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General Aviations Contribution

To The U.S. Economy

General Aviation Manufacturers Association
May 2006
Prepared for
Assessment by W. Bruce Allen, PhD David L. Blond, PhD Aaron J. Gellman, PhD
General Aviations Contribution to The U.S. Economy | May 2006 | 2006 General Aviation Manufacturers Association
Executive Summary ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................1
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................6
Defnitions .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................7
GAs Direct Contribution ................................................................................................................................................................................................................13
GAs Indirect Contribution ............................................................................................................................................................................................................17
GAs Induced Contribution ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................19
Approach and Methodology .......................................................................................................................................................................................................21
Appendix A: Data Sources and Assumptions ...........................................................................................................................................................28
Appendix B: Data and Results Tables ...............................................................................................................................................................................32
General Aviations Contribution to The U.S. Economy | May 2006 | 2006 General Aviation Manufacturers Association
List of Charts and Tables
Table 1. General Aviations Contribution to the U.S. Economy In 2005 .....................................................................................................2
Chart 1. Map of General Aviations Total Economic Contribution by State In 2005 ..........................................................................3
Table 2. Leading States In Terms Of GA Total Economic Contribution in 2005 ..................................................................................3
Chart 2. Map of GAs Total Economic Contribution Per Capita In 2005.....................................................................................................4
Table 3. Leading States In Terms Of GA Total Economic Contribution Per Capita in 2005 .......................................................4
Chart 3. Breakdown of GAs Total Economic Contribution in 2005 ...............................................................................................................5
Chart 4. U.S. Sales by GA Aircraft Category in 2005 ...............................................................................................................................................8
Chart 5. Flight Hours by GA Aircraft Category in 2005 ............................................................................................................................................8
Table 4. FAA GA Aircraft Use Categories ...........................................................................................................................................................................9
Chart 6. Distribution of Flight Hours by GA Aircraft Category in 2005 .....................................................................................................11
Chart 7. Contributions Quantifed and Not Quantifed ...........................................................................................................................................13
Chart 8. Assumed User Spending Patterns ..................................................................................................................................................................14
Chart 9. Distribution of GAs Direct Contribution to the U.S. Economy in 2005 ...............................................................................14
Table 5. Top Ten Industries Benefting from Indirect Contributions of GA in 2005 .........................................................................18
Table 6. Leading Industries Receiving GAs Induced Contribution to The U.S. Economy in 2005 ....................................19
Table 7. Direct Contribution (A-Matrix) Showing Hybrid Aircraft Direct Contribution Vector ...................................................24
Table 8. Hybrid GA Contribution Based on Inverse Matrix (in dollars) ......................................................................................................25
Table 9. Personal Consumption Expenditure Vector ..............................................................................................................................................26
Table 10. Gross State Product Distribution by Industry Group .........................................................................................................................27
General Aviations Contribution to The U.S. Economy | May 2006 | 2006 General Aviation Manufacturers Association
Executive Summary
General Aviation (GA) makes a signifcant contribution to the national economy and to the economy of every state in
the U.S. Because of the diverse nature of the U.S. feet of general aviation aircraft, and the multitude of operations and
unique services they perform, GAs economic contribution has sometimes been overlooked or it is combined with other
transportation sectors, masking its own contribution. Also, when defning GA activity too narrowly, economic studies
can easily underestimate GAs economic contribution.
The GA feet is diverse, as are the reasons for operating the aircraft. GA encompasses the manufacture and operation
of any type of aircraft that has been issued a certifcate of airworthiness by the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration
(FAA), other than aircraft used for scheduled commercial air service1 (airlines) or operated by the U.S. military.
General Aviation includes fxed-wing airplanes, helicopters (rotorcraft), balloons, dirigibles, and gliders. GA activities
include the manufacture and operation of aircraft equipped with turbine engines (turbojet, turbofan, or turboprop) or
piston engines, and of non-powered aircraft. GA includes fights related to business or corporate transportation of
people or cargo, personal transportation (e.g., visiting family), air ambulance, fight training, and many purposes such
as fre spotting and suppression and pipeline patrol. GA operations are not determined by the ownership of the aircraft;
GA aircraft may be wholly-owned, jointly-owned, rented, chartered, or leased. GA operations are not defned by the
airman certifcate of the pilot operating the aircraft. The pilot of a GA aircraft may hold a student, private, commercial,
or air transport pilot certifcate, depending on the purpose of the fight and the number of pilots required to operate it
by the manufacturer.
This study breaks new ground by bounding general aviation activity using the FAAs standard defnitions, which are
widely recognized by every segment of GA. The study uses FAAs estimates of annual fight activity and applies industry-
derived per-hour costs for operating various types of aircraft. GAs economic contribution is calculated by putting these
costs into regional economic models, widely accepted as valid by economists and available from the U.S. Department
of Commerce.
General Aviation is an important element of economic growth in part because it fulflls transportation needs which
can not otherwise be met. Only about 350 U.S. communities have scheduled air service; for the remainder, GA is the
only option for the movement of persons or cargo by air. Moreover, GA provides specialized air services, such as air
ambulance and traffc patrol, to communities that do have scheduled air service.
Commercial air carriers sell air transportation to passengers and shippers. Commercial air carriers include operators of small, propeller-
driven aircraft (under Part 135 of the Federal Aviation Regulations) as well as operators of jet airliners (under FAR Part 121).
General Aviations Contribution to The U.S. Economy | May 2006 | 2006 General Aviation Manufacturers Association
The GA sector contributed at least $150 billion to national output in 2005 and, directly or indirectly, employed more
than 1,265,000 people whose collective earnings exceeded $53 billion. It should be noted that these fgures are very
conservative, frst, because they refect only the economic
output that likely would not have been generated if GA did not exist and, second, because the analysis was restricted
to those portions of GAs contribution for which MergeGlobal found suffciently detailed and reliable data. As will be
discussed later in this report, the estimates of GAs economic contributions do not, by any means, include all of GAs
signifcant net benefts to the U.S. economy.
General Aviation contributes to the U.S. economy by creating output, employment, and earnings that would not
otherwise occur. Direct impacts, such as the purchase of a new aircraft, multiply as they trigger transactions and
create jobs elsewhere in the economy (e.g., sales of aluminum, plastic, rubber, electronics, and the wide range of other
materials and components required to make an airplane). To capture these ripple effects, MergeGlobal estimated GAs
direct, indirect, and induced contributions to the U.S. economy as summarized below:
T a b l e 1
General Aviations Contribution to the U.S. Economy In 2005
(All data except employment in $ billions)
General Aviation benefts people and communities throughout the United States, and its economic contribution is
signifcant in all regions of the country, as shown on the following page
Direct Indirect Induced Total GA % of U.S.
Output $39.8 $49.9 $60.6 $150.3 0.66%
Wages & Salaries $14.5 $20.9 $17.8 $53.2 0.76%
Employment 225,000 560,000 480,000 1,265,000 0.90%
Based on U.S. gross output of $22.7 trillion in 2005, estimated from the 2004 fgures reported by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (U.S.
Department of Commerce).
Based on U.S. total wages & salaries of $7.0 trillion and total employment of 140 million workers in 2005, as reported by the Bureau of
Labor Statistics (U.S. Department of Labor).
Available data limits us to estimating GAs economic contribution at the state level. It is tempting to distribute state-level impacts to
congressional districts. Unfortunately, doing so would require assumptions that cannot be proven right and might well be proven wrong.
For example, it is technically possible to allocate GAs economic contribution based on each congressional districts share of state
employment in a particular industry. The problem is that many industries (such as aircraft manufacturing) have economies of scale that lead
to concentrations of employment.
General Aviations Contribution to The U.S. Economy | May 2006 | 2006 General Aviation Manufacturers Association
C h a r T 1
Map of General Aviations Total Economic Contribution by State In 2005
T a b l e 2
Leading States In Terms Of GA Total Economic Contribution In 2005 ($ billions)
It is important to remember that GA makes an signifcant contribution to the economies of smaller or less-populated
states that do not appear in the preceding table. Indeed, GA can be disproportionately important in large, sparsely-
populated states (such as Alaska) because it offers transportation where few viable alternatives exist. To refect this
aspect of GAs contribution, we calculated GAs total economic contribution per resident and summarized the results
below. Of course, these data do not refect GAs intangible but important improvement to the economic viability and
quality of life among dispersed populations in rural areas.
Not to scale
Not to scale
NH: 0.5%
VT: 0.2%
MA: 2.7%
NJ: 3.0%
CT: 1.7%
DE: 0.4%
RI: 0.4%
DC: 0.4%
MD: 1.4%
2.3% 4.1%
0.6% 1.9%
GAs Total Economic Contribution In 2005
1 Dot = $25 million
Rank State Total % of U.S. GA
1 California $18.2 12.2%
2 Texas $11.2 7.5%
3 New York $9.3 6.2%
4 Georgia $8.8 5.9%
5 Florida $7.5 5.1%
6 Kansas $7.1 4.8%
7 Illinois $6.0 4.1%
8 Pennsylvania $6.0 4.1%
9 Ohio $5.5 3.7%
10 New Jersey $4.4 3.0%
General Aviations Contribution to The U.S. Economy | May 2006 | 2006 General Aviation Manufacturers Association
C h a r T 2
Map of GAs Total Economic Contribution Per Capita In 2005*
* Total Economic Contribution is the sum of direct, indirect, and induced contributions. For example, the District of Columbia has a signifcant
contribution due to indirect and induced effects.
T a b l e 3
Leading States In Terms Of GA Total Economic Contribution Per Capita In 2005
(Including Direct, Indirect, and Induced)
Not to scale
Not to scale
$378 $529
$914 $455
GAs Total Economic Contribution Per Capita In 2005
Dollars Per Resident Per Year (No. Of States)
$540 to $2,570 (10)
$500 to $540 (9)
$440 to $500 (11)
$390 to $440 (9)
$250 to $390 (12)
Per Capita Contribution Rank State
1 Kansas $2,561
2 Georgia $1,040
3 District of Columbia $914
4 Connecticut $726
5 Delaware $722
6 Wisconsin $643
7 Massachusetts $641
8 Wyoming $621
9 Minnesota $595
10 Alaska $571
General Aviations Contribution to The U.S. Economy | May 2006 | 2006 General Aviation Manufacturers Association
As shown in Table 1, GAs total contribution to the U.S. economy (measured in terms of gross output) is comprised of
direct, indirect, and induced effects. For purposes of this study, GAs contribution to the economy traces back mainly
to two things: the purchase of new GA aircraft, and the operation and maintenance of the entire US-based GA aircraft
feet whether that purpose be recreation, instruction and training of pilots, corporate travel, or medical evacuation. Chart
3 breaks down each type of contribution into its major components:
C h a r T 3
Breakdown of GAs Total Economic Contribution in 2005 ($ billions)
Obviously, new aircraft deliveries each year represent only a fraction of the total U.S.-based GA aircraft feet, so it makes
sense that GA operations and maintenance (O&M) account for the majority of GAs contribution to the U.S. economy
and that this contribution is spread across the nation, including states with little or no GA manufacturing activity.
New Aircraft
Operations and
General Aviations Contribution to The U.S. Economy | May 2006 | 2006 General Aviation Manufacturers Association
1.0 Introduction
1.01 Introduction
The General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA) and the National Association of State Aviation Offcials
(NASAO) jointly retained MergeGlobal, Inc. to assess and estimate General Aviations total contribution to the U.S.
economy. MergeGlobals study was led by W. Bruce Allen, PhD, David L. Blond, PhD, and Aaron J. Gellman, PhD.
MergeGlobals mandate was to deliver an independent, expert, and conservative assessment of GAs current
contribution to the U.S. economy at both the national and state levels.
General Aviations Contribution to The U.S. Economy | May 2006 | 2006 General Aviation Manufacturers Association
2.0 Defnitions
2.01 General Aviation Defned
General aviation (GA) encompasses the manufacture and operation of any type of aircraft that has been issued
a certifcate of airworthiness by the FAA, other than aircraft used for scheduled commercial air service (airlines) or
operated by the U.S. military.
Thus, GA includes fxed-wing aircraft, helicopters (rotorcraft), balloons, dirigibles, and gliders. GA includes the
manufacture and operation of aircraft equipped with turbine engines (turbojet, turbofan, or turboprop) or piston
engines, and of non-powered aircraft. GA includes fights related to business or corporate transportation of people or
cargo, personal transportation (visiting family), air ambulance, fight training and for many unique purposes, such as fre
spotting and pipeline patrol. GA operations are not determined by who owns the aircraft. GA aircraft may be wholly-
owned, jointly-owned, rented, chartered or leased. GA operations are not defned by the airman certifcate of the pilot
operating the aircraft; the pilot of a GA aircraft may hold a student, private, commercial, or air transport pilot certifcate,
depending on the purpose of the fight and the number of pilots prescribed to operate it by the manufacturer.
GA aircraft enable people, especially those in smaller communities and remote areas, to move quickly and effciently
across the country and around the world for both business and pleasure. GA is disproportionately important because it
touches so many sectors of the economy from the helicopters transporting accident victims to hospitals, to corporate
jets carrying executives to meetings, to single piston engine aircraft fown by enthusiasts on the weekends.
2.02 Classes of GA Aircraft
MergeGlobal grouped GA aircraft into the following classes that are consistent with Federal Aviation Administration
(FAA) classifcations:
2.02.1 Single-engine piston-powered airplanes
comprise over 80% of the current GA feet in
the United States and are the most common Personal-Use aircraft, thanks to their relatively
low acquisition cost. The single piston engine drives a single propeller, and burns relatively
expensive aviation gasoline (avgas).
2.02.2 Multi-engine piston-powered airplanes usually have two piston engines driving separate propellers.
As with single piston aircraft, they use aviation gasoline, and Personal-Use accounts for much of their
fight time.
2.02.3 Single- or Multi-engine Turboprop airplanes are powered by one or more turbine engines that
drive propellers and burn aviation kerosene (jet fuel). Turboprop aircraft typically are larger, faster, and
more expensive than piston aircraft. Turboprops are fown for a wide variety of purposes but are most
often fown for business, corporate, and other professionally crewed purposes.
In accordance with industry norms, Airplanes are fxed-wing aircraft, Rotorcraft are rotary-wing aircraft (or, helicopters), while the term
Aircraft includes both airplanes and helicopters.
General Aviations Contribution to The U.S. Economy | May 2006 | 2006 General Aviation Manufacturers Association
2.02.4 Jet airplanes have two or three turbofan engines and offer the greatest speeds and range capabilities
of all GA aircraft. Due to the expense and professional requirements of their operation, jets are most
commonly operated by corporate and government users. For purposes of this study, jets are further
segmented by weight class into three categories (light, medium, and heavy) to capture signifcant
cost and use differences.
2.02.5 Piston engine powered rotorcraft are helicopters powered by a single piston engine that burns
avgas. Piston-powered rotorcraft are generally smaller and less expensive to acquire and operate
than their turbine-powered cousins and are most commonly fown for instructional or personal
2.02.6 Turbine engine powered rotorcraft are helicopters powered by one or two turbine engines that
burn jet fuel. Aerial observation, law enforcement, and medical evacuation account for much of their
2.02.7 Experimental aircraft generally are home-built or kit aircraft fown by enthusiasts. They have piston
or turbine engines but usually have piston engines. This category also includes some vintage aircraft
and rebuilt military aircraft of which there are limited working examples.
The following graphs depict sales and fight hours in 2005 by each of the GA aircraft categories. Rotorcraft represents
both piston- and turbine-powered helicopters, while Pistons represent both single- and multi-engine piston-power
C h a r T 4 C h a r T 5
U.S. Sales by GA Aircraft Category in 2005 Flight Hours by GA Aircraft Category in 2005
($ billions)
Source: GAMA
$0.75 $0.75 $0.71
Jets Rotorcraft Turboprops Pistons Experimental
Jets Rotorcraft Turboprops Pistons Experimental
Source: MergeGlobal, Inc. estimate based
on FAA GAATA Survey (2004)
Source: GAMA
$0.75 $0.75 $0.71
Jets Rotorcraft Turboprops Pistons Experimental
Jets Rotorcraft Turboprops Pistons Experimental
Source: MergeGlobal, Inc. estimate based
on FAA GAATA Survey (2004)
General Aviations Contribution to The U.S. Economy | May 2006 | 2006 General Aviation Manufacturers Association
2.03 The Uses of General Aviation Aircraft
The FAA classifes GA aircraft according to the uses reported by owners. Each use is suggestive of a pattern of
expenditures that contributes to other sectors of the U.S. economy based on employment of professional crews, hours
fown, insurance rates, and other variables. The majority use for which the aircraft is fown determines how the FAA
classifes the use of that aircraft. The uses which the FAA defnes are listed below in Table 4.
T a b l e 4
FAA GA Aircraft Use Categories
FAA Category Definition Category in this report
1. Personal/Recreation Flying for personal reasons (excludes business transportation) Personal
2. Instructional Flying under the supervision of a flight instructor
(includes student pilot solo; excludes Part 135
training and proficiency flights)
Corporate, Utility, and Other
3. Business Transportation Individual or group use for business transportation
without a paid, professional crew.
4. Corporate/Executive
Individual or group business transportation with a
paid, professional crew (includes fractional ownership)
Corporate, Utility, and Other
5. Air Medical Services Air ambulance services, rescue, human organ
transportation, emergency medical services
(excludes air Medical Services conduced under Part 135)
Corporate, Utility, and Other
6. Sight-seeing Commercial sight -seeing conducted under Part 91 Corporate, Utility, and Other
7. Aerial Observation Aerial mapping/photography, patrol, search and
rescue, hunting, traffic advisory, ranching,
surveillance, oil and mineral exploration, etc.
Corporate, Utility, and Other
8. Aerial Application in
Agriculture and Forestry
Crop and timber production, including cloud seeding,
fertilizer, and pesticide application
Corporate, Utility, and Other
9. Other Aerial Application Public health sprayings, fire fighting including forest
fires, etc.
Corporate, Utility, and Other
10. External Load Operation under Part 133, rotorcraft external load
operations; examples include: helicopter hoist, hauling logs, etc.
Corporate, Utility, and Other
11. Other Work Use Construction work (excluding Part 135 operations),
parachuting, aerial advertising, towing gliders, etc.
Corporate, Utility, and Other
12. Other Positioning flights, proficiency flights, training,
ferrying, sales demos
Corporate, Utility, and Other
13. Air Taxi Part 135 on-demand passenger and all cargo
operations (excluding air tours, air medical services,
or scheduled passenger service)
Corporate, Utility, and Other
14. Air Tours Commercial sight -seeing conducted under Part 135 Corporate, Utility, and Other
15. Air Medical Services
(part 135)
Air ambulance services, rescue, human organ
transportation, emergency medical services
conducted under Part 135
Corporate, Utility, and Other
16. Commuter Part 135 scheduled passenger service only Not included in this report
Source: FAA General Aviation and Air Taxi Activity Survey, 2004
General Aviations Contribution to The U.S. Economy | May 2006 | 2006 General Aviation Manufacturers Association
The FAA assigns each aircraft in the U.S. GA feet to a single category of use based on the majority use reported by
operators. In reality, aircraft perform a variety of missions e.g., a businessperson may use her aircraft for work during
weekdays, and for ski trips on the weekends. Since more than 80 percent of the aircrafts fight hours are classifed as
Business Transportation, the aircraft is classifed as being used for Business Transportation. MergeGlobal assumed
that the majority use of an aircraft determines many costs, such as insurance rates and whether or not a professional
crew is employed.
We recognize that there are exceptions in every category. For example, we assume that aircraft used for Aerial
Observation are professionally crewed by news organizations, law enforcement, search and rescue agencies, and
oil and mineral exploration companies. However, some aircraft in this category do not have a professional crew for
example, some aircraft are fown by owner-pilot ranchers to monitor livestock movement. Unfortunately, FAA data does
not allow us to estimate the percentage of Aerial Observation hours fown by owner-pilots versus professional crews,
but available evidence indicates that owner-pilots generate a small fraction of these hours. Therefore, MergeGlobal
believes that the assumption (that 100 percent of Aerial Observation aircraft are professionally crewed) is reasonable,
and that similar assumptions are reasonable for the other categories.
For purposes of this analysis, GA use is segmented into three classes:
2.03.1 Personal Aircraft fown for the personal purposes of the owner are Personal-Use. The owner-pilots
of these aircraft often fy under Visual Flight Rules (VFR) and thus impose a limited burden on the
national air traffc control system. Further, they are assumed to tie-down their aircraft rather than rent
hangars. It is assumed that they do not subscribe to a commercial weather service.
2.03.2 Business These aircraft are fown by owner-pilots for business transportation without a professional
crew. A common example is a salesperson who uses his own aircraft to visit different areas of his sales
region. Such owners are assumed to share a hangar with other users and pay a business insurance
rate. They are assumed to purchase the commercial weather report service since travel is important to
the conduct of their business and, on average, they fy more frequently than personal users.
2.03.3 Corporate, Utility, and Others For purposes of cost evaluation, this category includes all uses
which are assumed to use professional crews. The owners of these aircraft are assumed to rent a
private hangar, pay the corporate insurance rate, and hire a professional crew (pay and benefts).
Crew compensation can differ according to use as the crew for a corporate helicopter, for example,
may be compensated differently than that of a helicopter used to survey power lines. Thus, all uses
of helicopters other than Corporate/Executive Transportation uses are assumed to have the Utility
cost structure which features different crew costs and insurance rates. All the same, these costs are
much more similar to Corporate/Executive Transportation than to Personal-Use or Business Use.
General Aviations Contribution to The U.S. Economy | May 2006 | 2006 General Aviation Manufacturers Association
C h a r T 6
Distribution of Flight Hours by GA Aircraft Category in 2005
Source: MergeGlobal estimate based on FAA General Aviation and Air Taxi Activity (GAATA) Survey, 2004
MergeGlobal has also made some simplifying assumptions about hangar use. The calculations assume that personal
users do not rent hangars; rather, they pay tie-down fees. Business users use a shared hangar and Corporate, Utility,
and Others use private hangars.
1.02 Types of Economic Contribution
The United States has a complex economy in which industries depend upon each other for materials, supplies, and
services. Spending in any one sector of the economy causes changes in output not only in that sector but also in many
others. Thus, the direct impacts of GA considered here e.g., the purchase of new aircraft, fuel, maintenance services,
etc. trigger transactions elsewhere in the economy. Such transactions lead to additional employment, spending, and
government tax revenues across a number of sectors. To capture these multiplier effects, GAs contributions to the
U.S. economy are shown in three forms:
1. Direct contribution U.S. economic output created by the manufacture, operation, or maintenance of GA
aircraft. Direct contribution measures include the value of new GA aircraft sales, pilot training, fuel purchases,
airport charges (landing and parking), spare parts, etc.
2. Indirect contribution U.S. economic output created by the purchase of goods and services by frms
directly involved in the manufacture, operation, or maintenance of GA aircraft. Firms that beneft from GAs
direct contribution (including aircraft and engine manufacturers, maintenance providers, pilot training schools,
etc.) buy goods and services from other frms. For example, aircraft manufacturers must buy aluminum,
plastic, glass, and other materials to make GA aircraft.
16% 73% Turboprops
13% 40% Pistons
11% 81% Jets
92% Rotorcraft
8% 15% Experimental
Personal Business
Corporate, Utility,
and Other
2.5 million
3.9 million
Flight Hours
2.3 million
17.8 million
1.3 million
100% 0% 70% 20% 30% 10% 50% 60% 40% 90%
General Aviations Contribution to The U.S. Economy | May 2006 | 2006 General Aviation Manufacturers Association
3. Induced contribution U.S. economic output created by the expenditures of wage-earners, including
professional pilots, employed by the frms that generate revenue, directly or indirectly, from GA. The portion of
these wages which is traceable to GA is spent by employees on various goods and services, leading to more
economic output, employment, and earnings that are said to be induced by GA.
It is easier to describe GAs contributions in conceptual terms than it is to quantify those contributions with publicly-
available data. For example, many people would acknowledge that GA is especially important for communities with
insuffcient regular commercial air service but might reasonably disagree about how to value the time savings or
economic stimulus that GA delivers to those communities. The same problems apply to other critical questions,
What is the contribution to macroeconomic growth and welfare fowing from enhanced mobility conveyed
by GA?
What is the value of generating a further stream of pilots to serve as professionals with high-end GA and the
airlines especially given the widely expected shortage of such pilots in the near future?
To avoid such disagreements, MergeGlobal has restricted its estimate to those major components of GAs economic
contribution for which it has obtained suffciently reliable and detailed data to provide a high degree of confdence in
the estimates. Further, MergeGlobal has taken a conservative approach in estimating the value of each quantifed
component of GAs contribution to the U.S. economy.
General Aviations Contribution to The U.S. Economy | May 2006 | 2006 General Aviation Manufacturers Association
3.0 GAs Direct Contribution
3.01 Direct Contribution Defned
For purposes of this report, the direct contribution of GA is the U.S. economic output created by the manufacture,
operation, and maintenance of GA aircraft. Direct contribution measures include the value of new GA aircraft sales, fuel
purchases, airport charges (landing and parking), spare parts, and other direct expenditures related to the operation of
GA aircraft. As discussed earlier, there are other contributions which are not measured, as well as intangible benefts
which may or may not be quantifable.
The sum total of all purchasing, maintenance, and operating expenditures represent the direct contribution of General Aviation.
C h a r T 7
Contributions Quantifed and Not Quantifed
3.02 Direct Contributions Quantifed
Using industry sources, federal data, and proprietary data from aircraft manufacturers and service providers,
MergeGlobal measured the direct expenditures on General Aviation at the national and state levels. Some of the
variables considered are:
3.02.1 New Aircraft Sales The manufacture of a new aircraft requires not only parts for the airframe, but
also the purchase of engines, avionics, interior ftments, tires, brakes, paint, instruments, etc.
3.02.2 Operations and Maintenance Operators of aircraft have different requirements and their spending
patterns can differ greatly. For example, the hangar facilities and crew wages for the operation of a
New Aircraft Sales
Used Aircraft Sales
Operations and Maintenance
GA Airport Expansion and Improvement
Value of Time Savings
Information and Periodicals





General Aviations Contribution to The U.S. Economy | May 2006 | 2006 General Aviation Manufacturers Association
$30 million corporate jet have a much different - and greater - impact than those of a private owner of
a single piston engine airplane. Therefore, it is appropriate to attribute spending and usage patterns
according to use. MergeGlobal made simplifying assumptions about owner spending, some of which
are illustrated in Chart 7 and discussed in section 2.03, Uses of General Aviation Aircraft.
C h a r T 8
Assumed User Spending Patterns
User Type Paid Crew Hangar Tie-Down Parking Insurance Costs

Business Shared Lower
Corporate, Utility, and Other

Private Higher
GAs direct contribution to the U.S. economy is distributed among a number of different industries. Leading recipient
industries are depicted below:
C h a r T 9
Distribution of GAs Direct Contribution To The U.S. Economy in 2005 ($ billions)
Contri -
Operations and
New Aircraft
General Aviations Contribution to The U.S. Economy | May 2006 | 2006 General Aviation Manufacturers Association
The above chart demonstrates the sectors to which GA New Aircraft Sales and Operations and Maintenance activities
directly produce economic benefts. Fuel and Insurance are functions of Operations, while Other Services include
subscriptions to commercial weather services, maintenance services, and navigational chart services. The revenues
of Aircraft Manufacturers include not only new airframes but also maintenance and replacement parts for aircraft
already in service; Aircraft Engines has the same pattern. Avionics are included in New Aircraft but also require periodic
maintenance or repair and are sometimes replaced in order to upgrade an aircrafts systems. Cabin interiors include
seating and interior work on aircraft which can range from simple to ornate components and are maintained throughout
an aircrafts service life.
3.03 Direct Contributions Not Quantifed
General aviation contributes to the U.S. economy in a number of ways that we did not attempt to specifcally quantify
due to a lack of data and/or our belief that the measurable impact would be relatively small. Also, some of these
contributions are partially included in the quantifed direct and indirect contributions described above. We recognize
that the non-quantifed direct contributions may have a substantial combined value, so their exclusion increases the
conservatism of this estimate.
Direct contributions that are identifed but not quantifed include:
3.03.1 General Aviation airport expansion and improvement Private airport operators, Federal, state,
and municipal governments spend millions of dollars per year to upgrade the condition and capacity
of thousands of airports that are primarily, if not totally, used by general aviation. These expenditures
on GA expansion are often captured in the landing, parking, and other fees paid by aircraft owners
which are measured as a direct contribution.
3.03.2 Catering There are some companies which provide catering services to owners of General
Aviation aircraft. This can range from packed lunches to gourmet meals for cross-continental or inter-
continental fights. The little anecdotal data available estimating the size of this sector suggests that
it is relatively small compared to other aspects of General Aviation.
3.03.3 Used aircraft sales Although the aircraft itself was built perhaps several years ago, the upgrades
or repairs require spending which contributes to the current economy and is categorized as a direct
contribution in this study. The payments made to aircraft brokers are not considered. There is a lack
of data available suggesting the values of aircraft sales and thus no reliable way to estimate payments
to brokers. The value of these payments is estimated to be very small compared to GA as a whole
and is not considered.
3.03.4 Value of time savings One of the common reasons for corporations to use their own aircraft is the
productivity gains and cost savings (e.g., avoided hotel nights) relative to using the scheduled airlines
or automobiles. Corporate executives have the ability to see more clients in a day, or see clients
more often. They can also have meetings or conference calls enroute which are not possible on
commercial airlines. Travelers can arrive at GA airports much more closely to the departure time and
General Aviations Contribution to The U.S. Economy | May 2006 | 2006 General Aviation Manufacturers Association
the airport itself may be closer to their origin or destination. The most recent estimate of time savings
was undertaken by GAMA approximately ffteen years ago. We did not have suffcient confdence in
such old estimates to include time savings in this study.
3.03.5 Miscellaneous There are other benefts from GA spending which are not considered in this
study, for example, GA periodicals, information services, and for-proft internet sites and information
gatherers. Although these contributions would not occur but for General Aviation, we have elected
not to include them due to lack of available data and the small absolute value of the contribution.
General Aviations Contribution to The U.S. Economy | May 2006 | 2006 General Aviation Manufacturers Association
4.0 GAs Indirect Contribution
4.01 Indirect Contribution Defned
The indirect contribution of GA is the U.S. economic output created by the purchase of goods and services by frms
involved in the manufacture, operation, or maintenance of U.S.-based GA aircraft (i.e., frms that receive GAs direct
contribution to the economy).
Indirect contributions represent the economic activity required to produce the direct contributions, accounting for the
fact that expenditure in one industry triggers expenditure in another industry. In order to calculate indirect contributions,
gross output must frst be determined.
Gross output is the sum of both the direct and indirect contributions. Subtracting direct contributions from gross
output yields indirect contributions. Gross output is determined by using an Input-Output (I/O) model, to be discussed
in Approach and Methodology. Essentially, though, the I/O model runs the direct contributions through the various
sectors of the economy and sums up the effects by applying multipliers, discussed later.
4.02 Quantifed Indirect Contributions
Those indirect contributions which are quantifed are the effects of the direct contributions as they flter through the
economy and trigger actions and purchases in other sectors. For example:
Aluminum manufacturers material to make aluminum for airframes
Radar arrays used for weather services
Computers used for GA aircraft maintenance tracking
Fabrics and other materials used in seating
Components assembled to produce GA avionics units
Production and transport of GA aircraft fuels
Re-insurance purchased by insurers of GA aircraft

4.03 Indirect Contributions Not Quantifed
Contributions which cannot be attributed to the direct contribution measures are not quantifed in the indirect
contribution, either. These can include:
Hotels used by corporate travelers for long-distance or extended business trips
Meals purchased for consumption during fight or during travel
The value of time lost by air carrier service limits
General Aviations Contribution to The U.S. Economy | May 2006 | 2006 General Aviation Manufacturers Association
T a b l e 5
Top Ten Industries Benefting from Indirect Contributions of GA in 2005
($ millions)
The industry grouping, or sectors, which are illustrated in this report and used in the I/O model are those identifed for
analysis by the Bureau of Economic Analysis at the Department of Commerce. It is not surprising that the industries
which beneft most from GA are those which are somehow related to either the industry directly or through supplying
the GA industry with goods or services. For example, Mining/Extractive supplies the bauxite or iron ore from which
aluminum and steel are produced these products, in turn, are used to produce aircraft airframes and other parts.
Financial Institutions provide fnancing to those who purchase aircraft and also to the services and manufacturers which
support GA. Avionics are produced by companies in the Radio, TV, and Communications Equipment industry category
and this same grouping produces many of the subcomponents used to build avionics suites. Business Services is a
very wide ranging group which includes accounting, janitorial, waste management, marketing, copy shop, information,
and IT services which serve not only GA users but also every other industry which receives some portion of GAs
% of GA's
Rank Industry Total Indirect Contribution
1 Business Services $5,994 12.0%
2 Radio, TV, and Communications Equipment $4,756 9.5%
3 Mining/Extractive $2,922 5.9%
4 Aircraft Engines $2,792 5.6%
5 Real Estate and Dwellings $2,766 5.5%
6 Financial Institutions $2,649 5.3%
7 Construction $2,603 5.2%
8 Metal Products $2,470 4.9%
9 Wholesale and Retail Trade $2,380 4.8%
10 Utilities $1,634 3.3%
General Aviations Contribution to The U.S. Economy | May 2006 | 2006 General Aviation Manufacturers Association
5.0 GAs Induced Contribution
5.01 Induced Contribution Defned
Induced contribution is the U.S. economic output created by the expenditures of people employed by the frms that
generate revenue from GA, directly or indirectly. The portion of these wages attributable to GA is spent by employees on
various goods and services, leading to more economic output, employment, and earnings that are said to be induced
by GA.
5.02 Quantifed Induced Contributions
The Induced Benefts add up the spending of wages which results from both the Direct and Indirect Contributions.
Those portions of wages which are earned due to GA activities are then spent in various ways by the recipient. Since
people spend their wages in different ways than industries, the induced contributions have little to do with the industry
from where the wages were earned and are instead based on the spending patterns of wage earners. An employee of
an aircraft manufacturer may have a very different job from a farmer, yet, on average, they will have a tendency to spend
their wages in similar ways food, lodging, automobiles, etc.

T a b l e 6
Leading Industries Receiving GAs Induced Contribution To The U.S. Economy In 2005
($ billions)
As with the Indirect Contributions of GA, Business Services scores high on the list of industries which beneft from GA.
As discussed above, Business Services is a wide ranging cluster of industries which includes such varied companies as
consulting, accounting, photocopy shops, veterinary care for livestock, janitorial services, maintenance of equipment,
% of GA's
Rank Industry Total Induced Contribution
1 Business Services $6,867 11.3%
2 Educational $6,444 10.6%
3 Real Estate and Dwellings $5,476 9.0%
4 Health Services $3,784 6.2%
5 Wholesale and Retail Trade $3,227 5.3%
6 Financial Institutions $2,654 4.4%
7 Communications $2,552 4.2%
8 Food $2,322 3.8%
9 Insurance $2,303 3.8%
10 Personal and Household $1,925 3.2%
General Aviations Contribution to The U.S. Economy | May 2006 | 2006 General Aviation Manufacturers Association
and advertising. Although consumers may not purchase large amounts of Business Services, their purchases do
have effects on this industry group because Business Services support all the sectors in which consumers do make
Since Induced benefts are the result of direct and indirect consumer spending, it is understandable that the leading
industries for Induced Contributions are different than those of the Indirect Contributions. Consumer and household
spending patterns are quite different from those of industry.
5.03 Induced Contributions Not Quantifed
For obvious reasons, MergeGlobal was not able to calculate induced contributions derived from non-quantifed direct
and indirect contributions. We recognize that the value of such inducted contributions may be substantial, and believe
that their exclusion increases the conservatism of the quantitative estimates.
General Aviations Contribution to The U.S. Economy | May 2006 | 2006 General Aviation Manufacturers Association
6.0 Approach and Methodology
6.01 Introduction
It is easier to describe GAs contributions in conceptual terms than it is to quantify those contributions with
publicly-available data. For example, many people would acknowledge that GA is especially important for
communities with insuffcient regular commercial air service but might reasonably disagree about how
to value the time savings or economic stimulus that GA delivers to those communities. To avoid such
disagreements, MergeGlobal has restricted its estimate to those major components of GAs economic
contribution for which it has obtained suffciently reliable and detailed data to provide a high degree of
confdence in the estimates. Further, MergeGlobal has taken a conservative approach in estimating the
value of each quantifed component of GAs contribution to the U.S. economy.
Outlined below is the underlying philosophy after which there is a description of the methodology
employed. (Data sources and assumptions are summarized in Appendix B.)
6.02 Methodology To Quantify GAs Direct Contribution
6.02.1 New aircraft sales
New aircraft are made from components which come from several different industries. The airframe is
generally assembled by those who can be thought of as aircraft integrators. Their names are often
synonymous with general aviation. GAMA provided the average prices, component costs, and foreign
content of new aircraft delivered during the calendar year 2005. Components included:
a. Airframes and related assemblies wings, fuselages, landing gear, controls, etc.
b. Avionics navigation, communications, transponders, etc.
c. Engines engines and engine subsystems
d. Interiors seating surfaces, interior appointments
As an example of the differences among aircraft type, the single engine for a home-built airplane
contributes a different percentage of the purchase price than the two engines purchased for a light twin-
engine jet.
For each of the above listed components, we added exports and domestic content of foreign manufactured
aircraft, while subtracting foreign content of domestic built aircraft. Import and export values are based on
Federal trade data and aircraft manufacturer cost evaluation. For example, a foreign-made jet may have
US-made navigation avionics, and a US-made aircraft may have foreign-made seating.
General Aviations Contribution to The U.S. Economy | May 2006 | 2006 General Aviation Manufacturers Association
6.02.2 Operations and Maintenance
As the largest component of overall GA contribution, the determination of Operations and Maintenance
costs are perhaps the most important part of this analysis. Hours Each year, the FAA records the types of aircraft in service, their usage rates,
purposes for usage, and states in which aircraft are based. Since most aircraft operational
costs are reported in per hour format, these data are critical to the calculations. Costs Conklin and deDecker collects cost data for operations and maintenance and this
is considered the industry standard. MergeGlobal weighted the average maintenance costs
by the number of each model sold during the past ten years. The data gathered by Conklin
and deDecker includes:
c. Insurance Rates differ according to aircraft type and purpose of use.
d. Crew wages and benefts Corporate pilots and crew are paid based on industry
norms. Conklin and deDecker data are based on surveys conducted by the National
Business Aircraft Association (NBAA).
e. Recurrent training Active pilots must fulfll certain yearly training requirements in order
to maintain their active status.
f. Navigational chart services Owners purchase subscriptions to these services in order
to have current, accurate navigational data. Individual costs are adjusted for each type
of aircraft based on typical differences in range and usage patterns.
g. Computerized maintenance record services Owners of turbine powered aircraft
often use a computerized maintenance management program in order to accurately
record maintenance intervals and expenditures so as to meet federal maintenance
h. Weather service This cost is the price of a subscription to a computerized weather
update service.
i. Hangar or Tie-down Some aircraft are likely to be stored in a hangar while others are
more likely to be stored in an open parking area referred to as Tie-down. Fees are often
based on the size of the aircraft, or its foot-print.
j. Modernization This includes the cost of routine upgrade work, or repairing uninsured
damages and the deductibles on otherwise covered damages.
k. Refurbishing The cost of maintaining the interior and exterior appearance of the
aircraft which includes seats, carpet, and painting.
l. Fuel usage (burn rate) The burn rate is the weighted average rate at which each type
of aircraft uses fuel .
General Aviations Contribution to The U.S. Economy | May 2006 | 2006 General Aviation Manufacturers Association
6.03 Methodology To Quantify GAs Indirect And Induced Contributions
6.03.1 Background
The Input-Output (I/O) model is an economic modeling tool for which Wassily Leontief won the Nobel
Prize in Economics in 1973. He had developed the model in the 1930s, but its practical value and use
awaited the post-war development of computers. The model uses data gathered from industries in the
economy at a point in time (the currently available full table covers the year 1997, while an in-process table
is under construction by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) of the Department of Commerce with
data for 2002). Preparing an input-output table from reported Economic Census data is complicated by
the fact that business establishments (the unit of measure for collecting data) often make several different
product categories at the same location.
The beneft of an I/O model is that it provides a map of how money fows within the economy as a
whole. It traces the expenditures of businesses and government through to their payment of wages,
taxes, and profts. It then traces the allocation of profts, taxes, and wages by private consumers,
business investors, and government. Thus, it gives a complete picture of the complex nature of fows in
a large and developed economy.
6.03.2 Input-Output summary
Essentially, an input-output model provides a snapshot of the economy at a moment in time. Because
of the general delay often ten years in producing a full scale table for the economy, the Bureau of
Economic Analysis develops an estimate of the current expenditure pattern in the economy as of a more
recent year. Yearly, less detailed tables of economic expenditures are produced and published. In this
study, a table available for 2004 was used, with modifcations. Taking the more detailed sub-sectors from
the 1997 table, MergeGlobal created a slightly more robust model of the economy that tracks with the
BEA developed more aggregated 2004 table. This alternative I/O framework covers 65 sectors including
the important sectors for determining the impact of GA aircraft sales and operations on the economy (i.e.,
airframe, aircraft engines, avionics, and interiors).
An I/O model links buyers with sellers. Sellers are other industries as well as employees and shareholders
(who expect profts). This is the frst stage, or direct, impact on the economy of a purchase of a GA
aircraft. Since GA aircraft manufacturers purchase materials and components from various suppliers,
MergeGlobal needed to trace these indirect impacts through the economy. Economists have devised a
very simple tool for tracing these indirect fows using a mathematical formula to develop multipliers for
each direct purchase. With I/O analysis, after taking into account the multiplier, the amount of purchases
will be greater than the amount purchased directly.
Induced demand is based on the wages paid by each industry (derived from the Gross Output generated
by the direct purchases for new aircraft and the operations and maintenance (O&M) thereof) as well as
pilot salaries. Wages are then allocated by category of consumer expenditure. This expenditure pattern is
then used to measure gross output (also called production) that results from wages. In this way, the full
impact of the GA industry is captured.
General Aviations Contribution to The U.S. Economy | May 2006 | 2006 General Aviation Manufacturers Association
6.03.3 The GA Pre-multiplier
Input-Output tables produced by the government refect set of industries. It happens that industries often
produce different products at the same location, but data collected is classifed into a single, dominant,
product-line. In the same way, GA aircraft come in different models. To properly allocate the sales of GA
aircraft, MergeGlobal has developed a pre-multiplier that takes the individual product categories sold, i.e.,
the share for each aircraft that is spent on engines, airframe, avionics, and interior; adjusts for the portion
of these costs that are imported; and uses these totals when measuring direct contribution. Thus, the
generalized Input-Output model is adapted and calibrated for GA activity specifcally.
In this study, each category of aircraft is divided into its major constituent components. This allows a
more correct allocation of funds to industry groups. The cost of engines whether purchased by airframe
manufactures directly and included in their indirect expenditures or purchased separately by the buyers
(similar to the way commercial aircraft engines are purchased separately from the purchase of the airframe)
are allocated to the engine manufacturing sector. In a similar fashion, avionics are allocated to the Radio
and TV Communications sector. Each aircraft type has a unique share of airframe costs, engines, avionics,
and interior. Thus, the generalized I/O for aircraft is made specifc to individual aircraft types.
As the example below (Table 7) shows based on approximate shares for an aircraft within the GA
category this allows a fner detailed split of effects on sales. This hybrid aircraft represents the average
distribution in the main categories of expenditure on a new aircraft. The column on the far right is the
new I/O category produced using these splits. The column then shows the approximate direct spend by
industries for each dollar of sales of a hybrid aircraft.
T a b l e 7
Direct Contribution (A-matrix) Showing Hybrid Aircraft Direct Contribution Vector
Supplier Industries
Radio, TV,
Equipment (Avionics)
I/O Vector
0.001 0.007 0.001
0.001 0.659
0.023 0.028 0.001 0.054 0.026
0.149 0.105 0.100
0.441 0.107 0.010 0.111
0.081 0.044
0.218 0.488 0.607 0.070 0.458
0.318 0.226 0.206 0.200 0.260
Wages 0.302 0.192 0.175 0.180 0.218
Taxes 0.009 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.004
Profits 0.008 0.031 0.028 0.017 0.038
1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
*Sample categories for illustrative purposes only.
Highlighted cells are referenced in text below
Sum of Shares
Radio,TV,Communications Eqpt .
Aircraft Integrators
Value Added (components below)
Metal Products
Engines and Turbines
General Aviations Contribution to The U.S. Economy | May 2006 | 2006 General Aviation Manufacturers Association
Thus, for a dollar of direct purchases of a GA aircraft, it is expected that, in addition to the value generated by the aircraft
itself, they will buy about 4.4 cents from other aircraft integrators and parts manufactures. Aircraft engine manufacturers
main suppliers are other companies in the engines and turbines category, which make the parts that go into aircraft
engines (these two sectors are virtually the same companies). Approximately 26 cents of each dollar will contribute to
GDP in the form of value-added. The lions share of this, or nearly 22 cents, will be in the form of wages.
However, once all the direct and indirect fows that are associated with making an aircraft are taken into account (Table
8), the full impact of that dollar of sales can be observed. Thus, for every dollar of sales of general aviation aircraft,
one can expect $2.51 in direct and indirect benefts to the economy. This excludes the impact that comes from the
wages and salaries of the workers in the industries affected. They spend their money throughout the economy. Table
9 indicates the distribution of private consumption expenditures of these workers and the industries mainly impacted
directly. Each of these industries then buys from other industries producing a multiplier on wages of slightly more than
two times the wages and salaries.
T a b l e 8
Hybrid General Aviation Contribution Based on Inverse Matrix Showing Multiplier
Associated with Direct Sales of New Aircraft
Supplier Industries
and Fixtures
Radio, TV,
Engines Insurance
Aircraft I/O
Agriculture $0.03 $0.01 $0.01 $0.01 $0.01 $0.01 $0.01 $0.00
Mining/Extractive $0.01 $0.06 $0.01 $0.01 $0.01 $0.00 $0.01 $0.00
Food $0.05 $0.03 $0.03 $0.35 $0.02 $0.01 $0.01 $0.03
Beverages $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
All other sectors $2.28 $2.69 $2.58 $2.24 $2.21 $1.59 $1.82 $2.48
Multiplier $2.36 $2.79 $2.62 $2.61 $2.25 $1.60 $1.84 $2.51
*Sample sectors for illustrative purposes only
Highlighted cell referenced in text
General Aviations Contribution to The U.S. Economy | May 2006 | 2006 General Aviation Manufacturers Association
T a b l e 9
Personal Consumption Expenditure Vector
(Distribution of Private Consumption Expenditures)
Table 10 shows how this money is apportioned, in general, across the 50 states. The main States that enjoy benefts
are shown individually, while the rest are aggregated into a single category called Other States. The concentration of
aircraft production can be seen by comparing the share of total industry output in each State.
International transactions are excluded based on shares developed by GAMA for each aircraft type. Foreign aircraft
sold in the United States have signifcant US content. This content has also been captured using shares of each aircraft
type and the amount spent on each foreign-made aircraft.
Agriculture 0.45%
Mining/Extractive 0.00%
Food 1.12%
Beverages 2.13%
Tobacco 0.35%
Textiles 0.09%
Wearing Apparel 1.18%
Leather and Leather Products 0.07%
Footwear 0.06%
Wood Products 0.02%
Furniture and Fixtures 0.19%
Paper and Paper Products 0.95%
Others 93.39%
* A few sectors are listed here for illustrative purposes only.
General Aviations Contribution to The U.S. Economy | May 2006 | 2006 General Aviation Manufacturers Association
T a b l e 1 0
Gross State Product Distribution by Industry Group
Industry California Florida Georgia Illionis Kansas
York Ohio
sylvania Texas
Agriculture 18.9% 4.7% 2.8% 3.1% 1.7% 0.5% 1.4% 1.6% 2.1% 6.7% 56.5%
Mining/Extractive 8.5% 0.5% 0.8% 0.8% 0.8% 0.2% 0.3% 0.9% 2.0% 37.2% 48.0%
Food 10.0% 2.6% 6.1% 5.4% 1.2% 2.3% 3.6% 4.4% 4.0% 5.1% 55.3%
Beverages 10.0% 2.6% 6.1% 5.4% 1.2% 2.3% 3.6% 4.4% 4.0% 5.1% 55.3%
Tobacco 10.0% 2.6% 6.1% 5.4% 1.2% 2.3% 3.6% 4.4% 4.0% 5.1% 55.3%
Textiles 6.1% 1.6% 19.5% 1.1% 0.3% 2.7% 4.8% 2.2% 3.5% 2.1% 56.2%
Wearing Appparel 23.4% 1.9% 3.0% 1.7% 0.5% 3.7% 14.0% 1.3% 7.6% 7.4% 35.4%
Leather and Products 23.4% 1.9% 3.0% 1.7% 0.5% 3.7% 14.0% 1.3% 7.6% 7.4% 35.4%
Footwear 23.4% 1.9% 3.0% 1.7% 0.5% 3.7% 14.0% 1.3% 7.6% 7.4% 35.4%
Wood Products 7.2% 3.4% 4.5% 1.9% 0.3% 0.9% 1.7% 3.3% 5.0% 4.8% 66.9%
Furniture and Fixtures 10.8% 3.1% 3.2% 4.0% 0.8% 1.5% 3.3% 4.4% 4.6% 4.9% 59.4%
Paper and Products 4.8% 2.1% 6.6% 3.6% 0.4% 2.6% 3.2% 4.0% 5.8% 4.9% 62.1%
Printing and Publishing 9.8% 2.7% 3.6% 7.5% 1.2% 4.1% 7.3% 5.0% 5.8% 6.0% 46.9%
Basic Chemicals 9.7% 1.3% 2.1% 4.2% 0.6% 10.6% 6.9% 4.1% 11.2% 6.8% 42.6%
Fertilizers 9.7% 1.3% 2.1% 4.2% 0.6% 10.6% 6.9% 4.1% 11.2% 6.8% 42.6%
Synthetic Resins 9.7% 1.3% 2.1% 4.2% 0.6% 10.6% 6.9% 4.1% 11.2% 6.8% 42.6%
Paints,Varnishes , Lacquers 9.7% 1.3% 2.1% 4.2% 0.6% 10.6% 6.9% 4.1% 11.2% 6.8% 42.6%
Drugs and Medicines 9.7% 1.3% 2.1% 4.2% 0.6% 10.6% 6.9% 4.1% 11.2% 6.8% 42.6%
Soap and Cleaning Preparation 9.7% 1.3% 2.1% 4.2% 0.6% 10.6% 6.9% 4.1% 11.2% 6.8% 42.6%
Chemical Products 9.7% 1.3% 2.1% 4.2% 0.6% 10.6% 6.9% 4.1% 11.2% 6.8% 42.6%
Petroleum Refineries 22.9% 0.6% 0.5% 6.5% 1.0% 3.5% 1.1% 2.8% 2.1% 28.5% 30.4%
Petroleum and Coal Products 22.9% 0.6% 0.5% 6.5% 1.0% 3.5% 1.1% 2.8% 2.1% 28.5% 30.4%
Rubber Products 6.3% 1.5% 3.3% 7.3% 1.0% 2.5% 3.4% 7.8% 5.4% 6.1% 55.3%
Plastic Products 6.3% 1.5% 3.3% 7.3% 1.0% 2.5% 3.4% 7.8% 5.4% 6.1% 55.3%
Pottery, China 9.1% 4.7% 3.7% 3.6% 1.2% 3.0% 3.7% 6.4% 6.7% 10.0% 47.9%
Glass and Products 9.1% 4.7% 3.7% 3.6% 1.2% 3.0% 3.7% 6.4% 6.7% 10.0% 47.9%
Non-metallic Products 9.1% 4.7% 3.7% 3.6% 1.2% 3.0% 3.7% 6.4% 6.7% 10.0% 47.9%
Iron and Steel 5.5% 0.9% 1.6% 4.5% 0.4% 2.0% 3.3% 11.7% 8.3% 5.7% 56.3%
Non-ferrous Metals 5.5% 0.9% 1.6% 4.5% 0.4% 2.0% 3.3% 11.7% 8.3% 5.7% 56.3%
Metal Products 9.4% 2.2% 1.7% 7.8% 0.7% 1.9% 3.6% 7.9% 5.8% 7.2% 51.8%
Engines and Turbines 8.9% 1.7% 2.0% 9.1% 1.0% 1.5% 5.8% 5.7% 3.8% 7.4% 52.9%
Agricultural Machinery 8.9% 1.7% 2.0% 9.1% 1.0% 1.5% 5.8% 5.7% 3.8% 7.4% 52.9%
Metal and Wood Working Machinery 8.9% 1.7% 2.0% 9.1% 1.0% 1.5% 5.8% 5.7% 3.8% 7.4% 52.9%
Special Industrial Machinery 8.9% 1.7% 2.0% 9.1% 1.0% 1.5% 5.8% 5.7% 3.8% 7.4% 52.9%
Office and Computing Machinery 31.6% 3.2% 0.8% 2.3% 0.2% 1.6% 4.1% 1.5% 1.7% 9.7% 43.2%
Machinery and Equipment NEC 8.9% 1.7% 2.0% 9.1% 1.0% 1.5% 5.8% 5.7% 3.8% 7.4% 52.9%
Electrical Industrial Machinery 7.0% 1.3% 5.7% 5.4% 0.9% 1.5% 3.2% 9.1% 5.3% 4.0% 56.7%
Radio, TV, and Communications Equipment 31.6% 3.2% 0.8% 2.3% 0.2% 1.6% 4.1% 1.5% 1.7% 9.7% 43.2%
Electrical Appliances and Housewares 7.0% 1.3% 5.7% 5.4% 0.9% 1.5% 3.2% 9.1% 5.3% 4.0% 56.7%
Electrical Apparatus 7.0% 1.3% 5.7% 5.4% 0.9% 1.5% 3.2% 9.1% 5.3% 4.0% 56.7%
Shipbuilding and Repair 14.9% 3.1% 2.7% 0.5% 5.7% 0.3% 1.4% 5.1% 2.9% 8.0% 55.3%
Railroad Equipment 14.9% 3.1% 2.7% 0.5% 5.7% 0.3% 1.4% 5.1% 2.9% 8.0% 55.3%
Motor Vehicles 3.1% 0.5% 2.1% 3.0% 0.5% 0.3% 2.3% 13.0% 1.4% 5.2% 68.6%
Motorcyles and Bicyles 3.1% 0.5% 2.1% 3.0% 0.5% 0.3% 2.3% 13.0% 1.4% 5.2% 68.6%
Aircraft Integrators 14.9% 3.1% 2.7% 0.5% 5.7% 0.3% 1.4% 5.1% 2.9% 8.0% 55.3%
Aircraft Engines 14.9% 3.1% 2.7% 0.5% 5.7% 0.3% 1.4% 5.1% 2.9% 8.0% 55.3%
Transport Equipment NEC 14.9% 3.1% 2.7% 0.5% 5.7% 0.3% 1.4% 5.1% 2.9% 8.0% 55.3%
Professional Equipment 31.6% 3.2% 0.8% 2.3% 0.2% 1.6% 4.1% 1.5% 1.7% 9.7% 43.2%
Photographic and Optical 17.4% 4.5% 2.2% 4.9% 1.0% 4.3% 4.7% 2.9% 4.7% 4.0% 49.4%
Watches and Clocks 17.4% 4.5% 2.2% 4.9% 1.0% 4.3% 4.7% 2.9% 4.7% 4.0% 49.4%
Other Manufactures 17.4% 4.5% 2.2% 4.9% 1.0% 4.3% 4.7% 2.9% 4.7% 4.0% 49.4%
Utilities 11.4% 4.9% 2.8% 5.0% 1.0% 3.4% 7.7% 3.7% 5.1% 11.0% 43.9%
Construction 13.2% 6.7% 3.2% 4.5% 0.8% 3.3% 5.3% 3.1% 3.8% 7.3% 48.8%
Wholesale and Retail Trade 13.2% 6.0% 3.3% 4.6% 0.9% 4.0% 6.5% 3.7% 3.9% 8.1% 45.8%
Restaurants and Hotels 12.9% 7.2% 2.8% 3.8% 0.7% 3.3% 6.6% 2.9% 3.2% 7.2% 49.3%
Transport and Storage 10.5% 5.1% 4.1% 5.6% 1.1% 3.6% 4.9% 3.5% 4.3% 9.6% 47.7%
Communications 17.8% 4.9% 4.2% 4.0% 1.5% 3.5% 11.3% 2.3% 3.3% 7.5% 39.7%
Financial Institutions 11.5% 4.4% 2.2% 5.4% 0.6% 3.7% 17.1% 3.2% 3.6% 5.9% 42.6%
Insurance 9.9% 4.3% 2.2% 6.3% 0.8% 4.0% 9.6% 4.0% 4.8% 6.6% 47.5%
Real Estate and Dwellings 16.5% 6.4% 2.6% 4.4% 0.6% 4.5% 7.8% 3.1% 3.9% 6.3% 43.8%
Business Services 12.8% 7.0% 3.2% 5.0% 0.6% 3.9% 8.4% 4.0% 3.6% 7.3% 44.1%
Educational 10.9% 3.9% 2.5% 5.1% 0.5% 3.2% 13.0% 2.9% 8.3% 4.5% 45.2%
Health Services 11.3% 5.6% 2.4% 4.2% 0.9% 3.5% 8.7% 4.1% 5.2% 6.7% 47.4%
Recreational and Cultural 17.6% 9.2% 2.0% 4.3% 0.4% 3.1% 9.1% 2.7% 3.1% 4.8% 43.7%
Personal and Household 13.5% 5.8% 2.6% 4.7% 0.9% 3.1% 6.9% 3.7% 4.4% 7.4% 47.0%
General Aviations Contribution to The U.S. Economy | May 2006 | 2006 General Aviation Manufacturers Association
Adjusted for type of user, whether professionally crewed
or privately flown; attributed fixed costs to aircraft count
and variable costs on a per hour basis to aircraft type.
Costs included pilot and crew wages and benefits,
modernization, parts, fuel use rate, etc.
Hourly variable costs and yearly
fixed costs for operation of aircraft
Conklin & deDecker, Aircraft
Cost Evaluator; Aircraft
Owners and Pilots
Maintenance and
operational costs
FAA data include fuel usage estimates by type of aircraft Average fuel use rates by type of
FAA GAATA Fuel burn rate
The number of active aircraft and
flight hours of aircraft by type, by
user, and by specific purpose; also
by state
Average foreign content by
component in US manufactured
aircraft; average US manufactured
value by component of foreign
manufactured aircraft
Value of major aircraft
components including airframes,
engines, avionics, and interiors;
listed by type of aircraft
Number and average value by
type of all GA aircraft delivered in
the United States in 2004 and
Using preliminary estimates for the change in usage for
2005, adjusted the 2004 hours for estimation purposes
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) 2004
General Aviation and Air Taxi
Activity Survey (GAATA)
Active aircraft and flight
Based on their own record-keeping, GAMA members
provided the value of foreign content in aircraft
components for US aircraft and average by component of
US content in foreign aircraft
GAMA Value of foreign
components in new
aircraft, value of US
content in foreign
Based on their own accounting, GAMA members
provided detailed cost data by type of aircraft which
indicated the value of components relative to the value of
the new aircraft
GAMA Value of components in
new aircraft by type
GAMA asked its member manufacturers to compile
values of aircraft delivered during calendar years 2004
and 2005
General Aviation
Manufacturers Association
Number and value of
new aircraft sales
Notes Source Data
Adjusted for type of user, whether professionally crewed
or privately flown; attributed fixed costs to aircraft count
and variable costs on a per hour basis to aircraft type.
Costs included pilot and crew wages and benefits,
modernization, parts, fuel use rate, etc.
Hourly variable costs and yearly
fixed costs for operation of aircraft
Conklin & deDecker, Aircraft
Cost Evaluator; Aircraft
Owners and Pilots
Maintenance and
operational costs
FAA data include fuel usage estimates by type of aircraft Average fuel use rates by type of
FAA GAATA Fuel burn rate
The number of active aircraft and
flight hours of aircraft by type, by
user, and by specific purpose; also
by state
Average foreign content by
component in US manufactured
aircraft; average US manufactured
value by component of foreign
manufactured aircraft
Value of major aircraft
components including airframes,
engines, avionics, and interiors;
listed by type of aircraft
Number and average value by
type of all GA aircraft delivered in
the United States in 2004 and
Using preliminary estimates for the change in usage for
2005, adjusted the 2004 hours for estimation purposes
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) 2004
General Aviation and Air Taxi
Activity Survey (GAATA)
Active aircraft and flight
Based on their own record-keeping, GAMA members
provided the value of foreign content in aircraft
components for US aircraft and average by component of
US content in foreign aircraft
GAMA Value of foreign
components in new
aircraft, value of US
content in foreign
Based on their own accounting, GAMA members
provided detailed cost data by type of aircraft which
indicated the value of components relative to the value of
the new aircraft
GAMA Value of components in
new aircraft by type
GAMA asked its member manufacturers to compile
values of aircraft delivered during calendar years 2004
and 2005
General Aviation
Manufacturers Association
Number and value of
new aircraft sales
Notes Source Data
Data Sources and Assumptions
Appendix A
1. Data Sources and Assumptions
General Aviations Contribution to The U.S. Economy | May 2006 | 2006 General Aviation Manufacturers Association
Conklin & deDecker
Conklin & deDecker
Conklin & deDecker
Conklin & deDecker
Conklin & deDecker
Includes thrust reversers and
APUs for some jets, propellers
on pistons and turboprops, and
life limited parts for rotary wing
Costs allocated to overhaul of
Average costs of all airframe
avionics, and minor engine
consumable parts
Average costs of routine,
scheduled, and unscheduled
maintenance labor for the
airframe and avionics
Lubricants, oils
Although engine types differ, there are restoration
intervals for each.
Engine Restoration Cost
Includes allocations for both parts and labor. Other overhaul
This does not include parts used in engine or life
limited parts
Maintenance Parts
This includes the maintenance costs of inspections
and part replacement, but does not include labor
costs related to engine overhaul which is considered
separately in engine restoration costs
Maintenance Labor
In cases where aircraft use or consume amounts of
engine or transmission oils during engine operation
Fuel Additives
Notes Data
Conklin & deDecker
Conklin & deDecker
Conklin & deDecker
Conklin & deDecker
Conklin & deDecker
Includes thrust reversers and
APUs for some jets, propellers
on pistons and turboprops, and
life limited parts for rotary wing
Costs allocated to overhaul of
Average costs of all airframe
avionics, and minor engine
consumable parts
Average costs of routine,
scheduled, and unscheduled
maintenance labor for the
airframe and avionics
Lubricants, oils
Although engine types differ, there are restoration
intervals for each.
Engine Restoration Cost
Includes allocations for both parts and labor. Other overhaul
This does not include parts used in engine or life
limited parts
Maintenance Parts
This includes the maintenance costs of inspections
and part replacement, but does not include labor
costs related to engine overhaul which is considered
separately in engine restoration costs
Maintenance Labor
In cases where aircraft use or consume amounts of
engine or transmission oils during engine operation
Fuel Additives
Notes Data
Variable (hourly) Operating Costs
2. Variable (hourly) Operating and Maintenance Costs
General Aviations Contribution to The U.S. Economy | May 2006 | 2006 General Aviation Manufacturers Association
Personal users were assumed to pay an average
tie-down rate.
Average cost of tie-down
Aircraft Owners and Pilots
Association (AOPA)
Tie-down costs
Conklin & deDecker
Conklin & deDecker
Conklin & deDecker
Conklin & deDecker
Average yearly expense of
installing optional service
bulletins, avionics, and repairing
damage not covered by
Average yearly insurance rates
based on aircraft use and type.
Average cost of hangar facilities
based on aircraft type
Cost of employing the
recommended staffing by
aircraft type.
Damage not covered by insurance includes the cost
of meeting the deductible for insured damages.
Aircraft Modernization and
Uninsured Damage
Includes Hull Insurance, Admitted Liability, and
Legal Liability Insurance at the rate appropriate for
the user
Insurance costs
For corporate and other professional users, included
the Conklin & deDecker corporate hangar rate. The
business hangar rate was used for business users.
Hangar costs
Using the Conklin recommendations for number and
salary of staff by aircraft type. Recommended
benefits are also included. This is used in situations
where a professional crew is employed.
Crew salaries and benefits
Notes Data
Personal users were assumed to pay an average
tie-down rate.
Average cost of tie-down
Aircraft Owners and Pilots
Association (AOPA)
Tie-down costs
Conklin & deDecker
Conklin & deDecker
Conklin & deDecker
Conklin & deDecker
Average yearly expense of
installing optional service
bulletins, avionics, and repairing
damage not covered by
Average yearly insurance rates
based on aircraft use and type.
Average cost of hangar facilities
based on aircraft type
Cost of employing the
recommended staffing by
aircraft type.
Damage not covered by insurance includes the cost
of meeting the deductible for insured damages.
Aircraft Modernization and
Uninsured Damage
Includes Hull Insurance, Admitted Liability, and
Legal Liability Insurance at the rate appropriate for
the user
Insurance costs
For corporate and other professional users, included
the Conklin & deDecker corporate hangar rate. The
business hangar rate was used for business users.
Hangar costs
Using the Conklin recommendations for number and
salary of staff by aircraft type. Recommended
benefits are also included. This is used in situations
where a professional crew is employed.
Crew salaries and benefits
Notes Data
Fixed (annual) Operating Costs
3. Fixed (annual) Operating and Maintenance Costs
General Aviations Contribution to The U.S. Economy | May 2006 | 2006 General Aviation Manufacturers Association
Based on aircraft type and typical range of type; For
example: small piston engine aircraft get regional
subscriptions; heavy jets get worldwide subscriptions
Typical annual subscription cost Conklin & deDecker Navigation Chart Service
Personal-Use aircraft owners are assumed to
purchase no plan, while business and corporate
owners are assumed to purchase a subscription
Average cost of yearly
subscription to a computerized
weather forecasting service
Conklin & deDecker Weather Service
Conklin & deDecker
Conklin & deDecker
Cost of subscription to a
computerized tracking and
record keeping service for
scheduled aircraft maintenance
and components
Cost of maintaining aircraft
interior and exterior
Owners of turbine powered fixed wing and all rotary
wing aircraft are assumed to purchase this service.
Computerized Maintenance
This includes cleaning and repairs to cabin,
reupholstering seats, new carpet, repainting, etc.
Notes Data
Based on aircraft type and typical range of type; For
example: small piston engine aircraft get regional
subscriptions; heavy jets get worldwide subscriptions
Typical annual subscription cost Conklin & deDecker Navigation Chart Service
Personal-Use aircraft owners are assumed to
purchase no plan, while business and corporate
owners are assumed to purchase a subscription
Average cost of yearly
subscription to a computerized
weather forecasting service
Conklin & deDecker Weather Service
Conklin & deDecker
Conklin & deDecker
Cost of subscription to a
computerized tracking and
record keeping service for
scheduled aircraft maintenance
and components
Cost of maintaining aircraft
interior and exterior
Owners of turbine powered fixed wing and all rotary
wing aircraft are assumed to purchase this service.
Computerized Maintenance
This includes cleaning and repairs to cabin,
reupholstering seats, new carpet, repainting, etc.
Notes Data
Fixed (annual) Operating Costs, continued
Fixed (annual) Operating and Maintenance Costs (Continued)
General Aviations Contribution to The U.S. Economy | May 2006 | 2006 General Aviation Manufacturers Association
Appendix B.
Summary of Results
T a b l e b 1
State Impacts Total value and per capita, 2005
State ($ millions) Per Capita State ($ millions) Per Capita
Alabama $1,703 $370 Montana $260 $259
Alaska $400 $571 Nebraska $721 $409
Arizona $2,766 $529 Nevada $962 $465
Arkansas $1,033 $376 New Hampshire $639 $499
California $18,202 $529 New Jersey $4,351 $518
Colorado $2,141 $479 New Mexico $761 $378
Connecticut $2,409 $726 New York $9,267 $508
Delaware $577 $722 North Carolina $4,140 $503
District of Columbia $483 $914 North Dakota $218 $322
Florida $7,520 $462 Ohio $5,462 $478
Georgia $8,751 $1,040 Oklahoma $1,215 $348
Hawaii $412 $307 Oregon $1,832 $507
Idaho $581 $393 Pennsylvania $6,009 $489
Illinois $6,040 $492 Rhode Island $465 $460
Indiana $3,352 $539 South Carolina $1,606 $398
Iowa $1,413 $481 South Dakota $303 $374
Kansas $7,072 $2,561 Tennessee $2,571 $431
Kentucky $1,746 $426 Texas $11,237 $523
Louisiana $2,059 $454 Utah $912 $378
Maine $521 $405 Vermont $274 $430
Maryland $2,085 $381 Virginia $3,333 $455
Massachusetts $4,046 $641 Washington $3,186 $509
Michigan $4,138 $424 West Virginia $616 $333
Minnesota $2,976 $595 Wisconsin $3,523 $643
Mississippi $860 $296 Wyoming $353 $621
Missouri $2,498 $437
General Aviations Contribution to The U.S. Economy | May 2006 | 2006 General Aviation Manufacturers Association
T a b l e b 2
Industries and Sectors Receiving Indirect Benefts from GA
Sector $ millions % of U.S. GA
Business Services $5,994 12.0%
Radio, TV, and Communications Equipment $4,756 9.5%
Mining/Extractive $2,922 5.9%
Aircraft Engines $2,792 5.6%
Real Estate and Dwellings $2,766 5.5%
Financial Institutions $2,649 5.3%
Construction $2,603 5.2%
Metal Products $2,470 4.9%
Wholesale and Retail Trade $2,380 4.8%
Utilities $1,634 3.3%
Non-ferrous Metals $1,599 3.2%
Transport and Storage $1,483 3.0%
Communications $1,451 2.9%
Iron and Steel $1,423 2.9%
Aircraft Integrators $1,363 2.7%
Insurance $1,281 2.6%
Food $1,004 2.0%
Wood Products $962 1.9%
Petroleum Refneries $943 1.9%
Plastic Products $664 1.3%
Personal and Household $625 1.3%
Paper and Products $611 1.2%
Offce and Computing Machinery $601 1.2%
Restaurants and Hotels $589 1.2%
Basic Chemicals $508 1.0%
Textiles $397 0.8%
Machinery and Equipment NEC $391 0.8%
Agriculture $377 0.8%
Printing and Publishing $314 0.6%
Synthetic Resins $280 0.6%
Furniture and Fixtures $267 0.5%
Electrical Apparatus $209 0.4%
Non-metallic Products $181 0.4%
Recreational and Cultural $149 0.3%
(Continued on following page)
General Aviations Contribution to The U.S. Economy | May 2006 | 2006 General Aviation Manufacturers Association
T a b l e b 2 (Continued)
Industries and Sectors Receiving Indirect Benefts from GA
Sector $ millions % of U.S. GA
Rubber Products $139 0.3%
Special Industrial Machinery $133 0.3%
Chemical Products $127 0.3%
Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers $111 0.2%
Professional Equipment $97 0.2%
Metal and Wood Working Machinery $89 0.2%
Motor Vehicles $67 0.1%
Educational $66 0.1%
Other Manufactures $64 0.1%
Watches and Clocks $54 0.1%
Glass and Products $54 0.1%
Electrical Industrial Machinery $37 0.1%
Engines and Turbines $34 0.1%
Drugs and Medicines $31 0.1%
Health Services $22 0.0%
Wearing Apparel $21 0.0%
Photographic and Optical $19 0.0%
Fertilizers $19 0.0%
Beverages $19 0.0%
Transport Equipment NEC $15 0.0%
Soap and Cleaning Preparation $14 0.0%
Petroleum and Coal Products $6 0.0%
Agricultural Machinery $5 0.0%
Pottery, China $4 0.0%
Electrical Appliances and Housewares $3 0.0%
Railroad Equipment $3 0.0%
Shipbuilding and Repair $3 0.0%
Tobacco $2 0.0%
Motorcycles and Bicycles $1 0.0%
Leather and Products $1 0.0%
Footwear $0 0.0%
General Aviations Contribution to The U.S. Economy | May 2006 | 2006 General Aviation Manufacturers Association
T a b l e b 3
Industries and Sectors Receiving Induced Benefts from GA
Sector $ millions % of U.S. GA
Business Services $ 6,867 11.3%
Educational $ 6,444 10.6%
Real Estate and Dwellings $ 5,476 9.0%
Health Services $ 3,784 6.2%
Wholesale and Retail Trade $ 3,227 5.3%
Financial Institutions $ 2,654 4.4%
Communications $ 2,552 4.2%
Food $ 2,322 3.8%
Insurance $ 2,303 3.8%
Personal and Household $ 1,925 3.2%
Restaurants and Hotels $ 1,762 2.9%
Construction $ 1,589 2.6%
Transport and Storage $ 1,410 2.3%
Utilities $ 1,389 2.3%
Motor Vehicles $ 1,383 2.3%
Recreational and Cultural $ 1,353 2.2%
Paper and Products $ 1,198 2.0%
Radio, TV, and Communications Equipment $ 1,115 1.8%
Soap and Cleaning Preparation $ 1,031 1.7%
Metal Products $ 831 1.4%
Offce and Computing Machinery $ 814 1.3%
Agriculture $ 756 1.2%
Petroleum Refneries $ 748 1.2%
Plastic Products $ 693 1.1%
Beverages $ 606 1.0%
Basic Chemicals $ 516 0.9%
Printing and Publishing $ 513 0.8%
Iron and Steel $ 461 0.8%
Non-ferrous Metals $ 440 0.7%
Drugs and Medicines $ 437 0.7%
Mining/Extractive $ 407 0.7%
Textiles $ 386 0.6%
Wearing Apparel $ 327 0.5%
Synthetic Resins $ 264 0.4%
Wood Products $ 264 0.4%
(Continued on following page)
General Aviations Contribution to The U.S. Economy | May 2006 | 2006 General Aviation Manufacturers Association
T a b l e b 3 (Continued)
Industries and Sectors Receiving Induced Benefts from GA
Sector $ millions % of U.S. GA
Professional Equipment $ 240 0.4%
Machinery and Equipment NEC $ 238 0.4%
Other Manufactures $ 235 0.4%
Furniture and Fixtures $ 211 0.3%
Electrical Appliances and Housewares $ 172 0.3%
Electrical Apparatus $ 128 0.2%
Tobacco $ 115 0.2%
Rubber Products $ 104 0.2%
Non-metallic Products $ 99 0.2%
Chemical Products $ 95 0.2%
Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers $ 87 0.1%
Metal and Wood Working Machinery $ 82 0.1%
Electrical Industrial Machinery $ 82 0.1%
Special Industrial Machinery $ 78 0.1%
Fertilizers $ 64 0.1%
Glass and Products $ 64 0.1%
Transport Equipment NEC $ 41 0.1%
Aircraft Integrators $ 32 0.1%
Photographic and Optical $ 31 0.1%
Engines and Turbines $ 26 0.0%
Agricultural Machinery $ 23 0.0%
Aircraft Engines $ 22 0.0%
Watches and Clocks $ 20 0.0%
Leather and Products $ 12 0.0%
Shipbuilding and Repair $ 12 0.0%
Footwear $ 11 0.0%
Railroad Equipment $ 10 0.0%
Petroleum and Coal Products $ 10 0.0%
Motorcycles and Bicycles $ 8 0.0%
Pottery, China $ 7 0.0%
General Aviations Contribution to The U.S. Economy | May 2006 | 2006 General Aviation Manufacturers Association
About MergeGlobal
MergeGlobal provides clients a continuum of services ranging from financial advisory to strategic consulting.
MergeGlobals fnancial consulting practice combines fnancial expertise with deep industry knowledge to signifcantly
improve shareholder value for clients in the global travel, transport and logistics industries. MergeGlobals strategy
consulting practice focuses on developing competitive strategy for companies in the same industries.
MergeGlobals industry experience spans all modes of transportation, logistics and suppliers to the industry. The frm
takes a quantitative, bottom-up approach to consulting engagements, with an emphasis on primary research in order
to develop defensible, fact-based conclusions. MergeGlobal has completed over 200 engagements for clients in North
America, Europe, Asia and Latin America.
General Aviations Contribution to The U.S. Economy | May 2006 | 2006 General Aviation Manufacturers Association
About the Authors
W. Bruce Allen, Ph.D.
Principal Advisor
Dr. Bruce Allen is an internationally recognized expert in transportation economics and Professor of Business, Public
Policy, Regional Science and Transportation at the University of Pennsylvania. He is also the Director of the Wharton
Transportation Program. His consulting expertise includes: freight demand theory, impact of transit investments, physical
distribution management/business logistics, railroad and motor carrier economics and transportation regulation.
Dr. Allen received his Ph.D. in economics from Northwestern University.
David L. Blond, Ph.D.
Principal Advisor
Dr. David Blond is an international trade economist with over 30 years of experience. Dr. Blond has broad experience in
modeling economic data using multi-market and multi-commodity statistical techniques. He has developed large-scale
global models covering macroeconomic, industrial, trade, and transportation specifc concepts. Throughout his career,
Dr. Blond has specialized in developing unique analytical frameworks designed to measure benefts against costs
including risk-based analysis techniques. These efforts have involved partial data sets, cleaning and flling in missing
data, and developing quantitative analogues for qualitative factors. Before joining MergeGlobal, Dr. Blond held various
positions at other consulting frms including DRI/McGraw Hill, where he was Principal and Director of International Trade
and Forecasting. Prior to consulting, Dr. Blond served as Senior Economist in the Department of Defense. He began his
career with the United National Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in Geneva.
Dr. Blond received both a Ph.D. in International Economics and an M.A. in Economics from New York University.
General Aviations Contribution to The U.S. Economy | May 2006 | 2006 General Aviation Manufacturers Association
Aaron J. Gellman, Ph.D.
Principal Advisor
Aaron Gellman is a noted transportation economist. His research and teaching include transportation economics and
policy, the regulation of transportation, and the management and utilization of research and technology. Dr. Gellman
joined the faculty of the Kellogg School of Management in 1992 as a professor of management and strategy. He also
holds an appointment as professor of industrial engineering at the Robert R. McCormick School of Engineering and
Applied Science at Northwestern University. Dr. Gellman was the Director of the Transportation Center, Northwestern
University from January 1992 through August 2000. He founded and was formerly president of Gellman Research
Associates, Inc., a consulting frm. Dr. Gellman also served 24 years as an adjunct professor at the University of
Pennsylvania. He is the author of numerous published papers and has served on government panels and committees,
as well as corporate boards.
Dr. Gellman received his Ph.D. in Economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and an MBA from the
University of Chicago.
General Aviation
Manufacturers Association
1400 K Street NW | Suite 801
Washington, DC 20005
P 202 393 1500
F 202 842 4063

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