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eure aie el os (15: ee eee bes al Ee at ih ea = a ee As eS Di | ATPL GROUND TRAINING SERIES Aircraft General Knowledge 3 Cu -oried CPM LES tuod Ce uee eC ee m Um Ly Oe ed ye ee ena ee eee ee toe ee ey “©Oxford Aviation Academy (UK) Limited 2011 AIL Rights Reserved “This text honk ist be used only forthe purpase of private study by individuals and may net be reproduced ‘im any form. ‘ar medium, copied, stored in a retrieval system, lent, hired, rented, transmitted o¢ adapted im rholear in part without the prior written consent of Oxford Aviation Academy; Copysight in all documents and materials bound within these covers or szached hereto, exchading that material hich is reproduced by the kind permission of thied parties and acnewledged ax such, belongs exclusively #2 (Gxdord Aviation Academy. ‘Certain copyright material is reproduced with the permission of the international Civil Aviation Organisation, the United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority and the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). “This text book has been written and published as a reference work to assist students enrolled onan approved EASA Air Transport Pilot Licence (ATPL) course to prepare themselves for the EASA ATV. theoretical [nawledge examinations. Nothing inthe content ofthis books to beinterpreted as constituting instruction ‘ar advice relating to practical fying: Whilst every effort has been made ensure the accuracy ofthe information contained within this boot, neither Oniord Aviation Academy nor the disinibulor gives any warranty as to its accuracy ot otherwise, Students preparing foe the RASA ATE. theoretical knowledge examinations shld not regard this book as 3 subetiuty Pine EASA AIEL throretical knowledge training syllabus published in the current edition of TAR-PCL 1 Should prepore for ori currently entitled to enter himselfherset for the EASA ATF. theoretical knowledge ‘Ecaminations without Let being enrolled in training school which bas been granted approval by en EASA. ‘suthorised national aviation authority todeliver EASA ATPL training. ‘Oxford Aviation Academy excludes all Hability for ary loss-or damage incurred or suffered as a zesut of any reliance on all or part of this Baok except for any lability for death or persons injury revulting from Oxford. [Aviation Academy's negligence: or any other Habit wich may not legally be excluded. ‘Textbook Series Tie ‘Cover Photograph: Boeing 747 -100 No-3 Engine ‘Photographed by Peter Unmuth, for www airteamimagescom ‘This edition distributed by Transat (UK) Ltd, Shasehacs, England: 2011 Printed in Europe by Viatech Publishing Solutions Limited, wwwviatechpub.som O10 Ale Law (029 Aircraft General Knowledge | (030 Alraatt General Knowledge 2 (120 Aineoft General Knowledge 3 crrames & Systeme Fuselage, Wings & Stabiising Surfaces Landing Cone Fight Contos ‘Hydraaticy Ar Stems & Ale Coitoning ‘atiacng & Desc FectShens Emergency Eqns toetres— Electronics Divoci Cucrent Alleman Carent Basic Radio Propagation. Powerrlant Piston Faginee (Gas Turbines estrsnntation Flight instruments Waring & Recording Automatic Fight Conta ‘Power Fan! & System Monitoring Instrenents eeuRERE ‘COMBUSTION CHAMBERS . . ‘THE TURBINE ASSEMBLY . « ‘THE EXHAUST SYSTEM ‘PERFORMANCE AND THRUST AUGMENTATION, (GHARBOXES AND ACCESSORY DRIVES . . AUXILIARY POWER UNITS AND ENGINE STARTING . .

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