EVE-Ship Type Quick Reference v1.4p

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EVE - Ship Type Quick Reference

Ship Abaddon Absolution Adrestia Aeon Anathema Anshar Apocalypse Apotheosis Arazu Arbitrator Archon Ares Ark Armageddon Ashimmu Astarte Atron Augoror Augoror Nav. Iss. Avatar Badger (I-II) Bantam Basilisk Bellicose Bestower Bhaalgorn Blackbird Breacher Broadsword Brutix Burst Bustard Buzzard Cal.Nav. Hookbill Caracal Catalyst Celestis Cerberus Charon Cheetah Chimera Claw Claymore Coercer Condor Cormorant Covetor Crane Crow Crucifier Cruor Crusader Curse Cyclone Cynabal Damnation Daredevil Class Battleship Cmd. Ship Cruiser Supercarrier Covert Ops Jump Freighter Battleship Shuttle Force Recon Cruiser Carrier Interceptor Jump Freighter Battleship Cruiser Cmd. Ship Frigate Cruiser Cruiser Titan Industrial Frigate Logistics Cruiser Industrial Battleship Cruiser Frigate H. Interdictor Battlecruiser Frigate Transport Covert Ops Frigate Cruiser Destroyer Cruiser H. A. Cruiser Freighter Covert Ops Carrier Interceptor Cmd. Ship Destroyer Frigate Destroyer Mining Barge Blockade Run. Interceptor Frigate Frigate Interceptor Combat Recon Battlecruiser Cruiser Cmd. Ship Frigate Tank A+ A+ A A+ S n/a A n/a A/S A A+ A n/a A A A A A+ A+ A S S S A/S S A S S S+ A S S+ S S S A A/S S n/a S S+ A S A S S S S S A A A A/S S A/S A+ A DPS L L+ H+ F / Fb M n/a L n/a H D+ F H n/a L L+ H+ H L L L n/a n/a n/a P/M n/a L+ n/a M P H n/a n/a M M M H H M+ n/a P F P P L M+ H n/a n/a M L L+ L D+ / M P P+ M+ H++ Drones Notes 75 25 50 / 100 Velocity Bonus; Warp Disrupt/Scram Rng; Ltd Ed 12.5K / 200K Rmt Armor Rep/Energy Xfer Rng; F. Bombers CovOps; Scanning Cyno Capable 75 Long Range Limited Edition 40 CovOps; RSD Amt; Warp Dsrpt Rng; Covert Cyno 50 / 150 Tracking Disrupt Amt 375 / 80K Rmt Armor Rep/Energy Xfer Rng; Fighters Warp Scram/Disrupt Rng; MWD Sig Radius Cyno Capable 125 10 Blood Raider; NOS/Neut Amt; Web Amt 50 Armor Rep 5 Prop jam activation bonus (-80%) 5 Energy Xfer Rng 15 125 / 325 Doomsday Device; Immune to EWAR 5 25 40 75 Mining Amt; Cargo Capacity Rmt Shield Rep; Rmt Cap Xfer Target Painter Amt Blood Raider; NOS/Neut Amt; Web Rng ECM Rng; ECM Strength Warp Disruption Field Generator Armor Rep Mining Amt; Cargo Capacity Warp Strength; Shield Rep CovOps; Scanning Range Bonus Range Bonus Sens Damp Amt Range Bonus CovOps; Scanning Rmt Shield Rep/Rmt Energy Xfer Rng; Fighters Close Range Shield Rep; Skirmish Warfare Range Bonus Prop jam activation bonus (-80%) Range Bonus Mining CovOps; Shield Rep Close Range; MWD Sig Radius Tracking Disrupt Amt Blood Raider; NOS/Neut Amt; Web Amt Close Rng; MWD Sig Radius NOS/Neut Rng/Amt; Track Disrupt Amt Shield Rep Angel Cartel Armored Warfare Serpentis; Web Amt Ship Deimos Devoter Dominix Drake Dramiel Eagle Echelon Enyo Eos Erebus Eris Executioner Exequror Nav.Iss Exequror Falcon Fed.Nav. Comet Fenrir Ferox Flycatcher Freki Gila Golem Griffin Guardian Harbinger Harpy Hawk Hel Helios Heretic Heron Hoarder Hound Huginn Hulk Hurricane Hyena Hyperion Ibis Imicus Impairor Imp.Nav. Slicer Impel Incursus Inquisitor Ishkur Ishtar Iteron (I-V) Jaguar Keres Kestrel Kitsune Kronos Lachesis Legion Leviathan Loki Class H. A. Cruiser H. Interdictor Battleship Battlecruiser Frigate H. A. Cruiser Frigate Assault Frig. Cmd. Ship Titan Interdictor Frigate Cruiser Cruiser Force Recon Frigate Freighter Battlecruiser Interdictor Frigate Cruiser Marauder Frigate Logistics Battlecruiser Assault Frig. Assault Frig. Supercarrier Covert Ops Interdictor Frigate Industrial S. Bomber Combat Recon Exhumer Battlecruiser EWAR Frig. Battleship Frigate Frigate Frigate Frigate Transport Frigate Frigate Assault Frig. H. A. Cruiser Industrial Assault Frig. EWAR Frig. Frigate EWAR Frig. Marauder Combat Recon Strat. Cruiser Titan Strat. Cruiser Tank DPS Drones Notes MWD Cap Bonus Warp Disruption Field Generator A H+ 50 A+ L A / S D+ / H 125 / 375 S+ M 25 S P+ 15 / 20 S+ H n/a n/a A H 5 A H 75 / 165(225) A H 125 / 475 A H/M 5 A L A H+ 20 A n/a 40 S H 10 A H+ 15 / 30 n/a n/a S+ H/M 25 S M S P S+ D+ / M 125 / 400 S M+ 75 S n/a 5 A n/a 25 A L 50 S H S M S F / Fb 12.5K / 225K S H 5 A M+ S M 5 S n/a S M S P/M 40 S+ n/a 50 A/S P+ 30 A n/a A H 100 S H 5 A n/a 15 A L 5 A L+ A+ n/a A H 5 A M A D/H 25 / 30(50) A / S D+ / H 125 / 175(375) S n/a S P+ A n/a 5 / 10 A M S n/a A H+ 75 / 125 S H/M 40 A L/M/D Varies S M 125 / 250 A/S P/M Varies

Angel Cartel; Close Rng Long Range Concord; Limited Edition Close Range Armor Rep; Drone Bay; Information Warfare Doomsday Device; Immune to EWAR Interdiction Sphere Launcher Prop jam activation bonus (-80%) Rmt Armor Rep; Cargo CovOps; ECM Strength; Covert Cyno

Interdiction Sphere Launcher AF/MWD Cap Bonus; Web Rng; Limited Edition Guristas Shield Rep; Target Paint Amt ECM Strength Rmt Armor Rep; Rmt Energy Xfer Longe Range Shield Rep Rmt Shield Rep/Rmt Armor Rep Rng; F. Bombers CovOps; Scanning Interdiction Sphere Launcher Scan Str CovOps; Torpedos; Bomb Launcher Web Rng; Target Painter Amt Strip Miner; Ice Harvester Web Rng; Target Painter Amt; Armor Rep Noobship Drone Rng; Scan Str Noobship Warp Strength; Armor Rep


10 5 40

375 / 80K 40


Drone Bay Drone Rng

RSD Amt; Warp Disrupt Range ECM Strength; ECM Range Armor Rep; Web Amt Warp Disrupt Rng; Sens Damp Varies Doomsday Device; Immune to EWAR Varies

50 / 150 40 50 25

Tank: Armor, Shield ('+' indicates hp or resist bonus)

DPS: Lasers, Hybrids, Projectiles, Missiles, Drones, Fighters, Fighter Bombers (Fb) ('+' indicates bonus)

Drones: Bandwidth / Bay Size

Compiled by Kiritsubo - Ritual Suicide

Ship Machariel Mackinaw Maelstrom Magnate Malediction Maller Mammoth Manticore Mastodon Maulus Megathron Merlin Mimir Moa Moros Muninn Myrmidon Naga Naglfar Navitas Nemesis Nidhoggur Nighthawk Nightmare Noctis Nomad Nyx Obelisk Occator Omen Oneiros Onyx Oracle Orca Osprey Osprey Nav. Iss. Paladin Panther Phantasm Phobos Phoenix Pilgrim Primae Probe Procurer Prophecy Prorator Proteus Providence Prowler Punisher Purifier Ragnarok Rapier Raptor Rattlesnake Raven Class Battleship Exhumer Battleship Frigate Interceptor Cruiser Industrial S. Bomber Transport Frigate Battleship Frigate Cruiser Cruiser Dreadnought H. A. Cruiser Battlecruiser Battlecruiser Dreadnought Frigate S. Bomber Carrier Cmd. Ship Battleship Salvaging Jump Freighter Supercarrier Freighter Transport Cruiser Logistics H. Interdictor Battlecruiser Ind. Cmd. Cruiser Cruiser Marauder Black Ops Cruiser H. Interdictor Dreadnought Force Recon Industrial Frigate Mining Barge Battlecruiser Blockade Run. Strat. Cruiser Freighter Blockade Run. Frigate S. Bomber Titan Force Recon Interceptor Battleship Battleship

Edited by Ulaan Krabe of EvE University, 28/05/2012

Notes Angel Cartel Ice Harvester Shield Rep Scan Str Warp Scram/Disrupt Rng; MWD Sig Radius Ship Reaper Redeemer Rep.Flt. Firetail Retribution Retriever Revelation Revenant Rhea Rifter Rokh Rook Rorqual Rupture Sabre Sacrilege Scimitar Scorpion Scythe Scythe Flt.Iss. Sentinel Sigil Sin Skiff Slasher Sleipnir Stabber Stiletto Succubus Talos Taranis Tempest Tengu Thanatos Thorax Thrasher Tormentor Tornado Tristan Typhoon Utu Vagabond Vargur Velator Vengeance Vexor Viator Vigil Vigilant Vindicator Vulture Widow Wolf Worm Wreathe Wyvern Zealot Zephyr Class Frigate Black Ops Frigate Assault Frig. Mining Barge Dreadnought Supercarrier Jump Freighter Frigate Battleship Combat Recon Cap. Ind. Cruiser Interdictor H. A. Cruiser Logistics Battleship Cruiser Cruiser EWAR Frig. Industrial Black Ops Exhumer Frigate Cmd. Ship Cruiser Interceptor Frigate Battlecruiser Interceptor Battleship Strat. Cruiser Carrier Cruiser Destroyer Frigate Battlecruiser Frigate Battleship Frigate H. A. Cruiser Marauder Frigate Assault Frig. Cruiser Blockade Run. Frigate Cruiser Battleship Cmd. Ship Black Ops Assault Frig. Frigate Industrial Supercarrier H. A. Cruiser Shuttle Tank DPS Drones 5 125 S P A L S P A L S n/a A L A / S F+ / Fb+ n/a n/a A/S P S+ H S M S D+ A P+ S P+ A+ M+ S n/a A M/D A/S n/a S P/M A D S n/a A D+ / H S+ n/a A P S P+ S P A P S L+ A/S H+ A H A P+ S M/H A F+ A H A P A n/a S P+ A H A P/M/D A D+ / H S P+ S P+ A H A+ M A D+ / H A/S n/a A/S n/a A H+ A H+ S+ H S M A P+ S+ M S n/a S+ F / Fb A L+ n/a n/a Notes Noobship Cloak Speed; Covert Cyno

Tank DPS Drones A/S P+ 100 / 125 S+ n/a 50 S P 100 A L 10 A+ M/L A+ L S n/a S M+ S+ n/a A H 10 A H 125 S+ H A+ P+ 30 S+ H 15 A H / D+ 125 / 500 A P+ 25 A/S D+ 75 / 150 S H+ A/S P+ 125 / 225 A n/a 5 S M+ A F 375 / 90K S+ M+ 25 S L+ 75 A n/a n/a n/a A F+ / Fb+ 12.5K / 250K n/a n/a A+ n/a A L 15 A n/a 50 S+ M A/S L+ S n/a 50 / 75 S+ n/a 20 S M 20 A L+ 75 A P+ 125 / 175 S L+ 15 A+ H S M+ 125 / 150 A D+ / L 50 / 150 A n/a A n/a 10 S n/a 25 A+ L 25 A n/a A H/D Varies n/a n/a S n/a A+ L S M+ S P 125 / 375 A/S P 40 S H S+ D+ / M 125 / 400 S M 75

25 125 / 250 13K / 250K

Mining Sansha; Rmt Shield Rep/Rmt Energy Xfer Rng Cyno Capable Long Range ECM Strength Rmt Shield Rep Interdiction Sphere Launcher

CovOps; Torpedos; Bomb Launcher Warp Strength; Shield Rep RSD Amt

Velocity Bonus; Limited Edition

50 25 125 / 300 25 15 45 75 5 25 20 / 60 125 / 400 50 40 5

Armor Rep Large Railguns; Sniper; Weak Tank Mining Amt; Cargo Capacity CovOps; Torpedos; Bomb Launcher Rmt Shield Rep/Rmt Armor Rep Rng; Fighters Sansha; Close Rng Cyno Capable Rmt Shield Rep/Rmt Armor Rep Rng; F. Bombers Warp Strength; Armor Rep Rmt Armor Rep; Tracking Links Warp Disruption Field Generator Large Lasers; Sniper; Weak Tank Mining Command Mining Amt; Rmt Shield Rep Armor Rep; Web Amt Cloak Speed; Covert Cyno Sansha; Close Range Warp Disruption Field Generator CovOps; NOS/Neut Amt; TD Amt; Covert Cyno Limited Edition; PI Cargo Hold Scan Str; Cargo Capacity Mining CovOps; Armor Rep Varies CovOps; Shield Rep CovOps; Torpedos; Bomb Launcher Doomsday Device; Immune to EWAR CovOps; Web Rng; TP Amt ; Covert Cyno Warp Scram/Disrupt Rng; MWD Sig Radius Guristas

Rmt Shield Rep; Tracking Links ECM Strength; ECM Range Mining Amt; Tracking Link Range NOS/Neut Rng/Amt; Track Disrupt Amt Cloak Speed; Covert Cyno Mexrocit; Warp Strength Prop jam activation bonus (-80%) Shield Rep Velocity Bonus Warp Scram/Disrupt Rng Sansha Large Blasters; Weak Tank MWD Sig Radius Varies Rmt Shield Rep/Rmt Armor Rep Rng; Fighters MWD Cap Bonus Range Bonus Mining Amt; Cargo Capacity Large Projectiles; Sniper; Weak Tank

25 / 25 10 75 Varies 375 / 100K 50 5 5 125 / 175 25 / 75 25 75 10 75 / 100 5 50 125 25 75 25 / 40(50) 625 / 200K

Warp Scram/Disrupt Rng Velocity Bonus Shield Rep Noobship

CovOps; Armor Rep Target Paint Amt; Velocity Bonus Serpentis; Web Amt Serpentis; Web Amt Long Range; Siege Warfare Cloak Speed; ECM Strength; Covert Cyno Guristas; Drone Bay Rmt Shield Rep/Rmt Energy Xfer Rng; F. Bombers Limited Edition; Probe Launcher

Tank: Armor, Shield ('+' indicates hp or resist bonus)

DPS: Lasers, Hybrids, Projectiles, Missiles, Drones, Fighters, Fighter Bombers (Fb) ('+' indicates bonus)

Drones: Bandwidth / Bay Size

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