Brain Hemorrhage. Now question arises what kind of paralysis would have taken place and which side of body would have been paralyzed.

Hemisphere Theory application restricting to 1st Cusp (as it represents brain), 6th, 8th and 12th. If Sub-Sub Arc Theory (which is applied for Sex determination) is used it gives some clue. In female sign 2nd half of arc indicates male native and on Side level, it indicates Right Side. It may be presumed that Right Side of brain will be highly active resulting to paralyze Left side of the body. 1st Cusp co-rulers are Sa-Su-Sa-Ke. Only Ketu has PS. Ketu is in Right hemisphere. Ketu represents Mars. Mars has no PS and it involves Right hemisphere in the Chart. Sun is in Ketu star so, Sun will also put impact on the Right side. Saturn (SgL and SbL) has no PS and its Star Lord is involving Left2 side.

6th Cusp Co-rulers are Mer-Ra-Ra-Ketu. Mercury and Ketu have PS. Ketu is in Right side and Mercury is in Left Side. Mars involvesRight hemisphere. Rahu has PS and is resident of Left hemisphere. Rahu represents Venus, who has no PS and involves Left side. 8th Cusp Co-rulers are Su-Ke-Sa-Me. Ketu and Mercury has PS. Ketu is in Right Side and Mercury is in Left Side in the chart. Mars involves Right side. Saturn is involving in Left side in the chart.

In sum, Right side comes 8 times and Left Side comes 6 times. This clarifies that Right Side of the Body will be paralyzed majorly. However Left side will be paralyzed but weakness level will be less in comparison to Right side. Likewise, location and involvement of these planets including 12th Cusp on Upper and Lower Hemisphere, it can be concluded that lower portion of body will be more affected by paralysis. Sub-sub arc also confirms along with nakshatra involved in Cross Pathway.

Judgment: In final words, Paralysis would have taken place due to Brain Hemorrhage and in the Right Side of Lower Portion of the body there should be Plegia (Loss of power for movement) kind of Paralysis. At most there is chance of quadriplegia and at lease Paraplegia is possible. Simultaneously it is estimated that upper motor neurons damage is also possible which is known as Spasticity or increased tone or hypertonia of muscles. It may be derived on the basis of involved Nakshatra in the cross and Metabolic, Anabolic and Catabolic reaction in the body indicated by arrangements for Vitamin and Mineral breaking system represented by planets in the body construed from APPENDIX . to be continued...

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