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Chapter 1 1. A student carried out three experiments to study a factor that affects the rate of reaction.

Diagram 4 shows the result for the experiment. Seorang pelajar menjalankan tiga eksperimen untuk mengkaji kesan faktor yang mempengaruhi kadar tindak balas. Rajah 4 menunjukkan keputusan bagi eksperimen itu. Experiment Eksperimen I II III

Set-up apparatus for the experiments Susunan Radas eksperimen

Excess hydrochloric acid Asid hidroklorik berlebihan

Excess hydrochloric acid Excess Asid hidroklorik hydrochloric acid berlebihan Asid hidroklorik berlebihan

1.2g magnesium ribbon 1.2g pita magnesium

Temperature / 0 C Suhu / 0C Time taken for all the magnesium dissolved/ s Masa yang diambil untuk semua magnesium melarut /s

1.2g magnesium ribbon 1.2g magnesium 1.2g pita magnesium ribbon 1.2g pita magnesium







Diagram 4.1 / Rajah 4.1 (a) Write a chemical equation for the reaction between magnesium and hydrochloric acid. Tulis persamaan kimia bagi tindakbalas antara magnesium dengan asid hidroklorik. ................... [ 3 marks] (i) Name the gas produced in the experiment above. Namakan gas yang terbebas dalam eksperimen yang dijalankan diatas . ................... [ 1marks ]



Calculate the maximum volume of the gas produced in the experiment. [Relative atomic mass : Mg,24; Volume of 1 mole of gas at room temperature = 24 dm3 ] Hitung isipadu maksima gas yang dihasilkan dalam eksperimen yang dijalankan. [Jisim atom relatif : Mg,24; Isipadu 1mol gas pada suhu bilik = 24 dm3 ]

[3 marks]

(c )

Calculate the average rate of reaction in cm3 / s-1 for: Hitung kadar tindakbalas purata dalam cm3/s -1 bagi: (i) Experiment I Eksperimen I.


Experiment II Eksperimen II.


Experiment III Eksperimen III.

[ 3 marks]


Table 5 shows the data of two experiments that have been carried out to determine the rate of decomposition of hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen gas by using manganase (IV) oxide as a catalyst. Experiment I II Volume of hydrogen peroxide /cm3 20 20 Table 5 Concentration of peroxide /mol dm-3 2 4 hydrogen


Write the chemical equation for decomposition of hydrogen peroxide. ........ [1 mark]


Calculate the volume of oxygen gas released in experiment I at room condition. ( 1 mole of gas occupies 24 dm3 at room condition )

[3 marks] (c) (i) Compare the rate of decomposition of hydrogen peroxide between experiment I and II. ... .

[1 mark] (ii) Based on collision theory, explain your answer in (c) (i). ............................................................................... . ............................................................................... . [3 marks]


Sketch the graph of volume oxygen gas against time for experiment I and experiment II by using the same axis.

[2 marks]

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