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YOU WILL GET MORE OUT OF THE WEEKEND IF YOU ENJOY THE EXPERIENCE RATHER THAN FOCUS ON THE OUTCOME OF YOUR GAMES. TRY AND PLAY WITH YOUR OPPONENT RATHER THAN AGAINST THEM. The Tyrannic War campaign presents hobbyists with an opportunity to play in a different style than they may be used to. Tempus Fugitives narrative campaigns are about trying out new ideas and contributing to an adventure. In fact the story is almost as important as the actual games themselves and players should be prepared to get into the mindset of the army they have brought to battle with. If you and your opponent have a great game, the actual outcome of the battle becomes far less important. Once more (with feeling), you are playing with your opponent not against them. The team running the event is there to help describe the campaign story as it unfolds and they will work out what impact your games have upon it. Most importantly they are there to ensure everybody has a great time. Remember its only toy soldiers! Games will be driven by the narrative of the campaign. This means that during the course of the event various games may appear quite challenging when viewed from the usual gaming perspective. In any war commanders have to deal with what might appear unfair or unbalanced situations, using cunning and skill to prevail against overwhelming odds, and the same may be true for you. However, whatever the scenario

or battlefield conditions, your game and your story will always count in the big scheme of things; the Tempus Fugitives will always try to make sure that you are not asked to play a game you simply can't win before any dice are cast. There will always be critically important mission objectives that you will need to strive to achieve. Your force may meet annihilation in the face of an enemy with vastly superior numbers or power, but trying to hold the line in the face of such odds is what legends are all about. As this is a team event, even if you lose your individual battle your Taskforce or faction may still do well overall; don't worry about 'winning', just think about having a good time. It is our hope that we can repay some small part of the kindness that the gaming community has shown us over the years and organise a top notch event that everyone can enjoy. Have fun, and dont be afraid to ask any questions!

(aka Ulfhedin)

IMPORTANT! This material is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited 2012. Games Workshop, the Games Workshop logo, Warhammer and all associated marks, logos, names, races and race insignia, vehicles, locations, units, characters, illustrations and images from the Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000 universe are either (R), TM and/or Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2012, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world, used without permission. No challenge to their status intended. All Rights Reserved.

A weekend of great imagery, great games and by the end of it, great friends. Quality food, reasonable bar prices (with the bar open until past midnight) a unique atmosphere and lots of fun. It is also a safe environment where everyone is friendly and all are welcome. A bit like Cheers with Boltguns and Xenos!

Players are responsible for bringing their own: The Warhammer 40,000 6th Edition rulebook Your army Codex and any Imperial Armour material relating to your army. Dice, Templates and Tape measure Pen, paper, superglue and poly cement Objective Markers At least two copies of your army roster (one to be handed in during registration) A tray to carry your models. The venue does not

16: 00 19: 00 late

Venue opens for gaming Pre-Registration begins Venue & Bar Closes

Because you are grouped into Taskforces and because the weekend has a mix of doubles games and a real sense that each of your battles matter to the overall narrative you will find yourself in great company from the very beginning. Whether you are attending on your own or are part of a group, you are sure to have gained a bunch of new gaming buddies by the end of the weekend.

have any spare so bring one if you need one! Somewhere to sleep overnight. (For details on hotel rooms please contact Tabletop Nation) Money for refreshments. Lunch on both days is included.

08: 30 09: 30 10: 15 10: 45 13: 00 14: 00 14: 30 16: 45 17: 15 17: 45 20: 00 21: 00 10: 00 10: 30 10: 45 11: 15 13: 30 14: 30 15: 00 17: 15 17: 30

Venue opens and Registration Introductions & Army Display Act 1 Narrative Phase Act 1: Vanguard Team Battle Lunch & Day One Strategy Phase Act 2: Narrative Phase Act 2: Strike Force Break Act 3: Narrative Phase Act 3: Heavy Assault Evening Meal Evening Entertainments

Venue opens Recap & Day Two Strategy Phase Act 4 Narrative Phase Act 4: Vanguard Team Battle Lunch & Army Judging Act 5: Narrative Phase Act 5: Strike Force Break with Tea & Cake Closing Ceremony

This exciting narrative weekend takes place at Tabletop Nation. The venue has a full bar service (until late) restaurant area for eating your meals and a great gaming hall with plenty of space for you cases and gaming gear. The actual location can be seen on the map to the right: The Tabletop Nation venue has a state of the art retail store, and gaming venue hosting up to 200 players depending on game system. Located in Hockley, Essex, within easy reach of London, and supported by Rail Links and an International Airport, all within 15 mins of the venue, Tabletop Nation welcomes hobbyists throughout the United Kingdom, Europe and beyond.

Prizes will be awarded and yes there will be wooden spoons!

Best Army Best Objective Markers Winning Taskforce Unluckiest Taskforce

campaign points
Your campaign points determine the outcome of the campaign. Players earn Campaign Points depending on how they perform in each round. Players earn 3 Campaign Points for a Win, 1 for a Draw and nothing if you Lose. As your games finish you must report the result (Win, Lose or Draw) to the stage along with your opponent. You cannot give your results in without your opponent present.

At the beginning of each round, the Taskforce must study the signs and portents to decide on a Strategy to use for the round. Each Strategy can only be used once over the weekend and is represented by the relevant Strategy recorded by the Taskforce Commander. As you must decide your Strategy before you play your games each round you have to rely on your judgement as to its outcome. Choose carefully as picking Death or Glory makes your draws worthless, while Giving No Quarter squanders any bonus from winning.

Tyrannic War pits Taskforces in a campaign set during the Second Tyrannic War. Each Taskforce is themed to a particular faction and each faction is pitted against Taskforces belonging to one of a number of factions available over the weekend. The factions involved are detailed at the end of this pack. Each Taskforce will have their own agendas, strengths and weaknesses. Before the first game on Saturday you will be asked to gather at one of the Taskforce muster points and nominate a Taskforce Commander and a deputy. It is important that these two individuals are people of fortitude and are prepared for all of the challenges the roles present.

All models MUST be painted and representative of the appropriate type of troop. You cannot use a model that does not meet these criteria. If you are planning a conversion that you think may need clarification please contact us before the event. You cannot represent units with models that are smaller than the Games Workshop equivalent. Because we believe that due credit should go to players that have painted their own armies, only players who have painted their armies themselves may be eligible for the coveted award of Best Army. We ask all participants to be honest if shortlisted. A number of armies will be shortlisted on the Saturday and then will be voted on by the players during the Sunday lunch break. The winner will be announced at the end of the weekend. Painting is a key part of the hobby. If you do not paint your models for the weekend to at least a basic standard (undercoated, three colours and based), then models which are painted to at least a basic standard will be filled with an indignant hatred for your lack of effort or poor time management. Painted units that are engaged in combat with unpainted models or those not painted to at least a basic standard count as having the Hatred special rule.


Death or Glory: This strategy awards 4 Campaign Points for a Win but nothing if you draw or lose. Feint: At the end of the round, count this strategy as either Death or Glory or Give No Quarter. Give No Quarter: This strategy awards 3 Campaign Points for each Win or Draw but nothing if you lose. Accurate Intel: This strategy allows the Taskforce to Seize the Initiative on a 3+ Rapid Response: This strategy allows a single Elite or Fast Attack choice to Outflank or Deep Strike. Enfilading Fire: This strategy enables players to lower their opponents cover save by -1 at the start of a turn.


The role of the Taskforce Commander is of crucial importance to the team and it is the Commander's responsibility at the start of each round to not only make sure that each of their players has an opponent but also to choose which is to undertake a special mission. Additionally, throughout the campaign there will be additional information and decisions that will need to be taken on behalf of the Taskforce. Although a good Commander will listen to their Taskforce and discuss their decisions fully, it is ultimately the Taskforce Commander who decides on what STRATEGY to take. Their deputy may have to take over from a commander should something unfortunate happen.

You must field a Vanguard army. Your army in a Vanguard must be no more than 1000 points and is selected using a single standard Force Organisation Chart found in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. Vehicles and army lists detailed only in Forge World's Imperial Armour publications may be used by armies. If a vehicle is described in more than one publication the most recent version must be used. The 6th Edition FAQ found on Forge Worlds website must be used. No Gargantuan Creatures or units with Structure points are permitted. Any infantry unit in the army may be given Stealth or Outflank for +20pts. This ability only applies to Vanguard games. Missions may be played using any of the standard missions found in the 6th Edition Warhammer 40,000 rulebook or in special scenarios in this campaign pack.


You must field a Strike Force army. Your army in a Strike Force must be no more than 2000 points and is selected using up to two standard Force Organisation Charts found in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. You must include all compulsory choices from each primary detachment. Vehicles and army lists detailed only in Forge World's Imperial Armour publications may be used by armies. If a vehicle is described in more than one publication the most recent version must be used. The 6th Edition FAQ found on Forge Worlds website must be used. A single Gargantuan Creature or unit with Structure points is permitted up to a total of 500pts. For each structure point your army includes over three, you opponent receives Tank Hunters for a unit of their choice. If your army includes one or more gargantuan creatures with seven or more wounds combined, your Gargantuan Resistance changes to a 5+ rather than a 6+. Missions may be played using any of the standard missions found in the 6th Edition Warhammer 40,000 rulebook or in special scenarios in this campaign pack.


You may field a Heavy Assault Force army. Heavy Assault armies play in Act Three on a 6x4 battlefield using Eternal War missions found in the 6th Edition Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. Your army must be no more than 3000 points and selected using up to two standard Force Organisation Charts from the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. You must include all compulsory choices from each primary detachment. Vehicles and army lists detailed only in Forge World's Imperial Armour publications may be used by armies. If a vehicle is described in more than one publication the most recent version must be used. The 6th Edition FAQ found on Forge Worlds website must be used. Gargantuan Creatures and units with Structure points are permitted up to a total of 1000pts. For each structure point your army includes over three, you opponent receives Tank Hunters for a unit of their choice. If your army includes one or more gargantuan creatures with seven or more wounds combined, your Gargantuan Resistance changes to a 5+ rather than a 6+. Missions may be played using any of the standard missions found in the 6th Edition Warhammer 40,000 rulebook or in special scenarios in this campaign pack.

wider Imperium due to the terrible turbulence in the Warp. Whole planets had been wiped out by the Tyranids in only a few hours and the Imperium of Man once more faced an unimaginable threat.

The Ichar IV Rebellion

But before the true threat revealed itself, the Imperium had first faced uprisings on its Eastern Fringe that served as the prelude to the main Tyranid threat. One such rebellion occurred on a Hive World named Ichar IV. Ichar IV was vital to the operation of the Eastern Fringe as its huge manufactorums formed the centre and lynch pin of one of the few densely populated Imperial sectors in the widespread Ultima Segmentum. The entire planet had been seized from the control of the Imperium by a religious fundamentalist group named the Brotherhood. Years before, the Brotherhood had captured the hearts and minds of the population of the planet by preaching the return of the Emperor in physical form and promising better times to come. This is the sort of promise that was sought by the workers of the Icharran manufactorums because they lived lives with no power, hope of betterment or freedom. The Brotherhood quickly set up missions and chapels throughout the poor regions of the planet. The Ecclesiarchy closely monitored the Brotherhood for any signs of corruption or heresy, but none could be found. Eventually, permission was sought and granted for the construction of a Brotherhood cathedral in Lomas, the biggest city on Ichar IV. Shortly after the completion of the Brotherhood's cathedral the trouble began; the Brotherhood refused to pay its tithes to the

Planetary Governor and would not allow its members to be inducted into Ichar IV's Planetary Defence Force. Brotherhood Preachers whipped the Icharran population into a frenzy, prophesying that the Emperor would return in the flesh soon. Brotherhood militias began to roam the streets, punishing anyone they deemed to be "unbelievers" rather than actual criminals. Events accelerated when rioting broke out during a mass demonstration outside of the great cathedral in Lomas. Arbitrators of the Adeptus Arbites moved in with Power Mauls and Suppression Shields to put down the rioters forcefully, but were fired upon from the cathedral by Brotherhood militia. The Arbitrators returned fire and killed several of the Brotherhood's militia members. This only enraged the mob further and they surged forwards several times, eventually forcing the Arbitrators to fall back, especially as another, larger mob had just arrived to support them. Rioting then spread across the planet and most of the forces of the Arbites were forced back. When the Planetary Defence Force was called in to restore order, most members of the force rebelled and joined the ranks of the Brotherhood. Eventually, news of the assassination of the Planetary Governor reached the public and vicious fighting broke out in all of the hive cities of the planet. Within hours, tanks decorated with the revolutionary banners of the Brotherhood were seen driving down roads in cities, pushing the Arbites back. With the dawn, news of the assassination of the Imperial governor and most of his ministers had spread over the entire planet, and the Brotherhood

By early 990.M41, Hive Fleet Kraken had already sunk its tendrils into the galaxy, isolating many Imperial worlds before any astropathic warnings could be sent. Hive Fleet Behemoth had previously been fought as a wave that had advanced across the galaxy as a single organism, but Kraken was actually a series of smaller, separate Tyranid Hive Fleets that moved to attack many human-settled planets simultaneously. This not only increased the difficulty for the Imperium's defenders in opposing the Hive Fleet, but also increased the area of the Hive Mind's psychic Shadow in the Warp tenfold. Almost overnight, an entire Imperial sector was silenced from Terra, isolated from Astropaths' messages of warning by the potent power of the Hive Mind. Only several months after Hive Fleet Kraken's onslaught had already begun did the first few survivors' accounts of the attacks begin to reach the

quickly seized control of several broadcasting stations, announcing the establishment of their new theocratic state in the name of the returning God-Emperor. The Arbites still held control of the majority of the Icharran countryside and the Arbites fortress that guarded the centre of Lomas. Most of the cities had been captured by the Brotherhood, denying the Arbites vital resources. Inquisitor Agmar of the Ordo Xenos arrived twenty-seven days after the rebellion began, on the same day that the Arbites fortress in Lomas was overrun by Brotherhood forces. Most of the Judges in the fortress escaped, moving to take control of the four main power stations of the city. Inquisitor Agmar saw this as much more of an organised rebellion than a sporadic outburst of popular religious feeling. He called for the support of the Ultramarines Chapter of Astartes to help the forces of the Imperium retake the planet. While the remaining Imperial forces waited for the arrival of the Ultramarines, they bombarded the rebel cities and pushed back vicious assaults by Brotherhood militia battalions. Repeated attempts to reach the power stations of Lomas failed and, six days after Agmar arrived, the Arbites detonated several Melta Bombs, completely destroying the generators. Now the war transformed into a long, grinding campaign of urban combat with casualties spiraling upwards daily. Every doorway could possess a booby trap and there were Brotherhood snipers in place all over the renegade-held cities. Entire Imperial Guard patrols that remained loyal to the Imperium disappeared without trace in the chaotic maelstrom. The rebellion promised to be a long one as the Brotherhood held the armouries of the Imperial Guard Regiments assigned to the planet and had the support

of the majority of the Icharran population to draw on to become soldiers in its militia. Inquisitor Agmar led several small forces of Imperial Guardsmen and Arbitrators into Lomas to uncover the true nature of the Brotherhood. He was slowly piecing together the story when, in a chance raid, he slew a Neophyte of the Brotherhood and saw what manner of xenos creature was actually leading the revolt - Genestealers! Agmar sent an astropathic message confirming his fears of another Tyranid invasion to the Inquisition and awaited the arrival of the Ultramarines.

The Genestealer Infestation

Thirty-nine days after the Icharran rebellion began, the Ultramarines' Battle Barge Octavius entered orbit above Ichar IV and deployed its Drop Pods. The planetary defences were largely inactive due to the damage to the power generators of Lomas and as such the Space Marines' landing casualties were light. The Space Marines secured the Imperial Guard's armouries and the Imperial Governor's palace and fought off several poorly organised counterattacks, causing massive casualties among the Brotherhood's forces. Outside, the remaining Imperial Guard forces launched coordinated attacks to link up with the Ultramarines, using their Leman Russ main battle tanks as moving strongpoints and slowly, inevitably, the Brotherhood's lines bent back. More than 20 Veteran Space Marines in Terminator Armour from the Ultramarines' elite 1st Company teleported into the great Brotherhood cathedral in Lomas and destroyed the cathedral's defenders after Agmar sent a message to the Octavius via spy satellite. More guards appeared from side doors and a storm of lasbeams and autoshells ripped out, massacring many of the Brotherhood guards, but not before several of the Terminators were dragged down. The Terminators' single Heavy Flamer proved to be invaluable, its flames incinerating the unprotected assaulting forces. Yet some of the Brotherhood Neophytes were striking out with inhuman speed and terrible claws, indicating their xenos heritage. The Terminators then spread out and searched for the myriad of secret passages that they presumed existed beneath the Brotherhood cathedral. They soon found one under the altar, and the altar was quickly removed. As they moved down into the crypt, they

heard the clattering of claws on stone. As the creatures jumped into the lights of the Ultramarines, they were identified as Genestealers. This showed the Inquisitor's belief that there was a Genestealer coven at the heart of the Brotherhood's revolution to be correct. The battle began and raged for a long time. Hundreds of Genestealers died, piling up one on top of each other. Eventually, the horde's numbers were spent in their attack. Several Ultramarine Terminators had been killed as their armour was torn open by the inhumanly sharp claws of the Genestealers. The remainder of the Astartes moved further into the crypt without encountering more of the creatures. Deep beneath the city of Lomas they found a huge cavern where the huge and bloated great grandfather of the brood, the powerful Genestealer Patriarch, sat. As the Terminators approached, another horde of Genestealers intent on protecting the alien master attacked the Terminators from out of nowhere. Storm Bolters rang out, resulting in pure carnage. The company Librarian fought his way to the dais but the Patriarch used its psychic powers to attack the Space Marine psyker. A surge from the Astartes' psychic hood broke the spell and the Librarian forced his body out of the real world for an instant and then he reappeared, teleported onto the dais. The creature lashed out and blood and sparks flew from the Librarian, but the Patriarch easily parried the return blow. The Librarian called on his Battle-Brothers for assistance and the dais was swept with Bolter fire. Some shells pierced the Power Armour of the Librarian but the Patriarch was also wounded. The Librarian used this opportunity to strike with his Force Axe, the Librarian's own psychic power behind the blow allowing the weapon to tear through the tough hide of

the Patriarch. The Patriarch was dead, suddenly leaving the brood and the entire revolution leaderless. The revolution felt the death of its leader and lost its impetus and cohesion. The remaining Terminators slew the rest of the Genestealers and the battles above slowly stopped as the revolutionaries could only retrench themselves and no longer act in a fully coordinated manner without the Patriarch's subtle psychic guidance over the cult. Small groups of Brotherhood Acolytes and Neophytes held their positions in bunkers and towers but were soon destroyed by the tanks and heavy fighting vehicles of the Imperial Guard.

found. The second was that the planet's Astropaths had reported a shift in the Warp, distant still, but the oldest of the Astropaths had sensed the psychic call of the Genestealer Patriarch radiating out into space and felt the change in the Warp. He had sensed something vast and shadowy, a monstrous entity which had turned its attention towards Ichar IV - Hive Fleet Kraken.

The Kraken Comes

The horror stories that attended Hive Fleet Kraken's coming to Imperial space were numerous. Among the many tragedies of this time were the following: In the Miral System, Imperial Guard Regiments and the Space Marines of the Scythes of the Emperor Chapter held out against the Tyranids of Hive Fleet Kraken who had overrun the lush jungles and plantations of Miral Prime. The Imperial forces retreated to a huge mesa called the Giant's Coffin where they defended against the vicious hordes of xenos that infested the dense jungles below. The flora of Miral itself had become mutated since the first Mycetic Spores of Hive Fleet Kraken had fallen on the world and eventually only constant defoliation with Flamers prevented the Tyranid spore-infected creepers from engulfing the Giant's Coffin.

Ichar IV was back under the control of the Imperium and all remnants of the Genestealer Cult - the Genestealers, their hybrids, infected humans, cult members and traitors - was ruthlessly wiped out. Inquisitor Agmar, leading the Ultramarines, methodically purged the planet, which eventually returned to normal. There were still questions that remained unanswered. One was the fate of the human leader of the Brotherhood, as his body was never

A Rogue Trader brought rumours of the feral world of Larnarno to the Imperium's heart, a planet that had come to be ruled by the Celebrants of Nihilism, a heretical doomsday cult whose adherents had taken care to match their prophecies with the dire events of the times. When elements of Hive Fleet Kraken arrived at Larnarno, nearly 75% of the planet's population had calmly marched towards the Tyranid bio-ships to be consumed by their new "gods." The Rogue Trader also

brought a tale from the giant asteroid-monastery of Salem, which told how the monks had chosen to poison both themselves and their carefully terraformed ecosystem rather than allow all to be consumed by the Great Devourer.

Devlan's extensive system of Novastorm space stations held the Hive Fleet at bay long enough for a fleet of giant ore freighters to escape into the Warp. A company of Space Marines of the Lamenters Chapter held off the attacks of the Tyranid Warriors until the last starship had been loaded, though the Space Marines in the end sacrificed their own lives so that many more might live. Even those who fled successfully found little respite from the horror. One of the giant ore freighters fleeing Devlan arrived at the world of Adr's Hope ominously dark and silent. Those investigating the ship's automated landing discovered that within lay a blooddrenched abattoir where thousands of refugees--men, women and children--had been mercilessly butchered by a Tyranid organism that had breached the starship's quarantine even as it fled. Only three weeks later Adr's Hope itself was a blood-soaked ruin of a world - the Great Devourer had claimed even more victims. Seen on a galactic scale, Hive Fleet Kraken was attacking across a front that covered thousands of light years. Some worlds were bypassed, isolated by the Hive Fleet's Shadow in the Warp or attacked unexpectedly, making a cohesive Imperial defence almost impossible to mount. The Imperium was forced to concentrate its forces on the most strategically important Forge Worlds and Hive Worlds, while it evacuated or simply abandoned to their horrific fate many others. Still, there were some bright moments for the Imperium. Several Space Marine Chapters dedicated their forces to saving worlds the wider armies of the Imperial Guard had abandoned. Some, such as the Lamenters and the Scythes of the Emperor, found their once proud Chapters reduced to a few scattered remains as the price of their valour, while

the Knights of Eternity Chapter is presumed to have been completely obliterated. Others carried the battle to the Tyranids as only the Space Marines can, striking at isolated tendrils of the Kraken, boarding Hive Ships and blowing them apart from the inside. Yet, no matter the efforts of the Imperium, the Tyranids were too numerous and drove ever deeper into the galaxy, towards the Imperium of Man heart.

The Battle of Ichar IV

Fortunately for humanity, Hive Fleet Kraken did not remain divided into separate tendrils indefinitely and eventually began to coalesce into a single, massive swarm on Ichar IV, the Hive World whose large Genestealer infestation had been the initial harbinger of the Kraken's arrival in the Milky Way Galaxy. As the Tyranids approached the planet, thousands of Genestealers suddenly burst from the underhives in support of the invading xenos, giving the lie to claims that the infestation had been entirely purged years earlier. Defence perimeters were completely overrun, Imperial Guardsmen slain by the thousands. In the terrible confusion, an ever larger number of Tyranid

Another dedicated Imperial merchant captain helped evacuate millions of Imperial citizens from the mining worlds of the Devlan System before it was consumed.

Despite all this, Ichar IV was not yet lost to humanity. Forewarned of Tyranid interest in the world by the previous Genestealer infestation, the Imperium was able to mount a more solid counter-defence in the Ichar System than in the other areas of the Eastern Fringes under assault by Hive Fleet Kraken. The Ultramarines inflicted crushing losses on the Tyranid armada in space above the planet and in the claustrophobic corridors of the towering Icharran hive cities. Space Marine Veterans of the First Tyrannic War made planetfall and scoured Ichar IV's hives in a series of close-quarter battles that lasted for close to a full Terran year. By employing the same tactics that had proved successful in defeating Hive Fleet Behemoth in Ultramar two centuries earlier, Marneus Calgar rallied the Imperial defenders of Ichar IV and cast the Tyranids from that planet forevermore. But as always, victory against the Tyranids had come at a terrible price - Ichar IV was reduced to a smoking charnel house of death and destruction, a world and its people sacrificed so that the Imperium of Man might endure yet another storm.

The Battle for the Iyanden Craftworld

The first warning the Eldar of Craftworld Iyanden had of the danger posed by the Tyranids of Hive Fleet Kraken was brought in 992.M41 - a Tyranid Hive Fleet of immense proportions was heading towards Iyanden Craftworld. Already over a dozen Imperial planets had been consumed by the Tyranids' advance and, although the human Imperium was mounting furious counter-attacks where possible, it would be months until a major Imperial taskforce could be fully mobilised to deal with the threat. By the time the Imperial frontier was stabilised, the Eldar of Iyanden

organisms made planetfall -- not only the Termagants and Gargoyles that had composed the vanguard of the prior assaults, but the truly monstrous Carnifexes and Tyrannofexes as well. Worse still, gigantic Hierodule

and Hierophant Bio-Titans stalked across the surface of the beleagured world. The Tyranids had unleashed on Ichar IV every terrible organic weapon in their arsenal.

knew that their precious Craftworld would have been overrun. Farseer Kelmon, political leader and spiritual head of the Craftworld, called together the Eldar of Iyanden and warned them of the impending Tyranid assault. The debate by the people of Iyanden on the action to take against Hive Fleet Kraken's approach was heated and prolonged. The more conservative elements of the Craftworld argued for a policy of isolation, shielding the Craftworld behind a powerful psychic shield in an attempt to avoid all contact with the Tyranids. The more aggressive elements wanted to attack the Tyranids immediately, dispatching the fleet to destroy the Tyranids before they reached the Craftworld. Both courses of action were problematic, however, because they took no account of the sheer size of the Tyranid Hive Fleet. It took a powerful speech from the Ranger Irilith, who had seen the Hive Fleet at first hand and understood the terrible threat that it represented, to sway the assembled Eldar. For over an hour she drove home to all present that it would take the combined efforts of every Eldar on Iyanden to have any chance of turning back the Tyranids. Even then they might not succeed in defeating the alien menace. A hush fell on the Hall as Irilith finished her speech. No more needed to be said, for all the Eldar present now realised the sheer enormity of the task ahead. Farseer Kelmon rose and ordered that the Eldar prepare the defences of lyanden Craftworld. All elements of the fleet would be recalled, and every single Eldar must take on the Warrior Aspect of Warlock, Guardian or Aspect Warrior, for the first time in Eldar history since the Fall.

The entire Craftworld would be fortified, for there could be no doubt that the Tyranids would breach their outer defences and land on the immense worldship. Help must be requested from the other Eldar Craftworlds. The Avatar, the embodied spirit of the Craftworlds War God Khaela Mensha Khaine, must be awakened to take part in the battle. And, most terrible of all, all of the Craftworlds ancient Spirit Stones must be plucked from their resting places and

implanted in cybernetic exoskeletons to battle as Ghost Warriors. As many Imperial scholars know, when an Eldar dies their spirit is released into a gem known as a Spirit Stone, which is grafted into the very structure of their Craftworld to preserve the dead Eldars consciousness and prevent it from migrating into the Warp where it will be devoured by the Chaos God Slaanesh. Thus, each Craftworld is actually a living, intelligent being which preserves a little of the once great Eldar civilisation. By risking the destruction of the Craftworlds Spirit Stones, Kelmon risked the destruction of lyandens culture, racial memory and literally the souls of its people. It was a grave chance to take, but Kelmon knew that the Ghost Warriors could make the difference between victory and defeat in the struggle that was coming. The first Tyranid Hive Swarms attacked Iyanden just twenty days later. By then the Craftworld had already been isolated for over a week by the Hive Mind's Shadow in the Warp which made it extremely difficult for the other Eldar Craftworlds to send help through the Webway or psychically communicate with their brethren. Apart from a few scattered units that made it through, Iyanden ultimately fought the Tyranids on its own. Nonetheless, the first Tyranid waves were dealt with easily and efficiently by the Eldar fleet. The Eldars spacecraft were faster, more manoeuvrable and had longer-ranged weapons than their opponents. In battle after battle, the Eldar spacecraft destroyed the lumbering, biomechanical Tyranid Hive Ships while only suffering minimal casualties themselves. For a while it looked as if the Eldar fleet might be able to hold off the Tyranids on its own, as wave after wave of Tyranids were wiped out. But Farseer Kelmon was not convinced. Already the ability of the Craftworlds Wraithbone forges to replace destroyed Eldar

spacecraft was being far outstripped by the casualties being suffered in the deep space battles that raged around the Craftworld. The Eldar fleet was being ground down in a massive battle of attrition; a battle that only the Tyranids, with their vastly superior numbers, could hope to win. As if to confirm Kelmons worst fears, the next Tyranid wave attack was massive, very nearly twice the size of any that had hit the Craftworld so far. The Eldar fleet suffered terrible casualties in its attempt to hold the Tyranids off, and for the first time was unable to stop them from landing on the Craftworld itself. Although the landing was wiped out before any serious damage was done to Iyanden's defences, the Eldar fleet as a large-scale fighting force had ceased to exist. Still there was hope, especially if the wave had represented the Tyranid Hive Fleet's main assault force. The Eldar's morale was raised even more as the next Tyranid wave turned out to be tiny in comparison to what had come earlier. Although the weakened Eldar fleet couldnt keep all of the swarms away from the Craftworld, the landings that were made were easily isolated and destroyed. For a short while it seemed that the Eldar had weathered the terrible storm of Hive Fleet Kraken. Then Iyanden was hit by two huge Tyranid attacks in rapid succession. The pitiful remnants of the Eldar fleet opposed the Hive Swarms as best they could, but were ultimately swept aside by a tide of living alien spacecraft. Iyanden was all but engulfed as horde after horde of Tyranid Warriors, Genestealers, Gaunts and Carnifexes were disgorged onto the Craftworld's surface and interior. Huge battles erupted all over Iyanden, the fighting bitter and close-ranged with enemy forces often only separated by the width of a corridor of Wraithbone wall, as the Eldar desperately attempted to beat off the alien invaders. Often they

succeeded, but the Fortress of Tears, the Shrine of Asuryan and, most terrible of all, the ancient Forests of Silence, repositories of the flora and fauna of the lost Eldar homeworlds on Iyanden, all fell to the Tyranid hordes. The Eldar furiously counter-attacked, the raging figure of the Avatar of Khaine leading the Craftworlds Aspect Warriors, Guardians and Wraithguard and Wraithlord Ghost Warriors in a berserk orgy of destruction which recaptured the Forests of Silence from the Tyranids. It is said that the Eldar Warriors wept tears of rage and sorrow to see the damage inflicted on the ancient forest domes of their Craftworld. Slowly the Eldar managed to turn the tide on the Tyranids and gain the upper hand, forcing them back onto the defensive. And then another huge Tyranid wave arrived, the third in succession, and the largest yet. As swarm after swarm flickered into existence on the Eldars scanners, Kelmon knew that, barring a miracle, Iyanden Craftworld was doomed.

Over 50 standard years before the Tyranid assault, High Admiral Yriel, an Autarch, had led the Iyanden Fleet. Although he was considered one of the greatest

Eldar naval tacticians to have ever lived, his character was flawed by the sin of pride. When Iyanden had been threatened by a Chaos space fleet raiding out of the Eye of Terror, Yriel had led the Eldar fleet on a preemptive attack on the Chaos fleets flagship, leaving the Iyanden Craftworld unprotected. He only returned just in time to stop a suicide attack by a small flotilla of Chaos raider ships, who nonetheless managed to damage the Craftworld. Expecting to be feted and honoured for his victory, Yriel was deeply angered when he was called upon to defend his course of action. Claiming that his record should speak for itself, Yriel refused to enter into the debate, leaving his old friend Farseer Kelmon no choice but to elect a new High Admiral in his place. Bitter with rage, Yriel had vowed that he would never set foot on Iyanden again. He and a small band of followers left the Craftworld to pursue the Path of the Outcast and formed an Eldar Corsair company known as the Eldritch Raiders that became the single most powerful Eldar pirate force operating in the galaxy. Yet, when he heard of Hive Fleet Kraken's assault on Iyanden, Prince Yriel did his best to ignore the terrible peril that threatened his old Craftworld. But proud though he was, righteously angry though he remained, Yriel could not leave lyanden's people to their fate in this, their darkest hour. Battling his way through the Tyranids psychic blockade, Yriel swept to the aid of his people and arrived just in time. Like a thunderbolt from the blue Yriel and his large Eldar raider fleet smashed into the swarm of Tyranid vessels. He was quickly joined by the few remaining craft of lyandens fleet, and together the combined Eldar space fleets tore the swarms of Hive Fleet Kraken apart. Two more waves of Tyranid Hive Swarms from the Kraken attacked the Craftworld, only to meet the same fate. Not a single Tyranid bioship reached the Craftworld, though the cost to Yriel's

Tyranids back. A final wild charge led by the Tyranid Hive Tyrant was annihilated by the combined efforts of the Avatar of Khaine, Prince Yriel and the Ghost Warriors, and then in a series of vicious one-sided battles the last of the Tyranids were hunted down and destroyed. The Tyranid attack on Iyanden Craftworld was over. The Tyranids had been defeated. But the victory was a hollow one. Though the Eldar had repulsed the invaders, the cost was enormous. Their once proud Craftworld stood in ruins, and four-fifths of the inhabitants were dead or lay dying in its shattered halls. Amongst their number lay Farseer Kelmon, surrounded by the bodies of a dozen Tyranid Zoanthropes whose wretched heads bore the marks of psychic fire. Iyandens mighty space fleet wa s a pitiful shadow of its former self; the blasted remains of its majestic spacecraft and their brave crews hanging silent and weightless in space. But all this could be rebuilt, maybe not for hundreds of generations, but one day in the distant future. What was lost forever were the souls of the Eldar whose Spirit Stones had been destroyed in the battle against the Tyranids. The massive destruction wrought upon the people and the Ghost Warriors of Iyanden dealt that Craftworld -- and the entire Eldar species -- a blow from which its culture could never fully recover. The Imperium barely had time to breathe following the end of the Second Tyrannic War before it learned that both Hive Fleets Behemoth and Kraken had been little more than reconnaissance forces for the true threat to the very existence of humanity -- the arrival of Hive Fleet Leviathan in 997.M41.

Eldritch Raiders was dear. Bloodied but unbowed, the Raiders prepared to sell their lives to the last in order to turn back the next wave of Tyranids. On the bridges of the Craftworld and of the circling Eldar starships, vigilant eyes watched the scanners, waiting for the first tell-tale blip that would indicate the direction of the next assault. Minutes passed, then hours, and with a growing sense of wonder the Eldar realised that no more Tyranid Swarms were coming the assault was over. Hive Fleet Kraken had been dispersed; its coherence had been destroyed! But on Iyanden Craftworld the war raged on

The Tyranid hordes that had been fighting a tenacious rearguard action awaiting the aid of the rest of the Hive Fleet now turned like cornered rats and hurled themselves at the Eldar. Caught by surprise, the Eldar staggered back, desperately trying to hold in the face of the suicidal Tyranid onslaught. The Fortress of the Red Moon fell to a surprise attack, and for a moment it seemed that with victory within their grasp the Eldar would yet be defeated. But, for the second time, Yriel led his Eldritch Raiders to the rescue of the Craftworld. Disembarking from their orbiting spacecraft, the Raiders joined with the battered defenders of Iyanden Craftworld and, yard by yard, step by step, forced the

The Tyranids are an extragalactic alien race, whose sole purpose is the consumption of all forms of genetic and biological material in order to evolve and reproduce. Tyranid technology is based entirely on biological engineering. Every function is carried out by living, engineered creatures, each of which collectively forms the Hive Fleet, directed by a single Hive Mind. By early 990.M41, Hive Fleet Kraken had sunk its tendrils into the galaxy, isolating many Imperial worlds before any astropathic warnings could be sent. Hive Fleet Behemoth had fought in a single wave that had advanced across the galaxy as a single organism, but the Kraken was actually a series of smaller, separate Tyranid Hive Fleets that moved to attack many human-settled planets simultaneously. This not only increased the difficulty for the Imperium's defenders in opposing the Hive Fleet, but also increased the area of the Hive Mind's psychic Shadow in the Warp tenfold. Almost overnight, an entire Imperial sector was silenced from Terra, isolated from Astropaths' messages of warning by the potent power of the Hive Mind. Only several months after Hive Fleet Kraken's onslaught had already begun did the first few survivors' accounts of the attacks begin to reach the wider Imperium due to the terrible turbulence in the Warp. Whole planets had been wiped out by the Tyranids in only a few hours and the Imperium of Man once more faced an unimaginable threat. When choosing an army to fight for the Tyranids the most recent edition of the army Codex will be used. If you have any further questions regarding army selection, please contact the event organisers before the weekend and check the forums at The published Codex used in this campaign for the Tyranids is: Codex Tyranids. All supplementary rules to your Codex can be found in this pack.

There is a different army structure and several units which are a feature of the armies of the Tyranids during the Tyrannic War campaign. They are detailed on the following pages and are considered fully usable for this narrative campaign weekend. However, they are not to be considered official in any way outside of the Tyrannic War narrative campaign weekend.

COVEN REMNANT During the Second Tyrannic War, many Tyranid armies represent a force that was once a Genestealer Coven that has since been reabsorbed into the Hive Fleet.
Players wishing to do so may include Genestealer Coven as an Allied Detachment in a Tyranid army.

A NOTE ON FLYERS The Hive Mind has fashioned a unique solution to deal with enemy forces who have a reliance on high-speed aircraft. Gargoyles, like all Tyranid creatures, are merely tools to
achieve an end. Often, Imperial pilots are faced with the Hive Mind compelling Gargoyle Broods to fly directly into the aircraf ts engines and cockpit. Although this strike instantly kills many of the Gargoyles, it causes horrendous damage to the craft.

Bird-Strike: At the start of any turn when an enemy flyer has been deployed, the Tyranid player may choose to fly a single Gargoyle brood in play of at least ten models into the deployed unit. This causes
3d6 unsavable wounds on the Gargoyle Brood and causes d3 glancing hits on the flyer or fast skimmer. The unit may benefit from a cover save as normal for Jinking. Once this attack has occurred, the Flyer may complete its move as normal (provided it is still in the air). Should the Gargoyle Brood be destroyed it is worth Victory Points as normal. Surviving Gargoyles are placed into reserve and are deployed next turn as normal.


Taloned Horror Unit Composition 1 Unit Type Beast WS 5 BS 3 S 5 T 4 W 3 I 5 A 3 LD 10 Sv 4+

ELITE UNIT Special Rules Acute Senses Instinctive Behaviour - Feed Move Through Cover Bounding Leap Scout Feel No Pain Cannot Blade Parry! Options May take any of the following: Adrenal Glands for +10 points Toxin Sacs for + 10 points

100 POINTS It was during the attack on Hammans World that Lamenter Astartes forces became the first to engage the terrifying beast known by those brave warriors as the Taloned Horror. Evolved along similar lines to the Hormagant strain of Tyranid but much more massive and deadly, the Taloned Horror is impossibly fast and agile for its size. Augers have recorded creatures of this type scaling the walls of a ravine to then leap backwards onto a departing transport. The beasts in question were only slain after they had breached the hull of the transport ship and brought it crashing down in a fiery conflagration

Wargear Hardened Carapace Claws and Teeth Pair Bone Sabres (uses the Bone Sabres rule on pg 56 Codex Tyranids) Flesh Hooks Venom Injectors: Once it has caught its prey, the Taloned Horror is able to rapidly inject it with deadly tyrannic phage cells which eat away at physical matter while causing incredible agony to the unfortunate victim. All wounds caused by the Horror in close combat are AP 2 and cause Instant Death.

Tankerfex Unit Composition 1-3 Tankerfex Unit Type Monstrous Creature WS 3 BS 3 S 6 T 6 W 4 I 1 A 4 LD 7 Sv 3+

HEAVY SUPPORT UNIT Special Rules Fearless Instinctive Behaviour Lurk Flawed Design Deep Strike It Will Not Die Options Each may take any of the following: Adrenal Glands for +10 points Toxin Sacs for + 10 points Bio-Plasma for +20 points

165 POINTS EACH Nothing filled the defenders of Dumansca with a greater sense of foreboding than the low level vibrations emitted by a Tankerfex just before unleashing its incendiary attack. A specialised form of burrowing Carnifex, the Tankerfex has given over much of its body to the storage of vast reservoirs of bio-acid which it sprays in devastating gouts covering a wide area and causing horrific burns to all encompassed. Fortunately, this evolution appears to be in its early stages as a well-placed shot to the engorged acid sacs causes them to rupture, slaying he beast outright. After the disastrous liquidation of B Platoon, the Imperial defenders learned not to exploit this weakness while the creature was engaged in combat with allied units.

Wargear Bonded Exoskeleton Claws and Teeth Scything Talons Acid Spray Hidden Danger: Burrowing beneath the battlefield, the Tankerfex sits in wait for prey to draw near. When determining its arrival point (using the Deep Strike rules) should a Tankerfex scatter on top of impassable terrain or another model (friend or foe!) then reduce the scatter distance by the minimum required in order to avoid the obstacle. Flawed Design: After each failed saving throw by Tankerfex, roll a d6. On the score of a 1, the acid sacs rupture slaying the Tankerfex outright. The ruptured sac explodes so violently that any model within 2d6 inches suffers a S6 AP4 hit on a 4+.


A Genestealer Coven is a community of Genestealers, Genestealer-hybrids, as well as the completely human convert-hosts, infected victims and genetic relatives known as Brood Brothers, existing within another society. Such a cult forms if a Genestealer infects members of another species with its genotype. The resultant changes in the genome of the host cause a fanatical loyalty to the Genestealers as well as a drastic change to their reproduction system; their firstborn children will be Hybrids, a grotesque mixture of the host's race and Genestealers. These hybrids infect further victims, and the infection spreads exponentially. Fourth generation hybrids produce Purestrain Genestealers, and the cycle starts once again. This brood of Purestrains, hybrids and Brood Brothers is held together by strong psychic and genetic bonds, and assembles around the original Genestealer which becomes the Patriarch. Because this community is often hidden behind the facade of a religion or political movement, it is called a Genestealer Coven or Cult by the Imperium. Genestealers are effectively the heralds of Tyranid invasion, because the psychic power of the Patriarch shines like a beacon in the Warp and is perceived by the Hive Fleets of the Tyranids. As the coven's power grows over the world, the beacon becomes stronger, signalling to the Tyranids the location of a biologically rich world. By the time the Hive Fleets arrive, the world may already be completely in the hands of the Genestealer cult, or torn apart by civil war between the cult and the remaining free society, or at least weakened and rife with traitors. However, after the planet comes to the Hive Fleet's notice, the destiny of the cult is sealed, because all surviving members are absorbed like the rest of the planet.


The Genestealer Coven is selected using the latest edition of Codex Imperial Guard and Codex Tyranids with the latest FAQ from Games Workshops website. Please contact us at the Tempus Fugitives if you do not understand this point. A Genestealer Coven may include the units listed overleaf (those marked with an asterisk may be found in this campaign document). The army may also include a suitably converted Imperial Guard Super-Heavy tank in lists that allow Structure Points. Ignore any reference to Instinctive Behaviour it does not apply to units in a Genestealer Coven.

HQ ELITES TROOPS FAST ATTACK HEAVY SUPPORT Coven Magus*; Patriarch* Rogue Psykers (count as Psyker Battle Squad) & Ymgarl Genestealers (exchange Brood Telepathy for Stubborn) Brood Brothers,* Ogryns Genestealers (exchange Brood Telepathy for Stubborn), Coven Limousine*; Genestealer Hybrids* Imperial Guard Fast Attack or Heavy Support choice from Codex Imperial Guard or Imperial Armour (Requires a unit of Brood Brothers for each unit).

All models (including the Patriarch) may be transported as normal. The Patriarch and Broodlords take two spaces each in a transport.

Coven Magus Hybrid Bodyguard Squad Composition 1 Coven Magus Unit Type: Infantry Wargear Hot-Shot Las Pistol and power weapon WS 5 5 BS 3 3 S 3 4 T 3 4 W 2 1 I 6 5 A 2 2 LD 10 10 Sv 6+ 4+



The Magus is a Genestealer Hybrid that appears almost entirely human, except it is always bald and has a pronounced bone structure. The Magus, unlike other Hybrids, is highly intelligent and a powerful psyker - absolutely dedicated to serving the Patriarch of the Coven. It uses its human appearance to act as the face of the brood, and relays the orders of the Patriarch to the Brood Brothers. Unlike the Patriarch, the Magus knows nothing of its role in the Tyranid invasion it is aiding.

Options: The Patriarch may be joined by up to 5 Genestealer Hybrids at +14 points each. The Genestealer Hybrid Bodyguard are armed with flesh-hooks, rending claws and hotshot las-pistols. Special Rules Furious Charge (While Magus is alive) Move Through Cover Stubborn Psyker (Magus only) Mastery Level 2. May select powers from the Disciplines of Biomancy and Telekinesis. Shadow in the Warp HQ UNIT WS 8 7 BS 0 0 S 6 5 T 5 5 W 4 3 I 7 7 A 4 4 LD 10 10 Sv 3+ 4+ 155 POINTS

Patriarch Broodlord Bodyguard Squad Composition 1 Patriarch Unit Type: Infantry Wargear Rending Claws Scything Talons Acid Blood

The Patriarch is a bloated, brooding figure in the Coven. Rarely seen by any except the Purestrain and the Magus, the Patriarch is aware of the Covens role in the Tyranid invasion that must necessarily follow the completion of their plans.

Options: The Patriarch may be joined by up to 5 Broodlord Bodyguard at +60 points each. The Broodlords have acid blood and are armed with rending claws and Scything Talons. Special Rules Feel No Pain (While Patriarch is alive) Infiltrate & Stubborn Shadow in the Warp Fleet & Move Through Cover Patriarch: Psyker - May cast up to two powers each turn. Knows the powers Catalyst, Onslaught, Aura of Despair, Hypnotic Gaze; The Horror. Broodlord Bodyguard: Psyker - May cast a single power each turn. Knows the powers Aura of Despair and Hypnotic Gaze.

Brood Brother Genestealer Hybrid WS 3 5 BS 3 3 S 3 4 T 3 4 W 1 1 I 3 5 A 1 2 LD 7 10 Sv 6+ 4+



Infected by Genestealers, the Brood Brothers fanatically defend their new family. Many of the have been parents to foul human-stealer hybrids and are utterly loyal to the Covens cause. The Genestealers select members of planetary defence forces or local Imperial Guard regiments to turn to their cause. These bring with them much needed firepower and vehicles to compensate for the Covens otherwise short range.

Squad Composition Genestealer Hybrid and 9 Brood Brothers Unit Type: Infantry Wargear Hybrid with autopistol and rending claws Brood Brother with Lasgun Special Rules: Stubborn

Options: The Brood Brothers may be joined by up to an additional 5 Brood Brothers at +6 points each. Coven Wargear: Any model may exchange their lasgun for an autopistol and close combat weapon or a shotgun for free. Up to two models in the unit may be armed with one of the following weapons each; plasma gun or melta gun at +15 pts; Coven heavy stubber at +10 pts; flamer or grenade launcher at +5 pts. The unit may be equipped with bomb harnesses for +30 points. The Genestealer Hybrid may be armed with a Coven Missile Launcher for +10 points. Traitors to Humanity: Clearly in league with the foul xenos, Brood Brothers are amongst the worst kind of heretic. Imperial units gain Preferred Enemy against them in close combat. Bomb Harnesses: Brood Brothers will go to any lengths to protect their four armed family, even sacrificing themselves. Brood Brother models in a unit equipped with bomb harnesses may be detonated by the Coven player at any time during their Assault phase. Centre a large blast template under each model detonated. Any model (friend or foe) not in base contact with a detonating Brood Brother but touched by the blast takes a S3 AP5 hit. Any model in base contact instead takes a S5 AP3 hit with armour penetration of 2d6. After detonation any surviving models that have not been detonated may be selected for detonation on later turns. Transport: Any unit of Brood Brothers may take a Coven Technical.

Coven Technical Unit Composition 1 Coven Technical Vehicle Type: Fast, Open Topped Transport Capacity: 10 Wargear: Heavy Bolter BS FRONT 3 10 SIDE 10 REAR 10

DEDICATED TRANSPORT UNIT A technical is a type of improvised fighting vehicle, typically a civilian or military non-combat vehicle, modified to provide an offensive capability. It is usually an open-backed civilian pickup truck or four-wheel drive vehicle mounting an autocannon, missile launcher or other support weapon. Options: Any Technical may replace its Heavy Bolter with an Autocannon, Heavy Flamer or Coven Missile Launcher for +10 points.


Any Coven HQ Choice may select a single Imperial Guard vehicle with Structure Points as a dedicated transport for the appropriate points cost. The selected vehicle should be suitably converted and may only transport the chosen HQ choice regardless of any transport capacity it might normally have.

Human-Genestealer Hybrid Ogryn-Genestealer Hybrid Kroot-Genestealer Hybrid Ork-Genestealer Hybrid Beast-Genestealer Hybrid Squad Composition 5 Human-Genestealer Hybrids Unit Type: Infantry Wargear Autopistol Flesh Hooks Rending claws Special Rules Fleet Stubborn WS 5 5 5 5 5 BS 3 3 3 2 0 S 4 5 5 4 4 T 4 5 4 5 4 W 1 3 1 1 1 I 5 3 5 4 5 A 2 3 2 3 3 LD 10 10 10 10 10 Sv 4+ 6+ 5+ 6+ -



Genestealers that implant their genetic material into humans produce offspring known as Hybrids. Being mixed creatures, some Hybrids retain enough human skill to use conventional weaponry like heavy stubbers and missile launchers. Most Hybrids encountered in the Imperium are the result of breeding with human stock, but elsewhere Kroot-Genestealer or Ork-Genestealer hybrids are more readily encountered. On occasion, where an advanced species cannot be readily found, creatures such as wolves, sharks or other predators are deemed suitable hosts.

Options: The Hybrids may be joined by up to an additional 10 Hybrids at +14 points each. Up to two models in the unit may exchange their autopistol with one of the following weapons each; plasma gun or melta gun at +15 pts; heavy stubber at +10 pts; flamer or grenade launcher at +5 pts. If the unit numbers 10 or more Hybrids then a model may exchange their coven firearm for a Missile Launcher for +10 points. Ogryn Genestealer Hybrids: All Human-Genestealer Hybrids in the unit may be exchanged for Ogryn-Genestealer Hybrids for +30 points per model. Ogryn Genestealer Hybrids gain the Furious Charge special rule but lose the Fleet rule and may not upgrade their autopistol except with heavy stubbers. Kroot Genestealer Hybrids: All Human-Genestealer Hybrids in the unit may be exchanged for Kroot-Genestealer Hybrids for +4 points per model. Kroot Genestealer Hybrids gain the Move through Cover, Infiltrate and Scout special rules. Ork Genestealer Hybrids: All Human-Genestealer Hybrids in the unit may be exchanged for Ork-Genestealer Hybrids for +4 points per model. Ork Genestealer Hybrids gain the Furious Charge special rules. Beast-Genestealer Hybrids: All Human-Genestealer Hybrids in the unit may be exchanged for Beast-Genestealer Hybrids for +4 points per model. Beast Genestealer Hybrids lose access to ranged weapons, and instead count as Beasts.

Transport: Any unit of Human or Ork stock Hybrids may take a Coven Technical


Coven Limousine Squadron Composition 1 3 Coven Limousines Vehicle Type: Open Topped Transport Capacity: 15 Wargear Smoke Launchers Tinted Windows BS FRONT SIDE 3 9 9 REAR 9

FAST ATTACK UNIT 30 POINTS EACH Concealed Weapons A Coven will make use of civilian vehicles as it expands over a Each Coven Limousine is usually configured to have false panels or city, infecting all levels of government and administration. Once recessed grills that conceal its defensive weaponry until it is in a cult has been uncovered the Coven Limousine is a difficult position to strike. The Limousine may have one of the following target to identify as it is identical to many civilian vehicles in use weapons concealed in its body: at the time. Because of this Coven Limousines are able to get closer to the enemy than commanders would like Twin-Linked Bolter Open-Topped: Because of its non-military nature it is classed as Heavy Stubber an open topped vehicle even though it is not necessarily Flamer modelled as such. Tinted Windows: Because a Coven Limousine is almost impossible to distinguish from normal civilian traffic, the vehicle benefits from the Scout universal special rule.

The Imperium remains the galactic empire under which the majority of humanity is united. The founder and ruler of the Imperium is the god-like Emperor, the most powerful human psychic to date. Founding the Imperium ten thousand years ago, he continues, at least nominally, to lead it. The Imperium is the largest and most powerful political entity in the galaxy, consisting of at least a million worlds, which are dispersed across most of the galaxy. Consequently, an Imperial planet might be separated from its closest neighbour by hundreds or thousands of light years. As a stellar empire, the size of the Imperium cannot be measured in terms of continuous territory, but only in the number of planetary systems in its control. When choosing an army to fight for the Imperium, you must use one of the Codexes detailed below. In all cases the most recent edition of the army Codex will be used. These are the only armies permitted in this Faction during the weekend. If you have any further questions regarding army selection, please contact the event organisers before the weekend and check the forums at The published Codices used in this campaign for the Imperium are: Codex Blood Angels, Codex Black Templars, Codex Dark Angels, Codex Imperial Guard, Codex Grey Knights, Codex Space Marines and Codex Space Wolves. Furthermore the Cult Mechanicus Codex found on the Tempus Fugitives website is used. All supplementary rules to your Codex can be found in this pack with the exception of the Vanguard Siege Assault army list for Space Marines which can be found in Imperial Armour Volume 10. Allied detachments may be chosen from any of the above Codexes. There are several units which may be taken by this faction during the Tyrannic War campaign. They are detailed on the following pages and are considered fully usable for this narrative campaign weekend. However, they are not to be considered official in any way outside of the Tyrannic War narrative campaign weekend. Where a unit is restricted to one sub-faction, it is clearly indicated in the unit entry.


WS 6 BS 5 S 4 T 4 W 3 I 5 A 3 LD 10 Sv 3+ Special Rules Deathwatch Eternal Warrior Independent Character Special Issue Ammunition (see Codex: Space Marines)



Watch-Captain Mathias Unit Composition 1 (Unique) Unit Type Infantry

Wargear (see Codex: Space Marines) Xenotech Phase Blade (Power Weapon, Ignore Inv Saves) Combi-Melta Power Armour Bolt Pistol Deathwatch: Models with this rule have the And They Shall Know Iron Halo No Fear, Deep Strike, Move through Cover and Counter Attack Frag and Krak Grenades abilities. Units with the Deathwatch special rule count as scoring.


Watch Librarian Shaidan Unit Composition 1 (Unique) Unit Type Infantry WS 5 BS 4 S 4 T 4 W 2 I 4 A 3 LD 10 Sv 3+

HQ UNIT Special Rules Deathwatch Independent Character Epistolary Psyker Eternal Warrior Special Issue Ammunition (see Codex: Space Marines)


Wargear (see Codex: Space Marines) Valeria Master Crafted Force Weapon Psychic Hood Power Armour Combi-Melta Bolt Pistol Frag and Krak Grenades

Deathwatch Blackshields: On occasion an astartes will present themselves to a Watch station with no markings on their armour to indicate their Chapter of origin. It is traditional to induct these warriors and ask no questions of their past. As Blackshields their life is now forever dedicated to the Deathwatch. Since the Badab War a large number of warriors have presented themselves to Watch Librarian Shaidan, perhaps sensing a kindred spirit. As a result, if you include Watch Librarian Shaidan in your army, you may include an additional Deathwatch squad. These additional marines should bear no Chapter markings.


Deathwatch Marine Unit Composition (Unique) 5 Deathwatch Marines Unit Type Infantry Transport: The Squad may take a Drop Pod; Razorback or Rhino as a dedicated transport at the cost indicated in Codex Space Marines. WS 4 BS 4 S 4 T 4 W 1 I 4 A 2 LD 10 Sv 3+



Wargear (see Codex: Space Marines) Bolter Power Armour Bolt Pistol Close Combat Weapon Frag and Krak Grenades Special Rules (see Codex: Space Marines) Deathwatch Special Issue Ammunition

Deathwatch Options (may be purchased for any model with the Deathwatch special rule including Mathias and Shaidan): Any model may replace their bolter with a flamer for free, a combi-weapon for +5 points or a Storm Shield for +20 points. Any model may replace their Close Combat Weapon with a Power Sword for +10 points, a Lightning Claw for +15 points; a Power Fist for + 20 points or a pair of Lightning Claws or a Thunder Hammer for +25 points. One model in the unit that has not replaced their close combat weapon may replace their bolter with a melta gun for +5 points or a heavy flamer or plasma gun for +10 points. One model in the unit that has not replaced their close combat weapon may replace their bolter with a with a melta gun for +5 points or a heavy flamer, multi-melta or a plasma gun for +10 points or an assault cannon, lascannon, or heavy bolter with suspensors for +20 points. A Heavy Bolter with suspensors gives the model the Relentless special rule and may also fire Hellfire Shells (See C:SM). Any model may be equipped with Combat Shields for +10 points per model. The entire unit may exchange Move through Cover and Deep Strike rules with Skilled Rider and Space Marine Bikes for + 20 points per model. The Deathwatch marines ranged weapon (not bolt pistol) is mounted on the bike. The bike has no other weapons.

Watch Captain Mathias

Fifth tour seconded from the Ultramarines 7th Company


Ordo Xenos Interrogator Jokaero Weaponsmith Mystic Unit Composition Any Deathwatch squad may include a Deathwatch Advisor of each type. Unit Type Infantry WS 4 1 3 BS 4 3 3 S 3 2 3 T 3 3 3 W 1 1 1 I 3 3 3 A 3 1 1 LD 10 8 8 Sv 4+ 5+



For details of Special Rules see Codex: Grey Knights. Special Rules (Ordo Xenos Interrogator) Stubborn (applies to unit) Deep Strike Special Rules (Jokaero) Inconceivable Customisation Jokaero Ingenuity Deep Strike Special Rules (Mystic) Psychic Beacon Deep Strike Psyker

For details of Wargear see Codex: Grey Knights. The Interrogator has all the Wargear options available to an Ordo Xenos Inquisitor. Wargear (Ordo Xenos Interrogator) Bolt Pistol and Chainsword Carapace Armour Frag and Krak Grenades Wargear (Jokaero) Digital Weapons and Defence Orbs Wargear (Mystic) Flak Armour and Las Pistol

The work of the Deathwatch requires many diverse skills and abilities. It is an unusual situation that the Deathwatch faces where the heroism and superhuman abilities of the Astartes are insufficient to overcome it. That said it is an arrogant Watch Captain who does not at least consider the assistance of the Ordo Xenos and their plethora of human and alien followers.


BS Deathwatch Stormraven 4 FRONT 12 SIDE 12 REAR 12



Unit Composition (Unique) 1 3 Deathwatch Stormraven Vehicle Type Flyer (Hover Mode) Transport Capacity: 12 and/or 1 Walker

Usually found in service to the Blood Angels Chapter, it was Watch Captain Zedrenael, who brought the first Stormraven into the service of the Deathwatch. So exceptional was the performance of these craft that Watch Commanders across the Segmentum soon acquired a limited number for wider use. With Deathwatch crew, sometimes the only assistance a Watch Keep can provide is a lone Stormraven gunship. Usually it is more than enough. Assault Ramp: Units disembarking from a Stormraven may assault on the same turn it lands. You cannot assault after deep striking.

Ceramite Shielding: In order to resist the heat of atmospheric entry a Stormraven has thick ceramite shielding. Melta Bombs and weapons with the Melta special rule never roll an extra dice for armour penetration against a Stormraven. Special Rules:

Wargear Twin-linked Assault Cannon or Twin-linked Lascannon or Twin-linked Missile Launchers or Twin-linked Plasma Cannon Four under-wing Kraken Penetrator Missiles Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter or Twin-Linked Multi-Melta

Ceramite Shielding Extra Armour Power of the Machine Spirit Deep Strike Assault Vehicle Searchlight Locator Beacon

Hurricane of the Deathwatch: Each Stormraven in the squadron may be equipped with Hurricane Bolter Sponsons for +45 points per Stormraven. These Hurricane Bolters benefit from Special Issue Ammunition.

Kraken Penetrator missiles: 72 range Strength 8 AP 1


Storm Trooper Major WS 4 BS 4 S 3 T 3 W 3 I 3 A 3 LD 9 Sv 4+

COMPANY COMMAND SQUAD UPGRADE Special Rules Senior Officer First rank FIRE! Second rank FIRE! orders also apply to Hot Shot weapons. Deep Strike Special Operations Hot Shot - All Lasgun and Las Pistols in the Command squad are replaced with Hot Shot weapons. Carapace All models in Company Command Squad gain Carapace Armour Lightning Strike: The Storm Trooper Command squad cannot include Heavy Weapon Teams.


Unit Composition Any Company Command Squad may replace its Commander with a Storm Trooper Major. Unit Type Infantry

Wargear Hot Shot Laspistol Power Fist Frag and Krak Grenades Refractor Field

Storm Trooper Company: Storm Trooper Squads count as Troop Choices in an army led by a Storm Trooper Major.


Colonel Kartor WS 4 BS 4 S 3 T 3 W 3 I 3 A 3 LD 9 Sv 4+ Special Rules Stubborn (applies to unit) Senior Officer Preferred Enemy Tyranids



Unit Composition (Unique) One Company Commander in a Command Squad may be upgraded to Colonel Kartor. Unit Type Infantry

Wargear Gauntlets of Imho (count as Lightning Claws) Carapace Armour Refractor Field Frag Grenades

Rolling Drunk: Drinking of the particularly noxious Redcap brew is encouraged by Kartor and as a result his squad gains the Fleet and Furious Charge special rules but always moves as though in difficult terrain. Supreme Vanity: Take a leadership test at the start of each turn that Colonel Kartor is not in combat or fleeing. If the test fails, the unit may take no actions or issue any orders while the Colonel checks his appearance in his field glass.



HQ UNIT Special Rules And They Shall Know No Fear Independent Character Combat Tactics Psyker Mastery Level 3 Pyromancer Knows all the powers from the Pyromancy Discipline. May reroll psychic tests when attempting to use those psychic powers.


VelCona Unit Composition 1 (Unique) Unit Type Infantry

Wargear Firewyrm (Master Crafted Force Weapon) Combi-Flamer or Combi Melta Artificer Armour or Terminator Armour Psychic Hood Mantle of the Salamander (gives Eternal Warrior)

Chapter Tactics: If you include Chief Librarian VelCona then all units in your army lose the Combat Tactics spec ial rule. Instead all thunder hammers in your army will count as master crafted, and all flamer, heavy flamers, melta guns and multi-meltas count as twin-linked. If more than one character in your army has the Chapter Tactics special rule then you must choose which version will apply.


AN ARMY USING CODEX BLACK TEMPLARS MAY INCLUDE THIS CHARACTER WS 6 BS 5 S 4 T 4 W 2 I 5 A 3 LD 10 Sv 2+ Special Rules And They Shall Know No Fear It Will Not Die Independent Character Rites of Battle



Jacques Draco Unit Composition 1 (Unique) Unit Type Infantry

Wargear Chalcedon (+2 Strength Power Sword) Molay (Bolter always wounds on 2+) Artificer Armour (2+ Save) Protection of St Solem (4+ Inv) Bionics and Crusader Seals Frag and Krak Grenades

Options: Castellan Draco may take a Command Squad but not a Terminator Command Squad. Vow to the Emperor: Templars do not need to take the Emperors Champion in their Vanguard Force. Draco may purchase a Vow in the same manner as the Emperors Champion. If this is done so, you may not include the Emperors Champion in the army, Draco counts as the Champion instead.




HQ UNIT 200 POINTS AN ARMY USING CODEX SPACE MARINES MAY INCLUDE EITHER OF THESE CHARACTERS. YOU MAY INCLUDE BOTH CAPTAIN THRACIAN AND CHAPTER MASTER THORCYRA BUT IF YOU DO SO ONLY THORCYRA CARRIES THE EMPERORS SCYTHE AND THRACIAN INSTEAD IS EQUIPPED WITH A RELIC BLADE. Among the planets overwhelmed by the locust-tide of Tyranid hive fleet Kraken was the chapter's homeworld Sotha. Even for a well-defended Chapter planet, there was little hope against such vast numbers and relentless hunger, and in the end the Chapter brethren were killed in the last stand on the planet. All brethren were presumed destroyed, but a small number had escaped in order to preserve their chapter and gene-seed. Sotha, along with so many other planets in the inexorable advance of the Kraken, was reduced to the state of an asteroid by the Tyranid swarms. Two hundred Marines broke through the Tyranid assault. With much of the region overwhelmed by the Tyranids, there was nowhere to escape. The last of the Scythes eventually landed on the death world of Miral. Somewhere on the surface of this planet, a huge rocky outcrop called the Giant's Coffin rose from the jungle. The surviving forces of the Scythes prepared to make this their final stronghold. The Giant's Coffin was a tremendous natural citadel whose steep cliffs would slow the invaders and the rocky promontories would provide excellent firing positions for heavy weapons. Although the defences of the Scythes were strong they were still overwhelmed. Chapter Master Thorcyra met his end on Miral and the Scythes were forced to withdraw under the command of Captain Thracian.

Chapter Master Thorcyra Captain Thracius Thracian Unit Composition 1 (Unique) Unit Type Infantry

WS 6 6

BS 5 5

S 4 4

T 4 4

W 4 3

I 5 5

A 4 4

LD 10 10

Sv 2+ 2+

Options: Thorcyra is a Chapter Master and as such you may include an Honour Guard if your army has him present. Thracian is a Captain and may take a Command Squad. Chapter Tactics: Pragmatic and determined, if you include Thracius Thracian and/or Chapter Master Thorcyra then all units in your army exchange the Combat Tactics special rule for the Preferred Enemy (Tyranids) special rule. If more than one character in your army has the Chapter Tactics special rule you must choose which will apply. Last Stand of Thorcyra: An army that includes Chaptaer Master Thorcyra may take Sternguard Veterans Squads and Terminator Squads as Troop choices. However any unit taken as such loses the Deep Strike special rule if they have them and may not select a Drop Pod as a dedicated transport. Emperors Scythe: In his last official act, Master Thorcyra passed this weapon to Captain Thracian of the Third Company, the only Captain of the Chapter still alive. Rather than using their own Attack value, a model using the Emperors Scythe may, if they wish, instead make a number of attacks equal to the number of enemy models in base contact will them. Range Strength +2 AP 2 Type Melee, Unwieldy, Two Handed

Wargear Emperors Scythe Artificer Armour or Terminator Armour Storm Bolter Iron Halo Special Rules And They Shall Know No Fear Independent Character Combat Tactics Warlord Trait Veterans of the Tyrannic War: The character and any unit he leads gains the Hatred (Tyranids) special rule.


AN ARMY USING CODEX SPACE MARINES OR CODEX BLOOD ANGELS MAY INCLUDE THIS CHARACTER WS 6 BS 5 S 4 T 4 W 3 I 5 A 3 LD 10 Sv 4+ Special Rules And They Shall Know No Fear Combat Tactics Infiltrate Scout Independent Character



Scout Captain Unit Composition 1 Unit Type Infantry

Wargear Bolt Pistol Chainsword Scout Armour Iron Halo Camo Cloak Frag and Krak Grenades Options: Paden Baal has all the options available to a Space Marine Captain with the exception that he cannot take Artificer Armour, a Jump Pack or Terminator Armour. Command Squads may replace their power armour for scout armour and infiltrate for no additional cost.

Scout Company: Scout Squads may be upgraded to Valedictorian Scout Squads for +10 points per squad. The Valedictorians count as Elite Choices and gain +1 WS and +1 BS. Two Valedictorian Scouts in each squad may be armed with a plasma pistol or flamer at +10 points per model. Valedictorian Scout Squads count as scoring units.





Orion Primus Unit Composition 1 (Unique) Unit Type Infantry

Wargear Pax (Master Crafted Power Axe) Artificer Armour Storm Bolter & Bolt Pistol Frag and Krak Grenades Iron Halo

Special Rules And They Shall Know No Fear Combat Tactics Inspiring Presence (counts as a Chapter Banner) Independent Character Options: As commander of the 5 Company, Captain Primus may take a Command Squad.

In the time leading up to the cataclysm the Eldar refer to as the Fall, not all the Eldar that remained on the homeworlds fell into the lure of Slaanesh. Many remained, struggling to turn their species from its doomed path. Unable to do so, several of the greatest Seers caught glimpses of the darkness to come, and undertook a titanic effort to save their people. For each Eldar homeworld a gigantic ship was created, sung from Wraithbone and so massive to be nearly a planetoid itself. The last uncorrupted people from each world were loaded onto these ships, along with works of art, plant life and animals, all that could be saved. In these Craftworlds (as they came be known) the final Eldar Exodus began, and only barely in time. The psychic shockwave caught some of the Craftworlds and destroyed them, while others were pulled into orbit around what became the Eye of Terror. The rest drift through the galaxy, their exact number uncertain, as contact became difficult and intermittent. The Eldar are an aloof and unpredictable presence in the galaxy. They attack without apparent provocation to achieve their own enigmatic goals. There are reports of Imperial convoys being defended from Ork raids by nimble Eldar wraithships only to later be destroyed by their would-be saviours after sheltering in a nearby system. Now that the powerful Craftworld of Iyanden is under attack by the Tyranid menace, how the capricious Eldar will react is anyones guess When choosing an army to fight for the Eldar the most recent edition of the army Codex will be used. If you have any further questions regarding army selection, please contact the event organisers before the weekend and check the forums at The published Codex used in this campaign for the Eldar is: Codex Eldar. Eldar may use the Corsair list from Imperial Armour (and may include Prince Yriel as an HQ choice if they wish). Furthermore the Exodite Codex and Harlequin Codex found on the Tempus Fugitives website are used. Allied detachments may be taken from these Codexes.

When choosing an army to fight for the Tau Empire the most recent edition of the army Codex will be used. If you have any further questions regarding army selection, please contact the event organisers before the weekend and check the forums at The published Codices used in this campaign for the Tau Empire are: Codex Tau Empire. You may take any of the special characters from Codex Tau Empire. There are several units which may be taken by the armies of the Tau Empire during the Tyrannic War campaign. They are detailed below and are considered fully usable for this narrative campaign weekend. The following changes are made to the Tau Empire during the narrative campaign: The Barracuda can be upgraded to a Barracuda Alpha at a cost of +45pts per flyer. A Barracuda Alpha is identical to a Barracuda except it has 3 Hull Points and an Advanced Targeting System


Commander OTaka Unit Composition 1 (Unique) Unit Type Jet Pack Infantry (Character) WS 4 BS 5 S 5 T 5 W 4 I 4 A 4 LD 10 Sv 3+ Special Rules Independent Character Very Bulky Supporting Fire

HQ UNIT Warlord Trait Through Boldness, Victory


Wargear XV-9 Hazard Armour (Blacksun Filter, Defensive Grenades, Multi-Tracker) Railgun Arc Projector Target Lock Multi-Tracker Vectored Retro-Thrusters Shield Generator Two Shield Drones

Arc Projector

Range 12

Strength 6

AP 5

Type Assault 4, Concussive

For each to hit roll of a 6 with the Arc Gauntlet, the target suffers two additional automatic hits. The additional hits are not Precise.

Orks are a warlike, crude and highly aggressive greenskinned alien race. Orks are the dominant subspecies of the Orkoids, which includes the smaller Gretchin and Snotlings. Although their society is entirely primitive and brutal, the Ork race is also the most successful species in the whole galaxy, spread throughout the galaxy and outnumbering possibly every other race. However, due to this aggressive and warlike nature, the massive race is split into hundreds of tiny empires, warring as much between themselves as against other races. In the purely theoretical event all the Orks were to unite, they would undoubtedly crush all opposition. The basic Ork is a muscle-bound, hulking monster capable of ripping a man apart with its bare hands. Their battle scarred green skin is tough and highly resistant to pain. In combat they can transform even the most common object into a lethal killing instrument. Orks aren't the brightest creatures in the galaxy, but they do possess a certain low cunning that can catch an overconfident commander off guard. In a word, the Orks are built for war. When choosing an army to fight for the Orks the most recent edition of the army Codex will be used. If you have any further questions regarding army selection, please contact the event organisers before the weekend and check the forums at The published Codex used in this campaign for the Orks is: Codex Orks.

The Forces of Chaos are wide ranging but all draw their power and direction from the Warp. Also known as the Immaterium, the Warp is an alternate dimension of purely psychic energy that echoes and underlies the familiar four dimensions of the material universe. It is the source of all psychic powers and known instances of so-called "sorcery" and the home dimension of the Chaos Gods and their myriad Daemonic servants The Forces of Chaos are driven to achieve the myriad schemes and whims of the Dark Gods of Chaos and in doing so corrupt all they encounter. From the towering fallen Astartes of the Chaos Legions to the turncoats of the Traitor Guard to the scrofulous hordes of the mutants and degenerates that flock to their banner, the true strength of Chaos is its ability to turn the best of those who oppose it against themselves. When choosing an army to fight for the Forces of Chaos, you must use one of the Codexes listed below. In all cases the most recent edition of the army Codex will be used. These are the only armies permitted in this Faction during the weekend. If you have any further questions regarding army selection, please contact the event organisers before the weekend and check the forums at The published Codices used in this campaign for the Forces of Chaos are: Codex Chaos Daemons, Codex Chaos Space Marines and Codex Imperial Guard. All supplementary rules to your Codex can be found in this pack. Allied Detachments may be selected from any of the above Codexes.

The Dark Eldar are pure evil in its most sickening and elemental sense. Sadists and murders all, they infest the hidden city of Commorragh, a hellish realm far from the eyes of mortal men. Their lightning-fast terror attacks upon realspace are legendary, for the act of war gives them literal sustenance, prolonging their lives and filling their slender frames with stolen energies until they can move like quicksilver and shrug off bullet wounds with hollow laughter.

Dark Eldar are steeped in ancient and unnatural evil. They have chosen this path for themselves and revel in their own cruelty, drawing physical sustenance from the infliction of pain. What happens to the captives they bring back to Commorragh is best left undescribed. They are vain, devious and utterly selfserving with no respect for any living creatures, not even themselves. The systems around the Maelstrom are easy prey for the Great Kabals of the Dark Eldar. The Imperium cannot hope to be focussed everywhere and it only takes for the moment a patrol ship to leave a system for the skies to darken over the worlds and the raiders, ravagers, razorwings and voidravens swoop in. When choosing an army to fight for the Dark Eldar the most recent edition of the army Codex will be used. If you have any further questions regarding army selection, please contact the event organisers before the weekend and check the forums at The published Codex used in this campaign for the Dark Eldar is: Codex Dark Eldar. All supplementary rules to your Codex can be found in this pack.

There are several units which may be taken by this faction during the Tyrannic War campaign. They are detailed on the following pages and are considered fully usable for this narrative campaign weekend. However, they are not to be considered official in any way outside of the Tyrannic War narrative campaign weekend.


Warp Hag Slave Psyker Unit Composition 1 Warp Hag 9 Slave Psykers Unit Type Infantry WS 6 2 BS 5 2 S 3 3 T 3 3 W 3 1 I 6 3 A 3 1 LD 10 3 Sv 5+ -

ELITE UNIT Soul Shields - Each time the Warp Hag casts a psychic power make a psychic test. On a roll of any double d6 Slave Psykers have their souls consumed and are removed from play. The Warp Hag herself is immune to Perils of the Warp until she runs out of Slaves. At that point she quite sensibly ceases to use her psychic talent and retires from the battlefield (remove her from play). At that point the unit counts as destroyed. Psyker May choose from the Biomancy or Pyromancy disciplines.

120 POINTS The fear of Slaanesh consuming their souls and the risk of destruction to Commoragh is usually enough to steer Dark Eldar from developing their prodigious psychic talent (as all Eldar have). But a few exceptionally powerful psykers seek alternative methods to bring their talents to further their Kabals goals. Surrounding themselves with enslaved psykers and binding their souls to hers prior to battle ensures that any unwanted attention from the Great Enemy is directed at her them rather than on the Hag herself.

Wargear Ghostplate Armour (Hag only) Splinter Pistol (Hag only) Agoniser (Hag only) Special Rules Fearless (what terrors can death hold?) Soul Shields Mastery Level 2 Night Vision Power From Pain Dedicated Transport May select a Raider for +60 points.

Options May include up to ten additional Slave Psykers at +5 points per model.


Urenomos Unit Composition 1 Unit Type Flying Monstrous Creature WS 4 BS 3 S 7 T 7 W 5 I 4 A 5 LD 10 Sv 3+

HEAVY SUPPORT UNIT Flensing Shrouds: These razor-sharp nets hang under the arms of the Urenomos slashing at all who come into contact with them. But their true horror lies in their effect on their victims after death. Each shroud acts as a soul-ensnaring web which moans and shrieks with the promise of further torment yet to be inflicted. In battle each Shroud counts as a Casket of Flensing.

200 POINTS A much dreaded Haemonculus warmachine. The Urenomos is only encountered in significant numbers near the Maelstrom Zone. Hovering close to the ground, its four foul bewebbed arms twitch constantly as it scours the battlefield looking for the wounded and the weak to strip of flesh and other materials. In aspect it resembles a mantislike machine with large writhing sacks protruding under its shell which speak of its grisly purpose.

Wargear Armoured Carapace Four Close Combat Weapon (attacks already included in profile) Four Flensing Shrouds Two Twin-Linked Liquefier Guns Special Rules Night Vision Power From Pain Fearless It Will Not Die

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