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A conversation with Michael Gazarik

Expanding customer base for space payloads

June 2013
sneaks into
Tours of the San Diego Low Speed Wind Tunnel
and Triumphs Aerospace Force Measurement
Systems available.
(Additional tickets required)
2427 June 2013
Sheraton San Diego Hotel
San Diego, California
43rd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit
44th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference
44th AIAA Thermophysics Conference
31st AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference
21st AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference
5th AIAA Atmospheric and Space Environments Conference
AIAA Ground Testing Conference
The AIAA Summer Fluids Conferences are
held to provide a forum for technical exchange
and interaction among scientists, engineers, and
professionals from industrial, governmental, and
academic technical communities who participate
in scientic research and development in the
aerospace engineering and uid dynamics
disciplines. Joint sessions provide conference
attendees with an opportunity to interact with
unique groups of professionals from diverse yet
interrelated technical disciplines.
Aerospace America (ISSN 0740-722X) is published monthly, except August, by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. at 1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Reston, Va. 20191-4344
[703/264-7500]. Subscription rate is 50% of dues for AIAA members (and is not deductible therefrom). Nonmember subscription price: U.S. and Canada, $163, foreign, $200. Single copies
$20 each. Postmaster: Send address changes and subscription orders to address above, attention AIAA Customer Service, 703/264-7500. Periodical postage paid at Herndon, VA, and
at additional mailing offices. Copyright 2013 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., all rights reserved. The name Aerospace America is registered by the AIAA in the U.S.
Patent and Trademark Office. 40,000 copies of this issue printed. This is Volume 51, No. 6.
June 2013
AIAA Meeting Schedule B2
AIAA Courses and Training Program B4
AIAA News B5
Call for Papers B17
With threat environments rapidly growing more dangerous, UCAVs will
almost inevitably feature stealth.
by J.R. Wilson
Unmanned helicopters prepare for a flyoff to demonstrate advanced
navigation packages from two competing UAV makers.
by Ben Iannotta
Under NASAs ACCESS project, researchers are seeking to minimize
the adverse effects of contrails.
by J.R. Wilson
Time to roll up our sleeves.
Europe goes full tilt for electric helicopters.
Washington and the sequester.
with Michael Gazarik.
Regional jets: Running to stay in place.
ERA Phase 2: A descending hush.
Expanding customer base for space payloads.
An X-47B is transported on an aircraft elevator aboard the aircraft carrier Harry S. Truman. To learn more about the
new UCAVs, turn to page 28. USN photo courtesy of Northrop Grumman by Alan Radecki.
Page 4
Page 14
Page 22
Page 40
Page 34
Page 20
Page 46
1417 July 2013
San Jose
Convention Center
San Jose, California
Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit (JPC)
Advancing Propulsion Capabilities
in a New Fiscal Reality
11th International Energy Conversion
Engineering Conference (IECEC)
Organized by
Register at:
NEW! Now Offering
ITAR Sessions
Its getting crowded up there.
After several generations spent polluting our oceans and streams and
fouling the air, we inhabitants of the planet finally took a long, hard look
around and collectively began taking better care of our home. Individually,
we started using more nature-friendly products and processes and began
monitoring our activities more closely with regard to their possible future
environmental impact. More broadly, socially conscious industries began to
seek processes that would leave a smaller manufacturing footprint. For
those less inclined to follow suit, social and ultimately economic pressures
were often brought to bear.
We also began to recognize that we were creating huge piles of trash
while finding fewer and fewer places to dump it. Once again, we began
searching for solutions, using more recyclables and materials that can be
disposed of with little or no negative impact.
There is still a long way to go, and no one nation can do it alone, but
its a good start in reversing the mess we were making of Earth.
Now it is time to turn our attention further skyward. More nations every
year are joining the space community, and low Earth orbit is a popular
destination for constellations of communications and remote sensing
spacecraft. It is also the home of the international space station.
But even as we launch increasing numbers of satellites, so do many of
them pass their useful life. Every year, the orbital debris map gets denser.
LEO is strewn with spent rocket upper stages; dead satellites in decaying
orbits are sharing space with new arrivals just beginning their productive
lives. All of this material will stay in orbit long after their missions end.
Many space agencies have informally adopted a best practice that is
commonly called the 25-year rule, a time limit for the removal of their
equipment from orbit once it has completed its mission. More often than
not, however, the rule is met with a wink and a nod, as launches continue
and retrieval and deorbit are almost nonexistent.
According to some estimates, there are at least 21,000 particles in orbit
exceeding 10 cm in size, big enough to cause a good bit of damage.
Harmful impacts with otherwise viable spacecraft or with the space station
now seem to be a question of when, not if. We compound this problem
by activities like the 2007 Chinese ASAT test. Debris from that test later
damaged an orbiting Russian satellite.
Not long ago, space, even just low Earth orbit, seemed infinite; the
notion that we might one day create an environment that might be so
crowded as to be hazardous to newcomers seemed unthinkable. Yet here
it is. But this orbiting junkyard was the creation of many nations, and so
must be the effort to clean it up. Space agencies around the world must
come together to develop plans for deorbit and retrieval, as well as truly
committing themselves to honoring the 25-year rule. Just as we got in this
mess together, collectively, we can find ways to make it right.
Elaine Camhi
is a publication of the American Institute
of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Elaine J. Camhi
Patricia Jefferson
Associate Editor
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Annalisa Weigel, Fairmont Consulting
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Ned Allen, Jean-Michel Contant,
Eugene Covert, L.S. Skip Fletcher,
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Send materials to Craig Byl, AIAA, 1801
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Send correspondence to [email protected].
June 2013, Vol. 51, No. 6

Time to roll up our sleeves

Europe goes full tilt for electric helicopters
The projects main industrial part-
ners are based in Europe but receive
support from other partners in the U.S.
and Japan. The proof-of-concept vehi-
cle is one of several top-down all-
electric or more electric technology
demonstrators under development in
Europe, pioneered by the major Euro-
pean helicopter manufacturers.
Eurocopter turbos
In October 2011 Eurocopter revealed
it was working on a turboshaft/electric
concept for its light, single-engined
AS350. This approach uses the sup-
plemental electric system to increase
maneuverability of a single-engine
helicopter during an autorotation
landing.In the event of an engine
failure, the electric motor provides
power to the rotor, allowing a pilot to
control the helicopter easily during the
center Cascina Costa in Italy and has
since performed several more unteth-
ered hovering flights. According to the
company, Future hybrid solutions
have also been investigated using a
diesel engine to drive a generator. All
of the aircraft control systems, flight
control, and landing gear actuators are
electrically powered....During cruise,
the wings will provide most of the lift,
with the blended fuselage and shroud
also making a contribution.
Project Zero features detachable
outer wings for missions that will be
performed primarily in helicopter
mode. Elevons enable pitch and roll
control in forward flight, while the V-
tail provides longitudinal stability. The
electrical drive system design elimi-
nates the need for the complex and
heavy transmission system required by
conventional rotorcraft.
an all-electric tilt-rotor technology
demonstrator, was unveiled for the
first time in March. It is the latest in a
line of European advanced programs
that researchers hope will one day
lead to a technically and economically
competitive all-electric rotorcraft.
Designed to hover like a helicop-
ter and convert to a fixed-wing aircraft
in forward flight, Project Zero features
two integrated rotors that can be tilted
through more than 90 degrees. The
aircrafts electric motors are powered
by rechargeable batteries. Its tilt-rotors
can be angled forward into wind
when the Zero is on the ground, al-
lowing them to windmill and recharge
the batteries.
The demonstrator performed its
first unmanned tethered flight in June
of 2011 at AgustaWestlands research
descent to a safe touchdown, accord-
ing to the company.
During 2012 Eurocopter worked
on maturing the basic technology and
evaluating its implementation on the
companys current series production
helicopters. The critical design chal-
lenge has been to develop an electric
power source that is light and power-
ful enough not to penalize the pay-
load performance of the single-engine
aircraft fleet in normal operations. The
work was still proceeding at the start
of this year, and no announcement on
progress was forthcoming. The AS350
hybrid demonstrator features a com-
pact electric motor and a lithium ion
polymer battery installed in the center
area of the helicopter.
Hybrid approaches
Meanwhile, in February, the EADS In-
novation Works (EADS is Eurocopters
parent corporation) published further
outline details on its long-running
concept study of a diesel-electric hy-
brid propulsion system they call the
Avia-Hybrid helicopter.
The aim of the study is to deter-
mine which mix of diesel engines,
generators, batteries, and electric mo-
tors would best enable, by the end of
this decade, the development of a hel-
icopter with fuel consumption around
half that of todays models. The com-
pany is examining various configura-
tions, including combinations of two
and three diesel engines powering
batteries via electric generators, with
the electric motors driving the rotors.
As always with designing electrical
power generation, weight is a key
challenge, and one option being con-
sidered is to remove more standard
components. These might include the
main gearbox, which will be unneces-
sary with a direct electric drive, or the
heavy traditional tail rotor shaft, which
can be replaced by an electric drive
In this configuration, says the com-
pany, Electrical rotor drives of the
main and tail rotors allow for flexible,
power-optimized rotor speed settings
while further reducing fuel consump-
tion. Tilting of the main rotor during
the cruise phase enables the hybrid
helicopter to retain optimum aerody-
namics during cruise, reducing the
power demand and the fuel consump-
tion. Takeoffs and landings are possi-
ble with electrical power only, result-
ing in lower noise levels and im-
proved flight safety.
This is an area of considerable re-
search activity by EADS Innovation
Works. At the September 2012 Berlin
Air Show the company also released
the first details of a hybrid power sys-
tem concept for the Tanan, a tactical
remotely piloted air system (RPAS) un-
der development by EADS Cassidian
division. This hybrid approach com-
bines a heavy-fuel-powered Wankel
SuperTec rotary engine with a shaft-
coupled electric generator; electric
motor drives for the main and tail ro-
tors; a power train control unit for
electric power management; and a
battery providing energy for the air-
crafts electric propulsion system and
on-board systems.
Green Rotorcraft plan
Both AgustaWestland and Eurocopter
are also lead partners in the EC/indus-
try-funded Green Rotorcraft inte-
grated technology demonstrator (ITD)
program. The plan is to produce by
2020 mature technologies that reduce
carbon dioxide emissions over current
levels by 25-40% per mission (for ro-
torcraft powered respectively by tur-
boshaft or diesel engines), and to re-
duce noise sensed on the ground by
10 EPNdB (effective perceived noise
in decibels) or halving the noise foot-
print area by 50%, while protecting
human health and the environment
Project Zero industrial partners
Carbon graphite aircraft exterior surface: Lola Composites (U.K.).
Flight control system and rotor design: Sistemi Dinamici and IDS (Italy).
High-integrity flight control computer and actuator control unit: Selex (Italy), with software
provided by Wind River (U.S.).
Motor inverter and motor control algorithm: Ansaldo Breda (Italy).
Axial flux permanent magnet electric motors: Lucchi R. Elettromeccanica (Italy).
Rotor blade aerodynamics: AgustaWestland (Italy/U.K.) and Rotor Systems Research (U.S.).
Composite structure for the blades, shrouds, and spokes: Advanced Concepts Group and
AgustaWestland (Italy), Japan Asia Technology Center (Japan); fabricated by Uchida (Japan).
High bandwidth electromechanical actuators: Microtecnica (Italy).
Motor cooling system: MB Motorsport, Aerosviluppi (Italy).
Wiring harness and retractable landing gears: Marc-Ingegno (Italy).
Diesel engine alternate electric-hybrid propulsion: Oral Engineering (Italy).
research program to simulate the en-
tire electrical network architecture on
helicopters and small regional aircraft.
The technologies are changing
radically with super-capacitors poten-
tially replacing or partly replacing bat-
teries, plus new power components,
motors, a wide variety of range exten-
ders including fuel cells and multiple
energy harvesting, according to Peter
Harrop, author of Manned Electric
Aircraft 2013-2023: Trends, Projects,
Forecasts, published by IDTechEx in
the U.K. But at the current rate of
progress we dont see pure electric
helicopters becoming available for the
leisure market for at least another 10-
15 years.
Other eorts
Complementing these top-down ap-
proaches by major European manu-
facturers are bottom-up programs of
small all-electric rotorcraft, under de-
velopment in Germany, France, and
throughout the continent.
In August 2011 in Venelles, France,
French aerospace engineer Pascal
Chretien made the first recorded flight
of an all-electric helicopter. He flew a
prototype untethered electric-powered
manned helicopter featuring counter-
rotating rotors, each driven by a
brushed DC motor with lithium-ion
batteries mounted under the pilots
seat. It hovered about 50 cm above
the ground for just over 2 minutes. A
French automotive research company,
Solution F, sponsored the program.
components will use several testbeds,
integrating complete subsystems and
evaluating them on large test rigs dur-
ing 2014 and 2015. The Copper Bird
Test Rig, under construction by His-
pano-Suiza in France, aims to validate
the integration of electrical systems
and equipment, the quality of the en-
ergy generated, the stability of the
electrical network and, more gener-
ally, demonstrate the maturity of tech-
nologies and systems needed for
more electric aircraft, according to
the company. The rig has been up-
graded as part of the EUs Clean Sky
from harmful chemical substances.
One strategic research area within
the ITD is the development of new ar-
chitectures for more electrical helicop-
ters. These include new concepts such
as an electric tail rotor, a brushless
starter generator, electromechanical ac-
tuators, electric taxiing, an electric re-
generative rotor brake, and manage-
ment of energy recovery.
For the past four years, the Green
Rotorcraft program has focused on se-
lecting key research areas and part-
ners to perform specific research
tasks. This year tests on a variety of
Electrical system architecture, electrical network, power management
Required functions and load profiles are established at a vehicle level for
different helicopter classes. The corresponding electrical networks are
selected according to performance metrics such as balancing weight and
engine power performance.
Brushless starter/generator (S/G) for a turboshaft engine
Current S/Gs feature poor energy efficiency and require substantial mainte-
nance, so a prototype brushless machine with the converter to match a
high-voltage network for helicopters is now under development and test.
Energy recovery, conversion, and storage systems
Prototype systems allowing waste energy recovery from several sources are
under development in areas such as heat recovery from engine nozzles and
energy storage systems. These will be tested on ground rigs.
Electromechanical actuation for landing gear
This research will provide an alternative solution for taxiing a helicopter
without rotor spinning (safety, fuel saving) and without hydraulic power.
Electromechanical actuation for primary flight control
The eventual removal of hydraulic systems requires replacement of rotor
boosters with all-electric actuators. Two actuators are under development
with different specifications: one for the light helicopter segment, the
other for the heavy/medium. The first one will be tested on a helicopter on
ground, the second one with an iron bird testbed.
Power supply
The development of flightworthy and compact supply equipment aims at
enabling the use of future active control systems.
Electric tail rotor
This will replace mechanical tail rotor drive shafts, gearboxes, and couplings.
Key potential advantages include reduced drive train vibration, fatigue,
and noise, overall weight savings, and improved through-life maintenance.
A motor for a conventional tail rotor is under development for ground
Source: Clean Sky.
Green Rotorcraft: Integration of innovative electrical systems technology streams
Then, in October 2011, a Karls-
ruhe-based German company, E-volo,
flew its VC1 for the first time. This
electrically powered proof-of-concept
vehicle features 16 small propellers
v=L75ESD9PBOw). The effort is partly
funded with a $2-million grant from
the German ministry of economics.
Later this year E-volo plans to have
a provisional airworthiness certificate
for its all-electric twin-seat Volocopter
V200, a commercial development of
the VC1. The V200 will have a speed
of over 54 kt, a takeoff weight of 450
kg, and an endurance of more than 1
hr flight time.
Also in 2011 work began on the
myCopter research program, a long-
term project to develop a rotor-based
all-electric personal air transport sys-
tem (PATS), as part of the ECs seventh
framework research program. The ef-
fort focuses on three major research
areas: user-centered human machine
interface and training; automation;
and a sociotechnological assessment
of implementing all-electric PATS tech-
nologies. Using RPAS platforms for in-
cremental developments of automa-
tion, and three flight simulatorsone
airborne, two ground-basedthe re-
sults of the work will be integrated
within the German Aerospace Centers
Flying Helicopter Simulator.
Air vehicles are also now included
in the research agenda of the ECs In-
novative Transport SME (small and
medium-sized enterprises) Support
Action effort, which seeks to improve
access by SMEs to research work on
future low-carbon road and air trans-
port systems.

Although there are clear differences of

approach between the major Euro-
pean manufacturers wishing to de-
velop more-electric helicopter sys-
tems, this is one key area of aviation
technology in which Europe seeks to
gain some kind of global dominance.
Ultimately the speed with which more
electrical and all-electric concepts
find their way on board rotorcraft will
depend mainly on the performance
improvements of batteries and super-
capacitors. But it is likely that Europes
helicopter sector will be in a prime
position for industrially exploiting any
gains in electrical storage and charging
Philip Butterworth-Hayes
[email protected]
Events Calendar
Aerospace Todayand Tomorrow: Disruptive Innovation, A Value Proposi-
tion. Williamsburg, Virginia.
Contact: Merrie Scott, [email protected]
JUNE 12-14
Sixth International Conference on Recent Advances in Space Technologies.
Istanbul, Turkey.
Contact: Suleyman Basturk, [email protected]
JUNE 17-19
2013 American Control Conference. Washington, D.C.
Contact: Santosh Devasia, [email protected]
JUNE 24-27
Forty-third AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit. Forty-fourth AIAA
Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference. Forty-fourth AIAA Thermophysics
Conference. Thirty-first AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference. Twenty-first
AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference. Fifth AIAA Atmospheric
and Space Environments Conference. AIAA Ground Testing Conference.
San Diego, California.
Contact: 703/264-7500
JULY 14-18
Forty-third International Conference on Environmental Systems.
Vail, Colorado.
Contact: 703/264-7500
JULY 15-17
Forty-ninth AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit.
Eleventh International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference.
San Jose, California.
Contact: 703/264-7500
AUG. 11-15
AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference.
Hilton Head Island, South Carolina.
Contact: Kathleen Howell, 765/494-5786; [email protected];
AUG. 12-14
AIAA Aviation 2013: Charting the Future of Flight (Continuing the Legacy
of the AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations Conference.
2013 International Powered Lift Conference and the 2013 Complex
Aerospace Systems Exchange).Los Angeles, California.
Contact: 703/264-7500
One myCopter notion
Washington and the sequester
to scrutinize a situation that could one
day involve a genuine threat.
The defense portion of the budget
proposal, released on April 10, also ig-
nores sequestration. Defense Secretary
Chuck Hagel testified on Capitol Hill
on April 17 and was criticized for this
omission. Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.)
told Hagel the administration put to-
gether a budget that ignores the reali-
ties of the law today.
Hagel acknowledged that the $526-
billion Pentagon budget plan exceeds
the laws current spending cap by
about $52 billion, or 10%. He said
DOD strategists and money managers
are now looking at how sequestration
will affect funding and that he had or-
dered a strategic choices and man-
agement review that will take seques-
tration into account and may result in
a revised spending plan.
Furloughs and less friendly skies
In mid-April, the Federal Aviation Ad-
ministration responded to sequestra-
tion by furloughing employees, one
working day out of every 10. This in-
cluded air traffic controllers at 149 ma-
jor airports.
FAA Administrator Michael Huerta
and his staff understood that by im-
posing furloughs they were inviting a
reaction from lawmakers. However,
they may not have anticipated the
pushback they got.
The remarkably safe U.S. airways
handle 23,000 aircraft every day, ac-
cording to the Associated Press. On
Many in Washington would say
that instead of two separate dialogues
about budget and strategy, the na-
tions capital is discussing only half of
the problem. Everybody in Washing-
ton is debating sequestration. Even
though major policy reviews are due
soon in several key cabinet depart-
ments, almost no one in the capital
seems to be talking strategy.
An anonymous blogger suggested
that Washington is reacting to seques-
tration using the Kubler-Ross model,
which lists five stages of grief follow-
ing a traumadenial, anger, bargain-
ing, depression, and, finally, accept-
ance. In early May it appeared that
agency heads had progressed from
denial to anger, with acceptance no-
where in sight.
Budget proposal
The executive branch proposal calls
for $3.77 trillion in spending to run
government during FY14, which will
begin October 1. The plan does not al-
low for sequestration, even though the
sequester is very real. The plan would
give a modest 1% pay increase to gov-
ernment workers and military mem-
bers but retains a pay freeze on senior
political officials.
The plan involves small spending
increases for some agencies involved
in science and research and small cuts
for others. NASA would get $17.7 bil-
lion, a reduction of 0.3% or about $50
million from the FY12 spending level.
The plan for NASA includes full fund-
ing for the Space Launch System and
Orion crew capsule. The goal is still
an Orion test flight next year and a
first flight of SLS in 2017, the White
House says.
The NASA proposal includes $78
million to study a robotic mission to
rendezvous with a small asteroidone
that would be harmless to Earthand
move it to a stable location outside the
Moons orbit. Many in the space com-
munity feel this does not go far enough
continue to be at loggerheads over the
size and shape of the federal budget.
Democrats and Republicans remain in
gridlock over debt and deficit issues,
making it difficult for federal agencies
to conduct any long-term planning.
The government is operating un-
der a continuing resolution until FY13
ends on September 30 and is likely
too dysfunctional to return to a tradi-
tional budget thereafter. The White
House, House of Representatives, and
Senate have each crafted separate
budget proposals for FY13, but none
of the three is similar to the othersor
likely to be enacted.
The process called sequestration,
under which funding is automatically
reduced for future government opera-
tions, is in effect and is not going away.
Secretary of the Air Force Michael
Donley, in an unusually candid break-
fast talk with defense writers, said on-
going deliberations about budget and
strategy are two separate discussions
trucking along in parallel. The secre-
tary has announced that he will be re-
tiring this month.
Donley said that sequestration and
strategy are out of sync. Acknowledg-
ing that the problem is, in effect,
above his pay grade, the secretary
said, Its up to the national leader-
ship, I think, to figure out when those
streams cross and how to make the
right judgments on a budget plan that
fits strategic realities.
Air Force
Chuck Hagel
the first day of furloughs, April 15,
some 1,200 airline flights were de-
layed because 1,500 fewer air traffic
controllers staffed the system.
This is a manufactured crisis,
said Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine). I
would add phony and contrived,
Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) told the
Washington Posts Ashley Halsey III.
Sens. John D. Rockefeller IV (D-
W.Va.) and Jon Thune (R-S.D.) sent
Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood
and Huerta a letter demanding to
know how much it would cost to end
the controller furloughs. Sen. Harry
Reid (D-Nev.) entered the dialogue
with a bill that would defer sequestra-
tion cutsa measure seen as purely
symbolic. And the National Air Traffic
Controllers Association said in a state-
ment that some controllers are being
paid overtime so others can be given
unpaid days off.
By the end of April, the Senate had
enacted legislation that would transfer
up to $230+ million from other sectors
of the DOT to the FAA. That would be
enough to stop further furloughs and
keep the air traffic control system op-
erating at a normal pace through FY13.
House endorsement (with many mem-
bers already out of town) followed
shortly thereafter, and the president
signed off.
LaHood had announced his retire-
ment in January, pending confirmation
of his replacement. Obama has nomi-
nated Anthony Foxx, mayor of Char-
lotte, N.C., to be the next secretary.
Few in Washington had expected
the FAA furloughs to last, but other se-
questration cuts were evident every-
arranged for Thompson to announce
the decision to postponeand few in
Washington believe the postponement
is anything other than a full-fledged
Text no to texting
The National Transportation Safety
Board, a government agency almost
everyone likes, reported that the pilot
of a medical helicopter that crashed in
Mosby, Missouri, in 2011 was dis-
tracted by text messages while at the
controls. CNN reported that, to the
amazement of safety officials [the pi-
lot] evidently sent several text mes-
sages with one hand while piloting
the aircraft with the other.
The NTSB reported that James
Freudenberg was distracted by send-
ing and receiving over 10 text mes-
sages when he should have been con-
ducting preflight checks. The board
said that because the pilot did not per-
form his preflight properly, he appar-
ently did not know the Eurocopter
AS350 B2 was low on fuel. In addition
Rep. Bennie
where. At least two dozen air shows
that rely on military participation have
been canceled around the country.
Performances by the Navys Blue An-
gels and the Air Forces Thunderbirds
flight demonstration teams have been
halted. The Air Force has postponed a
long-planned move of an F-22 Raptor
squadron24 aircraft, 1,200 airmen
and 500 civiliansfrom New Mexico
to Florida. Navy fleet operations have
been reduced. As noted last month,
the Navy has one aircraft carrier strike
group in the Persian Gulf region rather
than two as planned.
Almost every government agency
has its own sequestration story. One
State Department officer, referring to
an ice cream retailer, said, If the gov-
ernment were running Baskin-Rob-
bins, it would offer only one flavor.
Several polls show Americans have
moved past denialto angerover the
inability of government to fulfill its ba-
sic responsibilities.
For many in Washington, however,
duty still beckons. Hard-working peo-
ple in industry, government, and the
military continue to cope with aero-
space issues that resemble the old
normal more than the new normal.
Getting the knife
The Transportation Security Adminis-
tration, the agency everybody loves to
hate, said on April 22 that it would
postpone changing its list of prohib-
ited items on airplanes. The TSA drew
disbelief and anger from pilots, flight
attendants, and other aviation profes-
sionals when it said in March that
small pocketknives, as well as sporting
goods like golf clubs and hockey
sticks, would be allowed on airliners
for the first time since the agency was
created in the aftermath of the Sept.
11, 2001, attacks. There was also some
negative reaction to the idea from the
flying public, though not a lot. With
the TSA, the public, it might be said,
long ago made the leap from anger to
The TSA brouhaha revived the
ages-old conflict between citizens
wanting to be secure and wanting to
be free. Theyll pick secure every
time, an airline pilot with libertarian
leanings observed. Theyve forgotten
all about their civil liberties. They for-
get that we got by for years without
having a TSA at all.
Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.)
reflected the opposite, and more pop-
ular pro-security view, when he said
that a prohibition on items that can be
used as weapons is absolutely essen-
tial. After no fewer than 133 lawmak-
ers objected to the planned relaxation
of the rules, TSA boss John Pistole
FAA Administrator
Michael P. Huerta
(Continued on page 17)
Michael Gazarik is associate administrator
of NASAs Space Technology Mission
Directorate. He manages and executes
the agencys space technology programs,
focusing on infusing them into NASAs
exploration and science mission needs.
Prior to this appointment, Gazarik was
deputy chief technologist and director for
space technology. He has more than 25 years
experience in the design, development, and
deployment of spaceight systems, and
has contributed to the development of
technology with application to NASAs
Exploration Systems, Space Operations,
and Science missions.
At NASA Langley, Gazarik served as
deputy director for programs in the
Engineering Directorate. He led the
formulation of a variety of programs in
aeronautics, exploration, and science.
Prior to joining NASA, Gazarik served as
project manager for the Geosynchronous
organized, prior to becoming a mis-
sion directorate. Were already build-
ing, flying, and testing hardware for
NASA and for our countryto help the
U.S. maintain and improve its techno-
logical edge and also to invest in the
innovation economy.
Investing in technology and creat-
ing high-paying jobs, and helping
small businesses and universities that
do this kind of work, is a good way to
meet some of the economic chal-
lenges we have. Creating our direc-
torate gives space technology sharper
focus and greater visibility on equal
footing with the other three mission
directorates that manage human ex-
ploration, science missions, and aero-
nautics. And we have solid backing in
Congress and the administration.
Tell us more about working with the
NASAs science mission direc-
torate has a great relationship with a
number of universities in projects ad-
dressing key challenges the agency
faces. My directorate is reemphasizing
this relationship. We have formal pro-
grams to reengage our universities, let-
ting them know we need their help,
their ideas. We now have 350 activities
with over 100 universities across the
country. We are increasing the number
of fellowships. We reach out to the
universities in all of our projects.
Does the establishment of your di-
rectorate signal a shift in NASAs em-
phasis and direction?
NASA completed 30 years of op-
eration with the shuttlea magnificent
vehicleand built and began operat-
ing the international space station, and
that took much effort and willingness
to accept risk. Where NASA is now,
though, is back to doing things that
we havent done before, moving be-
yond low Earth orbit, and to do that,
we need new technology and we
have to get back into the nations lab-
oratories in order to get there, and
thats what my directorate is all about.
What were seeing from the work
force in NASAs 10 research centers is
great excitement, trying to do new
things, build new things, making
progress. We are at the cutting edge,
and excitement is high. The mindset
for building and operating the shuttle
is different from the mindset for devel-
oping and testing new technologies
for space exploration, and thats the
shift were making.
So yours is anything but a risk-averse
directorate, I take it.
It is not. We push the envelope as
far as we can. It is not a good sign if
everything always works right. We
have to push the envelope. Were like
DARPA in some respects, and, if you
go back in history, like Bell Labs and
other laboratories, for example.
They all worked on really tough
problems that they werent sure
Tell us about your vision and plans
for your NASA directorate. Why was
it formed? What are its goals?
The Space Technology Mission
Directorate was established a few
months ago. It is focused on develop-
ing and demonstrating the technology
to enable NASA to go above and be-
yond low Earth orbit. To explore far-
ther than we ever have, NASA needs a
heavy launch rocket and a human-
rated capsule, and they are in devel-
opment. And NASA also needs new
technology across a variety of fronts to
enable us to explore space, to move in
space, to store energy and propulsion
power, and to do all the things we
need to do to explore on long-dis-
tance trips in space.
Give us a sense of the history of your
We were in formulation and exe-
cution for about two years as NASAs
Space Technology Program, getting
Michael Gazarik
Imaging Fourier Transform Spectrometer
project at MITs Lincoln Laboratory. He led
the development of the Airborne Sounder
Testbed-Interferometer, an instrument that
helps scientists understand temperature and
water vapor proles of Earths atmosphere,
and worked in the private sector on software
and rmware development for commercial
and government applications.
Gazarik earned a B.S. degree in electrical
engineering from the University of Pittsburgh
and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees
in electrical engineering
from the Georgia
Institute of Technology.
He has received
numerous awards,
including NASAs Out-
standing Leadership
Medal and a Silver
Snoopy Award,
one of NASAs
highest honors.
how to solve, and they came up with
some great breakthrough ideas such
as the laser and the transistor. There
was a community of organizations and
people working on tough problems.
What were trying to do is develop the
same kind of community, get them
communicating and sharing with each
other. When that happens, thats when
you get breakthrough ideas.
There are some problems associated
with space exploration, like radia-
tion exposure, that require new tech-
nologies to overcome, arent there?
Thats right. One of the top needs
is radiation protection for humans. An-
other is a reliable, long-lasting, low-
mass propulsion system that will give
us the ability to move about in space
quickly and efficiently. That ties into
solving the radiation problem. The
quicker we can get where were go-
ing, the better. So we need technology
for propulsion and navigation, includ-
ing a better clock. That is why were
working on an atomic clock. Those
are just some of the problems, and
theyve been known for a long time.
How many, and how long?
We have a stack of about 40 re-
ports over the past three decades that
have identified the challenges and the
technologies that are needed to meet
them. We have a lot of reports but not
a whole lot of progress. So now our
emphasis is on hardware, not on re-
ports. We have nine programs in the
technology misson directorate now,
and they are all focused on getting
hardware built, designed, and tested
in the lab and in space. Were getting
more and more people back into the
labs now, after 30 years in the shuttle
program, working on new technol-
ogy, designing, building, testing, fly-
ing, seeing if it all works. Thats what
were all about.
How important is the space station
in all that?
It is very important. We have a
number of projects that are using and
will use the international space sta-
tion. For example, we want to learn
and understand what long exposure to
the space environment does to mate-
rials, and the space station is a great
platform for that. One of our newer
programs called NICER [Neutron-star
Interior Composition Explorer] is ex-
ploring how to use X-ray sources for
spacecraft navigation.
Were also using the space station
to learn more about roboticsabout
robots working side by side with hu-
mans in space. Robonaut 2, a human-
oid robot, has been aboard the
space station for well over a
year, doing maintenance tasks.
Robonaut 2 does not have legs,
though, and were developing its
legs and will fly them up to the station
this fall.
Is private industry heavily involved
in your programs, your plans?
Very much so. For example, we
are in partnership with General Mo-
tors in the robotics program, learning
how robots can safely work with crew
members on the station and automo-
tive workers in factories here on Earth.
Crews will begin making longer du-
ration flights aboard the ISS in 2015.
Will that benefit your directorate?
Yes. The extension of space sta-
tion flights is an agency-wide decision,
and we will take advantage of it to de-
velop and demonstrate our technol-
ogy. We have to be able to show that
our technology really works in space
so that the potential users can be com-
fortable with it and trust it. So demon-
strating new technology in space is
key for us, and the ISS provides a great
platform to do that.
Give us a sense of your timetable for
Weve been at this for a little over
two years, getting programs estab-
lished, and now we have a number of
challenging and interesting problems
to work on, a number of incredible
things coming up. As we go to build-
ing hardware and demonstrating in
space over the next couple of years,
some of our demonstrations will begin
to take place. One of our most fasci-
nating programs is the solar sail.
Tell us more about that.
It will be the worlds largest solar
sail, a new way to move about in
space without the need of a chemical
propellant. We will use the Suns en-
ergy in the form of photons. To get
enough force from them, we will need
a big sail, and we will be flying one
thats over 100 ft by 100 fta huge sail.
Why do you want to do this?
For NASAs next mission in helio-
physics, which is the study of the Sun.
If we can control and maneuver a
spacecraft with a solar sail precisely as
required, we will be better able to
monitor the Sun and look at and pre-
dict the space weather generated by
the Sun. We will send spacecraft out to
L1Lagrangian Point 1, where the
forces of gravity balance out and the
spacecraft stays in roughly the same
position relative to Earthand keep it
pointed at and around the Sun pre-
cisely where we want it to point. The
[NASA] Science Directorates technical
survey on heliophysics calls the solar
sail a great way to do this.
You mean you will be able to fine-
tune the navigation of an object in
space with a solar sail based on its
interaction with photons?
Yes. It sounds incredible, but it
We push the envelope as far as
we can. It is not a good sign if
everything always works right.
Interview by James W. Canan
vestment allows NASA to go do the as-
teroid mission. So we are working
closely with the human spaceflight
team and the science mission team on
how to do the mission, and my Space
Technology Mission Directorate is go-
ing to develop the solar propulsion
system that will get us there and back.
Is cutting the weight of propellants
and the cost of propulsion important
in your technology development?
Absolutely. Its very expensive for
NASA to get off the surface of the
planet, and thats a big challenge from
a chemical propulsion perspective.
One of the advantages of solar electric
propulsion is that its very mass-effi-
cient. You dont need a lot of mass to
move. Now the solar-electric thrusters
dont generate a lot of force, but its
enough to provide constant accelera-
tion. One of the problems is that the
highly charged particles that come out
of the back end erode the walls of the
thrusters, and over time you lose
thrust as your walls erode. So one of
the advances weve been working on
is to develop a magnetic control shield
that basically prevents the erosion.
This great work is being done by
Glenn and by JPL.
What else does your directorate
have in store?
Another project, called lasercomm,
were working on at Goddard. The
Mars rovers take great images of the
planet but most of them remain on
Mars because we cannot get them
back. So were exploring laser com-
municationsusing optical communi-
cations and lasers to send data back
and forth from Earth to space.
The Europeans have made some
progress with using lasers for commu-
nications between low Earth orbit and
geosynchronous orbit, and were tied
into that. But the harder job is going
from space to ground, because we
have to get the laser cleanly through
the atmosphere, which has a distor-
tion effect. We think thats solvable,
using adaptive optics. We will test it
on our LADEE [lunar atmosphere and
dust environment explorer] mission
with a satellite that has a laser optical
Do you have any other propulsion
projects in mind besides solar sail?
Yes, and a demonstration will
take place in 2015, a demo of the
technology of a new, green propellant
for maneuverability in space. Space-
craft typically use hydrazine for ma-
neuverability, a chemical thats been in
existence for years. Hydrazine is high
performing, works very well, but is
very toxic to humans, so when you
load a spacecraft with hydrazine on
the ground, you have to take a lot of
precautions. So we are trying to de-
velop an alternative propellant that is
much greener and safer.
I take it that going green is not your
main goal in this endeavor.
Thats right. Were not doing it pri-
marily to get a green propellant, were
doing it to try to get a replacement for
hydrazine. We have a competitively se-
lected project led by Ball Aerospace
and Aerojet to demonstrate this new al-
ternative propellant. We think it will
have a big effect. We want to show that
it performs just as well as, or better
than, hydrazine. It works in a larger
temperature range, and its more dense
than hydrazine, so we can carry and
use less of it. And its less toxic, so we
can easily load spacecraft with it on the
ground. But we still have to prove to
the world that its going to work.
How will you test it?
Were going to build a spacecraft,
a whole new system, with new
thrusters made by Aerojet. We have to
show the spacecraft builders in the
aerospace community that they can
have confidence in the whole system,
so its got to be a system demonstra-
tion in space under a variety of condi-
will be just like pitching a sail to con-
trol a sailboat on the Chesapeake. We
can stationkeep our spacecraft in po-
sition by managing the momentum of
photons. The company thats doing
this for us is LGarde in Tustin, Califor-
nia, working with Dupont. It won the
NASA competition for the solar sail
contract. All of our programs have a
competitive element. Our solar sail
demonstration in space is scheduled
for 2014.
Earlier this year the Obama admin-
istration announced its plan to have
NASA go out into space and capture
an asteroid. What is your director-
ates role in the asteroid mission?
We move it. The mission lever-
ages a lot of what our directorate has
been doing. Weve been working on
developing solar-electric propulsion,
and this mission will be a great way
for us to demonstrate it. Solar energy
will power the spacecraft out to cap-
ture the asteroid and bring it back.
Why solar electric propulsion?
It is the most efficient way to get
to the asteroid. The spacecraft could
not carry enough chemical propellant
to do that; the propellant would be
too massive. Solar electric power has
been used on many spacecraft, but we
need it to produce a much higher
level of power. The state of the art to-
day for spacecraft is a total 25 watts of
solar power. To get more power, we
need bigger solar arrays. The arrays
we have today cant collect enough of
the Suns energy.
Solar cell efficiencies arent what
they need to be. So we need a bigger,
better structure and we need to learn
and understand how were going to
deploy those big solar arrays. They
may be more than 100 ft in length.
And we have to learn and understand
how to manage them structurally and
How long have you been working on
solar-electric technology?
Weve focused on high-powered
SEP for over a year, and that early in-
It sounds incredible, but it will be just like pitching a sail
to control a sailboat on the Chesapeake.
We are customer-focused, we are going to solve problems,
and thats our real push.
tions to show that it works safely and
reliably, that the performance is there.
This is a great role for my direc-
torate; were leveraging whats already
out there. It would be hard for private
industry to take the risk and spend the
money to do this. Propellant alterna-
tives have been developed for years,
but no one has been able to pick up
the ball and spend enough money to
demonstrate them in space, and this is
where the government comes in, and
its a great role for us.
So NASA believes that this will induce
the companies to spend money them-
selves on developing and utilizing
non-hydrazene alternatives?
Thats right, and we think we can
leverage a larger part of the whole
aerospace industry by working on the
tough problems, attacking them, and
by taking risks where it would be hard
for private companies, for the indus-
try, to do so. Thats a key role for us
in the Space Technology Mission Di-
rectorate. We are customer-focused,
we are going to solve problems, and
thats our real push.
Are you working with other govern-
ment agencies?
We are working closely with the
[White House] Office of Science and
Technology Policy and the Office of
Management and Budget. OSTP was a
big architect and proponent of our
program, especially in its early days, in
setting it up and focusing on the types
of problems we would be facing. We
work with them on a number of na-
tional initiatives, including one on ad-
vanced manufacturinga multi-agency
initiativethat President Obama men-
tioned in his State of the Union mes-
sage this year.
As you point out, a lot of this work
has been going on for some time. So
is it fair to say that the creation of
your directorate is NASAs way of
bringing it all together and highlight-
ing the need and the enthusiasm for
new space exploration technology?
Yes, and I think there was recog-
nition by [NASA Administrator] Charlie
Bolden and others within the agency
that we needed an organization to go
do this, and by [mission directors] Bill
Gerstenmaier and John Grunsfeld that
they want to do more missions and
more capable missions, and that the
Space Technology Mission Directorate
can help with all that. Were going to
do things that havent been done be-
fore, and in a new way.
Regional jets: Running to stay in place
The once and future king
In 2006, two years after it began deliv-
eries of its E-Jet series, Embraer sur-
passed Bombardier as regional jet
market leader. This successful pro-
gram has since allowed Embraer to
maintain its top position. However,
the company continued to delay any
kind of reengining upgrade, even as it
became clear that the market pre-
ferred products with the new engines.
Finally, in January of this year the
company announced that it too was
adapting Pratts GTF, specifically going
with the 15,000-22,000 lbt PW1700G
and PW1900G. The new family will
enter service in 2018. However, since
January, no launch customer has been
announced, and no timing has been
provided as to when such an event
might occur.
Going with Pratts GTF offers the
safest path to compete with the MRJ,
and the Pratt engine offers impressive
new technology. However, moving
away from a General Electric power-
plant means Embraer can no longer
count on GEs GECAS leasing unit for
orders. GECAS has provided about 50
orders for the current E-Jet series.
about 60% of the worlds fleet. Asia,
which has become the biggest single
market for large jetliners, has a mere
230 regional jets, or 7% of the fleet.
The importance of penetrating the
North American market has greatly
complicated the efforts of new market
Enter the new generation
Despite the challenges associated with
entering this market, three new re-
gional jet producers have thrown their
hats in the ring. The biggest success,
and a major surprise, has been the Mi-
tsubishi Regional Jet (MRJ), powered
by Pratt & Whitneys PurePower PW-
1000G geared turbofan (GTF).
In October 2009 the MRJ scored a
notable breakthrough with a tentative
order for 50 firm and 50 option planes
from Trans States Holdings, the parent
company of Trans States Airlines and
GoJet Airlines. A firm contract was ex-
pected by the end of the year, but did
not arrive until February 2011. In July
2012 SkyWest announced a tentative
commitment for 100 MRJ90s. This or-
der, for 100 firm and 100 option craft,
was firmed up in December 2012.
but has attracted many new industry
entrants. The arrival of new-generation
engines has enabled one next-player
to gain some traction on the market,
although some others face uncertain
This new entrant challenge has in-
duced very different reactions by the
two legacy regional jet market leaders.
One is reinventing itself to survive,
while the other seems content to grad-
ually fade away.
A at market
There is little about the regional jet
market that inspires hope. It was the
only segment of the aviation industry
that did not grow during the great
2003-2008 boom market. Large com-
mercial jetliner deliveries grew at a
7.4% annual growth rate in that period,
and continued growing at a 12.4% rate
in 2008-2012. Yet regional aircraft grew
at a mere 4.4% rate in 2003-2008, and
even this was completely due to turbo-
prop deliveries growth (regional jets
stayed flat). Worse, in 2009 the re-
gional sector declined by 13.1%, and
all told fell by 34% in 2008-2012. Be-
tween 2009 and 2010 Embraer, the
largest regional player, saw its backlog
drop from 375 jets to 229.
In 1989, regional aircraft deliveries
were 15% of the total world transport
market by value. In 2012, they were
6.4%. High regional jet seat-mile costs
(worsened by high fuel prices), per-
sistent airline pilot scope clauses
(agreements between pilots unions
and airline management that limit how
many large regional jets an airline can
fly), and problematic relations be-
tween major and regional carriers all
portend continued market flatness in
real terms, and shrinkage in relative
Not only is this market flat, it is
also heavily concentrated. The 2,000
jets based in North America represent
The Mitsubishi Regional Jet has been the surprise success as a new enrant in the regional jet market.
Embraers experience with offering
a reengined E-Jet series echoes similar
episodes in the industry, particularly
Airbus with its A320neo (New Engine
Option) series and Boeing with its 737
MAX. Any airframer announcing a
new engine program runs the risk of
watching orders for its current genera-
tion of jets dry up, as customers elect
to wait for the new model. This means
they can face a few years of declining
production rates, or, alternatively, de-
clining profits as they are forced to
discount prices on current-generation
jets in order to keep sales up.
While unpalatable, this reengining
decision is necessary if a new or cur-
rent competitor has an advantage. Air-
bus was forced to launch the neo in
response to Bombardiers CSeries,
which uses the GTF; Boeing had to
launch the 737 MAX to respond to Air-
buss neo.
In short, Embraer quickly found
out that the only thing worse than
cannibalizing your own backlog is to
have competitors do it for you.
Bombardiers dicult options
Now that the regional jet battle re-
volves around new engines, former
market leader Bombardier risks being
left behind. After building more than
1,600 CRJ series regional jets, deliver-
ies have trailed off markedly, with just
seven -900s and seven -1000s deliv-
ered in 2012.
As of the start of the year, there
were 107 CRJs on backlog, compared
with 185 E-Jet series jets. This isnt a
disaster, especially since a few months
earlier the CRJ backlog
was down to just around
50 planes. However, the
CRJ backlog was in-
creased last year by 40
-900s for Delta. This or-
der competition victory
resulted from a unique
Bombardier advantage
with this customer: Delta
has the largest CRJ-200
fleet by far, and wanted to return many
of them. This allowed Bombardier to
offer generous trade-in terms, an ad-
vantage that likely
will not be repeated
in many more com-
petitions. The ad-
vantages of going
with a new engine
(on an MRJ or ERJ)
will weigh against
Bombardier in the
future, particularly
as fuel prices stay
Also, Bombardier, unlike Embraer,
has no plans to upgrade the basic CRJ
design. Given the massive corporate
challenge of bringing the CSeries jet-
liner to market, along with other chal-
lenges such as developing the Lear 85
and Global 7000/8000 business jets,
Bombardier is unlikely to find the re-
sources necessary to do anything
more than a superficial refresh to the
series. Given the CRJs smaller and
older airframe, it is possible that intro-
ducing newer engines would be tech-
nically difficult.
In addition, given Bombardiers
focus on the CSeries, it is clear that
the company wishes to focus on the
larger mainline jet market, taking ad-
vantage of that segments larger size
and faster growth rates. It is quite
likely that the company views re-
gional jets as a mere legacy, and a dis-
traction moving forward. The CSeries,
of course, is generally too large and
heavy to compete effectively in the
regional market, although it does of-
fer some appeal against smaller ver-
sions of Airbuss and Boeings single-
aisle families.
Still, an intriguing possibility pre-
sents itself. General Electrics Passport
engine (formerly NG34) might provide
the basis for a major CRJ upgrade, if
GE provides the resources. The 16,500-
lb Passport 20 has been selected to
power Bombardiers Global 7000/8000
business jets, and will enter flight test-
ing in 2014. However, this new engine
series has not been selected for any
kind of regional jet application. While
the CF34 also powers COMACs ARJ
21, that aircrafts likely death elimi-
nates that prospect of another General
Electric platform. The MRJs arrival,
Pratt & Whitneys PurePower is becoming the go-to engine for many regional jet builders.
Embraer has sat atop the leader board since
its entry into the regional jet market.
Delta is a mainstay customer for the CRJ.
Jet family) to exactly zero new-build
market presence.
GE is therefore a wild card in this
market. If the engine maker pays for
and the E-Jet reengining decision,
means GE will go from overwhelming
market dominance (the CF34 series
powers both the CRJ family and the E-
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12 0070
participation: admittance to technical and plenar
*Register for either course and attend the Conference for

12 0070
y: Summar This course will focus on the role of verication and validation, from
y sessions; receptions and luncheons; and online proceedings. participation: admittance to technical and plenar
*Register for either course and attend the Conference for
requirements and generating verication requirements.
verication and validation, and explain the process of validating
for a program or project. It will clarify the confusing use of the ter
the beginning through the nal stages of the systems engineering

the role of verication and validati
ssions; receptions and luncheons; and online
Registration fee includes full con FREE! ! *Register for either course and attend the Conference for
requirements and generating verication requirements.
n, and explain the process of valid
It will clarify the confusing use of
e nal stages of the systems engine

(Value of deliveries in 2013 $billions)
22 20 18 16 14 12 10 08 06 04 02 00 98 96 94 92
some or all of a reengined CRJs devel-
opment and certification bill, and adds
the weight of GECASs market clout
(perhaps even providing launch or-
ders too), the CRJ could be rejuve-
nated. Bombardier, and General Elec-
tric, would be able to maintain a
position in the regional jet market
longer than currently anticipated.
Bombardier, in short, offers a su-
perb illustration of regional jet market
dynamics. Given a flat market and the
threat posed by new competitors, leg-
acy manufacturers need to keep run-
ning just to stay in place. Embraer did
not want to run, but decided it had no
choice. Bombardier seems to have de-
cided not to run. And unless General
Electric provides direct support, Bom-
bardier will gradually leave the re-
gional jet race.
Richard Aboulaa
Teal Group
[email protected]
Patience Mason, an author and author-
ity on PTSD. Its very real, Mason
said in an interview. In my opinion,
killing people is a traumatic stressor.
In the original list of traumatic
stressors, because everyone, veterans
and mental health providers, believed
killing other people was a manly thing
and wouldnt be traumatic, it was not
listed, Mason said. What was consid-
ered traumatic was when someone
tried to kill you, your friends, or even
people you didnt know. When drone
operators started having PTSD, it was
no surprise to me. They see the peo-
ple they kill up close and personal,
see the body parts and wounded and
dead afterwards. That is traumatic.
The question of how to recognize
the service of drone operators and cy-
ber warriors, like so many questions
lingering in the summertime air in the
nations capital, now awaits an answer
at some future date. Robert F. Dorr
[email protected]
than constituting recognition merely
for being on duty. Hagels action took
place before the medal was awarded
to anyone.
One highly visible opponent of the
award was Rep. Duncan D. Hunter (R-
Calif.), who served as a Marine in Iraq
and Afghanistan (and is the son of the
congressman he replaced in 2009, also
named Duncan Hunter). I wasnt as
concerned about the medal as about
where they placed it in the order of
things, Hunter said in a statement.
Until Hagel killed it, the medal was
rated above the Bronze Star and Pur-
ple Heart in the hierarchy of awards.
Hagel indicated the DOD would
find a different way to recognize UAV
and cyber duty. USAF Lt. Col. Matt J.
Martin covered the dichotomy of this
form of military service in the book
Predator. He wrote of flying at 10,000
feet over Baghdad, pinpointing insur-
gents with a laser, and guiding an AC-
130U Spooky gunship to unleash a
barrage of weapons fire that killed
dozens of the enemy. Then, Martin
wrote, I remembered that Trish had
asked me to pick up a gallon of milk
on the way home.
The operators of UAVs work in
Nevada, California, and Arizona and
live in everyday American communi-
ties even though their MQ-1B Predator
and MQ-9 Reaper drones fly combat
missions in overseas war zones. (The
discussion and the medal apply to mil-
itary members; CIA operators, who
handle drones outside the war zones
in places like Pakistan, would not
have been eligible for the medal).
Even though they commute to work
and live with their families, many in
the UAV community experience post-
traumatic stress disorder according to
to the pilot, the crash killed flight
nurse Randy Bever, paramedic Chris
Frakes, and patient Terry Tacoronte.
The AP reported that the helicop-
ter tragedy underscored the NTSBs
worries that distractions from elec-
tronic devices are a growing factor in
incidents across all modes of trans-
portationplanes, trains, cars, trucks,
and even ships.
The news of the distracted pilot
came just after the bipartisan Ralston
Institute issued a report citing texting
as a greater danger on the nations
highways than drinking. Moreover, the
report concludes, the nation is becom-
ing increasingly aware of the problem
and taking it more seriouslywitness
the murder charge filed against a Utah
woman for hitting two pedestrians,
killing one, while simultaneously driv-
ing and using a hand-held device.
No U.S. airline crashes have been
linked to the use of electronic devices,
but the FAAwhich often acts on rec-
ommendations by the NTSBin Janu-
ary proposed regulations prohibiting
flight crews from using cellphones
and other wireless devices while a
plane is in operation. The regulations
are required under a law passed last
year by Congress in response to an
October 2010 incident in which two
Northwest Airlines pilots overflew
their destination of Minneapolis-St.
Paul International Airport by 100 miles
while they were engrossed in working
on their laptops.
No drone medal
On April 15 Secretary Hagel scrapped
a new medal for unmanned aerial ve-
hicle pilots and cyber specialists.
Hagels decision to abandon the Dis-
tinguished Warfare Medal, which had
been unveiled by predecessor Leon
Panetta just weeks earlier, was a sur-
prise even though the medal drew
strong criticism from Capitol Hill.
Most in Washington had expected
Hagel to defend the new form of
recognition for Americans engaged in
a new kind of warfare that uses re-
mote technology. The medal would
have recognized specific actssuch as
a critically timed UAV aerial strike that
neutralizes an important targetrather
Department of
Mechanical Engineering
The Department of Mechanical Engineering
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Employer, and we are seeking candidates who
share this mission of advancing diversity.
Rep. Duncan
D. Hunter
(Continued from page 9)
1214 AUGUST 2013

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ol dilloron| |ooms [roquiromon|
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ond monogod ovor |hoir lilo cyclos.
Undors|ond how unmonnod
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pro rr |oc|s lo ll cing issuos such os
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Conrmed Speakers
Executive Vice President, The Boeing Company
and President and Chief Executive Ofcer,
Boeing Commercial Airplanes (retired)
Administrator, NASA
Associate Administrator for Aeronautics
Research Mission Directorate, NASA
Executive Director, Los Angeles World Airports
Director, NASA Dryden Flight Research Center
Vice President, Analysis,
The Teal Group
Senior Vice President, Engineering and Test,
Gulfstream (retired)
Vice President and General Manager of
Advanced Development Programs,
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics
Chairman and Chief Executive Ofcer,
Aurora Flight Sciences Corporation
Vice President, Technology and Environment,
Pratt & Whitney
Director General and Chief Executive Ofcer,
International Air Transport Association
Executive Director,
Air Transport Action Group
Chief Strategy Ofcer,
CyberPoint International
Chairman and CEO,
Good Harbor Risk Management, LLC
Vice President and Chief Project Engineer of
the 787 Program, The Boeing Company
vironmentally Responsible Aviation
(ERA) projects, finding a way to re-
duce airframe noise during an air-
crafts landing approach has remained
an important area of research.
During both takeoff and landing,
the engines of modern commercial
planes are much quieter than those of
previous aircraft generations. This is
helping to reduce the noise burden on
communities in and around airports.
But reductions in airframe noise have
not kept pace. Today, it is well known
in the industry that airframe noise is
comparable to or even louder than en-
gine noise during aircraft approaches
to landing. As a result, communities
under the glidepaths to runways at
major airports must still endure noise
levels much higher than theyand
NASAwould like.
Now, under ERA Phase 2, eight in-
tegrated technology demonstration
(ITD) areas have been selected to
move toward flight demonstration by
2015. One of these is a flap and land-
ing-gear noise reduction flight experi-
ment. Based on work in ERA Phase 1,
NASA felt that flaps (including lead-
ing-edge slats) and landing gears
might offer particular promise in terms
of reducing airframe noise. Through-
out the ERA project, the agency has
partnered with Gulfstream Aerospace
on airframe noise research.
Mehdi Khorrami, a NASA Langley
scientist who is ITD lead for the flap
and landing-gear experiment, says
these components are major sources
of airframe noise. Slats are another
prominent source and are being ad-
dressed under the Fixed Wing project.
ERA Phase 1 research, Khorrami
recalls, started with high-fidelity nu-
merical modeling of airflows over var-
ious reduced-noise flap and landing-
gear design concepts. The modeling
used CFD simulations and analysis run
both by NASA in-house software and
third-party software developed by Exa.
One of the unique things about
our noise-reduction concepts is that
they are not just based on cut-and-
tried models, but are significantly
based on computational simulations,
Khorrami says. NASA tested multiple
iterations of its design concepts in vir-
tual space, and only after refining
them until it felt they were optimal did
the team build physical scale models
and test them.
Research challenges
Especially challenging for Langley was
that it could not just design a new
noise-reducing flap in isolation and
pair it with a noise-reducing landing-
gear fairing without accounting for
their mutual interactions. (Although
landing-gear fairings are included in
the research, Khorrami says, NASA is
going through the patent application
process for some of the concepts, so
he is constrained from describing them
further.) The new landing-gear and
flap configuration concepts effectively
had to be weight- and fuel-efficiency
neutral in order not to affect ERAs in-
tegrated technology goals.
In addition, NASA had to be care-
ful that smoothing the airflow around
a landing-gear unit did not worsen the
noise source mechanisms associated
with the airflow hitting another part of
the airframe. You also want [the air-
frame] more draggy for landingthe
ideal-case scenario is that you want
silent drag, says Khorrami.
Small-scale models of landing-gear
units and other reduced-noise compo-
nents were tested in Virginia Techs
wind tunnel, although the tests did not
involve integrated sets of such parts.
Khorrami notes also that small-scale
testing can go only so far. The ulti-
mate test is in the real environment
with a smaller scale model, you can-
not maintain the geometries accur-
ately. Noise sources are notorious in
that every little detail matters.
Gulfstream model testing
As part of ERA Phase 2, NASA is con-
tinuing to partner with Gulfstream
Aerospace and has created an 18%,
half-span model of a Gulfstream G550
executive jet. The team is testing inte-
grated combinations of its concepts in
the 14x22-ft subsonic wind tunnel at
Langley. The model is mounted verti-
cally in the wind tunnel and its design
modified very slightly compared with
the real aircraft to mitigate boundary-
layer effects within the tunnel. This
ensures that the models aerodynamic
properties are the same as those of the
To measure the airframe noise
generated by the model and its noise-
reducing flap and gear modifications,
97 microphones are mounted on a
round traversing array inside the wind
tunnel. The array can be moved along
the flow direction, allowing it to ob-
tain the same kind of data it would
obtain if an aircraft were passing by.
(The model in the tunnel is in a fixed
Certification only calls for noise
measurement in the vicinity of the
ERA Phase 2: A descending hush
Green Engineering
For Phase 2 of NASA's ERA project, Mehdi
Khorrami's team is testing ap and landing gear
noise-reduction technologies using a half-span,
18%-scale model of a Gulfstream G550 installed
in Langleys 22x14-ft wind tunnel.
overhead direction, but NASA is all
about proving there is significant noise
reduction in every relevant direction
for community noise, explains Khor-
rami. His team has tested five or six
different landing-gear modifications
and seven or eight different flap de-
signs; in all, he says, the team has tried
well over 30 different variations and
permutations of different concepts.
Gulfstream Aerospace has per-
formed flight tests using a G550 fitted
with pressure ports and other sensors
at the same relative locations as the
sensors fitted to the half-span model
in the Langley wind tunnel. This is to
measure in a real aircraft the aerody-
namic sources of airframe noise. Thus
the company has acquired data on
pressures on landing-gear units and
flaps in a flying aircraft while its part-
ner NASA has been obtaining data on
the effects of noise-reduction modifi-
cations from the model in the wind
tunnel. According to Khorrami, a pre-
liminary look at its data by Gulfstream
Aerospace indicates very good agree-
ment between the flight test data and
NASAs model-derived data.
Lowering landing-gear noise
While Khorrami cannot talk in detail
yet about NASAs landing-gear noise-
reduction concepts, he does say one
promising idea involves using sepa-
rate fairings for each landing-gear
units upper struts and another for its
wheels. The fairings must be designed
so that the landing-gear unit remains
retractable and stowable. Whatever
fairing concepts are chosen for flight
test, they will have to be designed to
prevent water from gathering in the
landing-gear units and to allow me-
chanics easy access to the landing
gear for inspection and repair.
NASA Langley has based these
landing-gear efforts on two-wheel bo-
gies, but Khorrami is very confident
that concepts to suit four- or six-wheel
versions can be developed using high-
fidelity simulation. There is a lot of
interaction between the various com-
ponents of the landing gearthis is
where we did the very high-fidelity
simulationsbut the design procedure
can be extended to any landing gear
with any number of wheels, he says.
Very high fidelity in this context
means that every brake piston, hy-
draulic line, and fastener is simulated
in very fine detail, Khorrami adds.
Because NASA has already pat-
ented some of its flap noise reduction
concepts, Khorrami can be more forth-
coming about them. He says Langleys
research has focused on flap tips,
since this small area, where minitorna-
dos develop as a byproduct of lift, is
the source of much of the flap noise.
Back in 2004, NASA Langley experi-
mented with a design concept called a
continuous mold line (CML), which
kept the flap tip attached to the wing
so that there was no flap-tip area
when the flap was extended and
hence the noise sources became much
weaker. However, the CML design in-
volved a large flap area and was not
ideal for structural reasons.
Khorrami says NASA Langley is now
focusing much of its noise-reduction
attention on a patented design called
a flexible side edge link (FLEXSEL).
This relies on an elastomeric material
In Langley's 14x22-ft wind tunnel, the team uses a round traversing array with 97 microphones mounted on it to measure the airframe noise generated by the
half-span Gulfstream G550 model and its noise-reducing ap and gear modications.
(Continued on page 25)
Expanding customer base
for space payloads
over the short (2-3 years), medium (4-
6 years), or long term (7-10 years).
At the Berlin Air Show in early
2004, we released our Worldwide Mis-
sion Model: 2004-2013, listing planned
payloads for that 10-year span. We
were able to identify only 1,209 pay-
loadsa drop of 14% from our model
in 2003, which had counted 1,410
payloads. Our 2003 model, in turn,
had diminished in number from the
previous year, which had listed 1,547
As this column noted in 2004, We
peaked in 2001 when we identified
2,160 payloads proposed for launch
during 2001-2010.There are just not
enough new commercial satellites be-
ing proposed to make up for all those
commercial satellite programs that
have died of attrition during the past
few years.
From 2001 through 2004, hun-
dreds of payloads that governments
and companies had been envisioning
simply dropped off the radar. There
was no development work or financ-
ing activity of any consequence within
these programs, so we opted not to
factor them into either our model or
our forecasts.
Uninterrupted growth
However, in 2005, we did notice that
things were starting to change a little
in the marketmore contracts, and
particularly more talk about new pro-
grams. In our model that year for the
period 2005-2014, we counted 1,297
payloadsa 7 % increase from the pre-
payloads were launched to LEO, 23%
to geostationary (GEO), 9% to medium
Earth orbit (MEO), 4% to elliptical, and
3% to deep space.
The payloads were launched using
23 different types of rockets: Europes
Ariane 5G; the U.S. Atlas IIAS, Atlas
IIIA, Atlas V, Delta II, Taurus XL, and
Titan 4B; Russias Cosmos 3M, Dnepr 1,
Molniya M, Proton K, Proton M, Soyuz
2.1a, Soyuz FG, Soyuz U, Tsyklon 2,
Zenit 2, and Zenit 3SL; Indias GSLV 1;
and Chinas Long March 2A, 2B, 2C,
and 4B.
The payloads belonged to govern-
ment agencies, companies, universi-
ties, or organizations from 15 different
countries or regions: Argentina, 2; Can-
ada, 2; China, 10; Europe, 2; France, 7;
India, 1; Italy, 1; Japan, 2; Russia, 20;
Saudi Arabia, 3; Spain, 2; Taiwan, 1;
Netherlands, 4; U.K., 1; and U.S., 11.
Market snapshot
The space market, which is driven pri-
marily by the payloads market, ap-
peared completely stagnant in 2004.
Not many new satellites or capsules
were being ordered. Nor were many
new launch contracts awarded. In fact,
in 2005, the number of launches at-
tempted (55) was the same. Three
ended in failure, leaving a total of,
again, 69 payloads (62 satellites and
seven capsules) sent to orbit. Clearly
there was a sense of being stuck.
Not only was there little in the way
of new contract work; there also were
relatively few new payloads being pro-
posed for manufacture and launch
of space payloads launched (success-
fully or not) to Earth orbit during the
past decade, the low point was in
2004, when the total was only 76.
Note that by payloads, we refer to
any satellites or capsules. We also
mean any distinct piece of hardware
or equipment carried to the ISS during
its assembly period.
There were only 55 launches at-
tempted in 2004, and four of those
missions were failuresthe launch of
the Telstar 8 commercial communica-
tions satellite by a Zenit 3SL rocket,
the Offeq 6 military spy satellite by a
Shavit 1, the Demosat instrumented
dummy satellite and two military tech-
nology satellites (Ralphie and Sparky)
by a Delta IV-Heavy, and the Sich-1M
and Mikron civil Earth observation
satellites by a Tsyklon 3.
That leaves 69 payloads that actu-
ally made it to orbit in 2004: 25 civil
payloads, 22 military, 19 commercial,
two university, and one nonprofit. Of
those, 63 were satellites and six were
capsules carrying supplies or crews to
the ISS. (Technically, anything that
goes into an orbit is a satellite, but we
prefer to differentiate between these
two types of payloads.)
Nearly 60% of the payloads were
small (100-1,500 kg) or medium-sized
(1,500-4,000 kg); 26% were large
(4,000-5,500 kg), extra-large (5,500-
6,500 kg), or heavy (over 6,500 kg).
The remaining 14% were nano/pico-
sized (20 kg or less) or micro-sized
(20-100 kg). Sixty-one percent of the
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total
Civil 74 205 156 62 38 56 39 40 36 39 745
Commercial 54 142 141 130 35 32 31 43 38 43 689
Military 36 68 94 80 54 48 24 21 16 16 457
and nonprot 53 60 63 27 23 10 8 5 9 6 264
Total 217 475 454 299 150 146 102 109 99 104 2,155
vious year. This was followed by a
10.5% increase in our model for 2006-
2015, which included 1,450 payloads.
The number of payloads proposed
around the world has continued to
grow without interruption ever since.
Our latest model has 2,155 payloads
for 2013-2022. Moreover, the number
of payloads launched annually since
2006 has remained above 100. It has
surpassed 110 each year, except in
2008 (105). The number of launches
has been above 60 every year since
2006, and over 70 annually since 2009.
So the space market has recovered
since its low point in 2004, and it also
has stabilized. It is not what we would
characterize as a booming market.
But looking at what has occurred dur-
ing the past three years, we feel there
is much reason for enthusiasm and
hope. For example, there are far more
payload customers from many more
countries than ever before.
In 2010, payloads were launched
for agencies, companies, universities,
and organizations from 21 countries.
Unsurprisingly, the numbers for the
U.S. (52), Russia (29), China (18), and
European nations (19) were strong.
But countries such as Egypt and the
Ivory Coast also launched payloads, as
did about 43 different customers from
these and other nations.
In 2011, the number of countries
launching payloads rose to 25. Among
the most active were the U.S. (48),
Russia (25), China (19), Europe (13),
and India. Others included Chile, Iran,
Kazakhstan, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan,
Singapore, South Africa, Turkey, the
United Arab Emirates, and Ukraine.
About 57 different customers from
these and other countries launched
In 2012, the number of countries
launching payloads rose again, to 28.
Europe (29), U.S. (22), Russia (22),
China (21), and Japan (7) led the way,
but others were also active, including
Belarus, Brazil, Indonesia, Iran, Mex-
ico, North Korea, South Korea, Turkey,
UAE, Venezuela, and Vietnam. Some
62 customers launched payloads.
The number of government agen-
cies, companies, universities, and or-
ganizations that are becoming players
in the buying and operating of space
payloads is consistently growing, as is
the number of countries. In 2004, 15
countries launched payloads. Last year
it was 28. In 2004, there were 32 cus-
tomers that launched. Last year, there
were 62.
Future implications
These are extremely positive trends
that bode well for the industrys fu-
ture. While the number of payloads
being launched each year (and their
total dollar value) may not be nearly
as high as what many in the 1990s had
expected it to be by now, there are a
lot more players in the market, and
they will be buying more and more
payloads every year.
During the past 10 years, for ex-
ample, about 225 agencies, compa-
nies, universities, and organizations in
55 countries have launched payloads
to orbit. By comparison, we estimate
there will be more than 350 payload
customers from nearly 100 countries
over the next 10 years. Our Worldwide
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total
LEO 170 317 341 233 109 98 63 62 65 78 1,536
GEO 23 80 66 31 26 31 22 22 21 15 337
MEO 16 27 16 21 9 7 14 19 7 5 141
Deep space 4 34 21 8 6 9 3 6 3 4 98
Elliptical 4 17 10 6 0 1 0 0 3 2 43
Total 217 475 454 299 150 146 102 109 99 104 2,155
Mass, kg 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total
<20 88 62 86 63 44 13 15 9 14 13 407
20>100 10 53 51 45 13 14 3 3 0 4 196
100>1,500 65 231 211 129 45 54 45 52 41 52 925
1,500>4,000 20 62 46 26 19 29 10 9 11 9 241
4,000>5,500 8 23 16 10 8 15 10 13 6 10 119
5,500>6,500 10 16 24 11 8 6 7 8 14 3 107
6,500> 16 28 20 15 13 15 12 15 13 13 160
Total 217 475 454 299 150 146 102 109 99 104 2,155
of these will be very small technology
satellites built to increase understand-
ing of how they can support U.S.
warfighting and logistical require-
ments. These picosats, nanosats, and
microsats may eventually find useful
applications, but probably not until
10-20 years from now.
We do not see other countries
building and launching many dedi-
cated military payloads. This is partly
because of cost considerations and
partly because of the trend toward
sharing platforms with commercial
and civil payloads. Another major rea-
son is that so many military imaging
and communications requirements
can now be fulfilled by commercial
payloads. Leasing or purchasing sim-
ply makes more sense than owning.
This is certainly the case within the
civil payloads market, notably with re-
gard to cargo resupply and crew trans-
port services to the ISS. If you con-
sider solely the payloads that could go
up in the next four years as a result of
NASAs Commercial Orbital Trans-
portation Services program, there are
about 16, split evenly between SpaceX
with its Dragon capsules and Orbital
Sciences with its Cygnus capsules.
Meanwhile, NASA will continue to
lease seats for its astronauts aboard
Russian Soyuz crew capsules, until a
human-rated U.S. capsuleas part of
NASAs Commercial Crew Integrated
Capabilityis ready to take over. That
could be as early as 2015, but more
likely will be closer to 2018-2020.
Marco Cceres
Teal Group
[email protected]
and India, payloads from countries re-
cently entering the space market, and
the increasing use of picosats, nano-
sats, and microsats by governments,
civil payloads should make up at least
one-third of the total.
We foresee military payloads com-
prising less than 20% of the market.
The U.S. and Russia will continue to
build and launch the vast majority of
military payloads, and the U.S. in par-
ticular will increasingly employ pico-
sats, nanosats, and microsats for imag-
ing, communications, and technology
development missions. A noteworthy
program in this category is Colony 1,
which calls for a constellation of 50
3-kg technology CubeSats built by Boe-
ing Phantom Works for surveillance
and reconnaissance. Another is the
Kestrel Eye system, which would con-
sist of six 15-kg nanosats built by An-
drews Space for the Army Space and
Missile Defense Command (SMDC).
These are also technology develop-
ment imaging satellites.
Another nanosat program for the
U.S. military is ONE (Operational
Nanosatellite Effect), which calls for at
least 10 3-kg technology satellites for
communications. These will be built
by Miltec Missiles and Space for SMDC
as well. DARPA is working on a sys-
tem called SeeMe (Space Enabled Ef-
fects for Military Engagements), which
envisions six prototype and 24 opera-
tional 40-kg technology microsats for
surveillance. Millennium Space Systems
has been contracted on this program.
Thus, while the Pentagon will per-
haps be building and launching many
more payloads than ever before, many
Mission Model for the period 2013-
2022 specifically identifies 320 of these
customers and 70 of these countries,
and it names the 2,155 payloads that
they are proposing either to build or
to buy and launch.
Thirty-five percent of the payloads
are civilmeaning government non-
military. Thirty-two percent are com-
mercial, 21% military, 12% university
or nonprofit. Of the roughly 1,109
payloads launched during 2003-2012,
40% were civil, 26% commercial, 26%
military, and 8% university or non-
profit. We do believe that the growth
trends favor commercial and univer-
sity/nonprofit payloads.
In the next two or three years
alone, there will be dozens of Global-
star, Iridium, and Orbcomm mobile
communications replacement satellites
launched to LEO, along with some 30
Galileo navigation, 20 O3b broadband
communications satellites headed for
MEO, and perhaps others less certain,
such as the 24 Cicero meteorological
satellites for LEO. There are potentially
hundreds of pico-, nano-, and micro-
satellites from hundreds of universi-
tiesmany of which are just waiting
for affordable launchers. We have
identified more than 200 university
satellites proposed for launch in the
next five years alone. We anticipate a
lot more of them 5-10 years out.
Civil vs. military payloads
Civil payloads will not dominate quite
so much as in past years because of
public funding constraints in the U.S.
and Europe. However, because of ex-
panding national programs in China
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total
North America 102 183 183 141 64 56 25 30 31 38 853
Russia & CIS 35 48 76 42 29 30 31 21 26 24 362
Europe 42 121 94 71 28 31 15 23 14 9 448
and Pacic Rim 29 77 72 30 22 21 23 27 20 25 346
Latin America
and Caribbean 7 24 18 14 5 5 6 5 4 7 95
and Middle East 2 22 11 1 2 3 2 3 4 1 51
Total 217 475 454 299 150 146 102 109 99 104 2,155
that is attached to the end of the flap
and stretches to keep the flap tip con-
tinuous with the wing when the flap is
Unlike CML, which constituted 35-
40% of total flap area, the elastomeric
material used by FLEXSEL represents
less than 5% of the total flap area and
so is potentially easier to implement
structurally. To make the concept
practical, Langley is still experimenting
with a variety of different elastomeric
materials to find one that is not af-
fected by altitude and will be struc-
turally strong enough to keep working
over the long term.
Langley has also filed patents on
two other flap noise-reduction con-
cepts. One, called a reactive ortho-
tropic lattice diffuser, or ROLD, uses
what Khorrami calls a very elaborate
set of interconnected holes at the flap
tip. The lattice in this design weakens
noise-producing flow structures by in-
concepts. While those selected for
further experimentation will have to
incur virtually no penalties in weight
and aerodynamic performance, they
will also need to be maintainable and
suitable for certification.
For the downselection process,
NASA would have to compare all its
own computer simulations and wind
tunnel data at length with the flight
test data gathered by Gulfstream Aero-
space using the G550 flying testbed.
Khorrami says that NASA wants to
flight test, at a bare minimum, from two
to four concepts, no later than the fall
of 2014. The agency actually is aiming
to get its favored concepts into the air a
little earlier than that; Khorrami says his
team is looking at mid-to-end summer
2014 for flight testing to begin. When
it does, should the flight test aircraft
pass overhead, you might be surprised
at how quiet it is. Chris Kjelgaard
[email protected]
teracting with the airflow.
The other NASA-patented concept,
called flap edge noise reduction fins
(FENoRFins), involves using a tight
bunch of small fins that extend from
the flap tips into the passing airflow.
Their spacing is key, and while the
fins must be small, Khorrami says they
cannot be too small, because they
must be structurally strong. The FEN-
oRFins approach is similar to the use
of fine brush bristles extending from
the flap tip, a concept that was investi-
gated by European researchers but
found to produce a small degradation
in aerodynamic performance, he says.
For ERA Phase 2, the NASA-Gulf-
stream partnership is expected to
downselect three or four of its best-
performing flap noise-reduction con-
cepts and maybe two or three of its
best landing-gear ideas by this spring.
Khorrami notes that all those chosen
will have to be practical, real-world
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28 AEROSPACE AMERICA/JUNE 2013 Copyright 2013 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
hen DARPA officials began
looking into stealth technol-
ogy in the mid-1970s, they
did so without the support
of the nations military aviation leaders,
who saw no value in a technology that
might limit other design and capability fac-
tors they considered vital at the time.
That also was true with the agencys
UAV research, which interested the services
even less.
But when the F-117 Nighthawk entered
service in the 1980s as the worlds first
stealth combat aircraft, the military view of
that technology began to change. The sub-
sequent development of the larger B-2 Spirit
stealth bomber cemented the technology as
a must have for future aircraft. Indeed, it
has become one of the defining elements of
fifth-generation fighters, currently limited to
the F-22 Raptor and F-35 Lightning II.
Born for combat
With the successful use of the U.S./Israeli-
developed Pioneer UAV as an aerial spotter
during Operation Desert Storm in 1991,
UAVswhile still not universally supported
by the DODbegan a new life as well. Af-
ter September 11, 2001, the wars in Afghan-
istan and Iraq saw more advanced UAVs in
widespread use as intelligence, surveillance,
and reconnaissance (ISR) platforms. But in
late 2001, their role in combat took a major
leap with the introduction of an MQ-1 Pred-
ator armed with Hellfire missiles.
Since then UAVs have evolved into one
of the most widely used and heavily de-
manded aircraft types in the U.S. arsenal
and in the militaries of more than 50 other
nations. With that growth, a new concept
has also gained support: the unmanned
combat aerial vehicle (UCAV). Technically
any weaponized UAV might be identified as
a UCAV; however, the term generally means
a next-generation platform, designed from
the start to be armed and capable of per-
forming all the missions of a manned jet
fighter or bomber.
Both the Air Force and Navy have had
research programs to build and test UCAV
prototypes. Others focused on the concept
of operations (CONOPs) for such aircraft,
by J.R. Wilson
Contributing writer
UAVs are now among the most heavily demanded aircraft types in military
arsenals around the world. Predictably, interest in unmanned combat aerial
vehicles (UCAVs) is also on the rise. In an increasingly dangerous threat
environment, it is likely inevitable that stealth, a feature now widely used
in manned combat aircraft, will nd its way into UCAVs as well.
sneaks into UCAVs
either removing pilots on extremely high-
risk missions or flying UCAVs in concert
with (and controlled from) manned aircraft.
UCAVs, along with stealthy ISR platforms,
also have found a key place in the Penta-
gons new air/sea battle concept, designed
to improve joint operations in antiaccess/
area-denial (A2/AD) environments.
Changing requirements
With all legacy Air Force, Navy, and Marine
Corps fighters being replaced by fifth-gen-
eration stealth aircraftthe USAF F-22 and
multiservice/international F-35it is only
logical that future UCAVs be stealthy as well.
Its a requirements issue, UAV analyst
Steve Zaloga of The Teal Group tells Aero-
space America. The first-generation [air-
craft] have been operating in a permissive
air defense environment, but the services
have to prepare in the future to deal with
an enemy force with a more sophisticated
capability. And in that case, the current sys-
tems would be inadequate.What the fu-
ture battlespace will look like, he says, is
a judgment call at the highest level.
Col. Chris Coombs headed the Medium
Altitude UAS Division at the USAF Aeronau-
tical Systems Center before it was deacti-
vated at Wright Patterson AFB in 2012. He
agrees that while there were no stealth re-
quirements on the Predator or Reaper UAVs
used so heavily in southwest Asia, that is
likely to change.
It is definitely an area of consideration
as you get out into the 2020 timeframe
when looking at what kinds of targets you
may have to address then, he says. If you
think about the kinds of missions manned
aircraft have gone against previouslythe
F-117 and F-22the reason for stealth is to
get into high-value targets deep in enemy
territory, typically protected by great radar
An X-47B is hoisted aboard the carrier USS Harry S. Truman during carrier tests. Photo courtesy Northrop Grumman.
The successful use of Pioneers
during Desert Storm set the stage
for the use of UAVs to ourish.
USN photo by Photographers
Mate 2nd Class Daniel J. McLain.
systems. The same requirements that apply
for manned also apply for UAVs or UCAVs
for deep reconnaissance and deep strike.
Right now, no defined CONOPs have
been given to us to address SEAD [suppres-
sion of enemy air defenses] or manned air-
craft accompaniment. However, the Air
Force plan developed a couple of years ago
talked about a future situation where UAVs
accompany manned aircraft, providing the
ability to carry additional weapons loads.
Or stealth UAVs could go in for the initial
deep strike and then report back to the
manned aircraft to attack other targets or
follow up. So in terms of where we want to
go, its considered, but not currently being
implemented, says Coombs.
Whether stealth would be of greater
value to future UAVs performing deep ISR
or those tasked with strike missions is diffi-
cult to judge, based on current operations,
he adds. This is because current Predators
do both, sometimes switching from ISR to
strike in midmission.
The Air Force has already used at least
one stealthy UAVthe RQ-170 Sentinel,
built by the Lockheed Martin Skunk Works.
This large ISR platform, sometimes called
the beast of Kandahar, reportedly began
flights in southwest Asia in 2011.
Range is key
Stealthy UAVs almost always come with a
requirement for longer range capability than
the manned aircraft whose missions, both
ISR and attack, they are intended to per-
form. A carrier-based UCAV with an unre-
fueled combat radius of 1,500 n.mi. or more
and unconstrained by pilot physiology of-
fers a significant boost in carrier combat ca-
pability, according to a 2008 study by the
Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assess-
ments (CSBA), a defense and national secu-
rity think tank based in Washington, D.C.
What may have been considered a use-
ful advantage in 2008, however, became a
necessity by 2012, says CSBA analyst Mark
Gunzinger, a retired Air Force colonel and
former staff member of the National Secu-
rity Council.
We think the world is becoming in-
creasingly nonpermissive for military oper-
ationsair, space, sea, undersea, and on the
ground. If that trend continues, were going
to have to move toward capabilities that
can operate in all those domains against
those kinds of threats, Gunzinger says.
Those comments reinforced findings in
his 2010 CSBA study, Sustaining Americas
Strategic Advantage in Long-Range Strike:
Antiaccess/area-denial networks like the
one being developed by the PRC and other
states with the resources to buy advanced
military systems will likely pose unaccept-
ably high risks to U.S. Navy surface forces
and compel them to operate initially as far
as 1,000 n.mi. or more from an adversarys
coastline. This suggests the need for a car-
rier-based aircraft with a range that is at
least two to three times that of the F/A-
18E/F or F-35C if carriers are to contribute
meaningful strike capacity at the outset of
future operations.
Moreover, land- and sea-based aircraft
penetrating dense, sophisticated integrated
air defenses will require all-aspect, broad-
band low-observable characteristics. Fi-
nally, hedging against the loss of vulnerable
C4ISR battle networks will require strike
platforms to be capable of operating effec-
tively independent of these networks. Sim-
ply put, the combination of range, persist-
ence, stealth and independence of action
will likely be the sine qua non for effective
strike operations over the coming decades.
But Chinese antiship missiles that could
force even the Navys new Ford-class air-
craft carrier to remain outside manned air-
craft range from an enemy coastline are not
the only problem. Iranian cruise missiles,
smart mines, and swarms of fast-attack
boats also are threatening the fleet in the
confines of the Persian Gulf and narrow
Strait of Hormuz. Those, too, strengthen the
concept of creating fleets of carrier-based
long-range stealth UAVs and UCAVs, Gun-
zinger believes.
This U.S. Sentinel drone is seen operating from an unknown base.
Navy and Air Force plans
Both the Navy and Air Force have had
plans in motion for a stealth UCAV to meet
those evolving demands. Although the Air
Force canceled its X-45 UCAV as part of the
Joint UCAS program in 2006, officially to
concentrate on a long-range strike bomber,
the general consensus is they actually
moved it into the black budget, where
both the F-117 and B-2 were developed.
The Navy, however, has stayed public with
its X-47B, a Northrop Grumman-built bat-
wing UAV that was also part of J-UCAS, un-
der a replacement UCAS-D (carrier demon-
stration) program.
The X-47B completed carrier deck han-
dling tests in late 2012 and is scheduled to
make its first carrier launch and recovery at
sea this yearthe first by any UAV of its
typefrom the USS George H.W. Bush. Au-
tonomous aerial refueling demonstrations
are scheduled for 2014.
The Navys follow-up to UCAS-D is the
unmanned carrier-launched airborne sur-
veillance and strike (UCLASS) aircraft, a car-
rier-based stealth UAV capable of both per-
sistent ISR and light strike. To combine the
best evolving technologies with rapidly
changing threat and mission requirements,
says the Navy, the UCLASS will be devel-
oped using the spiral concept. This ap-
proach entails implementing the systems
various capabilities in multiple steps rather
than waiting to field a single version that
delivers everything the service wants.
The Air Force has indicated it will base
its own next-generation UCAV on the initial
UCLASS capabilities document and has as-
signed an Air Force observer to the Navy
program office. That would seem in keep-
ing with the two services efforts to solidify
the air/sea battle plan. However, even as
the Navy vowed to issue a request for pro-
posals to launch competition for the
UCLASS this year, internal debate continues
over design prioritiesstealth, endurance,
payload, maneuverability.
At a UAV conference held in February,
Rear Adm. Mathias Winter, the Navys pro-
gram executive officer for unmanned avia-
tion and strike weapons, explained that
UCLASS development will not include any
new weapons. He indicated that talks are
under way with both fleet commanders and
defense contractors as to which strike
weapons the aircraft should carry and how
best to integrate those weapons with other
systems and capabilities, presumably in-
cluding stealth.
There will be strike capability as part
of this solicitation. The specifics will be in
the trade space, he told the Association for
Unmanned Vehicle Systems International. I
will tell you that, from a munitions perspec-
tive, it will be something thats already
been certifiedthat is carried in our maga-
zines on our aircraft carriers. There is no
new weapons development program asso-
ciated with UCLASS, and that strike capabil-
ity will be organic to the UCLASS system.
UCLASS candidates
At least four leading U.S. UAV builders
Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Northrop Grum-
man, and General Atomicsare expected to
compete for the UCLASS contract.
Lockheed Martin says its preliminary
concept, the Sea Ghost, leverages [our] ex-
perience with the RQ-170 Sentinel un-
manned aircraft system, the F-35C Joint
Strike Fighter, and other Navy program
technologies [to provide the Navy] with a
versatile and supportable carrier-based un-
manned aircraft solution with capability
growth margins to meet future threats.
A captured beast
In December of 2011, Iran
announced that a Sentinel
the USAF said was patrolling
the Afghan-Iranian border
had been captured while
violating Iranian airspace.
After the aircraft was dis-
played on Iranian state
television, the White House
issued a formal request for
its return. Iran refused,
instead saying it would send President Obama a 1/80th pink scale model.
Although Iran claimed to have jammed the UAVs GPS guidance system and taken
control of the vehicle, U.S. experts dismissed that as an unlikely assertion, one that
demonstrated a lack of knowledge of the platforms actual operations. Tehran also
claimed to have broken the UAVs encryption codes, extracted information from its final
surveillance mission, and reverse-engineered the aircraft to build its own line of stealth
UAVs. However, the actual extent of Irans ability to replicate the UAVs advanced
technologyor produce any of the other next-generation platforms it has claimed to be
developingis debatable.
The Navy and Northrop Grumman
completed the rst shore-based
trials of a wireless, handheld
controller for X-47B carrier deck
A2/AD + Air/Sea Battle = QDR 2014 Overhaul?
On February 26, the House Armed Services Committees
oversight and investigations subcommittee heard testi-
mony from CSBA vice president Jim Thomas, who
served as a deputy assistant secretary of defense in
both the Clinton and George W. Bush administrations.
Thomas called for a reassessment of defense spending
in the 2014 Quarterly Defense Review (QDR), based in
part on the growing A2/AD threat.
The key security challenges we face and the prior-
ity missions outlined in the 2012 Defense Strategic
Guidance place a premium, in particular, on highly dis-
tributed, autonomous, and low-signature forces capa-
ble of operating independently, far forward in denied
areas, he told the subcommittee.
Such forces and capabilities will need to be far
less dependent on vulnerable forward bases but vastly
more effective operating in nonpermissive environ-
ments where adversaries will contest our air forces, jam
our communications, and blind our sensors and com-
mand and control.
To ensure the nations ability to project force into
A2/AD areas, and to deal with future nonstate threats
ranging from terrorists to pirates, DODs highest capa-
bility priorities must include land- and sea-based long-
range, air-refuelable, unmanned stealth aircraft for sur-
veillance, kinetic strike, and nonkinetic electronic
attack, said Thomas.
Combinations of such access-insensitive forces and
capabilities are likely to be the spearhead of future
campaigns against terrorists, WMD [weapons of mass
destruction] powers, and adversaries possessing robust
antiaccess networks, he testified, adding that those,
along with enhanced special operations forces, should
become more central in the American military, espe-
cially in an era of declining resources.
Accomplishing that, Thomas said, will require that
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel and the Joint Chiefs
agree on major trades up front, then address the most
pressing security challengesrather than trying to de-
fine a single defense strategyand aggressively rebal-
ance Americas military capabilities portfolio, including
an increased reliance on unmanned stealth.
Given both the fiscal and external security chal-
lenges facing the nation, the upcoming QDR could be
the most consequential of the last two decades. How-
ever, a business as usual approach in the QDR is un-
likely to lead to the major changes in our forces and ca-
pabilities that are needed, he concluded. The review
will need to prioritize those capabilities that perform
best in contested operating environments, while divest-
ing those that depend on relatively benign operating
Finally, said Thomas, it is worth bearing in mind
that the upcoming QDR will have far less margin for er-
ror than previous reviews. Given the bleak fiscal out-
look, we will likely be stuck with the force that results
from the upcoming review for decades to come, for
better or worse.
The Sea Ghost would build upon
lessons from the RQ-170.
erating experience with the Predator and
Reaper, GA believes the Sea Avenger has
demonstrated many of the Navys require-
ments, although no previous version of the
Predator included stealth.
Boeing is expected to offer a modified
version of the X-45 Phantom Ray it de-
signed for the UCAS-D competition (won
by Northrop Grumman). Although drawing
from previous designs, this will be a unique
new platform, company officials indicate.
They are strategically vague about details.
While the UCLASSand, by extension,
the Air Force adaptationhas slipped by
about two years, the Navy has seemed con-
fident it would begin moving forward this
year. However, at an industry conference in
December 2012, DODs deputy director for
unmanned warfare, Dyke Weatherington,
said he expected procurement of new
UAVs to be slowed in coming austerity
budgets. I do think the preponderance of
what we see in the near future is improve-
ments to current capabilities rather than a
whole lot of new programs, he said.
Research and technology visions
Nonetheless, just as manned stealth aircraft
and UAVs slowly evolved from uninterest-
ing to indispensable, combining the two
Northrop Grumman is expected to of-
fer an enhanced version of its X-47B, which
has drawn on lessons learned over the past
year from its carrier landing and other flight
tests. That test program, says the company,
clearly indicates the Navy plans to have un-
manned craft aboard carriers in the future.
General Atomics Aeronautical Systems
candidate is a version of the USAF Avenger
(formerly Predator C). Drawing on nearly
two decades of R&D, production, and op-
Boeing may offer a modied version of its X-45A for the UCLASS competition.
by the Chinese firm AVIC. In some ways,
these unmanned combat planes represent
traditional advances in weapons tech: They
are designed to fly faster and farther than
our current generation of strike drones and
to better evade enemy defenses, he wrote.
But these planes are also very different
than their predecessors: They are smarter
and more autonomous. They are designed
to take off and land on their own, fly mis-
sion sets on their own, refuel in the air on
their own, and penetrate enemy air de-
fenses on their own. The Taranis even has
modules designed to allow it to select its
own targets.
Another March report on Chinas UAV
programs by Project 2049 Institute, a Wash-
ington, D.C.-based think tank with an Asian
focus, described the emphasis the Peoples
Liberation Army (PLA) places on becoming
a leading UAV power.
UAV systems may emerge as the criti-
cal enabler for PLA long-range precision
strike missions within a 3,000-km radius of
Chinese shores. Emphasis on reducing the
radar cross-section of new UAV designs in-
dicates an intent to survive in contested or
denied airspace, the institute noted. The
ultimate goal of combined UAV and missile
campaigns would be to penetrate otherwise
robust defense networks through tightly co-
ordinated operations planned to optimize
the probability of overwhelming targets.
In short, even as friends and foes chal-
lenge U.S. domination of traditional UAVs,
the rest of the world may be far closer
when it comes to the next generation of
unmanned stealth aircraft. This in turn puts
even greater pressure on the DOD, Con-
gress, and the administration to respond,
even as defense budgets grow tighter.
technologies for the future military air fleet
has developed a sense of inevitability.
The Office of Naval Researchs current
Naval Science and Technology Strategic
Plan outlines both the strategic drivers and
vision for the future of Navy UAVs and
UCAVsan integrated hybrid force of un-
manned and manned systems with en-
hanced C4ISR capabilities.
Increased proliferation of inexpensive
lethal threats targeting individual warfighters
and high-value assets, combined with con-
tinued rapid advances in computing, power
and energy, robotics, sensors, and position
guidance technologies drives the require-
ment to augment expensive manned sys-
tems with less expensive, unmanned, fully
autonomous systems that can operate in all
required domains, says the ONR plan.
Central to achieving that vision is the
development of a distributed system of het-
erogeneous unmanned systems relying on
networkcentric, decentralized control that is
flexible in its level of autonomy, with the
ability to get the right level of information
to the right echelon at the right time. This
may include defeating asymmetric and
emerging threats via persistent and stealthy
distributed large-area presence, stimulation
of suspect entities, and disruption and de-
ception of potential hostiles.
In a Foreign Policy online article in
March, Peter W. Singer, director of Brook-
ings Institutions 21st-Century Defense Ini-
tiative, analyzed the global effort to bring
stealth UCAVs into future air combat mis-
sions: Consider Northrop Grummans X-47
UCAS, a jet-powered, stealthy plane testing
out in Maryland right now; or the Taranis,
being tested in Australia by BAE; or the
Blue Shark, rumored to be in development
34 AEROSPACE AMERICA/JUNE 2013 Copyright 2013 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
ost unmanned aircraft en-
gineers cringe at the
word drone. It has polit-
ical freight because of
current missile strikes,
and it also implies a lack of technical so-
phistication. The problem for critics is that
it remains an apt term for how todays
UAVs are operated. The Predators and
Reapers flown over Afghanistan and Africa
are controlled by joystick when the situa-
tion heats up, but most of the time they fly
from one waypoint to the next while oper-
ators in ground control stationsoften for-
mer fighter pilotsstruggle not to yawn.
The brains are not in the planes; they are
on the ground.
Between now and February 2014, engi-
neers at Aurora Flight Sciences in Manassas,
Virginia, and Lockheed Martin in Owego,
New York, will be preparing for a dramatic
robotic helicopter flyoff that could soon
make the word drone a misnomer.
Under an Office of Naval Research
(ONR) program called AACUS (autonomous
Next year, in a dramatic yo at Marine Corps Base Quantico, two unmanned helicopters
will demonstrate new navigation packages featuring advanced sensors, processors,
and algorithms from two competing UAV manufacturers. These technologies may soon
enable such aircraft to rescue troops from battle zones, or civilians from disaster areas,
without putting pilots at risk.
The Navy conducted a
successful ve-day Quick
Reaction Assessment in
Arizona to prove the
K-MAX helicopters
cargo-carrying capability
in conditions similar to
those it will experience
in Afghanistan.
aerial cargo utility system), Aurora and
Lockheed are designing competing kits of
sensors, processors, and algorithms for in-
stallation on existing optionally piloted hel-
icopters. Weighing no more than 30 lb, the
kits must sense obstacles, including power
lines and towers, and figure out how to
steer around them for a landing less than a
meter from a predesignated landing spot.
Just in case things go badly, a safety pilot
will be aboard each helicopter during the
flyoff at Marine Corps Base Quantico, Virginia,
where the power lines and towers are very
real. Lots of VIPs will be on hand, and a Marine
Corps general yet to be named will direct
the helicopter using a tablet or smartphone.
It promises to be the next-best thing to
NASCAR, says Mary Missy Cummings, an
MIT professor and former Navy F-18 pilot
who is on assignment to ONR as the pro-
gram manager.
She is only half joking. Cummings,
who has appeared on national TV shows,
understands how to employ the media bet-
ter than most program managers: She wants
to have a live webcam stream from the
cockpit so everyone can see that the safety
pilot is not touching the controls.
The race is on
The contractors are starting to assemble the
mix of sensors, software, and algorithms
they will need to install on their helicop-
ters. They are still debating many key deci-
sions, including which sensors are neces-
sary for the flyoff and which can wait until
later phases of the five-year, roughly $98-
million program.
Arguably the biggest challenge is the
software, which must interpret the sensor
data and figure out how to react to dynamic
situations. Essentially, were mimicking re-
sponses that typically an operator would
have...and then embedding them in the
code, says Jon McMillen, Lockheed Mar-
tins business development manager for un-
manned systems.
ONR has awarded $28 million in con-
tracts for the flyoff phase. Aurora will re-
ceive $13.4 million, Lockheed $13.5 million.
by Ben Iannotta
Contributing writer
Unmanned Little Bird successfully performed 14 autonomous takeoffs and landings from a ship during ight tests in July 2012.
ONR also has small contracts with the Army
Aeroflightdynamics Directorate at Ames
and JPL to provide technical advice to the
competitors. The winner will stay on to in-
stall its navigation package onto a com-
pletely different model of helicopter, a test
version of the UH-60 Black Hawk called
RASCAL (rotorcraft aircrew systems con-
cepts airborne laboratory). That demo will
happen in California, 11 months after the
Quantico flyoff.
Eleven months, particularly for a risky
R&D project, is a very short timeframe in
which to provide essentially the same capa-
bility on a completely new aircraft, notes
The Navy, which is leading this pro-
gram on behalf of the Marine Corps, wants
a modular system that can be installed on
all sorts of vertical takeoff and landing
planes, possibly including V-22 tilt-rotors.
One task for the contractors will be to fig-
ure out where the sensors and processors
should be installed on multiple aircraft.
If AACUS succeeds, a Marine without any
aviation training could tap on a tablet or
smartphone in the midst of a firefight and
tell an autonomous helicopter to deliver
ammunition or evacuate the wounded.
There would be no one on the ground with
a joystick, and no need to send other
Marines scrambling over foot trails or onto
roads that could be laced with improvised
explosive devices.
Whether its a resupply mission or a
casualty evacuation, we see a real game
changer by having helicopters that go into
settings that are very risky for humans,
Cummings says. The goal is to enable the
sensing to do both obstacle avoidance and
landing zone detection onboard the heli-
copter with no human in the loop.
The five-year program is meant to get
the technology ready for the real world. An
autonomous helicopter would have to fig-
ure out where to land amid boulders and
moving objects like trucks and people. It
might need to distinguish hard ground from
soft marl that could swallow its skids or
wheels and keep it from taking off again. It
would need to see through dust kicked up
by its rotor blades, and any rain or snow
nature throws at it. Accomplishing all that
will require a mix of electrooptical video
cameras, radars, and lidars, plus onboard
algorithms to turn those perceptions into
wise autonomous decisions. The demo will
be the first step toward figuring out what
an operational version of the navigation
system should include.
The helicopters
Lockheed plans to install its system onto a
K-MAX helicopter, specifically the 1,800-lb
optionally piloted variant created in the
mid-2000s by Kaman Aerospace and Lock-
heed. Two of them are in Afghanistan de-
livering supplies to troops in the field. The
goods are packed in cargo nets and dan-
gled by long-line tethersK-MAX does not
have to land in difficult settings; it can just
drop its cargo and return to base.
It has great payload lifting power,
though. It can carry 6,000 lb at sea level,
and 4,313 lb at a 15,000-ft density altitude;
the latter is an aviation term describing the
thinness of the air in high-altitude regions
like Afghanistan, where flights just a few
hundred feet above the ground mean flying
thousands of feet above sea level. At some
point, the air gets so thin that a helicopter
with too heavy a load would have to turn
its rotor blades impossibly fast to maintain
lift. AACUS calls for an altitude density of
12,000 ft, which K-MAX easily meets.
K-MAX helicopters have flown many
unmanned missions in Afghanistan since
2007. They perform well but do not yet
have the computing power or autonomy
ONR wants for the flyoff. They fly predeter-
mined routes that are loaded into onboard
computers ahead of time: Theres a certain
flight path that youre going to fly. Theres
a certain landing zone, and everything is
known throughoutwhats going to hap-
pen, and how the systems going to react,
says McMillen.
Lockheed calls its autonomous naviga-
tion package OPTIMUS (open-architecture
planning and trajectory intelligence for man-
aging unmanned systems). Well leverage
everything we have from K-MAX, with the
goal of having something built in an open-
architecture way that can really be poured
into many platforms, McMillen says.
Aurora Flight Sciences has no shortage
of experience building unmanned aircraft,
but most are fixed-wing planes: the option-
ally piloted Centaur, the experimental long-
endurance Orion, and the hand-launched
Skate. The company also made the com-
posite airframe for Sikorskys S-97 armed
scout demonstrator helicopter.
Aurora chose to team with Boeing,
maker of the H-6U Unmanned Little Bird
helicopter. Little Birds were first designed in
Every time this aircraft delivers
a payload, were taking one
more truck off the road, says
Cpl. Ryan Venem, detachment
aerial vehicle operator.
1958 by Hughes Aircraft (now Boeing Ro-
torcraft Systems) as light reconnaissance ve-
hicles. Despite the word Unmanned in the
newest versions name, it is actually an op-
tionally piloted craft that can be flown by
two pilots, one pilot, or a ground operator.
Unlike K-MAX, the Unmanned Little
Bird has not seen much real-world action
and often flies with a safety pilot. It made
its maiden flight in 2004 and its first un-
manned flight in 2006. It is used mainly to
test unmanned aircraft concepts of opera-
tions, according to Boeing. Last year it took
off and landed from a moving ship in a se-
ries of demonstrations.
Aurora exudes confidence about its
choice, given the flyoff criteria listed in the
broad agency announcement Cummings re-
leased back in November 2011: The aircraft
must be able to carry 1,600-5,000 lb while
traveling at speeds between 110 kt and 250
kt, in an altitude density of 12,000 ft.
We went through a fairly involved
source selection and evaluated a number
of different aircraft from a [perspective of]
feasibility, risk, performance, and the expe-
rience of whoever owned the airplane,
says John Wissler, AACUS program man-
ager at Aurora. The Boeing Unmanned Lit-
tle Bird was the one that fit what were try-
ing to do.
One of the goals is modularity, so both
contractors will have to design their equip-
ment to be compatible with multiple air-
frames. Aurora plans to tuck the processor
behind the two pilot seats of the Little Bird.
For other aircraft there are different possi-
bilities; Cummings says one would be to at-
tach the equipment to a strut. Lockheed has
not said for sure where it will install its
processor. The sensors would most likely
be on the noses of Little Bird and K-MAX,
because they need to have good views of
the ground and the air ahead.
The big test will come in the Quantico
Remember that Marine Corps general?
Cummings wants him or her to have no
aviation background. The person calling for
the helicopter will use a telestrator to trace
where the aircraft should and should not
fly, along with some preferred approaches.
The flight is meant to be challenging
for the helicopters, not for the general.
Both vehicles will do the calculating based
on supervisory-level directions from the
Theres a big tower, actually several
towers that theyre going to have to avoid,
says Cummings, plus the power lines and
even some water. And, of course, a safety
pilot ready to take control if necessary.
Having a nonexpert direct the aircraft
introduces a variable that is absent from
most demonstrationsespecially one with
millions of dollars in additional funding at
stake. Thats just something well have to
deal with, and it does interject an interest-
ing element into the overall program; were
looking forward to it, says Wissler.
Inspired by Mars
The Marines are not the only government
entity that operates in rugged, hostile ter-
rain. JPL engineers are working to improve
the precision of the next Mars landings or
new missions to asteroids. The technolo-
gies overlap so much that ONR structured
the program for each flyoff contractor to
work with a separate team of JPL engineers.
The JPL teams have been testing relative
terrain navigation algorithms for rapidly
crunching data into flight control decisions.
Close to the ground, lidars would bounce
lasers off the surface to find obstacles in
three dimensions.
Cummings expects lidar to be among
the core technologies in the AACUS sensor
suites, too. Learning about the state of the
art of lidars and their limits is a top goal.
Some lidars do better at looking
through dust, Cummings says. One of the
things that were trying to assess is just how
well can theyand Im doing air quotes
see through dust and rain and weather.
She does not think lidar alone will be
the answer, although settling that question
will be saved for later phases of the pro-
gram. At some point its likely well have
to integrate some kind of millimeter wave
radar to be able to see through dust or par-
ticulates, she says.
Figuring out the exact mix of sensors
for an operational helicopter is not the goal
of the flyoff phase. The focus here for the
first 18 months is really developing the en-
abling technologies, says McMillen. In fact,
picking a technology too soon would be a
big mistake, in his view. As we get further
down the path and later in the program, a
lot of these technologies that were looking
atsensorswill be smaller, with much bet-
ter capability, so you hate to limit yourself
to one form factor today, he says.
Long-term implications
The programs ultimate goal would be an
autonomous casualty evacuation helicopter
Boeings Unmanned Little Bird will
demonstrate Auroras navigation
package in the yoff.
that could be flown into battle zones or into
civilian areas after earthquakes, tsunamis,
or other disasters.
Aside from the technical challenges,
these aircraft would test the human psyche.
People instinctively want the person in
charge of an aircraft to be physically pres-
ent. Human factor experts call this shared
fate. Attitudes toward robotic vehicles are
evolving, however, and reactions can be
surprising. Cummings says Marines gener-
ally feel okay about putting a wounded
comrade on a robotic helicopter with no
one else onboard if thats the only way to
get them help within the golden hour. But
if you suggest putting the wounded on a
robotic helicopter occupied by a medic,
some Marines back-pedal and feel uncom-
fortable, for reasons that are not entirely
clear. This is not a problem for the Marines,
because their casualty evacuation helicop-
ters do not carry medics, Cummings notes.
The bottom line is that attitudes are chang-
ing: Lots of us have ridden a train with no
engineer!, she adds by email.
When all this can happen is an open
question. When ONR invited the industry to
12 0070
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I. Michael Ross and Qi Gong
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general techniques for problem solving.
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ted to convergence of solutions that h
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ucelen, Eric Johnson, Anthony Calise, ansel Y TTa
y: Summar
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The course will provide the tools needed for real-world adaptive
from electrical, mechanical, and aerospace industries.
control applications, and will be relevant to practicing professionals
y sessions; receptions and luncheons; and online proceedings. participation: admittance to technical and plenar
*Register for either course and attend the Conference for

s r h 0 0 7 1 - 5 1 8 0 3 1 0
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ucelen, Eric Johnson, Anthony Calise,
he tools needed for real-world adapti
from electrical, mechanical, and aerospace industries.
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Registration fee includes full confer FREE! ! *Register for either course and attend the Conference for

compete for AACUS in 2011, it described its
goals in terms pulled directly from Marines
experience in Afghanistan. There was an
urgent need to resupply remote combat
outposts, and to reach out hundreds of
miles from large forward operations bases,
without risking ambushes or improvised
explosive devices by taking land routes.
Cummings does not expect the AACUS
technology will be ready in time to help in
Afghanistan, given the U.S. plan to pull
combat troops out by the end of 2014. The
first spinoff probably will be the modular
sensors and processors. Those could be
added to existing, traditionally piloted air-
planes to enable pilots to steer through ex-
treme weather or dustdegraded visual en-
vironments (DVEs) in aviation parlance.
Lidars and millimeter wave radars obvi-
ously can sense things humans cannot.
The Marine Corps is losing $66 million
a year in aircraft crashes in these DVE con-
ditions, so we consider this an urgent, ur-
gent need, Cummings says. I would say
that within a few years that could definitely
make its way to some field. Im not sure
where well be in the next few years.
K-MAX features Kamans
high-altitude, heavy-lift
K-1200 airframe and
Lockheed Martins mission
management and control
Leland Nicolai and Grant Carichner have
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Dr. Bernd Chudoba, The University of
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This volume combines science and engineering
covering the steps required to achieve a
successful airship design. It represents an
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April 2013, 984 pages, Hardback
ISBN: 978-1-60086-898-6
List Price: $119.95
AIAA Member Price: $89.95
About the Book
Fundamentals of Aircraft and Airship Design, Volume 2 Airship
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The book features numerous examples, including designs for
airships, hybrid airships, and a high-altitude balloon; nine case
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Daedalus, Cessna 172, T-46A, and hang gliders; and full-color
photographs of many airships and aircraft.
About the Authors
GRANT E. CARICHNERS 48-year career at the Lockheed
Martin Skunk Works includes work on SR-71, M-21, L-1011
Transport, Black ASTOVL, JASSM missile, stealth targets, Quiet
Supersonic Platform, ISIS high-altitude airship, and hybrid airships.
He was named Inventor of the Year in 1999 for the JASSM
missile vehicle patent. He also holds design patents for hybrid
airship congurations. He is an AIAA Associate Fellow.
LELAND M. NICOLAI received his aerospace engineering
degrees from the University of Washington (BS), the University of
Oklahoma (MS), and the University of Michigan (PhD). His aircraft
design experience includes 23 years in the U.S. Air Force, retiring
as a Colonel, and 32 years in industry. He is an AIAA Fellow and
recipient of the AIAA Aircraft Design Award and the Lockheed
Martin Aero Star Presidents Award. He is currently a Lockheed
Martin Fellow at the Skunk Works.
Order 24 hours a day at
Fundamentals of Aircraft and Airship Design,
Volume 2 Airship Design and Case Studies
40 AEROSPACE AMERICA/JUNE 2013 Copyright 2013 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
or over half a century, the skies
over the U.S., Europe, and much
of the rest of the world have been
crisscrossed daily by aircraft con-
trailsthe white residue from mil-
itary and commercial jet engine emissions.
Environmentalists view these seem-
ingly benign lines as pollution of the atmos-
phere. Military planners see them as a po-
tential danger that reveals to an enemy not
just the presence but also the location of
warplanes, from fighters to transports.
In March, three NASA centersLangley
in Virginia, Glenn in Ohio, and Dryden in
Californiamoved research in this area an-
other step forward with the first flight test
segment of a project called ACCESS (alter-
native fuel effects on contrails and cruise
Environmentalists and others have raised
concerns about contrails, the long emission
traces formed in the wake of jet aircraft.
Pollution eects are not the only issue;
these benign-looking trails alert enemies
to the presence of warplanes. Under NASAs
ACCESS program, researchers are taking a
closer look at these emissions and ight
testing alternative fuels to minimize their
adverse impacts.
emissions). These efforts built on ACCESS
ground tests conducted in 2012, along with
previous NASA emissions experiments.
All of these, including the ground
tests, have been very collaborative efforts,
says Dan Bulzan, technical lead on the
clean power subproject under which AC-
CESS is run within NASAs Fundamental
Aeronautics Program. In the ground test-
ing, we sent researchers out to help per-
form some of the particle and gas phase
We [Glenn] dont do flight testing, so
our role at Dryden was a lot more limited,
primarily making sure we purchased the
right fuels, had [the fuel] properly blended
and then sent out for analysis. All of the ac-
tivities at Langley and Dryden are under the
clean power subproject, which is part of
the fixed wing project at Glenn.
Bruce Anderson, ACCESS project scien-
tist at Langley, says that the specific roles
and contributions of each NASA center in
ACCESS 1 will continue in follow-up exper-
iments. These cover a range of areas, from
fuel blends used in the agencys DC-8 fly-
ing lab to its instrumented HU-25 Falcon
chase aircraft.
The fixed-wing [project] at Glenn is
continuing lab tests on alternative fuels. My
group at Langley looks at instruments and
flight plans, and the Research Directorate,
which operates the Falcon, does the aircraft
modifications and certifications. He says
that the latter area was important, because
we had to cut some holes in the airplane.
by J.R. Wilson
Contributing writer
to contrails
Exhaust contrails streaming from
the engines of NASAs DC-8 ying
laboratory are captured by an
HU-25 Falcon ying in trail
about 300 ft behind the DC-8.
Instruments on the Falcon were
measuring the chemical contents
of the exhaust contrails at
varying distances from the DC-8,
which was using both standard
JP-8 jet fuel and a mix of JP-8
and a plant-derived biofuel.
NASA/Eddie Winstead.
Dryden, he says, owns and operates the
DC-8 and is responsible for the flight tests.
Emissions up close
ACCESS is the most in-depth study to date
of how alternative jet fuels may affect en-
gine emissions and the formation of con-
trails. NASA has a program to assess alter-
native fuels, but there was very little
information on the emissions from a jet en-
ginedetailed information modelers need
to predict local area impacts, Anderson
says. We had used the DC-8 on previous
experiments, and when ACCESS came
along, it was one of the few aircraft in the
NASA fleet that had commercial links. So
we used it in 2009 to study fuels made from
coal, and another [made] from natural gas.
But NASA really wants to study renew-
able fuels. Fischer-Tropsch (FT) fuels add
to the CO
burden in the atmosphere, so
the emphasis is on using feedstocks that
can be grown and harvested. The experi-
ment in 2011 focused on those fuels, using
beef tallow. The most recent [ACCESS] tests
used camelina oil.
The FT process was developed in Ger-
many in the early 1900s as a way to pro-
duce liquid fuels, such as diesel, from coal.
It uses a mixture of carbon monoxide and
hydrogen as a synthesis gas that then is
converted into hydrocarbons using a cata-
lyst. The fuel used in ACCESS 1, however,
comprised hydrotreated esters and fatty
acids (HEFA) from the camelina planta
member of the mustard family native to the
Mediterraneanin a 50/50 blend with stan-
dard JP-8 jet fuel.
Staging from Drydens Aircraft Opera-
tions Facility in Palmdale, the ACCESS
flights took place in restricted airspace over
colocated Edwards AFB. With its four
CFM56 engines burning the camelina-based
hybrid, the DC-8 flew a circular pattern at
altitudes up to 40,000 ft while the Falcon
trailed at distances from 300 ft to over 10
mi., its instruments sniffing the larger jets
emissions, including its contrail.
The overarching objective is to exam-
ine the effects of blended alternative fuels
on aircraft emissions in flight. Weve done a
number of ground tests. We know burning
pure alternative fuel results in a significant
reduction in particle emissions, but only
50/50 blends have been approved for
flight. Thats primarily because the aircraft
fuel systems will leak if we load pure alter-
native fuel on the aircraft, says Anderson.
In the long term, we hope [to have] these
fuels in general use. The cost is coming
down, and as petroleum sources become
fewer and more expensive, these substitute
fuels will become more important.
Were just a small part of the big pic-
ture. A number of federal agencies are col-
laborating to promote the development of
these alternative fuels, both to clean up the
atmosphere and to make our country more
energy independent. That includes looking
at the different crops suitable for making
fuels [and at] the impact on fresh water sup-
plies and land usage. We know if we could
switch to pure synthetic fuels, we would re-
ally have an impact on clean air.
ACCESS 1 began with 2012 ground
tests at Dryden, with the DC-8 engines
The HU-25C Guardian Falcon
arrives at NASA Langley in
November 2011. Courtesy
NASA/Sean Smith.
burning both blended and pure synthetic
fuels while the aircraft remained on the
ramp. Neither of those fuels contained the
camelina oil synthetic used in the March
flight tests, because it was not available in
sufficient quantities at that time. The re-
searchers gathered a great deal of emis-
sions data from the ground tests, but early
analysis of the results from those and the
initial flight tests were inconclusive.
During the ground tests, at medium to
high power settings, we didnt see a lot of
difference between burning the blended
fuels and pure JP-8. And we didnt see
much in the flight tests, either, although
that is very preliminary at this point. We
will be looking at those over a wider power
range, Anderson says.
The March flights were interrupted by
maintenance issues on the DC-8. The delay,
say the researchers, may have been an ad-
vantage, giving them time to perform some
preliminary analyses, make adjustments to
plans for the remaining flights, and prepare
to conduct the first ground tests of the
camelina HEFA.
We made a really good start at Dry-
den, getting about halfway through meet-
ing our milestones and objectives before
we had to stand down while they sorted
out the aircraft issues, Anderson said in
April. While the original plan was to re-
sume ACCESS 1 flights in May, officials said
in an April 25 briefing that they had can-
celled any additional FY13 flights. The plan
now is to resume flight tests at Dryden as
part of ACCESS 2 some time in FY14, al-
though no dates have yet been determined.
International eorts
Bulzan says the first results from that analy-
sis will be presented at an international
workshop this summer. Presentations by at-
tendees from other countries on related re-
search may include follow-up data from
limited synfuel flight tests conducted by
Canada and South Africa.
The Canadians used a Falcon [similar
to the NASA chase plane] as the emissions
source and a smaller aircraft for chase.
NASAs associate administrator has said
there is truly worldwide interest in this, but
no one else is actually doing these experi-
ments; so there is great interest in getting
the information we are developing, he
adds. On our last telecon, we had repre-
sentatives from 10 or 12 other nations, and
I suspect some of those would like to par-
ticipate in future experiments if there is a
way they can do that. That remains to be
Future ight planning
Even as they prepared for the final ACCESS
1 flights and data analysis, the research
team was starting to plan for ACCESS 2,
currently scheduled for 2014, and similar
experiments in the future.
The plan is to do a second, similar ex-
periment, but the details will depend on the
results we find from this one. We may want
to expand the fuels; right now were only
using the 50/50 blend, but we may want to
use a different fuel then, Bulzan says.
The fuels must have certain proper-
tiesthe major ones are sulfur content, hy-
drogen content, heat at combustion. We
may want to investigate ways to take more
of the sulfur out for the next round or re-
duce aromatics [polycyclic aromatic hydro-
carbon emissions from the combustion of
alternative fuels]. Were really just character-
izing these fuels, not developing or produc-
ing them. We are looking at developing fu-
ture combustors that reduce emissions and
so have a strong interest in what effect
these synfuels have on both current and fu-
ture combustors.
Future tests, possibly including some to
close out ACCESS 1, will look more closely
at the formation and atmospheric impact of
contrails. Plans include sending the Falcon
out to gather data from modern commercial
jetliners flying in the national airspace be-
yond Edwards AFB.
Were waiting for some additional in-
struments and software the FAA requires in
order to do that, Anderson says. Then we
can fly in the NAS [National Airspace System]
above 28,000 ft. NASA has also obtained a
Guardian jet from the Coast Guard and is
modifying it to do atmospheric sampling.
Part of that is a reduced vertical separation
Test instrumentation is set up behind the inboard engines of NASAs DC-8 during alternative
fuels emissions and performance testing at the NASA Dryden Aircraft Operations Facility in
Palmdale. Courtesy NASA Dryden/Tom Tschida.
module; they used to space aircraft at 2,000
ft above 28,000, and now its 1,000. So we
have to get the aircraft certified for that.
Some of the Guardians equipment is differ-
ent from that of the civilian Falcon on which
it is based, he adds.
Balancing the heat budget
The team also hopes the combination of
their own DC-8 flight tests and data ob-
tained from trailing commercial air traffic
will enable them to build on previous
NASA studies and extensive modeling on
how contrails affect the Earths heat budget.
Certain constituents in the atmosphere
trap heat, including long-lived greenhouse
gases, of which water vapor is a major
component; clouds formed by water vapor
block incoming solar radiation, and temper-
atures drop. The Radiation Sciences Branch
at NASA Langley measures both incoming
and outgoing radiation to determine the at-
mospheric heat balance, or heat budget. If
that balance is in equilibrium, then Earth is
neither heating nor cooling.
Contrails affect that balance, reflecting
light and trapping heat. As other sources of
pollution go away, [as a result of] using
low-polluting technologies, the contrails of
aircraft can have an impact on the Earths
heat budget. And where there is a substan-
tial number of contrails, that impact is meas-
urable, Anderson says. There has been
speculation that if you remove all particles
from emissions, you can mitigate the cre-
ation of contrails. So part of our objective is
to build links between particle emissions
and the formation of contrails, making pre-
cise measurements.
Soot typically warms the atmosphere;
ice clouds typically reflect radiation back
into space and so cool the atmosphere. But
a lot also depends on the surface below
snow, forest, desert, ocean, etc. Were hop-
ing to build on the current base of informa-
tion on what conditions contrails form under
and how they are related to soot emissions.
Some people believe if there is no sulfur in
the fuel, the black carbon particles would
not be dense enough to form water and
thus contrails. As we go along, maybe we
can get fuels with very little sulfur.
The initial ACCESS flights did not seem
to show any significant difference between
contrails formed by pure jet fuel and those
from engines burning a hybrid fuel.
But that will take a great deal of statis-
tical analysis, and were just not there yet.
This is something that takes extensive sys-
tematic study, which is something we hope
to do in the coming year, he explains.
Were learning a lot about how to
sample emissions and what instruments are
needed to really nail down the characteris-
tics of the contrails. So were in the process
of building up and, as we go along, well
have more data and statistics to pull out
these more subtle effects. So from the Lang-
ley perspective, ACCESS has gone well.
Living with limitations
While any blend or even pure synthetic/al-
ternative fuel can be used in ground tests,
NASA is restricted to using FAA-certified
fuels and blends for its flight tests.
At the moment, only those two types
[FT and HEFA] are certified for use with
commercial aircraft, so we are pretty lim-
ited at the moment, Bulzan says. How-
ever, a number of fuels are being looked at
for certification, and that is something we
might look into for ACCESS 2. The specifi-
cations say you can use up to a maximum
50/50 blend for the certified fuel. There are
certain limits in the specs that the blended
fuel has to meet, but even if a higher blend
did meet all of those, youre not allowed to
go beyond 50/50 for commercial flight.
There are companies trying to develop
pure drop-in biofuels that are not blended
with JP-8. For now, those are not certified,
but a South African company [Sasol] is try-
Flying some 500 ft behind the DC-8, the Falcon measures chemical components
of the exhaust streaming from the DC-8s engines burning a 50/50 mix of
conventional jet fuel and a plant-based biofuel. Courtesy NASA/Lori Losey.
ing to certify a pure Fischer-Tropsch fuel.
For ACCESS 2, though, we may even try a
fuel that is not certified, if it meets all the
parameters and we can get approval from
Dryden, which operates the aircraft. Were
also limited to what NASA has [in its avia-
tion fleet], but are in discussions with oth-
ers on getting access to newer aircraft.
Allowing NASA to use an uncertified
fuel in future flight tests within restricted Air
Force airspace would give the agency a
jump on determining how such fuels may
meet long-term emissions goals if and
when they are certified.
Its a long process to get new fuels
certified. Pure synfuels dont meet jet fuel
specs; they have issues with aromatic con-
tent and seals, which dont swell as much
as they should. They typically are less
dense than current specs [require], and
there also are issues with conductivity, so
gauges dont work right, he says.
The goal is drop-in fuels, so you can
put them in anything and they will work
just like petroleum-based fuels. After the
ACCESS 1 news release went out, I was
asked if we could use a new fuel that did
not have to be blended with JP-8 in AC-
CESS 2. Thats the fuel that was used by the
Canadians. They called it 100% biofuel, but
they may have added something to make it
meet all jet fuel specs.
Sasols fully synthetic jet fuel (FSJF) was
approved as a Jet A-1 fuel under British mil-
itary standards in 2008 and was later recog-
nized as an approved fuel by the interna-
tional standards organization ASTM. Four
aircrafta Boeing 737-200 and three Hawker
4000sconducted the first FSJF-fueled
flights in September 2010, from Johannes-
burg to Cape Town.
They landed and parked, then a few
hours later flew back to Johannesburg on
the same fuel. Totally uneventful, as ex-
pected, Bulzan recalls. It has not gone
into production, because the economics
changed from the time of the beginning of
the evaluation to approval.
Remaining unknowns
Even with the current alternative fuel certi-
fications and continuing ground and flight
tests, some important considerations have
been left out of the research programs. One
is engine performance (the DC-8 is 1960s
technology, so results would not be fully
applicable to modern aircraft and engines);
another consideration is how long-term use
might affect maintenance requirements or
engine life.
I think its too early to tell, because
these [factors] have not been studied for
long periods, but I have not heard any is-
sues to date, Bulzan concludes. Certifica-
tion is a pretty stringent process, and its
unlikely anything would be certified that
would incur significant changes. But, again,
long-term use is required to fully determine
that, and those are not something we are
looking at in our program.
The Falcon probes the exhaust contrails from the DC-8 as both aircraft enter a turn at about 35,000 ft during the rst data-collection ight
in the ACCESS biofuels ight test project in restricted test airspace over California's high desert. Courtesy NASA/Lori Losey.
Soviet air force. She remains in orbit
for almost three days. During the
mission she comes within 3 mi. of the
Vostok 5 in a tandem flight and
communicates by radio with its lone
cosmonaut, Valery Bykovsky. Although
Tereshkova has little formal technical
training, she became interested in
parachuting, was trained in skydiving,
and made her first jump in 1959.
Her expertise in skydiving led to her
selection as a cosmonaut, but she
also had some pilot training. She later
reaches the rank of major general. D.
Baker, Spaceflight and Rocketry, p.
153; Valentina Tereshkova file, NASM.
June 22 John C. Cliff Garrett,
founder of Garrett Corp. and a pioneer
in the pressurization of aircraft and
life-support systems, dies. In 1936
he founded a company that later was
known as Garrett AiResearch, a
manufacturer of turboprop engines
and turbochargers. In 1939 he
established a small research lab that
conducted air research in the
development of pressurized flight
for passenger aircraft. During WW II,
Garrett developed and produced the
cabin pressure system for the B-29, the
first production bomber pressurized
for high-altitude flying. From the
1960s, his AiResearch Environmental
Control Systems developed life-support
systems for Projects Mercury, Apollo,
and Skylab spacecraft. New York Times,
June 24, 1963, p. 27; John
C. Garrett file, NASM.
June 27 Flown by
Maj. Robert A.
Rushworth, USAF,
the X-15 rocket
research aircraft
space, climbing
to 285,000 ft,
or almost 54
mi. It also
reaches a speed
of Mach 4.89, or
25 Years Ago, June 1988
June 9 The Kuiper Airborne Observatory, flying
at 41,000 ft over the South Pacific, makes the
first direct observation of an atmosphere on
the planet Pluto. NASA, Astronautics and Aeronautics, 1986-90, p. 176.
June 15 The Ariane 4 rocket makes its maiden flight, a test mission. It carries
PanAmSat 1 (PAS-1), the worlds first private international geosynchronous
satellite; the amateur radio spacecraft OSCAR 13; and a meteorological satellite.
PAS-1 initiates the multibillion-dollar international commercial satellite services
industry. Its owner, PanAmSat, was formed on April 23, 1984. PAS satellites
are used for broadcasting, business communications, and, later, the Internet.
NASA, Astronautics and Aeronautics, 1986-90, pp. 176-177.
50 Years Ago, June 1963
June 3-6 Sixteen NASA astronauts undergo jungle survival training at the USAFs
Caribbean Air Command Tropic Survival School at Albrook AFB, Canal Zone. The
training includes classroom instruction and a three-day field practice in a local
jungle. NASA Marshall press release 63-96.
June 4 The California Institute of Technology announces the first conclusive
detection of water vapor on Mars, based on findings made by the Mt. Wilson
and Mt. Palomar observatories in California. The planets water supply is found to
be as small as half a cubic mile, compared with the millions of cubic miles on Earth.
New York Times, June 5, 1963, p. 17.
June 8 The first of six Titan II ICBM squadrons based at Davis-Monthan AFB,
Ariz., becomes operational. By December 31, the six squadrons missiles total
357. The Titan II, with storable propellant, is fitted with a 9-megaton warhead
and has a range of 9,325 mi. D. Baker, Spaceflight and Rocketry, pp. 152-153.
June 13 North American Aviation awards spacesuit manufacturing
company David Clark a contract for Project Gemini suits, known
as the G3C for intravehicular operations and the G4C
extravehicular type, for space walks. The G4C is to have
added micrometeoroid and thermal protection. D. Baker,
Spaceflight and Rocketry, p. 153.
June 14 The Vostok 5, carrying Soviet cosmonaut Valery F. Bykovsky,
is launched and remains in orbit for four days 23 hr 6 min, still the longest
solo spaceflight on record. D. Baker, Spaceflight and Rocketry, p. 153.
June 15 For the first time, six satellites are orbited in one launch, by a Thor-Agena
D from Vandenberg AFB. The six are a classified 3,307-lb military satellite, the
57-lb Lofti 2A, the 86-lb Solrad 6, the 55-lb Radose, a 77-lb classified satellite,
and the 7-lb Surcal 1C surveillance calibration satellite. D. Baker, Spaceflight and
Rocketry, p. 153.
June 16 Soviet cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova, age 26, becomes the first
woman in space when her Vostok 6 is launched from the Tyuratam complex in
the USSR. She is also the first civilian to fly in space, although she later joins the
3,425 mph. Rushworth now qualifies
for military astronaut wings. D.
Jenkins, X-15: Extending the Frontiers
of Flight, pp. 408-410, 624, 630.
75 Years Ago, June 1938
June 1 Routine launching of balloon
radiosondes begins at the Anacostia
NAS in Washington, D.C. These craft,
which carry radio meteorographs, will
be in use in Navy fleet operations by
years end. E. Emme, ed., Astronautics
and Aeronautics 1915-60, p. 36.
June 4 A new world record for altitude
with a 5,000-kg payload is set by
pilots Karlheinz Kindermann and
Ruprecht Wendel, with Werner Hotopf.
They ascend to 30,551 ft at Dessau,
Germany, in a Junkers Ju 90. Aircraft
Year Book, 1939, p. 466.
June 5 German pilot Maj. Gen.
Ernst Udet breaks the world
land-plane speed record
over 100 km. He flies
394 mph from Rostok
in a Heinkel He 112U
(DB 601 engine), 50
mph faster than Italys
Furio Niclot Doglio.
Aero Digest, July 1938,
p. 38.
June 7 In the first test flight of the
Boeing 314 flying boat, pilot Eddie
Allen takes off from Puget Sound,
circles over Seattle, and lands on Lake
Washington. The 82,000-lb ship is the
largest transport plane in the U.S. and
accommodates 74 passengers. It has
a maximum range of 2,400 mi. and
features four 1,500-hp Wright
Cyclone engines. Aero Digest, July
1938, p. 42.
June 7 Douglas Aircrafts largest plane to date,
the Douglas DC-4E, is test flown by Carl Cover
in a 90-min flight. The 65,000-lb transport can
carry 42 passengers and a crew of five. Powering
the aircraft are four 1,400-hp Pratt & Whitney
Twin Hornets. Hampered by complexity and
mediocre performance, the plane never enters
service; however, its failure results in an entirely new design, the DC-4/C-54, that
later proves very successful. Aero Digest, July 1938, p. 43.
June 9 The British government announces it will purchase 400 U.S. planes,
including 200 Lockheed Hudsons and 200 North American Harvard aircraft, for
training by the RAF. The $28-million order is the largest ever received from
abroad for U.S. aircraft. E. Emme, ed., Astronautics and Aeronautics, 1915-60,
p. 36; Aero Digest, July 1938, pp. 18-19.
June 20 Karl Bode sets a world helicopter distance record of 143 mi., piloting
an FW 61-VI from Fassberg to Rangsdorf, Germany. Aircraft Year Book, 1939,
p. 467.
June 23 President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs the McCarran-Lea Civil Air Authority
Act, abolishing the Bureau of Air Commerce and canceling jurisdiction over aviation
matters by five other government agencies. Regulation of air commerce is now
placed under a single agency called the Civil Aeronautics Authority. E. Emme, ed.,
Astronautics and Aeronautics, 1915-60, p. 36.
June 25 The Navys most ambitious mass
flight ends when 47 twin-engined Consolidated
PBY-1 patrol bombers arrive at the Sand Point
NAS in Seattle after a 1,100-mi. nonstop
flight from San Diego. Approximately 300
officers and men are involved in the flights.
Aero Digest, August 1938, p. 26.
100 Years Ago, June 1913
June 13 De Lloyd Thompson, the first man to loop-the-loop in the U.S., races
in his plane against a racing car driven by Barney Oldfield at the Maywood
Speedway in Chicago,
before 20,000 spectators.
Aerial Age Weekly, June 28,
1915, p. 344.
June 21 Georgia Tiny
Broadwick becomes the first
woman to parachute from a
plane when she jumps from
an aircraft flown by Glenn L.
Martin over Griffith Field in
Los Angeles. F. Mason and
M. Windrow, Know Aviation,
p. 15.
An Aerospace Chronology
by Frank H. Winter
and Robert van der Linden
1418 July 2013
Vail Marriott
Vail, Colorado
43rd International Conference
on Environmental Systems
Supported by
AIAA Life Sciences and Systems
Technical Committee
AIAA Space Environmental Systems
Program Committee
American Institute of Chemical
Engineers (AIChE) Environmental
Systems Committee
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
(ASME) Crew Systems Technical Committee
ICES International Committee (INT)
Credit: ISS Expedition 30/NASA
Conrmed Speakers Include:
t 5BCFS.BD$BMMVNCo-Founder, CEO, and CTO, Paragon Space
Development Corporation
t +PIO$VSSZDirector, Spacecraft Advanced Development, Space
Exploration Systems, Sierra Nevada Corporation
Technical Topics Include:
t Aerospace Human Factors
t Environmental Control and Life-Support System Technology
t Environmental Monitoring and Controls
t Planetary Protection
t EVA System Technology
t Life Sciences
t Planetary Habitats and Systems
t Thermal Control Systems Technology for Manned and Unmanned Vehicles
Hotel Information:
AIAA has made arrangements for a block of rooms at:
Vail Marriott
715 West Lionshead Circle
Vail, Colorado 81657
Room rates are $179 available through 21 June 2013
Organized by
Early-Bird Registration ends 17 June 2013
1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Suite 500
Reston, VA 20191-4344
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ber inquiries, or renewals; to request journal
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6 Jun Aerospace Today ... and Tomorrow: Williamsburg, VA (Contact: Merrie Scott: [email protected])
Disruptive Innovation, A VaIue Proposition
12-14 Jun| 6th InternationaI Conference on Recent Advances in Space Istanbul, Turkey (Contact: Suleyman Basturk,
TechnoIogies (RAST 2013) [email protected],
17-19 Jun| 2013 American ControI Conference Washington, DC (Contact: Santosh Devasia,devasia@,
24-27 Jun 43rd AIAA FIuid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit San Diego, CA Jun 12 20 Nov 12
44th AIAA PIasmadynamics and Lasers Conference
44th AIAA Thermophysics Conference
31st AIAA AppIied Aerodynamics Conference
21st AIAA ComputationaI FIuid Dynamics Conference
5th AIAA Atmospheric and Space Environments Conference
AIAA Ground Testing Conference
14-18 Jul 43rd InternationaI Conference on EnvironmentaI Systems (ICES) (Mar) Vail, CO Jul/Aug 12 1 Nov 12
15-17 Jul 49th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint PropuIsion Conference and Exhibit San Jose, CA Jul/Aug 12 21 Nov 12
11th InternationaI Energy Conversion Engineering Conference (IECEC)
11-15 Aug| AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics SpeciaIist Conference Hilton Head Island, SC (Contact: Kathleen Howell,
765.494.5786, [email protected],
12-14 Aug AIAA Aviation 2013: Charting the Future of FIight Los Angeles, CA Oct 12 28 Feb 13
Continuing the Legacy of the AIAA Aviation TechnoIogy, Integration, and Operations (ATIO) Conference and Featuring the
2013 InternationaI Powered Lift Conference (IPLC) and the 2013 CompIex Aerospace Systems Exchange (CASE)
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19-22 Aug AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and ControI Conference Boston, MA Jul/Aug 12 31 Jan 13
AIAA Atmospheric FIight Mechanics Conference
AIAA ModeIing and SimuIation TechnoIogies Conference
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[email protected],
13-17 Jan AIAA SciTech 2014 National Harbor, MD 5 Jun 13
(AIAA Science and TechnoIogy Forum and Exposition 2014)
22nd AIAA/ASME/AHS Adaptive Structures Conference
2nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting
AIAA Atmospheric FIight Mechanics Conference
15th AIAA Gossamer Systems Forum
(Issue of AIAA Bulletin in
which program appears)
(Bulletin in
which Call
for Papers
(Issue of AIAA Bulletin in
which program appears)
(Bulletin in
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AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and ControI Conference
AIAA ModeIing and SimuIation TechnoIogies Conference
10th AIAA MuItidiscipIinary Design Optimization SpeciaIist Conference
16th AIAA Non-Deterministic Approaches Conference
55th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, StructuraI Dynamics, and MateriaIs Conference
7th Symposium on Space Resource UtiIization
32nd ASME Wind Energy Symposium
26-30 Jan| 24th AAS/AIAA Space FIight Mechanics Meeting Santa Fe, NM Jun 13 2 Oct 13
27-30 Jan| AnnuaI ReIiabiIity and MaintainabiIity Colorado Springs, CO (Contact: Jan Swider,
Symposium (RAMS) 2014 818.586.1412, [email protected])
1-8 Mar| 2014 IEEE Aerospace Conference Big Sky, MT (Contact: Erik Nilsen, 818.354.4441,
[email protected],
30 Apr 2014 Aerospace SpotIight Awards GaIa Washington, DC
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(AIAA Aviation and Aeronautics Forum and Exposition)
20th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference
30th AIAA Aerodynamic Measurement TechnoIogy Conference
AIAA/3AF Aircraft Noise and Emissions Reduction Symposium
32nd AIAA AppIied Aerodynamics Conference
AIAA Atmospheric FIight Mechanics Conference
6th AIAA Atmospheric and Space Environments Conference
14th AIAA Aviation TechnoIogy, Integration, and Operations Conference
AIAA BaIIoon Systems Conference
22nd AIAA ComputationaI FIuid Dynamics Conference
AIAA FIight Testing Conference
7th AIAA FIow ControI Conference
44th AIAA FIuid Dynamics Conference
AIAA Ground Testing Conference
20th AIAA InternationaI Space PIanes and Hypersonic Systems and TechnoIogies Conference
21st AIAA Lighter-Than-Air Systems TechnoIogy Conference
15th AIAA/ISSMO MuItidiscipIinary AnaIysis and Optimization Conference
AIAA ModeIing and SimuIation TechnoIogies Conference
45th AIAA PIasmadynamics and Lasers Conference
45th AIAA Thermophysics Conference
15-18 Jul| ICNPAA 2014 - MathematicaI ProbIems in Engineering, Narvik University, Norway (Contact: Seenith Sivasundaram,
Aerospace and Sciences 386.761.9829, [email protected],
28-30 Jul PropuIsion and Energy 2014 Cleveland, OH Nov 13
(AIAA PropuIsion and Energy Forum and Exposition)
50th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint PropuIsion Conference
12th InternationaI Energy Conversion Engineering Conference
2-10 Aug| 40th Scientific AssembIy of the Committee on Space Research Moscow, Russia
(COSPAR) and Associated Events
5-7 Aug SPACE 2014 San Diego, CA Feb 14
(AIAA Space and Astronautics Forum and Exposition)
AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics SpeciaIist Conference
AIAA CompIex Aerospace Systems Exchange
32nd AIAA InternationaI Communications SateIIite Systems Conference
For more information on meetings listed above, visit our website at or call 800.639.AIAA or 703.264.7500 (outside U.S.).
|Meetings cosponsored by AIAA. Cosponsorship forms can be found at

5 Jun NucIear and Future FIight PropuIsion: Advanced Concepts in Rocket PropuIsion, Webinar (1300-1430 hrs EDT)
NucIear Systems, Advanced Physics, and High-Energy Density PropeIIants
10-11 Jun Introduction to Spacecraft Design and Systems Engineering The Ohio Aerospace Institute Cleveland, OH
10-11 Jun Aircraft and Rotorcraft System Identification: Engineering Methods The Ohio Aerospace Institute Cleveland, OH
and Hands-on Training Using *0-,9
22-23 Jun Verification and VaIidation in Scientific Computing Fluids 2013 Conferences San Diego, CA
18-19 Jul Liquid PropuIsion Systems-EvoIution and Advancements Joint Propulsion 2013 Conference San Jose, CA
18-19 Jul A PracticaI Introduction to PreIiminary Design of Air Breathing Engines Joint Propulsion 2013 Conference San Jose, CA
18-19 Jul MissiIe PropuIsion Design and System Engineering Joint Propulsion 2013 Conference San Jose, CA
29-30 Jul Introduction to Space Systems National Aerospace Institute Hampton, VA
29-30 Jul Phased Array Beamforming for Aeroacoustics National Aerospace Institute Hampton, VA
29-30 Jul TurbuIence ModeIing for CFD National Aerospace Institute Hampton, VA
10-11 Aug Guidance of Unmanned AeriaI VehicIes AVIATION 2013 Los Angeles, CA
10-11 Aug Systems Engineering Verification and VaIidation AVIATION 2013 Los Angeles, CA
17-18 Aug Emerging PrincipIes in Fast Trajectory Optimization GNC 2013 Conferences Boston, MA
17-18 Aug Recent Advances in Adaptive ControI: Theory and AppIications GNC 2013 Conferences Boston, MA
10-12 Sep Human Engineering PrincipIes for FIight Deck EvaIuations Univ. of Tennessee Space Institute Tullahoma, TN
11 Sep MissiIe Defense: Past, Present, and Future Webinar (1300-1430 hrs EDT)
23-24 Sep Gossamer Systems: AnaIysis and Design The AERO Institute Palmdale, CA
23-24 Sep Sensor Systems and Microsystems: From Fabrication to AppIication The AERO Institute Palmdale, CA
To receive information on courses listed above, write or call AIAA Customer Service, 1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Suite 500, Reston, VA 20191-4344;
800.639.2422 or 703.264.7500 (outside the U.S.). Also accessible via the internet at or
*Courses subject to change
AIAA Fluid Dynamics and Co-located Conferences and Exhibit
Z+Zl !cae ZJIJ '|era|ea 'aa 9|ee he|e| 'aa 9|ee, Ca||lera|a
Continuing Education Short Courses
Verication and Validation in Scientic Computing
5cIurdcy-5undcy 22-23 1une 2013 0815-1700 hrs
Instructors: William Oberkampf and Christopher Roy
Summary: Techniques and practical procedures for assessing the
credibility and accuracy of simulations in science and engineering.
Application examples, techniques and procedures are primarily
taken from uid dynamics, solid mechanics, and heat transfer.
CFD Hgh||I PredcIen Werkshep
5cIurdcy-5undcy 22-23 1une 2013 0815-1700 hrs
Sponsored by: The AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Technical Committee
Summary: Learn to assess the numerical prediction capability of current-generation
CFD technology/codes for swept, medium to high aspect ratio wings
for landing/take-off (high-lift) congurations; develop practical
modeling guidelines for CFD prediction; determine the elements
of high-lift ow physics that are critical for modeling; and enhance CFD
prediction capability.
`Ke|:|er ler a tecr:e aai a||eai ||e Cealereate ler FREE! Ke|:|ra||ea lee |at|cie:
lc|| tealereate jar||t|ja||ea. admittance to technical and plenary sessions; receptions,
luncheons, and online proceedings.


Sandy H. Magnus, Executive Director
For the past few months Klaus Dannenberg, Mike Griffin, and I
have been highlighting the fact that change is in the air and that
the Institute is undergoing a significant transformation. This month
I`d like to go into a bit more detail about the strategic direction
we are taking. Of course, at the heart of our strategic plan is the
recognition that we need to attract and maintain the membership,
build on our strengths, deliver exceptional results and value, and
build our brand. Under each of these goals we have outlined sev-
eral objectives that are institute-wide and that take a broad view
of what AIAA should be doing, not just focusing on the various
interests in disconnected ways.
In evolving the strategic plan we started with the fundamental
question: "Why does AIAA exist? What is our purpose?" The
answer? We exist to ignite and celebrate aerospace ingenuity and
collaboration. We are a community of people who are passion-
ate and care deeply about making things fly, defying the laws of
gravity, pushing the limits of what technology can do in its effort
to get people off the ground and into the air, the atmosphere, and
space. It is our common love of things flying, in any way, shape,
or form, which brings us together. We solve the hard problems
and take on difficult missions and make them look easy. AIAA is
the organization that facilitates collaboration across the commu-
nity, celebrates our accomplishments, and communicates with the
world about our achievements.
As AIAA members we come together to talk about the nuts
and bolts of what we do-the details of an airfoil, the exact fuel
ratios for optimization of an engine, the materials of choice for
a structure. We also come together to discuss, dissect, and
evaluate where the industry is headed and where we would like
it to go. We share knowledge at all levels. One way or another,
all AIAA activities boil down to collaboration, celebration, and
So what does this mean to you as a member and an aero-
space professional? What it means is that AIAA is your vital
lifelong link to-and champion for-the collective creativity, brain-
power, and achievements of the aerospace profession. I have
been able to attend several of our student events, and during my
talks there I ask them to stop for a moment and look around the
room. I point out that as they look around they will see the people
they are going to spend the next 30 years with as they travel
through their professional career. We are a tight-knit community.
No matter where you go in industry, academia, or government,
you will find AIAA members providing you an instant connection.
An important element of our strategic plan as we move forward
is to ensure that the Institute continues to promote, nurture, and
build our community.
AIAA is not only about community and connectivity. I have
discussed in earlier columns the fact that we live in an increas-
ingly dynamic world with changes happening quickly. One of
the elements of the strategic plan addresses how to position the
Institute to be flexible and evolve as the world around us evolves.
Adaptation is not only needed on the financial and business
fronts, with today`s environment of shrinking budgets, but also on
the technical landscape. As technology is developed, new areas
of interest-areas that concern the aerospace industry-are con-
stantly appearing on the horizon. AIAA needs to engage in these
areas as well. Cybersecurity, a discipline no one could have pre-
dicted as one of major concern a decade ago, is of huge interest
to our whole community. Green energy and its application to the
aviation industry is another. In addition, along with new technolo-
gies come policy issues around utilization and the public interest.
AIAA must stay abreast of the issues and participate, if not lead,
in that dialogue.
Another strong element of our strategic plan is communica-
tion. AIAA exists to celebrate and highlight the achievements
of the aerospace industry and the professionals who work in
it. We do great things. We do hard things! We do innovative
things! The Institute not only serves to communicate our collec-
tive accomplishments to our members, but also translates what
those accomplishments mean for the benefit of society. Finally,
by bringing together a constant, vital community that serves as a
catalyst for inspiration, we encourage young people to follow their
dreams of flight and join us in this wonderful profession.
Community, collaboration, and communication-these are the
things that make AIAA worthwhile to so many of us and these are
the themes we captured in our strategic plan: celebrate the pro-
fession, encourage new members, build and strengthen the rela-
tionships we have across our industry, advocate for an industry
we love. Stay connected to the community-the future is bright!
ICNPAA 2014 WorId Congress: MathematicaI ProbIems
in Engineering, Sciences and Aerospace
Narvik University, Norway, 15-18 JuIy 2014
On behalf of the International Organizing Committee, it gives
us great pleasure to invite you to the ICNPAA 2014 World
Congress: 10th International Conference on Mathematical
Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Sciences, which will
be held at Narvik University, Narvik, Norway.
Please visit the website,, for
all the details. This is an AIAA, Narvik University (Norway),
Norut Narvik (Norway), Lule University of Technology
(Sweden), etc., cosponsored event. Proceedings will be pub-
lished by AIP, USA.
AIAA Deputy Executive Director Klaus Dannenberg welcomes Kiyoshi
Higuchi, IAF President and Vice President of JAXA, to AIAA Headquarters
on 26 April.
Best Gossamer Systems Paper Author William Keats
Wilkie (right) with Director Kathleen Atkins (left)
Rauno Cavallaro and Luciano Demasi, San Diego State University, winners of the
Collier Research HyperSizer/AIAA Structures Best Paper with Craig Collier and Director
Kathleen Atkins (right). Not shown is Andrea Passarelli of Tiscali Italia SpA.
ASME/Boeing Best Papers Authors Robert Britt, Boeing Research & Technology, and
Matthew Scott, NextGen Aeronautics Inc. with General Chair Anthony Waas and Director
Kathleen Atkins (right).
ASME Keynote/Adaptive
Structures Prize Lecturer Alison
Flatau, University of Maryland,
College Park (left) with Norman
Wereley (right). SDM Conference Organizing Committee
Michael Hyer, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
University (left), and Keith Kedward, University of California,
Santa Barbara (center), recipients of the 2013 AIAA-ASC
James H. Starnes, Jr. Awards. On the right is Dewey Hodges
of Georgia Institute of Technology, recipient of the AIAA
Ashley Award for Aeroelasticity.
Stephen Brock
AIAA congratulates the
winners of the 2012-2013
Cessna Aircraft Company/
Raytheon Missile Systems/
AIAA Foundation Student
Design/Build/Fly (DBF)
Competition, held 19-21
April at TIMPA Field,
Tucson, AZ. The DBF
Competition, which encour-
ages and recognizes
excellence in aerospace
engineering skills at the
undergraduate and gradu-
ate level, drew 59 teams
from 25 states and 14 for-
eign countries. There were
595 participants at this
year`s competition. Final
results were based on the
team`s written report and
the scores of each team`s
flight opportunities.
Winners were announced
and congratulated on
Sunday afternoon. AIAA
Executive Director Sandy
Magnus was present and
personally congratulated
each of the teams. The win-
ning teams were: University
of California Irvine, Irvine,
CA, received the $2,500
first place award; San
Diego State University, San
Diego, CA, received the
$1,500 second place prize;
Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute, Troy, NY, received
the $1,000 third place prize.
One of the event`s
organizers, Russ Althof,
an Engineering Fellow at
Raytheon Missile Systems,
stated: "Raytheon Missile Systems is proud to sponsor this
event along with AIAA and Cessna Aircraft. I would also
like to recognize all of the student teams for their effort.
Congratulations to the winners as well as all of the students
who have worked so hard to design, build and ultimately fly
their airplanes in this competition."
Now in its 17th year, the Cessna Aircraft Company/
Raytheon Missile Systems/AIAA Foundation Design/Build/
Fly Competition challenges teams of undergraduate and
graduate students to design and fabricate a radio-controlled
aircraft conforming to strict guidelines, fly it over a defined
course while carrying a payload, and land it without dam-
age. The judges also evaluate the written design report
submitted by each team with its aircraft. The final score is
a combination of the points awarded for an aircraft`s flights
and for its design report. Final official results and rankings
of all participants will be available from the DBF website
after final verification and validation. For more information
about the AIAA Design/Build/Fly Competition, visit www.
1st place winners: University of California, Irvine
2nd place winners: San Diego State University
3rd place winners: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
quick, but the parachute deployment mechanism failed to fire,
and the rocket plunged into the red clay of the field, four feet of
its eight buried in the Earth.
The Naval Academy Rocket Team was the third and final
team to compete. Their rocket successfully reached a peak alti-
tude of 1595 feet, and separated cleanly. It made a slow return
to Earth, with final touchdown 152 seconds after first motion.
The egg survived the descent.
The Super Optimistic Noodle Squad received guidance from
the rocket experts at Tripoli Central Virginia, and they used
some repair tape, pulled out their epoxy, and reattached the fin,
preparing for round two. The Egg Splatters checked out their
rocket. Remarkably, all of the components survived intact; they
were ready to give it another shot.
The Naval Academy Rocket Team plotted strategies to better
their score. After some minor tweaks and reassembly, the team
readied their equipment for attempt number two. They predicted
a lower altitude of 1650 feet, and sent their rocket into the sky. It
was a solid flight-great acceleration, clean flight arc, successful
separation, and a clean descent. The modifications to the para-
chute worked as well; the descent time was cut in half from their
first attempt. But their altitude prediction was too low, and the
flight went over by 36 feet. The second flight was disqualified.
The Super Optimistic Noodle Squad`s rocket cruised to its
maximum altitude of 1508 feet, just barely above the minimum
requirement, and only 67 feet under their 1575-foot predic-
tion. The separation and descent were picture perfect with a
clean break at apogee, and the chutes opened as planned for a
smooth and gentle landing and a total descent time of 61 sec-
onds. The egg was safe and unbroken-a clean scoring flight.
The Super Optimistic Noodle Squad was now in the lead.
The Egg Splatters were ready to show what their rocket
could really do. It was a great second flight, everything worked
as planned, especially the dual deployment parachute sys-
tem-1578 foot max altitude with a 62-second total flight time.
The run scored an impressive 134 points, just barely missing out
on the top spot.
Chris Kilzer, AIAA Deputy Director for Young Professionals, Region 1
In late summer 1862, Confederate and Union forces clashed on
a field at Cedar Mountain, VA. Some 151 years later, on 6 April
2013, that field saw a different kind of battle. Amateur rocket
teams from all around Region 1 of AIAA gathered to launch their
rockets in a battle to compete for the title of champion.
The competition, now in its third year, was a collaboration
between AIAA and our hosts and resident rocket experts from
Tripoli Central Virginia. Each year, teams are charged with
building a rocket that could hoist a hen`s egg and return it and
the rocket safely back to Earth. To keep things interesting, their
rockets also faced a few additional challenges:
The Price is Right: Participants pick an altitude between 1500
and 2013 feet and get as close as possible without going over.
What Goes Up, Must Come Down . in one piece: Once
they`ve hit their target, bring the whole rocket back down
again as fast as possible. If teams exceed the target, they`re
disqualified. Suffer a broken egg? Disqualified. Crash or
destroy any piece of the rocket? Disqualified.
To be crowned the winner, the judges combined a score fac-
toring in the team closest to their target altitude plus their flight
time in seconds; the lowest score wins. Each team had six hours
and three tries to post their best score.
Super Optimistic Noodle Squad, a team from the National
Capital Section, went first. Their rocket, Gemelli I, had four rear
fins and four small front fins. They had a successful launch, but
the rocket separated into two sections after reaching apogee.
The rear of the rocket crash landed, and the front came down
46 seconds after liftoff. The team was disqualified for the first
attempt and one of the rear fins was broken.
The second team, the Egg Splatters, had a rocket made from
fiberglass, kevlar, and epoxy, stuffed with flight-tested electron-
ics. The egg was secured in a bed of sawdust. The flight up was
Teams and volunteers at the AIAA Region I Rocket Competition. Volunteers: Chris Kilzer, Ben Jimenez, George Blaha, Ryan Noble, Mike Moore, Ed
Stinnett, Adonay Jimenez, Bruce Milam; Tripoli Central Virginia: Will Marchant, Ivan Galysh, Elaine Russell; Super Optimistic Noodle Squad, from the
National Capitol Section (Randy Spicer, Dale Schick, Brian Langmyer, William Dupuis); Egg Splatters, from the Mid-Atlantic Section (Brian Wadsley,
Daniel McKinney, Brad Marples, Alex Malone, Adam Nicholl, Sharon Singer); Naval Academy Rocket Team, from the Mid-Atlantic Section (S. Hayes
Friddle, Thor Stensrud, Austen Suqi, Troy McKenzie, Sam Sipe, Alex Vogel, Dan Kuerbitz, Zachary Blanchard, Jin Kang)
As the teams congratulated one another, they were already
setting their sights on next year, with great ideas for future com-
petitions. "How about greatest acceleration without breaking an
egg?" "What if we have to deploy a camera and record a scene
to broadcast?" "How about returning the rocket closest to the
launch pad?" "What if we include all the other AIAA sections in
the country?" were all ideas thrown out in the waning hours of
the day. Who knows what next year will bring, but rest assured,
the competition will be back, and better than ever!
Thanks to our great team of volunteers who helped out during
the day, to the National Capital Section and Young Professional
Committee for sponsoring the event, and to the great folks at
Tripoli Central Virginia for hosting us again this year. We look
forward to seeing everyone in 2014!
Spectators were treated to a host
of other activities while the AIAA com-
petitors were away from the field. The
hosts, Tripoli Central Virginia, held the
Battle of the Rockets (rocketbattle.
org) for students at the high school
and college level. The Battle featured
a target altitude competition, an astro-
egg lander event, and a Mars rover
event. Teams from the University of
Cincinnati, the University of Texas
at Arlington, Yale University, Case
Western Reserve University, Amity
University, Thomas Jefferson High
School, and Chantilly High School par-
ticipated in the events.
Along with competition launches, it
was a great day for families and their
amateur rockets. People launched
everything from small quick-build
kits off the low-powered launch
pads, to multi-stage, high-powered
rockets. There was even a rocket-
plane that both launched and soared
through the sky. For AIAA, it was a
great opportunity to chat with aero-
space and rocket enthusiasts from all
over the region, and share the benefits
we provide to the community.
The teams finished up their modi-
fications and reloadings, prepped
their rockets and eggs for launch,
and headed out to the pads for one
last try. First was the Naval Academy Rocket Team, who pre-
dicted 1700 feet. The flight was clean and successful, but they
overshot their goal by just 10 feet, and their egg didn`t survive
the flight. Even with the great flight time of 82 seconds, the final
flight was disqualified.
Second was the Super Optimistic Noodle Squad, with a pre-
diction of 1550 feet. The Gemelli I performed great on liftoff, but
didn`t reach the minimum 1500-foot altitude. They still had the
best score of the day from the second round.
The Egg Splatters set their final target at 1610 feet, and
launched their rocket one last time. The flight went better than
expected, but they overshot their prediction by 16 feet. Their
38-second flight time was the best of the day, but the Price is
Right rule took its final victim.
The winning team from National Capitol section.
Egg Splatters Squad
Naval Academy Rocket Team
Atmospheric Space Environment
Kent Tobiska, Space Environment
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Urmila Ghia, University of Cincinnati
Electric Propulsion Testing
John Dankanich, NASA GRC
Ground Testing
Richard White, ViGYAN, Inc.
Ray Castner, NASA Glenn
Steve Woods, NASA WSTF
Steve McDougle, NASA WSTF
Mission Assurance
Tyrone Jackson, Simanima
Solar Cells/Solar Panels
Ed Gaddy, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics
Amalia Aviles, Boeing
Henry Brandhorst, Carbon Free Energy
Robert Francis, Aerospace Corp.
Space Internetworking
Robert Durst, Mitre
Space Plug and Play
Fred Slane, Space Infrastructure Foundation
Space System Battery Safety
Judy Jeevarajan, NASA Johnson Space Center
Rengaswamy (Srini) Srinivasan
Systems Engineering
Satoshi Nagano, The Aerospace Corp.
Jim Van Gaasbeek, Northrop Grumman Corp.
In addition, the following AIAA members served on the
Standards Executive Council in 2012:
Allen Arrington, Sierra Lobo, Inc. at NASA Glenn
Dave Cahill, Arnold AFB
Wilson Felder, FAA/Stevens Institute of Technology
David Finkleman, AGI
Joy Fitzpatrick, Boeing
Linden Harris, Airbus SAS
Adrian Hooke (deceased), NASA JPL
Ron Kohl, RJ Kohl and Associates
Laura McGill (VP, Standards), Raytheon
Satoshi Nagano, The Aerospace Corp.
Clinton Plaisted, a.i. Solutions
Fred Slane, Space Infrastructure Foundation
William Vaughan, University of Alabama at Huntsville
Trudie Williams, Department of Defense
If you are interested in lending your expertise to this funda-
mental work, which benefits the entire aerospace profession,
please contact the AIAA Director of Standards, Nick Tongson at
[email protected].
AIAA is an ANSI (American National Standards Institute)
accredited standards developing organization (SDO), committed
to the development and management of standards that serve
the aerospace industry. AIAA standards are provided to our
members at no cost through our website at
AIAA`s Standards Program develops documents in the form
of Guides, Recommended Practices, Standards, and Special
Projects, which provide for the advancement of the aerospace
industry by reducing costs and cycle times while increasing
productivity, performance, and reliability. The technical scope
of these documents covers all areas of interest to AIAA`s
69 Technical Committees, including systems, components,
materials, products, technologies, methods, and practices in
voluntary aeronautical and aerospace applications. Standards
cover topics such as human factors, safety, design, testing,
construction, maintenance, performance, natural and induced
environments, and operation of aerospace devices, equipment,
and systems.
The AIAA Standards Program is managed through two pri-
mary groups, the Standards Executive Council (SEC) and vari-
ous Committees on Standards (CoS) of which AIAA currently
has 11 groups. These bodies serve very different purposes, but
together they allow AIAA to produce the documents that provide
the rigorous technical practices that are needed in the aerospace
industry. The technical knowledge to develop a specific stan-
dard resides within a CoS. The CoS develops the proposal for
a new standards document and develops the content through
a consensus process. A CoS is comprised of representatives
of industry, government, and academia and interest categories
of producer, user, or general interest that reflect the segment
of aerospace for which the standard is applicable. In addition to
developing standards, the CoSs are responsible for maintaining
and updating existing AIAA standards and guides to ensure that
they are still technically correct in their content and relevant to
the industry.
The SEC maintains the policies and procedures for AIAA`s
accredited Standards Program, provides oversight for the CoSs
in the development of the standards and related documents,
reviews and approves standards and related documents, and
collaborates with other areas of the Institute to integrate stan-
dards activities. The SEC works to ensure that standards are
developed in a manner that ensures consensus, provides appro-
priate technical rigor, and are structured to provide significant
value to the aerospace industry.
The development of an AIAA standard is a volunteer effort
requiring a significant investment of time to complete. The
members of the SEC and the CoS come from many areas of
the aerospace community and from organizations large and
small. The common denominator is that these folks are pas-
sionate about the subjects in which they work. They have seen
a need for collaboration across organizations, and they are
committed to develop the documents that capture best prac-
tices and other guidance that will enable various areas of the
community to work together in a more efficient manner, through
the use of AIAA standards documents. We appreciate all of
their efforts.
AIAA thanks the CoS Chairs and all of their members for their
contributions to the AIAA Standards Program in 2012:
Aerospace Pressure Vessels
Nathanael Greene, NASA WSTF/JSC
Michael Kezirian, Boeing
The 2013-2014 AIAA Nominating Committee will meet on 15 August 2013 to review nominees and select candidates to participate in
the Board of Directors election to fill the following vacancies by election in 2014:

Vice President-Elect, Finance
Vice President-Elect, Publications
Vice President-Elect, International
Vice President-Elect, Standards
Director-Aircraft & Atmospheric Sciences Group
Director-Engineering & Technology Management Group
Director-Space and Missile Systems Group
Director-Region 1
Director-at-Large International

AIAA members may submit themselves or other members qualified for the chosen position as nominees by submitting a nomination
through the AIAA website (go to, log in, and select Board of Director Nomination from the left-hand navigation bar) no
later than 9 August 2013. Nominations will open 14 June.

Bill Seymore
AIAA Corporate Secretary
THE AIAA CAREER CENTER With thousands of job postings, its your best source for nding the ideal
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experimental results, sophisticated simulations of aerospace
systems, or (in the case of a paper in the areas of education or
policy) well-researched and thorough arguments for policies and
their implementations.

Special Issue on "Aerospace and Mechanical
Applications of Reinforcement Learning and Adaptive
Learning Based Control"
Key research areas included in the special issue are:

Learning with limited data and/or in domains for which obtain-
ing data is expensive or risky
Real-time reinforcement learning with resource constraints
(e.g., limited memory and computation time)
Use of reinforcement learning for risk sensitive or safety criti-
cal applications
Scaling reinforcement learning to multi-agent systems
Distributed reinforcement learning
Adaptive learning-based control in the presence of uncertainty

These areas are only indicative. The special issue is also
open to manuscripts that are relevant to the applied science
and engineering of aerospace computing, information, and com-
munication but do not fit neatly into any of the above areas. We
do envisage, however, that successful manuscripts will include
experimental results, or at least sophisticated simulations of real-
life mechanical or aerospace systems.
Reinforcement learning and learning-based adaptive control
are powerful techniques to perform planning and control for
systems with significant model errors and uncertainty. In the
computer science community many benchmark types examples
have been tackled successfully, showing the advantage of these
learning techniques. The goal of this special issue is, however,
to assemble high-quality papers that highlight the use of these
techniques in more complex aerospace and mechanical engi-
neering applications. In particular, papers are encouraged that
demonstrate the use of these learning-based planning and con-
trol approaches on physical systems operating in real-world situ-
ations with significant disturbances and uncertainties. Classes
of uncertainties could include modeling error, uncertainty due
to environmental/external effect, hybrid/switched dynamics,
sensing/actuation errors, noise, sensing/actuation failures, and
structural damage/failures. Model-free and model-based control/
planning techniques should highlight online long-term learning
through construction and exploitation of (approximate) models
of the agent, the environment, value functions, state/action
constraints, etc. Long-term learning could be characterized by
improved tracking, improved mission-score, online generation of
optimal policy, predictive ability, and accurate prognosis.
Examples of classes of planning and reinforcement learning
techniques include, but are not limited to: approximate dynamic
programming, temporal difference learning, adaptive function
approximation techniques, planning under uncertainty, intelligent
exploration scheme, and learning with risk mitigation.
Examples of classes of control techniques of interest include,
but are not limited to: indirect adaptive control, hybrid direct/
indirect adaptive control, dual-control, adaptive model predictive
control, direct optimal adaptive control using reinforcement learn-
ing, learning-focused neuro-adaptive and neuro-fuzzy control, non-
parametric control. In general, papers that leverage exploitation of
predictive ability of online learning and adaptation are encouraged,
whereas papers that focus on adaptation based on reactive short-
term learning would risk being outside the scope of this issue.

The Journal of Aerospace Information Systems (formerly
the Journal of Aerospace Computing, Information, and
Communication (JACIC)) is devoted to the applied science and
engineering of aerospace computing, information, and communi-
cation. Original archival research papers are sought that include
significant scientific and technical knowledge and concepts. In
particular, articles are sought that demonstrate the application of
recent research in computing, information, and communications
technology to a wide range of practical aerospace problems in
the analysis and design of vehicles, onboard avionics, ground-
based processing and control systems, flight simulation, and air
transportation systems.
Information about the organizers of these special issues as
well as guidelines for preparing your manuscript can be found
in the full Call for Papers under Featured Content in Aerospace
Research Central; The journal website is http://
Special Issue on "Software Challenges in Aerospace"
Key research areas included in the special issue are:

Software Synthesis for Aerospace: including model-based
approaches to software and software-intensive system design,
compositional and hierarchical design approaches for reduc-
ing and managing complexity, approaches to building intel-
ligent and adaptive systems within a safety-critical framework,
the generation of code that is correct-by-construction, and the
design of maintainable systems.
Software Analysis for Aerospace: including verification and
validation for safety-critical software systems, security analy-
sis for aerospace communications, compositional analysis
of code for scalability, automated testing techniques, and
statistical techniques (including data mining and learning) for
program and software behavior analysis.
Aerospace System Integration: including architectures for
safety-critical aerospace systems containing software, hard-
ware, and people; approaches to, benefits of, and limitations
of Integrated Modular Avionics frameworks; human-computer
interaction including intelligent cockpits/control towers; and
adaptive airspace implementations.
Aerospace Software Policy and Implementation: including the
certification of software systems using traditional or safety-
case based approaches and decision-making in air systems
(including both autonomy and human factors issues).
Creating and maintaining a skilled workforce for aerospace soft-
ware, college curricula, and certification of software engineers.
Intelligent systems software for aerospace systems.
Software issues in cybersecurity related to aerospace systems.
Use of COTS software in critical systems.
These areas are only indicative. The special issue is also
open to manuscripts that are relevant to the applied science
and engineering of aerospace computing, information, and com-
munication but do not fit neatly into any of the above areas. We
do envisage, however, that successful manuscripts will include

Deadline: Submissions are due by 15 August 2013.
Anticipated Publication Date: November 2013.
Contact Email: Misty Davies, [email protected] or Lyle
Long, [email protected]

Deadline: Submissions are due by 15 August 2013.
Anticipated Publication Date: January 2014.
Contact Email: Jonathan How, [email protected]
AIAA Fellow Dr. Peter Kurzhals
Honored by Virginia Tech
Peter KurzhaIs, who earned his bach-
elor`s, master`s, and doctoral degrees
in aerospace engineering from Virginia
Tech in 1960, 1962, and 1966, respec-
tively, is a 2013 inductee into Virginia
Tech`s College of Engineering Academy
of Engineering Excellence, joining an elite
group of 119 individuals out of more than
60,000 living engineering alumni.
The Academy of Engineering
Excellence was founded in 1999. The
inductees are engineering graduates of
Virginia Tech who have made continuous
and admirable engineering or leadership
contributions during their careers. This
year marked the fourteenth anniversary of
the first induction.
Kurzhals was at NACA when Sputnik
was launched in 1957 and quickly became
involved in America`s task of putting its
own astronauts on the moon. Motivated
to learn more, Kurzhals headed back
to Virginia Tech to obtain his master`s
and doctoral degrees. At Virginia Tech,
he developed and patented a double-
gimbaled Control Moment Gyro (CMG)
system to control the attitude of spacecraft
with significant cost savings. NASA advanced $50 million to build
a prototype system, and Kurzhals and his colleagues traveled to
the Marshall Space Flight Center where they made a presenta-
tion on the new technology. Although met with resistance, one
person believed it would work-Wernher von Braun.
In 1969, Kurzhals was transferred to NASA headquarters as
chief of the guidance and control branch, and soon was pro-
moted to director of the electronics division. He directed NASA`s
Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) Program and the
Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Program, which developed the
predecessors to today`s planetary rovers, such as the &XULRVLW\
robot now maneuvering itself around Mars. From 1979 to 1980,
Kurzhals was director of NASA`s Space Division and from 1981
to 1984, he was assistant director of mission operations at
Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland.
In 1984, he joined the private sector, first at Booz Allen, and
then at McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Company. In 1992,
he was promoted to its director of Advanced Space Flight
Programs. When Boeing acquired McDonnell Douglas in 1995,
Kurzhals was named director of Boeing`s product support for the
International Space Station. He retired in 2011 as director of sys-
tems and software for the Boeing`s space exploration division.
Kurzhals has sponsored leadership scholarships at both
Virginia Tech and Harvard to give future generations opportu-
nities for higher education. The aerospace engineer has won
many accolades, including AIAA Fellow and Orange County
(California) Engineer of the Year.
2013 RNASA Stellar Award Winners Announced
In April, the 2013 Rotary National Award for Space
Achievement (RNASA) Stellar Award winners were recognized.
The winners were selected based on which accomplishments
hold the greatest promise for furthering future activities in space
and how well it meets the goal of recognizing "unsung heroes."
Two AIAA members were among those who were honored
this year. AIAA Senior Member Dr. WiIIiam M. MarshaII, NASA
Glenn Research Center, was given the 2013 Stellar Award
Winners in the Early Career Category "for exceptional leadership
and technical expertise in rocket combustion research and test-
ing that has enhanced numerous NASA programs and signifi-
cantly aided the technical community."
AIAA Senior Member Mary CerimeIe was on the NASA
Johnson Space Center Webb Space Telescope Chamber A
Modification Team that was among those given the 2013 Stellar
Award Winners in the Team Awards Category "for exceptional
accomplishments in the modification of JSC`s Chamber A to
provide deep space environmental testing of the James Webb
Space Telescope."
The luncheon speaker at the awards ceremony was AIAA
Executive Director Sandra Magnus, who flew on ISS assembly
mission STS-112 in 2002; returned to the ISS on STS-126 to
serve as flight engineer on Expedition 18 from November 2008
until returning on STS-119 in March 2009. She flew on the final
Space Shuttle flight, STS-135, in July 2011. Magnus shared how
being in space increased her appreciation for our planet. "Earth
is our spaceship," she said. "We really have to take care of it."
On a lighter note, she said, "Gravity is horrible! I can`t believe we
can get anything done on this planet." But, she added, "Humans
are extremely adaptable. After three days in space, I felt like I`d
been there forever." She urged the nominees to keep active,
embrace the unknown, and "spend time doing what you love."

AIAA Associate Fellow Daniel T. Jensen Honored
DanieI Jensen was selected to be a recipient of the 2013
Aerospace Distinguished Alumnus Award. The award honors
University of Illinois graduates who have made professional and
technical contributions that bring distinction to themselves, the
department, and the university.
Mr. Jensen is Head of Engineering for Services-Indianapolis,
Rolls-Royce Corporation. Besides being an AIAA Associate
Fellow, he is also the AIAA Emerging Technologies Committee
Chair and involved in several other AIAA technical committees.
Pictured from left are: Bill Grossmann, Peter Kurzhals, Richard C. Benson (dean of the college of engi-
neering); Eric Paterson (department head of aerospace and ocean engineering), and Howard Robins
(past inductee).
AIAA Honorary Fellow Holtby Died in March

Kenneth F. HoItby, key designer for Boeing 747, 757, and
767 Aircraft, died on 27 March. He was 90 years old.
Mr. Holtby served in the U.S. Air Corps during World War
II before finishing his aeronautic studies at Caltech. He began
working as an aerospace engineer at Boeing in 1947, and
became chief of the aerodynamics staff six years later-first at
Wichita, and in Renton. In 1962, he became a Sloan Fellow at
MIT, a yearlong fellowship offered to managers exhibiting nota-
ble success to become even stronger leaders.
Mr. Holtby helped shape Boeing`s 747, 757 and 767 com-
mercial jetliners with his wide-ranging grasp of airplane design.
Some engineers specialize, but Mr. Holtby did it all. His techni-
cal expertise structured everything from the size of an engine to
the precise curvature of a wing.
Holtby played a primary role in designing the Boeing 747
"Jumbo Jet," a groundbreaking aircraft design that debuted in
1969. Teaming with Joseph Sutter and Robert Davis, Holtby
was able to design a commercial aircraft that for nearly 40 years
was unmatched in design, speed, passenger capacity, and pas-
senger comfort.
Holtby was made vice president and general manager of
Boeing`s 747 line in 1972, moving on six years later to run
Boeing`s 757 and 767 jetliner projects. Holtby`s 757 and 767
designs featured a two-crew cockpit and uniform control struc-
tures for both planes, allowing airlines, for the first time, to have
two separate airliners single rated for the same type of crew pro-
ficiency. This allowed for great flexibility in assigning crew and
more efficient air routes and service. The designs introduced
the "glass cockpit," where all relevant flight data was displayed
on computer monitors instead of traditional analogue dials and
gauges, enhancing safety by allowing for simpler transmission
and understanding of flight data. The glass cockpit is now the
industry standard.
In 1997 the 747 team earned the Francois-Xavier Bagnoud
Aerospace Prize, a biennial award honoring outstanding aero-
space achievement. In 1984, Mr. Holtby, Everette Webb, and
Philip Condit received the AIAA Aircraft Design Award for their
managerial and technical leadership on the 757 and 767.
After 40 years working at the aerospace giant, Mr. Holtby
retired in 1987 as Boeing`s top technical engineer. Mr. Holtby
continued to coach engineers about the construction of various
Boeing jetliners and his design suggestions can be found in
many that fly today.
AIAA Associate Fellow Tsirimokos Died in October 2012
John X. Tsirimokos, 80, passed away on 18 October 2012.
Mr. Tsirimokos went to Boston University and MIT, earning a
master`s degree in aeronautical engineering.
He began a notable aeronautical career as a field engineer
with Sperry Corporation, then worked for North American
Aviation in Columbus, OH, and moved to San Diego in 1960,
having joined Convair. In 1965, he worked in Philadelphia for
Boeing Vertol.
Mr. Tsirimokos returned to San Diego where he joined
General Dynamics. Among the projects on which he was
instrumental were the A-5 Vigilante, the Atlas ICBM, the CH-47
Chinook, the FB-111 Aardvark, and the BGM-109G ground-
launched cruise missile. He retired from General Dynamics as
director of Systems Engineering, Cruise Missile Programs. A
versatile designer, he also worked for Fansteel, where he devel-
oped award-winning graphite tennis racquets for Wilson Sporting
Mr. Tsirimokos was chair of the Systems Effectiveness &
Safety Technical Committee from 1993-1994. He was honored
by AIAA with the Systems Effectiveness and Safety Award for
new and innovative methodology and analytical techniques
achieving advances in nuclear safety certification for weapon
system hardware and software that were essential to the suc-
cess of the Intermediate Nuclear Force Treaty.
Associate Fellow Lee Died in November 2012
Dr. Vernon AIbert Lee, 80, died 19 November 2012.
Dr. Lee earned BS and MS degrees in aeronautical engineer-
ing at the University of Texas at Austin in 1954 and 1956. He
joined General Dynamics` Fort Worth Division in 1957 and took
a leave of absence in 1961 to obtain his doctorate in aerospace
engineering from UT.
Upon return to General Dynamics, Dr. Lee served in a variety
of engineering and management positions. He was leader of the
space systems, aircraft performance and aerothermodynamics
engineering groups. He was then director of support engineering
and was program director of the F-16 programs for Israel and
Dr. Lee was appointed vice president and program director of
the Japan FSX aircraft development program, a challenging ini-
tiative with Japanese government. He was involved in testimony
with U.S. congressional committees and with senior Japanese
officials to obtain approval to establish the program. When the
Japan program moved into production of the F-2 aircraft, Dr.
Lee was appointed vice president of the Systems Development
Center (advance design programs), including aircraft programs
with South Korea and Taiwan. He retired from Lockheed Martin
on 31 December 1998, after 43 years of service. He was an
AIAA member for 60 years.
AIAA Senior Member Carmody Died in December 2012

Robert G. Carmody, 65, died on 12 December 2012.
Mr. Carmody held graduate degrees from the University of
Buffalo, University of Colorado, and the University of Houston.
He was passionate about his work and science especially when
it came to meteorology. He had implemented new techniques
that improved severe weather forecasting lead times and accu-
racy at Ellington Field, TX. He was employed in the aerospace
industry for over 30 years, both at Boeing and Lockheed Martin.
Mr. Carmody was commissioned in the U.S. Army and
served in Vietnam. He was also a Master Sargent in the Air
National Guard.
public contributions, and a minimum of 3 one-page signed let-
ters of endorsement from AIAA members. Five signed letters
of endorsement (including the 3 required from AIAA mem-
bers) may be submitted and increase the limit to 9 pages.
Nominators are reminded that the quality of information is most
Aerospace Design Engineering Award recognizes design
engineers who have made outstanding technical, educational, or
creative achievements that exemplifies the quality and elements
of design engineering. (Presented odd years)
Aerospace Guidance, Navigation, and ControI Award rec-
ognizes important contributions in the field of guidance, naviga-
tion, and control. (Presented even years)
Aerospace Software Engineering Award is presented for
outstanding technical and/or management contributions to aero-
nautical or astronautical software engineering. (Presented odd
Recognize the achievements of your colleagues by nominating
them for an award! Nominations are now being accepted for the
following awards, and must be received at AIAA Headquarters
no later than 1 JuIy. Awards are presented annually, unless
other indicated. However AIAA accepts nomination on a daily
basis and applies to the appropriate year.
Any AIAA member in good standing may serve as a nomina-
tor and are highly urged to carefully read award guidelines to
view nominee eligibility, page limits, letters of endorsement, etc.
AIAA members may submit nominations online after logging into with their user name and password. You will be
guided step-by-step through the nomination entry. If preferred,
a nominator may submit a nomination by completing the AIAA
nomination form, which can be downloaded from
All nominations, whether submitted online or in hard copy,
must comply with the limit of 7 pages for the nomination pack-
age. The nomination package includes the nomination form,
a one-page basis for award, one-page resume, one-page
1011 June 2013
Ohio Aerospace Institute, Cleveland, OH
2930 July 2013
National Institute of Aerospace, Hampton, VA
2324 September 2013
Te AERO Institute, Palmdale, CA
Register Today!
AIAA is proud
to partner with
the following
as they host our
short courses at
their facilities:
Institute of
C o u r s e s O p e n t o E v e r y o n e a t E v e r y L e v e l
Courses are subject to change. Please refer to the AIAA website for any updates.
Contact Megan Scheidt, at 703.264.3842 or
[email protected], for any questions about
AIAAs Continuing Education oferings.
ChiIdren's Literature Award is presented for an outstanding, significant, and origi-
nal contribution in aeronautics and astronautics. (Presented odd years)
Dr. John Ruth DigitaI Avionics Award recognizes outstanding achievement in
technical management and/or implementation of digital avionics in space or aero-
nautical systems, including system analysis, design, development, or application.
(Presented odd years)
ExceIIence in Aerospace Standardization Award recognizes contributions by
individuals that advance the health of the aerospace community by enabling coopera-
tion, competition, and growth through the standardization process. (Presented odd
FacuIty Advisor Award is presented to the faculty advisor of a chartered AIAA
Student Branch, who in the opinion of student branch members, and the AIAA Student
Activities Committee, has made outstanding contributions as a student branch faculty
advisor, as evidenced by the record of his/her student branch in local, regional, and
national activities.
Gardner-Lasser History Literature Award is presented for the best original con-
tribution to the field of aeronautical or astronautical historical nonfiction literature pub-
lished in the last five years dealing with the science, technology, and/or impact of aero-
nautics and astronautics on society.
History Manuscript Award is presented for the best historical manuscript deal-
ing with the science, technology, and/or impact or aeronautics and astronautics on
Information Systems Award is presented for technical and/or management contri-
butions in space and aeronautics computer and sensing aspects of information technol-
ogy and science. (Presented odd years)
InteIIigent Systems Award recognizes important fundamental contributions to intel-
ligent systems technologies and applications that advance the capabilities of aerospace
systems. (Presented odd years)
Lawrence Sperry Award is presented for a notable contribution made by a young
person to the advancement of aeronautics or astronautics. The nominee must be under
35 years of age on December 31 of the year preceding the presentation.
Mechanics and ControI of FIight Award is presented for an outstanding recent
technical or scientific contribution by an individual in the mechanics, guidance, or con-
trol of flight in space or the atmosphere.
Pendray Aerospace Literature Award is presented for an outstanding contri-
bution or contributions to aeronautical and astronautical literature in the relatively
recent past.
Structures, StructuraI Dynamics and MateriaIs Award is presented for an out-
standing sustained technical or scientific contribution in aerospace structures, structural
dynamics, or materials. (Presented even years)
SurvivabiIity Award recognizes outstanding achievement or contribution in design,
analysis implementation, and/or education of survivability in an aerospace system.
(Presented even years)
SummerfieId Book Award is presented to the author of the best book recently
published by AIAA. Criteria for the selection include quality and professional accep-
tance as evidenced by impact on the field, citations, classroom adoptions, and sales.
Sustained Service Award recognizes sustained, significant service and contribu-
tions to AIAA by members of the Institute. A maximum of 20 awards are presented
each year.
For further information on AIAA`s awards program, please contact Carol Stewart,
Manager, AIAA Honors and Awards, [email protected] or 703.264.7623.
Lifetime Member Karen
Copper has a message for
recent graduates and young
Now is the time to
consider joining AIAA as
a Lifetime Member.
It is the least
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dues will ever be a time
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Any AIAA member can choose
a Lifetime Membership. For a
young person, it can result in
considerable savings over the
course of a career! The cost is
$1,650*, equivalent to 15 years
of annual dues, and several
convenient payment plans are
available. (*$1,800 for Associate
Fellows; $2,100 for Fellows)
Lay the foundation
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Prices effective through 31 October 2013
For more information, contact
Customer Service at [email protected],
800.639.2422 (U.S. only),
or 703.264.7500
24th AAS/AIAA Space FIight Mechanics Meeting
2630 January 2014
La Fonda Hotel
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Abstract Deadline: 2 October 2013
The 24th Space Flight Mechanics Meeting will be held Sunday,
26 January through Thursday, 30 January 2014 at the La Fonda
Hotel in Santa Fe, NM. The conference is organized by the
American Astronautical Society (AAS) Space Flight Mechanics
Committee and cosponsored by the AIAA Astrodynamics
Technical Committee. Manuscripts are solicited on topics related
to space-flight mechanics and astrodynamics, including but not
necessarily limited to:
Asteroid and non-Earth orbiting missions
Atmospheric re-entry guidance and control
Attitude dynamics, determination and control
Attitude-sensor and payload-sensor calibration
Dynamical systems theory applied to space flight
Dynamics and control of large space structures and tethers
Earth orbital and planetary mission studies
Flight dynamics operations and spacecraft autonomy
Orbit determination and space-surveillance tracking
CubeSat and Nano Satellite mission design and operations
Orbital debris and space environment
Orbital dynamics, perturbations, and stability
Rendezvous, relative motion, proximity missions, and forma-
tion flying
Reusable launch vehicle design, dynamics, guidance, and
Satellite constellations
Spacecraft guidance, navigation, and control (GNC)
Space Situational Awareness (SSA), Conjunction Analysis
(CA), and collision avoidance
Trajectory/Mission/Maneuver design and optimization
Manuscripts will be accepted based on the quality of the
extended abstract, the originality of the work and/or ideas, and
the anticipated interest in the proposed subject. Submissions
that are based on experimental results or current data, or report
on ongoing missions, are especially encouraged. Complete man-
uscripts are required no later than 22 January 2014. English is
the working language for the conference.
Additional and up-to-date information can be found at the
conference website:
SpeciaI Session
In addition to the above general topics, papers are also solic-
ited for a special session on mission concepts, analysis, imple-
mentation, and operations for CubeSat/Nano Satellite design.
Authors are asked to indicate on the abstract submission if you
would like to be considered for inclusion in this special session.
Manuscripts not selected for the special session will be allocated
to other relevant sessions.
BreakweII Student TraveI Award
The AAS Space Flight Mechanics Committee announces the
John V. Breakwell Student Travel Award. This award provides
travel expenses for up to two U.S. and Canadian students pre-
senting at this conference. Students wishing to apply for this
award are strongly advised to submit their completed manu-
script by the abstract submittal deadline. The maximum cover-
age per student is limited to $1000. Details and applications may
be obtained via
Information for Authors
Because the submission deadline of 2 October 2013 has
been fully extended for the convenience of contributors, there
are no plans to defer this deadline due to the constraints of
the conference planning schedule. Notification of acceptance
will be sent via email by 30 October 2013. Detailed author
instructions will be sent by email following acceptance. By
submitting an abstract, the author affirms that the manu-
script`s majority content has not been previously presented or
published elsewhere.
Authors may access the web-based abstract submittal sys-
tem using the link available via the official website: During the online submission process, authors
are expected to provide:
1) A paper title, as well as the name, affiliation, postal
address, telephone number, and email address of the corre-
sponding author and each co-author,
2) An extended abstract in the Portable Document File
(PDF) format of at least 500 words that includes the title and
authors, and provides a clear and concise statement of the
problem to be addressed, the proposed method of solution,
the results expected or obtained, and an explanation of its
significance to astrodynamics and/or space-flight mechanics,
with pertinent references and supporting tables and figures as
3) A condensed abstract (100 words) to be included in the
conference program, which is directly typed into the text box pro-
vided on the web page and avoids the use of special symbols or
characters, such as Greek letters.
Foreign contributors requiring an official letter of acceptance
for a visa application should contact the Technical Chairmen by
email at their earliest opportunity.
TechnoIogy Transfer Notice
Technology transfer guidelines substantially extend the time
required to review abstracts and manuscripts by private enter-
prises and government agencies. To preclude late submis-
sions and withdrawals, it is the responsibility of the author(s) to
determine the extent of necessary approvals prior to submitting
an abstract.
No-Paper/No-Podium PoIicy
A complete manuscript must be electronically uploaded to the
website prior to 22 January 2014 in PDF format, be no more
than 20 pages in length, and conform to the AAS manuscript
format. If a complete manuscript is not received on time, then
its presentation at the conference shall be forfeited; and if a pre-
sentation is not made by an author at the conference, then the
manuscript shall be omitted from published proceedings.
Questions concerning the submission of manuscripts should
be addressed to the technical chairs:
AAS TechnicaI Chair
Roby Wilson
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Mail Stop 301-121 - 4800 Oak Grove Dr.
Pasadena, CA 91109
818.393.5301 Email: [email protected]
AIAA GeneraI Chair
Ossama Abdelkhalik
Michigan Technological University
1400 Townsend Dr.
Houghton, MI 49931
906.487.3503 Email: [email protected]
AIAA TechnicaI Chair
Renato Zanetti
The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory
17629 El Camino Real, Suite 470
Houston, TX 77058
281.212.1123 Email: [email protected]
All other questions should be directed to the General Chairs:
AAS GeneraI Chair
Donald Mackison
Mackison Associates
2207 Holyoke Drive
Boulder, CO 80305
303.921.5357 Email: [email protected]
49th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and
11th International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference
ISIl !c| ZJIJ 'aa !e:e Ceaea||ea Cea|er 'aa !e:e, Ca||lera|a
Continuing Education Short Courses
Liquid Propulsion Systems Evolutions and Advancements
hursdcy-Frdcy 18-1 1u|y 2013 0815-1700 hrs
Instructors: Alan Frankel, Ivett Leyva, and Patrick Alliot
Summary: This course will cover propulsion fundamentals and topics of interest in launch vehicle
and spacecraft propulsion; non-toxic propulsion; microsat and cubesat propulsion;
propulsion system design and performance; and human rating of liquid engines.
A Practical Introduction to Preliminary Design of Air-Breathing Engines
hursdcy-Frdcy 18-1 1u|y 2013 0815-1700 hrs
Instructors: Ian Halliwell and Steve Beckel
Summary: This course will be an overview of the preliminary design of air-breathing engine
systems that is determined primarily by the aircraft mission, which denes the engine
cycle and different types of cycles are investigated. Preliminary design activities are
dened and discussed in the context of the overall engine development process and
placed in perspective.
Missile Propulsion Design and System Engineering
hursdcy-Frdcy 18-1 1u|y 2013 0815-1700 hrs
Instructor: Eugene L. Fleeman
Summary: This course will cover missile propulsion system design, development, analysis, and
system engineering activities in addressing requirements such as cost, performance,
risk, and launch platform integration.
Ke|:|er ler a tecr:e aai a||eai ||e Cealereate ler FREE! Ke|:|ra||ea lee |at|cie: lc|| tealereate jar||t|ja||ea. aim|||aate
|e |et|a|ta| aai j|eaar :e::|ea:, retej||ea:, |cat|eea:, aai ea||ae jreteei|a:.

To submit articles to the AIAA Bulletin, contact your Section,

Committee, Honors and Awards, Events, Precollege, or
Student staff liaison. They will review and forward the infor-
mation to the AIAA Bulletin Editor. See the AIAA Directory
on page B1 for contact information.
Upcoming AIAA ProfessionaI DeveIopment Courses
5 June 2013
This 90-minute webinar wiII take pIace at 1300-1430 EST
Nuc|ear and Future F||ght Propu|s|on: Advanced Concepts
|n Rocket Propu|s|on, Nuc|ear Systems, Advanced Phys|cs,
and H|gh-Energy Dens|ty Prope||ants (|ostr0ctor: 8ryao Pa|aszewsk|}
The Nuclear and Future Flight Propulsion Course includes informa-
tion on many different topics in advanced nuclear space propul-
sion. A short overview is provided on the wide breadth of advanced
propulsion concepts, ranging from advanced chemical propulsion
to solar sails, to aerocapture, to fission, fusion, and antimatter. The
remaining discussions will focus on vehicle system design, construction, and operation for missions throughout the Solar System. These
presentations will include Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators (RTGs), nuclear thermal propulsion, nuclear electric propulsion,
nuclear spacecraft options and configurations, and a basic overview of future nuclear power and propulsion systems.

10-11 June 2013
The foIIowing standaIone course is being heId at The
Ohio Aerospace Institute in CIeveIand, Ohio.
Introduct|on to Spacecraft Des|gn and Systems
Eng|neer|ng (|ostr0ctor: 0oo dberg}
This course presents an overview of factors that affect space-
craft design and operation, beginning with an historical review
of unmanned and manned spacecraft, including current
designs and future concepts. All the design drivers, including
launch and on-orbit environments and their affect on the spacecraft design, are covered. Orbital mechanics is presented in a manner
that provides an easy understanding of underlying principles as well as applications, such as maneuvering, transfers, rendezvous, atmo-
spheric entry, and interplanetary transfers. Considerable time is spent defining the systems engineering aspects of spacecraft design,
including the spacecraft bus components and the relationship to ground control. Design considerations, such as structures and mecha-
nisms, attitude sensing and control, thermal effects and life support, propulsion systems, power generation, telecommunications, and
command and data handling are detailed. Practical aspects, such as fabrication, cost estimation, and testing, are discussed. The course
concludes with lessons learned from spacecraft failures.
A|rcraft and Rotorcraft System Ident|f|cat|on:
Eng|neer|ng Methods and Hands-on Tra|n|ng Us|ng
CIFER (|ostr0ctor: 0r. Nark 8. T|sch|er}
The objectives of this course are to 1) review the fundamental
methods of aircraft and rotorcraft system identification and
illustrate the benefits of their broad application throughout the
flight vehicle development process; 2) provide the attendees
with an intensive hands-on training of the CIFER system
identification, using flight test data and 10 extensive lab exer-
cises. Students work on comprehensive laboratory assign-
ments using student version of software provided to course participants (requires student to bring NT laptop). The many examples from
recent aircraft programs illustrate the effectiveness of this technology for rapidly solving difficult integration problems. The course will
review key methods and computational tools, but will not be overly mathematical in content. The course is highly recommended for
graduate students, practicing engineers, and managers. The AIAA textbook, Aircraft and Rotorcraft System Identification: Engineering
Methods with Flight-Test Examples, Second Edition, is included in the registration fee.
22-23 June 2013
This Continuing Education course is being heId at
the AIAA F|u|d Dynam|cs and co||ocated conferences
|n San D|ego, CA. Registration incIudes course and
course notes; fuII conference participation: admit-
tance to technicaI and pIenary sessions; receptions,
Iuncheons, and onIine proceedings.
Ver|f|cat|on and Va||dat|on |n Sc|ent|f|c Comput|ng
(|ostr0ctors: w||||am 0berkampI, og|oeer|og 0oos0|taot, wL0 0oos0|t|og aod 0hr|s
8oy, Aerospace aod 0ceao og|oeer|og 0epartmeot, V|rg|o|a Tech}
The performance, reliability, and safety of engineering sys-
tems are becoming increasingly reliant on modeling and simulation. This course deals with techniques and practical procedures
To register, go to
Early Bird by 10 May Standard (11 May3 Jun) On-site (410 Jun)
AIAA Member $950 $1075 $1175
Nonmember* $1070 $1195 $1295
*Includes a one-year AIAA membership
To register, go to
AIAA Member $149
Nonmember* $189
AIAA Student Member $60
Full-Time Student (Nonmember)* $70
*Nonmember fee does not include AIAA membership
To register, go to
Early Bird by 10 May Standard (11 May3 Jun) On-site (410 Jun)
AIAA Member $995 $1125 $1220
Nonmember* $1115 $1245 $1340
*Includes a one-year AIAA membership
To register for one of the Fluid Dynamics 2013 courses, go to
Early Bird by 29 May Standard (30 May21 Jun) On-site (22 Jun)
AIAA Member $1278 $1378 $1478
Nonmember* $1388 $1488 $1588
*Includes a one-year AIAA membership
for assessing the credibility and accuracy of simulations in science and engineering. It presents modern terminology and effective
procedures for verification of numerical simulations and validation of mathematical models that are described by partial differential
equations. While the focus is on scientific computing, experimentalists will benefit from the discussion of techniques for designing and
conducting validation experiments. A framework is provided for estimating various sources of errors and uncertainties identified both
in simulations and in experiments, and then combining these in total prediction uncertainty. Application examples techniques and pro-
cedures are taken primarily from fluid dynamics, solid mechanics, and heat transfer. This short course follows closely the instructors`
book Verification and Validation in Scientific Computing (Cambridge University Press, 2010).
18-19 JuIy 2013
The foIIowing Continuing Education courses are
being heId at the 49th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint
PropuIsion Conference and the 11th InternationaI
Energy Conversion Engineering Conference in San
Jose, CA. Registration incIudes course and course
notes; fuII conference participation: admittance to
technicaI and pIenary sessions; receptions, Iun-
cheons, and onIine proceedings.
L|qu|d Propu|s|on Systems-Evo|ut|on and
Advancements (|ostr0ctors: A|ao Fraoke|, 80s|oess 0eve|opmeot, Noog-|SP, Space aod 0eIeose 6ro0p, 0r. |vett Leyva, 0omb0st|oo 0ev|ces 6ro0p, AF8Ll8ISA, Patr|ck A|||ot,
Seo|or Techo|ca| xpert, Space og|oe 0|v|s|oo oI Sh0NA}
Liquid propulsion systems are critical to launch vehicle and spacecraft performance, and mission success. This two-day course, taught
by a team of government, industry, and international experts, will cover propulsion fundamentals and topics of interest in launch vehicle
and spacecraft propulsion; non-toxic propulsion; microsat and cubesat propulsion; propulsion system design and performance; and
human rating of liquid engines. In keeping with the theme of the 2011 JPC, "Turning Propulsion Ideas into Reality," lessons learned from
development and flight of components and systems will be discussed.
A Pract|ca| Introduct|on to Pre||m|nary Des|gn of A|r Breath|ng Eng|nes (|ostr0ctors: 0r. |ao ha|||we||, Seo|or 8esearch Sc|eot|st, Avetec, Steve
8ecke|, 0|rector Ior Advaoced Prop0|s|oo, A|||aot Techsystems (ATk} N|ss||e Prod0cts 6ro0p}
The course presents an overview of the preliminary design of air-breathing engine systems that is determined primarily by the aircraft
mission, which defines the engine cycle-and different types of cycle are investigated. Preliminary design activities are defined and
discussed in the context of the overall engine development process and placed in perspective. Some basic knowledge of aerodynam-
ics and thermodynamics is assumed so the mathematical material that appears in many good textbooks is minimized and the ques-
tion "What do you actually do as an engine designer?" is addressed. The practical means and processes by which thermodynamic
concepts are turned into hardware are covered and some design techniques are demonstrated. The fact that an air breathing engine
is much more than the flowpath component is discussed and the future of engine design methods is raised. Class participation is
encouraged throughout.
M|ss||e Propu|s|on Des|gn and System Eng|neer|ng (|ostr0ctor: 0geoe L. F|eemao, |oteroat|ooa| Lect0rer oo N|ss||es}
A system-level, integrated method is provided for the missile propulsion system design, development, analysis, and system engineer-
ing activities in addressing requirements such as cost, performance, risk, and launch platform integration. The methods presented
are generally simple closed-form analytical expressions that are physics-based, to provide insight into the primary driving parameters.
Sizing examples are presented for rocket-powered, ramjet-powered, and turbo-jet powered baseline missiles. Typical values of mis-
sile propulsion parameters and the characteristics of current operational missiles are discussed as well as the enabling subsystems
and technologies for missile propulsion and the current/projected state of the art. Videos illustrate missile propulsion development
activities and performance. Attendees receive course notes.
29-30 JuIy 2013
The foIIowing standaIone course is being heId at the
NationaI Aerospace Institute in Hampton, Virginia.
Introduct|on to Space Systems (|ostr0ctor: N|ke 6r0otmao}
The course provides an introduction to the concepts and tech-
nologies of modern space systems, which combine engineer-
ing, science, and external phenomena. We concentrate on
scientific and engineering foundations of spacecraft systems
and interactions among various subsystems. These funda-
mentals of subsystem technologies provide an indispensable basis for system engineering. The basic nomenclature, vocabulary, and
concepts will make it possible to converse with understanding with subsystem specialists. Designed for engineers and managers of
diverse background and varying levels of experience who are involved in planning, designing, building, launching, and operating space
systems and spacecraft subsystems and components, the course facilitates integration of engineers and managers new to the space
field into space-related projects.
To register for one of the JPC 2013 courses, go to
Early Bird by 17 Jun Standard (18 Jun12 Jul) On-site (1418 Jul)
AIAA Member $1293 $1393 $1493
Nonmember* $1403 $1503 $1603
*Includes a one-year AIAA membership
To register, go to
Early Bird by 1 Jul Standard (222 Jul) On-site (2329 Jul)
AIAA Member $950 $1075 $1175
Nonmember* $1070 $1195 $1295
*Includes a one-year AIAA membership
This course presents physical, mathematical, and some prac-
tical aspects of acoustic testing with the present generation of
arrays and processing methods. The students will understand
the capabilities and limitations of the technique, along with
practical details. They will learn to design and calibrate arrays
and run beamforming software, including several algorithms
and flow corrections. Advanced techniques in frequency-
domain and time-domain beamforming will be presented. The
important topics of electronics hardware and software for data acquisition and storage are outside the scope of the course, apart from a
general discussion of requirements.
The course begins with a discussion of turbulence physics in
the context of modeling. The exact equations governing the
Reynolds stresses, and the ways in which these equations
can be closed, is outlined. Starting with the simplest turbu-
lence models this course charts a course leading to some of
the complex models that have been applied to a nontrivial
turbulent flow problem. It stresses the need to achieve a bal-
ance among the physics of turbulence, mathematical tools
required to solve turbulence-model equations, and common
numerical problems attending use of such equations.
To register, go to
Early Bird by 1 Jul Standard (222 Jul) On-site (2329 Jul)
AIAA Member $950 $1075 $1175
Nonmember* $1070 $1195 $1295
*Includes a one-year AIAA membership
To register, go to
Early Bird by 1 Jul Standard (222 Jul) On-site (2329 Jul)
AIAA Member $950 $1075 $1175
Nonmember* $1070 $1195 $1295
*Includes a one-year AIAA membership
Register Today!
AIAA Webinars
Sharpen your skills with our 90-minute webinars, taught by some of our most popular instructors. Webinars start at $60!
5 1une 2013 1300-1430 hrs ED
Nuclear and Future Flight Propulsion: Advanced
Concepts in Rocket Propulsion, Nuclear Systems,
Advanced Physics, and High-Energy Density
Bryan Palaszewski
11 5epIember 2013 1300-1430 hrs ED
Missile Defense: Past, Present and Future
Peter Mantle
Did you miss the live webinar? Webinars are available for
purchase at
Advanced Composite Materials and Structures
CADAC++ Framework for Aerospace Simulations
Deciding on the Form of Missile Defense
Flight Dynamics and Einsteins Covariance Principle
Fundamentals of Communicating by Satellite
Introduction to Bio-Inspired Engineering
Introduction to Communication Satellites and their
Lessons from Subsonic Ultra Green Aircraft
Research (SUGAR) Study
Overview of Missile Design and System
Risk Analysis and Management
Space Radiation Environment
UAV Conceptual Design Using Computer
Contact Megan Scheidt, at 703.264.3842 or
[email protected], for any questions about
AIAAs Continuing Education oferings.
Courses are subject to change. Please refer to the
AIAA website for any updates.
10-11 August 2013
The foIIowing Continuing Education courses are being
heId at the AVIATION 2013 Conference |n Los Ange|es,
CA. Registration incIudes course and course notes;
fuII conference participation: admittance to techni-
caI and pIenary sessions; receptions, Iuncheons, and
onIine proceedings.
Gu|dance of Unmanned Aer|a| Veh|c|es
(|ostr0ctors: 0r. 8aIae| Yao0shevsky, 0o|vers|ty oI Nary|aod}
The developed course presents a rigorous guidance theory
of unmanned aerial vehicles. It can be considered as the further development and generalization of the missile guidance theory pre-
sented in the author`s book Modern Missile Guidance (2007). Guidance of the unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) differs from missile
guidance; its goal is different. Moreover, since UAVs can perform a variety of functions, the goal depends on a concrete area of their
application. To address a wide class of guidance problems for UAVs, a more general guidance problem is formulated and a class of
guidance laws is developed. In addition, the obstacle avoidance problem for UAVs is discussed and avoidance algorithms are con-
sidered. The material of the course can serve as a basis for several graduate courses in the aerospace departments. It can be used
by researchers and engineers in their everyday practice and will help them to generate new ideas in the area of unmanned aerial
Systems Eng|neer|ng Ver|f|cat|on and Va||dat|on (|ostr0ctor: Joho 0 hs0, 0A State 0o|vers|ty, The 0o|vers|ty oI 0A at |rv|oe, 00eeos 0o|vers|ty aod The 8oe|og
0ompaoy, 0ypress, 0A}
This course will focus on the verification and validation aspect that is the beginning, from the validation point of view, and the final part
of the systems engineering task for a program/project. It will clarify the confusing use of verification and validation. Familiarize yourself
with validating requirements and generating verification requirements. Start with the verification and validation plans. Then learn how to
choose the best verification method and approach. Test and Evaluation Master Plan leads to test planning and analysis. Conducting test
involves activities, facilities, equipments, and personnel. Evaluation is the process of analyzing and interpreting data. Acceptance test
assures that the products meet what intended to purchase. There are functional and physical audits. Simulation and Modeling provides
virtual duplication of products and processes in operational valid environments. Verification management organizes verification task and
provides total traceability from customer requirements to verification report elements.
17-18 August 2013
The foIIowing Continuing Education courses
are being heId at the Gu|dance, Nav|gat|on, and
Contro| and co||ocated conferences |n Boston, MA.
Registration incIudes course and course notes; fuII
conference participation: admittance to technicaI and
pIenary sessions; receptions, Iuncheons, and onIine
Emerg|ng Pr|nc|p|es |n Fast Trajectory Opt|m|zat|on
(|ostr0ctors: |. N|chae| 8oss, ProIessor, Program 0|rector, hava| Postgrad0ate
Schoo|, Nooterey, 0A, aod 0| 6oog, Ass|staot ProIessor, 0o|vers|ty oI 0a||Ioro|a,
Saota 0r0z}
The confluence of major breakthroughs in optimal control theory and new algorithms has made possible the real-time computation of
optimal trajectories. This implies that mission analysis can be carried out rapidly with the only limitation being the designer's imagination.
This course will introduce the student to the major advancements that have taken place over the last decade in both theory and algo-
rithms for fast trajectory optimization. Students will acquire a broad perspective on recent developments in the mathematical foundations
of trajectory optimization; "old hats" will also acquire a new perspective to some old ideas. The overall objective of this course is to out-
line the new foundations related to convergence of solutions that have emerged in recent years and the accompanying breakthroughs in
general techniques for problem solving. These techniques are intended to enhance, not replace, special techniques that are in common
use. Anyone involved in aerospace research will benefit from this course.
Recent Advances |n Adapt|ve Contro|: Theory and App||cat|ons (|ostr0ctors: Taose| Y0ce|eo, 8esearch og|oeer, Schoo| oI Aerospace og|oeer|og,
6eorg|a |ost|t0te oI Techoo|ogy, At|aota, 6A, r|c Johosoo, ProIessor, Schoo| oI Aerospace og|oeer|og, 6eorg|a |ost|t0te oI Techoo|ogy, At|aota, 6A, Aothooy 0a||se, ProIessor oI
Aerospace og|oeer|og, 6eorg|a |ost|t0te oI Techoo|ogy, At|aota, 6A, 6|r|sh 0howdhary, 8esearch og|oeer, 6eorg|a |ost|t0te oI Techoo|ogy, At|aota, 6A}
Research in adaptive control theory is motivated by the presence of uncertainties. Uncertainties may be due to a lack of accurate mod-
eling data combined with modeling approximations that result in unmodeled dynamics. They may also be due to external disturbances,
failures in actuation and airframe damage. Adaptive control is also motivated by the desire to reduce control system development time
for systems that undergo frequent evolutionary design changes, or that have multiple configurations or environments in which they are
operated. Model reference adaptive control (MRAC) is a leading methodology intended to guarantee stability and performance in the
presence of high levels of uncertainties.
This course will present a review of a number of well-established methods in MRAC. Starting with MRAC problem formulation and an
overview of classical robustness and stability modifications, this course will continue to introduce the adaptive loop recovery approach
To register for one of the GNC 2013 courses, go to
Early Bird by 22 Jul Standard (23 Jul16 Aug) On-site (17 Aug)
AIAA Member $1255 $1355 $1455
Nonmember* $1365 $1465 $1565
*Includes a one-year AIAA membership
To register for one of the AVIATION 2013 courses, go to
Early Bird by 15 Jul Standard (16 Jul9 Aug) On-site (10 Aug)
AIAA Member $1320 $1420 $1520
Nonmember* $1430 $1530 $1630
*Includes a one-year AIAA membership
that allows the approximate retention of reference model loop properties such as relative stability margins. The course will also present
Kalman filtering in adaptive control, in which a Kalman Filter framework is used to update adaptation gains that enables meeting a given
performance criteria without excessive tuning.
Two novel adaptive control laws are also presented: concurrent learning adaptive control and derivative-free adaptive control.
Concurrent learning is a memory-enabled adaptive control method that uses selected recorded data concurrently with instantaneous
measurements for adaptation. Concurrent learning guarantees exponential tracking combined with parameter identification for a wide
class of adaptive control problems, without requiring persistency of excitation. Derivative-free adaptive control is particularly well suited
for systems with sudden (and possibly discontinuous) change in uncertain dynamics, such as those induced through reconfiguration,
payload deployment, docking, or structural damage. It provides superior adaptation and disturbance rejection properties, and comput-
able transient and steady-state performance bounds.
The course will also discuss emerging results in connecting machine learning with adaptive control. A special section will be devoted
to implementation and flight testing of adaptive control methods, including discussion of the pseudo control hedging methods for han-
dling actuator dynamics and saturation. The course will conclude with discussing extensions to decentralized adaptive control, output
feedback adaptive control, unmodeled dynamics, and unmatched uncertainties.
11 September 2013
This 90-minute webinar wiII take pIace at 1300-1430 EST
Missile defense, especially national missile defense, has changed
drastically from the air and missile defense systems once in place
in the 1960s to the current strategic missile defense planned for the
United States today and for NATO Europe in the coming decade to
2020. The nature of the air and missile threat has changed rapidly
over the intervening years including new forms of both strategic and
theatre ballistic missiles, the new forms of cruise missiles, and now
drones. The changing guidance systems of these missiles have changed the targeting and kill probability challenging the defenders
against such new missile forms. Unfortunately, the development times of today`s defensive missile systems are much slower than the
time taken to introduce these radically new threats. This webinar reviews the historical threats and attacks against the United States
together with the past and present proposed national missile defense systems with their shortcomings. The technology of new defense
systems currently in the laboratories is reviewed to postulate possible new air and missile defense systems for the future. The webinar
is liberally filled with actual historical and technical data on all aspects of the threat and the necessary defense.
23-24 September 2013
The foIIowing standaIone course is being heId at The
AERO Institute in PaImdaIe, CaIifornia.
An evolving trend in spacecraft is to exploit very small (micro-
and nano-sats) or very large (solar sails, antenna, etc.)
configurations. In either case, success will depend greatly on
of ultra-lightweight technology, i.e., "gossamer systems tech-
nology." Areal densities of less than 1 kg/m2 (perhaps even
down to 1 g/m2!) will need to be achieved. This course will provide the engineer, project manager, and mission planner with the basic
knowledge necessary to understand and successfully utilize this emerging technology. Definitions, terminology, basic mechanics and
materials issues, testing, design guidelines, and mission applications will be discussed. A textbook and course notes will be provided.
The introduction of sensor technology, including smart micro-
sensor systems, into aerospace applications is expanding
rapidly to allow improved system monitoring and provide gains
in efficiency, performance, critical data, and safety. This short
course is taught by three experts in sensor technology and
its application to provide not only an overview of microsensor
fabrication and development, but also a practical discussion
of the implementation of sensor systems in space applica-
tions. The first half day of the course will concentrate on micro/nano-fabrication techniques and processes taught by Prof. Peter Hesketh
of Georgia Institute of Technology. The second half day of the course will discuss case studies in sensor development taught by Dr.
Gary Hunter of NASA Glenn Research Center. The last half day of the course will discuss sensor system implementation ranging from
Payloads such as Mars Pathfinder to Launch Vehicle Sensor Implementation such as The Ares I Launch Vehicle; taught by Mr. Larry
Oberle of NASA Glenn Research Center.
To register, go to
AIAA Member $149
Nonmember* $189
AIAA Student Member $60
Full-Time Student (Nonmember)* $70
*Nonmember fee does not include AIAA membership
To register, go to
Early Bird by 23 Aug Standard (24 Aug15 Sep) On-site (1623 Sep)
AIAA Member $950 $1075 $1175
Nonmember* $1070 $1195 $1295
*Includes a one-year AIAA membership
To register, go to
Early Bird by 23 Aug Standard (24 Aug15 Sep) On-site (1623 Sep)
AIAA Member $950 $1075 $1175
Nonmember* $1070 $1195 $1295
*Includes a one-year AIAA membership
Each session room will be preset with the following: one
LCD projector, one screen, and one microphone (if needed).
A 1/2" VHS VCR and monitor, an overhead projector, and/or
a 35-mm slide projector will only be provided if requested by
presenters on their abstract submittal forms. AIAA does not
provide computers or technicians to connect LCD projectors
to the laptops. Should presenters wish to use the LCD projec-
tors, it is their responsibility to bring or arrange for a computer
on their own. Please note that AIAA does not provide security
in the session rooms and recommends that items of value,
including computers, not be left unattended. Any additional
audiovisual requirements, or equipment not requested by the
date provided in the Event Preview information, will be at cost
to the presenter.

EmpIoyment Opportunities
AIAA is assisting members who are searching for employ-
ment by providing a bulletin board at the technical meetings.
This bulletin board is solely for "open position" and "available
for employment" postings. Employers are encouraged to have
personnel who are attending an AIAA technical conference
bring "open position" job postings. Individual unemployed
members may post "available for employment" notices. AIAA
reserves the right to remove inappropriate notices, and can-
not assume responsibility for notices forwarded to AIAA
Headquarters. AIAA members can post and browse resumes
and job listings, and access other online employment resourc-
es, by visiting the AIAA Career Center at

Messages and Information
Messages will be recorded and posted on a bulletin board in
the registration area. It is not possible to page attendees.

Nonmembers who pay the full nonmember registration fee
will receive their first year`s AIAA membership at no addi-
tional cost.

Nondiscriminatory Practices
The AIAA accepts registrations irrespective of race, creed,
sex, color, physical handicap, and national or ethnic origin.

Videotaping or audio recording of sessions or exhibits as
well as the unauthorized sale of AIAA-copyrighted material is

InternationaI Traffic in Arms ReguIations (ITAR)
AIAA speakers and attendees are reminded that some
topics discussed in the conference could be controlled by
the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR). U.S.
Nationals (U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents) are
responsible for ensuring that technical data they present in
open sessions to non-U.S. Nationals in attendance or in con-
ference proceedings are not export restricted by the ITAR.
U.S. Nationals are likewise responsible for ensuring that they
do not discuss ITAR export-restricted information with non-
U.S. Nationals in attendance.
On-Site Check-In
Partnering with Expo Logic, we`ve streamlined the on-site reg-
istration check-in process! All advance registrants will receive an
email with a registration barcode. To pick up your badge and con-
ference materials, make sure to print the email that includes your
ExpressPass Barcode, and bring it with you to the conference.
Simply scan the ExpressPass barcode at one of the ExpressPass
stations in the registration area to print your badge and receive
your meeting materials.
Photo ID Needed at Registration
All registrants must provide a valid photo ID (driver`s license
or passport) when they check in. For student registration, valid
student ID is also required.

Certificate of Attendance
Certificates of Attendance are available for attendees who
request documentation at the conference itself. Please request
your copy at the on-site registration desk. AIAA offers this ser-
vice to better serve the needs of the professional community.
Claims of hours or applicability toward professional education
requirements are the responsibility of the participant.
Conference Proceedings
Proceedings for AIAA conferences will be available in online
proceedings format. The cost is included in the registration fee
where indicated. Attendees who register in advance for the online
proceedings will be provided with access instructions. Those reg-
istering on site will be provided with instructions at that time.

Young ProfessionaI Guide for Gaining Management Support
Young professionals have the unique opportunity to meet and
learn from some of the most important people in the business
by attending conferences and participating in AIAA activities. A
detailed online guide, published by the AIAA Young Professional
Committee, is available to help you gain support and financial
backing from your company. The guide explains the benefits of
participation, offers recommendations and provides an example let-
ter for seeking management support and funding, and shows you
how to get the most out of your participation. The online guide can
be found on the AIAA website,

JournaI PubIication
Authors of appropriate papers are encouraged to submit
them for possible publication in one of the Institute`s archival
journals: AIAA Journal; Journal of Aircraft; Journal of Guidance,
Control, and Dynamics; Journal of Propulsion and Power;
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets; Journal of Thermophysics
and Heat Transfer; or Journal of Aerospace Information Systems
(formerly Journal of Aerospace Computing, Information, and
Communication). You may now submit your paper online at

Timing of Presentations
Each paper will be allotted 30 minutes (including introduction
and question-and-answer period) except where noted.

Committee Meetings
Committee meeting schedule will be included in the final
program and posted on the message board in the conference
registration area.
This is general conference information, except as noted in the individual Event Preview information.
13th International Conference on Space Operations
SpaceOps 2014
Exploring Innovation
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
Abstract Submission
Deadline: 5 August 2013
Hosted by NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory and organized
by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
(AIAA), SpaceOps 2014 will bring together the
space operations community to address state-of-the-art
operations principles, methods, and tools.
Technical Program
Mission Design and Management
Operations Concepts, Methods, Systems,
and Automation
Flight System Monitor and Control
Planning and Scheduling
Guidance, Navigation, and Control
Communications, Data Management
and Processing
Human Systems and Operations
Cross-Support, Interoperability,
and Standards
Launcher, Rockets, and Balloon Operations
University Space Operations
Join the conversation
59 May 2014
Convention Center
Pasadena, California
1012 September 2013
San Diego Convention Center
San Diego, California
Join the conversation on Twitter
The AIAA SPACE Conference
& Exposition is AIAAs premier event
on space technology, policy, programs,
management, and education.

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