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an. -


undersirned would repractice in the Courts of the Sixth announce to their spectltully Judicial District, and the Supreme Court friends and the public geneally. of Louisiana. that they have just purchased the (J Post-office address-"Plaquemine, lber- tCoffee-house andlfixtures formerly kept by Plailfelb4-ly .ille, La." landing: and


L 0013, Adttorsne at Law,

Fenmale SvmiaEn arI.


BEMJ. N. DEBLIEUX, flttersey at Law,

Plaquemine, 1ierrille Parish, L.ouisiana, ILL devote his whole attention to the practice eo their profession in all the Courts of j1 the Sixth Judicial District.


Plaquemine, 1berrille, La.

West Iaton Rouge, i Baton Rouge 1'. U., La


lip Heelein opposite the steambo at having been o to considerable expense in papering allthe ro ms so that theyv are neat and pleasand hasing the best brrald's of Liyurj's ad aoIt. to be had in New (Orleas.and turtter. Vislea pledging ourselves to spare no painsto pl:as, all who call to see us. weshall expect a small share of the public patronage. ttoE t:F F I. TURIN & SEIPPLE. CHAKgLisvitrPt..) Plaquemine. May 19.160.

YouIg Ladies wnll he opened ill Plaquiemine on the 1st of ()tobL'r next. at the residence of Sths II. KIts. T'ine Musical I)rli rtmenit is under th.e charge of Miss H Ru.s. by the Principal. The .las-es w i be tanght ist by competent ass' ar st. aidedl i in ILnglie complete wltl SThe t.,Irse o1 studies lis| and French and it h.-r branches of Edeat 'on. lish For tither paiticular. apply it t,,he P'n'i ,.,l. .11IRS. P. JUIFL. sepk.a-ly



Ilave lust received the most s,,it
st 'k kf Good sr Go , tlemten'sFall and

JOIHN BI9N ING, Prol'esvor of .Plusir,

Ii , Ilhan s,,jurnintg awhile it, our ofI d.vo'igll4 tow ii thepurln.,i 111" to the, duties of bhi 1po0hi. lie ~~on w iI give ics

,rFmt l5%.


Coats, Vests and Pants,

thate was ever brllght to this market.


L L-mnon, Vanilla, -a Or Orgeat, j jelit Strawberry. Rasplerry, Gro, eille, 't tiCKLLE



Pine Apiple Rose. Gin:,r. Nat !ral. & D)LAVAt.I.AlIL) , (Oranie,

S' is I Wli tvitig." He will also tune Pianos. in a style rccond to Th'ey thank the lpublic for its supp, t hitherto. no oile. a, w il l en!rator sil itolie swo'ir v 01it. TO' Ali the se da"ironl of takiing lesnns ono any it.theirull :ii d plm,.ial cIInuornrr.s they .. IV the -t lscriipnon .iabove alluth iI t, or ,trn aaients. of the 1, usua, l :" iIt. ('da' .It1hewi -ial 1. IIn)o 10 a I'tlnoi waishes his atllendalnce to tiie whoesti wall pIase Bite soth ltl ace to. or leaate their iMAD. DURAI'JD, 1 nov 17 Bros. ler Bthel of shop, the at ,lret'ti,,





' ad t"dly I.
o 111111 lllif


ii ,El

vanc. mp

-- F,,e Dollars per


ishl I Ir t the

il.-erllll su'

will he inlerted at the Al ADVEIRTISEl.N'.'S o the hlui I;r limn) fll hro t.1til t p+-r op, 11.111,11 olor i SaGtr,
r. -lii-,' fir-[.anut Y'itI I'ral- frf ,.r ihtl.t r Iou l. l.wever.ltl lhberal t..Ult II 11 a.,., -i11-t1 t I fr i Ir. tall'l


trtil lel wI ll e ati* tl l.lrmot

ion. t-





ANNOUNCIN(; C'ANDI I)ATES-Tei Dollars advateIu -- lilarulyli 111 ll is Illl aa f,r "Ill ,It I". ri. TI'(ES. Inot exreedtlng thlee 11 NU)' OBIIT'Il\Y
fIour b

J -

Dress .Plaker.ins r;. si all ih.sesrp'rr

Barrow t Pope,
r.5 LOWr, .aulesseWs mud C.e amIr ILL practice their profession in the parishRouge. IberBaton East and West es of ville, Point Coupee and West Feliciana; the SuiStates United the preme Court of Louisiana, and District and Circuit Courts at New Orleans.

anyl-ly _

"svw, "t attorey Will devote strict attention to the practice of his profession in all the Courts of the Sixth Judicial District. apt4.-l with Zenon Labauve. Offieee

. 8.


Aftterey at Law and Justice of the Peace, eaug6 5Ofee on Main street. . _

Joseph Hotard,
Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
(03s s0Ne as Zne's I,ekure, Esq.,)

4 -- @

s. BRIs


at Law,

Tyler, Smith County, Texas,

1LI practice law and collect claims in the counties of Harrison, Panola. Itl.k, Smith, my26

the FedWood, U pbur, Cass. and Marion, and in

eral and Supreme Courts at Tyler.


Attorney at Law,

Will practice in the District Court of Iberville. A share in the business of said Court solicited. oce6 TrAddress Clinton, La


surreVer D CliU Englueer,


Baton Rouge, La.

c. nov24

ILLattend to calls in the Parish of Iberville nfo surveying lands mapping. Plantations, levelling, measuring cas and levees, dranghting architectural designs,

river, in Iberville, ofers his professional servi e-nto the citizens of the parish on that side. j..30
SaAW**a r.u. JOHN

located himself about five miles be HAVING low the Ferry on the opposite bank of the

U. DIEAjR3M, MiL 1.

.J(' CI:LtItI AN1 cIIlIII"NliS '. 'I.tA. VOlK-Cash on delivery J.l(OB The -team prope.ler VIRl.VIA.i FREY pres.elts his comp!iments T l. will hat e Pioneer Life in Califorila-TWerrible Li.i:I'apta a .tI' M B ti , i '.i ,mnipliens o ht I ,,-,I , Int AMIt t . l. I)I ,t lTI HAVE FOR ,,,,- , t n11 to his friends and the public, and respectfully 1i - i-r , e. ne ll .. l, . . ll - .i 11," I e ll, 1h II. tlhe mail. every Tu'Ie'sdlay 1't..,.niae. carr'aln l Encounter with a Grtszly Iear. informs them thathe has opened in the huilding aetuuliint. prcisaely-aid o'c.ack at 6 tharin,'. IJn7., ite m ,N'. h t -w.l l r .l .P, it fr l l ire it o' tal t on Main street, formerly occupied by Stockley r&r. &s.., ,arc I, - to ri KINl e ('iarrutoa ,,very Waldesday .Morning at leas find the ',llhwinlg account of a .1 .1o. 1 BiRICK.. tI Fine I & Delsvalla le, a andl arrais aat l'laqual:lne the same 6 ti o'clock. her. , .strandu.poni I 1,It.h ,o h sh ral patr~,uxn'," IhI, Le.ave l'la emiie agantaon morn-t terrille adventure with a grizzly bear , Coffee lonuse and Lager Beer. - ,.ay. It , -,' :,t 1 tui l, ; la -ii t ,e i .-oit rit-nlr" '1HEO. BI.AN(H.\RD. i e i nI n,| h reP .y14 ll,.r iiit l'lilaln h 1 l i.iie I g furl c iar , riterIIiik ing at 6, and have t haliantonaga a ran Uon'unday Saloon, where ood liquois and good beer can i the Jacksonville (Cal.) Senhird : ,ttng wilthte Ilb rville in coellll at oclo Ik. il r arllii. 1rroll ii F. a . ,,r i..trm. Mr N.IDD-L+, pidl .Ehai I+ - .-Yo.D fi be had. and where lie howes his old patlont and 1Ba ayo. :ata-l alnd with the aIo"d i Batoln Rou A Uerinan namend William Brahmar, sep15 the public will call and see imn. Fasacy Bakier tud Cosflectionler, SI. Mary I'l.- ankht amit New I tesa. living on Rogue river, twvo Iiles below Ireight their that see ple,-e i'Shippes ~. ,il Rhline SITs I warnatcr stt Ferry, had a terrible adventure bAiliSlaUlent. ISIPECTIFLLY inilrms families io ona board the hontthe ra H a tllg I:re ianus to0her Bethel's is anid othelrs of Pi aqultnine an!d Iler-t The undersigned would say to hIas a grizzly bear on the morning of w with Iurihe Iparticulars applyto tille, that lie is at :i Il iines p,: pare I to deparlure.-Fo that and to the public geuterally friends rb ,dec2 II a i j. M %1cWil.IAIS & CO. TI the citize ,n '. estl -i- .Iin, nr yl,'y it tlit l ' t,, Thlursday of last week. lie was out ltirtiish parties with (',ike ii 1 C, he has just receised a new sapply of tt ill and Vet wBlaton h uge. tha he has ag ,in in a i;mannier not er ren every st)l . and manuiarclicll hunting, accompanied by his two dogs. White and Red Ithine Wine. of a quality touch Pt' ti usli. 1oVllltthe int ed to Plaq eenlllle. re surpassed any wihere. He will lurinishasy thing rotu .ILLE.V'S about two miles fronm his cabin, superior to that received last year. The public su the on carry to Itermalently, himseil caliing ca shortest the that may be trquired1 iii his line at1 i may rely upon this wiune being the true and ac- th Stlbble Shaver. his dogs started upon the Improved woods, the inll lenns.reastonable nOst anid lo the notice, d laddlery and Barness Business came Ifrom the vine- II juice of the gaspe. as it tual tr animal, whicll they traced sonimc A number ofthe above importantarlticle, o of and Uleaud track Batik of coetirl the at Iakery yards on the Rhine. ('all and try it. IN ALL ITS alrANit'llc:1S. useful in facilitatln- the culture of the to a clunmp of brush. Here they halted, my l2 streets. GABRIII.L BIEIILER augll Those in want of SADI)LES. H.\RNEd+, or s cane.-invented by.,. A Lt.vv.anml perfected kiugar barking violently. and it stain b "he undler'iglled-has been mauilacluied and RCerfiHed d Stews-ar-t's of PL.ANT \I ION GEAI:IN; , will by any article they had discovthat H thinking by Btrahmar, OrisaaIs New in Liva.le for hand on tinow code oeuse, Boarding is i to give him a cll. belore ;GEO).W. SISElt, corner of Camp and PI'ydras, o interest lind it to hleir Pt" C.I.DIE. ered a black bear, hastened to the spot. ery $tab purchasing elsewhere. Ji in that city. as he came in front of tile stump Just RECEIVEIt. by steamship Cahawha, lower story of the Old "' Agent for the sale of the machine oil Main street. cSho.p MAURICE MA certiThe undersigned has upwalrd o severrnty A. W. SCOTT. .SI sh24 a FINE SP('PLY of the ablve ('ANI)IES Masonic Hall. of Il an old oak-tree a grizzly came chargwho Louisianla. the in rand plaute ficates finm the best TNFORM1S his friends tI')OCKLEY & DEI.AVALLAIE. j.i ill toward him with jaws wide open, 'arno'i a CDrrii;so and Ipublic generally, that he has have witnessed the operations of the Stubbe nig I opened his new house, on Bank bhaver in various scis; and there can be no I-growling and snorting. Our hunter teanufiaotory New Butchery. r tully tieets-aild it where that fact July, of tile 4th of the since street, qu-stlo)is AtI) n raised his rifle, quickly aimed at the cr SThe unilersigned respectfully informs the e andI deei!heratumns requirements th he is finely rituated to accornam itmetls-all e Trimming brute's head, but before he could pull C public that he has' pt.chis-d the old andI Carriage date Boarders and transient visitors. on reasonathat could lbe i,-eedad or desired for perterming b known Butchery of F. iinth. and that he se trigger tlhe bear was within a few feet and perfectly the work for which ti ble terms. His table shall always be furnished well cleanly, ne atly w ith the supplied stall well to kee*p his intends ire . of hima. Instantly he lowered his piece SCUSTAVIE RlNGW ALID,i at with the best the market affors. was inveiteid to perlfru.and in whlih persatlit atBy a Polk. &c. Mutton. best of Blee. be supbe always the laitr of at leastjftcar.tareds so as to hit the minonster directly ill the His COFFEE HOUSE will tl:ttanc, it dtn.s 1 Successor to ('uAKLEv V.i1r & Co, at the old to his business in the above respect, liet te Lager teitlon ! It will al-o shave trom ''5 to ,it) rati the hine of .\. aW.Suorr stand plied with the beat of Liquors, d pulled. The cap snapped. nouthi, ant to have a share of pubili patronaz:. and hopes hr he price asked for Ir Beer. &c. acreswibhout sharpetning. '1 Reslpectfuilly partlcula*ly the patiolnae of .Mi. Smnlt's old 1 int'rm theipeople them In a momIent, quick as a flash, the small conTABLE kept in a se- pa a BILLI lsiii be foundl to be surpiisingly He hb,s l Baton West Ilwr,,leand t b rose upon his hind feet, catched Ior their manullacture. bear parate room from the Barr,handsomely fitted upI.)i custom' rs. having purchased outB sidlerini the IpricIpaid Rouge tlhat I}.F.. e P. 2. The carts will run as usual down the wanting the Stuladr Sharaewill please IlisSTAIILEcaanot be surpassed; and all anPlanters Brahmar's right arm between his teeth, inpartner. of hls Intlesrt Coas, and to the Park, the C, to or the wath Orleans meet shall New care l:llK. his W. to GEUO. entrusted imals address with his tfore-paws forcibly threw and decl3-ly IBERTRAM BEYRIS. t suchf, t of busiole ltille ila on the i e, tilrd etarls a A. ST. D IZI ER. I'laqucminie: oct 13 most diligent attention. altkindis ofi ll o i at. th,:t ariulaactr his It victim to tile ground. Before letting Or to J. M.cWL.mA. He confideatly hopes that his old friends will c Saddlew and Hlnrlll not forget him. Planters and others trom the go with his teeth, the grizzly had torn have their horses and bugges'properwill co mntry i great muscle of Brahmar's upper Ladies Dress Goods the of Painting and the o'trimminl And adinuer good as and of at all times, AND ly taken care almost entirely away, thus complea resd arm OCarriages and Baggies. Undersigned 'The and wine as the town afford, lotr themselves adl Planstaliosa Goods crippling him. But the plucky feltely establishment. And everything kept in a similar sepl) . friends. ' public, the inform IFprcettlly they particular;y call attention to. as also their S N. B.-No Itepalrindone onlCREDIT. reached for his knife with his left 1: that haviug purchased and re- low mtock of extensive ea Court House Exchange. ly 1i-9. N. aIth. atr IPlakuemine. moved to the Livery Stablr If hand. The effort was vain, and meanReady MIade Clothing. Dasvict Zaery. and occupied by Sam'l. McFad-* while the hear was biting and tearing formerly ow'sned h They will tot pretend to give a i-ti of their it din. and latterly by Ira Orcutt, on AVING purchased out the interest of his itn Tiu, Copper, his limbs and flesh fearfully. With great OtVorker town of Plaquethe inll Sheetbut t street advertisement, ai Main of cotmplass the in at stock the partner. will continue to carry onl all who are in wanlt of s request Iron, presence of mind Brahmar then, as a Lkc. mine. andl having adlded much to it l.f business at the old stand, where he will always re have iin the way of fine Ilorse and Bilgges. they last chance for escape from the clutches Clleap Goeds, i of l,trms the citizens Geed hiq eras to CLt.Y ita are prepitosed to carrv on the LIVERY STABLE of his assailant, cried out for his dogs. to give them a call. as they feel fully satisfie,. .P ESPECTi il e locatedhImsel permaneit y Plaquemine,.-ir BUSINI "S in all its branches. ,r and Plne Lager. ,hat purchasers will not go away from their store They answered to his call, happily, and Horse. and Vehicles ofalmost every kind, rea Thankful for past patronage, he trusts to re- di the common ot carny og on the abute busile's. tIh Ipurpose HAASE IIROS. joc231 iaissatistied. at a once set to in worrying notice. at short dy old his of the same from ceise a gs,ntinuance to to all work ennlusted ; a Ipun'ctual attenltion thus unceremonhimself f Finding foe. Catriagessupplied. Engineer, Fainny jy21 .n generrel I workmanau Iriends antl the public proper in a It him. and execuhtin , Cuastomers can tely upon having their Horses iously attacked in the rear, the grizzly fpHE tund+esigned. flat;erii:g hitisell that he e Ilike manlner.and atmoderate ales.he Irllu"Is that t left Brahmar, and commenced turned, ofour well led andl taken care of. Give us a trial. a Iporto of the dpatrouage will receive 1. is favorably knownll throllitnlut the <tate ash She We also have linelargeLots lor the accom citizens. -hop in the rear ot the butiiaig owna MILLRIGH I' AND ENGINEER. would re- C battle with the dogs. The lacerated eta. of dros modatiota of .Main aid lesee ' Emile Degelos.corner e 'ay spec: fully announce to the Sugar Plante-s awl ted ii took advantage of this diversion, man JAMES BARKI'R, jy 4-ly others, that he is pripared to conutract to I;il I I aticeta to,



Line, I. S. .!ula!

, will I,, l he.r(l'I. inlllllad 01 n in" I I.'.e u ,raslter l.0tll wall be charge.d




i/nit .t/al


The Itainbour.

At $10 per Thousand.



















, FOHN WH.ARao, Jr., ':











Next door to the Post Office, NEw Oa.Lass. Oysters in B errels or Cans, Pickled or Spiced. Fruit and Nuts of all kinds, wholesale and re. tail. supply of all the luxuAlways on hand a full

No. 10G oyal Street, S

TOYS! TOYS! TOYS! have associateld hemselves together. for the purpo-e ofdoing a a I11.NA GOODS! sutch as-Vases, Candle it ANTHONY WILIIERT, a Business. Set*, Cologne C'omttmi-ion general Forwarding anld LJ stick., Poederhas-s, To,,ilt Moune, due the nmer- hbttlra, Cups and Saucers, Miugs, Match boLes, We wtll also Collect CABINET IAkKI. stockof ITea and Cuoee and a fine stalrd,a. CiLgar men. of the North, Ea-t and t a business andi chants. chihlren. far at-s Takes this method of re West. All businless intrusted to our care ill be Butin and Ilor. in BIltll Ivory. 0().1, turning his thanks to his oll promptly attended to. Shell and Ivory. CARD CASES. ian I I I for the and customers friends y The undersigned would respectfully IIEELI'IN & JI:NNINGS. stack of all kinda. larga I'OK I'E MON.AIEi. heretotore received. and asures them patronage inform his friends and the public generally that at P re that he will ever strive to accommodate them in Sof fast qaliy. EGAIAItCA'-E a 6fi variety. in PHILIP H KELEI, full blast," where t his Oyster Saloon is now in -fine very I'IPES, MEEILtRIltUM P E. JENNINUS. As it is my intemtion to keep o bhand a full Oysters are served up in every style. Alsohis line. Knives & Raora c(UI'Lt.Y, reat Jus Rmute'r's h reliable citizen of the Parish any to commttodiamid Refer large ll the Iito moved now has supply of everythingie my lime, a call is solicitd lie BIOARI)S. Game andt other Luxuries, CHESS & AIOtN BAC'KGAH ous building at the corner of Fenn's Alley and rdec3al Iberville. La. nd from my old frieads sad castew ws. GOLD PENS and L'ENCILL. including "Ironsides Gumbo," and Gumbo, of ev- a mylst-tf rra, Bank Stem opposite Nicol's. . 1 street where he has a large stock of Furfur jlveniles and grown BOOKS, a fiue aaeortnrtt ery other description; Soups. Roasts. Stews, Frys, folka, a number ut new ipubltcattls, niture of every kind. &c.Broils-Salmon, Lobsters,Sardines, t Bibles, Hvynnbooks, &c. at or repaired in exchange WM. H. POLAON, Old Furniture taken . Desmerais ad Delicacies; of very low prices. To Plasters and Merchants. BRUII4HE A, liair. Cloth, Hantand Tooth. and of House, Sion and Ornamental Painters, I,and WINES and LIQUORS of all kinds, and Writing Boles Work PAPIER He also makes COFFINS of every style at the eeks. the most superior quality. Give me a call. Bh11B EL ! 1A11h1L ! ,a and Imitators of Wood and Marshortest notice. a H. LEBLANC. novl2 atl kinds, all at crisis prices and JEWEL-KY. be. Paoer Hntring and - yFak's Metallic Cofins supplied as heretono charge for showing ifyon don't buy.1 CANDY, a large stockof the beet kinds. n . fore. The undersigned. one of the oldest Coopers in written Are WORKS, all kindsa tther, sep4 Splendid Hearse. Price moderate. the Parish. haying completed his arrangemts. and d FIRE erlyding Hose and d possible terms; sad heam All d ea t and Toreedoee. Ecrackers s naving purhased a large Stock of .deteriala. is , hee7 vbeaid the pvouOd smkc PreOysters, as Batimore such EATABEEJ, c Tb S~ugar Planters. yster Sal am. now prepared to furnish Planters, Merchats and aerves, Fresh ore is case, Freah others. with as good al article of MOLASSES S Penit iin can, Fresh TomUtoes in cea, This Colee Hous, Boarding House , Bagassc Furnace.. B ItRELS and balf do, as can be manufactured. i Fremch Bnarninee, Libstees t ,kllnmd, Oyster Saloon, formerly kept by The Star Saud None but old aad experienced workmen emploay. ad a little feeaery ipatea and Pcklea. 1111. 1.8th uner3, B n Antooio Bragliono. at the corner of u.sed. none but the best materittis eat of anl ed, way the in gount is that Ihing informs by the opened streets, will be Bank and Villier BLEIR srepecrfully lales or rinkablhtes. He will also manulacture SUGAR HOGSudthe publme tat be still con- Sumadersigned on the 5(the December 1860. when disedsri IVCell and eaanmie. eHEADS orall who leave their orders in time. re I s rnet, adjeiaiag he will always keep Good Liasnor, a Good Table te Ud sma es MaYis tia Never Kusowa to Fall & Delvahlmk. dectS S1ckley His old friends end customers will please give Tailwr spand Wise tonm,where ad theo Freshest Oysters. Hs friends and the kiO Ih a call. le still purses fAVIIG and HAIR CUT- public gaierally are reaspeetfully invorited to call II DARTIPF wishing to purchase the right tose Shim I please apply to .I His work bhaving heretofore iven setsafaction alled upoin. a e. CUPPr I when TIem andjodge fir themselves. Their patronage is soto his patons, he will use his beat endeavors to EVAN SKEILY. ited, sad will be highly appreciated. E1W FIrIM. please alrwho call upon him. hLAsER B3o0., LOUIS PRATOLONGO. aov24 -- ALSOHis shop is located between Villier and Gre- e R. ERNEST HEBERT, having purchased Bayou. fronting the and sis. or Coal Farnacc, ThLe Wed ,1 out the interest of J. BDr. CLAtDE. in the amid Wobcco Store. Irn FREDERICK UAGGE. aa3S-mh6 Saw Mill on Bayou Plaquemine. in the town of or tUGAR KETrrLES, either IIOILERS isfor SPatentes odrsignsd mepeetfally informs his ru The business heretofore December 21st, 18568. Plaquemine, the thim, from the ld day of March, aad the pablic genrality of laervilkl friends csred m by B. Gaiaza, will will be known by the name, and conducted askferenaces given. Apply as - INumeeros adPlaqemiane, in a Store opened hs he Sthat ap7 deeted i. fetu by the andader the irm of A HEBERT & J. B. MAILULO, *above. Store, Goods Day Feasy Kobea mUld L olmign of North MARKS stad al ba rsteot, and the patroage of the public f the sws aad Sforthe parish is respectftilly solicited. SOUTRURN informs his friends to please the rotaba ssa and eai ve armm~uSm s Sale at tr"They uill endeavor to keep a regular ep and the publie is general that having i besat the head e .nstamly keep to also and u idres rw is whch thek egau t miea SENTERPRISE ply of Ldheer ea had, of the beat descriptin, purchased the interest of Mr. ensedy in wiln merit thei t eastised peting of their all times, which they will dispose of at the rn at his Blacksmith hop,on the corner el Meai and WORIS. IMPORTED ,EGARS. aends ael tam lide. ree, and on the most accommodatin terms. Sliag SGreaud streets, he will in future carry on busiinform respectfully P. 3 We shell beo this dease oshead would undersigned iJHE IIEBERT & MAILLO. d SHe wil also keep tLe bst quality of Planters. Machinists. Engineers and the nes at that plee, on his own aceoest, and CHEWING AID SMOKING TOBACCO o _ _ 10,1840. aren - M patronthe public of postion a reo-ive to arous A. a M Aopened public in general, that they have ia now ready to execute SPHINE SHOP sad are By always keeping os bead s eaeelleat stock r the beet manner with promptaessand punctual. of the above, he bhopes to reeeive a liberal share t ad to Barbaroux & Snowden, it, any kind of DIRkCT IMPORTATIOW of public patronage. -OFGUSTAVE NEDIT. LOLISVILLE, KY, saug6 s Drmt lasu',a AMIANUFACTURER of Engites, Circular Saw Umintur. Verging sad laEs theak tis Take this r Mills, Portable Steam Engines. Mill Ma. Jewelry -........ T are in receipt of a small invoice of of to building given be will attentioe 8pecial ad Iron, Copier Sheet Worker and have jest received san addition to our ] chinery, ioe, at their 11 in their d thinginelse every and r BOILLI8 and repairing all manner of STEAM gV WEAVANA CIGAJ3 imported by our- ri. Bras, her Machinery. r MILLS. GINS as Uo ENGINGS, tV stock of Jewelry, which is noW large and d S selves. These we eau sell at New Orleane pried Engines for Works Brass of deecription S All lenisShop, Machine and Foundry Hdraulie a bs warnrted us sold by Every asrtiele We can farniash our cetomers with the Sva see. uodersignd has full powers eAgeat vid "K'e 35 per thousandwe will l represemnt. eithsroo hand or mSqde toonler H GENUINE WEED at other Lpurpa i .as repseasted. If sot bek b ad Seaer e m 4bthe5! th .movery good at 40, as good as we coeld ened e akonthing and goads the take is lways froo of Emgines steam ad Meateriala Building a Works, and will attend punetually above the for [E.T his be will dease and DELAYAL tat IAl T ay. & s OKLEC . to One Hundred and Fifty IHorse Power,or,sell heretotofore at $50. Ibthree pear~eio afa of plnters and others in a t ,,.k wants and orders -famibed at shaort notice. By next steamship we shall receive a large to the & CO., DROZGREY DsLACROIX. 15 and West Bato Rooge. He hopes to Ibervile o new end beautiful as SCoevedtioS seat, ibetwee Thid and Main, invoice. polata (UTIKRY-A k ml datty, patronie. their of p eation a receive as e ives jist reeived Poe t at ortmenaet SCall. examine and judge for yomurselver I 0a Qlcl~l~ S~~k cI*7rCt A. Ir. DIZIER, Agenpt. yS B. A. EIARNYr STOCKLEY & DIJELAVAIJADE _fras be w by jo0 Baess RLui, La. esl-ly
of the season. bringing ries H-AS jst reteredftnm Ne Orleas, Meals served in New York style. a large and well assrted stock of " City and country orders put upon the shortest ap21-ly of all kinds. notice. Gr|OriCS, Al, jast treeived from 8,. Loui*, a let * SALOON: OYSTER O Ploar-extra and seperfae.

" 5.3. SOLAZI

WAREHOUSE. Conimalsf Business. sion 1 OTICE TO BIfILIDERSA.4ND OTIHERS. . iLandLng. adj,,itinig the Pt,sttmboat Stem IRON RAILINGS.
of the best build and finish, of any size requited,dt and warranted in every case. d. Contracts lor next year respectfully solicited.

Sugar Mills and Engines



a and,


Forwarding andt

US BEBD CL Quarters is at STOCKLEY & DEL.\AVl.AI.DE's, whIere will Ie found Sa hlrg;e sttock of everlythiilg in the
Faltcy lint', c,atsisting in part of

He is prepared to furnish VERANDAIIS, &c. Call and see his samples A. ST. DIZII.R. aug25



aes amer Btter





gathering all his energies, rose his feet, ran for about two hmadred 3 yards, when he fell exhausted and lay s panting, awaiting reaction of vigor.-dogs and bear continued fighting. 1 lThe The 1 loss of blood and the severe pain of his I wounds began to tell on Brahmar, yet he managed to creep and drag his way to his own cabin, which he reached in two or three hours' time. The bear had tracked him for a part of the way, but was kept froth close approach by the faithful dogs. 8ome men happened to be at the cabin when Brahmar arrived, and while some of thenm attended to him, the rest went in search of the bear. lie had made good his escape, and the dogs, apparently well n contented to let him alone, had returned to their master's cabin. Dr. ' was sent for, and on Friday he Brooks I dressed the wounds that were serious

iSldess die O

tee lue.


Barfdr Shep.


IIaqueaae law Mill.

or d severe. On Monday Brahmar, was to town, and is now at Dr. brought r Brook's hospital, where we saw him on Wednesday, and received from his own lips a sketch of his fearful adventure.and lacerated is bitten btody His allwounds in terrnover fifty lie has b bly. quite serious. are which of I twenty-eight More than two punds of flesh has been torn'from his right arm, and the great muscle is quite gone. From head to he is mangled. Brahmar says that heels the bear was about six hundred pelnbweight The Rusione Government is takto re-plople the Crimes, .ad have already sent there a good Smany families from the Government of SKoursk. Tihe colonization of the counon the Amoor is also advancing. Stry ISingmeasures

Nest sad asemak-rsl



iP. Horse She SBERNARD


or m WIWhen a man wants .mone Ssistance, the World, as a rule, is very obliging and indolent, and lets him r wantit. ll Charles Kean ihas annomneed hlb purpose to visit the United States net to take a ial preparatory Sautumn, stage. of the .leave Hon. David Hubbard, the Comir to Arkanusau, Alabama from Smissioner nIt. on the fIth Rock at little twas in W The great French dramatist, has an income of'I85,000 a year, to Scribe, the fruit of his literary lahbors.





E. BURBAROIX, successor






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