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IBDP Business & Management Paper 1 Case Study Royal Danish Bearings (RDB)- Overview

Beginning: RDB was set up in 1915, in Denmark, by a Danish machinist called Henrik Holstein Key Persons: Henrik Holstein Valdemar Holstein Anna Holstein


Royal Danish Bearings (RDB) is a successful multinational company operating in

the ball bearing industry. Ball bearings are found in all types of vehicles, such as in gearboxes and wheel suspension; there are even ball bearings in fighter jets and space shuttles. RDB has always operated in the business-to-business (B2B) market RDB has three mega factories Denmark Northern Germany Sweden

In the 1930s,: RDBs market position was determined by the high quality and high price RDBs two main competitors were UAB and FIB

Change in leadership: Valdemar Holstein (the son of RDB founder Henrik Holstein) started working at the company in 1951 In 1965, he replaced Henrik as Chief Executive Officer (CEO). RDB maintained a tall organizational structure RDB-Overview |Page |1 - A Path to Purpose

Valdemar empowered his middle managers. He also adopted management techniques, such as total quality management (TQM), benchmarking and Kaizen

Financial side: RDB remained profitable and maintained brand loyalty. However, financially, gross and net profit margins were lower than previously, which Valdemar thought was unavoidable Valdemar, like his father, had a paternalistic leadership style though he could occasionally be autocratic. The employees liked RDBs corporate culture. They too were proud of working for a well-known, well-established and well-respected company. Getting a job at RDB was like joining a family. The employees all appreciated their job security, their high standard of living and their working environment In terms of operations: Flow Production Batch production Job Production

Anna Holstein and RDB 2020: It was long anticipated that, when Valdemar retired, his daughter Anna would replace him as CEO of the company. IB Diploma in Copenhagen, followed by a degree in green engineering at university. Completed an MBA postgraduate degree and worked for an investment bank in New York. Small green factories located near its customers. Advertise in a wider range of publications, including e-zines (online magazines) and professional web sites for industrial design and architectural robotics. - A Path to Purpose


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The marketing department should start carrying out market research, both primary and secondary

RDB would need to sell the two mega-factories in northern Germany and

RDB would become a public limited company, with funds generated from the sale
of newly issued shares Valdemars counterproposals: RDB is a Danish company, he insisted, we managed to expand significantly after the first world war thanks to a major contract from the Danish government. He had a bad feeling about go public A lifelong industrialist, he loved to see his three mega-factories in northern Europe. Valdemars vision of RDB as a happy European family.

Valdemars suggestions: Rebrand the company, changing its name from Royal Danish Bearings to

Green Bearings, an RDB Company and adopt Annas marketing strategy. Green Bearings would be green in name only.
Divide each of the three mega-factories into autonomous cells, each assigned to serve a region of the world and each with its own strategic and tactical/ operational objectives. Form strategic alliances with ball bearing companies in Brazil, China and India Anna listened attentively; however, she was not satisfied --------------------------------- - A Path to Purpose


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