Indian Medicinal Plants For Cosmetics and Toiletries

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Anthony C. Dweck, Research Director, Peter Black Medicare Ltd.


In the third of this series of articles on useful plants we move to a land of fragrant oils
and ancient medicine to gods with names like Ganesh, Krishna and Shiva (Shiva the
god to whom Yoga and the destruction of disease are ascribed). A land of patchouli,
cedarwood, cinnamon and precious spices, of exotic flowers like gardenia and
hibiscus and oils of exotic roses, galingale, vetiver and lemon grass, and home to the
luxurious and sensuous jasmine. To India, a continent rich in history and well versed
in the use of plants, through the practices of Ayurveda, Unani and Siddha systems of
medicine. This paper may well stray into neighbouring countries, since plants know
no boundaries!



There are many plants used for the control and care of psoriasis, the following is a
brief overview.


Araroba or Andira araroba is also known as Goa Powder or Bahia Powder. The
medullary matter of the stem and branches, dried and powdered, is used. It contains
about 80% of chrysarobin, which is probably responsible for its activity. Chrysarobin
is a reduced quinone. In India and South America it has been esteemed for many
years for ringworm, psoriasis, dhobi's itch etc., as ointment, or simply moistened with
vinegar or saliva 1.

Bep Oliver 2 refers to a related species Dog Almond or Worm Bark which is known
as Andira inermis, this is also used to treat psoriasis and ringworm of the scalp. The
bark is, however, a dangerous poison in large doses, causing vomiting with drastic
purgation, delirium and narcosis. Alkaloids present 3 are berberine, and angeline or
andirine or geoffroyine which is N-methyl-tyrosiine.


Amaranthus spinosus or Amaranthus viridis is Thorny Pigweed, the leaves of which

possess mucilaginous properties. The Negritos of the Philippines 4 apply the bruised
leaves directly to eczema, psoriasis, and rashes with good results. The leaves make a
good emollient preparation available in some of the Filipino villages for insect bites,
sunburn, and regular burns. In India the roots are used as a decoction for treating
eczema and cobra bites and scorpion stings 5, 6.

There are a number of species of sarsaparilla, the most common are Smilax ornata
and Smilax regelii, which contain saponins, sarsaponin and parallin, and yield
isomeric sapogenins, sarsapogenin and smilogenin. It also contains sitosterol and
stigmasterol in the free form and as glucosides. It is indicated for psoriasis, and other
cutaneous conditions, but it is specific for psoriasis where there is desquamation 7.
This is confirmed by Hoffman 8, who says that the root and rhizome are used in
scaling skin diseases such as psoriasis, especially where there is much irritation.
Bradley 9 mentions other species of the plant, particularly of S. aristolochiaefolia
Miller, S. febrifuga Kunth., S. ornata Hooker and S. regelii Killip et Morton, which
are also indicated for skin disorders such as psoriasis and eczema; rheumatism and
rheumatoid arthritis. Exploring the Internet, one discovers S. ovalifolia and S.
lanceaefolia are also being used medicinally in India 10.


Leung 11 says papain is derived from Carica papaya and is also known as vegetable
pepsin. It was formerly used in treating a wide variety of illnesses or conditions
including infected wounds, sores, ulcers, tumours, and psoriasis. One of the major
current uses is in preparations to control edema and inflammation associated with
surgical or accidental trauma, infections or allergies. It is also used in certain face
creams, cleansers, "face lift" formulations, and dentifrices, and as the active
ingredient in enzyme cleaners for soft lenses, among others.


The rhizome of Curcuma longa has been used as a medicine, spice and colouring
agent for thousands of years. A native of India and Southeast Asia, it is now
cultivated in many countries, but India still accounts for a large percentage of world
production. Turmeric appears in an Assyrian herbal dating from about 600 BC and
was also mentioned by Dioscorides. In India, turmeric is regarded as a stomachic,
tonic and blood purifier, which is used for poor digestion, fevers, skin conditions,
vomiting of pregnancy and liver disorders. Externally it is used for conjunctivitis,
skin infections, cancer, sprains, arthritis, haemorrhoids and eczema. Indian women
apply it to the
skin to reduce hair growth 12.

Turmeric has a warm, bitter taste and is a primary component of curry powders and some
mustards. The powders and its oleoresins are also used extensively as food flavourings in
the culinary industry. The spice has a long history of traditional use in Asian medicine. It
also has been used topically as a poultice, as an analgesic and to treat ringworms 13.

Among the dark races of India. turmeric has been used since time immemorial to treat
skin problems. Both the Ayurvedic and the Unani practitioners have used a paste of
powdered turmeric or its fresh juice made into a paste or a decoction of the whole plant
as a local application in the treatment of leprosy and cobra bites. It is especially useful for
indolent ulcers on the surface of the skin and gangrene in the flesh. A paste made from
the powdered rhizomes along with caustic lime forms a soothing remedy for inflamed
joints 6.

It is also used as an external application by some women in India to suppress the

unwelcome growth of facial hairs and upper lip moustaches 14. In Northern India the
rhizome is used by many natives for treating cuts, burns and scalds 15.

The use tremendous value of this plant is confirmed by its use in other countries. The
natives of Samoa use the powdered rhizome to sprinkle on new-born infants to help heal
a recently cut umbilical cord, to prevent nappy rash from occurring, and to keep the skin
soft and resilient. The powder is also used as a paste or poultice to treat skin ulcers and to
help heal extensive skin eruptions 16. In parts of Africa, turmeric has been successfully
tested for healing rashes due to allergies, the inflammation in psoriasis and itching 17.


Cajuput or Melaleuca leucadendron is a close relative of the Tea Tree Oil plant or
Melaleuca alternifolia and so perhaps it should not be a surprise that this plant has
use in treating sores, dermatoses (skin diseases) such as psoriasis and acne 18.

The Negritoes of the Philippines sometimes use cajeput oil as a local application in
chronic forms of psoriasis and eczema. It is also rubbed over painful, chronically
inflamed joints and on varicose veins and pulled tendons and ligaments for relief 4.


The Indian Pennywort or Centella asiatica [Syn. Hydrocotyle asiatica] is a plant

worthy of study, since it has numerous uses around the world in the treatment of
chronic skin conditions 19, 20. It is a slender, creeping plant that grows commonly in
swampy areas of India, Sri Lanka, Madagascar, South Africa and the tropics.

Gotu Kola has also shown much promise in treatment of psoriasis. When creams
containing oil and water extracts of the leaves were administered each morning to 7
psoriatic patients. Five showed clearance of lesions within 3 to 7 weeks. One showed
improvement without clearance and the other clearance of most of the lesions.


Soapwort, Bruisewort, Bouncing Bet, Dog Cloves, Fuller's Herb, Latherwort, Lady's-
Washbowl and Old-Maid's-Pink or Saponaria officinalis contains saponins (to 5%),
comprising saporubin and saprubrinic acid; gums; flavonoids; vitamin C and vitexin.
It has been used in the topical treatment of certain skin conditions, including acne,
psoriasis and eczema. In India the prepared rootstock is considered a galactagogue 21,
. An extract of the roots is still a popular remedy of poison ivy 23. Soapwort was
grown on the 19th century herb farms of the American Shakers. The leaf, stem and
root are used cosmetically, by boiling in soft water and straining to wash hair and
sensitive skins. Medicinally, the root decoction is used as a wash for acne and


In India, Ocimum sanctum or Kovil Tulsi is one of the sacred herbs 24, which is grown
in houses and temples in all areas of the sub-continent. It is a powerful medicinal
plant and much has been done to validate its medicinal activity, and Ocimum sanctum
extracted in methanol and fed to rats was found to exert an immunostimulatory effect
. When basil oil was tested in trials in India as an antibacterial treatment for acne, it
produced good results 26, this activity could well be due to the antibacterial activity
which is present in this family. An excellent study of oils from 4 types of Ocimum
species, found that although there was variation, all the oils were found to have
antimicrobial activity at fairly low dilutions 27.


Red Sandalwood, raktachandana or Pterocarpus santalinus is ground to a paste

with water or honey, and applied topically as a popular home remedy used in southern
India, especially Kerala, for post-acne and other facial scars. However, this treatment
may produce allergic contact dermatitis, which though rare in this species is more
commonly seen with Santalum album 28.


Known by the Indian and Sanskrit name of Chandan, Santalum album is used for its
volatile oil. It is astringent, cooling, deodorant, disinfectant, stimulant and tonic.
Sandalwood is useful in cutaneous inflammation, where the chief uses are in skin
care, to soothe cutaneous inflammation, as an antiseptic, a skin softener, and to
invigorate peripheral blood circulation in the skin. It acts as a prophylactic against
skin diseases and allergic conditions, is haemostatic or styptic, and removes skin

It has been used since earliest times as incense, in embalming and cosmetics. In
ancient India it was used in religious ceremonies. Mentioned in the Nirukka the oldest
vedic commentary written (15th century BC). In India and Egypt it is used as a
perfume. Effective against Streptococcus aureus. It relieves itching and inflammation
of the skin and acts as an antiseptic in acne 29. Good astringent for oily skin.


Plumbago zeylanica is extremely popular throughout Africa and Asia as a

remedy for parasitic skin diseases, especially leprosy, scabies, acne vulgaris and
surface sores and leg ulcers 30,31.

The root has been shown to contain plumbagin, a yellow naphthoquinone, which is
responsible for its antimicrobial and antibiotic activity 32, 33. A very dilute solution
(i.e. a concentration of 1:50,000) of plumbagin is lethal to a wide spectrum of bacteria
and to pathogenic fungi, i.e. Coccidioides imminites, Histoplasma capsulatum,
Trichophyton spp., Candida albicans, Aspergillus niger and A. flavus 34.

Even the humble pea or Pisum sativum has value in the treatment of acne 35. The
seeds are used, which contain proteins, lecithins, carbohydrates, fats and salts. It is
nutritive and antidermatosis. They have an appreciable effect on many types of skin
complaint. Face masks made from the crushed fresh fruits are used in cases of acne
and on faded, wrinkled skins.

Cinnamomum camphora

Camphor or Cinnamomum camphora has an aroma that is fresh, clean and very
piercing. It is grown in the East, principally Borneo, China, Sri Lanka, Madagascar
and Sumatra. It has white flowers which lead to red berries. This long-lived tree
(often up to a thousand years) is not touched until it is about 50 years old.

The action on the skin is cooling, therefore reduces inflammatory conditions. Oily
skins seem to benefit most and it has been used in cases of acne, burns and ulcers.
Cold compresses for bruises and sprains are usually effective 36.


The natives of Central America rub the oil extracted from the seeds of Curcubita pepo
on herpes lesions, venereal sores, acne vulgaris, and stubborn leg ulcers which refuse
to heal up. Pumpkin leaves are also applied as poultice on sprains and pulled
ligaments. The roots are made into an infusion and used on syphilitic sores, herpes
lesions, pimples and blackheads 37. However, this is a plant that is common on the
Indian continent where the plant has similar uses.

This species has been the subject of a patent 38. Details of a patent are given relating
carbon dioxide extraction of Cucurbita spp. The extracts are suitable for use in
cosmetics for treatment of juvenile acne and as antiseborrhoea agents.


As often happens, a plant that is well-known on another continent becomes the

subject of another countries attentions. Vitex agnus-castus has been examined for the
treatment of acne 39, 40. In India the plant is more often used to treat bites, eye diseases
and most especially menstrual disorders.


Taraxacum officinale or dandelion is a plant that is common universally and it

is used for acne, biliousness, boils, constipation, cystitis, dyspepsia with sluggish
digestion, rheumatism 41. In another reference 42, the plant is recommended for skin
complaints such as spots, pimples and acne, where a course of dandelion tea and
eating fresh young leaves in salads will help clear the skin.

Hutchens 43 refers to Juglans nigra as Black Walnut. There are six species of the
walnut, genus Juglan, which are native to the United States. Black Walnut is among
them, widely distributed in the eastern states and extending to adjacent Canada.

The bark, leaves, rind and green nut are most commonly used. The bark in particular
is quite astringent, while the leaves have a cleansing (detergent) property 44.

An old American recipe for scrofula is treated with 1 cup of the leaves boiled in 1
quart of water, made fresh daily and used often with honey. This should be continued
for several months. The dried leaves may be used when the green cannot be had. It is
also used homoeopathically, where a tincture of leaves and of rind of green fruits is
used for acne, chancre and herpes.

Juglans regia is known as the English Walnut, where the leaves are the medicinal part
used in India. The leaf decoction is used externally as a wash or bath additive for
rheumatism, gout, glandular swelling, gum problems, scrofula, sweaty feet, acne,
dandruff, other skin problems.

The constituents are approximately 10% tannin (ellagitannins), which are responsible
for the astringent properties. Juglone (or 5-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone), and
hydrojuglone almost entirely in the form of the monoglucoside; juglone is present
only in traces in older leaves and in the drug. Related compounds, including a series
of volatile 1,4-naphthaquinones like plumbagin, beta- hydroplumbagin, and others are
present in other parts of the plant (stem bark, fruit husks). Flavonoids: quercetin,
hyperoside, quercetrin etc. Gallic, caffeic and neo-chlorogenic acids 45.


Viola tricolor is a healing herb and can be used externally to soothe and relieve pain.
Launert (B94) The active ingredients are saponins, the glycoside gaultherine, salicylic
compounds, tannin, mucilage, flavonoids. It is effective against skin diseases (acne,
pruritis eczema etc.). It can be used as an infusion taken internally (2 teaspoons per
cup) 2-3 times a day, and applied externally, applied to the skin by means of a
compress 46. It is picked when it comes into flower (even the roots can be kept) and
dried as quickly as possible for, although taken from the ground, growth continues
and diminishes its effectiveness 47.

In India it would be more than likely that the Viola yedoensis or Wild Chinese Violet
is used. The whole plant is used for its antipyretic, antidote, and antiphlogistic effect,
especially where carbuncles, boils, ulcers and other skin conditions are indicated. The
juice of the fresh root is applied externally to abscesses 48.


The natives of India use Azadirachta indica or neem leaves in various forms such as
poultices, ointments, and liniments for everything from leprosy, burns, gangrene,
scabies, herpes lesions, eczema, and skin ulcers. Its use dates back into antiquity in
Hindu Ayurvedic medicine 6, the seed oil has also been widely used in Asian
medicine, and the therapeutic value of the oil has been confirmed as an anti-
inflammatory and antibacterial agent 49. There are also reports that the plant has
insecticidal and spermicidal properties 50. There are also a number of reports that the
plant can be toxic when ingested 51, 52.

There has been some confusion in the nomenclature between Melia azedarach and Melia
azadirachta (Azadirachta indica). Oil obtained from the latter (Melia azadirachta) is
known as margosa oil, neem oil, nim oil and oleo margosa. These names have been
incorrectly applied to the oil of Melia azedarach as well. Some caution is advised with
the correct identification of this plant 53.

A tincture of Azadirachta indica when compared with aspirin (200 mg/kg gave 10%) and
indomethacin (4 mg/kg gave 29%) reduced inflammation by 18% for 800 mg/kg of dry
extract. The experiment was performed on carrageenin-induced rat paw edema and three
doses of neem were used - 400, 800 and 1600 mg/kg 54.

The tree was not known in America, as early as 1883 and appears in the U.S.
Dispensatory of that date 55. Under Azedarach indica or Nim Tree. “The inner bark of
this tree is extensively used in India as a febrifuge and tonic, in the form of powder, or
more usually in that of decoction. The roots are said to be vermifuge, and the seeds yield
an oil largely used for lighting purposes and sometimes as a medicine.”

The Pharmaceutical Codex of 1923 56, also makes mention of Neem, “Indian azadirach
is used as a simple bitter, in the same way as gentian or quassia, for which it is employed
as an equivalent in India and the eastern Colonies, being administered usually in the
form of tincture or infusion.”


The Purple Coneflower or Echinacea angustifolia is one of the most interesting plants
of recent times and has been the subject of much serious research. Its traditional use
has been for the treatment of acne, boils and mastitis 57, an effect that may be due to
the antiseptic properties of the plant. The latest thinking on Echinacea is that it is very
effective in increasing the ability of the immune system to fight infections, it is a
stimulating alterative for use in helping cleanse the body in septic conditions or where
resistance to infections is lowered 58.

In a recent paper 59 it is reported that Echinacea has been used successfully in cases of
blood poisoning. It was reported that Echinacea was useful against cancerous growths
especially of mucous membranes. It has been used to lessen the pain and
inflammation of gonorrhoea and syphilis, tonsillitis, impotency and skin disorders, i.e.
eczema, psoriasis, acne, poison ivy, irritation.

In another paper 60, it is said that the root and rhizome are used in folk medicine for
their antiseptic and vasodilator activities, and are indicated for furunculosis,
septicaemia, pyorrhoea, tonsillitis, and particularly for boils, carbuncles and
abscesses. They are reported to be depurative, digestive, and confirm the effectiveness
against eczema and acne.


A plant does not have to be exotic to have value as a skin treatment, even something
as apparently mundane as the common red onion or Allium cepa can have beneficial
effect. It has been used externally as a poultice for acne, chilblains and arthritis (to
draw out inflammation) and the juice applied to blemished skin 61.

Onion poultices are used on boils, abscesses and blackheads to draw out the infection,
decrease inflammation and speed healing. In Africa onion juice has been applied to burns
and scalds to prevent blistering and infection 62, and the natives of East Africa sometimes
use the skin of the onion as a sticking plaster on facial and body sores 53.

A French physician by the name of Ambroise Paré developed an important treatment for
major and minor burns incurred through flames, gun powder burns, and explosions, using
fresh onion juice 63.


There are dozens of plants used for washing or bathing in India and it would be
unrealistic to try to mention all of them, so a few of the more interesting materials are


Pongamia pinnata Vent. [Syn. Derris indica (Lam.) Benn., Pongamia glabra Vent.]
family Papilionaceae has the English name Indian Beech nut, the Kannada names are
Honge, Hulugala or Kanigemara. Pongamia species grows extensively across India, and
the seed oil is commonly used in Indian Ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of skin
conditions, for skin protection and rheumatic pain. It is taken internally for bronchitis and
whooping cough 64. Pongamia extract contributes and/or enhances the UV absorbing
properties of a conventional sunscreen. It helps to broaden the UV protection.

The seeds crushed to a paste are used for leprosy, skin disorders and painful rheumatic
joints 65. A paste made from crushed leaves is applied as a poultice to wounds 66, and a
hot infusion of the leaves is used as a medicated bath for relieving rheumatic pains, and
for cleaning foul ulcers and sores The seeds are high in non-edible oil which is used in
the preparation of soap.

Pongamia pinnata, Linn., used in the Ayurvedha and Siddha traditional medicine
systems, for treatment of clinical lesions of skin and genitalia, was evaluated for antiviral
properties against herpes simplex virus type-1 (HSV-1) and type-2 (HSV-2) by in-vitro
studies in Vero cells. A crude aqueous seed extract of P. pinnata completely inhibited the
growth of HSV-1 and HSV-2 at concentrations of 1 and 20 mg/ml (w/v), respectively, as
shown by complete absence of cytopathic effect 67.


Soapberry is also known as Sapindus indica, whereas Soap Nut is more usually called
Sapindus detergens Roxb or Sapindus mukurossi Garten.

Manning 68 refers to Soapberry as Sapindus marginatus (family: Sapindaceae) where the

fruit pulp used as a substitute for soap. In India, the Soap Nut or Sapindus trifoliatusis
known locally as Reetha or Ritha (Hindi) or Aristaka (Sanskrit).

One fruit in forty parts of water provides a hair wash which promotes the growth of hair
and removes dandruff. Assessment of a cosmetic company on this traditional shampoo.

The spring of Northern India is celebrated with Holi, or the Festival of Colour.
Participants smear orange, purple, red, green, yellow dyes, powders and paints over each
other's heads and bodies. It is very difficult to rid the hair of these dyes, but the traditional
soap-nut hair wash rinses out the colours while conditioning the hair and the scalp at the
same time 69. Using the soap nut as a base, Indian women concoct their own shampoos,
frequently mixing it with a medicinal combination of three myrobalans or other
ingredients such as turmeric or coconut pulp.


There are a number of species of this plant among which are: Amaranthus spinosa,
Amaranthus hypochondriacus and Amaranthus caudatus. It has the country names
Velvet Flower, Red Cockscomb, Prince's Feather, Balder Herb, Floramor, Flower Gentle.
It has the symbolic meaning of hopeless and heartless 70. A few examples are given from
this enormous family!

Other members of the family include Amaranthus paniculatus Linn, Amaranthus

speciousus Sims., Amaranthus sanguineus Linn., Amaranthus strictus Willd.,
Amaranthus frumentaceous Ham., Amaranthus farinaceus Herb. Roxb., Amaranthus
anarcadana Ham., Amaranthus flavus var. bracteatus Linn., Amaranthus caudatus
Merr., which in Sinhalese is known as Rana-tampala, in Hindi as Chuamarsa, Ganhar,
Kalgaghasa, in Sanscrit as Rahadri, Rajagiri, Rajashakini. Certain hill tribes in India and
Africa use the plant as a staple food. It is given for scrofula and applied topically to
scrofulous sores.

Amaranthus spinosa Linn.. or Prickly Amaranth, which is known in Sinhalese as Katu-

tampala, in Hindi as Cholai, Kantenatia, in Sanscrit as Alpamarisha, Bahuvirya,
Bhandira, Ghamasrana, Granthila, Kandakamarisha, Kandera, Meghanada, Pathyashaka,
Sphurjathu, Sushaka, Svanitavhaya, Tandula, Tandulanama, Tanduleraka, Tandulibija,
Tanduliya, Vira, or Vishaghna. In Tamal it is called Mullukkirai or Mudkirai.

The plant is used as a sudorific and febrifuge and is recommended for eruptive fevers.
The leaves are considered a good emollient, lactagogue and a specific for colic.
Externally, the bruised leaves are applied locally on eczema.

Amaranthus tricolor Linn., Amaranthus gangeticus Linn., Amaranthus lanceolatus

Roxb., Amaranthus tristis Linn., Amaranthus oleraceus Roxb., Amaranthus polygamus
Roxb., Amaranthus lividus Roxb., Amaranthus amboinicus Herb. Ham., Amaranthus
inamoenus Willd., Amaranthus melancholicus Linn., Amaranthus mangostanus Linn.,
or Love-lies-bleeding, Red Cock's-comb. In Sinhalese it is called Sudu-tampala, in
Tamal it is Arikkirai or Chirukirai, while in Hindi it is known as Lalnatiya or Rajkiri and
in Sanscrit it is Marisha

This plant is an astringent and it is used externally as a gargle in ulcerated conditions of

the mouth and throat and as a wash and poultice for ulcers and sores 71.

Reports of teratogenicity and carcinogenicity have not been adequately substantiated and
Amaranth is presumed to be safe at present 72.


The Combretaceae family has a genus called Terminalia, which is an extremely large and
important genus of plants 73. Many of the species within this genus have antibacterial and
useful skin properties. The most important species in India are discussed briefly.

Terminalia arjuna: A decoction of the bark is used to wash ulcers.

Terminalia bellirica: The pericarp of the dry fruit is an ingredient in many decoctions for
a variety of diseases. It is one of the myrobalans which go to form the "Thippal" which is
largely used by every Ayurvedic physician for all the diseases of the human body and is
used in many of their stock preparations. The fixed oil extracted from the seeds is
considered a beneficial application for the hair and for rheumatism.

Terminalia catappa Linn.: In India, the juice of the young leaves is used to prepare an
ointment for scabies, leprosy, and other cutaneous diseases. In East Indies, the plant is
used externally on skin diseases. In Indo-China, the leaves are used as a sudorific and
also applied to rheumatic joints.

Terminalia chebula: It is finely powdered and used as a dentifrice useful for carious
teeth, bleeding and ulceration of the gums. The ashes of the fruit mixed with butter form
a good ointment for sores. Regular use of the powder with king-coconut water is
supposed to improve the complexion.

Terminalia tomentosa: The powdered bark mixed with oil is used to remove apthae. It is
also applied externally on ulcers and on fractures 74.


The seeds of Celosia argentea L. [Syn Celosia margaritacea L] are used medicinally as
an ophthalmic antiphlogistic and astringent in conjunctivitis or retinal haemorrhage 52.
The flowers of Celosia argentea var. cristata Bth., are officinal and used as astringent,
haemostatic, anti-diarrhoeic in dysentery, enterorrhagia, metrorrhagia, epipstaxis.

The leaves of Celosia argentia [Syn. Celosia argentea] are used to treat itching, and the
water extracts of the seeds are used as an eye-wash. Two rare isoflavones,
5-methoxy-6,7-methylenedioxy-2'-hydroxyisoflavone and
2',5-dimethoxy-6,7-methylenedioxyisoflavone, were isolated from the aerial parts of
Celosia argentia 75.

It is interesting to note that similar species have similar use in Africa. Celosia laxa as
anthelmintic, for rheumatism, stomach ache, ritualistic use, skin diseases and as an
embrocation for pains. The fruits and leaves are used. Celosia hastata is also used for
dysentery, skin diseases, as an anthelmintic and for arthritis 76.

The safety of these species is not envisaged as a problem, Celosia argentea Linn.
(Amarantaceae) is a troublesome weed in flax fields, but it is gathered and consumed as a
vegetable 77. The leaves and shoots of Celosia argentea L. are edible. Also the leaves and
shoots of Celosia schweinfurthiana Schinz. are also edible. Celosia trigyna L. [Syn.
Celosia laxa Schumach. & Thonn.] has edible leaves 78.

The leaves are used in poultices in China on infected sores, wounds and skin eruptions
and in India mixed with honey on inflamed areas and painful afflictions such as buboes,
abscesses etc. The whole plant is used as an antidote for snake bite and the root as a
specific for colic, gonorrhoea and eczema. The water in which the leaves, flowers and
stems have been boiled is used as a body wash for convalescents 79.

Nelumbium nelumbo

The Lotus mentioned by Theophrastus was probably Lotus zizyphus, but the Sacred
Lotus or Bean of India is most certainly the Nelumbium speciosum.

It is the symbol of Brahma, the impersonal and abstract conception of God; of Vishnu,
the second, personal, essence of God; and the symbol of Gotama Buddha to whom daily
prayer is offered: "Om mani padme hum", meaning "Hail to the jewel in the flower of the
lotus" 80.

The Chinese goddess of mercy, Kwan Yin is depicted sitting on a lotus. Amida, the
Japanese Buddhja, is always shown as seated on the blossoms of the lotus. Hap, the god
of the south Nile, was clearly depicted ensconced on a lotus, as was Horus the youthful
sun god of ancient Egypt. The flower is almost universally considered a symbol of purity
and holiness 81.

In bath preparations it has a vitalising or activating effect, an effect relished by the geisha
and sing-song girls from the use of the flower in their daily skin care remedies 82.


There are numerous plants for the care of the hair, some are less well known that others.

Pithecellbium bigeminum is cited for the promotion of hair growth 83. A few will
remember the use of anti-macassars on the backs of chairs to protect them from being
damaged by hair oil, that hair oil was made from Schleichera trijuga or Macassar oil
from India, which is also known as the paka or kussum tree 84.
A cassia known as Cinnamomum cassia, which yields an oil used in barbers’ shops was
mentioned in Exodus as being used by Moses on sacred occasions. It is massaged in to
the scalp to keep the hair dark and to help prevent baldness in men 85. Queen Isabel of
Spain had powdered cassia bark used in her talcum powder with orris root (Iris florentina
) cloves and a few grains of musk.


Another plant Rose Apple or Eugenia jambos Bianchini (B102) says that it is a species
originally from India and is grown today extensively in Florida 86. Its name derives from
the delicate fragrance of roses that is noticeable when the fruit is eaten. The rose apple is
about the size and colour of an apricot, with one to three seeds inside. The name in India
is Jambul or Jambu, a closely related species is Eugenia jambolana, also known as
Phalendra in Sanskrit. The fruits and leaves are used.

Tribal use of Jambu in India is as a ritual post-natal facial wash and in facial wound
healing remedies. Jambu is a unique Southern Indian plant which also has the properties
of stimulating the scalp and regenerating damaged hair 87.


The term shellac is used only for the purified lac, which is a natural resin secreted by the
tiny insect Kerria lacca on certain trees and bushes, principally in India and Thailand.
Known for more than 3000 years, lac is mentioned in early Sanskrit writings.. In the
Atharva Veda the origin of lac, the lac insect and the application for lac for medicinal
uses are briefly described. Lac and laksha are said to be derived from the Sanskrit word
"lakh" for 100,000 due to the large number of insects producing this resin.

The word 'lacquer' also owes its root to the word ‘lac’. Shellac is probably the only
commercially used natural resin of animal origin. In addition to being used to produce the
old 78 rpm records and to insulate electrical windings, it was also used as a hair lacquer
resin 88.

The Lac host tree in India are the Kusum-trees [Schleichera oleosa (Lour.) Oken], and
another species Ber-trees (Lizyphus mauritiana Lamk.) In Thailand the Lac host tree is
the Rain tree [Samanea saman (Jac.) Merr.] 89. The film forming properties make shellac
an ideal compound for hair care products, be it fixatives, pump sprays, aerosol sprays or
even mascaras. The film is easily washable with soap or shampoo, so that the hair can
easily be freed from the resin. Shellac is compatible with all common plasticisers.


In India, Indigofera tinctoria is the source of an important blue dyestuff 1. It does not
exist ready formed, but is produced during fermentation from another agent existing in
the plant. This is called Indocan, and is yellow, amorphous, of a nauseus bitter taste with
an acid reaction. The plant contains alkaloids, glycosides and oleoresin. Its action is anti-
microbial. Wild Indigo is a herb to be considered wherever there is a focus of infection 90.
Externally the ointment will help infected ulcers and sore nipples. A douche of the
decoction will help leucorrhoea.

Mummified remains from Egyptian tombs show that a mixture of Henna and Indigo 21
(Indigofera tinctoria) shoots called Henna reng, was used to colour hair and false beards
to a youthful blue-black, a practice that is still found in India today.

It is the leaves that yield the dye, and they are soaked in vats filled with water for several
weeks, the solution turning deep yellow. This oxidises to form an insoluble precipitate of
indigo, used to intensify the black hair of Indian women who soak the dried (or fresh)
leaves in water and usually apply it mixed with henna as a paste 85.


Anagallis arvensis has a bright scarlet flower. The ancient Greeks were fond of the
flower, which they used in the treatment of eye diseases. The herb is also prescribed in
cases of jaundice, dropsy and inflammation. The plant has cosmetic properties, applied as
a skin lotion, a standard infusion regulates the pigmentation, removing freckles and other
minor blemishes. The same lotion is used as a hair restorer 91. The aerial parts contain
various saponins and an enzyme. The root is rich in cyclamine, a crystalline saponin.
Cyclamine is toxic and fish are particularly sensitive to it. The plant is used for fishing in
parts of India 92. Previously medicinal, the plant is no longer used in homoeopathy. A
tincture prepared from the fresh plant is, however, used to treat skin eruptions and ulcers,
also as a cholagogic and diuretic. It is also used to treat stings and bites, to soothe nettle
rash, poison ivy rash, and to treat swellings. There is also a blue pimpernel which is of
lesser medicinal value 93.


Eclipta alba Hassk. Is a member of the Asteraceae or Compositae family. The herb, root
and leaves are used. Medicinally, bhringraj is indicated for a number of problems
including skin diseases. In the cosmetic field it is used as a hair darkener, for skin toning
and stimulation, and invigorating peripheral blood circulation of skin. It is traditionally
used to check hair loss, stimulate hair growth, and is therefore useful in hair care 94, 95.

This is a species found across China, Taiwan, Indochina, India, Japan, Philippines. (Syn.
Eclipta erecta L., Eclipta prostrata L., Eclipta thermalis Bunge., Eclipta marginata

The entire plant is officinal. The taste is sweet-sour. The plant contains nicotine. It is
prescribed as an astringent haemostatic. Dose 5-10g. The extracted juice of the fresh herb
is applied to the scalp to promote hair growth and taken internally it blackens the hair and
beard 52. Elderly women use an herb decoction to rinse hair; the plant possesses a bluish-
black dye, and they say there is no need for white hair as long as Eclipta is available 83. It
is also found and used in Egypt, where juice of the fresh plant is applied to the scalp to
promote hair growth, taken internally it blackens the hair and beard 96.

Eclipta prostrata which is also known as Bhringaraja in Ayurvedic or Bhangra in Unani

is mainly used in hair oils. In hair oils, it may be used along with Centella asiatica and
Phyllanthus emblica. The paste prepared by mincing fresh plants has an anti-
inflammatory effect and may be applied on insect bites, stings, swellings and other skin
diseases. In Ayurveda, it is mainly used in hair oil, while in the Unani system, the juice
of Eclipta prostrata is used in "Hab Miskeen Nawaz" along with aconite, Croton tiglium,
Piper nigrum, Piper longum, Zingiber officinale and minerals like mercury, sulphur,
arsenic, borax, etc., for various types of pains in the body. It is also a constituent of
"Roghan Amla Khas", for applying on the hair, and of "Ma'jun urrawah-ul-arwah" 97.


Withania somnifera Dunal, Withania coagulans Dunal or Withania has the common
Indian names aswagandha (or Asvagandha) and ashwagandha, it is known as Vijaya
Kala Gandha in Sanskrit. It is also known by the pretty name of Hair Flower tree.The
plant is related to the tomato and potato plants and is found throughout the drier regions
of India, Afghanistan and as far west as Israel.

It has always had a prominent place in Ayurvedic, Unani, and ancient Indian systems of
medicine, where it is used to restore the "balance of life forces" much in the same way as
ginseng an eleutherococcus are used. It is often referred to as "Indian ginseng". The
dried fruits and roots are anti-inflammatory and used topically for the management of
swelling and ulcerations 98.

The flowers of withania are an exclusive hair care remedy in India. Other parts of the
shrub are considered for diverse applications, including use as an aphrodisiac, immuno-
stimulant and to combat debility due to old age. It nurtures and clarifies the mind, calms
and strengthens the nerves and promotes sound, restful sleep. A leaf infusion is given in
fevers and bruised leaves are applied with good effects to boils and swellings. The fruit
and seeds are diuretic whilst the seeds are said to be hypnotic. The plant is good for
circulation of the scalp, improving the structure of the hair, in preparations against greasy
hair and dandruff 99.

It is also known as Winter Cherry or Balada flowers 87, and is one of the most widely
used rejuvenative tonic herbs in India. An adaptogenic, ashwaganda has been studied
scientifically and shown to contain numerous nutrients including plant sterols. Since it is
anabolic, this herb provides an excellent, safe alternative to steroids for increasing muscle
mass 100.


It has been impossible to do the Indian continent justice in this article, since there are so
many plants used in their society for both medicinal and cosmetic use. You will notice
that many of the references have come from other continents, this is not surprising, since
not only have the Hindu and Sikh religions spread across the globe, taking their
traditional medicines with them, but one also has to remember that the British took away
much of the knowledge during their colonial occupation of that country.

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56. The British Pharmaceutical Codex, 1923. An Imperial Dispensatory for the use of
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59. Glenise McLaughlin: Medicinal Plant review. Aust J Med Herbalism Vol 4 (4)
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60. I. Morelli, E. Bonari, A.M. Pagni and P.E. Tomei, also F. Menichini: Selected
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64. Private communication with Angela Janousek of Quest International, Ashford, Kent.

65. Kirt and Basu, I.: Pharmacognosy of Ayurvedic Drugs, Ser. 1, 4, 1960, 8).
66. Clare V. Bostock Wood: Trees in Society in rural Karnataka, India. Overseas
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67. Elanchezhiyan M Rajarajan S Rajendran P Subramanian S Thyagarajan SP:

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68. S.A.Manning. Systematic Guide to Flowering Plants of the World. Museum Press.
1965. No ISBN No.

69. Private communication with Dr. Allan Onions, Alchemy International Ltd.

70. C.F.Leyel: Elixirs of Life. 1987 Faber and Faber. ISBN 0-571-14849-2.

71. D.M.A. Jayaweera: Medicinal Plants used in Ceylon Part 1. National Science
Council of Sri Lanka. Colombo 1981.

72. R.C.Wren, rewritten by E.M. Williamson and F.J. Evans: Potter's New
Cyclopaedia of Botanical Drugs and Preparations, 1994, published C.W.Daniels.
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73. Dweck, A.C.: "Talking Terminalia". Soap, Perfumery and Cosmetics. October
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74. D.M.A. Jayaweera: Medicinal Plants used in Ceylon Part 2. National Science
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81. Whittle, T. & Cook, C.: Curtis's Flower Garden displayed. 1991. Magna Books.
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83. Walter H. Lewis, Memory P.F. Elvin-Lewis: Medical Botany - plants affecting
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84. R.G.Harry: The Principles and practice of modern cosmetics - vol 2. Cosmetic
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92. P. Schauenberg, F. Paris: Guide to Medicinal Plants. 1990 First paperback edition
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94. Dey, A.C.: Indian Medicinal plants used in Ayurvedic preparations.1980.

95. Private communication from Folicon through CPL Fragrances plc.

96. Boulos, Loutfy and el Hadidi, M. Nabil: The weed flora of Egypt. The American
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100. Cynthia Watson: Love Potions - a guide to aphrodisiacs. Optima Books. 1993.
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