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Department of Justice Executive Office for Immigration Review

Office of the Director 5107 Leesburg Pike, Suite 2600 Falls Church, Virginia 22041




Office of Legislative and Public Affairs (703) 305-0289 Fax: (703) 605-0365 [email protected] Feb. 27, 2013

EOIRs Disciplinary Program and Professional Conduct Rules for Immigration Attorneys and Representatives
Questions and Answers re: Complaint Process Included In June 2000, the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) implemented a regulation, Professional Conduct for Practitioners Rules and Procedures, to protect the public, preserve the integrity of immigration proceedings and adjudications, and maintain high professional standards among immigration practitioners. The term practitioners applies to private immigration attorneys and representatives who are authorized to represent aliens before EOIRs immigration court and the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA), EOIRs appellate component. It does not apply to government attorneys because they are subject to separate regulations and disciplinary procedures. The regulation was amended on December 18, 2008, (Federal Register 73 FR 76914) to enhance EOIRs Disciplinary Program for immigration attorneys and representatives. The new rules and procedures took effect on January 20, 2009. A list of the current grounds for discipline follows. EOIRs Grounds for Disciplining Attorneys and Representatives 1. 2. 3. Charging a grossly excessive fee; Engaging in bribery or coercion; Knowingly or with reckless disregard making a false statement or willfully misleading, misinforming, threatening, or deceiving any person; Soliciting professional employment; Is subject to a final order of disbarment or suspension, or has resigned, while a disciplinary investigation or proceeding is pending, from practice before any state or federal court, or executive branch office or agency;

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EOIRs Disciplinary Program for Immigration Attorneys and Representatives Page 2 6. Knowingly or with reckless disregard making a false or misleading communication about qualifications or services (e.g., practitioners must be recognized as certified specialists in immigration law in order to refer to themselves as such); Engaging in rude or insulting, or obnoxious conduct that would constitute contempt of court; Having been convicted in any state or federal court of a serious crime; Knowingly or with reckless disregard falsely certifying a copy of a document as being true and complete; Engaging in frivolous behavior; Engaging in conduct that constitutes ineffective assistance of counsel as found by an immigration judge, the BIA, or a federal court; Repeatedly failing to appear for scheduled pre-hearing conferences or hearings in a timely manner without good cause; Assisting a person other than a practitioner to practice law before EOIR; Engaging in conduct that is prejudicial to the administration of justice; Failing to provide competent representation to a client; Failing to consult with a client concerning the objectives of the representation or abide by decisions of the client concerning how to achieve those objectives; Failing to act with reasonable diligence and promptness; Failing to maintain communication with a client; Failing to disclose to an adjudicator, controlling legal authority known to the practitioner that is directly adverse to the position of the client if not disclosed by opposing counsel;


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EOIRs Disciplinary Program for Immigration Attorneys and Representatives Page 3 20. Failing to submit a signed Notice of Entry of Appearance in any case where the practitioner has engaged in practice or preparation as those terms are defined in the regulations; and Repeatedly filing notices, motions, or briefs that contain boilerplate language that evidences a failure to competently and diligently represent the client.


Filing a Complaint About an Immigration Attorney or Representative Any individual who believes that an immigration attorney or representative has engaged in criminal, unethical, or unprofessional conduct while practicing before EOIR may file a complaint with the EOIR Disciplinary Counsel. The complaint must be in writing and include relevant names, dates, locations, and other details sufficient to clearly identify the offending conduct or behavior. Individuals are encouraged to use a Form EOIR-44 to file a complaint. Receiving and Investigating Complaints EOIR and DHS Authority EOIRs Disciplinary Counsel investigates alleged misconduct associated with practice before EOIRs immigration court and the BIA. The EOIR Disciplinary Counsel will conduct a preliminary inquiry to determine if the complaint has merit. If the EOIR Disciplinary Counsel determines that the complaint has merit and that formal disciplinary sanctions should be imposed, the EOIR Disciplinary Counsel initiates formal disciplinary proceedings before EOIRs BIA. During the preliminary inquiry, the complaint remains confidential, with limited exceptions. All complaints concerning alleged misconduct associated with practice before the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) must be directed to DHS. (Practice before DHS relates to immigration benefit issues such as affirmative asylum, adjustment of status, and visa petitions.) DHS has similar conduct rules for attorneys and representatives (8 CFR 292.3). If DHS determines that a complaint has merit and that formal disciplinary sanctions should be imposed, DHS initiates formal disciplinary proceedings before EOIRs BIA. While EOIR and DHS receive and investigate their respective misconduct complaints separately under their respective conduct rules, both agencies initiate formal disciplinary proceedings before EOIRs BIA.


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EOIRs Disciplinary Program for Immigration Attorneys and Representatives Page 4 Referring Complaints to Additional Authorities If a complaint about criminal conduct is found to have merit, it may also be referred to appropriate investigative or prosecutorial authorities within the Department of Justice or DHS. Complaints about unethical or unprofessional conduct may also be referred to appropriate state licensing authorities. Initiating Disciplinary Proceedings If a complaint is found to have merit, EOIRs Disciplinary Counsel or DHS may: Informally resolve the complaint through the issuance of a warning letter or informal admonition, or Enter into an agreement in lieu of discipline with a practitioner, or Initiate formal disciplinary proceedings, which can result in the censure, suspension or disbarrment of a practitioner from practicing before the immigration court, the BIA, and DHS.

Formal disciplinary proceedings begin when EOIRs Disciplinary Counsel or DHS issues a Notice of Intent to Discipline (NID) to the practitioner and files the NID with EOIRs BIA. The practitioner must respond to the NID within 30 days and, in the response, may request a hearing. Immediate Suspension While EOIR disciplinary proceedings are pending, the BIA may immediately suspend a practitioner who: Has been disbarred or suspended by a federal or state court, Has resigned from legal practice while a disciplinary investigation or proceeding is pending before a federal or state court, or Has been convicted of a serious crime.

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EOIRs Disciplinary Program for Immigration Attorneys and Representatives Page 5 Failing to Respond to Allegations The BIA considers a practitioners failure to respond to the allegations in the NID within 30 days as an admission of misconduct and a forfeiture of the right to a hearing. Consequently, when a practitioner fails to respond timely to the allegations in the NID, the BIA will issue a final order imposing the sanctions proposed in the NID, unless there are considerations that compell the BIA to digress from the proposed sanctions. Requesting a Hearing When a practitioner requests a hearing, EOIRs Chief Immigration Judge will appoint an immigration judge as the adjudicating official who will conduct a hearing and render a decision in the case. The adjudicating official is not an immigration judge before whom the practitioner regularly appears or who is the complainant or a witness in the matter. The disciplinary hearing generally is open to the public. Disciplinary Decisions - Final Orders - Public Notification When the disciplinary proceedings are completed, EOIR issues a final order. EOIR regularly updates the public about disciplined attorneys and representatives who are no longer authorized to represent clients before the immigration court, the BIA, and DHS by maintaining a List of Currently Disciplined Practitioners on EOIRs website at and by tweeting updates to the list on EOIRs Twitter account (@DOJ_EOIR). Appealing a Disciplinary Decision The disciplined attorney or EOIRs Disciplinary Counsel may appeal an adjudicating officials decision to the BIA within 30 days. The BIA will conduct its appellate review of disciplinary decisions in the same way it reviews appeals of decisions in immigration proceedings. Disciplined attorneys or representatives may seek judicial review of a final BIA decision in their disciplinary case.

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EOIRs Disciplinary Program for Immigration Attorneys and Representatives Page 6 Reinstatement Attorneys and representatives who are suspended or expelled must request reinstatement from the BIA. They must be granted reinstatement by the BIA before they can resume the practice of law before the immigration court, the BIA, and DHS. Forms Below are the four EOIR forms that are mentioned in the professional conduct regulation. These forms are available at each immigration court location and on EOIRs website at Form EOIR-28, Notice of Entry of Appearance before the Immigration Court Practitioners must file the Form EOIR-28 to enter an appearance with the immigration court. Form EOIR-27, Notice of Entry of Appearance before the BIA Practitioners must file the Form EOIR-27 to enter an appearance with the BIA. Form EOIR-45, Immigration Practitioner Appeal Form from an Adverse Decision of an Adjudicating Official in Practitioner Discipline Case Practitioners must use Form EOIR-45 to appeal to the BIA an adjudicating officials adverse decision resulting from a disciplinary proceeding. Form EOIR-44, Immigration Practitioner Complaint Form Individuals who seek to file a disciplinary complaint against an immigration practitioner who practices before EOIR may file a Form EOIR-44. However, a Form EOIR-44 is not required in order to file a complaint. Individuals may write and submit their own complaint statement or letter according to the instructions in the Questions and Answers section on the following page.

Additional Information on the Complaint Process A series of questions and answers about the complaint process, for complainants as well as attorneys and representatives, follows on the next page.

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EOIRs Disciplinary Program for Immigration Attorneys and Representatives Page 7

The Complaint Process: Questions and Answers

for Complainants and Attorneys and Representatives How do I make a complaint against my immigration attorney or representative? If the complaint concerns the conduct of a private attorney or representative in a matter before the immigration court, BIA, or DHS, you may submit a completed Form EOIR-44, Immigration Practitioner Complaint Form, or you may write your own complaint statement or letter. Where can I get the Form EOIR-44 complaint form? The Form EOIR-44 complaint form is available at immigration court location and on EOIRs website at If I use the Form EOIR-44 complaint form, what additional information should I provide? Along with your completed Form EOIR-44, you may also submit supporting documents and information, such as: Correspondence between you and your attorney or representative, Documents concerning the underlying immigration case (including the case name and number), and Copies of filings in connection with the case.

If I dont use the Form EOIR-44 complaint form, and instead write my own complaint statement or letter, what information should I provide? Your statement or letter must include. Your name and address, The attorneys or representatives name and address, An explanation of the circumstances and details of your complaint, and Your signature.

Along with your complaint statement or letter, you may also submit supporting documents and information, such as: (more) Office of Legislative and Public Affairs

EOIRs Disciplinary Program for Immigration Attorneys and Representatives Page 8 Correspondence between you and your attorney or representative, Documents concerning the underlying immigration case (including the case name and number), and Copies of filings in connection with the case.

Where do I send a complaint against my immigration attorney or representative? If the complaint concerns the conduct of a private attorney or representative in a matter before EOIRs immigration court or the BIA, send your completed Form EOIR-44 or your own complaint statement or letter with any supporting documents or information to: Executive Office for Immigration Review ATTN: Disciplinary Counsel 5107 Leesburg Pike, Suite 2600 Falls Church, VA 22041 If the complaint concerns the conduct of a private attorney or representative in a matter before DHS, send your Form EOIR-44 or your own complaint statement or letter with any supporting documents or information to: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services ATTN: Disciplinary Counsel 20 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., Room 4210 Washington, D.C. 20529 Can I call EOIR or DHS to make my complaint against my immigration attorney or representative over the telephone? No. Neither EOIR nor DHS can accept complaints over the telephone. After I file a complaint with EOIR, what will happen next? After you file a complaint with EOIR: Your complaint will be reviewed by EOIRs Disciplinary Counsel to determine whether it should be investigated further. If so, an investigation will be conducted.

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EOIRs Disciplinary Program for Immigration Attorneys and Representatives Page 9 After the investigation, EOIRs Disciplinary Counsel determines whether there has been a violation of the professional conduct rules for practitioners. If so, EOIRs Disciplinary Counsel may either impose informal discipline (e.g., issue a warning letter or informal admonition), or initiate formal disciplinary proceedings seeking thedisbarment, suspension, or censure of the immigration attorney or representative.

Will EOIR inform me of the status of my complaint? Yes. EOIR will notify you when your complaint has been received and will inform you of the outcome of your complaint. Will I have to testify against my immigration attorney or representative? Yes, you may be called to testify if a hearing is held. Your testimony may be important in determining whether your attorney or representative violated the professional conduct rules for practitioners. Can EOIR get my money back for me and find another attorney or representative to represent me? No. EOIR cannot: Require your attorney to give you your money back, Force your attorney to act for you or tell your attorney how to proceed with your case, Give you legal advice about your case or otherwise represent you, or Recommend a particular attorney or law firm.

However, EOIR provides a list of Free Legal Service Providers on its website at


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EOIRs Disciplinary Program for Immigration Attorneys and Representatives Page 10 How do I know if an immigration attorney or representative is currently disciplined by EOIR and, therefore, is not authorized to represent clients? EOIR regularly updates the public about disciplined attorneys and representatives who are no longer authorized to represent clients before the immigration court, the BIA, and DHS by maintaining a List of Currently Disciplined Practitioners on EOIRs website at and by tweeting updates to the list on EOIRs twitter account at @DOJ_EOIR. For Attorneys and Representatives: What if one of my clients files a frivolous complaint against me? Every complaint will be investigated thoroughly. If the investigation concludes that no violation of the professional conduct rules has occurred, the matter will be closed. During the preliminary inquiry, the complaint remains confidential, with limited exceptions. Am I entitled to be represented by counsel in a disciplinary proceeding? You are entitled to be represented by counsel at no expense to the government or, if you so choose, you may represent yourself. Where can I get the notice of appearance forms (Form EOIR-27 and Form EOIR-28), the complaint form (Form EOIR-44), and the appeal form (Form EOIR-45) for a practitioner discipline case? These forms are available at immigration court locations and on EOIRs website at EOIR
The Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) is an agency within the Department of Justice. Under delegated authority from the Attorney General, immigration judges and the Board of Immigration Appeals interpret and adjudicate immigration cases according to United States immigration laws. EOIR =s immigration judges conduct administrative court proceedings in immigration courts located throughout the nation. They determine whether foreign-born individuals C whom the Department of Homeland Security charges with violating immigration law C should be ordered removed from the United States or should be granted relief from removal and be permitted to remain in this country. The Board of Immigration Appeals primarily reviews appeals of decisions by immigration judges. EOIR=s Office of the Chief Administrative Hearing Officer adjudicates immigration-related employment cases. EOIR is committed to ensuring fairness in all of the cases it adjudicates.

Office of Legislative and Public Affairs

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