Class 12 Accountancy Solved Sample Paper 1 - 2012

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Marks : 80 General Instructions (i) (ii) (iii) This question paper contains three parts A, B and C. Part A is compulsory for all candidates. Candidates can attempt only one part of the remaining Part B and C. Time Allowed : 3 hrs.

(iv) All parts of a questions should be attempted at one place.

PART-A PARTNERSHIP AND COMPANY ACCOUNTS 1. B and M are Partners in a firm. They withdrew Rs. 48,000 and Rs. 36,000 respectively during the year evenly at the middle of every month. According to the Partnership agreement, interest on drawing is to be charged @ 10% p.a. Calculate the interest on drawing of the partners using appropriate formula. 2. State the provision of Section 78 of Companies Act 1956, regarding the uses of Security Premium Amount. 2 part I 2

3. How is Share Capital shown in the Companys Balance Sheet as per Section 211 Schedule VI of Companys Act 1956? 2 4.

Excel Ltd. issued 4,00,000 9% Debentures of Rs. 50 each, payable on application, Pass journal entries at the time of following situations. (i) (ii) Issued at par redeemable at 10% Premium Issued at 5% discount, redeemable at 10% premium 3 3 2

5. 6.

What is Partnership? List any three main characteristics of Partnership. What is meant by debentures? Name any four types of debentures.


What is meant by revaluation of assets and reassessment of liabilities on the reconstitution of the firm?

What purpose does it serve at the time of reconstitution of partnership? 4


A, B and C started business on April 1, 2002 with capitals of Rs. 1,00,000, Rs. 80,000 and Rs. 60,000 respectively sharing profits (losses) in the ratio of 4:3:3. For the year ending March 31, 2003, the firm suffered a loss of Rs. 50,000. Each of the partners withdrew Rs. 10,000 during the year. On March 31, 2003 the firm was dissolved, the creditors of the firm stood at Rs. 24,000 on that date and cash in hand was Rs. 4000. The assets realised Rs. 3,00,000 and Creditors were paid Rs. 23,500 in full settlement of their claim. Prepare Realisation Account and show your workings clearly. 4


Bharat Ltd. was formed on 1.4.2003 with an authorised capital of Rs. 40,00,000 divided into Equity shares of Rs. 10 each. 1. The company issued 5,000 shares to its Promoters as the remuneration of the services rendered by them at par. Company also issued shares at 10% Premium to Mr. Manoj for the Purchase of Assets of Rs. 5,50,000 from him.


Pass the Journal entries for purchase of Assets and Shares issued to Promotors and Mr. Manoj. 4 10 Hari Om Ltd. issued 1,50,000 12% debetures of Rs. 100 each at a premium of 10% payable as Rs. 40 on application and balance on allotment. Debentures are redeemable at Par after 3 years. All the money due on allotment was called up and received. Record necessary entries at the time of issue of debentures when premium is included in application money. 11. Mahesh Ltd. issued 1,00,000, 8% Debentures of Rs. 100 each on April 1, 2002 redeemable after 4 years. It has been decided to create Debenture Redemption Reserve for the purpose of redemption of debenture. The Sinking Fund Tables show that Rs. 0.2155 invested in 10% securities will amount to Re. 1 in 4 years. The relevant balances on April 1, 2005 were as follows : Debenture 8% = Rs. 1,00,00,000 Debentures Redemption Fund Investment Debenture Redemption Fund = = Rs. 71,33,050 Rs. 71,33,050

On March 31, 2006 the investments were sold at book value and the debentures were redeemed.

You are required to pass journal entries for the year ending March 31,2006.


X and Y are Partners in a firm sharing Profits in the ratio of 3:2. They decided to admit Z as a new partner w.e.f. April 1, 2003. Future profits will be shared equally. The Balance Sheet of X and Y as at April 1, 2003 and the terms of admission are given below: Balance Sheet of X and Y Liabilities Capitals : X Y 3,00,000 3,00,000 6,00,000 60,000 15,000 6,75,000 (a) Amount Rs. Assets Plant and Machinery Furniture and Fittings Stock S. Debtors Cash in hand Amount Rs. 4,53,000 62,000 84,000 36,000 40,000 6,75,000

S. Creditors Outstanding Expenses

Capital of the firm was fixed at Rs. 6,00,000 to be contributed by Partners in the profit sharing ratio. The difference will be adjusted in cash. Z to bring his share of capital and Goodwill in cash. Goodwill of the firm is to be valued on the basis of two years purchase of Super Profit. The average net profit expected in future by the firm is Rs. 90,000 per year. The normal rate of return on capital in similar business is 10%. 6


Calculate Goodwill and prepare Partners Capital A/c and Bank A/c. 13.

The Balance Sheet of P, Q and R as on March 31, 2003 who were sharing profits in the ratio of 5:3:1 was as follows : Liabilities Bills Payable Loan From Bank Reserve Fund Capital P Q R Amount Rs. 40,000 30,000 9,000 44,000 36,000 20,000 1,79,000

Assets Buildings Plant and Machinery Stock S. Debtors Less Prov. for doubtful Cash at Bank 42,000 2,000

Amount Rs. 40,000 40,000 19,000

40,000 40,000 1,79,000

The Partners dissolved the business. The assets realised - stock - Rs. 23,400, Debtors 50% fixed Assets 10% less than their book value. Bills payables were settled for Rs. 32, 000. There was an outstanding Bill of Rs. 800 which was paid off. Realisation expenses Rs. 1,250 were also paid. Prepare Realisation Account, Bank Account and Partners Capital Accounts.

Pass necessary Journal entries for the following transactions, at the time of dissolution of the firm : (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Realisation Expenses Rs. 3000 paid. Realisation Expenses paid Rs. 2000, Mr. X one of the partners has to bear these expenses. Y, one of the partners, took over a machine for Rs. 20,000. Z one of the partners agreed to take over the creditor of Rs. 30,000 for Rs. 20,000. A one of the partners has given loan to the firm of Rs. 10,000. It was paid back to him at the time of dissolution. (vi) 14. Profit and Loss Account balance of Rs. 50,000 appeared on the assets side of the Balance Sheet.

M. K. Sales Company Ltd. issued a prospectus inviting applications for 1,00,000 shares of Rs. 10 each at a premium of Rs. 2.50 per share payable as follows: On Application On Allotment On First Call Rs. 5.00 Rs. 5.00 (including Premium) Rs. 2.50

The Company received applications for 1,50,000 shares, allotment was made on Pro-rata basis. Over subscribed money received on application was adjusted with the amount due on allotment. Mr. Hemant to whom 200 shares were alloted failed to pay the allotment money and the First Call, his shares were forfeited after the first call. Later on the shares were re-issued to Mohan as fully paid for Rs. 9/- per share. Pass journal entries in the books of Company, for recording the above transactions.


The Balance Sheet of A, B and C who were sharing profits in the ratio of 5:3:2, is given below as at March 32, 2003 : Balance Sheet of A, B and C as at March 31, 2003 Liabilities Capitals : A B C 7,20,000 4,15,000 3,45,000 14,80,000 1,80,000 1,24,000 16,000 18,00,000 Amount (Rs.) Assets Land Buildings Plant and Machinery Furniture and Fitting Stock Sundry Debtors Cash in hand Amount (Rs.) 4,00,000 3,80,000 4,65,000 77,000 1,85,000 1,72,000 1,21,000 18,00,000

Reserve Fund Sundry Creditors Outstanding Expenses

B retires on the above date and the following adjustments are agreed upon his retirement : (a) (b) (c) Stock was valued at Rs. 1,72,000. Furniture and fittings were under valued by Rs. 3000. An amount of Rs. 10, 000 due from Mr. D. was doubtful and a provission for the same was required. Goodwill of the firm was valued at Rs. 2,00,000 but it was decided not to show goodwill in the books of accounts. (e) B was paid Rs. 40,000 immediately on retirement and the balance was transferred to his loan Account. A & C were to share future profits in the ratio of 3:2. 8



Prepare Revaluation Account, Capital Account and Balance Sheet of the reconstituted firm.
OR 5

P, Q and R were Partners sharing profits in the ratio of 3:1:1. The balance sheet of the firm is given below as at March 31, 2002. Balance Sheet of P, Q and R as at March 31, 2002 Liabilities Capitals : P Q R 6,03,000 4,12,800 2,01,900 12,18,000 10,000 62,000 Amount (Rs.) Assets Land Buildings Plant and Machinery Furniture and Fitting Stock S. Debtors Cash in Bank 12,90,000 Amount (Rs.) 2,80,000 3,40,000 2,48,000 48,000 1,09,000 1,32,000 1,33,000 12,90,000

General Reserve S. Creditors

Partnership deed provides for the settlement of claim on death of a partner in addition to his capital as under : (i) The share of profit of deceased partner to be computed on the basis of average profits of the past three years for the period from the last balance sheet to date of death of the partner. His share in profit / loss on revaluation of assets and reassessment of liabilities. His share of Goodwill valued on the basis of two years purchase of last three average profits. Q

(ii) (iii)

died on June 1, and the following information is provided : (a) Profits for the last three years were : Rs. 80,000, Rs. 1,30,000 and Rs. 1,50,000 (b) The assets were revealed as Land Rs. 3,80,000 Plant and Machinery Rs. 1,80,000. (c) Q

withdrew Rs. 10,000 during the current financial year. (d) Rs. 1, 00,000 was paid immediately on Qs death to his executors and the balance amount was to be paid later.

Pass the Journal entries to give effect to the transactions relating to death of Q in the books of the firm.

PART B ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 16. 17. What are two major inflow and two major outflows of cash from investing activities? 2

Mutual Fund Company receives a dividend of Rs. 25 lakhs on its investments in other Companys shares. Why is it a cash inflow from operating activities for this Company? 2 What is meant by financial analysis? Mention only two tools used for financial analysis. 3

18. 19.

The Current Assets of a company are Rs. 1,26,000 and the current Ratio is 3:2 and the inventories are Rs. 2000. Find out the Liquid Ratio. 3 Inventory Turnover Ratio is 3 times. Sales are Rs. 1,80,000, Opening Stock is Rs. 2000 more than the closing stock. Calculate the opening and closing stock when goods are sold at 20% profit on cost. 4



The net profit of a company before tax is Rs. 12,50,000 as on March 31, 2003, after considering the following : Depreciation on Fixed Assets Goodwill written off Loss on sale of Machine Rs. 25,000 Rs. 15,000 Rs. 12,000

The current assets and current liabilities of the company in the beginning and at the end of the year were as follows : March 31, 2002 Bills Receivables Bills Payables Debtors Stock in hand Outstanding Expenses 25,000 10,000 30,000 18,000 8,000 March 31, 2003 15,500 12,500 38,800 14,000 7,000

Calculate Cash flow from operating activities.


OR Q21. Prepare Cash Flow Statement of Rose Ltd. from the following information for the year ended March 31, 2004 Particulars Investments Fixed Assets (at cost) Equity Share Capital Long Term Loan Cash March 31, 03 1,80,000 2,10,000 10,00,000 8,00,000 64,000 March 31, 04 2,40,000 4,00,000 14,00,000 4,50,000 44,000

Additional Information i. Cash Flows from operating Activities after tax and extraordinary items Rs. 3,80,000/ii. Depreciation on Fixed Assets Rs. 85,000/iii. Interest received Rs. 45,000/iv. Dividend paid during the year Rs. 1,60,000/PART C COMPUTERISED ACCOUNTING SYSTEM 16. 17. 18. What do you understand by Relation or Relationship type. Explain with one example Multi-group ledgers or Single group ledgers. How do you transform many-to-many relationship into database tables? Illustrate Accounting Reality for Q. 19, 20 and 21 The following statements describe the accounting reality in any organisation : (a) (b) Accounting transactions of an organisation are documented using a voucher. Each voucher is assigned a unique number which begins with months of date of voucher followed by a serial number. 05 01 indicates first voucher of May. There are two types of vouchers used for documenting the transaction: Voucher-1 and Voucher-2 as shown below: Voucher-1 Voucher 05 02 Credit Account : 631001 Cash Account Debit Account S. No. 1. Code 711001 Name of Account Purchases Total

(2) (2) (3)

Date : 05-May-2002 M/s Satyam Computers

Amount (Rs.) 60000 60000

Narration Purchases from R. S. Sons

Authorised by Aditya

Prepared by Sunil

Voucher-2 Voucher 04 01 Debit Account : 631001 Cash Account Debit Account S. No. 1. Code 110001 Name of Account Capital Account Total Authorised by Aditya Amount (Rs.) 100000 100000 Prepared by Ramesh Narration Purchases from R. S. Sons Date : 01-April-2002 M/s Satyam Computers

The transaction Voucher-1 is used for debiting one or more accounts with one accounts with one account being credited. The transaction Voucher-2 is used for crediting one or more accounts with one account being debited. (a) (b) (c) Each voucher is prepared by a particular employee and authorised by another employee. There is an exhaustive list of Accounts with respect to which the transactions are documented. Each Account is classified as belonging to one of the types : Expenditure, Income, Assets and Liabilities. Required 19. 20. 21. Conceptualise the above accounting reality in terms of E R Model concepts. Develop and depict an E R Model for this accounting reality. Show the database design in terms of relevant data tables and their inter-relationship. (6) (3) (4)


1. Calculation of Interest on Partners Drawings : Formula : Drawings x Rate x 6/12 (which amount is drawn in the middle of month) B= 48000 x 10 x 6 100 x 12 36000 x 10 x 6 100 x 12 = Rs. 2400 1

M= 2.

= Rs. 1800

Provisions of Section 78 of Companies Act 1956 regarding the uses of Security Premium : (a) In paying up unissued securities of the company to be issued to members of the company as fully paid bonus securities. To write off Preliminary expenses of the Company. To write off the expenses of or commission paid or discount allowed on any of the securities of the company. To pay premium on the redemption of preference shares or debentures of the company. x4=2

(b) (c)



Balance Sheet of X Ltd. as per Section 211 Schedule VI Part I Liabilities Amount


Share Capital : Authorised Capital Issued Capital Subscribed Capital and called up Capital

Less calls unpaid Add forfeited shares (Amount originally paid up)



Journal entries


Bank A/C Loss on issue of Deb. A/C To 9% Debentures A/C Premium on realisation of Deb. A/C (Debenture issued at par repayable at premium)

Dr. Dr.

200,00,000 20,00,000 200,00,000 20,00,000


Bank A/C Loss on issue of Deb. A/C To 9% Debenture A/C To Premium on redemption of Deb. A/C (Debentures issued at discount repayable at Premium)

Dr. Dr.

190,00,000 30,00,000 2,00,00,000 20,00,000

1 x2 = 2 5. Meaning of Partnership : The relation between persons who have agreed to share the profit of a business carried on by all or any one of them acting for all. Characteristics (any three) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Two or more persons Agreement between the Partners Business Sharing of Profits Business carried on by all or any one of them acting for all 2+1 = 3

Meaning of Debentures : Debenture is an instrument of debt owed by a Company. As an acknowledgement of debt, such instruments are issued under the seal of a Company and duly signed by authorised signatory.

Types of Debentures (any four) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) Secured; Unsecured; Redeemable; Perpetual; Convertible; Non-convertible;

(vii) Zero coupon rate; (viii) Specific rate; 7. 1+2 = 3

At the time of reconstitution of a Firm the present value of the Assets maybe different from their book value and the same condition may be with the liabilities. Hence a revaluation of Assets and reassessment of Liabilities becomes necessary to adjust the profit or loss on revaluation in the Capital Accounts of the old Partners in their old profit sharing ratio. The main purpose of revaluing assets and re-assessing the liabilities is that a partner who gains on account of such a change should compensate the other partner(s) who are expecting loss in their profit share in future. 4


Dissolution of a Partnership Firm

x4 = 2

Memorandum Balance Sheet of A, B and C as on 31st March, 2003 Liabilities A Less loss 100,000 -20,000 80,000 Less Drawings B Less loss -10,000 80,000 -15,000 65,000

Amount (Rs.)

Assets Cash in hand

Amount (Rs.) 4,000


Sundry Assets (Balancing Figure)


Less Drawings C Less loss

10,000 60,000 -15,000 45,000


Less Drawings Creditors


35,000 24,000 1,84,000 1,84,000 x4=2

( mark for correct calculation of each Partners Capital and the amount of assets) Realisation A/C To S. Assets To Cash A/C To Capital A/C (Profit) A B C 48,200 36,150 36,150 1,20,500 3,24,000 3,24,000 1+1=2 1 mark for placing the figure and 1 mark for calculation and distribution of Profit among Partners 9. 1. Formation Expenses A/C To Share Capital A/C (Share issued to promotion) Dr. Journal 50,000 50,000 1,80,000 23,500 By Creditors By Cash 24,000 3,00,000



Asset A/C To Manoj (Asset purchased from Mr. Manoj) Manoj To Share Capital A/c To Security Premium A/C


5.50,000 5,50,000


5,50,000 5,00,000 50,000

(Shares issued to Manoj for purchase of Asset) 1+1+2=4 10. Date Particulars Bank A/C To 12% Debenture Application A/C (Debenture application money received) 12% Debenture Application A/C To 12% Debenture A/c Securities Premium A/C (Application money transferred to 12% Debenture and Securities premium, consequent upon allotment) 12% Debenture Allotment A/C To 12% Debenture A/C (12% Debenture Allotment made due) Bank A/C To 12% Debenture Allotment A/C (12%Debenture Allotment money received) (1mark for each entry 1x4 = 4marks) 90,00,000 90,00,000 Dr. 90,00,000 90,00,000 75,00,000 60,00,000 15,00,000 L.F. Debit 75,00,000 75,00,000 Credit


11. 31 March, 2006 Bank A/C

Journal Entries Dr. 7,13,305 7,13,305 1 Dr. 7,13,305 7,13,305 21,55,000 21,55,000

To Interest on Deb. Red. Fund Inv. A/C (Interest received on investments) Interest on Deb. Red. Fund Investment A/C To Deb. Redemption Fund A/C (Interest transferred to Deb. Redemption Fund) P & L App. A/C To Deb. Redemption Fund A/C (Amount of Profit transferred to Deb. Redemption Fund A/C Bank A/C To Deb. Red. Fund Investment A/C (Investments sold at par) Deb. Red. Fund A/C To General Reserve A/C (The amount of Deb. Red. fund transferred to General Reserve A/C) (7,13,305+21,55,000+71,33,050) 8% Debentures A/C To Bank A/C (Debentures redeemed) Dr. 1,00,00,000 Dr. 1,00,01,355 Dr. 71,33,050 Dr.



1,00,00,000 Total = 4


Calculation of Goodwill Capital Normal Rate Expected Profit Average Profit

Super Profits

Rs. 6,00,000 10% 90,000 60,000

30,000 16

given given given (6,00,000x10/100)


Goodwill (30,000x2) = 60,000

Partners Capital A/Cs X To X (Goodwill) To Y (Goodwill) To Bank To Balance c/d 1,16,000 1,04,000 2,00,000 2,00,000 2,00,000 Y Z 16,000 4,000 By Balance b/d By Bank A/C By Bank A/C Premium for Goodwill 16,000 4,000 X Y Z

3,00,000 3,00,000 2,00,000 20,000

3,16,000 3,04,000 2,20,000

3,16,000 3,04,000 2,20,000 3

Bank A/C

To Balance b/d To Zs Capital To Zs Capital (brought in by Z)

40,000 2,00,000 20,000

By Xs Capital By Ys Capital By Balance b/d

1,16,000 1,04,000 40,000


2,60,000 1

Working Notes : Sacrificing Ratio : X 3 5 2 5 1 3 1 3 = 9-5 15 6-5 15 = 4 15 1 5 2+3+1 = 6



Realisation A/C Rs. To Building To Plant and Machinery To Stock To Debtors To Bank (Bills Payable) To Bank (Bank Loan) To Bank (Realisation Exp) To Bank (Repair Bill) 40,000 40,000 19,000 42,000 32,000 30,000 1,250 800 By Bills Payable By Loan from Bank By Reserve for Bad Debts By Bank (Stock) By Bank (Debtors) By Bank (Fixed Assets) By Partners Capital A/C P Q R 2,05,050 9,250 5,550 1,850 16,650 2,05,050 2 Rs. 40,000 30,000 2,000 23,400 21,000 72,000

Bank A/c To Balance b/d To Realisation (Stock) To Realisation (Debtors) To Realisation (Fixed Assets) 40,000 23,400 21,000 72,000 By Realisation (BP) By Bank Loan By Realisation Expenses By Repairs Bill By Capital P Q R 1,56,400 39,750 33,450 19,150 92,350 1,56,400 2

32,000 30,000 1,250 800

Partners Capital A/c Dr. Particulars To Realisation (Loss) To Bank A/c P 9,250 39,750 49,000 Q 5,550 33,450 39,000 R 1,850 19,150 21,000 Particulars By Balance B/d By Reserve Fund P 44,000 5,000 49,000 Q 36,000 3,000 39,000 Cr. R 20,000 1,000 21,000 1 OR

Journal Entries (i) Realisation A/c To Bank A/c (Realisation expenses paid) (ii) Xs Capital A/c To Bank A/c (X bears Realisation Expenses) (iii) Ys Capital A/c To Realisation A/c (Y took over machine) (iv) Realisation A/c To Zs Capital A/c (Zs took over the credit) Dr. 20,000 20,000 Dr. 20,000 20,000 Dr. 2,000 2,000 Dr. 3,000 3,000



As Loan A/c To Bank A/c (As loan paid)


10,000 10,000


All the Partners Capital A/c To P & L A/c


50,000 50,000

(Loss charged to Partners Capital A/c) 1x6=6


Journal Entries Particulars LF

M.K. Sales Company Amount Dr. (Rs.) 7,50,000 7,50,000 Amount Cr. (Rs.)


Bank A/c To Share Application A/c (Received application money for 150,000 shares @ Rs. 5) Share application A/c To Share Capital A/c To Share allotment A/c (Application money adjusted) Share allotment A/c To Share Capital A/c To Security Premium A/c (Allotment money due)



7,50,000 5,00,000 2,50,000


5,00,000 2,50,000 2,50,000


Bank A/c Calls in Arrears A/c To Share Allotment A/c

Dr. Dr.

2,49,500 500 2,50,000

(Allotment money received for 99800) Share first call A/c To Share Capital A/c (First call Money Due) Bank A/c Call in Arrears A/c To Share First Call A/c (First call money received for 99,800 shares) Share Capital A/c Security Premium A/c To Call in Arrears A/c To Share forfeited A/c (200 shares forfeited) Bank A/c Share Forfeited A/c To Share Capital A/c (200 shares reissued) Share forfeited A/c To Capital Reserve A/c (Excess amount in Share forfeited A/c transferred to Capital Reserve A/c) Mark to each correct entries 1 to 6 = x6 =3 Mark to each correct entry from 7 to 9 = 1x3=3


2,50,000 2,50,000

Dr. Dr

2,49,500 500 2,50,000

Dr. Dr.

2,000 500 1,000 1,500

Dr. Dr.

1,800 200 2,000


1,300 1,300

15. To Stock Provision for Bad & Doubtful debts

Revaluation A/c 13,000 10,000 Furniture & Fittings Loss A B C 23,000 Partners Capital A/cs A B 6,000 C 4,000 By Balance b/d A B C 10,000 6,000 4,000 20,000 23,000 2 3,000

To Revaluation (Loss) To Bs Capital A/c (goodwill) To Cash A/c (Goodwill) To Bs Loan A/c To Balance b/d


7,20,000 4,15,000 3,45,000


40,000 By Reserve Fund 40,000 By As Capital A/c By Cs Capital 3,37,000 A/c





4,83,000 7,80,000


8,10,000 5,29,000 3,81,000

8,10,000 5,29,000 3,81,000


Balance Sheet of A and C as on 31st March,2003 Capital A C Bs Loan A/c S.Creditors Outstanding Expenses 7,80,000 3,37,000 4,83,000 1,24,000 16,000 Land Building Plant &Machinery Furniture & Fittings Stock Debtors 1,72,000

1+1+1=3 4,00,000 3,80,000 4,65,000 80,000 1,72,000

Less Pro. of B D 10,000 Cash in Hand 17,40,000

1,62,000 81,000 17,40,000 3


Working Notes: Gaining ratio: A 3 5 5 10 = 6-5 10 10 2 10 Gain 1 Gain

2 C 5

2 10 =

4-2 10

Gaining Ratio = 1:2

Goodwill : Bs share 2,00,000 x3/10=60,000 From A 60,000 x 1/3=20,000 From C 60,000 x 2/3=40,000 OR Calculation of Profit of Average Profit of last 3 years = 3,60,000 3 Profit for 2 months 120,000 x 2 12 Qs share of Profit 20,000 x 1 5 Calculation of Goodwill Goodwill of the firm = 3,60,000 x 2 3 Qs share of Goodwill = Rs. 48,000


= 1,20,000

= Rs. 20,000

= Rs. 4,000

= Rs. 2,40,000

Journal Entries June 2002 Profit & Loss Suspense A/c Or Deceased partners share in Profit A/c To Qs Capital A/c (Profit upto the date of death credited to Q) Ps Capital A/c Rs Capital A/c To Qs Capital A/c (Share of Goodwill of Q adjusted in Gaining ratio) Land A/c To Revalution A/c (The value of Land increased) Revaluation A/c To Plant & machinery A/c (To value of Plant decreased) Revalution A/c To Ps Capital A/c To Qs Capital A/c To Rs Capital A/c (Profit on revaluation transferred to Partners Capital A/cs) Dr. 32,000 19,200 6,400 6,400 Dr. 68,000 68,000 () Dr. 1,00,000 1,00,000 () Dr. Dr. 36,000 12,000 48,000 (1) Dr. 4,000 (1) 4,000



General Reserve A/c To Qs Capital A/c (Share of General Reserve credited to Qs Capital A/c) Qs Capital A/c To Qs Drawings A/c


2,000 2,000

(1) Dr. 10,000 10,000 (1) 4,63,200 4,63,200

(Amount of Drawings adjusted with Capital A/c) Qs Capital A/c To Qs Excutors A/c (Amount of Capital balance transferred to his Executor A/c) Qs Executor A/c To Bank A/c (Cash paid to Qs Executor) Dr. 1,00,000 1,00,000 Dr.



Working Notes Qs Capital A/c To Drawing A/c To Qs Execution A/c 10,000 4,63,200 By Balance b/d By P&L Suspense A/c By Ps Capital (Goodwill) By Rs Capital (Goodwill) By Revaluation (profit share) By General Reserve 4,73,200 4,12,800 4,000 36,000 12,000 6,400 2,000 4,73,200


PART B ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 16. Inflows of cash from Investing Activities (any 2 of the following) (i) (ii) (iii) Sale of fixed assets. Sale of investments Repayment of advances and loans made to third parties

Outflows of Cash from Investing Activites (any 2 of the following) (i) (ii) (iii) 17. Purchase of fixed Assets Purchase of Investments Advances and Loans made to third parties. (1+1=2)

The Mutual Fund Company is a Finance Company. The Dividend received by it on the shares held in other companies is its revenue income. Therefore the dividend received by this company is cash inflow from operating activities. 2 Financial Analysis is a Systematic process of the critical examination of the financial information contained in the financial statements in order to understand and make decisions regarding the operations of the firm. (2 marks) The tools used for financial analysis are as follows : (any two) a) b) c) d) e) Comparative statements Common-size statements Trend Analysis Ratio Analysis Cash flow Analysis ( marks x 2) = 1marks (2+1= 3 marks)




Current Assets = Rs. 1,26,000 Current Ratio = 3/2 Current Liabilities = CA Current Ratio


1,26,000 = 3/2 = 84, 000 (a) =

1,26,000 x2 3 (1)

Liquid Assets = CA - Inventory = 1,26,000 - 2,000 = 1,24,000 (b) Liquid Ratio = Liquid Assets Current Liabilities 1,24,000 84,000 31 21 (1+1+1=3) 20. Sales = 1,80,000 Rate of profit = 20% on cost Cost of goods sold = 100 120 x 1,80,00 (1)

= 1,50,000 (1) Inventory Turn Over Ratio = If Closing Stock = x Opening Stock = x + 2000 Average Stock = x + x + 2000 2 = x + 1000 C.O.G.S. Average Inventory



C.O.G.S. Average Inventory




1,50,000 x + 1,000 =3



x + 1,000 = 50,000 x = 49,000 i.e. Closing Stock Opening Stock = 49,000 + 2,000 = 51,000 (1) (1+1+1+1=4)

21. Net Profit Before Tax Add (i) (ii) (iii)

Cash flow from Operating Activities 12,50,000

Depreciation on Fixed Assets Goodwill written off Loss on Sale of a Machine

25,000 15,000 12,000

Operating Profit before Working Capital Changes Add Decrease in Bills Receivable Increase in Bills Payables Decrease in Stock in hand 13,18,000 Less : Increase in Debtors Decrease in Expenses Outstanding Cash flow from Operating Activities


9,500 2,500 4,000 13,18,000 (8,800) (1000) 13,08,200 13,08,200

Or Prepare cash flow Statement of rose Ltd. form the following information for the year ended March 31, 2004 Particulars Investments Fixed assets (at Lost) Equity share Capital Long term team Cash Additional Information i) ii) iii) iv) Cash flows from operating activities after tax and extra ordinary tens Rs. 3,80,000 Depreciation on fixed assets Rs. 85,000 Interest Received Rs. 45,000 Dividend paid during the year Rs. 1,60,000 March 31, 03 1,80,000 2,10,000 10,00,000 8,00,000 64,000 March 31, 04 2,40,000 4,00,000 14,00,000 4,45,00 44,000

Solution Cash flow Statement for the year ended March 31, 2004 Particulars A. B. Cash flows from Operating Activities Cash flows from Investing Activites Purchase of Investments Purchase of Fixed Assets Interest Received Cash outflow from Investing Activities (60,000) 2,75,000 45,000 (2,90,000) Details Amount 3,80,000



Cash flows from financing Activities Issue of Equity shares Repayment of loan Payment of Dividend Cash outflow from financing Activities Cash flows generated during the year Add: Cash & cash equivalents in the beginning of the year Cash & cash equivalents at the end of the year. 4, 00,000 (3,50,000) (1,60,000) (1,10,000) (20,000) 64,000

44,000 ( mark for each amount) (= x 12= 6 marks)



What is meant by relation or Relationship type? Answer Relation

A relation is any entity whose attributes are relevant to the business application under context. It is represented as a rectangle, and its attributes are shown as ovals




Relationship Type It means the kind of relationship among instances (tuples) of relations (s)

Give an example from accounting reality




Relationship type could be : 1. 2. 3. 17. one-to-one one-to-many many-to-many (2)

Explain with one example Multi-group ledgers or Single group ledgers. Answer

An example of Multi-group ledger could be assets which could be further divided as Fixed Assets and Current Assets. Each of these could be further divided into various types. Likewise one could give an example of single group ledger. 18. How do your transform many-to-many relationships into database tables? Illustrate Answer Many to many relationships are not directly transferable into database tables. These relationships have to be further explored to convert these into either one-to-one or one-to-many relationships. Once that is done, these can be converted into database tables.


Give an illustration


Conceptualise the above accounting reality in terms of ER Model concepts Answer. Give details of the following : Relations Attributes Relations Relationship Type Relationship Degree


Develop and depict an E R Model for this accounting reality.







Show the database design in terms of relevant data tables and their inter-relationships.


(Hint : Each of the entity as shown in Answer-5 will be translated into a table. Data types of the field would be appropriately chosen.


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