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Full text of "Moroccan Arabic Darija 2011"

Peace Corps Morocco


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1961 -2011

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Moroccan Arabic Textbook

Peace Corps Morocco


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Moroccan Arabic textbook 5

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Many thanks to the following Peace Corps language instructors for their work on

this book: Aicha Ait Cherif, Malika Boukbout, Mohamed Mahmoudi, and Abdellah Ouhmouch. They revised lessons from Peace Corps' 1994 Moroccan Arabic book, rewrote lessons completely, and added entirely new material in order to arrive at this current edition. Their hard workboth in the classroom and on this book is greatly appreciated. Computer layout and design was done by former PCV Stephen Menicucci. Training Manager Abderrahmane Boujenab oversaw the revision of the book, with input from Programming and Training Officer Lisa Mirande-Lind. The book is based upon the 1994 Moroccan Arabic book by Abdelghani Lamnaouar. Thanks in advance to all trainees and volunteers who provide input for future improvements of this text.

Abderrahmane Boujnab Raining Manager

Table of Contents

Introduction Learning Moroccan Arabic l Transcription of Moroccan Arabic 1 Getting Started with Moroccan Arabic Greetings 5 Independent Pronouns 7 Possessive Pronouns 8 Masculine and Feminine Nouns 9 Describing Yourself Nationalities, Cities, and Marital Status 10 The Possessive Word "dyal" 13 Demonstrative Adjectives & Demonstrative Pronouns 14 Asking about Possession 17 Useful Expressions 19 Numerals Cardinal Numbers 22 Ordinal Numbers / Fractions 29

Time 30 Getting Started Shopping Money 33 At the Hanoot 34 Verb "to want" 36 Kayn for "There is" 37 Family Family Members 38 Verb "to have" 40 Directions Prepositions 42 Directions 43 Past Events Time Vocabulary 45 Past Tense - Regular Verbs 46 Past Tense - Irregular Verbs 48 Negation 52 Have you ever... / I've never 54 Object Pronouns 55 Question Words 56 Daily Routines Present Tense - Regular Verbs 58 Present Tense - Irregular Verbs with Middle "a" 60 Present Tense - Irregular Verbs with Final "a" 64 Using One Verb after Another 68 The Imperative 69 Bargaining Bargaining 71 Clothing 73 Adjectives 78 Comparative and Superlative Adjectives 81 Shopping For Food

Fruits and Vegetables 84 Buying Produce 86 Spices and Meat 88

Food and Drink Food and Drink 89 The Reflexive verb "to please / to like" 92 The Verb "to need, to have to, must, should" 95 The Verb "to want, to like" 96 Medical & Body Body Parts 97 Health Problems 98 Site Visit Expressions 100 Travel Future Tense 102 Travel 106 At the Hotel Hotel Accommodation 110 The Conditional 111 At the Post Office The Post Office 113 Using Prepositions with Pronoun Endings & Verbs 115 Describing the Peace Corps Mission Peace Corps 120 Youth Development 121 Environment 122 Health 123 Small Business Development 124 Renting a House Finding a House 125 Furnishing a House 127 Safety and Security

Sexual Harassment 129 At the Taxi Stand 131 At Work 132 Forgetting a Wallet in a Taxi / Filing a Report 133 Butagas 135 Hash 136 Theft 137 House Security/ Doors and Windows 139 Political Harassment 141 Appendices Pronunciation of Moroccan Arabic Understanding How Sounds Are Made 144 Pronunciation of Non-English Consonants 144 Pronunciation of Shedda 146 The Definite Article 147 Supplementary Grammar Lessons Making Intransitive Verbs into Transitive Verbs 148 Passive Verbs 149 The Past Progressive 150 The Verb "to remain" 151 Verb Participles 151 Conjunctions 154 More Useful Expressions 157 Moroccan Holidays Religious Holidays 159 National Holidays 162 Glossary of Verbs 163 Grammar Index 193 Vocabulary Index 194


Learning Moroccan Arabic

Even under the best conditions, learning a new language can be challenging. Add to this challenge the rigors of Peace Corps training, and you're faced with what will be one of the most demanding and rewarding aspects of your Peace Corps experience: learning to communicate to Moroccans in their own language. But it can be done. And rest assured that you can do it. Here are a few reasons why: You are immersed in the language: Some people may need to hear a word three times to remember it; others may need thirty. Learning Moroccan Arabic while living and training with Moroccans gives you the chance to hear the language used again and again. You have daily language classes with Moroccan teachers: You're not only immersed in the language; you also have the opportunity to receive feedback from native speakers on the many questions that predictably crop up when one learns a new language. Peace Corps has over forty years of experience in Morocco: Your training, including this manual, benefits from the collective experience gained by training thousands of Americans to live and work in Morocco. You will benefit from and contribute to that legacy. Despite these advantages, at times you may still feel like the task of learning Moroccan Arabic is too much to handle. Remember that volunteers like you having been doing it for decades, however. One of the most rewarding aspects of your time will be communicating with Moroccans in Arabic, surprising them and yourself with how well you know the language. When that time arrives, your hard work will have been worth it. Transcription of Moroccan Arabic In order for trainees to move quickly into Moroccan Arabic (also called "Darija"), Peace Corps uses a system of transcription that substitutes characters of the Latin alphabet (a, b, c, d, . . . ) for characters from Arabic script ( . . . t >.ci n_i <|). With this system, it isn't necessary for a trainee to learn all of Arabic script before he or she begins to learn the language. On the contrary, once you become familiar with the system of transcription, you will be able to "read" and "write" Moroccan Arabic fairly quicklyusing characters you are familiar with. You will also learn Arabic script during training, but with transcription it isn't necessary to know it right away. Throughout the book, therefore, you will always see both the original Arabic script and the transcription. Becoming familiar with the Peace Corps' system of transcription is one of the best things you can do, early on, to help yourself learn Moroccan Arabic. Practicing the different sounds of Moroccan

Arabic until you can reproduce them is another. This introduction is intended mainly to help you get started with the system of transcription, and as a result it will mention only briefly the different sounds of Arabic. However, a fuller explanation can be found on page 144. Sounds You Already Know The large majority of consonants in Moroccan Arabic are similar to sounds that we have in English. The vowels in Arabic are also similar to English vowels. In the following table, each transcription character that represents a sound you already know will be explained. The sounds are not necessarily what you may expect, but each character was matched with a sound for good reasons.

Transcription Character Arabic Character Description a */-'/! sometimes the /a/ in "father," sometimes the /a/ in "mad" b L_l the normal English sound /b/ d J the normal English sound 161 e -'/'

the short "e" sound lei as in "met" (this transcription character is not used often, only when confusion would be caused by using the transcription character "a")

2 Moroccan Arabic

f i_i the normal English sound IV g J> the normal English sound /g/ as in "go" h A the normal English sound /h/ as in "hi." i -./* the long "ee" sound lei as in "meet" J E the /zh/ sound represented by the 's' in "pleasure" k A the normal English sound /k/

1 J the normal English sound /I/ m ? the normal English sound /m/ n o the normal English sound /n/ o j the long "o" sound Ibl as in "bone" (this transcription character is not used often, mainly for French words that have entered Moroccan Arabic) P i_j the normal English sound /p/ r J this is not the normal English "r," but a "flap" similar to the Spanish "r" or to the sound Americans make when they quickly say "gotta" as in "1 gotta go." s o> the normal English sound Is/

t tii the normal English sound IV u j the long "oo" sound /u/ as in "food" V t-i the normal English sound Nl w j the normal English sound /w/ y the normal English sound /y/ z j the normal English sound Izl s

the normal English sound /sh/ as in "she" Some vowel combinations ay

4the "ay" as in "say" au j^ the "ow" as in "cow" iu ji the "ee you" as in "see you later"

Peace Corps/ Morocco 3

New Sounds There are eight consonants in Moroccan Arabic that we do not have in English. It may take you some time to be able to pronounce these correctly. At this point, what's important is that you learn the transcription character for each of these sounds. See page 144 for more information on how to pronounce the sounds in Moroccan Arabic.

Transcription Arabic Character Character Sound d i_y= the Arabic emphatic "d" These sounds are pronounced like their h non-emphatic counterparts, but with a lower pitch and a greater tension in the tongue and throat. s

o=> the Arabic emphatic "s" t J. the Arabic emphatic "t" q <i like the English /k/ but pronounced further back in the throat X t like the 'ch' in the German "Bach;" some people use this sound to say yech! g i like the x sound above, but pronounced using your voice box; similar to the French "r" H c like the English "h," except pronounce deep in the throat as a loud raspy whisper. t t This sound will be difficult at first. It can be approximated by pronouncing the 'a' in "fat" with the tongue against the bottom of the

mouth and from as deep in the throat as possible

Shedda If you see a transcription character doubled, that means that a "shedda" is over that character in the Arabic script. For example, in the following table, you will see how the transcription changes for "shedda," and thus the pronunciation.

English Translation Transcription Arabic Script

This small character, which looks like a "w," istheshedda. That is why the transcription has a doubled "r." woman mra Jtime (as in: "I've seen him one time") mrra

Notice that these two words are spelled differently in the transcription. The

word "woman" does not have a shedda on the "r" in Arabic script, and that is why there is only one "r" in the transcription. The word "time" does have a shedda in the Arabic script, and that is why the transcription doubles the letter "r." These two words are pronounced differently, so you must pay attention to doubled letters in transcription. To learn more about how we pronounce the shedda in Arabic, see page 146. For now, what's important is that you understand the transcription.

4 Moroccan Arabic Other Symbols Sometimes, you will see a hyphen used in the transcription. This has three purposes: 1. It indicates the definite article: For some letters, the definite article (the word "the") is made by adding the letter "1." For others, it is made by doubling the first letter. In both cases, a hyphen will be used to indicate to you that the word has the definite article in front of it. See page 147 for more info on the definite article. 2. It connects the present tense prefix: The present tense prefix ("kan," "kat," or "kay") will be connected to the verb with a hyphen. This will make it easier for you to understand what verb you are looking at. 3. It connects the negative prefix ("ma") and the negative suffix ("s") to a verb. In these instances, the hyphen does not necessarily indicate a change in pronunciation. The hyphen is there to make it easy for you to see when a definite article is being used, for example, or which verb is being used. It is a visual indicator, not an indicator of pronunciation. Sometimes the rhythm of speech may seem to break with the hyphen; other times the letters before and after the hyphen will be pronounced together. Another symbol you will sometimes see is the apostrophe ( ' ). When you see an apostrophe, it indicates a "glottal stop," which is the break between vowels as heard in the English exclamation "uh oh." That is to say, if you see an apostrophe you should not connect the sounds before the apostrophe with the sounds after the apostrophe. Pronounce them with a break in the middle. Words & Syllables Without Vowels Sometimes you will see syllables or even whole words without any vowels written in them. This is normal in Moroccan Arabic. To the English speaker, however, this seems impossible, since we have always been taught that all words must contain a vowel sound. Which side is

correct? Well, in a sense they both are. In reality, it is indeed possible to pronounce consonants together without articulating a vowel sound; we do it a lot in English at the beginning of words. Think about the word street. We pronounce three consonants s, t, and 1 without any vowels between them. So it is possible. The only challenge with Arabic is that the consonant combinations are new for English speakers (we don't put the /sh/ sound next to the /m/ sound, for example, but in Arabic they do). However, try for a moment to pronounce only the letters "str," not the whole word "street." In this case, most English speakers will hear something that sounds like the word "stir." With certain consonant combinations, that is to say, it sounds to the English speaker like there is a vowel in the middle, even if there isn't. The "vowel" is in reality just the normal sound made as one consonant sound transitions to another. Part of learning Moroccan Arabic is becoming comfortable with new consonant combinations and practicing those combinations without necessarily placing a vowel in the middle. The transcription words, you will notice, only include characters for vowels when there really is a vowel in the word. It may seem difficult at first, but it is better to accustom yourself to this as early as you can. Why Not Just Write "sh"? A final point about the transcription. At times it may seem overly complicated to someone beginning Moroccan Arabic. For example, why doesn't it just use "sh" for the /sh/ sound? The answer is this: every sound must have just a single character to represent it. Why? Well, in Arabic it is normal for the /h/ sound to follow the /s/ sound. If we used "sh" to represent the /sh/ sound, there would not be any way to represent an /s/ plus /h/ sound, because it too would look like "sh." Using the symbol s to represent /sh/ makes it possible to represent /s/ plus /h/ and /sh/ plus /h/ (yes, in Arabic both these combinations are used). All of this concerns a larger point: the transcription system used in this book may appear complex at first, but it has been carefully thought out and in the end it is the easiest system possible. That said, the sooner you can make the transition to reading Arabic script, the easier it will be to pronounce Arabic correctly.

Peace Corps/ Morocco 5

Getting Started with Moroccan Arabic Objective: By the end of the chapter, you will be able to:

greet people and introduce yourself use independent pronouns to make simple sentences use possessive pronouns to indicate possession distinguish between masculine and feminine nouns


Cultural Points Greetings and farewells (good byes) are two important aspects of Moroccan life. Greetings are not to be compared with the quick American "hi." It takes time for two people to exchange different questions and answers which interest them about each other, their families, and life in general. Greetings change from one region to another, both in the questions posed and in the fashion of the greeting (i.e. shaking hands, kissing cheeks head or hands, or putting one's hand over one's heart after shaking hands). If you greet a group of people, then the way you greet the first person is the way you should greet everyone in the group. Don't be surprised if you are greeted by a friend but he does not introduce you to other people with whom he may be talking. Do not be surprised if you are in a group and you are not greeted as others are in the group (people may be shy to greet a stranger.) It is also not necessary to give an overly detailed response to a greeting only the usual response is expected. For example, "How are you?" requires only a simple "Fine, thanks be to God."

How do people greet each other in different cultures?

Greeting expressions and appropriate responses

A: Peace be upon you B: And peace be upon you (too) s-salamu ^alaykum wa ^alaykum s-salam

A: Good morning

B: Good morning sbaH 1-xir sbaH 1-xir

A: Good afternoon / evening B: Good afternoon / evening msa 1-xir msa 1-xir

name smiya 4_lAxU

6 Moroccan Arabic

What's your name? snu smitk?

my name... smiti . . . yA^"" your name...

expensive gali ^ more expensive gia (mn) <> sweet hIu jk sweeter Hia (mn) <>

As you can see above, for many adjectives (but not all) the comparative is formed by removing the long vowel i from the word. Here are some examples:

Sadia is younger than Malika. sadia sgr mn Maiika. The train is better than the bus. t-tran Hsn mn l-kar.

Comparing Like Objects In order to express that two things/people/etc. are the same, we can use either of two expressions:

the same / alike bHal bHal JUj JUj the same / alike

kif kif t a <S i a<V

Some examples: Which is better: a blue shirt or a ama Hsn: qamijja zrqa .",,.-, , t green one? wlla xdra? " They are the same. bHal bHal. .JUj JUj As the example shows, the word ama (U) is used for comparisons when we mean "which."

82 Moroccan Arabic

Superlative Adjectives The superlative adjective in Moroccan Arabic can be formed in two ways. First, by using the definite article with the adjective and inserting the personal pronoun:

Omar is bright.

Omar mujtahid.

Omar is the brightest student in Omar huwa 1-mujtahid f the Class. 1-qism. Susan is a pretty girl. Susan bnt zwina. Susan is the prettiest. Susan hiya z-zwina. Second, by prefixing "a" (ft to the comparative adjective: Casablanca is the largest city in d-dar l-bida akbr mdina Morocco. f l-mgrib. Toubkal is the highest mountain tubqal a^la jbl f in Morocco. l-mgrib.

. ajjjAJl c_fl Igja ail jA J-oC

Exercise: Compare each pair using comparative adjectives.

t-tomobil dyal Mary

t-tomobil dyal Mike



d-dar dyal Mohamed

d-dar dyal Judy



Peace Corps/ Morocco 83

Exercise: Answer the following questions based upon the drawing.



1. ama gla 1-^nb wlla 1-banan? 2. ama rxs d-dllaH wlla 1-^nb? 3. ama Hsn d-dllaH wlla 1-banan? 4. ama Hla 1-^nb wlla d-dllaH?

5. wes l-_nb huwa agla fakiha? 6. snu hiya 1-fakiha r-rxisa?

l- t nb

?jLh]l Vj l_U*]| Jc. U .1 ?2^li LS Icl ji t_jj*]l jilj .5 y 2, gja.j]| A^lail ,_ jlS .6

Moroccan Wisdom: . JJ~i ^ ^>^" 'J^ j^ J^ l-li ^ddu 1-Hns, kay-xaf mn 1-Hbl. The one bitten by a snake is afraid of ropes. English equivalent: Once bitten, twice shy.

84 Moroccan Arabic

Shopping For Food

Objective: By the end of the chapter, you will be able to: shop for produce, meats, and spices Fruits and Vegetables

At the Green Grocer's

^nd 1-xddar

itliaiJI .lie


vegetables 1-xodra

sj^aili 1. xizu jjt^11. 1-ful JjiH 2. 3. s-sif lur j Ji.MI 12. 1-fjl Jaill lquq <jj 13.

1-gre.a A.jjj| 4. 1-btata ILLkJI 14. t-tuma 4_ajj]| 5. 1-flfla 2M\M 15. 1-bsla 2LL^aJ| 6. d-dnjal JUiril 16. 1-barba LjUl

^y 1JJJS La j \jjA\ ^a^-llaxjS La ifl i r^-\ _aLi ^Lul (J (JjSLi ._>J 2 9 LaA /p a i <aj a J La /CuLl a )JjJ


J CJ^l J ij^l jLi^

jJjjIaJ ^4 Cl{l^LcLaJI Cl^t;!*-^ ?r_L^aJj .jLkn^l J .(S^jic <Ull ajLu . jLj_^a ^ ill ^A :Aja*j

health S-SHHa Ak^Jl health clinic s-sbitar JU^nW the importance 1- ' ahammiya ^jIaVI nurse 1-f rmli (ya) (S^jill the (water) well 1-bir

j^I doctor t-tbib(a) ('.)( ,MI diarrhea 1-krs aSjSlI to be sick mrd O^Jto immunize jib M^ medicines d-dwa Ijj to give birth wld 4j the shot libra

OJj] pregnant Hamla AlaU.

124 Moroccan Arabic

Small Business Development Dialogue Chris: s-salamu ^alaykum. 1-m^llm: wa ^alaykum s-salam. Chris: snm li n-qddm lik rasi.

1-m^llm: iyeh, tfddl a sidi. Chris: smiti Chris, ana mutatawwi^ m^a hay 'at s-salam u jit hna bas n-^awn 1-muqawalat s-sgira . 1-m^llm: u kifas gat-^awnha? Chris: f bzzaf d 1-Hwayj , bHal 1-Hisabat u l-'ishar u t-tswiq. matalan kan-sawbu lakart d vizit 1 1-muqawala u kan-^tiuha smiya u kan-shhru 1-mntuj dyalha f 1-internet. 1-m^llm: had s-si mumtaz welakin bas gat-stafd had 1-muqawala? Chris: gat-stafd Hit gat-bi^ s-sl^a dyalha f 1-mgrib u f 1-xarij . 1-m^llm: mzyan. 11a y-^awnk. Chris: sukran a sidi. Vocabulary and Expressions

o u* i ail

?lgjjluc. ijilaj^ j :^Lt>i]

^ ^atluuc. (j^Lj (j^jj jua4 /c^' ^ : ( aix^al


t_i IgjljJ AaIuiII AJfJp tliaa ^al*iin"ir- IqmI^ . tiljjljtJ ill I .(ju^a :aA*-il

small business development tnmiyat 1-muqawalat s-sgira * JJ* ' C1j^jIa]I 4^alj enterprise / , , r 1-muqawala firm UjO products 1-mntuj * jjxaJl accountancy l-Hisabat i * A .I , > ^1 merchandise s-sl^a

A,\ tn \\ advertisement 1- ' ishar ji^syi business card lakart d vizit CJJ ja J CjjIV to advertise shhr j*^ abroad l-xarij EJ^I marketing t-tswiq (jjj"'"i" to advertise shhr b the products l-mntuj ^jOXttjl L_l W-^

Peace Corps/ Morocco 125

Renting a House

Objective: By the end of the chapter, you will be able to:

speak about renting and furnishing houses

Finding a House Vocabulary

building / block of flats

floor apartment















1 0j-ujLjJ



rental agent (in cities)




j| 1 ^^LLl\l







living room bedroom


bit n-n^as


^jjjUtjll dijj

kitchen neighbor

l-kuzina jar (a)




bit 1-ma / twalet

JajSI jL / LSI Ciu


j iran



,, , , x . . . kan-qllb cla si dar 1 1 m looking for a house to rent. n , c M l-kra. .\J3\ J jb ^ Jc J&k Can you show it to me? wes ymkn lik t-wrriha liya? ?IjI IgJj^j <AA (j^? o*^j Where is it located? asmn blasa? Y^-fc^JU (JAMJl Give me directions to it. n^t liya fin j at . , cijUk (jja Gl i " it *i Can 1 see it? wes ymkn liya n-sufha? ?L^ijjij ul (j^-aj lP'j How many rooms does it have? sHal fiha mn bit? ?Cjjj (jx IgjS (Jl^-Jj

congratulate hnna ^* kan-hnni hnnit conjugate srrf L ~ *_> L-a kan-srrf srrf t connect rbt ^J kan-rbt rbtt consult (with) tsawr (m^a) (t - ) JJ^ kan-tsawr tsawrt contact tasl b

i_i J ' -^"' kan-tasl taslt content with, to be (give your blessing to) rda _la J& cs^J kan-rdi rdit continue in sth stamr f i-_a iaLjj kan-stamr stamrt continue studies tab^ & kan-tab^ tab^t contribute sahm aALj-u

kan-sahm sahmt control tHkkm f **_a a^j kan-tHkkm tHkkmt raqb L-lSlj kan-raqb raqbt cook tiyb t nU kan-tiyb tiybt cooperate (with) t^awn (m^a) (f) UJ 1 ^ kan-t^awn t^awnt

cope silk <&, kan-sllk sllkt copy (by hand) nql JSi kan-nql nqlt copy (photocopy) nsx ^CJJdJ kan-nsx nsxt correct SHHeH T -N. 1^1 kan-SHHeH SHHeHt cost

swa LSy M kan-swa swit cough kHH kan-kHH kHHit kHb m^ kan-kHb kHbt count HSb i bjja kan-Hsb HSbt

168 Moroccan Arabic

English Transcription

Arabic First Person Present Tense First Person Past Tense cram into xsa ^^ kan-xsi xsit crazy, to be Hmq (j^l*. kan-Hmq Hmqt crazy, to make Hmmq jia. kan-Hmmq Hmmqt create xlq $*

kan-xlq xlqt cross (road) qte. JaS kan-qt^ qtgt cross-breed lqqm |$ kan-lqqm lqqmt cry bka J* kan-bki bkit cry, to make bkka J* kan-bkki

bkkit cure dawa ^.P kan-dawi dawit cured, to be bra LSJ* kan-bra brit cut qte. <JJ kan-qt^ qte.t cut (hair) Hssn jlua. kan-HSsn Hssnt

cut/injure (skin) j rH C^ kan- j rH j rHt cut/injured, to be t j rH CJ^ kan-t j rH t j rHt cut( a pattern from cloth) fssl JLaa kan-f ssl fsslt damage xssr y ua kan-xssr xssrt dampen f zzg

J.y kan-f zzg f zzgt damp, to get f zg L_Sj3 kan-f zg f zgt dance StH Tuau kan-stH StHt deafen smmk '*'*> <~ kan-smmk smmkt deal with sb t^aml m^a a-o ci^^J

kan-t^aml t^amlt decide qrrer SJ kan-qrrer qrrert declare Li" c^ kan-^ln glnt decrease nqs o*& kan-nqs nqst dedicate hda ti-i* kan-hdi

hdit defeat gib l ur. kan-gib glbt defend dafe. . la c><e b kan-daf ^ daf gt define Hdded Ala. kan-Hdded Hddedt defy tHdda lS^> kan-tHdda tHddit delay

e.tti JLc kan-^ttl ettit deprive Hrm f->* kan-Hrm Hrmt descend hbt LjA kan-hbt hbtt nzl ^ kan-nzl nzlt describe wsf 1 Li a j

kan-wsf wsf t

Peace Corps/ Morocco 169

English Transcription Arabic First Person Present Tense First Person Past Tense deserve staHq jj^ "* kan-staHq staHqt design xttet wU kan-xttet xttett desire strongly mat _la

( _ s ic CjLo kan-mut mtt destroy hddm fl* kan-hddm hddmt develop tuwr j^ja kan-tuwr tuwrt develop (film) xrr j e"> kan-xrr j xrr j t die mat CllLa

kan-mut mtt differ (from) xtalf (m^a) (,*-) L ***" 1 '*kan-xtalf xtalft dig Hfr j^ kan-Hfr Hfrt digest hdm AxiaA kan-hdm hdmt dinner, to have t^ssa ^*J kan-t^ssa t^ssit

direct wj jh 4^. j kan-wj jh wj jht direct (as an order) amr jj kan-amr amrt dirty, to make wssx <^J kan-wssx wssxt dirty, to get tussx ^_i_U Qj kan-tussx tussxt disappear

gbr J^ kan-gbr gbrt discipline addb <_lj1 kan-addb addbt rbba JiJ kan-rbbi rbbit discover ktasf i '.?,"< kan-ktasf ktasf t discuss (a topic) naqs (jiab

kan-naqs naqst dislike ma-Hml-s ijaJ-a^ L ma-kan-Hml-s ma-Hinlt-s krh SJ kan-krh krht dissolve sth duwb i_ijj kan-duwb duwbt distribute f rrq o'j* kan-f rrq f rrqt distance oneself (from)

bg^d (mn) (t>) -^ kan-b^^d be,gdt divide qsm i^OlS kan-qsm qsmt divorce tllq jh. kan-tllq tllqt dizzy, to get dax c ,J kan-dux dxt dizzy, to make duwx

CJ J kan-duwx duwxt do dar > kan-dir drt drag j rr j* kan- j rr j rrit draw rsm (^j kan-rsm rsmt draw up (water from a well) jbd Ala.

kan- jbd jbdt dream (about) Him (b) WJkan-Hlm Hlmt

170 Moroccan Arabic

English Transcription Arabic First Person Present Tense First Person Past Tense dress lbs o*^ kan-lbs lbst dress up (slang) tf rks

0&J& kan-tf rks tfrkst drink srb i_ijjj kan-srb srbt drink, to make srrb LJJU kan-srrb srrbt drip qtr >5 kan-qtr qtrt drive sag *_L^

kan-sug sgt drive crazy Hmmq jia. kan-Hmmq Hmmqt drop sth tiyH H^ 3 kan-tiyH tiyHt drown grq L3JCkan-grq grqt drunk, to get skr jSjoj kan-skr skrt

dry, to get nsf i SjJoJ kan-nsf nsf t ybs <_WJ kan-ybs ybst dry sth nssf < ' a --*' kan-nssf nssf t ybbs <_>4j kan-ybbs ybbst dry (a wet floor) jffef l aa-v

kan- j f fef jffeft dye sbg * y * kan-sbg sbgt earn (money) suwr J*** kan-suwr suwrt easy, to make shhl Jjg-Uj kan-shhl shhlt eat kla J* kan-akul

klit eat breakfast ftr jjaj kan-ftr ftrt eat lunch tgdda tj*J kan-tgdda tgddit eat dinner t^ssa ls A^i kan-t^ssa t^ssit economize qtasd ^ -"'< kan-qtasd qtasdt elect

ntaxb 1-J7UJ kan-ntaxb ntaxbt embarrass sb Hssm Aua kan-HSsm Hssmt embarrassed, to be Hsm ->>'n^ kan-Hsm Hsmt embrace L anq dlt. kan-^anq ^anqt embrace Islam slm

''" kan-slm slmt emigrate haj r j^.U kan-haj r haj rt empty xwa L$J*> kan-xwi xwit encourage sj J. * -^ " kan-sj j t sj je.t enjoy sth tbr L j

kan-tbr ^ tbrgt enroll tsj jl (J?-"^ kan-ts j j 1 tsj j It enter dxl (JiJ kan-dxl dxlt

Peace Corps/ Morocco 171

English Transcription Arabic First Person Present Tense First Person Past Tense envy HSd

^n-V kan-Hsd HSdt erase uish pLMlwd kan-msH msHt nma ^5^ kan-mHi itiHit escape hrb v_ljA kan-hrb hrbt estimate qddr ja kan-qddr qddrt

evacuate (house/country) xwa lsj^ kan-xwi xwit evict xrr j e> kan-xrr j xrr j t evolve ttuwr j'jki kan-ttuwr ttuwrt exaggerate (slang) balg & kan-baig baigt exchange

tbadl m^a *_o JjLj kan-tbadl tbadlt exhibit L rd Q^JC. kan-^rd L rdt exit xr j C> kan-xr j xr j t expensive, to get gla c> kay-gia gla experience j rrb

M> kan- j rrb j rrbt expire tqada ^lij kay-tqada tqada explain sth C-H kan-srH srHt f ssr jLiS kan-f ssr f ssrt explode tfrge. e^j^ kan-tf rg^

tfrggt exploit stagl (JilLu kan-stagl stagl t export sddr J.l*-a kan-sddr sddrt express t bbr j^ kan-^bbr ^bbrt exterminate txlls mn <j- (J- 3 ^ kan-txlls txllst face

tqabl m^a 2" (Jj^j kan-tqabl tqablt facilitate shhl (J^oj kan-shhl shhlt fail sqt iaji u kan-sqt sqtt faint sxf 1 a ^- i ' kan-sxf sxf t fall taH

C IL kan-tH tHt fall, to make tiyH H^ 3 kan-tiyH tiyHt fake zuwr jjJ kan-zuwr zuwrt fart Hzq <i>kan-Hzq Hzqt falsify zuwr jjJ

kan-zuwr zuwrt fast sam ^Ud kan-sum smt fear xaf iila. kan-xaf xft feed wkkl <ij kan-wkkl wkklt

172 Moroccan Arabic

English Transcription Arabic

First Person Present Tense First Person Past Tense feed fodder LUf L *C\(-kan-^llf eiift feel HSS o** kan-HSS HSSit ferment xmr JA kan-xmr xmrt fight (physically) tdabz jjljj kan-tdabz

tdabzt fill (intransitive) L mr >aCkan-^mr e mrt fill out ^mmr jyi* kan-^mmr f_mmrt fill up ^mmr v^c. kan-^mmr f_mmrt filter sffa cJ^ kan-sf f i sffit

finance muwl Jj^ kan-muwl muwlt find lqa Jl kan-lqa lqit finish kmml J1S kan-kmml kmmlt sala J^ kan-sali salit finished, to be tsala

J^ kan-tsala tsalit fish si yd Aii^a kan-siyd siydt fix sawb LJjlua kan-sawb sawbt sIh Tllx^D kan-slH SlHt flatten (bread) grrs Q**j kan-grrs grrst

flatter (a female) tgzzl b L-J Jjij kan-tgzzl tgzzlt flee hrb L-ljA kan-hrb hrbt flip qlb eJj kan-qlb qlbt fly tar > kan-tir trt fold

twa cij^ 3 kan-twi twit follow tb t if kan-tb^ tbgt forbid Hrrm c> kan-Hrrm Hrrmt force open fr t tJ kan-f r^ frgt forge (signature) zuwr

jjJ kan-zuwr zuwrt forget nsa L?^ kan-nsa nsit forgive smH 1 (J C-4JJJ kan-smH smHt foretell tnbba Uss kan-tnbba ' tnbba ' t free Hrrer jIpkan-Hrrer

Hrrert tlq jll, kan-tlq tlqt freeze jmd Aa^ kan- jmd jmdt freeze sth jmmd io^ kan- jmmd jmmdt fry qla a kan-qli qlit

Peace Corps/ Morocco 173

English Transcription Arabic First Person Present Tense First Person Past Tense fulfill sth Hqqeq (Jia. kan-Hqqeq Hqqeqt full (of food), to be sb L XUmJ kan-sb^ sb^t fun, to make dHk ,4- , h kan-dHk dHkt

nst JaAj kan-nst nstt fun of, to make dHHk _la Jcdk kan-dHHk dHHkt tflla t la <><> kan-tf 11a tfllit gain ksb ijm's kan-ksb ksbt rbH CO kan-rbH

rbHt gamble qmmr JiS kan-qmmr qmmrt gather jme. <^ kan-jm^ jmgt gather (with people) jtam L .aJa kan- j tam^ j tam^t gaze Hnzez jjj* kan-Hnzez Hnzezt generalize

gmmem alrtT' kan-^mmem ^mmemt generate wild J J kan-wlld wlldt get xda tf^ kan-axud xdit sdd .luJ kan-sdd sddit get down hbt JaJA

kan-hbt hbtt get off nzl J> kan-nzl nzlt get on rkb m^j kan-rkb rkbt tie. ^ kan-tlg_ tie.t get rid of thnna mn t> LT^ kan-thnna thnnit

txlls mn (j* (J- 3 ^ kan-txlls txllst get sick mrd O^J* kan-mrd mrdt get through daz mn t> j ,J kan-duz dzt get up nad (jiab kan-nud ndt get used to wllf i_ilj

kan-wllf wllft give eta J~ kan-^ti e.tit give a ride dda CS" J kan-ddi ddit wssl (JLaj kan-wssl wsslt give a speech xtb , .Li kan-xtb xtbt

give back r JJe. *J kan-rj j t rj Je.t rdd -U kan-rdd rddit give off tllq jit kan-tllq tllqt give pain drr j^ 3 kan-drr drrit

174 Moroccan Arabic


Transcription Arabic First Person Present Tense First Person Past Tense glare at xnzr f (_i j jji kan-xnzr xnzrt gleam lm L t-l kan-lm^ lmgt dwa LSy^ kan-dwi dwit glue lssq

(y^\ kan-lssq lssqt go msa cr"" 1 kan-msi msit go ahead of/in front of sbq (JJUl kan-sbq sbqt goby daz _la >> kan-duz dzt go out xr j > kan-xr j

xr j t go through daz mn t> j |j kan-duz dzt go up tie. fi"kan-tl^ tie.t gossip about hdr f c_i vJaA kan-hdr hdrt govern Hkm _la <>?kan-Hkm Hkmt

grab qbt Jai kan-qbt qbtt sdd A^ kan-sdd sddit graze r l a LS^J kay-r^a r L a greet slim _la ^ jXj kan-sllm sllmt greet one another tsalm

aILjlj kan-tsalm tsalmt grill swa l5J" kan-swi swit grind tHn 0^= kan-tHn tHnt grow (get older/bigger) kbr J^ kan-kbr kbrt guarantee dmn <j*Ja kan-dmn

dmnt guard (JJC kan-^ss ^ssit hand mdd 1a kan-mdd mddit hang e.iiq Jlo kan-^llq e.iiqt hang to dry nsr Ujj kan-nsr nsrt

happen wq L <^J kay-wq^ wq L j ra i-SJ* kay- j ra j ra tra tij^ kay-tra tra happy, to be f th C^ kan-f rH frHt happy, to make f rrH c'->

kan-f rrH frrHt harvest HSd ^ -^^kan-Hsd HSdt hatch tfqqs t _ > aflfl3 kay-tf qqs tfqqs hate krh > kan-krh krht have L nd .'nrL ndi kan ^ndi

Peace Corps/ Morocco 175

English Transcription Arabic First Person Present Tense First Person Past Tense hear sm L .* ^ i ii kan-sm^ sm^t heat sxxn (ja^ui kan-sxxn sxxnt help ^awn jjlc kan-^awn

^awnt herd sth C>" kan-srH srHt hesitate trdded JJji kan-trdded trddedt hide sth xbba J kan-xbba xbbit hide (oneself) txbba J^ kan-txbba txbbit

hire (a car) kra cij* kan-kri krit hit drb VJ* kan-drb drbt hit, to be tdrb VJ-* kan-tdrb tdrbt hold sdd Jjjj kan-sdd sddit honor

srrf C_i Jjjoi kan-srrf srrf t hope tmnna LT^ kan-tmnna tmnnit house skkn jiui kan-skkn skknt hug L nnq (_jjC kan-^nnq t nnqt hug one another t^anq (jjjUj

kan-t^anq t^anqt hungry, to be J a t e* kan- ju^ Je.t hunt si yd Aii^a kan-siyd siydt hurry zrb mjj kan-zrb zrbt hurt drr j*i kan-drr

drrit ignore (slang) miyk ^la j^k t*li kan-miyk miykt ill, to be mrd O^J* kan-mrd mrdt ill, to make mrrd O^Jkan-mrrd mrrdt imagine tsuwr j^a3 kan-tsuwr tsuwrt

txayl 0^ kan-txayl txaylt imitate qlld ia kan-qlld qlldt import stawrd JjJJj-u kan-stawrd stawrdt impose frd O^J* kan-f rd frdt imprison s jn (j?-" 1

kan-s j n s jnt sdd f 1 Hbs ^j-;^ '' L-fi .luj kan-sdd sddit improve Hssn (jlia. kan-HSsn Hssnt tHSsn (jluaj kan-tHSsn tHSsnt improvise rtaj 1 (J4j kan-rtaj 1 rtaj It increase

zad Jlj kan-zid zdt

176 Moroccan Arabic

English Transcription Arabic First Person Present Tense First Person Past Tense indicate biyn 6k kan-biyn biynt infect ^ada ^Ac kan-^adi ^adit

inform t lm a!& kan-^lm L lmt xbr j^ kan-xbr xbrt inherit wrt tlljj kan-wrt wrtt injure j rH C^ kan- j rH j rHt inspect (education) ftts

(jSa kan-f tts fttst install blasa l ^^ kan-blasi blasit rkkb Uj kan-rkkb rkkbt insult L ayr jjIg kan-^ayr gayrt sbb t Luj kan-sbb sbbit integrate

dmj -6^ kan-dmj dmj t interest httm f* kay-httm httm interfere tdxxl Ja.Jj kan-tdxxl tdxxlt interrupt qatg. ^li kan-qat^ qatgt introduce qddm

r^ kan-qddm qddmt invent xtar^ ^.jiL kan-xtar ^ xtar^t invite L rd g_la Je fjajp kan-^rd L rdt iron Hdded Ala. kan-Hdded Hddedt irrigate sga JL,

kan-sgi sgit sqa LS^" kan-sqi sqit irritate qllq (3^ kan-qllq qllqt irritated, to be tqllq jSSi kan-tqllq tqllqt isolate hmms JU kan -hmms hmmst tzl

Jjc kan-^zl t zlt jealous, to be gar ^la Jo jlo kan-gir grt joke dHk i^-S.h kan-dHk dHkt tflla Jfi kan-tf 11a tfllit judge Hkm _la Jc^ kan-Hkm

Hkmt Hasb (_iuiLa. kan-Hasb Hasbt jump nqqz jaj kan-nqqz nqqzt justify brrer jIh kan-brrer brrert keep Htafd b i 1 , t.-'^'n"^ kan-Htaf d Htafdt Hafd _la

Je <jiaiU. kan-Haf d Hafdt

Peace Corps/ Morocco 177

English Transcription Arabic First Person Present Tense First Person Past Tense keep house qabl d-dar jU Jii kan-qabl qablt gabl d-dar jWI Ji kan-gabl gablt kick (a ball) sat

CjLi kan-sut stt qdf s_s.}a kan-qdf qdft kidnap xtf uiL* kan-xtf xtft kiss bas <J"Ls kan-bus bst knead a n ij^kan-^j n LJ nt

know trf i_ijc kan-^rf t rft last (time) bqa ** kan-bqa bqit dam fb kan-dum dmt late, to be tgttl Jkdi kan-t^ttl tgttlt late, to make etti

JLc kan-^ttl e.ttit laugh dHk ^k , h kan-dHk dHkt laugh, to make dHHk ^ i h kan-dHHk dHHkt lay down Htt L^ kan-Htt Httit lay eggs biyd <>4?

kan-biyd biydt lead tz^ m $ kan-tz^m tze.t mt leak sal JU kan-sil sit qtr ]US kan-qtr qtrt lean tkka _la <><> kan-tkka tkkit learn

t^llm fk kan-t^llm tgllmt leave xr j > kan-xr j xr j t leave (a house/city for another) ml J-j kan-rHl rHlt leave alone xlla <> kan-xlli xllit leave behind xlla

<> kan-xlli xllit lend sllf i kLoi kan-sllf sllft lengthen tuwl J> kan-tuwl tuwlt lessen qllel <is kan-qllel qllelt let xlla <>

kan-xlli xllit let go of tlq mn t> <jik kan-tlq tlqt liberate Hrrer jIpkan-Hrrer Hrrert lie kdb v_J^S kan-kdb kdbt lift hzz > kan-hzz

hzzit light 6.1 (Jatui kan-s _1 glt

1 78 Moroccan Arabic

English Transcription Arabic First Person Present Tense First Person Past Tense like bga IS** kan-bgi knt bagi t~i h i w i~ kay gjbni

L jbni lighten (weight) xffef i QQ-v kan-xf fef xffeft limit Hdded Ala. kan-Hdded Hddedt Hbs O"^ kan-Hbs Hbst limp t r J CJ^ kan-^r j L r Jt line, to draw a sttr

Oajjj kan-sttr sttrt live (reside) skn <J^ kan-skn sknt loan sllf ( C'.LI kan-sllf sllft lock sdd .IwJ kan-sdd sddit surt Cj 1^-u kan-surt

surtt look saf ( <l i* kan-suf sft look after thlla f C_j ^ kan-thlla thllat Hda LT^ kan-Hdi Hdit look alike tsabh ^ULuiJ kan-tsabh tsabht look behind

tlfft i."^\" kan-tlfft tlfftt look down (on sb) Hgr JU kan-Hgr Hgrt look for qllb _la Jc <_& kan-qllb qllbt look like sbh Aiuj kan-sbh sbht ban bHal J^H U^ kan-ban

bnt look out (window) til Jll kan-tll tllit loosen tlq ^ kan-tlq tlqt rxa LT^J kan-rxi rxit rxf t fl^J kan-rxf rxft lose wddr

J^J kan-wddr wddrt tllf t q\**i kan-tllf tllft lost, to be twddr jlbjj kan-twddr twddrt love bga LS^ kan-bgi knt bagi mat _la Jc lllLo kan-mut mtt

lower nzzl Jji kan-nzzl nzzlt hbbt JaJA kan-hbbt hbbtt nqs (j^aj kan-nqs nqst magnify kbbr j kan-kbbr kbbrt maintain Hafd _la ^ (jiaaLa. kan-Haf d


Peace Corps/ Morocco 179

English Transcription Arabic First Person Present Tense First Person Past Tense make sawb <J jU-a kan-sawb sawbt dar > kan-dir drt sn L J a kan-sn^ sn t t

make difficult for sb tkrfs _la J& (j^ajSj kan-tkrf s tkrfst maltreat (destroy) krf s QjiJ> kan-krf s krf st manipulate tHkkm ^N->.'i kan-tHkkm tHkkmt manufacture sn L iuffl kan-sn^ sn L t mark

nqqt Ua'i kan-nqqt nqqtt rsm ^j kan-rsm rsmt marry (with) tzuwj (b) M c'jJS kan-tzuwj tzuwj t marry off (daughter, etc.) zuwj jJ kan-zuwj zuwj t massage (hammam) kssl <J-

kan-kssl ksslt mean L na LT^ kan-^ni L nit measure L br J^ kan-^br e brt mediate twsst ^ kan-twsst twsstt meet tlaqa ^* kan-tlaqa tlaqit

meeting, to have jtam L aJA kan- j tam^ j tam^t melt dab l_ib kan-dub dbt memorize Hfd t>=^ kan-Hf d Hfdt menace hdded jIa kan-hdded hddedt mess up

krf s QjiJ> kan-krf s krf st migrate hj r y^Jb kan-hj r hj rt milk Hlb uk kan-Hlb Hlbt mistake, to make a git 1,1c kan-glt gltt miss (a bus) 3rd person msa _la

(J^ (^A kay-msi ^liya msa ^liya mix xllt J=k kan-xllt xlltt monitor (exam) Hda cs-^kan-Hdi Hdit Hrs O-J*kan-Hrs Hrst monopolize Htakr tM\-K kan-Htakr Htakrt

motivate Hffz ja-, kan-Hf fz Hffzt move sth Hrrk tJja. kan-Hrrk Hrrkt kHHZ >* kan-kHHz kHHZt move tHrrk c^jaj kan-tHrrk tHrrkt tkHHZ JkS

kan-tkHHz tkHHZt

180 Moroccan Arabic

English Transcription Arabic First Person Present Tense First Person Past Tense move away from b^d mn Cy *** kan-b^d bgdt move residence tHUWl Jj*-> kan-tHuwl tHUWlt thI J-J

kan-rHl rHlt murder qtl ja kan-qtl qtlt name smma J** kan-smmi smmit need Htaj c *> kan-Htaj Htaj t neglect smH f ^_3 7T-AJM kan-smH

smHt f rrt Jaja kan-f rrt f rrtt noise, to make sd L p 1.^1 kan-sd^ sd^t nominate rssH <^J kan-rssH rssHt notice laHd o^V kan-laHd laHdt obey tag.

f_lL kan-tig. te.t object ^ard (jiajlc kan-g,ard ^ardt oblige frd _la L?^ O^J* kan-f rd frdt bzzez g_la J*- JJi kan-bzzez bzzezt observe laHd o^V kan-laHd

laHdt occupy Htll J3* kan-Htll Htllt occur wq L cjj kay wqg_ wq L j ra UJ* kay jra j ra offer hda ci-i* kan-hdi hdit oil

ziyt ^4J kan-ziyt ziytt old, to get srf

kan-srf srf t open Hll d* kan-Hll Hllit ftH 2* kan-f tH ftHt operate (surgical) ftH 2 kan-f tH

ftHt oppress ^ddb l_JJC kan-g,ddb ^ddbt order sth tlb ijlL kan-tlb tlbt order sb amr jj kan-amr amrt organize nddm ^ kan-nddm nddmt

overcome tgllb g_la ( _ $ ic l_llij kan-tgllb tgllbt owe tsal JLoiJ kan-tsal tsalt owed, to be sal JU kan-sal sit own mlk edL. kan-mlk mlkt pacify hddn

jJA kan-hddn hddnt

Peace Corps/ Morocco 181

English Transcription Arabic First Person Present Tense First Person Past Tense pack jme. <^ kan- jm^ jmgt paint sbg it <a kan-sbg sbgt park (a car)

blasa ^^ kan-blasa blasit participate sark tdjU kan-sark sarkt party Htafl jiii. kan-Htaf 1 Htaflt pass daz > kan-duz dzt fat cAk

kan-fut ftt pass (exam) nj h f v_a ftaj kan-nj h nJHt pass by daz _la <> > kan-duz dzt paste lssq ^jLol kan-lssq lssqt patient, to be sbr UU3 kan-sbr

sbrt pay xlls (J^lli. kan-xlls xllst paid, to be txlls (J^llij kan-txlls txllst pay back rdd 1 J'^J kan-rdd rddit peel qssr jj^a kan-qssr qssrt peel (skin)

tqssr JjJOflJ kan-tqssr tqssrt permit xlla <> kan-xlli xllit smH 1 (J i*J01 kan-smH smHt persuade qne. jji kan-qn^ qn L t photograph suwr jy*a

kan-suwr suwrt photographed, to be tsuwr JJ^ kan-tsuwr tsuwrt pick (light fruit) j na LT^ kan- jni j nit pierce tqb l iQ < kan-tqb tqbt pile up t rrm f> kan-^rrm

^rrmt plan xttet kL, kan-xttet xttett plant zr t tjj kan-zr^ zr L t play l e b t_uJ kan-l^b l e bt please t~i h i a^. r*. kan-^jb e,jbt plow

Hrt Cjj^ kan-Hrt Hrtt pluck riys LWJ kan-riys riyst poison smmem AAjjJ kan- smmem smmemt poisoned, to be tsmmem r-a kan-tsmmem tsmmemt pollute luwt

dijl kan-luwt luwtt possess mlk l iSL kan-mlk mlkt

182 Moroccan Arabic

English Transcription Arabic First Person Present Tense First Person Past Tense postpone aj jl d*1 kan-aj j 1 ajjlt pour

kbb & kan-kbb kbb it xwa lSJ*> kan-xwi xwit practice tbbq <J& kan-tbbq tbbqt praise mdH r*"^ kan-mdH mdHt pray slla J-

kan-slli sllit precede sbq (3^ kan-sbq sbqt prefer fddl Jl^a kan-f ddl fddlt prepare wj jd ^j kan-wj j d w j j dt sawb L-ljL-a kan-sawb sawbt pressure

dgt *"* ^ kan-dgt dgtt pretend dar bHal JUj Jj kan-dir drt biyn blli t?^ ok kan-biyn biynt prevent mn t ^ kan-mn^ mn^t print tbg.

kan-tb^ tbgt produce nt j ^ kan-nt j nt j t profit rbH C*j kan-rbH rbHt staf d ^"'" kan-staf d stafdt progress tqddm ajjfcj kan-tqddm tqddmt

prohibit mn L ^ kan-mn^ mn^t promise wa^d lelj kan-wa^d wa^dt pronounce ntq jjjaj kan-ntq ntqt propose qtarH CJ^ kan-qtarH qtarHt proud, to be f taxr

j-%."^ kan-f taxr f taxrt prune zbr JO kan-zbr zbrt publish nsr ulj kan-nsr nsrt pull j rr j* kan- j rr j rrit jbd ? kan- jbd

jbdt punish L aqb i_jalt kan-^aqb ^aqbt push dfg. <e j kan-df ^ dfe.t push (a button) wrrk _la <><JJ kan-wrrk wrrkt brk _la iX kan-brk brkt put

Htt L* kan-Htt Httit put down Htt L> kan-Htt Httit

Peace Corps/ Morocco 183

English Transcription Arabic First Person Present Tense First Person Past Tense put out (light) tfa ^ kan-tf tfit

put together (parts) rkkb Uj kan-rkkb rkkbt quarrel txasm ^aUj kan-txasm txasmt quiet, to be skt - 1 " kan-skt sktt quiet, to make skkt Cliu kan-skkt skktt quit msa bHalu

jll&j ^-Jui kan-msi bHali msit bHali rain taH (1-sta) (liill) c IJ a kat-tiH taHt raise hzz > kan-hzz hzzit raise (children) rbba JiJ kan-rbbi rbbit raised, to be trbba Jty

kan-trbba trbbit rape gtasb L 1 y."\ r. kan-gtasb gtasbt read qra l5J2 kan-qra qrit receive (a letter) sdd A^ kan-sdd sddit recognize tgrrf i_ij*j kan-t^rrf

t^rrf t record sj jl JLul kan-s j j 1 sjjlt reduce nqs (joij kan-nqs nqst reform sIh -^ ' ^ kan-slH SlHt refuse rf d O^J kan-rf d rfdt refute

nfa U* kan-nf i nfit regret ndm r^ kan-ndm ndmt reimburse ^uwd ^^c. kan-^uwd ^uwdt rejoice f th C^ kan-f rH f rHt relax rtaH

C b J kan-rtaH rtaHt release tlq tS"kan-tlq tlqt rely on ^uwl g_la j^Jc Jj kan-^uwl g_uwlt remain bqa u** kan-bqa bqit remember ^qi t la Jc Jac

kan-^ql e.qit tfkkr j^a'l kan-tf kkr tfkkrt remind fkkr > kan-f kkr fkkrt remove Hiyd ii. kan-Hiyd Hiydt zuwl Jjj kan-zuwl zuwlt renew jdded

Ala. kan- jdded j ddedt rent kra cij* kan-kri krit

184 Moroccan Arabic

English Transcription Arabic First Person Present Tense First Person Past Tense repair sawb L-JjU^a kan-sawb sawbt sIh

-^ ' ^ kan-slH SlHt repeat ^awd jjLc kan-^awd ^awdt repent tab L_,b kan-tub tbt reply rdd ' J J kan-rdd rddit request tlb mn Cy ' .

kan-tlb tlbt require ttlb v \u-, kan-ttlb ttlbt resemble sbh <A i ii kan-sbh sbht resign staql jLa kan-staql staqlt resist qawm rj* kan-qawm

qawmt respect Htarm ?J^ kan-Htarm Htarmt respond jawb ii jL^ kan- j awb j awbt rest rtaH C^J kan-rtaH rtaHt retire tqa^d ^ctaij kan-tqa^d tqa^dt return (to a place)

r Jt <^J kan-r j ^ rje.t return sth rdd ' J J kan-rdd rddit rjje. <^J kan-r j j t rj Je.t review raje. ^J kan-raj _ rajgt ride rkb M*j

kan-rkb rkbt ride, to give a dda <j kan-ddi ddit rkkb Uj kan-rkkb rkkbt wssl Jlaj kan-wssl wsslt rinse sllel jb kan-sllel sllelt rise (like the sun)

tie. ^ kan-tlg_ tie.t rise (to wake up) f aq Jli kan-f iq fqt rot fsd Aui3 kan-f sd fsdt round, to go duwr j^xi kan-duwr duwrt rub Hkk S*k

kan-Hkk Hkkit run j ra ciJPkan- j ri j rit run away hrb v_ljA kan-hrb hrbt run out of tqada cH=& kan-tqada tqadit rush zrb Mjj kan-zrb

zrbt sacrifice dHHa ^ kan-dHH dHHlt satisfy q"L ^ kan-qn^ qngt

Peace Corps/ Morocco 185

English Transcription Arabic First Person Present Tense First Person Past Tense save xbba J

kan-xbbi xbbit xzn u>kan-xzn xznt xbb^ i^ kan-xbb^ xbb^t save (money) jm^ 1 flus (jjj^iail * ^ kan- jm^ jmgt wf f r Jj kan-wf f r wffrt say gal

j kan-gul git scratch Hkk &> kan-Hkk Hkkit scream guwt djc. kan-guwt guwtt screw ziyr Jij kan-ziyr ziyrt see saf 4 9LuJ kan-suf

sft see one another tsawf c_^jLjjj kan-tsawf tsawf t sell ha t & kan-bi^ b t t send sift Ua,. -, kan-sif t siftt separate f rrq SJ kan-f rrq f rrqt

serve srba LSU" 1 kan-srbi srbit set a bone jbbr J*kan- jbbr jbbrt set (the sun) grb i-ijtkan-grb grbt set up rkkb Uj kan-rkkb rkkbt settle

staqr j2Ljj kan-staqr staqrt sew xiyt ^ kan-xiyt xiytt shake (palsy) tr^d ic.j5 kan-tr^d tr^gdt rjf ' a ^ _) kan-r j f rjft shake hands with slim _la ^ ^ kan-sllm

sllmt shake out Hrrk <^ kan-Hrrk Hrrkt share qsm i^OlS kan-qsm qsmt sharpen n j r J^ 5 kan-nj r nj rt mdda ,> kan-mddi mddit shave

Hssn (jlia. kan-HSsn Hssnt shepherd srH C>" kan-srH srHt shine lm L tJ kan-lm^ lm L t shiver ic.j5 kan-tr^d tr^dt rjf i^^j

kan-r j f rjft shop (weekly market) tsuwq (3_-iJ kan-tsuwq tsuwqt shop (food) tqdda lS^J kan-tqdda tqddit

186 Moroccan Arabic

English Transcription Arabic First Person Present Tense First Person Past Tense shorten qssr

jl^aS kan-qssr qssrt shout guwt dljc. kan-guwt guwtt shovel hzz b 1 bala AJUI !_j 'jA kan-hzz hzzit show wrra (JJJ kan-wrri wrrit shower duws (jijj kan-duws

duwst shut sdd .luJ kan-sdd sddit shut eyes gmmd j'-^" 1 *kan-gmmd gmmdt shut up skt t " \\ .1 kan-skt sktt sift grbl Jjj^ kan-grbl grblt

sightsee tsara tijL^i kan-tsara tsarit sign sna LS^ kan-sni snit wqq t & kan-wqq^ wqq^t silence sb skkt '*<< kan-skkt skktt silent, to be skt

- 1 " kan-skt sktt simplify shhl U4-" kan-shhl shhlt sing gnna LT^ kan-gnni gnnit sink gts ^jjJaCt kan-gts gtst grq (ij^ kan-grq grqt

sit gls o^ kan-gls gist skin six ?C_Luj kan-slx slxt skip nqqz jij kan-nqqz nqqzt slap (in the face) srf q (jSjA^a kan-srf q srf qt trrs

(jijL kan-trrs trrst slaughter dbH r 1 ^^ kan-dbH dbHt sleep n L s (JiUU kan-n^s ngst sleep, to make n tt s (JiUU kan-n^s ntt st slide zlq (i^J

kan-zlq zlqt slip zlq (i^J kan-zlq zlqt smear lttx jk kan-lttx lttxt smell smm ajjj kan-smm smmit smile btasm A.UJJJ kan-btasm btasmt

smoke kma -* kan-kmi kmit smuggle hrrb i_jjA kan-hrrb hrrbt sneeze gts ^jJaC kan-^ts e.tst

Peace Corps/ Morocco 187

English Transcription Arabic First Person Present Tense

First Person Past Tense solder lHHm ^ kan-lHHm lHHItlt solve Hll J* kan-Hll Hllit speak tkllm f* 5 kan-tkllm tkllmt hdr uJaA kan-hdr hdrt dwa

tijj kan-dwi dwit specialize txsses

kan-txsses txssest

spend money srf ^^ kan-srf srf t spend the night bat CJu kan-bat btt spend time duwz jV

kan-duwz duwzt spin gzl Jjc kan-gzl gzlt spit dfl Jaj kan-df 1 dflt splash rss <-j kan-rss rssit spoil (a child) fsses (JjJjUlS kan-f sses

f ssest sprain dfe. <e J kan-df^ dfgt spray rss <A> kan-rss rssit squeeze L sr >uaC. kan-^sr L srt ziyr j!ij kan-ziyr ziyrt stamp tb t

tflkan-tb^ tbe.t stand wqf i_iaj kan-wqf wqf t stare angrily xnzr f t_i jjji. kan-xnzr xnzrt start bda lS^ kan-bda bdit startle xlL C

kan-xl^ Xlgt startled, to be txl t i^ kan-txl^ txlgt stay bqa ^ kan-bqa bqit gls oJS kan-gls gist stay up late shr JJ-> kan-shr shrt

steal srq <i>" kan-srq srqt sf f r )iju kan-sf f r sffrt step on eft Uo<kan-g_f t e ftt Lfs D-at kan-^f s e.fst sting qrs O^J kan-qrs

qrst stink xnz j^ kan-xnz xnzt stir Hrrk e^Sja. kan-Hrrk Hrrkt

188 Moroccan Arabic

English Transcription Arabic First Person Present Tense First Person Past Tense stop wqf ( S3 j

kan-wqf wqf t Hbs O"^ kan-Hbs Hbst stop speaking with txasm m^a *~g - ^ ^'' kan-txasm txasmt store xzn u>kan-xzn xznt strangle qj j kan-qj j qj jit

xnq S&kan-xnq xnqt strike (from work) dar 1 idrab lJj^\ jb kan-dir drt stroll tmssa ^j^USj kan-tmssa tmssit stretch jbbd ij^. kan- jbbd jbbdt kssl JL

kan-kssl ksslt study qra CiJ kan-qra qrit drs <_>"J J kan-drs drst succeed at nj h f -j ?x_ij kan-nj h nJHt suck mss !>=" kan-mss mssit sue

dga <y" kan-d^i suffer t^ddb i-jAxj kan-t^ddb t^ddbt suggest qtarH CJ^ kan-qtarH qtarHt sunbathe tsmms JS*B kan-tsmms tsmms t surprise f aj ' a

Lu kan-f aj ' a faj 'at surrender staslm fUkan-staslm staslmt survive nja ltH kan-nj a nj it L as (jilc. kan-^is tgS swallow srt ia u^ kan-srt

srtt swarm (bees) rte. to kan-rt^ rt t t swear Hlf b llah jilb ala kan-Hlf Hlft ^ahd .14 Ic kan-^ahd ^ahdt swear (oath) qsm AJ^i kan-qsm qsmt sweat t r 9

l_SjC kan-^rg L rgt t rc i Lijckan-^rq t r qt sweep sttb . iWn kan-sttb sttbt swell tnffx ^tijj kan-tnf fx tnf fxt swim L am ^ kan-^um

t t m switch (off) tfa ^ kan-tf i tfit switch (on) 3 el L>-^ kan-s _1

Peace Corps/ Morocco 189

English Transcription Arabic First Person Present Tense First Person Past Tense sympathize with t^atf m^a x-a ' iul**'

kan-t^atf tgatft take xda <_S^ kan-axud xdit take away/off Hyd "** kan-Hiyd Hiydt zuwl (Jjj kan-zuwl zuwlt take care of thlla f i_i ^j kan-thlla thllat

take charge of tkllf b (^ i fl\v* kan-tkllf tkllft talk tkllm j* kan-tkllm tkllmt hdr uJaA kan-hdr hdrt talk nonsense xrbq &j* kan-xrbq xrbqt tame ruwd o^jj

kan-ruwd ruwdt tape (record) sj jl (Ja_ui kan-s j j 1 sjjlt tape (scotch) lssq (JLaJ kan-lssq lssqt taste daq j|j kan-duq dqt teach qrra is'J kan-qrri

qrrit eiim -\<~. kan-^llm g_llmt tear something qtte. *J=a kan-qtt^ qtte.t tear (to be torn) tqttg. Jaaj kan-tqtt^ tqtt^t tease qssb ' # ' * kan-qssb qssbt tflla

Jfi kan-tf 11a tfllit telephone e.iyt f i_i UV. kan-^iyt e.iytt drb t tilif un vjjj3 m^)*^ 3 kan-drb drbt tell gal JS kan-gul git ^awd jjLc kan-^awd ^awdt

thaw dab ub kan-dub dbt think fkkr > kan-f kkr fkkrt xmmem r^ kan- xmmem xmmemt think that dnn blli ts^ O^ 3 kan-dnn dnnit threaten hdded jIa

kan-hdded hddedt thresh drs <_>"J J kan-drs drst throw laH C V kan-luH lHt rma L^J kan-rmi rmit tickle hrr > kan-hrr hrrit

tie rbt ^J kan-rbt rbtt tie (belt) Hzm f> kan-Hzm Hzmt

190 Moroccan Arabic

English Transcription Arabic First Person Present Tense First Person Past Tense tighten ziyr Jij kan-ziyr

ziyrt tired, to be tY a LSFkan-^ya eyit tired, to make e.iy a L0=kan-^iya e-iyit torture ^ddb (_JJC kan-^ddb ^ddbt touch qas <jii kan-qis qst

mss [JjLt kan-mss mssit trade taj r J& kan-ta j r taj rt train drrb M> kan-drrb drrbt translate tr jm f?\> kan-tr jm tr jmt travel saf r jaLi

kan-saf r saf rt treat (people) t^aml m^a *-G (J^aUU kan-t^aml t^amlt trick smt ' 3 a '" kan-smt smtt trip J^ kan-^tr e.trt trust taq f i_i (jt kan-tiq

tqt try (to attempt to do sth) Hawl J> kan-Hawl Hawlt try (to experience sth) j rrb M> kan- j rrb j rrbt try on qiys d4^ kan-qiys qiyst turn dar ]LJa kan-dur drt

turn around duwr 1^ kan-duwr duwrt turn down (volume) nqs mn t> (J- 3 ^ kan-nqs nqst turn off tfa ^ kan-tf i tfit turn on 5tl (JX-i kan-s g_l glt turn over sth qlb

i lia kan-qlb qlbt gib ^ kan-glb glbt twist lwa tijj kan-lwi lwit understand fhm (>* kan-fhm fhmt understand, to make fhhm c** kan-fhhm

fhhmt unite WHHd i^j kan-wHHd WHHdt upset qllq (jia kan-qllq qllqt upset, to be tqllq jfii kan-tqllq tqllqt use stagml (J-a*HuJ kan-sta^ml stagmlt

use (land) stagl (Jiiuj kan-stagl stagl t use to, to be of SlH 1 (J ii^ kan-slH SlHt used to, to become wllf l_i]j kan-wllf wllft

Peace Corps/ Morocco 191

English Transcription Arabic First Person Present Tense First Person

Past Tense useful, to be nfe. il kan-nf ^ nfet vaccinate lqqH kan-lqqH lqqHt visit zar JJ kan-zur zrt vomit tqiya JP> kan-tqiya tqiyit rdd

' J J kan-rdd rddit wait tsnna c^ kan-tsnna tsnnit L ayn iJ^ kan-^ayn ^aynt wake someone fiyq & kan-f iyq f iyqt wake up f aq (jti kan-f iq

fqt walk tmssa ts^^ kan-tmssa tmssit walk around tsara tijL^i kan-tsara tsarit tmssa CJ-^J kan-tmssa tmssit want bga LS^ kan-bgi bgit warm / heat

sxxn (ja^ui kan-sxxn sxxnt warm, to be sxn Lp-^j kan-sxn sxnt warn Hddr J^ kan-Hddr Hddrt water sqa (/ kan-sqi sqit sga ^SLu kan-sgi

sgit wash gsl JjoiC. kan-gsl gslt wash (clothes) sbbn LW*- 3 kan-sbbn sbbnt wash (floor) siyq iS*" kan-siyq siyqt waste diy^ * J '-^ kan-diy^ diygt

watch (TV) tf rr j jjii kan-tf rr j tf rr j t wave siyr 1 <J j^ 1 kan-siyr siyrt wear lbs o*^ kan-lbs lbst weave ns j ^a-uij kan-ns j ns j t weep

bka ^ kan-bki bkit weigh L br J^ kan-^br L brt wzn UJJ kan-wzn wznt welcome rHHb M^-J kan-rHHb rHHbt staqbl (J;' kan-staqbl staqblt

weld suda (_j_J*U kan-sudi sudit well, to be bra tJ* kan-bra brit wet, to make f zzg i^ja kan-f zzg f zzgt

192 Moroccan Arabic

English Transcription Arabic First Person Present Tense

First Person Past Tense wet, to be f zg J.J kan-f zg f zgt whistle sf f r jflj a kan-sf f r sffrt widen WSS _ frkj kan-wss^ wss^t win rbH C*J kan-rbH rbHt

wipe dry (floor) jffef i. *QQ-v kan- j f fef jffeft wipe off msH ^LMlwA kan-msH msHt nma ^5^ kan-mHi mHt wiped out, to be sxf i i-i .., kan-sxf sxf t wish tmnna

LT^ kan-tmnna tmnnit wither ybs <_>" kan-ybs ybst lwa ciji kan-lwa lwit witness shd i-S kan-shd shdt wonder at tejjb S-ft"" kan-t^j jb t t j jbt

xmmem f -j ,^i. kan -xmmem xmmemt work xdm r* kan-xdm xdmt worry tstn j^'' 1 " 1 kan-tstn tstnt wormy, to get duwd jjj kan-duwd duwdt worth, to be swa

l5J" kan-swa swit wound j th C^ kan- j rH j rHt write ktb t_i kan-ktb ktbt yawn tfuwh o ^ij kan-tf uwh tfuwht

Grammar Index

Peace Corps/ Morocco 193

Active Participles, 151 Adjectives Comparative, 81 Masculine and Feminine, 78 Singular and Plural, 78 Superlative, 82 Comparative Adjectives, 81 Comparing Like Objects, 81 Conditional, 111 Conjunctions, 154 Definite Article, 147 Demonstrative Adjectives, 16 Demonstrative Pronouns, 14 Duration, 17 Dyal, 13 Future Tense, 102 Negation, 103 gadi, 104 Have you ever..., 54 I've never..., 54 Imperative, 69 In order to, 68 Independent Pronouns, 7 Infinitive, 46 Intransitive Verbs Making into Transitive Verbs, 148 With Only One Participle, 153 Kayn, 37 Moon Letters, 147 Negation, 52 Nouns Masculine and Feminine, 9 Numbers I thru 10, 22 100, 200, 300 ... 999, 26 1000, 2000, 3000 ..., 27 II thru 19, 24 20,30,40.-99,25 Fractions, 30 Ordinal, 29 Object Pronouns, 55

Participles, 151 Active, 151 gadi, 104

Kayn, 37 Passive, 153 Passive Participles, 153 Passive Verbs, 149 Past Progressive, 150 Past Tense Irregular Verbs, 48 Regular Verbs, 46 Possession Dyal, 13 Pronouns, 8 Questions, 17 Possessive Pronouns, 8 Prepositions, 42 With Pronoun Endings, 115 With Verbs, 115 Present Tense Irregular Verbs with Final 'a', 64 Irregular Verbs with Middle 'a', 60 Regular Verbs, 58 Pronouns Independent, 7 Object, 55 Possessive, 8 Question Words, 56 Sun Letters, 147 Superlative Adjectives, 82 There is, 37 Time, 30 Using One Verb after Another, 68 Verbs Participles, 151 to have, 40 to need/have to/ should, 95 to please, 92 to remain, 151 to want, 36 to want/like, 96 Using One after Another, 68

194 Moroccan Arabic

Vocabulary Index

Adjectives, 78 Bargaining, 72 Body Parts, 97 Bus, 108 Butagas, 135 Butcher, 88 Buying Produce, 86 Cafe, 89 Cities, 10 City bus, 108 Clothing, 73 Colors, 75 Communication, 21 Congratulations, 21 Days of the Week, 45 Directions, 43 Doors and Windows, 139 Drinks, 89 Environment Sector, 122 Family, 38 Finding a House, 125 Food, 34, 84, 85, 88, 89 Fruit, 85 Furniture, 127 God Phrases, 157 Greetings, 5 Hanoot Items, 34 Health, 98

Health Sector, 123 Help, 20 Hotel, 110 Household Items, 127 Hygiene, 20 Islamic Calendar, 159 Kitchenware, 127 Marital Status, 10 Mealtime, 19

Meat, 88 Money, 33 Months, 45 Nationalities, 10 Nighttime, 20 Peace Corps, 120 Places in Town, 43 Police Station, 137 Political Harassment, 141 Post Office, 113 Prepositions, 42 Question Words, 56 Restaurant, 90 Seasons, 45 Sexual Harassment, 129 Shopping, 34 Sick, 21, 98 Site Visit, 100 Sleeping, 20 Small Business Development, 124 Spices, 88 Taxi, 107, 131

Thanking, 19 Theft, 137 Time Expressions Future, 105 Past, 46 Present, 59 Toiletries, 34 Train, 109 Transportation, 21 Travel, 107 Units of Measurement, 86 Vegetables, 84 Verbs, 47, 49, 50, 51, 61, 62, 63, 64, 66, 67 Youth Development, 121


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Peace Corps Morocco

2, Rue Abou Marouane Essaadi, Agdal - Rabat 10080, Morocco Tel. : 0537 68 37 80 - Fax : 0537 68 37 99

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