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NAME: __________________________ DATE:__________


TEST I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Encircle the letter of the BEST correct answer. Erasures, alterations and superimpositions will automatically render that item incorrect. 1. Which of these is not a stage of cancer development? A. Initiation B. Metastasis C. Promotion D. Progression 2. Which of the following is not considered carcinogens? A. Tobacco B. sun rays C. flourescent lights D. alcohol E. unhealthy dietary habits 3. Stage I cancer is: A. cancer in situ B. metastasis C. limited local spread D. tumor limited to the tissue of origin, localized tumor growth 4. __________ are normal cellular genes that are important regulators of normal cellular processes. A. Oncogenes B. Neoplasms C. Nadir D. Protooncogenes 5. _______ are tumor inducing genes. A. Neoplasms B. Oncogenes C. Protooncogenes D. Malignancies 6. Which of the following is a correct statement about Metaplasia? A. increased density or number of cells B. dividing cells differentiate into cell types not normally found in that part of the body C. cells are abnormal in size, shape, appearance, and arrangement because the DNA has lost control of the differentiation process D. regression of a cell to an immature or undifferentiated cell type. 7. What is Anaplasia? A. increased density or number of cells B. dividing cells differentiate into cell types not normally found in that part of the body C. cells are abnormal in size, shape, appearance, and arrangement because the DNA has lost control of the differentiation process D. regression of a cell to an immature or undifferentiated cell type. 8. Which of these is NOT one of the 5 things that determines the effectiveness of chemotherapy? A. mitotic rate of the tissue B. size of the tumor C. age of the tumor D. fat deposits surrounding the tumor E. location of the tumor F. presence of resistant tumor cells Situation 1 As a nurse in the Oncology Unit, you have to be prepared to provide safe, efficient and effective care to your patients. 9. Which one of the following nursing interventions would be most helpful in preparing the patient for radiation therapy? A. Offer tranquilizers and antiemetics B. Instruct the patient of the possibility of radiation burn C. Emphasis on the therapeutic value of the treatment D. Map out the precise course of treatment 10. What side effects are most apt to occur the patient during radiation therapy to the pelvis? A. Urinary retention B. Abnormal vaginal or perineal discharge C. Paresthesia of the lower extremities D. Nausea and vomiting and diarrhea 11. Which of the following can be used on the irradiated skin during a course of radiation therapy? A. Adhesive tape B. Mineral oil C. Talcum powder

D. Zinc oxide ointment 12. Earliest sign of skin reaction to radiation therapy is: A. Desquamation B. Erythema C. Atrophy D. pigmentation 13. What is the purpose of wearing a film badge while caring for the patient who is radioactive? A. Identify the nurse who is assigned to care for such a patient B. Prevent radiation-induced sterility C. Protect the nurse from radiation effects D. Measure the amount of exposure to radiation Situation 2 You are going to participate in a Cancer Consciousness Week. You are assigned to take charge of the women to make them aware of cervical cancer. You reviewed its manifestations and management, 14. The following are risk factors for cervical cancer EXCEPT: A. immunosuppressive therapy B. sex at an early age, multiple partners, exposure to socially transmitted disease, male partners sexual habits C. viral agents like the Human Papilloma Virus D. smoking 15. Late signs and symptoms of cervical cancer include the following EXCEPT: A. urinary/bowel changes B. pain in pelvis, leg or flank C. uterine bleeding D. lymph edema of lower extremities 16. When a panhysterectomy is performed due to cancer of the cervix, which of the following organs are removed? A. the uterus, cervix, and one ovary B. the uterus, cervix, and twothirds of the vagina C. the uterus, cervix, tubes D. the uterus and cervix 17. The primary modalities of treatment for Stage 1 and IIA cervical cancer include the following: A. surgery, radiation therapy and hormone therapy B. surgery C. radiation therapy D. surgery and radiation therapy 18. A common complication of hysterectomy is





A. thrombophelbitis of the pelvic and thigh vessels B. diarrhea due to over stimulation C. atelectasis D. wound dehiscence A client is being admitted to the hospital after receiving a radiation implant for cervical cancer. The nurse takes which priority action in the care of this client? A. encourages the family to visit B. admits the client to a private room C. places the client on reverse isolation D. encourages the client to take frequent rest periods A client is to undergo weekly intravesical chemotherapy for bladder cancer for the next 8 weeks. The nurse interprets that the client understands how to manage the urine as a biohazard if the client states to: A. void into a bedpan and then empty the urine into the toilet B. disinfect the urine and toilet with bleach for 6 hours following a treatment C. purchase extra bottles of scented disinfectant for daily bathroom cleansing D. have one bathroom strictly set aside for the client's use for the 8 weeks The nurse is developing a plan of care for a client being admitted to the hospital who is immunosuppressed and will be placed on neutropenic precautions. With regard to neutropenic precautions, which intervention is incorrect? A. admitting the client to a semiprivate room B. placing a precaution sign on the door to the room C. placing a mask on the client if the client leaves the room D. removing a vase with fresh flowers left by a previous client The nurse is preparing to change the linens and gown of a client who was incontinent of urine. The client had received an unsealed radiation source earlier in the day for treatment of thyroid cancer. The nurse wears which of the following protective items? A. mask and gloves B. gown and gloves C. mask, gown, and gloves

D. gown, gloves, and eyewear 23. The nurse receives a telephone call from the hospital admission office and is informed that a client is being admitted who will undergo implantation of a sealed internal radiation source. The nurse asks the admission office clerk if which of the following rooms is selected for the client? A. a single room near the nurse's station B. a single room at the distant end of the hall C. a semiprivate room near the nurse's station D. a semiprivate room between two isolation rooms Situation 3 - Colorectal cancer can affect old and younger people. Surgical procedures and other modes of treatment are done to ensure quality of life. You are assigned in the cancer institute to care of patients with this type of cancer. 24. Larry, 55 years old, who is suspected of having colorectal cancer, is admitted After taking the history and vital signs the physician does which test as a screening test for colorectal cancer. A. Barium enema B. Carcinoembryonic antigen C. Annual digital rectal examination D. Proctosigmoidoscopy 25. To confirm his impression of colorectal cancer, Larry will require which diagnostic study? A. Carcinoembryonic antigen B. Proctosigmoidoscopy C. Stool hematologic test D. Abdominal computed tomography (CT) test 26. The following are risk factors for colorectal cancer, EXCEPT: A. Inflammatory bowels B. High fat, high fiber diet C. Smoking D. Geneticfactors-familial adenomatous polyposis 27. Symptoms associated with cancer of the colon include: A. constipation, ascites and mucus in the stool B. diarrhea, heart burn and eructation C. blood in the stools, anemia, and pencil shaped stools





D. anorexia, hematemesis, and increased peristalasis Several days prior to bowel surgery, Larry may be given sulfasuxidine and neomycin primarily to: A. promote rest of the bowel by minimizing peristalsis B. reduce the bacterial content of the colon C. empty the bowel of solid waste D. soften the stool by retaining water in the colon A client has developed oral mucositis as a result of radiation to the head and neck. The nurse shouls teach the client to incorporate which of the following measures in his or her daily home care routine? A. oral hygiene should be performed in the morning and evening B. high-protein foods, such as peanut butter, should be incorporated in the diet C. a glass of wine per day will not pose any further harm to the oral cavity D. a combination of a weak saline and water solution should be used to rinse the mouth before and after each meal A client with renal cancer is being treated preoperatively with radiation therapy. The nurse evaluates that the client has an understanding of proper care of the skin over the treatment field if the client states to: A. wash the ink marks off the skin B. avoid skin exposure to direct sunlight C. apply perfumed lotion to the affected skin D. wear tight clothing over the skin site to provide support The nurse is caring for a client admitted to the surgical nursing unit following right modified radical mastectomy. The nurse includes which of the following in the nursing plan of care for this client? A. take blood pressures in the right arm only B. draw serum laboratory samples from the right arm only C. position the client supine with right arm elevated on a pillow D. check the right posterior axilla area when assessing the surgical dressing

32. A nurse provides discharge instructions to a client with testicular cancer who had testicular surgery. The nurse tells the clients: A. to avoid driving a car for at least 8 weeks B. not to be fitted for a prosthesis for at least 6 months C. to avoid sitting for long periods for at least 6 weeks D. to report any elevation in temperature to the physician 33. A client calls the ambulatory care clinic and tells the nurse that she found an area that looks like the peel of an orange when performing a breast selfexamination (BSE), but found no other changes. The nurse should: A. tell the client there is nothing to worry about B. arrange for the client to be seen at the clinic as soon as possible C. tell the client to take her temperature and call back if she has a fever D. tell the client to point the area out to the physician at her next regularly scheduled appointment 34. A client with cancer who is receiving chemotherapy tells the nurse that the food on the meal tray "tastes funny." Which intervention by the nurse is appropriate? A. keep the client NPO B. provide oral hygiene care C. administer an antiemetic as ordered D. obtain an order for parenteral nutrition (PN) 35. A client receiving chemotherapy has an infiltrated intravenous line and extravasation at the site. The nurse avoids doing which of the following in the management of this situation? A. applying direct manual pressure to the site B. stopping the administration of the medication C. administering an available antidote as prescribed d) leaving the needle in place and aspirating any residual medication 36. The home care nurse is assisting a client in managing cancer pain. To ensure that

the client has adequate ans safe pain control, the nurse plans to: A. rely totally on prescription and over-the-counter medication to relieve pain B. keep a baseline level of pain so that the client does not become sedated or addicted C. try multiple medication modalities for pain relief to get the maximum pain relief effect D. start with low doses of medication and gradually increase to a dose that relieves pain, not exceeding he maximum daily dose 37. The nurse has provided home-care

instructions to a client recovering from a radial vulvectomy. Which statement by the client indicates the need for further instructions? A. I need to take showers rather than tub baths B. I need to monitor for foulsmelling perineal discharge C. I need to wipe from front to back after a bowel movement D. I need to notify the physician if swelling of the groin or genital area persists for longer than 1 week 38. The community health nurse provides an educational session regarding the risk factors for cervical cancer to women in the local community. The nurse determines that further teaching is needed if a woman attending the session identifies which of the following as a risk factor for this type of cancer? A. smoking tobacco B. low socioeconomic class C. early age of first intercourse D. white race 39. The nurse has completed discharge teaching with a client who has had surgery for lung cancer. The nurse determines that the client has misunderstood essential elements of home management if the client verbalizes the need to: A. avoid exposure to crowds B. deal with any increases in pain independently C. sit up and lean forward to breathe more easily

D. call the physician in case of

D. contaminated linens should





increased temperature or shortness of breath The nurse is taking a history from a client who is suspected of having testicular cancer. Which of the following data will be most helpful for determining the client's risk factors for this type of cancer? A. age and race B. marital status C. number of children D. number of sexual partners The community health nurse provides an educational session to members of the local community regarding the breast self-examination (BSE). Which statement by a member indicates the need for further education? A. I need to perform a BSE every month B. I should perform a BSE when I have my period C. It is easiest to perform a BSE when I am in the shower when my hands are soapy D. I'll use the finger pads of my three middle fingers to feel for lumps and thickening The nurse provides discharge instructions to the client who had a mastectomy and axillary lymph node dissection. The nurse teaches the client to: A. avoid use of insect repellent B. wear protective gloves when doing the dishes C. avoid the use of lanolin hand cream on the affected arm D. cut the cuticles on the nails carefully using clean cuticle scissors A client is receiving a course of chemotherapy on an outpatient basis for the diagnosis of lung cancer. Which home-care instruction should the nurse provide to the client? A. a bathroom can be shared with any member of the family B. urinary and bowel excreta are not considered contaminated C. disposable plates and plastic utensils must be used during the entire course of chemotherapy

be washed separately and then washed a second time, if necessary 44. The home-care nurse visits a client with bowel cancer who recently received a course of chemotherapy . The client has developed stomatitis, and the nurse provides instructions to the client about the care of the mouth. The nurse determines that the client needs further instructions if the client states the need to: A. eat foods without spices B. maintain a diet of soft foods C. drink juices that are not citrus D. drink foods and liquids that are hot 45. A client with leukemia receives a course of chemotherapy. The homecare nurse who is scheduled to visit the client receives a telephone call from the client's physician. The physician informs the nurse that the client's neutrophil count is 600/mm3. On the basis of this laboratory value, the home-care nurse tells the client to avoid doing which of the following? A. straining at bowel movements B. using a straight razor for shaving C. eating any raw fruits or vegetables D. taking aspirin or medications that contain aspirin
46. A client in the final stages of terminal cancer tells his nurse: "I wish I could just be allowed to die. I'm tired of fighting this illness. I have lived a good life. I only continue my chemotherapy and radiation treatments because my family wants me to." What is the nurse's best response? A. "Would you like to talk to a psychologist about your thoughts and feelings?" B. "Would you like to talk to your minister about the significance of death?" C. "Would you like to meet with your family and your physician about this matter?" D. "I know you are tired of fighting this illness, but death will come in due time." 47. Which client has the highest risk of ovarian cancer?

A. 30-year-old woman taking oral contraceptives B. 45-year-old woman who has never been pregnant C. 40-year-old woman with three children D. 36-year-old woman who had her first child at age 22 48. An oncology nurse educator is speaking to a women's group about breast cancer. Nurse test questions and comments from the audience reveal a misunderstanding of some aspects of the disease. Various members of the audience have made all of the following statements. Which one is accurate? A. Mammography is the most reliable method for detecting breast cancer. B. Breast cancer is the leading killer of women of childbearing age. C. Breast cancer requires a mastectomy. D. Men can develop breast cancer. 49. During a breast examination, which finding most strongly suggests that the client has breast cancer? A. Slight asymmetry of the breasts B. A fixed nodular mass with dimpling of the overlying skin C. Bloody discharge from the nipple D. Multiple firm, round, freely movable masses that change with the menstrual cycle 50. The nurse is teaching a client who suspects that she has a lump in her breast. The nurse instructs the client that a diagnosis of breast cancer is confirmed by: A. breast self-examination. B. mammography. C. fine needle aspiration. D. chest X-ray. 51.

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