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Explore Kim Chengs Report to Wordsworth showing what feelings he is trying to arise in the reader and how he achieves


Boey Kim Cheng, in the poem Report to Wordsworth, is trying to arise the feelings of worry, chaos and sadness, firstly, by using poetic devices to make the reader realise the damage that has been done and the consequences that have to be faced. Besides, he not only uses personification of nature and upturned situations, but also mythological gods decadence to create a disordered atmosphere. Moreover, he uses the weakening role of music, poetry and religion to depict the surrounding grief.

To start with, the author begins the poem besetting the reader with worry by saying You should be here. Nature has need of you. The word you can be interpreted as if the author address the reader directly, evolving him in the situation that the author has just started to tell. Probably, the intention of the author is create a link between the reader and nature which will be developed through the poem. Concern fillings start to be built through the idea that nature needs the readers help as well as his presence, which shows another aspect of the reader evolvement in the situation.

Moreover, the feelings of worry are highlighted in the course of the tenth line where is established the destructive human nature. The word insatiate clearly allude to the idea of how greed and ambitious can be the human beings, portraying the harmful that have been made and how, due to its nature, humankind is not able to stop. Additionally, at the end of the poem, there is a perturbing parallelism between the last God cry with the end of the world as we know it. As it is said at the end, the author is trying to raise readers apprehension related to the fact that the Earth time is finishing. Human destruction has reached such high levels that God is preparing the ultimate decision to restart a new world. This may make the reader scare but at the same time aware that if humankind do not start to act consciously, their destiny would be at the verge of destruction.

Secondly, the third stanza contributes to build an atmosphere of confusion through the allusion to personification of nature and unusual situations on nature. The act of

giving human qualities to inanimate things saying the flowers are mute put across the idea of disorder. This idea is shown as well trough the upturned situation of few birds flying, which is not normal and helps the reader to see the chaotic situation. Apart from the personification of nature and upturned situations, the sense of chaos is evident from the fifth to the ninth stanza, where the author uses mythological figures in weak situations to emphasise this idea. To start with, the author refers to the Greek sea-god Proteus who lost all this hopes all hopes of Proteus rising from the sea have sunk because he is entombed in the waste. The word entombed refers to natural destruction and suggests he is hidden in the waste of the sea by the excess of pollution and contamination, which illustrates the weakness of such a powerful figure. Then, referents to ancient Greek Gods, the author continue with Tritons, saying that his horns are chocked and his eyes dazed. A more attentive approach to these words would reveal, not only how he is totally paralyzed by the waste, but also he is giving again the idea of the collapse of another potent mythological figure. To continue with, it appears the most significant image of this poem where the author tries to render the feeling of chaos by stating and Neptune lies helpless as a beached whale. It is significant because Neptune is the King of the Seas and so if he is forced on his knees by human pollution, all hopes are vanished. Probably the comparison with a whale accentuates what was previously said. A whale is a docile animal and people have huge sympathy for it. The death of a whale highlights the atrocities caused by pollution.

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