The Enlightening Answer The Ether Vol 1

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The Enlightening Answer across the Ether (Al-Jawab) Volume 1

Table of contents Q1: How can I believe in Sayyed Ahmad Al-Hassan (PBUH) ? Q2: What are the contents of your call and its goals? Q3: How does Jesus (PBUH) pray behind someone who is not a prophet? Q4: How do I understand the statement "As for the Khumus, it is permitted to our followers" Q5: what the dog of the people of the cave means? Q6: The interpretation of a vision in the shrine of the prince of believers. Q7: The interpretation of a vision regarding a roof and a green garden. Q8: Did the picking of Adam (PBUH) to the fruit effected the tree? Q9: How do you prove to the general community who you are? Q10: What is the way work with the knowledge of the letters? Q11: Do you know of the hour of your death? Q12: What are the characters that qualified you to this mission? Q13: Are you from the inevitable? and what character do you represent? Q14: His words the Most High {And when Musa said to his people: O my people! you have surely been unjust to yourselves by taking the calf (for a god), therefore turn to your Creator (penitently), so kill your people, that is best for you with your Creator: so He turned to you (mercifully), for surely He is the Oftreturning (to mercy), the Merciful.} Q15: How do you prove by the logical and narrative evidence that you are the 5th embassador? Q16: Is there a power that controls your subconscious? Q17: An evidence of your high manners. Q18: How is that you ask about my degree of knowledge, doesn't your Imam inform you of who I am and my academic level? Q19: Are you the successor of the Imam (PBUH) or his son? Q20: The benefit from the story of Moses (PBUH) in his journey to meet the Khudur (PBUH). Q21: The Biography of Sayyed Ahmad Al-Hassan (PBUH). Q22: Can you inform me of the permitted unseen? Q23: What is the Holy Spirit in the Quran? Q24: The word of the Most High {And for those who fear Allah, He (ever) prepares a way out,} Q25: What are the categories that the sword of the Imam (PBUH) reaches? Q26: What is my duty towards the holy call? Q27: The letter of the Simmary. Q28: Under whom did the Sayyed study? And is he from the progeny of the Imam (PBUH)? Q29: Is it permissible for a woman to travel for Zeyara without a Mahrim? Q30: What is your religious thesis that you came with? Q31: The full family tree. Q32: The base of the issue, which you came to call for. Q33: The way to believe in your claim. Q34: The Claim of Al-Qaisi and his denial to the successorship and message. Q35: The question of Majid Al-Mahdy in regards to the two hidden names in Sorat Al-Fatiha. Q36: How can I believe while many claim? Q37: Why wasn't the Quran collected according to its descendent? Q38: why did you denounce the police force although their intention is to provide for their families? Q39: What is the verdict in removing the hair from the cheeks? Q40: What is the meaning of (The river, the worshipers of the sun, and the disassociation from Ali (PBUH) ) at the time of the Riser? Q41: Following the verdicts by conservation as according to three letters of verdicts. Q42: Who are the progeny of "So and so" in the shout of Gabrial (PBUH)? Q43: The marriage of a Muslim woman from a Christian man. Q44: How would someone know the verdicts if you have annulled the Marja' ? Q45: The threatening of Hamad Al Mulhan. Q46: I will be a servant if you heal me.

Q47: Twenty different questions. Q48: The way to see Imam Al-Mahdy (PBUH) and the invitation for a debate. Q49: Why don't you show a miracle to the general community? Q50: A request for details in regards to Khumus and Zaka. Q51: What distinguish you from the rest of the proclaimers? Question 1: What is the shortest way to believe that Sayyed Ahmad Al-Hassan is a messenger and successor of Imam Al-Mahdi (as)? Zainab al Mossawy, 16/Safar/1426 H Answer: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful, and all praises be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, The shortest way to believe in the unseen is the unseen, ask Allah after fasting for three days and begging by the right of Fatima (pbuh) daughter of Muhammad (pbuhap) that you get to know the truth from Allah through visions or kashf [vision while awake] or by any of His (swt) unseen signs of the kingdom. Ahmad Al-Hassan

Question 2
Question 2: What are the contents and objectives of your message? Rita George, 16/Safar/1426 H Answer: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful, and Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. Jesus (pbuh) said "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God" And I, the servant of God, tell you: With food, the son of Adam shall die, and with the word of God, he shall live. My mission is similar to Noah's (A.S), Abraham's (A.S), Moses' (A.S), Jesus' (A.S), and to Mohammad's (PBUH). My mission is to spread monotheism (belief that there is only one God) in every place on this Earth. The purpose of the Prophets and Executors is my own purpose and to explain the Torah, the Bible and the Quran, and whatever you disagreed upon. To explain the deviation of the Jewish, Christian and Muslim scholars and their secession from the Law of God, and their violation of Prophets' recommendations (A.S) My will is the will and volition of God (to Whom be ascribed all perfection and majesty); for the people of Earth to crave for nothing but God's will; to overwhelm the Earth with justice and fairness, just like it is filled with tyranny and oppression; to feed the hungry and shelter the poor; to bring joy to orphans after their prolonged sadness; to fulfill the widows' material needs with honor and dignity; and to achieve the most important thing in the Law of God; justice, mercy and honesty. I would appreciate it if you can honestly explain to me your belief in Jesus, son of Mary (A.S) and support your belief with verses from the Bible to enable me to guide you (and all seekers of truth) to the truth, as well as those who are afraid of both judgment days; the minor and the major, and those who are afraid of the hereafter and afraid of God (to Whom be ascribed all perfection and majesty).

Ahmad Al Hassan

Question 3
Question 3: How do you say that Prophet Jesus will appear at the end of time, and that he will pray behind the person whom you say is not a prophet, and is called "Muhammad Al-Mahdi? Is this not strange? How can a prophet pray behind a man who is not a prophet? Reta. Jorj - A Christian Woman 16/Suffr/1426 H. Answer: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful, and praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds Sister, the prayer of Prophet of God, Jesus the son of Mary (A.S), behind Imam Al Mahdi (A.S) can be explained in two ways: First: That Imam Al Mahdi (A.S) is greater than the Prophet of God, Jesus (A.S). Of course, Imam Al Mahdi cannot be better unless he has the same rank of prophethood, in which case, the problem which you referred to cannot arise. Even if I believe in the previously mentioned, I will present the second option and respond to both. Second: That Jesus (A.S) is greater than Al Mahdi (A.S), and in such case, the problem which you have presented will arise in the circle of seeking truth and honesty. The answer exists in the Torah and Bible, or the Old and New Testaments, and it also exists in the Quran. From the Torah (the Old Testament), I will choose for you the story of Saul (Taloot) and David (A.S). David is one of God's prophets, and greater than Saul. However, at the beginning, David was a soldier in Saul's army (A.S), was under his command and was a follower of his, as Saul (A.S) was a king assigned by God (to Whom be ascribed all perfection and majesty). So David (A.S) killed Goliath (Galoot) at the same time as David (A.S) was one of Saul's soldiers. Read Samuel 1- Chapter 17 in the Torah, and the story of Taloot (Saul) in the Quran. As for the Bible or the New Testament, I choose for you the story of Jesus (A.S), and Yahia (A.S) (or John). Jesus (A.S) is greater than John (A.S), however, Jesus came to John A.S to baptize him, even though this thing represents sanctification, purification and chastening. In this regard, John (A.S) acted as a proof of God over Jesus (A.S). Chapter three of Matthew states: "Then comes Jesus from Galilee to the Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him. But John forbade him, saying, I have need to be baptized of you and you come to me? But Jesus answered him saying, permit it now: for thus it becomes us to fulfil all righteousness. By then he permitted him. And Jesus when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove, and coming upon him..". In both cases, David and Jesus (A.S) were better than John and Saul (A.S). Praise be to God only. Ahmad Al Hassan

Question 4
Question 4: The khoms was allowed for our Shia until the day of the appearance, how can I understand this noble phrase said by my master and Imam (pbuh)?

Alaa Razaq, 13/Rabi 1/1426 H Answer: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful, and praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. So their birth can be blessed, and for his followers to be legitimate sons and not bastard sons if their sperms and bodies were formed from impermissible money that was unlawfully acquired from the successor of Allah in His land, and khoms is private money, for his owner is free to spend it as he wills, and no one has the right to object. Its owner is Imam Al-Mahdi (pbuh) in this current time, and his successors. Ahmad Al-Hassan

Question 5
Question 5: May I know what or who is meant by the dog of the people of the cave? And if it was an ordinary dog, why was it mentioned more than once in this story, and sometimes in the plural form (....the fifth of them being their dog)? Please clarify. Alaa Razaq, 8/Rabi 1/1426 H Answer: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful, and praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. There was an ordinary dog along with the people of the cave (pbut), but the important thing was not that dog but its whoever controls the dog; [who does that] is a jinn named Qatmir (and jinns have the ability to take over the animals like cats and dogs to drive it), and this jinn, Qatmir wanted to catch their attention through this dog to his presence and his ability to help them after he believed in their call, and Qatmir is one of those jinns who have the ability to fill the hearts with terror and shake the hearts of the brave, Allah (swt) said: and their dog stretching forth his two forelegs on the threshold: if you had come up on to them, you would have certainly turned back from them in flight, and would certainly have been filled with terror of them . And the one who was filling the hearts of whoever approaches them with fear was this jinn Qatmir who was guarding them. And Qatmir is one of the ansar (followers) of al-Qaim (pbuh). Ahmad al Hassan

Question 6
Question 6: Thank you for giving the attention to a lost person like me who is looking for his imam but his selfishness and his love for this life is keeping him from doing so, and now I had a vision that I would like to tell you about, I think it concerns Sayyed Ahmad Al-Hassan. About one year ago, a group of friends and I were talking about Sayyed Ahmad Al-Hassan and the validity of his words, and on the same night I saw in a dream: me and my brother Fahmy and my friend Sayyed Ghaleb were standing on the door of Imam Ali (pbuh), the door before the pure door of the Shrine, we were standing and looking at the shrine which was surrounded by a halo of light through the door of the shrine, as if we crossed the first door and we still had to cross the second one. This is the vision and Allah knows best. Alaa Razaq, 8/Rabi 1/1426 H Answer: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful, and all praises be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds

It is like that, Allah willing. Ahmad al Hassan

Question 7
Question 7: Once I saw in a dream my master imam al Mahdi (pbuh) talking to me through the rooms window while I am inside it, he told me: I (meaning himself (pbuh)) am so near, then he pointed to a simple house that was near from this place, and said: that is my house and if you go up to the roof you will find a green wide garden. What is the interpretation of al sayyed Ahmad al Hassan for this vision? May Allah reward you. Alaa Razaq, 6/Rabi 1/1426 H Answer: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful, and all praises be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds The green is the religion, and the roof is the ascension in Allahs kingdom. And in this vision you have a simple aspect between your hands and it is the website of the ansar (followers) on the internet and the green wide garden is the knowledge on the website, and the roof is the ether; the communication method for the internet, and the window is your window on the website, and the simple house is the website itself as it is small in size Ahmad al Hassan

Question 8
Question 8: When Adam (pbuh) picked from the tree, did this cutting cause any changes in the cycle of duties of this tree? Alaa Razaq, 13/Rabi 1/1426 H Answer: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful, and all praises be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds The tree is the tree of the knowledge of Al Muhammad (pbut), and it wasnt affected but Adam (pbuh) didnt benefit from it, because he wasnt allowed to take from it, Allah (swt) said: And verily We made a covenant of old with Adam, but he forgot, and We found no constancy in him. 20:115 Rather he was badly affected and this was reflected on some of his descendants, And when We said unto the angels: Fall prostrate before Adam, they fell prostrate (all) save Iblis; he refused. 20:116 Ahmad al Hassan

Question 9
Question 9: After Salams How do you prove to people that you are what you are? Also I want to know what is your Jurisprudence, is it the same Jurisprudence of todays scholars, or is it different, and if it is different can you give us an example for that? Many thanks.

Sadeq / Master of Religious Science, 25/Safar/1426 H Answer: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful, and all praises be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds I prove it just as Noah (pbuh) and Hud (pbuh) and Muhammad (pbuh) did by Allah (swt). As for the Jurisprudence it is for you to ask and for me to deliver you the answer. Ahmad al Hassan

Question 10
Question 10: Al salam alaykom wa rahmatullah wa barakatoh May Allah keep you for serving Islam and the sunnah of the greatest prophet (pbuhahf) and his purified family from every sin and misdeed, may Allah keep you for serving our master the imam of our age and time, and make us and you from his ansar (followers) and servants, our question to the respected master is about the great knowledge of the letters, and how it work in details, (one of Allahs gifts to you is the peoples need for you) May Allah keep you proud and respectful. Safaa al Debissy, 24/Rabi 1/1426 H Answer: You will find the answer to a part of your question in the book: Interpretation of Al-Tawheed (Monotheism) chapter, which will be released in the future if we were still alive, Allah willing, and it is all in Allahs hand, and perhaps Allah (swt) would make me successful in issuing a book about the knowledge of the letters in the future, Allah willing. Ahmad al Hassan

Question 11
Question 11: Greetings Sir, do you know the hour of your death through your imam? Rita George, 25/Rabi 1/1426 H Answer: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful, and all praises be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds I know if I saw some signs that my time to return to Allah (swt) is approaching. Ahmad al Hassan

Question 12
Question 12: To the respected sir Ahmad al Hassan Greetings...

What are the qualities that made you qualified for this task? Or lets say what are the qualities that distinguished you from all Shia which made your Mahdi chooses you as his representative? Rita George, 25/Rabi 1/1426 H Answer: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful, and all praises be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. When Allah spoke to Moses (pbuh), He said to him: If you come to supplicate, have someone who is lesser in degree than you accompany you. So whenever Moses (pbuh) saw someone, he didn't dare to say i am better than him, so he started to consider in a lower species and when he saw a mangy dog, he said this dog will accompany me, so he put a rope around the dog's neck, then in the middle of the road, Moses (pbuh) looked at the dog and said: i don't know in which tongue do you praise Allah so how can i be better than you? So Moses (pbuh) let the dog loose and went to supplicate. So Allah said: O Moses where is what i commanded you to do? So Moses (pbuh) said: O Allah, did not find, so Allah said: O son of Emran, if you had not let the dog loose, i would have erased your name from the council of prophethood. And me, the despicable servant, it never cross my mind that i am better than a mangy dog, but i see myself as a great sin standing between the hands of a benignant, merciful god. Ahmad al Hassan

Question 13
Question 13: My virtuous master Al salam alaykom wa rahmatullah wa barakatoh, We heard about your call since its beginning and we tried to see you and speak with you about it in al Najaf al Ashraf, but we did not succeed, for a reason that only Allah is aware of. My master Allah has blessed us by showing us Ahlul Bayt (the family of Muhammad) (pbut), and by trying to win their love through any way they are satisfied with, and at the beginning we thought that by following the scholars and by endeavoring, that we are on the clear and right path to get close to them and to win their love (pbut), but Allah has blessed us and showed us how ill this path is and how they are conspiring against them (pbut), and whenever we have endeavored in walking we found ourselves drifting away from the true path (their speed is taking them further away), so thank god we found out about this 5 or 6 years ago, and since that time we are looking for what gathers our scattered matters and re-installs our being that we wrecked thinking were performing an act of worship to Allah, after we found it full of idols and paths of satan, so all praises and thanks to Allah. My master, we followed your case and learned almost all of your publications, and we prayed for you secretly and openly, and we informed the people about your matter and the truth that you are following, counting on visions and signs that Allah has blessed us with. My master, sorry for the prolongation, but i have things to ask about and it is up to you to answer or not: 1. Are you inevitable or not? 2. If you are inevitable, which personality do you represent? 3. And are you the first or the second of the personality? 4. My master, it is mentioned in the hadiths that the prince of the believers and al Hussein and the rest of the Imams (pbut) will return to the world, so will they return through the actual persons or through their personalities? And if it is through personalities, which infallible do you represent?

And thank you for your kind. Fahmy Saleh, 27/Rabi 1/1426 H Answer: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful, and all praises be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. (1), (2), (3), (4): I am the despicable, wretch, and weak servant, with little work and lots of faults, see myself as a great sin between the hands of a benignant and merciful god, my father and master Muhammad ibn al Hassan al Mahdi (pbuh) commanded me to say these words: I am a stone in Ali ibn abi Talebs (pbuh) right hand that one day he threw to guide Noahs (pbuh) ark with it, and another time to save Abraham (pbuh) from Nimrods fire, and another time to save Jonah (pbuh) from the belly of the whale, and spoke to Moses (pbuh) with it, on al Tor, and made it a staff parting the seas, and a shield for David (the star of David), and was armed with it in the battle of Uhud and folded it with his right hand in the battle of Siffin. Ahmad al Hassan

Question 14
Question 14: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful And when Moses said unto his people: O my people! Ye have wronged yourselves by your choosing of the calf (for worship) so turn in penitence to your Creator, and kill (the guilty) yourselves. That will be best for you with your Creator and He will relent toward you. Lo! He is the Relenting, the Merciful. 2:54 To the generous Ahmad al Hassan the vicegerent and messenger from imam al Mahdi, may Allahs peace and blessings be upon you, I am a Shia Muslim citizen who heard about your call and gave it much of my time, not because I believe in it or in you, but for the possibility that maybe my meeting with al imam al Mahdi would be through you, for I am sick of worshipping human idols, those who called themselves the great Maraja, and they are ashes indeed, and because I got so excited when I heard you in your statements demolishing this idolatry that is perched on the chest of the nation, the nation of Muhammad (pbuhahf), so what I really hope is that you, for the sake of your grandfather if you are from the progeny of the prophet, pray for me that I get the honor, even if it is through a vision, to see the imam al Mahdi, who became almost like a shadow that I am chasing and cannot find. My master, I am really sad that he is away from us, or you can say me being away from him, I dont care about anything except meeting him, I want to be a human being the way Allah and His prophet wants me to be, I am sorry master for taking much of your time but I see you as a ray of hope from a distant place, and thank you. And may peace be upon you, your brother in Islam, Abo Maryam. Note: If there is an answer from the ansar (followers) of imam Ahmad al Hassan (pbuh) then I dont want it, only from the Imam himself and I dont think he wont answer as my message is directed to him. Abo Maryam, 23/Rabi 1/1426 H Answer: In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful, and all praises to Allah god of all worlds, Brother Abo Maryam, I (and I seek refuge by Allah from the I (ego)) am the poor servant resting between the hands of the lord.

I call you and whoever asking for the truth to raise an axe just like Abraham (pbuh) did, and to demolish all the idols that are worshiped instead of Allah, including the idol existing within you which is the I (ego). And increase your invocations to Allah, and know that no matter how much you do it you wont pass the heedless until you adhere to Allahs caliph and become one of the people who prostrate. And decrease your interest in the worldly life, and know that no matter how much you abstain from it youre still interested in it until you achieve the ascension, and free yourself from the fire of this life and the next. On the authority of Aban bin Taghleb, from Abi Abdullah (pbuh), said: I said to him: may I be ransomed for you, about Allahs verse: But he hath not attempted the Ascent. - 90:11 so he said: whoever Allah honors by making him our follower has achieved the ascension, and we are this ascent in which whoever achieves is saved, he said: so he remained silent, then said to me: shall i make you benefit from a word that is better for you than the world and all that is in it? I said: yes, may I be ransomed for you, he said: Allahs word: To free a slave, then he said: all people are slaves of fire, except you and your companions, for Allah made you free and kept you away from hellfire by making you our (Ahlul-Bayt) followers. And Isa (pbuh) said: And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me. Matthew 11:6 Sacrifice yourself between the hands of your lord so you can win today and tomorrow a cup that you are never to go thirsty after having it, in the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful Lo! We have given thee Abundance; (1) So pray unto thy Lord, and sacrifice. (2) Lo! it is thy insulter (and not thou) who is without posterity. (3) Quran 108 And on the authority of Al Imam Al Reda (pbuh), he said: I heard Abi Mosa bin Jaffar saying: I heard Abi Jaffar bin Muhammad saying: I heard Abi Muhammad bin Ali saying: I heard Abi Ali bin Al Hussein saying: I heard Abi Al Hussein bin Ali saying: I heard my father, the prince of the believers (pbuh) saying: I heard the prophet (pbuhahf) saying: I heard Allah (swt) saying: La Ilaha Illa Allah (there is no god but Allah) is my fortress, so whoever enters my fortress is safe from my torment, he said: so he called us: with its conditions, and I am one of its conditions. And truth is, I am one of its conditions. I came to you representing Al Imam Al Mahdi (pbuh), and its not my will its the will of the one who sent me, for whoever does not accept me does not accept my father who sent me. And the truth is that whoever is not generous with the son is not generous with the father who sent him. I wont complain about you to Allah, but my grandfather the prophet of Allah (pbuhahf) will; because he mentioned me in his will, by my name and my lineage and my character. And my fathers, the Imams (pbut) will; because they mentioned me by my name and my lineage and my character and by place. And the blood of Al Hussein (pbuh) that was spilled in Karbala for Allah and for my father (pbuh) and for me will. And Isaiah and Jeremiah and Daniel and John the Theologian will; because they made my matter clear to the people of the earth many years ago, all this and you fail me? I want your safety, so back me up over yourselves, so blessed is the one who sacrifices himself between the

hands of his lords, blessed is he whosoever shall not be offended in me, blessed are the strangers, who are insane to the people of the earth, sane to the people of the heaven. If you want to see Al Imam Al Mahdi (pbuh), do this prayer after midnight for forty days: In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful O Allah, you are the guide for the confused, and the sanctuary for the distressed, and the helper for the people who are seeking help, I have no other god except you to call upon and no partner to you so I can beg him, send your peace and blessings upon Muhammad and his family and make a respite for my matter, and guide me to a right path nearer than this one, I knocked on your door, i have settled down at the yard of your holiness after my journey, asking for your testimony, and I am the despicable and humble servant and you are the lord, the most capable and the great, make the matter of Ahmad al Hassan clear to me with the most clear statement, and the most eloquent tongue, so if he is your caliph, I will believe him and pay allegiance to him and support him, and if he is your enemy, i will not believe him and I will fight him, O You who inspired the disciples and testified that Isa (pbuh) is His prophet, And when I inspired the disciples, (saying): Believe in Me and in My messenger, they said: We believe. Bear witness that we have surrendered (unto Thee) 5:111 Testify and make this matter clear to me, for my hair and flesh and blood and bones and what the earth carries of me testified that your testimony is the biggest testimony, Say (O Muhammad): What thing is of most weight in testimony? Say: Allah is Witness between you and me 6:19 O You who showed Himself to the disbelievers of the message of Muhammad (pbuhahf) testifying: They who disbelieve say: Thou art no messenger (of Allah). Say: Allah, and whosoever hath knowledge of the Scripture, is sufficient witness between me and you. - 13:43 Or say they: He hath invented it? Say (O Muhammad): If I have invented it, still ye have no power to support me against Allah. He is best aware of what ye say among yourselves concerning it. He sufficeth for a witness between me and you. And He is the Forgiving, the Merciful. 46:8 Say: Allah sufficeth for a witness between me and you. Lo! He is Knower, Seer of His slaves. 17:96 So they renounced in Your Witness, Testify for me O Lord, as I will not renounce Your witness, and I witness that visions are true from You, and the forefront of Your inspiration, and Your Words that You have favored over the Worlds, O Thee who praised Ibrahim and made the Prophethood from his offspring. Because he believed the visions, then You said (swt): And We called out to him saying: O Ibrahim! - You have indeed shown the truth of the vision; surely thus do We reward the doers of good. - 37:104-105 And you praised Maryam and then You said (swt): And Mary the daughter of 'Imran, who guarded her chastity; and We breathed into (her body) of Our spirit; and she testified to the truth of the words of her Lord. - 66:12 O Thee who spoke to Muhammad (pbuh) and then said (swt): We narrate unto thee (Muhammad) the best of narratives in that We have inspired in thee this Qur'an, though aforetime thou wast of the heedless - When Joseph said unto his father: O my father! Lo! I saw in a dream eleven planets and the sun and the moon, I saw them prostrating themselves unto me. - 12:3-4

So You named the visions the best of narratives inside Your Holy Book, and you praised those who believed in them from your guardians, prophets, and messengers, and You vilified those who disclaimed in them and named them muddled dreams and then you said Your saying of truth: Their reckoning draweth nigh for mankind, while they turn away in heedlessness. - Never cometh there unto them a new reminder from their Lord but they listen to it while they play, - With hearts preoccupied. And they confer in secret. The wrong-doers say: Is this other than a mortal like you? Will ye then succumb to magic when ye see (it)? - He saith: My Lord knoweth what is spoken in the heaven and the earth. He is the Hearer, the Knower. - Nay, say they, (these are but) muddled dreams; nay, he hath but invented it; nay, he is but a poet. Let him bring us a portent even as those of old (who were Allah's messengers) were sent (with portents). - 21:1-5 And the crowd and guards of pharaoh said: They said: Confused/muddled dreams, and we do not know the interpretation of dreams. - 12:44 And Yusuf believed in the vision and interpreted it, and then You praised him and said (swt): Yusuf! O truthful one! - 12:46 O Allah, make me like your guardians, prophets and messengers, believing in the visions, the forefront of Your inspiration, and Your words that You have favored over the Worlds, and the best of narratives in Your Holy Book, and that I do not repeal Your testament, nor do I dishonor Your promise) Then you say: Save me O Thy Lord by the right of Fatima, Have Mercy on me O Thy Lord by the right of Fatima, Guide me O Thy Lord by the right of Fatima. Ahmad al Hassan

Question 15
Question 15: You Shia are saying that there were only four representatives for Al Imam Al Mahdi with no more representatives after that, so what is the logical proof, and what is the proof from the Holy Books (Quran, Torah, and Gospel) that you are the fifth representative? Rita George, 25/Rabi 1/1426 H Answer: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful, and all praises be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. In the Torah, the 2nd Book of Kings, Second Chapter: It happened, when Yahweh would take up Elijah by a whirlwind into heaven Elijah took his mantle, and wrapped it together, and struck the waters, and they were divided here and there, so that they two went over on dry ground. It happened, when they had gone over, that Elijah said to Elisha, Ask what I shall do for you, before I am taken from you. Elisha said, Please let a double portion of your spirit be on me. He said, You have asked a hard thing. If you see me when I am taken from you, it shall be so for you; but if not, it shall not be so.

It happened, as they still went on, and talked, that behold, a chariot of fire and horses of fire separated them; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven. Elisha saw it, and he cried, My father, my father, the chariots of Israel and its horsemen! He saw him no more This is the case of Allahs prophet and messenger, Elijah (pbuh), and he is raised and didnt die until now and he is doing lots of work for Allah in His (swt) land, but the people of the earth dont see him; because they are blind though their eyes are open, and Khidr (pbuh) who is also raised and doing works on the earth by the command of Allah (swt), and Isa (pbuh) is also raised and doing works on the earth by the command of Allah (swt), also Al Imam Al Mahdi Muhammad ibn Al Hassan (pbuh) is raised and doing works on the earth by the command of Allah (swt). And in the beginning when Isa (pbuh) was raised, he sent his vicegerents and messengers to confirm the truth that he brought from Allah (swt) and to spread Allahs religion in His land, like: Simon Peter, and John the Theologian. Moreover, the message from Isa (pbuh) was cut and this doesnt mean that it was cut for good, for there is no logical proof nor a proof from the Holy Books that supports this, rather the contrary, that Isa (pbuh) will send his representative when it is time for his return and when the small resurrection is near, and I shall give the proof in the following, God willing. As for Al Imam Al Mahdi (pbuh), he sent his four representatives in his small occultation that lasted for about seventy years, with no more representatives sent from him after that, also this doesnt mean that it was cut for good, rather the contrary, that he will send his messenger when it is time for his return and when the small resurrection is near, and I shall give the proof in the following, God willing. And now before we examine the proof matter that they send a messenger who represents them, lets examine the matter of these four (pbut), Khidr and Elijah and Isa and Muhammad ibn Al Hassan Al Mahdi (pbut), and are they one or many? And truth is, their matter is one, and they are united and they are not many and there is no difference between them, because their lord is one and their religion is one; which is submission to Allah (swt), and they all call to Allah and work by His command, and the truth they are calling to is one and their goal is one; which is the small resurrection, and their purpose is one; which is to spread justice and monotheism and the worshipping of Allah on this earth the way Allah (swt) wants, for they are one with no difference between them, and they are asking for one purpose and one goal, and their lord and god is one, so the messenger from them all must be one, and he is also a messenger from Allah, because they all work by His command, for whoever represents them represents Allah, and whoever succeeds them on the earth succeeds Allah (swt), because they are Allahs successors in his land. And now lets mention some of the proofs that they (pbut) send a messenger when it is time for the small resurrection and the state of divine justice, and just some proofs would be sufficient due to the limiting position (answering through a letter) that keeps us from getting into details. First: in the Quran, and the sayings of the prophet Muhammad (pbuhahf), and the sayings of the Imams (pbut). 1) In the Quran: a) Allah (swt) said: But watch thou (O Muhammad) for the day when the sky will produce visible smoke (10) That will envelop the people. This will be a painful torment. - (Then they will say): Our Lord relieve us of the torment. Lo! we

are believers. - How can there be remembrance for them, when a messenger making plain (the Truth) had already come unto them, - And they had turned away from him and said: One taught (by others), a madman? - Lo! We withdraw the torment a little. Lo! ye return (to disbelief). - On the day when We shall seize them with the greater seizure, (then) in truth We shall punish. 44:10-16 And this smoke is a torment, and the torment precedes the message, Allah (swt) said: We never punish until we have sent a messenger. 17:15 Also this smoke or torment is a punishment for the people who are about to be tortured who denied the messenger while he is between them, as it is clear in the verse: And they had turned away from him and said: One taught (by others), a madman? 44:14 And this smoke or torment is revealed so the people of the earth believe in this messenger after it covers them, just as the torment covered the people of Jonah (pbuh) And this smoke or torment is associated with the small resurrection; rather it is the small seizure as it is clear in the verse, for there is nothing after it except the greater seizure and taking vengeance on the oppressors. So the smoke is one of the signs to the emergence of Al-Qaim (Al Mahdi), and this was told by the Imams (pbut), and it is associated with a messenger, rather the reason for it is that the people of the earth denied this messenger, so it is a punishment for them: How can there be remembrance for them, when a messenger making plain (the Truth) had already come unto them 44:13 So who is this messenger? And who sent him? b) Allah (swt) said: All that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth glorifieth Allah, the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One, the Mighty, the Wise. - He it is Who hath sent among the unlettered ones a messenger of their own, to recite unto them His revelations and to make them grow, and to teach them the Scripture and wisdom, though heretofore they were indeed in error manifest, - Along with others of them who have not yet joined them. He is the Mighty, the Wise. - That is the bounty of Allah; which He giveth unto whom He will. Allah is of Infinite bounty. 62:1-4 Meaning, along with others of them who have not yet joined them, that He (swt) will send them a messenger of their own, to recite unto them His revelations and to make them grow and to teach them the scripture and wisdom . And definitely Muhammad (pbuhahf) cant be also the one who recites unto the others who comes after his return to Allah, so there must be a messenger, and who is also sent among the unlettered ones, meaning the mother of all villages (Mecca) of his age, and he has these qualities; reciting the revelations and making the people grow, meaning purify them so they look at the kingdom of the heavens and teach them the scripture and wisdom. c) Allah (swt) said: And for every nation there is a messenger. And when their messenger cometh (on the Day of Judgment) it will be judged between them fairly, and they will not be wronged. 10:47 And in the hadith on the authority of Jaber, on the authority of Jaffar (pbuh), said: I asked him about the interpretation of the verse:

And for every nation there is a messenger. And when their messenger cometh (on the Day of Judgment) it will be judged between them fairly, and they will not be wronged. 10:47 He (pbuh) said: it has an esoteric meaning; that is for every century there is a messenger from AlMuhammad to this nation, who emerges in his century as a messenger to them, and they are the guardians and the messengers. As for: it will be judged between them fairly, he said: it means that the messengers judge fairly and that they will not be wronged, as Allah said. And this is sufficient, or else it would take much longer if we reviewed the quranic proofs. 2) Many hadiths were told by prophet Muhammad (pbuhahf), which were conveyed by Shia and Sunna indicates the existence of a Mahdi and Qaim who precedes Al-Imam Al-Mahdi (pbuh), and he is connected to him, and a messenger from him (pbuh), and he is his Yamin (right) and successor. And the will of the prophet of Allah (pbuhahf) indicates that person by his name and status, and he is the first Mahdi, and his name is Ahmad, and he is a descendant of Al-Imam Al-Mahdi (pbuh). Also the Imams (pbut) described this person who Al-Imam Al-Mahdi sends, by his name and place and his attributes, and his name is Ahmad and he is from Al-Basra and and and I apologize for not mentioning the hadiths, just to keep it short, and for more information please refer to the books published by the followers of Al-Imam Al-Mahdi (pbuh), such as: The Clear Statement (Al-Balagh Al-Mubeen), The Decisive Reply (Al-Radd Al-Hassem), and The Shattering Reply (Al-Radd Al-Qassem), and some of the statements in which I addressed some of these narratives that were conveyed by the senior Shia scholars hundreds of years ago, on the authority of the prophet and the Imams, and some of these narratives were conveyed by the Sunni scholars in their books. Second: in the Torah a) Book of Isaiah: And He will lift up an ensign to the nations from far, and will hiss unto them from the end of the earth; and, behold, they shall come with speed swiftly; None shall be weary nor stumble among them; none shall slumber nor sleep; neither shall the girdle of their loins be loosed, nor the latchet of their shoes be broken; Whose arrows are sharp, and all their bows bent; their horses' hoofs shall be counted like flint, and their wheels like a whirlwind; Their roaring shall be like a lion, they shall roar like young lions, yea, they shall roar, and lay hold of the prey, and carry it away safe, and there shall be none to deliver. And they shall roar against them in that day like the roaring of the sea Chapter 5: 26-30 And these qualities; none shall slumber nor sleep and and, are the qualities of the companions of AlQaim (pbuh) as told in the narrations of Al-Muhammad (pbut), so who is the lifter of the ensign (And He will lift up an ensign to the nations)?! The one who asks for the allegiance and gathers up the ansar (followers) for Al-Imam Al-Mahdi (pbuh) and Isa and Elijah and Khidr (pbut) And there shall come forth a shoot out of the stock of Jesse, and a twig shall grow forth out of his roots. And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD. And his delight shall be in the fear of the LORD; and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither decide after the hearing of his ears; But with righteousness shall he judge the poor, and decide with equity for the meek of the land; and he shall smite the land with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked. And righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins, and faithfulness the girdle of his reins. And the wolf shall dwell with the

lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them. And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together; and the lion shall eat straw like the ox. And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the basilisk's den. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain; for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea. And it shall come to pass in that day, that the root of Jesse, that standeth for an ensign of the peoples, unto him shall the nations seek; and his resting-place shall be glorious Chapter 11: 1-10 And all these events are adequate for the small resurrection, and never occurred before and occur only in the state of divine justice. As for Jesse, in the Torah it is known that he is the father of the prophet David (pbuh), and Al-Imam AlMahdis (pbuh) mother is a descendant of the prophet David (pbuh). And her story in brief is, She is a princess, her grandfather is Caesar of Rome, she saw prophet Isa (pbuh) and his successor; Simon Peter, and Prophet Muhammad (pbuhahf) in her sleep, and prophet Muhammad (pbuhahf) went to prophet Isa (pbuh) and proposed a marriage between her and his son Al-Imam Al-Hassan Al-Askary (pbuh), so Isa (pbuh) said to Simon Peter: A great honor has come to you; because she is a descendant of Simon Peter, successor of Isa (pbuh), and she saw many visions after that, and she was captured, and many miracles have occurred for her until she got to the house of Al-Imam Ali Al-Hady (pbuh) who arranged her marriage with his son Al-Imam Al-Hassan Al-Askary (pbuh), and she bore him Al-Imam Muhammad ibn Al-Hassan AlMahdy (pbuh). So Al-Imam Al-Mahdy Muhammad ibn Al-Hassan Al-Askary (pbuh) is a descendant of Israel (Jacob (pbuh)) from the mother side, and a descendant of prophet Muhammad (pbuhahf) from the father side. So it is true that he is the shoot out of the stock of Jesse. As it is true that the first of the twelve Mahdis is a twig out of that shoot that is out of the stock of Jesse; because he is a descendant of Al-Imam Al-Mahdi (pbuh). And the first Mahdi whose name is Ahmad as in the narrations of prophet Muhammad (pbuhahf) and the Imams (pbut), is the messenger of Al-Imam Al-Mahdi (pbuh) and his successor and his yamin (right), and the first to believe in him at the beginning of his appearance before he rises with the sword, and that is sufficient, just to make it short, and if you want more read from the Torah; Chapters 13, 42, 43, 44, 49, 63, 65, 66 from the Book of Isaiah and contemplate well in it. b) Book of Daniel: Thou, O king, sawest, and behold a great image Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon its feet that were of iron and clay, and broke them to pieces. Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken in pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshing-floors; and the wind carried them away, so that no place was found for them; and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth.. Chapter 2: 31, 34, 35 This stone that destroys the kingdom of the tyrant and Satan on this earth is a messenger from Al-Imam AlMahdi (pbuh) and from Isa and Elijah and Khidr (pbut). Daniel spoke and said: I saw in my vision by night, and, behold, the four winds of the heaven broke forth

upon the great sea. And four great beasts came up from the sea, diverse one from another. The first was like a lion, and had eagle's wings; I beheld till the wings thereof were plucked off, and it was lifted up from the earth, and made stand upon two feet as a man, and a man's heart was given to it. And behold another beast, a second, like to a bear, and it raised up itself on one side, and it had three ribs in its mouth between its teeth; and it was said thus unto it: 'Arise, devour much flesh.' After this I beheld, and lo another, like a leopard, which had upon the sides of it four wings of a fowl; the beast had also four heads; and dominion was given to it. After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth; it devoured and broke in pieces, and stamped the residue with its feet; and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns. I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another horn, a little one, before which three of the first horns were plucked up by the roots; and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of a man, and a mouth speaking great things. I beheld till thrones were placed, and one that was ancient of days did sit: his raiment was as white snow, and the hair of his head like pure wool; his throne was fiery flames, and the wheels thereof burning fire. A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him; thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him; the judgment was set, and the books were opened. I beheld at that time because of the voice of the great words which the horn spoke, I beheld even till the beast was slain, and its body destroyed, and it was given to be burned with fire. And as for the rest of the beasts, their dominion was taken away; yet their lives were prolonged for a season and a time. I saw in the night visions, and, behold, there came with the clouds of heaven one like unto a son of man, and he came even to the Ancient of days, and he was brought near before Him. And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all the peoples, nations, and languages should serve him; his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed. As for me Daniel, my spirit was pained in the midst of my body, and the visions of my head affrighted me. I came near unto one of them that stood by, and asked him the truth concerning all this. So he told me, and made me know the interpretation of the things: 'These great beasts, which are four, are four kings, that shall arise out of the earth. But the saints of the Most High shall receive the kingdom, and possess the kingdom for ever, even for ever and ever.' Then I desired to know the truth concerning the fourth beast, which was diverse from all of them, exceeding terrible, whose teeth were of iron, and its nails of brass; which devoured, brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with its feet; and concerning the ten horns that were on its head, and the other horn which came up, and before which three fell; even that horn that had eyes, and a mouth that spoke great things, whose appearance was greater than that of its fellows. I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them; until the Ancient of days came, and judgment was given for the saints of the Most High; and the time came, and the saints possessed the kingdom. Thus he said: 'The fourth beast shall be a fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all the kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces. And as for the ten horns, out of this kingdom shall ten kings arise; and another shall arise after them; and he shall be diverse from the former, and he shall put down three kings. And he shall speak words against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the Most High; and he shall think to change the seasons and the law; and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and half a time. But the judgment shall sit, and his dominions shall be taken away, to be consumed and to be destroy unto the end. And the kingdom and the dominion, and the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High; their kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey them.' Here is the end of the matter. Chapter 7: 2-28 And the lion with wings symbolizes the English empire which was established in Europe and its logo which is the lion with two wings, as for the bear it is the logo for the Soviet, and devour much flesh means killed many people as for the fourth beast whose made of iron it is American empire which dominated the earth with arms and money. As for one that was ancient of days it is Al-Imam Al-Mahdi (pbuh), and son of man is Isa (pbuh), and the end of America as told by Daniel, is that it will be given to be burn with fire. And Al-Imam Al-Mahdi (pbuh) and Isa and Elijah and Khidr (pbut) will come during the small resurrection and it is a judgment and a torment and indignation upon the oppressors, is it right for the torment and

indignation to come before the warning? So who is the warner? There must be a messenger from them (pbut) who promises and warns the people, before their appearance. And as for the Torah, this would be sufficient, just to keep it short. Third: in the Gospel And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light Matthew 24: 6, 15, 22, 27, 29 And in this chapter Isa (pbuh) mentions the signs of the small resurrection, as mentioned by Prophet Muhammad (pbuhahf) and the Imams (pbut), wars and the eclipse of the sun and the moon and the abomination of desolation (America) and whats important is that he expressed the beginning of his appearance as from the east to the west, and the east in relation to Isa (pbuh) at that time is Iraq, and the lightning which came out of the east and shined on the west is Abraham, as he came out from Iraq and appeared in the Holy Land. And Isa (pbuh) said about John: that he is Elijah, meaning the like of Elijah, But I say unto you, That Elias is come already, and they knew him not, but have done unto him whatsoever they listed. Likewise shall also the Son of man suffer of them. Then the disciples understood that he spake unto them of John the Baptist. Matthew 17: 12, 13 And Isa (pbuh) said about John (pbuh): And if ye will receive it, this is Elias, which was for to come. He that hath ears to hear, let him hear. Matthew 11: 14, 15 Therefore it can be said that the messenger whom Al-Imam Al-Mahdi (pbuh) will send and those with him, and they are Isa and Elijah and Khidr, who will come out of Iraq, is the emergence of Isa (pbuh) in this sense, as the emergence of John represented the emergence of Elijah at some point and this messenger could be from another nation, in fact he is from another nation just as Isa (pbuh) said: Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof. Matthew 21: 43 And Isa (pbuh) said: Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh. Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat (meaning, knowledge and wisdom) in due season? Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing. Matthew 24: 44, 45, 46

Who is this faithful and wise servant? Except a messenger from Al-Imam Al-Mahdi (pbuh) and from Isa and Elijah and Khidr (pbut). And Isa said: But now I go my way to him that sent me; and none of you asketh me, Whither goest thou? But because I have said these things unto you, sorrow hath filled your heart. Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you. And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: Of sin, because they believe not on me; Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more; Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged. John 16: 5-11 So who is this Comforter whom will be sent? And who is this who will reprove the world of sin and of their disbelieving and killing for the prophets and messengers, and for leaving the truth of the prophets and their wills, and for wasting their luck in the small resurrection, and for letting down the prince of this world whom is Al-Imam Al-Mahdi (pbuh), and Isa (pbuh) said: I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you. John 16: 12-14 And on the authority of Abi Abdullah (pbuh): Knowledge is 27 letters, and all that was brought by the prophets was 2 letters, so to this day people only know 2 letters, so when our Riser rises he will bring out the 25 letters, and will reveal it to the people and will add the 2 letters to it to reveal it as 27 letters. And I think that although the above was short it is sufficient for whoever is asking for the truth, and if you want more, there is a lot in the vision of John the Theologian which I didnt mention just to keep it short. And I remind you that when Allah sent Isa (pbuh) to the Jews they said: Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth? John 1: 46 And they said: Search, and look: for out of Galilee ariseth no prophet. John 7: 52 And they said: Shall Christ come out of Galilee? Hath not the scripture said, That Christ cometh of the seed of David, and out of the town of Bethlehem, where David was? John 7: 41, 42 And finally, my advice to you is to contemplate upon these words it is written in the Torah:

Trust in Me with all your heart and do not rely upon your understanding. Know Me in all your ways, and I will direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own sight, honour Me and straighten your self with my words. Ahmad al Hassan

Question 16
Question 16: Is there a possibility that there is a certain force that is taking over your subconscious and giving you that feeling? Rita George, 25/Rabi 1/1426 H Answer: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful, and all praises be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. Jesus (pbuh) said: He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God. Then answered the Jews, and said unto him, Say we not well that thou art a Samaritan, and hast a devil? Jesus answered, I have not a devil; but I honour my Father, and ye do dishonour me. And I seek not mine own glory: there is one that seeketh and judgeth. Verily, verily, I say unto you, If a man keep my saying, he shall never see death. John 8: 47-51 Ahmad al Hassan

Question 17
Question 17: I hope that you dont find my words disturbing, and I am sorry if my questions seemed impolite, and I repeat my thanks and gratitude for your concern, for it is a proof of your high morals, in the care of the Father, the son and the Holy Spirit. Rita George, 25/Rabi 1/1426 H Answer: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful, and all praises be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. I dont feel disturbed but I am sad for you, because you people of the earth became lost in the desert of materialism, just as the children of Israel were lost in the desert of Sinai. Ahmad al Hassan

Question 18
Question 18: Greetings to Al Sayed Ahmad al Hassan peace be upon you I received all your answers, and I am thankful and grateful for your concern for me but something important made me confused, and it is that you want to know my education and religious level, while you say: I am more knowledgeable about the Gospel than its people and the Torah and your Quran etc. So how come your Imam is not telling you? About whom I am and my education level so you can prove to the likes of me the truth of what you are saying, so what is the answer? My best appreciation and love and

respect, may the Lord protect you and guard you. Rita George, 23/Rabi 1/1426 H Answer: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful, and all praises be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. Likewise also the chief priests mocking him, with the scribes and elders, said, He saved others; himself he cannot save. If he be the King of Israel, let him now come down from the cross, and we will believe him. He trusted in God; let him deliver him now, if he will have him Mathew 27: 41-43 And was the one looking at Moses (pbuh) unaware that it is a stick that he is holding with his right hand? So what about Allah (swt)? Why did He ask him what is this that you are holding with your right hand o Moses? Ahmad al Hassan

Question 19
Question 19: May Allahs peace and blessings be upon you I hope you may clarify more than one matter for us; are you the Imams successor or his son? Fayez Al-Iraqi, 22/Safar/1426 H Answer: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful, may Allahs peace and blessings be upon you, Al Sayed Ahmad al Hassan is a messenger from Al-Imam Al-Mahdi Muhammad ibn Al-Hassan (pbut) to all the people, and also he is the first of Al-Mahdis twelve successors after his (pbuh) death, as it was told that there are twelve Mahdis after Al-Mahdi, and Al Sayed Ahmad al Hassan is from the progeny of Al-Imam Al-Mahdi (pbuh), which means that Al-Imam Al-Mahdi is his grandfather, and it is true to say that Al Sayed Ahmad al Hassan is the son of Al-Imam Al-Mahdi, meaning a descendant of Al-Imam Al-Mahdi, and all Al Sayed Ahmad al Hassans grandfathers between him and Al-Imam Al-Mahdi arent alive except Al-Imam Muhammad ibn Al-Hassan himself - may Allah empower him in the earth -, as it is said to whoever is a descendant of the prophet of Allah (pbuhahf) that he is his son. Also Al-Imam Al-Mahdi (pbuh) repeatedly utters the word Son when talking with Al Sayed Ahmad al Hassan as stated in one of the statements, where it was mentioned My son I ransomed you with a calf you can search for it in the search bar. And he is the first of Al-Mahdis, and he is the first of the believers in the call of Al-Imam Al-Mahdi (pbuh). Ansar (followers of) Al-Imam Al-Mahdi, May Allah empower him in the earth

Question 20
Question 20: How can I benefit from the story of Moses (pbuh) in his journey to meet Khidr (pbuh), in my journey to meet Al-Mahdi (pbuh)?

Alaa Razaq, 4/Rabi 1/1426 H Answer: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the intensely Merciful. The answer is on the website in the library: in the book Al-Mutashabehat (The Similitudes), part three adapted from the answer to the fourth question by Al Sayed Ahmad al Hassan. Ansar (followers of) Al-Imam Al-Mahdi, May Allah empower him in the earth As for the story of the knowledgeable one (pbuh) with Moses (pbuh) for the age of the Riser (pbuh) there is a ship and a lad and a wall with a treasure beneath it as well, the ship is for the companions of the Riser (pbuh) which is marred to be safe from the tyrants (he appears gradually to test the people), meaning the Riser (pbuh) as stated by the Imams (pbut), and the lad gets killed; because he is inwardly dark and sick with Satans (may Allah curse him) illness; I am better than him, and it was stated by the Imams (pbut) that the Riser (pbuh) will kill one of his close companions, and the treasure will be out from under the wall and will be revealed to the people and it is the knowledge of Al-Muhammad (pbut) And on the authority of Al-Sadeq (pbuh): Knowledge is 27 letters, and all that was brought by the prophets was 2 letters, so to this day people only know 2 letters, so when our Riser rises he will bring out the 25 letters, and will reveal it to the people and will add the 2 letters to it to reveal it as 27 letters. The saying of the prince of the believers (pbuh): and among you, someone like him, means the Riser (pbuh) for he calls the people and they say to him: go back, son of Fatimah, then he calls the people for the second time and they say: go back, son of Fatimah, and in the third time Allah empower him and he kills some of them until Allah (swt) becomes satisfied, and until one of his close companions says to him: you are making the people scared the way sheep are, and until the people say: he is not from Al-Muhammad (pbut), if he was from Al-Muhammad he would have mercy upon them as stated in their (pbut) narrations. I hope that what I mentioned is beneficial for the believers, even though there are many secrets in these three stories which I didnt shed the light on. And what I want to show is that these three stories are closely linked to the Riser (pbuh) and his companions and the signs of his appearance. This was the answer of Al Sayed Ahmad al Hassan in the book Al-Mutashabehat (The Similitudes)

Question 21
Question 21: Please provide me with the biography of Al Sayed Ahmad al Hassan. Bakr al Sokainy, 25/Safar/1426 H In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the intensely Merciful. Kindly if the owner of the website can provide us with the biography of the honorable Sayed Ahmad al Hassan (may Allah keep him among us) along with a personal photo if possible, may Allah guide you. Taleb Khairy, 16/Rabi 1/1426 H

Answer: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the intensely Merciful 1. Born in Basra, Iraq 2. Graduate of the College of Engineering / Civil Engineering 3. Studied in the hawza (Islamic school) in Najaf, Iraq 4. Al-Imam Al-Mahdi sent him to reform the hawza in Najaf more than five years, and he started the scientific and practical reform in the hawza and in society in general. a) The scientific reform: and that is because they were not teaching the Quran in the hawza, so he started teaching the Quran in it and spread the matter of Al-Imam Al-Mahdi (pbuh) b) After the infidel Saddam defiled the Holy Quran, he publicly stated that Saddam did that to draw closer to Satan the accursed, and he was chased by Saddams infidel forces because of this statement, and he was the only one in Najaf to stand strongly for this matter and say: Saddam wrote his death with his own hand, and wrote the end of his reign with his own hand when he inscribed the Quran with impure blood. And he stood against the scholars of Najaf and the Muslim scholars in general for being silent about this gruesome act done by the Infidel Saddam. c) The practical reform: and that is because the hawza quit the propagation of virtue and the forbidding of vice and the concern for the peoples conditions, and he was strongly calling everywhere in the hawza for the need to focus on the peoples religious and living conditions, and to lift the injustice done to them. d) The economic reform: he revolted against the financial corruption in the hawza, and many of the hawza students stood by him, and one day he went to one of the agent of the maraja (religious scholars/references) with more than thirty students with him, and he asked him to inform that marja (religious scholar/reference) about the financial corruption and the need to reform it, he also sent some of the hawza students to the maraja, and asked them to reform the financial corruption of bestowing the funds on their agents while leaving the poor and the orphans and the widows starving to death. e) And about three years ago during the reign of the tyrant Saddam he announced that he is the messenger of Al-Imam Al-Mahdi (pbuh), so Saddams infidel forces chased him, and Allah (swt) saved him from the hands of this tyrant, and now he is calling to Al-Imam Al-Mahdi (pbuh) and the need to support and empower him (pbuh) and thanks, and this is the outlines very briefly, and we apologize for the brief answer. Ansar (followers of) Al-Imam Al-Mahdi, May Allah empower him in the earth

Question 22
Question 22: In the name of Allah (swt) to Al Sayed Ahmad al Hassan can you teach me the unseen which are allowed to human beings to know? Zeinab al Mossawy, 16/Safar/1426 H Answer: In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful, and all Praises to Allah god of all worlds. As for the unseen which are related to the call, a book will be published about the unseen related to the call, like visions and healing and others, go regularly to the website, especially the Whats New section, and we will also inform you once it is published.

Ansar (followers of) Al-Imam Al-Mahdi, May Allah empower him in the earth

Question 23
Question 23: Who is The Holy Spirit in the Quran? And on whom does it descend? And what is the relationship between Fatima Al-Zahraa and The Holy Spirit? Wael Saeda, Safar/1426 H Answer: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful, and all praises be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. The answer is in the book of Al-Mutashabehat (The Allegories), moreover, Fatima (pbuh), her Father, Husband, Sons, The Imams and The Mahdis are The Greatest Holy Spirit. Ahmad al Hassan And it is as follows: The Holy Spirit is the spirit of purity or infallibility, so if the servant is devoted with his intention to Allah (swt), and wanted Allahs reward and mercy, then Allah loves him and assigns an angel to him who gets him to every good, and out of every evil, and takes him to the highest of morals, and The Holy Spirit becomes a medium to deliver the knowledge to the person that he is assigned to. And The Holy Spirits are many and not just one, and the one with Jesus (pbuh) and with the prophets is lower than the one with Muhammad (pbuhahf), Ali (pbuh), Fatima (pbuh) and The Imams (pbut) and that is The Greatest Holy Spirit which didnt descend except with Muhammad (pbuhahf), and after his death The Greatest Holy Spirit went to Ali (pbuh) then to The Imams (pbut) then after them to The Twelve Mahdis (pbut). Abi Basseer said: I asked Aba Abdullah (pbuh) about Allahs (swt) verse: {And thus We have inspired you with a Spirit of Our command. You were not acknowledged what the Scripture was, nor what the Faith}. - 42:52 He (pbuh) said: One of the creations of Allah the Almighty that is greater than Gabriel and Michael the Archangel, was with the prophet (pbuhahf) of Allah to inform and support him, and he is with The Imams after him. Abi Basseer said: I asked Aba Abdullah (pbuh) about Allah the Almightys verse: {They ask you about the Spirit. Say: The Spirit is from the Command of my Lord} - 17:85 He (pbuh) said: A creation that is greater than Gabriel and Michael the Archangel (pbut), that was with the prophet (pbuhahf) of Allah and he is with The Imams and he is from the Kingdom of Heavens. Abi Hamza said: I asked Abi Abdullah (pbuh) about Knowledge, is it a knowledge which is learned from the mouth of men, or is it in your book that you read and learn from? He (pbuh) said: It is greater than that and more obligatory, didnt you hear Allah the Almightys verse: And thus have We inspired in thee (Muhammad) a Spirit of Our command. Thou knewest not what the Scripture was, nor what the Faith. - 42:52

Then he (pbuh) said: what do your friends say concerning this verse? Are they acknowledging that he was in a state in which he didnt know what the Scripture or the Faith was? So I said: may I be ransomed for you, I dont know what they are saying, so he (pbuh) said to me: Yes, he was in a state in which he didnt know what the Scripture or the Faith was, until Allah (swt) sent the spirit that was mentioned in the book, so when He (swt) revealed the Spirit to him, he learned the knowledge, and it is the spirit that Allah (swt) gives to whomever He (swt) wills, so when He (swt) gives it to a servant, he learns the knowledge. When the prophet of Allah, Muhammad (pbuhahf) descended to this physical world to engage in the second test after the first test which was in the atomic world, he was covered with the physical body, so when he became devoted to Allah (swt) through a devotion which the world never witnessed before, Allah loved him and assigned The Greatest Holy Spirit to him, so he became the winner of the race in this world, as he was the winner of the race in the first test in the atomic world. Ahmad al Hassan

Question 24
Question 24: {And whosoever keeps his duty to Allah, Allah will appoint a way out for him Allah has set a measure for all things}. 65:2, 3 What is the secret in these holy Quranic verses? Wael Saeda, Safar/1426 H Answer: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful, and all praises be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. And do you know the secret? This is a question of a stubborn person, not of a truth seeker. The prince of the believers (pbuh) said: {If the skies and the earths were joined together over a servant, then he feared Allah, Allah appoints for him a way out of it}. For the way out is Allahs matter, it is the predestination and the law of Allah that never changes, and it is associated with piety. Ahmad al Hassan

Question 25
Question 25: Which categories of people that the sword of my master and lord Imam (a.j) will approach? And why dont the scholars who hurt him with their interpretation of hadith and Quran listen to the narration of Imam As-Sadiq (as): ...he suffers more than the Messenger of Allah suffered from the disbelievers... the meaning of the hadith. Will the Imam kill those who do not fight against him but dont believe in his thought, and when he rises with the matter will the people be only two categories or will there be a category that is (neither this nor that)? Ala Razzaq

2/Rabei Al-Awwal/ 1426 H. Answer: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful, and all praises be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. The call of Imam Al-Mahdy, like any Divine call, people would divide according to it into three categories: believers, hypocrites and disbelievers. And the Messenger of Allah Muhammad (sawas) commanded to refrain from the hypocrites, and the Qaim (a.s) is commanded to annihilate the disbelievers, then the hypocrites. Thus to Allah belongs the command before and after, and praise is to Allah alone. Ahmad Al-Hassan

Question 26
Question 26: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the intensely Merciful. Sayyed Ahmad Al-Hassan, may Allah grant you success in helping His supporter and the riser of His matter... I call people to your case and I explain to them the belief of the Ansary Movement but without any response from them, my question: is this my Takleef (what I am charged with) in the Call or is it improvisation of my insignificant self? Am I supposed to take the approval of my master and lord Imam (a.j) in this? Please clarify my status according to the point of view of Imam himself and what does he advise me and how will the approval be taken (may Allah hasten the relief for him and facilitate his emergence). And Allah alone knows how much I was happy with this Duaah. I ask you to make Duaah for me to succeed in understanding its meanings and to benefit from it to approach supporting the oppressed and wronged Imam. Ala Razzaq 5/Rabei Al-Thani/ 1426 H.

Answer: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful. Praise is to Allah for His afflictions and great blessings.... O Allah pray upon Muhammad and his progeny May the peace, mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you, after all... Every person who believed in the message of Ahmad Al-Hassan from Imam Al-Mahdy (a.s) is in charge to call to this case, support, accompany and follow it in accordance with the instructions from Sayyed Ahmad himself, or through his appointed deputies. The permission of Sayyed Ahmad Al-Hassan in anything is nothing but the permission of Imam Al-Mahdy (a.s) because he is his special deputy and relates from him (a.s). I ask Allah to grant us all success to support the truth and the holder of the truth..... and praise is to Allah alone. Nathim Al-Uqaili Ansar Al-Imam Almahdy (a.s).

Question 27
Question 27: Peace be those who followed guidance, I received your letter and you advised me to read the Book of Al-Rad Al-Hasim, I took a look but I did not find anything new, rather it comprises narrations that has interpretation, [ ]and allegories of which the specialists of scholars in [Elm Al-Rijal and Dirayah; Science of Men and Acquaintance] deal with it. I advice you to read a book named Dawah Al-Safarah Al-

Kubrah by Seikh Muhammad Assanad, as in it is the long-pursuit aim of every equitable man, and I will quote for you the signature of the Holy Standpoint (thousands of greetings upon it) : (In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful, O Ali bin Muhammad Al-Samary. May Allah increase the reward of your brothers in you greatly, for you would die during 6-day-time so gather yourself and do not determine [by leaving a will] anyone to take your place after you death, as the second full occultation has occurred, so there is no appearance only after the permission of Allah Glory and Majesty be to Him, and that is after a long term and the cruelty of hearts, the earth will be filled with tyranny. Someone who claims to have seen [me] will come to my Shia, indeed who claims to have seen [me] before the emergence of the Sufyani and the Saihah is a slander liar, and there is no power nor might except by Allah...) Muhammad Al-Eqabi -Iraq/Basrah 5/Rabii Al-Awal/1426 H This is what i have sent him as well as he was adviced to calm down and to read the two books, Al-Rad AlHasin and Al-Rad Al-Qasim. Abu Muhammad Al-Jaber Observation of the Ansar Al-Imam Al-Mahdy Website on the Internet. Answer: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful Praise be to Allah for his afflictions and great blessings.... O Allah pray upon Muhammad and his progeny. Salam Alykom WarhmatuAllah wabrkatuh To Brother Muhammad Al-Eqabi... I ask Allah to grant you success to take your time and search precisely in this rightful case, and for Allah to make you of those who accuse of lying without proof, those whom He the High dispraised by saying: { As for what you mentioned regarding the Book (Al-Rad Al-Hasim), it is a research to prove the progeny of Imam Al-Mahdy AS, and it is not related to proving the possibility of seeing Imam Al-Mahdy AS in the time of the Major Occultation, and I have studied the case of the possiblity of seeing the Imam in the Book of (The Shattering Reply on those who deny seeing the Qaim), and I have discussed in it the (Signature of Samary) along with others, and I proved in it the possibility of seeing the Imam AS in the time of the Major Occultation. So I hope you check this book precisely because you will find what you are looking for, and I also advice the brother to take a look at all the publications of the case and to ponder over it well... and to beg Allah in request of guidance to the truth that is differed on, the Most High said: {And he to whom Allah has not granted light - for him there is no light}. Praise be to Allah the Lord of the Worlds. Nathem Al-Uqaili Ansar Al Imam Almahdy pbuh

Question 28
Question 28: In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful And Praise be to Allah the Lord of the Worlds, and the persistent curse be upon the enemies of the religion. The first question: at the hand of which scholar from the Maraji did the honorable Sayyid study, and from which country is he? The Second question: does it mean that he directly from the loins of the Imam, and how was the marriage of the Imam 9May our spirits be in his sacrifice) carried on? and what is the name of his mother, meaning the mother of the Sayyid and from which place is she? Please answer us and with documents, and we will have other questions in the light of your answer.

Salih Al-Mayyahi - Iraq 4/Rabii Al-Thani/1426 H Answer: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful Praise be to Allah for his afflictions and great blessings.... O Allah pray upon Muhammad and his progeny. Salam Alykom WarhmatuAllah wabrkatuh Answer to question 1: Sayyid Ahmad Al-Hassan studied at the hand of Imam Al-Mahdy pbuhand he has nothing to do with what the Maraji have taught or with what they are teaching, as he is a conveyor from Imam Al-Mahdi pbuh, and an informant and a one who paves the way to him pbuh, and he is from the state of Basrah, Iraq. Answer to question 2: Sayyid Ahmad Al-hassan is from the descendants of Imam Al-Mahdi pbuh, and not directly from his loins. The marriage of Imam Al-Mahdi pbuh and his progeny is proved in the book of (The Decisive Reply to those who deny the progeny of Qaim), as [the word] son is sometimes designated and intends the son from the loins directly, and sometimes it is designated and intends the son from the descendants. As Hassan and Hussain and the rest of the Imams pbut are described to be the sons of the Messenger of Allah pbuh while they are not his direct sons but rather from his progeny and from a piece of him, Fatima Al-Zahraa pbuh. As well as Imam Al-Mahdi pbuh is described in some reports by (the son of Fatima) when he is not her direct son but rather he is from her progeny.... And the Most High said in Surat Yusuf on the tongue of Jacob pbuh to his son Yusuf: {And thus will your Lord choose you and teach you the interpretation of narratives and complete His favor upon you and upon the family of Jacob, as He completed it upon your fathers before, Abraham and Isaac. Indeed, your Lord is Knowing and Wise."}

Question 29
Question 29: A 35 years old married woman, is she allowed to visit Imam Al-Reza pbuh with the permission of her husband and without a Mahrim (unmarriagable person)? May Allah reward you abundantely. Salah Al-Falahi 6/Rabii Al-Thani/1426 H Answer: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful Praise be to Allah for his afflictions and great blessings.... O Allah pray upon Muhammad and his progeny. The woman is permitted to visit Imam Al-Reza pbuh without a Mahrim if it was under the permission of her husband as mentioned in the question, May Allah grant you success to know the truth and support it.... and May the peace, mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you. Nathim Al-Uqaili Ansar Al Imam Al Mahdy pbuh

Question 30
Question 30: In the Name of Allah, the Honored, the Wise. To Sayyid Ahmad Al-Hassan... What is your opinion in Sayyid Al-Wali Al-Muqaddas Muhammad Al-Sadr (r.a)? What is your religion thesis that you have come with to be a proof on the believers? Your way to prove your proof on the deniers from the Marajii does not require you to go to them, but they come to you, because according to your claim, you are a messenger from the Imam may Allah hasten his

relief? Please answer my questions. PS: I do not deny any intervention for the Imam; because the Imam is present now and we are waiting for him to appear by his Greatest Appearance. Nameer 7/Rabii Al-Thani/1426 H Answer: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful Praise be to Allah for his afflictions and great blessings.... O Allah pray upon Muhammad and his progeny. May the peace, mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you. The opinion of Sayyid Ahmad AL-Hassan in the Martyr Sayyid Muhammad Muhammad Sadiq Al-Sadr is that he is one of the reformers and he is considered to be from those who paved the way for Imam Al-Mahdi pbuh a lot, so the mercy of Allah and His blessings be upon him. The thesis of Sayyid Ahmad Al-Hassan and his proof on people is that he is a messenger from Imam AlMahdi pbuh to reunite the nation from the conflicts, loss and dispersion, and to unite them under the banner of Imam Al-Mahdi, and to discard and fight against the appointment by people (the Western Democratic View) and establishing the supremacy of Allah the Most High; he clarified that in his book (the Supremacy of Allah, not the supremacy of people), so please refer to it and ponder over it. The proves of the honesty of Sayyid Ahmad Al-Hassan are many so please refer to them in the aforementioned website and we make a special mention of (Al-Balagh Al-Mubeen vol. 1) and (The Shattering reply) and (The Decisive reply), and other publications of Ansar Al-Imam Al-Mahdy pbuh. The way of Allah the Most High in the holders of Divine calls is to inform people and set up the proof on them in front of Allah the Most High, so if people or scholars turned away and neglected these calls, then it is a must to knock their doors and let them hear the proof and clear statement, and this is the journey of the prophets and messengers and the purified Imams, as it is mentioned in describing the Messenger of Allah pbuh: ([The Prophet was like] a roaming physician who has set ready his ointments and heated his instruments), and in the beginning of his call, he pbuh sent messengers to the kings such as the king of Rome and the king of Persia and others, asking them to believe in his call on behalf of Allah the Most High, and Allah the Most High mentioned this way in many occasions in the Holy Quran, some of the saying of the Most High in describing the Prophet of Allah Noah pbuh, said: {He said, "My Lord, indeed I invited my people [to truth] night and day.(5) But my invitation increased them not except in flight. (6) And indeed, every time I invited them that You may forgive them, they put their fingers in their ears, covered themselves with their garments, persisted, and were arrogant with [great] arrogance. (7) Then I invited them publicly. (8) Then I announced to them and [also] confided to them secretly (9)}.

Nathim Al-Uqaili Ansar Al Imam Al Mahdy pbuh

Question 31
Question 31: May the peace of Allah be upon you... I would like to know the full family tree of the Sayyid. Ahmad 8/Rabii Al-Awwal/1326 H.

Answer: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful Praise be to Allah for His afflictions and great blessings.... O Allah pray upon Muhammad and his progeny. First: The request of brother Ahmad in knowing the full family tree of Sayyid Ahmad Al-Hassan does not bring benefit in anyway to recognize the truth of Sayyid Ahmad Al-Hassan; because his lineage is cut from around the fifth grandfather. Second: You should research: is he truly a messenger from Imam Al-Mahdy [pbuh] or not? So if it was proven that he is sent from the Imam [pbuh], everything else he says will be proven as well, and would be a proof upon people. For the issue of proving the lineage of Imam Mahdys progeny could not be achieved unless through the way of Allah and Imam Al-Mahdy [pbuh] himself, because people are not informed of such and because he is hidden from them. If you wanted to be informed more on the [issue of] the lineage of the Imam [pbuh], I advise you to review the book [The decisive reply to those who deny the progeny of the Qaim] -one of the publications of Ansar Imam Mahdy [pbuh]. May Allah grant you success to know the truth, support and maintain on it and may the peace of Allah be upon you... and praise be to Allah alone. Nathim Al-Uqaili Ansar Imam Mahdy [pbuh]

Question 32
Question 32: May the peace, mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you... I am one of your brothers from the Imamate Shiite and I am not the kind of bigot to any ideology put forth in the society. I have some questions to interrogate and confirm what I heard, and Inshallah what I heard would be good... I hope for forbearance with me and my questions, and I think that the person has the right to ask and research especially in the matters of his religion and belief, moreover, Allah the Most High commanded to do so... thank you. First: I want to know the base of the issue, which you came to call for, and what is the story of Sayyid Ahmad Al-Hassan? According to what you say, he is the successor of Imam Al-Mahdy [pbuh] and his messenger. What are his proofs regarding this successorship, and does he have miracles, since the miracle is the judge in those issues especially in this time when fabricators of lies and claimants (May Allah not make you one of them) have increased. And if what you say is true, what are the fundamentals on which your call is based? I hope that you dont take some of the questions as bigotry, because my questions are interrogative , not disavowing... and as long as I do not know anything about you, whether positively or negatively, I am in a neutral position until Allah judges and he is the best of judges... I thank you a lot and may the peace, mercy and blessing of Allah be upon you. The inquirer: Abu Saleh Answer: In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful, and praise be to Allah for His afflictions and great blessings... O Allah pray upon Muhammad and his progeny. May the peace, mercy and blessing of Allah be upon you. In the beginning, I would like to thank the brother Abu Saleh for the good correspondence and his search for the truth, I ask Allah the Most High to grant you success in knowing the truth, supporting it and maintaining on it. The base of the call of Sayyed Ahmad Al-Hassan is that he is sent from Imam Al-Mahdi [AS] to unite the nation after this dispersion, disagreement and loss, and to guide them to supporting Imam Al-Mahdi [AS].

As for the story of Sayyed Ahmad Al-Hassan, it is long and found in the well known site under the title: (The Story of my meeting with Imam Al-Mahdi [AS]) and the talk is too long in answering all your questions so please refer to the Publications of Ansar Al-Imam Al-Mahdi [AS] in the aforementioned website, especially (the Clear Statement vol.1, the Decisive Reply, and the Shattering Reply, etc.) as they are sufficient enough. As for the fundamentals of the cause of Sayyed Ahmad Al-Hassan, the most important among them is establishing (The Supremacy of Allah swt), and dismissing and rejecting the supremacy of people (The Western Democratic thought). Sayyed Ahmad Al-Hassan has done a research concerning this subject in his book (The Supremacy of Allah not the supremacy of people) you can take a look through the aforementioned website, and we ask Allah for sustenance and guidance to all that is best.. and May the peace, mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you. And Praise be to Allah alone. Nathem Al-Uqaili Ansar Imam Mahdy [AS]

Question 33
Question 33: In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful. How can I believe in your claim which is rejected by all the scholars, in total and detail. They say there is no ambassador after the death of the fourth ambassador, so what do you say? Abdullah Al-Saidi 24/ Rabi Al-Thani/1426 H. Answer: In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful, and praise be to Allah the Lord of the Worlds. Not all the scholars rejected it, but there are scholars who pledged their allegiance and followed the truth including Sayyed Hassan Al-Hammami, the son of the jurist [Faqih] and religious Marji Sayyed Muhammad Ali Al-Hammami (may the Mercy of Allah be upon him), and there is some of them who declared to be confused [regarding this matter]. And even if all the scholars rejected the truth; their rejection would not be a proof for the invalidity of the truth. Did the rejection of the Jewish, Christians and Ahnaf scholars to the call of Prophet Muhammad [PBUH&F] on its onset proves the invalidity of the true Muhammadan Islamic Call?!! Ahmad Al-Hassan Jamaadi Al-Awwal/1426 H.

Question 34
Question 34: In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful, and praise be to Allah the Lord of the Worlds and peace be upon those who followed the guidance and knew with certainty, [] .. Know O claimer of having a message and successorship that the issue has two aspects: known and unknown, and this applies to everything in this transient world. As for your statement in successorship and having a message, it is intensely denied and contradicts what has been elaborated before by the infallibles. As for your saying of meeting the Imam, it is more proper for him [AS] to appear by himself and not through Ahmad Al-Hassan, whose purpose from his book is money [Dirham] and managing the Hawza affairs. And know O deceived claimer, that the best of what you claim is reformation, but through your name not under the name of the Imam, as he is closer to piety and faith. Hence, you have added fuel to the fire, yet you made a fool out of yourself as you made yourself the fifth ambassador.

The Imam has indeed a true position that is far more honorable from being represented by a person like you who doesnt know the sense of distinguishing between the falsehood and truth. The message is not wrangles between the students of the Hawza who do not comprehend anything from the truth, except temporary marriage, Khums and nifas, or quoting Quranic verses, or memorizing some narrations attributed to the Imams [AS]. If you were honest in your claim, and that is impossible, I call you to debate via the internet to demonstrate your ideology which is incapable of knowing the secret of the Imam [May Allah hasten his relief], and when he disappeared and became hidden so that as a result, you would be his begotten messenger and the supported successor the way Muhammad bin Abdullah [pbuh&f] was [supported] by Jibrael and Mickiel to scare the naive people with those names. I dare you to know the essence of Jibrael and what he meant to the Greatest Prophet, who ironically, became a supporter of you and singled out his wings over your shoulders! Praise be to Allah who guided the blind ones to be endowed with insights, and who , and praise be to Allah; praise Him abundantly for all His blessings. As for the poor ones who followed you, indeed Satan has blinded their insights. So I ask Allah to guide them for if they had a speck of mind they would not have followed you for slaughtering the way of the Imam in a transgressive and delusive way by which the name of Imam is used. Know, O fellow, you are not the first nor the last. As not everyone who overloads himself with dinner and sleeps and sees a vision during his sleep means he must be followed. I advise you to leave the dinner for tonight and sleep comfortably with a light stomach. Leave this nonsense and ask Allah for forgiveness for the minds you have corrupted. O Allah, I exaggerated in giving the advice , and invited them to the way of righteousness, O Allah, bear witness. The poor servant of Allah Ali Al-Qaisi - The messenger of the tortured humanity - and the successor of the poor ones 24/Rabii Al-Thani/1426 H In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful, peace be upon those who followed the guidance [] By Allah I am sorry for what I wrote to you this morning, you do not deserve all what I have written. Anyhow, I ask Allah for forgiveness because I have insulted a mentally ill and mad man. I ask Allah to heal and cure you from your illness and to inspire your family the road to the Psychiatric hospital in order to relax you from your illness. You would probably find someone there who would listen to you and believe in you, I ask Allah to cure all the ill ones. This is off-topic, but it a gift from me: The case of Moses and the sea was not as you imagined, but it was just a tide .This is something that occurs naturally , and therefore the Pharaoh followed Moses. If it occurred the way you imagined, no one would have entered the sea with his army except a madman like you. Read between the lines O claimer of prophecy and successorship [email protected] Baghdad Ali Alkaese Answer: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful Wait for the answer from Sayyid Ahmad Al-Hassan, the promised Yamani and listen to his sermon on the

following link [the link in the book doesnt work anymore]. We thank you for your words; because you have confirmed one of the proofs that supports the rightness of Sayyid Ahmad Al-Hassans call and also who have followed him; as it is one of the proofs we use against the deniers, which is: Accusing Sayyid Ahmad Al-Hassan to be mad and ill. As it is an accusation that hardly left any of the prophets or successors. Did the people of Mecca receive the Messenger of Allah Muhammad [pbuhap] with flowers, or did they squeal at him? And I say it to you colloquially [ ]which means a madman, and they threw stones at him, and broke the rib of Al-Zahraa. Yet the Quran mentioned tens of verses that describes the accusations against the prophets (a madman, magician, etc.), and their supporters to be the most despicable, and far be that from them. Have you ever heard it attributed to Abi Lahab, Pharaoh, Muawiyyah or the criminal Saddam, as they were always the revered ones (God curse them and curse those who did not curse them). That time is much better [than now], as we are [living] in the worst of times. Victory is forthcoming. The curse is on the one-eyed Dajjal who emerges from Sistan as Ahlul Bait [AS] reported in many of the great resources. The curse is on the greatest Dajjal. Th curse is on the Sufyani. This is our answer; the Ansar; the supporters of the prophets, messengers, Al-Hussain and the Mahdy [AS]. After all, wait for the answer of Sayyid Ahmad Al-Hassan, even though we wanted you to swear the Swear of Disownment, which is to say: (I disown from the strength and might of Allah to my strength and might if Sayyid Ahmad Al-Hassan was the messenger and successor of Imam Al-Mahdy) but we advise you to not say that only after the answer of Sayyid Ahmad Al-Hassan, perhaps you would be guided by him. Brother, [you say] he is a madman while the website has hundreds of interpretations? Peace be upon the Yamani, peace be upon the Yamani. Follow up the updates of the website and all the sections of our website. Ansar Al-Imam Al-Mahdy Rabii Al-Thani/ 1426 H Answer: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful, and praise be to Allah the Lord of the Worlds The Most High said: {Then We inspired to Moses, "Strike with your staff the sea," and it parted, and each portion was like a great towering mountain}. In this verse: (it parted, each portion, like a great towering mountain) all of which refuses to be a tide as some of the ignorants of the truth have interpreted. As the water ebbs in one direction during the ebb tide, and do not part and become as two portions of water, each of which is higher than the earth like a great mountain. I say: to those who are ignorants of the truth that this verse happened with Joshua bin Noon [AS], the successor of Moses [AS], and his army. So the river parted and they crossed on the seabed. It also happened with Elijah [AS] (Elias) and his successor Elisha [AS] as mentioned in the Torah, and the river has parted for him. So did the phenomenon of tides shift to the rivers?!. As for the rest of the speech of Al-Qaisi...his answer would be in the Book of Allah: [68:1-6] And his answer is in the saying of the Most High: [21:1-5] And his answer is in the saying of the Most High: [33:40] [33:45-48].

Ahmad Al-Hassan Jamadi Al-Awwal/ 1426 H

Question 35
Question 35: In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful, and praise be to Allah, and prayers and peace be upon our master Muhammad and his kind holy progeny, Al-Sayyid Ahmad Al-Hasani.... peace, mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you I am the author of the research about Imam Al-Mahdi pbuh under the title of: (The beginning of the American War against Imam Al-Mahdi pbuh), the book can be found on the following website: The Website doesnt work anymore One of the brothers informed me of what you call for, and gave me the link to your website so that I would be able to have an extensive information about your views and claims. In fact I - and excuse me for my words- did not find in your claims except for worthless words, and they are words claimed by a lot of people over time, It is not proven to me that Imam Al-Hujjah (May Allah swt hasten his honorable relief) would send a messenger to the people, but I knew some of the things I have not mentioned in the book, so if you are what you really claim then it is obligatory upon you to be acquainted with it; because you claim to be the most knowledgeable among people today in the book of God Almighty, and my question is: there are two names hidden in Surat Al-Fatiha and driven from it, and they are written unlike what is known about them. One of them is written from right to left, and the other from left to right. So what are those two names, and what is the way to show them? If I received an answer from you concerning my question, I would be from those pledging allegiance to you, God willing. But if I did not receive what serves as an answer, then this is a sign from you about the invalidity of your claim. And Praise be to Allah who guided us to this and we would not have been guided if Allah has not guided us, and prayers be upon our master Muhammad and his good purified progeny. Majid Al-Mahdi 24/ Rabii Al-Thani/ 1426 H Answer: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful. All praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. Prayers of Allah be upon Muhammad and his progeny, the Imams and Mahdies. [Hud:103-104] 1- If you had a little look and not an extensive one on the book of the Allegories, Fatiha, Enlightenments, the Calf and other books on the website, which according to you are worthless, you would find me showing that all the names of Allah swt are in Surat Al-Fatiha, and the name of the Prophet pbuhap, Ali pbuh, Fatima pbuh, the Imams pbut and Mahdies pbut as well. 2- If my words are worthless then apology is unnecessary and would just be nonsense, and if it was the opposite then there is no apology except for repentance and asking for forgiveness from the One Subduer. 3- It is not proven to you that Imam Mahdi will send a messenger to the people, is not Muhammad the Pure Soul [Al-Nafs Al-Zakiyya] a messenger? Is not 'the Master that will succeed his matter' a messenger? Is not the Yamani a messenger? Is not the one appearing from the East a messenger? (Read the narrations that have been reported for the progeny of Muhammad by which Sheikh Nazim Al-Uqaili (May Allah protect him) has quoted in his book "The Shattering Reply", it is a debate with Sayyid Al-Sistani and his office and the Center of Belief Researches that belongs to him), perhaps Allah would enlighten your heart and guide you to the truth, and this is a gem from a Sea of the Prince of Believers Ali bin Abi Talib that mentioned me. Al-Asbagh son of Nabateh reported saying: [One day, I came to the Prince of Believers, Ali (AS) while he was meditating and scratching up the ground, and I asked him: O Prince of Believers, why are you scratching up the earth? Is it because you have a desire for it? He replied: No, by Allah! Not once have I

desired the Earth or the worldly pleasures! I am thinking of a newborn who will be from the descendants of the eleventh of my progeny, he is Al-Mahdi who will fill this world with peace and justice just like it was filled with tyranny and oppression. He will go into hesitancy and occultation during which some people will go astray from the Truth and some others will find their way to the right path. I then asked: O Prince of Believers, how long will this hesitancy and occultation last? He replied: Six days, six months, or six years. I replied: Will this really be? He answered: Yes, just like it was preordained. Of what interest is this matter to you? Those are the finest of this Ummah and the most righteous of this progeny (PBUH). I said: Then what will happen after that? He said: Then Allah does what He wills, as He has initials, volitions, purposes and ends). The eleventh from the progeny of the Prince of Believers pbuh is Imam Al-Mahdi pbuh, and the one from his descendants is the first Mahdi of the twelve Mahdies, and he is the successor and messenger of Imam AlMahdi pbuh. In the supplication of Imam Al-Reza pbuh for Imam Al-Mahdi pbuh: (...O Allah bestow upon him, his family, his son, his offspring, his nation and his entire citizens what makes him delighted...), so this son whom Imam Al-Reza pbuh has distinguished in the supplication is the first Mahdi, the successor and messenger of Imam Al-Mahdi pbuh. I thank Allah who made me mentioned by Him and by my forefathers the Greatest Messenger Muhammad, the Prince of believers and the Imams and did not make me forgotten . Hence in your aforementioned book you necessitated the dispatch of Imam Al-Mahdi to a messenger, so what has changed? And this is what you said literally in Chapter III: (I hope that the reader would not be like those who said to the prophet of Allah Moses 'show us Allah outright'. Now if we suppose that Allah swt wanted to make it clear to people that the appearance of Imam Mahdi is soon, God willing and that they must support him to raise the banner of 'No god but Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah', how would this clarification or informing be achieved? Hence, this should be done when He swt subjects whom He wills of His servants to show what He wants on his hands and on the right time, because of the importance to know this matter and at this time in particular, so that he would establish the intense proof on His servants). Hence, you necessitated the dispatch of a messenger by Imam Al-Mahdi in your aforementioned book, so what has changed? This is what you said literally in Chapter III: (I hope that the reader would not be like those who said to the prophet of Allah Moses 'show us Allah outright'. Now if we suppose that Allah swt wanted to make it clear to people that the appearance of Imam Mahdi is soon, God willing, and that they must support him to raise the banner of 'No god but Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah', how would this clarification or informing be achieved? Hence, this should be done when He swt subjects whom He wills of His servants to show what He wants on his hands and on the right time, because of the importance to know this matter and at this time in particular, so that he would establish the intense proof on His servants). So did you forget or pretend to have forgotten what your hand wrote in your book?! 4- How do you decide that if I did not engage in calculations which you have [engaged in] (and invert words) that you think they are right, I would have claimed falsely? !!! 5- If you commit to your way of calculations and is certain from it and from its rightness, then calculate through the same way of yours and through the calculations of numbers that is proven to you and you want to prove it to people: Who is Ahmad = He is the messenger of the Mahdi, the same way you calculated who is Muhammad = he is the prophet of Allah, in your aforementioned book chapter three. And (Al-Mahdi) is calculated with the big summation and its number is (90), it is converted into the small summation so it will become (9), the same way you calculated (Muhammad) in your book.

Also calculate: (what is the book of Allah) you will find it equal to (he is the messenger of the Mahdi) the same way you calculated in your book what is the book of Allah, it is the Holy Quran.

Therefore, it is clarified to you from the above that Ahmad is the messenger of the Mahdi, and he is the book of Allah, and he is the speaking Holy Quran and through the same way you have set as a proof on the credibility of the science of letters in your book (The beginning of the American War against Imam AlMahdi pbuh), so fear Allah and hold by the saying of the Prince of Believers Ali pbuh concerning Muhammads progeny pbut: (And do not teach them as they are more knowledgeable than you). Thus, which you determined in your book, so avoiding and refraining from answering is unacceptable from you. I will clarify to you something about the secret of the number (37) The Most High said: {Then a fast of three days during Hajj and of seven when you return. Those are ten complete [days]. This is for those whose family is not attendant at al-Masjid al-Haram}. The ten are the seven skies (the Great Throne), Chair , the Greatest Throne and the Pavilion of the Greatest Throne; those three are the House of Allah and the City of Divine Perfection in the creation, and the City of knowledge (Muhammad pbuhap). Who was from the progeny of Muhammad, all of his ten would be in Hajj, i.e in the House of Allah, i.e. in the City of knowledge, i.e. in the House of Prophethood and core of the message. For more information and for the picture to be clearer to you, read the Allegories vol.3 (Question about the secret of the forty, question about the Throne and the Chair). 1- The number (37) consists of two numbers (3,7), and its total amount is (10). It is the ten of the monotheism. Who fulfilled them and went on pilgrimage to the house of God and visited the city of knowledge and his intellect was perfected and was from the three hundred thirteen, he would be from us Ahlul Bait. This has been reported from my forefathers pbut: (Faith is of ten degrees, and Salman has fulfilled the tenth (prayers of Allah be upon Salman), so Salman is from us Ahlul Bait). As for us Ahlul Bait, our ten is in the pilgrimage and in the House of Allah. 2- The number (37) consists of (10+27). The ten is the ten of the pilgrimage and the twenty seven is the knowledge that is permitted to spread among people as [reported] in the narrations from them pbut. For who fulfilled the ten of the pilgrimage (the ten of the faith), he would be able to hold the twenty seven letters of monotheism that Imam Al-Mahdy pbuh spreads. The Most High said: (And We wanted to confer favor upon those who were oppressed in the land and make them Imams and make them inheritors). The ones whom Allah wants to make them Imams are the progeny of Muhammad pbut; the Imams and Mahdies pbut, as well as the three hundred thirteen companions of Imam Al-Mahdi pbuh. Its secret is in the beginning of Surat Al-Qussas, which is (Ta, Seen, Meem) and If you calculated the number of these fragmented characters with the big summation: Ta + seen + meem 9 + 60 + 40 = 109 The result is (100 + 9) and if you converted it into the small summation (1+ 9) the result would be (10), and it is the ten of pilgrimage related to the Imams (the three hundred thirteen) mentioned in the verse, and it is the ten of monotheism as who went on pilgrimage to the House of Allah, has and his intellect was

perfected and became certain and and has unified Him the Most High (Howa), and if you counted the letters of (Howa), you would find: Ha + waw 5 + 6 = 11 It is (1 + 10). The ten you already knew it, it is the ten of pilgrimage and faith, and the One the Most High. So who gained the 10, he became certain and unified the One. In brief, I clarified for you that in this number (37) is the ten of the pilgrimage and the monotheism as well as the (27) letters of Theology. Thus, who went on pilgrimage and gained the ten, he would be able to carry and know the (27) letters) once they are spread among people. It is a secret that can not be beared except by a dispatched prophet, a close angel or a believer whom Allah tested his heart in faith. as a result he was certain and unified the One Most High (Howa). To let you know more, if you calculated (Ta-seen-meen) using the small summation: Ta + seen + meem = 9 + 6 + 4 = 19 The number of the Basmala letters is (19), and the Basmala is the verse of monotheism. The Most High said: (And We have placed over their hearts coverings, lest they understand it, and in their ears deafness. And when you mention your Lord alone in the Qur'an, they turn back in aversion). It means say: In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful as reported from them pbut. You knew that (Ta-seen-meem) refers to the people of monotheism, the three hundred and thirteen, and thus the number of the letter in the monotheism verse (In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful) is equal to the number of the monotheists verse (Ta-seen-meem) and the people of hell are polytheists; that is why the number of the monotheists verse was placed over them. The Most High said: (Over it are nineteen 30 And We have not made the keepers of the Fire except angels. And We have not made their number except as a trial for those who disbelieve - that those who were given the Scripture will be convinced and those who have believed will increase in faith and those who were given the Scripture and the believers will not doubt and that those in whose hearts is hypocrisy and the disbelievers will say, "What does Allah intend by this as an example?" Thus does Allah leave astray whom He wills and guides whom He wills. And none knows the soldiers of your Lord except Him. And mention of the Fire is not but a reminder to humanity. 31) The monotheists are the companions of the right in Surat Al-Muddathir; those who enter the heaven without account, and they are the companions of the Yamani, the successor and messenger of Imam Mahdi pbuh. The Most High said: (Every soul, for what it has earned, will be retained 38 Except the companions of the right 39). Read the latest Statement of the Yamani to make the picture clearer for you and to be more certain -if you were a truth seeker and from those who were given the Scripture or those who believed in the scripture- the Most High said: (And We have not made their number except as a trial for those who disbelieve - that those who were given the Scripture will be convinced and those who have believed will increase in faith). Calculate with me: the word (Successor/Wasi), (Al-Yamani), (Who is the Yamani), (He is a successor), (he is the successor of the Mahdi), (the companions of the right). But before we start with the calculations, let us review what your hand has written in your book (The beginning of the American war against Imam Mahdi) Chapter II, as you said: (the sixth century, the Thirtythird prophecy: his hand finally extends to the bloody Al-ALUS, he will be unable to protect himself in the sea, he will fear the military hand of the Mesopotamia, and the angry black man will make him regret what

he did), then you went on in your book saying: This is one of the strangest predictions mentioned by Nostradamus as it clearly mentions Imam al-Mahdi, and the translators of the predictions were puzzled in the meaning of the name mentioned in the prophecy , and most of the translators mentioned the name as it is (ALUS), even though some of them had deleted it as in the English translation, but it is there in the original French copy, and here the translator translated the word (ALUS) that is mentioned in the prophecy as (AlALUS) (adding 'Al', the Arabic definite article) without knowing what it means and he left its puzzle for time to solve it when that incident would happen. Whereas I will reveal what Nostradamus intended from it. As usual Nostradamus used when it comes to the names of people or their surnames. So he deleted the letter (I) from the end of the name; because if we add this letter, the word becomes (ALUSI) (the successor) and its meaning would become very clear, as we know that the title of the Successors is designated to the twelve Imams of Ahl al-Bayt pbut and Imam Mahdi pbuh is one of the successors so he can be called as (the successor). Again, Nostradamus agrees with the Shiites. Here, Nostradamus describes a particular person who can be a warlord or a president of a country who tries to kill Imam Mahdi pbuh or eliminate his forces and he will be afraid of the military force (the army of Imam Mahdi) in Mesopotamia (Iraq), but a man of the soldiers of Imam Mahdi (described as a black meaning he is a (Shiite); because the black clothing symbolizes the Shia, or he can be a Muslim Arab man from Africa (black) who will kill him and eliminate his forces while they are in the sea (perhaps in one of the fleets of war or in one of the aircrafts carriers, and he will destroy it). Before I start with the calculations, I have a commentary on your aforesaid words. The successor mentioned in the prophecy of Nostradamus is not Imam Mahdi pbuh, but he is the successor of Imam Mahdi pbuh and the first of the twelve Mahdies, the successors of Imam Mahdi pbuh. As well as he is the messenger of Imam Mahdi and the master who will succeed his matter as mentioned in the narrations, and he is the promised Yamani of Muhammad's progeny who calls to truth and who turns away from him is from the people of hell as mentioned in their narrations pbut. In the will of the Messenger of Allah pbuhap: (On the authority of Abu Abdullah pbuh, on the authority of his forefathers, on the authority of the Prince of Believers pbuh, he said: On the night the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) let out his last breath, he said to Ali (AS): [O Abu Al-Hassan, bring a parchment and an inkwell. The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) dictated to him his testament until he reached the following point and said: [O Ali, there will be twelve Imams after me and twelve Mahdis after them. You, Ali, are the first of the twelve Imams. Then he continued his dictation saying: Let Al-Hassan transfer it to his son Muhammad from the progeny of the People of the House of Muhammad (PBUH) and with him the Imams will account to twelve. Then, there will be twelve Mahdis after him. Should he pass away (the twelfth Imam), let him transfer it to his son, the first of the Mahdis. The Latter will have three names; one like my name, one like my fathers which is Abdullah and Ahmed, and the third name will be Mahdi. He will be the first of the believers). Sadiq pbuh said: (from among us after the Qa'em there shall be twelve Mahdis from the progeny of Hussain pbuh). Sadiq pbuh said: (from among us after the Qa'em there shall be eleven Mahdis from the progeny of Hussain pbuh). In this narration, the Qaim is the first Mahdi, not Imam Mahdi pbuh; because the Imam pbuh has twelve Mahdies coming after him. Baqir pbuh mentioned the features of the first Mahdi: (...That red cheeked person, who has sunken eyes, separated eyebrows and broad shoulders as well as lichen in his head and a mark on his face, may peace and mercy be upon the soul of Moses...) In a long statement of the Prince of the Believers pbuh: (Their first shall be from Basra and their last from Ibdal...).

In a long statement of the Sadiq pbuh naming the companions of the Qaim pbuh: (...From Basra Ahmad...) It is reported that Imam Baqir pbuh said: (He has two names -referring to the Qaim- one is hidden and the other is revealed. As for the one that is hidden it is Ahmad and the one that is revealed it is Muhammad). Ahmad is the name of the first Mahdi and Muhammad is the name of Imam Mahdi pbuh as mentioned in the will of the Messenger of Allah pbuhap. It is reported from Baqir pbuh: (Allah Almighty has a treasure in Taloqan; it is of neither gold nor silver but consists of twelve thousand (men) in Khurasan, having Ahmad Ahmad for emblem. They will be lead by a Hashemite young man riding a gray mule and wearing a red headband. I can almost see him crossing the Euphrates; should you hear of his coming, rush to him even if you have to crawl over the snow). Ahmad is the name of the first Mahdi and the successor of Imam Al-Mahdi pbuh, and he is the first believer in Imam Mahdi pbuh at the beginning of his appearance, and he is the messenger of Imam Mahdi pbuh to all people. In the supplication of the Third Day of Shaban (The Birthday of Imam Hussain pbuh) reported from Imam Mahdi pbuh: (O Allah I ask you by the righteousness of the one born in this day...the compensated of his killing by the Imams of his progeny, and by the cure in his soil and by gaining victory with him during his return. And the successors of his progeny after their Qaim and his occultation, until they attain the Awtar and take revenge and satisfy the AlMighty and become of the best supporters. Prayers of Allah be upon them along with the alteration of the night and day. O Allah by their righteousness I beg you...).If you reflect on the supplication, you will realize that the intended from the [Successors] are the successors of Imam Mahdi, including their father the first Mahdi mentioned in the narrations, and mentioned in the prophecy of the Jewish Nostradamus, so that it would be a compelling argument against the Jews and Christians and the Western world who believe in this prophecy because it approved many of the past events and because it was from a Jewish, French and Western man of them. Now after it is clarified to you that the successor mentioned in the prophecy is the successor of the Mahdi pbuh, I will take you to calculations: First: (The Yamani is the successor) The word (Successor) Wasi: 1- Wa Sad Ya 6 + 90 + 10 = 106 using the big summation and it is converted to the small summation: (6 + 100) so it will be using the small summation (6 + 1) = (7) 2- Wa Sad Ya 6 + 9 + 1 = 16 using the small summation The word (The Yamani): 1- Alf + Lam + Ya + Meem + Alf + Noon + Ya 1+ 30 + 10 + 40 + 1 + 50 + 10 = 142 using the big summation and converting it to the small summation, (2 + 40 + 100) so it will be using the small summation (2 + 4 + 1) = 7

2- Alf + Lam + Ya + Meem + Alf + Noon + Ya 1+ 3 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 5 + 1 = 16 using the small summation Thus, it is clarified to you from the above calculations that the word: (The successor) = (The Yamani) = (7) after calculating them using the big summation and converting them to the small summation.

(The successor) = (The Yamani) = (16) after calculating them using the small summation. Second: When asked about the character of the Yamani, we say: (Who is the Yamani). If the Yamani was the successor of Imam Mahdi (Meaning if the first Mahdi mentioned in the will of the Messenger of Allah), the answer would be: (He is the successor of the Mahdi) or (He is the successor). The number of the Mahdi is the following: Alf Lam Meem Ha Dal Ya 1 + 30 + 40 + 5 + 4 + 10 = 90 Now calculate: (Who is the Yamani) Man Howa Al-Yamani Meem Noon Ha Waw + (Alf Lam Ya Meem Alf Noon Ya) 4 + 5 + 5 + 6 + (7) = 27 (He is the successor of the Mahdi) Howa Wasi Al-Mahdi Waw + (Waw Sad Ya) + (Alf Lam Meem Ha Dal Ya) 5 + 6 + (7) + (9) = 27 (He is the successor) Howa Al-Wasi Ha Waw + (Waw Sad Ya) 5 + 6 + (16) = 27 Thus, it is clarified to you that the number of : (Who is the Yamani) = (He is the successor of the Mahdi) = (He is the successor). Calculate the number of (He is the Yamani) using the small summation and you will find it equal to the (27) letters of knowledge that the Qaim pbuh will spread among people. Abi Abdullah pbuh said: (Knowledge is twenty-seven letters. All the messengers has come with two letters, so until today people did not know other than these two letters. But if our Qaim rises, he would bring out the twenty-five letters to spread it among people and adds the two letters to spread them as twenty-seven letters). Ha + Waw + Alf + Lam + Ya + Meem + Alf + Noon + Ya 5 + 6 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 5 + 1 = 27 Then calculate the number of (the companions of the right) in the verse: (Every soul, for what it has earned, will be retained 38 Except the companions of the right, 39), the right is calculated using the big summation and is converted to the small summation and the result would be: Alf + Sad + Ha + Alf + Ba + (Alf Lam Ya Meem Ya Noon) 1 + 9 + 8 + 1 + 2 + (1 + 4 + 1) = 27 You knew that the number (27) represents the twenty-seven letters of knowledge (knowing Allah and unifying Him the Most High) which Imam Mahdi pbuh will spread among people. You would know from the previous calculations that the Yamani, the successor of the Mahdi pbuh and the first Mahdi, is the bowl of the twenty-seven letters of knowledge. As he is the bowl that receives the flowage from Imam Mahdi pbuh and outpour it to his companions. Thus, the Yamani is the Noon and the dot of the Noon in regard to Imam Mahdi pbuh. The Most High said: (Noon. By the pen and what they inscribe, 1 You are not, by the favor of your Lord, a madman. 2 And indeed, for you is a reward uninterrupted. 3 And indeed, you are of a great moral character.

4 So you will see and they will see 5 Which of you is the afflicted [by a devil]. 6 Indeed, your Lord is most knowing of who has gone astray from His way, and He is most knowing of the [rightly] guided. 7). The Yamani is the Ba ( )in regards to the three hundred and thirteen companions of Imam Mahdi , and he is the dot of the Ba in Bismillah Arrahman Arraheem [In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful]. He has the two ranks of Risala and Wilaya and at this time he represents Muhammad and Ali, and he is the City and he is the Door, so where are you going (And the Qur'an is not the word of a devil, expelled [from the heavens]. 25 So where are you going? 26 It is not except a reminder to the worlds 27 For whoever wills among you to take a right course. 28 And you do not will except that Allah wills - Lord of the worlds. 29) You would know from the previous calculations that the companions of the right, they are the companions of the Yamani as well, are the bowl of the twenty-seven letters of knowledge, as they are the bowl which receives the flowage from the Yamani, the successor and messenger of Imam Mahdi to all people, then they outpour the knowledge to the people, they are the three hundred and thirteen. To let you know more brother: The proofs of the Call are many, I came with what the Prophets and Messengers pbut, Muhammad and the imams pbut have come with. One of the brothers of Ansar Imam Mahdi, Mr. Dhia Zaidi, has compiled tens of proofs in his book The Clear Light, which has been printed and you can take a look at it, as well as The Clear Message Part 1 compiled by Sheikh Nazim Al-Uqaili (may Allah protect him). Some of the proofs of the Call are: 1- The narrations reported from the Prophet Muhammad pbuhap and the Imams that mentions the name, country and features. 2- Knowing the explicit [Muhkam] and allegories [Mutashabah] and the ways of the skies, those are one of the peculiarities and secrets of the Imams pbuh. 3- Mubahala/ oath of disavow/ the call to the truth, etc. 4- The revelations during awakeness and the true visions during sleep seen by a very large number of people in the Prophet Muhammed, Ali, Al-Zahra and the imams as they stress upon the truth of this call, for seeing them is proven, and that it is true by the Quran and narrations [reported] from them. In addition to what you have decided and committed yourself to concerning the predictions of Nostradamus in your book, the second chapter, where you quoted this text: (The Third Century, the ninety four prophecy for another five hundred years they will pay attention to him as he is the garnish of his time, then all of a sudden, a great revelation will be dispatched that will make the people of that century delighted). So what is the great revelation other than the vision that is seen by a very large number of people and its shows the truth and its holder? Read carefully brother, and let the request of truth be before your eyes, and search carefully and equitable yourself and save it from the fire. I ask Allah for your guidance if you wanted it, and to show you the truth as the truth and to grant you its following, and to show you the falsehood as the falsehood and to grant you its avoiding. And praise be to Allah alone Ahmad Al-Hassan Jamaadi Al-Awwal / 1426 H

Question 36

Question 36: May the peace of Allah be upon you... I am an Iraqi settling in Germany, particularly in Munich. I have read some of what you mentioned, but what is the way to believe when we have heard that the Mahdi [May Allah hasten his relief] has many who claim to be his messengers whereas they are nothing but liars, sorry I dont mean you. But how can I believe and how can I come to know you when you have said you have learned from the knowledge of Imam Al-Mahdi? My question is: can you meet me? I swear I am scared , because I want the afterlife, not this world .So by Allah bring me closer to Imam Mahdi , and peace be upon you. Tariq Al-Ansari .Rabii Al-Thani 1426 H. Answer: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful, and praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. Brother, the existence of falsehood does not imply the invalidity of the truth. As the existence of Musailamah Al-Kathab [God curse him] does not imply the invalidity of Muhammad [pbuhap]. Take a shower and fast for three days, and supplicate with this Duaa .. [the duaa is in the Book of Jawab: Q14]. I ask Allah to guide you to the right path and to show you the truth as truth and to grant you its following, and to show you the falsehood as falsehood and to grant you its avoiding.

Ahmad Al-Hassan Jamadi Al-Awwal 1426 H.

Question 37
Question 37: In the name of the Most High... If the Quran was compiled at the time of the Prophet, why was it not compiled according to [the sequence of its] revelation? Why did the Earth take four days to be created, while the creation of the heaven took only two days ? Please answer, God bless you. Yusif Al-Ali 22/Rabii Al-Thani/ 1426 H Answer: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful, and praise be to Allah the Lord of the Worlds. Regarding the compilation of the Quran which is present in the hands of people, everyone knows that it was [compiled] later after the time of Prophet Muhammad [pbuhap]. But what have been compiled in the life of the Prophet of Allah [pbuhap] is with the Imam [AS]. As for the second question, the answer is in [The Allegories vol. 4], it is being printed and will be published soon, God willing. Ahmad Al-Hassan Jamadi Al-Awwal 1426 H

Question 38
Question 38: I listened to the full recorded tape but there is condemnation of the police and that they are agents of America, this is untrue; because they are going to demand a living, and some of them have families under their responsibility, from where would they get to live? Please answer as soon as possible. I'm an observer of you and I am a student in the Hawza, I retired because of the many troubles [there] and I am

23 years old. Ahmad 21/ Rabii Al-Thani/1426 H Answer: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful, and praise be to Allah the Lord of the Worlds. 1- Who was carrying the weapon side by side with the Infidels of the Americans, and attacked the Shrine of Ali ibn Abi Talib [pbuh], and boasts of killing young people in the Shrine of Ali ibn Abi Talib [AS], and [then] he comes out on the satellite channels with his mouth dripping blood of the young people who resort to the shrine of Ali ibn Abi Talib such as the criminal Al-Jazayri, the police chief of Najaf; is not he an agent of the devil and a soldier of the Satan Americans? 2- Najaf police have dropped hundreds of civilians dead, while they were on a weapons-free peaceful march. Those who unleashed the guns of their hatred to kill hundreds of poor ones stained with their blood; are not they agents of the devil and soldiers of the Satan Americans? 3- There are some members of the police and guards who returned to their senses and believed in this true call, and some of them are officers with high ranks. I have asked all of them to not support the unjust ones even with a split of a dried date, and to do justice to the oppressed ones, even if it was on their account, and to be ready at all times to face the infidels of the Americans and their dissolute followers. Ahmad Al-Hassan Jamadi Al-Awwal/ 1426 H

Question 39
Question 39: Peace be upon the Qaim of Muhammads progeny (prayers of Allah be upon him and upon his purified fathers and upon his chosen sons), peace be upon the desperate one whose [supplication] is accepted if he supplicated. Peace be upon the demandant of [ ] revenge for the prophets and their sons. Peace be upon the demandant of the blood of the one killed in karbala. Peace, mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you, O master. Brothers in faith; peace, mercy, blessings and greetings of Allah be upon you, My master, What is the ruling of removing the hair from the cheeks the way it is practiced by the barbers? Peace, mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you. May Allah grant you victory and grant victory to His religion and laws through your victory. A servant of Ansar Al-Imam (Abu Ali) 20/Rabii Al-Thani/1426 H Answer: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful, and praise be to Allah the Lord of the Worlds. It is prohibited to shave (the beard) (the Chin), and it is permissible to remove the hair from the cheeks. Ahmad Al-Hassan Jamadi Al-Awwal/1426 H

Question 40

Question 40: Peace, mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you. I thank you a lot for answering my previous letter, and I have some more questions that I will be very thankful to be answered: 1- The river which the companions of the Qaim pbuh will be tested with, is it a known materialistic river or something else symbolized by river? 2- What is intended from the hadith reported from the Infallible pbuh: (who joined it are those similar to the worshippers of the sun and moon)? 3- The signs of the Appearance [of Imam Mahdi] includes reading the two books that disavow Ali AS in Basra and Kufa, will it be a public reading and with the agreement of the people of Basra and Kufa, or what? Thank you very much. Fahmi Saleh 18/Rabii Al-Thani/1426 H Answer: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful, and all praises be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, A Q 1: The companions of the Qaim AS will be tested with something else, not a materialistic river. Abi Abdullah AS said: (The companions of Saul were tested with a river, Allah the Most High said: Allah will be testing you with a river, and the companions of the Qaim AS will be tested in the same manner [or likewise]. He is the Door of Muhammads progeny AS as reported from Assadiq AS: (The Yamanite Corner is our door of entering the heaven, and it has a river of the heaven in which the deeds of the worshippers are laid). The pillars of Imam Al-Mahdy AS are four: they are Al-Khidr AS, Elijah AS [Elias], Jesus AS and the Yamani.

The Yamani is the stone placed in the Yamani Corner of the Kaaba, named as the Black Stone (As reported from them that he is a king who swallowed the book of the Covenant and Pledge). The Yamani is the Book of the Covenant and Pledge taken from the Children of Adam, and from the prophets and messengers to support the Qaim of Muhammads progeny pbuhap. The Yamani is the first Mahdi mentioned in the Will of the Messenger of Allah pbuhap. The Yamani is the river by which the companions of the Qaim will be tested, but this time (who drinks from it is from me and who does not drink is not from me), and he is the twenty-seven letters of knowledge that would spread among people and they were not spread among people previously and they were not authorized to get to it before. A Q 2: The people of the corrupted or the semi-corrupted doctrine before being guided to the truth. A Q 3: Ali is not as you think to be 'Ali ibn Abi Talib, as he is a sacred character according to the mainstream Muslims and Shiites. Loving him is faith and detesting him is heresy and hypocrisy according to what the Shiites and Sunnis narrated from the Messenger of Allah Muhammad pbuhap. But Ali, whom the people will disavow, is someone who represents Ali bin Abi Talib, and that is during the years of the signs of Appearance in particular. Ahmad Al-Hassan Jamadi Al-Awwal/1426 H

Question 41
Question 41: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful Sayyed Ahmad Al-hassan, the successor and messenger of Imam Mahdi (May Allah hasten his relief), there is an argument going on recently among the Shia. It is known that when the Imam or his representative appears, all of the verdicts will be issued from the sacred standpoint and this contradicts what has been issued from you in regards to working by provision ( )with the three , namely, (Sayyed Sadr the first and Sayyed Sadr the second and Sayyed Khomeini), what is the benefit of working by provision ( ?)It is known that most of the letters contain presumptive verdicts, if he was correct he wont be rewarded and if he was wrong he will be a sinner. My deep apologies if I wronged in speech or expression. Thank you very much Sayyed Dia 26/ Rabi II/ 1426 H Answer: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful, and all praises be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. It is for you to ask about the jurisprudence, and it is for me to deliver the answer for you. Ahmad Al-Hassan Jamadi 1/1426 H

Question 42
Question 42: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful The narrations of the infallibles concerning the cry of Jibreel mentions something that means: the truth is with the family of so-and-so. Who are the family of so-and-so? Alaa Razzaq 27/Rabi II/ 1426 H Answer: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful, and all praises be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. The truth is with the family of Imam Mahdi pbuh, and they are the remains of Muhammads progeny, and they are the twelve Mahdies. As well as the truth is will the Yamani and his companions, and they are the three hundred and thirteen Yamanis and their followers. As for the people of falsehood, they are many including Al-Sufyani and the family of the Sufyani. Pay attention here that Aba Sufyan was from the progeny of Ummayah and he is the brother of Hashem, the grandfather of the Prophet Muhammad pbuhap, and both of them, Ummayah and Hashem, are from the progeny of Ibraheem pbuh. Likewise, the End of Times would have Abu Sufyan, Muhammad and both of them. Ahmad Al-Hassan Jamadi I/ 1426 H

Question 43

Question 43: Peace be upon you, I wish you to answer my question, as you are the most knowledgeable in religious matters. A catholic man has proposed to me and I agreed; because he is honest, sincere, and a believer in God, however, I would like to take your advice regarding this matter. Is it permissible for me to marry him? Is this marriage Halal or Haram? I ask this, as I am a Muslim. I wish you to answer my question as i am puzzled in this situation (As some would say it is Halal and others Haram, and now I direct myself to you), Thank you. Hiba From Jordan, Muslim 21 Years old, 29/Rabi 2/1426 H Answer: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful, and all praises be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. If you were a Muslim, it is not permissible for you to marry a non-Muslim. Ahmad Al-Hassan Jamadi 1/1426 H

Question 44
Question 44: Peace, mercy and blessing be upon you, I have a question I would like to ask Sayed Ahmad Al-Hassan. It was reported that you invalidate the scholars as a religious reference (Marja'), so how does the accountable be informed of his/her religious jurisprudence? And if it was said to take their word but not their action, that would be a contradiction. How am I to take a word of someone whose trust and justice are uncertain, is it right to learn honesty form a dishonest person for example? I wish you to answer this question, much appreciation. Abu Saleh 29/Rabi 2/1426 H Answer: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful, and all praises be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. It is for you to ask about the jurisprudence, and it is for me to deliver the answer for you. Ahmad Al-Hassan Jamadi 1/1426 H

Question 45
Question 45: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful. All praises be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. May peace and blessing be upon the last of the prophets and messengers, Muhammad the son of Abdullah, may the best blessings and the entire peace be upon him. To the proclaimer of seeing the awaited Mahdi, whose knowledge is with Allah Almighty The Most High, and has not shown clear evidence nor conclusive proof of his appearance, specially that we now live in a great revolution of wired and wireless communication technology, as well as modern recording technology, which permits whoever has seen him to record the conversation with him live, sound and picture, I ask you by Allah, Whom has created all living beings, and Whom makes every difficult situation trouble-free, to return to your sanity, and to quit hypocrisy and the spread of slander and division between the Muslims, and to stop issuing permission for the misleaders from Jin and Humans to continue their misleading acts, and to claim that you are their intercessor at the time of the appearance of the real awaited Mahdi. This is a warning to you, and it is the last warning, and if you do not quit showing your faith, and hiding

your blasphemy, then I swear by Allah Whom there is No God by Him, I would kill you with my sword, you hypocrite, eloquent, user of magic in luring people. Know that your position is known and specified to me by my unique equipment no matter how much you tried to hide, and Allah is the guide to either way. The Refrained from sin by rope of Allah, Hamad bin Hassan bin Zayed Al Mulhan Saudi Arabia 30/ Rabi 2/ 1426 H Answer: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful, and all praises be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. You claim to be refrained from sin by the rope of Allah, and the rope of Allah is the Quran, and in the Quran a verse, which if you read, you would have paused plenty. The Most High Said {Nay, they charge with falsehood that whose knowledge they cannot compass, and the final sequel of it has not yet come to them; even thus did those before them reject (the truth); see then what was the end of the unjust.} So by what proof and by what knowledge do you accuse me with lying and hypocrisy?! And in the Quran a verse, which if you read, you wouldn't have disregarded, sworn, and threatened, the Most High Said {And if he had fabricated against Us some of the sayings, We should certainly seize him by his right hand, And We should certainly then cut off the artery of his heart} And Imam Al-Sadiq (PBUH) said, "This matter shall not be claimed by anyone except by its rightful owner, or else Allah shall cut off his age" And in the Quran a verse, which if you read, you wouldn't have accused me of sorcery, the Most High Said {Similarly, no messenger came to the Peoples before them, but they said (of him) in like manner, "A sorcerer, or one possessed"!} Then I say unto you, whoever is like me does not fear but Allah, nor is tempted by any but Allah and through Allah Almighty the Most High. As I have my grandfather the messenger of Allah (PBUHAF) as an idol when the blasphemer of Quraish wished to kill him, and I have my grandfather Al-Hussain (PBUH) as an idol when he was massacred from the vein to the vein, and lastly, I will not shut the door to your face, but I invite you to supplicate to Allah and ask him the knowledge of what has been differed about from the truth, and the knowledge of the truth of my matter from the world of the secrets and unseen Almighty the Most High. And supplicate by this supplication [The special supplication mentioned in the answer to question 14] Ahmad Al-Hassan Jamadi 1/1426 H

Question 46
Question 46: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful Peace, mercy and blessing be upon you Sayyed Ahmad Al-Hassan. My dear master, I do not know how to start, but I am used to speaking honestly with you. I have mentioned your matter to a dear friend of mine, and that you can perform miracles, which prophets have performed before, and he (my friend) is disabled since childhood as he suffers from Polio (Spinal paralytic poliomyelitis) for more than 30 years. He is in an adequate state of cultural and religious awareness, noting that his disability was a result of a needle being injected by mistake which caused him paralysis when he was still an infant. When he heard about you, glimmers of hope in Allah almighty emerged. His father and most of his household told him that if Ahmad Al-Hassan was able to cure you, then

we will all be obeying servants to him, and that is because doctors have lost hope in him, and said that he has no cure. And I, of course, know an adequate number of members among the religious circle and have plentiful relations. We told him if Sayyed Ahmad Al-Hassan cured you, we will all believe in him with you, join the cause and become of his supports chosen by the infallible Imam. So what is your answer my master. Please advise us. May Allah reward you the reward of the good doers. Abu Maryam Haidar / Basra 30/ Rabi 2/ 1426 H Answer: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful, and all praises be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. Brother Abu Maryam, believing can not be by resort, as the reason of our coming to this bodily world will vanish, which is the test and scrutiny. If every prophet went to cure the sick and resurrect the dead and leave no room for ambiguity, then all the people would believe, but their belief is compelled by them resorting to him. As Jesus (PBUH) cured and resurrected some of those who believed in him, to be a proof for the believers to increase their certainty, and it has not increased the unbelievers but their blasphemy, intransigency, and denial of him and of who these miracles happened with. So ask yourself, and let that person ask himself, does he want to follow the truth, or does he want to be cured?! If wants to follow the truth and he is mindful as you say, then the last statement of Yamani should be enough for him, and the thousands of vision seen by the people should be enough for him, and curing of the sick from the supporters should be enough for him, as some suffered from cancer and were hopeless, and he is now here with his medical reports witnessing in front of Allah that he was cured because of his belief in this righteous call . There is one of the supporters suffering from polio and is handicapped now and a believer in this call since the era of the tyrant Saddam. He is dedicated, sincere and is striving for the sake of this call by his money, handicapped body and everything he could. And he is full of certainty, and I have never heard of him at any day that he wants remedy in return of his efforts. And you want the returns in this life even before work and believing. Ahmad Al-Hassan Jamadi 1/1426 H

Question 47
Question 47: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful Your eminence Sayyed Ahmad Al-Hassan. Peace, mercy and blessing be upon you. I offer you my respect and gratitude to the answer of my previous question which I have sent, and I am on that by Allah's will and if you do not mind I will keep on mailing you and I am one of your followers. I have questions that I ask your honorable person to answer it personally, even if it were silly as I ask by that the showing of truth and righteousness, and to my knowledge that you answer every question in the Quran, Torah, and Bible, according to your statement that I read and hear about: Q1: Is it possible to know the details of your life before you were given this matter, and if you may kindly do that to the boring details please please please. Q2: When did you leave Hawza study? Are you currently wearing the Imama (turban) or not? Q3: Where did you study in Hawza? Who were your professors at that time? Q4: What is your current age (Gregorian calendar)? Q5: Where were you in regards to this call at the era of the tyrant Saddam? Why have you declared it now?

Q6: Is it correct that Allah will lengthen your life to rule after the death of Imam Al-Mahdi (May Allah hasten his matter)? Q7: What is your opinion in the Mahdian encyclopedia for Muhammad Muhammad Sadiq Al-Sadir? Q8: Do you have ancestors younger or older than you descending from Imam Al-Mahdi (May Allah hasten his matter)? Q9: Is Imam Al-Mahdi (May Allah hasten his matter) your fifth grandfather as your supporters claim? Q10: Does Imam Al-Mahdi (May Allah hasten his matter) bring forth children (Males or Females) and what is their number? Q11: According to your estimation and attachment to Imam Al-Mahdi (May Allah hasten his matter), what is the time or the date of the appearance of the Imam, even if it was an estimate? Q12: Is Imam Al-Mahdi (May Allah hasten his matter) married to more than one woman? Or is it the same woman that he stayed with? And if he was married to more than one woman, do they know him as the Imam himself or a regular person? Q13: Have you traveled to Europe, Africa or America to show the truth of your call or the matter of Imam Al-Mahdi (May Allah hasten his matter)? Q14: Is anyone from the progeny of Imam Al-Mahdi (May Allah hasten his matter) an immoral person or a refuter to the law (Sharia) (May Allah purifies them all)? Q15: Was Imam Al-Mahdi resident in one place or multiple places during the large occultation? Q16: What is the mandate of Imam Al-mahdi during this era which killing and destruction is seen in? Q17: Is it correct that you know the unknown, such as you informing your supporters that you will be imprisoned and such? Q18: Do the meetings with the infallible Imam occur, as a request from him or can you see him at any time whenever you wish, aren't you his son? Q19: What is the closest path leading to Allah Almighty? Q20: What is your advice to me? I ask you not to skimp on me, as my similar and I are from those who Allah has placed rust upon their hearts, but we ask for Allah's mercy. My virtuous sir, the purpose of the questions is not a test nor derogation (And Allah is witness on my words), but those questions circled among us young people when you and your call came up, that is all. I am thankful for your patience and acceptance to questions, may Allah support you with his success if you were from the truth tellers. Peace, mercy and blessing be upon you. Abu Maryam Basra Answer: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful, and all praises be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. A1: Available on the website

A2,3: I (and I seek refuge by Allah from the I (ego)) have met Imam Al-Mahdi (PBUH) around the start of my entrance to the Hawza and started learning from him, and did not care for the Greek Sophistry present at the Hawza. A4: Approximately 35 years. A5: The call was present and public at the era of the tyrant, and I have asked allegiance from many people, and many people from different states have given their allegiance such as Baghdad, Najaf, Karbala, Nassiria, Basra, Imara and other regions. The tyrant Saddam tried to capture me and Allah has saved me, and this matter by itself is a miracle if you have minds. And many of the people who gave their allegiance at the era of the tyrant are here now and are from the supporters whom you can ask and know details from them. A6: Allah does as he wishes, but I wait for death and meeting my Lord day and night. A7: It represents a pave for the Imam (PBUH). A8, 9,10: No. A11: I do not give times. A12: Aren't you ashamed to ask such question, and what is yours and others' business of the personal life of the infallible? A13: No. A14: They are Mukalaf (assigned to a test) just like others, and there is no difference between an Arab and a non-Arab, nor a White or Black but by piety. A15: Many places. A16: And who am I to talk about the assignment of the greatest wali of Allah. A17: I know what Allah has graced me with, and I do not talk about it to prove this call. A18: Whenever He wishes {He said: If you would follow me, then do not question me about any thing until I myself speak to you about it} A19: It is mentioned in the Quran {Was not Allah's earth spacious, so that you should have migrated therein?} , {And whoever flies in Allah's way, he will find in the earth many a place of refuge and abundant resources, and whoever goes forth from his house flying to Allah and His Messenger, and then death overtakes him, his reward is indeed with Allah and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.} , Allah's earth and Allah's way is the Hujja (proof) over people, so the Imam is the migration path to Allah and is the shortest way leading to Allah. A20: Read Enlightenment from the calls of the messengers Part 2 patiently and with attention. Ahmad Al-Hassan Jamadi 1/ 1426 H

Question 48
Question 48: In His name the Most High. May the peace, mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you. I ask from your majesty to answer these following questions may Allah reward you with blessings for it.

Q1: From your miracles to prove that you are sent from Imam Al-Mahdi (May Allah hasten his appearances), is that the person will see in his sleep the image of the Imam (PBUH) and compels him to follow you, I have tried that but was unsuccessful so I ask you to provide me with the way to do it may Allah reward you with blessings for it. Q2: There is someone out there who claims to be the most knowledgeable, and the closest to Allah the Most High, and that is his majesty Sayed Mahmoud Al-Hasani, and he also claims to be the master of the Muslims and demands for a debate. And since you used the debate to prove you proof, why dont you debate this person to prove the falsehood of his claim regarding knowledge, because he claims that from his proofs of knowledge that no one would debate him, and he has not debated anyone until now. I call for your majesty to answer those two questions, because you have affected me to a certain point, but I have not found an answer to these two questions until now. May Allah support you for his gratify. Murtatha 5/Jamadi 1/1426H Answer: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful, and all praises be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, There is a supplication available in the website for you to pray with (The supplication available in the answer of Question 14). I (and I seek refuge by Allah from the I (ego)) invited everyone to debate by the Holy Quran, to prove the truth, and from them is Sayed Mahmoud Al-Hasani who calls for debate by the knowledge of origins of jurisprudence, and Sheikh Nazem Al-Uqaili, who is from the ansar, has replied to him in the book of Ifham (or outdoing), and that book is now printed and neither Sayed Mahmoud Al-Hasani nor anyone who represents him have replied to it (the book). And the book of Ifham (or outdoing) contains a debate between Sayed Mahmoud Al-Hasani and the supports of Imam Al-Mahdi (PBUH), So read it and pay close attention to know the owner of the righteousness, and I ask Allah to guide you to the right path and to show you the truth as the truth and to grant you its following, and to show you the falsehood as falsehood and to grant you its avoiding. Ahmad Al-Hassan Jamadi 1/1426H

Question 49
Question 49: Why do you always use argue with the scholars and say that you would make a miracle appear in their presence, and why dont you send this statement to the general people for them to follow you as the messenger of Allah did, and if you say that Moses (PBUH) argued with Faro at first, then the answer to that is that Faro has a military force capable of the extermination of the people of Israel, considering that they were under his rulings, opposite to the scholars who do not have that. Finally, I ask to present a photo of you to recognize you. May the peace, mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you. Mohammad Al-Hilali Age 26 Iraq 5/Jamadi 1/1426H Answer: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful, and all praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. 1- Are the general community slaves or freemen?

If they are freemen, then there are numerous proofs regarding the truth of the call, and it's inevitability is a right on every truth seeker. They are the same proofs as those of the messenger of Allah Mohammad (PBUH), and of it are many miracles and prophecies of the unseen, which occurred with the Ansar. A small number of them were collected, printed and published. 2- Does the miracle have to be seen by all? As no one saw the stones praising in the hand of the messenger of Allah (PBUH) except for Huthayfa, nor anyone talked to the wolf except for the Jewish man, nor anyone heard the weep of the tree trunk upon the messenger of Allah except for his companions and supporters, nor anyone saw the shift of the tree except for few from the Kufar (infidel) of Quraish, add as well of the cattle of Um Maabad and other miracles of his (PBUHAF), and similar things occurred in this call. And from the miracles is that I, the helpless servant and the attached to the hands of his Lord, swiped the eyes of some of the students of the Hawza in Najaf at the start of the call in the era of the tyrant Sadam (May God curse him) and the veil was removed from them as they saw the angles and the kingdoms of heavens, and materialistic miracles occurred with them, and after a period they disbelieved and said "A sorcerer and prepares Jins and.. and.. etc". As if they did not hear the words of the Most High {And even if We opened unto them a gate of heaven and they kept mounting through it} And now some of them returned and gave their allegiance again after they refuted from the call in the past, so my brother, you filled my heart with soreness just as your ancestors filled the heart of the prince of believers (PBUH) soreness. Ahmad Al-Hassan Jamadi 1/ 1426 H

Question 50
Question 50: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful I (and I seek refuge by Allah from the I (ego)) am one of the believers in the call whom Allah Has Graced them with this grace. I have seen a vision in Sayed Ahmad Al-Hassan as a companion of Imam Al-Huja (May God hasten his appearance) as if I knew him that he was the Sayed. In spite of the fact that I was one of the followers of Sayed Ali Al-Musawi, meaning from he Shaykhia sect. I request from you to provide me with the details regarding Khumus and Zaka, in addition to the opinion of the Sayyed regarding the imported Indian lamb meat to Kuwait, is it Halal to eat or not? Sister Rasha from Basrah 8/ Jamadi 1/1426 H Answer: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful, and all praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. O believer sister, peace be upon you and Allah's mercy and blessing. I ask Allah to grant success to every believer in this life and the hereafter. Regarding the Khums and Zaka, details can be lengthy but it is fine to make some of it clear. Khums belongs to the infallible imam (PBUH) and the proof (of Allah) upon creations at every era, and they are His successors and can place it wherever they wish. The khums has issues in which: It has to be of the money and unused items [New]. No khums is taken from house that one lives in, nor the furniture he/she uses, nor the car needed for transport, nor one's source of income. And if one has second house, car, or a source of income, then khumus is obligated in it.

As for the Indian imported meat, it is Haram to eat until it is proven to be slaughtered by Muslim hands and in a correct Islamic way. Ahmad Al-Hassan Jamadi 1/1426H

Question 51
Question 51: Mockery is draw on people's faces when they read about your call, as the proofs and evidences are not sufficient for this claim. As a consequence, your call affiliates to the sings of the appearance of the wrongdoers, misguided and misguiding characters that precede the appearance of Imam Al-Mahdi (May God hasten his appearance), such as Al-Hasani, Al-Yamani, and those who claim to be Imam Al-Mahdi himself. What distinguish you from those characters by anything that draws attention? Hussain Al-Awadi from Iraq 11/Jamadi 1/1426H Answer: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful, and all praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. This call is supported by plenty of evidence, and I (and I seek refuge by Allah from the I (ego)) did not tell anyone to follow me blindly, but I tell him or her to open your eyes, distinguish the proof, and know the owner of the righteousness to save yourself from hellfire. As the call of righteousness is accompanied by false calls just as it happened with the messenger of Allah (PBUHAF) when the call of Musailama The Liar and others accompanied his. As it was narrated from Mufadal bin Umar, he said: I heard Aba Abdullah (PBUH) say "Be ware of ____dualism ___, as by Allah your imam will disappear for years of your lives, and you will be distressed till they say he died, assassinated, vanished, or to what valley has he gone? And till the eyes of the believers tear, and you tremble as the ships tremble between the waves of the sea and no one survives but those who Allah Has Taken their ___covenant ____, Wrote in his heart faith, and Supported him by a spirit from Him. Till twelve obscure (or should we say doubtful) banners are raised, no one knows which is which" And I cried and said: What would we do then? And he said "So he looked into the sun coming to full capacity (whats another word for full capacity )and said: Do you see this sun O Aba Abdullah?" I said Yes and he said (PBUH) "By Allah our matter is clearer than this sun" . So the Imam (PBUH) has made it clear that the call of righteousness is clearer than the sun, and it is clearer than the sun, because its evidence are the evidence of the prophets, messengers, the messenger of Allah Mohammad (PBUHAF) and the Imams (PBUT). So pay attention to the evidence of this call and compare it to the evidence of the messenger Mohammad (PBUHAF). Read some of the evidence of the call in The Clear Light book by Mr. Theya Al-Zaidi, and Al-Balag Al-Mubeen book by Sheik Nazem Al-Uqaili, and you will see the evidence to be numerous, from it is the will of the messenger of Allah (PBUHAF), the narration of Ahl Al-Bayt (PBUT), the knowledge, the righteousness, the guidance, Al-Mubahala (Maybe we should explain what Mubahala means???), the oath of innocence, the Kashf and visions of the messenger, imams, and prophets (PBUT) seen by the believers, the miracles and transcendental And if all these evidence will not gain you any benefit {Then keep watch for the day when the sky shall bring an evident smoke, That shall overtake men; this is a painful torment}, and at that time say with the others {Our Lord! remove from us the punishment; for we do surely believe}, and the answer shall come to you {How shall they be reminded, and there came to them an Messenger making clear (the truth), Yet they turned their backs on him and said: One taught (by others), a madman}. Praise be to Allah, have you not paid attention to the cases of the past nations? As your case today is the same case as the Jews with their prophets. Have you not paid attention to the word of Allah and the tales in the Quran? Observe yourselves, isn't your case the same as the case of the Jewish scholars and their followers when they mocked Zechariah (PBUH), Yahya (or should we say John) (PBUH) and Jesus (PBUH). I ask you by Allah, what is the difference between you and they?!

And if you were from those who gave ears and are witnesses, then you would scream with tears and say by Allah, we are worse than the Jews and their scholars who threw themselves on this life (Dunya) and fought the prophets and their supports who walked to the hereafter, believed in it, the kingdom of heavens and the unseen. What pushes you to mockery of me and the believers in this truthful call? Ask yourself and revise your Lord and {Read your book; your own self is sufficient as a reckoner against you this day} [Holy Quran 17:14] And throughout the eras, who are the mockers? And have you heard or read that prophets, messengers (PBUT) and believers mock? But you would always find that mockery and underrating are the bases of the deniers and the disbelievers of the calls of the prophets and messengers. An evil folk you have been towards me O people of Iraq. You have followed your elders who followed America, stood by it, and approved of its democracy. And you agreed to the Sakeefa of the oppressors, and you gave those who pushed the prince of believers Ali (PBUH) an excuse, and you turned on your backs as disbelievers in the placement of Allah and His supremacy Almighty, and you fought this righteous call as desire for this rotten life. You followed those whose money and life did not add to him but loss, just as the people of Mecca followed Aba Sufyan and fought my grandfather the messenger of Allah (PBUHAF), and do not resent me and I call you to the book of Allah, the greatest wali of Allah Imam Al-Mahdi (PBUH), and to repel the falsehood and its people. I did not emerge but to seek reformation in the nation of my grandfather the messenger of Allah (PBUHAF), and by an order of my father Imam Al-Mahdi (PBUH), just as my grandfather Al-Hussein (PBUH) has emerged. So if you followed the leaders of misguidance then so did your father before and followed the scholars of misguidance Shabt bin Rabi, Shimar bin Thul Jawshan, and Shuraih Al-Qathi, and assisted the son of Zyad and Yazeed (May God curse them) to kill Al-Hussein bin Ali (PBUH). As there is a mote in the eye, and mellowness in the mouth, and we are for Allah, and to Allah we shall return. And those who oppressed will know of their end, and there is neither will nor power but by Allah the Most High the Mighty. Pay close attention to His words the Most High {A part of My servants there was, who used to pray 'our Lord! we believe; then do Thou forgive us, and have mercy upon us: For You are the Best of those who show mercy! But you treated them with mockery, so much so that (mockery of) them made you forget My Message while ye were laughing at them! I have rewarded them this Day for their patience and constancy: they are indeed the ones that have achieved Bliss}, So mock and laugh plenty, then do not repeat the way of your ancestors and milk an undue milk (___that was an expression used in Arabic which I tried to translate it as much as I can, it literally says milk a blood of an offering (cattle) that isn't due to be slaughtered yet____), and you will be cursed by subsequent folk just as the ones who fought Mohammad (PBUHAF) and mocked him are cursed today, and you will know who's the winner tomorrow when knowing will do you no good then. I (and I seek refuge by Allah from I (ego)) will tell you and others a story hoping that you learn: I saw in my sleep, that one of the scholars of the Hawza of Najaf, and I know him, is standing close by my side, and close to us are a group of angels in the image of human. They asked the mentioned scholar about me and presented him with the evidence of the call, he denied the call, and then came a person who is majestic and of a great status as if he is the protector over the angels, the vision, and everything it includes. The angels then said to the mentioned scholar: And this person also bears a call and these are its evidence, and they presented him with the evidence of this person with the great status. He then said: the evidence of this person is just as the evidence of Ahmad Al-Hassan. The angels then said to the mentioned scholar: And do you know who that person is? That person is Mohammad bin Abdullah, the owner of the shearing sword and piercing arrow, the messenger of Allah (PBUHAF). The mentioned scholar said: I do not believe in Mohammad nor Ahmad, and turned his face away. And I swear by Allah the Most High the Greatest that I have seen this vision and in it is the messenger

Mohammad (PBUHAF), and I did not tell you this vision as an evidence to prove the righteousness of this call, even if vision is used as a proof, but I told you it for the reason that I consider it as a message from Allah, may Allah benefit you and others by the gist from it, so you and others may learn, and Allah is the source of success. And praise may be to Allah Whom Made us believers in the kingdom of heavens, the unseen, and the hereafter, which is of the unseen. Praise may be to Allah alone, and the curse of Allah may be upon every infidel disbelieving in the kingdom of heavens and the unseen. Ahmad Al-Hassan Jamadi 1/ 1426H

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