Professional Practice

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PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE Instructor: Architect Abelardo Firmeza COURSE OUTILE: A. Administering the regular services of architecture 1.

Definition of the architects role in the building industry 2. Liabilities and responsibilities 3. Methods of selecting the architect 4. The architectural projects 5. The professional fees 6. Inter-professional relationships B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. A. 1. 2. 3. The spectrum of the architects services The pre-design services The regular design services Specialized allied services Construction services Post-construction services Comprehensive architectural services Design-build services Building Laws The laws regulating the practice of architecture The laws affecting housing, real estate, design, general construction, etc. The general conditions of a contract

ARCHITECT - legally and technically qualified to practice architecture. Legally 1. 21 years old 2. Pass the board exam with an average of 70% and with no day falling below 50% Day 1 30% history of architecture professional practice building tech. Day 2 30% utilities structural Day 3 40% architectural design 3. Registered a. PRC renewable every 3 years during your birth month b. BIR RC residence certificate PTR professional tax receipt OR official receipt c. SEC security exchange committee d. LGU local government unit e. DTI department of trade and industry 4. Filipino

Technically 1. Graduate of BS Architecture


2 years diversified training experience

The Abstra ct World

The Physi cal World

architect 1. Concept 5Ms 2. Document Resources in -reports; pictures; Construction graphics; draw 1. materials 3. Implement 2. money 4. Post Implementation 3. manpower 4. machines 5. minutes CODES OF ETHICS 1. General objectives 2. Ideals 3. Success 4. Remuneration 5. Interest of the clients 6. Professional prerogatives 7. Business venture 8. Behavior 9. Criticism 10. Creative endeavor METHODS OF SELECTION OF ARCHITECT 1. Direct Selection 2. Indirect Selection a. Referral from another architect b. Recommendation from a satisfied client c. Comparative Selection 3. Design Competition CLASSIFICATION OF ARCHITECTURAL PROJECTS 1. NBC use and occupancy (National Building Code) 2. FCP risk of the occurrence of fire (Fire Code of the Philippines) 3. UAP degree of difficulty in design (United Architects of the Philippines) LIST OF ARCHITECTURAL PROJECTS 1. Simple projects 2. Moderate structures 3. Exceptional structures 4. Residential 5. 2Monumental structures

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Repetitive construction Housing projects Extensive detailing Alterations and renovations Consultations and arbitration

Group 1. Simple Projects - requires no interior partitions a. Armories b. Bakery c. Hangar Minimum basic fee: 6% of 50M or less: 50M to 100M: 100M to 200M: example: 55M project the cost 6%=A A+5%=B B+4%

50M 3M 5M 0.25M 55M 3.25M

Group 2. Moderate Structures - have interior partitions a. Art galleries b. City halls c. Libraries d. Supermarkets e. Banks Minimum basic fee: 7% of the cost Group 3. Exceptional Structures - with consultants a. Atomic facilities (physicist) b. Aquarium (marine biologist) c. Mortuary d. Medical facilities / hospital (electrical engineer) Minimum basic fee: 8% Group 4. Residential Minimum basic fee: 10% Notes: ** Condominium Considered as high-rise residential building. According to FCP: a. considered as exceptional b. 15m above is considered a high-rise building that requires consultants for: elevator sprinklers structural engineer Dominant Use

Basis for classification of groupings Example is Mix-Use building

Group 5. Monumental Structures - it requires concept a. expositions b. mausoleums c. museums d. gateways Minimum basic fee: 12% Group 6. Repetitive Construction using one and the same plan without any minute difference used several times includes group 1,2,3,&5 1st unit : MBF of Grp. 1,2,3 or 5 2nd unit : 80% of MBF 3rd unit : 60% of MBF 4th to infinity : 40% of MBF Group 7. Housing Projects includes only houses 1st unit : MBF 2nd 10th unit : (60% of MBF x N) = B 11th infinity : B+(30% of MBF x N) where: N = no. of units Group 8. Extensive Detailing includes detailing of furniture, cabinets, landscapes and interior Minimum basic fee: 15% Group 9. Alterations and Renovations includes groups Minimum basic fee: MBF + 50% of MBF example:

Group 10. Consultation and Arbitration architect is entitled to receive payment on clients when giving an opinion regarding architectural terms as of 1979: P200.00 per hour rate METHODS OF COMPENSATION


Percentage of construction cost - based on minimum basic fee 2. Multiple of Direct Personnel Expense (MDPE) - none creative no-construction projects. - ex. feasibility studies Architect: NRTMf Consultants: NRTMf Staff: NRTMf Professional Fee: Direct Cost + MP + RE where: T : time spend on the project N : number of person R : rate Mf: multiplying factor (2.0-2.5) RE: reimbursable expenses MP: margin of profit -not more than or equal to 30%

- reimbursable expenses a. mutual agreement b. pertinent to the project c. occur outside of the 100Km radius from the base of operation or office 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Lump Sum + Fixed Fee - convert the cost to the nearest whole number Professional Fee + Costs Combination Method - combination of 1,2,3&4 Per Diem Turn Key - payments received after all the works has been done

Note: ** 15 days receive payment after all the working drawings have been submitted. SCHEDULE OF PAYMENT Contractor 1. downpayment: 20% - 50% 2. progressive payment: based on partial complition 3. guaranteed bond: punch listing inspect the building upon completion Specialized Allied Services 1. proposal phase: 5% 2. submission and acceptance of preliminary drawings: 25% 3. submission and acceptance of final drawings: 50% 4. retention fee: 20% total 100% Architect 1. proposal phase 2. schematic design phase 5% 15%

3. 4. 5.

submittance of design development phase contract document phase construction phase or retention fee total

15% 50% 15% 100%

Notes: ** To get the proposal phase of the architect from the lot area, determine the buildable area buildable area = lot area open spaces ** rule of thumb: 30% open area ex. buildable area: 100sqm 30sqm : 70sqm : P20,000 x 70 : P1,400,000.00 AE (architectural/engineering fee): 10% : 140,000.00 proposal phase of 5% = P7,000.00 THE SPECTRUM OF THE ARCHITECTS SERVICES UAP Doc. 201 The pre-Design Services - non-creative projects (MDPE) Economic feasibility studies Physical planning services Architectural programming services Site selection and analysis Site utilization and land-use Space management Promotional services UAP Doc. 202 Regular Design Services - sequential process Schematic design phase -integrated regular engineering services Design development phase Contract document phase General conditions Agreement Specifications Special Provisions Drawings Construction phase Milestones of Construction 1. Establishment of References a. horizontal references

- lot plan, benchmark vertical references - positioning of elevations staking plan positioning of wood as marks for the start of digging and excavation. b.

2. 3.

Excavation - supervised by the architect and the structural engineer Reinforcements - check size of bars, spacing, splicing and number of bars.

Support bars for installation of slab reinforcement: sapatos or spacer

4. 5.

Concreting Finishing

UAP Doc. 203 Specialized Allied Services - requires consultants, having specified licenses Physical planning services Interior design Landscape architecture Acoustics, communications and electronics Comprehensive planning services Note: Estimate ** structural: P50.00 P80.00 per sqm A. Physical Planning Services 3 types: 1. Site Development Planning - as of 1979: P5,000.00/has


Subdivision Planning in the Urban Area - as of 1979: P3,000.00/has

Subdivision planning subdividing or parceling of large lots into smaller lots. 3. Subdivision Planning in the Rural Area - as of 1979: P2,000.00/has civil works - get paid 4% of the cost of the work - additional 30% if the terrain is rugged B. Interior Design 2 types: 1. Interior Decoration - mainly furniture 2. Interior Design/Architecture - combination or integration of furniture to its location minimum basic fee: 12% - 20% of the cost of the work 15% is mostly used C. Landscape Architecture Minimum basic fee: 10% - 15% D. Acoustics, Communications and Electronics Minimum basic fee: 10% - 15% E. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Comprehensive Planning Physical planning services Economic planning services Socio-cultural planning services Transportation and utilities planning services - roads and bridges Legal and administrative - includes form of government

UAP Doc. 204 Construction Services F Cm Pm full-time supervision: 1% - 1-1/2% - supervision of the architect on site or its representative from 8am 5pm construction management: 1-1/2% - 3% project management: 2% - 5%

UAP Doc. 205 Post-Construction Services - making the structure habitable and has occupancy permit Be Bg Bldg. and equipment maintenance Bldg. and grounds administration

PAYMENT SCHEMES 1. Salary method 2. 45 to 6% of the gross monthly rentals UAP Doc. 206 Comprehensive Architectural Services - inclusion of UAP Doc. 201 - 205 - package services UAP Doc. 207 Design-Build Services - guaranteed maximum cost 10% a. Design-build administration b. Design-build guaranteed maximum cost Contractor holds the money purchase the materials payment for laborers Builder compute the payroll submit computed payroll to the owner canvass and identify suppliers no responsibilities in holding the money UAP Doc. 301: GENERAL CONDITIONS OF A CONTRACT It establishes the relationship between: Owner-Architect, Owner-Contractor(s), and Contractor-Architect. It stipulates the norms by which the contractor shall perform his work in accordance with the current trends in the practice of Architecture. Section 1. Definition and Documents Article 1. Definitions Article 2. Execution, Correlation and Intent of Document Article 3. Drawings and Specifications b. As-built c. Detailed Drawings d. Shop Drawings e. Working Drawing Notes: Construction

** 6 to 8 - distances of nails ** Every 4 - distances of rivet at ridge roll for roofing 5 Sets of Blue Prints 1 office of the building official 1 contractor 1 owner 1 fire department 1 site: Only the architect can use the copy at the site. May cause termination of the contractor in case of lost or mishandled. Well-kept at the site. Protected by electrical tape, binded by wood and screw and supported by acetate cover.

Additional 4 copies of blue prints 1- homeowner association 1- security of homeowner association ex: town house, condominium, subdivision, etc. 2 lending institution a. file b. appraiser ** 9 copies are free of charge and the succeeding copies are payable. Conflicts on drawings and specifications or text specifications or text will prevail if not stated on drawings and specification, the contractor has the right to do it in the most expensive manner, still the materials have to be approved by the architect. Section 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 2 Laws Regulations Site Conditions - the architect should do ocular inspection of the site Permits - responsibility of the contractor to provide permit on his own expense Taxes - whoever gains pays tax Insurance a. life insurance b. property insurance Survey - actual verification of size of the lots at the cost of the owner - re-survey when problem occur but at his own expense

Section 3. Equipment and Materials o Equipments written on quotation submitted by the contractor must comply with actual usage. o Materials should follow what is written on specifications. Section 4. Premises and Temporary Facilities o Define by property line o Consideration of safety of adjacent lots and users. Temporary Facilities 1. warehouse 2. bankhouse or barracks - for stay-in workers 3. office - for architects negotiations 4. utilities - water, electrical sources, etc. 5. access - road, pathways, etc. 6. trial usage 7. enclosures 8. signage - falling debris - park at your own risk Section 5. Protection of Work and Property Section 6 1. Labor a. b. 2. Work

Quantity: no. of worker, lesser the worker when construction is almost finish Quality: proper work designation such as painter, carpenter, steel man, etc.

- based on specifications and plans

duration include liquidated damages which means delayed construction to be deducted to the fee. a. working days Monday to Friday b. calendar days number of days including Saturday, Sunday and holidays 3. Payment - no payment shall be made without the approval of the architect. Notes: ** duration starts counting 7 days after the acceptance of NTP notice to proceed. ** within 7 days: mobilization and materials were prepared. ** immediately means 5 days ** s-curve allowable deficiency is 10% Contractor 1. Certificate of completion (partial) 2. Request for Inspection 3. Billing 4. Certificate of Non-Financial When accepted

- the architect furnish certificates to the owner: 1. Certificate of acceptance 2. Certificate of payment Notes: ** the contractor may not be paid till 90 days before he go to court. ** substantial completion (98%): the contractor may e paid 100% Section 7. Contractor-Separate; Contractors-Subcontractors relations Section 8. Suspension of Work People who can suspend work: owner and contractor 1. Owner a. Bankruptcy declared by BIR b. Insubordination not following orders c. Non payment 2. Contractor a. Government stoppage of work b. Non action of request drawings materials inspection c. Non payment of workers or materials Notes: Involving numbers ** 5 days means immediately ** 7 days NTP notice to proceed ** 10 days request for materials and drawings notice (stop, begin or resume) ** 15 days money matters (request for inspection, payments, salary and wages) ** 30 days arbitration ** 90 days government stoppage ** 120 days Building Permit (stoppage) ** 365 days Building Permit (without construction) 3 consecutive board examination failures guaranteed bond reinstatement ** 3 years renewal of license ** 15 years liability of architect to his project BUILDING LAWS Practice of Architecture 1. RA 545 The Architectural Law 2. PD 49 Intellectual Property Law 3. PD 223 The Law that created the PRC ** Hon. Antonieta Fortuna-Ibe (head) 4. LOI 1000 The letter of Inspection Mandating Government support only to the A.P.O. 5. EO 164 The Executive order regulating the hiring of foreign consultants Article 1. Organization Article 2. Registration and Exam ** Qualifications a. 21 years old

b. c. d. e.

Filipino Graduate of BS Architecture 2 years diversified experience High-School Graduate

Article 3. Sundry Provision a. Foreigners cannot practice if there is no reciprocity b. Corporation cannot practice architecture c. Architect whos employed by the government cannot practice architecture privately Termination of License 1. Fraudulent Acts 2. Scandalous Acts 3. Criminal Acts a. Life b. Property 4. Unsound mind 5. Violation of Code of Ethics Note: Designers ** ADB Building Skidmore, Owings and Merrill (SOM) ** Bureau of Soil Japanese architect ** Lung Center and Health Center George Ramos ** World Trade Center Minoro Yamasaki ** Only the architect may sign the Architectural Plans LAWS THAT AFFECTS HOUSING, GEN. CONSTRUCTION, DESIGN, REAL ESTATE, ETC. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. PD 1096 The National Building Code PD 957 The Condominium and Subdivision Buyers Protective Law BP 220 The Socialized Housing Law BP 344 The Law Enhancing the Mobility of the Disabled (The Accessibility Law) PD 1185 The Fire Code of the Philippines

Notes: ** former president Ferdinand Marcos signed most of these laws ** Architect Roberto Pentong Gaite architect to juries ** Building Permit issued to buildings having a cost of P15,000.00 of indigenous materials ** Hon. Florante Soriquez secretary of DPWH PRIORITY CHAPTERS TO STUDY NBC: 1. Chapter 2. Chapter 3. Chapter 4. Chapter 5. Chapter 6. Chapter 1 General Provision 2 Adm. and Enforcement 3 Permits and Inspection 7- Classification and Use 8 Light and Ventilation 12 Gen. Design and Construction


Apprentice Designer Draftsman - signed by Filipino architect - current and valid ITR - under minimum of 6 months work with architect - maximum of four architects to sign the logbook - 3840 hours - while studying, 4 hours a day may count - 8 hours a day when working - overtime, Saturday and Sundays are not included - submission of logbook is 30 days before the board exam

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