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Functions in Detail

SAP Internet Sales

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SAP Internet Sales

The Sales Solution in the Internet
SAP Internet Sales Suitable for All Companies Profitable Customer Relations with SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM) Always a Step Ahead Through its Many Advantages Technology for the Highest Standards - The Architecture The ITS Flow Logic Concept

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Business Scenarios Business-to-Business (B2B) Internet Sales In the Role of a Business Partner (Example) Business-to-Consumer (B2C) Internet Sales In the Role of a Consumer (Example) Diverse Functions for a Tailor-made Solution Web-Shop Management Web Shop Design Product Catalog Web Catalog Web Catalog Views Accessories in the Web Catalog Customer Data Management Customer Data Management in B2B Customer Data Management in B2C Shopping Basket Shopping Basket in B2B Shopping Basket in B2C Product Availability Check in SAP Internet Sales Product Availability Check using APO Product Availability Information using the R/3 System Configuration of Products Managing Quotations Document Status and Document Processing Displaying Invoice Documents Payment Methods

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Marketing Functions in SAP Internet Sales Personalized Product Recommendations Global Product Recommendations Cross/Up-Selling in the Shopping Basket Accessories in the Shopping Basket Data Recording for Analysis Purposes Data Recording for E-Business Analysis Data Recording for E-Site Analysis One-Step-Business - Purchasing and Sales in One Step

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The Sales Solution in the Internet

The Sales Solution in the Internet

SAP Internet Sales is a complete solution for selling products via the Internet. It supports all processes connected with the sales cycle of all types of goods and services, in all industries. The main characteristics are:

SAP Internet Sales covers all phases of the sales cycle, from marketing, catalog browsing and search, to order placement, payment, contract completion, and customer support. The SAP Internet Sales solution supports the SAP One-Step Business concept. This allows business partners to access SAP Internet Sales Web catalogs from a purchasing system and to order products. The Open Catalog Interface enables business processes to be concluded in one single, integrated step. SAP Internet Sales allows companies to offer the right customers the right products at the right time. As a result, the profitability and productivity of the company, as well as customer satisfaction is improved.

Standard encryption technology, such as SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), guarantees you security when concluding all online transactions.

SAP Internet Sales Suitable for All Companies

SAP Internet Sales is suitable for all companies that want to use the Internet as the strategic basis for their business activities. If you are already an R/3 customer or if you want to become one, you can implement SAP Internet Sales (from Release 3.1 H upwards). In future we will offer standard interfaces, which will connect SAP Internet Sales to other ERP systems.


The Sales Solution in the Internet

Profitable Customer Relations with SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM)
As part of a complete SAP CRM solution, SAP Internet Sales allows customer relationships to be formed over the entire sales cycle. SAP CRM puts companies in the position to build and maintain profitable relationships with their customers. SAP CRM offers synchronized and integrated access to information; each time contact is made with the customer. This enables the user to achieve personalized, sophisticated interaction with the customer.

Always a Step Ahead Through its Many Advantages


Faster Return-on-Investment, lower sales and marketing costs, and improved customer management as a result of the automation and monitoring of the entire sales process. More detailed structure of corporate design and business scenario of the selling company with the simple and flexible user interface. Acquisition and retention of profitable customers due to higher customer satisfaction, based on personalized product recommendations, availability checks, credit checks, transparent status checks, and much more. Fast and cost effective implementation due to the optimal use of business models developed in the R/3 System. Generic sales process achieved through the seamless integration of frontend and backend systems.

With SAP Initernet Sales: Sales processes are optimized Sales cycles are shortened s Transaction costs are reduced s Customer relations are strengthened
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The Sales Solution in the Internet

Technology for the Highest Standards - The Architecture

As an integral part of SAP CRM, SAP Internet Sales is based on the following fundamental SAP CRM components:
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Product master Business partner master Sales order Marketing

In addition, the following modules are used for a SAP Internet Sales implementation:

SAP Advanced Planner and Optimizer (SAP APO) and SAP Business Information Warehouse (SAP BW)
SAP APO and SAP BW are connected to SAP CRM. SAP BW is available for analyzing sales and distribution data from SAP CRM Marketing. Availability checks on products (ATP checks) are performed using SAP APO.

Product catalog
The product catalog is also developed and can be maintained within SAP Internet Sales. All of the products from the product master (material master), that are to be offered for sale on the Internet are included in the product catalog. You can also complement the product catalog with documents (graphics, pictures, video sequences etc).

Index server
The replicated product catalog data is stored on the Index server. The Index server guarantees faster access to product information from the Web application. It is primarily responsible for supporting catalog browsing and the speeding up of search engines in the Web catalog, as well as load decoupling from the CRM system.

Knowledge Provider (KPRO)

All the documents that complement the product catalog are automatically filed in the KPRO and published onto the Web server. The required documents are called up from the Web server and displayed in the browser of the customer.


The Sales Solution in the Internet

SAP Internet Transaction Server (SAP ITS)

The SAP ITS is the connecting element at Internet level. All necessary components are connected to it, this means that it regulates the communication to the Web server, to the backend systems, to the Internet Pricing and Configurator (IPC) and to the Index server.

Internet Pricing and Configurator (IPC)

Prices and configuration information are determined in the IPC application component. The IPC accesses conditions, which are in the CRM system.

The R/3 System is the primary system for data maintenance; this means that the conditions and materials, for example, are maintained there, and are then replicated to the corresponding SAP CRM components.

The connection of the SAP CRM system to the backend system occurs via the middleware. It is responsible for the synchronization of product, business partner, order, and price data.

Fig. 1-1: System architecture


The Sales Solution in the Internet

The ITS Flow Logic Concept

The SAP Internet Transaction Server (SAP ITS) is the gateway between the Web server and the R/3 application server, it facilitates an effective communication between the two systems. Using the SAP ITS, you can also take advantage of the scalable, three-level R/3 Client-Server architecture in the World Wide Web. The SAP ITS offers various implementation possibilities for R/3 Internet applications. These mainly differ in the way they communicate with the R/3 System (RFC or DIAG protocol) and the realization of the dialog logic within or outside of the R/3 System. A viable implementation for R/3 Internet applications is the ITS Flow Logic concept which is used by SAP Internet Sales. The ITS Flow Logic concept is distinguished by the following features:

Clear distinction between presentation logic, dialog logic and business process logic x Presentation logic Visualization of the application using HTML templates which are filled with data at runtime. x Dialog logic Process logic in the program that decides which HTML page is displayed next. The dialog logic reacts to events (for example, per mouse click) and calls the business process logic. x Business process logic The actual business application (for example, creating customer master data, and so on) which is called via RFC or BAPI. Flexible, easily modifiable dialog logic (stateful/stateless) that is outside of the SAP system Integration of external systems via module providers (Internet Pricing and Configurator, Index server and so on)

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Dialog logic is easily modifiable without ABAP know-how Load reduction in the SAP CRM system because data is distributed between external systems (for example, MS Index server), and therefore access of the SAP CRM system is minimized


Business Scenarios

Business Scenarios
Business-to-Business (B2B) Internet Sales
This business scenario is oriented towards selling to business partners. Marketing functions do not play such an important role here as they do in B2C Internet Sales. Unlike B2C, contact persons of business partners in B2B must register before they are allowed to enter the Web shop. The system recognizes each business partner by their ID, and offers them individually agreed prices. The prices are determined in the IPC. The software supports the management of as many users as you like per company, as well as the entry of different delivery addresses per item in an order. Two possibilities are available for the purchase ordering of products. On the one hand, users can enter the product number using fast entry, to order the desired product. On the other hand, they can find and order products using the catalog search or catalog browsing. Order templates can be generated and saved for recurring orders. The document status of all purchase orders, invoices and other documents can be called up at any time in the Web shop, it informs you about open items and the current situation of outstanding orders. In addition, B2B Internet Sales contains Enterprise Buyer professional edition via an interface. The advantage of One-Step Business purchasing and sales is that due to the fact that it is an integrated process both suppliers and buyers benefit.

Fig. 2-1: Creating a Web shop in B2B


Business Scenarios

In the Role of a Business Partner (Example)

Karen Smith is a professional purchaser at Big-Automobiles Inc. and is responsible for the purchase of the electrical parts that are needed for the manufacture of various cars at Big Automobiles Inc. Karen logs on in the Web Shop of, an automobile supplier and business partner of Big-Automobiles Inc. Both companies have arranged special conditions and as a result Karen only buys the necessary electrical parts from After logging on, she is taken straight to the page for the fast entry of products. As Karen always orders the same products, she has saved them in a shopping basket, which is always available for her to use in the Web shop. She loads the shopping basket and simply copies those products that she wants to order into her current shopping basket. In her current shopping basket she enters the desired amount and also a desired delivery date per item. She has to order products for plants in Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, so she has to select the corresponding delivery address per item from those already saved in the system. At the same time the system performs an availability check. Thats all she has to do. Karen orders the products. Her order is displayed to her once again for her to check. confirms the order, the price, the delivery address, and the delivery date. Karen subsequently leaves the virtual shop. Her data is automatically transferred to the backend system, so that Karens order can be fulfilled efficiently and on time. Karen receives an order confirmation automatically by e-mail. Karen has the opportunity to change or check the status of her order daily, right up until it is delivered on time.


Business Scenarios

Fig. 2-2: Sales process from the view of the business partner

Business-to-Consumer (B2C) Internet Sales

This business scenario is oriented towards selling directly to end consumers. SAP Internet Sales offers you the necessary tool for constructing an attractive, interactive Web shop. The multi-media capable catalog enables you to present all relevant information and files, be they in text, picture, sound, or video format, on the Internet. Powerful search engines enable your Internet customers to specifically and quickly search for the products they desire. With the help of SAP Internet Sales Marketing, your Web page can become an important marketing channel. The entry of information about the interests and preferences of your customers means that different customer profiles can be generated. You can offer your customers tailor-made proposals on your Web pages, for example, personalized product recommendations, cross-selling and up-selling products. New customers can register themselves online and can maintain their personal customer profile and address data themselves in their Web shop.


Business Scenarios

Fig. 2-3: Creating a Web shop in B2C

In the Role of a Consumer (Example)

As a proven technology fan, Frank Mills often visits the Web site of MegaStore, an electronic equipment trader. Frank is interested in a telephone with Internet capabilities. Today, he enters the search term telephone into the search engine, and is taken directly to suitable offers, where he discovers the WebPhone 940. WebPhone 940 is available in different variations, which can be determined using an Internet-based configurations tool. Frank decides on a touch screen version with built-in answer phone. Next, a check is made to see whether the products that Frank has chosen can be combined. The subsequently calculated price is displayed to Frank for him to check. Frank takes another look at the accessories that were displayed to him in the detail screen of the WebPhone 940. The black leather case catches his eye, Frank finds it practical to be able to order the corresponding accessories at the same time, and puts both products into the shopping basket. He now wants to finish his virtual shopping trip. Before he can order, the system needs his ID and password. After Frank has registered, the system suggests personalized product recommendations for him. Among them, a laser printer draws Franks attention. The offer interests him but he would like to think a bit more about it. Frank puts the laser printer into a shopping basket and saves it. The laser printer remains here until Frank deletes it from the shopping basket or orders it


Business Scenarios

Frank now orders the WebPhone and the leather case. His order is displayed to him alongside his previously saved customer profile, for him to check. Frank enters a new delivery address. MegaStore confirms the order, the price, and the delivery date. Frank then leaves the virtual shop. His data is automatically forwarded to the backend system, so that Franks order can be fulfilled efficiently and on time. Frank receives an order confirmation automatically by e-mail. Frank has the opportunity to change or check the status of his order daily, right up until it is delivered on time.

Fig. 2-4: Sales process from the view of the consumer


Diverse Functions for a Tailor-made Solution

Diverse Functions for a Tailor-made Solution

SAP Internet Sales has an extensive function spectrum, which is described in more detail in the text that follows.

Web-Shop Management
This function enables you to define the following elements for each Web shop:

Use You define whether your Web shop is to be used for a Business-to-Business or Business-to-Consumer business scenario. Product catalog The product catalog determines the content of your Web shop. Catalog determination You can determine if the suitable (personalized) views are to be determined for users when they log on to the Web shop. Catalog view You can limit the users view of the Web catalog further by entering a specific catalog view. This means that all of the Web shop users have the same catalog view. Order data Controlling the product availability check in SAP Internet Sales You can determine whether you wish to execute a product availability check using APO. If you do not have an APO you can execute a product availability check using the R/3 System. User administration Personalized and global product recommendations Cross/up-selling and accessories in the shopping basket Data recording for e-business analysis Controlling price determination

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Web shop data maintenance takes place in SAP CRM.


Diverse Functions for a Tailor-made Solution

Web Shop Design

There are no restrictions regarding the actual layout of SAP Internet Sales. Further to the HTML design, this also concerns the definition of the information that is displayed on the HTML pages, as well as the sequence of the HTML pages. As a rule, you can use SAP Internet Sales as we deliver it; you do not have to make changes, if you do not want to.

Product Catalog
On the basis of product master data, you can design a product catalog with SAP CRM, which you can then use to give effective presentations of your product catalog data in the Web or using other media. The extensive possibilities for tailoring your product catalog allow you to design this in an individual way that meets all your needs.

Fig. 3-1: Product catalog

Product catalogs are implemented in Sales. Product catalogs are of particular importance in SAP Internet Sales for presenting your products in the Web. For further information, see unit Web Catalog.


Diverse Functions for a Tailor-made Solution

Manual / automatic product assignment

This function allows you to assign products either manually or automatically to catalog areas. Which type you use depends on the type of Web shop you want to create. If you want to transfer products without changes from the product categories of your product master, it is advisable to choose automatic product assignment. If, for example, you wish to create a marketing orientated Web shop, and want to group products individually, it is worth choosing manual product assignment. You can also combine both types of product assignment with each other.

Catalog header
You can commit yourself to one particular type of catalog, and furthermore, specify data, which is valid for the entire product catalog.

Catalog variants
The actual specification of the catalog to be published is determined using catalog variants. By defining different catalog variants, you can create catalogs with the same dataset in various languages, currencies, or distribution chains.

Catalog areas
With this function you can structure and organize your product catalog to suit your needs. You can create as many catalog areas as you wish and arrange them hierarchically. A catalog area can contain additional catalog areas or products.

Catalog views
You can filter catalog data that you wish to offer your business partners in the Web shop, individually using catalog views. This means that the business partners can only see the products that they are allowed to order.

Release for publication

This function allows you to release product catalogs and new and changed catalog contents for publication in your Web shop or to withdraw the publication. With this you can easily activate individual catalog areas or catalog areas and their subareas.


Diverse Functions for a Tailor-made Solution

Staging of catalog contents

With this function, you can create new catalog contents in a work area, and release them for publication on a desired date. If you have already released catalog contents for publication and then you make changes, these changes are automatically saved in a work version. You can switch between the two versions, whereby only the published version can be viewed. You can define when the changed catalog contents should be released for publication. As a result, you can prevent parts of catalogs that have either not been fully maintained or have not undergone any editorial checks, from unintentionally appearing in the Web. The staging of catalog contents is possible on the following levels:
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Catalog areas Catalog items

You can flexibly define the characteristics that should be displayed for your products in the catalog. Your customers can then search for values that occur in the characteristics using search terms in the Web catalog.

Catalog characteristic lists List of all catalog item characteristics and master characteristics that exist in a product catalog or catalog area. They are distinguished as follows: x Basic characteristic lists (which refers to the entire product catalog) x Area characteristic lists (which refers to one catalog area) Catalog item characteristic Properties that are used to describe objects contained in the product catalog. Catalog item characteristics are created and managed in the product catalog. In the product detail view in the Web catalog, catalog item characteristics describe a selected product, for example, color, weight, and so on. You can also search for values of the catalog item characteristics. Master characteristic A master characteristic is a special type of catalog item characteristic. Master characteristics refer to product attributes in the product master. Their values are transferred together with the products, into the product catalog. They can only be displayed in the product catalog.


Diverse Functions for a Tailor-made Solution

Multilingual capabilities
You can enter information in different languages for each catalog.

Multi-media objects / texts

You can maintain texts and/or multi-media objects (for example, graphics, sound files, videos and so on) for both catalog areas and products in the product catalog. You can maintain the multi-media objects and texts in the product master for automatic product assignment.

Copying product catalogs

This function allows you to copy both entire product catalogs and individual catalog areas.

Web Catalog
This function allows you to present the product catalog data that you created in the Product Catalog efficiently in the Web. The Web catalog contains only one product catalog.

Navigation in the catalog

With the help of the overview, your customers can navigate through the catalog area hierarchy.

Search for products

Your customers can search for products in the entire Web catalog. Furthermore, they can enter as a search term, values that occur in the texts and characteristics, which you have maintained in the product catalog. They can logically link different search criteria.

Filling shopping baskets

Your customers can put selected products into their virtual shopping baskets using point & click, and can then search for further products from the offers in your shop They can take products from different catalog areas.

Configuration of products
Your customers can configure products in the Web catalog and, if they want to, order them.


Diverse Functions for a Tailor-made Solution

Multi-media presentation
You can present catalog areas, products with multi-media objects (graphics, sound files, videos etc), and texts.

Workload outside of the CRM system

Access to the Web catalog is normally via the index server and does not generate workload in the CRM system.

Fig. 3-2: Web Catalog


Diverse Functions for a Tailor-made Solution

Web Catalog Views

This function enables you to filter the catalog data that you make available to your business partners using catalog views. This means that business partners can only see the products that they are allowed to order.

Personalized catalog view

The system determines suitable catalog views for users, when they register in the Web shop.

Web shop specific catalog view

All of the Web shop users have the same catalog view. No business partner inspection takes place. In this case the catalog view has purely a filter function.

Accessories in the Web Catalog

This function draws the attention of your customers to accessories that belong to the product they are interested in. They should be encouraged to buy additional products as a result. In the same way, service plays an important role here because you have the opportunity to offer your customers the right accessories alongside the product.

Displaying accessories in the Web catalog Customers are offered a list of corresponding accessories, in the detail view of a product Customers can display the detail view of a selected accessory. This list can already be expanded or collapsed in the shopping basket. You determine this in the HTML templates and flow files. Should the list be collapsed, customers can expand it themselves, if they wish to. Adding accessories to the shopping basket If customers decide to buy an accessory, they can simply add this to their shopping basket.


Diverse Functions for a Tailor-made Solution

Customer Data Management

Customer Data Management in B2B
This function covers the identification of the corresponding business partners (role contact person).

Business partner identification

Registered business partners can log on to the system with their user ID and their password. Identification is required for them to actually access your Web shop.

Changing a password
A logged on business partner can use this option to change their password.

Country selection
You can use this to limit delivery addresses input to particular countries.

Customer Data Management in B2C

This function covers the registration and identification of customers. Customers that are not registered or logged on can simply navigate around the product catalog and search for products.

Customer registration
Customers can register themselves by entering address data, an e-mail address (or a chosen user ID) and a password. The system creates a business partner master record in CRM and the relevant authorization.

Customer identification
Registered customers can be logged on in the system by their e-mail address (or their user ID) and their password. This identification is required for:
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Creating an order Displaying personalized product recommendations Changing their own personal customer data

Changing customer data

Identified customers can use this option to change their address data and password.

Country selection
You can use this to limit customers and delivery addresses to particular countries.


Diverse Functions for a Tailor-made Solution

Shopping Basket
Shopping Basket in B2B
This function allows business partners to enter products into a virtual shopping basket, and to manage them.

Filling a shopping basket using fast entry

Business partners can put their chosen product into the shopping basket without having to call up the Web catalog; by entering the product number Furthermore, your business partners can:
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Delete single products from the shopping basket Perform the systematic configuration of products Change the purchase order quantity Set a desired delivery date for each item Select a different delivery address from a selection list for each item Search for further goods recipients and transfer them to the selection list mentioned above Enter their own text at item level

Displaying availability
Whilst a product is being transferred to the shopping basket, an availability check is carried out in the background. The availability of the product is shown at item level in the shopping basket.

Separate identities of different price components

Net price, gross price, freight, and tax are identified separately. This applies to both the single product price and the total price.

Save shopping basket as an order template

If business partners want to make recurring orders, they have the option of saving the shopping basket with the appropriate products as an order template. Using order templates means that they can access document processing at any time and process their order efficiently, by copying an order template or individual products out of it.

Emptying a shopping basket

This sub-function enables customers to empty the entire contents of their shopping basket.


Diverse Functions for a Tailor-made Solution

Ordering products
Your business partners can order their chosen products and then receive an overview of the products they have selected. They have the option of entering their own text at header level Business partners receive a sales order confirmation by E-Mail after they have ordered.

Shopping Basket in B2C

This function allows customers to manage chosen products in a virtual shopping basket.

Separate identities of different price components

Net price, gross price, freight, and tax are identified separately. This applies to both the single product prices and the total price.

Processing a shopping basket

Here your customers can:
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Delete single products from the shopping basket Configure products singularly Change the purchase order quantity

Save shopping basket as an order template

If customers want to reserve products, because they are still not sure whether they want to order them or not, they have the option of saving the shopping basket with its contents as an order template. Logged on customers can access the order template at any time in document processing.

Emptying a shopping basket

Customers can empty the entire contents of the shopping basket with this function.

Ordering products
Your customers can order the chosen products here. Once again they are shown an overview and availability of their products on the item level. They can:
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Enter a different delivery address Choose an option from payment methods Enter their own text at header level

After they have ordered, customers receive a sales order confirmation by e-mail.


Diverse Functions for a Tailor-made Solution

Product Availability Check in SAP Internet Sales

Product Availability Check using APO
This function enables the system to execute a product availability check in the SAP Internet Sales Web shop. The confirmed amounts are reserved in the APO system. The requests are transferred to production or purchasing, when the sales order is saved in CRM online. The confirmed data and the delivery date with the available amount are shown on the item level to customers at the following times:
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B2B Internet Sales: When transferring a product into the shopping basket. B2C Internet Sales: When creating an order

Product Availability Information using the R/3 System

If you do not have an APO, you can execute a product availability check using the R/3 System. This function gives your customers information on the latest availability situation. No amounts can be reserved and no production or purchasing requests can be transferred. This only happens when the sales order is saved in the R/3 System. The confirmed data and the delivery date with the available amount are shown on the item level to customers at the following times:
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B2B Internet Sales: During the transfer of a product into the shopping basket. B2C Internet Sales: When creating an order

Configuration of Products
This function allows you to configure products using Internet Pricing and Configurator (IPC) and to order them in the planned configuration. The following possibilities are available to you for the configuration of products:

You can configure products whilst in the Web catalog, to see whether the requested configuration is viable for you. You can put the configured products into the shopping basket, the configuration is kept You can configure products that are already in your shopping basket, and change any previous configurations of these products

The price of the configured products is adjusted automatically, correspondingly.


Diverse Functions for a Tailor-made Solution

Managing Quotations
This function allows your business partners to save quotations. This makes particular sense for those industries, in which prices change dynamically. Quotations give your customers a temporary price assurance.

Receiving and Displaying Quotations

Business partners can receive a quotation for each shopping basket item. Furthermore, configurable products are also supported. The system immediately shows quotation details with validity date automatically. The quotation is automatically saved as a document in the system.

Ordering with Reference to a Quotation

Business partners can generate an order with reference to a selected quotation, in document processing.

Ordering with Reference to a Quotation (One-Step Business)

If business partners access an SAP Internet Sales Web shop from a purchasing system, they can order products with reference to a quotation. The quotation is transferred to the purchasing system via the SAP open catalog interface (OCI).

Document Status and Document Processing

With this function, registered customers are informed about the status of their documents and can process them. Fundamentally, the system only displays those documents created by the customer.

Selecting the Document Type

Customers can select which of the following document types are displayed to them:
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Quotations Orders Order templates Invoices, credit memos, down payments (only B2B Internet Sales)

In addition, it is possible to limit the display using further search criteria.


Diverse Functions for a Tailor-made Solution

Show and edit list of selected documents


The system shows a list of corresponding documents with the most important information for each selected document type Customers have the opportunity to delete order templates and quotations from the list

Processing items for the document

Here customers can:
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Copy selected items to the current shopping basket Cancel undelivered items from open orders Delete single items from order templates Order the entire order template or quotation Edit entire order template Transfer open quotations into an affiliated purchasing system (when using one-step business)

Displaying item detail

Customers can call up a detail screen for each document item. In this screen, the following information is displayed:
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Product details Status information for the product Configuration information Package number, if the sales order is in the process of delivery. Customers can inform themselves of delivery details using the package number

Displaying Invoice Documents

This function enables the logged on business partner (role: contact person) to find out about the status of invoice documents. All of the documents that belong to the business partner (role: ordering party) of the business partner (role: contact person) are shown.

Selecting the Document Type

Customers can select which of the following document types are displayed to them:
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Invoices Credit memos Down payments

In addition, it is possible to limit the display using further search criteria.


Diverse Functions for a Tailor-made Solution

Show list of selected documents


The system shows a list of corresponding documents with the most important information for each selected document type. The customer can select a sorting (ascending and descending for each column is possible). Cancellations of invoices credit memos and down payments are marked with a negative sign.

Show document details

Here customers can:
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See header and item information Go to the order using a link, when the order is in CRM and the reference number of the item corresponds to the order number.

Payment Methods
This function allows you to settle the payment of orders, using the following payment methods:
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By invoice By credit card By cash on delivery


Diverse Functions for a Tailor-made Solution

Marketing Functions in SAP Internet Sales

Personalized Product Recommendations
This function allows you to recommend products from your Web Shop to your customers. These products are selected as being of interest to them.

Fig. 3-3: Personalized product recommendation

Customers belong to one or more target groups on the basis of their profile. They receive the top n product list of their target group as their product recommendation. In addition, you can add more products to the top-n product list of a target group manually. The suggested products are determined in the Business Information Warehouse. The personalized product recommendations are a combination of the single functions:

Customer profile

Creating a customer profile This subfunction allows customers who are already logged on to create their customer profile in the Web Shop, as long as they have not already done so. To do this they have to enter personal information such as age group, gender, favorite author, and so on. Displaying / changing a customer profile This subfunction allows customers who are already logged on to display or change their customer profile in the Web Shop, as long as they have already created one.


Diverse Functions for a Tailor-made Solution

Personalized product recommendation


Displaying personalized product recommendation This subfunction allows customers who are already logged on and have a customer profile, to display the list of product recommendations tailored for them. Using a hyperlink, customers can display the product detail information of each product. In the same way they can put any of the recommended products directly into the shopping basket. Displaying negative messages x If customers have not created a customer profile, then they receive a message requesting them to do so.

If customers with an existing customer profile - Are not yet assigned to a target group - Or if, for their target groups, no Top n product list exists, or is empty, Then they receive a message that no personalize recommendation can be displayed for them at present.

Global Product Recommendations

This function allows you to offer the best seller to all customers who enter your Web shop, irrespective of the target group that they belong to. Using a global target group as reference, certain products are proposed and presented in the form of a top-n product list. All Web Shop customers belong to the global target group. In addition, you can add more products to the top-n product list manually.

Cross/Up-Selling in the Shopping Basket

Cross-selling supports your sales efforts, by offering customers additional products alongside the ones they have selected. These recommendations should arouse the interest of customers and encourage them to buy further products. Up-selling supports your sales efforts, by offering customers additional, more valuable products alongside the ones they have selected. These recommendations should arouse the interest of customers and encourage them to buy the more expensive products as an alternative.

Determine personalized cross/up-selling products


In B2C Internet Sales The system searches through all of the target groups that the customer is assigned to and determines corresponding cross/up-selling products. If determination was not successful, the standard target group (if maintained) is referred to as a basis for determination.


Diverse Functions for a Tailor-made Solution

In B2B Internet Sales The system searches through all of the target groups that the business partner (role contact person) is assigned to and determines corresponding cross/upselling products. If determination was not successful, the system searches through all of the target groups that the business partner (role ordering party) is assigned to and determines corresponding cross/up-selling products. If determination was not successful, the standard target group (if maintained) is referred to as a basis for determination.

In the shopping basket customers receive a list of up-selling products for all items in their current shopping basket, for which cross/up-selling products are available.

Determine cross/up-selling products

The system determines cross/up-selling products according to the assigned target groups for global cross/up-selling. In the shopping basket, customers receive a list of up-selling products for all items in their current shopping basket, for which cross/up-selling products are available.

Replacing products with up-selling products

If customers decide they want to buy an up-selling product instead of their original choice, they can simply replace the original product with the up-selling product in their shopping basket.

Adding cross-selling products to the shopping basket

If customers decide to buy a cross-selling product and, they can simply add this to their shopping basket.

Accessories in the Shopping Basket

Accessories in the shopping basket are a special type of cross-selling product. This function should support your sales efforts, by offering customers additional products alongside the one they have selected. These recommendations should arouse the interest of customers and encourage them to buy further products.

Displaying accessories In the shopping basket, customers receive a list of the accessories for all items in their current shopping basket, for which up-selling products are available. Adding accessories to the shopping basket If customers decide to buy an accessory, they can simply add this to their shopping basket.


Diverse Functions for a Tailor-made Solution

Data Recording for Analysis Purposes

Data Recording for E-Business Analysis
The system can record the interactions of its customers with TeaLeafTM technology. The customer behavior in the Web shop can be analyzed using SAP Business Information Warehouse (BW) using the recorded data. The analysis answers questions such as the following:
s s s

Is my Web shop ergonomic? Is my advertising effective? What are my customers putting into their shopping baskets and what are they deleting? Is there a connection between products that are deleted from the shopping basket and poor product information? Does a customer order anything after their many visits to my Web shop?

Process Flow

1. The system records the following interactions: - Registration in the Web shop - Log on in the Web shop - Calling up of Web catalog areas - Calling up products - Putting products in the shopping basket - Deleting products from the shopping basket - Changing the item in the shopping basket - Sending the order 2. The system saves the recorded data on the Internet Transaction Server (ITS). 3. The TeaLeafTM accesses the ITS data and makes XML files out of it. 4. The XML files are extracted into the BW and analyzed using predefined queries.


Diverse Functions for a Tailor-made Solution

Data Recording for E-Site Analysis

The system can record the interactions and system information of its customers using TeaLeafTM technology. The SAP Business Information Warehouse (BW) can analyze the recorded data. Both technical aspects concerning the availability and performance of Web servers and web pages, and customer behavior on individual Web pages are examined. The analysis helps you to find answers to questions such as the following:
s s s s s

How high will the load be on my servers? Where do defective links occur? Where do the visitors to my Web shop come from? How long are visitors spending on my web pages? How are visitors navigating their way around my web pages?

Process Flow

1. The system records information and interactions to a Web site using standard web log files. 2. The system saves the recorded data on the Internet Transaction Server (ITS). 3. The recorded files are extracted into the BW and analyzed using predefined queries.

One-Step-Business - Purchasing and Sales in One Step

One-Step-Business means that you can implement a single level business processing during real-time business transactions, which because of the participation of several business partners takes place completely automatically. SAP Internet Sales, with its integration capabilities with purchasing solutions (for example, Enterprise Buyer professional edition), and the embedding in market places are effective here. With One-Step Business the purchasing and sales processes become a single transaction, which is triggered by the seller. When the purchaser places an order, a procurement order is created in the system of the purchasing company and a sales order is created in the system of the selling company. Both the order processing up to the delivery and billing, and the further processing of the order up to the goods receipt and handling of payments takes place automatically.


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