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NavPress is the publishing ministry of The Navigators, an international Christian organization and leader in personal spiritual development. NavPress is committed to helping people grow spiritually and enjoy lives of meaning and hope through personal and group resources that are biblically rooted, culturally relevant, and highly practical.
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2013 by The Navigators All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without written permission from NavPress, P.O. Box 35001, Colorado Springs, CO 80935. NAVPRESS and the NAVPRESS logo are registered trademarks of NavPress. Absence of in connection with marks of NavPress or other parties does not indicate an absence of registration of those marks. ISBN-13: 978-1-61747-901-4 (hardback) ISBN-13: 978-1-61291-381-0 (paperback) Cover design by Arvid Wallen Cover image by Sundari/Shutterstock Some of the anecdotal illustrations in this book are true to life and are included with the permission of the persons involved. All other illustrations are composites of real situations, and any resemblance to people living or dead is coincidental. Unless otherwise identified, all Scripture quotations in this publication are taken from the Holy Bible, English Standard Version (esv) Copyright 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Other versions used include: the Holy Bible, New International Version (niv), Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc., used by permission of Zondervan, all rights reserved worldwide. The NIV and New International Version are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc. ; New American Standard Bible (nasb) 1960, 1977, 1995 by the Lockman Foundation. Used by permission; the New King James Version (nkjv). Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved; the King James Version (kjv); the Amplified Bible (amp), 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation; and the Weymouth New Testament (wnt). Excerpts from Dietrich Bonhoeffer, The Cost of Discipleship, 1963, Collier Books, used by permission. Excerpts from E. M. Bounds, The Essentials of Prayer, The Necessity of Prayer, The Possibilities of Prayer, Prayer and Praying Men, Purpose in Prayer, The Reality of Prayer, and The Weapon of Prayer, public domain. Excerpts from Lee Brase with Henry Helsabek, Praying from Gods Heart, 1993, NavPress, used by permission. Excerpts from John Bunyan, Pilgrims Prayer Book, 1986, Tyndale, used by permission. Excerpts from Captain E. G. Carr, A Present-Day Challenge to Prayer, public domain. Excerpts from D. A. Carson, A Call to Spiritual Reformation, 1992, Baker Academic, used by permission. Excerpts from Samuel Chadwick, The Path of Prayer, public domain. Excerpts from Oswald Chambers, If You Will Ask, public domain. Excerpts from Wesley L. Duewel, Touch the World Through Prayer, 1986, Zondervan, used by permission. Excerpts from Jonathan Edwards, The Life and Diary of David Brainerd, public domain. Excerpts from Elisabeth Elliot, Gods Guidance, 1992, Revell, used by permission. Excerpts from Charles Finney, Power from on High, public domain. Excerpts from P. T. Forsyth, The Soul of Prayer, public domain. Excerpts from Jeanne Guyon, A Short and Easy Method of Prayer, public domain. Excerpts from Ole Hallesby, Prayer, 1959, Augsburg, used by permission. Excerpts from Brother Lawrence, The Practice of the Presence of God, public domain. Excerpts from C. S. Lewis, Letters to Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer, 1964, Harcourt Brace & Company, used by permission. Excerpts from David McIntyre, The Hidden Life of Prayer, public domain. Excerpts from D. L. Moody, Prevailing Prayer, public domain. Excerpts from George Mller, Answers to Prayer and The Autobiography of George Mller, public domain. Excerpts from Andrew Murray, With Christ in the School of Prayer, public domain. Excerpts from John Owen, Of Communion with God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, public domain. Excerpts from Marcus Rainsford, Our Lord Prays for His Own, public domain. Excerpts from Rosalind Rinker, Prayer: Conversing with God, public domain. Excerpts from R. C. Sproul, The Prayer of the Lord, 2009, Reformation Trust Publishing, a division of Ligonier Ministries, used by permission. Excerpts from Charles Spurgeon, Morning by Morning, public domain. Excerpts from Dr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor, Hudson Taylors Spiritual Secret, public domain. Excerpts from R. A. Torrey, How to Pray and The Power of Prayer, public domain. Excerpts from A. W. Tozer, The Pursuit of God, public domain. Excerpts from An Unknown Christian, The Kneeling Christian, public domain. Excerpts from Thomas R. Yeakley, Praying Over Gods Promises, 2007, NavPress, used by permission. Printed in the United States of America 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 / 18 17 16 15 14 13

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Foreword by Dr. Michael D. Miller Week 1 / Monday / Infinite Fullness Week 1 / Tuesday / Resolved to Do His Will Week 1 / Wednesday / Self-Examination and the Love of God Week 1 / Thursday / Hoping in God Alone Week 1 / Friday / The Mountain Is Still Open Week 1 / Weekend / Faith to Grasp His Faithfulness Week 2 / Monday / Come Helpless Week 2 / Tuesday / Acknowledging Sin Week 2 / Wednesday / Always in the Presence Week 2 / Thursday / Above the Storms and Clouds Week 2 / Friday / Definite Prayers, Definite Answers Week 2 / Weekend / Wrapped Up in Divine Love Week 3 / Monday / Spirit and Truth Week 3 / Tuesday / On Praying Ground Week 3 / Wednesday / Responding to the Shepherd Week 3 / Thursday / He Prays for Us Week 3 / Friday / An Encounter of Wills Week 3 / Weekend / Proofs of His Love Week 4 / Monday / Begin with God Week 4 / Tuesday / Joining with the Brokenhearted Father Week 4 / Wednesday / Quiet Confidence Week 4 / Thursday / Before the Throne Week 4 / Friday / Asking Is Easy Week 4 / Weekend / First, Forgive Week 5 / Monday / When We Pray Week 5 / Tuesday / Search Me, O God Week 5 / Wednesday / A Childs Right Week 5 / Thursday / The Work of the Spirit Week 5 / Friday / Be Real with God Week 5 / Weekend / Audience with God Week 6 / Monday / Feeding on His Presence Week 6 / Tuesday / Prayers Rising from Grief Week 6 / Wednesday / His Holiness Week 6 / Thursday / A Heart Reaching Out to God Week 6 / Friday / Constant Supplication Week 6 / Weekend / A Prayer Warrior at Work 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

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Week 7 / Monday / The Stages of Prayer Week 7 / Tuesday / Praying in Perfect Confidence Week 7 / Wednesday / Blessed Be His Name at All Times Week 7 / Thursday / In His Name Week 7 / Friday / The Possibilities of Prayer Week 7 / Weekend / Pray, Then Do Week 8 / Monday / Truly Knowing God Week 8 / Tuesday / The Work of Prayer Week 8 / Wednesday / Praise with Prayer Week 8 / Thursday / All the Heaven I Want Week 8 / Friday / Abandoned to God Week 8 / Weekend / The Father of Faith Week 9 / Monday / The Life of Prayer Week 9 / Tuesday / The Need for Sincerity Week 9 / Wednesday / Finding the Heart of God in Prayer Week 9 / Thursday / The Height of Prayer Week 9 / Friday / Faiths Answers Week 9 / Weekend / Prayer and Gods Mercy Week 10 / Monday / Standing Firm by Prayer Week 10 / Tuesday / Save Us from Self Week 10 / Wednesday / The True Life of Faith Week 10 / Thursday / Drawing Near Week 10 / Friday / Prayer Is Not Easy Week 10 / Weekend / Worship the Living God Week 11 / Monday / That His Name May Be Glorified Week 11 / Tuesday / Prayer Is Obedience Week 11 / Wednesday / Pray with the Heart Week 11 / Thursday / Eternal Prayers Week 11 / Friday / Beholding Jesus Week 11 / Weekend / The Finished Work Week 12 / Monday / Gods Presence Week 12 / Tuesday / Growing Your Faith Week 12 / Wednesday / Something Else in Store Week 12 / Thursday / God Our Guide Week 12 / Friday / Gods Power at Work Week 12 / Weekend / Bread from Heaven Week 13 / Monday / May His Name Be Holy Week 13 / Tuesday / Prayers Shaping Power Week 13 / Wednesday / The Discipline and Power of Prayer Week 13 / Thursday / Safe and Secure in Christ Week 13 / Friday / Effective Prayer Week 13 / Weekend / Lifted Above the World

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Week 14 / Monday / Persevering in Prayer Week 14 / Tuesday / Following One Master Week 14 / Wednesday / Rest in His Presence Week 14 / Thursday / Lifting Up Your Soul Week 14 / Friday / Gods Providence Week 14 / Weekend / Speaking to Him Week 15 / Monday / Glory to God Week 15 / Tuesday / The Torrent of His Graces Week 15 / Wednesday / Thanking God for His Work Among Christians Week 15 / Thursday / The Compassion of Christ Week 15 / Friday / Laboring in Prayer Week 15 / Weekend / Casting Burdens on Him Week 16 / Monday / Let Christ Reign in Prayer Week 16 / Tuesday / Humility in Prayer Week 16 / Wednesday / Tried by God Week 16 / Thursday / Right Prayer Week 16 / Friday / The Essential Work Week 16 / Weekend / Work Less, Pray More Week 17 / Monday / Lingering in Prayer Week 17 / Tuesday / Prayer Changes Us Week 17 / Wednesday / When You Yourself Are a Prayer Week 17 / Thursday / Passing Strangers Week 17 / Friday / The Creative Power of Prayer Week 17 / Weekend / The Lord Has Heard Me Week 18 / Monday / Personal Prayer Week 18 / Tuesday / Prayer and Forgiveness Week 18 / Wednesday / The Speaking Book Week 18 / Thursday / A Twofold Intercession Week 18 / Friday / Greater Works Through Prayer Week 18 / Weekend / Take His Hand Week 19 / Monday / Giving Yourself to Jesus Week 19 / Tuesday / True Joy Week 19 / Wednesday / Listening in Silence Week 19 / Thursday / Prayer and Gods Purposes Week 19 / Friday / The Sure Promises Week 19 / Weekend / Heaven on Earth Week 20 / Monday / Walking in the Vision Week 20 / Tuesday / His Glory, Not Our Perfectionism Week 20 / Wednesday / Christs Glory Week 20 / Thursday / Attuned to God Week 20 / Friday / He Is Sufficient Week 20 / Weekend / The Reward of Patient Prayer

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Week 21 / Monday / Being a Blessing Week 21 / Tuesday / Vertical and Horizontal Week 21 / Wednesday / The Royal Power of the Child of God Week 21 / Thursday / Prayer and Healing Week 21 / Friday / He Is the One Week 21 / Weekend / No Good Thing Withheld Week 22 / Monday / Faith to Pray Week 22 / Tuesday / Mastery by Prayer Week 22 / Wednesday / Our Great God Week 22 / Thursday / The Lord Our Shepherd Week 22 / Friday / Gods Cause in Prayer Week 22 / Weekend / Learning to Know Him Week 23 / Monday / In the Grip of the Peace of God Week 23 / Tuesday / Pray with Understanding Week 23 / Wednesday / Give Him Praise Week 23 / Thursday / Learning to Pray Week 23 / Friday / Praying Again Week 23 / Weekend / Reconcile First Week 24 / Monday / United with Christ Week 24 / Tuesday / Christlike Prayer Week 24 / Wednesday / Put Sin Away Week 24 / Thursday / Think and Pray According to the Word Week 24 / Friday / Overcoming by Faith Week 24 / Weekend / One Step at a Time Week 25 / Monday / Hungering for God Week 25 / Tuesday / The Cost of Prayer Week 25 / Wednesday / Gods Encore Week 25 / Thursday / How Long? Week 25 / Friday / All Through the Spirit Week 25 / Weekend / Wrestling in Prayer Week 26 / Monday / The Love of Christ Week 26 / Tuesday / Difficulties of Prayer Week 26 / Wednesday / Ask in His Name Week 26 / Thursday / Revel in the Love of God Week 26 / Friday / Following Christ Daily Week 26 / Weekend / Alphabet Prayer Week 27 / Monday / Our Life Trade Week 27 / Tuesday / Praise Opens the Door Week 27 / Wednesday / God Above All Week 27 / Thursday / Love and Virtue Week 27 / Friday / How God Interprets Prayers Week 27 / Weekend / How to Ascertain the Will of God

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Week 28 / Monday / Make Requests of God Week 28 / Tuesday / Living as His Child Week 28 / Wednesday / Inexpressible Cries to God Week 28 / Thursday / Willing His Will Week 28 / Friday / Turning On the Current Week 28 / Weekend / Dissolved into Christ Week 29 / Monday / Doubt Not Week 29 / Tuesday / The Secret of Life Week 29 / Wednesday / Persevering in Prayer Week 29 / Thursday / Is Not This the Blood? Week 29 / Friday / The Power of Gods Love Week 29 / Weekend / Gods Time Will Come Week 30 / Monday / Prayer Is the Key Week 30 / Tuesday / What Prayer Is Week 30 / Wednesday / He Is Worthy of All Week 30 / Thursday / The Gauge of Grace Week 30 / Friday / Holy Boldness Week 30 / Weekend / Help Must Be at Hand Week 31 / Monday /The Name Above All Week 31 / Tuesday / Cast Yourself on His Mercy Week 31 / Wednesday / Dont Be Ashamed Week 31 / Thursday / Seek Jesus First Week 31 / Friday / Too Hard for God? Week 31 / Weekend / A Soul Stayed upon God Week 32 / Monday / The Secret of Christian Quietness Week 32 / Tuesday / Coming Before the Good King Week 32 / Wednesday / Gods Loan to Us Week 32 / Thursday / Cooperation with God Week 32 / Friday / The Great Need to Make Disciples Week 32 / Weekend / Jorns Lot Week 33 / Monday / The Power of Private Prayer Week 33 / Tuesday / Press On to Know God Week 33 / Wednesday / Genuine Prayer in the Spirit Week 33 / Thursday / Hearing the Voice Week 33 / Friday / You Are Not Condemned Week 33 / Weekend / Give Your Life Week 34 / Monday / They Have Been with Jesus Week 34 / Tuesday / Speaking to Christ Through the Spirit Week 34 / Wednesday / Dont Be Content with Mediocrity Week 34 / Thursday / The Faith to Ask Gods Will Week 34 / Friday / Total Honesty Week 34 / Weekend / Gods Presence on the Wearisome Journey

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Week 35 / Monday / The Glory of Redemption Week 35 / Tuesday / Entering the Presence Week 35 / Wednesday / Invest Time in Prayer Week 35 / Thursday / Where Are the Nine? Week 35 / Friday / The Debt You Cannot Pay Week 35 / Weekend / On His Knees at Last Week 36 / Monday / Take Your Troubles to God Week 36 / Tuesday / Unforgiveness Leads to Prayerlessness Week 36 / Wednesday / Pray Stretched-out-ed-ly Week 36 / Thursday / Cleansed and Transformed Completely Week 36 / Friday / Prayer at Work in Others Week 36 / Weekend / Faith Must Be Tried Week 37 / Monday / Pray According to Scripture Week 37 / Tuesday / True Fellowship Through Prayer Week 37 / Wednesday / Looking to God in Faith Week 37 / Thursday / Pure Gold Week 37 / Friday / Keep Asking Week 37 / Weekend / Coming to the Cure Week 38 / Monday / Intercession with God Week 38 / Tuesday / Be Thou My Vision Week 38 / Wednesday / Pray Undistractedly Week 38 / Thursday / Prayer and Holiness Week 38 / Friday / Encouragement from the Word Week 38 / Weekend / God in All the Business of Life Week 39 / Monday / Striving in Prayer Week 39 / Tuesday / His Unchanging Love Week 39 / Wednesday / Study to Pray Week 39 / Thursday / Citizens of the Kingdom Week 39 / Friday / Just Ask! Week 39 / Weekend / A Test for Faith Week 40 / Monday / Praying Is Service Week 40 / Tuesday / Beware of Faintness Week 40 / Wednesday / Time to Pray Week 40 / Thursday / Your Circumstances in the Hand of God Week 40 / Friday / God Loves a Man Aflame Week 40 / Weekend / Surrendered to God at the Sea Week 41 / Monday / Teach Me to Pray Week 41 / Tuesday / The Joint Work Week 41 / Wednesday / With Christ Week 41 / Thursday / What We Really Need Week 41 / Friday / Gods Great Desire Week 41 / Weekend / For Christs Sake

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Week 42 / Monday / The Age of Complexity Week 42 / Tuesday / Deliver Us from Idols Week 42 / Wednesday / A Holy Watchfulness Week 42 / Thursday / Praying Scripture Week 42 / Friday / Pray with Emotion Week 42 / Weekend / Talking with God Too Week 43 / Monday / Promises, Faith, Patience Week 43 / Tuesday / Accepting His Perfect Will Week 43 / Wednesday / Too Dry to Pray Week 43 / Thursday / What God Expects Week 43 / Friday / Faith, Grace, and Prayer Week 43 / Weekend / Pray for Me Week 44 / Monday / Gods Working Through Prayer Week 44 / Tuesday / Samuel Rutherfords Trials Week 44 / Wednesday / Prayer for Humility Week 44 / Thursday / To Value Christ Week 44 / Friday / Priests in His Presence Week 44 / Weekend / Resolved to Pray Week 45 / Monday / The Act of Faith Week 45 / Tuesday / Cooperate with God Week 45 / Wednesday / Drawing Strength from the Scriptures Week 45 / Thursday / At Peace Before Him Week 45 / Friday / Drawn Deep into Prayer Week 45 / Weekend / Weeping for the People Week 46 / Monday / The Law of Prayer Week 46 / Tuesday / Gods Point of View Week 46 / Wednesday / Prayer, Not Independence Week 46 / Thursday / An Opportunity to Trust Week 46 / Friday / No Accusation Can Stand Week 46 / Weekend / Revival in the Home Week 47 / Monday / One with Christ! Week 47 / Tuesday / Into the Presence of God Week 47 / Wednesday / Living Above the World Week 47 / Thursday / Quit Pretending Week 47 / Friday / All My Desire Week 47 / Weekend / Assisted in Prayer Week 48 / Monday / A Sacred Partnership Week 48 / Tuesday / The Hard, Easy Commands Week 48 / Wednesday / Thoughts of Sin and Grace Week 48 / Thursday / Giving Thanks to God Week 48 / Friday / Using Gods Promises Week 48 / Weekend / Alone with Him

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Week 49 / Monday / His Infinite Fatherliness Week 49 / Tuesday / Keep Your Mind in His Presence Week 49 / Wednesday / Passion for God Week 49 / Thursday / Want of the Spirit Week 49 / Friday / Gods Gifts of Love Week 49 / Weekend / Our Sufficient God Week 50 / Monday / Prayers Place Week 50 / Tuesday / Pray with Earnestness Week 50 / Wednesday / Closer Than a Brother Week 50 / Thursday / Selling Out to God Week 50 / Friday / Bunyans Dying Words on Prayer Week 50 / Weekend / Prayer and Power Week 51 / Monday / The World Was Made for Prayer Week 51 / Tuesday / The Living Lord Week 51 / Wednesday / The Great Physician Week 51 / Thursday / For the Glory of God Week 51 / Friday / Praise First Week 51 / Weekend / Prayer for Every Minute Detail Week 52 / Monday / Led by the Spirit Week 52 / Tuesday / When Jesus Enters Week 52 / Wednesday / I Have Sinned Week 52 / Thursday / Pray in Him, Like Him Week 52 / Friday / Compassion and Prayer Week 52 / Weekend / Present Through Prayer Sources About the Authors Scripture Index Topical Index

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The collection you hold in your hands is a gathering in one place of some of the best writing of our timeas well as of earlier dayson prayer. The entries have been carefully arranged to address the essential biblical elements of prayer each week: preparation, confession, examination, worship, and request. In addition, every weekend entry relates a true story of prayer in action to inspire your faith. These are stunning and memorable words that have deeply influenced generations in the movement of discipleship to Jesus. The best books are timeless, and most often they cross cultural barriers. Created by dozens of outstanding authors, the selections in this book have stood the test of time and shown the power to touch a new generation of disciples in many settings around the world. Jesus said, Every teacher of the law who has been instructed about the kingdom of heaven is like the owner of a house who brings out of his storeroom new treasures as well as old (Matthew 13:52, niv). At NavPress, we are conscious of both the old and the new, and we treasure both. We live in a world of profound change in publishing, and NavPress is at the forefront of keeping up with the new media. But we are also looking to our faiths heritage for classic writing that never lets us forget where we have come from and to pass along those timeless messages that have proven to change lives. Thats the kind of writing you hold in your hands: some of the greatest selections on the nature of our God. The ministry of The Navigators began in the 1930s through the call of God to Dawson Trotman. Trotmans vision was to teach others, one to one, the biblical principles of discipleship he found beneficial in his own life. He began to teach high school students and local Sunday school classes. In 1933, he and his friends extended their work to reach out to sailors in the U.S. Navy. From there, Trotman met and established a partnership with the then up-and-coming evangelist Billy Graham. One of the men Trotman chose to lead the work with Billy Graham was Lorne Sanny. Sanny went on to become Trotmans successor and served The Navigators for thirty years as its president. This book contains writing that is what Lorne Sanny used to call life-borne messages. These are messages that grow out of a life steeped in the Scriptures and lived out

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in passionate love and obedience to God. They are tested in real life, and they have a practical authenticity that prompts genuine transformation. Over the years, I personally have been touched by all the messages in this collection. These books on prayer reflect the incredibly vast thinking and counsel on prayer. Their counsel guides, models, and encourages us in our experiencing of prayer. Each one is part of the fabric of my own discipleship. Now Im convinced that you, too, will find in them an abundance of godly stimulation and transformative guidance for your own walk with God. Dr. Michael D. Miller president, NavPress chief business officer, The Navigators


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Week 1 / Monday

Infinite Fullness
He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him. (Hebrews 7:25, nkjv) We are not of this world, though we are in it. We have been translated out of the kingdom of darkness, we have been introduced into the kingdom of Gods dear Son; our title has not to be made out, it has been already secured to us. The precious blood is our title, and He who shed it has gone within the veil to present it, as our Representative. Our meetness and qualification for heaven and for glory has not to be bestowed, it has been already given. Our meetness is the Holy Ghost who dwelleth in us. The moment the Holy Ghost enters the soul of a believing sinner, that man is as meet for glory as if he lived in the school of grace for a thousand years. Our inheritance is secure, and, Our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ (1 John 1:3, kjv). And if we are left here it is because the Lord has need of our emptiness, our weakness, the variety of our temptations and temperaments, the peculiar character of our corruptions, the disappointments, the dangers and difficulties with which His poor people are possessed and surrounded, that it may be made manifest that there never was a case, or a circumstance, or a sorrow, or a sin, or a difficulty, for which there was not a remedy and a supply in His fullness and in His love. Our need suits His fullness, and His fullness corresponds to our need; there must needs be the infinite variety of cases, and of characters, of temptations, and necessities, which exist among the children of God, in order that there may be full scope, occasion and opportunity for displaying the infinite varieties of the fullness, the love, grace, mercy, and salvation, laid up in the Lord Jesus Christ for His dear people, and that in their relief and deliverance from all their troubles, He might win for Himself an everlasting name.

Marcus Rainsford, in Our Lord Prays for His Own


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Week 1 / Tuesday

Resolved to Do His Will

I have come down from heaven, not to do my own will but the will of him who sent me. (John 6:38 ) I fear it is common for professed Christians to overlook the state of mind in which God requires them to be as a condition of answering their prayers. For example, in offering the Lords Prayer, Thy kingdom come, it is plain that sincerity in offering this petition implies the whole heart and life devotion of the petitioner to the building up of this kingdom. It implies the sincere and thorough consecration of all that we have and all that we are to this end. To utter this petition in any other state of mind involves hypocrisy and is an abomination. So [it is] in the next petition, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. God has not promised to hear this petition unless it is sincerely offered. But sincerity implies a state of mind that accepts the whole revealed will of God, so far as we understand it, as they accept it in heaven. It implies a loving, confiding, universal obedience to the whole known will of God, whether that will is revealed in His Word, by His Spirit, or in His Providence. It implies that we hold ourselves and all that we have and are as absolutely and cordially at Gods disposal as do the inhabitants of heaven. If we fall short of this and withhold anything whatever from God, we regard iniquity in our hearts, and God will not hear us. Sincerity in offering this petition implies a state of entire and universal consecration to God. Anything short of this is withholding from God that which is His due. It is turning away our ear from hearing the law. But what saith the Scriptures? He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be an abomination. Do professed Christians understand this?

Charles Finney, in Power from on High


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Week 1 / Wednesday

Self-Examination and the Love of God

If we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin. (1 John 1:7) Self-examination should always precede Confession. The business of those that are advanced to the degree of which we now treat, is to lay their whole souls open before God, who will not fail to enlighten them, and enable them to see the peculiar nature of their faults. This examination, however, should be peaceful and tranquil, and we should depend on God for the discovery and knowledge of our sins, rather than on the diligence of our own scrutiny. When we examine with constraint, and in the strength of our own endeavours, we are easily deceived and betrayed by self-love into error; we believe the evil good, and the good evil (Isaiah 5:20); but when we lie in full exposure before the Sun of Righteousness, His Divine beams render the smallest atoms visible. When souls have attained to this, no fault escapes reprehension. Such is the scrutiny of Him who suffers no evil to be concealed; and under His purifying influence the one way is to turn affectionately to our Judge, and bear with meekness the pain and correction He inflicts. Experience will convince the soul that it is a thousand times more effectually examined by His Divine Light than by the most active and vigorous self-inspection. Those who tread these paths should be informed of a matter respecting their Confession in which they are apt to err. When they begin to give an account of their sins, instead of the regret and contrition they had been accustomed to feel, they find that love and tranquility sweetly pervade and take possession of their souls: now those who are not properly instructed are desirous of withdrawing from this sensation, to form an act of contrition, because they have heard, and with truth, that it is requisite: but they are not aware that they lose thereby the genuine contrition, which is this Intuitive Love, infinitely surpassing any effect produced by self-exertion.

Jeanne Guyon, in A Short and Easy Method of Prayer


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Week 1 / Thursday

Hoping in God Alone

Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God. (Psalm 42:5-6 ) There is in prayer an unbosoming of a persons self, an opening of the heart to God, a deeply felt pouring out of the soul in requests, sighs, and groans. All my longings lie open before you, O Lord, my sighing is not hidden from you, says David (Psalm 38:9, niv). This is the prayer to which the promise is made for the delivering of the poor creature out of captivity: But if from there you seek the Lord your God, you will find him if you look for him with all your heart and with all your soul (Deuteronomy 4:29, niv). Prayer must be a pouring out of the heart and soul to God. This shows the excellency of the spirit of prayer. It is the great God of the universe to whom prayer attends. When shall we come and appear before God? We pray when we see an emptiness in all things under heaven. We see that in God alone there is rest and satisfaction for the soul. The widow who is really in need and left all alone puts her hope in God and continues night and day to pray and to ask God for help (1 Timothy 5:5, niv). So says David, In you, O Lord, I have taken refuge; let me never be put to shame. Rescue me and deliver me in your righteousness; turn your ear to me and save me. Be my rock of refuge, to which I can always go; give the command to save me, for you are my rock and my fortress. Deliver me, O my God, from the hand of the wicked, from the grasp of evil and cruel men. For you have been my hope, O Sovereign Lord, my confidence since my youth (Psalm 71:1-5, niv). To pray rightly, you must make God your hope, stay, and all. Right prayer sees nothing substantial or worth being concerned about except God. And that, as I said before, it does in a sincere, sensible, and affectionate way.

John Bunyan, in Pilgrims Prayer Book


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Week 1 / Friday

The Mountain Is Still Open

I will lift up my eyes to the hillsfrom whence comes my help? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber. (Psalm 121:1-3, nkjv) After forty years of exile for his championship of Gods people, the shepherdprince found the God of Israel. He was not a stranger to Him in Egypt. He had renounced the privileges and pleasures of a royal palace and cast in his lot with the afflicted people of his race. He had given proof of his zeal for the Most High, but he had never had a personal revelation of Him till he found Him that day in the mount. It is there He reveals Himself as nowhere else. He manifests Himself to those who pray in secret as He cannot to those who have no inner sanctuary of the soul. Moses found the will of God in the mount. It was there he received the law. After forty days alone with God he brought heavens laws to earth on two tablets of stone. Those laws remain to this day the foundation of all righteous government among men. After centuries of progress they are still the basis of civilization. He not only received the Commandments which were to be the cornerstones of good government for all time; he also received directions concerning local and personal details. The way to the mount is still open. The divine pattern of each life is still to be seen in the secret place of the Most High God. The humblest follower of Jesus may know the Divine Will at first hand. It is every mans privilege to be fully assured in the will of God. The Divine attention to detail is amazing. Nothing is too trivial for Omniscience. Come straight to God. Do not bother other people. Lay all questions naked before Him, and He will make it plain to you what is His will. When God speaks, His speech is easily understood. All questions of the plain should be settled in the mount, and where there is certainty in the mount there will be victory on the levels and in the valleys.

Samuel Chadwick, in The Path of Prayer


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Week 1 / Weekend

Faith to Grasp His Faithfulness

Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. (Matthew 6:33 ) Though his father and the Society which ultimately sent him to China both offered to help with his expenses, he felt he must not lose the opportunity of further testing the promises of God. There was nothing between him and want in [London] save the faithfulness of God. Before leaving he had written to his mother:
I am indeed proving the truth of that word, Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee, because he trusteth in thee. My mind is quite as much at rest as, nay more than, it would be if I had a hundred pounds in my pocket. May He keep me ever thus, simply depending on Him for every blessing, temporal as well as spiritual.

And to his sister Amelia:

No situation has turned up in London that will suit me, but I am not concerned about it, as HE is the same yesterday, and today, and forever. His love is unfailing, His Word unchangeable, His power ever the same; therefore the heart that trusts Him is kept in perfect peace. I know He tries me only to increase my faith, and that it is all in love. Well, if He is glorified, I am content.

For the future, near as well as distant, Hudson Taylor had one allsufficient confidence. If that could fail, it were better to make the discovery in London than far away in China. Deliberately and of his own free will, he cut himself off from possible sources of supply. It was God, the living God he neededa stronger faith to grasp His faithfulness, and more experience of the practicability of dealing with Him about every situation. Comfort or discomfort in London, means or lack of means, seemed a small matter compared with deeper knowledge of the One on whom everything depends.

Dr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor, in Hudson Taylors Spiritual Secret


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