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Basic System Reference (BSR)



This document outlines the basic CODA system rules that are common between the Star Trek and Lord of the Rings RPGs and list features in both systems to allow for a generic framework for games based in fantasy, modern, or futuristic. There are a few places where I have taken some creative license to: 1) come up with rules that would be consistent between the games and also allow for some of the disparities, and 2) add a few things here and there that I believe make better sense to the system. I have modeled the format of the document off of the Open Game Content SRD for d20. All notes and additional information and rules that are not detailed by printed CODA rules have come up with will be denoted using italics. There maybe rules that I came up with or changed and forgot to italicize and for that I apologize.

THE BASICS............................................................................................................................................................................................5 DICE .......................................................................................................................................................................................................5 CORE MECHANIC ....................................................................................................................................................................................5 DEGREES OF SUCCESS/FAILURE..............................................................................................................................................................5 ROUNDING FRACTIONS ...........................................................................................................................................................................5 CHARACTER CREATION, EXPERIENCE, & ADVANCEMENT .................................................................................................6 CREATING A BASIC CHARACTER ............................................................................................................................................................6 PHASE 1: ATTRIBUTES..........................................................................................................................................................................6 PHASE 2: NATIVE SKILLS .....................................................................................................................................................................6 PHASE 3: BACKGROUND.......................................................................................................................................................................7 PHASE 4: PROFESSION ..........................................................................................................................................................................7 HALF-BREED CHARACTERS ....................................................................................................................................................................7 EXPERIENCE ...........................................................................................................................................................................................7 ADVANCEMENT ......................................................................................................................................................................................8 LEGENDARY ATTRIBUTES .......................................................................................................................................................................9 ADDITIONAL RULES FOR CONSIDERATION............................................................................................................................................10 PRIMARY ATTRIBUTES ...................................................................................................................................................................12 STRENGTH (STR)..................................................................................................................................................................................12 VITALITY (VIT)....................................................................................................................................................................................12 AGILITY (AGL) ....................................................................................................................................................................................12 PERCEPTION (PER) ...............................................................................................................................................................................12 BEARING (BRG) ...................................................................................................................................................................................12 INTELLECT (INT)..................................................................................................................................................................................13 ATTRIBUTE MODIFIERS ........................................................................................................................................................................13 SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES..............................................................................................................................................................14 REACTIONS ...........................................................................................................................................................................................14 STAMINA (ST) ....................................................................................................................................................................................14 SWIFTNESS (SW) ................................................................................................................................................................................15 WILLPOWER (WP) ..............................................................................................................................................................................15 WISDOM (WS)....................................................................................................................................................................................15 DEFENSE ...............................................................................................................................................................................................16 HEALTH ................................................................................................................................................................................................16 COURAGE .............................................................................................................................................................................................16 RENOWN ...............................................................................................................................................................................................16 SIZE ......................................................................................................................................................................................................18 ADDITIONAL RULES FOR CONSIDERATION............................................................................................................................................20 BACKGROUND ....................................................................................................................................................................................22 MODIFIERS AND ABILITIES ...................................................................................................................................................................22 SKILLS AND PACKAGES ........................................................................................................................................................................22 OPTIONAL: ACQUIRING A BACKGROUND FLAW....................................................................................................................................22 ADDITIONAL RULES FOR CONSIDERATION............................................................................................................................................23 PROFESSIONS......................................................................................................................................................................................24 BASIC PROFESSIONS .............................................................................................................................................................................24 ELITE PROFESSIONS ..............................................................................................................................................................................24 PROFESSIONS AND ADVANCEMENT ......................................................................................................................................................24 ADDITIONAL RULES FOR CONSIDERATION............................................................................................................................................24 SKILLS ...................................................................................................................................................................................................26 UNDERSTANDING SKILLS......................................................................................................................................................................26 SKILL DESCRIPTIONS ............................................................................................................................................................................26 ADDITIONAL RULES FOR CONSIDERATION............................................................................................................................................44 CHARACTER TRAITS ........................................................................................................................................................................46 EDGES...................................................................................................................................................................................................46 FLAWS ..................................................................................................................................................................................................57 2

ADDITIONAL RULES FOR CONSIDERATION............................................................................................................................................65 COMBAT TRAITS................................................................................................................................................................................66 GENERAL ..............................................................................................................................................................................................66 ARMED COMBAT ..................................................................................................................................................................................69 RANGED COMBAT.................................................................................................................................................................................71 UNARMED COMBAT ..............................................................................................................................................................................73 ADDITIONAL RULES FOR CONSIDERATION............................................................................................................................................77 ABILTIES ..............................................................................................................................................................................................78 BASIC PROFESSION ABILITIES...............................................................................................................................................................78 ACTOR/ARTIST/BARD/MINSTREL ......................................................................................................................................................78 ALCHEMIST/LOREMASTER/SCIENTIST/WISE-MAN .............................................................................................................................80 BARBARIAN/PRIMITIVE/SAVAGE .......................................................................................................................................................84 BUSINESSMAN/CRAFTSMAN/MERCHANT ...........................................................................................................................................87 CLERIC/MONK/MYSTIC/PRIEST .........................................................................................................................................................91 CONJURER/MAGE/SHAMAN/WIZARD .................................................................................................................................................95 DIPLOMAT/NOBLE/POLITICIAN ..........................................................................................................................................................96 MERCENARY/SEAMAN/SOLDIER/WARRIOR .......................................................................................................................................99 ROGUE/THIEF...................................................................................................................................................................................104 ELITE PROFESSION ABILITIES .............................................................................................................................................................107 ADEPT/ARCHBISHOP ........................................................................................................................................................................107 AMBASSADOR/HEAD OF STATE/RULER............................................................................................................................................108 ARCHER/SHARPSHOOTER/WEAPONSMASTER ...................................................................................................................................110 ARCHMAGE ......................................................................................................................................................................................113 ASSASSIN/SPY ..................................................................................................................................................................................115 CAPTAIN/COMMAND OFFICER/KNIGHT............................................................................................................................................118 COUNSELOR/DOCTOR/MEDICINE-MAN ............................................................................................................................................121 ENGINEER/OPERATIONS OFFICER ....................................................................................................................................................125 EXPLORER/INVENTOR ......................................................................................................................................................................129 FREE TRADER/SMUGGLER ...............................................................................................................................................................131 HELM/FLIGHT CONTROL/NAVIGATOR/PILOT ...................................................................................................................................133 INVESTIGATOR/SECURITY/WEAPONS OFFICER ................................................................................................................................135 RANGER/SPECIAL FORCES ...............................................................................................................................................................138 SUPER/RACIAL/CREATURE ABILITIES.................................................................................................................................................141 ADDITIONAL RULES FOR CONSIDERATION..........................................................................................................................................154 SYSTEM RULES.................................................................................................................................................................................156 TESTS .................................................................................................................................................................................................156 TIME ...................................................................................................................................................................................................159 ACTIONS .............................................................................................................................................................................................160 COMBAT .............................................................................................................................................................................................161 INJURY, HEALING, AND WEARINESS ...................................................................................................................................................167 ADDITIONAL RULES FOR CONSIDERATION..........................................................................................................................................172 PSIONICS ............................................................................................................................................................................................176 ATTRIBUTE .........................................................................................................................................................................................176 SKILLS ................................................................................................................................................................................................176 TRAITS ................................................................................................................................................................................................179 ADDITIONAL RULES FOR CONSIDERATION..........................................................................................................................................180 MAGIC .................................................................................................................................................................................................182 ACQUIRING SPELLS.............................................................................................................................................................................182 SPELL SPECIALTIES AND SCHEMES .....................................................................................................................................................182 CASTING SPELLS .................................................................................................................................................................................182 SPELLCASTING LIMITS ........................................................................................................................................................................182 INNATE ABILITIES ...............................................................................................................................................................................183 CREATING MAGICAL ITEMS ................................................................................................................................................................183 ADDITIONAL RULES FOR CONSIDERATION..........................................................................................................................................186 EQUIPMENT.......................................................................................................................................................................................189 WEAPONS ...........................................................................................................................................................................................189 3

ARMOR ...............................................................................................................................................................................................197 MONEY & OTHER ITEMS.....................................................................................................................................................................199 ADDITIONAL RULES FOR CONSIDERATION..........................................................................................................................................200 TOXINS ................................................................................................................................................................................................204 TYPE ...................................................................................................................................................................................................204 ONSET TIME .......................................................................................................................................................................................204 POTENCY ............................................................................................................................................................................................204 TREATMENT........................................................................................................................................................................................204 EFFECTS..............................................................................................................................................................................................205 STAGES ...............................................................................................................................................................................................205 CREATION EXAMPLE ..........................................................................................................................................................................205 ADDITIONAL RULES FOR CONSIDERATION..........................................................................................................................................206 WORLD & SPACE CREATION .......................................................................................................................................................207 GALAXIES AND SECTORS ....................................................................................................................................................................207 STAR SYSTEMS ...................................................................................................................................................................................216 WORLDS, COUNTRIES, REALMS ..........................................................................................................................................................220 ALTERNATE RULES FOR CONSIDERATION...........................................................................................................................................224 RACE CREATION..............................................................................................................................................................................226 PERSONALITY .....................................................................................................................................................................................226 PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION .....................................................................................................................................................................226 HOMEWORLD ......................................................................................................................................................................................226 CULTURE ............................................................................................................................................................................................227 LANGUAGE .........................................................................................................................................................................................231 COMMON NAMES................................................................................................................................................................................231 FAVORED PROFESSION(S) ...................................................................................................................................................................231 RACIAL SPECIFICATIONS ....................................................................................................................................................................231 CREATURE CREATION...................................................................................................................................................................234 CREATION PROFILE.............................................................................................................................................................................234 MODIFYING CREATURES.....................................................................................................................................................................240 ENCOUNTERING CREATURES ..............................................................................................................................................................240 VEHICLES...........................................................................................................................................................................................245 CREATION PROFILE.............................................................................................................................................................................245 ADVANCEMENT ..................................................................................................................................................................................267 OPERATION .........................................................................................................................................................................................268 COMBAT .............................................................................................................................................................................................275 MASS COMBAT .................................................................................................................................................................................286 SIEGE WEAPONS .................................................................................................................................................................................286 STRUCTURES.......................................................................................................................................................................................288 BATTLES .............................................................................................................................................................................................289 APPENDIX A: GLOSSARY OF TERMS .........................................................................................................................................297 APPENDIX B: LIST OF TABLES.....................................................................................................................................................303 APPENDIX C: LIST OF FIGURES ..................................................................................................................................................307

Dice rolls are described with expressions such as 2d6+3, which means roll two six-sided dice and add 3 (resulting in a number between 5 and 15). The first number tells you how many dice to roll (adding the results together). The number immediately after the d tells you the type of die to use. Any number after that indicates a quantity that is added or subtracted from the result.

Core Mechanic
Whenever you attempt an action that has some chance of failure, you roll 2 six-sided dice (2d6). To determine if your character succeeds at a task you do this: Roll a 2d6 Add any relevant modifiers Compare the result to the target number (TN) If the result equals or exceeds the target number, your character succeeds. If the result is lower than the target number, you fail.

Degrees of Success/Failure
Whereas a tests TN derive the difficulty of the test, degrees of success evaluate the outcome quality. Aside from qualifying the characters overall performance, degrees of success also can determine special effects or abilities. Such effects could be reduced/increased time required to perform the test, damage bonuses/penalties, or additional bonuses/penalties to subsequent tests.

Table 1: Degree of Success

Test Result 11+ below TN 6-10 below TN 1-5 below TN Equal to TN 1-5 above TN 6-10 above TN Degree of Success or Failure Disastrous Failure: Attempt may make matters worse Complete Failure: Attempt fails and may prevent future attempts Failure: Attempt fails but may attempt again with a cumulative 2 penalty Marginal Success: Basic goal achieved, possibly with minor setbacks Complete Success: Achieves goal with no setbacks Superior Success: Performs beyond expectation, possibly gaining a small advantage such as reduced test duration Extraordinary Success: Performs far beyond expectation, gains an advantage such as bonus to initiative or maybe an additional action at a reduced action cost Time Modifier x2 x1.5 x1 x1 x0.75 x0.5

11+ above TN


Rounding Fractions
In general, if you wind up with a fraction, round normally unless told otherwise. An exception is damage where a minimum of 1 point is dealt.


Creating a Basic Character
The outline listed below details how to create a 0-advancement character that is the basic character in the game. When anything refers to character creation, it is during these phases that the specified action(s) occur. Once you have decided upon the characters race, follow these guidelines.

Phase 1: Attributes
1. Generating Primary Attributes
A character's primary attributes are generated in one of two ways: randomly using dice or by the pick method. Generally using the pick method creates more balanced characters while the random method can give unusual highs and lows. Limitation: Regardless of method, the character is of a stature greater than the average person is but no attribute may increase past a score of 12 without special dispensation such as bonuses granted by a PCs race or other special circumstances. Once the scores have been generated and assigned to specific attributes, apply any racial bonuses to attributes. Once the reactions have been generated, apply any racial bonuses to reactions.

Random Method
Take two six-sided dice (2d6) and add the dices values together. Do this nine times and keep the six highest scores.

Pick Method
Start with these scores: 10, 9, 7, 7, 5, and 4. From a pool of eight points, these score may be increased at a rate of one point per +1 score.

2. Select Favored Attributes

Choose two favored attributes from the list based on either guidance given by descriptions of professions or a players personal preference. The benefit gained for the favored attributes is that increases to the attribute are purchased at a reduced cost and have the ability to exceed the limit of 12 plus any racial bonuses.

3. Generating Secondary Attributes

Follow the guidelines listed in each of their descriptions. As a baseline for Size, a human is considered to be Medium. Limitations: The score of any reaction has no upper limit. The number of Courage points a character can have has no upper limit. A characters Health score has no upper limit. The Defense score of any given character is limited to the base Defense score (7 or 10) + Agility modifier.

4. Select Favored Reaction

Choose one favored reaction from the list based on either guidance given by descriptions of professions or a players personal preference. The benefit gained for the favored reaction is that increases to the reaction are purchased at a reduced cost.

Phase 2: Native Skills

Choose your Native Skills from a pool of points (called picks) equal to your character's Intellect x2. A larger multiplier can be used, such as x3, is used, but there runs the risk of characters being too competent early in the game with those skills or run out of ideas for which skills to select. These picks are spent on ranks and specialties for Knowledge and Language. Limitation: No skill may have more than 6 ranks at the end of character creation, though its total bonus can be higher than +6.

Phase 3: Background
1. Select Background/Racial Package or Create Your Own
As you have already chosen the characters race or background and applied any attribute modifiers, now select an appropriate background package that fits your characters upbringing or heritage. Make note of the characters background abilities. Either choose a pregenerated background package or spend 6 picks (1 pick = +1 rank or 1 specialty). Limitation: No skill may have more than 6 ranks at the end of character creation, though its total bonus can be higher than +6.

2. Optional: Select Background Flaw

Choose one flaw from a list of background flaws (if posted) or upon Narrators approval. Gain either 1) one edge, 2) +1 rank to any background skill, or 3) one specialty for a previously acquired skill.

Phase 4: Profession
This could also be called an Order (most suitably for fantasy settings).

1. Select Profession
Professions are common types of templates a character can choose from to focus his character on. Examples of professions could be Fighter, Mage, Rogue, Starship Pilot, Merchant, etc.

2. Select Profession Package or Create Your Own

Either choose a pregenerated profession package or spend 20 picks (1 pick = +1 rank or 1 specialty). Limitation: The number of ranks for any given skill is limited to 12.

3. Select a Profession Edge

From the list of five edges in the profession package, choose an edge for the character. If a player created his own package, the Narrator must approve of the chosen edge.

4. Select Profession Ability

Choose one profession ability from those listed in the profession description.

Half-Breed Characters
First decide which race is the dominant race. Use the desired method for generating attributes for two separate characters for each race, including the racial modifiers in the final values. For the dominant race, select the two highest totals and the lowest total. For the recessive race, select the third highest total and the two lowest totals. Select up to two racial abilities from the dominant race and one from the recessive race.

Awarding Experience
Characters are not static. As they experience things through their adventures, they learn, grow, and become more capable and powerful. In game terms, character growth and development is reflected in the award of experience points. The amount given depends upon the judgment of the Narrator; some prefer to be generous while others are less so. Table 2 below shows conditions for experience awards and their suggested values in points.

Table 2: Experience Awards

Condition Successful test related to the story Completion of primary objective Completion of secondary objective(s) Completion of scene's purpose Exceptional Role-playing Experience Point (XP) Award TN of the test 1000 (divided among PC's) 500 each (divided among PC's) 100 (divided among PC's) Special (Narrator determines)

Successful Tests
The most common way of gaining ongoing experience is through the completion of story-related tests. When a character succeeds in a particular test, he gains experience in an amount equal to the TN of the test. His companions gain half this amount of experience. Some Narrators may require their players to keep a record of the tests that they perform so as to justify certain advancement picks. Also, some may impose a limit to one test per type: if a PC makes three Ride tests in one scene, then the Narrator may only limit the gain in experience for one of those tests (normally the test with the highest TN).

Fulfilling Objectives
Characters also gain experience by fulfilling the primary and secondary objectives of the story, as well as scene goals along the way. These may involve solving riddles, interacting with specific NPC's, or thwarting the nefarious plans of an enemy or rival.

Exceptional Role-playing
Depending on the Narrator's personal style and type of game s he runs, good role-playing may be as important as the completion of story objectives. The Narrator doesn't have to give out additional experience for performing well; however, players who truly embrace their characters and setting probably deserve a little something extra. And even sometimes characters will do something so extraordinary that their action screams for some type of award -- by all means give experience as award for their performance.

Table 3: Advancement Picks
Cost 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 5 5 5 Advancement Items +1 rank Native Skills (Knowledge & Language skills from Intellect xX) +1 rank Profession Skill Specialty New Edge or upgrade existing Edge New Combat Trait or upgrade existing Combat Trait Remove Flaw (Narrator approval) +1 rank Non-Profession Skill +1 Favored Reaction +1 Renown +1 Non-favored Reaction +1 Courage New Ability or upgrade existing Ability +1 Favored Attribute +1 Non-favored Attribute +1 Health Gain new Profession, Basic or Elite (after prerequisites are met)

There is only one restriction when spending Advancement Picks: you cannot spend more than 2 picks for any skill per advancement. Other reasonable restrictions may apply for particular game settings.

1000-Point Method
When a character accumulates 1000 experience points (XP), the player receives five picks to spend on Table 3. With the picks, you can improve your character's attributes, reactions, learn new skills or improve the ones he has, and so on. If appropriate, the Narrator may allow you to take a flaw with advancement to give you a sixth pick. The only restriction 8

when purchasing items from Table 3 is that no more than two picks may be spent to increase the number of ranks a character has in a particular skill. Although a player can theoretically purchase any item from the table, the player should justify the purchase of particular items by having them reflect the events and accomplishments of the chapter or chronicle.

Legendary Attributes
There are persons in the various gaming worlds of extraordinary ability where it comes to one or more of their attributes. As attributes are normally capped at 12+Racial Modifiers, where humans have a +0 modifier for all attributes and thus capped at 12 unless otherwise specified by a specific game, but favored attributes are special and this guideline accounts for that. Narrators can incorporate this into their narratives for PCs and NPCs if they are or become pivotal figures in the fate of the world or universe. A character that has increased a favored attribute to its maximum value and gained at least 6 Renown through its use over the course of the narrative may petition the Narrator for the chance to increase the attribute to 1 point above the normal cap. Non-favored attributes are forever capped at 12 + Racial Modifiers. When requesting this consideration, the player must pay the normal cost to increase the attribute in advance before actually receiving the benefit; the Narrator will decide when and if this will occur. Over the following chapters in the narrative, the Narrator considers the characters actions and behavior. Ideally, the Narrator would incorporate scenes where the characters chosen attribute has a chance to shine but the scenes shouldnt be simple matters reduced to dice rolls, even if the tests are of great importance. Rather, the character through actions and choices has the opportunity to demonstrate his heroic mettle as it relates to the attribute. Once these scenes have run their course and the Narrator feels the characters conduct in the situations presented reflect the manner of one of the worlds great heroes, the attribute increase is granted. If the character fails in this attempt to achieve this level of worth, the player is informed that his efforts came up short and no increase will be given, thus losing the spent advancement picks. In either case of success or failure, the character may never try this again ever.

Additional Rules for Consideration

Character Creation
Free Picks
Before finishing character creation, using 5 picks purchase selections from the Advancement Picks Table. Increased restrictions on what may be purchased using the free picks could be used as well. Any selections may be purchased, except: Health or Reactions (they aren't final until after initial character creation), Abilities, or Removing a Flaw

Free Specialty
When a new skill during character creation is selected, a free specialty is automatically gained (if available). All subsequent specialties for this skill must be purchased using one pick or spending one advancement pick. If a new skill acquired after character creation, this rule is not in effect or it could be.

Capping Ranks
As the rule stands, a character cannot have any skill with more ranks than six, but this may be too high for a Narrators liking and reduce the cap to say 3 or 4. Currently, the maximum number of ranks is 12 for any given skill (unless the Legendary Skills rules below are used). This might seem a little too generous and a Narrator may elect to not allow more ranks in a skill to be taken greater than the score of the governing attribute.

Superhero Generation
Perform Phases 1-3 as normal and then each PC is granted 50 points to spend on skills, edges, and abilities with costs equivalent on the Advancement Table unless otherwise specified. Available abilities come from any source, Professions or Racial/Creature, and although there are no Professions in a Supers game, all prerequisites still apply. Flaws may be acquired, granting +2 points to spend.

Accumulation Method
This method is based on the 1000-Point Method but allows players to purchase items from the advancement table as he receives experience. One pick is equal to 200 XP and so XP-pick equivalents may be purchased from the table. The experience doesn't have to be spent as soon as the experience is received, but no more than 1000 XP may be saved to spend. This method reflects reality a bit better than the 1000-Point Method in that advancement and relative power of the character increase gradually as opposed to incremental spurts. The only restriction when purchasing items from Table 3 is that no more than 400 XP may be spent to increase the number of ranks a character has in a particular skill.

Capping Reaction Scores
As the rule stands, reactions have no upper limit, but a Narrator may decide that this is too generous. A reasonable cap to reactions could be a reaction score is limited to a score equal to the lower attribute score of the attributes used to generate the initial reaction score. Favored reactions could have an upper limit to higher attribute score + its attribute modifier of the attributes used to generate the initial reaction score.


Legendary Skills
Use the same rules for Legendary Attributes, but instead of only increasing the skill one more rank, the skill Must be an Profession Skill and its associated attribute must be a favored attribute No more ranks can be acquired than equal to the attribute modifier of the skills associated attribute The cost of acquiring a Legendary Skill is 3 picks The entire process must be repeated for each additional rank If the Narrator an attempt to be unsuccessful, the additional rank isnt gained and the character may never attempt to gain any further ranks


Each attribute partially describes your character and affects some of his or his actions.

Strength (STR)
This attribute represents the ability to exert force and do damage physically. In the game, Strength affects: Lifting and Carrying Capacity: You can lift and throw an amount no greater than Strength x10, going a maximum distance equal to your Strength test result * (characters Size objects Size, minimum 1). Damage: The damage caused by your natural ability regardless of weapon, not including spells. Reactions: Stamina Skills: Armed Combat, Athletics, Ranged Combat, Sports

Vitality (VIT)
This attribute reflects vigor, stamina, and health. Strong and sturdy people tend to have high Vitality while the weak and sickly ones have low Vitality. In the game, Vitality affects: Resistance to injury by helping determine how many wounds a character can withstand within a Wound Level. Health: A characters Health score is primarily based on this attribute. Reactions: Stamina, Willpower Skills: None

Agility (AGL)
This attribute represents coordination, dexterousness, and deftness. This ability can also be referred to as Agility (NIM) but I think this choice is better to help avoid confusion with other systems. In the game, Agility affects: Accuracy: Your ability to hit targets while in combat and aiming spells. Defense: Your general natural ability to avoid being hit by an opponents weapon or spell. Reactions: Swiftness Skills: Acrobatics, Armed Combat, Craft, Forgery, Legerdemain, Ranged Combat, Ride, Sports, Stealth, Unarmed Combat

Perception (PER)
This attribute represents a characters awareness of your surroundings. In the game, Perception affects: Reactions: Swiftness, Wisdom Skills: Appraise, Inquire, Observe, Survival

Bearing (BRG)
This attribute reflects a character's force of personality, presence, and ability to inspire feelings such as awe, fear, or courage. This attribute can also be called Presence (PRS), but, in my opinion, this sounds better. A characters Bearing can be judged based on how he conducts and comports himself. To ascertain this, a TN 7 Perception test is required.


Table 4: Bearing Assessment Results

Success Failure Marginal Complete Superior Extraordinary Result Bearing undetermined or incorrect Bearing within 3 pts Bearing within 2 pts Bearing within 1 pt Exact Bearing score

A characters Bearing can also be concealed when traveling in disguise, to pass unnoticed, or to lull your enemies into a false sense of safety. To do this, reduce your Bearing to the desired score and use the modifier of that score. Others may attempt to ascertain his Bearing by making a Perception check with an affinity from Inquire (Deduce) against a TN equal to his true Bearing score. He may at any time drop his guise and reveal his full, true Bearing and obtaining the full modifier bonus to the appropriate skill tests when doing so. In the game, Bearing affects: Reactions: Willpower Skills: Impersonate, Indoctrinate, Influence, Inspire, Perform

Intellect (INT)
This attribute reflects a character's memory, capacity for clear and reasoned thought, intelligence, and store of basic knowledge. This attribute can also be known as Wits (WIT), but, in my opinion, this sounds better even if it is close to Intelligence, a term oft used by other systems. In the game, Intellect reflects: Native Skills: Determines how many picks you receive to apply to initial Knowledge and Language skills Reactions: Wisdom Skills: Computer Use, Conceal, Debate, Demolitions, Engineering, Enterprise, First Aid, Games, Knowledge, Language, Medicine, Operate Vehicle, Repair, Science, System Operation, Tactics

Attribute Modifiers
These values are the bonuses (or penalties) of which represent the characters natural ability regarding a particular skill. They are also important as they form your character's base Reaction scores.

Table 5: Attribute Modifiers

Success 0 1 2 3 47 89 10 11 12 13 14 15 16+ Result -6 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +1 / 2 levels


Using your attribute modifiers, determine your character's reactions. These secondary attributes allow his to avoid injury, danger, and other threats. Each reaction is derived from one of two chosen attribute's modifiers denoted in Table 6: Generating Reaction Scores.

Table 6: Generating Reaction Scores

Reactions Stamina Swiftness Willpower Wisdom Attribute Modifiers Strength or Vitality Agility or Perception Bearing or Vitality Perception or Intellect

The conditionals used to determine each Reaction score reflect what I feel are the most proper pairs of attributes that would create the scores. They dont reflect those used by eithergame system. I defend my reasoning in the descriptions of each Reaction.

Stamina (St)
Stamina represents your toughness, ability to withstand pain, to throw off the effects of poison or sickness, to resist heat or cold, etc. The higher of your Strength or Vitality modifiers determines it.

Stamina is used to resist disease and pestilence, both natural and those created by other means. There are specific traits that can help your character to be more resilient in fighting off such maladies.

Stamina is used to resist poisons and toxins, both natural and those created by other means. There are specific traits that may augment your character to be more resistant to their ill effects.

Stun Effects
Stamina is used to resist being knocked unconscious by an attack or other means.

Stamina is used to resist the oppression of the elements, both excessive heat and cold. There are specific traits that may augment your character to be more resistant to the discomfort and/or restriction due to temperature.

Stamina is used to resist fatigue from certain conditions such as travel, marching, combat, or staying awake too long. The character must make a reaction check to stave off the effects of Weariness (i.e. lose Weariness levels). After becoming too weary, the character must rest to recover the lost levels so he can return to Hale. There are six Weariness levels and, for each level, an associated test penalty that is in addition to any penalties associated with loss of Wound Levels.


Table 7: Weariness Levels

Weariness Level Hale Winded Tired Weary Spent Exhausted Penalty 0 -1 -2 -4 -8 Character collapses from exhaustion and may take no actions until at least one Weariness Level is regained.

Swiftness (Sw)
Swiftness represents your speed and reflexes: your ability to avoid being hit by a falling rock and like dangers or make a reaction test to dodge your enemies' attacks. This reaction can also be called Quickness (Qu), but, in my opinion, this sounds better. The higher modifier of Agility and Perception determines this.

In response to a ranged or melee attack, a character may dodge to attempt to avoid injury. The result of this reaction changes the TN to hit the character for the rest of the round, but a dodge attempt cannot lower a character's Defence (see Defence, below). A character can attempt to dodge more than once a round to attempt to increase the chance of being missed. There are traits that can increase your bonus when you are rolling for a dodge test.

Initiative describes the order in which characters act during a round. To determine initiative, make a reaction test; the order of characters to act is from highest to lowest. There are traits that can help your chances of rolling a better initiative.

Willpower (Wp)
Willpower represents your strength of will: your ability to stave off fear and domination and to remain true to yourself and your word, regardless of blandishments or torture. You can also make Willpower tests when engaging in a Contest of Wills with other. The higher modifier of Bearing or Vitality determines it.

Domination refers to forced attempts to bend another to one's will through intimidation, torture, interrogation, and indoctrination. There are traits that can help your character resist these means of breaking an individual's self-control.

Fear is a disease that can spread like the wind through rumor and suspicion. There are traits that can strengthen one's resolve and warm one's heart against the icy touch of fear.

Mind Effects
Mind Effects are spells, illusions, etc. that can affect or alter your perception of reality or even invade your mind and your private thoughts.

Wisdom (Ws)
Wisdom represents your common sense and insight: your ability to determine which is true, or the best course of action, or what others feel or believe. You use it mainly to resist efforts to fool or trick you. This reaction can also be called Savvy (Sa), but, in my opinion, this sounds better. The higher modifier of Perception or Intellect determines it.


Table 8: Sample Reaction Tests

Condition Overcome fear Resist intimidation Resist charm, flattery Resist rhetoric Detect lie or bluff Withstand temperatures Resist poison Resist disease Resist Weariness Dodge attack Avoid/reduce falling damage Reaction Willpower Willpower Wisdom Wisdom Wisdom Stamina Stamina Stamina Stamina Swiftness Swiftness TN/Test to Oppose Varies by degree Influence (Intimidate) Influence Debate Influence Varies by degree Varies by potency Varies by potency Varies by degree Melee or Ranged Combat Varies by falling distance

Defense represents the natural ability to avoid blows and weapon fire in combat. If combat figures heavily in the world with archaic hand-to-hand and ranged weapons, a Defense of 10 + Agility modifier is suggested, while a world with advanced technology where weapons mostly consist of high-powered ranged weapons, a Defense of 7 + Agility modifier is suggested.

Health represents your how many wound points per Wound Level that you have. It is equal to Vitality + Strength modifier.

PCs are the most important characters in the game and, as such, possess qualities of heroism and noble destiny that set them apart from most. In short, they're special and to represent this, they have an attribute called Courage. Each starting character has 3 points of Courage and more can be gained through special abilities, traits, or advancement picks begin with more. During the course of the game, a character can use his Courage to help accomplish objectives and to even achieve the impossible. Only the most important characters in a story have Courage, which includes NPC's as well. On the other hand, the average NPC may have a few or even no Courage points at all.

Spending Courage
You can spend Courage for your character in two different ways. Regardless of how many points he has, no more than 4 points may be spent per round (unless otherwise noted). First, Courage may be spent to improve test results; a +3 bonus is conferred to the test per point. You do not have to specify in advance whether or not to use the Courage, which means you can roll for a test and then decided to spend a Courage point. The second way, in some circumstances, the Narrator may have you spend a Courage point as a prerequisite to be able to perform an extremely difficult or daunting task and not conferring the bonus.

Recovering Courage
A character eventually regains the Courage he uses during a game -- how quickly is up to the Narrator. Some profession abilities or traits may also affect the recovery of Courage. If the character uses Courage in a way that improves the story or help make it fun, the Narrator may decided to return the Courage back at the end of the scene. If the character uses Courage in an unheroic, ignoble, or selfish way, the Narrator may decide that it may take days or weeks to return the Courage.

The main characters in the Harry Potter books, like those in your chronicle, are usually larger than life. Their qualities and accomplishments allow the characters to become well known and develop a reputation. Their fame and notoriety is represented in the game as Renown. The higher the character's Renown, the more known and recognizable he is. Other folk, including NPC's he may encounter, may have heard or know something about him. It has two uses in the game: allows a character to see if he knows another and to modify some social skills.


Acquiring Renown
All characters start the game with Renown 0 unless the Narrator rules otherwise; it is developed through gameplay as an award or by spending advancement picks. Depending on the scope of the games setting, a high Renown score might be 25, 30, or more for most likely a game set for sci-fi that spans the galaxy, while 10-20 may be considered high for games with limited worldly scope like a fantasy game that is confined to one world. The ignoble or exceptional events or actions that would draw unusual notice or acclaim are called 'triggers'. Awards are generally limited to one or two points at a time, but if some sort of groundbreaking or world-spanning even occurred, five, ten, fifteen or more points could conceivably be awarded. Alternatively, as Renown can be purchased using advancement picks, Narrators may players may be required to buy their Renown using advancement picks even though theyve earned the right to have it.

Table 9: Sample Renown Triggers

Trigger Rescuing an important NPC Rescuing an important NPC during a routine encounter or event Rescuing an important NPC during a public event or encounter Rescuing an important NPC during a highly publicized event or encounter Thwarting the plans of an enemy, spy, or agent Thwarting the plans of an enemy, spy, or agent during a routine encounter or event Thwarting the plans of an enemy, spy, or agent during a publicized routine encounter or event Thwarting the plans of an enemy, spy, or agent during a highly publicized routine encounter or event Making an arcane or exploratory discovery of importance Making an arcane or exploratory discovery of major or critical importance Making an arcane or exploratory discovery of world-spanning importance Discovering a new or innovative use for existing magic, lore, or technology * - rounded down, minimum of 1 Award NPC's Renown/5* +1 +2 +3 - +5 or more Servant's Renown/5* +1 +2 +3 - +5 or more +1 +2 +3 - +5 or more +1 - +3 or more

Recognition Tests
To allow a character to determine if he has heard of or what he knows about another, he must make a recognition test. The TN for the test depends on what the two characters have in common with a base TN of 5 and modified as appropriate using the table below. These tests are usually Wits tests, but the Narrator may deem a Knowledge: Culture test acceptable. Regardless of the means of the test, the Renown modifier is still the same. If the Recognition test fails, the character hasn't heard of the other person or cannot remember anything he may have learned about him. If the test succeeds, the character does know him and the greater the success, the more the character knows.


Table 10: Recognition Test Modifiers

PROXIMITY Condition City ----County ----State/Province ----Country/Realm ----Continent Sector World Region ----Quadrant ----Galaxy RACE Same Race Friendly Race Hostile Race Unknown Race PROFESSION Same Profession Related Profession Unrelated Basic Profession Unrelated Elite Profession TIME Within last 20 years 20 100 years 100 250 years 250 1000 years 1000 2000 years 2000+ years RENOWN 15 6 10 11 15 16 20 21 25 26 30 31+ TN Modifier 0 +2 +4 +8 +12 +15 +20 +25

+2 +5 +10

+2 +6 +10

+2 +4 +8 +12 +15 or more

0 1 2 3 4 5
+1 / 5 levels

Social Tests
The Renown modifiers listed in Table 12 can also apply to some uses of social skills and Bearing tests. If the person were known for something the character would consider being positive, beneficial, or admirable, then the Renown modifier is a bonus. If he's known for something negative, wicked, or hurtful, the modifier is a penalty.

A character's size is only pertinent when it concerns physical tests -- such as a combat action -- where it can cause a penalty or a bonus to the test and in determining the number levels of Health.

Physical Tests
It's decidedly harder for larger creatures to physically affect smaller ones and the converse is true, too -- it's easier for smaller creatures to physically affect larger creatures. Opponents of the same size don't have any size-related test modifiers while opponents who are of differing size have a 2 TN added to their test for each size category apart they are. For example, if a Medium creature were to attack a Large, the TN (i.e. Defense) to hit it would have a -2 TN modifier while if the Large creature made an attack on the Medium creature, it would have a +2 TN modifier to the test. The modifier only applies to the attack test, not dodging or parrying. 18

Table 11: Size and Wound Levels

Size Microscopic Fine Miniscule Tiny Little Small Medium Large Mammoth Huge Gigantic Titanic Titanic +X * - Y = 2^X In the document, I will use feet and yards for the standard units of measurement, but using the exact same values in meters without doing the actual mathematical conversion is also valid and would suggest doing so if you want to use metric distances. Standard Less than 1 1 11 1 1.4 ft 1.5 ft 1 yd 1.1 2.5 yds 2.6 5 yds 6 10 yds 11 25 yds 26 50 yds 51 100 yds (X+1)*100 yds Strength -6 -3 -3 -2 -2 -1 0 +1 +3 +6 +12 +24 +(24*Y)* Vitality -6 -3 -3 -2 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +4 +8 +16 +(16*Y)* Wound Levels 1 Wound Point Healthy Healthy, Dazed Healthy, Dazed, Injured Healthy, Dazed, Injured, Wounded Healthy, Dazed, Injured, Wounded, Incapacitated Healthy, Dazed, Injured, Wounded, Incapacitated, Near Death Healthy (2), Dazed, Injured, Wounded, Incapacitated, Near Death Healthy (3), Dazed, Injured, Wounded, Incapacitated, Near Death Healthy (4), Dazed, Injured, Wounded, Incapacitated, Near Death Healthy (5), Dazed, Injured, Wounded, Incapacitated, Near Death Healthy (6), Dazed, Injured, Wounded, Incapacitated, Near Death Healthy (6+X), Dazed, Injured, Wounded, Incapacitated, Near Death


Additional Rules for Consideration

If the game setting being played deals with essentially the black and white of evil, the use of corruption and mechanics for corrupting influences would be a useful and dramatic component. Whenever a character is exposed to dangerous items or succumbs to evil temptations, he may suffer the effects of Corruption. Eventually if no one saves him or he cannot counteract its effects, the character will eventually become corrupted, an agent of evil. If the character does anything that the Narrator believes could corrupt the character, he must then make a Willpower test against a Narrator-defined TN.

Table 12: Corruption Test Modifiers

EXPOSURE TO TEMPTATION Situation Mild Medium Strong Very Strong EVIL MAGIC Learning an evil spell Casting an evil spell with 1-3 Corruption points Casting an evil spell with 4-6 Corruption points Casting an evil spell with 7-9 Corruption points Casting an evil spell with 10+ Corruption points 15 +1 +2 +3 +5 TN or TN Modifier 5-9 10-14 15-19 20+

Table 13: Corruption Test Effects

Success Level Disastrous Failure Complete Failure Failure Marginal or Complete Success Superior Success Extraordinary Success Effect Gain 3 Corruption points Gain 2 Corruption points Gain 1 Corruption point Gain no Corruption points Reduce Corruption by 1 point Reduce Corruption by 2 points

If a character has a Complete or Disastrous Failure, he must take the appropriate actions to signify the corruption. At a later time, the Narrator may allow the character a chance to shake off the influence with another Corruption test with the same TN. If successful, the extra test would not remove any Corruption gained, but the character wouldnt gain further Corruption points for the action and wouldnt have to continue performing any specified actions. If the character doesnt want to resist the corruptive influence, he must act accordingly and immediately gain a minimum of 2 Corruption points. Though corruption doesnt have any real visible effects on a character, he would gain a penalty to social tests (except Intimidate and Corruption tests) equal to his Corruption point total. Once a character gains a number of Corruption points equal to his Bearing, the character is lost to serve the evil purposes of a major power or serve his own evil ends, becoming an NPC controlled by the Narrator. Corruption can be reduced either with highly successful Corruption tests (see above), through honest repentance and confession, or noble or heroic deeds. If a character with Corruption performs something noteworthy, he may reduce his Corruption total by, typically, 2 points.

Larger creatures have a distinct advantage to smaller ones in that they can reach farther when it comes to melee combat. A creature with a Size greater than Large can reach out to a distance of an extra 2 yards (1 Hex) for every Size category it is greater than Medium. For example, a Mammoth creature would be able to strike at opponents at a distance of 4 yards from where it stands. If using a hex map to play out combat, that equals 2 hexes in every direction from the perimeter of its body (as it would cover more than just one).


When generating your reactions scores, add the two corresponding attribute modifiers together instead of taking the higher value of the two for the reaction score.


A characters background refers to his race, sub-race, and/or upbringing.

Modifiers and Abilities

If the game setting has more than just humans available for PC races, the human racial abilities are the baseline against what the other races have for their abilities. The human abilities are: Adaptable: +2 Stamina, Swiftness, or Willpower. This isnt a bonus, but an increase in the base Reaction score. Human Spirit: +1 Courage. Skilled: +2 ranks to one available Background skill OR +1 rank to two available Background skills. If the game setting breaks down the human race into sub-races or sub-groups, all racial abilities may still apply to all forms of humans while each sub-group may have their own racial modifiers. If the game only has humans as the available PC race, racial abilities and racial modifiers do not apply to the game.

Skills and Packages

Choosing the skills a character has due to his background and upbringing can be done in one of two ways. The first is to select a pre-made group of skills called a package. If a package is not chosen, the character has six picks to spend on ranks and specialties for skills each rank and specialty cost one pick apiece. Each racial description will have a list of racial skills to choose from for this part of character creation. When creating a background package, no skill is to be given more than 2 ranks. Sample Package template: <Title>: Skill1 (Specialty) +1, Skill2 +2, Skill3 +1, Skill4 +1 Packages are based on the characters type of upbringing (orphan, wealthy, famous, etc.) or the typical upbringing of a person from a certain area (city, mountains, colony, etc.).

Optional: Acquiring a Background Flaw

From either a list of common racial edges or upon Narrator approval, select one flaw. By acquiring the flaw, a character may gain one edge, +1 rank to an available racial skill, or one specialty to an acquired skill.


Additional Rules for Consideration

Edges in Background Packages
With the available six picks during this phase, allow the acquisition of edges along with skills and specialties at the cost of 1 pick per edge. A list of available edges could be found in a similar list as the background skills. I would suggest that to allow no more than 2 edges are acquired in this fashion as players could potentially abuse it.


Professions are the chosen focuses a character may take, providing packages that can be chosen from during character creation.

Basic Professions
Basic Professions reflect the typical template of the type of character fighters/warriors/soldiers are skilled in the arts of combat, rogues/thieves are skilled stealth and some combat, etc. Basic Profession descriptions list these important features: A description of what kind of person is typically found in the profession Adventuring goals Suggested favored attributes and reactions A list of profession skills Sample profession packages, and A list of profession abilities to choose from

Character Creation
Only Basic Professions are available at this time. After choosing a profession, if a player does not wish to use of the pregenerated packages, then he may create his own by spending 20 picks on ranks and specialties on any of the profession skills. When creating a profession package, no skill should be given more than 3 ranks. Sample Package template: <Title> Skill1 (Specialty) +3, Skill2 (Specialty) +1, Skill3 +2, Skill4 +2, Skill5 (Specialty) +2, Skill6 +1, Skill7 +1 5 picks to assign to any profession skills Select one edge: Edge1, Edge2, Edge3, Edge4, Edge5 Additional Basic Professions can be bought into at any time by spending all five advancement picks. At this time, only the profession label is gained and nothing else this gives a character the right to purchase profession skills and abilities of the new profession during subsequent advancements.

Elite Professions
Elite Professions are similar to Basic Professions, but have their own rules to them. These professions reflect specialized forms of the Basic Professions knights, archers, special forces, ambassadors, etc. Elite Profession descriptions list these important features: a description of what kind of person is typically found in the profession, adventuring goals, prerequisites for acquiring the profession, a list of profession skills, and a list of profession abilities to choose from. To gain an Elite Profession, there are a few requirements that must be met: Acquire six advancements in a minimum of one Basic Profession alone Meet all prerequisites listed Spend five advancement picks to acquire Just as with Basic Professions, only the profession label is gained at this time.

Professions and Advancement

As a character can acquire multiple professions, only two may be active at one time. This means only profession abilities and skills listed by the two professions may be purchased upon gaining an advancement. Professions that have been left may be made active again, but must be done in the same manner as if it were being acquired for the first time.

Additional Rules for Consideration

Acquiring Additional Edges and Flaws
During the Profession phase, allow the acquisition of additional edges (no more than 4, 3 if the optional background edge, skill, or specialty was acquired) at the cost of one flaw each. The edges to choose from should come from the list of five edges from the Profession Package and/or upon the Narrators approval. 24

Playing without Professions

Instead of using the rules for professions, have characters spend the 20 picks and acquire the edge(s) and flaws in the same way. Since there are no professions, abilities would be open for acquisition by all characters as well. Skill ranks when purchased at advancement cost 1 pick for Native Skills and 2 picks for all the rest.


Understanding Skills
Specialties are distinct subcategories within skills that provide a +2 bonus when a skill test involves it. They are identified by the surrounding parentheses. Example: (Find) or (Spot, Hear)

Skills are individual categories in which tests are made to determine whether a character can perform the action. They may or may not have specialties associated with them. X refers to an arbitrary number of ranks the character has in the skill (no greater than 12). Example: Conceal +X or Acrobatics (Tumble) +X

Skill Groups
Skill groups are broad topics that include from skills within them. Skills within skill groups may or may not have specialties associated with them. Each skill within a skill group is denoted separately from one another since knowing a skill in a particular group does not give a character the ability to know other skills within the group. Example: Athletics: Run +X or Armed Combat: Blades (Longsword) +X

Skill Descriptions
Table 14: Skills List
Skill/Group Acrobatics Appraise* Armed Combat* Athletics* Computer Use Conceal Craft* Debate Demolitions Engineering* Enterprise* First Aid Forgery Games* Impersonate Indoctrinate Influence Inquire Attribute(s) Agl Per Agl/Str Str Int Int Agl or other Int Int Int Int Int Agl Int/Agl Brg Brg Brg Per Skills/Specialties Balance, Swing, Tumble Distance, Gold, Gems Blades, Polearms Climb, Jump, Run Hacking, Programming Cache, Weapons Blacksmith, Pottery Bargain, Negotiate Build, Defuse, Identify Electronics, Propulsion Business, Streetwise Treat Wounds Currency, Identification Chess, Darts, Poker Disguise, Mimicry Brainwashing, Hypnosis Charm, Intimidate Converse, Forensics Skill/Group Inspire Knowledge* Language* Legerdemain Medicine* Observe Operate Vehicle* Perform* Ranged Combat* Repair Ride Science* Sports* Stealth Survival System Operation Tactics Unarmed Combat* Attribute(s) Brg Int Int Agl Int Per Int Brg Agl/Str Int Agl Int Agl/Str Agl Per Int Int Agl Skills/Specialties None Group, History, Race English Open Lock, Pickpocket General, Surgery Listen, Spot, Track Airplanes, Boats, Cars Play Instrument, Sing Bows, Guns, Thrown Specific Item or System Specific Animal Mount Physical, Social, Space Baseball, Football Hide, Move Silently Environment or World Nav Control, Weapons Air, Ground, Sea, Space Karate, Wrestling

* - Denotes Skill Groups This list of skills and their descriptions is the most comprehensive and complete list I was able to devise based on both published systems with a couple changes that I made that made more sense in my opinion. The list is exhaustive enough that can be used for fantasy, sci-fi, or modern RPGs, though, of course, not all skills would be advisable or applicable for all settings. Some of the values listed in the results of achieving different difficulties do not correspond to either RPG as they didnt agree to use that same values, so I decided to split the difference as best a I could and yet leave some believability to them.


Skill/Group Name
<Descriptive Text> Attribute: Test Category: Trained: The attribute(s) that normally applies to tests with the skill Academic, Magic, Physical, Psionic, or Social Yes or No. Refers to whether the skill can be used without having ranks in it or not. If a character has no ranks in a skill, bonuses from traits or abilities that are affiliated to a skills specialty do not apply until both ranks and the specialty are acquired. For skill groups, two or more skills. For skills, two or more specialties if it has specialties. Common ways in which a character can use the skill, including circumstances that may affect the TN of the test and examples of use in each difficulty category (Routine, Standard, Challenging, Difficult, and Virtually Impossible). In addition to common test modifiers, some skills have modifiers that specifically affect to them. Any skills that frequently provide affinity bonuses to the skill and the situations in which they apply. The base time, expressed in actions, rounds, minutes, etc. to perform the skill test. Based on the circumstances, the Narrator may alter these values. With some skills, a failure during an extended test may prevent the character from making further tests to finish the task. "N/A" indicates that characters don't normally use this skill in extended tests. "Yes" means that if a character fails a test during the extended test, he may attempt to continue the test and possibly suffer penalties (typically cumulative 2 per failure or Narrators discretion) due to the failure. "No" indicates that if any of extended tests fail, the entire test has failed and cannot continue.

Sample Skills: Sample Specialties: Test:

Additional Modifiers: Affinity: Action Time: Extended Test:

Lithe and agile, you have little trouble balancing on narrow ledges, swinging across chasms, and performing similar feats. Attribute: Test Category: Trained: Sample Specialties: Test: Agility Physical No Balance, Swing, Tumble A successful test allows you to complete tasks such as balancing, swinging, tumbling, and squeezing through narrow openings safely. The Narrator determines the TN based on how difficult or dangerous the task. This skill could also be used to avoid being hit in a similar means as a Dodge test or could provide an affinity bonus to Dodge tests if the character has the Tumble specialty.

Routine (TN 5): Balancing on a wide ledge; swinging <=5 yds Standard (TN 10): Balancing on a broad ledge; swinging 6 10 yds Challenging (TN 15): Balancing on a narrow ledge; swinging 11 - 15 yds Difficult (TN 20): Balancing on a very narrow ledge; swinging 16 25 yds Virtually Impossible (TN 25): Balancing on a rope; swinging 26+ yds Additional Modifiers: Affinity: Action Time: Extended Test: If the character tries to balance on sloped, slippery, or rough surfaces, apply terrain modifiers. Using a slippery rope to swing entails a 2 penalty (or greater) to the test result. Athletics 1 action N/A


You have a fine eye for the value of objects, judging distance, and giving evaluations in general. Attribute: Test Category: Trained: Sample Skills: Sample Specialties: Test: Perception Academic Yes Distance, Gems, Art, Precious Metals Paintings, Gold, Diamonds This skill has two uses: determining value and evaluating quality. A Marginal Success will give a value within 10% of its actual value. A Complete Success will give a value within 5% of its actual value. Any greater success will give the value within 1%. A failure, complete failure, and Disastrous Failure will give a misestimate of 10-20%, 20-50%, and 60-100%, respectively. A Superior Success or better on the test will identify the origin of the item.

Routine (TN 5): Simple, everyday items (ordinary market purchases); distances up to 20 ft Standard (TN 10): Common objects (gold nuggets, ordinary weapons); distances 21-50 ft Challenging (TN 15): Uncommon objects (valuable gems, quality smithcraft); distances 51-100 ft Difficult (TN 20): Rare objects; distances 100-500 ft Virtually Impossible (TN 25): Unique objects; distances 501+ ft Affinity: Action Time: Extended Test: Appropriate Craft skills and specialties, Forgery 1 minute Yes

Armed Combat
You are skilled in the art of melee combat using certain types of weapons. Attribute: Test Category: Trained: Sample Skills: Sample Specialties: Test: Agility or Strength Physical No Blades, Polearms, Whips, Axes, Clubs Short Sword, Spear, Battle Axe, Flail Make a test with Armed Combat to hit a target in hand-to-hand combat. The base TN is the target's Defense. Strength is used for heavy or clumsy weapons such as large axes, clubs, and polearms. The skills could also be named after a particular combat style that uses a particular weapon(s) such as fencing instead of generic categories of weapons. I have a couple of suggestions: 1) split the Blades skill into Swords and Knives, and 2) use Strength as the associated attribute if the weapon requires two hands for use or is one size category larger than the wielder. At skill ranks 6, 9, and 12, select a maneuver from the list of combat maneuvers to receive a +1 bonus when you use the selected maneuver with any weapon you have a specialty for. You can select the same maneuver repeatedly to be granted a greater bonus when the subsequent numbers of ranks are acquired. 1 action N/A


Action Time: Extended Test:

Use this skill to jump over a chasm, climb a sheer rock face, or swim a fast-moving river. While anyone can use these untrained, you have practiced and learned how to maximize your physical prowess to great effect. Attribute: Test Category: Trained: Sample Skills: Test: Strength Physical No Climb, Escape Artist, Jump, Run, Swim, Throw With a successful test, you complete the desired task. The effects of a successful test depend on the use of the skill: Climb, Jump, Swim 28 The distance traveled equals the test result in feet you

Escape Artist Run Throw -

may move horizontally or on the surface, half that (rounded down) vertically, submerged, or diving. Allows character to attempt to break bonds that are holding him The distance traveled equals the test result in feet x5. Covers throwing objects for accuracy, speed, or distance.

Routine (TN 5): Climb a slightly sloped surface or one with many handholds; Breaking vines; Point Blank range (10 yards) Standard (TN 10): Climb an average sloped surface or one with a moderate number of handholds (most trees); Breaking belts, curtain sashes, other ad hoc bonds; Short range (11-30 yards) Challenging (TN 15): Climb a steep surface or one with few handholds a typical cliffside; Breaking ropes or tentacles of creature Strength 10 or less; Medium range (31-60 yards) Difficult (TN 20): Climb a very steep surface or one with almost no handholds; Thick cables, chains, or heavy manacles; Long range (61-100 yards) Virtually Impossible (TN 25): Climb a perfectly smooth wall; Breaking wire, shrunken rawhide, formed plastic cuffs; Extended range (101-150 yards) Additional Modifiers: For every 5 lbs of weight over Strength x5, add +1 TN. For a running jump, add +2 to the test result. If in personal combat, suffer a -5 penalty to the test roll. For every 10 degrees of slope up to 70 degrees, suffer an additional -2 penalty when running. For every 1 mph the current runs, suffer an additional -2 penalty when swimming upstream. Attempting to covertly break bonds while being watched adds a +5 TN to the Escape Artist attempt or requires an Persuade (Bluff) test against the captors Observe (Spot). Range increments increase in an amount equal to the characters Strength modifier. Hitting a target less than 1/10 of the distance of the range to target adds +5 TN. Acrobatics, Legerdemain, applicable Sport 1 action No (except for Jump and Throw, N/A)

Affinity: Action Time: Extended Test:

Computer Use
You can use personal computers and PDAs, futuristic computer systems, or attempt to use archaic computers. Attribute: Test Category: Trained: Sample Specialties: Test: Intellect Academic No Encryption, Hacking, Programming, Retrieval, Sabotage Encryption allows a character to hide, disguise, or safeguard computer systems and/or files. Hacking breaks into systems or files that are encrypted. Programming derives applications to be run on computers. Retrieval accesses computer systems and databases while searching for information.

Routine (TN 5): Write a simple program; access basic information; hack into a Security Level 5 system Standard (TN 10): Write an average program; correlate related information; hack into a Security Level 10 system Challenging (TN 15): Write a complicated program; correlate unrelated information; hack into a Security Level 15 system Difficult (TN 20): Write a complex program; access obscure or unknown information; hack into a Security Level 20 system Virtually Impossible (TN 25): Develop an artificial intelligence; access restricted information; hack into a Security Level 25 system Additional Modifiers: When accessing information stored on a computer, gain an affinity bonus from Inquire (Research). Gain an affinity bonus from Science: Physical (Mathematics) for Computer Use (Encryption, Hacking, and Programming) tests. When programming equipment or large computer systems, you gain an affinity bonus from System Operation (applicable specialty). When attempting to make an average Computer Use test of your Current TL, it is TN 10. When attempting to make a Computer Use test against something of lower TL, it is TN 10 2/TL. When attempting to make a Computer Use test against something of greater TN, it is TN 10 +5/TL. Military-grade encryption is always Current TL +1 or greater.


Action Time: Extended Test:

Varies; rounds to minutes for Retrieval and Hacking, minutes to hours for Encryption and Programming. Yes. A failed Hacking attempt may initiate security countermeasures or set off alarms.

You know how to hide objects such as valuables or weapons so others cannot find them. Attribute: Test Category: Trained: Sample Specialties: Test: Intellect Physical No Cache, Camouflage, Weapons Conceal tests are against opposed Observe (Spot) skill of another trying to find the object on yourself or Search skill if looking to find your hidden treasure or hideout. How well something is concealed depends upon the size of what is being hidden and, if applicable, the available hiding places. A Conceal test can also be used to determine the best place to hide something, giving a +1 modifier per level of success to the Conceal test when actually hiding the object. The size and shape of the object, along with available hiding places, affect the difficulty.

Routine (TN 5): Hiding a knife in a jacket Standard (TN 10): Hiding a pistol in a jacket Challenging (TN 15): Hiding a pistol beneath a tight shirt Difficult (TN 20): Hiding a rifle beneath a jacket Virtually Impossible (TN 25): Hiding a rifle up a sleeve. Affinity: Action Time: Extended Test: Stealth (Hide) and Inquire (Investigate) Full-round action to conceal on person or variable minutes for hiding a cache or camouflaging a hideout. Yes

You know how to create items like paintings, sculptures, etc. Attribute: Test Category: Trained: Sample Skills: Sample Specialties: Test: Agility or Strength, Perception, Intellect (Narrators choice) Physical Yes Pottery, Cooking, Painting Types of dishes, Oils, Chalk Most uses of Craft are as extended tests since few tasks of craftwork can be performed with speed and skill.

Routine (TN 5): Cook a simple, nutritional meal; sew on a button Standard (TN 10): Cook an appetizing, nutritional meal; repair ripped or torn clothing Challenging (TN 15): Cook a gourmet meal; perform major alterations Difficult (TN 20): Cook a large gourmet meal; create a well-made item of clothing Virtually Impossible (TN 25): Cook a multi-course gourmet feast; make an excellent suit of clothing from poor materials Affinity: Action Time: Extended Test: Appraise and Enterprise: Business or Streetwise Varies, most require hours. Yes


You are skilled with words and arguments, reasoning and logic. Attribute: Test Category: Trained: Sample Specialties: Test: Intellect Social No Bargain, Negotiate, Parley Debate represents a characters ability to convince others with reasoned thought and logic, Rather than force of personality and will (this requires Influence). It is an opposed test against anothers Wisdom (such as attempt to get another to agree with you) or against another characters Debate (such as two courtiers vying to sway a kings viewpoint). The effects last as long as the Narrator deems them to do so or until another person or event changes the targets mind. Debate is not a form of domination as the target can freely disagree and reject absurd ideas regardless of the test result. Influence, any skill related to the subject debated Full-round Yes

Affinity: Action Time: Extended Test:

This skill allows you to build, defuse, and identify explosives. Attribute: Test Category: Trained: Sample Specialties: Test: Intellect Academic Yes Build, Defuse, Identify, Sabotage Make a Demolitions test to build an explosive or to determine the best position or type for the mission. Make an opposed Demolitions test to defuse or identify an explosive. Using Demolitions usually requires time to perform and should be considered an extended test. If a Complete Success is achieved on the extended test, the amount of damage dealt is increased by 10%; an Extraordinary Success would grant an increase of 25%. If a Failure occurs, the bomb wont go off at all or when intended. On a Complete or Disastrous Failure, the bomb blows up in the characters face.

Routine (TN 5): A simple explosive dealing 2d6+6 damage in a 2-yard radius and 1d6+3 damage out to a 4-yard radius (gunpowder) Standard (TN 10): A standard explosive dealing 3d6+12 damage in a 3-yard radius and 2d6+3 damage out to a 5yard radius (dynamite) Challenging (TN 15): A complex explosive dealing 5d6+18 damage in a 5-yard radius and 3d6+9 damage out to a 7yard radius (plastic explosives) Difficult (TN 20): An extremely volatile explosive (napalm) Virtually Impossible (TN 25): Defusing a doomsday device (nuclear weapon) Additional Modifiers: Affinity: Action Time: Extended Test: All physical modifiers. Engineering and Science: Physical Varies; TN x10 minutes to build, TN minutes to identify or defuse. Yes

You have the know-how to devise and create either one-of-a-kind items or for mass production. Attribute: Test Category: Trained: Sample Skills: Sample Specialties: Intellect Academic Yes Electronics, Propulsion, Structure, Systems Chemical rockets, computers, aerospace frames, weapons, Sabotage



Conducted as extended tests, Engineering tests are made to solve a problem in a particular field based on your knowledge of operations, diagnose and repair malfunctions, create new items, or develop new innovations.

Routine (TN 5): Recall a basic fact Standard (TN 10): Recall a basic theory or complex fact Challenging (TN 15): Recall a complex theory or obscure or unknown fact Difficult (TN 20): Recall an extremely obscure fact; resolve a complex problem Virtually Impossible (TN 25): Recall/discover a fact beyond knowledge of mankind; resolve enormous problem Additional Modifiers: Affinity: Action Time: Extended Test: A typical diagnostic device gives a +3 bonus for detecting and diagnosing problems. A task- or device-specific diagnostic device gives an additional +2 bonus. Repair and System Operation for repairing items or systems. Science: Physical for designing something using theoretical work. Varies, most require hours. Yes

You know how to interact and navigate through bureaucracies, run a shop, or where to go to buy or sell illegal items. Attribute: Test Category: Trained: Sample Skills: Sample Specialties: Test: Intellect Social No Administration, Business, Streetwise Specific Government, Specific School, Black Market Make a skill test to answer a question or solve a problem related to your area of expertise.

Routine (TN 5): Call upon a low-level bureaucrat; operate a local business; Locate legal goods Standard (TN 10): Call upon a mid-level bureaucrat; operate a large business; Locate common contraband Challenging (TN 15): Call upon a high-level bureaucrat; operate a complex, worldwide business; Locate rare contraband Difficult (TN 20): Call upon the cabinet-level bureaucrat; operate an interplanetary business; Locate extraordinary contraband Virtually Impossible (TN 25): Call upon the head of state of a country; operate an intergalactic crime syndicate; Locate unique contraband Additional Modifiers: Affinity: Action Time: Extended Test: The Narrator may alter the TN of the test depending on the location, circumstances, and your reputation. Debate, Influence (Bluff or Fast Talk), Inquire (Converse), or appropriate Knowledge skills Varies; from one minute per action to hours or days. Yes

First Aid
You are able to treat wounds and provide short-term relief for such ailments as setting a broken bone and applying bandages. Attribute: Test Category: Trained: Sample Specialties: Test: Intellect Physical Yes Specific Race, Treat Wounds, Herbal Remedies Make a First Aid test to treat and stabilize an injured person. The test depends on the subject's degree of injury. When a character makes successful test, the subject recovers all damage sustained in his current Wound Level, effectively reducing his degree of injury by one Wound Level. Once the subject is stabilized, he may make Stamina tests twice a week to recover additional Wound Points.


Routine (TN 5): Provide care for minor cuts and scrapes; stabilize a person in shock Standard (TN 10): Provide basic medical care for someone who is Dazed Challenging (TN 15): Provide basic medical care for someone who is Injured Difficult (TN 20): Provide basic medical care for someone who is Wounded Virtually Impossible (TN 25): Provide basic medical care for someone who is Incapacitated Special: Additional Modifiers: Providing first aid to a character that is Near Death requires a minimum of TN 30. A medical-specific diagnostic device gives a +5 bonus for diagnosing problems. Without Science: Life (Exobiology), all First Aid tests made for patients of a race that you dont have a specialty for have a +2 TN. Medicine, Science: Life 1 minute per degree of difficulty. Yes

Affinity: Action Time: Extended Test:

You can produce false credentials, counterfeit currency, or fake artwork in the attempt to pass it off as the real thing. Attribute: Test Category: Trained: Sample Specialties: Test: Agility Physical Yes Artwork, Currency, Data, Identification When creating a fake item, the Forgery test is the TN for an opposed Appraise test to identify it as false. Forgery would be used as academic test to identify items required, specific details, etc. needed to construct the forged item.

Routine (TN 5): Create a convincing copy of a single-page document or file Standard (TN 10): Forge an official ID or hard currency; create a convincing copy of a simple work of art Challenging (TN 15): Create a convincing copy of an ordinary work of art Difficult (TN 20): Forge complex ID, documents, files, or hard currency; create a convincing copy of a superior work of art Virtually Impossible (TN 25): Create a convincing copy of a masterwork Additional Modifiers: Affinity: Action Time: Extended Test: Add +2 - +5 TN when showing the copied item(s) to people who know you are a forger. Computer Use for forging computer data. Appropriate Craft and Engineering skills for creating items and artwork. Varies; minutes, hours, or days. Yes

You are skilled in playing games such as chess, poker, darts, etc. Attribute: Test Category: Trained: Sample Skills: Sample Specialties: Test: Intellect or Agility Academic or Physical No Chess, Checkers, Poker None Most Games tests are opposed tests against one or more opponents. For a solitaire-like game, the Narrator sets the TN for the character to beat. The test is either academic or physical depending on the game being played. Science: Physical (Mathematics) when attempting to cheat while playing certain games like blackjack. Influence (Bluff) when attempting to bluff through force of personality. Varies with the game. Yes

Affinity: Action Time: Extended Test:


Through the use of props and costumes and vocal training, you are able to disguise yourself, both body and voice. Attribute: Test Category: Trained: Sample Specialties: Test: Bearing Social No Disguise, Mimicry, Undercover Impersonate tests are made with all appropriate social test modifiers against others Wisdom. For long-term tests such as being undercover, tests are made once per week to keep up the faade.

Routine (TN 5): A simple disguise using a mask or uniform Standard (TN 10): A mundane disguise such as a typical guard or worker Challenging (TN 15): A complicated charade such as being disguised as a prominent figure like a manager Difficult (TN 20): An intricate performance such as impersonating an official or leader of minor import Virtually Impossible (TN 25): A masterful performance such as impersonating someone famous or disguising yourself so that your family wouldnt even recognize you Additional Modifiers: Affinity: Action Time: Extended Test: Gain a +3 bonus for studying a person you intend to impersonate and 5 penalty for impersonating someone you dont know at all Knowledge: Culture, Perform (Acting) Varies; minutes to hours. Yes

You are trained in techniques that allow you to coerce others through careful manipulation or physical alteration. Attribute: Test Category: Trained: Sample Specialties: Test: Bearing Social Yes Brainwashing, Hypnosis, Neural Alteration Attempts to indoctrinate someone is performed as an opposed test against anothers Willpower. A successful attempt will gain control of the targets mind for one day plus the difference between the two test results. To retain control over the target for an extended period of time, additional opposed tests are required with a cumulative 2 penalty (max 8) for every attempt to continue control. An additional test is required (not affecting the cumulative penalty) every time the target is ordered to perform a task he strongly resists. The target gains a +1 - +5 bonus to his Willpower reaction when attempting to resist an objectionable order. The amount depends on how objectionable it is to the character. Varies; hours. Yes

Additional Modifiers: Action Time: Extended Test:

You possess great personal force and skill with words, and you can use them to convince others to agree with you or cow your enemies causing them to fear you. Attribute: Test Category: Trained: Sample Specialties: Test: Bearing Social No Bluff, Charm, Fast Talk, Fear, Intimidate, Torture Influence is typically an opposed test against another person's Wisdom or Influence. The effects of the test last indefinitely (however long the Narrator dictates). Bluff, Charm, and Fast Talk are not domination, for a person can disregard whatever the speaker says, regardless of the result. Only those who are of evil intent should take the Torture specialty. Fear and Intimidate resemble Inspire in some ways, yet it is used as a weapon not an aid for your allies. It requires an opposed test against either your opponents' Willpower or, in 34

some cases, Inspire. After determining the test results, consult the Table 62 for the effects of the test. This skill need not be used for just instilling fear. Often heroes must persuade others with Intimidate. In such cases, compare the desired result to Table 62 to determine what level is necessary. In combat, a character can use Fear or Intimidate to make an opponent hesitate, back down, or falter. If the character succeeds with the test and attains at least the level "Unnerved," select one of the following bonuses: +1 bonus to initiative against target next round, +1 bonus to attack tests against target that or next round, or +1 bonus to dodge and parry tests that or next round. An "Unmanned" result can double one of these bonuses, cause the target to flee, or elicit a reaction the Narrator deems appropriate. Most uses of Fear or Intimidate require you to be able to speak, but, in some cases, actions alone will suffice. The effects of Fear and Intimidate last as long as seems appropriate to the Narrator, so in some cases for days or possibly a lifetime. Usually the effects only last until the source leaves, turns its attention elsewhere, or changes its attitude. Depending on the situation, Inspire may confer an affinity bonus. Full-round Yes

Affinity: Action Time: Extended Test:

This skill is used to search for concealed items, hidden passages, or Gather information. Attribute: Test Category: Trained: Sample Specialties: Test: Perception Academic No Converse, Deduce, Forensics, Interrogate, Research, Search The test difficulty depends on the complexity and scope of the task at hand for Inquire (Converse or Interrogate or Research) tests. Using Inquire (Search) to discover hidden objects is an opposed test against the Conceal test result to hide the object.

Routine (TN 5): Solve an obvious mystery; Gather and analyze obvious and untainted evidence or information; Research a popular subject Standard (TN 10): Solve an easy mystery; Gather and analyze indistinct but untainted evidence or information; Research an unusual topic Challenging (TN 15): Solve a typical mystery; Gather and analyze obvious but tainted evidence or information; Research an esoteric subject Difficult (TN 20): Solve a complex mystery; Gather and analyze indistinct and tainted evidence or information; Research obscure facts about a secretive person, place, or object Virtually Impossible (TN 25): Solve a highly complex mystery; Gather and analyze minute quantities or badly tainted evidence or information; Research carefully guarded facts about restricted or closely guarded people, places, or objects Affinity: Action Time: Extended Test: Appropriate Enterprise skills or Persuade skill and specialties for Converse and Search. Influence (Intimidate) for Inquire (Interrogate) tests. Full round action per 5 ft square of ground for Find, 10 minutes per action for Research, Inquire, or Interrogate. Yes


Through nobility of spirit, heroic deeds, or powerful will, you have the ability to inspire others, dispelling their fears and encouraging them to bolder deeds and greater effort. Attribute: Test Category: Trained: Sample Specialties: Test: Bearing Social No None There are several ways to use Inspire. 1) You can kindle fires of will and courage in those companions near you to help them resist fear and confusion. Make an opposed Inspire test against the Influence (Intimidate) test that unmanned them. If you succeed, they may make another Willpower test with a +1 bonus for every level of success over marginal that you made. 2) Even if your companions around you haven't felt the bite of fear, you can rouse the heroism within them. Make a TN 10 Inspire test and if you succeed, they are granted a +1 bonus to any appropriate test in the next round. Also, you can either extend the effect for +1 round or increase the bonus by +1 for every level of success above marginal. 3) Once per game session (or more often, at the Narrator's discretion), you can use Inspire to reduce the Weariness felt by you and your comrades. The TN of the test is based on the Weariness Level of the most weary character: TN 5 for Winded, TN 10 for Tired, TN 15 for Weary, TN 20 for Spent, and TN 25 for Exhausted. If you succeed, all who were inspired regain one lost Weariness Level; on an Extraordinary Success, regain two Weariness Levels. Most uses of Inspire require you to be able to speak, but, in some cases, actions alone will suffice. The effects of Inspire last as long as seems appropriate to the Narrator, so in some cases for days or possibly a lifetime. Usually the effects only last until the source leaves, turns its attention elsewhere, or changes its attitude. Influence (Charm or Intimidate) in appropriate situations. Full-round Yes

Affinity: Action Time: Extended Test:

This skill supergroup represents the study of some body of lore. Attribute: Test Category: Trained: Sample Groups: Sample Skills: Sample Specialties: Test: Intellect Academic Yes Geography, History, Nature, Culture England, Europe, Presidents of the United States London, House of Windsor, President Kennedy A Knowledge test must be made to recall facts pertaining to specific areas of information.

Routine (TN 5): Remember a basic, significant fact Standard (TN 10): Remember specific facts Challenging (TN 15): Remember obscure facts Difficult (TN 20): Remember extremely obscure facts Virtually Impossible (TN 25): Remember extremely obscure, distantly related facts Additional Modifiers: Action Time: Extended Test: Use Recognition Test Modifiers as applicable. 1 action No


You can speak a language other than your native tongue and write it as well. Attribute: Test Category: Trained: Sample Skills: Sample Specialties: Test: Intellect Academic Yes Specific Language Specific Dialect Make a Language test when you try to read, speak, or understand a language. The difficulty depends on the complexity of the speech. Tests for your native language(s) are typically not required.

Routine (TN 5): Simple phrases or sentences Standard (TN 10): Simple conversation Challenging (TN 15): Complex conversation; Understanding obscure idioms or dialects Difficult (TN 20): Subtle or obscure conversation; Speaking as a native Virtually Impossible (TN 25): Understanding ancient versions of the language Additional Modifiers: If you know a language, but not a particular dialect of that language (i.e. conversing in English (British) with someone who is English (American) and you don't know dialect), the test is either TN 5 or apply an additional +2 TN to it. 1 action Yes

Action Time: Extended Test:

Like a juggler or thief, you can manipulate objects and observers with great dexterity. Attribute: Test Category: Trained: Sample Specialties: Test: Agility Physical No Palm, Pick Locks, Prestidigitation, Rope Use Some uses of Legerdemain are opposed tests against the Observe (Spot) skill of the onlooker(s). If he beats your result, he's seen through your trick and may have dangerous consequences. Rope Use refers to either tying knots or escaping from being tied up. If you are wearing gloves, you suffer a -1 penalty. Observe (Spot) 1 action No (Yes for Rope Use)

Additional Modifiers: Affinity: Action Time: Extended Test:

You have the skill to perform surgery, diagnose illnesses, and treat wounds. Attribute: Test Category: Trained: Sample Skills: Sample Specialties: Test: Intellect Academic Yes Diagnose, Emergency, Forensics, General, Pathology, Toxicology, Surgery Specific Race, Specific Anatomy, Viruses, Bacteria, Organic poisons Medicine: Emergency tests can be made in lieu of First Aid tests to aid recovery. As having the proper medical knowledge and equipment, these tests are more curative than First Aid tests (as reflected in the reduced difficulty of tests for similar conditions), but have the same healing effects. In addition, if a character is in constant medical care, a Medicine test made once per day can double the characters daily recovery rate of Wound Points.


Routine (TN 5): Provide basic medical care for someone who is Dazed; stabilize a person in shock Standard (TN 10): Provide basic medical care for someone who is Injured Challenging (TN 15): Provide basic medical care for someone who is Wounded Difficult (TN 20): Provide basic medical care for someone who is Incapacitated Virtually Impossible (TN 25): Provide basic medical care for someone who is Near Death Additional Modifiers: A medical-specific diagnostic device gives a +5 bonus for diagnosing problems. Without Science: Life (Exobiology), all Medicine tests made for patients of a different race have a +2 TN. Science: Life (Biology, Anatomy), Science: Physical (Chemistry) Varies; hours Yes

Affinity: Action Time: Extended Test:

You are alert and wary, possessing keen senses in noticing unusual or noteworthy things. Attribute: Test Category: Trained: Sample Specialties: Test: Perception Physical No Spot, Smell, Taste, Touch, Listen, Sense Power, Track In many cases, Observe requires an opposed test against such skills as Conceal, Legerdemain, or Stealth. If no one actively opposes your ability to observe, the difficulty depends on the size, cover, and obviousness of what you are trying to perceive. Sense Power may only be chosen if you have the Sense Power magic ability or can cast the Sense Power spell.

Routine (TN 5): Observing something obvious Standard (TN 10): Observing something average Challenging (TN 15): Observing something small Difficult (TN 20): Observing something tiny Virtually Impossible (TN 25): Observing something miniscule Additional Modifiers: If the object stands out against its environment, apply a -2 TN (or greater). Conversely, trying to perceive something that blends in with the environment naturally confers a +2 TN (or greater). Conceal, Inquire (Search); Survival (Specific Environment) also for Observe (Track) 1 action Yes

Affinity: Action Time: Extended Test:

Operate Vehicle
You are able to operate or pilot a vehicle other than complex controls found in futuristic vehicles. Attribute: Test Category: Trained: Sample Skills: Sample Specialties: Test: Intellect Physical Yes Airplane, Boat, Car, Siegeweapon, Wagon Fighter, Airliner, Speedboat, Big Rig, Chariot, Catapult, Ballista A single test is usually required to get you where you want to go. If the trip is especially long or difficult, the Narrator may require an extended test. If the vehicle is being used as a weapon, make an Operate Vehicle test against the person or object's Defense. Varies; depends on vehicle speed and other conditions. Note: This skill is used for vehicles of base TL 5 and lower. Yes

Action Time: Extended Test:


You are a skilled entertainer, able to play music, create songs and poems, or tell amusing stories. Attribute: Test Category: Trained: Sample Skills: Sample Specialties: Test: Bearing Social No Play Specific Instrument, Sing, Stage-acting, Tell Stories Type of Music, Opera, Tall Tales The difficulty of a Perform test depends on your performances nature and.

Routine (TN 5): Compose a simple verse; Play a simple song Standard (TN 10): Compose an average verse; Play an average song Challenging (TN 15): Compose a complicated verse; Play a complicated song Difficult (TN 20): Compose a complex verse; Play a complex song Virtually Impossible (TN 25): Flawlessly compose and sing a complex verse on the spot Additional Modifiers: Affinity: Action Time: Extended Test: A friendly, receptive audience may confer a +1 bonus, while a critical or heckling crowd may confer a 1 penalty (or more). Impersonate for Perform (Stage-acting and Tell Stories) Varies; depends on the nature of the performance. Yes

Ranged Combat
You are skill in the art of ranged combat, harming foes from a distance. Attribute: Test Category: Trained: Sample Skills: Sample Specialties: Test: Agility or Strength Physical No Bows, Energy Weapons, Heavy Energy Weapons, Heavy Guns, Thrown Longbow, Laser Pistol, Grenade Launcher, Mortar, Revolver, Rifle, Spear Make a test with Ranged Combat to hit a target in hand-to-hand combat. The base TN is the target's Defense. Strength is used when wielding large weapons such as spears. The skills could also be named after a particular combat style that uses a particular weapon(s) such as fencing instead of generic categories of weapons. Use Strength as the associated attribute for Ranged Combat: Thrown skill. At skill ranks 6, 9, and 12, select a maneuver from the list of combat maneuvers to receive a +1 bonus when you use the selected maneuver with any weapon you have a specialty for. You can select the same maneuver repeatedly to be granted a greater bonus when the subsequent numbers of ranks are acquired. 1 action N/A


Action Time: Extended Test:

You are able to fix items when they are broken or malfunctioning. Attribute: Test Category: Trained: Sample Specialties: Test: Intellect Physical Yes Specific Items or Systems, Sabotage As an extended test, Repair should be used to fix equipment, items, and components. When using Repair to diagnose problems, it is considered an academic test. Though this skill could be ignored and use Engineering skills for creation, construction, and repair tests.


Routine (TN 5): Fix a simple problem Standard (TN 10): Fix a typical problem Challenging (TN 15): Fix a complicated problem Difficult (TN 20): Fix a complex problem Virtually Impossible (TN 25): Fix an astronomical problem Additional Modifiers: Affinity: Action Time: Extended Test: A typical diagnostic device gives a +3 bonus for detecting and diagnosing problems. A task- or device-specific diagnostic device gives an additional +2 bonus. Armed Combat, Computer Use, Engineering, Ranged Combat, and/or System Operation depending on the nature of the target of repair. Varies; minutes to hours Yes

You are a skilled rider, able to handle a mount be it magical or animal. Attribute: Test Category: Trained: Sample Specialties: Test: Additional Modifiers: Agility Physical No Specific animals In most situations, riding requires no test. Only when difficulty arises, such as performing a stunt, a must be made. A character with Ride knows how to tend to his mount. If your mount is injured/damaged, you suffer the same penalties for your Ride tests if you were injured. If both you and your mount are injured/damaged, add the penalties together. Appropriate Knowledge skill 1 action, but sometimes 2 actions or a full round if the mount is unruly or fearful. N/A

Affinity: Action Time: Extended Test:

You have studied long and understand the inner workings of the world. Attribute: Test Category: Trained: Sample Skills: Sample Specialties: Test: Intellect Academic Yes Life, Physical, Social, Space Astronomy, Anatomy, Anthropology, Biology, Organic Chemistry, Meteorology Perform a test to recall information related to the particular Science skill.

Routine (TN 5): Remember a basic, significant fact; perform a simple experiment; Plotting a course through a populous region of space Standard (TN 10): Remember specific facts; perform a basic experiment; Plotting a course using major stars detectable for guidance Challenging (TN 15): Remember obscure facts; perform a complicated experiment; Plotting a course through an unmapped region of space without recognizable stars Difficult (TN 20): Remember extremely obscure facts; perform a complex experiment; Plotting a course through a region of space with many interstellar hazards Virtually Impossible (TN 25): Remember extremely obscure, distantly related facts; perform a complex, multistage experiment; Plotting a course outside the galaxy or different dimension Additional Modifiers: Affinity: Action Time: Extended Test: Access to navigational aids such as astrometric charts each confer a +2 bonus to the appropriate test. Gain a +1 affinity bonus for Inquire (Research) when conducting an experiment. Free action remembering a fact; 10 minutes to research; 1 hour to experiment No (recall), Yes (research)


You know how you play popular team and individual sports. Attribute: Test Category: Trained: Sample Skills: Test: Agility or Strength Physical No Baseball, Football, Rugby To compete in a sporting event, make an opposed test against all opponents with the highest result determining the winner. Multi-event competitions and tournaments require multiple opposed tests. Strength is used for sports that require extensive physical exertion. Double affinity bonus from Athletics Varies; minutes to hours No

Affinity: Action Time: Extended Test:

You know how to hide yourself, shadow others without being seen, and move silently. Attribute: Test Category: Trained: Sample Specialties: Test: Additional Modifiers: Agility Physical No Hide, Move Silently, Shadow, Surveil Stealth requires an opposed test against an appropriate Observe test by whomever you are trying to hide from. Cover and loud noises often aid Stealth attempts. Trying to move silently across a noisy surface incurs a -2 penalty to the test. Using Stealth while running incurs a -5 penalty to the test. Observe; Survival while in natural areas. Full-round action No

Affinity: Action Time: Extended Test:

You are adept at knowing how to survive in your surrounding environment by being able to build shelters, find edible plants and water, and hunt. Attribute: Test Category: Trained: Sample Specialties: Test: Perception Physical No Arctic, Desert, Forest, Jungle, Mountains, Oceans, Plains, Sky, Swamp, Underground, Urban The difficulty depends on the environment you're in. You can usually find food and shelter in a forest with ease, but doing the same in the desert is another matter. This skill also allows you to read the weather.

Routine (TN 5): Determining if a plant is edible; Determining what the weather will be in an hour; Finding your way through mountainous areas with many physical features Standard (TN 10): Locating food, water, and shelter in the jungle or forest; Starting a fire; Determining what the weather to be later today and tomorrow; Finding your way through hilly and/or forested area with a some physical features Challenging (TN 15): Locating food, water, and shelter in the mountains; Determining what the weather to be in 2-3 days; Finding your way though fairly flat land with few physical features Difficult (TN 20): Locating food, water, and shelter in the desert; Determining what the weather to be in 4-5 days; Finding your way through the desert or open water not near land Virtually Impossible (TN 25): Locating food, water, and shelter in the arctic; Determining what the weather to be in 6+ days; Finding your way through unknown lands Additional Modifiers: Poor weather -- hard rains, high winds, driving snow -- causes you to suffer a minimum -4 penalty to tests. Access to navigational aids such as maps of the region, a sextant, or a 41

Affinity: Special:

Action Time: Extended Test:

compass each confer a +2 bonus for determining your location or plotting a course on the surface of a planet. Observe gives an affinity bonus for noticing things and hunting; Knowledge of the country or region gives an affinity bonus when trying to survive there. At skill ranks 6, 9, and 12, you may choose a +1 bonus to one of the following environments: forest, mountains, plains, arctic, underground, or urban. If you choose the same environment, the bonuses are cumulative. Starting a fire takes one minute. Finding food, water, or shelter and hunting takes no less than one hour. Yes

System Operation
You are adept in running and maintaining systems in a large vessel be it in a command-and-control center, aboard a naval vessel, or traveling through space on a starship. Attribute: Test Category: Trained: Sample Specialties: Test: Intellect Physical Yes Command, Nav Control, Sabotage, Sensors, Tactical, Weapons Make a System Operation test to perform tasks pertaining to a specific system. When answering questions about systems, it would be considered an academic test. If a vehicle is being used as a weapon, make an System Operation (Nav Control) test against the person or object's Defense. Note: This skill is for vehicles and vessels of TL 7 or higher.

Routine (TN 5): Perform a simple task Standard (TN 10): Perform a typical task Challenging (TN 15): Perform a complicated task Difficult (TN 20): Perform a complex task Virtually Impossible (TN 25): Perform an immeasurably difficult task Affinity: Action Time: Extended Test: Computer Use for to recalibrate system console; Engineering and Repair for diagnosing and fixing problems with system. Varies; 1 action to minutes or hours Yes

You are adept in running and maintaining systems in a large vessel be it in a command-and-control center, aboard a naval vessel, or traveling through space on a starship. Attribute: Test Category: Trained: Sample Specialties: Test: Intellect Academic Yes Air, Ground, Sea, Space, Specific Nation or Race Tactics is used to determine initiate in vessel/vehicle combat, where best to lay an ambush, devise and/or execute movements of troops or maneuvers of a vessel or vessels against an enemy, and is skill used by commanding officers to perform Command maneuvers.

Routine (TN 5): Hide vessel along shoreline or in a fog or nebula Standard (TN 10): Determine next action by opponent(s) Challenging (TN 15): Enhance effectiveness of ground troops during combined tests Difficult (TN 20): Perform extremely difficult maneuver involving multiple vessels or coordinating assault with multiple military branches Virtually Impossible (TN 25): Mount decisive attack against a vastly superior enemy Additional Modifiers: Affinity: Action Time: Extended Test: If you are able to study the enemy for at least three rounds, gain a one-time +2 bonus to any subsequent Tactics test made against them. Observe (Spot) to detect an ambush Varies; 1 action to minutes or hours No 42

Unarmed Combat
You are skill in the art of unarmed combat, literally fighting foes hand-to-hand. Attribute: Test Category: Trained: Sample Skills: Test: Special: Agility Physical No Boxing, Brawling, Specific Martial Art To hit a target, make an Unarmed Combat test to hit with a TN being the target's Defense. At skill ranks 6, 9, and 12, select a maneuver from the list of combat maneuvers to receive a +1 bonus when you perform the selected maneuver. You can select the same maneuver repeatedly to be granted a greater bonus when the more ranks are acquired. 1 action N/A

Action Time: Extended Test:


Additional Rules for Consideration

Handle Animal
You are able to tame and control animals, wild or domesticated, magical or Muggle. Attribute: Test Category: Trained: Sample Specialties: Test: Bearing Social No Specific animals (dogs, cats, unicorns, dragons) Most Handle Animal tests are opposed tests against the creature's Wisdom. On a Marginal Success, the creature will act indifferently and won't comply with commands. On a Complete Success, the creature will perform the action commanded, nothing more. On a Superior Success or better, the creature will comply with all commands and no further tests for this encounter. On a failure, the creature will act indifferently and won't perform the action commanded. On a complete failure, the animal will run away and won't respond to any commands given by the character for the rest of the encounter. On a Disastrous Failure, the creature will attack the character once, run away, and never comply with any commands given by the character anymore. Influence, appropriate Knowledge skills, Ride (Specific Animal) Varies; rounds to hours. Yes

Affinity: Action Time: Extended Test:

Breaking Down Skill Groups

Especially for fantasy/medieval-era games, the skill list would be reduced significantly. Break down a few of the skill groups into separately listed skills to give the list the look of diversity. Some specialties from skills could also be handled in this fashion as well. See the Lord of the Rings RPG for examples of this.

Defining Affinity Bonuses

Affinity bonuses are supposed to be +1 or +2 depending on circumstances, but there are very few guidelines, rationale for what to give and when, or examples of this in the skill descriptions. To clarify and expand upon the affinity bonus rules, I have devised a simple table to determine what an affinity bonus from a skill would be depending on a characters proficiency in the skill. If the affinity bonus lists a skill accompanied by a specialty, the specialty is required to gain the benefit of the affinity bonus.

Table 15: Affinity Bonuses

Ranks in Affinity Skill 1-6 7-9 10-11 12 * - X = ranks in affinity skill; the result is rounded down Affinity Bonus +1 +2 +3 +(X-4)/2*

Knowledge Skill Redefinition

The essential broadness of scope of Knowledge skills can be a bit overpowering, an aspect very much felt in the Lord of the Rings RPG. Alternate rules in the use of the skill group could be thus: 1) No specialties for Knowledge skills. This would break down the skills to Knowledge, History: Gondor +X instead of Knowledge: History (Gondor) +X. 2) Switch skills and specialties. This would break down skills to Knowledge: Gondor (History) +X instead of Knowledge: History (Gondor) +X.

Random Distances, Times, etc.

Some skills have effects where ranges of values (distance, time, etc.) are given for specific TNs for a skill. A couple of suggestions to get a better idea of exact values are 1) make the test result be the resultant value, or 2) roll Xd6 modifier that would give a 44

value within the specific range. Rolling one additional die and having a negative modifier will guarantee a smaller minimum value and larger average score while rolling one less and having a positive modifier will guarantee a larger minimum value and smaller average score. Example: Jordans PC decides to swing across a wide chasm that is 25 yards across. To do this, he makes an Acrobatics (Swing) test. If the first condition were used, Jordan would have to have a test result of 25+ to make it across the chasm. If the second condition were used, Jordan would have to have a test result of 20+ and because the range is 21-40 yards (an absolute difference of 20), then 1) roll 3d6+2 and add the result to 21, or 2) roll 4d6-4 and add the result to 21.


Due to the fact that there are a lot of edges between both Star Trek and Lord of the Rings, I decided to list only the unique edges (but not game-specific like Elf-friend) from both the games that arent easily created such as those giving bonuses to test types, test categories, reactions, and skills. See Additional Rules for Consideration for basic, common sense guidelines to create those edges.

Table 16: Edges List

Edge Ally Ambidextrous Apprentice Charmed Life Clarity of Voice Command Commendation Concentration Connections Courageous Cultural Flexibility Direction-sense Eidetic Memory Enhanced Recovery Everyman Faithful Fame Famous Event Favor of Fortune Followers Foresight Fortitude Hardy Healer Prerequisite None Agility 6+ Fame, Teach ability None Bearing 8+ See text See text Willpower 4+ None None None Survival (any specialties) 4+ Intellect 9+ Vitality 9+ None None Renown 6+ See text None Fame OR Famous Event and Renown 5+, Hoard Intellect 12+, Wisdom 5+ Vitality 6+ or 9+ Vitality 6+ or 9+ None Upgrade? Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No No No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No Edge Innovative Intuition Likeable Linguist Merry Heart Multitasking Night Vision Psychic Link Psionics Quick Thinking Rank Rapid Healing Seniority Sense of Time Sidekick Specialist Species Friend Speed Suit-trained Trait Upgrade Underwater Training Wakefulness Wealth Zero-G Trained Prerequisite None 1 Advancement Perception 9+ Bearing 8+ See text None Intellect 6+ or 9+ None See Test See text Intellect 9+ See text Vitality 9+ See Text Perception 9+ None None None Agility 6+ or 9+ None Selected edge None Vitality 6+ None None Upgrade? Yes No No No No No Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes No No Yes No No No Yes No No Yes No

<Descriptive Text> Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Attributes, Skills ranks, or traits needed before acquiring Edge. Flaws or other circumstances you may not have in order to get this Edge. What happens when the Edge is invoked. Yes or No; How many times if limited. The effects of upgrading the Edge.

A person great and powerful is know to you and considers you a boon companion or at least worthy of respect. If you seek his aid, he will give it if able. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: None Enemy, Intolerant, Rival (same person) You must speak with your Narrator to determine who your ally is. He could be someone known across the world or a person of lesser import, but must be able to aid, with counsel or deeds. When you seek his help using social tests, he is always friendly to you (+5 bonus to result to social tests when making a request). Do no press him too closely or often as he may become unwilling to help you (penalties to tests may accrue). Because your ally is a person with hopes and fears, you cannot seek his assistance through dice rolls alone; you must talk with him, taking into account his concerns and justifying your



requests with proper words. At times, he may seek you out to request a favor in return for past aid. Giving aid to your ally may grant additional bonuses to the social tests when making a request. Yes. Every time you pick this edge, select another person or people as your Ally.

Most folk have one hand they favor over the other, but not you -- you can use either hand with equal ease. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Agility 6+ Crippled (Crippled Arm or Loss of Arm) Using your off hand confers a +4 TN instead of the standard +8 TN. You still incur multiple action penalties when appropriate. Yes; once. Prerequisite: Agility 9+; you suffer no penalty when using your off hand.

You have a protg, student, or squire learning the trade under your tutelage. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Fame, Teach ability None You gain a student devoted to your teachings. Your Apprentice is a character who starts with no Profession since she is currently studying it; any ranks she has in pertinent skills come from Background skills in Character Creation. For the character to acquire the ranks given by joining a Profession, see the Teach ability. An Apprentice works the same as Followers when it comes to costing money to support, but as a Sidekick in all other aspects except XP; an Apprentice does not count as a Sidekick or as a follower though. Where it comes to acquiring experience, they dont count as a member of the group when calculating individual XP, but are awarded 25% of her masters allotment. A Narrator may also award bonuses, treasure, etc. as she sees fit based on what transpires in the course of an adventure. No


Charmed Life
Fate smiles upon you, preserving your life when need or your own folly imperils it. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: None None Once per game session when you suffer injury sufficient to decrease your Wound Level, make a TN 10 Vitality test. If successful, no Wound Levels are lost, but you have one Wound Point level in your current level. Damage is incurred normally if the test fails. Yes; once. The Vitality test is reduced to TN 5. Would suggest TN 7 instead.


Clarity of Voice
You have a gift for speaking clearly, making yourself heard and understood, even during tense situations whether they be bantering with an opponent, rallying the people, or casting spells. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Bearing 8+ Tongue-tied You gain a +2 bonus to Debate, Language, Perform, Persuade tests where vocal speech is involved. You also gain a +1 bonus to tests for spellcasting when a verbal component is required. No

You have a captaincy or command over a force of men. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Unless by Narrator approval, you must have minimum Rank 1. None You command a group of up to 10 men or a low-level supervisor in a department. In addition, subordinates gain a +1 bonus to profession skill tests made in your presence during each game session. Yes; four times. You are restricted (unless by Narrator approval), to have no more picks in Command than you do for Rank. In addition, for each pick for Command, subordinates have a total bonus to 47

spend on profession skill tests while they are in your presence during each game session equal to the number of picks you have in this edge. The bonus can be broken down in any fashion for any number of tests. For example, you are Command 3, granting a +3 bonus. A subordinate could make 1) one test with +3, 2) one test with +2 and one test with +1, or 3) three difference tests with +1 each. Command 2: 11-25 men or an intermediate-level supervisor Command 3: 26-50 men or an upper-level supervisor Command 4: 51-100 men or a department head Command 5: 101-500 men or head of operations Command 6: 501-1000 men or commander of a vessel Command 7: 1001-5000 men or commander of a group Command 8: 5001-10000 men or commander of a fleet Command 9: 10001-100000 men commander of a branch of military/head of military Command 10: 100001-1000000 men or commander-in-chief

You have performed above and beyond the call of duty and that service is worthy of recognition. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: You must do something during gameplay worthy of acquiring this edge; it requires Narrator approval. Infamy of same event You receive +1 Renown bonus per level of Commendation to social tests against those who would appreciate the significance of the award. You must spend the number of advancement picks equal to the commendation's level. Commendation 1: Minor award or achievement Commendation 2: Significant award or achievement Commendation 3: Major award or achievement Yes


You have the ability to tune out the distractions around while performing delicate tasks. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Willpower 4+ Easily Distracted Ignore normal penalties due to outside distractions. No

You have a series of contacts you can turn to for information or assistance. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: None Enemy, Intolerant of same group Choose a particular group or place where you have connections with and select a relevant Enterprise skill. You gain a +2 bonus when making a test using this skill, reflecting the assistance provided from your contacts. Also, if another skill gains an affinity bonus from the selected Enterprise skill, the bonus is also applied to that skill as well. Yes; twice for bonus. Every time you pick this edge, you receive an additional +2 bonus (max +6) or to add a new group.


You are no stranger to bravery, often leaping in situations where others would fear to be. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: None Craven You may use 6 Courage per round instead of the usual 4. I would change this to +1 Courage per round. No (I would change this to Yes; a number of times equal to your Vitality modifier. Every time you pick this edge, you receive the use of +1 Courage points per round per pick.)


Cultural Flexibility
You feel right at home when dealing with those of other races as you embrace and are fascinated by their cultures. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: None Enemy, Intolerant of same race +2 bonus to social tests involving races other than your own. No

You never get lost or lose your sense of direction, even underground. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Survival (any specialties) 4+ None You know the right way to the bridge on a foreign ship, the direction to the nearest port or city, or which way is north. This edge does not function in outer space. Pick one of your Survival specialties. You will always know which way is north when traveling in this environment. No Yes. Every time you pick this edge, choose a different Survival specialty from those you have acquired. This edge may have an effect in space of giving a +2 bonus to Science: Space (Astrogation) tests if the character has Perception 10+.


Eidetic Memory
You have a mind with the gift of photography memory and total recall. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Intellect 9+ None All academic tests of TN 5 or less are automatically successful and those with greater TNs are granted a +2 bonus. This includes physical skills used as academic tests and vice versa. No

Enhanced Recovery
Youre tough enough to withstand or shake off stunning blows more effectively. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Vitality 9+ Slow Healing You gain a +2 bonus to Stamina tests to resist stunning. If you are stunned, reduce the duration by 25%. Yes, twice. Every time you pick this edge, reduce the duration of being stunned by an additional 25% (max 75%).

You have a plain appearance, making you difficult to recognize. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: None Familiar Face Increase the difficulty of recognition tests by +5 TN. No


You possess great devotion which inspires you to fight harder and risk great dangers to preserve it and keep it safe. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: None Enemy, Intolerant, Rival of same person or group You select a person, group, or place. When fighting on behalf of that which you hold dear, you receive a +1 to all combat actions when defending it directly and attacking foes who directly threaten it (the Narrator determines whether the bonus applies in any given situation). You also receive a +1 bonus to Willpower vs. Fear and Domination in these situations. However your determination to protect that which you are faithful to may tempt you to do things you wouldn't normally do. When this happens, you receive a -1 penalty to Willpower to resist being persuaded against your action. Yes. Every time you pick this edge, you receive an additional +1 bonus to Willpower vs. Fear and Domination and an additional -1 penalty to Willpower to resist being persuaded against your action.


Your reputation precedes you and most people respect and admire your particular qualities. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Renown 6+ Infamy of same aspect Select an aspect of your character's personality for your Fame. When a person attempts a recognition test, chances are he will recognize you for one of your Fame aspects. Favorable aspects will normally improve a stranger's stance towards you by one interaction stance category. Yes. Each time you pick this edge, you may add another aspect to your Fame.


Famous Event
You played a critical or central role in an extremely important event. Record the event -- when you are recognized in the future, people may react to you according to your participation in the event. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: You must do something during gameplay worthy of acquiring this edge; it requires Narrator approval. Infamy of same event +1 Renown Yes. Every time you pick this edge, you receive an additional +1 Renown.

Favor of Fortune
You are more lucky than others where every your mistakes can still turn out for the better. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: None None Once per game session, you may re-roll any one test and use the result of your preference. Yes. Every time you pick this edge, you will receive an additional re-roll per game session.

Your fame has spread far and wide and there are those who come to take up your banner and serve you and your cause. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Fame OR Famous Event and Renown 5+, Hoard None Roll 1d6; 1 - 0 followers, 2-3 - 1 follower, 4-5 - 2 followers, 6 - 3 followers (minimum 1 upon acquiring this edge). This is the number of recruits you have gained as a faithful entourage, to help you in any reasonable way and possibly die under your direction if their faith in you is unwavering and the cause is just. Followers accumulated may be competent or just starting out in their career. Along with the conditions listed above, the total number of advancements of the followers cannot exceed the PCs total advancements; 0advancement characters equal 1/2 when tallying total follower advancements and the most advancements any one follower may have is PCs advancements -1; if the PC has 1 advancement, he/she may take on a 50

number of 0-advancement followers equal to the roll result. The number of advancements each of the followers has is determined by the PC. To gain further followers, you must: Gain at least a number of Renown points equal to your picks in Hoard since the previous attempt Have no follower Corruption test penalty, and Be able to support the additional number of followers If these conditions are met, then the character can roll another 1d6 and use the result list above. If the result turns out to cause the PC to have a total greater than his ability to support, he is only able to take on the number of followers he can support. Having followers costs money, so the character must have some sort of wealth stored away to pay the followers or at least their expenses. For each pick of Hoard, the character can support himself and the needs of a number of followers equal to 5^number of Hoard picks; therefore, a character with Hoard 2 can support 5^2 followers or 25. Followers dont blindly follow a character. If the leader PC fails a Corruption test, each of the followers must make a Corruption test of their own with the TN reduced by 5. If any of the followers fail, then they will leave. There will be a penalty to further Corruption and other social tests the PC makes to lead his followers equal to the PCs Corruption points + 1 each time followers leave a PC in this manner until the PC gains a number of Renown points equal to the current penalty. If the PC dies, the followers will disperse. Followers earn XP as the PC earns XP. Followers dont enter into the equation when a Narrator calculates experience for the party, but they are allotted an amount equal to 50% of their PCs share. A Narrator may also award bonuses, treasure, etc. as she sees fit based on what transpires in the course of an adventure. If a follower acquires an equal number of advancements, the character may choose to make him/her a Right-hand Man but must pay the advancement pick cost for the edge. If the character already has a Righthand Man, the follower must make a Willpower test against TN 5 + 1 every 2 advancements of the PC - PCs Renown modifier, as the follower feels that he has learned and achieved enough to make it on his/her own. No


You have the innate gift of precognition, the ability to see into the future. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Wisdom 5+, Intellect 12+ None Once per narrative, a character can make a TN 12 Intellect test to gain a brief vision of possible events later in the chapter or adventure. The Narrator has total control over what the character sees, making the vision available for wide interpretation as usually the visions give sight into events that dont necessarily impact the game. In my opinion, this should be an ability as it is very powerful regardless of the stiff prerequisites. No


You have an unusually hearty constitution Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Vitality 6+ Increase to 9+ or higher Slow Healing, Weak, Wide of Girth Reduce healing tests by 5 TN and gain a +4 bonus to weekly or semi-weekly tests for recovering Wound Points. No


A hard and perilous life has inured you to pain, allowing you to withstand more than other folk. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Vitality 6+ Increase to9+ or higher Weak Reduce all injury penalties to one level less than normal. For example, Near Death would be a -7 penalty instead of -9. No

You possess a natural gift for the healing arts. Your aid often brings comfort to the injured and sick. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: None None +5 bonus to healing tests. When the effects of this edge are used, make a Stamina test of 8 + 2 per Wound Level the patient has lost. If the Stamina test fails, lose 1 Weariness Level for every 2 Wound Levels the patient has lost. No


You approach problems from a different perspective when devising solutions to problems. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: None Minimum 1 advancement None You may purchase a Profession Ability from any Basic Profession other than your own. All prerequisites must be met before purchasing. Narrators choice as to whether this edge must be acquired again to purchase additional picks of the same ability. Further house rules may be applicable if a Narrator decides to use the Star Trek method of tiered abilities. Yes. Every time you pick this edge, you may select a new Profession Ability to purchase.


By observation, you are able to determine the capabilities of an opponent in a few select areas. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Perception 9+ None Select an individual near you that you have interacted with. Choose two attributes, skills, or abilities to judge them in comparison to your own. For example, you choose Stealth and Conceal. The Narrator, knowing your level in the selected stats, will tell you if the other person is greater, lesser, or on par with you. No


You have a knack for people gravitating toward you. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Bearing 8+ None Adjust any modifiers from interaction stance by +3. No


You have a good ear for languages and speak them with ease and fluency. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: 3 Language skills with 4+ ranks, Minimum of one language of non-native tongue. Increase to 6+ ranks None +3 bonus to all Language tests. Reduce bonus to +1 or have Language tests TNs be reduced by 2 TN. No

Merry Heart
Through times of loss and evil, your buoyant spirit remains steadfastly hopeful, and sorrow does not remain long in your heart. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: None None You receive a +3 bonus to Willpower tests to avoid suffering the effects of Grief and can perform an Inspire test used to grant others a bonus to resist Grief (+1 per level of success). No

You can accomplish multiple tasks rapidly. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Intellect 6+ or 9+ None You may make full-round actions in 2 standard actions. Further actions are still possible with the multiple-action penalty as well as off-hand penalties still apply. No

Night Vision
While the night blinds others, you retain the ability to see. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: None None Reduce penalties due to darkness by 2. This reduction is only in effect while above ground. Yes; once. Penalties due to darkness are reduced to 0.

Psychic Link
You have a psychic or mental link between yourself and another individual. Prerequisite: Psionics. Typically, this edge should only be available during character creation; the Narrator could allow this to characters that dont have the Psionics edge if the situation warrants it. Both characters involved must have acquired this edge. None You share a mental connection with someone else over great distances. You can tell if he is in danger, hurt, or killed. Yes. Every time you gain this edge, you have the same sort of link with another person (but it isnt automatically shared with anyone else you have a Psychic Link with), who must also acquire the edge.

Restriction: Effect: Upgrade:


You have the ability to tap into and use the power of the mind. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Must be of a race that is not psionically mute. Typically, this edge should only be available during character creation. None Gain the Psi attribute with a beginning value of 4 along with access to psionic-based traits, skills, and powers. It is also a favored attribute for the purposes of advancement. For a variable starting value roll -d6 +3 (if a 6 is rolled, add 4 to the bonus for a total result of 7). No


Quick Thinking
You are able to make mental actions faster than normal. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Intellect 9+ Any trait that gives a penalty to academic or Intellect tests You can perform any academic test that requires 1 action as a free action, 2 actions as 1 action, and a fullround action as 2 actions. If the academic tests requires a greater amount of time, it takes you half that time. No


You possess a position of authority, be it in the military, a bureaucrat, or aristocracy. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Some positions require you to be of a certain bloodline or people while others require you to be appointed, elected, or promoted. None Rank has no effects on its own, but the story effects such as privileges and deference from NPC's can be significant. Having Rank does not, however, confer any power over forces for combat (Command) or extra money (Wealth). Yes. Examples are given below: Rank 1: 2nd Lieutenant, City Official Rank 2: 1st Lieutenant, Mayor Rank 3: Captain, Local Representative Rank 4: Major, State Representative Rank 5: Lt. Colonel, State Senator Rank 6: Colonel, State Governor Rank 7: Brigadier General, Cabinet Member Rank 8: Major General, Speaker of the House of Representatives Rank 9: Lt. General, Vice President Rank 10: Branch General, President


Rapid Healing
Your body has an increased capacity for recovering from wounds. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Vitality 9+ Slow Healing Recover double the normal amount of Wound Points due to natural or assisted healing. This effect does not include the Wound Points regained by the weekly or semi-weekly Stamina tests. No

Your great experience, ability, or mastery of knowledge has given you at least one very palpable benefit: a position of respect. You may have won an appointment as Royal Physician, a chair at a prestigious institution, or a position on the tribe's council of elders. 54

Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect:


Bearing 9+, Wits 9+, Rank (as necessary), 8+ ranks in a Profession skill None You receive a +4 bonus to all social tests that involve gaining access to knowledge (cutting through bureaucratic red tape, entering a repository or knowledge without authorization, etc.). You also gain a +2 bonus to Persuade tests that involve citing facts related to Knowledge skills you possess. Like Rank, Seniority may also have substantial story effects, as NPCs may have to show deference due to your station. Yes. Every time you gain this edge, select a new position and sphere of influence.

Sense of Time
You have an innate sense of time. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Perception 9+ None You always remain aware of the time within a 10% margin of error. No

You have earned the trust and service of a loyal companion, advisor, and friend. He/she will stick with you through thick and thin. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: None None A Sidekick is a boon companion, friend, and confidant. He/she is not affected, as Followers are, by failing Corruption tests. They do not require the character to pay them, as they are self-sufficient and are considered a member of the group when it comes to shares of treasure, etc. When the Narrator awards experience, a Sidekick is considered as 1/2 when the total XP is divided by the number in the party, so if there are 4 members and a Right-hand Man, the total XP would be divided by 4.5 and that amount is awarded to everyone in the party, including the Right-hand Man. The Narrator may also give bonus awards to a Sidekick just like she could for anyone else. A Sidekick may not start with more advancements than the PC, but may over time accumulate more advancements and still not leave the PC. Finally, if the PC dies, the Sidekick may or may not leave the group, as he/she may make a suitable replacement character. No


Your knowledge is deep, be it from schooling or experience in a particular area having been immersed within it for as long as you can remember. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: None None Select a skill. For all tests that use any specialties within the chosen skill, the specialty bonus is +3 instead of +2. Yes. Every time you choose this trait, select a new skill (max number of skills is equal to your Intellect modifier; if Intellect modifier is less than 1, you may not acquire an upgrade).


Species Friend
Through propaganda or some great feat that you performed for them, you have become a friend and ally to a specific race. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: None Enemy, Intolerant of same race Choose a race of which you are a friend. Upon a successful recognition test by one of that race, gain a +3 bonus to social tests to influence them. This bonus is in addition to other bonuses due to a successful recognition test. No


You are naturally faster than others. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Agility 6+ Increase to 9+ Crippled (Crippled Leg or Loss of Leg), Wide of Girth Your base movement increases by 25% for walking, running, and sprinting. No

You are trained the use of performing duties while wearing an environmental suit. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: None None Penalties due to wearing an environmental suit or other lesser clothing that may cause penalties (gloves, boots, etc.) are reduced to 0. No

Trait Upgrade
You are really good at what you do, excelling over even most of the best in this ability. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Selected edge Edges affecting Courage and Courage bonuses cannot be upgraded. You may upgrade an edge that cannot normally be upgraded for a cumulative effect. An edge of this sort can be affected by this edge only once. Yes. Every time you pick this edge, choose a different edge.

Underwater Training
You have extensive training in working and fighting underwater or thick-atmosphered environments. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: None None You suffer no penalties when performing tasks underwater. This edge isnt the same as Suit-trained or ZeroG Training and doesnt convey and special or extra movement underwater. No

Your strength of body and will allows you to remain awake without ill effects longer than most people. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Vitality 6+ None Whereas most sleep some each day, a character with this edge can remain awake a number of nights in a row equal to his Stamina. Though awake, he still can regain Weariness Levels by resting. However, the character loses one Weariness Level a day that he goes without sleep and may not recover those lost levels until he sleeps. No 56


You or your family possesses great stores of money, credit, and other valuables. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: None None You have access to a small personal fortune. It is not just in coinage, but also in items and goods. You must speak with your Narrator about the nature of your wealth. Yes; four times. Hoard 2: Moderate personal fortune Hoard 3: Medium personal fortune Hoard 4: Large personal fortune Hoard 5: Vast personal fortune

Zero-G Trained
You have extensive training in low- and zero-G environments. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: None None You suffer no penalties when in low- and zero-G environments. This edge isnt the same as Suit-trained or Underwater Training and doesnt convey and special space-going skill. No

These cover both character flaws and combat weaknesses.

Table 17: Flaws List

Flaw Addiction Bloodlust Born With A Silver Spoon City-slicker Coward Craven Cultural Conflict Dark Heart Dark Disabled Easily Distracted Enemy Familiar Face Fey Forgetful Fumble-fingered Greedy Upgrade? Yes Yes No No No No Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No No No Yes No Flaw Infamy Intolerant Night-blind Oath-bound Outcast Pacifist Phobia Riva Slow Healing Stubborn Tiresome Tongue-tied Unnerving Manner Vendetta Weak Wide of Girth Upgrade? Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No No No Yes No Yes

<Descriptive Text> Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Edges or other circumstances you may not have in order to get this Flaw. What happens when the Flaw is invoked. Yes or No; How many times if limited. The effects of upgrading the Flaw.


You have a physical and psychological dependence upon chemical substances such as alcohol or illegal drugs. Restriction: Effect: None You must consume the substance once every two days at least or suffer a 1 penalty to Bearing or Intellect. When both attributes reach 1, the shakes set in and reduce a characters Vitality or Agility by 1. Lost attribute levels cannot be recovered during this time. When all four attributes are 1, the character is rock bottom and will remain there for one week. At the end of the week, attribute recovery will then be possible at a rate of 1 point per day. At this point, the Narrator may decide that the character has been cured of his addiction. If the character that has been cured encounters the substance again, he must make a TN 10 Willpower test to resist the temptation. Yes. Every time you pick this flaw, either gain a new substance that you are addicted to or increase the need for a substance -- a second pick will increase the need to once per day and a third will increase the need to twice per day.


Once engaged in battle, you cannot resist the fire burning within to continue. Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: None If both you and your opponents remain standing, you must spend 1 Courage point to stop fighting. Influence tests to persuade you to stop have a 3 penalty and Debate tests automatically fail. Yes. Every time you pick this flaw, the intensity of your rage increases. A second pick requires you to spend 1 Courage to refrain from killing injured or unconscious opponents and Influence tests have a 6 penalty. A third pick requires you to spend 1 Courage to refrain from attacking and killing anyone near you, including your allies and innocents, and Influence tests have a 9 penalty.

Born With A Silver Spoon

Your upbringing exposed you to very little of the world outside your home. Now, everywhere you go outside the circumscribed bounds of your youth seems strange, the folk alien to you. Understanding these places and their peoples is therefore difficult for you; it is not impossible, but you will always have to work harder at it than most of your peers. Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: None You suffer a 2 penalty to all Knowledge/Realm and Knowledge/Group tests involving a realm/country/city/state or group other than the one to which you are native. No

You have spent the majority of your life in the city. Your idea of roughing it is a hotel without a mini-bar. Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: None You have a -4 penalty to Knowledge/Wilderness tests and any tests that deal with the outdoors, and, if you are a spellcaster, to all spells pertaining to plants, animals, weather, etc. No

You don't possess the power to confront danger or terror, unmanning you at times when bravery is most needed. Restriction: Effect: None When confronted with combat or threats (use of Influence (Intimidate) with a result of 10 or higher), you flee, cower to the will of another, or some other appropriate effect unless you spend a point of Courage. No


You don't posses "the heart of a lion." After all bravery and foolishness are two sides of the same coin. You'd rather stand back and consider your options before rushing headlong into a tense situation. 58

Restriction: Effect: Upgrade:

Courageous You may only spend up to 2 points of Courage per round instead of the usual 4. No

Cultural Conflict
You disagree with the ideals and philosophies of your people and so shun them as they shun you. Restriction: Ally, Connections, Cultural Flexibility, Faithful, Species Friend Effect: You have a -4 penalty to all social tests when dealing with the people of your realm. Upgrade: If this trait is selected again, add another -2 penalty (maximum penalty -8).

Dark Heart
You have long studied your enemy and his machinations. You may have done so with the sensible intention of understanding your foe, but your knowledge has had the unintended effect of fascinating you and possibly seducing you to their way of thinking by identifying with them. Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: None You must make a Corruption test every time you gain a rank or specialty in a skill (Knowledge, Tactics, etc.) related to your enemy. To make matters worse, you suffer a -2 penalty to these Corruption tests. No

Dark Secret
Your heart holds some dread secret, one so terrible it would shame you if others were to learn of it. Restriction: Effect: None Speak with your Narrator to determine something proper. It must be something that would harm you if revealed, but wouldn't be something so bad that it would make your character not actually a hero. When you meet someone who knows of your Dark Secret, you suffer a -10 penalty to all social skills and any others that the Narrator may deem appropriate. Yes. Every time you pick this flaw, select a new aspect for secrecy.


You suffer a grievous injury from combat, an accident, illness, or from birth that impairs your ability to perform normally. Restriction: Effect: Ambidextrous for arms, Speed for legs If acquiring this flaw during character creation, confer with your Narrator and select a body part that is crippled or missing. Here are some sample impairments: Crippled Leg Movement reduced by 1/3; all physical tests (which include attribute and reaction tests) requiring the use of your legs have a 5 penalty Loss of Leg Movement reduced by 2/3; all physical tests (which include attribute and reaction tests) requiring the use of your legs have a 10 penalty Crippled Arm All physical tests (which include attribute and reaction tests) requiring the use of your arms have a 5 penalty Loss of Arm - All physical tests (which include attribute and reaction tests) requiring the use of your arms have a 10 penalty Loss of Eye All physical tests requiring sight have a 8 penalty. Blind All physical tests requiring sight have a 15 penalty. This flaw can also be used temporarily or permanently when dealing with injuries during play. If a character, for example, breaks a leg, it will require -d6+4 weeks to heal and he is conferred a penalty to all physical tests that require the use of his legs equal to this same result. As the leg heals, the penalty is reduced by 1 for every week it heals. For wounds such as these, there is always a chance to reaggravate them even to the point of becoming permanent. If making a physical test requiring the use of the disabled body part, a TN 10 Vitality test is required to make sure the character didnt reinjure himself plus a 1 bonus/penalty equal to the level of success or failure of the physical test. The penalty conferred from this flaw does not affect the Vitality test. If the character succeeds, there are no ill effects from the physical exertion. If the 59

character fails, the injury has become aggravated and requires a longer time to heal and may even never fully heal (see Table 20)

Table 18: Disastrous Effects for Disabled Body Parts

Level of Failure Failure Complete Disastrous Effect Add -d6+2 days to time remaining for healing Add 1d6+4 days to time remaining for healing Roll 2d6+number of times a Disastrous Failure has occurred; a result of 12+ will cause the body part to be permanently disabled and retaining the current physical test penalty (no greater than if the part was lost), a result of <12 will add half that value in weeks (rounded down) to the time remaining for healing

Note: This additional time, if enough to add weeks, will also increase the physical penalty. Upgrade: Yes. Every time you take this flaw, select a new body part that is disabled.

Easily Distracted
You have a difficult time maintaining your focus and concentration, not even able to shake off the slightest distraction. Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Concentration Additional -3 penalty due to outside distractions. No

Your heroic conduct and goals have earned you an enemy that would keep you from further success if he could. Restriction: Effect: Ally, Connections, Cultural Flexibility, Faithful, Species Friend Speak with your Narrator about choosing your Enemy. They wouldn't work against you in every adventure, but he will always bear you ill will. When a 1 on 1d6 is rolled before the adventure, your Enemy becomes part of the story. Yes; once. The effect is either your Enemy is someone of great evil or a large group of people/beings, or your Narrator will include your Enemy if a 1 or 2 is rolled on a d6.


Familiar Face
You are easily recognized due to your famous or distinct features. Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Everyman Recognition tests made against you have a 5 TN. No

Stricken with despair and hopelessness, you desire death or you do not seek to avoid it. Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: None When you meet with any danger or fearsome foe, you must confront it, unless you spend 1 Courage. No

You dont have much of a head for facts and dates. Even if others reckon you wise, that doesnt alter the fact that you just arent very good at remembering details. Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Eidetic Memory You suffer a -4 penalty to all Knowledge tests and a -1 penalty to tests for spellcasting. No


Whether due to age, nerves, or excitement, your fingers sometimes get away from you when you most need them to be steady. Restriction: Effect: None You suffer a 2 penalty to all Nimbleness tests requiring fine manipulation. In addition, each time you cast a spell that requires the use of gestures, you must make a TN 5 Nimbleness test (factoring in the 2 penalty) to get the spell underway. If you fail, your action is wasted and need not attempt the test to cast the spell. Yes. Double the penalty to Nimbleness tests.


Avaricious and miserly, you desire riches above all other things. Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: None Whenever you encounter money or valuables, you must spend 1 Courage to resist its lure; otherwise you must do whatever you can to obtain it. No

Your reputation precedes you and most people fear or revile you for one or more of your qualities. Restriction: Effect: Commendation, Fame, Famous Event for same event or aspect Choose a specific aspect of your personality for your Infamy. When a person attempts a recognition test, chances are he will recognize you for one of your Infamy aspects. Unfavorable aspects will worsen a stranger's stance towards you by one interaction stance category. Yes. Each time you pick this edge, you may add another aspect to your Infamy.


You do not like a particular group, large or small. When you speak about them, you have nothing kind to say; they, conversely, cannot contribute anything useful to any discussion. Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Ally, Connections, Cultural Flexibility, Faithful, Species Friend The object of your intolerance is a small group. When interacting with the object of your ire, you cannot hide your dislike. You must spend 1 point of Courage to engage in social tests with them. Yes; twice. Every time you pick this flaw, you can either increase the size of the group, the frequency of encountering them, or add another group.

You have more trouble seeing in conditions with little to no light than others do normally. Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Night Vision Double normal penalties due to lighting conditions. No


On your honor, you have bound yourself to someone, personal code, ideal, place, or thing. Restriction: Effect: None If you are Oath-bound to a person (a noble, employer, etc.), you must obey whatever is required of you within reason. Being Oath-bound to an ideal, place, or thing means that you will do whatever you can to defend it either with words or by the sword. Upon failing this commitment, this flaw changes into Infamy (Oath-breaker). Yes. Every time you pick this flaw, choose a new thing that you have sworn an oath to.


You have been cast out of your homeland. Serious consequences may take place if ever encountered by someone of your people who recognizes you as an outcast. Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Ally, Connections, Cultural Flexibility, Faithful, Species Friend If you encounter another of the group of which you were cast from and you are recognized as an outcast, double your Renown penalty to all social tests, minimum of -1. No

You committed yourself to not actively use force against others. Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: None You may not use Courage points for attack tests, but are allowed for defense. Yes; twice. Every time you pick this flaw, your passivity in combat increases. With a second pick, you cannot spend Courage on attack, dodge, or initiative tests. With a third pick, besides the above restrictions, you must also spend 1Courage to attack another.

You are afraid of something: fire, heights, water, spiders, etc. Restriction: Effect: None Select something you are afraid of. If you encounter the object of your fear or someone casts a spell involving the object of your fear, make a TN 7 Fear test or 7 + caster's Bearing modifier, consulting the Fear Effects table upon a failure. Succeeding does not affect you adversely, but remaining in the presence of the object of fear can cause further Fear tests or require the expenditure of Courage points if the Narrator so deems. Additionally, as a spellcaster, you gain a -3 penalty of casting spells that involve the object of your fear. Yes. Every time you choose this trait, either select a new object to fear or the Fear test base TN for a particular object of fear increases -- 10 for the first upgrade and 15 for the second -- and the spellcasting penalty increases by an additional -3 for each additional pick.


For reasons deserved or undeserved or perhaps even unknown to you, you are a rival with another who is your equal. Restriction: Effect: Ally, Faithful Speak with your Narrator about choosing your Rival. The person must be someone with whom you would normally have cordial or at least neutral relations. They wouldn't work against you in every adventure, but he will always bear you ill will and seek to make you seem inferior to him. When a 1 on a d6 is rolled before the adventure, your Rival becomes part of the story. Yes; once. The effect is your Narrator will include your Rival if a 1 or 2 is rolled on a d6.


Slow Healing
Sickly, or perhaps simply weak in body or will, you heal slowly when injured or laid low by illness. 62

Restriction: Effect: Upgrade:

Fortitude, Rapid Healing You heal twice as slow as others from natural healing, recovering one Wound Point instead of their two. No

Stiff-necked and prideful, you refuse to obey others when you find their commands insulting or to change your mind once you have made your decision. Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: None Once a decision is made, all attempts to change your mind are resisted unless you 1 Courage is spent. No

You know a great deal. In fact, you know too much for your own good when it comes to social situations. You tend to tell people more than they care to know, even in casual meetings. Restriction: Effect: None You suffer a 6 penalty to all Intimidate and Perform (Tell Stories) tests, a 4 penalty to all Persuade tests, and a 2 penalty to all Inquire tests. You may not take Fast Talk as a specialty of Persuade. If, however, you already have the Fast Talk specialty when you take Tiresome as a flaw, you do not lose it. No


You find it unusually difficult to let words roll off of your tongue, no matter what language you are speaking. Your audience often has difficulty understanding you, and you are not a very persuasive speaker as a result. You also find it difficult to cast spells that require speaking an incantation. Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Clarity of Voice You suffer a 2 penalty to all Debate, Language, Perform, and Persuade tests that involve speaking. You also suffer a 2 penalty to all Weariness tests when casting a spell that have a verbal component. No

Unnerving Manner
Your pursuit of obscure lore or magical craft has made you a little eccentric in the eyes of others. Perhaps it is something in the way you dress, the way you carry yourself, or the manner in which you address other folk. Whatever it is, your quirkiness hampers you whenever an eloquent tongue or polished demeanor is needed. Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Clarity of Voice You suffer a 2 penalty to all Social skill tests except for Insight tests. No

A great tragedy has occurred in your life, affecting you to the core. Correct or incorrect, you see a person or small group of people as the cause of this pain and feel the need to take revenge for this wrongdoing, wherever and whenever you can. Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Ally, Connections, Cultural Flexibility, Faithful, Species Friend You have a -8 penalty to social tests with this person or small group and must spend 1 Courage to avoid inciting a confrontation regardless of the current situation. Yes. With a second pick, you may upgrade this flaw for a medium group such as a people of a large organization. With a third pick, you may upgrade this flaw for a large group.

You have little tolerance for pain and injury. Restriction: Effect: Fortitude, Hardy Increase all injury penalties by 2. For example, Near Death would have a -11 penalty instead of -9. 63



Wide of Girth
Sometimes a great heart comes in a great body - whether because you are fond of food and drink or because you never had to work hard, you developed a quite an impressive belly. While this does not mean you are in any way less able than your slimmer companions, it does get in the way sometimes. You tire more easily, and move slower than you normally would. You may even become so morbidly obese that your every movement is a chore and take to sitting or lying down most of the day. Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Any race that this flaw wouldnt thematically apply to, Fortitude, Speed You are considered to be no less encumbered than Average Burden. Yes; four times. For each additional pick in this flaw you are even fatter than usual, increasing your base encumbrance by one level (see Table 62 and 74).


Additional Rules for Consideration

Creating New Traits
Here are a few guidelines to think about when creating new traits: 1. Compare your idea to established traits and make sure you arent just copying an existing one. 2. Review similar traits to make sure it is approximately of the same power. If you think it has more power than what you consider the most powerful of similar traits, you may want to consider either making it an ability instead or scaling back its effects. 3. If your trait grants a bonus/penalty to types or categories of tests: The modifier should not be greater than 1 for a general modifier. The modifier should not be greater than 2 for a modifier in a specific situation. Highly suggest a prerequisite of Intellect 8+ for academic tests, Bearing 8+ for social tests, and Vitality 8+ for physical tests. 4. If your trait grants a bonus/penalty to attribute tests: The modifier should not be greater than 1 for a general modifier. The modifier should not be greater than 2 for a modifier in a specific situation. Highly suggest a prerequisite of the attribute with a score of 9+. 5. If your trait grants a bonus/penalty to reactions: The trait should not give more than a 1 modifier to the base reaction and have a maximum modifier of 4 after 3 additional picks of the trait that grant an additional 1 modifier. The trait should not give more than a 2 modifier to the base reaction and have a maximum modifier of 4 after 2 additional picks of the trait that grant an additional 1 modifier.* The trait should not give more than a 2 modifier to a reaction test in a specific circumstance and have a maximum modifier of 8 after 3 additional picks of the trait that grant an additional 2 modifier. The trait should not give more than a 4 modifier to a reaction test in a specific circumstance and have a maximum modifier of 8 after 2 additional picks of the trait that grant an additional 2 modifier.* 6. If your trait grants a bonus/penalty to skills: The trait should not give more than a 2 modifier to a single skill without a listed specialty. The trait should not give more than a 1 modifier to two skills without listed specialties. The trait should not give more than a 4 modifier to a single skill and one specialty. The trait should not give more than a 2 modifier to two skills and one specialty each. The trait should not give more than a 1 modifier to four skills and one specialty each. 7. Remember a key idea: Most edges can be made into flaws by a little adjustment and/or turning their bonuses into penalties. * Suggested for use in flaws over edges.


<Descriptive Text> Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Attributes, Skills ranks, or traits needed before acquiring the trait. What happens when the edge is invoked. Yes or No; How many times if limited. The effects of upgrading the Edge.

Table 19: General Combat Traits
Edge Alert Blends In Blind-fighting Dead Aim Deliberate Attack Dodge Fell-handed Lion-hearted Quick-draw Piercing Attack Prerequisite Perception 6+ Tactics (Ground) 3+ See Text Any Combat skill 1+ and specialty None Perception 6+ Any Combat skill 6+, Tactics 3+ None Any Armed or Ranged Combat skill +1 Precise Attack maneuver bonus 1+ Upgrade? No No Yes No Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes Edge Powerful Blow Rapid Attack Rebound Speed Prerequisite Power Attack maneuver bonus 1+ Agility 6+ and Combat skill 6+ Agility 8+ Agility 6+ Upgrade? Yes No Yes No No

Two-Weapon Fighting Valiant War-wise Weapon Mastery

Agility 6+ Bearing 9+ Tactics 6+ Any Combat Skill 4+

Yes No Yes No Yes No

Naturally cautious and ready for anything, you can react to peril more swiftly than others. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Perception 6+ +3 bonus to Swiftness tests for initiative. No

Blends In
You are particularly adept at using cover to your advantage in combat. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Tactics (Ground) 3+ When you use cover in combat, there is an additional +2 TN to hit you. No

You have trained extensively to overcome the disadvantage of not being able to see. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Observe specialty other than Spot, Two of these edges: Dead Aim, Defensive Attack, or Lightning Reflexes When temporarily blinded, blind, or in complete darkness, reduce Blind penalty by 5. Yes; twice. Every time you pick this trait, you may reduce the Blind penalty by an additional 5.


Dead Aim
Steadiness and concentration are the name of the game. You rarely miss when you take your time. Prerequisite: Effect: Any Armed, Ranged, or Unarmed Combat skill 1+ and specialty Choose a combat skill and specialty. Double the Aim action bonus for the type of weapon [selected weapon] you are using (+2 for Armed or Unarmed Combat skills and +6 for Ranged Combat skills). This trait affects only the selected combat skill. No Yes. Every time you select this trait, choose a new combat skill to apply the bonus to.


Deliberate Attack
You can alter your attack to deal additional damage to your opponent. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None You may take up to a 3 penalty to an Armed or Unarmed Combat attack to deal and equal bonus to damage upon a successful attack. No

Through hard experience or pain or a desire of self-preservation, you have developed a knack for avoiding peril and moving quickly in face of immediate danger. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Perception 6+ +3 bonus to Swiftness tests for dodge actions. No

You have studied your foes and their tactics well, giving you the upper hand in battle. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Any Combat skill 6+, Tactics 3+ +1 bonus to attack tests against a limited group or sub-group of individuals. Yes. Every time you pick this edge, you either increase your bonus (max +3) or increase the size of your group of foes (a large group or whole race, then to all foes).

Your courage shines through in battle, protecting you from injury. Prerequisite: Effect: None You spend Courage points to avoid injury. For each point spent, reduce the damage from the current attack by 1d6 + Vitality Modifier. The damage avoided cannot be more than the amount dealt by the current attack and it cannot reduce damage dealt by previous attacks. No.


Powerful Blow
You attack with such force that you can knock your opponent to the ground. Prerequisite: Effect: Power Attack maneuver bonus 1+ When you make a successful Power Attack, your opponent must make a Strength test of TN 7+ your Strength modifier + 1 per level of success of your attack. You may use this edge a number of times per combat equal to your Strength modifier + Power Attack maneuver bonus. Yes. Every time you pick this edge, you gain one additional use of this edge per combat.



Piercing Attack
You know how to attack armored enemies well, even if it is natural armor. Prerequisite: Effect: Precise Attack maneuver bonus 1+ At the beginning of an attack, you can attempt to bypass your opponents armor, dealing him more damage. The amount of armor bypassed equals 1 + 1 per level of success; none if the attack fails. To do this, the attack test has a TN modifier equal to the opponents armor rating. You may only use this ability against an opponent once per combat. Yes. Every time you pick this edge, you can reduce the TN modifier by -2 (max -6) or increase the number of uses against a single opponent per combat by 1.


You are quick to the draw and able to regain or obtain an item faster than most. Prerequisite: Effect: Any Armed or Ranged Combat skill +1 You can ready a weapon from your side or recover an item as a free action. If do so against someone else who has Quick-draw, whomever has the most picks in this edge wins. If you have the same number of picks, make a Swiftness test to determine the winner. Yes. Every time you select this trait, you become relatively faster than anyone that has fewer picks in this trait.


Rapid Attack
Constant vigilance in your training has allowed you to attack more quickly than normal during a fight. Prerequisite: Effect: Agility 6+ and any Combat skill 6+ On your first action passed your normal action allotment, the penalty for the Combat skill test has a 3 penalty instead of a 5 penalty. Any further actions made are done at the normal penalty (-10, -15, etc.). The effect would only pertain to the specific Combat skill. No Yes. Every time you pick this trait, select a new Combat skill.


You are able to recover quickly from powerful blows or stumbling. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Agility 8+ Upon being knocked prone or its equivalent, you are able to recover to the ready position on your feet as a free action. No

You are quick on your feet and able to move farther than normal. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Agility 6+ You can move +5 feet walking, +10 feet jogging, and +15 feet sprinting/running. No

Two-Weapon Fighting
You can fight with two weapons, one in each hand, making one additional attack per round. Prerequisite: Effect: Agility 6+ Select either an Armed Combat or Ranged Combat skill (Blades, Energy Weapons, etc.) and a specialty. You can make an additional attack with your off-hand using the selected weapon as a free action. Multiple-attack and off-hand penalties apply. Yes. Every time you pick this edge, you must select a new specialty and/or skill.



The fire of true courage and noble determination burn within you. When only heroic action can win through to victory, you can succeed where others fail. Prerequisite: Effect: Bearing 9+ Make a TN 10 Bearing test. You may only roll once unless Favor of Fortune is used to re-roll. If you succeed, you receive +2 Courage to spend on any one action in the scene. You may only spend it on a truly heroic action where the victory or defeat hangs in the balance, not simply to look good. The Narrator will determine the appropriateness of its use during the scene. If the extra Courage is not used, it vanishes. This edge may only be used once per game session. No


After countless battles, both won and lost, you have great knowledge of tactics and fighting. Prerequisite: Effect: Tactics 6+ +1 bonus to all Combat Skills and Tactics. I, as many, believe this is a very powerful trait without at least a prerequisite. A Narrator may opt to increase to prerequisite, reduce the skill set receiving a bonus, reduce the bonus, or use my optional trait effects. Select a specialty: Unit Leadership, a specific weapon, or specific vehicle. Gain a +1 bonus to Tactics tests when performing tests using this specialty. Yes; three times. Every time you pick this trait, you receive a +1 bonus (max +4) to the listed skills. Yes. Every time you pick this trait, you receive a +1 bonus (max +4) to Tactics tests using the specified specialty or you may select a new specialty.


Weapon Mastery
Your prowess with your chosen weapon is legend allies look at you with awe and enemies regard you in fear. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Any Combat Skill 4+ This trait may only be chosen once for one weapon. Choose one skill and specialty. Gain a +3 bonus to tests using that skill and specialty. For every four ranks gain a +1 bonus to tests using that skill and specialty. Yes. Every time you pick this trait, you must select a new weapon (skill and specialty). No

Armed Combat
Table 20: Armed Combat Traits
Edge Blunt Attack Throw Weapon FENCING Lunge Feint Corps--corps Riposte Sentiment de Fer Prerequisite Armed Combat skill and specialty Armed Combat skill and specialty Upgrade? Yes Yes

Armed Combat: Blades (Specified weapon) or Armed Combat: Fencing 2+ Armed Combat: Blades (Specified weapon) or Armed Combat: Fencing 4+ Armed Combat: Blades (Specified weapon) or Armed Combat: Fencing 4+ Armed Combat: Blades (Specified weapon) or Armed Combat: Fencing 6+ Armed Combat: Blades (Specified weapon) or Armed Combat: Fencing 8+

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


Blunt Attack
Instead of causing lethal damage, you can use the blunt part of a weapon in the attempt to stun your opponent. Prerequisite: Effect: Armed Combat skill and specialty Choose a weapon denoted by the skill and specialty. On a successful attack test, you will stun an opponent for 1d6 + Strength modifier rounds instead of rolling damage. Opponents do not make a Stamina test to resist as they do not fall unconscious, but have a 5 penalty to all actions for the duration. Further attacks in this manner are cumulative for as along as the duration of previous attacks. For example, in round 1 a character is hit and has a 5 penalty to actions for 3 rounds and then hit again the next round and now has another 5 penalty lasting 4 rounds. This means for the next two rounds the character has a 10 penalty and then has a 5 penalty for two more rounds, barring further attacks of this sort. If within a span of three consecutive rounds a character receives 3+ blunt attacks against him, he will fall unconscious for 1d6 + Strength modifier minutes (use the Strength modifier of the last attacker). These rules only apply to weapons not meant for dealing stun effects. Yes. Every time you pick this trait, select a new specialty and/or skill.


Throw Weapon
You are able to a weapon not meant for ranged attacks. Prerequisite: Effect: Armed Combat skill and specialty Choose a weapon denoted by the skill and specialty. You can throw this weapon using your Armed Combat skill with a 2 penalty in addition to range increment penalties. These weapons have a range of 2/3/4/6 (yards); there is no extended range increment for a weapon used in this fashion. Yes. Every time you pick this trait, select a new specialty and/or skill.


Style-Specific Weapons: Epee, Rapier, Saber

Stepping forward while thrusting your weapon forward at your opponent. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Armed Combat: Blades (Specified weapon) or Armed Combat: Fencing 2+ You may attack an opponent up to 3 yards away and deal +3 damage from the attack. You may not dodge or parry as your next action. Yes; once. You gain a +1 bonus from Athletics: Jump when performing the ballestra or flying lunge. Gain an affinity bonus from Athletics: Jump using the optional rules for affinity bonuses.

You attempt to make your opponent defend against a fake attack so as to open him to your real attack. Prerequisite: Effect: Armed Combat: Blades (Specified weapon) or Armed Combat: Fencing 4+ Roll 1d6 and subtract the result from your opponents Perception modifier, generating your feint value. If greater than 0, subtract your feint value from your opponents Defense during your next attack. Performing a feint costs one combat action. Make a Persuade (Bluff) test against your opponents Wisdom. On a successful test, you gain a +1 bonus for each level of success on your next fencing attack. Yes; three times. Your minimum feint value is 1, increasing by +1 per additional pick. Yes; once. Double the bonus to your next fencing attack.



You attempt to make your opponent defend against a fake attack so as to open him to your real attack. Prerequisite: Effect: Armed Combat: Blades (Specified weapon) or Armed Combat: Fencing 4+ Performing a corps--corps attack gives your opponent a penalty equal to your Agility modifier if attempting to parry the attack; dodging does not confer a penalty. If the attack was successful, both weapons are bound together. To free his weapon, your opponent must make a Strength test against your attack result; you may free the weapons at any time. Yes; once. You can disarm your opponent by defeating your opponent in an opposed Strength test. You gain a +1 bonus to this test every time your opponent fails his attempt to unbind his weapon.


You turn your parry into an attack on your opponent. Prerequisite: Effect: Armed Combat: Blades (Specified weapon) or Armed Combat: Fencing 6+ After successfully parrying a blow, you gain a +2 bonus to your next fencing test. In addition, if you dont have the initiative already, you will next round. Gain a bonus equal to half the difference between the attack and parry results, rounded down and minimum of 1. Yes; once. You gain a +4 bonus to your next fencing test. Gain a bonus equal to the difference between the attack and parry results.


Sentiment de Fer
By leaving your blade in contact with your opponents, you can better feel for his next move. Prerequisite: Effect: Armed Combat: Blades (Specified weapon) or Armed Combat: Fencing 8+ Following a successful attack or parry, you gain a +2 bonus to attack and parry tests against your opponent with the weapon your are holding. This effect lasts until one of three things happens: the end of combat, you dodge, or your opponent successfully dodges an attack. Yes; once. The bonus increases to +4.


Ranged Combat
Table 21: Ranged Combat Traits
Edge Cover Fire Double Fire Get the Drop Ricochet Snap Shot Prerequisite Ranged Combat: Energy Weapons or Guns 3+ Ranged Combat: Energy Weapons or Guns 6+ and specialty Ranged Combat: Energy Weapons or Guns 3+ or Quick-draw Precise Attack maneuver bonus 1+ Any Ranged Combat 4+ Upgrade? Yes Yes No Yes Yes

Cover Fire
Cover fire is a pattern of weapons fire intended to keep enemies at bay while the shooter and/or a comrade(s) performs an action. Prerequisite: Effect: Ranged Combat: Energy Weapons or Guns 3+ Choose an empty area (30-degree cone) and fire into it repeatedly at a TN 10 any applicable modifiers. For every 10 degrees of cover fire, one shot must be fired expending the needed rounds or charges. Anything that moves into the area designated for covered fire will be hit, sustaining normal damage, unless he makes a Swiftness test with a 5 penalty (-10 on an Extraordinary Success) due to cover fire. Yes; six times. Each time you pick this trait, gain +10 degrees to your cone of cover fire, up to a total of 90 degrees.



Double Fire
Firing single-shot guns and energy weapons require a little extra dexterity to double tap their triggers, allowing for two shots on one target at a time. Prerequisite: Effect: Ranged Combat: Energy Weapons or Guns 6+ and specialty Select the appropriate Ranged Combat skill and specialty. You may fire two shots in one combat action with the weapon of the selected specialty. The second shot has an additional +3 TN and must be fired upon the same target. This trait cannot be used when using an assault rifle that is set to anything other than Single Shot. Yes. Every time you pick this trait, choose a new specialty (weapon) or if this trait has already been picked for a particular weapon, the second shot may be fired upon another target within 10 feet of the first.


Get the Drop

Often the easiest way to talk to an enemy is to hold a gun on him. Prerequisite: Effect: Any Ranged Combat skill 3+ or Quick-draw Draw your weapon (1 action unless you have Quick-draw) and make a Ranged Combat test without firing (free action). If the test succeeds, then you have the drop on your opponent. The effect continues until you attack, dodge, or put your weapon away. As long as you have the drop on an opponent for at least one round, you may fire your weapon using the previous result. If you become distracted, your opponent may attempt to dodge, but must subtract your Perception modifier as a penalty to the dodge test. No


You are able to hit even those tough to hit targets by making trick shots. Prerequisite: Effect: Precise Attack maneuver bonus 1+ When making a Precise Attack, you are able to bounce the projectile off a solid surface. The total distance for calculating the range modifier is based off the shots path, not the direct line between the character and his target. The cover modifier applied is based on the path coming from the last (or only) bounce. The maximum number of bounces for a shot equals your Perception bonus, minimum one. Yes. Every time you pick this edge, you gain a +1 bonus to your test to make this type of shot or gain one additional bounce.


Snap Shot
This is a shot fired quickly from the safety of cover without exposing yourself to enemy fire. Prerequisite: Effect: Any Ranged Combat skill 4+ You may keep the benefit of hiding behind cover while retaining the ability to attack with a ranged weapon. The Combat skill test is at +5 TN and into cover fire has is at +8 TN. To hit an enemy firing snap shots, you must make an Aim action for one round at the shooter (conferring no benefit to the subsequent Ranged Combat test). Then you must make a successful opposed Swiftness test with the shooter before making a Ranged Combat test. Failing the Swiftness test causes your shot to go wide, missing your target. Yes. Snap shots are now made at +3 TN and +5 TN into cover fire.



Unarmed Combat
Table 22: Unarmed Combat Traits
AIKIDO Edge Nikyo Yonkyo Aiki Otoshi Maai BOXING Cross Jab Hook Uppercut BRAWLING Roundhouse Punch Hammer Blow Flying Tackle Hatchet Chop Flying Smash WRESTLING Unarmed Combat: Brawling 2+ Unarmed Combat: Brawling 3+ Unarmed Combat: Brawling 4+, Agility 5+ Unarmed Combat: Brawling 6+ Unarmed Combat: Brawling 8+, Agility 5+ or Flying Tackle Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Unarmed Combat: Boxing 2+ Unarmed Combat: Boxing 3+ Unarmed Combat: Boxing 4+ Unarmed Combat: Boxing 5+ Yes Yes Yes Yes Prerequisite Unarmed Combat: Aikijutsu 3+ Unarmed Combat: Aikijutsu 4+, Nikyo Unarmed Combat: Aikijutsu 5+ Unarmed Combat: Aikijutsu 8+ Upgrade? Yes Yes Yes Yes

Full Nelson Choke-hold Take-down Flip

Unarmed Combat: Wrestling 3+ Unarmed Combat: Wrestling 4+ Unarmed Combat: Wrestling 6+, Full Nelson Unarmed Combat: Wrestling 8+, Agility or Strength 8+, Take-down

Yes Yes Yes No

This combat form, created in the 1920s, is derived mostly from aikijujutsu with an emphasis on balance, calm, and the redirection of an opponents strength and power against them.

With a turn of the wrist, you pivot yourself away from your attacker while parrying. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Unarmed Combat: Aikijutsu 3+ Upon a successful block, you may add half the difference between the block and attack tests (rounded up) to your Defense against the next attack from that opponent. Yes; once. Add the difference between the block and attack tests to your Defense against the next attack from that opponent.

With a turn of the wrist, you may immobilize your opponents limb and, if need be, damage it. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Unarmed Combat: Aikijutsu 4+, Nikyo Upon a successful block, you may attempt to pin your opponents limb as if grappled (free action). All attack tests and attempts to free himself have a 3 penalty. Yes; once. You may choose that your opponent take damage equal to half his escape attempt (rounded up) whether the attempt was successful or not. 73

Aiki Otoshi
This maneuver uses your opponents momentum against him by deflecting the attack into you throwing to the ground. Prerequisite: Effect: Unarmed Combat: Aikijutsu 5+ Upon a successful block, you may attempt to grapple your opponent as a free action. If you do grapple him, you may throw him to the ground for 1d6+1 (1d6+3 for Superior Success and 1d6+5 for Extraordinary Success) plus Strength modifier damage. Yes; once. Your grapple attempt is made with a +3 bonus.


This allows you to precisely judge your opponents location and potential for doing harm. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Unarmed Combat: Aikijutsu 8+ Add your Perception bonus to your dodge result (minimum +1). Yes; once. Double your Perception bonus to your dodge result (minimum +2).

Also known as pugilism or the sweet science, boxing is a sport that has been around for thousands of years based on endurance, agility, and raw power.

A punch across your opponents body to force him out of position and throw off his aim. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Unarmed Combat: Boxing 2+ +1 bonus to damage and block attempt against opponents next attack. Yes; once. Double both bonuses.

A short, fast punch used to set up another blow or sequence of blows. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Unarmed Combat: Boxing 3+ A successful attack deals half damage but gives a +3 bonus to your next attack. Yes; once. You make two Unarmed Combat: Boxing tests in one combat action. If both are successful, gain a +6 bonus to your next attack.

A wide, arcing punch made ideally from outside your opponents peripheral view. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Unarmed Combat: Boxing 4+ A hook attempt made after a successful dodge gains a +3 bonus. Any successful hook deals +2 damage. Yes; twice. Every time you pick this trait, you gain a +1 bonus to the bonuses above.

A savage punch to the jaw or body. Prerequisite: Effect: Unarmed Combat: Boxing 5+ A successful uppercut deals +2 damage and requires your opponent to make a TN 10 Stamina test +1 for each level of success greater than Marginal. Failing the Stamina test causes your opponent to fall unconscious for a number of rounds equal to your Strength modifier +1. Yes; twice. Each time you pick this trait, gain +1 to damage and +2 TN to the base Stamina test to resist being stunned.


A loose style of fighting common to those who dont know or havent developed structured martial arts. 74

Roundhouse Punch
A slow, devastating punch which uses your entire bodys momentum. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Unarmed Combat: Brawling 2+ You deal double damage upon a successful strike, but lose initiative for the next round and opponents have a +2 bonus to dodge or block tests to evade. Yes; once. Upon a successful strike, your opponent suffers a skill test penalty equal to that of one Wound Level lower than his current level. For example, if the opponent were at Dazed, the penalty would be as if he were at Injured.

Hammer Blow
With hands interlaced to form one large fist, you smash your opponent Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Unarmed Combat: Brawling 3+ Upon a successful strike, you deal +2 damage. Yes; three times. Every time you pick this trait, you gain a +1 bonus to damage.

Flying Tackle
You leap upon your opponent with the intent of bearing him to the ground. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Unarmed Combat: Brawling 4+, Agility 5+ Treat this attack as a charge attack but can be done from 2-5 yards away. The TN for your opponent to avoid the attack is your Strength +4. Yes; once. Your Defense isnt lowered due to the charge and only takes one combat action.

Hatchet Chop
You strike your opponent in the neck from behind with the edge of your flattened hand. Prerequisite: Effect: Unarmed Combat: Brawling 6+ You deal normal damage and requires your opponent to make a TN 10 Stamina test +1 for each level of success greater than Marginal. Failing the Stamina test causes your opponent to fall unconscious for a number of rounds equal to your Strength modifier +1. Yes; twice. Each time you pick this trait, gain +2 TN to the base Stamina test to resist being stunned


Flying Smash
You strike your opponent in the neck from behind with the edge of your flattened hand. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Unarmed Combat: Brawling 8+, Agility 5+ or Flying Tackle Upon a successful strike, you deal normal unarmed damage and knock your opponent to the ground. You must make a TN 12 Acrobatics (Tumble) test to avoid falling as well. Yes; once. You deal double unarmed damage upon a successful strike.


A formalized, full-body contact sport that involves grappling, holds, and pinning opponents to the floor.

Full Nelson
You place your arms, intertwined with your opponents, to immobilize his arms and upper body while applying pressure to the neck. Prerequisite: Effect: Unarmed Combat: Wrestling 3+ Upon a successful strike, you have grappled your opponent and completely immobilized his upper body. He is at -5 to all physical tests. To escape this hold, he must make an Agility or applicable Unarmed Combat test of TN to 10+ half of (attackers result defenders Defense), rounded up. If you make an Extraordinary Success on your grapple attempt, your opponent is hopelessly held, unable to escape until you let go. Yes. You can increase the TN to break the hold by +2 TN (max +8 TN), apply damage every round after a successful grapple equal to your Strength modifier, or apply the hold using one hand (called the Half Nelson) having the same result as listed above, leaving one arm free to perform other actions such as parry.


You grapple your opponent about the neck causing him to suffocate. Prerequisite: Effect: Unarmed Combat: Wrestling 4+ Upon a successful strike, you have grappled your opponent from behind with at least one arm around his throat. Use the suffocation rules in System Rules. Your opponent has a -2 penalty to physical tests, but has both the use of his arms and legs. To escape the hold, he must make a Agility or applicable Unarmed Combat test with a TN equal to the attackers Strength + Agility modifier. Yes. You can increase the TN to break the hold by +2 TN (max +4 TN), apply damage every round after a successful grapple equal to your Strength modifier besides suffocation damage, or perform what is called the Sleeper. The Sleeper hold causes the opponent to resist a stun attack (see Stun Effects in System Rules).


You grapple your opponent and leverage him to the ground. Prerequisite: Effect: Unarmed Combat: Wrestling 6+, Full Nelson Upon a successful strike, you have grappled your opponent. You can now make a free opposed Agility or Unarmed Combat: Wrestling (Trip) test to bring your opponent to the ground. Once prone and grappled, your opponent has a -10 to physical tests. To break free, your opponent must make a Strength or Agility or applicable Unarmed Combat test with a TN equal to your Strength + Nimbleness modifier. If you happen to make an Extraordinary Success on either your grapple attempt or trip attempt, your opponent is pinned and cannot escape the hold until you let go. Yes, four times. You can increase the escape TN by +2 TN (max +8 TN).


With your opponent grappled, you use your strength and position to pick up your opponent and throw him down. Prerequisite: Effect: Unarmed Combat: Wrestling 8+, Agility or Strength 8+, Take-down Upon a successful Unarmed Combat: Wrestling (Grab) attack, you have grappled your opponent. You can now make a free opposed Agility, Strength, or Unarmed Combat: Wrestling test to bring your opponent to the ground, dealing 1d6+2+Strength modifier damage. Once prone and grappled, your opponent has a -10 to physical tests. To break free, your opponent must make a Strength or Agility or applicable Unarmed Combat test with a TN equal to your Strength + Nimbleness modifier. If you happen to make an Extraordinary Success on your grapple attempt, your opponent is pinned and cannot escape the hold until you let go. No.



Additional Rules for Consideration

Creating Combat Styles
1. 2. 3. 4. Determine your combat art form. Choose 4-5+ noteworthy moves or aspects to it. More is acceptable but could be overwhelming to players. Decide on appropriate prerequisites for the traits. Decide on the traits effects. Use similar traits and traits with equal prerequisites as a baseline.

Restrictions can also be used with combat traits except those of combat forms (Fencing, Boxing, etc.). Flaws could also be created that are close to or the exact opposite of the combat trait.


Basic Profession Abilities
I am leaving the task of placing abilities into tiers to the Narrator if he so chooses to use that ability scheme.

<Descriptive Text> Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Attribute scores, Skills ranks, traits, or other abilities needed before acquiring ability What happens when the ability is invoked. Yes or No; How many times if limited. The effects of upgrading the ability.

Table 23: Actor/Artist/Bard Abilities
Edge Gladden Inspiring Performance Jugglery Kindling of the Spirit Natural Talent Mesmerizing Voice Woven Words Prerequisite Perform 4+ Perform 6+ Agility 6+ Gladden, Inspiring Performance, Bearing 9+ None Gladden, Inspiring Performance, Bearing 8+ Gladden, Inspiring Performance, Perform 8+ Mesmerizing Voice other than the other abilities Upgrade? No No No No No No No

Your words or music are comforting and soothing to those listening. Prerequisite: Effect: Perform 4+ Make a TN 10 Perform test. Those listening recover Weariness Levels at twice the normal rate while listening, but you do not you recover them normally. You must perform for at least an hour and to be affected, a person must be able to hear your performance. No


Inspiring Performance
When need arises, you can give a performance to hearten and embolden your comrades and allies. Prerequisite: Effect: Perform 6+ Make a TN 10 Perform test. Gain a +1 bonus to your Inspire test for each level of success. You may make additional Inspire tests while continuing to perform. Those who cannot hear you are not affected by your Inspire results. No


To your repertoire of music or oratory you have added the arts of the juggler. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Agility 6+ +2 bonus to Acrobatics, Games, Legerdemain, and Ranged Combat: Thrown tests. No


Kindling of the Spirit

Your stirring exhortations can renew courage in the hearts of your friends. Prerequisite: Effect: Gladden, Inspiring Performance, Bearing 9+ As a full-round action you may make a TN 10 Perform test. Every ally who can hear your words immediately regains a number of spent Courage points based on degree of success (1 for complete, 2 for superior, 3 for extraordinary). These points only restore spent Courage and cannot exceed the character's maximum. This ability can only be used once per game session. No


Natural Talent
Your extraordinary gift for your chosen art has always been apparent, even in your youth. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None Gain an additional +2 bonus when using Courage points for Debate, Influence, or Perform tests. No

Mesmerizing Voice
Your words and force of personality add to the effect when words of power are spoken. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Gladden, Inspiring Performance, Bearing 8+ Add half again the bonus due to the Power of Words. No

Woven Words
Your performance is so exceptional that it invokes images of what is being said in your song, story, poetry, etc. Prerequisite: Effect: Gladden, Inspiring Performance, Perform 8+ Mesmerizing Voice other than the other abilities Make a TN 15 Perform test. On a Marginal or Complete Success, an image appears pertaining to the subject of the performance. The vision, as observed by those within earshot, is known to be a phantasm. On a Superior Success or better, the illusion is complete and the onlookers must make an opposed Observe test against your Perform result to realize the illusion. The images only extend as far as the characters voice can be projected, lasting only as long as the performance lasts, and cannot harm anyone. No



Table 24: Alchemist/Loremaster/Scientist/Wise-man Abilities
Edge Body of Knowledge Breakthrough Brewing Computer Whiz Decipher Scripts Doctorate Expertise Field of Study Field Research Fundamentals Intensive Scan Journeyman Level Head Library Practical Application Research & Development Scientific Protocols Secretive Sifter Tech Proficiency Theorize Utilitarian Working Model Prerequisite Field Research, Science: Archaeology or Anthropology 4+ OR Knowledge: History 6+ Doctorate OR Research & Development Craft: Brewing (any specialty) 1+ OR First Aid (Herbal Remedies) 1+ OR Science: Physical (Chemistry) +1 Utilitarian 2 Language skills 4+ other than the characters native language(s), Library Field of Study None Any academic skill 8+ None None Tech Proficiency None Willpower 4+ None Field Research Utilitarian, Innovative Journeyman Three Knowledge skills 6+ or Body of Knowledge Perception 9+, Intellect 9+ Field Research Scientific Protocols None Fundamentals Upgrade? No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No

Body of Knowledge
You possess keen insights into treasures and craft-works of the past. Prerequisite: Effect: Field Research, Science: Archaeology or Anthropology 4+ OR Knowledge: History 6+ You receive a +2 bonus on Knowledge or Appraise tests made to identify or evaluate an artifact, relic, heirloom, or ancient treasure. With a Superior Success or better, you are able to discern an additional piece of unique, important information about the item (who created it, how it was made, previous owners, magic powers). No


Your reputation is based on your achievements and skill in your field of study. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Doctorate OR Research & Development Whenever you achieve any number of Extraordinary Successes in a chapter for Computer Use, Engineering, or Science tests, you gain +1 Renown. No


Your knowledge of plants, herbs, and beasts allows you to brew poisons, elixirs, or create salves and poultices Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Craft: Brewing (any specialty) 1+ OR First Aid (Herbal Remedies) 1+ OR Science: Physical (Chemistry) +1 You have the ability to create consumables that can be used to harm or help others depending on your Craft: Brewing specialties. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, select a type of brewed item (determined by your specialties) and an aspect of it -- the particular aspects stage TN is reduced by 2 TN for the extended test to create the item.

Computer Whiz
You know your way around a computer better than most. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Utilitarian You are able to perform tasks 25% faster than normal for System Operation and Computer Use tests. Yes; once. The amount of time required for the task is now at 50% less time.

Decipher Scripts
Over the years and beyond the stars, there are many different languages and scripts so many in fact that they are either lost in time or only known by a dedicated few. Prerequisite: Effect: 2 Language skills 4+ other than the characters native language(s), Library Deciphering an unknown script takes time, from an hour to a day per paragraph. At the end of the time required for deciphering the document, the character must make a Wits test to determine the result, receiving a +1 bonus for each language he knows. The TN of the test is based upon the difficulty of the complexity of the writing: 10 for simple texts, 15 for complex texts, and 20 for very complex texts. A Marginal Success determines that the character gets the gist of the text, but may miss some pertinent details. A Complete Success means that he understands most of what he read, but misunderstands a few phrases. A Superior Success means that the character is very confident he understands what he has read barring a few words. An Extraordinary Success conveys that the character made a perfect translation of the text, understanding everything he read. No


You have a Ph.D. in your area of expertise. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Field of Study Once per game session, you may re-roll one test that pertains to the subject of the Field of Study ability and use the result of your preference. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, select a new subject from your Field of Study ability.

You have come to prefer a certain weapon over others and learning to use it to neglect of experience with other weapons. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None Select an academic skill and specialty, if applicable. You gain an additional +2 bonus when using the selected skill/specialty and a 4 penalty to use the skill without that specialty. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, you gain an additional +2 bonus to use the selected weapon specialty and 2 to use other weapons (max +6/8 total) or select a new skill and/or specialty.


Field of Study
Among your peers, you are regarded as one of the most, if not the most, knowledgeable in your chosen field(s). Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Any academic skill 8+ Select a general subject that pertains to the skill used in the prerequisite and receive a +2 bonus to any skill tests pertaining to the subject. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, you gain an additional +2 bonus (max +8) or select a new subject.

Field Research
You employ a variety of investigative techniques when trying to understand new phenomena. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None You gain an affinity bonus to Inquire (Research) from the applicable Science skill pertaining to the subject you are investigating. No

Mathematics is the language of science. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None You gain a +4 bonus to Science: Physical (Mathematics) tests. No

Intensive Scan
After extended use and experience with sensors and the like, you are able to increase the ability and accuracy of your equipment. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Tech Proficiency With a successful TN 15 System Operation (Sensors) test, you are able to double the range, reliability, and all other quantitative factors of the sensors you use for your next System Operation test. No

You have received a broad education in the sciences. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None If you have or when you acquire a Science skill, you automatically gain one specialty for one Science skill and are able to use all Science skills untrained. No

Level Head
You are able to keep your cool in the heat of the moment. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Willpower 4+ When making profession skill tests, you may ignore all penalties due to distractions. No


Through years of careful searching, collecting, or possibly stealing, you have acquired an extensive library of books, scrolls, and other records. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None When you have an opportunity to use your library to search for an answer to a question, you receive a +2 bonus to any corresponding Language or Knowledge tests. Yes; twice. Every time you pick this ability, you receive an additional +2 bonus.

Practical Application
You understand your equipment so well that you are able to complete minor repairs and recalibrations on the controls. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Field Research Once per game session when making repairs, you may re-roll one Engineering: Systems or Repair test with an affinity bonus from Science: Physical and use the result of your preference. No

Research & Development

With your vast knowledge and years of hands-on experience, you are able to create develop new innovations. Prerequisite: Effect: Utilitarian, Innovative You gain an affinity bonus to Engineering and Repair tests from Science: Physical or are able to reduce the base action time in half (even for extended tests). The decision of which effect will be used must be made before the skill test. No


Scientific Protocols
You put your well-being and safety aside when researching and observing potentially dangerous phenomena. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Journeyman When performing an Inquire (Research) or Observe test that could possibly endanger you, make an appropriate Science test (TN 10) to gain the foresight necessary to avoid any disastrous consequences. No

Stubborn and proud, you scorn to reveal your hard-acquired knowledge to others, even with the possibility to those in dire need of assistance. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Three Knowledge skills 6+ or Body of Knowledge You may add your Intellect modifier to all Willpower tests you make. If attempting to resist efforts to be forced into revealing your knowledge through domination, double your Intellect bonus. No

You feel comfortable around stacks of documents, old manuscripts, libraries, and the like, making it relatively easy for you to find the information you want. Prerequisite: Effect: Perception 9+, Intellect 9+ You gain a +4 bonus to all Computer Use (Retrieve) or Investigate (Search, Research) tests when trying to locate a particular document (tome, scroll, and the like) in an archive, scroll hoard, database, etc. and also when trying to locate a particular bit of information in a document. No


Tech Proficiency
You typically use sophisticated devices and equipment to help you explore and understand the universe. 83

Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade:

Field Research When using equipment such as hand-held scanning devices, sensors, radar, etc. to aid you, you may reroll one System Operation test and use the result of your preference. No

If the face of questions and scrutiny, you are often forced to speculate and theorize. Prerequisite: Effect: Scientific Protocols If the character is completely unable unravel a scientific enigma at hand, the Narrator can give a little help. The player can work with the Narrator to devise a hypothesis and then make a TN 15 Inquire (Deduce) test. The Narrator then will then give a hint based upon the tests degree of success. This ability is meant for helping to further the story along, not for the Narrator to give away the adventure itself. No


You are able to get the most out of your equipment, even when you lack the proper tools for the job. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None You may ignore up to a 3 penalty due to lack of or improper equipment and double any bonuses conferred by equipment for Computer Use, Engineering, Repair, and Science tests. No

Working Model
You have extensive training in hands-on laboratory work. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Fundamentals You gain an affinity bonus to Engineering: Structural from Science: Physical. No

Table 25: Barbarian/Primitive Abilities
Edge Blessed Hunter Brewing Champion Favored Weapon Hand of the Ancestors Hard March One with Nature Rage Pathspeaker Spirit-seer Trackless Step Tribal Elder Prerequisite Oath-bound Craft: Brewing (any specialty) 1+, First Aid (Herbal Remedies) 1+ Any Combat skill 8+ None Oath-bound Survival 6+ Insight 6+, Language 4+ in your peoples tongue, Language 4+ in foreign tongue Hard March, Vitality 8+ Insight 6+, Language 4+ in your peoples tongue, Language 4+ in foreign tongue Observe 6+, Wisdom 4+ Survival 9+ or Observe (Track) 6+ 4+ ranks in two different Lore skills, Bearing 7+, Age in the Old or Aged category for your race Upgrade? No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No Yees Yes No

Blessed Hunter
You revere the god of the hunt and the wilds, knowing him or her by name or in the form of a totem.


Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade:

Oath-bound (Never kill for sport and never waste any useful part of an animal you have slain) You gain a +2 bonus to skills useful in the wilderness (Survival, Track, etc.) at Narrators discretion; this includes Armed or Ranged Combat when foraging. No

Your knowledge of plants, herbs, and beasts allows you to brew poisons, elixirs, or create salves and poultices. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Craft: Brewing (any specialty) 1+, First Aid (Herbal Remedies) 1+ You have the ability to create consumables that can be used to harm or help others depending on your Craft: Brewing specialties. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, select a type of brewed item (determined by your specialties) and an aspect of it -- the particular aspects stage TN is reduced by 2 TN for the extended test to create the item.

You are one of the chief protectors and warriors of your people. Prerequisite: Effect: Any Combat skill 8+ You gain a +1 bonus to attack, dodge, and parry/block tests against a specified enemy. At the Narrators discretion, this bonus may also be applied to other skills when they apply to tests concerning the specified enemy. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, you can either choose a new enemy and apply the same effects or increase the bonus against a particular enemy by +1 (max +3).


Favored Weapon
You have come to prefer a certain weapon over others and learning to use it to neglect of experience with other weapons. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None Select a Combat skill and specialty (for Armed and Ranged Combat skills). You gain an additional +2 bonus when using the selected skill/specialty and a 4 penalty to use other weapons. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, you gain an additional +2 bonus to use the selected weapon specialty and 2 to use other weapons (max +6/8 total) or select a new skill and/or specialty.

Hand of the Ancestors

Your people recognize in you the mark of ancestral favor, and it is believed that you are fated to perform some great deed. Prerequisite: Effect: Oath-bound (Protect your people and their interests above all else) Before performing some act on behalf of your people -- whether as warrior, leader, diplomat, or otherwise -you can spend one action to call on your ancestors and receive an extra point of Courage. You can only spend this point of Courage on an action you take on behalf of your people (which may be broadly defined). The point of Courage does not count toward the total number of Courage points you can spend on a single action or in a single round, but it must be used before the end of the scene, otherwise it will be lost. You can have only one extra point of Courage from this ability at any time. Note: Depending on the theology of your chronicle, you could interpret the extra Courage as arising from within the individual character as a form of self-inspiration, rather than coming from a supernatural source.) No



Hard March
You are accustomed to journeying long distances and over all sorts of terrain, doing it swiftly nonetheless. Prerequisite: Effect: Survival 6+ Select a specialty. You may move at normal movement through this type of terrain regardless of the conditions, barring any impediments that would normally be impossible to overcome such as a blocked or non-existent pass, a very wide river, etc. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, you may select a new specialty to gain this benefit for.


One with Nature

You no longer merely live in the wild; you have become part of it. Prerequisite: Effect: Survival 8+ In the region you inhabit (or a geographically and ecologically similar one), you can spend one action to make a TN 15 Survival test. For each level of success, add a +1 bonus to a physical skill test that you make in the same round or the next round. No


You create paths of communication between a barbaric peoples and outsiders. Prerequisite: Effect: Insight 6+, Language 4+ in your peoples tongue, Language 4+ in foreign tongue Add the following skills to your list of order skills: Debate, Inquire, Insight, Language, and Persuade. When making Language tests, treat a failure as one degree less severe for purposes of determining the level of misunderstanding. Additionally, when you serve as an interpreter, if the speaker makes a Debate, Inquire, Intimidate, or Persuade test, you can make the same test and use the better result (your result or the speakers) at your option. No


When locked in desperate combat, you can fly into a wild rage, shrugging off the strain of injury and fatigue. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Hard March, Vitality 8+ You may spend a point of Courage to fly into a rage, ignoring your Wound and Weariness penalties for a number of rounds equal to your Vitality bonus. You may use this ability only once each battle scene. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, the duration of your rage increases by 2 rounds.

You are able to sense power beyond the normal senses and commune with the spirits. Prerequisite: Effect: Observe 6+, Wisdom 4+ First, you gain Sense Power as a magical ability. Second, you can communicate with spirits of the dead. To do so, you must spend ten minutes entering a trance-like state. You can then attempt to communicate with a ghost or spirit within a radius equal to one mile per point of Bearing you have. This includes the spirits that inhabit fell beasts such as wights and werewolves, though more often your contact is with a nature spirit. If you know a particular spirit, you can attempt to contact that one; if more than one spirit is within range and you do not know any of them, select one at random. A spirit speaks remotely into your mind and does not leave the form it inhabits (if any) or know what your location is, unless you reveal that information. Your conversation with spirits is like any other: you may have to persuade a reluctant spirit to converse with you or give you information, and you must make Insight or Wisdom tests to avoid being tricked by false or misleading statements. A spirit with magical abilities may even attempt to enchant you with its speech.


Upgrade: Special:

The contact (and the trance) ends when you conclude the conversation or when a period of time has elapsed equal to one minute per point of Bearing you have. When the trance ends, you immediately make a TN 15 Stamina test, losing one Weariness level for each degree of failure. Yes. You require only one minute to enter the trancelike state necessary to communicate with spirits, and your Stamina test upon ending the trance is at TN 15. There are herbs, fungi, and other natural sources that can reduce the amount of time required to enter the trance and also prolong the trances duration. A TN 12 Knowledge: Herbs (or equivalent) test is required to know where to find them and a TN 12 Craft: Brewer to prepare it; the Brewing ability confers a +3 bonus to this test. A spirit seer who uses such a concoction can enter the trance in only one-quarter of the time normally required, and the trance can last for up to two minutes per point of Bearing. However, they can also incur a -1 penalty to tests the seer makes while conversing with a spirit, such as tests to persuade the spirit to reveal information or tests to see through deceptions.

Trackless Step
So woodcrafty you are that you can walk through natural areas without leaving a trail or traces of your passage behind. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Survival 9+ or Observe (Track) 6+ Select a Survival specialty that you have. Those who attempt to track you in this environment have a 8 penalty to their Observe (Track) test. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, you may select a new specialty to gain this benefit for or increase the tracking penalty by 2 (max 12 total).

Tribal Elder
With age, you have gained understanding and the respect of your people. Prerequisite: Effect: 4+ ranks in two different Lore skills, Bearing 7+, Age in the Old or Aged category for your race Add the following skills to your list of order skills: Debate, Inquire, Insight, Inspire, Lore, and Persuade. When you spend a point of Courage on tests made for one of these skills, the bonus from Courage increases by +1. If you join the Loremaster or Noble order, you pay only four picks to do so instead of five. No


Table 26: Businessman/Craftsman/Merchant Abilities
Edge Horsetrading Astute Avocation Awaken Animal Business Business Acumen Credit Enchantment High Standards Horse-trading Masterwork Pandering Preservation Procurement Refuge Specialization Speedy Work Train Animal None Train Animal Appropriate Craft 6+ or Enterprise: Business 6+ None Pandering, Connections Preservation, Appropriate Craft 10+ None Business Acumen 1 other Businessman/Craftsman/Merchant ability, Appropriate Craft 8+ Knowledge: Race 4+, Perception 6+ Masterwork, Appropriate Craft 8+ Horse-trading, Connections Business Armed Combat or Ranged Combat +4, weapon specialty Business Craft: Animal Handler 3+ Prerequisite Upgrade? No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes No


You are quite adept at appraising items as you keep abreast of current market prices and such. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Horsetrading Once per game session, you may re-roll an Appraise test and use the result of your preference. No

You have a second major talent or interest apart from your craft. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None Choose a skill from your racial skill list other than combat-related skills and gain a +3 bonus to all tests using that skill. No

Awaken Animal
The bond between a trainer or owner and animal can transcend the master/pet relationship. It may become deeper with more of an emotional connection between the two. This bond allows the animal to grow in intelligence and exceed its natural capabilities. To awaken an animal, the animal must win a contest of wills. The master or owner decides when to attempt to awaken the animal, but the animal must have enough advancement picks to acquire this ability. Prerequisite: Normal: Effect: Upgrade: Train Animal An animal may not act without a command from its master or through natural instinct (as warranted by the Narrator). This ability allows the animal companion to act independently and obtain orders similar to a PC. If the animal fails the Contest of Wills, then it can never be awakened. No

You own a place of trade where you conduct business. Prerequisite: Effect: Appropriate Craft 6+ or Enterprise: Business 6+ You can earn a profit for the business you conduct. Every month you earn an amount of money considered the average in the world (3d6+3 x100 dollars, 2d6+4 x1000 credits, etc.). You can also gamble to see if the current economy plays a factor in how well you prosper. To do this, roll to your monthly profit then make a TN 10 Enterprise: Business test and consult the table below. External factors can also affect the TN such as wars, competing products or services, etc. Note: This ability may not be suitable for PCs by tying them to a certain locale. Consult your Narrator before selecting this ability.

Table 27: Profit/Loss of a Business

Success Level Disastrous Failure Complete Failure Failure Marginal Success Complete Success Superior Success Extraordinary Success * - Based on what your average monthly profit. Upgrade: Yes. Every time you pick this edge, you increase your profit by +1d6. Profit/Loss* 25% 50% 75% 100% 125% 150% 200%

Business Acumen
You are skilled in all aspects of business. 88

Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade:

None You gain a +2 bonus to Enterprise: Business tests. No

You can obtain loans or lines of credit based on your reputation and business savvy. Prerequisite: Effect: Pandering, Connections To obtain the credit amount you desire, make a Enterprise: Business test of TN 7 +2 for every Wealth level your amount of credit desired is equivalent. You generally have one month to pay back 50% of the loan and must repay the rest back installments at 10% interest 2% for every level of success greater than Complete. If you fail to make a scheduled payment, the lender must make a recognition test against you with +5 TN. If it is successful, then you are labeled a bad credit risk and all Enterprise: Business test TNs are doubled when for future dealings with the lender or any of his associates. No


So skilled are you in creating items of beauty or strength that you are able to weave magical properties into them. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Preservation, Appropriate Craft 10+ You are able create items that have the ability to have magical powers stored in them. No

High Standards
As a professional, you hold the bar for your work at a higher level. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None You gain a +5 bonus to Craft, Smithcraft, or Stonecraft skill checks when Courage is spent instead of +3. No

You love to haggle over prices to get the best price when selling your wares or buying supplies from others. Prerequisite: Effect: Business Acumen You gain the Bargain specialty for free when you first purchase ranks in Debate or immediately if you dont have it. You also gain 2 ranks per one pick spent for Debate, but acquire a 2 penalty per pick (cumulative) spent for tests that require other Debate specialties or no specialties. No


The items you create are above and beyond the quality of average craftsmen. Prerequisite: Effect: 1 other Businessman/Craftsman/Merchant ability, Appropriate Craft 8+ When you score an Extraordinary Success while creating an item, it may imbue +1 damage, +1 AR, or +100% of its standard value for every 5 the test result is above the successes threshold (Craft TN +15, +20, +25, etc.). No



You know how to cater to the whims and natures of your customers. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Knowledge: Race 4+, Perception 6+ You may ignore all penalties for social skills when you make Influence tests. No

Your skill is so great that your worked items can stand the test of time. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Masterwork, Appropriate Craft 8+ Your masterwork items do not suffer the ravages of time or through normal wear and always seeming new, yet remain able to be damaged by attacks and the like. No

You are able to get almost anything at anytime for anyone. Prerequisite: Effect: Horse-trading, Connections You are able to acquire all sorts of items from common goods (TN 5) to exotic wares (TN 12) to illegal substances (TN 20). When attempting to acquire one of these types of items, make an Enterprise: Business test with an affinity bonus from your Enterprise: Streetwise skill. The degree of success will depend on how soon the item can be delivered: Marginal Success (-d6+3 days), Complete Success (d6 days), Superior Success (3d6 hours), and Extraordinary Success (1d6+3 hours). No


Though you have great skill and attention to detail, your works quality is also an aspect of the place where you perform your trade. Prerequisite: Effect: Business Select a place as your Refuge, be it your home or place of business, or a secret laboratory (Narrator's approval). You gain a +2 bonus to Craft, Engineering, and Repair and Spellcraft tests while in your refuge. Yes; four times. Every time you pick this ability, you gain an additional +2 bonus to these tests.


You are trained in both the art of combat and creation of weapons. Choose a weapon of which you have a specialty for. By melding knowledge of design with practical application, you are able to create better weapons. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Armed Combat or Ranged Combat +4, weapon specialty Add a +3 bonus to Smithcraft (or Craft for arrows) tests when creating a weapon of the chosen type, regardless if you have the specialty in more than one combat skill. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, you select a new specialty.

Speedy Work
You are able to complete tasks quickly and produce your wares in a timelier manner than most. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Business Decrease the time for creating an item by 25%. Yes; twice. Every time you pick this ability, you decrease the time for creating an item by an additional 25% of the base time (max 75% total).


Train Animal
An animal may be trained to accomplish several different tasks or tricks on command. To train an animal, make an Craft: Train Animals test against the animal's Willpower. A contest of wills (see pg. 222, Core Rule Book) may be made, in lieu of the Craft test, to train an animal and must be won by the trainer or owner for the training to succeed. If the animal wins the contest of wills, the animal cannot be trained and no retry is allowed. If the animal becomes trained, this ability is then listed along with the animals other special abilities. The animal must have enough advancement picks to acquire this ability. Regardless of the type of skill (trained or untrained), the animal is limited to learning the trained skills at the Narrator's discretion. Regardless of skill type (trained or untrained), the Narrator may decide which skills the animal has access to. This ability applies to all conditions outside of the benefits gained from Steady and War-trained. Prerequisite: Normal: Effect: Craft: Animal Handler 3+ Animals aren't able to act except through their own instincts. They may only gain ranks in skills, which may be used untrained. This ability allows the animal to act upon command by its master or owner and gain ranks in skills that are trained. After first failed attempt to train the animal, an amount of time equal to the difference (in days) between the Persuade and Willpower rolls must pass before the second attempt can be made at a -2 penalty. The penalty is cumulative for each retry. No


Table 28: Cleric/Mystic/Priest Abilities
Edge Astral Projection Channeling Conviction Doom Enlightenment Faiths Virtue Hidden Strength Inquisition Inspiration Meditation Mind Over Body Pilgrims Faith Talisman True Sight Visions Wanderer Prerequisite Faiths Virtue, 2 other Cleric/Mystic/Priest abilities Faiths Virtue, 2 other Cleric/Mystic/Priest abilities None Conviction, Intimidate 6+ Inspiration None Channeling Conviction Conviction, Faiths Virtue Mind Over Body Faiths Virtue, Vitality 8+ Wanderer Channeling Faiths Virture, Wisdom 5+ Faiths Virtue, Knowledge: Religion 9+ Vitality 6+ Upgrade? Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes No No No No No No No Yes No

Astral Projection
Due to your intense devotion and discipline to the art of inner reflection and power of mind, you are able to separate your mental essence your astral form from your body. Prerequisite: Effect: Meditation Through focused meditation, you are able to separate your mind from your body and gaining the ability to travel anywhere. When this happens, your body immediately enters a death-like coma from which very little is able to force your astral form back and to conscious. Your astral form looks exactly as you do in the real world and you have the equivalent equipment on your body as well. You have total freedom of movement in any direction at a speed equal to your rank in this ability x standard movement and your run distance doubles for each rank. Your form is nearly invisible, requiring a TN 15 Observe (Spot or Sense Power) test except for those with ESP (Psionics). You cannot affect the real world in any way except by the means of magic or psionic powers and your form is vulnerable only to the same from the real world. Even without the Telepathy skill, you are able to converse with any one person in the real world in this manner at a time. While in this state, you can see and interact with other astral forms normally. 91


You can leave your body for as long as you like, but your body could die as it is still vulnerable to real world threats. While away, you are unaware of what is happening around your body unless it suffers damage. Your mind can be forced back to your body either by some psychic/psionic means or through extremely powerful and dangerous drugs (TN 25 Medicine test). If your body dies while it and your mind is separated, you must make a TN 20 Willpower test with a bonus to the roll equal to the number of ranks you have in this ability; if you fail, you die. A successful test will cause you to remain in astral form. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, you gain either additional ranks in the ability or the ability to travel to other dimensions (TN 20 appropriate Psi skill test, additional ranks can reduce the TN by 2). In these other dimensions, you are in astral form unless it is an astral dimension where itd perceived as normal.

Your faith and purity of heart towards your god allows you to act as a conduit of its power to affect yourself, others, and the world around you in similar fashion to practitioners of the arcane arts. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Faiths Virtue, 2 other Cleric/Mystic/Priest abilities You have the ability to cast spells and gain 5 spell picks to spend on acquiring or augmenting spells. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, you gain 5 more spell picks.

Your demonstration of sincere and ardent faith helps you to bring others around to your point of view. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None You gain an affinity bonus to Influence tests from Knowledge: Religion. No

You speak with the voice of authority for your deity, pronouncing doom upon those who dare stand in deviance of you and/or your cause. Prerequisite: Effect: Conviction, Intimidate 6+ As a full-round action, you may make an Intimidate test with an affinity bonus from Knowledge: Religion against a specific target at a TN equal to its Bearing. That target loses a number of points of Courage based on degree of success (1 for complete, 2 for superior, 3 for extraordinary); if the enemy does not have enough Courage points, he suffers a 2 penalty on all Willpower tests per Courage point it would have lost for the rest of the scene. You may use this ability only once each encounter. No


Your aura of spirituality commands awe and respect. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Inspiration Hostile opponents are required to make a Willpower test of TN 5 + your Renown modifier + affinity bonus from Knowledge: Religion. Yes; once. Double the affinity bonus from Knowledge: Religion.

Faiths Virtue
Through your devotion and study of your chosen faith, your god (of a monotheistic faith or chosen from a polytheistic faith) or conceptual object of worship (life, nature, etc.) you favor bestows its grace upon you. Prerequisite: Effect: None By invoking your focus of worship, for inspiration or warding off hostile threats, you achieve a greater effect than others do. First, when invoking words of power and spend Courage, you gain an additional +2 bonus per point of Courage spent instead of +1. Second, doing so to provide inspiration, you gain an additional +1 bonus. Third, your focus of worship grants you special bonuses unique to it; consult your Narrator when determining this. No 92


Hidden Strength
As one who channels the divine power of your faith, you have hidden reserves of strength upon which you may call in times of need. For a brief period each day, you may redouble your efforts and weariness will not touch you as you use your magical powers. Prerequisite: Effect: Channeling For a period of time equal to half your Vitality (rounded down, minimum 1), in rounds, you gain a +6 bonus to Weariness tests for the purposes of spellcasting. Upon the end of the duration, you immediately lose 2 levels of Weariness. Yes. You gain the Weariness test bonus for spellcasting for an number of additional rounds equal to your Vitality modifier (minimum 1) and at the end of the duration, you immediately lose 3 levels of Weariness.


Your powers of persuasion and inquisitiveness allow you to glean information from the masses. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Conviction You may ignore all social test penalties when making Inquire (Converse) tests. No

Using your eloquence and knowledge of religion, you are able to encourage others. Prerequisite: Effect: Conviction, Faiths Virtue Once per chapter, you may make an Inspire test of TN 10 +1 per person listening with an affinity from Knowledge: Religion to allow them to recover 1 Courage point per level of success. The test requires 10 minutes +1 minute for every person listening and may be treated as an extended test. No


You derive inner strength from ritual contemplation. Prerequisite: Effect: Mind Over Body Once per game day, you may make a Knowledge: Religion test with a TN equal to your Strength + Vitality (all physical modifiers apply) to regain 1 Courage point. The time to do this is 10 minutes and the TN is reduced by 2 for every 5 additional minutes spent meditating (max 6). No


Mind Over Body

Whether through intense physical conditioning or fierce conviction, you are able remove yourself from pain. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Faiths Virtue, Vitality 8+ When making a Stamina test, you roll 3d6 and choose the best two before adding any modifiers. The double sixes rule still applies. No


Pilgrims Faith
Your many travels have hardened you resolve when living in hostile environments. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Wanderer Once per game session, you may re-roll one Survival test and use the result of your preference. No

You possess a talisman of power that aids you in channeling divine power. Prerequisite: Effect: Channeling When you have your talisman, you gain a +2 to the test for activating spells or Stamina tests against Weariness (including those imposed by the Endurance ability). If your talisman were taken from you, it does not confer the bonuses to anyone else. No


True Sight
Your pure heart and keen mind are not fooled by the trickeries of illusion and sleight of hand. Prerequisite: Effect: Faiths Virture, Wisdom 5+ Same effect as the Extraordinary Sense ability, but pertains to illusions of the senses. You also get a +5 bonus to tests vs. Legerdemain. This ability doesnt come into effect against Invisibility or those that are hidden via Stealth. No


The connection you have with the object of your devotion is so strong that when it warrants, you receive visions of the past, present, and future. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Faiths Virtue, Knowledge: Religion 9+ You gain the Foresighted edge, waiving the prerequisites. Yes; twice. Every time you pick this ability, you increase the frequency of your visions. With the first upgrade, you now can use this ability once per chapter, but you also gain the Easily Distracted flaw. With the second upgrade, you now can use this ability once per game session, but you also double the penalty from the flaw. The flaws penalty is a permanent penalty for all tests since you must now cope with these frequent and distracting premonitions.

Your wanderings on pilgrimages and personal quests have toughened your body against the rigorous physical activity. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Vitality 6+ You gain a +5 bonus to Stamina tests against Weariness. No


Table 29: Conjurer/Mage/Wizard Abilities
Edge Brewing Endurance Focus Hidden Strength Permanence Spellcasting Spell Specialty Staff Prerequisite Craft: Brewing (any specialty) 1+, First Aid (Herbal Remedies) 1+ Spellcasting, 2 other Conjurer/Mage/Wizard abilities Spellcasting Spellcasting Spellcasting, 4 other Conjurer/Mage/Wizard abilities None Spellcasting Spellcasting Upgrade? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No

Your knowledge of plants, herbs, and beasts allows you to brew poisons, elixirs, or create salves and poultices Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Craft: Brewing (any specialty) 1+, First Aid (Herbal Remedies) 1+ You have the ability to create consumables that can be used to harm or help others depending on your Craft: Brewing specialties. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, select a type of brewed item (determined by your specialties) and an aspect of it. The selected aspects stage TN is reduced by 2 TN for the extended test to create the item.

You possess great fortitude and presence of mind to be able to cast spells with greater ability. Prerequisite: Effect: Spellcasting, 2 other Conjurer/Mage/Wizard abilities Make TN 7 Stamina test. If successful, you are able to cast an additional spell as a free action with no multiple action penalty. If you fail, then you cannot cast further spells this round or make any further tests that would incur multiple action penalties. Yes; three times. Every time you pick this ability, you gain the ability to cast additional spells as free actions in one round, but for each subsequent free action the Stamina test increases by +5 TN. If you have multiple free actions to cast spells and fail a Stamina test, you may not attempt to make use of any further free actions for casting spells or make tests that would incur multiple action penalties.


You have focused your study of magic in a particular area such as the elements or protection. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Spellcasting Select a type of spell focus. You gain a +2 bonus for activating spells of this type and any tests associated with the spells of this type. Yes. Each time you pick this ability, you must select a new type of spell focus.

Hidden Strength
As one who wields arcane might, you have hidden reserves of strength upon which you may call in times of need. For a brief period each day, you may redouble your efforts and weariness will not touch you as you use your magical powers Prerequisite: Effect: Spellcasting For a period of time equal to half your Vitality (rounded down, minimum 1), in rounds, you gain a +6 bonus to Weariness tests for the purposes of spellcasting. Upon the end of the duration, you immediately lose 2 levels of Weariness. Yes. You gain the Weariness test bonus for spellcasting for an number of additional rounds equal to your Vitality modifier (minimum 1) and at the end of the duration, you immediately lose 3 levels of Weariness.



You are able to make spells last forever until dispelled. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Spellcasting, 4 other Conjurer/Mage/Wizard abilities A spellcaster has the ability to make spells with a duration (Narrator's discretion) permanent by adding +10 TN to the spells activation test. The spell will continue to be in effect until dispelled. Yes; twice. Each time you pick this ability, the TN increase is +7 TN and +5 TN, respectively.

Through great study or essence of bloodline, you are able to tap the power of arcane energies that pervade the world. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None Note: This ability must the first acquired ability of this profession. You have the ability to cast spells and 5 spell picks to spend on acquiring or augmenting spells. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, you gain 5 more spell picks.

Spell Specialty
You are quite practiced in the casting of a particular spell. Prerequisite: Effect: Spellcasting Pick a spell that you know or spell-like ability. Your experience in the use of this power allows you to augment one of these aspects: activation TN (reduce TN by 2), duration (+1d6 units of duration), damage (+2 damage), or range (+1d6 units of range). Yes. Every time you pick this ability, you may select the same aspect of a spell, select a new aspect of a spell, or select a new spell or spell-like ability and one its aspects to augment.


You possess a staff of power that aids you in your spellcasting. Prerequisite: Effect: Spellcasting When you have your staff, you gain a +2 to the test for activating spells or Stamina tests against Weariness (including those imposed by the Endurance ability). If your staff were taken from you, it does not confer the bonuses to anyone else. No


Table 30: Diplomat/Noble/Politician Abilities
Edge Acclaim Anticipate Opposition Deference Doom Educated Gain Trust Insight Mien of a Leader New Order Skill Poker Face Power Player Rally Upwardly Mobile Prerequisite Renown 6+ Insight, Bearing 6+ Appropriate Rank, Bearing 6+ Anticipate Opposition, Intimidate 6+ None Courtier Perception 8+ Appropriate Rank, Bearing 8+ None Insight Mien of a Leader, Knowledge: Politics 4+ Mien of a Leader, Bearing 8+, Inspire 6+ Acclaim, Power Player Upgrade? No No Yes No No No No Yes Yes No No No No

You have worked hard to improve and strengthen your reputation for use in dealing with others. 96

Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade:

Renown 6+ When someone makes a recognition test against you, they gain a +5 bonus to the test. If you are recognized, double your Renown bonus for the duration of the encounter. No

Anticipate Opposition
While able to see into the hearts and minds of those around you, you are able to make convincing arguments through passion and wisdom. Prerequisite: Effect: Insight, Bearing 6+ You gain a +2 bonus to Debate and Influence tests when trying to convince those of greater rank than you (more picks in the Rank edge) such as nobles, bureaucrats, heads of state, and the like to your point of view. Also, if you spend 10 minutes or more with a group of people, you may make a TN 10 Perception test to evaluate the relationships and dynamics within it (who defers to whom, who is the leader, etc.) No


Those of royalty or who through their personal presence or office command the respect and obeisance. Prerequisite: Effect: Appropriate Rank, Bearing 6+ To reflect this attitude, you gain a +2 bonus to all social skills except Influence (Inspire and Intimidate) tests used with or against your subjects or electorate and a +1 bonus against those not under your rule or of your constituency. Yes; three times. Every time you pick this ability, you gain an additional +2 and +1 bonus to social tests except Influence (Inspire and Intimidate) tests made against the respective groups.


You speak with the voice of authority, pronouncing doom upon those who dare stand in deviance of you and/or your cause. Prerequisite: Effect: Anticipate Opposition, Intimidate 6+ As a full-round action, you may make an Intimidate test with an affinity bonus from Knowledge: Religion against a specific target at a TN equal to its Bearing. That target loses a number of points of Courage based on degree of success (1 for complete, 2 for superior, 3 for extraordinary); if the enemy does not have enough Courage points, he suffers a 2 penalty on all Willpower tests per Courage point it would have lost for the rest of the scene. You may use this ability only once each encounter. No


You gain a vast collection of knowledge in your travels and dealings with others. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None You may use all Knowledge skill untrained and when you acquired ranks in a new Knowledge skill, you gain the first specialty for free. No


Gain Trust
You are good at getting people to trust you even if they are hostile. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Courtier You gain a +4 bonus to Debate (Parley) tests. On a successful result, you also change the interaction stance of those listening to you one category better. No

As you must constantly deal in half-truths and equivocation, you are also quite apt in seeing through deception. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Perception 8+ When you make a Wisdom test, you roll 3d6 and choose the best two before adding any modifiers. The double sixes rule still applies. No

Mien of a Leader
You have the gift of command and leadership over your subjects or constituency. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Appropriate Rank, Bearing 6+ You gain a +2 bonus to Influence (Inspire and Intimidate) tests against your subjects or the people you represent. Yes; three times. Every time you pick this ability, you gain an additional +2 Influence (Inspire and Intimidate) tests made against your people.

New Order Skill

Due to the ever-changing nature of your station or profession, you encounter and learn many new and interesting things. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None Select a skill that is not listed as one of your profession skills. This skill is now considered a profession skill for the purposes of acquiring ranks during advancement. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, choose a new skill.

Poker Face
You can make authoritative statements but not be entirely truthful. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Insight You may ignore all penalties for social skills when you make Influence (Bluff) tests. No

Power Player
You know how to leverage your position and manipulate bureaucracies. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Mien of a Leader, Knowledge: Politics 4+ You gain an affinity bonus to Enterprise: Administration test from Knowledge: Politics. No


You possess a commanding demeanor that bolsters your friends and followers during times of crisis. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Mien of a Leader, Bearing 8+, Inspire 6+ During a battle scene all allies who can see you and hear your voice receive a +2 bonus on all tests to resist fear, grief, and domination. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, you gain an additional +2 bonus (max +8).

Upwardly Mobile
You know how to get what you want when you want it mostly based on your reputation and achievements. Prerequisite: Effect: Acclaim, Power Player You may purchase the Rank edge and upgrades to it at half the normal cost. You may also permanently remove one upgrade from your Rank to substitute it for one prerequisite for an ability or purchasing an Elite Profession. No


Table 31: Mercenary/Seaman/Soldier/Warrior Abilities
Edge Anticipate Thy Enemy Battle-hardened Battle-tested Buccaneer Capable Diver Duty Evasion Familiar Systems Favored Weapon Intrepid Lucky Strike Natural Fighter Never Say Die New Order Skill Reconnaissance Rope-craft Sailors Eye Sea Legs Staunch Defender Survival Training Swift Strike Tactical Advantage Well-briefed Prerequisite Tactics 6+ Stamina 4+, Vitality 8+ None Sea Legs Intrepid, Multitasking Vitality 6+ None Agility 6+ None Any Combat skill 6+ Duty OR New Order Skill Intrepid Agility 9+, Strength 8+ None None Perception 8+ Agility 6+ Perception 6+ None Never Say Die, Nimbleness 8+ None Armed Combat or Unarmed Combat 8+, Agility 6+ Reconnaissance Reconnaissance, Tactics 4+ Upgrade? No No No No No Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes No No No No No No Yes No No Yes No No

Anticipate Thy Enemy

You have studied the mind and art of combat of your enemy and have learned how to read an opponent, giving you a great advantage over him in combat. Prerequisite: Effect: Tactics 6+ Choose an enemy race, nation, school or philosophy of combat that you have a specialty for. Perform a TN 10 Insight test against an opponent. You gain a +1 bonus per level of success to all combat tests against a specific opponent for the duration of combat. This ability costs one combat action and can be performed against multiple opponents during combat. If the Insight test fails, this ability cannot be used against the particular opponent until after the current combat has ended. 99



You have learned how to function while injured, stunned, and fatigued. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Stamina 4+, Vitality 8+ You gain +1 Health and reduce physical test penalties from injury, stun effects, or Weariness by 1. No

You are a veteran of skirmishes and battles and experience gives you the edge in attaining victorious results. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None You gain an additional +2 bonus when using Courage for Tactics, System Operation (Command, Nav Control, Weapons), Operate Vehicle tests for combat craft (spaceships, jet fighters, tanks, siege engines, etc.). No

You excel at naval combat. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Sea Legs You may spend a point of Courage to receive a +2 bonus to all physical skill tests while fighting on a ship, bridge, riverbank, or ford. This bonus lasts for the rest of the combat. No

You are able to manage many activities in rapid succession Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Intrepid, Multitasking Reduce all multiple action penalties by 2. No

You are a strong swimmer, accustomed to rough seas and strong currents while holding your breath for a long period of time. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Vitality 6+ You are able to hold your breath for +1 minute more than normal and gain a +2 bonus to Athletics: Swim tests. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, you can hold your breath an additional +1 minutes and gain an additional +1 bonus to Athletics: Swim tests.

You have committed yourself to serving a government or ruler as a professional in the military or other defense force as an enlisted man, officer, or agent. Prerequisite: Effect: None This ability allows you to automatically join one of these Elite Professions: Assassin/Spy, Captain/Command Officer/Knight, Counselor/Doctor/Medicine-man, Engineer/Operations Officer, Helm/Flight Control/Navigator/Pilot, Ranger/Special Forces, or Investigator/Security/Weapons Officer. Select one of the Elite Professions skill packages and a Profession Ability. Note: This ability is best used in modern or futuristic games. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, you may use it as a prerequisite as specified for another Elite Profession, but the rules for multiple professions still apply.



You are a strong swimmer, accustomed to rough seas and strong currents while holding your breath for a long period of time. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Agility 6+ When performing a dodge action, you roll 3d6 and choose the best two before adding any modifiers. The double sixes rule still applies. No

Familiar Systems
You are able to use your country or races technology with ease. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None You are able to make Computer Use, Repair, or System Operation tests while using familiar equipment in half the base time. No

Favored Weapon
You have come to prefer a certain weapon over others and learning to use it to neglect of experience with other weapons. Prerequisite: Effect: Any Combat skill 6+ Select a Combat skill and specialty (for Armed and Ranged Combat skills). You gain an additional +2 bonus when using the selected skill/specialty or unarmed style and a 4 penalty to use other weapons or styles. Note: This ability can only be acquired for one weapon or style only. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, you gain an additional +2 bonus to use the selected weapon specialty or unarmed style and 2 to use other weapons (max +6/8 total) or select a new skill and/or specialty.


You are the best of the best of the best. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Duty OR New Order Skill You gain an additional +2 bonus when using Courage for professional skills. No

Lucky Strike
Your courageous heart blesses you with good fortune, and sometimes you land a lucky blow that would otherwise be turned aside. Prerequisite: Effect: Intrepid When making an attack test, you may spend a point of Courage and roll an extra die (for 3d6 total) for your attack test, keeping the two highest dice. The normal rule of double 6's still applies. If your attack hits, you receive a +3 bonus to the damage dealt by that attack. You may use this ability only once per combat. Yes. Every time pick this ability, you gain an additional use of this ability per combat.


Natural Fighter
From the moment you first picked up a weapon or began learning to defend yourself, all could see that you were destined for greatness. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Agility 9+, Strength 8+ Select a combat skill. When you spend a 1 point of Courage, you gain a +2 bonus to all tests using this skill for a number of rounds equal to your Agility and Strength modifiers combined. No

Never Say Die

You represent the spirit of your people, especially those who defend it. 101

Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade:

None Once per game session, you may re-roll one Willpower test and use the result of your preference. No

New Order Skill

You encounter and learn many new and interesting things in your travels to all sorts of destinations and posts. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None Select a skill that is not listed as one of your profession skills. This skill is now considered a profession skill for the purposes of acquiring ranks during advancement. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, choose a new skill.

Youve been taught observation techniques for investigating their surroundings for hazards, enemies, etc. Prerequisite: Effect: Perception 8+ You gain an affinity bonus to Inquire (Investigate) tests from Observe. Also, you can make a TN 10 Observe test to identify any conditions that would confer physical test modifiers (bonuses and penalties) in a given area and the extent that they would affect combat (Low: 1-2, Medium: 3-4, High: 5 or greater). No


You are particularly skillful in tying knots and other rope-related tasks. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Agility 6+ You gain a +4 bonus to Legerdemain (Rope Use) tests and Athletics: Escape Artist tests to free oneself from rope. No

Sailors Eye
Reading the weather and understanding weather patterns is essential to the life of someone who lives on or near the sea. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Perception 6+ You gain a +4 bonus to Science: Physical (Meteorology) tests on or near large bodies of water. No

Sea Legs
Unlike landlubbers, you find yourself quite at ease aboard a ship rocking on the sea. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None You gain a +2 bonus to Acrobatics (Balance) tests while aboard a ship and never have to make Stamina tests to resist seasickness. Yes; three times. Every time you pick this ability, you gain a +2 bonus to Acrobatics (Balance) tests while aboard a ship (max +8 total).


Staunch Defender
You are a stalwart fighter adept at defending against many foes. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Never Say Die, Nimbleness 8+ When you take extra actions in combat beyond your normal action allowance and use them to make parry, block, or dodge tests, the penalty to the action test is only -3 cumulative instead of the normal -5 cumulative. No

Survival Training
You have been trained in techniques for survival in a multitude of environments. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None You gain a +2 bonus to all Survival tests and an additional +2 bonus when using a specialty. No

Swift Strike
You fight with speed and grace, able to attack and counterattack more easily than others. Prerequisite: Effect: Favored Weapon, Armed Combat or Unarmed Combat 8+ Make a TN 10 Swiftness test. If successful, you are able to make another Armed or Unarmed Combat action as a free action with no multiple action penalty. If you fail, then you cannot make any further actions this round that would incur multiple action penalties. Yes; three times. Every time you pick this ability, you gain the ability to make an additional Armed or Unarmed Combat action as a free action, but for each subsequent free action the Swiftness test increases by +2 TN. If you have multiple free actions to make combat actions and fail an Swiftness test, you may not attempt to make use of any further free actions for Armed or Unarmed combat actions or make any further tests that would incur multiple action penalties.


Tactical Advantage
You are able to combine your knowledge of the area with your combat experience to gain an advantage. Prerequisite: Effect: Reconnaissance, Tactics 4+ When you use your Reconnaissance ability to scout the physical test modifiers of a given area, you can reduce any one penalty in half (rounded up) or double any bonus. If you are able to communicate with your companions, the benefit also applies to them. No


You dont go into any potentially hostile land or unknown territory without proper preparation. Prerequisite: Effect: Reconnaissance If your mission or adventure lasts more than a few days (modern or futuristic games) or a few weeks (fantasy or medieval games), you gain a new specialty to your Knowledge: World or Knowledge: Country or Knowledge: Realm skill. No



Table 32: Rogue/Thief Abilities
Edge Backstab Con Artist Fast Guile Hit and Run Johnny-on-the-Spot Lightning Reflexes Lurker Sabotage Safecracker Safehouse Signature Streetsmart Surprise Attack Prerequisite 1 other Rogue/Thief ability (Surprise Attack), Agility 8+ Enterprise: Streetwise 3+, Bearing 6+ Agility 6+ None Guile, Lurking in the Shadows Fast Agility 6+, Quick-draw None Guile, Intellect 8+ Legerdemain 6+, Intellect 8+ None Streetsmart, Renown 3+ Con Artist, Guile Guile, Alert or Quick-draw Upgrade? No No No Yes No No Yes No Yes No Yes No No Yes

You have the particular ability of striking down your enemies from behind or by surprise. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: 1 other Rogue/Thief ability (Surprise Attack), Agility 8+ You receive a +5 bonus to your attack test and immediately gain the initiative the next round on the opponent you just attacked. You may only use this ability once per opponent per combat sequence. No

Con Artist
You are able to get what you want through deceit and trickery. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Enterprise: Streetwise 3+, Bearing 6+ When you make an Influence test, you roll 3d6 and choose the best two before adding any modifiers. The double sixes rule still applies. No

You have the swiftness of the wind, enabling you to escape capture or run down a fleeing adversary. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Agility 6+ You gain a +2 bonus to Athletics: Run tests and reduce physical penalties on your movement by half (rounded up). No

Your experience and a little luck guide your lifes fortune. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None Once per game session you may re-roll any profession skill test with a +2 and use the result of your preference. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, you may make an additional re-roll of an profession skill per game session.

Hit and Run

You excel at slipping out of sight and hiding from your foes and attacking while they are unaware. 104

Prerequisite: Effect:


Guile, Lurking in the Shadows During a fight, as a full-round action you may move at up to your Run distance in order to get behind nearby concealment (a dense grove, a dark shadow, behind a wall). As long as you do not move, no enemies can attack you unless one of them performs a successful Search test (costing 1 action) opposed by your Stealth (Hide). If you are not discovered, you may strike with surprise or from behind. No

You have the uncanny ability of showing up at the right time and act before anyone else. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Fast You gain a +3 bonus to Swiftness tests for Initiative. No

Lightning Reflexes
You are able to reload a weapon faster than others. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Agility 6+, Quick-draw You may make one Reload action as a free action. Yes.. Every time you select this ability, you gain one additional Reload action for free (Nimbleness modifier max).

You have great skill in making sure you arent seen either through altering your appearance or keeping out of view of others. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None You gain an additional +2 bonus when using Courage for Impersonate and Stealth tests. No

You know how to disable or destroy equipment and systems. Prerequisite: Effect: Guile, Intellect 8+ Select one of these skills: Computer Use, Demolitions, any Engineering, or System Operation. You gain 1 rank in this skill and the Sabotage specialty. The skill is also regarded as a profession skill for the purposes of advancement. Yes; five times. Every time you pick this ability, you may select a new skill.


You are extremely skilled in the arts of breaking into secured items and locations. Prerequisite: Effect: Legerdemain 6+, Intellect 8+ You gain a +2 bonus to Legerdemain (Pick Locks) and Computer Use (Hacking) tests for the purpose of picking locks or bypassing security systems and protocols. Also, you only suffer half the penalty for not using the proper tools or any tools at all. No



You have a place to hide when the heat is on. Prerequisite: Effect: None You have a secret apartment, warehouse, hideout, etc. that no one knows about. For others to find the safehouse requires a TN 15 Inquire (Search) test modified by your Forgery affinity bonus if your safehouse is a house, apartment, or building or Conceal affinity bonus if you safehouse in not in a populated area or secret rooms in a building or underground within a populated area. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, increase the base TN to find your safehouse by +3 TN.


After long years in the game, you have developed your own style of how you pull jobs or do business. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Streetsmart, Renown 3+ Upon rolling any number of extraordinary successes for profession skill tests, you gain +1 Renown at the end of the chapter. No

You are able to handle yourself in the underworld of any city and any planet. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Con Artist, Guile You gain an affinity bonus to Enterprise: Streetwise from Knowledge: World or Knowledge: Realm or Knowledge: specific city. If you don have one of these skills, double the attribute bonus for the skill. No

Surprise Attack
You are quick to use your advantage of surprise or turn an opponents misfortune into an opportunity for you. Prerequisite: Effect: Guile, Alert or Quick-draw Anytime your opponent is surprised in combat, prone, or similar situation as deemed by the Narrator, you gain a +2 bonus to you attack against the opponent. This ability can be used a number of times per combat equal to your Perception modifier. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, you gain an additional +2 bonus (max +8) to the surprise attack or increase the number of uses by 1 (max 4).



Elite Profession Abilities

I am leaving the task of placing abilities into tiers to the Narrator if he so chooses to use that ability scheme.

Table 33: Adept/Archbishop Abilities
Edge Greater Channeling Hidden Strength Hidden Strength As one who channels the divine power of your faith, you have hidden reserves of strength upon which you may call in times of need. For a brief period each day, you may redouble your efforts and weariness will not touch you as you use your magical powers. Prerequisite None Channeling Willpower 4+ Upgrade? Yes Yes No

Prerequisite: Channeling Effect: For a period of time equal to half your Vitality (rounded down, minimum Upgrade: Yes. You gain the Weariness test bonus for spellcasting for an number of additiona Imposing Impenetrable Mind None No Mental Block Vitality 9+, Intellect 9+ Yes Sense Power Greater Channeling, Perception 8+ No

Greater Channeling
Through great devotion and sacrifice, you are able to tap the divine power of your object of worship. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None Note: This ability must the first acquired ability of this elite profession. You have the ability to cast spells and 5 spell picks to spend on acquiring or augmenting spells. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, you gain 5 more spell picks.

Hidden Strength
As one who channels the divine power of your faith, you have hidden reserves of strength upon which you may call in times of need. For a brief period each day, you may redouble your efforts and weariness will not touch you as you use your magical powers. Prerequisite: Effect: Channeling For a period of time equal to half your Vitality (rounded down, minimum 1), in rounds, you gain a +6 bonus to Weariness tests for the purposes of spellcasting. Upon the end of the duration, you immediately lose 2 levels of Weariness. Yes. You gain the Weariness test bonus for spellcasting for an number of additional rounds equal to your Vitality modifier (minimum 1) and at the end of the duration, you immediately lose 3 levels of Weariness.



Your great wisdom, majesty, and power is demonstrated through your dealings with others. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Greater Channeling, Willpower 4+ You gain an additional +2 bonus when using Courage for Influence (Inspire or Intimidate) tests. No

Impenetrable Mind
Your mind has strength against outside influences. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Greater Channeling You gain a +4 bonus to Willpower tests or Mind Shield tests (if you have the skill). No


Mental Block
You have the power to temporarily reject the discomfort of pain and fatigue. Prerequisite: Effect: Vitality 9+, Intellect 9+ Upon a successful TN 10 Stamina test, you may ignore half the penalties due to injury, stun effects, and Weariness (rounded up) for one hour. This can be extended each hour but the Stamina test has a cumulative +5 TN. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, the base time covered by the first Stamina test is increased by one hour.


Sense Power
Your powers of perception are distinctly attuned to the world about you. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Greater Channeling, Perception 8+ You are able to use the spell Sense Power as if it were a spell-like ability. No

Ambassador/Head of State/Ruler
Table 34: Ambassador/Head of State/Ruler
Edge Adamant Resolve Cultural Proficiency Diplomatic Immunity Embassy Exploitation Infiltration Inoculated Magnanimous Master Negotiator Tact Prerequisite None None Knowledge: Law 6+ Diplomatic Immunity Infiltration Cultural Proficiency 1 advancement in Ambassador/Head of State/Ruler None Magnanimous Magnanimous Upgrade? No No No No Yes No No No No No

Adamant Resolve
You display amazing determination and resoluteness as a representative of your planet, government, or realm. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None You may add your Bearing modifier to Wisdom tests. No

Cultural Proficiency
You have an immense knowledge of different cultures: their history, customs, laws, etc. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None You may use all Knowledge skill untrained. Also, if you are making a skill test with a specialty and you have that specialty in another skill, you gain an affinity bonus from the other skill. No


Diplomatic Immunity
You cannot be arrested for minor crimes you commit while at place that is under the authority of another government or rulership. Prerequisite: Effect: Knowledge: Law 6+ To avoid being arrested, you must make an opposed Knowledge: Law test against the local constabulary. You could attempt to assert that the immunity also extends to any number of associates, conferring a 1 penalty to the test per person. No


You rely on your personality and bearing to put others at ease. Prerequisite: Effect: Diplomatic Immunity To keep the embassy running smoothly, you must make a monthly TN 10 Enterprise: Administration test. In a time of crisis, the test is TN 15. In a time of war, the test is TN 20. Failed tests confer a 1 penalty per level of failure to all personnel at the embassy, including yourself. You may attempt another Enterprise: Administration test with a cumulative +2 TN every day after the first failure until either you succeed or a week goes by. If a week has passed without recovering control, the embassy will be shut down for 1d6+2 days if the situation is calm, 2d6+4 days if there is a crisis, and it will be evacuated and wont open again until the end of hostilities during wartime. No


Your time spent analyzing a culture has revealed to you their strengths and weaknesses. Prerequisite: Effect: Infiltration You may make a TN 15 Science: Social test to determine a realm, country, or races strengths and weaknesses (social test modifiers). During all future social tests against someone of that realm, country, or race, you can exploit the modifier by doubling a bonus or ignoring a penalty. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, you can attempt to identify an additional strength or weakness to exploit with another Science: Social test.


After studying a culture, you are able to walk freely and interact with the populace without arousing suspicion. Prerequisite: Effect: Cultural Proficiency When making a Stealth (Hide) test to walk openly among an alien (other country, realm, or planet) populace, you gain an affinity bonus from Impersonate. If you make an Extraordinary Success, you gain the country, realm, or race as a Knowledge: Culture specialty for free. No


You work in far off countries, realms, or unknown worlds requires that you are immunized against as many forms of contagion as possible. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: 1 advancement in Ambassador/Head of State/Ruler You are immune to all known diseases and gain +1 Health. No


You rely on your personality and bearing to put others at ease. Prerequisite: Effect: None As a full round action, you can make a Influence (Charm) test to endear yourself to the other negotiating partners and improve his reaction stance. The test depends on the negotiating partners' initial reaction: TN 5 (Cooperative), TN 10 (Indifferent), TN 15 (Uncooperative), and TN 20 (Hostile). A successful test improves your stance one full category (Extraordinary Success improves two categories) for the rest of the game session, gaining the benefits of the improved reaction stance for all social tests against that person or people. No


Master Negotiator
You are quite articulate and can evoke passionate responses to your point of view. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Magnanimous Once per game session, you may re-roll one Debate or Influence test and use the result of your preference. No

You are skilled at saying the right thing at the right time, but more importantly not the wrong thing at the wrong time. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Magnanimous You may ignore all social test penalties due to differences in race and/or cultural norms. No

Table 35: Archer/Sharpshooter/Weaponsmaster Abilities
Edge Accurate Ammo Battle Focus Far Shot Favored Weapon Masterwork Meditation Mighty Shot Multi-arrow Shot Ritual Attack Swift Attack Throw Weapon Weaponcraft Weapon Savvy Prerequisite Mighty Shot, Ranged Combat 10+ Craft: Bowyer or Craft: Weaponsmith 1+, Ranged Combat 8+, Agility 8+ None Mighty Shot Any Combat skill 6+ Weaponcraft, Appropriate Craft: Weaponsmith or Armorsmith 6+ Ritual Attack Ranged Combat 8+, Agility 8+ Mighty Shot Favored Weapon Accurate None None None Upgrade? Yes No No Yes Yes No No Yes No No Yes No No Yes

No matter how difficult the shot is, you strike with lethal accuracy. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Mighty Shot, Ranged Combat 10+ Select a ranged weapon. When making a called shot using the chosen weapon, you gain a +2 bonus to your Ranged Combat test. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, you gain a +2 bonus (max +8 total) to your Ranged Combat test or choose a new weapon specialty and/or Ranged Combat skill.


The most versatile of shooters can make their own ammunition when they need to. Prerequisite: Effect: Craft: Bowyer or Craft: Weaponsmith 1+, Ranged Combat 8+, Agility 8+ You gain +4 bonus to your Craft: Bowyer test to make arrows and Craft: Weaponsmith to make arrowheads or bullets. You can also fashion crude weapons and ammunition if you do not have the proper tools for making them. These crude items give a 2 penalty for the weapon and 1 for the ammunition. Crude arrows deal 1d6+1 damage with a sharpened end and stun attacks with blunt ends. No


Battle Focus
Your focus while in combat is as sharp as your blade. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None You may ignore a penalty of up to -3 due to the distractions of combat per point of Courage spent. No

Far Shot
You are more accurate than most when shooting at distant targets. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Mighty Shot Select a ranged weapon. Add +5 yards to each range increment when using that weapon. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, you may add +5 yards to the weapons range increments (max +10 yards total) or select a new weapon.

Favored Weapon
You have come to prefer a certain weapon over others and learning to use it to neglect of experience with other weapons. Prerequisite: Effect: Any Combat skill 6+ Select a Combat skill and specialty (for Armed and Ranged Combat skills). You gain an additional +2 bonus when using the selected skill/specialty or unarmed style and a 4 penalty to use other weapons or styles. Note: This ability can only be acquired for one weapon or style only. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, you gain an additional +2 bonus to use the selected weapon specialty or unarmed style and 2 to use other weapons (max +6/8 total) or select a new skill and/or specialty.


The items you create are above and beyond the quality of average craftsmen. Prerequisite: Effect: Weaponcraft, Appropriate Craft: Weaponsmith or Armorsmith 6+ When you score an Extraordinary Success while creating an item, it may imbue +1 damage, +1 AR, or +100% of its standard value for every 5 the test result is above the successes threshold (Craft TN +15, +20, +25, etc.). No


You derive your intense focus from quiet contemplation. Prerequisite: Effect: Ritual Attack Once per game day, you may make a TN 10 Willpower test against Mind Effects with a TN equal to your Strength + Vitality (all physical modifiers apply) to regain 1 Courage point. The time to do this is 10 minutes and the TN is reduced by 2 for every 5 additional minutes spent meditating (max 6). No



Mighty Shot
You are able to ignore most distractions and conditions that normally hamper ranged attacks. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Ranged Combat 8+, Agility 8+ You may reduce penalties to your Ranged Combat test by 2. Yes; twice. Every time you pick this ability, you may further reduce penalties by 1 (max 4 total).

Multi-arrow Shot
You are able fire more than one arrow at a time. Prerequisite: Effect: Mighty Shot Requiring 2 combat actions (Quick-draw reduces this to 1), you may load and shoot multiple arrows at a time; the number of arrows may not exceed your Agility modifier +1. The range increments for the weapon are reduced by a factor equal to the number of arrows being loaded. For example, if an archer is attempting to shoot three arrows, the ranges of the weapon are all divided by 3 to determine the range penalty (if any) for the shot. Each arrow requires an attack test when fired. To hit, the attack test has a -2 penalty for each arrow beyond the first. When aiming at multiple targets, there is an additional -2 penalty for each target. Damage is reduced by 1 point per arrow being fired. No


Ritual Attack
You can perform an elaborately stylized attack to confuse your opponent. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Favored Weapon Using this ability costs 2 combat actions and requires your opponent to use 3 combat actions to make his defensive movement (dodge or parry), usually requiring a multiple action penalty to his test. No

Swift Attack
You can ready your weapon and fire it with blinding speed. Prerequisite: Effect: Favored Weapon Make a TN 7 Agility test. If successful, you are able to make another combat action using the skill based off the Favored Weapon ability as a free action with no multiple action penalty. If you fail, then you cannot make any further actions this round that would incur multiple action penalties. Yes; three times. Every time you pick this ability, you gain the ability to make an additional combat action as a free action, but for each subsequent free action the Agility test increases by +2 TN. If you have multiple free actions to make combat actions and fail an Agility test, you may not attempt to make use of any further free combat actions for combat actions or make any further tests that would incur multiple action penalties.


Throw Weapon
From much practice of non-traditional techniques, you are able to wield your weapons in a way that would surprise even the most challenging of opponents. Enemies will now think twice about how to approach a warrior who can throw his longsword or great axe with deadly precision. Prerequisite: Effect: None Select an Armed Combat skill. Any weapon classified to be used with this skill that isn't already listed in the Ranged Combat skill group can be used with the skill Ranged Combat: Thrown. The range increments for Small weapons are 5/10/20/30 +5; for Medium weapons, 2/5/15/25 +5; and for Large weapons, 2/5/10/20 +5. Specialties can also be purchased for each non-Ranged Combat weapon that is used in this manner. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, choose a new Armed Combat skill.


You view your weapons and armor as extensions of yourself, taking their craft very seriously. 113

Prerequisite: Effect:


None You gain 1 rank in Craft: Weaponsmith or Armorsmith and one free weapon specialty. This skill is considered a profession skill for the purposes of acquiring ranks. Also, you gain an affinity bonus to Craft: Weaponsmith from the appropriate Armed or Ranged Combat skill. No

Weapon Savvy
Your experience with many different weapons has given you a better understanding in the use of new weapons. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None The untrained penalty is negated for all Armed and Ranged Combat skills. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, gain a +3 bonus to attack tests for any weapon used that is not covered under a Combat skill that you have already (max +6).

Table 36: Archmage Abilities
Edge Final Strike Greater Focus Greater Spellcasting Greater Spell Specialty Hidden Strength Imposing Mastery New Order Skill Sense Power Spell Enhancement Prerequisite Spell Enhancement Greater Spellcasting None Greater Spellcasting Spellcasting Greater Spellcasting, Willpower 4+ Greater Spellcasting Greater Spellcasting Greater Spellcasting, Perception 8+ Greater Spellcasting, 2 other Archmage abilities Upgrade? No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No No

Final Strike
It can be quite dangerous to trap you for even in ultimate defeat, you are still able to strike out at your enemies. Prerequisite: Effect: Spell Enhancement Whenever you so choose, you may unleash a blast of magical energy harming all close by: friend, foe, and structures. The amount of damage you deal is equal to 3 x the number of spells you know out to a distance of 2 x the number of Conjurer/Mage/Wizard and Archmage/Hierophant advancements you have in yards. The Narrator may decide that this ability doesnt end the characters life but leaves him weak and unable to cast spells for a very long time (number of days, weeks, or months equal to your advancements), if ever again. No


Greater Focus
You have focused your study of magic in a particular area such as the elements or protection. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Greater Spellcasting Select a type of spell focus. You gain a +2 bonus for activating spells of this type and any tests associated with the spells of this type. Yes. Each time you pick this ability, you must select a new type of spell focus.


Greater Spellcasting
Through great study or essence of bloodline, you are able to tap the power of arcane energies that pervade the world. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None Note: This ability must the first acquired ability of this elite profession. You have the ability to cast spells and 5 spell picks to spend on acquiring or augmenting spells. Yes

Greater Spell Specialty

You are quite practiced in the invocation of a particular spell. Prerequisite: Effect: Greater Spellcasting Pick a spell that you know or spell-like ability. Your experience in the use of this power allows you to augment one of these aspects: activation TN (reduce TN by 2), duration (+1d6 units of duration), damage (+2 damage), or range (+1d6 units of range). Yes. Every time you pick this ability, you may select the same aspect of a spell, select a new aspect of a spell, or select a new spell or spell-like ability and one its aspects to augment.


Hidden Strength
As one who wields arcane might, you have hidden reserves of strength upon which you may call in times of need. For a brief period each day, you may redouble your efforts and weariness will not touch you as you use your magical powers. Prerequisite: Effect: Spellcasting For a period of time equal to half your Vitality (rounded down, minimum 1), in rounds, you gain a +6 bonus to Weariness tests for the purposes of spellcasting. Upon the end of the duration, you immediately lose 2 levels of Weariness. Yes. You gain the Weariness test bonus for spellcasting for an number of additional rounds equal to your Vitality modifier (minimum 1) and at the end of the duration, you immediately lose 3 levels of Weariness.


Your great wisdom, majesty, and power is demonstrated through your dealings with others. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Willpower 4+ You gain an additional +2 bonus when using Courage for Influence (Inspire or Intimidate) tests. No

Even more so than your peers you are able to wield your power with great skill and knowledge. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Greater Spellcasting You gain an additional +2 bonus when using Courage for all tests related to magic and spells. No

New Order Skill

Due to your breadth of knowledge and experience, it isnt difficult to acquire odd skills and obscure bits of lore. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Greater Spellcasting Select a skill that is not listed as one of your profession skills. This skill is now considered a profession skill for the purposes of acquiring ranks during advancement. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, choose a new skill.


Sense Power
Your powers of perception are distinctly attuned to the world about you. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Greater Spellcasting, Perception 8+ You are able to use the spell Sense Power as if it were a spell-like ability. No

Spell Enhancement
Because you command great faith or knowledge, when the need arises, you can cast spells with greater effect. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Greater Spellcasting, 2 other Archmage abilities Once per game session, you may either double the range, area of effect, damage, or other quantifiable effect of a spell you cast. The TN for the spells activation is +10 TN. No

Table 37: Assassin/Spy Abilities
Edge Arms Proficiency Assassination Brewing Friends in Low Places Gain Access Gather Intelligence Hacker Infiltration Master of Disguise New Order Skill Reconnaissance Requisitioning Retreat Sabotage Sifter Signature Stalker Wary Prerequisite None Arms Proficiency Craft: Brewing (any specialty) 1+, First Aid (Herbal Remedies) 1+ Bearing 7+ Computer Invasion or Infiltration Intellect 8+ Gather Intelligence Master of Disguise, Knowledge: Culture 6+ None None Perception 8+ Friends in Low Places None Infiltration, Intellect 8+ Perception 9+, Intellect 9+ Assassination, Renown 3+ None None Upgrade? No No Yes No No No No No No Yes No No Yes Yes No No No No

Arms Proficiency
You have studied and trained in a multitude of armed and unarmed combat forms and styles. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None Every time you acquire a new Armed, Ranged, or Unarmed Combat skill, you gain one free specialty. No

You strike at your targets with deadly precision. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Arms Proficiency If you make an attack upon a target by surprise, you may re-roll your Armed, Ranged, or Unarmed Combat test and use the result of your preference. No

Your knowledge of plants, herbs, and beasts allows you to brew poisons, elixirs, or create salves and poultices 116

Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade:

Craft: Brewing (any specialty) 1+, First Aid (Herbal Remedies) 1+ You have the ability to create consumables that can be used to harm or help others depending on your Craft: Brewing specialties. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, select a type of brewed item (determined by your specialties) and an aspect of it. The selected aspects stage TN is reduced by 2 TN for the extended test to create the item.

Friends in Low Places

For you to be successful in your work, you must depend heavily upon information from your network of contacts. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Bearing 7+ Select a city or small region where you can get information. You gain a +5 bonus to Inquire tests there. No

Gain Access
You are able to bypass excessive inspection by authorities by means of fake credentials, hacked passwords, etc. Prerequisite: Effect: Computer Invasion or Infiltration You gain an affinity bonus to Computer Use (Hack), Influence (Bluff), or System Operation (Security) tests from Forgery when trying to pass off false documents or security codes as the real thing. If the test fails, you may spend 1 Courage point to re-roll the test and use the result of your preference (this aspect may only be used once per chapter). No


Gather Intelligence
You are an expert at collecting, collating, and analyzing information. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Intellect 8+ You may add your Intellect modifier to your Inquire (Research) tests. No

You are adept at bypassing computer security protocols and infiltrating highly secure computer networks. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Gather Intelligence When you make Computer Use (Hacking) tests, you roll 3d6 and choose the best two before adding any modifiers. The double sixes rule still applies. No

After studying a culture, you are able to walk freely and interact with the populace without arousing suspicion. Prerequisite: Effect: Master of Disguise, Knowledge: Culture 6+ When making a Stealth (Hide) test to walk openly among an alien (other country, realm, or planet) populace, you gain an affinity bonus from Impersonate. If you make an Extraordinary Success, you gain the country, realm, or race as a Knowledge: Culture specialty for free. No



Master of Disguise
You often work in disguise so as to conceal your identity or avoid your enemies. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Conceal and Impersonate 3+ You gain an affinity bonus to Impersonate tests from Conceal and to Conceal from Impersonate. No

New Order Skill

Due to your unconventional nature and job, you encounter and learn many new and interesting things. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None Select a skill that is not listed as one of your profession skills. This skill is now considered a profession skill for the purposes of acquiring ranks during advancement. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, choose a new skill.

Youve been taught observation techniques for investigating their surroundings for hazards, enemies, etc. Prerequisite: Effect: Perception 8+ You gain an affinity bonus to Inquire (Investigate) tests from Observe. Also, you can make a TN 10 Observe test to identify any conditions that would confer physical test modifiers (bonuses and penalties) in a given area and the extent that they would affect combat (Low: 1-2, Medium: 3-4, High: 5 or greater). No


You are able to get the equipment and supplies needed to carry out your mission. Prerequisite: Effect: Friends in Low Places You are able to acquire equipment needed for your mission through your underground contacts or employer from weapons (TN 10) to special gear (TN 15) to restricted/illegal weapons and explosives (TN 20). When attempting to acquire one of these types of items, make an Enterprise: Administration test with an affinity bonus from your Enterprise: Streetwise skill. The degree of success will depend on how soon the item can be delivered: Marginal Success (-d6+3 days), Complete Success (-d6 days), Superior Success (3d6 hours), and Extraordinary Success (1d6+3 hours). No


You have a place to hide, store supplies, and plan your actions. Prerequisite: Effect: None You have a secret hideout that no one knows about. For others to find your retreat requires a TN 15 Inquire (Search) test modified by your Forgery affinity bonus if it is a house, apartment, or building in a town or city or Conceal affinity bonus if it is in not in a populated area or a secret room in a building or underground within a populated area. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, increase the base TN to find your retreat by +3 TN.


You know how to disable or destroy equipment and systems. Prerequisite: Effect: Infiltration, Intellect 8+ Select one of these skills: Computer Use, Demolitions, any Engineering, or System Operation. You gain 1 rank in this skill and the Sabotage specialty. The skill is also regarded as a profession skill for the purposes of advancement. Yes; five times. Every time you pick this ability, you may select a new skill. 118


You feel comfortable around stacks of documents, old manuscripts, libraries, and the like, making it relatively easy for you to find the information you want. Prerequisite: Effect: Perception 9+, Intellect 9+ You gain a +4 bonus to all Computer Use (Retrieve) or Investigate (Search, Research) tests when trying to locate a particular document (tome, scroll, and the like) in an archive, scroll hoard, database, etc. and also when trying to locate a particular bit of information in a document. No


After long years in the game, you have developed your own style of how you pull jobs or do business. Prerequisite: Effect: Assassination, Renown 3+ Upon rolling any number of extraordinary successes for Armed, Ranged, or Unarmed Combat skill tests or a successful use of poison you created during assassination attempts, you gain +1 Renown at the end of the chapter. No


You are excellent at sneaking and hiding, making the most of your environment to your benefit. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None You may either ignore all physical penalties due to environment or double one environmental bonus. No

You are always on the lookout for danger Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None You gain +2 Defense. No

Captain/Command Officer/Knight
Table 38: Captain/Command Officer/Knight Abilities
Edge Air of Command Anticipate Opposition Born to the Saddle Dogfighter Expert Tactician Fighting Captain Fire Control Officer Fires of Devotion Handle Mount Heros Strength Leadership Mounted Archer Mounted Attack Protocol Shield Wall Thinks Like A Universal Renown Prerequisite Influence (Inspire, Intimidate) 6+ Protocol, Perception 8+ Handle Mount, Ride 9+, Bearing 8+ Fighting Captain or System Operation (Nav Control) 6+ Tactics 6+, Intellect 8+ Commander or executive officer of unit or vessel Fighting Captain or System Operation (Weapons) 6+ Air of Command, Influence (Inspire) 8+ Ride 7+, Agility 6+, Bearing 6+ Air of Command, Any Combat skill 10+ Fires of Devotion Handle Mount, Ride 6+, Agility 8+ Handle Mount, Armed Combat 6+, Ride 8+ None None None Air of Command Upgrade? No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes No


Air of Command
Great leaders command through decisiveness and aura of authority. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Influence (Inspire, Intimidate) 6+ When making a Willpower test, you roll 3d6 and choose the best two before adding any modifiers. The double sixes rule still applies. No

Anticipate Opposition
Occasionally, commanders and leaders of men must also be diplomats or even politicians. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Protocol, Perception 8+ Same as the Diplomat/Noble/Politician ability. No

Born to the Saddle

You have a natural gift for riding and can coax greater effort from your steed without causing them harm. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Handle Mount, Ride 9+, Bearing 8+ You can increase your mounts pace 30% without increasing the TN to resist Weariness. You also gain a +5 bonus to Stamina tests for resisting Weariness due to riding. No

Your expertise in knowing how to maneuver a vessel is shown through the competence of your helmsman and/or your own personal control of the vessel. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Fighting Captain or System Operation (Nav Control) 6+ Same as Helm/Flight Control/Navigator/Pilot ability when in command of the vessel, acting as executive officer, or at the navigation controls. No

Expert Tactician
Officers and commanders study at battlefield tactics and maneuvers. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Tactics 6+, Intellect 8+ Once per game session, you may re-roll a Tactics test and use the result of your preference. No

Fighting Captain
By your prowess in combat or mere presence while in command bolsters those under you. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Commander or executive officer of unit or vessel All Command combat maneuvers gain a +2 bonus to their results while you are in command and are in a location where your orders can be directly carried out (bridge, command and control, etc.). No

Fire Control Officer

Your expertise in combat and tactics is shown through the competence of your weapons officer and/or your own personal control of the vessels weapons. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Fighting Captain or System Operation (Weapons) 6+ Same as Investigator/Security/Weapons Officer ability when in command of the vessel, acting as executive officer, or at the weapons controls. No 120

Fires of Devotion
You inspire loyalty and devotion in those who follow you, in both life and death. Prerequisite: Effect: Air of Command, Influence (Inspire) 8+ When leading a unit in battle, your unit has +2 Morale. You also gain a +2 bonus to Inspire tests to keep them together, against fear, etc. These bonuses remain in effect while you are alive and in command of the unit. If you die, make an Inspire test of TN 15 + your units Morale minus your bonus. If successful, your Morale bonus is doubled for a number of rounds equal to your Bearing modifier as your unit fights determinedly to seek revenge and then disappears. No


Handle Mount
Great leaders command through decisiveness and aura of authority. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Ride 7+, Agility 6+, Bearing 6+ You gain an additional +2 bonus when using Courage for a Ride test. No

Heros Strength
Your own personal strength and prowess lend itself to your units strength giving it the ability to fight against more powerful foes. Prerequisite: Effect: Air of Command, Any Combat skill 10+ When leading a unit in battle, your unit is +2 Strength. This bonus remains in effect while you are alive and in command of the unit. If you lose command of the unit, the unit loses the bonus. If you are slain, the bonus is lost and the unit is 2 Strength for -d6 rounds. No


Great leaders command others, doing his best to lead them to accomplish the groups goals. Prerequisite: Effect: Fires of Devotion As a full-round action, you make an Inspire test of TN 15 +1 per member of the group. Each member must be within 10 yards of the leader and able to hear him to gain a +2 bonus to combined tests. The leader must participate in the combined test and make a successful Inspire test with the same TN above each round for the bonus to continue. If anything interrupts the leader making his Inspire tests, the bonus is immediately lost and cannot be regained until the leader is able to start making Inspire tests again. No


Mounted Archer
You are very adept at shooting from the back of your mount. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Handle Mount, Ride 6+, Agility 8+ You do not incur the 4 penalty for Ranged Combat attacks while riding your mount. No

Mounted Attack
Thanks to many hours of training and practice, you are better fighting while mounted than on foot. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Handle Mount, Armed Combat 6+, Ride 8+ You gain a +2 bonus to Armed Combat tests while mounted and Ride tests in combat. No


Commanders must constantly deal with the inane intricacies of bureaucracy. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None You gain a +4 to Enterprise: Administration tests. No

Shield Wall
Many warriors use shields when they fight and are especially skilled in protecting themselves with them. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None When fighting next to someone (within 2 yards) who is also using a shield, you gain an additional +2 bonus to parry and 2 to ranged attacks against you. No

Thinks Like A
As all schools of military stand by, studying and understanding ones enemy is vital to being successful against him. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None Choose a race, country, or realm other than your own. You may ignore all academic test penalties for Tactics (Race or Country or Realm) tests. Yes. Every time you pick this edge, you must select a new specialty.

Universal Renown
Your reputation is enhanced by your noteworthy victories in wartime and peace. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Air of Command When you achieve any number of Extraordinary Successes for Debate or Tactics tests in a chapter, you gain +1 Renown. No

Table 39: Counselor/Doctor/Medicine-man Abilities
Edge Brewing Comfort in a Crisis Diagnosis Emergency Response Field Medicine General Medicine Good Bedside Manner Head Doctor Ignore the Equipment Immunization Lab Work Lie Detector One for the Textbooks Primitive Medicine Professional Demeanor Pry Secrets Relief Sense Motive Therapist Verbal Economy Prerequisite Craft: Brewing (any specialty) 1+ OR First Aid (Herbal Remedies) 1+ OR Science: Physical (Chemistry) +1 Relief General Medicine Field Medicine None None None None General Medicine, Perception 8+ Brewing, Diagnosis None Pry Secrets General Medicine, Lab Work Field Medicine None Good Bedside Manner Therapist Pry Secrets None Therapist or appropriate Language 6+ Upgrade? Yes No No Yes No No No No No No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No


Your knowledge of plants, herbs, and beasts allows you to brew poisons, elixirs, or create salves and poultices Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Craft: Brewing (any specialty) 1+ OR First Aid (Herbal Remedies) 1+ OR Science: Physical (Chemistry) +1 You have the ability to create consumables that can be used to harm or help others depending on your Craft: Brewing specialties. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, select a type of brewed item (determined by your specialties) and an aspect of it. The selected aspects stage TN is reduced by 2 TN for the extended test to create the item.

Comfort in a Crisis
Your comrades lean on you for support during and after battle. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Relief Once per game session, you can give a patient 1 free Courage point (it doesnt count towards the limit per round) to spend and 2 points upon an Extraordinary Success of a TN 15 Inspire test. No

Because you frequently encounter different diseases, maladies, and other debilitating causes, you excel at diagnosing illness and treating harmful conditions. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: General Medicine You gain an affinity bonus to Medicine: Diagnose from Inquire. Also after diagnosing a malady, you gain a bonus from this test (+1 per level of success) to the Medicine: Diagnose test to treat the malady. No

Emergency Response
You are well-prepared to act decisively in a crisis. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Field Medicine You are able to make a First Aid and Medicine tests in 25% of the base time. Yes; twice. Every time you pick this ability, you reduce the time to perform First Aid or Medicine tests by another 25% (max 75% total).

Field Medicine
Though doctors prefer to treat patients in a ward, he is sometimes required to give treatment in the field. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None Once per game session when making a First Aid or Medicine test not in sickbay, a surgical ward, emergency room, etc., you may re-roll one test and use the result of your preference. No

General Medicine
You are well rounded in various forms of medicine. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None You gain a +2 bonus to Medicine tests. No

Good Bedside Manner

You are skilled at making people comfortable and at ease. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None You may ignore all social test penalties when making Inquire (Converse) tests. No 123

Head Doctor
You are skilled dealing with head injuries and mental trauma. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None You gain a +4 bonus to First Aid tests to treat injuries to the head, including stun and sonic attacks. No

Ignore the Equipment

There are times when you know what the equipment should be telling you even if it comes up with anomalous results. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: General Medicine, Perception 8+ You gain an affinity bonus to System Operation (Medical) from Medicine: Diagnose. No

After diagnosing and treating a new malady, you are able to develop a cure for it. Prerequisite: Effect: Brewing, Diagnosis Make a Medicine: Diagnosis test to diagnose a malady. The success level of this level will determine the difficulty of the Inquire (Research) test to develop the cure. The tests TN is 25 5 per success level greater than Marginal with a base action time of 30 minutes. With an hours time in a fully supplied sickbay, ward, or hospital, you can develop the cure, otherwise you will have to make a Science: Physical (Chemistry) or Science: Life (Biochemistry) or Craft: Brewing test with the same TN to create the cure taking 1d6 hours or more. The cure you have devised will permanently counteract all effects of the malady and will protect the recipient for up to 2d6+3 hours. No


Lab Work
You are familiar with the inner workings of a medical laboratory. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None Select a laboratory-related Science or Medicine skill and specialty. You gain a +4 bonus to tests using the selected skill and specialty. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, you must select a new Science or Medicine skill and specialty.

Lie Detector
Through extensive experience in dealing with people, you can easily detect falsehoods. Prerequisite: Effect: Pry Secrets If someone lies in the presence of you, make a TN 15 Wisdom test (standard social test modifiers apply) as a free action to determine that a falsehood has been told. You are not able to determine the underlying truth better than your own powers of deduction can determine. Yes; once. You gain an affinity bonus to the Wisdom test from Inquire or Observe (whichever is greater).


One for the Textbooks

Research and new discoveries are based on the sharing of knowledge and rapid propagation of new theories. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: General Medicine, Lab Work Whenever you achieve any number of Extraordinary Successes for any Medicine tests or successful uses of the Immunization ability in a chapter, you gain +1 Renown. No


Primitive Medicine
You are able to perform to your utmost ability even in the most basic of settings. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Field Medicine You may ignore all equipment penalties. No

Professional Demeanor
No one can bluff like a person who is trained to see through them. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None You gain an affinity bonus to appropriate Games tests from Science: Social. No

Pry Secrets
You are able to get even the most unwilling to open up and divulge their secrets. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Good Bedside Manner Once per game session, you may re-roll an Inquire (Converse) test and use the result of your preference. No

You are able to help others get past emotional turmoil and psychological problems that can be detrimental to their job performance. Prerequisite: Effect: Therapist With a successful TN 15 Science: Social (Psychology) test, you can refresh 1 Courage point for a patient. The base time it take is 30 minutes, minus 5 minutes for every level of success greater than Complete. You can use this ability more than once per day, but a patient cannot gain the benefit of it more than once per day. No


Sense Motive
By listening to others, you are able to determine the motives for their actions. Prerequisite: Effect: Pry Secrets You gain an affinity bonus to Inquire (Interview) tests from Science: Social for determining a persons motives. To determine a general, emotional motive is TN 15 while attempting to determine a specific motive is TN 20. No


You know how to delve into neuroses and counsel those who are in anguish. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None You gain a +4 bonus to Science: Social (Psychology) tests. No


Verbal Economy
You know how to say the right thing at the right time. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Therapist or appropriate Language 6+ You make Influence tests in half the base amount of time, including extended tests. No

Engineer/Operations Officer
Table 40: Engineer/Operations Officer Abilities
Edge 24/7 A Wee Bit More Contingency Cool Under Pressure Cross-trained Duty Officer Engineering Certification Engineering Expertise Exemplary Support Eyes on the Board Fire Control Officer Improvise Miracle Worker Mr. Fix-it Ops Manager Professional Edge Pure Theory Solid Workmanship Station Proficiency System Overhaul Systems Technician Theoretical Application Prerequisite None Never Say Die or Theoretical Application Ops Manager, must be at the Mission Ops station on the vessel Station Proficiency Rounded or Station Proficiency None None None Cross-trained or Eyes on the Board, Ops Manager, Tactics 6+ Cool Under Pressure None Engineering Certification Engineering Expertise None None Engineering: Systems 6+ None Engineering Certification, Engineering: Systems 6+ None Improvise or Miracle Worker Duty Officer Engineering Certification or Pure Theory Upgrade? No No No No No Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No

An engineer is always on duty and never let up in a crisis because fuel line leaks wont wait for you to finish your coffee. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None You gain a +5 bonus to Stamina tests against Weariness. No

A Wee Bit More

The bond between you and your vehicle or vessel is tight and when you need it, he will give you 110%. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Never Say Die or Theoretical Application You gain an additional +2 bonus when using Courage for Engineering or Repair tests. No

You have a backup plan in case of an emergency. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Ops Manager, must be at the Mission Ops station on the vessel You may re-roll any reliability check for the vehicle or vessels systems, including the test for transferring power, as a System Operation (Ops Manager) test and use the result of your preference. No


Cool Under Pressure

You have undergone extensive emergency and crisis management training so that you are able to perform efficiently while under fire. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Station Proficiency When making a System Operation test, you may ignore all penalties due to distractions. No

You are well versed in many aspects and positions on a vessel and could perform competently in all of them. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Rounded or Station Proficiency When you perform a test specific to another Elite Profession, you may add your Intellect modifier to the test result. No

Duty Officer
You specialize in the type of system that you charged in overseeing. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None You immediately gain one specialty for System Operation and a +2 bonus to System Operation tests when using a specialty you have while all other System Operation tests have a 4 penalty. Yes; twice. Every time you pick this ability, you gain an additional +2 bonus to System Operation tests with specialties you have and an additional 2 penalty to all other System Operation tests.

Engineering Certification
You have learned to operate archaic ground and/or aircraft. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None You may use Repair, Computer Use, and all Engineering skills untrained. No

Engineering Expertise
You have dedicated more of your time to one type of engineering over all others. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None You gain an affinity bonus to a selected Engineering skill from Science: Physical. No

Exemplary Support
You have been trained to work seamlessly with other crewmembers in a crisis situation. Prerequisite: Effect: Cross-trained or Eyes on the Board, Ops Manager, Tactics 6+ Treat all Computer Use, System Operation, and Tactics tests with the command crew as combined tests, even if they are not normally. You make the same test at 5 TN and provide the tests leader with a bonus equal to the level of your success (+1 for Marginal Success, +2 for Complete Success, etc.). No



Eyes on the Board

You have learned to keep your eyes and ears out for anything anomalous while at your duty station. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Cool Under Pressure You may add your Perception modifier to System Operation tests. No

Fire Control Officer

Weapons control is just one of many systems you have been trained to use. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None Same as the Investigator/Security/Weapons Officer ability. No

You are able to do your work even when using inferior or inadequate tools. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Engineering Certification You may ignore all equipment penalties for all Engineering and Repair tests. No

Miracle Worker
When it comes to crunch time, you are able to bring out your A game every time. Prerequisite: Effect: Engineering Expertise Same as the Businessman/Craftsman/Merchant Speedy Work ability when making tests for Engineering skill chosen for Engineering Expertise or Repair tests (choose one) including extended tests and repairs to a vehicle or vessels systems. Yes; twice. Every time you pick this ability, you decrease the time for creating an item by an additional 25% of the base time (max 75% total).


Mr. Fix-it
You love to take things apart and put them back together to figure out how they work. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None If you have or when you acquire the Repair skill, you automatically gain all specialties. No

Ops Manager
You are in charge of system utilization, power regulation, and other resources. Prerequisite: Effect: None At the beginning of a game session, you announce a System Operation specialty as mission critical. All System Operation tests made during the rest of the game session have a +1 bonus when the specialty is used. No


Professional Edge
You are highly competent and show great professionalism in your duties. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Engineering: Systems 6+ You gain an additional +2 bonus when using Courage for any professional skill tests. No


Pure Theory
You are fluent with the science that goes on behind the workings of your equipment. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None If you have or when you acquire the Science: Physical skill, you automatically gain one additional specialty and a +2 bonus to all Science: Physical tests. No

Solid Workmanship
Your repairs stay repaired and patches stay patched. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Engineering Certification, Engineering: Systems 6+ The reliability test for emergency system repair is made at 5 TN. No

Station Proficiency
You are able to perform many tasks from any duty station on the vessel. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None Once per game session, you may re-roll one System Operation test and use the result of your preference. No

System Overhaul
Every once in awhile an engineer takes the time to overhaul and modify the systems on his vehicle or vessel to upgrade it or maximize its efficiency or effect. Prerequisite: Effect: Improvise or Miracle Worker Once per chapter, select one system on a vehicle or vessel to overhaul. Make a TN 15 with the appropriate Engineering skill. If successful, the vehicle gains the Enhanced System trait and/or counts as 1 pick to the trait if it was already acquired for the selected system. No


Systems Technician
You understand your equipment so well that you are able to complete minor repairs and recalibrations on the controls Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Duty Officer Once per game session when making repairs, you may re-roll one Engineering: Systems or Repair test with an affinity bonus from Computer Use and use the result of your preference. No

Theoretical Application
Most engineers are trained in the practical application of theoretical knowledge. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Engineering Certification or Pure Theory You gain an affinity bonus to Repair and all Engineering skill from Science: Physical when attempting to repair equipment or systems. No


Table 41: Explorer/Inventor Abilities
Edge Applied Engineering Brewing Discovery Grant Hardiness Materiel Acquisition Surveyor Technical Enhancement Technical Wizard Technophile Tinkerer Prerequisite None Craft: Brewing (any specialty) 1+ OR First Aid (Herbal Remedies) 1+ OR Science: Physical (Chemistry) +1 Surveyor Enterprise: Administration 6+, Intellect 9+ None Grant None Technical Wizard Technophile None Intellect 9+ Upgrade? No Yes No No No No No No No No No

Applied Engineering
You have a knack for creating and using your own equipment. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None You may use all Engineering skill untrained and gain a free specialty upon acquiring your first rank in a new Engineering skill. No

Your knowledge of plants, herbs, and beasts allows you to brew poisons, elixirs, or create salves and poultices Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Craft: Brewing (any specialty) 1+ OR First Aid (Herbal Remedies) 1+ OR Science: Physical (Chemistry) +1 You have the ability to create concoctions that can harm or help others per your specialties. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, select a type of brewed item (determined by your specialties) and an aspect of it -- the particular aspects stage TN is reduced by 2 TN for the extended test to create the item.

Your reputation is based on discoveries and scientific reports. Prerequisite: Effect: Surveyor If you discover a new species, culture, religion, etc., make a TN 10 Science test of the appropriate skill with an affinity bonus from an appropriate Knowledge skill to determine its fame. If you score an Extraordinary Success, you gain +1 Renown at the end of the chapter. No


Based on your reputation and the potential profitability of your work, you are able to secure a line of credit to purchase equipment, supplies, and other items and services for your work. Prerequisite: Effect: Enterprise: Administration 6+, Intellect 9+ To obtain the credit amount you desire, you make a Enterprise: Administration test of TN 7 +2 for every Wealth level your amount of credit desired is equivalent. You must turnover all supplies, equipment, and data to your backer unless otherwise negotiated. If you fail to do so, the lender must make a recognition test against you with +5 TN. If it is successful, then you are labeled a bad credit risk and all Enterprise: Administration test TNs are doubled when for future dealings with the lender or any of his associates. No



You are accustomed to and able to adapt to new and challenging environments. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None You gain a +4 bonus to Survival tests. No

Materiel Acquisition
You are able to acquire whatever equipment or resources your projects require. Prerequisite: Effect: Grant You are able to acquire all sorts of items from common goods (TN 5) to rare substances (TN 10) to hazardous substances (TN 15) to illegal substances (TN 20). When attempting to acquire one of these types of items, make an Enterprise: Administration test with an affinity bonus from your Enterprise: Streetwise skill. The degree of success will depend on how soon the item can be delivered: Marginal Success (-d6+3 days), Complete Success (-d6 days), Superior Success (3d6 hours), and Extraordinary Success (1d6+3 hours). No


You are adept at making your way around in a realm, country, or on a planet. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None You gain an affinity bonus to Inquire (Research) tests from either Science: Physical or Science: Social depending on the nature of your investigation. No

Technical Enhancement
You are able to augment or redesign equipment so that they will perform at their peak capability. Prerequisite: Effect: Technical Wizard Once per chapter, select one device or system to enhance. Make an extended test with three stages, two TN 15 Engineering tests with the appropriate skill and one TN 15 Repair test. If successful, a system gains the Enhanced System trait and/or counts as 1 pick to the trait if it was already acquired for the selected system or a device has one aspect of its capabilities doubled (range, damage, etc.). No


Technical Wizard
You are able to design and create new equipment faster than anyone else. Prerequisite: Effect: Technophile When making an Engineering or Repair test, you can either gain an affinity bonus from Science: Physical or perform the action in half the base amount of time, including extended tests. You must decide which effect to use before performing the test. No


You know how to make do with the equipment you have at hand. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None When making any Engineering or Repair tests, you may ignore equipment penalties up to 3 and double all equipment bonuses. No

You depend heavily upon your equipment and know how to keep it running. 131

Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade:

Intellect 9+ You can use Repair and all Engineering skills untrained. Also, once per game session, you may re-roll one Repair or Engineering test and use the result of your preference. No

Free Trader/Smuggler
Table 42: Free Trader/Smuggler Abilities
Edge Business Contacts Business Savvy False Credentials Long-hauler Low Profile Operator Shrewd Stalwart Reputation The Trade Prerequisite Business Savvy or Low Profile None None Operate Vehicle or System Operation 3+ Enterprise: Streetwise 6+ The Trade None Shrewd, Business Contacts None Upgrade? No No No No No No No No No

Business Contacts
Over time, you have gained associates who help run and/or finance your business. Prerequisite: Effect: Business Savvy or Low Profile Every time you complete a transaction with a new contract (buying or selling), you may make a TN 10 Enterprise: Administration test to acquire him as a trade partner. The degree of success will determine the persons reaction stance the next time you make a Debate (Negotiate) test with him: Indifferent for a Marginal or Complete Success, Cooperative for a Superior Success, and Loyal for an Extraordinary Success. The social test modifiers will pertain to all future dealings, but you can make a new Enterprise: Administration test to change the persons reaction stance (an Extraordinary Success improves his stance by one category and a failure worsens his stance by one category). No


Business Savvy
You understand all aspects of business and can get yourself out of a bad deal that would lead to financial loss. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None Once per game session, you may re-roll one Enterprise: Business test and choosing the result. No

False Credentials
You created fake IDs and documents to help facilitate your bypassing of the authorities. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None You gain an affinity bonus to Influence (Bluff) from Forgery when passing off false documents. No

You own and command your own ship, airplane, or spacecraft. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Operate Vehicle or System Operation 3+ Aboard your vehicle or vessel, you gain a +2 bonus to Operate Vehicle or System Operation tests and Influence tests to command your crew. No


Low Profile
You know how to remain as inconspicuous as possible. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Enterprise: Streetwise 6+ All recognition tests made against you are at +15 TN and you gain an affinity bonus to Influence (Bluff) from Conceal when dissembling to legal authorities. No

You are able to competently pilot or operate the controls of your vehicle or vessel. Prerequisite: Effect: The Trade You gain 1 rank in either Operate Vehicle (specific vehicle) or System Operation (Nav Control) and the skill is considered a profession skill for acquiring ranks. Also, you may re-roll, once per test, any failed Operate Vehicle or System Operation test when attempting to evade pursuing vehicles or vessels. No


You range throughout a region, knowing the local prices of certain wares. Prerequisite: Effect: None You gain an affinity bonus Debate (Bargain) tests from Knowledge: World when making a test against a buyer from a realm, country, or planet that you are familiar with. If you score an Extraordinary Success, you are able to get a price 10% higher than normal. No


Stalwart Reputation
You have made a reputation in the trade business through cunning and a bit of luck. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Shrewd, Business Contacts Whenever you achieve any number of Extraordinary Successes in a chapter for Enterprise: Business or Debate (Bargain) tests, you gain +1 Renown. No

The Trade
Concealing items and cargo from the authorities is your bread and butter. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None You gain +4 bonus to Conceal tests. No


Helm/Flight Control/Navigator/Pilot
Table 43: Helm/Flight Control/Navigator/Pilot Abilities
Edge Archaic Vehicles By the Seat of Your Pants Combat Piloting Dogfighter Evasive Maneuvers Hide in Plain View Hot Hands Natural Navigator Navigation Systems Technician Wheelman You Call That a Storm? Prerequisite None Natural Navigator, Science: Space (Astrogation) or Survival 6+ Evasive Maneuvers None System Operation (Nav Control) or Operate Vehicle (appropriate vehicle) 6+ None Agility 6+ None None Engineering: Systems 6+ Hot Hands, Engineering: Systems 3+ Atmospheric Craft, Hot Hands Upgrade? Yes No No No No No No No No No No No

Archaic Vehicles
You have learned to operate archaic ground and/or aircraft. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None You gain a +2 bonus to appropriate Operate Vehicle and/or System Operation tests with vehicles of Current TL 1 and lower. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, you gain an additional +2.

By the Seat of Your Pants

Through great instinct and some dumb luck, you are able to guide your vehicle or vessel to destinations faster than most thought possible without pushing your craft beyond normal limits. Prerequisite: Effect: Natural Navigator, Science: Space (Astrogation) or Survival 6+ With a Science: Space (Astrogation) or Survival test of TN 10 + vehicles applicable maximum speed, the vehicle will arrive at its destination as if it were traveling at the crafts maximum speed as if it were pushing the vehicles propulsion without the harmful side effects. No


Combat Piloting
You have honed your reflexes and timing through extensive time spent in flight simulators and battle simulations. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Evasive Maneuvers You may perform +1 Helm combat maneuvers without incurring multiple action penalties. No

Tactics you have learned in training serve you and your vessel well. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None All Helm combat maneuvers gain a +2 bonus to results when you are at the helm. No


Evasive Maneuvers
It is your duty to get your vehicle out of harms way or maneuver to a better tactical position. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: System Operation (Nav Control) or Operate Vehicle (appropriate vehicle) 6+ When performing a Helm maneuver, you roll 3d6 and choose the best two before adding any modifiers. The double sixes rule still applies. No

Hide in Plain View

You are taught to use all sorts of tricks of environmental phenomena (fog, forest, tails of a comet, etc.) to hide your vessel. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None All tests to spot your vehicle or vessel or locate on sensors gain a +2 TN. No

Hot Hands
Its all in the reflexes. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Agility 6+ When making Swiftness tests, you roll 3d6 and choose the best two before adding any modifiers. The double sixes rule still applies. No

Natural Navigator
You are able to find your way through even the most difficult of conditions, terrain, or interstellar hazards. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None You gain a +4 bonus to Science: Space (Astrogation) tests. No

While anyone can punch in coordinates or set an autopilot, true helmsmen receive extensive training in plotting courses and navigating about all sorts of hazards. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None You gain an affinity bonus to System Operation (Nav Control) or Operate Vehicle (appropriate vehicle) from Science: Physical (Mathematics). No

Systems Technician
You understand your equipment so well that you are able to complete minor repairs and recalibrations on the controls. Prerequisite: Effect: Engineering: Systems 6+ Once per game session when making repairs, you may re-roll one Engineering: Systems or Repair test with an affinity bonus from System Operation (Nav Control) or Operate Vehicle (appropriate Vehicle) and use the result of your preference. No


A vehicle is a vehicle, regardless when it was made. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Hot Hands, Engineering: Systems 3+ You gain an affinity bonus to Operate Vehicle from System Operation. No 135

You Call That a Storm?

After lengthy time spent out in the terrible conditions of outer space, a force 5 hurricane are nothing. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Atmospheric Craft, Hot Hands Ignore all penalties to System Operation (Nav Control) or Operate Vehicle tests due to poor visibility, adverse weather conditions, etc. No

Investigator/Security/Weapons Officer
Table 44: Investigator/Security/Weapons Officer Abilities
Edge Coordination Deduction Favored Style Fire Control Officer Gumshoe Physically Fit Reconnaissance Responsive Security Protocols Sifter Subdue Telling Detail Thinks Like A Weapons Specialist Prerequisite Security Protocols Telling Detail None None None Hardy, Strength 8+ Perception 8+ Physically Fit None Perception 9+, Intellect 9+ None Security Protocols None None Upgrade? No No Yes No No No No Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes

You are able to coordinate and direct tactical operations. Prerequisite: Effect: Security Protocols Make a TN 10 System Operation (Tactical) test with an affinity bonus from Tactics. Those whom you direct in unit combat gain a bonus to Command maneuvers depending on your level of success (+1 for a Marginal Success, +2 for a Complete Success, etc.). No


Sometimes even the most experienced and intelligent investigator requires some help and a little luck. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Telling Detail Same as the Alchemist/Loremaster/Scientist/Wise-man Theorize ability where it concerns possible criminal activity (murder, theft, etc.). No

Favored Style
You know all the operational procedures concerning your duty station. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None Select an Unarmed Combat style. You gain an additional +2 bonus when using the selected style and a 4 penalty to use other styles. Note: This ability can only be acquired for one style only. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, you gain an additional +2 bonus to use the selected style and 2 to use other styles (max +6/8 total).

Fire Control Officer

You are the go-to guy when your vehicle or vessel is in combat.


Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade:

None You gain a +2 bonus to Weapons Combat maneuvers while manning the tactical console No

You excel at criminal investigation and the forensic sciences. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None If you have or when you acquire the Inquire skill, you automatically gain one additional specialty and a +2 bonus to all Inquire tests. No

Physically Fit
Through demanding physical training, you have increased you strength and endurance. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Hardy, Strength 8+ You gain +1 Stamina and double your attribute bonus for Strength, Vitality, and Athletics tests. No

Youve been taught observation techniques for investigating their surroundings for hazards, enemies, etc. Prerequisite: Effect: Perception 8+ You gain an affinity bonus to Inquire (Investigate) tests from Observe. Also, you can make a TN 10 Observe test to identify any conditions that would confer physical test modifiers (bonuses and penalties) in a given area and the extent that they would affect combat (Low: 1-2, Medium: 3-4, High: 5 or greater). No


You are trained to respond to threats faster than most. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Physically Fit Same as the Mercenary/Seaman/Soldier/Warrior Swift Strike ability, but for Armed, Ranged, and Unarmed Combat actions. Yes. Same as the Mercenary/Seaman/Soldier/Warrior Swift Strike ability, but for Armed, Ranged, and Unarmed Combat actions.

Security Protocols
You know all the operational procedures concerning your duty station. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None You gain an affinity bonus to System Operation (Security and Tactical) from Computer Use. No


You feel comfortable around stacks of documents, old manuscripts, libraries, and the like, making it relatively easy for you to find the information you want. Prerequisite: Effect: Perception 9+, Intellect 9+ You gain a +4 bonus to all Computer Use (Retrieve) or Investigate (Search, Research) tests when trying to locate a particular document (tome, scroll, and the like) in an archive, scroll hoard, database, etc. and also when trying to locate a particular bit of information in a document. No


You have been taught to value and respect all life. Prerequisite: Effect: None Select one of these skills: Armed Combat: Club, Armed Combat: Whip, Ranged Combat: Guns, Ranged Combat: Energy Weapons, or any Unarmed Combat skill. When making a test to stun or restrain an opponent, you gain a +3 bonus to the selected skill test. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, you must select another skill to gain the same bonus.


Telling Detail
It is difficult for minute details to be missed by your practiced eye. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Security Protocols You gain an affinity bonus to Observe from Inquire. No

Thinks Like A
As all schools of criminal science and warfare stand by, studying and understanding the criminal mind and your enemy is vital to successfully apprehending or engaging them. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None Same as the Captain/Command Officer/Knight ability. Yes. Same as the Captain/Command Officer/Knight ability.

Weapons Specialist
You excel at the use of a specific vehicle weapon. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None Select a main weapon of the vehicle or vessel. When making a System Operation (Weapons) or Ranged Combat test to fire the weapon, you gain a +2 bonus to the result. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, you must select a new vehicle or vessel weapon.


Ranger/Special Forces
Table 45: Ranger/Special Forces Abilities
Edge Camouflage Covert Ops Demolitions Expert Hard March Mission Specialist New Order Skill Protector Reconnaissance Requisitioning Retreat Sabotage Survival Training Trackless Step Unbreakable Wilderness Lore Prerequisite None None None Survival 6+ Intellect 9+ None 1 other Ranger/Special Forces ability, Oath-bound, any Combat skill 8+ Perception 8+ Mission Specialist, leader of a special forces unit None Demolitions Expert, Intellect 8+ None Survival 9+ or Observe (Track) 6+ Vitality 9+ None Upgrade? Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes No No

You have learned how to use special clothes, dyes, paint, and natural elements to conceal yourself in the wilderness. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None Make a TN 5 Conceal (Camouflage) test. You gain a bonus to all Stealth tests equal to 1 +1 for every level of success you achieve. This bonus lasts as long as you are in the wilderness. Yes; once. You may extend the bonus to others characters in the wilderness.

Covert Ops
Your work depends on your ability to remain hidden and discreet. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None You gain a +3 bonus to Stealth tests. No

Demolitions Expert
You specialize in sabotaging equipment and blowing things up. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None You make Demolitions and Repair (Sabotage) tests in 25% of the base time. Yes; twice. Every time you pick this ability, you further reduce the base time to make Demolitions and Repair (Sabotage) tests by 25% (max 75% total).

Hard March
You are accustomed to journeying long distances and over all sorts of terrain, doing it swiftly nonetheless. Prerequisite: Effect: Survival 6+ Select a specialty. You may move at normal movement through this type of terrain regardless of the conditions, barring any impediments that would normally be impossible to overcome such as a blocked or non-existent pass, a very wide river, etc. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, you may select a new specialty to gain this benefit for.



Mission Specialist
You excel in one or small group of niche skills and act as the mission specialist for performing certain tasks. Prerequisite: Effect: Intellect 9+ Select one of these skills: Computer Use, Demolitions, Enterprise: Administration, Enterprise: Streetwise, First Aid, Forgery, Inquire (Interrogate), Knowledge: Culture, Knowledge: World or Knowledge: Country or Knowledge: Realm, Repair, or System Operation. You gain 1 rank in this skill and one free specialty (even if you have already acquired the skill). The skill is also regarded as a profession skill for the purposes of advancement. Yes; ten times. Every time you pick this ability, you may select a new skill and specialty.


New Order Skill

During your many travels to distant locations, you encounter and learn many new and interesting things. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None Select a skill that is not listed as one of your profession skills. This skill is now considered a profession skill for the purposes of acquiring ranks during advancement. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, choose a new skill.

Part of your job is to defend, preserve, and protect people, often when they are unaware of dangers while in the midst of harms way. Prerequisite: Effect: 1 other Ranger/Special Forces/Weaponsmaster ability, Oath-bound, any Combat skill 8+ Select a group of people to protect. You gain a +2 bonus to attack and parry/block tests when fighting those who threaten those whom you are protecting. It is at the Narrators discretion if there is any doubt about those who may threaten people from your group. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, you may select a new group to protect.


Youve been taught observation techniques for investigating their surroundings for hazards, enemies, etc. Prerequisite: Effect: Perception 8+ You gain an affinity bonus to Inquire (Investigate) tests from Observe. Also, you can make a TN 10 Observe test to identify any conditions that would confer physical test modifiers (bonuses and penalties) in a given area and the extent that they would affect combat (Low: 1-2, Medium: 3-4, High: 5 or greater). No


You are able to get the equipment and supplies needed to carry out your mission. Prerequisite: Effect: Mission Specialist, leader of a special forces unit You are able to acquire equipment needed for your mission through your quartermaster, underground contacts, or employer from weapons (TN 10) to special gear (TN 15) to restricted/illegal weapons and explosives (TN 20). When attempting to acquire one of these types of items, make an Enterprise: Administration test with an affinity bonus from your Enterprise: Streetwise skill. The degree of success will depend on how soon the item can be delivered: Marginal Success (-d6+3 days), Complete Success (-d6 days), Superior Success (3d6 hours), and Extraordinary Success (1d6+3 hours). No



You have a place to hide, store supplies, and plan your actions. Prerequisite: Effect: None You have a secret hideout that no one knows about. For others to find your retreat requires a TN 15 Inquire (Search) test modified by your Forgery affinity bonus if it is a house, apartment, or building in a town or city or Conceal affinity bonus if it is in not in a populated area or a secret room in a building or underground within a populated area. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, increase the base TN to find your retreat by +3 TN.


You know how to disable or destroy equipment and systems. Prerequisite: Effect: Demolitions Expert, Intellect 8+ Select one of these skills: Computer Use, Demolitions, any Engineering, or System Operation. You gain 1 rank in this skill and the Sabotage specialty. The skill is also regarded as a profession skill for the purposes of advancement. Yes; five times. Every time you pick this ability, you may select a new skill.


Survival Training
You have been trained in techniques for survival in a multitude of environments. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: None You gain a +2 bonus to all Survival tests and an additional +2 bonus when using a specialty. No

Trackless Step
So woodcrafty you are that you can walk through natural areas without leaving a trail or traces of your passage behind. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Survival 9+ or Observe (Track) 6+ Select a Survival specialty that you have. Those who attempt to track you in this environment have a 8 penalty to their Observe (Track) test. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, you may select a new specialty to gain this benefit for or increase the tracking penalty by 2 (max 12 total).

You are able to resist the harshest physical punishments. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Vitality 9+ You may ignore up to 3 in penalties from injury, stun effects, and Weariness and the cost to purchase Stamina at advancements is reduced by one pick. No

Wilderness Lore
You are quite knowledgeable in the ways of the wild that you amaze even your peers. Prerequisite: Effect: None You gain an additional +2 bonus when using Courage for any wilderness-related skills such as Observe (Track), Survival, Handle Animal, or other tests that the Narrator deems acceptable to apply the bonus for. No



Super/Racial/Creature Abilities
Special abilities that creatures have are similar to the abilities that heroes have they augment a creatures capabilities both for the good and bad. There are really two kinds of special abilities: standard special abilities (listed below) and unique special abilities that are specific to that and a small few other creatures. Standard special abilities are suggested in the creature packages in the above section, Form and Role, while unique special abilities help a Narrator differentiate that creature from all other standard creatures.

Ability (Pick Cost)

Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Complements: Condition(s) required to be met before being able to acquire this ability. Condition(s) that bar the acquisition of this ability. Mechanics that affect gameplay. Yes/No; number of times. Pick cost and effect of upgrading the ability. Other special abilities frequently possessed by creatures that have this ability.

360-Sight (3)
Prerequisite: None Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Complements: None The creature can see normally in a 360-degree radius around it all at once. It gains a +4 bonus to Observe (Spot) tests and a +2 bonus to Swiftness tests for dodge actions. None ESP

Absorption (3)
Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Complements: Immunity (specific energy) Resistance or Vulnerability (specific energy) Roll damage as normal and roll and absorption test (1d6 + Vitality modifier). Add the result of the absorption test, no greater than the amount of damage. This is a free action. Yes; twice. Every time you pick this ability, double the amount of energy absorbed (max 4x result). None

Alternate Form (8)

Prerequisite: None Restriction: Effect: Chosen alternate form as primary form and Mechanical The creature can change its form into another (e.g. Animal to Energy) and back again at will (as a free action). Available forms are Animal, Astral, Amorphous, Energy, Gaseous, Incorporeal, Metallic, and Mineral. Upon being knocked unconscious or dying, the creature reverts back to its primary form. The abilitys cost can be reduced by 2 if an object, substance, etc. must be touched, eaten, etc. to change into the alternate form; this is not required to revert back to primary form. Yes. Every time you pick this edge, increase its cost by 1 pick and a new form is chosen. None

Upgrade: Complements:

Amorphous (5)
Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: None Agility 3 or less, Mechanical Body The creatures body lacks rigidity. Though it may form pseudopods, it doesnt have any permanent limbs. They cannot divide their mass and re-emerge at will; this requires Regenerate. An amorphous body takes half damage from falling. Not possessing rigid armor, an amorphous creature could have thick, blubbery skin to warrant the Armor ability, but Resistance and Invulnerable are more common. No Immunity, Regenerate, Resistance

Upgrade: Complements:


Anaerobic Respiration (3)

Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: None None The creature doesnt breathe in an oxygenated atmosphere. Select the chemical compound or specific organ to which it uses for respiration; none is also acceptable, as space-borne creatures typically do not have breathing requirements. If a creature is not within its natural environment for breathing, it will begin to suffocate unless it has the proper equipment. If a race has this ability and must have constant interaction with others not of its normal environment, this ability is considered a flaw, granting 3 picks. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, select a new compound or organ by which the creature is able to sustain normal respiration. None

Upgrade: Complements:

Antennae (3)
Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: None Incorporeal The creature gains a +3 bonus to Perception and Observe tests for detecting changes in the surrounding environment (air flow, temperature change, high or low frequency sounds, etc.). The radius of effectiveness is equal to the creatures Perception in yards. Loss of one antennae reduces the bonus to +1 and the loss of both cause the creature constant pain and disorientation (-2 penalty to Perception and Perception-based tests). No None

Upgrade: Complements:

Armor (3)
Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Complements: None None Armor absorbs damage equal to the numerical value listed. The armor value equals 3 + the creatures Strength and Vitality modifiers due to Size, minimum 1. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, add half the creatures Vitality modifier to the total (minimum 1). None

Bloodless (3)
Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Complements: None Energy Body, Gaseous Body, Incorporeal The creature has no circulatory system and is immune to all toxins that would affect the bloodstream. No Mineral Body

Burrow (3)
Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Complements: Natural Weapons (claws), Strength 0+, Agility 0+ Gaseous Form, Immobile, Incorporeal A creature with this ability is able to dig underground and move at a speed equal to 25% its base movement rate, rounded up. Yes; three times. Every time you pick this ability, increase the creatures burrow movement by 25% of its base movement (max 100% total). Corrosion, Trap-making

Camouflage (3)
Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Complements: None Incorporeal, Invisible Confers a 3 penalty to Perception, Observe (Spot), or Search tests when visually searching for the creature in its natural environment. No None


Chameleon (4)
Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Complements: Stealth 1+ Invisible Creatures with this ability gain a +3 bonus to Stealth (Hide and Move Silently) tests. This bonus is not in effect if searchers use technological means of detection (sensors, etc.). Yes. Every time you pick this ability, the creature gains an additional +1 bonus, costing 2 picks. None

Climber (3)
Prerequisite: None Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Complements: Animal, Plant, Metallic, or Mineral Body You can walk or climb along vertical surfaces at a speed equal to normal +1 foot per rank, up to your maximum movement. Yes Ganglia, Natural Weapons (Claws), Prehensile Appendage

Constrict (3)
Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Prehensile Appendage Gaseous Form, Incorporeal On a successful Unarmed Combat: Natural Weapons test, this creature grapples its victim, dealing 1d6 per 2 size categories greater than Medium + Strength modifier damage and causing it to begin suffocating. If a victim is caught by surprise, an attack with a Superior Success or better gets the victim around its throat or analogous body part and it will suffocate in half the normal time and suffer double suffocation damage. An opposed Strength test is required to break free. No Ganglia, Prehensile Appendages

Upgrade: Complements:

Cunning (3)
Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Complements: Intellect 1+ None In certain situations, such as when its lair is threatened or hunting, the creature gains a +3 bonus to Intellect and Wisdom tests. No None

Danger-sense (4)
Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Complements: Perception 9+ None You cannot be surprised or affected by similar effects and may act normally during a surprise round. You also gain +5 bonus to initiative during the surprise round or first round of combat. No None

Deterrent (3)
Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Bearing 0+ None The creature produces a deterrent (odors, growls, screeches, etc.) to ward off opponents. The opponent must make a Willpower test against the creatures deterrent TN to resist fleeing. The deterrent TN equals 10 + Bearing modifier; the cost and deterrent TN can be reduced by 3 per 1 pick (minimum ability cost 1). Yes. Every time you pick this ability, the creatures deterrent TN increases by +1 (costing 1 pick). None

Upgrade: Complements:


Drain (5)
Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Vitality 1+ or Psi 1+ or Magic 1+ Gaseous Form, Incorporeal Choose a biological substance that the creature derives sustenance from and designate a game attribute (usually Strength or Vitality) affected by the drain. Upon making a successful Armed Combat: Natural Weapons test, the creature may begin to drain the victim of said attribute. The creature drains a number of points of the attribute per round equal to the creatures Vitality modifier +1 (minimum 1). To break free, the victim must make an opposed Strength test. If successfully freed, the attribute reduction is temporary, except for 1 point. The permanently reduced point still counts in the characters total in terms of calculating his maximum attribute value for that attribute. Creatures that feed off of psionic or magical energy or emotions must make a Psi or Magic attribute test against the opponents Willpower to latch on. The damage is dealt, in the same manner above, to a creatures Vitality if it doesnt have the Psi or Magic attribute. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, the creature can drain an additional +1 point (costing 3 picks). Ranged Attack

Upgrade: Complements:

Energy Attack (3)

Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Vitality 1+ None Select an energy type (antimatter, electricity, psionics, magic, etc.) the creature emits. Upon making a successful Unarmed Combat attack against an opponent, the creature can discharge its energy to deal 1d6 + Vitality modifier damage as a free action, not including any damage from the physical attack itself. The attack can be done at a distance with Ranged Attack. No Energy Body, Ranged Attack

Upgrade: Complements:

Energy Body (0)

Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Energy Form, Amorphous, Resistance (physical damage), Invulnerability (creatures energy type) Mineral/Metallic Body, Mechanical Body Select a type of energy the creature is composed of (plasma, antimatter, radiation, etc.). Movement is reduced to 25% normal when moving through non-conductive, opaque materials (glass, stone, etc.). Energy barriers totally impede movement (deflector shields, etc.). No None

Upgrade: Complements:

Evasion (3)
Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Complements: Strength 1+, Agility 4+, Perception 4+ Amorphous, Immobile The creature gains a +1 bonus to dodge actions. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, the creature gains an additional +1 bonus to dodge actions (costing 3 picks). Speed

Extraordinary Sense (3)

Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Perception 4+ No This creature is able to detect the listed feature (danger, living creatures, etc.). To determine if there the listed feature is sensed, roll a Perception or Observe test for normal creatures, Observe (Sense Power) test for magical creatures, or Telepathy/Empathy test for psionic creatures. Upon a successful test, the creature may react by either not being surprised if entering combat or allowing the creature to act first in combat regardless of initiative. This ability is active up to a 10-foot radius/point of Perception. Using this ability is a free action. It is possible for this ability to replace normal sight, thus negating the prerequisite. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, the creature gains an additional sensory mode or, if bought as a super ability, the radius of effect increases by an additional 10 feet. None 145

Upgrade: Complements:

Table 46: Extraordinary Senses

Mode Chemorecption EM Detection Infrared Vision Invisibility Magic Sensitivity Psionic Sensitivity Subsonic Hearing Ultraviolet Vision Ultrasonic Hearing Description The creature can detect trace quantities of chemical compounds such as organic pheromones. The creature can detect and understand communications via radio waves, infrared, etc. The creature can sense objects radiating energy in the infrared spectrum. The creature can detect items/creatures that are invisible by magic, technology, etc. The creature can sense the presence of magic aptitude and the use of magical powers. The creature can sense the presence of psionics aptitude and the use of psionic powers. The creature can hear sounds of ultra-low frequencies and pitch. The creature can sense objects radiating energy in the ultraviolet spectrum. The creature can hear sounds of ultra-high frequencies and pitch.

Ferocious (3)
Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Willpower 1+ None The creature exhibits great ferocity when the situation warrants it. Choose a narrative aspect of when the creature would exhibit its ferociousness (defending territory, killing prey, etc.). When the aspect occurs, the creature gains a +3 bonus to all Combat and Willpower tests as applicable. No None

Upgrade: Complements:

Fly (6)
Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Complements: Strength 0+, Agility 0+ OR Telekinesis Immobile As a movement action, the creature can fly through the air at a speed equal to 1.5 times its base movement. Yes; once. The creature is now able to fly at double its base movement (costing 3 picks). Speed

Ganglia (5)
Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Complements: Amorphous Gaseous Body, Mechanical Body The creature gains a +3 bonus to Swiftness tests and the Hardy edge. No None

Gaseous Body (0)

Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Complements: Gaseous Form, Amorphous, Resistance (physical damage) Strength 3-, Incorporeal, Invisible The creature cannot physically manipulate objects, but may produce psionic effects. It cannot pass through solid objects, but it can slip into small holes and cracks, reducing its movement by 50%. Yes/No; number of times. Pick cost and effect of upgrading the ability. None

Heightened Senses (5)

Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Perception 4+ None Select a means of sensing (sound (air or water), vibration (ground), magnetic fields, bioelectric fields, etc.) and the creature is able to discern useful information by that means. This ability is 1 action. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, the creature gains a new means of sensing its surroundings. Antennae, ESP

Upgrade: Complements:


Table 47: Heightened Senses Results

Success Marginal Complete Superior Extraordinary Sample Effects No appreciable effect Rough numbers, speed, and direction of opponents Precise number, speed, direction, and distance of opponents Information on individuals

Immobile (-6)
Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Complements: None Burrowing, Evasion, Fly, Speed Reduce creatures movement rate to naught. No Plant Form

Immunity (varies)
Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: None Resistance or Vulnerability to same effect. Select an effect. The creature is completely resistant to all forms of the effect and no reactions are required for full pick cost. The creature could be completely resistant to a specific form of an effect, reducing the cost to of the normal cost (rounded up). If acquiring for a superhero, the cost is divided by 6. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, the creature gains an immunity to another effect or specific form an effect. None

Upgrade: Complements:

Table 48: Immunity Effects

Effect Aging Called Shots Corrosion Disease Energy Hunger Magic Physical Damage Poison Pressure Psionics Suffocation Picks 24 15 10 10 15 15 24 24 12 10 18 12 Description Cannot perish due to aging effects Suffer only normal damage All corrosives (acids, bases, etc.) All biological diseases Lasers, phasers, disruptors, plasma, temporal, heat/fire, cold, electricity, radiation, etc. No need to eat or drink All skills, special abilities, and game effects Physical weapons and objects, including falling, crushing, piercing, slashing, etc. Artificial and biological poisons and toxins High, low, or pressure (vacuum) environments All skills, special abilities, and game effects No need for respiration

Incorporeal (0)
Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Flying, Vulnerability Energy or Gaseous forms only Incorporeal creatures lack a physical body, able to pass through solid matter unhindered. They are immune to physical and energy damage (unless specified by magical properties or certain energy weapons). They move at half their normal movement, augmented by the Flying ability. No Invisible, Immunity, Trait (Psi or Arcane Talent)

Upgrade: Complements:


Invisible (25)
Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: None None The creature is almost entirely imperceptible by one or more methods of detection such as sight, hearing, smell, etc. A TN 25 Perception or Observe test is required to detect the creature using one of the specified senses or using equipment. When acquiring for a superhero, divide the cost by 5. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, the creature gains another form of detection to be invisible to. It should be noted that a creature should never have total invisibility to everything. Incorporeal

Upgrade: Complements:

Lure (3)
Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Bearing 1+ None The creature gains Influence +1; additional ranks can be purchased normally. Using this skill to entice prey is a free action. The range of Lure is Bearing/Bearing x2/Bearing x3/Bearing x4/+ Bearing. All life within the area that can perceive the lure must make a Willpower test to resist the lure. Creatures without means to perceive the lure or with Perception N/A are immune to the effect. No Trap-making

Upgrade: Complements:

Magic Armor (10)

Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Trait (Arcane Talent) None Creatures with this ability are almost impossible to harm with magic. To resist being affected by spells, make a Willpower test against the spells activation test result and add half the creatures Magic score (rounded up) as a modifier to the test result. A successful Willpower test would negate all spell effects while any failure would reduce the effects of the spell by 1 level of success (minimum Marginal) per level of failure. This ability only works when a spell either affects an area the creature is in or specifically against the creature. This ability doesnt extend to anything the creature could be wearing or attached to. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, the creature gains a +1 bonus to the Willpower test (costing 2 picks). None

Upgrade: Complements:

Mechanical Body (0)

Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Construct form Gaseous Body The creature suffers half the physical penalties from physical damage and does not benefit from natural healing unless they possess the Regenerate ability. It also is immune to diseases, toxins, and most forms of radiation. Unless the toxin affects inorganic materials, treat it as if it has Immunity (biological substances). No Armor, Resistance

Upgrade: Complements:

Mighty Charge (3)

Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Complements: None None The creature charges ferociously, receiving a +3 bonus to Melee Combat tests when charging. A successful charging attack deals twice the normal damage. All other effects remain the same. No None


Mimic (12)
Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Bearing 1+ None The creature can mimic another form at will. It must make an Intellect test, which what others will use as the TN for a Perception or Observe test. It can only mimic creatures or objects of similar size (mass isnt a factor if the change is done with psionics). Yes. Every time you pick this ability, the opponents Perception or Observe test gains a 1 penalty (costing 1 pick). Amorphous, Lure

Upgrade: Complements:

Mineral/Metallic Body (0)

Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Complements: Mineral/Metallic form Incorporeal. The creature moves at half normal movement, purchases Strength at 1 picks, gains (select 1) Armor, Resistance, or Invulnerable at half pick cost (rounded up). No None

Mount: Steady (3)

Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Complements: None None The creature is able to be ridden and is not easily spooked in combat. Its rider does not suffer the 1 to 4 penalty when entering combat. No None

Mount: War-trained (3)

Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Complements: Mount: Steady None The creature can act in combat without causing problems for its rider. It gains 1 action per round to act without penalty as directed by its rider. No None

Multiple Attacks (5)

Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Complements: Natural Weapons or Energy Attack None The creature gains +1 action per round that can only be used for combat actions. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, the creature gains +1 action per round (costing 5+1 per upgrade). Ganglia, Prehensile Appendage, Ranged Attack

Natural Weapons (3)

Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Strength 1+, Agility 1+ Gaseous Body, Incorporeal Select a form of natural weapon(s) that applies to the creature: Bite, Claw, Hoof, Horn, Stinger, or Tail. It can use these innate weapons to inflict damage. The creature gains Unarmed Combat: Natural Weapons (weapon form) +1; additional ranks can be purchased normally. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, the creature gains a new natural weapon specialty depending on its available natural weapons. All

Upgrade: Complements:


Table 49: Natural Weapon Damage

Size Microscopic Fine Miniscule Tiny Little Small Medium Large Mammoth Huge Gigantic Titanic Titanic +X Damage 1 1d6-5 + Strength modifier 1d6-4 + Strength modifier 1d6-2 + Strength modifier 1d6-1 + Strength modifier 1d6 + Strength modifier 1d6 + Strength modifier 1d6 + Strength modifier 2d6 + Strength modifier 3d6 + Strength modifier 4d6 + Strength modifier 5d6 + Strength modifier (5+X)d6 + Strength modifier

Power Transfer (5)

Prerequisite: Absorption Restriction: Gaseous Body, Incorporeal Effect: The creature can redirect the damage it absorbed from a specific type of attack (physical, energy, magic, psionics, etc.). For every 3 damage absorbed, it gains 1 temporary Courage point to spend on another ability or physical test. Temporary Courage points are lost at a rate of 1 every round after the first accumulation. The abilitys cost can be reduced by 2 if a subtype of attack is chosen (hand-tohand, projectile, etc.) but cannot be done for magic or psionics. Upgrade: Yes. Every time you pick this ability, the creature gains +1 temporary Courage points or reduce rate of loss by 1 round (max 1 every 3 rounds). Complements: Amorphous

Prehensile Appendage (5)

Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Agility 1+, Strength 1+ Gaseous Body, Incorporeal The creature has +1 appendages for which it can use for either locomotion or any other actions. For each extra appendage used for locomotion, the creature gains +1 movement action only (run, climb, etc.); otherwise the creature gains +1 standard actions. Yes. Each time you pick this ability, the creature gains +1 appendages (costing 5 picks). Ganglia, Multiple Attacks

Upgrade: Complements:

Ranged Attack (3)

Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Complements: Strength 1+ or Vitality 1+, Natural Weapons or Toxin None The creature can perform one type of attack -- Corrosive, Natural Weapons, or Poison -- at range. No None

Table 50: Creature Ranged Attacks

Range Point Blank Short Medium Long Extended Increment (yards) 1 Creatures Strength Creatures Strength x2 Creatures Strength x3 + Creatures Strength

Redundant System (varies)

Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: None Amorphous The creature has an extra set of organs that back up those that support primary life functions. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, the creature gains a new redundant system. 150



Table 51: Redundant Systems

System Circulatory Picks 3 Effect Select heat or cold. The creature ignores penalties due to selected environment and double the penalties when in the opposite environment. The creature also is more susceptible to poisons, giving it a 1 penalty to Stamina tests vs. poison. The creature gains a +4 bonus to Stamina tests vs. poison. The creature is gains a +2 bonus to resist stun effects and halves the duration of effect. The creature gains a +2 bonus to Stamina tests vs. Weariness and recovers from Weariness in half the normal time. The creature is able to hold its breath for a long period of time with the same effect as the Diver ability.

Endocrine Neural Respiratory

4 5 7

Regenerate (varies)
Prerequisite: Effect: Stamina 1+ The creature recovers Wound Points in a nonstandard time frame, either faster or slower than normal. Select a rate at which the creature recovers Wound Points. It recovers Wound Points per natural healing. This ability would also allow severed limbs to be regrown; heads (i.e. location of brain) may only be regrown if the creature has the Ganglia ability. Recovering lost limbs requires Vitality Vitality modifier units of the selected regeneration time increments. No Amorphous, Ganglia, Gaseous Body

Upgrade: Complements:

Table 52: Regeneration Periods

Time Increment Every decade Yearly Monthly Weekly Every 2 days Hourly Every 30 minutes Every 15 minutes Every minute Every round Picks -60 -24 -12 -6 -3 1 3 6 12 30

Resistance (varies)
Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Stamina 1+ Immunity or Vulnerability to same thing The creature can ignore some of the damage due to a particular source. Select a source of damage the creature is resistant to: falling, magic, weapons, poisons, etc. When damaged by the selected source, the creature makes a TN 10 Stamina test. If it succeeds, the creature takes half damage from the source, otherwise it takes damage. Select effect from Table 125 at half the listed cost in picks (rounded up). Yes. Every time you pick this ability, the creature gains a new effect to be resistant to. Energy Form, Gaseous Form

Upgrade: Complements:

Shapeshifter (12)
Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: None None This creature is able to alter its form at will; doing so takes 1 action. What abilities the creature has when not in its standard form are individually described. This effect is similar to either a spell effect that changes a targets shape or a natural biological function. This ability can be disrupted either using counterspells or certain technologies. 151

Upgrade: Complements:

When the creature changes to a form of a different size (max +1 Size categories, min 3 Size categories), its Wound Levels change as well. If hurt as a bigger creature and then reverts to a smaller creature or vice versa, the damage that the creature has sustained will be proportionally transferred to the new form. None None

Speed (3)
Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Complements: Agility 4+, Strength 1+, Swiftness +1 Immobile The creature is very fast when traveling in a certain manner (flying, burrowing, etc.). The creature moves at double its movement rate in one of its forms of movement. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, the creature doubles its speed in a different form of locomotion. Burrow, Fly

Supercharge (3)
Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Vitality 0+ Attribute or reaction must not be null or must have previously acquired ability Using 1 action, you gain a temporary boost to either an attribute or reaction score, or ability. The affected stat increases +1 per rank in this ability, but cannot affect this same ability. The boost wears off at a rate of one every round, starting the round following the activation of this ability. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, the creature gains another rank in the ability or can reduce the rate of loss by 1 round (max 3 rounds). None

Upgrade: Complements:

Tail Sweep (3)

Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Complements: Natural Weapons (tail) Gaseous Body, Incorporeal Any creature that sustains damage from a tail attack and fails an opposed Strength or Agility test against the creatures Strength is knocked down (prone) and takes damage from the tail. None None

Terror (5)
Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: None None The mere presence of a creature causes fear in those around it. The creatures Influence (Intimidate) skill operates continuously when it does not spend actions to cause fear in its opponents. Opponents who face the creature must make a Willpower test vs. Fear every round. In such cases when actions arent spent on using the skill, add the creatures ranks to its Bearing modifier and divide by 2 before rolling the dice; all other effects remain the. Having this ability also does not preclude the creature from using the skill at full power (using the appropriate action cost as well). None None

Upgrade: Complements:

Toxin (varies)
Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Immunity (creatures toxin) Incorporeal Refer to Toxins for developing a creatures toxin (corrosive, disease, poison, radiation). The Ranged Attack ability is required if the poison is spit or otherwise projected towards a target. The pick cost for each of the toxins aspects equals the aspects number 1. The sum of all the pick costs for the toxins aspects is the pick cost for this ability. Corrosives can only affect one type of material at a time. The radius of effect for a radiation is equal to Vitality/2 in yards. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, the creature gains a new toxin, affects a new material, or different type of radiation. None 152

Upgrade: Complements:

Trait (varies)
Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: None None The creature gains an edge just like a PC. The cost is equal to the number of picks required to purchase the edge, including any upgrades to it. Increase the cost by 2 picks for ignoring prerequisites. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, the creature gains a new edge or upgrade. None

Upgrade: Complements:

Trample (3)
Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: None Gaseous Body, Incorporeal As a full-round move action, a creature can use its bulk and speed to charge over the top of its opponents, doing grievous damage to them. Make a Strength-based Melee Combat: Natural Weapons test to hit the target. If successful, the target is knocked down and dealt either 2d6 or the creatures hoof/foot/etc. damage + (2*Strength). No None

Upgrade: Complements:

Translator (3)
Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Complements: None None You can understand any language that you dont have a Language skill for by making an Intellect test with a bonus equal to your ranks in this ability (see the table below for TNs). Yes None

Table 53: Translation TNs

Translation TN 10 15 20 25 Type of Communication Common language Obscure or difficult language or dialect Alien or simple code Complex code or language based on something other than speech

Trap-making (4)
Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Strength 1+, Intellect 1+, Agility 1+ None The creature gains Craft: Trap-making +1; additional ranks can be purchased normally. The time required to build a trap is 2d6 Intellect modifier hours. The Craft test result is the TN for Perception, Observe, or Search tests to spot the trap or Swiftness tests to avoid the trap. Traps may confer damage upon activation (falling, suffocation, etc.) or, in the case of webs, require a Strength test to break free, requiring a full-round action. No Burrow, Lure

Upgrade: Complements:

Undead Stamina (10)

Prerequisite: Restriction Effect: Not a living creatures Cannot be a living creature This creature doesnt have to eat or drink and heals all injuries at five times the normal rate. They also dont have Weariness Levels and never need to make Stamina checks to resist Weariness for any reason. No None

Upgrade: Complements:

Uplink (5)
Prerequisite: Translator or Telepathy Restriction None 153


Upgrade: Complements:

You can interface with electronic devices and operate them at a distance. When making any tests that involve electronic devices (Computer Use, Engineering, Repair, etc.), you gain a +2 bonus. You can also cut the time in half for the task. If you have the Telepathy skill, use that for communicating with artificial intelligences and sentient computers; otherwise range increments are 10+5 feet per rank in this skill. You may reduce the abilitys cost by 1 point if you elect to make the character have physical contact with a device to operate it and Mind Meld would replace the use of Telepathy. Yes. Every time you gain a rank in this ability, you can gain a +2 to a selected skill when it involves the use of electronic devices. Energy Body

Vulnerability (varies)
Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: None Immunity or Resistance to same thing Select an effect from which the creature is vulnerable to damage. If damaged from this source, the creature must make a TN 10 Stamina test. If successful, it is dealt normal damage; otherwise it is dealt double damage. Other effects may apply instead and are described in the individual entry. Select effect from Table 125 at half the listed cost in picks (rounded up) and is negative. Yes. Every time you pick this ability, the creature gains a new effect to be vulnerable to. None

Upgrade: Complements:

Water-born (5)
Prerequisite: Race or creature that normally resides in water or other liquid-based environment Restriction: Animal or Plant forms only Effect: The creatures normal living environment is underwater. It can swim at a base speed equal to its standard movement. It doesnt suffer penalties to physical tests except for normal encumbrance and can see normally while in water. Unfortunately living in such an environment causes the creature to be vulnerable to dry, arid, and hot conditions, gaining a -5 penalty to Stamina tests while in these conditions. Finally, the creature also suffering 1.5 times normal damage from fire or heat-based attacks upon failing a Stamina vs. heat (or fire) attacks result (min 5). Upgrade: Yes, twice. Every time you pick this ability, either Immunity (Cold) or Immunity (High Pressure) may be selected. Complements: None


Additional Rules for Consideration

Abilities and the No-Professions Rule
If a Narrator has decided to not use professions in his game, then he has also decided that characters can acquire any abilities available, meeting the prerequisites in advance of course. Determining the scheme for available abilities would work the same way as having professions, but I would advocate using the Tier system as I think it provides more security against power-gaming.

Creating Abilities
Low-Powered Abilities
These abilities usually provide a simple bonus to a skill, a set of skills, or reaction that is on par or more powerful than the average Edge or Combat Trait. A +3 bonus to a basic skill, +2 bonus to a set of obscure or specialist skills, +2 bonus to a reaction, or +3 or more bonus to a reaction for a specific condition are good examples for this kind of ability. These abilities typically should not have prerequisites nor allow for upgrades.

Moderate-Powered Abilities
These abilities usually build upon skills or other abilities by providing greater bonuses or more powerful effects. Skill bonuses can usually take the form of relating it to another skill. A bonus to System Operation (Nav Control) from Space: Science by dividing the number of ranks in Space: Science by 2, rounding down, is a good example. These abilities will have at least a low-powered ability as their prerequisite and/or number of ranks in a skill between 4 and 7; a related trait along with either the ability or skill also makes for a reasonable prerequisite.

High-Powered Abilities
These abilities are either abilities that build upon lesser-powered abilities or have very powerful effects with correspondingly high prerequisites. Allowing a spacecraft pilot to attempt to send the ship forward or backward in time, allowing additional actions per combat round, or allow an engineer to create amazing experimental devices are good examples. These abilities have the potential to unbalance a game or nullify a Narrators best-laid plans for adventure so care is needed in both creating them and their use in the game.

Determining an Ability Scheme

Regardless of the ability scheme that is used, it is advised to be consistent between both Basic and Elite Professions.

This is the simplest way to segregate abilities. Usually the most fundamental or least powerful of abilities have no or very low prerequisites while the more powerful and exotic abilities have many and/or very high prerequisites. This is how the Lord of the Rings RPG delineates abilities. This scheme allows the freedom to make up abilities with no regard to the security of hierarchy. The catch is to be aware of the relative power of the abilities and to set the prerequisites accordingly so that beginning or low-level characters could not attain powerful abilities very quickly.

The tiered system uses both prerequisites and an additional feature of ability hierarchy to segregate abilities for professions. In this manner, a Tier I ability must be acquired before higher tiered abilities, even if the character already meets the prerequisites. Tier I abilities have no prerequisites. Tier II abilities have a prerequisite or either a Tier I ability and/or a skill with a minimum of ranks and/or traits. Tier III abilities have prerequisites of Tier I and/or Tier II abilities and/or traits. This is how the Star Trek RPG delineates abilities. This scheme gives the security that there will be certain abilities available to beginning characters and that more powerful abilities are not always or easily available to low-level characters. The catch is that abilities associated in the same tier should have similar relative power in their effects and prerequisite(s).


Prerequisites and Abilities with Multiple Picks

When an abilitys prerequisite mentions other unnamed profession abilities, additional picks of an applicable ability would count as an individual ability. For example, the Conjurer/Mage/Magician ability Endurance requires Spellcasting and 2 unnamed profession abilities. Spellcasting and Spell Focus 2 would cover the prerequisite.

Cross-Order Skill Ability

Id suggest allowing all Professions access to this ability.


In the CODA system, the outcome of actions is determined by the results of tests. This is the format of a standard test; attribute, reaction, and skill tests are variations on this theme: Test Result = 2d6 + modifiers - penalties The test result is then compared to a target number (TN) which refers to actions difficulty. The amount of the result exceeds or misses the TN determines the overall success or failure of the test.

Rolling 6s
When rolling dice for any test or dealing damage, having all the dice come up with 6s is a very special situation. Unless specified in a given situation, roll an additional 1d6 until a 6 does not come up; the total of all the dice rolled is then added to the total modifier for the test to get the test result.

Test Difficulty, Target Numbers, and Modifiers

A tests difficulty establishes the severity of the challenge posed by the action the character attempts, ranging from Simple to Virtually Impossible. To determine the difficulty of a test, the Narrator must decide the general difficulty category the action belongs to (refer to the table below). The difficulty category gives the Narrator the base TN for the characters test. The attribute and skill descriptions in earlier chapters provide specific TNs for typical game situations.

Table 54: Standard Target Numbers

Difficulty Category Routine Standard Challenging Difficult Virtually Impossible Base TN 5 10 15 20 25

After the Narrator determines the base TN, he must consider any factors that might increase or decrease the base TN and modify the TN accordingly. These factors may include adverse lighting, surface conditions, equipment availability, or cultural biases. It is for these reasons that the tests are grouped into three categories: Academic, Physical, and Social. Except in unusual circumstances, there should be few modifiers that apply to any given test. The tables below outline a number of possible factors that could modify a given test.

Table 55: Academic Test Modifiers

DISTRACTIONS Condition Situated in comfortable surroundings Engaged in a life-threatening situation Affected by loud noise/talking Affected by environmental factors MEMORY LOSS Suffers from mind-altering drug/toxin Suffers from selective amnesia Suffers from near total amnesia Modifier 0 TN +5 to +10 TN +3 to +6 TN physical modifier (see Table 47)

+5 to +10 TN +3 to +9 TN +10 to +15 TN


Table 56: Physical Test Modifiers

EXTREME TEMPERATURE Condition Temperate Uncomfortable heat/cold Extreme heat/cold TERRAIN Flat/unobstructed terrain Uneven/lightly obstructed terrain Broken/heavily obstructed terrain On moving ship/boat Slick surface/uncertain footing Slippery surface/poor footing Frictionless surface/no footing Low-gravity/Heavy-gravity environment Zero-gravity environment Disadvantageous position Advantageous position VISIBILITY & LIGHTING Clear visibility/ideal lighting Dim lighting Darkness Light smoke/fog Heavy smoke/fog Light rain Heavy rain OTHER MODIFIERS Difference in opponents Size Using off-hand Modifier 0 TN 2 TN 5 TN

0 TN 3 TN 5 to 10 TN +2 TN +3 TN +7 TN +12 TN 3 to 7 TN 7 TN +3 to +9 TN -3 to -6 TN

0 TN 2 TN 5 TN 2 TN 5 TN 1 TN 3 TN

2 TN/level of difference +8 TN

Note: The use of the means that the modifier is used in a way specific to the test. If a Stealth test was made in dim lighting, the modifier would be a penalty (-) while the modifier would be used as a bonus (+) for a Search test.

Table 57: Social Test Modifiers

INTERACTION STANCE Condition Target is loyal/devoted Target is friendly/pacifistic Target is indifferent Target is aggressive/unfriendly Target is hostile/violent Target speaks a different native language Target is of the same country Target and character of different race OTHER MODIFIERS* Environment makes communication difficult Demonstrates evidence or sincerity Modifier -10 TN -5 TN 0 TN +5 TN +10 TN 0 to +15 TN 0 to -5 TN +0 to +10 TN

1.5 x physical modifier, rounded up -3 to -9 TN

* - The modifiers in Table 63 can be used as well for helping decide opposing social tests like Persuade, Debate, etc.


Reattempting a Test
Depending on the nature of the test, it could be reattempted at the Narrators discretion with a 2 penalty, but social tests may only be reattempted in subsequent rounds. Reattempts for social tests improve or worsen the initial score by +1/level of success or 2/level of failure.

Types of Tests
Attribute Tests
All characters possess at least six defining attributes that measure a characters personal endowment in each of these areas. Attribute scores translate into fixed modifiers and these are added to the 2d6 dice roll for an attribute test. Attributes tests are used when skill isnt required to accomplish the feat like lifting a heavy object or catching something before it hits the ground. Attribute Test Result = 2d6 + Attribute Modifier + Miscellaneous Modifiers

Reaction Tests
Although characters generally make attribute tests when exercising their raw talents, but sometimes they are required to resist outside influence, which is typically hostile. These types of tests are called reaction tests, using the reaction score and modifiers for given situations as listed in Chapter 2. Reaction Test Result = 2d6 + Reaction Score + Miscellaneous Modifiers

Skill Tests
Most tests in the game will come in the form of skill tests such as when a character wishes to brew a potion, cast a spell, or speak a different language. As with attributes and reactions, characters show a level of progression, in this case experience and competence, for skills; this is measured in ranks, which is added to the test roll. Because natural talent also augments a characters level of competence, their attribute modifiers are added to the test roll. Skill Test Result = 2d6 + Attribute Modifier + Skill Ranks + Miscellaneous Modifiers Skill tests results can be augments by a number of factors. First, skill specialties confer a +2 bonus, if the skill has specialties. Second, affinities gained through similar skill or unique conditions can grant a bonus from +1 and higher. Some skills tests can be attempted without having any ranks in the skill; this is referred to as an untrained attempt. When a skill test is an untrained attempt, use the following equation, the -2 penalty is due to unfamiliarity with the skill: Untrained Skill Attempt = 2d6 + Attribute Modifier + Miscellaneous Modifiers 2 Sometimes certain tests would be considered impossible due in the current conditions of the attempt. If this is the case, the Narrator could either declare the attempt impossible, set the TN to a very high number to let the character attempt, or set the TN to 30 and require the character expend as much Courage as possible to make the attempt successful. Lastly concerning skill tests are repeated attempts for certain skills and situations. They may be allowed if a previous attempt failed, but with a cumulative -2 penalty as well as having the possibility remain that the entire attempt may fail regardless.

Variant Tests
Regardless of test type, some tests warrant special rules due to the nature of the challenge. The types of test variants are discussed below.

Opposed Tests
Whenever a tests success or failure depends on the actions of a characters opponent, the Narrator may call for an opposed test. When this happens, each contestant rolls for his test and the one who has the highest score is the winner; degrees of success are then based off the opponents score.


Table 58: Sample Opposed Tests

Situation Acting in disguise Bargaining Competing at games Dodging spells Foot race Hiding Searching Characters Test Disguise Debate (Bargain) Games Ranged Combat: Spells Athletics: Run Stealth (Hide) Observe (Spot) or Inquire (Search) Opponents Test Observe (Spot) or Wisdom Debate (Bargain) Games Swiftness Athletics: Run Observe (Spot) Stealth (Hide) or Conceal

Combined Tests
Some challenges are so broad or encompassing that they require multiple characters to combine their effort into resolving the situation. Examples of this would be a group searching an area for an item or pulling open a door; to account for the teamwork needed, the Narrator initiates a combined test. After the Narrator sets the TN for the test, the characters select one of them to be the leader. Everyone but the leader makes the test at TN 5 to determine their effectiveness of their contribution. A Marginal or Complete Success grants a +1 bonus to the leaders test, a Superior Success grants a +2 bonus, and an Extraordinary Success grants a +3 bonus. On the other hand failure could give penalties a Failure grants a +0 bonus to the leaders test, a Complete Failure grants a 1 penalty, and a Disastrous Failure grants a 2 penalty. Once the team members have complete their contribution attempts, the leader makes his test with the total bonus/penalty from the team members. Just as a note, not all tests that may require combined tests can have them made as some situations may not allow it like trying to fit a whole group of people in a small hallway to pull a door open.

Extended Tests
Extended tests apply to complex and/or protracted actions such as brewing a potion, creating an item, or repairing something that is broken. Tests may also, for dramatic effect require the use of different skills or abilities for different stages to complete it. To establish an extended test, first decide what attributes and skills will play a role in the action. Second, break the test into a number of stages (a time interval such as rounds, minutes, hours, etc.), where at the end of each interval a test is performed. Third, set a TN for test roll, noting each individual tests requirements. Then add all the TNs together to determine the aggregate TN for the extended test. Finally, determine the amount of time required to make the test by multiplying the number of individual tests by the time interval; this can allow the character to finish the test faster than normal by achieving Superior and Extraordinary Successes while making it take longer due to failures. Because extended tests translate a number of repeated attempts into elapsed game time, they are especially useful for heightening the tension and drama as characters race against the clock. When a player rolls each test sequentially, add the incremental test results together. When the total of the tests meets or exceeds the aggregate TN, the action is complete. If the skill or Narrator-defined test allows it, a player can retry a failed test but that will require the expenditure of another time interval and the failed test results does not add to the incremental test results. Complete or Disastrous Failures, may even cause penalties to further rolls, increase subsequent TNs, cause further delays, or even ruin the attempt in its entirety. If an extended test requires different attribute or skill tests, do not let the character continue on to a test with a new attribute or skill until they have surpassed the test TN for the current stage of the test.

Time plays a crucial role in many game adventures. Within the game, time breaks down into five generic and abstract intervals that are subsequently described: action rounds, scenes, chapters, narratives, and interludes.

Action Round
Action rounds are the smallest intervals of time in the game, representing about 6 seconds of real time the amount of time needed to avoid an attack, draw your wand, or thrust your sword. A lot of the drama in the games revolve around tense and often life-threatening moments of action, so whenever the characters are involved in fast-paced feats one after another, the story moves in sequential rounds. The number of actions a character can make in an action round are defined by his action allowance.

Scenes are increments of time of varying length in which a particular goal or purpose are had in mind by the Narrator. Scenes can last several minutes to an hour or more and end when the goal or purpose has been met. The characters will then move on to the next scene. A scene could be a conversation with NPCs or a combat sequence. 160

Chapters in the game, similar to those in a book; represent a number of different scenes and interludes made by the Narrator which can take place over hours, days, or longer in game time.

Narratives consist of two or more chapters, a sequence of adventures often ending in a important and often climactic scene. For example, the face-off between the main characters and a villain or obtaining a particularly powerful magical item before it fell into the hands of a Dark Wizard.

Narrators use interludes when describing events beyond the first-hand experience of the PCs or to account for ordinary activities that dont warrant detailed narration. Generally, Narrators use these to gloss over unimportant details between scenes and chapters.

In a CODA-based game, characters accomplish important or time-critical things by attempting or performing actions. An action represents a singular feat such as running down a hall, casting a spell, or climbing a cliff. You can often assume minor or menial tasks automatically succeed without the need for rolling dice. But when situations are meant to challenge PCs, the Narrator will break them down into manageable actions, often occurring in a sequential order. Determining what a character can and cannot and letting his decide what he wishes to attempt is one of the things that makes the game so fun and challenging to play. The rest of this chapter presents an assortment of actions that characters commonly perform during the games chapters. These actions fall into one of several categories, including movement actions (running, diving, climbing), combat actions (aiming, casting spells, striking a blow), free actions (dropping an object, issuing a command), and full-round actions (searching for a concealed object, deciphering an unknown script). A typical character can perform 2 standard actions per combat round normally; spells or abilities may grant additional actions. Further actions may be possible (except for full-round actions), at the Narrators discretion, but would incur a cumulative 5 penalty to the test (5, 10, 15, etc.). If an action costs more than 1 to perform, the actions test is affected by the largest penalty. If an action without a specific test is attempted and would incur a penalty to a test, then an applicable attribute test is required with a TN equal to the test penalty. For example, if a character has used his 2 actions and attempts to make one additional Walk action, he must make a TN 5 Agility test to successfully perform that action. If actions are done outside combat, ignore the action cost and penalties for multiple actions.

Movement and Travel

Table 59: Movement Based on Size
Size Miniscule or smaller Tiny Little Small Medium Large Huge Mammoth Gigantic Titanic Titanic +X Walk Distance Per Action 1 inch 1 foot 1 yard 3 yards 6 yards 12 yards 24 yards 48 yards 96 yards 180 yards 180 + X*180 yards Walk Distance Per Hour 100 yards 250 yards 1 mile 2 miles 3 miles 10 miles 25 miles 50 miles 100 miles 200 miles 200 + X*200 miles

Table 60: Encumbrance

Load (lbs.) Average burden (up to Strength x5) Moderate burden (Strength x6-10) Heavy burden (Strength x10-20) Movement Penalty None normal pace, rounded down; cannot Sprint normal pace, rounded down; cannot Run 161 Physical Test Modifier 0 -2 -5

Very Heavy burden (Strength x21-30) Extreme burden (Strength x31+)

normal pace, rounded down; cannot Jog Cannot walk

-10 -15

Table 61: Sample Movement Actions

Action Walk Crawl/Step Jog Run Sprint Swim Jump Climb Drop prone Stand from prone Cost 1 1 1 2 Full Round 1 1 1 1 1 Effect See Table 9-x Walk effect Run effect * Run effect x 1.5 * * * Lay prone on the ground Get up from prone Test ** ** ** ** N/A ** ** ** ** **

* - See Athletics skill description ** - Attribute test equal to the test penalty is required if performed after action allowance is used

Table 62: Sample Free Actions

Action* Command Drop Object Target Warn/Alert Effect Issue a command of <=10 words Drop item/weapon to the ground Acquire a new target in combat Shout a warning or alert

* - Environmental factors (noise, smoke, etc.) may warrant a test for specific actions

Table 63: Sample Full-Round and Extended Actions

Action Hide Inspirational Speech Perform Healing Repair Weapon Search Effect Hide in cover or shadows Inspire others with words Treat Wounds Fix damaged weapon Search 1 yd x 1 yd area Test Stealth (TN variable) Inspire (TN variable) First Aid (TN variable) Craft (TN variable) Search (TN variable)

Of all the action sequences in a game, personal combat is probably the most dramatic due to the potential of physical harm or even death. Although it can be broken down into simple skill resolution, combat is more involved than other situations from the number of modifiers and options available.

Running combat is simple enough: the characters resolve surprise, if there is any, roll their initiative, then, when it is their turn, spend their 2 standard actions (plus more with penalties if the Narrator so allows), and finally begin again at the start of a new round. Re-rolling initiative at the beginning of a new round is at the discretion of the Narrator.

The Narrator determines if the character(s) is/are surprised by having him/them make a TN 10 Observe (Spot) test with the appropriate modifiers. Being caught by surprise allows the other(s) to gain first initiative through combat and lose one action in the first round of combat.

Combat Tests
Combat involves combat actions while fighting in close-quarters (armed or unarmed attacks) or from a distance (ranged attacks). When a character uses a Combat skill to perform an attack, he must make a Combat skill test. The base difficulty of the attack is his opponents Defence. Physical test and combat modifiers may apply. For ranged attacks, refer to the 162

weapons range increments for additional bonuses or penalties to the test. Scoring a Marginal Success or better indicates a successful attack. The attacker rolls the weapons damage dice to determine the amount damage dealt by the attack. Greater degrees of success indicate greater damage as well. To avoid damage from a successful attack, the opponent must perform a opposed Dodge or Parry/Block test with a TN equal to the attackers Combat test result; only Dodge actions are effective for ranged attacks.

Table 64: Armed and Unarmed Combat Modifiers

Situation Defender prone Attacker in advantageous position Defender in advantageous position Off-hand penalty Modifier -5 TN -1 to -3 TN +1 to +3 TN +8 TN

Table 65: Ranged Combat Modifiers

RANGE CATEGORY Condition Point Blank range Short range Medium range Long range Extended range Extended +X range SITUATION Defender prone Attacker in advantageous position Defender in advantageous position Attacker on horseback TARGET MOTION Pace is 3-6 yd/round Pace is 7-12 yd/round Pace is 13-18 yd/round Pace is 19-40 yd/round Pace is 41-80 yd/round Pace is 81-160 yd/round Pace is 161+X yd/round * - X= +5 TN per 160 yd/round +2 TN +4 TN +6 TN +9 TN +12 TN +15 TN +15 TN +X* +5 TN -1 to -5 TN +1 to +5 TN +4 TN Modifier -2 TN 0 TN +2 TN +4 TN +6 TN 6+(X*2) TN

Armor and Cover

Some characters wear armor or hide behind objects to help conceal themselves from detection and attacks. Each time an attack inflicts damage, his armor or cover absorbs some of the damage. Both can only absorb so much damage before they become useless or destroyed. See Chapter 11 for more information concerning armor.


Table 66: Covers Protection

Cover Type Thin wooden door Average wooden door Thin metal door Reinforced wooden door Reinforced metal door, large rocks Worked stone wall Hardness* 6 8 10 12 14 15+X** Damage* 5 10 15 20 25 60+X***

* - See the Glossary for descriptions of these traits and their meanings. ** - X = 2 per 1 foot of thickness *** - X = 5 per 1 foot of thickness

Combat Actions
The following tables and text outline some of the more common actions performed during combat encounters. Narrators may vary the costs, test modifiers, and bonuses for variations of these.

Table 67: Combat Actions

Actions Aim Attack Delay Disarm Dodge Parry/Block Ready/Recover/ Reload Set Action Cost 1 See Table 59 0 2 1 1 1 or 2 1, 2, or Full Test Type See text Armed, Ranged, or Unarmed Combat* None * Swiftness * None (Agility, if required) None Test Modifiers Armed, Ranged, or Unarmed Combat* * None Armed or Unarmed Combat** * * Physical Test None

The Aim action confers a +1 bonus to a Melee Combat test and a +3 bonus to a Ranged Combat test. If visual conditions are poor, Observe (Spot) tests may be required to receive the bonus.

These actions, requiring the use of the either Melee or Ranged Combat skills, are discussed later.

Instead of acting in the order as determined by Initiative, a character could wait to see what happens in the course of combat and use his actions when he feels like it before the end of the combat round. This is useful since parrying, blocking, or dodging attacks does cost actions to perform. The characters initiative returns to its original value in the subsequent round if initiative is not re-rolled every round.

To disarm an opponent, you must first make a successful Combat skill test (a Called Shot to the arm is required for Ranged Combat disarm attempts, but doesnt incur additional actions spent). The opponent holding the weapon must then make an opposed Strength test against your attack test (-5 TN from a Ranged Combat disarm attempt). If the disarm attempt was made as surprise attack, the opposed Strength test is made at +5 TN. Where the weapon lands in relation to its wielder depends on the success level of your attack test against the Strength test: falls to the ground requiring a Recover action to retrieve it for a Marginal or Complete Success, lands -d6 yards away on a Superior Success, and 1d6+1 yards away on an Extraordinary Success.

In response to either a Melee or Ranged attack, a Dodge action can be made to avoid injury. The Dodge action must be announced and performed before any opponent makes an attack on the character, thereby spending the action. The Dodge result, if higher than the characters normal Defence, becomes his new Defence score and the new TN for all opponents who attempt to attack his for the rest of the combat round. Multiple Dodge actions can be made in the same combat round in 164

attempts to further increase a characters Defense and may incur penalties for extra actions. A Dodge test result cannot lower a characters Defence ever.

In Melee Combat, a character can use a weapon, object, or limb to deflect an incoming blow and avoid injury. Resolving a Parry/Block is similar to a Dodge action, but its effect is only beneficial against the one successful attack. The Parry/Block action must be announced before a given opponents attack, thereby spending the action. The attacker makes his attack roll and on a successful attack, the character rolls the appropriate skill (Melee Combat: Specific Weapon or Melee Combat: Unarmed skill test plus the weapons parry bonus; the unarmed block bonus is 0) to either parry or block using the attackers result as the TN.

You may ready a weapon, wand, or item for use, recover something dropped nearby (<1 yard away), or reload a bow. Reloading crossbows requires 2 actions.

You may prepare against a charge that you are aware of, setting your body and weapon against the oncoming attack. This combat action can be used against a charging opponent on foot for the cost of 1 action, or an opponent on a mount or one that is of larger size for the cost of 2 actions. Performing this maneuver grants you a +3 bonus to attack the oncoming opponent (if you have higher initiative) or parry your opponents attack. If this combat action is used for a full round, the bonus goes to +5. Upon making a successful attack test, add opponents or mounts Strength modifier per level of success; 1 point per level of success if opponents Strength modifier is 0 or less.

Combat Maneuvers
Table 68: Combat Maneuvers
Maneuver Basic Attack (weapon, punch, kick, firing or throwing a ranged weapon) Called Shot Casting a Spell Charge Coup de Grace Defensive Attack Grab Power Attack Precise Attack Sweep Attack Trip Two-Handed Attack Action Cost 1 2 1 2 Full-Round 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 Test Type Melee/Ranged Combat Melee/Ranged Combat Ranged Combat Melee Combat* * * * * * * * * Test Modifiers Melee/Ranged Combat Melee/Ranged Combat Ranged Combat Melee Combat** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Basic Attack
This maneuver is the basic use of a weapon while in combat -- a Melee or Ranged Combat skill test is performed with no special rules are applied to it. Basic Attacks for one- and two-handed weapons take 1 action.

Called Shots
Whenever a character wishes to target a specific location on an opponent to inflict as much damage as possible, he would make a called shot. This maneuver must be declared before the attack is attempted and is an all or nothing proposition just like any other attack. It requires 2 actions as it thematically incorporates the Aim action along with the Combat test. Certain locations are more or less difficult to hit, and the greater the called shots success, the more potentially lethal the strike or effective the spell is (see Table 61: Called Shots). Courage points can be spent to escape the effects of Superior and Extraordinary Successes at a cost of 2 points per success level.

Casting a Spell
Like Basic Attack, this maneuver is used when attempting to cast a spell during combat. 165

Using his strength, mass, and momentum, a character can attempt to inflict greater damage on an opponent and possibly knocking them down. He must first move at least 3 yards then make a Armed Combat test, gaining a +1 bonus to the test and a 3 penalty to any Dodge or Parry/Block attempts for the rest of the round. On a successful attack, the opponent is dealt damage equal to 1.5 times normal damage and then must make an opposed Strength test against the characters Strength +1 for every success level of the attack. If the opposed Strength test fails, the opponent is knocked back a number of feet equal to the difference between the Strength test results and taking 1d6 damage for every 5 feet knocked back. A charge cannot be split between two combat rounds by making the movement in one round then attacking in the next.

Coup de Grace
You deliver an undeniably vicious deathblow that more often than not kills your target. This maneuver requires a full-round action and your target to be at Wounded at a minimum. If you attempt to avoid incoming attacks, the tests have a 10 penalty with a cumulative 5 penalty for subsequent actions. Upon making an Armed or Unarmed Combat test to hit your target with a TN of its Defense 3 if base Defense is 7 or Defense 5 if base Defense is 10, you deal an amount of damage equal to double your maximum damage for each level of success. If you deal enough damage to kill your target, it must make a Stamina test with a TN equal to 5 + 5 per level of success to resist being killed. If your target manages to succeed in his Stamina test, he has 1 Wound Point left in the Near Death Wound Level.

Defensive Attack
You may add up to +3 to your next a parry or block attempt, gaining the equivalent as a penalty to your next attack test.

This unarmed attack maneuver allows a character to grapple an opponent requiring an Unarmed Combat: Unarmed style test. If successful, the opponent is bound with a +5 TN to any tests other than trying to break free; the Narrator may even rule some actions are impossible as well. To break free, the opponent must spend 1 action to win an opposed Strength test to break free. While holding his opponent, a character can do any of these things at the cost of 1 action: Squeeze or throttle the opponent for 1d6 + Strength modifier damage Maintain the hold, gaining a +3 bonus to the next opposed Strength test (not cumulative) Throw opponent to the ground or against the wall either while maintaining the hold for no damage or letting go and causing 1d6 + Strength modifier damage

Power Attack
A character uses this maneuver when he makes an all-out attack with little regard to safety. He can add a bonus to his attack test up to a value of Defense 5 in the skill while conferring a penalty equal to half the bonus (rounding up to worsen the penalty) to his Defence. If the attack is successful, he adds a bonus to his damage equal to double the attack bonus.

Precise Attack
A character using this maneuver when intending to hit his opponent while not inflicting the most damage. He receives a +2 bonus to the attack roll while the damage dealt by a successful hit is modified by 2.

Sweep Attack
If a character has multiple foes in close proximity to his, he may attempt to make blows on all of them. For each attack test made, there is a cumulative 2 penalty (i.e. the first test is at 2, the second test is at 4, third is at 6, etc.); only one test per opponent can be made. This maneuver can be ended before the character finishes attacking all the intended opponents if he either misses an opponent or one of them in the sequence makes a successful Parry/Block action against his attack.

This maneuver is used for tripping or unbalancing an opponent, which requires an opposed Agility test (action cost of 0 for opponent). If successful, the opponent takes no damage but falls to the ground prone until he gets up.

Two-handed Attack
A character sometimes uses one-handed weapons with two hands (if it is possible), which allows them to strike a more powerful blow at the expense of being able to use a shield. Doing so grants a +2 bonus to attack tests and +5 damage.


Extra Successes in Combat

If a character scores a Superior or Extraordinary Success on a Combat skill test, effects other than just weapon damage are possible. These effects refer to when using weapons in combat, not spells as their effects are outlined in their descriptions unless they would be otherwise appropriate.

Table 69: Sample Combat Effects for Greater Successes

Superior Success Initiative over opponent for 2 rounds +2 bonus to hit opponent for rest of fight +2 bonus to defensive actions against opponent for rest of fight Extraordinary Success Gain initiative over opponent for rest of combat Break or sever limbs (see the Crippled flaw) Unsaddle an opponent causing 1d6+1 points of damage unless he makes a TN 15 Acrobatics or Athletics: Jump test

Table 70: Called Shots

Location Torso Legs Arms Head Eye, Neck, Organ Test Modifier +2 TN +4 TN +8 TN +12 TN +15 TN Marginal or Complete Success* +1d6 +1d6 +1d6 +2d6 +3d6 Superior Success* +1d6 Lose 1/3 Wound Level each round** Lose Wound Level each round Lose 1 Wound Level each round Gain Crippled flaw and/or Lose 2 Wound Levels each round Extraordinary Success* +2d6 Gain Crippled flaw Gain Crippled flaw DEAD; Head cloven or smashed DEAD; Pierced brain, loss of head, etc.

* - The damage effects for called shots are cumulative. ** - The loss of Wound Levels continues until a First Aid test is performed.

Unseen Attacks
One of the most powerful weapons for an enemy is to be able to induce fear. The fear from servants of evil or the power of intimidation by champions of good creates despair and anguish in those who oppose them and many monsters also have the ability to instill terror into others. To cause fear in a target, the aggressor must make an Influence (Fear or Intimidate) test (Fear for evil characters and monsters or Intimidate for good characters) and the defender attempts to rebut this with an opposed Willpower test. The effects due to the outcome of this test and situational modifiers for fear are outlined in the tables below.

Table 71: Fear Effects

Aggressors Test Result Extraordinary Success Superior Success Complete Success Marginal Success Failure Effect Unmanned: Defender flees or falls to the ground and cowers unable to move or act Unnerved: Defender may take no actions for one round and suffers a 4 penalty to all tests Panicked: Defender suffers a 2 penalty to all tests Frightened: Defender suffers a 1 penalty to all tests No effect: Defender resists and acts normally


Table 72: Fear Modifiers

INSPIRING FEAR Situation Aggressor is in neutral territory Aggressor is in friendly territory Aggressor is in friendly town or outpost Aggressor is in friendly base or fort Aggressor is in friendly stronghold Aggressor has overwhelming numbers Aggressor has other advantage Aggressor utters terrifying soliloquy Appropriate display of power or might Aggressor brandishes object that instills fear RESISTING FEAR Defender is in neutral territory Defender is in friendly territory Defender is in friendly town or outpost Defender is in friendly base or fort Defender is in friendly stronghold Defender has overwhelming numbers Defender has other advantage Defender utters inspiring soliloquy * - TN 10 Inspire test (1 action) Modifier 0 +2 +4 +6 +8 +2/2x opposing force +2 to +4 +2 or 2x specialty bonus +Bearing modifier +Bearing modifier

0 +2 +4 +6 +8 +2/2x opposing force +2 to +4 +1/Level of success*

Contest of Wills
Characters may have to engage in a contest of wills to see whose authority, desires, or power holds sway over some situation. To fight a Contest of Wills, the participating players determine initiative for their characters normally the winner being the aggressor and the other becomes the defender. The participants make an opposed Bearing test. The loser of the test makes a number of marks on a piece of paper depending on his level of failure: 1 mark for a Failure, 2 for a Complete Failure, and 3 for a Disastrous Failure. Once a character receives a number of marks equaling or exceeding his Bearing score, he loses and must acknowledge defeat in a way that is obvious like looking away and, as appropriate, do what the victor wants. A character doesnt have to enter into a Contest of Wills and can turn away, leave the presence of the challenger, or disdain the challenge in some way.

Injury, Healing, and Weariness

Whenever a character sustains damage, he may be injured or killed depending on the amount of damage he has sustained. As characters suffer damage from attacks or other sources, they progress from healthy to injured, to incapacitated, and finally to death. Similarly, as characters act, they become tired and eventually suffer penalties due to Weariness. The following sections discuss how injuries and Weariness accumulate, how they affect characters, and how characters may recover from them.

Health and Wound Levels

As discussed previously, a character has a Health score equal to his Vitality + Strength modifier. This number represents the amount of damage a character can sustain within each Wound Level. As characters suffer damage, they progress through a number of Wound Levels, which describe their overall degree of injury. Medium-sized beings and larger have these Wound Levels: Healthy, Dazed, Injured, Wounded, Incapacitated, and Near Death; if damage sustained goes past the limit of Near Death, the character is killed. Small-sized beings (unless otherwise noted) have fewer Wound Levels, removing Near Death, then Incapacitated, and so on as their size gets smaller. Once a character has suffered enough damage to bring his to the Dazed Wound Level, he then begins to suffer effects of injury.


Table 73: Effects of Injury

Wound Level Healthy Dazed Injured Wounded Incapacitated Near Death Effect None -1 penalty* -3 penalty -5 penalty -7 penalty -9 penalty

* - These penalties affect all physical tests and most academic tests, see the appropriate tables in the previous section, except for the Stamina tests made to recover Wound Points from injury.

Stun Effects
Characters can attack with blunt weapons or blunt parts of a weapon with the intent to subdue their opponent without killing them. To do this successfully, a Called Shot to the head is required (normally) but the attack doesnt do damage normally. If successful, the opponent must make a Stamina test based on the attackers level of success to shake off the brunt of the attacks effectiveness. If the defender fails the test, he is unconscious for the duration listed in the table below. If the defender succeeds, he is then quite woozy and has a penalty to his physical and academic tests for the duration listed; on a Superior Success, he the duration is halved and an Extraordinary Success negates all effects.

Table 74: Stun Effects

Success Level Marginal or Complete Success Superior Success Extraordinary Success Stamina TN 5 10 15 Duration 3d6 x3 rounds 2d6 +3 minutes 1d6 x10 minutes Failure/Success Unconscious/-5 penalty Unconscious/-9 penalty Unconscious/-12 penalty

Drowning or Suffocating
When immersed in water for a prolonged period of time or at any time unable to breathe normally, characters will suffer damage. A character can hold his breath to delay the onset of drowning or suffocation for a period of time equal to 1 + Stamina Modifier (minimum 1 minute). Every round thereafter, the character must make a Stamina test to resist falling unconscious. Once unconscious, he immediately suffers automatic damage each round while he remains unconscious and unable to breathe. Assuming the character doesnt die, from the moment he begins breathing again, the character will recover the damage due to suffocation at a rate of 4d6 per hour (1d6 every 15 minutes). Smoke inhalation can dealt with in the same manner and could include toxin/poison effects as well.

Table 75: Drowning/Suffocation Damage

Exposure Time 1st Round 2nd Round 3rd Round 4th Round 5th Round 6th Round 6+X th Round Stamina TN 5 7 10 15 20 25 25+(5*X) Damage 1d6 1d6+3 2d6+6 3d6+12 4d6+18 5d6+24 (5+X)-d6+24+(6*X)

When a character stumbles or falls, even a short distance, he can suffer damage. The amount of damage sustained depends on the distance fallen. A successful Acrobatics (Balance) test (TN equals distance fallen) will reduce the damage to half; an Extraordinary Success will reduce it to a quarter.


Table 76: Falling Damage

Distance Fallen 0-2 yards 2-5 yards 5-10 yards 10-15 yards 15-20 yards 20-25 yards 25-30 yards 30+X yards * - Rounded up ** - Y = X / 5, rounded up Damage 1d6-3 1d6 2d6+(1/2 distance fallen)* 3d6+(1/2 distance fallen) 4d6+(1/2 distance fallen) 5d6+(1/2 distance fallen) 6d6+(1/2 distance fallen) (6+Y)-d6+(1/2 distance fallen)**

Extreme Heat and Fire

When a character comes into contact with extreme heat or fire, he suffers damage for each round of exposure. If exposed to fire, he must make a Swiftness test to avoid catching on fire. The TN depends on the size of the fire. If a character does catch on fire, he does not immediately take damage from it; he may attempt another Swiftness test to put out the flames at the same TN as before, costing his a full-round action. If the character remains exposed, he sustains damage as listed in the table for every round of exposure or 2d6+4 damage every round he is on fire, but not exposed to a source of fire. Others can try to help put out the flames on the burning character; treat this as a combined test. However, those who come into contact with the burning character are susceptible to catching on fire as well. Helpers must make the same Swiftness test as the character did, but with a +5 bonus.

Table 77: Fire Damage

Source Torch Campfire Bonfire Burning building or similar Damage Per Round 1d6+3 2d6+4 3d6+6 6d6+18 Swiftness TN 5 10 15 20

Attribute Reductions
Some sources of damage like poisons, potions, or spells can reduce a characters attribute scores; most do this temporarily as permanent reductions are very rare. Attribute points are recovered at a rate of 1 point per day unless specified. The same conditions apply as for natural healing (see below), but no Stamina test can be used to hasten their recovery.

Natural Healing
Injuries heal naturally over time although most of the time the wand of a proficient healer or doctor will aid it and speeding up recovery time. Without either of those or knowing how to do it themselves, characters must rely on their own vigor and fortitude to restore their bodies. Natural healing requires rest, food, and if possible a clean and comfortable environment. Assuming a character can get all of these, he will recover a number of Wound Points equal to his Vitality modifier. In these conditions, characters will also make one Stamina test at the end of each week to recover 1d6+Vitality Modifier Wound Points on a Marginal or Complete Success, 2d6+Vitality Modifier Wound Points on a Superior Success, and 3d6+Vitality Modifier Wound Points on an Extraordinary Success. If the character receives the attention of a doctor or equivalent or healer, he can make an additional weekly Stamina test. If the Narrator doesnt feel the character has done what is necessary for continued healing, he may suspend the recovery of the Wound Points and maybe deny the weekly tests.


Table 78: Natural Healing

Wound Level Dazed Injured Wounded Incapacitated Near Death Stamina TN 10 15 20 25 30

Assisted Recovery
Characters who are wounded or sick can benefit greatly from those who are trained in the arts of healing and medicine. First, those who are trained in First Aid can perform tests to keep a persons injuries from getting worse (see the respective skill descriptions). With a successful test, the character regains all Wound Points in his current level plus into the level above; if in the (highest) Healthy Wound Level, all points are regained and no other effect. Afterwards, natural healing takes over (see Natural Healing above). Though if the Narrator thinks a characters wounds could get infected, the attendant can make another First Aid test to determine whether the character heals naturally for the time being or becomes infected, not recovering any Wound Points, and possibly losing more due the infection.

Sometimes maladies or injuries are so dire that a small ward, like that of a rural clinic, wouldnt be able to handle it so a hospital or large sickbay is required. Those who perform First Aid and Medicine tests in a hospital gain a bonus from Above Average equipment to their tests while those at specialty wards and hospitals gain a bonus from Masterwork or Current TL+1 equipment. When a healer succeeds at his initial Healing test, the patient recovers a number of Wound Points equal to his Health, effectively going up one Wound Level. Afterwards, natural healing takes over. If the healer keeps the patient under his constant supervision, the he can make a Medicine test to double the results of natural healing with a TN equal to that corresponding to his current Wound Level (see First Aid skill description). If a patient with a magical or psionic malady were to show up to a hospital that didnt specialize in these types of injuries, it would be impossible for him to be treated there. Depending on the maladys severity, his symptoms could briefly be alleviated with a TN 30 First Aid or TN 25 Medicine: Emergency test; a Disastrous Failure could cause some odd effect(s) to occur or worse.

Even the strongest and boldest of heroes cannot fight forever or journey day and night without rest. After time has passed, Weariness begins to set in. Like Wound Levels, characters have 6 levels of Weariness.

Table 79: Weariness Levels

Level Hale Winded Tired Weary Spent Exhausted Effect None -1 -2 -4 -8 Unconscious Rest Required None 30 minutes 1 hour 2 hours 4 hours *

* - To recover from Exhausted to Spent, a TN 10 Stamina test is required (using by applicable modifiers). It can be attempted once per round in combat or once per minute outside of combat or at any other dramatically appropriate time as designated by the Narrator. Stamina tests are thusly required depending on the type of action that the character is currently engaged in. Different actions are classified by levels denoting how strenuous and taxing they may be. Each level has a base amount of time that an action can be done before requiring the Stamina test is performed and a regular interval at which Stamina tests are required while sustaining the action. The base difficulty for Weariness-based Stamina tests is TN 10. A characters encumbrance is also a factor in gaining Weariness and burdensome loads can add significant modifiers to a Stamina test for Weariness. All factors and triggers for Weariness are cumulative and after each failed Stamina test for Weariness, the character drops to the next lowest Weariness Level until either he stops to rest or falls unconscious. Weariness penalties are cumulative with penalties due to injury and also apply to future Stamina tests to resist Weariness. Should a character continue to push himself when at the Spent level, he will collapse into unconsciousness upon failing another test. 171

Table 80: Weariness Rates

Level Extreme Demanding Standard Relaxed Base 10 minutes 30 minutes 1 hour 3 hours Interval 5 minutes 15 minutes 30 minutes 1.5 hours

Actions requiring vigorous activity such as sprinting or swimming. Most physical tests are considered Extreme.

Actions requiring rigorous or sustained activity requiring attention to detail such as searching a house. Academic skills and those used as physical tests performed under pressure along with some physical tests are considered Demanding.

Actions requiring an average amount of exertion such as healing or searching a room. Most social tests are also considered Standard.

Actions requiring a minimum of energy or physical activity such as reading or walking at an easy pace. Most academic tests are considered Relaxed.

A character can remain awake for 16 hours + his Vitality modifier, after than he must make Stamina tests (+1 TN per hour) to resist Weariness. Example: A character has a +2 Vitality modifier and stays up for 19 hours then engages in a Demanding physical test for 1 hour. During this time he will make 3 Stamina tests to resist Weariness for loss of sleep, the demanding action, and staying up the 1 extra hour. If the character fail the first test, he will Winded (-1 penalty). Failing the second would drop his to Tired (-2 penalty). Failing the third to stay awake would drop his to Weary (-4 penalty).

Recovering Weariness
Regaining lost Weariness Levels requires one thing rest. Rest means performing no tasks more strenuous than sleeping, casually reading, cooking, etc. Table 70 lists the amount of time required to rest to regain lost Weariness Levels.


Additional Rules for Consideration

Rolling 1s
When a similar situation happens as with 6s above and all 1s are rolled, the Narrator could create a fumble table to roll for random failures or randomly roll to determine how bad a failure is (1-3 Failure, 4-5 Complete Failure, 6 Disastrous Failure).

If the character exerts himself too much, neglects the tending of bandages, fails a daily Stamina test to recover Wound Points, or has a substance in a wound that promotes infection or prevents healing, he will have to make another Stamina test based off Table 69 to fend off possible infection. If the second Stamina test fails, the characters wound(s) is/are infected; use the rules for toxins, poisons, and diseases to create a suitable infection for injuries.

Combat with Opponents of Different Sizes

Defending Against Larger/Smaller Opponents
The TN to deflect a blow by an opponent increases by +5 per level of size disparity; this reflects the difficulty of avoiding excessive damage by a larger creature and fending off smaller creatures that can exploit your weaknesses. See Table X for effects of parrying. If a successful parry is made against a larger opponents attack, a Strength test (TN = Attackers Strength) is required to avoid losing your weapon, being knocked prone, and/or being knocked back. Failing the Strength test causes additional adverse effects of either being knocked down or knocked back (see Table X) Knock-down Effects: Knock-back Effects: The defender is sent to the ground prone. The amount of damage dealt (if applicable) is 1d6 + Strength modifier. The defender is cast back, landing prone, a number of feet equal to the difference between the Parry TN and result. The amount of damage dealt is 1d6 per 5 feet cast back + Strength modifier.

Table 81: Parry Effects

Parry Success Extraordinary Success Superior Success Complete Success Marginal Success Failure Complete Failure Disastrous Failure Parry Effects No damage suffered No damage suffered No damage suffered No damage suffered, drops weapon Normal damage, weapon is cast away Normal damage, weapon is cast away Normal damage, weapon is cast away, Narrator rolls 1d6 to determine if broken (breaks on a 1) Failed Strength Test Effects Knocked down, no damage suffered Knocked down, no damage suffered Knocked down, suffer Knock-down damage Knocked down, suffer Knock-down damage Knocked back, suffer Knock-back damage Knocked back, suffer Knock-back damage Knocked back, suffer double Knock-back damage

Combat on a Hex Grid

Due to the d6 nature of this RPG, I would very much encourage the use of hex maps for combat. Each hex represents either 2 yards or 5 feet. Remember that the measurement listed in the Size table refers to the creature's biggest measurement of the three dimensions. The figures below offer examples of the space and reach used by creatures of various sizes.


Table 82: Creature Size in Hexes

Creature Size Miniscule to Medium Large Mammoth Huge Gigantic Titanic Titanic +X Hexes Occupied 1 2 4 8 12 16 16+(4*X) Reach, in Hexes 1 1 2 3 4 5 5+X

Figure 1: Miniscule to Medium and Large

Figure 2: Mammoth and Huge


Figure 3: Gigantic

Figure 4: Titanic

In the world, death and savage brutality are dealt to all. Especially when the innocent are victims, these cruel events are hard to bear. Grief caused by the loss of loved ones (family or friends), failing ones duty, or breaking an oath can cause a person to lose a bit of himself and his humanity and possibly create new flaws in his character. In this system there are character traits that represent both a persons failings and his devotions; grief can be played off a characters choice of such traits.

Grief is invoked by having the events of a game or the characters actions in some way affect specific flaws or edges. Table 85 lists of some character traits that could be used to trigger Grief and some ways to affect them. If characters dont have any of these traits, these situations could still be used to invoke grief, but with lesser effect. 175

Table 83: Grief-triggering Traits

Edges Ally Command Connections Followers Rank Sidekick Species Friend Possible Trigger Events When any are: Grievously wounded Captured Tortured Violated Turn out to be a traitor, or Killed.

Flaws Addiction Bloodlust Crippling Wound Dark Secret Greedy Oathbound

Pacifist Vendetta

Possible Trigger Events Remorse over actions you took while in the throws of addiction. Seriously injuring or killing a friend or loved one while under the influence of your rage. Losing an arm, leg, or eye or even reduced capability with one of these can cause a blow to a characters ego. The object of your Dark Secret is discovered, causing embarrassment, remorse, etc. The lust for material possessions blinds you to terrible influence youve had on others. Subjugated to a diabolical test where breaking your code is the lesser of two evils Failing to perform your sworn duty Breaking the bond of fealty Remorse over your inaction to defend someone or something extremely important to you. While in search of your revenge, you have inadvertently caused harm to innocents or those dear to you.

Invoking Grief
If a situation triggers a Grief test, a character must make a Willpower test vs. Corruption to counter further harmful effects. The test has a base difficulty of TN 5 (for characters with no ranks in any of the traits) and is increased by +2 TN for each rank, depending on the trait (Rank or Command would have an increased TN while Fealty wouldnt, as the former reflect an increased number of people in your charge, while the latter has only one object of your loyalty). Upon failing the Corruption test, the character suffers some harmful effects, see table below.

Table 84: Effects of Failing a Grief Test

Result (1d6) 1-3 4-5 6 Effect (Result x -2) penalty to social tests for a number of weeks equal to Result Add a rank to the Grief-triggering flaw or gain a new flaw Gain 1 Corruption point

A list of some appropriate flaws that could be assigned upon failing the Grief test are: Bloodlust, Craven, Dark Secret, Fey, Vendetta, etc. It should be noted that these rules seem to double-dip characters that have these traits (especially Nobles, as they would more than likely have a number of such traits), by having the characters suffer both the penalties directly associated with the traits and also those associated with Grief. I would suggest using this mechanic sparingly and in only appropriately dramatic circumstances, especially for the lower powered edges.


Psi (PSI)
This attribute reflects a characters ability to use his mental powers to affect the world around his along with entering anothers mind. This attribute is only available to those who have the Psionics edge and the only way to get it is either through a racial ability or purchasing the edge during character creation; only through Narrator approval could it otherwise be acquired after character creation. This attribute is not rolled for but has an initial value of 4. To allow for potentially more potent psionicists from the beginning, roll1d6+6 for the starting value. This attribute is always considered a favored attribute in addition to the selected favored attributes. In the game, Psi reflects: Skills: Empathy, Mind Control, Mind Meld, Mind Shield, Telepathy

Table 85: Psionic Test Modifiers
DISTRACTIONS Condition Situated in comfortable surroundings Engaged in a life-threatening situation Affected by loud noise/talking ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS Affected by physical environment factors Warping/dampening fields Dense matter between character and target Multi-mind interference or emotional noise NUMBER OF MINDS AFFECTED/TARGETED 2 minds (2^(X-1))+1 2^X minds*** SPECIES Target is same species Target is of similar species (mentally) Target is of radically different species (mentally) Modifier* 0 TN +5 to +10 TN +3 to +6 TN

physical modifier (see Table 47) 1 to 6 TN** 1 to 3 TN 3 to 6 TN +2 TN +(X*2) TN

0 3 to 6 TN 15 to 15 TN

* - Characters making opposed tests against targets with the same modifiers need not factor them into the test, except where relative modifiers favor one over another. ** - indicates that the modifier is relative *** - X 2

You are sensitive to the emotions emanating from those around you. Attribute: Test Category: Trained: Test: Psi Psionic Yes A successful test against the targets Willpower or Mind Shield allows you read the targets emotions, including their intensity. If you score an Extraordinary Success, you gain a +1 bonus to use in a subsequent Empathy test against the same target. If the test fails, the targets emotions are too muddled to interpret and you cannot draw any meaningful


conclusion from them for a number of hours equal to the difference between the two test results. If you intent is to impress an emotion onto your target, the result depends on the targets current state (see table below). A Marginal or Complete Success will move the targets current state one step, a Superior Success will move the targets current state up to two levels, and an Extraordinary Success will move it up to three levels. The direction of which the targets current state moves doesnt have to be all in a straight line (up, down, across). In addition to changing the subjects mood, you can perform Influence tests as if interacting with the subject normally (all social test modifiers from interaction stance apply). If you have the Sense Motive ability, you can add your Perception bonus to your Inquire test.

Table 86: Emotions

Joy Depression Sadness Melancholy Contentedness Happiness Joy Affinity: Action Time: Extended Test: Range: Love Hatred Dislike Distaste Fondness Affection Love Envy Generosity Kindness Openness Jealousy Greed Envy Rage Tranquility Serenity Calmness Anger Wrath Fury Fear Courage Stoutheartedness Bravery Cowardice Fear Terror

Science: Social, Telepathy 1 Yes; maximum 3 actions. 10/100/250/500/+100

Mind Control
You are able to break the mental defenses of another and gain limited control of his body. Attribute: Test Category: Trained: Test: Psi Psionic Yes A successful test against a targets Willpower or Mind Shield allows you to gain control of its body. You can potentially make it do something it would not normally do or alter its perception of reality as you see fit.

Marginal or Complete Success: Perform some act or behavior that compliments its nature Superior Success: Perform an action that would get it into trouble with friends, family, or authorities Extraordinary Success: Perform an action that violates the targets morals and/or fight/flight impulse such as stepping off a cliff Action Time: Extended Test: Range: 1 Yes; maximum 3 actions. 2/5/10/20/+5

Mind Meld
With simple contact bond between you and another, you are able to share memories or probe his mind for information. Attribute: Test Category: Trained: Test: Psi Psionic Yes You and your target must be physically touching one another this power does not work if gloves are worn or through barriers such as glass. A successful test against the targets Willpower or Mind Shield allows you to enter anothers mind while they are also aware of your presence and most recent memories (Level 1, unless they attempt their own Mind Meld). The success of the test will determine how deep into the targets mind that you are able to delve: 1 level for a Marginal or Complete Success, 2 levels for a Superior Success, and 3 levels 178

for an Extraordinary Success. Once at a particular level of the mind, you have access to memories from the current level and higher.

Table 87: Levels of the Mind

Mind Level 1 2 3 4 5 Age of Memories Less than 1 day 1 day to 1 month 1 month to 1 year 1 year to 5 years Complete access to targets mind

Since the penetration of one's mind and reliving of memories is quite exhausting and painful, you and the target (at 5 TN) must make a Weariness test for every minute +1 minute per level of success greater than Marginal while at a mind level (minimum 1 test required).

Table 88: Weariness due to Mind Meld

Mind Level 1 2 3 4 5 Weariness TN 5 10 15 20 25 Failure Result Loss of 1 Weariness Level Loss of 2 Weariness Levels Loss of 3 Weariness Levels and (2 x difference between opposed test result) damage Loss of 4 Weariness Levels and 1d6 damage/2 points difference between opposed test result Loss of 5 Weariness Levels and 1d6 damage/1 point difference between opposed test result

Affinity: Action Time: Extended Test: Range:

Once you have established a link, another test is not required unless the subject attempts to resist, you attempt to dig deeper in the targets mind, or new physical and/or psionic test modifiers apply. To go from a higher level to a lower level, add +2 TN for every additional level lower you want to attempt. There is no test required to go from a lower level to a higher one. Mind Control 1 Yes; maximum 3 actions. Touch

Mind Shield
You are able to ward off mental intrusions and attacks. Attribute: Test Category: Trained: Test: Psi Psionic Yes This skill is used to counter psionic effects that target your mind (Empathy, Mind Control, Mind Meld, etc.). You may also add half you base Willpower score (rounded up) to the test result. Psionic skill that you are resisting Free Yes; only when fending off extended attack. Self

Affinity: Action Time: Extended Test: Range:

You are able to read the thoughts and intentions of others, along with projecting your own into their minds. Attribute: Test Category: Trained: Test: Psi Psionic Yes A successful test against the targets Willpower or Mind Shield allows you to read your targets thoughts, but not memories (this requires Mind Meld). A failed test causes the 179

character to believe the targets thoughts are impenetrable and a Disastrous Failure causes the character to completely misread the targets thoughts. Once you have established a link, you do not have to make another test unless the subject attempts to resist or new psionic test modifiers apply. 1 action per round is required to maintain your concentration and you can only maintain contact with one target at a time (unless otherwise specified). With an active link, you may make Inquire and Influence tests as if you were interacting with the target normally. To project a thought into the mind of another, make a TN 10 (all psionic modifiers and physical modifiers for cover apply). A successful test transmits one thought as a free action. Your projected thought does not act like Mind Control. Science: Social, Empathy 1 Yes; maximum 3 actions. 5/50/100/200/+50

Affinity: Action Time: Extended Test: Range:

Increased Range
Your exceptional mental acuity allows you to project your powers over greater distances. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Psionic skill 2+ Increase the range of the selected Psionic skill by 25%. Yes; three times. Every time you pick this trait, increase the range of the selected Psionic skill by an additional 25% (max 100% total) or select a new Psionic skill.

Psionic Coverage
Through intense training and discipline, you are able to affect a number of targets within your range of influence. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Psionic skill 3+ Gain a +5 bonus to affect one additional person with your range of using this power. Yes. Every time you pick this trait, you are able to affect one addition person within your range or select a new Psionic skill.

Psionic Focus
You have an incredibly focused mind, able to tune out the distractions around you. Prerequisite: Effect: Upgrade: Psionic skill 1+ Ignore up to a total of 5 penalty due to distractions from your environment. Yes. Every time you pick this trait, select a new Psionic skill.


Additional Rules for Consideration

Mind Blast
With a powerful release of psychic energy, you can harm your opponent. Attribute: Test Category: Trained: Test: Psi Psionic Yes This skill is used to cause harm to your targets mind and body. A successful test against the targets Willpower or Mind Shield causes an amount of damage based upon the success of the test: -d6+2 for a Marginal Success, 1d6+4 for a Complete Success, 2d6+6 for a Superior Success, and 3d6+8 for an Extraordinary Success. 2 actions No 5/10/20/40/+10

Action Time: Extended Test: Range:

You have fine-tuned your mental abilities to be able to manipulate physical objects with a thought. Attribute: Test Category: Trained: Test: Psi Psionic Yes You are able to grab an object and move or fling it. The object cannot weigh more than you could normally manipulate (lift, push, or pull) if your Strength were equal to your Psi score. You can move the object to a distance no greater than Extended +2. If you intend to fling the object as a ranged weapon, you must make a Psychokinesis test instead of Ranged Combat to hit the target modified by both the weapons range increment to target and the objects current psionic range increment. Use the range increments of the object if it is a true ranged attack weapon or 2/5/10/15/+2 if not. Bonus damage is dealt based on if your Strength was equal to your Psi score. 2 actions No 5/10/20/40/+10

Action Time: Extended Test: Range:

Abilities Psykinetic Warrior

You are able to use your mental powers to aid in your use of weapons or use weapons with the power of your mind. Prerequisite: Effect: Psychokinesis 6+ You gain an affinity bonus to all Combat tests from Psychokinesis when you use them manually. Also, with a successful Psychokinesis test, use weapons at a distance to attack with using your Armed or Ranged Combat skill at your normal proficiency instead of Psychokinesis. No



Psychic Bomb
You are able to cause damage to an area using your mental powers as if a bomb went off. Prerequisite: Effect: Mind Blast 6+ Make a Mind Blast test to deal damage to everything within a radius equal to your Psi score in yards. The center point of the effect cannot be further than the maximum range of the skill. Make a Weariness test after each use of this power, +2 TN (cumulative) for each use in the last minute. No


Changing the Nature of the Use of Psionic Powers

Instead of having psionic powers used as skills, they could be acquired and used like spells. To do this, have one skill called Psionics and its related attribute be Psi. To use a psionic ability, a Psionics skill test could be made and its effects would be based off the characters Psi score (the score directly or attribute modifier).

Range for Projected Psionic Powers

Occasionally, depending on the power, a Ranged Combat test would be required to hit a target at a distance. The range increments for the effectiveness of a characters power would be a factor of his Psi score Point Blank (+2) = 0 - Psi, Short (+0) = Psi - Psi x2, Medium (-2) = Psi x2 Psi x4, Long (-4) = Psi x4 Psi x8, Extended (-6) = Psi x8 Psi x16, etc. These distances are in yards or meters. This range table could also be used to substitute the listed ranges for each psionic skill.


<Descriptive text> Prerequisite: Restriction: Picks: Specialty: Components: Activation TN: Spells, abilities, traits, skills, etc. required before acquiring the spell Spells, abilities, traits, skills, etc. you cannot have before acquiring the spell Number of picks (spell or advancement) required for purchasing the spell The category or categories of spells that this spell falls under (if your spell system has them). Items needed for successfully casting a spell This is the TN of the Spellcraft or other test you decide is the governing character attribute to use for determining whether or not the spell is cast. Success level achieved when making this test could augment the spells range, duration, or effect. Casting Time: Amount of time required casting the spell and is measured in actions, rounds, minutes, etc. Range: How far from the caster the effect of a spell can occur. Duration: How long the effect of the spell lasts Effect: What happens in game terms when the spell is successfully cast.

Acquiring Spells
Spells are acquired by purchasing the appropriate profession ability: Channeling, Spellcaster, Greater Channeling, or Greater Spellcasting. Each spell has a spell pick cost and these abilities give a character 5 picks to spend on them. There are ways a Narrator could avoid the instant learning of spells such as he may require that a player decide beforehand what spells he wants to purchase and then have him study and/or train for awhile, making Spellcraft tests, so as to justify the characters acquisition of the spells he chose. Spells could also come from spellbooks or scrolls, requiring Spellcraft tests to learn or copy (which would destroy a scroll as if it were use) to your own spellbook. Non-spellcasters could as well learn spells, too, but would require of them extensive study and practice. For a nonspellcaster to purchase spells, he would have to spend advancement picks instead of one of the profession abilities that grant spell picks.

Spell Specialties and Schemes

Spells could be divided in a number of different categories of related effects (conjuration, elemental, etc.). Spellcasters who specialize in certain categories of spells could learn and use those kinds of spells faster and conversely other spells of other categories slower or not at all. Refer to the Spell Specialty ability for inspiration or guidance. A spell scheme, when devising your list of spells, could be done in a similar fashion as that for profession abilities (using tiers, prerequisites, etc.).

Casting Spells
Casting spells both requires careful manipulation of Magics power and time. A Narrator could require that spells have material components in additional to the gestures, words of power, and activation test (Spellcraft or other).

Spellcasting Limits
Suggestions for setting limits on casting spells: Some Narrators could also add limits to the number of spells or different types, categories, or tiers of spells so as to limit a spellcaster from casting the same spell non-stop. Limit the number of spells per day to be attempted equal the characters total Stamina modifier for resisting Weariness. Any additional spell cast would require a Stamina test against Weariness with a TN equal to 5*spells pick cost Use the total bonus for Stamina against Weariness as spell points and any number of spells can be attempted equal to the sum of the spells pick cost and any other spell further cast would require a Stamina test against Weariness with a TN equal to 5*spells pick cost. The spell points would be regained at a rate equal to his Magic or Vitality modifier per hour.


Innate Abilities
Innate abilities are spells that a spellcaster has learned to be able to perform with the assistance of tests, gestures, components, etc. The process for turning a spell into an innate ability is quite lengthy and difficult and few more complexities have been added when using the Spellcraft skill. First, the gestures must be eliminated. This has a cost of three spell picks and requires some practice. While attempting to do this, make a Spellcraft check against the spell's activation TN once per week. When a Superior Success or better is achieved, this aspect of the spell is removed. Second, the words of power must be eliminated, costing four spell picks (or advancement picks for non-spellcasters) and requiring more extensive practice. While attempting to do this, make a Spellcraft check against the spell's activation TN once per month. When a Superior Success or better is achieved, this aspect of the spell is removed. Finally, the activation test must be eliminated at the cost of five spell picks (or advancement picks for non-spellcasters) and requiring vastly more practice and study. While attempting to do this, once per a number of weeks equal to the spell's activation TN make a Spellcraft check against the spell's activation TN. Once an Extraordinary Success is achieved, this aspect of the spell is removed. A character can stop an attempt to make a spell into an innate ability at any time, but if Advancement Picks have been spent, they cannot be regained though effects of any previous steps remain. Upon completion of all steps, the spell becomes an innate ability. The spell can then be cast without gestures, words, or chance of failure. Innate abilities may be used a number of times daily equal to the characters Magic Modifier (minimum once) and only once per round as a free action. Spells cast as abilities are subject to the same countering and nullifying techniques and restrictions as the normal version of the spell.

Creating Spells
Creating spells is fairly easy. First you decide what the spells effects are going to be. Then you determine these spells attributes based on your judgment and the relative power of the spells effect. Some of the attributes listed in the template above are optional and would only be used if you think your game warrants their use.

Creating Magical Items

Select An Item
The kinds of objects available to be enchanted fall under these categories: Armor, Weapon, Structure, and Miscellaneous. To enchant an object of any type, it must first be of masterwork quality.

Select A Spell
There are a number of requirements that must be met concerning what is to be imbued into the item: The enchanter must know the spell Multiple spells may be selected to be imbued, but at the cost of greater time and effort Not all spells should be used for enchantments and fewer are appropriate for specific types of items Spells may not work the same way when used for enchanting as opposed to as when cast or used as an ability (Narrators discretion)

The Process
The time required to enchant an item is based on the following factors: size of the item, effects to be imbued, and spell(s) chosen. The total time required for a low-magic setting is (Size Factor + Effects Factor) * Spell Factor (* structures Structure Value) in weeks. For the average fantasy setting, the total is required is Size Factor + Effects Factor + Spell Factor in days; for structures, use the equation listed for low-magic settings. An enchanter weaving a spell into an item must work at this process continuously, eating and sleeping little, taking no time whatsoever for relaxation. If more than four hours passes when the enchanter cannot devote his full attention to the process of laying in the enchantment, the process is fatally disrupted and he must start it all over again.

Size Factor


Table 89: Size Factor

Size Factor 1 2 Weapon Size Small Medium Creature Size Little or smaller Small or Medium General Description Items less than one pound, shorter than 18 inches, or defined as a small weapon. Most items a child could hold comfortably in one hand. Items between two and five pounds, between 18 inches and 2 yards, or defined as a medium weapon. Most items an adult could hold comfortably in both hands. Portable items heavier than five pounds, between 2 yards and five yards, or defined as a large weapon. Portable items larger than size factor 3 and all structures.

3 4

Large ---

Large Mammoth or larger

Effects Factor
An items effect factor is based on the general magnitude of its magical capabilities by adding up: All of the test bonuses and penalties caused by the item (penalties represented as positive numbers) All of the dice of additional damage it causes in combat. Spells with additional damage or other effects measured by an enchanters attribute modifier add 1 Spells that cause no damage or do not bestow test bonuses or penalties add 1

Spell Factor
The Spell Factor is the sum of: Spell picks of the spell(s) to be imbued Spell picks spent for augmenting the spell(s) (other than for making it an ability) 1/10 of the Weariness TN, rounded up

A working enchanter must make a Stamina test at the beginning of every week during the process of weaving an enchantment. The TN is the sum of the Weariness TN for every spell he is weaving into the item. Failing a Stamina test causes the enchanter to lose Weariness Levels based on his degree of failure: 1 for Failure, 2 for Complete Failure, and 3 for Disastrous failure. This represents the physical and mental strain required to sustain ones concentration on laying in enchantments. If the spellcaster rests to recover lost Weariness Levels at any point before he has finished enchanting the item, he disrupts the process and must start all over again (unless, as described below, other spellcasters are also working on the enchantment). On the other hand, the process also comes to a premature end if he loses all of his Weariness Levels and becomes Exhausted before he can complete the item. If the enchanter can make it through the requisite number of weeks without interruption, however, the item is completed and ready for use.

Spellcasters may work as a team to reduce the time needed to lay an enchantment into an item. All of the enchanters involved must know all of the spells being woven (even if they divide the labor and work on different spells as described below), and none must be away for more than four hours to sustain their contribution to it. Each spellcaster effectively contributes one spellcaster-week to the total number of weeks required to create the item for each week of work he contributes. For instance, if two enchanters were to weave a spell with Spell Factor = 3 into a longsword instead of one, the process would take seven and one-half weeks instead of 15. Three such enchanters could complete the work in five weeks. When dividing the work in this way, each spellcaster must make Stamina tests against the normal Weariness TN each week. If one enchanter falters at some point in the process, he falls out of the process and may not rejoin the effort, and the remaining time must be made up by those who remain. For instance, if one of two enchanters could not sustain his efforts beyond three weeks, it would take the remaining enchanter nine more weeks to finish. (While they were working together for three weeks, they collectively accumulated six of 15 spellcaster-weeks, and nine more remain to be finished.) If, at any point, there are no spellcasters working on the project, it fails and must be started over. A team of spellcasters may also collaborate on a single item that is to contain multiple enchantments by dividing the work between them so that each member is responsible for laying in different spells. In this case, calculate the time needed to complete the enchantment separately for each spell used. The various lengths of time then run concurrently. An additional 185

benefit is that each enchanter need only make his weekly Stamina test against the TN of the spell he is working on. It is even possible for multiple enchanters to collaborate on a single enchanting task which has already been divided by spell. Teams of enchanters become especially important when weaving spells into large structures. It would take one spellcaster decades of constant effort to lay an enchantment into a large tower; setting more than one to the task would make such a project much more feasible. Making this process even more complicated is the fatigue that sets in over the course of weaving a spell into an enchanted item. It is strenuous work, and it cannot be assumed that an enchanter will complete the task without complication, or even complete it at all before exhaustion overcomes him.

Cursed Items
Although most Free People capable of enchanting wondrous items wish only to bring beauty, utility, and promise into the world, others have fouler and subtler motives. As the One Ring was forged with evil intent to dominate the other Rings of Power, and as it corrupted the hearts of those who came into its possession, so too may other artifacts of power lead to suffering and loss. Accursed items are rare. PCs may find them misplaced in treasure hordes or buried in barrows with their unfortunate owners. They may encounter them as gifts given out of malice rather than friendship. Or they may not realizeuntil it is too late that they themselves have unwittingly fashioned such items. Accursed items are created using the same process by which other enchanted items are made. Their accursed nature may be reflected in two ways. First, those who carry, wield, or use them may suffer the effects of one or more flaws that are part of the items fiber. Second, they may cause their owners to gradually become Corrupt, just as the One Ring tainted Smagol, Bilbo, and Frodo.

Flawed Artifacts
The physical stresses involved in enchanting items are severe. These prompt some enchanters to take shortcuts which ultimately allow hurtful power to infuse the enchantment. Any time an enchanter fails a Stamina test in the course of enchanting an item, he may chooseafter the roll has been madeto add a +5 bonus to his test result. Such a bonus saves him an entire Weariness Level and can easily spell the difference between success and failure. Each time the caster takes this bonus, however, the item is infused with a flaw, chosen by the Narrator. Common flaws associated with items are Greedy (the bearer seeks to retain the item at all costs), Battle-fury (found frequently in enchanted arms), Arrogant (the bearer believes the item makes him better than others of his kind), Craven (the bearer becomes easily frightened that his prize will be taken from him by force of arms), and Proud (at his possession of such a marvelous item). The flawed nature of magic items is recorded after the fashion of Flawed: Grasping. The flaw or flaws associated with an enchanted item automatically afflict any character who carries or uses the item as if that character himself had the flaw in question. If the bearer already has that flaw he suffers its improved effects, if any. A character who wishes to act in a manner opposed to the nature of the flaw must make a TN 10 Willpower test to do so.


Additional Rules for Consideration

Magic (MAG)
Use this attribute for a skill-based magic system similar to official rules for Psionics. This attribute reflects the ability for a person to cast spells properly. This attribute is only available to those who have the Arcane Talent edge and the only way to get it is either through a racial ability or purchasing the edge during character creation; only through Narrator approval could it otherwise be acquired after character creation. In the game, Magic reflects: Access to Magic: Your ability to learn and wield magic and determining how powerful your spells effects are. Skills: Gain access to Spellcraft.

You understand the intricacies and nuances of magic so that you may learn and identify spells and their effects. Attribute: Restriction: Test Category: Trained: Sample Specialties: Test: Intellect Must have the Arcane Talent edge (therefore having the Magic attribute) to gain access to this skill unless otherwise noted. Academic Yes Types of spells Make a Spellcraft test to cast, learn, identify, or create a spell.

Routine (TN 5): Identify a simple spell as it is being cast Standard (TN 10): Identify an average spell as it is being cast; Identify a simple spell from its effects after it was cast Challenging (TN 15): Identify a complex spell as it is being cast; Identify an average spell from its effects after it was cast. Difficult (TN 20): Identify a highly complex spell as it is being cast; Identify a complex spell from its effects after it was cast Virtually Impossible (TN 25): Identify a newly created spell; Identify a highly complex spell from its effects after it was cast Additional Modifiers: Action Time: Extended Test: If the spell being identified has a duration, reduce the TN by -2. If the character has never encountered the spell, increase the TN by +2. 1 action to identify a spell being cast or a full round or longer to identify a spell by its effects. No (recall), Yes (research)

Spellcraft could also be a Skill Group where either types of spells are the skills and individual spells are specialties or individual spells are the skills and no specialties are conferred.


Arcane Talent
You have the ability to tap into and use the power of the magic. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Must be of a race that is not magically mute. Typically, this edge should only be available during character creation. Any racial, professional, trait, ability, or any other mechanic or Narrator fiat that restricts the acquisition Grants access to the Magic attribute with a starting value of 4. For a variable starting value, roll d6 +3 (if a 6 is rolled, add 4 to the bonus for a total result of 7). This attribute also gives access to skills, traits, and abilities based on this attribute and cast spells. It is also a favored attribute for the purposes of advancement. No


Imbuing Effects Beyond Spells

Follow the rules set forth previously for creating magical items augmented by the following guidelines concerning other powers to be imbued into items. As the character spends his personal power - his accumulated power of being - into the items creation, he loses whatever powers that are placed into the item (specialties, ranks in skills, etc.); these powers may be reacquired upon subsequent advancements. When adding attribute, reaction, and skill bonuses/points, the character may infuse up to the listed bonus/increase. For traits and abilities, the creator is limited only by the number of picks in the particular trait or ability she has. Specialties count as a +1 bonus/increase.

Table 90: Bonus Table

Score/Ranks 16 79 10 11 12+ * - X = Score; result is rounded down Creating items of power, no matter how trivial is taxing to the mind and body, so the craftsman must make the same Weariness test as described in the previous section about creating magical items using the Effect Factor and Trait Factor (replacing Spell Factor for non-spell powers) in the table below. Bonus/Increase +1 +2 +3 +(X-4)/2*

Table 91: Effect and Trait Factors

Attribute/Trait Specialty +1 Skill bonus Edge or additional pick +1 Reaction bonus Ability or additional pick +1 Attribute bonus +1 Health bonus Basic Profession Elite Profession Effect Factor 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 Trait Factor* 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3

* - Double the Trait Factor for fantasy settings that arent considered low-magic

Attributes, Reactions, & Skills

Increases to attributes, reactions, and skills are applied directly to the wielders actual score/ranks at a cost of 1:1 to the creator (for example, infuse 2 Strength and lose 2 Strength). Infusing bonuses for these have a creator cost of 1:2, rounded up (for example, infuse a +3 bonus to a skill and lose 2 ranks). An item that has a Wits increase or bonus woven into it can influence its wearer if he acts in a way contrary to the personality of its maker. If the wearer attempts such an action, he must make a 188

Corruption (Willpower) test with a TN equal to the makers Bearing score at the time of the items creation for a Wits increase while a Wits bonus is the same TN 5.

Items with Order abilities woven into them require the bearer to have the particular Order to gain the use of the ability, though all other ability prerequisites are waived. An ability gained via an item may also count for the prerequisite of other abilities and powers gained through normal advancement (see Orders below for more information), though if the item is lost and the item bears an ability with a prerequisite for another gained through advancement, the latter is suppressed until either the item is retrieved or the prerequisite ability is gained through advancement.

If an item has an Order woven into it, the wearer gains the benefits of having that Order, but if the item is ever lost, any effects that require the Order become suppressed until the item is put on again.

Corrupted Items
Even the most well-meaning wizard may accidentally create items which will corrupt those who use them. The potential of an enchanted item to corrupt depends on the magnitude of its power. At the beginning of the enchanting process the Narrator secretly tests the enchanters Wisdom against a TN equal to the effect factor of the item being created. Succeeding at this test is not difficult for wise characters creating relatively minor enchantments, but as more powerful items are made the chance of the subtle influence of corruption increases. That the test is secret is important; it is impossible to know whether a newly created item of power has a corrupting influence until it is used. If the enchanter does not pass his Wisdom test the item gains the trait corrupting. Any time the magical powers of a corrupting artifact are used the bearer of the item must make a Corruption test. The TN for this test is equal to the items effect factor plus its spell factor. To keep track of this information the Narrator should record an items corrupting potential after the fashion of Corrupting (TN X). Any enchanter who wishes may automatically imbue items he creates with the corrupting trait without making the Wisdom test described above. When this is done it is that much more difficult to resist the items corrupting influence; the Corruption test TN associated with the item is the effect factor + the spell factor + 3. Anyone who creates a corrupting item on purpose must immediately make a Corruption test himself, against the TN the corrupting item will have. This test is made even if the item is not successfully completed. The malice involved eats away at those who work baneful magic whether they succeed or fail.


Determined by Narrator Sizes used are the same as those listed in the Size categories table. A character may wield weapons that are their Size+1. When using a weapon that is Size+1, they must use it two-handed regardless of its type. Damage/Parry: Damage dealt/Parry bonus by weapon; When giving these weapons in proportional size to creatures larger than Medium, add 1d6 to damage for every size larger the weapon is Range: Range increments in yards if weapon has the ability to be used at a distance; Point Blank/Short/Medium/Long/+ Extended increment, Bonus or Penalty added to result due to range, respectively, +2, +0, -2, -4, and an additional -2 for each increment past Long; Weapons that are thrown have their ranges modified by the throwers Strength modifier Charges/Rounds: For energy weapons; Denotes the capacitance of a typical energy cell for that weapon/For conventional guns; Denotes the number of bullets held by the gun. Description: What the item is and does in game terms Price: Size:

Melee Weapons
Size: Damage: Description: Medium 2d6+3 / +1 This is weapon with a sturdy handle and a crescent-shaped blade at one end. When using this weapon two-handed, ignore 1 point of armor or deal an extra +2 damage to unarmored opponents on a Superior Success and 2 points of armor or deal an extra +4 damage to unarmored opponents on an Extraordinary Success against all armors except plate.

Great Axe
Size: Damage: Description: Large 3d6+3 / +1 This is weapon with a long, hefty handle and often with two large crescent-shaped blades at one end. When using this weapon, ignore 2 points of armor or deal an extra +4 damage to unarmored opponents on a Superior Success and 3 points of armor or deal an extra +6 damage to unarmored opponents on an Extraordinary Success against all armors except plate. You are unable to perform the Precise Attack maneuver with this weapon.

Hand or Throwing Axe

Size: Damage: Range: Description: Small 1d6+3 / -1 5/10/20/30/+5 This is weapon with a short, wooden handle with a small, curved blade at one end. It is light enough to use in one hand and throw with accuracy. When using this weapon, deal +1 damage to unarmored opponents and ignore 1 point of armor or deal an extra +2 damage to unarmored opponents on an Extraordinary Success against all armors except plate.


Size: Damage: Range: Description: Small 1d6+2 / -2 5/10/20/30/+5 Fairly common in use, it is a short double-edged blade of metal, typically steel. When all spells fail, a good blade at your side can be of great benefit. If you make a surprise attack, triple your damage.

Great Sword
Size: Damage: Description: Large 3d6+2 / +1 Used by trolls, giants, and large men, this sword is a symbol of strength and power. When you perform the Charge, Power Attack, or Sweep maneuver, add 1d6 damage for a Superior Success and 2d6 for an Extraordinary Success. You are unable to perform the Precise Attack maneuver with this weapon.

Size: Damage: Description: Medium 2d6+4 / +1 Typical weapon in medieval times by soldiers and noblemen. When you make Armed Combat tests with this weapon that have multiple action penalties, the penalty is 4 (cumulative) instead 5 (cumulative). You gain an additional +1 bonus to parries when you wield two longswords.

Size: Damage: Description: Medium 2d6+3 / +1 A long, single-edged sword of various sizes and shapes. When not using a shield, gain an additional +2 bonus to parry attempts. You gain an additional +1 bonus to parries when you wield two scimitars.

Short Sword
Size: Damage: Description: Small 2d6+1 / +0 This weapon has a blade about twice the size of a dagger, but with a noticeably broader base at the handle. When you make Armed Combat tests with this weapon that have multiple action penalties, the penalty is 4 (cumulative) instead 5 (cumulative). You gain an additional +2 bonus to parries when you wield two short swords.

Size: Damage: Description: Medium 1d6+1 / +1 This simple weapon is usually a large wooden cudgel that can be found almost anywhere. You can use this weapon to make stun attacks as if you had the Blunt Attack trait.

Size: Damage: Description: Medium 2d6+1 / -2 Akin to the mace and morningstar, this weapon has a wooden or metal handle attached to a heavy ball of stone or metal (spiked or not) by a chain or rope. Characters receive a +2 bonus if attempting to disarm an opponent. If the ball is spiked, it deals +2 damage. You can use this weapon to make stun attacks as if you had the Blunt Attack trait but with a 3 penalty.


Size: Damage: Description: Medium 2d6+1 / -1 This is a weapon made of shaped metal head with a piercing side and blunt side at the end of a wooden or metal shaft or handle. The piercing side deals an extra +1 damage. When using this weapons piercing side, ignore 1 point of armor or deal an extra +2 damage to unarmored opponents on a Superior Success and 2 points of armor or deal an extra +4 damage to unarmored opponents on an Extraordinary Success. When using this weapons blunt side, you may perform stun attacks as if you had the Blunt Attack trait.

Size: Damage: Description: Medium 2d6+1 / +0 Stronger than a club, a mace or morningstar uses a heavy end, usually consisting of metal, to smash an opponent with. When using a mace, you may perform stun attacks as if you had the Blunt Attack trait. Morningstars deal an additional +2 damage due to their spikes and cannot make stun attacks.

Size: Damage: Description: Large 1d6+1 / +2 This simple weapon is a pole made of wood, longer than a club, and found almost anywhere. Mind this warning: beware the elderly man who asks to keep his walking stick at his side. Weariness tests made due to travel have a 2 TN. You can use this weapon to make stun attacks as if you had the Blunt Attack trait.

Size: Damage: Description: Large 2d6+3/ -1 Typically used for mining, it has also been put to use as devastating weapon, including against those in armor. When using this weapon, ignore 2 points of armor or deal an extra +2 damage to unarmored opponents on a Superior Success and 3 points of armor or deal an extra +3 damage to unarmored opponents on an Extraordinary Success against all armors except plate. You are unable to perform the Precise Attack maneuver with this weapon. You cannot perform a Precise Attack or Sweep maneuver with this weapon.

Size: Damage: Description: Large 2d6+3 or 1d6+1 / +1 A weapon with a thick staff with a blade at the end similar to a spear. If you delay your attack against an opponent that is charging you, you deal the weapons damage a multiple of times equal to the your success level +1. If used in a similar way as a staff, you may make stun attacks as if you had the Blunt Attack trait. You cannot perform a Sweep maneuver with this weapon.

Size: Damage: Range: Description: Medium or Large 2d6+2 or 1d6+1 / +1 5/10/20/40/+5 A weapon with a long staff usually made of oak or ash, with a long dagger-like point at the end. Medium-sized spears can be thrown and they do not confer the Blunt Attack trait, and are not made to withstand a charge attack like its larger version. Large-sized spears cannot be thrown, but deals +1 damage normally for the bladed end, allows you to make stun attacks as if you had the Blunt Attack trait, and, when you delay your attack against a charging opponent, you deal double damage on a Superior Success and triple damage on an Extraordinary Success. You cannot perform a Sweep maneuver with this weapon.


Size: Damage: Description: Creatures 1d6 / +0 A kick or punch.

Ranged Weapons
Compound versions of the bows can withstand +1 damage, have +5 yards to all range increments except Point Blank, and cost 125% of the normal bow price.

Size: Damage: Description: Small 2d6 A quiver of 20 arrows (for a longbow or shortbow), projectiles made of long dowels of wood with a metal, stone, or sharpened head and feathers (called fletchings) to help guide the arrow. When spent, roll 1d6; if the result is 1 or 2, the arrow cannot be salvaged. On a Superior attack, deal +1d6 damage per 4 ranks in Ranged Combat: Bows and +1d6 damage per 3 ranks in Ranged Combat: Bows. This bonus damage stacks with Called Shot damage.

Size: Range: Description: Medium 5/30/60/150/+30 A long, flexible piece of wood connected at the ends with a taught piece of string, hair, cord, or sinew to shoot arrows at targets; a common weapon of all cultures.

Size: Range: Description: Small 5/20/50/120/+20 Smaller than the longbow, but near as deadly, this weapon is used by mostly by woodland dwellers.

Size: Damage: Description: Little 2d6+1 A quiver of 20 bolts (for a small or large crossbow), projectiles shorter and thicker than arrows. On a successful attack, they deal +4 damage at Point Blank range, +2 damage at Short range, +0 damage at Medium range, -2 damage at Long range, and an additional 2 damage for each Extended range increment. On a Superior attack, deal +1d6 damage per 4 ranks in Ranged Combat: Bows and +1d6 damage per 3 ranks in Ranged Combat: Bows. This bonus damage stacks with Called Shot damage.

Small Crossbow
Size: Range: Description: Medium (requires two hands to reload though) 10/30/60/90/+15 An expansion of the bow, this weapon fires bolts similar arrows, but sturdier.

Large Crossbow
Size: Range: Description: Large 10/35/70/100/+20 The same as the small crossbow, but bigger and more powerful.


Energy Weapons
Heavy versions of weapons deal an extra 1d6+1 damage, have +25 charges, and their range for all increments is 5 for pistols or 10 for rifles, except at Point Blank; phasers do not have heavy versions. Lasers and disruptors deal straight heat/energy damage to the target while phaser weapons can both stun or deal damage to a target. When energy weapons are set to a level high enough to explode substances, they also deal concussion damage equal to (Setting-10)-d6+Setting to everyone and everything within a radius equal to 0 to Setting/2 in yards and half damage to everyone and everything at a distance of Setting/2 to Setting in yards. Anyone within the blast radius must make a Swiftness test with a TN equal to the Setting of the beam fired to suffer half the damage dealt. When using the Aim action with rifles, you gain a +5 bonus to attack at ranges further than Short. Reloading an energy cell requires 1 action.

Table 92: Energy Weapon Effects

Setting 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Name Light Stun Medium Stun Heavy Stun Light Thermal Medium Thermal Heavy Thermal Light Disrupt A Light Disrupt B Light Disrupt C Medium Disrupt A Medium Disrupt B Medium Disrupt C Heavy Disrupt A Heavy Disrupt B Heavy Disrupt C Heavy Disrupt D Charges 1 2 3 5 8 12 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Damage Stun Stun 1+Stun 1d6+3 2d6+6 3d6+12 5d6+18 10d6+36 Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Notes Stun a target for 5 minutes* Stun a target for 15 minutes Stun a target for 1 hour Cut a 1 yd hole in 1 foot of wood in 3 minutes Cut a 1 yd hole in 1 foot of steel in 3 minutes Cut a 1 yd hole in 1 foot of steel or rock in 30 seconds Kill humanoid, cut hole in 1 foot of dense alloy in 10 minutes Vaporize a Medium-sized (or smaller) creature Vaporize dense alloy Vaporize any substance Explode 10 cu yd of rock into rubble Explode 50 cu yd of rock into rubble Explode 100 cu yd of rock into rubble Explode 200 cu yd of rock into rubble Explode 400 cu yd of rock into rubble Explode 800 cu yd of rock into rubble

* - Stamina test to resist the stun effect is TN 10 (Light), TN 12 (Medium), and TN 15 (Heavy). Reduce time unconscious by 25% on a Superior Success and 50% on an Extraordinary Success.

Disruptor Pistol
Size: Damage: Range: Charges: Description: Small Settings 2, 5, 10, 16 5/20/50/100+20 250 More readily available to the common person than phasers and more powerful than laser weapons, disruptors are the staple energy weapons of the day. Many available disruptors only have one setting: 10.

Disruptor Rifle
Size: Damage: Range: Charges: Description: Medium Settings 2, 5, 10, 16 5/50/100/200/+50 1000 More readily available to the common person than phaser rifles and more powerful than laser weapons, disruptor rifles are the staple energy weapons of the day. Many available disruptor rifles only have one setting: 10.

Laser Pistol
Size: Damage: Range: Charges: Description: Small Setting 6 only 5/10/20/40/+10 50 Standard-issue weapon that replaced chemical-propelled projectile weapons. This weapon uses 5 charges per shot instead 12. 194

Laser Rifle
Size: Damage: Range: Charges: Description: Medium Setting 7 only 5/40/80/160/+40 150 Standard-issue weapon that replaced chemical-propelled projectile weapons. This weapon uses 10 charges per shot instead 15.

Phaser Pistol
Size: Damage: Range: Charges: Description: Small Settings 1-16 5/20/50/100+20 250 Along with the disruptor, standard-issue weapon that replaced laser weapons. Commonly used by law enforcement or explorers who wish to have a weapon with a wide variety of settings.

Phaser Rifle
Size: Damage: Range: Charges: Description: Medium Settings 1-16 5/50/100/200/+50 1000 Along with the disruptor rifle, standard-issue weapon that replaced laser weapons. Commonly used by law enforcement or explorers who wish to have a weapon with a wide variety of settings.

A miniature bomb the size of a fist. Blast radii do not deal damage past Long range. Size: Range: Tiny 5/10/20/30/+5

Blast Radius: Description: 2/5/10// Upon detonation, it discharges a concussive force intended to knock people unconscious, but deals standard grenade damage to stone, crystalline, and similar substances. Anyone caught within it must make a Stamina test to resist: Heavy Stun at Point Blank range, Medium Stun at Short range, and Light Stun at Medium range.

Blast Radius: Description: N/A Also called flas-bangs, it emits a loud noise and bright light to cause blindness when it detonates. Everyone within 10 yards and looking in the direction of the explosion is blinded (see Crippled flaw for the effects of blindness). A TN 12 Swiftness test can be made to reduce the penalty: -10 on a Marginal or Complete Success, -5 on a Superior Success, and negate all effects on an Extraordinary Success.

Blast Radius: Description: N/A When it detonates, it begins to fill an area with smoke. One round after detonation, a volume of 5x5x5 yards is filled with smoke and after two rounds, 10x10x10 yards and no more. The smoke will persist until blown away or some other means. Nothing can be seen normally at a distance further than 2 yards in any direction.

Blast Radius: Description: 2/5/10/15 Upon detonation, throws shrapnel in all directions. Its deals 6d6+18 damage at Point Blank range and reduce its damage by 1d6+3 for every subsequent range increment. A TN 10 dodge test can be made to reduce the damage by 1d6 damage (2d6 on an Extraordinary Success).


Blast Radius: Description: 2/5/10/15 Its deals 6d6+6 damage at Point Blank range and reduce its damage by 1d6+1 for every subsequent range increment. A TN 10 dodge test can be made to reduce the damage by 1d6 damage (2d6 on an Extraordinary Success).

Tear Gas
Blast Radius: Description: N/A When it detonates, it begins to fill an area with a non-lethal chemical irritant. The effects are the same as a smoke grenade, but all living creatures that have eyes, noses, exposed mucus membranes, etc. within the smoke suffer a 10 to all tests that require sight and smell and must make a TN 12 Stamina test to be able to make any actions: 1 action per round or 2 actions on an Extraordinary Success (no full-round actions can be made). A failure causes the victim to be completely incapacitated until treated with a TN 10 Medicine: General or TN 7 Medicine: Toxicology test. A dodge test with a TN equal to the Ranged Combat: Grenades result can be made to evade being caught in the radius of effect.

You gain a +5 bonus to attack at ranges further than Short when using the Aim action for rifles firing a single shot. Reloading a magazine, 2 bullets, or 2 shells requires 1 action. Loading a magazine requires a full-round action per 10 rounds.

Assault Rifle
Size: Damage: Range: Rounds: Description: Large Special Special 50 Rifle that can switch between three selections of Single shot, 3-shot burst, or full-automatic. When fired using a single shot, the weapon uses one bullet per action, deals 3d6+2 damage, and has a range of 5/30/60/120/+30. When fired using a 3-shot burst, the weapon uses 3 bullets per action, deals 4d6+4 damage, and has a range of 5/20/40/80/+20. When fired at full-automatic, the weapon uses 6 bullets per action, deals 5d6+6 damage, and has a range of 5/10/20/40/+10.

Blow Gun
Size: Damage: Range: Rounds: Description: Small or Medium -d6 + Vitality modifier Vitality modifier/Vitality modifier x2/Vitality modifier x3/Vitality modifier x4 + Vitality modifier 1 Blow guns are hollow tubes of wood or some other material shaped like a tube. Small darts, typically poisoned, are shot out of the tube by the force of the wielder blowing. Range increments are doubled as listed for each size greater than Small.

Grenade Launcher
Size: Damage: Range: Rounds: Description: Small See specific grenades description 5/15/30/60/+15 (attachment) or 100/500/1000/1500/+500 (weapon) 5 (attachment), 15 (weapon), 50 (weapon system) This is an attachment to an assault rifle, independent weapon or weapon system and can launch grenades of any type listed above. When making an Aim action, you can make an Appraise (Distance) or Science: Physical (Mathematics) test of TN 7 + 2 per range increment to gain an additional +2 bonus to the Aim bonus for ranged attacks. Reloading an attachment or weapon requires a full-round action. Grenade launchers that are can fire volleys of 3 grenades at a time costing a full-round action. Each grenade requires a Ranged Combat (weapon attachment) or System Operation (Weapons) (weapon system) test with a cumulative 3 penalty for each grenade. Only the effects of standard and shrapnel grenades stack if a target is caught in the overlapping radii of multiple grenades.

Size: Small 196

Damage: Range: Rounds: Description:

2d6+5 5/15/25/50/+15 6 This weapon came into popular use after the Civil War and continues into the 21st Century, though with much less notoriety. When using this weapon, you gain a +2 bonus to attack tests with it.

Semi-automatic Pistol
Size: Damage: Range: Rounds: Description: Small 2d6+3 5/10/20/40/+10 15 This weapon is of wide-spread use since the mid- to late-20th Century in both the military and civilian use (where they could get them legally or illegally).

Size: Damage: Range: Rounds: Description: Large 3d6+2 5/40/80/150/+40 10 When using the Aim action, you gain a +5 bonus to attack at ranges further than Short.

Size: Damage: Range: Rounds: Description: Large Special 5/15/30/45/+15 2 or 5 Similar to a rifle as it has a long barrel, but has a very wide barrel with no rifling and uses shells that emit shot or large slugs when fired. When using the single-barreled version, it holds 5 shells, uses one shell per shot, and deals 6d6+8 damage at Point Blank range and reduce damage by 1d6+1 every range increment after that. When using a double-barreled version, it holds 2 shells, and deals 9d6+12 at Point Blank range and reduce damage by 1d6+2 every range increment after that otherwise it has the same characteristics as a single-barreled version. When using a sawed-off version of either a single- or double-barreled shotgun, reduce the range to 2/5/10/15/+5. Shotguns do no effective damage past Extended +2. A shotgun slug deals 4d6+6 damage per shot and uses the standard range increments.

Size: Damage: Range: Description: Medium 2d6+1 5/15/45/90/+15 Smaller than a spear, this weapon has the advantage of being fairly easy to make as well as having many on hand for use due to its lighter design. Javelins can only be used in ranged combat and when you make Ranged Combat tests with this weapon that have multiple action penalties, the penalty is 4 (cumulative) instead 5 (cumulative).

Size: Range: Description: Tiny 5/15/45/90/+10 This weapon is nothing but a small leather pouch with long leather or cord straps on either side to hold on to.

Sling Ammo
Size: Damage: Description: Miniscule 1d6 (stone) or 1d6+2 (metal) Rocks or worked metal balls. 197

Size: Damage: Range: Description: Medium 1d6+2 + Grapple 5 Same as the whip, but it has frayed leather tassels at the end for inflicting more damage to the target. It may even have barbs embedded into it as well. When using this weapon, you gain a +4 bonus to disarm. It also can be used as a rope swing that has a length of 10 feet when secured.

Size: Damage: Range: Description: Medium -d6 + Grapple 5 This weapon is made of molded leather or intestines of animals made malleable to resemble rope. This weapon can only be used against targets at the listed range. When using this weapon, you gain a +4 bonus to disarm. It also can be used as a rope swing that has a length of 10 feet when secured.

The base prices are for corsets, except for plate armor. A hauberk of a particular armor has +1 AR and costs 125% of the corset price. A character wearing a hauberk of a particular armor, has a penalty to Swiftness tests equal to the armors AR (except Leather and Plate armor has a 7 penalty for a full suit). All items below are for Medium-sized creatures. Prices increase 25% per 1 Size category from Medium unless made by a smith who is of that particular Size category.

Price: AR: Bonus: Damage: Description: Determined by Narrator, based on creation for Medium-sized creatures Armor Rating Shields only. Parry and Defense bonus; Parry bonus not applicable to tower shields Shields only. Damage dealt; When giving these weapons in proportional size to creatures larger than Medium, add 1d6 to damage for every size larger the weapon is What the item is and does in game terms

AR: Description: 4 More sturdy that the scale armor, this armor, made of interlocking rings of metal, is more protective and harder to penetrate with hand weapons. There is a -2 AR penalty when calculating damage from a bow, crossbow, mattock, spike from a hammer, spear, or javelin attack with an Extraordinary Success.


Chain with Plate

AR: Description: 5 Same as the standard chain armor, but has more protection to vital areas from plates of metal. There is a -1 AR penalty when calculating damage from a bow, spear, or javelin attack and 2 AR penalty from a crossbow, mattock, or spike of a hammer with an Extraordinary Success. There is a +1 AR bonus against attacks by any club-type weapon.

Dispersion Armor
AR: Description: 2 This armor of the future comes only as a suit (hauberk) and acts like leather armor against physical attacks but can absorb up to a total of 200 damage from hand-held energy weapons. If the armor suffers damage totally greater than half of its TDA (see Additional Rules for Consideration below), the dispersion effect is permanently disabled.

Infantry Body Armor

AR: Description: 3 AR (Light) or 7 AR (Heavy) This armor only comes in a suit (hauberk). It absorbs 25% of damage from grenades and 75% of damage from guns (30 for Light or 70 for Heavy total points of damage absorbed) and requires a Stamina test with a TN of 7 +2 per 5 points of leftover damage to resist a Medium Stun (Heavy Stun from a shotgun). An Extraordinary Success on a Ranged Attack from a gun bypasses the armor and the target receives full damage for the successful attack plus reduces the armors total damage absorption by the attacks full damage.

AR: Description: 2 This simple jerkin of leather and some padding offers the simplest of protection from a stray rusty dagger in the night but not much more.

AR: Description: 4 (breastplate) or 8 (full suit) The most impressive of all the armors, this armor is made from carefully articulated plates of metal, allowing the wearer to most of her normal range of movement. It can only be bought as a suit (hauberk). There is a -1 AR penalty when calculating damage from a spear or javelin attack and 2 AR penalty from a crossbow, mattock, or spike of a hammer with a Superior Success or better. There is a +2 AR bonus (breastplate) or +3 AR bonus (full suit) against attacks by any club-type weapon.

AR: Description: 3 Made of layers of beaten metal scales, this armor resembles the hide of dragons or fish scales, but is far less effective. There is a -2 AR penalty when calculating damage from a bow, crossbow, mattock, spike of a hammer, spear or javelin attack with an Extraordinary Success.

To use the Parry Bonus of a shield, make a Melee Combat roll plus the bonus from the shield and weapon together. To parry only with a shield, use Melee Combat: Clubs (Shield) plus the parry bonus. The shields below represent the basic wooden version. Metal versions deal +1 damage. Shields also impose a penalty to ranged attacks against the PC equal to the shields Parry Bonus.


Shield, small
Size: Bonus: Damage: Description: Small +3 1d6 Small disks of metal or wood with straps and/or handles to hold to a bearer's arm to help provide protection from attack and can even be used as a weapon. If the shield has spikes, add +2 damage.

Shield, large
Size: Bonus: Damage: Description: Medium +5 1d6+2 Larger than small shields, but have the same function (see Shield, Small).

Shield, tower
Size: Bonus: Description: Medium +8 These shields are about twice the size of large shields, and cannot be wielded in combat as a weapon nor provide a parry bonus like the smaller shields. It solely provides a penalty to ranged attacks against the bearer.

Money & Other Items

The Narrator will decide how much starting currency characters have to purchase items, but remember that if you are running a game where characters are in the military, they are usually outfitted with the required gear or you may assign specific gear for the unit (group of characters) to have. It may even serve the Narrator better, regardless of the type of game, if he just allows the characters to acquire the gear that their characters need and then just doling out a set amount of money. Regardless of the money situation in the game, equipment is a vital part of helping characters achieve their goals. As the games a Narrator wants to run can vary widely, I wont go into a lengthy list of different equipment, their bonuses, and such for different eras of gaming as I wish to leave that up to the Narrator to decide upon for his own game. The bonuses listed in Table 78 are applicable only if the character conceivably knows how to use the equipment. See Investigating New/Alien/Unknown Items, Equipment, & Artifacts in Additional Rules for Consideration below to learn how to use unknown or more/lesser advancement equipment.

Table 93: Equipment Modifiers

Equipment Available Precision or Current TL +2 equipment Well-equipped, master-crafted, or Current TL +1 equipment Above average equipment/specialists equipment Average equipment Poorly maintained tools Inadequately equipped or Current TL 1 equipment Jury-rigged or Current TL 2 equipment No equipment or Current TL 3 or less/greater Test Modifier +10 +5 +2 0 -2 -5 -10 -15


Additional Rules for Consideration

Item Creation & Repair
Armor- and Weaponcraft
NOTE: A made-up character will be used in subsequent examples and use info based on Lord of the Rings RPG (race, currency, etc.) for simplicity: Frarin, a dwarven craftsman of the Lonely Mountain with Craft: Armor (Dwarf Chain) +5 and Craft: Weapons (Battle Axe, Great Axe) +5. Terminology used in this section, as in the rest of this document, is defined in the glossary of Appendix A.

Price of Materials
To create Armor or weapons in a more realistic fashion, a craftsman should know how much the materials are going to cost him so he can determine what his profit will be. The price of materials for Armor is 25% selling price of a corset + 1 sp/1 AR and 50% selling price of a hauberk + 1 sp/1 AR. The price of materials for weapons is 25% of weapon's selling price + 1 sp/+1 damage bonus. In a game, use any mid to lower range coin or denomination of a currency. Example: Frarin wants to make a jerkin of leather (corset). 25% of 2 SP = 2 sp 2 sp + 2 sp = 1 SP The price for his materials is 1 SP. He also gets an order for a hauberk of dwarf chain. 125% of 7 SP = 8 SP, 3 sp (selling price of hauberk) 50% of 8 SP, 3 sp = 4 SP, 1 sp, 50 cp 4 SP, 1 sp, 50 cp + 8 sp = 6 SP, 1 sp, 50 cp The price for his materials is 6 SP, 1 sp, 50 cp. Example: Frarin is going to create a battle-axe. 25% of 3 SP + 4 sp (1 SP) = 1 SP The price for his materials is 1 SP.

Creating the Item

Make an extended Craft test with a number of stages equal to its Creation Difficulty +2 and stage length of 1 day for ammunition and weapons and 1 week per Creation Difficulty level for armor. The number of stages is a minimum amount of time to create the item and adding +1 day to the total time for each retry. The TN for each stage is 7+(5*(Creation Difficulty level 1)). Add the results together for your items Roll Total. Also note how many times you rolled a Complete Failure or worse and double 1s.

Table 94: Creation Difficulty

Creation Difficulty 1 2 3 4 5 Weapons Arrows (20), Bolts (20), Club, Dagger, Javelin, Shield (small or large), Shot (rock), Sling, Staff Bow (short or long), Hand axe, Mace/Morningstar, Shot (metal), Whip Battle-axe, Composite Bows (short or long), Crossbow (small), Flail, Spear, Throwing Axe, Tower Shield Longsword, Mattock, Pikestaff, Scimitar Crossbow (large), Great axe, Great sword Armor Leather Scale Chain Chain with Plate Plate


Increase the Creation Difficulty by +1 levels for every +1 TL the item is. Anything that has a Creation Difficulty that is greater than 5 cannot be made unless you have the Innovative edge and Craft tests are TN 28 +2 per Creation Difficulty level greater than 5. To calculate your items attributes other than those that are fixed per the type of item (AR, damage, etc.), use the listed equations. For armor: TDA = (Roll Total x AR) 5 per Complete Failure or worse or double 1s AL = TDA / 5 For weapons (bows have HP and HD): HP = (Roll Total / 10) Size Modifier (5 for Small, 3 for Medium, 1 for Large) HD = Average damage* - Size Modifier WL = Roll Total * - Average damage means 3.5 per 1d6 (rounded up) plus damage bonus

Since it is possible for items to have flaws within them, consult the tables below when creating an item and there were rolls that resulted in Complete Failures or worse or double 1s. For each one of these occurrences, roll 2d6 on the appropriate table below.

Table 95: Armor Creation Failure

Result (2d6) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Effect Reduce AR by 1 Reduce value of Armor 10% (rounded down) Reduce final TDA by 3d6 Reduce final TDA by 2d6 Reduce final AL by 10 Reduce final AL by 5 Reduce final AL by 10 Reduce final TDA by 2d6 Reduce final TDA by 3d6 Reduce value of Armor 10% (rounded down) No penalty

Table 96: Weapon Creation Failure

Result (2d6) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Effect Reduce damage bonus by 1, minimum 0 Reduce value of weapon 10% (rounded down) Reduce final HP by 1 Reduce final HD by 1 Reduce final WL by 10 Reduce final WL by 5 Reduce final WL by 10 Reduce final HD by 1 Reduce final HP by 1 Reduce value of weapon 10% (rounded down) No penalty

Repairing or Reforging an Item

The TN for repairing Armor that a character has created is 7+(5*(Creation Difficulty level 1)) and add +3 TN if he didnt create the armor himself. Upon making a successful repair test, the level of success will determine the effectiveness of the repair.

Table 97: Armor Repair Effects


Success Level Marginal Complete Superior Extraordinary

Repair Effect +1 point of damage absorbed to TDA* Recover 25% of damage absorbed (rounded down) to TDA Recover 50% of damage absorbed (rounded down) to TDA Recover 75% of damage absorbed (rounded down) to TDA

* Damage absorbed since creation or last repair Example: Frarin is tasked with repairing a corset of chain armor that has 125 of 140 TDA. If Frarin repairs the Armor and get a superior success on TN 9, then the TDA is now 133. If the character rolls a Failure, no damage is replenished. If a Complete Failure is rolled, no damage is replenished and roll 1d6 on Table 83. If the character rolls a Disastrous Failure, no damage is replenished and roll 1d6 on Table 84.

Table 98: Complete Failure for Armor Repair

Result (1d6) 1-2 3-4 5-6 Failure Effect Reduce value of Armor by 10% (rounded down) Reduce TDA by 1d6 Reduce AL by 3

Table 99: Disastrous Failure for Armor Repair

Result (1d6) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Failure Effect Reduce the AR by 1 Reduce AL by Reduce TDA by 2d6 Reduce AL by 10 Reduce TDA by 3d6 Reduce value of Armor by 50% (rounded down)

If the AR is reduced to 0 or the AL or TDA is reduced to or below 0 due to repair failure or combat, the Armor has now become useless. If the armors TDA is reduced to or below 0 in the middle of combat, all damage from subsequent attacks goes through to the character.

The TN for repairing or reforging a weapon that you have created is 7+(5*(Creation Difficulty level 1)) and add +3 TN if you didnt create the weapon yourself. If the character was able to make a successful repair test, then the weapon regains all lost HP. If the character rolls a Failure, the weapon is useless. If it is used in combat in this state, it will do only half damage (rounded down) on a successful attack and then break on the first Disastrous Failure or parry.

Appraising Weapons and Armor

To appraise weapons or armor to correspond with creation steps above, roll Appraise: Weapon or Appraise: Armor three (3) times. The assessed value of the weapon is based on these percentages: AR or HP is 50% of selling price, TDA or Damage Bonus is 25% of selling price, and AL or WL is 25% of selling price. Consult the following tables concerning the results of the Appraise checks of the item to determine what the character assesses the value to be.


Table 100: Appraisal Results

Success Level Extraordinary Success Superior Success Complete Success Marginal Success Failure Complete Failure Disastrous Failure Result Exact value of attribute 1 for AR or HP or Damage Bonus; 10% for others 2 for AR or HP or Damage Bonus; 20% for others 2 for AR or HP or Damage Bonus; 25% for others 3 for AR or HP or Damage Bonus; 50% for others 3 for AR or HP or Damage Bonus; 75% for others 3 for AR or HP or Damage Bonus; 90% for others

Items and equipment that are considered experimental or prototypes are typically considered as Current TL +1 to +2. These items or equipment confer a penalty to use the item only if untrained in its use (Narrators discretion) or upon a successful TN 10 or 12 Intellect test for Current TL +1 and +2, respectively.

Investigating New/Alien/Unknown Items, Equipment, & Artifacts

Inquire (Research) could be replaced with using other relevant skills such as Engineering.

To understand the purpose of items or equipment requires an extended Inquire (Research) test of TN (20 (Current TL Items TL)) * Items TL. The time increment of each stage is: hours for a TL difference of 0, days for 1, weeks for 2, months for 3, and years for 4 or less (items with a difference of +4 or greater are beyond comprehension). The time increment can be reduced to the next lowest with a successful TN 12 Perception test; hours are reduced to minutes. Each level of failure of the Perception test increases the time increment by one level; years are increased to 5 years.

Items Use
To learn how to use items requires knowing the purpose of the item and an extended Inquire (Research); use the same skill and Perception test TNs and the base time increment for this is one lower (minutes are reduced to rounds) than for determining the items purpose.

Reverse Engineer
Reverse engineering items of TL greater than your base TN requires knowing the purpose of the item, how to use the item, and an extended Engineering and Perception test using the same TNs and base time increments when determining its purpose. Each level of failure of the Perception test increases the time increment by one level; years are increased to 5 years.


During their adventures, heroes can come across some very dangerous and toxic substances or diseases. The effects, onset time, and lethality can vary greatly. Use the table below to create your toxin (radiation, disease, poison, or corrosive). If characters wish to create poisons, an extended Craft: Brewing (Poison) test is required taking 5 stages, each at 10 minutes each unless otherwise dictated by the Narrator. Onset Time, Potency, Treatment, Effect, and Stages have individual TNs for achieving a specific attribute. If the nature of the poison is to be random in creation, the character rolls his Craft: Brewing (Poison) tests with a TN 7 + (5*(Attribute number-1)) and the results will determine the value of each attribute of the poison. Retries for poison creation are at the discretion of the Narrator.

Table 101: Toxin Attributes

Type 1 2 3 4 5 Potency 1 2 3 4 5 Effect 1 2 3 4 5 Select one (Primary/Secondary): Reduce Vitality* by 1/None Reduce Vitality* by 1d6/-d6 Damage (1d6, 1 Wound Level, etc.)/Half damage Paralysis (1d6 minutes or longer)/Half duration Instant Death/Unconscious (1d6 days or longer) Select one: 0 TN +5 TN +10 TN +15 TN +20 TN Select one: Inhaled Contact (use for Corrosives and Radiation) Injury Ingested Combination of any two or more above Onset Time 1 2 3 4 5 Treatment 1 2 3 4 5 Stages 1 2 3 4 5 Select one: 1 -d6 1d6 2d6 Continuous** Select one: TN 5 TN 10 TN 15 TN 20 TN 25 or more Select one: 1 day 1 hour 1 minute 1 round Immediately

* - Vitality or any other appropriate attribute ** - Suitable only for inhaled poisons, corrosives, and radiation.

This refers to the method of exposure to the toxin that would cause harm.

Onset Time
This is the period of time that elapses from when the victim is exposed and the onset of the toxins effects.

Upon the elapsing of the onset time, the affected character must make a Stamina test.

This represents the difficulty for curing or neutralizing the toxin. If the effects are unknown, someone can attempt a Medicine: Toxicology test (TN defined by Narrator) to identify the poison, Medicine: Pathology for diseases, Science: Physical for radiation and corrosives, or Medicine: General with +3 TN. If the identification attempt was successful, a cure may be applied by making a Medicine: General test with 2 TN to the treatment TN per level of success of the identification test.


This is what happens to the character depending upon the result of the Stamina test. If the test fails, apply the primary effect. If he succeeds the test, then apply the secondary effects (usually half the primary effect or no effect at all). Attribute reductions are temporary (see System Rules for more information on healing). An Extraordinary Success on the Stamina test negates any effects of a poison.

Toxins, for the most part, have an extended duration of effect. The Stages value tells you the number of onset periods the malady can affect its victim. With the passage of subsequent onset periods, apply the appropriate effect. Characters remaining within the range of effect of an inhaled poison, corrosive, or radiation continue to suffer effects until they are removed from the exposure. Damage dealt by continuous toxins remains in effect until treated medically; natural healing will only regain damage dealt by poisons.

Creation Example
Durham the Deadly wants to make a poison that is both effective in touch and injury, acts within 1 hour of exposure, very potent, difficult to treat, affects the victims ability to move very well, and doesnt endure very long. Durham the Deadly has a Craft: Brewing (Poison) with a total bonus of +6 and 4 Courage. Stage 1: Stage 2: Stage 3: Stage 4: Stage 5: Because he wants his poison to affect a victim in more than one way, he must make a TN 7+(5*1) or TN 12 test. Roll (3+3)+6=12 MARGINAL SUCCESS, Time spent = 10 minutes Because he wants his poison to affect the victim after 1 hour of exposure, he must make a TN 7+(5*1) or TN 12 test. Roll (5+1)+6=12 MARGINAL SUCCESS, Time spent = 10 minutes Because he wants his poison to be very potent, he must make a TN 7+10 or TN 17 test. Roll (4+4)+6+3=17 MARIGINAL SUCCESS (1 Courage spent), Time spent = 10 minutes Because he wants his poison to be difficult to treat, he must make a TN 7+(5*2) or TN 17 test. Roll (5+3)+6+3)=17 MARIGNAL SUCCESS (2 Courage spent), Time spent = 10 minutes Because he wants his poison to affect the victims reaction and movement (Agility reduction of 1/6 / -d6), he must make a TN 7+(5*1) or TN 12 test. Roll (3+1)+6+3=13 COMPLETE SUCCESS (3 Courage spent), Time spent = 8 minutes Because he wants his poison to not endure very long, he must make a TN 7+(5*1) or TN 12 test. Roll (5+2)+6=13 COMPLETE SUCCESS, Time spent = 8 minutes

Stage 6:

After almost an hour, Durham the Deadly created a poison that: Will affect its victims either through contact or injury Reduces the victims Agility by 1d6 (primary effect) or -d6 (secondary effect) Begins to act after 1 hour and will continue to act for -d6 hours Has a TN 17 Stamina test to resist the primary effect, and Has a TN 15 Medicine: Toxicology test to treat the poison


Additional Rules for Consideration

Randomly Generating Toxins
It is quite simple for a Narrator to randomly generate a toxin, poison, or disease. 1. Roll 1d6 for Type, re-roll 6s. If you roll a 5, roll -d6 to determine how many ways a person can be exposed to it and choose them. 2. Roll 1d6 for Onset Time, re-roll 6s. 3. Roll 1d6 for Potency. If you roll a 6, roll 1d6 again and add 20 to the result. 4. Roll 1d6 for Treatment. If you roll a 6, roll 1d6 again and add 25 to the result. 5. Roll 1d6 for Effect, re-roll 6s. If the result will affect an attribute score, roll 1d6 again to determine the attribute: 1-2 for Vitality 3-4 for Strength 5 for Bearing (1), Perception (2), Agility (3), or Intellect (4) (roll 1d6 until an attribute is determined), and 6 for Magic or Psi (roll 1d6, 1-3 for Magic and 4-6 for Psi) 6. Roll 1d6 for Stages, re-roll 6s.



These rules reflect the focused creation of individual realms or countries, a world, or a region of space. How detailed a Narrators creation will be depends on how important it is to his game and the tools given will allow for creations that are generic, detailed, or random. The space section may sound a bit Trek-ish, but that is due to the fact that it attempts to be based on facts or theories supported by current scientific knowledge and a little imagination.

Galaxies and Sectors

The galaxy is typically thought of as the largest area of adventuring. It is at this scope where large organizations (political, entrepreneurial, military, etc.) can span hundreds, if not thousands, of light-years and encompass hundreds, if not thousands, of worlds. As there are galaxies of varying shapes and sizes (roll 1d6; 1 globular cluster, 2 elliptical, 3-4 spiral, 5-6 barred spiral), to simplify navigating through the stars, a basic coordinate system is used by breaking down the galaxy into sections called quadrants. These quadrants are further broken down into smaller parts call Sectors. Sectors can be of any size, but usually are quite small, ranging from 1000 125000 cubic light years. They are labeled numerically, but are probably best known to most by its prominent culture or feature or only inhabited star system within it. They are small enough to be dealt with in greater detail but also large enough that much diversity can exist within them.

Table 102: Sectors System Population

Result (1d6)* 1 2-3 4-5 6 Sector Type Sparse Moderate Average Dense Number of Systems 1d6-2 1d6+2 1d6+4 2d6+4

Location can be important as each section of space is unique and there are some concepts that can influence its structure. To randomly determine the location type of the sector, roll 1d6 (1 Barrier, 2 Core-ward, 3 Deep Space, 4 Galactic Arm (Interior), 5 Galactic Arm (Edge) and 6 Star Desert).

This is a sector that is near the Galactic Barrier, the edge of the galaxy that is either at the furthest point from the core when looking down upon the galactic plane or up or down when looking along the edge of the galactic plane. Unusual things happen here all the time such unexplainable intergalactic events, phenomena that alter space and/or people physically and mentally, etc. Due to the unpredictability of space in these regions, roll 1d6 again: 1-2 reduce the system population by half (rounded down, minimum of 0), 3-4 no change in system population, 5 double the system population, 6 triple the system population.

A sector that is core-ward is one that is near the center of the galaxy, either in physical or astropolitical terms (usually they are the same). The space lanes here are well-traveled and there are few interstellar surprises to be discovered, but political intrigue, piracy, and war figure highly in these regions of space. Re-roll 1s when determining the sectors system population.

Deep Space
If a sector is in deep space, that means in is an area of space in the furthest reaches away from the galactic core where there has been little to no exploration, so anyone and anything could show up here.

Galactic Arm
A sector that is on the inner part of a galactic arm usually has many trade and travel routes through or near them and is typically in explored space. A sector that is on the edge of a galactic arm usually is considered frontier-land where there has been little settlement and exploration due to it being off the beaten track of most spacelanes.

Star Deserts
There are sometimes large expanses of space with few or no stars for many light years (spiral galaxies have these between their arms). A sector in or has a considerable portion of empty space wont have many systems and even fewer with


inhabited systems. Much travel would be required for excursions, but there is also the possibility of increased interstellar phenomena. This location type is always considered Sparse for its system population.

Dominant Races and Astropolitics

Astropolitics refers to the political map of the sector. Star systems could all or in part be allied with others within a sector or alliances that could span many sectors. They could also be apolitical and look out for their own interests, not caring about the struggles and conflicts between others. Regardless of the astropolitics of the sector, there is usually a dominant race or culture within it. A sector could contain systems that are inhabited and controlled by one race, inhabited by many races but subjugated by one race, inhabited by many and allied through an intergalactic cooperative government, etc.

Unusual Phenomena
Theres more to sectors that just star systems and empty space. There are many astronomical phenomena that pervade the empty regions between and possibly encompassing star systems (plasma and ion storms, black holes, and nebulae, just to name a few). The tables below can be used to randomly insert phenomena into a game or sector upon its creation. Roll once on Table 90 for Star Desert sectors, twice for Core-ward and Galactic Arm sectors, and three times for Barrier or Deep Space sectors.

Table 103: Unusual Phenomena

Result (1d6)* 1 2 3 Phenomenon Installation (roll 1d6; 1-2 unaligned starbase or space dock, 3-4 covert facility of enemy, 5-6 communications center or scientific research laboratory) Ancient artifact (roll 1d6; 1-4 significant ruins on a planet(s), 5 space-going relic such as a Dysons Sphere, 6 cosmic string) Mineral-rich lodes (roll 1d6; 1-3 asteroid belt in one system, 4-5 an extraordinarily metal-heavy planet, 6 Lazarus star). The lodes are considered Plentiful (roll 1d6, 1-3) or Very Plentiful (4-6), see Table 115. Interstellar anomaly(s) (roll 1d6 for the number of anomalies, re-roll 6s and add half). Roll on Table 91 for interstellar anomalies.


* - MODIFIERS: +1 for a Barrier or Core-ward sector

Table 104: Interstellar Anomalies

Result (3d6)* 3 4 5-6 7-9 10-12 13-14 15 16 17 18 19+ Phenomenon Cosmic String Rogue Planet Space-born Life Nebula (roll 1d6; 1-2 planetary, 3-4 stellar nursery (see Stellar Cluster), 5-6 use Table 93) Stellar Phenomena (roll on Table 92) Roll 1d6; Ion Storm (1-3) or Plasma Field (4-6) Subspace Phenomena (roll on Table 94) Stellar Cluster (roll 3d6 again with no modifiers and add the anomaly to the cluster, reroll 16s) Roll 1d6; 1-4 Shockwave, 5-6 Nucleonic Wavefront Wormhole (roll 1d6; 1-3 one-shot, 4-5 decaying wormhole, 6 stable wormhole). Re-roll without modifiers

* - MODIFIERS: -3 for dark regions, +1 for edge of galactic arm (spiral, barred or variant), +2 for interior of galactic arm (spiral, barred, or variant), +4 for Barrier or Core-ward


Table 105: Stellar Phenomena

Result (2d6) 2 3-4 5 6-8 9-10 11 12 Phenomenon Black hole Protostar T Tauri Star (roll 1d6, 4-6 phenomena causes subspace turbulence) Cepheid Variable Star Nebula (roll 1d6; 1-2 planetary, 3-4 stellar nursery (see Stellar Cluster), 5-6 roll on Table 94) Roll 1d6; 1 Neutron Star, 2-5 Pulsar, 6 Graviton Ellipse Lazarus Star

Table 106: Nebulae

Result (2d6) 2 3 4 5 6-8 9 10 11 12 Nebula Mar Oscura-type Gamma-Eridani-class Dicromic-type McAllister-class Emission-type Hugora-class Idari-class Mutara-class Rolar-class

Table 107: Subspace Phenomena

Result (3d6)* 3 4 5-6 9 10-12 13 14-15 16-17 18+ Phenomenon Corridor Interphase Packet Rift or Rupture Shockwave Compression Chaotic space (roll 1d6, this is the number of times to roll again on Table 90; re-roll further 13s on this table) Eddy Turbulence Vacuole

* - MODIFIERS: +1 for nearby cluster or supernova, +3 for nearby black hole, re-roll all 1s if Core-ward, re-roll all 6s if Barrier

Asteroid Belts
Either an unfinished planet from a planetary nebula or the remnants of a destroyed planet due to a supernova, collision, straying too close to another, much larger planet, or a weapon. Every round the ship is within an asteroid belt, roll 1d6; on a 1 or 2 an asteroid of appreciable size is found hurtling towards the ship. Roll another 1d6 to determine the asteroids size; on 6s, roll again and add result until a 6 isnt rolled. The navigator must make a System Operation (Nav Control) test with a TN of 5 + 3*asteroids size. If there is a collision, the asteroid deals Size-d6 + Size damage (Size meaning asteroids size). Extremely large and/or massive asteroids can have gravity of their own and so can cause gravimetric shear damage. If a ship makes a close approach or enters an asteroid, it suffers 1d3 gravimetric shear damage per minute. These phenomena are typically gold mines for minerals and metals, see Resources in the Realms, Countries, & Worlds section to determine the asteroid belts resource type and level.

Gravimetric Shear
A number of stellar phenomena create incredibly intense fields of stressed space that can damage or destroy ships, along with moons, planets, or even stars. These fields are so strong that they can affect ships even with their deflectors raised to full strength. Damage from the table below is applied when the ship or whatever comes to Short range or less (the distance for range increments is determined by the Narrator). Deflector shields can be modulated to lessen the effect of the gravimetric shear by making a TN 12 System Operation (Shields) test: -d6 for a Marginal Success, -d6+2 for a Complete Success, 1d6+3


for a Superior Success, and 2d6+2 for an Extraordinary Success. The damage to the shields and ship is dealt with in the same manner as starship combat.

Table 108: Gravimetric Shear Damage

Source Black hole Cosmic String Galactic Barrier Graviton Ellipse Neutron Stars Subspace Rift Star or Superjovian planet (Point Blank) Damage Per Minute 1d6* 10d6+20 2d6+3* 1d6+3 8d6+10* 1d6+2 1d3*

* - These phenomena also emit high levels of dangerous radiation (see Toxins)

Black Holes
These phenomena are the result of a star after going supernova and its internal pressures causing all the matter to fall into itself, creating a hyper-dense quantum singularity that has a gravitational mass billions of times that of Earth so strong is the pull that light cant escape it. The black hole does emit X-rays, which results from the annihilation of matter as it is sucked in the black hole. Travelling near a black hole at the proper angle and speed can cause time dilation effects where the ship is sent an untold number of years into the future and if the black hole is spinning, the ship could go into the past! Relics have been found near black holes caught by the time dilation effects to confirm this. When encountering a black hole, its gravitational field causes intense gravimetric shear damage to a ship passing by and possible subspace turbulence. Roll 1d6+2; 4-6 black hole causes subspace turbulence.

Chaotic Space
This is a region of space where the universes laws of physics are distorted and do not necessarily apply. Its thought that a number of subspace and temporal anomalies are the result of chaotic space. What causes chaotic space is unknown but a number of its effects are: disrupted or disabled ship systems, unpredictable weapon effects, etc. Complex calculations, TN 25 or higher for either Science: Space (Astrogation) or Science: Physical (Mathematics), are required for navigating through areas of chaotic space. Additionally, the randomness of physics in the area can cause stress in the surrounding space, damaging anything by way of gravimetric shear. Every minute within a region of chaotic space, roll 1d6 to determine how many dice to roll for damage.

Cosmic Strings
Similar to black holes, these phenomena are light-years long with the width of a proton. They emit energy that can be detected in subspace frequencies, but their incredibly strong gravity fields can trap a starship long before it can be detected. Unfortunately their exact nature are still yet unknown and so surviving an encounter with one of them is quite perilous. Some scientists believe that they were created by ancient civilizations to create Dysons Spheres or rearrange whole solar systems or as weapons, as contact with one will literally slice a starship apart at the molecular level. Others still believe that they may constitute the bulk of the dark matter in the universe.

Dark Matter
Interstellar dust and some light elements with no ambient or radiant energy remains dark, meaning that it is undetectable by pretty much all means other than a gravimeter or other exotic means. Most of the universe is filled with this and the types could vary as much as normal matter. Even in futuristic games, the properties of dark matter and dark matter nebulae remain a mystery.

Ion Storms
Stars, nebulae, and other energetic bodies occasionally eject masses of highly-charged particles and radiation called ion storms and can pose dangers to both ships and planets alike (the latter less severely). They range in size from a few thousand to a few million miles in diameter, but even worse is that they are difficult to detect. Rated on a scale of 1 to 10, ion storms can wreak havoc on sensors, damage ships, and even kill those unprotected by deflectors. Very intense storms can hamper the use of transporters and even cause weaknesses in the fabric of space itself between separate universes!


Table 109: Ion Storm Effects

Storm Category 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Transporters/ Communications +1 TN +2 TN +3 TN +4 TN +5 TN +6 TN +7 TN +8 TN Malfunction** Malfunction, -2 Reliability Flight Control/Sensors ----+1 TN +2 TN +3 TN +4 TN +5 TN +6 TN Malfunction Malfunction, -2 Reliability Damage* ----------1d6 2d6 3d6 Special*** Special

* - Damage is dealt every minute. Use the vehicle combat rules for applying damage. ** - Roll 1d6 to determine which system malfunctions; 1-3 for transporters (if found in the game) or flight control, 4-6 for communications or sensors. See Vehicles for examples of system malfunctions. The Reliability modifier applies to the same system that is malfunctioning. *** - Apply special, story-related effects like manifestations of psionic or other powers, transported to alternate universe, etc.

Lazarus Stars
While most supernovae lead to the creation of neutron stars or black holes, some supergiant stars survive these massive explosions, then repeat the process numerous times. Known as Lazarus stars, they are surrounded by miniature nebulae consisting of layers of ionized gases. Any planets or asteroids that survive the explosions (however unlikely) are found to have rich deposits of heavy elements, radioactive materials, and exotic substances. Everything out to a radius equal to double the radius to the outermost layer is affected by Berthold rays, delta, and gamma radiation. Planets or asteroids that are found near these stars are considered to have Very Plentiful resources. Roll 2d6-2 (minimum 1) to determine the number of layers of ionized gases around the star; the distance between them is determined by the Narrator. Roll 1d6; 1-3 layers are ion storms, 4-6 layers are plasma fields. The category of the storm effects increases traveling toward the Lazarus star. Roll 1d6, 4-6 Lazarus star causes subspace turbulence.

Nebulae are gigantic clouds of gaseous material created from supernovae, failed star and/or planetary formation, or are extremely dense as they form a stellar nursery. Properties of nebulae vary widely as some emit dangerous radiation to house dark matter to blind sensors.

These nebulae have immense, yet irregular, masses that cause unstable gravimetric disturbances in the surrounding space. Every round a ship is within the nebula, it suffers 1d6+3 gravimetric shear damage every round for each range increment closer to the center (starting at Long). Also roll 2d6 and on a result of 12, a random system is dealt critical damage.

These nebulae emit powerful streams of electromagnetic (EM) radiation. A TN 10 reliability test is required to keep a cloaking device functional while inside the nebula. A test is required upon either activating or deactivating the system.

These nebulae disrupt and distort subspace communications. A TN 20 reliability test of the communications system is required for each message sent or received while inside the nebula. Radio and other forms of EM communications still function and probes can still be launched with pre-recorded messages.

These nebulae severely impair or damage sensors. A TN 15 reliability test of sensors is required to keep sensors functioning. If the test fails, all sensor functionality is lost, requiring repair. If the test passes, the sensors take 1 point of system damage and increases the difficulty of System Operation (Sensor) tests: +8 TN for a Marginal Success, +4 TN for a Complete Success, +2 TN for a Superior Success, and 0 TN for an Extraordinary Success.


Common dark matter nebulae. Roll 1d6 for phenomena within; 1 quantum singularity, 2 neutron star, 3 cosmic string, 4 actually a Mar Oscura-class nebula.

Mar Oscura-class
Rare dark matter nebula that warps the fabric of space within it. Ships within these nebulae begin to be rearranged due to the distortions of space-time. For every round within one of these nebulae, roll 2d6; 2 warp core breach, 3-4 randomly damage a system, 12 a PC phases out for 2d6 rounds. While phased out, the PC can see and here everything going on around him, but cannot interact with anything. Once the duration elapses, he reappears unharmed. A TN 15 System Operation (Nav Control) test is required every round to guide the ship to avoid interspatial rifts. Success means that none of the above effects are suffered.

These nebulae are protostellar clouds, but not as large as stellar nurseries. They limit sensor use due to intense particle flux that also the hulls of ships, even with deflectors up. A TN 15 reliability test for sensors is required to keep sensors functioning. A failed test gives a +5 TN to System Operation (Sensors) tests. Regardless of the tests result, the ship takes 1 point of structure damage, bypassing the shields.

These nebulae are large clouds of dust that have large amounts of ambient energy rendering sensors and shields useless. A TN 20 reliability test is required to keep the shields and sensors functioning. If the test fails, the system is inoperable. If the test passes, sensor tests have a +10 TN modifier or the shield effectiveness is reduced (-2 threshold, -2 protection, -1 strength).

Planetary Nebulae
These nebulae are the ejecta from red giant stars before they collapse into white dwarfs. The remaining asteroids, the remnants of rocky planets or planetoids, are deposited with many heavy elements and are considered to have Plentiful resources. A TN 20 reliability test is required to shields and sensors functioning. If the test fails, the system is inoperable. If the test passes, System Operation (Sensor) tests have a +5 TN modifier or shields are reduced in power (-1 threshold, -1 protection). They are also permeated by gamma radiation and could be filled with asteroids (roll 1d6, 1-2 asteroid belt resides within).

These nebulae constantly emit a stream of hyperonic radiation that disrupts a starships faster-than-light (FTL) propulsion. A TN 10 reliability test of the propulsion systems is required to keep the ships propulsion functioning properly. A failed test temporarily reduces the propulsion systems reliability by one grade (F to E, DD to CC, etc.). If a class A system fails the test, it goes offline and would require repair.

Neutron Stars
These are the remnants of stars that have died, collapsing into white dwarfs, then further into dense spheres made entirely of neutrons called neutronium. They are dark and give of powerful gravitational fields, causing gravimetric shear damage to anything nearby, making them very dangerous navigational hazards.

Most neutron stars turn into pulsars, rapidly spinning at rates from 0.001 seconds to 5 seconds. They emit all sorts of EM radiation, from X-rays to visible light to radio waves. These rates remain seemingly constant, but as they age, they begin to spin faster. Due to their predictability, they are often used as navigation aids for space-faring races. They are also sources of nucleonic radiation and can emit it at such high intensity making exploration and observation by nearby vessels quite dangerous, especially to living organisms. Roll 1d6; 1-2 emits nucleonic radiation.

Plasma Fields
These phenomena form in subspatially or temporally turbulent regions of space collect hydrogen into fields of highly volatile plasma that can potentially discharge across light-years. If a field becomes affected gravitationally, it can begin to move through space and is called a plasma storm. See Table 94 for damage and replace Special with 4d6 and 5d6, respectively. Roll 1d6; 1 unstable wormhole appears, 2 subspace rift or rupture appears, 3 space around plasma field is chaotic.


These phenomena are clouds of gas and debris that are slowly forming stars and planets. They are typically very thin in density so that travel up to warp 1 can be achieved without damaging the ship, but when entering Short range of the center of the protostar, speeds are limited to 0.5 c. Roll 1d6; 1 Space-borne life, 2-4 asteroid belt. Protostars also emit a very debilitating radiation that can disrupt sensors, navigation, and communication. A TN 15 reliability test for sensors and communications is required. If the sensors test fails, all System Operation (Sensor or Nav Control) and Science: Space (Astrogation) tests have a +10 TN; no further reliability tests are required. If the communications test fails, no messages can be sent or received; a communications test is required each time a message is to be sent or received until a failure occurs.

Rogue Planets
Although quite rare, planets are occasionally discovered in deep space with no parent star. This could happen for several reasons such as it was constructed, ripped away from its home solar system by a black hole or supernova, etc. Constructed planets could support life within its interior or have some means of generating heat and an atmosphere to allow habitation on the surface. Roll 1d6; 1 inhabited by biological beings, 2 inhabited or run by artificial intelligences, 3 overseen by god-like superbeing(s), 4-6 devoid of life.

Shockwaves and Nucleonic Wavefronts

Imploding or exploding stellar formations (stars, planets, moons, etc.) create massive ripples of force called shockwaves. They propagate from the source in every direction, carrying debris, ion storms, plasma storms, and other energetic objects as they move. Supernova shockwaves travel many light-years before dissipating. Nucleonic wavefronts come from pulsars, subspace anomalies, or possibly alien artifacts; they resemble shockwaves in their form and effect (see Toxins concerning nucleonic radiation effects). Moving at warp 1 is enough to evade all shockwaves and wavefronts except those that are created in subspace or hyperwarp. A successful TN 12 System Operation (Shields) test can reduce the amount of damage done by a shockwave or wavefront: -d6 for a Marginal Success, -d6+2 for a Complete Success, 1d6+2 for a Superior Success, and 2d6 for an Extraordinary Success. Damage is applied as in starship combat. At sub-luminal speeds, evading (no damage) or turning into (half damage) these waves requires a System Operation (Nav Control) test. An extended TN 15 Engineering: Propulsion (FTL drive) with 6 stages, each lasting one hour, can create an inverse warp field to anchor against a shockwave (not nucleonic wavefront) to avoid damage. Additional damage to unsecured crew and cargo can also occur.

Table 110: Shockwave Damage

Source Exploding spaced-based vehicle (cannot be evaded during combat) Nucleonic wavefront (category 1-12) Exploding moon Exploding planet or planet-sized moon Nova Supernova Damage* Shield Strength 10%, starships Size/2 + -d6* 2d6 + category number 5d6 + (diameter/500) 7d6 + (diameter/1000) 10d6 Ship destroyed Nav Control TN 5 + ( starships size) 5 + category number 15 + (diamter/200) 20 + (diameter/2000) 25 30

* - Damage dealt from an exploding starship only occurs at Point Blank or Short ranges; roll the die damage for PB only.

Space-born Life
Creatures born and live in the vastness of outer space are quite rare, but also very powerful. They can pose a threat not only to starships but planets as well. The exigencies of space travel mean that most organisms possess at least as much power as a starship and often have extremely potent attacks and defenses. Less intelligent creatures behave fairly predictably, but those that are very intelligent should be regarded as dangerous, if not more than, an enemy starship. See Creature Creation for more information about creating a space-born creature.

Stellar Clusters
Clusters arise when a group of stars form near one another yet dont annihilate each other, remaining gravitationally influenced by one another. The Pleiades in the Orion constellation are a good example of this. Typically all of the stars in the cluster are of approximately the same solar age, but there are exceptions to the rule. Planets in various states of formation, gravitational fluctuations or anomalies, and deadly radiation can occur in or near the clusters. Since these phenomena often act as stellar nurseries containing protostars, T Tauri stars, and any number of other stellar formations can be found in them as well. With a veritable cornucopia of interstellar hazards to contend with, stellar clusters also make great hideouts for pirates or locations for covert installations.


Table 111: Stellar Cluster Modifiers

Range* Point Blank Short Medium Long Flight Control +8 TN +6 TN +4 TN +2 TN Sensor +6 TN +4 TN +2 TN --Damage** 4 2 ----Shield Strength -2 -1 -----

* - Range increments are measured from the center of the cluster ** - Damage is from gravimetric shear (see above)

Subspace Anomalies
Subspace (or hyperspace) is a spatial continuum that is outside the realm of normal space with differing physical laws than our own. FTL propulsion and communications rely on the properties of this, but it can also be distorted due to our interactions with it. Disruptions in subspace cause anomalies that can interfere with technology operation, damage things in normal space, allow interaction by subspace aliens between our universe and subspace, etc. This aspect among all others can be the source from which many problems can occur, making it a very versatile plot device.

Subspace Compression
This phenomenon is characterized by regions of subspace twist and fold in upon themselves, causing intense strains on normal space. These strains are distinguished by gravitational distortions that produce gravimetric shear.

Subspace Corridor
This groove in subspace can propel objects moving at warp speeds faster than normal, up to speeds of 40 light-years per minute. A successful TN 15 System Operation (Shields) modulates the shields field harmonics to force a ship from the corridor.

Subspace Eddy
This phenomenon resides in regions where the boundaries between subspace and normal space are weakened (such as near a black hole or interphase pockets. They store up energy over a period of time and then explode, releasing the energy in the form of plasma storms.

Subspace Field Distortion

These are created by FTL propulsion and can be a means to track ships traveling at warp. To track a ship moving at warp speed, a TN 15 System Operation (Sensors) test modified by range of the ships long-range sensors. These distortions also can cause random effects to occur when a ship is moving at warp through chaotic space.

Subspace Interphase Pockets

These phenomena are gateways between normal space and subspace that emit subspace radiation and can allow access to anything from either side into the other.

Subspace Rifts
These tears in subspace that affect craft with FTL propulsion, pulling them in like a whirlpool to be crushed by the intense pressure from gravimetric shear.

Subspace Shockwaves
They resemble shockwaves in normal space but reside in subspace. They can damage systems on a starship (especially subspace radios), but their effects on larger bodies in normal space are much more negligible. Select the intensity of the shockwave from Table 96 and the test to evade has a +5 TN modifier. Damage bypasses shields and structure and is applied directly to a system.

Subspace Turbulence
These subspace disturbances are common around black holes, cosmic strings, and other disruptive anomalies. A very rare and exotic form of artificial matter called Omega particles can cause subspace turbulence. This phenomenon inhibits the formation and ability to sustain a warp field. A TN 20 System Operation (Flight Control) test is required to travel through subspace turbulence; failure means that a warp field cannot be generated or is suppressed.


Subspace Vacuoles
These phenomena resemble wormholes in normal space, except that they either have no other side to them, immediately crushing and destroying anything that enters them, or transports the object to another universe. Roll 1d6, 1-2 transported to another universe, 3-6 destroyed.

T Tauri Stars
These are main sequence stars that have reached a particular age where they eject most of their light metals from their core. These T Tauri winds are violent versions of a solar wind that can interfere with ship systems and harm organic life. Roll 1d6 to determine which system requires a TN 10 reliability test. If the test fails, the system is offline. Almost all are too young to have planets, but there are always exceptions to the rule. Roll 1d6; 1-2 planets exist. Go to next section for star systems profile.

Variable Stars
Although most stars have constant characteristics, some do not, varying a characteristic over a period of time (brightness, rotation, etc.). Cepheid variable stars, known for their periodic nova-like explosions, are used for determining position in the galaxy as well as temporal positioning. Their explosions can damage ships or planets orbiting them. Roll 1d6 to determine which ship system is damaged and roll another 1d6 to determine how badly by subtracting the result from the current reliability of the system (if the damage is more than the systems reliability, the system is offline).

Otherwise known as Einstein-Rosen bridges, these phenomena are tunnels in space that link two separate points in spacetime (the same position but two different points in time, two different positions at the same point in time, or two different positions at two different points in time). Most are unstable and fluctuate wildly, usually destroying themselves anything that happens to enter them or instantly disappearing upon travel through them. For reusable yet decaying wormholes, calculate their life using Table 100. FTL propulsion systems can destabilize wormholes and unbalanced FTL propulsion systems can even create micro-wormholes. Some highly advanced races can create wormholes for travel.

Table 112: Wormhole Effects

Result (2d6) 2 3-4 5-9 10-11 12 Effect No effect; transported to same point in space and time Transported to same position in space, different point in time (3 future, 4 past) Ship destroyed Transported to different position in space, different point in time (10 past, 11 future) Transported to different position in space, same point in time

Table 113: Random Position

Result (1d6) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Effect Same system, 2d6 x 1000000 miles away Same sector, 1d6 systems away 2d6 sectors away 6d6 sectors away Different quadrant, roll -d6 to select Different galaxy


Table 114: Random Time

Result (2d6)* 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 Result Minutes Hours Days Weeks Months Years 1d6+1** 1d6+3 x2 1d6+5 x5 1d6+7 x10 1d6+9 x20 1d6+10 x25

* - For a precise random time, roll the first 1d6 to establish the major unit of time and then roll randomly for a value of each lesser unit of time. ** - means the time differential is positive if going into the future and negative if going into the past

Star Systems
Now that the number of star systems and interstellar phenomenon has been determined, now it is time to populate individual systems. A star systems profile includes: System Type, Planets, Other Objects, and Affiliation.

System Type
Stars are classified by three criteria: spectral class, brightness, and size. Except for Type O, any star could have planets but white dwarfs would rarely have any Class-M planets as star would have incinerated any planet that had a distance from the star suitable for promoting life.

Table 115: System Type

Result (2d6) 2-3 4-7 8-11 12+ Type Trinary Single star Binary 4 + (-d6) stars, rounded up)

Spectral Class
Type A
White stars such as Altair and Deneb, Sirius A, and Vega. They often have metal-rich gaseous envelopes, providing a higher chance of their planets and moons have rich mineral deposits. Due to this, systems with stars of this spectral class attract miners and pirates. Roll 1d6; 1-2 mining installation, 3 scientific installation.

Type B
Blue-white stars, such as Rigel and Spica. Even the smallest of these stars posses a mass no less than 10 solar masses.

Type D
White dwarfs. Although they lack interior luminosity, they still have glowing hydrogen atmospheres. They are not to be confused with the still-burning dwarfs on the main sequence.

Type F
Yellow-white stars, such as Canopus, Polaris, and Procyon. Because these stars at a minimum have twice the mass of Sol (our sun), their Class-M planets would have an orbit at twice the distance as ours.


Type G
Yellow stars, such as Alpha Centauri A, Capella, Sol, and Tau Ceti. Explorers generally seek these stars out because they emit heat, light, and radiation in a manner that is ideal for promoting life, especially humanoid life.

Type K
Orange stars, such as Aldebaran, Arcturus, 40 Eridani A, and Epsilon Indi. These stars emit less radiation than Type Gs, humanoids need less radiation protection and Class-M planets have thinner atmospheres.

Type M
Red Stars, such as Antares and Betelguese. As they burn slower than others, they account for over 2/3s of all stars.

Type O
Blue stars. Because they consume their fuel rapidly, the burn out after just a few million years before planets could possibly form around them. They are generally found in galactic arms and core, existing in only the super-giant and dwarf sizes

Table 103: Stellar Size
Result (3d6) 3-16 17-18 Size V Dwarf; roll on Table 102 Subdwarf, Subgiant, or Giant; roll on Table 102

Table 104: Types of Stars

MAIN SEQUENCE Result (2d6) 2 3 4 5-9 10 11 12 DWARF, SUBGIANT, & GIANT Result (3d6) 3-9 10 11 12 13 14-15 16 17 18 Classification Type A Type F Type G Type M Type K Type G Type B

Type Type A subgiant Type D white dwarf Type F giant Type A giant Type B giant Type M red giant Type O giant Type B supergiant Type O dwarf

Brightness is classified by values ranging from 0 (brightest) to 9 (dimmest). Blue stars are typically brighter than red stars, but there are always exceptions.


Table 116: Stellar Brightness

Result (2d6)* 2 or less 3 4 5 6 7-8 9 10 11 12 Brightness 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

* - -3 for Type O and B stars, -1 for Type A and F stars, +3 for Type M and D stars

This part of the system profile lists the number and classification of each planet. Roll 2d6+2 to determine the number of planets in the system. The profile of an inhabited or significant planet, planetoid, or moon is discussed in the next section.

Table 117: Planetary Classification

Result (2d6) 2 3 4-5 6 7-8 9 10 11 12 Classification Roll 1d6; 1-2 Class-Y, 3-6 Class-D Class-D Class-F Class-G Roll 1d6; 1-4 Class-T, 5-6 Class-J Class-H Class-K Class-L Class-M

Small, rocky planetoid or large asteroid like the moons of Mars. These have no moons.

Rocky worlds similar to Class-D but larger like Earths moon. They have no atmosphere or water, but are large or dense enough to have an appreciable gravity so that fully-enclosed facilities could be built to live in.

These worlds have low gravity and thin atmospheres with ice or slushes of water, methane, ammonia, etc. Few have native life, but some possess liquid oceans under a deep layer of ice, like Saturns moon, Titan. Roll 2d6; 11-12 life-forms found here.

These worlds are extremely dry but are inhabitable by humanoids provided that they have water and environmental suits or other technology to provide a suitable living environment. Roll 2d6; 11-12 life-forms found here.

These are probably the most common type of planets. They are large gaseous planets with solid metal cores, which include planets like Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune. Some get so large that they are called brown dwarfs, a gas giant so large that it rivals some suns, but doesnt have enough critical mass to cause an internally sustainable fusion reaction. Due to unbreathable atmospheres, constant hurricane-force winds, and very strong gravity, humanoids nor even their equipment could survive on one of these planets, but due to the nature of their atmospheres and their size, they could harbor other types of life or support a Class-M or L moon. Roll 2d6; 12 life-forms found in planets atmosphere.


Though these worlds have gravity comparable to an Earth-like world, they have conditions that require humanoids use technology to maintain a livable environment upon it. An example would be Mars. Roll 2d6; 11-12 life-forms found here.

These worlds are very similar to Class-M worlds with oxygen-argon atmospheres and sometimes with high levels of carbon dioxide as well, but since they lack nitrogen, no animal life could evolve on such a world. They are typically rocky, terrestrial worlds, abundant with plant-life. Roll 2d6; 10-12 life-forms found here.

These worlds are small, terrestrial worlds with nitrogen-oxygen atmospheres with liquid water usually covering a large portion of the surface. Both animal- and plant-life can be supported, including humanoid life. Earth is an example of this type of world. Roll 2d6; 10-11 life-forms are found here, 12 humanoid life found here.

These worlds are a subset of Class-Js where they have major orbital ring systems. Roll 2d6; 12 life-forms found in planets atmosphere.

These worlds are the absolute anomalies on the planetary scale. Also known as demon worlds, they have astronomically high surface pressures and/or temperatures and corrosive or irradiated atmospheres. An example of this is Venus. Some, amazingly, evolve simple to complex life-forms as well. Roll 2d6; 12 life-forms found here.

Other Objects
This part of the system profile lists what other significant objects might be located in the system (covert installations, ancient alien artifacts, etc.). Refer to the list of unusual phenomena that was generated when creating the sector this system resides in.

This part of the system profile lists what power, if any, controls or inhabits the system. Even if a power doesnt rule the system, it may come under the protection of one. The affiliation may be directly designated by the Narrator as a part of the storyline, but could be randomly selected as well (especially useful in exploration-oriented games).

Table 118: System Affiliation

Result (1d6) 1-2 3-4 5 6 Affiliation Major power Minor power Disputed (roll 1d6; 1-3 two major powers, 4-5 one major and minor power, 6 two minor powers) Neutral, independent, or undiscovered/unexplored


Worlds, Countries, Realms

The difference in creating a profile for these is negligible. Low-tech fantasy or modern gaming worlds have distinct cultures, tech levels, sizes, etc. that make them worlds unto themselves and can be treated as such when creating them. Worlds created at the micro level (country by country) can always be used for sci-fi or futuristic games, but should be reserved for long-term focus or repeated appearances in a game as their creation can be quite time-consuming. A profile lists a realm, country, or worlds size (and density for worlds), moons (for worlds), environment, terrain, civilization, and resources.

Size and Density

Multiply diameter results by x10 for ClassJ and T planets. Due to their immense size, multiply the rolls corresponding gravity by 2.5. If worlds Size result is less than 1, subtract the result; if it is greater than 12, subtract 12. Multiply the result by 1000 then add or subtract it from the corresponding min or max listed diameter.

Table 119: Dimensions

SIZE Result (2d6)* 1 or less 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 or more Realm or Country Dimensions (sq. miles) City-state, up to 100 101 500 501 1000 1001 5000 5001 10000 10001 50000 50001 100000 100001 250000 250001 500000 500001 1000000 1000001 5000000 5000001+ World Diameter (miles)** 9000/X 9000 10000 11000 12000 13000 14000 15000 16000 17000 18000 18000 + (X*1000) Gravity (G) *** 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 ***

* - MODIFIERS: -7 Class-D; -5 Class-F; -3 Class-Y, Class-G; add the 1d6 result from determining its Size for Class-T and J planets ** - X = (roll result 2) for values less than 2 OR (roll result 11) for values greater than 11 *** - Linearly interpolate gravity value based on highest or lowest value; then apply multiplier for Class-T and J planets DENSITY (world creation only) 3 or less 4-5 6-8 9-10 11 or more

Rock-ice (G x 0.5) Silica-base and metal poor (G x 0.66) Earth-like (no change) Silica-base and metal poor (G x 0.66) Metal-rich (G x 1.5)

* - MODIFIERS: -3 Class-G; Class-Y worlds are always metal-rich Humans can survive in any gravity from 0-3 G, but typically would have long-term settlement on worlds of 1.0 0.25 G. The range in gravity of 0.25 G is normal for other species as well. Gravity influences other environmental aspects as well, such as atmosphere and how much water covers the surface.

If a planet is to have moons, it can have any type and number of moons possible where their total size add up to the planets diameter/4, rounded down. If a moon is determined to be a Class-M world, this entire section would apply to it, minus this part about moons. This part isnt required for realm or country creation.


Table 120: Lunar Classification

Result (2d6)* 2 3 4 5-9 10 11 12 Classification Roll 1d6; 1-2 Class-K, 3-6 Class-L Class-G Class-F Class-D Class-F Class-H Roll 1d6; 1-2 Class-Y, 3-6 Class-M

* - Re-roll any result that isnt allowed due to size restriction.

A worlds atmosphere, hydrosphere, and temperature chaotically combine to produce a its climate. Planets that typically have life on them have at least 20% of their surface covered in water, otherwise they are Class-H instead of Class-K, -L or M. Atmosphere and hydrosphere information is only necessary for world creation. Roll an additional 2d6-2 (2d6-4 for 9s) and add to base percentage (values <0 equal 0). Class-J and T planets have atmospheres composed of ammonia, methane, ethane, and other toxic gases; skip Hydrosphere and Temperature for these planets.

Table 121: Atmosphere

Gravity (G) 0.19 or less 0.2 0.8 0.81 1.2 1.21 3.0 3.1+ Atmosphere* No atmosphere Roll 1d6; 4 thin, 5+ standard Roll 1d6; 2 thin, 3-5 standard, 6+ thick Roll 1d6; 1 thin, 2-3 standard, 4+ thick Roll 1d6; 1 standard, 2+ thick

* - MODIFIERS: -2 red giant star, -1 Type K star; +1 Type A star or Class-L planet; +3 Class-T or J planets

Table 122: Hydrosphere

Result (2d6)* 0 or less 1-9 10-11 12+ Hydrosphere No water Multiply result by 10% 99% (covered in water with a few islands) 100% (no bare land, possible polar ice caps)

* - MODIFIERS: -10 Class-H planet; -1 red giant star, thin atmosphere; +1 thick atmosphere

Table 123: Temperature

Result (2d6)* 2 or less 3-4 5-6 7-9 10-11 12+ Temperature (F) Very cold, 0 (Alaska) Cold, 32 (Wisconsin) Cool, 65 (Pacific Northwest) Warm, 80 (southern California) Hot, 100 (Caribbean) Very Hot, 110 (Death Valley)

* - MODIFIERS: -9 rock-ice density, -2 Type A star, -1 thin atmosphere; +1 Type B or F star, thick atmosphere


If no life is found on the world, all land is considered 100% Desert. This is not applicable to Class-T and -J planets.

Table 124: Terrain

Result (2d6)* 2 or less 3 4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11 12+ Feature Arctic Plains Mountains Forest Lakes and rivers Marsh-land Jungle or Rainforest Desert

* - Roll on this table 10 times to determine percentage of lands surface environment; skip if planet has 100% hydrosphere; MODIFIERS: -3 Very Cold; -2 thick atmosphere, Type B or F star, Cold; +2 thin atmosphere, Hot, hydrosphere 50% 80%; +3 Type A star, Very Hot, hydrosphere 81%+

This comprises of the realm, country, or worlds cultural attitudes, technology level, form of government, and population. All these are determined in Race Creation except for population (below). This is typically not applicable to Class-T and J planets.

Table 125: Random Population

Result (2d6)* 3 or less 4-7 8-9 10 11 12 Population (Examples) Thousands (new colonies, frontier or scientific or military installations Tens of thousands (self-sustaining colonies, major facilities) Hundreds of thousands (major colonies) Millions (primitive or harsh worlds, requires>=50% hydrosphere and minimum TL 4) Hundreds of millions (industrial homeworlds, minimum TL 2) Billions (interstellar hubs, minimum TL 5)

* - MODIFIERS: -1 Very Cold or Very Hot, metal-rich density, thin atmosphere

This part refers to goods and/or services worthy of intergalactic trade or those needed to be imported to sustain the population. The following resource types might be present on the world or in the country or realm). The entry indicates requirements needed to be met for the abundance roll, but even special or unique materials could be present where the dice say they could not. The planets abundance of a resource is determined below.

Table 126: Resource Abundance

Result (2d6) 6 or less 7-8 9 10-11 12 or more Abundance Scarce, must be imported to obtain Rare, more valued here than normal Common, minimum required for rare materials Plentiful, surplus for export if there is market abroad Very Plentiful, extreme surplus drawing prospectors and possible invaders

Most likely luxury or experimental crops, but also a great abundance of common foodstuffs. If no life found on the world or is a Class-J or T planet, this is considered N/A.


MODIFIERS: -3 hydrosphere 30% or 81%; -2 metal-rich or rock-ice density; -1 population of billions, Type B star, nearby high radiation stellar anomaly, Core-ward; +1 standard atmosphere, hydrosphere 60-80%, Cool or Hot temperature, TL 3+, Type F or G star; +2 Warm

Primary source of power and weapons for technologically advanced races (requires TL 8 without being prototype technology). If an intelligent life on the world has not achieved TL 8 or better for their energy technology, this is considered N/A. If they are TL 8+, the best abundance level is Rare. MODIFIERS: -2 Type K star, nearby subspace anomaly; +1 Barrier, Variable Star, Type B star, nearby nebula or plasma field, nearby Class-J planet; +2 nearby Lazarus or protostar

Industrial Goods
Goods, equipment, and resources that are worth exporting. If an intelligent life on the world has not achieved TL 5 for their materials technology, this is considered N/A. MODIFIERS: +1 population of millions, TL 6-7, asteroid belt; +8 Class-T or J planets

Rare herbs and substances found as crucial components for combating both common and rare diseases, but most can be synthesized by TL 8. MODIFIERS: +1 has an atmosphere, has life; +2 TL 5

Minerals or Metals, Common

These are the bread-and-butter of advanced worlds by feeding the fires of industry. No minerals are found on Class-T planets. MODIFIERS: -2 hydrosphere 91%+, metal-rich (for minerals), silica density (for metals); -1 Type M star, rock-ice density; +1 Type A star, nearby supernova, cluster, Galactic Arm (Interior), asteroid belt or Class-J planet, hydrosphere 30%; +2 Variable star, Lazarus star, T Tauri star, metal-rich (for metals), silica-based (for minerals), Core-ward

Minerals or Metals, Rare

These metals and minerals are difficult to find, extract, or handle. No minerals are found on Class-T planets. MODIFIERS: -6 not metal-rich (for metals), not silica-based (for minerals), hydrosphere 91%+; +1 Type A star, asteroid belt, nearby supernova, Core-ward, Barrier, hydrosphere 30%; +2 Lazarus, Variable star, T Tauri star, metal-rich (for metals), silica-based (for minerals)


Alternate Rules for Consideration

Encounters at Sea
There are many hazards when traveling the seas -- submarine volcanoes release deadly gases from the deeps to cause many wrecks, giant sea creatures, and hazardous weather. It can be a very dangerous proposition even on the best of days for who knows what is beyond the horizon, especially if time is of the essence. Extreme weather, treacherous waters, and hostile sea-faring peoples can provide unwanted and even deadly encounters for the crews of ships. This section breaks down hazards that can be encountered at sea into three categories: Sea, Weather, and Hostiles. Sea relates to physical encounters such as underwater volcanoes, whirlpools, shoals, etc. Weather covers extreme weather like hurricanes, fog, waterspouts, etc. Hostiles include sea creatures and pirates.

Along the way to discovering new lands and peoples, unknown hazards such as mid-sea sand bars, extensive reefs, giant carpets of seaweed are out there to create havoc and lay waste to the best-laid plans.

These huge chunks of ice can be typically be found in the north and south near the poles of a world; a collision or even a glancing blow from one of these can spell doom to a ship and her crew. Spotting them can be difficult even in the best of weather. To spot an iceberg, the Observe (Spot) or System Operation (Sensors) test is 15 - iceberg's Size (sizes are equivalent to those of sea-based vehicles). If iceberg isnt detected and collision occurs, it will cause damage to the particular section of the hull equal to (iceberg's Size*2)-d6, ignoring an amount of Protection equal to the iceberg's Size/2, rounded up. Avoiding an iceberg at the last minute requires a TN 10 Operate Vehicle or System Operation (Nav Control) test, +2 TN for every 10 feet from it when less than or equal 100 feet from it. Using oars to help in the attempt gives a +4 bonus to the result.

Rough Seas
The sea can be choppy and nigh unnavigable for many reasons like a narrow strait between two islands, a whirlpool bent on swallowing anything that comes near it, and strong river currents. The TN modifier given in Table 114 augments the TN for the Operate Vehicle or System Operation (Nav Control) test required for navigating the waters; the base TN is 7. On a failed test, roll 1d6 to determine which section (1-6 or 1-3) of the ship is damaged. The damage is equal to the Rough Sea Levels in dice. Extended tests could be used for traversing large bodies of such water, where each failed test pushes the ship off course besides doing damage and confers additional or more difficult navigation tests to get back on course and/or to avoid hazards.

Table 127: Sea Levels

Level 0 (calm) 1 2 3 4 5 +X Modifier +0 TN +2 TN +4 TN +8 TN +12 TN +15 TN +(15+(2*X))

Underwater Volcanoes
Hot magma and noxious gases aren't just encountered on land, but out at sea as well. Eruptions from these volcanoes can cause tremendous damage to ships and kill many crewmen. To determine what parts of the ship are damaged when caught in the radius of an eruption: 1. 2. 3. Determine the location of the volcano in relation to the ship and its distance. Roll 1d6 to determine which location of the available locations is damaged for every 50 feet from the volcano the ship is, out to 500 feet. Each time a section is hit, roll 1d6 to determine how many crewmen are killed and 3d6 damage to the section, ignoring half the Protection, rounded down.

Underwater volcanoes that have reached the surface can emit vast quantities of deadly gas. When the gas reaches the surface, it can cause a boat to founder and drop into the depths due to the loss of buoyancy. To avoid such an occurrence, 225

a TN 20 Operate Vehicle or System Operation (Nav Control) is required, +2 TN for every 10 feet the ship is within the affected area. Using oars to help divert the ship gives a +4 bonus to the test result.

The bane of most is the unlooked-for storm while the ship is out in open waters away from a port. Even the mildest of storms can cause the seas to rise up to do battle against any ship and crew. During particularly violent storms, the ship can suffer more than just being blown off course. Use Table 114a to determine the volatility of the storm; any storm of Level 3 or higher has the potential for lightning as well. The TN modifier applies to all physical tests aboard ship and combat maneuvers.

Pirates, belligerent natives, and mysterious sea creatures are just a few of the possible hostile encounters that a crew could find while sailing abroad. Combat may be required or out-running the enemy may be the best option.

Random Sea Encounters

Roll 3d6, one for each type of hazard and consult the table below.

Table 128: Random Sea Encounters

SEA ENCOUNTERS Result 1-2 3-4 5 6 Class --Mild Moderate Treacherous Encounter No encounter (Level 0 waters) Level 1-2 waters or icebergs (Size 1-3) Level 3-5 waters or icebergs (Size 4-5) Level 5+ waters or icebergs (Size 6+) or underwater volcano

WEATHER ENCOUNTERS 1-2 --3-4 Mild 5 Moderate 6 Treacherous HOSTILE ENCOUNTERS 1-2 --3-4 Mild 5 Moderate 6 Treacherous

No encounter Level 1-2 weather Level 3-5 weather Level 5+ weather

No encounter Natives in 1-5 boats (Size 3) 1 ship of war (Size 4-7) OR natives in 610 boats (Size 7) OR 1 sea creature 2+ ships of war (any Size) OR natives in 11+ boats (Size 7) OR 2+ sea creatures

When a 6 is rolled, roll it again until it isn't a 6. The total of these subsequent rolls are added to any value listed with a "+" to the right of it. For example, a 6 was rolled on the Sea Encounters table, 1d6 was rolled again for 5. This means that either Level 10 waters or an iceberg of Size 11 is encountered. If a Weather Encounter is rolled, roll again for a Sea Encounter (the 6 rule from above applies). If either the encounter is less than the Weather Encounter or no encounter was rolled; the class of Sea Encounter shall be no less than that of the Weather Encounter. For example, a 4 is rolled for a Weather Encounter (Moderate Class encounter). Another 1d6 is rolled for a Sea Encounter because no encounter was rolled for it; a 3 is the new result. Because the Sea Encounter can be no less than the Weather Encounter, the ship experiences a Moderate Class Sea Encounter in addition to the Moderate Class Weather Encounter.


A racial profile consists of a few pertinent topics: personality, physical description, homeworld, culture, language, common names, favored profession, and racial specifications (gameplay mechanics for creating a character of this race). These rules pertain to alien and monster races that are of the standard humanoid body type. Races that dont fit this profile should use a combination of these rules and creature creation rules.

These are the general personality traits common to the average member of the race, country, or realm. Remember that each person is unique and what is described here is an oversimplification. The table below lists a number of evocatives that can be used in a personality description; take one from Column A and Column B and expand on them in detail. You can always use other words that are not listed in the table.

Table 129: Personality Traits

Column A Aloof Artistic Audacious Bold Brave Cold Controlled Curious Fanatic Generous Greedy Impulsive Innovative Intolerant Methodical Nosy Peaceful Resolute Scientific Shrewd Strong-willed Tireless Intolerant Zealous Column B Adventurous Aggressive Ambitious Argumentative Arrogant Brash Cautious Closed-Minded Confident Decisive Defensive Egotistical Hard-Hearted Ingenious Inquisitive Logical Meticulous Open-Minded Passionate Rebellious Reckless Risky Steadfast Tactless

Physical Description
Describe the average member of the race here; you do not have to be confined to the typical humanoid form (head, torso, two arms, two legs). List the races average height and weight along with normal ranges, build or body structure, hair color(s) (if they have any), eyes and color (if they have any), and any extra limbs or organ redundancy. Traits due to their evolution on their world (refer to their worlds profile as created in World & Space Creation) would also be listed here: short and stocky on a world with high gravity, altered vision due to very dark or bright suns, etc.

Give a brief description of the world that the race comes from. Refer to the planets profile as created in World & Space Creation. Typically, a races homeworld is the most populous world that contains that race (if not the only place to find them), but a race could not have a homeworld at all and roam space in caravans or a race almost entirely decimated and far-flung across the galaxy for survival.


Information under this heading should serve as a repository of key facts about the race that would be notable for the game, including: What do they believe? What do they value? Define the social structure from a typical family to group interaction Religions What do they admire/despise in others? Typical skills and personalities What makes them unique from other races? There are three basic elements that are important to guiding you in answering these questions about the culture: motives, technology, and government. Again, maybe an oversimplification, but they allow you to start with a rough framework from which you can be inspired to fill in as many of the holes as possible afterwards.

Either determine the level of importance of each motive pair and selecting which of the two is the cultures focus or randomly roll a couple times for a condensed description.

Table 130: Cultural Motivations

Result 1 2 3 4 5 6 MOTIVES Motive Aggression/Peace Art/Science Discipline/Independence Expansion/Isolation Initiative/Conformity Openness/Inflexibility Description A willingness to resort to violence or threat of violence versus a dedication to peace The importance of artistic endeavor versus a dedication to scientific discovery Conformity to rules and laws versus personal individuality A desire to progress outward versus a drive to remain separate Risk-taking and boldness versus living within the bounds of society A willingness to consider and accept new ideas versus a rejection of change

1-2 3-4 5-6

LEVEL OF IMPORTANCE Low Motivation is considered unimportant to identity Medium Motivation is neither motivation very highly or equally High Motivation is central to cultural identity

Either select the races base technology or level (TL) and use for all TL aspects or roll on the table below as some races could be more or less advanced in areas due to alien meddling, scientific breakthroughs, or gaps in knowledge. Roll on Table 116 to determine the divergence from the base TL for each aspect of technology. A civilizations base TL is the average value of its TL aspects, rounded down.


Table 131: Technology Levels

Result (2d6) 2 3 4 5 6 TL 0 1 2 3 4 Energy Muscle-power or fire Animal power Wind mills Mechanical Steam power Information Spoken language Writing Historical texts Printing press Telegraph Transport On foot Animal Boat or cart Sailing ships Railroads Weapons Stone, bone, wood Bronze, iron Steel, crossbows Gunpowder, cannons Breach-loaded guns Tanks, machine guns Assault rifles, missiles, atomic bombs Lasers, phased weapons Phasers, disruptors, deflector shields Quantum warheads, ablative armor Unknown Materials Wood, stone, bone Bronze, iron Concrete, steel Porcelain, asbestos Industrial chemistry Alloys, plastics Advanced metallurgy, composites Advanced composites Matterenergy replication Mature nanotechnology Total energy conversion Environment Hunting, gathering Agriculture, settlements Fertilization, cities Scientific fortifications Advanced sanitation techniques Mass transit, skyscrapers Advanced weather predictions Space stations, Self-contained habitats Terraforming, holodecks Advanced orbital habitats Exist in all environments without aid

7 8

5 6

Electricity Fission power

Fusion power

Radio, telephone Electronics, personal computers Quantum storage Linguistic programming Artificial intelligences Sapient machines

Automobiles, airplanes Nuclearpowered vessels Impulse, primitive FTL Transporters, improved FTL Post-warp travel (transwarp) Instantaneous travel




Directed transmutation Total conversion



Table 132: Tech Level Modifiers

Result (1d6) 1 2 3-4 5 6 Modifier Base TL 2 Base TL 1 Base TL Base TL +1 Base TL +2

Select or randomly roll for the type and size of government, how the leadership comes to power, and areas of power held by the government.


Table 133: Types of Government

RULE BY ONE Result (1d6) 1 2 3 4 5 6 RULE BY MANY (Roll 1d6, 1-3 top, 4-6 bottom) 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 Government Despotism Monarchy Hoplocracy Plutocracy Psiocracy Theocracy

Anarchy Hive-mind Colony Feudalism Aristocracy Theocracy Democracy Hoplocracy Plutocracy Psiocracy Aristocracy Theocracy

Table 134: Size of Governing Body

Result (1d6) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Size -d6+1 1d6+4 1d6+4 x10 1d6+4 x100 1d6+4 x1000 Class Examples Triumvirate of early Roman Empire Small Group; committee, council Medium Group; Aristocrats, wealthy Large Group; Congress, bureaucracy Sub-class; landowners, soldiers Scientists, merchants, general populace

Table 135: Leadership Selection

Result (2d6) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 System Anarchy Lottery Force Merit Heredity Election Faith Appointment Public Participation Purchase Other Method No one leads or everyone leads Random selection Chosen by force of arms or military coup Chosen based on accomplishments (wealth, military victories, scientific knowledge) Chosen by bloodline or genetics Chosen by vote of general population or select groups Chosen by religious tenet, omens, or prophecy Chosen by another section of government Chosen by vote of all constituents Paid for right to lead Narrators discretion

Table 136: Governmental Power

Result (1d6) 1 2-3 4-5 6 Power Total Constrained (roll on Table 124) Limited (roll on Table 124) None Description Complete control over all aspects of government and society. Leadership is constrained in some areas, but complete control in others. Leadership is limited in power to one aspect and answerable to a powerful institution. Leader has no power, just a figurehead


Table 137: Types of Power

CONSTRAINED POWER Result (1d6) 1 2 3 4 5 6 LIMITED POWER Result (2d6) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Area of Power Media Corporations Traditions Military Political faction Law Populace Religion Bureaucracy Unions or professional organizations Other (alien beings, supercomputer, etc.) Area of Power Military Diplomacy Religion Economics Society Information/Media

There is no formalized government. It is commonly known as mob rule or gang rule.

A hereditary oligarchy chosen by tradition, merit, divine right, etc.

A separate entity governed by remotely, but has usually has some form of local representative body to govern the colony and represent them to the remote rulership.

This is rule by the populace where all who are citizens (or considered to be citizens) have an equal vote to direct actions of the state or elect representatives to act on behalf of a segment of the population.

This is the rule by one person with absolute power.

This is the rule by local authorities, usually in combination with a monarchy or aristocracy.

This is where all constituents minds are linked and there is no individuality. Decisions are made collectively by all almost instantaneously.

Run by one overall commander or an oligarchy of military officials.

This is the rule by one person, restrained by tradition, advice, or ritual.


Run by a single businessman or an oligarchy run in the fashion of a business with the CEO as the highest official.

Ruled by the most powerful psionicist or a oligarchy of adepts.

An oligarchy governed by a committee of scientists or complete control given over to an autonomous computer.

Rule by religious organization, either run by a supreme representative of a religions faith or an oligarchy of religious officials.

This is where you define the dominant language of a race. If you are trying to choose for a world, select the most widely used language as a world could have 10s, 100s, or 1000s of languages (Earth has at least 1500 documented languages alone), while the most dominant languages are probably English, Chinese, French, Spanish, and Arabic. If you are deciding for a countrys language, it could have one or more, as here on Earth many countries have more than one official language and still have large populations that speak additional languages and dialects. Realms will typically have only one official language.

Common Names
This is a list of common names among the inhabitants of the realm, country, or world. They could be first names for male and female (and other genders) along with a list of common surnames, if any. This can come in handy when devising names for PCs and NPCs alike.

Favored Profession(s)
List the profession(s) most commonly (or famously) known for the race. Though each person is unique and may choose a different profession than that/those listed here, this/these profession(s) reflect what most likely the average member of the race or country is likely to be found doing.

Racial Specifications
These adjustments and abilities are important in discerning one race from another in terms of game mechanics and can also help translate into how a character of the species is role-played. This section would typically be ignored if there is only one available race to play.


Table 138: Advancement Pick Equivalents

Cost 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 5 5 -2 -5 * ** Advancement Items +1 bonus to a specific skill and specialty test +1 bonus to a skill +1 skill rank Gain an Edge or upgrade +1 Renown +1 bonus to a specific reaction test +1 Reaction +1 Courage +1 bonus to a skill group +1 Attribute +1 Health Gain a Flaw -1 Attribute Species Ability Innate Ability

* - This value is variable, see Abilties for more information on these abilities. ** - This value is equal to the pick cost of the spell plus what it costs to make the spell into an innate ability. All innate abilities for races are initially acquired at the lowest possible cost, translating into the weakest possible effect. The Magic Talent edge is also required, if used in the game, as a bonus edge for those races that have an innate ability. As an example, here is the breakdown of the Human Racial Adjustments: +2 skill ranks = 4 picks +1 Courage = 3 picks +2 Reaction = 6 picks This totals 13 picks spent. There are two ways to go about creating new races: assign whatever abilities, adjustments, edges, and flaws as you see fit regardless of balance (some gaming worlds demand this like Lord of the Rings) or apply a balanced approach using Advancement Pick Equivalents to gauge the relative strength of a race. I would only suggest a balanced approach if the world demands it or if you want to make an additional race that is roughly equivalent to the other races. I would have to say that the balanced approach wouldnt be applicable when creating races that are never intended to be available for players to use. You can use the table above to establish play balance, as races possess a mixture of adjustments and abilities that reflect their physical nature and culture. For an average balance to character races, they total picks should range between 10 and 20, but for stricter balance either dont spend above 15 picks or have all races have equivalent pick totals. Some abilities, if they do not correspond to those listed in Creature Creation, may be a little harder to classify, so use your best judgment to decide between the cost of an edge or ability. I would suggest referring to Character Traits and Abilities for further information on creating them. If a Racial Ability that you have created combines effects, like +1 Health and +1 Stamina, combine the cost of the individual effects (in this example, the ability would cost 8 picks).

A races attribute adjustments are affected by three factors: biology, culture, and environment.

Attribute adjustments from this factor result from the races unique physiology (body type, organs, biochemistry, etc.). For example, a race with a smaller stature than normal would have a relatively lower Strength and vice versa.

Attribute adjustments from this factor result from the races social mores. A culture prizing education over other pursuits would have an Intellect bonus while a cold and emotionless culture would have a Bearing penalty.

Attribute adjustments from this factor result as the race being a product of the world they live on. Those that live on a world with a thin atmosphere and high density would be stronger than those in a standard environment. 233

Table 139: Homeworld Modifiers

ATMOSPHERE Condition Thin atmosphere Standard Thick atmosphere GRAVITY Low ( 0.6 G) Light (0.61 0.8 G) Standard (0.81 1.2 G) Heavy (1.21 1.4 G) High (1.41+ G) TEMPERATURE Cool ( 65 F) Earth-like Hot ( 110 F) Vitality +1 0 Vitality +1 Strength 2 Strength -1 0 Strength +1 Strength +2 Attribute & Modifier* Perception +1 0 Perception -1

* - Remember, all bonuses are relative to standard or Earth-like conditions. If a person from a Hot world went to a Cold world, he would have an effective attribute bonus of Vitality 1 and vice versa.

There are several ways to go about selecting abilities for a race and they are discussed below.

Use, Modify, or Create Your Own Abilities

Refer to Abilities for more information.

Bonus Edges
An edge could typically replace a weakened ability and could be used to reflect a races physical and cultural aspects.

Racial Flaws
Sometimes a race has an overwhelming deficiency, either physically or culturally, and it can be reflected in the use of racial flaws.


Use a combination of these rules and the rules from race creation to create intelligent creatures or alien and monsters races that arent of the standard body type for use as PCs.

Creation Profile
A creatures profile has two major sections: the stat block and description block. Points can be kept track of to determine the relative power of a creature.

Write out a description of the creature, keeping in mind the same format that is used throughout this book; dont even start deciding specifics like What is its Bearing? and such. Develop its history, physical description, social habits, and special qualities as a player would for a PC.

Form and Role

Form describes the most general outlines of the creatures existence, whereas Role refers to a creatures behavior or nature more specifically. Select one of each that best describes the creature you wish to create.

Diet: Size: Attributes Range: Characteristics: Skills: Restricted Abilities: What the creature eats (meat, plants, energy, etc.). Size or range of sizes creatures of this type are found in Minimum attribute requirements of creatures with this form How characteristics generated, bonuses or penalties to secondary attributes, etc. Basic skills to all creatures of this form Lists creature abilities this form cannot have

Diet: Size: Attributes Range: Characteristics: Skills: Restricted Abilities: Meat, plants, or both Any Strength 1+, Intellect 0+, Agility 1+, Vitality 1+, Bearing 0+, Perception 1+ All derived normally Athletics: Any 1+, Stealth 1+, Survival 3+, Unarmed Combat: Natural Weapons 1+ Energy Body, Gaseous Body, Incorporeal, Mineral Body, Mechanical Body

Diet: Size: Attributes Range: Characteristics: Skills: Restricted Abilities: Energy or fluids Any Depends on programming, function, and materials created from All derived normally All derived from programming Energy Body, Gaseous Body, and Incorporeal

Diet: Size: Attributes Range: Characteristics: Skills: Restricted Abilities: Energy (electrical, psionics, magic, etc.), fluids, gases, minerals Any Vitality 1+, all others N/A or 0 All derived normally Stealth 0+, Survival 1+, Unarmed Combat: Natural Weapons (Energy Attack) 1+ Gaseous Body, Incorporeal, Mineral Body, Mechanical Body


Diet: Size: Attributes Range: Characteristics: Skills: Restricted Abilities: Gases, fluids, minerals, energy Any Vitality 1+, all others N/A or 0 All derived normally but have no lifting or carrying capacity. Stealth 3+, Survival 1+, Unarmed Combat: Natural Weapons 1+ Energy Body, Incorporeal, Mineral Body, and Mechanical Body

Diet: Size: Attributes Range: Characteristics: Skills: Restricted Abilities: Minerals/metals, fluids, energy Any Strength 2+, Intellect 0+, Agility 0+, Vitality 2+, Bearing 0+, Perception 0+ All derived normally Stealth 2+, Survival 3+, Ranged or Unarmed Combat 1+ Energy Body, Gaseous Body, Incorporeal, and Mechanical Body

Diet: Size: Attributes Range: Characteristics: Skills: Restricted Abilities: Energy, fluids, minerals; possibly carnivorous Any Vitality 1+, all others N/A or 0 All derived normally, except most plants are Immobile and have a Movement Rate = 0. N/A, except carnivorous plants may have Unarmed Combat: Natural Weapons 1+ Energy Body, Gaseous Body, Incorporeal, Mineral Body, and Mechanical Body

None Any Strength N/A for spirit or 1+ for undead, Intellect 0+, Agility 0+, Vitality 1+, Bearing 1+, Perception 1+ Characteristics: All derived normally Restricted Abilities: Energy Body, Gaseous Body, Mineral Body, and Mechanical Body Diet: Size: Attributes Range:

Attribute Adjustments: Reaction Adjustments: Skills: Special Abilities: Bonuses or penalties to attributes Bonuses or penalties to reactions Basic skills to all creatures of this role Lists common creature abilities of this role

Attribute Adjustments: Reaction Adjustments: Skills: Special Abilities: Strength +1, Intellect +1, Agility +4, Perception +3 Stamina +3, Swiftness +2, Willpower +1 Athletics: Run +4, Survival +3, Unarmed Combat: Natural Weapons +3 Camouflage, Cunning, Speed, Natural Weapons

Attribute Adjustments: Reaction Adjustments: Skills: Special Abilities: Vitality +1 Stamina +1 Athletics: Climb or Run or Swim +1 Absorption, Camouflage, Lure


Attribute Adjustments: Reaction Adjustments: Skills: Special Abilities: Intellect +1, Perception +2 Willpower +1 Athletics: Climb, Jump, Run, or Swim +1, Survival +4, Unarmed Combat: Natural Weapons +1 Cunning, ESP

Attribute Adjustments: Reaction Adjustments: Skills: Special Abilities: Perception +2 Swiftness +1 Athletics: Climb, Jump, Run, or Swim +1, Survival +3, Unarmed Combat: Natural Weapons +1 Armor, Camouflage, Deterrent, Evasion, Speed

Attribute Adjustments: Reaction Adjustments: Skills: Special Abilities: Strength +1, Vitality +1 Stamina +1 Survival +3, Unarmed Combat: Natural Weapons +1 Drain, Natural Weapons

Attribute Adjustments: Reaction Adjustments: Skills: Special Abilities: Strength +1, Intellect +1, Agility +4, Perception +3 Swiftness +3, Willpower -1 Athletics: Climb, Jump, Run, or Swim +1, Stealth +4, Survival +4, Unarmed Combat: Natural Weapons +1 Camouflage, Cunning, ESP, Lure, Natural Weapons

Attribute Adjustments: Reaction Adjustments: Skills: Special Abilities: Vitality +3, Perception +4 Stamina +4 Athletics: Climb, Jump, Run, or Swim +1, Stealth +3, Survival +4, Unarmed Combat: Natural Weapons +1 Deterrent, ESP, Natural Weapons

Stat Block
Just as for heroes, a creatures attributes reflect their innate physical and mental faculties. Not all creatures possess the full spectrum of man-like capabilities. A value of naught (---) is given to those attributes which dont apply. Creatures with naught as their attribute score do not suffer game effects that target that attribute, nor can they have skills based on it. For anything based on an attribute with naught (Health, Defense, etc.), use 0 for the attribute score and/or modifier. A creature may also have an attribute score of 0, meaning that it is simply too negligible to even regard as noteworthy and all capabilities derived from the attribute function as normal. Creature attributes start at 0 or N/A depending on the form and role of the creature. It costs 3 picks per +1 to each attribute, including going from N/A to 0. Use Table 121 for additional attribute modifiers based on the creatures homeworld, if it has one. Lastly, two favored attributes are assigned.

Reactions are derived in the same way as that for heroes, but the Narrator has the option to also choose either attribute modifier to base the reaction on and/or modify it according to her tastes. Values of 0 or less, including naught, are viable reaction scores. If a creature has naught for one attribute and a numerical score for the other attribute that creates a reaction, either use the attribute modifier from the existing attribute score or use N/A. After deriving the creatures reactions normally, additional increases can be purchased at a cost of 2 picks per +1 to a reaction, including going from N/A to 0.


Size is one of the most definitive characteristics of a creature. A creatures size determines number of Wound Levels relative modifiers for physical tests, and its base movement. The number of Weariness Levels a creature has remains the same as that of characters with the same effects. A creatures size affects the its creation pick total; add together the Strength and Vitality modifiers due to Size (see Table 13) and multiply that total by 3 for the total picks (positive or negative). Add this value to the creatures creation pick total.

Typically, this is defined as the creatures Vitality + Strength modifier. Additional Health can be purchased for 3 picks per +1 Health.

Defense is the creatures Agility modifier + 10.

Movement represents the speed per action the creature can make on the ground walking. If it normally flies or something else, that is reflected by special abilities.

Creatures only have Courage when the Narrator decides that they are especially noble, heroic, or noteworthy. A creatures Courage total starts at 0 and additional points cost 2 picks per +1 Courage.

The Narrator assigns Renown based on considerations of the gaming world.

This is an arbitrary number representing the difficulty in overcoming the creature(s), whether the PCs do so in combat, by stealth, or through intimidating displays of might. These values correspond to standard target numbers similar to those assigned to tests with the addition of Legendary, creatures that even the most powerful and/or resourceful characters would be unlikely to defeat successfully or survive an encounter with. A simple way to determine the TN of a creature would be 1 TN/3 creature creation picks. If you are creating a monster race, add both the race creation points with the creature creation points for a total.

Table 140: TN Equivalents

TN 5 or less 10 15 20 25 > 25 Description Simple Routine Challenging Difficult Virtually Impossible Legendary

TNs Equivalents are also used as how much experience creatures are worth upon defeating them. The table below supplies a number of possible modifiers appropriate to determining the final TN-XP amount. Unless otherwise noted, all modifiers are cumulative.


Table 141: Experience Modifiers for Creature Encounters

Condition Encountered in lair Encountered in beneficial natural environment Greater than normal quantity of creatures Defeated through turn of story** Has advancements Modifier +5 TN +3 TN +2 TN per doubling* 1 to 5 TN +1 TN per 3 advancements

* Doubling means each time the number of creatures encountered doubles, the TN-XP increase by 2. For example, defeating two TN 5 creatures, the TN-XP would be 7 (5 base + 2 for doubling number of creatures). ** Turn of story refers to an element of the story and not through character virtue or innovation. For example if the characters were given a special item to help defeat the creature, they dont get as much XP as if they had devised a clever plot to gain some advantage.

Racial/Creature Abilities
A list of special abilities this creature has as natural powers. In the Abilities section, the list of Racial/Creature Abilities are suitable for both alien creatures and races.

A list of skills this creature is proficient with. These are based on the creatures form, role, and special abilities. Additional skill points cost 2 picks per +1 ranks and the same goes for each specialty (these should be used sparingly for creatures).

Description Block
Unique Special Abilities
The descriptive explanations in terms of game mechanics of abilities unique to this creature.

The description of what the creature looks like and how it acts.

A narrative of the creatures background, if a notable aspect of the creature.

The landform, climate, and types of lairs preferred by this creature.


Table 142: Creature Habitat

CLIMATE Result (2d6)* 2 or less 3-4 5-8 9-10 11 12 or Climate Arctic Subarctic Temperate Subtropical Tropical Desert

* - MODIFIERS: (homeworlds temperature) 4 Very Cold, -3 Cold, +3 Hot, +7 Very Hot TERRAIN* 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Aerial/Atmospheric Aquatic/Oceanic Desert/Waste Forest/Jungle Hill/Highlands Mountains/Glacial Plains/Flatland Steppe/Plateau Subterranean/Cave Swamp/Wetlands Space

* - Roll randomly or choose from homeworlds available terrain. TERRITORY 2-3 4-6 7-8 9-10 11 12 None Self* 1 sq. mile 5 sq. miles 25 sq. miles Migratory**

* - Creature considers area around immediately around it (Perception x10 yards) its territory. ** - Migrates across a large area, but doesnt consider all land it crosses to be its territory. LAIR 2-4 5-8 9-11 12 None Natural formation* Artificial structure** Self-built lair***

* - Creature inhabits a naturally occurring formation like a cave, grotto, grove of trees, etc. ** - Creature inhabits an artificially constructed structure like a building, vehicle, etc. *** - Creature creates its own lair like a nest, brush pile, dam, etc. Can be automatically selected if creature has certain abilities (Burrow, Cunning, etc.) or roles (Pouncer).


The way this creature relates to its own kind, if a notable aspect of the creature.

Table 143: Creature Organization

Result (2d6) 2-3 4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11 12 Organization Solitary Mated Pair Hunting Pack Small herd/flock Herd/Flock Large herd/flock Colony/swarm/ infestation # per Encounter 1 2 2d6 2d6 x3 2d6 x5 2d6 x10 2d6 x100

Modifying Creatures
Creature Advancements
Just as not all heroes are equal, neither are all creatures; some are just more powerful than others of their ilk. To represent this, give a creature advancements. Simply record the number of advancements and increase the creatures characteristics, following the same rules and costs as characters. Use Table 120 for advancement items and their cost; increase the creatures TN by 1 for every 5 picks spent (rounded up).

Giant Size
Sometimes creatures are affected by spells that run amok or grow to size much larger than normal. To represent this, select a new size and modify its Strength, Vitality, and Wound Levels; refer to the Size section in Secondary Attributes. The table below gives the modifiers to the giant-sized creatures TN.

Table 144: Giant-size Creature TN Modifiers

Size Increase 1 2 3 4 5 6 TN Modifier ----+5 +5 +10 +15

Encountering Creatures
Creature Activity
Roll on the table below to determine the activity of the creature encountered.

Table 145: Creature Activity

Result (2d6) 2 3 4 5 6-8 9 10 11 12 Activity Playing Nesting Feeding Traveling Prowling Hunting Grooming Resting Reproducing 241

Modifiers: Initial Demeanor: Actions: Swiftness (roll 1d6; 1-2 1, 3-4 0, 5-6 +1), Willpower +2, Observe 0, Stealth 0 Roll 1d6; 1-2 Aggressive/Hostile, 3-4 Calm/Relaxed, 5-6 Uncertain/Skittish. Feeding creatures are less likely to attack unless threatened or provoked. Some creatures may eat while prone, requiring them to rise before making most actions (except Athletics: Jump to pounce).

Modifiers: Initial Demeanor: Actions: Swiftness 1, Willpower 1, Observe 1, Stealth 0 Roll 1d6; 1-2 Curious/Playful, 3-5 Calm/Relaxed, 6 Sick/Weak Grooming creatures are unlikely to attack unless threatened or provoked. Most creatures groom while prone, requiring them to rise before making most actions (except Athletics: Jump to pounce).

Modifiers: Initial Demeanor: Actions: Swiftness +2, Willpower +3, Observe +3, Stealth +2 Roll 1d6; 1-4 Aggressive/Hostile, 5-6 Uncertain/Skittish Creatures are more likely to attack while hunting if they perceive the character(s) as food. Otherwise they will retreat, flee, or ignore them. Pouncers and filters are typically the only ones prone while hunting.

Modifiers: Initial Demeanor: Actions: Swiftness 0, Willpower 2, Observe (roll 1d6; 1-2 1, 3-4 0, 5-6 +1), Stealth (roll 1d6; 1-2 3, 3-4 -2, 5 1, 6 0) Roll 1d6; 1-2 Curious/Playful, 3-5 Calm/Relaxed, 6 Uncertain/Skittish No effect.

Modifiers: Initial Demeanor: Actions: Swiftness +1, Willpower 0, Observe (roll 1d6; 1-2 1, 3-4 0, 5-6 +1), Stealth (roll 1d6; 1-2 3, 3-4 -2, 5 1, 6 0) Roll 1d6; 1 Aggressive/Hostile, 2-5 Curious/Playful, 6 Calm/Relaxed Creatures at play may act unpredictably, equally likely to run away or attack. Playing creatures are rarely prone.

Modifiers: Initial Demeanor: Actions: Swiftness +1, Willpower +1, Observe +2, Stealth +1 Roll 1d6; 1-3 Aggressive/Hostile, 4-5 Uncertain/Skittish, 6 Injured/Fearful Creatures prowling are likely to attack if hungry or are defending their territory. Otherwise they are likely to hide or flee. Prowling creatures, by definition, are on the move.

Modifiers: Initial Demeanor: Actions: Swiftness (roll 1d6; 1-2 3, 3-4 -2, 5-6 -1), Willpower 2, Observe (roll 1d6; 1-2 3, 3-4 2, 5 1, 6 0), Stealth N/A Roll 1d6; 1 Curious/Playful, 2-3 Calm/Relaxed, 4-5 Uncertain/Skittish, 6 Aggressive/Hostile Most creatures rest in the prone position, requiring them a full-round action to awaken, get up, and make an action.

Modifiers: Initial Demeanor: Actions: Swiftness (roll 1d6; 1-2 6, 3-4 5, 5 4, 6 -3), Willpower (roll 1d6; 1-2 1, 3-4 0, 5-6 +1), Observe (roll 1d6; 1-2 3, 3-4 2, 5 1, 6 0), Stealth 2 Roll 1d6; 1-3 Aggressive/Hostile, 4 Uncertain/Skittish, 5-6 Injured/Weak Regardless of biological necessities, regard the action to be done prone. A creature must spend 1d6+1 actions to stop the activity and be able to recover to perform any actions.

Modifiers: Initial Demeanor: Swiftness 0, Willpower 0, Observe +1, Stealth 0 Roll 1d6; 1-3 Calm/Relaxed, 4-6 Uncertain/Skittish 242


No effect

Creature Demeanor
Roll on the table below to randomly determine the creatures demeanor upon encountering it or instead of using the listed results in the creatures current activity.

Table 146: Creature Demeanor

Result (2d6) 2-3 4-5 6-7 8-9 10-11 12 Demeanor Aggressive/Hostile Curious/Playful Calm/Relaxed Uncertain/Skittish Sick/Weak Injured/Fearful

Roll 1d6; 1-4 Aggressive action, 4-5 Neutral Action, 6 Defensive action

Roll 1d6; 1 Aggressive action, 2-5 Neutral action, 6 Defensive action

Roll 1d6; 1-2 Aggressive action, 3-5 Neutral action, 6 Defensive action

Roll 1d6; 1-2 Aggressive action, 3-4 Neutral action, 5-6 Defensive action

Roll 1d6; 1 Aggressive action, 2-3 Neutral action, 4-6 Defensive action

Roll 1d6; 1 Aggressive action, 2-4 Neutral action, 5-6 Defensive action


Creature Actions
Table 147: Creature Actions
Action Advance Charge Chase Crawl Crouch Detect Deter Ensnare/Trap Flee Frenzy Grapple/Constrict Move Natural Attack Pounce Ranged Attack Retreat Special Attack Special Defense Stalk Trample Warning * - A = Aggressive, D = Defensive, N = Neutral ** - See entry for more information. Category* A A A N N D D A D A A N A A A D A D A N D Action Cost 1 2 1 1 1 Full-round 1 Varies** 0 0 Full-round 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 Test None Unarmed Combat TN 10 Willpower** None None Observe None Special** None None Unarmed Combat Varies** Unarmed Combat Athletics: Jump Ranged Combat None Varies** Varies** Stealth Unarmed Combat None

Creature moves cautiously forward at half movement.

See the Combat section in System Rules for further information. Injured or enraged creatures often charge into combat.

Creature sprints (se Actions section in System Rules) after a fleeing opponent. If creature hasnt caught opponent after 2 full rounds, it must make a TN 10 Willpower test or give up the chase.

Creature can crawl towards or away from opponent a distance equal to its height or length, whichever is greater. Once a creature reaches the Wounded Wound Level, it must crawl.

Creature must have Stealth 1+. It crouches and hides (making a Stealth test to conceal itself), not having to rise to make a Crawl, Pounce, or Stalk action.

Creature must have Perception 1+. It stops all other action, gaining a +3 bonus to Observe tests while it uses all of its senses to determine the presence of an intruder.

Creature must have Deterrent ability. Conduct action per the ability.


Creature must have the Trap-making ability. Conduct action per the Trap-making ability. Opponents cannot dodge nor benefit from previous dodge actions unless they make a TN 10 Observe (Spot) test.

Creature runs away. Creature sprints in the opposite direction of the source of its fear. Once a creature flees, it cannot make any Observe tests to notice anything and must make a TN 10 Willpower test to perform any other actions.

Creature must have the Multiple Attacks ability. Roll -d6 to determine how many extra actions the creature performs. These actions may only be for attacks or moving towards an opponent.

Creature must have Natural Weapon or Constrict ability. Conduct per the action listed in the Combat section of System Rules or the ability description.

Creature makes one movement action at one of the following paces: walk, jog, or run. If it climbs, jumps, or swims, it must make the appropriate skill test to do so.

Natural Attack
Creature makes a close-quarters combat attack against an opponent; resolve as an Unarmed Combat test.

Creature jumps on opponent. It performs an Athletics: Jump test to land on its opponent against its Defense. If the creature scores an Extraordinary Success, the two make an opposed Strength test (doubling the creatures Strength modifier). If the creature win, the opponent falls to the ground with the creature on top of it. The creature then may make combat tests (with the normal action cost) with a +5 bonus against the opponent.

Ranged Attack
Creature makes a ranged attack against an opponent; resolve as a Ranged Combat test.

Special Attack
Creature uses one of its special abilities (spells, psionics, etc.) with an offensive capacity against an opponent. Conduct per the abilitys description.

Special Defense
Creature uses one of its special abilities (spells, psionics, etc.) with an defensive capacity against an opponent. Conduct per the abilitys description.

Creature must have Stealth 1+. Creature moves a distance equal to its crawl distance quietly while hidden, making a Stealth (Move Silently) and Stealth (Hide) tests.

Creature must have the Trample ability. Conduct per the abilitys description.


Creation Profile
Before you design your vehicle, spend some time thinking about the role it will play in your chronicle. First you should consider why you are creating the vehicle. Will it be the base of operations for your group or just a transport of sorts between adventures? Moreover you should think about the role within the setting: why was it built? A vehicles role can vary from being a merchant transport ship to an armored personnel carrier to a spaceship. These roles influence the type of crew and its bearing (heavily armed or lots of cargo space or built for speed, etc.). Finally, a vehicle says a lot about its creators; some civilizations creations are the products of a brute-force mentality while others are elegant yet highly functional products of advanced technology. Once you determine the type of vehicle you wish to build and your general design goals, its time to begin construction. This process is fairly straightforward. Certain elements such as class name, dimensions, year launched, etc. depend on your personal preferences or needs of your chronicle. The steps for creating your own vehicles are listed in the table below and will be discussed in the subsequent sections.

Production Information
The ship's production section includes such as its class and type, the year of manufacture or initial launch, the shipwright, manufacturer, or construction yard that designed and/or built it, and its realm, country, world, or organization of origin. One country or worlds vehicles may exhibit different qualities than others so specific bonuses and/or penalties would be applicable to attribute to their creations. These bonuses and penalties would affect the structure cost of components, speeds of vehicles, or inherent traits or flaws. The TL of the vehicles creator will also affect a vehicles capabilities as well.

Hull Information
The ship's hull section details the ship's general size and shape. While it doesn't detail the actual style of the vehicles design, it does describe its relative size, available space, and crew.

Class & Type

The class of vehicle you intend to construct has a limit to its size, which are listed in the table below. Types of ships also have inherent traits that further augment the ship's capabilities. There are two tables to represent sea-/air-/space-based vehicles and ground vehicles. TL 2 Transport is required for a realm or country to create naval vessels. TL 5 Transport is required to create land vehicles like cars, tanks, and tactical aircraft (both rotary and fixed-wing craft). TL 7 Transport is required to create tactical spacecraft that are limited to a solar system. TL 8 Transport is required to create interstellar spacecraft.


Table 148: Sea-/Air-/Space-based Vehicles

WARSHIP Type Battleship Carrier Gunship/Attack Fighter Bomber Cruiser Destroyer Escort Frigate SUPPORT Cargo Tanker Tender Transport Medical Tug AUXILIARY/PRIVATE Shuttle Surveyor Passenger Liner Jet/Prop plane STATION Space Station Spacedock Trading Post Military Outpost Refinery Scientific Laboratory Min Size 8 9 2 2 2 5 4 3 3 Max Size 10+ 10+ 4 3 10 8 6 5 6 Theatre Sea, Space Sea, Space Air, Sea, Space Air, Space Air Sea, Space Sea, Space Sea, Space Sea, Space Abbreviation BS CR AH or A F or F/A B Z D E G

4 5 4 3 3 3

9 8 6 9 6 5

Air, Sea, Space Air, Sea, Space Sea, Space Air, Sea, Space Air, Sea, Space Sea, Space


1 3 3 1

2 6 10 8

Sea, Space Sea, Space Air, Sea Air


12 15 10 12 12 10

12+ 15+ 10+ 12+ 12+ 10+

Space Space Space Space Space Space


Table 149: Land-based Vehicles

Vehicle Fighting Vehicle Missile Battery Personnel Carrier Tanker Car, truck, ATV Min Size 2 2 2 2 1 Max Size 3 3 3 3 2 Abbreviation FV BM PC MT MV

This is the typical production model of a particular type of vehicle. There is nothing special about its design or capabilities that make it stand out from the rest.

Far (R)
A vehicle of this configuration typically has a bigger/faster and more reliable propulsion system. They also are outfitted with a more heavy-duty sensor array (if applicable). Vehicles of this configuration are either have exploratory or reconnaissance duties. This configuration can be combined with any other configuration. MODIFIERS: -1 Space for Propulsion (FTL only for TL 7 vehicles) and Sensors*

Fast (F)
A vehicle of this configuration is made to get more out of its propulsion system along with being more agile. This configuration can be combine with any configuration except Heavy. 247

MODIFIERS: Increase max speed by 25% (or appropriate factor for FTL); +1 min/max for Helm maneuver modifiers; -2 Protection; -1 Size max

Heavy (H)
A vehicle of this configuration has a stronger hull, but this also makes it much heavier, reducing its speed. This configuration can be combined with Far or Prototype. MODIFIERS: +1 Threshold; +2 Structure; Reduce max speed for non-Space vehicles by 50% and increase the cost of Propulsion by 2 Space OR reduce max speed by 25% and increase the cost of Propulsion by 6 Space; +1 Size min/max; -1 min/max for Helm maneuver modifiers

Light (L)
A vehicle of this configuration has a lighter hull, making it somewhat less durable, but typically faster than normal. This configuration can be combined with any configuration except Heavy. MODIFIERS: -1 Threshold; -2 Structure; Increase max speed by 25% (or appropriate factor for FTL) OR +1 min/max for Helm maneuver modifiers; -1 Size min/max

Prototype (X)
A vehicle with this configuration is either a test or intermediate version created previous to an actual production model. MODIFIERS: Prototype vehicle trait * - Modifiers apply to the system (Sensors, Propulsion, etc.), not specialized components (Afterburners, Supercruise, etc.).

A vehicle's size dictates the amount of space it has for various components, such as sails, weapons, cargo hold, etc.; select the vehicles size based on the constraints due to its class and type. Vehicle size is fairly relative with values ranging from 1 (very small) to 10 (very large) and bigger. The largest vehicle that can be created has a Size equal to its TL for TL 1 or 2 and TL+2 for TL 3+. Air- and land-based vehicles are near-equivalents in their relative size whereas the size of sea- and space-based vehicles is a bit more liberal in comparison. I leave it to the Narrator to decide on the actual three-dimensional sizes.

Structure & Space

Every ship has a structure rating representing its durability and resistance to damage. Space relates to the amount of volume and resources available for ship construction. Space can be converted into the Structure on 1:1 basis and no more than 25% (rounded up) of it can be converted, and vice versa. The Space value is the total number of points allowed to be spent during construction for installing components and systems. Structure is grouped into blocks of five and if there is a block that is less than five, it is the first block of Structure to remove damage from when determining if systems are damaged. Space = (Size^2) + (Size*5) + 15 Structure = Size * 5

This is the value, same as with for characters, that attack tests are required to meet or exceed to deal damage to the vehicle. Defense = 7 + Propulsion Reliability modifier (for land-, sea-, and aircraft)

During combat, a vehicles speed relative to an opponent can alter its Defense value. For sea-based vehicles of TL < 5, every 3 miles per hour gives a 1 bonus to Defense against a specific opposing vehicle. For sea-based vehicles of TL 5 and land-based vehicles, every 5 miles per hour gives a 1 bonus to Defense against a specific opposing vehicle. Relative speeds do not affect combat between air-based vehicles. For example, Tank1 is moving at 30 mph with a Defense of 10 and Tank2 is moving at 25 mph with a Defense of 10. The effective Defense of Tank1 against Tank2 is 11 and Tank2 against Tank1 is 9. In an age of weapons fired at or near the speed of light, Protection is substituted for Defense as spacecraft depend on the type of deflector shields they have, making relative speeds are not a factor.


Crew Complement
The crew complement of large sea- or space-based vehicles depends on the size and class and/or type of vehicle. Its at the Narrators discretion to decide which value to use within the range given for the class or type of vehicle. Crew = Size * Crew Multiplier * 1d6

Table 150: Crew Multipliers

Class/Type Battleship Cruiser Destroyer, Attack Escort Frigate Scout, Gunship Space station Support, Auxiliary/Private Land-based, Fighters Multiplier 15-20 15-25 1-10 5-15 10-20 1-5 20-50 1-10 1-2

Operation Information
Component Reliability and Damage
The modifier based on the reliability comes into effect when encountering hazards and possibly in combat when reliability tests are required (2d6 + system reliability modifier). System reliabilities with double letters are hardened or reinforced against damage. When the system is damaged, mark off but ignore the fist level of effects and apply the effects of further damage normally. For AA, ignore effects the first time its damaged, it will be disabled the next time it is damaged.

Table 151: Component Reliability

Designation A AA B BB C CC D DD E EE F Modifier +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10

For every block of structural damage removed, randomly determine which system is affected and reduce it by one level. TL 5-6 fighters have damage dealt to systems for every 2 structural damage. All effects are cumulative, but if the components reliability begins as less than F, do not include the effects of those categories above it. NOTE: Not all damage tracks are applicable to all vehicles. A Narrator should randomly choose a character (PC or maybe an important NPC) to suffer the consequences for panel explosions. Once a system is disabled, further damage to it increases the repair time by 2d6 hours.

Table 152: Damage Tracks for TL 2-4 Sea-based Vehicles

PROPULSION Reliability F E D C B Effect -2 Initiative -5 Movement -2 Helm maneuvers -2 Initiative -5 Movement 249 Reliability F E D C B BRIDGE Effect -2 Initiative -2 Operate Vehicle: any Siege weapon tests -2 Command maneuvers -2 Operate Vehicle: any Siege weapon tests -2 Command maneuvers

Disabled! (No Helm maneuvers can be executed, ship dead in water)

Disabled! (No Command maneuvers can be executed)


Table 153: Damage Tracks for TL 5-6 Air-, Land-, and Sea-based Vehicles
SENSORS Reliability F E D C B A Effect -1 Helm maneuvers -1 All maneuvers -2 Initiative -2 Weapons maneuvers Cannot execute Weapons Lock System Offline! Cannot execute Break Lock Reliability F E D C B A PROPULSION Effect -1 Initiative -1 Helm maneuvers -1 Initiative -2 Helm maneuvers -2 Initiative System Offline! (Roll 1d6; 1-2 engine disabled, 3-6 engine explodes) WEAPONS Reliability F E D C B A Effect Immediately lose Weapons Lock -1 Weapons maneuvers -1 Penetration or -2 Weapons Lock No Tier 2 Weapons maneuvers allowed -2 Weapons maneuvers System Offline! Unable to fire weapons or use countermeasures

OPERATIONS Reliability F E D C B A Effect -1 Initiative -1 Command maneuvers -2 Computer Use tests -2 Initiative -2 All maneuvers System Offline! -5 Stealth Rating and/or landing gear offline

Table 154: Damage Tracks for All Space-based Vehicles and TL 7+ Other Vehicles
SENSORS Reliability F E D C B A Effect -1 Helm maneuvers -1 All maneuvers -2 Initiative -2 Weapons maneuvers Cannot execute Weapons Lock System Offline! Cannot execute Break Lock OPERATIONS Reliability F E D C B A Effect -1 Initiative -1 Command maneuvers -2 Computer Use tests -2 Initiative -2 All maneuvers System Offline! Cloak offline LIFE SUPPORT Reliability F E D C B A Effect Emergency lighting: -1 All physical tests Console explodes! Resist Light stun Console explodes! Resist Medium stun Loss of gravity: -2 All physical tests Thin atmosphere: Resist Suffocation Loss of atmosphere: 2d6 rounds to abandon ship Reliability F E D C B A Reliability F E D C B A Reliability F E D C B A PROPULSION Effect -1 Initiative -1 Helm maneuvers -1 Initiative -2 Helm maneuvers -2 Initiative System Offline! WEAPONS Effect Immediately lose Lock On -1 Weapons maneuvers -1 Penetration No Tier 2 Weapons maneuvers allowed -2 Weapons maneuvers System Offline! SHIELDS Effect -1 Protection -1 Threshold -1 Protection -1 Threshold -2 Protection System Offline! Shields down


Life Support & Operations Systems

Operations Systems are found on vehicles that warrant them: Size 4+ sea-based vehicles and all air- and space-based vehicles. Life Support systems are only found on space-based vehicles. Refer to Table 151 for the systems cost.

Table 155: Generic Component Cost

Type Basic Basic, hardened Class 1 Class 1R Class 2 Class 2R Class 3 Class 3R Class 4 Class 4R Class 5 Cost None 2+(Size/2) 1+(Size/2) 3+(Size/2) 2+(Size/2) 4+(Size/2) 3+(Size/2) 5+(Size/2) 4+(Size/2) 6+(Size/2) 5+(Size/2) Reliability A AA B BB C CC D DD E EE F

Table 156: Sensor Systems
Type Basic Class 1 Class 1R Class 2 Class 2R Class 3 Cost None 1 2 2 3 3 Bonus N/A +1/+0/+0/+0/+0 +1/+0/+0/+0/+0 +2/+1/+0/+0/+0 +2/+1/+0/+0/+0 +3/+2/+1/+0/+0 Reliability A B AA C BB D Type Class 3R Class 4 Class 4R Class 5 Class 5R Cost 4 4 5 5 6 Bonus +3/+2/+1/+0/+0 +4/+3/+2/+1/+0 +4/+3/+2/+1/+0 +5/+4/+3/+2/+1 +5/+4/+3/+2/+1 Reliability CC E DD F EE

SHORT RANGE Range Point Blank Short Medium Long Extended LONG RANGE, STANDARD Range Point Blank Short Medium Long Extended TL 5* 0.5 1 2 3 4 TL 6* 1 3 5 7 10 TL 7* 200 1000 5000 10000 20000 TL 8* 500 5000 25000 50000 100000 TL 9* 1000 10000 50000 100000 200000

TL 5* 10 15 25 40 75

TL 6* 50 75 150 300 500

TL 7** 1 3 5 7 10

TL 8** 3 5 10 15 20

TL 9** 5 10 15 25 40

LONG RANGE, HIGH-RESOLUTION TL 5* Range Point Blank 5 Short 7 Medium 10 Long 20 Extended 40 * - Range is in miles; ** - Range is in light-years.

TL 6* 15 20 30 50 100

TL 7** 0.25 1 2 3 5

TL 8** 1 2 3 5 6

TL 9** 2 3 5 7 10

This component is the eyes and ears of advanced vehicles, from fixed-wing aircraft of the 20th Century to futuristic space warships. Land-based vehicles along with air- and sea-based vehicles of Size 5+ have sensors with long-range capabilities. Landbased sensors of any type cannot extend further than TL 6. Basic sesnors have a 1 penalty at all range increments when using 252

long-range sensors. When performing a standard scan with long-range sensors, apply only half the sensor bonus (rounded down). When performing a high-resolution scan with long-range sensors, apply the full sensor bonus. F/A, A, B, and Far vehicles purchase sensors at 1 Space.

Miscellaneous Components
Atmosphere Capable
This component applies to space-based vehicles of TL 7+. It allows these types of vehicles to enter, fly, land, and return to orbit safely. Vehicles of Size 6+ cannot purchase this component. The components cost is Size/2 Space, rounded up.

Cargo Space
Nearly all ships have areas of unused space that can be used to store equipment, cargo, and passengers. This is especially important for merchant vessels, though ships of war and explorers find it useful for extra ammunition, equipment, or cargo and specimens of distant lands. One unit of cargo takes up 5 cubic yards of space. Vehicles of Size 3 or less have a number of cargo units equal to its Size and purchase additional cargo space on a 1:1 unit/Space basis. Vehicles of Size 4+ (except fighting vehicles) have Size*10 cargo units and purchase additional cargo on a 5:1 unit/Space basis. Support and Auxiliary/Private vehicles purchase cargo at 10:1 unit/Space basis.

Electronic Countermeasures (ECM)

This device (TL 5), when activated, scrambles communications and sensors; breaking all Weapons Locks and suppressing them until deactivated. The range of the jamming, in miles, is (TL5)/TL/TL*2/TL*5/+TL, minimum 0.5 miles. For example, a TL 5 ECM would have a range, in miles, of 0.5/5/10/25/+5. ECM systems are disabled after the Operations system takes 3 system damage and/or it becomes disabled. The TN of the test is 10 + ECM modifier. Use Table 152 for purchasing ECM systems (+2 Space cost) and double the bonuses at each range; Basic ECM has +0/+0/+0/+0/+0. Continuing the example above, it is a Class 4 ECM that has a bonus of +8/+6/+4/+2/+0. A, AH, B, and F/A vehicles purchase ECM at 1 Space.

Separation Systems
Table 157: Separation Systems
Type Basic Standard Multi-vector Mode Cost 1 2 3 per sub-ship Notes Must reconnect only at proper facility (base, port, starbase, etc.) Sub-ships may reconnect on their own Requires TL 6 for land- and sea-based vehicles, TL 7 for airbased vehicles, and TL 8 for space-based vehicles

This component allows a vehicle to break into two functional parts. Systems and components that are only functional while the vehicle is separated have a 1 cost (minimum 1). The basic version of this component only allows the constituent vehicles (sub-ships) to be reconnected at a proper facility (base, spacedock, port, etc.). The standard version allows subships to reconnect on their own, but both vehicles must have a propulsion system. The highly advanced version, multivector mode (MVM), allows the ship to break into a multiple of vessels that can work separately or in concert. The sum of the sub-ships Sizes should total the Size of the whole ship. To separate a vehicle requires one full-round action. To reconnect a vehicle with a basic system requires Size-d6 hours. To reconnect a vehicle with the standard or MVM system requires Size-d6 rounds. The Multi-vector Assault Mode (MVM-A) feature allows sub-vehicles, minus the command vehicle, to make one independent combat maneuver per round (determined by the commander of the command vehicle) and the command ship performs its normal allotment. Each sub-ship has its own damage and shield strength track. All sub-vehicles benefit from maneuvers, such as Weapons Lock, and act during the same initiative. If the command vehicles operations system is disabled, the benefits from the sub-vehicles are lost. The MVM-A feature has an additional cost of 2 Space. If the sub-vehicles have independent crews, none of the bonuses above apply and each is considered an individual ship. After a vehicle is reformed and sustained damage in MVM, the ship as a whole suffers the cumulative structural damage from all sub-ships.

Shuttlebays & Emergency/Auxiliary Craft

Large land-, sea- and space-based vehicles have compartments called shuttlebays where additional craft for emergency or auxiliary use. The compartments themselves have a cost of 2 Space. Vehicles can only hold emergency/auxiliary craft (rowboats, lifeboats, ATVs, etc.) that are mother vehicles Size2, up to Size 2. All land- and sea-based vehicles, excluding 253

aircraft carriers, can only hold a maximum number of additional vehicles whose total Size cannot exceed the Size of the mother vehicle. Each shuttlebay on a space-based vehicle, excluding warships, contains the maximum number of vehicles and the number of shuttlebays cannot exceed half the ships Size, rounded down. Shuttlebays for fighter carriers (sea- and space-based) have a number of shuttlebays equal to half its Size, rounded down (costing the requisite Space). These vehicles can carry up to Size*10 craft, distributed to the various compartments. Space-based warships have individual exits from the ship for each shuttlebay, while an aircraft carrier has a number of flight deck elevators equal to its Size/5, rounded down.

Stealth Technology
Prairie Masker system, a cloaking device, special composite materials, etc. are all examples of stealth technology, whose purpose is to reduce a vehicles ability to be detected by sensors based on its Rating. For every +1 Size greater than Max Size, one additional system must be purchased for a vehicle to gain the benefit associated with that system. SR, A, AH, F, F/A, and B vehicles purchase Stealth components at 2 Space.

Table 158: Stealth Technology

Type Mono-refractive skin or hull plating Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5 Cost Size 1+Size 2+Size 4+Size 6+Size 8+Size Rating 14 16 18 20 22 24 Max Size None 5 8 10 8 10

Stealth technology of TL 5-7 reduces emissions, creates holes in sensor detection, or reduces a vehicles sensor cross-section to almost nil. The system could be turned on or off by a flip of a switch, but is typically always working. Vehicles with TL 56 stealth technology can fire their weapons while it is activated, but reduces their Stealth Rating by the vehicles Size and increases by 1 every subsequent round back to normal. For example, an F-22 (Size 3 air-based vehicle) with a Stealth Rating of 16 fires a missile. This round its Stealth Rating is reduced to 13 until the end of the round, then it goes up to 14 the next round. If it fires again during the second round, its Stealth Rating is further reduced to 11 (current =14, Size = 3). Stealth technology of TL 7+ does the same as TL 5-7, plus warping visible space around the vehicle to make it appear to be invisible, but they cannot fire weapons while it is engaged. Activating or deactivating stealth technology that requires it takes a full-round action. The available stealth technology is Class TL5 (mono-refractive plating = 0). If a vehicle sends any communications while cloaked, its Stealth Rating has a 5 penalty. The penalty can be modified by the success level of an Operations system reliability test: +1 for a Marginal Success, +2 for a Complete Success, +3 for a Superior Success, and +5 for an Extraordinary Success.

Optional: Tractor Beams and Tow Cables

This component is used for towing derelict ships or other objects for transport or positioning them within tight spaces, like at a space station or port. All sea- and space-based vehicles up to TL 8 have tow cables and space-based vehicles of TL 8+ have tractor beams. They only have an effective range of Point Blank and launching tow cables requires a System Operation (Tow Cable) test to grab its target. Sea- and space-based vehicles get one tractor beam or tow cable for free and any vehicle may add one at a cost of 1 Space.

Optional: Transporters
For games that allow for the physics-bending matter-energy conversion for transporters (and thus food replicators), spacebased vehicles come with a number of standard, cargo, and emergency transporters each equal to the vehicles Size/2, rounded up. Additional transporters have a cost of 1 Space, where the ship will gain one transporter of each type.

This component is for TL 2-4 sea-based vehicles, reflecting its design and deck layout. Refer to Table 141 for the components cost. Vehicles of Size 5 or less purchase this component at 1 cost.


Table 159: Sub-luminal Propulsion
Type Class 1 Class 1R Class 2 Class 2R Class 3 Class 3R Class 4** Class 4R** Class 5** Class 5R** Class 6** Cost Size Size+2 Size+1 Size+3 Size+2 Size+4 Size+3 Size+5 Size+4 Size+6 Size+5 Reliability A AA B BB C CC D DD E EE F Land* 15-29 15-29 30-49 30-49 50-75 50-75 76-115 76-115 116-150 116-150 151-180 Sea (sails)* 6-8 6-8 9-11 9-11 12-14 12-14 15-17 15-17 18-20 18-20 21-25 Sea (engine)* 20-24 20-24 25-29 25-29 30-34 30-34 35-39 35-39 40-44 40-44 45-50 Air (Gunship)* 45-80 45-80 81-125 81-125 126-160 126-160 161-200 161-200 201-225 201-225 225-250 Air* 100-249 100-249 250-499 250-499 500-699 500-699 700-999 700-999 1000-1399 1000-1399 1400-1750 Space 0.1 c 0.1 c 0.2 c 0.2 c 0.5 c 0.5 c 0.7 c 0.7 c 0.9 c 0.9 c 0.95 c

* - These values are the maximum speeds in miles per hour (mph). ** - Requires afterburners or supercruise to achieve max speed for air-based vehicles. If a TL 5+ propulsion system is further damaged after going offline, roll 1d6 1 per time damaged; on a value of 1, the system explodes (TL 5-6) or breaches (TL 7+, see Core Breach in Operation section). To use a type of propulsion, a minimum Transport TL is required: TL 2 for Sea (sails), TL 5 for Air, Land, and Sea (engine), and TL 6 for Space. The speeds listed are the range of maximum achievable speeds. D, E, G, F, F/A, and MV vehicles purchase Propulsion at 1 Space.

Oars may be purchased in addition to sails. When used, oars used alone can move a sea-based vehicle up to Size/2 mph (rounded up) or if used in conjunction with sails increase the speed by the same amount. The number of Stamina tests required of the oarsmen each round in combat is equal to the vehicles Size/2 (rounded up) with a TN 5 +1 for each subsequent round. Upon failing more than half the tests in a single round, the benefit from the oars is lost for a number of rounds equal to the number of failed tests +3. Use the lowest Stamina modifier of the oar crew for the tests. Weather conditions worse than calm confer penalties to the Stamina tests. While cruising outside combat, perform Stamina tests the same as in combat, but in time increments of hours instead of rounds. Depending on the weather conditions checks may come every 30, 15, or 10 minutes and include the same penalties. This component has a cost in Space equal to its Size.

This component of propulsion for air- and land-based vehicles give a 100% boost in subsonic speed (no greater than max). A vehicle using afterburners (TL 5 Transport required) can sustain this increase in speed for Size*20 in minutes for air-based vehicles and in rounds for land-based vehicles. The downside to this is the vehicle uses double its fuel during this period of time, cutting its range in half. Afterburners are disabled after a vehicles propulsion is reduced two damage levels. This component has a cost 1 Space.

This component of propulsion for air-based vehicles (except gunships) allows it to achieve supersonic speeds without the use of afterburners. A vehicle with supercruise (TL 6) doubles the afterburner duration and only cuts its range by of the afterburners. A vehicle can have afterburners and supercruise, but cuts the afterburner duration in half and its range to strictly of afterburners alone. Supercruise is disabled after the vehicles propulsion is reduced two damage levels or goes offline. This component has a cost of 2 space.

The vehicle can manipulate its speed and direction quite drastically, making it almost able to turn on a dime in mid-air. When a vehicle uses its thrust-vectoring system (TL 6 Transport) in an atmosphere, the vehicle gains a +3 bonus to a Break Lock maneuvers and can automatically increase or decrease one range increment against one opponent. This system can only be engaged effectively once every other round. It will go offline after the propulsion system is reduced by three damage levels or goes offline. This component has a cost of 4 Space.


Vertical/Short Take-off and Land (V/STOL)

This propulsion component is only available for TL 5-6 air-based vehicles. V/STOL allows them to take-off and land using very little ground space and not using a runway for either (but can if needed), requiring 1 full-round action for take-offs and landings. This component is disabled after the vehicles propulsion is reduced two damage levels. This component has a cost of 3 Space.

Optional: Anti-gravity units

They allow the vehicle to hover above the ground (TL 7 Transport), negating the need for wheels, tracks, etc. While air-based vehicles can gain altitude, the land-based vehicles cannot and are restricted to a maximum of ten feet above ground. The number of units required is equal to its Size and costs Size/2 space. Tied to the vehicles propulsion system, these components will not fail unless the propulsion system is disabled.

Faster-than-Light (FTL) Propulsion

FTL is only for space-based vehicles, using the same type, cost, and reliability, but the range of speeds for each type are wholly game-specific and at the Narrators discretion. This technology requires a TL 7 Transport. The reliability of vehicles propulsion is that of the FTL drive, if it has one.

Optional: Quantum Slipstream

Quantum slipstream propulsion (TL 9) creates a slipstream that propels the vehicle at about 300 light-yeas per hour and does not allow alterations in velocity. Use of this type of propulsion requires a deflector dish and the ship must make a TN 15 Engineering: Propulsion (Slipstream Drive) test every hour to remain within the slipstream. Unexpectedly reverting back to normal space can be hazardous; on a Disastrous Failure of the Engineering: Propulsion test, the ship is dealt 2d6+5 structural damage. The quantum slipstream drives cost is 4+(Size/2) Space, rounded up.

Optional: Transwarp Drive

A transwarp drive (TL 9) propels a vehicle 20 times faster than its standard FTL equivalent (i.e. a Class 5 transwarp drive is able to move as speeds 20 times that of a standard Class 5 FTL drive). A transwarp coil is required to move at transwarp speeds, costing the vehicles Size in Space. Use of this type of propulsion requires a TN 20 Engineering: Propulsion (Transwarp Drive) test every hour of use, otherwise it fails and the ship reverts to normal space. Using the drive creates transwarp corridors, allowing vessels to follow the transwarp-capable ship at the same speed as it. To do so, the following ship must make a TN 15 System Operation (Nav Control) test within 2 rounds of the departing transwarp ship.

As with Defense, air-, land-, and sea-based vehicles deal with vehicle weapon damage differently than space-based vehicles that have energy shields. For the former, each weapon is fired and their damages are dealt with individually, while the latters weapon systems are combined into offensive values for beam and missile weapon arrays. Catapults and ballistae that would appear on TL 2 sea-based vehicles are found in the Siege Weapons section of Mass Combat as they can be affixed to vehicles. TL 5 weapons that dont have Offensive Values require the purchasing of a Weapons System besides the vehicles actual weapons; use Table 151. TL 5+ weapons with Offensive values determine the Weapons Systems reliability in a different fashion, see below. Vehicle weapons deal much more damage than those carried by characters, multiply vehicle weapon damage result by 10 to determine amount of PC-equivalent damage for vehicle weapons that fire projectiles and by 1000 for vehicles firing energy weapons. Main guns and Super Main guns can be converted into TL 5-6 siege weapons with crews of 5 or 10, respectively, such as howitzers, cannonades, anti-aircraft guns, and the like.


Table 160: TL 5 Vehicle Weapons

GUNS Type Minigun or Heavy Assault Rifle Light Machine gun Heavy Machine gun Main gun X* Super Main gun Y** GRENADES/MORTARS Grenade Launcher Mortar Launcher*** MISSILES/TORPEDOES Rockets Size Z**** Cruise Missile ICBMs BOMBS Size B***** Extra Fuel Tanks Cost 1 1 2 X+2 Y+5 Damage 1d6+3 2d6+6 3d6+9 (X+2)d6+(X*2) (Y+5)d6+(Y*5) Range 30/60/90/120/+60 60/120/180/240/+120 45/90/135/170/+90 100/X*300/X*600/X*1000/+(X*300) Y*500/Y*1000/Y*2000/Y*4000/Y*1000

1 3

Varies Varies

30/100/300/500/+100 45/150/450/750/+150

2 Z 5 A

-d6+1 (Z+2)d6+Z Varies Varies

50/100/200/400/+100 Z*500/Z*1000/Z*2000/Z*3000/+Z*500 75/150/300/600/+200 (miles) A*50/A*100/A*200/A*300/+A*100 (miles)


(B+5)d6+(B*5) N/A


* - X Size of vehicle; Y Size/2, rounded up ** - Sea-based vehicles of Size 7+ can only purchase this weapon. *** - Deals double damage at inner radius of explosion. Can only fire normal or shrapnel shells. **** - Z 5; A 6 **** - B Size/2, rounded up

Besides standard bullets, guns can fire armor-piercing rounds that will negate: 1 Protection for miniguns, heavy assault rifles, and light machine guns; 2 Threshold for heavy machine guns; and X Threshold for main guns of main guns and every 2*Y for super main guns. They can be fired without using a Weapons Lock maneuver, but suffer a 5 penalty to the attack. Guns used as point defenses are set up in one of two ways. First, set to fire in an automatic pattern requiring a Tactics (Air Defense) test, rolled once, against each missiles Defense. Second, linked to a radar guidance system requiring an automated weapon test (2d6 + Weapon System Reliability modifier + 2 per success level of the System Operation (Sensors) test for detection) against the missiles Defense.

Depleted Uranium Shells

TL 6 Guns can fire these types of shells, which ignore 5 Protection when dealing damage.

Grenade Launchers/Mortars
Grenade launchers can fire volleys of 5 grenades at a time costing a full-round action. Each grenade requires a System Operation (Weapons) test with a 3 penalty for each grenade. Only the effects of standard and shrapnel grenades stack if a target is caught in the overlapping radii of multiple grenades. The grenades fired from a vehicle launcher deal PC-equivalent damage. A vehicle has Size *10 grenades, broken up into the different available types. Switching types of grenades fired requires 2 actions.

Rockets hit a target in the same round that they are fired regardless of range increment. Size 1 and 2 missiles hit a target in the same round at Point Blank or Short, the next round in Medium and Long, and in two rounds at Extended and Extended +1, etc. Size 3+ missiles require one round per 2 Sizes to move each range increment to reach a target past Point Blank.

Missile Pylons/Launchers and Torpedo Tubes

Two missiles of the same Size can be attached to one pylon of that Size. Also, twice the number of missiles that are half the Size of the missile pylon or smaller can be attached. An air-based vehicle can have missile pylons that are equal to its Size or smaller with a Space cost equal to the pylons Size. Missile launchers and torpedo tubes cost the same Space as missile pylons for sea-based vehicles. Missile batteries can purchase missile launchers that are up to Size*2. 257

Table 161: Missile Types

Type Anti-Radar Heat-seeking Laser-guided Radar-guided Video-guided Target Type Radar-emitting sources; Size 5+ of these type are used for anti-ship use IR/heating-emitting sources Target acquired by means of weapons lock Target acquired by means of weapons lock Target acquired and continuous monitoring by weapons system Means of Interdiction Enemy ECM, chaff Flares, chaff Laser leaves target Enemy ECM, chaff Chaff Launch Air, Sea Air, Sea Air, Land, Sea Air, Land, Sea Air, Land, Sea TL 6 5 6 6 5

Cruise Missiles
Cruise missiles are missiles with extremely long ranges and can be fitted with both conventional warheads and nuclear warheads. These missiles are (TL 6) GPS- or (TL 5) video-guided to their targets, with an accuracy of a few feet or less. Their conventional warhead deals the typical missile damage of a Size 5 missile, but the nuclear warhead deals 750 or 1000 damage, Class 1 and Class 2 respectively, out to radius of 0.5 miles and half damage at 1 mile. These missiles can be launched from Size 9+ air-based vehicles or Size 4+ sea-based vehicles. Standard ECM cannot disrupt them nor may be prematurely detonated by chaff, but can be intercepted by other missiles or ICBMs. Detecting cruise missiles requires a TN 10 + (10Size) System Operation (Sensors) test.

Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBM)

ICBMs (Size 6+ missiles) cover both offensive missiles (TL 5) and defensive missiles (TL 6), such as the Titan and Patriot. These weapons are guided by GPS (offensive) or radar (defensive) and use propulsion systems equivalent of Class 3 to Class 6 for determining their Defense. Offensive ICBMs, like cruise missiles, can carry conventional and nuclear weapons, but also chemical or biological as well. The damage dealt by conventional weapons is Size*10. ICBMs can carry both fission and fusion weapons. The damage dealt by fission weapons is (Offensive value)*Size*100 at Size/2 miles and half damage at twice that, and by fusion weapons is (Offensive value)*Size*500 at Size miles and half damage at twice that. Intercepting another missile requires a Weapons Lock and an ICBMs Defense is 10+(Propulsion Reliability modifier)+(10Size).

These unguided TL 5 air-to-ground or air-to-air weapons, fired one at a time, come in pods of 20 attached to missile pylons, commonly found on rotary air-based vehicles yet are occasionally found on land-based vehicles. They are not affected by ECM and can be prematurely detonated by chaff.

These weapons can range in Size from 1-3 and can be guided directly by the submerged sea-based vessel or by sonar. They cannot be jammed by ECM, but can be fooled by noisemakers (see Defensive Countermeasures below). A number of Weapons Lock maneuvers are required to keep the missile on target depending on the range from the target one for every increment, beginning with Point Blank. A Marginal Success on an attack deals damage, a Complete Success deals half damage, and Superior Success or better deals full damage.

Bombs are of varying sizes, based on their weight. To determine the Size of a bomb, divide its weight by 500. One bomb of the same Size as the missile pylon can be attached to the vehicle. The Size of the bomb can be no greater than the Size of the largest missile pylon. There are different types of bombs, but for the purposes of combat, they are treated as guided or dumb. To drop a dumb bomb on a target requires a normal Fire maneuver, while dropping guided bombs gives a bonus to the maneuvers test equal to Sensors Reliability. Multiple bombs can be dropped on one target without additional maneuvers. Bombs deal normal damage to a radius of Size*10 feet and half damage at twice the inner radius.

Fuel Tanks
Additional fuel tanks can be attached in a similar manner as bombs, but require two pylons of the same Size to carry the fuel. A fuel tank will increase the vehicles range by pylon Size*10%.


Table 162: Beam Weapons

LASERS (TL 6) Type Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 PLASMA (TL 6) Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5 2 4 5 7 8 1 2 3 4 6 Cost 4 6 8 Offensive Value 1 2 3

PHASE CANNONS OR DISRUPTORS (TL 7) Class 1 4 Class 2 5 Class 3 6 Class 4 7 Class 5 8 PHASERS OR DISRUPTORS (TL 8) Type Cost Class 1 2 Class 2 3 Class 3 3 Class 4 4 Class 5 4 Class 6 5 Class 7 5 Class 8 6 Class 9 6 Class 10 7 Class 11 7 Class 12 8

3 4 5 6 7

Offensive Value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Min Size 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 9

Beam Weapon Rules

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Their penetration can be reduced voluntarily, but the value must be decided making a Fire maneuver. They can be used to target ship systems. They cannot be used while the FTL propulsion is engaged. Due to their recharge rate, plasma beam weapons can only be fired every other round. A TN 15 Engineering: Systems (Weapons) is required every round that there is back-to-back firing of these weapons. Phasers are the only beam weapons that can be modified to perform other functions. An extended TN 50 System Operation (Weapons) test with one hour increments is required to modify the phasers to cut through rock. They can drill up to half the beam weapons penetration, rounded down, in kilometers per hour. The range increments for a vehicles weapons are the same as that for the vehicles sensors. Fast, Light, and Stations purchase beam weapons at 1 Space.

6. 7.

Lasers & Plasma Weapons

These weapons deal (Offensive Value)*5 damage to vehicles of base TL < 7, ignore Hull Plating when dealing damage, and burn away an amount of Hull Plating Threshold equal to its Offensive Value.

Optional: Cutting Beam

This beam weapon ignores deflector shields and cuts sections out of the hull of a ship of Size 1, dealing 5 structural damage and 1 point of damage to a random system. Using this weapon requires a full-round action and no other maneuver can be made. This weapon requires TL 9 and has a cost of 10 Space.


Optional: Energy Drain

The opponents shield Protection is effectively +5 against this beam weapon, but if the vehicle is still hit, then all systems must make a TN 15 Reliability test or be rendered inoperable. To attempt to bring systems back online, see the Operation section below. Regenerative shields do not recover strength when hit with an energy drain weapon. This weapon requires TL 9 and has a cost of 15 Space.

Optional: Feedback Pulse

This weapon affects a beam weapon, except by an attack from a pulse phaser. When active and an opponent fires a beam weapon, it is repulsed back at the firing vehicle. Resolve damage as normal, but the vehicles shield threshold does not affect the damage and doesnt lose any shield strength. This weapon requires TL 9 and has a cost of 20 Space.

Table 163: Missile Weapons

FISSION (TL 5) / FUSION MISSILES (TL 6) Type Cost Class 1 3 Class 2 5 Class 3 8 Class 4 10 SPATIAL TORPEDOES (TL 7) Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 PHOTON TORPEDOES (TL 8) Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5 Class 6 Class 7 Class 8 Class 9 Class 10 PLASMA TORPEDOES (TL 8) Class 8 Class 9 PLASMA TORPEDOES (TL 9) Class 11 Class 12 12 16 22 30 8 10 14 18 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 4 6 1 2 4 5 Offensive Value 1 2 3 4

Missile Weapon Rules

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. They cannot be used to target a vehicles systems. They can be fired while the FTL propulsion is engaged. A vehicle cannot have more than Size*2 missile launchers. When firing a missile weapon at Point Blank range, the vehicle that fired it is dealt half penetration damage. A vehicle has a compliment of (Size*10)+(Size/2) missiles, rounded down, and can be broken up between the different types of missiles available. The range increments for a vehicles weapons are the same as that for the vehicles sensors. Warships purchase missile weapons at 1 Space.

These weapons are really nothing more than torpedo warheads with proximity detectors. Mines are visible so as to serve as a warning, but cloaked mines are not unheard of. A military vehicle that carries them has (Size/2)*10 mines, half that if 260

they are cloaking mines. An average-density minefield requires three successful TN 15 Operate Vehicle or System Operation (Nav Control) tests to navigate through it (-3 TN for a low-density minefield and +5 TN for a high-density minefield). A cloaked vehicle traversing an uncloaked minefield only requires TN 5 tests. On any failure, mines will go off. In a lowdensity minefield, make one 2d6+5 attack test. In an average-density minefield, make three 2d6+7 attack tests. In a highdensity minefield, make five 2d6+9 attack tests.

Optional: Multi-function Launcher

For a vehicle to fire different types of missiles, a multi-function launcher is required. It costs 2 space per type of missile weapon allowed to fire.

Optional: Quantum Torpedoes

These weapons are similar to photon torpedoes but deal much more damage. Add +1 to the final penetration value for the vehicles missile weapons. They require TL 9 and are considered a different missile with respect to a launcher systems space cost.

Optional: Tricobalt Devices

Unlike other missile warheads, a tricobalt devices destructive force is variable with the ability to be set at a penetration value of 10 or less. They have a maximum range of Short and no guidance system, making them unsuitable for use against enemy ships. They require TL 9 and are considered a different missile with respect to a launcher systems space cost. They are not considered a part of a standard inventory and thus require a TN 20 Enterprise: Administration test to acquire. A vehicle can hold up a number of these devices equal to its Size.

Weapon Penetration & Reliability

Table 164: Weapon Systems
Fission/Fusion/Spatial/ Photon Torpedo Penetration 2/2/2/2/2 3/3/3/3/3 4/4/4/4/4 5/5/5/5/5 6/6/6/6/6 7/7/7/7/7 8/8/8/8/8 9/9/9/9/9 10 / 10 / 10 / 10 / 10 11 / 11 / 11 / 11 / 11 Plasma Torpedo Penetration 3/2/1/0/0 4/3/2/1/0 5/4/3/2/1 6/5/4/3/2 7/6/5/4/3 8/7/6/5/4 9/8/7/6/5 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Total Offensive Value 1-4 5-9 10-14 15-24 25-34 35-49 50-64 65-84 85-109 110+

Beam Penetration 2/2/2/0/0 3/2/2/0/0 4/3/2/0/0 5/4/4/0/0 6/5/5/0/0 7/6/6/0/0 8/7/6/0/0 9/8/7/0/0 9/9/8/0/0 10 / 9 / 9 / 0 / 0

Reliability A A B B C C D D E F

To calculate a vehicles weapon penetration for beam weapons and missile weapons, add up the offensive values for that type of weapon and compare across the table. For example, a space-based vehicle has 5 banks of Class 8 phasers for a total offensive value of 40, making it a Level 6 beam weapon system with a penetration of 7/6/6/0/0. The vehicle had also has 4 Class 8 multi-function launchers for a total offensive value of 32, making it a Level 5 missile weapon system with a penetration of 6/6/6/6/6 for photon torpedoes and 7/7/7/7/7 for quantum torpedoes. To calculate the vehicles weapons system reliability, add the total offensive value from beam and missile weapons, referring to Table 149. Using the examples above, the weapons system has a total offensive value of 72, giving it a D reliability.

Defensive Systems
Hull Polarization and Deflector Shields are handled in the same manner while Hull Plating is like armor for vehicles and directly reduces the damage dealt to a vehicle. Vehicles can only combine the use of Hull Plating and Deflector Shields, purchasing each separately, but the Hull Platings effects are only used if the Deflectors Shields are disabled. Weapons of TL 7 or less cannot damage Deflector Shields. While Deflector Shields are activated, nothing may be transported from the ship. BS, CR, D, G, FV, and Heavy vehicles purchase defensive systems at 2 Space, minimum 1 (not cumulative).

Table 165: Defensive Systems


Type Basic Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 HULL POLARIZATION (TL 7) Cost Type Class 1 3 Class 2 4 Class 3 6 DEFLECTOR SHIELDS (TL 8) Class 1 9 Class 1R 11 Class 2 10 Class 2R 12 Class 3 11 Class 3R 13 Class 4 12 Class 4R 14 Class 5 13 Class 5R 16 Class 6 15

Cost None Size Size+2 Size+4

Threshold 5 7 8 9

Protection 10 10 11

Base/Max Threshold 0/0 0/1 0/1

Reliability AA B C

12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 18

1/1 1/2 1/3 1/3 1/4 1/4 2/4 2/4 2/5 2/5 3/6


Table 166: Hull Polarization/Deflector Strength Track

Shield Strength 100% 90-99% 80-89% 70-79% 60-69% 50-59% 40-49% 30-39% 20-29% 10-19% 1-9% 0% Effect Full Strength Bridge panel explodes! Roll for random PC or NPC to Resist Light stun Protection 1 Bridge panel explodes! Roll for random PC or NPC to Resist Medium stun 1 Damage to random system Threshold 1 (minimum 0) Bridge hit! 1d6+2 damage Bridge hit! 2d6+4 damage 1 Damage to random system Shields inoperable! Protection = 5 or Hull Plating Threshold

Fighters, bombers, and all sea-based vehicles of TL 5-6 automatically have 3 charges of each type of countermeasure for free and more can be purchased at the cost of 1 Space per charge. Activating countermeasures takes 1 action and allows for the decision between using both or only one. Air-based vehicles can fire off flares to misdirect heat-seeking missiles and chaff (foil packets) to explode any kind of incoming missile. Surface sea-based vehicles only have chaff. Submerged sea-based vehicles have noisemakers that can confuse incoming torpedoes.

To attempt to prematurely destroy incoming missiles or rockets, activate a chaff charge and perform a Break Lock maneuver. To be effective against rockets, a Marginal Success will destroy one, a Complete Success will destroy two, a Superior Success will destroy three, and an Extraordinary Success will destroy five. Its effectiveness against missiles depends on the range at which it is fired from: an Extraordinary Success at Short, a Superior Success at Medium, a Complete Success at Long, and a Marginal Success at further distances. For it to be effective in defense of surface sea-based vehicles, a Tactics (Air Defense) test against each missiles Defense is required.

To misdirect a heat-seeking missile, activate a flare charge and perform a Break Lock maneuver. An Extraordinary Success is required if the missile is fired at Point Blank range, a Superior Success at Short range, a Complete Success at Medium or 262

Long, and a Marginal Success at further range increments. For surface sea-based ships, increase the required success level by two levels evading a torpedo at Point Blank or Short range is impossible. For submerged sea-based ships, increase the required success level by one level evading a torpedo at Point Blank range is impossible.

Regenerative Shields
This TL 8 deflector component allows for a vehicles shields to heal some damage done to it. At any time the shields are operating and they are hit by an energy weapon, roll 2d6. If the result turns up doubles, the shields regain that much in percentage shield strength back (no more than 100%) at the end of the combat round, but effects sustained due to shield strength reduction are not negated. This component costs 3 space.

Maneuver Modifiers
Maneuver Modifiers are the bonuses inherent to a vehicle for each type of combat maneuver: Command, Helm, and Weapons. The vehicles modifiers start at the minimum value and additional bonuses can be applied to these base modifiers based on the ship's size. The vehicle receives a total of bonus of 1+(Size/2), rounded up. For example, a Size 1 vehicle would receive a total of +2 to add in any combination to its three Maneuver Modifiers (+1 for two modifiers or +2 for one modifier). The table below lists the Maneuver Modifier ranges inherent to each class.

Table 167: Maneuver Modifiers

Class/Type Battleship, Carrier (space) Cruiser, Attack Destroyer, Escort Fighter, Gunship Frigate, Tanks, Fighting Vehicles, Missile Battery Shuttle Support, Auxiliary/Private Station, Carrier (sea) * - Minimum modifier/Maximum modifier Command* +2 / +4 +1 / +3 +0 / +2 -2 / +1 +0 / +2 -1 / +1 +1 / +3 +3 / +5 Helm* -4 / +1 -2 / +2 +1 / +3 +2 / +3 +0 / +2 +0 / +3 +1 / +2 -10 / +0 Weapons* +2 / +4 +1 / +4 +0 / +3 +0 / +2 +0 / +2 -1 / +0 +0 / +1 +0 / +1

Vehicle Traits
Much as ordinary traits distinguish characters, ship traits do the same for vehicles. Every class of vehicles and indeed every individual ship may have its own idiosyncrasies that make it stand out from the rest. Each edge costs 5 space. Acquiring a flaw gives back 5 space.

<Descriptive Text> Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Attributes, Skills ranks, or traits needed before acquiring Edge. Flaws or other circumstances you may not have in order to get this Edge. What happens when the Edge is invoked. Yes or No; How many times if limited. The effects of upgrading the Edge.

Ablative Armor
The vehicle possesses an additional layer of reinforced hull that provides enhanced protection. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Materials TL 6+ None The vehicle gains +5 Structure. Damage is applied to this structure first and this structure can only be repaired at a shipyard, starbase, or similar place. No


ACB Jacketing
This technology allows beam weapons to be fired while the FTL propulsion is engaged. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: TL 9 Weapons This only works for phasers. The vehicles phaser beam weapons can now be fired while traveling FTL. This effect can be combined with other edges effects like Pulse Weapon. No

This vehicle has seen a lot of combat. It has survived many battles and its crew is more experienced than most. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: None This trait can only be given to individual vehicles. The crew gains a +1 bonus to Weapons combat maneuvers. No

Blind Luck
By some quirk in design or repair of a system, it performs in unintended ways. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Acquired during ship creation or purchased during advancement after a PC made an Extraordinary Success while using or repairing the system during the preceding chapter. None Select any one system. Refer to Table 164 for effects. When this edge is acquired, so is the Battlescarred flaw for the selected system. Once the flaws effect of rolling doubles occurs (system failure), both the edge and flaw are lost permanently. This edge cannot be repurchased for the same system nor can the Battle-scarred flaw be removed by spending advancement picks. Yes. Every time you pick this edge, select a new system.


Table 168: Blind Luck Effects

System Sensors Stealth Technology Sub-luminal Propulsion FTL Propulsion Beam Weapons Missile Weapons Defensive Systems Optional: Transporters Effect Ignores Stealth rating when scanning cloaked vessels Able to fire weapons while cloaked or phases through matter +1 Helm maneuver free Gain unusual FTL properties (transwarp, quantum slipstream, etc.) Ignore threshold of defensive systems Ignore threshold of defensive systems Double Threshold Can transport through shields

Enhanced System
One or more systems on the vehicle perform beyond standard parameters. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: None The selected system cannot be affected by the Design Defect flaw. Select any one system. Refer to Table 164 for effects. Yes. Every time you pick this edge, select a new system to enhance or enhance a system already chosen (if possible).


Table 169: System Enhancements

System Sensors Stealth Technology Sub-luminal Propulsion Effect +2 bonus to System Operation (Sensor) tests +2 Rating +2 mph for Sea (sails), +5 mph for Sea (engine), +10 mph for Land, +100 mph for Air, and +0.1c for Space Narrators discretion* +1 Penetration to any one range +1 Threshold +2 bonus to System Operation (Transporter) tests Additional Upgrades 1 No 4; max 25 mph for Sea (sails), 50 mph Sea (engine), 150 mph for Land, 1000 mph for Air, 0.9 c for Space * 4, different range per pick No 1

FTL Propulsion Beam Weapons Defensive Systems Optional: Transporters

The vehicle is the primary command vehicle or flagship of a group. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Size 4+ for sea- and space-based vehicles, otherwise Narrators discretion None The vehicles crew gains a +2 bonus to Command combat maneuvers. Only one vehicle per group of vehicles can be considered the flagship at a time. No

The vehicle, or earlier vehicles with the same name, is well known because of its exploits and those of its crew. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: None None Any Renown test receives 5 TN to determine information about a vehicle, its history, or its commanding officer and primary crewmembers. Depending on circumstances and the vehicles renown, this may alter an opponents posture. No


Hardened System
A system of a vehicle is more difficult to damage and disable. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: None This is not applicable to systems that are already hardened when purchased. Select any one system. Ignore the first point of damage dealt to it. Subsequent damage to the system is dealt normally. Yes. Every time you pick this edge, select a new system that is hardened.

Agile and swift, the vehicle is well-suited for maneuvering. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: Size 5 or smaller None The vehicle gains a +2 bonus to Helm combat maneuvers. No

Prototype (Edge/Flaw)
The vehicle includes experimental technology or design. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: None None Select a system from Table 166. Adjust the systems effect or Reliability up (edge) or down (flaw) within the given range. The cost of this trait is variable: as an edge, the cost in Space equals double the number of levels gained to the system; as a flaw, the amount of Space recovered equals half the levels gained to the system, rounded down (minimum 1). Vessel classification modifiers do not alter the cost of this trait. 265


Yes. Every time you pick this trait, select a new system as a prototype or adjust a different aspect of the system.

Table 170: Prototype Systems

System Operations Life Support Sensors Cloak Sub-luminal Propulsion FTL Propulsion Beam Weapons (each) Missile Weapons (each) Defensive Systems System Aspect Reliability (+0/-4) Reliability (+0/-4) Bonus (+1/-2); Reliability (+2/-4) Rating (+1/-2) Sea (sails) (+5/-5), Sea (engine) (+10/-10), Land (+15/-15), Air (+150/-150), Space (+0.2/-0.5); Reliability (+4/-6) Narrator discretion; Reliability (+4/-6) Offensive Value (+1/-1) Offensive Value (+0/-1) Protection (+1/-4); Max Threshold (+1/-0); Reliability (+2/-4)

Pulse Weapon
Using rapidly discharging capacitance banks, the beam weapon is able to deliver more damage up close while sacrificing its damage at further distances. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: TL 9 Weapons This only works for phasers. The final penetration value for the vehicles beam weapons is increased by +1 at Point Blank range and is reduced by 1 at all other ranges (minimum 0). No

Reflective Plating
The vehicles hull is made of alloys or composites that reflect sensors, making it difficult to perform invasive scans or achieve a target lock. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: TL 5 Materials None Increase all System Operation (Sensors) tests made against the vessel by +4 TN, including tests for Weapons Lock. This technology doesnt make the vehicle invisible to sensors like a cloaking device. Yes; once. Increase the System Operation (Sensors) test by another +4 TN.

Spiral-wave Weapon
The vehicles weapons have been upgraded to utilize spiral-wave disruption patterns rather than the conventional energy dissipation. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: TL 9 Weapons This only works for disruptors. On a successful hit from the beam weapons, the defensive systems Strength is reduced an additional level. Vehicles with regenerative shielding do not make a regeneration roll. No

Unique System
The vehicle has a system that is not normally found on one of this type. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: None This trait can only be given to individual vehicles. Select a system normally unavailable to the vehicle because of size restrictions; it can be installed provided that it has enough space with a cost of +1 Space. Systems that are normally unavailable do to other reasons (lacking know-how, civilization restrictions, etc.) can be installed as well provided that there is an acceptable reason for it and the Space cost is met. Yes. Every time you pick this edge, select a new unique system.



This vehicle has seen so much combat that one or more systems frequently fail. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: None This trait can only be given to individual vehicles. Select a vehicle system. Each time the system is used, the Narrator rolls 2d6. If the result comes up doubles, the system fails and unusable until repaired. The failure wont be known until used. Yes. Every time you pick this flaw, select a new system.

Design Defect
Due to an oversight in the design process, the vehicle has an inherent defect that produces an undesirable result. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: None The selected system cannot be affected by the Enhanced System edge. Select any one system. Refer to Table 166 for effects. Yes. Every time you pick this flaw, select a new system that is defective.

Table 171: System Defects

System Sensors Stealth Technology Sub-luminal Propulsion Effect +5 TN to System Operation (Sensor) tests -5 TN to System Operation (Sensor) tests to detect -2 structure per: 2 mph over 12 mph for Sea (sails), 5 mph over 30 mph for Sea (engine), 5 mph over 50 mph for Land, 100 mph over 250 mph for Air, or 0.1c over 0.2 c for Space -2 structure per increment (Narrators discretion) over sustainable speed -1 Penetration at all ranges -1 Penetration at all ranges -2 Protection, -1 Threshold +5 TN to System Operation (Transporter) tests

FTL Propulsion Beam Weapons Missile Weapons Defensive Systems Optional: Transporters

A system on the vehicle has been crudely put together, repaired, or maintained with whatever was available. Its difficult to repair and fails when overtaxed or damaged. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: None System cannot have an AA or A Reliability. Select any one system damage track and reduce its Reliability by one letter level (D to C, EE to DD). Yes. Every time you pick this flaw, select a new system that is jury-rigged.

Due to an exceptionally long design process or because it has been in service for many years, the vehicle uses outmoded or obsolete systems. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: None None Select any one combat maneuver category. Tests for performing combat maneuvers of that category have +2 TN. Yes. Every time you pick this flaw, select a new combat maneuver category or increase a selected category by +2 TN (max +8 TN total for category).


Vulnerable System
A vehicle system is fragile or exposed and thus easy to damage or destroy in combat. Prerequisite: Restriction: Effect: Upgrade: None System cannot have an AA or A Reliability. Select any one system damage track. Every time the system is damaged, remove two boxes instead of one. Yes. Every time you pick this flaw, select a new system damage track to make vulnerable.

Vehicles, due to the nature of man, are thought to have personalities of their own and are just as noteworthy as their commanders and crews that man them. For this reason, they have a Renown score and it is used in the same manner as that for characters. If someone is making social tests against a commander of a famously-named vehicle, attempts to recognize the vehicle as it was a part of some major military action, etc., the vehicles Renown modifier would affect recognition tests as either bonuses or penalties. Along with the table below, refer to the Renown section of Secondary Attributes.

Table 172: Starship Recognition Modifiers

Modifier 0 TN +1 TN +3 TN -5 TN -3 TN Circumstance Target of same fleet Target is of different but friendly/allied fleet Target is of different but hostile fleet Target has Famous trait Target has participated in a noteworthy event related to test

For those games that incorporate a vehicle as a major component such as sci-fi/futuristic, pirates, modern military, etc., it could also gain experience and advance just as characters do, though at a much slower rate. Whenever the group receives XP for whatever reason, the ship could receive anywhere from 10-50% of what a character receives for its participation in the adventure. I would base the amount off of the character that gained the least XP at the time so that its pace of accrual and spending of advancement picks wouldnt cause the vehicle to become overpowered. Use Table 157 in the Advancement section for spending picks. This optional rule could also be combined with PCs volunteering their picks to use for improving the vehicle.

The PCs could also improve a vehicle by volunteering to give up their personal advancement picks to the vehicle to spend on Table 169. No more than five total picks may be allocated to the starship for its advancement at a time.

Table 173: Vehicle Advancement Picks

Cost 1 2 3 3 4 5 Effect +1 additional Space +1 Renown Gain or upgrade vehicle edge Remove vehicle flaw +1 Maneuver Modifier Upgrade/Install a new system

Additional Space
Each pick spent adds one point of Space that can be used for expanding or installing additional systems. This Space adds to any unused space leftover after initial construction. Structure can never be increased by converting Space after the vehicles initial construction.

Spending two picks increases the vehicles Renown by +1. 268

Gain or Upgrade Edge

The vehicle picks up a new edge or upgrades an existing edge, reflecting its experience gained through adventuring.

Removing a Flaw
One of the vehicles flaws, such as a Design Defect, has been overcome and fixed. Remove the flaw from the vehicle profile and its associated penalties.

Maneuver Modifier
Add +1 to any combat maneuver category (Command, Helm, Weapons) up to the maximum value allowed.

Upgrade/Install a New System

Provided the Space is available, a system may be upgraded from one type to another or install a brand new system; recalculate relevant values (penetration, ratings, etc.) associated with the new system. Systems that are being replaced have their Space refunded towards the new system. Special or unique systems may first require the purchase of the necessary edge prior to installation.

One of the most typical questions asked in a game is: How long does it take to get from Point A to Point B? Fortunately, in most cases, it is fairly simple, as all you have to do is divide the distance to go by the speed at which you wish to travel at. The Narrator determines distances, while the vehicles driver or crew determines the speed based on the limits of the type of propulsion system the vehicle uses. Its a little more complicated for FTL travel because it is up to the Narrator to determine FTL speed increments and information for FTL propulsion in the game that hes created.

Pushing the Engines

Vehicles that have engines can all be driven to their actual limits but only those that are very complex and require a team to manage (i.e. sea- and space-based vehicles) can be pushed to their absolute maximum at 110% of full speed (or whatever the Narrator decides concerning his FTL propulsion), but no faster than 0.99 c. For sea-based vehicles, an Engineering: Propulsion test is required with a TN of 10+(vehicles maximum speed/5), rounded up. For space-based vehicles at subluminal speeds, the test has a TN of 10+(vehicles maximum speed*10), rounded up. For space-based vehicles at FTL, the TN should have a value between 12 and 20 or so as a guideline. If the test fails, the propulsion system takes one damage, regardless of the type, reduced to 75% of full speed, and the system must be repaired before another attempt to push the engines is made. Once the absolute maximum for the propulsion is achieved, a reliability test with a TN calculated in the same way above for the new speed. The reliability test must be made at an interval of TL*10 minutes. If a failure occurs at any time during the propulsion being pushed, they immediately become disabled a diagnosis must made regarding the cause and the system repaired before the system can be used again; if the Engineering: Propulsion test was a Superior Success or better, ignore making a diagnosis.

Transferring Power
Typically on the large vehicles, the main propulsion system provides power to the entire vehicle. This power can also be shunted from one system to another, temporarily increasing its effectiveness while maintaining its normal reliability. This is done through voluntarily applying one damage directly to a selected system, thus increasing the ability of a target system by one whole class (Class 1 to Class 2, Class 3R to Class 4R, etc.). The effects of the damaged system are immediately applied except those that harm characters. To transfer power to a system, an Engineering: Propulsion test is required with a TN of 10+target systems Reliability modifier. The transfer lasts until the propulsion system takes additional damage, goes offline, or for 5 minutes per success level. The transfer can be terminated before its duration is up with no test required. The damage to the selected system that had power transferred from cannot be repaired until the power transfer is in effect. Additional damage dealt to the selected system from combat or other source can be repaired. One system cannot have power transferred from it more than once and a target system cannot benefit from more than one power transfer. A system 269

that has power transferred from it cannot benefit from a power transfer to it. Missile weapons cannot benefit from a power transfer, but beam weapons can. Transfers to defensive systems increase the Protection, not the Threshold.

Core Breach
If a core breach is in progress for a vehicles propulsion system due to a disabled system or other reason, the crew can attempt to contain the breach. An extended Engineering: Propulsion test of TN 45 is required with each stage being one round and the task must be accomplished in a number of stages equal to half the propulsion systems reliability modifier, rounded down (minimum 1). The TN is modified by +1 for each block (5 damage or partial) of structural damage the vehicle has taken. The crew receives a one-time bonus to a test equal to the systems reliability modifier. If the crew doesnt think the breach can be contained, the system can be ejected/deactivated (only for TL 5+ nuclear-powered sea-based vehicles and TL 7+ vehicles) with a TN 5 Engineering: Propulsion test modified by structural damage as above. An ejected TL 7+ system deals 1d6 damage at Point Blank or -d6 damage at Short range to shields and cannot evaded.

Table 174: Sensor Information
Type of Information General Information (mass, diameter, radiation, etc.) Abundant Elements or Life-forms (compounds, elements, etc.) Uncommon Specific Elements (uranium, plutonium, human in group of other race, etc.) Rare or Difficult to Detect Elements (antimatter, human among humans, etc.) Specific Elements Outside Scanning Parameters (silicon-based life-forms, etc.) TN 5 10 15 20 25

Table 175: Extended Sensor Tests

Scan Area Planet Continent City City block or large vehicle Building or small vehicle Room Aggregate TN TN x10 TN x8 TN x6 TN x4 TN x2 TN

Sensors, when scanning an area, are able to search for substances and energy pattern, but cannot determine specific configurations of things smaller than vehicles. Some things may require the sensors to be recalibrated to detect because they fall outside the standard parameters of operation. Using sensors requires a System Operation (Sensors) test and other skills could provide affinity bonuses to the test such as Science: Life (Biology) when scanning for biological signs or Science: Physical (Chemistry) for compounds, elements, etc. Vehicle-based sensors do not provide an equipment bonus to tests. To detect other vehicles that arent cloaked is a standard TN 10 System Operation (Sensors) test modified by the TL of vehicle (civilizations base TL), range modifier, and EMCON modifier; there could always be other modifiers that affect a sensors test like weather, interstellar hazards, etc. When attempting to use sensors to detect a vehicle of a different TL, subtract the opponents base TL from the detectors sensor TL and add the result to the class number to your sensors (maximum 5). The resulting class number dictates the sensor bonus the detector would use against the opponent. For example, a TL 5 aircraft attempts to detect a UFO that had a base TL of 8. The TL 5 aircraft has a Class 4R sensor system, but against the more advanced alien ship, it would only be as effective as a Class 1R sensor system. When attempting to detect a cloaked vehicle with a different TL, subtract the cloaked vehicles stealth technology class number from the detectors sensor class number and add the value to the cloaked vehicles stealth rating. For example, a TL 8 space-based vehicle with Class 3 sensors is attempting to detect a TL 5 sea-based vehicle with mono-refractive hull plating. The effective stealth rating of the sea-based vehicle is 11. The effective sensor class of the space-based vehicle is Class 6.

Recalibrating Sensors
Recalibrating sensors allows the vehicle to scan with narrowed search parameters, making the attempt easier. Recalibrating sensors requires an Engineering: Systems (Sensors) test with a TN of 10+(10-system reliability modifier); a +5 TN is added 270

when scanning for things beyond the sensors scanning parameters, including cloaked vessels. A successful recalibration attempt reduces the System Operation test TN by 5 per success level. The attempt requires 1d6 minutes + 1d6 minutes per TL less than 8. Recalibrating sensors does have a downside when scanning for things other than what they were recalibrated for, the test TN increases by amount from recalibration. Restoring sensors to normal operation requires a fullround action.

Vehicle Status
In additional to discovering an opposing vehicles status, a crew can precisely determine information about the ship and its systems. To do so requires a TN 15 System Operation (Sensors) test per primary system (system that have damage tracks) and takes a full-round action each. Essentially a player asks the Narrator a question about the opposing vehicle and for each level of success the Narrator should provide one piece of information about the system or determine the detail of information given. Components to systems or subsystems such as cloaking devices, alternate FTL drives, etc. require their own test. Because the sensors are focused on the opposing vehicle during this time, the next sensors test will has a +5 TN.

Emissions Control (EMCON)

TL 5+ vehicles are very intricate pieces of machinery and it is very rare that a vessel at any great speed will not be emitting some type of radiation. From radio communications to propulsion exhaust, there are many detectable emissions coming from a vehicle. To keep it and the crew safe, many systems need to kept running, but, still, a commander in a tactical situation may wish to control the level of emissions to gain an advantage or to approach undetected it is called Emission Control or EMCON. In the case of cloaked vehicles, these rules dont apply (see Stealth Technology above).

Table 176: EMCON Modifiers

EMCON 1 +15 +10 +5 Emitting Vehicle EMCON 2 EMCON 3 +5 -5 +0 -10 -5 -15 Detecting Vehicle


Under this condition, basic systems are left operational life support, navigational deflectors, and passive sensors while all of the following systems must also be shut down: communications, active sensors, propulsion, weapon systems, and even internal lights at times. This emission level is also known as running silent. In this state, the vehicle can still attempt to detect other ships passively (a task made easier or more difficult by the other ships EMCON level) but its purpose is to primarily disappear electronically and perhaps sneak in on a target.

Under this condition, the vehicle primarily moves no faster than 50% full speed, may use long-range navigational sensors, and a full array of passive sensor systems. Depending on the mission, the commander may order a full active sensor sweep in periodic intervals. It protects the vehicle from any possible obstructions in its path but does not overtly give the vehicles presence away. Even if it is detected at EMCON 2, the momentary sensor reading does not confer enough information about the vehicle to allow an attempt to locate the target or target it. This is the typical condition that vehicles run under when there is no imminent danger or cause for heightened alertness.

Under this condition, the vehicle is running at full active sensors and other radiation. A ship at EMCON 3 is rarely misses detecting another running at a lower EMCON level but they easily giving away their presence by their radiation. This is the typical condition vehicles are at for combat, research, patrol duty, and search-and-rescue missions.


Computer Access & Security
Table 177: Computer Access
Level 1 2 3 4 5 Rank 1 2 3 4 5+ Command 1 1 1 2 2 System Accessed Personal files, shared programs Simple functions (automated transportation) System Component (navigation, stealth device) Primary System (life support, operations) Computer Core TN 10 12 15 20 25 Action Time Rounds Minutes Minutes x5 Minutes x10 Hours

Unlike most privately-owned vehicles (but can be), military vehicles require a sufficient level of clearance to use and manipulate systems via computer access. Table 163 describes what Rank level, Command level, or Computer Use (Hacking) TN is required for accessing the different levels of permission in a computer system. To determine the amount of time required for hacking into particular level, roll 2d6 and the result is modified by the success level of the test (minimum 1): -1 for a Marginal Success, -2 for a Superior Success, -3 for a Superior Success, and half the result (rounded up) for an Extraordinary Success; consult the table for the access levels time increment. Those whom have access to particular levels can further increase its hacking TN with an extended Computer Use (Programming) test, +5 per level of success of the programming test. Once this happens, even if the character normally has access to the level, the new hacking TN must be overcome to gain access to and unlock the system. If a character is not of the vehicles crew or chain of command, he must get permission from the vehicles commander to gain access to security levels greater than 1 and then the granted access level may not exceed his Rank or Command level.

Analyzing New/Alien/Unknown Systems

See the Investigating New/Alien/Unknown Items, Equipment, & Artifacts section in Equipment.

To do this requires that, for TL 5-6 vehicles, the commanders to give the order for this to be done by overloading the propulsion system; computer invasion or sabotage by an enemy could also do this. For TL 7+ vehicles, commanders must make a TN 10 System Operation (Command) test and with at least one other command officer (usually the XO) give special codes to the computer system to initiate the self-destruct sequence and setting a timer; this could also be accomplished by hacking into the computer core. The vehicles officers should have at least Command 1 and Rank 3 to have this capability on a military or military-esque vehicle.

Life Support
Disabling Gravity Generators
This operation applies to space-based vehicles of TL 7+. If the gravity generators go offline due to damage, sabotage, or intentionally, most of the ships crew is effectively disabled. To do so requires Level 4 computer access privileges (see Computer Access & Security above). Everyone concerned has a 7 penalty to physical actions that require normal movement, modified by the Zero-G edge or equipped with magnetic boots or some other device to facilitate normal movement.

Flooding the Vehicle

This operation applies to Size 5+ sea- or space-based vehicles of TL 6+. By manipulating life support functions, a character could flood with a neutralizing agent to subdue invaders or clear of areas of toxins from containment or hull breaches. To do so requires Level 4 computer access privileges (see Computer Access & Security above). Once access has been granted, a System Operation (Medical or Life Support) is required. The TN for the test is as follows: 5 for the entire vehicle, 10 for about 50% of the vehicle, 15 for a specific deck, 20 for a specific section, and 25 for a specific room.

Monitoring Crew
This operation applies to vehicles of TL 8+. When tied in with the sensors, the life support system can monitor the crews vitals. Taking a full-round action, the chief medical officer can monitor a crewmember and see if he has sustained any 272

wounds, suffers from illness, or endures other unusual physical ailments. The success level of a TN 10 System Operation (Medical) test will determine how certain the medical officer is of the current status of a crewmember.

Disrupting a Power Grid
This operation applies to vehicles with beam weapons. By targeting a citys energy production facility or key points in the power network, a space-based vehicle can cause a city-wide blackout. To do so first requires a System Operation (Sensors) test with a TN of 10+(Current TL targets Energy TL) to scan the city with an affinity bonus from Engineering: Systems. To attune and fire the weapon properly requires a TN 25 System Operation (Weapons) test, adding the weapon systems reliability modifier. If the test fails, the weapon fires with no effect.

Planetary Stun
This operation applies to vehicles with phasers. To stun an area equivalent to one city block on the surface of a planet requires a TN 20 System Operation (Weapons) adding in the weapon systems reliability modifier to recalibrate the weapons, taking one round per level of success. If successful, every living being in the area of effect must make a Stamina test against Heavy stun.

Varying Weapon Frequency

This operation applies to vehicles with beam weapons combating vehicles with Hull Polarization or Deflector Shields. By matching the modulation, frequency, and nutation of an energy-based defensive system, a starship crew could recalibrate the vehicles weapons and effectively ignore the opponents defenses. To acquire the opponents shield frequency requires that it either be acquired by hacking into the opponents computer (see Computer Access & Security above), obtain it through infiltrating the crew, or scanning the ship. To obtain the frequency through scanning requires an extended TN 50 + 5*(target vehicles Weapons TL your Weapons TL) System Operation (Sensors) test with each interval in rounds. Once successful, a Fire maneuver is required to attack the opposing vehicle. A successful attack deals damage directly to the hull of the opposing vehicle.

Raising Shields
This operation applies to vehicles with Deflector Shields. Raising shields requires one action and no test is required.

Extending Shields
This operation applies to vehicles with Deflector Shields. A vehicle can extend its shields to protect a number of other vehicles whose total Size equal the vehicle. For each additional vehicle protected in this manner reduces the shields Threshold by 1.

Reinforcing Shields
This operation applies to vehicles with Deflector Shields. Reinforcing shields stops the gradual decline of shield Strength and can only be attempted after the shields have lost Strength. To do so requires a system other than Shields receives one damage voluntarily then making a Engineering: Systems test with a TN of 10+(shield Strength lost/10), rounded up. Add the shield systems reliability modifier to the test result and the amount of Strength restored is 10% per success level. Upon a failed test, the shields take 1 system damage.

Remodulating Shields
This operation applies to vehicles with Deflector Shields. Remodulating shields negates an enemys varied weapons frequency meant to bypass them. To do so requires an extended TN 45 Engineering: Systems (Shields) test. This only works until the enemy varies its weapon frequencies again.

Secondary Systems
This system allows for the transfer of information and communication with other vehicles and such by means of radio waves, laser, subspace, etc. No test is required for normal operation of this system. 273

Jamming Communications
To break through jamming from an enemys ECM to use a radio or sensors, either a System Operation (Communications) test (adding the Operations reliability modifier to the result) or sensor recalibration test is required based on the distance the source of the jamming is from the attempt. If the jamming of the sensors is broken through, the vehicle can use the Weapons Lock maneuver normally. The opponents Operations System or Sensors TL also affects an ECMs effectiveness by adding the result of ECM TL (Operations System or Sensors TL) to the final TN of the appropriate test. For example if the TL 5 Class 4 ECM was attempting to jam the communications of a TL 7 vehicles sensors that are at Short range, the normal TN for the System Operation test would be 16, but since the sensors are more advanced, the final TN would be 14.

Deflector Dish
This device emits waves of force knocking micrometeorites and such aside that would normally damage a vehicle.

Optional: Transporters
As it is virtually instantaneous, those games that use this technology have this as the primary mode of transportation over short distances. Anyone with skill in System Operation can use this device and is TN 5 to use normally, though tests are typically made when there are hazardous conditions that would modify the TN.

Bone Lock
When there are conditions that prevent normal transporter operation, it is possible to lock onto a persons skeleton by detecting the calcium in his bones. This can only be done on a person who has used the vehicles transporters. To do so requires a TN 10 System Operation (Transporters) test. The success of this test will modify the TN for transporting by 5 TN per level of success. If the test fails, the operator cannot lock onto the character. If the operator still attempts to beam the person, the person takes 2d6 damage and remains at his present location. Attempting to get a bone lock on a person can only be done once per situation.

Intraship Transport
Otherwise known as site-to-site transport, this operation can be dangerous as it requires pin-point accuracy, but as technology advances it becomes less hazardous. To do so requires a System Operation (Transporters) test with a TN 20 for TL 7 transporters, TN 15 for TL 8 transporters, and TN 10 for TL 9 transporters. If the test is a Disastrous Failure, the person is immediately reduced to Near Death.

Near-FTL Transport
In times of heightened emergency, a crew may attempt to use the transporters at relativistic speeds. In order to compensate for this, a TN 20 System Operation (Transporters) test is required. As this can be a disconcerting experience, a TN 15 Stamina against Weariness is required; if failed, the person considered Tired.

Transporting Through Shields

When shields are engaged, normal transport is not allowed in or out. But if the matter stream was attenuated to an opposing vehicles shields, transport would be possible (see Varying Weapon Frequency above). A normal transport test is still required.


Table 178: Malfunctions
System Computers Holodeck Life Support Propulsion Sensors Shields Transportation Weapons Optional: Transporters Optional: Replicators Example Gives false data, refuses to follow instructions Cannot leave, safety protocols disabled, program wont end Temperature, humidity, etc. fluctuate wildly Wont stop accelerating, stuck at one speed, wont start Shows images of objects not there, reflections Cannot be activated or deactivated Doors wont open or open and close erratically, lifts trap occupants between decks Capacitors slowly charge to overload, blocked missile tubes Creates duplicates, causes illness, reassembles items incorrectly Produces items not requested or only one thing regardless of request

Table 179: Component Malfunctions

1 2 3 4 5 6 Quantum Molecular Thermal Neutrino Ionic Dekyon Field Reaction Conversion Imaging Flux Polarizing Inducer Displacer Coil Grid Inhibitor Equalizer

Table 180: System Diagnostics
Level 5 4 3 2 1 Bonus --+2 +4 +6 +8 Duration 3 seconds 5 minutes 30 minutes 1 hour 4 hours Description Simple, computer-operated routine operated by characters More comprehensive routine Manual check of systems main components Extensive manual check of systems main and secondary components Taking apart system, component by component, and inspecting each of them

To diagnose a problem with a system requires an extended Engineering or Repair test with the TN set by the Narrator (50, 100, or more) depending on the situation and how difficult the problem is to find. Players must announce which system they are checking each time as they may select a system that isnt a part of the problem and thus waste time. Characters can make system diagnostics with the help of the computer, conferring a bonus to each roll result depending on the level of diagnostic to be performed. If the test is successful, the problem is discovered and can now be repaired. If the test fails, not enough information is given and further tests are required.

To fix malfunctions or repair damage, the TN of the Engineering or Repair test should be based primarily on how long you think it should take for the task to be completed. If you want it resolved quickly, the results could equate to blocks of system damage repaired. But if tension is required, then an extended test should be made with individual components having their own TN to accomplish or an aggregate TN for the entire system. Some possible suggestions are link the difficulty to the TL of the system and/or its reliability: the more relatively advanced and the more reliable the system, the longer it will take to repair.


Outline of Vehicle Combat
1. Establish Initial Range
Vehicle combat begins at the ranges at which one or both vehicles detect the other using their sensors (TN 10 Observe (Spot) test for TL 2-4; TN 10 System Operation (Sensors) test or TL 5+, unless the Narrator rules otherwise. Surprise would take effect if a vehicle detected the other when the reverse is not true.

2. Roll Initiative
Vehicle initiative is a Tactics skill test between the two vehicle commanders; skip this step if surprise in effect.

3. Choose Primary Target

All maneuvers are directed against the primary target.

4. Select Maneuvers and Execute in Order of Initiative

A round in vehicle combat takes 30 seconds. A vehicle can make no more than two combat maneuvers per round. If surprise is in effect, during the first round the surprised vehicle automatically loses initiative and must reveal its first maneuver.

5. Start New Round

Either return to #2 to re-roll initiative (or roll for first time if a vehicle was surprised) and skipping #3, or #4 (Narrators discretion).

The commander of each vehicle rolls a Tactics test to determine initiative and specialties apply the order in which the vehicles act is highest to lowest. Ties are broken in this order: specialty for enemy, comparison of ranks in Tactics skill, largest vehicle, and re-roll Tactics test. Initiative can be performed in one of two ways: roll once to keep same initiative or roll each round. On a Superior Success or better after the surprise round, the opposing primary target must show one maneuver per level of success. This is done only once if initiative is only rolled once. This is performed every round if initiative is determined every round.

In addition to the vehicles maneuvers, the crew of each vehicle has the ability to perform actions as if during normal combat. The crew rolls personal initiative if desired by the Narrator and the actions of all crewmembers are performed during the same initiative as their vehicle. If a crewmember is performing a test for a maneuver, that counts as one action for the crewmember. A land- or sea-based vehicles normal movement (in yards) is speed*2.

Select a primary target for combat maneuvers to affect if there is only one opponent, that vehicle is the primary target. The primary target doesnt change unless a Disengage maneuver is executed. Once the primary target is destroyed or disengages from combat, a new primary target is selected (no test or action is required) before further maneuvers are executed. Multiple vehicles can have one vehicle as its primary target.

Using Combat Maneuvers

Combat maneuvers represent the actions a vehicle performs. Unless otherwise noted, a vehicle cannot perform more than two maneuvers per vehicle combat round. Combat maneuvers require crewmembers to perform tests, costing the crewmember personal combat actions, to execute. There are three types of combat maneuvers: Command, Helm, and Weapons. Helm maneuvers use System Operation (Nav Control) tests to execute. Weapons maneuvers use System Operation (Weapons) tests to execute. Command maneuvers use Tactics tests, with specialties, Narrators discretion. Each maneuver supplies a TN for the required test and effects for success and sometimes for failure.


Attacking & Damage

For Sea-based Vehicles
When an attack maneuver is used, the engine commander makes an Operate Vehicle (specific engine) or other specified test using the appropriate modifiers, if any. If the maneuver is successful, then a location for where the projectile lands is determined by assigning locations per position a value on 1d6 and randomly rolling for the available location: 1-6 for six locations, 1-2/3-4/5-6 for 3 locations, and 1-3/4-6 for two locations. Ballistae are fired from a lower deck, so only the side locations are viable targets. The rudder/prop of a ship is a viable target only when the attacking ship is in position B. Roll the damage (if any) for the type of projectile used for the successful attack and subtract the current Protection value from the rolled damage and apply it to the Structure of the ship. When a level of Structure is removed, determine the system that is damaged. If the location is 7-10, 1d6 crewmen are killed. If a side location suffers 25% Structure damage, a hole forms in the side of the ship and it begins to take on water. When this happens, the ship's movement is reduced by 2 mph every number of rounds equal to its Size and gives a -2 penalty to Command maneuvers until the breach is repaired. If two consecutive side locations (i.e. 2-3, 6-1, etc.) have holes in them, then the ship slows at a rate of 5 mph per round, then begins to sink. Once a ship begins to sink, it will be lost in a Size*2 rounds. Once a ship loses all its Structure, it is destroyed and sinks. If a ship is destroyed in this manner, roll a number of dice equal to the ship's Size to determine many of the crew was killed.

Figure 5: Hit Locations for Size 5+ Sea-based Vehicles

Table 181: Available Locations for Attack, Size 5+

Position A B C D Locations 1, 2, 7-10 3, 4, 7-10 5, 6, 7-10 1, 6-10


Figure 6: Hit Locations for Size 1-4 Sea-based Vehicles

Table 182: Available Locations for Attack, Size 1-4

Position A B C D Locations 1, 5, 6 2, 5, 6 3, 5, 6 4, 5, 6

For All Other Vehicles

Table 183: Success for Vehicle Attacks
Result Less than TN Equal to TN TN +1 to TN +5 TN +6 to TN +10 TN +11 or more Success Level Failure: The attack misses Marginal: Apply damage, but do not reduce shield strength Complete: Apply damage, reduce shield strength 2d6-2% Superior: Apply damage, reduce shield strength 4d6-4% Extraordinary: Apply damage, reduce shield strength 6d6-6%


Table 184: Damaged System

HEAVY/WARSHIPS Result 2-4 5 6-8 9 10-11 12 TANKS 2-4 5-8 9-11 12 OTHER 2-3 4-5 6-8 9-10 11 12 Sensors Weapons Operations Propulsion All Systems All Systems x2 Sensors Weapons Propulsion All Systems System Sensors Weapons Operations Weapons Propulsion All Systems

To attack a vehicle, execute the Fire maneuver and consult Table 167 and Table 151; for TL 2-4 vehicles, roll 1d6, 1-2 Propulsion and 3-6 Bridge. The TN for test is either the vehicles Defense or Protection rating. When a TL 7+ vehicle fires upon another TL 7+ vehicle with a differing Weapons TL, take the difference between the defending vehicles defensive system TL and the firing vehicles weapons system and add it to the firing vehicles beam or missile weapon system level. If a vehicles shields are reduced in strength, apply the effects of strength loss cumulatively. For example, a vehicle suffers 22% damage to the shields a bridge panel would explode, harming a character, and the shields Protection rating would be reduced by 1. When dealing with weapons against vehicles without Hull Polarization or Deflector Shields, deal damage directly to the vehicle minus the protection from the type of Hull Plating on a successful attack. For example, Tank1 fires its Main gun 3 at Tank2 with Class 2 Hull Plating, 15 Structure, E Weapon System, and hitting it. Tank1s round deals 5d6+10 damage (20) minus Tank2s Protection (8), for a total of 12 damage, damaging the Weapons system twice giving the vehicle a 1 penalty Weapons maneuvers and a 2 penalty to the Weapons Lock maneuver. When dealing with weapons against vehicles with Hull Polarization or Deflector Shields, subtract the threshold from the penetration of the weapon fired for damage dealt to the vehicles structure on a successful attack. Once a level or block of structural damage is removed, a primary system takes damage (roll 1d6 or 2d6 and refer to Table 168). Warship1 at Point Blank range fires its TL 8 Level 8 beam weapon (9/8/7/0/0) on Warship2 with TL 9 Class 6 regenerative shields (3 Threshold) and D Weapons system, hitting it with a Superior Success. The effective power of the beam weapon against these shields is Level 7 (8/7/6/0/0). The Superior Success on the attack deals 4d6-4% (16%) damage to the shields, causing a bridge panel to explode, and 5 structural damage. Because a block of damage was removed, a system was damaged as well (9, Weapons) Warship2s weapons have 1 Penetration now. 2d6 (5,5) was rolled for the regenerative shields, regenerating 10% damage back to 94% at the end of the combat round.


Combat maneuvers come in three different tiers reflecting the relative difficulty of executing the maneuver.

Maneuver (Type)
<Descriptive text> Prerequisites: Vehicles: TN: Duration: Effect: Conditions and/or maneuvers that must be met or executed immediately before this maneuver can be executed. Types of vehicles that can execute the maneuver (Air, Land, Sea, Space) Value the test result must equal or surpass to execute this maneuver. How long the effect of the maneuver lasts. The game effects of executing or failing to execute this maneuver.

Tier I
Table 185: Tier I Vehicle Combat Maneuvers
Maneuver Break Lock Close Fire Full Stop Minimal Aspect Open Target Acquisition Under Weigh Type Helm Helm Weapons Helm Helm Helm Weapons Helm

Break Lock (Helm)

The vehicle performs a quick movement to avoid an incoming attack. Prerequisites: Vehicles: TN: Duration: Effect: None Air, Land, Space 10 Instant Allows the vehicle to break an opponent's Target Acquisition. If primary target doesn't have a Target Acquisition, then add +5 to your Protection or Defense instead. This maneuvers effects only pertain to this ship's primary target; thus only one opposing ship in combat.

Close (Helm)
The vehicle closes the distance between it and an opposing vehicle, often to bring its weapons into more effective range. Prerequisites: Vehicles: TN: Duration: Effect: Cannot be used after Evasive Attack, Fast Attack, Full Stop, or Mirror Image Air, Land, Sea, Space 10 Instant Decreases range by 1 increment per level of success (air and space combat). Decreases range by normal movement for a Marginal or Complete Success, 1.5 * normal movement for a Superior Success, and 2 * normal movement for an Extraordinary Success (land and sea combat). You may choose to decrease the increment indicated by the test result.

Fire (Weapons)
The basic attack command; the vehicle fires its weapons (main gun, missiles, beam weapon, etc.). Prerequisites: Vehicles: TN: Duration: Cannot be used after Evasive Attack, Fast Attack, or Z-Axis Air, Land, Sea, Space Targets Protection or Defense Instant 280


The ship fires one weapon system at its primary target or a siege weapon fires one projectile.

Full Stop (Helm)

The vehicle comes to a full stop, making it essentially an immobile weapons platform. It sacrifices its mobility and increases its likelihood of being attacked while improving its chance to make a successful attack. Prerequisites: Vehicles: TN: Duration: Effect: Cannot be used after Evasive Attack or Fast Attack Land, Sea, Space None Until another Helm maneuver is initiated. Grants a +5 bonus to Operate Vehicle (specific engine) or System Operation (Weapons) tests and reduces Protection or Defense by 5.

Minimal Aspect (Helm)

The vehicle performs a series of maneuvers to make it harder to hit. Prerequisites: Vehicles: TN: Duration: Effect: None Air, Land, Sea, Space 10 Instant Allows a vehicle to break an opponent's target lock. If primary target doesn't have Target Acquisition, then add +2 to your Protection or Defense instead. This maneuver effects all opposing vehicles in combat which designate the acting vehicle as it primary target.

Open (Helm)
The vehicle opens its distance between it and the opposition, making attacks against it less effective and/or to leave combat. Prerequisites: Vehicles: TN: Duration: Effect: None Air, Land, Sea, Space 10 Instant Increases range by 1 per level of success. You may choose to lessen the range increase indicated by the test result. Vehicles that have moved beyond Extended +4 are considered outside combat range and to have fled.

Target Acquisition (Weapons)

The weapons officer or siege weapons commander locks weapons/aims at an opposing vehicle. Prerequisites: Vehicles: TN: Duration: Effect: None Air, Land, Sea, Space Target's Protection or Defense Until broken by another maneuver. Allows vehicle to perform more complicated maneuvers. Grants a +3 bonus to all tests against the opposing vehicle. The maneuver lasts until broken by an opposing vehicles maneuver.

Under Weigh (Helm)

The vehicle begins moving as instructed by the helm. Prerequisites: Vehicles: Duration: TN: Effect: Full Stop Sea Until another Helm maneuver is executed. None The ship begins to move. It will take a number of rounds equal to its size to get up to cruising speed (3/4 maximum speed). The time is reduced by 1 round for a Superior Success and 2 rounds for an Extraordinary Success.


Tier II
Table 186: Tier II Vehicle Combat Maneuvers
Maneuver Disengage Full Spread Hard About Hawks Turn Match Speed Multifire Multiweapon Ramming Speed Scorpion Evasive Target System Z-Axis Type Helm Weapons Helm Helm Helm Weapons Weapons Helm Helm Weapons Helm

Disengage (Helm)
The vehicle disengages from battle entirely, either running away or to change targets. Prerequisites: Vehicles: TN: Duration: Effect: None Air, Land, Sea, Space 10 +5/opponent claiming acting vehicle as primary target Instant No test necessary if changing primary targets. Failure indicates another vehicle was blocking your path or it is in close pursuit. In any case, the vehicle has its Protection or Defense reduced by -5.

Full Spread (Weapons)

The vehicle fires several weapons at once in a screen to increase the chance of hitting, but at the sacrifice of accuracy. Prerequisites: Vehicles: TN: Duration: Effect: Cannot be used after Evasive Attack, Fast Attack, or Z-Axis Air (dropping bombs only), Land, Sea (TL 5+), Space Targets Protection or Defense +5 Instant Choose one weapon system (phasers, disruptors, etc.) or all siege weapons that are bearing on the primary target. Grants a +3 bonus to attack for every -1 (max -3) the weapons officer or siege engine commander applies to the weapon's Penetration/damage. This is considered a Command combat maneuver for sea-based vehicles.

Hard About (Helm)

A more difficult maneuver than Break Lock, the vehicle makes a sudden turn to improve its position or to avoid attack. Prerequisites: Vehicles: TN: Duration: Effect: None Air, Land, Sea, Space 15 or 10 + Speed (for land- and sea-based vehicles) Instant Same as Break Lock in addition to 1 range increment from primary target.

Hawks Turn (Helm)

A very sharp, sustained turn or loop that results in the hunter becoming the hunted. Prerequisites: Vehicles: TN: Duration: Effect: Close, Hard About Air, Space 15 Special All opponents designating the acting vehicle as their primary target suffer a -5 bonus to their next Helm and Weapons maneuvers. The acting vehicle automatically Close (free) with their primary target by 1 range increment. 282

Match Speed (Helm)

The vehicle matches speed relative to its primary target allowing for the use of more complicated maneuvers and makes the target easier to hit. Prerequisites: Vehicles: TN: Duration: Effect: Cannot be used after Fast Attack or Z-Axis Air, Land, Sea, Space Target's Protection or Defense +5 Until range changes Grants +5 bonus to Operate Vehicle (specific engine) or System Operation (Weapons) for the Fire, Multifire, or Multiweapon maneuvers.

Multifire (Weapons)
The vehicle fires one weapon system or all siege weapons at multiple targets. Prerequisites: Vehicles: TN: Duration: Effect: All targets must be in the same range increment. Land, Sea, Space ((Sum of each target's protection) +3)/number of opponents Instant The weapons officer (or commanding officer for sailing vessels) chooses the weapon system (if applicable) and the order in which the targets will be fired upon. Use the listed TN above for each attack and all attacks after the primary target have a 3 cumulative penalty.

Multiweapon (Weapons)
The vehicle fires two or more weapons at a target. Prerequisites: Vehicles: TN: Duration: Effect: Vehicle must have two or more weapons or types of weapons; Target Acquisition Land, Sea, Space Target's Protection or Defense +10 Instant Either all siege weapons are commanded to fire simultaneously on the same target or add together the offensive values from all weapons used to generate a combined Penetration value.

Ramming Speed (Helm)

In a last ditch effort to stop the enemy no matter what the cost, the vehicle rams into the opposing vessel. Although this sacrifices both the vehicle and crew, it usually destroys the opposing vehicle. Prerequisites: Vehicles: TN: Duration: Effect: Point Blank range or <200 yards at full speed for sailing vessels; Cannot be used while at Full Stop Air, Land, Sea, Space Target's Protection or Defense opposing vehicles Size Instant The ramming vehicle does damage equal to its current Structure + current shield Strength/10 (rounded up) or Structure + (maximum Speed targets speed).

Scorpion Evasive (Helm)

A vehicle performing this maneuver conducts evasive maneuvers very close to an opposing vehicle hoping that the enemy fire will hit it. Prerequisites: Vehicles: TN: Duration: Effect: Point Blank range or <25 yards from target; Cannot be used at Full Stop Air, Land, Sea, Space 20 Instant Increases the acting vehicles Protection or Defense by +5. If enemy fire targeted at the acting vehicle would hit it without the bonus, hits the target ship instead and resolve damage as normal. In addition, the weapons officer can make a free Fire maneuver given that he has an action to spare (not applicable to air-based vehicles).


Target System (Weapons)

The weapons officer targets a specific system on an opposing vehicle in the hopes of disabling it. Prerequisites: Vehicles: TN: Duration: Effect: Lock On Air (not against air-based vehicles), Land, Sea, Space Target's Protection or Defense +10 Instant Apply damage directly to the targeted system; for every 3 points of damage in excess of the vehicles Threshold or 5 points of damage in excess of vehicles Hull Plating Protection, mark off 1 box on the system's damage track.

Z-Axis (Helm)
The vehicle takes advantage of the three-dimensional nature of space to get a better position or move out of danger. Prerequisites: Vehicles: TN: Duration: Effect: Air-based vehicles must have the Thrust-vectoring component Air, Space 15 Instant Grants a +5 bonus to the next Helm maneuver; if the next maneuver isn't a Helm maneuver, the bonus is lost. Also grants the choice to decrease range to opponent by 1 increment or Break Lock maneuver; choice to be made before skill test is made.

Tier III
Table 187: Tier III Vehicle Combat Maneuvers
Maneuver Evasive Attack Fast Attack Full Attack Hook & Worm Lightning Rod Mirror Image Rapid Deceleration Scoop & Dump Slingshot Effect Veiled Attack Type Command Command Command Command Command Command Command Command Command Command

Evasive Attack (Command)

The vehicle performs an unexpected evasive maneuver while attacking. Prerequisites: Vehicles: TN: Duration: Effect: Break Lock and Close or Hard About Air, Land, Sea, Space 20 Special Increases range of vehicle to primary target by 1 increment, grants a +10 bonus to the next Helm maneuver, and grants the weapons officer a free Fire maneuver. The maneuver bonus is lost when the target takes its next action.

Fast Attack (Command)

The vehicle rapidly closes the distance to an opponent and speeds past him, firing weapons throughout the strafing run. Prerequisites: Vehicles: TN: Duration: Effect: Close by two range increments in one maneuver Air, Land, Sea, Space 15 Instant Allows the acting vehicle a free Multiweapon or Full Spread maneuver and increases range to opponent by 2 increments. The weapons officer must have an individual action available to take advantage of the chosen maneuver, making the test as normal. 284

Full Attack (Command)

The vehicle lays down a withering hail of fire, attacking with all weapons at multiple targets. Prerequisites: Vehicles: TN: Duration: Effect: Target Acquisition, Match Speed, Point Blank or Short range Land, Sea, Space 25 Instant Grants free Multiweapon and Multifire maneuvers. The weapons officer (or commanding officer of sailing vessels) declares the order that the opposing ships will be fired upon, starting with the primary target, including the weapon systems being used. The attack TN equals the target's Protection or Defense +5 for each attack; a failed test doesn't halt the chain of attacks. Apply damage for each individual attack, using the combined Penetration value for the weapons used once per hit.

Hook & Worm (Command)

This maneuver is potentially quite hazardous as the ship is brought to a full stop from speed and turned to give a broadside by dropping its anchor in the shallows, hoping it will catch and hold. Prerequisites: Vehicles: Duration: TN: Effect: Opposing vessel greater than Point Blank range to acting vessel's stern, Match Speed Sea (sailing vessel only) Instant 20 This maneuver can only be done where the water is shallow enough to drop anchor. A Failure or Complete Failure doesnt turn the vehicle in time to execute the free maneuver and Disastrous Failure will cause the anchor's rope or chain to break. If the rope or chain didn't break, the ship is brought to a Full Stop and turned either right or left (depending on the side of the anchor). The primary target has 5 Defense for the rest of the round and all siege engine commanders poised and in range are granted a free Fire maneuver, provided they have an action to spare.

Lightning Rod (Command)

This maneuver uses the hull of the acting space-based vehicle to absorb the discharge from an ion storm and redirect it through its main deflector as a coherent energy beam. Prerequisites: Vehicles: TN: Duration: Effect: Full Stop; requires an ion storm within Point Blank range Space 25 Instant An immediate Multifire action is made for free against all enemy vessels in range. A successful hit inflicts the ion storm's rating * 5 in penetration to the enemy vessel and burns out the acting ship's main deflector. In the case of level 6 or stronger storms, also apply the storm's damage to the acting vessel's structure, even if not inside the storm.

Mirror Image (Command)

This maneuver takes advantage of the relativistic time dilation by using a short warp jump to appear in two places at once and then fire on the opponent. Prerequisites: Vehicles: TN: Duration: Effect: Close, Lock On; Vehicle must have FTL propulsion Space 25 Instant Due to the light image generated by the microjump, the ship is granted a +5 bonus to protection for the rest of the round. Grants +1 tactical maneuver and the weapons officer must have an available action to use and make the proper skill test.


Rapid Deceleration (Command)

The vehicle steps on the breaks just short of stopping or stalling, causing an opposing vehicle to move past it. Prerequisites: Vehicles: TN: Duration: Effect: Break Lock or target is < 50 yards behind the land-based vehicle or sailing vessel, Match Speed Air, Land, Sea, Space 15 Special Grants a +5 bonus to Protection or Defense from the target vehicle for the rest of the round. Grants +1 tactical maneuver this round, though it still costs the weapons officer one of his actions to perform the maneuver. Automatically increases distance between the vehicle and its primary target by 1 range increment.

Scoop & Dump (Command)

This maneuver is very difficult and dangerous in that it requires the availability of nebular gases to use as a last-ditch weapon. Prerequisites: Vehicles: TN: Duration: Effect: Vehicle must have FTL propulsion, Disengage, Point Blank to Short range with opponent and nebula Space 20 1 round After the reactive gases are collected through the ion collectors of the FTL drive, they are vented into the wake of the acting vehicle, leading the targets into a cloud of explosive gas. The gas is then ignited (no test required), surrounding the enemy vehicles. All enemies in range take 2d6+5 points of structural damage with shields offer no protection. If unsuccessful, the enemy vehicles escape the explosion.

Slingshot Effect (Command)

The vehicle attempts to slingshot itself around a star in to achieve enough velocity to break the temporal barrier. Prerequisites: Vehicles: TN: Duration: Effect: ***Narrators discretion*** Disengage, high-speed FTL propulsion Space 25 Instant The exact details of this are classified, but should the commander make the necessary calculations, the maneuver allows the vehicle to slingshot through time. On a failure, the vehicle arrives 1d6 days early or late per point of difference from the TN. If a complete failure should occur, the discrepancy is measured in years. On a disastrous failure, the ship doesn't time travel, but jumps into another quantum reality (alternate universe).

Veiled Attack (Command)

The acting vessel closes cloaked, decloaks, and performs a strafing attack on the opposing vessel before it can defend itself. For land-based vehicles and sailing vessels, the acting vessel is hiding, cloaked in fog or smoke, and reappears to perform the strafing attack. Prerequisites: Vehicles: TN: Duration: Effect: Must Close by two range increments in one maneuver while cloaked and fog or smoke for land-based vehicles and sailing vessels plus an Observe (Spot) test with TN 17 opposing vehicles Size Land, Sea, Space 15 Instant This maneuver allows the acting vessel to swiftly decloak or leave the fog bank and strike its target, achieving a free Multiweapon (Multifire for sailing vessels) maneuver and reducing the target's range to either Point Blank or Close. The weapons officer must have an individual action available to use the Multiweapon maneuver, and must make a skill test as normal. If this maneuver fails, the ship drops its cloak or is now visible outside the fog bank but is unable to bring its weapons to bear, and its shields remain down until the next round.


Siege Weapons
Range modifiers apply to siege weapon attack tests same as all other primitive ranged weapons. Warships purchase siege weapons at -2 Space and ammo at -1 Space. Damage dealt by siege weapons is damage applied to structures; remember the conversion of 1 Structure damage = 10 PC damage. Rate of Fire refers to rounds in terms of vehicle combat (30 seconds). Craft: Stonecraft is a potent skill for primitive siege battles. A TN 10 Craft: Stonecraft (Fortification) can increase the Protection of a wall, fortress, etc. by +1 per level of success greater than Marginal. Once a character successfully makes modifications to a specific structure, he cannot further improve it until he gains another rank in the skill. The same test can be used to help destroy a structure by granting the same bonus to either the siege weapons commander or units leader for making Operate Vehicle or Leadership tests for the Attack maneuver.

TL 2 Weapons
Ballistae are gigantic crossbows that fire missiles the size of harpoons to tree trunks. Large Ballistae cannot use Small Ballistae ammunition.

Table 188: Ballistae

Crew Range Space Protection Structure Rate of Fire Size Small 5 10/30/75/150 10 5 10 Every 3 rounds 2 Large 7 15/40/100/200 15 7 15 Every 4 rounds 3

These are two large metal balls held together by a 5- to 10-foot chain and, when launched, they come out as spinning death and destruction with the ability to snap an opposing ships mast like a twig. If a man stood in its path, he would be instantly killed. Damage: Space: 3d6 1 per 5

Grappling Hook
These projectiles are used either to aid in the scaling of walls or for grabbing a hold of an opposing ship so it cant escape. Damage: Space: See Metal or Metal-tipped Bolts 1 per 1 (Large), 1 per 2 (Small)

Metal or Metal-tipped Bolts

These projectiles look like enormous crossbow bolts. Damage: Space: 2d6 (Small), 3d6+3 (Large); ignore 1 Protection per level of success of attack against wooden targets 1 per 2 (Large), 1 per 3 (Small)


Wooden Bolts
These projectiles look like enormous crossbow bolts. Damage: Space: 1d6+3 (Small), 3d6 (Large) 1 per 2 (Large), 1 per 3 (Small)

Catapults are large contraptions that look like a spoon that is pulled back so that the elasticity of the wooden beam or a counterweight is used to propel a projectile. Large Catapults can use Small ammunition, using the Large Catapult's range but Small Catapults ammunition damage.

Table 189: Catapults

Crew Range Space Protection Structure Rate of Fire Size Small 3 15/60/150/250 5 3 5 Every 2 rounds 1 Large 5 20/80/200/400 10 5 10 Every 3 rounds 2

Fire Pots
These projectiles are clay or simple stonework pots that are filled with oil or other flammable substances and break upon impact spreading their flammable fluid everywhere. Damage: Space: 1 Structure; spreads fire out to a 5-foot radius that deals damage as a campfire (Small) or out to a 10-foot radius that deals damage as a bonfire (see Table 68) and sets all flammable items in radius aflame 1 per 4 (Small), 1 per 3 (Large)

Metal Shot
These projectiles are very large balls of metal. Damage: Space: 1d6+2 (Small), 2d6+4 (Large) 1 per 4 (Small), 1 per 3 (Large)

These projectiles are very large chucks of rock that are vaguely round. Damage: Space: 1d6 (Small), 2d6 (Large) 1 per 4 (Small), 1 per 3 (Large)


TL 3-4 Weapons
All cannons listed can be used as point defenses for ports-of-call, military installations, and wheeled upon the ground with infantry and cavalry.

Table 190: Cannons

Space Damage Range Protection Structure Ammunition Rate of Fire Size Mini 3s 1 1d6+2 5/15/25/50/+10 2 2 20 per 1 Space Every other round 1 Mid 5s 3 2d6+2 10/20/40/75/+15 2 3 10 per 1 Space Every 3 rounds 1 Heavy 7s 4 3d6+3 15/25/50/100/+20 3 4 5 per 1 Space Every 3 rounds 2 Long 9s 5 2d6+4 25/50/75/150/+25 3 5 5 per 1 Space Every 3 rounds 2

Long 9s
This type of cannon has a very long barrel to it, allowing more accurate shots at long range than the Heavy 7s. Though it has a 9 cannonball, it deals less damage than the Heavy 7s due to its normal use at long-range.

Heavy 7's
This type of cannon is the mainstay of a heavy naval warship and is primarily used for the usual strafing and open broadside attacks. It makes up for its inaccuracy at long distances with shear brute force.

Mid 5's
This type of cannon is the most common, found on almost all ships and ground forces used in militaries.

Mini 3's
This type of cannon is usually found aboard ships and aboard wagons for repelling invaders/boarders.

Usable only by Heavy 7s or Mid 5s. Has the same properties as those fired by Ballistae except damage is dealt per the cannons typical damage +3.

The typical cannonball, see the weapons description for damage when using this projectile.

Table 191: Types of Doors
Type Wooden Weak Average Strong Metal Weak Average Strong Stone Weak Average Strong Protection 1 2 4 1 3 5 1 3 5 Structure 1 3 4 2 4 6 2 5 7


Table 192: Types of Gates and Bridges

Type Weak Average Strong Very Strong Protection 1 2-3 4-5 6-8 Structure 1-2 3-5 4-7 6-9

Table 193: Types of Towers

Type Weak Average Strong Very Strong Protection 3 4-6 5-8 8-10 Structure 10-60 50-100 75-125 100-150

Table 194: Types of Walls

Type Weak Average Strong Very Strong Protection 1-2 3-6 6-8 8-10 Structure 2-6 5-10 8-15 10-20

Table 195: Sample Locks

Locks Latch Lock, poor Lock, average Lock, good Lock, amazing Bar, thin* Bar, thick* Lockpicking TN 10 10 15 20 25 ----Protection Bonus +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +1 +3

* - Bars made of metal receive an additional +2 bonus for Protection.

Heroes in Battles
Table 196: PC Battle Location
Result (2d6) 2-4 5-8 9-12 Location Outskirts Thick of Battle Heart of Battle Modifier +1 +2 +3


Table 197: Hero Combat

Result (2d6) 3-4 5-8 9-11 Effect Normal Battle: Nothing noteworthy happens. The character suffers 1d6 x -d6 damage, minus AR. Furious Battle: The character suffers 1d6 x d6 damage, minus AR. Deadly Combat: The character meets up with a powerful foe and must engage in personal combat; resolve normally. For a quick resolution, each combatant rolls 2d6 + number of Courage points with the highest total winning yet suffering 2d6 x 1d6 damage, minus AR. Valorous Deed: The character has the chance to accomplish something bold, noteworthy, or heroic breaking the enemy lines, capturing an enemy banner, rescuing a comrade, etc. This may or may not involve combat. The deed is at the Narrators discretion. Typically, PCs shouldnt have more than one or two chances at Valorous Deeds in a single days battle.


To determine a PCs involvement in a battle per round of combat, the player rolls 2d6 on Table 191, then 2d6 + location modifier on Table 192.

Fast-Play Rules
Table 198: Battle Resolution
Condition Victory! Winning Turning the Tide Advantage Even Losing Succumbing Routed Modifier End of Battle +3 +2 +1 0 -1 -2 -3 End of Battle Losses 5% 5% 5% 10% None 10% 15% 20% 25%

Rounds are in increments of 15 minutes, not 6 seconds or 30 seconds like in melee or vehicle combat. The Narrator decides the starting relative strength of the forces at any position between Winning and Routed on Table 187 and the primary targets of each force; no losses are subtracted at this point. For each round, the Narrator rolls, for each side, 2d6 + sides battle condition modifier + force commanders Tactics skill bonus. If the forces test result is greater than that of its primary target, it moves up one level. If the forces test result is less than those forces that considered it their primary target, it moves down one level per force it loses to. On a tie, nothing happens. Losses are determined by who won the round of combat and the units position on the Battle Resolution Table at the end of the round. The process starts over and continues until either the PCs or enemy forces win, retreat, or are destroyed.

Unit Combat
Ive re-tooled the unit combat concept from what is in The Lord of the Rings RPG to play more like that of vehicle combat. The rules for heroes in battles (see above) can still be used in concert with these rules.

Attributes of a Unit
For Strength, Toughness, Mobility, and Morale, give these values an attribute modifier just like PCs.

Race denotes the race of the members of the unit. Mixed refers to multiple races within the unit.

Size denotes the number of people or siege weapons in the unit. Units of people can be of any size, but a size of 10, 100, 1000, or multiples thereof make math easier. For units comprised of siege weapons, Size equals the sum of the sizes of the individual weapons.

Type denotes the role the unit has: Cavalry, Infantry, Archers, or Siege Weapons.



Strength denotes the relative capacity for the unit to damage another. Strength = average Racial bonus to Strength + average Weapon Value + Mounted bonus Weapon Value refers to the sum of the number of dice rolled for damage + weapons damage bonus. For example, a longsword deals 2d6+4 damage, so its weapon value is 2+4=6. A siege weapons weapon value is determined in the same way, but remember to covert its damage to the equivalent character damage first. For example, a unit of large catapults firing metal shot deals 2d6+4 damage, so it has a PC-equivalent damage of 20d6+40 for a Weapon value of 60. Cavalry units get a bonus for being mounted (Mounted bonus) depending on the majority of the type of mount: 2 Horse, 3 War-horse, 4 Elven-steed, 5 Mearas or Hellhawk. Siege weapon units do not apply the Racial or Mounted bonus to Strength.

Range denotes a radius around the unit at which it can attack other units by the use of bows or siege weapons. Use the maximum or Extended +2 range for the threat radius.

Toughness denotes how difficult it is for another unit to damage it. Toughness = 5 + average Racial bonus to Vitality + average AR due to armor + average parry bonus Toughness = 5 + Protection (siege weapon units) For Cavalry, use the mounts armor AR if it is higher than the riders. If the unit is in a fortified position like upon a wall or the like, it adds half the fortifications Protection to its Toughness.

Mobility denotes, relatively, how quick a unit is able to respond to commands and to move across open terrain. Mobility = 10 + average Racial bonus to Agility + Mounted bonus Armor penalty (if applicable) Mobility = 5 + Weapon type bonus Weapon size penalty (siege weapon units) Weapon type bonus is 2 for ballistae and 1 for catapults. Weapon size penalty is 1 for small and 2 for large. There is a 2 penalty for wearing hauberks of armor, excluding leather. The armor penalty only applies to mounted units if the mounts have their own armor (always considered a hauberk).

Leadership denotes the unit leaders Tactics bonus, not including specialties.

Specialties denotes specialties that could be used to modify the Leadership tests for maneuvers.

Morale denotes a units sense of purpose, willingness to fight, bravery, etc. Morale = Leadership/2 + Size/10 For siege weapon units, do not divide the Size by 10.


Combat Sequence
1. Initial Condition
Table 199: Establishing Initial Condition
Unit is larger than opponent by 10% 25% 50% 100%+ Human Narrators discretion for other races 1-3 4-6 7-9 10+ Archers Cavalry Infantry Siege weapon +1 to +3 +4 to +6 +7 to +9 +10 or greater 1 2 4 8 0 --1 2 3 5 0/1/2/0* 2/0/1/1 2/1/0/2 3/1/2/0 1 2 3 5

Units race is Unit has greater Mobility by

Unit type is

Units leader has greater leadership by

* - Attacking Archers/Cavalry/Infantry/Siege weapon. To establish a units initial condition, compare its attributes to those of the opponent on Table 187 and sum all the applicable values. For every 3 points difference between the two units totals, increase/decrease the units position on Table 187 (no losses are taken at this time). Multiply a siege weapons Size by 10 to compare it against an Archer, Cavalry, or Infantry unit.

2. Initial Range
By establishing range, this determines how far a unit would need to travel to engage the enemy as well as the threat area from ranged attacks of archers and siege weapons. To determine the point when a unit notices another, each leader must make a TN 10 Observe (Spot) test; if a unit is hiding, then the test would be equal to the units Stealth (Hide) result. There are modifiers due to distance, size, surrounding environment, and weather conditions (see Physical Test penalties in System Rules section). If one succeeds and the other doesnt, he may make a free Mass Combat maneuver before initiative.

Table 200: Modifiers for Spotting Opposing Units

DISTANCE Type Every 1000 yards (rounded up) ENVIRONMENT Desert, Open Water, Tundra Plains Forest Mountains Jungle Urban SIZE Every 10 members (rounded up) Every siege weapon -1 -2 Modifier +2

+2 +4 +6 +8 +4 to +8


3. Combat
Each unit selects one combat maneuver. Each unit leader now rolls a Leadership test for initiative; the winner decides to either go first or look at the opposing units maneuver and go second. A Leadership test is 2d6 + Leadership bonus + Table 187 modifier. To perform a Mass Combat maneuver (unless otherwise specified), the unit leader makes a Leadership test plus a specialty bonus if the leader has any of the specialties listed by the maneuver.

4. New Condition
Compare the success level of the Leadership tests from the maneuvers performed. If both units have successes, then the unit with the greater success goes up one level on Table 187. If a unit has a success and the other has a failure, the successful one goes up a level and the one with the failure goes down a level. If both fail, the one with the worst failure goes down a level. If both units have the same success or failure, then it is a tie and both remain at their current level on Table 187. For maneuvers that give free maneuvers upon success, compare only the parent maneuvers success level with that of its opponents maneuver success level.

5. Losses
When in combat, regardless of who won a round, both sides take losses. The rounds winner suffers losses equal to the percentage listed at its current level on Table 187. For the rounds loser: Losses = Current levels percentage + opposing units Size/10 + opposing units Strength modifier losing units Toughness. Opposing units Size is the value at the beginning of the combat round and do not divide a siege weapon units Size by 10. If there is a tie, both units suffer losses equal to the percentage listed at its current level on Table 187. Losses can be reduced depending on the units maneuver test success (even if the unit lost the round) 25% for a Superior Success and 50% on an Extraordinary Success (rounded up). The amount of damage siege weapons can suffer before becoming useless or destroyed is the weapons size*10%. So if a unit of 5 large catapults (20% each) suffers 25% damage, one catapult is lost and another is dealt 5% damage.

6. Repeat
Go back to step 3 until battle is resolved. Going back to step 2 or 1 may be necessary if engaging a new unit.

When a units attribute modifier is asked for, treat it as if it were a PC attribute and obtain the modifier from Table 5.

<Descriptive text> Units: Prerequisites: TN: Specialties: Effect: Types of units that can perform the maneuver: Archers, Cavalry, Infantry, Siege Weapons, Any Conditions and/or maneuvers that must be met or executed immediately before this maneuver can be executed. Value the test result must equal or surpass to execute this maneuver. Specialties applicable to modifying the Leadership test to perform the maneuver. The game effects of executing or failing to execute this maneuver.

The unit engages another in combat. Units: Prerequisites: TN: Specialties: Effect: Any Must be adjacent to opposing unit (Cavalry or Infantry) or opposing unit must within the attacking units range (Archers or Siege weapons) Opposing units Toughness None Unit attacks opposing unit in melee or at range. Archer and Siege Weapon units have a 5 penalty to the Leadership tests when attacking an adjacent opposing unit.


The unit reinforces itself by putting all members out to defend the perimeter of the unit from an attack in any direction. Units: Prerequisites: TN: Specialties: Effect: Infantry, Archers None 10 Defense Reduces the amount of losses to unit by 1% per level of success and 2% when performed in response to an Envelop maneuver. This maneuver also reduces the amount of damage the unit can do to an adjacent unit to 50% of normal.

The unit rushes forward to meet an opposing unit in combat. Units: Prerequisites: TN: Specialties: Effect: Cavalry, Infantry Opposing unit must be within the attacking units range of movement Opposing units Toughness + Mobility modifier Specific Unit Leadership The unit makes a Move maneuver without a test and gains a free Attack maneuver using the TN above. On a successful attack, the unit deals an extra 5% damage per level of success to the opposing unit.

Coordinated Strike
Two or more units apply their force against one opposing unit. Units: Prerequisites: TN: Specialties: Effect: Any Opposing unit must be within range of attack or adjacent to two or more attacking units Opposing units Toughness + 5 Specific Unit Leadership Each unit makes a Leadership test against the opposing unit. If both tests are successful, each unit deals 125% normal damage.

Display of Might
The unit leader rallies his unit in a display of might with the intent of instilling fear in an opposing unit. Units: Prerequisites: TN: Specialties: Effect: Any Opposing unit must be adjacent to attacking unit. Opposing units Morale N/A Unit leader makes an Intimidate (Power or Fear) test against an opposing unit and a free Attack maneuver. The opposing units Size is reduced by 5% for a Marginal Success, 10% for a Complete Success, 15% for a Superior Success, or 25% for an Extraordinary Success (plus any losses incurred from the attack). Depending on the display via role-playing, the Narrator may choose to increase or decrease the number of deserters from the opposing unit. The opposing units leader can attempt an opposed Inspire test for free to reduce the number of deserters by 5% per level of success.

The units spirits are lifted by leader, thereby enhancing its prowess. Units: Prerequisites: TN: Specialties: Effect: Any Unit must have gone up one level on Table 187. Units Morale + percentage of losses/10 N/A The units leader performs an Inspire test. Select a maneuver except Spirited Engagement and perform it for free, adding the units Morale modifier to its Leadership test if the Inspire test is successful.


The unit surrounds and attacks an opposing unit. Units: Prerequisites: TN: Specialties: Effect: Archers, Cavalry, Infantry Split, Move 20 or Opposing units Mobility +10 Specific Unit Leadership The unit fully encompasses the opposing unit, cutting off all means of escape. This maneuver prevents the opposing unit of performing a Retreat maneuver and grants a free Attack maneuver with a +2 bonus per level of success. A failed attempt increases the units losses by 2% per level of failure.

Evading Attack
The unit can attack while evading direct contact with an opposing unit. Units: Prerequisites: TN: Specialties: Effect: Archers, Siege Weapons Not adjacent to opposing unit. Opposing Units Mobility + Toughness modifier + 5 Specific Unit Leadership or Specific Siege Weapon or Defense The unit is able to move have its normal movement based on Mobility while attacking a unit in range; damage is 50% normal.

Hold Your Ground

The unit prepares for an opposing units attack Units: Prerequisites: TN: Specialties: Effect: Infantry Cannot be performed while engaged with an adjacent enemy unit. Opposing units Strength +10 Defense The unit quickly digs in, preparing for an opposing units Charge or Wedge maneuver. On a successful Leadership test, reduce the losses to the unit by 3% damage per level of success. This maneuver can be performed in successive rounds for and additional reduction of losses of 1% damage per level of success (the damage reduction stops accumulating if maneuver is performed for more than 5 rounds). If failures occur in rounds after the initial round, damage negated is 2% per level of failure. Double the damage reduction if opposing unit just makes an Attack maneuver. The effects of this maneuver last unit the unit is attacked. For example, an Infantry unit performs Hold Your Ground for 3 rounds waiting for a charge from a Cavalry unit (Round #1 Marginal Success, Round #2 Superior Success, and Round #3 Complete Success). When the Cavalry unit attacks in the 3rd round, the damage it does is negated by 8% (3% + 3% +2%).

The unit moves in a direction determined by the unit leader. Units: Prerequisites: TN: Specialties: Effect: Any None 10 Specific Unit Leadership or Specific Siege Weapon The unit moves as directed by the unit leader, typically to engage an enemy. A unit can move a distance in yards equal to its (Mobility Terrain modifiers)*100. On a Superior Success, the unit moves an additional Mobility modifier*100 yards and double that for an Extraordinary Success.


Due either tactical reasons or because of an eminent rout, the unit is directed to leave the field of battle as fast as it can. Units: Prerequisites: TN: Specialties: Effect: Any None Opposing units Mobility Defense The unit disengages from fighting and moves in a direction dictated by the unit leader, moving at a pace 1.5 times normal. If successful, the unit doesnt move up or down levels on Table 187 but the battle is over and it suffers 10% losses 2% for every level of success greater than Marginal if engaged with an adjacent opposing unit. The opposing unit does not suffer losses if this maneuver is performed.

The unit divides itself into two smaller divisions. Units: Prerequisites: TN: Specialties: Effect: Archers, Cavalry, Infantry None 15 or Opposing units Mobility +5 Specific Unit Leadership or Defense The unit divides into two parts of approximately the same size. If this maneuver is performed successfully in response to a Charge or Wedge maneuver, reduce losses by 2% per level of success.

Spirited Engagement
A leader gives a rallying cry to his troops to increase their effectiveness in battle. Units: Prerequisites: TN: Specialties: Effect: Any None Units Morale + percentage of losses/10 Specific Unit Leadership or Specific Siege Weapon The result of the Leadership test is the units new Morale score for the rest of the round and the unit gains a free Attack maneuver; adds in its Morale modifier when calculating enemy losses.

The unit bears down on an opposing unit in a spear-like formation with the intent of dividing the unit. Units: Prerequisites: TN: Specialties: Effect: Cavalry, Infantry Move Opposing Units Toughness + Mobility modifier + 5 Specific Unit Leadership The unit forms an inverted V with the point aimed towards the opposing unit. The unit inflicts an additional 2% damage per level of success. On a Superior Success or better, the unit can perform a free Split maneuver to divide both units into two (each leader decides Size of each resulting unit).

The unit turns its attacking face 90 degrees while pivoting on one of its ends (from horizontal to vertical and vice versa). Units: Prerequisites: TN: Specialties: Effect: Archers, Cavalry, Infantry None 10 or Opposing units Mobility +5 Specific Unit Leadership or Defense Turns a wall of soldiers into a column and vice versa. If performed with an adjacent opposing force, reduce losses by 1% per level of success and increases the TN for ranged or Cavalry units to hit it by its Mobility modifier.



A special talent or power a character derives from experience.

Academic Test
A test involving a character's knowledge; academic modifiers may affect these tests.

When your character does something, that's an action. Every character can make a minimum of two actions per round.

Characters develop and improve over time as they learn from their experiences -- both good and bad. When a character earns a certain amount of experience points, he advances, gaining the opportunity to improve attributes and skills or acquire new skills and abilities.

Affinity Bonus
Affinity bonuses are modifiers to tests granted due to proficiency in other skills, certain situations, special equipment, or success from a previous test result.

Armor Life (AL)

This represents the number of years the armor lasts before becoming useless (barring spells, TDA is used up, etc.).

Armor Rating (AR)

Armor or similar items' ability to withstand damage. To cause damage to a person wearing the item, the amount of damage done must exceed the Armour Rating.

One of the six innate character qualities: Strength (Str), Vitality (Vit), Agility (Agl), Perception (Per), Bearing (Brg), and Intellect (Int).

Attribute Test
A test made when your character's innate qualities play an important role, such as lifting a heavy object or jumping across slippery rocks. Only your attribute modifier applies to these tests.

A positive modifier to a dice roll.

One complete adventure, much like a chapter in a book. It may require several gaming sessions to complete.

This represents your character's bravery, heroic qualities, and ingenuity. A player uses Courage to improve test results by gaining a +3 bonus per Courage point used.


-DDice Roll
A roll of the dice, made whenever there is a chance your character could fail at an action.

The level of the challenge associated with a test, established by a Target Number (TN). This ranges from 5 (easy) to 25 or more (nearly impossible).

A trait that gives your character an advantage.

Experience Points (XP)

A numerical measure of your character's achievement. You receive experience points at the end of each chapter based on your PC's actions and success.

Extended Action
An action requiring all of a character's attention for a lengthy period of time, such as walking on a rope bridge, brewing a potion, or researching a bit of lore.

A trait that hinders your character.

Free Action
An action that requires little to no time or effort, such as calling for help, or dropping an item. It does not cost any actions to perform.

Full-Round Action
An action requiring a character's extended attention, such as healing an injured friend.

-G-HHardness Rating (HR)

An item or structure's ability to withstand damage. Similar to Armour Rating, damage must exceed the Hardness Rating to do any damage to the item or structure.

A measure of a character's health and fitness. A character's Health equals her Vitality plus his Strength modifier. This determines how many Wound Points he can sustain per Wound Level.

Hit Points (HP)

This is the amount of damage a weapon can take before it becomes broken and/or useless. It is at the Narrator's discretion to decide if the weapon can be reforged.


Characters can improve some traits and abilities by spending advancement picks to acquire them more than once. Unless the description of a trait or ability specifically says it can be improved, your character may only acquire it once.

Initiative Test
A Swiftness reaction test that determines the order in which characters act in a combat encounter.

A bonus or penalty applied to a test result.

Move Action
This action allows you to move a certain distance, depending on whether you run, walk, crawl, climb, or swim, etc.

A relative collection of chapters (stories) featuring the same characters as protagonists.

The player who portrays the NPC's, makes up the chapter for the game, and serves as referee.

Non-Player Character (NPC)

Any character portrayed by the Narrator.


A negative modifier to a dice roll.

Physical Test
A test involving a physical action, such as climbing a rope or looking for secret passages. Physical modifiers may apply to these tests.

Player Character (PC)

A character that a player controls, usually one of the main protagonists of the chapter or narrative.


One of the four qualities used for reaction tests: Stamina (St), Swiftness (Sw), Willpower (Wp), and Wisdom (Ws).

Reaction Test
A test made in reaction to something, such as to dodge an attack or resist poison. The appropriate reaction modifiers apply to these tests.

A measure of a character's fame or infamy. Used to determine whether or not other people recognize the character, Renown also can modify certain social tests.

Resistance Rating (RR)

An object's ability to withstand damage by a source other than weapons such as acid, fire/heat, cold, etc. To cause damage to the object or a person wearing an item with resistance, the amount of damage must exceed the Resistance Rating.

A six-second measure of time during combat or other encounters in which timing is critical.

A single encounter between characters, or a single event. This is similar to a scene in a book or television show.

A character's learned abilities, aptitudes, and areas of knowledge.

Skill Test
A test influenced by a character's training. Attribute modifiers, test type modifiers, specialty modifiers, traits, and skill ranks affect skill tests.

Social Test
A test involving interaction between two characters, such as lying, bluffing, or impersonating someone. Social modifiers apply to these tests.

A character's field of expertise within a skill, the aspect of the skill at which he is most trained or accomplished. Characters add a +2 bonus to skill test results when using their specialties.

The reaction that represents your toughness and hardiness. Used to resist some forms of injury and to determine your ability to heal damage.

An object's toughness or resilience which includes either an Armour Rating, Resistance Rating, or Hardness Rating, and how much damage it can take before becoming useless and/or destroyed.

The reaction that represents your reflexes. Used to determine initiative, to dodge attacks, and to avoid surprise. 301

-TTarget Number (TN)

The number a player must meet or exceed to succeed in a test.

Technology Level (TL)

This refers to the relative level of technology that a civilization or an aspect of a civilization is rated at.

A dice roll used to determine the results of an action for which the outcome is uncertain. Most tests involve rolling two sixsided dice and adding the numbers together, then applying any appropriate modifiers.

Test Result
The sum total of the dice result after you apply all modifiers.

Total Damage Absorbed (TDA)

This is the maximum amount of damage the Armor may absorb before it becomes totally useless based upon its Armor Rating. Example: When Frarin creates a corset of chain Armor, it has a TDA of 140. The character that wears the Armor enters combat and is hit 3 times for 5, 6, and 4 damage. The Armor absorbs 5 points of damage with each attack for a total of 14. This reduces the armors TDA to 126.

An aspect of your character not measured by attributes, reactions, skills, or abilities, such as keen sight, greediness, or increased fortitude.

A skill that a character has 0 ranks. When using a skill untrained, a -2 penalty plus any other modifiers modify the dice roll.

-V-WWeapon Life (WL)

This represents the number of years the weapon lasts before becoming useless (barring spells, HP is used up, etc.).

A measure of how rested or tired a character is. There are six Weariness Levels: Hale, Winded, Tired, Weary, Spent, and Exhausted.

The reaction that represents your mental fortitude. Used to resist mind control, torture, and some kinds of social tests.

The reaction that represents your common sense and shrewdness. Used to resist attempts to persuade or bluff you.


Wound Level
A measure of how wounded a character is. There are six Wound Levels: Healthy, Dazed, Injured, Wounded, Incapacitated, and Near Death. Within each level, a character can withstand an amount of damage equal to her Health.

Wound Points
These measure how much physical damage your character can withstand before dropping to the next lowest Wound Level. A character's Wound Points in each Wound Level are equal to her Health.




Table 1: Degree of Success......................................................................................................................................................................5 Table 2: Experience Awards ...................................................................................................................................................................8 Table 3: Advancement Picks ..................................................................................................................................................................8 Table 4: Bearing Assessment Results...................................................................................................................................................13 Table 5: Attribute Modifiers .................................................................................................................................................................13 Table 6: Generating Reaction Scores ..................................................................................................................................................14 Table 7: Weariness Levels.....................................................................................................................................................................15 Table 8: Sample Reaction Tests ...........................................................................................................................................................16 Table 9: Sample Renown Triggers .......................................................................................................................................................17 Table 10: Recognition Test Modifiers..................................................................................................................................................18 Table 11: Size and Wound Levels........................................................................................................................................................19 Table 12: Corruption Test Modifiers ...................................................................................................................................................20 Table 13: Corruption Test Effects........................................................................................................................................................20 Table 14: Skills List ...............................................................................................................................................................................26 Table 15: Affinity Bonuses....................................................................................................................................................................44 Table 16: Edges List ..............................................................................................................................................................................46 Table 17: Flaws List ..............................................................................................................................................................................57 Table 18: Disastrous Effects for Disabled Body Parts .......................................................................................................................60 Table 19: General Combat Traits ........................................................................................................................................................66 Table 20: Armed Combat Traits ..........................................................................................................................................................69 Table 21: Ranged Combat Traits.........................................................................................................................................................71 Table 22: Unarmed Combat Traits .....................................................................................................................................................73 Table 23: Actor/Artist/Bard Abilities ..................................................................................................................................................78 Table 24: Alchemist/Loremaster/Scientist/Wise-man Abilities........................................................................................................80 Table 25: Barbarian/Primitive Abilities .............................................................................................................................................84 Table 26: Businessman/Craftsman/Merchant Abilities ....................................................................................................................87 Table 27: Profit/Loss of a Business .....................................................................................................................................................88 Table 28: Cleric/Mystic/Priest Abilities ..............................................................................................................................................91 Table 29: Conjurer/Mage/Wizard Abilities ........................................................................................................................................95 Table 30: Diplomat/Noble/Politician Abilities..................................................................................................................................96 Table 31: Mercenary/Seaman/Soldier/Warrior Abilities ..................................................................................................................99 Table 32: Rogue/Thief Abilities ........................................................................................................................................................ 104 Table 33: Adept/Archbishop Abilities.............................................................................................................................................. 107 Table 34: Ambassador/Head of State/Ruler ................................................................................................................................... 108 Table 35: Archer/Sharpshooter/Weaponsmaster Abilities ............................................................................................................ 110 Table 36: Archmage Abilities ............................................................................................................................................................ 113 Table 37: Assassin/Spy Abilities ....................................................................................................................................................... 115 Table 38: Captain/Command Officer/Knight Abilities ................................................................................................................. 118 Table 39: Counselor/Doctor/Medicine-man Abilities..................................................................................................................... 121 Table 40: Engineer/Operations Officer Abilities ............................................................................................................................ 125 Table 41: Explorer/Inventor Abilities .............................................................................................................................................. 129 Table 42: Free Trader/Smuggler Abilities ....................................................................................................................................... 131 Table 43: Helm/Flight Control/Navigator/Pilot Abilities.............................................................................................................. 133 Table 44: Investigator/Security/Weapons Officer Abilities............................................................................................................ 135 Table 45: Ranger/Special Forces Abilities....................................................................................................................................... 138 Table 46: Extraordinary Senses ........................................................................................................................................................ 145 Table 47: Heightened Senses Results ............................................................................................................................................... 146 Table 48: Immunity Effects ............................................................................................................................................................... 146 Table 49: Natural Weapon Damage................................................................................................................................................. 149 Table 50: Creature Ranged Attacks .................................................................................................................................................. 149 Table 51: Redundant Systems........................................................................................................................................................... 150 Table 52: Regeneration Periods ........................................................................................................................................................ 150 Table 53: Translation TNs ............................................................................................................................................................... 152 Table 54: Standard Target Numbers................................................................................................................................................ 156 Table 55: Academic Test Modifiers .................................................................................................................................................. 156 Table 56: Physical Test Modifiers..................................................................................................................................................... 157 Table 57: Social Test Modifiers......................................................................................................................................................... 157 Table 58: Sample Opposed Tests ...................................................................................................................................................... 159 Table 59: Movement Based on Size .................................................................................................................................................. 160 Table 60: Encumbrance..................................................................................................................................................................... 160 304

Table 61: Sample Movement Actions ............................................................................................................................................... 161 Table 62: Sample Free Actions ......................................................................................................................................................... 161 Table 63: Sample Full-Round and Extended Actions .................................................................................................................... 161 Table 64: Armed and Unarmed Combat Modifiers........................................................................................................................ 162 Table 65: Ranged Combat Modifiers ............................................................................................................................................... 162 Table 66: Covers Protection ............................................................................................................................................................. 163 Table 67: Combat Actions ................................................................................................................................................................. 163 Table 68: Combat Maneuvers ........................................................................................................................................................... 164 Table 69: Sample Combat Effects for Greater Successes ............................................................................................................... 166 Table 70: Called Shots ....................................................................................................................................................................... 166 Table 71: Fear Effects ........................................................................................................................................................................ 166 Table 72: Fear Modifiers ................................................................................................................................................................... 167 Table 73: Effects of Injury ................................................................................................................................................................. 168 Table 74: Stun Effects ........................................................................................................................................................................ 168 Table 75: Drowning/Suffocation Damage ....................................................................................................................................... 168 Table 76: Falling Damage ................................................................................................................................................................. 169 Table 77: Fire Damage....................................................................................................................................................................... 169 Table 78: Natural Healing................................................................................................................................................................. 170 Table 79: Weariness Levels................................................................................................................................................................ 170 Table 80: Weariness Rates................................................................................................................................................................. 171 Table 81: Parry Effects....................................................................................................................................................................... 172 Table 82: Creature Size in Hexes...................................................................................................................................................... 173 Table 83: Grief-triggering Traits ....................................................................................................................................................... 175 Table 84: Effects of Failing a Grief Test .......................................................................................................................................... 175 Table 85: Psionic Test Modifiers....................................................................................................................................................... 176 Table 86: Emotions ............................................................................................................................................................................ 177 Table 87: Levels of the Mind............................................................................................................................................................. 178 Table 88: Weariness due to Mind Meld ........................................................................................................................................... 178 Table 89: Size Factor.......................................................................................................................................................................... 184 Table 90: Bonus Table ........................................................................................................................................................................ 187 Table 91: Effect and Trait Factors...................................................................................................................................................... 187 Table 92: Energy Weapon Effects..................................................................................................................................................... 193 Table 93: Equipment Modifiers ........................................................................................................................................................ 199 Table 94: Creation Difficulty ............................................................................................................................................................ 200 Table 95: Armor Creation Failure .................................................................................................................................................... 201 Table 96: Weapon Creation Failure ................................................................................................................................................. 201 Table 97: Armor Repair Effects ........................................................................................................................................................ 201 Table 98: Complete Failure for Armor Repair................................................................................................................................ 202 Table 99: Disastrous Failure for Armor Repair .............................................................................................................................. 202 Table 100: Appraisal Results............................................................................................................................................................. 203 Table 101: Toxin Attributes .............................................................................................................................................................. 204 Table 102: Sectors System Population ............................................................................................................................................ 207 Table 103: Unusual Phenomena ...................................................................................................................................................... 208 Table 104: Interstellar Anomalies .................................................................................................................................................... 208 Table 105: Stellar Phenomena.......................................................................................................................................................... 209 Table 106: Nebulae ............................................................................................................................................................................ 209 Table 107: Subspace Phenomena..................................................................................................................................................... 209 Table 108: Gravimetric Shear Damage............................................................................................................................................ 210 Table 109: Ion Storm Effects ............................................................................................................................................................ 211 Table 110: Shockwave Damage......................................................................................................................................................... 213 Table 111: Stellar Cluster Modifiers................................................................................................................................................. 214 Table 112: Wormhole Effects ............................................................................................................................................................ 215 Table 113: Random Position............................................................................................................................................................. 215 Table 114: Random Time.................................................................................................................................................................. 216 Table 115: System Type ..................................................................................................................................................................... 216 Table 103: Stellar Size ....................................................................................................................................................................... 217 Table 104: Types of Stars................................................................................................................................................................... 217 Table 116: Stellar Brightness ............................................................................................................................................................ 218 Table 117: Planetary Classification.................................................................................................................................................. 218 Table 118: System Affiliation............................................................................................................................................................ 219 Table 119: Dimensions ...................................................................................................................................................................... 220 Table 120: Lunar Classification ....................................................................................................................................................... 221 305

Table 121: Atmosphere ...................................................................................................................................................................... 221 Table 122: Hydrosphere .................................................................................................................................................................... 221 Table 123: Temperature .................................................................................................................................................................... 221 Table 124: Terrain.............................................................................................................................................................................. 222 Table 125: Random Population ....................................................................................................................................................... 222 Table 126: Resource Abundance ...................................................................................................................................................... 222 Table 127: Sea Levels......................................................................................................................................................................... 224 Table 128: Random Sea Encounters ................................................................................................................................................ 225 Table 129: Personality Traits ............................................................................................................................................................ 226 Table 130: Cultural Motivations....................................................................................................................................................... 227 Table 131: Technology Levels ........................................................................................................................................................... 228 Table 132: Tech Level Modifiers ...................................................................................................................................................... 228 Table 133: Types of Government...................................................................................................................................................... 229 Table 134: Size of Governing Body .................................................................................................................................................. 229 Table 135: Leadership Selection ...................................................................................................................................................... 229 Table 136: Governmental Power ...................................................................................................................................................... 229 Table 137: Types of Power................................................................................................................................................................. 230 Table 138: Advancement Pick Equivalents ..................................................................................................................................... 232 Table 139: Homeworld Modifiers ..................................................................................................................................................... 233 Table 140: TN Equivalents................................................................................................................................................................ 237 Table 141: Experience Modifiers for Creature Encounters ........................................................................................................... 238 Table 142: Creature Habitat ............................................................................................................................................................. 239 Table 143: Creature Organization.................................................................................................................................................... 240 Table 144: Giant-size Creature TN Modifiers ................................................................................................................................. 240 Table 145: Creature Activity.............................................................................................................................................................. 240 Table 146: Creature Demeanor ........................................................................................................................................................ 242 Table 147: Creature Actions.............................................................................................................................................................. 243 Table 148: Sea-/Air-/Space-based Vehicles ...................................................................................................................................... 246 Table 149: Land-based Vehicles ....................................................................................................................................................... 246 Table 150: Crew Multipliers .............................................................................................................................................................. 248 Table 151: Component Reliability ................................................................................................................................................... 248 Table 152: Damage Tracks for TL 2-4 Sea-based Vehicles ............................................................................................................ 248 Table 153: Damage Tracks for TL 5-6 Air-, Land-, and Sea-based Vehicles............................................................................... 250 Table 154: Damage Tracks for All Space-based Vehicles and TL 7+ Other Vehicles ................................................................. 250 Table 155: Generic Component Cost ............................................................................................................................................... 251 Table 156: Sensor Systems................................................................................................................................................................. 251 Table 157: Separation Systems ......................................................................................................................................................... 252 Table 158: Stealth Technology.......................................................................................................................................................... 253 Table 159: Sub-luminal Propulsion ................................................................................................................................................. 254 Table 160: TL 5 Vehicle Weapons.................................................................................................................................................... 256 Table 161: Missile Types.................................................................................................................................................................... 257 Table 162: Beam Weapons ................................................................................................................................................................ 258 Table 163: Missile Weapons .............................................................................................................................................................. 259 Table 164: Weapon Systems .............................................................................................................................................................. 260 Table 165: Defensive Systems ........................................................................................................................................................... 260 Table 166: Hull Polarization/Deflector Strength Track ................................................................................................................ 261 Table 167: Maneuver Modifiers ........................................................................................................................................................ 262 Table 168: Blind Luck Effects........................................................................................................................................................... 263 Table 169: System Enhancements.................................................................................................................................................... 264 Table 170: Prototype Systems ........................................................................................................................................................... 265 Table 171: System Defects ................................................................................................................................................................. 266 Table 172: Starship Recognition Modifiers ..................................................................................................................................... 267 Table 173: Vehicle Advancement Picks ........................................................................................................................................... 267 Table 174: Sensor Information ......................................................................................................................................................... 269 Table 175: Extended Sensor Tests.................................................................................................................................................... 269 Table 176: EMCON Modifiers........................................................................................................................................................... 270 Table 177: Computer Access ............................................................................................................................................................. 271 Table 178: Malfunctions .................................................................................................................................................................... 274 Table 179: Component Malfunctions............................................................................................................................................... 274 Table 180: System Diagnostics.......................................................................................................................................................... 274 Table 181: Available Locations for Attack, Size 5+ ........................................................................................................................ 276 Table 182: Available Locations for Attack, Size 1-4 ....................................................................................................................... 277 306

Table 183: Success for Vehicle Attacks............................................................................................................................................. 277 Table 184: Damaged System ............................................................................................................................................................. 278 Table 185: Tier I Vehicle Combat Maneuvers................................................................................................................................. 279 Table 186: Tier II Vehicle Combat Maneuvers ............................................................................................................................... 281 Table 187: Tier III Vehicle Combat Maneuvers.............................................................................................................................. 283 Table 188: Ballistae............................................................................................................................................................................ 286 Table 189: Catapults .......................................................................................................................................................................... 287 Table 190: Cannons ........................................................................................................................................................................... 288 Table 191: Types of Doors ................................................................................................................................................................. 288 Table 192: Types of Gates and Bridges ............................................................................................................................................ 289 Table 193: Types of Towers ............................................................................................................................................................... 289 Table 194: Types of Walls.................................................................................................................................................................. 289 Table 195: Sample Locks................................................................................................................................................................... 289 Table 196: PC Battle Location.......................................................................................................................................................... 289 Table 197: Hero Combat ................................................................................................................................................................... 290 Table 198: Battle Resolution............................................................................................................................................................. 290 Table 199: Establishing Initial Condition ....................................................................................................................................... 292 Table 200: Modifiers for Spotting Opposing Units ......................................................................................................................... 292



Figure 1: Miniscule to Medium and Large ...................................................................................................................................... 173 Figure 2: Mammoth and Huge.......................................................................................................................................................... 173 Figure 3: Gigantic ............................................................................................................................................................................... 174 Figure 4: Titanic ................................................................................................................................................................................. 174 Figure 5: Hit Locations for Size 5+ Sea-based Vehicles ................................................................................................................. 276 Figure 6: Hit Locations for Size 1-4 Sea-based Vehicles ................................................................................................................ 277


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